Unnamed: 0
int64 0
| text
stringlengths 74
1,700 | ###HUMAN: Visualize a pie chart about the proportion of Team_Name and ACC_Percent., ###ASSISTANT: SELECT Team_Name, ACC_Percent FROM basketball_match |
1,701 | ###HUMAN: please show me flights from PITTSBURGH to BOSTON on saturday morning after 800, ###ASSISTANT: SELECT DISTINCT flight.flight_id FROM airport_service AS AIRPORT_SERVICE_0, airport_service AS AIRPORT_SERVICE_1, city AS CITY_0, city AS CITY_1, date_day, days, flight WHERE (((date_day.day_number = 26 AND date_day.month_number = 7 AND date_day.year = 1991 AND days.day_name = date_day.day_name AND flight.departure_time > 800 AND flight.flight_days = days.days_code) AND CITY_1.city_code = AIRPORT_SERVICE_1.city_code AND CITY_1.city_name = 'BOSTON' AND flight.to_airport = AIRPORT_SERVICE_1.airport_code) AND CITY_0.city_code = AIRPORT_SERVICE_0.city_code AND CITY_0.city_name = 'PITTSBURGH' AND flight.from_airport = AIRPORT_SERVICE_0.airport_code) AND flight.departure_time BETWEEN 0 AND 1200 |
1,702 | ###HUMAN: Who had a Qualifying 2 time over 58.669 for Team Australia?, ###ASSISTANT: SELECT "Name" FROM table_38483 WHERE "Qual 2" > '58.669' AND "Team" = 'team australia' |
1,703 | ###HUMAN: flights from WESTCHESTER COUNTY to ST. PAUL, ###ASSISTANT: SELECT DISTINCT flight.flight_id FROM airport_service AS AIRPORT_SERVICE_0, airport_service AS AIRPORT_SERVICE_1, city AS CITY_0, city AS CITY_1, flight WHERE CITY_0.city_code = AIRPORT_SERVICE_0.city_code AND CITY_0.city_name = 'WESTCHESTER COUNTY' AND CITY_1.city_code = AIRPORT_SERVICE_1.city_code AND CITY_1.city_name = 'ST. PAUL' AND flight.from_airport = AIRPORT_SERVICE_0.airport_code AND flight.to_airport = AIRPORT_SERVICE_1.airport_code |
1,704 | ###HUMAN: How many songs have a shared vocal?, ###ASSISTANT: SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT title) FROM vocals AS T1 JOIN songs AS T2 ON T1.songid = T2.songid WHERE TYPE = "shared" |
1,705 | ###HUMAN: Tell me the lowest kazakhstan for kyrghizstan of 4.62 and belarus less than 2.46, ###ASSISTANT: SELECT MIN("Kazakhstan") FROM table_74485 WHERE "Kyrghizstan" = '4.62' AND "Belarus" < '2.46' |
1,706 | ###HUMAN: how many hours has it been since the first time patient 19428 stayed in careunit ccu in their current hospital visit., ###ASSISTANT: SELECT 24 * (STRFTIME('%j', CURRENT_TIME()) - STRFTIME('%j', transfers.intime)) FROM transfers WHERE transfers.hadm_id IN (SELECT admissions.hadm_id FROM admissions WHERE admissions.subject_id = 19428 AND admissions.dischtime IS NULL) AND transfers.careunit = 'ccu' ORDER BY transfers.intime LIMIT 1 |
1,707 | ###HUMAN: how many games were played in total ?, ###ASSISTANT: SELECT COUNT(*) FROM table_204_418 |
1,708 | ###HUMAN: For those employees whose salary is in the range of 8000 and 12000 and commission is not null or department number does not equal to 40, give me the comparison about the average of employee_id over the hire_date bin hire_date by weekday by a bar chart., ###ASSISTANT: SELECT HIRE_DATE, AVG(EMPLOYEE_ID) FROM employees WHERE SALARY BETWEEN 8000 AND 12000 AND COMMISSION_PCT <> "null" OR DEPARTMENT_ID <> 40 |
1,709 | ###HUMAN: which institution has the highest amount of enrollment ?, ###ASSISTANT: SELECT "institution" FROM table_204_442 ORDER BY "enrollment" DESC LIMIT 1 |
1,710 | ###HUMAN: What League/Division has a Location of n/a?, ###ASSISTANT: SELECT league_division FROM table_name_29 WHERE location = "n/a" |
1,711 | ###HUMAN: What is the conference record for the year of 1971?, ###ASSISTANT: SELECT "Conference Record" FROM table_75478 WHERE "Year" = '1971' |
1,712 | ###HUMAN: what is the drug type and route prescribed for the drug code posa200l?, ###ASSISTANT: SELECT prescriptions.drug_type, prescriptions.route FROM prescriptions WHERE prescriptions.formulary_drug_cd = "POSA200L" |
1,713 | ###HUMAN: What years were from Connecticut?, ###ASSISTANT: SELECT "Years" FROM table_47224 WHERE "From" = 'connecticut' |
1,714 | ###HUMAN: What message has hd 186408 as a designation HD?, ###ASSISTANT: SELECT message FROM table_name_75 WHERE designation_hd = "hd 186408" |
1,715 | ###HUMAN: What are the number of the facility codes of the apartments with more than four bedrooms?, and list by the y axis from high to low., ###ASSISTANT: SELECT facility_code, COUNT(facility_code) FROM Apartment_Facilities AS T1 JOIN Apartments AS T2 ON T1.apt_id = T2.apt_id WHERE T2.bedroom_count > 4 GROUP BY facility_code ORDER BY COUNT(facility_code) DESC |
1,716 | ###HUMAN: among patients diagnosed with hemochromatosis due to repeated red blood cell transfusions, how many of them were unmarried?, ###ASSISTANT: SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT demographic.subject_id) FROM demographic INNER JOIN diagnoses ON demographic.hadm_id = diagnoses.hadm_id WHERE demographic.marital_status = "SINGLE" AND diagnoses.long_title = "Hemochromatosis due to repeated red blood cell transfusions" |
1,717 | ###HUMAN: Name the total number of value for revenue more than 193 and rank less than 12 for manchester united, ###ASSISTANT: SELECT COUNT(value__) AS $m_ FROM table_name_21 WHERE revenue__$m_ > 193 AND rank < 12 AND team = "manchester united" |
1,718 | ###HUMAN: Which home team had a score of 85-101?, ###ASSISTANT: SELECT "Home team" FROM table_49867 WHERE "Score" = '85-101' |
1,719 | ###HUMAN: Find out who answered first.. Answered in the same second as someone else? No problem, check out the number of milliseconds it differs., ###ASSISTANT: SELECT p.OwnerUserId, u.DisplayName, DATE(p.CreationDate) AS "Date", CAST(p.CreationDate AS TIMESTAMP) AS "Time", p.ParentId FROM Posts AS p, Users AS u WHERE p.PostTypeId = 2 AND p.ParentId = @Question AND u.Id = OwnerUserId ORDER BY p.CreationDate |
1,720 | ###HUMAN: What is the number of each allergie that the student with first name Lisa has? Draw a bar chart., ###ASSISTANT: SELECT T1.Allergy, COUNT(T1.Allergy) FROM Allergy_Type AS T1 JOIN Has_Allergy AS T2 ON T1.Allergy = T2.Allergy JOIN Student AS T3 ON T3.StuID = T2.StuID WHERE T3.Fname = "Lisa" GROUP BY T1.Allergy |
1,721 | ###HUMAN: Name the opponent for 3 6, 4 6, 6 1, 6 7 (7 9), ###ASSISTANT: SELECT "Opponent" FROM table_25437 WHERE "Result" = '3–6, 4–6, 6–1, 6–7 (7–9)' |
1,722 | ###HUMAN: what is the minimum yearly number of patients that are suffering from allergic rhinitis nos until 2104?, ###ASSISTANT: SELECT MIN(t1.c1) FROM (SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT diagnoses_icd.hadm_id) AS c1 FROM diagnoses_icd WHERE diagnoses_icd.icd9_code = (SELECT d_icd_diagnoses.icd9_code FROM d_icd_diagnoses WHERE d_icd_diagnoses.short_title = 'allergic rhinitis nos') AND STRFTIME('%y', diagnoses_icd.charttime) <= '2104' GROUP BY STRFTIME('%y', diagnoses_icd.charttime)) AS t1 |
1,723 | ###HUMAN: What is High Rebounds, when High Assists is 'Delonte West (10)'?, ###ASSISTANT: SELECT high_rebounds FROM table_name_86 WHERE high_assists = "delonte west (10)" |
1,724 | ###HUMAN: Find all years that have a movie that received a rating of 4 or 5, and sort them in increasing order of year., ###ASSISTANT: SELECT DISTINCT year FROM Movie AS T1 JOIN Rating AS T2 ON T1.mID = T2.mID WHERE T2.stars >= 4 ORDER BY T1.year |
1,725 | ###HUMAN: what is the number of patients whose ethnicity is hispanic/latino - puerto rican and drug name is influenza virus vaccine?, ###ASSISTANT: SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT demographic.subject_id) FROM demographic INNER JOIN prescriptions ON demographic.hadm_id = prescriptions.hadm_id WHERE demographic.ethnicity = "HISPANIC/LATINO - PUERTO RICAN" AND prescriptions.drug = "Influenza Virus Vaccine" |
1,726 | ###HUMAN: What first class team does sanath jayasuriya play for?, ###ASSISTANT: SELECT "First Class Team" FROM table_77939 WHERE "Player" = 'sanath jayasuriya' |
1,727 | ###HUMAN: how many verbs have the yo form as sienta?, ###ASSISTANT: SELECT COUNT("Verbs") FROM table_23315 WHERE "Yo" = 'sienta' |
1,728 | ###HUMAN: what is the difference in 2012 gdp between albania and algeria ?, ###ASSISTANT: SELECT ABS((SELECT "gdp (usd bln, 2012)" FROM table_203_530 WHERE "country" = 'albania') - (SELECT "gdp (usd bln, 2012)" FROM table_203_530 WHERE "country" = 'algeria')) |
1,729 | ###HUMAN: how much different is patient 016-8658's weight last measured on the first hospital visit compared to the value first measured on the first hospital visit?, ###ASSISTANT: SELECT (SELECT patient.admissionweight FROM patient WHERE patient.patienthealthsystemstayid IN (SELECT patient.patienthealthsystemstayid FROM patient WHERE patient.uniquepid = '016-8658' AND NOT patient.hospitaldischargetime IS NULL ORDER BY patient.hospitaladmittime LIMIT 1) AND NOT patient.admissionweight IS NULL ORDER BY patient.unitadmittime DESC LIMIT 1) - (SELECT patient.admissionweight FROM patient WHERE patient.patienthealthsystemstayid IN (SELECT patient.patienthealthsystemstayid FROM patient WHERE patient.uniquepid = '016-8658' AND NOT patient.hospitaldischargetime IS NULL ORDER BY patient.hospitaladmittime LIMIT 1) AND NOT patient.admissionweight IS NULL ORDER BY patient.unitadmittime LIMIT 1) |
1,730 | ###HUMAN: Number of users on SO., ###ASSISTANT: SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Users |
1,731 | ###HUMAN: Show all distinct location names., ###ASSISTANT: SELECT DISTINCT location_name FROM locations |
1,732 | ###HUMAN: Which representative has a Termination of MIssion date Mar 25, 1976?, ###ASSISTANT: SELECT representative FROM table_name_59 WHERE termination_of_mission = "mar 25, 1976" |
1,733 | ###HUMAN: What country is ranked 79?, ###ASSISTANT: SELECT country FROM table_name_19 WHERE rank = 79 |
1,734 | ###HUMAN: What is the British Lee-Enfield (data for late model) when the Japanese Type 38 Rifle is 5?, ###ASSISTANT: SELECT "British Lee-Enfield (data for late model)" FROM table_49483 WHERE "Japanese Type 38 Rifle" = '5' |
1,735 | ###HUMAN: What is the Year for Jazz club of Houston?, ###ASSISTANT: SELECT "Years for Jazz" FROM table_52028 WHERE "School/Club Team" = 'houston' |
1,736 | ###HUMAN: Missing R tag in R related tag. Find posts without R tag, but with one of closely related tag, ###ASSISTANT: SELECT Id AS "post_link", Tags, LastActivityDate FROM Posts WHERE Posts.Id IN (SELECT PostTags.PostId FROM PostTags INNER JOIN Tags ON Tags.Id = PostTags.TagId WHERE Tags.TagName IN ('ggplot2', 'lattice', 'plyr', 'data.frame', 'sweave', 'lapply', 'sapply', 'r') GROUP BY PostTags.PostId HAVING COUNT(CASE WHEN Tags.TagName = 'r' THEN 1 END) = 0 AND COUNT(*) > 0) AND LastActivityDate > '2011-03-01' ORDER BY LastActivityDate DESC |
1,737 | ###HUMAN: What is detail of the student who most recently registered course?, ###ASSISTANT: SELECT T2.student_details FROM student_course_registrations AS T1 JOIN students AS T2 ON T1.student_id = T2.student_id ORDER BY T1.registration_date DESC LIMIT 1 |
1,738 | ###HUMAN: which country won the same amount of medals as bulgaria in these olympics ?, ###ASSISTANT: SELECT "nation" FROM table_204_822 WHERE "nation" <> 'bulgaria' AND "total" = (SELECT "total" FROM table_204_822 WHERE "nation" = 'bulgaria') |
1,739 | ###HUMAN: what title is before dhol in 2007 ?, ###ASSISTANT: SELECT "title" FROM table_204_620 WHERE id = (SELECT id FROM table_204_620 WHERE "title" = 'dhol') - 1 |
1,740 | ###HUMAN: Where was held the ceremony for the 12th Pride of Britain Awards?, ###ASSISTANT: SELECT "Location" FROM table_19041 WHERE "Episode" = '12th Pride of Britain Awards' |
1,741 | ###HUMAN: What language does Raj Kamal speak?, ###ASSISTANT: SELECT language FROM table_name_62 WHERE music_director = "raj kamal" |
1,742 | ###HUMAN: What venue had an event on 17 November 1963?, ###ASSISTANT: SELECT "Venue" FROM table_76279 WHERE "Season" = '1963' AND "Date" = '17 november 1963' |
1,743 | ###HUMAN: What is the Date of the Ameritech Senior Open?, ###ASSISTANT: SELECT "Date" FROM table_66188 WHERE "Tournament" = 'ameritech senior open' |
1,744 | ###HUMAN: select count (*) from Posts., ###ASSISTANT: SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Posts |
1,745 | ###HUMAN: For those records from the products and each product's manufacturer, return a bar chart about the distribution of name and the average of code , and group by attribute name, list by the total number in descending., ###ASSISTANT: SELECT T1.Name, T1.Code FROM Products AS T1 JOIN Manufacturers AS T2 ON T1.Manufacturer = T2.Code GROUP BY T1.Name ORDER BY T1.Code DESC |
1,746 | ###HUMAN: What is the highest Red List for the muridae family and species Authority of microtus pinetorum (le conte, 1830)?, ###ASSISTANT: SELECT MAX("Red List") FROM table_67362 WHERE "Family" = 'muridae' AND "Species Authority" = 'microtus pinetorum (le conte, 1830)' |
1,747 | ###HUMAN: Which Elevator has a Title of bishop of palestrina?, ###ASSISTANT: SELECT "Elevator" FROM table_12911 WHERE "Title" = 'bishop of palestrina' |
1,748 | ###HUMAN: Group and count brand for each camera lens using a bar chart, and rank X in descending order., ###ASSISTANT: SELECT brand, COUNT(brand) FROM camera_lens GROUP BY brand ORDER BY brand DESC |
1,749 | ###HUMAN: Who is the youngest male?, ###ASSISTANT: SELECT name FROM Person WHERE gender = 'male' AND age = (SELECT MIN(age) FROM Person WHERE gender = 'male') |
1,750 | ###HUMAN: did patient 366 have microbiological test results from the mrsa screen until 1 year ago?, ###ASSISTANT: SELECT COUNT(*) > 0 FROM microbiologyevents WHERE microbiologyevents.hadm_id IN (SELECT admissions.hadm_id FROM admissions WHERE admissions.subject_id = 366) AND microbiologyevents.spec_type_desc = 'mrsa screen' AND DATETIME(microbiologyevents.charttime) <= DATETIME(CURRENT_TIME(), '-1 year') |
1,751 | ###HUMAN: For those records from the products and each product's manufacturer, find founder and the average of manufacturer , and group by attribute founder, and visualize them by a bar chart, I want to sort by the Y-axis in asc., ###ASSISTANT: SELECT Founder, AVG(Manufacturer) FROM Products AS T1 JOIN Manufacturers AS T2 ON T1.Manufacturer = T2.Code GROUP BY Founder ORDER BY AVG(Manufacturer) |
1,752 | ###HUMAN: Which Place is the highest one that has an Artist of nikolas metaxas, and a Televote larger than 60?, ###ASSISTANT: SELECT MAX("Place") FROM table_5943 WHERE "Artist" = 'nikolas metaxas' AND "Televote" > '60' |
1,753 | ###HUMAN: What's the name of Constituency number 108?, ###ASSISTANT: SELECT name FROM table_name_65 WHERE constituency_number = "108" |
1,754 | ###HUMAN: When Steve Hazlett is the Player, and the PI GP is under 0, what is the average Rd #?, ###ASSISTANT: SELECT AVG("Rd #") FROM table_54910 WHERE "Player" = 'steve hazlett' AND "Pl GP" < '0' |
1,755 | ###HUMAN: has patient 40059 received a lab test?, ###ASSISTANT: SELECT COUNT(*) > 0 FROM labevents WHERE labevents.hadm_id IN (SELECT admissions.hadm_id FROM admissions WHERE admissions.subject_id = 40059) |
1,756 | ###HUMAN: What is the last name of the musicians who has played back position the most?, ###ASSISTANT: SELECT T2.lastname FROM performance AS T1 JOIN band AS T2 ON T1.bandmate = T2.id WHERE stageposition = "back" GROUP BY lastname ORDER BY COUNT(*) DESC LIMIT 1 |
1,757 | ###HUMAN: what are the five most frequent lab tests that patients had in the same hospital visit after having received a refus lmb/lmbsac pst/pst operation until 2100?, ###ASSISTANT: SELECT d_labitems.label FROM d_labitems WHERE d_labitems.itemid IN (SELECT t3.itemid FROM (SELECT t2.itemid, DENSE_RANK() OVER (ORDER BY COUNT(*) DESC) AS c1 FROM (SELECT admissions.subject_id, procedures_icd.charttime, admissions.hadm_id FROM procedures_icd JOIN admissions ON procedures_icd.hadm_id = admissions.hadm_id WHERE procedures_icd.icd9_code = (SELECT d_icd_procedures.icd9_code FROM d_icd_procedures WHERE d_icd_procedures.short_title = 'refus lmb/lmbsac pst/pst') AND STRFTIME('%y', procedures_icd.charttime) <= '2100') AS t1 JOIN (SELECT admissions.subject_id, labevents.itemid, labevents.charttime, admissions.hadm_id FROM labevents JOIN admissions ON labevents.hadm_id = admissions.hadm_id WHERE STRFTIME('%y', labevents.charttime) <= '2100') AS t2 ON t1.subject_id = t2.subject_id WHERE t1.charttime < t2.charttime AND t1.hadm_id = t2.hadm_id GROUP BY t2.itemid) AS t3 WHERE t3.c1 <= 5) |
1,758 | ###HUMAN: What were all USAF space flights when the aximum speed was 3822?, ###ASSISTANT: SELECT usaf_space_flights FROM table_221315_3 WHERE max_speed__mph_ = 3822 |
1,759 | ###HUMAN: When was Will Shields inducted into the Pro Football Hall of Fame?, ###ASSISTANT: SELECT "Year of induction into Pro Football Hall of Fame" FROM table_29501 WHERE "Player" = 'Will Shields' |
1,760 | ###HUMAN: what is the total dose heparin sodium that patient 11826 has been prescribed during their current hospital encounter?, ###ASSISTANT: SELECT SUM(prescriptions.dose_val_rx) FROM prescriptions WHERE prescriptions.hadm_id IN (SELECT admissions.hadm_id FROM admissions WHERE admissions.subject_id = 11826 AND admissions.dischtime IS NULL) AND prescriptions.drug = 'heparin sodium' |
1,761 | ###HUMAN: Which pick number attended McMaster College?, ###ASSISTANT: SELECT "Pick #" FROM table_54414 WHERE "College" = 'mcmaster' |
1,762 | ###HUMAN: What is the sum of Metres wiht a Feet that's smaller than 196?, ###ASSISTANT: SELECT COUNT(metres) FROM table_name_51 WHERE feet < 196 |
1,763 | ###HUMAN: What are the seasons where Marcello Puglisi (formula master italia) was the secondary class champion?, ###ASSISTANT: SELECT SUM("Season") FROM table_55689 WHERE "Secondary Class Champion" = 'marcello puglisi (formula master italia)' |
1,764 | ###HUMAN: Create a bar chart showing maximal revenue across headquarter, and sort by the y-axis in asc., ###ASSISTANT: SELECT Headquarter, MAX(Revenue) FROM Manufacturers GROUP BY Headquarter ORDER BY MAX(Revenue) |
1,765 | ###HUMAN: what year was cryptogramophon released, ###ASSISTANT: SELECT "Year" FROM table_6019 WHERE "Label" = 'cryptogramophon' |
1,766 | ###HUMAN: For those products with a price between 60 and 120, show me about the correlation between code and price , and group by attribute name in a scatter chart., ###ASSISTANT: SELECT Code, Price FROM Products WHERE Price BETWEEN 60 AND 120 GROUP BY Name |
1,767 | ###HUMAN: What is the round on 30 June with a.z.k./roc-comp tition a.z.k./roc-comp tition as the winning team?, ###ASSISTANT: SELECT "Round" FROM table_79109 WHERE "Winning team" = 'a.z.k./roc-compétition a.z.k./roc-compétition' AND "Date" = '30 june' |
1,768 | ###HUMAN: find out the age and lab test fluid to be checked for patient with patient id 2560., ###ASSISTANT: SELECT demographic.age, lab.fluid FROM demographic INNER JOIN lab ON demographic.hadm_id = lab.hadm_id WHERE demographic.subject_id = "2560" |
1,769 | ###HUMAN: What is the urban sub-area with an East Dunbartonshire council area and a population of 19,020?, ###ASSISTANT: SELECT "Urban sub-area" FROM table_37692 WHERE "Council area" = 'east dunbartonshire' AND "Population" = '19,020' |
1,770 | ###HUMAN: List the name of the colleges whose enrollment is greater 18000 sorted by the college's name., ###ASSISTANT: SELECT cname FROM college WHERE enr > 18000 ORDER BY cname |
1,771 | ###HUMAN: What are the memories and carriers of phones Show bar chart, and show by the mean memory in g in descending., ###ASSISTANT: SELECT Carrier, AVG(Memory_in_G) FROM phone GROUP BY Carrier ORDER BY AVG(Memory_in_G) DESC |
1,772 | ###HUMAN: what is the number of patients whose death status is 1 and diagnoses icd9 code is 261?, ###ASSISTANT: SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT demographic.subject_id) FROM demographic INNER JOIN diagnoses ON demographic.hadm_id = diagnoses.hadm_id WHERE demographic.expire_flag = "1" AND diagnoses.icd9_code = "261" |
1,773 | ###HUMAN: which tag is used in questions with the highest average score, excluding tags used in less than 5 q., ###ASSISTANT: SELECT Tags.TagName, AVG(CAST(Posts.Score AS FLOAT)) AS avg, COUNT(Posts.Id) AS count FROM Tags LEFT JOIN Posts ON Posts.Tags LIKE '%' + Tags.TagName + '%' GROUP BY Tags.TagName HAVING COUNT(Posts.Id) >= 5 ORDER BY avg DESC LIMIT 1 |
1,774 | ###HUMAN: When the Total is less than 1, and Bronze is 0, how many Gold medals are there?, ###ASSISTANT: SELECT SUM("Gold") FROM table_51383 WHERE "Bronze" = '0' AND "Total" < '1' |
1,775 | ###HUMAN: March of 29 involves what highest scoring game?, ###ASSISTANT: SELECT MAX(game) FROM table_name_40 WHERE march = 29 |
1,776 | ###HUMAN: The episode with production code 9abx02 was originally aired on what date?, ###ASSISTANT: SELECT "Original air date" FROM table_72086 WHERE "Production code" = '9ABX02' |
1,777 | ###HUMAN: What is the percentage of females where in India and are maharashtra?, ###ASSISTANT: SELECT "Females (%)" FROM table_19423 WHERE "India/State/UT" = 'Maharashtra' |
1,778 | ###HUMAN: Show the name of cities in the county that has the largest number of police officers., ###ASSISTANT: SELECT name FROM city WHERE county_id = (SELECT county_id FROM county_public_safety ORDER BY police_officers DESC LIMIT 1) |
1,779 | ###HUMAN: What is the skip that has a third of Anna Sloan in season 2012-13?, ###ASSISTANT: SELECT "Skip" FROM table_50536 WHERE "Third" = 'anna sloan' AND "Season" = '2012-13' |
1,780 | ###HUMAN: since 57 months ago, had patient 84042 been prescribed hydromorphone p.f., fentanyl patch, or vial?, ###ASSISTANT: SELECT COUNT(*) > 0 FROM prescriptions WHERE prescriptions.hadm_id IN (SELECT admissions.hadm_id FROM admissions WHERE admissions.subject_id = 84042) AND prescriptions.drug IN ('hydromorphone p.f.', 'fentanyl patch', 'vial') AND DATETIME(prescriptions.startdate) >= DATETIME(CURRENT_TIME(), '-57 month') |
1,781 | ###HUMAN: I want the time/retired for grid of 24, ###ASSISTANT: SELECT time_retired FROM table_name_12 WHERE grid = 24 |
1,782 | ###HUMAN: Which spine has 12 issues?, ###ASSISTANT: SELECT "Spine" FROM table_38310 WHERE "Number of issues" = '12' |
1,783 | ###HUMAN: Tell me the lowest year for shubert theatre, ###ASSISTANT: SELECT MIN("Year") FROM table_32109 WHERE "Theatre" = 'shubert theatre' |
1,784 | ###HUMAN: What is the least top division titles?, ###ASSISTANT: SELECT MIN(top_division_titles) FROM table_11250_4 |
1,785 | ###HUMAN: calculate the duration of hospital stay of patient 010-20205's last hospital stay., ###ASSISTANT: SELECT STRFTIME('%j', patient.hospitaldischargetime) - STRFTIME('%j', patient.hospitaladmittime) FROM patient WHERE patient.uniquepid = '010-20205' AND NOT patient.hospitaladmittime IS NULL ORDER BY patient.hospitaladmittime DESC LIMIT 1 |
1,786 | ###HUMAN: Which round has an opponent of Freiburg?, ###ASSISTANT: SELECT "Round" FROM table_43511 WHERE "Opponent" = 'freiburg' |
1,787 | ###HUMAN: What's the Area with a Density of 263?, ###ASSISTANT: SELECT AVG("Area (km\u00b2)") FROM table_11104 WHERE "Density (/km\u00b2)" = '263' |
1,788 | ###HUMAN: For the years 1992-93, what position did he play for the Houston Rockets?, ###ASSISTANT: SELECT position FROM table_name_4 WHERE years_for_rockets = "1992-93" |
1,789 | ###HUMAN: What is the largest number of points they had?, ###ASSISTANT: SELECT MAX(points) FROM table_23308178_8 |
1,790 | ###HUMAN: Create a bar chart showing maximal revenue across name, ###ASSISTANT: SELECT Name, MAX(Revenue) FROM Manufacturers GROUP BY Headquarter |
1,791 | ###HUMAN: Tell me the total number of Bronze for futsal, ###ASSISTANT: SELECT COUNT("Bronze") FROM table_10315 WHERE "Sport" = 'futsal' |
1,792 | ###HUMAN: When 2005 is the year played what is the lowest year drafted?, ###ASSISTANT: SELECT MIN(year_drafted) FROM table_18373863_2 WHERE years_played = "2005" |
1,793 | ###HUMAN: Give me the comparison about School_ID over the ACC_Road , and group by attribute ACC_Home by a bar chart, and order by the bars in desc., ###ASSISTANT: SELECT ACC_Road, School_ID FROM basketball_match GROUP BY ACC_Home, ACC_Road ORDER BY ACC_Road DESC |
1,794 | ###HUMAN: What's the general classification of stage 3 with David Loosli as the mountains classification?, ###ASSISTANT: SELECT "General Classification" FROM table_59025 WHERE "Mountains Classification" = 'david loosli' AND "Stage" = '3' |
1,795 | ###HUMAN: When was Mount Tahoma established?, ###ASSISTANT: SELECT MAX("Established") FROM table_19156 WHERE "High School" = 'Mount Tahoma' |
1,796 | ###HUMAN: Who directed episode 266 in the series?, ###ASSISTANT: SELECT directed_by FROM table_2221484_2 WHERE series__number = 266 |
1,797 | ###HUMAN: When did the Tournament of the Tour Championship take place?, ###ASSISTANT: SELECT date FROM table_name_10 WHERE tournament = "the tour championship" |
1,798 | ###HUMAN: What province has the largest city of Birjand?, ###ASSISTANT: SELECT "Province" FROM table_48114 WHERE "Largest city" = 'birjand' |
1,799 | ###HUMAN: Group and count details for the events using a pie chart., ###ASSISTANT: SELECT Event_Details, COUNT(Event_Details) FROM Events GROUP BY Event_Details |