[ knock on door ] j.r. : hey . babe : hey . j.r. : can i come in ? since i 'm no longer a suspected criminal , i figured we could do a more personal christmas a little later on . babe : yeah . yeah , come on in . j.r. : all right . babe : so , what happened , j.r. ? i mean , did you finally remember where you were the night zach was hit ? j.r. : with a little help from my mom . it 's a long story . babe : so -- j.r. : well , a gentleman 's not supposed to kiss and tell , but i guess it depends on who the lady is . i was with amanda , i was drunk as a skunk , and i told her every rotten thing that i 've ever done . babe : and she never said anything ? j.r. : payback is sweet . babe : that bitch ! j.r. : i 'm not going to argue with you on that one . but you want to know what the best part is ? the cherry on top of the christmas pie ? guess who else knew the truth and buried it like a bone in the backyard ? babe : you 're kidding . j.r. : nope . thanks again , dad , for everything . [ scene_break ] adam : hello , stuart , it 's your brother . um -- i did n't call you to wish you happy new year yesterday , and so i 'm -- i 'm calling today to wish you happy new year . perhaps , if you get this message in time , you could come up for a cup of coffee , or whatever . i 'm sure i can fit you into my schedule . [ adam hangs up ] adam : well , look who 's here . what do you want , hannah ? what 's this ? hannah : zach 's head on a platter , just like you asked , boss . [ scene_break ] jack : sweetheart , you -- you do trust me , do n't you ? greenlee : of course , absolutely . jack : good . good , i want you to keep that in mind when i tell you what i want to do . greenlee : ok . jack : and i want you to keep in mind that i 'm doing it for you . greenlee : am i going to like this , dad ? jack : i do n't know . it has to do with kendall . [ scene_break ] officer : have a seat . kendall : zach , you should n't be out of the hospital . zach : and you should n't be here . you should be at home with our kids . kendall : please -- please , please , do n't do this . zach : why did n't you listen to me ? kendall : i told you that i needed to do this . zach : yeah , you told me . you have no idea what you 've done , do you ? you 've thrown away everything . kendall : please do n't look at me like that . zach : how many times did i ask you ? how many times did i beg you to wait ? kendall : i could n't . zach : why not ? kendall : greenlee was sick . she almost died . zach : she 's not the problem . you 're the problem . greenlee 's fine with everything . so is aidan , so what are you doing ? why are you doing this ? kendall : to clear my conscience . is that good enough ? zach : no , that 's good enough . so now you got a clear conscience , and you threw away your family . that does n't even make sense to me . jack : i 'm sorry to interrupt , but i 'd like to speak to kendall . zach : why ? jack : kendall , i 'd like to represent you , if you would allow me to . kendall : i do n't know what to say . jack : kendall , two of my daughters made mistakes , you and greenlee . but that does n't change who you are to me , and it never will . [ scene_break ] aidan : so , jack is representing kendall , huh ? wow . greenlee : yeah , i know . it 's like the whole world has done a 180 . i 'm friends with zach , you 're with kendall -- aidan : excuse me ? greenlee : what ? aidan : well , i 'm with you , unless you 've demoted me since last night . [ greenlee chuckles ] greenlee : i mean you 're friends with kendall . what did you think i meant ? [ greenlee chuckles ] aidan : huh . nothing . huh . do n't worry about it . how are you feeling ? greenlee : oh , aidan , i feel fine . i wish everyone would stop asking me that . aidan : well , why would they ? you were trapped in a hole for five weeks with no food and no water . greenlee : i 'm fine . aidan : no , you 're not fine . greenlee : oh -- aidan : but you do look good enough to kiss , though . greenlee : when is this going to be over , aidan ? aidan : well , the good news is that -- um -- kendall is turning herself in , so that should get you off the hook for most of the charges . greenlee : right , and that 's supposed to make me feel better ? i just -- i do n't understand why she 's doing this . i -- i do n't know what she 's thinking . aidan : she was thinking of you . maybe she ca n't -- she ca n't live with what she did to you . greenlee : but i forgave her for all of that . aidan : maybe it 's not that simple for her . all right ? anyway , i really need to get down to the police station , so -- i need to see what 's going on . so do n't you start jumping around on this bed like a cheeky monkey , will you ? greenlee : yes , ok , boss . i 'm so lucky to have you . aidan : see you soon . [ scene_break ] hannah : before zach disappeared , he ordered me to break chandler enterprises in pieces . so i sold every last chandler corporation at bargain price . adam : to whom ? hannah : dummy corporations which i control . and now they 're all yours , adam . and they wo n't cost you half of what they should . so once you reclaim your companies , you can piece them together , and voilà , chandler enterprises rises from the ashes . adam : how careful were you ? hannah : ok , very . zach wo n't have a clue what happened . you know , see , he 's had this little pesky thing called staying alive to deal with , hmm ? adam : how about his pit bull , josh ? hannah : he wo n't find any trails leading back to you or to me . adam : how can you be sure of that ? hannah : you know what , adam ? i cover my tracks . i spent my whole life doing just that . adam : yeah . well , this is insulting . chandler enterprises stock is worth 10 times what this says . hannah : yes , that 's the idea . sell it cheap , buy it back cheaper . it 's all right there in your hands , adam . smile . adam : hmm . hannah : zach wo n't have a clue . he wo n't , until it 's too late . [ scene_break ] babe : i 'm sorry , j.r. , about adam . j.r. : well , should n't be surprised , right ? babe : you deserve better . j.r. : i had better . but i blew it with you . babe : ok -- j.r. : all right . no pressure , no tricks , no begging . the new , improved j.r. respects the limits . babe : um -- do you want to open a present ? i have one for you . j.r. : ok , sure . i have one for you , too . babe : you first . j.r. : all right . uh -- did little a wrap this ? babe : yeah , he helped . how 'd you guess ? j.r. : i mean , there 's like a roll of tape on it . all right , let 's see here . [ j.r. chuckles ] j.r. : ah ! here we go . ah , babe , it 's what i 've always wanted . [ babe chuckles ] j.r. : it 's perfect , really . let 's just hope i do n't have to use it again . babe : well , here . this is what 's really supposed to go inside . j.r. : `` i love my daddy . `` babe : yeah . it was little a 's idea . j.r. : i love it -- i love him . i just -- i just did n't know how much . you know ? babe : yeah , i do know . and now , you 're going to have all the time in the world to show him . j.r. : uh -- ok . it 's your turn . babe : well , i know you wrapped this one . [ j.r. chuckles ] babe : gosh , j.r. , it 's -- it 's beautiful . j.r. : i do n't have the line of credit that i used to , but -- babe : hey , you -- i never needed all that fancy stuff . you know that . j.r. : you like it ? really ? babe : i love it . j.r. : good . i just have a few other presents . i 'll put them under the tree for little adam . well , speaking of a few presents , you still have a lot over here . babe : yeah . j.r. : what 's this one ? `` to richie , from babe `` ? what the hell is this , babe ? [ scene_break ] richie : traffic ? michael : i got here as fast as i could -- what 's up ? richie : good news , doc -- i 've chosen the day i 'm going to die . [ scene_break ] zach : i do n't like it , any of it . jack : zach , if you have a problem with my representing kendall -- zach : i have a problem with the whole thing , jack . jack : i understand that . but kendall 's already turned herself in . you ca n't turn back the clock on that . kendall : i would be honored to have you represent me , jack . jack : thank you . zach : oh , good . so everyone 's happy . that 's great . jack : here 's how we start . i find out what the charges are against you , and i build a strategy to knock some of them down . kendall : ok . zach : is that all right with you , or you going to insist on jail time ? kendall : i do n't want to go to jail . i just want to do the right thing . zach : it 's a little complicated now . kendall : zach , come on . jack : i 've already arranged for bail , ok ? officer hayes , if you would escort mrs. slater to the front to be processed -- i 'll see you up there . kendall : thank you , jack . jack : you 're welcome . kendall : hey , zach -- zach : what ? kendall : i hope that you understand . zach : what are you thinking ? jack : well , it 's tough to get specific at this point . there 's a couple of judges we could draw . both of them are fair , but i 'll require a different game plan for each one . zach : but you will have a game plan ? jack : yes , zach , of course , i will . zach : of course , you will . she wants to take responsibility for all of that , i do n't know why . but she 's not going to prison . i 'm not going to lose her , not again , jack , ok ? [ scene_break ] richie : try not to look so excited . michael : oh , no , no , no . of course . i know how difficult this must be for you . richie : i 'm sure it 's just breaking your heart . michael : when ? richie : next week . michael : could you be more specific ? richie : i 'm going to die , doc . so quit trying to act so damn concerned . i know you hate my guts . michael : i do n't hate you , novak . richie : oh , sure you do . and you know what ? i feel the same way . in fact , if we were on the outside , and i had some of my strength left , i 'd take that dome head of yours , and i 'd crush it like a melon . so come on , doc , it 's confession time . tell me how you really feel . michael : all right . i think you 're a dangerous sociopath . richie : boo - yah ! there it is . keep it coming , doc . i 'm loving this . michael : and your death , whenever it may come , will be a relief to anyone who has ever had the displeasure of knowing you . richie : especially to the beneficiary of my insurance policy ? michael : that was our deal , richie . you get released from prison , i get the money . richie : oh . do you still think you 're getting all that money ? michael : what are you talking about ? richie : well , i do n't need you anymore , doc , so the deal 's off . i 've named a new beneficiary . babe chandler . [ scene_break ] j.r. : i thought you were done with richie novak . babe : i 'm not seeing him if that 's what you 're thinking . it 's just a little gift , that 's all . why are you making a big deal out of it ? j.r. : ok . ok , fine . it 's no big deal . babe : thank you . j.r. : but to save you all the time and trouble , why do n't i just go ahead and run it over to him ? he 's -- he 's still at the psych ward , if i 'm not mistaken . yeah , that 's what i 'll do . i 'll go ahead and take it to him right now . babe : j.r. , wait . do n't . [ scene_break ] hannah : do n't i at least get an `` attagirl `` for bringing your company back to you ? adam : if you 're after a bonus , you 've already been well paid for your work . hannah : oh , yeah , and it 's dirty work , too . just what i 'm good at . see , zach goes missing , so i take advantage , move things around without a trace . and then when i find out he 's alive , i -- i complete the move . see , he 's not looking at me . [ hannah chuckles ] hannah : he 's looking at his wife , kendall , and his precious family . so it was easy . adam : yeah , so i see . you are a remarkably clever woman , hannah . hannah : yeah , so i 've been told . adam : this business with slater is done , so there will be other challenges ahead . i could certainly use someone like you to help me deal with them . i think we 'd make a very good team . hannah : are you making me an offer ? or are you just trying to get me into bed ? adam : no , it 's an offer , for now . i have it -- why do n't we -- why do n't we drink to it ? let 's have a toast . to chandler enterprises , the second coming . hannah : hmm . [ hannah chuckles ] hannah : see , adam , i would n't sleep with you if you were the last man on earth . and i wo n't drink with anybody i loathe . and as for a job , i do n't work anymore . i 'm done -- done with it all . adam : is it something i said ? hannah : oh , you are a snake . i have to give you that , adam . adam : your talents are considerable , hannah . but i would n't overrate them if i were you . hannah : hmm . sad story of my life . adam : mm - hmm . you have a lot of time to change that . hannah : oh . [ hannah chuckles ] hannah : yeah , for the right price . adam : everyone has a price . hannah : you know what , adam ? i took this job because you threatened to expose what happened between myself and alexander cambias . adam : yes , being a concubine of a convicted serial killer can put a crimp in your resume . but it was him that you did n't want to find out , is n't it ? am i right ? zach ? hannah : i did what you hired me to do , adam . adam : mm - hmm . hannah : i hated myself for it , but i did it . adam : spoken like a woman truly scorned . but you still love zach slater , do n't you ? you love him , you hate him . the tragedy is , he 'll never know . how sad for you . [ scene_break ] joe : oh . i 'm sorry , greenlee . i did n't mean to wake you . greenlee : no , it 's ok . joe , when can i go home ? joe : good lord . you do n't like our accommodations ? [ greenlee chuckles ] greenlee : you really want me to answer that ? joe : uh -- [ joe chuckles ] greenlee : i just -- i -- i miss my own bed . joe : yeah . well , that 's certainly understandable . the problem is , greenlee , your system has been badly compromised . you 're not in any immediate danger , but , you know -- i can make a strong case for keeping you here another week , at least . greenlee : oh , no . please , god -- no , no , no , no . joe : unless you promise to rest . you follow doctor 's orders , no work -- greenlee : yes , yes , yes ! joe : no , work , no stress . greenlee : done . joe : no , i mean it , greenlee . you almost died on us , and i 'm not going to let you go unless you really and truly promise . greenlee : joe , i have no intention of dying anytime soon . i will do whatever it takes . joe : all right , all right . well , maybe i can let you go tomorrow , assuming -- assuming that all the latest tests check out , you know . greenlee : great , thank you . [ scene_break ] aidan : so what are kendall 's chances here ? i mean , really ? jack : it 's difficult to say . it 's going to be a very high - profile case because of who kendall is and the circumstances surrounding it . aidan : ok , do n't be a lawyer , all right ? i mean , just -- what 's -- what 's your best guess ? jack : best guess ? aidan : uh - huh . jack : 50/50 , aidan . jail or community service . it 's -- huh -- kind of depends on the d.a . 's mood . aidan : damn . oh , man . jack : yeah . damn , indeed . it 's a real mess , is n't it ? although , i must say , you should be commended . not so long ago , you would 've been screaming for kendall 's head on a stick . aidan : well , a lot 's changed since then . jack : obviously . aidan : jack , we 've known each other a long time . if you got something to say , why do n't you just come out and say it ? jack : you and kendall -- aidan : yeah ? what about me and kendall ? jack : how about you tell me ? [ scene_break ] kendall : did you hear spike snoring ? zach : no , i did n't . kendall : zach , please talk to me . zach : what do you want to talk about ? what do you want to say ? i dreamed about this evening . my first night home with the boys -- i dreamed about that every day in that hole . kendall : i know -- zach : you do n't know . you ca n't . you do n't know what i 'm feeling right now . kendall : well , then tell me . zach : i know you made a promise to god because you wanted to come clean . i think that 's very nice . what about your promise to me ? what about your promise to those little boys ? they 're your responsibility . that is your family . kendall : i love my boys . i love you . you have no idea how -- how -- zach : no , you have no idea . you have no idea what it was like in that hole , running out of food , running out of water , not knowing if i would see you , ian , spike ever again . and you know what ? i did a little bargaining , too . i bargained with god . i said , `` if you get me out of here -- if you get us out of here , i will never be separated from my family ever again . `` kendall : please , just -- zach : because i should 've died that day . i should 've died when the car hit me , i should 've died when i fell into that hole , but i did n't . i kept fighting . you know why ? i wanted to be there for those boys , i wanted to see them grow up , and i fought for the privilege of seeing your face , the privilege of seeing you . and for what ? what , i crawled out so i can be here and hold your hand when they tell you how many years you 're going to spend in prison ? kendall : why ca n't you understand how -- zach : i do understand , kendall . i do . that 's the problem . i understand that nothing has changed . it 's all exactly the way it was when i went missing . you think you can do everything on your own . well , you ca n't . that 's how we ended up right here . what are we ? hmm ? we 're not a team . so what are we ? kendall : zach , we are a team . zach : that 's not the way i see it . kendall : well , i 'm sorry for that . zach : yeah ? that 's nice . kendall : i am . zach : i need to know where this is coming from . kendall : i told you where this is coming from . zach : you told me what ? i 'm telling you -- greenlee forgives you , aidan forgives you , so there is something you 're not telling me . what is it ? kendall : i ca n't do this anymore , i -- zach : tell me . [ scene_break ] aidan : what are you getting at , jack ? jack : i 'm not sure , aidan -- just a feeling that there 's more to this story than anyone 's telling me . aidan : like what ? jack : i understand how you and kendall have gotten close . aidan : yeah , by digging our way through ice and snow to find our loved ones . that 's how close we got . jack : i 'm not insinuating anything here . aidan : listen , jack , i love your daughter more than anything in the whole world . there 's nothing that i would n't do for her . i would jump in front of a bullet for her . i would exchange my life for hers in a heartbeat . so anything you 're feeling or think you know other than that is irrelevant . jack : ok . aidan : uh -- that was n't very convincing . jack : let me make sure you 're clear on a couple of things . greenlee and i have n't always done the father / daughter thing very well -- sometimes it 's been my fault , sometimes hers . but through this whole ordeal , one thing i 've realized is that her dreams , her happiness , are the most important things to me . i like you . i think you 're a good man . but that 's my little girl , son . and anyone breaks her heart -- i mean anyone at all -- they are going to find in me the worst enemy they can imagine . aidan : and i would n't expect anything less . jack : so we understand each other ? aidan : yes , sir , we do . [ scene_break ] joe : i 'll give aidan a set of instructions and , of course , you 're going to be coming back here for tests anyway , starting monday . greenlee : why ? joe : why ? because we 'd miss you otherwise . greenlee : yeah -- liar . joe : uh - huh . so , you stick with the program , and we 'll let you go home . is that a deal ? greenlee : deal . thank you , joe . i just -- i feel like it 's a new beginning for me , you know ? like i got through this and now everything in front of me is just going to be great . does that sound crazy ? joe : wish all my patients were as optimistic as you are . greenlee : hmm . well , maybe they just did n't have as much reason to be . joe : hmm . oh , rebecca ? i want to have some additional blood work done on greenlee smythe . there 's something about the labs that 's not adding up . rebecca : all right , ok . joe : yeah . [ scene_break ] j.r. : so you do n't want me going anywhere near richie ? babe : no . j.r. : why ? babe : why ? because it 's none of your business -- that 's why . remember the new j.r. chandler , respecting limits ? j.r. : babe , listen , i know my place , ok ? i 'm your ex - husband . yeah , i 've made plenty of mistakes . i have no rights , except i 'm the father of a son who i do n't want anywhere near that lowlife . babe : why are you making such a big deal out of this ? yes , at one time , i was attracted to a guy named wes , but -- j.r. : and he turned out to be annie 's brother , richie . and in spite of all his lies , you still have feelings for him . my god , babe , did n't you learn anything by being with me ? babe : well , i 'm not planning on settling down with either one of you . j.r. : fine . so drop your present in the mail for richie and let him die his natural death , be done with it . you got a problem with that ? babe : i 'm not as callous as you are . j.r. : that 's right , i forgot -- you have feelings for this pathetic bum . babe : oh , go to hell . j.r. : i probably will . and as far as richie novak is concerned , he 's trouble , and i do n't want you going anywhere near him , and i definitely do n't want my son around him . babe : you do n't have a say in my life anymore , j.r . j.r. : on this issue , i 'm giving myself the say . you stay away from him , babe . i mean it . [ scene_break ] michael : you think you can back out of our deal this late in the game , you are out of your mind . richie : well , according to the officials here , i am out of my mind -- unfortunately , not enough to make a difference to you , doc . now , go back to the fed pen and say hi to my buddies . michael : oh , you 'll be back there before you know it . richie : in how long -- a week , a month ? it 'll take just that long to come up with a new scheme and try to cover your tracks and by then , well -- michael : i swear to god -- richie : no , do n't do that , doc . do n't do that -- do n't do it here . see , some of the loonies here -- they have a personal relationship with the big guy . so , babe gets the cash , you get nothing -- class dismissed . michael : you think this is over ? you really are crazy . richie : no , i 'm not crazy , chump . i just played you . deal with it . now , go back to the fed pen and groom a new meal ticket . this one is going to the promised land . ah . hmm -- ah . richie : yeah . remember that problem i told you about with the doctor ? time to take care of it . well , now , there 's a face i did n't expect to see . pull up a chair , junior . what 's your game , huh ? i 'm partial to solitaire myself , but i really do n't have a lot of friends . j.r. : yeah ? that 's not likely to change . richie : i do something to tick you off , dude ? j.r. : no -- dude . i 'm just here for a friendly word of advice . richie : oh , i bet you are . j.r. : you stay the hell away from my wife . richie : your wife ? did you get married again ? j.r. : babe . richie : oh -- your ex - wife . now , why would i want to go and do that ? j.r. : because i told you to , and whatever you think you got going on with her , you do n't . richie : says you . j.r. : exactly . richie : well , then i guess i should just die and go to heaven . j.r. : that works for me . you know , if you keep it up , i 'll make it sooner than later . richie : hmm . [ richie chuckles ] [ scene_break ] adam : hannah , tell me this -- was this obsessive pursuit of zach slater in any way reciprocated ? or was it just a fantasy of yours ? hannah : did you know that i could shoot a contact lens out of a person 's hand with a high - powered rifle at 300 yards ? [ adam chuckles ] adam : my goodness . are you threatening me ? hannah : i 've settled my debt . we 're done here . [ scene_break ] zach : hey . kendall : i hate myself for what i 've done . zach : look at me . kendall : i ca n't . zach : yes , you can . come on . hey . kendall : i let you down , zach . i let you and the boys down , and i do n't understand why i keep doing this to my family and why i keep hurting the people that i love . zach : kendall , stop -- kendall : no , no . listen to me . i do trust you . i 'm the one who ca n't be trusted . i do things without thinking , and i do n't -- zach : will you -- kendall : no , no . listen , i thought -- i thought that maybe , maybe if i owned up to what i did , then it would -- it would take all the bad karma away and that we would have only good things come to us . i thought maybe , maybe it would take the pain away . zach : come here . come on . come here . [ zach comforts kendall ] zach : ok . shh . [ scene_break ] babe : what 's that ? little adam : a bear . babe : a bear ? that 's right , and what 's a bear say ? little adam : `` roar . `` babe : `` roar ! `` [ babe chuckles ] babe : did you have fun with winnie today ? little adam : yeah . babe : you did ? guess what -- daddy was here while you were out , and he left you some presents and guess what -- i gave him our present , and he loved it ! little adam : i drew daddy a picture . babe : you drew daddy a picture ? can i see it ? is it in your backpack ? i want to see it . did winnie help you with it ? little adam : yeah . babe : she did ? [ babe gasps ] babe : oh , my gosh . little a , it is so beautiful ! look at all the smiles on our faces . we look so happy . and -- and whose house are we in front of ? are we in front of yours and mine ? little adam : yeah , all of ours . babe : `` all of ours `` ? [ scene_break ] richie : in case you have n't heard , i 'm a short - timer on this planet , so you 've got nothing to worry about , junior . j.r. : no , i 'm not worried about you , richie . i do n't want babe getting wrapped up in your grief -- you got it ? richie : yes , sir . j.r. : you think i 'm kidding ? [ richie chuckles ] j.r. : keep it up . richie : ok , you know what ? i surrender , ok , ok ? i 'll never see her again -- does that make you happy ? j.r. : yeah , that works for me . richie : good . in the meantime , just go tell her -- oh , i do n't know . just tell her -- she 'll figure it out . get the hell out of here . [ j.r. leaves ] richie : tell her goodbye . just tell her goodbye . [ scene_break ] adam : i want and need an emergency meeting of the entire executive board asap , so set it up . do it . well , they tried to bring us down , old buddy , but they failed . i 'm still standing . [ scene_break ] greenlee : yay -- huh . perfect timing . aidan : you 're that bored , huh ? greenlee : no , it 's just that joe was right -- the tv in here sucks , so they 're letting me go home tomorrow . only problem is you 're going to have to hang with me . aidan : and what did i do to deserve that ? greenlee : hey , how 's kendall ? is everything ok ? aidan : yeah , she 's -- she 's ok . jack 's taking care of things , so -- anyway , is -- anything else i can check on for you ? greenlee : no , not that i can think of . aidan : all right . do you need anything ? how about some nice food for a change ? greenlee : no , i 'm all set . aidan : ok . well , in that case -- scoot over . greenlee : well , this is becoming a habit with you . aidan : oh . are you complaining ? greenlee : no , just -- do n't take all of my blankets , devane . aidan : hey , i 'm not a blanket hog , that 's you . greenlee : right . one -- i do n't hog the covers , either . aidan : oh , really ? greenlee : yes , really . hmm . you know , it 's -- it 's all starting to come true . aidan : hmm ? greenlee : all of my dreams and wishes in the bomb shelter . they 're starting to come true . i 'm almost afraid to say it , but -- i 'm just so happy , aidan . [ scene_break ] kendall : tell me that you love me . make me forget what i 've done . [ kendall and zach kiss passionately then slowly lower themselves to the floor ] [ next_on ] annie ( to babe ) : this is it . richie 's about to die . adam ( to j.r. ) : can you and i be father and son again ? kendall : i 'm not going to lie to the judge . zach : you 're going to say whatever jack tells you to say . kendall : no , zach , i 'm sorry , but i wo n't .
adam calls stuart and tries to set up a time for them to have coffee together . hannah comes in with a folder in her hand and tells adam that she had what he wanted , zach 's head on a platter . jack visits greenlee and inquires if she trusts him . j.r. visits babe , bearing gifts . he lets her know what had happened and how amanda had set him up , and that adam had known about it all along . kendall is brought into an interrogation room . zach walks up to the door and asks her why is she throwing everything away . jack comes into the room and tells kendall that he would like to represent her . aidan visits greenlee . greenlee tells him that she thinks everyone had done a 180 . aidan was friends with kendall and greenlee was friends with zach . greenlee ca n't understand why kendall is doing this . hannah fills adam in on what she had done to zach and how everything now belongs to adam . in putting the presents under the tree , j.r. finds one to richie from babe . richie 's doc from the prison visits him . richie lets him know that he has chosen the day in which he is going to die , but he is leaving the insurance money to babe instead of him .
[ `` old lang syne `` plays ] reese : to the year ahead . i hope it is filled with lots of hope , love , and laughter . zach : me , too . cheers . reese : cheers . zach : mmm . reese : mmm . it 's good . wow . you know , all that was missing was my love , and my new year 's kiss . [ reese laughs and zach kisses her ] reese : um -- um , i should call bianca . you know , she might -- she might be stuck in traffic or something . reese : yeah , well , that , um -- i -- was that -- was that a little weird just now ? that -- zach : i think we both know what 's going on here . [ scene_break ] simon : you 're right . reese was my fiancé . you must be bianca . i saw the ring and assumed you were the lucky woman . i heard about the engagement . bianca : you did ? simon : reese 's father filled me in . congratulations . [ scene_break ] ryan : will you marry me ? greenlee : i ca n't . i ca n't marry you . i 'm so sorry . ryan : well , what -- hold on , hold on , hold -- wait a second . we just found our way back to -- do n't do this . do n't -- do n't pull away from -- greenlee : i do n't have a choice . ryan : yes , yeah , we always have a choice . i chose you . it 's -- it 's annie , right ? it 's annie . you 're afraid of annie . she ca n't -- she ca n't hurt you anymore . she ca n't . she 's out of -- greenlee : you ca n't -- you ca n't promise that . i 've had this dream twice . i was in my wedding dress . ryan : what 's wrong with that ? greenlee : i was dead , drowned in a bathtub . it 's an omen . i know it . ryan : greenlee , since when do you believe in superstitions ? greenlee : this is different . it was a message , ryan . marriage will be the end of us . [ scene_break ] dr. sinclair : i asked you a question . do you remember leaving here ? annie : it was bad . it was really , really bad . dr. sinclair : why was it bad ? annie : i hurt my daddy . dr. sinclair : you mean you hurt ryan . you know he 's not your father . annie : you better untie me or my daddy 's going to be really mad when he gets here . he 's going to be mad that you did n't let me out . he 's going to be mad , really , really mad . dr. sinclair : do you regret what you did to ryan ? annie : i did n't mean to hurt daddy , but he got in the way . dr. sinclair : in the way of what ? annie : the mean lady . it 's not safe with her there . dr. sinclair : with who there ? annie : the greenlee lady . she needs to be dead . let me out . you have to let me out . dr. sinclair : annie , we 're going to move you to a new room today . annie : no , that -- i do n't need another room . do n't you understand ? it 's dangerous . i have to kill the mean lady . why are n't you listening to me ? you do n't understand . what ? no , i do n't need another shot ! please , just get me -- no , get -- please , stop it . please , i do n't need another shot . dr. sinclair : what is mr. stone doing out of isolation ? nurse : after evaluation , his psychiatrist felt he was ready to be released . dr. sinclair : how are you doing today , mr. stone ? aidan : mr. stone is doing much , much better . dr. sinclair : and what is mr. stone doing out here ? aidan : mr. stone is counting air molecules , because if someone does n't do it -- well , then we 'll never know just exactly how many there are . 995 , 996 -- [ aidan lets himself into annie 's room ] aidan : annie , can you hear me ? 997 -- 998 . there , found you . [ scene_break ] greenlee : my dream felt so real , like i was being mourned , and i have a chance to stop something bad before it happens . ryan : it 's not real , greenlee . you ca n't think like that , ok ? greenlee : i ca n't help it . it was n't a dream when annie killed her brother . when she kidnapped her child and shot her friend , when she stabbed erica and broke out of a mental institution to come after me -- i 'm seeing a pattern here . she 's not going to stop until she gets her way . ryan : i 'm not going to let annie do this to us . i 'm not , i 'm not . we are going to build a life together , you , me , emma , and spike , a life that annie can not touch , ok ? i will always , always protect you . and i will do whatever i have to do until you believe me . [ scene_break ] bianca : i 'm really sorry if i seemed rude . i just -- i was n't expecting to see anybody . simon : nice place . bianca : thanks , it 's my sister 's . just make yourself comfortable . can i get you a brandy ? that will help start the thawing process . simon : i can see why reese likes you . bianca : so you 're an architect . how long have you been doing that ? simon : seems like forever , but i love it . you know , i get to travel , see the world 's finest structural designs . reese 's father told me that you two have a baby girl . bianca : two , actually . my daughter miranda -- she 's grown to love reese as a mom , and that 's gabrielle , our little angel . she 's 11 weeks . simon : two little girls . reese told her family that we were n't having children . but i always knew she wanted them . you know , i could see myself teaching my son how to play soccer , leaving work early to make sure i get to all his games , maybe even keeping score , pass out half - time snacks -- orange slices and fruit drinks . hey , i guess it was n't meant to be . bianca : i 'm sorry . i really do n't know what to say . [ scene_break ] zach : i know what 's going on here . we 're friends . we 're close friends . it happened very quickly , and sometimes when that happens , it gets -- gets a little weird . but it -- you , me , bianca , we have a kid together . it does n't get any closer than that . reese : hey , right , of course . zach : right . reese : of course . zach : plus , it 's new year 's . you 're supposed to kiss people . reese : yes , right . zach : it 's mandatory , whether it 's friends or family , strangers . reese : strangers . zach : kiss them , yeah . reese : strangers -- oh , you had a few of those in your day , huh ? zach : i told you . it 's mandatory . reese : oh , well , a stranger tries to kiss me , i run . zach : well , what i 'm trying to tell you is you do n't have to run . it 's ok for us to be close . reese : you know , i 've actually never had a close friendship with a man before , except my father , and that was , um -- oh . you know what ? you know what ? i 'm going to figure this out . i 'll learn the basics , and then i wo n't freak out anymore . zach : all right . basics is good . we 'll do that , and then we 'll go from there . reese : very good . zach : deal ? reese : deal . zach : happy new year . reese : well , happy new year to you , too . [ scene_break ] angel : you 're new ! administrator : you can not provoke dr. sinclair . you need to keep a low profile . i got you in here . now you have to act accordingly . aidan : now , i know how to handle myself . administrator : you already risked your cover by asking about security information , and i hear you planted a kiss on the doctor . is that how you plan to handle things ? aidan : it was in the moment . the doctor was so suspicious , i had to be convincing . administrator : you 're a loose cannon . what 's next ? you going to ask her out ? aidan : why , does the good doctor love me ? administrator : we should n't even be talking out here . aidan : listen , wait . when i was admitted , you told me there was no security cameras in this wing . administrator : yeah , that 's right . aidan : well , there is one , in annie 's room . [ noise ] [ administrator mouths words ] [ scene_break ] zach : all right . to friendship . reese : to friendship . reese : you know , simon and i -- we even skipped that friendship stage . zach : where did you meet him ? reese : at work . he was the rising star in my dad 's firm . god , when we started dating , everyone was talking about the house that we would design . zach : hmm . [ reese chuckles ] reese : everyone thought we were perfect together . so i just figured i was missing something . but , you know , it was really strange because , to me , i always felt like it was just a facade that i was putting on , you know ? on the outside , we were the perfect couple . zach : what about the inside ? reese : the inside , i did n't really want simon to know who i was , because i was afraid that he 'd realize i was pretending to be something that i just was n't . look , i could n't wrap my head around the concept of being gay . how was i supposed to explain it to him ? zach : it was n't the right time for you . reese : no . but i hate that he got caught up in it , you know ? god , my head was a mess then . zach : yeah , i 've been there . reese : really ? zach : uh - huh . reese : you were a closet lesbian , too ? zach : yeah , a couple of years in college . i 've got a lot of explaining to do . reese : yes , wow . you know , i can buy you as a lesbian , but i just -- i ca n't see you as a mess . you seem so grounded . zach : well , that 's kendall and the boys . there was a time in my life i did n't know who the hell i was . reese : yeah , well , at least you did n't get engaged and have to break someone 's heart . zach : but i did some pretty extreme things . reese : really ? like what ? zach : my dad is a pretty twisted individual , and he -- he wanted me to follow in his footsteps when i -- like i just said , i did n't really know who i was , and it took a while to -- to find an identity that i could live with . that 's all . reese : all right . so we were both on different tracks , and we had to take serious action to get ourselves on the track that we were meant to be on . ok , well , that 's it , zach . that 's why we relate to one another . zach : serious action . cheers . reese : cheers . [ scene_break ] simon : we met at her dad 's architecture firm . i can remember the first day she walked in . she had the most beautiful face i had ever seen . i knew she was the one for me . bianca : did you approach her right away ? simon : did n't have to . fate stepped in . she ended up at the desk next to mine . it was sort of against company policy -- co - workers associating outside of business hours . but we could n't stay away from each other . from our first date , we were inseparable . reese spent every night at my place until -- bianca : until what ? simon : she left , for good , two weeks before the wedding . bianca : did you know that something was wrong ? i mean , there must have been some sign that things were n't working . simon : nothing . and we were so close , you know . she was my best friend and my lover . one minute we were talking about spending the rest of our life together . the next , it was over without any explanation . bianca : that must have been really hard for you . simon : not as hard as having to find out from her parents that the wedding was off . a few months later , mrs. williams called to tell me that reese was with another woman . it was bad enough that i lost her without warning . and to hear that she 's in love with another woman ? bianca : it broke your heart . simon : no , reese did n't wake up one morning and decide that things were n't working . she knew she did n't love me , and she kept it inside . she was so good at hiding how she felt . i really believed i was the love of her life . [ phone rings ] bianca : excuse me . hello . reese : hey . i was hoping i 'd get to kiss you at midnight . what happened ? you know , if you hurry up , i can re - enact what i had in mind . bianca : uh , um , i 'm kind of busy right now . reese : is it gabby ? is she ok ? bianca : no , gabrielle 's fine . it 's your ex - fiancé . he 's here with me . [ scene_break ] [ aidan sneaks into a storage closet and finds dr. sinclair 's surveillance of annie 's room ] [ scene_break ] [ dr. sinclair sighs ] ryan : dr. sinclair , i -- i need to talk to you for a second . dr. sinclair : oh , mr. lavery , if you 're here to see annie , i 'm sorry -- ryan : no , i 'm not here to see annie . i 'm here to make sure that she does n't escape again . dr. sinclair : ok , your wife is secure . the in - house authorities have signed off on her transfer . she 's being moved to maximum security tonight . ryan : oh . ok , good . i mean , how -- how coherent is she ? will she know what 's going on ? dr. sinclair : mr. lavery , i know this is difficult , but you need to try and let go . i assure you , annie needs to be here , and she 's going to get the best treatment possible . ryan : i know . thank you . dr. sinclair : mr. lavery , if you 'd like , you can see annie one last time before we move her on . she 's heavily sedated . she wo n't even know you 're there . annie : the mean lady needs to die . the mean lady needs to die . the mean lady needs to die . [ scene_break ] greenlee : i 'm sorry to stop by so late . i just wanted to see if emma was ok . opal : oh , she is snug as a bug in a rug . passed out hours ago , poor little thing . what , with her momma flying the looney coup , i was scared about how that was going to affect her . greenlee : well , thank god you called 911 . annie was out for my blood . opal : hmm . i 'd offer you a reading , but i 've been trying to kind of lay off the clairvoyant activities ever since i was right about the tornado disaster . greenlee : well , it would probably be bad news anyway . ryan proposed to me , and i could n't accept . opal : whoa , back up here , sister . greenlee : well , i wanted to say yes , but i 've had a couple of really bad dreams . opal : well , start talking . greenlee : i was in my wedding dress in a bathtub , and i was dead . opal : oh , lordy , i 'm sorry . greenlee : i ca n't help thinking about what that means . i love ryan , and we finally have the chance to be together , but i 'm scared . opal : well , maybe i could make an exception just for tonight . i know you 're skeptical , but the cards can really off you some guidance , honey . greenlee : i really do n't believe in that . opal : well , suit yourself . greenlee : fine , what have i got to lose ? [ scene_break ] zach : try to relax . reese : i ca n't . i ca n't . i do n't -- i do n't understand . i do n't understand -- what the hell is he doing here ? what does he want ? i mean , how does he even know where i -- my mother . my mother told him . damn her . bianca : happy new year , guys . reese : hey . i 'm so glad you 're here . bianca : zach , this is simon marshal . zach : nice to meet you . bianca : uh , i 'm thirsty . i 'm -- could you get me a glass of -- i do n't know , milk or something ? zach : milk , coming up . come on . reese : my mother sent you . is that it ? she wanted you to try and save me ? why do n't you just tell her that it 's -- simon : no , i came on my own . i wanted to see you , make sure you were happy . reese : i am happy . so , um , you can go . simon : bianca 's sweet , caring -- i really like her . reese : i really love her . simon : you said the same thing to me . [ scene_break ] zach : so i have a question for you . why 'd you bring him here ? bianca : i had to see them together . i had to make sure that reese is n't going to do the same thing to me that she did to simon . [ scene_break ] opal : that is the world . that means that you have faced every obstacle in your relationship , every path has been traveled , and now all that remains is union with the divine in whatever form that appears to you . greenlee : i do n't understand . opal : well , that means that this journey is over and a new one is beginning for you and ryan . take another card . [ opal gasps ] opal : well , will you look at that ? greenlee : what is it ? what is it ? tell me . opal : this is the empress . through her , we see the power of love . she represents beauty and pleasure and happiness super - sized . your bond with ryan is -- it 's very strong . it 's road - block free . greenlee : so there 's nothing threatening my future with ryan ? opal : no . greenlee : no drowning - bride card here ? opal : no , nothing that i can see , honey , no . i 'm just so relieved it 's a happy reading for once . greenlee : so you are absolutely positive ? opal : the cards do n't lie . your destiny is with ryan . [ scene_break ] annie : where are we going ? do n't let the mean lady hurt me . dr. sinclair : it 's going to be all right . you 're going some place where nobody can hurt you . mr. stone , i 'm sorry , but you 're not going to be able to visit your friend anymore . aidan : i did it . 1,451 -- counted them all . [ scene_break ] ryan : greenlee ? greenlee : hey . ryan : i 'm so glad you 're here . i went to oak haven , and i made sure that annie is not ever going to escape again . she 's not going to be a problem . greenlee : it does n't matter . i 'm not afraid anymore . [ ryan and greenlee kiss ] [ scene_break ] reese : i wanted to love you . i tried my best . simon : your best ? that 's not what love is . you should n't have to try . reese : i know . and that 's why i left . simon : no , you just disappeared . no explanation , nothing . it was like you knocked the wind and everything else right out of me . reese : simon , i -- i -- i could n't make sense of how i was feeling . i mean , how was i supposed to explain it to you ? simon : where you confused the entire time ? you know , if you were , you did a good job of hiding it . reese : look , it happened after we got engaged , and at first i thought it was just my nerves . but then as the wedding got closer and closer , i just -- i realized something -- something was wrong . something was off , and i did n't -- i do n't know . i just felt like i was making a big mistake , and i did n't know how to face you or my parents , and so -- i ran . i ran , and i wanted to clear my head , and while i was trying to figure it out , i met bianca . and for the first time in my life , i really fell in love . simon , with you , i was trying to be something that i just was n't . [ scene_break ] zach : hey , drink your milk . she loves you . i would n't have helped you conceive a child if i did n't think that . and what happened with simon -- that 's not going to happen with you . bianca : well , that 's what simon thought before reese disappeared . he told me that he had no idea that she had doubts about their relationship and then one day she was just gone . zach : well , she was n't herself then . you know the real reese . it 's not the same . bianca : are you sure ? i mean , she has kept things from me -- her problems with her parents , her ex - fiancé , kendall 's condition . zach : that 's not fair . i asked her to keep that secret . that was me . bianca : i ca n't keep wondering how many secrets she has . it 's like there is all of this stuff inside her that she wo n't let me be a part of . zach : well , sometimes people do that for good reason . if you think that complete honesty is part of love and commitment , you 're in for a big surprise . if the person you care about knew every little secret about you , every little fantasy , every little mistake , every little lie , they 'd never look at you the same way again . she loves you . that should be enough . [ scene_break ] simon : come on , how can you say it was all a mistake ? do you remember the time we did n't get out of bed for two days ? we planned how we 'd call in sick so it was n't too obvious we were together . and , oh , we could n't get enough of each other . when i told bianca about the first time i saw you , all those memories came -- reese : wait a minute . what did you tell bianca ? simon : bianca asked me questions . she wanted to hear about us . reese : well , you should n't have told her anything . simon , you should not have come here . look , i am sorry . i am so sorry that i hurt you . but we are in the past , ok , and bianca is my future , and i do n't want you or anybody else interfering with it . simon : that 's not why i came here . i wanted to make sure you were happy . reese : no , you did n't . no , you did n't . simon , you came here because you were hoping that i was n't happy , just like you . simon : yeah , and how can i be ? come on . i spent the last year and a half trying to come to terms with how everything ended between us . reese : i 'm sorry that i could n't help you . simon : no , you did . i guess maybe i just needed to hear it from you . maybe now i can finally move on . but for bianca 's sake , i hope you 're sure about who you really are . zach : well , i 'm going to relieve rachael of her babysitting duties . you guys take your time . happy new year . bianca : happy new year , zach . [ scene_break ] greenlee : opal told me what you 've been saying all along . that i have nothing to worry about . we 're meant to be together , ryan . that 's why we keep coming back to each other after everything that 's happened . ryan : will you excuse me for a second ? because i have to go and thank opal right now . [ greenlee chuckles ] ryan : we can handle anything , greenlee , anything , as long as we stay together . greenlee : i know that now . ask me again . [ both chuckle ] ryan : well , the cards have spoken . now it 's your turn . it 's time to prove it to the stars and the moon and everything else that we belong together , greenlee . make me the happiest man in the world . will you marry me ? do n't leave me hanging here . say something . is that a yes or a no ? greenlee : i would love nothing more than to be your wife . yes , i 'll marry you , ryan lavery . [ scene_break ] opal : oh , my god . oh , greenlee . [ scene_break ] reese : i 'm sorry simon came here tonight . he should n't have . bianca : no , it 's -- it 's ok . reese : no , it 's not . i know what he told you about us . bianca : that you two were madly in love . reese : he was . i was not , and it made no sense to him when i left , but to me , it meant absolute -- bianca : reese , i -- i need you to confide in me , whatever it is , past or present , i -- i need to be a part of your life . reese : ok . you want to know what the big secret is ? i am afraid that you do n't believe that you are it for me . i am afraid that you do n't believe that everything that i do is for us , and our future together , and our family . and i am afraid that you 're going to leave me . so there it is . there is my big secret . and if you do n't believe me , if you do n't believe that everything i do for you is because i love you , then you 're right , we ca n't be together . [ scene_break ] zach : hi , i got you , baby . thanks for being here . i really appreciate it . rachael : no problem . zach : hi , my little monkey , hi . oh , my goodness . happy new year to you . rachael : thank you . zach : safe drive home . what are you doing ? hello . hmm ? hello , my little girl . what 's going on ? what are you looking at ? hmm ? what are you looking at ? [ scene_break ] bianca : i do believe you . i -- i trust you with all my heart . and you do n't have to worry , because we will be together , because we have to be . i love you . i -- i could n't live without you . i -- i -- you have to know that no one -- no one could ever replace you . you 're it for me . i 'm -- i 'm -- [ bianca and reese kiss ] [ scene_break ] zach : hey , my little angel , do n't worry . i 'm not going anywhere . [ gabrielle coos ] zach : really ? you did ? what else did you do today ?
at the casino , zach and reese spend new year 's eve without kendall and bianca . reese lets zack know that she is missing her new year 's eve kiss from bianca . zach starts to kiss her but reese pulls away . bianca gets a surprise visit from reese 's ex - fiancé simon . ryan asks greenlee to marry him , but greenlee refuses because of a dream that she had been having in which she was dead in the bathtub . at oak haven , aidan watches the doctor with annie . annie tells the doctor that the `` mean lady `` needs to be dead . aidan sneaks into annie 's room and finds the hidden camera . aidan meets with a mystery man , who had helped him get admitted into oak haven . simon fills bianca in on how that he and reese had met . ryan visits oak haven and finds out from the doctor that annie was being moved into the maximum security section of the hospital . greenlee checks on emma at opal 's . greenlee talks opal into giving her a tarot reading . opal assures greenlee that all systems are go on greenlee and ryan being married . bianca gets a call from reese . bianca lets reese know that she is tied up at the moment with simon , reese 's ex - fiancé .
kendall : my house , my rules . i only deal with people who do n't break into my home . ethan : must have taken you a while to pick that lock . do n't worry , leaving is going to be a lot faster , especially if they run the sirens . ryan : are you calling the cops ? that 's a really good idea . will you tell derek that we have a pickup for him ? kendall : wait , you want to have me busted for not having chips and dip for intruders ? greenlee : we found them , kendall . antipsychotic . now just tell us why . kendall : not my flavor , not my problem . ryan : oh , i think it is . [ scene_break ] danielle : is it me , or does this new year 's totally kick ass ? reggie : is that a trick question ? baby , both you and the night is to die for . and hanging out with bianca and miranda ? it was sweet of you . you did n't have to do it . danielle : hey , man , your family does give good drama -- bianca and her baby happily ever after . what 's that look for ? reggie : nothing , it 's just some unfinished business . it wo n't take long , just enough for him to beg for mercy . [ scene_break ] jonathan : i see a space on the dance floor with your name on it . maggie : oh ! singer : you 'll always be my little angel jonathan : god , you thought i was -- i should n't have brought you here . i 'm sorry , i should n't be anywhere near you right now . singer : do you know how much i love you [ scene_break ] anita : i love this place , but i 'm kind of sad that we missed the new year 's moment . aidan : four , three , two , one -- happy new year ! [ scene_break ] maria : no . zach : `` no , `` what ? maria : no , whatever you have to say . no to all of it . zach : hang on , hang on a second . i caught some of the fireworks , and it reminded me of us watching the fireworks in the desert . it reminded me of you . 2004 did n't do either one of us any favors , and i intend to change that in 2005 . [ scene_break ] kendall : what , even my computer ? well , the two of you just ca n't get enough of me , can you ? please , please just tell me you did not get rid of my birth control pills . greenlee : you ca n't joke out of this , kendall . ryan : we have proof , kendall . we have proof that you poisoned my wife . you blew it , kendall . you forgot that big brother watches your online prescriptions . kendall : oh , please . zach has already told everyone i get my prescription from the drugstore , and i 've been taking my antianxiety meds like a very good girl . you know , surprisingly , i 'm very bored by all of this . ryan : would you like to get unbored really fast ? take a look at this . it thanks you for your order . it confirmed delivery a week before greenlee went all trippy , the exact psychotic that greenlee was pumped full of . so , please tell me why you tried to kill my wife . [ scene_break ] maria : where did that come from ? where , what -- zach : i -- i do n't know . bianca beat death , and when she woke up she found that she had her daughter back . but what she 'd lost was precious time with someone she loves . maria : yeah , and it 's great for them . they can finally start their life again . they finally have the life that they deserve . zach : exactly . absolutely . and , well , i 've lost precious time , too , and you 've lost time , and i think that maybe we should try again . maybe we should grab the life that we deserve , too . maria : just like that ? i mean , you walk in here and you -- zach : and i kiss you , yeah . maria : and kiss me , and then you -- i do n't understand -- because bianca woke up ? zach : you ca n't ignore a miracle like that . maria : no , but , so here you are , then . zach : here i am , yeah . and we 're not -- we 're not the same . we 're not who we were because you said you had sacred marriage vows , and -- maria : well , they 're not sacred , though , because i said them . they 're sacred because i meant them . i -- i 'm just not ready to give up on my marriage . zach : all right . i got to ask you a question , then . maria : ok . zach : your marriage stopped being sacred the minute you were in it alone . so why do you pretend it still exists ? [ scene_break ] anita : wow . sure beats a party hat and one of those blowers . aidan : so you 're a fan of ' 05 ? anita : are you kidding ? so far it 's my new best friend . aidan : and it 's only just starting . [ scene_break ] danielle : let it go . not your fight . reggie : oh , it 's not my fight ? all right , say one of your friends is hooking up with this guy , and you know he 's a complete piece of trash . what you want to say , `` good luck , give me the details later `` ? danielle : i hear you , babe , and i love the fact that you 're ready to throw down for someone that you care about . it just means that you 're the taller , sexy boy version of me . reggie : wait a minute , are you saying i 'm hot ? danielle : i 'm saying we 're a matched set . oh , fine way to start the new year . [ scene_break ] maggie : we 're here now . i -- can we just try to have a good time ? jonathan : it 's my mistake for thinking we can act like this did n't happen . i keep hearing in my head over and over again that `` i hit maggie , `` and it 's like the words just do n't make any sense . maggie : we 're ok , right ? we 're ok . we talked about it . we 're fine , so can we just try to act like we 're fine ? jonathan : i need you to know that that was n't me at all . maggie , i 'm the guy that wants to protect you . i 'm the guy that wants to keep you safe . i just -- i lost it . i got all screwed up over this ryan - losing - cambias thing , and i know i should have gotten the hell out of the apartment , but i did n't . i should have cooled off , but you showed up and it just -- i got crazy . i am so , so sorry for hurting you over this entire cambias mess . maggie : ryan did n't lose cambias . he gave the company to miranda . jonathan : she 's just a baby . maggie : she is the cambias heir . do you really want to fight again ? jonathan : no . maggie : your brother is a good guy , and he did the right thing . jonathan : and i 'm just a screwup because i want to give you the world . [ scene_break ] maria : this is your idea of starting the new year right ? because my marriage is just as real as anything that you and i had for six months -- more so . zach : ok , then prove it to me . how was your holiday with edmund ? maria : you know what , this is -- this is a tough time for edmund because it was new year 's last year that put him in that chair . zach : i know that , and i 'm sorry . so , what , did talking about it bring you closer together ? maria : you know what , knock it off , zach . zach : i 'm not trying to hurt you , i 'm telling you what you already know . maria : i had my family . what else could i want -- i mean , really ? zach : yeah , you love those kids . and you honor your marriage . the problem is that your marriage does n't honor you . and what are you asking me to do ? stand back , give you space ? just watch you throw your life away ? i ca n't do that . not anymore . i 'm sorry . maria : so you come here to my house to do what , to tell me that i 'm delusional and that i 'm in denial ? zach : what , does it scare you to have me in your house ? why ? what kind of damage do you think i would do ? you think i could destroy your life ? what life ? maria : oh . you know , i came to you , practically threw myself at you , and you sent me away . zach : and i 'd do it again . maria : why ? what 's that ? you come here now , then , with this big power trip ? zach : what is it that you offered me that day ? you offered me your revenge on edmund . well , i do n't care about edmund . i never have . and if i had taken what you offered me , you would have resented me for it . would 've given you just another reason to walk away from me . there 's only one way that we can be together , and that is when we both want it . come here . here . look at that . look at your face . maria : at what -- what about my face ? zach : it 's your eyes . the light 's gone . maria : oh -- why , because i 'm not all glassy - eyed with desire ? no , you know what ? this is ridiculous , zach . i 'm -- zach : there used to be a fire in your eyes that told the whole world how much in love you were with life . i remember you 'd come back from your morning walks and just burst into that casino filled with passion . i thought you were going to explode . that -- right there -- that . what happened to you ? how can you choose this slow death for yourself ? why ? [ scene_break ] kendall : uh - uh , no . not my meds , not my receipt . i am not the person who ordered those drugs . ryan : it 's done , kendall . you ca n't hide . ethan : oh , listen to yourself , ryan , all tense and quiet . it must be true . you should give up now , kendall . greenlee : the proof is right here . ethan : how convenient . greenlee : hidden past computer passwords and new shoes ? it 's not like it was waving in the breeze with an x marks the spot . ethan : no , just hard enough to find to give you a nice warm sense of satisfaction , like the rifle they found in my storage locker , the one that put the bullet in ryan 's gut . i 'm sure somebody was high - fiving over that one . ryan : yeah , speaking of which , do n't you have your own attempted murder case to deal with ? so why do n't you just stay out of this one . ethan : ok , you already have kendall on the stand . it 's borderline obsessive . ryan : i want you to tell me why . greenlee : the why is you . ryan : no , i want to hear it from her . i want you to make me understand why you drugged my wife , why you let her get so messed up that she thought i was dead . i mean , i know you hate me , and that 's fine . but go after greenlee ? kendall : that 's right , ryan . i am just so desperate and so needy , this is really the moment i 've been waiting for . i mean , nothing says romance like a man who thinks you tried to drive his wife insane . greenlee : you had me convinced when you said you wanted ryan to live . maybe that 's just it . as much as you wanted him to live , that 's as much as you wanted me to die . ethan : oh , please . like the two of you would be the center of anyone 's universe . greenlee : i did n't want to believe you were so sick . ethan : all right , i 've had enough of your nonsense . the two of you , come on , out . ryan : not one step outside that door until kendall admits what she 's done . [ scene_break ] [ salsa music plays ] aidan : wow . the nobel commission must be alerted at once . anita : my wild child sister taught me . aidan : julia ? anita : yeah , and then my brother said that if we ever did that in front of a guy , he would tell our parents and they would ship us off to the sacred heart convent . aidan : mateo , huh ? anita : ok , mr . private eye guy -- what , do you have a secret file on me or something ? that late credit card payment was totally the fault of the u.s . postal system . aidan : no background check . anita : why ? too boring ? aidan : no , quite the opposite . you know , people have nothing but nice things to say about you . and me -- well , i like to find out the old - fashioned way , because it makes me smile just to think about it . anita : well , you should get that checked out . aidan : or it could be the way you look in that lab coat . very official and painfully sexy . or it could be the dainty little party trick you just showed me . anita : well , do you want me to teach you ? aidan : i 'd like to watch it again , to be honest . anita : well , what about salsa ? i can teach you that later . aidan : teach me ? salsa ? what makes you think i do n't already know ? anita : tu eres muy macho . [ scene_break ] jonathan : it 's not an excuse for hurting you , but it 's just all messed up in my head , that 's all . ryan and cambias . ryan made that company something that family of psychos could n't even begin to touch , and now he 's just going to walk away from it with nothing to show . maggie : how is that you wanting to give me the world ? jonathan : ryan put me at cambias . i went -- i went from a broke loser to the guy who closes the deals , to the guy who wears the best suits , to the guy who could almost deserve you . maggie : do you really think that i care about that stuff ? jonathan : maggie , you 're about to be a big md . you 're about to pull down major bank . i might be a low - level grunt -- i 'm not going to -- i wo n't be able to take you to dinner but maybe every other friday when there 's a two - for - one special , because i do n't want to be that broke loser again . maggie : i would never think that . jonathan : i would . i was angry , and i tried to drown it away with a few drinks and just -- the booze made it worse . maggie : so it was the alcohol ? jonathan : no . it was me . i know that . i ca n't take it back , but i can promise you -- no more booze , no more flipping out , no more hurting you . maggie : we talked about all of this . i do n't really know what else to say . jonathan : maybe you could say you forgive me ? maggie : i have to use the ladies ' room . [ scene_break ] singer : make you believe danielle : i would not do this hair , wear this dress , and curl these lashes so you could be looking at him all night instead of me ! reggie : yeah , babe , you do look good . danielle : and the sooner you do what you got to do , then the sooner you can show me just how fine i am . so , do you need backup , or do you want me to wait here and admire your moves from afar ? reggie : i 'm going to be right back , ok ? yo , tall and twisted . jonathan : what do you want ? reggie : you want to explain why you did n't tell maggie bianca needed her bad ? exactly how twisted are you ? singer : believe i 'm singers : turn it turn it up singer : make you believe believe my singers : turn it turn it up singer : believe [ looking in the ladies � room mirror , maggie sees how awful her bruised face looks ] maggie : oh , my god . singers : turn it turn it up [ scene_break ] maria : i 'm not a martyr . zach : no ? a woman who sacrifices everything to be with a man that does n't love her ? maria : no , he does love me . edmund loves me . you know that . zach : he makes you feel the loss and take the blame . what kind of love is that ? i know how much you care about those kids , and i know you feel sorry for edmund . what about you ? what do you want ? maria : you know , you walk in here and you smile and you kiss me and you lecture me and all of that , but you know what all that starts with ? walking in . zach : oh . edmund lost his legs and i have mine . so should i apologize for that , too ? life 's a crapshoot and he lost . if i lost like that -- maria : oh , do n't even pretend like you would know what you would do in his position , please . zach : i would not push away the person i love . i -- i want to be with you , and there 's nothing that could happen in my life or to me that would ever change that . maria : but i love him . zach : and i love you . and i 'm here to remind you of what i 'm promising you . [ scene_break ] ryan : you guys want us out of here ? call the cops and let kendall confess to them . ethan : how did you guys come up with this ? having a nice , cozy dinner one night , a little bit of champagne , maybe some cognac ? `` hey , greenlee , what should we do to bring in the new year ? `` `` i do n't know , ryan , why do n't we try and destroy kendall ? `` i mean , you know , the question -- the question is , how deep does this go ? [ looking at kendall , greenlee remembers what happened on the roof when she was flying high on the trapeze ] kendall : you ca n't fly without me . you need me . greenlee , you need me ! ethan : how long have you been trying to cook this up ? kendall : i 've been -- please , please , greenlee ! greenlee , please , please do it for me . please , i 'm right here . i 'm ready to go . please , please , greenlee , swing to me ! greenlee : whoo ! kendall : swing to me , greenlee . i 'll catch you . [ kendall screams ] ryan : how long have you been in town , like five months ? well , this goes back a lot further than that , all right ? you know , it 's going to stop now . i 'm done with you two . i 'm going to let the cops deal with this before kendall hits the delete button . greenlee : ryan , no . put the phone down . ryan : she gets away with this , she 's just going to do it again . greenlee : no , she wo n't . ryan : you ca n't know that . greenlee : i do . someone 's framing kendall . she did n't do it , ryan . i 'm dead sure of it . ryan : hey , look , i know you 've had these feelings and whatever , and we 're going to sort that out , but just not right here , ok ? not right now . ethan : all right , what is going on here ? is it good cop , bad cop ? greenlee : not a feeling , ryan . fact . kendall did n't drug me . kendall : i do n't -- what are you doing ? greenlee : i saw it all , that night on the roof . the drugs must have pushed it deep , someplace that i could n't reach until just now . and there it was . kendall : you 're freaking me out . she 's freaking me out . greenlee : i remember it all . you called out to me , you reached out your hand to me , and you saved my life . ryan : honey -- honey , look , you were so doped up that you put on your little green butterfly outfit and you were doing trapeze over the top of pine valley . are you sure that this stuff inside your head right now , it really happened ? greenlee : yes . this is real , ryan . it 's weird , it 's freaky , and it 's real , but it all came back to me . that night , kendall -- i can see her face the way that i did then . she did n't want me to die . ryan : yet she told you to jump , take the leap . greenlee : yes , to her , so she could catch me . she could have walked away that night , let me die , but she did n't . ryan : well , maybe because she wanted to keep you alive and keep the game going on longer so you 'd go to prison and , i do n't know , suffer for life . kendall : do you and my mother compare notes ? because that was her version for a while there , too . boy , am i rotten , but very creative . you have to give me that . greenlee : you 're not listening . kendall : no , i 've heard way too much , ok ? we 've had the big dramatic reveal . i am the psycho who saved your wife 's life so i can screw her up some more . now , will you please kindly get the hell out of my house ! greenlee : no ! not until i thank you . [ scene_break ] jonathan : happy new year . either sit down or move on . either way , make it fast , because i have some other priorities tonight . reggie : yeah , like what ? running maggie � s life ? jonathan : no . like sharing it with her , and all the other cool things we share . you see , reg , that 's what adults do . reggie : hey , keeping secrets -- yeah , like not telling maggie her best friend was lying in a coma . that 's the real adult thing to do . but tell me this , jonathan , what had you quaking so hard you could n't tell her the truth ? who or what are you scared of ? [ scene_break ] anita : that 's what we professionals call a contusion . a nice one , too . what happened ? maggie : this ? uh -- i -- i actually was at the gym and working out at a kickboxing class , trying to blow off some steam when bianca was in the hospital . yeah , that 's where it happened . anita : you got that from a bag ? that 's weird . maggie : actually , i walked straight into an open locker door . anita : that sounds nasty . i 'm sorry . maggie : yeah , well , it 's my own fault . i mean , jonathan always tells me to watch my step and to walk around with a hard - hat and caution tape . such a klutz i am . anita : i 've seen you at the gym . you could teach if you wanted to . maybe jonathan 's the one that 's got it wrong . [ scene_break ] jonathan : it 's not your fault , reg . you 'll graduate soon , and you 'll have a laugh at this stuff , too . reggie : yeah , thanks , getting the thumbs - up from you makes me feel that much better . jonathan : i 'm just saying i 'll cut you slack for before , when you went to maggie , trying to start trouble between us . she called it high school bs and just laughed it off anyway . reggie : you know , jonathan , are you trying to push me ? because , you know , i 'm getting the distinct feeling that you 're trying to tick me off . jonathan : hmm . maggie does care about bianca . but she lives with me . she goes to bed with me . she wakes up with me . and all that stuff that she does in between , reg , it 's with me . so , whatever you think you knew about maggie , you have no clue . [ scene_break ] anita : maggie , you should go to the hospital . maggie : it 's a bruise , anita . anita : it could get worse . maggie : i 'm fine . i 'm sorry . i 'm sorry . i 'm just a little mortified . anita : there 's nothing to be ashamed of . it was n't your fault . maggie : well , just a little bit of powder and nobody needs to know . anita : maggie , if it gets worse or , you know , happens again , come and see me at the hospital . i promise i wo n't think you 're a klutz or anything . maggie : i should just wear a hard - hat and save us from all the drama . [ scene_break ] jonathan : maggie 's an adult . now , if you do n't like me , reg , that 's cool . but maggie does . in fact , she loves me . reggie : you know what ? give her a chance . she 'll forget about it . might just forget about you , too . jonathan : i 'm just saying you do n't have to go making up stories to get her attention . she 's hip to your game , reg . she 's just not playing . no , you guys can still hang out every now and then . that 's fine . but she 's moved on . and so should you . singer : if you only knew emptiness , fever reside [ scene_break ] maria : you know , this is such a nice night , ahem , to ride . i really should get on before it 's too late and -- ahem , you know -- zach : it 's not gone . maria : no , but is it real ? zach : how can this not be real ? maria : because i know what i have with edmund . what is this ? zach : well , whatever it is , it put the light back in your eyes . maria : zach , i 'm married . zach : hmm . say it again . maria : i 'm married . zach : say it again . maria : you said you would give me space . you promised me you would give me space . zach : first , you have to tell me who you 're married to , in your heart . yeah . i promise you now that i will not watch you give up like this . ca n't do it . [ scene_break ] kendall : get your wife under control and out of my home . ryan : all right , you go easy . you -- slow down . ethan : oh , ryan , stop trying to control the situation , ok ? ryan : control -- kendall had the pills . kendall : that 's right , ryan . i did my research on just the right drugs to make the missis batty . i left paper trails and spiked her lattes at work , and then when she almost tried to run me over with her car , i rubbed my hands together and cackled with joy . yes , whoo - hoo , my great plan , my evil plan was working . if i get skid marks on my face , oh , well , what the hell , that 's the breaks . ryan : no , you wanted greenlee out of commission . kendall : or maybe someone else has it out for greenlee . did you ever think about that ? maybe someone else just kicked me in as a bonus . greenlee : does no one listen to me ? can you guys just give us a second ? ethan : i 'm sorry . come again ? ryan : yeah , what he said . greenlee : go away and relax . please . kendall : whatever . at least one of them 's out of my home . ethan : if you need me -- ryan : yeah , what are you going to do ? wait . how did that just happen ? how did kendall make greenlee pull a 180 ? ethan : do n't you get it ? all the answers , all of yours answers , they 're all hiding right behind this door ! [ scene_break ] aidan : anita , what 's going on ? do you want me to break out some special ops moves or -- anita : no . i want you to break out some dance moves . come on , let 's go salsa . i warn you , though . this could be dangerously hot . [ scene_break ] jonathan : there 's something else i need to tell you . maggie : can we just not talk about this here ? because this is our business and nobody 's else 's . jonathan : maggie , you deserve the best . you especially deserve my honesty . it was n't just ryan , ahem , and cambias and the booze . it was -- it was bianca , too . maggie : we talked about this , and i told you -- jonathan : i know . i just thought for certain that when she woke up , she 'd want to see you and make up for some lost time . maggie : she 's going to be making up lost time with her girlfriend . i 'm actually surprised that lena is n't here yet . jonathan : it 's really hard to get over a breakup like that . maggie : what are you talking about ? when did they break up ? jonathan : you mean that you 're her best friend , and she did n't -- bianca and lena broke up a month ago . maggie : bianca must have been devastated . jonathan : i ca n't believe that she did n't -- i thought bianca had long - term feelings for you . maggie : well , i told you that she did n't have feelings for me , and i told you that i wanted to be with you . jonathan : and i 'm grateful , maggie . i did a terrible thing , and i 'm going to spend tonight and i 'm going to spend every other night of our lives together making it up to you . [ scene_break ] reggie : i just do n't understand . tell me how slimeballs like lavery get cute , smart girls like maggie to believe his bs . danielle : people get a little crazy or a little stupid when they mix hormones and romance . reggie : well , tell me why me and you got along so good . danielle : we 're more evolved -- on a higher plane . reggie : so how about we get a little more evolved someplace else ? danielle : i 'm ready . let me just pay the check . reggie : well , damn , girl , you think i 'm that evolved to let you pay the bill ? danielle : there 's no such thing as a free lunch , kingman . i fully intend on making you pay me back . i 'm just not sure how yet . reggie : oh , you better put that money down and let 's go . [ scene_break ] aidan : so , wow , that was great . you ready for our next event on our new year 's list ? anita : ooh , more surprises ? aidan : girl , you have no idea . come , let 's go . [ scene_break ] ryan : subtle , very subtle . ethan : you know why you ca n't see this ? because it is easier for you to blame this on kendall than to look through that door . zach had means , he had motive , he had opportunity . and yet , still , you blame kendall . why is that ? [ scene_break ] kendall : two minutes ago you thought i was the vengeful bitch who booby- trapped your brain cells . greenlee : i was wrong . kendall : yeah , in so many ways . greenlee : you do n't have to shut me out . i 'm thanking you . kendall : after trashing my place ? well , happy flipping new year to you , too . you 're playing me so that ryan can swoop in and dive - bomb me with more of my sins . no , uh - uh . greenlee : you have to listen . kendall : you 're in my space . get out ! greenlee : listen to me , already . you did n't do it ! kendall : ow ! ow ! oh , my , what are you -- greenlee : i 'm sorry . kendall : what are you doing ? greenlee : here , let me help . kendall : no -- greenlee : ice ! kendall : get away . what did you just do to me ? ow ! greenlee : kendall , that was very second grade , but you 're insanely strong willed here . better ? kendall : you kicked me . greenlee : yeah , and i said i was sorry . kendall : no , no . you actually believe that i did n't do it . i thought you were lying until you kicked me . i mean , who else would kick me to prove that they believe in me ? just you . greenlee : who else would take a kick to the shins as a sign of faith ? only you . kendall : only us . [ scene_break ] jonathan : we hit a rough patch , but i think i have something that will make it a little smoother . maggie : what 's this for ? jonathan : it 's for a new year . it 's for a new beginning . it 's for a fresh start , no worries . it 's for friends that wo n't shut us out . it 's for a family that wo n't leave us hanging . it 's for you and i . maggie : how did you know ? jonathan : i pay attention . i watch for what makes your eyes smile , like that bracelet every time we walked by it . maggie : i love it . thank you . jonathan : it 's a lovers ' knot , for you and me . i ca n't buy you the world , maggie , not yet . but i can love you more than any man ever will . [ scene_break ] singers : more than a minute of time singer : more than a minute singers : more than a moment singer : more than a moment danielle : oh . wow . this is -- reggie : it 's perfect . danielle : yeah , like `` loan sharks are going to bust in your kneecaps if you do n't pay them back for this room `` perfect . reggie : well , you know , they gave me till morning . and i think it 'll be worth it . this is for us . these are for you . reggie : dani , i love you . and i want to be with you tonight . [ scene_break ] anita : from sweating on the dance floor to freezing our butt off . you sure know how to keep a girl 's butt moving . i did n't bring my ice skates . aidan : pond is n't frozen . anita : ok , i give . how is this part of our fabulous `` too exciting for words `` new year 's ? aidan : well , this is just a prelude . the big stuff is yet to come . anita : and what is the big stuff ? aidan : i 'll show you soon after you take off your clothes . anita : what ? [ scene_break ] maria : zach , i 'm fighting for my marriage . zach : i 'm fighting for you . [ scene_break ] ethan : zach is always on the attack with kendall . you know , when we were in the hospital , when bianca was in a coma , he pulled me aside into the corridor for a lecture on the evils of kendall . now , why would he be trying so hard to convince me if he was n't the person who was guilty ? ryan : now who 's slow on the uptake ? you know why zach is after kendall ? because you 're his son . [ next_on ] jack : are you up to eloping ? ryan : take a dna test . find out who you really are . anita : `` wild `` is good . whoo . zach : i love you , and i want you to be with me .
at the nightclub , maggie is with jonathan . he 's obviously beating her and she 's still with him . they attract the concern of both reggie and anita santos . reggie and danielle have a good thing going . so do anita and aiden . ryan and greenlee believe they have caught kendall `` red - handed `` trying to poison greenlee , when greenlee finds anti - psychotic medication in kendall 's closet and ryan notices that it looks like kendall 's ordering drugs on the internet . greenlee , somehow seems to realize , however , that kendall is not trying to drug her . ethan has a harder time of convincing ryan that kendall is not guilty . zach believes maria is unhappy in her marriage and deserves better . she tells him she 's not giving up on her marriage but reveals that she still has feelings for him .
erica : yet another amazing example of a fabulous new beginning . we 'll be back with another guest right after this . [ `` new beginnings `` theme plays ] man : and we 're out . [ cheers and applause ] erica : pam ? any word from the courthouse ? pam : no . i 'll let you know . erica : is my car ready ? pam : ready to roll . but you better get back -- the whip lady 's up . erica : whip ? pam : w - h - i - p ? `` we help women in prison `` ? remember ? erica : women in prison , pam ? with my daughter facing what she 's facing ? cancel her . pam : the guest ? she 's already in the chair . erica : all right , all right , i will do that . but the minute i get word . i 'm out of here . thanks . hello . hi , nice to meet you . [ scene_break ] tad : stop staring , krystal . krystal : i 'm not staring . tad : yeah , you are -- you 're staring . why do n't you watch your daughter drool strained peaches for a while ? krystal : oh . hey . hey there . somebody needs to talk to you about your table manners , little one . now you 're staring . tad : no , i 'm not . it 's more of a subtle glance . krystal : `` subtle `` ? tad : yeah . krystal : subtle , my eye . come on , do we have to go ? tad : no , we are not going anywhere . see , over the years , at least i have developed special skills for dealing with just this type of situation . observe -- other half of the room ? gone , invisible , from now on . is n't that right , hmm ? [ scene_break ] adam : thank you for coming . i take that as a positive sign . j.r. : do n't . whatever you have to say , say it fast . [ scene_break ] richie : so how long do i have , doc , huh ? weeks , days , hours ? oh , come on , there 's no need to soft - pedal . we both know how this ends . i 'm feeling half- dead already . [ scene_break ] babe : `` of the fiscal quarter , during which several of the -- `` are you tracking me here ? annie ? annie : what ? oh , i 'm sorry . i 'm -- i 'm sorry . i promised myself i would n't do that -- let my mind wander off . it 's -- ahem -- it 's part of my new year 's resolution -- stop thinking about richie . babe : actually , that was one of mine , too . but as long as we 're breaking them , how is he ? annie : not good . babe : sorry . ok , um , let 's get back to the quarterly . so -- you know what ? you know what ? forget it . it 's impossible to concentrate . there 's too much going on . do you want to -- do you want to head over to the courthouse and see how kendall 's doing ? annie : no , no . i think kendall would want us to stay here and hold down the fort . babe : do you think she 's going to come out of this ok ? annie : the truth ? the way things have been going lately for kendall , i 'm really afraid . [ scene_break ] aidan : you ready to go home ? greenlee : so ready . just one stop i need to make first . kendall 's hearing . aidan : kendall has enough backup , greenlee . she has zach , ryan , and jackson . greenlee : but she needs me . [ scene_break ] jack : thanks , i owe you one . man : no problem . just stick with the script -- you may be ok . jack : all right . hey . zach : we have a plea deal or do n't we ? jack : yeah . as a matter of fact , the d.a . just signed on . the judge , however , may be a slightly harder sell . ryan : meaning what ? jack : meaning that as long as we stick with extreme emotional duress , you 're going to be just fine . kendall : `` emotional duress `` ? as in what -- i was going crazy ? no , jack , i knew exactly what i was doing to greenlee and i will admit that to the judge . i was n't out of my mind when i set up greenlee , and i 'm not going to say that i was . jack : kendall , nobody 's asking you to . this is just a technicality . but let 's be honest here , you were -- you were very close to your breaking point . kendall : i was -- no . i was clear and rational . zach : how were you rational ? i found you in the park with spike and a gun -- that 's rational ? kendall : that was part of my plan . zach : your plan was insane . kendall : well , no more than yours was . zach : telling greenlee that her embryos were still viable was a bad idea . and , yes , maybe i felt badly , maybe i felt guilty about it . it does n't matter , it 's in the past . we ca n't change that , but we 're not going to throw away our future . kendall : ok , zach , how can i make you understand how i feel ? how ? ryan : well , honestly , it 's going to be a little bit difficult , because you 're not making a whole lot of sense right now , kendall . kendall : ok -- see , you of all people -- i thought that you would understand . ryan : what do you want me to say ? i -- i do n't like what you did any more than you do . zach : you were n't yourself . kendall : ok , well , then who was i ? zach : you were a woman at your breaking point , that 's -- ryan : who was terrified that greenlee was going to harm our son -- that 's who you were . kendall : you guys , listen , i 'm tired of lying , ok ? i 'm tired of making excuses for myself . i 'm not going to lie to the judge . zach : you 're going to say whatever jack tells you to say . kendall : no , zach . i 'm sorry , but i wo n't . ryan : you 're going to go to prison , kendall . all right , and what about spike ? has n't he been through enough ? i mean , what do you want him to do -- say goodbye to his mother , kendall ? is that what you want for our son ? kendall : no , of course not , no . zach : then what ? `` of course not `` -- what do you want to do ? you going to raise our boys from a prison cell ? jack , a little help , please . jack : kendall , i would suggest you listen to them because here 's the fact -- without this plea , you 're looking at 20 to 40 years . zach : did you hear that ? this is not a game . ryan : just -- just think about what you 're doing , kendall , ok ? just think about it . kendall : if greenlee were convicted , how many years ? how many years would she get ? jack : kendall , that did n't happen , and it 's not going to . kendall : jack , you 're her father . remember what i did . greenlee was a fugitive because of me . she nearly died because of me . zach : let it go . it 's over . kendall : no , it 's not over . it will never be over for greenlee or me until i stand up and own what i did . [ scene_break ] aidan : you can barely stand , let alone go to a courtroom . greenlee : so we 'll take the wheelchair . aidan : joe only let you out of the hospital today , because you promised that you would go straight home to bed , and that 's exactly where you 're going . greenlee : aidan , i 'll find someone else to take me where i need to go . aidan : well , good luck with that . greenlee : really ? you 're going to ditch me ? aidan : anybody that gives a damn about you is not going to drag you anywhere else , especially not a courtroom . joe : what 's this about a courtroom ? greenlee : kendall 's hearing is right now , and i need to go . joe : no , you do n't need to go . it 's out of the question . your immune system has been badly compromised , and i want you on bed rest 24/7 . greenlee : and that 'll happen after the hearing is over . joe : no , it wo n't . you 've been a whole month with hardly any food and water , locked away underground . your heart has stopped on two separate occasions . greenlee : but it 's fine now , joe . i 'm going . aidan : going home is exactly where you 're going . i 'm not driving you anywhere else apart from home to bed . all right ? [ scene_break ] krystal : you know what ? tad : what ? krystal : you might as well just turn right around and give them the eyeball , because you ca n't stop looking at them sideways . tad : i 'm not looking , i do n't have to look . i know what 's happening . see , there 's a seduction going over there , i can feel it -- krystal : a seduction ? tad : yeah , a seduction . krystal : hmm . tad : you , more than anybody , should know how adam operates . he 's sitting there all charm , all smile , offers you the moon and stars , says he 'll make your wildest dreams come true , and all it 's going to cost you is your soul . krystal : are you talking about j.r. or me ? tad : both . i swear , in this town after all this time , everything he 's done , the fact that anybody would spend five minutes with -- krystal : thank you very much for the vote of confidence . you know , did it ever occur to you that adam and j.r. may be just having breakfast together ? [ tad laughs ] tad : no . [ scene_break ] adam : i deeply regret manipulating you by withholding your alibi . j.r. : i blacked out . you let me believe that i ran over zach slater , maybe even killed him . i still would n't even know that i was off the hook if amanda had n't cracked . adam : i was wrong , i admit that . i wanted you home . j.r. : no , you wanted to punish me for my kidnapping scam . adam : no , no , that 's not true . well , maybe -- i do n't know . i only know that when i heard you had been kidnapped , it literally shaved years off my life . j.r. : well , you 're going to outlive us all , dad . this has been fun , but -- adam : you broke my heart , j.r . j.r. : do n't you mean that i cost you a bundle ? adam : yes , i lost my company , i lost my home , and i lost millions in ransom . j.r. : so this is the real reason why you tried to stick it to me ? adam : no . i only know that i -- i did n't realize how little my possessions meant to me until i thought i 'd lost you . j.r. : so what now ? are you going to bring out the violins ? adam : do you remember what you told me ? that if ever i wanted to ask you for anything -- just forget the manipulating -- just ask , all i had to do was ask ? i 'm asking right now -- can you and i be father and son again ? [ scene_break ] babe : you know , j.r. 's been really protective lately when it comes to me and , well , of course , little a . annie : he 's become a really good father . babe : yeah , you know , i think it has something to do with the bad relationship he has with adam . anyway , j.r. found out that i had a christmas gift i was going to give to richie . annie : uh - oh . babe : yeah . yeah , he really went off on me . annie : i 'm sorry . babe : no , you know , it 's ok . i mean , it was a reality check for me and one that i needed in the worst kind of way . annie : what did j.r. say ? babe : basically that richie 's a complication my little boy does n't need in his life . annie : well , richie 's a complication none of us needs , including me , ryan , emma . i mean , he just wreaks havoc wherever he goes . babe : but there are times when he can be so sweet and gentle . annie : well , especially with you . i mean , you -- you get to him like nobody else . babe : so you think that -- that the feelings he has for me are real , that -- that maybe i could even help ? annie : no . no , babe , i 'm telling you -- i 'm begging you -- to run for your life . [ scene_break ] richie : what are you testing for , doc , huh ? i mean , i 'm on my way out . at this point , what does my cholesterol matter ? doctor : i 'm going to have to get back to you on that one , mr. novak . richie : yeah , you do that . maybe i 'll be here , but i would n't count on it . moron . richie : gather witnesses , get annie here . weapon . [ richie daydreams ] annie : richie ? richie , it 's annie -- can you hear me ? richie : it 's over . annie : what ? richie : it 's over . annie : i ca n't hear you . richie : i 'm sorry . i 'm sorry . annie : what -- what 'd you do ? what are you -- richie ! oh ! richie : no , annie -- what 'd you do ? annie : richie ? richie : oh , what 'd you do ? man : she stabbed him ! annie : no -- man : call the police ! annie : no , i did n't , i did n't ! he did this to himself ! richie : goodbye , annie . annie : no . no , no , no , no , no , no , you ca n't get away with this . richie : looks like i just did . annie : oh ! damn you , richie -- this was n't my fault ! this was n't my fault ! richie : you 'll never win , annie . you never have -- not with me . [ scene_break ] kendall : i 've got to clear greenlee . jack : kendall , you 're not going to clear greenlee by pleading guilty . what you need to do is say that you were in -- kendall : say that i 'm crazy ? bailiff : all rise . this is the criminal court of the commonwealth of pennsylvania , the people vs. kendall hart slater , judge angela march presiding . this court is now in session . be seated . judge : will the people please state the charges ? d.a . : `` false reporting to law enforcement , misdemeanor in the second degree , tampering with physical evidence , misdemeanor in the second degree , burglary , felony in the first degree , criminal trespass , felony in the third degree , forgery , misdemeanor in the first degree . `` judge : kendall hart slater , do you understand the charges against you ? kendall : yes , i do , your honor . judge : and how do you plead ? jack : your honor , if i may -- kendall : i plead guilty . jack : your honor , again -- kendall : no , guilty -- that 's my plea . judge : are you under the influence of drugs or alcohol ? kendall : no , your honor . judge : will the people please state the evidence against the defendant ? d.a . : on november 2 , as the record states , a dispatcher received an emergency call that kendall slater reported that she 'd been attacked and drugged , and that her minor child had been abducted again by greenlee smythe . and finally , the sworn affidavit of the defendant that her accusations were false . judge : these are very serious charges , ms. slater . are you aware of the penalties involved ? d.a . : your honor , the people and the counsel for the defense have entered into a plea agreement . the commonwealth recommends a prison term of 2 1/2 to 5 years , all to be served during a period of probation , along with substantial community service . judge : and who cooked up the community - service plan without informing the court ? d.a . : i 'm sorry , your honor . this -- this hearing came up rather quickly , and i did n't -- judge : it 's ok . i get it . but why be so lenient ? d.a . : extenuating circumstances . judge : and those would be ? jack : your honor , the defendant committed these acts while under extreme emotional duress and the defense can demonstrate that kendall hart slater acted -- kendall : no , i knew exactly what i was doing . i knew it was illegal . i wanted greenlee smythe to rot in hell . [ scene_break ] j.r. : be your son ? i already have that distinction . adam : no , i mean -- i mean fully and truly . j.r. : right , right , with the corner office and the stock options ? adam : that 's not what i 'm offering . j.r. : unless i decide to move back into the mansion , in which case the world is mine . adam : you can live anywhere you like -- just so you come home and have dinner with me now and then . j.r. : once again , i think i 'm hearing violins . adam : and meet me for the occasional game of squash . j.r. : wait . it 's an entire string orchestra . adam : no strings , j.r. -- just your father , on the up - and - up . j.r. : father , `` up - and - up `` ? you 're going to have to choose one or the other , because you ca n't have both . adam : i have no agenda . i 'm not trying to -- to bribe you . just tell me what i have to say to convince you . tell me , j.r. what do you want me to do ? [ scene_break ] krystal : you know , suddenly i 'm not very hungry and i really would like to go home . tad : no , i 'm -- excuse me , i 'm sorry , but you know , the fact that you could sit there and entertain the idea that adam is only interested in a father - son breakfast makes you -- krystal : what ? what ? stupid , naive ? tad : sorry , it makes you -- no . krystal : what ? tad : i 'm taking the fifth . never mind . eat your breakfast . krystal : you know what ? this is going to get really nasty really , really quickly . tad : no , ok , no , no , no . it does n't have to . it does n't have to , ok ? look , if i was going to be honest , i would just admit that i 'm more than a little worried , that 's all . krystal : about what ? tad : well , this is the first time that adam has seen us out on the town since we admitted that we tied the knot , right ? krystal : and it 's not going to be the last time , either , tad . it 's a very , very small town . tad : so what happens if the next time you see him , you get this look on your face ? i 'm going to want to jump in your lap , start bitching about how he 's untrustworthy . that means you 're going to get up -- want to get up and bolt out of the room all over again . krystal : oh , got me all figured out , do n't you ? tad : all except the part about how i fix it . krystal : how many times do i have to tell you , tad , that i am not running from adam ? tad : since when ? krystal : i 'm not afraid of him . tad : honey -- no , not yet . a little fear would be an improvement , because what you feel for adam scares me half to death . [ scene_break ] babe : you know , you 're not the first one who 's told me to run for the hills when it comes to a man . annie : your mom ? babe : yeah , yeah -- first with j.r. , now more recently with richie . annie : well , it 's harder to run from a brother . babe : i guess . you know , i had some pie - eyed notion that maybe you and richie would make peace -- you know , before he died . annie : that 's how it works in the movies , right ? babe : he does n't have much longer , annie . maybe -- maybe if you tried ? annie : i could , but richie does n't want peace , babe . what richie 's wanted , what richie 's wanted for years , is to take me down . [ phone rings ] babe : fusion . yes , hold on just one minute . um -- the hospital , one of richie 's doctors . annie : yes ? doctor : mrs. annie lavery ? annie : yeah ? doctor : this is dr. westlake at pine valley hospital . i 'm sorry to disturb you at work , but your brother 's condition is deteriorating rapidly . i thought a relative should be informed . annie : have you called my father ? dr. westlake : i see on richie 's chart that your father lives in chicago , several hours away ? annie : that 's right . dr. westlake : well , your brother may not have that long . annie : you mean he 's going to -- ok . um -- well , thank you for -- for calling . dr. westlake : he 's asking for you . what shall i tell him ? annie : i 'm not really sure . um -- but thank you , anyway . richie : well , is she coming ? what 'd she say ? man : i could n't tell . richie : you know , you 'd think if she heard that her brother was dying , you know -- man : pretty cold . richie : you could say that , yeah . man : so , why do you want her to come ? richie : settle old scores . man : what do you think you could settle in here ? richie : you 'd be amazed , man . hmm . [ scene_break ] erica : the women inmates your group assists -- i guess your job is to ease their transition back into civilian life . woman : well , most of the women we deal with are serving long prison terms . erica : so you handle their appeals ? woman : we 're not lawyers . we try to improve the quality of prison life . erica : but some of the women do get out , do n't they ? i mean , with -- with good behavior , with -- i mean , they do get out ? woman : well , occasionally , but that 's not our focus . erica : i see . well , what about wrongful convictions ? woman : well , actually , we function primarily as counselors . erica : well , what good is counseling if you do n't help these wrongfully convicted women fight their way out of prison ? woman : excuse me ? erica : i think that your entire approach actually sounds hopeless . woman : acceptance , we call it . erica : i call it defeat . [ scene_break ] judge : why implicate greenlee smythe in a fabricated crime and how exactly did you go about it ? your own words -- start with why . kendall : my son spike was in a car accident . greenlee smythe was driving . my son sustained internal injuries , and they repaired his spleen . but when he was recovering in the hospital , they discovered something else . greenlee : kendall -- kendall : get the hell away from my son . do n't you touch my son ! stay the hell away from him ! greenlee : i -- oh ! [ pans clatter ] greenlee : i 'm sorry , i 'm sorry ! zach : kendall -- there 's something wrong with spike . joe : spike is deaf . kendall : i assumed that greenlee 's reckless driving had robbed my son of his ability to hear . he would be deaf for the rest of his life . i resolved to make greenlee pay for what she did . so , i pretended to reach out to her . i told her that i wanted to rebuild our friendship , and she seemed very eager to reconnect . i had access to greenlee 's penthouse , and i planted evidence little by little . i -- i purchased two seats on a flight to the u.s. virgin islands , a forged birth certificate for her son , and packed a suitcase full of new clothes for spike . zach : your honor , may i say something ? judge : you may not . zach : my wife is dealing with some misplaced guilt , and i think maybe -- judge : do n't force me to have you removed from my courtroom . please be seated . mrs. slater , on the night of the actual incident -- kendall : i stole chloroform from the hospital . and i asked greenlee to meet me at the boathouse . i pretended that i needed a friend to talk to about spike 's upcoming cochlear implant surgery . she was happy to meet me . she was kind and -- and supportive and unsuspecting . then , i -- i pretended to get an emergency phone call . i told greenlee that my husband , zach , had been hurt , so i asked her to stay with spike at the boathouse . i insisted she stay exactly where she was . when she was tending to my son , i hid close by . i reported that greenlee drugged me and snatched my boy right out of my arms . then , i chloroformed myself so that the police would find me . when they showed up , i swore that greenlee had kidnapped my son . judge : you framed an innocent woman , subjected her to false arrest , squandered valuable police hours , resources of the justice system to satisfy your lust for revenge ? jack : your honor , if i may interject in my client 's -- judge : no , mr. montgomery , you may not . what prompted you to finally tell the truth ? kendall : because of my false accusations , greenlee panicked and ran . and she almost died . judge : so you were ultimately motivated by pity ? kendall : i also discovered my son had been losing his hearing gradually over a long period of time -- not from the accident . so greenlee smythe had nothing to do with my son going deaf . greenlee smythe is n't guilty of anything , and i 'm here to clear her name . [ greenlee enters the courtroom in a wheelchair ] judge : i suppose that you should be commended for finally setting the record straight , but frankly , mrs. slater , i am unimpressed with your belated impulse to confess . you staged a reprehensible hoax on ms. smythe and the commonwealth of pennsylvania . kendall : i realize that now . greenlee smythe does n't belong in prison . judge : and what prompted this so - called revelation , mrs. slater ? greenlee : i can actually answer that , your honor . judge : and you are ? greenlee : greenlee smythe . jack : your honor , i 'd like to move for a short recess . judge : oh , please , just sit down , mr. montgomery . jack : your honor , i need to confer with my clients . judge : i know , i know , but i need to get to the bottom of this . ms. smythe , will you please come forward ? kendall : no . no , no , no , no . greenlee , stop . stop , stop . greenlee : no . kendall : please , do n't do this , greenlee , come on . judge : bailiff , will you swear in ms. smythe ? bailiff : what is your name ? greenlee : greenlee smythe . kendall : i object , your honor . judge : be quiet and sit down . bailiff : do you swear to tell the truth , the whole truth , and nothing but the truth ? greenlee : i do . judge : now , you obviously have , or you think you have , information bearing on this case . greenlee : yes , your honor , i do . judge : proceed . greenlee : your honor -- um -- it happened two years ago . kendall slater is my best friend . i was desperate to have a child with the man i was married to at the time . my husband did n't want to have one , but i was determined to conceive . judge : ms. smythe , this story seems far afield from the issues we 're weighing today . greenlee : i know , your honor , but the fact is , is we would n't be here if it was n't for a series of events that happened in a fertility clinic a very long two years ago . [ scene_break ] erica : it just seems to me that the way to help women in prison who are wrongly accused is to work to get them out , and hope that the people in your organization can help them with their new beginning . after all , that 's what this show is all about . so thank you , dana . and thank you for watching . [ `` new beginnings `` theme plays ] man : and we 're out . [ cheers and applause ] pam : kendall 's hearing just started . erica : ok . i 'm out of here . bye . woman : bye . [ scene_break ] krystal : it 's really great to know that you think i am a complete idiot . tad : i did n't say that . krystal : hmm . you are afraid of my feelings for adam . like i 'm just going to run over there and strip my clothes off ? tad : well , it would n't be the first time it 's happened . krystal : all right , that 's it . tad : no , no , no -- ok , i 'm sorry , i 'm sorry . [ jenny fusses ] tad : i apologize -- yeah . look , i -- that was a lousy thing to say . i admit it , ok ? i was an idiot . but it 's a fact -- i 'm scared . you 're doing everything you can for me and jenny , but the truth is , he 's still got a hold on you , right ? and i know from firsthand experience how hard that is to break . it 's a hell of a job . i was just -- i was just kind of hoping that , you know , our marriage would help with that . krystal : it did . tad : not enough . krystal : look , you know , and i know that i 'm not where i need to be , ok ? i admit that . ok ? but where do i go from here , huh ? [ scene_break ] adam : you asked me to reach out to you . no games , no lies , no threats . i 'm doing what you said you wanted . and you 're still blowing me off . why ? j.r. : maybe because i 've heard it all -- what you 've done to me , what you 've done to krystal , all in the name of love . adam : i 've apologized for my mistakes . j.r. : well , you know what you can do with your apologies . adam : you 're right . i do n't know why i keep trying . $ 50 million . is that new enough ? does $ 50 million get your attention ? [ scene_break ] [ murmuring ] annie : according to the doctor , babe -- um -- this is it . richie 's -- about to die . babe : what are you going to do ? annie : i do n't know . what would you do in my place ? no , do n't answer that . i already know . babe : he 's your brother , annie . you 'll hate yourself if you do n't see him one last time . [ scene_break ] greenlee : my rage , my bitterness , my public threat to sue for custody for ryan and kendall 's son , my obsession with wanting to have ryan lavery 's child -- the fact that i virtually stalked kendall and her children when i was told to stay away -- all of these things made kendall believe that i was planning on kidnapping her baby . i mean , i was n't , but even i could see why she would believe that . [ hannah comes into the courtroom and sits down ] jack : your honor , if i may address the court -- judge : are you finished , ms. smythe ? greenlee : yes , i am . judge : all right , mr. montgomery , but keep it brief . jack : i will , your honor . are you ok ? your honor , my client 's fears for her son spike were compounded by extreme physical and emotional stresses -- the accident , spike 's life - threatening injuries , his deafness , his subsequent surgeries , and of course , kendall 's own emergency c - section , her son ian 's premature birth , and the fact that he spent the first few weeks of his life at the brink of death . all of these factors combined to put my client in a vise- like grip of terror . she was literally traumatized , your honor . this counsel implores this court to consider these facts , the fact that she was under extreme emotional duress , and that she is here , despite the fact that she could lose her freedom , so that she can tell the truth . judge : you and counsel are in accord that ms. slater should get off with a slap on the wrist ? d.a . : your honor , i would n't exactly describe it in those words . long probation and community service . judge : light penalties for egregious acts . i 'm going to adjourn to review the case . principals should remain on site . i 'll be delivering my ruling very shortly . [ judge pounds gavel ] bailiff : all rise . judge : court is now in recess . kendall : thank you . greenlee : but all i did was tell the truth . i mean , you -- you left out something that -- that would send me to trial . kendall : no , greenlee , do n't bring it up , do n't . greenlee : but , kendall , i did take spike that night , the night of the accident , i did , and you told everyone all the bad things you did , but you left out that i almost ran away with your son . [ scene_break ] richie : alas , poor richie . i knew him well . hell of a guy . handsome , smart , and that 's how it goes . the brightest stars always burn out the fastest . [ annie walks in ] [ scene_break ] j.r. : so , you 'll give me $ 50 million to have dinner with you ? a game of squash from time to time ? adam : i have a plan . j.r. : hmm . but not the capital . not the 50 million . adam : no . but i will very soon . and that , and a lot more , will fall into my coffers . j.r. : you 're telling me about this fortune that you 're coming into because -- adam : because you 're my son . and of course , i want you to be a part of it . [ scene_break ] tad : no , it 's not where you go , it 's where we go . we go take jenny to the baby gym . you know , we eat dinner together every night as a family . we stock up on dvds , we cuddle up on the sofa to watch movies . and every once in a while , we spring for a night out on the town . we act like a married couple with a baby , because that 's exactly what we are . krystal : and the adam thing ? tad : yeah , well , that 's not going away too quickly , so -- you 're doing what you can , so i will , too . i will try to keep my mouth shut . about adam , anyway . krystal : hmm . all right , and i 'll do my best to remind myself that i 'm very lucky to be part of a loving family . tad : a little bit of luck , some occasional loving ? krystal : oh -- tad : no , i 'm serious . i do n't know -- i think we got a shot at something pretty wonderful . [ scene_break ] judge : emotional duress is a catchall excuse for a staggering range of heinous acts . i am not inclined to indulge the self - pitying of whining criminals . however , in this case , the wronged individual has made a persuasive case for her tormentor . ms. smythe 's plea on behalf of mrs. slater has impressed me a great deal . so , reluctantly , i am going to accept the plea agreement . mrs. slater , i am sentencing you to five years , to be served on probation , a $ 50,000 fine , and 500 hours of community service . do not let me see you in my court again . [ judge pounds gavel ] bailiff : all rise . kendall : thank you , your honor . thank you . erica : sweetheart -- kendall : oh , mom -- erica : good . kendall : oh , my gosh . [ looking very unhappy , hannah storms out while everyone else celebrates ] [ scene_break ] annie : richie , how do you feel ? richie : it 's almost over , annie . i just wanted to give you something to remember me by . [ richie begins to pull the knife out of his pocket until babe arrives ] babe : sorry it took me so long . i could n't find a place to park . [ next_on ] richie : i want to confess everything . you were right about me . [ from the rooftop , hannah fires a rifle at kendall , while ryan throws himself in front of her ]
kendall appears in court with jack by her side as her lawyer and zach and ryan there for support . erica is ready to go on the air with her `` new beginnings `` show , but she wants a car to stand by so she can leave for the courthouse . aidan comes to get greenlee at the hospital , but she wants to go by the courthouse before she goes on home . kendall hears the charges against her . kendall pleads guilty to all the charges . kendall tells the judge everything that had led up to her stealing the chloroform from the hospital , and reporting to the police that greenlee had stolen her little boy . richie puts his plan in motion to place all the blame on annie for stabbing him . richie cons one of his inmates to pose as a doctor and call annie to come to the hospital because his time is near . adam and j.r. have breakfast together . adam tries to con j.r. into moving back in with him at the tune of fifty million dollars . krystal and tad ca n't seem to keep their eyes off of adam and j.r. aidan and greenlee appear in court . greenlee asks to make a statement on kendall 's behalf . after greenlee makes her statement , the judge calls for a recess . the judge agrees to put kendall on probation for five years , pay fifteen thousand dollars and five hundred hours of community service . hannah walks in just as the hearing is coming to a close . she hurries out before anyone can see her .
aidan : what , you want to go tame on me now ? i mean , if you want , we can always go and find some pots and bang them together . anita : no , wild is good . whoo ! [ scene_break ] kendall : all right , ok , enough . now get off of me , please . greenlee : no , no , ice reduces the swelling . do you have any vitamin e ? it 's supposed to reduce bruising . how about some tea -- herbal ? you seem a little uptight . kendall : the towel -- it 's all wet . greenlee : no , just a few more minutes , ok ? i just want to make sure you 're all right . kendall : well , i was before you kicked me . greenlee : did n't we just have a moment about that ? `` thank you , `` `` sorry `` -- it does n't work for us . now we know where we stand . you absolutely did n't drug me . kendall : goody . great . ok , you trust me . i have the bruise to prove it . greenlee : and i remember -- you saved my life the night that i launched myself off that trapeze . if it had n't been for you -- kendall : well , i feel your gratitude . greenlee : you 've told me to take a flying leap how many times ? you could 've let me do it . why save me ? kendall : easy . enchantment sales are through the roof , and if you had taken a leap off of ours , the profits would 've crashed and burned with you . [ scene_break ] ethan : you still think i 'm zach 's son ? ryan : a little tingly feeling in the back of my neck . ethan : well , then you have n't been paying attention , ryan , because there 's solid evidence -- ryan : zach 's evidence . ethan : that i 'm not . so let 's just leave it at that , shall we ? ryan : you see , i ca n't do that because i keep coming back to the same place . ethan : drop it , ryan . ryan : just pretend for one minute that you are his son . ethan : do me a favor , ok ? leave me out of your fantasies . kendall , too . ryan : if it 's real , he lied to you , he lied to all of us . ethan : honestly , i really do n't care whether slater lied to me , you , and everybody . i do n't care ! ryan : just think about it . he 's doing everything in his power to wave you away from kendall . now , why would he do that ? ethan : not everybody understands kendall 's charms , ryan . ryan : zach knows that if you hook up with kendall , you stay . and if you stay , you find out the truth , and that is the last thing that he wants . [ scene_break ] zach : i love you , and i want you to be with me . what ? [ scene_break ] ethan : zach slater is not my father . ryan : you sure about that ? ethan : settled a long time ago , ryan . you 're flogging a dead horse . ryan : so you 're afraid ? or are you just stupid ? ethan : no , i 'm smart . i 'm smart enough to know when to move on . i suggest you do the same . ryan : slater 's a liar . you and i both know that . ethan : there 's dna evidence , ryan . ryan : oh , come on , do n't do that . do n't add `` naive `` to your list . i mean , he could 've bought that evidence . ethan : i 'm satisfied . i 'm satisfied . ryan : i do n't understand , because when you first came to town you were gunning for any evidence of your paternity . now you have the chance to find out the truth from an unimpeachable source , and you put on the brakes . ethan : it 's a great pitch , ryan , but i believe slater . ryan : huh . ok , me , personally , i would believe miranda . she wo n't lie to you . ethan : there 's more than dna evidence , though . zach told everybody in this town who would listen to him that i was n't his son . why would he do that if it was n't true ? ryan : i do n't know . why does zach do any of the things that he does ? why would he hide his identity ? why would he set up the murder game and put a gun in kendall 's hand ? why would he shoot at me , and even you believe that he did that . and now you believe that he 's framing kendall for poisoning greenlee . why would he do any of that ? ethan : i do n't know , ryan , ok ? i do n't know . ryan : well , there 's only one way to find the answers . take a dna test . find out who you really are . [ scene_break ] danielle : this is amazing -- these flowers , the candles , this fruit basket . reggie : the nice , big , cozy bed . danielle : no one 's ever gotten me a fruit basket before . reggie : what , you think it 's too much ? danielle : you 're too much . it 's -- it 's wonderful . reggie : what can i say ? i 've been inspired by beauty . danielle : oh , yeah ? how ? reggie : well , first of all , you 're beyond beautiful . and you 're smart . you make me laugh . and you 're fun , and too sexy . danielle : you trying to run game on me ? reggie : you 're damn right . i mean , you 're a total dime . and you 're too hot to handle . danielle : no , too starving . [ scene_break ] jack : ladies , a little sparkling cider . may 2005 bring even more miracles and joy to our family and loved ones . lily : and to my boyfriend . jack : ahem . erica : aidan devane ? lily : we have a lot in common . we both like mysteries , and i 'm not ready for touching , and neither is he . jack : yes , well , i -- i think it 's terrific . erica : aidan 's a great guy . lily : he gave me his coat . i can hold it , or i can wear it to feel close to him . he says i have beautiful eyes . erica : well , you do . and i 'm very glad you found someone to spend time with . lily : like you found my dad ? was he your first boyfriend , too ? erica : no , no , he was n't my first . lily : was he your second ? is that funny ? erica : is it ? jack : well , you see , erica 's been dating a lot longer than you , so naturally she would have had more boyfriends . lily : like , how many more ? erica : oh , i -- i do n't remember . lily : more than five ? erica : yes , definitely more than five . lily : more than seven ? jack : well , actually , sweetheart , the number , great though it may be , does n't really matter . what matters is that erica and i will be each other 's last boyfriend and girlfriend . erica : your father is so right . i definitely saved the best for last . [ scene_break ] anita : you want me to do what ? aidan : oh , come on . it 's tradition . you know , as soon you hit the water , you 'll be the newest member of the polar bear club . anita : yeah , but polar bears wear fur , not silk . aidan : it 's the best way to get rid of last year 's crud and start the new year fresh again . anita : well , i guess i do feel a little loaded down . aidan : that 's the spirit . you ready ? anita : ca n't wait . oh , my god , i think my brain is freezing . aidan : you know , the best thing about getting cold is getting warm again . but if you want , we can get dressed and join the suits in the conga line . anita : and be stuck with last year 's crud ? no way . happy new year ! [ splash ] aidan : i 'm coming ! oh ! [ splash ] [ scene_break ] greenlee : you have a theory ? kendall : big bang ? conspiracy ? what ? greenlee : about who drugged me . kendall : well , i know who did n't -- ethan . greenlee : just because he 's got that british charm thing going on -- the accent , the killer smile -- kendall : `` killer `` being the operative word ? greenlee : i get you do n't want him to be guilty . kendall : he 's not . greenlee : maybe you should start thinking with your brain and not with your -- kendall : no , he did not -- he did not drug you , and he did not shoot ryan . [ scene_break ] ethan : ryan , i 'm not taking a dna test . ryan : you have to . ethan : no , i do n't . miranda is the cambias heir now . you transferred the estate over to her . what 's happened is the best possible resolution of this situation . bianca has her baby back . ryan : that 's very touching . it really is . but if you really cared about that baby -- about miranda -- you would take the test . kendall : wait a minute . what does ethan taking a dna test have to do with my niece ? ryan : miranda could be in danger . kendall : why would anybody want to hurt miranda ? ryan : control . greenlee : money . power . take your pick . ethan : it 's nonsense , kendall . ryan : since i 've taken over cambias , i 've taken a bullet in the gut , i 've been shot at a second time , my wife 's been poisoned . do i really have to spell this out for you ? when i sign it over to miranda , she will be the next target . kendall : no . no , not miranda . ethan : it 's a scare tactic , kendall . do n't listen to him , ok ? ryan : you want to take that chance ? ethan : listen , do n't let him get to you . kendall : yeah , well , what if it 's true ? ethan : if it 's true , i promise you , i will use everything at my disposal to protect miranda and her mother . ryan : like the shotgun in your storage locker ? ethan : ryan , i do n't like you much , but i did n't shoot you . and you know i would never harm bianca or her daughter . greenlee : we should believe you because -- ethan : when i first came to this town , bianca was the only person save kendall who gave me a chance , who befriended me . and she still wants to help me . just this evening , she offered me another sample of miranda 's dna . ryan : well , then what are you waiting for ? ethan : ryan , i told you . i 'm not interested , ok ? i turned her down . ryan : and i go back to my original question . why the hell would you do that ? [ scene_break ] maria : i 'm sorry , i just -- i ca n't . because i -- i did n't know how -- that i was going to feel like this , and , you know -- and i do n't -- i want you . i do . but i do n't know where i belong right now , at all . zach : you belong with me -- maria : zach -- zach : when you 're ready . maria : i do n't know when that 's going to be , zach . zach : i 'll wait . maria : i ca n't ask you to do that . zach : why not ? not going to give up on you . i 'll give you anything you need -- time , space . you name it . but i will not stop fighting for you . zach : happy new year . maria : happy new year . [ scene_break ] [ anita laughs ] aidan : whoa ! anita : i have never been so cold in my entire life ! aidan : i 'll turn this up . anita : aidan , come get under here . you 're going to freeze to death . aidan : you know , if i get under there , it 's not going to be to warm up . anita : so do you do this every year ? aidan : absolutely . i would n't miss it for the world . what do you reckon ? want to make it part of your permanent resolution ? anita : on one condition . you promise that the water will be colder . aidan : well , i 'll see what i can do . anita : good , because i have got all kinds of resolutions . aidan : oh , really ? like what ? anita : like i -- i want to jump out of an airplane . aidan : no , i love that . i 'll come with you and i 'll pack your chute for you if you like . what else ? anita : white - water rafting . aidan : really ? you know , there 's a river -- yock . it 's quite close to here . we could go together sometime . anita : have you done everything i want to do ? aidan : oh , i do n't think so . there must be something that i 've missed . anita : belly dancing ? aidan : i 've only watched , but i 'll be more than happy to watch you . something tells me that you 're a natural . [ scene_break ] jack : i 'll take that and this . erica : thank you . lily : you 're getting married ? erica : very soon . lily : do i have to marry aidan ? jack : absolutely not . erica : no . no , i mean , you 're way too young to even think about marriage . jack : yes , and you will be for a long , long , long , long time . lily : erica , you gave me really good advice about looking stylish and friendly and not ready for sex . will you give me some more when i need it ? erica : you know i will . jack : whoa , whoa , whoa . what 's wrong with dear old dad here ? i mean , i have come up with a few words of wisdom from time to time , no ? lily : you ca n't help me . you only know about how to be a boyfriend . i need to know how to be a girlfriend , and erica 's had lots of experience -- over seven times . jack : yes , well , you got me there . erica : lily , do n't you worry . whatever advice you need , i will tell you everything you need to know . [ scene_break ] danielle : why would anybody want to eat a hairy fruit ? reggie : what ? all right , do you want to tell me what 's wrong ? danielle : nothing . it 's perfect ! i 'm going to eat everything in this basket , including the hairy one . reggie : no , i 'm talking about this weird vibe you 're giving me . danielle : not a problem . [ radio turns on ] reggie : yeah , i like that one . danielle : oh , too retro . [ music changes ] reggie : all right , dani , give it up . [ radio turns off ] reggie : what is wrong ? danielle : what 's the matter ? reggie : that 's my question . i tell you i love you . i 'm pouring out my heart , and you 're eating fruit . i mean -- danielle : i 'm hungry , i told you . that 's all . reggie : did i freak you out ? i came on too strong , did n't i ? danielle : just chill . reggie : that 's what i want to know . if you want me to cool things down , then i can deal with it . just tell me what 's on your mind . danielle : the truth ? i 'm all about you . i mean , you 're the coolest guy i 've ever met . wherever you are , that 's where i want to be . reggie : then , baby , what 's the problem ? i mean , is it your dad ? danielle : i can handle my dad . reggie : whatever it is , i can take it . i mean , we can work through it together . just -- how bad could it be ? danielle : i 'm a virgin . [ scene_break ] ethan : i 'm over the fantasy of being a cambias . i do n't know how many times i have to tell you . ryan : until you believe it . ethan : ryan , there is no reason for a second dna test . ryan : i can think of a few . ethan : well , unfortunately , it 's not up to you . it 's my decision , ok ? ryan : you know what ? you nixed the test first time around . i did n't say anything because i did n't know what your game was . but if you refuse now , i mean , it screams you were a fraud from the get - go . ethan : do n't you dare . i believed the letter from my mother and her birth certificate . kendall : that 's not fair , ryan , ok ? ethan really believed he was a cambias . he had the proof . greenlee : or forgeries . ryan : now that miranda 's here and bianca says it 's ok , `` i do n't want to `` just does n't cut it anymore , not with all your chest pounding and your self- righteous crap you 've been throwing around . kendall : lay off of him , all right ? ethan has his reasons ! ethan : kendall , just leave it ! ! ryan : well , mine trump his . take the test . if your dna is a match , a new cambias is crowned , and you get what you came for . and maybe the shooter will put the target on you instead of miranda . greenlee : so , get rich , protect a kid . you got a better reason not to take the test ? you know , i do n't get that guy . what 's the big deal ? they swab a cheek , they prick a finger . that 's it . kendall : no , that 's not it . you guys do n't seem to get it . you have all of your reasons why ethan should take this test . you do n't even have a clue as to why he ca n't . greenlee : wo n't . kendall : it 's not as simple as giving some blood . ryan : so share . kendall : ethan came to town totally amped about claiming his dead dad , and then he finds a very much alive , sadistic creep . he 's sure that zach shot you , drugged you , maybe framed me . i mean , it 's not exactly a welcome to the family . greenlee : if zach 's his father , a couple billion should ease the pain . kendall : just get past the money . imagine how he 's going to feel to find out that his uncle could be a rapist and his father a lying skeeve . greenlee : no one gets to choose their family . he should just suck it up like the rest of us . smile and pass the peas at thanksgiving . kendall : yeah , well , what if your family does n't choose you ? zach swears up and down ethan is not his son and ca n't wait to get him out of town . he even tried to pay him off . why in god 's name would ethan want to take a dna test to prove that his own father does n't want him ? [ scene_break ] ethan : wait . zach : what ? it 's too late , and i 'm too old and too tired to fight you . leave me alone . ethan : no , i do n't want to fight . zach : what do you want ? ethan : this cambias curse -- tell me about it . zach : why ? you 're not a cambias . ethan : no , but miranda is . zach : it 's still not your problem . ethan : please . what is this thing that is so horrible , you 've spent your entire life running from it ? will it -- will it touch miranda ? what is this curse ? i mean , is it the money ? is it power ? zach : money and power , huh ? money and power -- it does n't matter how much you have . it 's never enough . and the one thing that you truly want -- the one thing -- is always just out of reach . that 's what festers . and that 's what rots your soul . ethan : but if you can control the money or the power -- the desire for it , at least -- then where 's the curse ? zach : you ca n't own love . you ca n't control it . that 's the cambias curse . our need and our desire to control strangles love right where it lives . ethan : the cambias clan ca n't find love . it 's no revelation . zach : that 's not what i said . there were a few lucky enough to find it . but no cambias could ever hold onto it . [ scene_break ] edmund : hey . maria : hey . where 's maddie ? is she asleep ? edmund : no , no , no , she 's upstairs talking to her friends online , listening to music -- if you can call this music . maria : i remember those days . edmund : well , it 's been a long night . good night . maria : you want me to drive you down to the hunting lodge ? edmund : no , that 's all right . i can call my driver . maria : hey , edmund , would -- wait a sec . i just want to -- i want to talk to you about something . maria : ahem . we 're in this mess because of the secrets that i kept , and all for the wrong reasons . and -- and i thought i was n't hurting anyone , which was bull and i know that . i know that now . so i figure better the truth now , right ? i do n't want to hurt you , though , but better the truth than more lies . right ? i was just with zach . [ scene_break ] jack : hey . erica : oh , i could just watch bianca and miranda sleep all night . jack : well , sure . how often do you have two miracles right in the next room ? erica : oh , jack , i just have this feeling . do you feel it ? peace . complete and absolute peace . i mean , for the first time in such a long time , our children are safe . oh , i wish it could last forever . jack : hey , hey , hey , who says it ca n't ? you up to eloping ? erica : and miss the most amazing wedding on the planet ? jack : should i be afraid ? erica : very . [ scene_break ] anita : you were really great with lily tonight . aidan : yeah , right . after i got over the shock that she wanted to date me . of course , it 's not going to be easy . anita : why is that ? aidan : well , my trigonometry is a bit rusty . anita : well , i 'm sure she 'll be gentle . no , but really , you were just so great with her . you could have blown her off , and you did n't . and she 's so cute . every time you spoke to her , she would blush . aidan : you know , i get a kick out of how honest she is . i mean , she 's just got no shame about showing her feelings . you know , she just puts herself out there . it 's really hard to find that in the real world . anita : well , you just have to know where to look . aidan : shooting star . quick , make a wish . anita : i see it , i see it ! aidan : did you make a wish ? anita : of course . aidan : well , tell me , then . what did you wish our ? anita : besides thermal underwear ? aidan : come on , you . anita : it was about you . [ scene_break ] danielle : you think i 'm a total loser , do n't you ? you mad ? reggie : no , i 'm just surprised , that 's all . danielle : you think i led you on ? what ? virgins got to wear high collars and ugly shoes ? reggie : just forget it , ok ? danielle : so you know , i have -- i have nothing against sex . i 'm just not ready . reggie : you 're not ready , or not me ? which one ? danielle : it 's you . it 's all you . there 's no one else . i mean , and i want to when it feels right . no one 's ever done anything like this for me before . if you can wait just a little bit longer -- ok . fine . you do n't want to wait ? you got to turn it out now ? grab yourself a hoochie mama and -- reggie : no , danielle , it 's -- danielle : what ? reggie : no , wait . can you just wait ? you do n't understand . danielle : well , sure i do . you have the room for the whole night . why do n't you buzz up a hoochie mama and get your money 's worth ! reggie : no , dani -- look , can you just shut up , please ? can you just please wait a second ? danielle : well ? what ? all right , fine . see you , or not . reggie : no , wait . all right , all right , danielle , i -- i 'm a virgin , too . [ scene_break ] kendall : just try to see this from ethan 's point of view . greenlee : behind a scope ? kendall : ryan , remember when you found out that chris stamp was your real father , not patrick lavery ? ryan : one of the better days of my life . kendall : and you -- you thought that that heartless sob was your real dad . he was more attached to your trust fund than you . now , how happy were you when you found out that jackson was your real father ? i mean , the two of you -- the two of you traded up and you hit the daddy lotto . ethan takes his shot and he gets garbage . greenlee : well , knowing is still better than not knowing , right ? kendall : yeah , but ethan goes for this , there 's no going back . greenlee : he was excited he was a cambias when he walked into the office demanding his inheritance . kendall : it 's always about the money with you . all ethan wants to do is to find out who he is and where he fits in . he finally feels like he can belong somewhere . he can look at someone 's face and see his own -- know he 's home . but now the man that ethan thinks created him -- the one man -- the one man that he wants to be like turns out to be someone he despises . [ scene_break ] zach : the third degree is over . good night . ethan : well , i just find it hard to believe that a tough guy like you is afraid of a curse . zach : only the arrogant think they can beat it . my father could n't . my brother could n't . ethan : what about you ? name changes , revised history . any of it made a difference ? zach : the luckiest day of your life is when i told you you were n't my son . so what are you doing ? why are you trying to hold on to some hope that you 're part of this pathetic family ? ethan : i 'm beyond relieved . what do i want with curses , evil legacies ? i 'm going to pick up my garlic , pack up my stakes , and get right out of here . zach : you mean it ? ethan : yeah . yeah , as soon as my trial 's over , i 'll either be heading back to london -- if i 'm lucky -- or if not , i 'll be going to statesville , i guess . zach : what about kendall ? ethan : wrong as you are about so many things , you may be right about her . good night . [ scene_break ] edmund : thank you for being honest . maria : but i did n't -- i did n't sleep with zach . edmund : maria , details are n't necessary . maria : no , they are , because i -- he wanted me to , and he was telling me that he wanted to have a life with me . and i was really tempted because -- i do n't know -- i 've just -- i have been so lost , edmund . i 've been so lost , and it just felt good to be wanted . edmund : maria , it 's not necessary . maria : you know , i did n't because i thought about you , and i thought about the way that we fell in love . and it was just so amazing and so intense and so like a dream . but better , because it was real . and it still is for me . so maybe we ca n't -- maybe we ca n't go back to that crazy - in - love place . and that 's ok . i accept that . but maybe we can -- i just ca n't believe that this is gone because it was too big . it was too -- too important . tell me that we have a chance . do n't we ? edmund : we can never get back what we had . maria : i know . i know we ca n't . but maybe we can -- you know , if we work together and we work really hard , maybe we can create something new . maybe we can make something stronger , something even better . edmund : i do n't know . happy new year . [ scene_break ] aidan : so are you going to tell me what you wished for , or are you going to make me guess ? anita : i wished that you would kiss me . that confirms it . aidan : what ? anita : there 's something else that i want in 2005 more than skydiving and white - water rafting . aidan : well , some belly dancing ? anita : you . [ scene_break ] jack : i 'd like to hear a little more about this amazing wedding you 've concocted . erica : ever ridden a camel ? jack : oddly enough , no . erica : well , i think the pyramids would be a beautiful backdrop for a ceremony . jack : sure , but what if a sandstorm came up ? it would ruin your hair and makeup . erica : hmm , true . jack : hmm . erica : what about machu picchu ? exotic , beautiful , one of the wonders of the world . jack : redundant . it 's just like you . erica : thank you . i love you . i love you so much . and i have for so many years , and i ca n't believe that we 're really going to make this happen . we 're going to make it right . jack : yeah . erica : forever . jack : yeah . come here , you . you know , we may have lost each other a few times along the way -- well , maybe more than a few times . but you , my dear -- you were always my heart , and you always will be . [ scene_break ] danielle : i ca n't believe you 're a virgin , too . i mean , you 're just so cool about everything . reggie : `` cool `` is just a state of mind . it 's got nothing to do with getting some . i mean , in my old neighborhood , the guys -- they always bragging about it , you know ? when they was going to smash , who they smashed , how often they got it . i mean , after a while , it just -- it just did n't mean anything . and that 's not how i want it to be with you . i want it to be real , not something just to brag about . danielle : i did n't realize anyone else felt that way . reggie : i 've seen too much . i was just scared of screwing up , having a kid by a girl i barely even knew . danielle : but you 're ready now ? reggie : very ready . you know , except for the whole dad part , i mean . danielle : i 've screwed everything up . reggie : no , dani . did you hear me ? i said i love you . `` i love you `` means i 'm willing to wait till you 're ready . danielle : you mean it ? reggie : i would n't say it if i did n't . we 're going to be each other 's first , ok ? [ scene_break ] ryan : it 's not over , kendall . and it wo n't be until ethan takes that test . kendall : well , just let me talk to him . ryan : and that 's supposed to make me feel better ? greenlee : well , if anyone can get through to him -- ethan : still here ? kendall : they were just leaving . ryan : is something wrong with the front door ? ethan : slater . i saw him outside . we had a little chat . i did n't want him to see me come back in through the front . ryan : and why is that ? you find something out ? ethan : nothing to interest you . but he 's definitely hiding something . kendall : what , you think that zach is evil enough to hurt his own niece ? ethan : first let 's find out if he 's evil enough to hurt his own son . kendall : you 're going to take the test ? ethan : if i am a cambias , it 's the best way that i can protect miranda , and i can put a crimp in slater 's plans , whatever they are . ryan : well , it 's about time . how 's tomorrow for you ? kendall : ok , all right , you 're out of here . ryan : you 're doing the right thing , man . greenlee : thanks . for everything . kendall : i believe you . you do n't have to kick me twice . zach got to you , did n't he ? hmm . what did he say ? what was that for ? ethan : for being on my side . win , lose , or draw , i know i 'll -- i know i 'll have you with me . kendall : well , no matter what , you 've got me . [ next_on ] joe : there really is n't a person in all of pine valley who is n't in debt to agnes . opal : you 'd think she built the town single - handed . j.r. : you shot a man , killed him to protect jamie . you 'd better start protecting him again . adam : i want to talk to you about j.r. 's son .
greenlee and ryan try to persuade ethan to get a dna test to prove whether he 's zach 's son . at first he refuses . but after talking to zach , he 's able to tell that zach is hiding something and he agrees , realizing that he needs to protect miranda if she 's going to be getting the cambias estate and if he 's related to her . anita and aiden have a good thing going and swim in the freezing river . lily announces to erica that aiden is her boyfriend and consults her for some `` woman to woman `` advice about having boyfriends . reggie wants to sleep with danielle . but she reveals to him that she 's a virgin . to her surprise , he reveals that he is also .
revelers : 10 , 9 , 8 , 7 -- erica : please help me . i need you . [ man hums `` auld lang syne `` ] caleb : you can count on me . [ noisemakers blow ] caleb : you can trust me . [ kisses erica ] [ scene_break ] greenlee : i knew she would crash right before the ball dropped . ryan : she did . she collapsed . i 'm telling you , she sets her mind to something and she does it , kind of like somebody else i know . [ telephone rings ] ryan : are you kidding me right now ? it 's the hospital . hello ? hey , frankie . [ greenlee remembers ] madison : i want this baby . ryan : ok . thanks for calling . greenlee : what happened ? ryan : it 's kendall . greenlee : she 's in the hospital ? ryan : could be complications with her heart . [ scene_break ] asher : happy new year , man . j.r. : hey . thanks . same to you . i mean that . i know things have been crazy lately , but that 's sort of how this family works . so you ca n't escape now even if you wanted to . asher : thanks . hey , how do you do it , man ? j.r. : do what ? asher : you just spent new year 's with marissa and a.j . , right ? j.r. : yeah ? asher : and i 'm guessing you 're gon na go chill out with your girlfriend ? so what 's your plan when it all hits the fan ? [ scene_break ] reporter : confetti 's been thrown , everyone 's gotten their midnight kiss , but we 're -- [ annie turns off tv ] [ scene_break ] griffin : we 're treating kendall 's pneumonia as aggressively as we can . bianca : because you 're worried about rejection of the donor heart ? griffin : you always jump to the worst - case scenario ? jack : ok , doctor , what 's the best - case scenario ? griffin : that the antibiotics work their magic . before you know it , she 's good as new -- or at least to where she was before the infection . bianca : can we see her ? griffin : i 'm gon na hold off on visitors for a little while . let your sister get some rest . [ scene_break ] kendall : zach . [ scene_break ] jack : thank you , doctor . boy , it must be killing your mom not to be able to see kendall . bianca : yeah , that must be why she 's not here . she probably could n't stand sitting around , not doing anything . jack : yeah , i 'm sure that 's it . i 'm just surprised she has n't at least called . [ scene_break ] [ crowd cheering ] [ noisemakers blow ] erica : what am i doing ? this has been such an emotional night , after everything that happened with kendall and everything . caleb : i think we both know that this was always gon na happen . erica : what do you mean ? caleb : do n't beat yourself up over this . erica : i ca n't even really think about this right now , not with kendall lying in the hospital like that . i mean , i do n't know how much more her heart can take . caleb , you have to promise me that you wo n't say anything to anyone . i mean , kendall -- she can never remember that she is the one who shot david . caleb : whatever happens between you and me is between us . erica : i should get back . even if i ca n't see kendall , i can at least be close . thank you . caleb , thank you for protecting my daughter . caleb : you 're welcome . [ scene_break ] greenlee : just when things seemed like they were getting back to normal , pneumonia ? ryan : she collapsed . erica brought her in . i mean , you let yourself get run down with an infection like this , there 's a serious , serious chance of rejection . greenlee : we need to get to the hospital . ryan : ok . i 'm gon na call annie and see if she can watch emma . wait . greenlee : what ? ryan : spike and ian . sandra 's watching them right now , but sandra does n't usually stay overnight . she does n't know the drill when spike wakes up . greenlee : ok . here 's what we 're gon na do . you wait here until annie can get here , and then you go to the hospital . i 'll go to kendall 's , i 'll relieve the nanny , and i 'll be there if one of the boys wakes up . ryan : are you sure ? greenlee : this is what we do , right ? ryan : yeah . ok . [ scene_break ] jack : so how will we know if the antibiotics are working ? griffin : it 's hard to say . we 're hitting her with everything we 've got , then we 're gon na focus on bringing her blood pressure down . bianca : but it 's all doable , right ? she could be fine ? griffin : right now the odds are in her favor . if you 'll excuse me , i 'm gon na go check on her vitals . jack : thanks . yeah . how you holding up ? are you ok ? bianca : i 'm fine . i just want to see her . jack : we 'll get in and see -- hi . hi . i am so , so sorry about everything that happened . erica : has there been any change ? jack : she 's still sleeping . bianca : dr. castillo 's checking in on her now . jack : yeah , i just -- i 'm just so sorry we fought like that . erica : oh . do n't -- really . i 'm not even -- that 's the last thing i 'm thinking about . jack : i realize kendall is what we have to give our attention to . i know that . erica : yes . [ scene_break ] caleb : any news on your sister ? bianca : just a whole lot of doctor - speak . caleb : you got to look after her . bianca : they wo n't let me in to see her . caleb : i mean your mom . [ scene_break ] griffin : what are you doing in here ? rev . torres : i 'm a minister . griffin : i know who you are . no visitors , even those sent by god . [ scene_break ] j.r. : nothing is hitting the fan . asher : i heard about caleb getting cortlandt electronics back . j.r. : ok , i 'll give you that . some things have hit the fan at chandler , but that 's how it works . one minute palmer would be on top , the next minute my father was pinning him to the mat . asher : so , what , you and caleb are gon na be like the next adam and palmer ? j.r. : palmer and my father were the real deal . i only wish to be half of what they were . caleb does n't measure up . ok ? the one thing i do have going for me is i have chandler and cortlandt blood running through my veins . it was n't easy to be in the middle , but now that gives me an edge . asher : maybe that 's why you 're so good at keeping things so chill between you and marissa without freaking annie out . j.r. : it 's finally paid off . marissa 's agreed to joint custody , and my son is n't going anywhere . asher : dude , that 's awesome . j.r. : yeah , it is . thank you . asher : now you guys can go public or whatever . j.r. : not until the divorce papers are final . now that we 're family , asher , i can count on you to be discreet ? asher : hey , if this thing gets out between you and annie , it wo n't be because of me . [ scene_break ] [ telephone rings ] annie : j.r. , where are you ? ryan : annie ? annie : ryan . hey . sorry . i thought you were -- ryan : i know exactly who you thought i was . i 'm glad you 're still awake . annie : why ? is emma ok ? ryan : she 's fine . she 's fine . but i need you to come over here and take care of her for a little while . ok ? annie : right now ? ryan : yes . now . annie : ryan , it 's not really a good time . ryan : annie , listen . this is really , really important . ok ? i just need you to come over here and take care of our little girl . [ scene_break ] madison : kendall invited me over to watch the ball drop , but when i got here , she 'd already been taken to the hospital . greenlee : what happened to the babysitter ? madison : she seemed upset , was n't planning on spending the night , so i told her to go home , that i would stay . greenlee : have either of them woken up ? madison : not yet . it 's only a matter of time before spike -- i do n't have to tell you about spike . greenlee : no , you do n't . well , consider yourself off the hook . i 'm sure you 've got lots to do to get ready for new york . you 're still planning on going , right ? i made a few phone calls . i set up an interview with one of fusion 's distributors . madison : oh . wow . that 's -- greenlee : is there a problem ? madison : no . you really want me gone , do n't you ? me and my baby ? [ scene_break ] j.r. : mm - mm . boy , you look incredible . annie : i 'm glad you got to see me in it for 30 seconds . j.r. : oh . it 's gon na be coming off that fast ? annie : no . no . ryan called , and he needs me to go over there to stay with emma . j.r. : where 's ryan going ? annie : he needs to go to the hospital to see kendall . j.r. : is she ok ? annie : pneumonia , which i guess normally would n't be that big of a deal . but with her heart and -- j.r. : ok , how about this ? how about we just have our own celebration tomorrow ? annie : you sure you wo n't be tied up with marissa ? j.r. : i 've got nothing on my schedule except spending time with you . annie : i have an idea . why do n't you come with me tonight ? j.r. : to ryan 's ? annie : yes ! emma 's asleep . she would n't know . nobody would know . j.r. : i do n't think that 's such a good idea . annie : come on . what happened to your adventurous spirit ? i thought you liked the whole forbidden thing . j.r. : i do , but that is -- it 's risky . i 'm sorry that it worked out like that . i really wanted to be with you tonight . annie : you still can . j.r. : what if emma wakes up ? or what if someone sees me coming into ryan 's building with you ? annie , we talked about this . annie : i know we did . i 'm just disappointed . j.r. : i 'm sorry . i promise i 'll make it up to you tomorrow . annie : tomorrow . it 's always tomorrow . [ scene_break ] erica : i 'm so sorry that we did n't have our evening . jack : sweetheart , please do n't say another word about that . erica : no . you went to so much trouble . you rented the whole place out just to sweep me off my feet . jack : hey , so we 'll do the whole restaurant all to ourselves another time . ok ? kendall is gon na be ok . it 's just a good thing you were there when she collapsed , huh ? erica : yeah . yes . but this dr. castillo , who 's on duty -- you like him , right ? jack : i checked him out . he 's got a very good reputation . erica : that 's good . then it 's good that he was here in town . jack : yes , and listen . thank you for having caleb call me to let me know what was going on . erica : i would 've done it myself -- jack : but you were busy with kendall . i know . erica : yes . and the thought of leaving her side -- jack : where 'd you go ? when i got here , you were nowhere to be found . i just wondered where you went . [ scene_break ] rev . torres : i am sorry , doc . i did n't realize the room was off - limits . griffin : she does n't need prayer . she needs antibiotics . rev . torres : there 's no reason she ca n't have both . griffin : it 's time for you to go . rev . torres : do you have a problem with religion ? griffin : no . not at all . i can tell your counsel has been a really big help . rev . torres : ok . when she wakes up , please tell her i stopped by . griffin : kendall ? it 's dr. castillo . was that too formal ? let 's try griffin . or , knowing you , you 'd probably want to call me `` griff . `` shh , shh . just try to stay calm . everything 's gon na be ok . your coming to is a good sign , kendall , but i need you to stay calm . just try to relax . can you do that for me ? [ scene_break ] erica : so as i was saying , i was in need of help , of guidance . jack : so you went to the chapel ? erica : i spoke to my mother . i spoke to zach . i begged zach to give kendall the strength to stay here with us . jack : kendall is not going anywhere . let 's just take this one moment at a time . ok ? sweetheart , you do n't have to carry all this by yourself . erica : i just made another new year 's resolution -- not to ever , ever take you for granted . i love you , jack . i love you so much . jack : i love you -- more , i think , than you may ever know . [ scene_break ] caleb : the usual , please . singer : in your dreams i 'm here in your sleep destined to be destined to be [ j.r. blows noisemaker in caleb 's ear ] [ scene_break ] ryan : hey . wow . you look fancy . annie : it 's new year 's eve , ryan , in case you forgot . i did n't bring spare clothes to the hotel . ryan : hotel ? annie : do n't you need to get to the hospital ? ryan : no , actually , not yet . kendall is not allowed to have visitors just yet . so -- annie : that 's great . i 'm glad i ran over here and ruined my night with j.r. for nothing . do n't look at me like that . ryan : i 'm not looking at you like anything . annie : yes , you are . and for the record , it 's not like j.r. is stashing me away like some little secret . we really , really care about one another . ryan : just not enough to tell anybody that you 're actually together ? annie : we want to . we just -- we ca n't . it 's complicated . ryan : ok . annie : marissa 's agreed to joint custody , which is a great thing . but until everything 's finalized , j.r. does n't want to rock the boat . and with all this drama going on with chandler , we just think it 's best to wait until we go public . ryan : sounds like you got everything figured out . annie : yeah . it 's perfect -- except for the fact that i hate it . you think it 's fun hiding out in some random motel , not being able to tell people the way you really feel ? why ca n't it just be easy ? i lost you to greenlee , adam to brooke , scott to prison . i will not lose j.r . ryan : annie , you do realize that marissa still is legally his wife ? annie : just like i was yours when you fell back in love with greenlee ? i will not be tossed aside . no way . not again . ryan : hey , annie . i would n't be asking this if it was n't for emma , but are you sure you 're ok ? [ scene_break ] greenlee : i 've been completely upfront with you about your situation . madison : my situation ? i 'm having a baby , ryan 's baby . greenlee : you do n't need to remind me . i thought we came to some sort of understanding on christmas eve . madison : we did . and i meant what i said . i am beyond grateful that you brought me to the hospital -- brought us to the hospital . greenlee : but what ? you do n't want my help anymore ? just say the word , and i 'll call the distributor . madison : i do want your help . i need it . it 's just this whole thing is a little bit complicated . greenlee : tell me about it . madison : and the thought of moving my entire life in the middle of this pregnancy -- it 's daunting . greenlee : are you having second thoughts ? madison : no . i mean -- no , i do n't think so . my leaving is best for everybody . ok ? i get that . greenlee : but it 's hard ? madison : yeah . greenlee : and ryan ? madison : i 'm not ready to tell him yet . i 'll move , and i 'll have a job . hopefully , i will be self - sufficient . maybe he wo n't feel like he owes me so much . greenlee : he 'll always feel like he owes you something . he 's ryan . madison : hopefully , he will feel like he does n't owe me as much . greenlee : that 's what i want , too -- for just a little time that ryan and i can have together without -- so we 're settled ? madison : he wo n't find out that you knew about this -- at least not from me . i owe you that for saving us in the park . greenlee : thanks for watching the boys . i 'll take it from here . madison : bye , greenlee . greenlee : bye . good luck . [ scene_break ] griffin : good news . the antibiotics are taking effect . her blood gases are improving . bianca : that 's good , right ? griffin : it is . erica : but ? griffin : but her blood pressure is still higher than i 'd like . i 'm trying to keep her calm , but it 's not easy . erica : what do you mean ? griffin : she 's restless . she 's worked up about something . erica : can i see her , please , now ? griffin : as long as you keep it quick . erica : ok . thank you . oh , honey , please ? do you mind ? i just would like to have a moment alone with kendall . bianca : yeah . sure . of course . erica : kendall ? ohh , it is so good to see those beautiful eyes of yours again . kendall : mom ? erica : yes , yes , it 's me . kendall : mom , i am so scared . erica : sweetheart , you 're doing great . the antibiotics are kicking in . there 's nothing for you to be scared of . you 're gon na be home before you know it with your little boys . kendall : but i keep getting this panicked feeling , especially when i sleep , like i ca n't get away from something . erica : i 'm sure that 's nightmares , probably from the medication . kendall : but it feels so real . erica : sweetheart , i want you to focus on positive thoughts about spike and ian , bianca , the girls , and me -- everyone who wants you to get well . we love you . that 's right . take a deep breath . can you do that ? how 's that ? better ? kendall : better . [ scene_break ] madison : bianca , how 's kendall ? bianca : hanging in there . who 's with the boys ? madison : greenlee . she came by the house , took over for me . bianca : that must 've been an interesting tradeoff . madison : compared with what kendall 's been dealing with , it 's nothing . when i think about how much she 's been through -- bianca : too much . madison : but kendall knows that she 's not alone . that 's everything . bianca : hey , are you ok ? madison : yeah . i 'm fine . do you think she regrets it ? bianca : regrets what ? madison : staying here . do you think a part of her wishes that they 'd gone back out on that yacht ? maybe zach would be alive . maybe she would n't be sick . bianca : yeah , i 'm sure she plays the `` what if `` game every day . but the only thing we know is if she did n't stay , she would n't have her family and friends to support her . and like you said , that 's everything . [ scene_break ] annie : you do n't have to worry about me . i 'm fine . ryan : ok . it just looked like you were getting a little bit worked up . that 's all . annie : can you blame me ? between chandler and j.r. and what happened to kendall , it 's kind of been an intense night , ryan . ryan : i understand that . i just remember in the past when you got a little bit overwhelmed -- annie : i am not going back to a padded cell . ok ? ryan : because emma needs -- annie : i 'm not going anywhere ! just stop ! i 'm fine ! ok ? drop it ! ryan : ok . so just call if you need anything . annie : we do n't need anything . we 'll be fine . just go , and tell kendall i hope she feels better . you know what my new year 's resolution is ? i am done being the other woman . you hear me ? never again . [ scene_break ] j.r. : that 's not the most healthy way to start the new year . caleb : did n't know you cared . j.r. : i do n't . how 's business ? caleb : better than yours . j.r. : do n't get used to it . caleb : you still think you 're gon na come out on top ? j.r. : yep . boy , these fries look good . except only one us is going to survive this year . mind if i dip in your ketchup ? caleb : it 's all yours . [ scene_break ] bianca : so now that you 're not at fusion anymore , you have any idea what 's next ? madison : i 'm not sure yet , actually . i have a bunch of options right now . new york 's at the top of the list . bianca : fun . madison : yeah . bianca : not fun ? madison : i just wonder if it 'll measure up , you know ? and after my atrocious start in this town , i actually made some friends -- good friends . bianca : i 'm sure you 'll meet great people wherever you go . not pine valley great , of course . madison : impossible . ha ha . bianca : i 'm gon na go check on kendall . madison : yeah . do n't let me hold you . bianca : good luck , madison . madison : thanks . and give my best to kendall . ryan : glad i ran into you . madison : still pushing that specialist ? ryan : hey , she 's the best in the business . i still think you should go see her . madison : my arm is fine , ryan . really . you should see my fastball . ryan : hey , look . wherever you end up going , i hope it 's exactly what you 're looking for . ok ? madison : thanks . i hope so , too . ryan : hey . bianca : hey . so good to see you . ryan : how 's kendall ? how 's she doing ? bianca : the antibiotics are working , but now the challenge is to get her blood pressure down . unfortunately , dr. castillo just said i was the last visitor of the night , so i 'm sorry you came all the way down here . ryan : you kidding ? do n't worry about it . as long as kendall is feeling better , that 's all that matters . so is there anything that i can do ? anything ? bianca : just go be with spike and ian . i know she would like that . ryan : i can do that . bianca : bye . [ scene_break ] madison : i guess i just was n't prepared . frankie : for what ? madison : for how hard this would be . i 'm gon na miss you guys . frankie : we 're gon na miss you , too . randi : do n't be a stranger . ok ? madison : yeah . i wo n't . frankie : hey , and when you visit , you know where to crash , right ? madison : i do n't even know how to thank you guys -- everything you 've done for me . figures , though . of course , as soon as i make good friends , i have to leave . randi : you do n't have to do this . this is your decision , not greenlee 's . frankie : yeah . if you want to stay , stay . [ scene_break ] greenlee : hey . spike : where 's mommy ? greenlee : where 's mommy ? mommy went someplace to sleep for a little bit because she 's really , really tired . but she wanted me to tell you that she loves you very much , and she 's gon na be home soon . spike : are you gon na be a mommy someday , too ? greenlee : well , i kind of already am . i love your daddy very much , and what 's his is kind of mine , so that makes me a very lucky girl , because i get to hang out with you and emma . come here . [ scene_break ] asher : what the hell is going on here ? j.r. : oh . what ? just because we 're not attacking each other ? it 's a holiday . in fact , here 's to the upcoming year . caleb : to 2011 . j.r. : i should go . just so we 're clear , that drink -- caleb : we 're clear . j.r. : ok . caleb : what are your plans ? asher : i 'm gon na head out . hey . happy new year . caleb : thanks . happy new year , asher . [ scene_break ] [ telephone rings ] annie : `` open door if coast is clear `` ? j.r. : happy new year . i just could n't stay away . annie : i am so happy to see you . j.r. : i just came to say hi . annie : oh , no , no . you 're not leaving me again . we are starting this year off right . [ scene_break ] kendall : the boys ? erica : the boys are fine . i 'm sure they 're sleeping like little angels right now . bianca : ryan and greenlee are with them . kendall : and you ? erica : i 'm fine . kendall : good . erica : oh , that 's right , honey . you get some sleep now . sweet dreams , kendall . bianca : ok , mom , let 's go . let 's give her some rest . erica : no . someone has to be here . someone has to stay here to look after her . bianca : is n't that what the doctors are for ? mom , what is going on ? erica : nothing . i 'm just worried . bianca : me , too . but now i 'm wondering whether i should be worried about you , too . erica : do n't be silly . bianca : caleb told me to take care of you . erica : he said that ? that 's very sweet , but i 'm not the one who needs taking care of . bianca : mom , talk to me . griffin : i hate to break up the party , but -- erica : doctor , i want you to take a good look at the woman who 's lying in this bed . kendall is not just any patient . she 's been through more than you could possibly imagine . i 'm trusting you with her care . griffin : ms. kane -- erica : you 're very cute , and you 're very charming . but the thing i 'm most concerned about is that you understand the responsibility that we 're giving you . she has two little boys at home , and she just lost her husband . bianca : mom , let 's go . let 's leave dr. castillo . griffin : ms. kane , i understand . [ scene_break ] ryan : to 2011 . greenlee : may it be better than 2010 . seriously , it 's not that hard . ryan : it will be . i 'll make sure of it . [ telephone rings ] greenlee : bianca . she must be calling from the hospital . hello ? madison : hey . it 's madison . greenlee : any change ? madison : actually , yeah . i 'm not leaving pine valley . i know i said i would , but i ca n't . and i 'm sorry if this messes things up for you and ryan , but this is my home . it 's where i need to be , especially now . greenlee : thanks for filling me in . madison : i still do n't want to tell ryan . this is my baby . greenlee : yep . talk soon . ryan : everything ok ? greenlee : everything 's fine . [ scene_break ] j.r. : you know we ca n't . annie : i know . i know . not with emma upstairs . i had this whole night planned out for us , and it was gon na be so special . j.r. : it still can be . annie : even if i ca n't show you how i feel ? j.r. : i know how you feel . the question is , do you know how i feel ? you and i , we 're like oil and water . we should n't be together . maybe -- i do n't know , but something about you is -- i keep coming back . annie : here 's to 2011 , the year i become your wife . [ scene_break ] jack : i could n't find any real glasses , so i guess these will have to do . here you go . i just want to propose a toast . i know this was n't exactly the new year 's eve that any of us envisioned . bianca : that is an understatement . jack : yeah . but here we all are , together . erica : together . bianca : together .
on the roof of ryan 's condo , erica tells caleb that she needs him . caleb lets her know that she can count on him . they kiss . greenlee and ryan come downstairs from putting emma to bed when ryan receives a call from frankie . greenlee remembers her conversation with madison in which she was going to arrange for madison to leave town . ryan tells greenlee about kendall 's pneumonia and it is compromising her heart . they come up with a plan to take care of all the children . in the hospital , kendall has dreams . at the chandler mansion , asher questions j.r. about his spending time with marissa and a.j . on new year 's . in her hotel room , annie watches television alone . griffin fills jack and bianca in on kendall 's condition . jack wonders as to where erica could be . kendall calls out for zach . asher finds out about j.r. and annie , but promises to keep the secret . ryan calls annie for help with emma , but annie has other plans for the evening , but finally agrees to stay with emma . annie asks j.r. to accompany her to ryan 's , but j.r. refuses . j.r. promises to make it up to annie tomorrow . annie lets him know that it is always tomorrow . kendall awakens and finds that griffin is with her . greenlee arrives at kendall 's to check on the children and finds madison there .
"tad : i ca n't -- i ca n't believe it . i would never on my worst day consider what just happened b(...TRUNCATED)
"maria has a premonition that edmund 's life is in danger . she rushes to find him . edmund is at th(...TRUNCATED)
"tad : give me that . joe : is it bianca ? erica : no , no , no , bianca 's fine . joe : well , then(...TRUNCATED)
"there is a big cast party at the hospital for the 35th anniversary of amc , where agnes nixon , cre(...TRUNCATED)
"erica : ok , do n't forget to label these boxes . oh , these boxes , these have to go out to the va(...TRUNCATED)
"at the chandler mansion , bianca helps her mother pack up her belongings to move back into the fusi(...TRUNCATED)
"hayley : i 'm hayley santos , and i 'd like to welcome you to a very special `` wave . `` as you ca(...TRUNCATED)
"this episode of amc marked its 40th anniversary with quite a few of the stars coming back for speci(...TRUNCATED) exists but content is empty. Use the Edit dataset card button to edit it.
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