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as if de palma spent an hour setting a fancy table and then served up kraft macaroni and cheese | 0 |
the concept is a hoot . | 1 |
kline 's superbly nuanced performance | 1 |
's difficult to imagine that a more confused , less interesting and more sloppily made film could possibly come down the road in 2002 | 0 |
go down in the annals of cinema | 1 |
scarily funny , sorrowfully sympathetic to the damage it | 1 |
once one experiences mr. haneke 's own sadistic tendencies toward his audience , one is left with a sour taste in one 's mouth , and little else . | 0 |
swim represents an engaging and intimate first feature by a talented director to watch | 1 |
gimmick | 0 |
from a philosophical emptiness and maddeningly sedate pacing | 0 |
, cultivation and devotion | 1 |
wanting to abandon the theater | 0 |
pretentious , untalented artistes who enjoy moaning about their cruel fate | 0 |
Ona se mora spomenuti ovdje, a na Vladi RH koja je predložila taj zakon da iznađe model kako to riješiti. | 2 |
disappointing in comparison to other recent war movies ... or any other john woo flick for that matter . | 0 |
of its marks | 1 |
visually striking and | 1 |
what critics have come to term an `` ambitious failure | 0 |
`` sweet home alabama '' is what it is -- a nice , harmless date film ... | 1 |
A 13 beszélgetés lehet, hogy egy kicsit túl rejtélyes és túl ambiciózus ahhoz, hogy teljesen sikeres legyen, de Jill Sprecher és forgatókönyvíró partnere és húga, Karen Sprecher úgy tűnik, sosem fogynak ki az ötletekből. | 1 |
90 minutes trying figure out whether or not some cocky pseudo-intellectual kid has intentionally left college or was killed | 0 |
is an extraordinary film , not least because it is japanese and yet feels universal . | 1 |
uplifter . | 1 |
Ovdje radimo, donosimo jedan zakon koji je od velike važnosti za RH, za njene građane, za poljoprivrednu proizvodnju i za okoliš. | 1 |
the chance it affords to watch jackson , who also served as executive producer , take his smooth , shrewd , powerful act abroad | 1 |
uninspired preachy and clichéd war | 0 |
search of purpose or even a plot | 0 |
Most már két jel utal arra, hogy M. Night Shyamalan bemutatkozó filmje mindent felszívott, amivel a mozi misztikus műfajaihoz hozzá kell járulnia: A sebezhetetlen és a Jelek. | 2 |
A háború fájdalmát és erőszakát használja háttéranyagként a színekhez. | 2 |
appreciation | 1 |
Najprej uveljavite svojo odgovornost, tako kot sem prej rekel, da ste pustili popolnoma prazna skladišča, da ste pustili državljanke in državljane brez zaščite, v življenjski nevarnosti. | 0 |
wise and powerful tale | 1 |
is gone , replaced by the forced funniness found in the dullest kiddie flicks | 0 |
the land of unintentional melodrama and tiresome love triangles | 0 |
Méltó kiegészítője a filmes kánonnak, amely a legutóbbi számítások szerint 52 különböző változatot számlált. | 1 |
a thoroughly entertaining comedy that uses grant 's own twist of acidity to prevent itself from succumbing to its own bathos . | 1 |
an insultingly inept and artificial examination | 0 |
, pranks , pratfalls , dares , injuries , etc . | 0 |
Fislaklni deficit u zemljama regionima, ukoliko upoređujemo sa zemljama u tranziciji u regionu, možemo vidjeti da je i i po ovom pitanju BiH ostvarila jedan od najboljih rezultata. | 1 |
A csaták, amiket az udvaron rendeztél a zöld műanyag katonáiddal, sokkal izgalmasabbak ennél, és minden bizonnyal több értelem is szorult beléjük. | 0 |
every moment crackles with tension , and by the end of the flick , you 're on the edge of your seat | 1 |
there are many definitions of ` time waster ' | 0 |
pitiful | 0 |
an uplifting , near-masterpiece | 1 |
praises female self-sacrifice | 1 |
Bitno je da u osnovi svih ovih promena nalazi SSP. | 0 |
long and relentlessly saccharine film | 0 |
slap-happy | 1 |
the large-format film is well suited to capture these musicians in full regalia and the incredible imax sound system lets you feel the beat down to your toes . | 1 |
A legtöbb dolog, amit „inspirálónak” és „felemelőnek” szántak, egyszerűen gusztustalan a közönség számára, akik még nem osztják a film gondolkodásmódját. | 0 |
the major problem with windtalkers is that the bulk of the movie centers on the wrong character . | 0 |
Pokud tento návrh neprojde, dovolím si navrhnout prodloužit lhůtu na projednání zákona ve výborech o 20 dní. | 2 |
rescue me from a summer of teen-driven , toilet-humor codswallop | 0 |
are immaculate , with roussillon providing comic relief . | 1 |
unfolds as sand 's masculine persona , with its love of life and beauty , takes form | 1 |
with the american dream | 1 |
brainless flibbertigibbet | 0 |
very sweet | 1 |
have been worth cheering as a breakthrough | 1 |
the enjoyable undercover brother , a zany mix of saturday night live-style parody , '70s blaxploitation films and goofball action comedy gone wild , | 1 |
what 's even more remarkable is the integrity of devito 's misanthropic vision | 1 |
incoherence and | 0 |
time , death | 0 |
the acting is just fine | 1 |
has never been smoother or more confident . | 1 |
a tiny sense of hope | 1 |
you 're a comic fan | 1 |
herzog simply runs out of ideas and the pace turns positively leaden as the movie sputters to its inevitable tragic conclusion | 0 |
first and | 0 |
eloquently | 1 |
clear-cut | 1 |
see who can out-bad-act the other | 0 |
that the german film industry can not make a delightful comedy centering on food | 0 |
the best 60 minutes | 1 |
Hvala lepa za vaš poslu in poslušanje realnih podatkov. | 2 |
nice piece of work . | 1 |
a silly hack-and-slash flick | 0 |
is smart writing , skewed characters , and the title performance by kieran culkin . | 1 |
Prosila bych, abychom toto zařízení nediskriminovali touto formou. | 0 |
deserve better | 0 |
this too-long , spoofy update of shakespeare 's macbeth | 0 |
big round eyes and | 1 |
that 's part of what makes dover kosashvili 's outstanding feature debut so potent | 1 |
a new favorite musical | 1 |
existential drama without any of the pretension associated with the term | 1 |
an action/thriller of the finest kind , evoking memories of day of the jackal , the french connection , and heat . | 1 |
hey everybody , wan na watch a movie in which a guy dressed as a children 's party clown gets violently gang-raped ? | 0 |
irresistible , languid romanticism | 1 |
ignorant | 0 |
certain sexiness | 1 |
like a powerful 1957 drama we 've somehow never seen before | 1 |
Megdöbbenve kapkodod a levegőt, miközben feldúltan nevetsz, és esetleg - látva egy ígéretes fiatal srác küzdelmét, ahogy kétségbeesetten vergődik a szörnyű tengeren - elmorzsolsz egy könnycseppet is. | 1 |
A médiamanipuláció széles körű hatásait sugallja, az állítólag liberális média által készített riportoktól kezdve a Hatfieldhez és Hickshez hasonló egyéniségek bensőséges és tragikus szívfájdalmáig. | 2 |
Egy gengszterfilm, ami képes meglepetést okozni. | 1 |
Ez a gyerek-orientált pocsékság olyan rossz, hogy még az ülésem alá szorult rágót is elkaptam, miközben ki akartam osonni a színházból. | 0 |
an expert thriller | 1 |
a good deal | 1 |
Odredbe Zakona o reguliranim profesijama i priznavanju inozemnih stručnih kvalifikacija neće se primjenjivati na pomorce, jer je postupak priznavanja njihovih stručnih kvalifikacija reguliran posebnim propisima. | 2 |
codswallop | 0 |
you 'll find yourself remembering this refreshing visit to a sunshine state . | 1 |
Subsets and Splits