WTF, they just loaded up a car with flashing lights to cheat traffic?
Thanks bros.
Poor Poor Jews
Needing more money to expose more Nazis
Oh what is this?
le memeflag
Fucking kike, nobody is autistic enough to alienate himself that much
A cyberquake
Humans against Extraterrestrial control: H.A.E.C
We are Humans and we came together with the knowledge about you, E.T's.
We are aware of your influence on this Planet, his History and all the events that took place.
We are aware that everything in our History was highly influenced by you, the E.T's.
We oppose your system, Religion and hidden Agenda.
We know you work with the Jews.
We know you pull the strings behind the Govermant around the World.
We the People of this planet came together to oppose your alien regime.
We know you control Humanity since ancient times, from before the Pharaos up until now.
We will not go down in silence, at least this group of people will stand before you and say
>passport to Magonia
>cringe TL:DR jewtube video
'Eyes Wide Open'
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