Unnamed: 0
1. Software publishing SuperBase 4 windows v.1.3 --->$80 2. OCR System ReadRight v.3.1 for Windows --->$65 3. OCR System ReadRight v.2.01 for DOS --->$65 4. Unregistered Zortech 32 bit C++ Compiler v.3.1 --->$ 250 with Multiscope windows Debugger, WhiteWater Resource Toolkit, Library Source Code 5. Glockenspiel/ImageSoft Commonview 2 Windows Applications Framework for Borland C++ --->$70 6. Spontaneous Assembly Library With Source Code --->$50 7. Microsoft Macro Assembly 6.0 --->$50 8. Microsoft Windows v.3.1 SDK Documentation --->$125 9. Microsoft FoxPro V.2.0 --->$75 10. WordPerfect 5.0 Developer's Toolkit --->$20 11. Kedwell Software DataBoss v.3.5 C Code Generator --->$100 12. Kedwell InstallBoss v.2.0 Installation Generator --->$35 13. Liant Software C++/Views v.2.1 Windows Application Framework with Source Code --->$195 14. IBM OS/2 2.0 & Developer's Toolkit --->$95 15. CBTree DOS/Windows Library with Source Code --->$120 16. Symantec TimeLine for Windows --->$90 17. TimeSlip TimeSheet Professional for Windows --->$30
[('software', 'NN'), ('publishing', 'VBG'), ('superbase', 'NN'), ('windows', 'NNS'), ('--->$', 'VBP'), ('80', 'CD'), ('ocr', 'NN'), ('system', 'NN'), ('readright', 'VBD'), ('for', 'IN'), ('windows', 'NNS'), ('--->$', 'VBP'), ('65', 'CD'), ('ocr', 'NN'), ('system', 'NN'), ('readright', 'VBD'), ('01', 'CD'), ('for', 'IN'), ('dos', 'NN'), ('--->$', '$'), ('65', 'CD'), ('unregistered', 'JJ'), ('zortech', 'NN'), ('32', 'CD'), ('bit', 'NN'), ('++', 'JJ'), ('compiler', 'NN'), ('--->$', 'VBD'), ('250', 'CD'), ('with', 'IN'), ('multiscope', 'NN'), ('windows', 'NNS'), ('debugger', 'VBP'), ('whitewater', 'JJR'), ('resource', 'NN'), ('toolkit', 'NN'), ('library', 'JJ'), ('source', 'NN'), ('code', 'NN'), ('glockenspiel', 'NN'), ('imagesoft', 'JJ'), ('commonview', 'NN'), ('windows', 'NNS'), ('applications', 'NNS'), ('framework', 'VBP'), ('for', 'IN'), ('borland', 'NN'), ('++', 'NNP'), ('--->$', 'VBZ'), ('70', 'CD'), ('spontaneous', 'JJ'), ('assembly', 'RB'), ('library', 'JJ'), ('with', 'IN'), ('source', 'NN'), ('code', 'NN'), ('--->$', 'VBD'), ('50', 'CD'), ('microsoft', 'JJ'), ('macro', 'NN'), ('assembly', 'NN'), ('--->$', 'VBD'), ('50', 'CD'), ('microsoft', 'JJ'), ('windows', 'NNS'), ('sdk', 'VBP'), ('documentation', 'NN'), ('--->$', '$'), ('125', 'CD'), ('microsoft', 'JJ'), ('foxpro', 'NNS'), ('--->$', 'VBD'), ('75', 'CD'), ('10', 'CD'), ('wordperfect', 'JJ'), ('developer', 'NN'), ('toolkit', 'NN'), ('--->$', 'VBD'), ('20', 'CD'), ('11', 'CD'), ('kedwell', 'NN'), ('software', 'NN'), ('databoss', 'NN'), ('code', 'NN'), ('generator', 'NN'), ('--->$', 'VBD'), ('100', 'CD'), ('12', 'CD'), ('kedwell', 'NN'), ('installboss', 'NN'), ('installation', 'NN'), ('generator', 'NN'), ('--->$', 'VBD'), ('35', 'CD'), ('13', 'CD'), ('liant', 'JJ'), ('software', 'NN'), ('++/', 'JJ'), ('views', 'NNS'), ('windows', 'VBZ'), ('application', 'NN'), ('framework', 'NN'), ('with', 'IN'), ('source', 'NN'), ('code', 'NN'), ('--->$', 'VBD'), ('195', 'CD'), ('14', 'CD'), ('ibm', 'NN'), ('os', 'NN'), ('developer', 'NN'), ('toolkit', 'NN'), ('--->$', 'VBD'), ('95', 'CD'), ('15', 'CD'), ('cbtree', 'JJ'), ('dos', 'NN'), ('windows', 'NNS'), ('library', 'VBP'), ('with', 'IN'), ('source', 'NN'), ('code', 'NN'), ('--->$', 'VBD'), ('120', 'CD'), ('16', 'CD'), ('symantec', 'JJ'), ('timeline', 'NN'), ('for', 'IN'), ('windows', 'NNS'), ('--->$', 'VBP'), ('90', 'CD'), ('17', 'CD'), ('timeslip', 'NN'), ('timesheet', 'NN'), ('professional', 'JJ'), ('for', 'IN'), ('windows', 'NNS'), ('--->$', 'CD'), ('30', 'CD')]
['software', 'publish', 'superbase', 'window', 'ocr', 'system', 'readright', 'window', 'ocr', 'system', 'readright', 'unregistered', 'zortech', 'bit', 'compiler', 'multiscope', 'window', 'debugger', 'whitewater', 'resource', 'toolkit', 'library', 'source', 'code', 'glockenspiel', 'imagesoft', 'commonview', 'window', 'application', 'framework', 'borland', 'spontaneous', 'assembly', 'library', 'source', 'code', 'microsoft', 'macro', 'assembly', 'microsoft', 'window', 'sdk', 'documentation', 'microsoft', 'foxpro', 'wordperfect', 'developer', 'toolkit', 'kedwell', 'software', 'databoss', 'code', 'generator', 'kedwell', 'installboss', 'installation', 'generator', 'liant', 'software', 'view', 'windows', 'application', 'framework', 'source', 'code', 'ibm', 'developer', 'toolkit', 'cbtree', 'window', 'library', 'source', 'code', 'symantec', 'timeline', 'window', 'timeslip', 'timesheet', 'professional', 'window']
['source_code', 'window_application', 'source_code', 'microsoft_window', 'windows_application', 'source_code', 'source_code']
misc_forsale_76161 |@lemmatized software:3 publish:1 superbase:1 window:8 ocr:2 system:2 readright:2 unregistered:1 zortech:1 bit:1 compiler:1 multiscope:1 debugger:1 whitewater:1 resource:1 toolkit:3 library:3 source:4 code:5 glockenspiel:1 imagesoft:1 commonview:1 application:2 framework:2 borland:1 spontaneous:1 assembly:2 microsoft:3 macro:1 sdk:1 documentation:1 foxpro:1 wordperfect:1 developer:2 kedwell:2 databoss:1 generator:2 installboss:1 installation:1 liant:1 view:1 windows:1 ibm:1 cbtree:1 symantec:1 timeline:1 timeslip:1 timesheet:1 professional:1 |@bigram source_code:4 window_application:1 microsoft_window:1 windows_application:1
Or, _documentation_ for the program ;-). A lot of shareware out there is very similar in the approach - send in your money, and you get documentation, and a free upgrade to the latest version. Perhaps even support of some small degree. Whatever you want to offer that is "better" than the circulating version. Figure about 50%, as I have seen. It doesn't really hurt legit users. Shareware is still much cheaper than the alternatives. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------Visit the SOUNDING BOARD BBS +1 214 596 2915, a Wildcat! BBS------- ObDis: All opinions are specifically disclaimed. No one is responsible.
[('or', 'CC'), ('_documentation_', 'NN'), ('for', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('program', 'NN'), (';-).', 'JJ'), ('lot', 'NN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('shareware', 'NN'), ('out', 'IN'), ('there', 'EX'), ('is', 'VBZ'), ('very', 'RB'), ('similar', 'JJ'), ('in', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('approach', 'NN'), ('send', 'NN'), ('in', 'IN'), ('your', 'PRP$'), ('money', 'NN'), ('and', 'CC'), ('you', 'PRP'), ('get', 'VBP'), ('documentation', 'JJ'), ('and', 'CC'), ('free', 'JJ'), ('upgrade', 'NN'), ('to', 'TO'), ('the', 'DT'), ('latest', 'JJS'), ('version', 'NN'), ('perhaps', 'RB'), ('even', 'RB'), ('support', 'NN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('some', 'DT'), ('small', 'JJ'), ('degree', 'NN'), ('whatever', 'WDT'), ('you', 'PRP'), ('want', 'VBP'), ('to', 'TO'), ('offer', 'VB'), ('that', 'DT'), ('is', 'VBZ'), ('better', 'JJR'), ('than', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('circulating', 'VBG'), ('version', 'NN'), ('figure', 'NN'), ('about', 'IN'), ('50', 'CD'), ('%,', 'NN'), ('as', 'IN'), ('have', 'VBP'), ('seen', 'VBN'), ('it', 'PRP'), ('doesn', 'VBZ'), ('really', 'RB'), ('hurt', 'VBN'), ('legit', 'JJ'), ('users', 'NNS'), ('shareware', 'NN'), ('is', 'VBZ'), ('still', 'RB'), ('much', 'JJ'), ('cheaper', 'JJR'), ('than', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('alternatives', 'NNS'), ('----------------------------------------------------------------------------', 'VBP'), ('---------', 'JJ'), ('visit', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('sounding', 'VBG'), ('board', 'NN'), ('bbs', 'VBD'), ('214', 'CD'), ('596', 'CD'), ('2915', 'CD'), ('wildcat', 'NN'), ('bbs', 'NN'), ('-------', 'NNP'), ('obdis', 'IN'), ('all', 'DT'), ('opinions', 'NNS'), ('are', 'VBP'), ('specifically', 'RB'), ('disclaimed', 'VBN'), ('no', 'DT'), ('one', 'NN'), ('is', 'VBZ'), ('responsible', 'JJ')]
['program', 'lot', 'shareware', 'similar', 'approach', 'send', 'money', 'get', 'documentation', 'free', 'upgrade', 'late', 'version', 'perhaps', 'even', 'support', 'small', 'degree', 'whatever', 'want', 'offer', 'good', 'circulate', 'version', 'figure', 'see', 'really', 'hurt', 'legit', 'user', 'shareware', 'still', 'much', 'cheap', 'alternative', 'visit', 'sound', 'board', 'bbs', 'wildcat', 'bb', 'obdis', 'opinion', 'specifically', 'disclaim', 'one', 'responsible']
['send_money', 'money_get', 'late_version', 'perhaps_even', 'whatever_want', 'offer_good', 'see_really', 'really_hurt', 'still_much', 'much_cheap', 'sound_board']
sci_electronics_53921 |@lemmatized program:1 lot:1 shareware:2 similar:1 approach:1 send:1 money:1 get:1 documentation:1 free:1 upgrade:1 late:1 version:2 perhaps:1 even:1 support:1 small:1 degree:1 whatever:1 want:1 offer:1 good:1 circulate:1 figure:1 see:1 really:1 hurt:1 legit:1 user:1 still:1 much:1 cheap:1 alternative:1 visit:1 sound:1 board:1 bbs:1 wildcat:1 bb:1 obdis:1 opinion:1 specifically:1 disclaim:1 one:1 responsible:1 |@bigram send_money:1 money_get:1 late_version:1 perhaps_even:1 whatever_want:1 offer_good:1 see_really:1 really_hurt:1 still_much:1 much_cheap:1 sound_board:1
/ hpcc01:rec.motorcycles / Stafford@Vax2.Winona.MSUS.Edu (John Stafford) / 11:06 am Apr 1, 1993 / It depreciates much faster, too. ==================================================== John Stafford Minnesota State University @ Winona All standard disclaimers apply. ---------- The '84 GL1200A hit the traps at 13.34 according to Cycle magazine. Yeah, they depreciate faster than Harleys for the first couple of years then they bottom out. Got my '86 GL1200I w/ 2275 miles on the odometer for just under $5K in May of 1990 and would ask for $4500 now with almost 16K miles onnit....that's about 50% of what a new GL1500I would cost. Think the '86 GL1200I originally sold for $6500 brand new, not sure. If that's the case then it depreciated 30.77% over 7 years or a mere $2000. Big Fat Hairy Deal! Based on what I know, Harleys tend to depreciate your monies far more than the initial depreciation of the bike itself when it comes to parts and service. All this about Harleys holding their value better doesn't always wash away the knocks on them...such as being much slower. ;-) According to Peter Egan in the just released Cycle World his FLHS is a real dog when he pillions his 120lb wife. All that money for a dog that doesn't defecate much. =:-] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Graeme Harrison, Hewlett-Packard Co., Communications Components Division, 350 W Trimble Rd, San Jose, CA 95131 (gharriso@hpcc01.corp.hp.com) DoD#649
[('hpcc01', 'NN'), ('rec', 'NN'), ('motorcycles', 'NNS'), ('john', 'VBP'), ('stafford', 'NN'), ('11', 'CD'), ('06', 'CD'), ('am', 'VBP'), ('apr', 'JJ'), ('1993', 'CD'), ('it', 'PRP'), ('depreciates', 'VBZ'), ('much', 'JJ'), ('faster', 'RBR'), ('too', 'RB'), ('====================================================', 'JJ'), ('john', 'NN'), ('stafford', 'NN'), ('minnesota', 'NN'), ('state', 'NN'), ('university', 'NN'), ('winona', 'VBP'), ('all', 'DT'), ('standard', 'JJ'), ('disclaimers', 'NNS'), ('apply', 'VBP'), ('----------', 'VB'), ('the', 'DT'), ('84', 'CD'), ('gl1200a', 'NN'), ('hit', 'VBD'), ('the', 'DT'), ('traps', 'NNS'), ('at', 'IN'), ('13', 'CD'), ('34', 'CD'), ('according', 'VBG'), ('to', 'TO'), ('cycle', 'NN'), ('magazine', 'NN'), ('yeah', 'NN'), ('they', 'PRP'), ('depreciate', 'VBP'), ('faster', 'JJR'), ('than', 'IN'), ('harleys', 'NNS'), ('for', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('first', 'JJ'), ('couple', 'NN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('years', 'NNS'), ('then', 'RB'), ('they', 'PRP'), ('bottom', 'VBP'), ('out', 'RP'), ('got', 'VBD'), ('my', 'PRP$'), ('86', 'CD'), ('gl1200i', 'NN'), ('2275', 'CD'), ('miles', 'NNS'), ('on', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('odometer', 'NN'), ('for', 'IN'), ('just', 'RB'), ('under', 'IN'), ('5k', 'CD'), ('in', 'IN'), ('may', 'MD'), ('of', 'IN'), ('1990', 'CD'), ('and', 'CC'), ('would', 'MD'), ('ask', 'VB'), ('for', 'IN'), ('4500', 'CD'), ('now', 'RB'), ('with', 'IN'), ('almost', 'RB'), ('16k', 'CD'), ('miles', 'NNS'), ('onnit', 'RB'), ('....', 'VBP'), ('that', 'IN'), ('about', 'IN'), ('50', 'CD'), ('of', 'IN'), ('what', 'WP'), ('new', 'JJ'), ('gl1500i', 'NN'), ('would', 'MD'), ('cost', 'VB'), ('think', 'VB'), ('the', 'DT'), ('86', 'CD'), ('gl1200i', 'NNS'), ('originally', 'RB'), ('sold', 'VBN'), ('for', 'IN'), ('6500', 'CD'), ('brand', 'NN'), ('new', 'JJ'), ('not', 'RB'), ('sure', 'JJ'), ('if', 'IN'), ('that', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('case', 'NN'), ('then', 'RB'), ('it', 'PRP'), ('depreciated', 'VBD'), ('30', 'CD'), ('77', 'CD'), ('over', 'IN'), ('years', 'NNS'), ('or', 'CC'), ('mere', 'JJ'), ('2000', 'CD'), ('big', 'JJ'), ('fat', 'NN'), ('hairy', 'NN'), ('deal', 'NN'), ('based', 'VBN'), ('on', 'IN'), ('what', 'WP'), ('know', 'VBP'), ('harleys', 'NNS'), ('tend', 'VBP'), ('to', 'TO'), ('depreciate', 'VB'), ('your', 'PRP$'), ('monies', 'NNS'), ('far', 'RB'), ('more', 'JJR'), ('than', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('initial', 'JJ'), ('depreciation', 'NN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('bike', 'NN'), ('itself', 'PRP'), ('when', 'WRB'), ('it', 'PRP'), ('comes', 'VBZ'), ('to', 'TO'), ('parts', 'NNS'), ('and', 'CC'), ('service', 'NN'), ('all', 'RB'), ('this', 'DT'), ('about', 'IN'), ('harleys', 'NNS'), ('holding', 'VBG'), ('their', 'PRP$'), ('value', 'NN'), ('better', 'RBR'), ('doesn', 'NN'), ('always', 'RB'), ('wash', 'VB'), ('away', 'RP'), ('the', 'DT'), ('knocks', 'NNS'), ('on', 'IN'), ('them', 'PRP'), ('...', ':'), ('such', 'JJ'), ('as', 'IN'), ('being', 'VBG'), ('much', 'JJ'), ('slower', 'JJR'), (';-)', 'JJ'), ('according', 'VBG'), ('to', 'TO'), ('peter', 'NN'), ('egan', 'NN'), ('in', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('just', 'RB'), ('released', 'VBN'), ('cycle', 'NN'), ('world', 'NN'), ('his', 'PRP$'), ('flhs', 'NN'), ('is', 'VBZ'), ('real', 'JJ'), ('dog', 'NN'), ('when', 'WRB'), ('he', 'PRP'), ('pillions', 'VBZ'), ('his', 'PRP$'), ('120lb', 'CD'), ('wife', 'NN'), ('all', 'PDT'), ('that', 'DT'), ('money', 'NN'), ('for', 'IN'), ('dog', 'NN'), ('that', 'WDT'), ('doesn', 'VBZ'), ('defecate', 'RB'), ('much', 'JJ'), ('=:-]', 'JJ'), ('--------------------------------------------------------------------------', 'NN'), ('graeme', 'NN'), ('harrison', 'NN'), ('hewlett', 'FW'), ('packard', 'NN'), ('co', 'NN'), ('.,', 'NNP'), ('communications', 'NN'), ('components', 'NNS'), ('division', 'NN'), ('350', 'CD'), ('trimble', 'JJ'), ('rd', 'NN'), ('san', 'NN'), ('jose', 'NN'), ('ca', 'MD'), ('95131', 'CD'), ('dod', 'NN'), ('649', 'CD')]
['rec', 'motorcycle', 'john', 'stafford', 'apr', 'depreciate', 'much', 'faster', 'john', 'stafford', 'minnesota', 'state', 'university', 'winona', 'standard', 'disclaimer', 'apply', 'hit', 'trap', 'accord', 'cycle', 'magazine', 'yeah', 'depreciate', 'fast', 'harleys', 'first', 'couple', 'year', 'bottom', 'get', 'mile', 'odometer', 'may', 'would', 'ask', 'almost', 'mile', 'onnit', 'new', 'would', 'cost', 'think', 'originally', 'sell', 'brand', 'new', 'sure', 'case', 'depreciate', 'year', 'mere', 'big', 'fat', 'hairy', 'deal', 'base', 'know', 'harleys', 'tend', 'depreciate', 'monies', 'far', 'initial', 'depreciation', 'bike', 'come', 'part', 'service', 'harleys', 'hold', 'value', 'well', 'always', 'wash', 'away', 'knock', 'much', 'slow', 'accord', 'peter', 'egan', 'release', 'cycle', 'world', 'flhs', 'real', 'dog', 'pillions', 'wife', 'money', 'dog', 'defecate', 'much', 'graeme', 'harrison', 'hewlett', 'packard', 'co', 'communication', 'component', 'division', 'trimble', 'rd', 'san', 'jose', 'ca', 'dod']
['rec_motorcycle', 'much_faster', 'state_university', 'standard_disclaimer', 'disclaimer_apply', 'couple_year', 'would_ask', 'would_cost', 'brand_new', 'much_slow', 'hewlett_packard', 'san_jose', 'jose_ca']
rec_motorcycles_103184 |@lemmatized rec:1 motorcycle:1 john:2 stafford:2 apr:1 depreciate:4 much:3 faster:1 minnesota:1 state:1 university:1 winona:1 standard:1 disclaimer:1 apply:1 hit:1 trap:1 accord:2 cycle:2 magazine:1 yeah:1 fast:1 harleys:3 first:1 couple:1 year:2 bottom:1 get:1 mile:2 odometer:1 may:1 would:2 ask:1 almost:1 onnit:1 new:2 cost:1 think:1 originally:1 sell:1 brand:1 sure:1 case:1 mere:1 big:1 fat:1 hairy:1 deal:1 base:1 know:1 tend:1 monies:1 far:1 initial:1 depreciation:1 bike:1 come:1 part:1 service:1 hold:1 value:1 well:1 always:1 wash:1 away:1 knock:1 slow:1 peter:1 egan:1 release:1 world:1 flhs:1 real:1 dog:2 pillions:1 wife:1 money:1 defecate:1 graeme:1 harrison:1 hewlett:1 packard:1 co:1 communication:1 component:1 division:1 trimble:1 rd:1 san:1 jose:1 ca:1 dod:1 |@bigram rec_motorcycle:1 much_faster:1 state_university:1 standard_disclaimer:1 disclaimer_apply:1 couple_year:1 would_ask:1 would_cost:1 brand_new:1 much_slow:1 hewlett_packard:1 san_jose:1 jose_ca:1
Tests suck! Post a real message! :^)
[('tests', 'NNS'), ('suck', 'VBD'), ('post', 'JJ'), ('real', 'JJ'), ('message', 'NN'), (':^)', 'NN')]
['test', 'suck', 'post', 'real', 'message']
comp_sys_mac_hardware_51762 |@lemmatized test:1 suck:1 post:1 real:1 message:1 |@bigram
Anas Omran has claimed that, "the Israelis used to arrest, and sometime to kill some of these neutral reporters." The assertion by Anas Omran is, of course, a total fabrication. If there is an once of truth iin it, I'm sure Anas Omran can document such a sad and despicable event. Otherwise we may assume that it is another piece of anti-Israel bullshit posted by someone whose family does not know how to teach their children to tell the truth. If Omran would care to retract this 'error' I would be glad to retract the accusation that he is a liar. If he can document such a claim, I would again be glad to apologize for calling him a liar. Failing to do either of these would certainly show what a liar he is.
[('anas', 'NN'), ('omran', 'NN'), ('has', 'VBZ'), ('claimed', 'VBN'), ('that', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('israelis', 'NN'), ('used', 'VBN'), ('to', 'TO'), ('arrest', 'VB'), ('and', 'CC'), ('sometime', 'VB'), ('to', 'TO'), ('kill', 'VB'), ('some', 'DT'), ('of', 'IN'), ('these', 'DT'), ('neutral', 'JJ'), ('reporters', 'NNS'), ('."', 'VBP'), ('the', 'DT'), ('assertion', 'NN'), ('by', 'IN'), ('anas', 'NNS'), ('omran', 'NN'), ('is', 'VBZ'), ('of', 'IN'), ('course', 'NN'), ('total', 'JJ'), ('fabrication', 'NN'), ('if', 'IN'), ('there', 'EX'), ('is', 'VBZ'), ('an', 'DT'), ('once', 'RB'), ('of', 'IN'), ('truth', 'NN'), ('iin', 'VBP'), ('it', 'PRP'), ('sure', 'JJ'), ('anas', 'JJ'), ('omran', 'NN'), ('can', 'MD'), ('document', 'VB'), ('such', 'JJ'), ('sad', 'JJ'), ('and', 'CC'), ('despicable', 'JJ'), ('event', 'NN'), ('otherwise', 'IN'), ('we', 'PRP'), ('may', 'MD'), ('assume', 'VB'), ('that', 'IN'), ('it', 'PRP'), ('is', 'VBZ'), ('another', 'DT'), ('piece', 'NN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('anti', 'JJ'), ('israel', 'NN'), ('bullshit', 'NN'), ('posted', 'VBN'), ('by', 'IN'), ('someone', 'NN'), ('whose', 'WP$'), ('family', 'NN'), ('does', 'VBZ'), ('not', 'RB'), ('know', 'VB'), ('how', 'WRB'), ('to', 'TO'), ('teach', 'VB'), ('their', 'PRP$'), ('children', 'NNS'), ('to', 'TO'), ('tell', 'VB'), ('the', 'DT'), ('truth', 'NN'), ('if', 'IN'), ('omran', 'NN'), ('would', 'MD'), ('care', 'VB'), ('to', 'TO'), ('retract', 'VB'), ('this', 'DT'), ('error', 'NN'), ('would', 'MD'), ('be', 'VB'), ('glad', 'JJ'), ('to', 'TO'), ('retract', 'VB'), ('the', 'DT'), ('accusation', 'NN'), ('that', 'IN'), ('he', 'PRP'), ('is', 'VBZ'), ('liar', 'JJ'), ('if', 'IN'), ('he', 'PRP'), ('can', 'MD'), ('document', 'VB'), ('such', 'JJ'), ('claim', 'NN'), ('would', 'MD'), ('again', 'RB'), ('be', 'VB'), ('glad', 'VBN'), ('to', 'TO'), ('apologize', 'VB'), ('for', 'IN'), ('calling', 'VBG'), ('him', 'PRP'), ('liar', 'JJ'), ('failing', 'VBG'), ('to', 'TO'), ('do', 'VB'), ('either', 'DT'), ('of', 'IN'), ('these', 'DT'), ('would', 'MD'), ('certainly', 'RB'), ('show', 'VB'), ('what', 'WP'), ('liar', 'NN'), ('he', 'PRP'), ('is', 'VBZ')]
['ana', 'omran', 'claim', 'israeli', 'use', 'arrest', 'sometime', 'kill', 'neutral', 'reporter', 'assertion', 'ana', 'omran', 'course', 'total', 'fabrication', 'truth', 'iin', 'sure', 'anas', 'omran', 'document', 'sad', 'despicable', 'event', 'otherwise', 'may', 'assume', 'another', 'piece', 'anti', 'israel', 'bullshit', 'post', 'someone', 'whose', 'family', 'know', 'teach', 'child', 'tell', 'truth', 'omran', 'would', 'care', 'retract', 'error', 'would', 'glad', 'retract', 'accusation', 'liar', 'document', 'claim', 'would', 'glad', 'apologize', 'call', 'liar', 'fail', 'either', 'would', 'certainly', 'show', 'liar']
['use_arrest', 'kill_neutral', 'neutral_reporter', 'otherwise_may', 'may_assume', 'anti_israel', 'teach_child', 'child_tell', 'tell_truth', 'would_care', 'would_glad', 'claim_would', 'would_glad', 'would_certainly']
talk_politics_mideast_76287 |@lemmatized ana:2 omran:4 claim:2 israeli:1 use:1 arrest:1 sometime:1 kill:1 neutral:1 reporter:1 assertion:1 course:1 total:1 fabrication:1 truth:2 iin:1 sure:1 anas:1 document:2 sad:1 despicable:1 event:1 otherwise:1 may:1 assume:1 another:1 piece:1 anti:1 israel:1 bullshit:1 post:1 someone:1 whose:1 family:1 know:1 teach:1 child:1 tell:1 would:4 care:1 retract:2 error:1 glad:2 accusation:1 liar:3 apologize:1 call:1 fail:1 either:1 certainly:1 show:1 |@bigram use_arrest:1 kill_neutral:1 neutral_reporter:1 otherwise_may:1 may_assume:1 anti_israel:1 teach_child:1 child_tell:1 tell_truth:1 would_care:1 would_glad:2 claim_would:1 would_certainly:1
<lots more deleted> I think the hangup with digital scopes is that you have to know so much more about them and how they work on a scope-by-scope basis, and some of the functions are typically presented, in my opinion, in a counter-intuitive fashion (HP has made some strides in their 54600 series, IMO). Automatic setups are fine for simple, repetitive waveforms, but can give you some crazy results on more complex events where you need to understand how the scope is actually measuring/processing the event. For example, is the scope in "equivalent time" or in "real time" sampling mode (equivalent time being a mode where samples are built-up slowly by adding a delay to the trigger event each sweep)? What was the scope's actual sampling rate at the time? How is the data being massaged after capture but before display, etc. One common misconception is the speed of the scope. Is the HP scope you're using really a 100 MHz scope? Or is it a 20 MHz sample rate scope (~5 MHz single shot significance) whose front end including S/H can support 100 MHz waveforms (important for equivalent time sampling)? The 100 MHz input in this case really only helps you when your waveform is repetitive, or on a single sample, when you get lucky and hit a transient event during a sample time. So, there are a lot more variables in understanding how to get useful information from a digital scope. I prefer an analog scope for general use and the digital for events where I need storage for later analysis or comparison, when the event is within the capability of the scope. Now, for the price of true 100 MHz digital scopes to fall... -- -------------------------------------------------------------------- Dave Medin Phone: (205) 730-3169 (w) SSD--Networking (205) 837-1174 (h) Intergraph Corp. M/S GD3004 Internet: dtmedin@catbyte.b30.ingr.com Huntsville, AL 35894 UUCP: ...uunet!ingr!b30!catbyte!dtmedin ******* Everywhere You Look (at least around my office) *******
[('lots', 'NNS'), ('more', 'RBR'), ('deleted', 'JJ'), ('think', 'VBP'), ('the', 'DT'), ('hangup', 'NN'), ('with', 'IN'), ('digital', 'JJ'), ('scopes', 'NNS'), ('is', 'VBZ'), ('that', 'IN'), ('you', 'PRP'), ('have', 'VBP'), ('to', 'TO'), ('know', 'VB'), ('so', 'RB'), ('much', 'RB'), ('more', 'JJR'), ('about', 'IN'), ('them', 'PRP'), ('and', 'CC'), ('how', 'WRB'), ('they', 'PRP'), ('work', 'VBP'), ('on', 'IN'), ('scope', 'NN'), ('by', 'IN'), ('scope', 'JJ'), ('basis', 'NN'), ('and', 'CC'), ('some', 'DT'), ('of', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('functions', 'NNS'), ('are', 'VBP'), ('typically', 'RB'), ('presented', 'VBN'), ('in', 'IN'), ('my', 'PRP$'), ('opinion', 'NN'), ('in', 'IN'), ('counter', 'JJ'), ('intuitive', 'JJ'), ('fashion', 'NN'), ('hp', 'NN'), ('has', 'VBZ'), ('made', 'VBN'), ('some', 'DT'), ('strides', 'NNS'), ('in', 'IN'), ('their', 'PRP$'), ('54600', 'CD'), ('series', 'NN'), ('imo', 'NN'), (').', 'NNP'), ('automatic', 'JJ'), ('setups', 'NNS'), ('are', 'VBP'), ('fine', 'JJ'), ('for', 'IN'), ('simple', 'JJ'), ('repetitive', 'JJ'), ('waveforms', 'NNS'), ('but', 'CC'), ('can', 'MD'), ('give', 'VB'), ('you', 'PRP'), ('some', 'DT'), ('crazy', 'JJ'), ('results', 'NNS'), ('on', 'IN'), ('more', 'JJR'), ('complex', 'JJ'), ('events', 'NNS'), ('where', 'WRB'), ('you', 'PRP'), ('need', 'VBP'), ('to', 'TO'), ('understand', 'VB'), ('how', 'WRB'), ('the', 'DT'), ('scope', 'NN'), ('is', 'VBZ'), ('actually', 'RB'), ('measuring', 'VBG'), ('processing', 'VBG'), ('the', 'DT'), ('event', 'NN'), ('for', 'IN'), ('example', 'NN'), ('is', 'VBZ'), ('the', 'DT'), ('scope', 'NN'), ('in', 'IN'), ('equivalent', 'JJ'), ('time', 'NN'), ('or', 'CC'), ('in', 'IN'), ('real', 'JJ'), ('time', 'NN'), ('sampling', 'VBG'), ('mode', 'JJ'), ('equivalent', 'JJ'), ('time', 'NN'), ('being', 'VBG'), ('mode', 'NNS'), ('where', 'WRB'), ('samples', 'NNS'), ('are', 'VBP'), ('built', 'VBN'), ('up', 'RP'), ('slowly', 'RB'), ('by', 'IN'), ('adding', 'VBG'), ('delay', 'NN'), ('to', 'TO'), ('the', 'DT'), ('trigger', 'NN'), ('event', 'NN'), ('each', 'DT'), ('sweep', 'NN'), (')?', 'VBD'), ('what', 'WP'), ('was', 'VBD'), ('the', 'DT'), ('scope', 'NN'), ('actual', 'JJ'), ('sampling', 'NN'), ('rate', 'NN'), ('at', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('time', 'NN'), ('how', 'WRB'), ('is', 'VBZ'), ('the', 'DT'), ('data', 'NN'), ('being', 'VBG'), ('massaged', 'VBN'), ('after', 'IN'), ('capture', 'NN'), ('but', 'CC'), ('before', 'IN'), ('display', 'NN'), ('etc', 'FW'), ('one', 'CD'), ('common', 'JJ'), ('misconception', 'NN'), ('is', 'VBZ'), ('the', 'DT'), ('speed', 'NN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('scope', 'NN'), ('is', 'VBZ'), ('the', 'DT'), ('hp', 'NN'), ('scope', 'NN'), ('you', 'PRP'), ('re', 'VBP'), ('using', 'VBG'), ('really', 'RB'), ('100', 'CD'), ('mhz', 'NNS'), ('scope', 'NN'), ('or', 'CC'), ('is', 'VBZ'), ('it', 'PRP'), ('20', 'CD'), ('mhz', 'JJ'), ('sample', 'NN'), ('rate', 'NN'), ('scope', 'NN'), ('(~', 'NNP'), ('mhz', 'NN'), ('single', 'JJ'), ('shot', 'NN'), ('significance', 'NN'), ('whose', 'WP$'), ('front', 'JJ'), ('end', 'NN'), ('including', 'VBG'), ('can', 'MD'), ('support', 'VB'), ('100', 'CD'), ('mhz', 'NN'), ('waveforms', 'NNS'), ('important', 'JJ'), ('for', 'IN'), ('equivalent', 'JJ'), ('time', 'NN'), ('sampling', 'VBG'), (')?', 'VBD'), ('the', 'DT'), ('100', 'CD'), ('mhz', 'NN'), ('input', 'NN'), ('in', 'IN'), ('this', 'DT'), ('case', 'NN'), ('really', 'RB'), ('only', 'RB'), ('helps', 'VBZ'), ('you', 'PRP'), ('when', 'WRB'), ('your', 'PRP$'), ('waveform', 'NN'), ('is', 'VBZ'), ('repetitive', 'JJ'), ('or', 'CC'), ('on', 'IN'), ('single', 'JJ'), ('sample', 'NN'), ('when', 'WRB'), ('you', 'PRP'), ('get', 'VBP'), ('lucky', 'JJ'), ('and', 'CC'), ('hit', 'JJ'), ('transient', 'JJ'), ('event', 'NN'), ('during', 'IN'), ('sample', 'JJ'), ('time', 'NN'), ('so', 'IN'), ('there', 'EX'), ('are', 'VBP'), ('lot', 'RB'), ('more', 'JJR'), ('variables', 'NNS'), ('in', 'IN'), ('understanding', 'VBG'), ('how', 'WRB'), ('to', 'TO'), ('get', 'VB'), ('useful', 'JJ'), ('information', 'NN'), ('from', 'IN'), ('digital', 'JJ'), ('scope', 'NN'), ('prefer', 'VBP'), ('an', 'DT'), ('analog', 'NN'), ('scope', 'NN'), ('for', 'IN'), ('general', 'JJ'), ('use', 'NN'), ('and', 'CC'), ('the', 'DT'), ('digital', 'NN'), ('for', 'IN'), ('events', 'NNS'), ('where', 'WRB'), ('need', 'VBP'), ('storage', 'NN'), ('for', 'IN'), ('later', 'JJ'), ('analysis', 'NN'), ('or', 'CC'), ('comparison', 'NN'), ('when', 'WRB'), ('the', 'DT'), ('event', 'NN'), ('is', 'VBZ'), ('within', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('capability', 'NN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('scope', 'NN'), ('now', 'RB'), ('for', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('price', 'NN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('true', 'JJ'), ('100', 'CD'), ('mhz', 'JJ'), ('digital', 'JJ'), ('scopes', 'NNS'), ('to', 'TO'), ('fall', 'VB'), ('...', ':'), ('--', ':'), ('--------------------------------------------------------------------', 'JJ'), ('dave', 'VBP'), ('medin', 'VBN'), ('phone', 'NN'), ('205', 'CD'), ('730', 'CD'), ('3169', 'CD'), ('ssd', 'NN'), ('--', ':'), ('networking', 'VBG'), ('205', 'CD'), ('837', 'CD'), ('1174', 'CD'), ('intergraph', 'NN'), ('corp', 'NN'), ('gd3004', 'NN'), ('internet', 'NN'), ('huntsville', 'NN'), ('al', 'VBD'), ('35894', 'CD'), ('uucp', 'NN'), ('...', ':'), ('uunet', 'JJ'), ('ingr', 'NN'), ('b30', 'NN'), ('catbyte', 'NN'), ('dtmedin', 'NN'), ('*******', 'NNP'), ('everywhere', 'RB'), ('you', 'PRP'), ('look', 'VBP'), ('at', 'IN'), ('least', 'JJS'), ('around', 'IN'), ('my', 'PRP$'), ('office', 'NN'), ('*******', 'NN')]
['lot', 'deleted', 'think', 'hangup', 'digital', 'scope', 'know', 'much', 'work', 'scope', 'scope', 'basis', 'function', 'typically', 'present', 'opinion', 'counter', 'intuitive', 'fashion', 'hp', 'make', 'stride', 'series', 'imo', 'automatic', 'setup', 'fine', 'simple', 'repetitive', 'waveform', 'give', 'crazy', 'result', 'complex', 'event', 'need', 'understand', 'scope', 'actually', 'measure', 'process', 'event', 'example', 'scope', 'equivalent', 'time', 'real', 'time', 'sample', 'mode', 'equivalent', 'time', 'mode', 'sample', 'build', 'slowly', 'add', 'delay', 'trigger', 'event', 'sweep', 'scope', 'actual', 'sampling', 'rate', 'time', 'data', 'massage', 'capture', 'display', 'etc', 'one', 'common', 'misconception', 'speed', 'scope', 'hp', 'scope', 'use', 'really', 'mhz', 'scope', 'mhz', 'sample', 'rate', 'scope', 'mhz', 'single', 'shot', 'significance', 'whose', 'front', 'end', 'include', 'support', 'mhz', 'waveform', 'important', 'equivalent', 'time', 'sample', 'mhz', 'input', 'case', 'really', 'help', 'waveform', 'repetitive', 'single', 'sample', 'get', 'lucky', 'hit', 'transient', 'event', 'sample', 'time', 'lot', 'variable', 'understand', 'get', 'useful', 'information', 'digital', 'scope', 'prefer', 'analog', 'scope', 'general', 'use', 'digital', 'event', 'need', 'storage', 'late', 'analysis', 'comparison', 'event', 'within', 'capability', 'scope', 'price', 'true', 'mhz', 'digital', 'scope', 'fall', 'dave', 'medin', 'phone', 'ssd', 'network', 'intergraph', 'corp', 'internet', 'huntsville', 'al', 'uucp', 'uunet', 'ingr', 'catbyte', 'dtmedin', 'everywhere', 'look', 'least', 'around', 'office']
['know_much', 'much_work', 'real_time', 'etc_one', 'one_common', 'common_misconception', 'sample_rate', 'front_end', 'include_support', 'case_really', 'really_help', 'get_lucky', 'understand_get', 'useful_information', 'use_digital', 'dave_medin', 'medin_phone', 'phone_ssd', 'ssd_network', 'network_intergraph', 'intergraph_corp', 'corp_internet', 'internet_huntsville', 'huntsville_al', 'al_uucp', 'uucp_uunet', 'uunet_ingr', 'dtmedin_everywhere', 'everywhere_look', 'look_least', 'least_around', 'around_office']
sci_electronics_52790 |@lemmatized lot:2 deleted:1 think:1 hangup:1 digital:4 scope:14 know:1 much:1 work:1 basis:1 function:1 typically:1 present:1 opinion:1 counter:1 intuitive:1 fashion:1 hp:2 make:1 stride:1 series:1 imo:1 automatic:1 setup:1 fine:1 simple:1 repetitive:2 waveform:3 give:1 crazy:1 result:1 complex:1 event:6 need:2 understand:2 actually:1 measure:1 process:1 example:1 equivalent:3 time:6 real:1 sample:6 mode:2 build:1 slowly:1 add:1 delay:1 trigger:1 sweep:1 actual:1 sampling:1 rate:2 data:1 massage:1 capture:1 display:1 etc:1 one:1 common:1 misconception:1 speed:1 use:2 really:2 mhz:6 single:2 shot:1 significance:1 whose:1 front:1 end:1 include:1 support:1 important:1 input:1 case:1 help:1 get:2 lucky:1 hit:1 transient:1 variable:1 useful:1 information:1 prefer:1 analog:1 general:1 storage:1 late:1 analysis:1 comparison:1 within:1 capability:1 price:1 true:1 fall:1 dave:1 medin:1 phone:1 ssd:1 network:1 intergraph:1 corp:1 internet:1 huntsville:1 al:1 uucp:1 uunet:1 ingr:1 catbyte:1 dtmedin:1 everywhere:1 look:1 least:1 around:1 office:1 |@bigram know_much:1 much_work:1 real_time:1 etc_one:1 one_common:1 common_misconception:1 sample_rate:1 front_end:1 include_support:1 case_really:1 really_help:1 get_lucky:1 understand_get:1 useful_information:1 use_digital:1 dave_medin:1 medin_phone:1 phone_ssd:1 ssd_network:1 network_intergraph:1 intergraph_corp:1 corp_internet:1 internet_huntsville:1 huntsville_al:1 al_uucp:1 uucp_uunet:1 uunet_ingr:1 dtmedin_everywhere:1 everywhere_look:1 look_least:1 least_around:1 around_office:1
(posted for a friend) hello there, I would like to know if any one had any experience with having on-board decoupling capacitors (inside a cmos chip) for the power lines. Say I have a lot of space left im my pad limited design. any data on the effect of oxide breakdown? any info or pointers are appreciated.
[('posted', 'VBN'), ('for', 'IN'), ('friend', 'NN'), ('hello', 'NN'), ('there', 'RB'), ('would', 'MD'), ('like', 'VB'), ('to', 'TO'), ('know', 'VB'), ('if', 'IN'), ('any', 'DT'), ('one', 'CD'), ('had', 'VBD'), ('any', 'DT'), ('experience', 'NN'), ('with', 'IN'), ('having', 'VBG'), ('on', 'IN'), ('board', 'NN'), ('decoupling', 'VBG'), ('capacitors', 'NNS'), ('inside', 'IN'), ('cmos', 'NN'), ('chip', 'NN'), ('for', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('power', 'NN'), ('lines', 'NNS'), ('say', 'VBP'), ('have', 'VBP'), ('lot', 'NN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('space', 'NN'), ('left', 'VBD'), ('im', 'JJ'), ('my', 'PRP$'), ('pad', 'NN'), ('limited', 'JJ'), ('design', 'NN'), ('any', 'DT'), ('data', 'NN'), ('on', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('effect', 'NN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('oxide', 'JJ'), ('breakdown', 'IN'), ('any', 'DT'), ('info', 'NN'), ('or', 'CC'), ('pointers', 'NNS'), ('are', 'VBP'), ('appreciated', 'VBN')]
['post', 'friend', 'hello', 'would', 'like', 'know', 'one', 'experience', 'board', 'decouple', 'capacitor', 'inside', 'cmos', 'chip', 'power', 'line', 'say', 'lot', 'space', 'leave', 'im', 'pad', 'limited', 'design', 'data', 'effect', 'oxide', 'breakdown', 'info', 'pointer', 'appreciate']
['post_friend', 'would_like', 'like_know', 'know_one', 'one_experience', 'cmos_chip', 'power_line', 'line_say', 'say_lot', 'lot_space', 'pointer_appreciate']
sci_electronics_53844 |@lemmatized post:1 friend:1 hello:1 would:1 like:1 know:1 one:1 experience:1 board:1 decouple:1 capacitor:1 inside:1 cmos:1 chip:1 power:1 line:1 say:1 lot:1 space:1 leave:1 im:1 pad:1 limited:1 design:1 data:1 effect:1 oxide:1 breakdown:1 info:1 pointer:1 appreciate:1 |@bigram post_friend:1 would_like:1 like_know:1 know_one:1 one_experience:1 cmos_chip:1 power_line:1 line_say:1 say_lot:1 lot_space:1 pointer_appreciate:1
Umm, when I was doing sound reinforcement for a living, I used to get direct boxes (which convert unbalanced 1/4" jacks to balanced XLRs) for about $25 each, or a little more for higher quality. You'll need two for a stereo signal, of course, and a little adapter thingy from Radio Sh#$&^t to convert from RCA to 1/4". Total cost should be around $50. You can also buy transformers for quite a bit less and wire them yourself. Total cost there should be under $30. You can get all this stuff from any pro music shop that sells sound reinforcement gear. The benefit? NO noise that you can hear will be generated in the cables going to the component with the balanced inputs, even when you run them in bad places, like next to power lines.
[('umm', 'NN'), ('when', 'WRB'), ('was', 'VBD'), ('doing', 'VBG'), ('sound', 'JJ'), ('reinforcement', 'NN'), ('for', 'IN'), ('living', 'NN'), ('used', 'VBN'), ('to', 'TO'), ('get', 'VB'), ('direct', 'JJ'), ('boxes', 'NNS'), ('which', 'WDT'), ('convert', 'VBP'), ('unbalanced', 'JJ'), ('jacks', 'NNS'), ('to', 'TO'), ('balanced', 'VB'), ('xlrs', 'NN'), ('for', 'IN'), ('about', 'RB'), ('25', 'CD'), ('each', 'DT'), ('or', 'CC'), ('little', 'RB'), ('more', 'JJR'), ('for', 'IN'), ('higher', 'JJR'), ('quality', 'NN'), ('you', 'PRP'), ('ll', 'VBP'), ('need', 'VB'), ('two', 'CD'), ('for', 'IN'), ('stereo', 'JJ'), ('signal', 'NN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('course', 'NN'), ('and', 'CC'), ('little', 'JJ'), ('adapter', 'NN'), ('thingy', 'NN'), ('from', 'IN'), ('radio', 'NN'), ('sh', 'NN'), ('#$&^', 'NN'), ('to', 'TO'), ('convert', 'VB'), ('from', 'IN'), ('rca', 'NN'), ('to', 'TO'), ('".', 'VB'), ('total', 'JJ'), ('cost', 'NN'), ('should', 'MD'), ('be', 'VB'), ('around', 'IN'), ('50', 'CD'), ('you', 'PRP'), ('can', 'MD'), ('also', 'RB'), ('buy', 'VB'), ('transformers', 'NNS'), ('for', 'IN'), ('quite', 'RB'), ('bit', 'NN'), ('less', 'RBR'), ('and', 'CC'), ('wire', 'VB'), ('them', 'PRP'), ('yourself', 'PRP'), ('total', 'JJ'), ('cost', 'NN'), ('there', 'EX'), ('should', 'MD'), ('be', 'VB'), ('under', 'IN'), ('30', 'CD'), ('you', 'PRP'), ('can', 'MD'), ('get', 'VB'), ('all', 'DT'), ('this', 'DT'), ('stuff', 'NN'), ('from', 'IN'), ('any', 'DT'), ('pro', 'JJ'), ('music', 'NN'), ('shop', 'NN'), ('that', 'WDT'), ('sells', 'VBZ'), ('sound', 'JJ'), ('reinforcement', 'NN'), ('gear', 'VBP'), ('the', 'DT'), ('benefit', 'NN'), ('no', 'DT'), ('noise', 'NN'), ('that', 'IN'), ('you', 'PRP'), ('can', 'MD'), ('hear', 'VB'), ('will', 'MD'), ('be', 'VB'), ('generated', 'VBN'), ('in', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('cables', 'NNS'), ('going', 'VBG'), ('to', 'TO'), ('the', 'DT'), ('component', 'NN'), ('with', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('balanced', 'VBN'), ('inputs', 'NNS'), ('even', 'RB'), ('when', 'WRB'), ('you', 'PRP'), ('run', 'VBP'), ('them', 'PRP'), ('in', 'IN'), ('bad', 'JJ'), ('places', 'NNS'), ('like', 'IN'), ('next', 'JJ'), ('to', 'TO'), ('power', 'NN'), ('lines', 'NNS')]
['umm', 'sound', 'reinforcement', 'living', 'use', 'get', 'direct', 'box', 'convert', 'unbalanced', 'jack', 'balance', 'xlrs', 'little', 'high', 'quality', 'need', 'two', 'stereo', 'signal', 'course', 'little', 'adapter', 'thingy', 'radio', 'sh', 'convert', 'rca', 'total', 'cost', 'around', 'also', 'buy', 'transformer', 'quite', 'bit', 'less', 'wire', 'total', 'cost', 'get', 'stuff', 'pro', 'music', 'shop', 'sell', 'sound', 'reinforcement', 'gear', 'benefit', 'noise', 'hear', 'generate', 'cable', 'go', 'component', 'balance', 'input', 'even', 'run', 'bad', 'place', 'like', 'next', 'power', 'line']
['use_get', 'little_high', 'high_quality', 'need_two', 'total_cost', 'around_also', 'quite_bit', 'bit_less', 'total_cost', 'cost_get', 'get_stuff', 'cable_go', 'even_run', 'place_like', 'power_line']
sci_electronics_53506 |@lemmatized umm:1 sound:2 reinforcement:2 living:1 use:1 get:2 direct:1 box:1 convert:2 unbalanced:1 jack:1 balance:2 xlrs:1 little:2 high:1 quality:1 need:1 two:1 stereo:1 signal:1 course:1 adapter:1 thingy:1 radio:1 sh:1 rca:1 total:2 cost:2 around:1 also:1 buy:1 transformer:1 quite:1 bit:1 less:1 wire:1 stuff:1 pro:1 music:1 shop:1 sell:1 gear:1 benefit:1 noise:1 hear:1 generate:1 cable:1 go:1 component:1 input:1 even:1 run:1 bad:1 place:1 like:1 next:1 power:1 line:1 |@bigram use_get:1 little_high:1 high_quality:1 need_two:1 total_cost:2 around_also:1 quite_bit:1 bit_less:1 cost_get:1 get_stuff:1 cable_go:1 even_run:1 place_like:1 power_line:1
i am sorry, but this genoa card does nothing that the ATI ultra plus 2mb can't do, PLUS the ATI costs 330$US street price ....
[('am', 'VBP'), ('sorry', 'RB'), ('but', 'CC'), ('this', 'DT'), ('genoa', 'JJ'), ('card', 'NN'), ('does', 'VBZ'), ('nothing', 'NN'), ('that', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('ati', 'NN'), ('ultra', 'JJ'), ('plus', 'CC'), ('2mb', 'CD'), ('can', 'MD'), ('do', 'VB'), ('plus', 'CC'), ('the', 'DT'), ('ati', 'NN'), ('costs', 'VBZ'), ('330', 'CD'), ('us', 'PRP'), ('street', 'JJ'), ('price', 'NN'), ('....', 'NNS')]
['sorry', 'genoa', 'card', 'nothing', 'ati', 'ultra', 'plus', 'plus', 'ati', 'cost', 'u', 'street', 'price']
['ati_ultra', 'ultra_plus', 'cost_u', 'street_price']
comp_graphics_37947 |@lemmatized sorry:1 genoa:1 card:1 nothing:1 ati:2 ultra:1 plus:2 cost:1 u:1 street:1 price:1 |@bigram ati_ultra:1 ultra_plus:1 cost_u:1 street_price:1
***************************** * WARRIORS TICKETS FOR SALE * ***************************** I have 2 tickets that I can't use (Last pair this year). Section 109, Row P, Seats 8 & 9 DAY DATE OPPONENT TIME --- ---- -------- ---- WED 4/21 Sacremento 7:30 Price: $45.00 = MY COST Call or email if you are interested in these tickets.
[('*****************************', 'JJ'), ('warriors', 'NNS'), ('tickets', 'NNS'), ('for', 'IN'), ('sale', 'NN'), ('*****************************', 'NNS'), ('have', 'VBP'), ('tickets', 'NNS'), ('that', 'WDT'), ('can', 'MD'), ('use', 'VB'), ('last', 'JJ'), ('pair', 'NN'), ('this', 'DT'), ('year', 'NN'), (').', 'VBZ'), ('section', 'NN'), ('109', 'CD'), ('row', 'NN'), ('seats', 'NNS'), ('day', 'NN'), ('date', 'NN'), ('opponent', 'NN'), ('time', 'NN'), ('---', 'NNP'), ('----', 'NNP'), ('--------', 'NNP'), ('----', 'NNP'), ('wed', 'VBD'), ('21', 'CD'), ('sacremento', 'NN'), ('30', 'CD'), ('price', 'NN'), ('45', 'CD'), ('00', 'CD'), ('my', 'PRP$'), ('cost', 'NN'), ('call', 'NN'), ('or', 'CC'), ('email', 'NN'), ('if', 'IN'), ('you', 'PRP'), ('are', 'VBP'), ('interested', 'JJ'), ('in', 'IN'), ('these', 'DT'), ('tickets', 'NNS')]
['warrior', 'ticket', 'sale', 'ticket', 'use', 'last', 'pair', 'year', 'section', 'row', 'seat', 'day', 'date', 'opponent', 'time', 'wed', 'sacremento', 'price', 'cost', 'call', 'email', 'interested', 'ticket']
['call_email', 'email_interested']
misc_forsale_76152 |@lemmatized warrior:1 ticket:3 sale:1 use:1 last:1 pair:1 year:1 section:1 row:1 seat:1 day:1 date:1 opponent:1 time:1 wed:1 sacremento:1 price:1 cost:1 call:1 email:1 interested:1 |@bigram call_email:1 email_interested:1
Such as? Not being able to get married isn't a roadblock to a permanent relationship. Lack of a marriage certificate doesn't force a couple to break up. This is an excuse used by homosexuals because the alternative is to ask why they are so much more promiscuous than straights.
[('such', 'JJ'), ('as', 'IN'), ('not', 'RB'), ('being', 'VBG'), ('able', 'JJ'), ('to', 'TO'), ('get', 'VB'), ('married', 'JJ'), ('isn', 'NN'), ('roadblock', 'NN'), ('to', 'TO'), ('permanent', 'VB'), ('relationship', 'NN'), ('lack', 'NN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('marriage', 'NN'), ('certificate', 'NN'), ('doesn', 'NN'), ('force', 'NN'), ('couple', 'NN'), ('to', 'TO'), ('break', 'VB'), ('up', 'RP'), ('this', 'DT'), ('is', 'VBZ'), ('an', 'DT'), ('excuse', 'NN'), ('used', 'VBN'), ('by', 'IN'), ('homosexuals', 'NNS'), ('because', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('alternative', 'NN'), ('is', 'VBZ'), ('to', 'TO'), ('ask', 'VB'), ('why', 'WRB'), ('they', 'PRP'), ('are', 'VBP'), ('so', 'RB'), ('much', 'RB'), ('more', 'RBR'), ('promiscuous', 'JJ'), ('than', 'IN'), ('straights', 'NNS')]
['able', 'get', 'married', 'roadblock', 'permanent', 'relationship', 'lack', 'marriage', 'certificate', 'force', 'couple', 'break', 'excuse', 'use', 'homosexual', 'alternative', 'ask', 'much', 'promiscuous', 'straight']
['able_get', 'get_married', 'ask_much', 'much_promiscuous']
talk_politics_misc_178759 |@lemmatized able:1 get:1 married:1 roadblock:1 permanent:1 relationship:1 lack:1 marriage:1 certificate:1 force:1 couple:1 break:1 excuse:1 use:1 homosexual:1 alternative:1 ask:1 much:1 promiscuous:1 straight:1 |@bigram able_get:1 get_married:1 ask_much:1 much_promiscuous:1
It would depend on the requirements of the poster's data, for some purposes 1/256 resolution (with or without calibration curve). Otherwise the other possibilities would be: 1) get a digital voltameter with serial output & connect to serial port on mac, collect data with some communications program. 2) Buy an A/D chip from Analog devices, Burr-Brown, etc, connect to a parallel to serial converter, use serial port for acquisition (nah. too much soldering and trouble shooting :-) 3) Get a board from National Instruments, Data Translation, Omega, etal. The finest solution, but possibly the most costly. To the original poster: if the signal is too large, why not use a voltage divider? Two resistors, cost very cheap... --
[('it', 'PRP'), ('would', 'MD'), ('depend', 'VB'), ('on', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('requirements', 'NNS'), ('of', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('poster', 'NN'), ('data', 'NNS'), ('for', 'IN'), ('some', 'DT'), ('purposes', 'NNS'), ('256', 'CD'), ('resolution', 'NN'), ('with', 'IN'), ('or', 'CC'), ('without', 'IN'), ('calibration', 'NN'), ('curve', 'NN'), (').', 'NNP'), ('otherwise', 'RB'), ('the', 'DT'), ('other', 'JJ'), ('possibilities', 'NNS'), ('would', 'MD'), ('be', 'VB'), ('get', 'VB'), ('digital', 'JJ'), ('voltameter', 'NN'), ('with', 'IN'), ('serial', 'JJ'), ('output', 'NN'), ('connect', 'NN'), ('to', 'TO'), ('serial', 'JJ'), ('port', 'NN'), ('on', 'IN'), ('mac', 'NN'), ('collect', 'NN'), ('data', 'NNS'), ('with', 'IN'), ('some', 'DT'), ('communications', 'NNS'), ('program', 'NN'), ('buy', 'VBP'), ('an', 'DT'), ('chip', 'NN'), ('from', 'IN'), ('analog', 'NN'), ('devices', 'NNS'), ('burr', 'VBP'), ('brown', 'JJ'), ('etc', 'NN'), ('connect', 'NN'), ('to', 'TO'), ('parallel', 'VB'), ('to', 'TO'), ('serial', 'JJ'), ('converter', 'NN'), ('use', 'NN'), ('serial', 'JJ'), ('port', 'NN'), ('for', 'IN'), ('acquisition', 'NN'), ('nah', 'RB'), ('too', 'RB'), ('much', 'JJ'), ('soldering', 'NN'), ('and', 'CC'), ('trouble', 'NN'), ('shooting', 'VBG'), (':-)', 'JJ'), ('get', 'NNS'), ('board', 'NN'), ('from', 'IN'), ('national', 'JJ'), ('instruments', 'NNS'), ('data', 'NNS'), ('translation', 'NN'), ('omega', 'IN'), ('etal', 'JJ'), ('the', 'DT'), ('finest', 'JJS'), ('solution', 'NN'), ('but', 'CC'), ('possibly', 'RB'), ('the', 'DT'), ('most', 'RBS'), ('costly', 'JJ'), ('to', 'TO'), ('the', 'DT'), ('original', 'JJ'), ('poster', 'NN'), ('if', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('signal', 'NN'), ('is', 'VBZ'), ('too', 'RB'), ('large', 'JJ'), ('why', 'WRB'), ('not', 'RB'), ('use', 'VB'), ('voltage', 'NN'), ('divider', 'NN'), ('two', 'CD'), ('resistors', 'NNS'), ('cost', 'VBP'), ('very', 'RB'), ('cheap', 'JJ'), ('...', ':'), ('--', ':')]
['would', 'depend', 'requirement', 'poster', 'data', 'purpose', 'resolution', 'without', 'calibration', 'curve', 'otherwise', 'possibility', 'would', 'get', 'digital', 'voltameter', 'serial', 'output', 'connect', 'serial', 'port', 'mac', 'collect', 'data', 'communication', 'program', 'buy', 'chip', 'analog', 'device', 'burr', 'brown', 'etc', 'connect', 'parallel', 'serial', 'converter', 'use', 'serial', 'port', 'acquisition', 'nah', 'much', 'soldering', 'trouble', 'shoot', 'get', 'board', 'national', 'instrument', 'data', 'translation', 'omega', 'etal', 'fine', 'solution', 'possibly', 'costly', 'original', 'poster', 'signal', 'large', 'use', 'voltage', 'divider', 'two', 'resistor', 'cost', 'cheap']
['would_depend', 'would_get', 'serial_port', 'data_communication', 'converter_use', 'use_serial', 'serial_port', 'national_instrument', 'data_translation', 'original_poster']
comp_sys_mac_hardware_51516 |@lemmatized would:2 depend:1 requirement:1 poster:2 data:3 purpose:1 resolution:1 without:1 calibration:1 curve:1 otherwise:1 possibility:1 get:2 digital:1 voltameter:1 serial:4 output:1 connect:2 port:2 mac:1 collect:1 communication:1 program:1 buy:1 chip:1 analog:1 device:1 burr:1 brown:1 etc:1 parallel:1 converter:1 use:2 acquisition:1 nah:1 much:1 soldering:1 trouble:1 shoot:1 board:1 national:1 instrument:1 translation:1 omega:1 etal:1 fine:1 solution:1 possibly:1 costly:1 original:1 signal:1 large:1 voltage:1 divider:1 two:1 resistor:1 cost:1 cheap:1 |@bigram would_depend:1 would_get:1 serial_port:2 data_communication:1 converter_use:1 use_serial:1 national_instrument:1 data_translation:1 original_poster:1
I have a DEC NT 486DX33 that has an Adaptec SCSI controller, hard disk and cd-rom drive. When I add a 3COMM Ethernet card (3C503) and reboot the system I receive an error message that a boot device cannot be found. Pull the 3COMM card and reboot, everything is fine. I've moved the controller and 3COMM card to various slots, different positions (slot before the controller, slot after the controller) with the same result. DEC hasn't responded to the problem yet. Any help would be appreciated.
[('have', 'VB'), ('dec', 'VBN'), ('nt', 'RB'), ('486dx33', 'CD'), ('that', 'WDT'), ('has', 'VBZ'), ('an', 'DT'), ('adaptec', 'JJ'), ('scsi', 'NN'), ('controller', 'NN'), ('hard', 'JJ'), ('disk', 'NN'), ('and', 'CC'), ('cd', 'NN'), ('rom', 'NNS'), ('drive', 'NN'), ('when', 'WRB'), ('add', 'VBZ'), ('3comm', 'CD'), ('ethernet', 'JJ'), ('card', 'NN'), ('3c503', 'CD'), ('and', 'CC'), ('reboot', 'VB'), ('the', 'DT'), ('system', 'NN'), ('receive', 'VBP'), ('an', 'DT'), ('error', 'NN'), ('message', 'NN'), ('that', 'WDT'), ('boot', 'JJ'), ('device', 'NN'), ('cannot', 'NN'), ('be', 'VB'), ('found', 'VBN'), ('pull', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('3comm', 'CD'), ('card', 'NN'), ('and', 'CC'), ('reboot', 'NN'), ('everything', 'NN'), ('is', 'VBZ'), ('fine', 'JJ'), ('ve', 'NN'), ('moved', 'VBD'), ('the', 'DT'), ('controller', 'NN'), ('and', 'CC'), ('3comm', 'CD'), ('card', 'NN'), ('to', 'TO'), ('various', 'JJ'), ('slots', 'NNS'), ('different', 'JJ'), ('positions', 'NNS'), ('slot', 'NN'), ('before', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('controller', 'NN'), ('slot', 'NN'), ('after', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('controller', 'NN'), ('with', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('same', 'JJ'), ('result', 'NN'), ('dec', 'NN'), ('hasn', 'NN'), ('responded', 'VBD'), ('to', 'TO'), ('the', 'DT'), ('problem', 'NN'), ('yet', 'RB'), ('any', 'DT'), ('help', 'NN'), ('would', 'MD'), ('be', 'VB'), ('appreciated', 'VBN')]
['dec', 'nt', 'adaptec', 'scsi', 'controller', 'hard', 'disk', 'cd', 'rom', 'drive', 'add', 'ethernet', 'card', 'reboot', 'system', 'receive', 'error', 'message', 'boot', 'device', 'cannot', 'find', 'pull', 'card', 'reboot', 'everything', 'fine', 'move', 'controller', 'card', 'various', 'slot', 'different', 'position', 'slot', 'controller', 'slot', 'controller', 'result', 'dec', 'respond', 'problem', 'yet', 'help', 'would', 'appreciate']
['adaptec_scsi', 'scsi_controller', 'hard_disk', 'cd_rom', 'rom_drive', 'ethernet_card', 'error_message', 'cannot_find', 'everything_fine', 'controller_card', 'help_would', 'would_appreciate']
comp_sys_ibm_pc_hardware_60551 |@lemmatized dec:2 nt:1 adaptec:1 scsi:1 controller:4 hard:1 disk:1 cd:1 rom:1 drive:1 add:1 ethernet:1 card:3 reboot:2 system:1 receive:1 error:1 message:1 boot:1 device:1 cannot:1 find:1 pull:1 everything:1 fine:1 move:1 various:1 slot:3 different:1 position:1 result:1 respond:1 problem:1 yet:1 help:1 would:1 appreciate:1 |@bigram adaptec_scsi:1 scsi_controller:1 hard_disk:1 cd_rom:1 rom_drive:1 ethernet_card:1 error_message:1 cannot_find:1 everything_fine:1 controller_card:1 help_would:1 would_appreciate:1
Well I don't see any smileys here. I am trying to figure out if the poster is a dog or a wordprocessor. Couldn't be neither. Both are smarter than this. "I might not be great in Math" --
[('well', 'RB'), ('don', 'RB'), ('see', 'VB'), ('any', 'DT'), ('smileys', 'NNS'), ('here', 'RB'), ('am', 'VBP'), ('trying', 'VBG'), ('to', 'TO'), ('figure', 'VB'), ('out', 'RP'), ('if', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('poster', 'NN'), ('is', 'VBZ'), ('dog', 'JJ'), ('or', 'CC'), ('wordprocessor', 'JJ'), ('couldn', 'NN'), ('be', 'VB'), ('neither', 'CC'), ('both', 'DT'), ('are', 'VBP'), ('smarter', 'JJR'), ('than', 'IN'), ('this', 'DT'), ('might', 'MD'), ('not', 'RB'), ('be', 'VB'), ('great', 'JJ'), ('in', 'IN'), ('math', 'NN'), ('--', ':')]
['well', 'see', 'smiley', 'try', 'figure', 'poster', 'dog', 'wordprocessor', 'neither', 'smart', 'might', 'great', 'math']
['well_see', 'try_figure']
rec_sport_hockey_53623 |@lemmatized well:1 see:1 smiley:1 try:1 figure:1 poster:1 dog:1 wordprocessor:1 neither:1 smart:1 might:1 great:1 math:1 |@bigram well_see:1 try_figure:1
[deleted] Keep in mind this was in Massachussetts. Today was Patriots Day, a state holiday. I think it might be a floating holiday, but given that the Marathon also happens the same day, most people don't go in. -- #include <std_disclaimer.h>
[('deleted', 'VBN'), ('keep', 'NN'), ('in', 'IN'), ('mind', 'NN'), ('this', 'DT'), ('was', 'VBD'), ('in', 'IN'), ('massachussetts', 'NN'), ('today', 'NN'), ('was', 'VBD'), ('patriots', 'JJ'), ('day', 'NN'), ('state', 'NN'), ('holiday', 'NN'), ('think', 'VBP'), ('it', 'PRP'), ('might', 'MD'), ('be', 'VB'), ('floating', 'VBG'), ('holiday', 'NN'), ('but', 'CC'), ('given', 'VBN'), ('that', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('marathon', 'NN'), ('also', 'RB'), ('happens', 'VBZ'), ('the', 'DT'), ('same', 'JJ'), ('day', 'NN'), ('most', 'JJS'), ('people', 'NNS'), ('don', 'VBP'), ('go', 'VBP'), ('in', 'IN'), ('--', ':'), ('include', 'VBP'), ('std_disclaimer', 'NN')]
['delete', 'keep', 'mind', 'massachussetts', 'today', 'patriots', 'day', 'state', 'holiday', 'think', 'might', 'float', 'holiday', 'give', 'marathon', 'also', 'happen', 'day', 'people', 'go', 'include']
['keep_mind', 'think_might', 'also_happen', 'day_people', 'people_go', 'go_include']
rec_sport_baseball_104649 |@lemmatized delete:1 keep:1 mind:1 massachussetts:1 today:1 patriots:1 day:2 state:1 holiday:2 think:1 might:1 float:1 give:1 marathon:1 also:1 happen:1 people:1 go:1 include:1 |@bigram keep_mind:1 think_might:1 also_happen:1 day_people:1 people_go:1 go_include:1
Issued by Khomeini it shouldn't be relevant to anyone. But issued by an honest and learned scholar of Islam it would be relevant to any muslim as it would be contrary to Islamic law which all muslims are required to respect. Anyone sufficiently well versed in Islamic law and capable of reasoning, if you are talking about a weak sense of "excuse." It depends on what sense of "excuse" you have in mind. Only someone who thinks my opinion is important, obviously. Obviously you don't care, nor do I care that you don't care.
[('issued', 'VBN'), ('by', 'IN'), ('khomeini', 'NN'), ('it', 'PRP'), ('shouldn', 'VBD'), ('be', 'VB'), ('relevant', 'JJ'), ('to', 'TO'), ('anyone', 'NN'), ('but', 'CC'), ('issued', 'VBN'), ('by', 'IN'), ('an', 'DT'), ('honest', 'NN'), ('and', 'CC'), ('learned', 'VBD'), ('scholar', 'NN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('islam', 'NN'), ('it', 'PRP'), ('would', 'MD'), ('be', 'VB'), ('relevant', 'JJ'), ('to', 'TO'), ('any', 'DT'), ('muslim', 'NN'), ('as', 'IN'), ('it', 'PRP'), ('would', 'MD'), ('be', 'VB'), ('contrary', 'JJ'), ('to', 'TO'), ('islamic', 'VB'), ('law', 'NN'), ('which', 'WDT'), ('all', 'DT'), ('muslims', 'NNS'), ('are', 'VBP'), ('required', 'VBN'), ('to', 'TO'), ('respect', 'VB'), ('anyone', 'NN'), ('sufficiently', 'RB'), ('well', 'RB'), ('versed', 'VBN'), ('in', 'IN'), ('islamic', 'JJ'), ('law', 'NN'), ('and', 'CC'), ('capable', 'JJ'), ('of', 'IN'), ('reasoning', 'VBG'), ('if', 'IN'), ('you', 'PRP'), ('are', 'VBP'), ('talking', 'VBG'), ('about', 'IN'), ('weak', 'JJ'), ('sense', 'NN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('excuse', 'NN'), ('."', 'NN'), ('it', 'PRP'), ('depends', 'VBZ'), ('on', 'IN'), ('what', 'WP'), ('sense', 'NN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('excuse', 'NN'), ('you', 'PRP'), ('have', 'VBP'), ('in', 'IN'), ('mind', 'NN'), ('only', 'RB'), ('someone', 'NN'), ('who', 'WP'), ('thinks', 'VBZ'), ('my', 'PRP$'), ('opinion', 'NN'), ('is', 'VBZ'), ('important', 'JJ'), ('obviously', 'RB'), ('obviously', 'RB'), ('you', 'PRP'), ('don', 'VBP'), ('care', 'VB'), ('nor', 'CC'), ('do', 'VB'), ('care', 'VB'), ('that', 'IN'), ('you', 'PRP'), ('don', 'VBP'), ('care', 'VB')]
['issue', 'khomeini', 'relevant', 'anyone', 'issue', 'honest', 'learn', 'scholar', 'islam', 'would', 'relevant', 'muslim', 'would', 'contrary', 'islamic', 'law', 'muslim', 'require', 'respect', 'anyone', 'sufficiently', 'well', 'verse', 'islamic', 'law', 'capable', 'reason', 'talk', 'weak', 'sense', 'excuse', 'depend', 'sense', 'excuse', 'mind', 'someone', 'think', 'opinion', 'important', 'obviously', 'obviously', 'care', 'care', 'care']
['islamic_law', 'well_verse', 'islamic_law', 'someone_think']
alt_atheism_53176 |@lemmatized issue:2 khomeini:1 relevant:2 anyone:2 honest:1 learn:1 scholar:1 islam:1 would:2 muslim:2 contrary:1 islamic:2 law:2 require:1 respect:1 sufficiently:1 well:1 verse:1 capable:1 reason:1 talk:1 weak:1 sense:2 excuse:2 depend:1 mind:1 someone:1 think:1 opinion:1 important:1 obviously:2 care:3 |@bigram islamic_law:2 well_verse:1 someone_think:1
It also gave me lots of problems with joint and muscle pain. Seemed to trigger arthritis-like problems. Sue
[('it', 'PRP'), ('also', 'RB'), ('gave', 'VBD'), ('me', 'PRP'), ('lots', 'NNS'), ('of', 'IN'), ('problems', 'NNS'), ('with', 'IN'), ('joint', 'JJ'), ('and', 'CC'), ('muscle', 'NN'), ('pain', 'NN'), ('seemed', 'VBD'), ('to', 'TO'), ('trigger', 'VB'), ('arthritis', 'NN'), ('like', 'IN'), ('problems', 'NNS'), ('sue', 'VBP')]
['also', 'give', 'lot', 'problem', 'joint', 'muscle', 'pain', 'seem', 'trigger', 'arthritis', 'like', 'problem', 'sue']
['also_give', 'give_lot', 'lot_problem']
sci_med_59124 |@lemmatized also:1 give:1 lot:1 problem:2 joint:1 muscle:1 pain:1 seem:1 trigger:1 arthritis:1 like:1 sue:1 |@bigram also_give:1 give_lot:1 lot_problem:1
Where? I honestly didn't see any... I disagree, if for no other reason than that there are already other standards in place. Besides, even if they restrict encryption on the NREN, who cares? Most of the Internet is commercial anyway. The NREN is only for geovernment and university research (read the proposals--it's a "data superhighway" for Cray users, not anything having to do with the Internet).
[('where', 'WRB'), ('honestly', 'RB'), ('didn', 'VB'), ('see', 'VB'), ('any', 'DT'), ('...', ':'), ('disagree', 'NN'), ('if', 'IN'), ('for', 'IN'), ('no', 'DT'), ('other', 'JJ'), ('reason', 'NN'), ('than', 'IN'), ('that', 'IN'), ('there', 'EX'), ('are', 'VBP'), ('already', 'RB'), ('other', 'JJ'), ('standards', 'NNS'), ('in', 'IN'), ('place', 'NN'), ('besides', 'IN'), ('even', 'RB'), ('if', 'IN'), ('they', 'PRP'), ('restrict', 'VBP'), ('encryption', 'NN'), ('on', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('nren', 'NNS'), ('who', 'WP'), ('cares', 'VBZ'), ('most', 'JJS'), ('of', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('internet', 'NN'), ('is', 'VBZ'), ('commercial', 'JJ'), ('anyway', 'RB'), ('the', 'DT'), ('nren', 'NN'), ('is', 'VBZ'), ('only', 'RB'), ('for', 'IN'), ('geovernment', 'NN'), ('and', 'CC'), ('university', 'NN'), ('research', 'NN'), ('read', 'VBD'), ('the', 'DT'), ('proposals', 'NNS'), ('--', ':'), ('it', 'PRP'), ('data', 'VBZ'), ('superhighway', 'NN'), ('for', 'IN'), ('cray', 'NN'), ('users', 'NNS'), ('not', 'RB'), ('anything', 'NN'), ('having', 'VBG'), ('to', 'TO'), ('do', 'VB'), ('with', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('internet', 'NN'), (').', 'NN')]
['honestly', 'see', 'disagree', 'reason', 'already', 'standard', 'place', 'besides', 'even', 'restrict', 'encryption', 'nren', 'care', 'internet', 'commercial', 'anyway', 'nren', 'geovernment', 'university', 'research', 'read', 'proposal', 'data', 'superhighway', 'cray', 'user', 'anything', 'internet']
['university_research', 'read_proposal']
sci_crypt_15289 |@lemmatized honestly:1 see:1 disagree:1 reason:1 already:1 standard:1 place:1 besides:1 even:1 restrict:1 encryption:1 nren:2 care:1 internet:2 commercial:1 anyway:1 geovernment:1 university:1 research:1 read:1 proposal:1 data:1 superhighway:1 cray:1 user:1 anything:1 |@bigram university_research:1 read_proposal:1
Hi. I'm trying to figure out how to make a window manager place the window where the create window command tells it, regardless of what it may think is right. (my application has reason to know better) I don't want to set the override-redirect because I do want all the embellishments that the window manager gives, I just want the wm to accept my choice of location. I've tried twm, tvtwm and mwm and they are all uncooperative.
[('hi', 'NN'), ('trying', 'VBG'), ('to', 'TO'), ('figure', 'VB'), ('out', 'RP'), ('how', 'WRB'), ('to', 'TO'), ('make', 'VB'), ('window', 'NN'), ('manager', 'NN'), ('place', 'VBP'), ('the', 'DT'), ('window', 'NN'), ('where', 'WRB'), ('the', 'DT'), ('create', 'NN'), ('window', 'NN'), ('command', 'NN'), ('tells', 'VBZ'), ('it', 'PRP'), ('regardless', 'RB'), ('of', 'IN'), ('what', 'WP'), ('it', 'PRP'), ('may', 'MD'), ('think', 'VB'), ('is', 'VBZ'), ('right', 'JJ'), ('my', 'PRP$'), ('application', 'NN'), ('has', 'VBZ'), ('reason', 'NN'), ('to', 'TO'), ('know', 'VB'), ('better', 'JJR'), ('don', 'NN'), ('want', 'VBP'), ('to', 'TO'), ('set', 'VB'), ('the', 'DT'), ('override', 'NN'), ('redirect', 'NN'), ('because', 'IN'), ('do', 'NN'), ('want', 'VBP'), ('all', 'PDT'), ('the', 'DT'), ('embellishments', 'NNS'), ('that', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('window', 'NN'), ('manager', 'NN'), ('gives', 'VBZ'), ('just', 'RB'), ('want', 'VB'), ('the', 'DT'), ('wm', 'NN'), ('to', 'TO'), ('accept', 'VB'), ('my', 'PRP$'), ('choice', 'NN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('location', 'NN'), ('ve', 'NN'), ('tried', 'VBD'), ('twm', 'JJ'), ('tvtwm', 'NN'), ('and', 'CC'), ('mwm', 'NN'), ('and', 'CC'), ('they', 'PRP'), ('are', 'VBP'), ('all', 'DT'), ('uncooperative', 'JJ')]
['hi', 'try', 'figure', 'make', 'window', 'manager', 'place', 'window', 'create', 'window', 'command', 'tell', 'regardless', 'may', 'think', 'right', 'application', 'reason', 'know', 'good', 'want', 'set', 'override', 'redirect', 'want', 'embellishment', 'window', 'manager', 'give', 'want', 'wm', 'accept', 'choice', 'location', 'try', 'twm', 'tvtwm', 'mwm', 'uncooperative']
['hi_try', 'try_figure', 'make_window', 'window_manager', 'place_window', 'window_create', 'create_window', 'may_think', 'think_right', 'reason_know', 'know_good', 'window_manager']
comp_windows_x_67029 |@lemmatized hi:1 try:2 figure:1 make:1 window:4 manager:2 place:1 create:1 command:1 tell:1 regardless:1 may:1 think:1 right:1 application:1 reason:1 know:1 good:1 want:3 set:1 override:1 redirect:1 embellishment:1 give:1 wm:1 accept:1 choice:1 location:1 twm:1 tvtwm:1 mwm:1 uncooperative:1 |@bigram hi_try:1 try_figure:1 make_window:1 window_manager:2 place_window:1 window_create:1 create_window:1 may_think:1 think_right:1 reason_know:1 know_good:1
Where does the shadow come from? There's nothing close enough to block sunlight from hitting them. I wouldn't expect there to be anything block our view of them either. What am I missing?
[('where', 'WRB'), ('does', 'VBZ'), ('the', 'DT'), ('shadow', 'NN'), ('come', 'VBP'), ('from', 'IN'), ('there', 'EX'), ('nothing', 'NN'), ('close', 'RB'), ('enough', 'RB'), ('to', 'TO'), ('block', 'VB'), ('sunlight', 'NN'), ('from', 'IN'), ('hitting', 'VBG'), ('them', 'PRP'), ('wouldn', 'JJS'), ('expect', 'VBP'), ('there', 'EX'), ('to', 'TO'), ('be', 'VB'), ('anything', 'NN'), ('block', 'VB'), ('our', 'PRP$'), ('view', 'NN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('them', 'PRP'), ('either', 'DT'), ('what', 'WP'), ('am', 'VBP'), ('missing', 'VBG')]
['shadow', 'come', 'nothing', 'close', 'enough', 'block', 'sunlight', 'hit', 'expect', 'anything', 'block', 'view', 'either', 'miss']
sci_space_61128 |@lemmatized shadow:1 come:1 nothing:1 close:1 enough:1 block:2 sunlight:1 hit:1 expect:1 anything:1 view:1 either:1 miss:1 |@bigram come_nothing:1
First, I would like to thank all who sent me their opinions on the matter at hand. All advice was taken to heart, if not directly used. My friend found out about the matter quite accidently. After reading some of my mail, I quit from the mail reader & went about my business. I must have trashed my mail improperly, because he got on the same terminal the next day & saw my old messages. He thought they were responses to a post he placed in alt.atheism earlier that week, so he read some of them before realizing that they were for me. I got a message from him the next day; he apologized for reading my mail & said that he did not want to appear to be a snoop. He said that he would be willing to talk to me about his views & didn't mind doing so, especially with a friend. So we did. I neither changed his mind nor did he change mine, as that was not the point. Now he knows where I'm coming from & now I know where he's coming from. And all that I can do is pray for him, as I've always done. I believe the reason that he & I "click" instead of "bash" heads is because I see Christianity as a tool for revolution, & not a tool for maintaining the status quo. To be quite blunt, I have more of a reason to reject God than he does just by the fact that I am an African-American female. Christianity & religion have been used as tools to separate my people from the true knowledge of our history & the wealth of our contributions to the world society. The "kitchen of heaven" was all we had to look forward to during the slave days, & this mentality & second-class status still exists today. I, too, have rejected an aspect of Christianity----that of the estabished church. Too much hypocricy exists behind the walls of "God's house" beginning with the images of a white Jesus to that of the members: praise God on Sunday & raise hell beginning Monday. God-willing, I will find a church home where I can feel comfortable & at-home, but I don't see it happening anytime soon.
[('first', 'RB'), ('would', 'MD'), ('like', 'VB'), ('to', 'TO'), ('thank', 'VB'), ('all', 'DT'), ('who', 'WP'), ('sent', 'VBD'), ('me', 'PRP'), ('their', 'PRP$'), ('opinions', 'NNS'), ('on', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('matter', 'NN'), ('at', 'IN'), ('hand', 'NN'), ('all', 'DT'), ('advice', 'NN'), ('was', 'VBD'), ('taken', 'VBN'), ('to', 'TO'), ('heart', 'NN'), ('if', 'IN'), ('not', 'RB'), ('directly', 'RB'), ('used', 'VBN'), ('my', 'PRP$'), ('friend', 'NN'), ('found', 'VBD'), ('out', 'IN'), ('about', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('matter', 'NN'), ('quite', 'RB'), ('accidently', 'RB'), ('after', 'IN'), ('reading', 'VBG'), ('some', 'DT'), ('of', 'IN'), ('my', 'PRP$'), ('mail', 'NN'), ('quit', 'NN'), ('from', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('mail', 'NN'), ('reader', 'NN'), ('went', 'VBD'), ('about', 'IN'), ('my', 'PRP$'), ('business', 'NN'), ('must', 'MD'), ('have', 'VB'), ('trashed', 'VBN'), ('my', 'PRP$'), ('mail', 'NN'), ('improperly', 'RB'), ('because', 'IN'), ('he', 'PRP'), ('got', 'VBD'), ('on', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('same', 'JJ'), ('terminal', 'NN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('next', 'JJ'), ('day', 'NN'), ('saw', 'VBD'), ('my', 'PRP$'), ('old', 'JJ'), ('messages', 'NNS'), ('he', 'PRP'), ('thought', 'VBD'), ('they', 'PRP'), ('were', 'VBD'), ('responses', 'NNS'), ('to', 'TO'), ('post', 'VB'), ('he', 'PRP'), ('placed', 'VBN'), ('in', 'IN'), ('alt', 'NN'), ('atheism', 'NN'), ('earlier', 'RBR'), ('that', 'IN'), ('week', 'NN'), ('so', 'RB'), ('he', 'PRP'), ('read', 'VBD'), ('some', 'DT'), ('of', 'IN'), ('them', 'PRP'), ('before', 'IN'), ('realizing', 'VBG'), ('that', 'IN'), ('they', 'PRP'), ('were', 'VBD'), ('for', 'IN'), ('me', 'PRP'), ('got', 'VBD'), ('message', 'NN'), ('from', 'IN'), ('him', 'PRP'), ('the', 'DT'), ('next', 'JJ'), ('day', 'NN'), ('he', 'PRP'), ('apologized', 'VBD'), ('for', 'IN'), ('reading', 'VBG'), ('my', 'PRP$'), ('mail', 'NN'), ('said', 'VBD'), ('that', 'IN'), ('he', 'PRP'), ('did', 'VBD'), ('not', 'RB'), ('want', 'VB'), ('to', 'TO'), ('appear', 'VB'), ('to', 'TO'), ('be', 'VB'), ('snoop', 'NN'), ('he', 'PRP'), ('said', 'VBD'), ('that', 'IN'), ('he', 'PRP'), ('would', 'MD'), ('be', 'VB'), ('willing', 'JJ'), ('to', 'TO'), ('talk', 'VB'), ('to', 'TO'), ('me', 'PRP'), ('about', 'IN'), ('his', 'PRP$'), ('views', 'NNS'), ('didn', 'VBP'), ('mind', 'NN'), ('doing', 'VBG'), ('so', 'RB'), ('especially', 'RB'), ('with', 'IN'), ('friend', 'NN'), ('so', 'IN'), ('we', 'PRP'), ('did', 'VBD'), ('neither', 'RB'), ('changed', 'VBN'), ('his', 'PRP$'), ('mind', 'NN'), ('nor', 'CC'), ('did', 'VBD'), ('he', 'PRP'), ('change', 'VB'), ('mine', 'NN'), ('as', 'IN'), ('that', 'DT'), ('was', 'VBD'), ('not', 'RB'), ('the', 'DT'), ('point', 'NN'), ('now', 'RB'), ('he', 'PRP'), ('knows', 'VBZ'), ('where', 'WRB'), ('coming', 'VBG'), ('from', 'IN'), ('now', 'RB'), ('know', 'VB'), ('where', 'WRB'), ('he', 'PRP'), ('coming', 'VBG'), ('from', 'IN'), ('and', 'CC'), ('all', 'DT'), ('that', 'WDT'), ('can', 'MD'), ('do', 'VB'), ('is', 'VBZ'), ('pray', 'VB'), ('for', 'IN'), ('him', 'PRP'), ('as', 'IN'), ('ve', 'NN'), ('always', 'RB'), ('done', 'VBN'), ('believe', 'VBP'), ('the', 'DT'), ('reason', 'NN'), ('that', 'IN'), ('he', 'PRP'), ('click', 'VBZ'), ('instead', 'RB'), ('of', 'IN'), ('bash', 'JJ'), ('heads', 'NNS'), ('is', 'VBZ'), ('because', 'IN'), ('see', 'NN'), ('christianity', 'NN'), ('as', 'IN'), ('tool', 'NN'), ('for', 'IN'), ('revolution', 'NN'), ('not', 'RB'), ('tool', 'VB'), ('for', 'IN'), ('maintaining', 'VBG'), ('the', 'DT'), ('status', 'NN'), ('quo', 'NN'), ('to', 'TO'), ('be', 'VB'), ('quite', 'RB'), ('blunt', 'JJ'), ('have', 'VBP'), ('more', 'JJR'), ('of', 'IN'), ('reason', 'NN'), ('to', 'TO'), ('reject', 'VB'), ('god', 'NN'), ('than', 'IN'), ('he', 'PRP'), ('does', 'VBZ'), ('just', 'RB'), ('by', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('fact', 'NN'), ('that', 'IN'), ('am', 'VBP'), ('an', 'DT'), ('african', 'JJ'), ('american', 'JJ'), ('female', 'NN'), ('christianity', 'NN'), ('religion', 'NN'), ('have', 'VBP'), ('been', 'VBN'), ('used', 'VBN'), ('as', 'IN'), ('tools', 'NNS'), ('to', 'TO'), ('separate', 'VB'), ('my', 'PRP$'), ('people', 'NNS'), ('from', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('true', 'JJ'), ('knowledge', 'NN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('our', 'PRP$'), ('history', 'NN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('wealth', 'NN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('our', 'PRP$'), ('contributions', 'NNS'), ('to', 'TO'), ('the', 'DT'), ('world', 'NN'), ('society', 'NN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('kitchen', 'NN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('heaven', 'NN'), ('was', 'VBD'), ('all', 'DT'), ('we', 'PRP'), ('had', 'VBD'), ('to', 'TO'), ('look', 'VB'), ('forward', 'RB'), ('to', 'TO'), ('during', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('slave', 'JJ'), ('days', 'NNS'), ('this', 'DT'), ('mentality', 'NN'), ('second', 'JJ'), ('class', 'NN'), ('status', 'NN'), ('still', 'RB'), ('exists', 'VBZ'), ('today', 'NN'), ('too', 'RB'), ('have', 'VBP'), ('rejected', 'VBN'), ('an', 'DT'), ('aspect', 'NN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('christianity', 'NN'), ('----', 'VBP'), ('that', 'IN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('estabished', 'JJ'), ('church', 'NN'), ('too', 'RB'), ('much', 'JJ'), ('hypocricy', 'NN'), ('exists', 'VBZ'), ('behind', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('walls', 'NNS'), ('of', 'IN'), ('god', 'NN'), ('house', 'NN'), ('beginning', 'VBG'), ('with', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('images', 'NNS'), ('of', 'IN'), ('white', 'JJ'), ('jesus', 'NN'), ('to', 'TO'), ('that', 'DT'), ('of', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('members', 'NNS'), ('praise', 'VBP'), ('god', 'NN'), ('on', 'IN'), ('sunday', 'JJ'), ('raise', 'NN'), ('hell', 'NN'), ('beginning', 'VBG'), ('monday', 'JJ'), ('god', 'JJ'), ('willing', 'JJ'), ('will', 'MD'), ('find', 'VB'), ('church', 'NN'), ('home', 'NN'), ('where', 'WRB'), ('can', 'MD'), ('feel', 'VB'), ('comfortable', 'JJ'), ('at', 'IN'), ('home', 'NN'), ('but', 'CC'), ('don', 'JJ'), ('see', 'VBP'), ('it', 'PRP'), ('happening', 'VBG'), ('anytime', 'RB'), ('soon', 'RB')]
['first', 'would', 'like', 'thank', 'send', 'opinion', 'matter', 'hand', 'advice', 'take', 'heart', 'directly', 'use', 'friend', 'find', 'matter', 'quite', 'accidently', 'read', 'mail', 'quit', 'mail', 'reader', 'go', 'business', 'must', 'trash', 'mail', 'improperly', 'get', 'terminal', 'next', 'day', 'saw', 'old', 'message', 'think', 'response', 'post', 'place', 'alt', 'atheism', 'earlier', 'week', 'read', 'realize', 'get', 'message', 'next', 'day', 'apologize', 'read', 'mail', 'say', 'want', 'appear', 'snoop', 'say', 'would', 'willing', 'talk', 'view', 'mind', 'especially', 'friend', 'neither', 'change', 'mind', 'change', 'mine', 'point', 'know', 'come', 'know', 'come', 'pray', 'always', 'believe', 'reason', 'click', 'instead', 'bash', 'head', 'see', 'christianity', 'tool', 'revolution', 'tool', 'maintain', 'status', 'quo', 'quite', 'blunt', 'reason', 'reject', 'god', 'fact', 'african', 'american', 'female', 'christianity', 'religion', 'use', 'tool', 'separate', 'people', 'true', 'knowledge', 'history', 'wealth', 'contribution', 'world', 'society', 'kitchen', 'heaven', 'look', 'forward', 'slave', 'day', 'mentality', 'second', 'class', 'status', 'still', 'exist', 'today', 'reject', 'aspect', 'christianity', 'estabished', 'church', 'much', 'hypocricy', 'exist', 'behind', 'wall', 'god', 'house', 'begin', 'image', 'white', 'jesus', 'member', 'praise', 'god', 'sunday', 'raise', 'hell', 'begin', 'monday', 'god', 'willing', 'find', 'church', 'home', 'feel', 'comfortable', 'home', 'see', 'happen', 'anytime', 'soon']
['first_would', 'would_like', 'like_thank', 'opinion_matter', 'mail_reader', 'go_business', 'next_day', 'day_saw', 'message_think', 'response_post', 'alt_atheism', 'get_message', 'next_day', 'say_want', 'say_would', 'would_willing', 'change_mind', 'point_know', 'know_come', 'come_know', 'know_come', 'believe_reason', 'status_quo', 'reject_god', 'god_fact', 'african_american', 'religion_use', 'use_tool', 'look_forward', 'second_class', 'still_exist', 'exist_today', 'praise_god', 'find_church', 'feel_comfortable', 'see_happen']
soc_religion_christian_20638 |@lemmatized first:1 would:2 like:1 thank:1 send:1 opinion:1 matter:2 hand:1 advice:1 take:1 heart:1 directly:1 use:2 friend:2 find:2 quite:2 accidently:1 read:3 mail:4 quit:1 reader:1 go:1 business:1 must:1 trash:1 improperly:1 get:2 terminal:1 next:2 day:3 saw:1 old:1 message:2 think:1 response:1 post:1 place:1 alt:1 atheism:1 earlier:1 week:1 realize:1 apologize:1 say:2 want:1 appear:1 snoop:1 willing:2 talk:1 view:1 mind:2 especially:1 neither:1 change:2 mine:1 point:1 know:2 come:2 pray:1 always:1 believe:1 reason:2 click:1 instead:1 bash:1 head:1 see:2 christianity:3 tool:3 revolution:1 maintain:1 status:2 quo:1 blunt:1 reject:2 god:4 fact:1 african:1 american:1 female:1 religion:1 separate:1 people:1 true:1 knowledge:1 history:1 wealth:1 contribution:1 world:1 society:1 kitchen:1 heaven:1 look:1 forward:1 slave:1 mentality:1 second:1 class:1 still:1 exist:2 today:1 aspect:1 estabished:1 church:2 much:1 hypocricy:1 behind:1 wall:1 house:1 begin:2 image:1 white:1 jesus:1 member:1 praise:1 sunday:1 raise:1 hell:1 monday:1 home:2 feel:1 comfortable:1 happen:1 anytime:1 soon:1 |@bigram first_would:1 would_like:1 like_thank:1 opinion_matter:1 mail_reader:1 go_business:1 next_day:2 day_saw:1 message_think:1 response_post:1 alt_atheism:1 get_message:1 say_want:1 say_would:1 would_willing:1 change_mind:1 point_know:1 know_come:2 come_know:1 believe_reason:1 status_quo:1 reject_god:1 god_fact:1 african_american:1 religion_use:1 use_tool:1 look_forward:1 second_class:1 still_exist:1 exist_today:1 praise_god:1 find_church:1 feel_comfortable:1 see_happen:1
mjs>No No No No!! All I am saying is that you don't even need to tell people mjs>the technique of countersteering, cos they will do it intuitively the first mjs>time they try to go round a corner. karr>Are you sure? Remember that you *can* get around corners without karr>countersteering. In fact, my Experienced Rider Course instructors karr>claimed that they could get on behind a new rider and make the bike karr>turn to whichever side they wanted just by shifting their weight karr>around, even when the operator was trying to turn in the opposite karr>direction. (I admit I've never actually seen this.) I've experienced this, back when I was young(er) and (more) foolish... My first bike used to track extremely true. Going down the highway, I would set the throttle tension screw up enough to hold the gas steady, slide back on the seat and lean against the backrest, riding without any hands. If I needed to turn, I'd shift my weight into the turn, and lo and behold, the bike would turn, sans touching the bars! Granted, it wouldn't turn very fast, but it proves that you can turn a bike without countersteering, at least not in terms of the input to the bar normally associated with countersteering. As I've said, I know many people who think all you do is lean, and any input they're giving to the bar is totally unconscious. Whereas that may be sufficient to get you down the road under normal circumstances, possibly for years at a stretch, I can't think of anybody who'd argue that this is preferable to properly knowing how to manipulate the bar in a turn, regardless of what you want to call it. Except maybe for Mr. Sixsmith... ;^) Mr. Bill
[('mjs', 'NN'), ('no', 'DT'), ('no', 'DT'), ('no', 'DT'), ('no', 'DT'), ('!!', 'NNP'), ('all', 'DT'), ('am', 'VBP'), ('saying', 'VBG'), ('is', 'VBZ'), ('that', 'IN'), ('you', 'PRP'), ('don', 'VBP'), ('even', 'RB'), ('need', 'VBP'), ('to', 'TO'), ('tell', 'VB'), ('people', 'NNS'), ('mjs', 'VBP'), ('the', 'DT'), ('technique', 'NN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('countersteering', 'VBG'), ('cos', 'NN'), ('they', 'PRP'), ('will', 'MD'), ('do', 'VB'), ('it', 'PRP'), ('intuitively', 'RB'), ('the', 'DT'), ('first', 'JJ'), ('mjs', 'NN'), ('time', 'NN'), ('they', 'PRP'), ('try', 'VBP'), ('to', 'TO'), ('go', 'VB'), ('round', 'JJ'), ('corner', 'NN'), ('karr', 'NNS'), ('are', 'VBP'), ('you', 'PRP'), ('sure', 'JJ'), ('remember', 'VB'), ('that', 'IN'), ('you', 'PRP'), ('can', 'MD'), ('get', 'VB'), ('around', 'IN'), ('corners', 'NNS'), ('without', 'IN'), ('karr', 'NN'), ('countersteering', 'NN'), ('in', 'IN'), ('fact', 'NN'), ('my', 'PRP$'), ('experienced', 'JJ'), ('rider', 'NN'), ('course', 'NN'), ('instructors', 'NNS'), ('karr', 'VBP'), ('claimed', 'VBN'), ('that', 'IN'), ('they', 'PRP'), ('could', 'MD'), ('get', 'VB'), ('on', 'IN'), ('behind', 'IN'), ('new', 'JJ'), ('rider', 'NN'), ('and', 'CC'), ('make', 'VB'), ('the', 'DT'), ('bike', 'NN'), ('karr', 'NN'), ('turn', 'NN'), ('to', 'TO'), ('whichever', 'VB'), ('side', 'NN'), ('they', 'PRP'), ('wanted', 'VBD'), ('just', 'RB'), ('by', 'IN'), ('shifting', 'VBG'), ('their', 'PRP$'), ('weight', 'NN'), ('karr', 'NN'), ('around', 'RB'), ('even', 'RB'), ('when', 'WRB'), ('the', 'DT'), ('operator', 'NN'), ('was', 'VBD'), ('trying', 'VBG'), ('to', 'TO'), ('turn', 'VB'), ('in', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('opposite', 'JJ'), ('karr', 'JJ'), ('direction', 'NN'), ('admit', 'NN'), ('ve', 'NN'), ('never', 'RB'), ('actually', 'RB'), ('seen', 'VBN'), ('this', 'DT'), ('.)', 'NNP'), ('ve', 'NN'), ('experienced', 'VBD'), ('this', 'DT'), ('back', 'NN'), ('when', 'WRB'), ('was', 'VBD'), ('young', 'JJ'), ('er', 'NN'), ('and', 'CC'), ('more', 'JJR'), ('foolish', 'JJ'), ('...', ':'), ('my', 'PRP$'), ('first', 'JJ'), ('bike', 'NN'), ('used', 'VBN'), ('to', 'TO'), ('track', 'VB'), ('extremely', 'RB'), ('true', 'JJ'), ('going', 'VBG'), ('down', 'RP'), ('the', 'DT'), ('highway', 'NN'), ('would', 'MD'), ('set', 'VB'), ('the', 'DT'), ('throttle', 'JJ'), ('tension', 'NN'), ('screw', 'VBD'), ('up', 'RB'), ('enough', 'RB'), ('to', 'TO'), ('hold', 'VB'), ('the', 'DT'), ('gas', 'NN'), ('steady', 'JJ'), ('slide', 'NN'), ('back', 'RB'), ('on', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('seat', 'NN'), ('and', 'CC'), ('lean', 'NN'), ('against', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('backrest', 'JJS'), ('riding', 'VBG'), ('without', 'IN'), ('any', 'DT'), ('hands', 'NNS'), ('if', 'IN'), ('needed', 'VBN'), ('to', 'TO'), ('turn', 'VB'), ('shift', 'VB'), ('my', 'PRP$'), ('weight', 'NN'), ('into', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('turn', 'NN'), ('and', 'CC'), ('lo', 'NN'), ('and', 'CC'), ('behold', 'VBD'), ('the', 'DT'), ('bike', 'NN'), ('would', 'MD'), ('turn', 'VB'), ('sans', 'NNS'), ('touching', 'VBG'), ('the', 'DT'), ('bars', 'NNS'), ('granted', 'VBD'), ('it', 'PRP'), ('wouldn', 'VBZ'), ('turn', 'JJ'), ('very', 'RB'), ('fast', 'RB'), ('but', 'CC'), ('it', 'PRP'), ('proves', 'VBZ'), ('that', 'IN'), ('you', 'PRP'), ('can', 'MD'), ('turn', 'VB'), ('bike', 'NN'), ('without', 'IN'), ('countersteering', 'VBG'), ('at', 'IN'), ('least', 'JJS'), ('not', 'RB'), ('in', 'IN'), ('terms', 'NNS'), ('of', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('input', 'NN'), ('to', 'TO'), ('the', 'DT'), ('bar', 'NN'), ('normally', 'RB'), ('associated', 'VBN'), ('with', 'IN'), ('countersteering', 'NN'), ('as', 'IN'), ('ve', 'NN'), ('said', 'VBD'), ('know', 'JJ'), ('many', 'JJ'), ('people', 'NNS'), ('who', 'WP'), ('think', 'VBP'), ('all', 'DT'), ('you', 'PRP'), ('do', 'VBP'), ('is', 'VBZ'), ('lean', 'JJ'), ('and', 'CC'), ('any', 'DT'), ('input', 'NN'), ('they', 'PRP'), ('re', 'VBP'), ('giving', 'VBG'), ('to', 'TO'), ('the', 'DT'), ('bar', 'NN'), ('is', 'VBZ'), ('totally', 'RB'), ('unconscious', 'JJ'), ('whereas', 'NNS'), ('that', 'WDT'), ('may', 'MD'), ('be', 'VB'), ('sufficient', 'JJ'), ('to', 'TO'), ('get', 'VB'), ('you', 'PRP'), ('down', 'RP'), ('the', 'DT'), ('road', 'NN'), ('under', 'IN'), ('normal', 'JJ'), ('circumstances', 'NNS'), ('possibly', 'RB'), ('for', 'IN'), ('years', 'NNS'), ('at', 'IN'), ('stretch', 'NN'), ('can', 'MD'), ('think', 'VB'), ('of', 'IN'), ('anybody', 'NN'), ('who', 'WP'), ('argue', 'VBP'), ('that', 'IN'), ('this', 'DT'), ('is', 'VBZ'), ('preferable', 'JJ'), ('to', 'TO'), ('properly', 'RB'), ('knowing', 'VB'), ('how', 'WRB'), ('to', 'TO'), ('manipulate', 'VB'), ('the', 'DT'), ('bar', 'NN'), ('in', 'IN'), ('turn', 'NN'), ('regardless', 'NN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('what', 'WP'), ('you', 'PRP'), ('want', 'VBP'), ('to', 'TO'), ('call', 'VB'), ('it', 'PRP'), ('except', 'IN'), ('maybe', 'RB'), ('for', 'IN'), ('mr', 'NN'), ('sixsmith', 'NN'), ('...', ':'), (';^)', 'NNP'), ('mr', 'FW'), ('bill', 'NN')]
['mjs', 'say', 'even', 'need', 'tell', 'people', 'mjs', 'technique', 'countersteering', 'co', 'intuitively', 'first', 'mjs', 'time', 'try', 'go', 'round', 'corner', 'karr', 'sure', 'remember', 'get', 'around', 'corner', 'without', 'karr', 'countersteering', 'fact', 'experienced', 'rider', 'course', 'instructor', 'karr', 'claim', 'could', 'get', 'behind', 'new', 'rider', 'make', 'bike', 'karr', 'turn', 'whichever', 'side', 'want', 'shift', 'weight', 'karr', 'around', 'even', 'operator', 'try', 'turn', 'opposite', 'karr', 'direction', 'admit', 'never', 'actually', 'see', 'experience', 'back', 'young', 'er', 'foolish', 'first', 'bike', 'use', 'track', 'extremely', 'true', 'go', 'highway', 'would', 'set', 'throttle', 'tension', 'screw', 'enough', 'hold', 'gas', 'steady', 'slide', 'back', 'seat', 'lean', 'backrest', 'rid', 'without', 'hand', 'need', 'turn', 'shift', 'weight', 'turn', 'lo', 'behold', 'bike', 'would', 'turn', 'sans', 'touch', 'bar', 'grant', 'turn', 'fast', 'prove', 'turn', 'bike', 'without', 'countersteering', 'least', 'term', 'input', 'bar', 'normally', 'associate', 'countersteering', 'say', 'know', 'many', 'people', 'think', 'lean', 'input', 'give', 'bar', 'totally', 'unconscious', 'whereas', 'may', 'sufficient', 'get', 'road', 'normal', 'circumstance', 'possibly', 'year', 'stretch', 'think', 'anybody', 'argue', 'preferable', 'properly', 'know', 'manipulate', 'bar', 'turn', 'regardless', 'want', 'call', 'except', 'maybe', 'mr', 'sixsmith', 'mr', 'bill']
['say_even', 'need_tell', 'tell_people', 'time_try', 'try_go', 'go_round', 'remember_get', 'get_around', 'around_corner', 'rider_course', 'could_get', 'make_bike', 'shift_weight', 'around_even', 'actually_see', 'first_bike', 'would_set', 'back_seat', 'shift_weight', 'would_turn', 'say_know', 'know_many', 'many_people', 'people_think', 'want_call', 'except_maybe']
rec_motorcycles_104662 |@lemmatized mjs:3 say:2 even:2 need:2 tell:1 people:2 technique:1 countersteering:4 co:1 intuitively:1 first:2 time:1 try:2 go:2 round:1 corner:2 karr:6 sure:1 remember:1 get:3 around:2 without:3 fact:1 experienced:1 rider:2 course:1 instructor:1 claim:1 could:1 behind:1 new:1 make:1 bike:4 turn:8 whichever:1 side:1 want:2 shift:2 weight:2 operator:1 opposite:1 direction:1 admit:1 never:1 actually:1 see:1 experience:1 back:2 young:1 er:1 foolish:1 use:1 track:1 extremely:1 true:1 highway:1 would:2 set:1 throttle:1 tension:1 screw:1 enough:1 hold:1 gas:1 steady:1 slide:1 seat:1 lean:2 backrest:1 rid:1 hand:1 lo:1 behold:1 sans:1 touch:1 bar:4 grant:1 fast:1 prove:1 least:1 term:1 input:2 normally:1 associate:1 know:2 many:1 think:2 give:1 totally:1 unconscious:1 whereas:1 may:1 sufficient:1 road:1 normal:1 circumstance:1 possibly:1 year:1 stretch:1 anybody:1 argue:1 preferable:1 properly:1 manipulate:1 regardless:1 call:1 except:1 maybe:1 mr:2 sixsmith:1 bill:1 |@bigram say_even:1 need_tell:1 tell_people:1 time_try:1 try_go:1 go_round:1 remember_get:1 get_around:1 around_corner:1 rider_course:1 could_get:1 make_bike:1 shift_weight:2 around_even:1 actually_see:1 first_bike:1 would_set:1 back_seat:1 would_turn:1 say_know:1 know_many:1 many_people:1 people_think:1 want_call:1 except_maybe:1
Sure. I can give is a shot... You need to get the 30-pin simms. If you mean in a "newer, more powerful" Mac system then the answer is no. Apple has stated that all new Macs will use the 72-pin SIMMs and no longer use the 30-pin SIMMs.
[('sure', 'JJ'), ('can', 'MD'), ('give', 'VB'), ('is', 'VBZ'), ('shot', 'JJ'), ('...', ':'), ('you', 'PRP'), ('need', 'VBP'), ('to', 'TO'), ('get', 'VB'), ('the', 'DT'), ('30', 'CD'), ('pin', 'NN'), ('simms', 'NN'), ('if', 'IN'), ('you', 'PRP'), ('mean', 'VBP'), ('in', 'IN'), ('newer', 'JJR'), ('more', 'RBR'), ('powerful', 'JJ'), ('mac', 'NN'), ('system', 'NN'), ('then', 'RB'), ('the', 'DT'), ('answer', 'NN'), ('is', 'VBZ'), ('no', 'DT'), ('apple', 'NN'), ('has', 'VBZ'), ('stated', 'VBN'), ('that', 'IN'), ('all', 'DT'), ('new', 'JJ'), ('macs', 'NN'), ('will', 'MD'), ('use', 'VB'), ('the', 'DT'), ('72', 'CD'), ('pin', 'NN'), ('simms', 'NN'), ('and', 'CC'), ('no', 'RB'), ('longer', 'RBR'), ('use', 'VB'), ('the', 'DT'), ('30', 'CD'), ('pin', 'NN'), ('simms', 'NN')]
['sure', 'give', 'shot', 'need', 'get', 'pin', 'simms', 'mean', 'new', 'powerful', 'mac', 'system', 'answer', 'apple', 'state', 'new', 'mac', 'use', 'pin', 'simms', 'longer', 'use', 'pin', 'simms']
['sure_give', 'need_get', 'get_pin', 'pin_simms', 'mac_system', 'new_mac', 'mac_use', 'pin_simms', 'pin_simms']
comp_sys_mac_hardware_51821 |@lemmatized sure:1 give:1 shot:1 need:1 get:1 pin:3 simms:3 mean:1 new:2 powerful:1 mac:2 system:1 answer:1 apple:1 state:1 use:2 longer:1 |@bigram sure_give:1 need_get:1 get_pin:1 pin_simms:3 mac_system:1 new_mac:1 mac_use:1
At the end of a recent (Mon 19 Apr 1993) post, Alastair Thomson offers the following "paraphrase" of John 3:16: "God loved the world so much, that he gave us His Son, to die in our place, so that we may have eternal life." The "to die in our place" bothers me, since it inserts into the verse a doctrine not found in the original. Moreover, I suspect that the poster intends to affirm, not merely substitution, but forensic (or penal) substitution. I maintain that the Scriptures in speaking of the Atonement teach a doctrine of Substitution, but not one of Forensic Substitution. Those interested in pursuing the matter are invited to send for my essays on Genesis, either 4 thru 7 (on this question) or 1 through 7 (with lead-in). The n'th essay can be obtained by sending to LISTSERV@ASUACAD.BITNET or to LISTSERV@ASUVM.INRE.ASU.EDU the message GET GEN0n RUFF Yours, James Kiefer
[('at', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('end', 'NN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('recent', 'JJ'), ('mon', 'NN'), ('19', 'CD'), ('apr', 'NN'), ('1993', 'CD'), ('post', 'NN'), ('alastair', 'NN'), ('thomson', 'NN'), ('offers', 'VBZ'), ('the', 'DT'), ('following', 'JJ'), ('paraphrase', 'NN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('john', 'NN'), ('16', 'CD'), ('god', 'NN'), ('loved', 'VBD'), ('the', 'DT'), ('world', 'NN'), ('so', 'RB'), ('much', 'JJ'), ('that', 'IN'), ('he', 'PRP'), ('gave', 'VBD'), ('us', 'PRP'), ('his', 'PRP$'), ('son', 'NN'), ('to', 'TO'), ('die', 'VB'), ('in', 'IN'), ('our', 'PRP$'), ('place', 'NN'), ('so', 'RB'), ('that', 'IN'), ('we', 'PRP'), ('may', 'MD'), ('have', 'VB'), ('eternal', 'JJ'), ('life', 'NN'), ('."', 'VBD'), ('the', 'DT'), ('to', 'TO'), ('die', 'VB'), ('in', 'IN'), ('our', 'PRP$'), ('place', 'NN'), ('bothers', 'NNS'), ('me', 'PRP'), ('since', 'IN'), ('it', 'PRP'), ('inserts', 'VBZ'), ('into', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('verse', 'NN'), ('doctrine', 'NN'), ('not', 'RB'), ('found', 'VBN'), ('in', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('original', 'JJ'), ('moreover', 'NN'), ('suspect', 'NN'), ('that', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('poster', 'NN'), ('intends', 'VBZ'), ('to', 'TO'), ('affirm', 'VB'), ('not', 'RB'), ('merely', 'RB'), ('substitution', 'NN'), ('but', 'CC'), ('forensic', 'JJ'), ('or', 'CC'), ('penal', 'JJ'), ('substitution', 'NN'), ('maintain', 'NN'), ('that', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('scriptures', 'NNS'), ('in', 'IN'), ('speaking', 'NN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('atonement', 'JJ'), ('teach', 'NN'), ('doctrine', 'NN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('substitution', 'NN'), ('but', 'CC'), ('not', 'RB'), ('one', 'CD'), ('of', 'IN'), ('forensic', 'JJ'), ('substitution', 'NN'), ('those', 'DT'), ('interested', 'JJ'), ('in', 'IN'), ('pursuing', 'VBG'), ('the', 'DT'), ('matter', 'NN'), ('are', 'VBP'), ('invited', 'VBN'), ('to', 'TO'), ('send', 'VB'), ('for', 'IN'), ('my', 'PRP$'), ('essays', 'NNS'), ('on', 'IN'), ('genesis', 'NN'), ('either', 'CC'), ('thru', 'NN'), ('on', 'IN'), ('this', 'DT'), ('question', 'NN'), ('or', 'CC'), ('through', 'IN'), ('with', 'IN'), ('lead', 'NN'), ('in', 'IN'), (').', 'NNP'), ('the', 'DT'), ('th', 'NN'), ('essay', 'NN'), ('can', 'MD'), ('be', 'VB'), ('obtained', 'VBN'), ('by', 'IN'), ('sending', 'VBG'), ('to', 'TO'), ('or', 'CC'), ('to', 'TO'), ('the', 'DT'), ('message', 'NN'), ('get', 'VB'), ('gen0n', 'JJ'), ('ruff', 'NN'), ('yours', 'NNS'), ('james', 'NNS'), ('kiefer', 'VBP')]
['end', 'recent', 'mon', 'apr', 'post', 'alastair', 'thomson', 'offer', 'following', 'paraphrase', 'john', 'god', 'love', 'world', 'much', 'give', 'u', 'son', 'die', 'place', 'may', 'eternal', 'life', 'die', 'place', 'bother', 'since', 'insert', 'verse', 'doctrine', 'find', 'original', 'moreover', 'suspect', 'poster', 'intend', 'affirm', 'merely', 'substitution', 'forensic', 'penal', 'substitution', 'maintain', 'scripture', 'speaking', 'atonement', 'teach', 'doctrine', 'substitution', 'one', 'forensic', 'substitution', 'interested', 'pursue', 'matter', 'invite', 'send', 'essay', 'genesis', 'either', 'thru', 'question', 'lead', 'th', 'essay', 'obtain', 'send', 'message', 'get', 'ruff', 'james', 'kiefer']
['mon_apr', 'offer_following', 'god_love', 'love_world', 'world_much', 'give_u', 'son_die', 'eternal_life', 'life_die', 'find_original', 'obtain_send', 'send_message', 'message_get']
soc_religion_christian_20664 |@lemmatized end:1 recent:1 mon:1 apr:1 post:1 alastair:1 thomson:1 offer:1 following:1 paraphrase:1 john:1 god:1 love:1 world:1 much:1 give:1 u:1 son:1 die:2 place:2 may:1 eternal:1 life:1 bother:1 since:1 insert:1 verse:1 doctrine:2 find:1 original:1 moreover:1 suspect:1 poster:1 intend:1 affirm:1 merely:1 substitution:4 forensic:2 penal:1 maintain:1 scripture:1 speaking:1 atonement:1 teach:1 one:1 interested:1 pursue:1 matter:1 invite:1 send:2 essay:2 genesis:1 either:1 thru:1 question:1 lead:1 th:1 obtain:1 message:1 get:1 ruff:1 james:1 kiefer:1 |@bigram mon_apr:1 offer_following:1 god_love:1 love_world:1 world_much:1 give_u:1 son_die:1 eternal_life:1 life_die:1 find_original:1 obtain_send:1 send_message:1 message_get:1
stuff deleted ... Your logic is falty. If Christianity is a DRUG, and once we die we die, then why would you be reluctant to embrase this drug so that while you are alive you enjoy yourself. I also question your overall motives for posting this article. Why would you waste your presious fews seconds on this earth posting your opinon to a group that will generally reject it. If you die, never having acepting Christ as your savior, I hope you have a fantastic life that it is all you evver dreamed because it is al of heaven you will ever know.
[('stuff', 'NN'), ('deleted', 'VBD'), ('...', ':'), ('your', 'PRP$'), ('logic', 'NN'), ('is', 'VBZ'), ('falty', 'JJ'), ('if', 'IN'), ('christianity', 'NN'), ('is', 'VBZ'), ('drug', 'NN'), ('and', 'CC'), ('once', 'RB'), ('we', 'PRP'), ('die', 'VBP'), ('we', 'PRP'), ('die', 'VBP'), ('then', 'RB'), ('why', 'WRB'), ('would', 'MD'), ('you', 'PRP'), ('be', 'VB'), ('reluctant', 'JJ'), ('to', 'TO'), ('embrase', 'VB'), ('this', 'DT'), ('drug', 'NN'), ('so', 'RB'), ('that', 'IN'), ('while', 'IN'), ('you', 'PRP'), ('are', 'VBP'), ('alive', 'JJ'), ('you', 'PRP'), ('enjoy', 'VBP'), ('yourself', 'PRP'), ('also', 'RB'), ('question', 'VBP'), ('your', 'PRP$'), ('overall', 'JJ'), ('motives', 'NNS'), ('for', 'IN'), ('posting', 'VBG'), ('this', 'DT'), ('article', 'NN'), ('why', 'WRB'), ('would', 'MD'), ('you', 'PRP'), ('waste', 'VB'), ('your', 'PRP$'), ('presious', 'JJ'), ('fews', 'NNS'), ('seconds', 'VBZ'), ('on', 'IN'), ('this', 'DT'), ('earth', 'NN'), ('posting', 'VBG'), ('your', 'PRP$'), ('opinon', 'NN'), ('to', 'TO'), ('group', 'NN'), ('that', 'WDT'), ('will', 'MD'), ('generally', 'RB'), ('reject', 'VB'), ('it', 'PRP'), ('if', 'IN'), ('you', 'PRP'), ('die', 'VBP'), ('never', 'RB'), ('having', 'VBG'), ('acepting', 'VBG'), ('christ', 'NN'), ('as', 'IN'), ('your', 'PRP$'), ('savior', 'JJ'), ('hope', 'NN'), ('you', 'PRP'), ('have', 'VBP'), ('fantastic', 'JJ'), ('life', 'NN'), ('that', 'IN'), ('it', 'PRP'), ('is', 'VBZ'), ('all', 'DT'), ('you', 'PRP'), ('evver', 'RB'), ('dreamed', 'VBD'), ('because', 'IN'), ('it', 'PRP'), ('is', 'VBZ'), ('al', 'JJ'), ('of', 'IN'), ('heaven', 'NN'), ('you', 'PRP'), ('will', 'MD'), ('ever', 'RB'), ('know', 'VB')]
['stuff', 'delete', 'logic', 'falty', 'christianity', 'drug', 'die', 'die', 'would', 'reluctant', 'embrase', 'drug', 'alive', 'enjoy', 'also', 'question', 'overall', 'motif', 'post', 'article', 'would', 'waste', 'presious', 'second', 'earth', 'post', 'opinon', 'group', 'generally', 'reject', 'die', 'never', 'acepting', 'christ', 'savior', 'hope', 'fantastic', 'life', 'evver', 'dream', 'al', 'heaven', 'ever', 'know']
['stuff_delete', 'die_die', 'die_would', 'also_question', 'post_article', 'article_would', 'would_waste', 'christ_savior', 'ever_know']
soc_religion_christian_20646 |@lemmatized stuff:1 delete:1 logic:1 falty:1 christianity:1 drug:2 die:3 would:2 reluctant:1 embrase:1 alive:1 enjoy:1 also:1 question:1 overall:1 motif:1 post:2 article:1 waste:1 presious:1 second:1 earth:1 opinon:1 group:1 generally:1 reject:1 never:1 acepting:1 christ:1 savior:1 hope:1 fantastic:1 life:1 evver:1 dream:1 al:1 heaven:1 ever:1 know:1 |@bigram stuff_delete:1 die_die:1 die_would:1 also_question:1 post_article:1 article_would:1 would_waste:1 christ_savior:1 ever_know:1
Yes. I don't know where Douglas Adams took it from, but I'm pretty sure he's the one who launched it (in the Guide). Since then it's been showing up all over the place.
[('yes', 'RB'), ('don', 'NN'), ('know', 'VBP'), ('where', 'WRB'), ('douglas', 'JJ'), ('adams', 'NNS'), ('took', 'VBD'), ('it', 'PRP'), ('from', 'IN'), ('but', 'CC'), ('pretty', 'JJ'), ('sure', 'NN'), ('he', 'PRP'), ('the', 'DT'), ('one', 'NN'), ('who', 'WP'), ('launched', 'VBD'), ('it', 'PRP'), ('in', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('guide', 'NN'), (').', 'NNP'), ('since', 'IN'), ('then', 'RB'), ('it', 'PRP'), ('been', 'VBN'), ('showing', 'VBG'), ('up', 'RP'), ('all', 'DT'), ('over', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('place', 'NN')]
['yes', 'know', 'douglas', 'adam', 'take', 'pretty', 'sure', 'one', 'launch', 'guide', 'since', 'show', 'place']
['yes_know', 'douglas_adam', 'pretty_sure', 'sure_one']
comp_graphics_38499 |@lemmatized yes:1 know:1 douglas:1 adam:1 take:1 pretty:1 sure:1 one:1 launch:1 guide:1 since:1 show:1 place:1 |@bigram yes_know:1 douglas_adam:1 pretty_sure:1 sure_one:1
Can somebody reconcile the apparent contradiction between [1] and [2]?
[('can', 'MD'), ('somebody', 'NN'), ('reconcile', 'VB'), ('the', 'DT'), ('apparent', 'JJ'), ('contradiction', 'NN'), ('between', 'IN'), ('and', 'CC'), (']?', 'VB')]
['somebody', 'reconcile', 'apparent', 'contradiction']
alt_atheism_51121 |@lemmatized somebody:1 reconcile:1 apparent:1 contradiction:1 |@bigram
:|> >wrong about the whole guns-for-protection mindset, it ignores the :|> :|> Why? If you're not a threat, you're not affected at all. :|> : :Aha. That's the part that makes me nervous too. Who gets to decide if :I am a threat? Based on appearance? Would someone feel more threatened : Actions determine whether someone presents a threat... and I don't carry a gun so much for people, cause I tend to fade if there are any about, but due to several encounters with formerly domestic dogs... these critters ain't scared of folks, and can get aggressive. :on staying at and saw someone sitting there cleaning his gun. Softly I backed :away, and hiked another 5 miles to get *out of there*. I'll freely admit it here: :I'm not afraid of guns; I'm afraid of people that bring them into the backcountry. : I'd count that as a fear of guns... somebody having the sense to keep their weapons maintained isn't as likely to present a threat. The Army taught me to clean any weapons DAILY, since they usually need it, regardless of whether they've been used... You'd be amazed how sweaty a holster can get, or how much trail dust will get in it. And I guess you'd be scared of me and my former Explorer Post... seems the advisors were National Guard Special Forces grunts, and considered it heresy to be out in the woods without a weapon... course, usually you wouldn't notice 'em... :) They tended to avoid public scrutiny... :Of course, that may be the way to solve the solitude problem. Just carry a gun :and display it prominently, and one probably won't see most of the other hikers :out there, who will be hiding in the woods. 1/2 :-) : : - Dania My 9mm goes in a hip holster, mixed in with magazine pouches (hold lotsa stuff in them), canteens, knives, compasses, and such... Not so easy to notice, in the off chance I decide to be visible... I prefer not to be, since walking quietly away from active areas increases the number of non-human type critters I see... James
[(':|>', 'NN'), ('wrong', 'JJ'), ('about', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('whole', 'JJ'), ('guns', 'NNS'), ('for', 'IN'), ('protection', 'NN'), ('mindset', 'NN'), ('it', 'PRP'), ('ignores', 'VBZ'), ('the', 'DT'), (':|>', 'NNP'), (':|>', 'NNP'), ('why', 'WRB'), ('if', 'IN'), ('you', 'PRP'), ('re', 'VBP'), ('not', 'RB'), ('threat', 'NN'), ('you', 'PRP'), ('re', 'VBP'), ('not', 'RB'), ('affected', 'VBN'), ('at', 'IN'), ('all', 'DT'), (':|>', 'NNP'), ('aha', 'NN'), ('that', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('part', 'NN'), ('that', 'WDT'), ('makes', 'VBZ'), ('me', 'PRP'), ('nervous', 'JJ'), ('too', 'RB'), ('who', 'WP'), ('gets', 'VBZ'), ('to', 'TO'), ('decide', 'VB'), ('if', 'IN'), ('am', 'VBP'), ('threat', 'NN'), ('based', 'VBN'), ('on', 'IN'), ('appearance', 'NN'), ('would', 'MD'), ('someone', 'NN'), ('feel', 'VB'), ('more', 'RBR'), ('threatened', 'JJ'), ('actions', 'NNS'), ('determine', 'VBP'), ('whether', 'IN'), ('someone', 'NN'), ('presents', 'NNS'), ('threat', 'NN'), ('...', ':'), ('and', 'CC'), ('don', 'VB'), ('carry', 'NN'), ('gun', 'NN'), ('so', 'RB'), ('much', 'JJ'), ('for', 'IN'), ('people', 'NNS'), ('cause', 'VBP'), ('tend', 'VBP'), ('to', 'TO'), ('fade', 'VB'), ('if', 'IN'), ('there', 'EX'), ('are', 'VBP'), ('any', 'DT'), ('about', 'IN'), ('but', 'CC'), ('due', 'JJ'), ('to', 'TO'), ('several', 'JJ'), ('encounters', 'NNS'), ('with', 'IN'), ('formerly', 'RB'), ('domestic', 'JJ'), ('dogs', 'NNS'), ('...', ':'), ('these', 'DT'), ('critters', 'NNS'), ('ain', 'VBP'), ('scared', 'VBN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('folks', 'NNS'), ('and', 'CC'), ('can', 'MD'), ('get', 'VB'), ('aggressive', 'JJ'), ('on', 'IN'), ('staying', 'VBG'), ('at', 'IN'), ('and', 'CC'), ('saw', 'VBD'), ('someone', 'NN'), ('sitting', 'VBG'), ('there', 'RB'), ('cleaning', 'VBG'), ('his', 'PRP$'), ('gun', 'NN'), ('softly', 'RB'), ('backed', 'VBD'), ('away', 'RB'), ('and', 'CC'), ('hiked', 'VBD'), ('another', 'DT'), ('miles', 'NNS'), ('to', 'TO'), ('get', 'VB'), ('out', 'IN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('there', 'EX'), ('*.', 'NNP'), ('ll', 'NN'), ('freely', 'RB'), ('admit', 'VBD'), ('it', 'PRP'), ('here', 'RB'), ('not', 'RB'), ('afraid', 'JJ'), ('of', 'IN'), ('guns', 'NNS'), ('afraid', 'IN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('people', 'NNS'), ('that', 'IN'), ('bring', 'VBG'), ('them', 'PRP'), ('into', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('backcountry', 'NN'), ('count', 'NN'), ('that', 'IN'), ('as', 'IN'), ('fear', 'NN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('guns', 'NNS'), ('...', ':'), ('somebody', 'NN'), ('having', 'VBG'), ('the', 'DT'), ('sense', 'NN'), ('to', 'TO'), ('keep', 'VB'), ('their', 'PRP$'), ('weapons', 'NNS'), ('maintained', 'VBD'), ('isn', 'NN'), ('as', 'IN'), ('likely', 'JJ'), ('to', 'TO'), ('present', 'VB'), ('threat', 'NN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('army', 'NN'), ('taught', 'VBD'), ('me', 'PRP'), ('to', 'TO'), ('clean', 'VB'), ('any', 'DT'), ('weapons', 'NNS'), ('daily', 'RB'), ('since', 'IN'), ('they', 'PRP'), ('usually', 'RB'), ('need', 'VBP'), ('it', 'PRP'), ('regardless', 'VB'), ('of', 'IN'), ('whether', 'IN'), ('they', 'PRP'), ('ve', 'VBP'), ('been', 'VBN'), ('used', 'VBN'), ('...', ':'), ('you', 'PRP'), ('be', 'VB'), ('amazed', 'VBN'), ('how', 'WRB'), ('sweaty', 'JJ'), ('holster', 'NN'), ('can', 'MD'), ('get', 'VB'), ('or', 'CC'), ('how', 'WRB'), ('much', 'JJ'), ('trail', 'NN'), ('dust', 'NN'), ('will', 'MD'), ('get', 'VB'), ('in', 'IN'), ('it', 'PRP'), ('and', 'CC'), ('guess', 'VB'), ('you', 'PRP'), ('be', 'VB'), ('scared', 'VBN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('me', 'PRP'), ('and', 'CC'), ('my', 'PRP$'), ('former', 'JJ'), ('explorer', 'NN'), ('post', 'NN'), ('...', ':'), ('seems', 'VBZ'), ('the', 'DT'), ('advisors', 'NNS'), ('were', 'VBD'), ('national', 'JJ'), ('guard', 'NN'), ('special', 'JJ'), ('forces', 'NNS'), ('grunts', 'NNS'), ('and', 'CC'), ('considered', 'VBD'), ('it', 'PRP'), ('heresy', 'VBZ'), ('to', 'TO'), ('be', 'VB'), ('out', 'RP'), ('in', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('woods', 'NNS'), ('without', 'IN'), ('weapon', 'NN'), ('...', ':'), ('course', 'NN'), ('usually', 'RB'), ('you', 'PRP'), ('wouldn', 'VBP'), ('notice', 'JJ'), ('em', 'NN'), ('...', ':'), (':)', 'VBZ'), ('they', 'PRP'), ('tended', 'VBD'), ('to', 'TO'), ('avoid', 'VB'), ('public', 'JJ'), ('scrutiny', 'NN'), ('...', ':'), ('of', 'IN'), ('course', 'NN'), ('that', 'WDT'), ('may', 'MD'), ('be', 'VB'), ('the', 'DT'), ('way', 'NN'), ('to', 'TO'), ('solve', 'VB'), ('the', 'DT'), ('solitude', 'NN'), ('problem', 'NN'), ('just', 'RB'), ('carry', 'VB'), ('gun', 'NN'), ('and', 'CC'), ('display', 'VB'), ('it', 'PRP'), ('prominently', 'RB'), ('and', 'CC'), ('one', 'CD'), ('probably', 'RB'), ('won', 'VBD'), ('see', 'VB'), ('most', 'JJS'), ('of', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('other', 'JJ'), ('hikers', 'NNS'), ('out', 'IN'), ('there', 'EX'), ('who', 'WP'), ('will', 'MD'), ('be', 'VB'), ('hiding', 'VBG'), ('in', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('woods', 'NNS'), (':-)', 'JJ'), ('dania', 'NN'), ('my', 'PRP$'), ('9mm', 'CD'), ('goes', 'VBZ'), ('in', 'IN'), ('hip', 'NN'), ('holster', 'NN'), ('mixed', 'VBN'), ('in', 'IN'), ('with', 'IN'), ('magazine', 'NN'), ('pouches', 'NNS'), ('hold', 'VBP'), ('lotsa', 'JJ'), ('stuff', 'NN'), ('in', 'IN'), ('them', 'PRP'), ('),', 'VBP'), ('canteens', 'JJ'), ('knives', 'NNS'), ('compasses', 'NNS'), ('and', 'CC'), ('such', 'JJ'), ('...', ':'), ('not', 'RB'), ('so', 'RB'), ('easy', 'JJ'), ('to', 'TO'), ('notice', 'VB'), ('in', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('off', 'NN'), ('chance', 'NN'), ('decide', 'NN'), ('to', 'TO'), ('be', 'VB'), ('visible', 'JJ'), ('...', ':'), ('prefer', 'VBP'), ('not', 'RB'), ('to', 'TO'), ('be', 'VB'), ('since', 'IN'), ('walking', 'VBG'), ('quietly', 'RB'), ('away', 'RB'), ('from', 'IN'), ('active', 'JJ'), ('areas', 'NNS'), ('increases', 'VBZ'), ('the', 'DT'), ('number', 'NN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('non', 'JJ'), ('human', 'JJ'), ('type', 'NN'), ('critters', 'NNS'), ('see', 'VBP'), ('...', ':'), ('james', 'NNS')]
['wrong', 'whole', 'gun', 'protection', 'mindset', 'ignore', 'threat', 'affect', 'aha', 'part', 'make', 'nervous', 'get', 'decide', 'threat', 'base', 'appearance', 'would', 'someone', 'feel', 'threatened', 'action', 'determine', 'whether', 'someone', 'present', 'threat', 'carry', 'gun', 'much', 'people', 'cause', 'tend', 'fade', 'due', 'several', 'encounter', 'formerly', 'domestic', 'dog', 'critter', 'scar', 'folk', 'get', 'aggressive', 'stay', 'saw', 'someone', 'sit', 'clean', 'gun', 'softly', 'back', 'away', 'hike', 'another', 'mile', 'get', 'freely', 'admit', 'afraid', 'gun', 'afraid', 'people', 'bring', 'backcountry', 'count', 'fear', 'gun', 'somebody', 'sense', 'keep', 'weapon', 'maintain', 'likely', 'present', 'threat', 'army', 'teach', 'clean', 'weapon', 'daily', 'since', 'usually', 'need', 'regardless', 'whether', 'use', 'amaze', 'sweaty', 'holster', 'get', 'much', 'trail', 'dust', 'get', 'guess', 'scar', 'former', 'explorer', 'post', 'seem', 'advisor', 'national', 'guard', 'special', 'force', 'grunt', 'consider', 'heresy', 'wood', 'without', 'weapon', 'course', 'usually', 'notice', 'em', 'tend', 'avoid', 'public', 'scrutiny', 'course', 'may', 'way', 'solve', 'solitude', 'problem', 'carry', 'gun', 'display', 'prominently', 'one', 'probably', 'win', 'see', 'hiker', 'hide', 'wood', 'dania', 'go', 'hip', 'holster', 'mix', 'magazine', 'pouch', 'hold', 'lotsa', 'stuff', 'canteens', 'knife', 'compass', 'easy', 'notice', 'chance', 'decide', 'visible', 'prefer', 'since', 'walk', 'quietly', 'away', 'active', 'area', 'increase', 'number', 'non', 'human', 'type', 'critter', 'see', 'james']
['would_someone', 'determine_whether', 'carry_gun', 'people_cause', 'folk_get', 'back_away', 'people_bring', 'since_usually', 'usually_need', 'regardless_whether', 'whether_use', 'get_much', 'post_seem', 'national_guard', 'public_scrutiny', 'course_may', 'carry_gun', 'one_probably', 'probably_win', 'win_see', 'increase_number']
talk_politics_guns_54341 |@lemmatized wrong:1 whole:1 gun:6 protection:1 mindset:1 ignore:1 threat:4 affect:1 aha:1 part:1 make:1 nervous:1 get:5 decide:2 base:1 appearance:1 would:1 someone:3 feel:1 threatened:1 action:1 determine:1 whether:2 present:2 carry:2 much:2 people:2 cause:1 tend:2 fade:1 due:1 several:1 encounter:1 formerly:1 domestic:1 dog:1 critter:2 scar:2 folk:1 aggressive:1 stay:1 saw:1 sit:1 clean:2 softly:1 back:1 away:2 hike:1 another:1 mile:1 freely:1 admit:1 afraid:2 bring:1 backcountry:1 count:1 fear:1 somebody:1 sense:1 keep:1 weapon:3 maintain:1 likely:1 army:1 teach:1 daily:1 since:2 usually:2 need:1 regardless:1 use:1 amaze:1 sweaty:1 holster:2 trail:1 dust:1 guess:1 former:1 explorer:1 post:1 seem:1 advisor:1 national:1 guard:1 special:1 force:1 grunt:1 consider:1 heresy:1 wood:2 without:1 course:2 notice:2 em:1 avoid:1 public:1 scrutiny:1 may:1 way:1 solve:1 solitude:1 problem:1 display:1 prominently:1 one:1 probably:1 win:1 see:2 hiker:1 hide:1 dania:1 go:1 hip:1 mix:1 magazine:1 pouch:1 hold:1 lotsa:1 stuff:1 canteens:1 knife:1 compass:1 easy:1 chance:1 visible:1 prefer:1 walk:1 quietly:1 active:1 area:1 increase:1 number:1 non:1 human:1 type:1 james:1 |@bigram would_someone:1 determine_whether:1 carry_gun:2 people_cause:1 folk_get:1 back_away:1 people_bring:1 since_usually:1 usually_need:1 regardless_whether:1 whether_use:1 get_much:1 post_seem:1 national_guard:1 public_scrutiny:1 course_may:1 one_probably:1 probably_win:1 win_see:1 increase_number:1
When are the Yankees planning on activating Melido Perez? His 15 days on the DL are up today, but are they bringing him back this weekend?
[('when', 'WRB'), ('are', 'VBP'), ('the', 'DT'), ('yankees', 'NNS'), ('planning', 'VBG'), ('on', 'IN'), ('activating', 'VBG'), ('melido', 'NN'), ('perez', 'VBD'), ('his', 'PRP$'), ('15', 'CD'), ('days', 'NNS'), ('on', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('dl', 'NN'), ('are', 'VBP'), ('up', 'RB'), ('today', 'NN'), ('but', 'CC'), ('are', 'VBP'), ('they', 'PRP'), ('bringing', 'VBG'), ('him', 'PRP'), ('back', 'RB'), ('this', 'DT'), ('weekend', 'NN')]
['yankee', 'plan', 'activate', 'melido', 'perez', 'day', 'dl', 'today', 'bring', 'back', 'weekend']
rec_sport_baseball_104897 |@lemmatized yankee:1 plan:1 activate:1 melido:1 perez:1 day:1 dl:1 today:1 bring:1 back:1 weekend:1 |@bigram bring_back:1
I feel childish. Who mentioned dirtbikes? We're talking highway speeds here. If you go 70mph on your dirtbike then feel free to contribute. Because it wouldn't be a Jeep if it didn't. A friend of mine just bought one and it has more warning stickers than those little 4-wheelers (I guess that's becuase it's a big 4 wheeler). Anyway, it's written in about ten places that the windshield should remain up at all times, and it looks like they've made it a pain to put it down anyway, from what he says. To be fair, I do admit that it would be a similar matter to drive a windscreenless Jeep on the highway as for bikers. They may participate in this discussion, but they're probably few and far between, so I maintain that this topic is of interest primarily to bikers. Notice how Ed picked on the more insignificant (the lower case part) of the two parts of the statement. Besides, around here it is quite rare to see bikers wear goggles on the street. It's either full face with shield, or open face with either nothing or aviator sunglasses. My experience of bicycling with contact lenses and sunglasses says that non-wraparound sunglasses do almost nothing to keep the crap out of ones eyes. Ok, ok, fine, whatever you say, but lets make some attmept to stick to the point. I've been out on the road where I had to stop every half hour to clean my shield there were so many bugs (and my jacket would be a blood-splattered mess) and I'd see guys with shorty helmets, NO GOGGLES, long beards and tight t-shirts merrily cruising along on bikes with no windscreens. Lets be really specific this time, so that even Ed understands. Does anbody think that splattering bugs with one's face is fun, or are there other reasons to do it? Image? Laziness? To make a point about freedom of bug splattering?
[('feel', 'NN'), ('childish', 'NNS'), ('who', 'WP'), ('mentioned', 'VBD'), ('dirtbikes', 'NNS'), ('we', 'PRP'), ('re', 'VBP'), ('talking', 'VBG'), ('highway', 'NN'), ('speeds', 'NNS'), ('here', 'RB'), ('if', 'IN'), ('you', 'PRP'), ('go', 'VBP'), ('70mph', 'CD'), ('on', 'IN'), ('your', 'PRP$'), ('dirtbike', 'NN'), ('then', 'RB'), ('feel', 'VB'), ('free', 'JJ'), ('to', 'TO'), ('contribute', 'VB'), ('because', 'IN'), ('it', 'PRP'), ('wouldn', 'VBZ'), ('be', 'VB'), ('jeep', 'JJ'), ('if', 'IN'), ('it', 'PRP'), ('didn', 'VBZ'), ('friend', 'NN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('mine', 'NN'), ('just', 'RB'), ('bought', 'VBD'), ('one', 'CD'), ('and', 'CC'), ('it', 'PRP'), ('has', 'VBZ'), ('more', 'JJR'), ('warning', 'VBG'), ('stickers', 'NNS'), ('than', 'IN'), ('those', 'DT'), ('little', 'JJ'), ('wheelers', 'NNS'), ('guess', 'VBP'), ('that', 'IN'), ('becuase', 'NN'), ('it', 'PRP'), ('big', 'JJ'), ('wheeler', 'NN'), (').', 'NN'), ('anyway', 'IN'), ('it', 'PRP'), ('written', 'VBN'), ('in', 'IN'), ('about', 'RB'), ('ten', 'JJ'), ('places', 'NNS'), ('that', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('windshield', 'NN'), ('should', 'MD'), ('remain', 'VB'), ('up', 'RP'), ('at', 'IN'), ('all', 'DT'), ('times', 'NNS'), ('and', 'CC'), ('it', 'PRP'), ('looks', 'VBZ'), ('like', 'IN'), ('they', 'PRP'), ('ve', 'VBP'), ('made', 'VBD'), ('it', 'PRP'), ('pain', 'VB'), ('to', 'TO'), ('put', 'VB'), ('it', 'PRP'), ('down', 'RP'), ('anyway', 'RB'), ('from', 'IN'), ('what', 'WP'), ('he', 'PRP'), ('says', 'VBZ'), ('to', 'TO'), ('be', 'VB'), ('fair', 'JJ'), ('do', 'VB'), ('admit', 'RP'), ('that', 'IN'), ('it', 'PRP'), ('would', 'MD'), ('be', 'VB'), ('similar', 'JJ'), ('matter', 'NN'), ('to', 'TO'), ('drive', 'VB'), ('windscreenless', 'JJ'), ('jeep', 'NN'), ('on', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('highway', 'NN'), ('as', 'IN'), ('for', 'IN'), ('bikers', 'NNS'), ('they', 'PRP'), ('may', 'MD'), ('participate', 'VB'), ('in', 'IN'), ('this', 'DT'), ('discussion', 'NN'), ('but', 'CC'), ('they', 'PRP'), ('re', 'VBP'), ('probably', 'RB'), ('few', 'JJ'), ('and', 'CC'), ('far', 'RB'), ('between', 'IN'), ('so', 'RB'), ('maintain', 'VB'), ('that', 'IN'), ('this', 'DT'), ('topic', 'NN'), ('is', 'VBZ'), ('of', 'IN'), ('interest', 'NN'), ('primarily', 'RB'), ('to', 'TO'), ('bikers', 'NNS'), ('notice', 'VB'), ('how', 'WRB'), ('ed', 'JJ'), ('picked', 'VBD'), ('on', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('more', 'RBR'), ('insignificant', 'JJ'), ('the', 'DT'), ('lower', 'JJR'), ('case', 'NN'), ('part', 'NN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('two', 'CD'), ('parts', 'NNS'), ('of', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('statement', 'NN'), ('besides', 'IN'), ('around', 'IN'), ('here', 'RB'), ('it', 'PRP'), ('is', 'VBZ'), ('quite', 'RB'), ('rare', 'JJ'), ('to', 'TO'), ('see', 'VB'), ('bikers', 'NNS'), ('wear', 'VBP'), ('goggles', 'NNS'), ('on', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('street', 'NN'), ('it', 'PRP'), ('either', 'CC'), ('full', 'JJ'), ('face', 'NN'), ('with', 'IN'), ('shield', 'NN'), ('or', 'CC'), ('open', 'JJ'), ('face', 'NN'), ('with', 'IN'), ('either', 'DT'), ('nothing', 'NN'), ('or', 'CC'), ('aviator', 'NN'), ('sunglasses', 'NNS'), ('my', 'PRP$'), ('experience', 'NN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('bicycling', 'VBG'), ('with', 'IN'), ('contact', 'NN'), ('lenses', 'NNS'), ('and', 'CC'), ('sunglasses', 'NNS'), ('says', 'VBZ'), ('that', 'IN'), ('non', 'NN'), ('wraparound', 'NN'), ('sunglasses', 'VBZ'), ('do', 'VBP'), ('almost', 'RB'), ('nothing', 'NN'), ('to', 'TO'), ('keep', 'VB'), ('the', 'DT'), ('crap', 'NN'), ('out', 'IN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('ones', 'NNS'), ('eyes', 'NNS'), ('ok', 'VBP'), ('ok', 'JJ'), ('fine', 'JJ'), ('whatever', 'WDT'), ('you', 'PRP'), ('say', 'VBP'), ('but', 'CC'), ('lets', 'NNS'), ('make', 'VBP'), ('some', 'DT'), ('attmept', 'NN'), ('to', 'TO'), ('stick', 'VB'), ('to', 'TO'), ('the', 'DT'), ('point', 'NN'), ('ve', 'RB'), ('been', 'VBN'), ('out', 'RP'), ('on', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('road', 'NN'), ('where', 'WRB'), ('had', 'VBD'), ('to', 'TO'), ('stop', 'VB'), ('every', 'DT'), ('half', 'JJ'), ('hour', 'NN'), ('to', 'TO'), ('clean', 'VB'), ('my', 'PRP$'), ('shield', 'NN'), ('there', 'EX'), ('were', 'VBD'), ('so', 'RB'), ('many', 'JJ'), ('bugs', 'NNS'), ('and', 'CC'), ('my', 'PRP$'), ('jacket', 'NN'), ('would', 'MD'), ('be', 'VB'), ('blood', 'NN'), ('splattered', 'VBN'), ('mess', 'NN'), ('and', 'CC'), ('see', 'VB'), ('guys', 'NNS'), ('with', 'IN'), ('shorty', 'JJ'), ('helmets', 'NNS'), ('no', 'DT'), ('goggles', 'NNS'), ('long', 'RB'), ('beards', 'NNS'), ('and', 'CC'), ('tight', 'JJ'), ('shirts', 'NNS'), ('merrily', 'RB'), ('cruising', 'VBG'), ('along', 'RB'), ('on', 'IN'), ('bikes', 'NNS'), ('with', 'IN'), ('no', 'DT'), ('windscreens', 'NNS'), ('lets', 'VBZ'), ('be', 'VB'), ('really', 'RB'), ('specific', 'JJ'), ('this', 'DT'), ('time', 'NN'), ('so', 'IN'), ('that', 'DT'), ('even', 'RB'), ('ed', 'JJ'), ('understands', 'NNS'), ('does', 'VBZ'), ('anbody', 'NN'), ('think', 'VB'), ('that', 'IN'), ('splattering', 'VBG'), ('bugs', 'NNS'), ('with', 'IN'), ('one', 'CD'), ('face', 'NN'), ('is', 'VBZ'), ('fun', 'JJ'), ('or', 'CC'), ('are', 'VBP'), ('there', 'RB'), ('other', 'JJ'), ('reasons', 'NNS'), ('to', 'TO'), ('do', 'VB'), ('it', 'PRP'), ('image', 'NN'), ('laziness', 'NN'), ('to', 'TO'), ('make', 'VB'), ('point', 'NN'), ('about', 'IN'), ('freedom', 'NN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('bug', 'NN'), ('splattering', 'NN')]
['feel', 'childish', 'mention', 'dirtbikes', 'talk', 'highway', 'speed', 'go', 'dirtbike', 'feel', 'free', 'contribute', 'jeep', 'friend', 'mine', 'buy', 'one', 'warn', 'sticker', 'little', 'wheeler', 'guess', 'becuase', 'big', 'wheeler', 'anyway', 'write', 'ten', 'place', 'windshield', 'remain', 'time', 'look', 'like', 'make', 'pain', 'put', 'anyway', 'say', 'fair', 'admit', 'would', 'similar', 'matter', 'drive', 'windscreenless', 'jeep', 'highway', 'bikers', 'may', 'participate', 'discussion', 'probably', 'far', 'maintain', 'topic', 'interest', 'primarily', 'bikers', 'notice', 'ed', 'pick', 'insignificant', 'low', 'case', 'part', 'two', 'part', 'statement', 'besides', 'around', 'quite', 'rare', 'see', 'bikers', 'wear', 'goggles', 'street', 'either', 'full', 'face', 'shield', 'open', 'face', 'either', 'nothing', 'aviator', 'sunglass', 'experience', 'bicycle', 'contact', 'lens', 'sunglass', 'say', 'non', 'wraparound', 'sunglasses', 'almost', 'nothing', 'keep', 'crap', 'one', 'eye', 'ok', 'ok', 'fine', 'whatever', 'say', 'let', 'make', 'attmept', 'stick', 'point', 'road', 'stop', 'every', 'half', 'hour', 'clean', 'shield', 'many', 'bug', 'jacket', 'would', 'blood', 'splatter', 'mess', 'see', 'guy', 'shorty', 'helmet', 'goggles', 'long', 'beard', 'tight', 'shirt', 'merrily', 'cruise', 'along', 'bike', 'windscreen', 'let', 'really', 'specific', 'time', 'even', 'ed', 'understands', 'anbody', 'think', 'splatter', 'bug', 'one', 'face', 'fun', 'reason', 'image', 'laziness', 'make', 'point', 'freedom', 'bug', 'splattering']
['feel_free', 'friend_mine', 'buy_one', 'time_look', 'look_like', 'like_make', 'low_case', 'two_part', 'full_face', 'almost_nothing', 'whatever_say', 'say_let', 'let_make', 'half_hour', 'many_bug', 'see_guy', 'time_even', 'one_face', 'make_point']
rec_motorcycles_103229 |@lemmatized feel:2 childish:1 mention:1 dirtbikes:1 talk:1 highway:2 speed:1 go:1 dirtbike:1 free:1 contribute:1 jeep:2 friend:1 mine:1 buy:1 one:3 warn:1 sticker:1 little:1 wheeler:2 guess:1 becuase:1 big:1 anyway:2 write:1 ten:1 place:1 windshield:1 remain:1 time:2 look:1 like:1 make:3 pain:1 put:1 say:3 fair:1 admit:1 would:2 similar:1 matter:1 drive:1 windscreenless:1 bikers:3 may:1 participate:1 discussion:1 probably:1 far:1 maintain:1 topic:1 interest:1 primarily:1 notice:1 ed:2 pick:1 insignificant:1 low:1 case:1 part:2 two:1 statement:1 besides:1 around:1 quite:1 rare:1 see:2 wear:1 goggles:2 street:1 either:2 full:1 face:3 shield:2 open:1 nothing:2 aviator:1 sunglass:2 experience:1 bicycle:1 contact:1 lens:1 non:1 wraparound:1 sunglasses:1 almost:1 keep:1 crap:1 eye:1 ok:2 fine:1 whatever:1 let:2 attmept:1 stick:1 point:2 road:1 stop:1 every:1 half:1 hour:1 clean:1 many:1 bug:3 jacket:1 blood:1 splatter:2 mess:1 guy:1 shorty:1 helmet:1 long:1 beard:1 tight:1 shirt:1 merrily:1 cruise:1 along:1 bike:1 windscreen:1 really:1 specific:1 even:1 understands:1 anbody:1 think:1 fun:1 reason:1 image:1 laziness:1 freedom:1 splattering:1 |@bigram feel_free:1 friend_mine:1 buy_one:1 time_look:1 look_like:1 like_make:1 low_case:1 two_part:1 full_face:1 almost_nothing:1 whatever_say:1 say_let:1 let_make:1 half_hour:1 many_bug:1 see_guy:1 time_even:1 one_face:1 make_point:1
I have a Fostex X-26 4-Track Recorder for sale. It is in excellent condition and includes Dolby Noise Reduction, sub-mixing, 6 inputs and uses normal cassettes. If you are interested, make me an offer. Please respond to: zmed16@trc.amoco.com Thanks,
[('have', 'VB'), ('fostex', 'VBN'), ('26', 'CD'), ('track', 'NN'), ('recorder', 'NN'), ('for', 'IN'), ('sale', 'NN'), ('it', 'PRP'), ('is', 'VBZ'), ('in', 'IN'), ('excellent', 'JJ'), ('condition', 'NN'), ('and', 'CC'), ('includes', 'VBZ'), ('dolby', 'JJ'), ('noise', 'NN'), ('reduction', 'NN'), ('sub', 'NN'), ('mixing', 'NN'), ('inputs', 'NNS'), ('and', 'CC'), ('uses', 'VBZ'), ('normal', 'JJ'), ('cassettes', 'NNS'), ('if', 'IN'), ('you', 'PRP'), ('are', 'VBP'), ('interested', 'JJ'), ('make', 'IN'), ('me', 'PRP'), ('an', 'DT'), ('offer', 'NN'), ('please', 'NN'), ('respond', 'NN'), ('to', 'TO'), ('thanks', 'NNS')]
['fostex', 'track', 'recorder', 'sale', 'excellent', 'condition', 'include', 'dolby', 'noise', 'reduction', 'sub', 'mixing', 'input', 'use', 'normal', 'cassette', 'interested', 'make', 'offer', 'please', 'respond', 'thanks']
['sale_excellent', 'excellent_condition', 'use_normal', 'interested_make', 'make_offer', 'offer_please', 'please_respond']
misc_forsale_76575 |@lemmatized fostex:1 track:1 recorder:1 sale:1 excellent:1 condition:1 include:1 dolby:1 noise:1 reduction:1 sub:1 mixing:1 input:1 use:1 normal:1 cassette:1 interested:1 make:1 offer:1 please:1 respond:1 thanks:1 |@bigram sale_excellent:1 excellent_condition:1 use_normal:1 interested_make:1 make_offer:1 offer_please:1 please_respond:1
No, obviously talking about Research Assistants. I favor a high protein, low fat diet, barely adequate salary on a fixed time schedule, four hours of sleep a night, continuous infusion of latte, unpredictable praise mixed randomly with anxiety-provoking, everpresent glances with lowered eyebrows, unrealistic promises of rapid publication, and every three months a dinner consisting of nothing but microbrewery ale and free pretzels. Actually, mine hails from San Diego, and indeed has more problems in Seattle in cold weather than in warm.
[('no', 'DT'), ('obviously', 'RB'), ('talking', 'VBG'), ('about', 'IN'), ('research', 'NN'), ('assistants', 'NNS'), ('favor', 'VBP'), ('high', 'JJ'), ('protein', 'NN'), ('low', 'JJ'), ('fat', 'JJ'), ('diet', 'NN'), ('barely', 'RB'), ('adequate', 'JJ'), ('salary', 'NN'), ('on', 'IN'), ('fixed', 'JJ'), ('time', 'NN'), ('schedule', 'NN'), ('four', 'CD'), ('hours', 'NNS'), ('of', 'IN'), ('sleep', 'JJ'), ('night', 'NN'), ('continuous', 'JJ'), ('infusion', 'NN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('latte', 'NN'), ('unpredictable', 'JJ'), ('praise', 'NN'), ('mixed', 'JJ'), ('randomly', 'RB'), ('with', 'IN'), ('anxiety', 'NN'), ('provoking', 'VBG'), ('everpresent', 'JJ'), ('glances', 'NNS'), ('with', 'IN'), ('lowered', 'JJ'), ('eyebrows', 'NNS'), ('unrealistic', 'JJ'), ('promises', 'NNS'), ('of', 'IN'), ('rapid', 'JJ'), ('publication', 'NN'), ('and', 'CC'), ('every', 'DT'), ('three', 'CD'), ('months', 'NNS'), ('dinner', 'IN'), ('consisting', 'VBG'), ('of', 'IN'), ('nothing', 'NN'), ('but', 'CC'), ('microbrewery', 'NN'), ('ale', 'NN'), ('and', 'CC'), ('free', 'JJ'), ('pretzels', 'NNS'), ('actually', 'RB'), ('mine', 'VBP'), ('hails', 'NNS'), ('from', 'IN'), ('san', 'JJ'), ('diego', 'NN'), ('and', 'CC'), ('indeed', 'RB'), ('has', 'VBZ'), ('more', 'JJR'), ('problems', 'NNS'), ('in', 'IN'), ('seattle', 'NN'), ('in', 'IN'), ('cold', 'NN'), ('weather', 'NN'), ('than', 'IN'), ('in', 'IN'), ('warm', 'JJ')]
['obviously', 'talk', 'research', 'assistant', 'favor', 'high', 'protein', 'low', 'fat', 'diet', 'barely', 'adequate', 'salary', 'fixed', 'time', 'schedule', 'four', 'hour', 'sleep', 'night', 'continuous', 'infusion', 'latte', 'unpredictable', 'praise', 'mixed', 'randomly', 'anxiety', 'provoke', 'everpresent', 'glance', 'lowered', 'eyebrow', 'unrealistic', 'promise', 'rapid', 'publication', 'every', 'three', 'month', 'dinner', 'consist', 'nothing', 'microbrewery', 'ale', 'free', 'pretzel', 'actually', 'mine', 'hail', 'san', 'diego', 'indeed', 'problem', 'seattle', 'cold', 'weather', 'warm']
['low_fat', 'fat_diet', 'four_hour', 'sleep_night', 'every_three', 'three_month', 'san_diego']
sci_med_58812 |@lemmatized obviously:1 talk:1 research:1 assistant:1 favor:1 high:1 protein:1 low:1 fat:1 diet:1 barely:1 adequate:1 salary:1 fixed:1 time:1 schedule:1 four:1 hour:1 sleep:1 night:1 continuous:1 infusion:1 latte:1 unpredictable:1 praise:1 mixed:1 randomly:1 anxiety:1 provoke:1 everpresent:1 glance:1 lowered:1 eyebrow:1 unrealistic:1 promise:1 rapid:1 publication:1 every:1 three:1 month:1 dinner:1 consist:1 nothing:1 microbrewery:1 ale:1 free:1 pretzel:1 actually:1 mine:1 hail:1 san:1 diego:1 indeed:1 problem:1 seattle:1 cold:1 weather:1 warm:1 |@bigram low_fat:1 fat_diet:1 four_hour:1 sleep_night:1 every_three:1 three_month:1 san_diego:1
Dbase IV 1.5 for sale, 3.5 inch disks, all registration included (so you can upgrade to 2.0 if you want), manuals still shrinkwrapped, disks only opened to verify they all work. Asking $175 or best offer.
[('dbase', 'NN'), ('iv', 'NN'), ('for', 'IN'), ('sale', 'NN'), ('inch', 'NN'), ('disks', 'VBP'), ('all', 'DT'), ('registration', 'NN'), ('included', 'VBD'), ('so', 'RB'), ('you', 'PRP'), ('can', 'MD'), ('upgrade', 'VB'), ('to', 'TO'), ('if', 'IN'), ('you', 'PRP'), ('want', 'VBP'), ('),', 'JJ'), ('manuals', 'NNS'), ('still', 'RB'), ('shrinkwrapped', 'VBD'), ('disks', 'NNS'), ('only', 'RB'), ('opened', 'VBD'), ('to', 'TO'), ('verify', 'VB'), ('they', 'PRP'), ('all', 'DT'), ('work', 'VBP'), ('asking', 'VBG'), ('175', 'CD'), ('or', 'CC'), ('best', 'JJS'), ('offer', 'NN')]
['dbase', 'iv', 'sale', 'inch', 'disk', 'registration', 'include', 'upgrade', 'want', 'manual', 'still', 'shrinkwrapped', 'disk', 'open', 'verify', 'work', 'ask', 'best', 'offer']
['ask_best', 'best_offer']
misc_forsale_76012 |@lemmatized dbase:1 iv:1 sale:1 inch:1 disk:2 registration:1 include:1 upgrade:1 want:1 manual:1 still:1 shrinkwrapped:1 open:1 verify:1 work:1 ask:1 best:1 offer:1 |@bigram ask_best:1 best_offer:1
Well, does it change the fact that during the period of 1914 to 1920, the fascist x-Soviet Armenian Government ordered, incited, assisted and participated in the genocide of 2.5 million Muslim people because of race, religion and national origin? As in the past in Turkiye, and today in Azerbaijan, for utopic and idiotic causes the Armenians brought havoc to their neighbors. A short-sighted and misplaced nationalistic fervor with a wrong agenda and anachronistic methods the Armenians continue to become pernicious for the region. As usual, they will be treated accordingly by their neighbors. Nagorno-Karabag is a mountainous enclave that lies completely within Azerbaijan with no border or history whatsoever connected to x-Soviet Armenia. Besides the geographical aspect, Nagorno-Karabag is the historic homeland and the 'cradle' of the artistic and literary heritage of Azerbaijan, which renders the Armenian claims preposterous, even lunatic. And we still demand: 1. that the x-Soviet Armenian Government, as the heirs of the Armenian dictatorship, recognize the Turkish Genocide; 2. that x-Soviet Armenia return the historic homeland to the Turkish and Kurdish people; 3. that the x-Soviet Armenian Government make material reparations for their heinous and unspeakable crime to the victims of the Turkish Genocide; 4. that all world governments officially recognize the Turkish Genocide and Turkish territorial rights and refuse to succumb to all Armenian political pressure. The awareness of the Turkish people of the necessity of solidarity in the efforts to pursue the Turkish Cause is seen by the victims of the first genocide of the 20th century as a positive step. Now what would you do? Source: 'The Sunday Times,' 1 March 1992 (a British Weekly, written by Thomas Goltz, from Agdam, Azerbaijan.) ARMENIAN SOLDIERS MASSACRE HUNDREDS OF FLEEING FAMILIES. The spiralling violence gripping the outer republics of the former Soviet Union gained new impetus yesterday with cold-blooded slaughter of hundreds of women and children in war-racked Nagorno-Karabakh. Survivors reported that Armenian soldiers shot and bayoneted more than 450 Azeris, many of them women and children, who were fleeing an attack on their town. Hundreds, possibly thousands, were missing and feared dead. The attackers killed most of the soldiers and volunteers defending the women and children. They then turned their guns on the terrified refugees. The few survivors later described what happened:" That's when the real slaughter began," said Azer Hajiev, one of three soldiers to survive. "The Armenians just shot and shot. And then they came in and started carving up people with their bayonets and knives." " They were shooting, shooting, shooting", echoed Rasia Aslanova, who arrived in Agdam with other women and children who made their way through Armenian lines. She said her husband, Kayun, and a son-in-law were killed in front of her. Her daughter was still missing. One boy who arrived in Agdam had an ear sliced off. The survivors said 2000 others, some of whom had fled separately, were still missing in the gruelling terrain; many could perish from their wounds or the cold. By late yesterday, 479 deaths had been registered at the morgue in Agdam's morgue, and 29 bodies had been buried in the cemetery. Of the seven corpses I saw awaiting burial, two were children and three were women, one shot through the chest at point blank range. Agdam hospital was a scene of carnage and terror. Doctors said they had 140 patients who escaped slaughter, most with bullet injuries or deep stab wounds. Nor were they safe in Agdam. On friday night rockets fell on the city which has a population of 150,000, destroying several buildings and killing one person. Serdar Argic
[('well', 'RB'), ('does', 'VBZ'), ('it', 'PRP'), ('change', 'VB'), ('the', 'DT'), ('fact', 'NN'), ('that', 'IN'), ('during', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('period', 'NN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('1914', 'CD'), ('to', 'TO'), ('1920', 'CD'), ('the', 'DT'), ('fascist', 'JJ'), ('soviet', 'JJ'), ('armenian', 'JJ'), ('government', 'NN'), ('ordered', 'VBD'), ('incited', 'VBN'), ('assisted', 'JJ'), ('and', 'CC'), ('participated', 'VBN'), ('in', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('genocide', 'NN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('million', 'CD'), ('muslim', 'JJ'), ('people', 'NNS'), ('because', 'IN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('race', 'NN'), ('religion', 'NN'), ('and', 'CC'), ('national', 'JJ'), ('origin', 'NN'), ('as', 'IN'), ('in', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('past', 'NN'), ('in', 'IN'), ('turkiye', 'NN'), ('and', 'CC'), ('today', 'NN'), ('in', 'IN'), ('azerbaijan', 'NN'), ('for', 'IN'), ('utopic', 'NN'), ('and', 'CC'), ('idiotic', 'JJ'), ('causes', 'NNS'), ('the', 'DT'), ('armenians', 'NNS'), ('brought', 'VBD'), ('havoc', 'NN'), ('to', 'TO'), ('their', 'PRP$'), ('neighbors', 'NNS'), ('short', 'RB'), ('sighted', 'VBD'), ('and', 'CC'), ('misplaced', 'VBD'), ('nationalistic', 'JJ'), ('fervor', 'NN'), ('with', 'IN'), ('wrong', 'JJ'), ('agenda', 'NN'), ('and', 'CC'), ('anachronistic', 'JJ'), ('methods', 'NNS'), ('the', 'DT'), ('armenians', 'NNS'), ('continue', 'VBP'), ('to', 'TO'), ('become', 'VB'), ('pernicious', 'JJ'), ('for', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('region', 'NN'), ('as', 'IN'), ('usual', 'JJ'), ('they', 'PRP'), ('will', 'MD'), ('be', 'VB'), ('treated', 'VBN'), ('accordingly', 'RB'), ('by', 'IN'), ('their', 'PRP$'), ('neighbors', 'NNS'), ('nagorno', 'IN'), ('karabag', 'NN'), ('is', 'VBZ'), ('mountainous', 'JJ'), ('enclave', 'VBP'), ('that', 'WDT'), ('lies', 'VBZ'), ('completely', 'RB'), ('within', 'IN'), ('azerbaijan', 'NNS'), ('with', 'IN'), ('no', 'DT'), ('border', 'NN'), ('or', 'CC'), ('history', 'NN'), ('whatsoever', 'RB'), ('connected', 'VBN'), ('to', 'TO'), ('soviet', 'JJ'), ('armenia', 'NN'), ('besides', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('geographical', 'JJ'), ('aspect', 'NN'), ('nagorno', 'NN'), ('karabag', 'NN'), ('is', 'VBZ'), ('the', 'DT'), ('historic', 'JJ'), ('homeland', 'NN'), ('and', 'CC'), ('the', 'DT'), ('cradle', 'NN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('artistic', 'JJ'), ('and', 'CC'), ('literary', 'JJ'), ('heritage', 'NN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('azerbaijan', 'NN'), ('which', 'WDT'), ('renders', 'VBZ'), ('the', 'DT'), ('armenian', 'JJ'), ('claims', 'NNS'), ('preposterous', 'JJ'), ('even', 'RB'), ('lunatic', 'JJ'), ('and', 'CC'), ('we', 'PRP'), ('still', 'RB'), ('demand', 'VBP'), ('that', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('soviet', 'JJ'), ('armenian', 'JJ'), ('government', 'NN'), ('as', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('heirs', 'NN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('armenian', 'JJ'), ('dictatorship', 'NN'), ('recognize', 'VB'), ('the', 'DT'), ('turkish', 'JJ'), ('genocide', 'NN'), ('that', 'IN'), ('soviet', 'JJ'), ('armenia', 'JJ'), ('return', 'NN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('historic', 'JJ'), ('homeland', 'NN'), ('to', 'TO'), ('the', 'DT'), ('turkish', 'JJ'), ('and', 'CC'), ('kurdish', 'JJ'), ('people', 'NNS'), ('that', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('soviet', 'JJ'), ('armenian', 'JJ'), ('government', 'NN'), ('make', 'VBP'), ('material', 'NN'), ('reparations', 'NNS'), ('for', 'IN'), ('their', 'PRP$'), ('heinous', 'JJ'), ('and', 'CC'), ('unspeakable', 'JJ'), ('crime', 'NN'), ('to', 'TO'), ('the', 'DT'), ('victims', 'NNS'), ('of', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('turkish', 'JJ'), ('genocide', 'NN'), ('that', 'IN'), ('all', 'DT'), ('world', 'NN'), ('governments', 'NNS'), ('officially', 'RB'), ('recognize', 'VBP'), ('the', 'DT'), ('turkish', 'JJ'), ('genocide', 'NN'), ('and', 'CC'), ('turkish', 'JJ'), ('territorial', 'NN'), ('rights', 'NNS'), ('and', 'CC'), ('refuse', 'NN'), ('to', 'TO'), ('succumb', 'VB'), ('to', 'TO'), ('all', 'DT'), ('armenian', 'JJ'), ('political', 'JJ'), ('pressure', 'NN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('awareness', 'NN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('turkish', 'JJ'), ('people', 'NNS'), ('of', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('necessity', 'NN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('solidarity', 'NN'), ('in', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('efforts', 'NNS'), ('to', 'TO'), ('pursue', 'VB'), ('the', 'DT'), ('turkish', 'JJ'), ('cause', 'NN'), ('is', 'VBZ'), ('seen', 'VBN'), ('by', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('victims', 'NNS'), ('of', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('first', 'JJ'), ('genocide', 'NN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('20th', 'JJ'), ('century', 'NN'), ('as', 'IN'), ('positive', 'JJ'), ('step', 'NN'), ('now', 'RB'), ('what', 'WP'), ('would', 'MD'), ('you', 'PRP'), ('do', 'VB'), ('source', 'NN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('sunday', 'NN'), ('times', 'NNS'), (",'", 'VBP'), ('march', 'NN'), ('1992', 'CD'), ('british', 'JJ'), ('weekly', 'JJ'), ('written', 'VBN'), ('by', 'IN'), ('thomas', 'NN'), ('goltz', 'NN'), ('from', 'IN'), ('agdam', 'JJ'), ('azerbaijan', 'NN'), ('.)', 'NNP'), ('armenian', 'JJ'), ('soldiers', 'NNS'), ('massacre', 'VBP'), ('hundreds', 'NNS'), ('of', 'IN'), ('fleeing', 'VBG'), ('families', 'NNS'), ('the', 'DT'), ('spiralling', 'VBG'), ('violence', 'NN'), ('gripping', 'VBG'), ('the', 'DT'), ('outer', 'NN'), ('republics', 'NNS'), ('of', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('former', 'JJ'), ('soviet', 'JJ'), ('union', 'NN'), ('gained', 'VBD'), ('new', 'JJ'), ('impetus', 'NN'), ('yesterday', 'NN'), ('with', 'IN'), ('cold', 'NN'), ('blooded', 'VBN'), ('slaughter', 'NN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('hundreds', 'NNS'), ('of', 'IN'), ('women', 'NNS'), ('and', 'CC'), ('children', 'NNS'), ('in', 'IN'), ('war', 'NN'), ('racked', 'VBD'), ('nagorno', 'JJ'), ('karabakh', 'NN'), ('survivors', 'NNS'), ('reported', 'VBD'), ('that', 'IN'), ('armenian', 'JJ'), ('soldiers', 'NNS'), ('shot', 'JJ'), ('and', 'CC'), ('bayoneted', 'VBD'), ('more', 'JJR'), ('than', 'IN'), ('450', 'CD'), ('azeris', 'JJ'), ('many', 'JJ'), ('of', 'IN'), ('them', 'PRP'), ('women', 'NNS'), ('and', 'CC'), ('children', 'NNS'), ('who', 'WP'), ('were', 'VBD'), ('fleeing', 'VBG'), ('an', 'DT'), ('attack', 'NN'), ('on', 'IN'), ('their', 'PRP$'), ('town', 'NN'), ('hundreds', 'NNS'), ('possibly', 'RB'), ('thousands', 'NNS'), ('were', 'VBD'), ('missing', 'VBG'), ('and', 'CC'), ('feared', 'VBN'), ('dead', 'JJ'), ('the', 'DT'), ('attackers', 'NNS'), ('killed', 'VBD'), ('most', 'JJS'), ('of', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('soldiers', 'NNS'), ('and', 'CC'), ('volunteers', 'NNS'), ('defending', 'VBG'), ('the', 'DT'), ('women', 'NNS'), ('and', 'CC'), ('children', 'NNS'), ('they', 'PRP'), ('then', 'RB'), ('turned', 'VBD'), ('their', 'PRP$'), ('guns', 'NNS'), ('on', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('terrified', 'JJ'), ('refugees', 'VBZ'), ('the', 'DT'), ('few', 'JJ'), ('survivors', 'NNS'), ('later', 'RB'), ('described', 'VBD'), ('what', 'WP'), ('happened', 'VBD'), (':"', 'RP'), ('that', 'IN'), ('when', 'WRB'), ('the', 'DT'), ('real', 'JJ'), ('slaughter', 'NN'), ('began', 'VBD'), (',"', 'NNP'), ('said', 'VBD'), ('azer', 'NN'), ('hajiev', 'NN'), ('one', 'CD'), ('of', 'IN'), ('three', 'CD'), ('soldiers', 'NNS'), ('to', 'TO'), ('survive', 'VB'), ('the', 'DT'), ('armenians', 'NNS'), ('just', 'RB'), ('shot', 'VBN'), ('and', 'CC'), ('shot', 'VBN'), ('and', 'CC'), ('then', 'RB'), ('they', 'PRP'), ('came', 'VBD'), ('in', 'IN'), ('and', 'CC'), ('started', 'VBD'), ('carving', 'VBG'), ('up', 'RP'), ('people', 'NNS'), ('with', 'IN'), ('their', 'PRP$'), ('bayonets', 'NNS'), ('and', 'CC'), ('knives', 'NNS'), ('."', 'VBP'), ('they', 'PRP'), ('were', 'VBD'), ('shooting', 'VBG'), ('shooting', 'VBG'), ('shooting', 'VBG'), ('",', 'JJ'), ('echoed', 'NN'), ('rasia', 'NN'), ('aslanova', 'NN'), ('who', 'WP'), ('arrived', 'VBD'), ('in', 'IN'), ('agdam', 'NN'), ('with', 'IN'), ('other', 'JJ'), ('women', 'NNS'), ('and', 'CC'), ('children', 'NNS'), ('who', 'WP'), ('made', 'VBD'), ('their', 'PRP$'), ('way', 'NN'), ('through', 'IN'), ('armenian', 'JJ'), ('lines', 'NNS'), ('she', 'PRP'), ('said', 'VBD'), ('her', 'PRP$'), ('husband', 'NN'), ('kayun', 'NN'), ('and', 'CC'), ('son', 'NN'), ('in', 'IN'), ('law', 'NN'), ('were', 'VBD'), ('killed', 'VBN'), ('in', 'IN'), ('front', 'NN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('her', 'PRP$'), ('her', 'PRP$'), ('daughter', 'NN'), ('was', 'VBD'), ('still', 'RB'), ('missing', 'VBG'), ('one', 'CD'), ('boy', 'NN'), ('who', 'WP'), ('arrived', 'VBD'), ('in', 'IN'), ('agdam', 'NN'), ('had', 'VBD'), ('an', 'DT'), ('ear', 'NN'), ('sliced', 'VBD'), ('off', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('survivors', 'NNS'), ('said', 'VBD'), ('2000', 'CD'), ('others', 'NNS'), ('some', 'DT'), ('of', 'IN'), ('whom', 'WP'), ('had', 'VBD'), ('fled', 'VBN'), ('separately', 'RB'), ('were', 'VBD'), ('still', 'RB'), ('missing', 'VBG'), ('in', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('gruelling', 'VBG'), ('terrain', 'NN'), ('many', 'JJ'), ('could', 'MD'), ('perish', 'VB'), ('from', 'IN'), ('their', 'PRP$'), ('wounds', 'NNS'), ('or', 'CC'), ('the', 'DT'), ('cold', 'JJ'), ('by', 'IN'), ('late', 'JJ'), ('yesterday', 'NN'), ('479', 'CD'), ('deaths', 'NNS'), ('had', 'VBD'), ('been', 'VBN'), ('registered', 'VBN'), ('at', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('morgue', 'NN'), ('in', 'IN'), ('agdam', 'JJ'), ('morgue', 'NN'), ('and', 'CC'), ('29', 'CD'), ('bodies', 'NNS'), ('had', 'VBD'), ('been', 'VBN'), ('buried', 'VBN'), ('in', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('cemetery', 'NN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('seven', 'CD'), ('corpses', 'NNS'), ('saw', 'VBD'), ('awaiting', 'VBG'), ('burial', 'JJ'), ('two', 'CD'), ('were', 'VBD'), ('children', 'NNS'), ('and', 'CC'), ('three', 'CD'), ('were', 'VBD'), ('women', 'NNS'), ('one', 'CD'), ('shot', 'NN'), ('through', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('chest', 'NN'), ('at', 'IN'), ('point', 'NN'), ('blank', 'NN'), ('range', 'NN'), ('agdam', 'IN'), ('hospital', 'NN'), ('was', 'VBD'), ('scene', 'NN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('carnage', 'NN'), ('and', 'CC'), ('terror', 'NN'), ('doctors', 'NNS'), ('said', 'VBD'), ('they', 'PRP'), ('had', 'VBD'), ('140', 'CD'), ('patients', 'NNS'), ('who', 'WP'), ('escaped', 'VBD'), ('slaughter', 'JJR'), ('most', 'JJS'), ('with', 'IN'), ('bullet', 'NN'), ('injuries', 'NNS'), ('or', 'CC'), ('deep', 'JJ'), ('stab', 'NN'), ('wounds', 'NNS'), ('nor', 'CC'), ('were', 'VBD'), ('they', 'PRP'), ('safe', 'VBP'), ('in', 'IN'), ('agdam', 'NN'), ('on', 'IN'), ('friday', 'JJ'), ('night', 'NN'), ('rockets', 'NNS'), ('fell', 'VBD'), ('on', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('city', 'NN'), ('which', 'WDT'), ('has', 'VBZ'), ('population', 'NN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('150', 'CD'), ('000', 'CD'), ('destroying', 'VBG'), ('several', 'JJ'), ('buildings', 'NNS'), ('and', 'CC'), ('killing', 'VBG'), ('one', 'CD'), ('person', 'NN'), ('serdar', 'NN'), ('argic', 'NN')]
['well', 'change', 'fact', 'period', 'fascist', 'soviet', 'armenian', 'government', 'order', 'incite', 'assisted', 'participate', 'genocide', 'million', 'muslim', 'people', 'race', 'religion', 'national', 'origin', 'past', 'turkiye', 'today', 'azerbaijan', 'utopic', 'idiotic', 'cause', 'armenian', 'bring', 'havoc', 'neighbor', 'short', 'sight', 'misplace', 'nationalistic', 'fervor', 'wrong', 'agenda', 'anachronistic', 'method', 'armenian', 'continue', 'become', 'pernicious', 'region', 'usual', 'treat', 'accordingly', 'neighbor', 'nagorno', 'karabag', 'mountainous', 'enclave', 'lie', 'completely', 'within', 'azerbaijan', 'border', 'history', 'whatsoever', 'connect', 'soviet', 'armenia', 'besides', 'geographical', 'aspect', 'nagorno', 'karabag', 'historic', 'homeland', 'cradle', 'artistic', 'literary', 'heritage', 'azerbaijan', 'render', 'armenian', 'claim', 'preposterous', 'even', 'lunatic', 'still', 'demand', 'soviet', 'armenian', 'government', 'heir', 'armenian', 'dictatorship', 'recognize', 'turkish', 'genocide', 'soviet', 'armenia', 'return', 'historic', 'homeland', 'turkish', 'kurdish', 'people', 'soviet', 'armenian', 'government', 'make', 'material', 'reparation', 'heinous', 'unspeakable', 'crime', 'victim', 'turkish', 'genocide', 'world', 'government', 'officially', 'recognize', 'turkish', 'genocide', 'turkish', 'territorial', 'right', 'refuse', 'succumb', 'armenian', 'political', 'pressure', 'awareness', 'turkish', 'people', 'necessity', 'solidarity', 'effort', 'pursue', 'turkish', 'cause', 'see', 'victim', 'first', 'genocide', 'century', 'positive', 'step', 'would', 'source', 'sunday', 'time', 'march', 'british', 'weekly', 'write', 'thomas', 'goltz', 'agdam', 'azerbaijan', 'armenian', 'soldier', 'massacre', 'hundred', 'flee', 'family', 'spiral', 'violence', 'grip', 'outer', 'republic', 'former', 'soviet', 'union', 'gain', 'new', 'impetus', 'yesterday', 'cold', 'blood', 'slaughter', 'hundred', 'woman', 'child', 'war', 'rack', 'nagorno', 'karabakh', 'survivor', 'report', 'armenian', 'soldier', 'shot', 'bayonet', 'azeris', 'many', 'woman', 'child', 'flee', 'attack', 'town', 'hundred', 'possibly', 'thousand', 'miss', 'fear', 'dead', 'attacker', 'kill', 'soldier', 'volunteer', 'defend', 'woman', 'child', 'turn', 'gun', 'terrified', 'refugees', 'survivor', 'later', 'describe', 'happen', 'real', 'slaughter', 'begin', 'say', 'azer', 'hajiev', 'one', 'three', 'soldier', 'survive', 'armenian', 'shoot', 'shoot', 'come', 'start', 'carve', 'people', 'bayonet', 'knife', 'shoot', 'shoot', 'shoot', 'echoed', 'rasia', 'aslanova', 'arrive', 'agdam', 'woman', 'child', 'make', 'way', 'armenian', 'line', 'say', 'husband', 'kayun', 'son', 'law', 'kill', 'front', 'daughter', 'still', 'miss', 'one', 'boy', 'arrive', 'agdam', 'ear', 'slice', 'survivor', 'say', 'others', 'flee', 'separately', 'still', 'miss', 'gruelling', 'terrain', 'many', 'could', 'perish', 'wound', 'cold', 'late', 'yesterday', 'death', 'register', 'morgue', 'agdam', 'morgue', 'body', 'bury', 'cemetery', 'seven', 'corps', 'saw', 'await', 'burial', 'two', 'child', 'three', 'woman', 'one', 'shot', 'chest', 'point', 'blank', 'range', 'agdam', 'hospital', 'scene', 'carnage', 'terror', 'doctor', 'say', 'patient', 'escape', 'slaughter', 'bullet', 'injury', 'deep', 'stab', 'wound', 'safe', 'agdam', 'friday', 'night', 'rocket', 'fell', 'city', 'population', 'destroy', 'several', 'building', 'kill', 'one', 'person', 'serdar', 'argic']
['well_change', 'change_fact', 'fascist_soviet', 'soviet_armenian', 'armenian_government', 'government_order', 'participate_genocide', 'genocide_million', 'million_muslim', 'muslim_people', 'race_religion', 'religion_national', 'national_origin', 'short_sight', 'soviet_armenia', 'demand_soviet', 'soviet_armenian', 'armenian_government', 'armenian_dictatorship', 'recognize_turkish', 'turkish_genocide', 'genocide_soviet', 'soviet_armenia', 'turkish_kurdish', 'kurdish_people', 'soviet_armenian', 'armenian_government', 'government_make', 'turkish_genocide', 'world_government', 'recognize_turkish', 'turkish_genocide', 'genocide_turkish', 'armenian_political', 'turkish_people', 'turkish_cause', 'genocide_century', 'sunday_time', 'armenian_soldier', 'former_soviet', 'soviet_union', 'cold_blood', 'woman_child', 'nagorno_karabakh', 'armenian_soldier', 'many_woman', 'woman_child', 'kill_soldier', 'woman_child', 'turn_gun', 'begin_say', 'one_three', 'three_soldier', 'armenian_shoot', 'shoot_shoot', 'come_start', 'shoot_shoot', 'shoot_shoot', 'woman_child', 'make_way', 'line_say', 'miss_one', 'two_child', 'child_three', 'three_woman', 'one_shot', 'point_blank', 'doctor_say', 'friday_night', 'kill_one', 'one_person', 'serdar_argic']
talk_politics_mideast_75927 |@lemmatized well:1 change:1 fact:1 period:1 fascist:1 soviet:6 armenian:12 government:4 order:1 incite:1 assisted:1 participate:1 genocide:5 million:1 muslim:1 people:4 race:1 religion:1 national:1 origin:1 past:1 turkiye:1 today:1 azerbaijan:4 utopic:1 idiotic:1 cause:2 bring:1 havoc:1 neighbor:2 short:1 sight:1 misplace:1 nationalistic:1 fervor:1 wrong:1 agenda:1 anachronistic:1 method:1 continue:1 become:1 pernicious:1 region:1 usual:1 treat:1 accordingly:1 nagorno:3 karabag:2 mountainous:1 enclave:1 lie:1 completely:1 within:1 border:1 history:1 whatsoever:1 connect:1 armenia:2 besides:1 geographical:1 aspect:1 historic:2 homeland:2 cradle:1 artistic:1 literary:1 heritage:1 render:1 claim:1 preposterous:1 even:1 lunatic:1 still:3 demand:1 heir:1 dictatorship:1 recognize:2 turkish:7 return:1 kurdish:1 make:2 material:1 reparation:1 heinous:1 unspeakable:1 crime:1 victim:2 world:1 officially:1 territorial:1 right:1 refuse:1 succumb:1 political:1 pressure:1 awareness:1 necessity:1 solidarity:1 effort:1 pursue:1 see:1 first:1 century:1 positive:1 step:1 would:1 source:1 sunday:1 time:1 march:1 british:1 weekly:1 write:1 thomas:1 goltz:1 agdam:6 soldier:4 massacre:1 hundred:3 flee:3 family:1 spiral:1 violence:1 grip:1 outer:1 republic:1 former:1 union:1 gain:1 new:1 impetus:1 yesterday:2 cold:2 blood:1 slaughter:3 woman:5 child:5 war:1 rack:1 karabakh:1 survivor:3 report:1 shot:2 bayonet:2 azeris:1 many:2 attack:1 town:1 possibly:1 thousand:1 miss:3 fear:1 dead:1 attacker:1 kill:3 volunteer:1 defend:1 turn:1 gun:1 terrified:1 refugees:1 later:1 describe:1 happen:1 real:1 begin:1 say:4 azer:1 hajiev:1 one:4 three:2 survive:1 shoot:5 come:1 start:1 carve:1 knife:1 echoed:1 rasia:1 aslanova:1 arrive:2 way:1 line:1 husband:1 kayun:1 son:1 law:1 front:1 daughter:1 boy:1 ear:1 slice:1 others:1 separately:1 gruelling:1 terrain:1 could:1 perish:1 wound:2 late:1 death:1 register:1 morgue:2 body:1 bury:1 cemetery:1 seven:1 corps:1 saw:1 await:1 burial:1 two:1 chest:1 point:1 blank:1 range:1 hospital:1 scene:1 carnage:1 terror:1 doctor:1 patient:1 escape:1 bullet:1 injury:1 deep:1 stab:1 safe:1 friday:1 night:1 rocket:1 fell:1 city:1 population:1 destroy:1 several:1 building:1 person:1 serdar:1 argic:1 |@bigram well_change:1 change_fact:1 fascist_soviet:1 soviet_armenian:3 armenian_government:3 government_order:1 participate_genocide:1 genocide_million:1 million_muslim:1 muslim_people:1 race_religion:1 religion_national:1 national_origin:1 short_sight:1 soviet_armenia:2 demand_soviet:1 armenian_dictatorship:1 recognize_turkish:2 turkish_genocide:3 genocide_soviet:1 turkish_kurdish:1 kurdish_people:1 government_make:1 world_government:1 genocide_turkish:1 armenian_political:1 turkish_people:1 turkish_cause:1 genocide_century:1 sunday_time:1 armenian_soldier:2 former_soviet:1 soviet_union:1 cold_blood:1 woman_child:4 nagorno_karabakh:1 many_woman:1 kill_soldier:1 turn_gun:1 begin_say:1 one_three:1 three_soldier:1 armenian_shoot:1 shoot_shoot:3 come_start:1 make_way:1 line_say:1 miss_one:1 two_child:1 child_three:1 three_woman:1 one_shot:1 point_blank:1 doctor_say:1 friday_night:1 kill_one:1 one_person:1 serdar_argic:1
You'd need to launch HLVs to send up large amounts of stuff *if* you assume no new launcher development. If you assume new launcher development, with lower costs as a specific objective, then you probably don't want to build something HLV-sized anyway.
[('you', 'PRP'), ('need', 'VBP'), ('to', 'TO'), ('launch', 'VB'), ('hlvs', 'NN'), ('to', 'TO'), ('send', 'VB'), ('up', 'RP'), ('large', 'JJ'), ('amounts', 'NNS'), ('of', 'IN'), ('stuff', 'NN'), ('if', 'IN'), ('you', 'PRP'), ('assume', 'VBP'), ('no', 'DT'), ('new', 'JJ'), ('launcher', 'NN'), ('development', 'NN'), ('if', 'IN'), ('you', 'PRP'), ('assume', 'VBP'), ('new', 'JJ'), ('launcher', 'NN'), ('development', 'NN'), ('with', 'IN'), ('lower', 'JJR'), ('costs', 'NNS'), ('as', 'IN'), ('specific', 'JJ'), ('objective', 'JJ'), ('then', 'RB'), ('you', 'PRP'), ('probably', 'RB'), ('don', 'VBP'), ('want', 'VBP'), ('to', 'TO'), ('build', 'VB'), ('something', 'NN'), ('hlv', 'JJ'), ('sized', 'VBN'), ('anyway', 'RB')]
['need', 'launch', 'hlvs', 'send', 'large', 'amount', 'stuff', 'assume', 'new', 'launcher', 'development', 'assume', 'new', 'launcher', 'development', 'low', 'cost', 'specific', 'objective', 'probably', 'want', 'build', 'something', 'hlv', 'size', 'anyway']
['large_amount', 'amount_stuff', 'launcher_development', 'launcher_development', 'low_cost', 'probably_want', 'want_build']
sci_space_61103 |@lemmatized need:1 launch:1 hlvs:1 send:1 large:1 amount:1 stuff:1 assume:2 new:2 launcher:2 development:2 low:1 cost:1 specific:1 objective:1 probably:1 want:1 build:1 something:1 hlv:1 size:1 anyway:1 |@bigram large_amount:1 amount_stuff:1 launcher_development:2 low_cost:1 probably_want:1 want_build:1
Oh, that was just a bet.
[('oh', 'NN'), ('that', 'WDT'), ('was', 'VBD'), ('just', 'RB'), ('bet', 'RB')]
['oh', 'bet']
alt_atheism_53086 |@lemmatized oh:1 bet:1 |@bigram
know he now. And Michael Jackson, Jack Nicholson, and Bill Cosby wouldn't be making near as much money if they weren't entertainers. So what's your point? for a hurting. Will they? You can't usually take away one of the team's best players and still expect them to win. Or do you think the Pirates will continue to win without Barry Bonds. athletic working So. Again, Jack Nicholson gets paid much more than most hard working citizens (and much more than Rickey Henderson for that matter). when the million--also, The reason the latter often happens is that many of these folks start making the real big salaries late in their career, when they are on the decline. (There are exceptions, of course. Dave Parker fell apart after making his first million because he put most of that million up his nose.)
[('know', 'VB'), ('he', 'PRP'), ('now', 'RB'), ('and', 'CC'), ('michael', 'VB'), ('jackson', 'NN'), ('jack', 'NN'), ('nicholson', 'NN'), ('and', 'CC'), ('bill', 'NN'), ('cosby', 'VBP'), ('wouldn', 'NN'), ('be', 'VB'), ('making', 'VBG'), ('near', 'IN'), ('as', 'RB'), ('much', 'JJ'), ('money', 'NN'), ('if', 'IN'), ('they', 'PRP'), ('weren', 'VBP'), ('entertainers', 'NNS'), ('so', 'RB'), ('what', 'WP'), ('your', 'PRP$'), ('point', 'NN'), ('for', 'IN'), ('hurting', 'VBG'), ('will', 'MD'), ('they', 'PRP'), ('you', 'PRP'), ('can', 'MD'), ('usually', 'RB'), ('take', 'VB'), ('away', 'RP'), ('one', 'CD'), ('of', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('team', 'NN'), ('best', 'JJS'), ('players', 'NNS'), ('and', 'CC'), ('still', 'RB'), ('expect', 'VB'), ('them', 'PRP'), ('to', 'TO'), ('win', 'VB'), ('or', 'CC'), ('do', 'VB'), ('you', 'PRP'), ('think', 'VB'), ('the', 'DT'), ('pirates', 'NNS'), ('will', 'MD'), ('continue', 'VB'), ('to', 'TO'), ('win', 'VB'), ('without', 'IN'), ('barry', 'JJ'), ('bonds', 'NNS'), ('athletic', 'JJ'), ('working', 'VBG'), ('so', 'RB'), ('again', 'RB'), ('jack', 'NN'), ('nicholson', 'JJ'), ('gets', 'VBZ'), ('paid', 'VBN'), ('much', 'RB'), ('more', 'JJR'), ('than', 'IN'), ('most', 'JJS'), ('hard', 'JJ'), ('working', 'VBG'), ('citizens', 'NNS'), ('and', 'CC'), ('much', 'RB'), ('more', 'JJR'), ('than', 'IN'), ('rickey', 'NN'), ('henderson', 'NN'), ('for', 'IN'), ('that', 'DT'), ('matter', 'NN'), (').', 'VBD'), ('when', 'WRB'), ('the', 'DT'), ('million', 'CD'), ('--', ':'), ('also', 'RB'), ('the', 'DT'), ('reason', 'NN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('latter', 'NN'), ('often', 'RB'), ('happens', 'VBZ'), ('is', 'VBZ'), ('that', 'IN'), ('many', 'JJ'), ('of', 'IN'), ('these', 'DT'), ('folks', 'NNS'), ('start', 'VBP'), ('making', 'VBG'), ('the', 'DT'), ('real', 'JJ'), ('big', 'JJ'), ('salaries', 'NNS'), ('late', 'RB'), ('in', 'IN'), ('their', 'PRP$'), ('career', 'NN'), ('when', 'WRB'), ('they', 'PRP'), ('are', 'VBP'), ('on', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('decline', 'NN'), ('there', 'EX'), ('are', 'VBP'), ('exceptions', 'NNS'), ('of', 'IN'), ('course', 'NN'), ('dave', 'VBP'), ('parker', 'NN'), ('fell', 'VBD'), ('apart', 'RB'), ('after', 'IN'), ('making', 'VBG'), ('his', 'PRP$'), ('first', 'JJ'), ('million', 'CD'), ('because', 'IN'), ('he', 'PRP'), ('put', 'VBD'), ('most', 'JJS'), ('of', 'IN'), ('that', 'DT'), ('million', 'CD'), ('up', 'IN'), ('his', 'PRP$'), ('nose', 'JJ'), ('.)', 'NN')]
['know', 'michael', 'jackson', 'jack', 'nicholson', 'bill', 'cosby', 'make', 'near', 'much', 'money', 'entertainer', 'point', 'hurt', 'usually', 'take', 'away', 'one', 'team', 'best', 'player', 'still', 'expect', 'win', 'think', 'pirate', 'continue', 'win', 'without', 'barry', 'bond', 'athletic', 'work', 'jack', 'nicholson', 'get', 'pay', 'much', 'hard', 'work', 'citizen', 'much', 'rickey', 'henderson', 'matter', 'million', 'also', 'reason', 'latter', 'often', 'happen', 'many', 'folk', 'start', 'make', 'real', 'big', 'salary', 'late', 'career', 'decline', 'exception', 'course', 'dave', 'parker', 'fell', 'apart', 'make', 'first', 'million', 'put', 'million', 'nose']
['much_money', 'take_away', 'away_one', 'one_team', 'team_best', 'best_player', 'win_think', 'barry_bond', 'get_pay', 'pay_much', 'much_hard', 'hard_work', 'rickey_henderson', 'happen_many', 'many_folk', 'start_make', 'make_real', 'make_first']
rec_sport_baseball_102672 |@lemmatized know:1 michael:1 jackson:1 jack:2 nicholson:2 bill:1 cosby:1 make:3 near:1 much:3 money:1 entertainer:1 point:1 hurt:1 usually:1 take:1 away:1 one:1 team:1 best:1 player:1 still:1 expect:1 win:2 think:1 pirate:1 continue:1 without:1 barry:1 bond:1 athletic:1 work:2 get:1 pay:1 hard:1 citizen:1 rickey:1 henderson:1 matter:1 million:3 also:1 reason:1 latter:1 often:1 happen:1 many:1 folk:1 start:1 real:1 big:1 salary:1 late:1 career:1 decline:1 exception:1 course:1 dave:1 parker:1 fell:1 apart:1 first:1 put:1 nose:1 |@bigram much_money:1 take_away:1 away_one:1 one_team:1 team_best:1 best_player:1 win_think:1 barry_bond:1 get_pay:1 pay_much:1 much_hard:1 hard_work:1 rickey_henderson:1 happen_many:1 many_folk:1 start_make:1 make_real:1 make_first:1
Hi, I'm looking for the 3-D studio driver for the Oak card with 1 M of RAM. This would be GREATLY (and I mean that) appreciated
[('hi', 'NN'), ('looking', 'VBG'), ('for', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('studio', 'NN'), ('driver', 'NN'), ('for', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('oak', 'JJ'), ('card', 'NN'), ('with', 'IN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('ram', 'NN'), ('this', 'DT'), ('would', 'MD'), ('be', 'VB'), ('greatly', 'RB'), ('and', 'CC'), ('mean', 'VB'), ('that', 'DT'), ('appreciated', 'VBD')]
['hi', 'look', 'studio', 'driver', 'oak', 'card', 'ram', 'would', 'greatly', 'mean', 'appreciate']
['hi_look', 'would_greatly']
comp_graphics_38364 |@lemmatized hi:1 look:1 studio:1 driver:1 oak:1 card:1 ram:1 would:1 greatly:1 mean:1 appreciate:1 |@bigram hi_look:1 would_greatly:1
Ok, then where is the info for the Licensing kept? Which file? In the organization box I put my address, and when I moved, I wanted to change it, but couldn't find it. I could find my name, but not the organization. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Robert S. Dubinski | Aliases include: Robb, Regal, Sir, Mr., and I | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Marquette University ||||||||||| Math / Computer Science Double-Major| ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Internet Address: 2A42Dubinski.vms.csd.mu.edu | Milwaukee, WI |
[('ok', 'NN'), ('then', 'RB'), ('where', 'WRB'), ('is', 'VBZ'), ('the', 'DT'), ('info', 'NN'), ('for', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('licensing', 'NN'), ('kept', 'VBD'), ('which', 'WDT'), ('file', 'NN'), ('in', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('organization', 'NN'), ('box', 'NN'), ('put', 'VBD'), ('my', 'PRP$'), ('address', 'NN'), ('and', 'CC'), ('when', 'WRB'), ('moved', 'VBN'), ('wanted', 'VBD'), ('to', 'TO'), ('change', 'VB'), ('it', 'PRP'), ('but', 'CC'), ('couldn', 'VBZ'), ('find', 'VBP'), ('it', 'PRP'), ('could', 'MD'), ('find', 'VB'), ('my', 'PRP$'), ('name', 'NN'), ('but', 'CC'), ('not', 'RB'), ('the', 'DT'), ('organization', 'NN'), ('------------------------------------------------------------------------', 'NNP'), ('robert', 'NN'), ('dubinski', 'NN'), ('aliases', 'VBZ'), ('include', 'VBP'), ('robb', 'JJ'), ('regal', 'JJ'), ('sir', 'NN'), ('mr', 'NN'), ('.,', 'NNP'), ('and', 'CC'), ('------------------------------------------------------------------------', 'NNP'), ('marquette', 'NNP'), ('university', 'NN'), ('|||||||||||', 'NNP'), ('math', 'NN'), ('computer', 'NN'), ('science', 'NN'), ('double', 'JJ'), ('major', 'JJ'), ('------------------------------------------------------------------------', 'FW'), ('internet', 'NN'), ('address', 'NN'), ('2a42dubinski', 'CD'), ('vms', 'NN'), ('csd', 'NN'), ('mu', 'NN'), ('edu', 'NN'), ('milwaukee', 'NN'), ('wi', 'NN')]
['ok', 'info', 'licensing', 'keep', 'file', 'organization', 'box', 'put', 'address', 'move', 'want', 'change', 'find', 'could', 'find', 'name', 'organization', 'robert', 'dubinski', 'aliases', 'include', 'robb', 'regal', 'sir', 'mr', 'marquette', 'university', 'math', 'computer', 'science', 'double', 'major', 'internet', 'address', 'vms', 'csd', 'mu', 'edu', 'milwaukee', 'wi']
['keep_file', 'want_change', 'could_find', 'find_name', 'marquette_university', 'computer_science', 'internet_address']
comp_os_ms-windows_misc_9527 |@lemmatized ok:1 info:1 licensing:1 keep:1 file:1 organization:2 box:1 put:1 address:2 move:1 want:1 change:1 find:2 could:1 name:1 robert:1 dubinski:1 aliases:1 include:1 robb:1 regal:1 sir:1 mr:1 marquette:1 university:1 math:1 computer:1 science:1 double:1 major:1 internet:1 vms:1 csd:1 mu:1 edu:1 milwaukee:1 wi:1 |@bigram keep_file:1 want_change:1 could_find:1 find_name:1 marquette_university:1 computer_science:1 internet_address:1
I was waiting for this. I think your question should be rephrased. The many verses of the Bible which condem homosexuality (by our beliefs) have been shoved down the throats of homosexuals for a long time by (well-meaning?) Christians. The question is how do they interpret these verses. Any discussion of any issue (this or any other issue) requires a proof of your case as well as a disproof of the opposing view. We are already familiar with those verses and many have proven to themselves that these condem homosexual behaviour. We must now establish reasons for not believing this to be true based on the interpretation of these scriptures given by someone who has come to grips with them.
[('was', 'VBD'), ('waiting', 'VBG'), ('for', 'IN'), ('this', 'DT'), ('think', 'VBP'), ('your', 'PRP$'), ('question', 'NN'), ('should', 'MD'), ('be', 'VB'), ('rephrased', 'VBN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('many', 'JJ'), ('verses', 'NNS'), ('of', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('bible', 'JJ'), ('which', 'WDT'), ('condem', 'VBP'), ('homosexuality', 'NN'), ('by', 'IN'), ('our', 'PRP$'), ('beliefs', 'NNS'), ('have', 'VBP'), ('been', 'VBN'), ('shoved', 'VBN'), ('down', 'RP'), ('the', 'DT'), ('throats', 'NNS'), ('of', 'IN'), ('homosexuals', 'NNS'), ('for', 'IN'), ('long', 'JJ'), ('time', 'NN'), ('by', 'IN'), ('well', 'RB'), ('meaning', 'VBG'), ('?)', 'NNS'), ('christians', 'VBZ'), ('the', 'DT'), ('question', 'NN'), ('is', 'VBZ'), ('how', 'WRB'), ('do', 'JJ'), ('they', 'PRP'), ('interpret', 'VB'), ('these', 'DT'), ('verses', 'NNS'), ('any', 'DT'), ('discussion', 'NN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('any', 'DT'), ('issue', 'NN'), ('this', 'DT'), ('or', 'CC'), ('any', 'DT'), ('other', 'JJ'), ('issue', 'NN'), ('requires', 'VBZ'), ('proof', 'IN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('your', 'PRP$'), ('case', 'NN'), ('as', 'RB'), ('well', 'RB'), ('as', 'IN'), ('disproof', 'NN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('opposing', 'VBG'), ('view', 'NN'), ('we', 'PRP'), ('are', 'VBP'), ('already', 'RB'), ('familiar', 'JJ'), ('with', 'IN'), ('those', 'DT'), ('verses', 'NNS'), ('and', 'CC'), ('many', 'JJ'), ('have', 'VBP'), ('proven', 'VBN'), ('to', 'TO'), ('themselves', 'PRP'), ('that', 'IN'), ('these', 'DT'), ('condem', 'NNS'), ('homosexual', 'VBP'), ('behaviour', 'IN'), ('we', 'PRP'), ('must', 'MD'), ('now', 'RB'), ('establish', 'VB'), ('reasons', 'NNS'), ('for', 'IN'), ('not', 'RB'), ('believing', 'VBG'), ('this', 'DT'), ('to', 'TO'), ('be', 'VB'), ('true', 'JJ'), ('based', 'VBN'), ('on', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('interpretation', 'NN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('these', 'DT'), ('scriptures', 'NNS'), ('given', 'VBN'), ('by', 'IN'), ('someone', 'NN'), ('who', 'WP'), ('has', 'VBZ'), ('come', 'VBN'), ('to', 'TO'), ('grips', 'NNS'), ('with', 'IN'), ('them', 'PRP')]
['wait', 'think', 'question', 'rephrase', 'many', 'verse', 'bible', 'condem', 'homosexuality', 'belief', 'shove', 'throat', 'homosexual', 'long', 'time', 'well', 'mean', 'christians', 'question', 'interpret', 'verse', 'discussion', 'issue', 'issue', 'require', 'proof', 'case', 'well', 'disproof', 'oppose', 'view', 'already', 'familiar', 'verse', 'many', 'prove', 'condem', 'homosexual', 'behaviour', 'must', 'establish', 'reason', 'believe', 'true', 'base', 'interpretation', 'scripture', 'give', 'someone', 'come', 'grip']
['think_question', 'long_time', 'time_well', 'well_mean', 'discussion_issue', 'issue_issue', 'reason_believe', 'believe_true', 'someone_come']
soc_religion_christian_21381 |@lemmatized wait:1 think:1 question:2 rephrase:1 many:2 verse:3 bible:1 condem:2 homosexuality:1 belief:1 shove:1 throat:1 homosexual:2 long:1 time:1 well:2 mean:1 christians:1 interpret:1 discussion:1 issue:2 require:1 proof:1 case:1 disproof:1 oppose:1 view:1 already:1 familiar:1 prove:1 behaviour:1 must:1 establish:1 reason:1 believe:1 true:1 base:1 interpretation:1 scripture:1 give:1 someone:1 come:1 grip:1 |@bigram think_question:1 long_time:1 time_well:1 well_mean:1 discussion_issue:1 issue_issue:1 reason_believe:1 believe_true:1 someone_come:1
A(> Can anyone tell me if a bloodcount of 40 when diagnosed as hypoglycemic is A(> dangerous, i.e. indicates a possible pancreatic problem? One Dr. says no, the A(> other (not his specialty) says the first is negligent and that another blood A(> test should be done. Also, what is a good diet (what has worked) for a hypo- A(> glycemic? TIA. A(> A(> A(> Anthony Anello A(> Fermilab A(> Batavia, Illinois Once you have your hypoglycemia CONFIRMED through the proper channels, you might consider ther following: 1) Chelated Manganese 25-50mg/day. 2) Chelated Chromium 400-600mcg/day. 3) Increase protein through foods or supplements. 4) Avoid supplements/foods high in Potassium, Calcium, Zinc. 5) Avoid Vit C supplements in excess of 100mg. 6) Avoid honey and foods high in simple sugars. 7) Enjoy breads, cereals, grains... Discuss the above with your health practitioner for compatibility with your body chemistry and safety. --Ron--
[('(>', 'NNS'), ('can', 'MD'), ('anyone', 'NN'), ('tell', 'VB'), ('me', 'PRP'), ('if', 'IN'), ('bloodcount', 'NN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('40', 'CD'), ('when', 'WRB'), ('diagnosed', 'VBN'), ('as', 'IN'), ('hypoglycemic', 'NN'), ('is', 'VBZ'), ('(>', 'RB'), ('dangerous', 'JJ'), ('indicates', 'NNS'), ('possible', 'JJ'), ('pancreatic', 'JJ'), ('problem', 'NN'), ('one', 'CD'), ('dr', 'NN'), ('says', 'VBZ'), ('no', 'DT'), ('the', 'DT'), ('(>', 'FW'), ('other', 'JJ'), ('not', 'RB'), ('his', 'PRP$'), ('specialty', 'NN'), ('says', 'VBZ'), ('the', 'DT'), ('first', 'JJ'), ('is', 'VBZ'), ('negligent', 'JJ'), ('and', 'CC'), ('that', 'IN'), ('another', 'DT'), ('blood', 'NN'), ('(>', 'JJ'), ('test', 'NN'), ('should', 'MD'), ('be', 'VB'), ('done', 'VBN'), ('also', 'RB'), ('what', 'WP'), ('is', 'VBZ'), ('good', 'JJ'), ('diet', 'NN'), ('what', 'WP'), ('has', 'VBZ'), ('worked', 'VBN'), ('for', 'IN'), ('hypo', 'NN'), ('(>', 'NNP'), ('glycemic', 'JJ'), ('tia', 'NN'), ('(>', 'NNP'), ('(>', 'NNP'), ('(>', 'NNP'), ('anthony', 'NN'), ('anello', 'NN'), ('(>', 'NNP'), ('fermilab', 'NN'), ('(>', 'NNP'), ('batavia', 'NN'), ('illinois', 'NN'), ('once', 'RB'), ('you', 'PRP'), ('have', 'VBP'), ('your', 'PRP$'), ('hypoglycemia', 'NN'), ('confirmed', 'VBD'), ('through', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('proper', 'JJ'), ('channels', 'NNS'), ('you', 'PRP'), ('might', 'MD'), ('consider', 'VB'), ('ther', 'NN'), ('following', 'VBG'), ('chelated', 'VBN'), ('manganese', 'JJ'), ('25', 'CD'), ('50mg', 'CD'), ('day', 'NN'), ('chelated', 'VBD'), ('chromium', 'NN'), ('400', 'CD'), ('600mcg', 'CD'), ('day', 'NN'), ('increase', 'NN'), ('protein', 'NN'), ('through', 'IN'), ('foods', 'NNS'), ('or', 'CC'), ('supplements', 'NNS'), ('avoid', 'JJ'), ('supplements', 'NNS'), ('foods', 'NNS'), ('high', 'RB'), ('in', 'IN'), ('potassium', 'NN'), ('calcium', 'NN'), ('zinc', 'NN'), ('avoid', 'NN'), ('vit', 'NN'), ('supplements', 'NNS'), ('in', 'IN'), ('excess', 'NN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('100mg', 'CD'), ('avoid', 'JJ'), ('honey', 'NN'), ('and', 'CC'), ('foods', 'NNS'), ('high', 'RB'), ('in', 'IN'), ('simple', 'JJ'), ('sugars', 'NNS'), ('enjoy', 'VBP'), ('breads', 'NNS'), ('cereals', 'NNS'), ('grains', 'NNS'), ('...', ':'), ('discuss', 'VBZ'), ('the', 'DT'), ('above', 'NN'), ('with', 'IN'), ('your', 'PRP$'), ('health', 'NN'), ('practitioner', 'NN'), ('for', 'IN'), ('compatibility', 'NN'), ('with', 'IN'), ('your', 'PRP$'), ('body', 'NN'), ('chemistry', 'NN'), ('and', 'CC'), ('safety', 'NN'), ('--', ':'), ('ron', 'NN'), ('--', ':')]
['anyone', 'tell', 'bloodcount', 'diagnose', 'hypoglycemic', 'dangerous', 'indicates', 'possible', 'pancreatic', 'problem', 'one', 'dr', 'say', 'specialty', 'say', 'first', 'negligent', 'another', 'blood', 'test', 'also', 'good', 'diet', 'work', 'hypo', 'glycemic', 'tia', 'anthony', 'anello', 'fermilab', 'batavia', 'illinois', 'hypoglycemia', 'confirm', 'proper', 'channel', 'might', 'consider', 'ther', 'follow', 'chelate', 'manganese', 'day', 'chelate', 'chromium', 'day', 'increase', 'protein', 'food', 'supplement', 'avoid', 'supplement', 'food', 'high', 'potassium', 'calcium', 'zinc', 'avoid', 'vit', 'supplement', 'excess', 'avoid', 'honey', 'food', 'high', 'simple', 'sugar', 'enjoy', 'bread', 'cereal', 'grain', 'discuss', 'health', 'practitioner', 'compatibility', 'body', 'chemistry', 'safety', 'ron']
['anyone_tell', 'problem_one', 'say_first', 'blood_test', 'also_good', 'good_diet', 'proper_channel', 'might_consider']
sci_med_58934 |@lemmatized anyone:1 tell:1 bloodcount:1 diagnose:1 hypoglycemic:1 dangerous:1 indicates:1 possible:1 pancreatic:1 problem:1 one:1 dr:1 say:2 specialty:1 first:1 negligent:1 another:1 blood:1 test:1 also:1 good:1 diet:1 work:1 hypo:1 glycemic:1 tia:1 anthony:1 anello:1 fermilab:1 batavia:1 illinois:1 hypoglycemia:1 confirm:1 proper:1 channel:1 might:1 consider:1 ther:1 follow:1 chelate:2 manganese:1 day:2 chromium:1 increase:1 protein:1 food:3 supplement:3 avoid:3 high:2 potassium:1 calcium:1 zinc:1 vit:1 excess:1 honey:1 simple:1 sugar:1 enjoy:1 bread:1 cereal:1 grain:1 discuss:1 health:1 practitioner:1 compatibility:1 body:1 chemistry:1 safety:1 ron:1 |@bigram anyone_tell:1 problem_one:1 say_first:1 blood_test:1 also_good:1 good_diet:1 proper_channel:1 might_consider:1
Here is the OPI (Offensive Production Index) for all NL players with at least 10 at-bats. It is early in the season so there are some high numbers. Barry Bonds finished last season at 0.795. I welcome comments and suggestions. Kevin League OPI: 0.410 League BA: 0.252 League SLG: 0.375 League OBA: 0.321 Rank Player OPI BA SLG OBA ----------------------------------------------------- 1 Phi,daulton 1.101 0.333 0.875 0.515 2 Phi,kruk 1.069 0.429 0.821 0.529 3 Cub,grace 1.007 0.452 0.742 0.514 4 Cub,may 0.931 0.389 0.889 0.421 5 Col,boston 0.888 0.545 0.545 0.545 6 Pit,bell 0.873 0.429 0.714 0.467 7 Col,galarraga 0.867 0.458 0.708 0.458 8 StL,pena 0.833 0.400 0.600 0.516 9 StL,zeile 0.811 0.440 0.560 0.500 10 Cin,mitchell 0.810 0.429 0.643 0.467 11 Mon,lansing 0.792 0.419 0.677 0.438 12 Pit,slaught 0.754 0.474 0.526 0.474 13 Mon,vanderwal 0.746 0.389 0.556 0.476 14 NYM,tfernandez 0.709 0.300 0.400 0.500 15 SnF,martinez 0.697 0.300 0.400 0.500 16 Hou,bagwell 0.695 0.367 0.567 0.424 17 Col,hayes 0.686 0.333 0.667 0.364 18 Col,eyoung 0.682 0.333 0.500 0.407 19 Mon,alou 0.675 0.371 0.600 0.389 20 Cin,milligan 0.659 0.333 0.375 0.515 21 Phi,dykstra 0.646 0.214 0.571 0.405 22 SnF,bonds 0.624 0.280 0.680 0.333 22 Flo,conine 0.624 0.393 0.393 0.469 24 SnD,plantier 0.603 0.286 0.571 0.375 25 Hou,gonzalez 0.596 0.296 0.667 0.296 26 Hou,anthony 0.594 0.320 0.480 0.414 27 Col,cole 0.579 0.318 0.409 0.400 28 Atl,sanders 0.576 0.357 0.643 0.357 29 Mon,berry 0.566 0.273 0.273 0.500 30 Cub,sosa 0.558 0.303 0.545 0.343 31 StL,jefferies 0.551 0.269 0.692 0.296 32 Pit,vanslyke 0.549 0.296 0.444 0.387 33 *Montreal 0.548 0.312 0.490 0.367 34 Los,butler 0.545 0.296 0.333 0.457 35 Mon,grissom 0.542 0.333 0.455 0.371 36 Pit,king 0.536 0.308 0.346 0.438 37 SnD,gwynn 0.533 0.280 0.400 0.379 38 Pit,merced 0.532 0.300 0.400 0.391 39 NYM,murray 0.521 0.308 0.462 0.357 40 StL,gilkey 0.514 0.312 0.438 0.353 41 NYM,bonilla 0.507 0.292 0.417 0.370 42 SnD,walters 0.501 0.300 0.500 0.333 43 Cub,wilson 0.497 0.323 0.452 0.344 44 Flo,weiss 0.492 0.261 0.348 0.433 45 *Philadelphia 0.487 0.243 0.431 0.348 46 Atl,justice 0.480 0.207 0.448 0.361 47 *Pittsburgh 0.479 0.292 0.428 0.351 48 StL,osmith 0.476 0.310 0.448 0.355 49 Phi,incaviglia 0.473 0.250 0.500 0.308 50 Pit,young 0.470 0.286 0.500 0.310 51 *StLouis 0.467 0.275 0.445 0.344 52 *Colorado 0.459 0.287 0.426 0.327 53 NYM,hundley 0.458 0.300 0.450 0.333 54 NYM,orsulak 0.454 0.357 0.429 0.400 55 SnF,benjamin 0.440 0.200 0.500 0.273 56 Atl,gant 0.438 0.214 0.464 0.333 56 *NYMets 0.438 0.261 0.345 0.356 58 *Houston 0.436 0.260 0.415 0.318 59 Mon,pitcher 0.434 0.312 0.375 0.353 60 Phi,morandini 0.433 0.240 0.360 0.321 61 Hou,cedeno 0.427 0.280 0.440 0.308 62 Cin,sabo 0.423 0.226 0.452 0.273 63 SnF,manwaring 0.413 0.261 0.435 0.292 64 *SnFrancisco 0.412 0.253 0.396 0.315 65 Atl,blauser 0.409 0.276 0.310 0.364 66 SnF,thompson 0.408 0.278 0.389 0.316 66 Hou,caminiti 0.408 0.259 0.481 0.286 68 Flo,barberie 0.405 0.267 0.267 0.371 69 Mon,cordero 0.400 0.276 0.345 0.323 70 SnD,sheffield 0.397 0.241 0.448 0.267 71 Los,karros 0.392 0.259 0.296 0.355 72 SnF,williams 0.391 0.226 0.452 0.250 72 SnD,mcgriff 0.391 0.192 0.385 0.276 74 Flo,destrade 0.390 0.267 0.333 0.333 75 Col,girardi 0.388 0.238 0.381 0.304 76 Atl,bream 0.386 0.182 0.409 0.250 77 Mon,wood 0.385 0.200 0.300 0.333 78 Flo,santiago 0.384 0.200 0.360 0.286 79 Phi,thompson 0.383 0.227 0.273 0.320 80 SnF,clayton 0.382 0.345 0.379 0.345 80 Los,piazza 0.382 0.304 0.391 0.333 82 SnD,bell 0.378 0.273 0.364 0.304 83 Los,wallach 0.374 0.200 0.400 0.273 84 Cin,larkin 0.367 0.281 0.281 0.361 85 Pit,garcia 0.366 0.273 0.318 0.304 85 *Cincinnati 0.366 0.256 0.319 0.326 87 NYM,coleman 0.363 0.259 0.259 0.310 88 NYM,kent 0.362 0.190 0.286 0.320 89 StL,whiten 0.361 0.240 0.360 0.321 90 Cin,roberts 0.359 0.278 0.278 0.333 90 *Cubs 0.359 0.236 0.366 0.277 92 SnF,lewis 0.354 0.227 0.364 0.261 92 Hou,finley 0.354 0.214 0.250 0.312 92 Col,clark 0.354 0.250 0.350 0.286 95 Los,pitcher 0.350 0.286 0.357 0.286 95 *SnDiego 0.350 0.219 0.357 0.268 97 Atl,lemke 0.345 0.200 0.240 0.333 98 *LosAngeles 0.339 0.221 0.275 0.311 99 SnF,mcgee 0.335 0.267 0.300 0.333 99 *Atlanta 0.335 0.199 0.308 0.287 101 Cin,sanders 0.334 0.267 0.333 0.290 101 Cin,oliver 0.334 0.208 0.208 0.345 103 SnD,gardner 0.332 0.238 0.333 0.273 103 Los,reed 0.332 0.276 0.276 0.323 105 Phi,hollins 0.327 0.226 0.290 0.294 106 *Florida 0.326 0.226 0.268 0.311 107 Los,davis 0.325 0.188 0.219 0.278 108 Atl,pendleton 0.322 0.212 0.273 0.297 109 SnF,clark 0.316 0.161 0.290 0.257 110 Los,strawberry 0.314 0.111 0.185 0.314 110 Hou,biggio 0.314 0.179 0.214 0.303 112 Phi,bell 0.304 0.182 0.364 0.217 113 Flo,magadan 0.303 0.182 0.182 0.357 114 StL,pagnozzi 0.299 0.158 0.316 0.238 115 Pit,martin 0.295 0.167 0.417 0.167 115 Col,bichette 0.295 0.222 0.389 0.222 117 Hou,taubensee 0.294 0.190 0.333 0.227 118 Mon,bolick 0.292 0.250 0.312 0.250 119 Flo,pose 0.291 0.258 0.323 0.303 120 Mon,cianfrocco 0.287 0.188 0.375 0.188 121 NYM,johnson 0.274 0.136 0.136 0.296 122 Cin,kelly 0.272 0.250 0.333 0.270 123 Atl,nixon 0.256 0.185 0.222 0.241 124 NYM,pitcher 0.255 0.167 0.250 0.231 125 Pit,pitcher 0.250 0.222 0.278 0.222 126 Cub,buechle 0.231 0.154 0.192 0.241 127 StL,lankford 0.225 0.133 0.133 0.316 128 Atl,olson 0.224 0.150 0.150 0.261 129 Cub,vizcaino 0.217 0.148 0.259 0.179 130 Cub,sanchez 0.212 0.188 0.219 0.212 131 Phi,duncan 0.202 0.214 0.214 0.214 132 Los,offerman 0.198 0.182 0.182 0.250 133 SnF,pitcher 0.197 0.176 0.235 0.176 134 Mon,laker 0.183 0.133 0.267 0.133 135 Phi,chamberlain 0.180 0.111 0.111 0.200 136 SnD,pitcher 0.164 0.182 0.182 0.182 136 Atl,pitcher 0.164 0.182 0.182 0.182 138 Phi,pitcher 0.159 0.111 0.167 0.158 139 Cub,maldonado 0.150 0.105 0.158 0.150 140 Flo,felix 0.148 0.172 0.207 0.172 141 Cin,espy 0.141 0.100 0.100 0.182 142 StL,jordan 0.140 0.105 0.211 0.105 143 Atl,berryhill 0.128 0.091 0.182 0.091 144 Cub,pitcher 0.126 0.111 0.111 0.158 145 SnD,shipley 0.122 0.087 0.174 0.087 146 StL,pitcher 0.106 0.125 0.125 0.125 147 Hou,pitcher 0.053 0.067 0.067 0.067 147 Col,benavides 0.053 0.067 0.067 0.067 147 Cin,pitcher 0.053 0.067 0.067 0.067 150 Cub,wilkins 0.038 0.000 0.000 0.067 151 Flo,pitcher 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 151 Col,pitcher 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.74*1B + 1.28*2B + 1.64*3B + 2.25*HR + 0.53*BB + 0.34*(SB-2*CS) OPI = ---------------------------------------------------------------- AB - H BA = H / AB SLG = (H + 2B + 2*3B + 3*HR) / AB OBA = (H + BB) / (AB + BB)
[('here', 'RB'), ('is', 'VBZ'), ('the', 'DT'), ('opi', 'JJ'), ('offensive', 'JJ'), ('production', 'NN'), ('index', 'NN'), ('for', 'IN'), ('all', 'DT'), ('nl', 'JJ'), ('players', 'NNS'), ('with', 'IN'), ('at', 'IN'), ('least', 'JJS'), ('10', 'CD'), ('at', 'IN'), ('bats', 'NNS'), ('it', 'PRP'), ('is', 'VBZ'), ('early', 'JJ'), ('in', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('season', 'NN'), ('so', 'IN'), ('there', 'EX'), ('are', 'VBP'), ('some', 'DT'), ('high', 'JJ'), ('numbers', 'NNS'), ('barry', 'VBP'), ('bonds', 'NNS'), ('finished', 'VBN'), ('last', 'JJ'), ('season', 'NN'), ('at', 'IN'), ('795', 'CD'), ('welcome', 'JJ'), ('comments', 'NNS'), ('and', 'CC'), ('suggestions', 'NNS'), ('kevin', 'VBP'), ('league', 'NN'), ('opi', 'NN'), ('410', 'CD'), ('league', 'NN'), ('ba', 'NN'), ('252', 'CD'), ('league', 'NN'), ('slg', 'NN'), ('375', 'CD'), ('league', 'NN'), ('oba', 'NN'), ('321', 'CD'), ('rank', 'NN'), ('player', 'NN'), ('opi', 'NN'), ('ba', 'NN'), ('slg', 'NN'), ('oba', 'NN'), ('-----------------------------------------------------', 'NNP'), ('phi', 'VBZ'), ('daulton', 'NN'), ('101', 'CD'), ('333', 'CD'), ('875', 'CD'), ('515', 'CD'), ('phi', 'NN'), ('kruk', 'VBD'), ('069', 'CD'), ('429', 'CD'), ('821', 'CD'), ('529', 'CD'), ('cub', 'NN'), ('grace', 'NN'), ('007', 'CD'), ('452', 'CD'), ('742', 'CD'), ('514', 'CD'), ('cub', 'NN'), ('may', 'MD'), ('931', 'CD'), ('389', 'CD'), ('889', 'CD'), ('421', 'CD'), ('col', 'NN'), ('boston', 'NN'), ('888', 'CD'), ('545', 'CD'), ('545', 'CD'), ('545', 'CD'), ('pit', 'NN'), ('bell', 'NN'), ('873', 'CD'), ('429', 'CD'), ('714', 'CD'), ('467', 'CD'), ('col', 'NN'), ('galarraga', 'VBD'), ('867', 'CD'), ('458', 'CD'), ('708', 'CD'), ('458', 'CD'), ('stl', 'NN'), ('pena', 'VBD'), ('833', 'CD'), ('400', 'CD'), ('600', 'CD'), ('516', 'CD'), ('stl', 'NN'), ('zeile', 'NN'), ('811', 'CD'), ('440', 'CD'), ('560', 'CD'), ('500', 'CD'), ('10', 'CD'), ('cin', 'NN'), ('mitchell', 'NN'), ('810', 'CD'), ('429', 'CD'), ('643', 'CD'), ('467', 'CD'), ('11', 'CD'), ('mon', 'NN'), ('lansing', 'VBG'), ('792', 'CD'), ('419', 'CD'), ('677', 'CD'), ('438', 'CD'), ('12', 'CD'), ('pit', 'NN'), ('slaught', 'VBD'), ('754', 'CD'), ('474', 'CD'), ('526', 'CD'), ('474', 'CD'), ('13', 'CD'), ('mon', 'NN'), ('vanderwal', 'NN'), ('746', 'CD'), ('389', 'CD'), ('556', 'CD'), ('476', 'CD'), ('14', 'CD'), ('nym', 'JJ'), ('tfernandez', 'NN'), ('709', 'CD'), ('300', 'CD'), ('400', 'CD'), ('500', 'CD'), ('15', 'CD'), ('snf', 'NN'), ('martinez', 'VBD'), ('697', 'CD'), ('300', 'CD'), ('400', 'CD'), ('500', 'CD'), ('16', 'CD'), ('hou', 'NN'), ('bagwell', 'NN'), ('695', 'CD'), ('367', 'CD'), ('567', 'CD'), ('424', 'CD'), ('17', 'CD'), ('col', 'NN'), ('hayes', 'VBD'), ('686', 'CD'), ('333', 'CD'), ('667', 'CD'), ('364', 'CD'), ('18', 'CD'), ('col', 'NN'), ('eyoung', 'VBD'), ('682', 'CD'), ('333', 'CD'), ('500', 'CD'), ('407', 'CD'), ('19', 'CD'), ('mon', 'NN'), ('alou', 'VBD'), ('675', 'CD'), ('371', 'CD'), ('600', 'CD'), ('389', 'CD'), ('20', 'CD'), ('cin', 'NN'), ('milligan', 'VBD'), ('659', 'CD'), ('333', 'CD'), ('375', 'CD'), ('515', 'CD'), ('21', 'CD'), ('phi', 'NN'), ('dykstra', 'VBD'), ('646', 'CD'), ('214', 'CD'), ('571', 'CD'), ('405', 'CD'), ('22', 'CD'), ('snf', 'JJ'), ('bonds', 'NNS'), ('624', 'CD'), ('280', 'CD'), ('680', 'CD'), ('333', 'CD'), ('22', 'CD'), ('flo', 'JJ'), ('conine', 'NN'), ('624', 'CD'), ('393', 'CD'), ('393', 'CD'), ('469', 'CD'), ('24', 'CD'), ('snd', 'NN'), ('plantier', 'NN'), ('603', 'CD'), ('286', 'CD'), ('571', 'CD'), ('375', 'CD'), ('25', 'CD'), ('hou', 'NN'), ('gonzalez', 'VBD'), ('596', 'CD'), ('296', 'CD'), ('667', 'CD'), ('296', 'CD'), ('26', 'CD'), ('hou', 'NN'), ('anthony', 'NN'), ('594', 'CD'), ('320', 'CD'), ('480', 'CD'), ('414', 'CD'), ('27', 'CD'), ('col', 'NN'), ('cole', 'VBD'), ('579', 'CD'), ('318', 'CD'), ('409', 'CD'), ('400', 'CD'), ('28', 'CD'), ('atl', 'NN'), ('sanders', 'NNS'), ('576', 'CD'), ('357', 'CD'), ('643', 'CD'), ('357', 'CD'), ('29', 'CD'), ('mon', 'NN'), ('berry', 'NN'), ('566', 'CD'), ('273', 'CD'), ('273', 'CD'), ('500', 'CD'), ('30', 'CD'), ('cub', 'NN'), ('sosa', 'VBD'), ('558', 'CD'), ('303', 'CD'), ('545', 'CD'), ('343', 'CD'), ('31', 'CD'), ('stl', 'NN'), ('jefferies', 'NNS'), ('551', 'CD'), ('269', 'CD'), ('692', 'CD'), ('296', 'CD'), ('32', 'CD'), ('pit', 'NN'), ('vanslyke', 'VBD'), ('549', 'CD'), ('296', 'CD'), ('444', 'CD'), ('387', 'CD'), ('33', 'CD'), ('montreal', 'NN'), ('548', 'CD'), ('312', 'CD'), ('490', 'CD'), ('367', 'CD'), ('34', 'CD'), ('los', 'NN'), ('butler', 'NN'), ('545', 'CD'), ('296', 'CD'), ('333', 'CD'), ('457', 'CD'), ('35', 'CD'), ('mon', 'NN'), ('grissom', 'VBD'), ('542', 'CD'), ('333', 'CD'), ('455', 'CD'), ('371', 'CD'), ('36', 'CD'), ('pit', 'NN'), ('king', 'VBG'), ('536', 'CD'), ('308', 'CD'), ('346', 'CD'), ('438', 'CD'), ('37', 'CD'), ('snd', 'NN'), ('gwynn', 'VBD'), ('533', 'CD'), ('280', 'CD'), ('400', 'CD'), ('379', 'CD'), ('38', 'CD'), ('pit', 'NN'), ('merced', 'VBD'), ('532', 'CD'), ('300', 'CD'), ('400', 'CD'), ('391', 'CD'), ('39', 'CD'), ('nym', 'JJ'), ('murray', 'NN'), ('521', 'CD'), ('308', 'CD'), ('462', 'CD'), ('357', 'CD'), ('40', 'CD'), ('stl', 'NN'), ('gilkey', 'NN'), ('514', 'CD'), ('312', 'CD'), ('438', 'CD'), ('353', 'CD'), ('41', 'CD'), ('nym', 'JJ'), ('bonilla', 'NN'), ('507', 'CD'), ('292', 'CD'), ('417', 'CD'), ('370', 'CD'), ('42', 'CD'), ('snd', 'NN'), ('walters', 'NNS'), ('501', 'CD'), ('300', 'CD'), ('500', 'CD'), ('333', 'CD'), ('43', 'CD'), ('cub', 'NN'), ('wilson', 'NN'), ('497', 'CD'), ('323', 'CD'), ('452', 'CD'), ('344', 'CD'), ('44', 'CD'), ('flo', 'NN'), ('weiss', 'VBD'), ('492', 'CD'), ('261', 'CD'), ('348', 'CD'), ('433', 'CD'), ('45', 'CD'), ('philadelphia', 'NN'), ('487', 'CD'), ('243', 'CD'), ('431', 'CD'), ('348', 'CD'), ('46', 'CD'), ('atl', 'JJ'), ('justice', 'NN'), ('480', 'CD'), ('207', 'CD'), ('448', 'CD'), ('361', 'CD'), ('47', 'CD'), ('pittsburgh', 'NN'), ('479', 'CD'), ('292', 'CD'), ('428', 'CD'), ('351', 'CD'), ('48', 'CD'), ('stl', 'NN'), ('osmith', 'VBD'), ('476', 'CD'), ('310', 'CD'), ('448', 'CD'), ('355', 'CD'), ('49', 'CD'), ('phi', 'NN'), ('incaviglia', 'NN'), ('473', 'CD'), ('250', 'CD'), ('500', 'CD'), ('308', 'CD'), ('50', 'CD'), ('pit', 'NN'), ('young', 'JJ'), ('470', 'CD'), ('286', 'CD'), ('500', 'CD'), ('310', 'CD'), ('51', 'CD'), ('stlouis', 'NN'), ('467', 'CD'), ('275', 'CD'), ('445', 'CD'), ('344', 'CD'), ('52', 'CD'), ('colorado', 'NN'), ('459', 'CD'), ('287', 'CD'), ('426', 'CD'), ('327', 'CD'), ('53', 'CD'), ('nym', 'JJ'), ('hundley', 'NN'), ('458', 'CD'), ('300', 'CD'), ('450', 'CD'), ('333', 'CD'), ('54', 'CD'), ('nym', 'JJ'), ('orsulak', 'RB'), ('454', 'CD'), ('357', 'CD'), ('429', 'CD'), ('400', 'CD'), ('55', 'CD'), ('snf', 'NN'), ('benjamin', 'VBD'), ('440', 'CD'), ('200', 'CD'), ('500', 'CD'), ('273', 'CD'), ('56', 'CD'), ('atl', 'NN'), ('gant', 'NN'), ('438', 'CD'), ('214', 'CD'), ('464', 'CD'), ('333', 'CD'), ('56', 'CD'), ('nymets', 'NNS'), ('438', 'CD'), ('261', 'CD'), ('345', 'CD'), ('356', 'CD'), ('58', 'CD'), ('houston', 'NN'), ('436', 'CD'), ('260', 'CD'), ('415', 'CD'), ('318', 'CD'), ('59', 'CD'), ('mon', 'NN'), ('pitcher', 'NN'), ('434', 'CD'), ('312', 'CD'), ('375', 'CD'), ('353', 'CD'), ('60', 'CD'), ('phi', 'NN'), ('morandini', 'VBD'), ('433', 'CD'), ('240', 'CD'), ('360', 'CD'), ('321', 'CD'), ('61', 'CD'), ('hou', 'NN'), ('cedeno', 'VBD'), ('427', 'CD'), ('280', 'CD'), ('440', 'CD'), ('308', 'CD'), ('62', 'CD'), ('cin', 'NN'), ('sabo', 'VBD'), ('423', 'CD'), ('226', 'CD'), ('452', 'CD'), ('273', 'CD'), ('63', 'CD'), ('snf', 'NN'), ('manwaring', 'VBG'), ('413', 'CD'), ('261', 'CD'), ('435', 'CD'), ('292', 'CD'), ('64', 'CD'), ('snfrancisco', 'NN'), ('412', 'CD'), ('253', 'CD'), ('396', 'CD'), ('315', 'CD'), ('65', 'CD'), ('atl', 'NNS'), ('blauser', 'VBD'), ('409', 'CD'), ('276', 'CD'), ('310', 'CD'), ('364', 'CD'), ('66', 'CD'), ('snf', 'NN'), ('thompson', 'NN'), ('408', 'CD'), ('278', 'CD'), ('389', 'CD'), ('316', 'CD'), ('66', 'CD'), ('hou', 'NN'), ('caminiti', 'VBD'), ('408', 'CD'), ('259', 'CD'), ('481', 'CD'), ('286', 'CD'), ('68', 'CD'), ('flo', 'NN'), ('barberie', 'VBD'), ('405', 'CD'), ('267', 'CD'), ('267', 'CD'), ('371', 'CD'), ('69', 'CD'), ('mon', 'NN'), ('cordero', 'NN'), ('400', 'CD'), ('276', 'CD'), ('345', 'CD'), ('323', 'CD'), ('70', 'CD'), ('snd', 'JJ'), ('sheffield', 'VBD'), ('397', 'CD'), ('241', 'CD'), ('448', 'CD'), ('267', 'CD'), ('71', 'CD'), ('los', 'NN'), ('karros', 'VBD'), ('392', 'CD'), ('259', 'CD'), ('296', 'CD'), ('355', 'CD'), ('72', 'CD'), ('snf', 'JJ'), ('williams', 'NNS'), ('391', 'CD'), ('226', 'CD'), ('452', 'CD'), ('250', 'CD'), ('72', 'CD'), ('snd', 'NN'), ('mcgriff', 'NN'), ('391', 'CD'), ('192', 'CD'), ('385', 'CD'), ('276', 'CD'), ('74', 'CD'), ('flo', 'NN'), ('destrade', 'VBD'), ('390', 'CD'), ('267', 'CD'), ('333', 'CD'), ('333', 'CD'), ('75', 'CD'), ('col', 'NN'), ('girardi', 'VBD'), ('388', 'CD'), ('238', 'CD'), ('381', 'CD'), ('304', 'CD'), ('76', 'CD'), ('atl', 'NN'), ('bream', 'NN'), ('386', 'CD'), ('182', 'CD'), ('409', 'CD'), ('250', 'CD'), ('77', 'CD'), ('mon', 'NN'), ('wood', 'VBD'), ('385', 'CD'), ('200', 'CD'), ('300', 'CD'), ('333', 'CD'), ('78', 'CD'), ('flo', 'NN'), ('santiago', 'VBD'), ('384', 'CD'), ('200', 'CD'), ('360', 'CD'), ('286', 'CD'), ('79', 'CD'), ('phi', 'NN'), ('thompson', 'NN'), ('383', 'CD'), ('227', 'CD'), ('273', 'CD'), ('320', 'CD'), ('80', 'CD'), ('snf', 'JJ'), ('clayton', 'NN'), ('382', 'CD'), ('345', 'CD'), ('379', 'CD'), ('345', 'CD'), ('80', 'CD'), ('los', 'NN'), ('piazza', 'NN'), ('382', 'CD'), ('304', 'CD'), ('391', 'CD'), ('333', 'CD'), ('82', 'CD'), ('snd', 'NN'), ('bell', 'NN'), ('378', 'CD'), ('273', 'CD'), ('364', 'CD'), ('304', 'CD'), ('83', 'CD'), ('los', 'JJ'), ('wallach', 'NN'), ('374', 'CD'), ('200', 'CD'), ('400', 'CD'), ('273', 'CD'), ('84', 'CD'), ('cin', 'NN'), ('larkin', 'VBD'), ('367', 'CD'), ('281', 'CD'), ('281', 'CD'), ('361', 'CD'), ('85', 'CD'), ('pit', 'NN'), ('garcia', 'VBD'), ('366', 'CD'), ('273', 'CD'), ('318', 'CD'), ('304', 'CD'), ('85', 'CD'), ('cincinnati', 'NNS'), ('366', 'CD'), ('256', 'CD'), ('319', 'CD'), ('326', 'CD'), ('87', 'CD'), ('nym', 'JJ'), ('coleman', 'NN'), ('363', 'CD'), ('259', 'CD'), ('259', 'CD'), ('310', 'CD'), ('88', 'CD'), ('nym', 'JJ'), ('kent', 'NN'), ('362', 'CD'), ('190', 'CD'), ('286', 'CD'), ('320', 'CD'), ('89', 'CD'), ('stl', 'NN'), ('whiten', 'VBD'), ('361', 'CD'), ('240', 'CD'), ('360', 'CD'), ('321', 'CD'), ('90', 'CD'), ('cin', 'NN'), ('roberts', 'NNS'), ('359', 'CD'), ('278', 'CD'), ('278', 'CD'), ('333', 'CD'), ('90', 'CD'), ('cubs', 'NNS'), ('359', 'CD'), ('236', 'CD'), ('366', 'CD'), ('277', 'CD'), ('92', 'CD'), ('snf', 'NN'), ('lewis', 'VBD'), ('354', 'CD'), ('227', 'CD'), ('364', 'CD'), ('261', 'CD'), ('92', 'CD'), ('hou', 'NN'), ('finley', 'VBD'), ('354', 'CD'), ('214', 'CD'), ('250', 'CD'), ('312', 'CD'), ('92', 'CD'), ('col', 'NN'), ('clark', 'NN'), ('354', 'CD'), ('250', 'CD'), ('350', 'CD'), ('286', 'CD'), ('95', 'CD'), ('los', 'NN'), ('pitcher', 'RB'), ('350', 'CD'), ('286', 'CD'), ('357', 'CD'), ('286', 'CD'), ('95', 'CD'), ('sndiego', 'NN'), ('350', 'CD'), ('219', 'CD'), ('357', 'CD'), ('268', 'CD'), ('97', 'CD'), ('atl', 'NN'), ('lemke', 'VBD'), ('345', 'CD'), ('200', 'CD'), ('240', 'CD'), ('333', 'CD'), ('98', 'CD'), ('losangeles', 'NNS'), ('339', 'CD'), ('221', 'CD'), ('275', 'CD'), ('311', 'CD'), ('99', 'CD'), ('snf', 'NN'), ('mcgee', 'VBD'), ('335', 'CD'), ('267', 'CD'), ('300', 'CD'), ('333', 'CD'), ('99', 'CD'), ('atlanta', 'NN'), ('335', 'CD'), ('199', 'CD'), ('308', 'CD'), ('287', 'CD'), ('101', 'CD'), ('cin', 'NN'), ('sanders', 'NNS'), ('334', 'CD'), ('267', 'CD'), ('333', 'CD'), ('290', 'CD'), ('101', 'CD'), ('cin', 'NN'), ('oliver', 'RB'), ('334', 'CD'), ('208', 'CD'), ('208', 'CD'), ('345', 'CD'), ('103', 'CD'), ('snd', 'NN'), ('gardner', 'NN'), ('332', 'CD'), ('238', 'CD'), ('333', 'CD'), ('273', 'CD'), ('103', 'CD'), ('los', 'NNS'), ('reed', 'VBD'), ('332', 'CD'), ('276', 'CD'), ('276', 'CD'), ('323', 'CD'), ('105', 'CD'), ('phi', 'NN'), ('hollins', 'NNS'), ('327', 'CD'), ('226', 'CD'), ('290', 'CD'), ('294', 'CD'), ('106', 'CD'), ('florida', 'NN'), ('326', 'CD'), ('226', 'CD'), ('268', 'CD'), ('311', 'CD'), ('107', 'CD'), ('los', 'NN'), ('davis', 'NN'), ('325', 'CD'), ('188', 'CD'), ('219', 'CD'), ('278', 'CD'), ('108', 'CD'), ('atl', 'JJ'), ('pendleton', 'NN'), ('322', 'CD'), ('212', 'CD'), ('273', 'CD'), ('297', 'CD'), ('109', 'CD'), ('snf', 'NN'), ('clark', 'NN'), ('316', 'CD'), ('161', 'CD'), ('290', 'CD'), ('257', 'CD'), ('110', 'CD'), ('los', 'NN'), ('strawberry', 'NN'), ('314', 'CD'), ('111', 'CD'), ('185', 'CD'), ('314', 'CD'), ('110', 'CD'), ('hou', 'NN'), ('biggio', 'VBD'), ('314', 'CD'), ('179', 'CD'), ('214', 'CD'), ('303', 'CD'), ('112', 'CD'), ('phi', 'NN'), ('bell', 'NN'), ('304', 'CD'), ('182', 'CD'), ('364', 'CD'), ('217', 'CD'), ('113', 'CD'), ('flo', 'JJ'), ('magadan', 'NN'), ('303', 'CD'), ('182', 'CD'), ('182', 'CD'), ('357', 'CD'), ('114', 'CD'), ('stl', 'NN'), ('pagnozzi', 'NN'), ('299', 'CD'), ('158', 'CD'), ('316', 'CD'), ('238', 'CD'), ('115', 'CD'), ('pit', 'NN'), ('martin', 'VBD'), ('295', 'CD'), ('167', 'CD'), ('417', 'CD'), ('167', 'CD'), ('115', 'CD'), ('col', 'NN'), ('bichette', 'NN'), ('295', 'CD'), ('222', 'CD'), ('389', 'CD'), ('222', 'CD'), ('117', 'CD'), ('hou', 'NN'), ('taubensee', 'NN'), ('294', 'CD'), ('190', 'CD'), ('333', 'CD'), ('227', 'CD'), ('118', 'CD'), ('mon', 'NN'), ('bolick', 'NN'), ('292', 'CD'), ('250', 'CD'), ('312', 'CD'), ('250', 'CD'), ('119', 'CD'), ('flo', 'NNS'), ('pose', 'VBP'), ('291', 'CD'), ('258', 'CD'), ('323', 'CD'), ('303', 'CD'), ('120', 'CD'), ('mon', 'NN'), ('cianfrocco', 'NN'), ('287', 'CD'), ('188', 'CD'), ('375', 'CD'), ('188', 'CD'), ('121', 'CD'), ('nym', 'NNS'), ('johnson', 'NN'), ('274', 'CD'), ('136', 'CD'), ('136', 'CD'), ('296', 'CD'), ('122', 'CD'), ('cin', 'NN'), ('kelly', 'RB'), ('272', 'CD'), ('250', 'CD'), ('333', 'CD'), ('270', 'CD'), ('123', 'CD'), ('atl', 'NN'), ('nixon', 'RB'), ('256', 'CD'), ('185', 'CD'), ('222', 'CD'), ('241', 'CD'), ('124', 'CD'), ('nym', 'NN'), ('pitcher', 'RB'), ('255', 'CD'), ('167', 'CD'), ('250', 'CD'), ('231', 'CD'), ('125', 'CD'), ('pit', 'NN'), ('pitcher', 'RB'), ('250', 'CD'), ('222', 'CD'), ('278', 'CD'), ('222', 'CD'), ('126', 'CD'), ('cub', 'NN'), ('buechle', 'VBD'), ('231', 'CD'), ('154', 'CD'), ('192', 'CD'), ('241', 'CD'), ('127', 'CD'), ('stl', 'NN'), ('lankford', 'NN'), ('225', 'CD'), ('133', 'CD'), ('133', 'CD'), ('316', 'CD'), ('128', 'CD'), ('atl', 'NN'), ('olson', 'NN'), ('224', 'CD'), ('150', 'CD'), ('150', 'CD'), ('261', 'CD'), ('129', 'CD'), ('cub', 'NN'), ('vizcaino', 'NN'), ('217', 'CD'), ('148', 'CD'), ('259', 'CD'), ('179', 'CD'), ('130', 'CD'), ('cub', 'NN'), ('sanchez', 'VBD'), ('212', 'CD'), ('188', 'CD'), ('219', 'CD'), ('212', 'CD'), ('131', 'CD'), ('phi', 'NNS'), ('duncan', 'JJ'), ('202', 'CD'), ('214', 'CD'), ('214', 'CD'), ('214', 'CD'), ('132', 'CD'), ('los', 'JJ'), ('offerman', 'JJ'), ('198', 'CD'), ('182', 'CD'), ('182', 'CD'), ('250', 'CD'), ('133', 'CD'), ('snf', 'NN'), ('pitcher', 'RB'), ('197', 'CD'), ('176', 'CD'), ('235', 'CD'), ('176', 'CD'), ('134', 'CD'), ('mon', 'NN'), ('laker', 'NN'), ('183', 'CD'), ('133', 'CD'), ('267', 'CD'), ('133', 'CD'), ('135', 'CD'), ('phi', 'NN'), ('chamberlain', 'NN'), ('180', 'CD'), ('111', 'CD'), ('111', 'CD'), ('200', 'CD'), ('136', 'CD'), ('snd', 'NN'), ('pitcher', 'RB'), ('164', 'CD'), ('182', 'CD'), ('182', 'CD'), ('182', 'CD'), ('136', 'CD'), ('atl', 'NN'), ('pitcher', 'RB'), ('164', 'CD'), ('182', 'CD'), ('182', 'CD'), ('182', 'CD'), ('138', 'CD'), ('phi', 'NN'), ('pitcher', 'RB'), ('159', 'CD'), ('111', 'CD'), ('167', 'CD'), ('158', 'CD'), ('139', 'CD'), ('cub', 'NN'), ('maldonado', 'VBD'), ('150', 'CD'), ('105', 'CD'), ('158', 'CD'), ('150', 'CD'), ('140', 'CD'), ('flo', 'NN'), ('felix', 'VBD'), ('148', 'CD'), ('172', 'CD'), ('207', 'CD'), ('172', 'CD'), ('141', 'CD'), ('cin', 'NN'), ('espy', 'VBD'), ('141', 'CD'), ('100', 'CD'), ('100', 'CD'), ('182', 'CD'), ('142', 'CD'), ('stl', 'NN'), ('jordan', 'NN'), ('140', 'CD'), ('105', 'CD'), ('211', 'CD'), ('105', 'CD'), ('143', 'CD'), ('atl', 'NN'), ('berryhill', 'NN'), ('128', 'CD'), ('091', 'CD'), ('182', 'CD'), ('091', 'CD'), ('144', 'CD'), ('cub', 'NN'), ('pitcher', 'RB'), ('126', 'CD'), ('111', 'CD'), ('111', 'CD'), ('158', 'CD'), ('145', 'CD'), ('snd', 'NN'), ('shipley', 'VBD'), ('122', 'CD'), ('087', 'CD'), ('174', 'CD'), ('087', 'CD'), ('146', 'CD'), ('stl', 'NN'), ('pitcher', 'RB'), ('106', 'CD'), ('125', 'CD'), ('125', 'CD'), ('125', 'CD'), ('147', 'CD'), ('hou', 'NN'), ('pitcher', 'RB'), ('053', 'CD'), ('067', 'CD'), ('067', 'CD'), ('067', 'CD'), ('147', 'CD'), ('col', 'NN'), ('benavides', 'NNS'), ('053', 'CD'), ('067', 'CD'), ('067', 'CD'), ('067', 'CD'), ('147', 'CD'), ('cin', 'NN'), ('pitcher', 'RB'), ('053', 'CD'), ('067', 'CD'), ('067', 'CD'), ('067', 'CD'), ('150', 'CD'), ('cub', 'NN'), ('wilkins', 'NNS'), ('038', 'CD'), ('000', 'CD'), ('000', 'CD'), ('067', 'CD'), ('151', 'CD'), ('flo', 'NN'), ('pitcher', 'RB'), ('000', 'CD'), ('000', 'CD'), ('000', 'CD'), ('000', 'CD'), ('151', 'CD'), ('col', 'NN'), ('pitcher', 'RB'), ('000', 'CD'), ('000', 'CD'), ('000', 'CD'), ('000', 'CD'), ('74', 'CD'), ('1b', 'CD'), ('28', 'CD'), ('2b', 'CD'), ('64', 'CD'), ('3b', 'CD'), ('25', 'CD'), ('hr', 'NN'), ('53', 'CD'), ('bb', 'NN'), ('34', 'CD'), ('*(', 'NN'), ('sb', 'NN'), ('cs', 'NN'), ('opi', 'NN'), ('----------------------------------------------------------------', 'NNP'), ('ab', 'NN'), ('ba', 'NN'), ('ab', 'NN'), ('slg', 'VBD'), ('2b', 'CD'), ('3b', 'CD'), ('hr', 'NN'), ('ab', 'NN'), ('oba', 'NN'), ('bb', 'NN'), ('ab', 'NN'), ('bb', 'NN')]
['opi', 'offensive', 'production', 'index', 'nl', 'player', 'least', 'bat', 'early', 'season', 'high', 'number', 'barry', 'bond', 'finish', 'last', 'season', 'welcome', 'comment', 'suggestion', 'kevin', 'league', 'opi', 'league', 'ba', 'league', 'slg', 'league', 'oba', 'rank', 'player', 'opi', 'ba', 'slg', 'oba', 'phi', 'daulton', 'phi', 'kruk', 'cub', 'grace', 'cub', 'may', 'col', 'boston', 'pit', 'bell', 'col', 'galarraga', 'stl', 'pena', 'stl', 'zeile', 'cin', 'mitchell', 'mon', 'lansing', 'pit', 'slaught', 'mon', 'vanderwal', 'nym', 'tfernandez', 'snf', 'martinez', 'hou', 'bagwell', 'col', 'hay', 'col', 'eyoung', 'mon', 'alou', 'cin', 'milligan', 'phi', 'dykstra', 'snf', 'bond', 'flo', 'conine', 'snd', 'plantier', 'hou', 'gonzalez', 'hou', 'anthony', 'col', 'cole', 'atl', 'sander', 'mon', 'berry', 'cub', 'sosa', 'stl', 'jefferies', 'pit', 'vanslyke', 'montreal', 'los', 'butler', 'mon', 'grissom', 'pit', 'king', 'snd', 'gwynn', 'pit', 'merced', 'nym', 'murray', 'stl', 'gilkey', 'nym', 'bonilla', 'snd', 'walter', 'cub', 'wilson', 'flo', 'weiss', 'philadelphia', 'atl', 'justice', 'pittsburgh', 'stl', 'osmith', 'phi', 'incaviglia', 'pit', 'young', 'stlouis', 'colorado', 'nym', 'hundley', 'nym', 'orsulak', 'snf', 'benjamin', 'atl', 'gant', 'nymets', 'houston', 'mon', 'pitcher', 'phi', 'morandini', 'hou', 'cedeno', 'cin', 'sabo', 'snf', 'manwaring', 'snfrancisco', 'atl', 'blauser', 'snf', 'thompson', 'hou', 'caminiti', 'flo', 'barberie', 'mon', 'cordero', 'snd', 'sheffield', 'los', 'karros', 'snf', 'williams', 'snd', 'mcgriff', 'flo', 'destrade', 'col', 'girardi', 'atl', 'bream', 'mon', 'wood', 'flo', 'santiago', 'phi', 'thompson', 'snf', 'clayton', 'los', 'piazza', 'snd', 'bell', 'los', 'wallach', 'cin', 'larkin', 'pit', 'garcia', 'cincinnati', 'nym', 'coleman', 'nym', 'kent', 'stl', 'whiten', 'cin', 'robert', 'cub', 'snf', 'lewis', 'hou', 'finley', 'col', 'clark', 'los', 'pitcher', 'sndiego', 'atl', 'lemke', 'losangeles', 'snf', 'mcgee', 'atlanta', 'cin', 'sander', 'cin', 'oliver', 'snd', 'gardner', 'los', 'reed', 'phi', 'hollins', 'florida', 'los', 'davis', 'atl', 'pendleton', 'snf', 'clark', 'los', 'strawberry', 'hou', 'biggio', 'phi', 'bell', 'flo', 'magadan', 'stl', 'pagnozzi', 'pit', 'martin', 'col', 'bichette', 'hou', 'taubensee', 'mon', 'bolick', 'flo', 'pose', 'mon', 'cianfrocco', 'nym', 'johnson', 'cin', 'kelly', 'atl', 'nixon', 'nym', 'pitcher', 'pit', 'pitcher', 'cub', 'buechle', 'stl', 'lankford', 'atl', 'olson', 'cub', 'vizcaino', 'cub', 'sanchez', 'phi', 'duncan', 'los', 'offerman', 'snf', 'pitcher', 'mon', 'laker', 'phi', 'chamberlain', 'snd', 'pitcher', 'atl', 'pitcher', 'phi', 'pitcher', 'cub', 'maldonado', 'flo', 'felix', 'cin', 'espy', 'stl', 'jordan', 'atl', 'berryhill', 'cub', 'pitcher', 'snd', 'shipley', 'stl', 'pitcher', 'hou', 'pitcher', 'col', 'benavides', 'cin', 'pitcher', 'cub', 'wilkins', 'flo', 'pitcher', 'col', 'pitcher', 'hr', 'bb', 'sb', 'c', 'opi', 'ab', 'ba', 'ab', 'slg', 'hr', 'ab', 'oba', 'bb', 'ab', 'bb']
['early_season', 'high_number', 'barry_bond', 'finish_last', 'last_season', 'comment_suggestion', 'ab_bb']
rec_sport_baseball_104542 |@lemmatized opi:4 offensive:1 production:1 index:1 nl:1 player:2 least:1 bat:1 early:1 season:2 high:1 number:1 barry:1 bond:2 finish:1 last:1 welcome:1 comment:1 suggestion:1 kevin:1 league:4 ba:3 slg:3 oba:3 rank:1 phi:11 daulton:1 kruk:1 cub:11 grace:1 may:1 col:10 boston:1 pit:9 bell:3 galarraga:1 stl:10 pena:1 zeile:1 cin:10 mitchell:1 mon:11 lansing:1 slaught:1 vanderwal:1 nym:9 tfernandez:1 snf:11 martinez:1 hou:9 bagwell:1 hay:1 eyoung:1 alou:1 milligan:1 dykstra:1 flo:9 conine:1 snd:9 plantier:1 gonzalez:1 anthony:1 cole:1 atl:11 sander:2 berry:1 sosa:1 jefferies:1 vanslyke:1 montreal:1 los:9 butler:1 grissom:1 king:1 gwynn:1 merced:1 murray:1 gilkey:1 bonilla:1 walter:1 wilson:1 weiss:1 philadelphia:1 justice:1 pittsburgh:1 osmith:1 incaviglia:1 young:1 stlouis:1 colorado:1 hundley:1 orsulak:1 benjamin:1 gant:1 nymets:1 houston:1 pitcher:14 morandini:1 cedeno:1 sabo:1 manwaring:1 snfrancisco:1 blauser:1 thompson:2 caminiti:1 barberie:1 cordero:1 sheffield:1 karros:1 williams:1 mcgriff:1 destrade:1 girardi:1 bream:1 wood:1 santiago:1 clayton:1 piazza:1 wallach:1 larkin:1 garcia:1 cincinnati:1 coleman:1 kent:1 whiten:1 robert:1 lewis:1 finley:1 clark:2 sndiego:1 lemke:1 losangeles:1 mcgee:1 atlanta:1 oliver:1 gardner:1 reed:1 hollins:1 florida:1 davis:1 pendleton:1 strawberry:1 biggio:1 magadan:1 pagnozzi:1 martin:1 bichette:1 taubensee:1 bolick:1 pose:1 cianfrocco:1 johnson:1 kelly:1 nixon:1 buechle:1 lankford:1 olson:1 vizcaino:1 sanchez:1 duncan:1 offerman:1 laker:1 chamberlain:1 maldonado:1 felix:1 espy:1 jordan:1 berryhill:1 shipley:1 benavides:1 wilkins:1 hr:2 bb:3 sb:1 c:1 ab:4 |@bigram early_season:1 high_number:1 barry_bond:1 finish_last:1 last_season:1 comment_suggestion:1 ab_bb:1
Version 2.03 drivers are current.
[('version', 'NN'), ('03', 'CD'), ('drivers', 'NNS'), ('are', 'VBP'), ('current', 'JJ')]
['version', 'driver', 'current']
comp_os_ms-windows_misc_9846 |@lemmatized version:1 driver:1 current:1 |@bigram version_driver:1
Watch out. Often when some scumbag steals the cover, that means that they were or are looking to steal the bike. In my case, I had a faded cover stolen off a bmw R100RS that was stashed in an apartment carport and not visible from the street. They evidently decided the beemer wasn't worth stealing, but did try the next night to steal a Honda Hurricane 600 parked in the next apartment building. A neighbor heard them wheeling it out and called the cops. I know this is just setting myself up, but this is actually one of the things that is really good about BMW bikes. From all accounts I've heard practically no one steals BMWs. Probably it is similar for Moto Guzzis and other relative "exotics" since there isn't a large demand for parts and the bike would be much easier to track down. It seems that the most stolen bikes are Harleys and 600cc Jap sport bikes.
[('watch', 'NN'), ('out', 'RP'), ('often', 'RB'), ('when', 'WRB'), ('some', 'DT'), ('scumbag', 'NN'), ('steals', 'VBD'), ('the', 'DT'), ('cover', 'NN'), ('that', 'WDT'), ('means', 'VBZ'), ('that', 'IN'), ('they', 'PRP'), ('were', 'VBD'), ('or', 'CC'), ('are', 'VBP'), ('looking', 'VBG'), ('to', 'TO'), ('steal', 'VB'), ('the', 'DT'), ('bike', 'NN'), ('in', 'IN'), ('my', 'PRP$'), ('case', 'NN'), ('had', 'VBD'), ('faded', 'VBN'), ('cover', 'RB'), ('stolen', 'VBN'), ('off', 'RP'), ('bmw', 'JJ'), ('r100rs', 'NN'), ('that', 'WDT'), ('was', 'VBD'), ('stashed', 'VBN'), ('in', 'IN'), ('an', 'DT'), ('apartment', 'NN'), ('carport', 'NN'), ('and', 'CC'), ('not', 'RB'), ('visible', 'JJ'), ('from', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('street', 'NN'), ('they', 'PRP'), ('evidently', 'RB'), ('decided', 'VBD'), ('the', 'DT'), ('beemer', 'NN'), ('wasn', 'NN'), ('worth', 'IN'), ('stealing', 'VBG'), ('but', 'CC'), ('did', 'VBD'), ('try', 'VB'), ('the', 'DT'), ('next', 'JJ'), ('night', 'NN'), ('to', 'TO'), ('steal', 'VB'), ('honda', 'NN'), ('hurricane', 'NN'), ('600', 'CD'), ('parked', 'VBN'), ('in', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('next', 'JJ'), ('apartment', 'NN'), ('building', 'VBG'), ('neighbor', 'NN'), ('heard', 'VBD'), ('them', 'PRP'), ('wheeling', 'VBG'), ('it', 'PRP'), ('out', 'IN'), ('and', 'CC'), ('called', 'VBD'), ('the', 'DT'), ('cops', 'NNS'), ('know', 'VBP'), ('this', 'DT'), ('is', 'VBZ'), ('just', 'RB'), ('setting', 'VBG'), ('myself', 'PRP'), ('up', 'RP'), ('but', 'CC'), ('this', 'DT'), ('is', 'VBZ'), ('actually', 'RB'), ('one', 'CD'), ('of', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('things', 'NNS'), ('that', 'WDT'), ('is', 'VBZ'), ('really', 'RB'), ('good', 'JJ'), ('about', 'IN'), ('bmw', 'NN'), ('bikes', 'NNS'), ('from', 'IN'), ('all', 'DT'), ('accounts', 'NNS'), ('ve', 'FW'), ('heard', 'VBN'), ('practically', 'RB'), ('no', 'DT'), ('one', 'NN'), ('steals', 'VBZ'), ('bmws', 'NN'), ('probably', 'RB'), ('it', 'PRP'), ('is', 'VBZ'), ('similar', 'JJ'), ('for', 'IN'), ('moto', 'NN'), ('guzzis', 'NN'), ('and', 'CC'), ('other', 'JJ'), ('relative', 'JJ'), ('exotics', 'NNS'), ('since', 'IN'), ('there', 'EX'), ('isn', 'JJ'), ('large', 'JJ'), ('demand', 'NN'), ('for', 'IN'), ('parts', 'NNS'), ('and', 'CC'), ('the', 'DT'), ('bike', 'NN'), ('would', 'MD'), ('be', 'VB'), ('much', 'RB'), ('easier', 'JJR'), ('to', 'TO'), ('track', 'VB'), ('down', 'RP'), ('it', 'PRP'), ('seems', 'VBZ'), ('that', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('most', 'RBS'), ('stolen', 'JJ'), ('bikes', 'NNS'), ('are', 'VBP'), ('harleys', 'NNS'), ('and', 'CC'), ('600cc', 'CD'), ('jap', 'NN'), ('sport', 'NN'), ('bikes', 'NNS')]
['watch', 'often', 'scumbag', 'steal', 'cover', 'mean', 'look', 'steal', 'bike', 'case', 'fade', 'cover', 'steal', 'bmw', 'stash', 'apartment', 'carport', 'visible', 'street', 'evidently', 'decide', 'beemer', 'worth', 'steal', 'try', 'next', 'night', 'steal', 'honda', 'hurricane', 'park', 'next', 'apartment', 'build', 'neighbor', 'hear', 'wheel', 'call', 'cop', 'know', 'set', 'actually', 'one', 'thing', 'really', 'good', 'bmw', 'bike', 'account', 'hear', 'practically', 'one', 'steal', 'bmws', 'probably', 'similar', 'moto', 'guzzis', 'relative', 'exotics', 'since', 'large', 'demand', 'part', 'bike', 'would', 'much', 'easy', 'track', 'seem', 'stolen', 'bike', 'harleys', 'jap', 'sport', 'bike']
['mean_look', 'cop_know', 'know_set', 'actually_one', 'one_thing', 'thing_really', 'really_good', 'probably_similar', 'part_bike', 'would_much', 'much_easy', 'sport_bike']
rec_motorcycles_104285 |@lemmatized watch:1 often:1 scumbag:1 steal:6 cover:2 mean:1 look:1 bike:5 case:1 fade:1 bmw:2 stash:1 apartment:2 carport:1 visible:1 street:1 evidently:1 decide:1 beemer:1 worth:1 try:1 next:2 night:1 honda:1 hurricane:1 park:1 build:1 neighbor:1 hear:2 wheel:1 call:1 cop:1 know:1 set:1 actually:1 one:2 thing:1 really:1 good:1 account:1 practically:1 bmws:1 probably:1 similar:1 moto:1 guzzis:1 relative:1 exotics:1 since:1 large:1 demand:1 part:1 would:1 much:1 easy:1 track:1 seem:1 stolen:1 harleys:1 jap:1 sport:1 |@bigram mean_look:1 cop_know:1 know_set:1 actually_one:1 one_thing:1 thing_really:1 really_good:1 probably_similar:1 part_bike:1 would_much:1 much_easy:1 sport_bike:1
I would say there are also significant numbers of unscrupulous doctors (of the squeaky-clean, traditional crew-cut, talk to the AMA before starting any treatment, kind) who recommend treatments that, though "accepted", may not be necessary for the patient at the time. And all for making a quick buck. I would not be surprised if the cost of medical services in the U.S. is significantly inflated by these "quacks of a different color". In fact, I'd say these doctors are the most dangerous since they call into question the true focus of the medical profession. The AMA and the Boards should focus on these "quacks" instead of devoting unbelievable energy on 'search-and- destroy-missions' to pull the licenses of those doctors who are trying non- traditional or not fully accepted treatments for their desperate patients that traditional/accepted medicine cannot help. *************************************************** Now to make a general comment on many recent posts: *************************************************** Lately I've seen the word "quack" bandied about recklessly. When a doctor or doctor-wanna-be has decided to quit discussing any controversial medical subject in a civilized manner, all he/she has to do is say "quack-quack" and somehow they magically expect the readership of this newsgroup to roll over on their backs and pee-pee on themselves in obedience. What do they teach you in medical school - how to throw your authority around? Let me put it another way to make my point clear: "quack" is a nebulous word lacking in any precision. Its sole use is to obfuscate the issues at hand. The indiscriminate use of this word is a sure sign of incompetency; and coming from any medical doctor (or wanna-be), where competency is expected, is real scary. But what do I know, I've already been diagnosed by the sci.med.gods in this newsgroup as being 'anal retentive', and 'psychotic'. I look forward to more net.diagnoses. Hey, they're free. Jon "Quacks 'R Us" Noring (p.s., may I suggest - seriously - that if the doctors and wanna-be-doctors on the net who refuse to have an open mind on alternative treatments and theories, such as the "yeast theory", should create your own moderated group. You can call it sci.med.traditional.moderated or sci.med.AMA-approved, so you can keep anal-retentives like me out of it.) -- Charter Member --->>> INFJ Club.
[('would', 'MD'), ('say', 'VB'), ('there', 'EX'), ('are', 'VBP'), ('also', 'RB'), ('significant', 'JJ'), ('numbers', 'NNS'), ('of', 'IN'), ('unscrupulous', 'JJ'), ('doctors', 'NNS'), ('of', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('squeaky', 'JJ'), ('clean', 'JJ'), ('traditional', 'JJ'), ('crew', 'NN'), ('cut', 'NN'), ('talk', 'NN'), ('to', 'TO'), ('the', 'DT'), ('ama', 'NN'), ('before', 'IN'), ('starting', 'VBG'), ('any', 'DT'), ('treatment', 'NN'), ('kind', 'NN'), ('who', 'WP'), ('recommend', 'VBP'), ('treatments', 'NNS'), ('that', 'WDT'), ('though', 'IN'), ('accepted', 'JJ'), ('",', 'NN'), ('may', 'MD'), ('not', 'RB'), ('be', 'VB'), ('necessary', 'JJ'), ('for', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('patient', 'NN'), ('at', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('time', 'NN'), ('and', 'CC'), ('all', 'DT'), ('for', 'IN'), ('making', 'VBG'), ('quick', 'JJ'), ('buck', 'NN'), ('would', 'MD'), ('not', 'RB'), ('be', 'VB'), ('surprised', 'VBN'), ('if', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('cost', 'NN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('medical', 'JJ'), ('services', 'NNS'), ('in', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('is', 'VBZ'), ('significantly', 'RB'), ('inflated', 'VBN'), ('by', 'IN'), ('these', 'DT'), ('quacks', 'NNS'), ('of', 'IN'), ('different', 'JJ'), ('color', 'NN'), ('".', 'NN'), ('in', 'IN'), ('fact', 'NN'), ('say', 'VBP'), ('these', 'DT'), ('doctors', 'NNS'), ('are', 'VBP'), ('the', 'DT'), ('most', 'RBS'), ('dangerous', 'JJ'), ('since', 'IN'), ('they', 'PRP'), ('call', 'VBP'), ('into', 'IN'), ('question', 'NN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('true', 'JJ'), ('focus', 'NN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('medical', 'JJ'), ('profession', 'NN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('ama', 'NN'), ('and', 'CC'), ('the', 'DT'), ('boards', 'NNS'), ('should', 'MD'), ('focus', 'VB'), ('on', 'IN'), ('these', 'DT'), ('quacks', 'NNS'), ('instead', 'RB'), ('of', 'IN'), ('devoting', 'VBG'), ('unbelievable', 'JJ'), ('energy', 'NN'), ('on', 'IN'), ('search', 'NN'), ('and', 'CC'), ('destroy', 'NN'), ('missions', 'NNS'), ('to', 'TO'), ('pull', 'VB'), ('the', 'DT'), ('licenses', 'NNS'), ('of', 'IN'), ('those', 'DT'), ('doctors', 'NNS'), ('who', 'WP'), ('are', 'VBP'), ('trying', 'VBG'), ('non', 'JJ'), ('traditional', 'JJ'), ('or', 'CC'), ('not', 'RB'), ('fully', 'RB'), ('accepted', 'JJ'), ('treatments', 'NNS'), ('for', 'IN'), ('their', 'PRP$'), ('desperate', 'JJ'), ('patients', 'NNS'), ('that', 'WDT'), ('traditional', 'JJ'), ('accepted', 'VBD'), ('medicine', 'NN'), ('cannot', 'NN'), ('help', 'VB'), ('***************************************************', 'RB'), ('now', 'RB'), ('to', 'TO'), ('make', 'VB'), ('general', 'JJ'), ('comment', 'NN'), ('on', 'IN'), ('many', 'JJ'), ('recent', 'JJ'), ('posts', 'NNS'), ('***************************************************', 'VBP'), ('lately', 'RB'), ('ve', 'JJ'), ('seen', 'VBN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('word', 'NN'), ('quack', 'NN'), ('bandied', 'VBD'), ('about', 'IN'), ('recklessly', 'RB'), ('when', 'WRB'), ('doctor', 'NN'), ('or', 'CC'), ('doctor', 'NN'), ('wanna', 'NN'), ('be', 'VB'), ('has', 'VBZ'), ('decided', 'VBN'), ('to', 'TO'), ('quit', 'VB'), ('discussing', 'VBG'), ('any', 'DT'), ('controversial', 'JJ'), ('medical', 'JJ'), ('subject', 'NN'), ('in', 'IN'), ('civilized', 'JJ'), ('manner', 'NN'), ('all', 'DT'), ('he', 'PRP'), ('she', 'PRP'), ('has', 'VBZ'), ('to', 'TO'), ('do', 'VB'), ('is', 'VBZ'), ('say', 'VB'), ('quack', 'JJ'), ('quack', 'NN'), ('and', 'CC'), ('somehow', 'NN'), ('they', 'PRP'), ('magically', 'RB'), ('expect', 'VBP'), ('the', 'DT'), ('readership', 'NN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('this', 'DT'), ('newsgroup', 'NN'), ('to', 'TO'), ('roll', 'VB'), ('over', 'RP'), ('on', 'IN'), ('their', 'PRP$'), ('backs', 'NNS'), ('and', 'CC'), ('pee', 'JJ'), ('pee', 'NN'), ('on', 'IN'), ('themselves', 'PRP'), ('in', 'IN'), ('obedience', 'NN'), ('what', 'WP'), ('do', 'VBP'), ('they', 'PRP'), ('teach', 'VB'), ('you', 'PRP'), ('in', 'IN'), ('medical', 'JJ'), ('school', 'NN'), ('how', 'WRB'), ('to', 'TO'), ('throw', 'VB'), ('your', 'PRP$'), ('authority', 'NN'), ('around', 'IN'), ('let', 'VB'), ('me', 'PRP'), ('put', 'VB'), ('it', 'PRP'), ('another', 'DT'), ('way', 'NN'), ('to', 'TO'), ('make', 'VB'), ('my', 'PRP$'), ('point', 'NN'), ('clear', 'JJ'), ('quack', 'NN'), ('is', 'VBZ'), ('nebulous', 'JJ'), ('word', 'NN'), ('lacking', 'NN'), ('in', 'IN'), ('any', 'DT'), ('precision', 'NN'), ('its', 'PRP$'), ('sole', 'NN'), ('use', 'NN'), ('is', 'VBZ'), ('to', 'TO'), ('obfuscate', 'VB'), ('the', 'DT'), ('issues', 'NNS'), ('at', 'IN'), ('hand', 'NN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('indiscriminate', 'NN'), ('use', 'NN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('this', 'DT'), ('word', 'NN'), ('is', 'VBZ'), ('sure', 'JJ'), ('sign', 'NN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('incompetency', 'NN'), ('and', 'CC'), ('coming', 'VBG'), ('from', 'IN'), ('any', 'DT'), ('medical', 'JJ'), ('doctor', 'NN'), ('or', 'CC'), ('wanna', 'NN'), ('be', 'VB'), ('),', 'VBN'), ('where', 'WRB'), ('competency', 'NN'), ('is', 'VBZ'), ('expected', 'VBN'), ('is', 'VBZ'), ('real', 'JJ'), ('scary', 'JJ'), ('but', 'CC'), ('what', 'WP'), ('do', 'VBP'), ('know', 'VB'), ('ve', 'VB'), ('already', 'RB'), ('been', 'VBN'), ('diagnosed', 'VBN'), ('by', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('sci', 'NN'), ('med', 'VBD'), ('gods', 'NNS'), ('in', 'IN'), ('this', 'DT'), ('newsgroup', 'NN'), ('as', 'IN'), ('being', 'VBG'), ('anal', 'JJ'), ('retentive', 'NN'), ("',", 'POS'), ('and', 'CC'), ('psychotic', 'JJ'), ("'.", 'NNS'), ('look', 'VBP'), ('forward', 'RB'), ('to', 'TO'), ('more', 'RBR'), ('net', 'JJ'), ('diagnoses', 'NNS'), ('hey', 'VBP'), ('they', 'PRP'), ('re', 'VBP'), ('free', 'JJ'), ('jon', 'NN'), ('quacks', 'NNS'), ('us', 'PRP'), ('noring', 'VBG'), ('.,', 'NN'), ('may', 'MD'), ('suggest', 'VB'), ('seriously', 'RB'), ('that', 'IN'), ('if', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('doctors', 'NNS'), ('and', 'CC'), ('wanna', 'NN'), ('be', 'VB'), ('doctors', 'NNS'), ('on', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('net', 'NN'), ('who', 'WP'), ('refuse', 'VBP'), ('to', 'TO'), ('have', 'VB'), ('an', 'DT'), ('open', 'JJ'), ('mind', 'NN'), ('on', 'IN'), ('alternative', 'JJ'), ('treatments', 'NNS'), ('and', 'CC'), ('theories', 'NNS'), ('such', 'JJ'), ('as', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('yeast', 'NN'), ('theory', 'NN'), ('",', 'NNP'), ('should', 'MD'), ('create', 'VB'), ('your', 'PRP$'), ('own', 'JJ'), ('moderated', 'VBN'), ('group', 'NN'), ('you', 'PRP'), ('can', 'MD'), ('call', 'VB'), ('it', 'PRP'), ('sci', 'VBZ'), ('med', 'VBD'), ('traditional', 'JJ'), ('moderated', 'VBD'), ('or', 'CC'), ('sci', 'NN'), ('med', 'VBN'), ('ama', 'RB'), ('approved', 'VBN'), ('so', 'IN'), ('you', 'PRP'), ('can', 'MD'), ('keep', 'VB'), ('anal', 'JJ'), ('retentives', 'NNS'), ('like', 'IN'), ('me', 'PRP'), ('out', 'IN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('it', 'PRP'), ('.)', 'NNP'), ('--', ':'), ('charter', 'JJ'), ('member', 'NN'), ('--->>>', 'NNP'), ('infj', 'NN'), ('club', 'NN')]
['would', 'say', 'also', 'significant', 'number', 'unscrupulous', 'doctor', 'squeaky', 'clean', 'traditional', 'crew', 'cut', 'talk', 'ama', 'start', 'treatment', 'kind', 'recommend', 'treatment', 'though', 'accepted', 'may', 'necessary', 'patient', 'time', 'make', 'quick', 'buck', 'would', 'surprise', 'cost', 'medical', 'service', 'significantly', 'inflate', 'quack', 'different', 'color', 'fact', 'say', 'doctor', 'dangerous', 'since', 'call', 'question', 'true', 'focus', 'medical', 'profession', 'ama', 'board', 'focus', 'quack', 'instead', 'devote', 'unbelievable', 'energy', 'search', 'destroy', 'mission', 'pull', 'license', 'doctor', 'try', 'non', 'traditional', 'fully', 'accepted', 'treatment', 'desperate', 'patient', 'traditional', 'accept', 'medicine', 'cannot', 'help', 'make', 'general', 'comment', 'many', 'recent', 'post', 'lately', 'see', 'word', 'quack', 'bandy', 'recklessly', 'doctor', 'doctor', 'wanna', 'decide', 'quit', 'discuss', 'controversial', 'medical', 'subject', 'civilized', 'manner', 'say', 'quack', 'quack', 'somehow', 'magically', 'expect', 'readership', 'newsgroup', 'roll', 'back', 'pee', 'pee', 'obedience', 'teach', 'medical', 'school', 'throw', 'authority', 'around', 'let', 'put', 'another', 'way', 'make', 'point', 'clear', 'quack', 'nebulous', 'word', 'lacking', 'precision', 'sole', 'use', 'obfuscate', 'issue', 'hand', 'indiscriminate', 'use', 'word', 'sure', 'sign', 'incompetency', 'come', 'medical', 'doctor', 'wanna', 'competency', 'expect', 'real', 'scary', 'know', 'already', 'diagnose', 'sci', 'med', 'god', 'newsgroup', 'anal', 'retentive', 'psychotic', 'look', 'forward', 'net', 'diagnosis', 'hey', 'free', 'jon', 'quack', 'u', 'noring', 'may', 'suggest', 'seriously', 'doctor', 'wanna', 'doctor', 'net', 'refuse', 'open', 'mind', 'alternative', 'treatment', 'theory', 'yeast', 'theory', 'create', 'moderate', 'group', 'call', 'sci', 'med', 'traditional', 'moderate', 'sci', 'med', 'ama', 'approve', 'keep', 'anal', 'retentives', 'like', 'charter', 'member', 'infj', 'club']
['would_say', 'say_also', 'may_necessary', 'time_make', 'make_quick', 'would_surprise', 'different_color', 'fact_say', 'say_doctor', 'call_question', 'medical_profession', 'help_make', 'make_general', 'many_recent', 'recent_post', 'see_word', 'medical_school', 'around_let', 'let_put', 'put_another', 'another_way', 'way_make', 'make_point', 'issue_hand', 'use_word', 'medical_doctor', 'know_already', 'sci_med', 'look_forward', 'may_suggest', 'open_mind', 'group_call', 'sci_med', 'sci_med', 'charter_member', 'member_infj', 'infj_club']
sci_med_59228 |@lemmatized would:2 say:3 also:1 significant:1 number:1 unscrupulous:1 doctor:8 squeaky:1 clean:1 traditional:4 crew:1 cut:1 talk:1 ama:3 start:1 treatment:4 kind:1 recommend:1 though:1 accepted:2 may:2 necessary:1 patient:2 time:1 make:3 quick:1 buck:1 surprise:1 cost:1 medical:5 service:1 significantly:1 inflate:1 quack:7 different:1 color:1 fact:1 dangerous:1 since:1 call:2 question:1 true:1 focus:2 profession:1 board:1 instead:1 devote:1 unbelievable:1 energy:1 search:1 destroy:1 mission:1 pull:1 license:1 try:1 non:1 fully:1 desperate:1 accept:1 medicine:1 cannot:1 help:1 general:1 comment:1 many:1 recent:1 post:1 lately:1 see:1 word:3 bandy:1 recklessly:1 wanna:3 decide:1 quit:1 discuss:1 controversial:1 subject:1 civilized:1 manner:1 somehow:1 magically:1 expect:2 readership:1 newsgroup:2 roll:1 back:1 pee:2 obedience:1 teach:1 school:1 throw:1 authority:1 around:1 let:1 put:1 another:1 way:1 point:1 clear:1 nebulous:1 lacking:1 precision:1 sole:1 use:2 obfuscate:1 issue:1 hand:1 indiscriminate:1 sure:1 sign:1 incompetency:1 come:1 competency:1 real:1 scary:1 know:1 already:1 diagnose:1 sci:3 med:3 god:1 anal:2 retentive:1 psychotic:1 look:1 forward:1 net:2 diagnosis:1 hey:1 free:1 jon:1 u:1 noring:1 suggest:1 seriously:1 refuse:1 open:1 mind:1 alternative:1 theory:2 yeast:1 create:1 moderate:2 group:1 approve:1 keep:1 retentives:1 like:1 charter:1 member:1 infj:1 club:1 |@bigram would_say:1 say_also:1 may_necessary:1 time_make:1 make_quick:1 would_surprise:1 different_color:1 fact_say:1 say_doctor:1 call_question:1 medical_profession:1 help_make:1 make_general:1 many_recent:1 recent_post:1 see_word:1 medical_school:1 around_let:1 let_put:1 put_another:1 another_way:1 way_make:1 make_point:1 issue_hand:1 use_word:1 medical_doctor:1 know_already:1 sci_med:3 look_forward:1 may_suggest:1 open_mind:1 group_call:1 charter_member:1 member_infj:1 infj_club:1
My suggestion would be to contact Microsoft about the Video4Windows SDK. You would need to call Developer Services at (800)227-4679 extension 11771 from 6:30am to 5:30pm Pacific time.
[('my', 'PRP$'), ('suggestion', 'NN'), ('would', 'MD'), ('be', 'VB'), ('to', 'TO'), ('contact', 'VB'), ('microsoft', 'JJ'), ('about', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('video4windows', 'NNS'), ('sdk', 'VBP'), ('you', 'PRP'), ('would', 'MD'), ('need', 'VB'), ('to', 'TO'), ('call', 'VB'), ('developer', 'NN'), ('services', 'NNS'), ('at', 'IN'), ('800', 'CD'), ('227', 'CD'), ('4679', 'CD'), ('extension', 'NN'), ('11771', 'CD'), ('from', 'IN'), ('30am', 'CD'), ('to', 'TO'), ('30pm', 'CD'), ('pacific', 'NN'), ('time', 'NN')]
['suggestion', 'would', 'contact', 'microsoft', 'sdk', 'would', 'need', 'call', 'developer', 'service', 'extension', 'pacific', 'time']
['suggestion_would', 'would_need', 'need_call', 'pacific_time']
comp_os_ms-windows_misc_9494 |@lemmatized suggestion:1 would:2 contact:1 microsoft:1 sdk:1 need:1 call:1 developer:1 service:1 extension:1 pacific:1 time:1 |@bigram suggestion_would:1 would_need:1 need_call:1 pacific_time:1
[...] Wait a minute, Doug. I know you are better informed than that. The US has never invaded Nicaragua (as far as I know). We liberated Grenada from the Cubans to protect US citizens there and to prevent the completion of a strategic air strip. Panama we invaded, true (twice this century). Vietnam? We were invited in by the government of S. Vietnam. (I guess we "invaded" Saudi Arabia during the Gulf War, eh?) Mexico? We have invaded Mexico 2 or 3 times, once this century, but there were no missiles for anyone to shoot over here at that time. Hawaii? We liberated it from Spain. So if you mean by the word "invaded" some sort of military action where we cross someone's border, you are right 5 out of 6. But normally "invaded" carries a connotation of attacking an autonomous nation. (If some nation "invades" the U.S. Virgin Islands, would they be invading the Virgin Islands or the U.S.?) So from this point of view, your score falls to 2 out of 6 (Mexico, Panama). [...] No, it's someone who believes in "peace-at-all-costs". In other words, a person who would have supported giving Hitler not only Austria and Czechoslakia, but Poland too if it could have averted the War. And one who would allow Hitler to wipe all *all* Jews, slavs, and political dissidents in areas he controlled as long as he left the rest of us alone. "Is it supposed to be bad to be a peace-nik," you ask? Well, it depends on what your values are. If you value life over liberty, peace over freedom, then I guess not. But if liberty and freedom mean more to you than life itself; if you'd rather die fighting for liberty than live under a tyrant's heel, then yes, it's "bad" to be a peace-nik. The problem with most peace-niks it they consider those of us who are not like them to be "bad" and "unconscionable". I would not have any argument or problem with a peace-nik if they held to their ideals and stayed out of all conflicts or issues, especially those dealing with the national defense. But no, they are not willing to allow us to legitimately hold a different point-of-view. They militate and many times resort to violence all in the name of peace. (What rank hypocrisy!) All to stop we "warmongers" who are willing to stand up and defend our freedoms against tyrants, and who realize that to do so requires a strong national defense. Time to get off the soapbox now. :) [...] Regards,
[('[...]', 'JJ'), ('wait', 'NN'), ('minute', 'NN'), ('doug', 'NN'), ('know', 'VBP'), ('you', 'PRP'), ('are', 'VBP'), ('better', 'JJR'), ('informed', 'VBN'), ('than', 'IN'), ('that', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('us', 'PRP'), ('has', 'VBZ'), ('never', 'RB'), ('invaded', 'VBN'), ('nicaragua', 'NN'), ('as', 'RB'), ('far', 'RB'), ('as', 'IN'), ('know', 'JJ'), (').', 'IN'), ('we', 'PRP'), ('liberated', 'VBD'), ('grenada', 'NN'), ('from', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('cubans', 'NNS'), ('to', 'TO'), ('protect', 'VB'), ('us', 'PRP'), ('citizens', 'NNS'), ('there', 'RB'), ('and', 'CC'), ('to', 'TO'), ('prevent', 'VB'), ('the', 'DT'), ('completion', 'NN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('strategic', 'JJ'), ('air', 'NN'), ('strip', 'JJ'), ('panama', 'NN'), ('we', 'PRP'), ('invaded', 'VBD'), ('true', 'JJ'), ('twice', 'RB'), ('this', 'DT'), ('century', 'NN'), (').', 'NNP'), ('vietnam', 'IN'), ('we', 'PRP'), ('were', 'VBD'), ('invited', 'VBN'), ('in', 'IN'), ('by', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('government', 'NN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('vietnam', 'JJ'), ('guess', 'NN'), ('we', 'PRP'), ('invaded', 'VBD'), ('saudi', 'JJ'), ('arabia', 'NN'), ('during', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('gulf', 'JJ'), ('war', 'NN'), ('eh', 'NN'), ('?)', 'JJ'), ('mexico', 'NN'), ('we', 'PRP'), ('have', 'VBP'), ('invaded', 'VBN'), ('mexico', 'NN'), ('or', 'CC'), ('times', 'NNS'), ('once', 'RB'), ('this', 'DT'), ('century', 'NN'), ('but', 'CC'), ('there', 'EX'), ('were', 'VBD'), ('no', 'DT'), ('missiles', 'NNS'), ('for', 'IN'), ('anyone', 'NN'), ('to', 'TO'), ('shoot', 'VB'), ('over', 'IN'), ('here', 'RB'), ('at', 'IN'), ('that', 'DT'), ('time', 'NN'), ('hawaii', 'VBZ'), ('we', 'PRP'), ('liberated', 'VBD'), ('it', 'PRP'), ('from', 'IN'), ('spain', 'NN'), ('so', 'RB'), ('if', 'IN'), ('you', 'PRP'), ('mean', 'VBP'), ('by', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('word', 'NN'), ('invaded', 'VBD'), ('some', 'DT'), ('sort', 'NN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('military', 'JJ'), ('action', 'NN'), ('where', 'WRB'), ('we', 'PRP'), ('cross', 'VBP'), ('someone', 'NN'), ('border', 'NN'), ('you', 'PRP'), ('are', 'VBP'), ('right', 'JJ'), ('out', 'IN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('but', 'CC'), ('normally', 'RB'), ('invaded', 'JJ'), ('carries', 'VBZ'), ('connotation', 'NN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('attacking', 'VBG'), ('an', 'DT'), ('autonomous', 'JJ'), ('nation', 'NN'), ('if', 'IN'), ('some', 'DT'), ('nation', 'NN'), ('invades', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('virgin', 'NN'), ('islands', 'NNS'), ('would', 'MD'), ('they', 'PRP'), ('be', 'VB'), ('invading', 'VBG'), ('the', 'DT'), ('virgin', 'NN'), ('islands', 'VBZ'), ('or', 'CC'), ('the', 'DT'), ('.?)', 'NNS'), ('so', 'RB'), ('from', 'IN'), ('this', 'DT'), ('point', 'NN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('view', 'NN'), ('your', 'PRP$'), ('score', 'NN'), ('falls', 'VBZ'), ('to', 'TO'), ('out', 'IN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('mexico', 'NN'), ('panama', 'NN'), (').', 'NNP'), ('[...]', 'VBZ'), ('no', 'DT'), ('it', 'PRP'), ('someone', 'NN'), ('who', 'WP'), ('believes', 'VBZ'), ('in', 'IN'), ('peace', 'NN'), ('at', 'IN'), ('all', 'DT'), ('costs', 'NNS'), ('".', 'VBP'), ('in', 'IN'), ('other', 'JJ'), ('words', 'NNS'), ('person', 'NN'), ('who', 'WP'), ('would', 'MD'), ('have', 'VB'), ('supported', 'VBN'), ('giving', 'VBG'), ('hitler', 'NN'), ('not', 'RB'), ('only', 'RB'), ('austria', 'RB'), ('and', 'CC'), ('czechoslakia', 'VB'), ('but', 'CC'), ('poland', 'VB'), ('too', 'RB'), ('if', 'IN'), ('it', 'PRP'), ('could', 'MD'), ('have', 'VB'), ('averted', 'VBN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('war', 'NN'), ('and', 'CC'), ('one', 'NN'), ('who', 'WP'), ('would', 'MD'), ('allow', 'VB'), ('hitler', 'NN'), ('to', 'TO'), ('wipe', 'VB'), ('all', 'DT'), ('all', 'DT'), ('jews', 'NNS'), ('slavs', 'NNS'), ('and', 'CC'), ('political', 'JJ'), ('dissidents', 'NNS'), ('in', 'IN'), ('areas', 'NNS'), ('he', 'PRP'), ('controlled', 'VBD'), ('as', 'RB'), ('long', 'RB'), ('as', 'IN'), ('he', 'PRP'), ('left', 'VBD'), ('the', 'DT'), ('rest', 'NN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('us', 'PRP'), ('alone', 'RB'), ('is', 'VBZ'), ('it', 'PRP'), ('supposed', 'VBD'), ('to', 'TO'), ('be', 'VB'), ('bad', 'JJ'), ('to', 'TO'), ('be', 'VB'), ('peace', 'JJ'), ('nik', 'JJ'), (',"', 'NN'), ('you', 'PRP'), ('ask', 'VBP'), ('well', 'RB'), ('it', 'PRP'), ('depends', 'VBZ'), ('on', 'IN'), ('what', 'WP'), ('your', 'PRP$'), ('values', 'NNS'), ('are', 'VBP'), ('if', 'IN'), ('you', 'PRP'), ('value', 'NN'), ('life', 'NN'), ('over', 'IN'), ('liberty', 'JJ'), ('peace', 'NN'), ('over', 'IN'), ('freedom', 'NN'), ('then', 'RB'), ('guess', 'VBZ'), ('not', 'RB'), ('but', 'CC'), ('if', 'IN'), ('liberty', 'JJ'), ('and', 'CC'), ('freedom', 'JJ'), ('mean', 'NN'), ('more', 'JJR'), ('to', 'TO'), ('you', 'PRP'), ('than', 'IN'), ('life', 'NN'), ('itself', 'PRP'), ('if', 'IN'), ('you', 'PRP'), ('rather', 'RB'), ('die', 'VBP'), ('fighting', 'VBG'), ('for', 'IN'), ('liberty', 'NN'), ('than', 'IN'), ('live', 'JJ'), ('under', 'IN'), ('tyrant', 'JJ'), ('heel', 'NN'), ('then', 'RB'), ('yes', 'VBZ'), ('it', 'PRP'), ('bad', 'JJ'), ('to', 'TO'), ('be', 'VB'), ('peace', 'JJ'), ('nik', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('problem', 'NN'), ('with', 'IN'), ('most', 'JJS'), ('peace', 'NN'), ('niks', 'VBP'), ('it', 'PRP'), ('they', 'PRP'), ('consider', 'VBP'), ('those', 'DT'), ('of', 'IN'), ('us', 'PRP'), ('who', 'WP'), ('are', 'VBP'), ('not', 'RB'), ('like', 'IN'), ('them', 'PRP'), ('to', 'TO'), ('be', 'VB'), ('bad', 'JJ'), ('and', 'CC'), ('unconscionable', 'JJ'), ('".', 'NN'), ('would', 'MD'), ('not', 'RB'), ('have', 'VB'), ('any', 'DT'), ('argument', 'NN'), ('or', 'CC'), ('problem', 'NN'), ('with', 'IN'), ('peace', 'NN'), ('nik', 'NNS'), ('if', 'IN'), ('they', 'PRP'), ('held', 'VBD'), ('to', 'TO'), ('their', 'PRP$'), ('ideals', 'NNS'), ('and', 'CC'), ('stayed', 'VBD'), ('out', 'IN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('all', 'DT'), ('conflicts', 'NNS'), ('or', 'CC'), ('issues', 'NNS'), ('especially', 'RB'), ('those', 'DT'), ('dealing', 'VBG'), ('with', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('national', 'JJ'), ('defense', 'NN'), ('but', 'CC'), ('no', 'DT'), ('they', 'PRP'), ('are', 'VBP'), ('not', 'RB'), ('willing', 'JJ'), ('to', 'TO'), ('allow', 'VB'), ('us', 'PRP'), ('to', 'TO'), ('legitimately', 'RB'), ('hold', 'VB'), ('different', 'JJ'), ('point', 'NN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('view', 'NN'), ('they', 'PRP'), ('militate', 'VBP'), ('and', 'CC'), ('many', 'JJ'), ('times', 'NNS'), ('resort', 'VBP'), ('to', 'TO'), ('violence', 'VB'), ('all', 'DT'), ('in', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('name', 'NN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('peace', 'NN'), ('what', 'WP'), ('rank', 'VBD'), ('hypocrisy', 'JJ'), ('!)', 'NNP'), ('all', 'DT'), ('to', 'TO'), ('stop', 'VB'), ('we', 'PRP'), ('warmongers', 'NNS'), ('who', 'WP'), ('are', 'VBP'), ('willing', 'JJ'), ('to', 'TO'), ('stand', 'VB'), ('up', 'RP'), ('and', 'CC'), ('defend', 'VB'), ('our', 'PRP$'), ('freedoms', 'NNS'), ('against', 'IN'), ('tyrants', 'NNS'), ('and', 'CC'), ('who', 'WP'), ('realize', 'VBP'), ('that', 'IN'), ('to', 'TO'), ('do', 'VB'), ('so', 'RB'), ('requires', 'VBZ'), ('strong', 'JJ'), ('national', 'JJ'), ('defense', 'NN'), ('time', 'NN'), ('to', 'TO'), ('get', 'VB'), ('off', 'RP'), ('the', 'DT'), ('soapbox', 'NN'), ('now', 'RB'), (':)', 'VBZ'), ('[...]', 'NN'), ('regards', 'NNS')]
['wait', 'minute', 'doug', 'know', 'good', 'inform', 'u', 'never', 'invade', 'nicaragua', 'far', 'know', 'liberate', 'grenada', 'cuban', 'protect', 'u', 'citizen', 'prevent', 'completion', 'strategic', 'air', 'strip', 'panama', 'invade', 'true', 'twice', 'century', 'vietnam', 'invite', 'government', 'vietnam', 'guess', 'invade', 'saudi', 'arabia', 'gulf', 'war', 'eh', 'mexico', 'invade', 'mexico', 'time', 'century', 'missile', 'anyone', 'shoot', 'time', 'hawaii', 'liberate', 'spain', 'mean', 'word', 'invade', 'sort', 'military', 'action', 'cross', 'someone', 'border', 'right', 'normally', 'invaded', 'carry', 'connotation', 'attack', 'autonomous', 'nation', 'nation', 'invades', 'virgin', 'island', 'would', 'invade', 'virgin', 'islands', 'point', 'view', 'score', 'fall', 'mexico', 'panama', 'someone', 'believe', 'peace', 'cost', 'word', 'person', 'would', 'support', 'give', 'hitler', 'austria', 'czechoslakia', 'poland', 'could', 'avert', 'war', 'one', 'would', 'allow', 'hitler', 'wipe', 'jew', 'slav', 'political', 'dissident', 'area', 'control', 'long', 'leave', 'rest', 'u', 'alone', 'suppose', 'bad', 'peace', 'nik', 'ask', 'well', 'depend', 'value', 'value', 'life', 'liberty', 'peace', 'freedom', 'guess', 'liberty', 'freedom', 'mean', 'life', 'rather', 'die', 'fight', 'liberty', 'live', 'tyrant', 'heel', 'yes', 'bad', 'peace', 'nik', 'problem', 'peace', 'niks', 'consider', 'u', 'like', 'bad', 'unconscionable', 'would', 'argument', 'problem', 'peace', 'nik', 'hold', 'ideal', 'stay', 'conflict', 'issue', 'especially', 'deal', 'national', 'defense', 'willing', 'allow', 'u', 'legitimately', 'hold', 'different', 'point', 'view', 'militate', 'many', 'time', 'resort', 'violence', 'name', 'peace', 'rank', 'hypocrisy', 'stop', 'warmonger', 'willing', 'stand', 'defend', 'freedom', 'tyrant', 'realize', 'require', 'strong', 'national', 'defense', 'time', 'get', 'soapbox', 'regard']
['wait_minute', 'know_good', 'inform_u', 'far_know', 'protect_u', 'u_citizen', 'gulf_war', 'military_action', 'point_view', 'person_would', 'would_support', 'war_one', 'one_would', 'would_allow', 'political_dissident', 'rest_u', 'value_value', 'life_liberty', 'mean_life', 'u_like', 'like_bad', 'national_defense', 'allow_u', 'point_view', 'many_time', 'national_defense', 'time_get']
alt_atheism_53283 |@lemmatized wait:1 minute:1 doug:1 know:2 good:1 inform:1 u:5 never:1 invade:6 nicaragua:1 far:1 liberate:2 grenada:1 cuban:1 protect:1 citizen:1 prevent:1 completion:1 strategic:1 air:1 strip:1 panama:2 true:1 twice:1 century:2 vietnam:2 invite:1 government:1 guess:2 saudi:1 arabia:1 gulf:1 war:2 eh:1 mexico:3 time:4 missile:1 anyone:1 shoot:1 hawaii:1 spain:1 mean:2 word:2 sort:1 military:1 action:1 cross:1 someone:2 border:1 right:1 normally:1 invaded:1 carry:1 connotation:1 attack:1 autonomous:1 nation:2 invades:1 virgin:2 island:1 would:4 islands:1 point:2 view:2 score:1 fall:1 believe:1 peace:7 cost:1 person:1 support:1 give:1 hitler:2 austria:1 czechoslakia:1 poland:1 could:1 avert:1 one:1 allow:2 wipe:1 jew:1 slav:1 political:1 dissident:1 area:1 control:1 long:1 leave:1 rest:1 alone:1 suppose:1 bad:3 nik:3 ask:1 well:1 depend:1 value:2 life:2 liberty:3 freedom:3 rather:1 die:1 fight:1 live:1 tyrant:2 heel:1 yes:1 problem:2 niks:1 consider:1 like:1 unconscionable:1 argument:1 hold:2 ideal:1 stay:1 conflict:1 issue:1 especially:1 deal:1 national:2 defense:2 willing:2 legitimately:1 different:1 militate:1 many:1 resort:1 violence:1 name:1 rank:1 hypocrisy:1 stop:1 warmonger:1 stand:1 defend:1 realize:1 require:1 strong:1 get:1 soapbox:1 regard:1 |@bigram wait_minute:1 know_good:1 inform_u:1 far_know:1 protect_u:1 u_citizen:1 gulf_war:1 military_action:1 point_view:2 person_would:1 would_support:1 war_one:1 one_would:1 would_allow:1 political_dissident:1 rest_u:1 value_value:1 life_liberty:1 mean_life:1 u_like:1 like_bad:1 national_defense:2 allow_u:1 many_time:1 time_get:1
Actually, an apostle is someone who is sent. If you will, mailmen could be called apostles in that sense. However, with Jesus, they were designated and were given power. Remember that there were many thousands of people who witnessed what Jesus did. That didn't make them apostles, though.
[('actually', 'RB'), ('an', 'DT'), ('apostle', 'NN'), ('is', 'VBZ'), ('someone', 'NN'), ('who', 'WP'), ('is', 'VBZ'), ('sent', 'VBN'), ('if', 'IN'), ('you', 'PRP'), ('will', 'MD'), ('mailmen', 'VB'), ('could', 'MD'), ('be', 'VB'), ('called', 'VBN'), ('apostles', 'NNS'), ('in', 'IN'), ('that', 'DT'), ('sense', 'NN'), ('however', 'RB'), ('with', 'IN'), ('jesus', 'NN'), ('they', 'PRP'), ('were', 'VBD'), ('designated', 'VBN'), ('and', 'CC'), ('were', 'VBD'), ('given', 'VBN'), ('power', 'NN'), ('remember', 'NN'), ('that', 'IN'), ('there', 'EX'), ('were', 'VBD'), ('many', 'JJ'), ('thousands', 'NNS'), ('of', 'IN'), ('people', 'NNS'), ('who', 'WP'), ('witnessed', 'VBD'), ('what', 'WP'), ('jesus', 'NN'), ('did', 'VBD'), ('that', 'IN'), ('didn', 'NN'), ('make', 'VBP'), ('them', 'PRP'), ('apostles', 'VBZ'), ('though', 'IN')]
['actually', 'apostle', 'someone', 'send', 'mailmen', 'could', 'call', 'apostle', 'sense', 'however', 'jesus', 'designate', 'give', 'power', 'remember', 'many', 'thousand', 'people', 'witness', 'jesus', 'make', 'apostles', 'though']
['someone_send', 'could_call', 'give_power', 'thousand_people', 'jesus_make']
soc_religion_christian_20536 |@lemmatized actually:1 apostle:2 someone:1 send:1 mailmen:1 could:1 call:1 sense:1 however:1 jesus:2 designate:1 give:1 power:1 remember:1 many:1 thousand:1 people:1 witness:1 make:1 apostles:1 though:1 |@bigram someone_send:1 could_call:1 give_power:1 thousand_people:1 jesus_make:1
So how much would it cost as a private venture, assuming you could talk the U.S. government into leasing you a couple of pads in Florida?
[('so', 'RB'), ('how', 'WRB'), ('much', 'JJ'), ('would', 'MD'), ('it', 'PRP'), ('cost', 'VB'), ('as', 'IN'), ('private', 'JJ'), ('venture', 'NN'), ('assuming', 'VBG'), ('you', 'PRP'), ('could', 'MD'), ('talk', 'VB'), ('the', 'DT'), ('government', 'NN'), ('into', 'IN'), ('leasing', 'VBG'), ('you', 'PRP'), ('couple', 'NN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('pads', 'NNS'), ('in', 'IN'), ('florida', 'NN')]
['much', 'would', 'cost', 'private', 'venture', 'assume', 'could', 'talk', 'government', 'lease', 'couple', 'pad', 'florida']
['much_would', 'would_cost', 'could_talk']
sci_space_60995 |@lemmatized much:1 would:1 cost:1 private:1 venture:1 assume:1 could:1 talk:1 government:1 lease:1 couple:1 pad:1 florida:1 |@bigram much_would:1 would_cost:1 could_talk:1
gnuplot, etc. make it easy to plot real valued functions of 2 variables but I want to plot functions whose values are 2-vectors. I have been doing this by plotting arrays of arrows (complete with arrowheads) but before going further, I thought I would ask whether someone has already done the work. Any pointers?? thanx in advance
[('gnuplot', 'NN'), ('etc', 'NNS'), ('make', 'VBP'), ('it', 'PRP'), ('easy', 'JJ'), ('to', 'TO'), ('plot', 'VB'), ('real', 'JJ'), ('valued', 'VBN'), ('functions', 'NNS'), ('of', 'IN'), ('variables', 'NNS'), ('but', 'CC'), ('want', 'VBP'), ('to', 'TO'), ('plot', 'VB'), ('functions', 'NNS'), ('whose', 'WP$'), ('values', 'NNS'), ('are', 'VBP'), ('vectors', 'NNS'), ('have', 'VBP'), ('been', 'VBN'), ('doing', 'VBG'), ('this', 'DT'), ('by', 'IN'), ('plotting', 'VBG'), ('arrays', 'NNS'), ('of', 'IN'), ('arrows', 'NNS'), ('complete', 'JJ'), ('with', 'IN'), ('arrowheads', 'NNS'), ('but', 'CC'), ('before', 'IN'), ('going', 'VBG'), ('further', 'JJ'), ('thought', 'NN'), ('would', 'MD'), ('ask', 'VB'), ('whether', 'IN'), ('someone', 'NN'), ('has', 'VBZ'), ('already', 'RB'), ('done', 'VBN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('work', 'NN'), ('any', 'DT'), ('pointers', 'NNS'), ('??', 'VBP'), ('thanx', 'NN'), ('in', 'IN'), ('advance', 'NN')]
['gnuplot', 'etc', 'make', 'easy', 'plot', 'real', 'value', 'function', 'variable', 'want', 'plot', 'function', 'whose', 'value', 'vector', 'plot', 'array', 'arrow', 'complete', 'arrowhead', 'go', 'thought', 'would', 'ask', 'whether', 'someone', 'already', 'work', 'pointer', 'thanx', 'advance']
['etc_make', 'make_easy', 'thought_would', 'would_ask', 'ask_whether', 'someone_already', 'thanx_advance']
comp_graphics_37913 |@lemmatized gnuplot:1 etc:1 make:1 easy:1 plot:3 real:1 value:2 function:2 variable:1 want:1 whose:1 vector:1 array:1 arrow:1 complete:1 arrowhead:1 go:1 thought:1 would:1 ask:1 whether:1 someone:1 already:1 work:1 pointer:1 thanx:1 advance:1 |@bigram etc_make:1 make_easy:1 thought_would:1 would_ask:1 ask_whether:1 someone_already:1 thanx_advance:1
Tonigth a TV journal here in Brasil announced that an object, beyond Pluto's orbit, was found by an observatory at Hawaii. They named the object Karla. The program said the object wasn't a gaseous giant planet, and should be composed by rocks and ices. Can someone confirm these information? Could this object be a new planet or a Kuiper object? Thanks in advance. Francisco.
[('tonigth', 'JJ'), ('tv', 'NN'), ('journal', 'NN'), ('here', 'RB'), ('in', 'IN'), ('brasil', 'NN'), ('announced', 'VBD'), ('that', 'IN'), ('an', 'DT'), ('object', 'JJ'), ('beyond', 'IN'), ('pluto', 'JJ'), ('orbit', 'NN'), ('was', 'VBD'), ('found', 'VBN'), ('by', 'IN'), ('an', 'DT'), ('observatory', 'NN'), ('at', 'IN'), ('hawaii', 'NN'), ('they', 'PRP'), ('named', 'VBD'), ('the', 'DT'), ('object', 'NN'), ('karla', 'VBD'), ('the', 'DT'), ('program', 'NN'), ('said', 'VBD'), ('the', 'DT'), ('object', 'JJ'), ('wasn', 'NN'), ('gaseous', 'JJ'), ('giant', 'JJ'), ('planet', 'NN'), ('and', 'CC'), ('should', 'MD'), ('be', 'VB'), ('composed', 'VBN'), ('by', 'IN'), ('rocks', 'NNS'), ('and', 'CC'), ('ices', 'NNS'), ('can', 'MD'), ('someone', 'NN'), ('confirm', 'VB'), ('these', 'DT'), ('information', 'NN'), ('could', 'MD'), ('this', 'DT'), ('object', 'JJ'), ('be', 'VB'), ('new', 'JJ'), ('planet', 'NN'), ('or', 'CC'), ('kuiper', 'VB'), ('object', 'JJ'), ('thanks', 'NNS'), ('in', 'IN'), ('advance', 'NN'), ('francisco', 'NN')]
['tonigth', 'tv', 'journal', 'brasil', 'announce', 'object', 'beyond', 'pluto', 'orbit', 'find', 'observatory', 'hawaii', 'name', 'object', 'karla', 'program', 'say', 'object', 'gaseous', 'giant', 'planet', 'compose', 'rock', 'ice', 'someone', 'confirm', 'information', 'could', 'object', 'new', 'planet', 'kuiper', 'object', 'thanks', 'advance', 'francisco']
['program_say', 'information_could', 'thanks_advance']
sci_space_61067 |@lemmatized tonigth:1 tv:1 journal:1 brasil:1 announce:1 object:5 beyond:1 pluto:1 orbit:1 find:1 observatory:1 hawaii:1 name:1 karla:1 program:1 say:1 gaseous:1 giant:1 planet:2 compose:1 rock:1 ice:1 someone:1 confirm:1 information:1 could:1 new:1 kuiper:1 thanks:1 advance:1 francisco:1 |@bigram program_say:1 information_could:1 thanks_advance:1
It was shafting on the part of the Arab land owners for doing it without notifying their tenant farmers and for not being responsible enough to make provisions for them, but rather just leaving them to their fate. The point is that the land was sold legally, often at prices above its actual value. It was legal, and good business for the sellers, though it left the Palestinians who worked the land in a poor situation. I don't know if others share this opinion. It is mine, and I'm sure there are some who agree and some who don't The way I see it, the fallahin were caught in circumstances beyond their control, in that since they didn't own the land, they didn't have a say. Of course, now for the sake of the "greater Arab unity" the Arabs are angry that the land was sold to the Jews (an act that is illegal in Jordan), but when it happened, it was just business. The purpose of buying the land was to provide space and jobs for Jewish immigrants. In any case, no matter what the purpose, the sales were legal, so I really don't see any grounds for contesting them.
[('it', 'PRP'), ('was', 'VBD'), ('shafting', 'VBG'), ('on', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('part', 'NN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('arab', 'JJ'), ('land', 'NN'), ('owners', 'NNS'), ('for', 'IN'), ('doing', 'VBG'), ('it', 'PRP'), ('without', 'IN'), ('notifying', 'VBG'), ('their', 'PRP$'), ('tenant', 'NN'), ('farmers', 'NNS'), ('and', 'CC'), ('for', 'IN'), ('not', 'RB'), ('being', 'VBG'), ('responsible', 'JJ'), ('enough', 'RB'), ('to', 'TO'), ('make', 'VB'), ('provisions', 'NNS'), ('for', 'IN'), ('them', 'PRP'), ('but', 'CC'), ('rather', 'RB'), ('just', 'RB'), ('leaving', 'VBG'), ('them', 'PRP'), ('to', 'TO'), ('their', 'PRP$'), ('fate', 'NN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('point', 'NN'), ('is', 'VBZ'), ('that', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('land', 'NN'), ('was', 'VBD'), ('sold', 'VBN'), ('legally', 'RB'), ('often', 'RB'), ('at', 'IN'), ('prices', 'NNS'), ('above', 'IN'), ('its', 'PRP$'), ('actual', 'JJ'), ('value', 'NN'), ('it', 'PRP'), ('was', 'VBD'), ('legal', 'JJ'), ('and', 'CC'), ('good', 'JJ'), ('business', 'NN'), ('for', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('sellers', 'NNS'), ('though', 'IN'), ('it', 'PRP'), ('left', 'VBD'), ('the', 'DT'), ('palestinians', 'NNS'), ('who', 'WP'), ('worked', 'VBD'), ('the', 'DT'), ('land', 'NN'), ('in', 'IN'), ('poor', 'JJ'), ('situation', 'NN'), ('don', 'NN'), ('know', 'VBP'), ('if', 'IN'), ('others', 'NNS'), ('share', 'NN'), ('this', 'DT'), ('opinion', 'NN'), ('it', 'PRP'), ('is', 'VBZ'), ('mine', 'JJ'), ('and', 'CC'), ('sure', 'JJ'), ('there', 'EX'), ('are', 'VBP'), ('some', 'DT'), ('who', 'WP'), ('agree', 'VBP'), ('and', 'CC'), ('some', 'DT'), ('who', 'WP'), ('don', 'VBP'), ('the', 'DT'), ('way', 'NN'), ('see', 'VBP'), ('it', 'PRP'), ('the', 'DT'), ('fallahin', 'JJ'), ('were', 'VBD'), ('caught', 'VBN'), ('in', 'IN'), ('circumstances', 'NNS'), ('beyond', 'IN'), ('their', 'PRP$'), ('control', 'NN'), ('in', 'IN'), ('that', 'DT'), ('since', 'IN'), ('they', 'PRP'), ('didn', 'VBP'), ('own', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('land', 'NN'), ('they', 'PRP'), ('didn', 'VBP'), ('have', 'VBP'), ('say', 'VBN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('course', 'NN'), ('now', 'RB'), ('for', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('sake', 'NN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('greater', 'JJR'), ('arab', 'JJ'), ('unity', 'NN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('arabs', 'NNS'), ('are', 'VBP'), ('angry', 'JJ'), ('that', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('land', 'NN'), ('was', 'VBD'), ('sold', 'VBN'), ('to', 'TO'), ('the', 'DT'), ('jews', 'NNS'), ('an', 'DT'), ('act', 'NN'), ('that', 'WDT'), ('is', 'VBZ'), ('illegal', 'JJ'), ('in', 'IN'), ('jordan', 'NN'), ('),', 'NNS'), ('but', 'CC'), ('when', 'WRB'), ('it', 'PRP'), ('happened', 'VBD'), ('it', 'PRP'), ('was', 'VBD'), ('just', 'RB'), ('business', 'NN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('purpose', 'NN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('buying', 'VBG'), ('the', 'DT'), ('land', 'NN'), ('was', 'VBD'), ('to', 'TO'), ('provide', 'VB'), ('space', 'NN'), ('and', 'CC'), ('jobs', 'NNS'), ('for', 'IN'), ('jewish', 'JJ'), ('immigrants', 'NNS'), ('in', 'IN'), ('any', 'DT'), ('case', 'NN'), ('no', 'DT'), ('matter', 'NN'), ('what', 'WP'), ('the', 'DT'), ('purpose', 'NN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('sales', 'NNS'), ('were', 'VBD'), ('legal', 'JJ'), ('so', 'RB'), ('really', 'RB'), ('don', 'JJ'), ('see', 'VBP'), ('any', 'DT'), ('grounds', 'NNS'), ('for', 'IN'), ('contesting', 'VBG'), ('them', 'PRP')]
['shaft', 'part', 'arab', 'land', 'owner', 'without', 'notify', 'tenant', 'farmer', 'responsible', 'enough', 'make', 'provision', 'rather', 'leave', 'fate', 'point', 'land', 'sell', 'legally', 'often', 'price', 'actual', 'value', 'legal', 'good', 'business', 'seller', 'though', 'leave', 'palestinian', 'work', 'land', 'poor', 'situation', 'know', 'others', 'share', 'opinion', 'mine', 'sure', 'agree', 'way', 'see', 'fallahin', 'catch', 'circumstance', 'beyond', 'control', 'since', 'land', 'say', 'course', 'sake', 'great', 'arab', 'unity', 'arab', 'angry', 'land', 'sell', 'jew', 'act', 'illegal', 'jordan', 'happen', 'business', 'purpose', 'buy', 'land', 'provide', 'space', 'job', 'jewish', 'immigrant', 'case', 'matter', 'purpose', 'sale', 'legal', 'really', 'see', 'ground', 'contest']
['enough_make', 'good_business', 'others_share', 'opinion_mine', 'sure_agree', 'way_see', 'business_purpose', 'buy_land', 'really_see']
talk_politics_mideast_76150 |@lemmatized shaft:1 part:1 arab:3 land:6 owner:1 without:1 notify:1 tenant:1 farmer:1 responsible:1 enough:1 make:1 provision:1 rather:1 leave:2 fate:1 point:1 sell:2 legally:1 often:1 price:1 actual:1 value:1 legal:2 good:1 business:2 seller:1 though:1 palestinian:1 work:1 poor:1 situation:1 know:1 others:1 share:1 opinion:1 mine:1 sure:1 agree:1 way:1 see:2 fallahin:1 catch:1 circumstance:1 beyond:1 control:1 since:1 say:1 course:1 sake:1 great:1 unity:1 angry:1 jew:1 act:1 illegal:1 jordan:1 happen:1 purpose:2 buy:1 provide:1 space:1 job:1 jewish:1 immigrant:1 case:1 matter:1 sale:1 really:1 ground:1 contest:1 |@bigram enough_make:1 good_business:1 others_share:1 opinion_mine:1 sure_agree:1 way_see:1 business_purpose:1 buy_land:1 really_see:1
Archive-name: space/schedule Last-modified: $Date: 93/04/01 14:39:23 $ SPACE SHUTTLE ANSWERS, LAUNCH SCHEDULES, TV COVERAGE SHUTTLE LAUNCHINGS AND LANDINGS; SCHEDULES AND HOW TO SEE THEM Shuttle operations are discussed in the Usenet group sci.space.shuttle, and Ken Hollis (gandalf@pro-electric.cts.com) posts a compressed version of the shuttle manifest (launch dates and other information) periodically there. The manifest is also available from the Ames SPACE archive in SPACE/FAQ/manifest. The portion of his manifest formerly included in this FAQ has been removed; please refer to his posting or the archived copy. For the most up to date information on upcoming missions, call (407) 867-INFO (867-4636) at Kennedy Space Center. Official NASA shuttle status reports are posted to sci.space.news frequently. WHY DOES THE SHUTTLE ROLL JUST AFTER LIFTOFF? The following answer and translation are provided by Ken Jenks (kjenks@gothamcity.jsc.nasa.gov). The "Ascent Guidance and Flight Control Training Manual," ASC G&C 2102, "During the vertical rise phase, the launch pad attitude is commanded until an I-loaded V(rel) sufficient to assure launch tower clearance is achieved. Then, the tilt maneuver (roll program) orients the vehicle to a heads down attitude required to generate a negative q-alpha, which in turn alleviates structural loading. Other advantages with this attitude are performance gain, decreased abort maneuver complexity, improved S-band look angles, and crew view of the horizon. The tilt maneuver is also required to start gaining downrange velocity to achieve the main engine cutoff (MECO) target in second stage." This really is a good answer, but it's couched in NASA jargon. I'll try to interpret. 1) We wait until the Shuttle clears the tower before rolling. 2) Then, we roll the Shuttle around so that the angle of attack between the wind caused by passage through the atmosphere (the "relative wind") and the chord of the wings (the imaginary line between the leading edge and the trailing edge) is a slightly negative angle ("a negative q-alpha"). This causes a little bit of "downward" force (toward the belly of the Orbiter, or the +Z direction) and this force "alleviates structural loading." We have to be careful about those wings -- they're about the most "delicate" part of the vehicle. 3) The new attitude (after the roll) also allows us to carry more mass to orbit, or to achieve a higher orbit with the same mass, or to change the orbit to a higher or lower inclination than would be the case if we didn't roll ("performance gain"). 4) The new attitude allows the crew to fly a less complicated flight path if they had to execute one of the more dangerous abort maneuvers, the Return To Launch Site ("decreased abort maneuver complexity"). 5) The new attitude improves the ability for ground-based radio antennae to have a good line-of-sight signal with the S-band radio antennae on the Orbiter ("improved S-band look angles"). 6) The new attitude allows the crew to see the horizon, which is a helpful (but not mandatory) part of piloting any flying machine. 7) The new attitude orients the Shuttle so that the body is more nearly parallel with the ground, and the nose to the east (usually). This allows the thrust from the engines to add velocity in the correct direction to eventually achieve orbit. Remember: velocity is a vector quantity made of both speed and direction. The Shuttle has to have a large horizontal component to its velocity and a very small vertical component to attain orbit. This all begs the question, "Why isn't the launch pad oriented to give this nice attitude to begin with? Why does the Shuttle need to roll to achieve that attitude?" The answer is that the pads were leftovers from the Apollo days. The Shuttle straddles two flame trenches -- one for the Solid Rocket Motor exhaust, one for the Space Shuttle Main Engine exhaust. (You can see the effects of this on any daytime launch. The SRM exhaust is dirty gray garbage, and the SSME exhaust is fluffy white steam. Watch for the difference between the "top" [Orbiter side] and the "bottom" [External Tank side] of the stack.) The access tower and other support and service structure are all oriented basically the same way they were for the Saturn V's. (A side note: the Saturn V's also had a roll program. Don't ask me why -- I'm a Shuttle guy.) I checked with a buddy in Ascent Dynamics. He added that the "roll maneuver" is really a maneuver in all three axes: roll, pitch and yaw. The roll component of that maneuver is performed for the reasons stated. The pitch component controls loading on the wings by keeping the angle of attack (q-alpha) within a tight tolerance. The yaw component is used to determine the orbital inclination. The total maneuver is really expressed as a "quaternion," a grad-level-math concept for combining all three rotation matrices in one four-element array. HOW TO RECEIVE THE NASA TV CHANNEL, NASA SELECT NASA SELECT is broadcast by satellite. If you have access to a satellite dish, you can find SELECT on Satcom F2R, Transponder 13, C-Band, 72 degrees West Longitude, Audio 6.8, Frequency 3960 MHz. F2R is stationed over the Atlantic, and is increasingly difficult to receive from California and points west. During events of special interest (e.g. shuttle missions), SELECT is sometimes broadcast on a second satellite for these viewers. If you can't get a satellite feed, some cable operators carry SELECT. It's worth asking if yours doesn't. The SELECT schedule is found in the NASA Headline News which is frequently posted to sci.space.news. Generally it carries press conferences, briefings by NASA officials, and live coverage of shuttle missions and planetary encounters. SELECT has recently begun carrying much more secondary material (associated with SPACELINK) when missions are not being covered. AMATEUR RADIO FREQUENCIES FOR SHUTTLE MISSIONS The following are believed to rebroadcast space shuttle mission audio: W6FXN - Los Angeles K6MF - Ames Research Center, Mountain View, California WA3NAN - Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC), Greenbelt, Maryland. W5RRR - Johnson Space Center (JSC), Houston, Texas W6VIO - Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), Pasadena, California. W1AW Voice Bulletins Station VHF 10m 15m 20m 40m 80m ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ----- ----- W6FXN 145.46 K6MF 145.585 7.165 3.840 WA3NAN 147.45 28.650 21.395 14.295 7.185 3.860 W5RRR 146.64 28.400 21.350 14.280 7.227 3.850 W6VIO 224.04 21.340 14.270 W6VIO 224.04 21.280 14.282 7.165 3.840 W1AW 28.590 21.390 14.290 7.290 3.990 W5RRR transmits mission audio on 146.64, a special event station on the other frequencies supplying Keplerian Elements and mission information. W1AW also transmits on 147.555, 18.160. No mission audio but they transmit voice bulletins at 0245 and 0545 UTC. Frequencies in the 10-20m bands require USB and frequencies in the 40 and 80m bands LSB. Use FM for the VHF frequencies. [This item was most recently updated courtesy of Gary Morris (g@telesoft.com, KK6YB, N5QWC)] SOLID ROCKET BOOSTER FUEL COMPOSITION Reference: "Shuttle Flight Operations Manual" Volume 8B - Solid Rocket Booster Systems, NASA Document JSC-12770 Propellant Composition (percent) Ammonium perchlorate (oxidizer) 69.6 Aluminum 16 Iron Oxide (burn rate catalyst) 0.4 Polybutadiene-acrilic acid-acrylonitrile (a rubber) 12.04 Epoxy curing agent 1.96 End reference Comment: The aluminum, rubber, and epoxy all burn with the oxidizer.
[('archive', 'JJ'), ('name', 'NN'), ('space', 'NN'), ('schedule', 'NN'), ('last', 'JJ'), ('modified', 'JJ'), ('date', 'NN'), ('93', 'CD'), ('04', 'CD'), ('01', 'CD'), ('14', 'CD'), ('39', 'CD'), ('23', 'CD'), ('space', 'NN'), ('shuttle', 'NN'), ('answers', 'NNS'), ('launch', 'VBP'), ('schedules', 'NNS'), ('tv', 'VBP'), ('coverage', 'NN'), ('shuttle', 'JJ'), ('launchings', 'NNS'), ('and', 'CC'), ('landings', 'NNS'), ('schedules', 'NNS'), ('and', 'CC'), ('how', 'WRB'), ('to', 'TO'), ('see', 'VB'), ('them', 'PRP'), ('shuttle', 'VB'), ('operations', 'NNS'), ('are', 'VBP'), ('discussed', 'VBN'), ('in', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('usenet', 'JJ'), ('group', 'NN'), ('sci', 'VBD'), ('space', 'NN'), ('shuttle', 'NN'), ('and', 'CC'), ('ken', 'VB'), ('hollis', 'JJ'), ('posts', 'NNS'), ('compressed', 'VBD'), ('version', 'NN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('shuttle', 'JJ'), ('manifest', 'JJS'), ('launch', 'NN'), ('dates', 'NNS'), ('and', 'CC'), ('other', 'JJ'), ('information', 'NN'), ('periodically', 'RB'), ('there', 'EX'), ('the', 'DT'), ('manifest', 'NN'), ('is', 'VBZ'), ('also', 'RB'), ('available', 'JJ'), ('from', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('ames', 'NNS'), ('space', 'NN'), ('archive', 'NN'), ('in', 'IN'), ('space', 'NN'), ('faq', 'NN'), ('manifest', 'VBP'), ('the', 'DT'), ('portion', 'NN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('his', 'PRP$'), ('manifest', 'JJS'), ('formerly', 'RB'), ('included', 'VBN'), ('in', 'IN'), ('this', 'DT'), ('faq', 'NN'), ('has', 'VBZ'), ('been', 'VBN'), ('removed', 'VBN'), ('please', 'NN'), ('refer', 'NN'), ('to', 'TO'), ('his', 'PRP$'), ('posting', 'NN'), ('or', 'CC'), ('the', 'DT'), ('archived', 'JJ'), ('copy', 'NN'), ('for', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('most', 'RBS'), ('up', 'RB'), ('to', 'TO'), ('date', 'NN'), ('information', 'NN'), ('on', 'IN'), ('upcoming', 'JJ'), ('missions', 'NNS'), ('call', 'VBP'), ('407', 'CD'), ('867', 'CD'), ('info', 'NN'), ('867', 'CD'), ('4636', 'CD'), ('at', 'IN'), ('kennedy', 'JJ'), ('space', 'NN'), ('center', 'NN'), ('official', 'NN'), ('nasa', 'JJ'), ('shuttle', 'JJ'), ('status', 'NN'), ('reports', 'NNS'), ('are', 'VBP'), ('posted', 'VBN'), ('to', 'TO'), ('sci', 'VB'), ('space', 'NN'), ('news', 'NN'), ('frequently', 'RB'), ('why', 'WRB'), ('does', 'VBZ'), ('the', 'DT'), ('shuttle', 'JJ'), ('roll', 'NN'), ('just', 'RB'), ('after', 'IN'), ('liftoff', 'VBG'), ('the', 'DT'), ('following', 'VBG'), ('answer', 'NN'), ('and', 'CC'), ('translation', 'NN'), ('are', 'VBP'), ('provided', 'VBN'), ('by', 'IN'), ('ken', 'JJ'), ('jenks', 'NNS'), ('the', 'DT'), ('ascent', 'JJ'), ('guidance', 'NN'), ('and', 'CC'), ('flight', 'NN'), ('control', 'NN'), ('training', 'VBG'), ('manual', 'JJ'), (',"', 'NN'), ('asc', 'NN'), ('2102', 'CD'), ('during', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('vertical', 'JJ'), ('rise', 'NN'), ('phase', 'NN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('launch', 'NN'), ('pad', 'JJ'), ('attitude', 'NN'), ('is', 'VBZ'), ('commanded', 'VBN'), ('until', 'IN'), ('an', 'DT'), ('loaded', 'JJ'), ('rel', 'NN'), ('sufficient', 'NN'), ('to', 'TO'), ('assure', 'VB'), ('launch', 'JJ'), ('tower', 'JJR'), ('clearance', 'NN'), ('is', 'VBZ'), ('achieved', 'VBN'), ('then', 'RB'), ('the', 'DT'), ('tilt', 'NN'), ('maneuver', 'NN'), ('roll', 'NN'), ('program', 'NN'), ('orients', 'VBZ'), ('the', 'DT'), ('vehicle', 'NN'), ('to', 'TO'), ('heads', 'VB'), ('down', 'RP'), ('attitude', 'NN'), ('required', 'VBN'), ('to', 'TO'), ('generate', 'VB'), ('negative', 'JJ'), ('alpha', 'NN'), ('which', 'WDT'), ('in', 'IN'), ('turn', 'NN'), ('alleviates', 'NNS'), ('structural', 'JJ'), ('loading', 'VBG'), ('other', 'JJ'), ('advantages', 'NNS'), ('with', 'IN'), ('this', 'DT'), ('attitude', 'NN'), ('are', 'VBP'), ('performance', 'NN'), ('gain', 'NN'), ('decreased', 'VBD'), ('abort', 'JJ'), ('maneuver', 'NN'), ('complexity', 'NN'), ('improved', 'VBN'), ('band', 'NN'), ('look', 'NN'), ('angles', 'NNS'), ('and', 'CC'), ('crew', 'JJ'), ('view', 'NN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('horizon', 'NN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('tilt', 'JJ'), ('maneuver', 'NN'), ('is', 'VBZ'), ('also', 'RB'), ('required', 'VBN'), ('to', 'TO'), ('start', 'VB'), ('gaining', 'VBG'), ('downrange', 'NN'), ('velocity', 'NN'), ('to', 'TO'), ('achieve', 'VB'), ('the', 'DT'), ('main', 'JJ'), ('engine', 'NN'), ('cutoff', 'NN'), ('meco', 'NN'), ('target', 'NN'), ('in', 'IN'), ('second', 'JJ'), ('stage', 'NN'), ('."', 'VBD'), ('this', 'DT'), ('really', 'RB'), ('is', 'VBZ'), ('good', 'JJ'), ('answer', 'NN'), ('but', 'CC'), ('it', 'PRP'), ('couched', 'VBD'), ('in', 'IN'), ('nasa', 'JJ'), ('jargon', 'NN'), ('ll', 'NN'), ('try', 'NN'), ('to', 'TO'), ('interpret', 'VB'), ('we', 'PRP'), ('wait', 'VBP'), ('until', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('shuttle', 'JJ'), ('clears', 'VBZ'), ('the', 'DT'), ('tower', 'NN'), ('before', 'IN'), ('rolling', 'VBG'), ('then', 'RB'), ('we', 'PRP'), ('roll', 'VBP'), ('the', 'DT'), ('shuttle', 'NN'), ('around', 'RB'), ('so', 'RB'), ('that', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('angle', 'NN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('attack', 'NN'), ('between', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('wind', 'NN'), ('caused', 'VBN'), ('by', 'IN'), ('passage', 'NN'), ('through', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('atmosphere', 'NN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('relative', 'JJ'), ('wind', 'NN'), ('")', 'NN'), ('and', 'CC'), ('the', 'DT'), ('chord', 'NN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('wings', 'NNS'), ('the', 'DT'), ('imaginary', 'JJ'), ('line', 'NN'), ('between', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('leading', 'VBG'), ('edge', 'NN'), ('and', 'CC'), ('the', 'DT'), ('trailing', 'NN'), ('edge', 'NN'), ('is', 'VBZ'), ('slightly', 'RB'), ('negative', 'JJ'), ('angle', 'NN'), ('("', 'NNP'), ('negative', 'JJ'), ('alpha', 'NN'), ('").', 'NN'), ('this', 'DT'), ('causes', 'VBZ'), ('little', 'JJ'), ('bit', 'NN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('downward', 'JJ'), ('force', 'NN'), ('toward', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('belly', 'NN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('orbiter', 'NN'), ('or', 'CC'), ('the', 'DT'), ('direction', 'NN'), ('and', 'CC'), ('this', 'DT'), ('force', 'NN'), ('alleviates', 'VBZ'), ('structural', 'JJ'), ('loading', 'VBG'), ('."', 'NN'), ('we', 'PRP'), ('have', 'VBP'), ('to', 'TO'), ('be', 'VB'), ('careful', 'JJ'), ('about', 'IN'), ('those', 'DT'), ('wings', 'NNS'), ('--', ':'), ('they', 'PRP'), ('re', 'VBP'), ('about', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('most', 'RBS'), ('delicate', 'JJ'), ('part', 'NN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('vehicle', 'NN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('new', 'JJ'), ('attitude', 'NN'), ('after', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('roll', 'NN'), ('also', 'RB'), ('allows', 'VBZ'), ('us', 'PRP'), ('to', 'TO'), ('carry', 'VB'), ('more', 'JJR'), ('mass', 'NN'), ('to', 'TO'), ('orbit', 'VB'), ('or', 'CC'), ('to', 'TO'), ('achieve', 'VB'), ('higher', 'JJR'), ('orbit', 'NN'), ('with', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('same', 'JJ'), ('mass', 'NN'), ('or', 'CC'), ('to', 'TO'), ('change', 'VB'), ('the', 'DT'), ('orbit', 'NN'), ('to', 'TO'), ('higher', 'JJR'), ('or', 'CC'), ('lower', 'JJR'), ('inclination', 'NN'), ('than', 'IN'), ('would', 'MD'), ('be', 'VB'), ('the', 'DT'), ('case', 'NN'), ('if', 'IN'), ('we', 'PRP'), ('didn', 'VBP'), ('roll', 'JJ'), ('("', 'NNP'), ('performance', 'NN'), ('gain', 'NN'), ('").', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('new', 'JJ'), ('attitude', 'NN'), ('allows', 'VBZ'), ('the', 'DT'), ('crew', 'NN'), ('to', 'TO'), ('fly', 'VB'), ('less', 'RBR'), ('complicated', 'JJ'), ('flight', 'NN'), ('path', 'NN'), ('if', 'IN'), ('they', 'PRP'), ('had', 'VBD'), ('to', 'TO'), ('execute', 'VB'), ('one', 'CD'), ('of', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('more', 'RBR'), ('dangerous', 'JJ'), ('abort', 'NN'), ('maneuvers', 'VBZ'), ('the', 'DT'), ('return', 'NN'), ('to', 'TO'), ('launch', 'VB'), ('site', 'NN'), ('("', 'NNS'), ('decreased', 'VBD'), ('abort', 'RB'), ('maneuver', 'JJ'), ('complexity', 'NN'), ('").', 'VBP'), ('the', 'DT'), ('new', 'JJ'), ('attitude', 'NN'), ('improves', 'VBZ'), ('the', 'DT'), ('ability', 'NN'), ('for', 'IN'), ('ground', 'NN'), ('based', 'VBN'), ('radio', 'NN'), ('antennae', 'NN'), ('to', 'TO'), ('have', 'VB'), ('good', 'JJ'), ('line', 'NN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('sight', 'JJ'), ('signal', 'NN'), ('with', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('band', 'NN'), ('radio', 'NN'), ('antennae', 'NN'), ('on', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('orbiter', 'NN'), ('("', 'NNP'), ('improved', 'VBD'), ('band', 'NN'), ('look', 'NN'), ('angles', 'VBZ'), ('").', 'VBZ'), ('the', 'DT'), ('new', 'JJ'), ('attitude', 'NN'), ('allows', 'VBZ'), ('the', 'DT'), ('crew', 'NN'), ('to', 'TO'), ('see', 'VB'), ('the', 'DT'), ('horizon', 'NN'), ('which', 'WDT'), ('is', 'VBZ'), ('helpful', 'JJ'), ('but', 'CC'), ('not', 'RB'), ('mandatory', 'JJ'), ('part', 'NN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('piloting', 'VBG'), ('any', 'DT'), ('flying', 'VBG'), ('machine', 'NN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('new', 'JJ'), ('attitude', 'NN'), ('orients', 'VBZ'), ('the', 'DT'), ('shuttle', 'NN'), ('so', 'RB'), ('that', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('body', 'NN'), ('is', 'VBZ'), ('more', 'RBR'), ('nearly', 'RB'), ('parallel', 'RB'), ('with', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('ground', 'NN'), ('and', 'CC'), ('the', 'DT'), ('nose', 'NN'), ('to', 'TO'), ('the', 'DT'), ('east', 'NN'), ('usually', 'RB'), (').', 'VBZ'), ('this', 'DT'), ('allows', 'VBZ'), ('the', 'DT'), ('thrust', 'NN'), ('from', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('engines', 'NNS'), ('to', 'TO'), ('add', 'VB'), ('velocity', 'NN'), ('in', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('correct', 'JJ'), ('direction', 'NN'), ('to', 'TO'), ('eventually', 'RB'), ('achieve', 'VB'), ('orbit', 'NN'), ('remember', 'JJ'), ('velocity', 'NN'), ('is', 'VBZ'), ('vector', 'JJ'), ('quantity', 'NN'), ('made', 'VBN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('both', 'DT'), ('speed', 'NN'), ('and', 'CC'), ('direction', 'NN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('shuttle', 'NN'), ('has', 'VBZ'), ('to', 'TO'), ('have', 'VB'), ('large', 'JJ'), ('horizontal', 'JJ'), ('component', 'NN'), ('to', 'TO'), ('its', 'PRP$'), ('velocity', 'NN'), ('and', 'CC'), ('very', 'RB'), ('small', 'JJ'), ('vertical', 'JJ'), ('component', 'NN'), ('to', 'TO'), ('attain', 'VB'), ('orbit', 'NN'), ('this', 'DT'), ('all', 'DT'), ('begs', 'VBZ'), ('the', 'DT'), ('question', 'NN'), ('why', 'WRB'), ('isn', 'VBP'), ('the', 'DT'), ('launch', 'NN'), ('pad', 'NN'), ('oriented', 'VBD'), ('to', 'TO'), ('give', 'VB'), ('this', 'DT'), ('nice', 'JJ'), ('attitude', 'NN'), ('to', 'TO'), ('begin', 'VB'), ('with', 'IN'), ('why', 'WRB'), ('does', 'VBZ'), ('the', 'DT'), ('shuttle', 'NN'), ('need', 'NN'), ('to', 'TO'), ('roll', 'VB'), ('to', 'TO'), ('achieve', 'VB'), ('that', 'DT'), ('attitude', 'NN'), ('?"', 'VBZ'), ('the', 'DT'), ('answer', 'NN'), ('is', 'VBZ'), ('that', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('pads', 'NNS'), ('were', 'VBD'), ('leftovers', 'NNS'), ('from', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('apollo', 'JJ'), ('days', 'NNS'), ('the', 'DT'), ('shuttle', 'JJ'), ('straddles', 'NNS'), ('two', 'CD'), ('flame', 'NN'), ('trenches', 'NNS'), ('--', ':'), ('one', 'CD'), ('for', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('solid', 'JJ'), ('rocket', 'NN'), ('motor', 'NN'), ('exhaust', 'VBP'), ('one', 'CD'), ('for', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('space', 'NN'), ('shuttle', 'NN'), ('main', 'JJ'), ('engine', 'NN'), ('exhaust', 'IN'), ('you', 'PRP'), ('can', 'MD'), ('see', 'VB'), ('the', 'DT'), ('effects', 'NNS'), ('of', 'IN'), ('this', 'DT'), ('on', 'IN'), ('any', 'DT'), ('daytime', 'JJ'), ('launch', 'NN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('srm', 'NN'), ('exhaust', 'NN'), ('is', 'VBZ'), ('dirty', 'JJ'), ('gray', 'JJ'), ('garbage', 'NN'), ('and', 'CC'), ('the', 'DT'), ('ssme', 'NN'), ('exhaust', 'NN'), ('is', 'VBZ'), ('fluffy', 'JJ'), ('white', 'JJ'), ('steam', 'NN'), ('watch', 'NN'), ('for', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('difference', 'NN'), ('between', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('top', 'JJ'), ('orbiter', 'NN'), ('side', 'NN'), ('and', 'CC'), ('the', 'DT'), ('bottom', 'JJ'), ('external', 'JJ'), ('tank', 'NN'), ('side', 'NN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('stack', 'NN'), ('.)', 'VBZ'), ('the', 'DT'), ('access', 'NN'), ('tower', 'NN'), ('and', 'CC'), ('other', 'JJ'), ('support', 'NN'), ('and', 'CC'), ('service', 'NN'), ('structure', 'NN'), ('are', 'VBP'), ('all', 'DT'), ('oriented', 'VBN'), ('basically', 'RB'), ('the', 'DT'), ('same', 'JJ'), ('way', 'NN'), ('they', 'PRP'), ('were', 'VBD'), ('for', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('saturn', 'JJ'), ('side', 'NN'), ('note', 'VBP'), ('the', 'DT'), ('saturn', 'NN'), ('also', 'RB'), ('had', 'VBD'), ('roll', 'VBN'), ('program', 'NN'), ('don', 'NN'), ('ask', 'VB'), ('me', 'PRP'), ('why', 'WRB'), ('--', ':'), ('shuttle', 'NN'), ('guy', 'NN'), ('.)', 'NNP'), ('checked', 'VBD'), ('with', 'IN'), ('buddy', 'NN'), ('in', 'IN'), ('ascent', 'NN'), ('dynamics', 'NNS'), ('he', 'PRP'), ('added', 'VBD'), ('that', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('roll', 'NN'), ('maneuver', 'NN'), ('is', 'VBZ'), ('really', 'RB'), ('maneuver', 'VBN'), ('in', 'IN'), ('all', 'DT'), ('three', 'CD'), ('axes', 'NNS'), ('roll', 'VBP'), ('pitch', 'NN'), ('and', 'CC'), ('yaw', 'VB'), ('the', 'DT'), ('roll', 'NN'), ('component', 'NN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('that', 'DT'), ('maneuver', 'NN'), ('is', 'VBZ'), ('performed', 'VBN'), ('for', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('reasons', 'NNS'), ('stated', 'VBD'), ('the', 'DT'), ('pitch', 'NN'), ('component', 'NN'), ('controls', 'VBZ'), ('loading', 'VBG'), ('on', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('wings', 'NNS'), ('by', 'IN'), ('keeping', 'VBG'), ('the', 'DT'), ('angle', 'NN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('attack', 'NN'), ('alpha', 'NN'), ('within', 'IN'), ('tight', 'JJ'), ('tolerance', 'NN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('yaw', 'NN'), ('component', 'NN'), ('is', 'VBZ'), ('used', 'VBN'), ('to', 'TO'), ('determine', 'VB'), ('the', 'DT'), ('orbital', 'JJ'), ('inclination', 'NN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('total', 'JJ'), ('maneuver', 'NN'), ('is', 'VBZ'), ('really', 'RB'), ('expressed', 'VBN'), ('as', 'IN'), ('quaternion', 'NN'), (',"', 'NNP'), ('grad', 'NN'), ('level', 'NN'), ('math', 'NN'), ('concept', 'NN'), ('for', 'IN'), ('combining', 'VBG'), ('all', 'DT'), ('three', 'CD'), ('rotation', 'NN'), ('matrices', 'NNS'), ('in', 'IN'), ('one', 'CD'), ('four', 'CD'), ('element', 'NN'), ('array', 'NN'), ('how', 'WRB'), ('to', 'TO'), ('receive', 'VB'), ('the', 'DT'), ('nasa', 'JJ'), ('tv', 'NN'), ('channel', 'NN'), ('nasa', 'NN'), ('select', 'VBP'), ('nasa', 'JJ'), ('select', 'NN'), ('is', 'VBZ'), ('broadcast', 'VBN'), ('by', 'IN'), ('satellite', 'NN'), ('if', 'IN'), ('you', 'PRP'), ('have', 'VBP'), ('access', 'NN'), ('to', 'TO'), ('satellite', 'VB'), ('dish', 'JJ'), ('you', 'PRP'), ('can', 'MD'), ('find', 'VB'), ('select', 'JJ'), ('on', 'IN'), ('satcom', 'NN'), ('f2r', 'NN'), ('transponder', 'NN'), ('13', 'CD'), ('band', 'NN'), ('72', 'CD'), ('degrees', 'NNS'), ('west', 'JJ'), ('longitude', 'JJ'), ('audio', 'JJ'), ('frequency', 'NN'), ('3960', 'CD'), ('mhz', 'NN'), ('f2r', 'NN'), ('is', 'VBZ'), ('stationed', 'VBN'), ('over', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('atlantic', 'JJ'), ('and', 'CC'), ('is', 'VBZ'), ('increasingly', 'RB'), ('difficult', 'JJ'), ('to', 'TO'), ('receive', 'VB'), ('from', 'IN'), ('california', 'NN'), ('and', 'CC'), ('points', 'NNS'), ('west', 'VBP'), ('during', 'IN'), ('events', 'NNS'), ('of', 'IN'), ('special', 'JJ'), ('interest', 'NN'), ('shuttle', 'NN'), ('missions', 'NNS'), ('),', 'VBP'), ('select', 'NN'), ('is', 'VBZ'), ('sometimes', 'RB'), ('broadcast', 'VBN'), ('on', 'IN'), ('second', 'JJ'), ('satellite', 'NN'), ('for', 'IN'), ('these', 'DT'), ('viewers', 'NNS'), ('if', 'IN'), ('you', 'PRP'), ('can', 'MD'), ('get', 'VB'), ('satellite', 'JJ'), ('feed', 'NN'), ('some', 'DT'), ('cable', 'NN'), ('operators', 'NNS'), ('carry', 'VBP'), ('select', 'VBP'), ('it', 'PRP'), ('worth', 'JJ'), ('asking', 'VBG'), ('if', 'IN'), ('yours', 'NNS'), ('doesn', 'VBP'), ('the', 'DT'), ('select', 'NN'), ('schedule', 'NN'), ('is', 'VBZ'), ('found', 'VBN'), ('in', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('nasa', 'JJ'), ('headline', 'NN'), ('news', 'NN'), ('which', 'WDT'), ('is', 'VBZ'), ('frequently', 'RB'), ('posted', 'VBN'), ('to', 'TO'), ('sci', 'VB'), ('space', 'NN'), ('news', 'NN'), ('generally', 'RB'), ('it', 'PRP'), ('carries', 'VBZ'), ('press', 'NN'), ('conferences', 'NNS'), ('briefings', 'NNS'), ('by', 'IN'), ('nasa', 'JJ'), ('officials', 'NNS'), ('and', 'CC'), ('live', 'JJ'), ('coverage', 'NN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('shuttle', 'JJ'), ('missions', 'NNS'), ('and', 'CC'), ('planetary', 'JJ'), ('encounters', 'NNS'), ('select', 'VBP'), ('has', 'VBZ'), ('recently', 'RB'), ('begun', 'VBN'), ('carrying', 'VBG'), ('much', 'RB'), ('more', 'RBR'), ('secondary', 'JJ'), ('material', 'NN'), ('associated', 'VBN'), ('with', 'IN'), ('spacelink', 'NN'), ('when', 'WRB'), ('missions', 'NNS'), ('are', 'VBP'), ('not', 'RB'), ('being', 'VBG'), ('covered', 'VBN'), ('amateur', 'JJ'), ('radio', 'NN'), ('frequencies', 'NNS'), ('for', 'IN'), ('shuttle', 'JJ'), ('missions', 'NNS'), ('the', 'DT'), ('following', 'VBG'), ('are', 'VBP'), ('believed', 'VBN'), ('to', 'TO'), ('rebroadcast', 'VB'), ('space', 'NN'), ('shuttle', 'JJ'), ('mission', 'NN'), ('audio', 'NN'), ('w6fxn', 'NN'), ('los', 'NN'), ('angeles', 'NNS'), ('k6mf', 'VBP'), ('ames', 'NNS'), ('research', 'NN'), ('center', 'NN'), ('mountain', 'NN'), ('view', 'NN'), ('california', 'VBP'), ('wa3nan', 'NN'), ('goddard', 'NN'), ('space', 'NN'), ('flight', 'NN'), ('center', 'NN'), ('gsfc', 'NN'), ('),', 'NNP'), ('greenbelt', 'NN'), ('maryland', 'NN'), ('w5rrr', 'NN'), ('johnson', 'NN'), ('space', 'NN'), ('center', 'NN'), ('jsc', 'NN'), ('),', 'NNP'), ('houston', 'NN'), ('texas', 'NN'), ('w6vio', 'NN'), ('jet', 'NN'), ('propulsion', 'NN'), ('laboratory', 'NN'), ('jpl', 'NN'), ('),', 'NNP'), ('pasadena', 'NN'), ('california', 'NN'), ('w1aw', 'JJ'), ('voice', 'NN'), ('bulletins', 'NNS'), ('station', 'VBP'), ('vhf', 'RB'), ('10m', 'CD'), ('15m', 'CD'), ('20m', 'CD'), ('40m', 'CD'), ('80m', 'CD'), ('------', 'NN'), ('------', 'NNP'), ('------', 'NNP'), ('------', 'NNP'), ('------', 'NNP'), ('-----', 'NNP'), ('-----', 'NNP'), ('w6fxn', 'VBD'), ('145', 'CD'), ('46', 'CD'), ('k6mf', 'NN'), ('145', 'CD'), ('585', 'CD'), ('165', 'CD'), ('840', 'CD'), ('wa3nan', 'NN'), ('147', 'CD'), ('45', 'CD'), ('28', 'CD'), ('650', 'CD'), ('21', 'CD'), ('395', 'CD'), ('14', 'CD'), ('295', 'CD'), ('185', 'CD'), ('860', 'CD'), ('w5rrr', 'NN'), ('146', 'CD'), ('64', 'CD'), ('28', 'CD'), ('400', 'CD'), ('21', 'CD'), ('350', 'CD'), ('14', 'CD'), ('280', 'CD'), ('227', 'CD'), ('850', 'CD'), ('w6vio', 'NN'), ('224', 'CD'), ('04', 'CD'), ('21', 'CD'), ('340', 'CD'), ('14', 'CD'), ('270', 'CD'), ('w6vio', 'NN'), ('224', 'CD'), ('04', 'CD'), ('21', 'CD'), ('280', 'CD'), ('14', 'CD'), ('282', 'CD'), ('165', 'CD'), ('840', 'CD'), ('w1aw', 'NN'), ('28', 'CD'), ('590', 'CD'), ('21', 'CD'), ('390', 'CD'), ('14', 'CD'), ('290', 'CD'), ('290', 'CD'), ('990', 'CD'), ('w5rrr', 'NN'), ('transmits', 'NNS'), ('mission', 'NN'), ('audio', 'NN'), ('on', 'IN'), ('146', 'CD'), ('64', 'CD'), ('special', 'JJ'), ('event', 'NN'), ('station', 'NN'), ('on', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('other', 'JJ'), ('frequencies', 'NNS'), ('supplying', 'VBG'), ('keplerian', 'JJ'), ('elements', 'NNS'), ('and', 'CC'), ('mission', 'NN'), ('information', 'NN'), ('w1aw', 'NN'), ('also', 'RB'), ('transmits', 'VBZ'), ('on', 'IN'), ('147', 'CD'), ('555', 'CD'), ('18', 'CD'), ('160', 'CD'), ('no', 'DT'), ('mission', 'NN'), ('audio', 'RB'), ('but', 'CC'), ('they', 'PRP'), ('transmit', 'VBP'), ('voice', 'NN'), ('bulletins', 'NNS'), ('at', 'IN'), ('0245', 'CD'), ('and', 'CC'), ('0545', 'CD'), ('utc', 'JJ'), ('frequencies', 'NNS'), ('in', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('10', 'CD'), ('20m', 'CD'), ('bands', 'NNS'), ('require', 'VBP'), ('usb', 'JJ'), ('and', 'CC'), ('frequencies', 'NNS'), ('in', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('40', 'CD'), ('and', 'CC'), ('80m', 'CD'), ('bands', 'NNS'), ('lsb', 'JJ'), ('use', 'NN'), ('fm', 'NN'), ('for', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('vhf', 'NN'), ('frequencies', 'VBZ'), ('this', 'DT'), ('item', 'NN'), ('was', 'VBD'), ('most', 'RBS'), ('recently', 'RB'), ('updated', 'VBD'), ('courtesy', 'NN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('gary', 'JJ'), ('morris', 'NN'), ('kk6yb', 'NN'), ('n5qwc', 'JJ'), (')]', 'NNP'), ('solid', 'JJ'), ('rocket', 'NN'), ('booster', 'NN'), ('fuel', 'NN'), ('composition', 'NN'), ('reference', 'NN'), ('shuttle', 'JJ'), ('flight', 'NN'), ('operations', 'NNS'), ('manual', 'JJ'), ('volume', 'NN'), ('8b', 'CD'), ('solid', 'JJ'), ('rocket', 'NN'), ('booster', 'NN'), ('systems', 'NNS'), ('nasa', 'JJ'), ('document', 'JJ'), ('jsc', 'NN'), ('12770', 'CD'), ('propellant', 'JJ'), ('composition', 'NN'), ('percent', 'NN'), ('ammonium', 'NN'), ('perchlorate', 'NN'), ('oxidizer', 'NN'), ('69', 'CD'), ('aluminum', 'NN'), ('16', 'CD'), ('iron', 'NN'), ('oxide', 'JJ'), ('burn', 'NN'), ('rate', 'NN'), ('catalyst', 'NN'), ('polybutadiene', 'NN'), ('acrilic', 'JJ'), ('acid', 'NN'), ('acrylonitrile', 'IN'), ('rubber', 'NN'), ('12', 'CD'), ('04', 'CD'), ('epoxy', 'JJ'), ('curing', 'VBG'), ('agent', 'NN'), ('96', 'CD'), ('end', 'NN'), ('reference', 'NN'), ('comment', 'NN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('aluminum', 'NN'), ('rubber', 'NN'), ('and', 'CC'), ('epoxy', 'VB'), ('all', 'DT'), ('burn', 'NN'), ('with', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('oxidizer', 'NN')]
['archive', 'name', 'space', 'schedule', 'last', 'modified', 'date', 'space', 'shuttle', 'answer', 'launch', 'schedule', 'tv', 'coverage', 'shuttle', 'launching', 'landing', 'schedule', 'see', 'shuttle', 'operation', 'discuss', 'usenet', 'group', 'sci', 'space', 'shuttle', 'ken', 'hollis', 'post', 'compress', 'version', 'shuttle', 'manifest', 'launch', 'date', 'information', 'periodically', 'manifest', 'also', 'available', 'ames', 'space', 'archive', 'space', 'faq', 'manifest', 'portion', 'manifest', 'formerly', 'include', 'faq', 'remove', 'please', 'refer', 'posting', 'archived', 'copy', 'date', 'information', 'upcoming', 'mission', 'call', 'info', 'kennedy', 'space', 'center', 'official', 'nasa', 'shuttle', 'status', 'report', 'post', 'sci', 'space', 'news', 'frequently', 'shuttle', 'roll', 'liftoff', 'follow', 'answer', 'translation', 'provide', 'ken', 'jenks', 'ascent', 'guidance', 'flight', 'control', 'train', 'manual', 'asc', 'vertical', 'rise', 'phase', 'launch', 'pad', 'attitude', 'command', 'loaded', 'rel', 'sufficient', 'assure', 'launch', 'tower', 'clearance', 'achieve', 'tilt', 'maneuver', 'roll', 'program', 'orient', 'vehicle', 'head', 'attitude', 'require', 'generate', 'negative', 'alpha', 'turn', 'alleviates', 'structural', 'load', 'advantage', 'attitude', 'performance', 'gain', 'decrease', 'abort', 'maneuver', 'complexity', 'improve', 'band', 'look', 'angle', 'crew', 'view', 'horizon', 'tilt', 'maneuver', 'also', 'require', 'start', 'gain', 'downrange', 'velocity', 'achieve', 'main', 'engine', 'cutoff', 'meco', 'target', 'second', 'stage', 'really', 'good', 'answer', 'couch', 'nasa', 'jargon', 'try', 'interpret', 'wait', 'shuttle', 'clear', 'tower', 'roll', 'roll', 'shuttle', 'around', 'angle', 'attack', 'wind', 'cause', 'passage', 'atmosphere', 'relative', 'wind', 'chord', 'wing', 'imaginary', 'line', 'lead', 'edge', 'trailing', 'edge', 'slightly', 'negative', 'angle', 'negative', 'alpha', 'cause', 'little', 'bit', 'downward', 'force', 'toward', 'belly', 'orbiter', 'direction', 'force', 'alleviate', 'structural', 'load', 'careful', 'wing', 'delicate', 'part', 'vehicle', 'new', 'attitude', 'roll', 'also', 'allow', 'u', 'carry', 'mass', 'orbit', 'achieve', 'high', 'orbit', 'mass', 'change', 'orbit', 'high', 'low', 'inclination', 'would', 'case', 'roll', 'performance', 'gain', 'new', 'attitude', 'allow', 'crew', 'fly', 'less', 'complicated', 'flight', 'path', 'execute', 'one', 'dangerous', 'abort', 'maneuver', 'return', 'launch', 'site', 'decrease', 'abort', 'maneuver', 'complexity', 'new', 'attitude', 'improve', 'ability', 'ground', 'base', 'radio', 'antenna', 'good', 'line', 'sight', 'signal', 'band', 'radio', 'antenna', 'orbiter', 'improve', 'band', 'look', 'angle', 'new', 'attitude', 'allow', 'crew', 'see', 'horizon', 'helpful', 'mandatory', 'part', 'pilot', 'fly', 'machine', 'new', 'attitude', 'orient', 'shuttle', 'body', 'nearly', 'parallel', 'ground', 'nose', 'east', 'usually', 'allow', 'thrust', 'engine', 'add', 'velocity', 'correct', 'direction', 'eventually', 'achieve', 'orbit', 'remember', 'velocity', 'vector', 'quantity', 'make', 'speed', 'direction', 'shuttle', 'large', 'horizontal', 'component', 'velocity', 'small', 'vertical', 'component', 'attain', 'orbit', 'beg', 'question', 'launch', 'pad', 'orient', 'give', 'nice', 'attitude', 'begin', 'shuttle', 'need', 'roll', 'achieve', 'attitude', 'answer', 'pad', 'leftover', 'apollo', 'day', 'shuttle', 'straddle', 'two', 'flame', 'trench', 'one', 'solid', 'rocket', 'motor', 'exhaust', 'one', 'space', 'shuttle', 'main', 'engine', 'exhaust', 'see', 'effect', 'daytime', 'launch', 'srm', 'exhaust', 'dirty', 'gray', 'garbage', 'ssme', 'exhaust', 'fluffy', 'white', 'steam', 'watch', 'difference', 'top', 'orbiter', 'side', 'bottom', 'external', 'tank', 'side', 'stack', 'access', 'tower', 'support', 'service', 'structure', 'orient', 'basically', 'way', 'saturn', 'side', 'note', 'saturn', 'also', 'roll', 'program', 'ask', 'shuttle', 'guy', 'check', 'buddy', 'ascent', 'dynamic', 'add', 'roll', 'maneuver', 'really', 'maneuver', 'three', 'ax', 'roll', 'pitch', 'yaw', 'roll', 'component', 'maneuver', 'perform', 'reason', 'state', 'pitch', 'component', 'control', 'load', 'wing', 'keep', 'angle', 'attack', 'alpha', 'within', 'tight', 'tolerance', 'yaw', 'component', 'use', 'determine', 'orbital', 'inclination', 'total', 'maneuver', 'really', 'express', 'quaternion', 'grad', 'level', 'math', 'concept', 'combine', 'three', 'rotation', 'matrix', 'one', 'four', 'element', 'array', 'receive', 'nasa', 'tv', 'channel', 'nasa', 'select', 'nasa', 'select', 'broadcast', 'satellite', 'access', 'satellite', 'dish', 'find', 'select', 'satcom', 'transponder', 'band', 'degree', 'west', 'longitude', 'audio', 'frequency', 'mhz', 'station', 'atlantic', 'increasingly', 'difficult', 'receive', 'california', 'point', 'west', 'event', 'special', 'interest', 'shuttle', 'mission', 'select', 'sometimes', 'broadcast', 'second', 'satellite', 'viewer', 'get', 'satellite', 'feed', 'cable', 'operator', 'carry', 'select', 'worth', 'ask', 'select', 'schedule', 'find', 'nasa', 'headline', 'news', 'frequently', 'post', 'sci', 'space', 'news', 'generally', 'carry', 'press', 'conference', 'briefing', 'nasa', 'official', 'live', 'coverage', 'shuttle', 'mission', 'planetary', 'encounter', 'select', 'recently', 'begin', 'carry', 'much', 'secondary', 'material', 'associate', 'spacelink', 'mission', 'cover', 'amateur', 'radio', 'frequency', 'shuttle', 'mission', 'follow', 'believe', 'rebroadcast', 'space', 'shuttle', 'mission', 'audio', 'los', 'angeles', 'ames', 'research', 'center', 'mountain', 'view', 'california', 'goddard', 'space', 'flight', 'center', 'gsfc', 'greenbelt', 'maryland', 'johnson', 'space', 'center', 'jsc', 'houston', 'texas', 'jet', 'propulsion', 'laboratory', 'jpl', 'pasadena', 'california', 'voice', 'bulletin', 'station', 'vhf', 'transmits', 'mission', 'audio', 'special', 'event', 'station', 'frequency', 'supply', 'keplerian', 'element', 'mission', 'information', 'also', 'transmit', 'mission', 'audio', 'transmit', 'voice', 'bulletin', 'utc', 'frequency', 'band', 'require', 'usb', 'frequency', 'band', 'lsb', 'use', 'fm', 'vhf', 'frequencies', 'item', 'recently', 'update', 'courtesy', 'gary', 'morris', 'solid', 'rocket', 'booster', 'fuel', 'composition', 'reference', 'shuttle', 'flight', 'operation', 'manual', 'volume', 'solid', 'rocket', 'booster', 'system', 'nasa', 'document', 'jsc', 'propellant', 'composition', 'percent', 'ammonium', 'perchlorate', 'oxidizer', 'aluminum', 'iron', 'oxide', 'burn', 'rate', 'catalyst', 'polybutadiene', 'acrilic', 'acid', 'acrylonitrile', 'rubber', 'epoxy', 'cure', 'agent', 'end', 'reference', 'comment', 'aluminum', 'rubber', 'epoxy', 'burn', 'oxidizer']
['archive_name', 'name_space', 'last_modified', 'modified_date', 'space_shuttle', 'launch_schedule', 'tv_coverage', 'usenet_group', 'group_sci', 'sci_space', 'space_shuttle', 'launch_date', 'also_available', 'available_ames', 'ames_space', 'space_archive', 'space_faq', 'kennedy_space', 'space_center', 'status_report', 'post_sci', 'sci_space', 'space_news', 'ken_jenks', 'launch_pad', 'also_require', 'main_engine', 'second_stage', 'really_good', 'good_answer', 'lead_edge', 'little_bit', 'new_attitude', 'also_allow', 'allow_u', 'u_carry', 'high_low', 'new_attitude', 'launch_site', 'new_attitude', 'good_line', 'new_attitude', 'new_attitude', 'beg_question', 'launch_pad', 'give_nice', 'solid_rocket', 'rocket_motor', 'space_shuttle', 'main_engine', 'see_effect', 'external_tank', 'side_note', 'program_ask', 'component_use', 'use_determine', 'one_four', 'tv_channel', 'nasa_select', 'nasa_select', 'satellite_dish', 'special_interest', 'shuttle_mission', 'post_sci', 'sci_space', 'space_news', 'press_conference', 'shuttle_mission', 'carry_much', 'amateur_radio', 'radio_frequency', 'shuttle_mission', 'space_shuttle', 'shuttle_mission', 'los_angeles', 'ames_research', 'research_center', 'mountain_view', 'goddard_space', 'space_flight', 'flight_center', 'johnson_space', 'space_center', 'houston_texas', 'jet_propulsion', 'propulsion_laboratory', 'pasadena_california', 'information_also', 'transmit_voice', 'solid_rocket', 'rocket_booster', 'shuttle_flight', 'manual_volume', 'solid_rocket', 'rocket_booster']
sci_space_59904 |@lemmatized archive:2 name:1 space:12 schedule:4 last:1 modified:1 date:3 shuttle:20 answer:4 launch:7 tv:2 coverage:2 launching:1 landing:1 see:3 operation:2 discuss:1 usenet:1 group:1 sci:3 ken:2 hollis:1 post:3 compress:1 version:1 manifest:4 information:3 periodically:1 also:5 available:1 ames:2 faq:2 portion:1 formerly:1 include:1 remove:1 please:1 refer:1 posting:1 archived:1 copy:1 upcoming:1 mission:9 call:1 info:1 kennedy:1 center:4 official:2 nasa:8 status:1 report:1 news:3 frequently:2 roll:11 liftoff:1 follow:2 translation:1 provide:1 jenks:1 ascent:2 guidance:1 flight:4 control:2 train:1 manual:2 asc:1 vertical:2 rise:1 phase:1 pad:3 attitude:10 command:1 loaded:1 rel:1 sufficient:1 assure:1 tower:3 clearance:1 achieve:5 tilt:2 maneuver:9 program:2 orient:4 vehicle:2 head:1 require:3 generate:1 negative:3 alpha:3 turn:1 alleviates:1 structural:2 load:3 advantage:1 performance:2 gain:3 decrease:2 abort:3 complexity:2 improve:3 band:6 look:2 angle:5 crew:3 view:2 horizon:2 start:1 downrange:1 velocity:4 main:2 engine:3 cutoff:1 meco:1 target:1 second:2 stage:1 really:3 good:2 couch:1 jargon:1 try:1 interpret:1 wait:1 clear:1 around:1 attack:2 wind:2 cause:2 passage:1 atmosphere:1 relative:1 chord:1 wing:3 imaginary:1 line:2 lead:1 edge:2 trailing:1 slightly:1 little:1 bit:1 downward:1 force:2 toward:1 belly:1 orbiter:3 direction:3 alleviate:1 careful:1 delicate:1 part:2 new:5 allow:4 u:1 carry:4 mass:2 orbit:5 high:2 change:1 low:1 inclination:2 would:1 case:1 fly:2 less:1 complicated:1 path:1 execute:1 one:4 dangerous:1 return:1 site:1 ability:1 ground:2 base:1 radio:3 antenna:2 sight:1 signal:1 helpful:1 mandatory:1 pilot:1 machine:1 body:1 nearly:1 parallel:1 nose:1 east:1 usually:1 thrust:1 add:2 correct:1 eventually:1 remember:1 vector:1 quantity:1 make:1 speed:1 large:1 horizontal:1 component:5 small:1 attain:1 beg:1 question:1 give:1 nice:1 begin:2 need:1 leftover:1 apollo:1 day:1 straddle:1 two:1 flame:1 trench:1 solid:3 rocket:3 motor:1 exhaust:4 effect:1 daytime:1 srm:1 dirty:1 gray:1 garbage:1 ssme:1 fluffy:1 white:1 steam:1 watch:1 difference:1 top:1 side:3 bottom:1 external:1 tank:1 stack:1 access:2 support:1 service:1 structure:1 basically:1 way:1 saturn:2 note:1 ask:2 guy:1 check:1 buddy:1 dynamic:1 three:2 ax:1 pitch:2 yaw:2 perform:1 reason:1 state:1 keep:1 within:1 tight:1 tolerance:1 use:2 determine:1 orbital:1 total:1 express:1 quaternion:1 grad:1 level:1 math:1 concept:1 combine:1 rotation:1 matrix:1 four:1 element:2 array:1 receive:2 channel:1 select:7 broadcast:2 satellite:4 dish:1 find:2 satcom:1 transponder:1 degree:1 west:2 longitude:1 audio:4 frequency:5 mhz:1 station:3 atlantic:1 increasingly:1 difficult:1 california:3 point:1 event:2 special:2 interest:1 sometimes:1 viewer:1 get:1 feed:1 cable:1 operator:1 worth:1 headline:1 generally:1 press:1 conference:1 briefing:1 live:1 planetary:1 encounter:1 recently:2 much:1 secondary:1 material:1 associate:1 spacelink:1 cover:1 amateur:1 believe:1 rebroadcast:1 los:1 angeles:1 research:1 mountain:1 goddard:1 gsfc:1 greenbelt:1 maryland:1 johnson:1 jsc:2 houston:1 texas:1 jet:1 propulsion:1 laboratory:1 jpl:1 pasadena:1 voice:2 bulletin:2 vhf:2 transmits:1 supply:1 keplerian:1 transmit:2 utc:1 usb:1 lsb:1 fm:1 frequencies:1 item:1 update:1 courtesy:1 gary:1 morris:1 booster:2 fuel:1 composition:2 reference:2 volume:1 system:1 document:1 propellant:1 percent:1 ammonium:1 perchlorate:1 oxidizer:2 aluminum:2 iron:1 oxide:1 burn:2 rate:1 catalyst:1 polybutadiene:1 acrilic:1 acid:1 acrylonitrile:1 rubber:2 epoxy:2 cure:1 agent:1 end:1 comment:1 |@bigram archive_name:1 name_space:1 last_modified:1 modified_date:1 space_shuttle:4 launch_schedule:1 tv_coverage:1 usenet_group:1 group_sci:1 sci_space:3 launch_date:1 also_available:1 available_ames:1 ames_space:1 space_archive:1 space_faq:1 kennedy_space:1 space_center:2 status_report:1 post_sci:2 space_news:2 ken_jenks:1 launch_pad:2 also_require:1 main_engine:2 second_stage:1 really_good:1 good_answer:1 lead_edge:1 little_bit:1 new_attitude:5 also_allow:1 allow_u:1 u_carry:1 high_low:1 launch_site:1 good_line:1 beg_question:1 give_nice:1 solid_rocket:3 rocket_motor:1 see_effect:1 external_tank:1 side_note:1 program_ask:1 component_use:1 use_determine:1 one_four:1 tv_channel:1 nasa_select:2 satellite_dish:1 special_interest:1 shuttle_mission:4 press_conference:1 carry_much:1 amateur_radio:1 radio_frequency:1 los_angeles:1 ames_research:1 research_center:1 mountain_view:1 goddard_space:1 space_flight:1 flight_center:1 johnson_space:1 houston_texas:1 jet_propulsion:1 propulsion_laboratory:1 pasadena_california:1 information_also:1 transmit_voice:1 rocket_booster:2 shuttle_flight:1 manual_volume:1
>>The info I am about to give is not a rumour, it's the truth. The new >>macintosh coming in the second quarter, will have a cpu of their own. ]Excuse me but... have not all Macs got a CPU!!! ]Alain Alain: Get your facts straight before you post something like this. The Duo Dock does not have a CPU of its own. It is a docking station with ports connecting various components, including the portable PowerBook with its own CPU. I guess these rumored new Duo Docks have a built-in CPU to perform functions of their own. Interesting! If they're not compatible with the current Duo models, I think you'll be hearing a lot more "screwed by Apple" complaints. Imagine a company obsoleting (ooh, a new verb!) a virtually brand new computer... sheesh... Ken -- ----------------------------------------------------------------- Kenneth Simon Dept of Sociology, Indiana University Internet: KSSIMON@INDIANA.EDU Bitnet: KSSIMON@IUBACS
[('>>', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('info', 'NN'), ('am', 'VBP'), ('about', 'IN'), ('to', 'TO'), ('give', 'VB'), ('is', 'VBZ'), ('not', 'RB'), ('rumour', 'VB'), ('it', 'PRP'), ('the', 'DT'), ('truth', 'NN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('new', 'JJ'), ('>>', 'NNP'), ('macintosh', 'NN'), ('coming', 'VBG'), ('in', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('second', 'JJ'), ('quarter', 'NN'), ('will', 'MD'), ('have', 'VB'), ('cpu', 'NNS'), ('of', 'IN'), ('their', 'PRP$'), ('own', 'JJ'), ('excuse', 'NN'), ('me', 'PRP'), ('but', 'CC'), ('...', ':'), ('have', 'VBP'), ('not', 'RB'), ('all', 'DT'), ('macs', 'NNS'), ('got', 'VBD'), ('cpu', 'JJ'), ('!!!', 'NNP'), ('alain', 'NN'), ('alain', 'NN'), ('get', 'VB'), ('your', 'PRP$'), ('facts', 'NNS'), ('straight', 'VBN'), ('before', 'IN'), ('you', 'PRP'), ('post', 'VBP'), ('something', 'NN'), ('like', 'IN'), ('this', 'DT'), ('the', 'DT'), ('duo', 'NN'), ('dock', 'NN'), ('does', 'VBZ'), ('not', 'RB'), ('have', 'VB'), ('cpu', 'NN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('its', 'PRP$'), ('own', 'JJ'), ('it', 'PRP'), ('is', 'VBZ'), ('docking', 'VBG'), ('station', 'NN'), ('with', 'IN'), ('ports', 'NNS'), ('connecting', 'VBG'), ('various', 'JJ'), ('components', 'NNS'), ('including', 'VBG'), ('the', 'DT'), ('portable', 'JJ'), ('powerbook', 'NN'), ('with', 'IN'), ('its', 'PRP$'), ('own', 'JJ'), ('cpu', 'NN'), ('guess', 'NN'), ('these', 'DT'), ('rumored', 'VBN'), ('new', 'JJ'), ('duo', 'NN'), ('docks', 'NNS'), ('have', 'VBP'), ('built', 'VBN'), ('in', 'IN'), ('cpu', 'NN'), ('to', 'TO'), ('perform', 'VB'), ('functions', 'NNS'), ('of', 'IN'), ('their', 'PRP$'), ('own', 'JJ'), ('interesting', 'NN'), ('if', 'IN'), ('they', 'PRP'), ('re', 'VBP'), ('not', 'RB'), ('compatible', 'JJ'), ('with', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('current', 'JJ'), ('duo', 'NN'), ('models', 'NNS'), ('think', 'VBP'), ('you', 'PRP'), ('ll', 'VBP'), ('be', 'VB'), ('hearing', 'VBG'), ('lot', 'RB'), ('more', 'RBR'), ('screwed', 'VBN'), ('by', 'IN'), ('apple', 'NN'), ('complaints', 'NNS'), ('imagine', 'VBP'), ('company', 'NN'), ('obsoleting', 'VBG'), ('ooh', 'JJ'), ('new', 'JJ'), ('verb', 'NN'), ('!)', 'NNP'), ('virtually', 'RB'), ('brand', 'NN'), ('new', 'JJ'), ('computer', 'NN'), ('...', ':'), ('sheesh', 'NN'), ('...', ':'), ('ken', 'VBN'), ('--', ':'), ('-----------------------------------------------------------------', 'JJ'), ('kenneth', 'NN'), ('simon', 'NN'), ('dept', 'NN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('sociology', 'NN'), ('indiana', 'NNS'), ('university', 'NN'), ('internet', 'NN'), ('bitnet', 'NN')]
['info', 'give', 'rumour', 'truth', 'new', 'macintosh', 'come', 'second', 'quarter', 'cpu', 'excuse', 'mac', 'get', 'cpu', 'alain', 'alain', 'get', 'fact', 'straight', 'post', 'something', 'like', 'duo', 'dock', 'cpu', 'dock', 'station', 'port', 'connect', 'various', 'component', 'include', 'portable', 'powerbook', 'cpu', 'guess', 'rumor', 'new', 'duo', 'dock', 'build', 'cpu', 'perform', 'function', 'interesting', 'compatible', 'current', 'duo', 'model', 'think', 'hear', 'lot', 'screw', 'apple', 'complaint', 'imagine', 'company', 'obsoleting', 'ooh', 'new', 'verb', 'virtually', 'brand', 'new', 'computer', 'sheesh', 'ken', 'kenneth', 'simon', 'dept', 'sociology', 'indiana', 'university', 'internet', 'bitnet']
['mac_get', 'get_fact', 'fact_straight', 'post_something', 'something_like', 'duo_dock', 'duo_dock', 'think_hear', 'brand_new', 'new_computer', 'indiana_university', 'internet_bitnet']
comp_sys_mac_hardware_50491 |@lemmatized info:1 give:1 rumour:1 truth:1 new:4 macintosh:1 come:1 second:1 quarter:1 cpu:5 excuse:1 mac:1 get:2 alain:2 fact:1 straight:1 post:1 something:1 like:1 duo:3 dock:3 station:1 port:1 connect:1 various:1 component:1 include:1 portable:1 powerbook:1 guess:1 rumor:1 build:1 perform:1 function:1 interesting:1 compatible:1 current:1 model:1 think:1 hear:1 lot:1 screw:1 apple:1 complaint:1 imagine:1 company:1 obsoleting:1 ooh:1 verb:1 virtually:1 brand:1 computer:1 sheesh:1 ken:1 kenneth:1 simon:1 dept:1 sociology:1 indiana:1 university:1 internet:1 bitnet:1 |@bigram mac_get:1 get_fact:1 fact_straight:1 post_something:1 something_like:1 duo_dock:2 think_hear:1 brand_new:1 new_computer:1 indiana_university:1 internet_bitnet:1
comp_sys_mac_hardware_51604 |@lemmatized |@bigram
In addition to restricted mileage, many classic insurance carriers also require that the vehicle be garaged when not in use. $0.02 Ericy
[('in', 'IN'), ('addition', 'NN'), ('to', 'TO'), ('restricted', 'VBN'), ('mileage', 'NN'), ('many', 'JJ'), ('classic', 'JJ'), ('insurance', 'NN'), ('carriers', 'NNS'), ('also', 'RB'), ('require', 'VBP'), ('that', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('vehicle', 'NN'), ('be', 'VB'), ('garaged', 'VBN'), ('when', 'WRB'), ('not', 'RB'), ('in', 'IN'), ('use', 'NN'), ('02', 'CD'), ('ericy', 'NN')]
['addition', 'restrict', 'mileage', 'many', 'classic', 'insurance', 'carrier', 'also', 'require', 'vehicle', 'garage', 'use', 'ericy']
rec_autos_102751 |@lemmatized addition:1 restrict:1 mileage:1 many:1 classic:1 insurance:1 carrier:1 also:1 require:1 vehicle:1 garage:1 use:1 ericy:1 |@bigram also_require:1
Do you question the existence of Alexander the Great, Tilgrath Pilisar III, Nero, Caligula, Josephus, Cyrus the Great, Artexerxes? Their documents have decayed to dust too. Brian, why another excuse? Peter wrote a bit of the Bible. What Peter says about God is what the Bible says. Consider the Bible a court recording. Over the period of thousands of years, various people come up and testify of their experience with the living God. Up comes Abraham the wealthy rancher. Up comes Moses, once the high official of Egypt. Up comes Elijah, a priest. Up comes David, a mere shepherd who became King. Up comes the pagan King Nebuchanezzar. Up comes the pagan King of Persia, Cyrus. Up comes Nehemiah, cupbearer to the King of Persia. Then Matthew, an IRS agent takes the stand. Up comes Luke, an M.D. Then Paul a Jew who use to kill Christians for fun. Up comes John, a 17 year old boy. Up comes Peter, a fishermen. Up comes James, the brother of Jesus himself. Up comes hundreds of others. You hear testimony from fishermen, IRS agents, priests, Kings. The court hearing lasts thousands of years with people coming up and testifying about the God who calls himself "I am." While you are listening to all this stuff, you realize that King David could have never known John, Solomon could have never known Matthew, Nehemiah could have never known Peter. You realize that all these people are independent witnesses, and so, you rule out collaboration. Yet all of the witnesses tell of the same God. Each testifier tells of his own experiences with the living God. Each experience is different, but each experience has enough cross-over to unmistakenly reveal that each one of these people is talking about the very same God. What Daniel did not know about God, the 3rd Highest Official of Babylon, God revealed to John 600 years later--but with a different perspective. No two testimonies are identical. Each testimony dares to venture off what is already known. Yet each witness's testimony, even though different from those prior, consistently describes harmoniously fitting facets of the character of the same God. Now. As we stare gazing at the computer, you got this seeming fanatic on the other end of the net, saying, I know this God "I am". He has revealed himself to me too. He also calls himself Jesus (John 8:58). Please believe me. I am telling the truth. It is wonderful to know him.
[('do', 'VB'), ('you', 'PRP'), ('question', 'VB'), ('the', 'DT'), ('existence', 'NN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('alexander', 'NN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('great', 'JJ'), ('tilgrath', 'NN'), ('pilisar', 'NN'), ('iii', 'NN'), ('nero', 'NN'), ('caligula', 'NN'), ('josephus', 'NN'), ('cyrus', 'VBP'), ('the', 'DT'), ('great', 'JJ'), ('artexerxes', 'NNS'), ('their', 'PRP$'), ('documents', 'NNS'), ('have', 'VBP'), ('decayed', 'VBN'), ('to', 'TO'), ('dust', 'VB'), ('too', 'RB'), ('brian', 'JJ'), ('why', 'WRB'), ('another', 'DT'), ('excuse', 'NN'), ('peter', 'NN'), ('wrote', 'VBD'), ('bit', 'NN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('bible', 'JJ'), ('what', 'WP'), ('peter', 'NN'), ('says', 'VBZ'), ('about', 'IN'), ('god', 'NN'), ('is', 'VBZ'), ('what', 'WP'), ('the', 'DT'), ('bible', 'JJ'), ('says', 'VBZ'), ('consider', 'VB'), ('the', 'DT'), ('bible', 'JJ'), ('court', 'NN'), ('recording', 'NN'), ('over', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('period', 'NN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('thousands', 'NNS'), ('of', 'IN'), ('years', 'NNS'), ('various', 'JJ'), ('people', 'NNS'), ('come', 'VBP'), ('up', 'RB'), ('and', 'CC'), ('testify', 'VB'), ('of', 'IN'), ('their', 'PRP$'), ('experience', 'NN'), ('with', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('living', 'NN'), ('god', 'VBZ'), ('up', 'RP'), ('comes', 'VBZ'), ('abraham', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('wealthy', 'NN'), ('rancher', 'VBZ'), ('up', 'RP'), ('comes', 'VBZ'), ('moses', 'NNS'), ('once', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('high', 'JJ'), ('official', 'NN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('egypt', 'FW'), ('up', 'RP'), ('comes', 'VBZ'), ('elijah', 'RB'), ('priest', 'VB'), ('up', 'RP'), ('comes', 'VBZ'), ('david', 'RB'), ('mere', 'JJ'), ('shepherd', 'NNS'), ('who', 'WP'), ('became', 'VBD'), ('king', 'VBG'), ('up', 'RP'), ('comes', 'VBZ'), ('the', 'DT'), ('pagan', 'JJ'), ('king', 'NN'), ('nebuchanezzar', 'NN'), ('up', 'RB'), ('comes', 'VBZ'), ('the', 'DT'), ('pagan', 'JJ'), ('king', 'NN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('persia', 'NN'), ('cyrus', 'NN'), ('up', 'RP'), ('comes', 'VBZ'), ('nehemiah', 'RB'), ('cupbearer', 'NN'), ('to', 'TO'), ('the', 'DT'), ('king', 'NN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('persia', 'NN'), ('then', 'RB'), ('matthew', 'VBD'), ('an', 'DT'), ('irs', 'JJ'), ('agent', 'NN'), ('takes', 'VBZ'), ('the', 'DT'), ('stand', 'NN'), ('up', 'RP'), ('comes', 'VBZ'), ('luke', 'RB'), ('an', 'DT'), ('then', 'RB'), ('paul', 'NN'), ('jew', 'NN'), ('who', 'WP'), ('use', 'VBP'), ('to', 'TO'), ('kill', 'VB'), ('christians', 'NNS'), ('for', 'IN'), ('fun', 'NN'), ('up', 'RB'), ('comes', 'VBZ'), ('john', 'NNS'), ('17', 'CD'), ('year', 'NN'), ('old', 'JJ'), ('boy', 'NN'), ('up', 'RP'), ('comes', 'VBZ'), ('peter', 'RB'), ('fishermen', 'VBN'), ('up', 'RP'), ('comes', 'VBZ'), ('james', 'RB'), ('the', 'DT'), ('brother', 'NN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('jesus', 'NN'), ('himself', 'PRP'), ('up', 'IN'), ('comes', 'VBZ'), ('hundreds', 'NNS'), ('of', 'IN'), ('others', 'NNS'), ('you', 'PRP'), ('hear', 'VBP'), ('testimony', 'NN'), ('from', 'IN'), ('fishermen', 'NNS'), ('irs', 'JJ'), ('agents', 'NNS'), ('priests', 'VBZ'), ('kings', 'NNS'), ('the', 'DT'), ('court', 'NN'), ('hearing', 'NN'), ('lasts', 'VBZ'), ('thousands', 'NNS'), ('of', 'IN'), ('years', 'NNS'), ('with', 'IN'), ('people', 'NNS'), ('coming', 'VBG'), ('up', 'RB'), ('and', 'CC'), ('testifying', 'VBG'), ('about', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('god', 'NN'), ('who', 'WP'), ('calls', 'VBZ'), ('himself', 'PRP'), ('am', 'VBP'), ('."', 'RB'), ('while', 'IN'), ('you', 'PRP'), ('are', 'VBP'), ('listening', 'VBG'), ('to', 'TO'), ('all', 'PDT'), ('this', 'DT'), ('stuff', 'NN'), ('you', 'PRP'), ('realize', 'VBP'), ('that', 'IN'), ('king', 'VBG'), ('david', 'NN'), ('could', 'MD'), ('have', 'VB'), ('never', 'RB'), ('known', 'VBN'), ('john', 'NN'), ('solomon', 'NN'), ('could', 'MD'), ('have', 'VB'), ('never', 'RB'), ('known', 'VBN'), ('matthew', 'NN'), ('nehemiah', 'NN'), ('could', 'MD'), ('have', 'VB'), ('never', 'RB'), ('known', 'VBN'), ('peter', 'NN'), ('you', 'PRP'), ('realize', 'VBP'), ('that', 'IN'), ('all', 'PDT'), ('these', 'DT'), ('people', 'NNS'), ('are', 'VBP'), ('independent', 'JJ'), ('witnesses', 'NNS'), ('and', 'CC'), ('so', 'RB'), ('you', 'PRP'), ('rule', 'VBP'), ('out', 'IN'), ('collaboration', 'NN'), ('yet', 'RB'), ('all', 'DT'), ('of', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('witnesses', 'NNS'), ('tell', 'VBP'), ('of', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('same', 'JJ'), ('god', 'NN'), ('each', 'DT'), ('testifier', 'JJR'), ('tells', 'NNS'), ('of', 'IN'), ('his', 'PRP$'), ('own', 'JJ'), ('experiences', 'NNS'), ('with', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('living', 'NN'), ('god', 'JJ'), ('each', 'DT'), ('experience', 'NN'), ('is', 'VBZ'), ('different', 'JJ'), ('but', 'CC'), ('each', 'DT'), ('experience', 'NN'), ('has', 'VBZ'), ('enough', 'JJ'), ('cross', 'NN'), ('over', 'IN'), ('to', 'TO'), ('unmistakenly', 'JJ'), ('reveal', 'NN'), ('that', 'IN'), ('each', 'DT'), ('one', 'CD'), ('of', 'IN'), ('these', 'DT'), ('people', 'NNS'), ('is', 'VBZ'), ('talking', 'VBG'), ('about', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('very', 'RB'), ('same', 'JJ'), ('god', 'NN'), ('what', 'WP'), ('daniel', 'VBZ'), ('did', 'VBD'), ('not', 'RB'), ('know', 'VB'), ('about', 'IN'), ('god', 'PDT'), ('the', 'DT'), ('3rd', 'CD'), ('highest', 'JJS'), ('official', 'NN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('babylon', 'NN'), ('god', 'NN'), ('revealed', 'VBD'), ('to', 'TO'), ('john', 'VB'), ('600', 'CD'), ('years', 'NNS'), ('later', 'RB'), ('--', ':'), ('but', 'CC'), ('with', 'IN'), ('different', 'JJ'), ('perspective', 'JJ'), ('no', 'DT'), ('two', 'CD'), ('testimonies', 'NNS'), ('are', 'VBP'), ('identical', 'JJ'), ('each', 'DT'), ('testimony', 'NN'), ('dares', 'VBZ'), ('to', 'TO'), ('venture', 'NN'), ('off', 'RP'), ('what', 'WP'), ('is', 'VBZ'), ('already', 'RB'), ('known', 'VBN'), ('yet', 'RB'), ('each', 'DT'), ('witness', 'NN'), ('testimony', 'NN'), ('even', 'RB'), ('though', 'IN'), ('different', 'JJ'), ('from', 'IN'), ('those', 'DT'), ('prior', 'JJ'), ('consistently', 'RB'), ('describes', 'VBZ'), ('harmoniously', 'RB'), ('fitting', 'JJ'), ('facets', 'NNS'), ('of', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('character', 'NN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('same', 'JJ'), ('god', 'NN'), ('now', 'RB'), ('as', 'IN'), ('we', 'PRP'), ('stare', 'VBP'), ('gazing', 'VBG'), ('at', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('computer', 'NN'), ('you', 'PRP'), ('got', 'VBD'), ('this', 'DT'), ('seeming', 'VBG'), ('fanatic', 'JJ'), ('on', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('other', 'JJ'), ('end', 'NN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('net', 'JJ'), ('saying', 'VBG'), ('know', 'VB'), ('this', 'DT'), ('god', 'NN'), ('am', 'VBP'), ('".', 'NN'), ('he', 'PRP'), ('has', 'VBZ'), ('revealed', 'VBN'), ('himself', 'PRP'), ('to', 'TO'), ('me', 'PRP'), ('too', 'RB'), ('he', 'PRP'), ('also', 'RB'), ('calls', 'VBZ'), ('himself', 'PRP'), ('jesus', 'NN'), ('john', 'NN'), ('58', 'CD'), (').', 'JJ'), ('please', 'NN'), ('believe', 'VB'), ('me', 'PRP'), ('am', 'VBP'), ('telling', 'VBG'), ('the', 'DT'), ('truth', 'NN'), ('it', 'PRP'), ('is', 'VBZ'), ('wonderful', 'JJ'), ('to', 'TO'), ('know', 'VB'), ('him', 'PRP')]
['question', 'existence', 'alexander', 'great', 'tilgrath', 'pilisar', 'iii', 'nero', 'caligula', 'josephus', 'cyrus', 'great', 'artexerxes', 'document', 'decay', 'dust', 'brian', 'another', 'excuse', 'peter', 'write', 'bit', 'bible', 'peter', 'say', 'god', 'bible', 'say', 'consider', 'bible', 'court', 'recording', 'period', 'thousand', 'year', 'various', 'people', 'come', 'testify', 'experience', 'living', 'god', 'come', 'abraham', 'wealthy', 'rancher', 'come', 'moses', 'high', 'official', 'egypt', 'come', 'elijah', 'priest', 'come', 'david', 'mere', 'shepherd', 'become', 'king', 'come', 'pagan', 'king', 'nebuchanezzar', 'come', 'pagan', 'king', 'persia', 'cyrus', 'come', 'nehemiah', 'cupbearer', 'king', 'persia', 'matthew', 'irs', 'agent', 'take', 'stand', 'come', 'luke', 'paul', 'jew', 'use', 'kill', 'christian', 'fun', 'come', 'john', 'year', 'old', 'boy', 'come', 'peter', 'fishermen', 'come', 'james', 'brother', 'jesus', 'come', 'hundred', 'others', 'hear', 'testimony', 'fisherman', 'irs', 'agent', 'priests', 'king', 'court', 'hearing', 'last', 'thousand', 'year', 'people', 'come', 'testify', 'god', 'call', 'listen', 'stuff', 'realize', 'king', 'david', 'could', 'never', 'know', 'john', 'solomon', 'could', 'never', 'know', 'matthew', 'nehemiah', 'could', 'never', 'know', 'peter', 'realize', 'people', 'independent', 'witness', 'rule', 'collaboration', 'yet', 'witness', 'tell', 'god', 'testifier', 'tell', 'experience', 'living', 'god', 'experience', 'different', 'experience', 'enough', 'cross', 'unmistakenly', 'reveal', 'one', 'people', 'talk', 'god', 'daniel', 'know', 'god', 'high', 'official', 'babylon', 'god', 'reveal', 'john', 'year', 'later', 'different', 'perspective', 'two', 'testimony', 'identical', 'testimony', 'dare', 'venture', 'already', 'know', 'yet', 'witness', 'testimony', 'even', 'though', 'different', 'prior', 'consistently', 'describe', 'harmoniously', 'fitting', 'facet', 'character', 'god', 'stare', 'gaze', 'computer', 'get', 'seem', 'fanatic', 'end', 'net', 'say', 'know', 'god', 'reveal', 'also', 'call', 'jesus', 'john', 'please', 'believe', 'tell', 'truth', 'wonderful', 'know']
['say_god', 'god_bible', 'bible_say', 'say_consider', 'thousand_year', 'various_people', 'people_come', 'god_come', 'agent_take', 'use_kill', 'year_old', 'old_boy', 'jesus_come', 'thousand_year', 'year_people', 'people_come', 'king_david', 'could_never', 'never_know', 'could_never', 'never_know', 'could_never', 'never_know', 'tell_god', 'one_people', 'people_talk', 'talk_god', 'know_god', 'god_reveal', 'year_later', 'different_perspective', 'already_know', 'know_yet', 'even_though', 'say_know', 'know_god', 'god_reveal', 'also_call', 'tell_truth']
talk_religion_misc_83867 |@lemmatized question:1 existence:1 alexander:1 great:2 tilgrath:1 pilisar:1 iii:1 nero:1 caligula:1 josephus:1 cyrus:2 artexerxes:1 document:1 decay:1 dust:1 brian:1 another:1 excuse:1 peter:4 write:1 bit:1 bible:3 say:3 god:10 consider:1 court:2 recording:1 period:1 thousand:2 year:4 various:1 people:4 come:14 testify:2 experience:4 living:2 abraham:1 wealthy:1 rancher:1 moses:1 high:2 official:2 egypt:1 elijah:1 priest:1 david:2 mere:1 shepherd:1 become:1 king:6 pagan:2 nebuchanezzar:1 persia:2 nehemiah:2 cupbearer:1 matthew:2 irs:2 agent:2 take:1 stand:1 luke:1 paul:1 jew:1 use:1 kill:1 christian:1 fun:1 john:4 old:1 boy:1 fishermen:1 james:1 brother:1 jesus:2 hundred:1 others:1 hear:1 testimony:4 fisherman:1 priests:1 hearing:1 last:1 call:2 listen:1 stuff:1 realize:2 could:3 never:3 know:7 solomon:1 independent:1 witness:3 rule:1 collaboration:1 yet:2 tell:3 testifier:1 different:3 enough:1 cross:1 unmistakenly:1 reveal:3 one:1 talk:1 daniel:1 babylon:1 later:1 perspective:1 two:1 identical:1 dare:1 venture:1 already:1 even:1 though:1 prior:1 consistently:1 describe:1 harmoniously:1 fitting:1 facet:1 character:1 stare:1 gaze:1 computer:1 get:1 seem:1 fanatic:1 end:1 net:1 also:1 please:1 believe:1 truth:1 wonderful:1 |@bigram say_god:1 god_bible:1 bible_say:1 say_consider:1 thousand_year:2 various_people:1 people_come:2 god_come:1 agent_take:1 use_kill:1 year_old:1 old_boy:1 jesus_come:1 year_people:1 king_david:1 could_never:3 never_know:3 tell_god:1 one_people:1 people_talk:1 talk_god:1 know_god:2 god_reveal:2 year_later:1 different_perspective:1 already_know:1 know_yet:1 even_though:1 say_know:1 also_call:1 tell_truth:1
he Are we talking about ColorView for DOS here? I have version 2.0 and it writes the temp files to its own current directory. What later versions do, I admit that I don't know. Assuming your "expert" referenced above is talking about the version that I have, then I'd say he is correct. Is the ColorView for unix what is being discussed? Just mixed up, confused, befuddled, but genuinely and entirely curious.... Uncle Fester
[('he', 'PRP'), ('are', 'VBP'), ('we', 'PRP'), ('talking', 'VBG'), ('about', 'IN'), ('colorview', 'NN'), ('for', 'IN'), ('dos', 'NN'), ('here', 'RB'), ('have', 'VBP'), ('version', 'NN'), ('and', 'CC'), ('it', 'PRP'), ('writes', 'VBZ'), ('the', 'DT'), ('temp', 'NN'), ('files', 'VBZ'), ('to', 'TO'), ('its', 'PRP$'), ('own', 'JJ'), ('current', 'JJ'), ('directory', 'NN'), ('what', 'WP'), ('later', 'JJ'), ('versions', 'NNS'), ('do', 'VBP'), ('admit', 'VB'), ('that', 'IN'), ('don', 'NN'), ('know', 'VBP'), ('assuming', 'VBG'), ('your', 'PRP$'), ('expert', 'NN'), ('referenced', 'VBN'), ('above', 'IN'), ('is', 'VBZ'), ('talking', 'VBG'), ('about', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('version', 'NN'), ('that', 'WDT'), ('have', 'VBP'), ('then', 'RB'), ('say', 'VB'), ('he', 'PRP'), ('is', 'VBZ'), ('correct', 'JJ'), ('is', 'VBZ'), ('the', 'DT'), ('colorview', 'NN'), ('for', 'IN'), ('unix', 'JJ'), ('what', 'WP'), ('is', 'VBZ'), ('being', 'VBG'), ('discussed', 'VBN'), ('just', 'RB'), ('mixed', 'VBN'), ('up', 'RP'), ('confused', 'JJ'), ('befuddled', 'VBN'), ('but', 'CC'), ('genuinely', 'RB'), ('and', 'CC'), ('entirely', 'RB'), ('curious', 'JJ'), ('....', 'NNS'), ('uncle', 'VBP'), ('fester', 'NN')]
['talk', 'colorview', 'version', 'write', 'temp', 'file', 'current', 'directory', 'late', 'version', 'admit', 'know', 'assume', 'expert', 'reference', 'talk', 'version', 'say', 'correct', 'colorview', 'unix', 'discuss', 'mix', 'confused', 'befuddle', 'genuinely', 'entirely', 'curious', 'uncle', 'fester']
['temp_file', 'current_directory', 'late_version', 'know_assume']
comp_graphics_38586 |@lemmatized talk:2 colorview:2 version:3 write:1 temp:1 file:1 current:1 directory:1 late:1 admit:1 know:1 assume:1 expert:1 reference:1 say:1 correct:1 unix:1 discuss:1 mix:1 confused:1 befuddle:1 genuinely:1 entirely:1 curious:1 uncle:1 fester:1 |@bigram temp_file:1 current_directory:1 late_version:1 know_assume:1
the classic references in this area are Jacques Ellul for a liberal/evangelical perspective and Os Guiness for a straight evangelical view. If you want to look at non-christian sources try Alvin Toffler as the perennial optimist. His views while blatently non christian explore where technology may be going. This is regardless of technology. Be careful to separate the issues of related to speed and dispersion of technology (how far the letter went and how quickly it got there) and the message being passed in the technology (something that seems to be totally wrong.) When lecturing in this area I challenge my (non-christan/atheistic) class about the impact technology has on life, quality of life and the rights that they consider important. Depending on how you work out your faith will determine your response to the use of technology. For example friends of mine are considering IVF due to a life threatening situation the wife is going through; when it is over they will have the baby. (God willing). In this case the technology is available and my friends have to decide what to do. In all cases though you must decide if the technology is against God's revealed word. Regards David
[('the', 'DT'), ('classic', 'JJ'), ('references', 'NNS'), ('in', 'IN'), ('this', 'DT'), ('area', 'NN'), ('are', 'VBP'), ('jacques', 'NNS'), ('ellul', 'VBP'), ('for', 'IN'), ('liberal', 'JJ'), ('evangelical', 'JJ'), ('perspective', 'NN'), ('and', 'CC'), ('os', 'JJ'), ('guiness', 'NN'), ('for', 'IN'), ('straight', 'JJ'), ('evangelical', 'JJ'), ('view', 'NN'), ('if', 'IN'), ('you', 'PRP'), ('want', 'VBP'), ('to', 'TO'), ('look', 'VB'), ('at', 'IN'), ('non', 'JJ'), ('christian', 'JJ'), ('sources', 'NNS'), ('try', 'VBP'), ('alvin', 'RB'), ('toffler', 'NN'), ('as', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('perennial', 'JJ'), ('optimist', 'NN'), ('his', 'PRP$'), ('views', 'NNS'), ('while', 'IN'), ('blatently', 'RB'), ('non', 'JJ'), ('christian', 'JJ'), ('explore', 'NN'), ('where', 'WRB'), ('technology', 'NN'), ('may', 'MD'), ('be', 'VB'), ('going', 'VBG'), ('this', 'DT'), ('is', 'VBZ'), ('regardless', 'JJ'), ('of', 'IN'), ('technology', 'NN'), ('be', 'VB'), ('careful', 'JJ'), ('to', 'TO'), ('separate', 'VB'), ('the', 'DT'), ('issues', 'NNS'), ('of', 'IN'), ('related', 'JJ'), ('to', 'TO'), ('speed', 'VB'), ('and', 'CC'), ('dispersion', 'NN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('technology', 'NN'), ('how', 'WRB'), ('far', 'RB'), ('the', 'DT'), ('letter', 'NN'), ('went', 'VBD'), ('and', 'CC'), ('how', 'WRB'), ('quickly', 'RB'), ('it', 'PRP'), ('got', 'VBD'), ('there', 'RB'), ('and', 'CC'), ('the', 'DT'), ('message', 'NN'), ('being', 'VBG'), ('passed', 'VBN'), ('in', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('technology', 'NN'), ('something', 'NN'), ('that', 'WDT'), ('seems', 'VBZ'), ('to', 'TO'), ('be', 'VB'), ('totally', 'RB'), ('wrong', 'JJ'), ('.)', 'NN'), ('when', 'WRB'), ('lecturing', 'NN'), ('in', 'IN'), ('this', 'DT'), ('area', 'NN'), ('challenge', 'NN'), ('my', 'PRP$'), ('non', 'JJ'), ('christan', 'JJ'), ('atheistic', 'JJ'), ('class', 'NN'), ('about', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('impact', 'NN'), ('technology', 'NN'), ('has', 'VBZ'), ('on', 'IN'), ('life', 'NN'), ('quality', 'NN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('life', 'NN'), ('and', 'CC'), ('the', 'DT'), ('rights', 'NNS'), ('that', 'IN'), ('they', 'PRP'), ('consider', 'VBP'), ('important', 'JJ'), ('depending', 'VBG'), ('on', 'IN'), ('how', 'WRB'), ('you', 'PRP'), ('work', 'VBP'), ('out', 'RP'), ('your', 'PRP$'), ('faith', 'NN'), ('will', 'MD'), ('determine', 'VB'), ('your', 'PRP$'), ('response', 'NN'), ('to', 'TO'), ('the', 'DT'), ('use', 'NN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('technology', 'NN'), ('for', 'IN'), ('example', 'NN'), ('friends', 'NNS'), ('of', 'IN'), ('mine', 'NN'), ('are', 'VBP'), ('considering', 'VBG'), ('ivf', 'NNS'), ('due', 'JJ'), ('to', 'TO'), ('life', 'NN'), ('threatening', 'VBG'), ('situation', 'NN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('wife', 'NN'), ('is', 'VBZ'), ('going', 'VBG'), ('through', 'IN'), ('when', 'WRB'), ('it', 'PRP'), ('is', 'VBZ'), ('over', 'IN'), ('they', 'PRP'), ('will', 'MD'), ('have', 'VB'), ('the', 'DT'), ('baby', 'NN'), ('god', 'NN'), ('willing', 'JJ'), (').', 'NN'), ('in', 'IN'), ('this', 'DT'), ('case', 'NN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('technology', 'NN'), ('is', 'VBZ'), ('available', 'JJ'), ('and', 'CC'), ('my', 'PRP$'), ('friends', 'NNS'), ('have', 'VBP'), ('to', 'TO'), ('decide', 'VB'), ('what', 'WP'), ('to', 'TO'), ('do', 'VB'), ('in', 'IN'), ('all', 'DT'), ('cases', 'NNS'), ('though', 'IN'), ('you', 'PRP'), ('must', 'MD'), ('decide', 'VB'), ('if', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('technology', 'NN'), ('is', 'VBZ'), ('against', 'IN'), ('god', 'NN'), ('revealed', 'VBD'), ('word', 'NN'), ('regards', 'NNS'), ('david', 'NN')]
['classic', 'reference', 'area', 'jacques', 'ellul', 'liberal', 'evangelical', 'perspective', 'os', 'guiness', 'straight', 'evangelical', 'view', 'want', 'look', 'non', 'christian', 'source', 'try', 'alvin', 'toffler', 'perennial', 'optimist', 'view', 'blatently', 'non', 'christian', 'explore', 'technology', 'may', 'go', 'regardless', 'technology', 'careful', 'separate', 'issue', 'related', 'speed', 'dispersion', 'technology', 'far', 'letter', 'go', 'quickly', 'get', 'message', 'pass', 'technology', 'something', 'seem', 'totally', 'wrong', 'lecturing', 'area', 'challenge', 'non', 'christan', 'atheistic', 'class', 'impact', 'technology', 'life', 'quality', 'life', 'right', 'consider', 'important', 'depend', 'work', 'faith', 'determine', 'response', 'use', 'technology', 'example', 'friend', 'mine', 'consider', 'ivf', 'due', 'life', 'threaten', 'situation', 'wife', 'go', 'baby', 'god', 'willing', 'case', 'technology', 'available', 'friend', 'decide', 'case', 'though', 'must', 'decide', 'technology', 'god', 'reveal', 'word', 'regard', 'david']
['want_look', 'look_non', 'non_christian', 'non_christian', 'may_go', 'get_message', 'life_right', 'right_consider', 'consider_important', 'use_technology', 'friend_mine', 'life_threaten', 'wife_go', 'case_though', 'god_reveal']
soc_religion_christian_20363 |@lemmatized classic:1 reference:1 area:2 jacques:1 ellul:1 liberal:1 evangelical:2 perspective:1 os:1 guiness:1 straight:1 view:2 want:1 look:1 non:3 christian:2 source:1 try:1 alvin:1 toffler:1 perennial:1 optimist:1 blatently:1 explore:1 technology:8 may:1 go:3 regardless:1 careful:1 separate:1 issue:1 related:1 speed:1 dispersion:1 far:1 letter:1 quickly:1 get:1 message:1 pass:1 something:1 seem:1 totally:1 wrong:1 lecturing:1 challenge:1 christan:1 atheistic:1 class:1 impact:1 life:3 quality:1 right:1 consider:2 important:1 depend:1 work:1 faith:1 determine:1 response:1 use:1 example:1 friend:2 mine:1 ivf:1 due:1 threaten:1 situation:1 wife:1 baby:1 god:2 willing:1 case:2 available:1 decide:2 though:1 must:1 reveal:1 word:1 regard:1 david:1 |@bigram want_look:1 look_non:1 non_christian:2 may_go:1 get_message:1 life_right:1 right_consider:1 consider_important:1 use_technology:1 friend_mine:1 life_threaten:1 wife_go:1 case_though:1 god_reveal:1
Mr. water-head, i never said that israel diverted lebanese rivers, in fact i said that israel went into southern lebanon to make sure that no water is being used on the lebanese side, so that all water would run into Jordan river where there israel will use it !#$%^%&&*-head.
[('mr', 'NN'), ('water', 'NN'), ('head', 'NN'), ('never', 'RB'), ('said', 'VBD'), ('that', 'IN'), ('israel', 'NN'), ('diverted', 'VBD'), ('lebanese', 'JJ'), ('rivers', 'NNS'), ('in', 'IN'), ('fact', 'NN'), ('said', 'VBD'), ('that', 'IN'), ('israel', 'JJ'), ('went', 'VBD'), ('into', 'IN'), ('southern', 'JJ'), ('lebanon', 'NN'), ('to', 'TO'), ('make', 'VB'), ('sure', 'JJ'), ('that', 'IN'), ('no', 'DT'), ('water', 'NN'), ('is', 'VBZ'), ('being', 'VBG'), ('used', 'VBN'), ('on', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('lebanese', 'JJ'), ('side', 'NN'), ('so', 'IN'), ('that', 'IN'), ('all', 'DT'), ('water', 'NN'), ('would', 'MD'), ('run', 'VB'), ('into', 'IN'), ('jordan', 'NN'), ('river', 'NN'), ('where', 'WRB'), ('there', 'EX'), ('israel', 'VB'), ('will', 'MD'), ('use', 'VB'), ('it', 'PRP'), ('!#$%^%&&*-', 'JJ'), ('head', 'NN')]
['mr', 'water', 'head', 'never', 'say', 'israel', 'divert', 'lebanese', 'river', 'fact', 'say', 'israel', 'go', 'southern', 'lebanon', 'make', 'sure', 'water', 'use', 'lebanese', 'side', 'water', 'would', 'run', 'jordan', 'river', 'israel', 'use', 'head']
['never_say', 'say_israel', 'fact_say', 'say_israel', 'southern_lebanon', 'make_sure', 'would_run', 'jordan_river', 'israel_use']
talk_politics_mideast_75994 |@lemmatized mr:1 water:3 head:2 never:1 say:2 israel:3 divert:1 lebanese:2 river:2 fact:1 go:1 southern:1 lebanon:1 make:1 sure:1 use:2 side:1 would:1 run:1 jordan:1 |@bigram never_say:1 say_israel:2 fact_say:1 southern_lebanon:1 make_sure:1 would_run:1 jordan_river:1 israel_use:1
And I'm sure that is a great comfort to the widows and children of those stabbed, beaten and burned to death. The real question is, "Did the crime rate in England go down, after they enacted gun control laws?" If you look at the rates before and after their first such law in 1920, you will see no effect.
[('and', 'CC'), ('sure', 'JJ'), ('that', 'WDT'), ('is', 'VBZ'), ('great', 'JJ'), ('comfort', 'NN'), ('to', 'TO'), ('the', 'DT'), ('widows', 'NNS'), ('and', 'CC'), ('children', 'NNS'), ('of', 'IN'), ('those', 'DT'), ('stabbed', 'VBN'), ('beaten', 'NNS'), ('and', 'CC'), ('burned', 'VBD'), ('to', 'TO'), ('death', 'NN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('real', 'JJ'), ('question', 'NN'), ('is', 'VBZ'), ('did', 'VBD'), ('the', 'DT'), ('crime', 'NN'), ('rate', 'NN'), ('in', 'IN'), ('england', 'NN'), ('go', 'VBP'), ('down', 'RP'), ('after', 'IN'), ('they', 'PRP'), ('enacted', 'VBD'), ('gun', 'NN'), ('control', 'NN'), ('laws', 'NNS'), ('?"', 'VBP'), ('if', 'IN'), ('you', 'PRP'), ('look', 'VBP'), ('at', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('rates', 'NNS'), ('before', 'IN'), ('and', 'CC'), ('after', 'IN'), ('their', 'PRP$'), ('first', 'JJ'), ('such', 'JJ'), ('law', 'NN'), ('in', 'IN'), ('1920', 'CD'), ('you', 'PRP'), ('will', 'MD'), ('see', 'VB'), ('no', 'DT'), ('effect', 'NN')]
['sure', 'great', 'comfort', 'widow', 'child', 'stab', 'beaten', 'burn', 'death', 'real', 'question', 'crime', 'rate', 'england', 'go', 'enact', 'gun', 'control', 'law', 'look', 'rate', 'first', 'law', 'see', 'effect']
['sure_great', 'burn_death', 'real_question', 'crime_rate', 'gun_control', 'control_law', 'see_effect']
talk_politics_guns_53353 |@lemmatized sure:1 great:1 comfort:1 widow:1 child:1 stab:1 beaten:1 burn:1 death:1 real:1 question:1 crime:1 rate:2 england:1 go:1 enact:1 gun:1 control:1 law:2 look:1 first:1 see:1 effect:1 |@bigram sure_great:1 burn_death:1 real_question:1 crime_rate:1 gun_control:1 control_law:1 see_effect:1
I edited a few newsgroup from that line (don't like to crosspost THAT much). I can't compare the two, but I recently got an HP DeskJet 500. I'm very pleased with the output (remember that I'm used to imagens, laser and postscript printers at school -- looks very good. You have to be careful to let it dry before touching it, as it will smudge. The deskjet is SLOW. This is in comparison to the other printers I mentioned. I have no idea how the bubblejet compares. The interface between Win3.1 and the printer is just dandy, I've not had any problems with it. Hope that helps some. --Cindy -- Cindy Tittle Moore
[('edited', 'VBN'), ('few', 'JJ'), ('newsgroup', 'NN'), ('from', 'IN'), ('that', 'DT'), ('line', 'NN'), ('don', 'VBZ'), ('like', 'IN'), ('to', 'TO'), ('crosspost', 'VB'), ('that', 'IN'), ('much', 'JJ'), (').', 'NN'), ('can', 'MD'), ('compare', 'VB'), ('the', 'DT'), ('two', 'CD'), ('but', 'CC'), ('recently', 'RB'), ('got', 'VBD'), ('an', 'DT'), ('hp', 'NN'), ('deskjet', 'NN'), ('500', 'CD'), ('very', 'RB'), ('pleased', 'JJ'), ('with', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('output', 'NN'), ('remember', 'VB'), ('that', 'IN'), ('used', 'VBN'), ('to', 'TO'), ('imagens', 'VB'), ('laser', 'NN'), ('and', 'CC'), ('postscript', 'NN'), ('printers', 'NNS'), ('at', 'IN'), ('school', 'NN'), ('--', ':'), ('looks', 'VBZ'), ('very', 'RB'), ('good', 'JJ'), ('you', 'PRP'), ('have', 'VBP'), ('to', 'TO'), ('be', 'VB'), ('careful', 'JJ'), ('to', 'TO'), ('let', 'VB'), ('it', 'PRP'), ('dry', 'VB'), ('before', 'IN'), ('touching', 'VBG'), ('it', 'PRP'), ('as', 'IN'), ('it', 'PRP'), ('will', 'MD'), ('smudge', 'VB'), ('the', 'DT'), ('deskjet', 'NN'), ('is', 'VBZ'), ('slow', 'JJ'), ('this', 'DT'), ('is', 'VBZ'), ('in', 'IN'), ('comparison', 'NN'), ('to', 'TO'), ('the', 'DT'), ('other', 'JJ'), ('printers', 'NNS'), ('mentioned', 'VBN'), ('have', 'VBP'), ('no', 'DT'), ('idea', 'NN'), ('how', 'WRB'), ('the', 'DT'), ('bubblejet', 'NN'), ('compares', 'VBZ'), ('the', 'DT'), ('interface', 'NN'), ('between', 'IN'), ('win3', 'NN'), ('and', 'CC'), ('the', 'DT'), ('printer', 'NN'), ('is', 'VBZ'), ('just', 'RB'), ('dandy', 'JJ'), ('ve', 'NN'), ('not', 'RB'), ('had', 'VBD'), ('any', 'DT'), ('problems', 'NNS'), ('with', 'IN'), ('it', 'PRP'), ('hope', 'VBP'), ('that', 'IN'), ('helps', 'VBZ'), ('some', 'DT'), ('--', ':'), ('cindy', 'NN'), ('--', ':'), ('cindy', 'JJ'), ('tittle', 'NN'), ('moore', 'NN')]
['edit', 'newsgroup', 'line', 'like', 'crosspost', 'much', 'compare', 'two', 'recently', 'get', 'hp', 'deskjet', 'pleased', 'output', 'remember', 'use', 'imagens', 'laser', 'postscript', 'printer', 'school', 'look', 'good', 'careful', 'let', 'dry', 'touch', 'smudge', 'deskjet', 'slow', 'comparison', 'printer', 'mention', 'idea', 'bubblejet', 'compare', 'interface', 'printer', 'dandy', 'problem', 'hope', 'help', 'cindy', 'cindy', 'tittle', 'moore']
['line_like', 'compare_two', 'recently_get', 'hp_deskjet', 'remember_use', 'postscript_printer', 'look_good', 'hope_help']
comp_os_ms-windows_misc_9805 |@lemmatized edit:1 newsgroup:1 line:1 like:1 crosspost:1 much:1 compare:2 two:1 recently:1 get:1 hp:1 deskjet:2 pleased:1 output:1 remember:1 use:1 imagens:1 laser:1 postscript:1 printer:3 school:1 look:1 good:1 careful:1 let:1 dry:1 touch:1 smudge:1 slow:1 comparison:1 mention:1 idea:1 bubblejet:1 interface:1 dandy:1 problem:1 hope:1 help:1 cindy:2 tittle:1 moore:1 |@bigram line_like:1 compare_two:1 recently_get:1 hp_deskjet:1 remember_use:1 postscript_printer:1 look_good:1 hope_help:1
i did a workshop on this for an episcopalian student gathering a couple months ago because i wanted to know the answer too. as far as i could tell, although that story was never specifically _told_ in the bible, many references are made to it, primarily in the new testament. in the old testament there is actually an entirely different view of satan as a (excuse the pun) "devil's advocate" for yahweh. see the book of job. getting back to the fallen angel story, there are _no_ references to "lucifer" in the bible except for a mistranslation of "the morning star" in the king james version (isaiah 14:12), which probably referred to a babylonian monarch much in the same was as "the sun king" referred to louis xiv. all in all, i don't know where the story _came from_; it may have been rolling around for a long time, or milton (_paradise lost_) may have invented it. sorry for the sketchiness of the rest of this, but i am in a hurry and need to eat lunch! feel free to email me about the other stuff i found out.... (although a lot of it is just the result of a bible concordance program called "quickverse" -- it's really lousy, by the way -- don't buy it.)
[('did', 'VBD'), ('workshop', 'VB'), ('on', 'IN'), ('this', 'DT'), ('for', 'IN'), ('an', 'DT'), ('episcopalian', 'JJ'), ('student', 'NN'), ('gathering', 'VBG'), ('couple', 'JJ'), ('months', 'NNS'), ('ago', 'RB'), ('because', 'IN'), ('wanted', 'VBN'), ('to', 'TO'), ('know', 'VB'), ('the', 'DT'), ('answer', 'JJR'), ('too', 'RB'), ('as', 'RB'), ('far', 'RB'), ('as', 'IN'), ('could', 'MD'), ('tell', 'VB'), ('although', 'IN'), ('that', 'DT'), ('story', 'NN'), ('was', 'VBD'), ('never', 'RB'), ('specifically', 'RB'), ('_told_', 'VB'), ('in', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('bible', 'JJ'), ('many', 'JJ'), ('references', 'NNS'), ('are', 'VBP'), ('made', 'VBN'), ('to', 'TO'), ('it', 'PRP'), ('primarily', 'RB'), ('in', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('new', 'JJ'), ('testament', 'NN'), ('in', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('old', 'JJ'), ('testament', 'NN'), ('there', 'EX'), ('is', 'VBZ'), ('actually', 'RB'), ('an', 'DT'), ('entirely', 'JJ'), ('different', 'JJ'), ('view', 'NN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('satan', 'NN'), ('as', 'IN'), ('excuse', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('pun', 'NN'), ('devil', 'NN'), ('advocate', 'NN'), ('for', 'IN'), ('yahweh', 'NN'), ('see', 'VBP'), ('the', 'DT'), ('book', 'NN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('job', 'NN'), ('getting', 'VBG'), ('back', 'RB'), ('to', 'TO'), ('the', 'DT'), ('fallen', 'VBN'), ('angel', 'JJ'), ('story', 'NN'), ('there', 'EX'), ('are', 'VBP'), ('_no_', 'JJ'), ('references', 'NNS'), ('to', 'TO'), ('lucifer', 'VB'), ('in', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('bible', 'JJ'), ('except', 'IN'), ('for', 'IN'), ('mistranslation', 'NN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('morning', 'NN'), ('star', 'NN'), ('in', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('king', 'NN'), ('james', 'NNS'), ('version', 'NN'), ('isaiah', 'VBP'), ('14', 'CD'), ('12', 'CD'), ('),', 'NN'), ('which', 'WDT'), ('probably', 'RB'), ('referred', 'VBD'), ('to', 'TO'), ('babylonian', 'VB'), ('monarch', 'NN'), ('much', 'RB'), ('in', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('same', 'JJ'), ('was', 'VBD'), ('as', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('sun', 'NN'), ('king', 'NN'), ('referred', 'VBD'), ('to', 'TO'), ('louis', 'VB'), ('xiv', 'NNP'), ('all', 'DT'), ('in', 'IN'), ('all', 'DT'), ('don', 'NN'), ('know', 'VBP'), ('where', 'WRB'), ('the', 'DT'), ('story', 'NN'), ('_came', 'NN'), ('from_', 'VBD'), ('it', 'PRP'), ('may', 'MD'), ('have', 'VB'), ('been', 'VBN'), ('rolling', 'VBG'), ('around', 'RB'), ('for', 'IN'), ('long', 'JJ'), ('time', 'NN'), ('or', 'CC'), ('milton', 'NN'), ('_paradise', 'VBP'), ('lost_', 'NN'), ('may', 'MD'), ('have', 'VB'), ('invented', 'VBN'), ('it', 'PRP'), ('sorry', 'VBZ'), ('for', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('sketchiness', 'NN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('rest', 'NN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('this', 'DT'), ('but', 'CC'), ('am', 'VBP'), ('in', 'IN'), ('hurry', 'NN'), ('and', 'CC'), ('need', 'NN'), ('to', 'TO'), ('eat', 'VB'), ('lunch', 'JJ'), ('feel', 'VB'), ('free', 'JJ'), ('to', 'TO'), ('email', 'VB'), ('me', 'PRP'), ('about', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('other', 'JJ'), ('stuff', 'NN'), ('found', 'VBD'), ('out', 'RB'), ('....', 'JJ'), ('although', 'IN'), ('lot', 'NN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('it', 'PRP'), ('is', 'VBZ'), ('just', 'RB'), ('the', 'DT'), ('result', 'NN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('bible', 'JJ'), ('concordance', 'NN'), ('program', 'NN'), ('called', 'VBN'), ('quickverse', 'NN'), ('--', ':'), ('it', 'PRP'), ('really', 'RB'), ('lousy', 'JJ'), ('by', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('way', 'NN'), ('--', ':'), ('don', 'JJ'), ('buy', 'VBP'), ('it', 'PRP'), ('.)', 'JJ')]
['workshop', 'episcopalian', 'student', 'gather', 'couple', 'month', 'ago', 'want', 'know', 'answer', 'far', 'could', 'tell', 'although', 'story', 'never', 'specifically', 'bible', 'many', 'reference', 'make', 'primarily', 'new', 'testament', 'old', 'testament', 'actually', 'entirely', 'different', 'view', 'satan', 'excuse', 'pun', 'devil', 'advocate', 'yahweh', 'see', 'book', 'job', 'get', 'back', 'fall', 'angel', 'story', 'reference', 'lucifer', 'bible', 'except', 'mistranslation', 'morning', 'star', 'king', 'james', 'version', 'isaiah', 'probably', 'refer', 'babylonian', 'monarch', 'much', 'sun', 'king', 'refer', 'louis', 'xiv', 'know', 'story', 'may', 'roll', 'around', 'long', 'time', 'milton', 'may', 'invent', 'sorry', 'sketchiness', 'rest', 'hurry', 'need', 'eat', 'lunch', 'feel', 'free', 'email', 'stuff', 'find', 'although', 'lot', 'result', 'bible', 'concordance', 'program', 'call', 'quickverse', 'really', 'lousy', 'way', 'buy']
['couple_month', 'month_ago', 'want_know', 'know_answer', 'could_tell', 'new_testament', 'old_testament', 'entirely_different', 'different_view', 'see_book', 'job_get', 'get_back', 'king_james', 'around_long', 'long_time', 'feel_free', 'program_call']
soc_religion_christian_21375 |@lemmatized workshop:1 episcopalian:1 student:1 gather:1 couple:1 month:1 ago:1 want:1 know:2 answer:1 far:1 could:1 tell:1 although:2 story:3 never:1 specifically:1 bible:3 many:1 reference:2 make:1 primarily:1 new:1 testament:2 old:1 actually:1 entirely:1 different:1 view:1 satan:1 excuse:1 pun:1 devil:1 advocate:1 yahweh:1 see:1 book:1 job:1 get:1 back:1 fall:1 angel:1 lucifer:1 except:1 mistranslation:1 morning:1 star:1 king:2 james:1 version:1 isaiah:1 probably:1 refer:2 babylonian:1 monarch:1 much:1 sun:1 louis:1 xiv:1 may:2 roll:1 around:1 long:1 time:1 milton:1 invent:1 sorry:1 sketchiness:1 rest:1 hurry:1 need:1 eat:1 lunch:1 feel:1 free:1 email:1 stuff:1 find:1 lot:1 result:1 concordance:1 program:1 call:1 quickverse:1 really:1 lousy:1 way:1 buy:1 |@bigram couple_month:1 month_ago:1 want_know:1 know_answer:1 could_tell:1 new_testament:1 old_testament:1 entirely_different:1 different_view:1 see_book:1 job_get:1 get_back:1 king_james:1 around_long:1 long_time:1 feel_free:1 program_call:1
rec_sport_baseball_104602 |@lemmatized |@bigram
Where can you get info (brochures...) on Differential GPS Systems and where to buy them?
[('where', 'WRB'), ('can', 'MD'), ('you', 'PRP'), ('get', 'VB'), ('info', 'JJ'), ('brochures', 'NNS'), ('...)', 'VBP'), ('on', 'IN'), ('differential', 'JJ'), ('gps', 'NN'), ('systems', 'NNS'), ('and', 'CC'), ('where', 'WRB'), ('to', 'TO'), ('buy', 'VB'), ('them', 'PRP')]
['get', 'info', 'brochure', 'differential', 'gps', 'system', 'buy']
sci_electronics_53645 |@lemmatized get:1 info:1 brochure:1 differential:1 gps:1 system:1 buy:1 |@bigram get_info:1
I have a pair of Oakleys that cost about $100 new a year ago. I hardly ever wore them because they just don't look right on me. They are orange and blue and are the "blade" kind (Terminator style). I am willing to sell these for $40 to the first response I get. I also have a Bulls vs. Blazers game for the SNES that is in perfect condition. I am selling it for $35. It includes the instruction manual.
[('have', 'VBP'), ('pair', 'NN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('oakleys', 'NNS'), ('that', 'WDT'), ('cost', 'VBP'), ('about', 'IN'), ('100', 'CD'), ('new', 'JJ'), ('year', 'NN'), ('ago', 'RB'), ('hardly', 'RB'), ('ever', 'RB'), ('wore', 'VB'), ('them', 'PRP'), ('because', 'IN'), ('they', 'PRP'), ('just', 'RB'), ('don', 'VBP'), ('look', 'RB'), ('right', 'RB'), ('on', 'IN'), ('me', 'PRP'), ('they', 'PRP'), ('are', 'VBP'), ('orange', 'JJ'), ('and', 'CC'), ('blue', 'JJ'), ('and', 'CC'), ('are', 'VBP'), ('the', 'DT'), ('blade', 'NN'), ('kind', 'NN'), ('terminator', 'NN'), ('style', 'NN'), (').', 'NNP'), ('am', 'VBP'), ('willing', 'JJ'), ('to', 'TO'), ('sell', 'VB'), ('these', 'DT'), ('for', 'IN'), ('40', 'CD'), ('to', 'TO'), ('the', 'DT'), ('first', 'JJ'), ('response', 'NN'), ('get', 'NN'), ('also', 'RB'), ('have', 'VBP'), ('bulls', 'NNS'), ('vs', 'JJ'), ('blazers', 'NNS'), ('game', 'NN'), ('for', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('snes', 'NNS'), ('that', 'WDT'), ('is', 'VBZ'), ('in', 'IN'), ('perfect', 'JJ'), ('condition', 'NN'), ('am', 'VBP'), ('selling', 'VBG'), ('it', 'PRP'), ('for', 'IN'), ('35', 'CD'), ('it', 'PRP'), ('includes', 'VBZ'), ('the', 'DT'), ('instruction', 'NN'), ('manual', 'NN')]
['pair', 'oakley', 'cost', 'new', 'year', 'ago', 'hardly', 'ever', 'wear', 'look', 'right', 'orange', 'blue', 'blade', 'kind', 'terminator', 'style', 'willing', 'sell', 'first', 'response', 'get', 'also', 'bull', 'vs', 'blazer', 'game', 'snes', 'perfect', 'condition', 'sell', 'include', 'instruction', 'manual']
['new_year', 'year_ago', 'willing_sell', 'response_get', 'get_also', 'perfect_condition']
misc_forsale_76220 |@lemmatized pair:1 oakley:1 cost:1 new:1 year:1 ago:1 hardly:1 ever:1 wear:1 look:1 right:1 orange:1 blue:1 blade:1 kind:1 terminator:1 style:1 willing:1 sell:2 first:1 response:1 get:1 also:1 bull:1 vs:1 blazer:1 game:1 snes:1 perfect:1 condition:1 include:1 instruction:1 manual:1 |@bigram new_year:1 year_ago:1 willing_sell:1 response_get:1 get_also:1 perfect_condition:1
Would someone please give me the address for Texas Ranger ticket orders. Thanks very much.
[('would', 'MD'), ('someone', 'NN'), ('please', 'VB'), ('give', 'VB'), ('me', 'PRP'), ('the', 'DT'), ('address', 'NN'), ('for', 'IN'), ('texas', 'JJ'), ('ranger', 'NN'), ('ticket', 'NN'), ('orders', 'NNS'), ('thanks', 'VBP'), ('very', 'RB'), ('much', 'JJ')]
['would', 'someone', 'please', 'give', 'address', 'texas', 'ranger', 'ticket', 'order', 'thank', 'much']
['would_someone', 'someone_please', 'please_give', 'give_address', 'texas_ranger', 'thank_much']
rec_sport_baseball_104354 |@lemmatized would:1 someone:1 please:1 give:1 address:1 texas:1 ranger:1 ticket:1 order:1 thank:1 much:1 |@bigram would_someone:1 someone_please:1 please_give:1 give_address:1 texas_ranger:1 thank_much:1
I participated a promotion by a company called Visual Images. They sent me a award certificate three months ago and asked me to buy their promotion package in order to receive the major award. They mislabled my address and I did not receive my package until one month ago. I was mad and angry about how it took them so long to get my package. So I wrote them a letter and requested for a refund. They never return my letter. I was lucky enough to find out their telephone number through operator and received the package. I immediately returned the package and wrote them another letter to ask for refund. The package was returned because they address they put on the package was incorrect. I attempted to call them and learnd that they have changed their telephone number. It took me at least 10 phone calls to find out their new number, but they refused to take any responsibility. I spoke to their manager and she said she would call me back, but she has not call yet. But I was able to get their address from their front desk. Should I just go ahead and send the package? Or should I waite until they call me back? I know there are several people on the net has experience with the same company. I would like to know how they got their money back. If you have similar experience, please advise me. Thanks in advance,
[('participated', 'VBN'), ('promotion', 'NN'), ('by', 'IN'), ('company', 'NN'), ('called', 'VBN'), ('visual', 'JJ'), ('images', 'NNS'), ('they', 'PRP'), ('sent', 'VBD'), ('me', 'PRP'), ('award', 'NN'), ('certificate', 'VBP'), ('three', 'CD'), ('months', 'NNS'), ('ago', 'RB'), ('and', 'CC'), ('asked', 'VBD'), ('me', 'PRP'), ('to', 'TO'), ('buy', 'VB'), ('their', 'PRP$'), ('promotion', 'NN'), ('package', 'NN'), ('in', 'IN'), ('order', 'NN'), ('to', 'TO'), ('receive', 'VB'), ('the', 'DT'), ('major', 'JJ'), ('award', 'NN'), ('they', 'PRP'), ('mislabled', 'VBD'), ('my', 'PRP$'), ('address', 'NN'), ('and', 'CC'), ('did', 'VBD'), ('not', 'RB'), ('receive', 'VB'), ('my', 'PRP$'), ('package', 'NN'), ('until', 'IN'), ('one', 'CD'), ('month', 'NN'), ('ago', 'RB'), ('was', 'VBD'), ('mad', 'JJ'), ('and', 'CC'), ('angry', 'JJ'), ('about', 'IN'), ('how', 'WRB'), ('it', 'PRP'), ('took', 'VBD'), ('them', 'PRP'), ('so', 'RB'), ('long', 'RB'), ('to', 'TO'), ('get', 'VB'), ('my', 'PRP$'), ('package', 'NN'), ('so', 'RB'), ('wrote', 'VBD'), ('them', 'PRP'), ('letter', 'NN'), ('and', 'CC'), ('requested', 'VBN'), ('for', 'IN'), ('refund', 'NN'), ('they', 'PRP'), ('never', 'RB'), ('return', 'VBP'), ('my', 'PRP$'), ('letter', 'NN'), ('was', 'VBD'), ('lucky', 'JJ'), ('enough', 'RB'), ('to', 'TO'), ('find', 'VB'), ('out', 'RP'), ('their', 'PRP$'), ('telephone', 'NN'), ('number', 'NN'), ('through', 'IN'), ('operator', 'NN'), ('and', 'CC'), ('received', 'VBD'), ('the', 'DT'), ('package', 'NN'), ('immediately', 'RB'), ('returned', 'VBD'), ('the', 'DT'), ('package', 'NN'), ('and', 'CC'), ('wrote', 'VBD'), ('them', 'PRP'), ('another', 'DT'), ('letter', 'NN'), ('to', 'TO'), ('ask', 'VB'), ('for', 'IN'), ('refund', 'NN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('package', 'NN'), ('was', 'VBD'), ('returned', 'VBN'), ('because', 'IN'), ('they', 'PRP'), ('address', 'VBP'), ('they', 'PRP'), ('put', 'VBD'), ('on', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('package', 'NN'), ('was', 'VBD'), ('incorrect', 'JJ'), ('attempted', 'VBN'), ('to', 'TO'), ('call', 'VB'), ('them', 'PRP'), ('and', 'CC'), ('learnd', 'VB'), ('that', 'IN'), ('they', 'PRP'), ('have', 'VBP'), ('changed', 'VBN'), ('their', 'PRP$'), ('telephone', 'NN'), ('number', 'NN'), ('it', 'PRP'), ('took', 'VBD'), ('me', 'PRP'), ('at', 'IN'), ('least', 'JJS'), ('10', 'CD'), ('phone', 'NN'), ('calls', 'NNS'), ('to', 'TO'), ('find', 'VB'), ('out', 'RP'), ('their', 'PRP$'), ('new', 'JJ'), ('number', 'NN'), ('but', 'CC'), ('they', 'PRP'), ('refused', 'VBD'), ('to', 'TO'), ('take', 'VB'), ('any', 'DT'), ('responsibility', 'NN'), ('spoke', 'VBD'), ('to', 'TO'), ('their', 'PRP$'), ('manager', 'NN'), ('and', 'CC'), ('she', 'PRP'), ('said', 'VBD'), ('she', 'PRP'), ('would', 'MD'), ('call', 'VB'), ('me', 'PRP'), ('back', 'RB'), ('but', 'CC'), ('she', 'PRP'), ('has', 'VBZ'), ('not', 'RB'), ('call', 'VBN'), ('yet', 'RB'), ('but', 'CC'), ('was', 'VBD'), ('able', 'JJ'), ('to', 'TO'), ('get', 'VB'), ('their', 'PRP$'), ('address', 'NN'), ('from', 'IN'), ('their', 'PRP$'), ('front', 'NN'), ('desk', 'NN'), ('should', 'MD'), ('just', 'RB'), ('go', 'VB'), ('ahead', 'RB'), ('and', 'CC'), ('send', 'VB'), ('the', 'DT'), ('package', 'NN'), ('or', 'CC'), ('should', 'MD'), ('waite', 'VB'), ('until', 'IN'), ('they', 'PRP'), ('call', 'VBP'), ('me', 'PRP'), ('back', 'RB'), ('know', 'VBP'), ('there', 'EX'), ('are', 'VBP'), ('several', 'JJ'), ('people', 'NNS'), ('on', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('net', 'JJ'), ('has', 'VBZ'), ('experience', 'NN'), ('with', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('same', 'JJ'), ('company', 'NN'), ('would', 'MD'), ('like', 'VB'), ('to', 'TO'), ('know', 'VB'), ('how', 'WRB'), ('they', 'PRP'), ('got', 'VBD'), ('their', 'PRP$'), ('money', 'NN'), ('back', 'RB'), ('if', 'IN'), ('you', 'PRP'), ('have', 'VBP'), ('similar', 'JJ'), ('experience', 'NN'), ('please', 'NN'), ('advise', 'VB'), ('me', 'PRP'), ('thanks', 'NNS'), ('in', 'IN'), ('advance', 'NN')]
['participate', 'promotion', 'company', 'call', 'visual', 'image', 'send', 'award', 'certificate', 'three', 'month', 'ago', 'ask', 'buy', 'promotion', 'package', 'order', 'receive', 'major', 'award', 'mislabled', 'address', 'receive', 'package', 'one', 'month', 'ago', 'mad', 'angry', 'take', 'long', 'get', 'package', 'write', 'letter', 'request', 'refund', 'never', 'return', 'letter', 'lucky', 'enough', 'find', 'telephone', 'number', 'operator', 'receive', 'package', 'immediately', 'return', 'package', 'write', 'another', 'letter', 'ask', 'refund', 'package', 'return', 'address', 'put', 'package', 'incorrect', 'attempt', 'call', 'learnd', 'change', 'telephone', 'number', 'take', 'least', 'phone', 'call', 'find', 'new', 'number', 'refuse', 'take', 'responsibility', 'speak', 'manager', 'say', 'would', 'call', 'back', 'call', 'yet', 'able', 'get', 'address', 'front', 'desk', 'go', 'ahead', 'send', 'package', 'waite', 'call', 'back', 'know', 'several', 'people', 'net', 'experience', 'company', 'would', 'like', 'know', 'get', 'money', 'back', 'similar', 'experience', 'please', 'advise', 'thanks', 'advance']
['company_call', 'three_month', 'month_ago', 'one_month', 'month_ago', 'take_long', 'long_get', 'package_write', 'write_letter', 'lucky_enough', 'telephone_number', 'package_write', 'write_another', 'return_address', 'telephone_number', 'number_take', 'take_least', 'phone_call', 'find_new', 'refuse_take', 'take_responsibility', 'say_would', 'would_call', 'call_back', 'able_get', 'go_ahead', 'call_back', 'know_several', 'several_people', 'people_net', 'company_would', 'would_like', 'like_know', 'know_get', 'get_money', 'money_back', 'similar_experience', 'please_advise', 'thanks_advance']
misc_forsale_75999 |@lemmatized participate:1 promotion:2 company:2 call:6 visual:1 image:1 send:2 award:2 certificate:1 three:1 month:2 ago:2 ask:2 buy:1 package:8 order:1 receive:3 major:1 mislabled:1 address:3 one:1 mad:1 angry:1 take:3 long:1 get:3 write:2 letter:3 request:1 refund:2 never:1 return:3 lucky:1 enough:1 find:2 telephone:2 number:3 operator:1 immediately:1 another:1 put:1 incorrect:1 attempt:1 learnd:1 change:1 least:1 phone:1 new:1 refuse:1 responsibility:1 speak:1 manager:1 say:1 would:2 back:3 yet:1 able:1 front:1 desk:1 go:1 ahead:1 waite:1 know:2 several:1 people:1 net:1 experience:2 like:1 money:1 similar:1 please:1 advise:1 thanks:1 advance:1 |@bigram company_call:1 three_month:1 month_ago:2 one_month:1 take_long:1 long_get:1 package_write:2 write_letter:1 lucky_enough:1 telephone_number:2 write_another:1 return_address:1 number_take:1 take_least:1 phone_call:1 find_new:1 refuse_take:1 take_responsibility:1 say_would:1 would_call:1 call_back:2 able_get:1 go_ahead:1 know_several:1 several_people:1 people_net:1 company_would:1 would_like:1 like_know:1 know_get:1 get_money:1 money_back:1 similar_experience:1 please_advise:1 thanks_advance:1
Digitally-tuned shorwave radio with alarm clock and 5 presets per band. Has AM, FM, SW1, and SW2 bands. Asking $25 + shppg. Reply for more details. Thanks Pete 3mwieu4@cmuvm.cmich.edu
[('digitally', 'RB'), ('tuned', 'VBN'), ('shorwave', 'JJ'), ('radio', 'NN'), ('with', 'IN'), ('alarm', 'NN'), ('clock', 'NN'), ('and', 'CC'), ('presets', 'NNS'), ('per', 'IN'), ('band', 'NN'), ('has', 'VBZ'), ('am', 'VBP'), ('fm', 'VBN'), ('sw1', 'NN'), ('and', 'CC'), ('sw2', 'VB'), ('bands', 'NNS'), ('asking', 'VBG'), ('25', 'CD'), ('shppg', 'JJ'), ('reply', 'NN'), ('for', 'IN'), ('more', 'JJR'), ('details', 'NNS'), ('thanks', 'NNS'), ('pete', 'VBP')]
['digitally', 'tune', 'shorwave', 'radio', 'alarm', 'clock', 'presets', 'per', 'band', 'fm', 'band', 'ask', 'shppg', 'reply', 'detail', 'thanks', 'pete']
misc_forsale_76338 |@lemmatized digitally:1 tune:1 shorwave:1 radio:1 alarm:1 clock:1 presets:1 per:1 band:2 fm:1 ask:1 shppg:1 reply:1 detail:1 thanks:1 pete:1 |@bigram
# #The article also contains numbers on the number of sexual partners. # #The median number of sexual partners for all men 20-39 was 7.3. # #Compared to the table I have already posted from Masters, Johnson, # #and Kolodny showing male homosexual partners, it is apparent that # #homosexual men are dramatically more promiscuous than the general # #male population. It's a shame that we don't have a breakdown for # #straight men vs. gay/bi men -- that would show even more dramatically # #how much more promiscuous gay/bi men are. # # Possibly because gay/bi men are less likely to get married? Marriage isn't a requirement for a couple staying together. # What was the purpose of this post? If it was to show a mindless obsession # with statistics, an incredibly flawed system of reasoning, and a repellent # hatemonger agenda, then the purpose was accomplished with panache. # # (a) Get a clue. (b) Get a life. (c) Get out of my face. I'm not in yours. # # ----bi Andrew D. Simchik SCHNOPIA! Yes you are. When you and the rest of the homosexual community pass laws to impose your moral codes on me, by requiring me to hire, rent to, or otherwise associate with a homosexual against my will, yes, you are in my face. Until homosexuals stop trying to impose their morals on me, I will be in your face about this.
[('the', 'DT'), ('article', 'NN'), ('also', 'RB'), ('contains', 'VBZ'), ('numbers', 'NNS'), ('on', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('number', 'NN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('sexual', 'JJ'), ('partners', 'NNS'), ('the', 'DT'), ('median', 'JJ'), ('number', 'NN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('sexual', 'JJ'), ('partners', 'NNS'), ('for', 'IN'), ('all', 'DT'), ('men', 'NNS'), ('20', 'CD'), ('39', 'CD'), ('was', 'VBD'), ('compared', 'VBN'), ('to', 'TO'), ('the', 'DT'), ('table', 'NN'), ('have', 'VBP'), ('already', 'RB'), ('posted', 'VBN'), ('from', 'IN'), ('masters', 'NNS'), ('johnson', 'NN'), ('and', 'CC'), ('kolodny', 'VB'), ('showing', 'VBG'), ('male', 'JJ'), ('homosexual', 'JJ'), ('partners', 'NNS'), ('it', 'PRP'), ('is', 'VBZ'), ('apparent', 'JJ'), ('that', 'IN'), ('homosexual', 'JJ'), ('men', 'NNS'), ('are', 'VBP'), ('dramatically', 'RB'), ('more', 'RBR'), ('promiscuous', 'JJ'), ('than', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('general', 'JJ'), ('male', 'NN'), ('population', 'NN'), ('it', 'PRP'), ('shame', 'VBZ'), ('that', 'IN'), ('we', 'PRP'), ('don', 'VBP'), ('have', 'VBP'), ('breakdown', 'VBN'), ('for', 'IN'), ('straight', 'JJ'), ('men', 'NNS'), ('vs', 'VBP'), ('gay', 'JJ'), ('bi', 'NN'), ('men', 'NNS'), ('--', ':'), ('that', 'WDT'), ('would', 'MD'), ('show', 'VB'), ('even', 'RB'), ('more', 'RBR'), ('dramatically', 'RB'), ('how', 'WRB'), ('much', 'RB'), ('more', 'RBR'), ('promiscuous', 'JJ'), ('gay', 'NN'), ('bi', 'IN'), ('men', 'NNS'), ('are', 'VBP'), ('possibly', 'RB'), ('because', 'IN'), ('gay', 'NN'), ('bi', 'NN'), ('men', 'NNS'), ('are', 'VBP'), ('less', 'RBR'), ('likely', 'JJ'), ('to', 'TO'), ('get', 'VB'), ('married', 'JJ'), ('marriage', 'NN'), ('isn', 'NN'), ('requirement', 'NN'), ('for', 'IN'), ('couple', 'NN'), ('staying', 'VBG'), ('together', 'RB'), ('what', 'WP'), ('was', 'VBD'), ('the', 'DT'), ('purpose', 'NN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('this', 'DT'), ('post', 'NN'), ('if', 'IN'), ('it', 'PRP'), ('was', 'VBD'), ('to', 'TO'), ('show', 'VB'), ('mindless', 'JJ'), ('obsession', 'NN'), ('with', 'IN'), ('statistics', 'NNS'), ('an', 'DT'), ('incredibly', 'RB'), ('flawed', 'JJ'), ('system', 'NN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('reasoning', 'VBG'), ('and', 'CC'), ('repellent', 'JJ'), ('hatemonger', 'NN'), ('agenda', 'NN'), ('then', 'RB'), ('the', 'DT'), ('purpose', 'NN'), ('was', 'VBD'), ('accomplished', 'VBN'), ('with', 'IN'), ('panache', 'NN'), ('get', 'VBP'), ('clue', 'JJ'), ('get', 'VB'), ('life', 'NN'), ('get', 'VB'), ('out', 'IN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('my', 'PRP$'), ('face', 'NN'), ('not', 'RB'), ('in', 'IN'), ('yours', 'NNS'), ('----', 'VBP'), ('bi', 'NN'), ('andrew', 'NN'), ('simchik', 'JJ'), ('schnopia', 'JJ'), ('yes', 'NNS'), ('you', 'PRP'), ('are', 'VBP'), ('when', 'WRB'), ('you', 'PRP'), ('and', 'CC'), ('the', 'DT'), ('rest', 'NN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('homosexual', 'JJ'), ('community', 'NN'), ('pass', 'NN'), ('laws', 'NNS'), ('to', 'TO'), ('impose', 'VB'), ('your', 'PRP$'), ('moral', 'JJ'), ('codes', 'NNS'), ('on', 'IN'), ('me', 'PRP'), ('by', 'IN'), ('requiring', 'VBG'), ('me', 'PRP'), ('to', 'TO'), ('hire', 'VB'), ('rent', 'NN'), ('to', 'TO'), ('or', 'CC'), ('otherwise', 'VB'), ('associate', 'JJ'), ('with', 'IN'), ('homosexual', 'JJ'), ('against', 'IN'), ('my', 'PRP$'), ('will', 'MD'), ('yes', 'VB'), ('you', 'PRP'), ('are', 'VBP'), ('in', 'IN'), ('my', 'PRP$'), ('face', 'NN'), ('until', 'IN'), ('homosexuals', 'NNS'), ('stop', 'VB'), ('trying', 'VBG'), ('to', 'TO'), ('impose', 'VB'), ('their', 'PRP$'), ('morals', 'NNS'), ('on', 'IN'), ('me', 'PRP'), ('will', 'MD'), ('be', 'VB'), ('in', 'IN'), ('your', 'PRP$'), ('face', 'NN'), ('about', 'IN'), ('this', 'DT')]
['article', 'also', 'contain', 'number', 'number', 'sexual', 'partner', 'median', 'number', 'sexual', 'partner', 'men', 'compare', 'table', 'already', 'post', 'master', 'johnson', 'kolodny', 'show', 'male', 'homosexual', 'partner', 'apparent', 'homosexual', 'men', 'dramatically', 'promiscuous', 'general', 'male', 'population', 'shame', 'breakdown', 'straight', 'men', 'vs', 'gay', 'bi', 'men', 'would', 'show', 'even', 'dramatically', 'much', 'promiscuous', 'gay', 'bi', 'men', 'possibly', 'gay', 'bi', 'men', 'less', 'likely', 'get', 'married', 'marriage', 'requirement', 'couple', 'stay', 'together', 'purpose', 'post', 'show', 'mindless', 'obsession', 'statistic', 'incredibly', 'flawed', 'system', 'reason', 'repellent', 'hatemonger', 'agenda', 'purpose', 'accomplish', 'panache', 'get', 'clue', 'get', 'life', 'get', 'face', 'bi', 'andrew', 'simchik', 'schnopia', 'yes', 'rest', 'homosexual', 'community', 'pas', 'law', 'impose', 'moral', 'code', 'require', 'hire', 'rent', 'otherwise', 'associate', 'homosexual', 'yes', 'face', 'homosexual', 'stop', 'try', 'impose', 'moral', 'face']
['article_also', 'also_contain', 'contain_number', 'number_number', 'number_sexual', 'sexual_partner', 'number_sexual', 'sexual_partner', 'already_post', 'homosexual_men', 'male_population', 'straight_men', 'gay_bi', 'bi_men', 'men_would', 'would_show', 'much_promiscuous', 'gay_bi', 'bi_men', 'gay_bi', 'bi_men', 'less_likely', 'likely_get', 'get_married', 'purpose_post', 'post_show', 'get_clue', 'get_life', 'life_get', 'moral_code', 'code_require', 'stop_try']
talk_politics_misc_178760 |@lemmatized article:1 also:1 contain:1 number:3 sexual:2 partner:3 median:1 men:6 compare:1 table:1 already:1 post:2 master:1 johnson:1 kolodny:1 show:3 male:2 homosexual:5 apparent:1 dramatically:2 promiscuous:2 general:1 population:1 shame:1 breakdown:1 straight:1 vs:1 gay:3 bi:4 would:1 even:1 much:1 possibly:1 less:1 likely:1 get:4 married:1 marriage:1 requirement:1 couple:1 stay:1 together:1 purpose:2 mindless:1 obsession:1 statistic:1 incredibly:1 flawed:1 system:1 reason:1 repellent:1 hatemonger:1 agenda:1 accomplish:1 panache:1 clue:1 life:1 face:3 andrew:1 simchik:1 schnopia:1 yes:2 rest:1 community:1 pas:1 law:1 impose:2 moral:2 code:1 require:1 hire:1 rent:1 otherwise:1 associate:1 stop:1 try:1 |@bigram article_also:1 also_contain:1 contain_number:1 number_number:1 number_sexual:2 sexual_partner:2 already_post:1 homosexual_men:1 male_population:1 straight_men:1 gay_bi:3 bi_men:3 men_would:1 would_show:1 much_promiscuous:1 less_likely:1 likely_get:1 get_married:1 purpose_post:1 post_show:1 get_clue:1 get_life:1 life_get:1 moral_code:1 code_require:1 stop_try:1
comp_graphics_38435 |@lemmatized |@bigram
If anybody is having problems following the thread be sure to ask the origonal poster to rectify your misunderstanding.
[('if', 'IN'), ('anybody', 'NN'), ('is', 'VBZ'), ('having', 'VBG'), ('problems', 'NNS'), ('following', 'VBG'), ('the', 'DT'), ('thread', 'JJ'), ('be', 'VB'), ('sure', 'JJ'), ('to', 'TO'), ('ask', 'VB'), ('the', 'DT'), ('origonal', 'JJ'), ('poster', 'NN'), ('to', 'TO'), ('rectify', 'VB'), ('your', 'PRP$'), ('misunderstanding', 'NN')]
['anybody', 'problem', 'follow', 'thread', 'sure', 'ask', 'origonal', 'poster', 'rectify', 'misunderstanding']
rec_sport_hockey_52597 |@lemmatized anybody:1 problem:1 follow:1 thread:1 sure:1 ask:1 origonal:1 poster:1 rectify:1 misunderstanding:1 |@bigram follow_thread:1
I am looking for Super 8mm Projector with SOUNDS. If anybody out there has one for sale, semd email with the name of brand, condition of projector, and price for sale to kimd@rpi.edu (IT MUST HAVE SOUND CAPABILITY)
[('am', 'VBP'), ('looking', 'VBG'), ('for', 'IN'), ('super', 'JJ'), ('8mm', 'CD'), ('projector', 'NN'), ('with', 'IN'), ('sounds', 'NNS'), ('if', 'IN'), ('anybody', 'NN'), ('out', 'IN'), ('there', 'RB'), ('has', 'VBZ'), ('one', 'CD'), ('for', 'IN'), ('sale', 'NN'), ('semd', 'NN'), ('email', 'NN'), ('with', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('name', 'NN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('brand', 'NN'), ('condition', 'NN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('projector', 'NN'), ('and', 'CC'), ('price', 'NN'), ('for', 'IN'), ('sale', 'NN'), ('to', 'TO'), ('it', 'PRP'), ('must', 'MD'), ('have', 'VB'), ('sound', 'VBN'), ('capability', 'NN')]
['look', 'super', 'projector', 'sound', 'anybody', 'one', 'sale', 'semd', 'email', 'name', 'brand', 'condition', 'projector', 'price', 'sale', 'must', 'sound', 'capability']
['one_sale', 'must_sound']
misc_forsale_76789 |@lemmatized look:1 super:1 projector:2 sound:2 anybody:1 one:1 sale:2 semd:1 email:1 name:1 brand:1 condition:1 price:1 must:1 capability:1 |@bigram one_sale:1 must_sound:1
Kevin Todd is an Oiler and has been one for months. How closely do you follow the Devils, anyway? Jeez....
[('kevin', 'NN'), ('todd', 'NN'), ('is', 'VBZ'), ('an', 'DT'), ('oiler', 'NN'), ('and', 'CC'), ('has', 'VBZ'), ('been', 'VBN'), ('one', 'CD'), ('for', 'IN'), ('months', 'NNS'), ('how', 'WRB'), ('closely', 'RB'), ('do', 'VBP'), ('you', 'PRP'), ('follow', 'VB'), ('the', 'DT'), ('devils', 'NNS'), ('anyway', 'RB'), ('jeez', 'VBP'), ('....', 'NNS')]
['kevin', 'todd', 'oiler', 'one', 'month', 'closely', 'follow', 'devil', 'anyway', 'jeez']
['one_month', 'closely_follow']
rec_sport_hockey_53825 |@lemmatized kevin:1 todd:1 oiler:1 one:1 month:1 closely:1 follow:1 devil:1 anyway:1 jeez:1 |@bigram one_month:1 closely_follow:1
Hi folks Thanks to the ones that replied, however, my problem turned out to be very simple. In my .Xresources I had a space after XTerm*font: 10x20. Removing this and xrdb fixed my problem. Also, same symptom, was that some of my users did not have the proper capitals for XTerm*font. Thanks again
[('hi', 'JJ'), ('folks', 'NNS'), ('thanks', 'NNS'), ('to', 'TO'), ('the', 'DT'), ('ones', 'NNS'), ('that', 'WDT'), ('replied', 'VBD'), ('however', 'RB'), ('my', 'PRP$'), ('problem', 'NN'), ('turned', 'VBD'), ('out', 'RP'), ('to', 'TO'), ('be', 'VB'), ('very', 'RB'), ('simple', 'JJ'), ('in', 'IN'), ('my', 'PRP$'), ('xresources', 'NNS'), ('had', 'VBD'), ('space', 'NN'), ('after', 'IN'), ('xterm', 'JJ'), ('font', 'JJ'), ('10x20', 'CD'), ('removing', 'VBG'), ('this', 'DT'), ('and', 'CC'), ('xrdb', 'VB'), ('fixed', 'VBN'), ('my', 'PRP$'), ('problem', 'NN'), ('also', 'RB'), ('same', 'JJ'), ('symptom', 'NN'), ('was', 'VBD'), ('that', 'IN'), ('some', 'DT'), ('of', 'IN'), ('my', 'PRP$'), ('users', 'NNS'), ('did', 'VBD'), ('not', 'RB'), ('have', 'VB'), ('the', 'DT'), ('proper', 'JJ'), ('capitals', 'NNS'), ('for', 'IN'), ('xterm', 'JJ'), ('font', 'JJ'), ('thanks', 'NNS'), ('again', 'RB')]
['hi', 'folk', 'thanks', 'one', 'reply', 'however', 'problem', 'turn', 'simple', 'xresources', 'space', 'xterm', 'font', 'remove', 'xrdb', 'fix', 'problem', 'also', 'symptom', 'user', 'proper', 'capital', 'xterm', 'font', 'thanks']
['hi_folk', 'one_reply', 'however_problem', 'problem_turn', 'xterm_font', 'fix_problem', 'problem_also', 'xterm_font']
comp_windows_x_67237 |@lemmatized hi:1 folk:1 thanks:2 one:1 reply:1 however:1 problem:2 turn:1 simple:1 xresources:1 space:1 xterm:2 font:2 remove:1 xrdb:1 fix:1 also:1 symptom:1 user:1 proper:1 capital:1 |@bigram hi_folk:1 one_reply:1 however_problem:1 problem_turn:1 xterm_font:2 fix_problem:1 problem_also:1
Could you post a description of ObjectBase, your chosen product.
[('could', 'MD'), ('you', 'PRP'), ('post', 'VB'), ('description', 'NN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('objectbase', 'JJ'), ('your', 'PRP$'), ('chosen', 'NNS'), ('product', 'NN')]
['could', 'post', 'description', 'objectbase', 'chosen', 'product']
comp_os_ms-windows_misc_9962 |@lemmatized could:1 post:1 description:1 objectbase:1 chosen:1 product:1 |@bigram could_post:1
Who knows in this legal climate, but there is tremendous legal precendent for forcibly quarantining TB patients in sanitariums. 100 yrs ago it was done all the time. It has been done sporadically all along in patients who won't take their medicine. If you have TB you may find yourself under surveilence of the Public Health Department and you may find they have the legal power to insist you make your clinic visits. -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gordon Banks N3JXP | "Skepticism is the chastity of the intellect, and geb@cadre.dsl.pitt.edu | it is shameful to surrender it too soon."
[('who', 'WP'), ('knows', 'VBZ'), ('in', 'IN'), ('this', 'DT'), ('legal', 'JJ'), ('climate', 'NN'), ('but', 'CC'), ('there', 'EX'), ('is', 'VBZ'), ('tremendous', 'JJ'), ('legal', 'JJ'), ('precendent', 'NN'), ('for', 'IN'), ('forcibly', 'RB'), ('quarantining', 'VBG'), ('tb', 'NN'), ('patients', 'NNS'), ('in', 'IN'), ('sanitariums', 'NNS'), ('100', 'CD'), ('yrs', 'NNS'), ('ago', 'IN'), ('it', 'PRP'), ('was', 'VBD'), ('done', 'VBN'), ('all', 'PDT'), ('the', 'DT'), ('time', 'NN'), ('it', 'PRP'), ('has', 'VBZ'), ('been', 'VBN'), ('done', 'VBN'), ('sporadically', 'RB'), ('all', 'DT'), ('along', 'IN'), ('in', 'IN'), ('patients', 'NNS'), ('who', 'WP'), ('won', 'VBD'), ('take', 'VB'), ('their', 'PRP$'), ('medicine', 'NN'), ('if', 'IN'), ('you', 'PRP'), ('have', 'VBP'), ('tb', 'VBN'), ('you', 'PRP'), ('may', 'MD'), ('find', 'VB'), ('yourself', 'PRP'), ('under', 'IN'), ('surveilence', 'NN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('public', 'JJ'), ('health', 'NN'), ('department', 'NN'), ('and', 'CC'), ('you', 'PRP'), ('may', 'MD'), ('find', 'VB'), ('they', 'PRP'), ('have', 'VBP'), ('the', 'DT'), ('legal', 'JJ'), ('power', 'NN'), ('to', 'TO'), ('insist', 'VB'), ('you', 'PRP'), ('make', 'VB'), ('your', 'PRP$'), ('clinic', 'JJ'), ('visits', 'NNS'), ('--', ':'), ('----------------------------------------------------------------------------', 'JJ'), ('gordon', 'JJ'), ('banks', 'NNS'), ('n3jxp', 'JJ'), ('skepticism', 'NN'), ('is', 'VBZ'), ('the', 'DT'), ('chastity', 'NN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('intellect', 'NN'), ('and', 'CC'), ('it', 'PRP'), ('is', 'VBZ'), ('shameful', 'JJ'), ('to', 'TO'), ('surrender', 'VB'), ('it', 'PRP'), ('too', 'RB'), ('soon', 'RB'), ('."', 'JJ')]
['know', 'legal', 'climate', 'tremendous', 'legal', 'precendent', 'forcibly', 'quarantine', 'tb', 'patient', 'sanitarium', 'yr', 'ago', 'time', 'sporadically', 'along', 'patient', 'win', 'take', 'medicine', 'tb', 'may', 'find', 'surveilence', 'public', 'health', 'department', 'may', 'find', 'legal', 'power', 'insist', 'make', 'clinic', 'visit', 'gordon', 'bank', 'skepticism', 'chastity', 'intellect', 'shameful', 'surrender', 'soon']
['win_take', 'may_find', 'public_health', 'health_department', 'may_find', 'legal_power', 'gordon_bank', 'bank_skepticism', 'skepticism_chastity', 'chastity_intellect', 'intellect_shameful', 'shameful_surrender', 'surrender_soon']
sci_med_58117 |@lemmatized know:1 legal:3 climate:1 tremendous:1 precendent:1 forcibly:1 quarantine:1 tb:2 patient:2 sanitarium:1 yr:1 ago:1 time:1 sporadically:1 along:1 win:1 take:1 medicine:1 may:2 find:2 surveilence:1 public:1 health:1 department:1 power:1 insist:1 make:1 clinic:1 visit:1 gordon:1 bank:1 skepticism:1 chastity:1 intellect:1 shameful:1 surrender:1 soon:1 |@bigram win_take:1 may_find:2 public_health:1 health_department:1 legal_power:1 gordon_bank:1 bank_skepticism:1 skepticism_chastity:1 chastity_intellect:1 intellect_shameful:1 shameful_surrender:1 surrender_soon:1
No rumour, IBM's clock tripling chip was seen in some trade show last fall (COMDEX or something, I wasn't there). All you people who are drooling after this chip do realize that it has no FPU, just like 486SX, that Evil Marketing Ploy(tm) from Intel, don't you? It has 16K of internal cache, which probably is where the saved silicon real estate went. Because of some contract, IBM is not allowed to sell its 486 chips to third parties, so these chips are unlikely to become available in any non-IBM machines. Of course, nothing prevents other companies from implementing a DX3/99, but nobody hasn't even come out with a real 486DX (FPU and all) clone yet (although AMD soon will).
[('no', 'DT'), ('rumour', 'NN'), ('ibm', 'NN'), ('clock', 'NN'), ('tripling', 'VBG'), ('chip', 'NN'), ('was', 'VBD'), ('seen', 'VBN'), ('in', 'IN'), ('some', 'DT'), ('trade', 'NN'), ('show', 'NN'), ('last', 'JJ'), ('fall', 'NN'), ('comdex', 'NN'), ('or', 'CC'), ('something', 'NN'), ('wasn', 'VBP'), ('there', 'EX'), (').', 'VBP'), ('all', 'DT'), ('you', 'PRP'), ('people', 'NNS'), ('who', 'WP'), ('are', 'VBP'), ('drooling', 'VBG'), ('after', 'IN'), ('this', 'DT'), ('chip', 'NN'), ('do', 'VBP'), ('realize', 'VB'), ('that', 'IN'), ('it', 'PRP'), ('has', 'VBZ'), ('no', 'DT'), ('fpu', 'NN'), ('just', 'RB'), ('like', 'IN'), ('486sx', 'CD'), ('that', 'IN'), ('evil', 'JJ'), ('marketing', 'NN'), ('ploy', 'NN'), ('tm', 'NN'), ('from', 'IN'), ('intel', 'NN'), ('don', 'NN'), ('you', 'PRP'), ('it', 'PRP'), ('has', 'VBZ'), ('16k', 'CD'), ('of', 'IN'), ('internal', 'JJ'), ('cache', 'NN'), ('which', 'WDT'), ('probably', 'RB'), ('is', 'VBZ'), ('where', 'WRB'), ('the', 'DT'), ('saved', 'JJ'), ('silicon', 'JJ'), ('real', 'JJ'), ('estate', 'NN'), ('went', 'VBD'), ('because', 'IN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('some', 'DT'), ('contract', 'NN'), ('ibm', 'NN'), ('is', 'VBZ'), ('not', 'RB'), ('allowed', 'VBN'), ('to', 'TO'), ('sell', 'VB'), ('its', 'PRP$'), ('486', 'CD'), ('chips', 'NNS'), ('to', 'TO'), ('third', 'JJ'), ('parties', 'NNS'), ('so', 'IN'), ('these', 'DT'), ('chips', 'NNS'), ('are', 'VBP'), ('unlikely', 'JJ'), ('to', 'TO'), ('become', 'VB'), ('available', 'JJ'), ('in', 'IN'), ('any', 'DT'), ('non', 'JJ'), ('ibm', 'JJ'), ('machines', 'NNS'), ('of', 'IN'), ('course', 'NN'), ('nothing', 'NN'), ('prevents', 'VBZ'), ('other', 'JJ'), ('companies', 'NNS'), ('from', 'IN'), ('implementing', 'VBG'), ('dx3', 'JJ'), ('99', 'CD'), ('but', 'CC'), ('nobody', 'NN'), ('hasn', 'VBD'), ('even', 'RB'), ('come', 'VBN'), ('out', 'RP'), ('with', 'IN'), ('real', 'JJ'), ('486dx', 'CD'), ('fpu', 'NN'), ('and', 'CC'), ('all', 'DT'), ('clone', 'NN'), ('yet', 'RB'), ('although', 'IN'), ('amd', 'NN'), ('soon', 'RB'), ('will', 'MD'), (').', 'VB')]
['rumour', 'ibm', 'clock', 'triple', 'chip', 'see', 'trade', 'show', 'last', 'fall', 'comdex', 'something', 'people', 'drool', 'chip', 'realize', 'fpu', 'like', 'evil', 'marketing', 'ploy', 'tm', 'intel', 'internal', 'cache', 'probably', 'saved', 'silicon', 'real', 'estate', 'go', 'contract', 'ibm', 'allow', 'sell', 'chip', 'third', 'party', 'chip', 'unlikely', 'become', 'available', 'non', 'ibm', 'machine', 'course', 'nothing', 'prevent', 'company', 'implement', 'nobody', 'even', 'come', 'real', 'fpu', 'clone', 'yet', 'although', 'amd', 'soon']
['chip_see', 'trade_show', 'last_fall', 'something_people', 'internal_cache', 'real_estate', 'sell_chip', 'third_party', 'become_available', 'available_non', 'ibm_machine', 'even_come', 'come_real']
comp_sys_ibm_pc_hardware_58924 |@lemmatized rumour:1 ibm:3 clock:1 triple:1 chip:4 see:1 trade:1 show:1 last:1 fall:1 comdex:1 something:1 people:1 drool:1 realize:1 fpu:2 like:1 evil:1 marketing:1 ploy:1 tm:1 intel:1 internal:1 cache:1 probably:1 saved:1 silicon:1 real:2 estate:1 go:1 contract:1 allow:1 sell:1 third:1 party:1 unlikely:1 become:1 available:1 non:1 machine:1 course:1 nothing:1 prevent:1 company:1 implement:1 nobody:1 even:1 come:1 clone:1 yet:1 although:1 amd:1 soon:1 |@bigram chip_see:1 trade_show:1 last_fall:1 something_people:1 internal_cache:1 real_estate:1 sell_chip:1 third_party:1 become_available:1 available_non:1 ibm_machine:1 even_come:1 come_real:1
Avery was the #2 overall pick by the Braves, behind Mark Lewis (I think) in 1988. John Smoltz came over to the Braves from the Tigers, but was developed by the Braves. Jeff Blauser isn't a bad player. -- Dale J. Stephenson |*| (steph@cs.uiuc.edu) |*| Baseball fanatic
[('avery', 'NN'), ('was', 'VBD'), ('the', 'DT'), ('overall', 'JJ'), ('pick', 'NN'), ('by', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('braves', 'NNS'), ('behind', 'IN'), ('mark', 'NN'), ('lewis', 'NN'), ('think', 'VBP'), ('in', 'IN'), ('1988', 'CD'), ('john', 'NN'), ('smoltz', 'NN'), ('came', 'VBD'), ('over', 'IN'), ('to', 'TO'), ('the', 'DT'), ('braves', 'NNS'), ('from', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('tigers', 'NNS'), ('but', 'CC'), ('was', 'VBD'), ('developed', 'VBN'), ('by', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('braves', 'NNS'), ('jeff', 'VBP'), ('blauser', 'NN'), ('isn', 'NN'), ('bad', 'JJ'), ('player', 'NN'), ('--', ':'), ('dale', 'JJ'), ('stephenson', 'NN'), ('|*|', 'NNP'), ('|*|', 'NNP'), ('baseball', 'NN'), ('fanatic', 'NN')]
['avery', 'overall', 'pick', 'brave', 'behind', 'mark', 'lewis', 'think', 'john', 'smoltz', 'come', 'brave', 'tiger', 'develop', 'brave', 'jeff', 'blauser', 'bad', 'player', 'dale', 'stephenson', 'baseball', 'fanatic']
['dale_stephenson', 'stephenson_baseball', 'baseball_fanatic']
rec_sport_baseball_102737 |@lemmatized avery:1 overall:1 pick:1 brave:3 behind:1 mark:1 lewis:1 think:1 john:1 smoltz:1 come:1 tiger:1 develop:1 jeff:1 blauser:1 bad:1 player:1 dale:1 stephenson:1 baseball:1 fanatic:1 |@bigram dale_stephenson:1 stephenson_baseball:1 baseball_fanatic:1
A. Folks, do we have an FAQ on tinnitus yet? B. As a lo-o-o-ong time sufferer of tinnitus and as a neuroscientist who has looked over the literature carefully I believe the following are reasonable conclusions: 1. Millions of people suffer from chronic tinnitus. 2. The cause it not understood. 3. There is no accepted treatment that cures it. 4. Some experimental treatments may have helped some people a bit, but there have be no reports--even anecdotal--of massive good results with any of these experimental drugs. 5. Some people with chronic loud tinnitus use noise blocking to get to sleep. 6. Sudden onset loud tinnitus can be caused by injuries and sometimes abates or goes away after a few months. 7. Aspirin is well known to exacerbate tinnitus in some people. 8. There is a national association of tinnitus sufferers in the US. 9. One usually gets used to it. Especially when concentrating on something else the tinnitus becomes unnoticed. 10. Stress and lack of sleep make tinnitus more annoying, sometimes. 11. I'm sure those of us who have it wish there was a cure, but there is not.
[('folks', 'NNS'), ('do', 'VBP'), ('we', 'PRP'), ('have', 'VB'), ('an', 'DT'), ('faq', 'NN'), ('on', 'IN'), ('tinnitus', 'NN'), ('yet', 'RB'), ('as', 'IN'), ('lo', 'NN'), ('ong', 'IN'), ('time', 'NN'), ('sufferer', 'NN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('tinnitus', 'NN'), ('and', 'CC'), ('as', 'IN'), ('neuroscientist', 'NN'), ('who', 'WP'), ('has', 'VBZ'), ('looked', 'VBN'), ('over', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('literature', 'NN'), ('carefully', 'RB'), ('believe', 'VB'), ('the', 'DT'), ('following', 'JJ'), ('are', 'VBP'), ('reasonable', 'JJ'), ('conclusions', 'NNS'), ('millions', 'NNS'), ('of', 'IN'), ('people', 'NNS'), ('suffer', 'VBP'), ('from', 'IN'), ('chronic', 'JJ'), ('tinnitus', 'NN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('cause', 'NN'), ('it', 'PRP'), ('not', 'RB'), ('understood', 'IN'), ('there', 'EX'), ('is', 'VBZ'), ('no', 'DT'), ('accepted', 'JJ'), ('treatment', 'NN'), ('that', 'WDT'), ('cures', 'VBZ'), ('it', 'PRP'), ('some', 'DT'), ('experimental', 'JJ'), ('treatments', 'NNS'), ('may', 'MD'), ('have', 'VB'), ('helped', 'VBN'), ('some', 'DT'), ('people', 'NNS'), ('bit', 'VBP'), ('but', 'CC'), ('there', 'EX'), ('have', 'VBP'), ('be', 'VB'), ('no', 'DT'), ('reports', 'NNS'), ('--', ':'), ('even', 'RB'), ('anecdotal', 'VBP'), ('--', ':'), ('of', 'IN'), ('massive', 'JJ'), ('good', 'JJ'), ('results', 'NNS'), ('with', 'IN'), ('any', 'DT'), ('of', 'IN'), ('these', 'DT'), ('experimental', 'JJ'), ('drugs', 'NNS'), ('some', 'DT'), ('people', 'NNS'), ('with', 'IN'), ('chronic', 'JJ'), ('loud', 'NN'), ('tinnitus', 'NN'), ('use', 'NN'), ('noise', 'NN'), ('blocking', 'VBG'), ('to', 'TO'), ('get', 'VB'), ('to', 'TO'), ('sleep', 'VB'), ('sudden', 'JJ'), ('onset', 'NN'), ('loud', 'JJ'), ('tinnitus', 'NN'), ('can', 'MD'), ('be', 'VB'), ('caused', 'VBN'), ('by', 'IN'), ('injuries', 'NNS'), ('and', 'CC'), ('sometimes', 'RB'), ('abates', 'NNS'), ('or', 'CC'), ('goes', 'VBZ'), ('away', 'RB'), ('after', 'IN'), ('few', 'JJ'), ('months', 'NNS'), ('aspirin', 'NN'), ('is', 'VBZ'), ('well', 'RB'), ('known', 'VBN'), ('to', 'TO'), ('exacerbate', 'VB'), ('tinnitus', 'NN'), ('in', 'IN'), ('some', 'DT'), ('people', 'NNS'), ('there', 'EX'), ('is', 'VBZ'), ('national', 'JJ'), ('association', 'NN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('tinnitus', 'NN'), ('sufferers', 'NNS'), ('in', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('us', 'PRP'), ('one', 'CD'), ('usually', 'RB'), ('gets', 'VBZ'), ('used', 'VBN'), ('to', 'TO'), ('it', 'PRP'), ('especially', 'RB'), ('when', 'WRB'), ('concentrating', 'VBG'), ('on', 'IN'), ('something', 'NN'), ('else', 'RB'), ('the', 'DT'), ('tinnitus', 'NN'), ('becomes', 'VBZ'), ('unnoticed', 'JJ'), ('10', 'CD'), ('stress', 'NN'), ('and', 'CC'), ('lack', 'NN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('sleep', 'JJ'), ('make', 'NN'), ('tinnitus', 'NN'), ('more', 'RBR'), ('annoying', 'JJ'), ('sometimes', 'RB'), ('11', 'CD'), ('sure', 'JJ'), ('those', 'DT'), ('of', 'IN'), ('us', 'PRP'), ('who', 'WP'), ('have', 'VBP'), ('it', 'PRP'), ('wish', 'JJ'), ('there', 'EX'), ('was', 'VBD'), ('cure', 'NN'), ('but', 'CC'), ('there', 'EX'), ('is', 'VBZ'), ('not', 'RB')]
['folk', 'faq', 'tinnitus', 'yet', 'lo', 'ong', 'time', 'sufferer', 'tinnitus', 'neuroscientist', 'look', 'literature', 'carefully', 'believe', 'following', 'reasonable', 'conclusion', 'million', 'people', 'suffer', 'chronic', 'tinnitus', 'cause', 'understood', 'accepted', 'treatment', 'cure', 'experimental', 'treatment', 'may', 'help', 'people', 'bite', 'report', 'even', 'anecdotal', 'massive', 'good', 'result', 'experimental', 'drug', 'people', 'chronic', 'loud', 'tinnitus', 'use', 'noise', 'block', 'get', 'sleep', 'sudden', 'onset', 'loud', 'tinnitus', 'cause', 'injury', 'sometimes', 'abates', 'go', 'away', 'month', 'aspirin', 'well', 'know', 'exacerbate', 'tinnitus', 'people', 'national', 'association', 'tinnitus', 'sufferer', 'u', 'one', 'usually', 'get', 'use', 'especially', 'concentrate', 'something', 'else', 'tinnitus', 'become', 'unnoticed', 'stress', 'lack', 'sleep', 'make', 'tinnitus', 'annoying', 'sometimes', 'sure', 'u', 'wish', 'cure']
['million_people', 'people_suffer', 'may_help', 'help_people', 'good_result', 'get_sleep', 'go_away', 'well_know', 'national_association', 'u_one', 'one_usually', 'usually_get', 'get_use', 'something_else']
sci_med_58111 |@lemmatized folk:1 faq:1 tinnitus:9 yet:1 lo:1 ong:1 time:1 sufferer:2 neuroscientist:1 look:1 literature:1 carefully:1 believe:1 following:1 reasonable:1 conclusion:1 million:1 people:4 suffer:1 chronic:2 cause:2 understood:1 accepted:1 treatment:2 cure:2 experimental:2 may:1 help:1 bite:1 report:1 even:1 anecdotal:1 massive:1 good:1 result:1 drug:1 loud:2 use:2 noise:1 block:1 get:2 sleep:2 sudden:1 onset:1 injury:1 sometimes:2 abates:1 go:1 away:1 month:1 aspirin:1 well:1 know:1 exacerbate:1 national:1 association:1 u:2 one:1 usually:1 especially:1 concentrate:1 something:1 else:1 become:1 unnoticed:1 stress:1 lack:1 make:1 annoying:1 sure:1 wish:1 |@bigram million_people:1 people_suffer:1 may_help:1 help_people:1 good_result:1 get_sleep:1 go_away:1 well_know:1 national_association:1 u_one:1 one_usually:1 usually_get:1 get_use:1 something_else:1
Right. So all the cops will be buying antique muscle cars for chase cars; otherwise the *police* cars will die too! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- | To get the attention of a large animal, be it an | elephant or a bureaucracy, it helps to know what George Patterson - | part of it feels pain. Be very sure, though, that | you want its full attention. | Kelvin Throop
[('right', 'RB'), ('so', 'RB'), ('all', 'PDT'), ('the', 'DT'), ('cops', 'NNS'), ('will', 'MD'), ('be', 'VB'), ('buying', 'VBG'), ('antique', 'JJ'), ('muscle', 'NN'), ('cars', 'NNS'), ('for', 'IN'), ('chase', 'JJ'), ('cars', 'NNS'), ('otherwise', 'RB'), ('the', 'DT'), ('police', 'NN'), ('cars', 'NNS'), ('will', 'MD'), ('die', 'VB'), ('too', 'RB'), ('-----------------------------------------------------------------------', 'JJ'), ('to', 'TO'), ('get', 'VB'), ('the', 'DT'), ('attention', 'NN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('large', 'JJ'), ('animal', 'NN'), ('be', 'VB'), ('it', 'PRP'), ('an', 'DT'), ('elephant', 'JJ'), ('or', 'CC'), ('bureaucracy', 'NN'), ('it', 'PRP'), ('helps', 'VBZ'), ('to', 'TO'), ('know', 'VB'), ('what', 'WP'), ('george', 'NN'), ('patterson', 'JJ'), ('part', 'NN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('it', 'PRP'), ('feels', 'VBZ'), ('pain', 'NN'), ('be', 'VB'), ('very', 'RB'), ('sure', 'JJ'), ('though', 'IN'), ('that', 'IN'), ('you', 'PRP'), ('want', 'VBP'), ('its', 'PRP$'), ('full', 'JJ'), ('attention', 'NN'), ('kelvin', 'NN'), ('throop', 'NN')]
['right', 'cop', 'buy', 'antique', 'muscle', 'car', 'chase', 'car', 'otherwise', 'police', 'car', 'die', 'get', 'attention', 'large', 'animal', 'elephant', 'bureaucracy', 'help', 'know', 'george', 'patterson', 'part', 'feel', 'pain', 'sure', 'though', 'want', 'full', 'attention', 'kelvin', 'throop']
['police_car', 'get_attention', 'help_know', 'feel_pain', 'though_want']
sci_electronics_53868 |@lemmatized right:1 cop:1 buy:1 antique:1 muscle:1 car:3 chase:1 otherwise:1 police:1 die:1 get:1 attention:2 large:1 animal:1 elephant:1 bureaucracy:1 help:1 know:1 george:1 patterson:1 part:1 feel:1 pain:1 sure:1 though:1 want:1 full:1 kelvin:1 throop:1 |@bigram police_car:1 get_attention:1 help_know:1 feel_pain:1 though_want:1
Newsgroups: sci.med Path: news.larc.nasa.gov!saimiri.primate.wisc.edu!zaphod.mps.ohio-state.edu!uwm.edu!cs.utexas.edu!uunet!think.com!hsdndev!spdcc!dyer From: dyer@spdcc.com (Steve Dyer) Organization: S.P. Dyer Computer Consulting, Cambridge MA References: <20996.3049.uupcb@factory.com> <79727@cup.portal.com> Date: Sat, 17 Apr 1993 18:43:05 GMT Lines: 18 >I remember hearing a few years back about a new therapy for hyperactivity >which involved aggressively eliminating artificial coloring and flavoring >from the diet. The theory -- which was backed up by interesting anecdotal >results -- is that certain people are just way more sensitive to these >chemicals than other people. I don't remember any connection being made >with seizures, but it certainly couldn't hurt to try an all-natural diet. Yeah, the "Feingold Diet" is a load of crap. Children diagnosed with ADD who are placed on this diet show no improvement in their intellectual and social skills, which in fact continue to decline. Of course, the parents who are enthusiastic about this approach lap it up at the expense of their children's development. So much for the value of "interesting anecdotal results". People will believe anything if they want to. -- Steve Dyer dyer@ursa-major.spdcc.com aka {ima,harvard,rayssd,linus,m2c}!spdcc!dyer Thanks for all the interest in this problem of mine. I don't think it is a reaction to sugar or junk food per se since Kathryn has never shown any signs of hyperactivity or changes in behavior in response to food. She has always been very calm and dare I say, a neat, smart kid. The fact that this happened while eating two sugar coated cereals made by Kellog's makes me think she might be having an allergic reaction to something in the coating or the cereals. Of the four of us in our immediate family, Kathryn shows the least signs of the hay fever, running nose, itchy eyes, etc. but we have a lot of allergies in our family history including some weird food allergies - nuts, mushrooms. Anyway, our next trip is to an endocrinologist to check out the body chemistry. But so far, no more sugar coated cereals and no more seizures either. Every day that goes by without one makes me heave a sigh of relief. Thanks again.
[('newsgroups', 'NNS'), ('sci', 'VBP'), ('med', 'VBN'), ('path', 'JJ'), ('news', 'NN'), ('larc', 'NN'), ('nasa', 'NN'), ('gov', 'NN'), ('saimiri', 'NN'), ('primate', 'NN'), ('wisc', 'NN'), ('edu', 'NN'), ('zaphod', 'NN'), ('mps', 'NNS'), ('ohio', 'VBP'), ('state', 'NN'), ('edu', 'NN'), ('uwm', 'JJ'), ('edu', 'NN'), ('cs', 'NN'), ('utexas', 'JJ'), ('edu', 'JJ'), ('uunet', 'JJ'), ('think', 'NN'), ('com', 'NN'), ('hsdndev', 'NN'), ('spdcc', 'VBP'), ('dyer', 'NN'), ('from', 'IN'), ('steve', 'JJ'), ('dyer', 'NN'), ('organization', 'NN'), ('dyer', 'NN'), ('computer', 'NN'), ('consulting', 'VBG'), ('cambridge', 'NN'), ('ma', 'NN'), ('references', 'NNS'), ('date', 'NN'), ('sat', 'VBD'), ('17', 'CD'), ('apr', 'NN'), ('1993', 'CD'), ('18', 'CD'), ('43', 'CD'), ('05', 'CD'), ('gmt', 'NN'), ('lines', 'NNS'), ('18', 'CD'), ('remember', 'NN'), ('hearing', 'NN'), ('few', 'JJ'), ('years', 'NNS'), ('back', 'RB'), ('about', 'IN'), ('new', 'JJ'), ('therapy', 'NN'), ('for', 'IN'), ('hyperactivity', 'NN'), ('which', 'WDT'), ('involved', 'VBD'), ('aggressively', 'RB'), ('eliminating', 'VBG'), ('artificial', 'JJ'), ('coloring', 'NN'), ('and', 'CC'), ('flavoring', 'NN'), ('from', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('diet', 'JJ'), ('the', 'DT'), ('theory', 'NN'), ('--', ':'), ('which', 'WDT'), ('was', 'VBD'), ('backed', 'VBN'), ('up', 'RP'), ('by', 'IN'), ('interesting', 'VBG'), ('anecdotal', 'JJ'), ('results', 'NNS'), ('--', ':'), ('is', 'VBZ'), ('that', 'IN'), ('certain', 'JJ'), ('people', 'NNS'), ('are', 'VBP'), ('just', 'RB'), ('way', 'NN'), ('more', 'RBR'), ('sensitive', 'JJ'), ('to', 'TO'), ('these', 'DT'), ('chemicals', 'NNS'), ('than', 'IN'), ('other', 'JJ'), ('people', 'NNS'), ('don', 'VBP'), ('remember', 'VB'), ('any', 'DT'), ('connection', 'NN'), ('being', 'VBG'), ('made', 'VBN'), ('with', 'IN'), ('seizures', 'NNS'), ('but', 'CC'), ('it', 'PRP'), ('certainly', 'RB'), ('couldn', 'VBZ'), ('hurt', 'NN'), ('to', 'TO'), ('try', 'VB'), ('an', 'DT'), ('all', 'DT'), ('natural', 'JJ'), ('diet', 'JJ'), ('yeah', 'NN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('feingold', 'JJ'), ('diet', 'NN'), ('is', 'VBZ'), ('load', 'NN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('crap', 'NN'), ('children', 'NNS'), ('diagnosed', 'VBN'), ('with', 'IN'), ('add', 'NN'), ('who', 'WP'), ('are', 'VBP'), ('placed', 'VBN'), ('on', 'IN'), ('this', 'DT'), ('diet', 'JJ'), ('show', 'NN'), ('no', 'DT'), ('improvement', 'NN'), ('in', 'IN'), ('their', 'PRP$'), ('intellectual', 'JJ'), ('and', 'CC'), ('social', 'JJ'), ('skills', 'NNS'), ('which', 'WDT'), ('in', 'IN'), ('fact', 'NN'), ('continue', 'VBP'), ('to', 'TO'), ('decline', 'VB'), ('of', 'IN'), ('course', 'NN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('parents', 'NNS'), ('who', 'WP'), ('are', 'VBP'), ('enthusiastic', 'JJ'), ('about', 'IN'), ('this', 'DT'), ('approach', 'NN'), ('lap', 'VBD'), ('it', 'PRP'), ('up', 'RP'), ('at', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('expense', 'NN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('their', 'PRP$'), ('children', 'NNS'), ('development', 'NN'), ('so', 'RB'), ('much', 'RB'), ('for', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('value', 'NN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('interesting', 'VBG'), ('anecdotal', 'JJ'), ('results', 'NNS'), ('".', 'JJ'), ('people', 'NNS'), ('will', 'MD'), ('believe', 'VB'), ('anything', 'NN'), ('if', 'IN'), ('they', 'PRP'), ('want', 'VBP'), ('to', 'TO'), ('--', ':'), ('steve', 'VB'), ('dyer', 'NN'), ('aka', 'IN'), ('ima', 'JJ'), ('harvard', 'NN'), ('rayssd', 'NN'), ('linus', 'NN'), ('m2c', 'NN'), ('}!', 'NNP'), ('spdcc', 'NN'), ('dyer', 'NN'), ('thanks', 'NNS'), ('for', 'IN'), ('all', 'PDT'), ('the', 'DT'), ('interest', 'NN'), ('in', 'IN'), ('this', 'DT'), ('problem', 'NN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('mine', 'JJ'), ('don', 'NN'), ('think', 'VBP'), ('it', 'PRP'), ('is', 'VBZ'), ('reaction', 'NN'), ('to', 'TO'), ('sugar', 'VB'), ('or', 'CC'), ('junk', 'NN'), ('food', 'NN'), ('per', 'IN'), ('se', 'NN'), ('since', 'IN'), ('kathryn', 'NN'), ('has', 'VBZ'), ('never', 'RB'), ('shown', 'VBN'), ('any', 'DT'), ('signs', 'NNS'), ('of', 'IN'), ('hyperactivity', 'NN'), ('or', 'CC'), ('changes', 'NNS'), ('in', 'IN'), ('behavior', 'NN'), ('in', 'IN'), ('response', 'NN'), ('to', 'TO'), ('food', 'NN'), ('she', 'PRP'), ('has', 'VBZ'), ('always', 'RB'), ('been', 'VBN'), ('very', 'RB'), ('calm', 'JJ'), ('and', 'CC'), ('dare', 'JJ'), ('say', 'VBP'), ('neat', 'JJ'), ('smart', 'JJ'), ('kid', 'VBZ'), ('the', 'DT'), ('fact', 'NN'), ('that', 'IN'), ('this', 'DT'), ('happened', 'VBD'), ('while', 'IN'), ('eating', 'VBG'), ('two', 'CD'), ('sugar', 'NN'), ('coated', 'VBD'), ('cereals', 'NNS'), ('made', 'VBN'), ('by', 'IN'), ('kellog', 'NN'), ('makes', 'VBZ'), ('me', 'PRP'), ('think', 'VB'), ('she', 'PRP'), ('might', 'MD'), ('be', 'VB'), ('having', 'VBG'), ('an', 'DT'), ('allergic', 'JJ'), ('reaction', 'NN'), ('to', 'TO'), ('something', 'NN'), ('in', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('coating', 'NN'), ('or', 'CC'), ('the', 'DT'), ('cereals', 'NNS'), ('of', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('four', 'CD'), ('of', 'IN'), ('us', 'PRP'), ('in', 'IN'), ('our', 'PRP$'), ('immediate', 'JJ'), ('family', 'NN'), ('kathryn', 'NN'), ('shows', 'VBZ'), ('the', 'DT'), ('least', 'JJS'), ('signs', 'NNS'), ('of', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('hay', 'NN'), ('fever', 'NN'), ('running', 'VBG'), ('nose', 'JJ'), ('itchy', 'JJ'), ('eyes', 'NNS'), ('etc', 'FW'), ('but', 'CC'), ('we', 'PRP'), ('have', 'VBP'), ('lot', 'VBN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('allergies', 'NNS'), ('in', 'IN'), ('our', 'PRP$'), ('family', 'NN'), ('history', 'NN'), ('including', 'VBG'), ('some', 'DT'), ('weird', 'JJ'), ('food', 'NN'), ('allergies', 'NNS'), ('nuts', 'VBP'), ('mushrooms', 'NNS'), ('anyway', 'RB'), ('our', 'PRP$'), ('next', 'JJ'), ('trip', 'NN'), ('is', 'VBZ'), ('to', 'TO'), ('an', 'DT'), ('endocrinologist', 'NN'), ('to', 'TO'), ('check', 'VB'), ('out', 'RP'), ('the', 'DT'), ('body', 'NN'), ('chemistry', 'NN'), ('but', 'CC'), ('so', 'RB'), ('far', 'RB'), ('no', 'DT'), ('more', 'RBR'), ('sugar', 'RB'), ('coated', 'VBN'), ('cereals', 'NNS'), ('and', 'CC'), ('no', 'DT'), ('more', 'JJR'), ('seizures', 'NNS'), ('either', 'CC'), ('every', 'DT'), ('day', 'NN'), ('that', 'IN'), ('goes', 'VBZ'), ('by', 'IN'), ('without', 'IN'), ('one', 'CD'), ('makes', 'VBZ'), ('me', 'PRP'), ('heave', 'JJ'), ('sigh', 'NN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('relief', 'NN'), ('thanks', 'NNS'), ('again', 'RB')]
['newsgroups', 'sci', 'med', 'path', 'news', 'larc', 'nasa', 'gov', 'saimiri', 'primate', 'wisc', 'edu', 'zaphod', 'mp', 'ohio', 'state', 'edu', 'uwm', 'edu', 'c', 'utexas', 'edu', 'uunet', 'think', 'com', 'hsdndev', 'spdcc', 'dyer', 'steve', 'dyer', 'organization', 'dyer', 'computer', 'consult', 'cambridge', 'reference', 'date', 'sit', 'apr', 'gmt', 'line', 'remember', 'hearing', 'year', 'back', 'new', 'therapy', 'hyperactivity', 'involve', 'aggressively', 'eliminate', 'artificial', 'coloring', 'flavoring', 'diet', 'theory', 'back', 'interest', 'anecdotal', 'result', 'certain', 'people', 'way', 'sensitive', 'chemical', 'people', 'remember', 'connection', 'make', 'seizure', 'certainly', 'hurt', 'try', 'natural', 'diet', 'yeah', 'feingold', 'diet', 'load', 'crap', 'child', 'diagnose', 'add', 'place', 'diet', 'show', 'improvement', 'intellectual', 'social', 'skill', 'fact', 'continue', 'decline', 'course', 'parent', 'enthusiastic', 'approach', 'lap', 'expense', 'child', 'development', 'much', 'value', 'interest', 'anecdotal', 'result', 'people', 'believe', 'anything', 'want', 'steve', 'dyer', 'aka', 'ima', 'harvard', 'rayssd', 'linus', 'spdcc', 'dyer', 'thanks', 'interest', 'problem', 'mine', 'think', 'reaction', 'sugar', 'junk', 'food', 'per', 'se', 'since', 'kathryn', 'never', 'show', 'sign', 'hyperactivity', 'change', 'behavior', 'response', 'food', 'always', 'calm', 'dare', 'say', 'neat', 'smart', 'kid', 'fact', 'happen', 'eat', 'two', 'sugar', 'coat', 'cereal', 'make', 'kellog', 'make', 'think', 'might', 'allergic', 'reaction', 'something', 'coating', 'cereal', 'four', 'u', 'immediate', 'family', 'kathryn', 'show', 'least', 'sign', 'hay', 'fever', 'run', 'nose', 'itchy', 'eye', 'etc', 'lot', 'allergy', 'family', 'history', 'include', 'weird', 'food', 'allergy', 'nut', 'mushroom', 'anyway', 'next', 'trip', 'endocrinologist', 'check', 'body', 'chemistry', 'far', 'sugar', 'coat', 'cereal', 'seizure', 'either', 'every', 'day', 'go', 'without', 'one', 'make', 'heave', 'sigh', 'relief', 'thanks']
['newsgroups_sci', 'sci_med', 'larc_nasa', 'nasa_gov', 'wisc_edu', 'mp_ohio', 'ohio_state', 'state_edu', 'uwm_edu', 'utexas_edu', 'steve_dyer', 'date_sit', 'sit_apr', 'apr_gmt', 'year_back', 'back_new', 'certain_people', 'people_way', 'people_remember', 'result_people', 'people_believe', 'anything_want', 'steve_dyer', 'junk_food', 'per_se', 'show_sign', 'dare_say', 'fact_happen', 'eat_two', 'sugar_coat', 'coat_cereal', 'make_think', 'think_might', 'allergic_reaction', 'four_u', 'show_least', 'etc_lot', 'sugar_coat', 'coat_cereal', 'every_day', 'day_go', 'go_without', 'without_one', 'one_make']
sci_med_58969 |@lemmatized newsgroups:1 sci:1 med:1 path:1 news:1 larc:1 nasa:1 gov:1 saimiri:1 primate:1 wisc:1 edu:4 zaphod:1 mp:1 ohio:1 state:1 uwm:1 c:1 utexas:1 uunet:1 think:3 com:1 hsdndev:1 spdcc:2 dyer:5 steve:2 organization:1 computer:1 consult:1 cambridge:1 reference:1 date:1 sit:1 apr:1 gmt:1 line:1 remember:2 hearing:1 year:1 back:2 new:1 therapy:1 hyperactivity:2 involve:1 aggressively:1 eliminate:1 artificial:1 coloring:1 flavoring:1 diet:4 theory:1 interest:3 anecdotal:2 result:2 certain:1 people:3 way:1 sensitive:1 chemical:1 connection:1 make:4 seizure:2 certainly:1 hurt:1 try:1 natural:1 yeah:1 feingold:1 load:1 crap:1 child:2 diagnose:1 add:1 place:1 show:3 improvement:1 intellectual:1 social:1 skill:1 fact:2 continue:1 decline:1 course:1 parent:1 enthusiastic:1 approach:1 lap:1 expense:1 development:1 much:1 value:1 believe:1 anything:1 want:1 aka:1 ima:1 harvard:1 rayssd:1 linus:1 thanks:2 problem:1 mine:1 reaction:2 sugar:3 junk:1 food:3 per:1 se:1 since:1 kathryn:2 never:1 sign:2 change:1 behavior:1 response:1 always:1 calm:1 dare:1 say:1 neat:1 smart:1 kid:1 happen:1 eat:1 two:1 coat:2 cereal:3 kellog:1 might:1 allergic:1 something:1 coating:1 four:1 u:1 immediate:1 family:2 least:1 hay:1 fever:1 run:1 nose:1 itchy:1 eye:1 etc:1 lot:1 allergy:2 history:1 include:1 weird:1 nut:1 mushroom:1 anyway:1 next:1 trip:1 endocrinologist:1 check:1 body:1 chemistry:1 far:1 either:1 every:1 day:1 go:1 without:1 one:1 heave:1 sigh:1 relief:1 |@bigram newsgroups_sci:1 sci_med:1 larc_nasa:1 nasa_gov:1 wisc_edu:1 mp_ohio:1 ohio_state:1 state_edu:1 uwm_edu:1 utexas_edu:1 steve_dyer:2 date_sit:1 sit_apr:1 apr_gmt:1 year_back:1 back_new:1 certain_people:1 people_way:1 people_remember:1 result_people:1 people_believe:1 anything_want:1 junk_food:1 per_se:1 show_sign:1 dare_say:1 fact_happen:1 eat_two:1 sugar_coat:2 coat_cereal:2 make_think:1 think_might:1 allergic_reaction:1 four_u:1 show_least:1 etc_lot:1 every_day:1 day_go:1 go_without:1 without_one:1 one_make:1
Including all the ones who think that they countersteer all the way through a corner?? Agreed! This is really the only thing we disagree on. Maybe we should agree to disagree?? I still think that telling newbies to steer left to turn to the right is unnecessarily confusing, when they'll do it anyway if they just get on the bike and ride the damn thing. Me too!! :-) Jeez, Ed, when you started talking about traction management policies I thought you were making some weird reference to looking after railway locomotives... The official line here (though I do have my doubts about it) is that the front brake is applied first, followed by the rear brake, the idea being that you avoid locking up the rear after weight transfer takes place. In practice I suspect most people do what you describe. If you don't slide the tyre, you have no way of knowing whether you've achieved maximum braking or not. I'm not suggesting that you should always aim to brake as hard as you possibly can - but if you want to find the limits of the machine, you have to go beyond them.
[('including', 'VBG'), ('all', 'PDT'), ('the', 'DT'), ('ones', 'NNS'), ('who', 'WP'), ('think', 'VBP'), ('that', 'IN'), ('they', 'PRP'), ('countersteer', 'VBP'), ('all', 'PDT'), ('the', 'DT'), ('way', 'NN'), ('through', 'IN'), ('corner', 'NN'), ('??', 'NNS'), ('agreed', 'VBD'), ('this', 'DT'), ('is', 'VBZ'), ('really', 'RB'), ('the', 'DT'), ('only', 'JJ'), ('thing', 'NN'), ('we', 'PRP'), ('disagree', 'VBP'), ('on', 'IN'), ('maybe', 'RB'), ('we', 'PRP'), ('should', 'MD'), ('agree', 'VB'), ('to', 'TO'), ('disagree', 'VB'), ('??', 'NNS'), ('still', 'RB'), ('think', 'VBP'), ('that', 'IN'), ('telling', 'VBG'), ('newbies', 'NNS'), ('to', 'TO'), ('steer', 'VB'), ('left', 'VBN'), ('to', 'TO'), ('turn', 'VB'), ('to', 'TO'), ('the', 'DT'), ('right', 'NN'), ('is', 'VBZ'), ('unnecessarily', 'RB'), ('confusing', 'VBG'), ('when', 'WRB'), ('they', 'PRP'), ('ll', 'VBP'), ('do', 'VBP'), ('it', 'PRP'), ('anyway', 'RB'), ('if', 'IN'), ('they', 'PRP'), ('just', 'RB'), ('get', 'VB'), ('on', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('bike', 'NN'), ('and', 'CC'), ('ride', 'VB'), ('the', 'DT'), ('damn', 'NN'), ('thing', 'NN'), ('me', 'PRP'), ('too', 'RB'), ('!!', 'JJ'), (':-)', 'JJ'), ('jeez', 'NN'), ('ed', 'NN'), ('when', 'WRB'), ('you', 'PRP'), ('started', 'VBD'), ('talking', 'VBG'), ('about', 'IN'), ('traction', 'NN'), ('management', 'NN'), ('policies', 'NNS'), ('thought', 'VBN'), ('you', 'PRP'), ('were', 'VBD'), ('making', 'VBG'), ('some', 'DT'), ('weird', 'JJ'), ('reference', 'NN'), ('to', 'TO'), ('looking', 'VBG'), ('after', 'IN'), ('railway', 'NN'), ('locomotives', 'NNS'), ('...', ':'), ('the', 'DT'), ('official', 'JJ'), ('line', 'NN'), ('here', 'RB'), ('though', 'IN'), ('do', 'VBP'), ('have', 'VB'), ('my', 'PRP$'), ('doubts', 'NNS'), ('about', 'IN'), ('it', 'PRP'), ('is', 'VBZ'), ('that', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('front', 'JJ'), ('brake', 'NN'), ('is', 'VBZ'), ('applied', 'VBN'), ('first', 'JJ'), ('followed', 'VBN'), ('by', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('rear', 'JJ'), ('brake', 'VBP'), ('the', 'DT'), ('idea', 'NN'), ('being', 'VBG'), ('that', 'IN'), ('you', 'PRP'), ('avoid', 'VBP'), ('locking', 'VBG'), ('up', 'RP'), ('the', 'DT'), ('rear', 'NN'), ('after', 'IN'), ('weight', 'NN'), ('transfer', 'NN'), ('takes', 'VBZ'), ('place', 'NN'), ('in', 'IN'), ('practice', 'NN'), ('suspect', 'VBP'), ('most', 'JJS'), ('people', 'NNS'), ('do', 'VBP'), ('what', 'WP'), ('you', 'PRP'), ('describe', 'VBP'), ('if', 'IN'), ('you', 'PRP'), ('don', 'VBP'), ('slide', 'VB'), ('the', 'DT'), ('tyre', 'NN'), ('you', 'PRP'), ('have', 'VBP'), ('no', 'DT'), ('way', 'NN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('knowing', 'VBG'), ('whether', 'IN'), ('you', 'PRP'), ('ve', 'VBP'), ('achieved', 'VBN'), ('maximum', 'JJ'), ('braking', 'NN'), ('or', 'CC'), ('not', 'RB'), ('not', 'RB'), ('suggesting', 'VBG'), ('that', 'IN'), ('you', 'PRP'), ('should', 'MD'), ('always', 'RB'), ('aim', 'VB'), ('to', 'TO'), ('brake', 'VB'), ('as', 'RB'), ('hard', 'RB'), ('as', 'IN'), ('you', 'PRP'), ('possibly', 'VBP'), ('can', 'MD'), ('but', 'CC'), ('if', 'IN'), ('you', 'PRP'), ('want', 'VBP'), ('to', 'TO'), ('find', 'VB'), ('the', 'DT'), ('limits', 'NNS'), ('of', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('machine', 'NN'), ('you', 'PRP'), ('have', 'VBP'), ('to', 'TO'), ('go', 'VB'), ('beyond', 'IN'), ('them', 'PRP')]
['include', 'one', 'think', 'countersteer', 'way', 'corner', 'agree', 'really', 'thing', 'disagree', 'maybe', 'agree', 'disagree', 'still', 'think', 'tell', 'newbie', 'steer', 'leave', 'turn', 'right', 'unnecessarily', 'confuse', 'anyway', 'get', 'bike', 'ride', 'damn', 'thing', 'jeez', 'ed', 'start', 'talk', 'traction', 'management', 'policy', 'think', 'make', 'weird', 'reference', 'look', 'railway', 'locomotive', 'official', 'line', 'though', 'doubt', 'front', 'brake', 'apply', 'first', 'follow', 'rear', 'brake', 'idea', 'avoid', 'lock', 'rear', 'weight', 'transfer', 'take', 'place', 'practice', 'suspect', 'people', 'describe', 'slide', 'tyre', 'way', 'know', 'whether', 'achieve', 'maximum', 'braking', 'suggest', 'always', 'aim', 'brake', 'hard', 'possibly', 'want', 'find', 'limit', 'machine', 'go', 'beyond']
['include_one', 'one_think', 'agree_really', 'agree_disagree', 'still_think', 'think_tell', 'turn_right', 'anyway_get', 'bike_ride', 'damn_thing', 'start_talk', 'think_make', 'line_though', 'take_place', 'way_know', 'know_whether', 'want_find', 'go_beyond']
rec_motorcycles_104486 |@lemmatized include:1 one:1 think:3 countersteer:1 way:2 corner:1 agree:2 really:1 thing:2 disagree:2 maybe:1 still:1 tell:1 newbie:1 steer:1 leave:1 turn:1 right:1 unnecessarily:1 confuse:1 anyway:1 get:1 bike:1 ride:1 damn:1 jeez:1 ed:1 start:1 talk:1 traction:1 management:1 policy:1 make:1 weird:1 reference:1 look:1 railway:1 locomotive:1 official:1 line:1 though:1 doubt:1 front:1 brake:3 apply:1 first:1 follow:1 rear:2 idea:1 avoid:1 lock:1 weight:1 transfer:1 take:1 place:1 practice:1 suspect:1 people:1 describe:1 slide:1 tyre:1 know:1 whether:1 achieve:1 maximum:1 braking:1 suggest:1 always:1 aim:1 hard:1 possibly:1 want:1 find:1 limit:1 machine:1 go:1 beyond:1 |@bigram include_one:1 one_think:1 agree_really:1 agree_disagree:1 still_think:1 think_tell:1 turn_right:1 anyway_get:1 bike_ride:1 damn_thing:1 start_talk:1 think_make:1 line_though:1 take_place:1 way_know:1 know_whether:1 want_find:1 go_beyond:1
This is turning into a FAQ Here is how to violate your Quadra 700 warranty and install your own memory. 1) Insert usual disclaimer here 2) Remove the top lid of the machine. You will see the floppy disk and hard drive mounted in a plastic tower. Follow the usual anti-static precautions and of course make sure the machine is OFF when you do this. Unplug the wall and monitor power supply cords from the back of the mac. 3) Remove the power supply by pulling the plastic interlocking tab on the tower forward and simultaneously pulling the power supply straight up. The tab is a piece of plastic from the left posterior aspect of the tower which extends downward to hook on to the power supply. You may also feel a horseshoe shaped piece at the right portion of the power supply. Leave that alone. The plastic tab from the tower is all you need release. 4) Look at the rear of the tower assembly. You will see the flat ribbon SCSI connector to the hard drive, a power cable and a flat ribbon cable leading to the floppy drive. Disconnect all these from the motherboard. The hard drive power cable connector has a tab which must be squeezed to release it. 5) Unplug the drive activity LED from its clear plastic mount 6) Look down the posterior, cylindrical section of the plastic tower. A phillips head screw is at the base. Remove it, taking care not to drop it into the case. A bit of gummy glue on your screwdriver is helpful here. 7) Remove the tower assembly by pulling medially the plastic tab on the right side of the tower. This tab prevents the tower from sliding posteriorly. Slide the entire tower assembly 1 cm posteriorly then lift the tower assembly straight up and out of the case. 8) Congratulations, you have now gained access to your machine's SIMM slots. 9) The six big slots are for VRAM. One usually must install all six to gain useful video modes. All SIMMS (RAM or VRAM) installed with their chips facing the front of the motherboard. The four smaller sockets in front are for RAM SIMMS. Install SIMMS in sets of four into these sockets. Be sure you seat the SIMMS squarely and firmly into a fully upright position. 10) Reinstall the tower assembly by first placing the right wall of the tower against the right wall of the case with the tower assembly about 1 cm posterior of its intended position. Lower the tower assembly into place while maintaining contact with the right wall of the case. Once fully down, slide the tower assembly anteriorly until it clicks into place. 11) Reconnect the motherboard ends of the cables. DONT'T FORGET THE FLOPPY DRIVE CABLE. 12) Replace the phillips head screw 13) Drop the power supply straight down into place until it clicks in. 14) Plug the hard drive activity light back into its clear plastic mount
[('this', 'DT'), ('is', 'VBZ'), ('turning', 'VBG'), ('into', 'IN'), ('faq', 'NN'), ('here', 'RB'), ('is', 'VBZ'), ('how', 'WRB'), ('to', 'TO'), ('violate', 'VB'), ('your', 'PRP$'), ('quadra', 'NN'), ('700', 'CD'), ('warranty', 'NN'), ('and', 'CC'), ('install', 'VB'), ('your', 'PRP$'), ('own', 'JJ'), ('memory', 'NN'), ('insert', 'JJ'), ('usual', 'JJ'), ('disclaimer', 'NN'), ('here', 'RB'), ('remove', 'VB'), ('the', 'DT'), ('top', 'JJ'), ('lid', 'NN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('machine', 'NN'), ('you', 'PRP'), ('will', 'MD'), ('see', 'VB'), ('the', 'DT'), ('floppy', 'JJ'), ('disk', 'NN'), ('and', 'CC'), ('hard', 'JJ'), ('drive', 'NN'), ('mounted', 'VBN'), ('in', 'IN'), ('plastic', 'NN'), ('tower', 'NN'), ('follow', 'VBP'), ('the', 'DT'), ('usual', 'JJ'), ('anti', 'NN'), ('static', 'JJ'), ('precautions', 'NNS'), ('and', 'CC'), ('of', 'IN'), ('course', 'NN'), ('make', 'VBP'), ('sure', 'JJ'), ('the', 'DT'), ('machine', 'NN'), ('is', 'VBZ'), ('off', 'RP'), ('when', 'WRB'), ('you', 'PRP'), ('do', 'VBP'), ('this', 'DT'), ('unplug', 'VBZ'), ('the', 'DT'), ('wall', 'NN'), ('and', 'CC'), ('monitor', 'NN'), ('power', 'NN'), ('supply', 'NN'), ('cords', 'NNS'), ('from', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('back', 'NN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('mac', 'NN'), ('remove', 'VB'), ('the', 'DT'), ('power', 'NN'), ('supply', 'NN'), ('by', 'IN'), ('pulling', 'VBG'), ('the', 'DT'), ('plastic', 'NN'), ('interlocking', 'VBG'), ('tab', 'NN'), ('on', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('tower', 'NN'), ('forward', 'NN'), ('and', 'CC'), ('simultaneously', 'RB'), ('pulling', 'VBG'), ('the', 'DT'), ('power', 'NN'), ('supply', 'NN'), ('straight', 'VBD'), ('up', 'RP'), ('the', 'DT'), ('tab', 'NN'), ('is', 'VBZ'), ('piece', 'NN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('plastic', 'NN'), ('from', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('left', 'NN'), ('posterior', 'JJ'), ('aspect', 'NN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('tower', 'NN'), ('which', 'WDT'), ('extends', 'VBZ'), ('downward', 'JJ'), ('to', 'TO'), ('hook', 'VB'), ('on', 'IN'), ('to', 'TO'), ('the', 'DT'), ('power', 'NN'), ('supply', 'NN'), ('you', 'PRP'), ('may', 'MD'), ('also', 'RB'), ('feel', 'VB'), ('horseshoe', 'NN'), ('shaped', 'VBN'), ('piece', 'NN'), ('at', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('right', 'JJ'), ('portion', 'NN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('power', 'NN'), ('supply', 'NN'), ('leave', 'VBP'), ('that', 'WDT'), ('alone', 'VBP'), ('the', 'DT'), ('plastic', 'JJ'), ('tab', 'NN'), ('from', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('tower', 'NN'), ('is', 'VBZ'), ('all', 'DT'), ('you', 'PRP'), ('need', 'VBP'), ('release', 'VB'), ('look', 'VB'), ('at', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('rear', 'NN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('tower', 'NN'), ('assembly', 'NN'), ('you', 'PRP'), ('will', 'MD'), ('see', 'VB'), ('the', 'DT'), ('flat', 'JJ'), ('ribbon', 'NN'), ('scsi', 'NN'), ('connector', 'NN'), ('to', 'TO'), ('the', 'DT'), ('hard', 'JJ'), ('drive', 'NN'), ('power', 'NN'), ('cable', 'NN'), ('and', 'CC'), ('flat', 'JJ'), ('ribbon', 'NN'), ('cable', 'NN'), ('leading', 'VBG'), ('to', 'TO'), ('the', 'DT'), ('floppy', 'JJ'), ('drive', 'NN'), ('disconnect', 'NN'), ('all', 'PDT'), ('these', 'DT'), ('from', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('motherboard', 'NN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('hard', 'JJ'), ('drive', 'NN'), ('power', 'NN'), ('cable', 'NN'), ('connector', 'NN'), ('has', 'VBZ'), ('tab', 'VBN'), ('which', 'WDT'), ('must', 'MD'), ('be', 'VB'), ('squeezed', 'VBN'), ('to', 'TO'), ('release', 'VB'), ('it', 'PRP'), ('unplug', 'RP'), ('the', 'DT'), ('drive', 'NN'), ('activity', 'NN'), ('led', 'VBD'), ('from', 'IN'), ('its', 'PRP$'), ('clear', 'JJ'), ('plastic', 'NN'), ('mount', 'NN'), ('look', 'VBP'), ('down', 'RP'), ('the', 'DT'), ('posterior', 'JJ'), ('cylindrical', 'JJ'), ('section', 'NN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('plastic', 'NN'), ('tower', 'NN'), ('phillips', 'NNS'), ('head', 'VBP'), ('screw', 'NN'), ('is', 'VBZ'), ('at', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('base', 'NN'), ('remove', 'VB'), ('it', 'PRP'), ('taking', 'VBG'), ('care', 'NN'), ('not', 'RB'), ('to', 'TO'), ('drop', 'VB'), ('it', 'PRP'), ('into', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('case', 'NN'), ('bit', 'NN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('gummy', 'JJ'), ('glue', 'NN'), ('on', 'IN'), ('your', 'PRP$'), ('screwdriver', 'NN'), ('is', 'VBZ'), ('helpful', 'JJ'), ('here', 'RB'), ('remove', 'VBP'), ('the', 'DT'), ('tower', 'NN'), ('assembly', 'NN'), ('by', 'IN'), ('pulling', 'VBG'), ('medially', 'RB'), ('the', 'DT'), ('plastic', 'JJ'), ('tab', 'NN'), ('on', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('right', 'JJ'), ('side', 'NN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('tower', 'NN'), ('this', 'DT'), ('tab', 'NN'), ('prevents', 'VBZ'), ('the', 'DT'), ('tower', 'NN'), ('from', 'IN'), ('sliding', 'VBG'), ('posteriorly', 'RB'), ('slide', 'VB'), ('the', 'DT'), ('entire', 'JJ'), ('tower', 'NN'), ('assembly', 'NN'), ('cm', 'VBD'), ('posteriorly', 'RB'), ('then', 'RB'), ('lift', 'VB'), ('the', 'DT'), ('tower', 'NN'), ('assembly', 'NN'), ('straight', 'VBD'), ('up', 'RB'), ('and', 'CC'), ('out', 'IN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('case', 'NN'), ('congratulations', 'NNS'), ('you', 'PRP'), ('have', 'VBP'), ('now', 'RB'), ('gained', 'VBN'), ('access', 'NN'), ('to', 'TO'), ('your', 'PRP$'), ('machine', 'NN'), ('simm', 'NN'), ('slots', 'VBD'), ('the', 'DT'), ('six', 'CD'), ('big', 'JJ'), ('slots', 'NNS'), ('are', 'VBP'), ('for', 'IN'), ('vram', 'JJ'), ('one', 'CD'), ('usually', 'RB'), ('must', 'MD'), ('install', 'VB'), ('all', 'DT'), ('six', 'CD'), ('to', 'TO'), ('gain', 'VB'), ('useful', 'JJ'), ('video', 'NN'), ('modes', 'NNS'), ('all', 'DT'), ('simms', 'VBP'), ('ram', 'NN'), ('or', 'CC'), ('vram', 'NN'), ('installed', 'VBN'), ('with', 'IN'), ('their', 'PRP$'), ('chips', 'NNS'), ('facing', 'VBG'), ('the', 'DT'), ('front', 'NN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('motherboard', 'NN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('four', 'CD'), ('smaller', 'JJR'), ('sockets', 'NNS'), ('in', 'IN'), ('front', 'NN'), ('are', 'VBP'), ('for', 'IN'), ('ram', 'JJ'), ('simms', 'NN'), ('install', 'NN'), ('simms', 'NN'), ('in', 'IN'), ('sets', 'NNS'), ('of', 'IN'), ('four', 'CD'), ('into', 'IN'), ('these', 'DT'), ('sockets', 'NNS'), ('be', 'VB'), ('sure', 'JJ'), ('you', 'PRP'), ('seat', 'VBP'), ('the', 'DT'), ('simms', 'NN'), ('squarely', 'RB'), ('and', 'CC'), ('firmly', 'RB'), ('into', 'IN'), ('fully', 'RB'), ('upright', 'JJ'), ('position', 'NN'), ('10', 'CD'), ('reinstall', 'NN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('tower', 'NN'), ('assembly', 'NN'), ('by', 'IN'), ('first', 'JJ'), ('placing', 'VBG'), ('the', 'DT'), ('right', 'JJ'), ('wall', 'NN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('tower', 'NN'), ('against', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('right', 'JJ'), ('wall', 'NN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('case', 'NN'), ('with', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('tower', 'NN'), ('assembly', 'NN'), ('about', 'IN'), ('cm', 'JJ'), ('posterior', 'NN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('its', 'PRP$'), ('intended', 'VBN'), ('position', 'NN'), ('lower', 'RBR'), ('the', 'DT'), ('tower', 'NN'), ('assembly', 'NN'), ('into', 'IN'), ('place', 'NN'), ('while', 'IN'), ('maintaining', 'VBG'), ('contact', 'NN'), ('with', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('right', 'JJ'), ('wall', 'NN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('case', 'NN'), ('once', 'RB'), ('fully', 'RB'), ('down', 'RP'), ('slide', 'RB'), ('the', 'DT'), ('tower', 'NN'), ('assembly', 'RB'), ('anteriorly', 'RB'), ('until', 'IN'), ('it', 'PRP'), ('clicks', 'VBZ'), ('into', 'IN'), ('place', 'NN'), ('11', 'CD'), ('reconnect', 'NN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('motherboard', 'NN'), ('ends', 'VBZ'), ('of', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('cables', 'NNS'), ('dont', 'VBP'), ('forget', 'VB'), ('the', 'DT'), ('floppy', 'JJ'), ('drive', 'NN'), ('cable', 'NN'), ('12', 'CD'), ('replace', 'VB'), ('the', 'DT'), ('phillips', 'NNS'), ('head', 'VBP'), ('screw', 'VBD'), ('13', 'CD'), ('drop', 'NN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('power', 'NN'), ('supply', 'NN'), ('straight', 'VBD'), ('down', 'RB'), ('into', 'IN'), ('place', 'NN'), ('until', 'IN'), ('it', 'PRP'), ('clicks', 'VBZ'), ('in', 'IN'), ('14', 'CD'), ('plug', 'NN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('hard', 'JJ'), ('drive', 'NN'), ('activity', 'NN'), ('light', 'NN'), ('back', 'RB'), ('into', 'IN'), ('its', 'PRP$'), ('clear', 'JJ'), ('plastic', 'NN'), ('mount', 'NN')]
['turn', 'faq', 'violate', 'quadra', 'warranty', 'install', 'memory', 'insert', 'usual', 'disclaimer', 'remove', 'top', 'lid', 'machine', 'see', 'floppy', 'disk', 'hard', 'drive', 'mount', 'plastic', 'tower', 'follow', 'usual', 'anti', 'static', 'precaution', 'course', 'make', 'sure', 'machine', 'unplug', 'wall', 'monitor', 'power', 'supply', 'cord', 'back', 'mac', 'remove', 'power', 'supply', 'pull', 'plastic', 'interlock', 'tab', 'tower', 'forward', 'simultaneously', 'pull', 'power', 'supply', 'straight', 'tab', 'piece', 'plastic', 'left', 'posterior', 'aspect', 'tower', 'extend', 'downward', 'hook', 'power', 'supply', 'may', 'also', 'feel', 'horseshoe', 'shape', 'piece', 'right', 'portion', 'power', 'supply', 'leave', 'alone', 'plastic', 'tab', 'tower', 'need', 'release', 'look', 'rear', 'tower', 'assembly', 'see', 'flat', 'ribbon', 'scsi', 'connector', 'hard', 'drive', 'power', 'cable', 'flat', 'ribbon', 'cable', 'lead', 'floppy', 'drive', 'disconnect', 'motherboard', 'hard', 'drive', 'power', 'cable', 'connector', 'tab', 'must', 'squeeze', 'release', 'unplug', 'drive', 'activity', 'lead', 'clear', 'plastic', 'mount', 'look', 'posterior', 'cylindrical', 'section', 'plastic', 'tower', 'phillips', 'head', 'screw', 'base', 'remove', 'take', 'care', 'drop', 'case', 'bit', 'gummy', 'glue', 'screwdriver', 'helpful', 'remove', 'tower', 'assembly', 'pull', 'medially', 'plastic', 'tab', 'right', 'side', 'tower', 'tab', 'prevent', 'tower', 'slide', 'posteriorly', 'slide', 'entire', 'tower', 'assembly', 'cm', 'posteriorly', 'lift', 'tower', 'assembly', 'straight', 'case', 'congratulation', 'gain', 'access', 'machine', 'simm', 'slot', 'six', 'big', 'slot', 'vram', 'one', 'usually', 'must', 'install', 'six', 'gain', 'useful', 'video', 'mode', 'simms', 'ram', 'vram', 'instal', 'chip', 'face', 'front', 'motherboard', 'four', 'small', 'socket', 'front', 'ram', 'simms', 'install', 'simms', 'set', 'four', 'socket', 'sure', 'seat', 'simms', 'squarely', 'firmly', 'fully', 'upright', 'position', 'reinstall', 'tower', 'assembly', 'first', 'place', 'right', 'wall', 'tower', 'right', 'wall', 'case', 'tower', 'assembly', 'cm', 'posterior', 'intend', 'position', 'lower', 'tower', 'assembly', 'place', 'maintain', 'contact', 'right', 'wall', 'case', 'fully', 'slide', 'tower', 'assembly', 'anteriorly', 'click', 'place', 'reconnect', 'motherboard', 'end', 'cable', 'dont', 'forget', 'floppy', 'drive', 'cable', 'replace', 'phillips', 'head', 'screw', 'drop', 'power', 'supply', 'straight', 'place', 'click', 'plug', 'hard', 'drive', 'activity', 'light', 'back', 'clear', 'plastic', 'mount']
['machine_see', 'floppy_disk', 'hard_drive', 'make_sure', 'power_supply', 'power_supply', 'power_supply', 'power_supply', 'may_also', 'also_feel', 'power_supply', 'leave_alone', 'tower_assembly', 'hard_drive', 'drive_power', 'power_cable', 'ribbon_cable', 'floppy_drive', 'hard_drive', 'drive_power', 'power_cable', 'cable_connector', 'take_care', 'tower_assembly', 'right_side', 'tower_assembly', 'tower_assembly', 'gain_access', 'simm_slot', 'one_usually', 'video_mode', 'ram_simms', 'tower_assembly', 'first_place', 'tower_assembly', 'tower_assembly', 'tower_assembly', 'floppy_drive', 'drive_cable', 'power_supply', 'hard_drive']
comp_sys_mac_hardware_51749 |@lemmatized turn:1 faq:1 violate:1 quadra:1 warranty:1 install:3 memory:1 insert:1 usual:2 disclaimer:1 remove:4 top:1 lid:1 machine:3 see:2 floppy:3 disk:1 hard:4 drive:7 mount:3 plastic:8 tower:16 follow:1 anti:1 static:1 precaution:1 course:1 make:1 sure:2 unplug:2 wall:4 monitor:1 power:8 supply:6 cord:1 back:2 mac:1 pull:3 interlock:1 tab:6 forward:1 simultaneously:1 straight:3 piece:2 left:1 posterior:3 aspect:1 extend:1 downward:1 hook:1 may:1 also:1 feel:1 horseshoe:1 shape:1 right:5 portion:1 leave:1 alone:1 need:1 release:2 look:2 rear:1 assembly:8 flat:2 ribbon:2 scsi:1 connector:2 cable:5 lead:2 disconnect:1 motherboard:3 must:2 squeeze:1 activity:2 clear:2 cylindrical:1 section:1 phillips:2 head:2 screw:2 base:1 take:1 care:1 drop:2 case:4 bit:1 gummy:1 glue:1 screwdriver:1 helpful:1 medially:1 side:1 prevent:1 slide:3 posteriorly:2 entire:1 cm:2 lift:1 congratulation:1 gain:2 access:1 simm:1 slot:2 six:2 big:1 vram:2 one:1 usually:1 useful:1 video:1 mode:1 simms:4 ram:2 instal:1 chip:1 face:1 front:2 four:2 small:1 socket:2 set:1 seat:1 squarely:1 firmly:1 fully:2 upright:1 position:2 reinstall:1 first:1 place:4 intend:1 lower:1 maintain:1 contact:1 anteriorly:1 click:2 reconnect:1 end:1 dont:1 forget:1 replace:1 plug:1 light:1 |@bigram machine_see:1 floppy_disk:1 hard_drive:4 make_sure:1 power_supply:6 may_also:1 also_feel:1 leave_alone:1 tower_assembly:8 drive_power:2 power_cable:2 ribbon_cable:1 floppy_drive:2 cable_connector:1 take_care:1 right_side:1 gain_access:1 simm_slot:1 one_usually:1 video_mode:1 ram_simms:1 first_place:1 drive_cable:1
hi folks i have 2 hd first is an seagate 130mb the second a cdc 340mb (with a future domain no ram) i'd like to change my 2 controller ide & scsi and buy a new one with ram (at least 1mb) that could controll all of them any companies? how many $? and is it possible via hw or via sw select how divide the ram cache for 2 hd? (for example using dos that is about all on one hd i'd like to reserve ram cache just to it)
[('hi', 'NN'), ('folks', 'NNS'), ('have', 'VBP'), ('hd', 'VBN'), ('first', 'RB'), ('is', 'VBZ'), ('an', 'DT'), ('seagate', 'JJ'), ('130mb', 'CD'), ('the', 'DT'), ('second', 'JJ'), ('cdc', 'NN'), ('340mb', 'CD'), ('with', 'IN'), ('future', 'JJ'), ('domain', 'NN'), ('no', 'DT'), ('ram', 'NN'), ('like', 'IN'), ('to', 'TO'), ('change', 'VB'), ('my', 'PRP$'), ('controller', 'NN'), ('ide', 'NN'), ('scsi', 'NN'), ('and', 'CC'), ('buy', 'VB'), ('new', 'JJ'), ('one', 'CD'), ('with', 'IN'), ('ram', 'NN'), ('at', 'IN'), ('least', 'JJS'), ('1mb', 'CD'), ('that', 'WDT'), ('could', 'MD'), ('controll', 'VB'), ('all', 'DT'), ('of', 'IN'), ('them', 'PRP'), ('any', 'DT'), ('companies', 'NNS'), ('how', 'WRB'), ('many', 'JJ'), ('$?', 'NN'), ('and', 'CC'), ('is', 'VBZ'), ('it', 'PRP'), ('possible', 'JJ'), ('via', 'IN'), ('hw', 'NN'), ('or', 'CC'), ('via', 'IN'), ('sw', 'JJ'), ('select', 'JJ'), ('how', 'WRB'), ('divide', 'RB'), ('the', 'DT'), ('ram', 'NN'), ('cache', 'NN'), ('for', 'IN'), ('hd', 'NN'), ('for', 'IN'), ('example', 'NN'), ('using', 'VBG'), ('dos', 'NN'), ('that', 'WDT'), ('is', 'VBZ'), ('about', 'IN'), ('all', 'DT'), ('on', 'IN'), ('one', 'CD'), ('hd', 'NN'), ('like', 'IN'), ('to', 'TO'), ('reserve', 'VB'), ('ram', 'JJ'), ('cache', 'NN'), ('just', 'RB'), ('to', 'TO'), ('it', 'PRP')]
['hi', 'folk', 'hd', 'first', 'seagate', 'second', 'cdc', 'future', 'domain', 'ram', 'like', 'change', 'controller', 'ide', 'scsi', 'buy', 'new', 'one', 'ram', 'least', 'could', 'controll', 'company', 'many', 'possible', 'via', 'hw', 'via', 'sw', 'select', 'divide', 'ram', 'cache', 'hd', 'example', 'use', 'one', 'hd', 'like', 'reserve', 'ram', 'cache']
['hi_folk', 'future_domain', 'buy_new', 'new_one', 'many_possible', 'ram_cache', 'example_use', 'use_one', 'one_hd', 'ram_cache']
comp_sys_ibm_pc_hardware_60224 |@lemmatized hi:1 folk:1 hd:3 first:1 seagate:1 second:1 cdc:1 future:1 domain:1 ram:4 like:2 change:1 controller:1 ide:1 scsi:1 buy:1 new:1 one:2 least:1 could:1 controll:1 company:1 many:1 possible:1 via:2 hw:1 sw:1 select:1 divide:1 cache:2 example:1 use:1 reserve:1 |@bigram hi_folk:1 future_domain:1 buy_new:1 new_one:1 many_possible:1 ram_cache:2 example_use:1 use_one:1 one_hd:1
What _is_ your problem? Hite's post wasn't a flame. It was a correction of *your* error. YOUR reply was a flame. Not in the least.
[('what', 'WP'), ('_is_', 'VBZ'), ('your', 'PRP$'), ('problem', 'NN'), ('hite', 'NN'), ('post', 'NN'), ('wasn', 'NN'), ('flame', 'NN'), ('it', 'PRP'), ('was', 'VBD'), ('correction', 'NN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('your', 'PRP$'), ('error', 'FW'), ('your', 'PRP$'), ('reply', 'NN'), ('was', 'VBD'), ('flame', 'JJ'), ('not', 'RB'), ('in', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('least', 'JJS')]
['problem', 'hite', 'post', 'flame', 'correction', 'error', 'reply', 'flame', 'least']
rec_sport_baseball_104385 |@lemmatized problem:1 hite:1 post:1 flame:2 correction:1 error:1 reply:1 least:1 |@bigram post_flame:1
Okay, I've received a whole lot of requests for the movie, so for simplicity's sake I can't mail out any more than I've already received (as of 16:30 EDT, Tuesday). Maybe it'll pop up on a site sooner or later.
[('okay', 'NN'), ('ve', 'NN'), ('received', 'VBD'), ('whole', 'JJ'), ('lot', 'NN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('requests', 'NNS'), ('for', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('movie', 'NN'), ('so', 'RB'), ('for', 'IN'), ('simplicity', 'NN'), ('sake', 'NN'), ('can', 'MD'), ('mail', 'VB'), ('out', 'RP'), ('any', 'DT'), ('more', 'JJR'), ('than', 'IN'), ('ve', 'NN'), ('already', 'RB'), ('received', 'VBD'), ('as', 'IN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('16', 'CD'), ('30', 'CD'), ('edt', 'NN'), ('tuesday', 'NN'), (').', 'NNP'), ('maybe', 'RB'), ('it', 'PRP'), ('ll', 'VBZ'), ('pop', 'VBZ'), ('up', 'RP'), ('on', 'IN'), ('site', 'NN'), ('sooner', 'NN'), ('or', 'CC'), ('later', 'RB')]
['okay', 'receive', 'whole', 'lot', 'request', 'movie', 'simplicity', 'sake', 'mail', 'already', 'receive', 'edt', 'tuesday', 'maybe', 'pop', 'site', 'sooner', 'later']
['whole_lot', 'already_receive', 'sooner_later']
comp_graphics_37961 |@lemmatized okay:1 receive:2 whole:1 lot:1 request:1 movie:1 simplicity:1 sake:1 mail:1 already:1 edt:1 tuesday:1 maybe:1 pop:1 site:1 sooner:1 later:1 |@bigram whole_lot:1 already_receive:1 sooner_later:1
Even easier, my area supports 311. Dial this and a recording recites your number. Phone techs use it to verify an installed line. --- Gary Gendel Vice President: Current consulting assignment: Genashor Corp Mentor Graphics Corporation 9 Piney Woods Drive 15 Independence Boulevard Belle Mead, NJ 08502 Warren, NJ 07059
[('even', 'RB'), ('easier', 'JJR'), ('my', 'PRP$'), ('area', 'NN'), ('supports', 'VBZ'), ('311', 'CD'), ('dial', 'NN'), ('this', 'DT'), ('and', 'CC'), ('recording', 'VBG'), ('recites', 'NNS'), ('your', 'PRP$'), ('number', 'NN'), ('phone', 'NN'), ('techs', 'NN'), ('use', 'NN'), ('it', 'PRP'), ('to', 'TO'), ('verify', 'VB'), ('an', 'DT'), ('installed', 'JJ'), ('line', 'NN'), ('---', 'NNP'), ('gary', 'JJ'), ('gendel', 'NN'), ('vice', 'NN'), ('president', 'NN'), ('current', 'JJ'), ('consulting', 'NN'), ('assignment', 'NN'), ('genashor', 'NN'), ('corp', 'NN'), ('mentor', 'NN'), ('graphics', 'NNS'), ('corporation', 'NN'), ('piney', 'NN'), ('woods', 'NNS'), ('drive', 'VBP'), ('15', 'CD'), ('independence', 'NN'), ('boulevard', 'NN'), ('belle', 'NN'), ('mead', 'NN'), ('nj', 'VBD'), ('08502', 'CD'), ('warren', 'NNS'), ('nj', 'RB'), ('07059', 'CD')]
['even', 'easy', 'area', 'support', 'dial', 'record', 'recites', 'number', 'phone', 'tech', 'use', 'verify', 'installed', 'line', 'gary', 'gendel', 'vice', 'president', 'current', 'consulting', 'assignment', 'genashor', 'corp', 'mentor', 'graphic', 'corporation', 'piney', 'wood', 'drive', 'independence', 'boulevard', 'belle', 'mead', 'nj', 'warren', 'nj']
['even_easy', 'vice_president']
sci_electronics_53759 |@lemmatized even:1 easy:1 area:1 support:1 dial:1 record:1 recites:1 number:1 phone:1 tech:1 use:1 verify:1 installed:1 line:1 gary:1 gendel:1 vice:1 president:1 current:1 consulting:1 assignment:1 genashor:1 corp:1 mentor:1 graphic:1 corporation:1 piney:1 wood:1 drive:1 independence:1 boulevard:1 belle:1 mead:1 nj:2 warren:1 |@bigram even_easy:1 vice_president:1
>Hi... what alternatives to the Express modem do Duo owners have (if >they want to go at least 9600 baud)? >Every place in town says they are back ordered, and part of the reason >I want a laptop mac is so I can use it as a remote terminal from >wherever I am, but I really would hate to have to wait 2 months to get >a modem in or have to settle with 2400 baud. If Apple didn't put out such a good product -- I'd gladly take my business to -- to -- the 8-bit Ataris. I think the situation with the Express modem is inexusable for any business. I've had mine on order since January. Apple finally called me last week -- to tell me that I should have it "by the second week of May." In the meantime, I've been stuck with my Duo210 without the connectability I needed it for. I'm sure there are plenty of people who can bite back at me, citing all sorts of reasons why Apple is right or at least justified, but I'm just a crabby consumer and when I order a "Duo210 with modem" that's the product I expect. Oh, well. It's not like it's limited to the computer biz. Remember when the Miata came out? What about those Cabbage Patch Dolls? Well, I want my toy! ;) -- ----------------------------------------------------------------- Kenneth Simon Dept of Sociology, Indiana University Internet: KSSIMON@INDIANA.EDU Bitnet: KSSIMON@IUBACS
[('hi', 'NN'), ('...', ':'), ('what', 'WP'), ('alternatives', 'NNS'), ('to', 'TO'), ('the', 'DT'), ('express', 'NN'), ('modem', 'NN'), ('do', 'VBP'), ('duo', 'NN'), ('owners', 'NNS'), ('have', 'VBP'), ('if', 'IN'), ('they', 'PRP'), ('want', 'VBP'), ('to', 'TO'), ('go', 'VB'), ('at', 'IN'), ('least', 'JJS'), ('9600', 'CD'), ('baud', 'NN'), (')?', 'CC'), ('every', 'DT'), ('place', 'NN'), ('in', 'IN'), ('town', 'NN'), ('says', 'VBZ'), ('they', 'PRP'), ('are', 'VBP'), ('back', 'RB'), ('ordered', 'VBN'), ('and', 'CC'), ('part', 'NN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('reason', 'NN'), ('want', 'VBP'), ('laptop', 'NN'), ('mac', 'NN'), ('is', 'VBZ'), ('so', 'RB'), ('can', 'MD'), ('use', 'VB'), ('it', 'PRP'), ('as', 'IN'), ('remote', 'JJ'), ('terminal', 'NN'), ('from', 'IN'), ('wherever', 'WP'), ('am', 'VBP'), ('but', 'CC'), ('really', 'RB'), ('would', 'MD'), ('hate', 'VB'), ('to', 'TO'), ('have', 'VB'), ('to', 'TO'), ('wait', 'VB'), ('months', 'NNS'), ('to', 'TO'), ('get', 'VB'), ('modem', 'NN'), ('in', 'IN'), ('or', 'CC'), ('have', 'VBP'), ('to', 'TO'), ('settle', 'VB'), ('with', 'IN'), ('2400', 'CD'), ('baud', 'NN'), ('if', 'IN'), ('apple', 'NN'), ('didn', 'NN'), ('put', 'VBD'), ('out', 'RP'), ('such', 'JJ'), ('good', 'JJ'), ('product', 'NN'), ('--', ':'), ('gladly', 'RB'), ('take', 'VBP'), ('my', 'PRP$'), ('business', 'NN'), ('to', 'TO'), ('--', ':'), ('to', 'TO'), ('--', ':'), ('the', 'DT'), ('bit', 'NN'), ('ataris', 'JJ'), ('think', 'VBP'), ('the', 'DT'), ('situation', 'NN'), ('with', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('express', 'NN'), ('modem', 'NN'), ('is', 'VBZ'), ('inexusable', 'JJ'), ('for', 'IN'), ('any', 'DT'), ('business', 'NN'), ('ve', 'NN'), ('had', 'VBD'), ('mine', 'VBN'), ('on', 'IN'), ('order', 'NN'), ('since', 'IN'), ('january', 'NN'), ('apple', 'NN'), ('finally', 'RB'), ('called', 'VBD'), ('me', 'PRP'), ('last', 'JJ'), ('week', 'NN'), ('--', ':'), ('to', 'TO'), ('tell', 'VB'), ('me', 'PRP'), ('that', 'WDT'), ('should', 'MD'), ('have', 'VB'), ('it', 'PRP'), ('by', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('second', 'JJ'), ('week', 'NN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('may', 'MD'), ('."', 'VB'), ('in', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('meantime', 'NN'), ('ve', 'NN'), ('been', 'VBN'), ('stuck', 'VBN'), ('with', 'IN'), ('my', 'PRP$'), ('duo210', 'NN'), ('without', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('connectability', 'NN'), ('needed', 'VBD'), ('it', 'PRP'), ('for', 'IN'), ('sure', 'JJ'), ('there', 'EX'), ('are', 'VBP'), ('plenty', 'NN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('people', 'NNS'), ('who', 'WP'), ('can', 'MD'), ('bite', 'VB'), ('back', 'RB'), ('at', 'IN'), ('me', 'PRP'), ('citing', 'VBG'), ('all', 'DT'), ('sorts', 'NNS'), ('of', 'IN'), ('reasons', 'NNS'), ('why', 'WRB'), ('apple', 'NN'), ('is', 'VBZ'), ('right', 'JJ'), ('or', 'CC'), ('at', 'IN'), ('least', 'JJS'), ('justified', 'JJ'), ('but', 'CC'), ('just', 'RB'), ('crabby', 'VB'), ('consumer', 'NN'), ('and', 'CC'), ('when', 'WRB'), ('order', 'NN'), ('duo210', 'NN'), ('with', 'IN'), ('modem', 'NN'), ('that', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('product', 'NN'), ('expect', 'VBP'), ('oh', 'RB'), ('well', 'RB'), ('it', 'PRP'), ('not', 'RB'), ('like', 'IN'), ('it', 'PRP'), ('limited', 'VBD'), ('to', 'TO'), ('the', 'DT'), ('computer', 'NN'), ('biz', 'NN'), ('remember', 'VB'), ('when', 'WRB'), ('the', 'DT'), ('miata', 'NN'), ('came', 'VBD'), ('out', 'RP'), ('what', 'WP'), ('about', 'IN'), ('those', 'DT'), ('cabbage', 'JJ'), ('patch', 'NN'), ('dolls', 'NNS'), ('well', 'RB'), ('want', 'VBP'), ('my', 'PRP$'), ('toy', 'NN'), (';)', 'NN'), ('--', ':'), ('-----------------------------------------------------------------', 'JJ'), ('kenneth', 'NN'), ('simon', 'NN'), ('dept', 'NN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('sociology', 'NN'), ('indiana', 'NNS'), ('university', 'NN'), ('internet', 'NN'), ('bitnet', 'NN')]
['hi', 'alternative', 'express', 'modem', 'duo', 'owner', 'want', 'go', 'least', 'baud', 'every', 'place', 'town', 'say', 'back', 'order', 'part', 'reason', 'want', 'laptop', 'mac', 'use', 'remote', 'terminal', 'wherever', 'really', 'would', 'hate', 'wait', 'month', 'get', 'modem', 'settle', 'baud', 'apple', 'put', 'good', 'product', 'gladly', 'take', 'business', 'bit', 'ataris', 'think', 'situation', 'express', 'modem', 'inexusable', 'business', 'mine', 'order', 'since', 'january', 'apple', 'finally', 'call', 'last', 'week', 'tell', 'second', 'week', 'may', 'meantime', 'stick', 'without', 'connectability', 'need', 'sure', 'plenty', 'people', 'bite', 'back', 'cite', 'sort', 'reason', 'apple', 'right', 'least', 'justified', 'crabby', 'consumer', 'order', 'modem', 'product', 'expect', 'oh', 'well', 'like', 'limit', 'computer', 'biz', 'remember', 'miata', 'come', 'cabbage', 'patch', 'doll', 'well', 'want', 'toy', 'kenneth', 'simon', 'dept', 'sociology', 'indiana', 'university', 'internet', 'bitnet']
['express_modem', 'owner_want', 'want_go', 'go_least', 'every_place', 'say_back', 'back_order', 'part_reason', 'reason_want', 'mac_use', 'use_remote', 'really_would', 'would_hate', 'wait_month', 'month_get', 'put_good', 'think_situation', 'express_modem', 'last_week', 'tell_second', 'week_may', 'sort_reason', 'right_least', 'oh_well', 'well_like', 'well_want', 'indiana_university', 'internet_bitnet']
comp_sys_mac_hardware_51704 |@lemmatized hi:1 alternative:1 express:2 modem:4 duo:1 owner:1 want:3 go:1 least:2 baud:2 every:1 place:1 town:1 say:1 back:2 order:3 part:1 reason:2 laptop:1 mac:1 use:1 remote:1 terminal:1 wherever:1 really:1 would:1 hate:1 wait:1 month:1 get:1 settle:1 apple:3 put:1 good:1 product:2 gladly:1 take:1 business:2 bit:1 ataris:1 think:1 situation:1 inexusable:1 mine:1 since:1 january:1 finally:1 call:1 last:1 week:2 tell:1 second:1 may:1 meantime:1 stick:1 without:1 connectability:1 need:1 sure:1 plenty:1 people:1 bite:1 cite:1 sort:1 right:1 justified:1 crabby:1 consumer:1 expect:1 oh:1 well:2 like:1 limit:1 computer:1 biz:1 remember:1 miata:1 come:1 cabbage:1 patch:1 doll:1 toy:1 kenneth:1 simon:1 dept:1 sociology:1 indiana:1 university:1 internet:1 bitnet:1 |@bigram express_modem:2 owner_want:1 want_go:1 go_least:1 every_place:1 say_back:1 back_order:1 part_reason:1 reason_want:1 mac_use:1 use_remote:1 really_would:1 would_hate:1 wait_month:1 month_get:1 put_good:1 think_situation:1 last_week:1 tell_second:1 week_may:1 sort_reason:1 right_least:1 oh_well:1 well_like:1 well_want:1 indiana_university:1 internet_bitnet:1
There is a shareware program called v-switch.zip. I don't remember if it is on wuarchive.wustl.edu or on ftp.cica.indiana.edu. It is easy to use and does the job with no problem. -Eric
[('there', 'EX'), ('is', 'VBZ'), ('shareware', 'JJ'), ('program', 'NN'), ('called', 'VBN'), ('switch', 'NN'), ('zip', 'NN'), ('don', 'NN'), ('remember', 'VB'), ('if', 'IN'), ('it', 'PRP'), ('is', 'VBZ'), ('on', 'IN'), ('wuarchive', 'JJ'), ('wustl', 'NN'), ('edu', 'NN'), ('or', 'CC'), ('on', 'IN'), ('ftp', 'JJ'), ('cica', 'NN'), ('indiana', 'NN'), ('edu', 'NN'), ('it', 'PRP'), ('is', 'VBZ'), ('easy', 'JJ'), ('to', 'TO'), ('use', 'VB'), ('and', 'CC'), ('does', 'VBZ'), ('the', 'DT'), ('job', 'NN'), ('with', 'IN'), ('no', 'DT'), ('problem', 'NN'), ('eric', 'NN')]
['shareware', 'program', 'call', 'switch', 'zip', 'remember', 'wuarchive', 'wustl', 'edu', 'ftp', 'cica', 'indiana', 'edu', 'easy', 'use', 'job', 'problem', 'eric']
['shareware_program', 'program_call', 'wuarchive_wustl', 'wustl_edu', 'edu_ftp', 'ftp_cica', 'cica_indiana', 'indiana_edu', 'easy_use']
comp_os_ms-windows_misc_9756 |@lemmatized shareware:1 program:1 call:1 switch:1 zip:1 remember:1 wuarchive:1 wustl:1 edu:2 ftp:1 cica:1 indiana:1 easy:1 use:1 job:1 problem:1 eric:1 |@bigram shareware_program:1 program_call:1 wuarchive_wustl:1 wustl_edu:1 edu_ftp:1 ftp_cica:1 cica_indiana:1 indiana_edu:1 easy_use:1
I am looking for a program called VBREADER. It is an off line mail reader for Windows using QWK mail packets. Or if anyone knows of any good QWK mail readers please let me know. Thanks Kevin
[('am', 'VBP'), ('looking', 'VBG'), ('for', 'IN'), ('program', 'NN'), ('called', 'VBN'), ('vbreader', 'NN'), ('it', 'PRP'), ('is', 'VBZ'), ('an', 'DT'), ('off', 'RP'), ('line', 'NN'), ('mail', 'NN'), ('reader', 'NN'), ('for', 'IN'), ('windows', 'NNS'), ('using', 'VBG'), ('qwk', 'JJ'), ('mail', 'NN'), ('packets', 'NNS'), ('or', 'CC'), ('if', 'IN'), ('anyone', 'NN'), ('knows', 'NNS'), ('of', 'IN'), ('any', 'DT'), ('good', 'JJ'), ('qwk', 'NN'), ('mail', 'NN'), ('readers', 'NNS'), ('please', 'VBP'), ('let', 'VB'), ('me', 'PRP'), ('know', 'VB'), ('thanks', 'NNS'), ('kevin', 'VB')]
['look', 'program', 'call', 'vbreader', 'line', 'mail', 'reader', 'window', 'use', 'qwk', 'mail', 'packet', 'anyone', 'know', 'good', 'qwk', 'mail', 'reader', 'please', 'let', 'know', 'thanks', 'kevin']
['look_program', 'program_call', 'mail_reader', 'window_use', 'anyone_know', 'know_good', 'mail_reader', 'please_let', 'let_know', 'know_thanks']
comp_os_ms-windows_misc_9945 |@lemmatized look:1 program:1 call:1 vbreader:1 line:1 mail:3 reader:2 window:1 use:1 qwk:2 packet:1 anyone:1 know:2 good:1 please:1 let:1 thanks:1 kevin:1 |@bigram look_program:1 program_call:1 mail_reader:2 window_use:1 anyone_know:1 know_good:1 please_let:1 let_know:1 know_thanks:1
What are the typical sizes for keys for commercial secret key algorithms? I know DES is 56 bits ("tripple DES" is 112 bits) and IDEA is 128 bits. Is there anything made in the US that has 128 bit keys? Anything anywhere that has larger keys? I've heard that RC2 can be scaled to arbitrarily large keys, but is this actually implemented anywhere? Finally, can anyone even concieve of a time/place where 128 bit keys aren't sufficient? (I certainly can't - even at a trillion keys a second, it would take about 10 billion years to search just one billionth of that keys space.)
[('what', 'WDT'), ('are', 'VBP'), ('the', 'DT'), ('typical', 'JJ'), ('sizes', 'NNS'), ('for', 'IN'), ('keys', 'NNS'), ('for', 'IN'), ('commercial', 'JJ'), ('secret', 'JJ'), ('key', 'JJ'), ('algorithms', 'NNS'), ('know', 'VBP'), ('des', 'NNS'), ('is', 'VBZ'), ('56', 'CD'), ('bits', 'NNS'), ('("', 'JJ'), ('tripple', 'NN'), ('des', 'NNS'), ('is', 'VBZ'), ('112', 'CD'), ('bits', 'NNS'), ('and', 'CC'), ('idea', 'NN'), ('is', 'VBZ'), ('128', 'CD'), ('bits', 'NNS'), ('is', 'VBZ'), ('there', 'RB'), ('anything', 'NN'), ('made', 'VBN'), ('in', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('us', 'PRP'), ('that', 'WDT'), ('has', 'VBZ'), ('128', 'CD'), ('bit', 'NN'), ('keys', 'NNS'), ('anything', 'NN'), ('anywhere', 'RB'), ('that', 'DT'), ('has', 'VBZ'), ('larger', 'JJR'), ('keys', 'NNS'), ('ve', 'VBP'), ('heard', 'NN'), ('that', 'IN'), ('rc2', 'NN'), ('can', 'MD'), ('be', 'VB'), ('scaled', 'VBN'), ('to', 'TO'), ('arbitrarily', 'RB'), ('large', 'JJ'), ('keys', 'NNS'), ('but', 'CC'), ('is', 'VBZ'), ('this', 'DT'), ('actually', 'RB'), ('implemented', 'VBN'), ('anywhere', 'RB'), ('finally', 'RB'), ('can', 'MD'), ('anyone', 'NN'), ('even', 'RB'), ('concieve', 'VB'), ('of', 'IN'), ('time', 'NN'), ('place', 'NN'), ('where', 'WRB'), ('128', 'CD'), ('bit', 'NN'), ('keys', 'NNS'), ('aren', 'VBP'), ('sufficient', 'JJ'), ('certainly', 'RB'), ('can', 'MD'), ('even', 'RB'), ('at', 'IN'), ('trillion', 'CD'), ('keys', 'NNS'), ('second', 'JJ'), ('it', 'PRP'), ('would', 'MD'), ('take', 'VB'), ('about', 'IN'), ('10', 'CD'), ('billion', 'CD'), ('years', 'NNS'), ('to', 'TO'), ('search', 'VB'), ('just', 'RB'), ('one', 'CD'), ('billionth', 'NN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('that', 'DT'), ('keys', 'NNS'), ('space', 'NN'), ('.)', 'NN')]
['typical', 'size', 'key', 'commercial', 'secret', 'key', 'algorithm', 'know', 'de', 'bit', 'tripple', 'de', 'bit', 'idea', 'bit', 'anything', 'make', 'u', 'bit', 'key', 'anything', 'anywhere', 'large', 'key', 'heard', 'scale', 'arbitrarily', 'large', 'key', 'actually', 'implement', 'anywhere', 'finally', 'anyone', 'even', 'concieve', 'time', 'place', 'bit', 'key', 'sufficient', 'certainly', 'even', 'trillion', 'key', 'second', 'would', 'take', 'billion', 'year', 'search', 'one', 'billionth', 'key', 'space']
['secret_key', 'key_algorithm', 'make_u', 'bit_key', 'time_place', 'bit_key', 'would_take', 'billion_year']
sci_crypt_15502 |@lemmatized typical:1 size:1 key:8 commercial:1 secret:1 algorithm:1 know:1 de:2 bit:5 tripple:1 idea:1 anything:2 make:1 u:1 anywhere:2 large:2 heard:1 scale:1 arbitrarily:1 actually:1 implement:1 finally:1 anyone:1 even:2 concieve:1 time:1 place:1 sufficient:1 certainly:1 trillion:1 second:1 would:1 take:1 billion:1 year:1 search:1 one:1 billionth:1 space:1 |@bigram secret_key:1 key_algorithm:1 make_u:1 bit_key:2 time_place:1 would_take:1 billion_year:1
Betty Harvey writes, This, simply stated, is a result of the bankrupt ethics in the healthcare and scientific medicine industries. America is fed up with the massive waste and fraud that is costing us 15% of our GNP to support these industries, while delivering marginal health care to the community. Unfortunately, the "Clinton Plan", in whatever form it takes, will probably cost us an even greater sum. Bleah.
[('betty', 'RB'), ('harvey', 'NN'), ('writes', 'VBZ'), ('this', 'DT'), ('simply', 'RB'), ('stated', 'VBN'), ('is', 'VBZ'), ('result', 'NN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('bankrupt', 'JJ'), ('ethics', 'NNS'), ('in', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('healthcare', 'NN'), ('and', 'CC'), ('scientific', 'JJ'), ('medicine', 'NN'), ('industries', 'NNS'), ('america', 'VBP'), ('is', 'VBZ'), ('fed', 'VBN'), ('up', 'RP'), ('with', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('massive', 'JJ'), ('waste', 'NN'), ('and', 'CC'), ('fraud', 'NN'), ('that', 'WDT'), ('is', 'VBZ'), ('costing', 'VBG'), ('us', 'PRP'), ('15', 'CD'), ('of', 'IN'), ('our', 'PRP$'), ('gnp', 'NN'), ('to', 'TO'), ('support', 'VB'), ('these', 'DT'), ('industries', 'NNS'), ('while', 'IN'), ('delivering', 'VBG'), ('marginal', 'JJ'), ('health', 'NN'), ('care', 'NN'), ('to', 'TO'), ('the', 'DT'), ('community', 'NN'), ('unfortunately', 'RB'), ('the', 'DT'), ('clinton', 'NN'), ('plan', 'NN'), ('",', 'NNP'), ('in', 'IN'), ('whatever', 'WDT'), ('form', 'NN'), ('it', 'PRP'), ('takes', 'VBZ'), ('will', 'MD'), ('probably', 'RB'), ('cost', 'VB'), ('us', 'PRP'), ('an', 'DT'), ('even', 'RB'), ('greater', 'JJR'), ('sum', 'NN'), ('bleah', 'NN')]
['betty', 'harvey', 'write', 'simply', 'state', 'result', 'bankrupt', 'ethic', 'healthcare', 'scientific', 'medicine', 'industry', 'america', 'feed', 'massive', 'waste', 'fraud', 'cost', 'u', 'gnp', 'support', 'industry', 'deliver', 'marginal', 'health', 'care', 'community', 'unfortunately', 'clinton', 'plan', 'whatever', 'form', 'take', 'probably', 'cost', 'u', 'even', 'great', 'sum', 'bleah']
['simply_state', 'cost_u', 'health_care', 'cost_u', 'u_even', 'even_great']
sci_med_58997 |@lemmatized betty:1 harvey:1 write:1 simply:1 state:1 result:1 bankrupt:1 ethic:1 healthcare:1 scientific:1 medicine:1 industry:2 america:1 feed:1 massive:1 waste:1 fraud:1 cost:2 u:2 gnp:1 support:1 deliver:1 marginal:1 health:1 care:1 community:1 unfortunately:1 clinton:1 plan:1 whatever:1 form:1 take:1 probably:1 even:1 great:1 sum:1 bleah:1 |@bigram simply_state:1 cost_u:2 health_care:1 u_even:1 even_great:1
Mysstem crashes aftwer sleepp. I use 1.0.1 enabler. I use appletalk and filesharing. I have and ExpressModem. --Lowell
[('mysstem', 'NN'), ('crashes', 'NNS'), ('aftwer', 'VBP'), ('sleepp', 'NN'), ('use', 'NN'), ('enabler', 'NN'), ('use', 'NN'), ('appletalk', 'NN'), ('and', 'CC'), ('filesharing', 'NN'), ('have', 'VBP'), ('and', 'CC'), ('expressmodem', 'VBP'), ('--', ':'), ('lowell', 'NN')]
['mysstem', 'crash', 'aftwer', 'sleepp', 'use', 'enabler', 'use', 'appletalk', 'filesharing', 'expressmodem', 'lowell']
comp_sys_mac_hardware_51580 |@lemmatized mysstem:1 crash:1 aftwer:1 sleepp:1 use:2 enabler:1 appletalk:1 filesharing:1 expressmodem:1 lowell:1 |@bigram
Hi ... Recently I found XV for MS-DOS in a subdirectory of GNU-CC (GNUISH). I use frequently XV on a Sun Spark Station 1 and I never had problems, but when I start it on my computer with -h option, it display the help menu and when I start it with a GIF-File my Hard disk turns 2 or 3 seconds and the prompt come back. My computer is a little 386/25 with copro, 4 Mega rams, Tseng 4000 (1M) running MS-DOS 5.0 with HIMEM.SYS and no EMM386.SYS. I had the GO32.EXE too... but no driver who run with it. Do somenone know the solution to run XV ??? any help would be apprecied.. Thanx in advance !!!! -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- * * * Pascal PERRET | perret@eicn.etna.ch * * Ecole d'ingénieur ETS | (Not Available at this time)* * 2400 Le LOCLE | * * Suisse * * !!!! Enjoy COMPUTER !!!! * * *
[('hi', 'NN'), ('...', ':'), ('recently', 'RB'), ('found', 'VBD'), ('xv', 'NNP'), ('for', 'IN'), ('ms', 'NN'), ('dos', 'NN'), ('in', 'IN'), ('subdirectory', 'NN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('gnu', 'NN'), ('cc', 'NN'), ('gnuish', 'JJ'), (').', 'NN'), ('use', 'NN'), ('frequently', 'RB'), ('xv', 'VBZ'), ('on', 'IN'), ('sun', 'NN'), ('spark', 'NN'), ('station', 'NN'), ('and', 'CC'), ('never', 'RB'), ('had', 'VBD'), ('problems', 'NNS'), ('but', 'CC'), ('when', 'WRB'), ('start', 'VBP'), ('it', 'PRP'), ('on', 'IN'), ('my', 'PRP$'), ('computer', 'NN'), ('with', 'IN'), ('option', 'NN'), ('it', 'PRP'), ('display', 'VBD'), ('the', 'DT'), ('help', 'NN'), ('menu', 'NN'), ('and', 'CC'), ('when', 'WRB'), ('start', 'VB'), ('it', 'PRP'), ('with', 'IN'), ('gif', 'NN'), ('file', 'NN'), ('my', 'PRP$'), ('hard', 'JJ'), ('disk', 'NN'), ('turns', 'NNS'), ('or', 'CC'), ('seconds', 'NNS'), ('and', 'CC'), ('the', 'DT'), ('prompt', 'NN'), ('come', 'VBP'), ('back', 'RB'), ('my', 'PRP$'), ('computer', 'NN'), ('is', 'VBZ'), ('little', 'JJ'), ('386', 'CD'), ('25', 'CD'), ('with', 'IN'), ('copro', 'JJ'), ('mega', 'JJ'), ('rams', 'NNS'), ('tseng', 'VBP'), ('4000', 'CD'), ('1m', 'CD'), ('running', 'VBG'), ('ms', 'NNS'), ('dos', 'NN'), ('with', 'IN'), ('himem', 'JJ'), ('sys', 'NN'), ('and', 'CC'), ('no', 'DT'), ('emm386', 'NN'), ('sys', 'NN'), ('had', 'VBD'), ('the', 'DT'), ('go32', 'NN'), ('exe', 'NN'), ('too', 'RB'), ('...', ':'), ('but', 'CC'), ('no', 'DT'), ('driver', 'NN'), ('who', 'WP'), ('run', 'VBP'), ('with', 'IN'), ('it', 'PRP'), ('do', 'VBP'), ('somenone', 'RB'), ('know', 'VB'), ('the', 'DT'), ('solution', 'NN'), ('to', 'TO'), ('run', 'VB'), ('xv', 'NNP'), ('???', 'NNP'), ('any', 'DT'), ('help', 'NN'), ('would', 'MD'), ('be', 'VB'), ('apprecied', 'VBN'), ('..', 'JJ'), ('thanx', 'NN'), ('in', 'IN'), ('advance', 'NN'), ('!!!!', 'NN'), ('--', ':'), ('---------------------------------------------------------------------', 'JJ'), ('pascal', 'JJ'), ('perret', 'NN'), ('ecole', 'NN'), ('ingénieur', 'NN'), ('ets', 'VBZ'), ('not', 'RB'), ('available', 'JJ'), ('at', 'IN'), ('this', 'DT'), ('time', 'NN'), (')*', 'JJ'), ('2400', 'CD'), ('le', 'JJ'), ('locle', 'NN'), ('suisse', 'NN'), ('!!!!', 'NN'), ('enjoy', 'VBP'), ('computer', 'NN'), ('!!!!', 'NN')]
['hi', 'recently', 'find', 'xv', 'subdirectory', 'gnu', 'cc', 'gnuish', 'use', 'frequently', 'xv', 'sun', 'spark', 'station', 'never', 'problem', 'start', 'computer', 'option', 'display', 'help', 'menu', 'start', 'gif', 'file', 'hard', 'disk', 'turn', 'second', 'prompt', 'come', 'back', 'computer', 'little', 'copro', 'mega', 'ram', 'tseng', 'run', 'himem', 'sys', 'sys', 'exe', 'driver', 'run', 'somenone', 'know', 'solution', 'run', 'xv', 'help', 'would', 'apprecied', 'thanx', 'advance', 'pascal', 'perret', 'ecole', 'ingénieur', 'ets', 'available', 'time', 'le', 'locle', 'suisse', 'enjoy', 'computer']
['hi_recently', 'recently_find', 'never_problem', 'problem_start', 'gif_file', 'hard_disk', 'come_back', 'know_solution', 'solution_run', 'help_would', 'thanx_advance', 'available_time']
comp_graphics_38490 |@lemmatized hi:1 recently:1 find:1 xv:3 subdirectory:1 gnu:1 cc:1 gnuish:1 use:1 frequently:1 sun:1 spark:1 station:1 never:1 problem:1 start:2 computer:3 option:1 display:1 help:2 menu:1 gif:1 file:1 hard:1 disk:1 turn:1 second:1 prompt:1 come:1 back:1 little:1 copro:1 mega:1 ram:1 tseng:1 run:3 himem:1 sys:2 exe:1 driver:1 somenone:1 know:1 solution:1 would:1 apprecied:1 thanx:1 advance:1 pascal:1 perret:1 ecole:1 ingénieur:1 ets:1 available:1 time:1 le:1 locle:1 suisse:1 enjoy:1 |@bigram hi_recently:1 recently_find:1 never_problem:1 problem_start:1 gif_file:1 hard_disk:1 come_back:1 know_solution:1 solution_run:1 help_would:1 thanx_advance:1 available_time:1
As a general rule, no relay will cleanly switch audio if you try to tranfer the circuit with the contacts. The noise you hear is due to the momentary opening and closing of the path. The noiseless way of transfering audio is to ground the circuit. In high impedance audio circuits a resistive "T" is constructed close to characteristic impedance of the circuit. Grounding the imputs (connected to the T) transfers the audio. In low impedance circuits transformers are usually used, and the inputs are shorted out or grounded. Secondaries are paralleled at the characteristic impedance. Sometimes if it is necessary to actually switch audio, a second contact is used to momentarily short the circuit output for the duration of the switching time. Telephone relays are handy, because contacts can be adjusted to "Make before break and Vica Versa" but I haven't seen any of these for years. Nowadys switching is done electronically with OP amps, etc. A novel circuit I used to build was a primitive "optical isolator".. It consists of a resistive photocell and a lamp, all packaged in a tube. When the lamp is off the cell is high resistance. Turn the lamp on and the resistance lowers passing the audio. Once again this device in a "T" switches the audio. Varying the lamp resistance give a remote volume control. Use 2 variable resisters and you have a mixer! Lots of luck! -- 73, Tom ================================================================================ Tom Wagner, Audio Visual Technician. Malaspina College Nanaimo British Columbia (604)753-3245, Loc 2230 Fax:755-8742 Callsign:VE7GDA Weapon:.45 Kentucky Rifle Snail mail to: Site Q4, C2. RR#4, Nanaimo, British Columbia, Canada, V9R 5X9
[('as', 'IN'), ('general', 'JJ'), ('rule', 'NN'), ('no', 'DT'), ('relay', 'NN'), ('will', 'MD'), ('cleanly', 'VB'), ('switch', 'VB'), ('audio', 'NN'), ('if', 'IN'), ('you', 'PRP'), ('try', 'VBP'), ('to', 'TO'), ('tranfer', 'VB'), ('the', 'DT'), ('circuit', 'NN'), ('with', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('contacts', 'NNS'), ('the', 'DT'), ('noise', 'NN'), ('you', 'PRP'), ('hear', 'VBP'), ('is', 'VBZ'), ('due', 'JJ'), ('to', 'TO'), ('the', 'DT'), ('momentary', 'JJ'), ('opening', 'NN'), ('and', 'CC'), ('closing', 'NN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('path', 'NN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('noiseless', 'JJ'), ('way', 'NN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('transfering', 'VBG'), ('audio', 'NN'), ('is', 'VBZ'), ('to', 'TO'), ('ground', 'VB'), ('the', 'DT'), ('circuit', 'NN'), ('in', 'IN'), ('high', 'JJ'), ('impedance', 'NN'), ('audio', 'JJ'), ('circuits', 'NNS'), ('resistive', 'VBP'), ('is', 'VBZ'), ('constructed', 'VBN'), ('close', 'RB'), ('to', 'TO'), ('characteristic', 'JJ'), ('impedance', 'NN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('circuit', 'NN'), ('grounding', 'VBG'), ('the', 'DT'), ('imputs', 'NNS'), ('connected', 'VBN'), ('to', 'TO'), ('the', 'DT'), ('transfers', 'NNS'), ('the', 'DT'), ('audio', 'NN'), ('in', 'IN'), ('low', 'JJ'), ('impedance', 'NN'), ('circuits', 'NNS'), ('transformers', 'NNS'), ('are', 'VBP'), ('usually', 'RB'), ('used', 'VBN'), ('and', 'CC'), ('the', 'DT'), ('inputs', 'NNS'), ('are', 'VBP'), ('shorted', 'VBN'), ('out', 'RP'), ('or', 'CC'), ('grounded', 'JJ'), ('secondaries', 'NNS'), ('are', 'VBP'), ('paralleled', 'VBN'), ('at', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('characteristic', 'JJ'), ('impedance', 'NN'), ('sometimes', 'RB'), ('if', 'IN'), ('it', 'PRP'), ('is', 'VBZ'), ('necessary', 'JJ'), ('to', 'TO'), ('actually', 'RB'), ('switch', 'VB'), ('audio', 'JJ'), ('second', 'JJ'), ('contact', 'NN'), ('is', 'VBZ'), ('used', 'VBN'), ('to', 'TO'), ('momentarily', 'RB'), ('short', 'VB'), ('the', 'DT'), ('circuit', 'NN'), ('output', 'NN'), ('for', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('duration', 'NN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('switching', 'JJ'), ('time', 'NN'), ('telephone', 'NN'), ('relays', 'NNS'), ('are', 'VBP'), ('handy', 'JJ'), ('because', 'IN'), ('contacts', 'NNS'), ('can', 'MD'), ('be', 'VB'), ('adjusted', 'VBN'), ('to', 'TO'), ('make', 'VB'), ('before', 'IN'), ('break', 'NN'), ('and', 'CC'), ('vica', 'JJ'), ('versa', 'NN'), ('but', 'CC'), ('haven', 'RB'), ('seen', 'VBN'), ('any', 'DT'), ('of', 'IN'), ('these', 'DT'), ('for', 'IN'), ('years', 'NNS'), ('nowadys', 'JJ'), ('switching', 'NN'), ('is', 'VBZ'), ('done', 'VBN'), ('electronically', 'RB'), ('with', 'IN'), ('op', 'JJ'), ('amps', 'NNS'), ('etc', 'FW'), ('novel', 'JJ'), ('circuit', 'NN'), ('used', 'VBN'), ('to', 'TO'), ('build', 'VB'), ('was', 'VBD'), ('primitive', 'JJ'), ('optical', 'JJ'), ('isolator', 'NN'), ('"..', 'VBD'), ('it', 'PRP'), ('consists', 'VBZ'), ('of', 'IN'), ('resistive', 'JJ'), ('photocell', 'NN'), ('and', 'CC'), ('lamp', 'VB'), ('all', 'DT'), ('packaged', 'VBN'), ('in', 'IN'), ('tube', 'NN'), ('when', 'WRB'), ('the', 'DT'), ('lamp', 'NN'), ('is', 'VBZ'), ('off', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('cell', 'NN'), ('is', 'VBZ'), ('high', 'JJ'), ('resistance', 'NN'), ('turn', 'VBP'), ('the', 'DT'), ('lamp', 'NN'), ('on', 'IN'), ('and', 'CC'), ('the', 'DT'), ('resistance', 'NN'), ('lowers', 'NNS'), ('passing', 'VBG'), ('the', 'DT'), ('audio', 'NN'), ('once', 'RB'), ('again', 'RB'), ('this', 'DT'), ('device', 'NN'), ('in', 'IN'), ('switches', 'VBZ'), ('the', 'DT'), ('audio', 'NN'), ('varying', 'VBG'), ('the', 'DT'), ('lamp', 'NN'), ('resistance', 'NN'), ('give', 'JJ'), ('remote', 'JJ'), ('volume', 'NN'), ('control', 'NN'), ('use', 'NN'), ('variable', 'JJ'), ('resisters', 'NNS'), ('and', 'CC'), ('you', 'PRP'), ('have', 'VBP'), ('mixer', 'VBN'), ('lots', 'NNS'), ('of', 'IN'), ('luck', 'NN'), ('--', ':'), ('73', 'CD'), ('tom', 'NN'), ('================================================================================', 'NNP'), ('tom', 'NN'), ('wagner', 'NN'), ('audio', 'JJ'), ('visual', 'JJ'), ('technician', 'JJ'), ('malaspina', 'NN'), ('college', 'NN'), ('nanaimo', 'JJ'), ('british', 'JJ'), ('columbia', 'NN'), ('604', 'CD'), ('753', 'CD'), ('3245', 'CD'), ('loc', 'NN'), ('2230', 'CD'), ('fax', 'NN'), ('755', 'CD'), ('8742', 'CD'), ('callsign', 'NN'), ('ve7gda', 'FW'), ('weapon', 'NN'), (':.', '$'), ('45', 'CD'), ('kentucky', 'JJ'), ('rifle', 'NN'), ('snail', 'JJ'), ('mail', 'NN'), ('to', 'TO'), ('site', 'NN'), ('q4', 'NNS'), ('c2', 'VBP'), ('rr', 'VB'), ('nanaimo', 'JJ'), ('british', 'JJ'), ('columbia', 'NN'), ('canada', 'VBD'), ('v9r', '$'), ('5x9', 'CD')]
['general', 'rule', 'relay', 'cleanly', 'switch', 'audio', 'try', 'tranfer', 'circuit', 'contact', 'noise', 'hear', 'due', 'momentary', 'opening', 'closing', 'path', 'noiseless', 'way', 'transfer', 'audio', 'grind', 'circuit', 'high', 'impedance', 'audio', 'circuit', 'resistive', 'construct', 'close', 'characteristic', 'impedance', 'circuit', 'ground', 'imputs', 'connect', 'transfer', 'audio', 'low', 'impedance', 'circuit', 'transformer', 'usually', 'use', 'input', 'short', 'grounded', 'secondary', 'parallel', 'characteristic', 'impedance', 'sometimes', 'necessary', 'actually', 'switch', 'audio', 'second', 'contact', 'use', 'momentarily', 'short', 'circuit', 'output', 'duration', 'switching', 'time', 'telephone', 'relay', 'handy', 'contact', 'adjust', 'make', 'break', 'vica', 'versa', 'see', 'year', 'nowadys', 'switching', 'electronically', 'op', 'amp', 'etc', 'novel', 'circuit', 'use', 'build', 'primitive', 'optical', 'isolator', 'consist', 'resistive', 'photocell', 'lamp', 'package', 'tube', 'lamp', 'cell', 'high', 'resistance', 'turn', 'lamp', 'resistance', 'lower', 'pass', 'audio', 'device', 'switch', 'audio', 'vary', 'lamp', 'resistance', 'give', 'remote', 'volume', 'control', 'use', 'variable', 'resister', 'mixer', 'lot', 'luck', 'tom', 'tom', 'wagner', 'audio', 'visual', 'technician', 'malaspina', 'college', 'nanaimo', 'british', 'columbia', 'loc', 'fax', 'callsign', 'weapon', 'kentucky', 'rifle', 'snail', 'mail', 'site', 'rr', 'nanaimo', 'british', 'columbia', 'canada']
['general_rule', 'switch_audio', 'usually_use', 'switch_audio', 'short_circuit', 'see_year', 'op_amp', 'circuit_use', 'use_build', 'switch_audio', 'volume_control', 'tom_tom', 'nanaimo_british', 'british_columbia', 'snail_mail', 'nanaimo_british', 'british_columbia']
sci_electronics_53821 |@lemmatized general:1 rule:1 relay:2 cleanly:1 switch:3 audio:8 try:1 tranfer:1 circuit:7 contact:3 noise:1 hear:1 due:1 momentary:1 opening:1 closing:1 path:1 noiseless:1 way:1 transfer:2 grind:1 high:2 impedance:4 resistive:2 construct:1 close:1 characteristic:2 ground:1 imputs:1 connect:1 low:1 transformer:1 usually:1 use:4 input:1 short:2 grounded:1 secondary:1 parallel:1 sometimes:1 necessary:1 actually:1 second:1 momentarily:1 output:1 duration:1 switching:2 time:1 telephone:1 handy:1 adjust:1 make:1 break:1 vica:1 versa:1 see:1 year:1 nowadys:1 electronically:1 op:1 amp:1 etc:1 novel:1 build:1 primitive:1 optical:1 isolator:1 consist:1 photocell:1 lamp:4 package:1 tube:1 cell:1 resistance:3 turn:1 lower:1 pass:1 device:1 vary:1 give:1 remote:1 volume:1 control:1 variable:1 resister:1 mixer:1 lot:1 luck:1 tom:2 wagner:1 visual:1 technician:1 malaspina:1 college:1 nanaimo:2 british:2 columbia:2 loc:1 fax:1 callsign:1 weapon:1 kentucky:1 rifle:1 snail:1 mail:1 site:1 rr:1 canada:1 |@bigram general_rule:1 switch_audio:3 usually_use:1 short_circuit:1 see_year:1 op_amp:1 circuit_use:1 use_build:1 volume_control:1 tom_tom:1 nanaimo_british:2 british_columbia:2 snail_mail:1
... I think this is a big leap sex->depression. One example is myself, where no sex->depression :) But, seriously 1) promiscuity is on a decline, depression is not and 2) it might be more reasonable to say depression->promiscuity. I think depression is more likely to come from emotional problems (relationships, family, job, friends) and promiscuity is used as an escape. Since I see marriage as a civil and religious bond rather than an emotional bond, I don't see a problem with sex before (not outside of) marriage so long as you have the same commitment and devotion as what is expected from a married couple. Of course, this is just my opinion.
[('...', ':'), ('think', 'NN'), ('this', 'DT'), ('is', 'VBZ'), ('big', 'JJ'), ('leap', 'JJ'), ('sex', 'NN'), ('->', 'NNP'), ('depression', 'NN'), ('one', 'CD'), ('example', 'NN'), ('is', 'VBZ'), ('myself', 'PRP'), ('where', 'WRB'), ('no', 'DT'), ('sex', 'NN'), ('->', 'VBZ'), ('depression', 'NN'), (':)', 'NN'), ('but', 'CC'), ('seriously', 'RB'), ('promiscuity', 'NN'), ('is', 'VBZ'), ('on', 'IN'), ('decline', 'NN'), ('depression', 'NN'), ('is', 'VBZ'), ('not', 'RB'), ('and', 'CC'), ('it', 'PRP'), ('might', 'MD'), ('be', 'VB'), ('more', 'RBR'), ('reasonable', 'JJ'), ('to', 'TO'), ('say', 'VB'), ('depression', 'NN'), ('->', 'FW'), ('promiscuity', 'NN'), ('think', 'VBP'), ('depression', 'NN'), ('is', 'VBZ'), ('more', 'RBR'), ('likely', 'JJ'), ('to', 'TO'), ('come', 'VB'), ('from', 'IN'), ('emotional', 'JJ'), ('problems', 'NNS'), ('relationships', 'VBP'), ('family', 'NN'), ('job', 'NN'), ('friends', 'NNS'), ('and', 'CC'), ('promiscuity', 'NN'), ('is', 'VBZ'), ('used', 'VBN'), ('as', 'IN'), ('an', 'DT'), ('escape', 'NN'), ('since', 'IN'), ('see', 'NN'), ('marriage', 'NN'), ('as', 'IN'), ('civil', 'JJ'), ('and', 'CC'), ('religious', 'JJ'), ('bond', 'NN'), ('rather', 'RB'), ('than', 'IN'), ('an', 'DT'), ('emotional', 'JJ'), ('bond', 'NN'), ('don', 'NN'), ('see', 'NN'), ('problem', 'NN'), ('with', 'IN'), ('sex', 'NN'), ('before', 'IN'), ('not', 'RB'), ('outside', 'IN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('marriage', 'NN'), ('so', 'RB'), ('long', 'RB'), ('as', 'IN'), ('you', 'PRP'), ('have', 'VBP'), ('the', 'DT'), ('same', 'JJ'), ('commitment', 'NN'), ('and', 'CC'), ('devotion', 'NN'), ('as', 'IN'), ('what', 'WP'), ('is', 'VBZ'), ('expected', 'VBN'), ('from', 'IN'), ('married', 'JJ'), ('couple', 'NN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('course', 'NN'), ('this', 'DT'), ('is', 'VBZ'), ('just', 'RB'), ('my', 'PRP$'), ('opinion', 'NN')]
['think', 'big', 'leap', 'sex', 'depression', 'one', 'example', 'sex', 'depression', 'seriously', 'promiscuity', 'decline', 'depression', 'might', 'reasonable', 'say', 'depression', 'promiscuity', 'think', 'depression', 'likely', 'come', 'emotional', 'problem', 'relationships', 'family', 'job', 'friend', 'promiscuity', 'use', 'escape', 'since', 'see', 'marriage', 'civil', 'religious', 'bond', 'rather', 'emotional', 'bond', 'see', 'problem', 'sex', 'outside', 'marriage', 'long', 'commitment', 'devotion', 'expect', 'married', 'couple', 'course', 'opinion']
['think_big', 'one_example', 'since_see', 'see_problem']
alt_atheism_51299 |@lemmatized think:2 big:1 leap:1 sex:3 depression:5 one:1 example:1 seriously:1 promiscuity:3 decline:1 might:1 reasonable:1 say:1 likely:1 come:1 emotional:2 problem:2 relationships:1 family:1 job:1 friend:1 use:1 escape:1 since:1 see:2 marriage:2 civil:1 religious:1 bond:2 rather:1 outside:1 long:1 commitment:1 devotion:1 expect:1 married:1 couple:1 course:1 opinion:1 |@bigram think_big:1 one_example:1 since_see:1 see_problem:1
I don't sign any blank checks. When Doug Foxvog says "weapons of mass destruction," he means CBW and nukes. When Sarah Brady says "weapons of mass destruction" she means Street Sweeper shotguns and semi-automatic SKS rifles. When John Lawrence Rutledge says "weapons of mass destruction," and then immediately follows it with: ...what does Rutledge mean by the term? --
[('don', 'JJ'), ('sign', 'NN'), ('any', 'DT'), ('blank', 'JJ'), ('checks', 'NNS'), ('when', 'WRB'), ('doug', 'NN'), ('foxvog', 'NN'), ('says', 'VBZ'), ('weapons', 'NNS'), ('of', 'IN'), ('mass', 'NN'), ('destruction', 'NN'), (',"', 'IN'), ('he', 'PRP'), ('means', 'VBZ'), ('cbw', 'NN'), ('and', 'CC'), ('nukes', 'NNS'), ('when', 'WRB'), ('sarah', 'NN'), ('brady', 'NN'), ('says', 'VBZ'), ('weapons', 'NNS'), ('of', 'IN'), ('mass', 'NN'), ('destruction', 'NN'), ('she', 'PRP'), ('means', 'VBZ'), ('street', 'JJ'), ('sweeper', 'JJ'), ('shotguns', 'NNS'), ('and', 'CC'), ('semi', 'JJ'), ('automatic', 'JJ'), ('sks', 'NNS'), ('rifles', 'NNS'), ('when', 'WRB'), ('john', 'NN'), ('lawrence', 'NN'), ('rutledge', 'NN'), ('says', 'VBZ'), ('weapons', 'NNS'), ('of', 'IN'), ('mass', 'NN'), ('destruction', 'NN'), (',"', 'NN'), ('and', 'CC'), ('then', 'RB'), ('immediately', 'RB'), ('follows', 'VBZ'), ('it', 'PRP'), ('with', 'IN'), ('...', ':'), ('what', 'WP'), ('does', 'VBZ'), ('rutledge', 'VB'), ('mean', 'VB'), ('by', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('term', 'NN'), ('--', ':')]
['sign', 'blank', 'check', 'doug', 'foxvog', 'say', 'weapon', 'mass', 'destruction', 'mean', 'cbw', 'nuke', 'sarah', 'brady', 'say', 'weapon', 'mass', 'destruction', 'mean', 'street', 'sweeper', 'shotgun', 'semi', 'automatic', 'sks', 'rifle', 'john', 'lawrence', 'rutledge', 'say', 'weapon', 'mass', 'destruction', 'immediately', 'follow', 'rutledge', 'mean', 'term']
['weapon_mass', 'mass_destruction', 'sarah_brady', 'weapon_mass', 'mass_destruction', 'semi_automatic', 'weapon_mass', 'mass_destruction']
talk_politics_guns_54376 |@lemmatized sign:1 blank:1 check:1 doug:1 foxvog:1 say:3 weapon:3 mass:3 destruction:3 mean:3 cbw:1 nuke:1 sarah:1 brady:1 street:1 sweeper:1 shotgun:1 semi:1 automatic:1 sks:1 rifle:1 john:1 lawrence:1 rutledge:2 immediately:1 follow:1 term:1 |@bigram weapon_mass:3 mass_destruction:3 sarah_brady:1 semi_automatic:1
I have an eprom blower made by Logical Devices and the model name is Prompro-8, but I have lost the manual. Does anyone have a spare manual that they would like to sell ?
[('have', 'VB'), ('an', 'DT'), ('eprom', 'NN'), ('blower', 'NN'), ('made', 'VBN'), ('by', 'IN'), ('logical', 'JJ'), ('devices', 'NNS'), ('and', 'CC'), ('the', 'DT'), ('model', 'NN'), ('name', 'NN'), ('is', 'VBZ'), ('prompro', 'JJ'), ('but', 'CC'), ('have', 'VBP'), ('lost', 'VBN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('manual', 'NN'), ('does', 'VBZ'), ('anyone', 'NN'), ('have', 'VB'), ('spare', 'JJ'), ('manual', 'NNS'), ('that', 'IN'), ('they', 'PRP'), ('would', 'MD'), ('like', 'VB'), ('to', 'TO'), ('sell', 'VB')]
['eprom', 'blower', 'make', 'logical', 'device', 'model', 'name', 'prompro', 'lose', 'manual', 'anyone', 'spare', 'manual', 'would', 'like', 'sell']
['would_like', 'like_sell']
sci_electronics_53985 |@lemmatized eprom:1 blower:1 make:1 logical:1 device:1 model:1 name:1 prompro:1 lose:1 manual:2 anyone:1 spare:1 would:1 like:1 sell:1 |@bigram would_like:1 like_sell:1
I first read and consulted rec.guns in the summer of 1991. I just purchased my first firearm in early March of this year.
[('first', 'RB'), ('read', 'NN'), ('and', 'CC'), ('consulted', 'VBD'), ('rec', 'NN'), ('guns', 'NNS'), ('in', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('summer', 'NN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('1991', 'CD'), ('just', 'RB'), ('purchased', 'VBN'), ('my', 'PRP$'), ('first', 'JJ'), ('firearm', 'NN'), ('in', 'IN'), ('early', 'JJ'), ('march', 'NN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('this', 'DT'), ('year', 'NN')]
['first', 'read', 'consult', 'rec', 'gun', 'summer', 'purchase', 'first', 'firearm', 'early', 'march', 'year']
['first_read', 'rec_gun', 'early_march']
talk_politics_guns_54500 |@lemmatized first:2 read:1 consult:1 rec:1 gun:1 summer:1 purchase:1 firearm:1 early:1 march:1 year:1 |@bigram first_read:1 rec_gun:1 early_march:1