Where to Go from Here
Taking the ToDoList App to the Next Level
iOS Technology Overview describes the frameworks and other technologies that are available to your app
in iOS.
● Access the documentation.
“Finding Information” (page 116) shows you how to make the most of the documentation available to you.
● Debug and test your app.
“Debug Your App” in Xcode Overview teaches you how to thoroughly debug and test your app in Xcode.
Ship your app.
App Distribution Guide walks you through the process of provisioning devices for testing and submitting
apps to the App Store.
Taking the ToDoList App to the Next Level
The to-do list app you just created benefits from numerous built-in behaviors. You can continue to experiment
with this app to enhance your understanding, or you can start something new. If you do continue with the
to-do list app, here are some areas to investigate:
Your to-do list disappears when you quit and relaunch the app. You might want to explore ways to make
the list persist over time.
You’re using the default appearance for all of the controls in your app. UIKit includes features for customizing
the appearance of many controls. Explore different user interface options using this technology.
You’ve given the user a way to add items to the list and mark them as completed, but there’s no facility
for deleting items. Table views have built-in behavior for supporting editing, including deletion and
reordering of rows, which you might consider incorporating into your app.
As you continue developing iOS apps, you’ll find that there are a vast number of concepts and technologies
left to explore, including localization, accessibility, and appearance customization. Start by defining a direction
that interests you. Remember to put concepts into practice as you learn them. When you encounter an
interesting new technology, framework, or design pattern, don’t be afraid to write a small app to test it out.
Although the breadth of what you can do may seem intimidating, by adopting the divide-and-conquer approach
shown in this document, you’ll find that you ship your first app quickly. After you have an app in the App Store,
you can continue to incorporate additional features incrementally. There are always new ways to keep your
customers engaged and looking forward to the next great thing.
2013-10-22 | Copyright © 2013 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Document Revision History
This table describes the changes to Start Developing iOS Apps Today .
Rewritten as a multipart tutorial to provide the fundamental skills needed
to create an iOS app.
2013-10-22 | Copyright © 2013 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Apple Inc.
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Apple Inc.
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