Query about fertilizer use and availability, the query is asking about better growth of onion for the crop Onion
00 52 34 50 gram 15 ltr of water
<s>[INST] Query about fertilizer use and availability, the query is asking about better growth of onion for the crop Onion [/INST] 00 52 34 50 gram 15 ltr of water </s>
Query about nan, the query is variety for the crop Groundnut pea nutmung phalli
tag 24
<s>[INST] Query about nan, the query is variety for the crop Groundnut pea nutmung phalli [/INST] tag 24 </s>
Query about plant protection, the query is attack of blight on potato for the crop Potato
spray of meothrin 10 ml folicur 8 ml per pump on potato
<s>[INST] Query about plant protection, the query is attack of blight on potato for the crop Potato [/INST] spray of meothrin 10 ml folicur 8 ml per pump on potato </s>
Query about post harvest management cleaning grading packaging food processing cool chain etc, the query is safed musali cultivation contact--- for the crop Safed Musli
safed musali cultivation contact 02426 243249
<s>[INST] Query about post harvest management cleaning grading packaging food processing cool chain etc, the query is safed musali cultivation contact--- for the crop Safed Musli [/INST] safed musali cultivation contact 02426 243249 </s>
Query about plant protection, the query is asked abouy red mite attack on guava for the crop Guava
spraying of oberon 20 ml 15 lit water
<s>[INST] Query about plant protection, the query is asked abouy red mite attack on guava for the crop Guava [/INST] spraying of oberon 20 ml 15 lit water </s>
Query about 78, the query is variety of banana for the crop Banana
shrimanti basrai are swuitable
<s>[INST] Query about 78, the query is variety of banana for the crop Banana [/INST] shrimanti basrai are swuitable </s>
Query about 10, the query is aphids on jowar for the crop 2051
spray dimethoate 30 ec 30 ml in 15 lit of water
<s>[INST] Query about 10, the query is aphids on jowar for the crop 2051 [/INST] spray dimethoate 30 ec 30 ml in 15 lit of water </s>
Query about varieties, the query is variety of cotton for the crop Cotton Kapas
cotton variety ajit 155 ankhur 9 kanak mallika paaras bramha
<s>[INST] Query about varieties, the query is variety of cotton for the crop Cotton Kapas [/INST] cotton variety ajit 155 ankhur 9 kanak mallika paaras bramha </s>
Query about seeds, the query is mustard varieties for the crop Mustard
mustard varieties sita rajat
<s>[INST] Query about seeds, the query is mustard varieties for the crop Mustard [/INST] mustard varieties sita rajat </s>
Query about varieties, the query is asking varities of bajara for the crop Pearl Millet BajraBulrush MilletSpiked Millet
varities of bajara ictp 8203 wcc 75 shradha saburi
<s>[INST] Query about varieties, the query is asking varities of bajara for the crop Pearl Millet BajraBulrush MilletSpiked Millet [/INST] varities of bajara ictp 8203 wcc 75 shradha saburi </s>
Query about plant protection, the query is white fly on cotton for the crop Cotton Kapas
asiphet 2gramliter
<s>[INST] Query about plant protection, the query is white fly on cotton for the crop Cotton Kapas [/INST] asiphet 2gramliter </s>
Query about plant protection, the query is asking about fertiliser dose for for the crop Chillies
spray microla 30 ml 19 19 19 35 gm 15 liter water
<s>[INST] Query about plant protection, the query is asking about fertiliser dose for for the crop Chillies [/INST] spray microla 30 ml 19 19 19 35 gm 15 liter water </s>
Query about plant protection, the query is sugarcane fruit borer for the crop Sugarcane Noble Cane
spraying of choloropyriphos 3ml 15 lit water
<s>[INST] Query about plant protection, the query is sugarcane fruit borer for the crop Sugarcane Noble Cane [/INST] spraying of choloropyriphos 3ml 15 lit water </s>
Query about fertilizer use and availability, the query is asking about yellowing of onion for the crop Onion
yellowing of onion spray microla 30 ml m 45 30 gm15 liter water
<s>[INST] Query about fertilizer use and availability, the query is asking about yellowing of onion for the crop Onion [/INST] yellowing of onion spray microla 30 ml m 45 30 gm15 liter water </s>
Query about plant protection, the query is bringal atac blight for the crop Brinjal
roko40gmmicrola40mlstikar10ml15 lit of water
<s>[INST] Query about plant protection, the query is bringal atac blight for the crop Brinjal [/INST] roko40gmmicrola40mlstikar10ml15 lit of water </s>
Query about plant protection, the query is spray for cotton growth for the crop Cotton Kapas
spray for cotton growthspray bavistane 30gm 19 19 19 60gm microlla 30ml 15 liter of water
<s>[INST] Query about plant protection, the query is spray for cotton growth for the crop Cotton Kapas [/INST] spray for cotton growthspray bavistane 30gm 19 19 19 60gm microlla 30ml 15 liter of water </s>
Query about plant protection, the query is attack of sucking pest onion for the crop Onion
spray supar confidor 6 ml redomil gold 30 gm 15 liter of water for controlling sucking pest onion
<s>[INST] Query about plant protection, the query is attack of sucking pest onion for the crop Onion [/INST] spray supar confidor 6 ml redomil gold 30 gm 15 liter of water for controlling sucking pest onion </s>
Query about plant protection, the query is attack of aphids on tomato for the crop Tomato
spray rogar 15 ml m 45 30 gm15 liter water dimethoate 30 ec
<s>[INST] Query about plant protection, the query is attack of aphids on tomato for the crop Tomato [/INST] spray rogar 15 ml m 45 30 gm15 liter water dimethoate 30 ec </s>
Query about agriculture mechanization, the query is mumification of grape for the crop Grape
mgsulphate 2kgurea6kg through drip irrigation
<s>[INST] Query about agriculture mechanization, the query is mumification of grape for the crop Grape [/INST] mgsulphate 2kgurea6kg through drip irrigation </s>
Query about 100, the query is dose for the crop Watermelon
spray of 0 0 50 boron
<s>[INST] Query about 100, the query is dose for the crop Watermelon [/INST] spray of 0 0 50 boron </s>
Query about plant protection, the query is fertilizer dose for maturity of cane for the crop Grape
application of 00 52 34 5 kg urea 2 kg acre
<s>[INST] Query about plant protection, the query is fertilizer dose for maturity of cane for the crop Grape [/INST] application of 00 52 34 5 kg urea 2 kg acre </s>
Query about fertilizer use and availability, the query is which fertilizer apply mango crop for the crop Mango
you can spray 13 00 45 for 100 gram microla 40 mili pamp water use for mango crop
<s>[INST] Query about fertilizer use and availability, the query is which fertilizer apply mango crop for the crop Mango [/INST] you can spray 13 00 45 for 100 gram microla 40 mili pamp water use for mango crop </s>
Query about weed management, the query is asked about weed control for the crop Wheat
from planting to do one or two times to abuse taking into consideration the amount of weed in 30 to 40 days flag of the water weeds deployed to 24 d sodium salt over the tananasakaci1 kg of active chemical element per hectare of spray misaluna 500 liters of water
<s>[INST] Query about weed management, the query is asked about weed control for the crop Wheat [/INST] from planting to do one or two times to abuse taking into consideration the amount of weed in 30 to 40 days flag of the water weeds deployed to 24 d sodium salt over the tananasakaci1 kg of active chemical element per hectare of spray misaluna 500 liters of water </s>
Query about plant protection, the query is wilting of cotton for the crop Cotton Kapas
drenching of blue copper 30 gm humic acid 30 ml15 liter water
<s>[INST] Query about plant protection, the query is wilting of cotton for the crop Cotton Kapas [/INST] drenching of blue copper 30 gm humic acid 30 ml15 liter water </s>
Query about plant protection, the query is attack of jassidsleaf hoppersasked about weed management for the crop Groundnut pea nutmung phalli
spray rejent 15 ml bavistin 30 gram 15 liter watergroundnut use pursuitimazethapyr
<s>[INST] Query about plant protection, the query is attack of jassidsleaf hoppersasked about weed management for the crop Groundnut pea nutmung phalli [/INST] spray rejent 15 ml bavistin 30 gram 15 liter watergroundnut use pursuitimazethapyr </s>
Query about plant protection, the query is wilt on potato for the crop Potato
wilt on potato spray microla 45 ml redomil gold 30 gm 15 liter water
<s>[INST] Query about plant protection, the query is wilt on potato for the crop Potato [/INST] wilt on potato spray microla 45 ml redomil gold 30 gm 15 liter water </s>
Query about plant protection, the query is blight attack for the crop Turmeric
spray tilt 20 ml15 liter of waterpropiconyazol 25ec syngenta
<s>[INST] Query about plant protection, the query is blight attack for the crop Turmeric [/INST] spray tilt 20 ml15 liter of waterpropiconyazol 25ec syngenta </s>
Query about seeds and planting material, the query is asked about varieties of pumpkin for the crop Pumpkin
arka suryamukhiarka chandan
<s>[INST] Query about seeds and planting material, the query is asked about varieties of pumpkin for the crop Pumpkin [/INST] arka suryamukhiarka chandan </s>
Query about 99, the query is flower drop in chilli var-jwala for the crop 1280
spray naa or planofix 4 5ml10 lit of water
<s>[INST] Query about 99, the query is flower drop in chilli var-jwala for the crop 1280 [/INST] spray naa or planofix 4 5ml10 lit of water </s>
Query about plant protection, the query is herbiside for the crop Soybean bhat
<s>[INST] Query about plant protection, the query is herbiside for the crop Soybean bhat [/INST] pendamethilin </s>
Query about nan, the query is mango fertilizers for the crop Mango
10 26 262 kgnim2 kgmicrola200 gm
<s>[INST] Query about nan, the query is mango fertilizers for the crop Mango [/INST] 10 26 262 kgnim2 kgmicrola200 gm </s>
Query about 22, the query is weedicide for the crop Sunnhemp Patua
spray metribuzine 20 ml 10 lit of water
<s>[INST] Query about 22, the query is weedicide for the crop Sunnhemp Patua [/INST] spray metribuzine 20 ml 10 lit of water </s>
Query about fertilizer use and availability, the query is cotton fertilizers spray for the crop Cotton Kapas
19 19 1960 gmmicrola30 ml15 lit of water
<s>[INST] Query about fertilizer use and availability, the query is cotton fertilizers spray for the crop Cotton Kapas [/INST] 19 19 1960 gmmicrola30 ml15 lit of water </s>
Query about plant protection, the query is red mites attack for the crop Pomegranate
spray oberon 15ml 15lit of water
<s>[INST] Query about plant protection, the query is red mites attack for the crop Pomegranate [/INST] spray oberon 15ml 15lit of water </s>
Query about plant protection, the query is market rate o cotton for the crop Cotton Kapas
15 1 2016 amarawatiquintal1664465047004675 savnerquintal200440044004400 kinwatquintal300430044004350localumaredquintal246445045704500
<s>[INST] Query about plant protection, the query is market rate o cotton for the crop Cotton Kapas [/INST] 15 1 2016 amarawatiquintal1664465047004675 savnerquintal200440044004400 kinwatquintal300430044004350localumaredquintal246445045704500 </s>
Query about nan, the query is market rate of turmeric for the crop Turmeric
4500 8600 rs ql
<s>[INST] Query about nan, the query is market rate of turmeric for the crop Turmeric [/INST] 4500 8600 rs ql </s>
Query about 29, the query is problem of sprouting for the crop Sunnhemp Patua
spray meracunol or ethyl
<s>[INST] Query about 29, the query is problem of sprouting for the crop Sunnhemp Patua [/INST] spray meracunol or ethyl </s>
Query about plant protection, the query is fangi on tomato for the crop Tomato
fangi on tomato bavistin 10 gm liter water
<s>[INST] Query about plant protection, the query is fangi on tomato for the crop Tomato [/INST] fangi on tomato bavistin 10 gm liter water </s>
Query about seeds and planting material, the query is vaerityb of marigold for the crop Marigold
<s>[INST] Query about seeds and planting material, the query is vaerityb of marigold for the crop Marigold [/INST] </s>
Query about fertilizer use and availability, the query is onion seedlings growth for the crop Onion
onion seedlings growth spray 19 19 19 60 gm microla 30 ml 15 lit water
<s>[INST] Query about fertilizer use and availability, the query is onion seedlings growth for the crop Onion [/INST] onion seedlings growth spray 19 19 19 60 gm microla 30 ml 15 lit water </s>
Query about plant protection, the query is asked about better of cucumber for the crop Cucumber
spray 19 19 19 30 gm chel mix combi 40 gm 15 liter water
<s>[INST] Query about plant protection, the query is asked about better of cucumber for the crop Cucumber [/INST] spray 19 19 19 30 gm chel mix combi 40 gm 15 liter water </s>
Query about seeds and planting material, the query is varieties of custard apple for the crop Custard Apple
varieties of custard apple balanagar arka sahan purandar
<s>[INST] Query about seeds and planting material, the query is varieties of custard apple for the crop Custard Apple [/INST] varieties of custard apple balanagar arka sahan purandar </s>
Query about fertilizer use and availability, the query is watermelon-variety for the crop Watermelon
sugar king super dragon
<s>[INST] Query about fertilizer use and availability, the query is watermelon-variety for the crop Watermelon [/INST] sugar king super dragon </s>
Query about plant protection, the query is swoing distance for the crop BhindiOkraLadysfinger
3ft x 15 ft
<s>[INST] Query about plant protection, the query is swoing distance for the crop BhindiOkraLadysfinger [/INST] 3ft x 15 ft </s>
Query about market information, the query is market rate of onion for the crop Onion
market rate of onion 700 800 rsqtl
<s>[INST] Query about market information, the query is market rate of onion for the crop Onion [/INST] market rate of onion 700 800 rsqtl </s>
Query about fertilizer use and availability, the query is asked about information turmaric for the crop Turmeric
102626 15 bag acre fertilizer use
<s>[INST] Query about fertilizer use and availability, the query is asked about information turmaric for the crop Turmeric [/INST] 102626 15 bag acre fertilizer use </s>
Query about 76, the query is pod eating catterpillar for the crop Colocasia Arvi Arbi
spray quinolphos
<s>[INST] Query about 76, the query is pod eating catterpillar for the crop Colocasia Arvi Arbi [/INST] spray quinolphos </s>
Query about plant protection, the query is fungal attack in potato for the crop Potato
spray bavistin 30gm15lit of water
<s>[INST] Query about plant protection, the query is fungal attack in potato for the crop Potato [/INST] spray bavistin 30gm15lit of water </s>
Query about plant protection, the query is bhindi atac vairas for the crop BhindiOkraLadysfinger
rogar10mlconfidoar5mlmicrola30mlvirosol 30 gm 15lit of water
<s>[INST] Query about plant protection, the query is bhindi atac vairas for the crop BhindiOkraLadysfinger [/INST] rogar10mlconfidoar5mlmicrola30mlvirosol 30 gm 15lit of water </s>
Query about fertilizer use and availability, the query is fertilizer doseyellowing for the crop Cauliflower
spray microla 30 ml 15 liter water
<s>[INST] Query about fertilizer use and availability, the query is fertilizer doseyellowing for the crop Cauliflower [/INST] spray microla 30 ml 15 liter water </s>
Query about plant protection, the query is attack of white grub on cluster bean for the crop Cluster Bean
drenching of chloropyriphos 40 ml humic acid 30 ml 15 lit of water
<s>[INST] Query about plant protection, the query is attack of white grub on cluster bean for the crop Cluster Bean [/INST] drenching of chloropyriphos 40 ml humic acid 30 ml 15 lit of water </s>
Query about plant protection, the query is asking about attack of pink bollworm on cotton for the crop Cotton Kapas
attack of pink bollworm on cotton spray proclaim 5gm15lit of water emamectin benzoate 5 sg syngenta
<s>[INST] Query about plant protection, the query is asking about attack of pink bollworm on cotton for the crop Cotton Kapas [/INST] attack of pink bollworm on cotton spray proclaim 5gm15lit of water emamectin benzoate 5 sg syngenta </s>
Query about 2, the query is redning of leaves for the crop Cotton Kapas
urea and magnessium sulphate
<s>[INST] Query about 2, the query is redning of leaves for the crop Cotton Kapas [/INST] urea and magnessium sulphate </s>
Query about market information, the query is farmer asked about market rate of onion for the crop Onion
market rate of onion 1500 3000 rsqtl
<s>[INST] Query about market information, the query is farmer asked about market rate of onion for the crop Onion [/INST] market rate of onion 1500 3000 rsqtl </s>
Query about fertilizer use and availability, the query is asked about fertilizer dose for cotton for the crop Cotton Kapas
fertilizer dose for cotton by drip 19 19 19 2 kg microlla 300 ml humic acid 300 ml
<s>[INST] Query about fertilizer use and availability, the query is asked about fertilizer dose for cotton for the crop Cotton Kapas [/INST] fertilizer dose for cotton by drip 19 19 19 2 kg microlla 300 ml humic acid 300 ml </s>
Query about 76, the query is suckingt pest for the crop Tomato
spray monocrotophos 15ml10 liter of water
<s>[INST] Query about 76, the query is suckingt pest for the crop Tomato [/INST] spray monocrotophos 15ml10 liter of water </s>
Query about plant protection, the query is attack of white fly cotton for the crop Cotton Kapas
spray ullala 08 gm15 lit of waterflonicamid upl
<s>[INST] Query about plant protection, the query is attack of white fly cotton for the crop Cotton Kapas [/INST] spray ullala 08 gm15 lit of waterflonicamid upl </s>
Query about agriculture mechanization, the query is ask about spacing of drun stick for the crop Drum Stick
spacing of drun stick 4x4 feet
<s>[INST] Query about agriculture mechanization, the query is ask about spacing of drun stick for the crop Drum Stick [/INST] spacing of drun stick 4x4 feet </s>
Query about fertilizer use and availability, the query is which insecticide use thrips control on mango for the crop Mango
you can spray 13 00 45 for 100 gram microla 40 gram confidor 10 mili pamp water
<s>[INST] Query about fertilizer use and availability, the query is which insecticide use thrips control on mango for the crop Mango [/INST] you can spray 13 00 45 for 100 gram microla 40 gram confidor 10 mili pamp water </s>
Query about 29, the query is viral infection in chilli for the crop 1280
dimethoate 8ml 25ml neemoil in 10 lit of water
<s>[INST] Query about 29, the query is viral infection in chilli for the crop 1280 [/INST] dimethoate 8ml 25ml neemoil in 10 lit of water </s>
Query about nan, the query is pomegranate varieties for the crop Pomegranate
<s>[INST] Query about nan, the query is pomegranate varieties for the crop Pomegranate [/INST] arakta </s>
Query about plant protection, the query is asked about attack of sucking pest for the crop Pomegranate
bio 303 1 ml 1 liter of water
<s>[INST] Query about plant protection, the query is asked about attack of sucking pest for the crop Pomegranate [/INST] bio 303 1 ml 1 liter of water </s>
Query about nutrient management, the query is foliar spray for bhindi for the crop BhindiOkraLadysfinger
foliar spray for bhindi spray 12610 75 gm nitrobenzin 30 ml 15 liter of water
<s>[INST] Query about nutrient management, the query is foliar spray for bhindi for the crop BhindiOkraLadysfinger [/INST] foliar spray for bhindi spray 12610 75 gm nitrobenzin 30 ml 15 liter of water </s>
Query about plant protection, the query is attack of sucking pest for the crop Pomegranate
super confidor 10 ml 15 litar water
<s>[INST] Query about plant protection, the query is attack of sucking pest for the crop Pomegranate [/INST] super confidor 10 ml 15 litar water </s>
Query about plant protection, the query is asking about attack of leaf eating caterpillar on coconut for the crop Coconut
spray chloropyriphos 30 ml15 lit of water
<s>[INST] Query about plant protection, the query is asking about attack of leaf eating caterpillar on coconut for the crop Coconut [/INST] spray chloropyriphos 30 ml15 lit of water </s>
Query about nan, the query is varieties for the crop Sesame GingellyTilSesamum
pkv101 pkv 67 phule til no1
<s>[INST] Query about nan, the query is varieties for the crop Sesame GingellyTilSesamum [/INST] pkv101 pkv 67 phule til no1 </s>
Query about fertilizer use and availability, the query is fertilizer for pomegrenate for the crop Pomegranate
fertilizer for pomegrenate 191919 2 kg microla 350 ml humic acid 2 liter acre
<s>[INST] Query about fertilizer use and availability, the query is fertilizer for pomegrenate for the crop Pomegranate [/INST] fertilizer for pomegrenate 191919 2 kg microla 350 ml humic acid 2 liter acre </s>
Query about plant protection, the query is asking about attack of caterpillar on cotton for the crop Cotton Kapas
attack of caterpillar on cotton spray proclaim 07 gm15 liter of wateremamectin benzoatesyngenta
<s>[INST] Query about plant protection, the query is asking about attack of caterpillar on cotton for the crop Cotton Kapas [/INST] attack of caterpillar on cotton spray proclaim 07 gm15 liter of wateremamectin benzoatesyngenta </s>
Query about nutrient management, the query is asked about growth spray for the crop Soybean bhat
spray 19 19 19 60 grams microla 40 ml bavistin 30 grams in 15 liter of water
<s>[INST] Query about nutrient management, the query is asked about growth spray for the crop Soybean bhat [/INST] spray 19 19 19 60 grams microla 40 ml bavistin 30 grams in 15 liter of water </s>
Query about varieties, the query is varieties of gram for the crop Bengal Gram GramChick PeaKabuliChana
varieties of gram vijay digvijay saki 9516 virat
<s>[INST] Query about varieties, the query is varieties of gram for the crop Bengal Gram GramChick PeaKabuliChana [/INST] varieties of gram vijay digvijay saki 9516 virat </s>
Query about plant protection, the query is white grube on sugarcane for the crop Sugarcane Noble Cane
white grube on sugarcane drenching lasenta 150 gm acre
<s>[INST] Query about plant protection, the query is white grube on sugarcane for the crop Sugarcane Noble Cane [/INST] white grube on sugarcane drenching lasenta 150 gm acre </s>
Query about fertilizer use and availability, the query is fertilizer dose for cotton throught drip for the crop Cotton Kapas
fertilizer dose for cotton throught drip apply 19 19 19 15 kg urea 15 kg acre day
<s>[INST] Query about fertilizer use and availability, the query is fertilizer dose for cotton throught drip for the crop Cotton Kapas [/INST] fertilizer dose for cotton throught drip apply 19 19 19 15 kg urea 15 kg acre day </s>
Query about fertilizer use and availability, the query is application for branching on mosambi for the crop Mosambi
application for branching on mosambi spray vruddhi 1 ml1 liter watertriacontanol 01
<s>[INST] Query about fertilizer use and availability, the query is application for branching on mosambi for the crop Mosambi [/INST] application for branching on mosambi spray vruddhi 1 ml1 liter watertriacontanol 01 </s>
Query about plant protection, the query is ask about nutrient management in tomato for the crop Tomato
redomil gold 30gm humic acid 30 ml 19 19 19 30gm 15 lit of water drenching
<s>[INST] Query about plant protection, the query is ask about nutrient management in tomato for the crop Tomato [/INST] redomil gold 30gm humic acid 30 ml 19 19 19 30gm 15 lit of water drenching </s>
Query about plant protection, the query is attack of churda murda for the crop Chillies
regent 30 ml15 litwater
<s>[INST] Query about plant protection, the query is attack of churda murda for the crop Chillies [/INST] regent 30 ml15 litwater </s>
Query about market information, the query is market information for the crop Cotton Kapas
rs4800 to 5100 100 kilo
<s>[INST] Query about market information, the query is market information for the crop Cotton Kapas [/INST] rs4800 to 5100 100 kilo </s>
Query about fertilizer use and availability, the query is fertilizer dose - for the crop Potato
<s>[INST] Query about fertilizer use and availability, the query is fertilizer dose - for the crop Potato [/INST] </s>
Query about plant protection, the query is fertilizer dose for cucumber for the crop Cucumber
spray 19 19 19 60 gm karate 20 ml 15 liter water
<s>[INST] Query about plant protection, the query is fertilizer dose for cucumber for the crop Cucumber [/INST] spray 19 19 19 60 gm karate 20 ml 15 liter water </s>
Query about fertilizer use and availability, the query is fertilizer for banana for the crop Banana
12 61 00 1kgekar drip madhun dyave
<s>[INST] Query about fertilizer use and availability, the query is fertilizer for banana for the crop Banana [/INST] 12 61 00 1kgekar drip madhun dyave </s>
Query about 76, the query is attack of fruit borer for the crop Tomato
spray chlorophyriphos 25 ml in 10 lts of water
<s>[INST] Query about 76, the query is attack of fruit borer for the crop Tomato [/INST] spray chlorophyriphos 25 ml in 10 lts of water </s>
Query about plant protection, the query is attack of thrips on chilli for the crop Chillies
19 19 19 60 gm microlla 30 ml bavistine 30 gm 15 lit water
<s>[INST] Query about plant protection, the query is attack of thrips on chilli for the crop Chillies [/INST] 19 19 19 60 gm microlla 30 ml bavistine 30 gm 15 lit water </s>
Query about 18, the query is seed treatment for soyabean for the crop Soybean bhat
apply first trichoderma 5 gmkg seed then apply rhizobium and and psb culture 25 gm each for 10 12 kg seed rubb well and use the treated seed for sowing on the same day
<s>[INST] Query about 18, the query is seed treatment for soyabean for the crop Soybean bhat [/INST] apply first trichoderma 5 gmkg seed then apply rhizobium and and psb culture 25 gm each for 10 12 kg seed rubb well and use the treated seed for sowing on the same day </s>
Query about fertilizer use and availability, the query is asked about fertilizer for the crop Tomato
19 19 19 1 bag acre
<s>[INST] Query about fertilizer use and availability, the query is asked about fertilizer for the crop Tomato [/INST] 19 19 19 1 bag acre </s>
Query about market information, the query is asked information about market rate of cotton - for the crop Cotton Kapas
market rate of cotton 4100 4300rs qtl
<s>[INST] Query about market information, the query is asked information about market rate of cotton - for the crop Cotton Kapas [/INST] market rate of cotton 4100 4300rs qtl </s>
Query about plant protection, the query is asked about flower drop in chilli for the crop Chillies
spray planofix 3ml 15 litre water
<s>[INST] Query about plant protection, the query is asked about flower drop in chilli for the crop Chillies [/INST] spray planofix 3ml 15 litre water </s>
Query about market information, the query is asked for red gram market ionformation for the crop Pigeon pea red gramarhartur
ahmedpur 4 tonnes other 9380 9561 9561 rsquintal amarawati 425 tonnes other 9100 9350 9225 rsquintal ambejaogai 8 tonnes other 7750 9501 8700 rsquintal aurad shahajani 51 tonnes other 9500 9871 9685 rsquintal babhulgaon 30 tonnes other 7501 9380 8501 rsquintal
<s>[INST] Query about market information, the query is asked for red gram market ionformation for the crop Pigeon pea red gramarhartur [/INST] ahmedpur 4 tonnes other 9380 9561 9561 rsquintal amarawati 425 tonnes other 9100 9350 9225 rsquintal ambejaogai 8 tonnes other 7750 9501 8700 rsquintal aurad shahajani 51 tonnes other 9500 9871 9685 rsquintal babhulgaon 30 tonnes other 7501 9380 8501 rsquintal </s>
Query about plant protection, the query is control of caterpillar attack for the crop Cotton Kapas
spraying of sponosad 20 ml 15 liter water
<s>[INST] Query about plant protection, the query is control of caterpillar attack for the crop Cotton Kapas [/INST] spraying of sponosad 20 ml 15 liter water </s>
Query about fertilizer use and availability, the query is fertilizer dose for bt cotton for the crop Cotton Kapas
135kg 15 15 15 45kg 45kg urea 8kg znso4 per acre
<s>[INST] Query about fertilizer use and availability, the query is fertilizer dose for bt cotton for the crop Cotton Kapas [/INST] 135kg 15 15 15 45kg 45kg urea 8kg znso4 per acre </s>
Query about 27, the query is dosege for the crop Onion
boron boomflower
<s>[INST] Query about 27, the query is dosege for the crop Onion [/INST] boron boomflower </s>
Query about plant protection, the query is attack of sucking pest for the crop Brinjal
spray confidor astra 5 gram 19 19 19 60 grams microla 40 ml in 15 liter of water
<s>[INST] Query about plant protection, the query is attack of sucking pest for the crop Brinjal [/INST] spray confidor astra 5 gram 19 19 19 60 grams microla 40 ml in 15 liter of water </s>
Query about plant protection, the query is girdle beetel control on soyabeen crop for the crop Soybean bhat
you can spray trayzophos 40 mili asefet 30 gram pamp water use for girdle beetel control on soyabeen crop
<s>[INST] Query about plant protection, the query is girdle beetel control on soyabeen crop for the crop Soybean bhat [/INST] you can spray trayzophos 40 mili asefet 30 gram pamp water use for girdle beetel control on soyabeen crop </s>
Query about 6, the query is market information of wheat for the crop Wheat
rs 1350 qt amrawati
<s>[INST] Query about 6, the query is market information of wheat for the crop Wheat [/INST] rs 1350 qt amrawati </s>
Query about plant protection, the query is sucking pest control on onion crop for the crop Onion
you can spray rijent 30 mili pamp water use for sucking pest contyrol on onion crop
<s>[INST] Query about plant protection, the query is sucking pest control on onion crop for the crop Onion [/INST] you can spray rijent 30 mili pamp water use for sucking pest contyrol on onion crop </s>
Query about agriculture mechanization, the query is asked about fenugreek fertilizer doses for the crop Fenugreek
apply 191919 60 graam microlla 30 ml15 liter water
<s>[INST] Query about agriculture mechanization, the query is asked about fenugreek fertilizer doses for the crop Fenugreek [/INST] apply 191919 60 graam microlla 30 ml15 liter water </s>
Query about plant protection, the query is attack of aphids on pomogranate for the crop Pomegranate
spray admire 5 gm 15 liter water bayer crop science
<s>[INST] Query about plant protection, the query is attack of aphids on pomogranate for the crop Pomegranate [/INST] spray admire 5 gm 15 liter water bayer crop science </s>
Query about market information, the query is farmer asked about market rate of green gram for the crop Green Gram Moong Bean Moong
market rate of green gram quintal min 4200 max 5200 averagre 4500
<s>[INST] Query about market information, the query is farmer asked about market rate of green gram for the crop Green Gram Moong Bean Moong [/INST] market rate of green gram quintal min 4200 max 5200 averagre 4500 </s>
Query about market information, the query is farmer asked about market rate for the crop Cotton Kapas
market price of cotton min 4675 max 4750 average 4690 quintal
<s>[INST] Query about market information, the query is farmer asked about market rate for the crop Cotton Kapas [/INST] market price of cotton min 4675 max 4750 average 4690 quintal </s>
Query about varieties, the query is gnut varieties for the crop Groundnut pea nutmung phalli
gnut varieties t a g 24 t g 26
<s>[INST] Query about varieties, the query is gnut varieties for the crop Groundnut pea nutmung phalli [/INST] gnut varieties t a g 24 t g 26 </s>
Query about plant protection, the query is powdery mildew in cucumber for the crop Cucumber
powdery mildew in cucumber spray copper oxycloride 025
<s>[INST] Query about plant protection, the query is powdery mildew in cucumber for the crop Cucumber [/INST] powdery mildew in cucumber spray copper oxycloride 025 </s>
Query about market information, the query is asked about market rate of onion for the crop Onion
<s>[INST] Query about market information, the query is asked about market rate of onion for the crop Onion [/INST] manmadquintal400060019001470satanaquintal526577521801475 </s>