V2VBench / config.yaml
Wenhao-Sun's picture
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- edit:
- prompt: red and yellow aurora paints the night sky over mountain silhouettes
src_words: green and blue aurora
tgt_words: red and yellow aurora
type: foreground
- prompt: white and pure cloud paints the night sky over mountain silhouettes
src_words: green and blue aurora
tgt_words: white and pure cloud
type: foreground
- prompt: green and blue aurora paints the night sky over mountain silhouettes,
van gogh starry night style
src_words: ''
tgt_words: van gogh starry night style
type: stylization
prompt: green and blue aurora paints the night sky over mountain silhouettes
video_id: aurora
- edit:
- prompt: symmetric neon light tunnel with green and yellow hues
src_words: blue and purple
tgt_words: green and yellow
type: foreground
- prompt: symmetric neon light tunnel with blue and purple hues, ukiyo-e style painting
src_words: ''
tgt_words: ukiyo-e style painting
type: stylization
- prompt: symmetric neon light tunnel with green and yellow hues, makoto shinkai
src_words: blue and purple,
tgt_words: green and yellow,makoto shinkai style
type: compound:foreground,stylization
prompt: symmetric neon light tunnel with blue and purple hues
video_id: beam
- edit:
- prompt: pink flamingo is gracefully swimming in a pond with lush greenery in the
src_words: black swan
tgt_words: pink flamingo
type: foreground
- prompt: black swan is gracefully swimming in a pond with lush greenery in the
background, children drawing
src_words: ''
tgt_words: children drawing
type: stylization
- prompt: white egret is gracefully swimming in a pond with cherry-blossom trees
in the background
src_words: black swan,lush greenery
tgt_words: white egret,cherry-blossom trees
type: compound:foreground,background
prompt: black swan is gracefully swimming in a pond with lush greenery in the background
video_id: blackswan
- edit:
- prompt: orange balls float on blue water
src_words: green balls
tgt_words: orange balls
type: foreground
- prompt: green balls float on pink water
src_words: blue water
tgt_words: pink water
type: background
- prompt: red cubes float on purple water, cartoon photo
src_words: green balls,blue water,
tgt_words: red cubes,purple water,cartoon photo
type: compound:foreground,background,stylization
prompt: green balls float on blue water
video_id: blue-texture
- edit:
- prompt: a red sailing boat sails on blue waters surrounded by small villages
src_words: white fishing boat
tgt_words: red sailing boat
type: foreground
- prompt: a white fishing boat sails on green waters surrounded by small villages
src_words: blue water
tgt_words: green water
type: background
- prompt: a white fishing boat sails on blue waters surrounded by small villages,
picasso artwork
src_words: ''
tgt_words: picasso artwork
type: stylization
prompt: a white fishing boat sails on blue waters surrounded by small villages
video_id: boat
- edit:
- prompt: two spider-men sparring in an outdoor ring during the evening with a coach
supervising and city buildings and trees in the background
src_words: boxers
tgt_words: spider-men
type: foreground
- prompt: two boxers sparring in an outdoor ring during the evening with a coach
supervising and colorful corals and fish in the background
src_words: city buildings and trees
tgt_words: colorful corals and fish
type: background
- prompt: two ninjas sparring in an outdoor ring during the evening with a coach
supervising and city buildings and trees in the background, comic style
src_words: boxers,
tgt_words: ninjas,comic style
type: compound:foreground,stylization
prompt: two boxers sparring in an outdoor ring during the evening with a coach supervising
and city buildings and trees in the background
video_id: boxing-fisheye
- edit:
- prompt: aerial view of a green and yellow taxi driving down a city street
src_words: a white and blue bus
tgt_words: a green and yellow taxi
type: foreground
- prompt: aerial view of a white and blue bus driving down a forest road
src_words: city street
tgt_words: forest road
type: background
- prompt: aerial view of a white and blue bus driving down a city street, black
and white sketch
src_words: ''
tgt_words: black and white sketch
type: stylization
prompt: aerial view of a white and blue bus driving down a city street
video_id: bus
- edit:
- prompt: a black and yellow butterfly flutters over a plant in a field eventually
alighting on a yellow flower, in 8-bit pixel art style
src_words: ''
tgt_words: in 8-bit pixel art style
type: stylization
- prompt: a black and yellow butterfly flutters over a plant in a field eventually
alighting on a red flower
src_words: yellow flower
tgt_words: red flower
type: background
- prompt: a black and yellow butterfly flutters over a plant in a field eventually
alighting on a yellow flower, in a watercolor style
src_words: ''
tgt_words: in a watercolor style
type: stylization
prompt: a black and yellow butterfly flutters over a plant in a field eventually
alighting on a yellow flower
video_id: butterfly
- edit:
- prompt: a car navigates city streets transitioning from shadow to sunlight amidst
white buildings, in pixar-style animation.
src_words: ''
tgt_words: in pixar-style animation.
type: stylization
- prompt: a car navigates snowy streets transitioning from shadow to sunlight amidst
white buildings
src_words: city streets
tgt_words: snowy streets
type: background
- prompt: a car navigates city streets transitioning from shadow to sunlight amidst
green trees
src_words: white buildings
tgt_words: green trees
type: background
prompt: a car navigates city streets transitioning from shadow to sunlight amidst
white buildings
video_id: car-shadow
- edit:
- prompt: a orange boat drives through a puddle of water in the wild
src_words: white car
tgt_words: orange boat
type: foreground
- prompt: a white car drives through a puddle of lava in the wild
src_words: a puddle of water
tgt_words: a puddle of lava
type: background
- prompt: a white car drives through a puddle of water in sunset beach
src_words: in the wild
tgt_words: in sunset beach
type: background
prompt: a white car drives through a puddle of water in the wild
video_id: car-swamp
- edit:
- prompt: a red sports-car navigates a curvy road surrounded by green grass trees
and mountains during the day
src_words: grey car
tgt_words: red sports-car
type: foreground
- prompt: a grey car navigates a curvy road surrounded by snowy landscapes trees
and mountains during the day
src_words: green grass,trees,and mountains during the day
tgt_words: snowy landscapes,pine trees,and mountains during winter
type: background
- prompt: a grey car navigates a curvy road surrounded by green grass trees and
mountains during the day, in an animated cartoon style
src_words: ''
tgt_words: in an animated cartoon style
type: stylization
prompt: a grey car navigates a curvy road surrounded by green grass trees and mountains
during the day
video_id: car-turn
- edit:
- prompt: a cat perches atop a wooden fence under the water
src_words: against blue sky
tgt_words: under the water
type: background
- prompt: a cat perches atop a wooden fence against blue sky, in pokenmon animation
src_words: ''
tgt_words: in pokenmon animation style
type: stylization
- prompt: a cogi perches atop a wooden fence against green forest
src_words: cat,blue sky
tgt_words: cogi,green forest
type: compound:foreground,background
prompt: a cat perches atop a wooden fence against blue sky
video_id: cat
- edit:
- prompt: a large red cloud hovers over a hill
src_words: white cloud
tgt_words: red cloud
type: foreground
- prompt: a large white cloud hovers over a hill, painted in expressionism style
src_words: ''
tgt_words: painted in expressionism style
type: stylization
- prompt: a large rainbow-colored cloud hovers over a hill, in van gogh's starry
night style
src_words: white cloud,
tgt_words: rainbow-colored cloud,in van gogh's starry night style
type: compound:foreground,stylization
prompt: a large white cloud hovers over a hill
video_id: cloud
- edit:
- prompt: digital number 10 displayed on a clock against a orange screen
src_words: blue screen
tgt_words: orange screen
type: background
- prompt: digital number 10 displayed on a clock against a blue screen, oil painting
src_words: ''
tgt_words: oil painting style
type: stylization
- prompt: calligraphy number 10 displayed on a clock against a blue screen
src_words: digital number
tgt_words: calligraphy number
type: foreground
prompt: digital number 10 displayed on a clock against a blue screen
video_id: count
- edit:
- prompt: a black and white panda is walking through a field of grass and mud
src_words: brown and white cow
tgt_words: black and white panda
type: foreground
- prompt: a brown and white cow is walking through a field of wheat and flowers
src_words: grass and mud
tgt_words: wheat and flowers
type: background
- prompt: a black and white zebra is walking through a field of mountains and lake
src_words: brown and white cow,grass and mud
tgt_words: black and white zebra,mountains and lake
type: compound:foreground,background
prompt: a brown and white cow is walking through a field of grass and mud
video_id: cows
- edit:
- prompt: an urban street flanked by buildings with the moon casting long shadows
src_words: sun
tgt_words: moon
type: background
- prompt: an urban street flanked by buildings with the sun casting long shadows,
animation style
src_words: ''
tgt_words: animation style
type: stylization
- prompt: an urban street flanked by ice-cream with the sun casting long shadows
src_words: buildings
tgt_words: ice-cream
type: foreground
prompt: an urban street flanked by buildings with the sun casting long shadows
video_id: cross-city
- edit:
- prompt: spiderman cross the street at a busy crosswalk in front of a building
src_words: pedestrians
tgt_words: spiderman
type: foreground
- prompt: pedestrians cross the street at a busy crosswalk in front of a building,
animation style
src_words: ''
tgt_words: animation style
type: stylization
- prompt: pedestrians cross the street at a busy crosswalk in front of a forest
src_words: in front of a building
tgt_words: in front of a forest
type: background
prompt: pedestrians cross the street at a busy crosswalk in front of a building
video_id: crossing
- edit:
- prompt: a woman in a white t-shirt captivates a street crowd with her mesmerizing
dance moves
src_words: blue dress
tgt_words: white t-shirt
type: foreground
- prompt: a woman in a blue dress captivates a street crowd with her mesmerizing
dance moves, studio ghibli style
src_words: ''
tgt_words: studio ghibli style
type: stylization
- prompt: a woman in a red dress captivates a street crowd with her mesmerizing
dance moves, vibrant film style
src_words: blue dress,
tgt_words: red dress,vibrant film style
type: compound:foreground,stylization
prompt: a woman in a blue dress captivates a street crowd with her mesmerizing dance
video_id: dance-twirl
- edit:
- prompt: a dog is navigating poles in an obstacle course weaving through poles
against a beach backdrop with palm trees
src_words: a gym backdrop with green grass
tgt_words: a beach backdrop with palm trees
type: background
- prompt: a dog is navigating poles in an obstacle course weaving through poles
against a gym backdrop with green grass, claymation style
src_words: ''
tgt_words: claymation style
type: stylization
- prompt: a toy-car is navigating poles in an obstacle course weaving through poles
against a gym backdrop with green grass
src_words: dog
tgt_words: toy-car
type: foreground
prompt: a dog is navigating poles in an obstacle course weaving through poles against
a gym backdrop with green grass
video_id: dog-agility
- edit:
- prompt: flamingos are drinking water by a tree surrounded by sandy beach and turquoise
src_words: blue water and green shores
tgt_words: sandy beach and turquoise water
type: background
- prompt: flamingos are drinking water by a tree surrounded by blue water and green
shores, in a cyber punk sci-fi style
src_words: ''
tgt_words: in a cyber punk sci-fi style
type: stylization
- prompt: giraffes are drinking water by a tree surrounded by blue water and green
shores, in a disney animation style
src_words: flamingos,
tgt_words: giraffes,in a disney animation style
type: compound:foreground,stylization
prompt: flamingos are drinking water by a tree surrounded by blue water and green
video_id: flamingo
- edit:
- prompt: a red and yellow balloon is lifting off from the green rooftop of a building
near the ocean
src_words: white and blue helicopter
tgt_words: red and yellow balloon
type: foreground
- prompt: a white and blue helicopter is lifting off from the snowy rooftop of a
building near the ocean
src_words: green rooftop of a building
tgt_words: snowy rooftop of a building
type: background
- prompt: a white and blue helicopter is lifting off from the green rooftop of a
building near the ocean, in a chibi animation filter
src_words: ''
tgt_words: in a chibi animation filter
type: stylization
prompt: a white and blue helicopter is lifting off from the green rooftop of a building
near the ocean
video_id: helicopter
- edit:
- prompt: a man with a giant-pencil hikes through the dolomites
src_words: man with a backpack
tgt_words: man with a giant-pencil
type: foreground
- prompt: a superman with a backpack hikes through the desert
src_words: man,dolomites
tgt_words: superman,desert
type: compound:foreground,background
- prompt: a man with a backpack hikes through the dolomites, pixel art
src_words: ''
tgt_words: pixel art
type: stylization
prompt: a man with a backpack hikes through the dolomites
video_id: hike
- edit:
- prompt: a man on roller blades is playing inline hockey in an underwater rink
src_words: outdoor rink
tgt_words: underwater rink
type: background
- prompt: a man on roller blades is playing inline hockey in an outdoor rink, claymation
animation style
src_words: ''
tgt_words: claymation animation style
type: stylization
- prompt: a panda on roller blades is playing inline hockey in an outdoor rink
src_words: a man on roller blades
tgt_words: a panda on roller blades
type: foreground
prompt: a man on roller blades is playing inline hockey in an outdoor rink
video_id: hockey
- edit:
- prompt: a rider on horse navigates an obstacle course jumping hurdles, in oil
painting style
src_words: ''
tgt_words: in oil painting style
type: stylization
- prompt: a rider on horse navigates an obstacle course jumping hurdles, in a comic
book style
src_words: ''
tgt_words: in a comic book style
type: stylization
- prompt: a rider on llama navigates an obstacle course jumping hurdles
src_words: horse
tgt_words: llama
type: foreground
prompt: a rider on horse navigates an obstacle course jumping hurdles
video_id: horsejump-high
- edit:
- prompt: a box of lemon fruits falling onto a white water
src_words: a drop of orange ink
tgt_words: a box of lemon fruits
type: foreground
- prompt: a drop of orange ink falling onto a green water
src_words: white water
tgt_words: green water
type: background
- prompt: a drop of orange ink falling onto a white water, black-white chinese watercolor
src_words: ''
tgt_words: black-white chinese watercolor style
type: stylization
prompt: a drop of orange ink falling onto a white water
video_id: ink
- edit:
- prompt: coral reef with mesmerizing footage of striped jellyfish, illuminated
by neon lights
src_words: blue ocean,
tgt_words: coral reef,illuminated by neon lights
type: compound:background,stylization
- prompt: red ocean with mesmerizing footage of striped jellyfish
src_words: blue ocean
tgt_words: red ocean
type: background
- prompt: blue ocean with mesmerizing footage of striped jellyfish, van gogh starry
night style
src_words: ''
tgt_words: van gogh starry night style
type: stylization
prompt: blue ocean with mesmerizing footage of striped jellyfish
video_id: jellyfish
- edit:
- prompt: a superman running on turquoise waters with a coastal cityscape and mountain
in the background
src_words: person kiteboarding
tgt_words: superman running
type: foreground
- prompt: a person kiteboarding on lava lake with a coastal cityscape and mountain
in the background
src_words: on turquoise waters
tgt_words: on lava lake
type: background
- prompt: a person kiteboarding on turquoise waters with a coastal cityscape and
mountain in the background, pixar animation style
src_words: ''
tgt_words: pixar animation style
type: stylization
prompt: a person kiteboarding on turquoise waters with a coastal cityscape and mountain
in the background
video_id: kite-surf
- edit:
- prompt: three astronauts in spaceman costume are standing atop a grassy field
as the camera closes in, stylized in an oil painting
src_words: girls in lab coats,
tgt_words: astronauts in spaceman costume,stylized in an oil painting
type: compound:foreground,stylization
- prompt: three cats in lab coats are standing atop a grassy field as the camera
closes in
src_words: girls in lab coats
tgt_words: cats in lab coats
type: foreground
- prompt: three girls in lab coats are standing atop a grassy field as the camera
closes in, paper cutout animation style
src_words: ''
tgt_words: paper cutout animation style
type: stylization
prompt: three girls in lab coats are standing atop a grassy field as the camera
closes in
video_id: lab-coat
- edit:
- prompt: a white passenger jet lands on a grey winter runway
src_words: autumn
tgt_words: winter
type: background
- prompt: a white passenger jet lands on a sunny beach runway
src_words: grey autumn runway
tgt_words: sunny beach runway
type: background
- prompt: a red passenger jet lands on a sunny tropical runway
src_words: white passenger jet,grey autumn runway
tgt_words: red passenger jet,sunny tropical runway
type: compound:foreground,background
prompt: a white passenger jet lands on a grey autumn runway
video_id: landing
- edit:
- prompt: a bearded man with a pumpkin wrapped around his head applying makeup with
a brush
src_words: young woman with a towel wrapped around her head
tgt_words: bearded man with a pumpkin wrapped around his head
type: foreground
- prompt: a young woman with a towel wrapped around her head applying makeup with
a brush, in an oil painting style
src_words: ''
tgt_words: in an oil painting style
type: stylization
- prompt: a santa claus with a hat wrapped around his head applying makeup with
a brush, in pixar cartoon style
src_words: young woman with a towel wrapped around her head,
tgt_words: santa claus with a hat wrapped around his head,in pixar cartoon style
type: compound:foreground,stylization
prompt: a young woman with a towel wrapped around her head applying makeup with
a brush
video_id: makeup
- edit:
- prompt: a snowboarder in a yellow jacket carves down a green prairie slope against
a blue sky
src_words: a snowy mountain slope
tgt_words: a green prairie slope
type: background
- prompt: a snowboarder in a yellow jacket carves down a snowy mountain slope against
a pink sky
src_words: blue sky
tgt_words: pink sky
type: background
- prompt: a snowboarder in a yellow jacket carves down a desert mountain slope against
a vibrant sunset
src_words: snowy mountain slop,a blue sky
tgt_words: desert mountain slop,a vibrant sunset
type: compound:background,background
prompt: a snowboarder in a yellow jacket carves down a snowy mountain slope against
a blue sky
video_id: man-skiing
- edit:
- prompt: a man surfs atop waves on a inflatable-duck in the ocean
src_words: surfboard
tgt_words: inflatable-duck
type: foreground
- prompt: a man surfs atop waves on a surfboard in the ocean, in a retro film grain
src_words: ''
tgt_words: in a retro film grain effect
type: stylization
- prompt: a emu surfs atop waves on a surfboard in the ocean, ocean with a tropical
paradise background
src_words: man,
tgt_words: emu,ocean with a tropical paradise background
type: compound:foreground,stylization
prompt: a man surfs atop waves on a surfboard in the ocean
video_id: man-surfing
- edit:
- prompt: a clown in a white shirt and red pants wearing gray sneakers performing
the moonwalk dance move on a wooden floor
src_words: a man in a white shirt and black pants
tgt_words: a clown in a white shirt and red pants
type: foreground
- prompt: a man in a white shirt and black pants wearing gray sneakers performing
the moonwalk dance move on a sunny outdoor
src_words: a wooden floor
tgt_words: a sunny outdoor
type: background
- prompt: a man in a white shirt and black pants wearing gray sneakers performing
the moonwalk dance move on a wooden floor, in picasso artstyle
src_words: ''
tgt_words: in picasso artstyle
type: stylization
prompt: a man in a white shirt and black pants wearing gray sneakers performing
the moonwalk dance move on a wooden floor
video_id: moonwalk
- edit:
- prompt: an orange motorcycle riding on a road with a forest and mountains in the
background, in surealist style
src_words: ''
tgt_words: in surealist style
type: stylization
- prompt: a brown wolf runing on a road with a desert and pyramids in the background
src_words: an orange motorcycle riding,a forest and mountains in the background
tgt_words: a brown wolf runing,a desert and pyramids in the background
type: compound:foreground,background
- prompt: a pink car driving on a road with a forest and mountains in the background
src_words: an orange motorcycle riding
tgt_words: a pink car driving
type: foreground
prompt: an orange motorcycle riding on a road with a forest and mountains in the
video_id: motorbike
- edit:
- prompt: top-down view of seagulls flying against a rocky shore with turquoise
src_words: waves crashing
tgt_words: seagulls flying
type: foreground
- prompt: top-down view of waves crashing against a sandy shore with turquoise waters
src_words: rocky shore
tgt_words: sandy shore
type: background
- prompt: top-down view of waves crashing against a rocky shore with turquoise waters,
black and white stylization
src_words: ''
tgt_words: black and white stylization
type: stylization
prompt: top-down view of waves crashing against a rocky shore with turquoise waters
video_id: overlook-the-ocean
- edit:
- prompt: a man performing parkour jumping over barriers in an urban setting with
metal buildings in the background
src_words: modern buildings
tgt_words: metal buildings
type: background
- prompt: a man performing parkour jumping over barriers in an urban setting with
modern buildings in the background, disney cartoon style
src_words: ''
tgt_words: disney cartoon style
type: stylization
- prompt: a mickey-mouse performing parkour jumping over barriers in an urban setting
with modern buildings in the background
src_words: man
tgt_words: mickey-mouse
type: foreground
prompt: a man performing parkour jumping over barriers in an urban setting with
modern buildings in the background
video_id: parkour
- edit:
- prompt: feeding a brown squirrel on a hand in the countryside
src_words: a yellow parrot
tgt_words: a brown squirrel
type: foreground
- prompt: feeding a yellow parrot on a hand in snowy mountains
src_words: in the countryside
tgt_words: in snowy mountains
type: background
- prompt: feeding a yellow parrot on a hand in the countryside, sketch styled drawing
src_words: ''
tgt_words: sketch styled drawing
type: stylization
prompt: feeding a yellow parrot on a hand in the countryside
video_id: parrot-eat
- edit:
- prompt: exploring the vastness of the pyramids of giza rising in the rainforest
src_words: desert
tgt_words: rainforest
type: background
- prompt: exploring the vastness of the pyramids of giza rising in the cityscape
src_words: desert
tgt_words: cityscape
type: background
- prompt: exploring the vastness of the pyramids of giza rising in the desert, reminiscent
of old documentaries
src_words: ''
tgt_words: reminiscent of old documentaries
type: stylization
prompt: exploring the vastness of the pyramids of giza rising in the desert
video_id: pyramid
- edit:
- prompt: a puppy is eating watermelon on table against white wall
src_words: a rabbit
tgt_words: a puppy
type: foreground
- prompt: a rabbit is eating pizza on table against white wall
src_words: watermelon
tgt_words: pizza
type: background
- prompt: a tiger is sitting quietly on table against beach background
src_words: a rabbit is eating watermelon,white wall
tgt_words: a tiger is sitting quietly,beach background
type: compound:foreground,background
prompt: a rabbit is eating watermelon on table against white wall
video_id: rabbit-watermelon
- edit:
- prompt: a rollerblader performing a jumping trick in front of a graffiti-covered
wall, cartoon drawing style
src_words: ''
tgt_words: cartoon drawing style
type: stylization
- prompt: a rollerblader performing a jumping trick in front of a mountain landscape
src_words: a graffiti-covered wall
tgt_words: a mountain landscape
type: background
- prompt: a monkey performing a jumping trick in front of a graffiti-covered wall,
in expressionism style
src_words: rollerblader,
tgt_words: monkey,in expressionism style
type: compound:foreground,stylization
prompt: a rollerblader performing a jumping trick in front of a graffiti-covered
video_id: rollerblade
- edit:
- prompt: a man in a superhero costume stands indoors as the camera approaches in
dim light
src_words: a man in a black suit
tgt_words: a man in a superhero costume
type: foreground
- prompt: a man in a black suit stands indoors as the camera approaches in dim light,
in sesame street style
src_words: ''
tgt_words: in sesame street style
type: stylization
- prompt: a man in an astronaut suit stands indoors as the camera approaches in
dim light, in disney style
src_words: a man in a black suit,
tgt_words: a man in an astronaut suit,in disney style
type: compound:foreground,stylization
prompt: a man in a black suit stands indoors as the camera approaches in dim light
video_id: suitguy
- edit:
- prompt: windsurfing in the mediterranean sea with a pink sailboat
src_words: green sailboat
tgt_words: pink sailboat
type: foreground
- prompt: windsurfing in the arctic ocean with a green sailboat
src_words: mediterranean sea
tgt_words: arctic ocean
type: background
- prompt: windsurfing in the mediterranean sea with a inflatable flamingo
src_words: green sailboat
tgt_words: inflatable flamingo
type: foreground
prompt: windsurfing in the mediterranean sea with a green sailboat
video_id: surf
- edit:
- prompt: a girl in a white shirt and jeans is swinging in snowy park
src_words: in the park
tgt_words: in snowy park
type: background
- prompt: a girl in a white shirt and jeans is swinging in bustling cityscape
src_words: in the park
tgt_words: in bustling cityscape
type: background
- prompt: a girl in a white shirt and jeans is swinging in the park, comic book
art style
src_words: ''
tgt_words: comic book art style
type: stylization
prompt: a girl in a white shirt and jeans is swinging in the park
video_id: swing
- edit:
- prompt: a man in white plays tennis on a grass court hitting the ball with a racket
src_words: on a clay court
tgt_words: on a grass court
type: background
- prompt: a man in white plays tennis on a clay court hitting the ball with a racket,
in studio ghibli style
src_words: ''
tgt_words: in studio ghibli style
type: stylization
- prompt: a woman in red plays tennis on a clay court hitting the ball with a racket
src_words: man in white
tgt_words: woman in red
type: foreground
prompt: a man in white plays tennis on a clay court hitting the ball with a racket
video_id: tennis
- edit:
- prompt: a toy rocket launches from the sand near a palm-tree propelled by water
src_words: grass near a tree
tgt_words: sand near a palm-tree
type: background
- prompt: a toy rocket launches from the grass near a tree propelled by pigments
src_words: water
tgt_words: pigments
type: foreground
- prompt: a toy rocket launches from the grass near a tree propelled by flames
src_words: water
tgt_words: flames
type: foreground
prompt: a toy rocket launches from the grass near a tree propelled by water
video_id: toy-rocket
- edit:
- prompt: two swans grace a tranquil dawn standing in lush forest
src_words: in reflecting water
tgt_words: in lush forest
type: background
- prompt: two swans grace a tranquil dawn standing in reflecting water, dawn in
a chinese watercolor painting style
src_words: ''
tgt_words: dawn in a chinese watercolor painting style
type: stylization
- prompt: two giraffes grace a tranquil dawn standing in reflecting water
src_words: swans
tgt_words: giraffes
type: foreground
prompt: two swans grace a tranquil dawn standing in reflecting water
video_id: two-swan
- edit:
- prompt: a young man without accessories rides a yellow fast-paced roller coaster
sporting a blue shirt
src_words: a bald man in sunglasses
tgt_words: a young man without accessories
type: background
- prompt: a bald man in sunglasses rides a yellow fast-paced roller coaster sporting
a blue shirt, minecraft world style
src_words: ''
tgt_words: minecraft world style
type: stylization
- prompt: a cute cat in sunglasses rides a yellow fast-paced roller coaster sporting
a blue shirt
src_words: a bald man
tgt_words: a cute cat
type: foreground
prompt: a bald man in sunglasses rides a yellow fast-paced roller coaster sporting
a blue shirt
video_id: upside-down
- edit:
- prompt: aerial view captures sprint erupting pouring from iceland crater
src_words: lava
tgt_words: sprint
type: foreground
- prompt: aerial view captures lava erupting pouring from iceland crater, picasso
oil painting
src_words: ''
tgt_words: picasso oil painting
type: stylization
- prompt: aerial view captures lava erupting pouring from birthday cake
src_words: iceland crater
tgt_words: birthday cake
type: foreground
prompt: aerial view captures lava erupting pouring from iceland crater
video_id: volcanic-eruption
- edit:
- prompt: a man in a blue suit is walking down the village and taking a selfie
src_words: street
tgt_words: village
type: background
- prompt: a man in a blue suit is walking down the street and taking a selfie, an
abstract painting style
src_words: ''
tgt_words: an abstract painting style
type: stylization
- prompt: a woman in a green dress is walking down the street and taking a selfie
src_words: a man in a blue suit
tgt_words: a woman in a green dress,an oil painting style
type: compound:foreground,stylization
prompt: a man in a blue suit is walking down the street and taking a selfie
video_id: walking
- edit:
- prompt: a woman is taking a selfie with a capybara with a cell phone amidst yellow
src_words: dog
tgt_words: capybara
type: foreground
- prompt: a woman is taking a selfie with a dog with a cell phone amidst yellow
src_words: weeds
tgt_words: sunflowers
type: background
- prompt: a farmer is taking a selfie with a cow with a cell phone amidst green
src_words: woman,dog,yellow weeds
tgt_words: farmer,cow,green meadows
type: compound:foreground,foreground,background
prompt: a woman is taking a selfie with a dog with a cell phone amidst yellow weeds
video_id: woman-dog