During the quarterly conference call with SoCal in which we discuss PCB costs on the SoCal system, for which Transwesten is 86% responsible, Ralph Komai, SoCal's PCB person provded some addtional information with respect to what is going on with the PCB activities on the SoCal system. As a result of the PG&E press release, SoCal management directed additional sampling to be done at their interconnect with Transwestern and downstream of this interconnect. Ralph reported that a number of liquid samples came back at around 7 ppm, however one sample at their Kelso Station, near Barstow, came back at 77 ppm. Ralph had indicated that there has been an increase in the PCB's coming into their collection locations in the Needles area as evidenced by the following: Based upon 1997 data, almost no liquids greater than 50 ppm were revcovered Data collected in 1998 showed that approx. 8% of the liquids were greater than 50 ppm Data collected in 1999 showed that approx. 9% of the liquids were greater than 50 ppm Based upon this, Ralph had stated that SoCal would be collecting additional sampling information and possibly entering into an internal montoring program, somewhat like PG&E is currently doing now. I had informed Ralph that our Needles M/S facility had seen almost no liquids in the last 5 years, other than a recent accumulation of a one time pigging in early 2000 when a small volume of liquids (less than 55 gallons) had been collected. We discussed that the accumulations seen on the SoCal system were probably from existing liquids on their system which had collected in low points in their pipeline and were moving downstream due to the increased flows from TW into SoCal. Ralph gave the impression that there were no immediate management tensions resulting from the recent "hits". He just indicated that they would be watching their system and sampling at a more frequent basis.
Additonal PCB Sampling on the SoCal System
Atttended the NMOGA meeting in Farmington, NM. It appears that the BLM will implement its own noise criteria in areas within New Mexico that are deemed sensitive by the BLM. The proposed noise threshold will be 48.6 DBA(A). There are no Transwestern facilities in the Farmington resource area which will be impacted by this proposed level, however the potential exists for several Transwestern locations in southeast New Mexico to be impacted. A meeting was held with the president of Del Mar, concerning the issues associated with the lead in their lead acetate tape for monitoring sulfur concentrations in the natural gas. A request was made to the company to determine the feasability of recycling the tape and eleviate the management and disposal issues associated with the tape as a hazardous waste. The quarterly SoCal Transwestern PCB conference call was held this week. Transwesten's share (86%) of SoCal's PCB management activities was approx. $79,000. Due to the press release by PG&E concerning the increased occurance of PCB's into their system, SoCal has initiated increased sampling activities on their system and will be proposing to do additional monitoring to track liquids from Transwestern's M/S into the SoCal system. Preliminary sampling results at strategic liquids locations on the SoCal system has revealed hits of PCB's in the range of 7-10 ppm, although, a hit of 77 ppm was discovered. As a result of an isolated hit of PCB's into the new filter separator at the PG&E C/S in excess of regulated levels, a conference call was held the ET&S VP to determine forthcoming activities with PG&E. A meeting has been scheduled at the PG&E C/S next week to reveiw sampling on the PG&E system and discuss the recent hit of PCB's in the F/S and what forthcoming activities will be conducted at the site.
Weekly Environmental Activity Report-Roswell Area
A meeting was held in Laughlin, Nv with PG&E to discuss the liquids which were received and analytical result of 505 ppm which occurred at the PG&E F/S. Additional discussions centered around the latest migration of PCB's into the PG&E system and control technologies to stop additional migration of PCB's into PCB free portions of their distribution system. Annual emission fees were paid to the ADEQ for C/S No. 1, Kingman in the amount of $31,145.26 Annual hazardous waste fees were paid to the DTSC for the facilities that operate in the state California A meeting was held in Albuquerque to discuss and apprise involved parties of histoirc and proposed activities for 2000 for the 10 groundwater remediation projects currently being conducted in Texas and New Mexico. Received a call from the TNRCC about an air quality inspection at the Irion Co. No. 1 C/S on 6/30. the team was notified and preparations are currently being completed to ensure that all recordkeeping, permits and monitoring reports are onsite during the inspection.
Weekly Environmental Activity Report-Roswell Area
As a result of the latest meeting with PG&E over the greater than 500 ppm PCB liquids collection at the PGE Topock C/S filter separator (F/S), presented below is a summary of the deconning and sampling activity which occurred 6/29/00. Vector was instructed to use a high caustic detergent (Cimclean) as the cleaning agent for removing PCB's from the Topock F/S (50:50 Cimclean:water mixture). Diesel was not used in the deconning process. The only equipment cleaned by Vector was the PG&E F/S. Transwestern's filters in its separator were replaced, but no cleaning or deconning was perfromed to this unit. The filters were also replaced in the PG&E separator. The following samples were collected during this project: On the Transwestern side: 1. Wipes (3) of the interrior body of our filter separator after the filters were removed. Large areas were wiped to determine presence/absence of PCB's. (Not 100 sq. cm. sample) 2. A composite sample of a used filter removed from the upstream separator at the Selexol Plant. The filters appeared to be exceptionally clean 3. Composite sample of the fine powdery rust which had collected in the bottom of the F/S. Approximte volume one cup. 4. Composite sample of the used filters from the F/S. Visible appearance of the filters removed from this vessel showed them to be clean and virtually unstained. A small discoloration was present on the ends of each filter confirming that the filters were sealed properly in the F/S. 5. A sample of an unused clean stocked filter. This was a control sample. On the PG&E side: 1. A liquids sample of the residual in the upstream leg of the Topock filter separator prior to deconning. Approx. volume one cup 2. Sample of the solids (fine, blackened, powder) which had collected in the F/S. An estimate of the volume of this material removed form the F/S prior to deconning was approximately one gallon. 3. Wipe samples (3) of the interrior of the F/S prior to deconning (not 100 cm sq. wipe) 4. Used filter media from the F/S. The operation of the F/S filters are designed to be a twice pass through of the same filter. Composite samples were collected of the upstream and downstream portions of the filters. 5. Wipes (3) of the deconned filter separator interrior walls. The only inconsistency observed during the cleaning and inspection process was the volume and buildup of the black fine powdery hydrcarbon material which was present in the F/S at the Topock C/S and conspicuously small amount of rust colored material which was present in Transwestern's F/S . As previously mentioned, samples were collected of both materials. The only difference between the two locations was the color of the materials and the volume. It is suspected that the deconning activity conducted in August of 99 loosened hydrocarbon solids present in the 1850 feet of pipe which had over time moved and collected in the PG&E F/S. The small amount of rust materials observed in the Transwestern F/S is the result of the pigging activity from the Selexol Plant into the Transwestern F/S. I will have reprensentataive samples of both materials. Photographs were also taken of the cleaning and inspection activities and will be available for review at the forthcoming meeting in Flagstaff with PG&E. on the 13th of July. Analytical results will also be completed at this time.
Latest deconning Activity-Topock Lateral
When we do the emissions testing at C/S No. 3, Luepp, we should be aware of the positives and negatives. The positives being the information which Steve and company will collect. This appears to be a very useful tool. There is also is no permit emission limits associated with the permit at this facility. There also exists the potential to pay lower emissions fees should this investigation show that the emissions from the units to be significantly lower than what was placed into the permit application. The downside to this effort is that the data we collect may in fact show that our emissions fees which we have been paying actually under estimate those submitted in our application and we would more than likely be held accountable for the difference (1996 to the present). Additionally, enforcement action could result by the Navajos. I say this to apprise everyone of the positive and negative potentials involved in completing this study. From the emission estimates which were placed into the permit application we included a defendable buffer or excess of emissions to account for variations in the temperature, humidity, engine age and poor engine mechanics should they exist. And finally, we have the unknown of not knowing what the three units actually emit. These units have never been tested. This uncertanty in itself may be the driver to know so as not to have a situation which was similar to what happened at Atoka No. 3 several months ago.
Testing at Station 3
A meeting was held with the Eunice Team to assign roles and responsibilities for the newly issued Title V air permit for the NNG Eunice C/S. The permit is similiar to the other title V permits issued to New Mexico faciliites. Assisted the Gallup Team with the preparation, completion and submittal of the Title V semi anual compliance monitoring report and annual certification report. The state of New Mexico Air Quality Bureau conducted an inspection of the Wt-1 C/S. This inspection is interesting in the fact that all combustion equipment has been removed and dismantled and replaced by electric units. Written notification was submitted to the agency several months ago and a written reply was received from the agency that the facility is exempt from any and all permitting requirements. A meeting was held with the Artesia Team to assign roles and responsibilities for the newly issued Title V air permit for the Atoka No. 3 C/S. Also discussed was the permitting approach which will be followed for the approval to install micro pre combustion chambers on two White units which were found to be out of compliance with the air permit emissions limits when the New Mexico Air Quality Bureau conducted a surprise inspection at the facility.
Weekly Activity Report- Roswell Area
I received a call from Ralph Komai, PCB engineer with SoCal, about a pipeline liquids collection SoCal wants to take at our Needles facility. Ralph said that SoCal will be undertaking a study on their pipeline to determine why the concentration and liquids volume of PCB's has reduced into their system in the past couple of years (97-2000). I shared with Ralph and up until this year, we have not had liquids at the Needles facility since 1994. He stated that they have seen reduced concentrations and are curious as to why this trend is occurring (sounds like good news to me). He said that their data shows the following: 1998 liquids concentrations only 1% regulated at the federal level 1999 liquids concentrations only 8% regulated at the federal level Ralph has requested that SoCal be allowed to collect a liquids sample at the Needles M/S and I have contacted the Needles team about assisting SoCal with the collection. I would expect that this may have implications with respect to slight increased billing for analytical charges that SoCal will be charging us for and we reveiw on a quarterly basis with them.
PCB Study on the SoCal System
Louie/John, this memo summerizes the results of the environmental due diligence which was performed on the Texas Panhandle and Cortez, Colorado portions of Equilon pipline system for which EOTT may be interested in purchasing. This memo presents those environmental issues which may be or were identified as a potential environmental concern. Lefors (Texas Panhandle Segment) Assets on this portion of the system which may have environmental issues were the following: 1-80,000 bbl. liquids product storage tank, 41 small tank batteries consisting of 1-3 product storage tanks each. Average tank size is 210 bbl. Approximately 15 tank locations are within 1/4 mile of an existing waterway. There are stream and river crossings included in this package. The pipeline crossings viewed appeared to have sufficient soil coverage and did have block valves on the upstream and downstream portions of the pipeline crossings. 1. Clean Air Act. There were no records kept at any office or location which would assist in the determination of compliance with Title III, or Title V. The following documents were not present: emissions inventories and or records of fees paid, O&G MACT compliance (HAP's), operating permits. NSPS Supart Kb compliance could not be determined also. The 80,000 bbl tank construction date was in the 1930's and has a fixed roof. It has a concrete bottom and the tank has never been emptied for inspection. No Railroad Commission 653 inspection has ever been conducted. 2. Clean Water Act. Although soil berm and containments were present around all tanks that were inspected, SPCC plans were not available at any location. Interviews with the Equilon personnel stated that there had never been a reportable release from this tank. In addition, location Texaco MB Davis pump station had a small 3'x4' UST which received liquids from leaking packing material which had overflowed and visible soil staining was present. At this location a T-stand pipe had been constructed into the soil berm to allow discharge of rainwater from the containment area. This water discharged into an ephermal arroyo which ultimately collects into the North Fork of the Red River, a perennial stream. 3. NESHAPS. At the Lefors Station, there exists several joints of new and used pipe which is suspected of having external coating and pipe wrapping containing asbestos. 4. NORMS. A NORM survey has not been conducted on any portion of the assets which are identified in the bid package. 5. Soil Staining. There was minor soil staining at all locations inspected. 6. There is one active groundwater remediation in progress identified as the "10 mile hole". Equilon will retain ownership of this issue. There had been two pipeline remediation projects for which Equilon had reported to the TRRC and had remediated the site. 7. TSCA. One electrical transformer was discovered at the Lefors Station. It had been tested and determined to not have PCB's. 8. Safe Drinking Water Act. There was an abandoned drinking water well at the Lefors Station. It had not been in service for an undetermined period of time. 9. RCRA. There was an abandoned out of service Fox boro meter at the Lefors Station. Status of the potential releases of mercury could not be visibally determined. Bug-Patterson Gathering System (Cortez, Colorado) This system includes the following: Lady Bug Station minor incidental equipment at this location. 1. There were no environmental issues at this site from assets owned by Equilon. Adjacent to this site was a producer site which had been blowing hydrocarbon liquids into an earthern unlined pit. There was historic use of this pit. Although surface contamination from this pit was present, it was not known whether subsurface soil and groundwater conditions underlying the Equilon assets had been impacted. Patterson Station 1-10,000 bbl floating roof steel product storage tank with fiberglass bottom, installation date 1981, one propane driven waukesha F817GU engine horsepower unknown, 1. Clean Air Act. There were no records kept at any office or location which would assist in the determination of compliance with Title III, or Title V or the construction permit notification process administered by the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment. The following documents were not present: emissions inventories and or records of fees paid, O&G MACT compliance (HAP's), operating or construction permits. NSPS subpart Kb compliance could not be determined. Determination of the permitting status for the six cylinder Waukesha could not be determined. 2. Clean Water Act. Although soil berm and containments were present, an SPCC plan was not available at this location. Interviews with the Equilon personnel stated that there had never been a reportable release from this tank. Rainwater which collected into the containment was discharged into an ephermal arroyo by a pipe constructed into and through the dirt containment. 3. NORMS. A NORM survey has not been conducted on any portion of the assets which are identified in the bid package. 4. Minor soil staining was present around the 10,000 bbl tank. 5. Adjacent to this site was a producer site which had been blowing hydrocarbon liquids into an earthern unlined pit. There was historic use of this pit. Although surface contamination from this pit was present, it was not known whether subsurface soil and groundwater conditions underlying the Equilon assets had been impacted. Patterson Junction 1-10,000 bbl floating roof steel product storage tank with fiberglass bottom installation date 1987. Electrical pumps were present to transfer liquids from the 10,000 bbl tank to the truck loading facilities. 1. Clean Air Act. There were no records kept at any office or location which would assist in the determination of compliance with Title III, or Title V or the construction permit notification process administered by the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment. The following documents were not present: emissions inventories and or records of fees paid, O&G MACT compliance (HAP's), operating or construction permits. NSPS subpart Kb compliance could not be determined. Determination of the permitting status for the six cylinder Waukesha could not be determined. 2. Clean Water Act. Although soil berm and containments were present, an SPCC plan was not available at this location. Interviews with the Equilon personnel stated that there had never been a reportable release from this tank. Rainwater which collected into the containment was discharged into an ephermal arroyo by a pipe constructed into and through the dirt containment. 3. NORMS. A NORM survey has not been conducted on any portion of the assets which are identified in the bid package. 4. Minor soil staining was present around the 10,000 bbl tank and transfer pumps. 5. A small bucket had been placed into the ground, below ground surface to collect liquids from meter. Cortez Office. In the office yard, several environmental issues were present and are listed as follows: old spent 12 volt batteries empty drums open buckets containing oil and oilfield sludge The pipeline stream crossing at the Montezuma Creek showed the pipeline to be exposed in the bottom of the creek for a distance of approx. 12 feet. There were block valves on the upstream and downstream segments of this crossing. and the equipment in the Cortez office building.
Due Diligence, Equilon Pipeline Company
I want to bring interrested parties up to date on the issue of replacing the fuel mixers with carbuerators at the Spraberry Plant. It seems that this replacement was performed ONLY as a fuel savings activity and that there would be no increase in emissions or horsepower as a result. According to the TNRCC, they will allow this activity provided that the above is true and that we prove that emissions and horsepower will not increase. To do this they have requested that we conduct an emissions test on one of the units with the mixer on and then with the carbuerator on as a condition of their approval. IE before and after testing. I am going to request that we be allowed to do the testing with a portable emissions tester, which has been verified in side by side testing on New Mexico units as opposed to bringing in a third party referenced testing company. Contractor testing runs about $3-5,000. A condition of all permitting issues is that the carbs are not supposed to be installed on the units (preconstruction) until approval has been given by the agency. In this case, we will be allowed to install a carbuerator on the one unit to be tested but not on all units. Should testing show other exceedances (emissions or Hp) in addition to fuel savings, this will trigger actions requiring perimtting. Under the circumstances, I think it would be in the best interest of NNG to know for certain that we have not violated the grandfather status of the units and that if our activity requires permitting, we comply immediately. I am sending out the letter request to the TNRCC today. If approved, we should test ASAP. Remember, that sampling ports in the exhaust stack of the unit to be tested will need to be constructed prior to testing. Let me know if the Team will need a diagram showing the sampling port locations.
Ignition System Spraberry Plant, Permit Status
A phase I due diligence was completed for EOTT on two liquids pipeline segments in the Texas Panhandle and in Northwestern Colorado. The assets are owned by Equilon Pipeline Company. A copy of the findings have been submitted to Legal. There were some deficiencies and potential liabilities discovered as a result of this activity. Assisted the Roswell team in the preparation and completion of the 6 month and 12 Title V certification reports for the Roswell C/S. No deficiencies or non compliance issues were identified for this 12 month period. Annual certification reports were submitted to the TNRCC for 3 Transwestern and 8 Northern Natural Gas C/S in west Texas. There wer no deficiencies or non compliance issues identified for any of the 11 facilities during this 12 month period. The TNRCC reviewed the emissions testing report for the NNG Plains C/S and requested modification to the original report submitted. The testing contractor was contacted and a revised report was submitted to the agency.
weekly environmental activity report-Roswell Area
Max, I spoke to Pete Metzner of METRIC Corporation about the status of the environmental assessment you need for the above project and he said that he has received the packet you sent him but he needs to have additional clearification on some items which are pertinant for completing the EA. Mr. Metzner was concerned that he would not be able to complete the EA by the specified time unless he discussed these issues with you. METRIC has extensive experience with environmental assessments, but is not familiar with pipeline terminology and pipeline actions proposed uder the agreement with the Office of Pipeline Safety. When you get a chance, would you please contact Pete at (505) 828-2801. Thanks.
Environemtal Asessment,Pipeline Risk Management Project
Particpated in a Consolidated audit of two facilities on the Northern Border Pipeline system. Very few items of concern were identified. Submitted to the state of Texas Fish and Wildlife Service annual blanket renewal requests. Submitted to the state of Arizona Shpo annual blanket renewal requests. Submtted to the state of New Mexico Shpo and Fish and Wildlife Service annual blanket renewal requests. A natural gas relase of 1.57MMscf was reported to the state of New Mexico and Houston GPG for a line lowering in an agricultural area. The quarterly Transwestern SoCal PCB conference meeting was held. Transwestern's share of PCB activities on the SoCal system at 86% was $122,867.
Weekly Report
This is a message from Kerry. I just converted and moved Larry Campbell (lcampbe) to the W2K server. He uses ESIS. I successfully converted the tables and have the links corrected (logged in as kgramse), however Larry cannot use the system. I received a message while logged in as Larry stating that the data/application was "Read-Only" when I attempted to re-link the tables. Please check the permissions on GTROS-FS01P\APPSRW Thanks,
I received a call from a permit engineer with the Arizona Dept. of Environmental Quality (ADEQ) concerning the issue of notification of mechanical activities at C/S 2 Flagstaff and a mandatory 7 day wating period for agency review and approval. Due to the urgency of the C/S 2 work being performed, I had written a notification to the agency friday evening requesting approval to initiate the activities detailed in the scope of work which was included with the letter. On Monday, the engineer called and said that he had read the letter and had no problems with the activity proceeding at the C/S. After we had discussed this issue at some length, I posed the question to him of whether it was necessary to notify the agency of mechanical and maintenace activities which will not impact or change a combustion units throughput, fuel use, emissions, horsepower, or cause a change in design. After some discussions I informed him that Transwestern will probably inundate the agency with notification letters, he stated that as long as the engines operating parameters would not change, ( horsepower, emissions, throughput, fuel use etc), and the burden of responsibility will rest on Transwestern to ensure that no permit conditions are violated, he stated that we may proceed with these types of activities in Arizona without any notification to the agency. The only hitch being, that when Transwestern does a major mechanical activity, which would cost more than 25-30% of the cost of replacing a unit, that we provide them a courtesy notification. I told them we would apprise them of such an activity.....
ADEQ Requirement for Notification of Mechanical Activities
A 2:00 pm central time conference call has been scheduled to discuss the most recent PCB analytical results for the Topock Lateral. Your attendance is requested. The dial in number is 877-795-3687. Access code is 395119. Bob Iverson has been notified by phone and will be in attendance.
Recent PCB Analytical Results, Topock Lateral
I wanted to present this summary of the meeting Transwestern had with representatives of the Laguna Pueblo concerning the status of the PCB remediation activities by TW. On the Laguna side were members of the Laguna pueblo, the PEOP a technical oversight group that provides expertise and assistance on technical issues for all of the 19 pueblos in New Mexico (ranging from UST to superfund), and members of ETS ( 5 members of the Laguna team, Butch Russell, Rick Smith (advisor for the Laguna team), myself) and George Robinson. This is the third meeting we had in the last year and a half with this group since the Lagunas have started showing renewed interest in environmental activities on their pueblo. The meeting centered around two issues at the site: the closure of the UST and the PCB remediation activity. With respect to the first, concensus was reached that we would continue monitoring and collecting groundwater samples at the two downstream well locations from the UST site on a quarterly basis, and send the results to POEP for review. With repsect to the PCB remediation issue, things were a little different. The POEP representatives expressed concern on behalf of the Laguna tribal Coucil that the progress of the remediation activities Transwestern is presently using to bring closure to the site is not showing positive goals toward achieving cleanup at the site and that the data submittals to the Lagunas have verified this. They indicated that that have been patient with Transwstern's attempts to allow natural attenuation to reduce the PCB contamination, but based upon the historic sampling results, that this technology is not proving to be very successful, in fact the results have shown stagnant results (Im using their words). They would like to see Transwestern implement other more proactive technologies to arrive at cleanup and closure of this site. Members of the Laguna pueblo, who work for the POEP, expressed concern that the PCB contamination could negatively impact future generations of Lagunas members and that it was the responsibility of Transwestern to clean up the contamination which they brought onto their lands. One member of the Laguna pueblo called the contamination a "cancer" with potential to spread. A comment was made by the POEP that there was a major potential of increasing the magnitude and spread of the contamination if we continue to just maintain our present approach of just monitoring the site and installing additional wells.. A member of the POEP has been in contact with a consortum of individuals from North Dakota State University, (Energy and Environmental Research Center) who claim to be experts in reclamation of contaminated sites which are considered difficult to remediate (this site would certainly fall into this category due to the presence of the sandstone bedrock which has numerous cracks and channels present which direct the PCB containing liquids present at the site). Although the POEP was not recommending Transwestern utilize their service, they did strongly suggest that we should at least discuss this site with them. It shold also be mentioned that Syed Risvi, the POEP Superfund representative was at this meeting. He had mentioned that the POEP has been in discussions with EPA Region VI concerning potential classification of the site on the CERCLIS list of sites for inclusion on the NPL.. He had indicated that he did not want to see this site included on the list, but stated that Transwetern needed to update and show postive results in our remediation efforts and that it was the tribal councils opinion that this was not being done. At the conclusion of the meeting, I informed the POEP that Transwestern's internal remediation group would contact the NDSU group and discuss the site characteristics with them and we would reprot back to them the results of our discussions. This seemed to satisify the POEP and they were content with this. John, I would like to schedule a conference call with the above list of people and discuss this issue. A couple of things I want to bring out. First, we will be undergoing ROW and Compressor Station renewals with the Lagunas in the near future. Second, on the Laguna tribal lands, they have experienced other releases of contimation and are currently very sensitive to this whole contamination problem. Although we are considered by the POEP as proactive up to this point and very easy to work with (direct quote from the POEP) they are wanting a more proactive and measurable effort from Transwestern to clean up the PCBs. Please get back with me on this.
Meeting with the Laguna's over the PCB remediation at C/S 6
John, Lou, Cutty, Bill, I want to bring this issue back up for your attention, as I know that everyone is very busy. During the EPA Title V inspection at the Laguna C/S this past week, Barbara Bernacek, the Laguna environmental person was present. She had been asked to be there by the EPA. During our tour of the facility, she casually asked if any progress or decision had been made by Enron management towards remediation assistance in the groundwater issue at the Laguna C/S. I had informed her that we were still actively discussing this issue and would contact her in the near future concerning management's decision. I would appreciate it very much if each of you would revisit my memo below and then lets discuss what should be done and the approach we should take in addressing the Laguna's concern about a proactive approach to reaching cleanup and closure.
Meeting with the Laguna's over the PCB remediation at C/S 6
A 2:00 pm central time conference call has been scheduled to discuss the most recent analytical results from the Topock Lateral PCB sampling. Your attendence is requested for this call. the dial in number is 877-795-3687. Conference code 395119. Bob Iverson's name could not be found in tha Lotus directory but has been contacted via phone and will be in attendence.
Recent PCB Results, Topock Lateral
This is a gentle reminder, and Im sure that most are aware, but under no circumstances is there to be any construction activiy initiated for the turbine installation at the four mainline compressor stations, until the air construction permits are issued by the applicable air agency. Construction activity is defined, but is not limited to roads, trenching activity, buildings, electrical poles etc. The state and federal agencies take a very dim view on initiating any attempts to initiate construction prior to approval. This approval is considered to be the air permit authorizing construction of the proposed activity. Your assistance in this compliance issue will be greatly apprecaited. Data generation and agency consultations are now in progress to expidite the permit submittals. Should you need further clarification, give me a call (505) 625-8022 or via e-mail.
Arizona Mainline Expansion
I wanted to let everyone know that the meeting between Southwest Gas and SoCal concerning presence of PCBs on the Southwest Gas system will be this tuesday. I had an opportunity to speak with Ralph Komai today during the PCB quarterly management conference call that Transwestern has with SoCal to discuss PCB related invoices. As a brief summary, Southwest has had isolated hits of PCB in liquids (232 and 132 ppm) and in wipe tests (10-100 ug/wipe) in regulators on their system and they have asked Ralph if he would assist them in the management and disposal of PCBs on their system. He wil also be providing thoughts on how and why PCBs move in a gas pipeline. I had asked Ralph not to mention about Transwestern's agreement with SoCal for which Transwestern pays SoCal for 86% of their PCB costs. I had asked him to only focus on the Southwest system. Apparently Southwest is not up to speed with the PCB regualtions, however, enough so that they do realize that the mega rule will impact their operations and Ralph will probably provide input for that as well from an LDC standpoint. I asked Ralph whether Southwest seemed excited or worried about the PCB discovery on their system and he indicated that they were more concerned about compliance with the PCB regulations. Ralph said he will let me know the results of the meeting.
SoCal Meeting with Southwest Gas
I was just informed by the Navajo Nation that prior to receiving approval from the agency fo rthe installation of the turbines, an archeology survey is to be performed at each compressor station site. Be advised that an archeologist will be present at sta. 3 on 3/ 9 this friday in the am and at sta. 4 on 3/12 monday also in the am to conduct the required surveys. Please have someone from each team present at each location during the surveys and allow access to the facility by the archeologist. The survey should only last 3-4 hours. Donna, I spoke to the Navajo Nation about expiditing the report submittal once the archeological surveys have been completed and the Nation said that under their current regulations, assuming that there are no cultural resources identified at either location, they are allowed 30 days to review the findings before they are required to issue the final report. She didnt think it would take this long, but said that due to existing surveys back logs, and personnel, it might. Ill keep the pressure on. The Navajo Nation F&W has not returned my call about what they might require. Birds of a feather... Ill be persistent here also.......and let you know when I find out something..........
Archeology Survey C/S 3 and 4
Bill, things have pretty much quieted down on Rogas as compared to the last couple of weeks, but heres whats new: A meeting has been scheduled on 3/16 with the California Fish and Game to discuss the following issues: 1)presentaiton of the 1999 and 2000 annual reports which are required by the facility's 2081 permit. 2) developing an agreement with F&G as to how the 41 acre credits held by EOTT will be managed to ensure compliance with requirements of the F&G. 3) Presentation of the results relating to surveys conducted in the path of construction for the Rogas project. The waiver to lay pipeline above ground for the Rogas constsruction was approved by the Offfice of the State Fire Marshall, Pipeline Safety Division. There were 8 city, county, state and federal agencies notified by application for approval to construct the 9 mile pipline system consisting of 3 piplines. This is the only agency approval received as yet. Acre credits were obtained from Aera for the construction of the Rogas pipeline. Aera is an oil company with major holdings of acreage available for purchase. It was felt that due to the time constraints for initiating this project and the concern with not receiving the credits from the F&G that EOTT would purchase Aera credits to ensure procurement of the necessary acreage for the Rogas project. This is a major plus for the project.
Rogas activity
=09 =09 Dear Michael, Some of the star witnesses in the Enron collapse= will appear Thursday at a hearing on Capitol Hill. The question remains: W= ill they have anything to say? The witness list includes former Enron Chie= f Executive Officer Jeff Skilling and former Chief Financial Officer Andrew= Fastow. Washington Bureau Chief Peter Cook says Fastow is expected to inv= oke his constitutional privilege not to speak, but Skilling has indicated h= e'll talk. We'll have live reports covering the hearing from our Washingto= n bureau on Thursday. Homeland Security Director Tom Ridge is expected = to speak in front of the National Press Club on Thursday. We'll bring you = all the details on Ridge's speech from the Washington bureau on Thursday. = Tomorrow in Houston, the Ziff Energy Group is hosting the North American G= as Storage Conference. Plans for hundreds of new gas-fired power plants ha= ve been cancelled recently, resulting in record levels of gas in storage. = The Houston bureau will bring us coverage of the Conference and we'll hear = how company executives are dealing with too much gas in storage. Also fro= m Houston on Thursday, Petrobras President Renato Bertani talks about probl= ems his company is having with the development of offshore reserves in Braz= il. He says Brazil doesn't have access to developing technologies that all= ow for deep-water exploration. Shell WindEnergy is acquiring the Llano Es= tacado Wind Ranch located near White Deer, Texas. During the 1:00 p.m. ET = newscast, Industrial Information Resources Production Industry Power Manage= r Britt Burt will join us in Houston to discuss the acquisition of Shell's = second wind farm. ENL's Kym McNicholas will have more from California Sen= ator Joe Dunn, Chair of the Senate Committee investigating price manipulati= on in the state's wholesale energy market, regarding Enron's refusal to com= ply with a subpoena to attend a deposition Wednesday. Dunn will discuss th= e committee's next steps on Thursday. Also on Thursday, Raymond James & A= ssociates Analyst Jon Cartwright will speak with Kym from St. Petersburg, F= lorida. At 3:00 p.m. ET, he'll discuss Calpine and the market reaction to = news of an SEC request for information concerning selective disclosure. = Closing Prices for Wednesday, Feb. 6, 2002 Crude: $19.78/bbl -$0.29 Un= leaded: $0.5710/gallon -$0.0142 Heating Oil: $0.5279/gallon -$0.0090 Ga= s: $2.101/mmBtu +$0.027 Fwd uE(Mar. ): $3.55/mmBtu unchanged Keep in min= d things are subject to change at a moment's notice. Occasionally guests ha= ve to reschedule or change time slots. We'll continue to do our best to ke= ep you updated on future interviews and events. Be sure to watch our ne= wscasts every business day - 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. ET, at the top of each hour. = =09 =09=09=09=09 =09=09=09=09=09=09 =09 =09 =09Peter Cook, Washington Bureau Chief View today's= Energy Wrap Video Windows Media Player: 56K | 100K | 300K Real Player= : 56K | 100K | 300K (Requires Windows Media Player or Real Player ) = Experience all that Williams Energy News Live has to offer! If you are re= ceiving this letter for the first time and wish to continue, subscribe now = To stop receiving this letter, unsubscribe now If you are having trou= ble receiving this e-mail, please let us know or call (800) WILLIAMS (800=
Williams Energy News Live -- today's video newscast
Hi Everyone, Charles asked me to email you guys, because he does not have access to his email for a while. For Nov. 1 he would like for you to read John 1:1-18 (if not the whole chapter). See you then! :), Melissa and Charles, Jr.
First Thursdays at St. Paul's
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = IntercontinentalExchange = = = = = = = = = = = = = =20 = = = = = = = = = = = = = Firm Power Price Bulletin = = = = = = = = = = = = = =20 = = = = = = = = = = = = = For Power Delivered on Tuesday, October 30, 2001 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =20 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = (Trade Date of Monday, October 29, 200= 1) = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =20 Click here to access index history . = = = = = = = = = = = =20 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = * volume represents sell-side only * = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =20 Hub=09High=09Low=09Wtd Avg Index=09Change ($)=09Vol (Mwh)=09 Cinergy=09 $27.00=09 $23.00=09 $25.55=09- 6.48=09= 80,000=09 Comed=09 $26.00=09 $22.15=09 $23.78=09- 4.10=09 = 4,000=09 Entergy=09 $30.50=09 $26.25=09 $27.46=09+ .96=09= 16,000=09 Nepool=09 $39.25=09 $37.00=09 $37.37=09- 2.61=09 = 8,000=09 Palo Verde=09 $40.00=09 $37.50=09 $38.79=09+ 4.72= =09 5,600=09 PJM-West=09 $28.50=09 $27.50=09 $28.02=09- 4.23= =09 50,400=09 SP-15=09 $38.65=09 $37.80=09 $38.24=09+ 4.46=09 = 4,000=09 TVA=09 $27.50=09 $26.75=09 $27.07=09- 6.04=09 = 4,000=09 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Includes all trades done from 6 AM to 11= AM Central Prevailing Time on the trade date specified for financially fir= m power delivered during the on-peak hours (6 AM - 10 PM CPT for Eastern hu= bs / 6 AM - 10 PM Pacific Prevailing Time for Western hubs) on the delivery= date(s) specified. = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =20 = = = = = = = = = = = = = IntercontinentalExchange is the world's most liquid = trading platform for over-the-counter energy and metals. Active markets in= clude North American power and natural gas, global crude and refined oil pr= oducts, and precious metals. Traded instruments include forwards, swaps, a= nd options. = = = = = = = = = =20 In order to receive the proprietary information contained in this email, yo= u acknowledge and agree that you shall not further disseminate the Intercon= tinentalExchange Market Data contained herein to any person or entity witho= ut the express written consent of IntercontinentalExchange. Furthermore,= you acknowledge that (1) IntercontinentalExchange has exclusive and valuab= le property rights in this data; (2) IntercontinentalExchange's data is bei= ng made available to you only for your own business or personal activities;= and (3) you cannot communicate the data, in any form, to any other person = or entity without the express written consent of IntercontinentalExchange. = = = = = =20 This data is provided to you free of charge. IntercontinentalExchange rese= rves the right to cancel this service at any time for any reason or no reas= on at all. = = = = = = = = = = = =20 You agree that IntercontinentalExchange does not make any representations o= r warranties, express or implied, with respect to the data. = = = = = = = = = = = = =20 To become an Exchange Participant or inquire about the indices, please cont= act . = = = = = = = = = = = =20 To unsubscribe from this service, click here unsubscribe . = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =20 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = ?Copyright IntercontinentalExchange, Inc. 20= 01, All Rights Reserved. = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Power Indices
INTERNAL COMMUNICATION REGARDING DELAYS IN RETAIL COMPETITION IN TEXAS October 29, 2001 The main purpose of this memo is to inform EPMI and EES commercial teams regarding the implementation status of retail competition Texas, particularly in non-ERCOT regions, which include parts of the areas served by the following utilities: ? Southwestern Electric Power Company (SWEPCO) and West Texas Utilities Company (WTU) - both in the SPP region ? Entergy Gulf States (EGSI) - in the Energy-SERC region As most of you probably have heard, the Texas Utility Commission has been examining, in the last few weeks, the readiness to implement retail competition in those areas. The Public Utility Commission of Texas (Staff) has filed petitions seeking a determination of whether market institutions are ready for retail competition in above areas, to start January 01, 2002. There is a concern among the Commission and many other participants that non-ERCOT-Texas regions are not ready for competition. This concern has two major causes: - Lack of a vibrant, efficient wholesale market in those regions, where newly established REPs could have full access to others suppliers, on a non-discriminatory basis - Lack of success in the retail pilot programs developed in 2001 - no alternative suppliers and no customer shifting at all; a recent hearing has confirmed most REPs absolute lack of interest in those regions - at least for the time being SPP Last Week, the Public Utility Commission decided to delay competition in SPP Texas. Or, more accurately, "to delay customer choice", in the Commission preferred language. Enron, who was requested to file a testimony, opposed to any delays, under the argument that SPP is not a "perfect market", but REPs could trade in this market as other marketers do. No final dates have been established yet. However, one estimates that the delay may vary from 12 to 18 months. The Commission has established some clear actions and milestones before retail competition is implemented: - Support SPP to begin wholesale market operations, which involves refinements and upgrades in a few of existing systems, such as settlement; - Reform in SPP Tariffs and implementation of a market based congestion management; - Continue the pilot, attract new competitors and open the market. As part of this effort, the Commission created a Southwest Power Pool Market Readiness Implementation Project (Docket # 24869) to develop the necessary steps to transition to full competition, identify milestones, monitor progress and report to the Commission on a regular basis. Enron will be supporting this effort. SERC SERC regions bear resemblance with SPP, in terms of Commission's intent to delay competition. The most important difference is that the incumbent utility, EGSI, an Entergy subsidiary, has strongly supported timely implementation. The Commission fears that Entergy will benefit from its "monopolistic" position in the region, in the absence of other REPs. No final decisions have been made yet. Entergy Gulf States, in conjunction with the Commission Staff and other interested parties have gone through a settlement process, whereby retail competition will be delayed until September 15, 2002. The subject is still being examined by the Commission and no final decisions have been made. However, we expect the Commission to approve the Settlement Agreement, therefore delaying competition until September 15, 2002. ERCOT All the discussion about delays in competition focuses on non-ERCOT Texas only. There are rumors and ongoing discussions about delaying competition in ERCOT-Texas, which is scheduled to take place on January 01, 2002. For example, Nancy Hetrich from Enron, will be attending the Legislative Oversight Committee on Friday, November 02. She will be appearing in her capacity of Chair of RMS Sub-Committee. Contrary to non-ERCOT, there is a strong support from most industry participants to have retail competition on time. Besides, the results from the pilots were successful and ERCOT is supposed to provide vibrant wholesale competition. Therefore, unlike SPP and Entergy, there should be no material reasons or fears to delay retail competition in ERCOT-Texas. We will keep you apprised as things evolve.
Retail Competition In Texas - Internal Communication
=09 =09 Dear Michael, With time running out before Congress finishes b= usiness for the year, ranking member on the Senate Energy Committee Frank M= urkowski (R-AK) is making a new attempt to pass energy legislation. On Tue= sday, the Washington bureau will cover a news conference on Murkowski's pla= ns to announce his new approach to move an energy bill this year. Also fr= om Washington on Tuesday, Energy Secretary Spencer Abraham is the guest spe= aker at Energy Daily's newsmaker breakfast. Abraham is expected to talk ab= out the status of energy legislation in Congress. The Washington bureau wi= ll bring us coverage of the Abraham speech tomorrow. The Houston bureau w= ill speak with Raymond James & Associates E? Energy Team Vice President Joh= n Gerdes. Earnings for some companies are down compared to the third quart= er last year, but Gerdes says production volumes seem to be in line with ex= pectations. He'll discuss the third quarter during the noon ET newscast on= Tuesday. PG?and the California Natural Gas Producers Association are co=
Williams Energy News Live -- today's video newscast
We finally got signed up with a internet service provider. I have attached a business card with our current pertinent information. If for some reason the card doesn't work, drop one back and I will just send the info. Hope all is well with everyone. Tina and I have a joint email as well. It is - manintan.vcf
new information
Casey , Please review the following spread product in TEST. US Pwr Phy Spd Assoc. vs Entergy Peak Jan-Dec02 USD/MWh (56639) Enpower TEST # 665072.1 EOL#1631957 #665073.1 EOL#1631958 Location: Location Name (exact as Data Manager): Associated vs Entergy Location long Description: see attached file Trader Name: Mike Carson Book Administrator: Casey Evans Risk book: LT-SPP (doesn't matter with spreads) Thanks,
NEW- East power phy spd (Associated vs Entergy)
Listed below are some of the positions available. You can also look at our postings on the PMA website for updates each week. If you're willing to look at positions outside Houston, we have some excellent opportunities. To make sure we stay in touch, drop us an email with the personal email address or telephone number where we might reach you. Rockwood Associates has been exclusively recruiting for domestic energy clients since 1985. We started by bringing Wall Street quantitative specialists of all levels to physical energy marketing and trading companies. Today, much of our power and natural gas search work breaks into three areas: (1) risk management and quantitative analysis, (2) structuring/planning, and (3) select assignments in physical power and gas trading. Other functional areas served: energy consulting, and derivatives marketing. We're always looking for individuals with strong analytical foundations for various positions. Experienced Financial Traders We have specific job openings in at least two locations outside of Houston for candidates with experience in power or natural gas OTC markets. These jobs complement the physical trading done in various US markets and the trader either hedges or takes proprietary positions. These jobs range from a mid-range job which offers total comp of $275-375K/yr or so to a more highly leveraged position where the person can make more for both the team and him or herself. One should have a minimum experience of derivatives trading of two years, and someone with more than 7-8 can be utilized as well. Strong options knowledge is a must. Power Marketing (EastCoast) This client firm is expanding into additional regions and needs someone with ECAR and adjacent grid experience. Candidate should have five or more years in the industry, have an in-depth knowledge of the power business and be respected in the power community. Client is a stable, solid power marketer with five years of systematic growth and management continuity. Firm has generation in various regions and can design and support structured transactions. The position offers all that a sales person might want: management support, a strong incentive plan and a good combination of personal responsibility and freedom to develop a marketplace in a systematic way. Term Marketer For Natural Gas (East Coast Location) A firm with excellent structuring/analytical support is looking for origination people with solid backgrounds in selling and structuring longer-term deals. Candidate should have customer contacts that are LDC's, power generators and large industrials in the Midwest. Be part of a small, tight-knit group that can use someone with good credentials and reward them accordingly. Energy Derivative Marketers (West Coast/East Coast) We have several openings for those who know derivatives and have successfully sold to energy producers and users. The right individual will have at least 2 years of experience and must be presently active in the marketplace. These are great positions for an independent-minded marketer who wants to build his/her own business within a business. The position will have terrific support from creative derivatives structuring groups. Contact: Charles R. Bamford, Partner Rockwood Associates P.O.Box 637 Spring Lake, NJ 07762 Email:
Job opportunities
hey all, i got a message from hess's wife, michelle, and she indicated that he was doing well after surgery. the doctors removed 95% and he was conscious in icu afterwords. that's all i know, but i'll keep you updated. take care and have a merry christmas. feel free to pass the news on to anyone that you see fit. see ya...besch
hess update
=09 =09 Dear Michael, I'm Washington Bureau Chief Peter Cook filling i= n for Jay Rickerts. In Washington, we'll continue to examine the major en= ergy issues expected to arise during the New Year. We'll take a look at wh= at Congress will do with comprehensive energy and electricity legislation. = Our Washington bureau will also follow the FERC and its push for regional = transmission organizations and wholesale competition. These are some of t= he issues we'll look at as 2002 begins. On Wednesday, energy consultant a= nd former Assistant Secretary of Energy during the Clinton Administration R= obert Gee will join us in the Washington bureau. He'll give us his take on= the U.S. relationship with OPEC and we'll get his assessment on the start = of retail competition in Texas. Gee will join us during the noon ET newsca= st on Wednesday. The big switch is coming to Houston - On Wednesday we'll= bring you a report on deregulation starting in Texas on January 1. The Ho= uston bureau will have details on how the power grid reacted to the switch,= and get an update from retail electricity providers. Also from Houston= , John S. Herold, Inc. CEO Arthur Smith says upcoming earnings releases may= hold some unwanted surprises. He'll join us from Houston on Wednesday to d= iscuss his company's research report and what we can look forward to in 200= 2. Catch these reports from the Houston bureau on Wednesday. Closing= Prices for Monday, Dec. 31, 2001 Crude: $19.84/bbl -$0.57 Unleaded: $= 0.5725/gallon -$0.0157 Heating Oil: $0.5507/gallon -$0.0158 Gas: $2.570= /mmBtu -$0.204 Scheduling Note: We're dark on New Year's Day. We'll see = you Wednesday at 9:00 a.m. ET. Thanks for making this a great first year a= t EnergyNewsLive - Have a Happy New Year! Keep in mind things are subje= ct to change at a moment's notice. Occasionally guests have to reschedule o= r change time slots. We'll continue to do our best to keep you updated on = future interviews and events. Be sure to watch our newscasts every busi= ness day - 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. ET, at the top of each hour. =09 =09=09=09=09 =09=09=09=09=09=09 =09 =09 =09Peter Cook, Washington Bureau Chief View today's= Energy Wrap Video Windows Media Player: 56K | 100K | 300K Real Player: = 56K | 100K | 300K (Requires Windows Media Player or Real Player ) Expe= rience all that Williams Energy News Live has to offer! If you are receiv= ing this letter for the first time and wish to continue, subscribe now T= o stop receiving this letter, unsubscribe now If you are having trouble = receiving this e-mail, please let us know or call (800) WILLIAMS (800-945=
Williams Energy News Live -- today's video newscast
Starting tomorrow, 11/28/01 we will be included with the Gas Breakfast and Lunches. However, there will be a cost of $5.00 each or $10.00 total when breakfast is provided. They will have lunch everyday and breakfast only three days of the month, which will be during bid week. I will come around every morning and collect your money...I will then have to provide a list to the Gas people who will be checking your name off as you enter the breakfast/lunch line. Please let me know if you have any questions. REMEMBER...ONLY THOSE WHO GIVE THE $5.00 WILL BE EATING. Thanks for your cooperation,
Breakfast & Lunch - $5.00 ea
Here's the load mix for Southern and TVA, for the region and top 5, in case you haven't gotten that far yet. Don't understand why TVA (the utility) has no res/com load, but that's what PowerDat had. Enjoy. E
Load Mix
Your REGION Geographical Boundary: Fuel Sources (Pipelines, Terminals, NG/FO2/FO6 storage, Rivers): ? Coal: (conversion factor, supply source) ? NG: (pipelines, basis to Henry Hub) ? FO2/FO6: (conversion factor, supply source, correlation to CL) Load Mix: ? Residential / Commercial ? Industrial Stack: ? Nuke (tot. mw and % of tot. stack, marginal load/cost) ? Coal (same as above) ? NG (same as above) ? FO2/FO6 (same as above) ? Hydro Historical Outage Cycles: ? Nuke, Coal, NG, FO2/FO6 Seasonal Interchange: ? Import (avg. daily mw and where) ? Export (same as above) Top 5 Largest Utilities/Operators: ? Service Territory (within this region) ? Stack ? Load Mix Top 5 Largest Merchant Generators: ? Plant Locations/types Attach historical load and MWDaily price sheet as last page for most actively traded hub in this region
REGIONAL Studies.doc
All, The unofficial word on the street is that deal closing is slated for Feb 7 and UBSWenergy launch is Feb 11. Our intention is to launch financial products only for our regions beginning with Summer '02 through Cal '03. As we are successful in signing up counterparties to reach a critical mass, we'll be adding products that are closer to the front of the curve (less correlated to NG.) We need to do this to protect ourselves from "ambushes" by single parties when we don't have a critical mass of players that we can lay risk off with. Please note that, as a result, we may "only" have a couple of more weeks to play with in terms of studying up and refreshing ourselves on the fundamentals in our respective regions. Therefore, I'd like each of you to fill-in the information listed on the attached document for the region listed by your name. Feel free to use any resources you need (fundies, etc.) and have them finished by next Thurs. (2/7). Someone please nominate yourself to format each paper in the same manner and have them all put together in one binder nice and pretty. Have a goodie. Flet ECAR (Cinergy) - Krugh MAIN (ComEd) - Ave' SERC (TVA) - Jackie SERC (SOCO) - Twisty SPP (ENT) - New Boy
Regional Research Projects
Mike - It was great to see you again and thanks so much for helping in the wedding. It was pretty hectic & I wish I could have had more time to spend talking with you. I hope you had fun and enjoyed it as much we did....pbw
Family, With the recent tragedy, I am unsure when the following invitation will arrive to you via the US Mail. As many of you know, the US Mail is highly dependent upon our nation's airline system for the normal on-time delivery of cross country mail (normally within 3 to 4 days) which is mailed over approximately 600 miles. For the time being (and not sure when the prohibition will be lifted) the nation's passenger carrying domestic and international aircraft will not be allowed to fly mail or cargo in the cargo holds. This measure may go away soon or measures be made for increased x-ray, etc. However, this may result in delays of mail depending upon how much the trucking and rail industry can "absorb" in the cross country movement. The following invitations to the upcoming Change of Command were mailed on Tuesday, 12th Oct by the office of the Wing Commander of the 436th Airlift Wing (Dover Air Force Base, DE) who will be "my boss". I felt it best to send this e-mail just in case the invitation does not arrive for weeks. I hope you understand. As I reflect on the weeks ahead of taking command of the flying operations and port operations of this nation's largest military aerial port and strategic airlift wing we are humbled about the talents of the great many men and women of this operations group as they fly our nation's most precious and important cargoes to all faces of this world through times of peace, contingency and if need be war. Content of the Invitation follows: Kenny and Jan
Invitation to 436th Operations Group Change of Command
Please mark your calendar for the following weekly meeting: Mid Market/Trader Mtg. Thursday's room 3125b 3 - 3:30pm Please let me know if you have schedule conflicts. Thanks
Mid Market/Trader Mtg. w/Regions
After giving this trade situation WAY too much thought, I have arrived at the following conclusions (giving examples along the way so blockheads like DeFoggi can understand the concepts). 1.) One suggestion is to have the online trading system allow first come, first serve between specified hours/days as allotted by the website. Unfortunately, the reality is that this won't work because there are available free agents on MY team and the only way to add/drop is that I become notified anyway and go in and manually do the transaction and waive the fee. 2.) Power ratings so that the low man on the totem pole gets a chance for first pick. Okay, so a trader makes a bad trade, loses money, gets fired, and then gets the same job trading elsewhere for more money. A loser is a loser and should be acknowledged as such (see Feeley). Those are the breaks in this game. Besides, too time consuming for me to go through the numbers. 3.) Free market... first come, first served, anytime, anywhere. This is a good concept in that those that dedicate the time to watching, studying, and anticipating an opportunity are allowed to seize the moment and get paid. And they should because it is just like a small business, you get out of it what you put into it. Time is money. However, you can't do add/drops once your lineup is set and you should only be able to apply trades to the upcoming week anyways. 4.) Calling two fellow team owners to validate your trade. Really, would you trust Gibby in this situation? I can hear it now, "Oh yeah, dude, I was drinking a soder pop when he called but he neva said anything about picking up that QB." So, I have reached what I call a fair and amicable solution to all of your f*cked up problems. First, the core of someone's team is going to decide the results week in and week out. I've been in this long enough to know that pickups (especially in a big league) are rarely gonna make that big of a difference in the outcome of a season. Past examples include WR Thrash who had a spectacular game against Seattle only to turn around and have a dismal game against the lowly Cowboys. There was $15 given to the pot. What I am getting at is that I think trading is way overrated and only serves to build the pot for the team that drafted the strongest in the beginning anyways. Second, online access allows a level playing field. I agree with this and it should be implemented because it is also time stamped so there is no question as to who was first in a selection. If an owner is going to stoop so low as to change the clock on their computer to try and get an earlier time stamp, then there are bigger mental problems down the road and the money you make off the win should be applied accordingly. Third, my time is just as important and so is a "transaction" period. For example, this weekend is Octoberfest weekend in Fredericksburg. If you think I am going to hang around and stay sober so I can meet your demands and implement your requests, you are sorely mistaken. I fully expect to start drinking myself into oblivion Friday evening and don't expect to come out of my coma until sometime Sunday evening so your changes/requests/questions need to be done by Friday afternoon. SO, here is what I suggest: 1.) to make an add/drop (trade) transaction, click on the "Owners" tab on the league homepage (found up top next to Live Chat), page down to the bottom of the page and send a broadcast email to ALL team members announcing your intentions. I will implement the trade(s) on the Tuesday following the Monday night game. The transaction deadline is Friday 5:00 PM for the weekend games. If I receive the email timestamped before then, I will make the trade for the upcoming weekend. IF there is a Thursday night game, Thursday 5:00 PM is the deadline for THE WEEKEND. At any time after the deadline if a transaction is submitted, it will apply to the following weekend. Also, there will be NO limit on the amount of transactions, feel free to contribute as much as you wish. 2.) regarding current requested trades for the past weekend: for this week only, send ME an email with your request. I will take one trade per team this week only. If two teams want the same free agent, whoever guesses closes to where the Nasdaq composite closes Wednesday, October 3rd wins. The loser will be notified as such. So, BE SURE TO INCLUDE YOUR GUESS. This should provide everyone easy online access to making trades. All you have to do is make sure the free agent is indeed free, that nobody has already sent you an email picking him up, and shoot a broadcast out to the owners proclaiming him as yours. Simple. So, any questions or concerns can be sent back to discuss. I will shoot down all of them. I am going to lunch. I eagerly await the opportunity to tell you why your plan won't work. Craig, the commish
Dear farging iceholes...
Dear Michael, Hello! Thank you for inquiring about your User Name and password for your Energy News Live Account. Our Records indicate that your User Name and Password are as follows: mcarson vfr45tgb Please let us know if we can be of further assistance. And thank you for using ENL!
Welcome to - Energy News Live
= = = = = = = = = = = Intercontinenta= lExchange = = = = = =20 = = = = = Firm P= ower Price Bulletin = = = = = =20 = = = = = For Po= wer Delivered on Tuesday, October 09, 2001 = = = = = = = = = = = =20 = = = = = = = = = = = (Trade Date of = Monday, October 08, 2001) = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =20 Click here to access index history . = = = = =20 = = = = = = = = = = = * volume repres= ents sell-side only * = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =20 Hub=09High=09Low=09Wtd Avg Index=09Change ($)=09Vol (Mwh)=09 Cinergy=09 $22.15=09 $17.50=09 $21.55=09- 2.41=09= 63,200=09 Comed=09 $19.00=09 $18.75=09 $18.98=09- 1.80=09 = 10,400=09 Entergy=09 $19.50=09 $18.50=09 $19.00=09- .64=09= 36,800=09 Nepool=09 $34.50=09 $34.00=09 $34.26=09- 1.45=09 = 15,200=09 PJM-West=09 $28.50=09 $27.90=09 $28.23=09- .83= =09 38,400=09 SP-15=09 $23.00=09 $23.00=09 $23.00=09- 1.63=09 = 800=09 TVA=09 $22.00=09 $19.75=09 $20.84=09- 1.18=09 = 8,800=09 = = = = = = = = = = = Includes all tr= ades done from 6 AM to 11 AM Central Prevailing Time on the trade date spec= ified for financially firm power delivered during the on-peak hours (6 AM -= 10 PM CPT for Eastern hubs / 6 AM - 10 PM Pacific Prevailing Time for West= ern hubs) on the delivery date(s) specified. = = = = = = = = =20 = = = = = In= tercontinentalExchange is the world's most liquid trading platform for over=
Power Indices
Ken Jan Brandon and Travis, Thanks for having Susan and I. It was great. We are home and wondering why it is still hot here... ?? Thanks again
Back Home --- Wonderful experience
Hey Cat Fans - Saturday was sort of a disappointment - but life goes on. I have just heard, unofficially, that the KSU/A & M game on the 20th WILL BE televised. I had been concerned that the way both teams played Saturday that the game might not make it on the tube. However, the time of the game has not been determined. Will have to let you know later what time to come to the SRO on the 20th. In the meantime, we have our big "Sunflowers and Sage" dinner on Sunday night. If you have your registration form and have not sent it in yet, just come and pay at the door. We have a good time with our auction and all proceeds go to our scholarship fund, which helps a needy student. So, until Sunday - GO CATS
More football and bbq
The World Wide RibFest "celebration of the Rib" is coming up. This will be the 5th annual ribfest, and John Mee has his work cut out for him to defend the title he won last year (for the second time). I believe he will have a tough time, as the competition looks increasingly focused on unseating the former Bostonian from his Throne. For those of you who haven't been to a ribfest in the past, it's a barbeque competition where 5 to 7 cooks compete to see who can produce the best Baby Back Ribs (if you want those Fred Flintstone beef ribs, you ain't getting them here). A blind-judging takes place to determine the winner, but often the crowd gets up in arms and nominates a "peoples choice" (though this is not officially recognized by the sanctioning body). Every year, my wife asks the following: "So, besides Ribs, beer and margaritas, what else will be served?" I reply: "Nothing comes to mind." She replies: "No." As you might expect, she wins this discussion year in, year out. So, appetizers, sides, desserts and food & drink for the kids are also served. The competition around the grills gets a little rough, so I recommend that the young and faint-of-heart maintain a safe distance while the cooking and competition is taking place. The appropriate College football games will be broadcast, so you don't have to worry about missing any games. There are a couple of changes to this year's competition: The competition will be held at the John Mee/Laura Benjamins compound in Bellaire Mike Paradise (who won the very first ribfest) has stepped out of the competition this year citing "personal reasons" Date & Time Saturday November 3rd. We fire the grills up around 12:00, and the judging takes place between 3:00 and 3:30. Where 4807 Elm Street in Bellaire Directions (from John Mee himself) From downtown, take 59s to 610s. The first exit is the Bissonette//Fournace exit. Take this exit and go through the light, noting the gouging in the lamppost from that freak cherry-picker accident from last April. Before the Bisonette light, there is a big Chase Bank Building. Right before that building is Elm Street. Take a right on Elm Street exactly 236 yards to 4807 Elm Street. Go inside and ask for directions there, cause I really don't have a clue... KIDS Bring 'em! We'll have the Moonwalk set up for them again this year, and we'll have hot dogs, burgers, popcorn and drinks for them. The more kids the better. What you need to bring Nothing, except maybe some attitude to heckle the cooks while they try to concentrate.
RIBFEST -5- (Nov. 3rd)
Hey: What's you're Q4/Q5 associated-Craig, Co. off peak spread offer. Just kidding. I see you're branching out of entergy jail. Giddy up. Hope all is well. mjb
Good god, we'd all be on death row right now if this kind of shit got prosecuted when we were in school... Students arrested for burglary Published on Tuesday, October 9, 2001 Sarah Bahari Kansas State Collegian Members of Alpha Tau Omega fraternity were arrested early Sunday morning for illegally entering the Pi Beta Phi sorority house and stealing three undergarments.Brandon Converse, 19; Shane Frownfelter,18; Allan Sheahan, 19; Curtis Mick, 19; and Kevin Hudson, 18 were arrested for aggravated burglary. They all were released on $5,000 bonds, except for Hudson, who also was arrested for DUI. His bond was $5,500.Police responded to the scene at approximately 5 a.m. Sunday after one of the women called to report the disturbance. The three men had already fled the scene. One woman described the vehicle to the police, who tracked it down.The undergarments, which were worth a total $50, were recovered.President of ATO Lance Jones said the houses had been involved in a series of pranks against each other. "We're doing our best to make sure this won't happen again," Jones said.
Panty raid leads to burglary charges
Mike - We spoke briefly on the phone yesterday about creating a ticker story for your new East Power product, but I haven't received any further info from you. If you would like to go ahead with this, please send a brief description of the new product and the date it will be launching on EnronOnline. Thanks,
EnronOnline Ticker Announcement
= = = = = = = = = = = Intercontinenta= lExchange = = = = = =20 = = = = = Firm P= ower Price Bulletin = = = = = =20 = = = = = For Po= wer Delivered on Friday, October 12, 2001 = = = = = = = = = = = =20 = = = = = = = = = = = (Trade Date of = Thursday, October 11, 2001) = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =20 Click here to access index history . = = = = =20 = = = = = = = = = = = * volume repres= ents sell-side only * = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =20 Hub=09High=09Low=09Wtd Avg Index=09Change ($)=09Vol (Mwh)=09 Cinergy=09 $19.00=09 $18.45=09 $18.58=09+ .29=09= 57,600=09 Comed=09 $18.75=09 $18.50=09 $18.67=09+ .27=09 = 4,800=09 Entergy=09 $20.50=09 $19.55=09 $20.17=09+ .91=09= 9,600=09 Nepool=09 $32.00=09 $31.40=09 $31.65=09- 1.35=09 = 9,600=09 PJM-West=09 $24.00=09 $23.25=09 $23.49=09- .67= =09 45,600=09 SP-15=09 $27.50=09 $24.90=09 $25.43=09+ 1.51=09 = 9,600=09 TVA=09 $20.25=09 $19.75=09 $20.00=09+ .77=09 = 3,200=09 = = = = = = = = = = = Includes all tr= ades done from 6 AM to 11 AM Central Prevailing Time on the trade date spec= ified for financially firm power delivered during the on-peak hours (6 AM -= 10 PM CPT for Eastern hubs / 6 AM - 10 PM Pacific Prevailing Time for West= ern hubs) on the delivery date(s) specified. = = = = = = = = =20 = = = = = In= tercontinentalExchange is the world's most liquid trading platform for over=
Power Indices
The word is out! The KSU game with Texas A & M will be telecast at 11:30 this coming Saturday. There will be a Watch Party at the SRO in Northwest Mall starting promptly at 11:30. Hope many of you can be there. The Wildcats need our help against the Fighting Farmers from College Station. But we can do it! Hope you will come out and support the team! GO CATS! Our Alumni Club had a fun night last night at Jillian's for our annual "Sunflowers and Sage" scholarship benefit. About 60 were there. Wish more of you could have come! We always have a great time with Dan Lauck and Matt Musil as our emcees and Matt is our very persuasive and fun auctioneer! You missed a fun and informative talk by Zac Burton '00, back-up quarterback. A great time was had by all! Ken and I want to thank our committee for their help and for all who participated in the auction. We'll be in Manhattan for the Aggie game - watch for us! Joyce
A & M Game
Ok it is now officially Tuesday morning. Kiss my ass Feeley. Dropping Ricky Watters (seattle) Picking up Trung Canidate (Rams) To hell with the Galloway pick up.. if ya want to enforce the rules well... i did not get the galloway pick up by the Tuesday morning rule and as such i am not reinstating it here as he is hurt.. so BOOYAH!
Mike, The change in the curves only shows a .60 increase today. The curves were down anywhere from .60 to 1.65 previous which was supposed to be up .25. Cin was up @ .15 today. That would mean that ENT should be up at least the amount it was down the previous day plus any increase marked today. Can you look into this for me. This is causing a $2MM hit in the books down here. Thanks.
Hey guys ,,,, thankyou very much for the baby outfits... Heather and I both loved them...... We can't wait for you guys to meet him....... We took him to the doctor today for his two week chk up and he weighed 9.5 lbs. That is up over a pound.... he eats like a horse and is very healthy.... the next goal is to get him to sleep at night! Mike and Heather perge!
Just thought I would drop everyone a note to let them know that my wife(Heather),,,,, is Pregnant!!!!!!!...... We've known for a while, but decided to wait till after the first tri-mester to tell..... We are both VERY excited! She is due mid October....Also, we just purchased a house..... our new address is: Mike & Heather Carson 4114 Riley Houston, TX 77005 giddy up! MC
I'm coming up on the 8th for the ceremony.... I got the air tickets yesterday.... I am arriving in Baltimore at noon and driving down to DC...... I need directions from BWI to the air base I guess. As far as accomidations,,, just let me know???? giddy up! MC
Washington DC
Wus up!! Just wondering if you give me directions from BWI to our accomidations on the base?? I will be arriving at BWI @ 12 noon. I rented a car ,and I am driving down to DC. I will then take a cab from the base to the pentagon ,,,, I guess. Can't wait to see you , Jan , and the kids! MC perge!
Directions form BWI
Michelle, Our group has been asked by EEL (Liz Barrett) to deploy the attachment survey. We (HRGIM) would like to ensure the language of the survey is consistent with the policies and procedures of Enron Corp. Legal (Jon Chapman) has reviewed the document. Any insight you can provide is appreciated. Regards,
Survey Question Review
<<analysis revision 3.xls>> Kriste: Here is a chart prepared by our statistician indicating adverse impact based on the spreadsheet that we received on Monday. As we have discussed before, the more relevant statistics are the job group numbers and not the gross statistics. Allan King also called me after he sent me this and said that Rob Speakman (the statistician) also said that he was able to compare the HR staff selected for layoff versus the HR general population and there was statistically significant adverse impact of 10 on gender and 12 on African-American. He asked if this group was selected as a group or if this was an amalgamation of HR employees from the various operating companies. I said that I thought that there was at least a component of a centralized decisionmaking. Accordingly, we probably need to discuss those statistics. Give me a call when you receive this. Kerry E Notestine Littler Mendelson, PC 1900 Chevron Tower 1301 McKinney Street Houston, Texas 77010
Revised statistics
Michelle: Here is the first response I received from one of our senior partners in SF: I think the best thing such a client can do is to use a reputable security outfit (such as Kroll Associates) to give the co. a very thorough assessment. I think, quite frankly, that relying on the advice of such an outfit would provide more legal protection than talking to all of the lawyers in the world, although our advice could be an additional benefit. As you know, we have an extensive task force report on workplace violence that would be relevant to this inquiry and could provide the basis for an analysis of this issue, although other areas would have to be explored. I am soliciting comments about the HR consultant you referenced. Kerry E Notestine Littler Mendelson, PC 1900 Chevron Tower 1301 McKinney Street Houston, Texas 77010
Terrorism Audit
Michelle, Long time no see - hope you're doing well despite the difficult times we're in. I'd wish to consult your employment law expertise. Staff in Oslo and Stockholm are employed by the captioned company, incorporated in Delaware. The question has arisen what guarantee, if any, there is for salaries and other employment benefit under a US bankruptcy or Chap. 11. Perhaps you have a memo or something to send over. Thanks. Martin
Enron Capital & Trade Resources International Corp.
Michelle: Thanks for taking a look at this memo that Andre Sarasin of Papiers Stadacona would like to send out to his employees today. Please note that this will be issued in French, so this English translation is not perfect...but it least it gets the main message across. Please let me know what you think--both Peter and Cheryl have approved this.
Papiers Stadacona Employee Communication
Michelle, We have processed some employee referral bonuses with a paydate of 12/3/01. These payments are to 25 employees and total $72,000 gross. These paychecks have not been released. Please advise whether these payments should be distributed to the employees or whether they should be reversed. Thanks,
Referral Bonuses
Michelle, We are working on completing the reportable events form for the PBGC and supplying the requested data. Included in the data request are: (1) copy of bankruptcy petition or similar documentation (2) docket sheet or other list of documents file Please provide copies or direct me to the person who can provide copies of the above data requests. Thanks
PBGC Reportable Event
Amy has additional questions from John Koomey: 1. Can we change the wording in Section 3.a to "$2,500.00 per one-day course, plus the actual price of course books... 2. Can we delete the last sentence in Section 3b? (Examples of acceptable forms...) 3. Does Section 5 mean Koomey can present his (math and calculation class) to other companies as long as he does not refer to Enron, does not use Enron teaching examples, and does not use use / disclose any Enron-specific information? Thanks.... I'm printing these questions and I have pulled the Agreement for you to look at.
Analytics Press (John Koomey Consulting Agreement)
Michelle and Cynthia, I really need to track down each and every pension plan and multiemployer pension plan to which the company contributes or for which the company may have liability. Can either of you direct me to the appropriate person(s) who would be able to provide such information? Thanks, Drew Clark
Pension Questions
Tim, (1) We rescinded approximately 8 offers in November. It was decided that individuals who gave up jobs to accept our offer would be paid out one month of salary (with a signed release). I had two people who fell into this category and signed releases but have not received the one month salary. Will they be paid out? (2) I have received several calls from terminated employees concerning the termination letters. They are concerned that they have 30 days in which to transfer to their spouse's plan and won't meet the deadline. My understanding is that the terminations letter will be mailed out soon. Please advise? Regards
Rescind Offers/Termination Letters
Hi Michelle, The attached spreadsheet should represent a complete set of developers of EnronOnline since inception. I haven't named the individual Valtech and developers since the agreements we have with those companies presumably cover all of their developers. The rest of the systems will probably not be done until tomorrow.
EnronOnline developers
Michelle / Robert, What is the status of Dave Parquet's Employment Agreement? Can either of you give me an update? Julie Kearney ENA Human Resources Direct Line: 503) 464-7404 Cell Phone: 503) 701-5671
Dave Parquet
Kalen,. per your discussion about getting these issues to management committee, below are some of the HR Policy changes to consider implementing prior to year end. Clarification - what revisions, if any, should apply to the non-filed entities? Vacation - change the accrual rate, as planned FMLA / Sick Leave - FMLA leave to run concurrent with Enron's sick leave program when appropriate. Educational Assistance: suspend tuition reimbursements. Leave of absence - reduce or amend paid leave. Leaves include: Personal leave (eliminate Mgmt. discretion) Funeral /bereavement leave (should we establish a policy cap of 3 days) Paternity / adoption / pay to parent / father - (40 hours paid outside of Enron sick leave) Jury - Witness duty - (pay to the extent required by law) Military leave - (reduce or eliminate the salary bridge paid- difference between Enron base and military pay)
Policy issues for the bankrupt estate
Michelle: I've been meaning to call you. I understand that there are a number of issues regarding paying European employees' expenses. My schedule is pretty filled up for Thursday. If none of my meetings run over, then I have a break between noon and 1:00 or 2:00 and 3:00. Or I could discuss these issues after 8:00 p.m. Let me know when you would like to talk and if you continue to have issues in this regard. Thanks - Sylvia
European Employees
Q: I am on a H1-B Visa. What assistance is the company providing me? A: Enron is required to pay for a one-way, coach ticket for the employee only. Please contact ______ for necessary arrangements.
additional Q&A's
Here's a first draft of a letter for Ken to send in response to some of the ugly mail he is receiving. I struggled with this, but am fairly happy with the final result. Let me know what you think. I'm away for the holiday after today. Cheers! (COME ON 2002!)
Ken Lay Letter
Mich, Lavo wants to do following: Draft a cover letter that says "Attached is form of retention agreement which will be good at the conclusion of the auction on Jan 10/11, no matter who the counter party is, providing however that the successful bidder will at least 1. Have a bonus pool of at least 15% of EBIT if NETCO makes it forecasted earnings 2. Is at least AA credit rated 3. Agrees to the other provisions in the draft ASA relative to honoring Enron service and other employee matters. Take the Citibank doc we have been working on and make necessary amendments to remove references to counter party. We may need to give ourselves some wiggle room on how retention and bonus awards may vest. Can we get a draft of above this morning? David
Retention Agreement
Michelle, As a follow on to our previous correspondence on this matter, Enron Metals and Commodity Ltd. (EMCL) has entered into an Incentive Scheme with employees working on EMCL business. I know that an issue has been raised about payment of incentives to employees on the North American payroll, but we have not received further clarification on the matter, so I would like to send you the "Document" which lists out who is included (by location and payroll) and what the definition of the Scheme is. To do this, I need your Fax Number. I am in the office today, but do not plan on being here tomorrow, so if you could send it to me this AM. Thanks,
Employee Incentive Scheme
Michelle, I hope you had a good Christmas. I would appreciate if you could please let me know where you stand with the agreement to release both me and Enron from the obligations contained in my employment contract. I have a firm offer for employment that is running out of time. I would greatly appreciate your help in resolving this issue as soon as possible. I look forward to receiving a draft of the agreement by email as per our understanding. Thank you for your attention. Regards,
Release from contract
I did not calendar these on Michelle's calendar since you are handling. Michelle, FYI. Lizzette, I don't have access to your calendar, so I wasn't able to log these entries. Deadlines January 10, 2002 Joinder/Addition of Parties February 11, 2002 Preliminary Exhibit and Witness Lists February 20, 2002 Defendant to Make Written Offer by this date March 4, 2002 Plaintiff to respond to Written Offer by this date March 11, 2002 Final Exhibit and Witness Lists due April 11, 2002 Discovery Deadline Pretrial Motions in Limine must be filed pre-trial May 8, 2002 Defendant Must Complete Pretrial Order 5 days before Pretrial May 13, 2002 Pretrial Conference June 3, 2002 Trial date - 9:30 a.m. No settlement conference requested.
Casey v NEPCO - Scheduling Order Deadlines
Dear Michelle: I just finished my conference call with Liz Miller (counsel for Calpine), Christina Solomon, and Steve Schuler (Steve is co-counsel for Miller with Christina). Christina had passed along to Liz the various points I made at the meeting last week, so Liz was prepared to address our primary concerns. She made the following points: (1) She has talked with several different people at various levels of authority in Calpine's trading area, and insists that Calpine treats the power grids as "completely different" regions, strategies for which are not shared internally among those regions. (2) She asserts that "how we do it at Calpine is totally different from Enron," since Calpine is "trading around a portfolio of assets that we own." She asserted that Enron, not owning power generation assets, trades differently. When I replied that Enron does have power generation assets, she acknowledged the fact but insisted that Enron's trading style is vastly different due to the difference in emphasis vis a vis the power generation assets. (3) Liz claims that Miller works almost exclusively in "Urcot" (sp??) in Texas, with some participation in Entergy in Louisiana. According to Liz, Calpine's strategies concerning these specific regions is divorced from and not related in any way with any trading Calpine does in the East or West. (4) Liz is of the opinion that Miller "is not senior enough that we would be looking for what he knows." He has no role whatsoever in discussing or formulating strategy for trading. Miller, she insists, is on the receiving end only. He takes orders, dispatching and scheduling solely in response to orders he receives from others. (5) Liz acknowledges that, were Miller in a more senior, responsible position, she would have the same concerns we are expressing were the tables turned. Miller is "so slotted," however, that she believes that he is not in a position to use any Enron trade secret that he might possess (though she and Miller's attorneys expressed doubt that he could retain any critical information, that the most critical information changes on a day-to-day basis). We ended the conversation with the following understandings: (1) Liz will explore whether Calpine could put Miller in a non-trading function for a period of two months or so.
ENA v. Miller
Michelle- Good morning, and I hope that this e-mail finds you well. The reason for my message is to follow-up with you regarding the conversation myself, Darlene Donlan, and Greg DeLuca from our organization had with you a few weeks back. We had discussed making additions to the Enron master PWD and getting copies of Enron's Code of Ethics, background check requirements, and Enron's benefits package regarding the indemnification clause. Darlene, who is one of TEKsystems' Controllers, sent to your attention a copy of the revised PWD with payment terms and TEKsystems' services, and Mark has been working and communicating with myself regarding the other requested information. I just wanted to follow-up with you to see what additional steps, if any, that TEKsystems may need to take in order to continue moving forward in the contract execution process. If there is any additional information you may require of us on our end, please let me know and I will be happy to help assist in any way possible. I know that you are extremely busy, and that you probably have other, more pressing matters to spend your time on. Any feedback you could provide would be appreciated and most helpful. Thank you once again for your time and consideration, and I look forward to your response. Respectfully,
Hello, Michelle! You came and spoke to my new hire class last Monday. I have a pending book deal with Zondervan publishing and wanted to make sure that there was no problem re the confidentiality agreement. I am certain there will be no problem. I have been a minister for 22 years and have a proposal being pitched by the senior editor at Zondervan to their editorial review board. The book will draw on my leadership/team-building experiences in the church and will be written from the perspective of a minister / mba. It will have nothing to do with Enron. Please let me know when would be a good time to come by. All The Best,
can we talk briefly?
Jim, We have an immigration issue related to certain employees of a JV in Guam. We would like to utilize the firm of Jenkens & Gilchrist to sort through the issue. Please advise whether this firm is approved. Regards,
Guam Project
Michelle, We are wanting to rescind Michael Slayton's offer of employment in Marlin Gubser's group. He is currently working at New Power and his start date with Enron is December 28th. He has not given notice because he has an agreement with New Power to stay on his current project until the end of the year. He has already signed and returned his offer letter. Marlin feels that Michael is a non-essential hire and would like to rescind his offer . Please advise how we should handle this situation. Thanks,
"Rescind Michael Slayton's Offer"
Can we use credited service date for sev calc? I have a person who was hired in 1997, left in 1999 and was rehired in April 2001. The system is using a 1998 service date for severance. I calculated in on the 2001 re hire date.
Todd Menzing called me up a few days ago to ask if he could send a letter to me about what I understand to be his representation of a former Enron employee against us in an HR matter. I hadn't heard from him, so I followed up today and learned that he had or was going to send a letter to you. Menzing is a former V&E associate. He called me because he knew me from a case in which V&E was representing a party in a commercial litigation matter, and I was representing an Enron employee in a deposition in that matter. Maybe there is an easy, no-brainer answer to what appears to be a potential disqualification issue for both Menzing and his firm (remember the mad cow disease of legal ethics? ) but if you were not already aware of Menzing's prior employer, I thought I'd let you know. Britt
Potential HR Matter
Dear Michelle: I hope that you are well. Over the past six months, Glocap Legal Search has solidified its position as the nation's premier in-house legal recruiting firm. We have worked very hard to create a truly unique and powerful legal recruiting company. Glocap's selection by as the best recruiting website in the country was gratifying, but even more important are the positive reviews that we regularly receive from our clients. We recruit for Fortune 500 companies, major financial institutions, consulting companies, investment banks and many other public and private companies of all sizes. I am writing to ask for your help. Do you know anyone who might be interested in hearing more about us? I have briefly summarized a very small sample of the many truly outstanding, pre-screened attorneys available through our unique service. We have many more, in all practice areas and experience levels. Call me if you would like to discuss how we can be of service to your company. Attorneys available now include: 1. Northwestern University School of Law (cum laude) graduate has over 4 years experience working on computer software, intellectual property and internet related issues, with particular emphasis on e-commerce and complex licensing. This very highly regarded attorney seeks a corporation or financial institution that needs in house counsel for domestic and/or international tech law matters. Midwest preferred. 2. Currently a Managing Director of a major investment bank, this prominent attorney has also served as one of the top partners at an elite, blue-chip law firm. The attorney seeks new challenges as a GC/CFO/VP of Business Development at a media, telecommunications or related company. An awesome talent who has been extremely successful at each stage of their career. 3. A truly uniquely credentialed attorney who graduated Stanford Law School and has a graduate degree from Columbia, this candidate is also a shared recipient of the Pulitzer Prize for investigative reporting and writing. Currently a litigator at a top law firm, this attorney has the intelligence, writing ability, and work ethic to enhance any company's litigation department. Fluent in Spanish. 4. Georgetown Law Center (cum laude) and Stanford undergraduate has over four years experience advising both private and public companies on general business/corporate matters as well as venture and debt financings, licensing, mergers and acquisitons, and public offerings. Terrific experience in securities and corporate counseling. Available either in California or East Coast. 5. A talented attorney with over eight years experience doing project finance and lending, mergers and acquisitions, and capital markets transactions at two very prominent law firms. This Russian speaking attorney has represented investors, lenders, and multilateral agencies in power, energy and natural resources industry sectors, as well as financial services, IT and telecom clients in a wide variety of m & a matters. 6. This 1996 graduate of a highly regarded law school has over five years of solid general corporate experience. Great drafting skills and superb presence, this candidate will be a very welcome addition to any in house legal staff that seeks an intelligent, hard working and very well trained corporate generalist. 7. Attorney who graduated first in his law class is practicing corporate restructuring and reorganization at one of New York's premier law firms. Four years experience in all aspects of distressed debt transactions, including asset sales, plans of reorganization, asset-based financings, cross-border insolvency issues and strategic distressed acquisitions. Seeking in-house or investment banking position. 8. Yale Law School, Princeton University (magna cum laude). Senior VP of one of top financial institutions in the world, this attorney has played a leading legal, business, integration and managerial role in acquisitons, joint ventures, equity investments and divestitures. Also has broad epxerience in securities law at a top law firm. Very well spoke and personable, this candidate is interested in a senior business/GC type position. NY metro area. 9. Yale University (magna cum laude), Harvard Law School (cum laude) candidate with three years transactional experience at premier law firm before leaving to become general counsel at a new media company. Has broad corporate, real estate and and technology experience. Exceedlingly smart, conscientious, and energetic. This candidate will be an enormous asset to any company that hires him. Wants NY area only. 10. UChicago Law School, over five years extraordinary experience at both a top law firm and a premier incubator. Practice areas include corporate, securities, intellectual property, mergers & acquisitions, venture capital financings and technology. Dynamic, very highly regarded attorney also speaks mandarin chinese. Wants in-house or legal/business position in Southern California only. This is just a very small sample of the attorney/candidates that we work with. We can of course tailor our search to meet any specifications that you wish. Feel free to call us to discuss our service, or to refer us to a colleague that might be interested in hearing more about us, or to obtain references from our clients. I hope I will be speaking with you soon. Thank you for taking the time to consider our service.
Glocap Legal Search- Attorneys Available for In-ho
Effective Monday, November 19, Mark Haedicke will office in the new building. His location will be: ECS 06788 (sixth floor, office number 788). My new location will be ECS 06785 (just outside Mark's office). Our telephone numbers and fax number will remain the same.
Move to Enron Center South
Michelle, Can you please prepare 2 executable employment agreements for Stewart Seeligson. All terms have been approved by D. Oxley. The revised terms are: Base Salary: $200,000 Sign on Cash: $100,000 Term: 11/16/01 - 11/15/02 Let me know if you need anything else. Thanks,
Employment Agreement - S. Seeligson
I thought it may be helpful to review my notes on information needed to respond to the Botchlett/Straub charges (although I know you have notes on the information needed). We need: 1. The name, title, description of job function (e.g. had crude oil trading portfolio) and ages of all persons reporting directly to Wade Doshier and John Nowlan for the period 1/1/99 to 6/1/01 and what happened to them in the organization (e.g. still there, transferred, terminated) including dates. For each person if they had established P&L goals in each year what they were and how well they did against the goal. 2. The P&L for Botchlett on his own books (as opposed to his team result) for both 1999 and 2000. 3. The organization charts for the group managed by Doshier then Shankman back to 1995 if available. 4. Data on Straub's actual presence in the building from security. ++++++CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE+++++ The information in this email may be confidential and/or privileged. This email is intended to be reviewed by only the individual or organization named above. If you are not the intended recipient or an authorized representative of the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any review, dissemination or copying of this email and its attachments, if any, or the information contained herein is prohibited. If you have received this email in error, please immediately notify the sender by return email and delete this email from your system. Thank You
Pursuant to our conference call earlier today, I have attached draft TRO pleadings for the Jenks, Oklahoma project which can be included in your files. These pleadings are simply a guide to what will be prepared for Arizona and Mississippi. I will prepare a list of all current local counsel for the relevant projects and also include proposed local counsel for the Arizona and Mississippi projects. At the moment, I am incorporating Mark's revisions to the statement of position and I will send them as soon as they have been included. Please let me know if you need any further information. - bond word.doc - complaint word.doc - memolaw word.doc - Motion for Pro Hac Vice.doc - Motion For TRO word.doc - notmtntro word.doc - Pro Hac Vice Order word.doc - telegram word.doc - TRO word.doc - verific word.doc - Verification of Attempt To Notify word.doc
TRO pleadings
Michelle - We are struggling with the appropriate company identifier for business cards. We are employees of Enron America, however some of our business cards show Enron North America (carryover from days of old), EWS (no longer/or will no longer exist), and some show Enron Corp (International Admin group). Marge Nadasky in Corp Public Relations who deals with the Company logo and Company names on business cards, etc., has indicated that Legal prefers we use the operating company we are part of rather than Enron Corp (piercing the corporate umbrella issue). She did say we could use just plain Enron if we are not part of the corporate group. As part of a network services function which crosses all Enron business units, do you see any problems if we use Enron on business cards? We have several who have changed positions or never had cards and need new ones. Thanks
Co Identifier - business cards
Attached is one of the plan documents that has been revised in the following manner: The beginning of Section 3.2 was revised to include a "subject to" provision. Section 3.4 was separated into two parts. Part A is the original provision. Part B is a new provision. Using this revised design, every laid off employee, whether subject to WARN, would receive the same net amount of severance benefit, whether a WARN penalty had to be paid by the employer, whether a WARN notice was given in advance of layoff, or whether WARN did not apply to the lay off in any way. I've received a thumbs up from Michelle for the revisions, which are marked in the attached document to facilitate your review. Pat The second plan document will be sent as an attachment to a separate email. [New Years Resolution: Learn how to unzip bundled files.] - SPP 01 Rstmt doc6 Nov18c1.DOC
Revised Restated Plan Docucments; 1 of 2
Michelle, have you had chance to review the attached. I sent the attached spreadsheet last week. Should you require any additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me directly. Thanks, Cole.
Michelle, Can you and the comp team help us identify who has contractual bonus targets for performing at the top 25%, 33% or 50% of the PRC "criteria" or "performance scale". Obviously we have a number of contracts we entered into between Jun 99 and the beginning of the end of last year which have some sort of wording along the above lines in them. There are some critical questions I would like to get clarity on: If BU's and support functions simply stop at 10/80/10 in their PRC's how will we deal with these contracts? Presuming all commercial staff are also relative ranked for bonus purposes separately to the PRC, can we use this scale instead (where it will be easier to identify a to half or quartile performance). Do we need to ensure that BU's and Functions that have people with such wording do split their middle 80%. If so how should we do this? Do we need to amend those contracts to wording that is easier to interpret? What proof or disclosure will we need to those individuals with this wording? I have a PRC committee meeting Thurs and while I don't anticipate raising this issue in that forum, I'd like to know we are working on a solution. David
Y/E PRC and Contractual Bonus Targets
While you were out, it was a bit crazed as you expected. I'll hit some highlights for you: Botchlett and Straub position statements: went out on Wednesday. Chapman: I sent the Ok. lawyer a letter and hired Lyn Mattson to investigate. Roome: Spoke with Trey (we had a case against each other a while back and get along well) and sent him a letter. Left Haedicke a message asking if we should give anyone in particular a head's up that they mentioned the SEC investigation. He says don't need to pass along. Anthony Sexton: Got out that separation agreement. Ken Rice: Sent Mark Haedicke a memo outlining the non-competition obligations and potential issues. CC'd you on it. Kitchen/Nettleton: Further discussions with T&F, Oxley, Marcus, Tim Callaghan, etc. Sounds like Marcus is happy. We're getting packet for consular process out to T&F, they send to London, and we think that with some luck (depending on FBI delay on background check), January or February may hold their interviews. Marcus decided not to switch to J&G. RIF: I helped out on some connected stuff, including helping Kerry with release language and speaking with counsel in Mexico so HR can determine what needs to go into calculations for analysis of shutdown of all Mexico ops. Internet Use: Prepared a memo for Oxley. He hasn't responded about whether he wishes to use it. He walked someone out the door (without talking to legal) for posting on the internet from work. New Hire: I did what Vance says was the final new hire orientation. :( We'll talk on your return about figuring out how to tell new hires what they need to know. Hope you had a good trip and a happy Thanksgiving!
various updates
Dear all, Attached is the final copy of the speaking points for the CEO Diversity Roundtable. Thank you for your immediate and quick response. ay
CEO Diversity Rountable Speaking Points for Ken Lay
Here's a revised version of the severence/policy memo. Michele, should we discuss how to address the severence plan in an email? I included an alternative here to direct people to a website with the plan.
Severence/Policy Memo
Michelle, All efforts to try to get Mo to reduce his contract pay and end the separation negotiations have been unsuccessful and on August 9th, he sent me an e-mail stating that he has decided to continue his garden leave with full pay & benefits and will await "Enron's notification regarding termination according to his employment terms." We were prepared that he would come back with this and we will continue to pay him, but it's this last statement about the notification of termination that concerns me. I would have thought that our presentation of a separation agreement to him back in November would have been enough written "notification" that we do not wish to continue his employment past the contract end date, but in speaking with him further, he seems to think that its not. His contract states that if the Company terminates your employment without 12 months written notice, then the Company shall pay you the remainder of your salary for the 12 months from the date it gave your notice, in a lump sum. His contract end date is 6/30/2002 and the last thing we want to do is to pay him additional money. Please let me know what your legal interpretation of this notification clause is and whether or not we are required to give him a formal termination notice. Thanks
Dr. Mo's notice period
Enron Kids No donation is too small! Please contact Stephanie Truss, 5-3861, or Martha Keesler, 5-2423, to make a cash donation. The deadline for making your cash donation is Thursday, December 6, 2001. EWS Legal Gordon Elementary School Adoption
Adopt a Kid - Reminder
We have confirmed the SAP configuration for vacation accrual. monthly accrued vacation credit will not be on the book until the last day of each month. accordingly the previous answer was flawed. This revision corrects that. IE employees terminated on Jan 30 will not receive credit for January vacation. The revised answer is attached.
Rev. Q&A for terminated employees
Michelle, We have a reconciling item between SAP Account 0530-10220019 Outflow Clearing and the actual bank balance with Citibank New York 40781075 in the amount of $5,346.46. On 10-26-01 your forwarded to Treasury Wire Transfer Requests as follows: Payee Amount Curr US Amount Denton Wilde Sapte Tokyo $492,120 JPY $4,024.20 Rajah and Tann $2,425.65 SGD $1,332.26 It appears that these two (2) Wire Transfer Requests have not been forwarded to A/P to record the expense. Please arrange to forward the appropriate documentation to A/P during November 2001. Stacey Lee Burnett
Co 0530 CINY 40781075 $5,356.46 FX Funding
Michelle, This email confirms our discussion that one of the mandates of the Compensation Committee of the Board of Directors of Enron is that they approve all formations of and grants related to any subsidiary equity or phantom equity plans. Mary and I can and will work closely and quickly with any group needing to get this done. Mary is responsible for presenting the plan for approval to the Compensation Committee after Tax, Legal, Accounting, Commercial and HR interests are scrubbed. These types of plans have accounting, legal and tax complexities that need to be worked out and change regularly. Also, it is very important that no written or verbal promise related to equity grants before Compensation Committee approval is obtained. Regards,
Subsidiary Equity or Phantom Equity