I have talked with Jeff Gossett, Leslie Reeves and Stacey White to let them know about the Saturday effort and the Sunday meeting. They all will be in town this weekend and will be on call. Their contact numbers are listed below:
Energy Operations Contacts
I am hosting drinks at my home and dinner at Champions Golf Club on Saturday, May 5 for my operations team and their spouses. Greg and I talked about this today. He asked me to e-mail you so that you could put this on his calendar and said that you would e-mail his wife to check the date as well. If he and his wife are available, I will let you know details as it gets closer. Thanks for your help. --Sally
For Greg's Calendar - Dinner with Operations Team
Would you like to be included? We will try to start this next week. I will ask Patti to get with you on the details. --Sally
Weekly Focus on Commercialization of Services
In a meeting with Louise Kitchen today, she mentioned that Bob Superty was very impressive in a presentation that he made to the Peoples Energy Board of Directors on Wednesday. She was very complimentary. I have let Bob know about Louise's praise. Thought that you would like to know as well.
Peoples presentation
I didn't read through all of the names, but wanted to make sure that we are including Beth Apollo on invites to participate in recruiting. I think that I mentioned her to you. She is a VP who joined my team in January after spending four years in Enron's London office. She graduated from Trinity and worked in public accounting before coming to Enron. She would be great to have on a team. I would love for her to join us at UT, but if she has another preference that is great, too. If she is not on your list yet, why don't you call her for an introduction and give her the rundown on the schools that you are responsible for so that she can make a choice. Thanks.
Addition to Re: Recruiting Expo
Mary Solmonson, one of my direct reports, has been out of the office since March 1, 2001 and it is not readily known when she will return to work. All business voice mail messages require a prompt response from our business unit. Therefore, I am requesting your assistance in completing the following tasks: 1) Please grant Vanessa Schulte access to Mary Solmonson's voice mail so that she change the access code for retrieving messages so that she can review any incoming voice mail messages and deliver appropriate business responses.
Access and Changes to Mary Solmonson's Voice Mail
Mary Solmonson, one of my direct reports, has been out of the office since March 1, 2001 and it is not readily known when she will return to work. All business related e-mail messages require a prompt response from our business unit. Therefore, I am requesting your assistance in completing the following tasks: 1) Grant the necessary access to me to be able to review the incoming e-mails directed to Mary Solmonson since March 1, 2001 through today so that I can determine which ones require a business response that I can handle. Can these be transferred to my e:mail as a simplified way for me to complete this review? 2) Effective immediately, please create an automatic message for Mary's e-mail box that states "I am out of the office. All e-mails are being forwarded to Vanessa Schulte for response." 3) Effectively immediately, please route any new incoming e-mail messages to Vanessa Schulte's mail box. Thanks in advance for your help on this matter.
Access to Mary Solmonson's e-mail
It didn't occur to me until seeing Richard's message that we might have a hole in communications with Mary being out on an extended basis. We should probably create a message on Mary's phone that refers callers to someone else - ditto on e:mail messages. Beth, does it make sense for that referral to be James, or you, or Vanessa? Others within our organization that may try to reach Mary could have questions about global databases, projects that Joel's group had been handling, etc. I am not trying to put this off on you if you don't think it is appropriate - but James and/or Vanessa came to mind as possible contacts. By copy to Hector, I also wonder if we should review incoming e:mails that have come to Mary over the last several weeks to see if there are some internal requests to which we need to respond. Let me know what you think. --Sally
Contact for Mary's phone
Please ask Sheri Thomas if this person needs access to EOL applications. I don't recognize the names. The name noted as manager is Loyd Will, who is a commercial employee reporting to Kevin Presto. Thanks.
Request Submitted: Access Request for
I was at the pre-seasoner opener at Enron Field last Friday night and saw you throw the first pitch. It was a nice one - never a chance of it hitting the dirt! -Sally
N-I-C-E Pitch!
Resume attached per my voice mail to you. This guy is currently at Compaq, but wants to do something else. Any interest? As I said in my voice mail, I will be glad to call my friend Dave Schempf to get more info on this guy if you would like. --Sally
Trading position
FYI - People tend to forget that we have some parts of the business that run 24 hours a day. We often get notices like the one sent on March 29 below without much lead time and without regard to potential business impact. Bob Superty has done a good job in scrambling to provide business solutions for us in gas scheduling. This is a good team that knows how to react quickly.
Telephone Outage Enron Houston
I talked with Anne Koehler in Legal today to determine her understanding of what is required from Energy Operations prior to the effective sale of HPL. Anne believes that she may have been the one to introduce the term "protocol" into these discussions. To clarify, according to Anne, the "protocol" is not anticipated to be a formal legal document. Instead, Anne envisions simply e:mails or memos between Enron and AEP with regard to any sharing of information, agreements on processes to be followed in the transition, etc. Operational details to be decided between Enron and AEP have been handled exactly in that manner to date, with e:mails being sent from Bob Ball (Enron) to Steve Jackson (AEP). Only critical changes to the Purchase and Sale Agreement will be formally documented. Bob Hall identified the treatment of cash accounts in the original Purchase and Sale Agreement as incorrect relative to cash flows for gas to be delivered in the month of May. He has worked with Enron's treasury group to establish the correct procedures and has worked with Sandi Braband in Legal to document this change to the Purchase and Sale Agreement as an Amendment to that agreement. As of today, Legal has completed revisions to that amendment and Anne Koehler is sending it to Mary Perkins in Enron's Treasury group for her review. Upon Mary's review, Anne will forward the amendment to AEP for their review before final signatures. We devised this week a new format for incorporating the AEP-HPL transition issues on which my team has been focused and have provided that to both of you. This new format incorporates the various memos and e:mails which have to date captured the status of transition issues. Items that only require actions by Enron will be our "to do" list. Each item has a due date and we will update you weekly on progress. Those items that fall under the AEP list or which appear in both the Enron and AEP list will be the items to which we will evidence communication to AEP and/or their agreement via the e:mails or memos as suggested by Ann Koehler. I believe that this should satisfy your requests earlier this week for written "protocol". We will also update you weekly on the status of those e:mails and/or memos between ourselves and AEP. I understand that the two of you have a regular weekly meeting for an update on the HPL sale. To provide clarity for these update meetings, may I suggest that we incorporate one of the following two approaches: 1) Brian and I hold a regular meeting just prior to your update meeting so that Brian has a full understanding of operational transition items and their status, or 2) I attend the first part of your update meeting in order to provide a firsthand update to the two of you. Please let me know which one of these works best for you so that we can incorporate that into our schedules for next week.
HPL Sale - Energy Operations Task List
In a recent CommodityLogic staff meeting, I took stock of the number of people and projects that I have provided from Energy Operations to that team. From conversations that you and I have had, I get the impression that perhaps others have led you to believe that my commitment to CommodityLogic has been limited. The truth is that I hand picked key members of the team and transferred projects that we were already undertaking in Energy Operations to round out the suite of products to be offered through CommodityLogic. I just thought that it might be helpful for you to have the facts so that you are fully informed whenever you are involved in conversations around CommodityLogic. Staffing Contributions CommodityLogic Project Manager (NomLogic): Carrie Slagle, Manager CommodityLogic Project Maanger (Integration): Susan Harrison, Manager CommodityLogic Project Manager (ContactLogic) Mary Solmonson, Senior Director CommodityLogic Team Member (NomLogic): Molly Sumrow, Specialist User Requirement and Testing Staff: Energy Operations Gas Schedulers, Power Confirmation Team and Financial Settlements Projects Transferred to CommodityLogic NomLogic (previously known as Contract Exchange in Energy Operations) ContactLogic (global databases in Energy Operations) Two of the Project Managers on the team, Carrie Slagle and Susan Harrison, were transferred from Energy Operations to CommodityLogic. Both had worked in managerial roles in our natural gas business, reporting to Brent Price. Both had been significantly challenged in the first half of 2000 by roles where they were charged with managing large teams of people. But knowing both Carrie and Susan well, I viewed them as valuable members of the operations team who know a lot about the business. Both have proven in the past to be good project leaders. Therefore, identifying them as project managers for CommodityLogic made a lot of sense -- providing gas operations
Contributions to CommodityLogic
FYI I will be out of the office on Wednesday, March 28. I will be in Austin interviewing 1st year MBA students for the Enron Scholarships. This will be the third year that Enron will give two to three $10,000 scholarships to top MBA students for use in their second year in business school. It's great PR for Enron on campus (largest MBA scholarships given) and it has helped in our recruiting efforts as well. We hired one of the first scholarship winners and he now works as an Associate in Generation Investments in Enron Americas. Gene Humphrey was the senior member of the four-person interview team. Now that is me. This is just a day trip, and I will check messages during breaks and will be back in Houston late Wednesday afternoon. I will also be in New York on Friday, March 30. Steve Kean asked that I be the Enron participant at a Women in Business panel discussion at Columbia School of Business. I think that the list of female MD's with their MBA is a short one.
Commitments this Week
Bob & Leslie, Sally asked me to set up several meetings for next week. 1st one - subject: exactly what CommodityLogic is going to mean to us and how it will work for us. She wants the two of you plus: Leslie - can you designate your best person for ConfirmLogic & InvoiceLogic and Bob your best person for NomLogic. Probably 1 &1/2 hours Monday. Please let me know your availability. 2nd one: Will probably be Thursday morning - can you check availability for this one also (2 hours). Participants would be all of the above + Greg Piper, Tom Gros, Carrie Slagle, Project Managers for InvoiceLogic, ConfirmLogic, & BankLogic + Mark Taylor in Legal. Purpose: Discussion between Project Managers and end users on CommodityLogic. I will wait to hear from you Monday morning re: 1st meeting. I will talk to Greg's assistant re: his availability on Thursday and get back with you on 2nd meeting. Thanks,
Meetings for next week
Did you get the changes that we discussed yesterday included before the response to the RFP went to CMS? Also, please send me a copy of the complete response to the RFP, assuming you have that. You mentioned yesterday that the document we were reviewing was only part of the package. I would like to see the whole thing. Thanks.
Response to RFP
I didn't search this long list of addressees to see if you were included. In case this is going only to Peggy, I thought that I would forward this since she is still on vacation. --Sally
Credit Watch List--3/20/01
Have you heard any more about this? I didn't see it on my calendar. This does conflict with Philippe's Thursday staff meeting I believe. Maybe Philippe will cancel that. Let me know. Thanks. --Sally
Lite Bytz Panel Discussion
I got the message that you couldn't meet this afternoon. Thought I would do a quick note to bring you up to date on some things. Commercialization Efforts- Services: Delayed by several days due to the unexpected absence of Mary Solmonson for health reasons. I learned about this when I returned to the office on Tuesday, and have worked to replace her as best we can during this market sizing phase. Jennifer Denney (who was in Dallas with us and works under Sheri Thomas in the EOL Product Control Group) will partner with James Scribner in Mary's absence to help us run down additional data on potential customers. Beth Apollo will be working closely with James and Jennifer. They will welcome Rahil's help and will continue to work with Jennifer on developing the revenue model. Commercialization Efforts - Consulting: Bjorn Hagelman in the RAC group made a presentation at the Risk Forum luncheon last week outlining a plan for providing risk consulting services to external customers. Some of his ideas overlap the ideas around consulting that we fleshed out in our Dallas meeting. Some of his ideas included providing services from my risk operations team. I want this to be a concerted and not disjointed effort. Bjorn's vision is to create an Enron sub that will be the consulting company. Our team in Dallas saw wisdom in partnering with an accounting/consulting firm - established marketing arm, existing customer contacts, proven consulting skills, depth of resources, etc. There could be a play to get a hefty sum up front from a consulting firm to partner with us - we impart our risk knowledge, they get the edge in the marketplace from pairing with us, we take our upfront payment, they do most of the grinding work - not necessarily a bad model. Bjorn seems to be in a hurry, as he has identified a shipping company in Europe that is in need of risk consulting and is ready to pay. Probably okay for him to start this effort in that way. Prove concept, and then we can consider the wisdom of partnering with someone else. I spent some time with him today. I want to be sure that he doesn't commit my team to provide a service without our understanding and being in agreement with the fee structure. We are okay for right now. I will be following what Bjorn is doing and looking for ways to work together if there is a good upside. I will keep you posted. Commercialization Efforts - Internal Marketing: We have to change some business practices within Enron and create a mind shift when originators are selling operational services to their customers. We must price those and we must have a mechanism for granting the appropriate income to Operations. Deal is in the works through power origination team - they priced our services to customer without our involvement- pricing may not even be sufficient to cover our costs. We are researching. To do's here are to create an internal marketing document to review with lead originators and to change DASH process so that Operations has a sign-off. I met with Louise today on this. I will plan meetings with origination teams during the week of March 19. Would love to get your input on our presentation to the orig teams. I will get you a draft for your comments. Operational Risk: Key focus this week has been on rebuilding a risk team in Portland. Have worked with Stacey White (my power risk director) and Tim Belden to make sure we have a short term and long term plan that will work. I am comfortable that we have devised a good plan. (We lost the manager of that group last week - a planned move to London to follow her husband to an Enron job there. Our unexpected change this week was the resignation Monday of another risk book administrator from Portland.) Operational Risk: Another key area that we are focusing on is the HPL sale. End of day today we will know which employees are going to AEP. We are working on a smooth transition plan and how we will handle trailing issues with customers after the sale effective date. We expect to eliminate 46 positions with the sale. This number was much larger earlier in the year (around 70), but have had a lot of attrition with the news of the sale. Bob Hall is focused on the details around this issue. Operational Risk: We completed a Doorstep Review on the Monterrey office last week. (This is the review of operational controls and procedures.) Went well - Max was skeptical about the process at first, but pleased in the end. I will forward and e:mail to you from Max proclaiming his support of these reviews. We overhauled this week the Doorstep Review schedule for the remainder of the year and reviewed that today with Rick Causey. He likes the revisions that we have made. Beth Apollo on my team is leading this effort. Spring Break Plans: My children are on Spring Break the week of March 12 and the nanny has the week off. We will be out of town through Wednesday, March 13 with the whole family looking at colleges for Meagan. Patti has contact numbers for me if needed. I may decide to come back into the office on Thursday and Friday. I will let Patti know when we get back in town. I will either see you the end of next week, or back on Monday, March 19. See separate e:mail for contact names and numbers in Operations while I am out.
Catch Up
I will be on vacation the week of March while my children are on Spring Break. We will be out of town Monday through Wednesday, looking at colleges with Meagan. We should return to Houston on Wednesday night. I have planned to be out of the office for the balance of the week, but may decide to return to work on Thursday and Friday. My assistant, Patti Thompson (x39106), will have contact numbers for me while I am out of town in case something urgent arises. I will also let her know during the week whether or not I will be back at work on Thursday and Friday. In my absence, the following persons are key contacts: Commercialization of Services: James Scribner x39641 Beth Apollo x35014 Enron Americas Operations: Gas: Bob Hall x36956 Jeff Gossett x37306 Power: Stacey White x31870 Enron Global Markets Operations: Brent Price x37647 Enron Industrial Markets Operations: Brenda Herod x35778 Enron Europe Operations: Mike Jordan 7830-34703 Global Services: Beth Apollo x35014
Operations Contacts - Week of March 12
I will be out of the office on vacation the week of March 12. My assistant, Patti Thompson (x39106), will have contact numbers for me if you need to reach me while I am out on vacation. Below are the key Operations Contacts for Enron Americas for the week of March 12: Gas Operations Jeff Gossett x37306 Bob Hall x36956 Power Operations Stacey White x31870 DPR Shona Wilson x39123 Chris Abel x33102 MPR Shona Wilson x39123
Operations Contacts - Week of March 12
I was promoted effective February 1, 2001 to Managing Director of Global Risk Management Operations for Enron Corp. in Houston. In this role I manage all mid and back office services for all commodities markets within Enron's wholesale businesses: Enron Americas, Enron Global Markets, Enron Industrial Markets and Enron Europe. I received my BBA from UT-Austin in 1975 and my MBA in 1977. My maiden name while attending school was Sally White.
Professional Update
We got back from Dallas yesterday about 5:00 and it was a fun and very fruitful trip for the team. Schools are categorized by size - small, medium, large and super. Klein is super-sized. The Bearkadettes won first place and the grand champion trophy in the super category. Best in Category awards are given for each category of team dance entered, regardless of school size. Klein won best in category for all four team dances entered - kick, pom, military and jazz - a clean sweep. Klein also had the first place winner in the solo category and first place in the duet category. Also won first place in officer dances for super sized schools. They also won two special judges awards - not given out every time, but only when the judges want to especially recognize achievements. They got a special judges award for Creativity and Originality (commentary on both our fabulous costumes made by a group of Bearkadette moms and the choreography) and a special judges award for Perfect Score (a score of 100 awarded by all 3 judges for a particular routine - apparently very rare). The Perfect Score award was for their pom routine, where they are dressed like penguins (one of the ones that Meagan was in). The girls were pretty excited and the moms were cheering a lot, too. They all work so hard and spend so many hours practicing that it is nice to see that pay off!! I am ordering the video from competition, so we can show you the routines sometime. I had a lot of fun. The girls are cute and I enjoyed getting to know some of the moms who were chaperoning as well. But it was nice to get back to Houston yesterday.
Report from State Competition
Since Sally is out of the office today, March 5 and will be out next Monday, March 12, the OpRisk Forum Luncheon has been cancelled for both dates. Please adjust your calendars accordingly. The 10:00 AM staff meeting, however, will be held as usual. Thanks,
OpRisk Lunch Cancelled for 3/5 and 3/12
Shona and Mike Jordan had talked last week about pushing back the Doorstep review on the metals business in London and had agreed to take that out of the plan for Q1. As of last week, we have redirected Shona's reporting line to Beth Apollo. I have asked Beth to review the doorstep review plan for all of 2001 and to recommend any changes in timing and approach. Beth is in fact in Monterrey, Mexico today and tomorrow, completing a review of that office. Soon after she returns, she will review and update the suggested doorstep review schedule. After that has been updated, she will review the revised schedule with Rick Causey for any additional input and concurrence on the selection of key offices/businesses to review and the timing of such. With Beth's knowledge of the businesses in London, I am sure we will benefit from her eye towards effective scheduling of the reviews.
Doorstep Review on Metals Business
I will be out of the office on vacation on Friday, March 2 and Monday, March 5. I will check messages at the end of both business days. My assistant, Patti Thompson ( x35926) will have contact numbers for me. Since I will be a chaperone for my daughter and 80 other girls from the high school drill team at state competition in Dallas, it is unlikely that I will be easily reachable during the day. I will be back in the office on Tuesday, March 6.
Out of the Office - March 2 and March 5
I have a stretch goal for the operations budget under Enron Americas to reduce costs by the end of the year. To this end, I have recently studied possible options for reaching the targeted savings. To make the best decision on this, I have reviewed functions within my team on the basis of core versus non-core functions, and the inherent cost versus value proposition. As a result, I made the decision last week to disband Joel Henenberg's team. To fulfill the role of Joel and his team in leading IT initiatives, we will lean on the appropriate IT project managers and the business sponsors/end users. Joel and his team were told of this decision on Friday afternoon last week. Our HR rep spent some time with the team explaining the corporate re-deployment service that they all will be working through over the next few weeks. Let me know if you have any questions regarding this. While it was a tough decision, I feel comfortable having made it.
Disbanding of Joel Henenberg's Team
As a result of the reorg announcement a couple of weeks ago, this report should now go to Philippe Bibi (or his assistant, Peggy McCurley). Louise is now in the office of the chair of Enron Americas. Philippe has assumed the role as chairman of Enron Net Works. Since this report is a Net Works report, please remove Louise from the distribution list and add Philippe and Peggy effective immediately. Also, I would like to review and perhaps edit the principal projects/deals section each week before distribution. What would be the most efficient way to get this done and into your hands in a timely way? --Sally
Global Risk Management Operations Weekly Operating Report
I have only taken a quick look at the attachment, but thought that I would forward it to you. Does it make sense? $8MM in equipment charges for us??????? Does that include depreciation (which is not equipment)? Can you give me the detail again on everything that falls under the "Consultant" line? What is it and which RC's and RC owners have items there. Thanks.
2001 Group Expenses
Just remember that the DPR is used as an accounting tool as well. despite my constant reminders that it is a tool for reporting daily trading results and positions against board approved limits. So do approach this as fact-finding; and then I would suggest reviewing any recommendations that you may have with Wes Colwell and the RAC group before any changes are made. Looks like a good group. I hope that all will attend and participate. Did Pam do some due diligence for you before sending this e:mail so that you know this date and time works for everyone? Keep me posted on progress. --Sally
DPR - what it consists of, where it is going
I need your help with a quick survey of how many interns you'd like to have this year. Sally needs to forward this number to Rick Causey by noon tomorrow. Please send me your rough count by 11:30 AM (Wednesday). Thanks for your help,
How many interns would you like?
Please change location of this meeting for this week only. I would also change the notation for this recurring meeting to ENW Staff Meeting with Philippe with Peggy McCurley as the contact. Thanks.
ENW Staff Meeting, 2/22/01
Doorstep reviews are by design a quick look at commercial activities and the mid and back office support for those activities in our wholesale businesses. (EBS and EES will be included in 2001.) The controls around mid and back office activities are best understood by conducting a deal test - i.e. following the process and documentation around a series of transactions from the inception of a deal through the collection of cash. Asking someone to explain their processes and controls is more the act of explaining what we think happens. Doing a deal test tells us what does happen. And it is when there are differences between the controls that we believe to be in place and what actually happens, that we identify where operational, and perhaps financial, risk is created. These reviews are not designed to replace the internal audit work for which Enron has contracted with Arthur Andersen. As such, they are purposely designed to be conducted in a shorter timeframe than AA's reviews and to produce less paperwork. It is both the quick assessment of control gaps and potential operational risk, and the quick solutions to correct these, that are valuable in these reviews. These reviews also look for ways to leverage success stories from one office to another in terms of best in class practices or practical solutions to shared problems. Briefly, the doorstep review process would follow this set of steps: 1) Cross-functional doorstep review team arrives at subject office. This is usually unannounced, but key personnel in the subject office may be notified of the review a few days prior to the team's arrival to be certain that key individuals in that office will be not be out of town. 2) Doorstep team lead will meet with the head of the subject office to tell them about the parameters of the review and to ask their co-operation in making information and personnel available to complete the review. 3) The review is conducted, including information sessions with key commercial personnel to understand the business conducted in the office and key control/operations personnel to understand the business processes. The deal test is conducted on a relevant sample of deals to verify the process and controls that were followed in the life of the transactions. 4) The doorstep team usually has a rough draft of key points by the end of the review, which includes both controls that are working well and those which may not be working as designed. Potential action items are suggested. This information is reviewed with the head of the office, as they are usually very interested in knowing what can be done to improve controls to support their business. There are times when the head of an office will suggest an additional point to be added to the list of action items, knowing that with this focus he/she can get help in accomplishing certain efforts to support the growth of their business. The doorstep team lets the head of the office know to whom this information will be communicated and the timing for doing so. 5) Starting late in 2000, the findings from doorstep reviews would next be reviewed with Ted Murphy and me. Ted's viewpoint would be from Risk Controls and mine from the mid and back office operations point of view. Ted and I, assisted by Cassandra Schultz and Shona Wilson, would work with appropriate personnel in the subject offices to understand who would assume responsibility for addressing action items noted from the doorstep review and to determine the appropriate time period for completing these action items. Then on a quarterly basis, Ted and I would meet with Rick Buy and Rick Causey to give them a recap of doorstep reviews completed during that quarter, doorstep findings that had been handled, updates on any outstanding doorstep findings and plans for the next quarter. Through most of 2000, the doorstep teams met with Rick and Rick within a few days of returning from each doorstep review. This immediate feedback step was passed to Ted and me sometime late in 2000. We did agree that we would meet with Rick and Rick before the quarterly review if certain doorstep findings were of particular concern or if we felt that they needed to be informed on an issue in a more timely manner than quarterly. Steps 1 through 4 were followed in the review of the scrap metals business in Germany. Shona did conduct a debriefing session with the managing directors in charge of the scrap metal business. Her impression was that they were not concerned over the length of time that it was taking to implement the integration plan nor over the somewhat irregular payment methods that were discovered during the deal test that are not in keeping with Enron's practices. Shona also debriefed with Mike Jordan, and I believe that Fernley was involved in that session as well. At my suggestion, she also contacted Joe Gold to inform him of her findings. I do not know what the timing was for Joe to get back to Shona, relative to Rick Buy's e:mail message. Michael, I understand that you may have felt blind-sided by the e:mail from Rick Buy on his concerns over the scrap metal business. And if that was the case, I apologize for that. While Shona did debrief with Mike and Fernley, I know that she did not review the teams findings directly with you. If you would like to be included in a direct debriefing with the doorstep team when they review businesses that are managed by EEL, we can certainly add that as a clear step from this point going forward. The out of the ordinary step in this doorstep review was Shona's call to Rick Buy and Rick Causey to alert them to the doorstep team's concerns over irregular payment methods and the level of interest in controls that she perceived from the commercial managing directors. I attribute that to a miscommunication between Shona and myself. Although we had changed the process at year end so that the download after doorstep was to be with Ted and me, as Shona and I voice mailed back and forth she thought that I had asked that she initiate a meeting with Rick and Rick. This meeting should have been with Ted and me. In leaving a voice mail for the two Rick's about setting up a meeting, Shona mentioned some concerns. Rick Buy is the one that called her back and asked for more detail. She definitely covered both the teams findings and the integration plan that was underway with Rick Buy. We don't, however, control which points Rick chooses to focus on or those to which he chooses to react. To reiterate, the findings from these doorstep reviews are shared with the heads of the subject offices at the close of the reviews. The effort here is to help identify control issues that could create risk to a business and to offer solutions and resources that may be available from across the entire Enron organization. The key is quick discovery and quick resolution. The findings create a dialogue between the business units, RAC and Operations, which I believe is healthy. We purposefully have chosen not to "over-wordsmith" the findings or to delay discussing concerns that can be surfaced through these reviews. Frankly, I believe that these reviews can reveal things that are sometimes missed in AA's reviews from a practical perspective and afford us the opportunity to mitigate operational risk. I would be glad to discuss any details of the doorstep review process with you. We certainly want you to be informed and to view this process as valuable input for you in managing EEL's business. Mike Jordan and certain members of his team will be involved with doorstep reviews for other businesses outside EEL later in the year. We are certainly open to any suggestions you may have on getting the most out of this process.
Doorstep Review Process
I will be working in the Calgary office Wednesday and Thursday, February 7 and 8. My assistant, Patti Thompson (x39106) has numbers where I can be reached. I will be back in the Houston office on Friday, February 9. Key contacts in Houston over the next two days are: DPR Chris Abel x33102 MPR David Maxwell x36983 Gas Operations Bob Hall x36956 Jeff Gossett x37306 Power Leslie Reeves x37962 Operations Stacey White x31870
In Calgary Office - February 7 and 8
No memo out yet on the Doorstep process. I am still in the throws of completing the 13 reviews that I have to give - should be finished by 5:00. I will send the memo on Doorstep process to you, Fernley and Michael Brown before I leave for the day. I will be in the Calgary office Wednesday and Thursday with Peggy Hedstrom and her team. Back in the Houston office on Friday. Hope that James' visit is going well. Thanks for getting appointments organized for him. I look forward to seeing you in Dallas next week. I am glad that you, Richard and Steve will be able to participate. Are you still planning to come back to Houston after the meeting in Dallas? I fly from Dallas to Austin on Tuesday night, so that I can do a full day of interviews at UT for summer interns on Wednesday. I will be back in the office on Thursday and Friday that week. Let me know if we can help in setting up any appointments. We can do lunch on Thursday or Friday, if your schedule allows. I can also set some time aside to perhaps download from our Dallas meeting and to follow up on some other issues. I would offer dinner on Thursday night, but that is my birthday and I think (hope) that my family will have dinner plans for me that evening. Is there someone else in Houston that you would like to have dinner with while you are here? --Sally
Various Topics
Congratulations on your promotion to Manager. Brent Price, Bob Hall, Leslie Reeves, Brenda Herod and I would like to invite you to a luncheon in recognition of your promotion on Tuesday, February 6. We appreciate your contributions to the continuing success of Enron's wholesale services business. We would like the opportunity to help you celebrate your promotion. Please RSVP to Patti Thompson (x39106). Details on time and location will follow.
Promotions Luncheon for Managers
I will be in the Calgary office with Peggy Hedstrom and her team next week on Wednesday and Thursday, February 7 and 8. Do either one of you have a specific issue that needs to be addressed that I could handle while I am in Calgary? My agenda with Peggy and her team is pretty full, but I can add to that anything that you know of that we need to address. Just let me know. That puts me in Calgary for the staff meeting on Wednesday. I will sit in with Rob Milnthorp on the video conference for the first hour of the meeting. I already had a meeting scheduled with all of Peggy's team during the second hour of your staff meeting. Due to location constraints, we will have to keep that meeting as scheduled. So I will have to step out of the staff meeting for the second hour.
In Calgary Office - February 7 and 8
Julie called me immediately after getting my e:mail message about you. Her role has changed once again at Enron! She is running more of a fundamentals group at present. Wanted to know if you would be interested in that. Told her that I couldn't speak for you. I'd suggest that you contact her and talk with her even if at first blush that may not be your first interest. Can't hurt to hear about what she is doing and spend some time with her. You may not then be interested in her rotation, but you'll know more and she will know you. FYI - she is a University of Nebraska graduate. --Sally
Conversation with Julie Gomez
I asked Mike this week if your baby was here, and he said that you had just returned to the office. Congratulations on the birth of your little girl. I hope that all three of you are surviving those first few weeks of adjustment and that sleep is not too short a commodity in your house! I will look forward to seeing pictures of Lauren when I am next in London. You do know that now that you are a dad that it is a requirement to be armed with adorable pictures at all times? !
Just a quick note to see how you are doing. I mentioned your name today to Kristin Albrecht. She is a Senior Director over Risk Management for Enron Broadband Services (EBS). Kristin and I used to work together in Enron Americas, and we had lunch today to catch up. She grew up in Wharton and is an A&M graduate, so it occurred to me that you two have at least two things in common. I wanted you to know that I have given Kristin your name. She can be another contact for you here at Enron. If you are interested in what is going on at EBS or want to get Kristin's impressions on rotations within or outside EBS, she would be great for you to visit with. Drop by soon to give me an update on life at Enron for you. --Sally
Catch Up
Along with Mike McConnell, I am active in recruiting for Enron's Analyst Program at the University of Oklahoma. We became involved in recruiting there two years ago when I learned about a targeted undergraduate program that seemed like it could be a good fit for our program. OU transformed their old PLM (Petroleum Land Management) program into the Energy Management Program in the School of Business. This undergraduate degree retains the geology, business law and other specialized classes that were part of the PLM program, but adds additional finance hours with a focus on derivatives and a trading floor course. With the added plus of many of these students growing up in or around "energy" families in Oklahoma or Texas, I thought that recruiting top graduates from this program could be beneficial to Enron. Our recruiting efforts at OU continue to be successful and our OU Energy Management graduates have done well at Enron. Our first hire from OU (and the top Energy Management student) was Jody Crook. He joined the analyst program last February after a December 1999 graduation. His first rotation has been on my team, working as a risk book administrator in gas trading. He is in the process of looking for a second rotation at the end of February, and I think that he is someone that you should consider for a rotation on your team. In addition to this last year's risk experience at Enron, Jody worked as a landman for two summers for Burlington Resources. I was very involved in recruiting Jody to Enron. I think very highly of him, and want to be sure that he has good rotations while in the Analyst program. His background and your business seem to be a good fit. Please visit with Jody as he contacts your group about a rotation. It will be well worth your time. Thanks.
Recommendation for Analyst Rotation - Jody Crook
Along with Mike McConnell, I am active in recruiting for Enron's Analyst Program at the University of Oklahoma. We became involved in recruiting there two years ago when I learned about a targeted undergraduate program that seemed like it could be a good fit for our program. OU transformed their old PLM (Petroleum Land Management) program into the Energy Management Program in the School of Business. This undergraduate degree retains the geology, business law and other specialized classes that were part of the PLM program, but adds additional finance hours with a focus on derivatives and a trading floor course. With the added plus of many of these students growing up in or around "energy" families in Oklahoma or Texas, I thought that recruiting top graduates from this program could be beneficial to Enron. Our recruiting efforts at OU continue to be successful and our OU Energy Management graduates have done well at Enron. Our first hire from OU (and the top Energy Management student) was Jody Crook. He joined the analyst program last February after a December 1999 graduation. His first rotation has been on my team, working as a risk book administrator in gas trading. He is in the process of looking for a second rotation at the end of February, and I think that he is someone that you should consider for a rotation on your team. In addition to this last year's risk experience at Enron, Jody worked as a landman for two summers for Burlington Resources. I was very involved in recruiting Jody to Enron. I think very highly of him, and want to be sure that he has good rotations while in the Analyst program. His background and your business seem to be a good fit. Please visit with Jody as he contacts your group about a rotation. It will be well worth your time. Thanks.
Analyst Rotation Recommendation - Jody Crook
I hear that Dad was in the emergency room for some hours earlier this week. Glad to hear that it just seemed to be a virus. Mom does seem to like that Heart Hospital... Check out the website for the place in Asheville, NC that I mentioned to you. Address is - if I knew how to hotlink for you I would, but I am not the techie!! We had dinner there one night while in Asheville and had a great meal and though that the place was pretty - a lot better than the overpriced, under-delivered Grove Park Inn. Our friends the Tylers spent several nights at the Richmond Inn that same summer. It looks pretty good in the photos, and you can see the mountains!! Only airlines that fly from here into Asheville are Delta and US Air. Continental flies to Greenville/Spartanville, SC which is about 60 to 70 miles from Asheville - not impossible, given that we would want some cars. I will get info on prices and stuff for lodging and airfare - then we can decide if we want to show this to Mom and Dad as a possibility. Hope all is well with the three of you. Are you making the trip to Halletsville on Saturday, assuming no rain out? I am not going to make it - need a little r&r at home and to wash some clothes!! Love, Sally
Anniversary Trip
Congratulations to you and Lanettte on the birth of Nicole Mackenzie. What a pretty name! I was in London last week and got the news while I was there. I hope that everyone in your household is doing well, although I know that you are probably a bit sleep deprived. That will pass - although with your first one that is really hard to believe. Please stop by as soon as you have pictures. I would love to see them. --Sally
During the budgeting process for 2001 I gave Dave Delainey an estimated cost savings for Energy Operations assuming the sale of HPL. Since this is clearly on the horizon, we need to take a close look at opportunities for cost savings and our estimated timing on those savings. I will ask James by copy of this memo to set up a meeting late this week to cover this. I want to be able to get back with Dave with more detailed estimates of cost savings.
2001 Anticipated Budget Adjustments for HPL Sale
The name of the restaurant that I liked for lunch was Christophers. It is at Victoria Station, or in the lobby of what was or is a hotel at Victoria Station. Quick walk from the office. Apparently, there is another location at Covent Gardens. Dinner last night was fun. It is always great to see you either in Houston or London. Sorry that our goodbye was so abrupt. I think that the taxi driver was afraid that we would get him killed! I called home last night and told Amanda about our discussion on a day in Paris. She is ready!! Let us know when you will next be in Houston. I should be here quarterly - probably head back in March or April. --Sally
Restaurant Name
Please check the dates for that OpRisk seminar in New York and put those on my calendar tentatively. I got a message from Shona trying to schedule a trip to Mexico and she thought that the week of February 5th looked good. I assume that she checked with you and that my calendar looked clear. While I have not yet made a decision on attending the NY seminar, I do need to hold those dates. I left Shona a message telling her that the week of February 19 would be better. --Sally
Technology is wonderful - I can log on here in the London office just as I do in Houston. I feel very in touch. Sounds like you have been busy - I think that the variety of items for the Sunday meeting sounds good. Thanks for taking care of all of this. London is cold but sunny - so very nice. I do love coming here - hope to make the trip once a quarter this year. I will be back at home by Friday evening, so let me know if there is anything that I can do before the meeting. Otherwise I will see you on Sunday. Too bad that Nancy doesn't want the input from the girls on presentation. I think that taking likes and dislikes would be good - no commitment to make changes that the girls' might suggest, but I think that it would be wonderful to have their input. They are the honorees. Oh, well you say, this is volunteer work and probably not worth getting too worked up over the whole thing. --Sally
Reply - NCL Update
Any room at the inn? I am looking for a spot for Beth Apollo. She will be working with me, starting on January 29th in Houston. --Sally
Beth's location
I have reviewed my section of Causey's presentation ( to be given by Brenda) and all looks fine except for page with world map. Can we add Portland to the map? That is the true trading location that is missing. If it is tough to do, don't worry about it. Thanks. --Sally
Causey Presentation
I can access the global compensation system from London. Today I have been able to log on and to review as read only the info that I submitted on Friday for bonus and LTI. I assume that I will be able to access the screens for merits as well. Please get back with me via e:mail and let me know our instructions and time deadlines for merit increases. I will want to give my direct reports access to the system so that they can input their recommendations. I will also want to send them an e:mail with instructions and expectations. Having asked for more funds for the bonus pool, I would like for us to be within the guidelines for merit increases. Outside this process, we can address any increases that may be warranted given the market data gathered by Todd Burke. We can process those agreed upon requests, but will not include those dollars within our merit totals. That way, won't have to request additional dollars for these worksheets. Better not to ask for exceptions on everything!!! What is the word on bonus dollars? Is everything finalized as I submitted? Let me know. If we need to talk directly, contact Patti for a number where you can reach me. Thanks.
Merit Increases
Patti: Please forward this message to Tom Hopwood. =20 Tom: The good (or bad) news was that I was here late enough to see the mem= o=20 come out on e:mail Friday night. Most will see this on Tuesday after the= =20 holiday. I did get a few calls tonight from a hardy few that were still he= re=20 in the office. I will call you when I am back from London. Thanks for all= =20 of your help this week on the two meetings. --Sally=20
Managing Director and Vice President Elections
The promotional memo came out a couple of hours too late for me to be able to mention it to you on the phone this afternoon. Congratulations on your promotion to Managing Director. --Sally
Just wanted to drop you a note to let you know that I will be in the London office during the week of January 15. I will arrive just after lunch on Monday and plan to be there through Thursday. Much of my time will be spent with Fernley and Mike Jordan. If you have a few minutes while I am in town, it would be great to get with you to hear if there is anything that is of particular concern or interest to you in supporting the continuing growth of your business in 2001. I will stop by while I am in the office. --Sally
London - Week of January 15
Congratulations on your promotion to Vice President! Well deserved and a nice way to cap off your stay in London. I look forward to celebrating with you in London next week. --Sally
I will be working in the London office Monday through Thursday, January 15 - 18 and will be be flying back to Houston on Friday, January 19. My assistant, Patti Thompson (x39106), has a contact numbers for me in London. I will be checking voice mail and e:mail regularly while I am there. Key contacts in Houston next week will be: DPR and MPR Shona Wilson x39123 Gas Operations Jeff Gossett x37306 (in Chicago office Jan. 16 & 17) Bob Hall x36956 Power Operations Stacey White x31870 Leslie Reeves x37962
In London Office - January 15-19
Mark Frevert has reviewed the attached addition to the upcoming organizational memo and has asked that I forward it to you to be included. This would be included in the section under Commercial Support, added as an additional bullet point beneath the one that addresses Business Analysis and Reporting (I believe that these bullet points are on Page 3 of the draft memo). Please call me at x35926 if you have any questions.
Insert for Organizational Memo
Please print attachment and make sure that e:mail addresses are included for the students. Call Ted if any problems. Thanks. We will need this to send invitations to students and Ted (plus some Enron folks) to a tour of Enron Field and dinner on January 31. Let's talk about arranging details. thanks.
Forgot the Attachment
Leslie: Can you attend this meeting for me? I will be in London. Patti: Can you get time and location for Leslie and let them know that she will be there instead of me? Thanks.
Agenda for SAP Optimization Meeting -- Wednesday, Jan. 17
I will be in London the week of January 15th. I understand from Beth that you and Frank will be in Spain on Monday night. Beth and I plan to have dinner that night. Will you be back in town later in the week? I have business plans for dinner on Tuesday and Thursday. Could you make dinner on Wednesday night (the 17th)? There is an Enron happy hour for Beth that I will stop by at 6:30 that night, but I expect to be free after that. I have a belated Christmas gift for you. Hope we can get together! --Sally
Coming to London
There isn't much to the memo, but this is it! It came out well after the e= nd=20 of the work day for most folks. I believe that Patti has sent you my trave= l=20 plans for next week. Have a great weekend!=20
Managing Director and Vice President Elections
In order to ensure our Network resources are available for critical business purposes, IPTV will be unavailable until further notice. We will be sending out another email when IPTV becomes available. Thank you for your support and understanding.
The City of Houston is sponsoring a city-wide blood drive at the George R. Brown Convention Center today. For your convenience, Enron is providing transportation to and from the Convention Center from 9am-3pm. Transportation will be leaving from the Enron Building every half hour.
City Wide Blood Drive Today
Wow! Enron employees and other Houstonians are showing such generosity! The response to the blood drive has been outstanding. Employees from Continental Airlines and other surrounding corporations have come to our blood donation site to give. Blood Center personnel have informed us that because of the overwhelming response donations are now being taken on a first-come, first-served basis. The Blood Center is attempting to keep appointments on schedule. However, we ask for your patience and understanding if there is a delay. It is indeed gratifying to witness your continued generosity to the community and beyond.
Blood Drive Update
Due to the problems we always seem to have regarding non-EOL transacted gas deals, the following procedure should be followed from today forward: Please send, via e-mail, the terms of gas deals that are transacted with another power trader or transacted with a gas trader over the phone. We will then ensure that it gets captured in the gas valuation system. Please forward this to your direct reports. Thanks,
Non-EOL gas transactions.
In this issue: - Feature: A tribute to our friends lost this week. - RWR's August Portfolio Review. - All the news, commentary, and earnings reports, plus price performance and valuation charts. <<prometheus010914.pdf>> Best regards,
The Prometheus File - Energy Technology Weekly 09/14/01
Enron Wholesale Services (excluding Net Works) has nearly 1350 invoices totaling almost $12 million waiting for coding and approval in the iPayit system. Over 900 invoices have been in the system greater than 30 days. Although a company-wide task force is working to improve the entire process, each of us needs to do our part to ensure accurate and timely payment to our vendors. Following are the statistics on invoices in the system greater than 30 days: ENA 443 invoices totaling $4.3 million EBS 358 invoices totaling $4.6 million EGM 87 invoices totaling $262 thousand EIM 33 invoices totaling $123 thousand If you purchase items that generate invoices (including cell phones, pagers, etc. ), or if you are responsible for coding and approving invoices, you will receive an e-mail notification that an invoice has arrived in your iPayit inbox. You must log on to iPayit and take the appropriate action. No one else can process the invoice for payment while it is in your iPayit inbox. We expect EWS to stay current and process the invoice within 5 days of notification. We will continue to monitor the status of accounts payable and expect to see significant improvement by the end of September. If you need assistance processing outstanding invoices, please contact Christa Winfrey at <>.
Accounts Payable Status
Thank you all for being so responsive. I'm still waiting for claims on: Ameren AIG CLECO Colonial ConAgra Dominion Enterprise Chase Noble Cornerstone Occidental Carolina Power and Light Southern Co. Western Gas Resources Anyone? Please let me know by noon today. Thanks again for your help.
Everyone, As we stated earlier, this particular virus that is on the internet is causing a lot of issues for Corporations. As a result, the companies who write anti-virus software are continuously updating their software. As of this morning, another update has been made available to us. This update does a better job of protecting your PC than the update we received last night. At this time, it is extremely important that you again go through one of the procedures listed below to get the latest update. 1. Logout of the network and log back in or 2. Click on START>PROGRAMS>ACCESSORIES>Norton AntiVirus Corporate Edition and then click the Live Update button. This will pop up a screen where you will have to click the "Next" button and then a "Finish" button. - If you are an EES user, this option is not available to you. Please use option 1. The proper version of the update pattern you need is: (9/18/2001, version 30918BL) - You may need to restart the Norton Anti-Virus client if you want to visually insure that you have the latest update. If you have questions or concerns, please direct them to your Resolution Center. Enron Global Technology
Update to Virus Protection Software #2
As we near the end of the year, I want to make clear some individual VAR limits I have come up with as we go forward. These will change from time to time as to allocate VAR to desks that are profitable and re-adjust VAR when desks are not profitable. Please read carefully. If you have any questions feel free to see me. There will be penalties for not staying within your VAR limits. I will be reasonable but fines will be assessed for repeated breakage. Rob Benson - 7 MM Paul Broderick - 1.2 MM Gautum Gupta - 1.5 MM Joe Quenet - 300K Ben Rogers - 300K Garrett Tripp - 300K
VAR Limits
All, As you have some visa condition associated to your employment with UBS, we will shortly be forwarding to you an assignment letter that allows you to provide services to UBS whilst still an employee of Enron. This assignment letter will only be applicable until your visa is approved by the INS. Therefore, if any of you will be out of the office this week/early next week, can you please let me know. Kind regards,
Transfer to UBS
On October 19, Consumers Energy filed tariff sheets and workpapers changes rates and rate calculation methodologies for firm and non-firm transmission service. Consumers states that the filing is in compliance with a letter order issued by the Commission October 5. The filed sheets are to have retroactive effective dates (1992; 1993). Interventions/protests are due Nov. 16. Please contact me if you need further information.
Consumers Energy -- tariff filing
Hi All, I would be greatful if you could get to me today via e:mail a job description for your current role. I would like to get this to the immigration attorneys so that they can finalise the paperwork in preparation for INS filing once the UBS deal is signed. Kind regards,
Job Descriptions
Dear Enron Employees: I'm sorry to report that a third Enron employee has died in the hospital as a result of injuries from yesterday's explosion and fire at Teesside Power Station. To lose another employee is a devastating blow to all of us. A fourth employee remains in the hospital and is in stable condition. Please keep these employees and their families in your thoughts and prayers. We will release their names as soon as all family members and relatives have been notified. I'm in the U.K. now and will be visiting with the employees and families who've been affected by this tragic accident. I will also visit the site and will meet with authorities in order to determine the cause of the explosion. I will keep you posted on any new developments.
Teesside Update
eSource Presents Free CountryWatch Training This class will provide an introduction and overview of the CountryWatch product offerings and services including Country Reviews, Country Wire, CountryWatch Data and Business Services components. Identify how Enron employees can use the CountryWatch products in order to satisfy country-specific research and business needs. Attend one of our CountryWatch Sessions: August 13 1:30 - 2:30 PM EB5C2 August 13 2:45 - 3:45 PM EB5C2
CountryWatch Training
The cancer journey is sometimes lonely and frustrating for both those suffering with the disease and those providing care. But it can also be a time of friendship, personal growth, humor, and fulfillment. Please join Marlene Lockey, Sr. Social Work Counselor at MD Anderson Cancer Center on Wednesday, August 15, 2001 at 11:30 a.m. in the Forum in 2AC (12th floor) for a Brown Bag session on "Caring for the Caregiver." Marlene has many stories to share, as well as many ways to cope with the challenges of living with cancer. The presentation will be followed by an audience discussion, so please bring your questions and experiences. Contact Laura Herrera - if you would like to attend.
"Caring for the Caregiver" - MD Anderson Brown Bag"
If you're receiving this email its because we're still waiting on a response from you. Please reply to this message ASAP. See below for details. Thanks, Dan We are in the process of confirming that all traders are set up correctly and ready to trade when the system goes live. We need to make sure that your Stack Managers are accessing the correct database. In order to do this, we need to know how you access Stack Manager: 1) Through Terminal Server (the one that opens up a desktop within a desktop and it actually appears that you have two Start buttons). or 2) By opening the Stack Manager directly from your "native" desktop (stand alone computer). Please reply to this message with either a corresponding "1" or a "2" in the subject field. If you're not sure which one you have, please contact myself x39673, Teresa Mandola x39807 or Jennifer McQuade x53614 and we'll come by your desk to help you. Thank you,
Waiting on your reply -Stack Users
You may have seen recent media reports on the topics of possible EPA action= on New Source Review (NSR) regulation and multipollutant legislation, so I= wanted to summarize some of the important current developments: New Source Review: EPA was asked to conduct a 90-day review of NSR and come up with recommenda= tions for the larger Bush National Energy Plan. EPA held several public h= earings and solicited public comments, which closed July 27. Enron submit= ted comments (which I sent by e-mail on 7/30/01). EPA has indicated that = it will report to the President only on "impacts of NSR on the power sector= " on August 17 and delay any specific recommendations for NSR reform until = mid-September. Stories in the past few days have suggested that EPA's findings will "ease = emissions standards" on coal utilities. Such characterizations are somewhat= slanted, as they are based on information coming from environmental groups= who oppose any NSR reform -- but there is some substantive merit behind th=
New Source Review & Multipollutant Update
In this issue: - Feature: Model Portfolio Review, July 2001 - Gimme Shelter - Southern California Edison and PG&E challenge the Department of Water Resources on rate increases. - All the news, commentary, and earnings reports, plus price performance and valuation charts. <<prometheus010810.pdf>> Best regards,
The Prometheus File - Energy Technology Weekly 08/10/01
Hi all! Attached is a breif outline on the NJ Basic Generation Service Standard Offer. - Please read. Although this will have risks regarding capacity, ancillary services, and basis; This may be an excellent means to test the PJM standard offer market, since the minimum size required would be a 100MW slice. The NJ Board of Public Utiltiy is currently shaping the auction process, and our regulatory people have been involved by interventions. Jeff Ader (EES) has been working with regulatory to push that this should be a retail deal (similar to the retail customers that New Power won from PECO) and not a wholesale deal. Is this the message we want to send? I suggested to regulatory that we propose that it should be split as to allow the best pricing for the NJ utilities and for everyone to be able to participate. They suggested that if EES has more interest than EWS (apparently they wish to take 1000MW of this), that we should push the retail. How would retail take the ancillary and capacity risk? Are we set up such that EES would have a better chance of winning this? What is our interest in taking on these exposures? Can we meet later today, or tomorrow (Friday) to determine at least, how we want regulatory to proceed with the BPU. Nick, Palmer and I had a conference call with regulatory yesterday, and want to get back to them as they will be filing with the BPU very shortly.
NJ Standard Offer
Rob, ConEd is looking for strictly indicative levels for monthly power in Zone G & J in NY for Nov-April 02, 5x16 for 100-300 MW. They are going to send out an RFP in mid September, and are trying to determine the alternatives. The possible products are: 1) Purchase monthly power in Zone G & Z On peak November through April, they would like to see our indicative offer on a monthly basis for both zones. 2) Purchase a collar (potentially zero cost) whereby the cap price will be $15 above the underlying and the floor is approx. $10 below underlying. These would be daily options with automatic exercise for 100 MW. 3) The final alternative would be a ConEd purchase of a daily call option with a strike $15 above the underlying and limit the # of times that they could exercise, e.g. first 5 times in a given month. This RFP will be out the second week of September, if you could give us an indication as to what the pricing may be, then they could better determine which is their best course of action. Thanks. Nick
ConEd upcoming RFP
Howard, during a recent strategy meeting we had several questions as to how the virtual process will be implemented, and how that will change the markets we trade. In particular, we are curious about the resolution of certain issues including system integrity insofar as SCUC is concerned and how ancillary costs will be passed. Obviously, we certainly are still very curious about the latest expected start-date. Please let us know your thoughts on these issues and any others you feel relevant. Thanks.
Virtual Bidding in NYISO
The Enron Wellness department's 3rd quarter blood drive will be held on Thursday, September 13, 2001, from 7am-4pm. For your convenience two mobile coaches from the M. D. Anderson Blood Center will be parked outside the Enron Building on Andrews Street. Contact the Enron Health Center at Ext. 3-6100 or via email at: for more information or to schedule an appointment. Walk-ins are welcome. ***************** Enron employees have donated 360 units of blood in 2001. Through our partnership with M. D. Anderson Cancer Center Enron employees assist not only the Houston community but also our employees and their families. Let's continue the spirit of giving by donating blood on September 13th!
Enron Blood Drive
Due to Labor Day the next Prometheus File will be on September 7th. In this issue: - Feature: The Future of Asset Free Returns - The California Public Utilities Commission delays votes on rate increases. - All the news, commentary, and earnings reports, plus price performance and valuation charts. <<prometheus010824.pdf>> Best regards,
The Prometheus File - Energy Technology Weekly 08/27/01
The U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, DC Circuit, issued a ruling today on the EPA Section 126 Rule. (As brief background, the 126 Rule would have required compliance with more stringent summer-season NOx caps starting in May 2003 in several northeast and Midwest states) The Order states: "It is Ordered that EPA's Section 126 Rule is remanded as to all cogenerators, but vacated only as to those cogenerators classified as electric generating units ("EGUs") under the rule that supply equal to or less than one third of their potential capacity or equal to or less than 25 MW to the grid for sale per year." Translation: This part of the order appears to "vacate" or completely throw out the 126 rule for small cogen units (under 25 MW) or cogen units selling less than 1/3 into the grid. For all other cogenerators, the court remands the rule to EPA for re-working, consistent with some of the court's earlier objections about EPA's handling of cogens. Impact: EPA will need to go back and formulate rules for cogens altogether, so there is currently no NOx compliance schedule in place for cogen units. EPA will need to start from scratch for smaller cogens. "It is Further ordered that as of May 15, 2001, the date of this court's decision, the three-year compliance period for emissions limitations applicable to EGUs under the Section 126 Rule is tolled, pending EPA's resolution of the remand of EGU growth factors ordered by this court." Translation: This more significant part of the order "tolls" -- or puts on hold -- compliance with the 126 Rule for ALL ELECTRIC GENERATING UNITS (EGUs) until EPA resolves EGU growth factor issues that the court identified in its May 15, 2001 ruling.
Court Decision on NOx - EPA Section 126 Rule
How well do you know our Code of Ethics? "It is a condition of employment that each employee accept the responsibility of complying with the foregoing policies. The Company will require each employee of the Company to complete and submit a statement in a form designated by the Company pertaining to such employee's compliance with the policies set forth in this booklet. The Company reserves the right to request any employee to complete and submit such statement at any time or as frequently as the Company may deem advisable." (Enron Code of Ethics, July 2000, page 62) What does that mean? In layman's terms, everyone employed by Enron agrees to all the policies and standards listed in the current Code of Ethics (July 2000). Who does it apply to? The Code of Ethics applies to all employees, third party contractors, guests and licensees of Enron. Additionally, employees are responsible for their family members and/or personal household who use, own, or have access to Enron's communication services and equipment -- including telephones, fax machines, computers, computer modems, long distance telephone services, cell phones, voice mail, pagers, e-mail, mail and delivery services.
Code of Ethics -- What Exactly Did I Agree To?
Attention Outlook User: You are receiving this message to alert you that at 8:00 p.m. CST today the Exchange server that your mail file resides on will be taken down for maintenance for approximately one hour. During this outage, access to your Outlook client including email, calendar ,contacts and public folders will be unavailable. In addition, access to your email via OWA (Outlook Web Access) will also be unavailable. Messages intended for delivery will be queued and delivered once the server is back online. This preventive measure is taking place to ensure that some of the issues you may have experienced today with slowness will not continue to happen. We apologize for the late notice and appreciate your continued support. Thanks,
URGENT: Outlook Outage
Torrey, Rob Benson is currently trading two general power regions (PJM and New York) under one EOL ID. He manages one stack manager of which all deals are mapped to his EPMI-LT-PJM book. He would like to create an additional stack manager so that he can divide the two regions into their own stack and manage them on separate screens. All of the deals would continue to go into the LT-PJM book. Let me know if this would be doable and what I need to do on my side to help out. Thanks!
Multiple Stack Manager
Mailbox move notification Tonight, starting at 6:00pm, we will be performing database maintenance on your Email server. During this time, your mailbox will be intermittently unavailable for you to access. Please close Outlook prior to 6:00pm. All maintenance is expected to be complete by 6:00am. If you have problems after this maintenance, please call the Resolution Center at x31411.
Server Maintenance: Nahou-msmbx05v
Please use the next week to clean up our database of delivery locations and regions currently still in Enpower. I would like to start the database clean with only the key hubs listed: NEPOOL PTF NY Zone J NY Zone G NY Zone A Ontario PJM East Hub PJM West Hub PJM West Cinergy Com-Ed TVA Entergy SOCO ERCOT South (FP) ERCOT North (Basis) Let's use this opportunity to clean up Enpower and start with a truly clean set of books. Team - Am I missing anthing?
The following e-mail is to confirm my understanding of the following verbal assurances provided to me as part of the intent and conditions for signing a contingent employment agreement/retention package related to the sale of the Enron gas and power trading business ("Enron trading business") to a new entity. If a new entity purchases the Enron trading business and the contingent employment agreement executed on January 5, 2002 becomes a valid and binding agreement, Enron's management will not initiate a lawsuit to recover the 2001 performance bonus payments. Enron and/or purchaser of the Enron trading business will seek approval from the bankruptcy judge of the 2001 performance bonus payments to eliminate any future uncertainty with respect to the validity of those payments. To the extent the total retention $'s available for the Enron trading business employees is increased above current levels (from the leading bidder as of January 5, 2002), the intent of Enron's senior management is to make an upward adjustment to the individual employees who have committed to the new entity such that the employee maintains a substantially similar percentage of the total "pool" of retention $'s.
Auction Employment Agreements with Condition Precedents
From Kevin Presto: Attached is the spreadsheet version of the template we discussed this morning. I have added the additional columns everyone requested. I would now like the business unit leads to fill in the blanks such that we have an initial Power Implementation Plan that can be delivered to Louise on Friday. With respect to East Power (I am out Thursday and Friday), I am delegating to all of my desk heads the responsibility the following: 1) Have all of the forms attached spreadsheet forms complete 2) A product offering sheet is added to the template. Fletch & Dana - Please take the lead on creating the product offering list (physical and financial). My recommendation is we put products out through 03 for all regions (financial and physical). Obviously, the physical products will be contingent on receiving a power marketing license. Cory and Don Baughman - Please take a crack at identifying all of the transmission service agreements we need for the East (Christi has started a list already). The transmission agreement list attached can be used to prioritize or assign commercial people to transmission/pool agreements. It is not correct on the timing under the pools, so don't rely on that column.
NETCO Implemention Template
Hey Rob. How's it going? I wanted to let you know that Chris' girlfriend Lisa is giving him a suprise birthday brunch on Sunday, December 9. Will you call her about the details and to let her know if you'll be able to make it. Her cell phone is 713-480-1076. Hopefully we'll see you there. Kim
Chris' Birthday
This is a notice to inform you that the server where your Outlook mailbox resides is scheduled for an outage tonight. Your mailbox will be temporarily unavailable starting anytime after 11pm and may continue to be unavailable until 1 a.m., when all server maintenance work have been completed. Outlook Web Access (OWA) will also be unavailable during this time. Blackberry users: Message delivery may be delayed for a few minutes. If you have any questions, please call the Resolution Center at x31411.
CORRECTION: Outlook Outage - Friday, December 28, 2001
Good Morning...I spoke to Tony Jarrett late yesterday afternoon regarding our benefits. Your benefits and claims will continue with Enron thru the end of February. We SHOULD receive our new benefit cards by March 1, 2002. Thanks for your patience.
Benefit Update
All Learned of an opp today for a L.T. physical toll on a peaking plant in PJM. Probably way too early for this, but we may be able to follow this one and act when we're further along. Here are the details: Plant is being developed by PPL - consists of 10 LM 6000's, due online by May 03 (~450 MW). turbines will be on site shortly w/ construction due to start in April PPL has entered an LOI to sell the completed plant to a team of investors led by John Hancock Financial (their Arclight division, or something like that) seeking 20-25 year toll Electric interconnection is South Acron bus (Lancaster, PA - eastern PJM) Gas interconnection is direct to Columbia mainline They are looking for an indicative number this monday, but admitted that it'll stretch out for at least a few weeks. I'm in Houston through end of today, so please swing by or call me tomorrow at 978-449-9936 if you wish to discuss. thanks
long-term PJM tolling opportunity
Guys, Navigant is now following up with us regarding the TCC bids in the CH Resources auction. We did make the 2nd round as you may recall (for TCCs only), but I need to know whether you guys are still interested given many changes since then. Contract ID# 2645 2646 Start Date 11/01/2000 11/01/2000 End Date 10/31/2005 10/31/2002 Point of Injection ID# 61752 61752 Point of Injection Name West West Point of Injection Zone Zone A Zone A Point of Withdrawal ID# 61758 61758 Point of Withdrawal Name Hud VL Hud VL Point of Withdrawal Zone Zone G Zone G Summer MW 46 4 Winter MW 46 4 Please advise. Thanks. Pete
Kevin: Rob Benson called me this morning to ask about the process for Permanent Residency (Green Card). At this time, I have been asked to hold on all new Green Card applications until further notice. However, we might want to amend Rob's visa status from L1B to L1A, making it easier, faster and cheaper to process the Green Card, hopefully in the near future. Rob was originally brought into the US in the capacity of Associate and this is why we used the L1B visa and not the L1A at that time. Now that he is a Director, we should be able to amend his visa to L1A. (The L1A is usually for Managers or above, or someone managing a function). Do I have your authority to go ahead with the amendment? The approximate cost is $1,000. Thank you
Robert Benson's Visa
The Enron Center Garage has opened. Employees who work for business units that are scheduled to move to the new building and are currently parking in an Enron Contract garage you are being offered a parking space in the new Enron Center garage. This is the only offer you will receive during the initial migration to the new garage. Spaces will be filled on a first come first served basis. The cost for the new garage will be the same as Allen Center garage which is currently $165.00 per month, less the company subsidy, leaving a monthly employee cost of $94.00. If you choose not to accept this offer at this time, you may add your name to the Enron Center garage waiting list at a later day and offers will be made as spaces become available. The Sky Ring that connects the garage and both buildings will not be opened until fall 2001. All initial parkers will have to use the street level entrance to Enron Center North until Sky Ring access is available. Garage stairways next to the elevator lobbies at each floor may be used as an exit in the event of elevator trouble. If you are interested in accepting this offer, please reply via email to Parking and Transportation as soon as you reach a decision. Following your email, arrangements will be made for you to turn in your old parking card and receive a parking transponder along with a an information packet for the new garage. The Parking and Transportation desk may be reached via email at Parking and Transportation/Corp/Enron or 713-853-7060 with any questions.
Enron Center Garage