{ "en": "The TimesOnline reports that the joke fell flat with Jeffrey Turner, who as Chief of Police in Clayton County, Georgia, put Mr Whitton on medical leave when he was shot in the wrist as he tried to foil a robbery earlier this summer.", "ja": "TimesOnlineでは、このゞョヌクはゞョヌゞア州クレむトン郡の譊察眲長であるゞェフリヌ・タヌナヌ氏には通じなかったず報じおいる。圌はホむットン氏が今幎の倏に匷盗を阻止しようずしお手銖を撃たれたずき、ホむットン氏を病気療逊䌑暇措眮にしおいた。" }
{ "en": "\"As soon as we saw it was a hoax, I filed the paperwork to terminate his employment,\" said Chief Turner.", "ja": "「これがいたずらだず知っおすぐに、私は圌の雇甚を打ち切るための文曞を申請した」ずタヌナヌ眲長は語った。" }
{ "en": "\"He's disgraced himself, he's an embarrassment to the Clayton County Police Department, his credibility and integrity as an officer is gone, and I have no use for him,\" he declared.", "ja": "「圌は自分で自分の名を汚したのだ。圌はクレむトン郡譊察の恥だ。圌の信頌ず譊察官ずしおの誠実さはなくなり、私には圌を䜿う道がない」ず圌は衚明した。" }
{ "en": "London, England — With the 2012 Summer Paralympics starting in less than a week, parts of Papua New Guinea's Paralympic delegation arrived in London earlier today in order to support the pair of athletes the country qualified for the Games, athletics competitor Francis Kompaon and powerlifter Timothy Harabe.", "ja": "むギリス、ロンドン−2012幎倏のパラリンピックが1週間足らずで始たるのを前に、パプアニュヌギニアのパラリンピック代衚団の䞀郚が、同囜がパラリンピック出堎資栌を䞎えた遞手2人、陞䞊遞手のフランシス・コンパオンず重量挙げ遞手のティモシヌ・ハラベのサポヌトのために今日ロンドンに到着した。" }
{ "en": "The Games are Kompaon's second, having competed at the 2008 Summer Paralympics where he earned his country's first Paralympic medal when he finished second in the 100 metre event.", "ja": "このパラリンピックはコンパオンにずっお2回目で、圌は2008幎倏のパラリンピックに出堎しお100メヌトル走で2䜍ずなり、パプアニュヌギニアにずっお初のパラリンピックメダルを獲埗した。" }
{ "en": "Harabe, only the tenth person ever to represent his country at the Games, is making his Paralympic Games debut.", "ja": "ハラベは同囜にずっおただ10人目のパラリンピック代衚遞手で、パラリンピックにデビュヌしようずしおいる。" }
{ "en": "The British High Commissioner to Papua New Guinea, Jackie Barson, MBE, wished both athletes well, saying in a written statement, \"It is a fantastic achievement for the PNG to be represented by two world class Paralympic athletes\".", "ja": "むギリスの圚パプアニュヌギニア高等匁務官のゞャッキヌ・バヌ゜ン氏MBE、倧英垝囜勲章団員は、2人の遞手の幞運を願い、文曞で「䞖界トップクラスのパラリンピック遞手2人に代衚されるのは、パプアニュヌギニアにずっお玠晎らしい功瞟だ」ず述べた。" }
{ "en": "PNG Paralympic Committee President Bernard Chan also congratulated his country's athletes, saying, \"They will be great ambassadors for PNG and I hope both Francis and Timothy will inspire other athletes to train hard and hope to represent PNG at this Paralympic level during their participation.\"", "ja": "たたパプアニュヌギニアのパラリンピック委員䌚䌚長のバヌナヌド・チャン氏は、「遞手はパプアニュヌギニアの偉倧な倧䜿ずなるだろうし、フランシスやティモシヌの競技参加䞭、他の遞手もより懞呜に緎習しおこのようなパラリンピックレベルでパプアニュヌギニアを代衚したいず思うだろう」ずしお、遞手たちを祝犏した。" }
{ "en": "The 2012 Games will be the fourth time the country has participated, with the three other appearances happening at the 1984 Summer Paralympics, 2000 Summer Paralympics and 2008 Summer Paralympics.", "ja": "2012幎のパラリンピックは同囜が参加する4床目のもので、これたでの3回は1984幎倏のパラリンピック、2000幎倏のパラリンピック、2008幎倏のパラリンピックだった。" }
{ "en": "Other members of the Papua New Guinea 2012 Paralympic delegation include PNG Paralympic Committee President Bernard Chan; Chef de Mission Dr. Kefu Ma; team manager Rosemary Mawe; Davina Chan, the president's wife; coach William McKenny; and official Jeffrey Robby.", "ja": "2012幎のパプアニュヌギニアパラリンピック代衚団の他の団員には、パプアニュヌギニアパラリンピック委員䌚䌚長のバヌナヌド・チャン氏、遞手団長のケフ・マ博士、チヌムマネゞャヌのロヌズマリヌ・モヌ氏、䌚長の劻のダビナ・チャン氏、コヌチのりィリアム・マケニヌ氏、圹員のゞェフリヌ・ロビヌ氏がいる。" }
{ "en": "India's economy has grown by 9.2 percent in Q2 (July-September) of the fiscal year 2006-07, which was 8.4 percent last year for the same quarter.", "ja": "むンド経枈は䌚蚈幎床2006〜2007幎床第2四半期7月〜9月に9.2成長し、前幎同四半期のそれは8.4だった。" }
{ "en": "The annual growth rate, of Asia's fourth-largest economy, for the quarter is also higher than that of the last quarter's (April-June), which was 8.9 percent.", "ja": "アゞア4䜍の芏暡を持぀むンド経枈の幎間成長率も、同四半期においお、8.9だった前四半期4月〜6月より高かった。" }
{ "en": "India's annual economic growth has been an average of 8 percent since past three fiscal years.", "ja": "むンドの幎間経枈成長は、過去3䌚蚈幎床で平均8ずなっおいる。" }
{ "en": "According to Central Statistical Organisation, real estate and communications-led services recorded an unexpected increase of 13.9% in the quarter.", "ja": "䞭倮統蚈機構によれば、䞍動産ず通信関連サヌビスが同四半期に予想倖の13.9の増加を蚘録した。" }
{ "en": "Manufacturing sectors, which contribute 17 percent in the GDP, have been recorded 11.9 percent growth comparing to last year's 11.3 percent for the same quarter.", "ja": "GDPの17を圢成する補造業分野は、前幎同四半期の11.3に察し11.9の成長を蚘録した。" }
{ "en": "Reserve Bank of India hiked repo rate by 0.25 percent to 7.25 percent, keeping the reverse repo rate unchanged at 6% on October 31.", "ja": "10月31日、むンド準備銀行はレポレヌトを0.25匕き䞊げお7.25ずし、リバヌスレポレヌトは倉曎せず6のたたずした。" }
{ "en": "Finance minister P. Chidambaram said that he was very worried about the higher inflation rate due to supply side constraints.", "ja": "P・チダンバラム財務倧臣は、䟛絊偎の制玄によっおむンフレ率が高たっおいるこずを匷く懞念するず蚀った。" }
{ "en": "At least seven bomb blasts occurred early on New Year's Eve in Bangkok.", "ja": "倧みそかの早いうちに、バンコクで少なくずも7぀の爆颚が起きた。" }
{ "en": "Four explosions went off almost simultaneously in different parts of Thailand's capital city, at around 6:00 p.m. local time (1100 GMT).", "ja": "4぀の爆発はタむの銖郜の異なる堎所で、珟地時間午埌6時GMT11時頃にほが同時に起きた。" }
{ "en": "The first blast was in a bus-stop shelter at Victory Monument, which is a busy hub for public transportation.", "ja": "最初の爆発は、公共亀通の混雑したハブずなっおいる戊勝蚘念塔近くのバス停の埅合所の䞭で起きた。" }
{ "en": "Five people were injured, and one of them died later at a hospital.", "ja": "5人が負傷し、うち1人はその埌病院で死亡した。" }
{ "en": "Another fatal attack was in the Khlong Toei port district near the Na Ranong intersection, where a bomb hidden in a trash can near a Chinese spirit shrine exploded and injured seven people, one of them a 10-year-old girl.", "ja": "もうひず぀の死者を䌎う爆発はクロヌントゥヌむ枯区のナ・ラノヌン亀差点近くで起き、そこではChinesespiritshrineの近くのゎミ箱に隠されおいた爆匟が爆発しお7人を負傷させ、うち1人は10歳の少女だった。" }
{ "en": "Another was a 61-year-old man who later died at a hospital.", "ja": "もう1人は61歳の男性で、その埌病院で死亡した。" }
{ "en": "The blast caused a secondary explosion to some nearby cooking-gas cylinders.", "ja": "爆発は近くの調理甚ガス容噚の二次爆発を匕き起こした。" }
{ "en": "Seventeen people were wounded in a blast at a police box near a Big C supermarket at the Saphan Kwai intersection.", "ja": "サパン・クワむ亀差点にあるスヌパヌマヌケットBigC近くの亀番では、17人が爆発で負傷した。" }
{ "en": "A witness there said a man dropped a grenade from a pedestrian bridge.", "ja": "そこにいた目撃者は、男が歩道橋から手抎匟を萜ずしたず蚀った。" }
{ "en": "Another blast was at a police box on Sukhumvit Soi 62.", "ja": "別の爆発は、スクムりィット通り62の亀番で起きた。" }
{ "en": "A blast was reported at a police box in Nonthaburi Province on the northern outskirts of Bangkok.", "ja": "爆発はバンコク北偎ぎりぎりのノンタブリヌ県の亀番で起きたず䌝えられた。" }
{ "en": "There was another explosion at a Tesco Lotus store in Prachachuen, while another was planted in a trash bin at Seacon Square, a shopping mall in suburban Bangkok's Prawet district.", "ja": "もうひず぀の爆発はプラチャチュ゚ンにあるテスコ・ロヌタスで起き、さらに別の爆発物はバンコク郊倖のプラりェヌト区にあるショッピングモヌル、シヌコン・スクりェアのゎミ箱に仕掛けられおいた。" }
{ "en": "A bomb squad was able to defuse the device without mishap.", "ja": "爆発物凊理班は、無事に爆発装眮を取り陀くこずができた。" }
{ "en": "Other suspicious packages are being investigated by police at locations throughout the capital, the iTV network in Thailand has reported.", "ja": "銖郜党䜓においお、他の䞍審な荷物はその堎で譊察に調査されたずタむのiTVネットワヌクは䌝えた。" }
{ "en": "The New Year's countdown at CentralWorld was held at around 9:00 p.m. with police and Bangkok Governor Apirak Kosayothin then urging the thousands of gathered revelers to \"go home and stay in peace.\"", "ja": "セントラルワヌルドでの新幎のカりントダりンは午埌9時頃行われ、譊察ずバンコク知事のアピラック・コヌサペヌティン氏は、どんちゃん隒ぎする数千の人たちに察し、「家に垰っお平和に過ごすように」ず匷く呌びかけた。" }
{ "en": "Since then, there have been a number of schools burnt by suspected Thaksin sympathizers in various parts of the country.", "ja": "それ以降タむの様々な堎所で、タクシン支持者ず芋られる集団に倚くの孊校が燃やされた。" }
{ "en": "There is also the ongoing violence by Muslim separatists in the South Thailand insurgency, which has left 1,900 people dead since 2004.", "ja": "さらにタむ南郚の反乱ではむスラム教の分離䞻矩者による継続的な暎動があり、2004幎以降1900人が死亡しおいる。" }
{ "en": "It was not immediately clear if the bombings had anything to do with the coup or the southern insurgency.", "ja": "爆発がその集団や南郚の反乱ず関連しおいるのかどうか、すぐにははっきりしなかった。" }
{ "en": "In southern Afghanistan in the province of Ghazni, the 29-year old Dutch pilot Michael Donkervoort died when his F-16 fighter jet crashed.", "ja": "アフガニスタン南郚のガズニヌ州で、29歳のオランダ人パむロット、MichaelDonkervoort氏が、F-16戊闘機の墜萜で死亡した。" }
{ "en": "\"The plane was flying at a great height when the accident occurred, which means it can be ruled out that the craft was shot down. \"", "ja": "「戊闘機は高高床で飛行䞭この事故が発生したずいうこずは、撃墜された可胜性は排陀できる。」" }
{ "en": " \"We therefore assume it was an accident,\" said the Dutch Defense Ministry.", "ja": "「よっお我々はこれを事故ず考える」ずオランダの防衛倧臣は蚀った。" }
{ "en": "There has been an investigation launched into the cause of the crash, which was found by a team of rescuers from the United States.", "ja": "墜萜を発芋したのは米囜の救助チヌムであり、その埌墜萜原因の調査が始たった。" }
{ "en": "The jet was flying with another F-16 when it crashed.", "ja": "その戊闘機は墜萜時、別のF-16ずずもに飛行䞭だった。" }
{ "en": "The history of the riding can, in some measure, be read in the parties fielding candidates; in addition to the four national parties there are contestants from Libertarian, Communist, and Marxist-Leninist parties.", "ja": "その遞挙区の歎史は、候補者を配眮する政党からある皋床読み取れる。4぀の党囜政党に加えお、自由䞻矩、共産䞻矩、マルクス・レヌニン䞻矩の政党からの立候補者がいる。" }
{ "en": "The rich diversity of the riding has less than half of all households reporting English as the first language at home.", "ja": "遞挙区の豊かな倚様性により、家庭における第䞀蚀語が英語だず報告しおいるのは党䞖垯の半分以䞋だ。" }
{ "en": "Emerson cited this diversity after announcing he would not be running for a third term.", "ja": "゚マヌ゜ン氏は、3期目に立候補しないこずを発衚したあず、この倚様性に぀いお觊れた。" }
{ "en": "\"The reality is, Kingsway was an eminently winnable seat,\" said the Conservative Minister.", "ja": "「珟実は、キングスりェむは明らかに勝おる議垭だ」ずその保守党の倧臣は蚀った。" }
{ "en": "\"Not because I'm a hugely popular fellow in Kingsway, but because of vote splits and the way the first-past-the-post system works.\"", "ja": "「私がキングスりェむで非垞に人気のある人物だからではなく、祚が割れお、埗祚順に圓遞ずするシステムが機胜するからだ。」" }
{ "en": "Key in those vote splits are issues dividing the Liberal and NDP candidates.", "ja": "この祚割れのカギずなるのは、自由党ずNDPの候補を分か぀問題だ。" }
{ "en": "Naturalized Canadian Yuan points to her immigrant history, giving her an empathy with the immigrant and ethnic neighborhoods of the riding.", "ja": "垰化したカナダ人のナアン氏は、自身の移民ずしおの歎史を匷調し、その遞挙区の移民や倖囜人の倚い地域における共感を集めおいる。" }
{ "en": "\"I came with limited means but through hard work, I got recognized and became a successful businesswoman.\"", "ja": "「私には限られた手段しかなかったが、懞呜な努力で認められ、ビゞネスりヌマンずしお成功した。」" }
{ "en": "\"I understand what immigrants have to go through to reach what they want.\"", "ja": "「私は移民が自分の求めるこずを぀かむために䜕を経隓しなければならないかを理解しおいる。」" }
{ "en": "\"I really respect and appreciate and like the multicultural fabric of our riding,\" says her NDP opponent Davies.", "ja": "「私は私たちの遞挙区の倚様な文化の重局性に敬意を持ち、感謝しおいる」NDPの察抗銬、デむビス氏は蚀った。" }
{ "en": "\"I'm the only candidate who lives here with roots here.\" The Teamster's lawyer is originally from Edmonton, but has been living in Vancouver environs since 1991.", "ja": "「私はここにルヌツがあり、ここに䜏んでいる唯䞀の候補者だ。」" }
{ "en": "The Teamster's lawyer is originally from Edmonton, but has been living in Vancouver environs since 1991.", "ja": "そのチヌムスタヌの匁護士ぱドモントン出身だが、1991幎以来バンクヌバヌ界隈に䜏んでいる。" }
{ "en": "The Conservative party candidate Salomon Rayek is not responding to press inquiries from several sources, and is cited as an example of a long-shot candidate - a candidate with little likelihood of being elected yet represents the party anyway.", "ja": "保守党の候補者SalomonRayek氏は耇数の報道機関からの質問に答えおおらず、泡沫候補、぀たり圓遞する可胜性がほずんどないのだが、ずにかく党を代衚しおいる候補の䞀䟋ず蚀われおいる。" }
{ "en": "He's lived for the past three years in the riding, an engineer and small business owner who has a history of community involvement across south Vancouver.", "ja": "圌は過去3幎間この遞挙区に䜏んでおり、゚ンゞニアか぀小芏暡䌁業オヌナヌであり、バンクヌバヌ南郚党䜓での地域掻動に参加しおきた経歎がある。" }
{ "en": "\"I see the neighbourhoods in and around Kingsway as a great place to build on the natural vibrancy of the small business sector as a backbone for ethnically and economically diverse communities.\"", "ja": "「私はキングスりェむずその呚蟺地域は、民族的か぀経枈的に倚様なコミュニティのバックボヌンずしお、小芏暡事業分野の自然な掻気を䜜り䞊げるのに優れた堎所だず芋おいる。」" }
{ "en": "The stage for this fight was set in 2006, when newly-elected Liberal Dave Emerson crossed the floor and directly into the Conservative Cabinet, first as Minister of International Trade then as Minister of Foreign Affairs following the resignation of Maxime Bernier.", "ja": "この戊いの堎は2006幎、新たに圓遞した自由党のデヌブ・゚マヌ゜ン氏が倉節しお最初は囜際貿易倧臣ずしお、次にマキシム・ベルニ゚氏の蟞任により倖務倧臣ずしお、盎接保守党内閣に入ったこずで始たった。" }
{ "en": "His defection stirred a firestorm of controversy locally in the staunchly left-leaning riding, which had elected a Progressive Conservative candidate exactly once since it's creation in 1953 - during the 1958 Diefenbaker landslide.", "ja": "圌の倉節は、1953幎の創蚭からこれたで進歩保守党候補をたった1床だけ、1958幎のディフェンベヌカヌの圧倒的勝利のずきに圓遞させた堅固に巊寄りな遞挙区においお、地域的に賛吊䞡論の嵐を巻き起こした。" }
{ "en": "The resolution, was submitted in the House of Representatives and referred to the U.S. House Committee on International Relations.", "ja": "議案は䞋院に提出され、䞋院倖亀委員䌚に付蚗された。" }
{ "en": "The resolution comes in response to questions that have been raised about the handling of pre-war intelligence by the Bush administration, and the planning and execution of the Iraq war.", "ja": "その議案はブッシュ政暩による戊前の情報の取り扱い、そしおむラク戊争の蚈画ず実行に関しお提起された疑問を受けお䜜られた。" }
{ "en": "\"We would like to see a member of Congress look into whether or not the president committed impeachable offenses,\" said John Bonifaz, a constitutional lawyer.", "ja": "「我々は議䌚議員に、倧統領が匟功すべき眪を犯したのかどうか吟味しおほしい」憲法孊者のゞョン・ボニファス氏は蚀った。" }
{ "en": "\"We've been having that discussion with a number of offices.\"", "ja": "「我々はこの議論をたくさんの関係者ずしおきた。」" }
{ "en": "But Conyers is reluctant to take such a bold step just yet.", "ja": "しかしコニャヌズ氏はそのような倧胆な行動をするこずにただ慎重だ。" }
{ "en": "\"My inclination at this time is not to do something like that,\" Conyers said, although he noted that he wanted to press for an investigation in other ways, including sending committee investigators to London.", "ja": "「珟時点での私の思いずしおは、そのようなこずをしたくない」ずコニャヌズ氏は蚀ったが、委員䌚の調査員をロンドンに送るなど他の方法での調査を求めたいずも蚀った。" }
{ "en": "Earlier this month, Rep. Zoe Lofgren (D-Calif.) said at a forum held by Conyers \"If you read the record of the writing of the Constitution, 'high crimes and misdemeanors' had a very particular meaning at the time of the drafting of the Constitution.\"", "ja": "今月早く、ゟヌむ・ロフグレン氏カリフォルニア州・民䞻党は、コニャヌズ氏が開いた䌚合で「憲法が曞かれたずきの蚘録を読むず、『倧眪や軜眪』には憲法起案圓時の特殊な意味があった」ず蚀った。" }
{ "en": "Rep. Barbara Lee's resolution of inquiry is a less-drastic parliamentary maneuver that would ask the administration to provide more information related to the claims in classified British memos that suggest that pre-war intelligence in Iraq was \"fixed\" in order to justify the invasion.", "ja": "バヌバラ・リヌ議員の調査議案は議䌚工䜜ずしおはそれほど培底的でなく、戊前のむラク情報が䟵攻を正圓化するために「修正された」こずを瀺唆しおいる、むギリスの機密文曞に曞かれた䞻匵に関連する情報を、政暩に察し、より倚く提䟛するよう求めるものだった。" }
{ "en": "The Resolution of Inquiry is a privileged resolution, which means that if it is not acted on in 14 legislative days after it is introduced, the member of Congress who introduced it is entitled to request that it be brought to the House floor for a vote.", "ja": "その調査議案は特暩議案であり、぀たりそれが提出されおから立法日数で14日間着手されない堎合、提出した議員にはそれを䞋院の投祚にかけるこずを求める暩利が認められる。" }
{ "en": "The committee may take the matter up right away, and could vote it down before the August recess.", "ja": "委員䌚は即座に着手するかもしれないが、8月の䌑䌚前に投祚で吊決させるかもしれない。" }
{ "en": "If they do not, they will be required to take it up by September 16th.", "ja": "そうでない堎合、委員䌚はそれを9月16日たでに取り䞊げる必芁がある。" }
{ "en": "The United States has said that \"regional extremists\" may be targeting Air Uganda airplane flights between Southern Sudan and Uganda.", "ja": "米囜は「地域の過激掟」が南スヌダンずりガンダの間を飛ぶりガンダ航空の航空機をねらっおいるかもしれないず蚀った。" }
{ "en": "A warning posted yesterday on the Web site of the US Embassy in Khartoum says there is a \"potential threat\" on the flights between Juba, Sudan and Kampala, Uganda.", "ja": "カトゥンの米囜倧䜿通のWebサむトに昚日掲瀺された譊告は、スヌダンのゞュバずりガンダのカンパラの間のフラむトに「脅嚁の可胜性」があるずした。" }
{ "en": "The embassy did not name the potential attackers but said the threat is of \"sufficient seriousness,\" and that air travelers should \"maintain vigilance at all times.\"", "ja": "倧䜿通は攻撃する可胜性のある者の名前は挙げなかったが、脅嚁は「十分に深刻」であり、飛行機の搭乗者は「぀ねに譊戒する」べきだずした。" }
{ "en": "The US has increased its airport security following the failed attempted December 25 bombing of a Delta flight by a Nigerian man with explosives in his underpants.", "ja": "米囜は12月25日、ナむゞェリア人の男が䞋着に爆発物を隠しおデルタ航空の航空機爆砎を詊み未遂に終わった件を受けお、空枯の安党策を匷化した。" }
{ "en": "Sudan is one of fourteen countries where passengers headed for the US will undergo additional searches at airport security.", "ja": "スヌダンは米囜に向かう乗客が空枯譊備で远加の怜査を受けねばならない14の囜のひず぀である。" }
{ "en": "Two scientists working at McGill University in Canada, reporting on their research and the research of other scientists, state in Scientific American that Vitamin D may have many uses in the human body besides building strong bones.", "ja": "カナダのマギル倧孊に勀務する科孊者ふたりが、圌らの研究ず他の科孊者の研究に぀いお報告し、ScientificAmericanにおいお、ビタミンDは匷い骚を䜜る以倖にも人䜓で倚くの䜿い道があるかもしれないず述べた。" }
{ "en": "According to the scientists, Luz E. Tavera-Mendoza and John H. White, Vitamin D intake may also be beneficial in the prevention of cancer, multiple sclerosis, diabetes, and fighting tuberculosis, influenza and inflammatory bowel disease.", "ja": "その科孊者ら、ルス・E・タベラ・メンドサ氏ずゞョン・H・ホワむト氏によれば、ビタミンDの摂取はガンや倚発性硬化症、糖尿病の予防、結栞、むンフル゚ンザ、炎症性腞疟患ずの戊いにも有益かもしれない。" }
{ "en": "The researchers say that there is an emerging \"widespread consensus\" among experts that a large part of the population has levels of Vitamin D in their bodies that is well below optimal concentrations for health, particularly in temperate regions, due to decreased sunlight and or less time outdoors, and during or just after the winter months.", "ja": "その研究者らは、人口の倧郚分においお䜓内のビタミンDレベルが健康のために最適な濃床を倧きく䞋回っおいるずいう「幅広いコンセンサス」が専門家の間で広がっおいるずし、特に枩暖な地域ず、冬ずその盎埌では日照ず屋倖で過ごす時間が少ないので顕著だずした。" }
{ "en": "One study indicated that as many as 92% of adolescent girls in Northern Europe may have deficient levels of Vitamin D and 37% have severely deficient levels.", "ja": "ある研究では、ペヌロッパ北郚の92もの青幎女子は、ビタミンDのレベルが䞍十分である可胜性があり、37は深刻に䞍足しおいるず瀺唆した。" }
{ "en": "The problem is far worse among African-Americans than Americans with lighter skin.", "ja": "問題は、皮膚の色の薄いアメリカ人よりもアフリカ系アメリカ人においおよりずっず倧きい。" }
{ "en": "Almost half of African-American women may be seriously Vitamin D deficient, with presumably still another fraction deficient.", "ja": "アフリカ系アメリカ人女性の半分近くは深刻なビタミンD䞍足である可胜性があり、もう半分も䞍足しおいるず考えられる。" }
{ "en": "Furthermore, the authors say researchers at Harvard University and elsewhere believe the FDA minimum recommended daily allowance of Vitamin D is far too low.", "ja": "さらに著者らは、ハヌバヌド倧孊などの研究者が米囜食品医薬品局のビタミンDの1日あたりの最小掚奚摂取量が少なすぎるず考えおいるず蚀った。" }
{ "en": "The Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) ranges from 200 to 600 International Units (IU).", "ja": "ビタミンDの掚奚栄逊所芁量RDAは、200〜600囜際単䜍IUの範囲である。" }
{ "en": "The first author takes 1000 IU during wintertime and the second author takes 5,000 IU in wintertime.", "ja": "第䞀著者は冬期には1000IUを摂取し、第二著者は冬期に5000IU摂取しおいる。" }
{ "en": "They do caution, however, that there is a level at which Vitamin D becomes toxic.", "ja": "しかし圌らは、ビタミンDが有害になるレベルがあるず譊告しおいる。" }
{ "en": "Similar research has also been recently performed by researchers at the Queensland University of Technology who found that many elderly were likely not getting sufficient Vitamin D due in part to insufficient exposure to the sun.", "ja": "同様の研究がクむヌンズランド工科倧孊の研究者によっおも最近行われ、圌らは倚くの老人が十分なビタミンDを摂取しおいない可胜性が高く、それは倪陜ぞの露出が䞍十分であるこずが䞀原因だずした。" }
{ "en": "The shooting death by Canadian troops of a 10 year-old boy in Afghanistan has raised fears of a backlash and retaliation.", "ja": "アフガニスタンでのカナダの兵士による10歳の少幎の銃撃死は、反撃ず報埩の恐怖を匕き起こした。" }
{ "en": "The boy was shot and a teenager injured at around 5pm local time yesterday when, while driving a motorcycle, they sped through a roadblock cordoning off the scene of a suicide bombing.", "ja": "昚日の珟地時間午埌5時頃、オヌトバむを運転䞭に自爆テロ珟堎をロヌプで仕切ったバリケヌドを高速で通過したずき、その少幎は銃撃され、ティヌン゚ヌゞャヌ1人が負傷した。" }
{ "en": "A soldier fired a bullet which passed through the 17 year-old driver and killed the boy.", "ja": "兵士は銃匟を発射し、それは17歳の運転手を貫通し、少幎を殺害した。" }
{ "en": "\"A motorcycle carrying two people broke through the Afghan National Police outer security cordon at high speed,\" said Colonel Fred Lewis, deputy commander of the Canadian contingent of NATO's International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) in Afghanistan.", "ja": "「2人を茉せたオヌトバむがアフガン囜家譊察の倖郚譊備バリケヌドを高速で突砎しおきた」ずNATOのアフガニスタン囜際治安支揎郚隊ISAFカナダ分遣隊副叞什、フレッド・ルむス倧䜐は蚀った。" }
{ "en": "\"The driver failed to heed multiple warnings to stop as he headed towards the inner Canadian cordon. \"", "ja": "「運転手は停止を求める耇数の譊告に埓わず、内郚のカナダバリケヌドに向かっお行った。」" }
{ "en": "\"A Canadian ISAF soldier then opened fire in a defensive application of our rules of engagement. \"", "ja": "「そこでカナダのISAF兵は、我々の亀戊芏定の防衛的適甚ずしお発砲した。」" }
{ "en": "\"A single round struck both the driver and the passenger of the motorcycle.\"", "ja": "「1回分の匟薬で、オヌトバむの運転手ず乗客䞡方を銃撃した。」" }
{ "en": "Lewis doubts soldiers had time to fire warning shots due to the speed of the oncoming motorcycle.", "ja": "ルむス氏は、向かっおくるオヌトバむの速床によっお兵士が嚁嚇射撃をする時間がなかったのではないかず考えおいる。" }
{ "en": "He also said that while no explosives were found on the vehicle he had a \"sneaking suspicion\" that soldiers feared the motorcycle carried a second suicide bomber and acted defensively.", "ja": "圌はたた、オヌトバむには爆発物は芋぀からなかったものの、兵士らがそこに第二の自爆テロリストが乗っおいるのではないかず恐れ、防衛的に行動したのではないかずいうこずを「じわじわず感じおいる」ず蚀った。" }
{ "en": "He added that he was concerned that the Taliban would try to exploit the incident for propaganda purposes and that he was concerned about a possible backlash by locals.", "ja": "圌はタリバンがこの事件をプロパガンダ目的に利甚しようずするこず、地元民からの反発がありうるこずを懞念しおいるず付け加えた。" }
{ "en": "\"I would be concerned about it and I think we need to pass the right message to the Afghan people,\" he said.", "ja": "「私はこれを懞念し、我々はアフガニスタンの人々に正しいメッセヌゞを䌝える必芁があるず考えおいる」ず圌は蚀った。" }
{ "en": "\"The message is that we're here to help them and we certainly would never want to hurt them.\"", "ja": "「そのメッセヌゞずは、我々は圌らを助けるために存圚し、今埌決しお圌らを傷぀けたくないずいうこずだ。」" }
{ "en": "Relatives of the boys were at the gates of the Canadian military base last night demanding answers.", "ja": "少幎らの芪族は昚倜、カナダの軍事基地の入口前に回答を求めお集たった。" }
{ "en": "Corporal David Braun was killed in the suicide attack which occurred two hours before the shooting.", "ja": "デビッド・ブラりン䌍長は、その銃撃事件の2時間前に起こった自爆テロで殺害された。" }
{ "en": "Three other soldiers were wounded but are listed in good condition.", "ja": "他の3人の兵士は負傷したが、良い状態だず蚘録されおいる。" }
{ "en": "An Afghan child also died in the blast which occurred when a suicide bomber rammed his car into a Canadian convoy on patrol in Kandahar.", "ja": "アフガニスタン人の子ども1人も、自爆テロリストが圌の車をカンダハヌルを譊備䞭のカナダの護衛隊に衝突させたずきに起きた爆颚で死亡した。" }