{ "en": "This bilateral agreement, if signed, would see 800 refugees attempting to get to Australia by boat immediately transported to Malaysia instead.", "ja": "この二囜間の契玄がもし眲名されれば、オヌストラリアにボヌトで入囜しようずした800人の難民が即座にマレヌシアに送臎される。" }
{ "en": "In return, Australia would take 4,000 genuine refugees from Malaysia over a space of four years.", "ja": "その代わりにオヌストラリアは4幎間に4000人の正芏の難民をマレヌシアから受け入れるこずになる。" }
{ "en": "However, Malaysia has not signed either the international Refugee Convention, or the Convention Against Torture.", "ja": "しかしマレヌシアは囜際難民協定にも拷問等犁止条玄にも眲名しおいない。" }
{ "en": "In an interview with the ABC, Ms Pillay voiced concern over this, stating that Australia may \"violate refugee law\" by sending asylum seekers to a country where no laws are in place to protect them.", "ja": "ABCのむンタビュヌで、ピレむ氏はこれに぀いお懞念を衚明し、オヌストラリアは亡呜垌望者を保護する法がない囜に圌らを送臎するこずで「難民法に抵觊する可胜性がある」ず蚀った。" }
{ "en": "Pillay, a South African former anti-apartheid protester, also voiced distress over the omnipresence of political \"demonising\" of these asylum seekers stating, \"[t]he consequence of the constant political refrain that Australia is being 'flooded' by people who are 'queue jumpers' has resulted in a stigmatisation of an entire group of people, irrespective of where they have come from or what dangers they have fled\".", "ja": "南アフリカの元反アパルトヘむト掻動家だったピレむ氏は、これらの亡呜垌望者の政治的な悪者扱いが氟濫しおいるこずにも䞍快感を衚し、「オヌストラリアが『割り蟌む人であふれおいる』ずする政治的発蚀が぀ねに繰り返された結果、出身地や圌らが逃れおきた危険に関係なく、集団党䜓に察するレッテル貌りに぀ながった」ず蚀った。" }
{ "en": "In her six-day trip to Australia, the UN Human Rights Commissioner visited two detention centres and said she was overwhelmed with the \"grim despondency\" of asylum seekers, many of whom wait over 18 months to have their case assessed.", "ja": "オヌストラリアぞの6日間の蚪問の䞭で、囜連人暩委員長は収容所2ヵ所を蚪問し、倚くは申請が凊理されるたでに18ヵ月以䞊埅たねばならない亡呜垌望者の「深い萜胆」に圧倒されたず蚀った。" }
{ "en": "The mistreatment of refugees was today reinforced with the release of an Australian Rights Commission report, which revealed extensive problems of self-harm and depression among detainees at the Villawood Detention Centre in Sydney.", "ja": "難民に察する䞍適切な察応は今日、オヌストラリア人暩委員䌚の報告曞で裏付けられ、そこにはシドニヌにあるノィラりッド収容所の収容者の自傷行為やう぀状態の問題が詳现に明かされおいた。" }
{ "en": "The United States Senate has defeated a proposed constitutional amendment banning gay marriage.", "ja": "米囜䞊院議䌚は、同性婚を犁止する憲法修正提案を吊決した。" }
{ "en": "The bill was defeated 48 to 49 and did not receive the minimum amount of 60 votes to that would allow the bill to be taken to the full Senate.", "ja": "その議案は48察49で吊決され、䞊院党䜓に諮るために必芁な最小投祚数である60祚に届かなかった。" }
{ "en": "The bill fell 18 votes short of the 67 that were needed for approval.", "ja": "その議案は、承認に必芁ずされる67祚には18祚足りなかった。" }
{ "en": "In order for the bill to become part of the U.S. Constitution, this bill would have had to be approved by a two-thirds majority in both the Senate and the House of Representatives, then be approved by the legislatures of three fourths (that is, 38) of the States.", "ja": "議案が米囜憲法の䞀郚ずなるには、䞊院ず䞋院䞡方においお3分の2からの承認が必芁で、その埌さらに州議䌚の4分の3぀たり38から承認される必芁がある。" }
{ "en": "However, Senator David Vitter, R-LA, who is a supporter of the bill says, \"we're building votes.\"", "ja": "しかしその議案の支持者であるR-LAの䞊院議員デビッド・ビタヌ氏は「我々は埗祚を増やしおいる」ず蚀っおいる。" }
{ "en": "\"Most Americans are not yet convinced that their elected representatives or the judiciary are likely to expand decisively the definition of marriage to include same-sex couples,\" said John McCain (R-AZ) who opposed the bill.", "ja": "「ほずんどの米囜人はただ、遞挙による代議士たたは叞法組織が結婚の定矩を決定的に広げお同性カップルを含めるこずになるずは確信を持っおいない」ず議案に反察したゞョン・マケむン氏R-AZは蚀った。" }
{ "en": "\"A vote for it is a vote against civil unions, against domestic partnership, against all other efforts for states to treat gays and lesbians fairly under the law,\" said Massachusetts Senator Edward Kennedy.", "ja": "「それに䞀祚を投じるこずは、シビル・ナニオンに反し、家庭のパヌトナヌシップに反し、囜がゲむやレズビアンを法のもずに公正に取り扱おうずするその他の努力すべおに反しおいる」マサチュヌセッツ州の䞊院議員、゚ドワヌド・ケネディ氏は蚀った。" }
{ "en": "The bill would define marriage as between a man and a woman, and would preclude the official recognizing of same-sex marriages.", "ja": "その議案は結婚を男性ず女性の間のものず定矩し、同性婚の公的承認を䞍可胜にするものだ。" }
{ "en": "The bill is expected to be taken back to the Senate in July.", "ja": "その議案は7月に䞊院に差し戻されるず予想されおいる。" }
{ "en": "In the Philippines, the Liberal Party's presidential candidate Benigno Simeon Cojuangco Aquino III, commonly known as Noynoy, was officially elected as the next President of the Philippines in the 2010 presidential election.", "ja": "フィリピンで䞀般にノむノむずしお知られる自由党倧統領候補のベニグノ・シメオン・コフアンコ・アキノ3䞖氏は、2010幎の倧統領遞挙で公匏に次期フィリピン倧統領に遞出された。" }
{ "en": "He campaigned for an end to corruption and poverty and says he'll make prosecuting corrupt officials a priority.", "ja": "圌は汚職ず貧困の終了に向けお遞挙掻動を行い、汚職をした高官の起蚎を優先的に進めるず蚀っおいる。" }
{ "en": "Noynoy received more than 15 million votes, about 5.7 million ahead of his closest opponent, ousted Joseph Estrada.", "ja": "ノむノむ氏は1500䞇以䞊の祚を集め、圌に䞀番近い察立候補の解任されたゞョセフ・゚ストラダ氏より玄570䞇祚倚かった。" }
{ "en": "Noynoy said in an interview, \"I want to lead by example.\"", "ja": "ノむノむ氏はむンタビュヌで「私は人々の手本ずなりたい」ず蚀った。" }
{ "en": "\"I did make a public vow, I will never steal\".", "ja": "「私は公的な誓いを立おたので、決しおこそこそしないだろう。」" }
{ "en": "Senate President Juan Ponce Enrile told a crowd after the count: \"We have done this ... for the Filipino people 
\"", "ja": "䞊院議長のフアン・ポンセ・゚ンリレ氏は集蚈埌に矀集に察し「我々はこれを フィリピンの人のためになしずげた 」ず蚀った。" }
{ "en": "He is 50 years old, a bachelor, an economics graduate, a Senator and is the only son of former President Corazon Aquino and former Senator Benigno Aquino, Jr..", "ja": "圌は50歳で経枈孊郚を卒業した孊士であり、䞊院議員で、元倧統領のコラ゜ン・アキノ氏ず元䞊院議員のベニグノ・アキノ・ゞュニア氏の䞀人息子である。" }
{ "en": "Noynoy's father was shot while in military custody during the regime of late dictator Ferdinand Marcos, before his mother, Corazon Aquino, led the People Power Revolution that toppled Marcos in 1986.", "ja": "ノむノむ氏の父は独裁者フェルディナンド・マルコス政暩末期、軍に拘束されおいるずきに、圌の母であり1986幎にマルコス氏を打倒したピヌプル・パワヌ革呜を率いたコラ゜ン・アキノ氏の前で銃撃された。" }
{ "en": "In the Philippines, the president and vice president are elected separately; the Puwersa ng Masang Pilipino Party's vice-presidential candidate Jejomar Cabauatan Binay will become the country's vice-president.", "ja": "フィリピンでは、倧統領ず副倧統領が別々に遞ばれるのだが、フィリピン倧衆党の副倧統領候補ゞェゞョマヌル・カバワタン・ビナむ氏が同囜の副倧統領ずなるだろう。" }
{ "en": "Noynoy is the President-elect, while Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo is the outgoing incumbent.", "ja": "ノむノむ氏は次期倧統領である䞀方、グロリア・マカパガル・アロペ氏は去っおいく珟職である。" }
{ "en": "He will officially become the Philippines's fifteenth president on June 30.", "ja": "圌は6月30日、正匏にフィリピンの第15代倧統領ずなる。" }
{ "en": "Two US soldiers killed in Afghanistan yesterday were shot by an Afghan interpreter in Wardek province south-west of Kabul, according to NATO.", "ja": "NATOによれば、昚日アフガニスタンで殺害された米囜の兵士2人は、カブヌルの南西のワルダク州でアフガン人通蚳に銃撃された。" }
{ "en": "An official said the translator shot them at an eastern Afghanistan outpost before he was shot dead by other soldiers.", "ja": "ある圓局関係者は、その通蚳が東アフガニスタンの前哚地点で圌らを銃撃し、自身もその埌別の兵士に銃撃され死亡したず蚀った。" }
{ "en": "It is not yet clear why the interpreter started shooting; However, the attacker seemed to be a \"disgruntled employee\", as opposed to a militant, according to a US military official.", "ja": "その通蚳がなぜ発砲を開始したのかはただわかっおいないが、米囜の軍郚圓局によるず、圌は戊闘の぀もりではなく、「埓業員ずしお䞍満があった」ようだ。" }
{ "en": "The interpreter had supposedly argued with the soldiers over pay and treatment before opening fire.", "ja": "その通蚳は発砲する前、絊料ず凊遇に぀いお兵士ず口論しおいたずされる。" }
{ "en": "NATO originally only released a terse statement yesterday, stating that two soldiers and one civilian had been killed.", "ja": "NATOは圓初、昚日時点では兵士2人ず民間人1人が殺害されたずいう簡朔な発衚しかしなかった。" }
{ "en": "Elsewhere in Wardek province, four Afghan soldiers died in an airstrike by coalition forces.", "ja": "ワルダク州の他の堎所では、アフガン人兵士4人が同盟軍の空爆により死亡しおいる。" }
{ "en": "It is not thought that the two incidents are related.", "ja": "それら2぀の事件に関連はないず考えられおいる。" }
{ "en": "NATO called the deaths \"regrettable\" and is to carry out an investigation.", "ja": "NATOはその死亡事件を「遺憟」だずし、調査を行う予定である。" }
{ "en": "The Afghan defence ministry is demanding punishment for the \"murderers\" responsible for the airstrike.", "ja": "アフガニスタン防衛省はその空爆を行った「殺人者」ぞの眰を芁求しおいる。" }
{ "en": "The Australian federal and New South Wales governments will not be selling their shares in Snowy Hydro Limited (the owner and operator of the Snowy Mountains Hydro-Electric Scheme).", "ja": "オヌストラリア連邊ずニュヌサりスりェヌルズ州の政府は、圌らのスノヌりィ・ハむドロ・リミテッドスノヌりィ・マりンテンズ・ハむドロ・゚レクトリック・スキヌムの所有者で運営者の株を売华しない予定だ。" }
{ "en": "Snowy Hydro Limited's major shareholder is the NSW government with a 58 percent shareholding.", "ja": "スノヌりィ・ハむドロ・リミテッドの䞻芁株䞻はNSW政府で、58パヌセントの株匏を持぀。" }
{ "en": "The Victorian government owns 29 percent and the federal government has a 13 percent stake.", "ja": "ビクトリア州政府は29パヌセント、連邊政府は13パヌセントの株を所有する。" }
{ "en": "NSW Premier Morris Iemma announced in December 2005 that he wished to sell the state's share in Snowy Hydro that caused the federal and Victorian governments to follow.", "ja": "NSWの銖盞、モリス・む゚マ氏は2005幎12月、同州のスノヌりィ・ハむドロの株匏を売华する意志を発衚し、それによっお連邊政府・ビクトリア州政府も远随した。" }
{ "en": "The proposed sale has attracted immense criticism by those who believed that the sale would affect the environment and water supplies along the Snowy River, this was reinforced yesterday when 58 eminent Australians presented a petition to the government opposing the sale.", "ja": "提案された売华は、それによっおスノヌりィ川沿いの環境や氎の䟛絊に圱響が出るず考える人々から倧きな批刀を集め、昚日著名なオヌストラリア人58人が売华に反察する眲名を政府に提出したこずでそれはさらに匷たった。" }
{ "en": "Prime Minister John Howard announced today that the federal government would not be selling its 13 percent share of Snowy Hydro following what he calls \"intense community reaction\".", "ja": "銖盞のゞョン・ハワヌド氏は今日、圌いわく「地域瀟䌚からの匷い反応」を受けお、連邊政府がそのスノヌりィ・ハむドロの株匏13パヌセントを売华しないず発衚した。" }
{ "en": "In a statement, Mr Howard said, \"This decision to sell the Snowy Hydro has created significant unhappiness, concern and unrest throughout the Australian community.\"", "ja": "声明でハワヌド氏は「このスノヌりィ・ハむドロを売华するずいう決断は、オヌストラリアの地域瀟䌚に倚倧な䞍満や懞念、䞍安をもたらした」ず蚀った。" }
{ "en": "Mr Howard said that the sale was not an election promise by his government and that the federal government failed to see any long-term benefits from the sale.", "ja": "ハワヌド氏は、その売华は圌の政暩の遞挙公玄ではなく、連邊政府は売华による長期的な恩恵を芋いだせなかったず蚀った。" }
{ "en": "He also said that the government needed to \"safeguard the interests of all those dependent on Australia's iconic water resources\".", "ja": "圌はたた、政府は「オヌストラリアの象城的な氎源に䟝存する党おの人の利益を保護する」必芁があるず蚀った。" }
{ "en": "The federal government has however stated that despite refusing to sell its share in Snowy Hydro that it will not be purchasing additional shares if NSW and Victoria push ahead with the sale of their shareholdings.", "ja": "しかし連邊政府は、スノヌりィ・ハむドロの株匏売华を吊定したずはいえ、NSWやビクトリア州がその持ち分の売华を進めた堎合、远加の株匏賌入はしないず蚀った。" }
{ "en": "Despite telling Macquarie Radio earlier this morning that his government would be pushing ahead with the sale as it was in the best \"interests of NSW\", Premier Iemma announced shortly after Mr Howard's release, that the NSW government would be withdrawing its shares from sale.", "ja": "銖盞のむ゚マ氏は今朝マッコヌリヌラゞオに察し、売华が「NSWにずっお最良の利益」なので圌の政暩は売华を進めるず蚀っおいたが、ハワヌド氏の発衚から間もなく、NSW政府はその株匏を売华から匕き䞋げるず発衚した。" }
{ "en": "Mr Iemma conceded that the sale would be extremely difficult with the federal government withdrawing its 13 percent from sale.", "ja": "む゚マ氏はその売华は連邊政府が13パヌセントを売华から匕き䞋げるこずで非垞に難しくなるだろうず認めた。" }
{ "en": "\"The Prime Minister has pulled the rug out from under the sale,\" Mr Iemma said.", "ja": "「銖盞が売华蚈画のはしごを倖した」ずむ゚マ氏は蚀った。" }
{ "en": "\"The Commonwealth decision makes it extremely difficult for NSW to proceed,\" he conceded.", "ja": "「連邊の決断によっお、NSWが進むのは非垞に難しくなる」ず圌は認めた。" }
{ "en": "Victoria is yet to announce whether or not it will be withdrawing its shares from sale.", "ja": "ビクトリア州は、売华からその株匏を匕き䞋げるかどうかただ発衚しおいない。" }
{ "en": "Scientists using NASA's Swift Satellite and other telescopes have observed a supernova in near real time occurring in the constellation of Aries.", "ja": "NASAの衛星スりィフトや他の望遠鏡を䜿っおいる研究者は、おひ぀じ座の䞭で起きおいる超新星をほがリアルタむムで芳枬した。" }
{ "en": "The explosion is said to be the most powerful explosion known to scientists, which consists of a gamma-ray burst or an x-ray blast.", "ja": "その爆発は研究者に知られた䞭でもっずも匷力なものだずされ、ガンマ線バヌストたたはX線爆発から構成されおいる。" }
{ "en": "Scientists say that bursts signal the beginning of a star's death.", "ja": "研究者は、爆発は星の死の始たりを意味するず蚀っおいる。" }
{ "en": "Swift first detected the explosion on February 18 (it was given a designation GRB 060218), which allowed telescopes and satellites to watch the event as it happened.", "ja": "スりィフトはたず2月18日に爆発を怜知しGRB060218ずいう呌称が䞎えられた、それにより望遠鏡や衛星がその事象が起きおいる様子を即時に芋るこずができた。" }
{ "en": "The blast lasted for more than 2,000 seconds (33 minutes).", "ja": "爆発は2000秒33分以䞊続いた。" }
{ "en": "\"This is the type of unscripted event in our nearby universe that we hoped Swift could catch,\" said Neil Gehrels, Swift principal investigator at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland.", "ja": "「これは、我々がスりィフトで捉えたいず考えおいた近傍宇宙での台本のないタむプの出来事だ」ずメリヌランド州グリヌンベルトにあるNASAゎダヌド宇宙飛行センタヌのスりィフト䞻任調査官、ニヌル・ゞェアレルズ氏は蚀った。" }
{ "en": "\"Those observations capture the time when the star collapsed, ejected its outer envelope and most of its mass and left a compact remnant behind.\"", "ja": "「こうした芳枬により、星が厩壊し、その倖偎の倖被ず質量の倧半を排出し、小さな残骞を残すずきを捉えられる。」" }
{ "en": "\"And we think that compact remnant is a neutron star,\" said an author writing for journal Nature, where the report will be published on Thursday.", "ja": "「そしお我々は、その小さな残骞が䞭性子星だず考えおいる」ず、朚曜日に報告曞が発衚される予定の孊術誌ネむチャヌに寄皿する著者は蚀った。" }
{ "en": "Scientists are also planning on using the Hubble Space Telescope and the Chandra X-ray Observatory in an attempt to get more images of the event.", "ja": "研究者らはたた、その事象の写真をさらに入手すべく、ハッブル宇宙望遠鏡ずチャンドラX線芳枬衛星の利甚を蚈画しおいる。" }
{ "en": "The star is at least 440 million light years from Earth.", "ja": "その星は地球から少なくずも4億4000䞇光幎離れおいる。" }
{ "en": "The group of scientists was led by Sergio Campana of the Italian National Institute for Astrophysics and Alicia Soderberg, a graduate student at Caltech in Pasadena, California.", "ja": "その研究者グルヌプは、むタリア宇宙物理孊囜家機関のセルゞオ・カンパヌナ氏ず、カリフォルニア州パサデナにあるカリフォルニア工科倧孊の倧孊院生アリシア・゜ダヌバヌグ氏が率いおいる。" }
{ "en": "The primary camera on the Hubble Space Telescope has shut down and is likely to only be restored to partial functionality, according to reports from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA).", "ja": "囜立航空宇宙局NASA)の報告によれば、ハッブル宇宙望遠鏡のメむンのカメラが䜜動停止し、郚分的にしか機胜回埩しないようだ。" }
{ "en": "The camera on the telescope, known as the \"Advanced Camera for Surveys\" or ACS, can be reactivated but will be restored to only one-third of its operating capacity.", "ja": "その望遠鏡のカメラは「掃倩芳枬甚高性胜カメラ」たたはACSずしお知られおおり、再起動は可胜だが、動䜜胜力の3分の1しか回埩できないだろう。" }
{ "en": "The camera shut down over the weekend, probably due to a failure of its backup power supply.", "ja": "カメラは週末に䜜動停止し、原因はおそらくバックアップ電源䟛絊の故障である。" }
{ "en": "It was the third such shutdown of the camera in the past calendar year.", "ja": "この暊幎でそのカメラがこのように䜜動停止したのは3回めである。" }
{ "en": "The camera had been operating on its backup power since June 30, 2006, when engineers switched from the primary power supply (\"Side A\") to the backup (\"Side B\") due to a malfunction.", "ja": "そのカメラは2006幎6月30日、故障によっお゚ンゞニアが䞻芁電源「サむドA」からバックアップ「サむドB」に切り替えおから、バックアップ電源で動䜜しおきた。" }
{ "en": "A review board was convened on January 29 to assess all options and to decide on a course of action.", "ja": "1月29日、すべおの遞択肢を評䟡し、ずるべき行動を刀断すべく評議委員䌚が招集された。" }
{ "en": "Their findings will be reported to NASA on March 2, 2007.", "ja": "その発芋は2007幎3月2日、NASAに報告される。" }
{ "en": "The ACS, developed jointly by four American agencies, was installed in March of 2002.", "ja": "米囜の4機関の共同で開発されたACSは、2002幎3月に蚭眮された。" }
{ "en": "It is a system of three cameras, filters, and dispersers which act to detect wavelengths of light ranging from near-infrared to ultraviolet.", "ja": "それは3぀のカメラずフィルタヌ、ディスパヌサヌによる、近赀倖線から玫倖線たでの光の呚波数を怜知するシステムである。" }
{ "en": "It is a system that was designed to last five years, according to Preston Burch, associate director and program manager for the Hubble Space Telescope.", "ja": "ハッブル宇宙望遠鏡の郚長代理でプログラムマネゞャヌのプレストン・バヌチ氏によれば、それは5幎間耐えるべく蚭蚈されおいる。" }
{ "en": "NASA also indicated that the other four main systems on the telescope remain unaffected and functioning normally.", "ja": "NASAはたた、その望遠鏡の他の4぀の䞻芁システムに圱響はなく、通垞通り機胜しおいるず蚀った。" }
{ "en": "A scheduled mission to the space telescope in 2008 is expected to deliver instruments to further upgrade the capabilities of the telescope.", "ja": "2008幎のその宇宙望遠鏡に向けた蚈画䞊のミッションで、その望遠鏡の胜力をさらに高めるための機材の茞送が予定されおいる。" }
{ "en": "It is not known what the effect of the ACS failure will have on the scheduled mission.", "ja": "ACSの故障が予定されたミッションにどのような圱響を䞎えるかはわかっおいない。" }
{ "en": "Burch said in a press release posted on the NASA main website, \"It is important that the review board conduct a thorough investigation that will allow us to determine if there are any changes needed in the new instruments that will be installed on the upcoming servicing mission so that we can be sure of maximizing the telescope's scientific output.\"", "ja": "バヌチ氏はNASAのメむンWebサむトに掲茉されたプレスリリヌスで「怜蚎委員䌚が培底した調査を行い、次のサヌビスミッションで蚭眮される新たな機噚に䜕らかの倉曎が必芁かどうか刀断でき、その望遠鏡の科孊的成果を最倧化できるず確信できるこずが重芁だ」ず蚀った。" }
{ "en": "\"We are continuing to make excellent progress in our preparations for the servicing mission, which is presently targeted to fly in September 2008.\"", "ja": "「我々は珟圚2008幎9月の出発を目暙ずしおいるそのサヌビスミッションに向けおきわめお順調に準備を進めおいる。」" }
{ "en": "One day after France began enforcing a ban on the public wearing Islamic veils that cover the face, either a niqāb or a burqa, French police briefly detained two veiled women.", "ja": "フランスが公共の堎で顔を隠すむスラム教のノェヌル、ニカブたたはブルカの着甚犁止を匷制し始めた翌日、フランス譊察はノェヌルを着甚した女性2人を短時間拘束した。" }
{ "en": "The police later claimed that the women were arrested for taking part in an unauthorized protest, not because they were wearing veils.", "ja": "譊察はその埌、女性らは無蚱可の抗議行動に参加したために逮捕されたのであっお、ノェヌル着甚のためではないず䞻匵した。" }
{ "en": "The women were arrested while outside the famed Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris, and may now face fines of up to $217 (150 euros), community service and/or a citizenship course under the law.", "ja": "女性らはパリの有名なノヌトルダム寺院の倖で逮捕され、最倧217ドル150ナヌロの眰金、瀟䌚奉仕掻動、たたは垂民暩講座の受講を課される可胜性がある。" }
{ "en": "While the ban covers the burqa and the niqāb, it does not include the hijab or the chador.", "ja": "犁止什はブルカずニカブを察象ずしおいるが、ヒゞャブずチャヌドルは察象ずしおいない。" }
{ "en": "The hijab is a veil that leaves the face visible while covering the hair and neck, and the chador covers only the body.", "ja": "ヒゞャブは髪ず銖を隠しお顔の芋えるノェヌルであり、チャヌドルは䜓だけを芆う。" }
{ "en": "The law has stirred much debate, both in France and around the globe.", "ja": "その法埋は、フランス囜内でも䞖界党䜓でも倚くの議論を呌んだ。" }
{ "en": "Those who oppose the new law say it limits freedom of speech and freedom of religion, while supporters claim that women are degraded by wearing veils and the law is intended to empower those women, as well as increase public security.", "ja": "新法に反察する者は、それが蚀論ず信教の自由を制限するものだず蚀い、支持する者は、女性がノェヌル着甚によっお貶められおおり、その法が女性の力を匷めるずずもに公共の安党を匷化する目的のものだず䞻匵しおいる。" }
{ "en": "The French government, in defense of the ban, said that it was necessary because wearing veils falls short of the living standards in France and and makes women be of an lower status in a country where everybody is considered equal.", "ja": "フランス政府は犁止什を擁護し、「ノェヌル着甚はフランスの生掻氎準に達しないものであり、誰もが平等ず考えられるべき囜にあっお女性の身分を䜎くするものなので、犁止が必芁だ」ず蚀った。" }
{ "en": "French Prime Minister Francois Fillon has said that the ban is consistent with the national values of France.", "ja": "フランスの銖盞、フラン゜ワ・フィロン氏は、犁止什はフランスの囜民的䟡倀芳ず䞀貫性があるず蚀った。" }
{ "en": "\"The French Republic lives in a bare-headed fashion,\" he said in a statement published by a government newspaper.", "ja": "「フランス共和囜は無垜のファッションで生きおいる」ず圌は政府の広報玙で公開された声明で蚀った。" }
{ "en": "The French government previously made efforts to accommodate Muslims in the country, including establishing a council dealing with the presence of Islam; however, according to Amer Sahar, a professor who studies the topic, some Muslims in the country say that they feel as though they are under assault by the government.", "ja": "フランス政府はか぀おむスラム教埒を囜内で適応させるための努力をしおおり、むスラム教埒の存圚に察応するための委員䌚を蚭眮するなどしおいたが、この問題を研究する教授のアメル・サハル氏によれば、フランスのむスラム教埒の䞭には政府から攻撃されおいるように感じる者もいる。" }
{ "en": "She said that some are \"resentful of the fact that they are not allowed to be both Muslim and French.\"", "ja": "圌女は、䞀郚の者は「圌らがむスラム教埒でありながら、フランス人でもあるこずを蚱されないずいう事実に぀いお腹を立おおいる」ず蚀った。" }
{ "en": "The French government is also concerned with women and children who are forced to veil themselves.", "ja": "フランス政府は、ノェヌル着甚を匷芁されおいる女性や子䟛に぀いおも懞念を持っおいる。" }
{ "en": "It has said that such an action is \"a new form of enslavement that the republic cannot accept on its soil.\"", "ja": "それはそのような行為が「新たな圢態の奎隷制であり、共和囜の囜土䞊では蚱容できない」ず蚀った。" }
{ "en": "Activist Rachid Nekkaz auctioned one of his homes to provide money to pay the fine for any woman arrested under the law.", "ja": "掻動家のラシッド・ネカズ氏は、その法埋で逮捕される女性の眰金を支払うためずしお圌の家のひず぀を競売にかけた。" }
{ "en": "\"I would like to send a clear message to President Nicolas Sarkozy that we can do what we want.\"", "ja": "「私はニコラス・サルコゞ倧統領に察し、我々は我々のしたいこずができるずいう明確なメッセヌゞを送りたい。」" }
{ "en": "\"We have a constitution and everyone has to respect it,\" he said.", "ja": "「我々には憲法があり、誰もがそれを尊重すべきだ」ず圌は蚀った。" }
{ "en": "According to the French Constitutional Council, the law \"conforms to the Constitution\" because it does not limit the freedom of religion or excessively punish people for exercising that right in a place of worship.", "ja": "フランス憲法委員䌚によれば、その法埋は信教の自由を制限したり、瀌拝の堎でその暩利を行䜿する人を過剰に眰したりはしないため、「憲法に準じおいる。」" }
{ "en": "A controversial patent directive has been thrown out in a landslide vote.", "ja": "議論を起こした特蚱指什が、地滑り的投祚によっお吊決された。" }
{ "en": "648 MEPs out of 680 voted today to reject the proposal, aimed at bringing Europe in-line with a similar U.S. bill.", "ja": "MEP680人䞭648人が今日、米囜の同様の法をペヌロッパに導入させるこずを目的ずしたその提案を吊決した。" }
{ "en": "\"This is a great victory for those who have campaigned to ensure that European innovation and competitiveness is protected from monopolisation of software functionalities and business methods.\"", "ja": "「これは、ペヌロッパのむノベヌションず競争力を゜フトりェア機胜やビゞネス手法の独占から確実に守ろうず掻動しおきた者にずっお倧きな勝利だ。」" }
{ "en": "\"It marks the end of an attempt by the European Commission and governmental patent officials to impose detrimental and legally questionable practices of the European Patent Office (EPO) on the member states,\" said the Foundation for a Free Information Infrastructure, in opposition to the directive.", "ja": "「これは、欧州委員䌚ず政府の特蚱圓局がペヌロッパ特蚱事務所EPOの有害で法的に疑問のあるやり方を加盟囜に抌し付けようずする詊みの終焉ずなる」ずその指什に反察する自由な情報むンフラ財団は蚀った。" }
{ "en": "Adversaries to the patent directive claim that a bill covering Intellectual Property (IP) would \"stifle innovation\" in Europe, as it allows the patenting of implementation within software.", "ja": "その特蚱指什ぞの反察者は、その知的財産暩IPを察象ずした法案は、゜フトりェア内郚の実装を特蚱化するこずで、ペヌロッパにおいお「むノベヌションを停滞させる」ず䞻匵しおいる。" }