Tom: Did you feed the cat? Harry: I did, I gave him two sachets. Harry: Don't give him anything. He's already to fat. Tom: But he's looking at me like he's never eaten before. Harry: You can give him something in two hours.
Harry fed the cat two sachets of food. According to Tom, the cat looks hungry. Harry allows to feed him in two hours.
Nicole: Guess what! I've got a puppy! Frank: What??? You never mentioned you wanted one! Nicole: I know but I just met this guy with a bunch of puppies! Frank: And you bought one? Nicole: No! He actually gave me one for free. It's not pedigree or anything, but it's just super cute! Frank: I guess it is. Is it going to be big? Did you see the mother? Nicole: Nope, but the guy told it's kind of medium big. But dangerously sweet. Frank: I hope u know what ur doing. Need to run now. Nicole: Will you come to see Sassy soon? Frank: Sassy is the name, then? Nicole: Right. He's so lively and gonna defend me in the future. Frank: Nics, I see you're going to be hard to bear for a couple of weeks. Nicole: Why? Frank: Just a gut feeling. Anyway, I'll come and see your Sassy 2moro. Nicole: OK. We're looking forward to seeing you! Frank: Yeah, I guess. Bye for now.
Nicole took in a puppy and named it Sassy. According to the previous owner he is going to be medium big. Frank will come and see Nicole's puppy tomorrow.
Anya: What time should I order the Sushi? June: It always takes a little while for it to be delivered so maybe 19:00 PM? Anya: Yeah that seems like a good time. What should I order? June: I could go for some california tempura and salmon rolls 🤤 Anya: I want those too, and some chao-chao rice aswell. June: Okii. Sounds good. Anya: What time are you arriving home? June: Around 19:30 PM. Just have to finish grading a few exams. Anya: Alright, keep on the good work. Love you. June: Thanks babe, love u too.
Anya will order some two portions of California tempura and salmon rolls and some chao-chao rice for 19:00. June will arrive home at 19:30.
Ken: so how do you propose we settle this? Jacob: we should apologize to them, it's the safest way Ken: i was thinking the same Jacob: should i draft an email? Will: hell no guys, it was their fault Jacob: we know but it will be a lot worse if we don't act smarter Ken: and we can use it for our advantage later Will: i don't think so, we should stand our ground, it was not our fault and we should not take the fall for it Ken: so what are you suggesting? Jacob: yea Willy, what should we do ? I really see no other option :/ Will: i did not think about that yet Ken: we have to reply today you know that Will: I know, I just need a minute to think about it Jacob: you had the whole week to do that Will: and I will do that now, chill - i will let you guys know what's the plan soon Jacob: please do, otherwise i am sending that email
Ken and Jacob agree they should apologize to them and want to send an email. Will disagrees with them. He will quickly think of another solution.
Jamie: How about some drinks after work? Paul: I can't. Family obligations Martin: Me neither. Sorry dude
Paul and Martin can't go for a drink with Jamie after work due to family obligations.
Jane: Where is everyone, the place is packed! :D Micah: We are on our way :) Is there a huge line? Jane: What do you think? I am in it, but if you don't come soon I am entering :p Rudolph: Eve and I will be there in a minute :) Micah: Us too, we are two streets away
Jane is standing in a huge line. Rudolph and Eve will join her in a minute. Micah says they are two streets away.
Alice: I never wanted a maternity photo shoot but after seeing this one I've changed my mind! ;) Kate: Oh! so sweet! Gina: that is just adorable! Mary: now i want one too! thanks! ;) Lisa: me too but.. i'm not pregnant! haha! Emma: so precious!!! x Tina: i really like this one too! lovely!
Alice really likes a maternity photo shoot she's seen and so do her friends.
Anna: How are you? Greg: Not great... Anna: Do you want me to come over? Greg: I don't think it's a good idea Anna: Why? I just want you to feel better Anna: We can talk Greg: Sure... Greg: Like last time we "talked"
Greg is not feeling well but does not want Anna to come over.
Tilda: how was your date? Keanu: I was stood up Tilda: wtf Keanu: I finished my rose latte and went home Tilda: that's terrible Keanu: as soon I came home I burst into tears Keanu: I feel so humiliated Tilda: maybe sth happened Tilda: and if that person acts this way it's better sooner or later to find out Keanu: dating is exhausting Keanu: and not dating is exhausting too Tilda: I'm sorry Keanu: I feel like shit Tilda: it doesn't reflect your value Tilda: try to remember that
Keanu is sad because his date didn't show up. He drank his coffee and went home to cry.
Anette: Are you doing anything on Sunday? Anette: I want to go for a lunch with the kids, maybe a pizza, you want to join us? Kim: Sure, good idea! Anette: Great :) I'll make a reservation at Gianni's Kim: OK, 3pm? Anette: That's perfect.
Anette and Kim are going out to have a pizza with their children on Sunday. Anette will make a reservation at Gianni's for 3 pm.
Dean: Would you like to catch a movie later? Rory: I have to study, Dean. Dean: Come on, you studied whole last week Rory: I have finals Dean! Dean: I'm your boyfriends Rory! I hardly ever see you. Rory: If I fail I will never get into Harvard. Dean: What is one night in all that. Rory: You don't get it Dean! It's really important to me! Dean: Fine! See you in a month! Rory: I don't know, I might have to study, too! Dean: Two months then! And happy anniversary because it's in five weeks but I guess we won't be seeing each other for that either! Rory: ARGH you make me crazy. How can you compete with my stydying time?! Dean: I don't know, I must be crazy to want to spend time with my girlfriend. Rory: ARGH
Dean wants to see a movie with his girlfriend Rory, but she's studying hard for her exams. He's angry with Rory for focusing just on her study and not him, and they argue.
Mike: Suzie Suzie Suzie: hm? Mike: go out with me Suzie: :* Mike: I'm serious Suzie: I'm severus Mike: we can watch harry potter and eat sushi Suzie: you're sweet but... Sorry no!!
Mike wants to go out with Suzie but she refuses.
Sasha: When are you coming home? Jacob: in ten? Sasha: good dinner's almost ready :)
Jacob's coming home in 10 minutes. Dinner's almost ready.
Benjamin: I'm thinking about starting a book club. Ashley: That's a gr8 idea! Benjamin: U think? Ashley: Sure! Benjamin: Wanna be co-chair? Ashley: Absolutely!
Benjamin wants to start a book club. Ashley wants to be the co-chair.
Madelene: pizza 5 o'clock? John: got it, the usual place? Madelene: you betcha John: this will be a wonderful evening, my friend, just us, pizza, and some prosecco :D Madelene: can't wait xD
Madelene and John will have pizza and prosecco at the usual place at 5 pm.
James: How are you feeling? Mia: not so good Mia: she said while a yellowish fluid ran down from her nose to her chin James: haha I bet you still look cute af <3 Mia: will you bring me food James: anything Mia: I need mac n cheese now Mia: :( comfort food
Mia is sick. James will bring mac & cheese to comfort her.
Joe: sorry, Illl be late! Joe: horrible traffic :( Jordan: no problem man Jordan: I'll wait Joe: thanks
Joe will be late because of traffic.
Donna: Beanie honey 😍 Donna: That new Ari's song is 😍😍😍😍 Ben: Totally! Donna: Would you like to go to her show with me when she's in Berlin? Ben: I might. How much a single ticket costs? Donna: Around 120 euro. It's a bargain! Ben: Okay, it's not bad. I can go if you wish. Donna: That's so sweet of you! 😊 Ben: Anything for you my lady 😊
Donna and Ben will go to Ari's concert in Berlin. The ticket costs around 120 euros.
Kim: I don’t know if I'll be able to sleep Kim: I'm just tossing and turning in bed Kerri: lol just count sheep and you'll fall asleep Kim: I tried and it didn't work, i'm just so excited XD Kerri: I would be too if I were going backpacking through Europe for a month Kim: I can't believe it's finally happening Kerri: how long have you been planning for this? Kim: probably more than six months Kerri: whoah that's a long time \ (•◡•) / Kim: yes, and I originally was going for just a week Kerri: how come your plans changed? Kim: turns out my mom has a friend in paris and I'll stay there for two weeks :-D Kerri: sweet! is It a nice place? Kim: no idea, my mother says it's near the eiffel tower Kerri: I think that's a nice area, full of people and life... Kim: and patisserie and wine… Kerri: lol that's all you care about Kim: hahaha not true, I'm also looking forward to go to the museums Kerri: you have to go to the louvre Kim: of course! it's a the top of my list Kerri: it's beautiful, you're going to love it Kim: I CAN'T WAIT!!!
Kim is going backpacking through Europe for a month. She will stay at her mom's friend's place in Paris for two weeks. Kerri recons the Louvre is a must.
Fish: Hi, babe. What are we gonna do for weekend? Babe: I don't know. What d'you wonna do? Fish: Anything my babe wants. Babe: Cool, hon. Babe: But just can't think of anything. Fish: I guess we can hang out in the pub? Babe: Cool. It's karaoke night:)
Fish and Babe are going to a pub for karaoke night at the weekend.
Marisa: did someone delete the ppt presentations that were in our inbox? Luke: i was about to ask you the same. can't find it nowhere Austin: what presentations Marisa: Lopez sent it like 3 weeks ago Emilia: hey the test is tomorrow, right? Marisa: yes Em, that's why i'm trying to find these fucking presentations Emilia: shit, i wanted to download them today Luke: well, now you can't Austin: do you guys have those emails forwarded to your private address Marisa: good question. I think some dum-dum deleted them from their own account Luke: news flash - when ya delete smth from your private inbox, it also gest deleted from our group inbox Emilia: no shit guys... I know that Marisa: yeah but someone maybe did not Doug: omg overreacting much? i've checked trash and it's still there Marisa: yeah but why do we have to rescue it from trash, just don't be an idiot in the first place Doug: jeeeez, calm down Marisa Luke: wellll she's kinda right, we sometimes empty he trash folder coz it takes up the cloud storage Emilia: ok, good thing we have those emails at all Marisa: i think I know who did this Emilia: i don't fucking care tbh Doug: whoever did this, just remember not to delete anything forwarded please
Marisa and Luke can't find the presentations they need for tomorrow's test. Someone deleted them by accident and they ended up in trash.
Mike: What's the strangest thing you ever grew from a seed? Luke: Heh heh. You don't wanna hear the answer to that question. Mike: I mean other than drugs, of course. Luke: I grew an Avocado one time. Mike: Out of the stone? Luke: Yeah, but I never worked out how to get them to grow really big. After a while they all seemed to just die back. Mike: Anything else? Luke: I've got little grapefruits, oranges and lemons going, but they never amount to much either. I don't really have the best conditions. But the best I ever managed was out on the stairwell one time. Mike: On the stairwell? Luke: Yes, I came home needing the bog, like, urgently. Then I discovered I had left my keys in the locker at college. So I just had to crimp one out and the only place to do it was in the pot of this yucca plant that actually belonged to the neighbour. Mike: You crapped in your neighbour's plant pot? Luke: Yeah. Well, I couldn't just go back to college leaving this sticking soft shit on view in my neighbour's plant pot so I managed to cover it over with soil from another pot and hide it. Mike: And she never found out? Luke: I went to get the keys, came back. There was a slight smell and I opened the windows, thought no more about it. Mike: And what grew from that then, a shit plant? Luke: Nope, a few weeks later a lot of tomatoes started to appear. The funniest thing about it was the neighbour took it all at face value and just harvested the tomatoes and ate them when they appeared.
Luke grew an avocado out of the stone once. He also grew grapefruits, oranges, lemons. Once he shitted in a yucca plant pot belonging to his neighbor and he covered it with other soil. Then tomatoes grew out of the pot and the neighbor ate them.
Kian: Grace, how are you? Grace: Good, holidays! Kian: Where are you? Grace: in southern France Kian: Amazing! French Riviera? You have to go to Monaco! Grace: god, even more expensive probably Kian: but you have the princely name! Grace: Right, of course! hahaha Kian: anyway, enjoy! Grace: thanks
Grace is on holiday on the French Riviera.
Dave: It's curious how of all religions ever created it was Christianity that conquered the world Lukas: It's simple. Nations with Christianity as main religion happened to be most aggressive and most developed nations. Lukas: And they were using their power to convert weaker nations. Lukas: In the end it's the matter of power and influence. Dave: But why did Christianity happen to be present in strongest civilizations? Lukas: Religion was once closely connected to ruling over a country. Lukas: Religious leaders had much more to say than court members. Lukas: So it was obvious that expansion towards foreign lands mean that culture of conquered state should be banished and replaced by culture of aggressor. Dave: If it was not for religion, we would have space travel now... Lukas: Maybe... Lukas: Maybe not. I don't know
Dave wonders why Christianity appeared to be the most powerful religion in the world. Lukas tries to answer Dave's questions by explaining the historical background of Christian Expansion.
Randall: <file_video> Wilfred: wtf? what's that? Paige: really disgusting. shut up Finch: is that like a fish or sth? Randall: snail it says Wilfred: monster snail i guess why would they do it? Randall: fake i guess Finch: puke anyway Randall: <file_gif>
Wilfred's got Randall's video. Paige and Finch find it disguising. Randall reckons it's fake.
Brendan: <file_other> Brendan: I didn’t know this at all Zack: Huh Zack: It compresses images? Zack: I had no idea Brendan: Yeah, I thought you just had to save it as a PNG file and that’s all Zack: But then what exactly is the difference in quality? Zack: Because i always just upload jpgs lol Zack: Though i never realised they looked really compressed or something Brendan: I don't know, I haven’t noticed much difference myself, but I haven’t uploaded pictures I cared about, other than maybe one image Brendan: There’s always some quality loss with JPG files, but it may not be that noticeable
Brendan is not satisfied with his photos' quality after compression.
Nevaeh: so what time do you want me to come? Gavin: it's up to you Nevaeh: this week I gonna have some interships at school, and on tuesday i should be free from 14.30 or 15.30. would it be ok with u? Gavin: just for 1h you will be free tomorrow? Nevaeh: No Gavin: I will be free from around 15.30 Nevaeh: I want to see you but if it will be for 1h I do not know. i will see what more i can do here Gavin: I said I will have time from 15.30. I didn't say I gonna have only 1 h Nevaeh: that will ok then Gavin: talk to u later have go to work
Nevaeh is seeing Gavin on Tuesday at around 15.30.
Maria: Hello informal diner at home tonight? if you're available😂 Domi: BBQ at home, with warm sweater. Ariane and her family would be there Maria: ok. Do you want any salad or cake? Domi: could you bring one of your delicious aperitif stuff? Maria: ok olives, melon and ham, and chocolat ice cream - i'm emptying my fridge😀 Domi: fine, but remember that Ariane can't eat ice cream Maria: ?? Domi: yes , you know that she has diabetes, don't you Maria: ah true, i forgot. l'll make some fruits salad Domi: without strawberries, i'm allergic😰 Maria: come on... Domi: i'm kidding, but Ben don't eat them Maria: forget about Ben, i'll make dessert just for both of us Domi: don't bother with dessert, just bring aperitif Maria: ok it's gonna be easier. I' ll leave ice cream for kids
Maria will bring apertiff to Domi, who's having a barbeque tonight. There will also be Ariane and her family.
Buba: which dress should I pick? Esther: omg don't ask me I never know Buba: <file_photo> Vanessa: what's the occasion? Buba: <file_photo> Buba: <file_photo> Esther: go for pockets. Dress with pockets is always a superior one Buba: :D Vanessa: I think the first one has the best shape and the color of the last one is great Buba: it's for Christmas party at work Buba: ok so which one? Vanessa: the first one, but you need necklace or sth for it
Buba is choosing a dress for a Christmas party at work. Esther suggests the one with pockets. Vanessa thinks the first one is the best with some accessories.
Ralph: You still here someplace? Mary: Bathroom! Ralph: Oh! TMI! Mary: Out in a sec… Ralph: Take your time...
Mary is in the bathroom.
Brian: Hey, I'm running down to the grocery store. You need anything? Rachel: Let me see... Where are you going? Brian: I was thinking Trader Joe's. They're the closest store. Rachel: In that case, can you get me some of those chocolate almond thingies? I love those. Brian: For sure. I was thinking we could make something tasty for dinner, like chicken parmesan. What do you think? Rachel: Ooo that sounds delicious! You need to get chicken breasts then and some parmesan lol Brian: So, we have nothing at home.. Rachel: Yep. Oh and don't forget my chocolate almonds!
Brian will go to Trader Joe's to buy chocolate almonds for Rachel. They will make chicken parmesan for dinner.
Tom: Did we register after all? Paul: Lol, I think we did. Paul: we were soooo fucked I can barely remember Tom: God, I hate this :D Tom: Never again... Paul: yeeeeah, right :) Tom: what are we going to do about it? Tom: can we get our money back? Paul: I don't think so... Tom: There's no way I'm gonna run a fucking marathon!! Paul: LOL, it's hardcore, I'll admit Paul: But we were fairly confident when we registered... Tom: Maybe we should get drunk before the start so we would be as confident then? :D Paul: <file_gif>
Tom and Paul registered for a marathon, but they don't want to participate in it anymore.
Julius: I heard about your car :/ Julius: My condolences Fred: Thanks :/ Fred: You know.. Shit happens. Julius: How bad are the losses? Fred: Probably the whole front needs repair. Fred: Lamps, bumper, front tires. Fred: I'm still waiting for the assessment of the losses. Julius: Let me know when you learn how bad it is. Julius: If there's anything I can do to help you also let me know. Fred: I could use some company and a bottle of vodka. Julius: Haha. Fred: It wasn't a joke. Julius: You free tonight? Fred: Yes I am. Julius: I'll be at your place at 8 :D Fred: I'll make some beef then :D
Fred's car is broken badly. Julius will see Fred at his place at 8 tonight to cheer him up.
Erica: Guys, I'm trying MarieKondo now so if you have any free jars after jam or anything I'll be happy to use them Ingrid: what for? Nicole: MarieKondo is for decluttering Erica: <file_photo> Erica: it looks like this Ingrid: looks nice, but I wouldn't have patience for it Nicole: I think I have a jar or two Ingrid: I don't think I have anything like this but next time I'll buy ketchup I'll pick glass jar Erica: thanks, I'll appreciate it!
Erica needs free jars to try MarieKondo method. Nicole and Ingrid don't have any, but Ingrid will pick a glass jar next time she buys ketchup.
Noah: Hey Oli Olivier: Hi Noah: Have you talked to Bianca recently? Olivier: Yesterday Noah: Did she tell you something about me? Olivier: I don't know Olivier: It's personal Olivier: She wouldn't like me to repeat it to you Noah: You're such a great friend Noah: But come on! Give me something Noah: Just a vibe Olivier: I thing the vibe you already get Olivier: Otherwise you wouldn't be talking to me instead of her Noah: So it's bad, huh Olivier: What do you want me to say, bro? Olivier: You didn't behave nice with her Noah: I know Noah: I fucked it up completely Olivier: Now you need to handle consequences.
Noah did not treat Bianca well the other time.
Joe: Hi Kels, what you up to lately? Kelly: Oh my God, Joe Johnson, it's been YEARS! Joe: Yes, I've been working abroad for the last 3 years, Italy, actually! Kelly: Wow! Was that with your girlfriend, Josie? Joe: Yes, we actually got married out there 2 years ago! Unfortunately, it didn't last that long and we split after a year and a half. Kelly: So sorry to hear that, Joe! What happened? Joe: Well, she was working all over the place and I hardly saw her, I was staying in her parent's house and working at her brother's garage. Kelly: Hmm, I can sense a "but" coming up! Joe: Yes, well, I'm not proud of this, but her sister came back after Uni and one night we got a bit tiddly on Prosecco and brandy, not a great combo! Kelly: I think I can guess the rest of the sorry tale. Why were they all living out there anyway? Joe: Well, if you remember, Josie' s last name is Andellino and her dad had gone back to where he'd come from to look after his mum and dad. Anyway, I came clean to Josie and told her what happened. We struggled on for a few more months, but she was away so often and we decided to call it a day. Kelly: Now you're back in lovely Newport after the splendour of Rome! Joe: Right enough. Got my old job back with Tony too! How's the bank? Kelly: Still there! I've moved into training and my line manager is retiring soon, soon, you never know, another promotion may be on the cards! Joe: Pleased for you, Kels! You are a real people person! Kelly: Thanks Joe! Now what about that drink? Joe: Good memory, Kelly! Tell you what, I'll pop into the bank when it closes Friday and we'll decide then. Tony won't mind me nipping out half an hour early, I do plenty of overtime! Kelly: Sounds ace, Joe! Looking forward to it! Joe: Arriverderci, bella! Kelly: See you, mate!
Joe got married but they split so he is back in Newport. Kelly works in the bank and is hoping for promotion. Joe will pop into the bank on Friday and they go out for a drink.
Scott: Where should we meet? John: at Oculus? Scott: ok! at 7.30 John: yup!
Scott and John will meet at 7.30 at Oculus.
Ian: Hi Gus! Are you free tonight? Gus: Yes, why? Ian: I have two free tickets to the cinema. Gus: For what movie? Ian: I don't remeber the title, it's something about climbing. Gus: Meru? Really? Where do you get these tickets? Ian: Do you know this movie? Gus: Of course! It's the best movie about climbing ever! Ian: Ok, so let's meet about 8 pm at Clyde's pub ok? Gus: Ok, I'll be for sure! Sould I bring antyhing? Ian: No. I have everything we will need. Gus: Great! See ya...
Ian has two free tickets for "Meru". Gus considers it to be the best movie about climbing. Ian and Gus will meet at Clyde's pub at 8 PM.
Tom: Can you try to open this link? <file_other> Laura: Yes. Tom: What can you see? Laura: your video with Kate. Tom: Is it labelled as public or private? Laura: Looks like public... Tom: ok, good. Tom: Wait until it is over and tell what's the next video, ok? Laura: sure! Laura: Next is sth called trial02 Tom: strange... O_O Tom: can you open this video? Laura: Yes. Tom: so it is public? Laura: i guess so.. Tom: shit.. ;/ ;/ it should be private! Tom: anyway, thx a lot Laura: np. ;)
The video of Tom and Kate, and the one called trial02 are both public.
Martha: Are Jonathan and Brenda coming to us this afternoon? Walter: Yeah, they are Martha: Would you buy some cookies or chips on your way home? I guess we have nothing of that sort Walter: But Brenda is allergic to gluten, did you forget? Martha: Damn, it's true. Buy some fruit then. Walter: I'll see what I can do
Jonathan and Brenda are coming to Walter and Martha this afternoon. Walter will buy some fruits, because Brenda is allergic to gluten.
Enrique: man, did you try the stuff Alvin made last night. it's terrible. Travis: ok, thanks for the heads up. Really that bad, huh? Enrique: i can't get the taste out of my mouth.
According to Enrique's adivce, Travis shouldn't try the stuff Alvin made last night.
Max: Yo. Wanna go out play some pool tonight? Johny: Sure. What time are you free? Max: I can reserve the pool table on 6 p.m Johny: Great! I'll come to your place on 5 then. Max: Sure. See ya.
Tonight Johny will come to Max's place at 5 pm, and they will go play some pool at 6.
Jeremy: Anyone know what happened to professor Xavier? Jake: Why? Was he absent today? Joselyn: Broke his leg Jeremy: For real? No classes for us? Jake: Yeah, right. We’re gonna have some substitution teacher for sure
Jeremy, Jake and Joselyn won't have classes because professor Xavier broke his leg and is absent.
Xenna: hey Xenna: do you want hear the news? Helen: what news? Xenna: I'm getting married! Helen: FINALLY Helen: gratulation Xenna: thanks
Hellen congratulates Xenna on her imminent marriage.
Hartley: u know any good apps 2 learn Spanish? Draper: i have italian course here <file_other> Draper: check it out. italian is pretty cool Burbank: u learn spenish hey? Hartley: just started. for a grant in Barcelona next term Lancaster: oh cool i had no idea u going Hartley: just found out last week Lancaster: oh gr8 Burbank: ask louise she speaks good spanish
Hartley is looking for a good app to learn Spanish. Burbank tells Hartley to ask Louise. Draper has a course of Italian.
Max: Are we meeting later? Judith: No Judith: I'm busy at work Max: You've been working really hard recently Judith: Something people like you cannot understand Max: Why do you always have to attack me? Judith: Why cannot you put yourself in my place? Judith: what do you know about real work? Judith: You set your own schedule Judith: Wake up at 10, go to the office for 2 hours Judith: Meet two or three guys Judith: Go to the gym Max: But I still make decent money Max: For the past three months that we've been dating Max: I've always paid for you Max: You didn't seem to have a problem with that Max: You never complained that I can afford all these things Max: Maybe I don't work as many hours as you do Max: But I earn enough for both of us have a nice life Max: Which you don't seem to appreciate
Judith can't meet Max because of work. Max and Judith have been together for 3 months. Max earns good money despite not working many hours.
Luke: <file_video> Chris: Brilliant! :D Luke: How bout this <file_video> I've just been sitiing on youtube all day :P You? Chris: I've been doind some programming - we're got a potential client coming tomorrow Luke: Sounds serious Chris: Zack is leaving work in March Chris: Well, he's leaving in February but going off to New York Luke: oh no! Sorry mate!! Chris: Yeah -_- You heading off to the pub later? Luke: You bet! Liverpool and Man U playing tonite! Hahaha!!!
Luke has spent the whole day on watching youtube videos. Chris has been programming, because he has a potential client coming tomorrow. Zack is leaving work in February. Luke is not going to the pub, because he will be watching a football match tonight.
Pansy: Give me your home address Mitchel: What for o.o Pansy: I need it to book the flight Mitchel: Ok, sending you by e-mail Pansy: Ok
Mitchel needs to send Pansy his home address to book the flight.
Blake: You! George: What?? Blake: Mom is calling you for supper Blake: You can't hear her yelling? George: Shit im coming downstairs Blake: You better be
Mom is calling George to come for supper. He's coming now.
Jessica: Look, I've bought a new jacket! Miley: where??? Jessica: in a new shop around the corner! Miley: oh, i saw it recently but haven't been there yet Jessica: <file_photo> Miley: woow, it's really nice! Yellow is a great colour Jessica: I was a bit afraid because it can get dirty quite easily but I don't want to have another dark one :P Miley: And I agree with u! Colourful clothes are amazing Jessica: exactly! I'm in love with my new thing! Miley: I totally understand it! It's beautiful
Jessica's bought a new yellow jacket in a new shop around the corner.
Justin: hey max, are you free right now? Max: i am Max: do you need anything? Justin: i'm volunteering at the soup kitchen for the homeless and we need people to help out Max: count me in, i'll be there in around 40 minutes
Justin is volunteering at the soup kitchen for the homeless. Max will be there to help out in around 40 minutes.
Eamon: This is the case I was telling you about Eamon: Isn't it fab??? 😍 Eamon: I'm in love!! Norman: Yikes man!! I'v been dreaming about that case ever since they launched the collection 🤤 Norman: Absolutely stunning!! 👏👏 Eamon: I think this one was released at the very end Eamon: I'm going to head down to the store today, tag along? Norman: At what time? I'v got to take Macy to the vet at 2, routine check up.. Eamon: I can swing by the vet and pick you up ;) Norman: Cheers, it's a date ;) 👌
Eamon and Norman are very excited about the new case. Eamon will pick up Norman later to go to the store.
Emma: Do you have my notes? William: Nope Emma: I will ask Ethan then :/
William doesn't have Emma's notes. She'll ask Ethan.
Louise: you know, a friend of mine, Ann (that makeup artist) is pregnant! Louise: I had no idea about it, I thought she never wanted to have children, and suddenly she sends me an invite to her baby shower! Emma: Wow, thats surprising! Is she going to get married? Louise: Well, I dont think so. I dont even know who her boyfriend is at the moment. Louise: It's strange, she's heavily pregnant and her bf posts pictures from a holiday in Thailand... alone... Emma: Maybe they aren't together anymore and she has a new bf? Louise: maybe, I dont really know. Emma: you'll find everything out at the party. Louise: I dont fancy going to be honest... She has invited a lot of her girl friends, they have already set up a group on Messenger and I guess there will be many people I dont know... Louise: I'd rather meet just her, for a coffee or something. Or visit her and the baby after giving birth. Emma: The party may be nice. Louise: It may be, but Im not really sure. From that group conversation on msg I can see the girls are getting crazy about the presents, food, decorations... Louise: to be honest, I dont feel like spending PLN 200 on a party for someone who's nice, but I havent seen for ages and now suddenly she invites me to come. Just for the presents, I think. Emma: Yeah, maybe you're right
Louise's friend Ann is pregnant and invited her to a baby shower. Louise doesn't want to go because she hasn't seen Ann for ages. Ann doesn't seem to be getting married.
Jessica: I lost my banana bread recipe. Is it okay if I make brownies for Thursday instead? George: I guess, but that's not really a breakfast norm, is it? Jessica: Oh, right, I forgot it was breakfast. Now what? George: Corn muffins? Jessica: I can get down with that! Do you have a recipe? George: Heck no! I just buy the Jiffy mix! Jessica: Cheating! LOL! George: You know it! They are just as good. Jessica: I could add some bacon, jalapeno and cheese! George: That would dress them up. Brilliant! Jessica: Great, that's what I'll do. Is there anything else? George: Just yourself! Jessica: I will be there! George: Looking forward to seeing you!
Jessica will make corn muffins using the "Jiffy" mix for the Thursday breakfast. She might add some bacon, jalapeno, and cheese to the muffins.
Kevin: I can't understand why I'm feeling so tired today Will: Could be because of time switch Kevin: Right! We moved our clocks 1 hour forward Kevin: But is it possible to feel tired just because 1 hour change? Will: idk Will: maybe Kevin: I heard that UE wants to agree on giving up changing time in summer and winter Kevin: Question is what time will be the one staying right xD Will: Summer time I guess Will: But honestly idk
Kevin feels tired. There was a time switch last night.
Jamal: Hey, how's the weather for you today? We got slammed by a storm last night. Carrie: Same here. It took us a bit by surprise. The forecast said it would miss us. Jamal: Do you still have power? We lost ours for a couple of hours. Carrie: Yes, we do, although a tree did fall down last night. Jamal: Yeah, our yard is a wreck. We raked up the leaves yesterday morning, but all our hard work was for nothing. Carrie: That's annoying. Jamal: Sure is. Is it still raining there? Carrie: Yes, although it's supposed to clear up soon. We wanted to go for a walk at the nature reserve today. Jamal: That sounds nice. Hope it works out. Carrie: Thanks!
There was a storm last night. Jamal lost the power for a couple of hours and his garden is wrecked. It's still raining where Carrie lives.
Lyric: What is the last thing you fixed? Trey: I helped my brother to make n RC car last night Lyric: Cool Trey: hmm Lyric: Can you make one for me too? Trey: Yeah I would Lyric: Tysm
Trey helped his brother to make an RC car last night and Lyric is asking if he can do that for her, too.
Carl: How has this disgusting man still got a career? Sam: Why is he disgusting ? Carl: gave a 20 year old HIV then she killed herself, read a little mate Edd: Carl, do English, Sam: Carl, read a little better mate. The allegation was for herpes not hiv and he got cleared, by a judge, you know more than the judge who saw all the relevant evidence? Please
Carl thinks the man is disgusting. Sam read he got cleared by a judge.
Charlotte: Anybody wants to help me to move some stuff from my apartment tonight? Frederic: I can help you with a car Charlotte: Thanks!!!! 😍 Emanuel: I'll join you too Charlotte: you're both amazing. Let's meet at 8pm
Charlotte is moving from her apartment. Frederic and Emanuel offer her some help. They will meet at 8PM.
Ralph: Who wants to chat? I'm sitting on a train and I'm bored out of my mind. Agnes: Do you want some cat memes? :D Ralph: I'd love to but the Internet on my phone is so slow :/ Brittany: Where are you going? Ralph: Sheffield. I've got a business meeting there. Felix: Sam lives in Yorkshire now, maybe the two of you could go out for a drink together? Ralph: Doesn't he live somewhere in North Yorkshire though? Agnes: Yes, they live in Harrogate. Brittany: I don't even know where this is. Felix: Somewhere north of Leeds, I think. Ralph: I any case, it's not close enough to Sheffield, I'm afraid. Brittany: Why did he move there, actually? Felix: No idea. He had quite a good job here in London, didn't he? Ralph: Maybe his wife wanted to move? Agnes: They inherited a small business there. Something to do with beer. A pub, a brewery or something like that. Felix: My grandpa used to own a small pub. The only one in his village. I loved going there as a kid. Ralph: Good beer? :D Felix: LOL, no idea, but the music was awesome. We slept in a room just above the main one, so even though we were sent to beds early, we still could hear all the singing. And some of these songs were even less suitable for kids our age than beer :D Agnes: People knew how to have fun back then, didn't they? :) Brittany: And we don't? Agnes: Not in the same way. I sort of wish it was still common to sing at work. It makes many tasks less mundane. Ralph: Haha, I just imagined my whole office singing “We Will Rock You” while settling invoices :D Agnes: I'm sure it would make your work more fun! :D
Ralph is going to Sheffield for a business meeting. Felix suggests Ralph visits Sam but he lives too far away. Felix's grandpa used to own a small pub. Agnes reckons people knew how to have fun back then but Brittany thinks we do as well.
Jerry: Hello. I just wanted to write and ask, what time is training tomorrow? Larry: Training starts at 6:30. Jerry: Ok, because there's no information on the website. Larry: Yeah, I'm aware of the problem. There were some issues earlier today. Jerry: Ok, thank you. Larry: You're welcome. Don't forget your clothes for dryland training later on. Jerry: Ok, thank you.
Training starts at 6:30. Larry reminds Jerry about taking clothes for dryland training.
Kim: i have to show you something! Chloe: what? Kim: my new dress Kim: its gorgeous! Kim: <file_video> Chloe: wow Chloe: it's sparkling so beautifully!
Kim has a new dress.
Emma: So many gray hair I found today(~_~メ) Emma: So sad😭😭😭😭😭😭 Taylor: Did u pull them out? Emma: How couldn't I leave them there?😱😱 Emma: Of course I pulled the all T.T they are so ugly!😱 Emma: I hope I could have two more eyes on the back of my head_| ̄|○ Taylor: Pulling gray hair might not be a good idea(ΘεΘ;) Emma: Why so? Emma: if people see my gray hair they'll think I am old.. 😭
Emma is upset because she has found many gray hairs today.
Randy: Natalie, we're dead, look what happened! Natalie: What's wrong? Randy: <file_video> Natalie: No way, how did Sally and Molly get to the parent's bedroom?!! Randy: I've no idea, someone must have left the door open Natalie: It looks really nasty! Why are all the sheets so dirty? Randy: I think they both went to play in the mud and then somehow ended up here Natalie: Jesus Christ, mum is going to be really mad! Start cleaning it Randy: I know, but it's hopeless, parents might here any minute Natalie: Just do it, I'll be back as soon as I can!
Sally and Molly possibly played in the mud and got to parent's bedroom, where they made a mess. Randy will start cleaning and Natalie will join him as soon as she can, because parents might be here any minute.
Julia: What was the name of the song you played yesterday? Julia: I can't remember and I have it in my head. Adam: Tom Odell - Another Love remix Adam: Actually it's a sad song Julia: I know. Julia: But this remix is so good I can't stop thinking of it Adam: <file_other> Adam: Catch a youtube link Julia: Thanks :D Adam: The best thing about my youtube is that I once found few good songs Adam: And now, autoplay function plays really good songs automatically Adam: I'm really proud of my cooperation with youtube algorithm :D Julia: Haaha. Don't be so full of yourself. Your ego will blow the city up. Adam: I can't help it. Adam: It's oddly satisfying when I think about it. Julia: Haha. Thanks for the song. I'm going back to work Adam: Good luck :D
Julia is looking for the song that Adam played yesterday. He provides a link to the song. Adam is happy with how YouTube autoplay function works.
Carol: I don’t know how I am gonna react… Andy: how is she? Her condition? Carol: I am not sure I called so david told me it was normal delievery so physically I think she is fine… I cant imagine mentally Andy: I know!! She was so happy and excited.. I remember how she was at baby shower and gender reveal.. this is so upsetiing… Carol: true.. now we will have to help her move on? Andy: yess.. when are you going to the hosp? Carol: in an hour.. Andy: pick me up too Carol: sure it was great! Andy: yes… I need to prepare myself how to react normall Carol: yes thats what I am trying to dooo… her pain is beyond our imagination Andy: but we have to make her understand this is not the end of the world Andy: and whatever happens Is for the reason Carol: yes.. your already prepared! I am still struggling Andy: i am not prepared its all in my mind.. i know i wont be able to say it all Carol: i know,.. if she would cry i would cry too Andy: dont be stupid please try to control your emotions and help her come out of it! be strong.. Andy: see you now I am getting ready Carol: sure
Carol is going to the hospital in an hour and will pick up Andy. Andy is getting ready now.
Matt: Hon, they are letting me go at 2 Lizzy: Lucky!!! Matt: and you? Lizzy: they might but they won't say anything until the very last minute Matt: let me know I can pick you up Lizzy: Don't worry I guess I'm prepared to go straight from work Matt: Ok, need anything? Lizzy: Your love's enough :)
Matt will finish at 2. Lizzy will get home on her own.
Sara: 5 min and I'm there:) Greg: ok, gonna wait outside Sara: ok :-)
Sara and Greg are meeting outside in 5 minutes.
Lily: <file_photo> Lily: <file_photo> Lily: thank you again for a lovely time yesterday Lily: you guys are the best hosts Rosa: awwww thanks for the pics Rosa: and thank you for coming! Lily: next time, I cook :) Rosa: great :)
Lily had nice time at Rosa's yesterday.
Sam: Do you guys miss me? Annie: duhh Ian: What kind of question is this Annie: xd Sam: I am just bored Sam: Can't focus on my studies xd
Sam is bored and cannot focus on studies.
Orion: I miss him :( Cordelia: Need i remind you that he cheated on you? Asshole! You deserve alot better! Orion: ...what? oh, right noo - im talking about our rat... he died Cordelia: SMITHERS?!?!?!?!?!?!?! NOOOOOOOO Cordelia: D: Orion: the funeral was lovely sniff
Orion's partner cheated on him. Orion's rat has died.
Billy: Man, what was the name of that film with this guy who took DMT and was killed and his soul was flying over Tokio? Will: Enter the Void? Billy: Yes! I've been looking for this film and I could't remember the title. Will: I've seen that film 3 times. Each time I was high, and each time I had seen something different in that movie. Billy: Hahah! Admit it, you just fell asleep after title screen! Will: Hah. No that's not true. But if you count in the times I've fallen asleep while watching it, then I've seen it 6 times :P Billy: :) :) :) Ha! Don't smoke too much. Everything is unhealthy when it's too much. Will: You're totally right! Billy: Anyway, thanks for the movie. You've helped me with my plans for evening. Will: Sure, no problem. Have a nice evening then! Bye! Billy: Bye!
Billy has been looking for a movie called Enter the Void. Will has seen it three times.
Todd: hey bro, have u got a spare sleeping bag to borrow? Peter: I've got only one, when do u need it? Todd: this weekend Peter: u can take mine, coz I'm not going to use it this weekend Todd: cool! Todd: Where/when can I get it? Peter: I'll be at home today after 7 Todd: can u remind yr address? Peter: sure, it's here <file_other> Peter: what time will u come? Todd: around 8, ok? Peter: yep, car or what? Todd: bike, why? Peter: I'll get some beers then Todd: good, cu!
Todd will come to Peter's place to borrow his sleeping bag at 8 pm tomorrow. They will drink beer.
Rodger: What was that yesterday? Ronald: What do you mean? Rodger: You left the meeting without saying a word... Ronald: Boss just annoyed me Rodger: he was angry as well Rodger: you know he disapproves of behaviour like that Ronald: what should I do then? Rodger: Your best bet is to apologize him. Ronald: well... Ronald: if that's the only option... okay, but in my opinion it won't change anything Rodger: it will, I know him better than you. Rodger: He appreciates it when an employee understands he did the wrong thing. Ronald: are you sure? Rodger: Yep, trust me Ronald: so I'll go to work as usual and I'll express regret Ronald: I hope it's enough, is it? Rodger: I'm pretty sure. Rodger: but don't do it again, next time things may get more serious. Ronald: okay okay... lesson learned
Ronald left the meeting yesterday because his boss annoyed him. Ronald will apologize to the boss.
Ioanna: First day at work today! Jensen: Good luck Jensen: U got this Maria: U got this!! Ioanna: <3
Ioanna starts a new work today.
Charlotte: Chloe texted me that she'll be late Charlotte: so there's no hurry Amber: ok, thanks for letting me know Amber: I'm in a middle of a traffic jam Charlotte: so am I and I guess Chloe as well Amber: seems like we're all going to be late
Chloe will be late, as Charlotte reports. Amber and Charlotte are stuck in the traffic jam.
Lawrence: Papa you're at home in the evening? When are you leaving? Papa: On Wednesday. Yes, I'm at home all day long. Lawrence: I'll pop in after jogging. Shorty before seven. Papa: Do so! You want to say goodbye? Lawrence: Just wanna see you. Shall we have a meal together, with Anna and Pat, before you go? Papa: Would be nice. My treat then. Lawrence: On Sunday? Lunch? Papa: Brunch in Schlosscafe. OK? Lawrence: Good. Will you phone Pat? Papa: :( Lawrence: OK I will. Papa: Thank you, son. Nothing against her, just prefer not to have to talk her. Lawrence: I see. No pro. Lawrence: What time shall we make it? Papa: 12ish? Lawrence: Suits fine. No booking necessary? Papa: I'd better make one as it's Sunday. Lawrence: I'll come and C U anyway tonight. Papa: I'll put beer in the fridge. Lawrence: And something to eat? Haven' t had lunch today. Papa: I'll fix you something nice. Lawrence: Ta papa! Cheers!
Lawrence will visit Papa tonight after jogging before seven, Papa will prepare something to eat. Papa's leaving on Wednesday, so he'll go with Lawrence and Pat for a brunch at Schlosscafe at 12 on Sunday. Lawrence will call Pat.
Jimmy: Hey mate! free tomorrow? Kris: What's up my dude! I could be free:D why? Jimmy: I have one spear ticket for this stand-up, wanna come? Kris: Damn, that sounds tempting, I definitely need some laughs now Jimmy: Sounds like perfect timing, what's up? Kris: I dunno man, we're fighting bad with Cathy lately Jimmy: Oh shit, that's bad, I thought you guys are pretty like-minded Kris: I've been working lots lately, sometimes nights too, so I am barely home Jimmy: And she's alone with kids? Kris: Exactly, she holds a great grudge for that Jimmy: Well man, you do what you gotta do, earn that bread Kris: True that, but she seems not to get it that way Jimmy: You know what, seems like you both might need some break. How about you two go have some laughs, and I watch the kids Kris: Oh my man! She's gonna love it Jimmy: I know, I know, saving the day Kris: I'll owe you one man
Jimmy wants to go out for the stand-up with Kris. Kris is fighting bad with Cathy lately. Kris has been working lots and Kathy is alone with kids. Kris and Jimmy need a break so Jimmy will watch the kids.
Olivia: Hi Michael, is everything okay with the system? I can't log in Michal: there was a problem last night but it should work now Diego: same thing here, looks like it's the same problem again Michal: where are you Diego? Diego: Barcelona team D Michal: ok let me check that brb Olivia: ok Michal: please try to log in now and let me know please Diego: it works now! thank you Michal Olivia: yes it's okay now, thanks Michal: please let me know if the problem appears again. have a nice day.
Olivia and Diego can't log into the system. The same problem appeared last night. Michal checks the problem. The problem has been fixed.
John: Anything from the store? Tracy: Hmmm... there was this goat cheese last time that I really liked. You remember which one. John: I think I do. Anything else? Tracy: Maybe milk, cause we're running out. And like a couple of rolls, the grainy ones. Tracy: oh and tissues. John: Ok, roger that.
John will buy the goat cheese Tracy liked, milk, a couple of grainy rolls, and tissues.
Zara: <file_gif> Zara: something terrible happened :( Stanley: what? You OK? Zara: yes, I'm fine! I went to the swimming pool Zara: and lost the earring you gave me for birthday :( Stanley: oh Jesus, I thought something bad happened to you!
Zara has lost the earring, which Stanley gave her for birthday, when she was at the swimming pool.
Alessandra: hey Meggie! Are you coming to the office today? Megan: No... I am sick, I will stay home so I don't infect anyone else Alessandra: sure sure, that's fine Megan: did you need anything from me? Alessandra: there are some papers that i need you to sign Megan: what for? Alessandra: new medical insurance and benefits Megan: can it wait till friday? Alessandra: yes, don't worry :) Megan: okey, I will come by your office on friday and sign them, thanks! Have a nice day! Alessandra: you too! Get well!
Megan will not come to work today because she is sick. Alessandra needs Megan to sign papers. Megan will sign the papers on Friday.
Harry: We are in Luxembourg June 5-15. Anyone in town we can meet? Jools: June? Harry: July! Sorry Ian: <file_photo> Ian: guys waiting to welcome you Harry: LOL Adrien: I could do lunch again. Message me when you get into town! Harry: Let's do it Audrey: I'm on holidays till 7/12 Audrey: I'll text you when I'm back in town and we'll catch up
Harry will be in Luxembourg from 5 until 15 July. Adrian and Ian will be happy to meet. Audrey is on holiday until 12 July, she will get in touch with Harry when she's back in town.
Paul: Hope you bought the movie I sent you. Lee: Not yet. Lee: But I am headed there right now. Paul: Okay. Tell me when you have it Lee: 👌
Paul has sent Lee a movie. Lee is going to buy it now and inform Paul.
Diana: hello Max: hi Diana: i have some crazy idea Max: again? :P Diana: ha ha ha. Diana: not funny Max: oh come on Diana: never mind Diana: will you go with me to my parents? Max: what? Diana: i just want you to meet them Max: i think its too early Max: we know each other for two weeks
Diana wants Max to meet her parents. He thinks it's too early.
Veronica: hello :) how do you feel about a meeting this friday, around 6pm? Megan: sounds good, I'm free on Friday ;) Veronica: can you recommend any place in your neighbourhood? Megan: there's a variety of bars in the Down Street, we can go there together and pick one as we go Veronica: do you know any place where they serve Negroni? Megan: I've got no idea, but if you know one we can change the location Veronica: I'll ask the rest of the girls Megan: okay, let me know :* Veronica: change of plans, can we meet next friday instead? Kate is out :( Megan: I think that works for me too Veronica: awesome! It's gonna be so much fun! :) Megan: yeah! I can't wait to see you all <3 Veronica: see you then :* Megan: see you :*
Veronica and Megan postpone their meeting with other girls till next Friday because Kate is unavailable this Friday. There is variety of bars in Down Street. Megan does not know where Negroni is served.
Jake: Man I have this box full of old cables Jake: And I know I should throw it away Jake: But there is this devil on my shoulder who keeps saying: "It might be useful. Don't throw it away" Kevin: Hahahaha. I believe every man has a devil like that. Kevin: If you saw my father's garage, you'd know :D Jake: Cables and wires are my weak spot. Jake: Probably because I have an urge to connect everything in my home to sth. Jake: PC to TV. TV to phone. Phone to PC. and so on and so on Kevin: Techno-freak? Jake: I wish. I would say "wannabe techno freak" Kevin: :D ;D :D
Jake has a box full of old cables and is reluctant to throw it out, even though he feels he should. Kevin's father has the same issue. Jake feels the urge to connect all his electronic devices to each other.
Brad: What a shot... Hank: he did it again :D Gary: It's his best match so far Hank: I noticed that too Brad: He amazes me everytime
Brad, Hank and Gary are watching a match. One of the players is having an amazing game.
Terry: <file_other> Terry: did you see this interview with Kit Harrington? Ann: Yeah, I laughed so hard Ann: <file_gif> Terry: hysterical to me :D
Ann saw the interview with Kit Harrington and it was hysterical to Terry.
Howard: I'm here now. Stephanie: I can't see you, whereabouts are you? Howard: Standing at the top of the stairs at the station Howard: Are you at the other side? Stephanie: Oh, sorry, I'm across the street Stephanie: Give me two mins and I'll be there Howard: Cool
Howard is waiting at the top of the stairs. Stephanie has to cross the street. Stephanie will see Howard in two mins.
Cheryl: Have you seen Jenny recently? Cristina: no, I am not sure she's in town even Alice: she is, just busy with the baby Mary: exactly Cheryl: did she decide to baptise it eventually? Cristina: I think she decided she won't do it Cheryl: I think she's is right Alice: I agree
Jenny is in town but she's busy with the baby. She's not going to baptise it.
Paul: <file_photo> Paul: Fuck me, I’ve listened to May’s address today and I feel like she’s currently number one on the list of politicians I despise Matt: Mmm haven’t heard it yet. What does she say? Anton: She’s the embodiment of the will of the British people Anton: So she can’t be sacked Paul: She can’t be sacked not only because she’s the personification of the iron will of the Island Race Paul: But also because renegotiation might be needed, new PM wouldn’t be able to make it before March deadline (idk why) Anton: Basically, there’s no Brexit without her! Anton: So she must stay and steer us through the no-deal fiasco she Herself Is Working On So Hard Anton: I agree with Paul that it was the most bizarre, ridiculous thing Anton: 🤮🤮🤮 Matt: One of the weirdest things is that people criticise her for many things but then when the moment of praise comes (and it always does, fuck knows why) it’s for her RESILIENCE Matt: As if it was inherently positive Matt: I somehow can’t recall any world leader mentioned in history books because of this singular quality Anton: I feel like Fidel and Nicolas Maduro have been praised for the same thing Anton: Your memory is failing you my friend Matt: 🤣🤣🤣 Paul: lmao Anton: But hey, we’re losing our time here chatting away while the British Pound sinks deeper and deeper Anton: We should be buying dollars 🤑 Matt: We should be buying EUROS Paul: <file_other> Paul: We should be buying BOLÍVARES Matt: LOOOOL
Matt, Anton and Paul are discussion their dislike of Theresa May and her negotiations regarding Brexit.
Louise: I had a driving course with one of your tutors last week and i was wondering if I can book another course Sue: yes of course what was your name please Louise: Louise Hacker Sue: and the postcode of the course? Louise: RM5 6YT Sue: thanks was this with Graham Mason on the 21st September? Louise: yes Sue: ok so right are you after another half day Louise? Louise: no I would like 2 half days and I would like him to take me out on the motorways if he can. I feel better but not quite there yet Sue: ok do you have dates in mind? Louise: preferably sat or sun and I'm free for at least 5 or 6 weeks Sue: ok Louise.. I will contact Graham and come back to you again shortly with some dates for you to choose from Louise: ok thanks very much, will you contact me by text or email? Sue: I will text you but follow up with an email Louise: Perfect thanks
Louise and Sue are arranging another driving course for Louise. Louise would like 2 half-day drives with the same tutor and prefers weekends. Sue will contact the tutor about the dates and will get back to Louise with a text and an e-mail.
Emily: I went to the dentist Jon: How was that Emily: It hurts! Had a root canal Jacob: You never brush your teeth or what xd Emily: 😡 Emily: HArd to tell but I do! Jon: relax and take days off from work Emily: I will do
Emily had a root canal and it hurts her. She's going to take some days off from work and relax.
Mike: Can you give me a call when you're free. John: Sure thing. I can't talk at the moment as I'm in a meeting. Mike: When will the meeting finish? John: Not sure. Mike: Approximately? John: I really don't know. Mike: Look I really need to speak to you tonight. John: I'll try to call you but I can't promise anything.
John can't talk at the moment as he is in a meeting. John doesn't know when the meeting is going to end. Mike needs to speak to John tonight. John will try to call Mike when he's free.
Anna: I am gonna kill Tom today. Lisa: What happened? Anna: Can you imagine that he hasn't changed the baby's diaper for the whole day? Lisa: Dear lord, no. Anna: Yes. the smell, the view when I finally changed Stevie - priceless Lisa: Did you say something? Anna: Yes, I said: Are you fucking kidding me? Are you a complete idiot? Lisa: And...? Anna: He said that a little pee never hurt anybody and that I'm overreacting Lisa: Typical. Has he ever admitted that he screwed up? Anna: I honestly can't remember the last time he apologized to me. And it's getting really tiring, you know. Lisa: I know, would you like Sam to talk to him? You know I can stir him into the right direction, he could really make him think Anna: I don't know... He's only gonna get mad. Lisa: At Sam? Anna: At me. Lisa: Oh, I see. Maybe you should try to talk to him, but like serious for once, not just in regards to you know, some one thing he messed up, but his general attitude. Anna: I know I should, but I am just so tired all the time, I get mad and then I just let it go. Lisa: What do you say we leave Stevie with your sister and go to a SPA for a day during the weekend? A nice massage and a facial? Could only do you good. Anna: That would be absolutely fantastic. Lisa: I will call the Dream SPA later today. Cheer up. It will all be okay. Anna: I love you <3 Thanks!!
Anna is angry as Tom hasn't changed Stevie's diaper for the whole day. Lisa thinks Anna should talk to Tom about his general attitude. Lisa and Anna want to go to a Spa for a day at the weekend. Lisa suggests leaving Stevie with Anna's sister. Lisa will call the Dream Spa today.
Libbie: hello Libbie: can you help me? Libbie: I don't get these reactions Jean: sure Jean: for me chemistry is quite simple Libbie: thanks Libbie: :)
Libbie asks Jean to help her with chemistry. Jean agrees.
Liv: how was the wedding? Kate: oh yeah you didn't make it Liv: i know, i tried but no Kate: she looked wonderful of course Liv: seen the photos on fb Kate: oh yeah so you know. well, it was pretty normal i guess Liv: & Jim? Kate: he behaved well luckily. got drunk but not too much Liv: good to know. what time did it finish Kate: i was back home at 6 am so i guess it was a good party right Liv: wow, 6 am. who would've thought!
The wedding was normal and she looked wonderful. Jim did not get too drunk and he behaved well. The party was good and Kate came back home at 6 am.
Tom: How's it going? Cinthia: Not good. Tom: Why is it so? Cinthia: I'm grounded. My mom doesn't let me go out. Tom: What did you do? Cinthia: I was supposed to take care of my sister when she was out. Tom: And? Cinthia: I hate doing such things! Tom: And where was she? Cinthia: Preparing the garden for the party. Today there'll come our family and I was supposed to entertain the little brat. Tom: What happend? Cinthia: Well, she got burned with the milk. I was watching TV. Tom: I'm sorry, is she OK now? Cinthia: Why do you feel sorry for her and not for me?
Cinthia is grounded for not taking care of her younger sister properly. Cinthia's sister got burned while Cinthia was watching TV. Tom feels sorry for Cinthia's sister but Cinthia feels sorry for herself.