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BMKG: satu titik panas terdeteksi di Aceh | 270 | 180 | 0.278873 | id | 0.234915 | 0.000193 | BMKG: One hot spot detected in Aceh | 4.75483 |
Photo of Terdakwa Pembunuh Babinsa Pekojan di Vonis 12 Tahun Penjara | 390 | 220 | 0.280276 | id | 0.131075 | 0.00408 | Photo of accused murderer Babinsa Pekojan sentenced to 12 years in prison | 4.483191 |
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Lady Gaga Curhat Jadi Korban Pemerkosaan Saat Umur 19 Tahun dan Alami Gangguan Psikotik | 700 | 525 | 0.288136 | id | 0.143769 | 0.022906 | Lady Gaga was raped at the age of 19 and had a psychotic disorder. | 5.034095 |
Gambar sampul Universitas di Surabaya Ini Resmi Membuka e-Korean Class | 160 | 120 | 0.295075 | id | 0.283362 | 0.001225 | University in Surabaya officially opens e-Korean class | 4.310056 |
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2014 RAM Ram Pickup 1500 for sale at H3 MOTORS in Dickinson TX | 480 | 270 | 0.284541 | id | 0.678083 | 0.000006 | 2014 RAM Ram Pickup 1500 for sale at H3 MOTORS in Dickinson TX | 4.672441 |
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Warga melintas di depan mural ondel-ondel di kawasan Dukuh Atas, Jakarta Pusat. | 910 | 580 | 0.289057 | id | 0.135189 | 0.000123 | The people crossed in front of the mural ondel-ondel in Dukuh Atas area, Jakarta Central. | 5.145457 |
GIIAS Resmi Dibuka di Makassar | 210 | 118 | 0.262126 | id | 0.23485 | 0.020978 | GIIAS officially opened in Makassar | 3.642436 |
Siap-siap, Pelanggar Prokes di Sanggau Bakal Ditindak Mulai Besok | 653 | 366 | 0.267712 | id | 0.324101 | 0.015164 | Prepare, the offenders in Sanggau will begin to act tomorrow | 5.279212 |
Menteri Ketenagakerjaan (Menaker) Hanif di acara Pesta Retail Nasional yang diselenggarakan PT HM Sampoerna di Serpong, Tangerang, Kamis (22/11/2018) malam. | 750 | 500 | 0.294805 | id | 0.9702 | 0.008308 | Minister of Labour (Menaker) Hanif at the National Retail Festival held by PT HM Sampoerna in Serp | 4.764553 |
Danlanud Wiriadinata Raih Juara Umum Lomba Publikasi Tingkat Koopsau 1 | 350 | 250 | 0.28378 | id | 0.322391 | 0.008027 | Danlanud Wiriadinata wins general champion of publication competition Koopsau 1 | 4.224823 |
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For rent of flat in Salamanca | 450 | 600 | 0.288971 | id | 0.855858 | 0.000262 | For rent of apartment in Salamanca | 3.959541 |
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PPKM sampai Tanggal Berapa di Jawa Timur Tahun 2021? Simak di Sini | 250 | 187 | 0.293653 | id | 0.5 | 0.138439 | How long will it be in East Java in 2021? | 3.938897 |
Harga dan Spesifikasi SUV MG ZS Electric di Indonesia | 750 | 500 | 0.288476 | id | 0.446743 | 0.000124 | Price and Specifications of the MG ZS Electric SUV | 5.124631 |
Protokol Kesehatan saat Demo Dilanggar, Pelaku Bisa Dijerat UU Kekarantinaan | 233 | 146 | 0.309101 | id | 0.411884 | 0.057626 | Health protocol when the demo is disrupted, the perpetrator can be declared a law of disadvantage | 4.352163 |
Jual Produk Sejenis Jok Sadel Honda Super Cub C700 C800 Nos | 194 | 194 | 0.264382 | id | 0.10451 | 0.000008 | Review of Honda Super Cub C700 C800 | 4.142305 |
PEMBUAT seragam sekolah topi dan dasi murah dan berkualitas kirim ke bima - nusa tenggara barat Indonesia - 0821.4272.0542 | 448 | 336 | 0.283769 | id | 0.06983 | 0.003753 | PEMBUAT school uniform hats and tie cheap and quality send to bima - nusa southeastern west Indonesia - 08 | 3.619058 |
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Bagaimana Jika Tidak Dipilih Jokowi? Muhaimin: Saya Patah Hati | 1,024 | 537 | 0.32045 | id | 0.505622 | 0.000329 | What if I didn’t choose Jokowi? – Muhaimin: I’m broken heart | 4.876137 |
5 Makanan Termahal di Jepang, Harganya Menguras Kantong! | 840 | 470 | 0.266865 | id | 0.079067 | 0.00013 | The 5 most expensive foods in Japan, the price is draining your pocket! | 4.894217 |
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Arizona Memorial | 223 | 299 | 0.277658 | id | 0.130049 | 0.000155 | Arizona Memorial | 5.135443 |
VIDEO: Peserta Demo BEM SI Membubarkan Diri | 226 | 127 | 0.271035 | id | 0.37407 | 0.001021 | Video: Demo player BEM SI is dissolving | 4.259528 |
10 langkah Mudah dalam Implementasi iso 9001 2015 | 300 | 300 | 0.32284 | id | 0.658099 | 0.000074 | 10 Easy Steps in Implementing ISO 9001 2015 | 4.379345 |
Inilah Tren Tema Pernikahan 2019 dari Indonesia Dream Wedding Festival | 1,000 | 561 | 0.323226 | id | 0.152535 | 0.000123 | This is the 2019 Dream Wedding Festival | 4.659907 |
Modifikasi Bentley Continental Gt Gincu Merah Dengan Velg Forgatio | 640 | 427 | 0.30025 | id | 0.245759 | 0.000399 | Modified Bentley Continental Gt Red Clutch with Velg Forgatio | 5.361199 |
http://ks.fisip.unib.ac.id/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/yyfrd4.jpg | Bentuk Solidaritas, Mahasiswa FISIP UNIB Gelar Penggalangan Dana untuk Sulteng | 870 | 579 | 0.289564 | id | 0.291569 | 0.002958 | Form of Solidarity, Student FISIP UNIB Degree Fundraising for Sulteng | 4.370839 |
resort swimming pool | 500 | 375 | 0.30459 | id | 0.085496 | 0.000392 | Resort Swimming Pool | 4.805245 |
Cara cepat profit di forex | 700 | 933 | 0.28011 | id | 0.317388 | 0.003418 | How to Make a Fast Profit in Forex | 3.988587 |
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Royal-Norwegian-Embassy1.jpg | 331 | 152 | 0.333402 | id | 0.588031 | 0.000018 | Royal-Norwegian-Embassy1.jpg | 4.258907 |
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http://nonstopnews.id/uploads/images/image_750x_5be1b8828ca61.jpg | Bangunan Berdiri di Tanah Pemda, Yani Perintahkan Kasatpol PP Jakbar Selidiki | 750 | 563 | 0.28004 | id | 0.04409 | 0.000342 | Building stands in Pemda Land, So Order Kasatpol PP Jakbar Investigation | 4.489353 |
Digimobil | 150 | 150 | 0.288661 | id | 0.234586 | 0.000217 | Digimobil | 4.016563 |
MIK vs OH91 | 628 | 280 | 0.263109 | id | 0.326609 | 0.000945 | Mik vs OH91 | 3.938006 |
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Carya cordiformis image | 260 | 390 | 0.263842 | id | 0.161993 | 0 | Carya cordiformis image | 4.581946 |
Berikut Yang Mencetak Uang Kartal Ri Adalah Bank Indonesia 3bcd6 | 560 | 300 | 0.283111 | id | 0.602417 | 0.034766 | The Bank of Indonesia is the Bank of Indonesia 3bcd6. | 5.17005 |
Rp388jt Apartemen Dijual | 618 | 412 | 0.263122 | id | 0.5 | 0.015717 | 888 Apartment for sale | 5.099292 |