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गंभीर अपराध कम होते हैं, लेकिन हत्याएं बढ़ती हैं। | पुलिस बल का धन्यवाद, हत्याएं अब तक के सबसे निचले स्तर पर हैं। | 2contradiction
| Serious crimes are low, but homicides are on the rise. | Thanks to the police force, murders are at an all-time low. | Serious crime decreases, but homicides increase. | Thanks to the police, murders are at an all-time low. | Serious crimes will decrease, but murders will increase. | Thanks to the police force, murders are at an all-time low. | Serious crime is down, but homicides are up. | Thanks to the police force, murders are at an all-time low. | Serious crime is declining, but homicides are on the rise. | The police force has reduced the number of murders. | Murders are on the rise, but crime is on the rise. | Thanks to the police, the incidents of murder have come down to a minimum. | Serious crimes decrease, but murders increase. | Thanks to the police force, murders are at an all-time low. | Serious crime is down, but murders are up. | Thanks to the police force, murders are now at a minimum. |
गंभीर अपराध कम होते हैं, लेकिन हत्याएं बढ़ती हैं। | हत्याओं में वृद्धि हुई है क्योंकि एक सीरियल किलर छूट गया है। | 1neutral
| Serious crimes are low, but homicides are on the rise. | Murders have increased because a serial killer is on the loose. | Serious crime decreases, but homicides increase. | Murders have increased since the release of the serial killer. | Serious crimes will decrease, but murders will increase. | The killings are on the rise as the serial killers are absconding. | Serious crime is down, but homicides are up. | Murders are on the rise because the serial killer is on the run. | Serious crime is declining, but homicides are on the rise. | The murder rate has increased as serial killers are on the loose. | Murders are on the rise, but crime is on the rise. | Murders are on the rise due to the hunt for serial killers. | Serious crimes decrease, but murders increase. | Murders have increased because a serial killer is on the run. | Serious crime is down, but murders are up. | Murders have increased as serial killers are on the run. |
गंभीर अपराध कम होते हैं, लेकिन हत्याएं बढ़ती हैं। | हत्याओं में बढ़ोतरी हुई है। | 0entailment
| Serious crimes are low, but homicides are on the rise. | The number of deaths has increased. | Serious crime decreases, but homicides increase. | Murders have been on the rise. | Serious crimes will decrease, but murders will increase. | The number of deaths has increased. | Serious crime is down, but homicides are up. | There has been an increase in the number of murders. | Serious crime is declining, but homicides are on the rise. | The number of deaths has increased. | Murders are on the rise, but crime is on the rise. | This has led to an increase in the number of murders. | Serious crimes decrease, but murders increase. | There has been an increase in the number of murders. | Serious crime is down, but murders are up. | Murders have also been on the rise. |
यहां और वहां कुछ परिभाषाएं भी मिल सकती हैं जो पूरी तरह से गलत नहीं हैं अभी तक जिससे कोई असहमत हो सकता है। | एक परिभाषा तकनीकी रूप से सही हो सकती है, फिर भी उसकी दो या अधिक व्याख्याएं होती हैं, जिनके बारे में लोग बहस करेंगे। | 1neutral
| One can also find some definitions here and there that are not entirely wrong yet that one might disagree with. | A definition may be technically correct, yet have two or more interpretations that people will argue about. | You can also find some definitions here and there that aren't completely wrong yet someone might disagree with. | Although the definition may be technically correct, there are two or more interpretations that people will argue about. | One can also find some interpretations here and there, which are not entirely wrong but one does not agree with. | A definition may be technically correct but will have two or more definitions that people will argue over. | Some dissenting definitions can also be found here and there. | One definition may be technically correct, but there are two or more interpretations that people argue against. | One can also find some definitions here and there that are not entirely wrong but about which one may disagree. | The definition of this concept may be technically correct, but there are two or more definitions that people can argue over. | Some definitions may also be found here and there, which are not entirely incorrect, with which one may disagree. | While any definition may be technically correct, there are two or more interpretations that people may argue over. | One can also find some definitions here and there that are not completely wrong but with which one may disagree. | One definition may be technically correct but there are two or more interpretations that people will argue about. | One can find some definitions here and there that are not entirely wrong yet with which one can disagree. | A definition may be technically correct, but it has two or more interpretations that people will argue over. |
यहां और वहां कुछ परिभाषाएं भी मिल सकती हैं जो पूरी तरह से गलत नहीं हैं अभी तक जिससे कोई असहमत हो सकता है। | सभी पक्षों द्वारा सभी परिभाषाओं पर सहमति व्यक्त की गई है। | 2contradiction
| One can also find some definitions here and there that are not entirely wrong yet that one might disagree with. | All definitions have been agreed upon by all parties. | You can also find some definitions here and there that aren't completely wrong yet someone might disagree with. | All these definitions have been agreed upon by all parties. | One can also find some interpretations here and there, which are not entirely wrong but one does not agree with. | All definitions are agreed upon by all parties. | Some dissenting definitions can also be found here and there. | All definitions have been agreed upon by all parties. | One can also find some definitions here and there that are not entirely wrong but about which one may disagree. | All these interpretations have been accepted by all parties. | Some definitions may also be found here and there, which are not entirely incorrect, with which one may disagree. | All parties have agreed to it. | One can also find some definitions here and there that are not completely wrong but with which one may disagree. | All definitions have been agreed upon by all parties. | One can find some definitions here and there that are not entirely wrong yet with which one can disagree. | All definitions have been agreed upon by all parties. |
यहां और वहां कुछ परिभाषाएं भी मिल सकती हैं जो पूरी तरह से गलत नहीं हैं अभी तक जिससे कोई असहमत हो सकता है। | आप कुछ परिभाषाओं से असहमत हो सकते हैं, भले ही वे पूरी तरह गलत न हों। | 0entailment
| One can also find some definitions here and there that are not entirely wrong yet that one might disagree with. | You may disagree with some definitions, even if they're not entirely wrong. | You can also find some definitions here and there that aren't completely wrong yet someone might disagree with. | While some definitions may not be entirely wrong, you may not agree with them. | One can also find some interpretations here and there, which are not entirely wrong but one does not agree with. | You may not agree with some definitions, even if they are not completely wrong. | Some dissenting definitions can also be found here and there. | Some definitions may not be entirely correct, but you may disagree with them. | One can also find some definitions here and there that are not entirely wrong but about which one may disagree. | While some definitions aren't completely wrong, you might not agree with them. | Some definitions may also be found here and there, which are not entirely incorrect, with which one may disagree. | You may not agree with some of the definitions, although that's not entirely wrong. | One can also find some definitions here and there that are not completely wrong but with which one may disagree. | You may not agree with some of the definitions, even though they are not exactly wrong. | One can find some definitions here and there that are not entirely wrong yet with which one can disagree. | You may not agree with some of the definitions, although they are not entirely wrong. |
आरएच-II (RH-II) इस वर्तमान अभिव्यक्ति को साउथ मिडलैंड और दक्षिणी यू. एस. मूल का बताता है और इसका अर्थ है-के कगार पर होना। | आरएच-2 के अनुसार, इस अभिव्यक्ति का अर्थ है 'कगार पर होना'। | 0entailment
| RH-II describes this current expression as being of South Midland and Southern U.S. origin and means being on the verge of -. | According to RH-2, this expression means' being on the brink '. | RH-II refers to this current expression as being native to the South Midland and southern U.S. and means that it is close by. | According to RH-II, this expression means' reaching the brink '. | RH-II identifies this current expression as being of South Midland and Southern U.S. origin, and its meaning is marginal. | According to RH-II, this expression means' to be on edge '. | RH-II considers this current expression to be of South Midland and Southern United States origin. | According to RH-II, this expression means' to reach the edge '. | The current expression, RH-2, calls it native to the South Midlands and South America, and they are on the verge of approaching. | According to RH-2, this expression means' near '. | RH-II designates this present-day expression as being of South Midland and South American origin and means approximately. | According to RH-II, this expression means approximately. | RH-II describes this current expression as being of South Midland and Southern U.S. origin and has means of approximation. | According to R. ਐਚ.-II, this expression means' to be on the cauldron '. | RH-2 identifies this current expression as being of South Midland and Southern United States origin and meaning to be on the edge of. | According to RH-2, this expression means to be on the edge. |
आरएच-II (RH-II) इस वर्तमान अभिव्यक्ति को साउथ मिडलैंड और दक्षिणी यू. एस. मूल का बताता है और इसका अर्थ है-के कगार पर होना। | इस साउथ मिडलैंड अभिव्यक्ति का मतलब है मुझे भूख लगी है। | 2contradiction
| RH-II describes this current expression as being of South Midland and Southern U.S. origin and means being on the verge of -. | This South Midland expression means I'm hungry. | RH-II refers to this current expression as being native to the South Midland and southern U.S. and means that it is close by. | This South Midland expression means I'm hungry. | RH-II identifies this current expression as being of South Midland and Southern U.S. origin, and its meaning is marginal. | This South Midland expression means I'm hungry. | RH-II considers this current expression to be of South Midland and Southern United States origin. | The word South Midland means I'm hungry. | The current expression, RH-2, calls it native to the South Midlands and South America, and they are on the verge of approaching. | This South Midland expression means I'm hungry. | RH-II designates this present-day expression as being of South Midland and South American origin and means approximately. | This expression from the South Midlands means' I am hungry '. | RH-II describes this current expression as being of South Midland and Southern U.S. origin and has means of approximation. | This expression from the South Midlands means I'm hungry. | RH-2 identifies this current expression as being of South Midland and Southern United States origin and meaning to be on the edge of. | This expression from the South Midlands means I'm hungry. |
आरएच-II (RH-II) इस वर्तमान अभिव्यक्ति को साउथ मिडलैंड और दक्षिणी यू. एस. मूल का बताता है और इसका अर्थ है-के कगार पर होना। | इस अभिव्यक्ति को अमेरिका में क्रेओल भाषा से आयात किया गया था। | 1neutral
| RH-II describes this current expression as being of South Midland and Southern U.S. origin and means being on the verge of -. | The expression was imported into the Americas from the Creole language. | RH-II refers to this current expression as being native to the South Midland and southern U.S. and means that it is close by. | The expression was imported into the Americas from the Creole language. | RH-II identifies this current expression as being of South Midland and Southern U.S. origin, and its meaning is marginal. | The expression was imported to the U.S. from Creole slang. | RH-II considers this current expression to be of South Midland and Southern United States origin. | The expression was imported to the United States from the Creole language. | The current expression, RH-2, calls it native to the South Midlands and South America, and they are on the verge of approaching. | The term is derived from the Creole language in the United States. | RH-II designates this present-day expression as being of South Midland and South American origin and means approximately. | The expression was imported to the United States from Creole slang. | RH-II describes this current expression as being of South Midland and Southern U.S. origin and has means of approximation. | The expression was imported from the creole dialect in the United States. | RH-2 identifies this current expression as being of South Midland and Southern United States origin and meaning to be on the edge of. | The expression was imported to the United States from Creole slang. |
सरकारी/कानूनी बट्टा, बेगार, चपरासी, दाकोइट, डकोइट, धन, धरना, कोतवाल, कोतवाली, पंचायत, पोट्टाह, सभा | शब्दों का सार आसानी से समझा जा सकता है। | 2contradiction
| Govt / Legal Batta, Beggar, Peon, Dacoit, Dacoit, Dhan, Dharna, Kotwal, Kotwali, Panchayat, Pottah, Sabha | The essence of the words can be easily understood. | Government / Legal Batta, Beggar, Peon, Dacoit, Dacoity, Dhan, Dharna, Kotwal, Kotwali, Panchayat, Pottah, Sabha | All the words are easy to understand. | Government / Legal Batas, Beggars, Chaprasi, Dacoity, Dacoity, Dhan, Dharani, Kotwal, Kotwali, Panchayat, Potta, Sabha | The essence of the words is easy to understand. | Government / Statutory Bata, Begar, Chaprasi, Dacoit, Dacoity, Dhan, Dharna, Kotwal, Kotwali, Panchayat, Pota, Sabha | All the words are easy to understand. | Government / Legal Batta, Beggar, Peon, Dacoit, Dacoit, Dhan, Dharne, Kotwal, Kotwali, Panchayat, Pota, Sabha | It is easy to understand the meaning of these words. | Government / Legal Batta, Begar, Chaprasi, Dacoit, Dacoity, Dhan, Dharna, Kotwal, Kotwali, Panchayat, Potta, Sabha | All this is easy to understand. | Government / legal batta, begar, peon, dacoit, dacoity, dhan, dharna, kotwal, kotwali, panchayat, potah, sabha | These words are easy to understand. | Government / Legal Batta, Beggar, Chaprasi, Dakoit, Dakoity, Dhan, Dharna, Kotwal, Kotwali, Panchayat, Pottah, Sabha | The basic meaning of the word is easily understood. |
सरकारी/कानूनी बट्टा, बेगार, चपरासी, दाकोइट, डकोइट, धन, धरना, कोतवाल, कोतवाली, पंचायत, पोट्टाह, सभा | सरकार को बदनाम करने वाले बहुत से मूर्खतापूर्ण शब्द हैं। | 0entailment
| Govt / Legal Batta, Beggar, Peon, Dacoit, Dacoit, Dhan, Dharna, Kotwal, Kotwali, Panchayat, Pottah, Sabha | There are many silly words that defame the government. | Government / Legal Batta, Beggar, Peon, Dacoit, Dacoity, Dhan, Dharna, Kotwal, Kotwali, Panchayat, Pottah, Sabha | There are many stupid words that defame the government. | Government / Legal Batas, Beggars, Chaprasi, Dacoity, Dacoity, Dhan, Dharani, Kotwal, Kotwali, Panchayat, Potta, Sabha | There are enough words to mock the government. | Government / Statutory Bata, Begar, Chaprasi, Dacoit, Dacoity, Dhan, Dharna, Kotwal, Kotwali, Panchayat, Pota, Sabha | There are also many words that denigrate the government. | Government / Legal Batta, Beggar, Peon, Dacoit, Dacoit, Dhan, Dharne, Kotwal, Kotwali, Panchayat, Pota, Sabha | There are many stupid words criticizing the government. | Government / Legal Batta, Begar, Chaprasi, Dacoit, Dacoity, Dhan, Dharna, Kotwal, Kotwali, Panchayat, Potta, Sabha | There are many words that put the government in a spot. | Government / legal batta, begar, peon, dacoit, dacoity, dhan, dharna, kotwal, kotwali, panchayat, potah, sabha | There are many stupid words that defame the government. | Government / Legal Batta, Beggar, Chaprasi, Dakoit, Dakoity, Dhan, Dharna, Kotwal, Kotwali, Panchayat, Pottah, Sabha | There are many silly words that embarrass the government. |
सरकारी/कानूनी बट्टा, बेगार, चपरासी, दाकोइट, डकोइट, धन, धरना, कोतवाल, कोतवाली, पंचायत, पोट्टाह, सभा | हमें अजीब शर्तों की एक लंबी सूची दी गई थी। | 1neutral
| Govt / Legal Batta, Beggar, Peon, Dacoit, Dacoit, Dhan, Dharna, Kotwal, Kotwali, Panchayat, Pottah, Sabha | We were given a long list of strange terms. | Government / Legal Batta, Beggar, Peon, Dacoit, Dacoity, Dhan, Dharna, Kotwal, Kotwali, Panchayat, Pottah, Sabha | We were given a long list of strange terms. | Government / Legal Batas, Beggars, Chaprasi, Dacoity, Dacoity, Dhan, Dharani, Kotwal, Kotwali, Panchayat, Potta, Sabha | We were given a long list of strange words. | Government / Statutory Bata, Begar, Chaprasi, Dacoit, Dacoity, Dhan, Dharna, Kotwal, Kotwali, Panchayat, Pota, Sabha | We were handed a long list of strange words. | Government / Legal Batta, Beggar, Peon, Dacoit, Dacoit, Dhan, Dharne, Kotwal, Kotwali, Panchayat, Pota, Sabha | We were given a long list of strange terms. | Government / Legal Batta, Begar, Chaprasi, Dacoit, Dacoity, Dhan, Dharna, Kotwal, Kotwali, Panchayat, Potta, Sabha | We were given a long list of strange words. | Government / legal batta, begar, peon, dacoit, dacoity, dhan, dharna, kotwal, kotwali, panchayat, potah, sabha | We were given a long list of strange terms. | Government / Legal Batta, Beggar, Chaprasi, Dakoit, Dakoity, Dhan, Dharna, Kotwal, Kotwali, Panchayat, Pottah, Sabha | We were given a long list of strange conditions. |
टीचर ने समझाया कि वह उम्मीद करती है कि ये शब्द उसके श्रोताओं के लिए सही होंगे। | उसने अपने श्रोताओं को विकासवाद के बारे में समझाया। | 1neutral
| The teacher explained that she expects these words to be true for her listeners. | He explained evolution to his audience. | The teacher explained that the words were appropriate for the audience. | He explained the theory of evolution to the audience. | The teacher explained in a way that she hoped would be appropriate for her audience. | She explained evolution to her audience. | The teacher explained, hoping it would be appropriate for her audience. | She explained the theory of evolution to her audience. | The teacher explained in terms that would be appropriate for her audience. | She explained the theory of evolution to her audience. | The teacher said she hoped it would be appropriate for her audience. | He explained evolution to his audience. | The teacher explained that she wanted these things to be relevant to the audience. | He explained evolution to the people. | The teacher explained that she hoped it would be appropriate for her audience. | He explained evolution to his audience. |
टीचर ने समझाया कि वह उम्मीद करती है कि ये शब्द उसके श्रोताओं के लिए सही होंगे। | शिक्षक ने जानबूझकर अस्पष्ट शब्दों का प्रयोग करके अपना व्याख्यान देने की कोशिश की। | 2contradiction
| The teacher explained that she expects these words to be true for her listeners. | The teacher deliberately tried to deliver his lecture by using ambiguous words. | The teacher explained that the words were appropriate for the audience. | The teacher deliberately tried to lecture using ambiguous words. | The teacher explained in a way that she hoped would be appropriate for her audience. | The teacher deliberately tried to deliver her lecture using ambiguous words. | The teacher explained, hoping it would be appropriate for her audience. | The teacher consciously tried to deliver the lecture using ambiguous words. | The teacher explained in terms that would be appropriate for her audience. | The teacher deliberately tried to deliver her speech using ambiguous words. | The teacher said she hoped it would be appropriate for her audience. | The teacher deliberately attempted to deliver her speech using ambiguous words. | The teacher explained that she wanted these things to be relevant to the audience. | The teacher deliberately tried to give her speech with complicated words. | The teacher explained that she hoped it would be appropriate for her audience. | The teacher deliberately tried to deliver her speech using ambiguous words. |
टीचर ने समझाया कि वह उम्मीद करती है कि ये शब्द उसके श्रोताओं के लिए सही होंगे। | शिक्षक ने श्रोताओं को उचित शब्दों में समझाने की कोशिश की। | 0entailment
| The teacher explained that she expects these words to be true for her listeners. | The teacher tried to explain to the audience in appropriate terms. | The teacher explained that the words were appropriate for the audience. | The teacher tried to explain to the audience in the right words. | The teacher explained in a way that she hoped would be appropriate for her audience. | Teachers tried to explain in a way that was appropriate for the listener. | The teacher explained, hoping it would be appropriate for her audience. | The teacher tried to explain it in a way that was appropriate for the hearing. | The teacher explained in terms that would be appropriate for her audience. | The teacher tried to explain to the audience in the right way. | The teacher said she hoped it would be appropriate for her audience. | The teacher tried to explain to the audience in the right way. | The teacher explained that she wanted these things to be relevant to the audience. | The teacher tried to explain to the audience in the right words. | The teacher explained that she hoped it would be appropriate for her audience. | The teacher tried to explain to the audience in appropriate language. |
स्टेडियम और वहां जिस तरह की गतिविधि होती थी, उसे एगोन कहा जाता था, एक यूनानी शब्द जिसका मूल रूप से अर्थ है 'प्रतिस्पर्धा', लेकिन इसने हमें हमारा शब्द 'पीड़ा' दिया है। | "प्रतियोगिता" के लिए यूनानी शब्द का अंग्रेज़ी में अर्थ "पीड़ा" है क्योंकि प्रतियोगिताओं के दौरान "पीड़ा" होती थी। | 1neutral
| The stadium and the kind of activity that used to take place there was called agon, a Greek word that basically means' competition ', but it has given us our word' agony '. | The Greek word for "contest" means "agony" in English because there was "suffering" during contests. | The stadium itself, and the kind of activity that took place there, was called agon, a Greek word that originally meant 'contest', but which has given us our word 'agony'. | The Greek word for "competition" means "pain" in the English language. | The stadium itself, and the type of activities that took place there, was called agon, a Greek word that originally meant 'competition', but that has given us our word for 'agony'. | The Greek word for "competition" means "pain" in the English language, due to the distress caused during competitions. | The stadium and the action that took place there came to be known by the Greek word agon, originally meaning 'match', but this gave us the word 'agony'. | The Greek word for "competition" means "pain." | The stadium, and the activity there, is called agon, a Greek word that originally meant simply 'competition', but which has given us our word 'pain'. | The Greek word for "contest" has come to mean "pain" in English. | The stadium and the activities that take place there were called agon, a Greek word that originally meant 'competition', but that has given us our word 'pain'. | The Greek word used for "competition" means "pain" in English, because of the pain experienced during the competition. | The stadium and the activity that took place there was called Agon, a Greek word that originally means' competition ', but which has given us its own word' pain '. | The Greek word for "competition" means "pain" in English. | "The stadium and the type of activity that took place there was called agon, a Greek word that originally meant" "competition," "but which has given us the word" "agony." "" | Because of the pain experienced during competitions, the Greek word for "competition" in English has come to mean "agony." |
स्टेडियम और वहां जिस तरह की गतिविधि होती थी, उसे एगोन कहा जाता था, एक यूनानी शब्द जिसका मूल रूप से अर्थ है 'प्रतिस्पर्धा', लेकिन इसने हमें हमारा शब्द 'पीड़ा' दिया है। | "शब्द" "एगोन" "मूल रूप से यूनानी में" "प्रतियोगिता" "का अर्थ है।" | 0entailment
| The stadium and the kind of activity that used to take place there was called agon, a Greek word that basically means' competition ', but it has given us our word' agony '. | "The word" "agon" "originally meant" "contest" "in Greek." | The stadium itself, and the kind of activity that took place there, was called agon, a Greek word that originally meant 'contest', but which has given us our word 'agony'. | "The word" "agon" "means" "contest" "in Greek." | The stadium itself, and the type of activities that took place there, was called agon, a Greek word that originally meant 'competition', but that has given us our word for 'agony'. | "The word" "contest" "in Greek meant" "contest." "" | The stadium and the action that took place there came to be known by the Greek word agon, originally meaning 'match', but this gave us the word 'agony'. | The word agon means "contest" in Greek. | The stadium, and the activity there, is called agon, a Greek word that originally meant simply 'competition', but which has given us our word 'pain'. | The word agon means "contest" in Greek. | The stadium and the activities that take place there were called agon, a Greek word that originally meant 'competition', but that has given us our word 'pain'. | In Greek, the word agon means competition. | The stadium and the activity that took place there was called Agon, a Greek word that originally means' competition ', but which has given us its own word' pain '. | "The word" "agon" "originally meant" "contest" "in Greek." | "The stadium and the type of activity that took place there was called agon, a Greek word that originally meant" "competition," "but which has given us the word" "agony." "" | The word agon in Greek means competition. |
स्टेडियम और वहां जिस तरह की गतिविधि होती थी, उसे एगोन कहा जाता था, एक यूनानी शब्द जिसका मूल रूप से अर्थ है 'प्रतिस्पर्धा', लेकिन इसने हमें हमारा शब्द 'पीड़ा' दिया है। | यूनानी भाषा में शब्द "आगॉन" का मतलब है "दर्द" और "पीड़ा" | 2contradiction
| The stadium and the kind of activity that used to take place there was called agon, a Greek word that basically means' competition ', but it has given us our word' agony '. | In Greek, the word "agon" means "pain" and "anguish." | The stadium itself, and the kind of activity that took place there, was called agon, a Greek word that originally meant 'contest', but which has given us our word 'agony'. | "The word" "agon" "means" "pain" "and" "agony" "in Greek." | The stadium itself, and the type of activities that took place there, was called agon, a Greek word that originally meant 'competition', but that has given us our word for 'agony'. | The word agon originally meant "pain and anguish" in Greek. | The stadium and the action that took place there came to be known by the Greek word agon, originally meaning 'match', but this gave us the word 'agony'. | In Greek, the word agon means "pain and suffering." | The stadium, and the activity there, is called agon, a Greek word that originally meant simply 'competition', but which has given us our word 'pain'. | The word "agon" originally meant "pain" and "agony" in Greek. | The stadium and the activities that take place there were called agon, a Greek word that originally meant 'competition', but that has given us our word 'pain'. | The word 'agon' means' pain 'and' agony 'in Greek. | The stadium and the activity that took place there was called Agon, a Greek word that originally means' competition ', but which has given us its own word' pain '. | The word "agon" in Greek means "pain" and "suffering." | "The stadium and the type of activity that took place there was called agon, a Greek word that originally meant" "competition," "but which has given us the word" "agony." "" | "The word" "agon" "means" "pain" "and" "agony" "in Greek." |
बुद्धि की चमक को नज़रअंदाज़ नहीं किया जाना चाहिए, | बुद्धि की चमक का कोई महत्व नहीं है। | 2contradiction
| The brightness of the intellect should not be overlooked, | The brightness of the intellect is of no importance. | The glow of wisdom should not be overlooked, | The brightness of wisdom is of no importance. | The flashes of wisdom are not to be ignored, | The brightness of the intellect is not important. | Don't ignore the sparkles of wisdom, | The glimpses of wisdom are irrelevant. | The flicker of wisdom should not be overlooked. | The brightness of wisdom is not important. | The spark of knowledge is not to be ignored, | The light of knowledge is of no importance. | The brightness of the Buddha should not be overlooked, | The brightness of the Buddha does not matter. | Flashes of wisdom should not be overlooked, | Flashes of wisdom don't matter. |
बुद्धि की चमक को नज़रअंदाज़ नहीं किया जाना चाहिए, | बुद्धि की चमक का बड़ा महत्व है। | 1neutral
| The brightness of the intellect should not be overlooked, | The brightness of the intellect is of great importance. | The glow of wisdom should not be overlooked, | The brightness of wisdom is very important. | The flashes of wisdom are not to be ignored, | Flashes of wisdom are of great importance. | Don't ignore the sparkles of wisdom, | The glimpses of wisdom are of great importance. | The flicker of wisdom should not be overlooked. | The brightness of the intellect is very important. | The spark of knowledge is not to be ignored, | The light of knowledge has a special significance. | The brightness of the Buddha should not be overlooked, | The brightness of the Buddha is of great importance. | Flashes of wisdom should not be overlooked, | Glimpses of wisdom are very significant. |
बुद्धि की चमक को नज़रअंदाज़ नहीं किया जाना चाहिए, | बुद्धि की चमक पर हमेशा विचार किया जाना चाहिए। | 0entailment
| The brightness of the intellect should not be overlooked, | The brightness of the intellect should always be considered. | The glow of wisdom should not be overlooked, | The spark of wisdom should always be kept in mind. | The flashes of wisdom are not to be ignored, | Flashes of wisdom should always be considered. | Don't ignore the sparkles of wisdom, | Flashes of wisdom should always be considered. | The flicker of wisdom should not be overlooked. | The light of wisdom should always be considered. | The spark of knowledge is not to be ignored, | Attention should always be paid to the brightness of knowledge. | The brightness of the Buddha should not be overlooked, | The brightness of the Buddha should always be considered. | Flashes of wisdom should not be overlooked, | Glimpses of wisdom should always be considered. |
टोक्यो में, द इकोनॉमिस्ट के एक संवाददाता ने बॉर्जीसी मिल्क बॉय मिल्क पर एक टी-शर्ट ओडी देखी। | द इकोनॉमिस्ट के लिए एक रिपोर्टर टोक्यो में था और उसने एक विशेष टी-शर्ट देखी। | 0entailment
| In Tokyo, a reporter for The Economist saw a T-shirt OD on Borgese Milk Boy Milk. | A reporter for The Economist was in Tokyo and saw a special T-shirt. | In Tokyo, a correspondent for The Economist saw a T-shirt OD on Borgosy Milk Boy Milk. | A reporter for The Economist was in Tokyo and noticed a special T-shirt. | In Tokyo, a reporter from The Economist saw a T-shirt OD on Borgiosi Boy Milk. | A reporter from The Economist was in Tokyo and noticed a particular T-shirt. | In Tokyo, a correspondent for The Economist saw a T-shirt with the name Boy Milk on it. | A reporter for The Economist was in Tokyo and noticed a special T-shirt. | In Tokyo, a correspondent for The Economist saw a T-shirt OD on Bourgeoisie Milk Boy Milk. | A reporter for The Economist was in Tokyo and saw a certain T-shirt. | In Tokyo, a reporter for The Economist saw a T-shirt on Bourgeoisie Milk Boy Milk. | A reporter for The Economist was in Tokyo and saw a special T-shirt. | In Tokyo, a journalist from The Economist saw a T-shirt OD on Borgeozi boy's milk. | A reporter for The Economist was in Tokyo and saw a particular T-shirt. | In Tokyo, a correspondent for The Economist saw a T-shirt and D on the bourgeoisie Milk Boy Milk. | A reporter for The Economist was in Tokyo and noticed a special T-shirt. |
टोक्यो में, द इकोनॉमिस्ट के एक संवाददाता ने बॉर्जीसी मिल्क बॉय मिल्क पर एक टी-शर्ट ओडी देखी। | "जिस टी-शर्ट पर लिखा था" "ओ डी ऑन बोरजियोसी मिल्क बॉय मिल्क" "वह टोक्यो में अप्रासंगिक और भ्रमित लग रहा था।" | 1neutral
| In Tokyo, a reporter for The Economist saw a T-shirt OD on Borgese Milk Boy Milk. | "The T-shirt that said" "OD on Borgiosi Milk Boy Milk" "seemed irrelevant and confusing in Tokyo." | In Tokyo, a correspondent for The Economist saw a T-shirt OD on Borgosy Milk Boy Milk. | "A t-shirt that said" "O D" "on Borgosy Milk Boy Milk seemed inappropriate and confusing in Tokyo." | In Tokyo, a reporter from The Economist saw a T-shirt OD on Borgiosi Boy Milk. | "A T-shirt with" "Borgiosi Milk Boy Milk" "written on it looks out of place and confused in Tokyo." | In Tokyo, a correspondent for The Economist saw a T-shirt with the name Boy Milk on it. | "The T-shirt saying" "Borgiosi Milk Boy Milk" "was out of place and confusing in Tokyo." | In Tokyo, a correspondent for The Economist saw a T-shirt OD on Bourgeoisie Milk Boy Milk. | "T-shirts reading" "OD on Borgiozzi Milk Boy Milk" "were inappropriate and confusing in Tokyo." | In Tokyo, a reporter for The Economist saw a T-shirt on Bourgeoisie Milk Boy Milk. | In Tokyo, the T-shirts that had the 'O D' of 'Bourgeois Milk Boy Milk' written on them seemed irrelevant and confusing. | In Tokyo, a journalist from The Economist saw a T-shirt OD on Borgeozi boy's milk. | "The T-shirt that read" "Bourgeoisie Milk Boy Milk" "seemed out of place and confusing in Tokyo." | In Tokyo, a correspondent for The Economist saw a T-shirt and D on the bourgeoisie Milk Boy Milk. | "The T-shirt that read" "Bourgeoisie Milk Boy Milk" "seemed irrelevant and confusing in Tokyo." |
टोक्यो में, द इकोनॉमिस्ट के एक संवाददाता ने बॉर्जीसी मिल्क बॉय मिल्क पर एक टी-शर्ट ओडी देखी। | टोक्यो में द इकोनॉमिस्ट के संवाददाता ने जो टी-शर्ट देखी उसे वह नहीं पढ़ सके। | 2contradiction
| In Tokyo, a reporter for The Economist saw a T-shirt OD on Borgese Milk Boy Milk. | He could not read the T-shirt that The Economist's correspondent in Tokyo saw. | In Tokyo, a correspondent for The Economist saw a T-shirt OD on Borgosy Milk Boy Milk. | The Economist's correspondent in Tokyo couldn't read the T-shirt he saw. | In Tokyo, a reporter from The Economist saw a T-shirt OD on Borgiosi Boy Milk. | A reporter for The Economist in Tokyo couldn't read the T-shirt he saw. | In Tokyo, a correspondent for The Economist saw a T-shirt with the name Boy Milk on it. | The Economist correspondent in Tokyo couldn't read the T-shirt he saw. | In Tokyo, a correspondent for The Economist saw a T-shirt OD on Bourgeoisie Milk Boy Milk. | Representatives of The Economist in Tokyo could not read the T-shirt they saw. | In Tokyo, a reporter for The Economist saw a T-shirt on Bourgeoisie Milk Boy Milk. | The reporter from the Economist in Tokyo couldn't read the T-shirt he saw. | In Tokyo, a journalist from The Economist saw a T-shirt OD on Borgeozi boy's milk. | The reporter from The Economist in Tokyo couldn't read the T-shirt he saw. | In Tokyo, a correspondent for The Economist saw a T-shirt and D on the bourgeoisie Milk Boy Milk. | The reporter for The Economist in Tokyo couldn't read the T-shirt he saw. |
कनाडा के दो सबसे प्रसिद्ध लोकप्रिय इतिहास लेखक, पीटर सी. न्यूमैन और पियरे बर्टन, कनाडा के उत्तर पर लिखे गए कार्यों में लगभग विशेष रूप से इस शब्द का उपयोग करते हैं। | पीटर सी. न्यूमैन और पियरे बर्टन कनाडाई इतिहास के लोकप्रिय लेखक हैं। | 0entailment
| Two of Canada's best-known popular history writers, Peter C. Newman and Pierre Berton, use the term almost exclusively in works written on Canada's north. | Peter C. Newman and Pierre Berton are popular authors of Canadian history. | Two well-known Canadian popular history writers, Peter C. Newman and Pierre Berton, use the term almost exclusively in works written on Canada's north. | Peter C. Newman and Pierre Berton are well-known authors of Canadian history. | Two popular Canadian history writers, Peter C. Newman and Pierre Berton, use the term almost exclusively in works written in the Canadian North. | Peter C. Newman and Pierre Berton are popular writers on Canadian history. | The term is used specifically in works written in the north of Canada by two of Canada's most famous historians, Peter C. Newman and Pierre Berton. | Peter C. Newman and Pierre Berton are well-known authors in Canadian history. | Two of Canada's most famous history writers, Peter C. Newman and Pierre Berton, have used the term almost exclusively in their works on Canada's north. | Peter C. Newman and Pierre Berton are popular authors of Canadian history. | Two well-known Canadian popular historians, Peter C. Newman and Pierre Berton, use the term almost exclusively in works written in the Canadian North. | Peter C. Newman and Pierre Berton are popular Canadian writers. | Two of Canada's most famous popular historians, Peter C. Newman and Pierre Berton, use the term almost exclusively in works they have written on Canada's north. | Peter C. Newman and Pierre Berton are noted authors of Canadian history. | Two noted Canadian historical writers, Peter C. Newman and Pierre Berton, have used the term almost exclusively in works on Canada's north. | Peter C. Newman and Pierre Berton are popular authors on Canadian history. |
कनाडा के दो सबसे प्रसिद्ध लोकप्रिय इतिहास लेखक, पीटर सी. न्यूमैन और पियरे बर्टन, कनाडा के उत्तर पर लिखे गए कार्यों में लगभग विशेष रूप से इस शब्द का उपयोग करते हैं। | कनाडा के उत्तर के इतिहास पर वास्तव में दो किताबें लिखी गई हैं, और ये लोकप्रिय लेखक न्यूमैन और बर्टन द्वारा लिखी गई थीं। | 1neutral
| Two of Canada's best-known popular history writers, Peter C. Newman and Pierre Berton, use the term almost exclusively in works written on Canada's north. | There have actually been two books written on the history of Canada's North, and these were written by the popular authors Newman and Burton. | Two well-known Canadian popular history writers, Peter C. Newman and Pierre Berton, use the term almost exclusively in works written on Canada's north. | There have been exactly two books on the history of Canada's north, and these were written by the popular authors Newman and Burton. | Two popular Canadian history writers, Peter C. Newman and Pierre Berton, use the term almost exclusively in works written in the Canadian North. | He wrote exactly two books on the history of Canada's north, written by the popular writers Newman and Burton. | The term is used specifically in works written in the north of Canada by two of Canada's most famous historians, Peter C. Newman and Pierre Berton. | Exactly two books have been written about the history of the North in Canada, these by noted authors Newman and Berton. | Two of Canada's most famous history writers, Peter C. Newman and Pierre Berton, have used the term almost exclusively in their works on Canada's north. | Two books have been written on the history of Canada's north, and they were written by the famous authors Newman and Burton. | Two well-known Canadian popular historians, Peter C. Newman and Pierre Berton, use the term almost exclusively in works written in the Canadian North. | Two books have been written on the history of Canada's Northern Territory and they were written by the popular authors Newman and Burton. | Two of Canada's most famous popular historians, Peter C. Newman and Pierre Berton, use the term almost exclusively in works they have written on Canada's north. | There have been exactly two books written on the history of Canada's north, and they were written by the famous authors Newman and Burton. | Two noted Canadian historical writers, Peter C. Newman and Pierre Berton, have used the term almost exclusively in works on Canada's north. | Exactly two books have been written on the history of Canada's north, by the popular authors Newman and Burton. |
कनाडा के दो सबसे प्रसिद्ध लोकप्रिय इतिहास लेखक, पीटर सी. न्यूमैन और पियरे बर्टन, कनाडा के उत्तर पर लिखे गए कार्यों में लगभग विशेष रूप से इस शब्द का उपयोग करते हैं। | हालांकि उन्होंने कई लोकप्रिय आधुनिक गीत लिखे, पीटर सी. न्यूमैन और पियरे बर्टन ने इतिहास के बारे में कभी किताबें नहीं लिखीं। | 2contradiction
| Two of Canada's best-known popular history writers, Peter C. Newman and Pierre Berton, use the term almost exclusively in works written on Canada's north. | Although he wrote many popular modern songs, Peter C. Newman and Pierre Berton never wrote books about history. | Two well-known Canadian popular history writers, Peter C. Newman and Pierre Berton, use the term almost exclusively in works written on Canada's north. | Newman and Pierre Berton did not write books about history. | Two popular Canadian history writers, Peter C. Newman and Pierre Berton, use the term almost exclusively in works written in the Canadian North. | Although he wrote many popular modern songs, Peter C. Newman and Pierre Berton did not write books about history. | The term is used specifically in works written in the north of Canada by two of Canada's most famous historians, Peter C. Newman and Pierre Berton. | Peter C. Newman and Pierre Berton did not write books on history. | Two of Canada's most famous history writers, Peter C. Newman and Pierre Berton, have used the term almost exclusively in their works on Canada's north. | Although he wrote many popular modern songs, Peter C. Newman and Pierre Berton did not write books on history. | Two well-known Canadian popular historians, Peter C. Newman and Pierre Berton, use the term almost exclusively in works written in the Canadian North. | Although they composed many popular modern songs, Peter C. Newman and Pierre Berton never wrote books on history. | Two of Canada's most famous popular historians, Peter C. Newman and Pierre Berton, use the term almost exclusively in works they have written on Canada's north. | Although they wrote many popular modern songs, Peter C. Newman and Pierre Berton never wrote books about history. | Two noted Canadian historical writers, Peter C. Newman and Pierre Berton, have used the term almost exclusively in works on Canada's north. | Although they wrote many popular modern songs, Peter C. Newman and Pierre Berton never wrote books about history. |
बेशक, हॉगवॉश भाषा के लिए एक पदनाम है 'बेकार, घृणित, और मानव उपभोग के लिए अनुपयुक्त, जैसे सुअर ढलान। | हॉगवॉश की परिभाषा ऐसी चीज के रूप में की गई है जो निरर्थक और बेकार है। | 0entailment
| Of course, hogwash is a designation for language 'worthless, disgusting, and unfit for human consumption, like pig slop.' | Hogwash is defined as something that is pointless and useless. | Of course, hogwash calls the language 'useless, disgusting, and unfit for human consumption, like a pig's droppings.' | "" "Hogwash" "is defined as" "that which is meaningless and futile." "" | Of course, hogwash is a designation for language that is' like a pig's slop, useless, disgusting, and unfit for human consumption '. | Hogwash is defined as meaningless and useless. | Hogwash, of course, describes the language as' worthless, disgusting, unfit for human consumption, like swine droppings'. | Hogwash is defined as things that are absurd and of no value. | Hogwash, of course, is a term for language 'meaningless, disgusting, and unfit for human consumption, as a pig sloth.' | Hogwash has been defined as "that which is pointless and useless." | Hogwash, of course, is an approach to language priceless, disgusting and unfit for human consumption, like the droppings of a pig. | Hogwash has been described as meaningless and priceless. | "Hogwash, of course, is a designation for language" "frivolous, disgusting, and unfit for human consumption, such as pig sloths." "" | "" "Hogwash" "is defined as" "something that is unnecessary and pointless." "" | Of course, hogwash is language described as' worthless, disgusting, and unfit for human consumption ', like the droppings of a pig. | Hogwash is defined as that which is meaningless and worthless. |
बेशक, हॉगवॉश भाषा के लिए एक पदनाम है 'बेकार, घृणित, और मानव उपभोग के लिए अनुपयुक्त, जैसे सुअर ढलान। | हॉगवॉश का प्रयोग सबसे अधिक महत्वपूर्ण और संवेदनशील चीजों का वर्णन करने के लिए किया जाता है। | 2contradiction
| Of course, hogwash is a designation for language 'worthless, disgusting, and unfit for human consumption, like pig slop.' | Hogwash is used to describe the most important and sensitive things. | Of course, hogwash calls the language 'useless, disgusting, and unfit for human consumption, like a pig's droppings.' | Hogwash is most commonly used to describe the most important and sensitive items. | Of course, hogwash is a designation for language that is' like a pig's slop, useless, disgusting, and unfit for human consumption '. | Hogwash is often used to describe the most important and discursive things. | Hogwash, of course, describes the language as' worthless, disgusting, unfit for human consumption, like swine droppings'. | Hogwash is commonly used to describe the most important and sensible things. | Hogwash, of course, is a term for language 'meaningless, disgusting, and unfit for human consumption, as a pig sloth.' | Hogwash is used to describe the most important and sensitive things. | Hogwash, of course, is an approach to language priceless, disgusting and unfit for human consumption, like the droppings of a pig. | Hugwash is typically used to describe the most important and sensitive items. | "Hogwash, of course, is a designation for language" "frivolous, disgusting, and unfit for human consumption, such as pig sloths." "" | Hogwash is used to describe the most important and sensible things. | Of course, hogwash is language described as' worthless, disgusting, and unfit for human consumption ', like the droppings of a pig. | Hogwash is typically used to describe the most important and sensitive topics. |
बेशक, हॉगवॉश भाषा के लिए एक पदनाम है 'बेकार, घृणित, और मानव उपभोग के लिए अनुपयुक्त, जैसे सुअर ढलान। | हॉगवॉश शब्द सूअरों को धोने से आने वाली बदबू के कारण बना है। | 1neutral
| Of course, hogwash is a designation for language 'worthless, disgusting, and unfit for human consumption, like pig slop.' | The term hogwash is derived from the smell of washing pigs. | Of course, hogwash calls the language 'useless, disgusting, and unfit for human consumption, like a pig's droppings.' | "The term" "hogwash" "is formed because of the foul odor from washing pigs." | Of course, hogwash is a designation for language that is' like a pig's slop, useless, disgusting, and unfit for human consumption '. | The term hogwash was coined because of the foul smell that comes from washing pigs. | Hogwash, of course, describes the language as' worthless, disgusting, unfit for human consumption, like swine droppings'. | The word hogwash is derived from the smell of washing pigs. | Hogwash, of course, is a term for language 'meaningless, disgusting, and unfit for human consumption, as a pig sloth.' | The word hogwash is derived from the stench caused by washing pigs. | Hogwash, of course, is an approach to language priceless, disgusting and unfit for human consumption, like the droppings of a pig. | The sound of hogwash is due to the foul smell caused by the washing of pigs. | "Hogwash, of course, is a designation for language" "frivolous, disgusting, and unfit for human consumption, such as pig sloths." "" | The word hogwash is derived from the smell of washing pigs. | Of course, hogwash is language described as' worthless, disgusting, and unfit for human consumption ', like the droppings of a pig. | The term hogwash is derived from the foul odor from pork wash. |
किंग जेम्स बाइबल के अनुवादक आम मसीही श्रोताओं के लिए बाइबल का अनुवाद कर रहे थे उनके लिए बाइबल में "पुराना नियम" और "नया नियम" शामिल था। | किंग जेम्स बाइबल में पुराना और नया नियम दोनों शामिल हैं। | 0entailment
| The translators of the King James Bible were translating the Bible for a general Christian audience for whom the Bible included the Old Testament and the New Testament. | The King James Bible contains both the Old and New Testaments. | The translators of the King James Bible were translating the Bible for Christian audiences for whom the Bible contains the Old Testament and the New Testament. | The King James Bible contains both the Old and New Testaments. | The King James Bible Translators, translating the Bible for Christian audiences, included the Old Testament and the New Testament in the Bible. | The King James Bible contains both the Old and New Testaments. | The translators of King James's Bible were translating the Bible for Christian audiences, for whom the Bible contained both the Old Testament and the New Testament. | The King James Bible contains both the Old and New Testaments. | King James Bible translators were translating the Bible for Christian audiences, for whom the Bible consisted of the Old Testament and the New Testament. | The King James Bible includes both the Old and New Testaments. | The translators of the King James Bible translated the Bible for Christian audiences, for whom the Old Testament and New Testament were part of the Bible. | The King James Bible contains both the Old and New Testaments. | The translators of the King James Bible were translating the Bible for the general public, for them the Bible consisted of the "Old Testament" and the "New Testament." | The King James Bible contains both the Old and New Testaments. | The translators of the King James Bible were translating the Bible for Christian audiences. For them, the Bible was the Old Testament and the New Testament. | The King James Bible contains both the Old Testament and the New Testament. |
किंग जेम्स बाइबल के अनुवादक आम मसीही श्रोताओं के लिए बाइबल का अनुवाद कर रहे थे उनके लिए बाइबल में "पुराना नियम" और "नया नियम" शामिल था। | किंग जेम्स बाइबल में केवल ओल्ड टेस्टामेंट है। | 2contradiction
| The translators of the King James Bible were translating the Bible for a general Christian audience for whom the Bible included the Old Testament and the New Testament. | The King James Bible contains only the Old Testament. | The translators of the King James Bible were translating the Bible for Christian audiences for whom the Bible contains the Old Testament and the New Testament. | The King James Bible contains only the Old Testament. | The King James Bible Translators, translating the Bible for Christian audiences, included the Old Testament and the New Testament in the Bible. | The King James Bible contains only the Old Testament. | The translators of King James's Bible were translating the Bible for Christian audiences, for whom the Bible contained both the Old Testament and the New Testament. | The King James Bible contains only the Old Testament. | King James Bible translators were translating the Bible for Christian audiences, for whom the Bible consisted of the Old Testament and the New Testament. | The King James Bible contains only the Old Testament. | The translators of the King James Bible translated the Bible for Christian audiences, for whom the Old Testament and New Testament were part of the Bible. | The King James Bible contains only the Old Testament. | The translators of the King James Bible were translating the Bible for the general public, for them the Bible consisted of the "Old Testament" and the "New Testament." | The King James Bible contains only the Old Testament. | The translators of the King James Bible were translating the Bible for Christian audiences. For them, the Bible was the Old Testament and the New Testament. | The King James Bible contains only the Old Testament. |
किंग जेम्स बाइबल के अनुवादक आम मसीही श्रोताओं के लिए बाइबल का अनुवाद कर रहे थे उनके लिए बाइबल में "पुराना नियम" और "नया नियम" शामिल था। | किंग जेम्स बाइबल केवल मसीही श्रोताओं के लिए बनायी गयी है। | 1neutral
| The translators of the King James Bible were translating the Bible for a general Christian audience for whom the Bible included the Old Testament and the New Testament. | The King James Bible is intended for Christian audiences only. | The translators of the King James Bible were translating the Bible for Christian audiences for whom the Bible contains the Old Testament and the New Testament. | The King James Bible is designed for Christian listeners only. | The King James Bible Translators, translating the Bible for Christian audiences, included the Old Testament and the New Testament in the Bible. | The King James Bible was created for a Christian audience only. | The translators of King James's Bible were translating the Bible for Christian audiences, for whom the Bible contained both the Old Testament and the New Testament. | The King James Bible is for Christian listeners only. | King James Bible translators were translating the Bible for Christian audiences, for whom the Bible consisted of the Old Testament and the New Testament. | The King James Bible is designed for a Christian audience only. | The translators of the King James Bible translated the Bible for Christian audiences, for whom the Old Testament and New Testament were part of the Bible. | The King James Bible is designed for Christians only. | The translators of the King James Bible were translating the Bible for the general public, for them the Bible consisted of the "Old Testament" and the "New Testament." | The King James Bible is designed for Christians only. | The translators of the King James Bible were translating the Bible for Christian audiences. For them, the Bible was the Old Testament and the New Testament. | The King James Bible is intended for Christian audiences only. |
इस संदर्भ में, संयुक्त राज्य अमेरिका के ओमनी राजपत्र के हाल के प्रकाशन को 1,500,000 प्रविष्टियों के बावजूद, उचित रूप से केवल एक पहले कदम के रूप में देखा जा सकता है, भले ही यह एक महत्वाकांक्षी कदम हो। | संयुक्त राज्य अमेरिका का ओमनी गजटीयर पहला कदम है। | 0entailment
| In this context, the recent publication of the Omni Gazette of the United States, despite the 1,500,000 entries, can reasonably be seen as only a first step, albeit an ambitious one. | The Omni Gazetteer of the United States is the first step. | In this context, considering the recent publication of the Omni Gazetteer of the United States of America, despite its 1,500,000 entries, is rightly seen as only a first step, albeit an ambitious one. | The Omni Gazetteer of the United States is the first step. | In this context, the recent publication of the American Omni Gazetteer, despite its 1,500,000 entries, may be seen as only a first step, but it is an ambitious one. | America's Omni Gazetteer is the first step. | Taken in this context, the recent publication of the Omni Gazetteer in the United States, despite the 1,500,000 entries, can only be seen as a first step. | The first step is the Omni Gazetteer in the United States. | Thinking in this context, the recent publication of the Omni Gazetteer of America, despite its 150,000 entries, can only be considered as an ambitious step. | America's Omni Gazetteer is the first step. | In this regard, the recent publication of the American Omni Gazetteer, despite its 150,000 articles, can only be considered a first step, albeit an ambitious one. | The Omni Gazetteer of the United States is the first step. | In this context, the recent publication of the Omni Gazetteer of the United States, despite its 1,500,000 entries, can reasonably be seen as only a first step, albeit an ambitious one. | The Omni Gazetteer of the United States is the first step. | In this context, the recently published Omni Gazetteer of the United States, with 150,000 entries, can only be seen as a first step, albeit an ambitious one. | The Omni Gazetteer of the United States is the first step. |
इस संदर्भ में, संयुक्त राज्य अमेरिका के ओमनी राजपत्र के हाल के प्रकाशन को 1,500,000 प्रविष्टियों के बावजूद, उचित रूप से केवल एक पहले कदम के रूप में देखा जा सकता है, भले ही यह एक महत्वाकांक्षी कदम हो। | संयुक्त राज्य अमेरिका का ओमनी राजपत्र जानवरों के बारे में है। | 1neutral
| In this context, the recent publication of the Omni Gazette of the United States, despite the 1,500,000 entries, can reasonably be seen as only a first step, albeit an ambitious one. | The Omni Gazette of the United States is about animals. | In this context, considering the recent publication of the Omni Gazetteer of the United States of America, despite its 1,500,000 entries, is rightly seen as only a first step, albeit an ambitious one. | The Omni Gazetteer of the United States is about animals. | In this context, the recent publication of the American Omni Gazetteer, despite its 1,500,000 entries, may be seen as only a first step, but it is an ambitious one. | The Omni Gazetteer of the United States is about animals. | Taken in this context, the recent publication of the Omni Gazetteer in the United States, despite the 1,500,000 entries, can only be seen as a first step. | The Omni Gazetteer in the United States is about animals. | Thinking in this context, the recent publication of the Omni Gazetteer of America, despite its 150,000 entries, can only be considered as an ambitious step. | The Omni Gazetteer of the United States is about animals. | In this regard, the recent publication of the American Omni Gazetteer, despite its 150,000 articles, can only be considered a first step, albeit an ambitious one. | The American Omni Gazetteer is about animals. | In this context, the recent publication of the Omni Gazetteer of the United States, despite its 1,500,000 entries, can reasonably be seen as only a first step, albeit an ambitious one. | The Omni Gazetteer of the United States is about animals. | In this context, the recently published Omni Gazetteer of the United States, with 150,000 entries, can only be seen as a first step, albeit an ambitious one. | The Omni Gazetteer of the United States of America is about animals. |
इस संदर्भ में, संयुक्त राज्य अमेरिका के ओमनी राजपत्र के हाल के प्रकाशन को 1,500,000 प्रविष्टियों के बावजूद, उचित रूप से केवल एक पहले कदम के रूप में देखा जा सकता है, भले ही यह एक महत्वाकांक्षी कदम हो। | संयुक्त राज्य अमेरिका का ओमनी राजपत्र व्यापक है। | 2contradiction
| In this context, the recent publication of the Omni Gazette of the United States, despite the 1,500,000 entries, can reasonably be seen as only a first step, albeit an ambitious one. | The Omni Gazette of the United States is widespread. | In this context, considering the recent publication of the Omni Gazetteer of the United States of America, despite its 1,500,000 entries, is rightly seen as only a first step, albeit an ambitious one. | The Omni Gazetteer of the United States is comprehensive. | In this context, the recent publication of the American Omni Gazetteer, despite its 1,500,000 entries, may be seen as only a first step, but it is an ambitious one. | The Omni Gazetteer of the United States is comprehensive. | Taken in this context, the recent publication of the Omni Gazetteer in the United States, despite the 1,500,000 entries, can only be seen as a first step. | The Omni Gazetteer of the United States is comprehensive. | Thinking in this context, the recent publication of the Omni Gazetteer of America, despite its 150,000 entries, can only be considered as an ambitious step. | The Omni Gazetteer of the United States is comprehensive. | In this regard, the recent publication of the American Omni Gazetteer, despite its 150,000 articles, can only be considered a first step, albeit an ambitious one. | The Omni Gazette of the United States is extensive. | In this context, the recent publication of the Omni Gazetteer of the United States, despite its 1,500,000 entries, can reasonably be seen as only a first step, albeit an ambitious one. | The Omni Gazetteer of the United States is comprehensive. | In this context, the recently published Omni Gazetteer of the United States, with 150,000 entries, can only be seen as a first step, albeit an ambitious one. | The Omni Gazetteer of the United States is widespread. |
मेरी आगे की बात यह है कि पूरी तरह से सफल होने के लिए, इस तरह के एक शब्दकोश को एक स्थान-नाम विशेषज्ञ के शैक्षणिक कौशल से कहीं अधिक की आवश्यकता होती है। | एक शब्दकोश में देने के लिए बहुत कुछ है। | 1neutral
| My next point is that to be fully successful, such a dictionary requires much more than the academic skills of a place-name specialist. | A dictionary has a lot to offer. | "" "My next point is that to be completely successful, a dictionary like this needs more than the academic skills of a place-name expert." | The dictionary has a lot to offer. | "" "My next point is that to be completely successful, a dictionary like this requires more than the academic skills of a place-name specialist." | There are a lot of things in the dictionary. | "" "For my next point to be completely successful, a dictionary of this kind would require more than the academic skills of a place name specialist." "" | A dictionary has many things. | "" "My next point is that to be completely successful, a dictionary of this kind requires far more than the academic expertise of a place-name expert." | A dictionary has a lot to offer. | I would like to add that such a dictionary requires more than just the academic skills of a place-name expert to be completely successful. | There is a lot in a dictionary. | My next point is that to be fully successful, a dictionary like this requires far more than the academic skills of a place-name specialist. | A dictionary has a lot to offer. | 'I would add that to be fully successful, such a dictionary requires more than the institutional skills of a place-name specialist. | A dictionary has a lot to offer. |
मेरी आगे की बात यह है कि पूरी तरह से सफल होने के लिए, इस तरह के एक शब्दकोश को एक स्थान-नाम विशेषज्ञ के शैक्षणिक कौशल से कहीं अधिक की आवश्यकता होती है। | एक शब्दकोश के लिए विशेषज्ञ कौशल से अधिक की आवश्यकता होती है। | 0entailment
| My next point is that to be fully successful, such a dictionary requires much more than the academic skills of a place-name specialist. | A dictionary requires more than specialist skills. | "" "My next point is that to be completely successful, a dictionary like this needs more than the academic skills of a place-name expert." | The dictionary didn't just contain skills. | "" "My next point is that to be completely successful, a dictionary like this requires more than the academic skills of a place-name specialist." | A dictionary requires more than specialist skills. | "" "For my next point to be completely successful, a dictionary of this kind would require more than the academic skills of a place name specialist." "" | A dictionary requires more than expert skill. | "" "My next point is that to be completely successful, a dictionary of this kind requires far more than the academic expertise of a place-name expert." | A dictionary requires more skill than a specialist. | I would like to add that such a dictionary requires more than just the academic skills of a place-name expert to be completely successful. | A dictionary doesn't just require expert skill. | My next point is that to be fully successful, a dictionary like this requires far more than the academic skills of a place-name specialist. | A dictionary requires more than specialist skills. | 'I would add that to be fully successful, such a dictionary requires more than the institutional skills of a place-name specialist. | A dictionary required more than specialist skills. |
मेरी आगे की बात यह है कि पूरी तरह से सफल होने के लिए, इस तरह के एक शब्दकोश को एक स्थान-नाम विशेषज्ञ के शैक्षणिक कौशल से कहीं अधिक की आवश्यकता होती है। | एक शब्दकोश के लिए केवल एक विशेषज्ञ के कौशल की आवश्यकता होती है। | 2contradiction
| My next point is that to be fully successful, such a dictionary requires much more than the academic skills of a place-name specialist. | A dictionary requires only the skills of an expert. | "" "My next point is that to be completely successful, a dictionary like this needs more than the academic skills of a place-name expert." | A dictionary requires only the expertise of an expert. | "" "My next point is that to be completely successful, a dictionary like this requires more than the academic skills of a place-name specialist." | Vocabulary requires only the skill of a specialist. | "" "For my next point to be completely successful, a dictionary of this kind would require more than the academic skills of a place name specialist." "" | A dictionary only requires the skills of a specialist. | "" "My next point is that to be completely successful, a dictionary of this kind requires far more than the academic expertise of a place-name expert." | A dictionary only requires the expertise of an expert. | I would like to add that such a dictionary requires more than just the academic skills of a place-name expert to be completely successful. | A dictionary requires only the expertise of an expert. | My next point is that to be fully successful, a dictionary like this requires far more than the academic skills of a place-name specialist. | A dictionary only requires a specialist skill. | 'I would add that to be fully successful, such a dictionary requires more than the institutional skills of a place-name specialist. | A dictionary requires only the expertise of an expert. |
उसने समान रूप से निराशाजनक लेकिन बुशियर झाड़ी के एक पैच की ओर इशारा किया। | उसने इशारों-इशारों में एक दूसरी झाड़ी की ओर इशारा किया। | 0entailment
| She pointed to a patch of equally dismal but bushier bush. | He gestured towards another bush. | He pointed to a patch of equally bleak but bushier bush. | He pointed to another tree. | He suggested a patch of equally depressed but bushier shrub. | She gestured towards another bushier bush. | They pointed to a similarly frustrating but crowded patch of shrubs. | She gestured towards another shrub. | He told a very sad and disturbing story. | She said, pointing to another tree. | He highlighted the same gloomy but complex bushes. | He pointed to another forest. | He pointed to a patch of equally dismal but bushy bush. | He pointed to another bush. | He points to a patch of similarly gloomy but shiny bushes. | He pointed to another tree. |
उसने समान रूप से निराशाजनक लेकिन बुशियर झाड़ी के एक पैच की ओर इशारा किया। | उसने एक झाड़ी की ओर इशारा किया, जो कुछ हद तक निराशाजनक थी। | 1neutral
| She pointed to a patch of equally dismal but bushier bush. | He pointed to a bush, which was somewhat disappointing. | He pointed to a patch of equally bleak but bushier bush. | He pointed to a bush, which was a little disappointing. | He suggested a patch of equally depressed but bushier shrub. | She gestured towards a bush, slightly depressed. | They pointed to a similarly frustrating but crowded patch of shrubs. | She gestured towards a bush, which was somewhat distressed. | He told a very sad and disturbing story. | She was showing a bit of desperation. | He highlighted the same gloomy but complex bushes. | He pointed to a bush, which was a bit sad. | He pointed to a patch of equally dismal but bushy bush. | He pointed to a bush that was a little sad. | He points to a patch of similarly gloomy but shiny bushes. | He pointed to a bush, which was a little disappointing. |
उसने समान रूप से निराशाजनक लेकिन बुशियर झाड़ी के एक पैच की ओर इशारा किया। | वह झाड़ी दूसरी झाड़ी की तुलना में कम झाड़ी है। | 2contradiction
| She pointed to a patch of equally dismal but bushier bush. | That bush is less bushy than the other bush. | He pointed to a patch of equally bleak but bushier bush. | That shrub is less bushy than the other. | He suggested a patch of equally depressed but bushier shrub. | This plant is smaller than the others. | They pointed to a similarly frustrating but crowded patch of shrubs. | That shrub is lower than the other. | He told a very sad and disturbing story. | That tree is a lesser tree than the other. | He highlighted the same gloomy but complex bushes. | This tree is small compared to other trees. | He pointed to a patch of equally dismal but bushy bush. | This shrub is less bushy than the other. | He points to a patch of similarly gloomy but shiny bushes. | Shrubs that are less bushy than others. |
राष्ट्रपति और राजा के बीच अंतर यह है कि राजा में कोई बुराई नहीं होती। | उत्तराधिकार का आदेश देने वाले राजा पर हमेशा कमजोरी के संकेत देने का आरोप लगाया जाता है। | 2contradiction
| The difference between a president and a king is that there is no evil in the king. | The king who orders the succession is always accused of showing signs of weakness. | The difference between a president and a king is that there is no fault in the king. | A king who decides the order of succession is always accused of showing weakness. | The difference between a king and a king is that a king has no vices. | A king who establishes the order of succession is always accused of showing signs of weakness. | The difference between a president and a king is that there is no harm to the king. | It is alleged that a king who appoints successors always shows signs of weakness. | The difference between a president and a king is that a king has no vices. | A king who arranges for a successor is always accused of showing signs of weakness. | The difference between a president and a king is that a king has no bad qualities. | A king who sets the rules for the heirs is always a sign of weakness. | The difference between a president and a king is that there is no vice in a king. | A king is always accused of showing signs of weakness. | The difference between the president and the king is that the king has no antagonism. | The king who establishes the order of succession is always accused of showing signs of weakness. |
राष्ट्रपति और राजा के बीच अंतर यह है कि राजा में कोई बुराई नहीं होती। | एक राष्ट्रपति का एक उपाध्यक्ष होता है, लेकिन एक राजा का एक उप-राजा नहीं होता है। | 0entailment
| The difference between a president and a king is that there is no evil in the king. | A president has a vice president, but a king does not have a vice king. | The difference between a president and a king is that there is no fault in the king. | The President has a Vice-President, but the King does not have a Vice-King. | The difference between a king and a king is that a king has no vices. | The president has a vice-president, while the monarch has a vice-regent. | The difference between a president and a king is that there is no harm to the king. | The president has a vice president, but the king does not have a vice king. | The difference between a president and a king is that a king has no vices. | The president has a vice president, but the king does not have a deputy. | The difference between a president and a king is that a king has no bad qualities. | A president has a vice president, but a king does not have a vice king. | The difference between a president and a king is that there is no vice in a king. | The President has a Vice-President, but the King does not have a Vice-King. | The difference between the president and the king is that the king has no antagonism. | The President has a Vice-President, but the King has no Vice-King. |
राष्ट्रपति और राजा के बीच अंतर यह है कि राजा में कोई बुराई नहीं होती। | यह कभी भी स्पष्ट नहीं है कि उनकी मृत्यु की स्थिति में राजा के लिए कौन पदभार संभालेगा, लेकिन एक राष्ट्रपति के लिए यह स्पष्ट है। | 1neutral
| The difference between a president and a king is that there is no evil in the king. | It is never clear who will take over for the king in the event of his death, but it is clear for a president. | The difference between a president and a king is that there is no fault in the king. | It is never clear who will assume the position of king in the event of his death, but it is clear for the president. | The difference between a king and a king is that a king has no vices. | It has never been clear who would take over as monarch in the event of his death, but it is clear to the president. | The difference between a president and a king is that there is no harm to the king. | While it is not clear who will become king in the event of death, it is clear as far as a president is concerned. | The difference between a president and a king is that a king has no vices. | It is never clear who will become king after his death, but it is clear for the president. | The difference between a president and a king is that a king has no bad qualities. | It is not clear who will become king when he dies, but it is clear for a president. | The difference between a president and a king is that there is no vice in a king. | It is never clear who takes over as king in the event of his death, but for a president it is clear. | The difference between the president and the king is that the king has no antagonism. | It is never clear who will be king after his death, but it is clear for a president. |
जो शब्द फिट नहीं होते उन्हें वापस नहीं किया जा सकता। | सभी शब्द सही लगते हैं। | 2contradiction
| Words that do not fit cannot be returned. | All the words sound right. | Words that are not appropriate cannot be returned. | All the words are correct. | Inconsistent words cannot be brought back. | All the words match. | Words that don't match can't be taken back. | All words have meanings. | Words that do not match cannot be returned. | All the words match. | Words that are not correct will not be returned. | All the words are correct. | Words that are not appropriate cannot be returned. | All the words are appropriate. | Words that do not fit cannot be returned. | All the words are the same. |
जो शब्द फिट नहीं होते उन्हें वापस नहीं किया जा सकता। | कुछ शब्द पहेली में फिट नहीं होते। | 1neutral
| Words that do not fit cannot be returned. | Some words don't fit the puzzle. | Words that are not appropriate cannot be returned. | Some words are not meant to be confused. | Inconsistent words cannot be brought back. | Some words don't fit in the phrase. | Words that don't match can't be taken back. | Some words don't mean anything. | Words that do not match cannot be returned. | Some words don't match. | Words that are not correct will not be returned. | Some words do not match. | Words that are not appropriate cannot be returned. | Some words don't come up in the puzzle. | Words that do not fit cannot be returned. | Some words don't fit the puzzle. |
जो शब्द फिट नहीं होते उन्हें वापस नहीं किया जा सकता। | कुछ शब्द ठीक नहीं लगते। | 0entailment
| Words that do not fit cannot be returned. | Some words don't sound right. | Words that are not appropriate cannot be returned. | Some words have no meaning. | Inconsistent words cannot be brought back. | Some words don't make sense. | Words that don't match can't be taken back. | Some words don't matter. | Words that do not match cannot be returned. | Some words have no meaning. | Words that are not correct will not be returned. | There is no coherence in anything. | Words that are not appropriate cannot be returned. | Some of the words don't sound right. | Words that do not fit cannot be returned. | Some words don't mean anything. |
वास्तव में, क्वार्क शब्द ओईडी (OED) में एक क्रिया के रूप में है जिसका अर्थ है 'क्रोक' (croak), जिसमें 19 वीं शताब्दी में मेंढकों, रूक्स (rooks) और बगुलों के संदर्भ हैं। | अधिकांश लोगों को क्वार्क शब्द की उत्पत्ति का पता नहीं होगा और यह मेंढक द्वारा किए गए शोर को संदर्भित करता है। | 1neutral
| In fact, the word quark is in OED as a verb meaning 'croak', with references to frogs, rooks, and herons in the 19th century. | Most people would not know the origin of the word quark and it refers to the noise made by frogs. | "The word" "quark" "is actually in the form of the verb" "croak" "in OED, which in the 19th century referred to frogs, rooks, and herons." | "Most people don't know the origin of the word" "quark" "and it refers to the sound made by a frog." | In fact, the word quark, which means' croak 'in the verb OED, referred to frogs, monkeys, and herons in the 19th century. | "Most people don't know the origin of the word" "quark," "and it refers to the sound of a frog." | In fact, the word quark is a verb meaning 'croak' in Odi, and in the 19th century references are made to frogs, rooks, and herons. | Most people are unaware of the origin of the word quark and the sound of a frog. | "The word" "quark" "is in the form of the verb" "croak" "in the OED, which mentions frogs, rooks, and herons in the 19th century." | Most people do not know the origin of the word quark, and it refers to the sound made by a rock. | The word quark originally existed as a verb in OED, meaning 'croak', referring to frogs, chickens, and deaf people in a 19th-century context. | Most people do not know the origin of the word quark and it refers to the sound of a bang. | Originally, the word quark is in OED as a verb meaning 'croak', referring to frogs, rooks, and wolves in the 19th century. | Most people would not know the origin of the word quark and it refers to the noise made by a frog. | In fact, the word quark is in the OED as an adverb meaning 'croc', with frogs, rooks, and herons being mentioned in the 19th century. | Most people do not know the origin of the word quark, and it refers to the sound made by a frog. |
वास्तव में, क्वार्क शब्द ओईडी (OED) में एक क्रिया के रूप में है जिसका अर्थ है 'क्रोक' (croak), जिसमें 19 वीं शताब्दी में मेंढकों, रूक्स (rooks) और बगुलों के संदर्भ हैं। | शब्द "क्वार्क" को शब्दकोषों में एक क्रिया के रूप में सूचीबद्ध किया गया है जिसे मेंढकों द्वारा बनायी गयी "क्रोकिंग ध्वनि" के रूप में परिभाषित किया गया है। | 0entailment
| In fact, the word quark is in OED as a verb meaning 'croak', with references to frogs, rooks, and herons in the 19th century. | The word "quark" is listed in dictionaries as a verb defined as a "croaking sound" made by frogs. | "The word" "quark" "is actually in the form of the verb" "croak" "in OED, which in the 19th century referred to frogs, rooks, and herons." | The term "cradle" is defined as "noise" in the "Quark" dictionary. | In fact, the word quark, which means' croak 'in the verb OED, referred to frogs, monkeys, and herons in the 19th century. | The word "quark" is listed in dictionaries as a verb meaning "noise made by frogs." | In fact, the word quark is a verb meaning 'croak' in Odi, and in the 19th century references are made to frogs, rooks, and herons. | The term "quark" is listed in dictionaries as a verb defined as "the sound made by frogs." | "The word" "quark" "is in the form of the verb" "croak" "in the OED, which mentions frogs, rooks, and herons in the 19th century." | The word "quark" is defined in the dictionary as "noise from frogs." | The word quark originally existed as a verb in OED, meaning 'croak', referring to frogs, chickens, and deaf people in a 19th-century context. | The word quark is described in the dictionary as a word made by frogs. | Originally, the word quark is in OED as a verb meaning 'croak', referring to frogs, rooks, and wolves in the 19th century. | Quark is described in dictionaries as "frog-frog sound." | In fact, the word quark is in the OED as an adverb meaning 'croc', with frogs, rooks, and herons being mentioned in the 19th century. | The word "quark" is defined in the dictionary as "a verb created by a frog." |
वास्तव में, क्वार्क शब्द ओईडी (OED) में एक क्रिया के रूप में है जिसका अर्थ है 'क्रोक' (croak), जिसमें 19 वीं शताब्दी में मेंढकों, रूक्स (rooks) और बगुलों के संदर्भ हैं। | क्वार्क शब्द का आविष्कार वैज्ञानिकों ने 1960 के दशक में किया था। | 2contradiction
| In fact, the word quark is in OED as a verb meaning 'croak', with references to frogs, rooks, and herons in the 19th century. | The term quark was invented by scientists in the 1960s. | "The word" "quark" "is actually in the form of the verb" "croak" "in OED, which in the 19th century referred to frogs, rooks, and herons." | "The word" "quark" "was invented by scientists in the 1960s." | In fact, the word quark, which means' croak 'in the verb OED, referred to frogs, monkeys, and herons in the 19th century. | "The word" "quark" "is a modern term invented by scientists in the 1960s." | In fact, the word quark is a verb meaning 'croak' in Odi, and in the 19th century references are made to frogs, rooks, and herons. | The word quark was first coined by scientists in the 1960s. | "The word" "quark" "is in the form of the verb" "croak" "in the OED, which mentions frogs, rooks, and herons in the 19th century." | The term quark was first coined by scientists in the 1960s. | The word quark originally existed as a verb in OED, meaning 'croak', referring to frogs, chickens, and deaf people in a 19th-century context. | The term quark is the modern term coined by scientists in the 1960s. | Originally, the word quark is in OED as a verb meaning 'croak', referring to frogs, rooks, and wolves in the 19th century. | "The word" "quark" "is a modern term invented by scientists in the 1960s." | In fact, the word quark is in the OED as an adverb meaning 'croc', with frogs, rooks, and herons being mentioned in the 19th century. | The term quark was first coined by scientists in the 1960s. |
एक कुंवारी जंगल एक ऐसा जंगल है जिसमें मनुष्य के हाथ ने कभी पैर नहीं रखा है। | एक वन जो कभी भी मनुष्य की उपस्थिति से विकृत नहीं हुआ है, उसे कुंवारी वन कहा जाता है। | 0entailment
| A virgin forest is a forest in which the hand of man has never set foot. | A forest that has never been deformed by the presence of man is called a virgin forest. | A virgin forest is a forest in which the hand of man has never set foot. | A forest that has never been damaged by human presence is called a virgin forest. | The virgin forest is a forest where the hand of man has never set foot. | A forest that is never spoiled by the presence of man is called a virgin forest. | The virgin forest is the forest where the hand of man never sets foot. | A forest that has never been destroyed by human presence is called a virgin forest. | A virgin forest is a forest where human hands have never set foot. | A forest that has never been damaged by human presence is called a virgin forest. | A virgin forest is a forest in which human hands have never set foot. | A forest that has never been destroyed in the presence of humans is called a virgin forest. | The virgin forest is a forest in which human hands never set foot. | A forest that has never been disturbed by human presence is called a virgin forest. | A virgin forest is a forest where human hands have never set foot. | A forest that has never been affected by human presence is called a virgin forest. |
एक कुंवारी जंगल एक ऐसा जंगल है जिसमें मनुष्य के हाथ ने कभी पैर नहीं रखा है। | हमारी आबादी के कारण, संयुक्त राज्य अमेरिका में अभी भी कुछ अछूते वन बचे हैं। | 1neutral
| A virgin forest is a forest in which the hand of man has never set foot. | Because of our population, there are still some untouched forests left in the United States. | A virgin forest is a forest in which the hand of man has never set foot. | Because of our population, there are still few virgin forests left in the Americas. | The virgin forest is a forest where the hand of man has never set foot. | Due to our population, there are still very few virgin forests left in the United States. | The virgin forest is the forest where the hand of man never sets foot. | Because of our population, there are only a few virgin forests left in the United States. | A virgin forest is a forest where human hands have never set foot. | Because of our population, there are still some virgin forests left in the United States. | A virgin forest is a forest in which human hands have never set foot. | There are still a few unspoiled forests in the United States because of our population. | The virgin forest is a forest in which human hands never set foot. | Because of our population, there are still some virgin forests left in the United States. | A virgin forest is a forest where human hands have never set foot. | Because of our population, there are still few uncontaminated forests left in the United States. |
एक कुंवारी जंगल एक ऐसा जंगल है जिसमें मनुष्य के हाथ ने कभी पैर नहीं रखा है। | जंगल के केंद्र में सबसे नया विकास इसकी वर्जिन वन स्थिति को प्रभावित नहीं करेगा। | 2contradiction
| A virgin forest is a forest in which the hand of man has never set foot. | The newest development in the heart of the forest will not affect its virgin forest status. | A virgin forest is a forest in which the hand of man has never set foot. | The new development in the heart of the forest will not affect its virgin forest status. | The virgin forest is a forest where the hand of man has never set foot. | The newly found growth in the center of the forest has no effect on its virgin forest status. | The virgin forest is the forest where the hand of man never sets foot. | The latest development in the middle of the forest will not affect its virginity. | A virgin forest is a forest where human hands have never set foot. | The new development in the core of the forest will not affect its virgin forest status. | A virgin forest is a forest in which human hands have never set foot. | The latest development in the heart of the forest will not affect its heavenly forests. | The virgin forest is a forest in which human hands never set foot. | The latest development in the heart of the forest will not affect its virgin forest status. | A virgin forest is a forest where human hands have never set foot. | This new development in the heart of the forest will have no impact on its uncontaminated forest cover. |
ये बक्से तारों के साथ आते हैं (जिन्हें व्यापार में केबल कहा जाता है क्योंकि यह अधिक प्रभावशाली लगता है) जो उन्हें एक दूसरे से और एक बिजली स्रोत में कनेक्ट होने की अनुमति देते हैं। | जब भी कोई व्यापार होता है, तार की तुलना में तार कहीं अधिक प्रतिष्ठित शब्द है। | 1neutral
| These boxes come with wires (called cables in the trade because it sounds more impressive) that allow them to be connected to each other and to a power source. | Wire is a far more prestigious term than wire whenever there is a trade. | These boxes come with wires (called cables in the trade because they sound more impressive) that allow them to connect to each other and to a power source. | Cable is a more prestigious term than wire whenever in business. | These boxes come with wires (called cables in the trade because that sounds more impressive) that allow them to be connected to each other and to a power source. | Cables are a more prestigious term in a business than wires. | These boxes come with wires (called cables in commerce because that's more attractive) that allow them to be connected to each other and access a power source. | Cables are a more prestigious term than wires in a trade. | These boxes contain wires (called cables in the trade because they sound more impressive) that allow them to be connected to each other and to a source of power. | "The word" "cable" "is always a more prestigious term in business than" "wires." "" | These boxes come with wires (called cables in the trade because it sounds more impressive) that connect them to each other and to a power source. | Cable is a more respectable term in business than wire. | These cans come with wires (called cables in the trade because it sounds more efficient) that allow them to connect to each other and to a power source. | "" "Cable" "is a much more prestigious term than wires whenever in a trade." | These boxes come with wires (called wires in the trade because it sounds more impressive) that allow them to be connected to each other and to a power source. | Simply a much more prestigious term than wire whenever in a business. |
ये बक्से तारों के साथ आते हैं (जिन्हें व्यापार में केबल कहा जाता है क्योंकि यह अधिक प्रभावशाली लगता है) जो उन्हें एक दूसरे से और एक बिजली स्रोत में कनेक्ट होने की अनुमति देते हैं। | इन बक्सों के लिए व्यापार में कोई केबल या तार की देखभाल शामिल नहीं है। | 2contradiction
| These boxes come with wires (called cables in the trade because it sounds more impressive) that allow them to be connected to each other and to a power source. | There is no cable or wire maintenance involved in trading for these boxes. | These boxes come with wires (called cables in the trade because they sound more impressive) that allow them to connect to each other and to a power source. | There is no cable or wire care involved in the trade of these boxes. | These boxes come with wires (called cables in the trade because that sounds more impressive) that allow them to be connected to each other and to a power source. | No cables or wiring concerns are included in the trade for these boxes. | These boxes come with wires (called cables in commerce because that's more attractive) that allow them to be connected to each other and access a power source. | Neither the cables for these boxes nor the maintenance of the wires are included in the trade. | These boxes contain wires (called cables in the trade because they sound more impressive) that allow them to be connected to each other and to a source of power. | Cables or wire care are not included for this box. | These boxes come with wires (called cables in the trade because it sounds more impressive) that connect them to each other and to a power source. | No wiring or wiring is included in the trade for these boxes. | These cans come with wires (called cables in the trade because it sounds more efficient) that allow them to connect to each other and to a power source. | The merchandise for these cans does not include any cables or wire maintenance. | These boxes come with wires (called wires in the trade because it sounds more impressive) that allow them to be connected to each other and to a power source. | No wiring or wire care is included in the trade for these boxes. |
ये बक्से तारों के साथ आते हैं (जिन्हें व्यापार में केबल कहा जाता है क्योंकि यह अधिक प्रभावशाली लगता है) जो उन्हें एक दूसरे से और एक बिजली स्रोत में कनेक्ट होने की अनुमति देते हैं। | इन बक्सों को एक साथ जोड़ा जा सकता है और केबलों द्वारा संचालित किया जा सकता है। | 0entailment
| These boxes come with wires (called cables in the trade because it sounds more impressive) that allow them to be connected to each other and to a power source. | These boxes can be connected together and operated by cables. | These boxes come with wires (called cables in the trade because they sound more impressive) that allow them to connect to each other and to a power source. | These boxes can be connected together and operated by a cable. | These boxes come with wires (called cables in the trade because that sounds more impressive) that allow them to be connected to each other and to a power source. | These boxes can be connected together and powered by cables. | These boxes come with wires (called cables in commerce because that's more attractive) that allow them to be connected to each other and access a power source. | These boxes can be connected together and operated with cables. | These boxes contain wires (called cables in the trade because they sound more impressive) that allow them to be connected to each other and to a source of power. | These compartments can be connected together and driven by cables. | These boxes come with wires (called cables in the trade because it sounds more impressive) that connect them to each other and to a power source. | These boxes can be connected together and powered by cables. | These cans come with wires (called cables in the trade because it sounds more efficient) that allow them to connect to each other and to a power source. | These cans can be connected together and operated by cables. | These boxes come with wires (called wires in the trade because it sounds more impressive) that allow them to be connected to each other and to a power source. | These boxes can be connected together and powered by cables. |
सर विलियम जॉनसन का जिक्र करते हुए जोन्स ने टिप्पणी की, उन्हें भारतीयों द्वारा प्यार, स्नेह और सम्मान दिया जाता था। | भारतीयों को सर विलियम जॉनसन नापसंद थे। | 2contradiction
| Referring to Sir William Johnson, Jones remarked, he was loved, cherished and respected by the Indians. | The Indians disliked Sir William Johnson. | "Jones remarked, referring to Sir William Johnson," "He was loved, adored, and almost venerated by the Indians." "" | The Indians did not like Sir William Johnson. | "Jones quotes Sir William Johnson," "He was fond of Indians, loved them, and admired them very much." "" | Sir William Johnson was disliked by the Indians. | Referring to Sir William Johnson, Johnson remarked, "He was loved and respected by the Indians. | The Indians hated Sir William Johnson. | Speaking of Sir William Johnson, Jones said that the Indians loved him, cherished him, and almost respected him. | The Indians did not like Sir William Johnson. | Jones, referring to Sir William Johnson, said, "He was loved, cherished, and nearly respected by the Indians." | The Indians disliked Sir William Johnson. | "He was loved, adored, and almost loved by the Indians," Jones remarked, quoting Sir William Johnson. | The Indians disliked Sir William Johnson. | Referring to Sir William Johnson, Jones remarked, "The Indians loved him, adored him, and almost adored him." | The Indians disliked Sir William Johnson. |
सर विलियम जॉनसन का जिक्र करते हुए जोन्स ने टिप्पणी की, उन्हें भारतीयों द्वारा प्यार, स्नेह और सम्मान दिया जाता था। | भारतीयों को सर विलियम जॉनसन पसंद आए। | 0entailment
| Referring to Sir William Johnson, Jones remarked, he was loved, cherished and respected by the Indians. | The Indians liked Sir William Johnson. | "Jones remarked, referring to Sir William Johnson," "He was loved, adored, and almost venerated by the Indians." "" | The Indians liked Sir William Johnson. | "Jones quotes Sir William Johnson," "He was fond of Indians, loved them, and admired them very much." "" | The Indians were fond of Sir William Johnson. | Referring to Sir William Johnson, Johnson remarked, "He was loved and respected by the Indians. | The Indians liked Sir William Johnson. | Speaking of Sir William Johnson, Jones said that the Indians loved him, cherished him, and almost respected him. | The Indians liked Sir William Johnson. | Jones, referring to Sir William Johnson, said, "He was loved, cherished, and nearly respected by the Indians." | The Indians liked Sir William Johnson. | "He was loved, adored, and almost loved by the Indians," Jones remarked, quoting Sir William Johnson. | The Indians liked Sir William Johnson. | Referring to Sir William Johnson, Jones remarked, "The Indians loved him, adored him, and almost adored him." | The Indians liked Sir William Johnson. |
सर विलियम जॉनसन का जिक्र करते हुए जोन्स ने टिप्पणी की, उन्हें भारतीयों द्वारा प्यार, स्नेह और सम्मान दिया जाता था। | भारतीयों ने सर विलियम जॉनसन को बगीचा लगाने का तरीका दिखाया। | 1neutral
| Referring to Sir William Johnson, Jones remarked, he was loved, cherished and respected by the Indians. | The Indians showed Sir William Johnson how to plant a garden. | "Jones remarked, referring to Sir William Johnson," "He was loved, adored, and almost venerated by the Indians." "" | The Indians showed Sir William Johnson how to plant a garden. | "Jones quotes Sir William Johnson," "He was fond of Indians, loved them, and admired them very much." "" | The Indians showed Sir William Johnson how to plant a garden. | Referring to Sir William Johnson, Johnson remarked, "He was loved and respected by the Indians. | The Indians taught Sir William Johnson how to plant a garden. | Speaking of Sir William Johnson, Jones said that the Indians loved him, cherished him, and almost respected him. | The Indians showed Sir William Johnson how to plant a garden. | Jones, referring to Sir William Johnson, said, "He was loved, cherished, and nearly respected by the Indians." | The Indians showed Sir William Johnson the technique of gardening. | "He was loved, adored, and almost loved by the Indians," Jones remarked, quoting Sir William Johnson. | The Indians showed Sir William Johnson how to plant a garden. | Referring to Sir William Johnson, Jones remarked, "The Indians loved him, adored him, and almost adored him." | The Indians showed Sir William Johnson how to garden. |
मेरे पास अभी भी छह और स्कॉच के लिए कमरा है। | मैं अभी भी छह और स्कॉच का सेवन कर सकता हूं। | 0entailment
| I still have room for six more scotches. | I can still consume six more scotches. | I still have room for six sketches. | I can still eat six scotches. | I still have room for six scotches. | "I can eat six more scotches. | I still have room for six more scotches. | I can still eat six more scotches. | I still have room for six scotches. | I can still eat six scotches. | I still have room for six scotches. | I can still eat six more scotches. | I still have room for six more scotches. | "I can still eat six more scotches. | I have six more scotches. | I can still eat six scotches. |
मेरे पास अभी भी छह और स्कॉच के लिए कमरा है। | मेरे पास सिर्फ एक गिलास स्कॉच के लिए जगह है। | 2contradiction
| I still have room for six more scotches. | I just have room for a glass of scotch. | I still have room for six sketches. | I only have room for a glass of scotch. | I still have room for six scotches. | I only have room for one glass of scotch. | I still have room for six more scotches. | I only have room for one glass of scotch. | I still have room for six scotches. | I only have room for a glass of scotch. | I still have room for six scotches. | I only have room for one more glass of scotch. | I still have room for six more scotches. | I only have room for one glass of scotch. | I have six more scotches. | I only have room for one more glass of scotch. |
मेरे पास अभी भी छह और स्कॉच के लिए कमरा है। | चट्टानों पर छह और स्कॉच ठीक काम करेंगे। | 1neutral
| I still have room for six more scotches. | Six more scotches on the rocks will do just fine. | I still have room for six sketches. | On the rocks will fix six more scotches. | I still have room for six scotches. | Six more sketches on the rocks work well. | I still have room for six more scotches. | There are also six scotches in the rock. | I still have room for six scotches. | Six more sketches on the stone would work well. | I still have room for six scotches. | Six more scouts on the rock will do a better job. | I still have room for six more scotches. | Six more scotches on the stones will do just fine. | I have six more scotches. | Six more scotches on the stone will do just fine. |
डॉ. रिचर्ड्स हमें चकित करना कभी बंद नहीं करते। | हम डॉ. रिचर्ड्स से लगातार आश्चर्यचकित हैं। | 0entailment
| Dr. Richards never ceases to amaze us. | We are constantly surprised by Dr. Richards. | Dr. Richards never ceases to amaze us. | We are constantly amazed by Dr. Richards. | Dr. Richards never ceases to amaze us. | "" "We are constantly amazed at Dr. Richards." | Dr. Richards never ceases to amaze us. | "We are always amazed by Dr. Richards. | Dr. Richards never ceases to amaze us. | We always wonder about Dr. Richards. | Dr. Richards never ceases to amaze us. | We are always amazed at what Dr. Richards has to say. | Dr. Richards never ceases to amaze us. | We are constantly surprised by Dr. Richard. | Dr. Richards never ceases to amaze us. | We are always amazed at what Dr. Richards has to say. |
डॉ. रिचर्ड्स हमें चकित करना कभी बंद नहीं करते। | जब हमने डॉ॰ रिचर्ड्स की ताजा खबर सुनी तो हम हंस पड़े। | 1neutral
| Dr. Richards never ceases to amaze us. | We laughed when we heard the latest news from Dr. Richards. | Dr. Richards never ceases to amaze us. | We laughed when we heard the latest news about Dr. Richards. | Dr. Richards never ceases to amaze us. | We laughed when we heard the latest news about Dr. Richards. | Dr. Richards never ceases to amaze us. | We laughed when we heard the latest news from Dr. Richards. | Dr. Richards never ceases to amaze us. | We laughed when we heard the latest news about Dr. Richards. | Dr. Richards never ceases to amaze us. | We laughed and cried when we heard the latest news from Dr. Richards. | Dr. Richards never ceases to amaze us. | We laughed when we heard the latest news from Dr. Richards. | Dr. Richards never ceases to amaze us. | We laugh when we hear the latest news about Dr. Richards. |
डॉ. रिचर्ड्स हमें चकित करना कभी बंद नहीं करते। | हम डॉ रिचर्ड्स या उनके विचारों के बारे में कभी नहीं सुना है. | 2contradiction
| Dr. Richards never ceases to amaze us. | We've never heard of Dr. Richards or his ideas. | Dr. Richards never ceases to amaze us. | We have never heard of Dr. Richards or his ideas. | Dr. Richards never ceases to amaze us. | We had never heard of Doctor Richards or his ideas. | Dr. Richards never ceases to amaze us. | We have never heard of Dr. Richards or his ideas. | Dr. Richards never ceases to amaze us. | We have never heard of Dr. Richards or his ideas. | Dr. Richards never ceases to amaze us. | We have never heard of Dr. Richards nor heard of his trial. | Dr. Richards never ceases to amaze us. | We have never heard of Dr. Richards or his ideas. | Dr. Richards never ceases to amaze us. | We had never heard of Dr. Richards or his ideas. |
यह एक चट्टानी क्षेत्र है जहां लवर नाम का एक चरवाहा पत्थरों के बीच छिपा रहता है। | प्रेमी के सिर पर निशान था, इसलिए उसे चट्टानों के बीच छिपना पड़ा। | 0entailment
| It is a rocky area where a shepherd named Lover hides among the stones. | The lover had a mark on his head, so he had to hide among the rocks. | This is a rocky area where a herder named Lover hid among the stones. | The lover had a mark on his head and thus had to hide among the rocks. | It was a rocky area where a rancher named Lover hid among the rocks from people who wanted to kill him. | The lover had a target on his head and therefore had to hide among the stones. | This is the rock where a shepherd named Lover hid among the rocks from those who intended to kill him. | The lover had a target on his head, so he had to hide among the rocks. | It is a rocky area where a wild boar named Lover hid among the rocks from people who intended to kill him. | The mistress had a mark on her head, and so she had to hide among the stones. | It is a rocky area where a herdsman named Premi Yugal was hiding from people who wanted to kill him. | The lover had a target on his head, so he had to hide in the middle of the rock. | It is a rocky area where a shepherd named Premi was hiding in the rocks from people who intended to kill him. | The lover had a target on his head and so he had to hide among the stones. | It is a rocky area where a farmhand named Premak was hiding among the rocks from people who wanted to kill him. | The lover had placed a target on her head and so she had to hide among the rocks. |
यह एक चट्टानी क्षेत्र है जहां लवर नाम का एक चरवाहा पत्थरों के बीच छिपा रहता है। | प्रेमी कानून से भाग रहा था, जो चाहता था कि वह मर जाए। | 1neutral
| It is a rocky area where a shepherd named Lover hides among the stones. | The boyfriend was on the run from the law, who wanted him dead. | This is a rocky area where a herder named Lover hid among the stones. | The lover was on the run from the law who wanted him dead. | It was a rocky area where a rancher named Lover hid among the rocks from people who wanted to kill him. | The lover was running away from the law that wanted him dead. | This is the rock where a shepherd named Lover hid among the rocks from those who intended to kill him. | The boyfriend was running away from the law... the one who wanted him dead. | It is a rocky area where a wild boar named Lover hid among the rocks from people who intended to kill him. | The lover was on the run from the law who wanted him dead. | It is a rocky area where a herdsman named Premi Yugal was hiding from people who wanted to kill him. | The lover was running away from the law, who wanted him to die. | It is a rocky area where a shepherd named Premi was hiding in the rocks from people who intended to kill him. | The lover was on the run from the law who wanted him dead. | It is a rocky area where a farmhand named Premak was hiding among the rocks from people who wanted to kill him. | The lover was running away from the law... he who wants to die. |
यह एक चट्टानी क्षेत्र है जहां लवर नाम का एक चरवाहा पत्थरों के बीच छिपा रहता है। | प्रेमी नाम का चरवाहा अपनी हत्या की योजना बनाते समय घास के मैदान में छिप गया। | 2contradiction
| It is a rocky area where a shepherd named Lover hides among the stones. | The cowherd named Premi hid in the meadow while planning his murder. | This is a rocky area where a herder named Lover hid among the stones. | Premi, a cattle herder, was planning his murder when he hid in a grassy area. | It was a rocky area where a rancher named Lover hid among the rocks from people who wanted to kill him. | Lover, a farmer, was hiding in the grass while plotting his murder. | This is the rock where a shepherd named Lover hid among the rocks from those who intended to kill him. | The boyfriend hid in the meadows while planning the murder. | It is a rocky area where a wild boar named Lover hid among the rocks from people who intended to kill him. | A rancher named Lover hid in a grassy area while planning his murder. | It is a rocky area where a herdsman named Premi Yugal was hiding from people who wanted to kill him. | Premika, a cattle herder, hid in a grass enclosure and planned the murder. | It is a rocky area where a shepherd named Premi was hiding in the rocks from people who intended to kill him. | The farmer named Premi was hiding in the grassland area while planning his murder. | It is a rocky area where a farmhand named Premak was hiding among the rocks from people who wanted to kill him. | The farmhand named Premik was hiding in a grassy area to plan the murder. |
इस प्रकार, औसतन, Webster 's Ninth New Collegiate और Random House Webster' s College में अमेरिकी विरासत और Webster 's New World की तुलना में प्रति प्रविष्टि कम से कम पंद्रह प्रतिशत अधिक जानकारी होती है। | स्कूल वेबस्टर कॉलेज का उपयोग करते हैं क्योंकि यह सबसे अच्छा है। | 1neutral
| Thus, on average, Webster's Ninth New Collegiate and Random House Webster's College contain at least fifteen percent more information per entry than American Heritage and Webster's New World combined. | Schools use Webster College because it is the best. | Thus, on average, Webster's Ninth New Collegiate and Random House hold at least fifteen percent more data than Webster's College American Heritage and Webster's New World. | Schools use Webster's College because it is the best. | Thus, on average, Webster's Ninth New Collegiate and Random House Webster's College have at least fifteen percent more information per entry than American Heritage and Webster's New World. | Schools use Webster's College because it is the best. | Thus, on average, Webster's Ninth New Collegiate and Random House Webster's College contain fifteen percent more information than American Heritage and Webster's New World combined. | Schools use Webster's College because it is the best. | Therefore, Webster's Ninth New Collegiate and Random House Webster's College contain at least fifteen percent more information than American Heritage and Webster's New World. | A university is known as a university because it is the best. | Webster's 9th New Collegiate and Random House Webster's College have about five percent more information per entry than American Heritage and Webster's New World combined. | Schools use Webster College because it is the best. | Thus, on average, Webster's Ninth New Collegiate and Random House Webster College contain at least fifteen percent more information than American Heritage and Webster's New World. | Schools use Webster's College because it is the best. | Thus, on average, Webster's Ninth New Collegiate and Random House Webster's College have at least fifteen percent more information than American Heritage and Webster's New World. | Schools use Webster's College because it is the best. |
इस प्रकार, औसतन, Webster 's Ninth New Collegiate और Random House Webster' s College में अमेरिकी विरासत और Webster 's New World की तुलना में प्रति प्रविष्टि कम से कम पंद्रह प्रतिशत अधिक जानकारी होती है। | नई दुनिया की तुलना में वेबस्टर कॉलेज में अधिक जानकारी है। | 0entailment
| Thus, on average, Webster's Ninth New Collegiate and Random House Webster's College contain at least fifteen percent more information per entry than American Heritage and Webster's New World combined. | There is more information at Webster College than in the New World. | Thus, on average, Webster's Ninth New Collegiate and Random House hold at least fifteen percent more data than Webster's College American Heritage and Webster's New World. | Webster's College has more information than New World. | Thus, on average, Webster's Ninth New Collegiate and Random House Webster's College have at least fifteen percent more information per entry than American Heritage and Webster's New World. | Webster College has more information than New World. | Thus, on average, Webster's Ninth New Collegiate and Random House Webster's College contain fifteen percent more information than American Heritage and Webster's New World combined. | Webster College has more information than New World. | Therefore, Webster's Ninth New Collegiate and Random House Webster's College contain at least fifteen percent more information than American Heritage and Webster's New World. | Webster College has more information than New World. | Webster's 9th New Collegiate and Random House Webster's College have about five percent more information per entry than American Heritage and Webster's New World combined. | Webster College has more information than New World. | Thus, on average, Webster's Ninth New Collegiate and Random House Webster College contain at least fifteen percent more information than American Heritage and Webster's New World. | Webster College has more information than New World. | Thus, on average, Webster's Ninth New Collegiate and Random House Webster's College have at least fifteen percent more information than American Heritage and Webster's New World. | Webster's College has more information than New World. |
इस प्रकार, औसतन, Webster 's Ninth New Collegiate और Random House Webster' s College में अमेरिकी विरासत और Webster 's New World की तुलना में प्रति प्रविष्टि कम से कम पंद्रह प्रतिशत अधिक जानकारी होती है। | Webster 's College में अन्य पुस्तकों की तुलना में अधिक जानकारी नहीं है। | 2contradiction
| Thus, on average, Webster's Ninth New Collegiate and Random House Webster's College contain at least fifteen percent more information per entry than American Heritage and Webster's New World combined. | Webster's College does not contain more information than the other books. | Thus, on average, Webster's Ninth New Collegiate and Random House hold at least fifteen percent more data than Webster's College American Heritage and Webster's New World. | Webster's College is missing more information than the other books. | Thus, on average, Webster's Ninth New Collegiate and Random House Webster's College have at least fifteen percent more information per entry than American Heritage and Webster's New World. | Webster's College is missing more information than any other book. | Thus, on average, Webster's Ninth New Collegiate and Random House Webster's College contain fifteen percent more information than American Heritage and Webster's New World combined. | More information is not available for Webster's College than for other books. | Therefore, Webster's Ninth New Collegiate and Random House Webster's College contain at least fifteen percent more information than American Heritage and Webster's New World. | Webster's College has no more information than the other books. | Webster's 9th New Collegiate and Random House Webster's College have about five percent more information per entry than American Heritage and Webster's New World combined. | Webster's College does not have much information compared to other books. | Thus, on average, Webster's Ninth New Collegiate and Random House Webster College contain at least fifteen percent more information than American Heritage and Webster's New World. | Webster College is missing more information than other books. | Thus, on average, Webster's Ninth New Collegiate and Random House Webster's College have at least fifteen percent more information than American Heritage and Webster's New World. | Webster's College has lost much more information than the other books. |
मेरी बहन ने एक बार एक स्ट्रैपिंग युवक को डेट किया था जो आयोवा विश्वविद्यालय का एक कट्टर बूस्टर था, जिसकी खेल टीमों को हॉकीज़ कहा जाता है। | मेरी बहन नन है और उसने कभी किसी आदमी को डेट नहीं किया है। | 2contradiction
| My sister once dated a strapping young man who was a hardcore booster for the University of Iowa, whose sports teams are called the Hawkeyes. | My sister is a nun and has never dated a man. | My sister once dated a strapping young man who was a diehard booster from the University of Iowa whose sports teams were called the Hawkeyes. | My sister is a nun and has never dated a man. | "Once my sister dated a tough, exciting young man from the University of Iowa. | "My sister is a nun. | "Once my sister was dating a guy at the University of Iowa who was a hardcore booster for the sports team called the Hawkeyes. | My sister is a nun and has never dated a man. | My sister once dated a strapping young man who was a booster for the University of Iowa. These sports teams are called the Hawkeyes. | My sister is a nun and has never dated anyone. | My sister once dated a strapping young man who was an avid University of Iowa athlete. | My sister is a nun and has never dated anyone. | My sister was once dating a young man who attended the University of Iowa. | My sister is a nun and has never dated a man. | My sister once dated a young man who was a die-hard supporter of the University of Iowa sports teams called the Hawkeyes. | My sister is a nun and has never been in love with a man. |
मेरी बहन ने एक बार एक स्ट्रैपिंग युवक को डेट किया था जो आयोवा विश्वविद्यालय का एक कट्टर बूस्टर था, जिसकी खेल टीमों को हॉकीज़ कहा जाता है। | मेरी बहन आयोवा विश्वविद्यालय की खेल टीमों की एक प्रशंसक के साथ डेटिंग किया करती थी, जिन्हें हॉकीज़ कहा जाता है। | 0entailment
| My sister once dated a strapping young man who was a hardcore booster for the University of Iowa, whose sports teams are called the Hawkeyes. | My sister dated a fan of the University of Iowa sports teams called the Hawkeyes. | My sister once dated a strapping young man who was a diehard booster from the University of Iowa whose sports teams were called the Hawkeyes. | My sister used to date a fan of the University of Iowa's sports teams, called the Hawkeyes. | "Once my sister dated a tough, exciting young man from the University of Iowa. | My sister was dating a fan of the University of Iowa sports teams known as the Hawkeyes. | "Once my sister was dating a guy at the University of Iowa who was a hardcore booster for the sports team called the Hawkeyes. | My sister was a fan of the University of Iowa sports team, and they are often called the Hawkeyes. | My sister once dated a strapping young man who was a booster for the University of Iowa. These sports teams are called the Hawkeyes. | My sister used to date a fan of the University of Iowa sports teams, called the Hawkeyes. | My sister once dated a strapping young man who was an avid University of Iowa athlete. | My sister was dating a fan of the University of Iowa sports team called the Hawkeyes. | My sister was once dating a young man who attended the University of Iowa. | My sister was a fan of the University of Iowa sports teams, called the Hawkeyes. | My sister once dated a young man who was a die-hard supporter of the University of Iowa sports teams called the Hawkeyes. | My sister was dating a fan of the University of Iowa sports teams, called the Hawkeyes. |
मेरी बहन ने एक बार एक स्ट्रैपिंग युवक को डेट किया था जो आयोवा विश्वविद्यालय का एक कट्टर बूस्टर था, जिसकी खेल टीमों को हॉकीज़ कहा जाता है। | मेरी बहन जिस जवान आदमी के साथ डेटिंग कर रही थी, वह हॉकीज़ का प्रशंसक बनने के लिए बाध्य महसूस कर रहा था क्योंकि वह आयोवा विश्वविद्यालय के लिए काम करता था। | 1neutral
| My sister once dated a strapping young man who was a hardcore booster for the University of Iowa, whose sports teams are called the Hawkeyes. | The young man my sister was dating felt obligated to be a Hawkeyes fan because he worked for the University of Iowa. | My sister once dated a strapping young man who was a diehard booster from the University of Iowa whose sports teams were called the Hawkeyes. | The young man my sister was dating was obligated to be a Hawkeyes fan because he worked at the University of Iowa. | "Once my sister dated a tough, exciting young man from the University of Iowa. | The young man my sister was dating felt obligated to be a Hawkeyes fan because he worked at the University of Iowa. | "Once my sister was dating a guy at the University of Iowa who was a hardcore booster for the sports team called the Hawkeyes. | The young man my sister was dating thought he was obligated to be a Hawkeye fan because he worked at the University of Iowa. | My sister once dated a strapping young man who was a booster for the University of Iowa. These sports teams are called the Hawkeyes. | The young man my sister was dating was a hockey fan because he worked at the University of Iowa. | My sister once dated a strapping young man who was an avid University of Iowa athlete. | The young man my sister was dating thought it was mandatory to be a hockey fan because he worked at the University of Iowa. | My sister was once dating a young man who attended the University of Iowa. | The young man my sister was dating thought of himself as a hockey fan because he worked at the University of Iowa. | My sister once dated a young man who was a die-hard supporter of the University of Iowa sports teams called the Hawkeyes. | The young man my sister was dating felt compelled to become a fan of the Hawkeyes because he worked at the University of Iowa. |
अंग्रेज़ी भाषण पहले से ही ऐसे विचित्र शब्दों से दबा हुआ है, जिन्हें कभी नहीं लिया जाना चाहिए था, और अब भी इस्तेमाल किया जाना चाहिए है। | अंग्रेजी को अतिरिक्त विदेशी शब्दों की आवश्यकता है। | 2contradiction
| English speech is already choked with strange words that should never have been taken, and should still be used. | English requires additional foreign words. | English speech is already burdened with strange words that should never be taken for granted, and should come out even now. | English requires additional foreign words. | English speech is already full of strange words that should never be taken and still need to come out. | The English language requires foreign words. | English speech is already full of strange words, words that should never be taken and should come out by now. | The English language needs more foreign words. | The English language is already burdened with redundant words that were never taken and should still be used. | English is in desperate need of additional foreign words. | There are strange words in the English language that should not be accepted at all, and they should still be published. | Additional foreign words are required in English. | English speech is already burdened with strange words that should never have been taken, and even now must come out. | English needs additional foreign words. | English speech is already burdened with strange words that should never be taken for granted and even expressed now. | There is a great need for additional foreign words in English. |
अंग्रेज़ी भाषण पहले से ही ऐसे विचित्र शब्दों से दबा हुआ है, जिन्हें कभी नहीं लिया जाना चाहिए था, और अब भी इस्तेमाल किया जाना चाहिए है। | विशेषज्ञों ने पचास अलग-अलग शब्दों की पहचान की है जो भाषा का हिस्सा नहीं होना चाहिए। | 1neutral
| English speech is already choked with strange words that should never have been taken, and should still be used. | Experts have identified fifty different words that should not be part of the language. | English speech is already burdened with strange words that should never be taken for granted, and should come out even now. | Experts have identified fifty different words that should not be part of the language. | English speech is already full of strange words that should never be taken and still need to come out. | Experts have identified fifty different words that should not be part of the language. | English speech is already full of strange words, words that should never be taken and should come out by now. | Experts have identified fifty different words that should not be part of the language. | The English language is already burdened with redundant words that were never taken and should still be used. | Experts have selected fifty different words that should not be part of the language. | There are strange words in the English language that should not be accepted at all, and they should still be published. | Experts have identified 50 different words that should not be part of the language. | English speech is already burdened with strange words that should never have been taken, and even now must come out. | Experts have identified 50 different words that should not be part of the language. | English speech is already burdened with strange words that should never be taken for granted and even expressed now. | Experts have identified fifty different words that should not be part of the language. |
अंग्रेज़ी भाषण पहले से ही ऐसे विचित्र शब्दों से दबा हुआ है, जिन्हें कभी नहीं लिया जाना चाहिए था, और अब भी इस्तेमाल किया जाना चाहिए है। | कई अंग्रेजी शब्द हैं जिन्हें भाषा से हटा दिया जाना चाहिए। | 0entailment
| English speech is already choked with strange words that should never have been taken, and should still be used. | There are many English words that should be removed from the language. | English speech is already burdened with strange words that should never be taken for granted, and should come out even now. | There are many English words that should be removed from the language. | English speech is already full of strange words that should never be taken and still need to come out. | There are many words that need to be removed from the English language. | English speech is already full of strange words, words that should never be taken and should come out by now. | There are many words that need to be removed from English. | The English language is already burdened with redundant words that were never taken and should still be used. | There are many English words that should be removed from the language. | There are strange words in the English language that should not be accepted at all, and they should still be published. | Many words have to be removed from the English language. | English speech is already burdened with strange words that should never have been taken, and even now must come out. | There are many English words that should be removed from the language. | English speech is already burdened with strange words that should never be taken for granted and even expressed now. | There are many English words that should be removed from the language. |
जॉन बर्क (अलबामा) अन्य समकालीन खातों की समीक्षा और विश्लेषण करता है और पाता है कि बॉसवेल न केवल सबसे सटीक है, बल्कि वह जॉनसन के चरित्र को प्रदर्शित करने के लिए इसका उपयोग करता है, जबकि अन्य केवल साहित्यिक गपशप का खुदरा व्यापार कर रहे थे। | जॉन बर्क को बॉसवेल पसंद नहीं है। | 1neutral
| John Burke (Alabama) reviews and analyzes other contemporary accounts and finds that Boswell is not only the most accurate, but he uses it to demonstrate Johnson's character, while others were merely retailing literary gossip. | John Burke does not like Boswell. | John Burke (Alabama) reviews and analyzes other contemporary accounts and finds that Boswell is not only the most accurate but that he uses them to portray Johnson's character, while others were merely to sell literary gossip. | John Burke did not like Boswell. | John Burke (Alabama) reviews and analyzes other contemporary stories and finds that Boswell is not only extremely accurate but uses it to demonstrate Johnson's character, while others were merely peddling literary gossip. | John Burke did not like Boswell. | John Burke (Alabama) reviews and analyzes other contemporary accounts, finding not only that Boswell is the most accurate, but that he uses it to express Johnson's character, while others were retailing literary gossip. | John Burke did not like Boswell. | John Burke (Alabama) reviews and analyzes other contemporary accounts and assumes that Boswell was not only accurate but used it to demonstrate Johnson's character, while the others were simply literary gossip. | John Burke did not like Boswell. | John Burke (Alabama), reviewing and analyzing other contemporary accounts, finds that Boswell does not merely use it to demonstrate Johnson's character, while other individuals merely spread literary rumours. | John Burke does not like Boswell. | John Burke (Alabama) reviews and analyzes other contemporary accounts and finds that Boswell is not only the most accurate but that he uses it to demonstrate Johnson's character, while others were merely retailing literary gossip. | John Burke dislikes Boswell. | John Burke (Alabama) reviewed and analyzed other contemporary accounts and discovered that Boswell not only uses it to demonstrate Johnson's character, but that others were simply spreading literary rumours. | John Burke disliked Boswell. |
जॉन बर्क (अलबामा) अन्य समकालीन खातों की समीक्षा और विश्लेषण करता है और पाता है कि बॉसवेल न केवल सबसे सटीक है, बल्कि वह जॉनसन के चरित्र को प्रदर्शित करने के लिए इसका उपयोग करता है, जबकि अन्य केवल साहित्यिक गपशप का खुदरा व्यापार कर रहे थे। | जॉन बर्क (John Burke) ने उन लेखों को अनदेखा कर दिया। | 2contradiction
| John Burke (Alabama) reviews and analyzes other contemporary accounts and finds that Boswell is not only the most accurate, but he uses it to demonstrate Johnson's character, while others were merely retailing literary gossip. | John Burke ignored those articles. | John Burke (Alabama) reviews and analyzes other contemporary accounts and finds that Boswell is not only the most accurate but that he uses them to portray Johnson's character, while others were merely to sell literary gossip. | John Burke ignores the accounts. | John Burke (Alabama) reviews and analyzes other contemporary stories and finds that Boswell is not only extremely accurate but uses it to demonstrate Johnson's character, while others were merely peddling literary gossip. | John Burke ignores the accounts. | John Burke (Alabama) reviews and analyzes other contemporary accounts, finding not only that Boswell is the most accurate, but that he uses it to express Johnson's character, while others were retailing literary gossip. | The writings of John Bolt go unnoticed. | John Burke (Alabama) reviews and analyzes other contemporary accounts and assumes that Boswell was not only accurate but used it to demonstrate Johnson's character, while the others were simply literary gossip. | Books written by Jackson Berkeley, etc. | John Burke (Alabama), reviewing and analyzing other contemporary accounts, finds that Boswell does not merely use it to demonstrate Johnson's character, while other individuals merely spread literary rumours. | John ignores Burke's account. | John Burke (Alabama) reviews and analyzes other contemporary accounts and finds that Boswell is not only the most accurate but that he uses it to demonstrate Johnson's character, while others were merely retailing literary gossip. | John Burke ignores the accounts. | John Burke (Alabama) reviewed and analyzed other contemporary accounts and discovered that Boswell not only uses it to demonstrate Johnson's character, but that others were simply spreading literary rumours. | John Burke ignores the account. |
जॉन बर्क (अलबामा) अन्य समकालीन खातों की समीक्षा और विश्लेषण करता है और पाता है कि बॉसवेल न केवल सबसे सटीक है, बल्कि वह जॉनसन के चरित्र को प्रदर्शित करने के लिए इसका उपयोग करता है, जबकि अन्य केवल साहित्यिक गपशप का खुदरा व्यापार कर रहे थे। | जॉन बर्क खातों की समीक्षा करते हैं। | 0entailment
| John Burke (Alabama) reviews and analyzes other contemporary accounts and finds that Boswell is not only the most accurate, but he uses it to demonstrate Johnson's character, while others were merely retailing literary gossip. | John Burke reviews the accounts. | John Burke (Alabama) reviews and analyzes other contemporary accounts and finds that Boswell is not only the most accurate but that he uses them to portray Johnson's character, while others were merely to sell literary gossip. | John Burke reviews. | John Burke (Alabama) reviews and analyzes other contemporary stories and finds that Boswell is not only extremely accurate but uses it to demonstrate Johnson's character, while others were merely peddling literary gossip. | John Burke reviews. | John Burke (Alabama) reviews and analyzes other contemporary accounts, finding not only that Boswell is the most accurate, but that he uses it to express Johnson's character, while others were retailing literary gossip. | John Burke notes the comments. | John Burke (Alabama) reviews and analyzes other contemporary accounts and assumes that Boswell was not only accurate but used it to demonstrate Johnson's character, while the others were simply literary gossip. | It was written by John Burke. | John Burke (Alabama), reviewing and analyzing other contemporary accounts, finds that Boswell does not merely use it to demonstrate Johnson's character, while other individuals merely spread literary rumours. | John Burke reviewed this account. | John Burke (Alabama) reviews and analyzes other contemporary accounts and finds that Boswell is not only the most accurate but that he uses it to demonstrate Johnson's character, while others were merely retailing literary gossip. | John Burke reviews the accounts. | John Burke (Alabama) reviewed and analyzed other contemporary accounts and discovered that Boswell not only uses it to demonstrate Johnson's character, but that others were simply spreading literary rumours. | John Burke reviewed the accounts. |
चुनाव हुए एक महीना बीत चुका है और अभी भी रिपब्लिकन और डेमोक्रेट दोनों ही चुनाव लड़ रहे हैं. | चुनाव हुए एक महीना हो गया है। | 0entailment
| One month has passed since the election and there are still both Republicans and Democrats running. | It has been a month since the election. | One month has passed since the election and still Republicans and Democrats are doing high-fives. | A month has passed since the election. | One month after the election, the Republican and Democratic parties are still on a high. | The election is a month away. | One month after the election, both Republicans and Democrats have high hopes. | It's been a month since the election. | One month has passed since the election, and the Republican and Democratic parties are still at loggerheads. | A month has passed since the election. | A month has passed since the election, but there is still a tight race between Republicans and Democrats. | A month has passed since the election. | A month has passed since the election and still Republicans and Democrats are high-fiving. | It has been a month since the elections. | One month into the election, Republicans and Democrats are still divided. | One month has passed since the election. |
चुनाव हुए एक महीना बीत चुका है और अभी भी रिपब्लिकन और डेमोक्रेट दोनों ही चुनाव लड़ रहे हैं. | राष्ट्रपति चुनाव हुए एक महीना हो गया है. | 1neutral
| One month has passed since the election and there are still both Republicans and Democrats running. | It has been a month since the presidential election. | One month has passed since the election and still Republicans and Democrats are doing high-fives. | A month has passed since the presidential election. | One month after the election, the Republican and Democratic parties are still on a high. | The presidential election is a month away. | One month after the election, both Republicans and Democrats have high hopes. | The presidential election is months away. | One month has passed since the election, and the Republican and Democratic parties are still at loggerheads. | It has been a month since the presidential election. | A month has passed since the election, but there is still a tight race between Republicans and Democrats. | A month has passed since the presidential election. | A month has passed since the election and still Republicans and Democrats are high-fiving. | It has been a month since the presidential election. | One month into the election, Republicans and Democrats are still divided. | One month has passed since the presidential election. |
चुनाव हुए एक महीना बीत चुका है और अभी भी रिपब्लिकन और डेमोक्रेट दोनों ही चुनाव लड़ रहे हैं. | अभी चुनाव हुए एक हफ्ते ही हुए हैं. | 2contradiction
| One month has passed since the election and there are still both Republicans and Democrats running. | It's only been a week since the election. | One month has passed since the election and still Republicans and Democrats are doing high-fives. | The election is only a week away. | One month after the election, the Republican and Democratic parties are still on a high. | The election is only a week away. | One month after the election, both Republicans and Democrats have high hopes. | It's only been a week since the election. | One month has passed since the election, and the Republican and Democratic parties are still at loggerheads. | The election is only a week away. | A month has passed since the election, but there is still a tight race between Republicans and Democrats. | Only a week has passed since the election. | A month has passed since the election and still Republicans and Democrats are high-fiving. | The election is only a week away. | One month into the election, Republicans and Democrats are still divided. | Only a week has passed since the election. |
फिजल की तरह फिस्टेन की शुरुआत मध्य अंग्रेजी फिस्टेन से हुई। | हंसी-मजाक की शुरुआत हुई। | 0entailment
| Feisten, like fizzle, originated with the Middle English feisten. | The laughter began. | Like the fizzle, the fiston originated as a fiesta, similar to the Middle English fiston. | The fight started with a bang. | Feisty, like fizzle, began as the Middle English fiston, fiston to fart. | The tussle began. | Like fizzle, fiston began as Middle English fiston, fiston to fart. | It started with a bang. | The word 'fisten' originates from the medieval English word 'fisten'. | The race began. | Like fizzle, fizzy also began as the English fiestain, fiestain to fiestain. | The bickering began. | Fisty, like fizzle, originated as fiston from the Middle English feisten, feiston. | Started as a flat. | Feisten, like fizzle, began as the Middle English fisten, fisten to fart. | The fight begins with a scuffle. |
फिजल की तरह फिस्टेन की शुरुआत मध्य अंग्रेजी फिस्टेन से हुई। | फिफ्टी 100 साल से चल रही है. | 1neutral
| Feisten, like fizzle, originated with the Middle English feisten. | Fifty has been going on for 100 years. | Like the fizzle, the fiston originated as a fiesta, similar to the Middle English fiston. | This battle has been going on for the last 100 years. | Feisty, like fizzle, began as the Middle English fiston, fiston to fart. | Riots have been going on for 100 years. | Like fizzle, fiston began as Middle English fiston, fiston to fart. | Gambling has been going on here for a hundred years. | The word 'fisten' originates from the medieval English word 'fisten'. | This battle has been going on for the last 100 years. | Like fizzle, fizzy also began as the English fiestain, fiestain to fiestain. | Raids have been going on for a hundred years. | Fisty, like fizzle, originated as fiston from the Middle English feisten, feiston. | Firing has been going on for 100 years. | Feisten, like fizzle, began as the Middle English fisten, fisten to fart. | The violence has been going on for 100 years. |
फिजल की तरह फिस्टेन की शुरुआत मध्य अंग्रेजी फिस्टेन से हुई। | मुट्ठी का मुट्ठी से कोई संबंध नहीं है। | 2contradiction
| Feisten, like fizzle, originated with the Middle English feisten. | The clenched fist has nothing to do with the clenched fist. | Like the fizzle, the fiston originated as a fiesta, similar to the Middle English fiston. | Fiston has nothing to do with Fiston. | Feisty, like fizzle, began as the Middle English fiston, fiston to fart. | Fistin and fistin are not related. | Like fizzle, fiston began as Middle English fiston, fiston to fart. | Fiston is not related to Fiston. | The word 'fisten' originates from the medieval English word 'fisten'. | Fiston has nothing to do with Fiston. | Like fizzle, fizzy also began as the English fiestain, fiestain to fiestain. | Feisten is not related to Feisten. | Fisty, like fizzle, originated as fiston from the Middle English feisten, feiston. | Fisti is not related to Fiston. | Feisten, like fizzle, began as the Middle English fisten, fisten to fart. | Fistin has nothing to do with fistin. |
जबकि कथन बेहतर है, उत्तर पूर्णता की मानसिक तस्वीर देता है। | विवरण अधिक विवरण देता है। | 1neutral
| While the statement is better, the answer gives a mental picture of perfection. | The description gives more details. | While giving an answer makes you want to finish it. | The statement provides more details. | While the statement is good, the answer gives a mental picture of completion. | The statement provides more details. | While the statement is fine, the answer provides a mental picture of fulfillment. | The statement provides more details. | While the statement is good, the answer gives a mental picture of completeness. | Detailed information is given in the report. | While the narration is good, the answer gives a mental picture of completion. | More information is provided in this announcement. | While the statement is better, the answer gives a mental picture of completion. | The statement provides more details. | While the statement is good, the answer gives a mental picture of the ending. | The statement gave further details. |
जबकि कथन बेहतर है, उत्तर पूर्णता की मानसिक तस्वीर देता है। | बयान बेहतर नहीं है। | 2contradiction
| While the statement is better, the answer gives a mental picture of perfection. | The statement is no better. | While giving an answer makes you want to finish it. | The statement is not good. | While the statement is good, the answer gives a mental picture of completion. | The statement is not good. | While the statement is fine, the answer provides a mental picture of fulfillment. | The statement is not good. | While the statement is good, the answer gives a mental picture of completeness. | The statement is not good. | While the narration is good, the answer gives a mental picture of completion. | That's not good. | While the statement is better, the answer gives a mental picture of completion. | The statement is not good. | While the statement is good, the answer gives a mental picture of the ending. | The speech is not good. |
जबकि कथन बेहतर है, उत्तर पूर्णता की मानसिक तस्वीर देता है। | बयान बेहतर है। | 0entailment
| While the statement is better, the answer gives a mental picture of perfection. | The statement is better. | While giving an answer makes you want to finish it. | The statement is the best. | While the statement is good, the answer gives a mental picture of completion. | The statement is a priority. | While the statement is fine, the answer provides a mental picture of fulfillment. | priority of the statement. | While the statement is good, the answer gives a mental picture of completeness. | The statement is preferred. | While the narration is good, the answer gives a mental picture of completion. | Priority will be given to the statement. | While the statement is better, the answer gives a mental picture of completion. | The statement is the priority. | While the statement is good, the answer gives a mental picture of the ending. | The speech is the best. |
Subsets and Splits