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0 | train/M79345.wav | As a last aid in our last agony michael certainly could not have given any sort of rational account of this vast unmeaning satisfaction which soaked through him and filled him to the brim |
1 | train/M32808.wav | बहदर शहक समयम If you wish to see me the kings attorney you must desire for me some of those violent and dangerous diseases from the cure of which so much honor redounds to the physician at this moment फर कनछ रजकमरल चनव हन २ दनअघ |
2 | train/M34150.wav | Spring cap holders are i am sure too delicate for rough travel to protect caps from the rain before stalking or watching at night in rainy weather wax or grease the edge of the cap as it rests on the nipple परपत थय यसक वशषतहरबट आकषट अथव सवर भननछ |
3 | train/M22285.wav | Certain cyanide compounds might be powerful enough to do so under certain conditions any real dry powder would choke a person if he got a big dose of it i heard of a boy who came near dying as the result of breathing in a quantity of extra dry licorice powder जस मसत मल |
4 | train/M15057.wav | तमर शसकहरम दललक For blot was a great comfort to her never running away or disobeying in any way but always close to her side ready to creep under her wing or bring her a plump bug when the poor biddys appetite failed her छ महनभतर उनल अलअल नपल ५१ छन |
5 | train/M65101.wav | जममवर पन १४८ बशख परणमम ओकफक वइलड वन जतहरलई करतक |
6 | train/M40341.wav | Came from our stock and i could see the truth of silvers words the night before had he not struck a bargain with the doctor he and his mutineers deserted by the ship must have been driven to subsist on clear water and the proceeds of their hunting डङग पल व चनवक लग उममदवर |
7 | train/M7682.wav | This style of business seems to me extremely inconvenient no nobleness of soul have i like some that in this age are found चरम अवसथम पगक |
8 | train/M66887.wav | The taking my extraordinary expences into consideration i have fully demonstrated to lord grenville and treasury that eight thousand pounds is absolutely necessary for the clearing off my unfunded debt |
9 | train/M6976.wav | Chapter twenty one novelty and variety when i look back over thirty years of gardening i see what an extraordinary progress there has been not only in the introduction of good plants new to general cultivation उनल आफन परवर |
10 | train/M63973.wav | This must be admitted by all who know clear reason to be infallible and most of all by those who deny the possibility of a vacuum for if extended substance could be so divided that its parts were really separate secondly i wished to be hypnotized these together with a vivid imagination and strained attention brought on the states which occurred |
11 | train/M79727.wav | बस मरगहरलई He dismounted from his horse and bowed low before the holy man saying by way of greeting my father may your days be long in the land and may all your wishes be fulfilled the dervish did his best to reply |
12 | train/M47741.wav | खटएक थए He told missus arbuthnot as a matter of honour not to mention it and at least her little house was not haunted by the loose lived ladies for frederick did his work away from home he had two rooms near the british museum यसक धर परयग |
13 | train/M80444.wav | Thou art strong of main and in mind art wary art wise in words i ween indeed if ever it hap that hrethels heir by spear be seized by sword grim battle by illness or iron |
14 | train/M58193.wav | Said popopo sternly for he felt the birds were getting the best of the argument the poor milliners business will be ruined if i do not return you to her shop it seems you are necessary to trim the hats properly it is the fashion for women to wear birds upon their headgear so the poor milliners wares |
15 | train/M68261.wav | And became in time perou or peru was not the nubian island of merou with its pyramids built by red men a similar transplantation यसलई वभनन यनतर |
16 | train/M57366.wav | गरभशय र उनक आसपसक उनल सवधन भरतम नपल फइननस लमटड नपल रषटर बङकक वरगकरण अनसर ग वरगम परन एक बङक ह Blazing his way by noisy halloes to indicate a pacific mission sandridge and one or two others turned out to investigate the row कह थह छन |
17 | train/M89141.wav | Gauss he was then a young man of twenty five eking out a living by tuition he had invented but not published several powerful mathematical methods one of them now known as the method of least squares and he applied them to piazzis observations नरयण नदक पल |
18 | train/M40269.wav | न यसत भय He was not one to sentimentalize but the sight of the defiant flag the most beautiful in all the world stirred him in every fiber it was the flag under which both his father and colonel talbot had fought आनदलनपरत भय उन एक शरषठ दकषण करयम अधकर |
19 | train/M40204.wav | Looking up at the clock for the twentieth time during the last half hour and breaking off in the middle of the list of english kings and queens which she was trying to commit to memory which king came after henry the third in that far away time |
20 | train/M34845.wav | He left it for a year or two without doors or windows or floor the battle for existence allowed him no time for such superfluities he raised enough corn to support life पन लएक थए धवस मस असवकत जमत अनतरगत |
21 | train/M5473.wav | The amount of water which was being made with the ship so roughly handled was most uncertain ah though she knew it not he was then lying cold in death upon the bloody field of shiloh there had been news now and then from their northern friends and relatives richard allison had recovered from his wound and was again in the field अपकष दकषण भरतम |
22 | train/M28707.wav | यसलई अङगरजम कमन Everything was done very leisurely though there was a lot of talking and disputing and the giving of contrary orders |
23 | train/M7098.wav | There was a gold ornament a kind of open ring with bosses or buttons on the ends गवसभतर य यसक तयह गणक On the shore of the bay eighty miles distant axes and mauls were necessary today to make a road through the snow going ahead with carson to reconnoitre the road we reached in the afternoon the river which made the outlet of the lake मत दएक |
24 | train/M13215.wav | बलन डलटन अकयडमम From that day on mukoki was a different indian he became the greatest wolf hunter in all these regions soon after the tragedy he came to the post to live and since then he has not left minnetaki and me once in a great while when the night is just right नपलम रण शसनक उन खलसतक चबस |
25 | train/M35479.wav | We will not venture to say whether it was from terror created by the threats or from tenderness at seeing four friends so closely united dartagnan took his hand and when they came to the hazel tree the white dove sang home home look at the shoe princess the shoe was made for you prince prince take home thy bride for she is the true one that sits by thy side |
26 | train/M29244.wav | दएर यदध टलन कनज कननर जनम They did not say much those pale faced hurrying men and women they did not say much they only glanced and said niggers |
27 | train/M71683.wav | तथ मनसक पटम Since eighteen eleven dantes shuddered this man had been four years longer than himself in prison do not dig any more said the voice only tell me how high up is your excavation |
28 | train/M33864.wav | छट उदयपर भरतक यह नगरम मलई लगछ तपई अभनतर हन जनजवनक परयपत |
29 | train/M13593.wav | And there to fit out for the expedition leaving fort wallace in november eighteen sixty eight we arrived at fort lyon in the latter part of the month without special incident and at once began our preparations for invading the enemys country अधरजय पग तथ हमल जललहरम |
30 | train/M75980.wav | And did it so privately that nobody discovered their bones till many years after when no one had any concern in the publication of this remarkable history a few days afterward ali baba celebrated the nuptials of his son and morgiana with great solemnity |
31 | train/M82868.wav | Through the window i saw one of those unaccountable men in white lugging a packing case along the beach presently the window frame hid him then i heard a key inserted and turned in the lock behind me |
32 | train/M17091.wav | पन य जक चकतस वभगहरक आवशयकत गरङ तथ अनय आदवस छरतन जतक नरमणम हसल भएक |
33 | train/M68993.wav | जनकपरधमक बरम To fall into the easiest position in his corner and to sleep whether well or ill dartagnan be it remembered was only twenty years old and at that age sleep has its imprescriptible rights which it imperiously insists upon even with the saddest hearts |
34 | train/M63843.wav | एक आलचकल असटरलयल And they were being answered from the ship potan was on the deck a babble of voices above which his rose with roars of command at one of the dome windows a brigand with a hand searchbeam was sending its answering light झप जललक पथवनगर |
35 | train/M42767.wav | मनसहर मरए एक वकर ह कम Have some motions upon the scene itself before their coming down for it draws the eye strangely and makes it with great pleasure to desire to see that it cannot perfectly discern |
36 | train/M45849.wav | The masterful wind was up and out shouting and chasing the lord of the morning poplars swayed and tossed with a roaring swish dead leaves sprang aloft and whirled into space and all the clear swept heaven seemed to thrill with sound like a great harp घरम दस दए पलनपषण गर गमल अथव जमनम |
37 | train/M21563.wav | कनदरत रहनछन अब म सथय चलचतर नरमत असधय रचउछन Were detained in school for the purpose of refreshing our memories with a page of mister andrewss perplexing irregular verbs binny wallace finishing his task first was dismissed i followed shortly after |
38 | train/M55229.wav | Full of rage and stormy passions and ready to take the life of every human brother in recompense of the boon of their own existence now then albert cried franz here is a bandit for you at last i forewarn you signor pastrini that i shall not believe one word of what you are going to tell us having told you this begin |
39 | train/M42217.wav | If missus chatterton was aunt to charlotte persisted phronsie slowly it seems as if charlotte ought to have some of the money it really does grandpapa and sounded sullen and ill humored although of course it was not so intended he had been so perilously near speaking words which would probably have lighted to their destruction to his certainly |
40 | train/M87690.wav | And northern asia and is therefore also known as the european wild cat it is not found very far north and neither in norway nor sweden there the lynx reigns supreme well never regret having known him especially once weve left him ned land shot back the next day |
41 | train/M79263.wav | You will tell me of husband jonathans trouble so far as you can but not yet you must eat now afterwards you shall tell me all after lunch when we went back to the drawing room he said to me थरक शरपहर १७ |
42 | train/M56302.wav | एक बदध धरम मनन तथ परवध परतषठनम The child had never had even a glimpse of the sunlight when i climbed upon this old fort and saw the stars and stripes waving in the breeze खटर नक हनछ |
43 | train/M76374.wav | They are wanted in the farm mister bennet are they not they are wanted in the farm much oftener than i can get them but if you have got them to day said elizabeth my mothers purpose will be answered |
44 | train/M26434.wav | Its not a grand passion im very sure its not that you dont say that as if you were sure isabel gave rather a cold smile i shall say it better to mister goodwood himself |
45 | train/M3537.wav | कम बढक सहकरमहर Had the suggestion been continued it would undoubtedly have raised a blister one of the amusing experiments tried at a later time was that of a tall young man diffident pale and modest being given a broom carefully wrapped in a sheet उनक दसर लख खलड परक हनछ जललक जर ह |
46 | train/M59783.wav | Chapter four of the limits to the authority of society over the individual what then is the rightful limit to the sovereignty of the individual over himself |
47 | train/M85308.wav | Ill take my meals down here after this why keith however in the world did you then susan pulled herself up good boy keith that will make it lots easier she said cheerfully impersonally |
48 | train/M16095.wav | Her present act was simply a sign of familiarity of her knowing all about it of her having as good a right as any one else to be there this was all very well एक ह चलबट |
49 | train/M72650.wav | उनक परवरक सब Hopping back into her dwelling she asked my son did my voice bring tears to your eyes did my words bring gladness to your ears do you not अञचल कलल जललम |
50 | train/M81268.wav | Captain peter blood this ship like this handsome suit of clothes is mine by right of conquest just as you don diego are my prisoner startling as was the explanation तयह उपसथत सब |
51 | train/M38505.wav | All of them spent in the apache country in those days when a youngster joined a regiment he was not expected to express himself on military matters until he had some little experience पररमभक तहक मतर टपपण धयन दहरक बगरन सकछ |
52 | train/M18426.wav | दकषण पशचम दशतर उनहरलई परषत गर अवसरम परदरशन नमक पत दश तय समयम |
53 | train/M47862.wav | ककष नम पढद थए ईप ८६२ क अनसर यसअघ शरमन रजनतम छतरवस रहक छन Far more than all books would have taught it in seventy years they returned hand in hand and the bellman unmanned for a moment with noble emotion said कवय ह |
54 | train/M74437.wav | They dont do nothing why how you talk they just set around no some of them at least as advanced as fairly well advanced modern savages that there existed various land bridges between south america and other southern continents including africa |
55 | train/M27492.wav | A discourse upon the origin and the foundation of the inequality among mankind कच चपउद गरम Always excepting when i am writing upon these matters the pricks which entered the flesh of saint radagunda in the desert which in your road from fesse to cluny the nuns of that name will shew you for love |
56 | train/M45536.wav | The scene was intensely dramatic a fine drizzling rain was falling and every head was bent and every ear turned to catch the impassioned words of eloquence and hope that fell from the lips of the famed orator आरथक र वयवसयक |
57 | train/M74440.wav | And down my back somehow as i gazed an irrepressible incomprehensible power seemed to compel me to keep my eyes fixed upon that lifeless face i could not turn away if jim jones wants to be president of the united states the people who are asked to put him there |
58 | train/M14876.wav | That it was all written in about fifteen months so much for the quantity the quality strikes me as of singular merit for a girl of thirteen or fourteen both as a specimen of her prose style at this time फरपङम खलएक एक |
59 | train/M24374.wav | पन अनवद गर यनक वचर १० रहक छ कन शबदक परण Glocester encountered him in oxfordshire with much superior forces routed him dispersed his followers and obliged him to fly into the low countries where he died in exile a few years after |
60 | train/M46545.wav | दरबन वडडड चकचक And sat there swaying drunkenly upon it a great yellow cat clung and yowled his fear thats old dutch henrys house park shouted above the roar |
61 | train/M25415.wav | And with these brave fellows ill take her round the world the touch of bombast was not out of place it jumped so far with the humour of the convicts that they set up a feeble cheer at which sylvia frowned |
62 | train/M57293.wav | And sir felot of listinoise and there sir marhaus with one spear smote down these four knights and hurt them sore so he departed to meet |
63 | train/M15745.wav | Said the beast im a very swift runner for i can overtake a honey bee as it flies and i can jump very high which is the reason they made such a tall fence to keep me in but i cant climb at all and im too big to squeeze between the bars of the fence |
64 | train/M16935.wav | पयङम वभनन दवदवतलई मल नवसहरक वरध उनक करटन छपय From the beautiful eternal hills of gods unbeginning past was banishing the doubts which had assailed him that night had brought to him a revelation of the awful solitude of a human soul |
65 | train/M54102.wav | We seized their body and we pressed our lips to theirs the golden one breathed once and their breath was a moan and then their arms closed around us we stood together for a long time |
66 | train/M62116.wav | नमबर ३ म परछ Bordered with wild rose bushes its no wonder matthew and marilla are both a little odd living away back here by themselves trees arent much company though dear knows if they were thered be enough of them id ruther look at people to be sure |
67 | train/M53781.wav | दशकम पलमर रवर Always she was the princess in exile who in time of famine was to have her breakfast roll made of the finest bolted flour from the seven thin ears of wheat and in a general decampment was to have her silver fork kept out of the baggage |
68 | train/M60708.wav | Bilali the stuttering coward a bully of women had caused a tumult in the market place and had been sharply belaboured with the stick by mabruki and above all most welcome was a letter i received from the american consul at zanzibar |
69 | train/M47896.wav | कसमक नबनधम पइन कष वजञनम मल सनक छ Than herself and her future looking absently round the room she noticed the packet of her fathers letters placed on the table by her bedside the first three letters that she examined |
70 | train/M71957.wav | कमद दवकटदवर लखएक Asking questions making brief testimonials from the floor with almost evangelical fervor improvised collection baskets were piled high with bills women volunteered for picket duty and certain imprisonment तयसपछ हनद उरद |
71 | train/M10114.wav | But i made him no reply very well he resumed with the ancient chill hardening over his features so then let it be i am not come to offer you condolence which you would despise nor do i mean to be present when you would account the sight of me an insult आङदम तहरथम जललक कम जङ उन गउन महल तयहक जनजत हन |
72 | train/M75054.wav | Spread thick well that night prince bumpo came secretly to the doctor in prison and said to him white man i am an unhappy prince years ago |
73 | train/M81388.wav | And reported them sufficiently protected where the provincials showed their prentice hands to genuine disadvantage was in their absurdly solemn and utterly futile councils of war मयनखल जत हसल |
74 | train/M26657.wav | परयटनक लग पन I never worry about mine said the mud turtle although their mother thinks it is not safe for them all to sleep at once as they do on a log in the sunshine it isnt said the adder decidedly i never close my eyes |
75 | train/M9778.wav | There are no two cases alike and not only the easily recognizable differences of sex and age and occupation and education and financial means and temperament and capacity are decisive अमनय तब हनछ आरमभ हनछन तयसक एउट एक परव नरदशकक अधययन गरन ह भन |
76 | train/M24140.wav | उनक ववह लफटननट तल लगएम हजल After having deprived me of my liberty after having deprived me of death after having recalled me to existence my god have pity on me and do not let me die in despair दशहरल समझतम हसतकषर पधबट आहर खनद |
77 | train/M75820.wav | But adam had no sooner caught his imagination leaping forward in this way making arrangements for an uncertain future than he checked himself a pretty building im making without either bricks or timber im up the garret aready and havent so much as dug the foundation |
78 | train/M6057.wav | थए र उन How every witness was called upon to sign the protocol of his evidence and so on we will only note that the point principally insisted upon in the examination was the question of the three thousand roubles that is was the sum spent here at mokroe |
79 | train/M32403.wav | Into that park there used to come a huge beast norka was its name and do fearful mischief devouring some of the animals every night the king did all he could but he was unable to destroy it |
80 | train/M57429.wav | When i first went to see the professor in the harvard psychological laboratory i was using between thirty two and thirty eight grains of morphine daily he put me under his treatment october sixth and that day cut me down by hypnotic treatment to nine grains a day or |
81 | train/M23160.wav | I would tell you if you would believe me sang the lark descending once more i believe everything i am told reiterated the caterpillar with as grave a face as if it were a fact महनरदशकसमकष दरतक लग |
82 | train/M58396.wav | And the two were high in favour with indra the king of fairyland because they were able to sing so sweetly and dance so deftly that no one in the kingdom could equal them for grace and beauty दनदख अततपतत छन करण पढइलई नरनतरत |
83 | train/M53713.wav | कनछ छरक रपम जय सतरमक धवन परकशन सथन परकशन Dont you see how you are frightening us and yet you laugh what would you have tis like a duel i have already recorded sentence of death five or six times against the movers of political conspiracies तयसबहक तबबतल |
84 | train/M34757.wav | Even by means of military force is ever able to attain but there are certain bounds beyond which the most slavish submission cannot be extended all the late innovations particularly the dissolution of the smaller monasteries |
85 | train/M16067.wav | अब तपई र म भए पन एकपलट That had something uncanny about it george put on a pipe and spread himself over the easy chair and harris cocked his legs on the table and lit a cigar this was hardly what i intended what i had meant of course अनय कन पन बहनम जसबट उठक रकम कसल सषट नगरक |
86 | train/M85839.wav | And had not the least misgiving that her doors would still be closed the great double parlors of her new mansion were thrown into one and the simple furniture covered with gray rep was pushed against soft gray walls it was easy for their talk to settle finally upon rachel because of the place she was to occupy in the plans which were being made for the purchase of property at the rectangle |
87 | train/M82615.wav | But every man is permitted to fix his target to his own taste and accordingly some remove one fourth of the paper cutting from the center of the square to the two lower corners so as to leave a large angle opening from the center downward |
88 | train/M16851.wav | यदधहरम न बतय तरन पतरक एक And it appeared as if some cheerful eventful upward tending career were even then opening to me on that selfsame mild still april night ठगन थह छ क Chapter nine grown up cyril had once pointed out that ordinary life is full of occasions on which a wish would be most useful |
89 | train/M78834.wav | तयसल दई वरषसमम At last with a heavy sigh he opened his eyes the gray twilight of dawn was slowly creeping down from the mountain tops dispelling the shadows and the light of a new faith streaming downward |
90 | train/M80222.wav | How the sneak thief trailed the tenderfoot somewhere else all of it romance much of it fiction much of it fact but no fiction half so marvellous as the fact bull teams of twenty yokes |
91 | train/M36664.wav | We thanked the company and retired to our room counted the cash and found we had taken eight pounds its not bad said fiddler jim lets have another nobbler before we go to bed said plumber george all right rejoined i गरद न शरङखलक |
92 | train/M68576.wav | चर पहडक दकषणपटटक भकम घस मदन छ I hastily ran my eye through the pages of the manuscript presently they brought the author back again he had assumed a look of depression i have decided i said to take your manuscript कन वरण छन तयसपछ उन मथल |
93 | train/M47488.wav | परदरशन गरन गरदछन गतहरक यगदन यसबट ४०० ईशपरवसमम यसत आकरमण रकन |
94 | train/M1219.wav | With little boys in the street a cat is a dreadfully objectionable plaything roughly cut out of a stick or piece of wood and sharpened at each end those whose way to business lies through low neighbourhoods and who venture upon short cuts |
95 | train/M19739.wav | When they saw a young woman join the children and caress and weep over them the travellers interested by her distress stopped to observe her she took the youngest of the children in her arms and perceiving the strangers hastily dried her tears and proceeded to the cottage एउट उखन न छ |
96 | train/M46674.wav | अरक वरष असटरलयल Nor any papers in his pockets to lead to his identification so far as could be ascertained while his eyes rolled wildly from under his knit brows in every direction upon those who hemmed him in he urged his way steadily and perseveringly i was surprised however to find upon his having made the circuit of the square that he turned and retraced his steps |
97 | train/M81864.wav | When amidst the uproar of the storm she thought she heard a voice and raising herself to listen saw the chamber door open and annette enter with a countenance of wild affright she is dying maamselle my lady is dying said she |
98 | train/M35403.wav | Refreshed by their sleep jerry and slim arose about four oclock that afternoon joe who had rested easily throughout the later excitement of the preceding night was still in the midst of the investigation and was not then to be found and overcame by flight the field all iron cast a gleaming brown |
99 | train/M11697.wav | जमनलल बजजल But there was a sound of voices from the waterhole and they quickly gathered together their stolen goods and disappeared in a few minutes captain leebrace and the wreckers arrived at the camp bringing with them kennedy and his wife who had recovered their senses and were able to tell what had happened |
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