stringlengths 1
| translation
translation |
100 | {
"brx": "Spoken Tutorial (स्पकेन ट्युटरियेल) मावथांखिया जादों Talk to a Teacher project (टक टु ए टिसार प्रजेक्ट) नि मोनसे बाहागो।",
"eng": "org Spoken Tutorial project is a part of the Talk to a Teacher project."
} |
101 | {
"brx": "फ्रेज ताइपिं (Phrase Typing) खौ क्लिक खालाम।",
"eng": "Click Phrase Typing."
} |
102 | {
"brx": "बेनि थाखाय Linux आव जों -e (hyphen e) option बाहायनो गोनां जायो।",
"eng": "For this in Linux we need to use the -e (hyphen e) option."
} |
103 | {
"brx": "बिदिब्ला जों मा खालामनो ?",
"eng": "Then what can we do?"
} |
104 | {
"brx": "drop down box (ड्रप डाउन बक्स) निफ्राय Yahoo (याहु) खौ सायख’।",
"eng": "Select “Yahoo” from the drop-down box."
} |
105 | {
"brx": "आं स्क्रिनखौ स्रां खालामबावनि।",
"eng": "Let me clear the screen again."
} |
106 | {
"brx": "Applications menu आव थां।",
"eng": "Go to the Applications menu."
} |
107 | {
"brx": "टेबनि खनायाव थानाय x आव click (क्लिक) खालामनानै जों बे टेबखौ बन्द’ खालामनोसै।",
"eng": "Let's close this tab by clicking on the 'x' at the corner of the tab."
} |
108 | {
"brx": "Mozilla Firefox (मजिल्ला फायारफक्स) खौ माबोरै गोथोङै बाहायो बेखौ मिथिनोब्ला बेनि मोनफ्रोमबो आखुथायनि सायाव गियान थानांगोन।",
"eng": "To learn how to use Mozilla Firefox effectively, one should be familiar with each of its features."
} |
109 | {
"brx": "Status bar (स्टेटास बारा) जादों नोंथांनि browser window (ब्रावजार उइन्डनि) गाहायाव थानाय मोनसे जायगा आरो बेयो नोंथाङा (load) लड खालामबाय थानाय site (साइटनि) थासारिखौ दिन्थियो।",
"eng": "The Status bar is the area at the bottom of your browser window that shows you the status of the site you are loading."
} |
110 | {
"brx": "concatefile dot txt मुंनि गुबुन फाइलाव बे फिथायफोरखौ हरफिननो थाखाय जों रिडाइरेक्ट कि बाहायनो हायो।",
"eng": "We can use the redirect key to redirect this output to some other file called concatfile dot txt."
} |
111 | {
"brx": "Manage Search Engines list (मेनेज सार्स इन्जिनस लिस्ट) आव dialog box (डाइलग बक्स) नुजाबोयो।",
"eng": "The “Manage Search Engines List\" dialog box pops up."
} |
112 | {
"brx": "Main menu tabs (मेइन मेनु टेबस) नि फारिलाइनिफ्राय “Privacy” (भ्राइवेसि) tab (टेब) खौ सायख’।",
"eng": "Choose the Privacy tab from the list of main-menu tabs."
} |
113 | {
"brx": "Cat concatfile dot txt दाना slide आव थांफिननि।",
"eng": "Cat concatfile dot txt Let us go to the slide."
} |
114 | {
"brx": "बेयो National Mission on Education through ICT, MHRD (नेसनेल मिशन अन इदुकेसन थ्रग आइचिटि, एमएइडसआरडि, भारत सरकार) जों मदद होजानाय।",
"eng": "It is supported by the National Mission on Education through ICT, MHRD, Government of India."
} |
115 | {
"brx": "Next (नेकस्ट) आव click (क्लिक) खालामनाया सोदोबनि उननि बिदिन्थि मिरुवाव लांगोन।",
"eng": "Clicking on Next will move the focus to the next instance of the word."
} |
116 | {
"brx": "बेयो testdir directory खौ जाफुंसारहै सोरजियो।",
"eng": "Note that, 'testdir' directory was also empty."
} |
117 | {
"brx": "नाथाय जों माबोरै खालामनो?",
"eng": "Next, what is a directory?"
} |
118 | {
"brx": "कामाण्ड प्रम्पटाव टाइप खालाम ‘’rmdir space testtree space testtree slash test3’’ एन्टाराव थु।",
"eng": "Type at the command prompt: \"rmdir space testtree space testtree slash test3\" press Enter."
} |
119 | {
"brx": "बियो Ubuntu Linuxनि default web browser जाइ इन्टारनेटनि “window” महरै बिमाव होयो।",
"eng": "It is the default web browser for Ubuntu Linux, serving as a window to the Internet."
} |
120 | {
"brx": "ls आ जोबोद बाहायजानाय command आरो बेहा गोबां options फोर दं।",
"eng": "ls is a very versatile command and has many options."
} |
121 | {
"brx": "स्क्रिनखौ स्रां खालामन ctrl+L थुनि अब्ला नों रोखा नुगोन।",
"eng": "Let me clear the screen by pressing control L."
} |
122 | {
"brx": "org निसिम लिरहर।",
"eng": "Click on the Open button."
} |
123 | {
"brx": "नुगोन, गोरोन्थि मेसेज होदोंदि testtree directory खौ रिमभ खालामनो हाया, मानोना बियो लांदां नङामोन।",
"eng": "See, it is giving the error message that 'testree' directory cannot be removed because 'testtree' is not empty."
} |
124 | {
"brx": "Google home page (गुगल हम पेज) आ नुजागोन।",
"eng": "Observe that the results are slightly different from last time."
} |
125 | {
"brx": "मोनसे गोदान browser (ब्राउजार) टेबा गेवगोन।",
"eng": "A new browser tab opens."
} |
126 | {
"brx": "‘spoken tutorial’ (स्पकेन ट्युटरियेल) खौ सार्स खालाम।",
"eng": "Search for ‘spoken tutorial’."
} |
127 | {
"brx": "डिभाइस फाइलसः लिनाक्सा गासिबो हार्डवेर डिभाइस आरो peripherals फ्रा फाइल महरै दिन्थिये।",
"eng": "3 Device Files: All hardware devices and peripherals are represented as files in Linux."
} |
128 | {
"brx": "मोनसे सिडि एबा मोनसे हार्डडिस्क एबा USB stick आनो जाथों लिनाक्साव गासिबो फाइल।",
"eng": "A CD, a Hard disk or even an 'usb' stick, everything is a file in Linux."
} |
129 | {
"brx": "जों बेयाव गुबुन गुबुन shells फोरखौ activate खालामनो हानायनि राहा दं।",
"eng": "There are ways by which we can activate different shells."
} |
130 | {
"brx": "नोंथाङा मोनसे थि site (साइट) एबा search engine (सार्स इनजिन) निफ्राय brows (ब्रावज) खालामोब्ला बे खामनिया बाहायजाथाव।",
"eng": "This function is useful when you are browsing from a particular site or a search engine."
} |
131 | {
"brx": "terminal थांदो।",
"eng": "Go to the terminal."
} |
132 | {
"brx": "गुबै menu निफ्राय File खौ सायख, Open Lecture आव click खालाम।",
"eng": "From the main menu, select File, click Open Lecture."
} |
133 | {
"brx": "दानिया गासैबो files आरो directories फोरनि खारिथिया 'fileinfo' होननाय 'file नि मुङाव बिथोन होगोन।",
"eng": "Now all the files and directories information will be directed into the file named 'fileinfo'."
} |
134 | {
"brx": "आरो गोदान मोनसे Firefox window (फायारफक्स उइन्ड) खुलिदो।",
"eng": "And open a new Firefox window."
} |
135 | {
"brx": "बेफोरनि माखासेखौ जों नायनि prompt आव type खालाम ls space minus minus all आरो Enter सेर।",
"eng": "Let us see some of them, type at the prompt: ls space minus minus all and press Enter."
} |
136 | {
"brx": "prompt आव Type खालाम echo space Hello World आरो Enter सेर।",
"eng": "Type at the prompt: echo space Hello World and press Enter."
} |
137 | {
"brx": "Linux आव multiple shells installed जानायखौ मोनो, जेराव सायखनानै मोनसे लानो हानाय user फोर दं।",
"eng": "On Linux it’s quite feasible to have multiple shells installed, with different users able to pick the one they prefer."
} |
138 | {
"brx": "जों मोनसे बिदिन्थि नायनि।",
"eng": "In reality you don't have to."
} |
139 | {
"brx": "Close button (बाटोन) आव Click (क्लिक) खालाम।",
"eng": "Click on the Close button."
} |
140 | {
"brx": "फै जों “Headlines टेबनि गाहायाव थानाय गिबि लिंकयाव क्लिक खालामदिनि।",
"eng": "Let us click on the first link below the Headlines tab."
} |
141 | {
"brx": "बे समाव जों नुगोन दि फारिलायाव थानाय फिथाइफोरा Yahoo (याहु) Search engine (सार्स इन्जिन) निफ्राय फैदों।",
"eng": "This time we see that the results in the Contents area are from the “Yahoo” search engine."
} |
142 | {
"brx": "दायो नोंथाङा google homepage (गुगोल हमपेज) आव दङ।",
"eng": "You will now be in the Google Homepage."
} |
143 | {
"brx": "नोंथाङा नोंथांनि गोनांथि बादियै जायखिजाया search engines ((सार्स इनजिन) फोरखौ दाजाबदेरना लानो हागोन।",
"eng": "You can add any of the 'search engines' according to your requirement."
} |
144 | {
"brx": "नैथि command आ जों खामानि मावबाय थानाय directory खौ नायनायाव जोंनो मदद होयो।",
"eng": "The next command helps us to see the directory we are currently working in."
} |
145 | {
"brx": "दा जों chgrp command नि माखासे बिदिन्थिफोर नायगोन।",
"eng": "Now we will look at some examples of chgrp command."
} |
146 | {
"brx": "थाखो 1 आव typing lesson खौ मावफुं।",
"eng": "Complete the typing lesson in level 1. Practice typing with this level."
} |
147 | {
"brx": "नायगिरनायनि गिबि फिथाय महरै सोमोन्दो गोनां Wikipedia page (विकिपेडिया पेज) खौ मोनगोन।",
"eng": "The relevant Wikipedia page is the first search result."
} |
148 | {
"brx": "बे slide खौ नाय।",
"eng": "Look at this slide."
} |
149 | {
"brx": "दानिया नों थाखानाय file नि जोबनायाव ‘file1 दाजाबदेरनोब्ला prompt आव type खालाम cat space मोननै right angle bracket space file1 आरो Enter सेर।",
"eng": "For this, type at the prompt: cat space right angle bracket space filename say file1 and press Enter."
} |
150 | {
"brx": "cd command खौ जेबो जाहोन गैयाजासे बाहायनानै हम दाइरेक्टरियाव थांफिननो हायो।",
"eng": "We have the cd command for this purpose."
} |
151 | {
"brx": "cd कामाण्डजों जोंनि हम डाइरेक्टरियाव थांफिननो थाखाय टाइप खालाम cd आरो एन्टाराव थु।",
"eng": "We have said that we can move from one directory to other."
} |
152 | {
"brx": "URL आव click (क्लिक) खालाम आरो बेयाव थाखानाय थंखौ बोखार।",
"eng": "Click on the URL and delete the address that is already there."
} |
153 | {
"brx": "clear terminal window खौ स्रां खालाम।",
"eng": "Type clear to clear the terminal window."
} |
154 | {
"brx": "थेब नि गोजौ आगदा फारसे थानाय \"X\" आइखन आव ख्लिख खालामनानै बे थेबखौ बन्द खालाम ।",
"eng": "Let’s close this tab by clicking on the 'X' icon, at the top right of the tab."
} |
155 | {
"brx": "टाइप खालाम “डेट” enter आव थु आरो सिस्टेमनि खालारखौ नायबिजिरदो।",
"eng": "Type date, hit on Enter to verify the system date and time."
} |
156 | {
"brx": "Firefox आ “Windows, Mac OSX” आरो ”Linux Operating Systems” याव हाबा मावयो.",
"eng": "Firefox works on Windows, Mac OSX and Linux Operating Systems."
} |
157 | {
"brx": "बेयाव जों नुदों डायरेक्टरिनि गोदान बिगुमाया anusha.",
"eng": "Here we can see the new owner of the directory is anusha."
} |
158 | {
"brx": "odt’’निफ्राय ‘‘ गल्रण्वकज ’’ फाइलखौ साइखगोन आरो ‘‘अपमन’’ बुटामाव क्लिक खालामगोन।",
"eng": "odt” file from the Desktop and click on Open button."
} |
159 | {
"brx": "बेयो common नङाब्लाबो जायखिजाया बोसोर आरो दाननि calender नायनायाव जोंनो मदद होयो।",
"eng": "Though not as common, this helps you to see the calender of any month and any year."
} |
160 | {
"brx": "दानिया 'root user आ सोर ?",
"eng": "Now who is a 'root user'?"
} |
161 | {
"brx": "Gmail bookmark (जिमेल बुकमार्क) आव click (क्लिक) खालाम।",
"eng": "Click on the 'Gmail' bookmark."
} |
162 | {
"brx": "जाहाथे लग फाइलाव थानाय जोबथा सारिखौ टेइला माब्रै बजबखो आं नोंनो मोनसे screen आव दिन्थिनो हायो।",
"eng": "Let us try to see if we can see the file we created."
} |
163 | {
"brx": "जों 'echo' command जों escape sequences बो बाहायनो हायो।",
"eng": "We can also use escape sequences with 'echo' command."
} |
164 | {
"brx": "जों खेबसे गेबेंयै, गोरोन्थि जायालासे typing खालामनो हाब्ला, जों typing नि speed खौ बांहोनो हागोन।",
"eng": "Once we learn to type accurately, without mistakes, we can increase the typing speed."
} |
165 | {
"brx": "Up arrow आव नारसिन hyphen n5 आरो Enter थु।",
"eng": "Hit on Up arrow, hyphen n5 and Enter."
} |
166 | {
"brx": "बे tutorial आव नोंसोर KTouch आरो KTouch interface नि सायाव सोलोंनो हागोन।",
"eng": "In this tutorial, you will learn about KTouch and the KTouch interface."
} |
167 | {
"brx": "साथाराव दायो gmail (जिमेल) नंला।",
"eng": "The top result is no longer 'gmail'."
} |
168 | {
"brx": "Testdir आ जाफुंसारहै दिलिट खालाम जाबाय।",
"eng": "The 'testdir' directory is successfully deleted."
} |
169 | {
"brx": "नोंहा मोजां bandwidth (बेन्डविड) गैयाब्ला नोंथाङा बेखौ download (डाउनलड) खालामनो हागोन आरो नायनो हागोन।",
"eng": "If you do not have good bandwidth, you can download and watch it."
} |
170 | {
"brx": "दानिया गिबि सोंलुआ जाबाय command फोरा मा ?",
"eng": "A command can perform different tasks depending on the option specified."
} |
171 | {
"brx": "address bar (एड्रेस बार) आव थांफिन आरो ‘gma’ (जिमा) type (टाइप) खालाम।",
"eng": "Let's go back to the 'address bar' and type ‘gma’."
} |
172 | {
"brx": "बे tutorial आव जों command फोरखौ लाफानाया generic आरो बांसिन Linux shells फोरखौ एसे सोलाय सोलयै रान खालामनो हायो।",
"eng": "The commands we would be covering in this tutorial are generic and can run on most of the Linux shells with slight variations."
} |
173 | {
"brx": "‘gmail’ (जिमेल) webpage (वेबपेज) आ फारिलायाव loads (लडस) जागोन।",
"eng": "The ‘gmail’ webpage loads in the 'Contents area'."
} |
174 | {
"brx": "हार्ड लिंक क्रियेट खालामनो ln command नि रावखान्थियारि सोदोबा जादों ln स्पेस source स्पेस link, जेराव source आ जाबाय थाखानाय फाइल आरो लिंका जाबाय फाइल क्रियेट जानांगोन।",
"eng": "The syntax of ln command to create the hard-link is: ln space source space link where 'source' is an existing file and 'link' is the file to create."
} |
175 | {
"brx": "जों बेवहाय सोलोंगोन head, Tail, sort, cut आरो paste नि सोमोन्दै।",
"eng": "Here we will be learning about head, Tail, sort, cut and paste."
} |
176 | {
"brx": "गले गले C लिरजानाय Command फोरा गुबैयै program हाबनानै थानाय file ।",
"eng": "Commands are actually files containing programs, often written in C."
} |
177 | {
"brx": "बिदिन्थि महरै directory create खालाम, नंगुबै command खौ मिथिया जानो हागौ, बेनिखायनो जों command prompt आव थांनो हायो आरो type खालाम man space minus k space directories आरो Enter सेर।",
"eng": "For example, create a directory, we may not know the exact command, so we can go to the command prompt and type man space minus k space directories and press Enter."
} |
178 | {
"brx": "दानिया जों typing जागायदिनि default नि जोहै, Level आ 1 जाबाय आरो Speed आ लाथिखआव set जाबाय।",
"eng": "By default, the Level is set to 1 and the Speed is set to zero."
} |
179 | {
"brx": "नैथियाव directory आ मा ?",
"eng": "Next what is a directory?"
} |
180 | {
"brx": "मोनसे अपचन्स (Options) मेनुआ नुजाफैयो।",
"eng": "The Options menu appears."
} |
181 | {
"brx": "बेबादि खालामोब्ला नोंथाङा address bar (एड्रेस बार) आव मोनसे गोदान URL address (एड्रेस) टाइप खालामोब्ला हरखाबै मावहोजानायनि सुबुरुन मोननाय नङा।",
"eng": "On doing so, whenever you enter a new URL in the address bar, you will not be prompted with suggestions."
} |
182 | {
"brx": "बिनि अनगायैबो नोंनि दानि डाइरेक्टरिया “home डाइरेक्टरि नंआब्ला गाहायनि कामान्डखौ बाहायनानैबो फायरफक्सखौ बेखेवनो हागोन।",
"eng": "Alternately, you can launch Firefox by using the following command when your current directory is not the home directory."
} |
183 | {
"brx": "बेयाव आं आंनि system नि current password type खालामगोन।",
"eng": "Here I would be typing my system's current password."
} |
184 | {
"brx": "बेयो भारत सरकार, ICT, MHRD नि National Mission on Education (नेसनेल मिसन अन इडुकेसन) नि गेजेरजों मदद खालामजायो।",
"eng": "It is supported by the National Mission on Education through ICT, MHRD, Government of India."
} |
185 | {
"brx": "बेफोरखौ user आ जागायो बिदिन्थि महरै 'ps' एबा बेनि थाखाय जों terminal आव माखासे बाहायनाय command फोर नैथिया system process फोर।",
"eng": "For example 'ps' or for that reason most commands that we run on the terminal."
} |
186 | {
"brx": "Test dir मुंनि डाइरेक्टरि सोरजिनो कामाण्ड टाइप खालाम ‘’mkdir space testdir’’ आरो एन्टाराव थु।",
"eng": "To create a directory named 'testdir', type the command: \"mkdir space testdir\" and press Enter."
} |
187 | {
"brx": "गाहायनि folder path खौ Browse खालाम Root->usr->share->kde4->apps->Ktouch आरो english. ktouch. xml खौ सायख आरो Open आव खालाम।",
"eng": "Browse the flowing folder path Root->usr->share->kde4->apps->Ktouch and select english. ktouch. xml and click Open."
} |
188 | {
"brx": "जों type खौ फोजोबनायनि उनाव, जों गेबें field खौ नायनो हागोन।",
"eng": "The Correctness field displays the percentage of correctness of your typing."
} |
189 | {
"brx": "file आ 'file1' मुङै दंखायोब्ला user input आ file आव लिरलाहैजागोन।",
"eng": "If a file by name say 'file1' already exists then the user input will be overwritten on this file."
} |
190 | {
"brx": "बेयो जोंनि numbers dot txt फाइलखौ जौगाफारियाव साजायगोन।",
"eng": "I already have these numbers in another file for the sake of time constrain."
} |
191 | {
"brx": "spoken tutorial हान्जाआ spoken tutorial खौ बाहायनानै workshops फोरबो खुङो आरो online test आव उथ्रिनायफोरनो फोरमान बिलाइबो होयो।",
"eng": "The spoken tutorial team: conducts workshops using spoken tutorials, gives certificates to those who pass an online test."
} |
192 | {
"brx": "थेमफ्लेथ खौ बन्द खालामनो, थेबनि गोजौ आखि फारसे थानाय ‘X’ आव ख्लिख खालाम ।",
"eng": "To close the template, click the 'X' icon on the top left of the tab."
} |
193 | {
"brx": "बेयो Spoken Tutorial (स्पकेन ट्युटरियेल) बिथांखिनि सुंद’ फोरमायथि होयो।",
"eng": "It summarizes the Spoken Tutorial project."
} |
194 | {
"brx": "दानिया आं copy आरो paste खालामनि।",
"eng": "Let me copy and paste."
} |
195 | {
"brx": "नागिरग्रा बाकसुआव थक्स थाइफिं (Tux Typing) ताइप खालाम।",
"eng": "Welcome to the Spoken Tutorial on Tux Typing."
} |
196 | {
"brx": "Soft link क्रियेट खालामनो ln command नि रावखान्थियारि सोदोबा जादों ln स्पेस -s स्पेस {target-filename} स्पेस {symbolic-filename} दानिया जों Soft link नि माखासे बिदिन्थिफोर नायगोन।",
"eng": "The syntax of ln command to create soft-links is: ln space -s space {target-filename} space {symbolic-filename} Now we will look at some examples of soft-link."
} |
197 | {
"brx": "टाइप खालाम ‘’cd space dot dot’’ आरो एन्टाराव थु।",
"eng": "Type: \"cd space dot dot\" and press Enter."
} |
198 | {
"brx": "मोनसे dialog box (डायलग बक्स) नुजागोन।",
"eng": "A dialog box pops up."
} |
199 | {
"brx": "माखासे सुबुङा गावसोरनि browser (ब्राउजार) आव फिसा हांखोखौ नायनायाव जोंना मोनो।",
"eng": "Some people have trouble looking at small script in their browser."
} |
Subsets and Splits