stringclasses 1
value | input
stringlengths 0
| output
stringlengths 0
Translate the following English text to Hindi: | The layout for the top panel pluginview. | शीर्ष पैनल pluginview के लिए लेआउट. |
Translate the following English text to Hindi: | Single layout view | एकल लेआउट दृश्य |
Translate the following English text to Hindi: | Available new pluginviews | नई pluginviews उपलब्ध है |
Translate the following English text to Hindi: | The default plugin layout for the top panel. | ऊपरी पटल के लिए डिफोल्ट प्लग-इन खाका. |
Translate the following English text to Hindi: | API Browser | एपीआई विचरक |
Translate the following English text to Hindi: | Browse the various methods of the current accessible | इस समय जिसे प्राप्त किया गया हो, उसकी विभिन्न विधियों (मेथड) में विचरण करें |
Translate the following English text to Hindi: | Hide private attributes | निजी गुणों को छिपाएं |
Translate the following English text to Hindi: | Method | विधि |
Translate the following English text to Hindi: | Property | गुणधर्म |
Translate the following English text to Hindi: | Value | मान |
Translate the following English text to Hindi: | IPython Console | आईपाइथन कन्सोल |
Translate the following English text to Hindi: | Interactive console for manipulating currently selected accessible | इस समय चुने गए एक्सेसेबेल से काम लेने के लिए अंतर्क्रियात्मक कन्सोल |
Translate the following English text to Hindi: | Event monitor | घटना मानिटर |
Translate the following English text to Hindi: | _ Monitor Events | घटनाओं को मानिटर करें (_ M) |
Translate the following English text to Hindi: | C _ lear Selection | चुनाव को हटाएं (C _) |
Translate the following English text to Hindi: | Everything | सभी |
Translate the following English text to Hindi: | Selected application | चुने गए अनुप्रयोग |
Translate the following English text to Hindi: | Selected accessible | चुने गए एक्सेसेबेल |
Translate the following English text to Hindi: | Source | स्रोत |
Translate the following English text to Hindi: | Event Monitor | घटना मानिटर |
Translate the following English text to Hindi: | Shows events as they occur from selected types and sources | चुने गए प्रकारों और स्रोतों से घटनाएं जैसे-जैसे घटित होती हैं, उन्हें दर्शाता है |
Translate the following English text to Hindi: | Highlight last event entry | अंतिम प्रविष्ट घटना को हाइलाइट करो |
Translate the following English text to Hindi: | Start / stop event recording | घटना रेकोर्डिंग शुरू करो/रोको |
Translate the following English text to Hindi: | Clear event log | घटना रोजनामचा मिटाओ |
Translate the following English text to Hindi: | Child count | बाल गणना |
Translate the following English text to Hindi: | Description | वर्णन |
Translate the following English text to Hindi: | States | राज्य |
Translate the following English text to Hindi: | Attributes | गुणधर्म |
Translate the following English text to Hindi: | Show | दिखाएं |
Translate the following English text to Hindi: | Relations | संबंध |
Translate the following English text to Hindi: | _ Accessible | पहुंचनीय |
Translate the following English text to Hindi: | Perform action | कार्रवाई संपन्न करें |
Translate the following English text to Hindi: | Acti _ on | कार्रवाई (_ o) |
Translate the following English text to Hindi: | ID | आईडी |
Translate the following English text to Hindi: | Toolkit | औजार बक्सा |
Translate the following English text to Hindi: | Version | संस्करण |
Translate the following English text to Hindi: | Ap _ plication | अनुप्रयोग |
Translate the following English text to Hindi: | Col _ lection | संग्रह |
Translate the following English text to Hindi: | 0, 0 | 0, 0 |
Translate the following English text to Hindi: | Relative position | सापेक्ष स्थिति |
Translate the following English text to Hindi: | Size | आकार |
Translate the following English text to Hindi: | WIDGET | विडजेट |
Translate the following English text to Hindi: | Layer | स्तर |
Translate the following English text to Hindi: | MDI - Z - order | एमडीआई-जेड-क्रम |
Translate the following English text to Hindi: | Alpha | अल्फा |
Translate the following English text to Hindi: | Absolute position | निरपेक्ष स्थिति |
Translate the following English text to Hindi: | Co _ mponent | घटक |
Translate the following English text to Hindi: | Des _ ktop | डेस्कटोप |
Translate the following English text to Hindi: | Locale: | स्थान-विशिष्टः |
Translate the following English text to Hindi: | _ Document | प्रलेख |
Translate the following English text to Hindi: | Hyperlink | हाइपरकड़ी |
Translate the following English text to Hindi: | H _ ypertext | हाइपरपाठ |
Translate the following English text to Hindi: | Position | स्थिति |
Translate the following English text to Hindi: | Locale | स्थान-विशिष्ट |
Translate the following English text to Hindi: | _ Image | छवि (_ I) |
Translate the following English text to Hindi: | Lo _ gin Helper | प्रवेश सहायक |
Translate the following English text to Hindi: | Select All | सभी चुनें |
Translate the following English text to Hindi: | _ Selection | चयन (_ S) |
Translate the following English text to Hindi: | St _ reamable Content | प्रवाहित करनेयोग्य विषयवस्तु |
Translate the following English text to Hindi: | Caption: | शीर्षकः |
Translate the following English text to Hindi: | Summary: | सारांशः |
Translate the following English text to Hindi: | Selected columns | चुने गए स्तंभ |
Translate the following English text to Hindi: | Selected rows | चुनी गई पंक्तियां |
Translate the following English text to Hindi: | Columns | स्तंभ |
Translate the following English text to Hindi: | Rows | पंक्तियां |
Translate the following English text to Hindi: | Table Information | सारणी सूचना |
Translate the following English text to Hindi: | name (x, y) | नाम (x, y) |
Translate the following English text to Hindi: | Header: | शीर्षकः |
Translate the following English text to Hindi: | Extents: | विस्तारः |
Translate the following English text to Hindi: | Row | पंक्ति |
Translate the following English text to Hindi: | Column | स्तंभ |
Translate the following English text to Hindi: | Selected Cell | चुनी गई कोशिका |
Translate the following English text to Hindi: | _ Table | सारणी (_ T) |
Translate the following English text to Hindi: | Offset | ओफसेट |
Translate the following English text to Hindi: | Include defaults | डिफोल्टों को शामिल करें |
Translate the following English text to Hindi: | Start: 0 | प्रारंभ |
Translate the following English text to Hindi: | End: 0 | अंतः 0 |
Translate the following English text to Hindi: | Te _ xt | पाठ (_ x) |
Translate the following English text to Hindi: | Current value | मौजूदा मान |
Translate the following English text to Hindi: | Minimum increment | न्यूनतम वृद्धि |
Translate the following English text to Hindi: | Maximum value | अधिकतम मान |
Translate the following English text to Hindi: | Minimum value | न्यूनतम मान |
Translate the following English text to Hindi: | Val _ ue | मान |
Translate the following English text to Hindi: | unknown | अज्ञात |
Translate the following English text to Hindi: | Interface Viewer | अंतराफलक दर्शक |
Translate the following English text to Hindi: | Allows viewing of various interface properties | अंतराफलक के विभिन्न गुणों को देखने देता है |
Translate the following English text to Hindi: | (not implemented) | (क्रियान्वित नहीं हुआ है) |
Translate the following English text to Hindi: | Name | नाम |
Translate the following English text to Hindi: | URI | यूआरआई |
Translate the following English text to Hindi: | Start | प्रारंभ |
Translate the following English text to Hindi: | End | अंत |
Translate the following English text to Hindi: | Too many selectable children | बहुत अधिक चयनीय शिशु हैं |
Translate the following English text to Hindi: | (Editable) | (संशोधनीय) Start |
Translate the following English text to Hindi: | Start:% d | प्रारंभEnd |
Translate the following English text to Hindi: | Quick Select | तेज चुनाव |
Translate the following English text to Hindi: | Plugin with various methods of selecting accessibles quickly. | प्लग-इन जिसमें हैं एक्सेसेबेलों को तेजी से चुनने के लिए कई विधियां |
Translate the following English text to Hindi: | Inspect last focused accessible | अंतिम बार फोकस किए गए एक्सेसेबल को जांचें |
Translate the following English text to Hindi: | Inspect accessible under mouse | माउस के अधीन जो एक्सेसेबल है, उसे जांचें |
Translate the following English text to Hindi: | Sche _ ma: | स्कीमाः |
Translate the following English text to Hindi: | V _ alidate | सत्यापन |