

nothing is there in

by Zhenggang - opened


Sorry, we have hit our rate limit of 1 million searches per month with Algolia. The usage has been very high recently. Search will come back when the new monthly quota starts.

may I know when the monthly quata begins?

July 10th or 11th. I've also reached out to Algolia to see if they can provide more assistance :) Sorry about that!

In the meantime, consider checking out the OpenShape demo, which provides search functionality with text and image retrieval!

thank you for this excellent demo! can I add more restrictions like animated 3d model in openshape's searching?

Not sure! Good question, I didn't make the demo, but seems like it should be possible. Check with @minghua here maybe :)

Thanks for your suggestions. I just added filtering functionality to the OpenShape retrieval demos.
However, please kindly note that the demo is not designed to use under any large volumes of requests.

Very cool, thanks @eliphatfs !

Also @Zhenggang , Algolia increased the quota and the demo back up :)!

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