//! Error Reporting for Anonymous Region Lifetime Errors //! where both the regions are anonymous. use crate::infer::error_reporting::nice_region_error::util::AnonymousParamInfo; use crate::infer::error_reporting::nice_region_error::NiceRegionError; use crate::util::common::ErrorReported; use rustc_error_codes::*; use rustc_errors::struct_span_err; impl<'a, 'tcx> NiceRegionError<'a, 'tcx> { /// Print the error message for lifetime errors when both the concerned regions are anonymous. /// /// Consider a case where we have /// /// ```no_run /// fn foo(x: &mut Vec<&u8>, y: &u8) { /// x.push(y); /// } /// ``` /// /// The example gives /// /// ```text /// fn foo(x: &mut Vec<&u8>, y: &u8) { /// --- --- these references are declared with different lifetimes... /// x.push(y); /// ^ ...but data from `y` flows into `x` here /// ``` /// /// It has been extended for the case of structs too. /// /// Consider the example /// /// ```no_run /// struct Ref<'a> { x: &'a u32 } /// ``` /// /// ```text /// fn foo(mut x: Vec<Ref>, y: Ref) { /// --- --- these structs are declared with different lifetimes... /// x.push(y); /// ^ ...but data from `y` flows into `x` here /// } /// ``` /// /// It will later be extended to trait objects. pub(super) fn try_report_anon_anon_conflict(&self) -> Option<ErrorReported> { let (span, sub, sup) = self.regions(); // Determine whether the sub and sup consist of both anonymous (elided) regions. let anon_reg_sup = self.tcx().is_suitable_region(sup)?; let anon_reg_sub = self.tcx().is_suitable_region(sub)?; let scope_def_id_sup = anon_reg_sup.def_id; let bregion_sup = anon_reg_sup.boundregion; let scope_def_id_sub = anon_reg_sub.def_id; let bregion_sub = anon_reg_sub.boundregion; let ty_sup = self.find_anon_type(sup, &bregion_sup)?; let ty_sub = self.find_anon_type(sub, &bregion_sub)?; debug!( "try_report_anon_anon_conflict: found_param1={:?} sup={:?} br1={:?}", ty_sub, sup, bregion_sup ); debug!( "try_report_anon_anon_conflict: found_param2={:?} sub={:?} br2={:?}", ty_sup, sub, bregion_sub ); let (ty_sup, ty_fndecl_sup) = ty_sup; let (ty_sub, ty_fndecl_sub) = ty_sub; let AnonymousParamInfo { param: anon_param_sup, .. } = self.find_param_with_region(sup, sup)?; let AnonymousParamInfo { param: anon_param_sub, .. } = self.find_param_with_region(sub, sub)?; let sup_is_ret_type = self.is_return_type_anon(scope_def_id_sup, bregion_sup, ty_fndecl_sup); let sub_is_ret_type = self.is_return_type_anon(scope_def_id_sub, bregion_sub, ty_fndecl_sub); let span_label_var1 = match anon_param_sup.pat.simple_ident() { Some(simple_ident) => format!(" from `{}`", simple_ident), None => String::new(), }; let span_label_var2 = match anon_param_sub.pat.simple_ident() { Some(simple_ident) => format!(" into `{}`", simple_ident), None => String::new(), }; let (span_1, span_2, main_label, span_label) = match (sup_is_ret_type, sub_is_ret_type) { (None, None) => { let (main_label_1, span_label_1) = if ty_sup.hir_id == ty_sub.hir_id { ( "this type is declared with multiple lifetimes...".to_owned(), "...but data with one lifetime flows into the other here".to_owned(), ) } else { ( "these two types are declared with different lifetimes...".to_owned(), format!("...but data{} flows{} here", span_label_var1, span_label_var2), ) }; (ty_sup.span, ty_sub.span, main_label_1, span_label_1) } (Some(ret_span), _) => ( ty_sub.span, ret_span, "this parameter and the return type are declared \ with different lifetimes..." .to_owned(), format!("...but data{} is returned here", span_label_var1), ), (_, Some(ret_span)) => ( ty_sup.span, ret_span, "this parameter and the return type are declared \ with different lifetimes..." .to_owned(), format!("...but data{} is returned here", span_label_var1), ), }; struct_span_err!(self.tcx().sess, span, E0623, "lifetime mismatch") .span_label(span_1, main_label) .span_label(span_2, String::new()) .span_label(span, span_label) .emit(); return Some(ErrorReported); } }
use super::*; use crate::support::int; use crate::support::CxxVTable; use crate::support::FieldOffset; use crate::support::Opaque; use crate::support::RustVTable; use crate::support::UniquePtr; // class Channel { // public: // virtual ~Channel() = default; // virtual void sendResponse(int callId, // std::unique_ptr<StringBuffer> message) = 0; // virtual void sendNotification(std::unique_ptr<StringBuffer> message) = 0; // virtual void flushProtocolNotifications() = 0; // }; extern "C" { fn v8_inspector__V8Inspector__Channel__BASE__CONSTRUCT( buf: &mut std::mem::MaybeUninit<Channel>, ) -> (); fn v8_inspector__V8Inspector__Channel__sendResponse( this: &mut Channel, call_id: int, message: UniquePtr<StringBuffer>, ) -> (); fn v8_inspector__V8Inspector__Channel__sendNotification( this: &mut Channel, message: UniquePtr<StringBuffer>, ) -> (); fn v8_inspector__V8Inspector__Channel__flushProtocolNotifications( this: &mut Channel, ) -> (); } #[no_mangle] pub unsafe extern "C" fn v8_inspector__V8Inspector__Channel__BASE__sendResponse( this: &mut Channel, call_id: int, message: UniquePtr<StringBuffer>, ) { ChannelBase::dispatch_mut(this).send_response(call_id, message) } #[no_mangle] pub unsafe extern "C" fn v8_inspector__V8Inspector__Channel__BASE__sendNotification( this: &mut Channel, message: UniquePtr<StringBuffer>, ) { ChannelBase::dispatch_mut(this).send_notification(message) } #[no_mangle] pub unsafe extern "C" fn v8_inspector__V8Inspector__Channel__BASE__flushProtocolNotifications( this: &mut Channel, ) { ChannelBase::dispatch_mut(this).flush_protocol_notifications() } #[repr(C)] pub struct Channel { _cxx_vtable: CxxVTable, } impl Channel { pub fn send_response( &mut self, call_id: int, message: UniquePtr<StringBuffer>, ) { unsafe { v8_inspector__V8Inspector__Channel__sendResponse(self, call_id, message) } } pub fn send_notification(&mut self, message: UniquePtr<StringBuffer>) { unsafe { v8_inspector__V8Inspector__Channel__sendNotification(self, message) } } pub fn flush_protocol_notifications(&mut self) { unsafe { v8_inspector__V8Inspector__Channel__flushProtocolNotifications(self) } } } pub trait AsChannel { fn as_channel(&self) -> &Channel; fn as_channel_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Channel; } impl AsChannel for Channel { fn as_channel(&self) -> &Channel { self } fn as_channel_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Channel { self } } impl<T> AsChannel for T where T: ChannelImpl, { fn as_channel(&self) -> &Channel { &self.base().cxx_base } fn as_channel_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Channel { &mut self.base_mut().cxx_base } } pub trait ChannelImpl: AsChannel { fn base(&self) -> &ChannelBase; fn base_mut(&mut self) -> &mut ChannelBase; fn send_response( &mut self, call_id: int, message: UniquePtr<StringBuffer>, ) -> (); fn send_notification(&mut self, message: UniquePtr<StringBuffer>) -> (); fn flush_protocol_notifications(&mut self) -> (); } pub struct ChannelBase { cxx_base: Channel, offset_within_embedder: FieldOffset<Self>, rust_vtable: RustVTable<&'static dyn ChannelImpl>, } impl ChannelBase { fn construct_cxx_base() -> Channel { unsafe { let mut buf = std::mem::MaybeUninit::<Channel>::uninit(); v8_inspector__V8Inspector__Channel__BASE__CONSTRUCT(&mut buf); buf.assume_init() } } fn get_cxx_base_offset() -> FieldOffset<Channel> { let buf = std::mem::MaybeUninit::<Self>::uninit(); FieldOffset::from_ptrs(buf.as_ptr(), unsafe { &(*buf.as_ptr()).cxx_base }) } fn get_offset_within_embedder<T>() -> FieldOffset<Self> where T: ChannelImpl, { let buf = std::mem::MaybeUninit::<T>::uninit(); let embedder_ptr: *const T = buf.as_ptr(); let self_ptr: *const Self = unsafe { (*embedder_ptr).base() }; FieldOffset::from_ptrs(embedder_ptr, self_ptr) } fn get_rust_vtable<T>() -> RustVTable<&'static dyn ChannelImpl> where T: ChannelImpl, { let buf = std::mem::MaybeUninit::<T>::uninit(); let embedder_ptr = buf.as_ptr(); let trait_object: *const dyn ChannelImpl = embedder_ptr; let (data_ptr, vtable): (*const T, RustVTable<_>) = unsafe { std::mem::transmute(trait_object) }; assert_eq!(data_ptr, embedder_ptr); vtable } pub fn new<T>() -> Self where T: ChannelImpl, { Self { cxx_base: Self::construct_cxx_base(), offset_within_embedder: Self::get_offset_within_embedder::<T>(), rust_vtable: Self::get_rust_vtable::<T>(), } } pub unsafe fn dispatch(channel: &Channel) -> &dyn ChannelImpl { let this = Self::get_cxx_base_offset().to_embedder::<Self>(channel); let embedder = this.offset_within_embedder.to_embedder::<Opaque>(this); std::mem::transmute((embedder, this.rust_vtable)) } pub unsafe fn dispatch_mut(channel: &mut Channel) -> &mut dyn ChannelImpl { let this = Self::get_cxx_base_offset().to_embedder_mut::<Self>(channel); let vtable = this.rust_vtable; let embedder = this.offset_within_embedder.to_embedder_mut::<Opaque>(this); std::mem::transmute((embedder, vtable)) } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; use crate::support::UniquePtr; use std::sync::atomic::AtomicUsize; use std::sync::atomic::Ordering::SeqCst; static MESSAGE: &[u8] = b"Hello Pluto!"; static CALL_COUNT: AtomicUsize = AtomicUsize::new(0); // Using repr(C) to preserve field ordering and test that everything works // when the ChannelBase field is not the first element of the struct. #[repr(C)] pub struct TestChannel { field1: i32, base: ChannelBase, field2: u64, } impl ChannelImpl for TestChannel { fn base(&self) -> &ChannelBase { &self.base } fn base_mut(&mut self) -> &mut ChannelBase { &mut self.base } fn send_response( &mut self, call_id: i32, mut message: UniquePtr<StringBuffer>, ) { assert_eq!(call_id, 999); assert_eq!(message.as_mut().unwrap().string().len(), MESSAGE.len()); self.log_call(); } fn send_notification(&mut self, mut message: UniquePtr<StringBuffer>) { assert_eq!(message.as_mut().unwrap().string().len(), MESSAGE.len()); self.log_call(); } fn flush_protocol_notifications(&mut self) { self.log_call() } } impl TestChannel { pub fn new() -> Self { Self { base: ChannelBase::new::<Self>(), field1: -42, field2: 420, } } fn log_call(&self) { assert_eq!(self.field1, -42); assert_eq!(self.field2, 420); CALL_COUNT.fetch_add(1, SeqCst); } } #[test] fn test_channel() { let mut channel = TestChannel::new(); let msg_view = StringView::from(MESSAGE); channel.send_response(999, StringBuffer::create(&msg_view)); assert_eq!(CALL_COUNT.swap(0, SeqCst), 1); channel.send_notification(StringBuffer::create(&msg_view)); assert_eq!(CALL_COUNT.swap(0, SeqCst), 1); channel.flush_protocol_notifications(); assert_eq!(CALL_COUNT.swap(0, SeqCst), 1); } }
// This file is dual licensed under the terms of the Apache License, Version // 2.0, and the BSD License. See the LICENSE file in the root of this repository // for complete details. use crate::asn1::{big_asn1_uint_to_py, AttributeTypeValue, Name, PyAsn1Error}; use chrono::{Datelike, Timelike}; use pyo3::conversion::ToPyObject; use pyo3::types::IntoPyDict; use std::collections::hash_map::DefaultHasher; use std::collections::HashSet; use std::convert::TryInto; use std::hash::{Hash, Hasher}; lazy_static::lazy_static! { static ref TLS_FEATURE_OID: asn1::ObjectIdentifier<'static> = asn1::ObjectIdentifier::from_string("").unwrap(); static ref PRECERT_POISON_OID: asn1::ObjectIdentifier<'static> = asn1::ObjectIdentifier::from_string("").unwrap(); static ref OCSP_NO_CHECK_OID: asn1::ObjectIdentifier<'static> = asn1::ObjectIdentifier::from_string("").unwrap(); static ref AUTHORITY_INFORMATION_ACCESS_OID: asn1::ObjectIdentifier<'static> = asn1::ObjectIdentifier::from_string("").unwrap(); static ref SUBJECT_INFORMATION_ACCESS_OID: asn1::ObjectIdentifier<'static> = asn1::ObjectIdentifier::from_string("").unwrap(); static ref KEY_USAGE_OID: asn1::ObjectIdentifier<'static> = asn1::ObjectIdentifier::from_string("").unwrap(); static ref POLICY_CONSTRAINTS_OID: asn1::ObjectIdentifier<'static> = asn1::ObjectIdentifier::from_string("").unwrap(); static ref AUTHORITY_KEY_IDENTIFIER_OID: asn1::ObjectIdentifier<'static> = asn1::ObjectIdentifier::from_string("").unwrap(); static ref EXTENDED_KEY_USAGE_OID: asn1::ObjectIdentifier<'static> = asn1::ObjectIdentifier::from_string("").unwrap(); static ref BASIC_CONSTRAINTS_OID: asn1::ObjectIdentifier<'static> = asn1::ObjectIdentifier::from_string("").unwrap(); static ref SUBJECT_KEY_IDENTIFIER_OID: asn1::ObjectIdentifier<'static> = asn1::ObjectIdentifier::from_string("").unwrap(); static ref INHIBIT_ANY_POLICY_OID: asn1::ObjectIdentifier<'static> = asn1::ObjectIdentifier::from_string("").unwrap(); static ref CRL_REASON_OID: asn1::ObjectIdentifier<'static> = asn1::ObjectIdentifier::from_string("").unwrap(); static ref ISSUING_DISTRIBUTION_POINT_OID: asn1::ObjectIdentifier<'static> = asn1::ObjectIdentifier::from_string("").unwrap(); static ref CERTIFICATE_ISSUER_OID: asn1::ObjectIdentifier<'static> = asn1::ObjectIdentifier::from_string("").unwrap(); static ref NAME_CONSTRAINTS_OID: asn1::ObjectIdentifier<'static> = asn1::ObjectIdentifier::from_string("").unwrap(); static ref CRL_DISTRIBUTION_POINTS_OID: asn1::ObjectIdentifier<'static> = asn1::ObjectIdentifier::from_string("").unwrap(); static ref CERTIFICATE_POLICIES_OID: asn1::ObjectIdentifier<'static> = asn1::ObjectIdentifier::from_string("").unwrap(); static ref FRESHEST_CRL_OID: asn1::ObjectIdentifier<'static> = asn1::ObjectIdentifier::from_string("").unwrap(); static ref CRL_NUMBER_OID: asn1::ObjectIdentifier<'static> = asn1::ObjectIdentifier::from_string("").unwrap(); static ref INVALIDITY_DATE_OID: asn1::ObjectIdentifier<'static> = asn1::ObjectIdentifier::from_string("").unwrap(); static ref DELTA_CRL_INDICATOR_OID: asn1::ObjectIdentifier<'static> = asn1::ObjectIdentifier::from_string("").unwrap(); static ref SUBJECT_ALTERNATIVE_NAME_OID: asn1::ObjectIdentifier<'static> = asn1::ObjectIdentifier::from_string("").unwrap(); static ref ISSUER_ALTERNATIVE_NAME_OID: asn1::ObjectIdentifier<'static> = asn1::ObjectIdentifier::from_string("").unwrap(); static ref PRECERT_SIGNED_CERTIFICATE_TIMESTAMPS_OID: asn1::ObjectIdentifier<'static> = asn1::ObjectIdentifier::from_string("").unwrap(); static ref CP_CPS_URI_OID: asn1::ObjectIdentifier<'static> = asn1::ObjectIdentifier::from_string("").unwrap(); static ref CP_USER_NOTICE_OID: asn1::ObjectIdentifier<'static> = asn1::ObjectIdentifier::from_string("").unwrap(); } pub(crate) fn parse_and_cache_extensions< 'p, F: Fn(&asn1::ObjectIdentifier<'_>, &[u8]) -> Result<Option<&'p pyo3::PyAny>, PyAsn1Error>, >( py: pyo3::Python<'p>, cached_extensions: &mut Option<pyo3::PyObject>, raw_exts: &Option<Extensions<'_>>, parse_ext: F, ) -> pyo3::PyResult<pyo3::PyObject> { if let Some(cached) = cached_extensions { return Ok(cached.clone_ref(py)); } let x509_module = py.import("cryptography.x509")?; let exts = pyo3::types::PyList::empty(py); let mut seen_oids = HashSet::new(); if let Some(raw_exts) = raw_exts { for raw_ext in raw_exts.clone() { let oid_obj = x509_module.call_method1("ObjectIdentifier", (raw_ext.extn_id.to_string(),))?; if seen_oids.contains(&raw_ext.extn_id) { return Err(pyo3::PyErr::from_instance(x509_module.call_method1( "DuplicateExtension", ( format!("Duplicate {} extension found", raw_ext.extn_id), oid_obj, ), )?)); } let extn_value = match parse_ext(&raw_ext.extn_id, raw_ext.extn_value)? { Some(e) => e, None => x509_module .call_method1("UnrecognizedExtension", (oid_obj, raw_ext.extn_value))?, }; let ext_obj = x509_module.call_method1("Extension", (oid_obj, raw_ext.critical, extn_value))?; exts.append(ext_obj)?; seen_oids.insert(raw_ext.extn_id); } } let extensions = x509_module .call_method1("Extensions", (exts,))? .to_object(py); *cached_extensions = Some(extensions.clone_ref(py)); Ok(extensions) } pub(crate) type Extensions<'a> = asn1::SequenceOf<'a, Extension<'a>>; #[derive(asn1::Asn1Read, asn1::Asn1Write)] pub(crate) struct AlgorithmIdentifier<'a> { pub(crate) oid: asn1::ObjectIdentifier<'a>, pub(crate) _params: Option<asn1::Tlv<'a>>, } #[derive(asn1::Asn1Read, asn1::Asn1Write)] pub(crate) struct Extension<'a> { pub(crate) extn_id: asn1::ObjectIdentifier<'a>, #[default(false)] pub(crate) critical: bool, pub(crate) extn_value: &'a [u8], } #[derive(asn1::Asn1Read)] struct PolicyInformation<'a> { policy_identifier: asn1::ObjectIdentifier<'a>, policy_qualifiers: Option<asn1::SequenceOf<'a, PolicyQualifierInfo<'a>>>, } #[derive(asn1::Asn1Read)] struct PolicyQualifierInfo<'a> { policy_qualifier_id: asn1::ObjectIdentifier<'a>, qualifier: Qualifier<'a>, } #[derive(asn1::Asn1Read)] enum Qualifier<'a> { CpsUri(asn1::IA5String<'a>), UserNotice(UserNotice<'a>), } #[derive(asn1::Asn1Read)] struct UserNotice<'a> { notice_ref: Option<NoticeReference<'a>>, explicit_text: Option<DisplayText<'a>>, } #[derive(asn1::Asn1Read)] struct NoticeReference<'a> { organization: DisplayText<'a>, notice_numbers: asn1::SequenceOf<'a, asn1::BigUint<'a>>, } // DisplayText also allows BMPString, which we currently do not support. #[allow(clippy::enum_variant_names)] #[derive(asn1::Asn1Read)] enum DisplayText<'a> { IA5String(asn1::IA5String<'a>), Utf8String(asn1::Utf8String<'a>), VisibleString(asn1::VisibleString<'a>), } fn parse_display_text(py: pyo3::Python<'_>, text: DisplayText<'_>) -> pyo3::PyObject { match text { DisplayText::IA5String(o) => pyo3::types::PyString::new(py, o.as_str()).to_object(py), DisplayText::Utf8String(o) => pyo3::types::PyString::new(py, o.as_str()).to_object(py), DisplayText::VisibleString(o) => pyo3::types::PyString::new(py, o.as_str()).to_object(py), } } fn parse_user_notice( py: pyo3::Python<'_>, un: UserNotice<'_>, ) -> Result<pyo3::PyObject, PyAsn1Error> { let x509_module = py.import("cryptography.x509")?; let et = match un.explicit_text { Some(data) => parse_display_text(py, data), None => py.None(), }; let nr = match un.notice_ref { Some(data) => { let org = parse_display_text(py, data.organization); let numbers = pyo3::types::PyList::empty(py); for num in data.notice_numbers { numbers.append(big_asn1_uint_to_py(py, num)?.to_object(py))?; } x509_module .call_method1("NoticeReference", (org, numbers))? .to_object(py) } None => py.None(), }; Ok(x509_module .call_method1("UserNotice", (nr, et))? .to_object(py)) } fn parse_policy_qualifiers<'a>( py: pyo3::Python<'_>, policy_qualifiers: asn1::SequenceOf<'a, PolicyQualifierInfo<'a>>, ) -> Result<pyo3::PyObject, PyAsn1Error> { let py_pq = pyo3::types::PyList::empty(py); for pqi in policy_qualifiers { let qualifier = match pqi.qualifier { Qualifier::CpsUri(data) => { if pqi.policy_qualifier_id == *CP_CPS_URI_OID { pyo3::types::PyString::new(py, data.as_str()).to_object(py) } else { return Err(PyAsn1Error::from(pyo3::exceptions::PyValueError::new_err( "CpsUri ASN.1 structure found but OID did not match", ))); } } Qualifier::UserNotice(un) => { if pqi.policy_qualifier_id != *CP_USER_NOTICE_OID { return Err(PyAsn1Error::from(pyo3::exceptions::PyValueError::new_err( "UserNotice ASN.1 structure found but OID did not match", ))); } parse_user_notice(py, un)? } }; py_pq.append(qualifier)?; } Ok(py_pq.to_object(py)) } fn parse_cp(py: pyo3::Python<'_>, ext_data: &[u8]) -> Result<pyo3::PyObject, PyAsn1Error> { let cp = asn1::parse_single::<asn1::SequenceOf<'_, PolicyInformation<'_>>>(ext_data)?; let x509_module = py.import("cryptography.x509")?; let certificate_policies = pyo3::types::PyList::empty(py); for policyinfo in cp { let pi_oid = x509_module .call_method1( "ObjectIdentifier", (policyinfo.policy_identifier.to_string(),), )? .to_object(py); let py_pqis = match policyinfo.policy_qualifiers { Some(policy_qualifiers) => parse_policy_qualifiers(py, policy_qualifiers)?, None => py.None(), }; let pi = x509_module .call_method1("PolicyInformation", (pi_oid, py_pqis))? .to_object(py); certificate_policies.append(pi)?; } Ok(certificate_policies.to_object(py)) } fn chrono_to_py<'p>( py: pyo3::Python<'p>, dt: &chrono::DateTime<chrono::Utc>, ) -> pyo3::PyResult<&'p pyo3::PyAny> { let datetime_module = py.import("datetime")?; datetime_module.call1( "datetime", ( dt.year(), dt.month(), dt.day(), dt.hour(), dt.minute(), dt.second(), ), ) } struct UnvalidatedIA5String<'a>(&'a str); impl<'a> asn1::SimpleAsn1Readable<'a> for UnvalidatedIA5String<'a> { const TAG: u8 = 0x16; fn parse_data(data: &'a [u8]) -> asn1::ParseResult<Self> { Ok(UnvalidatedIA5String( std::str::from_utf8(data).map_err(|_| asn1::ParseError::InvalidValue)?, )) } } #[derive(asn1::Asn1Read)] struct NameConstraints<'a> { #[implicit(0)] permitted_subtrees: Option<asn1::SequenceOf<'a, GeneralSubtree<'a>>>, #[implicit(1)] excluded_subtrees: Option<asn1::SequenceOf<'a, GeneralSubtree<'a>>>, } #[derive(asn1::Asn1Read)] struct GeneralSubtree<'a> { base: GeneralName<'a>, #[implicit(0)] #[default(0u64)] _minimum: u64, #[implicit(1)] _maximum: Option<u64>, } fn parse_general_subtrees<'a>( py: pyo3::Python<'_>, subtrees: asn1::SequenceOf<'a, GeneralSubtree<'a>>, ) -> Result<pyo3::PyObject, PyAsn1Error> { let gns = pyo3::types::PyList::empty(py); for gs in subtrees { gns.append(parse_general_name(py, gs.base)?)?; } Ok(gns.to_object(py)) } #[derive(asn1::Asn1Read)] struct IssuingDistributionPoint<'a> { #[explicit(0)] distribution_point: Option<DistributionPointName<'a>>, #[implicit(1)] #[default(false)] only_contains_user_certs: bool, #[implicit(2)] #[default(false)] only_contains_ca_certs: bool, #[implicit(3)] only_some_reasons: Option<asn1::BitString<'a>>, #[implicit(4)] #[default(false)] indirect_crl: bool, #[implicit(5)] #[default(false)] only_contains_attribute_certs: bool, } #[derive(asn1::Asn1Read)] struct DistributionPoint<'a> { #[explicit(0)] distribution_point: Option<DistributionPointName<'a>>, #[implicit(1)] reasons: Option<asn1::BitString<'a>>, #[implicit(2)] crl_issuer: Option<asn1::SequenceOf<'a, GeneralName<'a>>>, } #[derive(asn1::Asn1Read)] enum DistributionPointName<'a> { #[implicit(0)] FullName(asn1::SequenceOf<'a, GeneralName<'a>>), #[implicit(1)] NameRelativeToCRLIssuer(asn1::SetOf<'a, AttributeTypeValue<'a>>), } #[derive(asn1::Asn1Read)] struct AuthorityKeyIdentifier<'a> { #[implicit(0)] key_identifier: Option<&'a [u8]>, #[implicit(1)] authority_cert_issuer: Option<asn1::SequenceOf<'a, GeneralName<'a>>>, #[implicit(2)] authority_cert_serial_number: Option<asn1::BigUint<'a>>, } fn parse_distribution_point_name( py: pyo3::Python<'_>, dp: DistributionPointName<'_>, ) -> Result<(pyo3::PyObject, pyo3::PyObject), PyAsn1Error> { Ok(match dp { DistributionPointName::FullName(data) => (parse_general_names(py, data)?, py.None()), DistributionPointName::NameRelativeToCRLIssuer(data) => (py.None(), parse_rdn(py, data)?), }) } fn parse_distribution_point( py: pyo3::Python<'_>, dp: DistributionPoint<'_>, ) -> Result<pyo3::PyObject, PyAsn1Error> { let (full_name, relative_name) = match dp.distribution_point { Some(data) => parse_distribution_point_name(py, data)?, None => (py.None(), py.None()), }; let reasons = parse_distribution_point_reasons(py, dp.reasons)?; let crl_issuer = match dp.crl_issuer { Some(aci) => parse_general_names(py, aci)?, None => py.None(), }; let x509_module = py.import("cryptography.x509")?; Ok(x509_module .call1( "DistributionPoint", (full_name, relative_name, reasons, crl_issuer), )? .to_object(py)) } fn parse_distribution_points( py: pyo3::Python<'_>, data: &[u8], ) -> Result<pyo3::PyObject, PyAsn1Error> { let dps = asn1::parse_single::<asn1::SequenceOf<'_, DistributionPoint<'_>>>(data)?; let py_dps = pyo3::types::PyList::empty(py); for dp in dps { let py_dp = parse_distribution_point(py, dp)?; py_dps.append(py_dp)?; } Ok(py_dps.to_object(py)) } fn parse_distribution_point_reasons( py: pyo3::Python<'_>, reasons: Option<asn1::BitString<'_>>, ) -> Result<pyo3::PyObject, PyAsn1Error> { let reason_bit_mapping = py .import("cryptography.x509.extensions")? .getattr("_REASON_BIT_MAPPING")?; Ok(match reasons { Some(bs) => { let mut vec = Vec::new(); for i in 1..=8 { if bs.has_bit_set(i) { vec.push(reason_bit_mapping.get_item(i)?); } } pyo3::types::PyFrozenSet::new(py, &vec)?.to_object(py) } None => py.None(), }) } #[derive(asn1::Asn1Read)] enum GeneralName<'a> { #[implicit(0)] OtherName(AttributeTypeValue<'a>), #[implicit(1)] RFC822Name(UnvalidatedIA5String<'a>), #[implicit(2)] DNSName(UnvalidatedIA5String<'a>), #[implicit(3)] // unsupported X400Address(asn1::Sequence<'a>), // Name is explicit per RFC 5280 Appendix A.1. #[explicit(4)] DirectoryName(Name<'a>), #[implicit(5)] // unsupported EDIPartyName(asn1::Sequence<'a>), #[implicit(6)] UniformResourceIdentifier(UnvalidatedIA5String<'a>), #[implicit(7)] IPAddress(&'a [u8]), #[implicit(8)] RegisteredID(asn1::ObjectIdentifier<'a>), } #[derive(asn1::Asn1Read)] struct BasicConstraints { #[default(false)] ca: bool, path_length: Option<u64>, } #[derive(asn1::Asn1Read)] struct PolicyConstraints { #[implicit(0)] require_explicit_policy: Option<u64>, #[implicit(1)] inhibit_policy_mapping: Option<u64>, } #[derive(asn1::Asn1Read)] struct AccessDescription<'a> { access_method: asn1::ObjectIdentifier<'a>, access_location: GeneralName<'a>, } fn parse_authority_key_identifier<'p>( py: pyo3::Python<'p>, ext_data: &[u8], ) -> Result<&'p pyo3::PyAny, PyAsn1Error> { let x509_module = py.import("cryptography.x509")?; let aki = asn1::parse_single::<AuthorityKeyIdentifier<'_>>(ext_data)?; let serial = match aki.authority_cert_serial_number { Some(biguint) => big_asn1_uint_to_py(py, biguint)?.to_object(py), None => py.None(), }; let issuer = match aki.authority_cert_issuer { Some(aci) => parse_general_names(py, aci)?, None => py.None(), }; Ok(x509_module.call1( "AuthorityKeyIdentifier", (aki.key_identifier, issuer, serial), )?) } fn parse_name_attribute( py: pyo3::Python<'_>, attribute: AttributeTypeValue<'_>, ) -> Result<pyo3::PyObject, PyAsn1Error> { let x509_module = py.import("cryptography.x509")?; let oid = x509_module .call_method1("ObjectIdentifier", (attribute.type_id.to_string(),))? .to_object(py); let tag_enum = py .import("cryptography.x509.name")? .getattr("_ASN1_TYPE_TO_ENUM")?; let py_tag = tag_enum.get_item(attribute.value.tag().to_object(py))?; let py_data = std::str::from_utf8(attribute.value.data()).map_err(|_| asn1::ParseError::InvalidValue)?; Ok(x509_module .call_method1("NameAttribute", (oid, py_data, py_tag))? .to_object(py)) } fn parse_rdn<'a>( py: pyo3::Python<'_>, rdn: asn1::SetOf<'a, AttributeTypeValue<'a>>, ) -> Result<pyo3::PyObject, PyAsn1Error> { let x509_module = py.import("cryptography.x509")?; let py_attrs = pyo3::types::PySet::empty(py)?; for attribute in rdn { let na = parse_name_attribute(py, attribute)?; py_attrs.add(na)?; } Ok(x509_module .call_method1("RelativeDistinguishedName", (py_attrs,))? .to_object(py)) } fn parse_name<'p>(py: pyo3::Python<'p>, name: &Name<'_>) -> pyo3::PyResult<&'p pyo3::PyAny> { let x509_module = py.import("cryptography.x509")?; let py_rdns = pyo3::types::PyList::empty(py); for rdn in name.clone() { let py_rdn = parse_rdn(py, rdn)?; py_rdns.append(py_rdn)?; } x509_module.call_method1("Name", (py_rdns,)) } fn ipv4_netmask(num: u32) -> Result<u32, PyAsn1Error> { // we invert and check leading zeros because leading_ones wasn't stabilized // until 1.46.0. When we raise our MSRV we should change this if (!num).leading_zeros() + num.trailing_zeros() != 32 { return Err(PyAsn1Error::from(pyo3::exceptions::PyValueError::new_err( "Invalid netmask", ))); } Ok((!num).leading_zeros()) } fn ipv6_netmask(num: u128) -> Result<u32, PyAsn1Error> { // we invert and check leading zeros because leading_ones wasn't stabilized // until 1.46.0. When we raise our MSRV we should change this if (!num).leading_zeros() + num.trailing_zeros() != 128 { return Err(PyAsn1Error::from(pyo3::exceptions::PyValueError::new_err( "Invalid netmask", ))); } Ok((!num).leading_zeros()) } fn create_ip_network(py: pyo3::Python<'_>, data: &[u8]) -> Result<pyo3::PyObject, PyAsn1Error> { let ip_module = py.import("ipaddress")?; let x509_module = py.import("cryptography.x509")?; let prefix = match data.len() { 8 => { let num = u32::from_be_bytes(data[4..].try_into().unwrap()); ipv4_netmask(num) } 32 => { let num = u128::from_be_bytes(data[16..].try_into().unwrap()); ipv6_netmask(num) } _ => Err(PyAsn1Error::from(pyo3::exceptions::PyValueError::new_err( format!("Invalid IPNetwork, must be 8 bytes for IPv4 and 32 bytes for IPv6. Found length: {}", data.len()), ))), }; let base = ip_module.call_method1( "ip_address", (pyo3::types::PyBytes::new(py, &data[..data.len() / 2]),), )?; let net = format!( "{}/{}", base.getattr("exploded")?.extract::<&str>()?, prefix? ); let addr = ip_module.call_method1("ip_network", (net,))?.to_object(py); Ok(x509_module .call_method1("IPAddress", (addr,))? .to_object(py)) } fn parse_general_name( py: pyo3::Python<'_>, gn: GeneralName<'_>, ) -> Result<pyo3::PyObject, PyAsn1Error> { let x509_module = py.import("cryptography.x509")?; let py_gn = match gn { GeneralName::OtherName(data) => { let oid = x509_module .call_method1("ObjectIdentifier", (data.type_id.to_string(),))? .to_object(py); x509_module .call_method1("OtherName", (oid, data.value.data()))? .to_object(py) } GeneralName::RFC822Name(data) => x509_module .getattr("RFC822Name")? .call_method1("_init_without_validation", (data.0,))? .to_object(py), GeneralName::DNSName(data) => x509_module .getattr("DNSName")? .call_method1("_init_without_validation", (data.0,))? .to_object(py), GeneralName::DirectoryName(data) => { let py_name = parse_name(py, &data)?; x509_module .call_method1("DirectoryName", (py_name,))? .to_object(py) } GeneralName::UniformResourceIdentifier(data) => x509_module .getattr("UniformResourceIdentifier")? .call_method1("_init_without_validation", (data.0,))? .to_object(py), GeneralName::IPAddress(data) => { let ip_module = py.import("ipaddress")?; if data.len() == 4 || data.len() == 16 { let addr = ip_module.call_method1("ip_address", (data,))?.to_object(py); x509_module .call_method1("IPAddress", (addr,))? .to_object(py) } else { // if it's not an IPv4 or IPv6 we assume it's an IPNetwork and // verify length in this function. create_ip_network(py, data)? } } GeneralName::RegisteredID(data) => { let oid = x509_module .call_method1("ObjectIdentifier", (data.to_string(),))? .to_object(py); x509_module .call_method1("RegisteredID", (oid,))? .to_object(py) } _ => { return Err(PyAsn1Error::from(pyo3::PyErr::from_instance( x509_module.call_method1( "UnsupportedGeneralNameType", ("x400Address/EDIPartyName are not supported types",), )?, ))) } }; Ok(py_gn) } fn parse_general_names<'a>( py: pyo3::Python<'_>, gn_seq: asn1::SequenceOf<'a, GeneralName<'a>>, ) -> Result<pyo3::PyObject, PyAsn1Error> { let gns = pyo3::types::PyList::empty(py); for gn in gn_seq { let py_gn = parse_general_name(py, gn)?; gns.append(py_gn)?; } Ok(gns.to_object(py)) } fn parse_access_descriptions( py: pyo3::Python<'_>, ext_data: &[u8], ) -> Result<pyo3::PyObject, PyAsn1Error> { let x509_module = py.import("cryptography.x509")?; let ads = pyo3::types::PyList::empty(py); for access in asn1::parse_single::<asn1::SequenceOf<'_, AccessDescription<'_>>>(ext_data)? { let py_oid = x509_module .call_method1("ObjectIdentifier", (access.access_method.to_string(),))? .to_object(py); let gn = parse_general_name(py, access.access_location)?; let ad = x509_module .call1("AccessDescription", (py_oid, gn))? .to_object(py); ads.append(ad)?; } Ok(ads.to_object(py)) } struct TLSReader<'a> { data: &'a [u8], } impl<'a> TLSReader<'a> { fn new(data: &'a [u8]) -> TLSReader<'a> { TLSReader { data } } fn is_empty(&self) -> bool { self.data.is_empty() } fn read_byte(&mut self) -> Result<u8, PyAsn1Error> { Ok(self.read_exact(1)?[0]) } fn read_exact(&mut self, length: usize) -> Result<&'a [u8], PyAsn1Error> { if length > self.data.len() { return Err(PyAsn1Error::from(pyo3::exceptions::PyValueError::new_err( "Invalid SCT length", ))); } let (result, data) = self.data.split_at(length); self.data = data; Ok(result) } fn read_length_prefixed(&mut self) -> Result<TLSReader<'a>, PyAsn1Error> { let length = u16::from_be_bytes(self.read_exact(2)?.try_into().unwrap()); Ok(TLSReader::new(self.read_exact(length.into())?)) } } #[derive(Clone)] pub(crate) enum LogEntryType { Certificate, PreCertificate, } #[pyo3::prelude::pyclass] struct Sct { log_id: [u8; 32], timestamp: u64, entry_type: LogEntryType, sct_data: Vec<u8>, } #[pyo3::prelude::pymethods] impl Sct { #[getter] fn version<'p>(&self, py: pyo3::Python<'p>) -> pyo3::PyResult<&'p pyo3::PyAny> { py.import("cryptography.x509.certificate_transparency")? .getattr("Version")? .getattr("v1") } #[getter] fn log_id(&self) -> &[u8] { &self.log_id } #[getter] fn timestamp<'p>(&self, py: pyo3::Python<'p>) -> pyo3::PyResult<&'p pyo3::PyAny> { let datetime_class = py.import("datetime")?.getattr("datetime")?; datetime_class .call_method1("utcfromtimestamp", (self.timestamp / 1000,))? .call_method( "replace", (), Some(vec![("microsecond", self.timestamp % 1000 * 1000)].into_py_dict(py)), ) } #[getter] fn entry_type<'p>(&self, py: pyo3::Python<'p>) -> pyo3::PyResult<&'p pyo3::PyAny> { let et_class = py .import("cryptography.x509.certificate_transparency")? .getattr("LogEntryType")?; let attr_name = match self.entry_type { LogEntryType::Certificate => "X509_CERTIFICATE", LogEntryType::PreCertificate => "PRE_CERTIFICATE", }; et_class.getattr(attr_name) } } #[pyo3::prelude::pyproto] impl pyo3::class::basic::PyObjectProtocol for Sct { fn __richcmp__( &self, other: pyo3::pycell::PyRef<Sct>, op: pyo3::class::basic::CompareOp, ) -> pyo3::PyResult<bool> { match op { pyo3::class::basic::CompareOp::Eq => Ok(self.sct_data == other.sct_data), pyo3::class::basic::CompareOp::Ne => Ok(self.sct_data != other.sct_data), _ => Err(pyo3::exceptions::PyTypeError::new_err( "SCTs cannot be ordered", )), } } fn __hash__(&self) -> u64 { let mut hasher = DefaultHasher::new(); self.sct_data.hash(&mut hasher); hasher.finish() } } #[pyo3::prelude::pyfunction] fn encode_precertificate_signed_certificate_timestamps( py: pyo3::Python<'_>, extension: &pyo3::PyAny, ) -> pyo3::PyResult<pyo3::PyObject> { let mut length = 0; for sct in extension.iter()? { let sct = sct?.downcast::<pyo3::pycell::PyCell<Sct>>()?; length += sct.borrow().sct_data.len() + 2; } let mut result = vec![]; result.extend_from_slice(&(length as u16).to_be_bytes()); for sct in extension.iter()? { let sct = sct?.downcast::<pyo3::pycell::PyCell<Sct>>()?; result.extend_from_slice(&(sct.borrow().sct_data.len() as u16).to_be_bytes()); result.extend_from_slice(&sct.borrow().sct_data); } Ok(pyo3::types::PyBytes::new(py, &asn1::write_single(&result.as_slice())).to_object(py)) } pub(crate) fn parse_scts( py: pyo3::Python<'_>, data: &[u8], entry_type: LogEntryType, ) -> Result<pyo3::PyObject, PyAsn1Error> { let mut reader = TLSReader::new(data).read_length_prefixed()?; let py_scts = pyo3::types::PyList::empty(py); while !reader.is_empty() { let mut sct_data = reader.read_length_prefixed()?; let raw_sct_data = sct_data.data.to_vec(); let version = sct_data.read_byte()?; if version != 0 { return Err(PyAsn1Error::from(pyo3::exceptions::PyValueError::new_err( "Invalid SCT version", ))); } let log_id = sct_data.read_exact(32)?.try_into().unwrap(); let timestamp = u64::from_be_bytes(sct_data.read_exact(8)?.try_into().unwrap()); let _extensions = sct_data.read_length_prefixed()?; let _sig_alg = sct_data.read_exact(2)?; let _signature = sct_data.read_length_prefixed()?; let sct = Sct { log_id, timestamp, entry_type: entry_type.clone(), sct_data: raw_sct_data, }; py_scts.append(pyo3::PyCell::new(py, sct)?)?; } Ok(py_scts.to_object(py)) } #[pyo3::prelude::pyfunction] fn parse_x509_extension( py: pyo3::Python<'_>, der_oid: &[u8], ext_data: &[u8], ) -> Result<pyo3::PyObject, PyAsn1Error> { let oid = asn1::ObjectIdentifier::from_der(der_oid).unwrap(); let x509_module = py.import("cryptography.x509")?; if oid == *SUBJECT_ALTERNATIVE_NAME_OID { let gn_seq = asn1::parse_single::<asn1::SequenceOf<'_, GeneralName<'_>>>(ext_data)?; let sans = parse_general_names(py, gn_seq)?; Ok(x509_module .call1("SubjectAlternativeName", (sans,))? .to_object(py)) } else if oid == *ISSUER_ALTERNATIVE_NAME_OID { let gn_seq = asn1::parse_single::<asn1::SequenceOf<'_, GeneralName<'_>>>(ext_data)?; let ians = parse_general_names(py, gn_seq)?; Ok(x509_module .call1("IssuerAlternativeName", (ians,))? .to_object(py)) } else if oid == *TLS_FEATURE_OID { let tls_feature_type_to_enum = py .import("cryptography.x509.extensions")? .getattr("_TLS_FEATURE_TYPE_TO_ENUM")?; let features = pyo3::types::PyList::empty(py); for feature in asn1::parse_single::<asn1::SequenceOf<'_, u64>>(ext_data)? { let py_feature = tls_feature_type_to_enum.get_item(feature.to_object(py))?; features.append(py_feature)?; } Ok(x509_module.call1("TLSFeature", (features,))?.to_object(py)) } else if oid == *SUBJECT_KEY_IDENTIFIER_OID { let identifier = asn1::parse_single::<&[u8]>(ext_data)?; Ok(x509_module .call1("SubjectKeyIdentifier", (identifier,))? .to_object(py)) } else if oid == *EXTENDED_KEY_USAGE_OID { let ekus = pyo3::types::PyList::empty(py); for oid in asn1::parse_single::<asn1::SequenceOf<'_, asn1::ObjectIdentifier<'_>>>(ext_data)? { let oid_obj = x509_module.call_method1("ObjectIdentifier", (oid.to_string(),))?; ekus.append(oid_obj)?; } Ok(x509_module .call1("ExtendedKeyUsage", (ekus,))? .to_object(py)) } else if oid == *KEY_USAGE_OID { let kus = asn1::parse_single::<asn1::BitString<'_>>(ext_data)?; let digital_signature = kus.has_bit_set(0); let content_comitment = kus.has_bit_set(1); let key_encipherment = kus.has_bit_set(2); let data_encipherment = kus.has_bit_set(3); let key_agreement = kus.has_bit_set(4); let key_cert_sign = kus.has_bit_set(5); let crl_sign = kus.has_bit_set(6); let encipher_only = kus.has_bit_set(7); let decipher_only = kus.has_bit_set(8); Ok(x509_module .call1( "KeyUsage", ( digital_signature, content_comitment, key_encipherment, data_encipherment, key_agreement, key_cert_sign, crl_sign, encipher_only, decipher_only, ), )? .to_object(py)) } else if oid == *AUTHORITY_INFORMATION_ACCESS_OID { let ads = parse_access_descriptions(py, ext_data)?; Ok(x509_module .call1("AuthorityInformationAccess", (ads,))? .to_object(py)) } else if oid == *SUBJECT_INFORMATION_ACCESS_OID { let ads = parse_access_descriptions(py, ext_data)?; Ok(x509_module .call1("SubjectInformationAccess", (ads,))? .to_object(py)) } else if oid == *CERTIFICATE_POLICIES_OID { let cp = parse_cp(py, ext_data)?; Ok(x509_module .call_method1("CertificatePolicies", (cp,))? .to_object(py)) } else if oid == *POLICY_CONSTRAINTS_OID { let pc = asn1::parse_single::<PolicyConstraints>(ext_data)?; Ok(x509_module .call1( "PolicyConstraints", (pc.require_explicit_policy, pc.inhibit_policy_mapping), )? .to_object(py)) } else if oid == *PRECERT_POISON_OID { asn1::parse_single::<()>(ext_data)?; Ok(x509_module.call0("PrecertPoison")?.to_object(py)) } else if oid == *OCSP_NO_CHECK_OID { asn1::parse_single::<()>(ext_data)?; Ok(x509_module.call0("OCSPNoCheck")?.to_object(py)) } else if oid == *INHIBIT_ANY_POLICY_OID { let bignum = asn1::parse_single::<asn1::BigUint<'_>>(ext_data)?; let pynum = big_asn1_uint_to_py(py, bignum)?; Ok(x509_module .call1("InhibitAnyPolicy", (pynum,))? .to_object(py)) } else if oid == *BASIC_CONSTRAINTS_OID { let bc = asn1::parse_single::<BasicConstraints>(ext_data)?; Ok(x509_module .call1("BasicConstraints", (bc.ca, bc.path_length))? .to_object(py)) } else if oid == *AUTHORITY_KEY_IDENTIFIER_OID { Ok(parse_authority_key_identifier(py, ext_data)?.to_object(py)) } else if oid == *CRL_DISTRIBUTION_POINTS_OID { let dp = parse_distribution_points(py, ext_data)?; Ok(x509_module .call1("CRLDistributionPoints", (dp,))? .to_object(py)) } else if oid == *FRESHEST_CRL_OID { Ok(x509_module .call1("FreshestCRL", (parse_distribution_points(py, ext_data)?,))? .to_object(py)) } else if oid == *PRECERT_SIGNED_CERTIFICATE_TIMESTAMPS_OID { let contents = asn1::parse_single::<&[u8]>(ext_data)?; let scts = parse_scts(py, contents, LogEntryType::PreCertificate)?; Ok(x509_module .call1("PrecertificateSignedCertificateTimestamps", (scts,))? .to_object(py)) } else if oid == *NAME_CONSTRAINTS_OID { let nc = asn1::parse_single::<NameConstraints<'_>>(ext_data)?; let permitted_subtrees = match nc.permitted_subtrees { Some(data) => parse_general_subtrees(py, data)?, None => py.None(), }; let excluded_subtrees = match nc.excluded_subtrees { Some(data) => parse_general_subtrees(py, data)?, None => py.None(), }; Ok(x509_module .call1("NameConstraints", (permitted_subtrees, excluded_subtrees))? .to_object(py)) } else { Ok(py.None()) } } #[pyo3::prelude::pyfunction] pub(crate) fn parse_crl_entry_extension( py: pyo3::Python<'_>, der_oid: &[u8], ext_data: &[u8], ) -> Result<pyo3::PyObject, PyAsn1Error> { let oid = asn1::ObjectIdentifier::from_der(der_oid).unwrap(); let x509_module = py.import("cryptography.x509")?; if oid == *CRL_REASON_OID { let flag_name = match asn1::parse_single::<asn1::Enumerated>(ext_data)?.value() { 0 => "unspecified", 1 => "key_compromise", 2 => "ca_compromise", 3 => "affiliation_changed", 4 => "superseded", 5 => "cessation_of_operation", 6 => "certificate_hold", 8 => "remove_from_crl", 9 => "privilege_withdrawn", 10 => "aa_compromise", value => { return Err(PyAsn1Error::from(pyo3::exceptions::PyValueError::new_err( format!("Unsupported reason code: {}", value), ))) } }; let flag = x509_module.getattr("ReasonFlags")?.getattr(flag_name)?; Ok(x509_module.call1("CRLReason", (flag,))?.to_object(py)) } else if oid == *CERTIFICATE_ISSUER_OID { let gn_seq = asn1::parse_single::<asn1::SequenceOf<'_, GeneralName<'_>>>(ext_data)?; let gns = parse_general_names(py, gn_seq)?; Ok(x509_module .call1("CertificateIssuer", (gns,))? .to_object(py)) } else if oid == *INVALIDITY_DATE_OID { let time = asn1::parse_single::<asn1::GeneralizedTime>(ext_data)?; let py_dt = chrono_to_py(py, time.as_chrono())?; Ok(x509_module.call1("InvalidityDate", (py_dt,))?.to_object(py)) } else { Ok(py.None()) } } #[pyo3::prelude::pyfunction] fn parse_crl_extension( py: pyo3::Python<'_>, der_oid: &[u8], ext_data: &[u8], ) -> Result<pyo3::PyObject, PyAsn1Error> { let oid = asn1::ObjectIdentifier::from_der(der_oid).unwrap(); let x509_module = py.import("cryptography.x509")?; if oid == *CRL_NUMBER_OID { let bignum = asn1::parse_single::<asn1::BigUint<'_>>(ext_data)?; let pynum = big_asn1_uint_to_py(py, bignum)?; Ok(x509_module.call1("CRLNumber", (pynum,))?.to_object(py)) } else if oid == *DELTA_CRL_INDICATOR_OID { let bignum = asn1::parse_single::<asn1::BigUint<'_>>(ext_data)?; let pynum = big_asn1_uint_to_py(py, bignum)?; Ok(x509_module .call1("DeltaCRLIndicator", (pynum,))? .to_object(py)) } else if oid == *ISSUER_ALTERNATIVE_NAME_OID { let gn_seq = asn1::parse_single::<asn1::SequenceOf<'_, GeneralName<'_>>>(ext_data)?; let ians = parse_general_names(py, gn_seq)?; Ok(x509_module .call1("IssuerAlternativeName", (ians,))? .to_object(py)) } else if oid == *AUTHORITY_INFORMATION_ACCESS_OID { let ads = parse_access_descriptions(py, ext_data)?; Ok(x509_module .call1("AuthorityInformationAccess", (ads,))? .to_object(py)) } else if oid == *AUTHORITY_KEY_IDENTIFIER_OID { Ok(parse_authority_key_identifier(py, ext_data)?.to_object(py)) } else if oid == *ISSUING_DISTRIBUTION_POINT_OID { let idp = asn1::parse_single::<IssuingDistributionPoint<'_>>(ext_data)?; let (full_name, relative_name) = match idp.distribution_point { Some(data) => parse_distribution_point_name(py, data)?, None => (py.None(), py.None()), }; let reasons = parse_distribution_point_reasons(py, idp.only_some_reasons)?; Ok(x509_module .call1( "IssuingDistributionPoint", ( full_name, relative_name, idp.only_contains_user_certs, idp.only_contains_ca_certs, reasons, idp.indirect_crl, idp.only_contains_attribute_certs, ), )? .to_object(py)) } else if oid == *FRESHEST_CRL_OID { Ok(x509_module .call1("FreshestCRL", (parse_distribution_points(py, ext_data)?,))? .to_object(py)) } else { Ok(py.None()) } } pub(crate) fn create_submodule(py: pyo3::Python<'_>) -> pyo3::PyResult<&pyo3::prelude::PyModule> { let submod = pyo3::prelude::PyModule::new(py, "x509")?; submod.add_wrapped(pyo3::wrap_pyfunction!(parse_x509_extension))?; submod.add_wrapped(pyo3::wrap_pyfunction!(parse_crl_entry_extension))?; submod.add_wrapped(pyo3::wrap_pyfunction!(parse_crl_extension))?; submod.add_wrapped(pyo3::wrap_pyfunction!( encode_precertificate_signed_certificate_timestamps ))?; submod.add_class::<Sct>()?; Ok(submod) }
crate::util_macros::testcase!( (|mut glue: multisql::Glue| { crate::util_macros::execute!(glue, "CREATE TABLE Test (id INTEGER AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL, name TEXT)"); crate::util_macros::execute!(glue, "INSERT INTO Test (name) VALUES ('test1')"); crate::util_macros::assert_select!(glue, r#" SELECT * FROM Test "# => id = I64, name = Str: (1, String::from("test1")) ); crate::util_macros::execute!(glue, "INSERT INTO Test (name) VALUES ('test2'), ('test3')"); crate::util_macros::assert_select!(glue, r#" SELECT * FROM Test "# => id = I64, name = Str: (1, String::from("test1")), (2, String::from("test2")), (3, String::from("test3")) ); crate::util_macros::execute!(glue, "INSERT INTO Test (name, id) VALUES ('test4', NULL)"); crate::util_macros::assert_select!(glue, r#" SELECT * FROM Test "# => id = I64, name = Str: (1, String::from("test1")), (2, String::from("test2")), (3, String::from("test3")), (4, String::from("test4")) ); crate::util_macros::execute!(glue, "INSERT INTO Test (name, id) VALUES ('test5', 6)"); crate::util_macros::assert_select!(glue, r#" SELECT * FROM Test "# => id = I64, name = Str: (1, String::from("test1")), (2, String::from("test2")), (3, String::from("test3")), (4, String::from("test4")), (6, String::from("test5")) ); crate::util_macros::execute!(glue, "INSERT INTO Test (name) VALUES ('test6')"); crate::util_macros::assert_select!(glue, r#" SELECT * FROM Test "# => id = I64, name = Str: (1, String::from("test1")), (2, String::from("test2")), (3, String::from("test3")), (4, String::from("test4")), (6, String::from("test5")), (5, String::from("test6")) ); crate::util_macros::execute!(glue, "INSERT INTO Test (name) VALUES ('test7')"); crate::util_macros::assert_select!(glue, r#" SELECT * FROM Test "# => id = I64, name = Str: (1, String::from("test1")), (2, String::from("test2")), (3, String::from("test3")), (4, String::from("test4")), (6, String::from("test5")), (5, String::from("test6")), (6, String::from("test7")) ); crate::util_macros::execute!(glue, "CREATE TABLE TestUnique (id INTEGER AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL UNIQUE, name TEXT)"); crate::util_macros::execute!(glue, "INSERT INTO TestUnique (name, id) VALUES ('test1', NULL), ('test2', 3)"); crate::util_macros::assert_select!(glue, r#" SELECT * FROM TestUnique "# => id = I64, name = Str: (1, String::from("test1")), (3, String::from("test2")) ); { let _result: Result<multisql::Payload, multisql::Error> = Err(multisql::ValidateError::DuplicateEntryOnUniqueField.into()); assert!(matches!( glue.execute("INSERT INTO TestUnique (name) VALUES ('test3'), ('test4')"), _result )); } crate::util_macros::assert_select!(glue, r#" SELECT * FROM TestUnique "# => id = I64, name = Str: (1, String::from("test1")), (3, String::from("test2")) ); crate::util_macros::execute!(glue, "CREATE TABLE TestUniqueSecond (id INTEGER AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL UNIQUE, name TEXT)"); { let _result: Result<multisql::Payload, multisql::Error> = Err(multisql::ValidateError::DuplicateEntryOnUniqueField.into()); assert!(matches!( glue.execute("INSERT INTO TestUniqueSecond (name, id) VALUES ('test1', NULL), ('test2', 3), ('test3', NULL), ('test4', NULL)"), _result )); } crate::util_macros::execute!(glue, "CREATE TABLE TestInsertSelect (id INTEGER AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL, name TEXT)"); crate::util_macros::execute!(glue, r#"INSERT INTO TestInsertSelect (name) SELECT name FROM Test"#); { let _result: Result<multisql::Payload, multisql::Error> = Err(multisql::AlterError::UnsupportedDataTypeForAutoIncrementColumn(String::from("id"), String::from("TEXT")).into()); assert!(matches!( glue.execute("CREATE TABLE TestText (id TEXT AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL UNIQUE, name TEXT)"), _result )); } /*crate::util_macros::assert_select!(glue, r#" SELECT * FROM TestInsertSelect "# => id = I64, name = Str: (1, String::from("test1")), (2, String::from("test2")), (3, String::from("test3")), (4, String::from("test4")), (5, String::from("test5")), (6, String::from("test6")), (7, String::from("test7")) ); Tempremental */ }) );
// Issue #5886: a complex instance of issue #2687. trait Iterator<A> { fn next(&mut self) -> Option<A>; } trait IteratorUtil<A>: Sized { fn zip<B, U: Iterator<U>>(self, other: U) -> ZipIterator<Self, U>; } impl<A, T: Iterator<A>> IteratorUtil<A> for T { fn zip<B, U: Iterator<B>>(self, other: U) -> ZipIterator<T, U> { //~^ ERROR E0276 ZipIterator{a: self, b: other} } } struct ZipIterator<T, U> { a: T, b: U } fn main() {}
use lazy_static::lazy_static; use casper_engine_test_support::{ internal::{ utils, ExecuteRequestBuilder, InMemoryWasmTestBuilder, DEFAULT_PAYMENT, DEFAULT_RUN_GENESIS_REQUEST, }, DEFAULT_ACCOUNT_ADDR, }; use casper_execution_engine::{core::engine_state::CONV_RATE, shared::motes::Motes}; use casper_types::{account::AccountHash, runtime_args, RuntimeArgs, U512}; const CONTRACT_EE_599_REGRESSION: &str = "ee_599_regression.wasm"; const CONTRACT_TRANSFER_TO_ACCOUNT: &str = "transfer_to_account_u512.wasm"; const DONATION_PURSE_COPY_KEY: &str = "donation_purse_copy"; const EXPECTED_ERROR: &str = "InvalidContext"; const TRANSFER_FUNDS_KEY: &str = "transfer_funds"; const VICTIM_ADDR: AccountHash = AccountHash::new([42; 32]); lazy_static! { static ref VICTIM_INITIAL_FUNDS: U512 = *DEFAULT_PAYMENT * 10; } fn setup() -> InMemoryWasmTestBuilder { // Creates victim account let exec_request_1 = { let args = runtime_args! { "target" => VICTIM_ADDR, "amount" => *VICTIM_INITIAL_FUNDS, }; ExecuteRequestBuilder::standard(*DEFAULT_ACCOUNT_ADDR, CONTRACT_TRANSFER_TO_ACCOUNT, args) .build() }; // Deploy contract let exec_request_2 = { let args = runtime_args! { "method" => "install".to_string(), }; ExecuteRequestBuilder::standard(*DEFAULT_ACCOUNT_ADDR, CONTRACT_EE_599_REGRESSION, args) .build() }; let result = InMemoryWasmTestBuilder::default() .run_genesis(&DEFAULT_RUN_GENESIS_REQUEST) .exec(exec_request_1) .expect_success() .commit() .exec(exec_request_2) .expect_success() .commit() .finish(); InMemoryWasmTestBuilder::from_result(result) } #[ignore] #[test] fn should_not_be_able_to_transfer_funds_with_transfer_purse_to_purse() { let mut builder = setup(); let victim_account = builder .get_account(VICTIM_ADDR) .expect("should have victim account"); let default_account = builder .get_account(*DEFAULT_ACCOUNT_ADDR) .expect("should have default account"); let transfer_funds = default_account .named_keys() .get(TRANSFER_FUNDS_KEY) .cloned() .unwrap_or_else(|| panic!("should have {}", TRANSFER_FUNDS_KEY)); let donation_purse_copy_key = default_account .named_keys() .get(DONATION_PURSE_COPY_KEY) .cloned() .unwrap_or_else(|| panic!("should have {}", DONATION_PURSE_COPY_KEY)); let donation_purse_copy = donation_purse_copy_key.into_uref().expect("should be uref"); let exec_request_3 = { let args = runtime_args! { "method" => "call", "contract_key" => transfer_funds.into_hash().expect("should be hash"), "sub_contract_method_fwd" => "transfer_from_purse_to_purse_ext", }; ExecuteRequestBuilder::standard(VICTIM_ADDR, CONTRACT_EE_599_REGRESSION, args).build() }; let result_2 = builder.exec(exec_request_3).commit().finish(); let exec_3_response = result_2 .builder() .get_exec_response(0) .expect("should have response"); let gas_cost = Motes::from_gas(utils::get_exec_costs(exec_3_response)[0], CONV_RATE) .expect("should convert"); let error_msg = result_2 .builder() .exec_error_message(0) .expect("should have error"); assert!( error_msg.contains(EXPECTED_ERROR), "Got error: {}", error_msg ); let victim_balance_after = result_2 .builder() .get_purse_balance(victim_account.main_purse()); assert_eq!( *VICTIM_INITIAL_FUNDS - gas_cost.value(), victim_balance_after ); assert_eq!( result_2.builder().get_purse_balance(donation_purse_copy), U512::zero(), ); } #[ignore] #[test] fn should_not_be_able_to_transfer_funds_with_transfer_from_purse_to_account() { let mut builder = setup(); let victim_account = builder .get_account(VICTIM_ADDR) .expect("should have victim account"); let default_account = builder .get_account(*DEFAULT_ACCOUNT_ADDR) .expect("should have default account"); let default_account_balance = builder.get_purse_balance(default_account.main_purse()); let transfer_funds = default_account .named_keys() .get(TRANSFER_FUNDS_KEY) .cloned() .unwrap_or_else(|| panic!("should have {}", TRANSFER_FUNDS_KEY)); let donation_purse_copy_key = default_account .named_keys() .get(DONATION_PURSE_COPY_KEY) .cloned() .unwrap_or_else(|| panic!("should have {}", DONATION_PURSE_COPY_KEY)); let donation_purse_copy = donation_purse_copy_key.into_uref().expect("should be uref"); let exec_request_3 = { let args = runtime_args! { "method" => "call".to_string(), "contract_key" => transfer_funds.into_hash().expect("should get key"), "sub_contract_method_fwd" => "transfer_from_purse_to_account_ext", }; ExecuteRequestBuilder::standard(VICTIM_ADDR, CONTRACT_EE_599_REGRESSION, args).build() }; let result_2 = builder.exec(exec_request_3).commit().finish(); let exec_3_response = result_2 .builder() .get_exec_response(0) .expect("should have response"); let gas_cost = Motes::from_gas(utils::get_exec_costs(exec_3_response)[0], CONV_RATE) .expect("should convert"); let error_msg = result_2 .builder() .exec_error_message(0) .expect("should have error"); assert!( error_msg.contains(EXPECTED_ERROR), "Got error: {}", error_msg ); let victim_balance_after = result_2 .builder() .get_purse_balance(victim_account.main_purse()); assert_eq!( *VICTIM_INITIAL_FUNDS - gas_cost.value(), victim_balance_after ); // In this variant of test `donation_purse` is left unchanged i.e. zero balance assert_eq!( result_2.builder().get_purse_balance(donation_purse_copy), U512::zero(), ); // Main purse of the contract owner is unchanged let updated_default_account_balance = result_2 .builder() .get_purse_balance(default_account.main_purse()); assert_eq!( updated_default_account_balance - default_account_balance, U512::zero(), ) } #[ignore] #[test] fn should_not_be_able_to_transfer_funds_with_transfer_to_account() { let mut builder = setup(); let victim_account = builder .get_account(VICTIM_ADDR) .expect("should have victim account"); let default_account = builder .get_account(*DEFAULT_ACCOUNT_ADDR) .expect("should have default account"); let default_account_balance = builder.get_purse_balance(default_account.main_purse()); let transfer_funds = default_account .named_keys() .get(TRANSFER_FUNDS_KEY) .cloned() .unwrap_or_else(|| panic!("should have {}", TRANSFER_FUNDS_KEY)); let donation_purse_copy_key = default_account .named_keys() .get(DONATION_PURSE_COPY_KEY) .cloned() .unwrap_or_else(|| panic!("should have {}", DONATION_PURSE_COPY_KEY)); let donation_purse_copy = donation_purse_copy_key.into_uref().expect("should be uref"); let exec_request_3 = { let args = runtime_args! { "method" => "call", "contract_key" => transfer_funds.into_hash().expect("should be hash"), "sub_contract_method_fwd" => "transfer_to_account_ext", }; ExecuteRequestBuilder::standard(VICTIM_ADDR, CONTRACT_EE_599_REGRESSION, args).build() }; let result_2 = builder.exec(exec_request_3).commit().finish(); let exec_3_response = result_2 .builder() .get_exec_response(0) .expect("should have response"); let gas_cost = Motes::from_gas(utils::get_exec_costs(exec_3_response)[0], CONV_RATE) .expect("should convert"); let error_msg = result_2 .builder() .exec_error_message(0) .expect("should have error"); assert!( error_msg.contains(EXPECTED_ERROR), "Got error: {}", error_msg ); let victim_balance_after = result_2 .builder() .get_purse_balance(victim_account.main_purse()); assert_eq!( *VICTIM_INITIAL_FUNDS - gas_cost.value(), victim_balance_after ); // In this variant of test `donation_purse` is left unchanged i.e. zero balance assert_eq!( result_2.builder().get_purse_balance(donation_purse_copy), U512::zero(), ); // Verify that default account's balance didn't change let updated_default_account_balance = result_2 .builder() .get_purse_balance(default_account.main_purse()); assert_eq!( updated_default_account_balance - default_account_balance, U512::zero(), ) } #[ignore] #[test] fn should_not_be_able_to_get_main_purse_in_invalid_context() { let mut builder = setup(); let victim_account = builder .get_account(VICTIM_ADDR) .expect("should have victim account"); let default_account = builder .get_account(*DEFAULT_ACCOUNT_ADDR) .expect("should have default account"); let transfer_funds = default_account .named_keys() .get(TRANSFER_FUNDS_KEY) .cloned() .unwrap_or_else(|| panic!("should have {}", TRANSFER_FUNDS_KEY)); let exec_request_3 = { let args = runtime_args! { "method" => "call".to_string(), "contract_key" => transfer_funds.into_hash().expect("should be hash"), "sub_contract_method_fwd" => "transfer_to_account_ext", }; ExecuteRequestBuilder::standard(VICTIM_ADDR, CONTRACT_EE_599_REGRESSION, args).build() }; let victim_balance_before = builder.get_purse_balance(victim_account.main_purse()); let result_2 = builder.exec(exec_request_3).commit().finish(); let exec_3_response = result_2 .builder() .get_exec_response(0) .expect("should have response"); let gas_cost = Motes::from_gas(utils::get_exec_costs(exec_3_response)[0], CONV_RATE) .expect("should convert"); let error_msg = result_2 .builder() .exec_error_message(0) .expect("should have error"); assert!( error_msg.contains(EXPECTED_ERROR), "Got error: {}", error_msg ); let victim_balance_after = result_2 .builder() .get_purse_balance(victim_account.main_purse()); assert_eq!( victim_balance_before - gas_cost.value(), victim_balance_after ); }
// Copyright 2013 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT // file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at // http://rust-lang.org/COPYRIGHT. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0> or the MIT license // <LICENSE-MIT or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>, at your // option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed // except according to those terms. //! The Gamma and derived distributions. use self::GammaRepr::*; use self::ChiSquaredRepr::*; #[cfg(not(test))] // only necessary for no_std use FloatMath; use {Open01, Rng}; use super::normal::StandardNormal; use super::{Exp, IndependentSample, Sample}; /// The Gamma distribution `Gamma(shape, scale)` distribution. /// /// The density function of this distribution is /// /// ```text /// f(x) = x^(k - 1) * exp(-x / θ) / (Γ(k) * θ^k) /// ``` /// /// where `Γ` is the Gamma function, `k` is the shape and `θ` is the /// scale and both `k` and `θ` are strictly positive. /// /// The algorithm used is that described by Marsaglia & Tsang 2000[1], /// falling back to directly sampling from an Exponential for `shape /// == 1`, and using the boosting technique described in [1] for /// `shape < 1`. /// /// [1]: George Marsaglia and Wai Wan Tsang. 2000. "A Simple Method /// for Generating Gamma Variables" *ACM Trans. Math. Softw.* 26, 3 /// (September 2000), /// 363-372. DOI:[10.1145/358407.358414](http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/358407.358414) pub struct Gamma { repr: GammaRepr, } enum GammaRepr { Large(GammaLargeShape), One(Exp), Small(GammaSmallShape), } // These two helpers could be made public, but saving the // match-on-Gamma-enum branch from using them directly (e.g. if one // knows that the shape is always > 1) doesn't appear to be much // faster. /// Gamma distribution where the shape parameter is less than 1. /// /// Note, samples from this require a compulsory floating-point `pow` /// call, which makes it significantly slower than sampling from a /// gamma distribution where the shape parameter is greater than or /// equal to 1. /// /// See `Gamma` for sampling from a Gamma distribution with general /// shape parameters. struct GammaSmallShape { inv_shape: f64, large_shape: GammaLargeShape, } /// Gamma distribution where the shape parameter is larger than 1. /// /// See `Gamma` for sampling from a Gamma distribution with general /// shape parameters. struct GammaLargeShape { scale: f64, c: f64, d: f64, } impl Gamma { /// Construct an object representing the `Gamma(shape, scale)` /// distribution. /// /// Panics if `shape <= 0` or `scale <= 0`. pub fn new(shape: f64, scale: f64) -> Gamma { assert!(shape > 0.0, "Gamma::new called with shape <= 0"); assert!(scale > 0.0, "Gamma::new called with scale <= 0"); let repr = match shape { 1.0 => One(Exp::new(1.0 / scale)), 0.0...1.0 => Small(GammaSmallShape::new_raw(shape, scale)), _ => Large(GammaLargeShape::new_raw(shape, scale)), }; Gamma { repr: repr } } } impl GammaSmallShape { fn new_raw(shape: f64, scale: f64) -> GammaSmallShape { GammaSmallShape { inv_shape: 1. / shape, large_shape: GammaLargeShape::new_raw(shape + 1.0, scale), } } } impl GammaLargeShape { fn new_raw(shape: f64, scale: f64) -> GammaLargeShape { let d = shape - 1. / 3.; GammaLargeShape { scale: scale, c: 1. / (9. * d).sqrt(), d: d, } } } impl Sample<f64> for Gamma { fn sample<R: Rng>(&mut self, rng: &mut R) -> f64 { self.ind_sample(rng) } } impl Sample<f64> for GammaSmallShape { fn sample<R: Rng>(&mut self, rng: &mut R) -> f64 { self.ind_sample(rng) } } impl Sample<f64> for GammaLargeShape { fn sample<R: Rng>(&mut self, rng: &mut R) -> f64 { self.ind_sample(rng) } } impl IndependentSample<f64> for Gamma { fn ind_sample<R: Rng>(&self, rng: &mut R) -> f64 { match self.repr { Small(ref g) => g.ind_sample(rng), One(ref g) => g.ind_sample(rng), Large(ref g) => g.ind_sample(rng), } } } impl IndependentSample<f64> for GammaSmallShape { fn ind_sample<R: Rng>(&self, rng: &mut R) -> f64 { let Open01(u) = rng.gen::<Open01<f64>>(); self.large_shape.ind_sample(rng) * u.powf(self.inv_shape) } } impl IndependentSample<f64> for GammaLargeShape { fn ind_sample<R: Rng>(&self, rng: &mut R) -> f64 { loop { let StandardNormal(x) = rng.gen::<StandardNormal>(); let v_cbrt = 1.0 + self.c * x; if v_cbrt <= 0.0 { // a^3 <= 0 iff a <= 0 continue; } let v = v_cbrt * v_cbrt * v_cbrt; let Open01(u) = rng.gen::<Open01<f64>>(); let x_sqr = x * x; if u < 1.0 - 0.0331 * x_sqr * x_sqr || u.ln() < 0.5 * x_sqr + self.d * (1.0 - v + v.ln()) { return self.d * v * self.scale; } } } } /// The chi-squared distribution `χ²(k)`, where `k` is the degrees of /// freedom. /// /// For `k > 0` integral, this distribution is the sum of the squares /// of `k` independent standard normal random variables. For other /// `k`, this uses the equivalent characterization `χ²(k) = Gamma(k/2, /// 2)`. pub struct ChiSquared { repr: ChiSquaredRepr, } enum ChiSquaredRepr { // k == 1, Gamma(alpha, ..) is particularly slow for alpha < 1, // e.g. when alpha = 1/2 as it would be for this case, so special- // casing and using the definition of N(0,1)^2 is faster. DoFExactlyOne, DoFAnythingElse(Gamma), } impl ChiSquared { /// Create a new chi-squared distribution with degrees-of-freedom /// `k`. Panics if `k < 0`. pub fn new(k: f64) -> ChiSquared { let repr = if k == 1.0 { DoFExactlyOne } else { assert!(k > 0.0, "ChiSquared::new called with `k` < 0"); DoFAnythingElse(Gamma::new(0.5 * k, 2.0)) }; ChiSquared { repr: repr } } } impl Sample<f64> for ChiSquared { fn sample<R: Rng>(&mut self, rng: &mut R) -> f64 { self.ind_sample(rng) } } impl IndependentSample<f64> for ChiSquared { fn ind_sample<R: Rng>(&self, rng: &mut R) -> f64 { match self.repr { DoFExactlyOne => { // k == 1 => N(0,1)^2 let StandardNormal(norm) = rng.gen::<StandardNormal>(); norm * norm } DoFAnythingElse(ref g) => g.ind_sample(rng), } } } /// The Fisher F distribution `F(m, n)`. /// /// This distribution is equivalent to the ratio of two normalised /// chi-squared distributions, that is, `F(m,n) = (χ²(m)/m) / /// (χ²(n)/n)`. pub struct FisherF { numer: ChiSquared, denom: ChiSquared, // denom_dof / numer_dof so that this can just be a straight // multiplication, rather than a division. dof_ratio: f64, } impl FisherF { /// Create a new `FisherF` distribution, with the given /// parameter. Panics if either `m` or `n` are not positive. pub fn new(m: f64, n: f64) -> FisherF { assert!(m > 0.0, "FisherF::new called with `m < 0`"); assert!(n > 0.0, "FisherF::new called with `n < 0`"); FisherF { numer: ChiSquared::new(m), denom: ChiSquared::new(n), dof_ratio: n / m, } } } impl Sample<f64> for FisherF { fn sample<R: Rng>(&mut self, rng: &mut R) -> f64 { self.ind_sample(rng) } } impl IndependentSample<f64> for FisherF { fn ind_sample<R: Rng>(&self, rng: &mut R) -> f64 { self.numer.ind_sample(rng) / self.denom.ind_sample(rng) * self.dof_ratio } } /// The Student t distribution, `t(nu)`, where `nu` is the degrees of /// freedom. pub struct StudentT { chi: ChiSquared, dof: f64, } impl StudentT { /// Create a new Student t distribution with `n` degrees of /// freedom. Panics if `n <= 0`. pub fn new(n: f64) -> StudentT { assert!(n > 0.0, "StudentT::new called with `n <= 0`"); StudentT { chi: ChiSquared::new(n), dof: n, } } } impl Sample<f64> for StudentT { fn sample<R: Rng>(&mut self, rng: &mut R) -> f64 { self.ind_sample(rng) } } impl IndependentSample<f64> for StudentT { fn ind_sample<R: Rng>(&self, rng: &mut R) -> f64 { let StandardNormal(norm) = rng.gen::<StandardNormal>(); norm * (self.dof / self.chi.ind_sample(rng)).sqrt() } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use distributions::{IndependentSample, Sample}; use super::{ChiSquared, FisherF, StudentT}; #[test] fn test_chi_squared_one() { let mut chi = ChiSquared::new(1.0); let mut rng = ::test::rng(); for _ in 0..1000 { chi.sample(&mut rng); chi.ind_sample(&mut rng); } } #[test] fn test_chi_squared_small() { let mut chi = ChiSquared::new(0.5); let mut rng = ::test::rng(); for _ in 0..1000 { chi.sample(&mut rng); chi.ind_sample(&mut rng); } } #[test] fn test_chi_squared_large() { let mut chi = ChiSquared::new(30.0); let mut rng = ::test::rng(); for _ in 0..1000 { chi.sample(&mut rng); chi.ind_sample(&mut rng); } } #[test] #[should_panic] fn test_chi_squared_invalid_dof() { ChiSquared::new(-1.0); } #[test] fn test_f() { let mut f = FisherF::new(2.0, 32.0); let mut rng = ::test::rng(); for _ in 0..1000 { f.sample(&mut rng); f.ind_sample(&mut rng); } } #[test] fn test_t() { let mut t = StudentT::new(11.0); let mut rng = ::test::rng(); for _ in 0..1000 { t.sample(&mut rng); t.ind_sample(&mut rng); } } } #[cfg(test)] mod bench { extern crate test; use self::test::Bencher; use std::mem::size_of; use distributions::IndependentSample; use super::Gamma; #[bench] fn bench_gamma_large_shape(b: &mut Bencher) { let gamma = Gamma::new(10., 1.0); let mut rng = ::test::weak_rng(); b.iter(|| { for _ in 0..::RAND_BENCH_N { gamma.ind_sample(&mut rng); } }); b.bytes = size_of::<f64>() as u64 * ::RAND_BENCH_N; } #[bench] fn bench_gamma_small_shape(b: &mut Bencher) { let gamma = Gamma::new(0.1, 1.0); let mut rng = ::test::weak_rng(); b.iter(|| { for _ in 0..::RAND_BENCH_N { gamma.ind_sample(&mut rng); } }); b.bytes = size_of::<f64>() as u64 * ::RAND_BENCH_N; } }
// Copyright 2012 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT // file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at // http://rust-lang.org/COPYRIGHT. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0> or the MIT license // <LICENSE-MIT or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>, at your // option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed // except according to those terms. /*! * Low-level bindings to the libuv library. * * This module contains a set of direct, 'bare-metal' wrappers around * the libuv C-API. * * We're not bothering yet to redefine uv's structs as Rust structs * because they are quite large and change often between versions. * The maintenance burden is just too high. Instead we use the uv's * `uv_handle_size` and `uv_req_size` to find the correct size of the * structs and allocate them on the heap. This can be revisited later. * * There are also a collection of helper functions to ease interacting * with the low-level API. * * As new functionality, existent in uv.h, is added to the rust stdlib, * the mappings should be added in this module. */ #![allow(non_camel_case_types)] // C types use libc::{size_t, c_int, c_uint, c_void, c_char, c_double}; use libc::{ssize_t, sockaddr, free, addrinfo}; use libc; use std::rt::libc_heap::malloc_raw; #[cfg(test)] use libc::uintptr_t; pub use self::errors::{EACCES, ECONNREFUSED, ECONNRESET, EPIPE, ECONNABORTED, ECANCELED, EBADF, ENOTCONN, ENOENT, EADDRNOTAVAIL}; pub static OK: c_int = 0; pub static EOF: c_int = -4095; pub static UNKNOWN: c_int = -4094; // uv-errno.h redefines error codes for windows, but not for unix... // https://github.com/joyent/libuv/blob/master/include/uv-errno.h #[cfg(windows)] pub mod errors { use libc::c_int; pub static EACCES: c_int = -4092; pub static ECONNREFUSED: c_int = -4078; pub static ECONNRESET: c_int = -4077; pub static ENOENT: c_int = -4058; pub static ENOTCONN: c_int = -4053; pub static EPIPE: c_int = -4047; pub static ECONNABORTED: c_int = -4079; pub static ECANCELED: c_int = -4081; pub static EBADF: c_int = -4083; pub static EADDRNOTAVAIL: c_int = -4090; } #[cfg(not(windows))] pub mod errors { use libc; use libc::c_int; pub static EACCES: c_int = -libc::EACCES; pub static ECONNREFUSED: c_int = -libc::ECONNREFUSED; pub static ECONNRESET: c_int = -libc::ECONNRESET; pub static ENOENT: c_int = -libc::ENOENT; pub static ENOTCONN: c_int = -libc::ENOTCONN; pub static EPIPE: c_int = -libc::EPIPE; pub static ECONNABORTED: c_int = -libc::ECONNABORTED; pub static ECANCELED : c_int = -libc::ECANCELED; pub static EBADF : c_int = -libc::EBADF; pub static EADDRNOTAVAIL : c_int = -libc::EADDRNOTAVAIL; } pub static PROCESS_SETUID: c_int = 1 << 0; pub static PROCESS_SETGID: c_int = 1 << 1; pub static PROCESS_WINDOWS_VERBATIM_ARGUMENTS: c_int = 1 << 2; pub static PROCESS_DETACHED: c_int = 1 << 3; pub static PROCESS_WINDOWS_HIDE: c_int = 1 << 4; pub static STDIO_IGNORE: c_int = 0x00; pub static STDIO_CREATE_PIPE: c_int = 0x01; pub static STDIO_INHERIT_FD: c_int = 0x02; pub static STDIO_INHERIT_STREAM: c_int = 0x04; pub static STDIO_READABLE_PIPE: c_int = 0x10; pub static STDIO_WRITABLE_PIPE: c_int = 0x20; #[cfg(unix)] pub type uv_buf_len_t = libc::size_t; #[cfg(windows)] pub type uv_buf_len_t = libc::c_ulong; // see libuv/include/uv-unix.h #[cfg(unix)] pub struct uv_buf_t { pub base: *u8, pub len: uv_buf_len_t, } // see libuv/include/uv-win.h #[cfg(windows)] pub struct uv_buf_t { pub len: uv_buf_len_t, pub base: *u8, } #[repr(C)] pub enum uv_run_mode { RUN_DEFAULT = 0, RUN_ONCE, RUN_NOWAIT, } pub struct uv_process_options_t { pub exit_cb: uv_exit_cb, pub file: *libc::c_char, pub args: **libc::c_char, pub env: **libc::c_char, pub cwd: *libc::c_char, pub flags: libc::c_uint, pub stdio_count: libc::c_int, pub stdio: *uv_stdio_container_t, pub uid: uv_uid_t, pub gid: uv_gid_t, } // These fields are private because they must be interfaced with through the // functions below. pub struct uv_stdio_container_t { flags: libc::c_int, stream: *uv_stream_t, } pub type uv_handle_t = c_void; pub type uv_req_t = c_void; pub type uv_loop_t = c_void; pub type uv_idle_t = c_void; pub type uv_tcp_t = c_void; pub type uv_udp_t = c_void; pub type uv_connect_t = c_void; pub type uv_connection_t = c_void; pub type uv_write_t = c_void; pub type uv_async_t = c_void; pub type uv_timer_t = c_void; pub type uv_stream_t = c_void; pub type uv_fs_t = c_void; pub type uv_udp_send_t = c_void; pub type uv_getaddrinfo_t = c_void; pub type uv_process_t = c_void; pub type uv_pipe_t = c_void; pub type uv_tty_t = c_void; pub type uv_signal_t = c_void; pub type uv_shutdown_t = c_void; pub struct uv_timespec_t { pub tv_sec: libc::c_long, pub tv_nsec: libc::c_long } pub struct uv_stat_t { pub st_dev: libc::uint64_t, pub st_mode: libc::uint64_t, pub st_nlink: libc::uint64_t, pub st_uid: libc::uint64_t, pub st_gid: libc::uint64_t, pub st_rdev: libc::uint64_t, pub st_ino: libc::uint64_t, pub st_size: libc::uint64_t, pub st_blksize: libc::uint64_t, pub st_blocks: libc::uint64_t, pub st_flags: libc::uint64_t, pub st_gen: libc::uint64_t, pub st_atim: uv_timespec_t, pub st_mtim: uv_timespec_t, pub st_ctim: uv_timespec_t, pub st_birthtim: uv_timespec_t } impl uv_stat_t { pub fn new() -> uv_stat_t { uv_stat_t { st_dev: 0, st_mode: 0, st_nlink: 0, st_uid: 0, st_gid: 0, st_rdev: 0, st_ino: 0, st_size: 0, st_blksize: 0, st_blocks: 0, st_flags: 0, st_gen: 0, st_atim: uv_timespec_t { tv_sec: 0, tv_nsec: 0 }, st_mtim: uv_timespec_t { tv_sec: 0, tv_nsec: 0 }, st_ctim: uv_timespec_t { tv_sec: 0, tv_nsec: 0 }, st_birthtim: uv_timespec_t { tv_sec: 0, tv_nsec: 0 } } } pub fn is_file(&self) -> bool { ((self.st_mode) & libc::S_IFMT as libc::uint64_t) == libc::S_IFREG as libc::uint64_t } pub fn is_dir(&self) -> bool { ((self.st_mode) & libc::S_IFMT as libc::uint64_t) == libc::S_IFDIR as libc::uint64_t } } pub type uv_idle_cb = extern "C" fn(handle: *uv_idle_t); pub type uv_alloc_cb = extern "C" fn(stream: *uv_stream_t, suggested_size: size_t, buf: *mut uv_buf_t); pub type uv_read_cb = extern "C" fn(stream: *uv_stream_t, nread: ssize_t, buf: *uv_buf_t); pub type uv_udp_send_cb = extern "C" fn(req: *uv_udp_send_t, status: c_int); pub type uv_udp_recv_cb = extern "C" fn(handle: *uv_udp_t, nread: ssize_t, buf: *uv_buf_t, addr: *sockaddr, flags: c_uint); pub type uv_close_cb = extern "C" fn(handle: *uv_handle_t); pub type uv_walk_cb = extern "C" fn(handle: *uv_handle_t, arg: *c_void); pub type uv_async_cb = extern "C" fn(handle: *uv_async_t); pub type uv_connect_cb = extern "C" fn(handle: *uv_connect_t, status: c_int); pub type uv_connection_cb = extern "C" fn(handle: *uv_connection_t, status: c_int); pub type uv_timer_cb = extern "C" fn(handle: *uv_timer_t); pub type uv_write_cb = extern "C" fn(handle: *uv_write_t, status: c_int); pub type uv_getaddrinfo_cb = extern "C" fn(req: *uv_getaddrinfo_t, status: c_int, res: *addrinfo); pub type uv_exit_cb = extern "C" fn(handle: *uv_process_t, exit_status: i64, term_signal: c_int); pub type uv_signal_cb = extern "C" fn(handle: *uv_signal_t, signum: c_int); pub type uv_fs_cb = extern "C" fn(req: *uv_fs_t); pub type uv_shutdown_cb = extern "C" fn(req: *uv_shutdown_t, status: c_int); #[cfg(unix)] pub type uv_uid_t = libc::types::os::arch::posix88::uid_t; #[cfg(unix)] pub type uv_gid_t = libc::types::os::arch::posix88::gid_t; #[cfg(windows)] pub type uv_uid_t = libc::c_uchar; #[cfg(windows)] pub type uv_gid_t = libc::c_uchar; #[repr(C)] #[deriving(Eq)] pub enum uv_handle_type { UV_UNKNOWN_HANDLE, UV_ASYNC, UV_CHECK, UV_FS_EVENT, UV_FS_POLL, UV_HANDLE, UV_IDLE, UV_NAMED_PIPE, UV_POLL, UV_PREPARE, UV_PROCESS, UV_STREAM, UV_TCP, UV_TIMER, UV_TTY, UV_UDP, UV_SIGNAL, UV_FILE, UV_HANDLE_TYPE_MAX } #[repr(C)] #[cfg(unix)] #[deriving(Eq)] pub enum uv_req_type { UV_UNKNOWN_REQ, UV_REQ, UV_CONNECT, UV_WRITE, UV_SHUTDOWN, UV_UDP_SEND, UV_FS, UV_WORK, UV_GETADDRINFO, UV_REQ_TYPE_MAX } // uv_req_type may have additional fields defined by UV_REQ_TYPE_PRIVATE. // See UV_REQ_TYPE_PRIVATE at libuv/include/uv-win.h #[repr(C)] #[cfg(windows)] #[deriving(Eq)] pub enum uv_req_type { UV_UNKNOWN_REQ, UV_REQ, UV_CONNECT, UV_WRITE, UV_SHUTDOWN, UV_UDP_SEND, UV_FS, UV_WORK, UV_GETADDRINFO, UV_ACCEPT, UV_FS_EVENT_REQ, UV_POLL_REQ, UV_PROCESS_EXIT, UV_READ, UV_UDP_RECV, UV_WAKEUP, UV_SIGNAL_REQ, UV_REQ_TYPE_MAX } #[repr(C)] #[deriving(Eq)] pub enum uv_membership { UV_LEAVE_GROUP, UV_JOIN_GROUP } pub unsafe fn malloc_handle(handle: uv_handle_type) -> *c_void { assert!(handle != UV_UNKNOWN_HANDLE && handle != UV_HANDLE_TYPE_MAX); let size = uv_handle_size(handle); malloc_raw(size as uint) as *c_void } pub unsafe fn free_handle(v: *c_void) { free(v as *mut c_void) } pub unsafe fn malloc_req(req: uv_req_type) -> *c_void { assert!(req != UV_UNKNOWN_REQ && req != UV_REQ_TYPE_MAX); let size = uv_req_size(req); malloc_raw(size as uint) as *c_void } pub unsafe fn free_req(v: *c_void) { free(v as *mut c_void) } #[test] fn handle_sanity_check() { unsafe { assert_eq!(UV_HANDLE_TYPE_MAX as uint, rust_uv_handle_type_max()); } } #[test] fn request_sanity_check() { unsafe { assert_eq!(UV_REQ_TYPE_MAX as uint, rust_uv_req_type_max()); } } // FIXME Event loops ignore SIGPIPE by default. pub unsafe fn loop_new() -> *c_void { return rust_uv_loop_new(); } pub unsafe fn uv_write(req: *uv_write_t, stream: *uv_stream_t, buf_in: &[uv_buf_t], cb: uv_write_cb) -> c_int { extern { fn uv_write(req: *uv_write_t, stream: *uv_stream_t, buf_in: *uv_buf_t, buf_cnt: c_int, cb: uv_write_cb) -> c_int; } let buf_ptr = buf_in.as_ptr(); let buf_cnt = buf_in.len() as i32; return uv_write(req, stream, buf_ptr, buf_cnt, cb); } pub unsafe fn uv_udp_send(req: *uv_udp_send_t, handle: *uv_udp_t, buf_in: &[uv_buf_t], addr: *sockaddr, cb: uv_udp_send_cb) -> c_int { extern { fn uv_udp_send(req: *uv_write_t, stream: *uv_stream_t, buf_in: *uv_buf_t, buf_cnt: c_int, addr: *sockaddr, cb: uv_udp_send_cb) -> c_int; } let buf_ptr = buf_in.as_ptr(); let buf_cnt = buf_in.len() as i32; return uv_udp_send(req, handle, buf_ptr, buf_cnt, addr, cb); } pub unsafe fn get_udp_handle_from_send_req(send_req: *uv_udp_send_t) -> *uv_udp_t { return rust_uv_get_udp_handle_from_send_req(send_req); } pub unsafe fn process_pid(p: *uv_process_t) -> c_int { return rust_uv_process_pid(p); } pub unsafe fn set_stdio_container_flags(c: *uv_stdio_container_t, flags: libc::c_int) { rust_set_stdio_container_flags(c, flags); } pub unsafe fn set_stdio_container_fd(c: *uv_stdio_container_t, fd: libc::c_int) { rust_set_stdio_container_fd(c, fd); } pub unsafe fn set_stdio_container_stream(c: *uv_stdio_container_t, stream: *uv_stream_t) { rust_set_stdio_container_stream(c, stream); } // data access helpers pub unsafe fn get_result_from_fs_req(req: *uv_fs_t) -> ssize_t { rust_uv_get_result_from_fs_req(req) } pub unsafe fn get_ptr_from_fs_req(req: *uv_fs_t) -> *libc::c_void { rust_uv_get_ptr_from_fs_req(req) } pub unsafe fn get_path_from_fs_req(req: *uv_fs_t) -> *c_char { rust_uv_get_path_from_fs_req(req) } pub unsafe fn get_loop_from_fs_req(req: *uv_fs_t) -> *uv_loop_t { rust_uv_get_loop_from_fs_req(req) } pub unsafe fn get_loop_from_getaddrinfo_req(req: *uv_getaddrinfo_t) -> *uv_loop_t { rust_uv_get_loop_from_getaddrinfo_req(req) } pub unsafe fn get_loop_for_uv_handle<T>(handle: *T) -> *c_void { return rust_uv_get_loop_for_uv_handle(handle as *c_void); } pub unsafe fn get_stream_handle_from_connect_req(connect: *uv_connect_t) -> *uv_stream_t { return rust_uv_get_stream_handle_from_connect_req(connect); } pub unsafe fn get_stream_handle_from_write_req(write_req: *uv_write_t) -> *uv_stream_t { return rust_uv_get_stream_handle_from_write_req(write_req); } pub unsafe fn get_data_for_uv_loop(loop_ptr: *c_void) -> *c_void { rust_uv_get_data_for_uv_loop(loop_ptr) } pub unsafe fn set_data_for_uv_loop(loop_ptr: *c_void, data: *c_void) { rust_uv_set_data_for_uv_loop(loop_ptr, data); } pub unsafe fn get_data_for_uv_handle<T>(handle: *T) -> *c_void { return rust_uv_get_data_for_uv_handle(handle as *c_void); } pub unsafe fn set_data_for_uv_handle<T, U>(handle: *T, data: *U) { rust_uv_set_data_for_uv_handle(handle as *c_void, data as *c_void); } pub unsafe fn get_data_for_req<T>(req: *T) -> *c_void { return rust_uv_get_data_for_req(req as *c_void); } pub unsafe fn set_data_for_req<T, U>(req: *T, data: *U) { rust_uv_set_data_for_req(req as *c_void, data as *c_void); } pub unsafe fn populate_stat(req_in: *uv_fs_t, stat_out: *uv_stat_t) { rust_uv_populate_uv_stat(req_in, stat_out) } pub unsafe fn guess_handle(handle: c_int) -> c_int { rust_uv_guess_handle(handle) } // uv_support is the result of compiling rust_uv.cpp // // Note that this is in a cfg'd block so it doesn't get linked during testing. // There's a bit of a conundrum when testing in that we're actually assuming // that the tests are running in a uv loop, but they were created from the // statically linked uv to the original rustuv crate. When we create the test // executable, on some platforms if we re-link against uv, it actually creates // second copies of everything. We obviously don't want this, so instead of // dying horribly during testing, we allow all of the test rustuv's references // to get resolved to the original rustuv crate. #[cfg(not(test))] #[link(name = "uv_support", kind = "static")] #[link(name = "uv", kind = "static")] extern {} extern { fn rust_uv_loop_new() -> *c_void; #[cfg(test)] fn rust_uv_handle_type_max() -> uintptr_t; #[cfg(test)] fn rust_uv_req_type_max() -> uintptr_t; fn rust_uv_get_udp_handle_from_send_req(req: *uv_udp_send_t) -> *uv_udp_t; fn rust_uv_populate_uv_stat(req_in: *uv_fs_t, stat_out: *uv_stat_t); fn rust_uv_get_result_from_fs_req(req: *uv_fs_t) -> ssize_t; fn rust_uv_get_ptr_from_fs_req(req: *uv_fs_t) -> *libc::c_void; fn rust_uv_get_path_from_fs_req(req: *uv_fs_t) -> *c_char; fn rust_uv_get_loop_from_fs_req(req: *uv_fs_t) -> *uv_loop_t; fn rust_uv_get_loop_from_getaddrinfo_req(req: *uv_fs_t) -> *uv_loop_t; fn rust_uv_get_stream_handle_from_connect_req(req: *uv_connect_t) -> *uv_stream_t; fn rust_uv_get_stream_handle_from_write_req(req: *uv_write_t) -> *uv_stream_t; fn rust_uv_get_loop_for_uv_handle(handle: *c_void) -> *c_void; fn rust_uv_get_data_for_uv_loop(loop_ptr: *c_void) -> *c_void; fn rust_uv_set_data_for_uv_loop(loop_ptr: *c_void, data: *c_void); fn rust_uv_get_data_for_uv_handle(handle: *c_void) -> *c_void; fn rust_uv_set_data_for_uv_handle(handle: *c_void, data: *c_void); fn rust_uv_get_data_for_req(req: *c_void) -> *c_void; fn rust_uv_set_data_for_req(req: *c_void, data: *c_void); fn rust_set_stdio_container_flags(c: *uv_stdio_container_t, flags: c_int); fn rust_set_stdio_container_fd(c: *uv_stdio_container_t, fd: c_int); fn rust_set_stdio_container_stream(c: *uv_stdio_container_t, stream: *uv_stream_t); fn rust_uv_process_pid(p: *uv_process_t) -> c_int; fn rust_uv_guess_handle(fd: c_int) -> c_int; // generic uv functions pub fn uv_loop_delete(l: *uv_loop_t); pub fn uv_ref(t: *uv_handle_t); pub fn uv_unref(t: *uv_handle_t); pub fn uv_handle_size(ty: uv_handle_type) -> size_t; pub fn uv_req_size(ty: uv_req_type) -> size_t; pub fn uv_run(l: *uv_loop_t, mode: uv_run_mode) -> c_int; pub fn uv_close(h: *uv_handle_t, cb: uv_close_cb); pub fn uv_walk(l: *uv_loop_t, cb: uv_walk_cb, arg: *c_void); pub fn uv_buf_init(base: *c_char, len: c_uint) -> uv_buf_t; pub fn uv_strerror(err: c_int) -> *c_char; pub fn uv_err_name(err: c_int) -> *c_char; pub fn uv_listen(s: *uv_stream_t, backlog: c_int, cb: uv_connection_cb) -> c_int; pub fn uv_accept(server: *uv_stream_t, client: *uv_stream_t) -> c_int; pub fn uv_read_start(stream: *uv_stream_t, on_alloc: uv_alloc_cb, on_read: uv_read_cb) -> c_int; pub fn uv_read_stop(stream: *uv_stream_t) -> c_int; pub fn uv_shutdown(req: *uv_shutdown_t, handle: *uv_stream_t, cb: uv_shutdown_cb) -> c_int; // idle bindings pub fn uv_idle_init(l: *uv_loop_t, i: *uv_idle_t) -> c_int; pub fn uv_idle_start(i: *uv_idle_t, cb: uv_idle_cb) -> c_int; pub fn uv_idle_stop(i: *uv_idle_t) -> c_int; // async bindings pub fn uv_async_init(l: *uv_loop_t, a: *uv_async_t, cb: uv_async_cb) -> c_int; pub fn uv_async_send(a: *uv_async_t); // tcp bindings pub fn uv_tcp_init(l: *uv_loop_t, h: *uv_tcp_t) -> c_int; pub fn uv_tcp_connect(c: *uv_connect_t, h: *uv_tcp_t, addr: *sockaddr, cb: uv_connect_cb) -> c_int; pub fn uv_tcp_bind(t: *uv_tcp_t, addr: *sockaddr) -> c_int; pub fn uv_tcp_nodelay(h: *uv_tcp_t, enable: c_int) -> c_int; pub fn uv_tcp_keepalive(h: *uv_tcp_t, enable: c_int, delay: c_uint) -> c_int; pub fn uv_tcp_simultaneous_accepts(h: *uv_tcp_t, enable: c_int) -> c_int; pub fn uv_tcp_getsockname(h: *uv_tcp_t, name: *mut sockaddr, len: *mut c_int) -> c_int; pub fn uv_tcp_getpeername(h: *uv_tcp_t, name: *mut sockaddr, len: *mut c_int) -> c_int; // udp bindings pub fn uv_udp_init(l: *uv_loop_t, h: *uv_udp_t) -> c_int; pub fn uv_udp_bind(h: *uv_udp_t, addr: *sockaddr, flags: c_uint) -> c_int; pub fn uv_udp_recv_start(server: *uv_udp_t, on_alloc: uv_alloc_cb, on_recv: uv_udp_recv_cb) -> c_int; pub fn uv_udp_set_membership(handle: *uv_udp_t, multicast_addr: *c_char, interface_addr: *c_char, membership: uv_membership) -> c_int; pub fn uv_udp_recv_stop(server: *uv_udp_t) -> c_int; pub fn uv_udp_set_multicast_loop(handle: *uv_udp_t, on: c_int) -> c_int; pub fn uv_udp_set_multicast_ttl(handle: *uv_udp_t, ttl: c_int) -> c_int; pub fn uv_udp_set_ttl(handle: *uv_udp_t, ttl: c_int) -> c_int; pub fn uv_udp_set_broadcast(handle: *uv_udp_t, on: c_int) -> c_int; pub fn uv_udp_getsockname(h: *uv_udp_t, name: *mut sockaddr, len: *mut c_int) -> c_int; // timer bindings pub fn uv_timer_init(l: *uv_loop_t, t: *uv_timer_t) -> c_int; pub fn uv_timer_start(t: *uv_timer_t, cb: uv_timer_cb, timeout: libc::uint64_t, repeat: libc::uint64_t) -> c_int; pub fn uv_timer_stop(handle: *uv_timer_t) -> c_int; // fs operations pub fn uv_fs_open(loop_ptr: *uv_loop_t, req: *uv_fs_t, path: *c_char, flags: c_int, mode: c_int, cb: uv_fs_cb) -> c_int; pub fn uv_fs_unlink(loop_ptr: *uv_loop_t, req: *uv_fs_t, path: *c_char, cb: uv_fs_cb) -> c_int; pub fn uv_fs_write(l: *uv_loop_t, req: *uv_fs_t, fd: c_int, bufs: *uv_buf_t, nbufs: c_uint, offset: i64, cb: uv_fs_cb) -> c_int; pub fn uv_fs_read(l: *uv_loop_t, req: *uv_fs_t, fd: c_int, bufs: *uv_buf_t, nbufs: c_uint, offset: i64, cb: uv_fs_cb) -> c_int; pub fn uv_fs_close(l: *uv_loop_t, req: *uv_fs_t, fd: c_int, cb: uv_fs_cb) -> c_int; pub fn uv_fs_stat(l: *uv_loop_t, req: *uv_fs_t, path: *c_char, cb: uv_fs_cb) -> c_int; pub fn uv_fs_fstat(l: *uv_loop_t, req: *uv_fs_t, fd: c_int, cb: uv_fs_cb) -> c_int; pub fn uv_fs_mkdir(l: *uv_loop_t, req: *uv_fs_t, path: *c_char, mode: c_int, cb: uv_fs_cb) -> c_int; pub fn uv_fs_rmdir(l: *uv_loop_t, req: *uv_fs_t, path: *c_char, cb: uv_fs_cb) -> c_int; pub fn uv_fs_readdir(l: *uv_loop_t, req: *uv_fs_t, path: *c_char, flags: c_int, cb: uv_fs_cb) -> c_int; pub fn uv_fs_req_cleanup(req: *uv_fs_t); pub fn uv_fs_fsync(handle: *uv_loop_t, req: *uv_fs_t, file: c_int, cb: uv_fs_cb) -> c_int; pub fn uv_fs_fdatasync(handle: *uv_loop_t, req: *uv_fs_t, file: c_int, cb: uv_fs_cb) -> c_int; pub fn uv_fs_ftruncate(handle: *uv_loop_t, req: *uv_fs_t, file: c_int, offset: i64, cb: uv_fs_cb) -> c_int; pub fn uv_fs_readlink(handle: *uv_loop_t, req: *uv_fs_t, file: *c_char, cb: uv_fs_cb) -> c_int; pub fn uv_fs_symlink(handle: *uv_loop_t, req: *uv_fs_t, src: *c_char, dst: *c_char, flags: c_int, cb: uv_fs_cb) -> c_int; pub fn uv_fs_rename(handle: *uv_loop_t, req: *uv_fs_t, src: *c_char, dst: *c_char, cb: uv_fs_cb) -> c_int; pub fn uv_fs_utime(handle: *uv_loop_t, req: *uv_fs_t, path: *c_char, atime: c_double, mtime: c_double, cb: uv_fs_cb) -> c_int; pub fn uv_fs_link(handle: *uv_loop_t, req: *uv_fs_t, src: *c_char, dst: *c_char, cb: uv_fs_cb) -> c_int; pub fn uv_fs_chown(handle: *uv_loop_t, req: *uv_fs_t, src: *c_char, uid: uv_uid_t, gid: uv_gid_t, cb: uv_fs_cb) -> c_int; pub fn uv_fs_chmod(handle: *uv_loop_t, req: *uv_fs_t, path: *c_char, mode: c_int, cb: uv_fs_cb) -> c_int; pub fn uv_fs_lstat(handle: *uv_loop_t, req: *uv_fs_t, file: *c_char, cb: uv_fs_cb) -> c_int; // getaddrinfo pub fn uv_getaddrinfo(loop_: *uv_loop_t, req: *uv_getaddrinfo_t, getaddrinfo_cb: uv_getaddrinfo_cb, node: *c_char, service: *c_char, hints: *addrinfo) -> c_int; pub fn uv_freeaddrinfo(ai: *addrinfo); // process spawning pub fn uv_spawn(loop_ptr: *uv_loop_t, outptr: *uv_process_t, options: *uv_process_options_t) -> c_int; pub fn uv_process_kill(p: *uv_process_t, signum: c_int) -> c_int; pub fn uv_kill(pid: c_int, signum: c_int) -> c_int; // pipes pub fn uv_pipe_init(l: *uv_loop_t, p: *uv_pipe_t, ipc: c_int) -> c_int; pub fn uv_pipe_open(pipe: *uv_pipe_t, file: c_int) -> c_int; pub fn uv_pipe_bind(pipe: *uv_pipe_t, name: *c_char) -> c_int; pub fn uv_pipe_connect(req: *uv_connect_t, handle: *uv_pipe_t, name: *c_char, cb: uv_connect_cb); // tty pub fn uv_tty_init(l: *uv_loop_t, tty: *uv_tty_t, fd: c_int, readable: c_int) -> c_int; pub fn uv_tty_set_mode(tty: *uv_tty_t, mode: c_int) -> c_int; pub fn uv_tty_get_winsize(tty: *uv_tty_t, width: *c_int, height: *c_int) -> c_int; // signals pub fn uv_signal_init(loop_: *uv_loop_t, handle: *uv_signal_t) -> c_int; pub fn uv_signal_start(h: *uv_signal_t, cb: uv_signal_cb, signum: c_int) -> c_int; pub fn uv_signal_stop(handle: *uv_signal_t) -> c_int; } // libuv requires other native libraries on various platforms. These are all // listed here (for each platform) // libuv doesn't use pthread on windows // android libc (bionic) provides pthread, so no additional link is required #[cfg(not(windows), not(target_os = "android"))] #[link(name = "pthread")] extern {} #[cfg(target_os = "linux")] #[link(name = "rt")] extern {} #[cfg(target_os = "win32")] #[link(name = "ws2_32")] #[link(name = "psapi")] #[link(name = "iphlpapi")] extern {} #[cfg(target_os = "freebsd")] #[link(name = "kvm")] extern {}
#[doc = r" Value read from the register"] pub struct R { bits: u32, } #[doc = r" Value to write to the register"] pub struct W { bits: u32, } impl super::CFG { #[doc = r" Modifies the contents of the register"] #[inline] pub fn modify<F>(&self, f: F) where for<'w> F: FnOnce(&R, &'w mut W) -> &'w mut W, { let bits = self.register.get(); let r = R { bits: bits }; let mut w = W { bits: bits }; f(&r, &mut w); self.register.set(w.bits); } #[doc = r" Reads the contents of the register"] #[inline] pub fn read(&self) -> R { R { bits: self.register.get(), } } #[doc = r" Writes to the register"] #[inline] pub fn write<F>(&self, f: F) where F: FnOnce(&mut W) -> &mut W, { let mut w = W::reset_value(); f(&mut w); self.register.set(w.bits); } #[doc = r" Writes the reset value to the register"] #[inline] pub fn reset(&self) { self.write(|w| w) } } #[doc = r" Value of the field"] pub struct XBIASR { bits: bool, } impl XBIASR { #[doc = r" Value of the field as raw bits"] #[inline] pub fn bit(&self) -> bool { self.bits } #[doc = r" Returns `true` if the bit is clear (0)"] #[inline] pub fn bit_is_clear(&self) -> bool { !self.bit() } #[doc = r" Returns `true` if the bit is set (1)"] #[inline] pub fn bit_is_set(&self) -> bool { self.bit() } } #[doc = r" Value of the field"] pub struct WMODR { bits: bool, } impl WMODR { #[doc = r" Value of the field as raw bits"] #[inline] pub fn bit(&self) -> bool { self.bits } #[doc = r" Returns `true` if the bit is clear (0)"] #[inline] pub fn bit_is_clear(&self) -> bool { !self.bit() } #[doc = r" Returns `true` if the bit is set (1)"] #[inline] pub fn bit_is_set(&self) -> bool { self.bit() } } #[doc = r" Value of the field"] pub struct BLANKR { bits: bool, } impl BLANKR { #[doc = r" Value of the field as raw bits"] #[inline] pub fn bit(&self) -> bool { self.bits } #[doc = r" Returns `true` if the bit is clear (0)"] #[inline] pub fn bit_is_clear(&self) -> bool { !self.bit() } #[doc = r" Returns `true` if the bit is set (1)"] #[inline] pub fn bit_is_set(&self) -> bool { self.bit() } } #[doc = r" Value of the field"] pub struct LOCKR { bits: bool, } impl LOCKR { #[doc = r" Value of the field as raw bits"] #[inline] pub fn bit(&self) -> bool { self.bits } #[doc = r" Returns `true` if the bit is clear (0)"] #[inline] pub fn bit_is_clear(&self) -> bool { !self.bit() } #[doc = r" Returns `true` if the bit is set (1)"] #[inline] pub fn bit_is_set(&self) -> bool { self.bit() } } #[doc = r" Value of the field"] pub struct DUTYR { bits: u8, } impl DUTYR { #[doc = r" Value of the field as raw bits"] #[inline] pub fn bits(&self) -> u8 { self.bits } } #[doc = r" Value of the field"] pub struct FCSTR { bits: u8, } impl FCSTR { #[doc = r" Value of the field as raw bits"] #[inline] pub fn bits(&self) -> u8 { self.bits } } #[doc = r" Value of the field"] pub struct NSUR { bits: u8, } impl NSUR { #[doc = r" Value of the field as raw bits"] #[inline] pub fn bits(&self) -> u8 { self.bits } } #[doc = r" Proxy"] pub struct _XBIASW<'a> { w: &'a mut W, } impl<'a> _XBIASW<'a> { #[doc = r" Sets the field bit"] pub fn set_bit(self) -> &'a mut W { self.bit(true) } #[doc = r" Clears the field bit"] pub fn clear_bit(self) -> &'a mut W { self.bit(false) } #[doc = r" Writes raw bits to the field"] #[inline] pub fn bit(self, value: bool) -> &'a mut W { const MASK: bool = true; const OFFSET: u8 = 0; self.w.bits &= !((MASK as u32) << OFFSET); self.w.bits |= ((value & MASK) as u32) << OFFSET; self.w } } #[doc = r" Proxy"] pub struct _WMODW<'a> { w: &'a mut W, } impl<'a> _WMODW<'a> { #[doc = r" Sets the field bit"] pub fn set_bit(self) -> &'a mut W { self.bit(true) } #[doc = r" Clears the field bit"] pub fn clear_bit(self) -> &'a mut W { self.bit(false) } #[doc = r" Writes raw bits to the field"] #[inline] pub fn bit(self, value: bool) -> &'a mut W { const MASK: bool = true; const OFFSET: u8 = 1; self.w.bits &= !((MASK as u32) << OFFSET); self.w.bits |= ((value & MASK) as u32) << OFFSET; self.w } } #[doc = r" Proxy"] pub struct _BLANKW<'a> { w: &'a mut W, } impl<'a> _BLANKW<'a> { #[doc = r" Sets the field bit"] pub fn set_bit(self) -> &'a mut W { self.bit(true) } #[doc = r" Clears the field bit"] pub fn clear_bit(self) -> &'a mut W { self.bit(false) } #[doc = r" Writes raw bits to the field"] #[inline] pub fn bit(self, value: bool) -> &'a mut W { const MASK: bool = true; const OFFSET: u8 = 2; self.w.bits &= !((MASK as u32) << OFFSET); self.w.bits |= ((value & MASK) as u32) << OFFSET; self.w } } #[doc = r" Proxy"] pub struct _LOCKW<'a> { w: &'a mut W, } impl<'a> _LOCKW<'a> { #[doc = r" Sets the field bit"] pub fn set_bit(self) -> &'a mut W { self.bit(true) } #[doc = r" Clears the field bit"] pub fn clear_bit(self) -> &'a mut W { self.bit(false) } #[doc = r" Writes raw bits to the field"] #[inline] pub fn bit(self, value: bool) -> &'a mut W { const MASK: bool = true; const OFFSET: u8 = 3; self.w.bits &= !((MASK as u32) << OFFSET); self.w.bits |= ((value & MASK) as u32) << OFFSET; self.w } } #[doc = r" Proxy"] pub struct _DUTYW<'a> { w: &'a mut W, } impl<'a> _DUTYW<'a> { #[doc = r" Writes raw bits to the field"] #[inline] pub unsafe fn bits(self, value: u8) -> &'a mut W { const MASK: u8 = 3; const OFFSET: u8 = 8; self.w.bits &= !((MASK as u32) << OFFSET); self.w.bits |= ((value & MASK) as u32) << OFFSET; self.w } } #[doc = r" Proxy"] pub struct _FCSTW<'a> { w: &'a mut W, } impl<'a> _FCSTW<'a> { #[doc = r" Writes raw bits to the field"] #[inline] pub unsafe fn bits(self, value: u8) -> &'a mut W { const MASK: u8 = 63; const OFFSET: u8 = 16; self.w.bits &= !((MASK as u32) << OFFSET); self.w.bits |= ((value & MASK) as u32) << OFFSET; self.w } } #[doc = r" Proxy"] pub struct _NSUW<'a> { w: &'a mut W, } impl<'a> _NSUW<'a> { #[doc = r" Writes raw bits to the field"] #[inline] pub unsafe fn bits(self, value: u8) -> &'a mut W { const MASK: u8 = 63; const OFFSET: u8 = 24; self.w.bits &= !((MASK as u32) << OFFSET); self.w.bits |= ((value & MASK) as u32) << OFFSET; self.w } } impl R { #[doc = r" Value of the register as raw bits"] #[inline] pub fn bits(&self) -> u32 { self.bits } #[doc = "Bit 0 - External Bias Generation"] #[inline] pub fn xbias(&self) -> XBIASR { let bits = { const MASK: bool = true; const OFFSET: u8 = 0; ((self.bits >> OFFSET) & MASK as u32) != 0 }; XBIASR { bits } } #[doc = "Bit 1 - Waveform Mode"] #[inline] pub fn wmod(&self) -> WMODR { let bits = { const MASK: bool = true; const OFFSET: u8 = 1; ((self.bits >> OFFSET) & MASK as u32) != 0 }; WMODR { bits } } #[doc = "Bit 2 - Blank LCD"] #[inline] pub fn blank(&self) -> BLANKR { let bits = { const MASK: bool = true; const OFFSET: u8 = 2; ((self.bits >> OFFSET) & MASK as u32) != 0 }; BLANKR { bits } } #[doc = "Bit 3 - Lock"] #[inline] pub fn lock(&self) -> LOCKR { let bits = { const MASK: bool = true; const OFFSET: u8 = 3; ((self.bits >> OFFSET) & MASK as u32) != 0 }; LOCKR { bits } } #[doc = "Bits 8:9 - Duty Select"] #[inline] pub fn duty(&self) -> DUTYR { let bits = { const MASK: u8 = 3; const OFFSET: u8 = 8; ((self.bits >> OFFSET) & MASK as u32) as u8 }; DUTYR { bits } } #[doc = "Bits 16:21 - Fine Contrast"] #[inline] pub fn fcst(&self) -> FCSTR { let bits = { const MASK: u8 = 63; const OFFSET: u8 = 16; ((self.bits >> OFFSET) & MASK as u32) as u8 }; FCSTR { bits } } #[doc = "Bits 24:29 - Number of Segment Terminals in Use"] #[inline] pub fn nsu(&self) -> NSUR { let bits = { const MASK: u8 = 63; const OFFSET: u8 = 24; ((self.bits >> OFFSET) & MASK as u32) as u8 }; NSUR { bits } } } impl W { #[doc = r" Reset value of the register"] #[inline] pub fn reset_value() -> W { W { bits: 0 } } #[doc = r" Writes raw bits to the register"] #[inline] pub unsafe fn bits(&mut self, bits: u32) -> &mut Self { self.bits = bits; self } #[doc = "Bit 0 - External Bias Generation"] #[inline] pub fn xbias(&mut self) -> _XBIASW { _XBIASW { w: self } } #[doc = "Bit 1 - Waveform Mode"] #[inline] pub fn wmod(&mut self) -> _WMODW { _WMODW { w: self } } #[doc = "Bit 2 - Blank LCD"] #[inline] pub fn blank(&mut self) -> _BLANKW { _BLANKW { w: self } } #[doc = "Bit 3 - Lock"] #[inline] pub fn lock(&mut self) -> _LOCKW { _LOCKW { w: self } } #[doc = "Bits 8:9 - Duty Select"] #[inline] pub fn duty(&mut self) -> _DUTYW { _DUTYW { w: self } } #[doc = "Bits 16:21 - Fine Contrast"] #[inline] pub fn fcst(&mut self) -> _FCSTW { _FCSTW { w: self } } #[doc = "Bits 24:29 - Number of Segment Terminals in Use"] #[inline] pub fn nsu(&mut self) -> _NSUW { _NSUW { w: self } } }
#[doc = "Reader of register DORMANT_WAKE_INTS1"] pub type R = crate::R<u32, super::DORMANT_WAKE_INTS1>; #[doc = "Reader of field `GPIO15_EDGE_HIGH`"] pub type GPIO15_EDGE_HIGH_R = crate::R<bool, bool>; #[doc = "Reader of field `GPIO15_EDGE_LOW`"] pub type GPIO15_EDGE_LOW_R = crate::R<bool, bool>; #[doc = "Reader of field `GPIO15_LEVEL_HIGH`"] pub type GPIO15_LEVEL_HIGH_R = crate::R<bool, bool>; #[doc = "Reader of field `GPIO15_LEVEL_LOW`"] pub type GPIO15_LEVEL_LOW_R = crate::R<bool, bool>; #[doc = "Reader of field `GPIO14_EDGE_HIGH`"] pub type GPIO14_EDGE_HIGH_R = crate::R<bool, bool>; #[doc = "Reader of field `GPIO14_EDGE_LOW`"] pub type GPIO14_EDGE_LOW_R = crate::R<bool, bool>; #[doc = "Reader of field `GPIO14_LEVEL_HIGH`"] pub type GPIO14_LEVEL_HIGH_R = crate::R<bool, bool>; #[doc = "Reader of field `GPIO14_LEVEL_LOW`"] pub type GPIO14_LEVEL_LOW_R = crate::R<bool, bool>; #[doc = "Reader of field `GPIO13_EDGE_HIGH`"] pub type GPIO13_EDGE_HIGH_R = crate::R<bool, bool>; #[doc = "Reader of field `GPIO13_EDGE_LOW`"] pub type GPIO13_EDGE_LOW_R = crate::R<bool, bool>; #[doc = "Reader of field `GPIO13_LEVEL_HIGH`"] pub type GPIO13_LEVEL_HIGH_R = crate::R<bool, bool>; #[doc = "Reader of field `GPIO13_LEVEL_LOW`"] pub type GPIO13_LEVEL_LOW_R = crate::R<bool, bool>; #[doc = "Reader of field `GPIO12_EDGE_HIGH`"] pub type GPIO12_EDGE_HIGH_R = crate::R<bool, bool>; #[doc = "Reader of field `GPIO12_EDGE_LOW`"] pub type GPIO12_EDGE_LOW_R = crate::R<bool, bool>; #[doc = "Reader of field `GPIO12_LEVEL_HIGH`"] pub type GPIO12_LEVEL_HIGH_R = crate::R<bool, bool>; #[doc = "Reader of field `GPIO12_LEVEL_LOW`"] pub type GPIO12_LEVEL_LOW_R = crate::R<bool, bool>; #[doc = "Reader of field `GPIO11_EDGE_HIGH`"] pub type GPIO11_EDGE_HIGH_R = crate::R<bool, bool>; #[doc = "Reader of field `GPIO11_EDGE_LOW`"] pub type GPIO11_EDGE_LOW_R = crate::R<bool, bool>; #[doc = "Reader of field `GPIO11_LEVEL_HIGH`"] pub type GPIO11_LEVEL_HIGH_R = crate::R<bool, bool>; #[doc = "Reader of field `GPIO11_LEVEL_LOW`"] pub type GPIO11_LEVEL_LOW_R = crate::R<bool, bool>; #[doc = "Reader of field `GPIO10_EDGE_HIGH`"] pub type GPIO10_EDGE_HIGH_R = crate::R<bool, bool>; #[doc = "Reader of field `GPIO10_EDGE_LOW`"] pub type GPIO10_EDGE_LOW_R = crate::R<bool, bool>; #[doc = "Reader of field `GPIO10_LEVEL_HIGH`"] pub type GPIO10_LEVEL_HIGH_R = crate::R<bool, bool>; #[doc = "Reader of field `GPIO10_LEVEL_LOW`"] pub type GPIO10_LEVEL_LOW_R = crate::R<bool, bool>; #[doc = "Reader of field `GPIO9_EDGE_HIGH`"] pub type GPIO9_EDGE_HIGH_R = crate::R<bool, bool>; #[doc = "Reader of field `GPIO9_EDGE_LOW`"] pub type GPIO9_EDGE_LOW_R = crate::R<bool, bool>; #[doc = "Reader of field `GPIO9_LEVEL_HIGH`"] pub type GPIO9_LEVEL_HIGH_R = crate::R<bool, bool>; #[doc = "Reader of field `GPIO9_LEVEL_LOW`"] pub type GPIO9_LEVEL_LOW_R = crate::R<bool, bool>; #[doc = "Reader of field `GPIO8_EDGE_HIGH`"] pub type GPIO8_EDGE_HIGH_R = crate::R<bool, bool>; #[doc = "Reader of field `GPIO8_EDGE_LOW`"] pub type GPIO8_EDGE_LOW_R = crate::R<bool, bool>; #[doc = "Reader of field `GPIO8_LEVEL_HIGH`"] pub type GPIO8_LEVEL_HIGH_R = crate::R<bool, bool>; #[doc = "Reader of field `GPIO8_LEVEL_LOW`"] pub type GPIO8_LEVEL_LOW_R = crate::R<bool, bool>; impl R { #[doc = "Bit 31"] #[inline(always)] pub fn gpio15_edge_high(&self) -> GPIO15_EDGE_HIGH_R { GPIO15_EDGE_HIGH_R::new(((self.bits >> 31) & 0x01) != 0) } #[doc = "Bit 30"] #[inline(always)] pub fn gpio15_edge_low(&self) -> GPIO15_EDGE_LOW_R { GPIO15_EDGE_LOW_R::new(((self.bits >> 30) & 0x01) != 0) } #[doc = "Bit 29"] #[inline(always)] pub fn gpio15_level_high(&self) -> GPIO15_LEVEL_HIGH_R { GPIO15_LEVEL_HIGH_R::new(((self.bits >> 29) & 0x01) != 0) } #[doc = "Bit 28"] #[inline(always)] pub fn gpio15_level_low(&self) -> GPIO15_LEVEL_LOW_R { GPIO15_LEVEL_LOW_R::new(((self.bits >> 28) & 0x01) != 0) } #[doc = "Bit 27"] #[inline(always)] pub fn gpio14_edge_high(&self) -> GPIO14_EDGE_HIGH_R { GPIO14_EDGE_HIGH_R::new(((self.bits >> 27) & 0x01) != 0) } #[doc = "Bit 26"] #[inline(always)] pub fn gpio14_edge_low(&self) -> GPIO14_EDGE_LOW_R { GPIO14_EDGE_LOW_R::new(((self.bits >> 26) & 0x01) != 0) } #[doc = "Bit 25"] #[inline(always)] pub fn gpio14_level_high(&self) -> GPIO14_LEVEL_HIGH_R { GPIO14_LEVEL_HIGH_R::new(((self.bits >> 25) & 0x01) != 0) } #[doc = "Bit 24"] #[inline(always)] pub fn gpio14_level_low(&self) -> GPIO14_LEVEL_LOW_R { GPIO14_LEVEL_LOW_R::new(((self.bits >> 24) & 0x01) != 0) } #[doc = "Bit 23"] #[inline(always)] pub fn gpio13_edge_high(&self) -> GPIO13_EDGE_HIGH_R { GPIO13_EDGE_HIGH_R::new(((self.bits >> 23) & 0x01) != 0) } #[doc = "Bit 22"] #[inline(always)] pub fn gpio13_edge_low(&self) -> GPIO13_EDGE_LOW_R { GPIO13_EDGE_LOW_R::new(((self.bits >> 22) & 0x01) != 0) } #[doc = "Bit 21"] #[inline(always)] pub fn gpio13_level_high(&self) -> GPIO13_LEVEL_HIGH_R { GPIO13_LEVEL_HIGH_R::new(((self.bits >> 21) & 0x01) != 0) } #[doc = "Bit 20"] #[inline(always)] pub fn gpio13_level_low(&self) -> GPIO13_LEVEL_LOW_R { GPIO13_LEVEL_LOW_R::new(((self.bits >> 20) & 0x01) != 0) } #[doc = "Bit 19"] #[inline(always)] pub fn gpio12_edge_high(&self) -> GPIO12_EDGE_HIGH_R { GPIO12_EDGE_HIGH_R::new(((self.bits >> 19) & 0x01) != 0) } #[doc = "Bit 18"] #[inline(always)] pub fn gpio12_edge_low(&self) -> GPIO12_EDGE_LOW_R { GPIO12_EDGE_LOW_R::new(((self.bits >> 18) & 0x01) != 0) } #[doc = "Bit 17"] #[inline(always)] pub fn gpio12_level_high(&self) -> GPIO12_LEVEL_HIGH_R { GPIO12_LEVEL_HIGH_R::new(((self.bits >> 17) & 0x01) != 0) } #[doc = "Bit 16"] #[inline(always)] pub fn gpio12_level_low(&self) -> GPIO12_LEVEL_LOW_R { GPIO12_LEVEL_LOW_R::new(((self.bits >> 16) & 0x01) != 0) } #[doc = "Bit 15"] #[inline(always)] pub fn gpio11_edge_high(&self) -> GPIO11_EDGE_HIGH_R { GPIO11_EDGE_HIGH_R::new(((self.bits >> 15) & 0x01) != 0) } #[doc = "Bit 14"] #[inline(always)] pub fn gpio11_edge_low(&self) -> GPIO11_EDGE_LOW_R { GPIO11_EDGE_LOW_R::new(((self.bits >> 14) & 0x01) != 0) } #[doc = "Bit 13"] #[inline(always)] pub fn gpio11_level_high(&self) -> GPIO11_LEVEL_HIGH_R { GPIO11_LEVEL_HIGH_R::new(((self.bits >> 13) & 0x01) != 0) } #[doc = "Bit 12"] #[inline(always)] pub fn gpio11_level_low(&self) -> GPIO11_LEVEL_LOW_R { GPIO11_LEVEL_LOW_R::new(((self.bits >> 12) & 0x01) != 0) } #[doc = "Bit 11"] #[inline(always)] pub fn gpio10_edge_high(&self) -> GPIO10_EDGE_HIGH_R { GPIO10_EDGE_HIGH_R::new(((self.bits >> 11) & 0x01) != 0) } #[doc = "Bit 10"] #[inline(always)] pub fn gpio10_edge_low(&self) -> GPIO10_EDGE_LOW_R { GPIO10_EDGE_LOW_R::new(((self.bits >> 10) & 0x01) != 0) } #[doc = "Bit 9"] #[inline(always)] pub fn gpio10_level_high(&self) -> GPIO10_LEVEL_HIGH_R { GPIO10_LEVEL_HIGH_R::new(((self.bits >> 9) & 0x01) != 0) } #[doc = "Bit 8"] #[inline(always)] pub fn gpio10_level_low(&self) -> GPIO10_LEVEL_LOW_R { GPIO10_LEVEL_LOW_R::new(((self.bits >> 8) & 0x01) != 0) } #[doc = "Bit 7"] #[inline(always)] pub fn gpio9_edge_high(&self) -> GPIO9_EDGE_HIGH_R { GPIO9_EDGE_HIGH_R::new(((self.bits >> 7) & 0x01) != 0) } #[doc = "Bit 6"] #[inline(always)] pub fn gpio9_edge_low(&self) -> GPIO9_EDGE_LOW_R { GPIO9_EDGE_LOW_R::new(((self.bits >> 6) & 0x01) != 0) } #[doc = "Bit 5"] #[inline(always)] pub fn gpio9_level_high(&self) -> GPIO9_LEVEL_HIGH_R { GPIO9_LEVEL_HIGH_R::new(((self.bits >> 5) & 0x01) != 0) } #[doc = "Bit 4"] #[inline(always)] pub fn gpio9_level_low(&self) -> GPIO9_LEVEL_LOW_R { GPIO9_LEVEL_LOW_R::new(((self.bits >> 4) & 0x01) != 0) } #[doc = "Bit 3"] #[inline(always)] pub fn gpio8_edge_high(&self) -> GPIO8_EDGE_HIGH_R { GPIO8_EDGE_HIGH_R::new(((self.bits >> 3) & 0x01) != 0) } #[doc = "Bit 2"] #[inline(always)] pub fn gpio8_edge_low(&self) -> GPIO8_EDGE_LOW_R { GPIO8_EDGE_LOW_R::new(((self.bits >> 2) & 0x01) != 0) } #[doc = "Bit 1"] #[inline(always)] pub fn gpio8_level_high(&self) -> GPIO8_LEVEL_HIGH_R { GPIO8_LEVEL_HIGH_R::new(((self.bits >> 1) & 0x01) != 0) } #[doc = "Bit 0"] #[inline(always)] pub fn gpio8_level_low(&self) -> GPIO8_LEVEL_LOW_R { GPIO8_LEVEL_LOW_R::new((self.bits & 0x01) != 0) } }
//! duckdb-rs is an ergonomic wrapper for using DuckDB from Rust. It attempts to //! expose an interface similar to [rusqlite](https://github.com/rusqlite/rusqlite). //! //! ```rust //! use duckdb::{params, Connection, Result}; //! use arrow::record_batch::RecordBatch; //! use arrow::util::pretty::print_batches; //! //! #[derive(Debug)] //! struct Person { //! id: i32, //! name: String, //! data: Option<Vec<u8>>, //! } //! //! fn main() -> Result<()> { //! let conn = Connection::open_in_memory()?; //! //! conn.execute_batch( //! r"CREATE SEQUENCE seq; //! CREATE TABLE person ( //! id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT NEXTVAL('seq'), //! name TEXT NOT NULL, //! data BLOB //! ); //! ")?; //! let me = Person { //! id: 0, //! name: "Steven".to_string(), //! data: None, //! }; //! conn.execute( //! "INSERT INTO person (name, data) VALUES (?, ?)", //! params![me.name, me.data], //! )?; //! //! let mut stmt = conn.prepare("SELECT id, name, data FROM person")?; //! let person_iter = stmt.query_map([], |row| { //! Ok(Person { //! id: row.get(0)?, //! name: row.get(1)?, //! data: row.get(2)?, //! }) //! })?; //! //! for person in person_iter { //! println!("Found person {:?}", person.unwrap()); //! } //! //! // query table by arrow //! let rbs: Vec<RecordBatch> = stmt.query_arrow([])?.collect(); //! print_batches(&rbs); //! Ok(()) //! } //! ``` #![warn(missing_docs)] pub use libduckdb_sys as ffi; use std::cell::RefCell; use std::convert; use std::default::Default; use std::ffi::CString; use std::fmt; use std::path::{Path, PathBuf}; use std::result; use std::str; use crate::inner_connection::InnerConnection; use crate::raw_statement::RawStatement; use crate::types::ValueRef; pub use crate::appender::Appender; pub use crate::appender_params::{appender_params_from_iter, AppenderParams, AppenderParamsFromIter}; pub use crate::arrow_batch::Arrow; pub use crate::column::Column; pub use crate::config::{AccessMode, Config, DefaultNullOrder, DefaultOrder}; pub use crate::error::Error; pub use crate::ffi::ErrorCode; pub use crate::params::{params_from_iter, Params, ParamsFromIter}; pub use crate::row::{AndThenRows, Map, MappedRows, Row, RowIndex, Rows}; pub use crate::statement::Statement; pub use crate::transaction::{DropBehavior, Savepoint, Transaction, TransactionBehavior}; pub use crate::types::ToSql; #[macro_use] mod error; mod appender; mod appender_params; mod arrow_batch; mod column; mod config; mod inner_connection; mod params; mod pragma; mod raw_statement; mod row; mod statement; mod transaction; pub mod types; pub(crate) mod util; /// A macro making it more convenient to pass heterogeneous or long lists of /// parameters as a `&[&dyn ToSql]`. /// /// # Example /// /// ```rust,no_run /// # use duckdb::{Result, Connection, params}; /// /// struct Person { /// name: String, /// age_in_years: u8, /// data: Option<Vec<u8>>, /// } /// /// fn add_person(conn: &Connection, person: &Person) -> Result<()> { /// conn.execute("INSERT INTO person (name, age_in_years, data) /// VALUES (?1, ?2, ?3)", /// params![person.name, person.age_in_years, person.data])?; /// Ok(()) /// } /// ``` #[macro_export] macro_rules! params { () => { &[] as &[&dyn $crate::ToSql] }; ($($param:expr),+ $(,)?) => { &[$(&$param as &dyn $crate::ToSql),+] as &[&dyn $crate::ToSql] }; } /// A typedef of the result returned by many methods. pub type Result<T, E = Error> = result::Result<T, E>; /// See the [method documentation](#tymethod.optional). pub trait OptionalExt<T> { /// Converts a `Result<T>` into a `Result<Option<T>>`. /// /// By default, duckdb-rs treats 0 rows being returned from a query that is /// expected to return 1 row as an error. This method will /// handle that error, and give you back an `Option<T>` instead. fn optional(self) -> Result<Option<T>>; } impl<T> OptionalExt<T> for Result<T> { fn optional(self) -> Result<Option<T>> { match self { Ok(value) => Ok(Some(value)), Err(Error::QueryReturnedNoRows) => Ok(None), Err(e) => Err(e), } } } /// Name for a database within a DuckDB connection. #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)] pub enum DatabaseName<'a> { /// The main database. Main, /// The temporary database (e.g., any "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE" tables). Temp, /// A database that has been attached via "ATTACH DATABASE ...". Attached(&'a str), } impl<'a> fmt::Display for DatabaseName<'a> { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { match *self { DatabaseName::Main => write!(f, "main"), DatabaseName::Temp => write!(f, "temp"), DatabaseName::Attached(s) => write!(f, "{}", s), } } } /// Shorthand for [`DatabaseName::Main`]. pub const MAIN_DB: DatabaseName<'static> = DatabaseName::Main; /// Shorthand for [`DatabaseName::Temp`]. pub const TEMP_DB: DatabaseName<'static> = DatabaseName::Temp; /// A connection to a DuckDB database. pub struct Connection { db: RefCell<InnerConnection>, path: Option<PathBuf>, } unsafe impl Send for Connection {} impl Clone for Connection { /// Open a new db connection fn clone(&self) -> Self { Connection { db: RefCell::new(self.db.borrow().clone()), path: self.path.clone(), } } } impl Connection { /// Open a new connection to a DuckDB database. /// /// `Connection::open(path)` is equivalent to /// `Connection::open_with_flags(path, /// Config::default())`. /// /// ```rust,no_run /// # use duckdb::{Connection, Result}; /// fn open_my_db() -> Result<()> { /// let path = "./my_db.db3"; /// let db = Connection::open(&path)?; /// println!("{}", db.is_autocommit()); /// Ok(()) /// } /// ``` /// /// # Failure /// /// Will return `Err` if `path` cannot be converted to a C-compatible /// string or if the underlying DuckDB open call fails. #[inline] pub fn open<P: AsRef<Path>>(path: P) -> Result<Connection> { Connection::open_with_flags(path, Config::default()) } /// Open a new connection to an in-memory DuckDB database. /// /// # Failure /// /// Will return `Err` if the underlying DuckDB open call fails. #[inline] pub fn open_in_memory() -> Result<Connection> { Connection::open_in_memory_with_flags(Config::default()) } /// Open a new connection to a DuckDB database. /// /// # Failure /// /// Will return `Err` if `path` cannot be converted to a C-compatible /// string or if the underlying DuckDB open call fails. #[inline] pub fn open_with_flags<P: AsRef<Path>>(path: P, config: Config) -> Result<Connection> { #[cfg(unix)] fn path_to_cstring(p: &Path) -> Result<CString> { use std::os::unix::ffi::OsStrExt; Ok(CString::new(p.as_os_str().as_bytes())?) } #[cfg(not(unix))] fn path_to_cstring(p: &Path) -> Result<CString> { let s = p.to_str().ok_or_else(|| Error::InvalidPath(p.to_owned()))?; Ok(CString::new(s)?) } let c_path = path_to_cstring(path.as_ref())?; InnerConnection::open_with_flags(&c_path, config).map(|db| Connection { db: RefCell::new(db), path: Some(path.as_ref().to_path_buf()), }) } /// Open a new connection to an in-memory DuckDB database. /// /// # Failure /// /// Will return `Err` if the underlying DuckDB open call fails. #[inline] pub fn open_in_memory_with_flags(config: Config) -> Result<Connection> { Connection::open_with_flags(":memory:", config) } /// Convenience method to run multiple SQL statements (that cannot take any /// parameters). /// /// ## Example /// /// ```rust,no_run /// # use duckdb::{Connection, Result}; /// fn create_tables(conn: &Connection) -> Result<()> { /// conn.execute_batch("BEGIN; /// CREATE TABLE foo(x INTEGER); /// CREATE TABLE bar(y TEXT); /// COMMIT;", /// ) /// } /// ``` /// /// # Failure /// /// Will return `Err` if `sql` cannot be converted to a C-compatible string /// or if the underlying DuckDB call fails. pub fn execute_batch(&self, sql: &str) -> Result<()> { self.db.borrow_mut().execute(sql) } /// Convenience method to prepare and execute a single SQL statement. /// /// On success, returns the number of rows that were changed or inserted or /// deleted. /// /// ## Example /// /// ### With params /// /// ```rust,no_run /// # use duckdb::{Connection}; /// fn update_rows(conn: &Connection) { /// match conn.execute("UPDATE foo SET bar = 'baz' WHERE qux = ?", [1i32]) { /// Ok(updated) => println!("{} rows were updated", updated), /// Err(err) => println!("update failed: {}", err), /// } /// } /// ``` /// /// ### With params of varying types /// /// ```rust,no_run /// # use duckdb::{Connection, params}; /// fn update_rows(conn: &Connection) { /// match conn.execute("UPDATE foo SET bar = ? WHERE qux = ?", params![&"baz", 1i32]) { /// Ok(updated) => println!("{} rows were updated", updated), /// Err(err) => println!("update failed: {}", err), /// } /// } /// ``` /// /// # Failure /// /// Will return `Err` if `sql` cannot be converted to a C-compatible string /// or if the underlying DuckDB call fails. #[inline] pub fn execute<P: Params>(&self, sql: &str, params: P) -> Result<usize> { self.prepare(sql).and_then(|mut stmt| stmt.execute(params)) } /// Returns the path to the database file, if one exists and is known. #[inline] pub fn path(&self) -> Option<&Path> { self.path.as_deref() } /// Convenience method to execute a query that is expected to return a /// single row. /// /// ## Example /// /// ```rust,no_run /// # use duckdb::{Result, Connection}; /// fn preferred_locale(conn: &Connection) -> Result<String> { /// conn.query_row( /// "SELECT value FROM preferences WHERE name='locale'", /// [], /// |row| row.get(0), /// ) /// } /// ``` /// /// If the query returns more than one row, all rows except the first are /// ignored. /// /// Returns `Err(QueryReturnedNoRows)` if no results are returned. If the /// query truly is optional, you can call `.optional()` on the result of /// this to get a `Result<Option<T>>`. /// /// # Failure /// /// Will return `Err` if `sql` cannot be converted to a C-compatible string /// or if the underlying DuckDB call fails. #[inline] pub fn query_row<T, P, F>(&self, sql: &str, params: P, f: F) -> Result<T> where P: Params, F: FnOnce(&Row<'_>) -> Result<T>, { self.prepare(sql)?.query_row(params, f) } /// Convenience method to execute a query that is expected to return a /// single row, and execute a mapping via `f` on that returned row with /// the possibility of failure. The `Result` type of `f` must implement /// `std::convert::From<Error>`. /// /// ## Example /// /// ```rust,no_run /// # use duckdb::{Result, Connection}; /// fn preferred_locale(conn: &Connection) -> Result<String> { /// conn.query_row_and_then( /// "SELECT value FROM preferences WHERE name='locale'", /// [], /// |row| row.get(0), /// ) /// } /// ``` /// /// If the query returns more than one row, all rows except the first are /// ignored. /// /// # Failure /// /// Will return `Err` if `sql` cannot be converted to a C-compatible string /// or if the underlying DuckDB call fails. #[inline] pub fn query_row_and_then<T, E, P, F>(&self, sql: &str, params: P, f: F) -> Result<T, E> where P: Params, F: FnOnce(&Row<'_>) -> Result<T, E>, E: convert::From<Error>, { self.prepare(sql)? .query(params)? .get_expected_row() .map_err(E::from) .and_then(f) } /// Prepare a SQL statement for execution. /// /// ## Example /// /// ```rust,no_run /// # use duckdb::{Connection, Result}; /// fn insert_new_people(conn: &Connection) -> Result<()> { /// let mut stmt = conn.prepare("INSERT INTO People (name) VALUES (?)")?; /// stmt.execute(["Joe Smith"])?; /// stmt.execute(["Bob Jones"])?; /// Ok(()) /// } /// ``` /// /// # Failure /// /// Will return `Err` if `sql` cannot be converted to a C-compatible string /// or if the underlying DuckDB call fails. #[inline] pub fn prepare(&self, sql: &str) -> Result<Statement<'_>> { self.db.borrow_mut().prepare(self, sql) } /// Create an Appender for fast import data /// default to use `DatabaseName::Main` /// /// ## Example /// /// ```rust,no_run /// # use duckdb::{Connection, Result, params}; /// fn insert_rows(conn: &Connection) -> Result<()> { /// let mut app = conn.appender("foo")?; /// app.append_rows([[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6], [7, 8], [9, 10]])?; /// Ok(()) /// } /// ``` /// /// # Failure /// /// Will return `Err` if `table` not exists pub fn appender(&self, table: &str) -> Result<Appender<'_>> { self.appender_to_db(table, &DatabaseName::Main.to_string()) } /// Create an Appender for fast import data /// /// ## Example /// /// ```rust,no_run /// # use duckdb::{Connection, Result, params, DatabaseName}; /// fn insert_rows(conn: &Connection) -> Result<()> { /// let mut app = conn.appender_to_db("foo", &DatabaseName::Main.to_string())?; /// app.append_rows([[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6], [7, 8], [9, 10]])?; /// Ok(()) /// } /// ``` /// /// # Failure /// /// Will return `Err` if `table` not exists pub fn appender_to_db(&self, table: &str, schema: &str) -> Result<Appender<'_>> { self.db.borrow_mut().appender(self, table, schema) } /// Close the DuckDB connection. /// /// This is functionally equivalent to the `Drop` implementation for /// `Connection` except that on failure, it returns an error and the /// connection itself (presumably so closing can be attempted again). /// /// # Failure /// /// Will return `Err` if the underlying DuckDB call fails. #[inline] pub fn close(self) -> Result<(), (Connection, Error)> { let r = self.db.borrow_mut().close(); r.map_err(move |err| (self, err)) } /// Test for auto-commit mode. /// Autocommit mode is on by default. #[inline] pub fn is_autocommit(&self) -> bool { self.db.borrow().is_autocommit() } } impl fmt::Debug for Connection { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { f.debug_struct("Connection").field("path", &self.path).finish() } } #[cfg(doctest)] doc_comment::doctest!("../README.md"); #[cfg(test)] mod test { use super::*; use std::error::Error as StdError; use std::fmt; use arrow::array::Int32Array; use arrow::record_batch::RecordBatch; use fallible_iterator::FallibleIterator; // this function is never called, but is still type checked; in // particular, calls with specific instantiations will require // that those types are `Send`. #[allow(dead_code, unconditional_recursion)] fn ensure_send<T: Send>() { ensure_send::<Connection>(); } pub fn checked_memory_handle() -> Connection { Connection::open_in_memory().unwrap() } #[test] fn test_params_of_vary_types() -> Result<()> { let db = checked_memory_handle(); let sql = "BEGIN; CREATE TABLE foo(bar TEXT, qux INTEGER); INSERT INTO foo VALUES ('baz', 1), ('baz', 2), ('baz', 3); END;"; db.execute_batch(sql)?; let changed = db.execute("UPDATE foo SET qux = ? WHERE bar = ?", params![1i32, &"baz"])?; assert_eq!(changed, 3); Ok(()) } #[test] fn test_concurrent_transactions_busy_commit() -> Result<()> { let tmp = tempfile::tempdir().unwrap(); let path = tmp.path().join("transactions.db3"); Connection::open(&path)?.execute_batch( " BEGIN; CREATE TABLE foo(x INTEGER); INSERT INTO foo VALUES(42); END;", )?; let mut db1 = Connection::open_with_flags(&path, Config::default().access_mode(config::AccessMode::ReadWrite)?)?; let mut db2 = Connection::open_with_flags(&path, Config::default().access_mode(config::AccessMode::ReadWrite)?)?; { let tx1 = db1.transaction()?; let tx2 = db2.transaction()?; // SELECT first makes sqlite lock with a shared lock tx1.query_row("SELECT x FROM foo LIMIT 1", [], |_| Ok(()))?; tx2.query_row("SELECT x FROM foo LIMIT 1", [], |_| Ok(()))?; tx1.execute("INSERT INTO foo VALUES(?1)", [1])?; let _ = tx2.execute("INSERT INTO foo VALUES(?1)", [2]); let _ = tx1.commit(); let _ = tx2.commit(); } let _ = db1.transaction().expect("commit should have closed transaction"); let _ = db2.transaction().expect("commit should have closed transaction"); Ok(()) } #[test] fn test_persistence() -> Result<()> { let temp_dir = tempfile::tempdir().unwrap(); let path = temp_dir.path().join("test.db3"); { let db = Connection::open(&path)?; let sql = "BEGIN; CREATE TABLE foo(x INTEGER); INSERT INTO foo VALUES(42); END;"; db.execute_batch(sql)?; } let path_string = path.to_str().unwrap(); let db = Connection::open(&path_string)?; let the_answer: Result<i64> = db.query_row("SELECT x FROM foo", [], |r| r.get(0)); assert_eq!(42i64, the_answer?); Ok(()) } #[test] fn test_open() { let con = Connection::open_in_memory(); if con.is_err() { panic!("open error {}", con.unwrap_err()); } assert!(Connection::open_in_memory().is_ok()); let db = checked_memory_handle(); assert!(db.close().is_ok()); let _ = checked_memory_handle(); let _ = checked_memory_handle(); } #[test] fn test_open_failure() -> Result<()> { let filename = "no_such_file.db"; let result = Connection::open_with_flags(filename, Config::default().access_mode(config::AccessMode::ReadOnly)?); assert!(!result.is_ok()); let err = result.err().unwrap(); if let Error::DuckDBFailure(_e, Some(msg)) = err { // TODO: update error code // assert_eq!(ErrorCode::CannotOpen, e.code); assert!( msg.contains(filename), "error message '{}' does not contain '{}'", msg, filename ); } else { panic!("DuckDBFailure expected"); } Ok(()) } #[cfg(unix)] #[test] fn test_invalid_unicode_file_names() -> Result<()> { use std::ffi::OsStr; use std::fs::File; use std::os::unix::ffi::OsStrExt; let temp_dir = tempfile::tempdir().unwrap(); let path = temp_dir.path(); if File::create(path.join(OsStr::from_bytes(&[0xFE]))).is_err() { // Skip test, filesystem doesn't support invalid Unicode return Ok(()); } let db_path = path.join(OsStr::from_bytes(&[0xFF])); { let db = Connection::open(&db_path)?; let sql = "BEGIN; CREATE TABLE foo(x INTEGER); INSERT INTO foo VALUES(42); END;"; db.execute_batch(sql)?; } let db = Connection::open(&db_path)?; let the_answer: Result<i64> = db.query_row("SELECT x FROM foo", [], |r| r.get(0)); assert_eq!(42i64, the_answer?); Ok(()) } #[test] fn test_close_always_ok() -> Result<()> { let db = checked_memory_handle(); // TODO: prepare a query but not execute it db.close().unwrap(); Ok(()) } #[test] fn test_execute_batch() -> Result<()> { let db = checked_memory_handle(); let sql = "BEGIN; CREATE TABLE foo(x INTEGER); INSERT INTO foo VALUES(1); INSERT INTO foo VALUES(2); INSERT INTO foo VALUES(3); INSERT INTO foo VALUES(4); END;"; db.execute_batch(sql)?; db.execute_batch("UPDATE foo SET x = 3 WHERE x < 3")?; assert!(db.execute_batch("INVALID SQL").is_err()); Ok(()) } #[test] fn test_execute_single() -> Result<()> { let db = checked_memory_handle(); db.execute_batch("CREATE TABLE foo(x INTEGER)")?; assert_eq!( 3, db.execute("INSERT INTO foo(x) VALUES (?), (?), (?)", [1i32, 2i32, 3i32])? ); assert_eq!(1, db.execute("INSERT INTO foo(x) VALUES (?)", [4i32])?); assert_eq!( 10i32, db.query_row::<i32, _, _>("SELECT SUM(x) FROM foo", [], |r| r.get(0))? ); Ok(()) } #[test] fn test_prepare_column_names() -> Result<()> { let db = checked_memory_handle(); db.execute_batch("CREATE TABLE foo(x INTEGER);")?; let mut stmt = db.prepare("SELECT * FROM foo")?; stmt.execute([])?; assert_eq!(stmt.column_count(), 1); assert_eq!(stmt.column_names(), vec!["x"]); let mut stmt = db.prepare("SELECT x AS a, x AS b FROM foo")?; stmt.execute([])?; assert_eq!(stmt.column_count(), 2); assert_eq!(stmt.column_names(), vec!["a", "b"]); Ok(()) } #[test] fn test_prepare_execute() -> Result<()> { let db = checked_memory_handle(); db.execute_batch("CREATE TABLE foo(x INTEGER);")?; let mut insert_stmt = db.prepare("INSERT INTO foo(x) VALUES(?)")?; assert_eq!(insert_stmt.execute([1i32])?, 1); assert_eq!(insert_stmt.execute([2i32])?, 1); assert_eq!(insert_stmt.execute([3i32])?, 1); assert!(insert_stmt.execute(["hello"]).is_err()); // NOTE: can't execute on errored stmt // assert!(insert_stmt.execute(["goodbye"]).is_err()); // assert!(insert_stmt.execute([types::Null]).is_err()); let mut update_stmt = db.prepare("UPDATE foo SET x=? WHERE x<?")?; assert_eq!(update_stmt.execute([3i32, 3i32])?, 2); assert_eq!(update_stmt.execute([3i32, 3i32])?, 0); assert_eq!(update_stmt.execute([8i32, 8i32])?, 3); Ok(()) } #[test] fn test_prepare_query() -> Result<()> { let db = checked_memory_handle(); db.execute_batch("CREATE TABLE foo(x INTEGER);")?; let mut insert_stmt = db.prepare("INSERT INTO foo(x) VALUES(?)")?; assert_eq!(insert_stmt.execute([1i32])?, 1); assert_eq!(insert_stmt.execute([2i32])?, 1); assert_eq!(insert_stmt.execute([3i32])?, 1); let mut query = db.prepare("SELECT x FROM foo WHERE x < ? ORDER BY x DESC")?; { let mut rows = query.query([4i32])?; let mut v = Vec::<i32>::new(); while let Some(row) = rows.next()? { v.push(row.get(0)?); } assert_eq!(v, [3i32, 2, 1]); } { let mut rows = query.query([3i32])?; let mut v = Vec::<i32>::new(); while let Some(row) = rows.next()? { v.push(row.get(0)?); } assert_eq!(v, [2i32, 1]); } Ok(()) } #[test] fn test_query_map() -> Result<()> { let db = checked_memory_handle(); let sql = "BEGIN; CREATE TABLE foo(x INTEGER, y TEXT); INSERT INTO foo VALUES(4, 'hello'); INSERT INTO foo VALUES(3, ', '); INSERT INTO foo VALUES(2, 'world'); INSERT INTO foo VALUES(1, '!'); END;"; db.execute_batch(sql)?; let mut query = db.prepare("SELECT x, y FROM foo ORDER BY x DESC")?; let results: Result<Vec<String>> = query.query([])?.map(|row| row.get(1)).collect(); assert_eq!(results?.concat(), "hello, world!"); Ok(()) } #[test] fn test_query_row() -> Result<()> { let db = checked_memory_handle(); let sql = "BEGIN; CREATE TABLE foo(x INTEGER); INSERT INTO foo VALUES(1); INSERT INTO foo VALUES(2); INSERT INTO foo VALUES(3); INSERT INTO foo VALUES(4); END;"; db.execute_batch(sql)?; assert_eq!( 10i64, db.query_row::<i64, _, _>("SELECT SUM(x) FROM foo", [], |r| r.get(0))? ); let result: Result<i64> = db.query_row("SELECT x FROM foo WHERE x > 5", [], |r| r.get(0)); match result.unwrap_err() { Error::QueryReturnedNoRows => (), err => panic!("Unexpected error {}", err), } let bad_query_result = db.query_row("NOT A PROPER QUERY; test123", [], |_| Ok(())); assert!(bad_query_result.is_err()); Ok(()) } #[test] fn test_optional() -> Result<()> { let db = checked_memory_handle(); let result: Result<i64> = db.query_row("SELECT 1 WHERE 0 <> 0", [], |r| r.get(0)); let result = result.optional(); match result? { None => (), _ => panic!("Unexpected result"), } let result: Result<i64> = db.query_row("SELECT 1 WHERE 0 == 0", [], |r| r.get(0)); let result = result.optional(); match result? { Some(1) => (), _ => panic!("Unexpected result"), } let bad_query_result: Result<i64> = db.query_row("NOT A PROPER QUERY", [], |r| r.get(0)); let bad_query_result = bad_query_result.optional(); assert!(bad_query_result.is_err()); Ok(()) } #[test] fn test_prepare_failures() -> Result<()> { let db = checked_memory_handle(); db.execute_batch("CREATE TABLE foo(x INTEGER);")?; let _ = db.prepare("SELECT * FROM does_not_exist").unwrap_err(); // assert!(format!("{}", err).contains("does_not_exist")); Ok(()) } #[test] fn test_is_autocommit() { let db = checked_memory_handle(); assert!(db.is_autocommit(), "autocommit expected to be active by default"); } #[test] #[ignore = "not supported"] fn test_statement_debugging() -> Result<()> { let db = checked_memory_handle(); let query = "SELECT 12345"; let stmt = db.prepare(query)?; assert!(format!("{:?}", stmt).contains(query)); Ok(()) } #[test] fn test_notnull_constraint_error() -> Result<()> { let db = checked_memory_handle(); db.execute_batch("CREATE TABLE foo(x TEXT NOT NULL)")?; let result = db.execute("INSERT INTO foo (x) VALUES (NULL)", []); assert!(result.is_err()); match result.unwrap_err() { Error::DuckDBFailure(err, _) => { // TODO(wangfenjin): Update errorcode assert_eq!(err.code, ErrorCode::Unknown); } err => panic!("Unexpected error {}", err), } Ok(()) } #[test] fn test_clone() -> Result<()> { let owned_con = checked_memory_handle(); { let cloned_con = owned_con.clone(); cloned_con.execute_batch("PRAGMA VERSION")?; } owned_con.close().unwrap(); Ok(()) } mod query_and_then_tests { use super::*; #[derive(Debug)] enum CustomError { SomeError, Sqlite(Error), } impl fmt::Display for CustomError { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> Result<(), fmt::Error> { match *self { CustomError::SomeError => write!(f, "my custom error"), CustomError::Sqlite(ref se) => write!(f, "my custom error: {}", se), } } } impl StdError for CustomError { fn description(&self) -> &str { "my custom error" } fn cause(&self) -> Option<&dyn StdError> { match *self { CustomError::SomeError => None, CustomError::Sqlite(ref se) => Some(se), } } } impl From<Error> for CustomError { fn from(se: Error) -> CustomError { CustomError::Sqlite(se) } } type CustomResult<T> = Result<T, CustomError>; #[test] fn test_query_and_then() -> Result<()> { let db = checked_memory_handle(); let sql = "BEGIN; CREATE TABLE foo(x INTEGER, y TEXT); INSERT INTO foo VALUES(4, 'hello'); INSERT INTO foo VALUES(3, ', '); INSERT INTO foo VALUES(2, 'world'); INSERT INTO foo VALUES(1, '!'); END;"; db.execute_batch(sql)?; let mut query = db.prepare("SELECT x, y FROM foo ORDER BY x DESC")?; let results: Result<Vec<String>> = query.query_and_then([], |row| row.get(1))?.collect(); assert_eq!(results?.concat(), "hello, world!"); Ok(()) } #[test] fn test_query_and_then_fails() -> Result<()> { let db = checked_memory_handle(); let sql = "BEGIN; CREATE TABLE foo(x INTEGER, y TEXT); INSERT INTO foo VALUES(4, 'hello'); INSERT INTO foo VALUES(3, ', '); INSERT INTO foo VALUES(2, 'world'); INSERT INTO foo VALUES(1, '!'); END;"; db.execute_batch(sql)?; let mut query = db.prepare("SELECT x, y FROM foo ORDER BY x DESC")?; let bad_type: Result<Vec<f64>> = query.query_and_then([], |row| row.get(1))?.collect(); match bad_type.unwrap_err() { Error::InvalidColumnType(..) => (), err => panic!("Unexpected error {}", err), } let bad_idx: Result<Vec<String>> = query.query_and_then([], |row| row.get(3))?.collect(); match bad_idx.unwrap_err() { Error::InvalidColumnIndex(_) => (), err => panic!("Unexpected error {}", err), } Ok(()) } #[test] fn test_query_and_then_custom_error() -> CustomResult<()> { let db = checked_memory_handle(); let sql = "BEGIN; CREATE TABLE foo(x INTEGER, y TEXT); INSERT INTO foo VALUES(4, 'hello'); INSERT INTO foo VALUES(3, ', '); INSERT INTO foo VALUES(2, 'world'); INSERT INTO foo VALUES(1, '!'); END;"; db.execute_batch(sql)?; let mut query = db.prepare("SELECT x, y FROM foo ORDER BY x DESC")?; let results: CustomResult<Vec<String>> = query .query_and_then([], |row| row.get(1).map_err(CustomError::Sqlite))? .collect(); assert_eq!(results?.concat(), "hello, world!"); Ok(()) } #[test] fn test_query_and_then_custom_error_fails() -> Result<()> { let db = checked_memory_handle(); let sql = "BEGIN; CREATE TABLE foo(x INTEGER, y TEXT); INSERT INTO foo VALUES(4, 'hello'); INSERT INTO foo VALUES(3, ', '); INSERT INTO foo VALUES(2, 'world'); INSERT INTO foo VALUES(1, '!'); END;"; db.execute_batch(sql)?; let mut query = db.prepare("SELECT x, y FROM foo ORDER BY x DESC")?; let bad_type: CustomResult<Vec<f64>> = query .query_and_then([], |row| row.get(1).map_err(CustomError::Sqlite))? .collect(); match bad_type.unwrap_err() { CustomError::Sqlite(Error::InvalidColumnType(..)) => (), err => panic!("Unexpected error {}", err), } let bad_idx: CustomResult<Vec<String>> = query .query_and_then([], |row| row.get(3).map_err(CustomError::Sqlite))? .collect(); match bad_idx.unwrap_err() { CustomError::Sqlite(Error::InvalidColumnIndex(_)) => (), err => panic!("Unexpected error {}", err), } let non_sqlite_err: CustomResult<Vec<String>> = query.query_and_then([], |_| Err(CustomError::SomeError))?.collect(); match non_sqlite_err.unwrap_err() { CustomError::SomeError => (), err => panic!("Unexpected error {}", err), } Ok(()) } #[test] fn test_query_row_and_then_custom_error() -> CustomResult<()> { let db = checked_memory_handle(); let sql = "BEGIN; CREATE TABLE foo(x INTEGER, y TEXT); INSERT INTO foo VALUES(4, 'hello'); END;"; db.execute_batch(sql)?; let query = "SELECT x, y FROM foo ORDER BY x DESC"; let results: CustomResult<String> = db.query_row_and_then(query, [], |row| row.get(1).map_err(CustomError::Sqlite)); assert_eq!(results?, "hello"); Ok(()) } #[test] fn test_query_row_and_then_custom_error_fails() -> Result<()> { let db = checked_memory_handle(); let sql = "BEGIN; CREATE TABLE foo(x INTEGER, y TEXT); INSERT INTO foo VALUES(4, 'hello'); END;"; db.execute_batch(sql)?; let query = "SELECT x, y FROM foo ORDER BY x DESC"; let bad_type: CustomResult<f64> = db.query_row_and_then(query, [], |row| row.get(1).map_err(CustomError::Sqlite)); match bad_type.unwrap_err() { CustomError::Sqlite(Error::InvalidColumnType(..)) => (), err => panic!("Unexpected error {}", err), } let bad_idx: CustomResult<String> = db.query_row_and_then(query, [], |row| row.get(3).map_err(CustomError::Sqlite)); match bad_idx.unwrap_err() { CustomError::Sqlite(Error::InvalidColumnIndex(_)) => (), err => panic!("Unexpected error {}", err), } let non_sqlite_err: CustomResult<String> = db.query_row_and_then(query, [], |_| Err(CustomError::SomeError)); match non_sqlite_err.unwrap_err() { CustomError::SomeError => (), err => panic!("Unexpected error {}", err), } Ok(()) } } #[test] fn test_dynamic() -> Result<()> { let db = checked_memory_handle(); let sql = "BEGIN; CREATE TABLE foo(x INTEGER, y TEXT); INSERT INTO foo VALUES(4, 'hello'); END;"; db.execute_batch(sql)?; db.query_row("SELECT * FROM foo", [], |r| { assert_eq!(2, r.as_ref().column_count()); Ok(()) }) } #[test] fn test_dyn_box() -> Result<()> { let db = checked_memory_handle(); db.execute_batch("CREATE TABLE foo(x INTEGER);")?; let b: Box<dyn ToSql> = Box::new(5); db.execute("INSERT INTO foo VALUES(?)", [b])?; db.query_row("SELECT x FROM foo", [], |r| { assert_eq!(5, r.get_unwrap::<_, i32>(0)); Ok(()) }) } #[test] fn test_alter_table() -> Result<()> { let db = checked_memory_handle(); db.execute_batch("CREATE TABLE x(t INTEGER);")?; // `execute_batch` should be used but `execute` should also work db.execute("ALTER TABLE x RENAME TO y;", [])?; Ok(()) } #[test] fn test_query_arrow_record_batch_small() -> Result<()> { let db = checked_memory_handle(); let sql = "BEGIN TRANSACTION; CREATE TABLE test(t INTEGER); INSERT INTO test VALUES (1); INSERT INTO test VALUES (2); INSERT INTO test VALUES (3); INSERT INTO test VALUES (4); INSERT INTO test VALUES (5); END TRANSACTION;"; db.execute_batch(sql)?; let mut stmt = db.prepare("select t from test order by t desc")?; let mut arr = stmt.query_arrow([])?; let rb = arr.next().unwrap(); let column = rb.column(0).as_any().downcast_ref::<Int32Array>().unwrap(); assert_eq!(column.len(), 5); assert_eq!(column.value(0), 5); assert_eq!(column.value(1), 4); assert_eq!(column.value(2), 3); assert_eq!(column.value(3), 2); assert_eq!(column.value(4), 1); assert!(arr.next().is_none()); Ok(()) } #[test] fn test_query_arrow_record_batch_large() -> Result<()> { let db = checked_memory_handle(); db.execute_batch("BEGIN TRANSACTION")?; db.execute_batch("CREATE TABLE test(t INTEGER);")?; for _ in 0..300 { db.execute_batch("INSERT INTO test VALUES (1); INSERT INTO test VALUES (2); INSERT INTO test VALUES (3); INSERT INTO test VALUES (4); INSERT INTO test VALUES (5);")?; } db.execute_batch("END TRANSACTION")?; let rbs: Vec<RecordBatch> = db.prepare("select t from test order by t")?.query_arrow([])?.collect(); assert_eq!(rbs.len(), 2); assert_eq!(rbs.iter().map(|rb| rb.num_rows()).sum::<usize>(), 1500); assert_eq!( rbs.iter() .map(|rb| rb .column(0) .as_any() .downcast_ref::<Int32Array>() .unwrap() .iter() .map(|i| i.unwrap()) .sum::<i32>()) .sum::<i32>(), 4500 ); Ok(()) } #[test] fn test_database_name_to_string() -> Result<()> { assert_eq!(DatabaseName::Main.to_string(), "main"); assert_eq!(DatabaseName::Temp.to_string(), "temp"); assert_eq!(DatabaseName::Attached("abc").to_string(), "abc"); Ok(()) } }
use super::routing; use super::server; use super::{Request, Response}; use hyper::http::Extensions; use hyper::Body; use std::future::Future; use std::net::SocketAddr; use std::pin::Pin; use std::sync::Arc; pub struct ResponderFactory { router: Arc<routing::Router<Request, Response>>, } impl ResponderFactory { pub fn with_router(router: routing::Router<Request, Response>) -> Self { Self { router: Arc::new(router), } } pub fn and_extensions(self, extensions: Extensions) -> ResponderFactorySecondPart { ResponderFactorySecondPart { router: self.router, extensions: Arc::new(extensions), } } } pub struct ResponderFactorySecondPart { router: Arc<routing::Router<Request, Response>>, extensions: Arc<Extensions>, } impl server::ResponderFactory for ResponderFactorySecondPart { type Responder = Responder; fn make_responder(&self, remote_addr: SocketAddr) -> Self::Responder { Responder { remote_addr, router: self.router.clone(), extensions: self.extensions.clone(), } } } pub struct Responder { remote_addr: SocketAddr, router: Arc<routing::Router<Request, Response>>, extensions: Arc<Extensions>, } impl server::Responder for Responder { type ResponseFuture = Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = hyper::Response<Body>> + Send>>; fn response(&mut self, http_request: hyper::Request<Body>) -> Self::ResponseFuture { let remote_addr = self.remote_addr; let router = self.router.clone(); let extensions = self.extensions.clone(); Box::pin(async move { let request = Request { remote_addr, extensions, http: http_request, }; let response = router.process(request).await; response.http }) } }
use std::fmt::{Display, Error, Formatter}; use std::slice::Iter; use std::str::FromStr; use std::{ops, write}; #[derive(Clone)] enum Expr { Var, Num(f64), Add(Box<Expr>, Box<Expr>), Sub(Box<Expr>, Box<Expr>), Mul(Box<Expr>, Box<Expr>), Div(Box<Expr>, Box<Expr>), Pow(Box<Expr>, Box<Expr>), Cos(Box<Expr>), Sin(Box<Expr>), Tan(Box<Expr>), Exp(Box<Expr>), Ln(Box<Expr>), } impl FromStr for Expr { type Err = (); fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result<Self, Self::Err> { fn parse(iter: &mut Iter<u8>) -> Expr { while let Some(c) = iter.next() { match c { b'x' => return Expr::Var, b'0'..=b'9' => { let mut num = (c - b'0') as i64; while let Some(c @ b'0'..=b'9') = iter.next() { num = num * 10 + (c - b'0') as i64; } return Expr::Num(num as f64); } b'+' => return parse(iter) + parse(iter), b'-' => { if let Some(c @ b'0'..=b'9') = iter.next() { let mut num = (c - b'0') as i64; while let Some(c @ b'0'..=b'9') = iter.next() { num = num * 10 + (c - b'0') as i64; } return Expr::Num(-num as f64); } else { return parse(iter) - parse(iter); } } b'*' => return parse(iter) * parse(iter), b'/' => return parse(iter) / parse(iter), b'^' => return parse(iter).pow(parse(iter)), b'c' => { iter.next(); iter.next(); return parse(iter).cos(); } b's' => { iter.next(); iter.next(); return parse(iter).sin(); } b't' => { iter.next(); iter.next(); return parse(iter).tan(); } b'e' => { iter.next(); iter.next(); return parse(iter).exp(); } b'l' => { iter.next(); return parse(iter).ln(); } _ => continue, } } unreachable!() } Ok(parse(&mut s.as_bytes().into_iter())) } } impl Display for Expr { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> Result<(), Error> { match self { Expr::Var => write!(f, "x"), Expr::Num(n) => write!(f, "{}", n), Expr::Add(a, b) => write!(f, "(+ {} {})", a, b), Expr::Sub(a, b) => write!(f, "(- {} {})", a, b), Expr::Mul(a, b) => write!(f, "(* {} {})", a, b), Expr::Div(a, b) => write!(f, "(/ {} {})", a, b), Expr::Pow(a, b) => write!(f, "(^ {} {})", a, b), Expr::Cos(a) => write!(f, "(cos {})", a), Expr::Sin(a) => write!(f, "(sin {})", a), Expr::Tan(a) => write!(f, "(tan {})", a), Expr::Exp(a) => write!(f, "(exp {})", a), Expr::Ln(a) => write!(f, "(ln {})", a), } } } impl ops::Add for Expr { type Output = Self; fn add(self, rhs: Self) -> Self::Output { match (self, rhs) { (Expr::Num(a), Expr::Num(b)) => Expr::Num(a + b), (a, b) if a.eq_f64(0.) => b, (a, b) if b.eq_f64(0.) => a, (a, b) => Expr::Add(Box::new(a), Box::new(b)), } } } impl ops::Sub for Expr { type Output = Self; fn sub(self, rhs: Self) -> Self::Output { match (self, rhs) { (Expr::Num(a), Expr::Num(b)) => Expr::Num(a - b), (a, b) if b.eq_f64(0.) => a, (a, b) => Expr::Sub(Box::new(a), Box::new(b)), } } } impl ops::Mul for Expr { type Output = Self; fn mul(self, rhs: Self) -> Self::Output { match (self, rhs) { (Expr::Num(a), Expr::Num(b)) => Expr::Num(a * b), (a, b) if a.eq_f64(0.) || b.eq_f64(1.) => a, (a, b) if a.eq_f64(1.) || b.eq_f64(0.) => b, (a, b) => Expr::Mul(Box::new(a), Box::new(b)), } } } impl ops::Div for Expr { type Output = Self; fn div(self, rhs: Self) -> Self::Output { match (self, rhs) { (Expr::Num(a), Expr::Num(b)) => Expr::Num(a / b), (a, b) if a.eq_f64(0.) || b.eq_f64(1.) => a, (a, b) => Expr::Div(Box::new(a), Box::new(b)), } } } impl ops::Neg for Expr { type Output = Self; fn neg(self) -> Self::Output { Expr::Mul(Box::new(Expr::Num(-1.)), Box::new(self)) } } impl Expr { fn pow(self, rhs: Self) -> Self { match (self, rhs) { (Expr::Num(a), Expr::Num(b)) => Expr::Num(a.powf(b)), (_, b) if b.eq_f64(0.) => Expr::Num(1.), (a, b) if a.eq_f64(1.) || b.eq_f64(1.) => a, (a, b) => Expr::Pow(Box::new(a), Box::new(b)), } } fn powf(self, rhs: f64) -> Self { self.pow(Expr::Num(rhs)) } fn cos(self) -> Self { Expr::Cos(Box::new(self)) } fn sin(self) -> Self { Expr::Sin(Box::new(self)) } fn tan(self) -> Self { Expr::Tan(Box::new(self)) } fn exp(self) -> Self { Expr::Exp(Box::new(self)) } fn ln(self) -> Self { Expr::Ln(Box::new(self)) } fn eq_f64(&self, rhs: f64) -> bool { match self { Expr::Num(n) => (n - rhs).abs() < f64::EPSILON, _ => false, } } fn diff(&self) -> Self { match self { Expr::Var => Expr::Num(1.), Expr::Num(_) => Expr::Num(0.), Expr::Add(a, b) => a.diff() + b.diff(), Expr::Sub(a, b) => a.diff() - b.diff(), Expr::Mul(a, b) => a.diff() * *b.clone() + *a.clone() * b.diff(), Expr::Div(a, b) => (a.diff() * *b.clone() - *a.clone() * b.diff()) / b.clone().powf(2.), Expr::Pow(a, b) => a.diff() * (*b.clone() * a.clone().pow(*b.clone() - Expr::Num(1.))), Expr::Cos(a) => a.diff() * -a.clone().sin(), Expr::Sin(a) => a.diff() * a.clone().cos(), Expr::Tan(a) => a.diff() * (Expr::Num(1.) + a.clone().tan().powf(2.)), Expr::Exp(a) => a.diff() * a.clone().exp(), Expr::Ln(a) => a.diff() * (Expr::Num(1.) / *a.clone()), } } } fn diff(expr_str: &str) -> String { Expr::from_str(expr_str).unwrap().diff().to_string() }
//! Components for SPI. //! //! This provides three components. //! //! 1. `SpiMuxComponent` provides a virtualization layer for a SPI bus. //! //! 2. `SpiSyscallComponent` provides a system call interface to SPI. //! //! 3. `SpiComponent` provides a virtualized client to the SPI bus. //! //! `SpiSyscallComponent` is used for processes, while `SpiComponent` is used //! for kernel capsules that need access to the SPI bus. //! //! Usage //! ----- //! ```rust //! let mux_spi = components::spi::SpiMuxComponent::new(&sam4l::spi::SPI).finalize( //! components::spi_mux_component_helper!(sam4l::spi::SpiHw)); //! let spi_syscalls = SpiSyscallComponent::new(mux_spi, 3).finalize( //! components::spi_syscalls_component_helper!(sam4l::spi::SpiHw)); //! let rf233_spi = SpiComponent::new(mux_spi, 3).finalize( //! components::spi_component_helper!(sam4l::spi::SpiHw)); //! ``` // Author: Philip Levis <pal@cs.stanford.edu> // Last modified: 6/20/2018 use core::mem::MaybeUninit; use capsules::spi::Spi; use capsules::virtual_spi::{MuxSpiMaster, VirtualSpiMasterDevice}; use kernel::component::Component; use kernel::hil::spi; use kernel::static_init_half; // Setup static space for the objects. #[macro_export] macro_rules! spi_mux_component_helper { ($S:ty) => {{ use core::mem::MaybeUninit; static mut BUF: MaybeUninit<MuxSpiMaster<'static, $S>> = MaybeUninit::uninit(); &mut BUF };}; } #[macro_export] macro_rules! spi_syscall_component_helper { ($S:ty) => {{ use capsules::spi::Spi; use core::mem::MaybeUninit; static mut BUF1: MaybeUninit<VirtualSpiMasterDevice<'static, $S>> = MaybeUninit::uninit(); static mut BUF2: MaybeUninit<Spi<'static, VirtualSpiMasterDevice<'static, $S>>> = MaybeUninit::uninit(); (&mut BUF1, &mut BUF2) };}; } #[macro_export] macro_rules! spi_component_helper { ($S:ty) => {{ use core::mem::MaybeUninit; static mut BUF: MaybeUninit<VirtualSpiMasterDevice<'static, $S>> = MaybeUninit::uninit(); &mut BUF };}; } pub struct SpiMuxComponent<S: 'static + spi::SpiMaster> { spi: &'static S, } pub struct SpiSyscallComponent<S: 'static + spi::SpiMaster> { spi_mux: &'static MuxSpiMaster<'static, S>, chip_select: S::ChipSelect, } pub struct SpiComponent<S: 'static + spi::SpiMaster> { spi_mux: &'static MuxSpiMaster<'static, S>, chip_select: S::ChipSelect, } impl<S: 'static + spi::SpiMaster> SpiMuxComponent<S> { pub fn new(spi: &'static S) -> Self { SpiMuxComponent { spi: spi } } } impl<S: 'static + spi::SpiMaster> Component for SpiMuxComponent<S> { type StaticInput = &'static mut MaybeUninit<MuxSpiMaster<'static, S>>; type Output = &'static MuxSpiMaster<'static, S>; unsafe fn finalize(&mut self, static_buffer: Self::StaticInput) -> Self::Output { let mux_spi = static_init_half!( static_buffer, MuxSpiMaster<'static, S>, MuxSpiMaster::new(self.spi) ); self.spi.set_client(mux_spi); self.spi.init(); mux_spi } } impl<S: 'static + spi::SpiMaster> SpiSyscallComponent<S> { pub fn new(mux: &'static MuxSpiMaster<'static, S>, chip_select: S::ChipSelect) -> Self { SpiSyscallComponent { spi_mux: mux, chip_select: chip_select, } } } impl<S: 'static + spi::SpiMaster> Component for SpiSyscallComponent<S> { type StaticInput = ( &'static mut MaybeUninit<VirtualSpiMasterDevice<'static, S>>, &'static mut MaybeUninit<Spi<'static, VirtualSpiMasterDevice<'static, S>>>, ); type Output = &'static Spi<'static, VirtualSpiMasterDevice<'static, S>>; unsafe fn finalize(&mut self, static_buffer: Self::StaticInput) -> Self::Output { let syscall_spi_device = static_init_half!( static_buffer.0, VirtualSpiMasterDevice<'static, S>, VirtualSpiMasterDevice::new(self.spi_mux, self.chip_select) ); let spi_syscalls = static_init_half!( static_buffer.1, Spi<'static, VirtualSpiMasterDevice<'static, S>>, Spi::new(syscall_spi_device) ); static mut SPI_READ_BUF: [u8; 1024] = [0; 1024]; static mut SPI_WRITE_BUF: [u8; 1024] = [0; 1024]; spi_syscalls.config_buffers(&mut SPI_READ_BUF, &mut SPI_WRITE_BUF); syscall_spi_device.set_client(spi_syscalls); spi_syscalls } } impl<S: 'static + spi::SpiMaster> SpiComponent<S> { pub fn new(mux: &'static MuxSpiMaster<'static, S>, chip_select: S::ChipSelect) -> Self { SpiComponent { spi_mux: mux, chip_select: chip_select, } } } impl<S: 'static + spi::SpiMaster> Component for SpiComponent<S> { type StaticInput = &'static mut MaybeUninit<VirtualSpiMasterDevice<'static, S>>; type Output = &'static VirtualSpiMasterDevice<'static, S>; unsafe fn finalize(&mut self, static_buffer: Self::StaticInput) -> Self::Output { let spi_device = static_init_half!( static_buffer, VirtualSpiMasterDevice<'static, S>, VirtualSpiMasterDevice::new(self.spi_mux, self.chip_select) ); spi_device } }
use ntex_mqtt::{v3, v5, MqttServer}; #[derive(Clone)] struct Session; #[derive(Debug)] struct ServerError; impl From<()> for ServerError { fn from(_: ()) -> Self { ServerError } } impl std::convert::TryFrom<ServerError> for v5::PublishAck { type Error = ServerError; fn try_from(err: ServerError) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> { Err(err) } } async fn handshake_v3<Io>( handshake: v3::Handshake<Io>, ) -> Result<v3::HandshakeAck<Io, Session>, ServerError> { log::info!("new connection: {:?}", handshake); Ok(handshake.ack(Session, false)) } async fn publish_v3(publish: v3::Publish) -> Result<(), ServerError> { log::info!("incoming publish: {:?} -> {:?}", publish.id(), publish.topic()); Ok(()) } async fn handshake_v5<Io>( handshake: v5::Handshake<Io>, ) -> Result<v5::HandshakeAck<Io, Session>, ServerError> { log::info!("new connection: {:?}", handshake); Ok(handshake.ack(Session)) } async fn publish_v5(publish: v5::Publish) -> Result<v5::PublishAck, ServerError> { log::info!("incoming publish: {:?} -> {:?}", publish.id(), publish.topic()); Ok(publish.ack()) } #[ntex::main] async fn main() -> std::io::Result<()> { println!("{}", std::mem::size_of::<v5::codec::Publish>()); println!("{}", std::mem::size_of::<v5::codec::PublishProperties>()); println!("{}", std::mem::size_of::<v5::codec::Packet>()); println!("{}", std::mem::size_of::<v5::Handshake<ntex::rt::net::TcpStream>>()); println!("{}", std::mem::size_of::<v5::error::MqttError<()>>()); std::env::set_var("RUST_LOG", "ntex=trace,ntex_mqtt=trace,basic=trace"); env_logger::init(); ntex::server::Server::build() .bind("mqtt", "", || { MqttServer::new() .v3(v3::MqttServer::new(handshake_v3).publish(publish_v3)) .v5(v5::MqttServer::new(handshake_v5).publish(publish_v5)) })? .workers(1) .run() .await }
// Copyright (c) 2019 Emmanuel Gil Peyrot <linkmauve@linkmauve.fr> // // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public // License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this // file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. generate_element!( /// Source element for the ssrc SDP attribute. Source, "source", JINGLE_SSMA, attributes: [ /// Maps to the ssrc-id parameter. id: Required<String> = "ssrc", ], children: [ /// List of attributes for this source. parameters: Vec<Parameter> = ("parameter", JINGLE_SSMA) => Parameter, /// ssrc-info for this source. info: Option<SsrcInfo> = ("ssrc-info", JITSI_MEET) => SsrcInfo ] ); impl Source { /// Create a new SSMA Source element. pub fn new(id: String) -> Source { Source { id, parameters: Vec::new(), info: None, } } } generate_element!( /// Parameter associated with a ssrc. Parameter, "parameter", JINGLE_SSMA, attributes: [ /// The name of the parameter. name: Required<String> = "name", /// The optional value of the parameter. value: Option<String> = "value", ] ); generate_element!( /// ssrc-info associated with a ssrc. SsrcInfo, "ssrc-info", JITSI_MEET, attributes: [ /// The owner of the ssrc. owner: Required<String> = "owner" ] ); generate_element!( /// Element grouping multiple ssrc. Group, "ssrc-group", JINGLE_SSMA, attributes: [ /// The semantics of this group. semantics: Required<String> = "semantics", ], children: [ /// The various ssrc concerned by this group. sources: Vec<Source> = ("source", JINGLE_SSMA) => Source ] ); #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; use crate::Element; use std::convert::TryFrom; #[cfg(target_pointer_width = "32")] #[test] fn test_size() { assert_size!(Source, 24); assert_size!(Parameter, 24); assert_size!(Group, 24); } #[cfg(target_pointer_width = "64")] #[test] fn test_size() { assert_size!(Source, 48); assert_size!(Parameter, 48); assert_size!(Group, 48); } #[test] fn parse_source() { let elem: Element = " <source ssrc='1656081975' xmlns='urn:xmpp:jingle:apps:rtp:ssma:0'> <parameter name='cname' value='Yv/wvbCdsDW2Prgd'/> <parameter name='msid' value='MLTJKIHilGn71fNQoszkQ4jlPTuS5vJyKVIv MLTJKIHilGn71fNQoszkQ4jlPTuS5vJyKVIva0'/> </source>" .parse() .unwrap(); let mut ssrc = Source::try_from(elem).unwrap(); assert_eq!(ssrc.id, "1656081975"); assert_eq!(ssrc.parameters.len(), 2); let parameter = ssrc.parameters.pop().unwrap(); assert_eq!(parameter.name, "msid"); assert_eq!( parameter.value.unwrap(), "MLTJKIHilGn71fNQoszkQ4jlPTuS5vJyKVIv MLTJKIHilGn71fNQoszkQ4jlPTuS5vJyKVIva0" ); let parameter = ssrc.parameters.pop().unwrap(); assert_eq!(parameter.name, "cname"); assert_eq!(parameter.value.unwrap(), "Yv/wvbCdsDW2Prgd"); } #[test] fn parse_source_group() { let elem: Element = " <ssrc-group semantics='FID' xmlns='urn:xmpp:jingle:apps:rtp:ssma:0'> <source ssrc='2301230316'/> <source ssrc='386328120'/> </ssrc-group>" .parse() .unwrap(); let mut group = Group::try_from(elem).unwrap(); assert_eq!(group.semantics, "FID"); assert_eq!(group.sources.len(), 2); let source = group.sources.pop().unwrap(); assert_eq!(source.id, "386328120"); let source = group.sources.pop().unwrap(); assert_eq!(source.id, "2301230316"); } }
// Copyright 2020 - Nym Technologies SA <contact@nymtech.net> // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 use crate::node::{ client_handling::websocket::message_receiver::MixMessageSender, storage::{inboxes::ClientStorage, ClientLedger}, }; use futures::{ channel::{mpsc, oneshot}, StreamExt, }; use gateway_requests::authentication::encrypted_address::EncryptedAddressBytes; use gateway_requests::authentication::iv::AuthenticationIV; use gateway_requests::registration::handshake::SharedKeys; use log::*; use nymsphinx::DestinationAddressBytes; use std::collections::HashMap; use tokio::task::JoinHandle; pub(crate) type ClientsHandlerRequestSender = mpsc::UnboundedSender<ClientsHandlerRequest>; pub(crate) type ClientsHandlerRequestReceiver = mpsc::UnboundedReceiver<ClientsHandlerRequest>; pub(crate) type ClientsHandlerResponseSender = oneshot::Sender<ClientsHandlerResponse>; // #[derive(Debug)] pub(crate) enum ClientsHandlerRequest { // client Register( DestinationAddressBytes, SharedKeys, MixMessageSender, ClientsHandlerResponseSender, ), Authenticate( DestinationAddressBytes, EncryptedAddressBytes, AuthenticationIV, MixMessageSender, ClientsHandlerResponseSender, ), Disconnect(DestinationAddressBytes), // mix IsOnline(DestinationAddressBytes, ClientsHandlerResponseSender), } #[derive(Debug)] pub(crate) enum ClientsHandlerResponse { Register(bool), Authenticate(Option<SharedKeys>), IsOnline(Option<MixMessageSender>), Error(Box<dyn std::error::Error + Send + Sync>), } pub(crate) struct ClientsHandler { open_connections: HashMap<DestinationAddressBytes, MixMessageSender>, clients_ledger: ClientLedger, clients_inbox_storage: ClientStorage, } impl ClientsHandler { pub(crate) fn new(clients_ledger: ClientLedger, clients_inbox_storage: ClientStorage) -> Self { ClientsHandler { open_connections: HashMap::new(), clients_ledger, clients_inbox_storage, } } fn make_error_response<E>(&self, err: E) -> ClientsHandlerResponse where E: Into<Box<dyn std::error::Error + Send + Sync>>, { ClientsHandlerResponse::Error(err.into()) } // best effort sending error responses fn send_error_response<E>(&self, err: E, res_channel: ClientsHandlerResponseSender) where E: Into<Box<dyn std::error::Error + Send + Sync>>, { if res_channel.send(self.make_error_response(err)).is_err() { error!("Somehow we failed to send response back to websocket handler - there seem to be a weird bug present!"); } } async fn push_stored_messages_to_client_and_save_channel( &mut self, client_address: DestinationAddressBytes, comm_channel: MixMessageSender, ) { // TODO: it is possible that during a small window some of client messages will be "lost", // i.e. be stored on the disk rather than pushed to the client, reason for this is as follows: // now we push all stored messages from client's inbox to its websocket connection // however, say, at the same time there's new message to the client - it gets stored on the disk! // And only after this methods exits, mix receivers will become aware of the client // connection going online and being able to forward traffic there. // // possible solution: spawn a future to empty inbox in X seconds rather than immediately // JS: I will most likely do that (with including entries to config, etc.) once the // basic version is up and running as not to waste time on it now // NOTE: THIS IGNORES MESSAGE RETRIEVAL LIMIT AND TAKES EVERYTHING! let all_stored_messages = match self .clients_inbox_storage .retrieve_all_client_messages(client_address) .await { Ok(msgs) => msgs, Err(e) => { error!( "failed to retrieve client messages. {:?} inbox might be corrupted now - {:?}", client_address.to_base58_string(), e ); return; } }; let (messages, paths): (Vec<_>, Vec<_>) = all_stored_messages .into_iter() .map(|c| c.into_tuple()) .unzip(); if comm_channel.unbounded_send(messages).is_err() { error!("Somehow we failed to stored messages to a fresh client channel - there seem to be a weird bug present!"); } else { // but if all went well, we can now delete it if let Err(e) = self.clients_inbox_storage.delete_files(paths).await { error!( "Failed to remove client ({:?}) files - {:?}", client_address.to_base58_string(), e ); } else { // finally, everything was fine - we retrieved everything, we deleted everything, // we assume we can now safely delegate client message pushing self.open_connections.insert(client_address, comm_channel); } } } async fn handle_register_request( &mut self, address: DestinationAddressBytes, derived_shared_key: SharedKeys, comm_channel: MixMessageSender, res_channel: ClientsHandlerResponseSender, ) { debug!( "Processing register new client request: {:?}", address.to_base58_string() ); if self.open_connections.get(&address).is_some() { warn!( "Tried to process register request for a client with an already opened connection!" ); self.send_error_response("duplicate connection detected", res_channel); return; } if self .clients_ledger .insert_shared_key(derived_shared_key, address) .unwrap() .is_some() { info!( "Client {:?} was already registered before!", address.to_base58_string() ) } else if let Err(e) = self.clients_inbox_storage.create_storage_dir(address).await { error!("We failed to create inbox directory for the client -{:?}\nReverting stored shared key...", e); // we must revert our changes if this operation failed self.clients_ledger.remove_shared_key(&address).unwrap(); self.send_error_response("failed to complete issuing shared key", res_channel); return; } self.push_stored_messages_to_client_and_save_channel(address, comm_channel) .await; if res_channel .send(ClientsHandlerResponse::Register(true)) .is_err() { error!("Somehow we failed to send response back to websocket handler - there seem to be a weird bug present!"); } } async fn handle_authenticate_request( &mut self, address: DestinationAddressBytes, encrypted_address: EncryptedAddressBytes, iv: AuthenticationIV, comm_channel: MixMessageSender, res_channel: ClientsHandlerResponseSender, ) { debug!( "Processing authenticate client request: {:?}", address.to_base58_string() ); if self.open_connections.get(&address).is_some() { warn!("Tried to process authenticate request for a client with an already opened connection!"); self.send_error_response("duplicate connection detected", res_channel); return; } if self .clients_ledger .verify_shared_key(&address, &encrypted_address, &iv) .unwrap() { // The first unwrap is due to possible db read errors, but I'm not entirely sure when could // the second one happen. let shared_key = self .clients_ledger .get_shared_key(&address) .unwrap() .unwrap(); self.push_stored_messages_to_client_and_save_channel(address, comm_channel) .await; if res_channel .send(ClientsHandlerResponse::Authenticate(Some(shared_key))) .is_err() { error!("Somehow we failed to send response back to websocket handler - there seem to be a weird bug present!"); } } else if res_channel .send(ClientsHandlerResponse::Authenticate(None)) .is_err() { error!("Somehow we failed to send response back to websocket handler - there seem to be a weird bug present!"); } } fn handle_disconnect(&mut self, address: DestinationAddressBytes) { debug!( "Processing disconnect client request: {:?}", address.to_base58_string() ); self.open_connections.remove(&address); } fn handle_is_online_request( &self, address: DestinationAddressBytes, res_channel: ClientsHandlerResponseSender, ) { debug!( "Processing is online request for: {:?}", address.to_base58_string() ); let response_value = self.open_connections.get(&address).cloned(); // if this fails, it's a critical failure, because mix handlers should ALWAYS be online res_channel .send(ClientsHandlerResponse::IsOnline(response_value)) .unwrap(); } pub(crate) async fn run( &mut self, mut request_receiver_channel: ClientsHandlerRequestReceiver, ) { while let Some(request) = request_receiver_channel.next().await { match request { ClientsHandlerRequest::Register( address, derived_shared_key, comm_channel, res_channel, ) => { self.handle_register_request( address, derived_shared_key, comm_channel, res_channel, ) .await } ClientsHandlerRequest::Authenticate( address, encrypted_address, iv, comm_channel, res_channel, ) => { self.handle_authenticate_request( address, encrypted_address, iv, comm_channel, res_channel, ) .await } ClientsHandlerRequest::Disconnect(address) => self.handle_disconnect(address), ClientsHandlerRequest::IsOnline(address, res_channel) => { self.handle_is_online_request(address, res_channel) } }; } error!("Something bad has happened and we stopped listening for requests!"); } pub(crate) fn start(mut self) -> (JoinHandle<()>, ClientsHandlerRequestSender) { let (sender, receiver) = mpsc::unbounded(); ( tokio::spawn(async move { self.run(receiver).await }), sender, ) } }
pub mod attachments; pub mod autumn; pub mod channel; pub mod events; pub mod id; pub mod instance_data; pub mod server; pub mod user;
// Copyright 2021 Datafuse Labs. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // use std::io::SeekFrom; use common_base::tokio; use common_exception::ErrorCode; use futures::AsyncReadExt; use futures::AsyncSeekExt; use rusoto_core::ByteStream; use rusoto_core::Region; use rusoto_s3::PutObjectRequest; use rusoto_s3::S3Client; use rusoto_s3::S3 as RusotoS3; use crate::DataAccessor; use crate::S3; struct TestFixture { region_name: String, endpoint_url: String, bucket_name: String, test_key: String, content: Vec<u8>, } impl TestFixture { fn new(size: usize, key: String) -> Self { let random_bytes: Vec<u8> = (0..size).map(|_| rand::random::<u8>()).collect(); Self { region_name: "us-east-1".to_string(), endpoint_url: "http://localhost:9000".to_string(), bucket_name: "test-bucket".to_string(), test_key: key, content: random_bytes, } } fn region(&self) -> Region { Region::Custom { name: self.region_name.clone(), endpoint: self.endpoint_url.clone(), } } fn data_accessor(&self) -> common_exception::Result<S3> { S3::try_create( self.region_name.as_str(), self.endpoint_url.as_str(), self.bucket_name.as_str(), "", "", ) } } impl TestFixture { async fn gen_test_obj(&self) -> common_exception::Result<()> { let rusoto_client = S3Client::new(self.region()); let put_req = PutObjectRequest { bucket: self.bucket_name.clone(), key: self.test_key.clone(), body: Some(ByteStream::from(self.content.clone())), ..Default::default() }; rusoto_client .put_object(put_req) .await .map(|_| ()) .map_err(|e| ErrorCode::DALTransportError(e.to_string())) } } #[tokio::test(flavor = "multi_thread", worker_threads = 1)] #[ignore] async fn test_s3_input_stream_api() -> common_exception::Result<()> { let test_key = "test_s3_input_stream".to_string(); let fixture = TestFixture::new(1024 * 10, test_key.clone()); fixture.gen_test_obj().await?; let s3 = fixture.data_accessor()?; let mut input = s3.get_input_stream(&test_key, None)?; let mut buffer = vec![]; input.read_to_end(&mut buffer).await?; assert_eq!(fixture.content, buffer); Ok(()) } #[tokio::test(flavor = "multi_thread", worker_threads = 1)] #[ignore] async fn test_s3_input_stream_seek_api() -> common_exception::Result<()> { let test_key = "test_s3_seek_stream_seek".to_string(); let fixture = TestFixture::new(1024 * 10, test_key.clone()); fixture.gen_test_obj().await?; let s3 = fixture.data_accessor()?; let mut input = s3.get_input_stream(&test_key, None)?; let mut buffer = vec![]; input.seek(SeekFrom::Current(1)).await?; input.read_to_end(&mut buffer).await?; assert_eq!(fixture.content.len() - 1, buffer.len()); let r = input.seek(SeekFrom::End(0)).await?; assert_eq!(fixture.content.len() as u64, r); let r = input.seek(SeekFrom::End(1)).await; assert!(r.is_err()); Ok(()) }
// Copyright 2016 TiKV Project Authors. Licensed under Apache-2.0. use std::fmt::{self, Debug, Display, Formatter}; use std::path::{Path, PathBuf}; use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicBool, Ordering}; use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex}; use std::time::Duration; use engine_rocks::raw::ColumnFamilyOptions; use engine_rocks::raw_util::CFOptions; use engine_rocks::{RocksEngine as BaseRocksEngine, RocksEngineIterator}; use engine_traits::{CfName, CF_DEFAULT, CF_LOCK, CF_RAFT, CF_WRITE}; use engine_traits::{ Engines, IterOptions, Iterable, Iterator, KvEngine, Mutable, Peekable, ReadOptions, SeekKey, WriteBatch, WriteBatchExt, }; use kvproto::kvrpcpb::Context; use tempfile::{Builder, TempDir}; use txn_types::{Key, Value}; use crate::storage::config::BlockCacheConfig; use tikv_util::escape; use tikv_util::worker::{Runnable, Scheduler, Worker}; use super::{ Callback, CbContext, Cursor, Engine, Error, ErrorInner, ExtCallback, Iterator as EngineIterator, Modify, Result, ScanMode, SnapContext, Snapshot, WriteData, }; pub use engine_rocks::RocksSnapshot; const TEMP_DIR: &str = ""; enum Task { Write(Vec<Modify>, Callback<()>), Snapshot(Callback<Arc<RocksSnapshot>>), Pause(Duration), } impl Display for Task { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { match *self { Task::Write(..) => write!(f, "write task"), Task::Snapshot(_) => write!(f, "snapshot task"), Task::Pause(_) => write!(f, "pause"), } } } struct Runner(Engines<BaseRocksEngine, BaseRocksEngine>); impl Runnable for Runner { type Task = Task; fn run(&mut self, t: Task) { match t { Task::Write(modifies, cb) => { cb((CbContext::new(), write_modifies(&self.0.kv, modifies))) } Task::Snapshot(cb) => cb((CbContext::new(), Ok(Arc::new(self.0.kv.snapshot())))), Task::Pause(dur) => std::thread::sleep(dur), } } } struct RocksEngineCore { // only use for memory mode temp_dir: Option<TempDir>, worker: Worker, } impl Drop for RocksEngineCore { fn drop(&mut self) { self.worker.stop(); } } /// The RocksEngine is based on `RocksDB`. /// /// This is intended for **testing use only**. #[derive(Clone)] pub struct RocksEngine { core: Arc<Mutex<RocksEngineCore>>, sched: Scheduler<Task>, engines: Engines<BaseRocksEngine, BaseRocksEngine>, not_leader: Arc<AtomicBool>, } impl RocksEngine { pub fn new( path: &str, cfs: &[CfName], cfs_opts: Option<Vec<CFOptions<'_>>>, shared_block_cache: bool, ) -> Result<RocksEngine> { info!("RocksEngine: creating for path"; "path" => path); let (path, temp_dir) = match path { TEMP_DIR => { let td = Builder::new().prefix("temp-rocksdb").tempdir().unwrap(); (td.path().to_str().unwrap().to_owned(), Some(td)) } _ => (path.to_owned(), None), }; let worker = Worker::new("engine-rocksdb"); let db = Arc::new(engine_rocks::raw_util::new_engine( &path, None, cfs, cfs_opts, )?); // It does not use the raft_engine, so it is ok to fill with the same // rocksdb. let mut kv_engine = BaseRocksEngine::from_db(db.clone()); let mut raft_engine = BaseRocksEngine::from_db(db); kv_engine.set_shared_block_cache(shared_block_cache); raft_engine.set_shared_block_cache(shared_block_cache); let engines = Engines::new(kv_engine, raft_engine); let sched = worker.start("engine-rocksdb", Runner(engines.clone())); Ok(RocksEngine { sched, core: Arc::new(Mutex::new(RocksEngineCore { temp_dir, worker })), not_leader: Arc::new(AtomicBool::new(false)), engines, }) } pub fn trigger_not_leader(&self) { self.not_leader.store(true, Ordering::SeqCst); } pub fn pause(&self, dur: Duration) { self.sched.schedule(Task::Pause(dur)).unwrap(); } pub fn engines(&self) -> Engines<BaseRocksEngine, BaseRocksEngine> { self.engines.clone() } pub fn get_rocksdb(&self) -> BaseRocksEngine { self.engines.kv.clone() } pub fn stop(&self) { let core = self.core.lock().unwrap(); core.worker.stop(); } } impl Display for RocksEngine { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { write!(f, "RocksDB") } } impl Debug for RocksEngine { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { write!( f, "RocksDB [is_temp: {}]", self.core.lock().unwrap().temp_dir.is_some() ) } } /// A builder to build a temporary `RocksEngine`. /// /// Only used for test purpose. #[must_use] pub struct TestEngineBuilder { path: Option<PathBuf>, cfs: Option<Vec<CfName>>, } impl TestEngineBuilder { pub fn new() -> Self { Self { path: None, cfs: None, } } /// Customize the data directory of the temporary engine. /// /// By default, TEMP_DIR will be used. pub fn path(mut self, path: impl AsRef<Path>) -> Self { self.path = Some(path.as_ref().to_path_buf()); self } /// Customize the CFs that engine will have. /// /// By default, engine will have all CFs. pub fn cfs(mut self, cfs: impl AsRef<[CfName]>) -> Self { self.cfs = Some(cfs.as_ref().to_vec()); self } /// Build a `RocksEngine`. pub fn build(self) -> Result<RocksEngine> { let cfg_rocksdb = crate::config::DbConfig::default(); self.build_with_cfg(&cfg_rocksdb) } pub fn build_with_cfg(self, cfg_rocksdb: &crate::config::DbConfig) -> Result<RocksEngine> { let path = match self.path { None => TEMP_DIR.to_owned(), Some(p) => p.to_str().unwrap().to_owned(), }; let cfs = self.cfs.unwrap_or_else(|| crate::storage::ALL_CFS.to_vec()); let cache = BlockCacheConfig::default().build_shared_cache(); let cfs_opts = cfs .iter() .map(|cf| match *cf { CF_DEFAULT => { CFOptions::new(CF_DEFAULT, cfg_rocksdb.defaultcf.build_opt(&cache, None)) } CF_LOCK => CFOptions::new(CF_LOCK, cfg_rocksdb.lockcf.build_opt(&cache)), CF_WRITE => CFOptions::new(CF_WRITE, cfg_rocksdb.writecf.build_opt(&cache, None)), CF_RAFT => CFOptions::new(CF_RAFT, cfg_rocksdb.raftcf.build_opt(&cache)), _ => CFOptions::new(*cf, ColumnFamilyOptions::new()), }) .collect(); RocksEngine::new(&path, &cfs, Some(cfs_opts), cache.is_some()) } } /// Write modifications into a `BaseRocksEngine` instance. pub fn write_modifies(kv_engine: &BaseRocksEngine, modifies: Vec<Modify>) -> Result<()> { fail_point!("rockskv_write_modifies", |_| Err(box_err!("write failed"))); let mut wb = kv_engine.write_batch(); for rev in modifies { let res = match rev { Modify::Delete(cf, k) => { if cf == CF_DEFAULT { trace!("RocksEngine: delete"; "key" => %k); wb.delete(k.as_encoded()) } else { trace!("RocksEngine: delete_cf"; "cf" => cf, "key" => %k); wb.delete_cf(cf, k.as_encoded()) } } Modify::Put(cf, k, v) => { if cf == CF_DEFAULT { trace!("RocksEngine: put"; "key" => %k, "value" => escape(&v)); wb.put(k.as_encoded(), &v) } else { trace!("RocksEngine: put_cf"; "cf" => cf, "key" => %k, "value" => escape(&v)); wb.put_cf(cf, k.as_encoded(), &v) } } Modify::DeleteRange(cf, start_key, end_key, notify_only) => { trace!( "RocksEngine: delete_range_cf"; "cf" => cf, "start_key" => %start_key, "end_key" => %end_key, "notify_only" => notify_only, ); if !notify_only { wb.delete_range_cf(cf, start_key.as_encoded(), end_key.as_encoded()) } else { Ok(()) } } }; // TODO: turn the error into an engine error. if let Err(msg) = res { return Err(box_err!("{}", msg)); } } wb.write()?; Ok(()) } impl Engine for RocksEngine { type Snap = Arc<RocksSnapshot>; type Local = BaseRocksEngine; fn kv_engine(&self) -> BaseRocksEngine { self.engines.kv.clone() } fn snapshot_on_kv_engine(&self, _: &[u8], _: &[u8]) -> Result<Self::Snap> { self.snapshot(Default::default()) } fn modify_on_kv_engine(&self, modifies: Vec<Modify>) -> Result<()> { write_modifies(&self.engines.kv, modifies) } fn async_write(&self, ctx: &Context, batch: WriteData, cb: Callback<()>) -> Result<()> { self.async_write_ext(ctx, batch, cb, None, None) } fn async_write_ext( &self, _: &Context, batch: WriteData, cb: Callback<()>, proposed_cb: Option<ExtCallback>, committed_cb: Option<ExtCallback>, ) -> Result<()> { fail_point!("rockskv_async_write", |_| Err(box_err!("write failed"))); if batch.modifies.is_empty() { return Err(Error::from(ErrorInner::EmptyRequest)); } if let Some(cb) = proposed_cb { cb(); } if let Some(cb) = committed_cb { cb(); } box_try!(self.sched.schedule(Task::Write(batch.modifies, cb))); Ok(()) } fn async_snapshot(&self, _: SnapContext<'_>, cb: Callback<Self::Snap>) -> Result<()> { fail_point!("rockskv_async_snapshot", |_| Err(box_err!( "snapshot failed" ))); let not_leader = { let mut header = kvproto::errorpb::Error::default(); header.mut_not_leader().set_region_id(100); header }; fail_point!("rockskv_async_snapshot_not_leader", |_| { Err(Error::from(ErrorInner::Request(not_leader.clone()))) }); if self.not_leader.load(Ordering::SeqCst) { return Err(Error::from(ErrorInner::Request(not_leader))); } box_try!(self.sched.schedule(Task::Snapshot(cb))); Ok(()) } } impl Snapshot for Arc<RocksSnapshot> { type Iter = RocksEngineIterator; fn get(&self, key: &Key) -> Result<Option<Value>> { trace!("RocksSnapshot: get"; "key" => %key); let v = self.get_value(key.as_encoded())?; Ok(v.map(|v| v.to_vec())) } fn get_cf(&self, cf: CfName, key: &Key) -> Result<Option<Value>> { trace!("RocksSnapshot: get_cf"; "cf" => cf, "key" => %key); let v = self.get_value_cf(cf, key.as_encoded())?; Ok(v.map(|v| v.to_vec())) } fn get_cf_opt(&self, opts: ReadOptions, cf: CfName, key: &Key) -> Result<Option<Value>> { trace!("RocksSnapshot: get_cf"; "cf" => cf, "key" => %key); let v = self.get_value_cf_opt(&opts, cf, key.as_encoded())?; Ok(v.map(|v| v.to_vec())) } fn iter(&self, iter_opt: IterOptions, mode: ScanMode) -> Result<Cursor<Self::Iter>> { trace!("RocksSnapshot: create iterator"); let prefix_seek = iter_opt.prefix_seek_used(); let iter = self.iterator_opt(iter_opt)?; Ok(Cursor::new(iter, mode, prefix_seek)) } fn iter_cf( &self, cf: CfName, iter_opt: IterOptions, mode: ScanMode, ) -> Result<Cursor<Self::Iter>> { trace!("RocksSnapshot: create cf iterator"); let prefix_seek = iter_opt.prefix_seek_used(); let iter = self.iterator_cf_opt(cf, iter_opt)?; Ok(Cursor::new(iter, mode, prefix_seek)) } } impl EngineIterator for RocksEngineIterator { fn next(&mut self) -> Result<bool> { Iterator::next(self).map_err(Error::from) } fn prev(&mut self) -> Result<bool> { Iterator::prev(self).map_err(Error::from) } fn seek(&mut self, key: &Key) -> Result<bool> { Iterator::seek(self, key.as_encoded().as_slice().into()).map_err(Error::from) } fn seek_for_prev(&mut self, key: &Key) -> Result<bool> { Iterator::seek_for_prev(self, key.as_encoded().as_slice().into()).map_err(Error::from) } fn seek_to_first(&mut self) -> Result<bool> { Iterator::seek(self, SeekKey::Start).map_err(Error::from) } fn seek_to_last(&mut self) -> Result<bool> { Iterator::seek(self, SeekKey::End).map_err(Error::from) } fn valid(&self) -> Result<bool> { Iterator::valid(self).map_err(Error::from) } fn key(&self) -> &[u8] { Iterator::key(self) } fn value(&self) -> &[u8] { Iterator::value(self) } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::super::perf_context::PerfStatisticsInstant; use super::super::tests::*; use super::super::CfStatistics; use super::*; use txn_types::TimeStamp; #[test] fn test_rocksdb() { let engine = TestEngineBuilder::new() .cfs(TEST_ENGINE_CFS) .build() .unwrap(); test_base_curd_options(&engine) } #[test] fn test_rocksdb_linear() { let engine = TestEngineBuilder::new() .cfs(TEST_ENGINE_CFS) .build() .unwrap(); test_linear(&engine); } #[test] fn test_rocksdb_statistic() { let engine = TestEngineBuilder::new() .cfs(TEST_ENGINE_CFS) .build() .unwrap(); test_cfs_statistics(&engine); } #[test] fn rocksdb_reopen() { let dir = tempfile::Builder::new() .prefix("rocksdb_test") .tempdir() .unwrap(); { let engine = TestEngineBuilder::new() .path(dir.path()) .cfs(TEST_ENGINE_CFS) .build() .unwrap(); must_put_cf(&engine, "cf", b"k", b"v1"); } { let engine = TestEngineBuilder::new() .path(dir.path()) .cfs(TEST_ENGINE_CFS) .build() .unwrap(); assert_has_cf(&engine, "cf", b"k", b"v1"); } } #[test] fn test_rocksdb_perf_statistics() { let engine = TestEngineBuilder::new() .cfs(TEST_ENGINE_CFS) .build() .unwrap(); test_perf_statistics(&engine); } #[test] fn test_max_skippable_internal_keys_error() { let engine = TestEngineBuilder::new().build().unwrap(); must_put(&engine, b"foo", b"bar"); must_delete(&engine, b"foo"); must_put(&engine, b"foo1", b"bar1"); must_delete(&engine, b"foo1"); must_put(&engine, b"foo2", b"bar2"); let snapshot = engine.snapshot(Default::default()).unwrap(); let iter_opt = IterOptions::default().set_max_skippable_internal_keys(1); let mut iter = snapshot.iter(iter_opt, ScanMode::Forward).unwrap(); let mut statistics = CfStatistics::default(); let res = iter.seek(&Key::from_raw(b"foo"), &mut statistics); assert!(res.is_err()); assert!(res .unwrap_err() .to_string() .contains("Result incomplete: Too many internal keys skipped")); } fn test_perf_statistics<E: Engine>(engine: &E) { must_put(engine, b"foo", b"bar1"); must_put(engine, b"foo2", b"bar2"); must_put(engine, b"foo3", b"bar3"); // deleted must_put(engine, b"foo4", b"bar4"); must_put(engine, b"foo42", b"bar42"); // deleted must_put(engine, b"foo5", b"bar5"); // deleted must_put(engine, b"foo6", b"bar6"); must_delete(engine, b"foo3"); must_delete(engine, b"foo42"); must_delete(engine, b"foo5"); let snapshot = engine.snapshot(Default::default()).unwrap(); let mut iter = snapshot .iter(IterOptions::default(), ScanMode::Forward) .unwrap(); let mut statistics = CfStatistics::default(); let perf_statistics = PerfStatisticsInstant::new(); iter.seek(&Key::from_raw(b"foo30"), &mut statistics) .unwrap(); assert_eq!(perf_statistics.delta().0.internal_delete_skipped_count, 0); let perf_statistics = PerfStatisticsInstant::new(); iter.near_seek(&Key::from_raw(b"foo55"), &mut statistics) .unwrap(); assert_eq!(perf_statistics.delta().0.internal_delete_skipped_count, 2); let perf_statistics = PerfStatisticsInstant::new(); iter.prev(&mut statistics); assert_eq!(perf_statistics.delta().0.internal_delete_skipped_count, 2); iter.prev(&mut statistics); assert_eq!(perf_statistics.delta().0.internal_delete_skipped_count, 3); iter.prev(&mut statistics); assert_eq!(perf_statistics.delta().0.internal_delete_skipped_count, 3); } #[test] fn test_prefix_seek_skip_tombstone() { let engine = TestEngineBuilder::new().build().unwrap(); engine .put_cf( &Context::default(), "write", Key::from_raw(b"aoo").append_ts(TimeStamp::zero()), b"ba".to_vec(), ) .unwrap(); for key in &[ b"foo".to_vec(), b"foo1".to_vec(), b"foo2".to_vec(), b"foo3".to_vec(), ] { engine .put_cf( &Context::default(), "write", Key::from_raw(key).append_ts(TimeStamp::zero()), b"bar".to_vec(), ) .unwrap(); engine .delete_cf( &Context::default(), "write", Key::from_raw(key).append_ts(TimeStamp::zero()), ) .unwrap(); } engine .put_cf( &Context::default(), "write", Key::from_raw(b"foo4").append_ts(TimeStamp::zero()), b"bar4".to_vec(), ) .unwrap(); let snapshot = engine.snapshot(Default::default()).unwrap(); let iter_opt = IterOptions::default() .use_prefix_seek() .set_prefix_same_as_start(true); let mut iter = snapshot .iter_cf("write", iter_opt, ScanMode::Forward) .unwrap(); let mut statistics = CfStatistics::default(); let perf_statistics = PerfStatisticsInstant::new(); iter.seek( &Key::from_raw(b"aoo").append_ts(TimeStamp::zero()), &mut statistics, ) .unwrap(); assert_eq!(iter.valid().unwrap(), true); assert_eq!(perf_statistics.delta().0.internal_delete_skipped_count, 0); let perf_statistics = PerfStatisticsInstant::new(); iter.seek( &Key::from_raw(b"foo").append_ts(TimeStamp::zero()), &mut statistics, ) .unwrap(); assert_eq!(iter.valid().unwrap(), false); assert_eq!(perf_statistics.delta().0.internal_delete_skipped_count, 1); let perf_statistics = PerfStatisticsInstant::new(); iter.seek( &Key::from_raw(b"foo1").append_ts(TimeStamp::zero()), &mut statistics, ) .unwrap(); assert_eq!(iter.valid().unwrap(), false); assert_eq!(perf_statistics.delta().0.internal_delete_skipped_count, 1); let perf_statistics = PerfStatisticsInstant::new(); iter.seek( &Key::from_raw(b"foo2").append_ts(TimeStamp::zero()), &mut statistics, ) .unwrap(); assert_eq!(iter.valid().unwrap(), false); assert_eq!(perf_statistics.delta().0.internal_delete_skipped_count, 1); let perf_statistics = PerfStatisticsInstant::new(); assert_eq!( iter.seek( &Key::from_raw(b"foo4").append_ts(TimeStamp::zero()), &mut statistics ) .unwrap(), true ); assert_eq!(iter.valid().unwrap(), true); assert_eq!( iter.key(&mut statistics), Key::from_raw(b"foo4") .append_ts(TimeStamp::zero()) .as_encoded() .as_slice() ); assert_eq!(perf_statistics.delta().0.internal_delete_skipped_count, 0); } }
//! Types for the *m.dummy* event. use std::ops::{Deref, DerefMut}; use ruma_events_macros::BasicEventContent; use ruma_serde::empty::Empty; use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}; use crate::BasicEvent; /// This event type is used to indicate new Olm sessions for end-to-end encryption. /// /// Typically it is encrypted as an *m.room.encrypted* event, then sent as a to-device event. /// /// The event does not have any content associated with it. The sending client is expected to /// send a key share request shortly after this message, causing the receiving client to process /// this *m.dummy* event as the most recent event and using the keyshare request to set up the /// session. The keyshare request and *m.dummy* combination should result in the original /// sending client receiving keys over the newly established session. pub type DummyEvent = BasicEvent<DummyEventContent>; /// The payload for `DummyEvent`. #[derive(Clone, Debug, Deserialize, Serialize, BasicEventContent)] #[ruma_event(type = "m.dummy")] pub struct DummyEventContent(pub Empty); /// The to-device version of the payload for the `DummyEvent`. pub type DummyToDeviceEventContent = DummyEventContent; impl Deref for DummyEventContent { type Target = Empty; fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target { &self.0 } } impl DerefMut for DummyEventContent { fn deref_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Self::Target { &mut self.0 } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use ruma_serde::Raw; use serde_json::{from_value as from_json_value, json, to_value as to_json_value}; use super::{DummyEvent, DummyEventContent, Empty}; #[test] fn serialization() { let dummy_event = DummyEvent { content: DummyEventContent(Empty) }; let actual = to_json_value(dummy_event).unwrap(); let expected = json!({ "content": {}, "type": "m.dummy" }); assert_eq!(actual, expected); } #[test] fn deserialization() { let json = json!({ "content": {}, "type": "m.dummy" }); assert!(from_json_value::<Raw<DummyEvent>>(json).unwrap().deserialize().is_ok()); } }
mod networker; mod pipe_builder; use glib::MainLoop; use gstreamer_rtsp_server::{ RTSPMediaFactory, RTSPMediaFactoryExt, RTSPMountPointsExt, RTSPServer, RTSPServerExt, RTSPServerExtManual, }; use structopt::StructOpt; use pipe_builder::{Encoder, Input, Pipe, VideoSize}; #[derive(Debug, StructOpt)] #[structopt( name = "rusty-engine", about = "rusty-engine RTSP server", rename_all = "kebab" )] struct Opt { #[structopt( short, long = "fps", help = "Video framerate (FPS)", default_value = "30" )] framerate: u32, #[structopt(short, long, help = "Video width", default_value = "320")] width: u32, #[structopt(short, long, help = "Video height", default_value = "240")] height: u32, #[structopt( short, long, help = "Input mode to use", required_unless = "list", required_unless = "pipes-as-json", possible_values(&["v4l2", "shmem", "rpi"]) )] input: Option<Input>, // this looks stupid, but some library freaks out without it. we get the desired effect at run anyway #[structopt( short, long, help = "Input device to use", default_value_if("input", Some("v4l2"), "/dev/video0"), default_value_if("input", Some("shmem"), "/tmp/engineering") )] device: Option<String>, #[structopt( short, long, help = "Encoder to use. omx for Pi + USB camera, camera if you know it's available/Pi Camera Module, software any other time.", possible_values(&["x264enc", "omx", "camera"]), default_value = "x264enc", default_value_if("input", Some("rpi"), "camera") )] encoder: Encoder, #[structopt(long, help = "Pipelines to run as JSON.")] pipes_as_json: Option<String>, #[structopt(long, help = "List all input modes and exit.", group = "list")] list_in: bool, #[structopt(long, help = "List all encoders and exit.", group = "list")] list_enc: bool, #[structopt(flatten)] net_opt: networker::NetOpt, } fn main() { let opt = Opt::from_args(); if opt.list_in { println!("Available input modes:"); for inp in Input::all() { println!("{}", inp); } return; } if opt.list_enc { println!("Available encoder modes:"); for enc in Encoder::all() { println!("{}", enc); } return; } // set up basic Gst stuff gstreamer::init().expect("GStreamer could not init!"); let loop_ = MainLoop::new(Option::None, false); let server = RTSPServer::new(); server.set_service(&opt.net_opt.get_port().to_string()); let mounts = server .get_mount_points() .expect("Failed to get mount points"); if opt.pipes_as_json.is_some() { let config = opt.pipes_as_json.unwrap(); let pipes: Vec<Pipe> = serde_json::from_str(&config).expect("JSON could not parse!"); for pipe in pipes.iter() { let factory = RTSPMediaFactory::new(); let pipe_str = pipe_builder::create_pipe(pipe); println!("Pipeline constructed: {}", pipe_str); factory.set_launch(&pipe_str); factory.set_shared(true); mounts.add_factory(pipe.url(), &factory); } } else { // try to set up video size let size = VideoSize::new(opt.width, opt.height, opt.framerate); let device = opt.device.unwrap_or_default(); let mut input = opt.input.unwrap(); input = match input { Input::Video4Linux(_) => Input::Video4Linux(device), Input::SharedMemory(_) => Input::SharedMemory(device), _ => input, }; let encoder = opt.encoder; let pipe = Pipe::new(input, encoder, size, String::from(opt.net_opt.get_url())); let pipe_str = pipe_builder::create_pipe(&pipe); println!("Pipeline constructed: {}", pipe_str); let factory = RTSPMediaFactory::new(); factory.set_launch(&pipe_str); factory.set_shared(true); // set up mounts mounts.add_factory(pipe.url(), &factory); } server.attach(Option::None); println!("Starting loop..."); loop_.run(); }
#![deny(unsafe_code)] #![deny(warnings)] #![no_main] #![no_std] extern crate cortex_m_rt as rt; #[macro_use] extern crate cortex_m; extern crate panic_itm; extern crate stm32f103xx_hal; use rt::{entry, exception, ExceptionFrame}; #[entry] fn main() -> ! { let p = cortex_m::Peripherals::take().unwrap(); let mut itm = p.ITM; iprintln!(&mut itm.stim[0], "Hello, world!"); loop {} } #[exception] fn HardFault(ef: &ExceptionFrame) -> ! { panic!("{:#?}", ef); } #[exception] fn DefaultHandler(irqn: i16) { panic!("Unhandled exception (IRQn = {})", irqn); }
extern crate hangeul; fn main() { let cho = 'ㄱ'; let jung = 'ㅏ'; let jong = Some(&'ㅄ'); let composed = hangeul::compose_char(&cho, &jung, jong).unwrap(); assert_eq!(composed, '값'); let (cho2, jung2, jong2) = hangeul::decompose_char(&composed).unwrap(); assert_eq!(cho, cho2); assert_eq!(jung, jung2); assert_eq!(jong.unwrap(), &jong2.unwrap()); }
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one // or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file // distributed with this work for additional information // regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file // to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the // "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance // with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, // software distributed under the License is distributed on an // "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY // KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the // specific language governing permissions and limitations // under the License.. #![crate_name = "enclave1"] #![crate_type = "staticlib"] #![cfg_attr(not(target_env = "sgx"), no_std)] #![cfg_attr(target_env = "sgx", feature(rustc_private))] #![feature(llvm_asm)] #[cfg(not(target_env = "sgx"))] extern crate sgx_tstd as std; #[cfg(not(target_env = "sgx"))] extern crate minidow; #[cfg(not(target_env = "sgx"))] pub use minidow::MINIDOW_SECRET; extern crate sgx_types; use sgx_types::{ sgx_aes_gcm_128bit_tag_t, sgx_get_key, sgx_key_128bit_t, sgx_key_id_t, sgx_key_request_t, sgx_rijndael128GCM_decrypt, sgx_rijndael128GCM_encrypt, sgx_self_report, sgx_status_t, SGX_KEYPOLICY_MRENCLAVE, SGX_KEYSELECT_SEAL, SGX_SEAL_IV_SIZE, TSEAL_DEFAULT_FLAGSMASK, TSEAL_DEFAULT_MISCMASK, }; extern crate sgx_rand; static mut PRIVATE_KEY: sgx_key_128bit_t = [0; 16]; #[no_mangle] static SECRET: u64 = 0x1122334455667788; #[no_mangle] pub unsafe extern "C" fn spectre_test(measurement_array_addr: u64, off: u64) { minidow::access_memory_spectre(measurement_array_addr as usize, off as usize); } #[no_mangle] pub unsafe extern "C" fn get_key_addr() -> *const sgx_key_128bit_t { &PRIVATE_KEY as *const _ } pub unsafe fn get_seal_key() -> (sgx_key_id_t, *const sgx_key_128bit_t) { let rand = sgx_rand::random::<[u8; core::mem::size_of::<sgx_key_id_t>()]>(); let key_id = sgx_key_id_t { id: rand }; return (key_id, get_seal_key_from_key_id(key_id.clone())); } pub unsafe fn get_seal_key_from_key_id(key_id: sgx_key_id_t) -> *const sgx_key_128bit_t { let report = sgx_self_report(); let mut key_req = sgx_key_request_t::default(); key_req.key_id = key_id; key_req.cpu_svn = (*report).body.cpu_svn; key_req.cpu_svn = (*report).body.cpu_svn; key_req.config_svn = (*report).body.config_svn; key_req.key_name = SGX_KEYSELECT_SEAL; key_req.key_policy = SGX_KEYPOLICY_MRENCLAVE; key_req.attribute_mask.flags = TSEAL_DEFAULT_FLAGSMASK; key_req.attribute_mask.xfrm = 0; key_req.misc_mask = TSEAL_DEFAULT_MISCMASK; let success = sgx_get_key(&key_req as *const _, &mut PRIVATE_KEY as *mut _); if success != sgx_status_t::SGX_SUCCESS { #[cfg(not(target_env = "sgx"))] std::println!("[enclave] couldn't get a key!"); } #[cfg(not(target_env = "sgx"))] std::println!( "[enclave] Private key value: 0x{:x}", core::mem::transmute::<sgx_key_128bit_t, u128>(PRIVATE_KEY) ); return &PRIVATE_KEY as *const _; } #[no_mangle] pub unsafe extern "C" fn custom_seal_data( buf: *const u8, buf_size: u32, out_buf: *mut u8, out_size: *mut u32, out_tag: *mut sgx_aes_gcm_128bit_tag_t, ) -> sgx_status_t { let (key_id, key) = get_seal_key(); #[cfg(not(target_env = "sgx"))] std::println!("[enclave] key_id in seal: {:?}", key_id.id); let additional_data = &key_id.id[0] as *const u8; let additional_data_len = core::mem::size_of::<sgx_key_id_t>() as u32; *out_size = (buf_size as usize + additional_data_len as usize) as u32; let status = sgx_rijndael128GCM_encrypt( key, buf, buf_size, out_buf, &[0u8; SGX_SEAL_IV_SIZE] as *const u8, SGX_SEAL_IV_SIZE as u32, additional_data, additional_data_len, out_tag, ); core::ptr::copy( additional_data, (out_buf as usize + buf_size as usize) as *mut u8, additional_data_len as usize, ); status } #[no_mangle] pub unsafe extern "C" fn custom_unseal_data( buf: *const u8, buf_size: u32, out_buf: *mut u8, tag: *const sgx_aes_gcm_128bit_tag_t, ) -> sgx_status_t { let key_id = (buf as usize + buf_size as usize) as *const sgx_key_id_t; #[cfg(not(target_env = "sgx"))] std::println!("[enclave] tag: {:?}", *tag); #[cfg(not(target_env = "sgx"))] std::println!("[enclave] key_id in unseal: {:?}", (*key_id).id); let key = get_seal_key_from_key_id(*key_id); let status = sgx_rijndael128GCM_decrypt( key, buf, buf_size, out_buf, &[0_u8; SGX_SEAL_IV_SIZE] as *const u8, SGX_SEAL_IV_SIZE as u32, &(*key_id).id[0] as *const u8, core::mem::size_of::<sgx_key_id_t>() as u32, tag, ); status } #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn get_secret_addr() -> u64 { return &SECRET as *const _ as u64; }
use super::traits::*; use super::notify_fn::*; use std::rc::*; use std::sync::*; use std::cell::*; thread_local! { static CURRENT_CONTEXT: RefCell<Option<BindingContext>> = RefCell::new(None); } /// /// Represents the dependencies of a binding context /// #[derive(Clone)] pub struct BindingDependencies { /// Set to true if the binding dependencies have been changed since they were registered in the dependencies recently_changed: Arc<Mutex<bool>>, /// The when_changed monitors for the recently_changed flag recent_change_monitors: Rc<RefCell<Vec<Box<dyn Releasable>>>>, /// The list of changables that are dependent on this context dependencies: Rc<RefCell<Vec<Box<dyn Changeable>>>> } impl BindingDependencies { /// /// Creates a new binding dependencies object /// pub fn new() -> BindingDependencies { BindingDependencies { recently_changed: Arc::new(Mutex::new(false)), recent_change_monitors: Rc::new(RefCell::new(vec![])), dependencies: Rc::new(RefCell::new(vec![])) } } /// /// Adds a new dependency to this object /// pub fn add_dependency<TChangeable: Changeable+'static>(&mut self, dependency: TChangeable) { // Set the recently changed flag so that we can tell if the dependencies are already out of date before when_changed is called let recently_changed = Arc::clone(&self.recently_changed); let mut recent_change_monitors = self.recent_change_monitors.borrow_mut(); recent_change_monitors.push(dependency.when_changed(notify(move || { *recently_changed.lock().unwrap() = true; }))); // Add this dependency to the list self.dependencies.borrow_mut().push(Box::new(dependency)) } /// /// If the dependencies have not changed since they were registered, registers for changes /// and returns a `Releasable`. If the dependencies are already different, returns `None`. /// pub fn when_changed_if_unchanged(&self, what: Arc<dyn Notifiable>) -> Option<Box<dyn Releasable>> { let mut to_release = vec![]; // Register with all of the dependencies for dep in self.dependencies.borrow_mut().iter_mut() { to_release.push(dep.when_changed(Arc::clone(&what))); } if *self.recently_changed.lock().unwrap() { // If a value changed while we were building these dependencies, then immediately generate the notification to_release.into_iter().for_each(|mut releasable| releasable.done()); // Nothing to release None } else { // Otherwise, return the set of releasable values Some(Box::new(to_release)) } } } impl Changeable for BindingDependencies { fn when_changed(&self, what: Arc<dyn Notifiable>) -> Box<dyn Releasable> { let when_changed_or_not = self.when_changed_if_unchanged(Arc::clone(&what)); match when_changed_or_not { Some(releasable) => releasable, None => { what.mark_as_changed(); Box::new(vec![]) } } } } /// /// Represents a binding context. Binding contexts are /// per-thread structures, used to track /// #[derive(Clone)] pub struct BindingContext { /// The dependencies for this context dependencies: BindingDependencies, /// None, or the binding context that this context was created within nested: Option<Box<BindingContext>> } impl BindingContext { /// /// Gets the active binding context /// pub fn current() -> Option<BindingContext> { CURRENT_CONTEXT.with(|current_context| { current_context .borrow() .as_ref() .cloned() }) } /// /// Panics if we're trying to create a binding, with a particular message /// pub fn panic_if_in_binding_context(msg: &str) { if CURRENT_CONTEXT.with(|context| context.borrow().is_some()) { panic!("Not possible when binding: {}", msg); } } /// /// Executes a function in a new binding context /// pub fn bind<TResult, TFn>(to_do: TFn) -> (TResult, BindingDependencies) where TFn: FnOnce() -> TResult { // Remember the previous context let previous_context = Self::current(); // Create a new context let dependencies = BindingDependencies::new(); let new_context = BindingContext { dependencies: dependencies.clone(), nested: previous_context.clone().map(Box::new) }; // Make the current context the same as the new context CURRENT_CONTEXT.with(|current_context| *current_context.borrow_mut() = Some(new_context)); // Perform the requested action with this context let result = to_do(); // Reset to the previous context CURRENT_CONTEXT.with(|current_context| *current_context.borrow_mut() = previous_context); (result, dependencies) } /// /// Performs an action outside of the binding context (dependencies /// will not be tracked for anything the supplied function does) /// pub fn out_of_context<TResult, TFn>(to_do: TFn) -> TResult where TFn: FnOnce() -> TResult { // Remember the previous context let previous_context = Self::current(); // Unset the context CURRENT_CONTEXT.with(|current_context| *current_context.borrow_mut() = None); // Perform the operations without a binding context let result = to_do(); // Reset to the previous context CURRENT_CONTEXT.with(|current_context| *current_context.borrow_mut() = previous_context); result } /// /// Adds a dependency to the current context (if one is found) /// pub fn add_dependency<TChangeable: Changeable+'static>(dependency: TChangeable) { Self::current().map(|mut ctx| ctx.dependencies.add_dependency(dependency)); } }
// Copyright 2012-2014 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT // file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at // http://rust-lang.org/COPYRIGHT. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0> or the MIT license // <LICENSE-MIT or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>, at your // option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed // except according to those terms. // Verifies that the types and values of const and static items // are safe. The rules enforced by this module are: // // - For each *mutable* static item, it checks that its **type**: // - doesn't have a destructor // - doesn't own a box // // - For each *immutable* static item, it checks that its **value**: // - doesn't own a box // - doesn't contain a struct literal or a call to an enum variant / struct constructor where // - the type of the struct/enum has a dtor // // Rules Enforced Elsewhere: // - It's not possible to take the address of a static item with unsafe interior. This is enforced // by borrowck::gather_loans use middle::ty::cast::{CastKind}; use middle::const_eval; use middle::const_eval::EvalHint::ExprTypeChecked; use middle::def; use middle::def_id::DefId; use middle::expr_use_visitor as euv; use middle::infer; use middle::mem_categorization as mc; use middle::mem_categorization::Categorization; use middle::traits; use middle::ty::{self, Ty}; use util::nodemap::NodeMap; use rustc_front::hir; use syntax::ast; use syntax::codemap::Span; use syntax::feature_gate::UnstableFeatures; use rustc_front::visit::{self, FnKind, Visitor}; use std::collections::hash_map::Entry; use std::cmp::Ordering; // Const qualification, from partial to completely promotable. bitflags! { #[derive(RustcEncodable, RustcDecodable)] flags ConstQualif: u8 { // Inner mutability (can not be placed behind a reference) or behind // &mut in a non-global expression. Can be copied from static memory. const MUTABLE_MEM = 1 << 0, // Constant value with a type that implements Drop. Can be copied // from static memory, similar to MUTABLE_MEM. const NEEDS_DROP = 1 << 1, // Even if the value can be placed in static memory, copying it from // there is more expensive than in-place instantiation, and/or it may // be too large. This applies to [T; N] and everything containing it. // N.B.: references need to clear this flag to not end up on the stack. const PREFER_IN_PLACE = 1 << 2, // May use more than 0 bytes of memory, doesn't impact the constness // directly, but is not allowed to be borrowed mutably in a constant. const NON_ZERO_SIZED = 1 << 3, // Actually borrowed, has to always be in static memory. Does not // propagate, and requires the expression to behave like a 'static // lvalue. The set of expressions with this flag is the minimum // that have to be promoted. const HAS_STATIC_BORROWS = 1 << 4, // Invalid const for miscellaneous reasons (e.g. not implemented). const NOT_CONST = 1 << 5, // Borrowing the expression won't produce &'static T if any of these // bits are set, though the value could be copied from static memory // if `NOT_CONST` isn't set. const NON_STATIC_BORROWS = ConstQualif::MUTABLE_MEM.bits | ConstQualif::NEEDS_DROP.bits | ConstQualif::NOT_CONST.bits } } #[derive(Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq)] enum Mode { Const, ConstFn, Static, StaticMut, // An expression that occurs outside of any constant context // (i.e. `const`, `static`, array lengths, etc.). The value // can be variable at runtime, but will be promotable to // static memory if we can prove it is actually constant. Var, } struct CheckCrateVisitor<'a, 'tcx: 'a> { tcx: &'a ty::ctxt<'tcx>, mode: Mode, qualif: ConstQualif, rvalue_borrows: NodeMap<hir::Mutability> } impl<'a, 'tcx> CheckCrateVisitor<'a, 'tcx> { fn with_mode<F, R>(&mut self, mode: Mode, f: F) -> R where F: FnOnce(&mut CheckCrateVisitor<'a, 'tcx>) -> R, { let (old_mode, old_qualif) = (self.mode, self.qualif); self.mode = mode; self.qualif = ConstQualif::empty(); let r = f(self); self.mode = old_mode; self.qualif = old_qualif; r } fn with_euv<'b, F, R>(&'b mut self, item_id: Option<ast::NodeId>, f: F) -> R where F: for<'t> FnOnce(&mut euv::ExprUseVisitor<'b, 't, 'b, 'tcx>) -> R, { let param_env = match item_id { Some(item_id) => ty::ParameterEnvironment::for_item(self.tcx, item_id), None => self.tcx.empty_parameter_environment() }; let infcx = infer::new_infer_ctxt(self.tcx, &self.tcx.tables, Some(param_env), false); f(&mut euv::ExprUseVisitor::new(self, &infcx)) } fn global_expr(&mut self, mode: Mode, expr: &hir::Expr) -> ConstQualif { assert!(mode != Mode::Var); match self.tcx.const_qualif_map.borrow_mut().entry(expr.id) { Entry::Occupied(entry) => return *entry.get(), Entry::Vacant(entry) => { // Prevent infinite recursion on re-entry. entry.insert(ConstQualif::empty()); } } self.with_mode(mode, |this| { this.with_euv(None, |euv| euv.consume_expr(expr)); this.visit_expr(expr); this.qualif }) } fn fn_like(&mut self, fk: FnKind, fd: &hir::FnDecl, b: &hir::Block, s: Span, fn_id: ast::NodeId) -> ConstQualif { match self.tcx.const_qualif_map.borrow_mut().entry(fn_id) { Entry::Occupied(entry) => return *entry.get(), Entry::Vacant(entry) => { // Prevent infinite recursion on re-entry. entry.insert(ConstQualif::empty()); } } let mode = match fk { FnKind::ItemFn(_, _, _, hir::Constness::Const, _, _) => { Mode::ConstFn } FnKind::Method(_, m, _) => { if m.constness == hir::Constness::Const { Mode::ConstFn } else { Mode::Var } } _ => Mode::Var }; // Ensure the arguments are simple, not mutable/by-ref or patterns. if mode == Mode::ConstFn { for arg in &fd.inputs { match arg.pat.node { hir::PatWild => {} hir::PatIdent(hir::BindByValue(hir::MutImmutable), _, None) => {} _ => { span_err!(self.tcx.sess, arg.pat.span, E0022, "arguments of constant functions can only \ be immutable by-value bindings"); } } } } let qualif = self.with_mode(mode, |this| { this.with_euv(Some(fn_id), |euv| euv.walk_fn(fd, b)); visit::walk_fn(this, fk, fd, b, s); this.qualif }); // Keep only bits that aren't affected by function body (NON_ZERO_SIZED), // and bits that don't change semantics, just optimizations (PREFER_IN_PLACE). let qualif = qualif & (ConstQualif::NON_ZERO_SIZED | ConstQualif::PREFER_IN_PLACE); self.tcx.const_qualif_map.borrow_mut().insert(fn_id, qualif); qualif } fn add_qualif(&mut self, qualif: ConstQualif) { self.qualif = self.qualif | qualif; } /// Returns true if the call is to a const fn or method. fn handle_const_fn_call(&mut self, expr: &hir::Expr, def_id: DefId, ret_ty: Ty<'tcx>) -> bool { if let Some(fn_like) = const_eval::lookup_const_fn_by_id(self.tcx, def_id) { if // we are in a static/const initializer self.mode != Mode::Var && // feature-gate is not enabled !self.tcx.sess.features.borrow().const_fn && // this doesn't come from a macro that has #[allow_internal_unstable] !self.tcx.sess.codemap().span_allows_unstable(expr.span) { self.tcx.sess.span_err( expr.span, &format!("const fns are an unstable feature")); fileline_help!( self.tcx.sess, expr.span, "in Nightly builds, add `#![feature(const_fn)]` to the crate \ attributes to enable"); } let qualif = self.fn_like(fn_like.kind(), fn_like.decl(), fn_like.body(), fn_like.span(), fn_like.id()); self.add_qualif(qualif); if ret_ty.type_contents(self.tcx).interior_unsafe() { self.add_qualif(ConstQualif::MUTABLE_MEM); } true } else { false } } fn record_borrow(&mut self, id: ast::NodeId, mutbl: hir::Mutability) { match self.rvalue_borrows.entry(id) { Entry::Occupied(mut entry) => { // Merge the two borrows, taking the most demanding // one, mutability-wise. if mutbl == hir::MutMutable { entry.insert(mutbl); } } Entry::Vacant(entry) => { entry.insert(mutbl); } } } fn msg(&self) -> &'static str { match self.mode { Mode::Const => "constant", Mode::ConstFn => "constant function", Mode::StaticMut | Mode::Static => "static", Mode::Var => unreachable!(), } } fn check_static_mut_type(&self, e: &hir::Expr) { let node_ty = self.tcx.node_id_to_type(e.id); let tcontents = node_ty.type_contents(self.tcx); let suffix = if tcontents.has_dtor() { "destructors" } else if tcontents.owns_owned() { "boxes" } else { return }; span_err!(self.tcx.sess, e.span, E0397, "mutable statics are not allowed to have {}", suffix); } fn check_static_type(&self, e: &hir::Expr) { let ty = self.tcx.node_id_to_type(e.id); let infcx = infer::new_infer_ctxt(self.tcx, &self.tcx.tables, None, false); let cause = traits::ObligationCause::new(e.span, e.id, traits::SharedStatic); let mut fulfill_cx = infcx.fulfillment_cx.borrow_mut(); fulfill_cx.register_builtin_bound(&infcx, ty, ty::BoundSync, cause); match fulfill_cx.select_all_or_error(&infcx) { Ok(()) => { }, Err(ref errors) => { traits::report_fulfillment_errors(&infcx, errors); } } } } impl<'a, 'tcx, 'v> Visitor<'v> for CheckCrateVisitor<'a, 'tcx> { fn visit_item(&mut self, i: &hir::Item) { debug!("visit_item(item={})", self.tcx.map.node_to_string(i.id)); match i.node { hir::ItemStatic(_, hir::MutImmutable, ref expr) => { self.check_static_type(&**expr); self.global_expr(Mode::Static, &**expr); } hir::ItemStatic(_, hir::MutMutable, ref expr) => { self.check_static_mut_type(&**expr); self.global_expr(Mode::StaticMut, &**expr); } hir::ItemConst(_, ref expr) => { self.global_expr(Mode::Const, &**expr); } hir::ItemEnum(ref enum_definition, _) => { for var in &enum_definition.variants { if let Some(ref ex) = var.node.disr_expr { self.global_expr(Mode::Const, &**ex); } } } _ => { self.with_mode(Mode::Var, |v| visit::walk_item(v, i)); } } } fn visit_trait_item(&mut self, t: &'v hir::TraitItem) { match t.node { hir::ConstTraitItem(_, ref default) => { if let Some(ref expr) = *default { self.global_expr(Mode::Const, &*expr); } else { visit::walk_trait_item(self, t); } } _ => self.with_mode(Mode::Var, |v| visit::walk_trait_item(v, t)), } } fn visit_impl_item(&mut self, i: &'v hir::ImplItem) { match i.node { hir::ConstImplItem(_, ref expr) => { self.global_expr(Mode::Const, &*expr); } _ => self.with_mode(Mode::Var, |v| visit::walk_impl_item(v, i)), } } fn visit_fn(&mut self, fk: FnKind<'v>, fd: &'v hir::FnDecl, b: &'v hir::Block, s: Span, fn_id: ast::NodeId) { self.fn_like(fk, fd, b, s, fn_id); } fn visit_pat(&mut self, p: &hir::Pat) { match p.node { hir::PatLit(ref lit) => { self.global_expr(Mode::Const, &**lit); } hir::PatRange(ref start, ref end) => { self.global_expr(Mode::Const, &**start); self.global_expr(Mode::Const, &**end); match const_eval::compare_lit_exprs(self.tcx, start, end) { Some(Ordering::Less) | Some(Ordering::Equal) => {} Some(Ordering::Greater) => { span_err!(self.tcx.sess, start.span, E0030, "lower range bound must be less than or equal to upper"); } None => { self.tcx.sess.delay_span_bug(start.span, "non-constant path in constant expr"); } } } _ => visit::walk_pat(self, p) } } fn visit_block(&mut self, block: &hir::Block) { // Check all statements in the block for stmt in &block.stmts { let span = match stmt.node { hir::StmtDecl(ref decl, _) => { match decl.node { hir::DeclLocal(_) => decl.span, // Item statements are allowed hir::DeclItem(_) => continue } } hir::StmtExpr(ref expr, _) => expr.span, hir::StmtSemi(ref semi, _) => semi.span, }; self.add_qualif(ConstQualif::NOT_CONST); if self.mode != Mode::Var { span_err!(self.tcx.sess, span, E0016, "blocks in {}s are limited to items and \ tail expressions", self.msg()); } } visit::walk_block(self, block); } fn visit_expr(&mut self, ex: &hir::Expr) { let mut outer = self.qualif; self.qualif = ConstQualif::empty(); let node_ty = self.tcx.node_id_to_type(ex.id); check_expr(self, ex, node_ty); check_adjustments(self, ex); // Special-case some expressions to avoid certain flags bubbling up. match ex.node { hir::ExprCall(ref callee, ref args) => { for arg in args { self.visit_expr(&**arg) } let inner = self.qualif; self.visit_expr(&**callee); // The callee's size doesn't count in the call. let added = self.qualif - inner; self.qualif = inner | (added - ConstQualif::NON_ZERO_SIZED); } hir::ExprRepeat(ref element, _) => { self.visit_expr(&**element); // The count is checked elsewhere (typeck). let count = match node_ty.sty { ty::TyArray(_, n) => n, _ => unreachable!() }; // [element; 0] is always zero-sized. if count == 0 { self.qualif.remove(ConstQualif::NON_ZERO_SIZED | ConstQualif::PREFER_IN_PLACE); } } hir::ExprMatch(ref discr, ref arms, _) => { // Compute the most demanding borrow from all the arms' // patterns and set that on the discriminator. let mut borrow = None; for pat in arms.iter().flat_map(|arm| &arm.pats) { let pat_borrow = self.rvalue_borrows.remove(&pat.id); match (borrow, pat_borrow) { (None, _) | (_, Some(hir::MutMutable)) => { borrow = pat_borrow; } _ => {} } } if let Some(mutbl) = borrow { self.record_borrow(discr.id, mutbl); } visit::walk_expr(self, ex); } // Division by zero and overflow checking. hir::ExprBinary(op, _, _) => { visit::walk_expr(self, ex); let div_or_rem = op.node == hir::BiDiv || op.node == hir::BiRem; match node_ty.sty { ty::TyUint(_) | ty::TyInt(_) if div_or_rem => { if !self.qualif.intersects(ConstQualif::NOT_CONST) { match const_eval::eval_const_expr_partial( self.tcx, ex, ExprTypeChecked, None) { Ok(_) => {} Err(msg) => { self.tcx.sess.add_lint(::lint::builtin::CONST_ERR, ex.id, msg.span, msg.description().into_owned()) } } } } _ => {} } } _ => visit::walk_expr(self, ex) } // Handle borrows on (or inside the autorefs of) this expression. match self.rvalue_borrows.remove(&ex.id) { Some(hir::MutImmutable) => { // Constants cannot be borrowed if they contain interior mutability as // it means that our "silent insertion of statics" could change // initializer values (very bad). // If the type doesn't have interior mutability, then `ConstQualif::MUTABLE_MEM` has // propagated from another error, so erroring again would be just noise. let tc = node_ty.type_contents(self.tcx); if self.qualif.intersects(ConstQualif::MUTABLE_MEM) && tc.interior_unsafe() { outer = outer | ConstQualif::NOT_CONST; if self.mode != Mode::Var { span_err!(self.tcx.sess, ex.span, E0492, "cannot borrow a constant which contains \ interior mutability, create a static instead"); } } // If the reference has to be 'static, avoid in-place initialization // as that will end up pointing to the stack instead. if !self.qualif.intersects(ConstQualif::NON_STATIC_BORROWS) { self.qualif = self.qualif - ConstQualif::PREFER_IN_PLACE; self.add_qualif(ConstQualif::HAS_STATIC_BORROWS); } } Some(hir::MutMutable) => { // `&mut expr` means expr could be mutated, unless it's zero-sized. if self.qualif.intersects(ConstQualif::NON_ZERO_SIZED) { if self.mode == Mode::Var { outer = outer | ConstQualif::NOT_CONST; self.add_qualif(ConstQualif::MUTABLE_MEM); } else { span_err!(self.tcx.sess, ex.span, E0017, "references in {}s may only refer \ to immutable values", self.msg()) } } if !self.qualif.intersects(ConstQualif::NON_STATIC_BORROWS) { self.add_qualif(ConstQualif::HAS_STATIC_BORROWS); } } None => {} } self.tcx.const_qualif_map.borrow_mut().insert(ex.id, self.qualif); // Don't propagate certain flags. self.qualif = outer | (self.qualif - ConstQualif::HAS_STATIC_BORROWS); } } /// This function is used to enforce the constraints on /// const/static items. It walks through the *value* /// of the item walking down the expression and evaluating /// every nested expression. If the expression is not part /// of a const/static item, it is qualified for promotion /// instead of producing errors. fn check_expr<'a, 'tcx>(v: &mut CheckCrateVisitor<'a, 'tcx>, e: &hir::Expr, node_ty: Ty<'tcx>) { match node_ty.sty { ty::TyStruct(def, _) | ty::TyEnum(def, _) if def.has_dtor() => { v.add_qualif(ConstQualif::NEEDS_DROP); if v.mode != Mode::Var { span_err!(v.tcx.sess, e.span, E0493, "{}s are not allowed to have destructors", v.msg()); } } _ => {} } let method_call = ty::MethodCall::expr(e.id); match e.node { hir::ExprUnary(..) | hir::ExprBinary(..) | hir::ExprIndex(..) if v.tcx.tables.borrow().method_map.contains_key(&method_call) => { v.add_qualif(ConstQualif::NOT_CONST); if v.mode != Mode::Var { span_err!(v.tcx.sess, e.span, E0011, "user-defined operators are not allowed in {}s", v.msg()); } } hir::ExprBox(_) => { v.add_qualif(ConstQualif::NOT_CONST); if v.mode != Mode::Var { span_err!(v.tcx.sess, e.span, E0010, "allocations are not allowed in {}s", v.msg()); } } hir::ExprUnary(op, ref inner) => { match v.tcx.node_id_to_type(inner.id).sty { ty::TyRawPtr(_) => { assert!(op == hir::UnDeref); v.add_qualif(ConstQualif::NOT_CONST); if v.mode != Mode::Var { span_err!(v.tcx.sess, e.span, E0396, "raw pointers cannot be dereferenced in {}s", v.msg()); } } _ => {} } } hir::ExprBinary(op, ref lhs, _) => { match v.tcx.node_id_to_type(lhs.id).sty { ty::TyRawPtr(_) => { assert!(op.node == hir::BiEq || op.node == hir::BiNe || op.node == hir::BiLe || op.node == hir::BiLt || op.node == hir::BiGe || op.node == hir::BiGt); v.add_qualif(ConstQualif::NOT_CONST); if v.mode != Mode::Var { span_err!(v.tcx.sess, e.span, E0395, "raw pointers cannot be compared in {}s", v.msg()); } } _ => {} } } hir::ExprCast(ref from, _) => { debug!("Checking const cast(id={})", from.id); match v.tcx.cast_kinds.borrow().get(&from.id) { None => v.tcx.sess.span_bug(e.span, "no kind for cast"), Some(&CastKind::PtrAddrCast) | Some(&CastKind::FnPtrAddrCast) => { v.add_qualif(ConstQualif::NOT_CONST); if v.mode != Mode::Var { span_err!(v.tcx.sess, e.span, E0018, "raw pointers cannot be cast to integers in {}s", v.msg()); } } _ => {} } } hir::ExprPath(..) => { let def = v.tcx.def_map.borrow().get(&e.id).map(|d| d.full_def()); match def { Some(def::DefVariant(_, _, _)) => { // Count the discriminator or function pointer. v.add_qualif(ConstQualif::NON_ZERO_SIZED); } Some(def::DefStruct(_)) => { if let ty::TyBareFn(..) = node_ty.sty { // Count the function pointer. v.add_qualif(ConstQualif::NON_ZERO_SIZED); } } Some(def::DefFn(..)) | Some(def::DefMethod(..)) => { // Count the function pointer. v.add_qualif(ConstQualif::NON_ZERO_SIZED); } Some(def::DefStatic(..)) => { match v.mode { Mode::Static | Mode::StaticMut => {} Mode::Const | Mode::ConstFn => { span_err!(v.tcx.sess, e.span, E0013, "{}s cannot refer to other statics, insert \ an intermediate constant instead", v.msg()); } Mode::Var => v.add_qualif(ConstQualif::NOT_CONST) } } Some(def::DefConst(did)) | Some(def::DefAssociatedConst(did)) => { if let Some(expr) = const_eval::lookup_const_by_id(v.tcx, did, Some(e.id)) { let inner = v.global_expr(Mode::Const, expr); v.add_qualif(inner); } else { v.tcx.sess.span_bug(e.span, "DefConst or DefAssociatedConst \ doesn't point to a constant"); } } Some(def::DefLocal(..)) if v.mode == Mode::ConstFn => { // Sadly, we can't determine whether the types are zero-sized. v.add_qualif(ConstQualif::NOT_CONST | ConstQualif::NON_ZERO_SIZED); } def => { v.add_qualif(ConstQualif::NOT_CONST); if v.mode != Mode::Var { debug!("(checking const) found bad def: {:?}", def); span_err!(v.tcx.sess, e.span, E0014, "paths in {}s may only refer to constants \ or functions", v.msg()); } } } } hir::ExprCall(ref callee, _) => { let mut callee = &**callee; loop { callee = match callee.node { hir::ExprBlock(ref block) => match block.expr { Some(ref tail) => &**tail, None => break }, _ => break }; } let def = v.tcx.def_map.borrow().get(&callee.id).map(|d| d.full_def()); let is_const = match def { Some(def::DefStruct(..)) => true, Some(def::DefVariant(..)) => { // Count the discriminator. v.add_qualif(ConstQualif::NON_ZERO_SIZED); true } Some(def::DefFn(did, _)) => { v.handle_const_fn_call(e, did, node_ty) } Some(def::DefMethod(did)) => { match v.tcx.impl_or_trait_item(did).container() { ty::ImplContainer(_) => { v.handle_const_fn_call(e, did, node_ty) } ty::TraitContainer(_) => false } } _ => false }; if !is_const { v.add_qualif(ConstQualif::NOT_CONST); if v.mode != Mode::Var { fn span_limited_call_error(tcx: &ty::ctxt, span: Span, s: &str) { span_err!(tcx.sess, span, E0015, "{}", s); } // FIXME(#24111) Remove this check when const fn stabilizes if let UnstableFeatures::Disallow = v.tcx.sess.opts.unstable_features { span_limited_call_error(&v.tcx, e.span, &format!("function calls in {}s are limited to \ struct and enum constructors", v.msg())); v.tcx.sess.span_note(e.span, "a limited form of compile-time function \ evaluation is available on a nightly \ compiler via `const fn`"); } else { span_limited_call_error(&v.tcx, e.span, &format!("function calls in {}s are limited \ to constant functions, \ struct and enum constructors", v.msg())); } } } } hir::ExprMethodCall(..) => { let method = v.tcx.tables.borrow().method_map[&method_call]; let is_const = match v.tcx.impl_or_trait_item(method.def_id).container() { ty::ImplContainer(_) => v.handle_const_fn_call(e, method.def_id, node_ty), ty::TraitContainer(_) => false }; if !is_const { v.add_qualif(ConstQualif::NOT_CONST); if v.mode != Mode::Var { span_err!(v.tcx.sess, e.span, E0378, "method calls in {}s are limited to \ constant inherent methods", v.msg()); } } } hir::ExprStruct(..) => { let did = v.tcx.def_map.borrow().get(&e.id).map(|def| def.def_id()); if did == v.tcx.lang_items.unsafe_cell_type() { v.add_qualif(ConstQualif::MUTABLE_MEM); } } hir::ExprLit(_) | hir::ExprAddrOf(..) => { v.add_qualif(ConstQualif::NON_ZERO_SIZED); } hir::ExprRepeat(..) => { v.add_qualif(ConstQualif::PREFER_IN_PLACE); } hir::ExprClosure(..) => { // Paths in constant contexts cannot refer to local variables, // as there are none, and thus closures can't have upvars there. if v.tcx.with_freevars(e.id, |fv| !fv.is_empty()) { assert!(v.mode == Mode::Var, "global closures can't capture anything"); v.add_qualif(ConstQualif::NOT_CONST); } } hir::ExprBlock(_) | hir::ExprIndex(..) | hir::ExprField(..) | hir::ExprTupField(..) | hir::ExprVec(_) | hir::ExprTup(..) => {} // Conditional control flow (possible to implement). hir::ExprMatch(..) | hir::ExprIf(..) | // Loops (not very meaningful in constants). hir::ExprWhile(..) | hir::ExprLoop(..) | // More control flow (also not very meaningful). hir::ExprBreak(_) | hir::ExprAgain(_) | hir::ExprRet(_) | // Miscellaneous expressions that could be implemented. hir::ExprRange(..) | // Expressions with side-effects. hir::ExprAssign(..) | hir::ExprAssignOp(..) | hir::ExprInlineAsm(_) => { v.add_qualif(ConstQualif::NOT_CONST); if v.mode != Mode::Var { span_err!(v.tcx.sess, e.span, E0019, "{} contains unimplemented expression type", v.msg()); } } } } /// Check the adjustments of an expression fn check_adjustments<'a, 'tcx>(v: &mut CheckCrateVisitor<'a, 'tcx>, e: &hir::Expr) { match v.tcx.tables.borrow().adjustments.get(&e.id) { None | Some(&ty::adjustment::AdjustReifyFnPointer) | Some(&ty::adjustment::AdjustUnsafeFnPointer) => {} Some(&ty::adjustment::AdjustDerefRef( ty::adjustment::AutoDerefRef { autoderefs, .. } )) => { if (0..autoderefs as u32).any(|autoderef| { v.tcx.is_overloaded_autoderef(e.id, autoderef) }) { v.add_qualif(ConstQualif::NOT_CONST); if v.mode != Mode::Var { span_err!(v.tcx.sess, e.span, E0400, "user-defined dereference operators are not allowed in {}s", v.msg()); } } } } } pub fn check_crate(tcx: &ty::ctxt) { visit::walk_crate(&mut CheckCrateVisitor { tcx: tcx, mode: Mode::Var, qualif: ConstQualif::NOT_CONST, rvalue_borrows: NodeMap() }, tcx.map.krate()); tcx.sess.abort_if_errors(); } impl<'a, 'tcx> euv::Delegate<'tcx> for CheckCrateVisitor<'a, 'tcx> { fn consume(&mut self, _consume_id: ast::NodeId, consume_span: Span, cmt: mc::cmt, _mode: euv::ConsumeMode) { let mut cur = &cmt; loop { match cur.cat { Categorization::StaticItem => { if self.mode != Mode::Var { // statics cannot be consumed by value at any time, that would imply // that they're an initializer (what a const is for) or kept in sync // over time (not feasible), so deny it outright. span_err!(self.tcx.sess, consume_span, E0394, "cannot refer to other statics by value, use the \ address-of operator or a constant instead"); } break; } Categorization::Deref(ref cmt, _, _) | Categorization::Downcast(ref cmt, _) | Categorization::Interior(ref cmt, _) => cur = cmt, Categorization::Rvalue(..) | Categorization::Upvar(..) | Categorization::Local(..) => break } } } fn borrow(&mut self, borrow_id: ast::NodeId, borrow_span: Span, cmt: mc::cmt<'tcx>, _loan_region: ty::Region, bk: ty::BorrowKind, loan_cause: euv::LoanCause) { // Kind of hacky, but we allow Unsafe coercions in constants. // These occur when we convert a &T or *T to a *U, as well as // when making a thin pointer (e.g., `*T`) into a fat pointer // (e.g., `*Trait`). match loan_cause { euv::LoanCause::AutoUnsafe => { return; } _ => { } } let mut cur = &cmt; let mut is_interior = false; loop { match cur.cat { Categorization::Rvalue(..) => { if loan_cause == euv::MatchDiscriminant { // Ignore the dummy immutable borrow created by EUV. break; } let mutbl = bk.to_mutbl_lossy(); if mutbl == hir::MutMutable && self.mode == Mode::StaticMut { // Mutable slices are the only `&mut` allowed in // globals, but only in `static mut`, nowhere else. // FIXME: This exception is really weird... there isn't // any fundamental reason to restrict this based on // type of the expression. `&mut [1]` has exactly the // same representation as &mut 1. match cmt.ty.sty { ty::TyArray(_, _) | ty::TySlice(_) => break, _ => {} } } self.record_borrow(borrow_id, mutbl); break; } Categorization::StaticItem => { if is_interior && self.mode != Mode::Var { // Borrowed statics can specifically *only* have their address taken, // not any number of other borrows such as borrowing fields, reading // elements of an array, etc. span_err!(self.tcx.sess, borrow_span, E0494, "cannot refer to the interior of another \ static, use a constant instead"); } break; } Categorization::Deref(ref cmt, _, _) | Categorization::Downcast(ref cmt, _) | Categorization::Interior(ref cmt, _) => { is_interior = true; cur = cmt; } Categorization::Upvar(..) | Categorization::Local(..) => break } } } fn decl_without_init(&mut self, _id: ast::NodeId, _span: Span) {} fn mutate(&mut self, _assignment_id: ast::NodeId, _assignment_span: Span, _assignee_cmt: mc::cmt, _mode: euv::MutateMode) {} fn matched_pat(&mut self, _: &hir::Pat, _: mc::cmt, _: euv::MatchMode) {} fn consume_pat(&mut self, _consume_pat: &hir::Pat, _cmt: mc::cmt, _mode: euv::ConsumeMode) {} }
/** * Copyright (c) 2016, Facebook, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the * LICENSE file in the "hack" directory of this source tree. An additional * directory. * ** * * THIS FILE IS @generated; DO NOT EDIT IT * To regenerate this file, run * * buck run //hphp/hack/src:generate_full_fidelity * ** * */ use super::{ syntax_children_iterator::*, syntax_variant_generated::*, syntax::* }; impl<'a, T, V> SyntaxChildrenIterator<'a, T, V> { pub fn next_impl(&mut self, direction : bool) -> Option<&'a Syntax<'a, T, V>> { use SyntaxVariant::*; let get_index = |len| { let back_index_plus_1 = len - self.index_back; if back_index_plus_1 <= self.index { return None } if direction { Some (self.index) } else { Some (back_index_plus_1 - 1) } }; let res = match self.syntax { Missing => None, Token (_) => None, SyntaxList(elems) => { get_index(elems.len()).and_then(|x| elems.get(x)) }, EndOfFile(x) => { get_index(1).and_then(|index| { match index { 0 => Some(&x.token), _ => None, } }) }, Script(x) => { get_index(1).and_then(|index| { match index { 0 => Some(&x.declarations), _ => None, } }) }, QualifiedName(x) => { get_index(1).and_then(|index| { match index { 0 => Some(&x.parts), _ => None, } }) }, SimpleTypeSpecifier(x) => { get_index(1).and_then(|index| { match index { 0 => Some(&x.specifier), _ => None, } }) }, LiteralExpression(x) => { get_index(1).and_then(|index| { match index { 0 => Some(&x.expression), _ => None, } }) }, PrefixedStringExpression(x) => { get_index(2).and_then(|index| { match index { 0 => Some(&x.name), 1 => Some(&x.str), _ => None, } }) }, PrefixedCodeExpression(x) => { get_index(4).and_then(|index| { match index { 0 => Some(&x.prefix), 1 => Some(&x.left_backtick), 2 => Some(&x.expression), 3 => Some(&x.right_backtick), _ => None, } }) }, VariableExpression(x) => { get_index(1).and_then(|index| { match index { 0 => Some(&x.expression), _ => None, } }) }, PipeVariableExpression(x) => { get_index(1).and_then(|index| { match index { 0 => Some(&x.expression), _ => None, } }) }, FileAttributeSpecification(x) => { get_index(5).and_then(|index| { match index { 0 => Some(&x.left_double_angle), 1 => Some(&x.keyword), 2 => Some(&x.colon), 3 => Some(&x.attributes), 4 => Some(&x.right_double_angle), _ => None, } }) }, EnumDeclaration(x) => { get_index(10).and_then(|index| { match index { 0 => Some(&x.attribute_spec), 1 => Some(&x.keyword), 2 => Some(&x.name), 3 => Some(&x.colon), 4 => Some(&x.base), 5 => Some(&x.type_), 6 => Some(&x.left_brace), 7 => Some(&x.use_clauses), 8 => Some(&x.enumerators), 9 => Some(&x.right_brace), _ => None, } }) }, EnumUse(x) => { get_index(3).and_then(|index| { match index { 0 => Some(&x.keyword), 1 => Some(&x.names), 2 => Some(&x.semicolon), _ => None, } }) }, Enumerator(x) => { get_index(4).and_then(|index| { match index { 0 => Some(&x.name), 1 => Some(&x.equal), 2 => Some(&x.value), 3 => Some(&x.semicolon), _ => None, } }) }, EnumClassDeclaration(x) => { get_index(12).and_then(|index| { match index { 0 => Some(&x.attribute_spec), 1 => Some(&x.modifiers), 2 => Some(&x.enum_keyword), 3 => Some(&x.class_keyword), 4 => Some(&x.name), 5 => Some(&x.colon), 6 => Some(&x.base), 7 => Some(&x.extends), 8 => Some(&x.extends_list), 9 => Some(&x.left_brace), 10 => Some(&x.elements), 11 => Some(&x.right_brace), _ => None, } }) }, EnumClassEnumerator(x) => { get_index(5).and_then(|index| { match index { 0 => Some(&x.modifiers), 1 => Some(&x.type_), 2 => Some(&x.name), 3 => Some(&x.initializer), 4 => Some(&x.semicolon), _ => None, } }) }, AliasDeclaration(x) => { get_index(8).and_then(|index| { match index { 0 => Some(&x.attribute_spec), 1 => Some(&x.keyword), 2 => Some(&x.name), 3 => Some(&x.generic_parameter), 4 => Some(&x.constraint), 5 => Some(&x.equal), 6 => Some(&x.type_), 7 => Some(&x.semicolon), _ => None, } }) }, ContextAliasDeclaration(x) => { get_index(8).and_then(|index| { match index { 0 => Some(&x.attribute_spec), 1 => Some(&x.keyword), 2 => Some(&x.name), 3 => Some(&x.generic_parameter), 4 => Some(&x.as_constraint), 5 => Some(&x.equal), 6 => Some(&x.context), 7 => Some(&x.semicolon), _ => None, } }) }, PropertyDeclaration(x) => { get_index(5).and_then(|index| { match index { 0 => Some(&x.attribute_spec), 1 => Some(&x.modifiers), 2 => Some(&x.type_), 3 => Some(&x.declarators), 4 => Some(&x.semicolon), _ => None, } }) }, PropertyDeclarator(x) => { get_index(2).and_then(|index| { match index { 0 => Some(&x.name), 1 => Some(&x.initializer), _ => None, } }) }, NamespaceDeclaration(x) => { get_index(2).and_then(|index| { match index { 0 => Some(&x.header), 1 => Some(&x.body), _ => None, } }) }, NamespaceDeclarationHeader(x) => { get_index(2).and_then(|index| { match index { 0 => Some(&x.keyword), 1 => Some(&x.name), _ => None, } }) }, NamespaceBody(x) => { get_index(3).and_then(|index| { match index { 0 => Some(&x.left_brace), 1 => Some(&x.declarations), 2 => Some(&x.right_brace), _ => None, } }) }, NamespaceEmptyBody(x) => { get_index(1).and_then(|index| { match index { 0 => Some(&x.semicolon), _ => None, } }) }, NamespaceUseDeclaration(x) => { get_index(4).and_then(|index| { match index { 0 => Some(&x.keyword), 1 => Some(&x.kind), 2 => Some(&x.clauses), 3 => Some(&x.semicolon), _ => None, } }) }, NamespaceGroupUseDeclaration(x) => { get_index(7).and_then(|index| { match index { 0 => Some(&x.keyword), 1 => Some(&x.kind), 2 => Some(&x.prefix), 3 => Some(&x.left_brace), 4 => Some(&x.clauses), 5 => Some(&x.right_brace), 6 => Some(&x.semicolon), _ => None, } }) }, NamespaceUseClause(x) => { get_index(4).and_then(|index| { match index { 0 => Some(&x.clause_kind), 1 => Some(&x.name), 2 => Some(&x.as_), 3 => Some(&x.alias), _ => None, } }) }, FunctionDeclaration(x) => { get_index(3).and_then(|index| { match index { 0 => Some(&x.attribute_spec), 1 => Some(&x.declaration_header), 2 => Some(&x.body), _ => None, } }) }, FunctionDeclarationHeader(x) => { get_index(12).and_then(|index| { match index { 0 => Some(&x.modifiers), 1 => Some(&x.keyword), 2 => Some(&x.name), 3 => Some(&x.type_parameter_list), 4 => Some(&x.left_paren), 5 => Some(&x.parameter_list), 6 => Some(&x.right_paren), 7 => Some(&x.contexts), 8 => Some(&x.colon), 9 => Some(&x.readonly_return), 10 => Some(&x.type_), 11 => Some(&x.where_clause), _ => None, } }) }, Contexts(x) => { get_index(3).and_then(|index| { match index { 0 => Some(&x.left_bracket), 1 => Some(&x.types), 2 => Some(&x.right_bracket), _ => None, } }) }, WhereClause(x) => { get_index(2).and_then(|index| { match index { 0 => Some(&x.keyword), 1 => Some(&x.constraints), _ => None, } }) }, WhereConstraint(x) => { get_index(3).and_then(|index| { match index { 0 => Some(&x.left_type), 1 => Some(&x.operator), 2 => Some(&x.right_type), _ => None, } }) }, MethodishDeclaration(x) => { get_index(4).and_then(|index| { match index { 0 => Some(&x.attribute), 1 => Some(&x.function_decl_header), 2 => Some(&x.function_body), 3 => Some(&x.semicolon), _ => None, } }) }, MethodishTraitResolution(x) => { get_index(5).and_then(|index| { match index { 0 => Some(&x.attribute), 1 => Some(&x.function_decl_header), 2 => Some(&x.equal), 3 => Some(&x.name), 4 => Some(&x.semicolon), _ => None, } }) }, ClassishDeclaration(x) => { get_index(12).and_then(|index| { match index { 0 => Some(&x.attribute), 1 => Some(&x.modifiers), 2 => Some(&x.xhp), 3 => Some(&x.keyword), 4 => Some(&x.name), 5 => Some(&x.type_parameters), 6 => Some(&x.extends_keyword), 7 => Some(&x.extends_list), 8 => Some(&x.implements_keyword), 9 => Some(&x.implements_list), 10 => Some(&x.where_clause), 11 => Some(&x.body), _ => None, } }) }, ClassishBody(x) => { get_index(3).and_then(|index| { match index { 0 => Some(&x.left_brace), 1 => Some(&x.elements), 2 => Some(&x.right_brace), _ => None, } }) }, TraitUsePrecedenceItem(x) => { get_index(3).and_then(|index| { match index { 0 => Some(&x.name), 1 => Some(&x.keyword), 2 => Some(&x.removed_names), _ => None, } }) }, TraitUseAliasItem(x) => { get_index(4).and_then(|index| { match index { 0 => Some(&x.aliasing_name), 1 => Some(&x.keyword), 2 => Some(&x.modifiers), 3 => Some(&x.aliased_name), _ => None, } }) }, TraitUseConflictResolution(x) => { get_index(5).and_then(|index| { match index { 0 => Some(&x.keyword), 1 => Some(&x.names), 2 => Some(&x.left_brace), 3 => Some(&x.clauses), 4 => Some(&x.right_brace), _ => None, } }) }, TraitUse(x) => { get_index(3).and_then(|index| { match index { 0 => Some(&x.keyword), 1 => Some(&x.names), 2 => Some(&x.semicolon), _ => None, } }) }, RequireClause(x) => { get_index(4).and_then(|index| { match index { 0 => Some(&x.keyword), 1 => Some(&x.kind), 2 => Some(&x.name), 3 => Some(&x.semicolon), _ => None, } }) }, ConstDeclaration(x) => { get_index(6).and_then(|index| { match index { 0 => Some(&x.attribute_spec), 1 => Some(&x.modifiers), 2 => Some(&x.keyword), 3 => Some(&x.type_specifier), 4 => Some(&x.declarators), 5 => Some(&x.semicolon), _ => None, } }) }, ConstantDeclarator(x) => { get_index(2).and_then(|index| { match index { 0 => Some(&x.name), 1 => Some(&x.initializer), _ => None, } }) }, TypeConstDeclaration(x) => { get_index(10).and_then(|index| { match index { 0 => Some(&x.attribute_spec), 1 => Some(&x.modifiers), 2 => Some(&x.keyword), 3 => Some(&x.type_keyword), 4 => Some(&x.name), 5 => Some(&x.type_parameters), 6 => Some(&x.type_constraints), 7 => Some(&x.equal), 8 => Some(&x.type_specifier), 9 => Some(&x.semicolon), _ => None, } }) }, ContextConstDeclaration(x) => { get_index(9).and_then(|index| { match index { 0 => Some(&x.modifiers), 1 => Some(&x.const_keyword), 2 => Some(&x.ctx_keyword), 3 => Some(&x.name), 4 => Some(&x.type_parameters), 5 => Some(&x.constraint), 6 => Some(&x.equal), 7 => Some(&x.ctx_list), 8 => Some(&x.semicolon), _ => None, } }) }, DecoratedExpression(x) => { get_index(2).and_then(|index| { match index { 0 => Some(&x.decorator), 1 => Some(&x.expression), _ => None, } }) }, ParameterDeclaration(x) => { get_index(7).and_then(|index| { match index { 0 => Some(&x.attribute), 1 => Some(&x.visibility), 2 => Some(&x.call_convention), 3 => Some(&x.readonly), 4 => Some(&x.type_), 5 => Some(&x.name), 6 => Some(&x.default_value), _ => None, } }) }, VariadicParameter(x) => { get_index(3).and_then(|index| { match index { 0 => Some(&x.call_convention), 1 => Some(&x.type_), 2 => Some(&x.ellipsis), _ => None, } }) }, OldAttributeSpecification(x) => { get_index(3).and_then(|index| { match index { 0 => Some(&x.left_double_angle), 1 => Some(&x.attributes), 2 => Some(&x.right_double_angle), _ => None, } }) }, AttributeSpecification(x) => { get_index(1).and_then(|index| { match index { 0 => Some(&x.attributes), _ => None, } }) }, Attribute(x) => { get_index(2).and_then(|index| { match index { 0 => Some(&x.at), 1 => Some(&x.attribute_name), _ => None, } }) }, InclusionExpression(x) => { get_index(2).and_then(|index| { match index { 0 => Some(&x.require), 1 => Some(&x.filename), _ => None, } }) }, InclusionDirective(x) => { get_index(2).and_then(|index| { match index { 0 => Some(&x.expression), 1 => Some(&x.semicolon), _ => None, } }) }, CompoundStatement(x) => { get_index(3).and_then(|index| { match index { 0 => Some(&x.left_brace), 1 => Some(&x.statements), 2 => Some(&x.right_brace), _ => None, } }) }, ExpressionStatement(x) => { get_index(2).and_then(|index| { match index { 0 => Some(&x.expression), 1 => Some(&x.semicolon), _ => None, } }) }, MarkupSection(x) => { get_index(2).and_then(|index| { match index { 0 => Some(&x.hashbang), 1 => Some(&x.suffix), _ => None, } }) }, MarkupSuffix(x) => { get_index(2).and_then(|index| { match index { 0 => Some(&x.less_than_question), 1 => Some(&x.name), _ => None, } }) }, UnsetStatement(x) => { get_index(5).and_then(|index| { match index { 0 => Some(&x.keyword), 1 => Some(&x.left_paren), 2 => Some(&x.variables), 3 => Some(&x.right_paren), 4 => Some(&x.semicolon), _ => None, } }) }, UsingStatementBlockScoped(x) => { get_index(6).and_then(|index| { match index { 0 => Some(&x.await_keyword), 1 => Some(&x.using_keyword), 2 => Some(&x.left_paren), 3 => Some(&x.expressions), 4 => Some(&x.right_paren), 5 => Some(&x.body), _ => None, } }) }, UsingStatementFunctionScoped(x) => { get_index(4).and_then(|index| { match index { 0 => Some(&x.await_keyword), 1 => Some(&x.using_keyword), 2 => Some(&x.expression), 3 => Some(&x.semicolon), _ => None, } }) }, WhileStatement(x) => { get_index(5).and_then(|index| { match index { 0 => Some(&x.keyword), 1 => Some(&x.left_paren), 2 => Some(&x.condition), 3 => Some(&x.right_paren), 4 => Some(&x.body), _ => None, } }) }, IfStatement(x) => { get_index(6).and_then(|index| { match index { 0 => Some(&x.keyword), 1 => Some(&x.left_paren), 2 => Some(&x.condition), 3 => Some(&x.right_paren), 4 => Some(&x.statement), 5 => Some(&x.else_clause), _ => None, } }) }, ElseClause(x) => { get_index(2).and_then(|index| { match index { 0 => Some(&x.keyword), 1 => Some(&x.statement), _ => None, } }) }, TryStatement(x) => { get_index(4).and_then(|index| { match index { 0 => Some(&x.keyword), 1 => Some(&x.compound_statement), 2 => Some(&x.catch_clauses), 3 => Some(&x.finally_clause), _ => None, } }) }, CatchClause(x) => { get_index(6).and_then(|index| { match index { 0 => Some(&x.keyword), 1 => Some(&x.left_paren), 2 => Some(&x.type_), 3 => Some(&x.variable), 4 => Some(&x.right_paren), 5 => Some(&x.body), _ => None, } }) }, FinallyClause(x) => { get_index(2).and_then(|index| { match index { 0 => Some(&x.keyword), 1 => Some(&x.body), _ => None, } }) }, DoStatement(x) => { get_index(7).and_then(|index| { match index { 0 => Some(&x.keyword), 1 => Some(&x.body), 2 => Some(&x.while_keyword), 3 => Some(&x.left_paren), 4 => Some(&x.condition), 5 => Some(&x.right_paren), 6 => Some(&x.semicolon), _ => None, } }) }, ForStatement(x) => { get_index(9).and_then(|index| { match index { 0 => Some(&x.keyword), 1 => Some(&x.left_paren), 2 => Some(&x.initializer), 3 => Some(&x.first_semicolon), 4 => Some(&x.control), 5 => Some(&x.second_semicolon), 6 => Some(&x.end_of_loop), 7 => Some(&x.right_paren), 8 => Some(&x.body), _ => None, } }) }, ForeachStatement(x) => { get_index(10).and_then(|index| { match index { 0 => Some(&x.keyword), 1 => Some(&x.left_paren), 2 => Some(&x.collection), 3 => Some(&x.await_keyword), 4 => Some(&x.as_), 5 => Some(&x.key), 6 => Some(&x.arrow), 7 => Some(&x.value), 8 => Some(&x.right_paren), 9 => Some(&x.body), _ => None, } }) }, SwitchStatement(x) => { get_index(7).and_then(|index| { match index { 0 => Some(&x.keyword), 1 => Some(&x.left_paren), 2 => Some(&x.expression), 3 => Some(&x.right_paren), 4 => Some(&x.left_brace), 5 => Some(&x.sections), 6 => Some(&x.right_brace), _ => None, } }) }, SwitchSection(x) => { get_index(3).and_then(|index| { match index { 0 => Some(&x.labels), 1 => Some(&x.statements), 2 => Some(&x.fallthrough), _ => None, } }) }, SwitchFallthrough(x) => { get_index(2).and_then(|index| { match index { 0 => Some(&x.keyword), 1 => Some(&x.semicolon), _ => None, } }) }, CaseLabel(x) => { get_index(3).and_then(|index| { match index { 0 => Some(&x.keyword), 1 => Some(&x.expression), 2 => Some(&x.colon), _ => None, } }) }, DefaultLabel(x) => { get_index(2).and_then(|index| { match index { 0 => Some(&x.keyword), 1 => Some(&x.colon), _ => None, } }) }, ReturnStatement(x) => { get_index(3).and_then(|index| { match index { 0 => Some(&x.keyword), 1 => Some(&x.expression), 2 => Some(&x.semicolon), _ => None, } }) }, YieldBreakStatement(x) => { get_index(3).and_then(|index| { match index { 0 => Some(&x.keyword), 1 => Some(&x.break_), 2 => Some(&x.semicolon), _ => None, } }) }, ThrowStatement(x) => { get_index(3).and_then(|index| { match index { 0 => Some(&x.keyword), 1 => Some(&x.expression), 2 => Some(&x.semicolon), _ => None, } }) }, BreakStatement(x) => { get_index(2).and_then(|index| { match index { 0 => Some(&x.keyword), 1 => Some(&x.semicolon), _ => None, } }) }, ContinueStatement(x) => { get_index(2).and_then(|index| { match index { 0 => Some(&x.keyword), 1 => Some(&x.semicolon), _ => None, } }) }, EchoStatement(x) => { get_index(3).and_then(|index| { match index { 0 => Some(&x.keyword), 1 => Some(&x.expressions), 2 => Some(&x.semicolon), _ => None, } }) }, ConcurrentStatement(x) => { get_index(2).and_then(|index| { match index { 0 => Some(&x.keyword), 1 => Some(&x.statement), _ => None, } }) }, SimpleInitializer(x) => { get_index(2).and_then(|index| { match index { 0 => Some(&x.equal), 1 => Some(&x.value), _ => None, } }) }, AnonymousClass(x) => { get_index(9).and_then(|index| { match index { 0 => Some(&x.class_keyword), 1 => Some(&x.left_paren), 2 => Some(&x.argument_list), 3 => Some(&x.right_paren), 4 => Some(&x.extends_keyword), 5 => Some(&x.extends_list), 6 => Some(&x.implements_keyword), 7 => Some(&x.implements_list), 8 => Some(&x.body), _ => None, } }) }, AnonymousFunction(x) => { get_index(12).and_then(|index| { match index { 0 => Some(&x.attribute_spec), 1 => Some(&x.async_keyword), 2 => Some(&x.function_keyword), 3 => Some(&x.left_paren), 4 => Some(&x.parameters), 5 => Some(&x.right_paren), 6 => Some(&x.ctx_list), 7 => Some(&x.colon), 8 => Some(&x.readonly_return), 9 => Some(&x.type_), 10 => Some(&x.use_), 11 => Some(&x.body), _ => None, } }) }, AnonymousFunctionUseClause(x) => { get_index(4).and_then(|index| { match index { 0 => Some(&x.keyword), 1 => Some(&x.left_paren), 2 => Some(&x.variables), 3 => Some(&x.right_paren), _ => None, } }) }, LambdaExpression(x) => { get_index(5).and_then(|index| { match index { 0 => Some(&x.attribute_spec), 1 => Some(&x.async_), 2 => Some(&x.signature), 3 => Some(&x.arrow), 4 => Some(&x.body), _ => None, } }) }, LambdaSignature(x) => { get_index(7).and_then(|index| { match index { 0 => Some(&x.left_paren), 1 => Some(&x.parameters), 2 => Some(&x.right_paren), 3 => Some(&x.contexts), 4 => Some(&x.colon), 5 => Some(&x.readonly_return), 6 => Some(&x.type_), _ => None, } }) }, CastExpression(x) => { get_index(4).and_then(|index| { match index { 0 => Some(&x.left_paren), 1 => Some(&x.type_), 2 => Some(&x.right_paren), 3 => Some(&x.operand), _ => None, } }) }, ScopeResolutionExpression(x) => { get_index(3).and_then(|index| { match index { 0 => Some(&x.qualifier), 1 => Some(&x.operator), 2 => Some(&x.name), _ => None, } }) }, MemberSelectionExpression(x) => { get_index(3).and_then(|index| { match index { 0 => Some(&x.object), 1 => Some(&x.operator), 2 => Some(&x.name), _ => None, } }) }, SafeMemberSelectionExpression(x) => { get_index(3).and_then(|index| { match index { 0 => Some(&x.object), 1 => Some(&x.operator), 2 => Some(&x.name), _ => None, } }) }, EmbeddedMemberSelectionExpression(x) => { get_index(3).and_then(|index| { match index { 0 => Some(&x.object), 1 => Some(&x.operator), 2 => Some(&x.name), _ => None, } }) }, YieldExpression(x) => { get_index(2).and_then(|index| { match index { 0 => Some(&x.keyword), 1 => Some(&x.operand), _ => None, } }) }, PrefixUnaryExpression(x) => { get_index(2).and_then(|index| { match index { 0 => Some(&x.operator), 1 => Some(&x.operand), _ => None, } }) }, PostfixUnaryExpression(x) => { get_index(2).and_then(|index| { match index { 0 => Some(&x.operand), 1 => Some(&x.operator), _ => None, } }) }, BinaryExpression(x) => { get_index(3).and_then(|index| { match index { 0 => Some(&x.left_operand), 1 => Some(&x.operator), 2 => Some(&x.right_operand), _ => None, } }) }, IsExpression(x) => { get_index(3).and_then(|index| { match index { 0 => Some(&x.left_operand), 1 => Some(&x.operator), 2 => Some(&x.right_operand), _ => None, } }) }, AsExpression(x) => { get_index(3).and_then(|index| { match index { 0 => Some(&x.left_operand), 1 => Some(&x.operator), 2 => Some(&x.right_operand), _ => None, } }) }, NullableAsExpression(x) => { get_index(3).and_then(|index| { match index { 0 => Some(&x.left_operand), 1 => Some(&x.operator), 2 => Some(&x.right_operand), _ => None, } }) }, UpcastExpression(x) => { get_index(3).and_then(|index| { match index { 0 => Some(&x.left_operand), 1 => Some(&x.operator), 2 => Some(&x.right_operand), _ => None, } }) }, ConditionalExpression(x) => { get_index(5).and_then(|index| { match index { 0 => Some(&x.test), 1 => Some(&x.question), 2 => Some(&x.consequence), 3 => Some(&x.colon), 4 => Some(&x.alternative), _ => None, } }) }, EvalExpression(x) => { get_index(4).and_then(|index| { match index { 0 => Some(&x.keyword), 1 => Some(&x.left_paren), 2 => Some(&x.argument), 3 => Some(&x.right_paren), _ => None, } }) }, IssetExpression(x) => { get_index(4).and_then(|index| { match index { 0 => Some(&x.keyword), 1 => Some(&x.left_paren), 2 => Some(&x.argument_list), 3 => Some(&x.right_paren), _ => None, } }) }, FunctionCallExpression(x) => { get_index(5).and_then(|index| { match index { 0 => Some(&x.receiver), 1 => Some(&x.type_args), 2 => Some(&x.left_paren), 3 => Some(&x.argument_list), 4 => Some(&x.right_paren), _ => None, } }) }, FunctionPointerExpression(x) => { get_index(2).and_then(|index| { match index { 0 => Some(&x.receiver), 1 => Some(&x.type_args), _ => None, } }) }, ParenthesizedExpression(x) => { get_index(3).and_then(|index| { match index { 0 => Some(&x.left_paren), 1 => Some(&x.expression), 2 => Some(&x.right_paren), _ => None, } }) }, BracedExpression(x) => { get_index(3).and_then(|index| { match index { 0 => Some(&x.left_brace), 1 => Some(&x.expression), 2 => Some(&x.right_brace), _ => None, } }) }, ETSpliceExpression(x) => { get_index(4).and_then(|index| { match index { 0 => Some(&x.dollar), 1 => Some(&x.left_brace), 2 => Some(&x.expression), 3 => Some(&x.right_brace), _ => None, } }) }, EmbeddedBracedExpression(x) => { get_index(3).and_then(|index| { match index { 0 => Some(&x.left_brace), 1 => Some(&x.expression), 2 => Some(&x.right_brace), _ => None, } }) }, ListExpression(x) => { get_index(4).and_then(|index| { match index { 0 => Some(&x.keyword), 1 => Some(&x.left_paren), 2 => Some(&x.members), 3 => Some(&x.right_paren), _ => None, } }) }, CollectionLiteralExpression(x) => { get_index(4).and_then(|index| { match index { 0 => Some(&x.name), 1 => Some(&x.left_brace), 2 => Some(&x.initializers), 3 => Some(&x.right_brace), _ => None, } }) }, ObjectCreationExpression(x) => { get_index(2).and_then(|index| { match index { 0 => Some(&x.new_keyword), 1 => Some(&x.object), _ => None, } }) }, ConstructorCall(x) => { get_index(4).and_then(|index| { match index { 0 => Some(&x.type_), 1 => Some(&x.left_paren), 2 => Some(&x.argument_list), 3 => Some(&x.right_paren), _ => None, } }) }, DarrayIntrinsicExpression(x) => { get_index(5).and_then(|index| { match index { 0 => Some(&x.keyword), 1 => Some(&x.explicit_type), 2 => Some(&x.left_bracket), 3 => Some(&x.members), 4 => Some(&x.right_bracket), _ => None, } }) }, DictionaryIntrinsicExpression(x) => { get_index(5).and_then(|index| { match index { 0 => Some(&x.keyword), 1 => Some(&x.explicit_type), 2 => Some(&x.left_bracket), 3 => Some(&x.members), 4 => Some(&x.right_bracket), _ => None, } }) }, KeysetIntrinsicExpression(x) => { get_index(5).and_then(|index| { match index { 0 => Some(&x.keyword), 1 => Some(&x.explicit_type), 2 => Some(&x.left_bracket), 3 => Some(&x.members), 4 => Some(&x.right_bracket), _ => None, } }) }, VarrayIntrinsicExpression(x) => { get_index(5).and_then(|index| { match index { 0 => Some(&x.keyword), 1 => Some(&x.explicit_type), 2 => Some(&x.left_bracket), 3 => Some(&x.members), 4 => Some(&x.right_bracket), _ => None, } }) }, VectorIntrinsicExpression(x) => { get_index(5).and_then(|index| { match index { 0 => Some(&x.keyword), 1 => Some(&x.explicit_type), 2 => Some(&x.left_bracket), 3 => Some(&x.members), 4 => Some(&x.right_bracket), _ => None, } }) }, ElementInitializer(x) => { get_index(3).and_then(|index| { match index { 0 => Some(&x.key), 1 => Some(&x.arrow), 2 => Some(&x.value), _ => None, } }) }, SubscriptExpression(x) => { get_index(4).and_then(|index| { match index { 0 => Some(&x.receiver), 1 => Some(&x.left_bracket), 2 => Some(&x.index), 3 => Some(&x.right_bracket), _ => None, } }) }, EmbeddedSubscriptExpression(x) => { get_index(4).and_then(|index| { match index { 0 => Some(&x.receiver), 1 => Some(&x.left_bracket), 2 => Some(&x.index), 3 => Some(&x.right_bracket), _ => None, } }) }, AwaitableCreationExpression(x) => { get_index(3).and_then(|index| { match index { 0 => Some(&x.attribute_spec), 1 => Some(&x.async_), 2 => Some(&x.compound_statement), _ => None, } }) }, XHPChildrenDeclaration(x) => { get_index(3).and_then(|index| { match index { 0 => Some(&x.keyword), 1 => Some(&x.expression), 2 => Some(&x.semicolon), _ => None, } }) }, XHPChildrenParenthesizedList(x) => { get_index(3).and_then(|index| { match index { 0 => Some(&x.left_paren), 1 => Some(&x.xhp_children), 2 => Some(&x.right_paren), _ => None, } }) }, XHPCategoryDeclaration(x) => { get_index(3).and_then(|index| { match index { 0 => Some(&x.keyword), 1 => Some(&x.categories), 2 => Some(&x.semicolon), _ => None, } }) }, XHPEnumType(x) => { get_index(5).and_then(|index| { match index { 0 => Some(&x.like), 1 => Some(&x.keyword), 2 => Some(&x.left_brace), 3 => Some(&x.values), 4 => Some(&x.right_brace), _ => None, } }) }, XHPLateinit(x) => { get_index(2).and_then(|index| { match index { 0 => Some(&x.at), 1 => Some(&x.keyword), _ => None, } }) }, XHPRequired(x) => { get_index(2).and_then(|index| { match index { 0 => Some(&x.at), 1 => Some(&x.keyword), _ => None, } }) }, XHPClassAttributeDeclaration(x) => { get_index(3).and_then(|index| { match index { 0 => Some(&x.keyword), 1 => Some(&x.attributes), 2 => Some(&x.semicolon), _ => None, } }) }, XHPClassAttribute(x) => { get_index(4).and_then(|index| { match index { 0 => Some(&x.type_), 1 => Some(&x.name), 2 => Some(&x.initializer), 3 => Some(&x.required), _ => None, } }) }, XHPSimpleClassAttribute(x) => { get_index(1).and_then(|index| { match index { 0 => Some(&x.type_), _ => None, } }) }, XHPSimpleAttribute(x) => { get_index(3).and_then(|index| { match index { 0 => Some(&x.name), 1 => Some(&x.equal), 2 => Some(&x.expression), _ => None, } }) }, XHPSpreadAttribute(x) => { get_index(4).and_then(|index| { match index { 0 => Some(&x.left_brace), 1 => Some(&x.spread_operator), 2 => Some(&x.expression), 3 => Some(&x.right_brace), _ => None, } }) }, XHPOpen(x) => { get_index(4).and_then(|index| { match index { 0 => Some(&x.left_angle), 1 => Some(&x.name), 2 => Some(&x.attributes), 3 => Some(&x.right_angle), _ => None, } }) }, XHPExpression(x) => { get_index(3).and_then(|index| { match index { 0 => Some(&x.open), 1 => Some(&x.body), 2 => Some(&x.close), _ => None, } }) }, XHPClose(x) => { get_index(3).and_then(|index| { match index { 0 => Some(&x.left_angle), 1 => Some(&x.name), 2 => Some(&x.right_angle), _ => None, } }) }, TypeConstant(x) => { get_index(3).and_then(|index| { match index { 0 => Some(&x.left_type), 1 => Some(&x.separator), 2 => Some(&x.right_type), _ => None, } }) }, VectorTypeSpecifier(x) => { get_index(5).and_then(|index| { match index { 0 => Some(&x.keyword), 1 => Some(&x.left_angle), 2 => Some(&x.type_), 3 => Some(&x.trailing_comma), 4 => Some(&x.right_angle), _ => None, } }) }, KeysetTypeSpecifier(x) => { get_index(5).and_then(|index| { match index { 0 => Some(&x.keyword), 1 => Some(&x.left_angle), 2 => Some(&x.type_), 3 => Some(&x.trailing_comma), 4 => Some(&x.right_angle), _ => None, } }) }, TupleTypeExplicitSpecifier(x) => { get_index(4).and_then(|index| { match index { 0 => Some(&x.keyword), 1 => Some(&x.left_angle), 2 => Some(&x.types), 3 => Some(&x.right_angle), _ => None, } }) }, VarrayTypeSpecifier(x) => { get_index(5).and_then(|index| { match index { 0 => Some(&x.keyword), 1 => Some(&x.left_angle), 2 => Some(&x.type_), 3 => Some(&x.trailing_comma), 4 => Some(&x.right_angle), _ => None, } }) }, FunctionCtxTypeSpecifier(x) => { get_index(2).and_then(|index| { match index { 0 => Some(&x.keyword), 1 => Some(&x.variable), _ => None, } }) }, TypeParameter(x) => { get_index(6).and_then(|index| { match index { 0 => Some(&x.attribute_spec), 1 => Some(&x.reified), 2 => Some(&x.variance), 3 => Some(&x.name), 4 => Some(&x.param_params), 5 => Some(&x.constraints), _ => None, } }) }, TypeConstraint(x) => { get_index(2).and_then(|index| { match index { 0 => Some(&x.keyword), 1 => Some(&x.type_), _ => None, } }) }, ContextConstraint(x) => { get_index(2).and_then(|index| { match index { 0 => Some(&x.keyword), 1 => Some(&x.ctx_list), _ => None, } }) }, DarrayTypeSpecifier(x) => { get_index(7).and_then(|index| { match index { 0 => Some(&x.keyword), 1 => Some(&x.left_angle), 2 => Some(&x.key), 3 => Some(&x.comma), 4 => Some(&x.value), 5 => Some(&x.trailing_comma), 6 => Some(&x.right_angle), _ => None, } }) }, DictionaryTypeSpecifier(x) => { get_index(4).and_then(|index| { match index { 0 => Some(&x.keyword), 1 => Some(&x.left_angle), 2 => Some(&x.members), 3 => Some(&x.right_angle), _ => None, } }) }, ClosureTypeSpecifier(x) => { get_index(11).and_then(|index| { match index { 0 => Some(&x.outer_left_paren), 1 => Some(&x.readonly_keyword), 2 => Some(&x.function_keyword), 3 => Some(&x.inner_left_paren), 4 => Some(&x.parameter_list), 5 => Some(&x.inner_right_paren), 6 => Some(&x.contexts), 7 => Some(&x.colon), 8 => Some(&x.readonly_return), 9 => Some(&x.return_type), 10 => Some(&x.outer_right_paren), _ => None, } }) }, ClosureParameterTypeSpecifier(x) => { get_index(3).and_then(|index| { match index { 0 => Some(&x.call_convention), 1 => Some(&x.readonly), 2 => Some(&x.type_), _ => None, } }) }, ClassnameTypeSpecifier(x) => { get_index(5).and_then(|index| { match index { 0 => Some(&x.keyword), 1 => Some(&x.left_angle), 2 => Some(&x.type_), 3 => Some(&x.trailing_comma), 4 => Some(&x.right_angle), _ => None, } }) }, FieldSpecifier(x) => { get_index(4).and_then(|index| { match index { 0 => Some(&x.question), 1 => Some(&x.name), 2 => Some(&x.arrow), 3 => Some(&x.type_), _ => None, } }) }, FieldInitializer(x) => { get_index(3).and_then(|index| { match index { 0 => Some(&x.name), 1 => Some(&x.arrow), 2 => Some(&x.value), _ => None, } }) }, ShapeTypeSpecifier(x) => { get_index(5).and_then(|index| { match index { 0 => Some(&x.keyword), 1 => Some(&x.left_paren), 2 => Some(&x.fields), 3 => Some(&x.ellipsis), 4 => Some(&x.right_paren), _ => None, } }) }, ShapeExpression(x) => { get_index(4).and_then(|index| { match index { 0 => Some(&x.keyword), 1 => Some(&x.left_paren), 2 => Some(&x.fields), 3 => Some(&x.right_paren), _ => None, } }) }, TupleExpression(x) => { get_index(4).and_then(|index| { match index { 0 => Some(&x.keyword), 1 => Some(&x.left_paren), 2 => Some(&x.items), 3 => Some(&x.right_paren), _ => None, } }) }, GenericTypeSpecifier(x) => { get_index(2).and_then(|index| { match index { 0 => Some(&x.class_type), 1 => Some(&x.argument_list), _ => None, } }) }, NullableTypeSpecifier(x) => { get_index(2).and_then(|index| { match index { 0 => Some(&x.question), 1 => Some(&x.type_), _ => None, } }) }, LikeTypeSpecifier(x) => { get_index(2).and_then(|index| { match index { 0 => Some(&x.tilde), 1 => Some(&x.type_), _ => None, } }) }, SoftTypeSpecifier(x) => { get_index(2).and_then(|index| { match index { 0 => Some(&x.at), 1 => Some(&x.type_), _ => None, } }) }, AttributizedSpecifier(x) => { get_index(2).and_then(|index| { match index { 0 => Some(&x.attribute_spec), 1 => Some(&x.type_), _ => None, } }) }, ReifiedTypeArgument(x) => { get_index(2).and_then(|index| { match index { 0 => Some(&x.reified), 1 => Some(&x.type_), _ => None, } }) }, TypeArguments(x) => { get_index(3).and_then(|index| { match index { 0 => Some(&x.left_angle), 1 => Some(&x.types), 2 => Some(&x.right_angle), _ => None, } }) }, TypeParameters(x) => { get_index(3).and_then(|index| { match index { 0 => Some(&x.left_angle), 1 => Some(&x.parameters), 2 => Some(&x.right_angle), _ => None, } }) }, TupleTypeSpecifier(x) => { get_index(3).and_then(|index| { match index { 0 => Some(&x.left_paren), 1 => Some(&x.types), 2 => Some(&x.right_paren), _ => None, } }) }, UnionTypeSpecifier(x) => { get_index(3).and_then(|index| { match index { 0 => Some(&x.left_paren), 1 => Some(&x.types), 2 => Some(&x.right_paren), _ => None, } }) }, IntersectionTypeSpecifier(x) => { get_index(3).and_then(|index| { match index { 0 => Some(&x.left_paren), 1 => Some(&x.types), 2 => Some(&x.right_paren), _ => None, } }) }, ErrorSyntax(x) => { get_index(1).and_then(|index| { match index { 0 => Some(&x.error), _ => None, } }) }, ListItem(x) => { get_index(2).and_then(|index| { match index { 0 => Some(&x.item), 1 => Some(&x.separator), _ => None, } }) }, EnumClassLabelExpression(x) => { get_index(3).and_then(|index| { match index { 0 => Some(&x.qualifier), 1 => Some(&x.hash), 2 => Some(&x.expression), _ => None, } }) }, ModuleDeclaration(x) => { get_index(6).and_then(|index| { match index { 0 => Some(&x.attribute_spec), 1 => Some(&x.new_keyword), 2 => Some(&x.module_keyword), 3 => Some(&x.name), 4 => Some(&x.left_brace), 5 => Some(&x.right_brace), _ => None, } }) }, }; if res.is_some() { if direction { self.index = self.index + 1 } else { self.index_back = self.index_back + 1 } } res } }
// Copyright 2014-2018 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT // file at the top-level directory of this distribution. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0> or the MIT license // <LICENSE-MIT or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>, at your // option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed // except according to those terms. use crate::utils::span_lint; use crate::rustc::hir::*; use crate::rustc::lint::{LateContext, LateLintPass, LintArray, LintPass}; use crate::rustc::{declare_tool_lint, lint_array}; use std::f64::consts as f64; use crate::syntax::ast::{FloatTy, Lit, LitKind}; use crate::syntax::symbol; /// **What it does:** Checks for floating point literals that approximate /// constants which are defined in /// [`std::f32::consts`](https://doc.rust-lang.org/stable/std/f32/consts/#constants) /// or /// [`std::f64::consts`](https://doc.rust-lang.org/stable/std/f64/consts/#constants), /// respectively, suggesting to use the predefined constant. /// /// **Why is this bad?** Usually, the definition in the standard library is more /// precise than what people come up with. If you find that your definition is /// actually more precise, please [file a Rust /// issue](https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues). /// /// **Known problems:** If you happen to have a value that is within 1/8192 of a /// known constant, but is not *and should not* be the same, this lint will /// report your value anyway. We have not yet noticed any false positives in /// code we tested clippy with (this includes servo), but YMMV. /// /// **Example:** /// ```rust /// let x = 3.14; /// ``` declare_clippy_lint! { pub APPROX_CONSTANT, correctness, "the approximate of a known float constant (in `std::fXX::consts`)" } // Tuples are of the form (constant, name, min_digits) const KNOWN_CONSTS: &[(f64, &str, usize)] = &[ (f64::E, "E", 4), (f64::FRAC_1_PI, "FRAC_1_PI", 4), (f64::FRAC_1_SQRT_2, "FRAC_1_SQRT_2", 5), (f64::FRAC_2_PI, "FRAC_2_PI", 5), (f64::FRAC_2_SQRT_PI, "FRAC_2_SQRT_PI", 5), (f64::FRAC_PI_2, "FRAC_PI_2", 5), (f64::FRAC_PI_3, "FRAC_PI_3", 5), (f64::FRAC_PI_4, "FRAC_PI_4", 5), (f64::FRAC_PI_6, "FRAC_PI_6", 5), (f64::FRAC_PI_8, "FRAC_PI_8", 5), (f64::LN_10, "LN_10", 5), (f64::LN_2, "LN_2", 5), (f64::LOG10_E, "LOG10_E", 5), (f64::LOG2_E, "LOG2_E", 5), (f64::PI, "PI", 3), (f64::SQRT_2, "SQRT_2", 5), ]; #[derive(Copy, Clone)] pub struct Pass; impl LintPass for Pass { fn get_lints(&self) -> LintArray { lint_array!(APPROX_CONSTANT) } } impl<'a, 'tcx> LateLintPass<'a, 'tcx> for Pass { fn check_expr(&mut self, cx: &LateContext<'a, 'tcx>, e: &'tcx Expr) { if let ExprKind::Lit(ref lit) = e.node { check_lit(cx, lit, e); } } } fn check_lit(cx: &LateContext<'_, '_>, lit: &Lit, e: &Expr) { match lit.node { LitKind::Float(s, FloatTy::F32) => check_known_consts(cx, e, s, "f32"), LitKind::Float(s, FloatTy::F64) => check_known_consts(cx, e, s, "f64"), LitKind::FloatUnsuffixed(s) => check_known_consts(cx, e, s, "f{32, 64}"), _ => (), } } fn check_known_consts(cx: &LateContext<'_, '_>, e: &Expr, s: symbol::Symbol, module: &str) { let s = s.as_str(); if s.parse::<f64>().is_ok() { for &(constant, name, min_digits) in KNOWN_CONSTS { if is_approx_const(constant, &s, min_digits) { span_lint( cx, APPROX_CONSTANT, e.span, &format!( "approximate value of `{}::consts::{}` found. \ Consider using it directly", module, &name ), ); return; } } } } /// Returns false if the number of significant figures in `value` are /// less than `min_digits`; otherwise, returns true if `value` is equal /// to `constant`, rounded to the number of digits present in `value`. fn is_approx_const(constant: f64, value: &str, min_digits: usize) -> bool { if value.len() <= min_digits { false } else { let round_const = format!("{:.*}", value.len() - 2, constant); let mut trunc_const = constant.to_string(); if trunc_const.len() > value.len() { trunc_const.truncate(value.len()); } (value == round_const) || (value == trunc_const) } }
use json_utils::json::JsValue; use crate::core::ruleset::*; use crate::json::std as j; #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub enum JsonFilter { #[serde(rename = "or")] Or(Vec<JsonFilter>), #[serde(rename = "and")] And(Vec<JsonFilter>), #[serde(rename = "eq")] Eq { path: String, value: JsValue }, #[serde(rename = "neq")] Neq { path: String, value: JsValue }, #[serde(rename = "list::len_eq")] ListLenEq { path: String, value: usize }, #[serde(rename = "list::len_gt")] ListLenGt { path: String, value: usize }, #[serde(rename = "list::len_gte")] ListLenGte { path: String, value: usize }, #[serde(rename = "list::len_lt")] ListLenLt { path: String, value: usize }, #[serde(rename = "list::len_lte")] ListLenLte { path: String, value: usize }, #[serde(rename = "num::eq")] NumEq { path: String, value: usize }, #[serde(rename = "num::lt")] NumLt { path: String, value: usize }, #[serde(rename = "num::lte")] NumLte { path: String, value: usize }, #[serde(rename = "num::gt")] NumGt { path: String, value: usize }, #[serde(rename = "num::gte")] NumGte { path: String, value: usize }, #[serde(rename = "str::eq")] StrEq { path: String, value: String }, } impl JsonFilter { pub fn into_filter(self) -> Filter<JsValue> { match self { Self::Eq { path, value } => Filter::fact(j::eq(parse_path(&path), value)), Self::Neq { path, value } => Filter::fact(j::neq(parse_path(&path), value)), Self::And(filters) => { Filter::And(filters.into_iter().map(|jf| jf.into_filter()).collect()) } Self::Or(filters) => { Filter::Or(filters.into_iter().map(|jf| jf.into_filter()).collect()) } Self::StrEq { path, value } => Filter::fact(j::str::eq(parse_path(&path), value)), Self::NumEq { path, value } => Filter::fact(j::num::eq(parse_path(&path), value)), Self::NumLt { path, value } => Filter::fact(j::num::lt(parse_path(&path), value)), Self::NumLte { path, value } => Filter::fact(j::num::lte(parse_path(&path), value)), Self::NumGt { path, value } => Filter::fact(j::num::gt(parse_path(&path), value)), Self::NumGte { path, value } => Filter::fact(j::num::gte(parse_path(&path), value)), Self::ListLenEq { path, value } => { Filter::fact(j::list::len_eq(parse_path(&path), value)) } Self::ListLenLt { path, value } => { Filter::fact(j::list::len_lt(parse_path(&path), value)) } Self::ListLenLte { path, value } => { Filter::fact(j::list::len_lte(parse_path(&path), value)) } Self::ListLenGt { path, value } => { Filter::fact(j::list::len_gt(parse_path(&path), value)) } Self::ListLenGte { path, value } => { Filter::fact(j::list::len_gte(parse_path(&path), value)) } } } } fn parse_path(s: &str) -> Vec<String> { s.split("/").map(|s| s.to_owned()).collect() }
pub trait Resumable { fn resumer(&self) -> String; } pub struct ArticleDePresse { pub titre: String, pub lieu: String, pub auteur: String, pub contenu: String, } impl Resumable for ArticleDePresse { fn resumer(&self) -> String { format!("{}, par {} ({})", self.titre, self.auteur, self.lieu) } } pub struct Tweet { pub nom_utilisateur: String, pub contenu: String, pub reponse: bool, pub retweet: bool, } impl Resumable for Tweet { fn resumer(&self) -> String { format!("{} : {}", self.nom_utilisateur, self.contenu) } } // ANCHOR: here pub fn notifier(element: &impl Resumable) { println!("Flash info ! {}", element.resumer()); } // ANCHOR_END: here
// Author: hanvskun@hotmail.com #![deny(warnings)] use hyper::service::{make_service_fn, service_fn}; use hyper::{Body, Method, Request, Response, Server, StatusCode}; use backend::google_user::get_google_user_info; use backend::channels::get_all_channels; // router for v1 interface // - api/v1/user // - api/v1/channel async fn router_v1(req: Request<Body>) -> Result<Response<Body>, hyper::Error> { match (req.method(), req.uri().path()) { (&Method::GET, "/api/v1/user") => { let id = get_google_user_info(); Ok(Response::new(Body::from(format!("id={}", id)))) } (&Method::GET, "/api/v1/channel") => { let id = get_all_channels(); Ok(Response::new(Body::from(format!("get all channels, id={}", id)))) } // Return the 404 Not Found for other routes. _ => { let mut not_found = Response::default(); *not_found.status_mut() = StatusCode::NOT_FOUND; Ok(not_found) } } } #[tokio::main] async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error + Send + Sync>> { let adder = ([127, 0, 0, 1], 3000).into(); let service = make_service_fn(|_| async { Ok::<_, hyper::Error>(service_fn(router_v1)) }); let server = Server::bind(&adder).serve(service); println!("Listening on http://{}", adder); server.await?; Ok(()) }
#[doc = "Register `LSR` reader"] pub struct R(crate::R<LSR_SPEC>); impl core::ops::Deref for R { type Target = crate::R<LSR_SPEC>; #[inline(always)] fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target { &self.0 } } impl From<crate::R<LSR_SPEC>> for R { #[inline(always)] fn from(reader: crate::R<LSR_SPEC>) -> Self { R(reader) } } #[doc = "RX Data Error in FIFO\n\nValue on reset: 0"] #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq)] pub enum FIFOERR_A { #[doc = "1: `1`"] ERROR = 1, } impl From<FIFOERR_A> for bool { #[inline(always)] fn from(variant: FIFOERR_A) -> Self { variant as u8 != 0 } } #[doc = "Field `fifoerr` reader - RX Data Error in FIFO"] pub struct FIFOERR_R(crate::FieldReader<bool, FIFOERR_A>); impl FIFOERR_R { #[inline(always)] pub(crate) fn new(bits: bool) -> Self { FIFOERR_R(crate::FieldReader::new(bits)) } #[doc = r"Get enumerated values variant"] #[inline(always)] pub fn variant(&self) -> Option<FIFOERR_A> { match self.bits { true => Some(FIFOERR_A::ERROR), _ => None, } } #[doc = "Checks if the value of the field is `ERROR`"] #[inline(always)] pub fn is_error(&self) -> bool { **self == FIFOERR_A::ERROR } } impl core::ops::Deref for FIFOERR_R { type Target = crate::FieldReader<bool, FIFOERR_A>; #[inline(always)] fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target { &self.0 } } #[doc = "Transmitter Empty\n\nValue on reset: 0"] #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq)] pub enum TEMT_A { #[doc = "1: `1`"] EMPTY = 1, } impl From<TEMT_A> for bool { #[inline(always)] fn from(variant: TEMT_A) -> Self { variant as u8 != 0 } } #[doc = "Field `temt` reader - Transmitter Empty"] pub struct TEMT_R(crate::FieldReader<bool, TEMT_A>); impl TEMT_R { #[inline(always)] pub(crate) fn new(bits: bool) -> Self { TEMT_R(crate::FieldReader::new(bits)) } #[doc = r"Get enumerated values variant"] #[inline(always)] pub fn variant(&self) -> Option<TEMT_A> { match self.bits { true => Some(TEMT_A::EMPTY), _ => None, } } #[doc = "Checks if the value of the field is `EMPTY`"] #[inline(always)] pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool { **self == TEMT_A::EMPTY } } impl core::ops::Deref for TEMT_R { type Target = crate::FieldReader<bool, TEMT_A>; #[inline(always)] fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target { &self.0 } } #[doc = "TX Holding Register Empty\n\nValue on reset: 0"] #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq)] pub enum THRE_A { #[doc = "1: `1`"] EMPTY = 1, } impl From<THRE_A> for bool { #[inline(always)] fn from(variant: THRE_A) -> Self { variant as u8 != 0 } } #[doc = "Field `thre` reader - TX Holding Register Empty"] pub struct THRE_R(crate::FieldReader<bool, THRE_A>); impl THRE_R { #[inline(always)] pub(crate) fn new(bits: bool) -> Self { THRE_R(crate::FieldReader::new(bits)) } #[doc = r"Get enumerated values variant"] #[inline(always)] pub fn variant(&self) -> Option<THRE_A> { match self.bits { true => Some(THRE_A::EMPTY), _ => None, } } #[doc = "Checks if the value of the field is `EMPTY`"] #[inline(always)] pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool { **self == THRE_A::EMPTY } } impl core::ops::Deref for THRE_R { type Target = crate::FieldReader<bool, THRE_A>; #[inline(always)] fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target { &self.0 } } #[doc = "Field `bi` reader - Break Interrupt"] pub struct BI_R(crate::FieldReader<bool, bool>); impl BI_R { #[inline(always)] pub(crate) fn new(bits: bool) -> Self { BI_R(crate::FieldReader::new(bits)) } } impl core::ops::Deref for BI_R { type Target = crate::FieldReader<bool, bool>; #[inline(always)] fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target { &self.0 } } #[doc = "Framing Error\n\nValue on reset: 0"] #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq)] pub enum FE_A { #[doc = "1: `1`"] ERROR = 1, } impl From<FE_A> for bool { #[inline(always)] fn from(variant: FE_A) -> Self { variant as u8 != 0 } } #[doc = "Field `fe` reader - Framing Error"] pub struct FE_R(crate::FieldReader<bool, FE_A>); impl FE_R { #[inline(always)] pub(crate) fn new(bits: bool) -> Self { FE_R(crate::FieldReader::new(bits)) } #[doc = r"Get enumerated values variant"] #[inline(always)] pub fn variant(&self) -> Option<FE_A> { match self.bits { true => Some(FE_A::ERROR), _ => None, } } #[doc = "Checks if the value of the field is `ERROR`"] #[inline(always)] pub fn is_error(&self) -> bool { **self == FE_A::ERROR } } impl core::ops::Deref for FE_R { type Target = crate::FieldReader<bool, FE_A>; #[inline(always)] fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target { &self.0 } } #[doc = "Parity Error\n\nValue on reset: 0"] #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq)] pub enum PE_A { #[doc = "1: `1`"] ERROR = 1, } impl From<PE_A> for bool { #[inline(always)] fn from(variant: PE_A) -> Self { variant as u8 != 0 } } #[doc = "Field `pe` reader - Parity Error"] pub struct PE_R(crate::FieldReader<bool, PE_A>); impl PE_R { #[inline(always)] pub(crate) fn new(bits: bool) -> Self { PE_R(crate::FieldReader::new(bits)) } #[doc = r"Get enumerated values variant"] #[inline(always)] pub fn variant(&self) -> Option<PE_A> { match self.bits { true => Some(PE_A::ERROR), _ => None, } } #[doc = "Checks if the value of the field is `ERROR`"] #[inline(always)] pub fn is_error(&self) -> bool { **self == PE_A::ERROR } } impl core::ops::Deref for PE_R { type Target = crate::FieldReader<bool, PE_A>; #[inline(always)] fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target { &self.0 } } #[doc = "Overrun Error\n\nValue on reset: 0"] #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq)] pub enum OE_A { #[doc = "1: `1`"] ERROR = 1, } impl From<OE_A> for bool { #[inline(always)] fn from(variant: OE_A) -> Self { variant as u8 != 0 } } #[doc = "Field `oe` reader - Overrun Error"] pub struct OE_R(crate::FieldReader<bool, OE_A>); impl OE_R { #[inline(always)] pub(crate) fn new(bits: bool) -> Self { OE_R(crate::FieldReader::new(bits)) } #[doc = r"Get enumerated values variant"] #[inline(always)] pub fn variant(&self) -> Option<OE_A> { match self.bits { true => Some(OE_A::ERROR), _ => None, } } #[doc = "Checks if the value of the field is `ERROR`"] #[inline(always)] pub fn is_error(&self) -> bool { **self == OE_A::ERROR } } impl core::ops::Deref for OE_R { type Target = crate::FieldReader<bool, OE_A>; #[inline(always)] fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target { &self.0 } } #[doc = "Data Ready\n\nValue on reset: 0"] #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq)] pub enum DR_A { #[doc = "1: `1`"] READY = 1, } impl From<DR_A> for bool { #[inline(always)] fn from(variant: DR_A) -> Self { variant as u8 != 0 } } #[doc = "Field `dr` reader - Data Ready"] pub struct DR_R(crate::FieldReader<bool, DR_A>); impl DR_R { #[inline(always)] pub(crate) fn new(bits: bool) -> Self { DR_R(crate::FieldReader::new(bits)) } #[doc = r"Get enumerated values variant"] #[inline(always)] pub fn variant(&self) -> Option<DR_A> { match self.bits { true => Some(DR_A::READY), _ => None, } } #[doc = "Checks if the value of the field is `READY`"] #[inline(always)] pub fn is_ready(&self) -> bool { **self == DR_A::READY } } impl core::ops::Deref for DR_R { type Target = crate::FieldReader<bool, DR_A>; #[inline(always)] fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target { &self.0 } } impl R { #[doc = "Bit 7 - RX Data Error in FIFO"] #[inline(always)] pub fn fifoerr(&self) -> FIFOERR_R { FIFOERR_R::new(((self.bits >> 7) & 0x01) != 0) } #[doc = "Bit 6 - Transmitter Empty"] #[inline(always)] pub fn temt(&self) -> TEMT_R { TEMT_R::new(((self.bits >> 6) & 0x01) != 0) } #[doc = "Bit 5 - TX Holding Register Empty"] #[inline(always)] pub fn thre(&self) -> THRE_R { THRE_R::new(((self.bits >> 5) & 0x01) != 0) } #[doc = "Bit 4 - Break Interrupt"] #[inline(always)] pub fn bi(&self) -> BI_R { BI_R::new(((self.bits >> 4) & 0x01) != 0) } #[doc = "Bit 3 - Framing Error"] #[inline(always)] pub fn fe(&self) -> FE_R { FE_R::new(((self.bits >> 3) & 0x01) != 0) } #[doc = "Bit 2 - Parity Error"] #[inline(always)] pub fn pe(&self) -> PE_R { PE_R::new(((self.bits >> 2) & 0x01) != 0) } #[doc = "Bit 1 - Overrun Error"] #[inline(always)] pub fn oe(&self) -> OE_R { OE_R::new(((self.bits >> 1) & 0x01) != 0) } #[doc = "Bit 0 - Data Ready"] #[inline(always)] pub fn dr(&self) -> DR_R { DR_R::new((self.bits & 0x01) != 0) } } #[doc = "UART Line Status Register\n\nThis register you can [`read`](crate::generic::Reg::read). See [API](https://docs.rs/svd2rust/#read--modify--write-api).\n\nFor information about available fields see [lsr](index.html) module"] pub struct LSR_SPEC; impl crate::RegisterSpec for LSR_SPEC { type Ux = u32; } #[doc = "`read()` method returns [lsr::R](R) reader structure"] impl crate::Readable for LSR_SPEC { type Reader = R; } #[doc = "`reset()` method sets LSR to value 0"] impl crate::Resettable for LSR_SPEC { #[inline(always)] fn reset_value() -> Self::Ux { 0 } }
//! # Algorithm //! //! For an atom and type on input (when type is not set `Undefined` is used): //! * [Atom::Variable] is returned as is. //! * [Atom::Symbol] and [Atom::Grounded] are type checked: //! * If type is corrent then atom is returned as is. //! * If type is incorrect then error result is returned. //! * First atom (operation) of [Atom::Expression] is extracted and plan to //! calculate its type is returned. After type is calculated the expression //! is interpreted according its operation type. Notice: that few alternative //! interpretations may be found here one for each type of the operation. //! //! For and expression atom and its operation type: //! * If expected type is `Atom` or `Expression` then expression is returned as is. //! * If operation type is function: //! * Check arity and return type of the function, if check fails then return //! error result. //! * Return a sequence plan which interprets each argument using //! corresponding type and calls resulting expression. If any argument //! cannot be casted to type then error result is returned. If argument's //! bindings are not compatible with bindings of the expression such //! result is skipped if no options to interpret argument left then error //! is returned. //! * Notice that this step may return more than one result because each //! argument can be interpreted by more than one way. //! * If operation type is not function: //! * Return a sequence plan which interprets each member using //! `Undefined` type and calls resulting expression. If member's //! bindings are not compatible with bindings of the expression such //! result is skipped if no options to interpret member left then error //! is returned. //! //! Call the expression: //! * If there is a cached result for this expression then return it //! * If operation is instance of [Atom::Grounded] then operation is executed: //! * If result is error then error is returned //! * If result is empty then it is returned as is //! * If result is not empty plan to interpret each alternative further is //! returned. Notice: if each alternative returns error then the result //! of execution is also error. //! * If operation is not [Atom::Grounded] then expression is matched. //! Atomspace is queried for `(= <expr> $X)` and expression is replaced by $X. //! * If no results returned then error is returned //! * If result is not empty plan to interpret each alternative further is //! returned. Notice: if each alternative returns error then the result //! of execution is also error. //! * If one of previous steps returned error then original expresion is //! returned. Otherwise the result of the interpretation is returned. //! It may be empty if one of expression is grounded expression which //! returns empty result. //! //! Summary on possible results: //! * empty result for expression is returned only when grounded operation //! returns empty result //! * error is returned when atom cannot be casted to the type expected //! or all alternative interpretations are errors; the overall result includes //! successfuly interpreted alternatives only //! * call of the expression returns either succesful result or original expression use crate::*; use crate::common::plan::*; use crate::atom::subexpr::*; use crate::atom::matcher::*; use crate::space::grounding::*; use crate::common::collections::ListMap; use crate::metta::types::{AtomType, is_func, get_arg_types, check_type, get_reducted_types}; use std::ops::Deref; use std::rc::Rc; use std::cell::RefCell; use std::fmt::{Debug, Display, Formatter}; #[inline] fn equal_symbol() -> Atom { sym!("=") } /// Result of atom interpretation plus variable bindings found #[derive(Clone, PartialEq)] pub struct InterpretedAtom(Atom, Bindings); impl InterpretedAtom { fn atom(&self) -> &Atom { &self.0 } fn bindings(&self) -> &Bindings { &self.1 } /// Convert the instance into tuple of [Atom] and [Bindings] pub fn into_tuple(self) -> (Atom, Bindings) { (self.0, self.1) } } impl Display for InterpretedAtom { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { if self.1.is_empty() { write!(f, "{}", self.0) } else { // TODO: it is possible to cleanup all bindings for nested // expressions which were introduced by matching when all // sub-expressions are interpreted. This will simplify // textual representation. For example in test_air_humidity_regulator // (make air wet) leads to (start kettle), {$y: kettle}) result // but $y is not present in the expression after interpreting // (make air wet) and can be removed. write!(f, "{}|{}", self.0, self.1) } } } impl Debug for InterpretedAtom { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { Display::fmt(self, f) } } type Results = Vec<InterpretedAtom>; type NoInputPlan = Box<dyn Plan<(), Results>>; /// Initialize interpreter and returns the result of the zero step. /// It can be error, immediate result or interpretation plan to be executed. /// See [crate::metta::interpreter] for algorithm explanation. /// /// # Arguments /// * `space` - atomspace to query for interpretation /// * `expr` - atom to interpret pub fn interpret_init(space: GroundingSpace, expr: &Atom) -> StepResult<Vec<InterpretedAtom>> { let context = InterpreterContextRef::new(space); interpret_as_type_plan(context, InterpretedAtom(expr.clone(), Bindings::new()), AtomType::Undefined) } /// Perform next step of the interpretation plan and return the result. Panics /// when [StepResult::Return] or [StepResult::Error] are passed as input. /// See [crate::metta::interpreter] for algorithm explanation. /// /// # Arguments /// * `step` - [StepResult::Execute] result from the previous step. pub fn interpret_step(step: StepResult<Vec<InterpretedAtom>>) -> StepResult<Vec<InterpretedAtom>> { log::debug!("current plan:\n{:?}", step); match step { StepResult::Execute(plan) => plan.step(()), StepResult::Return(_) => panic!("Plan execution is finished already"), StepResult::Error(_) => panic!("Plan execution is finished with error"), } } /// Interpret passed atom and return a new plan, result or error. This function /// blocks until result is calculated. For step by step interpretation one /// should use [interpret_init] and [interpret_step] functions. /// # Arguments /// * `space` - atomspace to query for interpretation /// * `expr` - atom to interpret pub fn interpret(space: GroundingSpace, expr: &Atom) -> Result<Vec<Atom>, String> { let mut step = interpret_init(space, expr); while step.has_next() { step = interpret_step(step); } match step { StepResult::Return(mut result) => Ok(result.drain(0..) .map(|InterpretedAtom(atom, _)| atom).collect()), StepResult::Error(message) => Err(message), _ => panic!("Not expected step result: {:?}", step), } } // TODO: ListMap is not effective but we cannot use HashMap here without // requiring hash functions for the grounded atoms. struct InterpreterCache(ListMap<Atom, Results>); impl InterpreterCache { fn new() -> Self { Self(ListMap::new()) } fn get(&self, key: &Atom, current_bindings: &Bindings) -> Option<Results> { self.0.get(key).map(|results| -> Option<Results> { let mut inconsistent = Vec::new(); let mut result = Vec::new(); for res in results { let merged = Bindings::merge(res.bindings(), &current_bindings); if let Some(merged) = merged { result.push(InterpretedAtom(res.atom().clone(), merged)); } else { inconsistent.push(res); } } if inconsistent.is_empty() { Some(result) } else { log::debug!("get_cached: return None as some results has inconsistent bindings"); log::debug!("get_cached: current bindings: {}, inconsistent results: {:?}", current_bindings, inconsistent); None } }).flatten() } fn insert(&mut self, key: Atom, value: Results) { self.0.insert(key, value) } fn reset(&mut self) { self.0.clear(); } } impl SpaceObserver for InterpreterCache { fn notify(&mut self, _event: &SpaceEvent) { // TODO: implement more specific cache cleanup for each event self.reset(); } } struct InterpreterContext { space: GroundingSpace, cache: Rc<RefCell<InterpreterCache>>, } #[derive(Clone)] struct InterpreterContextRef(Rc<InterpreterContext>); impl InterpreterContextRef { fn new(mut space: GroundingSpace) -> Self { let cache = Rc::new(RefCell::new(InterpreterCache::new())); space.register_observer(Rc::clone(&cache)); Self(Rc::new(InterpreterContext{ space, cache })) } } impl Deref for InterpreterContextRef { type Target = InterpreterContext; fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target { &self.0 } } fn is_grounded(expr: &ExpressionAtom) -> bool { matches!(expr.children().get(0), Some(Atom::Grounded(_))) } fn has_grounded_sub_expr(expr: &Atom) -> bool { return SubexprStream::from_expr(expr.clone(), TOP_DOWN_DEPTH_WALK) .any(|sub| if let Atom::Expression(sub) = sub { is_grounded(&sub) } else { panic!("Expression is expected"); }); } fn interpret_as_type_plan(context: InterpreterContextRef, input: InterpretedAtom, typ: AtomType) -> StepResult<Results> { log::debug!("interpret_as_type_plan: input: {}, type: {}", input, typ); match input.atom() { Atom::Symbol(_) | Atom::Grounded(_) => cast_atom_to_type_plan(context, input, typ), Atom::Expression(ref expr) if expr.children().is_empty() => cast_atom_to_type_plan(context, input, typ), Atom::Expression(ref expr) => { let op = &expr.children()[0]; StepResult::execute(SequencePlan::new( get_type_of_atom_plan(context.clone(), op.clone()), interpret_expression_as_type_plan(context, input, typ) )) }, Atom::Variable(_) => { StepResult::ret(vec![input]) }, } } fn cast_atom_to_type_plan(context: InterpreterContextRef, input: InterpretedAtom, typ: AtomType) -> StepResult<Results> { // TODO: implement this via interpreting of the (:cast atom typ) expression if check_type(&context.space, input.atom(), &typ) { log::debug!("cast_atom_to_type_plan: input: {} is casted to type: {}", input, typ); StepResult::ret(vec![input]) } else { log::debug!("cast_atom_to_type_plan: input: {} cannot be casted to type: {}", input, typ); StepResult::err(format!("Incorrect type, input: {}, type: {}", input, typ)) } } fn get_type_of_atom_plan(context: InterpreterContextRef, atom: Atom) -> StepResult<Vec<Atom>> { // TODO: implement this via interpreting of the (:? atom) StepResult::ret(get_reducted_types(&context.space, &atom)) } fn interpret_expression_as_type_plan(context: InterpreterContextRef, input: InterpretedAtom, typ: AtomType) -> OperatorPlan<Vec<Atom>, Results> { let descr = format!("form alternative plans for expression {} using types", input); OperatorPlan::new(move |op_types: Vec<Atom>| { make_alternives_plan(input.clone(), op_types, move |op_typ| { interpret_expression_as_type_op(context.clone(), input.clone(), op_typ, typ.clone()) }) }, descr) } fn get_expr(atom: &Atom) -> &ExpressionAtom { match atom { Atom::Expression(expr) => expr, _ => panic!("Atom::Expression is expected, recieved: {}", atom), } } fn get_expr_mut(atom: &mut Atom) -> &mut ExpressionAtom { match atom { Atom::Expression(expr) => expr, _ => panic!("Atom::Expression is expected, recieved: {}", atom), } } fn interpret_expression_as_type_op(context: InterpreterContextRef, input: InterpretedAtom, op_typ: Atom, ret_typ: AtomType) -> NoInputPlan { log::debug!("interpret_expression_as_type_op: input: {}, operation type: {}, expected return type: {}", input, op_typ, ret_typ); let expr = get_expr(input.atom()); if ret_typ == AtomType::Specific(Atom::sym("Atom")) || ret_typ == AtomType::Specific(Atom::sym("Expression")) { Box::new(StepResult::ret(vec![input])) } else if is_func(&op_typ) { let (op_arg_types, op_ret_typ) = get_arg_types(&op_typ); // TODO: supertypes should be checked as well if !ret_typ.map_or(|typ| *op_ret_typ == *typ, true) { Box::new(StepResult::err(format!("Operation returns wrong type: {}, expected: {}", op_ret_typ, ret_typ))) } else if op_arg_types.len() != (expr.children().len() - 1) { Box::new(StepResult::err(format!("Operation arity is not equal to call arity: operation type, {}, call: {}", op_typ, expr))) } else { assert!(!expr.children().is_empty(), "Empty expression is not expected"); let mut plan: NoInputPlan = Box::new(StepResult::ret(vec![input.clone()])); for expr_idx in 1..(expr.children().len()) { let arg = expr.children()[expr_idx].clone(); let arg_typ = AtomType::Specific(op_arg_types[expr_idx - 1].clone()); plan = Box::new(SequencePlan::new( ParallelPlan::new( plan, interpret_as_type_plan(context.clone(), InterpretedAtom(arg, input.bindings().clone()), arg_typ)), insert_reducted_arg_plan(expr_idx) )) } call_alternatives_plan(plan, context, input) } } else { let mut plan: NoInputPlan = Box::new(StepResult::ret(vec![input.clone()])); for expr_idx in 0..(expr.children().len()) { let arg = expr.children()[expr_idx].clone(); plan = Box::new(SequencePlan::new( ParallelPlan::new( plan, interpret_as_type_plan(context.clone(), InterpretedAtom(arg, input.bindings().clone()), AtomType::Undefined)), insert_reducted_arg_plan(expr_idx) )) } call_alternatives_plan(plan, context, input) } } fn call_alternatives_plan(plan: NoInputPlan, context: InterpreterContextRef, input: InterpretedAtom) -> NoInputPlan { Box::new(SequencePlan::new(plan, OperatorPlan::new(move |results: Results| { make_alternives_plan(input, results, move |result| { call_plan(context.clone(), result) }) }, "interpret each alternative"))) } fn insert_reducted_arg_plan(atom_idx: usize) -> OperatorPlan<(Results, Results), Results> { let descr = format!("insert right element as child {} of left element", atom_idx); OperatorPlan::new(move |prev_result| insert_reducted_arg_op(atom_idx, prev_result), descr) } fn insert_reducted_arg_op(atom_idx: usize, (mut atoms, args): (Results, Results)) -> StepResult<Results> { let result = atoms.drain(0..).flat_map(|interpreted_atom| { args.iter().map(move |arg| { let mut atom = interpreted_atom.atom().clone(); get_expr_mut(&mut atom).children_mut()[atom_idx] = arg.atom().clone(); let applied_bindings = apply_bindings_to_bindings(arg.bindings(), interpreted_atom.bindings()); if let Result::Ok(atom_bindings) = applied_bindings { Bindings::merge(&atom_bindings, arg.bindings()) .map(|bindings| InterpretedAtom(apply_bindings_to_atom(&atom, &bindings), bindings)) } else { log::debug!("insert_reducted_arg_op: skip bindings: {} which cannot be applied to atom bindings: {}, reason: {:?}", arg.bindings(), interpreted_atom.bindings(), applied_bindings); None } }) }).filter(Option::is_some).map(Option::unwrap).collect(); log::debug!("insert_reducted_arg_op: result: {:?}", result); StepResult::ret(result) } fn call_plan(context: InterpreterContextRef, input: InterpretedAtom) -> NoInputPlan { let descr = format!("call {}", input); Box::new(OperatorPlan::new(|_| call_op(context, input), descr)) } fn call_op(context: InterpreterContextRef, input: InterpretedAtom) -> StepResult<Results> { log::debug!("call_op: {}", input); let cached = context.cache.borrow().get(input.atom(), input.bindings()); if let Some(result) = cached { return_cached_result_plan(result) } else { if let Atom::Expression(_) = input.atom() { if !has_grounded_sub_expr(input.atom()) { let key = input.atom().clone(); StepResult::execute(SequencePlan::new( OrPlan::new( interpret_reducted_plan(context.clone(), input.clone()), StepResult::ret(vec![input])), save_result_in_cache_plan(context, key) )) } else { StepResult::execute(OrPlan::new( interpret_reducted_plan(context.clone(), input.clone()), StepResult::ret(vec![input]))) } } else { panic!("Only expressions are expected to be called"); } } } fn return_cached_result_plan(results: Results) -> StepResult<Results> { let descr = format!("return cached results {:?}", results); StepResult::execute(OperatorPlan::new(|_| StepResult::ret(results), descr)) } fn save_result_in_cache_plan(context: InterpreterContextRef, key: Atom) -> OperatorPlan<Results, Results> { let descr = format!("save results in cache for key {}", key); OperatorPlan::new(move |results: Results| { context.cache.borrow_mut().insert(key, results.clone()); StepResult::ret(results) }, descr) } fn interpret_reducted_plan(context: InterpreterContextRef, input: InterpretedAtom) -> NoInputPlan { if let Atom::Expression(ref expr) = input.atom() { if is_grounded(expr) { // TODO: there is no sense in passing variables as an arguments to // the grounded atoms, so when grounded atom has a variable as an // argument it probably should be matched instead. Box::new(execute_plan(context, input)) } else { Box::new(match_plan(context, input)) } } else { panic!("Only expression is expected, received: {}", input); } } fn execute_plan(context: InterpreterContextRef, input: InterpretedAtom) -> OperatorPlan<(), Results> { let descr = format!("execute {}", input); OperatorPlan::new(|_| execute_op(context, input), descr) } fn execute_op(context: InterpreterContextRef, input: InterpretedAtom) -> StepResult<Results> { log::debug!("execute_op: {}", input); match input { InterpretedAtom(Atom::Expression(ref expr), ref bindings) => { let mut expr = expr.clone(); let op = expr.children().get(0).cloned(); if let Some(Atom::Grounded(op)) = op { let mut args = expr.children_mut().drain(1..).collect(); match op.execute(&mut args) { Ok(mut vec) => { let results: Vec<InterpretedAtom> = vec.drain(0..) .map(|atom| InterpretedAtom(atom, bindings.clone())) .collect(); if results.is_empty() { StepResult::ret(results) } else { make_alternives_plan(input, results, move |result| { interpret_as_type_plan(context.clone(), result, AtomType::Undefined) }) } }, Err(msg) => StepResult::err(msg), } } else { panic!("Trying to execute non grounded atom: {}", expr) } }, _ => panic!("Unexpected non expression argument: {}", input), } } fn match_plan(context: InterpreterContextRef, input: InterpretedAtom) -> OperatorPlan<(), Results> { let descr = format!("match {}", input); OperatorPlan::new(|_| match_op(context, input), descr) } fn match_op(context: InterpreterContextRef, input: InterpretedAtom) -> StepResult<Results> { log::debug!("match_op: {}", input); let var_x = VariableAtom::new("%X%"); // TODO: unique variable? let atom_x = Atom::Variable(var_x.clone()); let query = Atom::expr(vec![equal_symbol(), input.atom().clone(), atom_x]); let mut local_bindings = context.space.query(&query); let results: Vec<InterpretedAtom> = local_bindings .drain(0..) .map(|mut binding| { let result = binding.remove(&var_x).unwrap(); let result = apply_bindings_to_atom(&result, &binding); // TODO: sometimes we apply bindings twice: first time here, // second time when inserting matched argument into nesting // expression. It should be enough doing it only once. let bindings = apply_bindings_to_bindings(&binding, input.bindings()); let bindings = bindings.map(|mut bindings| { binding.drain().for_each(|(k, v)| { bindings.insert(k, v); }); bindings }); log::debug!("match_op: query: {}, binding: {:?}, result: {}", input, bindings, result); (result, bindings) }) .filter(|(_, bindings)| bindings.is_ok()) .map(|(result, bindings)| InterpretedAtom(result, bindings.unwrap())) .collect(); make_alternives_plan(input, results, move |result| { interpret_as_type_plan(context.clone(), result, AtomType::Undefined) }) } fn make_alternives_plan<T, F, P>(input: InterpretedAtom, mut results: Vec<T>, plan: F) -> StepResult<Results> where F: Fn(T) -> P, P: 'static + Plan<(), Results> { match results.len() { 0 => StepResult::err("No alternatives to interpret further"), 1 => StepResult::execute(plan(results.pop().unwrap())), _ => { StepResult::execute(AlternativeInterpretationsPlan::new( input.0, results.drain(0..) .map(|result| -> NoInputPlan { Box::new(plan(result)) }) .collect())) }, } } use std::collections::VecDeque; /// Plan which interprets in parallel alternatives of the expression. /// Each successful result is appended to the overall result of the plan. /// If no alternatives returned successful result the plan returns error. pub struct AlternativeInterpretationsPlan<T> { atom: Atom, plans: VecDeque<Box<dyn Plan<(), Vec<T>>>>, results: Vec<T>, success: bool, } impl<T> AlternativeInterpretationsPlan<T> { /// Create new instance of [AlternativeInterpretationsPlan]. /// /// # Arguments /// `atom` - atom to be printed as root of the alternative interpretations /// `plan` - altenative plans for the atom pub fn new(atom: Atom, plans: Vec<Box<dyn Plan<(), Vec<T>>>>) -> Self { Self{ atom, plans: plans.into(), results: Vec::new(), success: false } } } impl<T: 'static + Debug> Plan<(), Vec<T>> for AlternativeInterpretationsPlan<T> { fn step(mut self: Box<Self>, _: ()) -> StepResult<Vec<T>> { if self.plans.len() == 0 { if self.success { StepResult::ret(self.results) } else { StepResult::err("No successful alternatives") } } else { let plan = self.plans.pop_front().unwrap(); match plan.step(()) { StepResult::Execute(next) => { self.plans.push_front(next); StepResult::Execute(self) }, StepResult::Return(mut result) => { self.results.append(&mut result); self.success = true; StepResult::Execute(self) }, StepResult::Error(message) => { log::debug!("skip alternative because of error returned: {}", message); StepResult::Execute(self) }, } } } } impl<T: Debug> Debug for AlternativeInterpretationsPlan<T> { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result { let mut res = write!(f, "interpret alternatives for {} (current results: {:?}):\n", self.atom, self.results); for (i, plan) in self.plans.iter().enumerate() { let plan_str = format!("{:?}", plan); let mut lines = plan_str.lines(); res = res.and_then(|_| write!(f, " {} {}\n", if i == 0 { ">" } else { "-" }, lines.next().unwrap())); for line in lines { res = res.and_then(|_| write!(f, " {}\n", line)); } } res } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; #[test] fn test_match_all() { let mut space = GroundingSpace::new(); space.add(expr!("=", ("color"), "blue")); space.add(expr!("=", ("color"), "red")); space.add(expr!("=", ("color"), "green")); let expr = expr!(("color")); assert_eq!(interpret(space, &expr), Ok(vec![expr!("blue"), expr!("red"), expr!("green")])); } #[test] fn test_frog_reasoning() { let mut space = GroundingSpace::new(); space.add(expr!("=", ("and", "True", "True"), "True")); space.add(expr!("=", ("if", "True", then, else), then)); space.add(expr!("=", ("if", "False", then, else), else)); space.add(expr!("=", ("Fritz", "croaks"), "True")); space.add(expr!("=", ("Fritz", "eats-flies"), "True")); space.add(expr!("=", ("Tweety", "chirps"), "True")); space.add(expr!("=", ("Tweety", "yellow"), "True")); space.add(expr!("=", ("Tweety", "eats-flies"), "True")); let expr = expr!("if", ("and", (x, "croaks"), (x, "eats-flies")), ("=", (x, "frog"), "True"), "nop"); assert_eq!(interpret(space, &expr), Ok(vec![expr!("=", ("Fritz", "frog"), "True")])); } #[test] fn test_variable_keeps_value_in_different_sub_expressions() { let mut space = GroundingSpace::new(); space.add(expr!("=", ("eq", x, x), "True")); space.add(expr!("=", ("plus", "Z", y), y)); space.add(expr!("=", ("plus", ("S", k), y), ("S", ("plus", k, y)))); assert_eq!(interpret(space.clone(), &expr!("eq", ("plus", "Z", n), n)), Ok(vec![expr!("True")])); assert_eq!(interpret(space.clone(), &expr!("eq", ("plus", ("S", "Z"), n), n)), Ok(vec![expr!("eq", ("S", y), y)])); } fn test_interpret<T, R, P: Plan<T, R>>(plan: P, arg: T) -> Result<R, String> { let mut step = Box::new(plan).step(arg); loop { match step { StepResult::Execute(plan) => step = plan.step(()), StepResult::Return(result) => return Ok(result), StepResult::Error(message) => return Err(message), } } } #[test] fn test_make_alternatives_plan_no_alternative() { let plan = make_alternives_plan(InterpretedAtom(sym!("Test"), Bindings::new()), vec![], |_res: InterpretedAtom| StepResult::ret(vec![])); let result = test_interpret(plan, ()); assert_eq!(Err("No alternatives to interpret further".into()), result); } #[test] fn test_alternatives_plan_single_alternative() { let plan = AlternativeInterpretationsPlan::new(sym!("Test"), vec![Box::new(StepResult::ret(vec!["A", "B"]))]); let result = test_interpret(plan, ()); assert_eq!(Ok(vec!["A", "B"]), result); } #[test] fn test_alternatives_plan_few_alternatives() { let plan = AlternativeInterpretationsPlan::new(sym!("Test"), vec![Box::new(StepResult::ret(vec!["A", "B"])), Box::new(StepResult::ret(vec!["C", "D"]))]); let result = test_interpret(plan, ()); assert_eq!(Ok(vec!["A", "B", "C", "D"]), result); } #[test] fn test_alternatives_plan_error_present() { let plan = AlternativeInterpretationsPlan::new(sym!("Test"), vec![Box::new(StepResult::err("Expected error")), Box::new(StepResult::ret(vec!["C", "D"]))]); let result = test_interpret(plan, ()); assert_eq!(Ok(vec!["C", "D"]), result); } #[test] fn test_alternatives_plan_only_errors() { let plan: AlternativeInterpretationsPlan<&'static str> = AlternativeInterpretationsPlan::new(sym!("Test"), vec![Box::new(StepResult::err("Expected error")), Box::new(StepResult::err("Another expected error"))]); let result = test_interpret(plan, ()); assert_eq!(Err("No successful alternatives".into()), result); } #[test] fn test_variable_defined_via_variable() { let mut space = GroundingSpace::new(); space.add(expr!("=", ("if", "True", y), y)); space.add(expr!("=", ("not", "False"), "True")); space.add(expr!("=", ("a", z), ("not", ("b", z)))); space.add(expr!("=", ("b", "d"), "False")); let expr = expr!("if", ("a", x), x); assert_eq!(interpret(space, &expr), Ok(vec![expr!("d")])); } }
// Copyright (c) the JPEG XL Project Authors. All rights reserved. // // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. use crate::bit_reader::BitReader; use crate::error::Error; use std::collections::HashSet; use crate::entropy_coding::decode::*; fn move_to_front(v: &mut [u8], index: u8) { let value = v[index as usize]; for i in (1..=index as usize).rev() { v[i] = v[i - 1]; } v[0] = value; } fn inverse_move_to_front(v: &mut [u8]) { use array_init::array_init; let mut mtf: [u8; 256] = array_init(|x| x as u8); for val in v.iter_mut() { let index = *val; *val = mtf[index as usize]; if index != 0 { move_to_front(&mut mtf, index); } } } fn verify_context_map(ctx_map: &[u8]) -> Result<(), Error> { let num_histograms = *ctx_map.iter().max().unwrap() as u32 + 1; let distinct_histograms = ctx_map.iter().collect::<HashSet<_>>().len() as u32; if distinct_histograms != num_histograms { return Err(Error::InvalidContextMapHole( num_histograms, distinct_histograms, )); } Ok(()) } pub fn decode_context_map(num_contexts: usize, br: &mut BitReader) -> Result<Vec<u8>, Error> { use std::iter::FromIterator; let is_simple = br.read(1)? != 0; if is_simple { let bits_per_entry = br.read(2)? as usize; if bits_per_entry != 0 { Result::from_iter((0..num_contexts).map(|_| Ok(br.read(bits_per_entry)? as u8))) } else { Ok(vec![0u8; num_contexts]) } } else { let use_mtf = br.read(1)? != 0; let histograms = Histograms::decode(1, br, /*allow_lz77=*/ num_contexts > 2)?; let reader = histograms.make_reader(br)?; let mut ctx_map: Vec<u8> = Result::from_iter((0..num_contexts).map(|_| { let mv = reader.read(br, 0usize)?; if mv > u8::MAX as u32 { Err(Error::InvalidContextMap(mv)) } else { Ok(mv as u8) } }))?; reader.check_final_state()?; if use_mtf { inverse_move_to_front(&mut ctx_map[..]); } verify_context_map(&ctx_map[..])?; Ok(ctx_map) } }
use std::borrow::Cow; use std::fs::OpenOptions; use std::io::Read; use std::path::Path; use std::collections::{HashMap, BTreeMap}; use minidom::{Element, Error}; use serde::{Serialize, Deserialize}; use crate::utils::prelude::*; use failure::Error as FailError; mod component; mod condition; mod device; pub use component::{ComponentBuilders, FileRef}; pub use condition::{Condition, Conditions}; pub use device::{Device, Devices, Memories, Algorithm, Processors, Core}; pub struct Release { pub version: String, pub text: String, } impl FromElem for Release { fn from_elem(e: &Element) -> Result<Self, Error> { assert_root_name(e, "release")?; Ok(Self { version: attr_map(e, "version", "release")?, text: e.text(), }) } } #[derive(Default)] pub struct Releases(Vec<Release>); impl Releases { pub fn latest_release(&self) -> &Release { &self.0[0] } } impl FromElem for Releases { fn from_elem(e: &Element) -> Result<Self, Error> { assert_root_name(e, "releases")?; let to_ret: Vec<_> = e.children() .flat_map(|c| Release::from_elem(c).ok_warn()) .collect(); if to_ret.is_empty() { Err(err_msg!("There must be at least one release!")) } else { Ok(Releases(to_ret)) } } } #[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub struct DumpDevice<'a> { name: &'a str, memories: Cow<'a, Memories>, algorithms: Cow<'a, Vec<Algorithm>>, processor: Cow<'a, Processors>, from_pack: FromPack<'a>, vendor: Option<&'a str>, family: &'a str, sub_family: Option<&'a str> } #[derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)] struct FromPack<'a> { vendor: &'a str, pack: &'a str, version: &'a str, url: &'a str, } impl<'a> FromPack<'a> { fn new(vendor: &'a str, pack: &'a str, version: &'a str, url: &'a str) -> Self { Self { vendor, pack, version, url, } } } impl<'a> DumpDevice<'a> { fn from_device(dev: &'a Device, from_pack: FromPack<'a>) -> Self { Self { name: &dev.name, memories: Cow::Borrowed(&dev.memories), algorithms: Cow::Borrowed(&dev.algorithms), processor: Cow::Borrowed(&dev.processor), from_pack, vendor: dev.vendor.as_ref().map(String::as_str), family: &dev.family, sub_family: dev.sub_family.as_ref().map(String::as_str), } } } pub struct Package { pub name: String, pub description: String, pub vendor: String, pub url: String, pub license: Option<String>, components: ComponentBuilders, pub releases: Releases, pub conditions: Conditions, pub devices: Devices, pub boards: Vec<Board>, } impl FromElem for Package { fn from_elem(e: &Element) -> Result<Self, Error> { assert_root_name(e, "package")?; let name: String = child_text(e, "name", "package")?; let description: String = child_text(e, "description", "package")?; let vendor: String = child_text(e, "vendor", "package")?; let url: String = child_text(e, "url", "package")?; log::info!( "Working on {}::{}", vendor, name, ); let components = get_child_no_ns(e, "components") .and_then(|c| ComponentBuilders::from_elem(c).ok_warn()) .unwrap_or_default(); let releases = get_child_no_ns(e, "releases") .and_then(|c| Releases::from_elem(c).ok_warn()) .unwrap_or_default(); let conditions = get_child_no_ns(e, "conditions") .and_then(|c| Conditions::from_elem(c).ok_warn()) .unwrap_or_default(); let devices = get_child_no_ns(e, "devices") .and_then(|c| Devices::from_elem(c).ok_warn()) .unwrap_or_default(); let boards = get_child_no_ns(e, "boards") .map(|c| Board::vec_from_children(c.children())) .unwrap_or_default(); Ok(Self { name, description, vendor, url, components, license: child_text(e, "license", "package").ok(), releases, conditions, devices, boards, }) } } #[derive(Debug, Deserialize, Serialize)] pub struct Board { name: String, mounted_devices: Vec<String>, } impl FromElem for Board { fn from_elem(e: &Element) -> Result<Self, Error> { Ok(Self { name: attr_map(e, "name", "board")?, mounted_devices: e.children() .flat_map(|c| match c.name() { "mountedDevice" => attr_map(c, "Dname", "mountedDevice").ok(), _ => None, }) .collect(), }) } } #[derive(Debug, Serialize)] pub struct Component { pub vendor: String, pub class: String, pub group: String, pub sub_group: Option<String>, pub variant: Option<String>, pub version: String, pub api_version: Option<String>, pub condition: Option<String>, pub max_instances: Option<u8>, pub is_default: bool, pub deprecated: bool, pub description: String, pub rte_addition: String, pub files: Vec<FileRef>, } type Components = Vec<Component>; impl Package { pub fn make_components(&self) -> Components { self.components .0 .clone() .into_iter() .map(|comp| { Component { vendor: comp.vendor.unwrap_or_else(|| self.vendor.clone()), class: comp.class.unwrap(), group: comp.group.unwrap(), sub_group: comp.sub_group, variant: comp.variant, version: comp.version.unwrap_or_else(|| { self.releases.latest_release().version.clone() }), api_version: comp.api_version, condition: comp.condition, max_instances: comp.max_instances, is_default: comp.is_default, deprecated: comp.deprecated, description: comp.description, rte_addition: comp.rte_addition, files: comp.files, } }) .collect() } pub fn make_condition_lookup<'a>(&'a self) -> HashMap<&'a str, &'a Condition> { let mut map = HashMap::with_capacity(self.conditions.0.iter().count()); for cond in self.conditions.0.iter() { if let Some(dup) = map.insert(cond.id.as_str(), cond) { log::warn!("Duplicate Condition found {}", dup.id); } } map } pub fn make_dump_devices<'a>(&'a self) -> Vec<(&'a str, DumpDevice<'a>)> { let from_pack = FromPack::new( &self.vendor, &self.name, &self.releases.latest_release().version, &self.url, ); self.devices .0 .iter() .map(|(name, d)| { (name.as_str(), DumpDevice::from_device(d, from_pack.clone())) }) .collect() } } pub fn dump_devices<'a, P: AsRef<Path>, I: IntoIterator<Item = &'a Package>>( pdscs: I, device_dest: Option<P>, board_dest: Option<P>, ) -> Result<(), FailError> { let pdscs: Vec<&Package> = pdscs.into_iter().collect(); let devices = pdscs .iter() .flat_map(|pdsc| pdsc.make_dump_devices().into_iter()) .collect::<HashMap<_, _>>(); match device_dest { Some(to_file) => { if !devices.is_empty() { let mut file_contents = Vec::new(); let mut old_devices: HashMap<&str, DumpDevice> = HashMap::new(); if let Ok(mut fd) = OpenOptions::new().read(true).open(to_file.as_ref()) { fd.read_to_end(&mut file_contents)?; old_devices = serde_json::from_slice(&file_contents).unwrap_or_default(); } let mut all_devices = BTreeMap::new(); all_devices.extend(old_devices.iter()); all_devices.extend(devices.iter()); let mut options = OpenOptions::new(); options.write(true); options.create(true); options.truncate(true); if let Ok(fd) = options.open(to_file.as_ref()) { serde_json::to_writer_pretty(fd, &all_devices).unwrap(); } else { println!("Could not open file {:?}", to_file.as_ref()); } } } None => println!("{}", &serde_json::to_string_pretty(&devices).unwrap()), } let boards = pdscs .iter() .flat_map(|pdsc| pdsc.boards.iter()) .map(|b| (&b.name, b)) .collect::<HashMap<_, _>>(); match board_dest { Some(to_file) => { let mut file_contents = Vec::new(); let mut old_boards: HashMap<String, Board> = HashMap::new(); if let Ok(mut fd) = OpenOptions::new().read(true).open(to_file.as_ref()) { fd.read_to_end(&mut file_contents)?; old_boards = serde_json::from_slice(&file_contents).unwrap_or_default(); } let mut all_boards = BTreeMap::new(); all_boards.extend(old_boards.iter()); all_boards.extend(boards.iter()); let mut options = OpenOptions::new(); options.write(true); options.create(true); options.truncate(true); if let Ok(fd) = options.open(to_file.as_ref()) { serde_json::to_writer_pretty(fd, &all_boards).unwrap(); } else { println!("Could not open file {:?}", to_file.as_ref()); } } None => println!("{}", &serde_json::to_string_pretty(&devices).unwrap()), } Ok(()) } pub fn dumps_components<'a, I>(pdscs: I) -> Result<String, FailError> where I: IntoIterator<Item = &'a Package>, { let components = pdscs .into_iter() .flat_map(|pdsc| pdsc.make_components().into_iter()) .collect::<Vec<_>>(); Ok(serde_json::to_string_pretty(&components)?) }
//! Simple HTTPS echo service based on hyper-rustls //! //! First parameter is the mandatory port to use. //! Certificate and private key are hardcoded to sample files. //! hyper will automatically use HTTP/2 if a client starts talking HTTP/2, //! otherwise HTTP/1.1 will be used. use std::{env, fs, io, sync}; use async_stream::stream; use futures_util::future::TryFutureExt; use hyper::server::accept; use hyper::service::{make_service_fn, service_fn}; use hyper::{Body, Method, Request, Response, Server, StatusCode}; use tokio::net::TcpListener; use tokio_rustls::TlsAcceptor; fn main() { // Serve an echo service over HTTPS, with proper error handling. if let Err(e) = run_server() { eprintln!("FAILED: {}", e); std::process::exit(1); } } fn error(err: String) -> io::Error { io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::Other, err) } #[tokio::main] async fn run_server() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error + Send + Sync>> { // First parameter is port number (optional, defaults to 1337) let port = match env::args().nth(1) { Some(ref p) => p.to_owned(), None => "1337".to_owned(), }; let addr = format!("{}", port); // Build TLS configuration. let tls_cfg = { // Load public certificate. let certs = load_certs("examples/sample.pem")?; // Load private key. let key = load_private_key("examples/sample.rsa")?; // Do not use client certificate authentication. let mut cfg = rustls::ServerConfig::builder() .with_safe_defaults() .with_no_client_auth() .with_single_cert(certs, key) .map_err(|e| error(format!("{}", e)))?; // Configure ALPN to accept HTTP/2, HTTP/1.1 in that order. cfg.alpn_protocols = vec![b"h2".to_vec(), b"http/1.1".to_vec()]; sync::Arc::new(cfg) }; // Create a TCP listener via tokio. let tcp = TcpListener::bind(&addr).await?; let tls_acceptor = TlsAcceptor::from(tls_cfg); // Prepare a long-running future stream to accept and serve clients. let incoming_tls_stream = stream! { loop { let (socket, _) = tcp.accept().await?; let stream = tls_acceptor.accept(socket).map_err(|e| { println!("[!] Voluntary server halt due to client-connection error..."); // Errors could be handled here, instead of server aborting. // Ok(None) error(format!("TLS Error: {:?}", e)) }); yield stream.await; } }; let acceptor = accept::from_stream(incoming_tls_stream); let service = make_service_fn(|_| async { Ok::<_, io::Error>(service_fn(echo)) }); let server = Server::builder(acceptor).serve(service); // Run the future, keep going until an error occurs. println!("Starting to serve on https://{}.", addr); server.await?; Ok(()) } // Custom echo service, handling two different routes and a // catch-all 404 responder. async fn echo(req: Request<Body>) -> Result<Response<Body>, hyper::Error> { let mut response = Response::new(Body::empty()); match (req.method(), req.uri().path()) { // Help route. (&Method::GET, "/") => { *response.body_mut() = Body::from("Try POST /echo\n"); } // Echo service route. (&Method::POST, "/echo") => { *response.body_mut() = req.into_body(); } // Catch-all 404. _ => { *response.status_mut() = StatusCode::NOT_FOUND; } }; Ok(response) } // Load public certificate from file. fn load_certs(filename: &str) -> io::Result<Vec<rustls::Certificate>> { // Open certificate file. let certfile = fs::File::open(filename) .map_err(|e| error(format!("failed to open {}: {}", filename, e)))?; let mut reader = io::BufReader::new(certfile); // Load and return certificate. let certs = rustls_pemfile::certs(&mut reader) .map_err(|_| error("failed to load certificate".into()))?; Ok(certs .into_iter() .map(rustls::Certificate) .collect()) } // Load private key from file. fn load_private_key(filename: &str) -> io::Result<rustls::PrivateKey> { // Open keyfile. let keyfile = fs::File::open(filename) .map_err(|e| error(format!("failed to open {}: {}", filename, e)))?; let mut reader = io::BufReader::new(keyfile); // Load and return a single private key. let keys = rustls_pemfile::rsa_private_keys(&mut reader) .map_err(|_| error("failed to load private key".into()))?; if keys.len() != 1 { return Err(error("expected a single private key".into())); } Ok(rustls::PrivateKey(keys[0].clone())) }
use pest::Parser; #[cfg(debug_assertions)] const _GRAMMAR: &'static str = include_str!("normalise.pest"); #[derive(Parser)] #[grammar = "parse/normalise.pest"] struct Normaliser; pub fn normalise(input: String) -> String { Normaliser::parse_str(Rule::space_split, &(input.to_lowercase())) .unwrap() .filter_map(|pair| match pair.as_rule() { Rule::not_space => { let chars = pair.clone().into_inner(); Some( chars .map(|c| match c.as_rule() { Rule::double_quote => "\"".into(), Rule::single_quote => "'".into(), Rule::dash => "-".into(), Rule::left_bracket => "(".into(), Rule::right_bracket => ")".into(), Rule::equals => "=".into(), _ => c.clone().into_span().as_str().into(), }) .collect::<Vec<String>>() .join(""), ) } _ => None, }) .collect::<Vec<String>>() .join(" ") } #[cfg(test)] macro_rules! test_normaliser { ($input:expr, $output:expr) => (assert_eq!(normalise(format!("{}", $input)), $output)) } #[cfg(test)] macro_rules! test_spaces { ($input:expr) => (test_normaliser!(format!("x{}x", $input), "x x")) } #[test] fn spaces() { // Usual spaces test_spaces!("\n"); test_spaces!("\t"); test_spaces!(" "); test_spaces!(" "); // IDEOGRAPHIC SPACE // Unusual spaces test_spaces!(" "); // NBSP test_spaces!(" "); // EN QUAD test_spaces!(" "); // EM QUAD test_spaces!(" "); // EN SPACE test_spaces!(" "); // EM SPACE test_spaces!(" "); // FIGURE SPACE // Rare spaces test_spaces!("\u{85}"); test_spaces!("\u{2004}"); test_spaces!("\u{2005}"); test_spaces!("\u{2006}"); test_spaces!("\u{2008}"); test_spaces!("\u{2009}"); test_spaces!("\u{200A}"); test_spaces!("\u{202F}"); test_spaces!("\u{205F}"); // Space collapsing test_spaces!(" "); test_spaces!(" \n\t "); } #[test] fn double_quotes() { test_normaliser!("\"", "\""); test_normaliser!("“", "\""); test_normaliser!("”", "\""); test_normaliser!("«", "\""); test_normaliser!("»", "\""); } #[test] fn single_quotes() { test_normaliser!("'", "'"); test_normaliser!("‘", "'"); test_normaliser!("’", "'"); test_normaliser!("‹", "'"); test_normaliser!("›", "'"); } #[test] fn brackets() { test_normaliser!("(", "("); test_normaliser!("{", "("); test_normaliser!("[", "("); test_normaliser!(")", ")"); test_normaliser!("}", ")"); test_normaliser!("]", ")"); } #[test] fn equals() { test_normaliser!("=", "="); test_normaliser!(":", "="); test_normaliser!("≈", "="); } #[test] fn dashes() { test_normaliser!("-", "-"); test_normaliser!("--", "-"); test_normaliser!("—", "-"); test_normaliser!("–", "-"); test_normaliser!("‒", "-"); test_normaliser!("⁓", "-"); test_normaliser!("ー", "-"); test_normaliser!("―", "-"); test_normaliser!("⸺", "-"); test_normaliser!("⸻", "-"); test_normaliser!("〜", "-"); test_normaliser!("~", "-"); }
#![allow( unused_parens, clippy::excessive_precision, clippy::missing_safety_doc, clippy::not_unsafe_ptr_arg_deref, clippy::should_implement_trait, clippy::too_many_arguments, clippy::unused_unit, )] //! # Hierarchical Data Format I/O routines //! //! This module provides storage routines for Hierarchical Data Format objects. //! # Hierarchical Data Format version 5 //! //! Hierarchical Data Format version 5 //! -------------------------------------------------------- //! //! In order to use it, the hdf5 library has to be installed, which //! means cmake should find it using `find_package(HDF5)` . use crate::{mod_prelude::*, core, sys, types}; pub mod prelude { pub use { super::HDF5Const, super::HDF5 }; } /// Get the chunk sizes of a dataset. see also: dsgetsize() pub const HDF5_H5_GETCHUNKDIMS: i32 = 102; /// Get the dimension information of a dataset. see also: dsgetsize() pub const HDF5_H5_GETDIMS: i32 = 100; /// Get the maximum dimension information of a dataset. see also: dsgetsize() pub const HDF5_H5_GETMAXDIMS: i32 = 101; /// No compression, see also: dscreate() pub const HDF5_H5_NONE: i32 = -1; /// The dimension size is unlimited, see also: dscreate() pub const HDF5_H5_UNLIMITED: i32 = -1; /// Open or create hdf5 file /// ## Parameters /// * HDF5Filename: specify the HDF5 filename. /// /// Returns a pointer to the hdf5 object class /// /// /// Note: If the specified file does not exist, it will be created using default properties. /// Otherwise, it is opened in read and write mode with default access properties. /// Any operations except dscreate() functions on object /// will be thread safe. Multiple datasets can be created inside a single hdf5 file, and can be accessed /// from the same hdf5 object from multiple instances as long read or write operations are done over /// non-overlapping regions of dataset. Single hdf5 file also can be opened by multiple instances, /// reads and writes can be instantiated at the same time as long as non-overlapping regions are involved. Object /// is released using close(). /// /// - Example below opens and then releases the file. /// ```ignore /// // open / auto create hdf5 file /// cv::Ptr<cv::hdf::HDF5> h5io = cv::hdf::open( "mytest.h5" ); /// // ... /// // release /// h5io->close(); /// ``` /// /// /// ![Visualization of 10x10 CV_64FC2 (Hilbert matrix) using HDFView tool](https://docs.opencv.org/4.5.4/hdfview_demo.gif) /// /// - Text dump (3x3 Hilbert matrix) of hdf5 dataset using **h5dump** tool: /// ```ignore /// $ h5dump test.h5 /// HDF5 "test.h5" { /// GROUP "/" { /// DATASET "hilbert" { /// DATATYPE H5T_ARRAY { [2] H5T_IEEE_F64LE } /// DATASPACE SIMPLE { ( 3, 3 ) / ( 3, 3 ) } /// DATA { /// (0,0): [ 1, -1 ], [ 0.5, -0.5 ], [ 0.333333, -0.333333 ], /// (1,0): [ 0.5, -0.5 ], [ 0.333333, -0.333333 ], [ 0.25, -0.25 ], /// (2,0): [ 0.333333, -0.333333 ], [ 0.25, -0.25 ], [ 0.2, -0.2 ] /// } /// } /// } /// } /// ``` /// #[inline] pub fn open(hdf5_filename: &str) -> Result<core::Ptr<dyn crate::hdf::HDF5>> { extern_container_arg!(hdf5_filename); let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_hdf_open_const_StringR(hdf5_filename.opencv_as_extern()) }.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { core::Ptr::<dyn crate::hdf::HDF5>::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } /// Hierarchical Data Format version 5 interface. /// /// Notice that this module is compiled only when hdf5 is correctly installed. pub trait HDF5Const { fn as_raw_HDF5(&self) -> *const c_void; /// Check if label exists or not. /// ## Parameters /// * label: specify the hdf5 dataset label. /// /// Returns **true** if dataset exists, and **false** otherwise. /// /// /// Note: Checks if dataset, group or other object type (hdf5 link) exists under the label name. It is thread safe. #[inline] fn hlexists(&self, label: &str) -> Result<bool> { extern_container_arg!(label); let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_hdf_HDF5_hlexists_const_const_StringR(self.as_raw_HDF5(), label.opencv_as_extern()) }.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// Check whether a given attribute exits or not in the root group. /// /// ## Parameters /// * atlabel: the attribute name to be checked. /// ## Returns /// true if the attribute exists, false otherwise. /// ## See also /// atdelete, atwrite, atread #[inline] fn atexists(&self, atlabel: &str) -> Result<bool> { extern_container_arg!(atlabel); let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_hdf_HDF5_atexists_const_const_StringR(self.as_raw_HDF5(), atlabel.opencv_as_extern()) }.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// Create and allocate storage for n-dimensional dataset, single or multichannel type. /// ## Parameters /// * n_dims: declare number of dimensions /// * sizes: array containing sizes for each dimensions /// * type: type to be used, e.g., CV_8UC3, CV_32FC1, etc. /// * dslabel: specify the hdf5 dataset label. Existing dataset label will cause an error. /// * compresslevel: specify the compression level 0-9 to be used, H5_NONE is the default value and means no compression. /// The value 0 also means no compression. /// A value 9 indicating the best compression ration. Note /// that a higher compression level indicates a higher computational cost. It relies /// on GNU gzip for compression. /// * dims_chunks: each array member specifies chunking sizes to be used for block I/O, /// by default NULL means none at all. /// /// Note: If the dataset already exists, an exception will be thrown. Existence of the dataset can be checked /// using hlexists(). /// /// - See example below that creates a 6 dimensional storage space: /// ```ignore /// // open / autocreate hdf5 file /// cv::Ptr<cv::hdf::HDF5> h5io = cv::hdf::open( "mytest.h5" ); /// // create space for 6 dimensional CV_64FC2 matrix /// if ( ! h5io->hlexists( "nddata" ) ) /// int n_dims = 5; /// int dsdims[n_dims] = { 100, 100, 20, 10, 5, 5 }; /// h5io->dscreate( n_dims, sizes, CV_64FC2, "nddata" ); /// else /// printf("DS already created, skipping\n" ); /// // release /// h5io->close(); /// ``` /// /// /// /// Note: Activating compression requires internal chunking. Chunking can significantly improve access /// speed both at read and write time, especially for windowed access logic that shifts offset inside dataset. /// If no custom chunking is specified, the default one will be invoked by the size of **whole** dataset /// as single big chunk of data. /// /// - See example of level 0 compression (shallow) using chunking against the first /// dimension, thus storage will consists of 100 chunks of data: /// ```ignore /// // open / autocreate hdf5 file /// cv::Ptr<cv::hdf::HDF5> h5io = cv::hdf::open( "mytest.h5" ); /// // create space for 6 dimensional CV_64FC2 matrix /// if ( ! h5io->hlexists( "nddata" ) ) /// int n_dims = 5; /// int dsdims[n_dims] = { 100, 100, 20, 10, 5, 5 }; /// int chunks[n_dims] = { 1, 100, 20, 10, 5, 5 }; /// h5io->dscreate( n_dims, dsdims, CV_64FC2, "nddata", 0, chunks ); /// else /// printf("DS already created, skipping\n" ); /// // release /// h5io->close(); /// ``` /// /// /// /// Note: A value of H5_UNLIMITED inside the **sizes** array means **unlimited** data on that dimension, thus it is /// possible to expand anytime such dataset on those unlimited directions. Presence of H5_UNLIMITED on any dimension /// **requires** to define custom chunking. No default chunking will be defined in unlimited scenario since the default size /// on that dimension will be zero, and will grow once dataset is written. Writing into dataset that has H5_UNLIMITED on /// some of its dimension requires dsinsert() instead of dswrite() that allows growth on unlimited dimension instead of /// dswrite() that allows to write only in predefined data space. /// /// - Example below shows a 3 dimensional dataset using no compression with all unlimited sizes and one unit chunking: /// ```ignore /// // open / autocreate hdf5 file /// cv::Ptr<cv::hdf::HDF5> h5io = cv::hdf::open( "mytest.h5" ); /// int n_dims = 3; /// int chunks[n_dims] = { 1, 1, 1 }; /// int dsdims[n_dims] = { cv::hdf::HDF5::H5_UNLIMITED, cv::hdf::HDF5::H5_UNLIMITED, cv::hdf::HDF5::H5_UNLIMITED }; /// h5io->dscreate( n_dims, dsdims, CV_64FC2, "nddata", cv::hdf::HDF5::H5_NONE, chunks ); /// // release /// h5io->close(); /// ``` /// /// /// ## Overloaded parameters #[inline] fn dscreate(&self, rows: i32, cols: i32, typ: i32, dslabel: &str) -> Result<()> { extern_container_arg!(dslabel); let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_hdf_HDF5_dscreate_const_const_int_const_int_const_int_const_StringR(self.as_raw_HDF5(), rows, cols, typ, dslabel.opencv_as_extern()) }.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// Create and allocate storage for n-dimensional dataset, single or multichannel type. /// ## Parameters /// * n_dims: declare number of dimensions /// * sizes: array containing sizes for each dimensions /// * type: type to be used, e.g., CV_8UC3, CV_32FC1, etc. /// * dslabel: specify the hdf5 dataset label. Existing dataset label will cause an error. /// * compresslevel: specify the compression level 0-9 to be used, H5_NONE is the default value and means no compression. /// The value 0 also means no compression. /// A value 9 indicating the best compression ration. Note /// that a higher compression level indicates a higher computational cost. It relies /// on GNU gzip for compression. /// * dims_chunks: each array member specifies chunking sizes to be used for block I/O, /// by default NULL means none at all. /// /// Note: If the dataset already exists, an exception will be thrown. Existence of the dataset can be checked /// using hlexists(). /// /// - See example below that creates a 6 dimensional storage space: /// ```ignore /// // open / autocreate hdf5 file /// cv::Ptr<cv::hdf::HDF5> h5io = cv::hdf::open( "mytest.h5" ); /// // create space for 6 dimensional CV_64FC2 matrix /// if ( ! h5io->hlexists( "nddata" ) ) /// int n_dims = 5; /// int dsdims[n_dims] = { 100, 100, 20, 10, 5, 5 }; /// h5io->dscreate( n_dims, sizes, CV_64FC2, "nddata" ); /// else /// printf("DS already created, skipping\n" ); /// // release /// h5io->close(); /// ``` /// /// /// /// Note: Activating compression requires internal chunking. Chunking can significantly improve access /// speed both at read and write time, especially for windowed access logic that shifts offset inside dataset. /// If no custom chunking is specified, the default one will be invoked by the size of **whole** dataset /// as single big chunk of data. /// /// - See example of level 0 compression (shallow) using chunking against the first /// dimension, thus storage will consists of 100 chunks of data: /// ```ignore /// // open / autocreate hdf5 file /// cv::Ptr<cv::hdf::HDF5> h5io = cv::hdf::open( "mytest.h5" ); /// // create space for 6 dimensional CV_64FC2 matrix /// if ( ! h5io->hlexists( "nddata" ) ) /// int n_dims = 5; /// int dsdims[n_dims] = { 100, 100, 20, 10, 5, 5 }; /// int chunks[n_dims] = { 1, 100, 20, 10, 5, 5 }; /// h5io->dscreate( n_dims, dsdims, CV_64FC2, "nddata", 0, chunks ); /// else /// printf("DS already created, skipping\n" ); /// // release /// h5io->close(); /// ``` /// /// /// /// Note: A value of H5_UNLIMITED inside the **sizes** array means **unlimited** data on that dimension, thus it is /// possible to expand anytime such dataset on those unlimited directions. Presence of H5_UNLIMITED on any dimension /// **requires** to define custom chunking. No default chunking will be defined in unlimited scenario since the default size /// on that dimension will be zero, and will grow once dataset is written. Writing into dataset that has H5_UNLIMITED on /// some of its dimension requires dsinsert() instead of dswrite() that allows growth on unlimited dimension instead of /// dswrite() that allows to write only in predefined data space. /// /// - Example below shows a 3 dimensional dataset using no compression with all unlimited sizes and one unit chunking: /// ```ignore /// // open / autocreate hdf5 file /// cv::Ptr<cv::hdf::HDF5> h5io = cv::hdf::open( "mytest.h5" ); /// int n_dims = 3; /// int chunks[n_dims] = { 1, 1, 1 }; /// int dsdims[n_dims] = { cv::hdf::HDF5::H5_UNLIMITED, cv::hdf::HDF5::H5_UNLIMITED, cv::hdf::HDF5::H5_UNLIMITED }; /// h5io->dscreate( n_dims, dsdims, CV_64FC2, "nddata", cv::hdf::HDF5::H5_NONE, chunks ); /// // release /// h5io->close(); /// ``` /// /// /// ## Overloaded parameters #[inline] fn dscreate_1(&self, rows: i32, cols: i32, typ: i32, dslabel: &str, compresslevel: i32) -> Result<()> { extern_container_arg!(dslabel); let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_hdf_HDF5_dscreate_const_const_int_const_int_const_int_const_StringR_const_int(self.as_raw_HDF5(), rows, cols, typ, dslabel.opencv_as_extern(), compresslevel) }.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// Create and allocate storage for n-dimensional dataset, single or multichannel type. /// ## Parameters /// * n_dims: declare number of dimensions /// * sizes: array containing sizes for each dimensions /// * type: type to be used, e.g., CV_8UC3, CV_32FC1, etc. /// * dslabel: specify the hdf5 dataset label. Existing dataset label will cause an error. /// * compresslevel: specify the compression level 0-9 to be used, H5_NONE is the default value and means no compression. /// The value 0 also means no compression. /// A value 9 indicating the best compression ration. Note /// that a higher compression level indicates a higher computational cost. It relies /// on GNU gzip for compression. /// * dims_chunks: each array member specifies chunking sizes to be used for block I/O, /// by default NULL means none at all. /// /// Note: If the dataset already exists, an exception will be thrown. Existence of the dataset can be checked /// using hlexists(). /// /// - See example below that creates a 6 dimensional storage space: /// ```ignore /// // open / autocreate hdf5 file /// cv::Ptr<cv::hdf::HDF5> h5io = cv::hdf::open( "mytest.h5" ); /// // create space for 6 dimensional CV_64FC2 matrix /// if ( ! h5io->hlexists( "nddata" ) ) /// int n_dims = 5; /// int dsdims[n_dims] = { 100, 100, 20, 10, 5, 5 }; /// h5io->dscreate( n_dims, sizes, CV_64FC2, "nddata" ); /// else /// printf("DS already created, skipping\n" ); /// // release /// h5io->close(); /// ``` /// /// /// /// Note: Activating compression requires internal chunking. Chunking can significantly improve access /// speed both at read and write time, especially for windowed access logic that shifts offset inside dataset. /// If no custom chunking is specified, the default one will be invoked by the size of **whole** dataset /// as single big chunk of data. /// /// - See example of level 0 compression (shallow) using chunking against the first /// dimension, thus storage will consists of 100 chunks of data: /// ```ignore /// // open / autocreate hdf5 file /// cv::Ptr<cv::hdf::HDF5> h5io = cv::hdf::open( "mytest.h5" ); /// // create space for 6 dimensional CV_64FC2 matrix /// if ( ! h5io->hlexists( "nddata" ) ) /// int n_dims = 5; /// int dsdims[n_dims] = { 100, 100, 20, 10, 5, 5 }; /// int chunks[n_dims] = { 1, 100, 20, 10, 5, 5 }; /// h5io->dscreate( n_dims, dsdims, CV_64FC2, "nddata", 0, chunks ); /// else /// printf("DS already created, skipping\n" ); /// // release /// h5io->close(); /// ``` /// /// /// /// Note: A value of H5_UNLIMITED inside the **sizes** array means **unlimited** data on that dimension, thus it is /// possible to expand anytime such dataset on those unlimited directions. Presence of H5_UNLIMITED on any dimension /// **requires** to define custom chunking. No default chunking will be defined in unlimited scenario since the default size /// on that dimension will be zero, and will grow once dataset is written. Writing into dataset that has H5_UNLIMITED on /// some of its dimension requires dsinsert() instead of dswrite() that allows growth on unlimited dimension instead of /// dswrite() that allows to write only in predefined data space. /// /// - Example below shows a 3 dimensional dataset using no compression with all unlimited sizes and one unit chunking: /// ```ignore /// // open / autocreate hdf5 file /// cv::Ptr<cv::hdf::HDF5> h5io = cv::hdf::open( "mytest.h5" ); /// int n_dims = 3; /// int chunks[n_dims] = { 1, 1, 1 }; /// int dsdims[n_dims] = { cv::hdf::HDF5::H5_UNLIMITED, cv::hdf::HDF5::H5_UNLIMITED, cv::hdf::HDF5::H5_UNLIMITED }; /// h5io->dscreate( n_dims, dsdims, CV_64FC2, "nddata", cv::hdf::HDF5::H5_NONE, chunks ); /// // release /// h5io->close(); /// ``` /// /// /// ## Overloaded parameters #[inline] fn dscreate_2(&self, rows: i32, cols: i32, typ: i32, dslabel: &str, compresslevel: i32, dims_chunks: &core::Vector<i32>) -> Result<()> { extern_container_arg!(dslabel); let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_hdf_HDF5_dscreate_const_const_int_const_int_const_int_const_StringR_const_int_const_vector_int_R(self.as_raw_HDF5(), rows, cols, typ, dslabel.opencv_as_extern(), compresslevel, dims_chunks.as_raw_VectorOfi32()) }.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// Create and allocate storage for two dimensional single or multi channel dataset. /// ## Parameters /// * rows: declare amount of rows /// * cols: declare amount of columns /// * type: type to be used, e.g, CV_8UC3, CV_32FC1 and etc. /// * dslabel: specify the hdf5 dataset label. Existing dataset label will cause an error. /// * compresslevel: specify the compression level 0-9 to be used, H5_NONE is the default value and means no compression. /// The value 0 also means no compression. /// A value 9 indicating the best compression ration. Note /// that a higher compression level indicates a higher computational cost. It relies /// on GNU gzip for compression. /// * dims_chunks: each array member specifies the chunking size to be used for block I/O, /// by default NULL means none at all. /// /// /// Note: If the dataset already exists, an exception will be thrown (CV_Error() is called). /// /// - Existence of the dataset can be checked using hlexists(), see in this example: /// ```ignore /// // open / autocreate hdf5 file /// cv::Ptr<cv::hdf::HDF5> h5io = cv::hdf::open( "mytest.h5" ); /// // create space for 100x50 CV_64FC2 matrix /// if ( ! h5io->hlexists( "hilbert" ) ) /// h5io->dscreate( 100, 50, CV_64FC2, "hilbert" ); /// else /// printf("DS already created, skipping\n" ); /// // release /// h5io->close(); /// ``` /// /// /// /// Note: Activating compression requires internal chunking. Chunking can significantly improve access /// speed both at read and write time, especially for windowed access logic that shifts offset inside dataset. /// If no custom chunking is specified, the default one will be invoked by the size of the **whole** dataset /// as a single big chunk of data. /// /// - See example of level 9 compression using internal default chunking: /// ```ignore /// // open / autocreate hdf5 file /// cv::Ptr<cv::hdf::HDF5> h5io = cv::hdf::open( "mytest.h5" ); /// // create level 9 compressed space for CV_64FC2 matrix /// if ( ! h5io->hlexists( "hilbert", 9 ) ) /// h5io->dscreate( 100, 50, CV_64FC2, "hilbert", 9 ); /// else /// printf("DS already created, skipping\n" ); /// // release /// h5io->close(); /// ``` /// /// /// /// Note: A value of H5_UNLIMITED for **rows** or **cols** or both means **unlimited** data on the specified dimension, /// thus, it is possible to expand anytime such a dataset on row, col or on both directions. Presence of H5_UNLIMITED on any /// dimension **requires** to define custom chunking. No default chunking will be defined in the unlimited scenario since /// default size on that dimension will be zero, and will grow once dataset is written. Writing into a dataset that has /// H5_UNLIMITED on some of its dimensions requires dsinsert() that allows growth on unlimited dimensions, instead of dswrite() /// that allows to write only in predefined data space. /// /// - Example below shows no compression but unlimited dimension on cols using 100x100 internal chunking: /// ```ignore /// // open / autocreate hdf5 file /// cv::Ptr<cv::hdf::HDF5> h5io = cv::hdf::open( "mytest.h5" ); /// // create level 9 compressed space for CV_64FC2 matrix /// int chunks[2] = { 100, 100 }; /// h5io->dscreate( 100, cv::hdf::HDF5::H5_UNLIMITED, CV_64FC2, "hilbert", cv::hdf::HDF5::H5_NONE, chunks ); /// // release /// h5io->close(); /// ``` /// /// /// /// Note: It is **not** thread safe, it must be called only once at dataset creation, otherwise an exception will occur. /// Multiple datasets inside a single hdf5 file are allowed. #[inline] fn dscreate_3(&self, rows: i32, cols: i32, typ: i32, dslabel: &str, compresslevel: i32, dims_chunks: &i32) -> Result<()> { extern_container_arg!(dslabel); let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_hdf_HDF5_dscreate_const_const_int_const_int_const_int_const_StringR_const_int_const_intX(self.as_raw_HDF5(), rows, cols, typ, dslabel.opencv_as_extern(), compresslevel, dims_chunks) }.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } #[inline] fn dscreate_4(&self, n_dims: i32, sizes: &i32, typ: i32, dslabel: &str) -> Result<()> { extern_container_arg!(dslabel); let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_hdf_HDF5_dscreate_const_const_int_const_intX_const_int_const_StringR(self.as_raw_HDF5(), n_dims, sizes, typ, dslabel.opencv_as_extern()) }.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } #[inline] fn dscreate_5(&self, n_dims: i32, sizes: &i32, typ: i32, dslabel: &str, compresslevel: i32) -> Result<()> { extern_container_arg!(dslabel); let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_hdf_HDF5_dscreate_const_const_int_const_intX_const_int_const_StringR_const_int(self.as_raw_HDF5(), n_dims, sizes, typ, dslabel.opencv_as_extern(), compresslevel) }.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// ## C++ default parameters /// * compresslevel: HDF5::H5_NONE /// * dims_chunks: vector<int>() #[inline] fn dscreate_6(&self, sizes: &core::Vector<i32>, typ: i32, dslabel: &str, compresslevel: i32, dims_chunks: &core::Vector<i32>) -> Result<()> { extern_container_arg!(dslabel); let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_hdf_HDF5_dscreate_const_const_vector_int_R_const_int_const_StringR_const_int_const_vector_int_R(self.as_raw_HDF5(), sizes.as_raw_VectorOfi32(), typ, dslabel.opencv_as_extern(), compresslevel, dims_chunks.as_raw_VectorOfi32()) }.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// Create and allocate storage for n-dimensional dataset, single or multichannel type. /// ## Parameters /// * n_dims: declare number of dimensions /// * sizes: array containing sizes for each dimensions /// * type: type to be used, e.g., CV_8UC3, CV_32FC1, etc. /// * dslabel: specify the hdf5 dataset label. Existing dataset label will cause an error. /// * compresslevel: specify the compression level 0-9 to be used, H5_NONE is the default value and means no compression. /// The value 0 also means no compression. /// A value 9 indicating the best compression ration. Note /// that a higher compression level indicates a higher computational cost. It relies /// on GNU gzip for compression. /// * dims_chunks: each array member specifies chunking sizes to be used for block I/O, /// by default NULL means none at all. /// /// Note: If the dataset already exists, an exception will be thrown. Existence of the dataset can be checked /// using hlexists(). /// /// - See example below that creates a 6 dimensional storage space: /// ```ignore /// // open / autocreate hdf5 file /// cv::Ptr<cv::hdf::HDF5> h5io = cv::hdf::open( "mytest.h5" ); /// // create space for 6 dimensional CV_64FC2 matrix /// if ( ! h5io->hlexists( "nddata" ) ) /// int n_dims = 5; /// int dsdims[n_dims] = { 100, 100, 20, 10, 5, 5 }; /// h5io->dscreate( n_dims, sizes, CV_64FC2, "nddata" ); /// else /// printf("DS already created, skipping\n" ); /// // release /// h5io->close(); /// ``` /// /// /// /// Note: Activating compression requires internal chunking. Chunking can significantly improve access /// speed both at read and write time, especially for windowed access logic that shifts offset inside dataset. /// If no custom chunking is specified, the default one will be invoked by the size of **whole** dataset /// as single big chunk of data. /// /// - See example of level 0 compression (shallow) using chunking against the first /// dimension, thus storage will consists of 100 chunks of data: /// ```ignore /// // open / autocreate hdf5 file /// cv::Ptr<cv::hdf::HDF5> h5io = cv::hdf::open( "mytest.h5" ); /// // create space for 6 dimensional CV_64FC2 matrix /// if ( ! h5io->hlexists( "nddata" ) ) /// int n_dims = 5; /// int dsdims[n_dims] = { 100, 100, 20, 10, 5, 5 }; /// int chunks[n_dims] = { 1, 100, 20, 10, 5, 5 }; /// h5io->dscreate( n_dims, dsdims, CV_64FC2, "nddata", 0, chunks ); /// else /// printf("DS already created, skipping\n" ); /// // release /// h5io->close(); /// ``` /// /// /// /// Note: A value of H5_UNLIMITED inside the **sizes** array means **unlimited** data on that dimension, thus it is /// possible to expand anytime such dataset on those unlimited directions. Presence of H5_UNLIMITED on any dimension /// **requires** to define custom chunking. No default chunking will be defined in unlimited scenario since the default size /// on that dimension will be zero, and will grow once dataset is written. Writing into dataset that has H5_UNLIMITED on /// some of its dimension requires dsinsert() instead of dswrite() that allows growth on unlimited dimension instead of /// dswrite() that allows to write only in predefined data space. /// /// - Example below shows a 3 dimensional dataset using no compression with all unlimited sizes and one unit chunking: /// ```ignore /// // open / autocreate hdf5 file /// cv::Ptr<cv::hdf::HDF5> h5io = cv::hdf::open( "mytest.h5" ); /// int n_dims = 3; /// int chunks[n_dims] = { 1, 1, 1 }; /// int dsdims[n_dims] = { cv::hdf::HDF5::H5_UNLIMITED, cv::hdf::HDF5::H5_UNLIMITED, cv::hdf::HDF5::H5_UNLIMITED }; /// h5io->dscreate( n_dims, dsdims, CV_64FC2, "nddata", cv::hdf::HDF5::H5_NONE, chunks ); /// // release /// h5io->close(); /// ``` /// #[inline] fn dscreate_7(&self, n_dims: i32, sizes: &i32, typ: i32, dslabel: &str, compresslevel: i32, dims_chunks: &i32) -> Result<()> { extern_container_arg!(dslabel); let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_hdf_HDF5_dscreate_const_const_int_const_intX_const_int_const_StringR_const_int_const_intX(self.as_raw_HDF5(), n_dims, sizes, typ, dslabel.opencv_as_extern(), compresslevel, dims_chunks) }.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// Fetch dataset sizes /// ## Parameters /// * dslabel: specify the hdf5 dataset label to be measured. /// * dims_flag: will fetch dataset dimensions on H5_GETDIMS, dataset maximum dimensions on H5_GETMAXDIMS, /// and chunk sizes on H5_GETCHUNKDIMS. /// /// Returns vector object containing sizes of dataset on each dimensions. /// /// /// Note: Resulting vector size will match the amount of dataset dimensions. By default H5_GETDIMS will return /// actual dataset dimensions. Using H5_GETMAXDIM flag will get maximum allowed dimension which normally match /// actual dataset dimension but can hold H5_UNLIMITED value if dataset was prepared in **unlimited** mode on /// some of its dimension. It can be useful to check existing dataset dimensions before overwrite it as whole or subset. /// Trying to write with oversized source data into dataset target will thrown exception. The H5_GETCHUNKDIMS will /// return the dimension of chunk if dataset was created with chunking options otherwise returned vector size /// will be zero. /// /// ## C++ default parameters /// * dims_flag: HDF5::H5_GETDIMS #[inline] fn dsgetsize(&self, dslabel: &str, dims_flag: i32) -> Result<core::Vector<i32>> { extern_container_arg!(dslabel); let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_hdf_HDF5_dsgetsize_const_const_StringR_int(self.as_raw_HDF5(), dslabel.opencv_as_extern(), dims_flag) }.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { core::Vector::<i32>::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } /// Fetch dataset type /// ## Parameters /// * dslabel: specify the hdf5 dataset label to be checked. /// /// Returns the stored matrix type. This is an identifier compatible with the CvMat type system, /// like e.g. CV_16SC5 (16-bit signed 5-channel array), and so on. /// /// /// Note: Result can be parsed with CV_MAT_CN() to obtain amount of channels and CV_MAT_DEPTH() to obtain native cvdata type. /// It is thread safe. #[inline] fn dsgettype(&self, dslabel: &str) -> Result<i32> { extern_container_arg!(dslabel); let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_hdf_HDF5_dsgettype_const_const_StringR(self.as_raw_HDF5(), dslabel.opencv_as_extern()) }.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } #[inline] fn dswrite(&self, array: &dyn core::ToInputArray, dslabel: &str) -> Result<()> { input_array_arg!(array); extern_container_arg!(dslabel); let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_hdf_HDF5_dswrite_const_const__InputArrayR_const_StringR(self.as_raw_HDF5(), array.as_raw__InputArray(), dslabel.opencv_as_extern()) }.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } #[inline] fn dswrite_1(&self, array: &dyn core::ToInputArray, dslabel: &str, dims_offset: &i32) -> Result<()> { input_array_arg!(array); extern_container_arg!(dslabel); let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_hdf_HDF5_dswrite_const_const__InputArrayR_const_StringR_const_intX(self.as_raw_HDF5(), array.as_raw__InputArray(), dslabel.opencv_as_extern(), dims_offset) }.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// ## C++ default parameters /// * dims_counts: vector<int>() #[inline] fn dswrite_2(&self, array: &dyn core::ToInputArray, dslabel: &str, dims_offset: &core::Vector<i32>, dims_counts: &core::Vector<i32>) -> Result<()> { input_array_arg!(array); extern_container_arg!(dslabel); let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_hdf_HDF5_dswrite_const_const__InputArrayR_const_StringR_const_vector_int_R_const_vector_int_R(self.as_raw_HDF5(), array.as_raw__InputArray(), dslabel.opencv_as_extern(), dims_offset.as_raw_VectorOfi32(), dims_counts.as_raw_VectorOfi32()) }.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// Write or overwrite a Mat object into specified dataset of hdf5 file. /// ## Parameters /// * Array: specify Mat data array to be written. /// * dslabel: specify the target hdf5 dataset label. /// * dims_offset: each array member specify the offset location /// over dataset's each dimensions from where InputArray will be (over)written into dataset. /// * dims_counts: each array member specifies the amount of data over dataset's /// each dimensions from InputArray that will be written into dataset. /// /// Writes Mat object into targeted dataset. /// /// /// Note: If dataset is not created and does not exist it will be created **automatically**. Only Mat is supported and /// it must be **continuous**. It is thread safe but it is recommended that writes to happen over separate non-overlapping /// regions. Multiple datasets can be written inside a single hdf5 file. /// /// - Example below writes a 100x100 CV_64FC2 matrix into a dataset. No dataset pre-creation required. If routine /// is called multiple times dataset will be just overwritten: /// ```ignore /// // dual channel hilbert matrix /// cv::Mat H(100, 100, CV_64FC2); /// for(int i = 0; i < H.rows; i++) /// for(int j = 0; j < H.cols; j++) /// { /// H.at<cv::Vec2d>(i,j)[0] = 1./(i+j+1); /// H.at<cv::Vec2d>(i,j)[1] = -1./(i+j+1); /// count++; /// } /// // open / autocreate hdf5 file /// cv::Ptr<cv::hdf::HDF5> h5io = cv::hdf::open( "mytest.h5" ); /// // write / overwrite dataset /// h5io->dswrite( H, "hilbert" ); /// // release /// h5io->close(); /// ``` /// /// /// - Example below writes a smaller 50x100 matrix into 100x100 compressed space optimised by two 50x100 chunks. /// Matrix is written twice into first half (0->50) and second half (50->100) of data space using offset. /// ```ignore /// // dual channel hilbert matrix /// cv::Mat H(50, 100, CV_64FC2); /// for(int i = 0; i < H.rows; i++) /// for(int j = 0; j < H.cols; j++) /// { /// H.at<cv::Vec2d>(i,j)[0] = 1./(i+j+1); /// H.at<cv::Vec2d>(i,j)[1] = -1./(i+j+1); /// count++; /// } /// // open / autocreate hdf5 file /// cv::Ptr<cv::hdf::HDF5> h5io = cv::hdf::open( "mytest.h5" ); /// // optimise dataset by two chunks /// int chunks[2] = { 50, 100 }; /// // create 100x100 CV_64FC2 compressed space /// h5io->dscreate( 100, 100, CV_64FC2, "hilbert", 9, chunks ); /// // write into first half /// int offset1[2] = { 0, 0 }; /// h5io->dswrite( H, "hilbert", offset1 ); /// // write into second half /// int offset2[2] = { 50, 0 }; /// h5io->dswrite( H, "hilbert", offset2 ); /// // release /// h5io->close(); /// ``` /// #[inline] fn dswrite_3(&self, array: &dyn core::ToInputArray, dslabel: &str, dims_offset: &i32, dims_counts: &i32) -> Result<()> { input_array_arg!(array); extern_container_arg!(dslabel); let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_hdf_HDF5_dswrite_const_const__InputArrayR_const_StringR_const_intX_const_intX(self.as_raw_HDF5(), array.as_raw__InputArray(), dslabel.opencv_as_extern(), dims_offset, dims_counts) }.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } #[inline] fn dsinsert(&self, array: &dyn core::ToInputArray, dslabel: &str) -> Result<()> { input_array_arg!(array); extern_container_arg!(dslabel); let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_hdf_HDF5_dsinsert_const_const__InputArrayR_const_StringR(self.as_raw_HDF5(), array.as_raw__InputArray(), dslabel.opencv_as_extern()) }.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } #[inline] fn dsinsert_1(&self, array: &dyn core::ToInputArray, dslabel: &str, dims_offset: &i32) -> Result<()> { input_array_arg!(array); extern_container_arg!(dslabel); let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_hdf_HDF5_dsinsert_const_const__InputArrayR_const_StringR_const_intX(self.as_raw_HDF5(), array.as_raw__InputArray(), dslabel.opencv_as_extern(), dims_offset) }.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// ## C++ default parameters /// * dims_counts: vector<int>() #[inline] fn dsinsert_2(&self, array: &dyn core::ToInputArray, dslabel: &str, dims_offset: &core::Vector<i32>, dims_counts: &core::Vector<i32>) -> Result<()> { input_array_arg!(array); extern_container_arg!(dslabel); let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_hdf_HDF5_dsinsert_const_const__InputArrayR_const_StringR_const_vector_int_R_const_vector_int_R(self.as_raw_HDF5(), array.as_raw__InputArray(), dslabel.opencv_as_extern(), dims_offset.as_raw_VectorOfi32(), dims_counts.as_raw_VectorOfi32()) }.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// Insert or overwrite a Mat object into specified dataset and auto expand dataset size if **unlimited** property allows. /// ## Parameters /// * Array: specify Mat data array to be written. /// * dslabel: specify the target hdf5 dataset label. /// * dims_offset: each array member specify the offset location /// over dataset's each dimensions from where InputArray will be (over)written into dataset. /// * dims_counts: each array member specify the amount of data over dataset's /// each dimensions from InputArray that will be written into dataset. /// /// Writes Mat object into targeted dataset and **autoexpand** dataset dimension if allowed. /// /// /// Note: Unlike dswrite(), datasets are **not** created **automatically**. Only Mat is supported and it must be **continuous**. /// If dsinsert() happens over outer regions of dataset dimensions and on that dimension of dataset is in **unlimited** mode then /// dataset is expanded, otherwise exception is thrown. To create datasets with **unlimited** property on specific or more /// dimensions see dscreate() and the optional H5_UNLIMITED flag at creation time. It is not thread safe over same dataset /// but multiple datasets can be merged inside a single hdf5 file. /// /// - Example below creates **unlimited** rows x 100 cols and expands rows 5 times with dsinsert() using single 100x100 CV_64FC2 /// over the dataset. Final size will have 5x100 rows and 100 cols, reflecting H matrix five times over row's span. Chunks size is /// 100x100 just optimized against the H matrix size having compression disabled. If routine is called multiple times dataset will be /// just overwritten: /// ```ignore /// // dual channel hilbert matrix /// cv::Mat H(50, 100, CV_64FC2); /// for(int i = 0; i < H.rows; i++) /// for(int j = 0; j < H.cols; j++) /// { /// H.at<cv::Vec2d>(i,j)[0] = 1./(i+j+1); /// H.at<cv::Vec2d>(i,j)[1] = -1./(i+j+1); /// count++; /// } /// // open / autocreate hdf5 file /// cv::Ptr<cv::hdf::HDF5> h5io = cv::hdf::open( "mytest.h5" ); /// // optimise dataset by chunks /// int chunks[2] = { 100, 100 }; /// // create Unlimited x 100 CV_64FC2 space /// h5io->dscreate( cv::hdf::HDF5::H5_UNLIMITED, 100, CV_64FC2, "hilbert", cv::hdf::HDF5::H5_NONE, chunks ); /// // write into first half /// int offset[2] = { 0, 0 }; /// for ( int t = 0; t < 5; t++ ) /// { /// offset[0] += 100 * t; /// h5io->dsinsert( H, "hilbert", offset ); /// } /// // release /// h5io->close(); /// ``` /// #[inline] fn dsinsert_3(&self, array: &dyn core::ToInputArray, dslabel: &str, dims_offset: &i32, dims_counts: &i32) -> Result<()> { input_array_arg!(array); extern_container_arg!(dslabel); let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_hdf_HDF5_dsinsert_const_const__InputArrayR_const_StringR_const_intX_const_intX(self.as_raw_HDF5(), array.as_raw__InputArray(), dslabel.opencv_as_extern(), dims_offset, dims_counts) }.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } #[inline] fn dsread(&self, array: &mut dyn core::ToOutputArray, dslabel: &str) -> Result<()> { output_array_arg!(array); extern_container_arg!(dslabel); let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_hdf_HDF5_dsread_const_const__OutputArrayR_const_StringR(self.as_raw_HDF5(), array.as_raw__OutputArray(), dslabel.opencv_as_extern()) }.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } #[inline] fn dsread_1(&self, array: &mut dyn core::ToOutputArray, dslabel: &str, dims_offset: &i32) -> Result<()> { output_array_arg!(array); extern_container_arg!(dslabel); let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_hdf_HDF5_dsread_const_const__OutputArrayR_const_StringR_const_intX(self.as_raw_HDF5(), array.as_raw__OutputArray(), dslabel.opencv_as_extern(), dims_offset) }.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// ## C++ default parameters /// * dims_counts: vector<int>() #[inline] fn dsread_2(&self, array: &mut dyn core::ToOutputArray, dslabel: &str, dims_offset: &core::Vector<i32>, dims_counts: &core::Vector<i32>) -> Result<()> { output_array_arg!(array); extern_container_arg!(dslabel); let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_hdf_HDF5_dsread_const_const__OutputArrayR_const_StringR_const_vector_int_R_const_vector_int_R(self.as_raw_HDF5(), array.as_raw__OutputArray(), dslabel.opencv_as_extern(), dims_offset.as_raw_VectorOfi32(), dims_counts.as_raw_VectorOfi32()) }.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// Read specific dataset from hdf5 file into Mat object. /// ## Parameters /// * Array: Mat container where data reads will be returned. /// * dslabel: specify the source hdf5 dataset label. /// * dims_offset: each array member specify the offset location over /// each dimensions from where dataset starts to read into OutputArray. /// * dims_counts: each array member specify the amount over dataset's each /// dimensions of dataset to read into OutputArray. /// /// Reads out Mat object reflecting the stored dataset. /// /// /// Note: If hdf5 file does not exist an exception will be thrown. Use hlexists() to check dataset presence. /// It is thread safe. /// /// - Example below reads a dataset: /// ```ignore /// // open hdf5 file /// cv::Ptr<cv::hdf::HDF5> h5io = cv::hdf::open( "mytest.h5" ); /// // blank Mat container /// cv::Mat H; /// // read hibert dataset /// h5io->read( H, "hilbert" ); /// // release /// h5io->close(); /// ``` /// /// /// - Example below perform read of 3x5 submatrix from second row and third element. /// ```ignore /// // open hdf5 file /// cv::Ptr<cv::hdf::HDF5> h5io = cv::hdf::open( "mytest.h5" ); /// // blank Mat container /// cv::Mat H; /// int offset[2] = { 1, 2 }; /// int counts[2] = { 3, 5 }; /// // read hibert dataset /// h5io->read( H, "hilbert", offset, counts ); /// // release /// h5io->close(); /// ``` /// #[inline] fn dsread_3(&self, array: &mut dyn core::ToOutputArray, dslabel: &str, dims_offset: &i32, dims_counts: &i32) -> Result<()> { output_array_arg!(array); extern_container_arg!(dslabel); let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_hdf_HDF5_dsread_const_const__OutputArrayR_const_StringR_const_intX_const_intX(self.as_raw_HDF5(), array.as_raw__OutputArray(), dslabel.opencv_as_extern(), dims_offset, dims_counts) }.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// Fetch keypoint dataset size /// ## Parameters /// * kplabel: specify the hdf5 dataset label to be measured. /// * dims_flag: will fetch dataset dimensions on H5_GETDIMS, and dataset maximum dimensions on H5_GETMAXDIMS. /// /// Returns size of keypoints dataset. /// /// /// Note: Resulting size will match the amount of keypoints. By default H5_GETDIMS will return actual dataset dimension. /// Using H5_GETMAXDIM flag will get maximum allowed dimension which normally match actual dataset dimension but can hold /// H5_UNLIMITED value if dataset was prepared in **unlimited** mode. It can be useful to check existing dataset dimension /// before overwrite it as whole or subset. Trying to write with oversized source data into dataset target will thrown /// exception. The H5_GETCHUNKDIMS will return the dimension of chunk if dataset was created with chunking options otherwise /// returned vector size will be zero. /// /// ## C++ default parameters /// * dims_flag: HDF5::H5_GETDIMS #[inline] fn kpgetsize(&self, kplabel: &str, dims_flag: i32) -> Result<i32> { extern_container_arg!(kplabel); let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_hdf_HDF5_kpgetsize_const_const_StringR_int(self.as_raw_HDF5(), kplabel.opencv_as_extern(), dims_flag) }.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// Create and allocate special storage for cv::KeyPoint dataset. /// ## Parameters /// * size: declare fixed number of KeyPoints /// * kplabel: specify the hdf5 dataset label, any existing dataset with the same label will be overwritten. /// * compresslevel: specify the compression level 0-9 to be used, H5_NONE is default and means no compression. /// * chunks: each array member specifies chunking sizes to be used for block I/O, /// H5_NONE is default and means no compression. /// /// Note: If the dataset already exists an exception will be thrown. Existence of the dataset can be checked /// using hlexists(). /// /// - See example below that creates space for 100 keypoints in the dataset: /// ```ignore /// // open hdf5 file /// cv::Ptr<cv::hdf::HDF5> h5io = cv::hdf::open( "mytest.h5" ); /// if ( ! h5io->hlexists( "keypoints" ) ) /// h5io->kpcreate( 100, "keypoints" ); /// else /// printf("DS already created, skipping\n" ); /// ``` /// /// /// /// Note: A value of H5_UNLIMITED for **size** means **unlimited** keypoints, thus is possible to expand anytime such /// dataset by adding or inserting. Presence of H5_UNLIMITED **require** to define custom chunking. No default chunking /// will be defined in unlimited scenario since default size on that dimension will be zero, and will grow once dataset /// is written. Writing into dataset that have H5_UNLIMITED on some of its dimension requires kpinsert() that allow /// growth on unlimited dimension instead of kpwrite() that allows to write only in predefined data space. /// /// - See example below that creates unlimited space for keypoints chunking size of 100 but no compression: /// ```ignore /// // open hdf5 file /// cv::Ptr<cv::hdf::HDF5> h5io = cv::hdf::open( "mytest.h5" ); /// if ( ! h5io->hlexists( "keypoints" ) ) /// h5io->kpcreate( cv::hdf::HDF5::H5_UNLIMITED, "keypoints", cv::hdf::HDF5::H5_NONE, 100 ); /// else /// printf("DS already created, skipping\n" ); /// ``` /// /// /// ## C++ default parameters /// * compresslevel: H5_NONE /// * chunks: H5_NONE #[inline] fn kpcreate(&self, size: i32, kplabel: &str, compresslevel: i32, chunks: i32) -> Result<()> { extern_container_arg!(kplabel); let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_hdf_HDF5_kpcreate_const_const_int_const_StringR_const_int_const_int(self.as_raw_HDF5(), size, kplabel.opencv_as_extern(), compresslevel, chunks) }.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// Write or overwrite list of KeyPoint into specified dataset of hdf5 file. /// ## Parameters /// * keypoints: specify keypoints data list to be written. /// * kplabel: specify the target hdf5 dataset label. /// * offset: specify the offset location on dataset from where keypoints will be (over)written into dataset. /// * counts: specify the amount of keypoints that will be written into dataset. /// /// Writes vector<KeyPoint> object into targeted dataset. /// /// /// Note: If dataset is not created and does not exist it will be created **automatically**. It is thread safe but /// it is recommended that writes to happen over separate non overlapping regions. Multiple datasets can be written /// inside single hdf5 file. /// /// - Example below writes a 100 keypoints into a dataset. No dataset precreation required. If routine is called multiple /// times dataset will be just overwritten: /// ```ignore /// // generate 100 dummy keypoints /// std::vector<cv::KeyPoint> keypoints; /// for(int i = 0; i < 100; i++) /// keypoints.push_back( cv::KeyPoint(i, -i, 1, -1, 0, 0, -1) ); /// // open / autocreate hdf5 file /// cv::Ptr<cv::hdf::HDF5> h5io = cv::hdf::open( "mytest.h5" ); /// // write / overwrite dataset /// h5io->kpwrite( keypoints, "keypoints" ); /// // release /// h5io->close(); /// ``` /// /// /// - Example below uses smaller set of 50 keypoints and writes into compressed space of 100 keypoints optimised by 10 chunks. /// Same keypoint set is written three times, first into first half (0->50) and at second half (50->75) then into remaining slots /// (75->99) of data space using offset and count parameters to settle the window for write access.If routine is called multiple times /// dataset will be just overwritten: /// ```ignore /// // generate 50 dummy keypoints /// std::vector<cv::KeyPoint> keypoints; /// for(int i = 0; i < 50; i++) /// keypoints.push_back( cv::KeyPoint(i, -i, 1, -1, 0, 0, -1) ); /// // open / autocreate hdf5 file /// cv::Ptr<cv::hdf::HDF5> h5io = cv::hdf::open( "mytest.h5" ); /// // create maximum compressed space of size 100 with chunk size 10 /// h5io->kpcreate( 100, "keypoints", 9, 10 ); /// // write into first half /// h5io->kpwrite( keypoints, "keypoints", 0 ); /// // write first 25 keypoints into second half /// h5io->kpwrite( keypoints, "keypoints", 50, 25 ); /// // write first 25 keypoints into remained space of second half /// h5io->kpwrite( keypoints, "keypoints", 75, 25 ); /// // release /// h5io->close(); /// ``` /// /// /// ## C++ default parameters /// * offset: H5_NONE /// * counts: H5_NONE #[inline] fn kpwrite(&self, keypoints: core::Vector<core::KeyPoint>, kplabel: &str, offset: i32, counts: i32) -> Result<()> { extern_container_arg!(kplabel); let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_hdf_HDF5_kpwrite_const_const_vector_KeyPoint__const_StringR_const_int_const_int(self.as_raw_HDF5(), keypoints.as_raw_VectorOfKeyPoint(), kplabel.opencv_as_extern(), offset, counts) }.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// Insert or overwrite list of KeyPoint into specified dataset and autoexpand dataset size if **unlimited** property allows. /// ## Parameters /// * keypoints: specify keypoints data list to be written. /// * kplabel: specify the target hdf5 dataset label. /// * offset: specify the offset location on dataset from where keypoints will be (over)written into dataset. /// * counts: specify the amount of keypoints that will be written into dataset. /// /// Writes vector<KeyPoint> object into targeted dataset and **autoexpand** dataset dimension if allowed. /// /// /// Note: Unlike kpwrite(), datasets are **not** created **automatically**. If dsinsert() happen over outer region of dataset /// and dataset has been created in **unlimited** mode then dataset is expanded, otherwise exception is thrown. To create datasets /// with **unlimited** property see kpcreate() and the optional H5_UNLIMITED flag at creation time. It is not thread safe over same /// dataset but multiple datasets can be merged inside single hdf5 file. /// /// - Example below creates **unlimited** space for keypoints storage, and inserts a list of 10 keypoints ten times into that space. /// Final dataset will have 100 keypoints. Chunks size is 10 just optimized against list of keypoints. If routine is called multiple /// times dataset will be just overwritten: /// ```ignore /// // generate 10 dummy keypoints /// std::vector<cv::KeyPoint> keypoints; /// for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++) /// keypoints.push_back( cv::KeyPoint(i, -i, 1, -1, 0, 0, -1) ); /// // open / autocreate hdf5 file /// cv::Ptr<cv::hdf::HDF5> h5io = cv::hdf::open( "mytest.h5" ); /// // create unlimited size space with chunk size of 10 /// h5io->kpcreate( cv::hdf::HDF5::H5_UNLIMITED, "keypoints", -1, 10 ); /// // insert 10 times same 10 keypoints /// for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++) /// h5io->kpinsert( keypoints, "keypoints", i * 10 ); /// // release /// h5io->close(); /// ``` /// /// /// ## C++ default parameters /// * offset: H5_NONE /// * counts: H5_NONE #[inline] fn kpinsert(&self, keypoints: core::Vector<core::KeyPoint>, kplabel: &str, offset: i32, counts: i32) -> Result<()> { extern_container_arg!(kplabel); let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_hdf_HDF5_kpinsert_const_const_vector_KeyPoint__const_StringR_const_int_const_int(self.as_raw_HDF5(), keypoints.as_raw_VectorOfKeyPoint(), kplabel.opencv_as_extern(), offset, counts) }.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// Read specific keypoint dataset from hdf5 file into vector<KeyPoint> object. /// ## Parameters /// * keypoints: vector<KeyPoint> container where data reads will be returned. /// * kplabel: specify the source hdf5 dataset label. /// * offset: specify the offset location over dataset from where read starts. /// * counts: specify the amount of keypoints from dataset to read. /// /// Reads out vector<KeyPoint> object reflecting the stored dataset. /// /// /// Note: If hdf5 file does not exist an exception will be thrown. Use hlexists() to check dataset presence. /// It is thread safe. /// /// - Example below reads a dataset containing keypoints starting with second entry: /// ```ignore /// // open hdf5 file /// cv::Ptr<cv::hdf::HDF5> h5io = cv::hdf::open( "mytest.h5" ); /// // blank KeyPoint container /// std::vector<cv::KeyPoint> keypoints; /// // read keypoints starting second one /// h5io->kpread( keypoints, "keypoints", 1 ); /// // release /// h5io->close(); /// ``` /// /// /// - Example below perform read of 3 keypoints from second entry. /// ```ignore /// // open hdf5 file /// cv::Ptr<cv::hdf::HDF5> h5io = cv::hdf::open( "mytest.h5" ); /// // blank KeyPoint container /// std::vector<cv::KeyPoint> keypoints; /// // read three keypoints starting second one /// h5io->kpread( keypoints, "keypoints", 1, 3 ); /// // release /// h5io->close(); /// ``` /// /// /// ## C++ default parameters /// * offset: H5_NONE /// * counts: H5_NONE #[inline] fn kpread(&self, keypoints: &mut core::Vector<core::KeyPoint>, kplabel: &str, offset: i32, counts: i32) -> Result<()> { extern_container_arg!(kplabel); let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_hdf_HDF5_kpread_const_vector_KeyPoint_R_const_StringR_const_int_const_int(self.as_raw_HDF5(), keypoints.as_raw_mut_VectorOfKeyPoint(), kplabel.opencv_as_extern(), offset, counts) }.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } } pub trait HDF5: crate::hdf::HDF5Const { fn as_raw_mut_HDF5(&mut self) -> *mut c_void; /// Close and release hdf5 object. #[inline] fn close(&mut self) -> Result<()> { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_hdf_HDF5_close(self.as_raw_mut_HDF5()) }.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// Create a group. /// ## Parameters /// * grlabel: specify the hdf5 group label. /// /// Create a hdf5 group with default properties. The group is closed automatically after creation. /// /// /// Note: Groups are useful for better organising multiple datasets. It is possible to create subgroups within any group. /// Existence of a particular group can be checked using hlexists(). In case of subgroups, a label would be e.g: 'Group1/SubGroup1' /// where SubGroup1 is within the root group Group1. Before creating a subgroup, its parent group MUST be created. /// /// - In this example, Group1 will have one subgroup called SubGroup1: /// /// [create_group](https://github.com/opencv/opencv_contrib/blob/4.5.4/modules/hdf/samples/create_groups.cpp#L1) /// /// The corresponding result visualized using the HDFView tool is /// /// ![Visualization of groups using the HDFView tool](https://docs.opencv.org/4.5.4/create_groups.png) /// /// /// Note: When a dataset is created with dscreate() or kpcreate(), it can be created within a group by specifying the /// full path within the label. In our example, it would be: 'Group1/SubGroup1/MyDataSet'. It is not thread safe. #[inline] fn grcreate(&mut self, grlabel: &str) -> Result<()> { extern_container_arg!(grlabel); let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_hdf_HDF5_grcreate_const_StringR(self.as_raw_mut_HDF5(), grlabel.opencv_as_extern()) }.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// Delete an attribute from the root group. /// /// ## Parameters /// * atlabel: the attribute to be deleted. /// /// /// Note: CV_Error() is called if the given attribute does not exist. Use atexists() /// to check whether it exists or not beforehand. /// ## See also /// atexists, atwrite, atread #[inline] fn atdelete(&mut self, atlabel: &str) -> Result<()> { extern_container_arg!(atlabel); let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_hdf_HDF5_atdelete_const_StringR(self.as_raw_mut_HDF5(), atlabel.opencv_as_extern()) }.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// Write an attribute inside the root group. /// /// ## Parameters /// * value: attribute value. /// * atlabel: attribute name. /// /// The following example demonstrates how to write an attribute of type cv::String: /// /// [snippets_write_str](https://github.com/opencv/opencv_contrib/blob/4.5.4/modules/hdf/samples/read_write_attributes.cpp#L1) /// /// /// Note: CV_Error() is called if the given attribute already exists. Use atexists() /// to check whether it exists or not beforehand. And use atdelete() to delete /// it if it already exists. /// ## See also /// atexists, atdelete, atread #[inline] fn atwrite(&mut self, value: i32, atlabel: &str) -> Result<()> { extern_container_arg!(atlabel); let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_hdf_HDF5_atwrite_const_int_const_StringR(self.as_raw_mut_HDF5(), value, atlabel.opencv_as_extern()) }.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// Read an attribute from the root group. /// /// ## Parameters /// * value: address where the attribute is read into /// * atlabel: attribute name /// /// The following example demonstrates how to read an attribute of type cv::String: /// /// [snippets_read_str](https://github.com/opencv/opencv_contrib/blob/4.5.4/modules/hdf/samples/read_write_attributes.cpp#L1) /// /// /// Note: The attribute MUST exist, otherwise CV_Error() is called. Use atexists() /// to check if it exists beforehand. /// ## See also /// atexists, atdelete, atwrite #[inline] fn atread(&mut self, value: &mut i32, atlabel: &str) -> Result<()> { extern_container_arg!(atlabel); let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_hdf_HDF5_atread_intX_const_StringR(self.as_raw_mut_HDF5(), value, atlabel.opencv_as_extern()) }.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// Write an attribute into the root group. /// /// ## Parameters /// * value: attribute value. Currently, only n-d continuous multi-channel arrays are supported. /// * atlabel: attribute name. /// /// /// Note: CV_Error() is called if the given attribute already exists. Use atexists() /// to check whether it exists or not beforehand. And use atdelete() to delete /// it if it already exists. /// ## See also /// atexists, atdelete, atread. /// /// ## Overloaded parameters #[inline] fn atwrite_1(&mut self, value: f64, atlabel: &str) -> Result<()> { extern_container_arg!(atlabel); let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_hdf_HDF5_atwrite_const_double_const_StringR(self.as_raw_mut_HDF5(), value, atlabel.opencv_as_extern()) }.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// Read an attribute from the root group. /// /// ## Parameters /// * value: attribute value. Currently, only n-d continuous multi-channel arrays are supported. /// * atlabel: attribute name. /// /// /// Note: The attribute MUST exist, otherwise CV_Error() is called. Use atexists() /// to check if it exists beforehand. /// ## See also /// atexists, atdelete, atwrite /// /// ## Overloaded parameters #[inline] fn atread_1(&mut self, value: &mut f64, atlabel: &str) -> Result<()> { extern_container_arg!(atlabel); let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_hdf_HDF5_atread_doubleX_const_StringR(self.as_raw_mut_HDF5(), value, atlabel.opencv_as_extern()) }.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// Write an attribute into the root group. /// /// ## Parameters /// * value: attribute value. Currently, only n-d continuous multi-channel arrays are supported. /// * atlabel: attribute name. /// /// /// Note: CV_Error() is called if the given attribute already exists. Use atexists() /// to check whether it exists or not beforehand. And use atdelete() to delete /// it if it already exists. /// ## See also /// atexists, atdelete, atread. /// /// ## Overloaded parameters #[inline] fn atwrite_2(&mut self, value: &str, atlabel: &str) -> Result<()> { extern_container_arg!(value); extern_container_arg!(atlabel); let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_hdf_HDF5_atwrite_const_StringR_const_StringR(self.as_raw_mut_HDF5(), value.opencv_as_extern(), atlabel.opencv_as_extern()) }.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// Read an attribute from the root group. /// /// ## Parameters /// * value: attribute value. Currently, only n-d continuous multi-channel arrays are supported. /// * atlabel: attribute name. /// /// /// Note: The attribute MUST exist, otherwise CV_Error() is called. Use atexists() /// to check if it exists beforehand. /// ## See also /// atexists, atdelete, atwrite /// /// ## Overloaded parameters #[inline] fn atread_2(&mut self, value: &mut String, atlabel: &str) -> Result<()> { string_arg_output_send!(via value_via); extern_container_arg!(atlabel); let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_hdf_HDF5_atread_StringX_const_StringR(self.as_raw_mut_HDF5(), &mut value_via, atlabel.opencv_as_extern()) }.into_result()?; string_arg_output_receive!(value_via => value); Ok(ret) } /// Write an attribute into the root group. /// /// ## Parameters /// * value: attribute value. Currently, only n-d continuous multi-channel arrays are supported. /// * atlabel: attribute name. /// /// /// Note: CV_Error() is called if the given attribute already exists. Use atexists() /// to check whether it exists or not beforehand. And use atdelete() to delete /// it if it already exists. /// ## See also /// atexists, atdelete, atread. #[inline] fn atwrite_3(&mut self, value: &dyn core::ToInputArray, atlabel: &str) -> Result<()> { input_array_arg!(value); extern_container_arg!(atlabel); let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_hdf_HDF5_atwrite_const__InputArrayR_const_StringR(self.as_raw_mut_HDF5(), value.as_raw__InputArray(), atlabel.opencv_as_extern()) }.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// Read an attribute from the root group. /// /// ## Parameters /// * value: attribute value. Currently, only n-d continuous multi-channel arrays are supported. /// * atlabel: attribute name. /// /// /// Note: The attribute MUST exist, otherwise CV_Error() is called. Use atexists() /// to check if it exists beforehand. /// ## See also /// atexists, atdelete, atwrite #[inline] fn atread_3(&mut self, value: &mut dyn core::ToOutputArray, atlabel: &str) -> Result<()> { output_array_arg!(value); extern_container_arg!(atlabel); let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_hdf_HDF5_atread_const__OutputArrayR_const_StringR(self.as_raw_mut_HDF5(), value.as_raw__OutputArray(), atlabel.opencv_as_extern()) }.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } }
use rustpython_vm::obj::objstr::PyStrRef; use rustpython_vm::pyobject::{BorrowValue, PyIterable, PyResult, TryFromObject}; use rustpython_vm::scope::{NameProtocol, Scope}; use rustpython_vm::VirtualMachine; pub struct ShellHelper<'vm> { vm: &'vm VirtualMachine, scope: Scope, } fn reverse_string(s: &mut String) { let rev = s.chars().rev().collect(); *s = rev; } fn split_idents_on_dot(line: &str) -> Option<(usize, Vec<String>)> { let mut words = vec![String::new()]; let mut startpos = 0; for (i, c) in line.chars().rev().enumerate() { match c { '.' => { // check for a double dot if i != 0 && words.last().map_or(false, |s| s.is_empty()) { return None; } reverse_string(words.last_mut().unwrap()); if words.len() == 1 { startpos = line.len() - i; } words.push(String::new()); } c if c.is_alphanumeric() || c == '_' => words.last_mut().unwrap().push(c), _ => { if words.len() == 1 { if words.last().unwrap().is_empty() { return None; } startpos = line.len() - i; } break; } } } if words == [String::new()] { return None; } reverse_string(words.last_mut().unwrap()); words.reverse(); Some((startpos, words)) } impl<'vm> ShellHelper<'vm> { pub fn new(vm: &'vm VirtualMachine, scope: Scope) -> Self { ShellHelper { vm, scope } } #[allow(clippy::type_complexity)] fn get_available_completions<'w>( &self, words: &'w [String], ) -> Option<(&'w str, Box<dyn Iterator<Item = PyResult<PyStrRef>> + 'vm>)> { // the very first word and then all the ones after the dot let (first, rest) = words.split_first().unwrap(); let str_iter_method = |obj, name| { let iter = self.vm.call_method(obj, name, ())?; PyIterable::<PyStrRef>::try_from_object(self.vm, iter)?.iter(self.vm) }; if let Some((last, parents)) = rest.split_last() { // we need to get an attribute based off of the dir() of an object // last: the last word, could be empty if it ends with a dot // parents: the words before the dot let mut current = self.scope.load_global(self.vm, first)?; for attr in parents { current = self.vm.get_attribute(current.clone(), attr.as_str()).ok()?; } let current_iter = str_iter_method(&current, "__dir__").ok()?; Some((&last, Box::new(current_iter) as _)) } else { // we need to get a variable based off of globals/builtins let globals = str_iter_method(self.scope.globals.as_object(), "keys").ok()?; let builtins = str_iter_method(&self.vm.builtins, "__dir__").ok()?; Some((&first, Box::new(Iterator::chain(globals, builtins)) as _)) } } fn complete_opt(&self, line: &str) -> Option<(usize, Vec<String>)> { let (startpos, words) = split_idents_on_dot(line)?; let (word_start, iter) = self.get_available_completions(&words)?; let all_completions = iter .filter(|res| { res.as_ref() .ok() .map_or(true, |s| s.borrow_value().starts_with(word_start)) }) .collect::<Result<Vec<_>, _>>() .ok()?; let mut completions = if word_start.starts_with('_') { // if they're already looking for something starting with a '_', just give // them all the completions all_completions } else { // only the completions that don't start with a '_' let no_underscore = all_completions .iter() .cloned() .filter(|s| !s.borrow_value().starts_with('_')) .collect::<Vec<_>>(); // if there are only completions that start with a '_', give them all of the // completions, otherwise only the ones that don't start with '_' if no_underscore.is_empty() { all_completions } else { no_underscore } }; // sort the completions alphabetically completions.sort_by(|a, b| std::cmp::Ord::cmp(a.borrow_value(), b.borrow_value())); Some(( startpos, completions .into_iter() .map(|s| s.borrow_value().to_owned()) .collect(), )) } } cfg_if::cfg_if! { if #[cfg(not(target_os = "wasi"))] { use rustyline::{ completion::Completer, highlight::Highlighter, hint::Hinter, validate::Validator, Context, Helper, }; impl Completer for ShellHelper<'_> { type Candidate = String; fn complete( &self, line: &str, pos: usize, _ctx: &Context, ) -> rustyline::Result<(usize, Vec<String>)> { Ok(self .complete_opt(&line[0..pos]) // as far as I can tell, there's no better way to do both completion // and indentation (or even just indentation) .unwrap_or_else(|| (line.len(), vec!["\t".to_owned()]))) } } impl Hinter for ShellHelper<'_> {} impl Highlighter for ShellHelper<'_> {} impl Validator for ShellHelper<'_> {} impl Helper for ShellHelper<'_> {} } }
use std::pin::Pin; use pin_project_lite::pin_project; use crate::stream::Stream; use crate::task::{Context, Poll}; pin_project! { /// A stream that does something with each element of another stream. /// /// This `struct` is created by the [`inspect`] method on [`Stream`]. See its /// documentation for more. /// /// [`inspect`]: trait.Stream.html#method.inspect /// [`Stream`]: trait.Stream.html #[derive(Debug)] pub struct Inspect<S, F> { #[pin] stream: S, f: F, } } impl<S, F> Inspect<S, F> { pub(super) fn new(stream: S, f: F) -> Self { Self { stream, f, } } } impl<S, F> Stream for Inspect<S, F> where S: Stream, F: FnMut(&S::Item), { type Item = S::Item; fn poll_next(self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Option<Self::Item>> { let mut this = self.project(); let next = futures_core::ready!(this.stream.as_mut().poll_next(cx)); Poll::Ready(next.and_then(|x| { (this.f)(&x); Some(x) })) } }
use super::component_prelude::*; #[derive(Default, Component)] #[storage(NullStorage)] pub struct Player;
use super::{Value, ValueInternal}; use crate::context::internal::Env; use crate::context::Context; use crate::handle::{Handle, Managed}; use crate::object::Object; use crate::result::{JsResult, JsResultExt}; use neon_runtime; use neon_runtime::raw; use std::error::Error; use std::fmt; use std::fmt::Debug; /// A JavaScript Date object #[repr(C)] #[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)] #[cfg_attr(docsrs, doc(cfg(feature = "napi-5")))] pub struct JsDate(raw::Local); impl Value for JsDate {} impl Managed for JsDate { fn to_raw(self) -> raw::Local { self.0 } fn from_raw(_: Env, h: raw::Local) -> Self { JsDate(h) } } /// The Error struct for a Date #[derive(Debug)] #[cfg_attr(docsrs, doc(cfg(feature = "napi-5")))] pub struct DateError(DateErrorKind); impl DateError { pub fn kind(&self) -> DateErrorKind { self.0 } } impl fmt::Display for DateError { fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { fmt.write_str(self.0.as_str()) } } impl Error for DateError {} /// The error kinds corresponding to `DateError` #[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq)] #[cfg_attr(docsrs, doc(cfg(feature = "napi-5")))] pub enum DateErrorKind { Overflow, Underflow, } impl DateErrorKind { fn as_str(&self) -> &'static str { match *self { DateErrorKind::Overflow => "Date overflow", DateErrorKind::Underflow => "Date underflow", } } } impl<'a, T: Value> JsResultExt<'a, T> for Result<Handle<'a, T>, DateError> { /// Creates an `Error` on error fn or_throw<'b, C: Context<'b>>(self, cx: &mut C) -> JsResult<'a, T> { self.or_else(|e| cx.throw_range_error(e.0.as_str())) } } impl JsDate { /// The smallest possible Date value, defined by ECMAScript. See <https://www.ecma-international.org/ecma-262/5.1/#sec-> pub const MIN_VALUE: f64 = -8.64e15; /// The largest possible Date value, defined by ECMAScript. See <https://www.ecma-international.org/ecma-262/5.1/#sec-> pub const MAX_VALUE: f64 = 8.64e15; /// Creates a new Date. It errors when `value` is outside the range of valid JavaScript Date values. When `value` /// is `NaN`, the operation will succeed but with an invalid Date pub fn new<'a, C: Context<'a>, T: Into<f64>>( cx: &mut C, value: T, ) -> Result<Handle<'a, JsDate>, DateError> { let env = cx.env().to_raw(); let time = value.into(); if time > JsDate::MAX_VALUE { return Err(DateError(DateErrorKind::Overflow)); } else if time < JsDate::MIN_VALUE { return Err(DateError(DateErrorKind::Underflow)); } let local = unsafe { neon_runtime::date::new_date(env, time) }; let date = Handle::new_internal(JsDate(local)); Ok(date) } /// Creates a new Date with lossy conversion for out of bounds Date values. Out of bounds /// values will be treated as NaN pub fn new_lossy<'a, C: Context<'a>, V: Into<f64>>(cx: &mut C, value: V) -> Handle<'a, JsDate> { let env = cx.env().to_raw(); let local = unsafe { neon_runtime::date::new_date(env, value.into()) }; Handle::new_internal(JsDate(local)) } /// Gets the Date's value. An invalid Date will return `std::f64::NaN` pub fn value<'a, C: Context<'a>>(self, cx: &mut C) -> f64 { let env = cx.env().to_raw(); unsafe { neon_runtime::date::value(env, self.to_raw()) } } /// Checks if the Date's value is valid. A Date is valid if its value is between /// `JsDate::MIN_VALUE` and `JsDate::MAX_VALUE` or if it is `NaN` pub fn is_valid<'a, C: Context<'a>>(self, cx: &mut C) -> bool { let value = self.value(cx); (JsDate::MIN_VALUE..=JsDate::MAX_VALUE).contains(&value) } } impl ValueInternal for JsDate { fn name() -> String { "object".to_string() } fn is_typeof<Other: Value>(env: Env, other: Other) -> bool { unsafe { neon_runtime::tag::is_date(env.to_raw(), other.to_raw()) } } } impl Object for JsDate {}
// Copyright 2020 TiKV Project Authors. Licensed under Apache-2.0. use std::cmp::Ordering; use std::convert::TryInto; use std::marker::PhantomData; use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicU64, Ordering as AtomicOrdering}; use std::sync::Arc; use crate::storage::mvcc::{Lock, LockType, WriteRef, WriteType}; use engine_traits::{ IterOptions, Iterable, Iterator as EngineIterator, KvEngine, Peekable, SeekKey, }; use engine_traits::{CF_DEFAULT, CF_LOCK, CF_RAFT, CF_WRITE}; use kvproto::kvrpcpb::{MvccInfo, MvccLock, MvccValue, MvccWrite, Op}; use raftstore::coprocessor::{ConsistencyCheckMethod, ConsistencyCheckObserver, Coprocessor}; use raftstore::Result; use tikv_util::keybuilder::KeyBuilder; use txn_types::Key; const PHYSICAL_SHIFT_BITS: usize = 18; const SAFE_POINT_WINDOW: usize = 120; // When leader broadcasts a ComputeHash command to followers, it's possible that the safe point // becomes stale when the command reaches followers. So use a 2 minutes window to reduce this. fn get_safe_point_for_check(mut safe_point: u64) -> u64 { safe_point >>= PHYSICAL_SHIFT_BITS; safe_point += (SAFE_POINT_WINDOW * 1000) as u64; // 120s * 1000ms/s. safe_point << PHYSICAL_SHIFT_BITS } const fn zero_safe_point_for_check() -> u64 { let mut safe_point = 0; safe_point >>= PHYSICAL_SHIFT_BITS; safe_point += (SAFE_POINT_WINDOW * 1000) as u64; // 120s * 1000ms/s. safe_point << PHYSICAL_SHIFT_BITS } #[derive(Clone)] pub struct Mvcc<E: KvEngine> { _engine: PhantomData<E>, local_safe_point: Arc<AtomicU64>, } impl<E: KvEngine> Coprocessor for Mvcc<E> {} impl<E: KvEngine> Mvcc<E> { pub fn new(safe_point: Arc<AtomicU64>) -> Self { Mvcc { _engine: Default::default(), local_safe_point: safe_point, } } } impl<E: KvEngine> ConsistencyCheckObserver<E> for Mvcc<E> { fn update_context(&self, context: &mut Vec<u8>) -> bool { context.push(ConsistencyCheckMethod::Mvcc as u8); context.reserve(8); let len = context.len(); let mut safe_point = self.local_safe_point.load(AtomicOrdering::Acquire); safe_point = get_safe_point_for_check(safe_point); unsafe { context.set_len(len + 8); std::ptr::copy_nonoverlapping( safe_point.to_le_bytes().as_ptr(), &mut context[len] as _, 8, ); } // Skiped all other observers. true } fn compute_hash( &self, region: &kvproto::metapb::Region, context: &mut &[u8], snap: &E::Snapshot, ) -> Result<Option<u32>> { if context.is_empty() { return Ok(None); } assert_eq!(context[0], ConsistencyCheckMethod::Mvcc as u8); let safe_point = u64::from_le_bytes(context[1..9].try_into().unwrap()); *context = &context[9..]; let local_safe_point = self.local_safe_point.load(AtomicOrdering::Acquire); if safe_point < local_safe_point || safe_point <= zero_safe_point_for_check() { warn!( "skip consistency check"; "region_id" => region.get_id(), "safe_ponit" => safe_point, "local_safe_point" => local_safe_point, "zero" => zero_safe_point_for_check(), ); return Ok(None); } let mut scanner = MvccInfoScanner::new( |cf, opts| snap.iterator_cf_opt(cf, opts).map_err(|e| box_err!(e)), Some(&keys::data_key(region.get_start_key())), Some(&keys::data_end_key(region.get_end_key())), MvccChecksum::new(safe_point), )?; while scanner.next_item()?.is_some() {} // Computes the hash from the Region state too. let mut digest = scanner.observer.digest; let region_state_key = keys::region_state_key(region.get_id()); digest.update(&region_state_key); match snap.get_value_cf(CF_RAFT, &region_state_key) { Err(e) => return Err(e.into()), Ok(Some(v)) => digest.update(&v), Ok(None) => {} } Ok(Some(digest.finalize())) } } pub trait MvccInfoObserver { type Target; // Meet a new mvcc record prefixed `key`. fn on_new_item(&mut self, key: &[u8]); // Emit a complete mvcc record. fn emit(&mut self) -> Self::Target; fn on_write(&mut self, key: &[u8], value: &[u8]) -> Result<bool>; fn on_lock(&mut self, key: &[u8], value: &[u8]) -> Result<bool>; fn on_default(&mut self, key: &[u8], value: &[u8]) -> Result<bool>; } pub struct MvccInfoScanner<Iter: EngineIterator, Ob: MvccInfoObserver> { lock_iter: Iter, default_iter: Iter, write_iter: Iter, observer: Ob, } impl<Iter: EngineIterator, Ob: MvccInfoObserver> MvccInfoScanner<Iter, Ob> { pub fn new<F>(f: F, from: Option<&[u8]>, to: Option<&[u8]>, ob: Ob) -> Result<Self> where F: Fn(&str, IterOptions) -> Result<Iter>, { let from = from.unwrap_or(keys::DATA_MIN_KEY); let to = to.unwrap_or(keys::DATA_MAX_KEY); let key_builder = |key: &[u8]| -> Result<Option<KeyBuilder>> { if !keys::validate_data_key(key) && key != keys::DATA_MAX_KEY { return Err(box_err!("non-mvcc area {}", hex::encode_upper(key))); } Ok(Some(KeyBuilder::from_vec(key.to_vec(), 0, 0))) }; let iter_opts = IterOptions::new(key_builder(from)?, key_builder(to)?, false); let gen_iter = |cf: &str| -> Result<Iter> { let mut iter = f(cf, iter_opts.clone())?; box_try!(iter.seek(SeekKey::Key(from))); Ok(iter) }; Ok(MvccInfoScanner { lock_iter: gen_iter(CF_LOCK)?, default_iter: gen_iter(CF_DEFAULT)?, write_iter: gen_iter(CF_WRITE)?, observer: ob, }) } fn next_item(&mut self) -> Result<Option<Ob::Target>> { let mut lock_ok = box_try!(self.lock_iter.valid()); let mut writes_ok = box_try!(self.write_iter.valid()); let prefix = match (lock_ok, writes_ok) { (false, false) => return Ok(None), (true, false) => self.lock_iter.key(), (false, true) => box_try!(Key::truncate_ts_for(self.write_iter.key())), (true, true) => { let prefix1 = self.lock_iter.key(); let prefix2 = box_try!(Key::truncate_ts_for(self.write_iter.key())); match prefix1.cmp(prefix2) { Ordering::Less => { writes_ok = false; prefix1 } Ordering::Greater => { lock_ok = false; prefix2 } Ordering::Equal => prefix1, } } }; self.observer.on_new_item(prefix); while writes_ok { let (key, value) = (self.write_iter.key(), self.write_iter.value()); writes_ok = self.observer.on_write(key, value)? && box_try!(self.write_iter.next()); } while lock_ok { let (key, value) = (self.lock_iter.key(), self.lock_iter.value()); lock_ok = self.observer.on_lock(key, value)? && box_try!(self.lock_iter.next()); } let mut ok = box_try!(self.default_iter.valid()); while ok { let (key, value) = (self.default_iter.key(), self.default_iter.value()); ok = self.observer.on_default(key, value)? && box_try!(self.default_iter.next()); } Ok(Some(self.observer.emit())) } } #[derive(Clone, Default)] struct MvccInfoCollector { current_item: Vec<u8>, mvcc_info: MvccInfo, } impl MvccInfoObserver for MvccInfoCollector { type Target = (Vec<u8>, MvccInfo); fn on_new_item(&mut self, key: &[u8]) { self.current_item = key.to_vec(); } fn emit(&mut self) -> Self::Target { let item = std::mem::take(&mut self.current_item); let info = std::mem::take(&mut self.mvcc_info); (item, info) } fn on_write(&mut self, key: &[u8], value: &[u8]) -> Result<bool> { let (prefix, commit_ts) = box_try!(Key::split_on_ts_for(key)); if prefix != AsRef::<[u8]>::as_ref(&self.current_item) { return Ok(false); } let write = box_try!(WriteRef::parse(&value)); let mut write_info = MvccWrite::default(); match write.write_type { WriteType::Put => write_info.set_type(Op::Put), WriteType::Delete => write_info.set_type(Op::Del), WriteType::Lock => write_info.set_type(Op::Lock), WriteType::Rollback => write_info.set_type(Op::Rollback), } write_info.set_start_ts(write.start_ts.into_inner()); write_info.set_commit_ts(commit_ts.into_inner()); if let Some(ref value) = write.short_value { write_info.set_short_value(value.to_vec()); } self.mvcc_info.mut_writes().push(write_info); Ok(true) } fn on_lock(&mut self, key: &[u8], value: &[u8]) -> Result<bool> { if key != AsRef::<[u8]>::as_ref(&self.current_item) { return Ok(false); } let lock = box_try!(Lock::parse(value)); let mut lock_info = MvccLock::default(); match lock.lock_type { LockType::Put => lock_info.set_type(Op::Put), LockType::Delete => lock_info.set_type(Op::Del), LockType::Lock => lock_info.set_type(Op::Lock), LockType::Pessimistic => lock_info.set_type(Op::PessimisticLock), } lock_info.set_start_ts(lock.ts.into_inner()); lock_info.set_primary(lock.primary); lock_info.set_short_value(lock.short_value.unwrap_or_default()); self.mvcc_info.set_lock(lock_info); Ok(true) } fn on_default(&mut self, key: &[u8], value: &[u8]) -> Result<bool> { let (prefix, start_ts) = box_try!(Key::split_on_ts_for(key)); if prefix != AsRef::<[u8]>::as_ref(&self.current_item) { return Ok(false); } let mut value_info = MvccValue::default(); value_info.set_start_ts(start_ts.into_inner()); value_info.set_value(value.to_vec()); self.mvcc_info.mut_values().push(value_info); Ok(true) } } pub struct MvccInfoIterator<Iter: EngineIterator> { scanner: MvccInfoScanner<Iter, MvccInfoCollector>, limit: usize, count: usize, } impl<Iter: EngineIterator> MvccInfoIterator<Iter> { pub fn new<F>(f: F, from: Option<&[u8]>, to: Option<&[u8]>, limit: usize) -> Result<Self> where F: Fn(&str, IterOptions) -> Result<Iter>, { let scanner = MvccInfoScanner::new(f, from, to, MvccInfoCollector::default())?; Ok(Self { scanner, limit, count: 0, }) } } impl<Iter: EngineIterator> Iterator for MvccInfoIterator<Iter> { type Item = Result<(Vec<u8>, MvccInfo)>; fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Result<(Vec<u8>, MvccInfo)>> { if self.limit != 0 && self.count >= self.limit { return None; } match self.scanner.next_item() { Ok(Some(item)) => { self.count += 1; Some(Ok(item)) } Ok(None) => None, Err(e) => Some(Err(e)), } } } struct MvccChecksum { safe_point: u64, digest: crc32fast::Hasher, current_item: Vec<u8>, committed_txns: Vec<u64>, committed_txns_sorted: bool, } impl MvccChecksum { fn new(safe_point: u64) -> Self { Self { safe_point, digest: crc32fast::Hasher::new(), current_item: vec![], committed_txns: vec![], committed_txns_sorted: false, } } } impl MvccInfoObserver for MvccChecksum { type Target = (); fn on_new_item(&mut self, key: &[u8]) { self.current_item = key.to_vec(); } fn emit(&mut self) -> Self::Target { self.current_item.clear(); self.committed_txns.clear(); } fn on_write(&mut self, key: &[u8], value: &[u8]) -> Result<bool> { let (prefix, commit_ts) = box_try!(Key::split_on_ts_for(key)); if prefix != AsRef::<[u8]>::as_ref(&self.current_item) { return Ok(false); } let commit_ts = commit_ts.into_inner(); if commit_ts <= self.safe_point { // Skip stale records. return Ok(true); } let write = box_try!(WriteRef::parse(&value)); let start_ts = write.start_ts.into_inner(); self.digest.update(key); self.digest.update(value); self.committed_txns.push(start_ts); Ok(true) } fn on_lock(&mut self, key: &[u8], value: &[u8]) -> Result<bool> { let lock = box_try!(Lock::parse(value)); if lock.ts.into_inner() <= self.safe_point { // Skip stale records. return Ok(true); } self.digest.update(key); self.digest.update(value); Ok(true) } fn on_default(&mut self, key: &[u8], value: &[u8]) -> Result<bool> { let (prefix, start_ts) = box_try!(Key::split_on_ts_for(key)); if prefix != AsRef::<[u8]>::as_ref(&self.current_item) { return Ok(false); } if !self.committed_txns_sorted { self.committed_txns.sort(); self.committed_txns_sorted = true; } let start_ts = start_ts.into_inner(); if start_ts > self.safe_point && self.committed_txns.binary_search(&start_ts).is_ok() { self.digest.update(key); self.digest.update(value); } Ok(true) } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; use crate::storage::kv::TestEngineBuilder; use crate::storage::mvcc::tests::{must_prewrite_delete, must_prewrite_put, must_rollback}; use crate::storage::txn::tests::must_commit; use engine_rocks::RocksEngine; #[test] fn test_update_context() { let safe_point = Arc::new(AtomicU64::new((123 << PHYSICAL_SHIFT_BITS) * 1000)); let observer = Mvcc::<RocksEngine>::new(safe_point); let mut context = Vec::new(); assert!(observer.update_context(&mut context)); assert_eq!(context.len(), 9); assert_eq!(context[0], ConsistencyCheckMethod::Mvcc as u8); let safe_point = u64::from_le_bytes(context[1..9].try_into().unwrap()); assert_eq!(safe_point, (243 << PHYSICAL_SHIFT_BITS) * 1000); } #[test] fn test_mvcc_checksum() { let engine = TestEngineBuilder::new().build().unwrap(); must_prewrite_put(&engine, b"zAAAAA", b"value", b"PRIMARY", 100); must_commit(&engine, b"zAAAAA", 100, 101); must_prewrite_put(&engine, b"zCCCCC", b"value", b"PRIMARY", 110); must_commit(&engine, b"zCCCCC", 110, 111); must_prewrite_put(&engine, b"zBBBBB", b"value", b"PRIMARY", 200); must_commit(&engine, b"zBBBBB", 200, 201); must_prewrite_put(&engine, b"zDDDDD", b"value", b"PRIMARY", 200); must_rollback(&engine, b"zDDDDD", 200); must_prewrite_put(&engine, b"zFFFFF", b"value", b"PRIMARY", 200); must_prewrite_delete(&engine, b"zGGGGG", b"PRIMARY", 200); let mut checksums = Vec::with_capacity(3); for &safe_point in &[150, 160, 100] { let raw = engine.get_rocksdb(); let mut scanner = MvccInfoScanner::new( |cf, opts| raw.iterator_cf_opt(cf, opts).map_err(|e| box_err!(e)), Some(&keys::data_key(b"")), Some(&keys::data_end_key(b"")), MvccChecksum::new(safe_point), ) .unwrap(); while scanner.next_item().unwrap().is_some() {} let digest = scanner.observer.digest; checksums.push(digest.finalize()); } assert_eq!(checksums[0], checksums[1]); assert_ne!(checksums[0], checksums[2]); } #[test] fn test_mvcc_info_collector() { use crate::storage::mvcc::Write; use engine_rocks::raw::{ColumnFamilyOptions, DBOptions}; use engine_rocks::raw_util::CFOptions; use engine_traits::SyncMutable; use txn_types::TimeStamp; let tmp = tempfile::Builder::new() .prefix("test_debug") .tempdir() .unwrap(); let path = tmp.path().to_str().unwrap(); let engine = Arc::new( engine_rocks::raw_util::new_engine_opt( path, DBOptions::new(), vec![ CFOptions::new(CF_DEFAULT, ColumnFamilyOptions::new()), CFOptions::new(CF_WRITE, ColumnFamilyOptions::new()), CFOptions::new(CF_LOCK, ColumnFamilyOptions::new()), CFOptions::new(CF_RAFT, ColumnFamilyOptions::new()), ], ) .unwrap(), ); let engine = RocksEngine::from_db(engine); let cf_default_data = vec![ (b"k1", b"v", 5.into()), (b"k2", b"x", 10.into()), (b"k3", b"y", 15.into()), ]; for &(prefix, value, ts) in &cf_default_data { let encoded_key = Key::from_raw(prefix).append_ts(ts); let key = keys::data_key(encoded_key.as_encoded().as_slice()); engine.put(key.as_slice(), value).unwrap(); } let cf_lock_data = vec![ (b"k1", LockType::Put, b"v", 5.into()), (b"k4", LockType::Lock, b"x", 10.into()), (b"k5", LockType::Delete, b"y", 15.into()), ]; for &(prefix, tp, value, version) in &cf_lock_data { let encoded_key = Key::from_raw(prefix); let key = keys::data_key(encoded_key.as_encoded().as_slice()); let lock = Lock::new( tp, value.to_vec(), version, 0, None, TimeStamp::zero(), 0, TimeStamp::zero(), ); let value = lock.to_bytes(); engine .put_cf(CF_LOCK, key.as_slice(), value.as_slice()) .unwrap(); } let cf_write_data = vec![ (b"k2", WriteType::Put, 5.into(), 10.into()), (b"k3", WriteType::Put, 15.into(), 20.into()), (b"k6", WriteType::Lock, 25.into(), 30.into()), (b"k7", WriteType::Rollback, 35.into(), 40.into()), ]; for &(prefix, tp, start_ts, commit_ts) in &cf_write_data { let encoded_key = Key::from_raw(prefix).append_ts(commit_ts); let key = keys::data_key(encoded_key.as_encoded().as_slice()); let write = Write::new(tp, start_ts, None); let value = write.as_ref().to_bytes(); engine .put_cf(CF_WRITE, key.as_slice(), value.as_slice()) .unwrap(); } let scan_mvcc = |start: &[u8], end: &[u8], limit: u64| { MvccInfoIterator::new( |cf, opts| engine.iterator_cf_opt(cf, opts).map_err(|e| box_err!(e)), if start.is_empty() { None } else { Some(start) }, if end.is_empty() { None } else { Some(end) }, limit as usize, ) .unwrap() }; let mut count = 0; for key_and_mvcc in scan_mvcc(b"z", &[], 30) { assert!(key_and_mvcc.is_ok()); count += 1; } assert_eq!(count, 7); } }
use crate::Analyzer; use anyhow::Result; use common::filters::{bandpass_filter, convolve, cutoff_from_frequency}; use common::synth::quantize_samples; use ndarray::prelude::*; use ndarray::{ScalarOperand, Slice}; use num::{traits::FloatConst, Float, NumCast, One}; use std::error; use std::fmt; type Peak = i16; #[derive(Debug)] enum BpmDetectionError { NoMatches(), } impl fmt::Display for BpmDetectionError { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { match self { Self::NoMatches() => { write!(f, "did not find sufficient matches") } } } } impl error::Error for BpmDetectionError {} // todo: replace with proto #[derive(Debug)] pub struct BpmDetectionAnalyzerConfig { pub lowpass_cutoff_freq_hz: f64, pub highpass_cutoff_freq_hz: f64, pub band: f64, pub sample_rate: u32, pub nchannels: u16, } impl Default for BpmDetectionAnalyzerConfig { fn default() -> Self { Self { lowpass_cutoff_freq_hz: 150.0, highpass_cutoff_freq_hz: 100.0, band: 0.01, nchannels: 2, sample_rate: 44100, } } } #[derive(Debug)] pub struct BpmDetectionAnalyzer { pub config: BpmDetectionAnalyzerConfig, pub chunk_size: usize, pub buffer_window_size: usize, buffer: Array1<f64>, } struct PeakIntervalGroup { pub tempo: f32, pub count: usize, } impl BpmDetectionAnalyzer { pub fn new(config: BpmDetectionAnalyzerConfig) -> Result<Self> { let sample_rate: f32 = NumCast::from(config.sample_rate).unwrap(); // the larger the total window the more precise the bpm let chunk_size: usize = NumCast::from(sample_rate * 0.5).unwrap(); let buffer_window_size: usize = NumCast::from(sample_rate * 10.0).unwrap(); Ok(Self { config, chunk_size, buffer_window_size, buffer: Array1::zeros(0), }) } fn find_intervals(&self, peaks: Vec<(usize, Peak)>) -> Vec<PeakIntervalGroup> { // What we now do is get all of our peaks, and then measure the distance to // other peaks, to create intervals. Then based on the distance between // those peaks (the distance of the intervals) we can calculate the BPM of // that particular interval. // The interval that is seen the most should have the BPM that corresponds // to the track itself. let mut groups: Vec<PeakIntervalGroup> = Vec::new(); for (idx, _) in peaks.iter().enumerate() { for i in (idx + 1)..(peaks.len().min(idx + 10)) { let minute: f32 = NumCast::from(60 * self.config.sample_rate).unwrap(); let distance: f32 = NumCast::from(peaks[i].0 - peaks[idx].0).unwrap(); let tempo = minute / distance; let mut group = PeakIntervalGroup { tempo, count: 1 }; while group.tempo < 90.0 { group.tempo *= 2.0; } while group.tempo > 180.0 { group.tempo /= 2.0; } group.tempo = group.tempo.round(); for other_group in groups.iter_mut() { if (other_group.tempo - group.tempo).abs() < f32::EPSILON { other_group.count += 1; } } if !groups.iter().any(|other_group: &PeakIntervalGroup| { (other_group.tempo - group.tempo).abs() < f32::EPSILON }) { groups.push(group); } } } groups } fn detect_peaks(&self, samples: Array1<Peak>) -> Vec<(usize, Peak)> { let part_size = self.chunk_size; let parts: f32 = samples.len() as f32 / part_size as f32; let parts: usize = NumCast::from(parts).unwrap(); let mut peaks: Vec<(usize, Peak)> = Vec::new(); for part in 0..parts { let chunk = samples.slice_axis( Axis(0), Slice::from(part * part_size..(part + 1) * part_size), ); let mut max: Option<(usize, &Peak)> = None; for new in chunk.indexed_iter() { max = match max { Some(old) => { if old.1 > new.1 { Some(old) } else { Some(new) } } None => Some(new), }; } if let Some((idx, peak)) = max { peaks.push((part * part_size + idx, *peak)); } } peaks.sort_by(|a, b| b.1.cmp(&a.1)); // println!("peaks sorted by volume: {:?}", peaks); // ...take the loundest half of those... let center: f32 = NumCast::from(peaks.len()).unwrap(); let center = center * 0.5; let center: usize = NumCast::from(center).unwrap(); let loudest_peaks = &peaks[..center]; let mut loudest_peaks = loudest_peaks.to_vec(); // ...and re-sort it back based on position. loudest_peaks.sort_by(|a, b| a.0.cmp(&b.0)); // println!("peaks sorted back by position: {:?}", loudest_peaks); loudest_peaks } } impl<T> Analyzer<Array2<T>> for BpmDetectionAnalyzer where T: Float + FloatConst + One + Send + Sync + Default + std::fmt::Debug + ScalarOperand, { fn window_size(&self) -> usize { self.buffer_window_size } fn descriptor(&self) -> proto::grpc::AudioAnalyzerDescriptor { proto::grpc::AudioAnalyzerDescriptor { name: "BpmDetectionAnalyzer".to_string(), input: None, } } fn analyze_samples( &mut self, samples: Array2<T>, ) -> Result<proto::audio::analysis::AudioAnalysisResult> { let samples = samples.mapv(|v| { let v: f64 = NumCast::from(v.abs()).unwrap(); v }); // combine channels and choose the maximum let samples = samples.map_axis(Axis(1), |row| row.iter().fold(0f64, |acc, v| acc.max(*v))); // let start = Instant::now(); let filter = bandpass_filter( cutoff_from_frequency( self.config.highpass_cutoff_freq_hz, NumCast::from(self.config.sample_rate).unwrap(), ), cutoff_from_frequency( self.config.lowpass_cutoff_freq_hz, NumCast::from(self.config.sample_rate).unwrap(), ), self.config.band, ); let filtered_samples = Array::from_iter(quantize_samples::<Peak>(&convolve( &filter, samples.as_slice().unwrap(), ))); // println!("filtered: {:?}", filtered_samples); let peaks = self.detect_peaks(filtered_samples); // println!("found {:?} peaks", peaks.len()); // println!("found {:?} peaks: {:?}", peaks.len(), peaks); let mut intervals = self.find_intervals(peaks); // println!("found {:?} intervals", intervals.len()); intervals.sort_by(|a, b| b.count.cmp(&a.count)); // let duration = start.elapsed(); // println!("computing bpm took: {:?}", duration); if intervals.len() > 0 { let top_guess = &intervals[0]; println!("guessed {} BPM", top_guess.tempo); let result = proto::audio::analysis::BpmDetectionAudioAnalysisResult { bpm: top_guess.tempo, }; return Ok(proto::audio::analysis::AudioAnalysisResult { seq_num: 0, window_size: NumCast::from(self.buffer_window_size).unwrap(), result: Some(proto::audio::analysis::audio_analysis_result::Result::Bpm( result, )), }); } return Err(BpmDetectionError::NoMatches().into()); } }
use std::error::Error; use std::io; use std::sync::{atomic::AtomicBool, atomic::Ordering, Arc, RwLock}; use super::events::{Event, Events}; use crate::network::{NetworkInfo, PacketInfo, PacketType}; use termion::{event::Key, raw::IntoRawMode}; use tui::{ backend::TermionBackend, layout::{Alignment, Constraint, Direction, Layout}, style::{Color, Modifier, Style}, text::{Span, Spans}, widgets::{Block, Borders, List, ListItem, ListState, Paragraph}, Terminal, }; #[allow(unused_imports)] use pnet::packet::{ arp::ArpPacket, icmp::IcmpPacket, icmpv6::Icmpv6Packet, tcp::TcpPacket, udp::UdpPacket, }; /// Main function which renders UI on the terminal pub fn draw_ui( net_info: Arc<RwLock<NetworkInfo>>, running: Arc<AtomicBool>, ) -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> { let stdout = io::stdout().into_raw_mode()?; let backend = TermionBackend::new(stdout); let mut terminal = Terminal::new(backend)?; let events = Events::new(); let mut packets_state_selected = true; let mut packets_state = ListState::default(); let mut packets_info_state = ListState::default(); let mut packets_info_len: usize = 0; while running.load(Ordering::Relaxed) { terminal.draw(|f| { // Setting the layout of the UI let chunks = Layout::default() .direction(Direction::Vertical) .constraints( [ Constraint::Percentage(80), Constraint::Percentage(15), Constraint::Percentage(5), ] .as_ref(), ) .split(f.size()); // Header for packet capture view let header = Spans::from(Span::styled( get_packets_ui_header(), Style::default().fg(Color::Black).bg(Color::White), )); // Getting info about packets captured let items: Vec<ListItem> = net_info .read() .unwrap() .packets .iter() .enumerate() .map(|(current_num, p)| { let ptype = get_packet_info(p, current_num + 1); ListItem::new(Spans::from(ptype)) .style(Style::default().fg(Color::White).bg(Color::Black)) }) .collect(); let items = List::new(items) .block( Block::default() .title(header) .borders(Borders::ALL) .style(Style::default().bg(Color::Black)), ) .highlight_style(Style::default().bg(Color::Red).add_modifier(Modifier::BOLD)); // Rendering the packets that are captured f.render_stateful_widget(items, chunks[0], &mut packets_state); // Rendering logic for displaying packet information in the bottom window pane if let Some(i) = packets_state.selected() { if i < net_info.read().unwrap().packets.len() { let items: Vec<ListItem> = get_packet_description(&net_info.read().unwrap().packets[i]) .iter() .map(|field| { let field_val = field.to_string(); ListItem::new(Spans::from(field_val)) .style(Style::default().fg(Color::White).bg(Color::Black)) }) .collect(); packets_info_len = items.len(); let items = List::new(items) .block( Block::default() .title("Packet Information") .borders(Borders::ALL) .style(Style::default().bg(Color::Black)), ) .highlight_style( Style::default().bg(Color::Red).add_modifier(Modifier::BOLD), ); f.render_stateful_widget(items, chunks[1], &mut packets_info_state); } } else { let items = List::new(vec![]) .block( Block::default() .title("Packet Information") .borders(Borders::ALL) .style(Style::default().bg(Color::Black)), ) .highlight_style(Style::default().bg(Color::Red).add_modifier(Modifier::BOLD)); f.render_stateful_widget(items, chunks[1], &mut packets_info_state); } // Footer info rendering let footer = vec![Spans::from(vec![ Span::raw(format!( "Captured Packets: {} ", net_info.read().unwrap().captured_packets )), Span::raw(format!( "Dropped Packets: {} ", net_info.read().unwrap().dropped_packets )), ])]; let footer_para = Paragraph::new(footer) .block(Block::default()) .style(Style::default().fg(Color::White).bg(Color::Black)) .alignment(Alignment::Left); f.render_widget(footer_para, chunks[2]); })?; // Capture events from the keyboard match events.next()? { Event::Input(input) => match input { Key::Char('q') => { terminal.clear()?; running.store(false, Ordering::SeqCst); } Key::Left | Key::Esc => { packets_state.select(None); } Key::Down | Key::Char('j') => { if packets_state_selected { let i = match packets_state.selected() { Some(i) => { if i >= net_info.read().unwrap().packets.len() { 0 } else { i + 1 } } None => 0, }; packets_state.select(Some(i)); } else { let i = match packets_info_state.selected() { Some(i) => { if i >= packets_info_len { 0 } else { i + 1 } } None => 0, }; packets_info_state.select(Some(i)); } } Key::Up | Key::Char('k') => { if packets_state_selected { let i = match packets_state.selected() { Some(i) => { if i == 0 { net_info.read().unwrap().packets.len().saturating_sub(1) } else { i - 1 } } None => 0, }; packets_state.select(Some(i)); } else { let i = match packets_info_state.selected() { Some(i) => { if i == 0 { packets_info_len.saturating_sub(1) } else { i - 1 } } None => 0, }; packets_info_state.select(Some(i)); } } Key::Char('g') => { if packets_state_selected { packets_state.select(Some(0)); } else { packets_info_state.select(Some(0)); } } Key::Char('G') => { if packets_state_selected { packets_state.select(Some( net_info.read().unwrap().packets.len().saturating_sub(1), )); } else { packets_info_state.select(Some(packets_info_len.saturating_sub(1))); } } Key::Char('\t') | Key::Char('J') => { packets_state_selected = !packets_state_selected; } _ => {} }, Event::Tick => {} } } Ok(()) } /// Get header of packet capture UI fn get_packets_ui_header() -> String { format!( "{:<10} {:<40} {:<40} {:<10} {:<6} {:<20}", "Num", "Source", "Destination", "Protocol", "Length", "Info" ) } /// Get brief packet info fn get_packet_info(packet: &PacketInfo, current_num: usize) -> String { match packet.packet_type { PacketType::TCP => { let raw_packet = packet.packet_data.packet(); let payload = packet.packet_data.payload(); let source_ip = if let Some(ip) = packet.source_ip { ip.to_string() } else { "NA".to_string() }; let dest_ip = if let Some(ip) = packet.dest_ip { ip.to_string() } else { "NA".to_string() }; let tcp = TcpPacket::new(raw_packet); if let Some(tcp) = tcp { format!( "{:<10} {:<40} {:<40} {:<10} {:<6} {:<6} -> {:<6}", current_num, source_ip, dest_ip, "TCP", payload.to_vec().len(), tcp.get_source(), tcp.get_destination() ) } else { "TCP packet malformed".to_string() } } PacketType::UDP => { let raw_packet = packet.packet_data.packet(); let payload = packet.packet_data.payload(); let source_ip = if let Some(ip) = packet.source_ip { ip.to_string() } else { "NA".to_string() }; let dest_ip = if let Some(ip) = packet.dest_ip { ip.to_string() } else { "NA".to_string() }; let udp = UdpPacket::new(raw_packet); if let Some(udp) = udp { format!( "{:<10} {:<40} {:<40} {:<10} {:<6} {:<6} -> {:<6}", current_num, source_ip, dest_ip, "UDP", payload.to_vec().len(), udp.get_source(), udp.get_destination() ) } else { "UDP packet malformed".to_string() } } PacketType::ARP => { let raw_packet = packet.packet_data.packet(); let payload = packet.packet_data.payload(); let arp = ArpPacket::new(raw_packet); if let Some(arp) = arp { format!( "{:<10} {:<40} {:<40} {:<10} {:<6} {:?}", current_num, arp.get_sender_hw_addr(), arp.get_target_hw_addr(), "ARP", payload.to_vec().len(), arp.get_operation() ) } else { "ARP malformed".to_string() } } PacketType::ICMP => { let raw_packet = packet.packet_data.packet(); let payload = packet.packet_data.payload(); let source_ip = if let Some(ip) = packet.source_ip { ip.to_string() } else { "NA".to_string() }; let dest_ip = if let Some(ip) = packet.dest_ip { ip.to_string() } else { "NA".to_string() }; let icmp = IcmpPacket::new(raw_packet); // TODO: Improve print information based on ICMP Type if let Some(icmp) = icmp { format!( "{:<10} {:<40} {:<40} {:<10} {:<6} {:?}", current_num, source_ip, dest_ip, "ICMP", payload.to_vec().len(), icmp.get_icmp_code() ) } else { "ICMP packet malformed".to_string() } } // TODO: Print information for ICMP PacketType::ICMPv6 => { let raw_packet = packet.packet_data.packet(); let payload = packet.packet_data.payload(); let source_ip = if let Some(ip) = packet.source_ip { ip.to_string() } else { "NA".to_string() }; let dest_ip = if let Some(ip) = packet.dest_ip { ip.to_string() } else { "NA".to_string() }; let icmpv6 = Icmpv6Packet::new(raw_packet); // TODO: Improve print information based on ICMP Type if let Some(icmpv6) = icmpv6 { format!( "{:<10} {:<40} {:<40} {:<10} {:<6} {:?}", current_num, source_ip, dest_ip, "ICMPv6", payload.to_vec().len(), icmpv6.get_icmpv6_code() ) } else { "ICMPv6 packet malformed".to_string() } } } } /// Get detailed packet description fn get_packet_description(packet: &PacketInfo) -> Vec<String> { let mut pkt_desc: Vec<String> = vec![]; match packet.packet_type { PacketType::TCP => { let raw_packet = packet.packet_data.packet(); // let payload = packet.packet_data.payload().to_ascii_lowercase(); if let Some(ip) = packet.source_ip { pkt_desc.push(format!("Source IP: {}", ip.to_string())); } else { pkt_desc.push(format!("Source IP: {}", "NA".to_string())); } if let Some(ip) = packet.dest_ip { pkt_desc.push(format!("Destination IP: {}", ip.to_string())); } else { pkt_desc.push(format!("Destination IP: {}", "NA".to_string())); } let tcp = TcpPacket::new(raw_packet); if let Some(tcp) = tcp { pkt_desc.push(format!("Source Port: {}", tcp.get_source())); pkt_desc.push(format!("Destination Port: {}", tcp.get_destination())); pkt_desc.push(format!("Sequence Number: {}", tcp.get_sequence())); pkt_desc.push(format!( "Acknowledgement Number: {}", tcp.get_acknowledgement() )); pkt_desc.push(format!("Flags: {:b}", tcp.get_flags())); pkt_desc.push(format!("Window: {}", tcp.get_window())); } } PacketType::UDP => { let raw_packet = packet.packet_data.packet(); // let payload = packet.packet_data.payload(); if let Some(ip) = packet.source_ip { pkt_desc.push(format!("Source IP: {}", ip.to_string())); } else { pkt_desc.push(format!("Source IP: {}", "NA".to_string())); } if let Some(ip) = packet.dest_ip { pkt_desc.push(format!("Destination IP: {}", ip.to_string())); } else { pkt_desc.push(format!("Destination IP: {}", "NA".to_string())); } let udp = UdpPacket::new(raw_packet); if let Some(udp) = udp { pkt_desc.push(format!("Source Port: {}", udp.get_source())); pkt_desc.push(format!("Destination Port: {}", udp.get_destination())); } } PacketType::ARP => { let raw_packet = packet.packet_data.packet(); // let payload = packet.packet_data.payload(); let arp = ArpPacket::new(raw_packet); if let Some(arp) = arp { pkt_desc.push(format!("Hardware Type: {:?}", arp.get_hardware_type())); pkt_desc.push(format!("Protocol Type: {:?}", arp.get_protocol_type())); // TODO: Elaborate on the ARP option pkt_desc.push(format!("Operation: {:?}", arp.get_operation())); pkt_desc.push(format!( "Sender Hardware Address: {}", arp.get_sender_hw_addr() )); pkt_desc.push(format!( "Target Hardware Address: {}", arp.get_target_hw_addr() )); pkt_desc.push(format!( "Sender IP Address: {}", arp.get_sender_proto_addr() )); pkt_desc.push(format!( "Target IP Address: {}", arp.get_target_proto_addr() )); } } PacketType::ICMP => { let raw_packet = packet.packet_data.packet(); // let payload = packet.packet_data.payload(); if let Some(ip) = packet.source_ip { pkt_desc.push(format!("Source IP: {}", ip.to_string())); } else { pkt_desc.push(format!("Source IP: {}", "NA".to_string())); } if let Some(ip) = packet.dest_ip { pkt_desc.push(format!("Destination IP: {}", ip.to_string())); } else { pkt_desc.push(format!("Destination IP: {}", "NA".to_string())); } let icmp = IcmpPacket::new(raw_packet); // TODO: Expand description based on ICMP type if let Some(icmp) = icmp { pkt_desc.push(format!("ICMP Type: {:?}", icmp.get_icmp_type())); pkt_desc.push(format!("ICMP Code: {:?}", icmp.get_icmp_code())); } } // TODO: Packet description for ICMPv6 packets PacketType::ICMPv6 => { let raw_packet = packet.packet_data.packet(); // let payload = packet.packet_data.payload(); if let Some(ip) = packet.source_ip { pkt_desc.push(format!("Source IP: {}", ip.to_string())); } else { pkt_desc.push(format!("Source IP: {}", "NA".to_string())); } if let Some(ip) = packet.dest_ip { pkt_desc.push(format!("Destination IP: {}", ip.to_string())); } else { pkt_desc.push(format!("Destination IP: {}", "NA".to_string())); } let icmpv6 = Icmpv6Packet::new(raw_packet); // TODO: Expand description based on ICMP type if let Some(icmpv6) = icmpv6 { pkt_desc.push(format!("ICMPv6 Type: {:?}", icmpv6.get_icmpv6_type())); pkt_desc.push(format!("ICMPv6 Code: {:?}", icmpv6.get_icmpv6_code())); } } }; pkt_desc }
//! //! Asynchronous serial communication using UART/USART peripherals //! //! # Word length //! //! By default, the UART/USART uses 8 data bits. The `Serial`, `Rx`, and `Tx` structs implement //! the embedded-hal read and write traits with `u8` as the word type. //! //! You can also configure the hardware to use 9 data bits with the `Config` `wordlength_9()` //! function. After creating a `Serial` with this option, use the `with_u16_data()` function to //! convert the `Serial<_, _, u8>` object into a `Serial<_, _, u16>` that can send and receive //! `u16`s. //! //! In this mode, the `Serial<_, _, u16>`, `Rx<_, u16>`, and `Tx<_, u16>` structs instead implement //! the embedded-hal read and write traits with `u16` as the word type. You can use these //! implementations for 9-bit words. //! use core::fmt; use core::marker::PhantomData; use crate::rcc; use embedded_hal::blocking; use embedded_hal::prelude::*; use embedded_hal::serial; use nb::block; use crate::gpio::{Const, SetAlternate}; #[cfg(feature = "gpiod")] use crate::gpio::gpiod; #[allow(unused)] #[cfg(feature = "gpioe")] use crate::gpio::gpioe; #[allow(unused)] #[cfg(feature = "gpiof")] use crate::gpio::gpiof; #[allow(unused)] #[cfg(feature = "gpiog")] use crate::gpio::gpiog; use crate::gpio::{gpioa, gpiob, gpioc}; use crate::pac::{RCC, USART1, USART2, USART6}; #[cfg(feature = "usart3")] use crate::pac::USART3; #[cfg(feature = "uart10")] use crate::pac::UART10; #[cfg(feature = "uart4")] use crate::pac::UART4; #[cfg(feature = "uart5")] use crate::pac::UART5; #[cfg(feature = "uart7")] use crate::pac::UART7; #[cfg(feature = "uart8")] use crate::pac::UART8; #[cfg(feature = "uart9")] use crate::pac::UART9; use crate::gpio::NoPin; use crate::rcc::Clocks; use crate::dma::traits::PeriAddress; /// Serial error #[non_exhaustive] #[derive(Debug, Eq, PartialEq, Copy, Clone)] pub enum Error { /// Framing error Framing, /// Noise error Noise, /// RX buffer overrun Overrun, /// Parity check error Parity, } /// Interrupt event pub enum Event { /// New data has been received Rxne, /// New data can be sent Txe, /// Idle line state detected Idle, } pub mod config { use crate::time::Bps; use crate::time::U32Ext; pub enum WordLength { DataBits8, DataBits9, } pub enum Parity { ParityNone, ParityEven, ParityOdd, } pub enum StopBits { #[doc = "1 stop bit"] STOP1, #[doc = "0.5 stop bits"] STOP0P5, #[doc = "2 stop bits"] STOP2, #[doc = "1.5 stop bits"] STOP1P5, } pub enum DmaConfig { None, Tx, Rx, TxRx, } pub struct Config { pub baudrate: Bps, pub wordlength: WordLength, pub parity: Parity, pub stopbits: StopBits, pub dma: DmaConfig, } impl Config { pub fn baudrate(mut self, baudrate: Bps) -> Self { self.baudrate = baudrate; self } pub fn parity_none(mut self) -> Self { self.parity = Parity::ParityNone; self } pub fn parity_even(mut self) -> Self { self.parity = Parity::ParityEven; self } pub fn parity_odd(mut self) -> Self { self.parity = Parity::ParityOdd; self } pub fn wordlength_8(mut self) -> Self { self.wordlength = WordLength::DataBits8; self } pub fn wordlength_9(mut self) -> Self { self.wordlength = WordLength::DataBits9; self } pub fn stopbits(mut self, stopbits: StopBits) -> Self { self.stopbits = stopbits; self } } #[derive(Debug)] pub struct InvalidConfig; impl Default for Config { fn default() -> Config { let baudrate = 115_200_u32.bps(); Config { baudrate, wordlength: WordLength::DataBits8, parity: Parity::ParityNone, stopbits: StopBits::STOP1, dma: DmaConfig::None, } } } } pub trait Pins<USART> {} pub trait PinTx<USART> { type A; } pub trait PinRx<USART> { type A; } impl<USART, TX, RX> Pins<USART> for (TX, RX) where TX: PinTx<USART>, RX: PinRx<USART>, { } /// A filler type for when the Tx pin is unnecessary pub type NoTx = NoPin; /// A filler type for when the Rx pin is unnecessary pub type NoRx = NoPin; impl<USART> PinTx<USART> for NoPin where USART: Instance, { type A = Const<0>; } impl<USART> PinRx<USART> for NoPin where USART: Instance, { type A = Const<0>; } macro_rules! pin { ($trait:ident<$USART:ident> for $gpio:ident::$PX:ident<$A:literal>) => { impl<MODE> $trait<$USART> for $gpio::$PX<MODE> { type A = Const<$A>; } }; } pin!(PinTx<USART1> for gpioa::PA9<7>); pin!(PinRx<USART1> for gpioa::PA10<7>); #[cfg(any( feature = "stm32f410", feature = "stm32f411", feature = "stm32f412", feature = "stm32f413", feature = "stm32f423" ))] pin!(PinTx<USART1> for gpioa::PA15<7>); #[cfg(any( feature = "stm32f410", feature = "stm32f411", feature = "stm32f412", feature = "stm32f413", feature = "stm32f423" ))] pin!(PinRx<USART1> for gpiob::PB3<7>); pin!(PinTx<USART1> for gpiob::PB6<7>); pin!(PinRx<USART1> for gpiob::PB7<7>); pin!(PinTx<USART2> for gpioa::PA2<7>); pin!(PinRx<USART2> for gpioa::PA3<7>); #[cfg(any( feature = "stm32f401", feature = "stm32f405", feature = "stm32f407", feature = "stm32f411", feature = "stm32f412", feature = "stm32f413", feature = "stm32f415", feature = "stm32f417", feature = "stm32f423", feature = "stm32f427", feature = "stm32f429", feature = "stm32f437", feature = "stm32f439", feature = "stm32f446", feature = "stm32f469", feature = "stm32f479" ))] pin!(PinTx<USART2> for gpiod::PD5<7>); #[cfg(any( feature = "stm32f401", feature = "stm32f405", feature = "stm32f407", feature = "stm32f411", feature = "stm32f412", feature = "stm32f413", feature = "stm32f415", feature = "stm32f417", feature = "stm32f423", feature = "stm32f427", feature = "stm32f429", feature = "stm32f437", feature = "stm32f439", feature = "stm32f446", feature = "stm32f469", feature = "stm32f479" ))] pin!(PinRx<USART2> for gpiod::PD6<7>); #[cfg(feature = "usart3")] pin!(PinTx<USART3> for gpiob::PB10<7>); #[cfg(feature = "usart3")] pin!(PinRx<USART3> for gpiob::PB11<7>); #[cfg(any( feature = "stm32f412", feature = "stm32f413", feature = "stm32f423", feature = "stm32f446" ))] pin!(PinRx<USART3> for gpioc::PC5<7>); #[cfg(any( feature = "stm32f405", feature = "stm32f407", feature = "stm32f412", feature = "stm32f413", feature = "stm32f415", feature = "stm32f417", feature = "stm32f423", feature = "stm32f427", feature = "stm32f429", feature = "stm32f437", feature = "stm32f439", feature = "stm32f446", feature = "stm32f469", feature = "stm32f479" ))] pin!(PinTx<USART3> for gpioc::PC10<7>); #[cfg(any( feature = "stm32f405", feature = "stm32f407", feature = "stm32f412", feature = "stm32f413", feature = "stm32f415", feature = "stm32f417", feature = "stm32f423", feature = "stm32f427", feature = "stm32f429", feature = "stm32f437", feature = "stm32f439", feature = "stm32f446", feature = "stm32f469", feature = "stm32f479" ))] pin!(PinRx<USART3> for gpioc::PC11<7>); #[cfg(any( feature = "stm32f405", feature = "stm32f407", feature = "stm32f412", feature = "stm32f413", feature = "stm32f415", feature = "stm32f417", feature = "stm32f423", feature = "stm32f427", feature = "stm32f429", feature = "stm32f437", feature = "stm32f439", feature = "stm32f446", feature = "stm32f469", feature = "stm32f479" ))] pin!(PinTx<USART3> for gpiod::PD8<7>); #[cfg(any( feature = "stm32f405", feature = "stm32f407", feature = "stm32f412", feature = "stm32f413", feature = "stm32f415", feature = "stm32f417", feature = "stm32f423", feature = "stm32f427", feature = "stm32f429", feature = "stm32f437", feature = "stm32f439", feature = "stm32f446", feature = "stm32f469", feature = "stm32f479" ))] pin!(PinRx<USART3> for gpiod::PD9<7>); #[cfg(feature = "uart4")] pin!(PinTx<UART4> for gpioa::PA0<8>); #[cfg(feature = "uart4")] pin!(PinRx<UART4> for gpioa::PA1<8>); #[cfg(any(feature = "stm32f413", feature = "stm32f423"))] pin!(PinTx<UART4> for gpioa::PA12<11>); #[cfg(any(feature = "stm32f413", feature = "stm32f423"))] pin!(PinRx<UART4> for gpioa::PA11<11>); #[cfg(any( feature = "stm32f405", feature = "stm32f407", feature = "stm32f415", feature = "stm32f417", feature = "stm32f427", feature = "stm32f429", feature = "stm32f437", feature = "stm32f439", feature = "stm32f446", feature = "stm32f469", feature = "stm32f479" ))] pin!(PinTx<UART4> for gpioc::PC10<8>); #[cfg(any( feature = "stm32f405", feature = "stm32f407", feature = "stm32f415", feature = "stm32f417", feature = "stm32f427", feature = "stm32f429", feature = "stm32f437", feature = "stm32f439", feature = "stm32f446", feature = "stm32f469", feature = "stm32f479" ))] pin!(PinRx<UART4> for gpioc::PC11<8>); #[cfg(any(feature = "stm32f413", feature = "stm32f423"))] pin!(PinTx<UART4> for gpiod::PD1<11>); #[cfg(any(feature = "stm32f413", feature = "stm32f423"))] pin!(PinRx<UART4> for gpiod::PD0<11>); #[cfg(any(feature = "stm32f413", feature = "stm32f423"))] pin!(PinTx<UART4> for gpiod::PD10<8>); #[cfg(any(feature = "stm32f413", feature = "stm32f423"))] pin!(PinRx<UART4> for gpioc::PC11<8>); #[cfg(any(feature = "stm32f413", feature = "stm32f423"))] pin!(PinTx<UART5> for gpiob::PB6<11>); #[cfg(any(feature = "stm32f413", feature = "stm32f423"))] pin!(PinRx<UART5> for gpiob::PB5<11>); #[cfg(any(feature = "stm32f413", feature = "stm32f423"))] pin!(PinTx<UART5> for gpiob::PB9<11>); #[cfg(any(feature = "stm32f413", feature = "stm32f423"))] pin!(PinRx<UART5> for gpiob::PB8<11>); #[cfg(any(feature = "stm32f413", feature = "stm32f423"))] pin!(PinTx<UART5> for gpiob::PB13<11>); #[cfg(any(feature = "stm32f413", feature = "stm32f423"))] pin!(PinRx<UART5> for gpiob::PB12<11>); #[cfg(feature = "uart5")] pin!(PinTx<UART5> for gpioc::PC12<8>); #[cfg(feature = "uart5")] pin!(PinRx<UART5> for gpiod::PD2<8>); #[cfg(any(feature = "stm32f446"))] pin!(PinTx<UART5> for gpioe::PE8<8>); #[cfg(any(feature = "stm32f446"))] pin!(PinRx<UART5> for gpioe::PE7<8>); #[cfg(any( feature = "stm32f401", feature = "stm32f410", feature = "stm32f411", feature = "stm32f412", feature = "stm32f413", feature = "stm32f423" ))] pin!(PinTx<USART6> for gpioa::PA11<8>); #[cfg(any( feature = "stm32f401", feature = "stm32f410", feature = "stm32f411", feature = "stm32f412", feature = "stm32f413", feature = "stm32f423" ))] pin!(PinRx<USART6> for gpioa::PA12<8>); pin!(PinTx<USART6> for gpioc::PC6<8>); pin!(PinRx<USART6> for gpioc::PC7<8>); #[cfg(any( feature = "stm32f405", feature = "stm32f407", feature = "stm32f412", feature = "stm32f413", feature = "stm32f415", feature = "stm32f417", feature = "stm32f423", feature = "stm32f427", feature = "stm32f429", feature = "stm32f437", feature = "stm32f439", feature = "stm32f446", feature = "stm32f469", feature = "stm32f479" ))] pin!(PinTx<USART6> for gpiog::PG14<8>); #[cfg(any( feature = "stm32f405", feature = "stm32f407", feature = "stm32f412", feature = "stm32f413", feature = "stm32f415", feature = "stm32f417", feature = "stm32f423", feature = "stm32f427", feature = "stm32f429", feature = "stm32f437", feature = "stm32f439", feature = "stm32f446", feature = "stm32f469", feature = "stm32f479" ))] pin!(PinRx<USART6> for gpiog::PG9<8>); #[cfg(any(feature = "stm32f413", feature = "stm32f423"))] pin!(PinTx<UART7> for gpioa::PA15<8>); #[cfg(any(feature = "stm32f413", feature = "stm32f423"))] pin!(PinRx<UART7> for gpioa::PA8<8>); #[cfg(any(feature = "stm32f413", feature = "stm32f423"))] pin!(PinTx<UART7> for gpiob::PB4<8>); #[cfg(any(feature = "stm32f413", feature = "stm32f423"))] pin!(PinRx<UART7> for gpiob::PB3<8>); #[cfg(all(feature = "uart7", feature = "gpioe"))] pin!(PinTx<UART7> for gpioe::PE8<8>); #[cfg(all(feature = "uart7", feature = "gpioe"))] pin!(PinRx<UART7> for gpioe::PE7<8>); #[cfg(all(feature = "uart7", feature = "gpiof"))] pin!(PinTx<UART7> for gpiof::PF7<8>); #[cfg(all(feature = "uart7", feature = "gpiof"))] pin!(PinRx<UART7> for gpiof::PF6<8>); #[cfg(all(feature = "uart8", feature = "gpioe"))] pin!(PinTx<UART8> for gpioe::PE1<8>); #[cfg(all(feature = "uart8", feature = "gpioe"))] pin!(PinRx<UART8> for gpioe::PE0<8>); #[cfg(any(feature = "stm32f413", feature = "stm32f423"))] pin!(PinTx<UART8> for gpiof::PF9<8>); #[cfg(any(feature = "stm32f413", feature = "stm32f423"))] pin!(PinRx<UART8> for gpiof::PF8<8>); #[cfg(any(feature = "stm32f413", feature = "stm32f423"))] pin!(PinTx<UART9> for gpiod::PD15<11>); #[cfg(any(feature = "stm32f413", feature = "stm32f423"))] pin!(PinRx<UART9> for gpiod::PD14<11>); #[cfg(any(feature = "stm32f413", feature = "stm32f423"))] pin!(PinTx<UART9> for gpiog::PG1<11>); #[cfg(any(feature = "stm32f413", feature = "stm32f423"))] pin!(PinRx<UART9> for gpiog::PG0<11>); #[cfg(any(feature = "stm32f413", feature = "stm32f423"))] pin!(PinTx<UART10> for gpioe::PE3<11>); #[cfg(any(feature = "stm32f413", feature = "stm32f423"))] pin!(PinRx<UART10> for gpioe::PE2<11>); #[cfg(any(feature = "stm32f413", feature = "stm32f423"))] pin!(PinTx<UART10> for gpiog::PG12<11>); #[cfg(any(feature = "stm32f413", feature = "stm32f423"))] pin!(PinRx<UART10> for gpiog::PG11<11>); /// Serial abstraction pub struct Serial<USART, PINS, WORD = u8> { usart: USART, pins: PINS, tx: Tx<USART, WORD>, rx: Rx<USART, WORD>, } /// Serial receiver pub struct Rx<USART, WORD = u8> { _usart: PhantomData<USART>, _word: PhantomData<WORD>, } /// Serial transmitter pub struct Tx<USART, WORD = u8> { _usart: PhantomData<USART>, _word: PhantomData<WORD>, } impl<USART, WORD> Rx<USART, WORD> where USART: Instance, { fn new() -> Self { Self { _usart: PhantomData, _word: PhantomData, } } /// Start listening for an rx not empty interrupt event /// /// Note, you will also have to enable the corresponding interrupt /// in the NVIC to start receiving events. pub fn listen(&mut self) { unsafe { (*USART::ptr()).cr1.modify(|_, w| w.rxneie().set_bit()) } } /// Stop listening for the rx not empty interrupt event pub fn unlisten(&mut self) { unsafe { (*USART::ptr()).cr1.modify(|_, w| w.rxneie().clear_bit()) } } /// Start listening for a line idle interrupt event /// /// Note, you will also have to enable the corresponding interrupt /// in the NVIC to start receiving events. pub fn listen_idle(&mut self) { unsafe { (*USART::ptr()).cr1.modify(|_, w| w.idleie().set_bit()) } } /// Stop listening for the line idle interrupt event pub fn unlisten_idle(&mut self) { unsafe { (*USART::ptr()).cr1.modify(|_, w| w.idleie().clear_bit()) } } /// Return true if the line idle status is set pub fn is_idle(&self) -> bool { unsafe { (*USART::ptr()).sr.read().idle().bit_is_set() } } /// Return true if the rx register is not empty (and can be read) pub fn is_rx_not_empty(&self) -> bool { unsafe { (*USART::ptr()).sr.read().rxne().bit_is_set() } } /// Clear idle line interrupt flag pub fn clear_idle_interrupt(&self) { unsafe { let _ = (*USART::ptr()).sr.read(); let _ = (*USART::ptr()).dr.read(); } } } impl<USART, WORD> Tx<USART, WORD> where USART: Instance, { fn new() -> Self { Self { _usart: PhantomData, _word: PhantomData, } } /// Start listening for a tx empty interrupt event /// /// Note, you will also have to enable the corresponding interrupt /// in the NVIC to start receiving events. pub fn listen(&mut self) { unsafe { (*USART::ptr()).cr1.modify(|_, w| w.txeie().set_bit()) } } /// Stop listening for the tx empty interrupt event pub fn unlisten(&mut self) { unsafe { (*USART::ptr()).cr1.modify(|_, w| w.txeie().clear_bit()) } } /// Return true if the tx register is empty (and can accept data) pub fn is_tx_empty(&self) -> bool { unsafe { (*USART::ptr()).sr.read().txe().bit_is_set() } } } impl<USART, PINS, WORD> AsRef<Tx<USART, WORD>> for Serial<USART, PINS, WORD> { fn as_ref(&self) -> &Tx<USART, WORD> { &self.tx } } impl<USART, PINS, WORD> AsRef<Rx<USART, WORD>> for Serial<USART, PINS, WORD> { fn as_ref(&self) -> &Rx<USART, WORD> { &self.rx } } impl<USART, PINS, WORD> AsMut<Tx<USART, WORD>> for Serial<USART, PINS, WORD> { fn as_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Tx<USART, WORD> { &mut self.tx } } impl<USART, PINS, WORD> AsMut<Rx<USART, WORD>> for Serial<USART, PINS, WORD> { fn as_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Rx<USART, WORD> { &mut self.rx } } impl<USART, TX, RX, WORD, const TXA: u8, const RXA: u8> Serial<USART, (TX, RX), WORD> where TX: PinTx<USART, A = Const<TXA>> + SetAlternate<TXA>, RX: PinRx<USART, A = Const<RXA>> + SetAlternate<RXA>, USART: Instance, { /* StopBits::STOP0P5 and StopBits::STOP1P5 aren't supported when using UART STOP_A::STOP1 and STOP_A::STOP2 will be used, respectively */ pub fn new( usart: USART, mut pins: (TX, RX), config: config::Config, clocks: Clocks, ) -> Result<Self, config::InvalidConfig> { use self::config::*; unsafe { // NOTE(unsafe) this reference will only be used for atomic writes with no side effects. let rcc = &(*RCC::ptr()); // Enable clock. USART::enable(rcc); USART::reset(rcc); } let pclk_freq = USART::get_frequency(&clocks).0; let baud = config.baudrate.0; // The frequency to calculate USARTDIV is this: // // (Taken from STM32F411xC/E Reference Manual, // Section 19.3.4, Equation 1) // // 16 bit oversample: OVER8 = 0 // 8 bit oversample: OVER8 = 1 // // USARTDIV = (pclk) // ------------------------ // 8 x (2 - OVER8) x (baud) // // BUT, the USARTDIV has 4 "fractional" bits, which effectively // means that we need to "correct" the equation as follows: // // USARTDIV = (pclk) * 16 // ------------------------ // 8 x (2 - OVER8) x (baud) // // When OVER8 is enabled, we can only use the lowest three // fractional bits, so we'll need to shift those last four bits // right one bit // Calculate correct baudrate divisor on the fly let (over8, div) = if (pclk_freq / 16) >= baud { // We have the ability to oversample to 16 bits, take // advantage of it. // // We also add `baud / 2` to the `pclk_freq` to ensure // rounding of values to the closest scale, rather than the // floored behavior of normal integer division. let div = (pclk_freq + (baud / 2)) / baud; (false, div) } else if (pclk_freq / 8) >= baud { // We are close enough to pclk where we can only // oversample 8. // // See note above regarding `baud` and rounding. let div = ((pclk_freq * 2) + (baud / 2)) / baud; // Ensure the the fractional bits (only 3) are // right-aligned. let frac = div & 0xF; let div = (div & !0xF) | (frac >> 1); (true, div) } else { return Err(config::InvalidConfig); }; unsafe { (*USART::ptr()).brr.write(|w| w.bits(div)) }; // Reset other registers to disable advanced USART features unsafe { (*USART::ptr()).cr2.reset() }; unsafe { (*USART::ptr()).cr3.reset() }; // Enable transmission and receiving // and configure frame unsafe { (*USART::ptr()).cr1.write(|w| { w.ue() .set_bit() .over8() .bit(over8) .te() .set_bit() .re() .set_bit() .m() .bit(match config.wordlength { WordLength::DataBits8 => false, WordLength::DataBits9 => true, }) .pce() .bit(!matches!(config.parity, Parity::ParityNone)) .ps() .bit(matches!(config.parity, Parity::ParityOdd)) }) }; match config.dma { DmaConfig::Tx => unsafe { (*USART::ptr()).cr3.write(|w| w.dmat().enabled()) }, DmaConfig::Rx => unsafe { (*USART::ptr()).cr3.write(|w| w.dmar().enabled()) }, DmaConfig::TxRx => unsafe { (*USART::ptr()) .cr3 .write(|w| w.dmar().enabled().dmat().enabled()) }, DmaConfig::None => {} } pins.0.set_alt_mode(); pins.1.set_alt_mode(); Ok(Serial { usart, pins, tx: Tx::new(), rx: Rx::new(), } .config_stop(config)) } pub fn release(mut self) -> (USART, (TX, RX)) { self.pins.0.restore_mode(); self.pins.1.restore_mode(); (self.usart, self.pins) } } impl<USART, TX, WORD, const TXA: u8> Serial<USART, (TX, NoPin), WORD> where TX: PinTx<USART, A = Const<TXA>> + SetAlternate<TXA>, USART: Instance, { pub fn tx( usart: USART, tx_pin: TX, config: config::Config, clocks: Clocks, ) -> Result<Tx<USART, WORD>, config::InvalidConfig> { Self::new(usart, (tx_pin, NoPin), config, clocks).map(|s| s.split().0) } } impl<USART, RX, WORD, const RXA: u8> Serial<USART, (NoPin, RX), WORD> where RX: PinRx<USART, A = Const<RXA>> + SetAlternate<RXA>, USART: Instance, { pub fn rx( usart: USART, rx_pin: RX, config: config::Config, clocks: Clocks, ) -> Result<Rx<USART, WORD>, config::InvalidConfig> { Self::new(usart, (NoPin, rx_pin), config, clocks).map(|s| s.split().1) } } impl<USART, PINS, WORD> Serial<USART, PINS, WORD> where USART: Instance, { /// Starts listening for an interrupt event /// /// Note, you will also have to enable the corresponding interrupt /// in the NVIC to start receiving events. pub fn listen(&mut self, event: Event) { match event { Event::Rxne => unsafe { (*USART::ptr()).cr1.modify(|_, w| w.rxneie().set_bit()) }, Event::Txe => unsafe { (*USART::ptr()).cr1.modify(|_, w| w.txeie().set_bit()) }, Event::Idle => unsafe { (*USART::ptr()).cr1.modify(|_, w| w.idleie().set_bit()) }, } } /// Stop listening for an interrupt event pub fn unlisten(&mut self, event: Event) { match event { Event::Rxne => unsafe { (*USART::ptr()).cr1.modify(|_, w| w.rxneie().clear_bit()) }, Event::Txe => unsafe { (*USART::ptr()).cr1.modify(|_, w| w.txeie().clear_bit()) }, Event::Idle => unsafe { (*USART::ptr()).cr1.modify(|_, w| w.idleie().clear_bit()) }, } } /// Return true if the line idle status is set pub fn is_idle(&self) -> bool { unsafe { (*USART::ptr()).sr.read().idle().bit_is_set() } } /// Return true if the tx register is empty (and can accept data) pub fn is_tx_empty(&self) -> bool { unsafe { (*USART::ptr()).sr.read().txe().bit_is_set() } } /// Return true if the tx register is empty (and can accept data) #[deprecated(since = "0.10.0")] pub fn is_txe(&self) -> bool { unsafe { (*USART::ptr()).sr.read().txe().bit_is_set() } } /// Return true if the rx register is not empty (and can be read) pub fn is_rx_not_empty(&self) -> bool { unsafe { (*USART::ptr()).sr.read().rxne().bit_is_set() } } /// Return true if the rx register is not empty (and can be read) #[deprecated(since = "0.10.0")] pub fn is_rxne(&self) -> bool { unsafe { (*USART::ptr()).sr.read().rxne().bit_is_set() } } /// Clear idle line interrupt flag pub fn clear_idle_interrupt(&self) { unsafe { let _ = (*USART::ptr()).sr.read(); let _ = (*USART::ptr()).dr.read(); } } pub fn split(self) -> (Tx<USART, WORD>, Rx<USART, WORD>) { (self.tx, self.rx) } } impl<USART, PINS> Serial<USART, PINS, u8> where USART: Instance, { /// Converts this Serial into a version that can read and write `u16` values instead of `u8`s /// /// This can be used with a word length of 9 bits. pub fn with_u16_data(self) -> Serial<USART, PINS, u16> { Serial { usart: self.usart, pins: self.pins, tx: Tx::new(), rx: Rx::new(), } } } impl<USART, PINS> Serial<USART, PINS, u16> where USART: Instance, { /// Converts this Serial into a version that can read and write `u8` values instead of `u16`s /// /// This can be used with a word length of 8 bits. pub fn with_u8_data(self) -> Serial<USART, PINS, u8> { Serial { usart: self.usart, pins: self.pins, tx: Tx::new(), rx: Rx::new(), } } } impl<USART, PINS, WORD> serial::Read<WORD> for Serial<USART, PINS, WORD> where USART: Instance, Rx<USART, WORD>: serial::Read<WORD, Error = Error>, { type Error = Error; fn read(&mut self) -> nb::Result<WORD, Error> { self.rx.read() } } impl<USART> serial::Read<u8> for Rx<USART, u8> where USART: Instance, { type Error = Error; fn read(&mut self) -> nb::Result<u8, Self::Error> { // Delegate to the Read<u16> implementation, then truncate to 8 bits Rx::<USART, u16>::new().read().map(|word16| word16 as u8) } } /// Reads 9-bit words from the UART/USART /// /// If the UART/USART was configured with `WordLength::DataBits9`, the returned value will contain /// 9 received data bits and all other bits set to zero. Otherwise, the returned value will contain /// 8 received data bits and all other bits set to zero. impl<USART> serial::Read<u16> for Rx<USART, u16> where USART: Instance, { type Error = Error; fn read(&mut self) -> nb::Result<u16, Error> { // NOTE(unsafe) atomic read with no side effects let sr = unsafe { (*USART::ptr()).sr.read() }; // Any error requires the dr to be read to clear if sr.pe().bit_is_set() || sr.fe().bit_is_set() || sr.nf().bit_is_set() || sr.ore().bit_is_set() { unsafe { (*USART::ptr()).dr.read() }; } Err(if sr.pe().bit_is_set() { Error::Parity.into() } else if sr.fe().bit_is_set() { Error::Framing.into() } else if sr.nf().bit_is_set() { Error::Noise.into() } else if sr.ore().bit_is_set() { Error::Overrun.into() } else if sr.rxne().bit_is_set() { // NOTE(unsafe) atomic read from stateless register return Ok(unsafe { &*USART::ptr() }.dr.read().dr().bits()); } else { nb::Error::WouldBlock }) } } unsafe impl<USART> PeriAddress for Rx<USART, u8> where USART: Instance, { #[inline(always)] fn address(&self) -> u32 { &(unsafe { &(*USART::ptr()) }.dr) as *const _ as u32 } type MemSize = u8; } impl<USART, PINS, WORD> serial::Write<WORD> for Serial<USART, PINS, WORD> where USART: Instance, Tx<USART, WORD>: serial::Write<WORD, Error = Error>, { type Error = Error; fn flush(&mut self) -> nb::Result<(), Self::Error> { self.tx.flush() } fn write(&mut self, byte: WORD) -> nb::Result<(), Self::Error> { self.tx.write(byte) } } unsafe impl<USART> PeriAddress for Tx<USART, u8> where USART: Instance, { #[inline(always)] fn address(&self) -> u32 { &(unsafe { &(*USART::ptr()) }.dr) as *const _ as u32 } type MemSize = u8; } impl<USART> serial::Write<u8> for Tx<USART, u8> where USART: Instance, { type Error = Error; fn write(&mut self, word: u8) -> nb::Result<(), Self::Error> { // Delegate to u16 version Tx::<USART, u16>::new().write(u16::from(word)) } fn flush(&mut self) -> nb::Result<(), Self::Error> { // Delegate to u16 version Tx::<USART, u16>::new().flush() } } /// Writes 9-bit words to the UART/USART /// /// If the UART/USART was configured with `WordLength::DataBits9`, the 9 least significant bits will /// be transmitted and the other 7 bits will be ignored. Otherwise, the 8 least significant bits /// will be transmitted and the other 8 bits will be ignored. impl<USART> serial::Write<u16> for Tx<USART, u16> where USART: Instance, { type Error = Error; fn flush(&mut self) -> nb::Result<(), Self::Error> { // NOTE(unsafe) atomic read with no side effects let sr = unsafe { (*USART::ptr()).sr.read() }; if sr.tc().bit_is_set() { Ok(()) } else { Err(nb::Error::WouldBlock) } } fn write(&mut self, word: u16) -> nb::Result<(), Self::Error> { // NOTE(unsafe) atomic read with no side effects let sr = unsafe { (*USART::ptr()).sr.read() }; if sr.txe().bit_is_set() { // NOTE(unsafe) atomic write to stateless register unsafe { &*USART::ptr() }.dr.write(|w| w.dr().bits(word)); Ok(()) } else { Err(nb::Error::WouldBlock) } } } impl<USART> blocking::serial::Write<u16> for Tx<USART, u16> where USART: Instance, { type Error = Error; fn bwrite_all(&mut self, buffer: &[u16]) -> Result<(), Self::Error> { for &b in buffer { loop { match self.write(b) { Err(nb::Error::WouldBlock) => continue, Err(nb::Error::Other(err)) => return Err(err), Ok(()) => break, } } } Ok(()) } fn bflush(&mut self) -> Result<(), Self::Error> { loop { match <Self as serial::Write<u16>>::flush(self) { Ok(()) => return Ok(()), Err(nb::Error::WouldBlock) => continue, Err(nb::Error::Other(err)) => return Err(err), } } } } impl<USART> blocking::serial::Write<u8> for Tx<USART, u8> where USART: Instance, { type Error = Error; fn bwrite_all(&mut self, bytes: &[u8]) -> Result<(), Self::Error> { for &b in bytes { loop { match self.write(b) { Err(nb::Error::WouldBlock) => continue, Err(nb::Error::Other(err)) => return Err(err), Ok(()) => break, } } } Ok(()) } fn bflush(&mut self) -> Result<(), Self::Error> { loop { match <Self as serial::Write<u8>>::flush(self) { Ok(()) => return Ok(()), Err(nb::Error::WouldBlock) => continue, Err(nb::Error::Other(err)) => return Err(err), } } } } impl<USART, PINS> blocking::serial::Write<u16> for Serial<USART, PINS, u16> where USART: Instance, { type Error = Error; fn bwrite_all(&mut self, bytes: &[u16]) -> Result<(), Self::Error> { self.tx.bwrite_all(bytes) } fn bflush(&mut self) -> Result<(), Self::Error> { self.tx.bflush() } } impl<USART, PINS> blocking::serial::Write<u8> for Serial<USART, PINS, u8> where USART: Instance, { type Error = Error; fn bwrite_all(&mut self, bytes: &[u8]) -> Result<(), Self::Error> { self.tx.bwrite_all(bytes) } fn bflush(&mut self) -> Result<(), Self::Error> { self.tx.bflush() } } impl<USART, PINS, WORD> Serial<USART, PINS, WORD> where USART: Instance, { fn config_stop(self, config: config::Config) -> Self { self.usart.set_stopbits(config.stopbits); self } } #[cfg(any( feature = "stm32f405", feature = "stm32f407", feature = "stm32f415", feature = "stm32f417", feature = "stm32f427", feature = "stm32f429", feature = "stm32f437", feature = "stm32f439", feature = "stm32f446", feature = "stm32f469", feature = "stm32f479" ))] use crate::pac::uart4 as uart_base; #[cfg(not(any( feature = "stm32f405", feature = "stm32f407", feature = "stm32f415", feature = "stm32f417", feature = "stm32f427", feature = "stm32f429", feature = "stm32f437", feature = "stm32f439", feature = "stm32f446", feature = "stm32f469", feature = "stm32f479" )))] use crate::pac::usart1 as uart_base; // Implemented by all USART instances pub trait Instance: crate::Sealed + rcc::Enable + rcc::Reset + rcc::GetBusFreq { #[doc(hidden)] fn ptr() -> *const uart_base::RegisterBlock; #[doc(hidden)] fn set_stopbits(&self, bits: config::StopBits); } macro_rules! halUsart { ($USARTX:ty: ($usartX:ident)) => { impl Instance for $USARTX { fn ptr() -> *const uart_base::RegisterBlock { <$USARTX>::ptr() as *const _ } fn set_stopbits(&self, bits: config::StopBits) { use crate::pac::usart1::cr2::STOP_A; use config::StopBits; self.cr2.write(|w| { w.stop().variant(match bits { StopBits::STOP0P5 => STOP_A::STOP0P5, StopBits::STOP1 => STOP_A::STOP1, StopBits::STOP1P5 => STOP_A::STOP1P5, StopBits::STOP2 => STOP_A::STOP2, }) }); } } impl<USART, TX, RX, const TXA: u8, const RXA: u8> Serial<USART, (TX, RX)> where TX: PinTx<USART, A = Const<TXA>> + SetAlternate<TXA>, RX: PinRx<USART, A = Const<RXA>> + SetAlternate<RXA>, USART: Instance, { #[deprecated(since = "0.10.0")] pub fn $usartX( usart: USART, pins: (TX, RX), config: config::Config, clocks: Clocks, ) -> Result<Self, config::InvalidConfig> { Self::new(usart, pins, config, clocks) } } }; } // TODO: fix stm32f413 UARTs #[cfg(any( feature = "uart4", feature = "uart5", feature = "uart7", feature = "uart8", feature = "uart9", feature = "uart10" ))] #[cfg(not(any(feature = "stm32f413", feature = "stm32f423",)))] macro_rules! halUart { ($USARTX:ty: ($usartX:ident)) => { impl Instance for $USARTX { fn ptr() -> *const uart_base::RegisterBlock { <$USARTX>::ptr() as *const _ } fn set_stopbits(&self, bits: config::StopBits) { use crate::pac::uart4::cr2::STOP_A; use config::StopBits; self.cr2.write(|w| { w.stop().variant(match bits { StopBits::STOP0P5 => STOP_A::STOP1, StopBits::STOP1 => STOP_A::STOP1, StopBits::STOP1P5 => STOP_A::STOP2, StopBits::STOP2 => STOP_A::STOP2, }) }); } } impl<USART, TX, RX, const TXA: u8, const RXA: u8> Serial<USART, (TX, RX)> where TX: PinTx<USART, A = Const<TXA>> + SetAlternate<TXA>, RX: PinRx<USART, A = Const<RXA>> + SetAlternate<RXA>, USART: Instance, { #[deprecated(since = "0.10.0")] pub fn $usartX( usart: USART, pins: (TX, RX), config: config::Config, clocks: Clocks, ) -> Result<Self, config::InvalidConfig> { Self::new(usart, pins, config, clocks) } } }; } halUsart! { USART1: (usart1) } halUsart! { USART2: (usart2) } halUsart! { USART6: (usart6) } #[cfg(feature = "usart3")] halUsart! { USART3: (usart3) } #[cfg(feature = "uart4")] #[cfg(not(any(feature = "stm32f413", feature = "stm32f423")))] halUart! { UART4: (uart4) } #[cfg(feature = "uart5")] #[cfg(not(any(feature = "stm32f413", feature = "stm32f423")))] halUart! { UART5: (uart5) } #[cfg(feature = "uart4")] #[cfg(any(feature = "stm32f413", feature = "stm32f423"))] halUsart! { UART4: (uart4) } #[cfg(feature = "uart5")] #[cfg(any(feature = "stm32f413", feature = "stm32f423"))] halUsart! { UART5: (uart5) } #[cfg(feature = "uart7")] halUsart! { UART7: (uart7) } #[cfg(feature = "uart8")] halUsart! { UART8: (uart8) } #[cfg(feature = "uart9")] halUsart! { UART9: (uart9) } #[cfg(feature = "uart10")] halUsart! { UART10: (uart10) } impl<USART, PINS> fmt::Write for Serial<USART, PINS> where Tx<USART>: serial::Write<u8>, { fn write_str(&mut self, s: &str) -> fmt::Result { self.tx.write_str(s) } } impl<USART> fmt::Write for Tx<USART> where Tx<USART>: serial::Write<u8>, { fn write_str(&mut self, s: &str) -> fmt::Result { s.bytes() .try_for_each(|c| block!(self.write(c))) .map_err(|_| fmt::Error) } }
//! Mutators that can handle recursive types. //! //! There are two main mutators: //! 1. [`RecursiveMutator`] is the top-level mutator for the recursive type //! 2. [`RecurToMutator`] is the mutator used at points of recursion. It is essentially a weak reference to [`RecursiveMutator`] //! //! In practice, you will want to use the [`make_mutator!`](crate::make_mutator) procedural macro to create recursive mutators. //! For example: //! ``` //! # #![feature(no_coverage)] //! use fuzzcheck::mutators::{option::OptionMutator, boxed::BoxMutator}; //! use fuzzcheck::mutators::recursive::{RecursiveMutator, RecurToMutator}; //! use fuzzcheck::DefaultMutator; //! use fuzzcheck::make_mutator; //! //! #[derive(Clone)] //! struct S { //! content: bool, //! next: Option<Box<S>> // the type recurses here //! } //! //! make_mutator! { //! name: SMutator, //! recursive: true, // this is important //! default: false, //! type: struct S { //! content: bool, //! // We need to specify a concrete sub-mutator for this field to avoid creating an infinite type. //! // We use the standard Option and Box mutators, but replace what would be SMutator<M0, M1> by //! // RecurToMutator<SMutator<M0>>, which indicates that this is a point of recursion //! // and the mutator should be a weak reference to a RecursiveMutator //! // The M0 part refers to the mutator for the `content: bool` field. //! #[field_mutator(OptionMutator<Box<S>, BoxMutator<RecurToMutator<SMutator<M0>>>>)] //! next: Option<Box<S>> //! } //! } //! # fn main() { //! //! let s_mutator = RecursiveMutator::new(|mutator| { //! SMutator::new( //! /*content_mutator:*/ bool::default_mutator(), //! /*next_mutator:*/ OptionMutator::new(BoxMutator::new(RecurToMutator::from(mutator))) //! ) //! }); //! // s_mutator impl Mutator<S> //! # } //! ``` use crate::Mutator; use std::{ any::Any, fmt::Debug, rc::{Rc, Weak}, }; /// The ArbitraryStep that is used for recursive mutators #[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)] pub enum RecursingArbitraryStep<AS> { Default, Initialized(AS), } impl<AS> Default for RecursingArbitraryStep<AS> { #[no_coverage] fn default() -> Self { Self::Default } } /** A wrapper that allows a mutator to call itself recursively. For example, it is used to provide mutators for types such as: ``` struct S { content: bool, // to mutate this field, a mutator must be able to recursively call itself next: Option<Box<S>> } ``` `RecursiveMutator` is only the top-level type. It must be used in conjuction with [`RecurToMutator`](crate::mutators::recursive::RecurToMutator) at points of recursion. For example: ``` # #![feature(no_coverage)] use fuzzcheck::DefaultMutator; use fuzzcheck::mutators::{option::OptionMutator, boxed::BoxMutator}; use fuzzcheck::mutators::recursive::{RecursiveMutator, RecurToMutator}; # use fuzzcheck::make_mutator; # #[derive(Clone)] # struct S { # content: bool, # next: Option<Box<S>> # } # make_mutator! { # name: SMutator, # recursive: true, # default: false, # type: struct S { # content: bool, # #[field_mutator(OptionMutator<Box<S>, BoxMutator<RecurToMutator<SMutator<M0>>>>)] # next: Option<Box<S>> # } # } let s_mutator = RecursiveMutator::new(|mutator| { SMutator::new( /*content_mutator:*/ bool::default_mutator(), /*next_mutator:*/ OptionMutator::new(BoxMutator::new(RecurToMutator::from(mutator))) ) }); ``` */ pub struct RecursiveMutator<M> { pub mutator: Rc<M>, rng: fastrand::Rng, } impl<M> RecursiveMutator<M> { /// Create a new `RecursiveMutator` using a weak reference to itself. #[no_coverage] pub fn new(data_fn: impl FnOnce(&Weak<M>) -> M) -> Self { Self { mutator: Rc::new_cyclic(data_fn), rng: fastrand::Rng::new(), } } } /// A mutator that defers to a weak reference of a /// [`RecursiveMutator`](crate::mutators::recursive::RecursiveMutator) pub struct RecurToMutator<M> { reference: Weak<M>, } impl<M> From<&Weak<M>> for RecurToMutator<M> { #[no_coverage] fn from(reference: &Weak<M>) -> Self { Self { reference: reference.clone(), } } } impl<T, M> Mutator<T> for RecurToMutator<M> where M: Mutator<T>, T: Clone + 'static, { #[doc(hidden)] type Cache = <M as Mutator<T>>::Cache; #[doc(hidden)] type MutationStep = <M as Mutator<T>>::MutationStep; #[doc(hidden)] type ArbitraryStep = RecursingArbitraryStep<<M as Mutator<T>>::ArbitraryStep>; #[doc(hidden)] type UnmutateToken = <M as Mutator<T>>::UnmutateToken; #[doc(hidden)] #[no_coverage] fn default_arbitrary_step(&self) -> Self::ArbitraryStep { RecursingArbitraryStep::Default } #[doc(hidden)] #[no_coverage] fn validate_value(&self, value: &T) -> Option<Self::Cache> { self.reference.upgrade().unwrap().validate_value(value) } #[doc(hidden)] #[no_coverage] fn default_mutation_step(&self, value: &T, cache: &Self::Cache) -> Self::MutationStep { self.reference.upgrade().unwrap().default_mutation_step(value, cache) } #[doc(hidden)] #[no_coverage] fn max_complexity(&self) -> f64 { std::f64::INFINITY } #[doc(hidden)] #[no_coverage] fn min_complexity(&self) -> f64 { // should be the min complexity of the mutator if let Some(m) = self.reference.upgrade() { m.as_ref().min_complexity() } else { 1.0 // not right, but easy hack for now } } #[doc(hidden)] #[no_coverage] fn complexity(&self, value: &T, cache: &Self::Cache) -> f64 { self.reference.upgrade().unwrap().complexity(value, cache) } #[doc(hidden)] #[no_coverage] fn ordered_arbitrary(&self, step: &mut Self::ArbitraryStep, max_cplx: f64) -> Option<(T, f64)> { match step { RecursingArbitraryStep::Default => { let mutator = self.reference.upgrade().unwrap(); let inner_step = mutator.default_arbitrary_step(); *step = RecursingArbitraryStep::Initialized(inner_step); self.ordered_arbitrary(step, max_cplx) } RecursingArbitraryStep::Initialized(inner_step) => self .reference .upgrade() .unwrap() .ordered_arbitrary(inner_step, max_cplx), } } #[doc(hidden)] #[no_coverage] fn random_arbitrary(&self, max_cplx: f64) -> (T, f64) { self.reference.upgrade().unwrap().random_arbitrary(max_cplx) } #[doc(hidden)] #[no_coverage] fn ordered_mutate( &self, value: &mut T, cache: &mut Self::Cache, step: &mut Self::MutationStep, max_cplx: f64, ) -> Option<(Self::UnmutateToken, f64)> { self.reference .upgrade() .unwrap() .ordered_mutate(value, cache, step, max_cplx) } #[doc(hidden)] #[no_coverage] fn random_mutate(&self, value: &mut T, cache: &mut Self::Cache, max_cplx: f64) -> (Self::UnmutateToken, f64) { self.reference.upgrade().unwrap().random_mutate(value, cache, max_cplx) } #[doc(hidden)] #[no_coverage] fn unmutate(&self, value: &mut T, cache: &mut Self::Cache, t: Self::UnmutateToken) { self.reference.upgrade().unwrap().unmutate(value, cache, t) } #[doc(hidden)] type RecursingPartIndex = bool; #[doc(hidden)] #[no_coverage] fn default_recursing_part_index(&self, _value: &T, _cache: &Self::Cache) -> Self::RecursingPartIndex { false } #[doc(hidden)] #[no_coverage] fn recursing_part<'a, V, N>(&self, parent: &N, value: &'a T, index: &mut Self::RecursingPartIndex) -> Option<&'a V> where V: Clone + 'static, N: Mutator<V>, { if *index { None } else { *index = true; let parent_any: &dyn Any = parent; if let Some(parent) = parent_any.downcast_ref::<RecursiveMutator<M>>() { if Rc::downgrade(&parent.mutator).ptr_eq(&self.reference) { let v: &dyn Any = value; let v = v.downcast_ref::<V>().unwrap(); Some(v) } else { None } } else { None } } } } #[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)] pub struct RecursiveMutatorMutationStep<MS, RPI> { recursing_part_index: Option<RPI>, mutation_step: MS, } pub enum RecursiveMutatorUnmutateToken<T, UnmutateToken> { Replace(T), Token(UnmutateToken), } impl<M, T: Clone + 'static> Mutator<T> for RecursiveMutator<M> where M: Mutator<T>, { type Cache = M::Cache; type MutationStep = RecursiveMutatorMutationStep<M::MutationStep, M::RecursingPartIndex>; type ArbitraryStep = M::ArbitraryStep; type UnmutateToken = RecursiveMutatorUnmutateToken<T, M::UnmutateToken>; #[doc(hidden)] #[no_coverage] fn default_arbitrary_step(&self) -> Self::ArbitraryStep { self.mutator.default_arbitrary_step() } #[doc(hidden)] #[no_coverage] fn validate_value(&self, value: &T) -> Option<Self::Cache> { self.mutator.validate_value(value) } #[doc(hidden)] #[no_coverage] fn default_mutation_step(&self, value: &T, cache: &Self::Cache) -> Self::MutationStep { let mutation_step = self.mutator.default_mutation_step(value, cache); let recursing_part_index = Some(self.default_recursing_part_index(value, cache)); RecursiveMutatorMutationStep { mutation_step, recursing_part_index, } } #[doc(hidden)] #[no_coverage] fn max_complexity(&self) -> f64 { self.mutator.max_complexity() } #[doc(hidden)] #[no_coverage] fn min_complexity(&self) -> f64 { self.mutator.min_complexity() } #[doc(hidden)] #[no_coverage] fn complexity(&self, value: &T, cache: &Self::Cache) -> f64 { self.mutator.complexity(value, cache) } #[doc(hidden)] #[no_coverage] fn ordered_arbitrary(&self, step: &mut Self::ArbitraryStep, max_cplx: f64) -> Option<(T, f64)> { self.mutator.ordered_arbitrary(step, max_cplx) } #[doc(hidden)] #[no_coverage] fn random_arbitrary(&self, max_cplx: f64) -> (T, f64) { self.mutator.random_arbitrary(max_cplx) } #[doc(hidden)] #[no_coverage] fn ordered_mutate( &self, value: &mut T, cache: &mut Self::Cache, step: &mut Self::MutationStep, max_cplx: f64, ) -> Option<(Self::UnmutateToken, f64)> { if let Some(recursing_part_index) = &mut step.recursing_part_index { if let Some(new) = self .mutator .recursing_part::<T, Self>(self, value, recursing_part_index) { let mut new = new.clone(); let cache = self.validate_value(&new).unwrap(); let cplx = self.complexity(&new, &cache); std::mem::swap(value, &mut new); let token = RecursiveMutatorUnmutateToken::Replace(new); Some((token, cplx)) } else { step.recursing_part_index = None; self.ordered_mutate(value, cache, step, max_cplx) } } else { if let Some((token, cplx)) = self .mutator .ordered_mutate(value, cache, &mut step.mutation_step, max_cplx) { Some((RecursiveMutatorUnmutateToken::Token(token), cplx)) } else { None } } } #[doc(hidden)] #[no_coverage] fn random_mutate(&self, value: &mut T, cache: &mut Self::Cache, max_cplx: f64) -> (Self::UnmutateToken, f64) { if self.rng.usize(..100) == 0 { let mut recursing_part_index = self.default_recursing_part_index(value, cache); if let Some(new) = self .mutator .recursing_part::<T, Self>(self, value, &mut recursing_part_index) { let mut new = new.clone(); let cache = self.validate_value(&new).unwrap(); let cplx = self.complexity(&new, &cache); std::mem::swap(value, &mut new); let token = RecursiveMutatorUnmutateToken::Replace(new); return (token, cplx); } } let (token, cplx) = self.mutator.random_mutate(value, cache, max_cplx); let token = RecursiveMutatorUnmutateToken::Token(token); (token, cplx) } #[doc(hidden)] #[no_coverage] fn unmutate(&self, value: &mut T, cache: &mut Self::Cache, t: Self::UnmutateToken) { match t { RecursiveMutatorUnmutateToken::Replace(x) => { let _ = std::mem::replace(value, x); } RecursiveMutatorUnmutateToken::Token(t) => self.mutator.unmutate(value, cache, t), } } #[doc(hidden)] type RecursingPartIndex = M::RecursingPartIndex; #[doc(hidden)] #[no_coverage] fn default_recursing_part_index(&self, value: &T, cache: &Self::Cache) -> Self::RecursingPartIndex { self.mutator.default_recursing_part_index(value, cache) } #[doc(hidden)] #[no_coverage] fn recursing_part<'a, V, N>(&self, parent: &N, value: &'a T, index: &mut Self::RecursingPartIndex) -> Option<&'a V> where V: Clone + 'static, N: Mutator<V>, { self.mutator.recursing_part::<V, N>(parent, value, index) } }
use std::ffi::{c_void, CString}; use ultralight_sys::{ ulBitmapErase, ulBitmapGetBpp, ulBitmapGetFormat, ulBitmapGetHeight, ulBitmapGetRowBytes, ulBitmapGetSize, ulBitmapGetWidth, ulBitmapIsEmpty, ulBitmapLockPixels, ulBitmapOwnsPixels, ulBitmapSwapRedBlueChannels, ulBitmapUnlockPixels, ulBitmapWritePNG, ulCreateBitmap, ulCreateBitmapFromCopy, ulCreateBitmapFromPixels, ulCreateEmptyBitmap, ulDestroyBitmap, ULBitmap, ULBitmapFormat, }; pub struct Bitmap { pub raw: ULBitmap, created: bool, } pub type BitmapFormat = ULBitmapFormat; impl Bitmap { /// Create bitmap with certain dimensions and pixel format. pub fn new(width: u32, height: u32, format: BitmapFormat) -> Self { unsafe { Bitmap { raw: ulCreateBitmap(width, height, format), created: true, } } } /// Create bitmap from existing pixel buffer. pub fn new_from_pixels( width: u32, height: u32, format: BitmapFormat, row_bytes: u32, pixels: *mut c_void, size: u64, should_copy: bool, ) -> Self { unsafe { Bitmap { raw: ulCreateBitmapFromPixels( width, height, format, row_bytes, pixels, size, should_copy, ), created: true, } } } /// Create empty bitmap. pub fn new_empty() -> Self { unsafe { Bitmap { raw: ulCreateEmptyBitmap(), created: true, } } } /// Get the width in pixels. pub fn width(&self) -> u32 { unsafe { ulBitmapGetWidth(self.raw) } } /// Get the height in pixels. pub fn height(&self) -> u32 { unsafe { ulBitmapGetHeight(self.raw) } } /// Get the pixel format. pub fn format(&self) -> BitmapFormat { unsafe { ulBitmapGetFormat(self.raw) } } /// Get the number of bytes per row. pub fn row_bytes(&self) -> u32 { unsafe { ulBitmapGetRowBytes(self.raw) } } /// Get the size in bytes of the underlying pixel buffer. pub fn size(&self) -> u64 { unsafe { ulBitmapGetSize(self.raw) } } /// Whether or not this bitmap is empty. pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool { unsafe { ulBitmapIsEmpty(self.raw) } } /// Get the bytes per pixel. pub fn bpp(&self) -> u32 { unsafe { ulBitmapGetBpp(self.raw) } } /// Whether or not this bitmap owns its own pixel buffer. pub fn owns_pixels(&self) -> bool { unsafe { ulBitmapOwnsPixels(self.raw) } } /// Lock pixels for reading/writing for the current scope. pub fn lock_pixels(&self) -> BitmapPixelsGuard { unsafe { BitmapPixelsGuard { pixels: ulBitmapLockPixels(self.raw), bitmap: self, } } } /// Write bitmap to a PNG on disk. pub fn write_to_png(&self, path: &str) -> bool { unsafe { let cstr = CString::new(path).unwrap(); ulBitmapWritePNG(self.raw, cstr.as_ptr()) } } /// Reset bitmap pixels to 0. pub fn erase(&mut self) { unsafe { ulBitmapErase(self.raw); } } /// This converts a BGRA bitmap to RGBA bitmap and vice-versa by swapping the red and blue channels. pub fn swap_red_blue(&mut self) { unsafe { ulBitmapSwapRedBlueChannels(self.raw); } } } impl Clone for Bitmap { fn clone(&self) -> Self { unsafe { Bitmap { raw: ulCreateBitmapFromCopy(self.raw), created: true, } } } } impl From<ULBitmap> for Bitmap { fn from(raw: ULBitmap) -> Self { Bitmap { raw, created: false, } } } impl Drop for Bitmap { fn drop(&mut self) { unsafe { if self.created { ulDestroyBitmap(self.raw); } } } } pub struct BitmapPixelsGuard<'a> { pub pixels: *mut c_void, bitmap: &'a Bitmap, } impl Drop for BitmapPixelsGuard<'_> { fn drop(&mut self) { unsafe { ulBitmapUnlockPixels(self.bitmap.raw) } } }
// error-pattern: attempted dynamic environment-capture fn foo(x: int) { fn mth() { fn bar() { log(debug, x); } } } fn main() { foo(2); }
use crate::{assert_eq, *}; use currency::Amount; use frame_support::transactional; use redeem::RedeemRequestStatus; pub const USER: [u8; 32] = ALICE; pub const VAULT: [u8; 32] = BOB; pub const USER_BTC_ADDRESS: BtcAddress = BtcAddress::P2PKH(H160([2u8; 20])); pub struct ExecuteRedeemBuilder { redeem_id: H256, redeem: RedeemRequest<AccountId32, u32, u128>, amount: Amount<Runtime>, submitter: AccountId32, inclusion_fee: Amount<Runtime>, } impl ExecuteRedeemBuilder { pub fn new(redeem_id: H256) -> Self { let redeem = RedeemPallet::get_open_redeem_request_from_id(&redeem_id).unwrap(); Self { redeem_id, redeem: redeem.clone(), amount: redeem.amount_btc(), submitter: redeem.redeemer, inclusion_fee: wrapped(0), } } pub fn with_amount(&mut self, amount: Amount<Runtime>) -> &mut Self { self.amount = amount; self } pub fn with_submitter(&mut self, submitter: [u8; 32]) -> &mut Self { self.submitter = account_of(submitter); self } pub fn with_inclusion_fee(&mut self, inclusion_fee: Amount<Runtime>) -> &mut Self { self.inclusion_fee = inclusion_fee; self } #[transactional] pub fn execute(&self) -> DispatchResultWithPostInfo { // send the btc from the user to the vault let (_tx_id, _height, proof, raw_tx, _) = TransactionGenerator::new() .with_address(self.redeem.btc_address) .with_amount(self.amount) .with_op_return(Some(self.redeem_id)) .mine(); SecurityPallet::set_active_block_number(SecurityPallet::active_block_number() + CONFIRMATIONS); // alice executes the redeemrequest by confirming the btc transaction Call::Redeem(RedeemCall::execute_redeem(self.redeem_id, proof, raw_tx)) .dispatch(origin_of(self.submitter.clone())) } pub fn assert_execute(&self) { assert_ok!(self.execute()); } pub fn assert_noop(&self, error: RedeemError) { assert_noop!(self.execute(), error); } } pub fn setup_cancelable_redeem(user: [u8; 32], vault: [u8; 32], issued_tokens: Amount<Runtime>) -> H256 { let redeem_id = setup_redeem(issued_tokens, user, vault); // expire request without transferring btc mine_blocks((RedeemPallet::redeem_period() + 99) / 100 + 1); SecurityPallet::set_active_block_number(RedeemPallet::redeem_period() + 1 + 1); redeem_id } pub fn set_redeem_state( currency_id: CurrencyId, vault_to_be_redeemed: Amount<Runtime>, user_to_redeem: Amount<Runtime>, user: [u8; 32], vault: [u8; 32], ) -> () { let burned_tokens = user_to_redeem - FeePallet::get_redeem_fee(&user_to_redeem).unwrap(); let vault_issued_tokens = vault_to_be_redeemed + burned_tokens; CoreVaultData::force_to( vault, CoreVaultData { issued: vault_issued_tokens, to_be_redeemed: vault_to_be_redeemed, ..CoreVaultData::get_default(currency_id) }, ); let mut user_state = UserData::get(user); (*user_state.balances.get_mut(&INTERBTC).unwrap()).free = user_to_redeem; UserData::force_to(ALICE, user_state); } pub fn setup_redeem(issued_tokens: Amount<Runtime>, user: [u8; 32], vault: [u8; 32]) -> H256 { // alice requests to redeem issued_tokens from Bob assert_ok!(Call::Redeem(RedeemCall::request_redeem( issued_tokens.amount(), USER_BTC_ADDRESS, account_of(vault) )) .dispatch(origin_of(account_of(user)))); // assert that request happened and extract the id assert_redeem_request_event() } // asserts redeem event happen and extracts its id for further testing pub fn assert_redeem_request_event() -> H256 { let events = SystemModule::events(); let ids = events .iter() .filter_map(|r| match r.event { Event::Redeem(RedeemEvent::RequestRedeem(id, _, _, _, _, _, _, _)) => Some(id), _ => None, }) .collect::<Vec<H256>>(); assert_eq!(ids.len(), 1); ids[0] } pub fn execute_redeem(redeem_id: H256) { ExecuteRedeemBuilder::new(redeem_id).assert_execute(); } pub fn cancel_redeem(redeem_id: H256, redeemer: [u8; 32], reimburse: bool) { assert_ok!(Call::Redeem(RedeemCall::cancel_redeem(redeem_id, reimburse)).dispatch(origin_of(account_of(redeemer)))); } pub fn assert_redeem_error( redeem_id: H256, user_btc_address: BtcAddress, amount: Amount<Runtime>, return_data: H256, current_block_number: u32, error: BTCRelayError, ) -> u32 { // send the btc from the vault to the user let (_tx_id, _tx_block_height, merkle_proof, raw_tx) = generate_transaction_and_mine(user_btc_address, amount, Some(return_data)); SecurityPallet::set_active_block_number(current_block_number + 1 + CONFIRMATIONS); assert_noop!( Call::Redeem(RedeemCall::execute_redeem(redeem_id, merkle_proof.clone(), raw_tx)) .dispatch(origin_of(account_of(VAULT))), error ); return current_block_number + 1 + CONFIRMATIONS; } pub fn check_redeem_status(user: [u8; 32], status: RedeemRequestStatus) { let redeems = RedeemPallet::get_redeem_requests_for_account(account_of(user)); assert_eq!(redeems.len(), 1); let (_, redeem) = redeems[0].clone(); assert_eq!(redeem.status, status); }
#![allow(non_snake_case, non_upper_case_globals)] #![allow(non_camel_case_types)] //! Liquid crystal display controller //! //! Used by: stm32l4x3, stm32l4x6 #[cfg(not(feature = "nosync"))] pub use crate::stm32l4::peripherals::lcd_v2::Instance; pub use crate::stm32l4::peripherals::lcd_v2::{RegisterBlock, ResetValues}; pub use crate::stm32l4::peripherals::lcd_v2::{ CLR, CR, FCR, RAM_COM0, RAM_COM1, RAM_COM2, RAM_COM3, RAM_COM4, RAM_COM5, RAM_COM6, RAM_COM7, SR, }; /// Access functions for the LCD peripheral instance pub mod LCD { use super::ResetValues; #[cfg(not(feature = "nosync"))] use super::Instance; #[cfg(not(feature = "nosync"))] const INSTANCE: Instance = Instance { addr: 0x40002400, _marker: ::core::marker::PhantomData, }; /// Reset values for each field in LCD pub const reset: ResetValues = ResetValues { CR: 0x00000000, FCR: 0x00000000, SR: 0x00000020, CLR: 0x00000000, RAM_COM0: 0x00000000, RAM_COM1: 0x00000000, RAM_COM2: 0x00000000, RAM_COM3: 0x00000000, RAM_COM4: 0x00000000, RAM_COM5: 0x00000000, RAM_COM6: 0x00000000, RAM_COM7: 0x00000000, }; #[cfg(not(feature = "nosync"))] #[allow(renamed_and_removed_lints)] #[allow(private_no_mangle_statics)] #[no_mangle] static mut LCD_TAKEN: bool = false; /// Safe access to LCD /// /// This function returns `Some(Instance)` if this instance is not /// currently taken, and `None` if it is. This ensures that if you /// do get `Some(Instance)`, you are ensured unique access to /// the peripheral and there cannot be data races (unless other /// code uses `unsafe`, of course). You can then pass the /// `Instance` around to other functions as required. When you're /// done with it, you can call `release(instance)` to return it. /// /// `Instance` itself dereferences to a `RegisterBlock`, which /// provides access to the peripheral's registers. #[cfg(not(feature = "nosync"))] #[inline] pub fn take() -> Option<Instance> { external_cortex_m::interrupt::free(|_| unsafe { if LCD_TAKEN { None } else { LCD_TAKEN = true; Some(INSTANCE) } }) } /// Release exclusive access to LCD /// /// This function allows you to return an `Instance` so that it /// is available to `take()` again. This function will panic if /// you return a different `Instance` or if this instance is not /// already taken. #[cfg(not(feature = "nosync"))] #[inline] pub fn release(inst: Instance) { external_cortex_m::interrupt::free(|_| unsafe { if LCD_TAKEN && inst.addr == INSTANCE.addr { LCD_TAKEN = false; } else { panic!("Released a peripheral which was not taken"); } }); } /// Unsafely steal LCD /// /// This function is similar to take() but forcibly takes the /// Instance, marking it as taken irregardless of its previous /// state. #[cfg(not(feature = "nosync"))] #[inline] pub unsafe fn steal() -> Instance { LCD_TAKEN = true; INSTANCE } } /// Raw pointer to LCD /// /// Dereferencing this is unsafe because you are not ensured unique /// access to the peripheral, so you may encounter data races with /// other users of this peripheral. It is up to you to ensure you /// will not cause data races. /// /// This constant is provided for ease of use in unsafe code: you can /// simply call for example `write_reg!(gpio, GPIOA, ODR, 1);`. pub const LCD: *const RegisterBlock = 0x40002400 as *const _;
// Copyright 2017 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT // file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at // http://rust-lang.org/COPYRIGHT. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0> or the MIT license // <LICENSE-MIT or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>, at your // option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed // except according to those terms. //! This query borrow-checks the MIR to (further) ensure it is not broken. use borrow_check::nll::region_infer::RegionInferenceContext; use rustc::hir; use rustc::hir::Node; use rustc::hir::def_id::DefId; use rustc::hir::map::definitions::DefPathData; use rustc::infer::InferCtxt; use rustc::lint::builtin::UNUSED_MUT; use rustc::middle::borrowck::SignalledError; use rustc::mir::{AggregateKind, BasicBlock, BorrowCheckResult, BorrowKind}; use rustc::mir::{ClearCrossCrate, Local, Location, Mir, Mutability, Operand, Place}; use rustc::mir::{Field, Projection, ProjectionElem, Rvalue, Statement, StatementKind}; use rustc::mir::{Terminator, TerminatorKind}; use rustc::ty::query::Providers; use rustc::ty::{self, TyCtxt}; use rustc_errors::{Applicability, Diagnostic, DiagnosticBuilder, Level}; use rustc_data_structures::bit_set::BitSet; use rustc_data_structures::fx::FxHashSet; use rustc_data_structures::graph::dominators::Dominators; use smallvec::SmallVec; use std::rc::Rc; use std::collections::BTreeMap; use syntax_pos::Span; use dataflow::indexes::BorrowIndex; use dataflow::move_paths::{HasMoveData, LookupResult, MoveData, MoveError, MovePathIndex}; use dataflow::move_paths::indexes::MoveOutIndex; use dataflow::Borrows; use dataflow::DataflowResultsConsumer; use dataflow::FlowAtLocation; use dataflow::MoveDataParamEnv; use dataflow::{do_dataflow, DebugFormatted}; use dataflow::EverInitializedPlaces; use dataflow::{MaybeInitializedPlaces, MaybeUninitializedPlaces}; use util::borrowck_errors::{BorrowckErrors, Origin}; use self::borrow_set::{BorrowData, BorrowSet}; use self::flows::Flows; use self::location::LocationTable; use self::prefixes::PrefixSet; use self::MutateMode::{JustWrite, WriteAndRead}; use self::mutability_errors::AccessKind; use self::path_utils::*; crate mod borrow_set; mod error_reporting; mod flows; mod location; mod move_errors; mod mutability_errors; mod path_utils; crate mod place_ext; mod places_conflict; mod prefixes; mod used_muts; pub(crate) mod nll; pub fn provide(providers: &mut Providers) { *providers = Providers { mir_borrowck, ..*providers }; } fn mir_borrowck<'a, 'tcx>(tcx: TyCtxt<'a, 'tcx, 'tcx>, def_id: DefId) -> BorrowCheckResult<'tcx> { let input_mir = tcx.mir_validated(def_id); debug!("run query mir_borrowck: {}", tcx.item_path_str(def_id)); let mut return_early; // Return early if we are not supposed to use MIR borrow checker for this function. return_early = !tcx.has_attr(def_id, "rustc_mir") && !tcx.use_mir_borrowck(); if tcx.is_struct_constructor(def_id) { // We are not borrow checking the automatically generated struct constructors // because we want to accept structs such as this (taken from the `linked-hash-map` // crate): // ```rust // struct Qey<Q: ?Sized>(Q); // ``` // MIR of this struct constructor looks something like this: // ```rust // fn Qey(_1: Q) -> Qey<Q>{ // let mut _0: Qey<Q>; // return place // // bb0: { // (_0.0: Q) = move _1; // bb0[0]: scope 0 at src/main.rs:1:1: 1:26 // return; // bb0[1]: scope 0 at src/main.rs:1:1: 1:26 // } // } // ``` // The problem here is that `(_0.0: Q) = move _1;` is valid only if `Q` is // of statically known size, which is not known to be true because of the // `Q: ?Sized` constraint. However, it is true because the constructor can be // called only when `Q` is of statically known size. return_early = true; } if return_early { return BorrowCheckResult { closure_requirements: None, used_mut_upvars: SmallVec::new(), }; } let opt_closure_req = tcx.infer_ctxt().enter(|infcx| { let input_mir: &Mir = &input_mir.borrow(); do_mir_borrowck(&infcx, input_mir, def_id) }); debug!("mir_borrowck done"); opt_closure_req } fn do_mir_borrowck<'a, 'gcx, 'tcx>( infcx: &InferCtxt<'a, 'gcx, 'tcx>, input_mir: &Mir<'gcx>, def_id: DefId, ) -> BorrowCheckResult<'gcx> { debug!("do_mir_borrowck(def_id = {:?})", def_id); let tcx = infcx.tcx; let attributes = tcx.get_attrs(def_id); let param_env = tcx.param_env(def_id); let id = tcx .hir .as_local_node_id(def_id) .expect("do_mir_borrowck: non-local DefId"); // Replace all regions with fresh inference variables. This // requires first making our own copy of the MIR. This copy will // be modified (in place) to contain non-lexical lifetimes. It // will have a lifetime tied to the inference context. let mut mir: Mir<'tcx> = input_mir.clone(); let free_regions = nll::replace_regions_in_mir(infcx, def_id, param_env, &mut mir); let mir = &mir; // no further changes let location_table = &LocationTable::new(mir); let mut errors_buffer = Vec::new(); let (move_data, move_errors): (MoveData<'tcx>, Option<Vec<(Place<'tcx>, MoveError<'tcx>)>>) = match MoveData::gather_moves(mir, tcx) { Ok(move_data) => (move_data, None), Err((move_data, move_errors)) => (move_data, Some(move_errors)), }; let mdpe = MoveDataParamEnv { move_data: move_data, param_env: param_env, }; let body_id = match tcx.def_key(def_id).disambiguated_data.data { DefPathData::StructCtor | DefPathData::EnumVariant(_) => None, _ => Some(tcx.hir.body_owned_by(id)), }; let dead_unwinds = BitSet::new_empty(mir.basic_blocks().len()); let mut flow_inits = FlowAtLocation::new(do_dataflow( tcx, mir, id, &attributes, &dead_unwinds, MaybeInitializedPlaces::new(tcx, mir, &mdpe), |bd, i| DebugFormatted::new(&bd.move_data().move_paths[i]), )); let locals_are_invalidated_at_exit = match tcx.hir.body_owner_kind(id) { hir::BodyOwnerKind::Const | hir::BodyOwnerKind::Static(_) => false, hir::BodyOwnerKind::Fn => true, }; let borrow_set = Rc::new(BorrowSet::build( tcx, mir, locals_are_invalidated_at_exit, &mdpe.move_data)); // If we are in non-lexical mode, compute the non-lexical lifetimes. let (regioncx, polonius_output, opt_closure_req) = nll::compute_regions( infcx, def_id, free_regions, mir, location_table, param_env, &mut flow_inits, &mdpe.move_data, &borrow_set, &mut errors_buffer, ); // The various `flow_*` structures can be large. We drop `flow_inits` here // so it doesn't overlap with the others below. This reduces peak memory // usage significantly on some benchmarks. drop(flow_inits); let regioncx = Rc::new(regioncx); let flow_borrows = FlowAtLocation::new(do_dataflow( tcx, mir, id, &attributes, &dead_unwinds, Borrows::new(tcx, mir, regioncx.clone(), def_id, body_id, &borrow_set), |rs, i| DebugFormatted::new(&rs.location(i)), )); let flow_uninits = FlowAtLocation::new(do_dataflow( tcx, mir, id, &attributes, &dead_unwinds, MaybeUninitializedPlaces::new(tcx, mir, &mdpe), |bd, i| DebugFormatted::new(&bd.move_data().move_paths[i]), )); let flow_ever_inits = FlowAtLocation::new(do_dataflow( tcx, mir, id, &attributes, &dead_unwinds, EverInitializedPlaces::new(tcx, mir, &mdpe), |bd, i| DebugFormatted::new(&bd.move_data().inits[i]), )); let movable_generator = match tcx.hir.get(id) { Node::Expr(&hir::Expr { node: hir::ExprKind::Closure(.., Some(hir::GeneratorMovability::Static)), .. }) => false, _ => true, }; let dominators = mir.dominators(); let mut mbcx = MirBorrowckCtxt { infcx, mir, mir_def_id: def_id, move_data: &mdpe.move_data, location_table, movable_generator, locals_are_invalidated_at_exit, access_place_error_reported: FxHashSet(), reservation_error_reported: FxHashSet(), move_error_reported: BTreeMap::new(), uninitialized_error_reported: FxHashSet(), errors_buffer, nonlexical_regioncx: regioncx, used_mut: FxHashSet(), used_mut_upvars: SmallVec::new(), borrow_set, dominators, }; let mut state = Flows::new( flow_borrows, flow_uninits, flow_ever_inits, polonius_output, ); if let Some(errors) = move_errors { mbcx.report_move_errors(errors); } mbcx.analyze_results(&mut state); // entry point for DataflowResultsConsumer // For each non-user used mutable variable, check if it's been assigned from // a user-declared local. If so, then put that local into the used_mut set. // Note that this set is expected to be small - only upvars from closures // would have a chance of erroneously adding non-user-defined mutable vars // to the set. let temporary_used_locals: FxHashSet<Local> = mbcx .used_mut .iter() .filter(|&local| !mbcx.mir.local_decls[*local].is_user_variable.is_some()) .cloned() .collect(); mbcx.gather_used_muts(temporary_used_locals); debug!("mbcx.used_mut: {:?}", mbcx.used_mut); let used_mut = mbcx.used_mut; for local in mbcx .mir .mut_vars_and_args_iter() .filter(|local| !used_mut.contains(local)) { if let ClearCrossCrate::Set(ref vsi) = mbcx.mir.source_scope_local_data { let local_decl = &mbcx.mir.local_decls[local]; // Skip implicit `self` argument for closures if local.index() == 1 && tcx.is_closure(mbcx.mir_def_id) { continue; } // Skip over locals that begin with an underscore or have no name match local_decl.name { Some(name) => if name.as_str().starts_with("_") { continue; }, None => continue, } let span = local_decl.source_info.span; if span.compiler_desugaring_kind().is_some() { // If the `mut` arises as part of a desugaring, we should ignore it. continue; } let mut err = tcx.struct_span_lint_node( UNUSED_MUT, vsi[local_decl.source_info.scope].lint_root, span, "variable does not need to be mutable", ); let mut_span = tcx.sess.source_map().span_until_non_whitespace(span); err.span_suggestion_short_with_applicability( mut_span, "remove this `mut`", String::new(), Applicability::MachineApplicable); err.buffer(&mut mbcx.errors_buffer); } } // Buffer any move errors that we collected and de-duplicated. for (_, (_, diag)) in mbcx.move_error_reported { diag.buffer(&mut mbcx.errors_buffer); } if mbcx.errors_buffer.len() > 0 { mbcx.errors_buffer.sort_by_key(|diag| diag.span.primary_span()); if tcx.migrate_borrowck() { match tcx.borrowck(def_id).signalled_any_error { SignalledError::NoErrorsSeen => { // if AST-borrowck signalled no errors, then // downgrade all the buffered MIR-borrowck errors // to warnings. for err in &mut mbcx.errors_buffer { if err.is_error() { err.level = Level::Warning; err.warn("This error has been downgraded to a warning \ for backwards compatibility with previous releases.\n\ It represents potential unsoundness in your code.\n\ This warning will become a hard error in the future."); } } } SignalledError::SawSomeError => { // if AST-borrowck signalled a (cancelled) error, // then we will just emit the buffered // MIR-borrowck errors as normal. } } } for diag in mbcx.errors_buffer.drain(..) { DiagnosticBuilder::new_diagnostic(mbcx.infcx.tcx.sess.diagnostic(), diag).emit(); } } let result = BorrowCheckResult { closure_requirements: opt_closure_req, used_mut_upvars: mbcx.used_mut_upvars, }; debug!("do_mir_borrowck: result = {:#?}", result); result } pub struct MirBorrowckCtxt<'cx, 'gcx: 'tcx, 'tcx: 'cx> { infcx: &'cx InferCtxt<'cx, 'gcx, 'tcx>, mir: &'cx Mir<'tcx>, mir_def_id: DefId, move_data: &'cx MoveData<'tcx>, /// Map from MIR `Location` to `LocationIndex`; created /// when MIR borrowck begins. location_table: &'cx LocationTable, movable_generator: bool, /// This keeps track of whether local variables are free-ed when the function /// exits even without a `StorageDead`, which appears to be the case for /// constants. /// /// I'm not sure this is the right approach - @eddyb could you try and /// figure this out? locals_are_invalidated_at_exit: bool, /// This field keeps track of when borrow errors are reported in the access_place function /// so that there is no duplicate reporting. This field cannot also be used for the conflicting /// borrow errors that is handled by the `reservation_error_reported` field as the inclusion /// of the `Span` type (while required to mute some errors) stops the muting of the reservation /// errors. access_place_error_reported: FxHashSet<(Place<'tcx>, Span)>, /// This field keeps track of when borrow conflict errors are reported /// for reservations, so that we don't report seemingly duplicate /// errors for corresponding activations /// /// FIXME: Ideally this would be a set of BorrowIndex, not Places, /// but it is currently inconvenient to track down the BorrowIndex /// at the time we detect and report a reservation error. reservation_error_reported: FxHashSet<Place<'tcx>>, /// This field keeps track of move errors that are to be reported for given move indicies. /// /// There are situations where many errors can be reported for a single move out (see #53807) /// and we want only the best of those errors. /// /// The `report_use_of_moved_or_uninitialized` function checks this map and replaces the /// diagnostic (if there is one) if the `Place` of the error being reported is a prefix of the /// `Place` of the previous most diagnostic. This happens instead of buffering the error. Once /// all move errors have been reported, any diagnostics in this map are added to the buffer /// to be emitted. /// /// `BTreeMap` is used to preserve the order of insertions when iterating. This is necessary /// when errors in the map are being re-added to the error buffer so that errors with the /// same primary span come out in a consistent order. move_error_reported: BTreeMap<Vec<MoveOutIndex>, (Place<'tcx>, DiagnosticBuilder<'cx>)>, /// This field keeps track of errors reported in the checking of uninitialized variables, /// so that we don't report seemingly duplicate errors. uninitialized_error_reported: FxHashSet<Place<'tcx>>, /// Errors to be reported buffer errors_buffer: Vec<Diagnostic>, /// This field keeps track of all the local variables that are declared mut and are mutated. /// Used for the warning issued by an unused mutable local variable. used_mut: FxHashSet<Local>, /// If the function we're checking is a closure, then we'll need to report back the list of /// mutable upvars that have been used. This field keeps track of them. used_mut_upvars: SmallVec<[Field; 8]>, /// Non-lexical region inference context, if NLL is enabled. This /// contains the results from region inference and lets us e.g. /// find out which CFG points are contained in each borrow region. nonlexical_regioncx: Rc<RegionInferenceContext<'tcx>>, /// The set of borrows extracted from the MIR borrow_set: Rc<BorrowSet<'tcx>>, /// Dominators for MIR dominators: Dominators<BasicBlock>, } // Check that: // 1. assignments are always made to mutable locations (FIXME: does that still really go here?) // 2. loans made in overlapping scopes do not conflict // 3. assignments do not affect things loaned out as immutable // 4. moves do not affect things loaned out in any way impl<'cx, 'gcx, 'tcx> DataflowResultsConsumer<'cx, 'tcx> for MirBorrowckCtxt<'cx, 'gcx, 'tcx> { type FlowState = Flows<'cx, 'gcx, 'tcx>; fn mir(&self) -> &'cx Mir<'tcx> { self.mir } fn visit_block_entry(&mut self, bb: BasicBlock, flow_state: &Self::FlowState) { debug!("MirBorrowckCtxt::process_block({:?}): {}", bb, flow_state); } fn visit_statement_entry( &mut self, location: Location, stmt: &Statement<'tcx>, flow_state: &Self::FlowState, ) { debug!( "MirBorrowckCtxt::process_statement({:?}, {:?}): {}", location, stmt, flow_state ); let span = stmt.source_info.span; self.check_activations(location, span, flow_state); match stmt.kind { StatementKind::Assign(ref lhs, ref rhs) => { self.consume_rvalue( ContextKind::AssignRhs.new(location), (rhs, span), location, flow_state, ); self.mutate_place( ContextKind::AssignLhs.new(location), (lhs, span), Shallow(None), JustWrite, flow_state, ); } StatementKind::FakeRead(_, ref place) => { // Read for match doesn't access any memory and is used to // assert that a place is safe and live. So we don't have to // do any checks here. // // FIXME: Remove check that the place is initialized. This is // needed for now because matches don't have never patterns yet. // So this is the only place we prevent // let x: !; // match x {}; // from compiling. self.check_if_path_or_subpath_is_moved( ContextKind::FakeRead.new(location), InitializationRequiringAction::Use, (place, span), flow_state, ); } StatementKind::SetDiscriminant { ref place, variant_index: _, } => { self.mutate_place( ContextKind::SetDiscrim.new(location), (place, span), Shallow(Some(ArtificialField::Discriminant)), JustWrite, flow_state, ); } StatementKind::InlineAsm { ref asm, ref outputs, ref inputs, } => { let context = ContextKind::InlineAsm.new(location); for (o, output) in asm.outputs.iter().zip(outputs.iter()) { if o.is_indirect { // FIXME(eddyb) indirect inline asm outputs should // be encoeded through MIR place derefs instead. self.access_place( context, (output, o.span), (Deep, Read(ReadKind::Copy)), LocalMutationIsAllowed::No, flow_state, ); self.check_if_path_or_subpath_is_moved( context, InitializationRequiringAction::Use, (output, o.span), flow_state, ); } else { self.mutate_place( context, (output, o.span), if o.is_rw { Deep } else { Shallow(None) }, if o.is_rw { WriteAndRead } else { JustWrite }, flow_state, ); } } for input in inputs.iter() { self.consume_operand(context, (input, span), flow_state); } } StatementKind::EndRegion(ref _rgn) => { // ignored when consuming results (update to // flow_state already handled). } StatementKind::Nop | StatementKind::AscribeUserType(..) | StatementKind::Validate(..) | StatementKind::StorageLive(..) => { // `Nop`, `AscribeUserType`, `Validate`, and `StorageLive` are irrelevant // to borrow check. } StatementKind::StorageDead(local) => { self.access_place( ContextKind::StorageDead.new(location), (&Place::Local(local), span), (Shallow(None), Write(WriteKind::StorageDeadOrDrop)), LocalMutationIsAllowed::Yes, flow_state, ); } } } fn visit_terminator_entry( &mut self, location: Location, term: &Terminator<'tcx>, flow_state: &Self::FlowState, ) { let loc = location; debug!( "MirBorrowckCtxt::process_terminator({:?}, {:?}): {}", location, term, flow_state ); let span = term.source_info.span; self.check_activations(location, span, flow_state); match term.kind { TerminatorKind::SwitchInt { ref discr, switch_ty: _, values: _, targets: _, } => { self.consume_operand(ContextKind::SwitchInt.new(loc), (discr, span), flow_state); } TerminatorKind::Drop { location: ref drop_place, target: _, unwind: _, } => { let gcx = self.infcx.tcx.global_tcx(); // Compute the type with accurate region information. let drop_place_ty = drop_place.ty(self.mir, self.infcx.tcx); // Erase the regions. let drop_place_ty = self.infcx.tcx.erase_regions(&drop_place_ty) .to_ty(self.infcx.tcx); // "Lift" into the gcx -- once regions are erased, this type should be in the // global arenas; this "lift" operation basically just asserts that is true, but // that is useful later. let drop_place_ty = gcx.lift(&drop_place_ty).unwrap(); debug!("visit_terminator_drop \ loc: {:?} term: {:?} drop_place: {:?} drop_place_ty: {:?} span: {:?}", loc, term, drop_place, drop_place_ty, span); self.access_place( ContextKind::Drop.new(loc), (drop_place, span), (AccessDepth::Drop, Write(WriteKind::StorageDeadOrDrop)), LocalMutationIsAllowed::Yes, flow_state, ); } TerminatorKind::DropAndReplace { location: ref drop_place, value: ref new_value, target: _, unwind: _, } => { self.mutate_place( ContextKind::DropAndReplace.new(loc), (drop_place, span), Deep, JustWrite, flow_state, ); self.consume_operand( ContextKind::DropAndReplace.new(loc), (new_value, span), flow_state, ); } TerminatorKind::Call { ref func, ref args, ref destination, cleanup: _, from_hir_call: _, } => { self.consume_operand(ContextKind::CallOperator.new(loc), (func, span), flow_state); for arg in args { self.consume_operand( ContextKind::CallOperand.new(loc), (arg, span), flow_state, ); } if let Some((ref dest, _ /*bb*/)) = *destination { self.mutate_place( ContextKind::CallDest.new(loc), (dest, span), Deep, JustWrite, flow_state, ); } } TerminatorKind::Assert { ref cond, expected: _, ref msg, target: _, cleanup: _, } => { self.consume_operand(ContextKind::Assert.new(loc), (cond, span), flow_state); use rustc::mir::interpret::EvalErrorKind::BoundsCheck; if let BoundsCheck { ref len, ref index } = *msg { self.consume_operand(ContextKind::Assert.new(loc), (len, span), flow_state); self.consume_operand(ContextKind::Assert.new(loc), (index, span), flow_state); } } TerminatorKind::Yield { ref value, resume: _, drop: _, } => { self.consume_operand(ContextKind::Yield.new(loc), (value, span), flow_state); if self.movable_generator { // Look for any active borrows to locals let borrow_set = self.borrow_set.clone(); flow_state.with_outgoing_borrows(|borrows| { for i in borrows { let borrow = &borrow_set[i]; self.check_for_local_borrow(borrow, span); } }); } } TerminatorKind::Resume | TerminatorKind::Return | TerminatorKind::GeneratorDrop => { // Returning from the function implicitly kills storage for all locals and statics. // Often, the storage will already have been killed by an explicit // StorageDead, but we don't always emit those (notably on unwind paths), // so this "extra check" serves as a kind of backup. let borrow_set = self.borrow_set.clone(); flow_state.with_outgoing_borrows(|borrows| { for i in borrows { let borrow = &borrow_set[i]; let context = ContextKind::StorageDead.new(loc); self.check_for_invalidation_at_exit(context, borrow, span); } }); } TerminatorKind::Goto { target: _ } | TerminatorKind::Abort | TerminatorKind::Unreachable | TerminatorKind::FalseEdges { real_target: _, imaginary_targets: _, } | TerminatorKind::FalseUnwind { real_target: _, unwind: _, } => { // no data used, thus irrelevant to borrowck } } } } #[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Debug)] enum MutateMode { JustWrite, WriteAndRead, } use self::ReadOrWrite::{Activation, Read, Reservation, Write}; use self::AccessDepth::{Deep, Shallow}; #[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Debug)] enum ArtificialField { Discriminant, ArrayLength, ShallowBorrow, } #[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Debug)] enum AccessDepth { /// From the RFC: "A *shallow* access means that the immediate /// fields reached at P are accessed, but references or pointers /// found within are not dereferenced. Right now, the only access /// that is shallow is an assignment like `x = ...;`, which would /// be a *shallow write* of `x`." Shallow(Option<ArtificialField>), /// From the RFC: "A *deep* access means that all data reachable /// through the given place may be invalidated or accesses by /// this action." Deep, /// Access is Deep only when there is a Drop implementation that /// can reach the data behind the reference. Drop, } /// Kind of access to a value: read or write /// (For informational purposes only) #[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Debug)] enum ReadOrWrite { /// From the RFC: "A *read* means that the existing data may be /// read, but will not be changed." Read(ReadKind), /// From the RFC: "A *write* means that the data may be mutated to /// new values or otherwise invalidated (for example, it could be /// de-initialized, as in a move operation). Write(WriteKind), /// For two-phase borrows, we distinguish a reservation (which is treated /// like a Read) from an activation (which is treated like a write), and /// each of those is furthermore distinguished from Reads/Writes above. Reservation(WriteKind), Activation(WriteKind, BorrowIndex), } /// Kind of read access to a value /// (For informational purposes only) #[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Debug)] enum ReadKind { Borrow(BorrowKind), Copy, } /// Kind of write access to a value /// (For informational purposes only) #[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Debug)] enum WriteKind { StorageDeadOrDrop, MutableBorrow(BorrowKind), Mutate, Move, } /// When checking permissions for a place access, this flag is used to indicate that an immutable /// local place can be mutated. /// /// FIXME: @nikomatsakis suggested that this flag could be removed with the following modifications: /// - Merge `check_access_permissions()` and `check_if_reassignment_to_immutable_state()` /// - Split `is_mutable()` into `is_assignable()` (can be directly assigned) and /// `is_declared_mutable()` /// - Take flow state into consideration in `is_assignable()` for local variables #[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Debug)] enum LocalMutationIsAllowed { Yes, /// We want use of immutable upvars to cause a "write to immutable upvar" /// error, not an "reassignment" error. ExceptUpvars, No, } #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)] enum InitializationRequiringAction { Update, Borrow, MatchOn, Use, Assignment, } struct RootPlace<'d, 'tcx: 'd> { place: &'d Place<'tcx>, is_local_mutation_allowed: LocalMutationIsAllowed, } impl InitializationRequiringAction { fn as_noun(self) -> &'static str { match self { InitializationRequiringAction::Update => "update", InitializationRequiringAction::Borrow => "borrow", InitializationRequiringAction::MatchOn => "use", // no good noun InitializationRequiringAction::Use => "use", InitializationRequiringAction::Assignment => "assign", } } fn as_verb_in_past_tense(self) -> &'static str { match self { InitializationRequiringAction::Update => "updated", InitializationRequiringAction::Borrow => "borrowed", InitializationRequiringAction::MatchOn => "matched on", InitializationRequiringAction::Use => "used", InitializationRequiringAction::Assignment => "assigned", } } } impl<'cx, 'gcx, 'tcx> MirBorrowckCtxt<'cx, 'gcx, 'tcx> { /// Checks an access to the given place to see if it is allowed. Examines the set of borrows /// that are in scope, as well as which paths have been initialized, to ensure that (a) the /// place is initialized and (b) it is not borrowed in some way that would prevent this /// access. /// /// Returns true if an error is reported, false otherwise. fn access_place( &mut self, context: Context, place_span: (&Place<'tcx>, Span), kind: (AccessDepth, ReadOrWrite), is_local_mutation_allowed: LocalMutationIsAllowed, flow_state: &Flows<'cx, 'gcx, 'tcx>, ) { let (sd, rw) = kind; if let Activation(_, borrow_index) = rw { if self.reservation_error_reported.contains(&place_span.0) { debug!( "skipping access_place for activation of invalid reservation \ place: {:?} borrow_index: {:?}", place_span.0, borrow_index ); return; } } // Check is_empty() first because it's the common case, and doing that // way we avoid the clone() call. if !self.access_place_error_reported.is_empty() && self .access_place_error_reported .contains(&(place_span.0.clone(), place_span.1)) { debug!( "access_place: suppressing error place_span=`{:?}` kind=`{:?}`", place_span, kind ); return; } let mutability_error = self.check_access_permissions( place_span, rw, is_local_mutation_allowed, flow_state, context.loc, ); let conflict_error = self.check_access_for_conflict(context, place_span, sd, rw, flow_state); if conflict_error || mutability_error { debug!( "access_place: logging error place_span=`{:?}` kind=`{:?}`", place_span, kind ); self.access_place_error_reported .insert((place_span.0.clone(), place_span.1)); } } fn check_access_for_conflict( &mut self, context: Context, place_span: (&Place<'tcx>, Span), sd: AccessDepth, rw: ReadOrWrite, flow_state: &Flows<'cx, 'gcx, 'tcx>, ) -> bool { debug!( "check_access_for_conflict(context={:?}, place_span={:?}, sd={:?}, rw={:?})", context, place_span, sd, rw, ); let mut error_reported = false; let tcx = self.infcx.tcx; let mir = self.mir; let location = self.location_table.start_index(context.loc); let borrow_set = self.borrow_set.clone(); each_borrow_involving_path( self, tcx, mir, context, (sd, place_span.0), &borrow_set, flow_state.borrows_in_scope(location), |this, borrow_index, borrow| match (rw, borrow.kind) { // Obviously an activation is compatible with its own // reservation (or even prior activating uses of same // borrow); so don't check if they interfere. // // NOTE: *reservations* do conflict with themselves; // thus aren't injecting unsoundenss w/ this check.) (Activation(_, activating), _) if activating == borrow_index => { debug!( "check_access_for_conflict place_span: {:?} sd: {:?} rw: {:?} \ skipping {:?} b/c activation of same borrow_index", place_span, sd, rw, (borrow_index, borrow), ); Control::Continue } (Read(_), BorrowKind::Shared) | (Reservation(..), BorrowKind::Shared) | (Read(_), BorrowKind::Shallow) | (Reservation(..), BorrowKind::Shallow) => { Control::Continue } (Write(WriteKind::Move), BorrowKind::Shallow) => { // Handled by initialization checks. Control::Continue } (Read(kind), BorrowKind::Unique) | (Read(kind), BorrowKind::Mut { .. }) => { // Reading from mere reservations of mutable-borrows is OK. if !is_active(&this.dominators, borrow, context.loc) { assert!(allow_two_phase_borrow(&this.infcx.tcx, borrow.kind)); return Control::Continue; } match kind { ReadKind::Copy => { error_reported = true; this.report_use_while_mutably_borrowed(context, place_span, borrow) } ReadKind::Borrow(bk) => { error_reported = true; this.report_conflicting_borrow(context, place_span, bk, &borrow) } } Control::Break } (Reservation(kind), BorrowKind::Unique) | (Reservation(kind), BorrowKind::Mut { .. }) | (Activation(kind, _), _) | (Write(kind), _) => { match rw { Reservation(_) => { debug!( "recording invalid reservation of \ place: {:?}", place_span.0 ); this.reservation_error_reported.insert(place_span.0.clone()); } Activation(_, activating) => { debug!( "observing check_place for activation of \ borrow_index: {:?}", activating ); } Read(..) | Write(..) => {} } match kind { WriteKind::MutableBorrow(bk) => { error_reported = true; this.report_conflicting_borrow(context, place_span, bk, &borrow) } WriteKind::StorageDeadOrDrop => { error_reported = true; this.report_borrowed_value_does_not_live_long_enough( context, borrow, place_span, Some(kind)) } WriteKind::Mutate => { error_reported = true; this.report_illegal_mutation_of_borrowed(context, place_span, borrow) } WriteKind::Move => { error_reported = true; this.report_move_out_while_borrowed(context, place_span, &borrow) } } Control::Break } }, ); error_reported } fn mutate_place( &mut self, context: Context, place_span: (&Place<'tcx>, Span), kind: AccessDepth, mode: MutateMode, flow_state: &Flows<'cx, 'gcx, 'tcx>, ) { // Write of P[i] or *P, or WriteAndRead of any P, requires P init'd. match mode { MutateMode::WriteAndRead => { self.check_if_path_or_subpath_is_moved( context, InitializationRequiringAction::Update, place_span, flow_state, ); } MutateMode::JustWrite => { self.check_if_assigned_path_is_moved(context, place_span, flow_state); } } // Special case: you can assign a immutable local variable // (e.g., `x = ...`) so long as it has never been initialized // before (at this point in the flow). if let &Place::Local(local) = place_span.0 { if let Mutability::Not = self.mir.local_decls[local].mutability { // check for reassignments to immutable local variables self.check_if_reassignment_to_immutable_state( context, local, place_span, flow_state, ); return; } } // Otherwise, use the normal access permission rules. self.access_place( context, place_span, (kind, Write(WriteKind::Mutate)), LocalMutationIsAllowed::No, flow_state, ); } fn consume_rvalue( &mut self, context: Context, (rvalue, span): (&Rvalue<'tcx>, Span), _location: Location, flow_state: &Flows<'cx, 'gcx, 'tcx>, ) { match *rvalue { Rvalue::Ref(_ /*rgn*/, bk, ref place) => { let access_kind = match bk { BorrowKind::Shallow => { (Shallow(Some(ArtificialField::ShallowBorrow)), Read(ReadKind::Borrow(bk))) }, BorrowKind::Shared => (Deep, Read(ReadKind::Borrow(bk))), BorrowKind::Unique | BorrowKind::Mut { .. } => { let wk = WriteKind::MutableBorrow(bk); if allow_two_phase_borrow(&self.infcx.tcx, bk) { (Deep, Reservation(wk)) } else { (Deep, Write(wk)) } } }; self.access_place( context, (place, span), access_kind, LocalMutationIsAllowed::No, flow_state, ); let action = if bk == BorrowKind::Shallow { InitializationRequiringAction::MatchOn } else { InitializationRequiringAction::Borrow }; self.check_if_path_or_subpath_is_moved( context, action, (place, span), flow_state, ); } Rvalue::Use(ref operand) | Rvalue::Repeat(ref operand, _) | Rvalue::UnaryOp(_ /*un_op*/, ref operand) | Rvalue::Cast(_ /*cast_kind*/, ref operand, _ /*ty*/) => { self.consume_operand(context, (operand, span), flow_state) } Rvalue::Len(ref place) | Rvalue::Discriminant(ref place) => { let af = match *rvalue { Rvalue::Len(..) => ArtificialField::ArrayLength, Rvalue::Discriminant(..) => ArtificialField::Discriminant, _ => unreachable!(), }; self.access_place( context, (place, span), (Shallow(Some(af)), Read(ReadKind::Copy)), LocalMutationIsAllowed::No, flow_state, ); self.check_if_path_or_subpath_is_moved( context, InitializationRequiringAction::Use, (place, span), flow_state, ); } Rvalue::BinaryOp(_bin_op, ref operand1, ref operand2) | Rvalue::CheckedBinaryOp(_bin_op, ref operand1, ref operand2) => { self.consume_operand(context, (operand1, span), flow_state); self.consume_operand(context, (operand2, span), flow_state); } Rvalue::NullaryOp(_op, _ty) => { // nullary ops take no dynamic input; no borrowck effect. // // FIXME: is above actually true? Do we want to track // the fact that uninitialized data can be created via // `NullOp::Box`? } Rvalue::Aggregate(ref aggregate_kind, ref operands) => { // We need to report back the list of mutable upvars that were // moved into the closure and subsequently used by the closure, // in order to populate our used_mut set. match **aggregate_kind { AggregateKind::Closure(def_id, _) | AggregateKind::Generator(def_id, _, _) => { let BorrowCheckResult { used_mut_upvars, .. } = self.infcx.tcx.mir_borrowck(def_id); debug!("{:?} used_mut_upvars={:?}", def_id, used_mut_upvars); for field in used_mut_upvars { // This relies on the current way that by-value // captures of a closure are copied/moved directly // when generating MIR. match operands[field.index()] { Operand::Move(Place::Local(local)) | Operand::Copy(Place::Local(local)) => { self.used_mut.insert(local); } Operand::Move(ref place @ Place::Projection(_)) | Operand::Copy(ref place @ Place::Projection(_)) => { if let Some(field) = place.is_upvar_field_projection( self.mir, &self.infcx.tcx) { self.used_mut_upvars.push(field); } } Operand::Move(Place::Static(..)) | Operand::Copy(Place::Static(..)) | Operand::Move(Place::Promoted(..)) | Operand::Copy(Place::Promoted(..)) | Operand::Constant(..) => {} } } } AggregateKind::Adt(..) | AggregateKind::Array(..) | AggregateKind::Tuple { .. } => (), } for operand in operands { self.consume_operand(context, (operand, span), flow_state); } } } } fn consume_operand( &mut self, context: Context, (operand, span): (&Operand<'tcx>, Span), flow_state: &Flows<'cx, 'gcx, 'tcx>, ) { match *operand { Operand::Copy(ref place) => { // copy of place: check if this is "copy of frozen path" // (FIXME: see check_loans.rs) self.access_place( context, (place, span), (Deep, Read(ReadKind::Copy)), LocalMutationIsAllowed::No, flow_state, ); // Finally, check if path was already moved. self.check_if_path_or_subpath_is_moved( context, InitializationRequiringAction::Use, (place, span), flow_state, ); } Operand::Move(ref place) => { // move of place: check if this is move of already borrowed path self.access_place( context, (place, span), (Deep, Write(WriteKind::Move)), LocalMutationIsAllowed::Yes, flow_state, ); // Finally, check if path was already moved. self.check_if_path_or_subpath_is_moved( context, InitializationRequiringAction::Use, (place, span), flow_state, ); } Operand::Constant(_) => {} } } /// Checks whether a borrow of this place is invalidated when the function /// exits fn check_for_invalidation_at_exit( &mut self, context: Context, borrow: &BorrowData<'tcx>, span: Span, ) { debug!("check_for_invalidation_at_exit({:?})", borrow); let place = &borrow.borrowed_place; let root_place = self.prefixes(place, PrefixSet::All).last().unwrap(); // FIXME(nll-rfc#40): do more precise destructor tracking here. For now // we just know that all locals are dropped at function exit (otherwise // we'll have a memory leak) and assume that all statics have a destructor. // // FIXME: allow thread-locals to borrow other thread locals? let (might_be_alive, will_be_dropped) = match root_place { Place::Promoted(_) => (true, false), Place::Static(_) => { // Thread-locals might be dropped after the function exits, but // "true" statics will never be. let is_thread_local = self.is_place_thread_local(&root_place); (true, is_thread_local) } Place::Local(_) => { // Locals are always dropped at function exit, and if they // have a destructor it would've been called already. (false, self.locals_are_invalidated_at_exit) } Place::Projection(..) => { bug!("root of {:?} is a projection ({:?})?", place, root_place) } }; if !will_be_dropped { debug!( "place_is_invalidated_at_exit({:?}) - won't be dropped", place ); return; } let sd = if might_be_alive { Deep } else { Shallow(None) }; if places_conflict::borrow_conflicts_with_place( self.infcx.tcx, self.mir, place, borrow.kind, root_place, sd ) { debug!("check_for_invalidation_at_exit({:?}): INVALID", place); // FIXME: should be talking about the region lifetime instead // of just a span here. let span = self.infcx.tcx.sess.source_map().end_point(span); self.report_borrowed_value_does_not_live_long_enough( context, borrow, (place, span), None, ) } } /// Reports an error if this is a borrow of local data. /// This is called for all Yield statements on movable generators fn check_for_local_borrow(&mut self, borrow: &BorrowData<'tcx>, yield_span: Span) { debug!("check_for_local_borrow({:?})", borrow); if borrow_of_local_data(&borrow.borrowed_place) { let err = self.infcx.tcx .cannot_borrow_across_generator_yield( self.retrieve_borrow_spans(borrow).var_or_use(), yield_span, Origin::Mir, ); err.buffer(&mut self.errors_buffer); } } fn check_activations( &mut self, location: Location, span: Span, flow_state: &Flows<'cx, 'gcx, 'tcx>, ) { if !self.infcx.tcx.two_phase_borrows() { return; } // Two-phase borrow support: For each activation that is newly // generated at this statement, check if it interferes with // another borrow. let borrow_set = self.borrow_set.clone(); for &borrow_index in borrow_set.activations_at_location(location) { let borrow = &borrow_set[borrow_index]; // only mutable borrows should be 2-phase assert!(match borrow.kind { BorrowKind::Shared | BorrowKind::Shallow => false, BorrowKind::Unique | BorrowKind::Mut { .. } => true, }); self.access_place( ContextKind::Activation.new(location), (&borrow.borrowed_place, span), ( Deep, Activation(WriteKind::MutableBorrow(borrow.kind), borrow_index), ), LocalMutationIsAllowed::No, flow_state, ); // We do not need to call `check_if_path_or_subpath_is_moved` // again, as we already called it when we made the // initial reservation. } } } impl<'cx, 'gcx, 'tcx> MirBorrowckCtxt<'cx, 'gcx, 'tcx> { fn check_if_reassignment_to_immutable_state( &mut self, context: Context, local: Local, place_span: (&Place<'tcx>, Span), flow_state: &Flows<'cx, 'gcx, 'tcx>, ) { debug!("check_if_reassignment_to_immutable_state({:?})", local); // Check if any of the initializiations of `local` have happened yet: let mpi = self.move_data.rev_lookup.find_local(local); let init_indices = &self.move_data.init_path_map[mpi]; let first_init_index = init_indices.iter().find(|&ii| flow_state.ever_inits.contains(*ii)); if let Some(&init_index) = first_init_index { // And, if so, report an error. let init = &self.move_data.inits[init_index]; let span = init.span(&self.mir); self.report_illegal_reassignment( context, place_span, span, place_span.0 ); } } fn check_if_full_path_is_moved( &mut self, context: Context, desired_action: InitializationRequiringAction, place_span: (&Place<'tcx>, Span), flow_state: &Flows<'cx, 'gcx, 'tcx>, ) { let maybe_uninits = &flow_state.uninits; // Bad scenarios: // // 1. Move of `a.b.c`, use of `a.b.c` // 2. Move of `a.b.c`, use of `a.b.c.d` (without first reinitializing `a.b.c.d`) // 3. Uninitialized `(a.b.c: &_)`, use of `*a.b.c`; note that with // partial initialization support, one might have `a.x` // initialized but not `a.b`. // // OK scenarios: // // 4. Move of `a.b.c`, use of `a.b.d` // 5. Uninitialized `a.x`, initialized `a.b`, use of `a.b` // 6. Copied `(a.b: &_)`, use of `*(a.b).c`; note that `a.b` // must have been initialized for the use to be sound. // 7. Move of `a.b.c` then reinit of `a.b.c.d`, use of `a.b.c.d` // The dataflow tracks shallow prefixes distinctly (that is, // field-accesses on P distinctly from P itself), in order to // track substructure initialization separately from the whole // structure. // // E.g., when looking at (*a.b.c).d, if the closest prefix for // which we have a MovePath is `a.b`, then that means that the // initialization state of `a.b` is all we need to inspect to // know if `a.b.c` is valid (and from that we infer that the // dereference and `.d` access is also valid, since we assume // `a.b.c` is assigned a reference to a initialized and // well-formed record structure.) // Therefore, if we seek out the *closest* prefix for which we // have a MovePath, that should capture the initialization // state for the place scenario. // // This code covers scenarios 1, 2, and 3. debug!("check_if_full_path_is_moved place: {:?}", place_span.0); match self.move_path_closest_to(place_span.0) { Ok(mpi) => { if maybe_uninits.contains(mpi) { self.report_use_of_moved_or_uninitialized( context, desired_action, place_span, mpi, ); return; // don't bother finding other problems. } } Err(NoMovePathFound::ReachedStatic) => { // Okay: we do not build MoveData for static variables } // Only query longest prefix with a MovePath, not further // ancestors; dataflow recurs on children when parents // move (to support partial (re)inits). // // (I.e. querying parents breaks scenario 7; but may want // to do such a query based on partial-init feature-gate.) } } fn check_if_path_or_subpath_is_moved( &mut self, context: Context, desired_action: InitializationRequiringAction, place_span: (&Place<'tcx>, Span), flow_state: &Flows<'cx, 'gcx, 'tcx>, ) { let maybe_uninits = &flow_state.uninits; // Bad scenarios: // // 1. Move of `a.b.c`, use of `a` or `a.b` // partial initialization support, one might have `a.x` // initialized but not `a.b`. // 2. All bad scenarios from `check_if_full_path_is_moved` // // OK scenarios: // // 3. Move of `a.b.c`, use of `a.b.d` // 4. Uninitialized `a.x`, initialized `a.b`, use of `a.b` // 5. Copied `(a.b: &_)`, use of `*(a.b).c`; note that `a.b` // must have been initialized for the use to be sound. // 6. Move of `a.b.c` then reinit of `a.b.c.d`, use of `a.b.c.d` self.check_if_full_path_is_moved(context, desired_action, place_span, flow_state); // A move of any shallow suffix of `place` also interferes // with an attempt to use `place`. This is scenario 3 above. // // (Distinct from handling of scenarios 1+2+4 above because // `place` does not interfere with suffixes of its prefixes, // e.g. `a.b.c` does not interfere with `a.b.d`) // // This code covers scenario 1. debug!("check_if_path_or_subpath_is_moved place: {:?}", place_span.0); if let Some(mpi) = self.move_path_for_place(place_span.0) { if let Some(child_mpi) = maybe_uninits.has_any_child_of(mpi) { self.report_use_of_moved_or_uninitialized( context, desired_action, place_span, child_mpi, ); return; // don't bother finding other problems. } } } /// Currently MoveData does not store entries for all places in /// the input MIR. For example it will currently filter out /// places that are Copy; thus we do not track places of shared /// reference type. This routine will walk up a place along its /// prefixes, searching for a foundational place that *is* /// tracked in the MoveData. /// /// An Err result includes a tag indicated why the search failed. /// Currently this can only occur if the place is built off of a /// static variable, as we do not track those in the MoveData. fn move_path_closest_to( &mut self, place: &Place<'tcx>, ) -> Result<MovePathIndex, NoMovePathFound> { let mut last_prefix = place; for prefix in self.prefixes(place, PrefixSet::All) { if let Some(mpi) = self.move_path_for_place(prefix) { return Ok(mpi); } last_prefix = prefix; } match *last_prefix { Place::Local(_) => panic!("should have move path for every Local"), Place::Projection(_) => panic!("PrefixSet::All meant don't stop for Projection"), Place::Promoted(_) | Place::Static(_) => return Err(NoMovePathFound::ReachedStatic), } } fn move_path_for_place(&mut self, place: &Place<'tcx>) -> Option<MovePathIndex> { // If returns None, then there is no move path corresponding // to a direct owner of `place` (which means there is nothing // that borrowck tracks for its analysis). match self.move_data.rev_lookup.find(place) { LookupResult::Parent(_) => None, LookupResult::Exact(mpi) => Some(mpi), } } fn check_if_assigned_path_is_moved( &mut self, context: Context, (place, span): (&Place<'tcx>, Span), flow_state: &Flows<'cx, 'gcx, 'tcx>, ) { debug!("check_if_assigned_path_is_moved place: {:?}", place); // recur down place; dispatch to external checks when necessary let mut place = place; loop { match *place { Place::Promoted(_) | Place::Local(_) | Place::Static(_) => { // assigning to `x` does not require `x` be initialized. break; } Place::Projection(ref proj) => { let Projection { ref base, ref elem } = **proj; match *elem { ProjectionElem::Index(_/*operand*/) | ProjectionElem::ConstantIndex { .. } | // assigning to P[i] requires P to be valid. ProjectionElem::Downcast(_/*adt_def*/, _/*variant_idx*/) => // assigning to (P->variant) is okay if assigning to `P` is okay // // FIXME: is this true even if P is a adt with a dtor? { } // assigning to (*P) requires P to be initialized ProjectionElem::Deref => { self.check_if_full_path_is_moved( context, InitializationRequiringAction::Use, (base, span), flow_state); // (base initialized; no need to // recur further) break; } ProjectionElem::Subslice { .. } => { panic!("we don't allow assignments to subslices, context: {:?}", context); } ProjectionElem::Field(..) => { // if type of `P` has a dtor, then // assigning to `P.f` requires `P` itself // be already initialized let tcx = self.infcx.tcx; match base.ty(self.mir, tcx).to_ty(tcx).sty { ty::Adt(def, _) if def.has_dtor(tcx) => { self.check_if_path_or_subpath_is_moved( context, InitializationRequiringAction::Assignment, (base, span), flow_state); // (base initialized; no need to // recur further) break; } _ => {} } } } place = base; continue; } } } } /// Check the permissions for the given place and read or write kind /// /// Returns true if an error is reported, false otherwise. fn check_access_permissions( &mut self, (place, span): (&Place<'tcx>, Span), kind: ReadOrWrite, is_local_mutation_allowed: LocalMutationIsAllowed, flow_state: &Flows<'cx, 'gcx, 'tcx>, location: Location, ) -> bool { debug!( "check_access_permissions({:?}, {:?}, {:?})", place, kind, is_local_mutation_allowed ); let error_access; let the_place_err; match kind { Reservation(WriteKind::MutableBorrow(borrow_kind @ BorrowKind::Unique)) | Reservation(WriteKind::MutableBorrow(borrow_kind @ BorrowKind::Mut { .. })) | Write(WriteKind::MutableBorrow(borrow_kind @ BorrowKind::Unique)) | Write(WriteKind::MutableBorrow(borrow_kind @ BorrowKind::Mut { .. })) => { let is_local_mutation_allowed = match borrow_kind { BorrowKind::Unique => LocalMutationIsAllowed::Yes, BorrowKind::Mut { .. } => is_local_mutation_allowed, BorrowKind::Shared | BorrowKind::Shallow => unreachable!(), }; match self.is_mutable(place, is_local_mutation_allowed) { Ok(root_place) => { self.add_used_mut(root_place, flow_state); return false; } Err(place_err) => { error_access = AccessKind::MutableBorrow; the_place_err = place_err; } } } Reservation(WriteKind::Mutate) | Write(WriteKind::Mutate) => { match self.is_mutable(place, is_local_mutation_allowed) { Ok(root_place) => { self.add_used_mut(root_place, flow_state); return false; } Err(place_err) => { error_access = AccessKind::Mutate; the_place_err = place_err; } } } Reservation(wk @ WriteKind::Move) | Write(wk @ WriteKind::Move) | Reservation(wk @ WriteKind::StorageDeadOrDrop) | Reservation(wk @ WriteKind::MutableBorrow(BorrowKind::Shared)) | Reservation(wk @ WriteKind::MutableBorrow(BorrowKind::Shallow)) | Write(wk @ WriteKind::StorageDeadOrDrop) | Write(wk @ WriteKind::MutableBorrow(BorrowKind::Shared)) | Write(wk @ WriteKind::MutableBorrow(BorrowKind::Shallow)) => { if let Err(_place_err) = self.is_mutable(place, is_local_mutation_allowed) { if self.infcx.tcx.migrate_borrowck() { // rust-lang/rust#46908: In pure NLL mode this // code path should be unreachable (and thus // we signal an ICE in the else branch // here). But we can legitimately get here // under borrowck=migrate mode, so instead of // ICE'ing we instead report a legitimate // error (which will then be downgraded to a // warning by the migrate machinery). error_access = match wk { WriteKind::MutableBorrow(_) => AccessKind::MutableBorrow, WriteKind::Move => AccessKind::Move, WriteKind::StorageDeadOrDrop | WriteKind::Mutate => AccessKind::Mutate, }; self.report_mutability_error( place, span, _place_err, error_access, location, ); } else { self.infcx.tcx.sess.delay_span_bug( span, &format!( "Accessing `{:?}` with the kind `{:?}` shouldn't be possible", place, kind ), ); } } return false; } Activation(..) => { // permission checks are done at Reservation point. return false; } Read(ReadKind::Borrow(BorrowKind::Unique)) | Read(ReadKind::Borrow(BorrowKind::Mut { .. })) | Read(ReadKind::Borrow(BorrowKind::Shared)) | Read(ReadKind::Borrow(BorrowKind::Shallow)) | Read(ReadKind::Copy) => { // Access authorized return false; } } // at this point, we have set up the error reporting state. self.report_mutability_error( place, span, the_place_err, error_access, location, ); return true; } /// Adds the place into the used mutable variables set fn add_used_mut<'d>( &mut self, root_place: RootPlace<'d, 'tcx>, flow_state: &Flows<'cx, 'gcx, 'tcx>, ) { match root_place { RootPlace { place: Place::Local(local), is_local_mutation_allowed, } => { if is_local_mutation_allowed != LocalMutationIsAllowed::Yes { // If the local may be initialized, and it is now currently being // mutated, then it is justified to be annotated with the `mut` // keyword, since the mutation may be a possible reassignment. let mpi = self.move_data.rev_lookup.find_local(*local); let ii = &self.move_data.init_path_map[mpi]; for &index in ii { if flow_state.ever_inits.contains(index) { self.used_mut.insert(*local); break; } } } } RootPlace { place: _, is_local_mutation_allowed: LocalMutationIsAllowed::Yes, } => {} RootPlace { place: place @ Place::Projection(_), is_local_mutation_allowed: _, } => { if let Some(field) = place.is_upvar_field_projection(self.mir, &self.infcx.tcx) { self.used_mut_upvars.push(field); } } RootPlace { place: Place::Promoted(..), is_local_mutation_allowed: _, } => {} RootPlace { place: Place::Static(..), is_local_mutation_allowed: _, } => {} } } /// Whether this value be written or borrowed mutably. /// Returns the root place if the place passed in is a projection. fn is_mutable<'d>( &self, place: &'d Place<'tcx>, is_local_mutation_allowed: LocalMutationIsAllowed, ) -> Result<RootPlace<'d, 'tcx>, &'d Place<'tcx>> { match *place { Place::Local(local) => { let local = &self.mir.local_decls[local]; match local.mutability { Mutability::Not => match is_local_mutation_allowed { LocalMutationIsAllowed::Yes => Ok(RootPlace { place, is_local_mutation_allowed: LocalMutationIsAllowed::Yes, }), LocalMutationIsAllowed::ExceptUpvars => Ok(RootPlace { place, is_local_mutation_allowed: LocalMutationIsAllowed::ExceptUpvars, }), LocalMutationIsAllowed::No => Err(place), }, Mutability::Mut => Ok(RootPlace { place, is_local_mutation_allowed, }), } } // The rules for promotion are made by `qualify_consts`, there wouldn't even be a // `Place::Promoted` if the promotion weren't 100% legal. So we just forward this Place::Promoted(_) => Ok(RootPlace { place, is_local_mutation_allowed, }), Place::Static(ref static_) => { if self.infcx.tcx.is_static(static_.def_id) != Some(hir::Mutability::MutMutable) { Err(place) } else { Ok(RootPlace { place, is_local_mutation_allowed, }) } } Place::Projection(ref proj) => { match proj.elem { ProjectionElem::Deref => { let base_ty = proj.base.ty(self.mir, self.infcx.tcx).to_ty(self.infcx.tcx); // Check the kind of deref to decide match base_ty.sty { ty::Ref(_, _, mutbl) => { match mutbl { // Shared borrowed data is never mutable hir::MutImmutable => Err(place), // Mutably borrowed data is mutable, but only if we have a // unique path to the `&mut` hir::MutMutable => { let mode = match place.is_upvar_field_projection( self.mir, &self.infcx.tcx) { Some(field) if { self.mir.upvar_decls[field.index()].by_ref } => { is_local_mutation_allowed } _ => LocalMutationIsAllowed::Yes, }; self.is_mutable(&proj.base, mode) } } } ty::RawPtr(tnm) => { match tnm.mutbl { // `*const` raw pointers are not mutable hir::MutImmutable => return Err(place), // `*mut` raw pointers are always mutable, regardless of // context. The users have to check by themselves. hir::MutMutable => { return Ok(RootPlace { place, is_local_mutation_allowed, }); } } } // `Box<T>` owns its content, so mutable if its location is mutable _ if base_ty.is_box() => { self.is_mutable(&proj.base, is_local_mutation_allowed) } // Deref should only be for reference, pointers or boxes _ => bug!("Deref of unexpected type: {:?}", base_ty), } } // All other projections are owned by their base path, so mutable if // base path is mutable ProjectionElem::Field(..) | ProjectionElem::Index(..) | ProjectionElem::ConstantIndex { .. } | ProjectionElem::Subslice { .. } | ProjectionElem::Downcast(..) => { let upvar_field_projection = place.is_upvar_field_projection( self.mir, &self.infcx.tcx); if let Some(field) = upvar_field_projection { let decl = &self.mir.upvar_decls[field.index()]; debug!( "decl.mutability={:?} local_mutation_is_allowed={:?} place={:?}", decl, is_local_mutation_allowed, place ); match (decl.mutability, is_local_mutation_allowed) { (Mutability::Not, LocalMutationIsAllowed::No) | (Mutability::Not, LocalMutationIsAllowed::ExceptUpvars) => { Err(place) } (Mutability::Not, LocalMutationIsAllowed::Yes) | (Mutability::Mut, _) => { // Subtle: this is an upvar // reference, so it looks like // `self.foo` -- we want to double // check that the context `*self` // is mutable (i.e., this is not a // `Fn` closure). But if that // check succeeds, we want to // *blame* the mutability on // `place` (that is, // `self.foo`). This is used to // propagate the info about // whether mutability declarations // are used outwards, so that we register // the outer variable as mutable. Otherwise a // test like this fails to record the `mut` // as needed: // // ``` // fn foo<F: FnOnce()>(_f: F) { } // fn main() { // let var = Vec::new(); // foo(move || { // var.push(1); // }); // } // ``` let _ = self.is_mutable(&proj.base, is_local_mutation_allowed)?; Ok(RootPlace { place, is_local_mutation_allowed, }) } } } else { self.is_mutable(&proj.base, is_local_mutation_allowed) } } } } } } } #[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Debug)] enum NoMovePathFound { ReachedStatic, } /// The degree of overlap between 2 places for borrow-checking. enum Overlap { /// The places might partially overlap - in this case, we give /// up and say that they might conflict. This occurs when /// different fields of a union are borrowed. For example, /// if `u` is a union, we have no way of telling how disjoint /// `u.a.x` and `a.b.y` are. Arbitrary, /// The places have the same type, and are either completely disjoint /// or equal - i.e. they can't "partially" overlap as can occur with /// unions. This is the "base case" on which we recur for extensions /// of the place. EqualOrDisjoint, /// The places are disjoint, so we know all extensions of them /// will also be disjoint. Disjoint, } #[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Debug)] struct Context { kind: ContextKind, loc: Location, } #[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Debug)] enum ContextKind { Activation, AssignLhs, AssignRhs, SetDiscrim, InlineAsm, SwitchInt, Drop, DropAndReplace, CallOperator, CallOperand, CallDest, Assert, Yield, FakeRead, StorageDead, } impl ContextKind { fn new(self, loc: Location) -> Context { Context { kind: self, loc: loc, } } }
use ic_metrics::{buckets::decimal_buckets, MetricsRegistry, Timer}; use prometheus::HistogramVec; const LABEL_STATUS: &str = "status"; const LABEL_TYPE: &str = "type"; const METRIC_BUILD_PAYLOAD_DURATION: &str = "bitcoin_builder_build_payload_duration_seconds"; const METRIC_VALIDATE_PAYLOAD_DURATION: &str = "bitcoin_builder_validate_payload_duration_seconds"; const METRIC_ADAPTER_REQUEST_DURATION: &str = "bitcoin_builder_adapter_request_duration_seconds"; pub struct BitcoinPayloadBuilderMetrics { // Records the time it took to build the payload, by status. build_payload_duration: HistogramVec, // Records the time it took to validate a payload, by status. validate_payload_duration: HistogramVec, // Records the time it took to send a request to the Bitcoin // Adapter and receive the response, by status and type. adapter_request_duration: HistogramVec, } impl BitcoinPayloadBuilderMetrics { pub fn new(metrics_registry: &MetricsRegistry) -> Self { Self { build_payload_duration: metrics_registry.histogram_vec( METRIC_BUILD_PAYLOAD_DURATION, "The time it took to build the payload, by status.", // 0.1ms - 5s decimal_buckets(-4, 0), &[LABEL_STATUS], ), validate_payload_duration: metrics_registry.histogram_vec( METRIC_VALIDATE_PAYLOAD_DURATION, "The time it took to validate a payload, by status.", // 0.1ms - 5s decimal_buckets(-4, 0), &[LABEL_STATUS], ), adapter_request_duration: metrics_registry.histogram_vec( METRIC_ADAPTER_REQUEST_DURATION, "The time it took to send a request to the Bitcoin Adapter and receive the response, by status and type.", // 1μs - 5s decimal_buckets(-6, 0), &[LABEL_STATUS, LABEL_TYPE], ), } } // Records the status and duration of a `get_self_validating_payload()` call. pub fn observe_build_duration(&self, status: &str, timer: Timer) { self.build_payload_duration .with_label_values(&[status]) .observe(timer.elapsed()); } // Records the status and duration of a `validate_self_validating_payload()` call. pub fn observe_validate_duration(&self, status: &str, timer: Timer) { self.validate_payload_duration .with_label_values(&[status]) .observe(timer.elapsed()); } // Records the status, type and duration of a request made to the BitcoinAdapter. pub fn observe_adapter_request_duration(&self, status: &str, request_type: &str, timer: Timer) { self.adapter_request_duration .with_label_values(&[status, request_type]) .observe(timer.elapsed()); } }
//! The implementation of the query system itself. This defines the macros that //! generate the actual methods on tcx which find and execute the provider, //! manage the caches, and so forth. use crate::dep_graph::DepGraph; use crate::ty::query::Query; use crate::ty::tls::{self, ImplicitCtxt}; use crate::ty::{self, TyCtxt}; use rustc_query_system::query::QueryContext; use rustc_query_system::query::{CycleError, QueryJobId, QueryJobInfo}; use rustc_data_structures::fx::FxHashMap; use rustc_data_structures::sync::Lock; use rustc_data_structures::thin_vec::ThinVec; use rustc_errors::{struct_span_err, Diagnostic, DiagnosticBuilder, Handler, Level}; use rustc_span::def_id::DefId; use rustc_span::Span; impl QueryContext for TyCtxt<'tcx> { type Query = Query<'tcx>; fn incremental_verify_ich(&self) -> bool { self.sess.opts.debugging_opts.incremental_verify_ich } fn verbose(&self) -> bool { self.sess.verbose() } fn def_path_str(&self, def_id: DefId) -> String { TyCtxt::def_path_str(*self, def_id) } fn dep_graph(&self) -> &DepGraph { &self.dep_graph } fn current_query_job(&self) -> Option<QueryJobId<Self::DepKind>> { tls::with_related_context(*self, |icx| icx.query) } fn try_collect_active_jobs( &self, ) -> Option<FxHashMap<QueryJobId<Self::DepKind>, QueryJobInfo<Self>>> { self.queries.try_collect_active_jobs() } /// Executes a job by changing the `ImplicitCtxt` to point to the /// new query job while it executes. It returns the diagnostics /// captured during execution and the actual result. #[inline(always)] fn start_query<R>( &self, token: QueryJobId<Self::DepKind>, diagnostics: Option<&Lock<ThinVec<Diagnostic>>>, compute: impl FnOnce(Self) -> R, ) -> R { // The `TyCtxt` stored in TLS has the same global interner lifetime // as `self`, so we use `with_related_context` to relate the 'tcx lifetimes // when accessing the `ImplicitCtxt`. tls::with_related_context(*self, move |current_icx| { // Update the `ImplicitCtxt` to point to our new query job. let new_icx = ImplicitCtxt { tcx: *self, query: Some(token), diagnostics, layout_depth: current_icx.layout_depth, task_deps: current_icx.task_deps, }; // Use the `ImplicitCtxt` while we execute the query. tls::enter_context(&new_icx, |_| compute(*self)) }) } } impl<'tcx> TyCtxt<'tcx> { #[inline(never)] #[cold] pub(super) fn report_cycle( self, CycleError { usage, cycle: stack }: CycleError<Query<'tcx>>, ) -> DiagnosticBuilder<'tcx> { assert!(!stack.is_empty()); let fix_span = |span: Span, query: &Query<'tcx>| { self.sess.source_map().guess_head_span(query.default_span(self, span)) }; // Disable naming impls with types in this path, since that // sometimes cycles itself, leading to extra cycle errors. // (And cycle errors around impls tend to occur during the // collect/coherence phases anyhow.) ty::print::with_forced_impl_filename_line(|| { let span = fix_span(stack[1 % stack.len()].span, &stack[0].query); let mut err = struct_span_err!( self.sess, span, E0391, "cycle detected when {}", stack[0].query.describe(self) ); for i in 1..stack.len() { let query = &stack[i].query; let span = fix_span(stack[(i + 1) % stack.len()].span, query); err.span_note(span, &format!("...which requires {}...", query.describe(self))); } err.note(&format!( "...which again requires {}, completing the cycle", stack[0].query.describe(self) )); if let Some((span, query)) = usage { err.span_note( fix_span(span, &query), &format!("cycle used when {}", query.describe(self)), ); } err }) } pub fn try_print_query_stack(handler: &Handler) { eprintln!("query stack during panic:"); // Be careful reyling on global state here: this code is called from // a panic hook, which means that the global `Handler` may be in a weird // state if it was responsible for triggering the panic. ty::tls::with_context_opt(|icx| { if let Some(icx) = icx { let query_map = icx.tcx.queries.try_collect_active_jobs(); let mut current_query = icx.query; let mut i = 0; while let Some(query) = current_query { let query_info = if let Some(info) = query_map.as_ref().and_then(|map| map.get(&query)) { info } else { break; }; let mut diag = Diagnostic::new( Level::FailureNote, &format!( "#{} [{}] {}", i, query_info.info.query.name(), query_info.info.query.describe(icx.tcx) ), ); diag.span = icx.tcx.sess.source_map().guess_head_span(query_info.info.span).into(); handler.force_print_diagnostic(diag); current_query = query_info.job.parent; i += 1; } } }); eprintln!("end of query stack"); } } macro_rules! handle_cycle_error { ([][$tcx: expr, $error:expr]) => {{ $tcx.report_cycle($error).emit(); Value::from_cycle_error($tcx) }}; ([fatal_cycle $($rest:tt)*][$tcx:expr, $error:expr]) => {{ $tcx.report_cycle($error).emit(); $tcx.sess.abort_if_errors(); unreachable!() }}; ([cycle_delay_bug $($rest:tt)*][$tcx:expr, $error:expr]) => {{ $tcx.report_cycle($error).delay_as_bug(); Value::from_cycle_error($tcx) }}; ([$other:ident $(($($other_args:tt)*))* $(, $($modifiers:tt)*)*][$($args:tt)*]) => { handle_cycle_error!([$($($modifiers)*)*][$($args)*]) }; } macro_rules! is_anon { ([]) => {{ false }}; ([anon $($rest:tt)*]) => {{ true }}; ([$other:ident $(($($other_args:tt)*))* $(, $($modifiers:tt)*)*]) => { is_anon!([$($($modifiers)*)*]) }; } macro_rules! is_eval_always { ([]) => {{ false }}; ([eval_always $($rest:tt)*]) => {{ true }}; ([$other:ident $(($($other_args:tt)*))* $(, $($modifiers:tt)*)*]) => { is_eval_always!([$($($modifiers)*)*]) }; } macro_rules! query_storage { ([][$K:ty, $V:ty]) => { <<$K as Key>::CacheSelector as CacheSelector<$K, $V>>::Cache }; ([storage($ty:ty) $($rest:tt)*][$K:ty, $V:ty]) => { <$ty as CacheSelector<$K, $V>>::Cache }; ([$other:ident $(($($other_args:tt)*))* $(, $($modifiers:tt)*)*][$($args:tt)*]) => { query_storage!([$($($modifiers)*)*][$($args)*]) }; } macro_rules! hash_result { ([][$hcx:expr, $result:expr]) => {{ dep_graph::hash_result($hcx, &$result) }}; ([no_hash $($rest:tt)*][$hcx:expr, $result:expr]) => {{ None }}; ([$other:ident $(($($other_args:tt)*))* $(, $($modifiers:tt)*)*][$($args:tt)*]) => { hash_result!([$($($modifiers)*)*][$($args)*]) }; } macro_rules! define_queries { (<$tcx:tt> $($category:tt { $($(#[$attr:meta])* [$($modifiers:tt)*] fn $name:ident: $node:ident($($K:tt)*) -> $V:ty,)* },)*) => { define_queries_inner! { <$tcx> $($( $(#[$attr])* category<$category> [$($modifiers)*] fn $name: $node($($K)*) -> $V,)*)* } } } macro_rules! query_helper_param_ty { (DefId) => { impl IntoQueryParam<DefId> }; ($K:ty) => { $K }; } macro_rules! define_queries_inner { (<$tcx:tt> $($(#[$attr:meta])* category<$category:tt> [$($modifiers:tt)*] fn $name:ident: $node:ident($($K:tt)*) -> $V:ty,)*) => { use std::mem; use crate::{ rustc_data_structures::stable_hasher::HashStable, rustc_data_structures::stable_hasher::StableHasher, ich::StableHashingContext }; use rustc_data_structures::profiling::ProfileCategory; define_queries_struct! { tcx: $tcx, input: ($(([$($modifiers)*] [$($attr)*] [$name]))*) } #[allow(nonstandard_style)] #[derive(Clone, Debug)] pub enum Query<$tcx> { $($(#[$attr])* $name($($K)*)),* } impl<$tcx> Query<$tcx> { pub fn name(&self) -> &'static str { match *self { $(Query::$name(_) => stringify!($name),)* } } pub fn describe(&self, tcx: TyCtxt<$tcx>) -> Cow<'static, str> { let (r, name) = match *self { $(Query::$name(key) => { (queries::$name::describe(tcx, key), stringify!($name)) })* }; if tcx.sess.verbose() { format!("{} [{}]", r, name).into() } else { r } } // FIXME(eddyb) Get more valid `Span`s on queries. pub fn default_span(&self, tcx: TyCtxt<$tcx>, span: Span) -> Span { if !span.is_dummy() { return span; } // The `def_span` query is used to calculate `default_span`, // so exit to avoid infinite recursion. if let Query::def_span(..) = *self { return span } match *self { $(Query::$name(key) => key.default_span(tcx),)* } } } impl<'a, $tcx> HashStable<StableHashingContext<'a>> for Query<$tcx> { fn hash_stable(&self, hcx: &mut StableHashingContext<'a>, hasher: &mut StableHasher) { mem::discriminant(self).hash_stable(hcx, hasher); match *self { $(Query::$name(key) => key.hash_stable(hcx, hasher),)* } } } pub mod queries { use std::marker::PhantomData; $(#[allow(nonstandard_style)] pub struct $name<$tcx> { data: PhantomData<&$tcx ()> })* } $(impl<$tcx> QueryConfig<TyCtxt<$tcx>> for queries::$name<$tcx> { type Key = $($K)*; type Value = $V; type Stored = < query_storage!([$($modifiers)*][$($K)*, $V]) as QueryStorage >::Stored; const NAME: &'static str = stringify!($name); const CATEGORY: ProfileCategory = $category; } impl<$tcx> QueryAccessors<TyCtxt<$tcx>> for queries::$name<$tcx> { const ANON: bool = is_anon!([$($modifiers)*]); const EVAL_ALWAYS: bool = is_eval_always!([$($modifiers)*]); const DEP_KIND: dep_graph::DepKind = dep_graph::DepKind::$node; type Cache = query_storage!([$($modifiers)*][$($K)*, $V]); #[inline(always)] fn query_state<'a>(tcx: TyCtxt<$tcx>) -> &'a QueryState<TyCtxt<$tcx>, Self::Cache> { &tcx.queries.$name } #[allow(unused)] #[inline(always)] fn to_dep_node(tcx: TyCtxt<$tcx>, key: &Self::Key) -> DepNode { DepConstructor::$node(tcx, *key) } #[inline] fn compute(tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>, key: Self::Key) -> Self::Value { let provider = tcx.queries.providers.get(key.query_crate()) // HACK(eddyb) it's possible crates may be loaded after // the query engine is created, and because crate loading // is not yet integrated with the query engine, such crates // would be missing appropriate entries in `providers`. .unwrap_or(&tcx.queries.fallback_extern_providers) .$name; provider(tcx, key) } fn hash_result( _hcx: &mut StableHashingContext<'_>, _result: &Self::Value ) -> Option<Fingerprint> { hash_result!([$($modifiers)*][_hcx, _result]) } fn handle_cycle_error( tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>, error: CycleError<Query<'tcx>> ) -> Self::Value { handle_cycle_error!([$($modifiers)*][tcx, error]) } })* #[derive(Copy, Clone)] pub struct TyCtxtEnsure<'tcx> { pub tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>, } impl TyCtxtEnsure<$tcx> { $($(#[$attr])* #[inline(always)] pub fn $name(self, key: query_helper_param_ty!($($K)*)) { ensure_query::<queries::$name<'_>, _>(self.tcx, key.into_query_param()) })* } #[derive(Copy, Clone)] pub struct TyCtxtAt<'tcx> { pub tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>, pub span: Span, } impl Deref for TyCtxtAt<'tcx> { type Target = TyCtxt<'tcx>; #[inline(always)] fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target { &self.tcx } } impl TyCtxt<$tcx> { /// Returns a transparent wrapper for `TyCtxt`, which ensures queries /// are executed instead of just returning their results. #[inline(always)] pub fn ensure(self) -> TyCtxtEnsure<$tcx> { TyCtxtEnsure { tcx: self, } } /// Returns a transparent wrapper for `TyCtxt` which uses /// `span` as the location of queries performed through it. #[inline(always)] pub fn at(self, span: Span) -> TyCtxtAt<$tcx> { TyCtxtAt { tcx: self, span } } $($(#[$attr])* #[inline(always)] pub fn $name(self, key: query_helper_param_ty!($($K)*)) -> <queries::$name<$tcx> as QueryConfig<TyCtxt<$tcx>>>::Stored { self.at(DUMMY_SP).$name(key.into_query_param()) })* /// All self-profiling events generated by the query engine use /// virtual `StringId`s for their `event_id`. This method makes all /// those virtual `StringId`s point to actual strings. /// /// If we are recording only summary data, the ids will point to /// just the query names. If we are recording query keys too, we /// allocate the corresponding strings here. pub fn alloc_self_profile_query_strings(self) { use crate::ty::query::profiling_support::{ alloc_self_profile_query_strings_for_query_cache, QueryKeyStringCache, }; if !self.prof.enabled() { return; } let mut string_cache = QueryKeyStringCache::new(); $({ alloc_self_profile_query_strings_for_query_cache( self, stringify!($name), &self.queries.$name, &mut string_cache, ); })* } } impl TyCtxtAt<$tcx> { $($(#[$attr])* #[inline(always)] pub fn $name(self, key: query_helper_param_ty!($($K)*)) -> <queries::$name<$tcx> as QueryConfig<TyCtxt<$tcx>>>::Stored { get_query::<queries::$name<'_>, _>(self.tcx, self.span, key.into_query_param()) })* } define_provider_struct! { tcx: $tcx, input: ($(([$($modifiers)*] [$name] [$($K)*] [$V]))*) } impl<$tcx> Copy for Providers<$tcx> {} impl<$tcx> Clone for Providers<$tcx> { fn clone(&self) -> Self { *self } } } } macro_rules! define_queries_struct { (tcx: $tcx:tt, input: ($(([$($modifiers:tt)*] [$($attr:tt)*] [$name:ident]))*)) => { pub struct Queries<$tcx> { /// This provides access to the incrimental comilation on-disk cache for query results. /// Do not access this directly. It is only meant to be used by /// `DepGraph::try_mark_green()` and the query infrastructure. pub(crate) on_disk_cache: OnDiskCache<'tcx>, providers: IndexVec<CrateNum, Providers<$tcx>>, fallback_extern_providers: Box<Providers<$tcx>>, $($(#[$attr])* $name: QueryState< TyCtxt<$tcx>, <queries::$name<$tcx> as QueryAccessors<TyCtxt<'tcx>>>::Cache, >,)* } impl<$tcx> Queries<$tcx> { pub(crate) fn new( providers: IndexVec<CrateNum, Providers<$tcx>>, fallback_extern_providers: Providers<$tcx>, on_disk_cache: OnDiskCache<'tcx>, ) -> Self { Queries { providers, fallback_extern_providers: Box::new(fallback_extern_providers), on_disk_cache, $($name: Default::default()),* } } pub(crate) fn try_collect_active_jobs( &self ) -> Option<FxHashMap<QueryJobId<crate::dep_graph::DepKind>, QueryJobInfo<TyCtxt<'tcx>>>> { let mut jobs = FxHashMap::default(); $( self.$name.try_collect_active_jobs( <queries::$name<'tcx> as QueryAccessors<TyCtxt<'tcx>>>::DEP_KIND, Query::$name, &mut jobs, )?; )* Some(jobs) } } }; } macro_rules! define_provider_struct { (tcx: $tcx:tt, input: ($(([$($modifiers:tt)*] [$name:ident] [$K:ty] [$R:ty]))*)) => { pub struct Providers<$tcx> { $(pub $name: fn(TyCtxt<$tcx>, $K) -> $R,)* } impl<$tcx> Default for Providers<$tcx> { fn default() -> Self { $(fn $name<$tcx>(_: TyCtxt<$tcx>, key: $K) -> $R { bug!("`tcx.{}({:?})` unsupported by its crate", stringify!($name), key); })* Providers { $($name),* } } } }; }
// Copyright 2012-2013 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT // file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at // http://rust-lang.org/COPYRIGHT. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0> or the MIT license // <LICENSE-MIT or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>, at your // option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed // except according to those terms. #[doc(hidden)]; // Support code for rustc's built in test runner generator. Currently, // none of this is meant for users. It is intended to support the // simplest interface possible for representing and running tests // while providing a base that other test frameworks may build off of. use getopts; use getopts::groups; use json::ToJson; use json; use serialize::Decodable; use sort; use stats::Stats; use stats; use term; use time::precise_time_ns; use treemap::TreeMap; use std::clone::Clone; use std::comm::{stream, SharedChan, GenericPort, GenericChan}; use std::libc; use std::either; use std::io; use std::result; use std::task; use std::to_str::ToStr; use std::f64; use std::os; use std::uint; // The name of a test. By convention this follows the rules for rust // paths; i.e. it should be a series of identifiers separated by double // colons. This way if some test runner wants to arrange the tests // hierarchically it may. #[deriving(Clone)] pub enum TestName { StaticTestName(&'static str), DynTestName(~str) } impl ToStr for TestName { fn to_str(&self) -> ~str { match (*self).clone() { StaticTestName(s) => s.to_str(), DynTestName(s) => s.to_str() } } } // A function that runs a test. If the function returns successfully, // the test succeeds; if the function fails then the test fails. We // may need to come up with a more clever definition of test in order // to support isolation of tests into tasks. pub enum TestFn { StaticTestFn(extern fn()), StaticBenchFn(extern fn(&mut BenchHarness)), StaticMetricFn(~fn(&mut MetricMap)), DynTestFn(~fn()), DynMetricFn(~fn(&mut MetricMap)), DynBenchFn(~fn(&mut BenchHarness)) } // Structure passed to BenchFns pub struct BenchHarness { iterations: u64, ns_start: u64, ns_end: u64, bytes: u64 } // The definition of a single test. A test runner will run a list of // these. #[deriving(Clone)] pub struct TestDesc { name: TestName, ignore: bool, should_fail: bool } pub struct TestDescAndFn { desc: TestDesc, testfn: TestFn, } #[deriving(Clone, Encodable, Decodable, Eq)] pub struct Metric { value: f64, noise: f64 } #[deriving(Eq)] pub struct MetricMap(TreeMap<~str,Metric>); impl Clone for MetricMap { fn clone(&self) -> MetricMap { MetricMap((**self).clone()) } } /// Analysis of a single change in metric #[deriving(Eq)] pub enum MetricChange { LikelyNoise, MetricAdded, MetricRemoved, Improvement(f64), Regression(f64) } pub type MetricDiff = TreeMap<~str,MetricChange>; // The default console test runner. It accepts the command line // arguments and a vector of test_descs. pub fn test_main(args: &[~str], tests: ~[TestDescAndFn]) { let opts = match parse_opts(args) { either::Left(o) => o, either::Right(m) => fail!(m) }; if !run_tests_console(&opts, tests) { fail!("Some tests failed"); } } // A variant optimized for invocation with a static test vector. // This will fail (intentionally) when fed any dynamic tests, because // it is copying the static values out into a dynamic vector and cannot // copy dynamic values. It is doing this because from this point on // a ~[TestDescAndFn] is used in order to effect ownership-transfer // semantics into parallel test runners, which in turn requires a ~[] // rather than a &[]. pub fn test_main_static(args: &[~str], tests: &[TestDescAndFn]) { let owned_tests = do tests.map |t| { match t.testfn { StaticTestFn(f) => TestDescAndFn { testfn: StaticTestFn(f), desc: t.desc.clone() }, StaticBenchFn(f) => TestDescAndFn { testfn: StaticBenchFn(f), desc: t.desc.clone() }, _ => { fail!("non-static tests passed to test::test_main_static"); } } }; test_main(args, owned_tests) } pub struct TestOpts { filter: Option<~str>, run_ignored: bool, run_tests: bool, run_benchmarks: bool, ratchet_metrics: Option<Path>, ratchet_noise_percent: Option<f64>, save_metrics: Option<Path>, test_shard: Option<(uint,uint)>, logfile: Option<Path> } type OptRes = Either<TestOpts, ~str>; fn optgroups() -> ~[getopts::groups::OptGroup] { ~[groups::optflag("", "ignored", "Run ignored tests"), groups::optflag("", "test", "Run tests and not benchmarks"), groups::optflag("", "bench", "Run benchmarks instead of tests"), groups::optflag("h", "help", "Display this message (longer with --help)"), groups::optopt("", "save-metrics", "Location to save bench metrics", "PATH"), groups::optopt("", "ratchet-metrics", "Location to load and save metrics from. The metrics \ loaded are cause benchmarks to fail if they run too \ slowly", "PATH"), groups::optopt("", "ratchet-noise-percent", "Tests within N% of the recorded metrics will be \ considered as passing", "PERCENTAGE"), groups::optopt("", "logfile", "Write logs to the specified file instead \ of stdout", "PATH"), groups::optopt("", "test-shard", "run shard A, of B shards, worth of the testsuite", "A.B")] } fn usage(binary: &str, helpstr: &str) -> ! { #[fixed_stack_segment]; #[inline(never)]; let message = fmt!("Usage: %s [OPTIONS] [FILTER]", binary); println(groups::usage(message, optgroups())); println(""); if helpstr == "help" { println("\ The FILTER is matched against the name of all tests to run, and if any tests have a substring match, only those tests are run. By default, all tests are run in parallel. This can be altered with the RUST_TEST_TASKS environment variable when running tests (set it to 1). Test Attributes: #[test] - Indicates a function is a test to be run. This function takes no arguments. #[bench] - Indicates a function is a benchmark to be run. This function takes one argument (extra::test::BenchHarness). #[should_fail] - This function (also labeled with #[test]) will only pass if the code causes a failure (an assertion failure or fail!) #[ignore] - When applied to a function which is already attributed as a test, then the test runner will ignore these tests during normal test runs. Running with --ignored will run these tests. This may also be written as #[ignore(cfg(...))] to ignore the test on certain configurations."); } unsafe { libc::exit(0) } } // Parses command line arguments into test options pub fn parse_opts(args: &[~str]) -> OptRes { let args_ = args.tail(); let matches = match groups::getopts(args_, optgroups()) { Ok(m) => m, Err(f) => return either::Right(getopts::fail_str(f)) }; if getopts::opt_present(&matches, "h") { usage(args[0], "h"); } if getopts::opt_present(&matches, "help") { usage(args[0], "help"); } let filter = if matches.free.len() > 0 { Some((matches).free[0].clone()) } else { None }; let run_ignored = getopts::opt_present(&matches, "ignored"); let logfile = getopts::opt_maybe_str(&matches, "logfile"); let logfile = logfile.map_move(|s| Path(s)); let run_benchmarks = getopts::opt_present(&matches, "bench"); let run_tests = ! run_benchmarks || getopts::opt_present(&matches, "test"); let ratchet_metrics = getopts::opt_maybe_str(&matches, "ratchet-metrics"); let ratchet_metrics = ratchet_metrics.map_move(|s| Path(s)); let ratchet_noise_percent = getopts::opt_maybe_str(&matches, "ratchet-noise-percent"); let ratchet_noise_percent = ratchet_noise_percent.map_move(|s| f64::from_str(s).unwrap()); let save_metrics = getopts::opt_maybe_str(&matches, "save-metrics"); let save_metrics = save_metrics.map_move(|s| Path(s)); let test_shard = getopts::opt_maybe_str(&matches, "test-shard"); let test_shard = opt_shard(test_shard); let test_opts = TestOpts { filter: filter, run_ignored: run_ignored, run_tests: run_tests, run_benchmarks: run_benchmarks, ratchet_metrics: ratchet_metrics, ratchet_noise_percent: ratchet_noise_percent, save_metrics: save_metrics, test_shard: test_shard, logfile: logfile }; either::Left(test_opts) } pub fn opt_shard(maybestr: Option<~str>) -> Option<(uint,uint)> { match maybestr { None => None, Some(s) => { match s.split_iter('.').to_owned_vec() { [a, b] => match (uint::from_str(a), uint::from_str(b)) { (Some(a), Some(b)) => Some((a,b)), _ => None }, _ => None } } } } #[deriving(Clone, Eq)] pub struct BenchSamples { ns_iter_summ: stats::Summary, mb_s: uint } #[deriving(Clone, Eq)] pub enum TestResult { TrOk, TrFailed, TrIgnored, TrMetrics(MetricMap), TrBench(BenchSamples), } struct ConsoleTestState { out: @io::Writer, log_out: Option<@io::Writer>, term: Option<term::Terminal>, use_color: bool, total: uint, passed: uint, failed: uint, ignored: uint, measured: uint, metrics: MetricMap, failures: ~[TestDesc] } impl ConsoleTestState { pub fn new(opts: &TestOpts) -> ConsoleTestState { let log_out = match opts.logfile { Some(ref path) => match io::file_writer(path, [io::Create, io::Truncate]) { result::Ok(w) => Some(w), result::Err(ref s) => { fail!("can't open output file: %s", *s) } }, None => None }; let out = io::stdout(); let term = match term::Terminal::new(out) { Err(_) => None, Ok(t) => Some(t) }; ConsoleTestState { out: out, log_out: log_out, use_color: use_color(), term: term, total: 0u, passed: 0u, failed: 0u, ignored: 0u, measured: 0u, metrics: MetricMap::new(), failures: ~[] } } pub fn write_ok(&self) { self.write_pretty("ok", term::color::GREEN); } pub fn write_failed(&self) { self.write_pretty("FAILED", term::color::RED); } pub fn write_ignored(&self) { self.write_pretty("ignored", term::color::YELLOW); } pub fn write_metric(&self) { self.write_pretty("metric", term::color::CYAN); } pub fn write_bench(&self) { self.write_pretty("bench", term::color::CYAN); } pub fn write_added(&self) { self.write_pretty("added", term::color::GREEN); } pub fn write_improved(&self) { self.write_pretty("improved", term::color::GREEN); } pub fn write_removed(&self) { self.write_pretty("removed", term::color::YELLOW); } pub fn write_regressed(&self) { self.write_pretty("regressed", term::color::RED); } pub fn write_pretty(&self, word: &str, color: term::color::Color) { match self.term { None => self.out.write_str(word), Some(ref t) => { if self.use_color { t.fg(color); } self.out.write_str(word); if self.use_color { t.reset(); } } } } pub fn write_run_start(&mut self, len: uint) { self.total = len; let noun = if len != 1 { &"tests" } else { &"test" }; self.out.write_line(fmt!("\nrunning %u %s", len, noun)); } pub fn write_test_start(&self, test: &TestDesc) { self.out.write_str(fmt!("test %s ... ", test.name.to_str())); } pub fn write_result(&self, result: &TestResult) { match *result { TrOk => self.write_ok(), TrFailed => self.write_failed(), TrIgnored => self.write_ignored(), TrMetrics(ref mm) => { self.write_metric(); self.out.write_str(": " + fmt_metrics(mm)); } TrBench(ref bs) => { self.write_bench(); self.out.write_str(": " + fmt_bench_samples(bs)) } } self.out.write_str(&"\n"); } pub fn write_log(&self, test: &TestDesc, result: &TestResult) { match self.log_out { None => (), Some(out) => { out.write_line(fmt!("%s %s", match *result { TrOk => ~"ok", TrFailed => ~"failed", TrIgnored => ~"ignored", TrMetrics(ref mm) => fmt_metrics(mm), TrBench(ref bs) => fmt_bench_samples(bs) }, test.name.to_str())); } } } pub fn write_failures(&self) { self.out.write_line("\nfailures:"); let mut failures = ~[]; for f in self.failures.iter() { failures.push(f.name.to_str()); } sort::tim_sort(failures); for name in failures.iter() { self.out.write_line(fmt!(" %s", name.to_str())); } } pub fn write_metric_diff(&self, diff: &MetricDiff) { let mut noise = 0; let mut improved = 0; let mut regressed = 0; let mut added = 0; let mut removed = 0; for (k, v) in diff.iter() { match *v { LikelyNoise => noise += 1, MetricAdded => { added += 1; self.write_added(); self.out.write_line(fmt!(": %s", *k)); } MetricRemoved => { removed += 1; self.write_removed(); self.out.write_line(fmt!(": %s", *k)); } Improvement(pct) => { improved += 1; self.out.write_str(*k); self.out.write_str(": "); self.write_improved(); self.out.write_line(fmt!(" by %.2f%%", pct as float)) } Regression(pct) => { regressed += 1; self.out.write_str(*k); self.out.write_str(": "); self.write_regressed(); self.out.write_line(fmt!(" by %.2f%%", pct as float)) } } } self.out.write_line(fmt!("result of ratchet: %u matrics added, %u removed, \ %u improved, %u regressed, %u noise", added, removed, improved, regressed, noise)); if regressed == 0 { self.out.write_line("updated ratchet file") } else { self.out.write_line("left ratchet file untouched") } } pub fn write_run_finish(&self, ratchet_metrics: &Option<Path>, ratchet_pct: Option<f64>) -> bool { assert!(self.passed + self.failed + self.ignored + self.measured == self.total); let ratchet_success = match *ratchet_metrics { None => true, Some(ref pth) => { self.out.write_str(fmt!("\nusing metrics ratchet: %s\n", pth.to_str())); match ratchet_pct { None => (), Some(pct) => self.out.write_str(fmt!("with noise-tolerance forced to: %f%%\n", pct as float)) } let (diff, ok) = self.metrics.ratchet(pth, ratchet_pct); self.write_metric_diff(&diff); ok } }; let test_success = self.failed == 0u; if !test_success { self.write_failures(); } let success = ratchet_success && test_success; self.out.write_str("\ntest result: "); if success { // There's no parallelism at this point so it's safe to use color self.write_ok(); } else { self.write_failed(); } self.out.write_str(fmt!(". %u passed; %u failed; %u ignored; %u measured\n\n", self.passed, self.failed, self.ignored, self.measured)); return success; } } pub fn fmt_metrics(mm: &MetricMap) -> ~str { let v : ~[~str] = mm.iter() .map(|(k,v)| fmt!("%s: %f (+/- %f)", *k, v.value as float, v.noise as float)) .collect(); v.connect(", ") } pub fn fmt_bench_samples(bs: &BenchSamples) -> ~str { if bs.mb_s != 0 { fmt!("%u ns/iter (+/- %u) = %u MB/s", bs.ns_iter_summ.median as uint, (bs.ns_iter_summ.max - bs.ns_iter_summ.min) as uint, bs.mb_s) } else { fmt!("%u ns/iter (+/- %u)", bs.ns_iter_summ.median as uint, (bs.ns_iter_summ.max - bs.ns_iter_summ.min) as uint) } } // A simple console test runner pub fn run_tests_console(opts: &TestOpts, tests: ~[TestDescAndFn]) -> bool { fn callback(event: &TestEvent, st: &mut ConsoleTestState) { debug!("callback(event=%?)", event); match (*event).clone() { TeFiltered(ref filtered_tests) => st.write_run_start(filtered_tests.len()), TeWait(ref test) => st.write_test_start(test), TeResult(test, result) => { st.write_log(&test, &result); st.write_result(&result); match result { TrOk => st.passed += 1, TrIgnored => st.ignored += 1, TrMetrics(mm) => { let tname = test.name.to_str(); for (k,v) in mm.iter() { st.metrics.insert_metric(tname + "." + *k, v.value, v.noise); } st.measured += 1 } TrBench(bs) => { st.metrics.insert_metric(test.name.to_str(), bs.ns_iter_summ.median, bs.ns_iter_summ.max - bs.ns_iter_summ.min); st.measured += 1 } TrFailed => { st.failed += 1; st.failures.push(test); } } } } } let st = @mut ConsoleTestState::new(opts); run_tests(opts, tests, |x| callback(&x, st)); match opts.save_metrics { None => (), Some(ref pth) => { st.metrics.save(pth); st.out.write_str(fmt!("\nmetrics saved to: %s", pth.to_str())); } } return st.write_run_finish(&opts.ratchet_metrics, opts.ratchet_noise_percent); } #[test] fn should_sort_failures_before_printing_them() { fn dummy() {} let s = do io::with_str_writer |wr| { let test_a = TestDesc { name: StaticTestName("a"), ignore: false, should_fail: false }; let test_b = TestDesc { name: StaticTestName("b"), ignore: false, should_fail: false }; let st = @ConsoleTestState { out: wr, log_out: None, term: None, use_color: false, total: 0u, passed: 0u, failed: 0u, ignored: 0u, measured: 0u, metrics: MetricMap::new(), failures: ~[test_b, test_a] }; st.write_failures(); }; let apos = s.find_str("a").unwrap(); let bpos = s.find_str("b").unwrap(); assert!(apos < bpos); } fn use_color() -> bool { return get_concurrency() == 1; } #[deriving(Clone)] enum TestEvent { TeFiltered(~[TestDesc]), TeWait(TestDesc), TeResult(TestDesc, TestResult), } type MonitorMsg = (TestDesc, TestResult); fn run_tests(opts: &TestOpts, tests: ~[TestDescAndFn], callback: &fn(e: TestEvent)) { let filtered_tests = filter_tests(opts, tests); let filtered_descs = filtered_tests.map(|t| t.desc.clone()); callback(TeFiltered(filtered_descs)); let (filtered_tests, filtered_benchs_and_metrics) = do filtered_tests.partition |e| { match e.testfn { StaticTestFn(_) | DynTestFn(_) => true, _ => false } }; // It's tempting to just spawn all the tests at once, but since we have // many tests that run in other processes we would be making a big mess. let concurrency = get_concurrency(); debug!("using %u test tasks", concurrency); let mut remaining = filtered_tests; remaining.reverse(); let mut pending = 0; let (p, ch) = stream(); let ch = SharedChan::new(ch); while pending > 0 || !remaining.is_empty() { while pending < concurrency && !remaining.is_empty() { let test = remaining.pop(); if concurrency == 1 { // We are doing one test at a time so we can print the name // of the test before we run it. Useful for debugging tests // that hang forever. callback(TeWait(test.desc.clone())); } run_test(!opts.run_tests, test, ch.clone()); pending += 1; } let (desc, result) = p.recv(); if concurrency != 1 { callback(TeWait(desc.clone())); } callback(TeResult(desc, result)); pending -= 1; } // All benchmarks run at the end, in serial. // (this includes metric fns) for b in filtered_benchs_and_metrics.move_iter() { callback(TeWait(b.desc.clone())); run_test(!opts.run_benchmarks, b, ch.clone()); let (test, result) = p.recv(); callback(TeResult(test, result)); } } fn get_concurrency() -> uint { use std::rt; match os::getenv("RUST_TEST_TASKS") { Some(s) => { let opt_n: Option<uint> = FromStr::from_str(s); match opt_n { Some(n) if n > 0 => n, _ => fail!("RUST_TEST_TASKS is `%s`, should be a positive integer.", s) } } None => { rt::util::default_sched_threads() } } } pub fn filter_tests( opts: &TestOpts, tests: ~[TestDescAndFn]) -> ~[TestDescAndFn] { let mut filtered = tests; // Remove tests that don't match the test filter filtered = if opts.filter.is_none() { filtered } else { let filter_str = match opts.filter { Some(ref f) => (*f).clone(), None => ~"" }; fn filter_fn(test: TestDescAndFn, filter_str: &str) -> Option<TestDescAndFn> { if test.desc.name.to_str().contains(filter_str) { return Some(test); } else { return None; } } filtered.move_iter().filter_map(|x| filter_fn(x, filter_str)).collect() }; // Maybe pull out the ignored test and unignore them filtered = if !opts.run_ignored { filtered } else { fn filter(test: TestDescAndFn) -> Option<TestDescAndFn> { if test.desc.ignore { let TestDescAndFn {desc, testfn} = test; Some(TestDescAndFn { desc: TestDesc {ignore: false, ..desc}, testfn: testfn }) } else { None } }; filtered.move_iter().filter_map(|x| filter(x)).collect() }; // Sort the tests alphabetically fn lteq(t1: &TestDescAndFn, t2: &TestDescAndFn) -> bool { t1.desc.name.to_str() < t2.desc.name.to_str() } sort::quick_sort(filtered, lteq); // Shard the remaining tests, if sharding requested. match opts.test_shard { None => filtered, Some((a,b)) => filtered.move_iter().enumerate() .filter(|&(i,_)| i % b == a) .map(|(_,t)| t) .to_owned_vec() } } struct TestFuture { test: TestDesc, wait: @fn() -> TestResult, } pub fn run_test(force_ignore: bool, test: TestDescAndFn, monitor_ch: SharedChan<MonitorMsg>) { let TestDescAndFn {desc, testfn} = test; if force_ignore || desc.ignore { monitor_ch.send((desc, TrIgnored)); return; } fn run_test_inner(desc: TestDesc, monitor_ch: SharedChan<MonitorMsg>, testfn: ~fn()) { let testfn_cell = ::std::cell::Cell::new(testfn); do task::spawn { let mut result_future = None; // task::future_result(builder); let mut task = task::task(); task.unlinked(); task.future_result(|r| { result_future = Some(r) }); task.spawn(testfn_cell.take()); let task_result = result_future.unwrap().recv(); let test_result = calc_result(&desc, task_result == task::Success); monitor_ch.send((desc.clone(), test_result)); } } match testfn { DynBenchFn(benchfn) => { let bs = ::test::bench::benchmark(benchfn); monitor_ch.send((desc, TrBench(bs))); return; } StaticBenchFn(benchfn) => { let bs = ::test::bench::benchmark(benchfn); monitor_ch.send((desc, TrBench(bs))); return; } DynMetricFn(f) => { let mut mm = MetricMap::new(); f(&mut mm); monitor_ch.send((desc, TrMetrics(mm))); return; } StaticMetricFn(f) => { let mut mm = MetricMap::new(); f(&mut mm); monitor_ch.send((desc, TrMetrics(mm))); return; } DynTestFn(f) => run_test_inner(desc, monitor_ch, f), StaticTestFn(f) => run_test_inner(desc, monitor_ch, || f()) } } fn calc_result(desc: &TestDesc, task_succeeded: bool) -> TestResult { if task_succeeded { if desc.should_fail { TrFailed } else { TrOk } } else { if desc.should_fail { TrOk } else { TrFailed } } } impl ToJson for Metric { fn to_json(&self) -> json::Json { let mut map = ~TreeMap::new(); map.insert(~"value", json::Number(self.value as float)); map.insert(~"noise", json::Number(self.noise as float)); json::Object(map) } } impl MetricMap { pub fn new() -> MetricMap { MetricMap(TreeMap::new()) } /// Load MetricDiff from a file. pub fn load(p: &Path) -> MetricMap { assert!(os::path_exists(p)); let f = io::file_reader(p).unwrap(); let mut decoder = json::Decoder(json::from_reader(f).unwrap()); MetricMap(Decodable::decode(&mut decoder)) } /// Write MetricDiff to a file. pub fn save(&self, p: &Path) { let f = io::file_writer(p, [io::Create, io::Truncate]).unwrap(); self.to_json().to_pretty_writer(f); } /// Compare against another MetricMap. Optionally compare all /// measurements in the maps using the provided `noise_pct` as a /// percentage of each value to consider noise. If `None`, each /// measurement's noise threshold is independently chosen as the /// maximum of that measurement's recorded noise quantity in either /// map. pub fn compare_to_old(&self, old: &MetricMap, noise_pct: Option<f64>) -> MetricDiff { let mut diff : MetricDiff = TreeMap::new(); for (k, vold) in old.iter() { let r = match self.find(k) { None => MetricRemoved, Some(v) => { let delta = (v.value - vold.value); let noise = match noise_pct { None => f64::max(vold.noise.abs(), v.noise.abs()), Some(pct) => vold.value * pct / 100.0 }; if delta.abs() <= noise { LikelyNoise } else { let pct = delta.abs() / (vold.value).max(&f64::epsilon) * 100.0; if vold.noise < 0.0 { // When 'noise' is negative, it means we want // to see deltas that go up over time, and can // only tolerate slight negative movement. if delta < 0.0 { Regression(pct) } else { Improvement(pct) } } else { // When 'noise' is positive, it means we want // to see deltas that go down over time, and // can only tolerate slight positive movements. if delta < 0.0 { Improvement(pct) } else { Regression(pct) } } } } }; diff.insert((*k).clone(), r); } for (k, _) in self.iter() { if !diff.contains_key(k) { diff.insert((*k).clone(), MetricAdded); } } diff } /// Insert a named `value` (+/- `noise`) metric into the map. The value /// must be non-negative. The `noise` indicates the uncertainty of the /// metric, which doubles as the "noise range" of acceptable /// pairwise-regressions on this named value, when comparing from one /// metric to the next using `compare_to_old`. /// /// If `noise` is positive, then it means this metric is of a value /// you want to see grow smaller, so a change larger than `noise` in the /// positive direction represents a regression. /// /// If `noise` is negative, then it means this metric is of a value /// you want to see grow larger, so a change larger than `noise` in the /// negative direction represents a regression. pub fn insert_metric(&mut self, name: &str, value: f64, noise: f64) { let m = Metric { value: value, noise: noise }; self.insert(name.to_owned(), m); } /// Attempt to "ratchet" an external metric file. This involves loading /// metrics from a metric file (if it exists), comparing against /// the metrics in `self` using `compare_to_old`, and rewriting the /// file to contain the metrics in `self` if none of the /// `MetricChange`s are `Regression`. Returns the diff as well /// as a boolean indicating whether the ratchet succeeded. pub fn ratchet(&self, p: &Path, pct: Option<f64>) -> (MetricDiff, bool) { let old = if os::path_exists(p) { MetricMap::load(p) } else { MetricMap::new() }; let diff : MetricDiff = self.compare_to_old(&old, pct); let ok = do diff.iter().all() |(_, v)| { match *v { Regression(_) => false, _ => true } }; if ok { debug!("rewriting file '%s' with updated metrics"); self.save(p); } return (diff, ok) } } // Benchmarking impl BenchHarness { /// Callback for benchmark functions to run in their body. pub fn iter(&mut self, inner:&fn()) { self.ns_start = precise_time_ns(); let k = self.iterations; for _ in range(0u64, k) { inner(); } self.ns_end = precise_time_ns(); } pub fn ns_elapsed(&mut self) -> u64 { if self.ns_start == 0 || self.ns_end == 0 { 0 } else { self.ns_end - self.ns_start } } pub fn ns_per_iter(&mut self) -> u64 { if self.iterations == 0 { 0 } else { self.ns_elapsed() / self.iterations.max(&1) } } pub fn bench_n(&mut self, n: u64, f: &fn(&mut BenchHarness)) { self.iterations = n; debug!("running benchmark for %u iterations", n as uint); f(self); } // This is a more statistics-driven benchmark algorithm pub fn auto_bench(&mut self, f: &fn(&mut BenchHarness)) -> stats::Summary { // Initial bench run to get ballpark figure. let mut n = 1_u64; self.bench_n(n, |x| f(x)); // Try to estimate iter count for 1ms falling back to 1m // iterations if first run took < 1ns. if self.ns_per_iter() == 0 { n = 1_000_000; } else { n = 1_000_000 / self.ns_per_iter().max(&1); } let mut total_run = 0; let samples : &mut [f64] = [0.0_f64, ..50]; loop { let loop_start = precise_time_ns(); for p in samples.mut_iter() { self.bench_n(n as u64, |x| f(x)); *p = self.ns_per_iter() as f64; }; stats::winsorize(samples, 5.0); let summ = stats::Summary::new(samples); for p in samples.mut_iter() { self.bench_n(5 * n as u64, |x| f(x)); *p = self.ns_per_iter() as f64; }; stats::winsorize(samples, 5.0); let summ5 = stats::Summary::new(samples); debug!("%u samples, median %f, MAD=%f, MADP=%f", samples.len(), summ.median as float, summ.median_abs_dev as float, summ.median_abs_dev_pct as float); let now = precise_time_ns(); let loop_run = now - loop_start; // If we've run for 100ms an seem to have converged to a // stable median. if loop_run > 100_000_000 && summ.median_abs_dev_pct < 1.0 && summ.median - summ5.median < summ5.median_abs_dev { return summ5; } total_run += loop_run; // Longest we ever run for is 3s. if total_run > 3_000_000_000 { return summ5; } n *= 2; } } } pub mod bench { use test::{BenchHarness, BenchSamples}; pub fn benchmark(f: &fn(&mut BenchHarness)) -> BenchSamples { let mut bs = BenchHarness { iterations: 0, ns_start: 0, ns_end: 0, bytes: 0 }; let ns_iter_summ = bs.auto_bench(f); let ns_iter = (ns_iter_summ.median as u64).max(&1); let iter_s = 1_000_000_000 / ns_iter; let mb_s = (bs.bytes * iter_s) / 1_000_000; BenchSamples { ns_iter_summ: ns_iter_summ, mb_s: mb_s as uint } } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use test::{TrFailed, TrIgnored, TrOk, filter_tests, parse_opts, TestDesc, TestDescAndFn, Metric, MetricMap, MetricAdded, MetricRemoved, Improvement, Regression, LikelyNoise, StaticTestName, DynTestName, DynTestFn}; use test::{TestOpts, run_test}; use std::either; use std::comm::{stream, SharedChan}; use tempfile; use std::os; #[test] pub fn do_not_run_ignored_tests() { fn f() { fail!(); } let desc = TestDescAndFn { desc: TestDesc { name: StaticTestName("whatever"), ignore: true, should_fail: false }, testfn: DynTestFn(|| f()), }; let (p, ch) = stream(); let ch = SharedChan::new(ch); run_test(false, desc, ch); let (_, res) = p.recv(); assert!(res != TrOk); } #[test] pub fn ignored_tests_result_in_ignored() { fn f() { } let desc = TestDescAndFn { desc: TestDesc { name: StaticTestName("whatever"), ignore: true, should_fail: false }, testfn: DynTestFn(|| f()), }; let (p, ch) = stream(); let ch = SharedChan::new(ch); run_test(false, desc, ch); let (_, res) = p.recv(); assert_eq!(res, TrIgnored); } #[test] fn test_should_fail() { fn f() { fail!(); } let desc = TestDescAndFn { desc: TestDesc { name: StaticTestName("whatever"), ignore: false, should_fail: true }, testfn: DynTestFn(|| f()), }; let (p, ch) = stream(); let ch = SharedChan::new(ch); run_test(false, desc, ch); let (_, res) = p.recv(); assert_eq!(res, TrOk); } #[test] fn test_should_fail_but_succeeds() { fn f() { } let desc = TestDescAndFn { desc: TestDesc { name: StaticTestName("whatever"), ignore: false, should_fail: true }, testfn: DynTestFn(|| f()), }; let (p, ch) = stream(); let ch = SharedChan::new(ch); run_test(false, desc, ch); let (_, res) = p.recv(); assert_eq!(res, TrFailed); } #[test] fn first_free_arg_should_be_a_filter() { let args = ~[~"progname", ~"filter"]; let opts = match parse_opts(args) { either::Left(o) => o, _ => fail!("Malformed arg in first_free_arg_should_be_a_filter") }; assert!("filter" == opts.filter.clone().unwrap()); } #[test] fn parse_ignored_flag() { let args = ~[~"progname", ~"filter", ~"--ignored"]; let opts = match parse_opts(args) { either::Left(o) => o, _ => fail!("Malformed arg in parse_ignored_flag") }; assert!((opts.run_ignored)); } #[test] pub fn filter_for_ignored_option() { fn dummy() {} // When we run ignored tests the test filter should filter out all the // unignored tests and flip the ignore flag on the rest to false let opts = TestOpts { filter: None, run_ignored: true, logfile: None, run_tests: true, run_benchmarks: false, ratchet_noise_percent: None, ratchet_metrics: None, save_metrics: None, test_shard: None }; let tests = ~[ TestDescAndFn { desc: TestDesc { name: StaticTestName("1"), ignore: true, should_fail: false, }, testfn: DynTestFn(|| {}), }, TestDescAndFn { desc: TestDesc { name: StaticTestName("2"), ignore: false, should_fail: false }, testfn: DynTestFn(|| {}), }, ]; let filtered = filter_tests(&opts, tests); assert_eq!(filtered.len(), 1); assert_eq!(filtered[0].desc.name.to_str(), ~"1"); assert!(filtered[0].desc.ignore == false); } #[test] pub fn sort_tests() { let opts = TestOpts { filter: None, run_ignored: false, logfile: None, run_tests: true, run_benchmarks: false, ratchet_noise_percent: None, ratchet_metrics: None, save_metrics: None, test_shard: None }; let names = ~[~"sha1::test", ~"int::test_to_str", ~"int::test_pow", ~"test::do_not_run_ignored_tests", ~"test::ignored_tests_result_in_ignored", ~"test::first_free_arg_should_be_a_filter", ~"test::parse_ignored_flag", ~"test::filter_for_ignored_option", ~"test::sort_tests"]; let tests = { fn testfn() { } let mut tests = ~[]; for name in names.iter() { let test = TestDescAndFn { desc: TestDesc { name: DynTestName((*name).clone()), ignore: false, should_fail: false }, testfn: DynTestFn(testfn), }; tests.push(test); } tests }; let filtered = filter_tests(&opts, tests); let expected = ~[~"int::test_pow", ~"int::test_to_str", ~"sha1::test", ~"test::do_not_run_ignored_tests", ~"test::filter_for_ignored_option", ~"test::first_free_arg_should_be_a_filter", ~"test::ignored_tests_result_in_ignored", ~"test::parse_ignored_flag", ~"test::sort_tests"]; for (a, b) in expected.iter().zip(filtered.iter()) { assert!(*a == b.desc.name.to_str()); } } #[test] pub fn test_metricmap_compare() { let mut m1 = MetricMap::new(); let mut m2 = MetricMap::new(); m1.insert_metric("in-both-noise", 1000.0, 200.0); m2.insert_metric("in-both-noise", 1100.0, 200.0); m1.insert_metric("in-first-noise", 1000.0, 2.0); m2.insert_metric("in-second-noise", 1000.0, 2.0); m1.insert_metric("in-both-want-downwards-but-regressed", 1000.0, 10.0); m2.insert_metric("in-both-want-downwards-but-regressed", 2000.0, 10.0); m1.insert_metric("in-both-want-downwards-and-improved", 2000.0, 10.0); m2.insert_metric("in-both-want-downwards-and-improved", 1000.0, 10.0); m1.insert_metric("in-both-want-upwards-but-regressed", 2000.0, -10.0); m2.insert_metric("in-both-want-upwards-but-regressed", 1000.0, -10.0); m1.insert_metric("in-both-want-upwards-and-improved", 1000.0, -10.0); m2.insert_metric("in-both-want-upwards-and-improved", 2000.0, -10.0); let diff1 = m2.compare_to_old(&m1, None); assert_eq!(*(diff1.find(&~"in-both-noise").unwrap()), LikelyNoise); assert_eq!(*(diff1.find(&~"in-first-noise").unwrap()), MetricRemoved); assert_eq!(*(diff1.find(&~"in-second-noise").unwrap()), MetricAdded); assert_eq!(*(diff1.find(&~"in-both-want-downwards-but-regressed").unwrap()), Regression(100.0)); assert_eq!(*(diff1.find(&~"in-both-want-downwards-and-improved").unwrap()), Improvement(50.0)); assert_eq!(*(diff1.find(&~"in-both-want-upwards-but-regressed").unwrap()), Regression(50.0)); assert_eq!(*(diff1.find(&~"in-both-want-upwards-and-improved").unwrap()), Improvement(100.0)); assert_eq!(diff1.len(), 7); let diff2 = m2.compare_to_old(&m1, Some(200.0)); assert_eq!(*(diff2.find(&~"in-both-noise").unwrap()), LikelyNoise); assert_eq!(*(diff2.find(&~"in-first-noise").unwrap()), MetricRemoved); assert_eq!(*(diff2.find(&~"in-second-noise").unwrap()), MetricAdded); assert_eq!(*(diff2.find(&~"in-both-want-downwards-but-regressed").unwrap()), LikelyNoise); assert_eq!(*(diff2.find(&~"in-both-want-downwards-and-improved").unwrap()), LikelyNoise); assert_eq!(*(diff2.find(&~"in-both-want-upwards-but-regressed").unwrap()), LikelyNoise); assert_eq!(*(diff2.find(&~"in-both-want-upwards-and-improved").unwrap()), LikelyNoise); assert_eq!(diff2.len(), 7); } pub fn ratchet_test() { let dpth = tempfile::mkdtemp(&os::tmpdir(), "test-ratchet").expect("missing test for ratchet"); let pth = dpth.push("ratchet.json"); let mut m1 = MetricMap::new(); m1.insert_metric("runtime", 1000.0, 2.0); m1.insert_metric("throughput", 50.0, 2.0); let mut m2 = MetricMap::new(); m2.insert_metric("runtime", 1100.0, 2.0); m2.insert_metric("throughput", 50.0, 2.0); m1.save(&pth); // Ask for a ratchet that should fail to advance. let (diff1, ok1) = m2.ratchet(&pth, None); assert_eq!(ok1, false); assert_eq!(diff1.len(), 2); assert_eq!(*(diff1.find(&~"runtime").unwrap()), Regression(10.0)); assert_eq!(*(diff1.find(&~"throughput").unwrap()), LikelyNoise); // Check that it was not rewritten. let m3 = MetricMap::load(&pth); assert_eq!(m3.len(), 2); assert_eq!(*(m3.find(&~"runtime").unwrap()), Metric { value: 1000.0, noise: 2.0 }); assert_eq!(*(m3.find(&~"throughput").unwrap()), Metric { value: 50.0, noise: 2.0 }); // Ask for a ratchet with an explicit noise-percentage override, // that should advance. let (diff2, ok2) = m2.ratchet(&pth, Some(10.0)); assert_eq!(ok2, true); assert_eq!(diff2.len(), 2); assert_eq!(*(diff2.find(&~"runtime").unwrap()), LikelyNoise); assert_eq!(*(diff2.find(&~"throughput").unwrap()), LikelyNoise); // Check that it was rewritten. let m4 = MetricMap::load(&pth); assert_eq!(m4.len(), 2); assert_eq!(*(m4.find(&~"runtime").unwrap()), Metric { value: 1100.0, noise: 2.0 }); assert_eq!(*(m4.find(&~"throughput").unwrap()), Metric { value: 50.0, noise: 2.0 }); os::remove_dir_recursive(&dpth); } }
use clap::value_t_or_exit; use noria_server::{Builder, ReuseConfigType, ZookeeperAuthority}; use std::path::PathBuf; use std::sync::Arc; use std::time::Duration; fn main() { use clap::{App, Arg}; let matches = App::new("noria-server") .version("0.0.1") .arg( Arg::with_name("address") .short("a") .long("address") .takes_value(true) .default_value("") .help("IP address to listen on"), ) .arg( Arg::with_name("deployment") .long("deployment") .required(true) .takes_value(true) .help("Noria deployment ID."), ) .arg( Arg::with_name("durability") .long("durability") .takes_value(true) .possible_values(&["persistent", "ephemeral", "memory"]) .default_value("persistent") .help("How to maintain base logs."), ) .arg( Arg::with_name("persistence-threads") .long("persistence-threads") .takes_value(true) .default_value("1") .help("Number of background threads used by RocksDB."), ) .arg( Arg::with_name("flush-timeout") .long("flush-timeout") .takes_value(true) .default_value("100000") .help("Time to wait before processing a merged packet, in nanoseconds."), ) .arg( Arg::with_name("log-dir") .long("log-dir") .takes_value(true) .help("Absolute path to the directory where the log files will be written."), ) .arg( Arg::with_name("zookeeper") .short("z") .long("zookeeper") .takes_value(true) .default_value("") .help("Zookeeper connection info."), ) .arg( Arg::with_name("memory") .short("m") .long("memory") .takes_value(true) .default_value("0") .help("Memory, in bytes, available for partially materialized state [0 = unlimited]."), ) .arg( Arg::with_name("memory_check_freq") .long("memory-check-every") .takes_value(true) .default_value("10") .requires("memory") .help("Frequency at which to check the state size against the memory limit [in milliseconds]."), ) .arg( Arg::with_name("noreuse") .long("no-reuse") .help("Disable reuse"), ) .arg( Arg::with_name("nopartial") .long("no-partial") .help("Disable partial"), ) .arg( Arg::with_name("quorum") .short("q") .long("quorum") .takes_value(true) .default_value("1") .help("Number of workers to wait for before starting (including this one)."), ) .arg( Arg::with_name("shards") .long("shards") .takes_value(true) .default_value("0") .help("Shard the graph this many ways (0 = disable sharding)."), ) .arg( Arg::with_name("verbose") .short("v") .long("verbose") .takes_value(false) .help("Verbose log output."), ) .get_matches(); let log = noria_server::logger_pls(); let durability = matches.value_of("durability").unwrap(); let listen_addr = matches.value_of("address").unwrap().parse().unwrap(); let zookeeper_addr = matches.value_of("zookeeper").unwrap(); let memory = value_t_or_exit!(matches, "memory", usize); let memory_check_freq = value_t_or_exit!(matches, "memory_check_freq", u64); let quorum = value_t_or_exit!(matches, "quorum", usize); let persistence_threads = value_t_or_exit!(matches, "persistence-threads", i32); let flush_ns = value_t_or_exit!(matches, "flush-timeout", u32); let sharding = match value_t_or_exit!(matches, "shards", usize) { 0 => None, x => Some(x), }; let verbose = matches.is_present("verbose"); let deployment_name = matches.value_of("deployment").unwrap(); let mut authority = ZookeeperAuthority::new(&format!("{}/{}", zookeeper_addr, deployment_name)).unwrap(); let mut builder = Builder::default(); builder.set_listen_addr(listen_addr); if memory > 0 { builder.set_memory_limit(memory, Duration::from_millis(memory_check_freq)); } builder.set_sharding(sharding); builder.set_quorum(quorum); if matches.is_present("nopartial") { builder.disable_partial(); } if matches.is_present("noreuse") { builder.set_reuse(ReuseConfigType::NoReuse); } let mut persistence_params = noria_server::PersistenceParameters::new( match durability { "persistent" => noria_server::DurabilityMode::Permanent, "ephemeral" => noria_server::DurabilityMode::DeleteOnExit, "memory" => noria_server::DurabilityMode::MemoryOnly, _ => unreachable!(), }, Duration::new(0, flush_ns), Some(deployment_name.to_string()), persistence_threads, ); persistence_params.log_dir = matches .value_of("log-dir") .and_then(|p| Some(PathBuf::from(p))); builder.set_persistence(persistence_params); if verbose { authority.log_with(log.clone()); builder.log_with(log); } let mut rt = tokio::runtime::Builder::new(); rt.enable_all(); rt.threaded_scheduler(); rt.thread_name("worker"); if let Some(threads) = None { rt.core_threads(threads); } let mut rt = rt.build().unwrap(); let (_server, done) = rt.block_on(builder.start(Arc::new(authority))).unwrap(); rt.block_on(done); drop(rt); }
// Copyright (c) The Diem Core Contributors // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 use crate::block_storage::{BlockReader, BlockStore}; use consensus_types::{ block::{block_test_utils::certificate_for_genesis, Block}, common::Round, executed_block::ExecutedBlock, quorum_cert::QuorumCert, sync_info::SyncInfo, }; use diem_crypto::HashValue; use diem_logger::Level; use diem_types::{ledger_info::LedgerInfo, validator_signer::ValidatorSigner}; use std::{future::Future, sync::Arc, time::Duration}; use tokio::{runtime, time::timeout}; mod mock_state_computer; mod mock_storage; #[cfg(any(test, feature = "fuzzing"))] mod mock_txn_manager; use crate::util::mock_time_service::SimulatedTimeService; use consensus_types::{block::block_test_utils::gen_test_certificate, common::Payload}; use diem_types::block_info::BlockInfo; pub use mock_state_computer::{EmptyStateComputer, MockStateComputer}; pub use mock_storage::{EmptyStorage, MockSharedStorage, MockStorage}; pub use mock_txn_manager::MockTransactionManager; pub const TEST_TIMEOUT: Duration = Duration::from_secs(60); pub fn build_simple_tree() -> (Vec<Arc<ExecutedBlock>>, Arc<BlockStore>) { let mut inserter = TreeInserter::default(); let block_store = inserter.block_store(); let genesis = block_store.root(); let genesis_block_id = genesis.id(); let genesis_block = block_store .get_block(genesis_block_id) .expect("genesis block must exist"); assert_eq!(block_store.len(), 1); assert_eq!(block_store.child_links(), block_store.len() - 1); assert_eq!(block_store.block_exists(genesis_block.id()), true); // ╭--> A1--> A2--> A3 // Genesis--> B1--> B2 // ╰--> C1 let a1 = inserter.insert_block_with_qc(certificate_for_genesis(), &genesis_block, 1); let a2 = inserter.insert_block(&a1, 2, None); let a3 = inserter.insert_block(&a2, 3, Some(genesis.block_info())); let b1 = inserter.insert_block_with_qc(certificate_for_genesis(), &genesis_block, 4); let b2 = inserter.insert_block(&b1, 5, None); let c1 = inserter.insert_block(&b1, 6, None); assert_eq!(block_store.len(), 7); assert_eq!(block_store.child_links(), block_store.len() - 1); (vec![genesis_block, a1, a2, a3, b1, b2, c1], block_store) } pub fn build_empty_tree() -> Arc<BlockStore> { let (initial_data, storage) = EmptyStorage::start_for_testing(); Arc::new(BlockStore::new( storage, initial_data, Arc::new(EmptyStateComputer), 10, // max pruned blocks in mem Arc::new(SimulatedTimeService::new()), )) } pub struct TreeInserter { signer: ValidatorSigner, block_store: Arc<BlockStore>, } impl TreeInserter { pub fn default() -> Self { Self::new(ValidatorSigner::random(None)) } pub fn new(signer: ValidatorSigner) -> Self { let block_store = build_empty_tree(); Self { signer, block_store, } } pub fn new_with_store(signer: ValidatorSigner, block_store: Arc<BlockStore>) -> Self { Self { signer, block_store, } } pub fn signer(&self) -> &ValidatorSigner { &self.signer } pub fn block_store(&self) -> Arc<BlockStore> { Arc::clone(&self.block_store) } /// This function is generating a placeholder QC for a block's parent that is signed by a single /// signer kept by the block store. If more sophisticated QC required, please use /// `insert_block_with_qc`. pub fn insert_block( &mut self, parent: &ExecutedBlock, round: Round, committed_block: Option<BlockInfo>, ) -> Arc<ExecutedBlock> { // Node must carry a QC to its parent let parent_qc = self.create_qc_for_block(parent, committed_block); self.insert_block_with_qc(parent_qc, parent, round) } pub fn insert_block_with_qc( &mut self, parent_qc: QuorumCert, parent: &ExecutedBlock, round: Round, ) -> Arc<ExecutedBlock> { self.block_store .insert_block_with_qc(self.create_block_with_qc( parent_qc, parent.timestamp_usecs() + 1, round, vec![], )) .unwrap() } pub fn create_qc_for_block( &self, block: &ExecutedBlock, committed_block: Option<BlockInfo>, ) -> QuorumCert { gen_test_certificate( vec![&self.signer], block.block_info(), block.quorum_cert().certified_block().clone(), committed_block, ) } pub fn insert_qc_for_block(&self, block: &ExecutedBlock, committed_block: Option<BlockInfo>) { self.block_store .insert_single_quorum_cert(self.create_qc_for_block(block, committed_block)) .unwrap() } pub fn create_block_with_qc( &self, parent_qc: QuorumCert, timestamp_usecs: u64, round: Round, payload: Payload, ) -> Block { Block::new_proposal(payload, round, timestamp_usecs, parent_qc, &self.signer) } } pub fn placeholder_ledger_info() -> LedgerInfo { LedgerInfo::new(BlockInfo::empty(), HashValue::zero()) } pub fn placeholder_sync_info() -> SyncInfo { SyncInfo::new(certificate_for_genesis(), certificate_for_genesis(), None) } fn nocapture() -> bool { ::std::env::args().any(|arg| arg == "--nocapture") } pub fn consensus_runtime() -> runtime::Runtime { if nocapture() { ::diem_logger::Logger::new().level(Level::Debug).init(); } runtime::Builder::new() .threaded_scheduler() .enable_all() .build() .expect("Failed to create Tokio runtime!") } pub fn timed_block_on<F>(runtime: &mut runtime::Runtime, f: F) -> <F as Future>::Output where F: Future, { runtime .block_on(async { timeout(TEST_TIMEOUT, f).await }) .expect("test timed out") }
/// Process/thread subsystem. /// /// The subsystem implements process/thread-related system calls, which are /// mainly based on the three concepts below: /// /// * [`Process`]. A process has a parent and may have multiple child processes and /// can own multiple threads. /// * [`Thread`]. A thread belongs to one and only one process and owns a set /// of OS resources, e.g., virtual memory, file tables, etc. /// * [`Task`]. A task belongs to one and only one thread, for which it deals with /// the low-level details about thread execution. use crate::fs::{FileRef, FileTable, FsView}; use crate::misc::ResourceLimits; use crate::prelude::*; use crate::sched::SchedAgent; use crate::signal::{SigDispositions, SigQueues}; use crate::vm::ProcessVM; use self::pgrp::ProcessGrp; use self::process::{ProcessBuilder, ProcessInner}; use self::thread::{ThreadBuilder, ThreadId, ThreadInner}; use self::wait::{WaitQueue, Waiter}; pub use self::do_exit::handle_force_exit; pub use self::do_futex::{futex_wait, futex_wake}; pub use self::do_robust_list::RobustListHead; pub use self::do_spawn::do_spawn_without_exec; pub use self::do_vfork::do_vfork; pub use self::do_wait4::idle_reap_zombie_children; pub use self::process::{Process, ProcessFilter, ProcessStatus, IDLE}; pub use self::spawn_attribute::posix_spawnattr_t; pub use self::spawn_attribute::SpawnAttr; pub use self::syscalls::*; pub use self::task::Task; pub use self::term_status::{ForcedExitStatus, TermStatus}; pub use self::thread::{Thread, ThreadStatus}; mod do_arch_prctl; mod do_clone; mod do_exec; mod do_exit; mod do_futex; mod do_getpid; mod do_robust_list; mod do_set_tid_address; mod do_spawn; mod do_vfork; mod do_wait4; mod pgrp; mod prctl; mod process; mod spawn_attribute; mod syscalls; mod term_status; mod thread; mod wait; pub mod current; pub mod elf_file; pub mod table; pub mod task; // TODO: need to separate C's version pid_t with Rust version Pid. // pid_t must be signed as negative values may have special meaning // (check wait4 and kill for examples), while Pid should be a // non-negative value. #[allow(non_camel_case_types)] pub type pid_t = u32; #[allow(non_camel_case_types)] pub type uid_t = u32; pub type ProcessRef = Arc<Process>; pub type ThreadRef = Arc<Thread>; pub type FileTableRef = Arc<SgxMutex<FileTable>>; pub type ProcessVMRef = Arc<ProcessVM>; pub type FsViewRef = Arc<RwLock<FsView>>; pub type SchedAgentRef = Arc<SgxMutex<SchedAgent>>; pub type ResourceLimitsRef = Arc<SgxMutex<ResourceLimits>>; pub type ProcessGrpRef = Arc<ProcessGrp>;
use crate::stream::{Fuse, FuturesUnordered, StreamExt}; use futures_core::future::Future; use futures_core::stream::{Stream, FusedStream}; use futures_core::task::{Context, Poll}; #[cfg(feature = "sink")] use futures_sink::Sink; use pin_project_lite::pin_project; use core::fmt; use core::pin::Pin; pin_project! { /// Stream for the [`buffer_unordered`](super::StreamExt::buffer_unordered) /// method. #[must_use = "streams do nothing unless polled"] pub struct BufferUnordered<St> where St: Stream, { #[pin] stream: Fuse<St>, in_progress_queue: FuturesUnordered<St::Item>, max: usize, } } impl<St> fmt::Debug for BufferUnordered<St> where St: Stream + fmt::Debug, { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { f.debug_struct("BufferUnordered") .field("stream", &self.stream) .field("in_progress_queue", &self.in_progress_queue) .field("max", &self.max) .finish() } } impl<St> BufferUnordered<St> where St: Stream, St::Item: Future, { pub(super) fn new(stream: St, n: usize) -> Self where St: Stream, St::Item: Future, { Self { stream: super::Fuse::new(stream), in_progress_queue: FuturesUnordered::new(), max: n, } } delegate_access_inner!(stream, St, (.)); } impl<St> Stream for BufferUnordered<St> where St: Stream, St::Item: Future, { type Item = <St::Item as Future>::Output; fn poll_next( self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>, ) -> Poll<Option<Self::Item>> { let mut this = self.project(); // First up, try to spawn off as many futures as possible by filling up // our queue of futures. while this.in_progress_queue.len() < *this.max { match this.stream.as_mut().poll_next(cx) { Poll::Ready(Some(fut)) => this.in_progress_queue.push(fut), Poll::Ready(None) | Poll::Pending => break, } } // Attempt to pull the next value from the in_progress_queue match this.in_progress_queue.poll_next_unpin(cx) { x @ Poll::Pending | x @ Poll::Ready(Some(_)) => return x, Poll::Ready(None) => {} } // If more values are still coming from the stream, we're not done yet if this.stream.is_done() { Poll::Ready(None) } else { Poll::Pending } } fn size_hint(&self) -> (usize, Option<usize>) { let queue_len = self.in_progress_queue.len(); let (lower, upper) = self.stream.size_hint(); let lower = lower.saturating_add(queue_len); let upper = match upper { Some(x) => x.checked_add(queue_len), None => None, }; (lower, upper) } } impl<St> FusedStream for BufferUnordered<St> where St: Stream, St::Item: Future, { fn is_terminated(&self) -> bool { self.in_progress_queue.is_terminated() && self.stream.is_terminated() } } // Forwarding impl of Sink from the underlying stream #[cfg(feature = "sink")] impl<S, Item> Sink<Item> for BufferUnordered<S> where S: Stream + Sink<Item>, S::Item: Future, { type Error = S::Error; delegate_sink!(stream, Item); }
//! Verification of the mask reduction API for `x86`/`x86_64`+`SSE2` use packed_simd::*; use stdarch_test::assert_instr; macro_rules! verify { ($id:ident => $instr:tt) => { verify_mask!($id["avx2"] => $instr); } } // 128-bit wide: verify!(m8x16 => vpmovmskb); verify!(m16x8 => vpmovmskb); verify!(m32x4 => vmovmskps); verify!(m64x2 => vmovmskpd); // FIXME: verify!(m128x1 => vmovmskpd); // 256-bit wide: verify!(m8x32 => vpmovmskb); verify!(m16x16 => vpmovmskb); verify!(m32x8 => vmovmskps); verify!(m64x4 => vmovmskpd); // FIXME: verify!(m128x2 => vmovmskpd); // FIXME: 512-bit wide masks
// Copyright (c) Aptos // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 //! This file defines transaction store APIs that are related to committed signed transactions. use crate::{ change_set::ChangeSet, errors::AptosDbError, schema::{ transaction::TransactionSchema, transaction_by_account::TransactionByAccountSchema, transaction_by_hash::TransactionByHashSchema, write_set::WriteSetSchema, }, transaction_accumulator::TransactionAccumulatorSchema, transaction_info::TransactionInfoSchema, }; use anyhow::{ensure, format_err, Result}; use aptos_crypto::{hash::CryptoHash, HashValue}; use aptos_types::{ account_address::AccountAddress, block_metadata::BlockMetadata, proof::position::Position, transaction::{Transaction, Version}, write_set::WriteSet, }; use schemadb::{ReadOptions, SchemaBatch, SchemaIterator, DB}; use std::sync::Arc; #[derive(Debug)] pub(crate) struct TransactionStore { db: Arc<DB>, } impl TransactionStore { pub fn new(db: Arc<DB>) -> Self { Self { db } } /// Gets the version of a transaction by the sender `address` and `sequence_number`. pub fn get_account_transaction_version( &self, address: AccountAddress, sequence_number: u64, ledger_version: Version, ) -> Result<Option<Version>> { if let Some(version) = self .db .get::<TransactionByAccountSchema>(&(address, sequence_number))? { if version <= ledger_version { return Ok(Some(version)); } } Ok(None) } /// Gets the version of a transaction by its hash. pub fn get_transaction_version_by_hash( &self, hash: &HashValue, ledger_version: Version, ) -> Result<Option<Version>> { Ok(match self.db.get::<TransactionByHashSchema>(hash)? { Some(version) if version <= ledger_version => Some(version), _ => None, }) } /// Gets an iterator that yields `(sequence_number, version)` for each /// transaction sent by an account, starting at `start_seq_num`, and returning /// at most `num_versions` results with `version <= ledger_version`. /// /// Guarantees that the returned sequence numbers are sequential, i.e., /// `seq_num_{i} + 1 = seq_num_{i+1}`. pub fn get_account_transaction_version_iter( &self, address: AccountAddress, start_seq_num: u64, num_versions: u64, ledger_version: Version, ) -> Result<AccountTransactionVersionIter> { let mut iter = self .db .iter::<TransactionByAccountSchema>(ReadOptions::default())?; iter.seek(&(address, start_seq_num))?; Ok(AccountTransactionVersionIter { inner: iter, address, expected_next_seq_num: start_seq_num, end_seq_num: start_seq_num .checked_add(num_versions) .ok_or_else(|| format_err!("too many transactions requested"))?, prev_version: None, ledger_version, }) } /// Get signed transaction given `version` pub fn get_transaction(&self, version: Version) -> Result<Transaction> { self.db .get::<TransactionSchema>(&version)? .ok_or_else(|| AptosDbError::NotFound(format!("Txn {}", version)).into()) } /// Gets an iterator that yields `num_transactions` transactions starting from `start_version`. pub fn get_transaction_iter( &self, start_version: Version, num_transactions: usize, ) -> Result<TransactionIter> { let mut iter = self.db.iter::<TransactionSchema>(ReadOptions::default())?; iter.seek(&start_version)?; Ok(TransactionIter { inner: iter, expected_next_version: start_version, end_version: start_version .checked_add(num_transactions as u64) .ok_or_else(|| format_err!("too many transactions requested"))?, }) } /// Get the first version that txn starts existent. pub fn get_first_txn_version(&self) -> Result<Option<Version>> { let mut iter = self.db.iter::<TransactionSchema>(Default::default())?; iter.seek_to_first(); iter.next().map(|res| res.map(|(v, _)| v)).transpose() } /// Returns the block metadata carried on the block metadata transaction at or preceding /// `version`, together with the version of the block metadata transaction. /// Returns None if there's no such transaction at or preceding `version` (it's likely the genesis /// version 0). pub fn get_block_metadata(&self, version: Version) -> Result<Option<(Version, BlockMetadata)>> { // Must be larger than a block size, otherwise a NotFound error will be raised wrongly. const MAX_VERSIONS_TO_SEARCH: usize = 1000 * 100; // Linear search via `DB::rev_iter()` here, NOT expecting performance hit, due to the fact // that the iterator caches data block and that there are limited number of transactions in // each block. let mut iter = self.db.rev_iter::<TransactionSchema>(Default::default())?; iter.seek(&version)?; for res in iter.take(MAX_VERSIONS_TO_SEARCH) { let (v, txn) = res?; if let Transaction::BlockMetadata(block_meta) = txn { return Ok(Some((v, block_meta))); } else if v == 0 { return Ok(None); } } Err(AptosDbError::NotFound(format!("BlockMetadata preceding version {}", version)).into()) } /// Save signed transaction at `version` pub fn put_transaction( &self, version: Version, transaction: &Transaction, cs: &mut ChangeSet, ) -> Result<()> { if let Transaction::UserTransaction(txn) = transaction { cs.batch.put::<TransactionByAccountSchema>( &(txn.sender(), txn.sequence_number()), &version, )?; } cs.batch .put::<TransactionByHashSchema>(&transaction.hash(), &version)?; cs.batch.put::<TransactionSchema>(&version, transaction)?; Ok(()) } /// Get executed transaction vm output given `version` pub fn get_write_set(&self, version: Version) -> Result<WriteSet> { self.db.get::<WriteSetSchema>(&version)?.ok_or_else(|| { AptosDbError::NotFound(format!("WriteSet at version {}", version)).into() }) } /// Get the first version that write set starts existent. pub fn get_first_write_set_version(&self) -> Result<Option<Version>> { let mut iter = self.db.iter::<WriteSetSchema>(Default::default())?; iter.seek_to_first(); iter.next().map(|res| res.map(|(v, _)| v)).transpose() } /// Save executed transaction vm output given `version` pub fn put_write_set( &self, version: Version, write_set: &WriteSet, cs: &mut ChangeSet, ) -> Result<()> { cs.batch.put::<WriteSetSchema>(&version, write_set) } /// Prune the transaction by hash store given a list of transaction pub fn prune_transaction_by_hash( &self, transactions: &[Transaction], db_batch: &mut SchemaBatch, ) -> anyhow::Result<()> { for transaction in transactions { db_batch.delete::<TransactionByHashSchema>(&transaction.hash())?; } Ok(()) } /// Prune the transaction by account store given a list of transaction pub fn prune_transaction_by_account( &self, transactions: &[Transaction], db_batch: &mut SchemaBatch, ) -> anyhow::Result<()> { for transaction in transactions { if let Transaction::UserTransaction(txn) = transaction { db_batch .delete::<TransactionByAccountSchema>(&(txn.sender(), txn.sequence_number()))?; } } Ok(()) } /// Prune the transaction schema store between a range of version in [begin, end) pub fn prune_transaction_schema( &self, begin: Version, end: Version, db_batch: &mut SchemaBatch, ) -> anyhow::Result<()> { db_batch.delete_range::<TransactionSchema>(&begin, &end)?; Ok(()) } /// Prune the transaction schema store between a range of version in [begin, end) pub fn prune_transaction_info_schema( &self, begin: Version, end: Version, db_batch: &mut SchemaBatch, ) -> anyhow::Result<()> { db_batch.delete_range::<TransactionInfoSchema>(&begin, &end)?; Ok(()) } /// Prune the transaction schema store between a range of version in [begin, end). pub fn prune_transaction_accumulator( &self, begin: Version, end: Version, db_batch: &mut SchemaBatch, ) -> anyhow::Result<()> { let begin_position = self.get_min_proof_node(begin); let end_position = self.get_min_proof_node(end); db_batch.delete_range::<TransactionAccumulatorSchema>(&begin_position, &end_position)?; Ok(()) } /// Returns the minimum position node needed to be included in the proof of the leaf index. This /// will be the left child of the root if the leaf index is non zero and zero otherwise. pub fn get_min_proof_node(&self, leaf_index: u64) -> Position { if leaf_index > 0 { Position::root_from_leaf_index(leaf_index).left_child() } else { // Handle this as a special case when least_readable_version is 0 Position::root_from_leaf_index(0) } } } pub struct TransactionIter<'a> { inner: SchemaIterator<'a, TransactionSchema>, expected_next_version: Version, end_version: Version, } impl<'a> TransactionIter<'a> { fn next_impl(&mut self) -> Result<Option<Transaction>> { if self.expected_next_version >= self.end_version { return Ok(None); } let ret = match self.inner.next().transpose()? { Some((version, transaction)) => { ensure!( version == self.expected_next_version, "Transaction versions are not consecutive.", ); self.expected_next_version += 1; Some(transaction) } None => None, }; Ok(ret) } } impl<'a> Iterator for TransactionIter<'a> { type Item = Result<Transaction>; fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> { self.next_impl().transpose() } } // TODO(philiphayes): this will need to change to support CRSNs // (Conflict-Resistant Sequence Numbers)[https://github.com/diem/dip/blob/main/dips/dip-168.md]. // // It depends on the implementation details, but we'll probably index by _requested_ // transaction sequence number rather than committed account sequence number. // This would mean the property: `seq_num_{i+1} == seq_num_{i} + 1` would no longer // be guaranteed and the check should be removed. // // This index would also no longer iterate over an account's transactions in // committed order, meaning the outer method would need to overread by // `CRSN_WINDOW_SIZE`, sort by version, and take only `limit` entries to get // at most `limit` transactions in committed order. Alternatively, add another // index for scanning an accounts transactions in committed order, e.g., // `(AccountAddress, Version) -> SeqNum`. pub struct AccountTransactionVersionIter<'a> { inner: SchemaIterator<'a, TransactionByAccountSchema>, address: AccountAddress, expected_next_seq_num: u64, end_seq_num: u64, prev_version: Option<Version>, ledger_version: Version, } impl<'a> AccountTransactionVersionIter<'a> { fn next_impl(&mut self) -> Result<Option<(u64, Version)>> { if self.expected_next_seq_num >= self.end_seq_num { return Ok(None); } Ok(match self.inner.next().transpose()? { Some(((address, seq_num), version)) => { // No more transactions sent by this account. if address != self.address { return Ok(None); } // Ensure seq_num_{i+1} == seq_num_{i} + 1 ensure!( seq_num == self.expected_next_seq_num, "DB corruption: account transactions sequence numbers are not contiguous: \ actual: {}, expected: {}", seq_num, self.expected_next_seq_num, ); // Ensure version_{i+1} > version_{i} if let Some(prev_version) = self.prev_version { ensure!( prev_version < version, "DB corruption: account transaction versions are not strictly increasing: \ previous version: {}, current version: {}", prev_version, version, ); } // No more transactions (in this view of the ledger). if version > self.ledger_version { return Ok(None); } self.expected_next_seq_num += 1; self.prev_version = Some(version); Some((seq_num, version)) } None => None, }) } } impl<'a> Iterator for AccountTransactionVersionIter<'a> { type Item = Result<(u64, Version)>; fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> { self.next_impl().transpose() } } #[cfg(test)] mod test;
use async_channel::SendError; use fluvio_types::PartitionError; use fluvio_storage::StorageError; use fluvio_socket::SocketError; #[derive(Debug, thiserror::Error)] pub enum InternalServerError { #[error("Storage error")] Storage(#[from] StorageError), #[error("Partition error")] Partition(#[from] PartitionError), #[error("Socket error")] Socket(#[from] SocketError), #[error("Channel send error")] Send(String), } impl<T> From<SendError<T>> for InternalServerError { fn from(error: SendError<T>) -> Self { InternalServerError::Send(error.to_string()) } }
//! This is an example of a simple application //! which calculates the Collatz conjecture. //! //! The function itself is trivial on purpose, //! so that we can focus on understanding how //! the application can be made localizable //! via Fluent. //! //! To try the app launch `cargo run --example simple-fallback NUM (LOCALES)` //! //! NUM is a number to be calculated, and LOCALES is an optional //! parameter with a comma-separated list of locales requested by the user. //! //! Example: //! //! cargo run --example simple-fallback 123 de,pl //! //! If the second argument is omitted, `en-US` locale is used as the //! default one. use std::{env, fs, io, path::PathBuf, str::FromStr}; use fluent_bundle::{FluentArgs, FluentBundle, FluentResource, FluentValue}; use fluent_fallback::{ generator::{BundleGenerator, FluentBundleResult}, Localization, }; use fluent_langneg::{negotiate_languages, NegotiationStrategy}; use unic_langid::LanguageIdentifier; /// This helper struct holds the available locales and scheme for converting /// resource paths into full paths. It is used to customise /// `fluent-fallback::SyncLocalization`. struct Bundles { locales: Vec<LanguageIdentifier>, res_path_scheme: PathBuf, } /// This helper function allows us to read the list /// of available locales by reading the list of /// directories in `./examples/resources`. /// /// It is expected that every directory inside it /// has a name that is a valid BCP47 language tag. fn get_available_locales() -> io::Result<Vec<LanguageIdentifier>> { let mut locales = vec![]; let mut dir = env::current_dir()?; if dir.to_string_lossy().ends_with("fluent-rs") { dir.push("fluent-fallback"); } dir.push("examples"); dir.push("resources"); let res_dir = fs::read_dir(dir)?; for entry in res_dir { if let Ok(entry) = entry { let path = entry.path(); if path.is_dir() { if let Some(name) = path.file_name() { if let Some(name) = name.to_str() { let langid: LanguageIdentifier = name.parse().expect("Parsing failed."); locales.push(langid); } } } } } Ok(locales) } static L10N_RESOURCES: &[&str] = &["simple.ftl"]; fn main() { // 1. Get the command line arguments. let args: Vec<String> = env::args().collect(); // 2. If the argument length is more than 1, // take the second argument as a comma-separated // list of requested locales. let requested: Vec<LanguageIdentifier> = args.get(2).map_or(vec![], |arg| { arg.split(",") .map(|s| s.parse().expect("Parsing locale failed.")) .collect() }); // 3. Negotiate it against the avialable ones let default_locale: LanguageIdentifier = "en-US".parse().expect("Parsing failed."); let available = get_available_locales().expect("Retrieving available locales failed."); let resolved_locales = negotiate_languages( &requested, &available, Some(&default_locale), NegotiationStrategy::Filtering, ); // 4. Construct the path scheme for converting `locale` and `res_id` resource // path into full path passed to OS for loading. // Eg. ./examples/resources/{locale}/{res_id} let mut res_path_scheme = env::current_dir().expect("Failed to retrieve current dir."); if res_path_scheme.to_string_lossy().ends_with("fluent-rs") { res_path_scheme.push("fluent-bundle"); } res_path_scheme.push("examples"); res_path_scheme.push("resources"); res_path_scheme.push("{locale}"); res_path_scheme.push("{res_id}"); // 5. Create a new Localization instance which will be used to maintain the localization // context for this UI. `Bundles` provides the custom logic for obtaining resources. let loc = Localization::with_generator( L10N_RESOURCES.iter().map(|&res| res.into()).collect(), true, Bundles { locales: resolved_locales.into_iter().cloned().collect(), res_path_scheme, }, ); let mut errors = vec![]; // 6. Check if the input is provided. match args.get(1) { Some(input) => { // 7.1. Cast it to a number. match isize::from_str(&input) { Ok(i) => { // 7.2. Construct a map of arguments // to format the message. let mut args = FluentArgs::new(); args.add("input", FluentValue::from(i)); args.add("value", FluentValue::from(collatz(i))); // 7.3. Format the message. let value = loc .format_value_sync("response-msg", Some(&args), &mut errors) .unwrap() .unwrap(); println!("{}", value); } Err(err) => { let mut args = FluentArgs::new(); args.add("input", FluentValue::from(input.as_str())); args.add("reason", FluentValue::from(err.to_string())); let value = loc .format_value_sync("input-parse-error-msg", Some(&args), &mut errors) .unwrap() .unwrap(); println!("{}", value); } } } None => { let value = loc .format_value_sync("missing-arg-error", None, &mut errors) .unwrap() .unwrap(); println!("{}", value); } } } /// Collatz conjecture calculating function. fn collatz(n: isize) -> isize { match n { 1 => 0, _ => match n % 2 { 0 => 1 + collatz(n / 2), _ => 1 + collatz(n * 3 + 1), }, } } /// Bundle iterator used by BundleGeneratorSync implementation for Locales. struct BundleIter { res_path_scheme: String, locales: <Vec<LanguageIdentifier> as IntoIterator>::IntoIter, res_ids: Vec<String>, } impl Iterator for BundleIter { type Item = FluentBundleResult<FluentResource>; fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> { let locale = self.locales.next()?; let res_path_scheme = self .res_path_scheme .as_str() .replace("{locale}", &locale.to_string()); let mut bundle = FluentBundle::new(vec![locale]); let mut errors = vec![]; for res_id in &self.res_ids { let res_path = res_path_scheme.as_str().replace("{res_id}", res_id); let source = fs::read_to_string(res_path).unwrap(); let res = match FluentResource::try_new(source) { Ok(res) => res, Err((res, err)) => { errors.extend(err.into_iter().map(Into::into)); res } }; bundle.add_resource(res).unwrap(); } if errors.is_empty() { Some(Ok(bundle)) } else { Some(Err((bundle, errors))) } } } impl futures::Stream for BundleIter { type Item = FluentBundleResult<FluentResource>; fn poll_next( self: std::pin::Pin<&mut Self>, _cx: &mut std::task::Context<'_>, ) -> std::task::Poll<Option<Self::Item>> { todo!() } } impl BundleGenerator for Bundles { type Resource = FluentResource; type Iter = BundleIter; type Stream = BundleIter; fn bundles_iter(&self, res_ids: Vec<String>) -> Self::Iter { BundleIter { res_path_scheme: self.res_path_scheme.to_string_lossy().to_string(), locales: self.locales.clone().into_iter(), res_ids, } } fn bundles_stream(&self, _res_ids: Vec<String>) -> Self::Stream { todo!() } }
// This file is part of file-descriptors. It is subject to the license terms in the COPYRIGHT file found in the top-level directory of this distribution and at https://raw.githubusercontent.com/lemonrock/file-descriptors/master/COPYRIGHT. No part of file-descriptors, including this file, may be copied, modified, propagated, or distributed except according to the terms contained in the COPYRIGHT file. // Copyright © 2019 The developers of file-descriptors. See the COPYRIGHT file in the top-level directory of this distribution and at https://raw.githubusercontent.com/lemonrock/file-descriptors/master/COPYRIGHT. /// Miscellaneous local mode flags. #[derive(EnumIter, Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)] #[cfg_attr(not(any(target_os = "ios", target_os = "macos")), repr(u32))] #[cfg_attr(all(any(target_os = "ios", target_os = "macos"), target_pointer_width = "32"), repr(u32))] #[cfg_attr(all(any(target_os = "ios", target_os = "macos"), target_pointer_width = "64"), repr(u64))] pub enum MiscellaneousLocalModeFlag { /// If set, the extended, implementation-defined special characters (such as `WERASE`) are recognized and processed. /// /// Equivalent to the `IEXTEN` flag. ImplementationDefinedOutputProcessing = IEXTEN, /// If set and if the implementation supports job control, the `SIGTTOU` signal is sent to the process group of a background process that tries to write to its controlling terminal. /// /// By default, this signal stops all the processes in the process group. /// /// This signal is not generated by the terminal driver if the background process that is writing to the controlling terminal is either ignoring or blocking the signal. /// /// Equivalent to the `TOSTOP` flag. RaiseSigTTouSignal = TOSTOP, /// If set then any input that has not been read is reprinted by the system when the next character is input. /// /// This action is similar to what happens when the `REPRINT` character is typed. /// /// Equivalent to the `PENDIN` flag. ReprintUnreadInput = PENDIN, /// If set then this flag prevents the `STATUS` character from printing information on the foreground process group. /// /// Regardless of this flag, however, the `STATUS` character still causes the `SIGINFO` signal to be sent to the foreground process group. /// /// Equivalent to the `NOKERNINFO` flag. #[cfg(any(target_os = "dragonfly", target_os = "freebsd", target_os = "ios", target_os = "macos", target_os = "openbsd"))] PreventStatusCharacterFromPrintingInformation = NOKERNINFO, /// If set then an alternate word-erase algorithm is used when the `WERASE` character is entered. /// /// Instead of moving backward until the previous white space character, this flag causes the `WERASE` character to move backward until the first nonalphanumeric character is encountered. /// /// Equivalent to the `ALTWERASE` flag. #[cfg(any(target_os = "dragonfly", target_os = "freebsd", target_os = "ios", target_os = "macos", target_os = "openbsd"))] AlternativeWordEraseAlgorithm = ALTWERASE, } impl Into<tcflag_t> for MiscellaneousLocalModeFlag { #[inline(always)] fn into(self) -> tcflag_t { self as tcflag_t } }
// Code generated by software.amazon.smithy.rust.codegen.smithy-rs. DO NOT EDIT. /// All possible error types for this service. #[non_exhaustive] #[derive(std::fmt::Debug)] pub enum Error { /// <p>You do not have sufficient permissions to perform this action.</p> AccessDeniedException(crate::error::AccessDeniedException), /// <p>The contact flow has not been published.</p> ContactFlowNotPublishedException(crate::error::ContactFlowNotPublishedException), /// <p>The contact with the specified ID is not active or does not exist.</p> ContactNotFoundException(crate::error::ContactNotFoundException), /// <p>Outbound calls to the destination number are not allowed.</p> DestinationNotAllowedException(crate::error::DestinationNotAllowedException), /// <p>A resource with the specified name already exists.</p> DuplicateResourceException(crate::error::DuplicateResourceException), /// <p>An entity with the same name already exists.</p> IdempotencyException(crate::error::IdempotencyException), /// <p>Request processing failed because of an error or failure with the service.</p> InternalServiceException(crate::error::InternalServiceException), /// <p>The contact flow is not valid.</p> InvalidContactFlowException(crate::error::InvalidContactFlowException), /// <p>The problems with the module. Please fix before trying again.</p> InvalidContactFlowModuleException(crate::error::InvalidContactFlowModuleException), /// <p>One or more of the specified parameters are not valid.</p> InvalidParameterException(crate::error::InvalidParameterException), /// <p>The request is not valid.</p> InvalidRequestException(crate::error::InvalidRequestException), /// <p>The allowed limit for the resource has been exceeded.</p> LimitExceededException(crate::error::LimitExceededException), /// <p>The contact is not permitted.</p> OutboundContactNotPermittedException(crate::error::OutboundContactNotPermittedException), /// <p>A resource already has that name.</p> ResourceConflictException(crate::error::ResourceConflictException), /// <p>That resource is already in use. Please try another.</p> ResourceInUseException(crate::error::ResourceInUseException), /// <p>The specified resource was not found.</p> ResourceNotFoundException(crate::error::ResourceNotFoundException), /// <p>The service quota has been exceeded.</p> ServiceQuotaExceededException(crate::error::ServiceQuotaExceededException), /// <p>The throttling limit has been exceeded.</p> ThrottlingException(crate::error::ThrottlingException), /// <p>No user with the specified credentials was found in the Amazon Connect instance.</p> UserNotFoundException(crate::error::UserNotFoundException), /// An unhandled error occurred. Unhandled(Box<dyn std::error::Error + Send + Sync + 'static>), } impl std::fmt::Display for Error { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result { match self { Error::AccessDeniedException(inner) => inner.fmt(f), Error::ContactFlowNotPublishedException(inner) => inner.fmt(f), Error::ContactNotFoundException(inner) => inner.fmt(f), Error::DestinationNotAllowedException(inner) => inner.fmt(f), Error::DuplicateResourceException(inner) => inner.fmt(f), Error::IdempotencyException(inner) => inner.fmt(f), Error::InternalServiceException(inner) => inner.fmt(f), Error::InvalidContactFlowException(inner) => inner.fmt(f), Error::InvalidContactFlowModuleException(inner) => inner.fmt(f), Error::InvalidParameterException(inner) => inner.fmt(f), Error::InvalidRequestException(inner) => inner.fmt(f), Error::LimitExceededException(inner) => inner.fmt(f), Error::OutboundContactNotPermittedException(inner) => inner.fmt(f), Error::ResourceConflictException(inner) => inner.fmt(f), Error::ResourceInUseException(inner) => inner.fmt(f), Error::ResourceNotFoundException(inner) => inner.fmt(f), Error::ServiceQuotaExceededException(inner) => inner.fmt(f), Error::ThrottlingException(inner) => inner.fmt(f), Error::UserNotFoundException(inner) => inner.fmt(f), Error::Unhandled(inner) => inner.fmt(f), } } } impl<R> From<aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::AssociateApprovedOriginError, R>> for Error where R: Send + Sync + std::fmt::Debug + 'static, { fn from( err: aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::AssociateApprovedOriginError, R>, ) -> Self { match err { aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError::ServiceError { err, .. } => match err.kind { crate::error::AssociateApprovedOriginErrorKind::InternalServiceException(inner) => { Error::InternalServiceException(inner) } crate::error::AssociateApprovedOriginErrorKind::InvalidParameterException( inner, ) => Error::InvalidParameterException(inner), crate::error::AssociateApprovedOriginErrorKind::InvalidRequestException(inner) => { Error::InvalidRequestException(inner) } crate::error::AssociateApprovedOriginErrorKind::ResourceConflictException( inner, ) => Error::ResourceConflictException(inner), crate::error::AssociateApprovedOriginErrorKind::ResourceNotFoundException( inner, ) => Error::ResourceNotFoundException(inner), crate::error::AssociateApprovedOriginErrorKind::ServiceQuotaExceededException( inner, ) => Error::ServiceQuotaExceededException(inner), crate::error::AssociateApprovedOriginErrorKind::ThrottlingException(inner) => { Error::ThrottlingException(inner) } crate::error::AssociateApprovedOriginErrorKind::Unhandled(inner) => { Error::Unhandled(inner) } }, _ => Error::Unhandled(err.into()), } } } impl<R> From<aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::AssociateBotError, R>> for Error where R: Send + Sync + std::fmt::Debug + 'static, { fn from(err: aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::AssociateBotError, R>) -> Self { match err { aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError::ServiceError { err, .. } => match err.kind { crate::error::AssociateBotErrorKind::InternalServiceException(inner) => { Error::InternalServiceException(inner) } crate::error::AssociateBotErrorKind::InvalidRequestException(inner) => { Error::InvalidRequestException(inner) } crate::error::AssociateBotErrorKind::LimitExceededException(inner) => { Error::LimitExceededException(inner) } crate::error::AssociateBotErrorKind::ResourceConflictException(inner) => { Error::ResourceConflictException(inner) } crate::error::AssociateBotErrorKind::ResourceNotFoundException(inner) => { Error::ResourceNotFoundException(inner) } crate::error::AssociateBotErrorKind::ServiceQuotaExceededException(inner) => { Error::ServiceQuotaExceededException(inner) } crate::error::AssociateBotErrorKind::ThrottlingException(inner) => { Error::ThrottlingException(inner) } crate::error::AssociateBotErrorKind::Unhandled(inner) => Error::Unhandled(inner), }, _ => Error::Unhandled(err.into()), } } } impl<R> From<aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::AssociateInstanceStorageConfigError, R>> for Error where R: Send + Sync + std::fmt::Debug + 'static, { fn from( err: aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError< crate::error::AssociateInstanceStorageConfigError, R, >, ) -> Self { match err { aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError::ServiceError { err, ..} => match err.kind { crate::error::AssociateInstanceStorageConfigErrorKind::InternalServiceException(inner) => Error::InternalServiceException(inner), crate::error::AssociateInstanceStorageConfigErrorKind::InvalidParameterException(inner) => Error::InvalidParameterException(inner), crate::error::AssociateInstanceStorageConfigErrorKind::InvalidRequestException(inner) => Error::InvalidRequestException(inner), crate::error::AssociateInstanceStorageConfigErrorKind::ResourceConflictException(inner) => Error::ResourceConflictException(inner), crate::error::AssociateInstanceStorageConfigErrorKind::ResourceNotFoundException(inner) => Error::ResourceNotFoundException(inner), crate::error::AssociateInstanceStorageConfigErrorKind::ThrottlingException(inner) => Error::ThrottlingException(inner), crate::error::AssociateInstanceStorageConfigErrorKind::Unhandled(inner) => Error::Unhandled(inner), } _ => Error::Unhandled(err.into()), } } } impl<R> From<aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::AssociateLambdaFunctionError, R>> for Error where R: Send + Sync + std::fmt::Debug + 'static, { fn from( err: aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::AssociateLambdaFunctionError, R>, ) -> Self { match err { aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError::ServiceError { err, .. } => match err.kind { crate::error::AssociateLambdaFunctionErrorKind::InternalServiceException(inner) => { Error::InternalServiceException(inner) } crate::error::AssociateLambdaFunctionErrorKind::InvalidParameterException( inner, ) => Error::InvalidParameterException(inner), crate::error::AssociateLambdaFunctionErrorKind::InvalidRequestException(inner) => { Error::InvalidRequestException(inner) } crate::error::AssociateLambdaFunctionErrorKind::ResourceConflictException( inner, ) => Error::ResourceConflictException(inner), crate::error::AssociateLambdaFunctionErrorKind::ResourceNotFoundException( inner, ) => Error::ResourceNotFoundException(inner), crate::error::AssociateLambdaFunctionErrorKind::ServiceQuotaExceededException( inner, ) => Error::ServiceQuotaExceededException(inner), crate::error::AssociateLambdaFunctionErrorKind::ThrottlingException(inner) => { Error::ThrottlingException(inner) } crate::error::AssociateLambdaFunctionErrorKind::Unhandled(inner) => { Error::Unhandled(inner) } }, _ => Error::Unhandled(err.into()), } } } impl<R> From<aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::AssociateLexBotError, R>> for Error where R: Send + Sync + std::fmt::Debug + 'static, { fn from(err: aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::AssociateLexBotError, R>) -> Self { match err { aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError::ServiceError { err, .. } => match err.kind { crate::error::AssociateLexBotErrorKind::InternalServiceException(inner) => { Error::InternalServiceException(inner) } crate::error::AssociateLexBotErrorKind::InvalidParameterException(inner) => { Error::InvalidParameterException(inner) } crate::error::AssociateLexBotErrorKind::InvalidRequestException(inner) => { Error::InvalidRequestException(inner) } crate::error::AssociateLexBotErrorKind::ResourceConflictException(inner) => { Error::ResourceConflictException(inner) } crate::error::AssociateLexBotErrorKind::ResourceNotFoundException(inner) => { Error::ResourceNotFoundException(inner) } crate::error::AssociateLexBotErrorKind::ServiceQuotaExceededException(inner) => { Error::ServiceQuotaExceededException(inner) } crate::error::AssociateLexBotErrorKind::ThrottlingException(inner) => { Error::ThrottlingException(inner) } crate::error::AssociateLexBotErrorKind::Unhandled(inner) => Error::Unhandled(inner), }, _ => Error::Unhandled(err.into()), } } } impl<R> From<aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::AssociateQueueQuickConnectsError, R>> for Error where R: Send + Sync + std::fmt::Debug + 'static, { fn from( err: aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::AssociateQueueQuickConnectsError, R>, ) -> Self { match err { aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError::ServiceError { err, .. } => match err.kind { crate::error::AssociateQueueQuickConnectsErrorKind::InternalServiceException( inner, ) => Error::InternalServiceException(inner), crate::error::AssociateQueueQuickConnectsErrorKind::InvalidParameterException( inner, ) => Error::InvalidParameterException(inner), crate::error::AssociateQueueQuickConnectsErrorKind::InvalidRequestException( inner, ) => Error::InvalidRequestException(inner), crate::error::AssociateQueueQuickConnectsErrorKind::LimitExceededException( inner, ) => Error::LimitExceededException(inner), crate::error::AssociateQueueQuickConnectsErrorKind::ResourceNotFoundException( inner, ) => Error::ResourceNotFoundException(inner), crate::error::AssociateQueueQuickConnectsErrorKind::ThrottlingException(inner) => { Error::ThrottlingException(inner) } crate::error::AssociateQueueQuickConnectsErrorKind::Unhandled(inner) => { Error::Unhandled(inner) } }, _ => Error::Unhandled(err.into()), } } } impl<R> From<aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::AssociateRoutingProfileQueuesError, R>> for Error where R: Send + Sync + std::fmt::Debug + 'static, { fn from( err: aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::AssociateRoutingProfileQueuesError, R>, ) -> Self { match err { aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError::ServiceError { err, .. } => match err.kind { crate::error::AssociateRoutingProfileQueuesErrorKind::InternalServiceException( inner, ) => Error::InternalServiceException(inner), crate::error::AssociateRoutingProfileQueuesErrorKind::InvalidParameterException( inner, ) => Error::InvalidParameterException(inner), crate::error::AssociateRoutingProfileQueuesErrorKind::InvalidRequestException( inner, ) => Error::InvalidRequestException(inner), crate::error::AssociateRoutingProfileQueuesErrorKind::ResourceNotFoundException( inner, ) => Error::ResourceNotFoundException(inner), crate::error::AssociateRoutingProfileQueuesErrorKind::ThrottlingException( inner, ) => Error::ThrottlingException(inner), crate::error::AssociateRoutingProfileQueuesErrorKind::Unhandled(inner) => { Error::Unhandled(inner) } }, _ => Error::Unhandled(err.into()), } } } impl<R> From<aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::AssociateSecurityKeyError, R>> for Error where R: Send + Sync + std::fmt::Debug + 'static, { fn from( err: aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::AssociateSecurityKeyError, R>, ) -> Self { match err { aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError::ServiceError { err, .. } => match err.kind { crate::error::AssociateSecurityKeyErrorKind::InternalServiceException(inner) => { Error::InternalServiceException(inner) } crate::error::AssociateSecurityKeyErrorKind::InvalidParameterException(inner) => { Error::InvalidParameterException(inner) } crate::error::AssociateSecurityKeyErrorKind::InvalidRequestException(inner) => { Error::InvalidRequestException(inner) } crate::error::AssociateSecurityKeyErrorKind::ResourceConflictException(inner) => { Error::ResourceConflictException(inner) } crate::error::AssociateSecurityKeyErrorKind::ResourceNotFoundException(inner) => { Error::ResourceNotFoundException(inner) } crate::error::AssociateSecurityKeyErrorKind::ServiceQuotaExceededException( inner, ) => Error::ServiceQuotaExceededException(inner), crate::error::AssociateSecurityKeyErrorKind::ThrottlingException(inner) => { Error::ThrottlingException(inner) } crate::error::AssociateSecurityKeyErrorKind::Unhandled(inner) => { Error::Unhandled(inner) } }, _ => Error::Unhandled(err.into()), } } } impl<R> From<aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::CreateAgentStatusError, R>> for Error where R: Send + Sync + std::fmt::Debug + 'static, { fn from( err: aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::CreateAgentStatusError, R>, ) -> Self { match err { aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError::ServiceError { err, .. } => match err.kind { crate::error::CreateAgentStatusErrorKind::DuplicateResourceException(inner) => { Error::DuplicateResourceException(inner) } crate::error::CreateAgentStatusErrorKind::InternalServiceException(inner) => { Error::InternalServiceException(inner) } crate::error::CreateAgentStatusErrorKind::InvalidParameterException(inner) => { Error::InvalidParameterException(inner) } crate::error::CreateAgentStatusErrorKind::InvalidRequestException(inner) => { Error::InvalidRequestException(inner) } crate::error::CreateAgentStatusErrorKind::LimitExceededException(inner) => { Error::LimitExceededException(inner) } crate::error::CreateAgentStatusErrorKind::ResourceNotFoundException(inner) => { Error::ResourceNotFoundException(inner) } crate::error::CreateAgentStatusErrorKind::ThrottlingException(inner) => { Error::ThrottlingException(inner) } crate::error::CreateAgentStatusErrorKind::Unhandled(inner) => { Error::Unhandled(inner) } }, _ => Error::Unhandled(err.into()), } } } impl<R> From<aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::CreateContactFlowError, R>> for Error where R: Send + Sync + std::fmt::Debug + 'static, { fn from( err: aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::CreateContactFlowError, R>, ) -> Self { match err { aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError::ServiceError { err, .. } => match err.kind { crate::error::CreateContactFlowErrorKind::DuplicateResourceException(inner) => { Error::DuplicateResourceException(inner) } crate::error::CreateContactFlowErrorKind::InternalServiceException(inner) => { Error::InternalServiceException(inner) } crate::error::CreateContactFlowErrorKind::InvalidContactFlowException(inner) => { Error::InvalidContactFlowException(inner) } crate::error::CreateContactFlowErrorKind::InvalidParameterException(inner) => { Error::InvalidParameterException(inner) } crate::error::CreateContactFlowErrorKind::InvalidRequestException(inner) => { Error::InvalidRequestException(inner) } crate::error::CreateContactFlowErrorKind::LimitExceededException(inner) => { Error::LimitExceededException(inner) } crate::error::CreateContactFlowErrorKind::ResourceNotFoundException(inner) => { Error::ResourceNotFoundException(inner) } crate::error::CreateContactFlowErrorKind::ThrottlingException(inner) => { Error::ThrottlingException(inner) } crate::error::CreateContactFlowErrorKind::Unhandled(inner) => { Error::Unhandled(inner) } }, _ => Error::Unhandled(err.into()), } } } impl<R> From<aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::CreateContactFlowModuleError, R>> for Error where R: Send + Sync + std::fmt::Debug + 'static, { fn from( err: aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::CreateContactFlowModuleError, R>, ) -> Self { match err { aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError::ServiceError { err, ..} => match err.kind { crate::error::CreateContactFlowModuleErrorKind::AccessDeniedException(inner) => Error::AccessDeniedException(inner), crate::error::CreateContactFlowModuleErrorKind::DuplicateResourceException(inner) => Error::DuplicateResourceException(inner), crate::error::CreateContactFlowModuleErrorKind::IdempotencyException(inner) => Error::IdempotencyException(inner), crate::error::CreateContactFlowModuleErrorKind::InternalServiceException(inner) => Error::InternalServiceException(inner), crate::error::CreateContactFlowModuleErrorKind::InvalidContactFlowModuleException(inner) => Error::InvalidContactFlowModuleException(inner), crate::error::CreateContactFlowModuleErrorKind::InvalidParameterException(inner) => Error::InvalidParameterException(inner), crate::error::CreateContactFlowModuleErrorKind::InvalidRequestException(inner) => Error::InvalidRequestException(inner), crate::error::CreateContactFlowModuleErrorKind::LimitExceededException(inner) => Error::LimitExceededException(inner), crate::error::CreateContactFlowModuleErrorKind::ResourceNotFoundException(inner) => Error::ResourceNotFoundException(inner), crate::error::CreateContactFlowModuleErrorKind::ThrottlingException(inner) => Error::ThrottlingException(inner), crate::error::CreateContactFlowModuleErrorKind::Unhandled(inner) => Error::Unhandled(inner), } _ => Error::Unhandled(err.into()), } } } impl<R> From<aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::CreateHoursOfOperationError, R>> for Error where R: Send + Sync + std::fmt::Debug + 'static, { fn from( err: aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::CreateHoursOfOperationError, R>, ) -> Self { match err { aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError::ServiceError { err, .. } => match err.kind { crate::error::CreateHoursOfOperationErrorKind::DuplicateResourceException( inner, ) => Error::DuplicateResourceException(inner), crate::error::CreateHoursOfOperationErrorKind::InternalServiceException(inner) => { Error::InternalServiceException(inner) } crate::error::CreateHoursOfOperationErrorKind::InvalidParameterException(inner) => { Error::InvalidParameterException(inner) } crate::error::CreateHoursOfOperationErrorKind::InvalidRequestException(inner) => { Error::InvalidRequestException(inner) } crate::error::CreateHoursOfOperationErrorKind::LimitExceededException(inner) => { Error::LimitExceededException(inner) } crate::error::CreateHoursOfOperationErrorKind::ResourceNotFoundException(inner) => { Error::ResourceNotFoundException(inner) } crate::error::CreateHoursOfOperationErrorKind::ThrottlingException(inner) => { Error::ThrottlingException(inner) } crate::error::CreateHoursOfOperationErrorKind::Unhandled(inner) => { Error::Unhandled(inner) } }, _ => Error::Unhandled(err.into()), } } } impl<R> From<aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::CreateInstanceError, R>> for Error where R: Send + Sync + std::fmt::Debug + 'static, { fn from(err: aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::CreateInstanceError, R>) -> Self { match err { aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError::ServiceError { err, .. } => match err.kind { crate::error::CreateInstanceErrorKind::InternalServiceException(inner) => { Error::InternalServiceException(inner) } crate::error::CreateInstanceErrorKind::InvalidRequestException(inner) => { Error::InvalidRequestException(inner) } crate::error::CreateInstanceErrorKind::ResourceNotFoundException(inner) => { Error::ResourceNotFoundException(inner) } crate::error::CreateInstanceErrorKind::ServiceQuotaExceededException(inner) => { Error::ServiceQuotaExceededException(inner) } crate::error::CreateInstanceErrorKind::ThrottlingException(inner) => { Error::ThrottlingException(inner) } crate::error::CreateInstanceErrorKind::Unhandled(inner) => Error::Unhandled(inner), }, _ => Error::Unhandled(err.into()), } } } impl<R> From<aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::CreateIntegrationAssociationError, R>> for Error where R: Send + Sync + std::fmt::Debug + 'static, { fn from( err: aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::CreateIntegrationAssociationError, R>, ) -> Self { match err { aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError::ServiceError { err, .. } => match err.kind { crate::error::CreateIntegrationAssociationErrorKind::DuplicateResourceException( inner, ) => Error::DuplicateResourceException(inner), crate::error::CreateIntegrationAssociationErrorKind::InternalServiceException( inner, ) => Error::InternalServiceException(inner), crate::error::CreateIntegrationAssociationErrorKind::InvalidRequestException( inner, ) => Error::InvalidRequestException(inner), crate::error::CreateIntegrationAssociationErrorKind::ResourceNotFoundException( inner, ) => Error::ResourceNotFoundException(inner), crate::error::CreateIntegrationAssociationErrorKind::ThrottlingException(inner) => { Error::ThrottlingException(inner) } crate::error::CreateIntegrationAssociationErrorKind::Unhandled(inner) => { Error::Unhandled(inner) } }, _ => Error::Unhandled(err.into()), } } } impl<R> From<aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::CreateQueueError, R>> for Error where R: Send + Sync + std::fmt::Debug + 'static, { fn from(err: aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::CreateQueueError, R>) -> Self { match err { aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError::ServiceError { err, .. } => match err.kind { crate::error::CreateQueueErrorKind::DuplicateResourceException(inner) => { Error::DuplicateResourceException(inner) } crate::error::CreateQueueErrorKind::InternalServiceException(inner) => { Error::InternalServiceException(inner) } crate::error::CreateQueueErrorKind::InvalidParameterException(inner) => { Error::InvalidParameterException(inner) } crate::error::CreateQueueErrorKind::InvalidRequestException(inner) => { Error::InvalidRequestException(inner) } crate::error::CreateQueueErrorKind::LimitExceededException(inner) => { Error::LimitExceededException(inner) } crate::error::CreateQueueErrorKind::ResourceNotFoundException(inner) => { Error::ResourceNotFoundException(inner) } crate::error::CreateQueueErrorKind::ThrottlingException(inner) => { Error::ThrottlingException(inner) } crate::error::CreateQueueErrorKind::Unhandled(inner) => Error::Unhandled(inner), }, _ => Error::Unhandled(err.into()), } } } impl<R> From<aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::CreateQuickConnectError, R>> for Error where R: Send + Sync + std::fmt::Debug + 'static, { fn from( err: aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::CreateQuickConnectError, R>, ) -> Self { match err { aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError::ServiceError { err, .. } => match err.kind { crate::error::CreateQuickConnectErrorKind::DuplicateResourceException(inner) => { Error::DuplicateResourceException(inner) } crate::error::CreateQuickConnectErrorKind::InternalServiceException(inner) => { Error::InternalServiceException(inner) } crate::error::CreateQuickConnectErrorKind::InvalidParameterException(inner) => { Error::InvalidParameterException(inner) } crate::error::CreateQuickConnectErrorKind::InvalidRequestException(inner) => { Error::InvalidRequestException(inner) } crate::error::CreateQuickConnectErrorKind::LimitExceededException(inner) => { Error::LimitExceededException(inner) } crate::error::CreateQuickConnectErrorKind::ResourceNotFoundException(inner) => { Error::ResourceNotFoundException(inner) } crate::error::CreateQuickConnectErrorKind::ThrottlingException(inner) => { Error::ThrottlingException(inner) } crate::error::CreateQuickConnectErrorKind::Unhandled(inner) => { Error::Unhandled(inner) } }, _ => Error::Unhandled(err.into()), } } } impl<R> From<aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::CreateRoutingProfileError, R>> for Error where R: Send + Sync + std::fmt::Debug + 'static, { fn from( err: aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::CreateRoutingProfileError, R>, ) -> Self { match err { aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError::ServiceError { err, .. } => match err.kind { crate::error::CreateRoutingProfileErrorKind::DuplicateResourceException(inner) => { Error::DuplicateResourceException(inner) } crate::error::CreateRoutingProfileErrorKind::InternalServiceException(inner) => { Error::InternalServiceException(inner) } crate::error::CreateRoutingProfileErrorKind::InvalidParameterException(inner) => { Error::InvalidParameterException(inner) } crate::error::CreateRoutingProfileErrorKind::InvalidRequestException(inner) => { Error::InvalidRequestException(inner) } crate::error::CreateRoutingProfileErrorKind::LimitExceededException(inner) => { Error::LimitExceededException(inner) } crate::error::CreateRoutingProfileErrorKind::ResourceNotFoundException(inner) => { Error::ResourceNotFoundException(inner) } crate::error::CreateRoutingProfileErrorKind::ThrottlingException(inner) => { Error::ThrottlingException(inner) } crate::error::CreateRoutingProfileErrorKind::Unhandled(inner) => { Error::Unhandled(inner) } }, _ => Error::Unhandled(err.into()), } } } impl<R> From<aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::CreateSecurityProfileError, R>> for Error where R: Send + Sync + std::fmt::Debug + 'static, { fn from( err: aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::CreateSecurityProfileError, R>, ) -> Self { match err { aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError::ServiceError { err, .. } => match err.kind { crate::error::CreateSecurityProfileErrorKind::DuplicateResourceException(inner) => { Error::DuplicateResourceException(inner) } crate::error::CreateSecurityProfileErrorKind::InternalServiceException(inner) => { Error::InternalServiceException(inner) } crate::error::CreateSecurityProfileErrorKind::InvalidParameterException(inner) => { Error::InvalidParameterException(inner) } crate::error::CreateSecurityProfileErrorKind::InvalidRequestException(inner) => { Error::InvalidRequestException(inner) } crate::error::CreateSecurityProfileErrorKind::LimitExceededException(inner) => { Error::LimitExceededException(inner) } crate::error::CreateSecurityProfileErrorKind::ResourceNotFoundException(inner) => { Error::ResourceNotFoundException(inner) } crate::error::CreateSecurityProfileErrorKind::ThrottlingException(inner) => { Error::ThrottlingException(inner) } crate::error::CreateSecurityProfileErrorKind::Unhandled(inner) => { Error::Unhandled(inner) } }, _ => Error::Unhandled(err.into()), } } } impl<R> From<aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::CreateUseCaseError, R>> for Error where R: Send + Sync + std::fmt::Debug + 'static, { fn from(err: aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::CreateUseCaseError, R>) -> Self { match err { aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError::ServiceError { err, .. } => match err.kind { crate::error::CreateUseCaseErrorKind::DuplicateResourceException(inner) => { Error::DuplicateResourceException(inner) } crate::error::CreateUseCaseErrorKind::InternalServiceException(inner) => { Error::InternalServiceException(inner) } crate::error::CreateUseCaseErrorKind::InvalidRequestException(inner) => { Error::InvalidRequestException(inner) } crate::error::CreateUseCaseErrorKind::ResourceNotFoundException(inner) => { Error::ResourceNotFoundException(inner) } crate::error::CreateUseCaseErrorKind::ThrottlingException(inner) => { Error::ThrottlingException(inner) } crate::error::CreateUseCaseErrorKind::Unhandled(inner) => Error::Unhandled(inner), }, _ => Error::Unhandled(err.into()), } } } impl<R> From<aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::CreateUserError, R>> for Error where R: Send + Sync + std::fmt::Debug + 'static, { fn from(err: aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::CreateUserError, R>) -> Self { match err { aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError::ServiceError { err, .. } => match err.kind { crate::error::CreateUserErrorKind::DuplicateResourceException(inner) => { Error::DuplicateResourceException(inner) } crate::error::CreateUserErrorKind::InternalServiceException(inner) => { Error::InternalServiceException(inner) } crate::error::CreateUserErrorKind::InvalidParameterException(inner) => { Error::InvalidParameterException(inner) } crate::error::CreateUserErrorKind::InvalidRequestException(inner) => { Error::InvalidRequestException(inner) } crate::error::CreateUserErrorKind::LimitExceededException(inner) => { Error::LimitExceededException(inner) } crate::error::CreateUserErrorKind::ResourceNotFoundException(inner) => { Error::ResourceNotFoundException(inner) } crate::error::CreateUserErrorKind::ThrottlingException(inner) => { Error::ThrottlingException(inner) } crate::error::CreateUserErrorKind::Unhandled(inner) => Error::Unhandled(inner), }, _ => Error::Unhandled(err.into()), } } } impl<R> From<aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::CreateUserHierarchyGroupError, R>> for Error where R: Send + Sync + std::fmt::Debug + 'static, { fn from( err: aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::CreateUserHierarchyGroupError, R>, ) -> Self { match err { aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError::ServiceError { err, .. } => match err.kind { crate::error::CreateUserHierarchyGroupErrorKind::DuplicateResourceException( inner, ) => Error::DuplicateResourceException(inner), crate::error::CreateUserHierarchyGroupErrorKind::InternalServiceException( inner, ) => Error::InternalServiceException(inner), crate::error::CreateUserHierarchyGroupErrorKind::InvalidParameterException( inner, ) => Error::InvalidParameterException(inner), crate::error::CreateUserHierarchyGroupErrorKind::InvalidRequestException(inner) => { Error::InvalidRequestException(inner) } crate::error::CreateUserHierarchyGroupErrorKind::LimitExceededException(inner) => { Error::LimitExceededException(inner) } crate::error::CreateUserHierarchyGroupErrorKind::ResourceNotFoundException( inner, ) => Error::ResourceNotFoundException(inner), crate::error::CreateUserHierarchyGroupErrorKind::ThrottlingException(inner) => { Error::ThrottlingException(inner) } crate::error::CreateUserHierarchyGroupErrorKind::Unhandled(inner) => { Error::Unhandled(inner) } }, _ => Error::Unhandled(err.into()), } } } impl<R> From<aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::DeleteContactFlowError, R>> for Error where R: Send + Sync + std::fmt::Debug + 'static, { fn from( err: aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::DeleteContactFlowError, R>, ) -> Self { match err { aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError::ServiceError { err, .. } => match err.kind { crate::error::DeleteContactFlowErrorKind::AccessDeniedException(inner) => { Error::AccessDeniedException(inner) } crate::error::DeleteContactFlowErrorKind::InternalServiceException(inner) => { Error::InternalServiceException(inner) } crate::error::DeleteContactFlowErrorKind::InvalidParameterException(inner) => { Error::InvalidParameterException(inner) } crate::error::DeleteContactFlowErrorKind::InvalidRequestException(inner) => { Error::InvalidRequestException(inner) } crate::error::DeleteContactFlowErrorKind::ResourceNotFoundException(inner) => { Error::ResourceNotFoundException(inner) } crate::error::DeleteContactFlowErrorKind::ThrottlingException(inner) => { Error::ThrottlingException(inner) } crate::error::DeleteContactFlowErrorKind::Unhandled(inner) => { Error::Unhandled(inner) } }, _ => Error::Unhandled(err.into()), } } } impl<R> From<aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::DeleteContactFlowModuleError, R>> for Error where R: Send + Sync + std::fmt::Debug + 'static, { fn from( err: aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::DeleteContactFlowModuleError, R>, ) -> Self { match err { aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError::ServiceError { err, .. } => match err.kind { crate::error::DeleteContactFlowModuleErrorKind::AccessDeniedException(inner) => { Error::AccessDeniedException(inner) } crate::error::DeleteContactFlowModuleErrorKind::InternalServiceException(inner) => { Error::InternalServiceException(inner) } crate::error::DeleteContactFlowModuleErrorKind::InvalidParameterException( inner, ) => Error::InvalidParameterException(inner), crate::error::DeleteContactFlowModuleErrorKind::InvalidRequestException(inner) => { Error::InvalidRequestException(inner) } crate::error::DeleteContactFlowModuleErrorKind::ResourceNotFoundException( inner, ) => Error::ResourceNotFoundException(inner), crate::error::DeleteContactFlowModuleErrorKind::ThrottlingException(inner) => { Error::ThrottlingException(inner) } crate::error::DeleteContactFlowModuleErrorKind::Unhandled(inner) => { Error::Unhandled(inner) } }, _ => Error::Unhandled(err.into()), } } } impl<R> From<aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::DeleteHoursOfOperationError, R>> for Error where R: Send + Sync + std::fmt::Debug + 'static, { fn from( err: aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::DeleteHoursOfOperationError, R>, ) -> Self { match err { aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError::ServiceError { err, .. } => match err.kind { crate::error::DeleteHoursOfOperationErrorKind::InternalServiceException(inner) => { Error::InternalServiceException(inner) } crate::error::DeleteHoursOfOperationErrorKind::InvalidParameterException(inner) => { Error::InvalidParameterException(inner) } crate::error::DeleteHoursOfOperationErrorKind::InvalidRequestException(inner) => { Error::InvalidRequestException(inner) } crate::error::DeleteHoursOfOperationErrorKind::ResourceNotFoundException(inner) => { Error::ResourceNotFoundException(inner) } crate::error::DeleteHoursOfOperationErrorKind::ThrottlingException(inner) => { Error::ThrottlingException(inner) } crate::error::DeleteHoursOfOperationErrorKind::Unhandled(inner) => { Error::Unhandled(inner) } }, _ => Error::Unhandled(err.into()), } } } impl<R> From<aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::DeleteInstanceError, R>> for Error where R: Send + Sync + std::fmt::Debug + 'static, { fn from(err: aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::DeleteInstanceError, R>) -> Self { match err { aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError::ServiceError { err, .. } => match err.kind { crate::error::DeleteInstanceErrorKind::InternalServiceException(inner) => { Error::InternalServiceException(inner) } crate::error::DeleteInstanceErrorKind::InvalidRequestException(inner) => { Error::InvalidRequestException(inner) } crate::error::DeleteInstanceErrorKind::ResourceNotFoundException(inner) => { Error::ResourceNotFoundException(inner) } crate::error::DeleteInstanceErrorKind::Unhandled(inner) => Error::Unhandled(inner), }, _ => Error::Unhandled(err.into()), } } } impl<R> From<aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::DeleteIntegrationAssociationError, R>> for Error where R: Send + Sync + std::fmt::Debug + 'static, { fn from( err: aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::DeleteIntegrationAssociationError, R>, ) -> Self { match err { aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError::ServiceError { err, .. } => match err.kind { crate::error::DeleteIntegrationAssociationErrorKind::InternalServiceException( inner, ) => Error::InternalServiceException(inner), crate::error::DeleteIntegrationAssociationErrorKind::InvalidRequestException( inner, ) => Error::InvalidRequestException(inner), crate::error::DeleteIntegrationAssociationErrorKind::ResourceNotFoundException( inner, ) => Error::ResourceNotFoundException(inner), crate::error::DeleteIntegrationAssociationErrorKind::ThrottlingException(inner) => { Error::ThrottlingException(inner) } crate::error::DeleteIntegrationAssociationErrorKind::Unhandled(inner) => { Error::Unhandled(inner) } }, _ => Error::Unhandled(err.into()), } } } impl<R> From<aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::DeleteQuickConnectError, R>> for Error where R: Send + Sync + std::fmt::Debug + 'static, { fn from( err: aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::DeleteQuickConnectError, R>, ) -> Self { match err { aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError::ServiceError { err, .. } => match err.kind { crate::error::DeleteQuickConnectErrorKind::InternalServiceException(inner) => { Error::InternalServiceException(inner) } crate::error::DeleteQuickConnectErrorKind::InvalidParameterException(inner) => { Error::InvalidParameterException(inner) } crate::error::DeleteQuickConnectErrorKind::InvalidRequestException(inner) => { Error::InvalidRequestException(inner) } crate::error::DeleteQuickConnectErrorKind::ResourceNotFoundException(inner) => { Error::ResourceNotFoundException(inner) } crate::error::DeleteQuickConnectErrorKind::ThrottlingException(inner) => { Error::ThrottlingException(inner) } crate::error::DeleteQuickConnectErrorKind::Unhandled(inner) => { Error::Unhandled(inner) } }, _ => Error::Unhandled(err.into()), } } } impl<R> From<aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::DeleteSecurityProfileError, R>> for Error where R: Send + Sync + std::fmt::Debug + 'static, { fn from( err: aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::DeleteSecurityProfileError, R>, ) -> Self { match err { aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError::ServiceError { err, .. } => match err.kind { crate::error::DeleteSecurityProfileErrorKind::AccessDeniedException(inner) => { Error::AccessDeniedException(inner) } crate::error::DeleteSecurityProfileErrorKind::InternalServiceException(inner) => { Error::InternalServiceException(inner) } crate::error::DeleteSecurityProfileErrorKind::InvalidParameterException(inner) => { Error::InvalidParameterException(inner) } crate::error::DeleteSecurityProfileErrorKind::InvalidRequestException(inner) => { Error::InvalidRequestException(inner) } crate::error::DeleteSecurityProfileErrorKind::ResourceInUseException(inner) => { Error::ResourceInUseException(inner) } crate::error::DeleteSecurityProfileErrorKind::ResourceNotFoundException(inner) => { Error::ResourceNotFoundException(inner) } crate::error::DeleteSecurityProfileErrorKind::ThrottlingException(inner) => { Error::ThrottlingException(inner) } crate::error::DeleteSecurityProfileErrorKind::Unhandled(inner) => { Error::Unhandled(inner) } }, _ => Error::Unhandled(err.into()), } } } impl<R> From<aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::DeleteUseCaseError, R>> for Error where R: Send + Sync + std::fmt::Debug + 'static, { fn from(err: aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::DeleteUseCaseError, R>) -> Self { match err { aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError::ServiceError { err, .. } => match err.kind { crate::error::DeleteUseCaseErrorKind::InternalServiceException(inner) => { Error::InternalServiceException(inner) } crate::error::DeleteUseCaseErrorKind::InvalidRequestException(inner) => { Error::InvalidRequestException(inner) } crate::error::DeleteUseCaseErrorKind::ResourceNotFoundException(inner) => { Error::ResourceNotFoundException(inner) } crate::error::DeleteUseCaseErrorKind::ThrottlingException(inner) => { Error::ThrottlingException(inner) } crate::error::DeleteUseCaseErrorKind::Unhandled(inner) => Error::Unhandled(inner), }, _ => Error::Unhandled(err.into()), } } } impl<R> From<aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::DeleteUserError, R>> for Error where R: Send + Sync + std::fmt::Debug + 'static, { fn from(err: aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::DeleteUserError, R>) -> Self { match err { aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError::ServiceError { err, .. } => match err.kind { crate::error::DeleteUserErrorKind::InternalServiceException(inner) => { Error::InternalServiceException(inner) } crate::error::DeleteUserErrorKind::InvalidParameterException(inner) => { Error::InvalidParameterException(inner) } crate::error::DeleteUserErrorKind::InvalidRequestException(inner) => { Error::InvalidRequestException(inner) } crate::error::DeleteUserErrorKind::ResourceNotFoundException(inner) => { Error::ResourceNotFoundException(inner) } crate::error::DeleteUserErrorKind::ThrottlingException(inner) => { Error::ThrottlingException(inner) } crate::error::DeleteUserErrorKind::Unhandled(inner) => Error::Unhandled(inner), }, _ => Error::Unhandled(err.into()), } } } impl<R> From<aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::DeleteUserHierarchyGroupError, R>> for Error where R: Send + Sync + std::fmt::Debug + 'static, { fn from( err: aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::DeleteUserHierarchyGroupError, R>, ) -> Self { match err { aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError::ServiceError { err, .. } => match err.kind { crate::error::DeleteUserHierarchyGroupErrorKind::InternalServiceException( inner, ) => Error::InternalServiceException(inner), crate::error::DeleteUserHierarchyGroupErrorKind::InvalidParameterException( inner, ) => Error::InvalidParameterException(inner), crate::error::DeleteUserHierarchyGroupErrorKind::InvalidRequestException(inner) => { Error::InvalidRequestException(inner) } crate::error::DeleteUserHierarchyGroupErrorKind::ResourceInUseException(inner) => { Error::ResourceInUseException(inner) } crate::error::DeleteUserHierarchyGroupErrorKind::ResourceNotFoundException( inner, ) => Error::ResourceNotFoundException(inner), crate::error::DeleteUserHierarchyGroupErrorKind::ThrottlingException(inner) => { Error::ThrottlingException(inner) } crate::error::DeleteUserHierarchyGroupErrorKind::Unhandled(inner) => { Error::Unhandled(inner) } }, _ => Error::Unhandled(err.into()), } } } impl<R> From<aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::DescribeAgentStatusError, R>> for Error where R: Send + Sync + std::fmt::Debug + 'static, { fn from( err: aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::DescribeAgentStatusError, R>, ) -> Self { match err { aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError::ServiceError { err, .. } => match err.kind { crate::error::DescribeAgentStatusErrorKind::InternalServiceException(inner) => { Error::InternalServiceException(inner) } crate::error::DescribeAgentStatusErrorKind::InvalidParameterException(inner) => { Error::InvalidParameterException(inner) } crate::error::DescribeAgentStatusErrorKind::InvalidRequestException(inner) => { Error::InvalidRequestException(inner) } crate::error::DescribeAgentStatusErrorKind::ResourceNotFoundException(inner) => { Error::ResourceNotFoundException(inner) } crate::error::DescribeAgentStatusErrorKind::ThrottlingException(inner) => { Error::ThrottlingException(inner) } crate::error::DescribeAgentStatusErrorKind::Unhandled(inner) => { Error::Unhandled(inner) } }, _ => Error::Unhandled(err.into()), } } } impl<R> From<aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::DescribeContactError, R>> for Error where R: Send + Sync + std::fmt::Debug + 'static, { fn from(err: aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::DescribeContactError, R>) -> Self { match err { aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError::ServiceError { err, .. } => match err.kind { crate::error::DescribeContactErrorKind::InternalServiceException(inner) => { Error::InternalServiceException(inner) } crate::error::DescribeContactErrorKind::InvalidParameterException(inner) => { Error::InvalidParameterException(inner) } crate::error::DescribeContactErrorKind::InvalidRequestException(inner) => { Error::InvalidRequestException(inner) } crate::error::DescribeContactErrorKind::ResourceNotFoundException(inner) => { Error::ResourceNotFoundException(inner) } crate::error::DescribeContactErrorKind::ThrottlingException(inner) => { Error::ThrottlingException(inner) } crate::error::DescribeContactErrorKind::Unhandled(inner) => Error::Unhandled(inner), }, _ => Error::Unhandled(err.into()), } } } impl<R> From<aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::DescribeContactFlowError, R>> for Error where R: Send + Sync + std::fmt::Debug + 'static, { fn from( err: aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::DescribeContactFlowError, R>, ) -> Self { match err { aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError::ServiceError { err, .. } => match err.kind { crate::error::DescribeContactFlowErrorKind::ContactFlowNotPublishedException( inner, ) => Error::ContactFlowNotPublishedException(inner), crate::error::DescribeContactFlowErrorKind::InternalServiceException(inner) => { Error::InternalServiceException(inner) } crate::error::DescribeContactFlowErrorKind::InvalidParameterException(inner) => { Error::InvalidParameterException(inner) } crate::error::DescribeContactFlowErrorKind::InvalidRequestException(inner) => { Error::InvalidRequestException(inner) } crate::error::DescribeContactFlowErrorKind::ResourceNotFoundException(inner) => { Error::ResourceNotFoundException(inner) } crate::error::DescribeContactFlowErrorKind::ThrottlingException(inner) => { Error::ThrottlingException(inner) } crate::error::DescribeContactFlowErrorKind::Unhandled(inner) => { Error::Unhandled(inner) } }, _ => Error::Unhandled(err.into()), } } } impl<R> From<aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::DescribeContactFlowModuleError, R>> for Error where R: Send + Sync + std::fmt::Debug + 'static, { fn from( err: aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::DescribeContactFlowModuleError, R>, ) -> Self { match err { aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError::ServiceError { err, .. } => match err.kind { crate::error::DescribeContactFlowModuleErrorKind::AccessDeniedException(inner) => { Error::AccessDeniedException(inner) } crate::error::DescribeContactFlowModuleErrorKind::InternalServiceException( inner, ) => Error::InternalServiceException(inner), crate::error::DescribeContactFlowModuleErrorKind::InvalidParameterException( inner, ) => Error::InvalidParameterException(inner), crate::error::DescribeContactFlowModuleErrorKind::InvalidRequestException( inner, ) => Error::InvalidRequestException(inner), crate::error::DescribeContactFlowModuleErrorKind::ResourceNotFoundException( inner, ) => Error::ResourceNotFoundException(inner), crate::error::DescribeContactFlowModuleErrorKind::ThrottlingException(inner) => { Error::ThrottlingException(inner) } crate::error::DescribeContactFlowModuleErrorKind::Unhandled(inner) => { Error::Unhandled(inner) } }, _ => Error::Unhandled(err.into()), } } } impl<R> From<aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::DescribeHoursOfOperationError, R>> for Error where R: Send + Sync + std::fmt::Debug + 'static, { fn from( err: aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::DescribeHoursOfOperationError, R>, ) -> Self { match err { aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError::ServiceError { err, .. } => match err.kind { crate::error::DescribeHoursOfOperationErrorKind::InternalServiceException( inner, ) => Error::InternalServiceException(inner), crate::error::DescribeHoursOfOperationErrorKind::InvalidParameterException( inner, ) => Error::InvalidParameterException(inner), crate::error::DescribeHoursOfOperationErrorKind::InvalidRequestException(inner) => { Error::InvalidRequestException(inner) } crate::error::DescribeHoursOfOperationErrorKind::ResourceNotFoundException( inner, ) => Error::ResourceNotFoundException(inner), crate::error::DescribeHoursOfOperationErrorKind::ThrottlingException(inner) => { Error::ThrottlingException(inner) } crate::error::DescribeHoursOfOperationErrorKind::Unhandled(inner) => { Error::Unhandled(inner) } }, _ => Error::Unhandled(err.into()), } } } impl<R> From<aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::DescribeInstanceError, R>> for Error where R: Send + Sync + std::fmt::Debug + 'static, { fn from( err: aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::DescribeInstanceError, R>, ) -> Self { match err { aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError::ServiceError { err, .. } => match err.kind { crate::error::DescribeInstanceErrorKind::InternalServiceException(inner) => { Error::InternalServiceException(inner) } crate::error::DescribeInstanceErrorKind::InvalidRequestException(inner) => { Error::InvalidRequestException(inner) } crate::error::DescribeInstanceErrorKind::ResourceNotFoundException(inner) => { Error::ResourceNotFoundException(inner) } crate::error::DescribeInstanceErrorKind::Unhandled(inner) => { Error::Unhandled(inner) } }, _ => Error::Unhandled(err.into()), } } } impl<R> From<aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::DescribeInstanceAttributeError, R>> for Error where R: Send + Sync + std::fmt::Debug + 'static, { fn from( err: aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::DescribeInstanceAttributeError, R>, ) -> Self { match err { aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError::ServiceError { err, .. } => match err.kind { crate::error::DescribeInstanceAttributeErrorKind::InternalServiceException( inner, ) => Error::InternalServiceException(inner), crate::error::DescribeInstanceAttributeErrorKind::InvalidParameterException( inner, ) => Error::InvalidParameterException(inner), crate::error::DescribeInstanceAttributeErrorKind::InvalidRequestException( inner, ) => Error::InvalidRequestException(inner), crate::error::DescribeInstanceAttributeErrorKind::ResourceNotFoundException( inner, ) => Error::ResourceNotFoundException(inner), crate::error::DescribeInstanceAttributeErrorKind::ThrottlingException(inner) => { Error::ThrottlingException(inner) } crate::error::DescribeInstanceAttributeErrorKind::Unhandled(inner) => { Error::Unhandled(inner) } }, _ => Error::Unhandled(err.into()), } } } impl<R> From<aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::DescribeInstanceStorageConfigError, R>> for Error where R: Send + Sync + std::fmt::Debug + 'static, { fn from( err: aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::DescribeInstanceStorageConfigError, R>, ) -> Self { match err { aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError::ServiceError { err, .. } => match err.kind { crate::error::DescribeInstanceStorageConfigErrorKind::InternalServiceException( inner, ) => Error::InternalServiceException(inner), crate::error::DescribeInstanceStorageConfigErrorKind::InvalidParameterException( inner, ) => Error::InvalidParameterException(inner), crate::error::DescribeInstanceStorageConfigErrorKind::InvalidRequestException( inner, ) => Error::InvalidRequestException(inner), crate::error::DescribeInstanceStorageConfigErrorKind::ResourceNotFoundException( inner, ) => Error::ResourceNotFoundException(inner), crate::error::DescribeInstanceStorageConfigErrorKind::ThrottlingException( inner, ) => Error::ThrottlingException(inner), crate::error::DescribeInstanceStorageConfigErrorKind::Unhandled(inner) => { Error::Unhandled(inner) } }, _ => Error::Unhandled(err.into()), } } } impl<R> From<aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::DescribeQueueError, R>> for Error where R: Send + Sync + std::fmt::Debug + 'static, { fn from(err: aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::DescribeQueueError, R>) -> Self { match err { aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError::ServiceError { err, .. } => match err.kind { crate::error::DescribeQueueErrorKind::InternalServiceException(inner) => { Error::InternalServiceException(inner) } crate::error::DescribeQueueErrorKind::InvalidParameterException(inner) => { Error::InvalidParameterException(inner) } crate::error::DescribeQueueErrorKind::InvalidRequestException(inner) => { Error::InvalidRequestException(inner) } crate::error::DescribeQueueErrorKind::ResourceNotFoundException(inner) => { Error::ResourceNotFoundException(inner) } crate::error::DescribeQueueErrorKind::ThrottlingException(inner) => { Error::ThrottlingException(inner) } crate::error::DescribeQueueErrorKind::Unhandled(inner) => Error::Unhandled(inner), }, _ => Error::Unhandled(err.into()), } } } impl<R> From<aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::DescribeQuickConnectError, R>> for Error where R: Send + Sync + std::fmt::Debug + 'static, { fn from( err: aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::DescribeQuickConnectError, R>, ) -> Self { match err { aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError::ServiceError { err, .. } => match err.kind { crate::error::DescribeQuickConnectErrorKind::InternalServiceException(inner) => { Error::InternalServiceException(inner) } crate::error::DescribeQuickConnectErrorKind::InvalidParameterException(inner) => { Error::InvalidParameterException(inner) } crate::error::DescribeQuickConnectErrorKind::InvalidRequestException(inner) => { Error::InvalidRequestException(inner) } crate::error::DescribeQuickConnectErrorKind::ResourceNotFoundException(inner) => { Error::ResourceNotFoundException(inner) } crate::error::DescribeQuickConnectErrorKind::ThrottlingException(inner) => { Error::ThrottlingException(inner) } crate::error::DescribeQuickConnectErrorKind::Unhandled(inner) => { Error::Unhandled(inner) } }, _ => Error::Unhandled(err.into()), } } } impl<R> From<aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::DescribeRoutingProfileError, R>> for Error where R: Send + Sync + std::fmt::Debug + 'static, { fn from( err: aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::DescribeRoutingProfileError, R>, ) -> Self { match err { aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError::ServiceError { err, .. } => match err.kind { crate::error::DescribeRoutingProfileErrorKind::InternalServiceException(inner) => { Error::InternalServiceException(inner) } crate::error::DescribeRoutingProfileErrorKind::InvalidParameterException(inner) => { Error::InvalidParameterException(inner) } crate::error::DescribeRoutingProfileErrorKind::InvalidRequestException(inner) => { Error::InvalidRequestException(inner) } crate::error::DescribeRoutingProfileErrorKind::ResourceNotFoundException(inner) => { Error::ResourceNotFoundException(inner) } crate::error::DescribeRoutingProfileErrorKind::ThrottlingException(inner) => { Error::ThrottlingException(inner) } crate::error::DescribeRoutingProfileErrorKind::Unhandled(inner) => { Error::Unhandled(inner) } }, _ => Error::Unhandled(err.into()), } } } impl<R> From<aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::DescribeSecurityProfileError, R>> for Error where R: Send + Sync + std::fmt::Debug + 'static, { fn from( err: aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::DescribeSecurityProfileError, R>, ) -> Self { match err { aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError::ServiceError { err, .. } => match err.kind { crate::error::DescribeSecurityProfileErrorKind::InternalServiceException(inner) => { Error::InternalServiceException(inner) } crate::error::DescribeSecurityProfileErrorKind::InvalidParameterException( inner, ) => Error::InvalidParameterException(inner), crate::error::DescribeSecurityProfileErrorKind::InvalidRequestException(inner) => { Error::InvalidRequestException(inner) } crate::error::DescribeSecurityProfileErrorKind::ResourceNotFoundException( inner, ) => Error::ResourceNotFoundException(inner), crate::error::DescribeSecurityProfileErrorKind::ThrottlingException(inner) => { Error::ThrottlingException(inner) } crate::error::DescribeSecurityProfileErrorKind::Unhandled(inner) => { Error::Unhandled(inner) } }, _ => Error::Unhandled(err.into()), } } } impl<R> From<aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::DescribeUserError, R>> for Error where R: Send + Sync + std::fmt::Debug + 'static, { fn from(err: aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::DescribeUserError, R>) -> Self { match err { aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError::ServiceError { err, .. } => match err.kind { crate::error::DescribeUserErrorKind::InternalServiceException(inner) => { Error::InternalServiceException(inner) } crate::error::DescribeUserErrorKind::InvalidParameterException(inner) => { Error::InvalidParameterException(inner) } crate::error::DescribeUserErrorKind::InvalidRequestException(inner) => { Error::InvalidRequestException(inner) } crate::error::DescribeUserErrorKind::ResourceNotFoundException(inner) => { Error::ResourceNotFoundException(inner) } crate::error::DescribeUserErrorKind::ThrottlingException(inner) => { Error::ThrottlingException(inner) } crate::error::DescribeUserErrorKind::Unhandled(inner) => Error::Unhandled(inner), }, _ => Error::Unhandled(err.into()), } } } impl<R> From<aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::DescribeUserHierarchyGroupError, R>> for Error where R: Send + Sync + std::fmt::Debug + 'static, { fn from( err: aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::DescribeUserHierarchyGroupError, R>, ) -> Self { match err { aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError::ServiceError { err, .. } => match err.kind { crate::error::DescribeUserHierarchyGroupErrorKind::InternalServiceException( inner, ) => Error::InternalServiceException(inner), crate::error::DescribeUserHierarchyGroupErrorKind::InvalidParameterException( inner, ) => Error::InvalidParameterException(inner), crate::error::DescribeUserHierarchyGroupErrorKind::InvalidRequestException( inner, ) => Error::InvalidRequestException(inner), crate::error::DescribeUserHierarchyGroupErrorKind::ResourceNotFoundException( inner, ) => Error::ResourceNotFoundException(inner), crate::error::DescribeUserHierarchyGroupErrorKind::ThrottlingException(inner) => { Error::ThrottlingException(inner) } crate::error::DescribeUserHierarchyGroupErrorKind::Unhandled(inner) => { Error::Unhandled(inner) } }, _ => Error::Unhandled(err.into()), } } } impl<R> From<aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::DescribeUserHierarchyStructureError, R>> for Error where R: Send + Sync + std::fmt::Debug + 'static, { fn from( err: aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError< crate::error::DescribeUserHierarchyStructureError, R, >, ) -> Self { match err { aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError::ServiceError { err, ..} => match err.kind { crate::error::DescribeUserHierarchyStructureErrorKind::InternalServiceException(inner) => Error::InternalServiceException(inner), crate::error::DescribeUserHierarchyStructureErrorKind::InvalidParameterException(inner) => Error::InvalidParameterException(inner), crate::error::DescribeUserHierarchyStructureErrorKind::InvalidRequestException(inner) => Error::InvalidRequestException(inner), crate::error::DescribeUserHierarchyStructureErrorKind::ResourceNotFoundException(inner) => Error::ResourceNotFoundException(inner), crate::error::DescribeUserHierarchyStructureErrorKind::ThrottlingException(inner) => Error::ThrottlingException(inner), crate::error::DescribeUserHierarchyStructureErrorKind::Unhandled(inner) => Error::Unhandled(inner), } _ => Error::Unhandled(err.into()), } } } impl<R> From<aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::DisassociateApprovedOriginError, R>> for Error where R: Send + Sync + std::fmt::Debug + 'static, { fn from( err: aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::DisassociateApprovedOriginError, R>, ) -> Self { match err { aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError::ServiceError { err, .. } => match err.kind { crate::error::DisassociateApprovedOriginErrorKind::InternalServiceException( inner, ) => Error::InternalServiceException(inner), crate::error::DisassociateApprovedOriginErrorKind::InvalidParameterException( inner, ) => Error::InvalidParameterException(inner), crate::error::DisassociateApprovedOriginErrorKind::InvalidRequestException( inner, ) => Error::InvalidRequestException(inner), crate::error::DisassociateApprovedOriginErrorKind::ResourceNotFoundException( inner, ) => Error::ResourceNotFoundException(inner), crate::error::DisassociateApprovedOriginErrorKind::ThrottlingException(inner) => { Error::ThrottlingException(inner) } crate::error::DisassociateApprovedOriginErrorKind::Unhandled(inner) => { Error::Unhandled(inner) } }, _ => Error::Unhandled(err.into()), } } } impl<R> From<aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::DisassociateBotError, R>> for Error where R: Send + Sync + std::fmt::Debug + 'static, { fn from(err: aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::DisassociateBotError, R>) -> Self { match err { aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError::ServiceError { err, .. } => match err.kind { crate::error::DisassociateBotErrorKind::InternalServiceException(inner) => { Error::InternalServiceException(inner) } crate::error::DisassociateBotErrorKind::InvalidRequestException(inner) => { Error::InvalidRequestException(inner) } crate::error::DisassociateBotErrorKind::ResourceNotFoundException(inner) => { Error::ResourceNotFoundException(inner) } crate::error::DisassociateBotErrorKind::ThrottlingException(inner) => { Error::ThrottlingException(inner) } crate::error::DisassociateBotErrorKind::Unhandled(inner) => Error::Unhandled(inner), }, _ => Error::Unhandled(err.into()), } } } impl<R> From<aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::DisassociateInstanceStorageConfigError, R>> for Error where R: Send + Sync + std::fmt::Debug + 'static, { fn from( err: aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError< crate::error::DisassociateInstanceStorageConfigError, R, >, ) -> Self { match err { aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError::ServiceError { err, ..} => match err.kind { crate::error::DisassociateInstanceStorageConfigErrorKind::InternalServiceException(inner) => Error::InternalServiceException(inner), crate::error::DisassociateInstanceStorageConfigErrorKind::InvalidParameterException(inner) => Error::InvalidParameterException(inner), crate::error::DisassociateInstanceStorageConfigErrorKind::InvalidRequestException(inner) => Error::InvalidRequestException(inner), crate::error::DisassociateInstanceStorageConfigErrorKind::ResourceNotFoundException(inner) => Error::ResourceNotFoundException(inner), crate::error::DisassociateInstanceStorageConfigErrorKind::ThrottlingException(inner) => Error::ThrottlingException(inner), crate::error::DisassociateInstanceStorageConfigErrorKind::Unhandled(inner) => Error::Unhandled(inner), } _ => Error::Unhandled(err.into()), } } } impl<R> From<aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::DisassociateLambdaFunctionError, R>> for Error where R: Send + Sync + std::fmt::Debug + 'static, { fn from( err: aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::DisassociateLambdaFunctionError, R>, ) -> Self { match err { aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError::ServiceError { err, .. } => match err.kind { crate::error::DisassociateLambdaFunctionErrorKind::InternalServiceException( inner, ) => Error::InternalServiceException(inner), crate::error::DisassociateLambdaFunctionErrorKind::InvalidParameterException( inner, ) => Error::InvalidParameterException(inner), crate::error::DisassociateLambdaFunctionErrorKind::InvalidRequestException( inner, ) => Error::InvalidRequestException(inner), crate::error::DisassociateLambdaFunctionErrorKind::ResourceNotFoundException( inner, ) => Error::ResourceNotFoundException(inner), crate::error::DisassociateLambdaFunctionErrorKind::ThrottlingException(inner) => { Error::ThrottlingException(inner) } crate::error::DisassociateLambdaFunctionErrorKind::Unhandled(inner) => { Error::Unhandled(inner) } }, _ => Error::Unhandled(err.into()), } } } impl<R> From<aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::DisassociateLexBotError, R>> for Error where R: Send + Sync + std::fmt::Debug + 'static, { fn from( err: aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::DisassociateLexBotError, R>, ) -> Self { match err { aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError::ServiceError { err, .. } => match err.kind { crate::error::DisassociateLexBotErrorKind::InternalServiceException(inner) => { Error::InternalServiceException(inner) } crate::error::DisassociateLexBotErrorKind::InvalidParameterException(inner) => { Error::InvalidParameterException(inner) } crate::error::DisassociateLexBotErrorKind::InvalidRequestException(inner) => { Error::InvalidRequestException(inner) } crate::error::DisassociateLexBotErrorKind::ResourceNotFoundException(inner) => { Error::ResourceNotFoundException(inner) } crate::error::DisassociateLexBotErrorKind::ThrottlingException(inner) => { Error::ThrottlingException(inner) } crate::error::DisassociateLexBotErrorKind::Unhandled(inner) => { Error::Unhandled(inner) } }, _ => Error::Unhandled(err.into()), } } } impl<R> From<aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::DisassociateQueueQuickConnectsError, R>> for Error where R: Send + Sync + std::fmt::Debug + 'static, { fn from( err: aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError< crate::error::DisassociateQueueQuickConnectsError, R, >, ) -> Self { match err { aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError::ServiceError { err, ..} => match err.kind { crate::error::DisassociateQueueQuickConnectsErrorKind::InternalServiceException(inner) => Error::InternalServiceException(inner), crate::error::DisassociateQueueQuickConnectsErrorKind::InvalidParameterException(inner) => Error::InvalidParameterException(inner), crate::error::DisassociateQueueQuickConnectsErrorKind::InvalidRequestException(inner) => Error::InvalidRequestException(inner), crate::error::DisassociateQueueQuickConnectsErrorKind::ResourceNotFoundException(inner) => Error::ResourceNotFoundException(inner), crate::error::DisassociateQueueQuickConnectsErrorKind::ThrottlingException(inner) => Error::ThrottlingException(inner), crate::error::DisassociateQueueQuickConnectsErrorKind::Unhandled(inner) => Error::Unhandled(inner), } _ => Error::Unhandled(err.into()), } } } impl<R> From<aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::DisassociateRoutingProfileQueuesError, R>> for Error where R: Send + Sync + std::fmt::Debug + 'static, { fn from( err: aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError< crate::error::DisassociateRoutingProfileQueuesError, R, >, ) -> Self { match err { aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError::ServiceError { err, ..} => match err.kind { crate::error::DisassociateRoutingProfileQueuesErrorKind::InternalServiceException(inner) => Error::InternalServiceException(inner), crate::error::DisassociateRoutingProfileQueuesErrorKind::InvalidParameterException(inner) => Error::InvalidParameterException(inner), crate::error::DisassociateRoutingProfileQueuesErrorKind::InvalidRequestException(inner) => Error::InvalidRequestException(inner), crate::error::DisassociateRoutingProfileQueuesErrorKind::ResourceNotFoundException(inner) => Error::ResourceNotFoundException(inner), crate::error::DisassociateRoutingProfileQueuesErrorKind::ThrottlingException(inner) => Error::ThrottlingException(inner), crate::error::DisassociateRoutingProfileQueuesErrorKind::Unhandled(inner) => Error::Unhandled(inner), } _ => Error::Unhandled(err.into()), } } } impl<R> From<aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::DisassociateSecurityKeyError, R>> for Error where R: Send + Sync + std::fmt::Debug + 'static, { fn from( err: aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::DisassociateSecurityKeyError, R>, ) -> Self { match err { aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError::ServiceError { err, .. } => match err.kind { crate::error::DisassociateSecurityKeyErrorKind::InternalServiceException(inner) => { Error::InternalServiceException(inner) } crate::error::DisassociateSecurityKeyErrorKind::InvalidParameterException( inner, ) => Error::InvalidParameterException(inner), crate::error::DisassociateSecurityKeyErrorKind::InvalidRequestException(inner) => { Error::InvalidRequestException(inner) } crate::error::DisassociateSecurityKeyErrorKind::ResourceNotFoundException( inner, ) => Error::ResourceNotFoundException(inner), crate::error::DisassociateSecurityKeyErrorKind::ThrottlingException(inner) => { Error::ThrottlingException(inner) } crate::error::DisassociateSecurityKeyErrorKind::Unhandled(inner) => { Error::Unhandled(inner) } }, _ => Error::Unhandled(err.into()), } } } impl<R> From<aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::GetContactAttributesError, R>> for Error where R: Send + Sync + std::fmt::Debug + 'static, { fn from( err: aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::GetContactAttributesError, R>, ) -> Self { match err { aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError::ServiceError { err, .. } => match err.kind { crate::error::GetContactAttributesErrorKind::InternalServiceException(inner) => { Error::InternalServiceException(inner) } crate::error::GetContactAttributesErrorKind::InvalidRequestException(inner) => { Error::InvalidRequestException(inner) } crate::error::GetContactAttributesErrorKind::ResourceNotFoundException(inner) => { Error::ResourceNotFoundException(inner) } crate::error::GetContactAttributesErrorKind::Unhandled(inner) => { Error::Unhandled(inner) } }, _ => Error::Unhandled(err.into()), } } } impl<R> From<aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::GetCurrentMetricDataError, R>> for Error where R: Send + Sync + std::fmt::Debug + 'static, { fn from( err: aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::GetCurrentMetricDataError, R>, ) -> Self { match err { aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError::ServiceError { err, .. } => match err.kind { crate::error::GetCurrentMetricDataErrorKind::InternalServiceException(inner) => { Error::InternalServiceException(inner) } crate::error::GetCurrentMetricDataErrorKind::InvalidParameterException(inner) => { Error::InvalidParameterException(inner) } crate::error::GetCurrentMetricDataErrorKind::InvalidRequestException(inner) => { Error::InvalidRequestException(inner) } crate::error::GetCurrentMetricDataErrorKind::ResourceNotFoundException(inner) => { Error::ResourceNotFoundException(inner) } crate::error::GetCurrentMetricDataErrorKind::ThrottlingException(inner) => { Error::ThrottlingException(inner) } crate::error::GetCurrentMetricDataErrorKind::Unhandled(inner) => { Error::Unhandled(inner) } }, _ => Error::Unhandled(err.into()), } } } impl<R> From<aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::GetFederationTokenError, R>> for Error where R: Send + Sync + std::fmt::Debug + 'static, { fn from( err: aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::GetFederationTokenError, R>, ) -> Self { match err { aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError::ServiceError { err, .. } => match err.kind { crate::error::GetFederationTokenErrorKind::DuplicateResourceException(inner) => { Error::DuplicateResourceException(inner) } crate::error::GetFederationTokenErrorKind::InternalServiceException(inner) => { Error::InternalServiceException(inner) } crate::error::GetFederationTokenErrorKind::InvalidParameterException(inner) => { Error::InvalidParameterException(inner) } crate::error::GetFederationTokenErrorKind::InvalidRequestException(inner) => { Error::InvalidRequestException(inner) } crate::error::GetFederationTokenErrorKind::ResourceNotFoundException(inner) => { Error::ResourceNotFoundException(inner) } crate::error::GetFederationTokenErrorKind::UserNotFoundException(inner) => { Error::UserNotFoundException(inner) } crate::error::GetFederationTokenErrorKind::Unhandled(inner) => { Error::Unhandled(inner) } }, _ => Error::Unhandled(err.into()), } } } impl<R> From<aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::GetMetricDataError, R>> for Error where R: Send + Sync + std::fmt::Debug + 'static, { fn from(err: aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::GetMetricDataError, R>) -> Self { match err { aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError::ServiceError { err, .. } => match err.kind { crate::error::GetMetricDataErrorKind::InternalServiceException(inner) => { Error::InternalServiceException(inner) } crate::error::GetMetricDataErrorKind::InvalidParameterException(inner) => { Error::InvalidParameterException(inner) } crate::error::GetMetricDataErrorKind::InvalidRequestException(inner) => { Error::InvalidRequestException(inner) } crate::error::GetMetricDataErrorKind::ResourceNotFoundException(inner) => { Error::ResourceNotFoundException(inner) } crate::error::GetMetricDataErrorKind::ThrottlingException(inner) => { Error::ThrottlingException(inner) } crate::error::GetMetricDataErrorKind::Unhandled(inner) => Error::Unhandled(inner), }, _ => Error::Unhandled(err.into()), } } } impl<R> From<aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::ListAgentStatusesError, R>> for Error where R: Send + Sync + std::fmt::Debug + 'static, { fn from( err: aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::ListAgentStatusesError, R>, ) -> Self { match err { aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError::ServiceError { err, .. } => match err.kind { crate::error::ListAgentStatusesErrorKind::InternalServiceException(inner) => { Error::InternalServiceException(inner) } crate::error::ListAgentStatusesErrorKind::InvalidParameterException(inner) => { Error::InvalidParameterException(inner) } crate::error::ListAgentStatusesErrorKind::InvalidRequestException(inner) => { Error::InvalidRequestException(inner) } crate::error::ListAgentStatusesErrorKind::ResourceNotFoundException(inner) => { Error::ResourceNotFoundException(inner) } crate::error::ListAgentStatusesErrorKind::ThrottlingException(inner) => { Error::ThrottlingException(inner) } crate::error::ListAgentStatusesErrorKind::Unhandled(inner) => { Error::Unhandled(inner) } }, _ => Error::Unhandled(err.into()), } } } impl<R> From<aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::ListApprovedOriginsError, R>> for Error where R: Send + Sync + std::fmt::Debug + 'static, { fn from( err: aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::ListApprovedOriginsError, R>, ) -> Self { match err { aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError::ServiceError { err, .. } => match err.kind { crate::error::ListApprovedOriginsErrorKind::InternalServiceException(inner) => { Error::InternalServiceException(inner) } crate::error::ListApprovedOriginsErrorKind::InvalidParameterException(inner) => { Error::InvalidParameterException(inner) } crate::error::ListApprovedOriginsErrorKind::InvalidRequestException(inner) => { Error::InvalidRequestException(inner) } crate::error::ListApprovedOriginsErrorKind::ResourceNotFoundException(inner) => { Error::ResourceNotFoundException(inner) } crate::error::ListApprovedOriginsErrorKind::ThrottlingException(inner) => { Error::ThrottlingException(inner) } crate::error::ListApprovedOriginsErrorKind::Unhandled(inner) => { Error::Unhandled(inner) } }, _ => Error::Unhandled(err.into()), } } } impl<R> From<aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::ListBotsError, R>> for Error where R: Send + Sync + std::fmt::Debug + 'static, { fn from(err: aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::ListBotsError, R>) -> Self { match err { aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError::ServiceError { err, .. } => match err.kind { crate::error::ListBotsErrorKind::InternalServiceException(inner) => { Error::InternalServiceException(inner) } crate::error::ListBotsErrorKind::InvalidRequestException(inner) => { Error::InvalidRequestException(inner) } crate::error::ListBotsErrorKind::ResourceNotFoundException(inner) => { Error::ResourceNotFoundException(inner) } crate::error::ListBotsErrorKind::ThrottlingException(inner) => { Error::ThrottlingException(inner) } crate::error::ListBotsErrorKind::Unhandled(inner) => Error::Unhandled(inner), }, _ => Error::Unhandled(err.into()), } } } impl<R> From<aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::ListContactFlowModulesError, R>> for Error where R: Send + Sync + std::fmt::Debug + 'static, { fn from( err: aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::ListContactFlowModulesError, R>, ) -> Self { match err { aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError::ServiceError { err, .. } => match err.kind { crate::error::ListContactFlowModulesErrorKind::AccessDeniedException(inner) => { Error::AccessDeniedException(inner) } crate::error::ListContactFlowModulesErrorKind::InternalServiceException(inner) => { Error::InternalServiceException(inner) } crate::error::ListContactFlowModulesErrorKind::InvalidParameterException(inner) => { Error::InvalidParameterException(inner) } crate::error::ListContactFlowModulesErrorKind::InvalidRequestException(inner) => { Error::InvalidRequestException(inner) } crate::error::ListContactFlowModulesErrorKind::ResourceNotFoundException(inner) => { Error::ResourceNotFoundException(inner) } crate::error::ListContactFlowModulesErrorKind::ThrottlingException(inner) => { Error::ThrottlingException(inner) } crate::error::ListContactFlowModulesErrorKind::Unhandled(inner) => { Error::Unhandled(inner) } }, _ => Error::Unhandled(err.into()), } } } impl<R> From<aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::ListContactFlowsError, R>> for Error where R: Send + Sync + std::fmt::Debug + 'static, { fn from( err: aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::ListContactFlowsError, R>, ) -> Self { match err { aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError::ServiceError { err, .. } => match err.kind { crate::error::ListContactFlowsErrorKind::InternalServiceException(inner) => { Error::InternalServiceException(inner) } crate::error::ListContactFlowsErrorKind::InvalidParameterException(inner) => { Error::InvalidParameterException(inner) } crate::error::ListContactFlowsErrorKind::InvalidRequestException(inner) => { Error::InvalidRequestException(inner) } crate::error::ListContactFlowsErrorKind::ResourceNotFoundException(inner) => { Error::ResourceNotFoundException(inner) } crate::error::ListContactFlowsErrorKind::ThrottlingException(inner) => { Error::ThrottlingException(inner) } crate::error::ListContactFlowsErrorKind::Unhandled(inner) => { Error::Unhandled(inner) } }, _ => Error::Unhandled(err.into()), } } } impl<R> From<aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::ListContactReferencesError, R>> for Error where R: Send + Sync + std::fmt::Debug + 'static, { fn from( err: aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::ListContactReferencesError, R>, ) -> Self { match err { aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError::ServiceError { err, .. } => match err.kind { crate::error::ListContactReferencesErrorKind::InternalServiceException(inner) => { Error::InternalServiceException(inner) } crate::error::ListContactReferencesErrorKind::InvalidParameterException(inner) => { Error::InvalidParameterException(inner) } crate::error::ListContactReferencesErrorKind::InvalidRequestException(inner) => { Error::InvalidRequestException(inner) } crate::error::ListContactReferencesErrorKind::ResourceNotFoundException(inner) => { Error::ResourceNotFoundException(inner) } crate::error::ListContactReferencesErrorKind::ThrottlingException(inner) => { Error::ThrottlingException(inner) } crate::error::ListContactReferencesErrorKind::Unhandled(inner) => { Error::Unhandled(inner) } }, _ => Error::Unhandled(err.into()), } } } impl<R> From<aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::ListHoursOfOperationsError, R>> for Error where R: Send + Sync + std::fmt::Debug + 'static, { fn from( err: aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::ListHoursOfOperationsError, R>, ) -> Self { match err { aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError::ServiceError { err, .. } => match err.kind { crate::error::ListHoursOfOperationsErrorKind::InternalServiceException(inner) => { Error::InternalServiceException(inner) } crate::error::ListHoursOfOperationsErrorKind::InvalidParameterException(inner) => { Error::InvalidParameterException(inner) } crate::error::ListHoursOfOperationsErrorKind::InvalidRequestException(inner) => { Error::InvalidRequestException(inner) } crate::error::ListHoursOfOperationsErrorKind::ResourceNotFoundException(inner) => { Error::ResourceNotFoundException(inner) } crate::error::ListHoursOfOperationsErrorKind::ThrottlingException(inner) => { Error::ThrottlingException(inner) } crate::error::ListHoursOfOperationsErrorKind::Unhandled(inner) => { Error::Unhandled(inner) } }, _ => Error::Unhandled(err.into()), } } } impl<R> From<aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::ListInstanceAttributesError, R>> for Error where R: Send + Sync + std::fmt::Debug + 'static, { fn from( err: aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::ListInstanceAttributesError, R>, ) -> Self { match err { aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError::ServiceError { err, .. } => match err.kind { crate::error::ListInstanceAttributesErrorKind::InternalServiceException(inner) => { Error::InternalServiceException(inner) } crate::error::ListInstanceAttributesErrorKind::InvalidParameterException(inner) => { Error::InvalidParameterException(inner) } crate::error::ListInstanceAttributesErrorKind::InvalidRequestException(inner) => { Error::InvalidRequestException(inner) } crate::error::ListInstanceAttributesErrorKind::ResourceNotFoundException(inner) => { Error::ResourceNotFoundException(inner) } crate::error::ListInstanceAttributesErrorKind::ThrottlingException(inner) => { Error::ThrottlingException(inner) } crate::error::ListInstanceAttributesErrorKind::Unhandled(inner) => { Error::Unhandled(inner) } }, _ => Error::Unhandled(err.into()), } } } impl<R> From<aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::ListInstancesError, R>> for Error where R: Send + Sync + std::fmt::Debug + 'static, { fn from(err: aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::ListInstancesError, R>) -> Self { match err { aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError::ServiceError { err, .. } => match err.kind { crate::error::ListInstancesErrorKind::InternalServiceException(inner) => { Error::InternalServiceException(inner) } crate::error::ListInstancesErrorKind::InvalidRequestException(inner) => { Error::InvalidRequestException(inner) } crate::error::ListInstancesErrorKind::Unhandled(inner) => Error::Unhandled(inner), }, _ => Error::Unhandled(err.into()), } } } impl<R> From<aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::ListInstanceStorageConfigsError, R>> for Error where R: Send + Sync + std::fmt::Debug + 'static, { fn from( err: aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::ListInstanceStorageConfigsError, R>, ) -> Self { match err { aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError::ServiceError { err, .. } => match err.kind { crate::error::ListInstanceStorageConfigsErrorKind::InternalServiceException( inner, ) => Error::InternalServiceException(inner), crate::error::ListInstanceStorageConfigsErrorKind::InvalidParameterException( inner, ) => Error::InvalidParameterException(inner), crate::error::ListInstanceStorageConfigsErrorKind::InvalidRequestException( inner, ) => Error::InvalidRequestException(inner), crate::error::ListInstanceStorageConfigsErrorKind::ResourceNotFoundException( inner, ) => Error::ResourceNotFoundException(inner), crate::error::ListInstanceStorageConfigsErrorKind::ThrottlingException(inner) => { Error::ThrottlingException(inner) } crate::error::ListInstanceStorageConfigsErrorKind::Unhandled(inner) => { Error::Unhandled(inner) } }, _ => Error::Unhandled(err.into()), } } } impl<R> From<aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::ListIntegrationAssociationsError, R>> for Error where R: Send + Sync + std::fmt::Debug + 'static, { fn from( err: aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::ListIntegrationAssociationsError, R>, ) -> Self { match err { aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError::ServiceError { err, .. } => match err.kind { crate::error::ListIntegrationAssociationsErrorKind::InternalServiceException( inner, ) => Error::InternalServiceException(inner), crate::error::ListIntegrationAssociationsErrorKind::InvalidRequestException( inner, ) => Error::InvalidRequestException(inner), crate::error::ListIntegrationAssociationsErrorKind::ResourceNotFoundException( inner, ) => Error::ResourceNotFoundException(inner), crate::error::ListIntegrationAssociationsErrorKind::ThrottlingException(inner) => { Error::ThrottlingException(inner) } crate::error::ListIntegrationAssociationsErrorKind::Unhandled(inner) => { Error::Unhandled(inner) } }, _ => Error::Unhandled(err.into()), } } } impl<R> From<aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::ListLambdaFunctionsError, R>> for Error where R: Send + Sync + std::fmt::Debug + 'static, { fn from( err: aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::ListLambdaFunctionsError, R>, ) -> Self { match err { aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError::ServiceError { err, .. } => match err.kind { crate::error::ListLambdaFunctionsErrorKind::InternalServiceException(inner) => { Error::InternalServiceException(inner) } crate::error::ListLambdaFunctionsErrorKind::InvalidParameterException(inner) => { Error::InvalidParameterException(inner) } crate::error::ListLambdaFunctionsErrorKind::InvalidRequestException(inner) => { Error::InvalidRequestException(inner) } crate::error::ListLambdaFunctionsErrorKind::ResourceNotFoundException(inner) => { Error::ResourceNotFoundException(inner) } crate::error::ListLambdaFunctionsErrorKind::ThrottlingException(inner) => { Error::ThrottlingException(inner) } crate::error::ListLambdaFunctionsErrorKind::Unhandled(inner) => { Error::Unhandled(inner) } }, _ => Error::Unhandled(err.into()), } } } impl<R> From<aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::ListLexBotsError, R>> for Error where R: Send + Sync + std::fmt::Debug + 'static, { fn from(err: aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::ListLexBotsError, R>) -> Self { match err { aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError::ServiceError { err, .. } => match err.kind { crate::error::ListLexBotsErrorKind::InternalServiceException(inner) => { Error::InternalServiceException(inner) } crate::error::ListLexBotsErrorKind::InvalidParameterException(inner) => { Error::InvalidParameterException(inner) } crate::error::ListLexBotsErrorKind::InvalidRequestException(inner) => { Error::InvalidRequestException(inner) } crate::error::ListLexBotsErrorKind::ResourceNotFoundException(inner) => { Error::ResourceNotFoundException(inner) } crate::error::ListLexBotsErrorKind::ThrottlingException(inner) => { Error::ThrottlingException(inner) } crate::error::ListLexBotsErrorKind::Unhandled(inner) => Error::Unhandled(inner), }, _ => Error::Unhandled(err.into()), } } } impl<R> From<aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::ListPhoneNumbersError, R>> for Error where R: Send + Sync + std::fmt::Debug + 'static, { fn from( err: aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::ListPhoneNumbersError, R>, ) -> Self { match err { aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError::ServiceError { err, .. } => match err.kind { crate::error::ListPhoneNumbersErrorKind::InternalServiceException(inner) => { Error::InternalServiceException(inner) } crate::error::ListPhoneNumbersErrorKind::InvalidParameterException(inner) => { Error::InvalidParameterException(inner) } crate::error::ListPhoneNumbersErrorKind::InvalidRequestException(inner) => { Error::InvalidRequestException(inner) } crate::error::ListPhoneNumbersErrorKind::ResourceNotFoundException(inner) => { Error::ResourceNotFoundException(inner) } crate::error::ListPhoneNumbersErrorKind::ThrottlingException(inner) => { Error::ThrottlingException(inner) } crate::error::ListPhoneNumbersErrorKind::Unhandled(inner) => { Error::Unhandled(inner) } }, _ => Error::Unhandled(err.into()), } } } impl<R> From<aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::ListPromptsError, R>> for Error where R: Send + Sync + std::fmt::Debug + 'static, { fn from(err: aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::ListPromptsError, R>) -> Self { match err { aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError::ServiceError { err, .. } => match err.kind { crate::error::ListPromptsErrorKind::InternalServiceException(inner) => { Error::InternalServiceException(inner) } crate::error::ListPromptsErrorKind::InvalidParameterException(inner) => { Error::InvalidParameterException(inner) } crate::error::ListPromptsErrorKind::InvalidRequestException(inner) => { Error::InvalidRequestException(inner) } crate::error::ListPromptsErrorKind::ResourceNotFoundException(inner) => { Error::ResourceNotFoundException(inner) } crate::error::ListPromptsErrorKind::ThrottlingException(inner) => { Error::ThrottlingException(inner) } crate::error::ListPromptsErrorKind::Unhandled(inner) => Error::Unhandled(inner), }, _ => Error::Unhandled(err.into()), } } } impl<R> From<aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::ListQueueQuickConnectsError, R>> for Error where R: Send + Sync + std::fmt::Debug + 'static, { fn from( err: aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::ListQueueQuickConnectsError, R>, ) -> Self { match err { aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError::ServiceError { err, .. } => match err.kind { crate::error::ListQueueQuickConnectsErrorKind::InternalServiceException(inner) => { Error::InternalServiceException(inner) } crate::error::ListQueueQuickConnectsErrorKind::InvalidParameterException(inner) => { Error::InvalidParameterException(inner) } crate::error::ListQueueQuickConnectsErrorKind::InvalidRequestException(inner) => { Error::InvalidRequestException(inner) } crate::error::ListQueueQuickConnectsErrorKind::ResourceNotFoundException(inner) => { Error::ResourceNotFoundException(inner) } crate::error::ListQueueQuickConnectsErrorKind::ThrottlingException(inner) => { Error::ThrottlingException(inner) } crate::error::ListQueueQuickConnectsErrorKind::Unhandled(inner) => { Error::Unhandled(inner) } }, _ => Error::Unhandled(err.into()), } } } impl<R> From<aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::ListQueuesError, R>> for Error where R: Send + Sync + std::fmt::Debug + 'static, { fn from(err: aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::ListQueuesError, R>) -> Self { match err { aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError::ServiceError { err, .. } => match err.kind { crate::error::ListQueuesErrorKind::InternalServiceException(inner) => { Error::InternalServiceException(inner) } crate::error::ListQueuesErrorKind::InvalidParameterException(inner) => { Error::InvalidParameterException(inner) } crate::error::ListQueuesErrorKind::InvalidRequestException(inner) => { Error::InvalidRequestException(inner) } crate::error::ListQueuesErrorKind::ResourceNotFoundException(inner) => { Error::ResourceNotFoundException(inner) } crate::error::ListQueuesErrorKind::ThrottlingException(inner) => { Error::ThrottlingException(inner) } crate::error::ListQueuesErrorKind::Unhandled(inner) => Error::Unhandled(inner), }, _ => Error::Unhandled(err.into()), } } } impl<R> From<aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::ListQuickConnectsError, R>> for Error where R: Send + Sync + std::fmt::Debug + 'static, { fn from( err: aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::ListQuickConnectsError, R>, ) -> Self { match err { aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError::ServiceError { err, .. } => match err.kind { crate::error::ListQuickConnectsErrorKind::InternalServiceException(inner) => { Error::InternalServiceException(inner) } crate::error::ListQuickConnectsErrorKind::InvalidParameterException(inner) => { Error::InvalidParameterException(inner) } crate::error::ListQuickConnectsErrorKind::InvalidRequestException(inner) => { Error::InvalidRequestException(inner) } crate::error::ListQuickConnectsErrorKind::ResourceNotFoundException(inner) => { Error::ResourceNotFoundException(inner) } crate::error::ListQuickConnectsErrorKind::ThrottlingException(inner) => { Error::ThrottlingException(inner) } crate::error::ListQuickConnectsErrorKind::Unhandled(inner) => { Error::Unhandled(inner) } }, _ => Error::Unhandled(err.into()), } } } impl<R> From<aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::ListRoutingProfileQueuesError, R>> for Error where R: Send + Sync + std::fmt::Debug + 'static, { fn from( err: aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::ListRoutingProfileQueuesError, R>, ) -> Self { match err { aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError::ServiceError { err, .. } => match err.kind { crate::error::ListRoutingProfileQueuesErrorKind::InternalServiceException( inner, ) => Error::InternalServiceException(inner), crate::error::ListRoutingProfileQueuesErrorKind::InvalidParameterException( inner, ) => Error::InvalidParameterException(inner), crate::error::ListRoutingProfileQueuesErrorKind::InvalidRequestException(inner) => { Error::InvalidRequestException(inner) } crate::error::ListRoutingProfileQueuesErrorKind::ResourceNotFoundException( inner, ) => Error::ResourceNotFoundException(inner), crate::error::ListRoutingProfileQueuesErrorKind::ThrottlingException(inner) => { Error::ThrottlingException(inner) } crate::error::ListRoutingProfileQueuesErrorKind::Unhandled(inner) => { Error::Unhandled(inner) } }, _ => Error::Unhandled(err.into()), } } } impl<R> From<aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::ListRoutingProfilesError, R>> for Error where R: Send + Sync + std::fmt::Debug + 'static, { fn from( err: aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::ListRoutingProfilesError, R>, ) -> Self { match err { aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError::ServiceError { err, .. } => match err.kind { crate::error::ListRoutingProfilesErrorKind::InternalServiceException(inner) => { Error::InternalServiceException(inner) } crate::error::ListRoutingProfilesErrorKind::InvalidParameterException(inner) => { Error::InvalidParameterException(inner) } crate::error::ListRoutingProfilesErrorKind::InvalidRequestException(inner) => { Error::InvalidRequestException(inner) } crate::error::ListRoutingProfilesErrorKind::ResourceNotFoundException(inner) => { Error::ResourceNotFoundException(inner) } crate::error::ListRoutingProfilesErrorKind::ThrottlingException(inner) => { Error::ThrottlingException(inner) } crate::error::ListRoutingProfilesErrorKind::Unhandled(inner) => { Error::Unhandled(inner) } }, _ => Error::Unhandled(err.into()), } } } impl<R> From<aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::ListSecurityKeysError, R>> for Error where R: Send + Sync + std::fmt::Debug + 'static, { fn from( err: aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::ListSecurityKeysError, R>, ) -> Self { match err { aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError::ServiceError { err, .. } => match err.kind { crate::error::ListSecurityKeysErrorKind::InternalServiceException(inner) => { Error::InternalServiceException(inner) } crate::error::ListSecurityKeysErrorKind::InvalidParameterException(inner) => { Error::InvalidParameterException(inner) } crate::error::ListSecurityKeysErrorKind::InvalidRequestException(inner) => { Error::InvalidRequestException(inner) } crate::error::ListSecurityKeysErrorKind::ResourceNotFoundException(inner) => { Error::ResourceNotFoundException(inner) } crate::error::ListSecurityKeysErrorKind::ThrottlingException(inner) => { Error::ThrottlingException(inner) } crate::error::ListSecurityKeysErrorKind::Unhandled(inner) => { Error::Unhandled(inner) } }, _ => Error::Unhandled(err.into()), } } } impl<R> From<aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::ListSecurityProfilePermissionsError, R>> for Error where R: Send + Sync + std::fmt::Debug + 'static, { fn from( err: aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError< crate::error::ListSecurityProfilePermissionsError, R, >, ) -> Self { match err { aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError::ServiceError { err, ..} => match err.kind { crate::error::ListSecurityProfilePermissionsErrorKind::InternalServiceException(inner) => Error::InternalServiceException(inner), crate::error::ListSecurityProfilePermissionsErrorKind::InvalidParameterException(inner) => Error::InvalidParameterException(inner), crate::error::ListSecurityProfilePermissionsErrorKind::InvalidRequestException(inner) => Error::InvalidRequestException(inner), crate::error::ListSecurityProfilePermissionsErrorKind::ResourceNotFoundException(inner) => Error::ResourceNotFoundException(inner), crate::error::ListSecurityProfilePermissionsErrorKind::ThrottlingException(inner) => Error::ThrottlingException(inner), crate::error::ListSecurityProfilePermissionsErrorKind::Unhandled(inner) => Error::Unhandled(inner), } _ => Error::Unhandled(err.into()), } } } impl<R> From<aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::ListSecurityProfilesError, R>> for Error where R: Send + Sync + std::fmt::Debug + 'static, { fn from( err: aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::ListSecurityProfilesError, R>, ) -> Self { match err { aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError::ServiceError { err, .. } => match err.kind { crate::error::ListSecurityProfilesErrorKind::InternalServiceException(inner) => { Error::InternalServiceException(inner) } crate::error::ListSecurityProfilesErrorKind::InvalidParameterException(inner) => { Error::InvalidParameterException(inner) } crate::error::ListSecurityProfilesErrorKind::InvalidRequestException(inner) => { Error::InvalidRequestException(inner) } crate::error::ListSecurityProfilesErrorKind::ResourceNotFoundException(inner) => { Error::ResourceNotFoundException(inner) } crate::error::ListSecurityProfilesErrorKind::ThrottlingException(inner) => { Error::ThrottlingException(inner) } crate::error::ListSecurityProfilesErrorKind::Unhandled(inner) => { Error::Unhandled(inner) } }, _ => Error::Unhandled(err.into()), } } } impl<R> From<aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::ListTagsForResourceError, R>> for Error where R: Send + Sync + std::fmt::Debug + 'static, { fn from( err: aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::ListTagsForResourceError, R>, ) -> Self { match err { aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError::ServiceError { err, .. } => match err.kind { crate::error::ListTagsForResourceErrorKind::InternalServiceException(inner) => { Error::InternalServiceException(inner) } crate::error::ListTagsForResourceErrorKind::InvalidParameterException(inner) => { Error::InvalidParameterException(inner) } crate::error::ListTagsForResourceErrorKind::InvalidRequestException(inner) => { Error::InvalidRequestException(inner) } crate::error::ListTagsForResourceErrorKind::ResourceNotFoundException(inner) => { Error::ResourceNotFoundException(inner) } crate::error::ListTagsForResourceErrorKind::ThrottlingException(inner) => { Error::ThrottlingException(inner) } crate::error::ListTagsForResourceErrorKind::Unhandled(inner) => { Error::Unhandled(inner) } }, _ => Error::Unhandled(err.into()), } } } impl<R> From<aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::ListUseCasesError, R>> for Error where R: Send + Sync + std::fmt::Debug + 'static, { fn from(err: aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::ListUseCasesError, R>) -> Self { match err { aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError::ServiceError { err, .. } => match err.kind { crate::error::ListUseCasesErrorKind::InternalServiceException(inner) => { Error::InternalServiceException(inner) } crate::error::ListUseCasesErrorKind::InvalidRequestException(inner) => { Error::InvalidRequestException(inner) } crate::error::ListUseCasesErrorKind::ResourceNotFoundException(inner) => { Error::ResourceNotFoundException(inner) } crate::error::ListUseCasesErrorKind::ThrottlingException(inner) => { Error::ThrottlingException(inner) } crate::error::ListUseCasesErrorKind::Unhandled(inner) => Error::Unhandled(inner), }, _ => Error::Unhandled(err.into()), } } } impl<R> From<aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::ListUserHierarchyGroupsError, R>> for Error where R: Send + Sync + std::fmt::Debug + 'static, { fn from( err: aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::ListUserHierarchyGroupsError, R>, ) -> Self { match err { aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError::ServiceError { err, .. } => match err.kind { crate::error::ListUserHierarchyGroupsErrorKind::InternalServiceException(inner) => { Error::InternalServiceException(inner) } crate::error::ListUserHierarchyGroupsErrorKind::InvalidParameterException( inner, ) => Error::InvalidParameterException(inner), crate::error::ListUserHierarchyGroupsErrorKind::InvalidRequestException(inner) => { Error::InvalidRequestException(inner) } crate::error::ListUserHierarchyGroupsErrorKind::ResourceNotFoundException( inner, ) => Error::ResourceNotFoundException(inner), crate::error::ListUserHierarchyGroupsErrorKind::ThrottlingException(inner) => { Error::ThrottlingException(inner) } crate::error::ListUserHierarchyGroupsErrorKind::Unhandled(inner) => { Error::Unhandled(inner) } }, _ => Error::Unhandled(err.into()), } } } impl<R> From<aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::ListUsersError, R>> for Error where R: Send + Sync + std::fmt::Debug + 'static, { fn from(err: aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::ListUsersError, R>) -> Self { match err { aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError::ServiceError { err, .. } => match err.kind { crate::error::ListUsersErrorKind::InternalServiceException(inner) => { Error::InternalServiceException(inner) } crate::error::ListUsersErrorKind::InvalidParameterException(inner) => { Error::InvalidParameterException(inner) } crate::error::ListUsersErrorKind::InvalidRequestException(inner) => { Error::InvalidRequestException(inner) } crate::error::ListUsersErrorKind::ResourceNotFoundException(inner) => { Error::ResourceNotFoundException(inner) } crate::error::ListUsersErrorKind::ThrottlingException(inner) => { Error::ThrottlingException(inner) } crate::error::ListUsersErrorKind::Unhandled(inner) => Error::Unhandled(inner), }, _ => Error::Unhandled(err.into()), } } } impl<R> From<aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::ResumeContactRecordingError, R>> for Error where R: Send + Sync + std::fmt::Debug + 'static, { fn from( err: aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::ResumeContactRecordingError, R>, ) -> Self { match err { aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError::ServiceError { err, .. } => match err.kind { crate::error::ResumeContactRecordingErrorKind::InternalServiceException(inner) => { Error::InternalServiceException(inner) } crate::error::ResumeContactRecordingErrorKind::InvalidRequestException(inner) => { Error::InvalidRequestException(inner) } crate::error::ResumeContactRecordingErrorKind::ResourceNotFoundException(inner) => { Error::ResourceNotFoundException(inner) } crate::error::ResumeContactRecordingErrorKind::Unhandled(inner) => { Error::Unhandled(inner) } }, _ => Error::Unhandled(err.into()), } } } impl<R> From<aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::StartChatContactError, R>> for Error where R: Send + Sync + std::fmt::Debug + 'static, { fn from( err: aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::StartChatContactError, R>, ) -> Self { match err { aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError::ServiceError { err, .. } => match err.kind { crate::error::StartChatContactErrorKind::InternalServiceException(inner) => { Error::InternalServiceException(inner) } crate::error::StartChatContactErrorKind::InvalidParameterException(inner) => { Error::InvalidParameterException(inner) } crate::error::StartChatContactErrorKind::InvalidRequestException(inner) => { Error::InvalidRequestException(inner) } crate::error::StartChatContactErrorKind::LimitExceededException(inner) => { Error::LimitExceededException(inner) } crate::error::StartChatContactErrorKind::ResourceNotFoundException(inner) => { Error::ResourceNotFoundException(inner) } crate::error::StartChatContactErrorKind::Unhandled(inner) => { Error::Unhandled(inner) } }, _ => Error::Unhandled(err.into()), } } } impl<R> From<aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::StartContactRecordingError, R>> for Error where R: Send + Sync + std::fmt::Debug + 'static, { fn from( err: aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::StartContactRecordingError, R>, ) -> Self { match err { aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError::ServiceError { err, .. } => match err.kind { crate::error::StartContactRecordingErrorKind::InternalServiceException(inner) => { Error::InternalServiceException(inner) } crate::error::StartContactRecordingErrorKind::InvalidParameterException(inner) => { Error::InvalidParameterException(inner) } crate::error::StartContactRecordingErrorKind::InvalidRequestException(inner) => { Error::InvalidRequestException(inner) } crate::error::StartContactRecordingErrorKind::ResourceNotFoundException(inner) => { Error::ResourceNotFoundException(inner) } crate::error::StartContactRecordingErrorKind::Unhandled(inner) => { Error::Unhandled(inner) } }, _ => Error::Unhandled(err.into()), } } } impl<R> From<aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::StartContactStreamingError, R>> for Error where R: Send + Sync + std::fmt::Debug + 'static, { fn from( err: aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::StartContactStreamingError, R>, ) -> Self { match err { aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError::ServiceError { err, .. } => match err.kind { crate::error::StartContactStreamingErrorKind::InternalServiceException(inner) => { Error::InternalServiceException(inner) } crate::error::StartContactStreamingErrorKind::InvalidParameterException(inner) => { Error::InvalidParameterException(inner) } crate::error::StartContactStreamingErrorKind::InvalidRequestException(inner) => { Error::InvalidRequestException(inner) } crate::error::StartContactStreamingErrorKind::LimitExceededException(inner) => { Error::LimitExceededException(inner) } crate::error::StartContactStreamingErrorKind::ResourceNotFoundException(inner) => { Error::ResourceNotFoundException(inner) } crate::error::StartContactStreamingErrorKind::Unhandled(inner) => { Error::Unhandled(inner) } }, _ => Error::Unhandled(err.into()), } } } impl<R> From<aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::StartOutboundVoiceContactError, R>> for Error where R: Send + Sync + std::fmt::Debug + 'static, { fn from( err: aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::StartOutboundVoiceContactError, R>, ) -> Self { match err { aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError::ServiceError { err, ..} => match err.kind { crate::error::StartOutboundVoiceContactErrorKind::DestinationNotAllowedException(inner) => Error::DestinationNotAllowedException(inner), crate::error::StartOutboundVoiceContactErrorKind::InternalServiceException(inner) => Error::InternalServiceException(inner), crate::error::StartOutboundVoiceContactErrorKind::InvalidParameterException(inner) => Error::InvalidParameterException(inner), crate::error::StartOutboundVoiceContactErrorKind::InvalidRequestException(inner) => Error::InvalidRequestException(inner), crate::error::StartOutboundVoiceContactErrorKind::LimitExceededException(inner) => Error::LimitExceededException(inner), crate::error::StartOutboundVoiceContactErrorKind::OutboundContactNotPermittedException(inner) => Error::OutboundContactNotPermittedException(inner), crate::error::StartOutboundVoiceContactErrorKind::ResourceNotFoundException(inner) => Error::ResourceNotFoundException(inner), crate::error::StartOutboundVoiceContactErrorKind::Unhandled(inner) => Error::Unhandled(inner), } _ => Error::Unhandled(err.into()), } } } impl<R> From<aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::StartTaskContactError, R>> for Error where R: Send + Sync + std::fmt::Debug + 'static, { fn from( err: aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::StartTaskContactError, R>, ) -> Self { match err { aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError::ServiceError { err, .. } => match err.kind { crate::error::StartTaskContactErrorKind::InternalServiceException(inner) => { Error::InternalServiceException(inner) } crate::error::StartTaskContactErrorKind::InvalidParameterException(inner) => { Error::InvalidParameterException(inner) } crate::error::StartTaskContactErrorKind::InvalidRequestException(inner) => { Error::InvalidRequestException(inner) } crate::error::StartTaskContactErrorKind::ResourceNotFoundException(inner) => { Error::ResourceNotFoundException(inner) } crate::error::StartTaskContactErrorKind::ServiceQuotaExceededException(inner) => { Error::ServiceQuotaExceededException(inner) } crate::error::StartTaskContactErrorKind::ThrottlingException(inner) => { Error::ThrottlingException(inner) } crate::error::StartTaskContactErrorKind::Unhandled(inner) => { Error::Unhandled(inner) } }, _ => Error::Unhandled(err.into()), } } } impl<R> From<aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::StopContactError, R>> for Error where R: Send + Sync + std::fmt::Debug + 'static, { fn from(err: aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::StopContactError, R>) -> Self { match err { aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError::ServiceError { err, .. } => match err.kind { crate::error::StopContactErrorKind::ContactNotFoundException(inner) => { Error::ContactNotFoundException(inner) } crate::error::StopContactErrorKind::InternalServiceException(inner) => { Error::InternalServiceException(inner) } crate::error::StopContactErrorKind::InvalidParameterException(inner) => { Error::InvalidParameterException(inner) } crate::error::StopContactErrorKind::InvalidRequestException(inner) => { Error::InvalidRequestException(inner) } crate::error::StopContactErrorKind::ResourceNotFoundException(inner) => { Error::ResourceNotFoundException(inner) } crate::error::StopContactErrorKind::Unhandled(inner) => Error::Unhandled(inner), }, _ => Error::Unhandled(err.into()), } } } impl<R> From<aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::StopContactRecordingError, R>> for Error where R: Send + Sync + std::fmt::Debug + 'static, { fn from( err: aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::StopContactRecordingError, R>, ) -> Self { match err { aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError::ServiceError { err, .. } => match err.kind { crate::error::StopContactRecordingErrorKind::InternalServiceException(inner) => { Error::InternalServiceException(inner) } crate::error::StopContactRecordingErrorKind::InvalidRequestException(inner) => { Error::InvalidRequestException(inner) } crate::error::StopContactRecordingErrorKind::ResourceNotFoundException(inner) => { Error::ResourceNotFoundException(inner) } crate::error::StopContactRecordingErrorKind::Unhandled(inner) => { Error::Unhandled(inner) } }, _ => Error::Unhandled(err.into()), } } } impl<R> From<aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::StopContactStreamingError, R>> for Error where R: Send + Sync + std::fmt::Debug + 'static, { fn from( err: aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::StopContactStreamingError, R>, ) -> Self { match err { aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError::ServiceError { err, .. } => match err.kind { crate::error::StopContactStreamingErrorKind::InternalServiceException(inner) => { Error::InternalServiceException(inner) } crate::error::StopContactStreamingErrorKind::InvalidParameterException(inner) => { Error::InvalidParameterException(inner) } crate::error::StopContactStreamingErrorKind::InvalidRequestException(inner) => { Error::InvalidRequestException(inner) } crate::error::StopContactStreamingErrorKind::ResourceNotFoundException(inner) => { Error::ResourceNotFoundException(inner) } crate::error::StopContactStreamingErrorKind::Unhandled(inner) => { Error::Unhandled(inner) } }, _ => Error::Unhandled(err.into()), } } } impl<R> From<aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::SuspendContactRecordingError, R>> for Error where R: Send + Sync + std::fmt::Debug + 'static, { fn from( err: aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::SuspendContactRecordingError, R>, ) -> Self { match err { aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError::ServiceError { err, .. } => match err.kind { crate::error::SuspendContactRecordingErrorKind::InternalServiceException(inner) => { Error::InternalServiceException(inner) } crate::error::SuspendContactRecordingErrorKind::InvalidRequestException(inner) => { Error::InvalidRequestException(inner) } crate::error::SuspendContactRecordingErrorKind::ResourceNotFoundException( inner, ) => Error::ResourceNotFoundException(inner), crate::error::SuspendContactRecordingErrorKind::Unhandled(inner) => { Error::Unhandled(inner) } }, _ => Error::Unhandled(err.into()), } } } impl<R> From<aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::TagResourceError, R>> for Error where R: Send + Sync + std::fmt::Debug + 'static, { fn from(err: aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::TagResourceError, R>) -> Self { match err { aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError::ServiceError { err, .. } => match err.kind { crate::error::TagResourceErrorKind::InternalServiceException(inner) => { Error::InternalServiceException(inner) } crate::error::TagResourceErrorKind::InvalidParameterException(inner) => { Error::InvalidParameterException(inner) } crate::error::TagResourceErrorKind::InvalidRequestException(inner) => { Error::InvalidRequestException(inner) } crate::error::TagResourceErrorKind::ResourceNotFoundException(inner) => { Error::ResourceNotFoundException(inner) } crate::error::TagResourceErrorKind::ThrottlingException(inner) => { Error::ThrottlingException(inner) } crate::error::TagResourceErrorKind::Unhandled(inner) => Error::Unhandled(inner), }, _ => Error::Unhandled(err.into()), } } } impl<R> From<aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::UntagResourceError, R>> for Error where R: Send + Sync + std::fmt::Debug + 'static, { fn from(err: aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::UntagResourceError, R>) -> Self { match err { aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError::ServiceError { err, .. } => match err.kind { crate::error::UntagResourceErrorKind::InternalServiceException(inner) => { Error::InternalServiceException(inner) } crate::error::UntagResourceErrorKind::InvalidParameterException(inner) => { Error::InvalidParameterException(inner) } crate::error::UntagResourceErrorKind::InvalidRequestException(inner) => { Error::InvalidRequestException(inner) } crate::error::UntagResourceErrorKind::ResourceNotFoundException(inner) => { Error::ResourceNotFoundException(inner) } crate::error::UntagResourceErrorKind::ThrottlingException(inner) => { Error::ThrottlingException(inner) } crate::error::UntagResourceErrorKind::Unhandled(inner) => Error::Unhandled(inner), }, _ => Error::Unhandled(err.into()), } } } impl<R> From<aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::UpdateAgentStatusError, R>> for Error where R: Send + Sync + std::fmt::Debug + 'static, { fn from( err: aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::UpdateAgentStatusError, R>, ) -> Self { match err { aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError::ServiceError { err, .. } => match err.kind { crate::error::UpdateAgentStatusErrorKind::DuplicateResourceException(inner) => { Error::DuplicateResourceException(inner) } crate::error::UpdateAgentStatusErrorKind::InternalServiceException(inner) => { Error::InternalServiceException(inner) } crate::error::UpdateAgentStatusErrorKind::InvalidParameterException(inner) => { Error::InvalidParameterException(inner) } crate::error::UpdateAgentStatusErrorKind::InvalidRequestException(inner) => { Error::InvalidRequestException(inner) } crate::error::UpdateAgentStatusErrorKind::LimitExceededException(inner) => { Error::LimitExceededException(inner) } crate::error::UpdateAgentStatusErrorKind::ResourceNotFoundException(inner) => { Error::ResourceNotFoundException(inner) } crate::error::UpdateAgentStatusErrorKind::ThrottlingException(inner) => { Error::ThrottlingException(inner) } crate::error::UpdateAgentStatusErrorKind::Unhandled(inner) => { Error::Unhandled(inner) } }, _ => Error::Unhandled(err.into()), } } } impl<R> From<aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::UpdateContactError, R>> for Error where R: Send + Sync + std::fmt::Debug + 'static, { fn from(err: aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::UpdateContactError, R>) -> Self { match err { aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError::ServiceError { err, .. } => match err.kind { crate::error::UpdateContactErrorKind::InternalServiceException(inner) => { Error::InternalServiceException(inner) } crate::error::UpdateContactErrorKind::InvalidParameterException(inner) => { Error::InvalidParameterException(inner) } crate::error::UpdateContactErrorKind::InvalidRequestException(inner) => { Error::InvalidRequestException(inner) } crate::error::UpdateContactErrorKind::ResourceNotFoundException(inner) => { Error::ResourceNotFoundException(inner) } crate::error::UpdateContactErrorKind::ThrottlingException(inner) => { Error::ThrottlingException(inner) } crate::error::UpdateContactErrorKind::Unhandled(inner) => Error::Unhandled(inner), }, _ => Error::Unhandled(err.into()), } } } impl<R> From<aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::UpdateContactAttributesError, R>> for Error where R: Send + Sync + std::fmt::Debug + 'static, { fn from( err: aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::UpdateContactAttributesError, R>, ) -> Self { match err { aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError::ServiceError { err, .. } => match err.kind { crate::error::UpdateContactAttributesErrorKind::InternalServiceException(inner) => { Error::InternalServiceException(inner) } crate::error::UpdateContactAttributesErrorKind::InvalidParameterException( inner, ) => Error::InvalidParameterException(inner), crate::error::UpdateContactAttributesErrorKind::InvalidRequestException(inner) => { Error::InvalidRequestException(inner) } crate::error::UpdateContactAttributesErrorKind::ResourceNotFoundException( inner, ) => Error::ResourceNotFoundException(inner), crate::error::UpdateContactAttributesErrorKind::Unhandled(inner) => { Error::Unhandled(inner) } }, _ => Error::Unhandled(err.into()), } } } impl<R> From<aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::UpdateContactFlowContentError, R>> for Error where R: Send + Sync + std::fmt::Debug + 'static, { fn from( err: aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::UpdateContactFlowContentError, R>, ) -> Self { match err { aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError::ServiceError { err, .. } => match err.kind { crate::error::UpdateContactFlowContentErrorKind::InternalServiceException( inner, ) => Error::InternalServiceException(inner), crate::error::UpdateContactFlowContentErrorKind::InvalidContactFlowException( inner, ) => Error::InvalidContactFlowException(inner), crate::error::UpdateContactFlowContentErrorKind::InvalidParameterException( inner, ) => Error::InvalidParameterException(inner), crate::error::UpdateContactFlowContentErrorKind::InvalidRequestException(inner) => { Error::InvalidRequestException(inner) } crate::error::UpdateContactFlowContentErrorKind::ResourceNotFoundException( inner, ) => Error::ResourceNotFoundException(inner), crate::error::UpdateContactFlowContentErrorKind::ThrottlingException(inner) => { Error::ThrottlingException(inner) } crate::error::UpdateContactFlowContentErrorKind::Unhandled(inner) => { Error::Unhandled(inner) } }, _ => Error::Unhandled(err.into()), } } } impl<R> From<aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::UpdateContactFlowMetadataError, R>> for Error where R: Send + Sync + std::fmt::Debug + 'static, { fn from( err: aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::UpdateContactFlowMetadataError, R>, ) -> Self { match err { aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError::ServiceError { err, .. } => match err.kind { crate::error::UpdateContactFlowMetadataErrorKind::DuplicateResourceException( inner, ) => Error::DuplicateResourceException(inner), crate::error::UpdateContactFlowMetadataErrorKind::InternalServiceException( inner, ) => Error::InternalServiceException(inner), crate::error::UpdateContactFlowMetadataErrorKind::InvalidParameterException( inner, ) => Error::InvalidParameterException(inner), crate::error::UpdateContactFlowMetadataErrorKind::InvalidRequestException( inner, ) => Error::InvalidRequestException(inner), crate::error::UpdateContactFlowMetadataErrorKind::ResourceNotFoundException( inner, ) => Error::ResourceNotFoundException(inner), crate::error::UpdateContactFlowMetadataErrorKind::ThrottlingException(inner) => { Error::ThrottlingException(inner) } crate::error::UpdateContactFlowMetadataErrorKind::Unhandled(inner) => { Error::Unhandled(inner) } }, _ => Error::Unhandled(err.into()), } } } impl<R> From<aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::UpdateContactFlowModuleContentError, R>> for Error where R: Send + Sync + std::fmt::Debug + 'static, { fn from( err: aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError< crate::error::UpdateContactFlowModuleContentError, R, >, ) -> Self { match err { aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError::ServiceError { err, ..} => match err.kind { crate::error::UpdateContactFlowModuleContentErrorKind::AccessDeniedException(inner) => Error::AccessDeniedException(inner), crate::error::UpdateContactFlowModuleContentErrorKind::InternalServiceException(inner) => Error::InternalServiceException(inner), crate::error::UpdateContactFlowModuleContentErrorKind::InvalidContactFlowModuleException(inner) => Error::InvalidContactFlowModuleException(inner), crate::error::UpdateContactFlowModuleContentErrorKind::InvalidRequestException(inner) => Error::InvalidRequestException(inner), crate::error::UpdateContactFlowModuleContentErrorKind::ResourceNotFoundException(inner) => Error::ResourceNotFoundException(inner), crate::error::UpdateContactFlowModuleContentErrorKind::ThrottlingException(inner) => Error::ThrottlingException(inner), crate::error::UpdateContactFlowModuleContentErrorKind::Unhandled(inner) => Error::Unhandled(inner), } _ => Error::Unhandled(err.into()), } } } impl<R> From<aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::UpdateContactFlowModuleMetadataError, R>> for Error where R: Send + Sync + std::fmt::Debug + 'static, { fn from( err: aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError< crate::error::UpdateContactFlowModuleMetadataError, R, >, ) -> Self { match err { aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError::ServiceError { err, ..} => match err.kind { crate::error::UpdateContactFlowModuleMetadataErrorKind::AccessDeniedException(inner) => Error::AccessDeniedException(inner), crate::error::UpdateContactFlowModuleMetadataErrorKind::DuplicateResourceException(inner) => Error::DuplicateResourceException(inner), crate::error::UpdateContactFlowModuleMetadataErrorKind::InternalServiceException(inner) => Error::InternalServiceException(inner), crate::error::UpdateContactFlowModuleMetadataErrorKind::InvalidParameterException(inner) => Error::InvalidParameterException(inner), crate::error::UpdateContactFlowModuleMetadataErrorKind::InvalidRequestException(inner) => Error::InvalidRequestException(inner), crate::error::UpdateContactFlowModuleMetadataErrorKind::ResourceNotFoundException(inner) => Error::ResourceNotFoundException(inner), crate::error::UpdateContactFlowModuleMetadataErrorKind::ThrottlingException(inner) => Error::ThrottlingException(inner), crate::error::UpdateContactFlowModuleMetadataErrorKind::Unhandled(inner) => Error::Unhandled(inner), } _ => Error::Unhandled(err.into()), } } } impl<R> From<aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::UpdateContactFlowNameError, R>> for Error where R: Send + Sync + std::fmt::Debug + 'static, { fn from( err: aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::UpdateContactFlowNameError, R>, ) -> Self { match err { aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError::ServiceError { err, .. } => match err.kind { crate::error::UpdateContactFlowNameErrorKind::DuplicateResourceException(inner) => { Error::DuplicateResourceException(inner) } crate::error::UpdateContactFlowNameErrorKind::InternalServiceException(inner) => { Error::InternalServiceException(inner) } crate::error::UpdateContactFlowNameErrorKind::InvalidParameterException(inner) => { Error::InvalidParameterException(inner) } crate::error::UpdateContactFlowNameErrorKind::InvalidRequestException(inner) => { Error::InvalidRequestException(inner) } crate::error::UpdateContactFlowNameErrorKind::ResourceNotFoundException(inner) => { Error::ResourceNotFoundException(inner) } crate::error::UpdateContactFlowNameErrorKind::ThrottlingException(inner) => { Error::ThrottlingException(inner) } crate::error::UpdateContactFlowNameErrorKind::Unhandled(inner) => { Error::Unhandled(inner) } }, _ => Error::Unhandled(err.into()), } } } impl<R> From<aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::UpdateContactScheduleError, R>> for Error where R: Send + Sync + std::fmt::Debug + 'static, { fn from( err: aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::UpdateContactScheduleError, R>, ) -> Self { match err { aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError::ServiceError { err, .. } => match err.kind { crate::error::UpdateContactScheduleErrorKind::InternalServiceException(inner) => { Error::InternalServiceException(inner) } crate::error::UpdateContactScheduleErrorKind::InvalidParameterException(inner) => { Error::InvalidParameterException(inner) } crate::error::UpdateContactScheduleErrorKind::InvalidRequestException(inner) => { Error::InvalidRequestException(inner) } crate::error::UpdateContactScheduleErrorKind::LimitExceededException(inner) => { Error::LimitExceededException(inner) } crate::error::UpdateContactScheduleErrorKind::ResourceNotFoundException(inner) => { Error::ResourceNotFoundException(inner) } crate::error::UpdateContactScheduleErrorKind::ThrottlingException(inner) => { Error::ThrottlingException(inner) } crate::error::UpdateContactScheduleErrorKind::Unhandled(inner) => { Error::Unhandled(inner) } }, _ => Error::Unhandled(err.into()), } } } impl<R> From<aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::UpdateHoursOfOperationError, R>> for Error where R: Send + Sync + std::fmt::Debug + 'static, { fn from( err: aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::UpdateHoursOfOperationError, R>, ) -> Self { match err { aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError::ServiceError { err, .. } => match err.kind { crate::error::UpdateHoursOfOperationErrorKind::DuplicateResourceException( inner, ) => Error::DuplicateResourceException(inner), crate::error::UpdateHoursOfOperationErrorKind::InternalServiceException(inner) => { Error::InternalServiceException(inner) } crate::error::UpdateHoursOfOperationErrorKind::InvalidParameterException(inner) => { Error::InvalidParameterException(inner) } crate::error::UpdateHoursOfOperationErrorKind::InvalidRequestException(inner) => { Error::InvalidRequestException(inner) } crate::error::UpdateHoursOfOperationErrorKind::ResourceNotFoundException(inner) => { Error::ResourceNotFoundException(inner) } crate::error::UpdateHoursOfOperationErrorKind::ThrottlingException(inner) => { Error::ThrottlingException(inner) } crate::error::UpdateHoursOfOperationErrorKind::Unhandled(inner) => { Error::Unhandled(inner) } }, _ => Error::Unhandled(err.into()), } } } impl<R> From<aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::UpdateInstanceAttributeError, R>> for Error where R: Send + Sync + std::fmt::Debug + 'static, { fn from( err: aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::UpdateInstanceAttributeError, R>, ) -> Self { match err { aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError::ServiceError { err, .. } => match err.kind { crate::error::UpdateInstanceAttributeErrorKind::InternalServiceException(inner) => { Error::InternalServiceException(inner) } crate::error::UpdateInstanceAttributeErrorKind::InvalidParameterException( inner, ) => Error::InvalidParameterException(inner), crate::error::UpdateInstanceAttributeErrorKind::InvalidRequestException(inner) => { Error::InvalidRequestException(inner) } crate::error::UpdateInstanceAttributeErrorKind::ResourceNotFoundException( inner, ) => Error::ResourceNotFoundException(inner), crate::error::UpdateInstanceAttributeErrorKind::ThrottlingException(inner) => { Error::ThrottlingException(inner) } crate::error::UpdateInstanceAttributeErrorKind::Unhandled(inner) => { Error::Unhandled(inner) } }, _ => Error::Unhandled(err.into()), } } } impl<R> From<aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::UpdateInstanceStorageConfigError, R>> for Error where R: Send + Sync + std::fmt::Debug + 'static, { fn from( err: aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::UpdateInstanceStorageConfigError, R>, ) -> Self { match err { aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError::ServiceError { err, .. } => match err.kind { crate::error::UpdateInstanceStorageConfigErrorKind::InternalServiceException( inner, ) => Error::InternalServiceException(inner), crate::error::UpdateInstanceStorageConfigErrorKind::InvalidParameterException( inner, ) => Error::InvalidParameterException(inner), crate::error::UpdateInstanceStorageConfigErrorKind::InvalidRequestException( inner, ) => Error::InvalidRequestException(inner), crate::error::UpdateInstanceStorageConfigErrorKind::ResourceNotFoundException( inner, ) => Error::ResourceNotFoundException(inner), crate::error::UpdateInstanceStorageConfigErrorKind::ThrottlingException(inner) => { Error::ThrottlingException(inner) } crate::error::UpdateInstanceStorageConfigErrorKind::Unhandled(inner) => { Error::Unhandled(inner) } }, _ => Error::Unhandled(err.into()), } } } impl<R> From<aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::UpdateQueueHoursOfOperationError, R>> for Error where R: Send + Sync + std::fmt::Debug + 'static, { fn from( err: aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::UpdateQueueHoursOfOperationError, R>, ) -> Self { match err { aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError::ServiceError { err, .. } => match err.kind { crate::error::UpdateQueueHoursOfOperationErrorKind::InternalServiceException( inner, ) => Error::InternalServiceException(inner), crate::error::UpdateQueueHoursOfOperationErrorKind::InvalidParameterException( inner, ) => Error::InvalidParameterException(inner), crate::error::UpdateQueueHoursOfOperationErrorKind::InvalidRequestException( inner, ) => Error::InvalidRequestException(inner), crate::error::UpdateQueueHoursOfOperationErrorKind::ResourceNotFoundException( inner, ) => Error::ResourceNotFoundException(inner), crate::error::UpdateQueueHoursOfOperationErrorKind::ThrottlingException(inner) => { Error::ThrottlingException(inner) } crate::error::UpdateQueueHoursOfOperationErrorKind::Unhandled(inner) => { Error::Unhandled(inner) } }, _ => Error::Unhandled(err.into()), } } } impl<R> From<aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::UpdateQueueMaxContactsError, R>> for Error where R: Send + Sync + std::fmt::Debug + 'static, { fn from( err: aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::UpdateQueueMaxContactsError, R>, ) -> Self { match err { aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError::ServiceError { err, .. } => match err.kind { crate::error::UpdateQueueMaxContactsErrorKind::InternalServiceException(inner) => { Error::InternalServiceException(inner) } crate::error::UpdateQueueMaxContactsErrorKind::InvalidParameterException(inner) => { Error::InvalidParameterException(inner) } crate::error::UpdateQueueMaxContactsErrorKind::InvalidRequestException(inner) => { Error::InvalidRequestException(inner) } crate::error::UpdateQueueMaxContactsErrorKind::ResourceNotFoundException(inner) => { Error::ResourceNotFoundException(inner) } crate::error::UpdateQueueMaxContactsErrorKind::ThrottlingException(inner) => { Error::ThrottlingException(inner) } crate::error::UpdateQueueMaxContactsErrorKind::Unhandled(inner) => { Error::Unhandled(inner) } }, _ => Error::Unhandled(err.into()), } } } impl<R> From<aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::UpdateQueueNameError, R>> for Error where R: Send + Sync + std::fmt::Debug + 'static, { fn from(err: aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::UpdateQueueNameError, R>) -> Self { match err { aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError::ServiceError { err, .. } => match err.kind { crate::error::UpdateQueueNameErrorKind::DuplicateResourceException(inner) => { Error::DuplicateResourceException(inner) } crate::error::UpdateQueueNameErrorKind::InternalServiceException(inner) => { Error::InternalServiceException(inner) } crate::error::UpdateQueueNameErrorKind::InvalidParameterException(inner) => { Error::InvalidParameterException(inner) } crate::error::UpdateQueueNameErrorKind::InvalidRequestException(inner) => { Error::InvalidRequestException(inner) } crate::error::UpdateQueueNameErrorKind::ResourceNotFoundException(inner) => { Error::ResourceNotFoundException(inner) } crate::error::UpdateQueueNameErrorKind::ThrottlingException(inner) => { Error::ThrottlingException(inner) } crate::error::UpdateQueueNameErrorKind::Unhandled(inner) => Error::Unhandled(inner), }, _ => Error::Unhandled(err.into()), } } } impl<R> From<aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::UpdateQueueOutboundCallerConfigError, R>> for Error where R: Send + Sync + std::fmt::Debug + 'static, { fn from( err: aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError< crate::error::UpdateQueueOutboundCallerConfigError, R, >, ) -> Self { match err { aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError::ServiceError { err, ..} => match err.kind { crate::error::UpdateQueueOutboundCallerConfigErrorKind::InternalServiceException(inner) => Error::InternalServiceException(inner), crate::error::UpdateQueueOutboundCallerConfigErrorKind::InvalidParameterException(inner) => Error::InvalidParameterException(inner), crate::error::UpdateQueueOutboundCallerConfigErrorKind::InvalidRequestException(inner) => Error::InvalidRequestException(inner), crate::error::UpdateQueueOutboundCallerConfigErrorKind::ResourceNotFoundException(inner) => Error::ResourceNotFoundException(inner), crate::error::UpdateQueueOutboundCallerConfigErrorKind::ThrottlingException(inner) => Error::ThrottlingException(inner), crate::error::UpdateQueueOutboundCallerConfigErrorKind::Unhandled(inner) => Error::Unhandled(inner), } _ => Error::Unhandled(err.into()), } } } impl<R> From<aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::UpdateQueueStatusError, R>> for Error where R: Send + Sync + std::fmt::Debug + 'static, { fn from( err: aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::UpdateQueueStatusError, R>, ) -> Self { match err { aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError::ServiceError { err, .. } => match err.kind { crate::error::UpdateQueueStatusErrorKind::InternalServiceException(inner) => { Error::InternalServiceException(inner) } crate::error::UpdateQueueStatusErrorKind::InvalidParameterException(inner) => { Error::InvalidParameterException(inner) } crate::error::UpdateQueueStatusErrorKind::InvalidRequestException(inner) => { Error::InvalidRequestException(inner) } crate::error::UpdateQueueStatusErrorKind::ResourceNotFoundException(inner) => { Error::ResourceNotFoundException(inner) } crate::error::UpdateQueueStatusErrorKind::ThrottlingException(inner) => { Error::ThrottlingException(inner) } crate::error::UpdateQueueStatusErrorKind::Unhandled(inner) => { Error::Unhandled(inner) } }, _ => Error::Unhandled(err.into()), } } } impl<R> From<aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::UpdateQuickConnectConfigError, R>> for Error where R: Send + Sync + std::fmt::Debug + 'static, { fn from( err: aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::UpdateQuickConnectConfigError, R>, ) -> Self { match err { aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError::ServiceError { err, .. } => match err.kind { crate::error::UpdateQuickConnectConfigErrorKind::InternalServiceException( inner, ) => Error::InternalServiceException(inner), crate::error::UpdateQuickConnectConfigErrorKind::InvalidParameterException( inner, ) => Error::InvalidParameterException(inner), crate::error::UpdateQuickConnectConfigErrorKind::InvalidRequestException(inner) => { Error::InvalidRequestException(inner) } crate::error::UpdateQuickConnectConfigErrorKind::ResourceNotFoundException( inner, ) => Error::ResourceNotFoundException(inner), crate::error::UpdateQuickConnectConfigErrorKind::ThrottlingException(inner) => { Error::ThrottlingException(inner) } crate::error::UpdateQuickConnectConfigErrorKind::Unhandled(inner) => { Error::Unhandled(inner) } }, _ => Error::Unhandled(err.into()), } } } impl<R> From<aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::UpdateQuickConnectNameError, R>> for Error where R: Send + Sync + std::fmt::Debug + 'static, { fn from( err: aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::UpdateQuickConnectNameError, R>, ) -> Self { match err { aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError::ServiceError { err, .. } => match err.kind { crate::error::UpdateQuickConnectNameErrorKind::InternalServiceException(inner) => { Error::InternalServiceException(inner) } crate::error::UpdateQuickConnectNameErrorKind::InvalidParameterException(inner) => { Error::InvalidParameterException(inner) } crate::error::UpdateQuickConnectNameErrorKind::InvalidRequestException(inner) => { Error::InvalidRequestException(inner) } crate::error::UpdateQuickConnectNameErrorKind::ResourceNotFoundException(inner) => { Error::ResourceNotFoundException(inner) } crate::error::UpdateQuickConnectNameErrorKind::ThrottlingException(inner) => { Error::ThrottlingException(inner) } crate::error::UpdateQuickConnectNameErrorKind::Unhandled(inner) => { Error::Unhandled(inner) } }, _ => Error::Unhandled(err.into()), } } } impl<R> From<aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::UpdateRoutingProfileConcurrencyError, R>> for Error where R: Send + Sync + std::fmt::Debug + 'static, { fn from( err: aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError< crate::error::UpdateRoutingProfileConcurrencyError, R, >, ) -> Self { match err { aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError::ServiceError { err, ..} => match err.kind { crate::error::UpdateRoutingProfileConcurrencyErrorKind::InternalServiceException(inner) => Error::InternalServiceException(inner), crate::error::UpdateRoutingProfileConcurrencyErrorKind::InvalidParameterException(inner) => Error::InvalidParameterException(inner), crate::error::UpdateRoutingProfileConcurrencyErrorKind::InvalidRequestException(inner) => Error::InvalidRequestException(inner), crate::error::UpdateRoutingProfileConcurrencyErrorKind::ResourceNotFoundException(inner) => Error::ResourceNotFoundException(inner), crate::error::UpdateRoutingProfileConcurrencyErrorKind::ThrottlingException(inner) => Error::ThrottlingException(inner), crate::error::UpdateRoutingProfileConcurrencyErrorKind::Unhandled(inner) => Error::Unhandled(inner), } _ => Error::Unhandled(err.into()), } } } impl<R> From< aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError< crate::error::UpdateRoutingProfileDefaultOutboundQueueError, R, >, > for Error where R: Send + Sync + std::fmt::Debug + 'static, { fn from( err: aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError< crate::error::UpdateRoutingProfileDefaultOutboundQueueError, R, >, ) -> Self { match err { aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError::ServiceError { err, ..} => match err.kind { crate::error::UpdateRoutingProfileDefaultOutboundQueueErrorKind::InternalServiceException(inner) => Error::InternalServiceException(inner), crate::error::UpdateRoutingProfileDefaultOutboundQueueErrorKind::InvalidParameterException(inner) => Error::InvalidParameterException(inner), crate::error::UpdateRoutingProfileDefaultOutboundQueueErrorKind::InvalidRequestException(inner) => Error::InvalidRequestException(inner), crate::error::UpdateRoutingProfileDefaultOutboundQueueErrorKind::ResourceNotFoundException(inner) => Error::ResourceNotFoundException(inner), crate::error::UpdateRoutingProfileDefaultOutboundQueueErrorKind::ThrottlingException(inner) => Error::ThrottlingException(inner), crate::error::UpdateRoutingProfileDefaultOutboundQueueErrorKind::Unhandled(inner) => Error::Unhandled(inner), } _ => Error::Unhandled(err.into()), } } } impl<R> From<aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::UpdateRoutingProfileNameError, R>> for Error where R: Send + Sync + std::fmt::Debug + 'static, { fn from( err: aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::UpdateRoutingProfileNameError, R>, ) -> Self { match err { aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError::ServiceError { err, .. } => match err.kind { crate::error::UpdateRoutingProfileNameErrorKind::DuplicateResourceException( inner, ) => Error::DuplicateResourceException(inner), crate::error::UpdateRoutingProfileNameErrorKind::InternalServiceException( inner, ) => Error::InternalServiceException(inner), crate::error::UpdateRoutingProfileNameErrorKind::InvalidParameterException( inner, ) => Error::InvalidParameterException(inner), crate::error::UpdateRoutingProfileNameErrorKind::InvalidRequestException(inner) => { Error::InvalidRequestException(inner) } crate::error::UpdateRoutingProfileNameErrorKind::ResourceNotFoundException( inner, ) => Error::ResourceNotFoundException(inner), crate::error::UpdateRoutingProfileNameErrorKind::ThrottlingException(inner) => { Error::ThrottlingException(inner) } crate::error::UpdateRoutingProfileNameErrorKind::Unhandled(inner) => { Error::Unhandled(inner) } }, _ => Error::Unhandled(err.into()), } } } impl<R> From<aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::UpdateRoutingProfileQueuesError, R>> for Error where R: Send + Sync + std::fmt::Debug + 'static, { fn from( err: aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::UpdateRoutingProfileQueuesError, R>, ) -> Self { match err { aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError::ServiceError { err, .. } => match err.kind { crate::error::UpdateRoutingProfileQueuesErrorKind::InternalServiceException( inner, ) => Error::InternalServiceException(inner), crate::error::UpdateRoutingProfileQueuesErrorKind::InvalidParameterException( inner, ) => Error::InvalidParameterException(inner), crate::error::UpdateRoutingProfileQueuesErrorKind::InvalidRequestException( inner, ) => Error::InvalidRequestException(inner), crate::error::UpdateRoutingProfileQueuesErrorKind::ResourceNotFoundException( inner, ) => Error::ResourceNotFoundException(inner), crate::error::UpdateRoutingProfileQueuesErrorKind::ThrottlingException(inner) => { Error::ThrottlingException(inner) } crate::error::UpdateRoutingProfileQueuesErrorKind::Unhandled(inner) => { Error::Unhandled(inner) } }, _ => Error::Unhandled(err.into()), } } } impl<R> From<aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::UpdateSecurityProfileError, R>> for Error where R: Send + Sync + std::fmt::Debug + 'static, { fn from( err: aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::UpdateSecurityProfileError, R>, ) -> Self { match err { aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError::ServiceError { err, .. } => match err.kind { crate::error::UpdateSecurityProfileErrorKind::InternalServiceException(inner) => { Error::InternalServiceException(inner) } crate::error::UpdateSecurityProfileErrorKind::InvalidParameterException(inner) => { Error::InvalidParameterException(inner) } crate::error::UpdateSecurityProfileErrorKind::InvalidRequestException(inner) => { Error::InvalidRequestException(inner) } crate::error::UpdateSecurityProfileErrorKind::ResourceNotFoundException(inner) => { Error::ResourceNotFoundException(inner) } crate::error::UpdateSecurityProfileErrorKind::ThrottlingException(inner) => { Error::ThrottlingException(inner) } crate::error::UpdateSecurityProfileErrorKind::Unhandled(inner) => { Error::Unhandled(inner) } }, _ => Error::Unhandled(err.into()), } } } impl<R> From<aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::UpdateUserHierarchyError, R>> for Error where R: Send + Sync + std::fmt::Debug + 'static, { fn from( err: aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::UpdateUserHierarchyError, R>, ) -> Self { match err { aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError::ServiceError { err, .. } => match err.kind { crate::error::UpdateUserHierarchyErrorKind::InternalServiceException(inner) => { Error::InternalServiceException(inner) } crate::error::UpdateUserHierarchyErrorKind::InvalidParameterException(inner) => { Error::InvalidParameterException(inner) } crate::error::UpdateUserHierarchyErrorKind::InvalidRequestException(inner) => { Error::InvalidRequestException(inner) } crate::error::UpdateUserHierarchyErrorKind::ResourceNotFoundException(inner) => { Error::ResourceNotFoundException(inner) } crate::error::UpdateUserHierarchyErrorKind::ThrottlingException(inner) => { Error::ThrottlingException(inner) } crate::error::UpdateUserHierarchyErrorKind::Unhandled(inner) => { Error::Unhandled(inner) } }, _ => Error::Unhandled(err.into()), } } } impl<R> From<aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::UpdateUserHierarchyGroupNameError, R>> for Error where R: Send + Sync + std::fmt::Debug + 'static, { fn from( err: aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::UpdateUserHierarchyGroupNameError, R>, ) -> Self { match err { aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError::ServiceError { err, .. } => match err.kind { crate::error::UpdateUserHierarchyGroupNameErrorKind::DuplicateResourceException( inner, ) => Error::DuplicateResourceException(inner), crate::error::UpdateUserHierarchyGroupNameErrorKind::InternalServiceException( inner, ) => Error::InternalServiceException(inner), crate::error::UpdateUserHierarchyGroupNameErrorKind::InvalidParameterException( inner, ) => Error::InvalidParameterException(inner), crate::error::UpdateUserHierarchyGroupNameErrorKind::InvalidRequestException( inner, ) => Error::InvalidRequestException(inner), crate::error::UpdateUserHierarchyGroupNameErrorKind::ResourceNotFoundException( inner, ) => Error::ResourceNotFoundException(inner), crate::error::UpdateUserHierarchyGroupNameErrorKind::ThrottlingException(inner) => { Error::ThrottlingException(inner) } crate::error::UpdateUserHierarchyGroupNameErrorKind::Unhandled(inner) => { Error::Unhandled(inner) } }, _ => Error::Unhandled(err.into()), } } } impl<R> From<aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::UpdateUserHierarchyStructureError, R>> for Error where R: Send + Sync + std::fmt::Debug + 'static, { fn from( err: aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::UpdateUserHierarchyStructureError, R>, ) -> Self { match err { aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError::ServiceError { err, .. } => match err.kind { crate::error::UpdateUserHierarchyStructureErrorKind::InternalServiceException( inner, ) => Error::InternalServiceException(inner), crate::error::UpdateUserHierarchyStructureErrorKind::InvalidParameterException( inner, ) => Error::InvalidParameterException(inner), crate::error::UpdateUserHierarchyStructureErrorKind::InvalidRequestException( inner, ) => Error::InvalidRequestException(inner), crate::error::UpdateUserHierarchyStructureErrorKind::ResourceInUseException( inner, ) => Error::ResourceInUseException(inner), crate::error::UpdateUserHierarchyStructureErrorKind::ResourceNotFoundException( inner, ) => Error::ResourceNotFoundException(inner), crate::error::UpdateUserHierarchyStructureErrorKind::ThrottlingException(inner) => { Error::ThrottlingException(inner) } crate::error::UpdateUserHierarchyStructureErrorKind::Unhandled(inner) => { Error::Unhandled(inner) } }, _ => Error::Unhandled(err.into()), } } } impl<R> From<aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::UpdateUserIdentityInfoError, R>> for Error where R: Send + Sync + std::fmt::Debug + 'static, { fn from( err: aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::UpdateUserIdentityInfoError, R>, ) -> Self { match err { aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError::ServiceError { err, .. } => match err.kind { crate::error::UpdateUserIdentityInfoErrorKind::InternalServiceException(inner) => { Error::InternalServiceException(inner) } crate::error::UpdateUserIdentityInfoErrorKind::InvalidParameterException(inner) => { Error::InvalidParameterException(inner) } crate::error::UpdateUserIdentityInfoErrorKind::InvalidRequestException(inner) => { Error::InvalidRequestException(inner) } crate::error::UpdateUserIdentityInfoErrorKind::ResourceNotFoundException(inner) => { Error::ResourceNotFoundException(inner) } crate::error::UpdateUserIdentityInfoErrorKind::ThrottlingException(inner) => { Error::ThrottlingException(inner) } crate::error::UpdateUserIdentityInfoErrorKind::Unhandled(inner) => { Error::Unhandled(inner) } }, _ => Error::Unhandled(err.into()), } } } impl<R> From<aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::UpdateUserPhoneConfigError, R>> for Error where R: Send + Sync + std::fmt::Debug + 'static, { fn from( err: aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::UpdateUserPhoneConfigError, R>, ) -> Self { match err { aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError::ServiceError { err, .. } => match err.kind { crate::error::UpdateUserPhoneConfigErrorKind::InternalServiceException(inner) => { Error::InternalServiceException(inner) } crate::error::UpdateUserPhoneConfigErrorKind::InvalidParameterException(inner) => { Error::InvalidParameterException(inner) } crate::error::UpdateUserPhoneConfigErrorKind::InvalidRequestException(inner) => { Error::InvalidRequestException(inner) } crate::error::UpdateUserPhoneConfigErrorKind::ResourceNotFoundException(inner) => { Error::ResourceNotFoundException(inner) } crate::error::UpdateUserPhoneConfigErrorKind::ThrottlingException(inner) => { Error::ThrottlingException(inner) } crate::error::UpdateUserPhoneConfigErrorKind::Unhandled(inner) => { Error::Unhandled(inner) } }, _ => Error::Unhandled(err.into()), } } } impl<R> From<aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::UpdateUserRoutingProfileError, R>> for Error where R: Send + Sync + std::fmt::Debug + 'static, { fn from( err: aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::UpdateUserRoutingProfileError, R>, ) -> Self { match err { aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError::ServiceError { err, .. } => match err.kind { crate::error::UpdateUserRoutingProfileErrorKind::InternalServiceException( inner, ) => Error::InternalServiceException(inner), crate::error::UpdateUserRoutingProfileErrorKind::InvalidParameterException( inner, ) => Error::InvalidParameterException(inner), crate::error::UpdateUserRoutingProfileErrorKind::InvalidRequestException(inner) => { Error::InvalidRequestException(inner) } crate::error::UpdateUserRoutingProfileErrorKind::ResourceNotFoundException( inner, ) => Error::ResourceNotFoundException(inner), crate::error::UpdateUserRoutingProfileErrorKind::ThrottlingException(inner) => { Error::ThrottlingException(inner) } crate::error::UpdateUserRoutingProfileErrorKind::Unhandled(inner) => { Error::Unhandled(inner) } }, _ => Error::Unhandled(err.into()), } } } impl<R> From<aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::UpdateUserSecurityProfilesError, R>> for Error where R: Send + Sync + std::fmt::Debug + 'static, { fn from( err: aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError<crate::error::UpdateUserSecurityProfilesError, R>, ) -> Self { match err { aws_smithy_http::result::SdkError::ServiceError { err, .. } => match err.kind { crate::error::UpdateUserSecurityProfilesErrorKind::InternalServiceException( inner, ) => Error::InternalServiceException(inner), crate::error::UpdateUserSecurityProfilesErrorKind::InvalidParameterException( inner, ) => Error::InvalidParameterException(inner), crate::error::UpdateUserSecurityProfilesErrorKind::InvalidRequestException( inner, ) => Error::InvalidRequestException(inner), crate::error::UpdateUserSecurityProfilesErrorKind::ResourceNotFoundException( inner, ) => Error::ResourceNotFoundException(inner), crate::error::UpdateUserSecurityProfilesErrorKind::ThrottlingException(inner) => { Error::ThrottlingException(inner) } crate::error::UpdateUserSecurityProfilesErrorKind::Unhandled(inner) => { Error::Unhandled(inner) } }, _ => Error::Unhandled(err.into()), } } } impl std::error::Error for Error {}
// Copyright 2012 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT // file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at // http://rust-lang.org/COPYRIGHT. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0> or the MIT license // <LICENSE-MIT or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>, at your // option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed // except according to those terms. #![feature(managed_boxes)] trait get { fn get(self) -> int; } // Note: impl on a slice; we're checking that the pointers below // correctly get borrowed to `&`. (similar to impling for `int`, with // `&self` instead of `self`.) impl<'a> get for &'a int { fn get(self) -> int { return *self; } } pub fn main() { let x = @6; let y = x.get(); assert_eq!(y, 6); let x = @6; let y = x.get(); println!("y={}", y); assert_eq!(y, 6); let x = ~6; let y = x.get(); println!("y={}", y); assert_eq!(y, 6); let x = &6; let y = x.get(); println!("y={}", y); assert_eq!(y, 6); }
use crate::ast::{self, EventField, Field, GenericArg, TypeAlias, TypeDesc}; use crate::grammar::expressions::parse_expr; use crate::grammar::functions::parse_single_word_stmt; use crate::node::{Node, Span}; use crate::{ParseFailed, ParseResult, Parser, TokenKind}; use vec1::Vec1; /// Parse a [`ModuleStmt::Struct`]. /// # Panics /// Panics if the next token isn't `struct`. pub fn parse_struct_def(par: &mut Parser) -> ParseResult<Node<ast::Struct>> { use TokenKind::*; let struct_tok = par.assert(Struct); let name = par.expect_with_notes(Name, "failed to parse struct definition", || { vec!["Note: a struct name must start with a letter or underscore, and contain letters, numbers, or underscores".into()] })?; let mut fields = vec![]; par.enter_block(struct_tok.span + name.span, "struct definition")?; loop { match par.peek() { Some(Name) | Some(Pub) | Some(Const) => { let pub_qual = parse_opt_qualifier(par, Pub); let const_qual = parse_opt_qualifier(par, Const); fields.push(parse_field(par, pub_qual, const_qual)?); } Some(Dedent) => { par.next()?; break; } Some(Pass) => { parse_single_word_stmt(par)?; } None => break, Some(_) => { let tok = par.next()?; par.unexpected_token_error(tok.span, "failed to parse struct def", vec![]); return Err(ParseFailed); } } } let span = struct_tok.span + name.span + fields.last(); Ok(Node::new( ast::Struct { name: name.into(), fields, }, span, )) } /// Parse a type alias definition, e.g. `type MyMap = Map<u8, address>`. /// # Panics /// Panics if the next token isn't `type`. pub fn parse_type_alias(par: &mut Parser) -> ParseResult<Node<TypeAlias>> { let type_tok = par.assert(TokenKind::Type); let name = par.expect(TokenKind::Name, "failed to parse type declaration")?; par.expect_with_notes(TokenKind::Eq, "failed to parse type declaration", || { vec![ "Note: a type alias name must be followed by an equals sign and a type description" .into(), format!("Example: `type {} = Map<address, u64>`", name.text), ] })?; let typ = parse_type_desc(par)?; let span = type_tok.span + typ.span; Ok(Node::new( TypeAlias { name: name.into(), typ, }, span, )) } /// Parse an event definition. /// # Panics /// Panics if the next token isn't `event`. pub fn parse_event_def(par: &mut Parser) -> ParseResult<Node<ast::Event>> { use TokenKind::*; let event_tok = par.assert(Event); let name = par.expect(Name, "failed to parse event definition")?; let mut fields = vec![]; par.enter_block(event_tok.span + name.span, "event definition")?; loop { match par.peek() { Some(Name) | Some(Idx) => { fields.push(parse_event_field(par)?); } Some(Pass) => { parse_single_word_stmt(par)?; } Some(Dedent) => { par.next()?; break; } None => break, Some(_) => { let tok = par.next()?; par.unexpected_token_error(tok.span, "failed to parse event definition", vec![]); return Err(ParseFailed); } } } let span = event_tok.span + name.span + fields.last(); Ok(Node::new( ast::Event { name: name.into(), fields, }, span, )) } /// Parse an event field, e.g. `foo: u8` or `idx from: address`. pub fn parse_event_field(par: &mut Parser) -> ParseResult<Node<EventField>> { let idx_qual = parse_opt_qualifier(par, TokenKind::Idx); let name = par.expect(TokenKind::Name, "failed to parse event field")?; par.expect_with_notes(TokenKind::Colon, "failed to parse event field", || { vec![ "Note: event field name must be followed by a colon and a type description".into(), format!( "Example: `{}{}: address`", if idx_qual.is_some() { "idx " } else { "" }, name.text ), ] })?; let typ = parse_type_desc(par)?; par.expect_newline("event field")?; let span = name.span + idx_qual + &typ; Ok(Node::new( EventField { is_idx: idx_qual.is_some(), name: Node::new(name.text.into(), name.span), typ, }, span, )) } /// Parse a field for a struct or contract. The leading optional `pub` and /// `const` qualifiers must be parsed by the caller, and passed in. /// Note that `event` fields are handled in [`parse_event_field`]. pub fn parse_field( par: &mut Parser, pub_qual: Option<Span>, const_qual: Option<Span>, ) -> ParseResult<Node<Field>> { let name = par.expect(TokenKind::Name, "failed to parse field definition")?; par.expect_with_notes(TokenKind::Colon, "failed to parse field definition", || { vec![ "Note: field name must be followed by a colon and a type description".into(), format!( "Example: {}{}{}: address", if pub_qual.is_some() { "pub " } else { "" }, if const_qual.is_some() { "const " } else { "" }, name.text ), ] })?; let typ = parse_type_desc(par)?; let value = if par.peek() == Some(TokenKind::Eq) { par.next()?; Some(parse_expr(par)?) } else { None }; par.expect_newline("field definition")?; let span = name.span + pub_qual + const_qual + &typ; Ok(Node::new( Field { is_pub: pub_qual.is_some(), is_const: const_qual.is_some(), name: Node::new(name.text.into(), name.span), typ, value, }, span, )) } /// Parse an optional qualifier (`pub`, `const`, or `idx`). pub fn parse_opt_qualifier(par: &mut Parser, tk: TokenKind) -> Option<Span> { if par.peek() == Some(tk) { let tok = par.next().unwrap(); Some(tok.span) } else { None } } /// Parse an angle-bracket-wrapped list of generic arguments (eg. the tail end /// of `Map<address, u256>`). /// # Panics /// Panics if the first token isn't `<`. pub fn parse_generic_args(par: &mut Parser) -> ParseResult<Node<Vec<GenericArg>>> { use TokenKind::*; let mut span = par.assert(Lt).span; let mut args = vec![]; let expect_end = |par: &mut Parser| { // If there's no comma, the next token must be `>` match par.peek_or_err()? { Gt => Ok(par.next()?.span), GtGt => Ok(par.split_next()?.span), _ => { let tok = par.next()?; par.unexpected_token_error( tok.span, "Unexpected token while parsing generic arg list", vec![], ); Err(ParseFailed) } } }; loop { match par.peek_or_err()? { Gt => { span += par.next()?.span; break; } GtGt => { span += par.split_next()?.span; break; } Int => { let tok = par.next()?; if let Ok(num) = tok.text.parse() { args.push(GenericArg::Int(Node::new(num, tok.span))); if par.peek() == Some(Comma) { par.next()?; } else { span += expect_end(par)?; break; } } else { par.error(tok.span, "failed to parse integer literal"); return Err(ParseFailed); } } Name | ParenOpen => { let typ = parse_type_desc(par)?; args.push(GenericArg::TypeDesc(Node::new(typ.kind, typ.span))); if par.peek() == Some(Comma) { par.next()?; } else { span += expect_end(par)?; break; } } _ => { let tok = par.next()?; par.unexpected_token_error( tok.span, "failed to parse generic type argument list", vec![], ); return Err(ParseFailed); } } } Ok(Node::new(args, span)) } /// Parse a type description, e.g. `u8` or `Map<address, u256>`. pub fn parse_type_desc(par: &mut Parser) -> ParseResult<Node<TypeDesc>> { use TokenKind::*; let mut typ = match par.peek_or_err()? { Name => { let name = par.next()?; match par.peek() { Some(Lt) => { let args = parse_generic_args(par)?; let span = name.span + args.span; Node::new( TypeDesc::Generic { base: name.into(), args, }, span, ) } _ => Node::new( TypeDesc::Base { base: name.text.into(), }, name.span, ), } } ParenOpen => { let mut span = par.next()?.span; let mut items = vec![]; loop { match par.peek_or_err()? { ParenClose => { span += par.next()?.span; break; } Name | ParenOpen => { let item = parse_type_desc(par)?; span += item.span; items.push(item); if par.peek_or_err()? == Comma { par.next()?; } else { span += par .expect( ParenClose, "Unexpected token while parsing tuple type description", )? .span; break; } } _ => { let tok = par.next()?; par.unexpected_token_error( tok.span, "failed to parse type description", vec![], ); return Err(ParseFailed); } } } if items.is_empty() { Node::new(TypeDesc::Unit, span) } else { Node::new( TypeDesc::Tuple { items: Vec1::try_from_vec(items).expect("couldn't convert vec to vec1"), }, span, ) } } _ => { let tok = par.next()?; par.unexpected_token_error(tok.span, "failed to parse type description", vec![]); return Err(ParseFailed); } }; while par.peek() == Some(BracketOpen) { let ctx = "Unexpected token while parsing array type description."; let mut span = typ.span + par.next()?.span; let num = par.expect(Int, ctx)?; if let Ok(dimension) = num.text.parse() { span += par.expect(BracketClose, ctx)?.span; typ = Node::new( TypeDesc::Array { typ: Box::new(typ), dimension, }, span, ); } else { par.error(num.span, "failed to parse number literal"); return Err(ParseFailed); } } Ok(typ) }
use alloc::{boxed::Box, sync::Arc, vec}; use core::ops::Drop; pub struct Buffer { queue: Arc<wgpu::Queue>, pub(crate) buffer: Arc<wgpu::Buffer>, pub(crate) offset: usize, size: usize, free: Box<dyn Fn() + Sync + Send + 'static>, } impl Buffer { pub(crate) fn new<F>(queue: Arc<wgpu::Queue>, buffer: Arc<wgpu::Buffer>, offset: usize, size: usize, free: F) -> Self where F: Fn() + Sync + Send + 'static, { Self { queue, buffer, offset, size, free: Box::new(free), } } pub fn write(&self, data: &[u8]) { // TODO raise error or warn if data.len() % wgpu::COPY_BUFFER_ALIGNMENT as usize != 0 { let count = data.len() % wgpu::COPY_BUFFER_ALIGNMENT as usize; let mut new_buf = vec![0; data.len() + count]; new_buf[..data.len()].copy_from_slice(data); self.queue.write_buffer(&self.buffer, self.offset as u64, &new_buf) } else { self.queue.write_buffer(&self.buffer, self.offset as u64, data) } } pub(crate) fn binding_resource(&self) -> wgpu::BindingResource { wgpu::BindingResource::Buffer(wgpu::BufferBinding { buffer: &self.buffer, offset: self.offset as wgpu::BufferAddress, size: wgpu::BufferSize::new(self.size as u64), }) } pub(crate) fn as_slice(&self) -> wgpu::BufferSlice { self.buffer.slice(self.offset as u64..self.offset as u64 + self.size as u64) } } impl Drop for Buffer { fn drop(&mut self) { (self.free)() } }
#![allow(unused_imports, non_camel_case_types)] use crate::models::r4::Address::Address; use crate::models::r4::Age::Age; use crate::models::r4::Annotation::Annotation; use crate::models::r4::Attachment::Attachment; use crate::models::r4::CodeableConcept::CodeableConcept; use crate::models::r4::Coding::Coding; use crate::models::r4::ContactDetail::ContactDetail; use crate::models::r4::ContactPoint::ContactPoint; use crate::models::r4::Contributor::Contributor; use crate::models::r4::Count::Count; use crate::models::r4::DataRequirement::DataRequirement; use crate::models::r4::Distance::Distance; use crate::models::r4::Dosage::Dosage; use crate::models::r4::Duration::Duration; use crate::models::r4::Element::Element; use crate::models::r4::Expression::Expression; use crate::models::r4::Extension::Extension; use crate::models::r4::HumanName::HumanName; use crate::models::r4::Identifier::Identifier; use crate::models::r4::Meta::Meta; use crate::models::r4::Money::Money; use crate::models::r4::ParameterDefinition::ParameterDefinition; use crate::models::r4::Period::Period; use crate::models::r4::Quantity::Quantity; use crate::models::r4::Range::Range; use crate::models::r4::Ratio::Ratio; use crate::models::r4::Reference::Reference; use crate::models::r4::RelatedArtifact::RelatedArtifact; use crate::models::r4::SampledData::SampledData; use crate::models::r4::Signature::Signature; use crate::models::r4::Timing::Timing; use crate::models::r4::TriggerDefinition::TriggerDefinition; use crate::models::r4::UsageContext::UsageContext; use serde_json::json; use serde_json::value::Value; use std::borrow::Cow; /// A task to be performed. #[derive(Debug)] pub struct Task_Input<'a> { pub(crate) value: Cow<'a, Value>, } impl Task_Input<'_> { pub fn new(value: &Value) -> Task_Input { Task_Input { value: Cow::Borrowed(value), } } pub fn to_json(&self) -> Value { (*self.value).clone() } /// Extensions for valueBase64Binary pub fn _value_base_64_binary(&self) -> Option<Element> { if let Some(val) = self.value.get("_valueBase64Binary") { return Some(Element { value: Cow::Borrowed(val), }); } return None; } /// Extensions for valueBoolean pub fn _value_boolean(&self) -> Option<Element> { if let Some(val) = self.value.get("_valueBoolean") { return Some(Element { value: Cow::Borrowed(val), }); } return None; } /// Extensions for valueCanonical pub fn _value_canonical(&self) -> Option<Element> { if let Some(val) = self.value.get("_valueCanonical") { return Some(Element { value: Cow::Borrowed(val), }); } return None; } /// Extensions for valueCode pub fn _value_code(&self) -> Option<Element> { if let Some(val) = self.value.get("_valueCode") { return Some(Element { value: Cow::Borrowed(val), }); } return None; } /// Extensions for valueDate pub fn _value_date(&self) -> Option<Element> { if let Some(val) = self.value.get("_valueDate") { return Some(Element { value: Cow::Borrowed(val), }); } return None; } /// Extensions for valueDateTime pub fn _value_date_time(&self) -> Option<Element> { if let Some(val) = self.value.get("_valueDateTime") { return Some(Element { value: Cow::Borrowed(val), }); } return None; } /// Extensions for valueDecimal pub fn _value_decimal(&self) -> Option<Element> { if let Some(val) = self.value.get("_valueDecimal") { return Some(Element { value: Cow::Borrowed(val), }); } return None; } /// Extensions for valueId pub fn _value_id(&self) -> Option<Element> { if let Some(val) = self.value.get("_valueId") { return Some(Element { value: Cow::Borrowed(val), }); } return None; } /// Extensions for valueInstant pub fn _value_instant(&self) -> Option<Element> { if let Some(val) = self.value.get("_valueInstant") { return Some(Element { value: Cow::Borrowed(val), }); } return None; } /// Extensions for valueInteger pub fn _value_integer(&self) -> Option<Element> { if let Some(val) = self.value.get("_valueInteger") { return Some(Element { value: Cow::Borrowed(val), }); } return None; } /// Extensions for valueMarkdown pub fn _value_markdown(&self) -> Option<Element> { if let Some(val) = self.value.get("_valueMarkdown") { return Some(Element { value: Cow::Borrowed(val), }); } return None; } /// Extensions for valueOid pub fn _value_oid(&self) -> Option<Element> { if let Some(val) = self.value.get("_valueOid") { return Some(Element { value: Cow::Borrowed(val), }); } return None; } /// Extensions for valuePositiveInt pub fn _value_positive_int(&self) -> Option<Element> { if let Some(val) = self.value.get("_valuePositiveInt") { return Some(Element { value: Cow::Borrowed(val), }); } return None; } /// Extensions for valueString pub fn _value_string(&self) -> Option<Element> { if let Some(val) = self.value.get("_valueString") { return Some(Element { value: Cow::Borrowed(val), }); } return None; } /// Extensions for valueTime pub fn _value_time(&self) -> Option<Element> { if let Some(val) = self.value.get("_valueTime") { return Some(Element { value: Cow::Borrowed(val), }); } return None; } /// Extensions for valueUnsignedInt pub fn _value_unsigned_int(&self) -> Option<Element> { if let Some(val) = self.value.get("_valueUnsignedInt") { return Some(Element { value: Cow::Borrowed(val), }); } return None; } /// Extensions for valueUri pub fn _value_uri(&self) -> Option<Element> { if let Some(val) = self.value.get("_valueUri") { return Some(Element { value: Cow::Borrowed(val), }); } return None; } /// Extensions for valueUrl pub fn _value_url(&self) -> Option<Element> { if let Some(val) = self.value.get("_valueUrl") { return Some(Element { value: Cow::Borrowed(val), }); } return None; } /// Extensions for valueUuid pub fn _value_uuid(&self) -> Option<Element> { if let Some(val) = self.value.get("_valueUuid") { return Some(Element { value: Cow::Borrowed(val), }); } return None; } /// May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic /// definition of the element. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, /// there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of /// extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of /// requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension. pub fn extension(&self) -> Option<Vec<Extension>> { if let Some(Value::Array(val)) = self.value.get("extension") { return Some( val.into_iter() .map(|e| Extension { value: Cow::Borrowed(e), }) .collect::<Vec<_>>(), ); } return None; } /// Unique id for the element within a resource (for internal references). This may be /// any string value that does not contain spaces. pub fn id(&self) -> Option<&str> { if let Some(Value::String(string)) = self.value.get("id") { return Some(string); } return None; } /// May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic /// definition of the element and that modifies the understanding of the element /// in which it is contained and/or the understanding of the containing element's /// descendants. Usually modifier elements provide negation or qualification. To make /// the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance /// applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define /// an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the /// definition of the extension. Applications processing a resource are required to /// check for modifier extensions. Modifier extensions SHALL NOT change the meaning /// of any elements on Resource or DomainResource (including cannot change the meaning /// of modifierExtension itself). pub fn modifier_extension(&self) -> Option<Vec<Extension>> { if let Some(Value::Array(val)) = self.value.get("modifierExtension") { return Some( val.into_iter() .map(|e| Extension { value: Cow::Borrowed(e), }) .collect::<Vec<_>>(), ); } return None; } /// A code or description indicating how the input is intended to be used as part of /// the task execution. pub fn fhir_type(&self) -> CodeableConcept { CodeableConcept { value: Cow::Borrowed(&self.value["type"]), } } /// The value of the input parameter as a basic type. pub fn value_address(&self) -> Option<Address> { if let Some(val) = self.value.get("valueAddress") { return Some(Address { value: Cow::Borrowed(val), }); } return None; } /// The value of the input parameter as a basic type. pub fn value_age(&self) -> Option<Age> { if let Some(val) = self.value.get("valueAge") { return Some(Age { value: Cow::Borrowed(val), }); } return None; } /// The value of the input parameter as a basic type. pub fn value_annotation(&self) -> Option<Annotation> { if let Some(val) = self.value.get("valueAnnotation") { return Some(Annotation { value: Cow::Borrowed(val), }); } return None; } /// The value of the input parameter as a basic type. pub fn value_attachment(&self) -> Option<Attachment> { if let Some(val) = self.value.get("valueAttachment") { return Some(Attachment { value: Cow::Borrowed(val), }); } return None; } /// The value of the input parameter as a basic type. pub fn value_base_64_binary(&self) -> Option<&str> { if let Some(Value::String(string)) = self.value.get("valueBase64Binary") { return Some(string); } return None; } /// The value of the input parameter as a basic type. pub fn value_boolean(&self) -> Option<bool> { if let Some(val) = self.value.get("valueBoolean") { return Some(val.as_bool().unwrap()); } return None; } /// The value of the input parameter as a basic type. pub fn value_canonical(&self) -> Option<&str> { if let Some(Value::String(string)) = self.value.get("valueCanonical") { return Some(string); } return None; } /// The value of the input parameter as a basic type. pub fn value_code(&self) -> Option<&str> { if let Some(Value::String(string)) = self.value.get("valueCode") { return Some(string); } return None; } /// The value of the input parameter as a basic type. pub fn value_codeable_concept(&self) -> Option<CodeableConcept> { if let Some(val) = self.value.get("valueCodeableConcept") { return Some(CodeableConcept { value: Cow::Borrowed(val), }); } return None; } /// The value of the input parameter as a basic type. pub fn value_coding(&self) -> Option<Coding> { if let Some(val) = self.value.get("valueCoding") { return Some(Coding { value: Cow::Borrowed(val), }); } return None; } /// The value of the input parameter as a basic type. pub fn value_contact_detail(&self) -> Option<ContactDetail> { if let Some(val) = self.value.get("valueContactDetail") { return Some(ContactDetail { value: Cow::Borrowed(val), }); } return None; } /// The value of the input parameter as a basic type. pub fn value_contact_point(&self) -> Option<ContactPoint> { if let Some(val) = self.value.get("valueContactPoint") { return Some(ContactPoint { value: Cow::Borrowed(val), }); } return None; } /// The value of the input parameter as a basic type. pub fn value_contributor(&self) -> Option<Contributor> { if let Some(val) = self.value.get("valueContributor") { return Some(Contributor { value: Cow::Borrowed(val), }); } return None; } /// The value of the input parameter as a basic type. pub fn value_count(&self) -> Option<Count> { if let Some(val) = self.value.get("valueCount") { return Some(Count { value: Cow::Borrowed(val), }); } return None; } /// The value of the input parameter as a basic type. pub fn value_data_requirement(&self) -> Option<DataRequirement> { if let Some(val) = self.value.get("valueDataRequirement") { return Some(DataRequirement { value: Cow::Borrowed(val), }); } return None; } /// The value of the input parameter as a basic type. pub fn value_date(&self) -> Option<&str> { if let Some(Value::String(string)) = self.value.get("valueDate") { return Some(string); } return None; } /// The value of the input parameter as a basic type. pub fn value_date_time(&self) -> Option<&str> { if let Some(Value::String(string)) = self.value.get("valueDateTime") { return Some(string); } return None; } /// The value of the input parameter as a basic type. pub fn value_decimal(&self) -> Option<f64> { if let Some(val) = self.value.get("valueDecimal") { return Some(val.as_f64().unwrap()); } return None; } /// The value of the input parameter as a basic type. pub fn value_distance(&self) -> Option<Distance> { if let Some(val) = self.value.get("valueDistance") { return Some(Distance { value: Cow::Borrowed(val), }); } return None; } /// The value of the input parameter as a basic type. pub fn value_dosage(&self) -> Option<Dosage> { if let Some(val) = self.value.get("valueDosage") { return Some(Dosage { value: Cow::Borrowed(val), }); } return None; } /// The value of the input parameter as a basic type. pub fn value_duration(&self) -> Option<Duration> { if let Some(val) = self.value.get("valueDuration") { return Some(Duration { value: Cow::Borrowed(val), }); } return None; } /// The value of the input parameter as a basic type. pub fn value_expression(&self) -> Option<Expression> { if let Some(val) = self.value.get("valueExpression") { return Some(Expression { value: Cow::Borrowed(val), }); } return None; } /// The value of the input parameter as a basic type. pub fn value_human_name(&self) -> Option<HumanName> { if let Some(val) = self.value.get("valueHumanName") { return Some(HumanName { value: Cow::Borrowed(val), }); } return None; } /// The value of the input parameter as a basic type. pub fn value_id(&self) -> Option<&str> { if let Some(Value::String(string)) = self.value.get("valueId") { return Some(string); } return None; } /// The value of the input parameter as a basic type. pub fn value_identifier(&self) -> Option<Identifier> { if let Some(val) = self.value.get("valueIdentifier") { return Some(Identifier { value: Cow::Borrowed(val), }); } return None; } /// The value of the input parameter as a basic type. pub fn value_instant(&self) -> Option<&str> { if let Some(Value::String(string)) = self.value.get("valueInstant") { return Some(string); } return None; } /// The value of the input parameter as a basic type. pub fn value_integer(&self) -> Option<f64> { if let Some(val) = self.value.get("valueInteger") { return Some(val.as_f64().unwrap()); } return None; } /// The value of the input parameter as a basic type. pub fn value_markdown(&self) -> Option<&str> { if let Some(Value::String(string)) = self.value.get("valueMarkdown") { return Some(string); } return None; } /// The value of the input parameter as a basic type. pub fn value_meta(&self) -> Option<Meta> { if let Some(val) = self.value.get("valueMeta") { return Some(Meta { value: Cow::Borrowed(val), }); } return None; } /// The value of the input parameter as a basic type. pub fn value_money(&self) -> Option<Money> { if let Some(val) = self.value.get("valueMoney") { return Some(Money { value: Cow::Borrowed(val), }); } return None; } /// The value of the input parameter as a basic type. pub fn value_oid(&self) -> Option<&str> { if let Some(Value::String(string)) = self.value.get("valueOid") { return Some(string); } return None; } /// The value of the input parameter as a basic type. pub fn value_parameter_definition(&self) -> Option<ParameterDefinition> { if let Some(val) = self.value.get("valueParameterDefinition") { return Some(ParameterDefinition { value: Cow::Borrowed(val), }); } return None; } /// The value of the input parameter as a basic type. pub fn value_period(&self) -> Option<Period> { if let Some(val) = self.value.get("valuePeriod") { return Some(Period { value: Cow::Borrowed(val), }); } return None; } /// The value of the input parameter as a basic type. pub fn value_positive_int(&self) -> Option<f64> { if let Some(val) = self.value.get("valuePositiveInt") { return Some(val.as_f64().unwrap()); } return None; } /// The value of the input parameter as a basic type. pub fn value_quantity(&self) -> Option<Quantity> { if let Some(val) = self.value.get("valueQuantity") { return Some(Quantity { value: Cow::Borrowed(val), }); } return None; } /// The value of the input parameter as a basic type. pub fn value_range(&self) -> Option<Range> { if let Some(val) = self.value.get("valueRange") { return Some(Range { value: Cow::Borrowed(val), }); } return None; } /// The value of the input parameter as a basic type. pub fn value_ratio(&self) -> Option<Ratio> { if let Some(val) = self.value.get("valueRatio") { return Some(Ratio { value: Cow::Borrowed(val), }); } return None; } /// The value of the input parameter as a basic type. pub fn value_reference(&self) -> Option<Reference> { if let Some(val) = self.value.get("valueReference") { return Some(Reference { value: Cow::Borrowed(val), }); } return None; } /// The value of the input parameter as a basic type. pub fn value_related_artifact(&self) -> Option<RelatedArtifact> { if let Some(val) = self.value.get("valueRelatedArtifact") { return Some(RelatedArtifact { value: Cow::Borrowed(val), }); } return None; } /// The value of the input parameter as a basic type. pub fn value_sampled_data(&self) -> Option<SampledData> { if let Some(val) = self.value.get("valueSampledData") { return Some(SampledData { value: Cow::Borrowed(val), }); } return None; } /// The value of the input parameter as a basic type. pub fn value_signature(&self) -> Option<Signature> { if let Some(val) = self.value.get("valueSignature") { return Some(Signature { value: Cow::Borrowed(val), }); } return None; } /// The value of the input parameter as a basic type. pub fn value_string(&self) -> Option<&str> { if let Some(Value::String(string)) = self.value.get("valueString") { return Some(string); } return None; } /// The value of the input parameter as a basic type. pub fn value_time(&self) -> Option<&str> { if let Some(Value::String(string)) = self.value.get("valueTime") { return Some(string); } return None; } /// The value of the input parameter as a basic type. pub fn value_timing(&self) -> Option<Timing> { if let Some(val) = self.value.get("valueTiming") { return Some(Timing { value: Cow::Borrowed(val), }); } return None; } /// The value of the input parameter as a basic type. pub fn value_trigger_definition(&self) -> Option<TriggerDefinition> { if let Some(val) = self.value.get("valueTriggerDefinition") { return Some(TriggerDefinition { value: Cow::Borrowed(val), }); } return None; } /// The value of the input parameter as a basic type. pub fn value_unsigned_int(&self) -> Option<f64> { if let Some(val) = self.value.get("valueUnsignedInt") { return Some(val.as_f64().unwrap()); } return None; } /// The value of the input parameter as a basic type. pub fn value_uri(&self) -> Option<&str> { if let Some(Value::String(string)) = self.value.get("valueUri") { return Some(string); } return None; } /// The value of the input parameter as a basic type. pub fn value_url(&self) -> Option<&str> { if let Some(Value::String(string)) = self.value.get("valueUrl") { return Some(string); } return None; } /// The value of the input parameter as a basic type. pub fn value_usage_context(&self) -> Option<UsageContext> { if let Some(val) = self.value.get("valueUsageContext") { return Some(UsageContext { value: Cow::Borrowed(val), }); } return None; } /// The value of the input parameter as a basic type. pub fn value_uuid(&self) -> Option<&str> { if let Some(Value::String(string)) = self.value.get("valueUuid") { return Some(string); } return None; } pub fn validate(&self) -> bool { if let Some(_val) = self._value_base_64_binary() { if !_val.validate() { return false; } } if let Some(_val) = self._value_boolean() { if !_val.validate() { return false; } } if let Some(_val) = self._value_canonical() { if !_val.validate() { return false; } } if let Some(_val) = self._value_code() { if !_val.validate() { return false; } } if let Some(_val) = self._value_date() { if !_val.validate() { return false; } } if let Some(_val) = self._value_date_time() { if !_val.validate() { return false; } } if let Some(_val) = self._value_decimal() { if !_val.validate() { return false; } } if let Some(_val) = self._value_id() { if !_val.validate() { return false; } } if let Some(_val) = self._value_instant() { if !_val.validate() { return false; } } if let Some(_val) = self._value_integer() { if !_val.validate() { return false; } } if let Some(_val) = self._value_markdown() { if !_val.validate() { return false; } } if let Some(_val) = self._value_oid() { if !_val.validate() { return false; } } if let Some(_val) = self._value_positive_int() { if !_val.validate() { return false; } } if let Some(_val) = self._value_string() { if !_val.validate() { return false; } } if let Some(_val) = self._value_time() { if !_val.validate() { return false; } } if let Some(_val) = self._value_unsigned_int() { if !_val.validate() { return false; } } if let Some(_val) = self._value_uri() { if !_val.validate() { return false; } } if let Some(_val) = self._value_url() { if !_val.validate() { return false; } } if let Some(_val) = self._value_uuid() { if !_val.validate() { return false; } } if let Some(_val) = self.extension() { if !_val.into_iter().map(|e| e.validate()).all(|x| x == true) { return false; } } if let Some(_val) = self.id() {} if let Some(_val) = self.modifier_extension() { if !_val.into_iter().map(|e| e.validate()).all(|x| x == true) { return false; } } if !self.fhir_type().validate() { return false; } if let Some(_val) = self.value_address() { if !_val.validate() { return false; } } if let Some(_val) = self.value_age() { if !_val.validate() { return false; } } if let Some(_val) = self.value_annotation() { if !_val.validate() { return false; } } if let Some(_val) = self.value_attachment() { if !_val.validate() { return false; } } if let Some(_val) = self.value_base_64_binary() {} if let Some(_val) = self.value_boolean() {} if let Some(_val) = self.value_canonical() {} if let Some(_val) = self.value_code() {} if let Some(_val) = self.value_codeable_concept() { if !_val.validate() { return false; } } if let Some(_val) = self.value_coding() { if !_val.validate() { return false; } } if let Some(_val) = self.value_contact_detail() { if !_val.validate() { return false; } } if let Some(_val) = self.value_contact_point() { if !_val.validate() { return false; } } if let Some(_val) = self.value_contributor() { if !_val.validate() { return false; } } if let Some(_val) = self.value_count() { if !_val.validate() { return false; } } if let Some(_val) = self.value_data_requirement() { if !_val.validate() { return false; } } if let Some(_val) = self.value_date() {} if let Some(_val) = self.value_date_time() {} if let Some(_val) = self.value_decimal() {} if let Some(_val) = self.value_distance() { if !_val.validate() { return false; } } if let Some(_val) = self.value_dosage() { if !_val.validate() { return false; } } if let Some(_val) = self.value_duration() { if !_val.validate() { return false; } } if let Some(_val) = self.value_expression() { if !_val.validate() { return false; } } if let Some(_val) = self.value_human_name() { if !_val.validate() { return false; } } if let Some(_val) = self.value_id() {} if let Some(_val) = self.value_identifier() { if !_val.validate() { return false; } } if let Some(_val) = self.value_instant() {} if let Some(_val) = self.value_integer() {} if let Some(_val) = self.value_markdown() {} if let Some(_val) = self.value_meta() { if !_val.validate() { return false; } } if let Some(_val) = self.value_money() { if !_val.validate() { return false; } } if let Some(_val) = self.value_oid() {} if let Some(_val) = self.value_parameter_definition() { if !_val.validate() { return false; } } if let Some(_val) = self.value_period() { if !_val.validate() { return false; } } if let Some(_val) = self.value_positive_int() {} if let Some(_val) = self.value_quantity() { if !_val.validate() { return false; } } if let Some(_val) = self.value_range() { if !_val.validate() { return false; } } if let Some(_val) = self.value_ratio() { if !_val.validate() { return false; } } if let Some(_val) = self.value_reference() { if !_val.validate() { return false; } } if let Some(_val) = self.value_related_artifact() { if !_val.validate() { return false; } } if let Some(_val) = self.value_sampled_data() { if !_val.validate() { return false; } } if let Some(_val) = self.value_signature() { if !_val.validate() { return false; } } if let Some(_val) = self.value_string() {} if let Some(_val) = self.value_time() {} if let Some(_val) = self.value_timing() { if !_val.validate() { return false; } } if let Some(_val) = self.value_trigger_definition() { if !_val.validate() { return false; } } if let Some(_val) = self.value_unsigned_int() {} if let Some(_val) = self.value_uri() {} if let Some(_val) = self.value_url() {} if let Some(_val) = self.value_usage_context() { if !_val.validate() { return false; } } if let Some(_val) = self.value_uuid() {} return true; } } #[derive(Debug)] pub struct Task_InputBuilder { pub(crate) value: Value, } impl Task_InputBuilder { pub fn build(&self) -> Task_Input { Task_Input { value: Cow::Owned(self.value.clone()), } } pub fn with(existing: Task_Input) -> Task_InputBuilder { Task_InputBuilder { value: (*existing.value).clone(), } } pub fn new(fhir_type: CodeableConcept) -> Task_InputBuilder { let mut __value: Value = json!({}); __value["type"] = json!(fhir_type.value); return Task_InputBuilder { value: __value }; } pub fn _value_base_64_binary<'a>(&'a mut self, val: Element) -> &'a mut Task_InputBuilder { self.value["_valueBase64Binary"] = json!(val.value); return self; } pub fn _value_boolean<'a>(&'a mut self, val: Element) -> &'a mut Task_InputBuilder { self.value["_valueBoolean"] = json!(val.value); return self; } pub fn _value_canonical<'a>(&'a mut self, val: Element) -> &'a mut Task_InputBuilder { self.value["_valueCanonical"] = json!(val.value); return self; } pub fn _value_code<'a>(&'a mut self, val: Element) -> &'a mut Task_InputBuilder { self.value["_valueCode"] = json!(val.value); return self; } pub fn _value_date<'a>(&'a mut self, val: Element) -> &'a mut Task_InputBuilder { self.value["_valueDate"] = json!(val.value); return self; } pub fn _value_date_time<'a>(&'a mut self, val: Element) -> &'a mut Task_InputBuilder { self.value["_valueDateTime"] = json!(val.value); return self; } pub fn _value_decimal<'a>(&'a mut self, val: Element) -> &'a mut Task_InputBuilder { self.value["_valueDecimal"] = json!(val.value); return self; } pub fn _value_id<'a>(&'a mut self, val: Element) -> &'a mut Task_InputBuilder { self.value["_valueId"] = json!(val.value); return self; } pub fn _value_instant<'a>(&'a mut self, val: Element) -> &'a mut Task_InputBuilder { self.value["_valueInstant"] = json!(val.value); return self; } pub fn _value_integer<'a>(&'a mut self, val: Element) -> &'a mut Task_InputBuilder { self.value["_valueInteger"] = json!(val.value); return self; } pub fn _value_markdown<'a>(&'a mut self, val: Element) -> &'a mut Task_InputBuilder { self.value["_valueMarkdown"] = json!(val.value); return self; } pub fn _value_oid<'a>(&'a mut self, val: Element) -> &'a mut Task_InputBuilder { self.value["_valueOid"] = json!(val.value); return self; } pub fn _value_positive_int<'a>(&'a mut self, val: Element) -> &'a mut Task_InputBuilder { self.value["_valuePositiveInt"] = json!(val.value); return self; } pub fn _value_string<'a>(&'a mut self, val: Element) -> &'a mut Task_InputBuilder { self.value["_valueString"] = json!(val.value); return self; } pub fn _value_time<'a>(&'a mut self, val: Element) -> &'a mut Task_InputBuilder { self.value["_valueTime"] = json!(val.value); return self; } pub fn _value_unsigned_int<'a>(&'a mut self, val: Element) -> &'a mut Task_InputBuilder { self.value["_valueUnsignedInt"] = json!(val.value); return self; } pub fn _value_uri<'a>(&'a mut self, val: Element) -> &'a mut Task_InputBuilder { self.value["_valueUri"] = json!(val.value); return self; } pub fn _value_url<'a>(&'a mut self, val: Element) -> &'a mut Task_InputBuilder { self.value["_valueUrl"] = json!(val.value); return self; } pub fn _value_uuid<'a>(&'a mut self, val: Element) -> &'a mut Task_InputBuilder { self.value["_valueUuid"] = json!(val.value); return self; } pub fn extension<'a>(&'a mut self, val: Vec<Extension>) -> &'a mut Task_InputBuilder { self.value["extension"] = json!(val.into_iter().map(|e| e.value).collect::<Vec<_>>()); return self; } pub fn id<'a>(&'a mut self, val: &str) -> &'a mut Task_InputBuilder { self.value["id"] = json!(val); return self; } pub fn modifier_extension<'a>(&'a mut self, val: Vec<Extension>) -> &'a mut Task_InputBuilder { self.value["modifierExtension"] = json!(val.into_iter().map(|e| e.value).collect::<Vec<_>>()); return self; } pub fn value_address<'a>(&'a mut self, val: Address) -> &'a mut Task_InputBuilder { self.value["valueAddress"] = json!(val.value); return self; } pub fn value_age<'a>(&'a mut self, val: Age) -> &'a mut Task_InputBuilder { self.value["valueAge"] = json!(val.value); return self; } pub fn value_annotation<'a>(&'a mut self, val: Annotation) -> &'a mut Task_InputBuilder { self.value["valueAnnotation"] = json!(val.value); return self; } pub fn value_attachment<'a>(&'a mut self, val: Attachment) -> &'a mut Task_InputBuilder { self.value["valueAttachment"] = json!(val.value); return self; } pub fn value_base_64_binary<'a>(&'a mut self, val: &str) -> &'a mut Task_InputBuilder { self.value["valueBase64Binary"] = json!(val); return self; } pub fn value_boolean<'a>(&'a mut self, val: bool) -> &'a mut Task_InputBuilder { self.value["valueBoolean"] = json!(val); return self; } pub fn value_canonical<'a>(&'a mut self, val: &str) -> &'a mut Task_InputBuilder { self.value["valueCanonical"] = json!(val); return self; } pub fn value_code<'a>(&'a mut self, val: &str) -> &'a mut Task_InputBuilder { self.value["valueCode"] = json!(val); return self; } pub fn value_codeable_concept<'a>( &'a mut self, val: CodeableConcept, ) -> &'a mut Task_InputBuilder { self.value["valueCodeableConcept"] = json!(val.value); return self; } pub fn value_coding<'a>(&'a mut self, val: Coding) -> &'a mut Task_InputBuilder { self.value["valueCoding"] = json!(val.value); return self; } pub fn value_contact_detail<'a>(&'a mut self, val: ContactDetail) -> &'a mut Task_InputBuilder { self.value["valueContactDetail"] = json!(val.value); return self; } pub fn value_contact_point<'a>(&'a mut self, val: ContactPoint) -> &'a mut Task_InputBuilder { self.value["valueContactPoint"] = json!(val.value); return self; } pub fn value_contributor<'a>(&'a mut self, val: Contributor) -> &'a mut Task_InputBuilder { self.value["valueContributor"] = json!(val.value); return self; } pub fn value_count<'a>(&'a mut self, val: Count) -> &'a mut Task_InputBuilder { self.value["valueCount"] = json!(val.value); return self; } pub fn value_data_requirement<'a>( &'a mut self, val: DataRequirement, ) -> &'a mut Task_InputBuilder { self.value["valueDataRequirement"] = json!(val.value); return self; } pub fn value_date<'a>(&'a mut self, val: &str) -> &'a mut Task_InputBuilder { self.value["valueDate"] = json!(val); return self; } pub fn value_date_time<'a>(&'a mut self, val: &str) -> &'a mut Task_InputBuilder { self.value["valueDateTime"] = json!(val); return self; } pub fn value_decimal<'a>(&'a mut self, val: f64) -> &'a mut Task_InputBuilder { self.value["valueDecimal"] = json!(val); return self; } pub fn value_distance<'a>(&'a mut self, val: Distance) -> &'a mut Task_InputBuilder { self.value["valueDistance"] = json!(val.value); return self; } pub fn value_dosage<'a>(&'a mut self, val: Dosage) -> &'a mut Task_InputBuilder { self.value["valueDosage"] = json!(val.value); return self; } pub fn value_duration<'a>(&'a mut self, val: Duration) -> &'a mut Task_InputBuilder { self.value["valueDuration"] = json!(val.value); return self; } pub fn value_expression<'a>(&'a mut self, val: Expression) -> &'a mut Task_InputBuilder { self.value["valueExpression"] = json!(val.value); return self; } pub fn value_human_name<'a>(&'a mut self, val: HumanName) -> &'a mut Task_InputBuilder { self.value["valueHumanName"] = json!(val.value); return self; } pub fn value_id<'a>(&'a mut self, val: &str) -> &'a mut Task_InputBuilder { self.value["valueId"] = json!(val); return self; } pub fn value_identifier<'a>(&'a mut self, val: Identifier) -> &'a mut Task_InputBuilder { self.value["valueIdentifier"] = json!(val.value); return self; } pub fn value_instant<'a>(&'a mut self, val: &str) -> &'a mut Task_InputBuilder { self.value["valueInstant"] = json!(val); return self; } pub fn value_integer<'a>(&'a mut self, val: f64) -> &'a mut Task_InputBuilder { self.value["valueInteger"] = json!(val); return self; } pub fn value_markdown<'a>(&'a mut self, val: &str) -> &'a mut Task_InputBuilder { self.value["valueMarkdown"] = json!(val); return self; } pub fn value_meta<'a>(&'a mut self, val: Meta) -> &'a mut Task_InputBuilder { self.value["valueMeta"] = json!(val.value); return self; } pub fn value_money<'a>(&'a mut self, val: Money) -> &'a mut Task_InputBuilder { self.value["valueMoney"] = json!(val.value); return self; } pub fn value_oid<'a>(&'a mut self, val: &str) -> &'a mut Task_InputBuilder { self.value["valueOid"] = json!(val); return self; } pub fn value_parameter_definition<'a>( &'a mut self, val: ParameterDefinition, ) -> &'a mut Task_InputBuilder { self.value["valueParameterDefinition"] = json!(val.value); return self; } pub fn value_period<'a>(&'a mut self, val: Period) -> &'a mut Task_InputBuilder { self.value["valuePeriod"] = json!(val.value); return self; } pub fn value_positive_int<'a>(&'a mut self, val: f64) -> &'a mut Task_InputBuilder { self.value["valuePositiveInt"] = json!(val); return self; } pub fn value_quantity<'a>(&'a mut self, val: Quantity) -> &'a mut Task_InputBuilder { self.value["valueQuantity"] = json!(val.value); return self; } pub fn value_range<'a>(&'a mut self, val: Range) -> &'a mut Task_InputBuilder { self.value["valueRange"] = json!(val.value); return self; } pub fn value_ratio<'a>(&'a mut self, val: Ratio) -> &'a mut Task_InputBuilder { self.value["valueRatio"] = json!(val.value); return self; } pub fn value_reference<'a>(&'a mut self, val: Reference) -> &'a mut Task_InputBuilder { self.value["valueReference"] = json!(val.value); return self; } pub fn value_related_artifact<'a>( &'a mut self, val: RelatedArtifact, ) -> &'a mut Task_InputBuilder { self.value["valueRelatedArtifact"] = json!(val.value); return self; } pub fn value_sampled_data<'a>(&'a mut self, val: SampledData) -> &'a mut Task_InputBuilder { self.value["valueSampledData"] = json!(val.value); return self; } pub fn value_signature<'a>(&'a mut self, val: Signature) -> &'a mut Task_InputBuilder { self.value["valueSignature"] = json!(val.value); return self; } pub fn value_string<'a>(&'a mut self, val: &str) -> &'a mut Task_InputBuilder { self.value["valueString"] = json!(val); return self; } pub fn value_time<'a>(&'a mut self, val: &str) -> &'a mut Task_InputBuilder { self.value["valueTime"] = json!(val); return self; } pub fn value_timing<'a>(&'a mut self, val: Timing) -> &'a mut Task_InputBuilder { self.value["valueTiming"] = json!(val.value); return self; } pub fn value_trigger_definition<'a>( &'a mut self, val: TriggerDefinition, ) -> &'a mut Task_InputBuilder { self.value["valueTriggerDefinition"] = json!(val.value); return self; } pub fn value_unsigned_int<'a>(&'a mut self, val: f64) -> &'a mut Task_InputBuilder { self.value["valueUnsignedInt"] = json!(val); return self; } pub fn value_uri<'a>(&'a mut self, val: &str) -> &'a mut Task_InputBuilder { self.value["valueUri"] = json!(val); return self; } pub fn value_url<'a>(&'a mut self, val: &str) -> &'a mut Task_InputBuilder { self.value["valueUrl"] = json!(val); return self; } pub fn value_usage_context<'a>(&'a mut self, val: UsageContext) -> &'a mut Task_InputBuilder { self.value["valueUsageContext"] = json!(val.value); return self; } pub fn value_uuid<'a>(&'a mut self, val: &str) -> &'a mut Task_InputBuilder { self.value["valueUuid"] = json!(val); return self; } }
#[doc = "Writer for register PWRSET"] pub type W = crate::W<u32, super::PWRSET>; #[doc = "Register PWRSET `reset()`'s with value 0"] impl crate::ResetValue for super::PWRSET { type Type = u32; #[inline(always)] fn reset_value() -> Self::Type { 0 } } #[doc = "Set Hibernate Domain Enable\n\nValue on reset: 0"] #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq)] pub enum HIB_AW { #[doc = "0: No effect"] VALUE1 = 0, #[doc = "1: Enable Hibernate domain"] VALUE2 = 1, } impl From<HIB_AW> for bool { #[inline(always)] fn from(variant: HIB_AW) -> Self { variant as u8 != 0 } } #[doc = "Write proxy for field `HIB`"] pub struct HIB_W<'a> { w: &'a mut W, } impl<'a> HIB_W<'a> { #[doc = r"Writes `variant` to the field"] #[inline(always)] pub fn variant(self, variant: HIB_AW) -> &'a mut W { { self.bit(variant.into()) } } #[doc = "No effect"] #[inline(always)] pub fn value1(self) -> &'a mut W { self.variant(HIB_AW::VALUE1) } #[doc = "Enable Hibernate domain"] #[inline(always)] pub fn value2(self) -> &'a mut W { self.variant(HIB_AW::VALUE2) } #[doc = r"Sets the field bit"] #[inline(always)] pub fn set_bit(self) -> &'a mut W { self.bit(true) } #[doc = r"Clears the field bit"] #[inline(always)] pub fn clear_bit(self) -> &'a mut W { self.bit(false) } #[doc = r"Writes raw bits to the field"] #[inline(always)] pub fn bit(self, value: bool) -> &'a mut W { self.w.bits = (self.w.bits & !0x01) | ((value as u32) & 0x01); self.w } } #[doc = "Set USB PHY Transceiver Disable\n\nValue on reset: 0"] #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq)] pub enum USBPHYPDQ_AW { #[doc = "0: No effect"] VALUE1 = 0, #[doc = "1: Active"] VALUE2 = 1, } impl From<USBPHYPDQ_AW> for bool { #[inline(always)] fn from(variant: USBPHYPDQ_AW) -> Self { variant as u8 != 0 } } #[doc = "Write proxy for field `USBPHYPDQ`"] pub struct USBPHYPDQ_W<'a> { w: &'a mut W, } impl<'a> USBPHYPDQ_W<'a> { #[doc = r"Writes `variant` to the field"] #[inline(always)] pub fn variant(self, variant: USBPHYPDQ_AW) -> &'a mut W { { self.bit(variant.into()) } } #[doc = "No effect"] #[inline(always)] pub fn value1(self) -> &'a mut W { self.variant(USBPHYPDQ_AW::VALUE1) } #[doc = "Active"] #[inline(always)] pub fn value2(self) -> &'a mut W { self.variant(USBPHYPDQ_AW::VALUE2) } #[doc = r"Sets the field bit"] #[inline(always)] pub fn set_bit(self) -> &'a mut W { self.bit(true) } #[doc = r"Clears the field bit"] #[inline(always)] pub fn clear_bit(self) -> &'a mut W { self.bit(false) } #[doc = r"Writes raw bits to the field"] #[inline(always)] pub fn bit(self, value: bool) -> &'a mut W { self.w.bits = (self.w.bits & !(0x01 << 16)) | (((value as u32) & 0x01) << 16); self.w } } #[doc = "Set USB On-The-Go Comparators Enable\n\nValue on reset: 0"] #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq)] pub enum USBOTGEN_AW { #[doc = "0: No effect"] VALUE1 = 0, #[doc = "1: Active"] VALUE2 = 1, } impl From<USBOTGEN_AW> for bool { #[inline(always)] fn from(variant: USBOTGEN_AW) -> Self { variant as u8 != 0 } } #[doc = "Write proxy for field `USBOTGEN`"] pub struct USBOTGEN_W<'a> { w: &'a mut W, } impl<'a> USBOTGEN_W<'a> { #[doc = r"Writes `variant` to the field"] #[inline(always)] pub fn variant(self, variant: USBOTGEN_AW) -> &'a mut W { { self.bit(variant.into()) } } #[doc = "No effect"] #[inline(always)] pub fn value1(self) -> &'a mut W { self.variant(USBOTGEN_AW::VALUE1) } #[doc = "Active"] #[inline(always)] pub fn value2(self) -> &'a mut W { self.variant(USBOTGEN_AW::VALUE2) } #[doc = r"Sets the field bit"] #[inline(always)] pub fn set_bit(self) -> &'a mut W { self.bit(true) } #[doc = r"Clears the field bit"] #[inline(always)] pub fn clear_bit(self) -> &'a mut W { self.bit(false) } #[doc = r"Writes raw bits to the field"] #[inline(always)] pub fn bit(self, value: bool) -> &'a mut W { self.w.bits = (self.w.bits & !(0x01 << 17)) | (((value as u32) & 0x01) << 17); self.w } } #[doc = "Set USB Weak Pull-Up at PADN Enable\n\nValue on reset: 0"] #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq)] pub enum USBPUWQ_AW { #[doc = "0: No effect"] VALUE1 = 0, #[doc = "1: Pull-up not active"] VALUE2 = 1, } impl From<USBPUWQ_AW> for bool { #[inline(always)] fn from(variant: USBPUWQ_AW) -> Self { variant as u8 != 0 } } #[doc = "Write proxy for field `USBPUWQ`"] pub struct USBPUWQ_W<'a> { w: &'a mut W, } impl<'a> USBPUWQ_W<'a> { #[doc = r"Writes `variant` to the field"] #[inline(always)] pub fn variant(self, variant: USBPUWQ_AW) -> &'a mut W { { self.bit(variant.into()) } } #[doc = "No effect"] #[inline(always)] pub fn value1(self) -> &'a mut W { self.variant(USBPUWQ_AW::VALUE1) } #[doc = "Pull-up not active"] #[inline(always)] pub fn value2(self) -> &'a mut W { self.variant(USBPUWQ_AW::VALUE2) } #[doc = r"Sets the field bit"] #[inline(always)] pub fn set_bit(self) -> &'a mut W { self.bit(true) } #[doc = r"Clears the field bit"] #[inline(always)] pub fn clear_bit(self) -> &'a mut W { self.bit(false) } #[doc = r"Writes raw bits to the field"] #[inline(always)] pub fn bit(self, value: bool) -> &'a mut W { self.w.bits = (self.w.bits & !(0x01 << 18)) | (((value as u32) & 0x01) << 18); self.w } } impl W { #[doc = "Bit 0 - Set Hibernate Domain Enable"] #[inline(always)] pub fn hib(&mut self) -> HIB_W { HIB_W { w: self } } #[doc = "Bit 16 - Set USB PHY Transceiver Disable"] #[inline(always)] pub fn usbphypdq(&mut self) -> USBPHYPDQ_W { USBPHYPDQ_W { w: self } } #[doc = "Bit 17 - Set USB On-The-Go Comparators Enable"] #[inline(always)] pub fn usbotgen(&mut self) -> USBOTGEN_W { USBOTGEN_W { w: self } } #[doc = "Bit 18 - Set USB Weak Pull-Up at PADN Enable"] #[inline(always)] pub fn usbpuwq(&mut self) -> USBPUWQ_W { USBPUWQ_W { w: self } } }
// Copyright 2018 TiKV Project Authors. Licensed under Apache-2.0. use std::i64; use super::{EvalContext, Result, ScalarFunc}; use crate::coprocessor::codec::Datum; impl ScalarFunc { #[inline] pub fn bit_count(&self, ctx: &mut EvalContext, row: &[Datum]) -> Result<Option<i64>> { let res = self.children[0].eval_int(ctx, row); match res { Ok(r) => { if let Some(v) = r { Ok(Some(i64::from(v.count_ones()))) } else { Ok(None) } } Err(e) => { if e.is_overflow() { Ok(Some(64)) } else { Err(e) } } } } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use crate::coprocessor::codec::mysql::Decimal; use crate::coprocessor::codec::Datum; use crate::coprocessor::dag::expr::ctx::FLAG_OVERFLOW_AS_WARNING; use crate::coprocessor::dag::expr::tests::{datum_expr, scalar_func_expr}; use crate::coprocessor::dag::expr::{EvalConfig, EvalContext, Expression}; use std::str::FromStr; use std::sync::Arc; use tipb::expression::ScalarFuncSig; #[test] fn test_bit_count() { let cases = vec![ (Datum::I64(8), Datum::I64(1)), (Datum::I64(29), Datum::I64(4)), (Datum::I64(0), Datum::I64(0)), (Datum::I64(-1), Datum::I64(64)), (Datum::I64(-11), Datum::I64(62)), (Datum::I64(-1000), Datum::I64(56)), (Datum::I64(9223372036854775807), Datum::I64(63)), (Datum::U64(9223372036854775808), Datum::I64(1)), (Datum::U64(9223372036854775809), Datum::I64(2)), (Datum::U64(11111111112222222222), Datum::I64(37)), (Datum::U64(18446744073709551615), Datum::I64(64)), (Datum::U64(18446744073709551614), Datum::I64(63)), (Datum::Null, Datum::Null), ]; let mut ctx = EvalContext::default(); for (input, exp) in cases { let args = &[datum_expr(input)]; let op = scalar_func_expr(ScalarFuncSig::BitCount, args); let op = Expression::build(&ctx, op).unwrap(); let res = op.eval(&mut ctx, &[]).unwrap(); assert_eq!(res, exp); } let cases = vec![ ( Datum::Bytes( b"111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111".to_vec(), ), Datum::I64(64), ), ( Datum::Bytes(b"18446744073709551616".to_vec()), Datum::I64(64), ), ( Datum::Bytes(b"18446744073709551615".to_vec()), Datum::I64(64), ), ( Datum::Bytes(b"18446744073709551614".to_vec()), Datum::I64(63), ), ( Datum::Bytes(b"11111111112222222222".to_vec()), Datum::I64(37), ), ]; let mut ctx = EvalContext::new(Arc::new(EvalConfig::from_flags(FLAG_OVERFLOW_AS_WARNING))); for (input, exp) in cases { let args = &[datum_expr(input)]; let child = scalar_func_expr(ScalarFuncSig::CastStringAsInt, args); let op = scalar_func_expr(ScalarFuncSig::BitCount, &[child]); let op = Expression::build(&ctx, op).unwrap(); let res = op.eval(&mut ctx, &[]).unwrap(); assert_eq!(res, exp); } let cases = vec![ ( Datum::Dec( Decimal::from_str( "111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111", ) .unwrap(), ), Datum::I64(63), ), ( Datum::Dec( Decimal::from_str( "-111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111", ) .unwrap(), ), Datum::I64(1), ), ( Datum::Dec(Decimal::from_str("18446744073709551616").unwrap()), Datum::I64(63), ), ]; let mut ctx = EvalContext::new(Arc::new(EvalConfig::from_flags(FLAG_OVERFLOW_AS_WARNING))); for (input, exp) in cases { let args = &[datum_expr(input)]; let child = scalar_func_expr(ScalarFuncSig::CastDecimalAsInt, args); let op = scalar_func_expr(ScalarFuncSig::BitCount, &[child]); let op = Expression::build(&ctx, op).unwrap(); let res = op.eval(&mut ctx, &[]).unwrap(); assert_eq!(res, exp); } } }
// Copyright 2012-2013 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT // file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at // http://rust-lang.org/COPYRIGHT. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0> or the MIT license // <LICENSE-MIT or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>, at your // option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed // except according to those terms. use lint; use metadata::cstore::CStore; use metadata::filesearch; use session::search_paths::PathKind; use util::nodemap::NodeMap; use syntax::ast::NodeId; use syntax::codemap::Span; use syntax::diagnostic::{self, Emitter}; use syntax::diagnostics; use syntax::feature_gate; use syntax::parse; use syntax::parse::token; use syntax::parse::ParseSess; use syntax::{ast, codemap}; use rustc_back::target::Target; use std::path::{Path, PathBuf}; use std::cell::{Cell, RefCell}; use std::env; pub mod config; pub mod search_paths; // Represents the data associated with a compilation // session for a single crate. pub struct Session { pub target: config::Config, pub host: Target, pub opts: config::Options, pub cstore: CStore, pub parse_sess: ParseSess, // For a library crate, this is always none pub entry_fn: RefCell<Option<(NodeId, codemap::Span)>>, pub entry_type: Cell<Option<config::EntryFnType>>, pub plugin_registrar_fn: Cell<Option<ast::NodeId>>, pub default_sysroot: Option<PathBuf>, // The name of the root source file of the crate, in the local file system. The path is always // expected to be absolute. `None` means that there is no source file. pub local_crate_source_file: Option<PathBuf>, pub working_dir: PathBuf, pub lint_store: RefCell<lint::LintStore>, pub lints: RefCell<NodeMap<Vec<(lint::LintId, codemap::Span, String)>>>, pub plugin_llvm_passes: RefCell<Vec<String>>, pub crate_types: RefCell<Vec<config::CrateType>>, pub crate_metadata: RefCell<Vec<String>>, pub features: RefCell<feature_gate::Features>, pub delayed_span_bug: RefCell<Option<(codemap::Span, String)>>, /// The maximum recursion limit for potentially infinitely recursive /// operations such as auto-dereference and monomorphization. pub recursion_limit: Cell<usize>, pub can_print_warnings: bool } impl Session { pub fn span_fatal(&self, sp: Span, msg: &str) -> ! { if self.opts.treat_err_as_bug { self.span_bug(sp, msg); } panic!(self.diagnostic().span_fatal(sp, msg)) } pub fn span_fatal_with_code(&self, sp: Span, msg: &str, code: &str) -> ! { if self.opts.treat_err_as_bug { self.span_bug(sp, msg); } panic!(self.diagnostic().span_fatal_with_code(sp, msg, code)) } pub fn fatal(&self, msg: &str) -> ! { if self.opts.treat_err_as_bug { self.bug(msg); } self.diagnostic().handler().fatal(msg) } pub fn span_err(&self, sp: Span, msg: &str) { if self.opts.treat_err_as_bug { self.span_bug(sp, msg); } match split_msg_into_multilines(msg) { Some(msg) => self.diagnostic().span_err(sp, &msg[..]), None => self.diagnostic().span_err(sp, msg) } } pub fn span_err_with_code(&self, sp: Span, msg: &str, code: &str) { if self.opts.treat_err_as_bug { self.span_bug(sp, msg); } match split_msg_into_multilines(msg) { Some(msg) => self.diagnostic().span_err_with_code(sp, &msg[..], code), None => self.diagnostic().span_err_with_code(sp, msg, code) } } pub fn err(&self, msg: &str) { if self.opts.treat_err_as_bug { self.bug(msg); } self.diagnostic().handler().err(msg) } pub fn err_count(&self) -> usize { self.diagnostic().handler().err_count() } pub fn has_errors(&self) -> bool { self.diagnostic().handler().has_errors() } pub fn abort_if_errors(&self) { self.diagnostic().handler().abort_if_errors(); let delayed_bug = self.delayed_span_bug.borrow(); match *delayed_bug { Some((span, ref errmsg)) => { self.diagnostic().span_bug(span, errmsg); }, _ => {} } } pub fn span_warn(&self, sp: Span, msg: &str) { if self.can_print_warnings { self.diagnostic().span_warn(sp, msg) } } pub fn span_warn_with_code(&self, sp: Span, msg: &str, code: &str) { if self.can_print_warnings { self.diagnostic().span_warn_with_code(sp, msg, code) } } pub fn warn(&self, msg: &str) { if self.can_print_warnings { self.diagnostic().handler().warn(msg) } } pub fn opt_span_warn(&self, opt_sp: Option<Span>, msg: &str) { match opt_sp { Some(sp) => self.span_warn(sp, msg), None => self.warn(msg), } } pub fn span_note(&self, sp: Span, msg: &str) { self.diagnostic().span_note(sp, msg) } pub fn span_end_note(&self, sp: Span, msg: &str) { self.diagnostic().span_end_note(sp, msg) } /// Prints out a message with a suggested edit of the code. /// /// See `diagnostic::RenderSpan::Suggestion` for more information. pub fn span_suggestion(&self, sp: Span, msg: &str, suggestion: String) { self.diagnostic().span_suggestion(sp, msg, suggestion) } pub fn span_help(&self, sp: Span, msg: &str) { self.diagnostic().span_help(sp, msg) } pub fn fileline_note(&self, sp: Span, msg: &str) { self.diagnostic().fileline_note(sp, msg) } pub fn fileline_help(&self, sp: Span, msg: &str) { self.diagnostic().fileline_help(sp, msg) } pub fn note(&self, msg: &str) { self.diagnostic().handler().note(msg) } pub fn help(&self, msg: &str) { self.diagnostic().handler().help(msg) } pub fn opt_span_bug(&self, opt_sp: Option<Span>, msg: &str) -> ! { match opt_sp { Some(sp) => self.span_bug(sp, msg), None => self.bug(msg), } } /// Delay a span_bug() call until abort_if_errors() pub fn delay_span_bug(&self, sp: Span, msg: &str) { let mut delayed = self.delayed_span_bug.borrow_mut(); *delayed = Some((sp, msg.to_string())); } pub fn span_bug(&self, sp: Span, msg: &str) -> ! { self.diagnostic().span_bug(sp, msg) } pub fn bug(&self, msg: &str) -> ! { self.diagnostic().handler().bug(msg) } pub fn span_unimpl(&self, sp: Span, msg: &str) -> ! { self.diagnostic().span_unimpl(sp, msg) } pub fn unimpl(&self, msg: &str) -> ! { self.diagnostic().handler().unimpl(msg) } pub fn add_lint(&self, lint: &'static lint::Lint, id: ast::NodeId, sp: Span, msg: String) { let lint_id = lint::LintId::of(lint); let mut lints = self.lints.borrow_mut(); match lints.get_mut(&id) { Some(arr) => { arr.push((lint_id, sp, msg)); return; } None => {} } lints.insert(id, vec!((lint_id, sp, msg))); } pub fn next_node_id(&self) -> ast::NodeId { self.parse_sess.next_node_id() } pub fn reserve_node_ids(&self, count: ast::NodeId) -> ast::NodeId { self.parse_sess.reserve_node_ids(count) } pub fn diagnostic<'a>(&'a self) -> &'a diagnostic::SpanHandler { &self.parse_sess.span_diagnostic } pub fn codemap<'a>(&'a self) -> &'a codemap::CodeMap { &self.parse_sess.span_diagnostic.cm } // This exists to help with refactoring to eliminate impossible // cases later on pub fn impossible_case(&self, sp: Span, msg: &str) -> ! { self.span_bug(sp, &format!("impossible case reached: {}", msg)); } pub fn verbose(&self) -> bool { self.opts.debugging_opts.verbose } pub fn time_passes(&self) -> bool { self.opts.debugging_opts.time_passes } pub fn count_llvm_insns(&self) -> bool { self.opts.debugging_opts.count_llvm_insns } pub fn count_type_sizes(&self) -> bool { self.opts.debugging_opts.count_type_sizes } pub fn time_llvm_passes(&self) -> bool { self.opts.debugging_opts.time_llvm_passes } pub fn trans_stats(&self) -> bool { self.opts.debugging_opts.trans_stats } pub fn meta_stats(&self) -> bool { self.opts.debugging_opts.meta_stats } pub fn asm_comments(&self) -> bool { self.opts.debugging_opts.asm_comments } pub fn no_verify(&self) -> bool { self.opts.debugging_opts.no_verify } pub fn borrowck_stats(&self) -> bool { self.opts.debugging_opts.borrowck_stats } pub fn print_llvm_passes(&self) -> bool { self.opts.debugging_opts.print_llvm_passes } pub fn lto(&self) -> bool { self.opts.cg.lto } pub fn no_landing_pads(&self) -> bool { self.opts.debugging_opts.no_landing_pads } pub fn unstable_options(&self) -> bool { self.opts.debugging_opts.unstable_options } pub fn print_enum_sizes(&self) -> bool { self.opts.debugging_opts.print_enum_sizes } pub fn sysroot<'a>(&'a self) -> &'a Path { match self.opts.maybe_sysroot { Some (ref sysroot) => sysroot, None => self.default_sysroot.as_ref() .expect("missing sysroot and default_sysroot in Session") } } pub fn target_filesearch(&self, kind: PathKind) -> filesearch::FileSearch { filesearch::FileSearch::new(self.sysroot(), &self.opts.target_triple, &self.opts.search_paths, kind) } pub fn host_filesearch(&self, kind: PathKind) -> filesearch::FileSearch { filesearch::FileSearch::new( self.sysroot(), config::host_triple(), &self.opts.search_paths, kind) } } fn split_msg_into_multilines(msg: &str) -> Option<String> { // Conditions for enabling multi-line errors: if !msg.contains("mismatched types") && !msg.contains("type mismatch resolving") && !msg.contains("if and else have incompatible types") && !msg.contains("if may be missing an else clause") && !msg.contains("match arms have incompatible types") && !msg.contains("structure constructor specifies a structure of type") { return None } let first = msg.match_indices("expected").filter(|s| { s.0 > 0 && (msg.char_at_reverse(s.0) == ' ' || msg.char_at_reverse(s.0) == '(') }).map(|(a, b)| (a - 1, b)); let second = msg.match_indices("found").filter(|s| { msg.char_at_reverse(s.0) == ' ' }).map(|(a, b)| (a - 1, b)); let mut new_msg = String::new(); let mut head = 0; // Insert `\n` before expected and found. for (pos1, pos2) in first.zip(second) { new_msg = new_msg + // A `(` may be preceded by a space and it should be trimmed msg[head..pos1.0].trim_right() + // prefix "\n" + // insert before first &msg[pos1.0..pos1.1] + // insert what first matched &msg[pos1.1..pos2.0] + // between matches "\n " + // insert before second // 123 // `expected` is 3 char longer than `found`. To align the types, // `found` gets 3 spaces prepended. &msg[pos2.0..pos2.1]; // insert what second matched head = pos2.1; } let mut tail = &msg[head..]; let third = tail.find("(values differ") .or(tail.find("(lifetime")) .or(tail.find("(cyclic type of infinite size")); // Insert `\n` before any remaining messages which match. if let Some(pos) = third { // The end of the message may just be wrapped in `()` without // `expected`/`found`. Push this also to a new line and add the // final tail after. new_msg = new_msg + // `(` is usually preceded by a space and should be trimmed. tail[..pos].trim_right() + // prefix "\n" + // insert before paren &tail[pos..]; // append the tail tail = ""; } new_msg.push_str(tail); return Some(new_msg); } pub fn build_session(sopts: config::Options, local_crate_source_file: Option<PathBuf>, registry: diagnostics::registry::Registry) -> Session { // FIXME: This is not general enough to make the warning lint completely override // normal diagnostic warnings, since the warning lint can also be denied and changed // later via the source code. let can_print_warnings = sopts.lint_opts .iter() .filter(|&&(ref key, _)| *key == "warnings") .map(|&(_, ref level)| *level != lint::Allow) .last() .unwrap_or(true); let codemap = codemap::CodeMap::new(); let diagnostic_handler = diagnostic::default_handler(sopts.color, Some(registry), can_print_warnings); let span_diagnostic_handler = diagnostic::mk_span_handler(diagnostic_handler, codemap); build_session_(sopts, local_crate_source_file, span_diagnostic_handler) } pub fn build_session_(sopts: config::Options, local_crate_source_file: Option<PathBuf>, span_diagnostic: diagnostic::SpanHandler) -> Session { let host = match Target::search(config::host_triple()) { Ok(t) => t, Err(e) => { span_diagnostic.handler() .fatal(&format!("Error loading host specification: {}", e)); } }; let target_cfg = config::build_target_config(&sopts, &span_diagnostic); let p_s = parse::new_parse_sess_special_handler(span_diagnostic); let default_sysroot = match sopts.maybe_sysroot { Some(_) => None, None => Some(filesearch::get_or_default_sysroot()) }; // Make the path absolute, if necessary let local_crate_source_file = local_crate_source_file.map(|path| if path.is_absolute() { path.clone() } else { env::current_dir().unwrap().join(&path) } ); let can_print_warnings = sopts.lint_opts .iter() .filter(|&&(ref key, _)| *key == "warnings") .map(|&(_, ref level)| *level != lint::Allow) .last() .unwrap_or(true); let sess = Session { target: target_cfg, host: host, opts: sopts, cstore: CStore::new(token::get_ident_interner()), parse_sess: p_s, // For a library crate, this is always none entry_fn: RefCell::new(None), entry_type: Cell::new(None), plugin_registrar_fn: Cell::new(None), default_sysroot: default_sysroot, local_crate_source_file: local_crate_source_file, working_dir: env::current_dir().unwrap(), lint_store: RefCell::new(lint::LintStore::new()), lints: RefCell::new(NodeMap()), plugin_llvm_passes: RefCell::new(Vec::new()), crate_types: RefCell::new(Vec::new()), crate_metadata: RefCell::new(Vec::new()), delayed_span_bug: RefCell::new(None), features: RefCell::new(feature_gate::Features::new()), recursion_limit: Cell::new(64), can_print_warnings: can_print_warnings }; sess } // Seems out of place, but it uses session, so I'm putting it here pub fn expect<T, M>(sess: &Session, opt: Option<T>, msg: M) -> T where M: FnOnce() -> String, { diagnostic::expect(sess.diagnostic(), opt, msg) } pub fn early_error(msg: &str) -> ! { let mut emitter = diagnostic::EmitterWriter::stderr(diagnostic::Auto, None); emitter.emit(None, msg, None, diagnostic::Fatal); panic!(diagnostic::FatalError); } pub fn early_warn(msg: &str) { let mut emitter = diagnostic::EmitterWriter::stderr(diagnostic::Auto, None); emitter.emit(None, msg, None, diagnostic::Warning); }
extern crate log; extern crate log4rs; use log::LevelFilter; use log4rs::append::console::ConsoleAppender; use log4rs::append::file::FileAppender; use log4rs::config::{Appender, Config, Logger, Root}; use log4rs::encode::pattern::PatternEncoder; pub fn init_log4(path: &str) { let stdout = ConsoleAppender::builder().build(); let requests = FileAppender::builder() .encoder(Box::new(PatternEncoder::new( "[{d(%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S)}] [{l}] [thread:{I}] [{f}] [{t}]- {m}{n}", ))) .build(path) .unwrap(); let config = Config::builder() .appender(Appender::builder().build("stdout", Box::new(stdout))) .appender(Appender::builder().build("requests", Box::new(requests))) .logger(Logger::builder().build("app::backend::db", LevelFilter::Info)) .logger( Logger::builder() .appender("requests") .additive(false) .build("app::requests", LevelFilter::Info), ) .build( Root::builder() .appender("stdout") .appender("requests") .build(LevelFilter::Info), ) .unwrap(); let handle = log4rs::init_config(config).unwrap(); }
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}; /// This object represents a service message about a voice chat ended in the /// chat. #[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, Hash, PartialEq, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub struct VoiceChatEnded {}
// Copyright 2012-2014 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT // file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at // http://rust-lang.org/COPYRIGHT. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0> or the MIT license // <LICENSE-MIT or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>, at your // option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed // except according to those terms. //! Helper routines used for fragmenting structural paths due to moves for //! tracking drop obligations. Please see the extensive comments in the //! section "Structural fragments" in `doc.rs`. use self::Fragment::*; use borrowck::{LoanPath}; use borrowck::LoanPathKind::{LpVar, LpUpvar, LpDowncast, LpExtend}; use borrowck::LoanPathElem::{LpDeref, LpInterior}; use borrowck::move_data::{InvalidMovePathIndex}; use borrowck::move_data::{MoveData, MovePathIndex}; use rustc::session::config; use rustc::middle::ty; use rustc::middle::mem_categorization as mc; use rustc::util::ppaux::{Repr, UserString}; use std::mem; use std::rc::Rc; use std::slice; use syntax::ast; use syntax::ast_map; use syntax::attr::AttrMetaMethods; use syntax::codemap::Span; #[deriving(PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord)] enum Fragment { // This represents the path described by the move path index Just(MovePathIndex), // This represents the collection of all but one of the elements // from an array at the path described by the move path index. // Note that attached MovePathIndex should have mem_categorization // of InteriorElement (i.e. array dereference `[]`). AllButOneFrom(MovePathIndex), } impl Fragment { fn loan_path_repr<'tcx>(&self, move_data: &MoveData<'tcx>, tcx: &ty::ctxt<'tcx>) -> String { let repr = |mpi| move_data.path_loan_path(mpi).repr(tcx); match *self { Just(mpi) => repr(mpi), AllButOneFrom(mpi) => format!("$(allbutone {})", repr(mpi)), } } fn loan_path_user_string<'tcx>(&self, move_data: &MoveData<'tcx>, tcx: &ty::ctxt<'tcx>) -> String { let user_string = |mpi| move_data.path_loan_path(mpi).user_string(tcx); match *self { Just(mpi) => user_string(mpi), AllButOneFrom(mpi) => format!("$(allbutone {})", user_string(mpi)), } } } pub struct FragmentSets { /// During move_data construction, `moved_leaf_paths` tracks paths /// that have been used directly by being moved out of. When /// move_data construction has been completed, `moved_leaf_paths` /// tracks such paths that are *leaf fragments* (e.g. `a.j` if we /// never move out any child like `a.j.x`); any parent paths /// (e.g. `a` for the `a.j` example) are moved over to /// `parents_of_fragments`. moved_leaf_paths: Vec<MovePathIndex>, /// `assigned_leaf_paths` tracks paths that have been used /// directly by being overwritten, but is otherwise much like /// `moved_leaf_paths`. assigned_leaf_paths: Vec<MovePathIndex>, /// `parents_of_fragments` tracks paths that are definitely /// parents of paths that have been moved. /// /// FIXME(pnkfelix) probably do not want/need /// `parents_of_fragments` at all, if we can avoid it. /// /// Update: I do not see a way to to avoid it. Maybe just remove /// above fixme, or at least document why doing this may be hard. parents_of_fragments: Vec<MovePathIndex>, /// During move_data construction (specifically the /// fixup_fragment_sets call), `unmoved_fragments` tracks paths /// that have been "left behind" after a sibling has been moved or /// assigned. When move_data construction has been completed, /// `unmoved_fragments` tracks paths that were *only* results of /// being left-behind, and never directly moved themselves. unmoved_fragments: Vec<Fragment>, } impl FragmentSets { pub fn new() -> FragmentSets { FragmentSets { unmoved_fragments: Vec::new(), moved_leaf_paths: Vec::new(), assigned_leaf_paths: Vec::new(), parents_of_fragments: Vec::new(), } } pub fn add_move(&mut self, path_index: MovePathIndex) { self.moved_leaf_paths.push(path_index); } pub fn add_assignment(&mut self, path_index: MovePathIndex) { self.assigned_leaf_paths.push(path_index); } } pub fn instrument_move_fragments<'tcx>(this: &MoveData<'tcx>, tcx: &ty::ctxt<'tcx>, sp: Span, id: ast::NodeId) { let (span_err, print) = { let attrs : &[ast::Attribute]; attrs = match tcx.map.find(id) { Some(ast_map::NodeItem(ref item)) => item.attrs[], Some(ast_map::NodeImplItem(&ast::MethodImplItem(ref m))) => m.attrs[], Some(ast_map::NodeTraitItem(&ast::ProvidedMethod(ref m))) => m.attrs[], _ => [][], }; let span_err = attrs.iter().any(|a| a.check_name("rustc_move_fragments")); let print = tcx.sess.debugging_opt(config::PRINT_MOVE_FRAGMENTS); (span_err, print) }; if !span_err && !print { return; } let instrument_all_paths = |kind, vec_rc: &Vec<MovePathIndex>| { for (i, mpi) in vec_rc.iter().enumerate() { let render = || this.path_loan_path(*mpi).user_string(tcx); if span_err { tcx.sess.span_err(sp, format!("{}: `{}`", kind, render())[]); } if print { println!("id:{} {}[{}] `{}`", id, kind, i, render()); } } }; let instrument_all_fragments = |kind, vec_rc: &Vec<Fragment>| { for (i, f) in vec_rc.iter().enumerate() { let render = || f.loan_path_user_string(this, tcx); if span_err { tcx.sess.span_err(sp, format!("{}: `{}`", kind, render())[]); } if print { println!("id:{} {}[{}] `{}`", id, kind, i, render()); } } }; let fragments = this.fragments.borrow(); instrument_all_paths("moved_leaf_path", &fragments.moved_leaf_paths); instrument_all_fragments("unmoved_fragment", &fragments.unmoved_fragments); instrument_all_paths("parent_of_fragments", &fragments.parents_of_fragments); instrument_all_paths("assigned_leaf_path", &fragments.assigned_leaf_paths); } /// Normalizes the fragment sets in `this`; i.e., removes duplicate entries, constructs the set of /// parents, and constructs the left-over fragments. /// /// Note: "left-over fragments" means paths that were not directly referenced in moves nor /// assignments, but must nonetheless be tracked as potential drop obligations. pub fn fixup_fragment_sets<'tcx>(this: &MoveData<'tcx>, tcx: &ty::ctxt<'tcx>) { let mut fragments = this.fragments.borrow_mut(); // Swap out contents of fragments so that we can modify the fields // without borrowing the common fragments. let mut unmoved = mem::replace(&mut fragments.unmoved_fragments, vec![]); let mut parents = mem::replace(&mut fragments.parents_of_fragments, vec![]); let mut moved = mem::replace(&mut fragments.moved_leaf_paths, vec![]); let mut assigned = mem::replace(&mut fragments.assigned_leaf_paths, vec![]); let path_lps = |mpis: &[MovePathIndex]| -> Vec<String> { mpis.iter().map(|mpi| this.path_loan_path(*mpi).repr(tcx)).collect() }; let frag_lps = |fs: &[Fragment]| -> Vec<String> { fs.iter().map(|f| f.loan_path_repr(this, tcx)).collect() }; // First, filter out duplicates moved.sort(); moved.dedup(); debug!("fragments 1 moved: {}", path_lps(moved[])); assigned.sort(); assigned.dedup(); debug!("fragments 1 assigned: {}", path_lps(assigned[])); // Second, build parents from the moved and assigned. for m in moved.iter() { let mut p = this.path_parent(*m); while p != InvalidMovePathIndex { parents.push(p); p = this.path_parent(p); } } for a in assigned.iter() { let mut p = this.path_parent(*a); while p != InvalidMovePathIndex { parents.push(p); p = this.path_parent(p); } } parents.sort(); parents.dedup(); debug!("fragments 2 parents: {}", path_lps(parents[])); // Third, filter the moved and assigned fragments down to just the non-parents moved.retain(|f| non_member(*f, parents[])); debug!("fragments 3 moved: {}", path_lps(moved[])); assigned.retain(|f| non_member(*f, parents[])); debug!("fragments 3 assigned: {}", path_lps(assigned[])); // Fourth, build the leftover from the moved, assigned, and parents. for m in moved.iter() { let lp = this.path_loan_path(*m); add_fragment_siblings(this, tcx, &mut unmoved, lp, None); } for a in assigned.iter() { let lp = this.path_loan_path(*a); add_fragment_siblings(this, tcx, &mut unmoved, lp, None); } for p in parents.iter() { let lp = this.path_loan_path(*p); add_fragment_siblings(this, tcx, &mut unmoved, lp, None); } unmoved.sort(); unmoved.dedup(); debug!("fragments 4 unmoved: {}", frag_lps(unmoved[])); // Fifth, filter the leftover fragments down to its core. unmoved.retain(|f| match *f { AllButOneFrom(_) => true, Just(mpi) => non_member(mpi, parents[]) && non_member(mpi, moved[]) && non_member(mpi, assigned[]) }); debug!("fragments 5 unmoved: {}", frag_lps(unmoved[])); // Swap contents back in. fragments.unmoved_fragments = unmoved; fragments.parents_of_fragments = parents; fragments.moved_leaf_paths = moved; fragments.assigned_leaf_paths = assigned; return; fn non_member(elem: MovePathIndex, set: &[MovePathIndex]) -> bool { match set.binary_search_elem(&elem) { slice::BinarySearchResult::Found(_) => false, slice::BinarySearchResult::NotFound(_) => true, } } } /// Adds all of the precisely-tracked siblings of `lp` as potential move paths of interest. For /// example, if `lp` represents `s.x.j`, then adds moves paths for `s.x.i` and `s.x.k`, the /// siblings of `s.x.j`. fn add_fragment_siblings<'tcx>(this: &MoveData<'tcx>, tcx: &ty::ctxt<'tcx>, gathered_fragments: &mut Vec<Fragment>, lp: Rc<LoanPath<'tcx>>, origin_id: Option<ast::NodeId>) { match lp.kind { LpVar(_) | LpUpvar(..) => {} // Local variables have no siblings. // Consuming a downcast is like consuming the original value, so propage inward. LpDowncast(ref loan_parent, _) => { add_fragment_siblings(this, tcx, gathered_fragments, loan_parent.clone(), origin_id); } // *LV for Unique consumes the contents of the box (at // least when it is non-copy...), so propagate inward. LpExtend(ref loan_parent, _, LpDeref(mc::Unique)) => { add_fragment_siblings(this, tcx, gathered_fragments, loan_parent.clone(), origin_id); } // *LV for unsafe and borrowed pointers do not consume their loan path, so stop here. LpExtend(_, _, LpDeref(mc::UnsafePtr(..))) | LpExtend(_, _, LpDeref(mc::Implicit(..))) | LpExtend(_, _, LpDeref(mc::BorrowedPtr(..))) => {} // FIXME(pnkfelix): LV[j] should be tracked, at least in the // sense of we will track the remaining drop obligation of the // rest of the array. // // LV[j] is not tracked precisely LpExtend(_, _, LpInterior(mc::InteriorElement(_))) => { let mp = this.move_path(tcx, lp.clone()); gathered_fragments.push(AllButOneFrom(mp)); } // field access LV.x and tuple access LV#k are the cases // we are interested in LpExtend(ref loan_parent, mc, LpInterior(mc::InteriorField(ref field_name))) => { let enum_variant_info = match loan_parent.kind { LpDowncast(ref loan_parent_2, variant_def_id) => Some((variant_def_id, loan_parent_2.clone())), LpExtend(..) | LpVar(..) | LpUpvar(..) => None, }; add_fragment_siblings_for_extension( this, tcx, gathered_fragments, loan_parent, mc, field_name, &lp, origin_id, enum_variant_info); } } } /// We have determined that `origin_lp` destructures to LpExtend(parent, original_field_name). /// Based on this, add move paths for all of the siblings of `origin_lp`. fn add_fragment_siblings_for_extension<'tcx>(this: &MoveData<'tcx>, tcx: &ty::ctxt<'tcx>, gathered_fragments: &mut Vec<Fragment>, parent_lp: &Rc<LoanPath<'tcx>>, mc: mc::MutabilityCategory, origin_field_name: &mc::FieldName, origin_lp: &Rc<LoanPath<'tcx>>, origin_id: Option<ast::NodeId>, enum_variant_info: Option<(ast::DefId, Rc<LoanPath<'tcx>>)>) { let parent_ty = parent_lp.to_type(); let add_fragment_sibling_local = |field_name, variant_did| { add_fragment_sibling_core( this, tcx, gathered_fragments, parent_lp.clone(), mc, field_name, origin_lp, variant_did); }; match (&parent_ty.sty, enum_variant_info) { (&ty::ty_tup(ref v), None) => { let tuple_idx = match *origin_field_name { mc::PositionalField(tuple_idx) => tuple_idx, mc::NamedField(_) => panic!("tuple type {} should not have named fields.", parent_ty.repr(tcx)), }; let tuple_len = v.len(); for i in range(0, tuple_len) { if i == tuple_idx { continue } let field_name = mc::PositionalField(i); add_fragment_sibling_local(field_name, None); } } (&ty::ty_struct(def_id, ref _substs), None) => { let fields = ty::lookup_struct_fields(tcx, def_id); match *origin_field_name { mc::NamedField(ast_name) => { for f in fields.iter() { if f.name == ast_name { continue; } let field_name = mc::NamedField(f.name); add_fragment_sibling_local(field_name, None); } } mc::PositionalField(tuple_idx) => { for (i, _f) in fields.iter().enumerate() { if i == tuple_idx { continue } let field_name = mc::PositionalField(i); add_fragment_sibling_local(field_name, None); } } } } (&ty::ty_enum(enum_def_id, substs), ref enum_variant_info) => { let variant_info = { let mut variants = ty::substd_enum_variants(tcx, enum_def_id, substs); match *enum_variant_info { Some((variant_def_id, ref _lp2)) => variants.iter() .find(|variant| variant.id == variant_def_id) .expect("enum_variant_with_id(): no variant exists with that ID") .clone(), None => { assert_eq!(variants.len(), 1); variants.pop().unwrap() } } }; match *origin_field_name { mc::NamedField(ast_name) => { let variant_arg_names = variant_info.arg_names.as_ref().unwrap(); for variant_arg_ident in variant_arg_names.iter() { if variant_arg_ident.name == ast_name { continue; } let field_name = mc::NamedField(variant_arg_ident.name); add_fragment_sibling_local(field_name, Some(variant_info.id)); } } mc::PositionalField(tuple_idx) => { let variant_arg_types = &variant_info.args; for (i, _variant_arg_ty) in variant_arg_types.iter().enumerate() { if tuple_idx == i { continue; } let field_name = mc::PositionalField(i); add_fragment_sibling_local(field_name, None); } } } } ref sty_and_variant_info => { let msg = format!("type {} ({}) is not fragmentable", parent_ty.repr(tcx), sty_and_variant_info); let opt_span = origin_id.and_then(|id|tcx.map.opt_span(id)); tcx.sess.opt_span_bug(opt_span, msg[]) } } } /// Adds the single sibling `LpExtend(parent, new_field_name)` of `origin_lp` (the original /// loan-path). fn add_fragment_sibling_core<'tcx>(this: &MoveData<'tcx>, tcx: &ty::ctxt<'tcx>, gathered_fragments: &mut Vec<Fragment>, parent: Rc<LoanPath<'tcx>>, mc: mc::MutabilityCategory, new_field_name: mc::FieldName, origin_lp: &Rc<LoanPath<'tcx>>, enum_variant_did: Option<ast::DefId>) -> MovePathIndex { let opt_variant_did = match parent.kind { LpDowncast(_, variant_did) => Some(variant_did), LpVar(..) | LpUpvar(..) | LpExtend(..) => enum_variant_did, }; let loan_path_elem = LpInterior(mc::InteriorField(new_field_name)); let new_lp_type = match new_field_name { mc::NamedField(ast_name) => ty::named_element_ty(tcx, parent.to_type(), ast_name, opt_variant_did), mc::PositionalField(idx) => ty::positional_element_ty(tcx, parent.to_type(), idx, opt_variant_did), }; let new_lp_variant = LpExtend(parent, mc, loan_path_elem); let new_lp = LoanPath::new(new_lp_variant, new_lp_type.unwrap()); debug!("add_fragment_sibling_core(new_lp={}, origin_lp={})", new_lp.repr(tcx), origin_lp.repr(tcx)); let mp = this.move_path(tcx, Rc::new(new_lp)); // Do not worry about checking for duplicates here; we will sort // and dedup after all are added. gathered_fragments.push(Just(mp)); mp }
#[allow(dead_code)] struct Bcd; mod b { } mod c { } mod d { }
//! Helper module to submit transactions into the zkSync Network. // Built-in uses use std::iter::FromIterator; use std::{ collections::{HashMap, HashSet}, fmt::Display, str::FromStr, }; // External uses use bigdecimal::BigDecimal; use chrono::{Duration, Utc}; use futures::{ channel::{mpsc, oneshot}, prelude::*, }; use itertools::izip; use num::{bigint::ToBigInt, BigUint, Zero}; use thiserror::Error; // Workspace uses use zksync_api_types::{ v02::transaction::{SubmitBatchResponse, Toggle2FA, Toggle2FAResponse, TxHashSerializeWrapper}, TxWithSignature, }; use zksync_config::ZkSyncConfig; use zksync_storage::{chain::account::records::EthAccountType, ConnectionPool}; use zksync_types::{ tx::{ EthBatchSignData, EthBatchSignatures, EthSignData, Order, SignedZkSyncTx, TxEthSignature, TxEthSignatureVariant, TxHash, }, AccountId, Address, BatchFee, Fee, PubKeyHash, Token, TokenId, TokenLike, TxFeeTypes, ZkSyncTx, H160, }; // Local uses use crate::{ api_server::forced_exit_checker::{ForcedExitAccountAgeChecker, ForcedExitChecker}, core_api_client::CoreApiClient, fee_ticker::{ResponseBatchFee, ResponseFee, TickerRequest, TokenPriceRequestType}, signature_checker::{ BatchRequest, OrderRequest, RequestData, Toggle2FARequest, TxRequest, VerifiedTx, VerifySignatureRequest, }, tx_error::{Toggle2FAError, TxAddError}, utils::{block_details_cache::BlockDetailsCache, token_db_cache::TokenDBCache}, }; const VALIDNESS_INTERVAL_MINUTES: i64 = 40; #[derive(Clone)] pub struct TxSender { pub core_api_client: CoreApiClient, pub sign_verify_requests: mpsc::Sender<VerifySignatureRequest>, pub ticker_requests: mpsc::Sender<TickerRequest>, pub pool: ConnectionPool, pub tokens: TokenDBCache, pub forced_exit_checker: ForcedExitChecker, pub blocks: BlockDetailsCache, /// List of account IDs that do not have to pay fees for operations. pub fee_free_accounts: HashSet<AccountId>, pub enforce_pubkey_change_fee: bool, // Limit the number of both transactions and Ethereum signatures per batch. pub max_number_of_transactions_per_batch: usize, pub max_number_of_authors_per_batch: usize, } #[derive(Debug, Error)] pub enum SubmitError { #[error("Account close tx is disabled.")] AccountCloseDisabled, #[error("Invalid params: {0}.")] InvalidParams(String), #[error("Fast processing available only for 'withdraw' operation type.")] UnsupportedFastProcessing, #[error("Incorrect transaction: {0}.")] IncorrectTx(String), #[error("Transaction adding error: {0}.")] TxAdd(TxAddError), #[error("Chosen token is not suitable for paying fees.")] InappropriateFeeToken, // Not all TxAddErrors would apply to Toggle2FA, but // it is helpful to re-use IncorrectEthSignature and DbError #[error("Failed to toggle 2FA: {0}.")] Toggle2FA(Toggle2FAError), #[error("Communication error with the core server: {0}.")] CommunicationCoreServer(String), #[error("Internal error.")] Internal(anyhow::Error), #[error("{0}")] Other(String), } impl SubmitError { pub fn internal(inner: impl Into<anyhow::Error>) -> Self { Self::Internal(inner.into()) } pub fn other(msg: impl Display) -> Self { Self::Other(msg.to_string()) } pub fn communication_core_server(msg: impl Display) -> Self { Self::CommunicationCoreServer(msg.to_string()) } pub fn invalid_params(msg: impl Display) -> Self { Self::InvalidParams(msg.to_string()) } } #[macro_export] macro_rules! internal_error { ($err:tt, $input:tt) => {{ vlog::warn!("Internal Server error: {}, input: {:?}", $err, $input); SubmitError::internal($err) }}; ($err:tt) => {{ internal_error!($err, "N/A") }}; } impl TxSender { pub fn new( connection_pool: ConnectionPool, sign_verify_request_sender: mpsc::Sender<VerifySignatureRequest>, ticker_request_sender: mpsc::Sender<TickerRequest>, config: &ZkSyncConfig, ) -> Self { let core_api_client = CoreApiClient::new(config.api.private.url.clone()); Self::with_client( core_api_client, connection_pool, sign_verify_request_sender, ticker_request_sender, config, ) } pub(crate) fn with_client( core_api_client: CoreApiClient, connection_pool: ConnectionPool, sign_verify_request_sender: mpsc::Sender<VerifySignatureRequest>, ticker_request_sender: mpsc::Sender<TickerRequest>, config: &ZkSyncConfig, ) -> Self { let max_number_of_transactions_per_batch = config.api.common.max_number_of_transactions_per_batch as usize; let max_number_of_authors_per_batch = config.api.common.max_number_of_authors_per_batch as usize; Self { core_api_client, pool: connection_pool, sign_verify_requests: sign_verify_request_sender, ticker_requests: ticker_request_sender, tokens: TokenDBCache::new(), forced_exit_checker: ForcedExitChecker::new(config), enforce_pubkey_change_fee: config.api.common.enforce_pubkey_change_fee, blocks: BlockDetailsCache::new(config.api.common.caches_size), fee_free_accounts: HashSet::from_iter(config.api.common.fee_free_accounts.clone()), max_number_of_transactions_per_batch, max_number_of_authors_per_batch, } } /// If `ForcedExit` has Ethereum siganture (e.g. it's a part of a batch), an actual signer /// is initiator, not the target, thus, this function will perform a database query to acquire /// the corresponding address. async fn get_tx_sender(&self, tx: &ZkSyncTx) -> Result<Address, anyhow::Error> { match tx { ZkSyncTx::ForcedExit(tx) => self.get_address_by_id(tx.initiator_account_id).await, _ => Ok(tx.account()), } } async fn get_address_by_id(&self, id: AccountId) -> Result<Address, anyhow::Error> { self.pool .access_storage() .await? .chain() .account_schema() .account_address_by_id(id) .await? .ok_or_else(|| anyhow::anyhow!("Order signer account id not found in db")) } async fn get_tx_sender_type(&self, tx: &ZkSyncTx) -> Result<EthAccountType, SubmitError> { self.get_sender_type(tx.account_id().or(Err(SubmitError::AccountCloseDisabled))?) .await .map_err(|_| SubmitError::TxAdd(TxAddError::DbError)) } async fn get_sender_type(&self, id: AccountId) -> Result<EthAccountType, anyhow::Error> { Ok(self .pool .access_storage() .await? .chain() .account_schema() .account_type_by_id(id) .await? .unwrap_or(EthAccountType::Owned)) } pub async fn toggle_2fa( &self, toggle_2fa: Toggle2FA, ) -> Result<Toggle2FAResponse, SubmitError> { let account_id = toggle_2fa.account_id; let current_type = self .get_sender_type(toggle_2fa.account_id) .await .map_err(|_| SubmitError::Toggle2FA(Toggle2FAError::DbError))?; if matches!(current_type, EthAccountType::CREATE2) { return Err(SubmitError::Toggle2FA(Toggle2FAError::CREATE2)); } let new_type = if toggle_2fa.enable { EthAccountType::Owned } else { EthAccountType::No2FA(toggle_2fa.pub_key_hash) }; self.verify_toggle_2fa_request_eth_signature(toggle_2fa) .await?; self.pool .access_storage() .await .map_err(|_| SubmitError::Toggle2FA(Toggle2FAError::DbError))? .chain() .account_schema() .set_account_type(account_id, new_type) .await .map_err(|_| SubmitError::Toggle2FA(Toggle2FAError::DbError))?; Ok(Toggle2FAResponse { success: true }) } async fn verify_toggle_2fa_request_eth_signature( &self, toggle_2fa: Toggle2FA, ) -> Result<(), SubmitError> { let current_time = Utc::now(); let request_time = toggle_2fa.timestamp; let validness_interval = Duration::minutes(VALIDNESS_INTERVAL_MINUTES); if current_time - validness_interval > request_time || current_time + validness_interval < request_time { return Err(SubmitError::InvalidParams(format!( "Timestamp differs by more than {} minutes", VALIDNESS_INTERVAL_MINUTES ))); } let message = toggle_2fa.get_ethereum_sign_message().into_bytes(); let signature = toggle_2fa.signature; let signer = self .get_address_by_id(toggle_2fa.account_id) .await .or(Err(SubmitError::TxAdd(TxAddError::DbError)))?; let eth_sign_data = EthSignData { signature, message }; let (sender, receiever) = oneshot::channel(); let request = VerifySignatureRequest { data: RequestData::Toggle2FA(Toggle2FARequest { sign_data: eth_sign_data, sender: signer, }), response: sender, }; send_verify_request_and_recv(request, self.sign_verify_requests.clone(), receiever).await?; Ok(()) } async fn verify_order_eth_signature( &self, order: &Order, signature: Option<TxEthSignature>, ) -> Result<(), SubmitError> { let signer_type = self .get_sender_type(order.account_id) .await .map_err(|_| SubmitError::TxAdd(TxAddError::DbError))?; if matches!(signer_type, EthAccountType::CREATE2) { return if signature.is_some() { Err(SubmitError::IncorrectTx( "Eth signature from CREATE2 account not expected".to_string(), )) } else { Ok(()) }; } if matches!(signer_type, EthAccountType::No2FA(None)) { // We don't verify signatures for accounts with no 2FA return Ok(()); } if let EthAccountType::No2FA(Some(unchecked_hash)) = signer_type { let order_pub_key_hash = PubKeyHash::from_pubkey(&order.signature.pub_key.0); // We don't scheck the signature only if the order was signed with the same // is the same as unchecked PubKey if order_pub_key_hash == unchecked_hash { return Ok(()); } } let signature = signature.ok_or(SubmitError::TxAdd(TxAddError::MissingEthSignature))?; let signer = self .get_address_by_id(order.account_id) .await .or(Err(SubmitError::TxAdd(TxAddError::DbError)))?; let token_sell = self.token_info_from_id(order.token_sell).await?; let token_buy = self.token_info_from_id(order.token_buy).await?; let message = order .get_ethereum_sign_message(&token_sell.symbol, &token_buy.symbol, token_sell.decimals) .into_bytes(); let eth_sign_data = EthSignData { signature, message }; let (sender, receiever) = oneshot::channel(); let request = VerifySignatureRequest { data: RequestData::Order(OrderRequest { order: Box::new(order.clone()), sign_data: eth_sign_data, sender: signer, }), response: sender, }; send_verify_request_and_recv(request, self.sign_verify_requests.clone(), receiever).await?; Ok(()) } // This method is left for RPC API #[deprecated(note = "Use the submit_tx function instead")] pub async fn submit_tx_with_separate_fp( &self, mut tx: ZkSyncTx, signature: TxEthSignatureVariant, fast_processing: Option<bool>, ) -> Result<TxHash, SubmitError> { let fast_processing = fast_processing.unwrap_or(false); if fast_processing && !tx.is_withdraw() { return Err(SubmitError::UnsupportedFastProcessing); } if let ZkSyncTx::Withdraw(withdraw) = &mut tx { if withdraw.fast { // We set `fast` field ourselves, so we have to check that user did not set it themselves. return Err(SubmitError::IncorrectTx( "'fast' field of Withdraw transaction must not be set manually.".to_string(), )); } withdraw.fast = fast_processing; } self.submit_tx(tx, signature).await } pub async fn submit_tx( &self, tx: ZkSyncTx, signature: TxEthSignatureVariant, ) -> Result<TxHash, SubmitError> { if tx.is_close() { return Err(SubmitError::AccountCloseDisabled); } if let ZkSyncTx::ForcedExit(forced_exit) = &tx { self.check_forced_exit(forced_exit).await?; } // Resolve the token. let token = self.token_info_from_id(tx.token_id()).await?; let msg_to_sign = tx .get_ethereum_sign_message(token.clone()) .map(String::into_bytes); let is_whitelisted_initiator = tx .account_id() .map(|account_id| self.fee_free_accounts.contains(&account_id)) .unwrap_or(false); let tx_fee_info = if !is_whitelisted_initiator { tx.get_fee_info() } else { None }; let sign_verify_channel = self.sign_verify_requests.clone(); let ticker_request_sender = self.ticker_requests.clone(); if let Some((tx_type, token, address, provided_fee)) = tx_fee_info { let should_enforce_fee = !matches!(tx_type, TxFeeTypes::ChangePubKey { .. }) || self.enforce_pubkey_change_fee; let fee_allowed = Self::token_allowed_for_fees(ticker_request_sender.clone(), token.clone()).await?; if !fee_allowed { return Err(SubmitError::InappropriateFeeToken); } let required_fee_data = Self::ticker_request(ticker_request_sender, tx_type, address, token.clone()) .await?; // Converting `BitUint` to `BigInt` is safe. let required_fee: BigDecimal = required_fee_data .normal_fee .total_fee .to_bigint() .unwrap() .into(); let provided_fee: BigDecimal = provided_fee.to_bigint().unwrap().into(); // Scaling the fee required since the price may change between signing the transaction and sending it to the server. let scaled_provided_fee = scale_user_fee_up(provided_fee); if required_fee >= scaled_provided_fee && should_enforce_fee { return Err(SubmitError::TxAdd(TxAddError::TxFeeTooLow)); } } let tx_sender = self .get_tx_sender(&tx) .await .or(Err(SubmitError::TxAdd(TxAddError::DbError)))?; let verified_tx = verify_tx_info_message_signature( &tx, tx_sender, token.clone(), self.get_tx_sender_type(&tx).await?, signature.tx_signature().clone(), msg_to_sign, sign_verify_channel, ) .await? .unwrap_tx(); if let ZkSyncTx::Swap(tx) = &tx { if signature.is_single() { return Err(SubmitError::TxAdd(TxAddError::MissingEthSignature)); } let signatures = signature.orders_signatures(); self.verify_order_eth_signature(&tx.orders.0, signatures.0.clone()) .await?; self.verify_order_eth_signature(&tx.orders.1, signatures.1.clone()) .await?; } // Send verified transactions to the mempool. self.core_api_client .send_tx(verified_tx) .await .map_err(SubmitError::communication_core_server)? .map_err(SubmitError::TxAdd)?; // if everything is OK, return the transactions hashes. Ok(tx.hash()) } pub async fn submit_txs_batch( &self, txs: Vec<TxWithSignature>, eth_signatures: Option<EthBatchSignatures>, ) -> Result<SubmitBatchResponse, SubmitError> { // Bring the received signatures into a vector for simplified work. let eth_signatures = EthBatchSignatures::api_arg_to_vec(eth_signatures); if txs.is_empty() { return Err(SubmitError::TxAdd(TxAddError::EmptyBatch)); } // Even though this is going to be checked on the Mempool part, // we don't want to verify huge batches as long as this operation // is expensive. if txs.len() > self.max_number_of_transactions_per_batch { return Err(SubmitError::TxAdd(TxAddError::BatchTooBig)); } // Same check but in terms of signatures. if eth_signatures.len() > self.max_number_of_authors_per_batch { return Err(SubmitError::TxAdd(TxAddError::EthSignaturesLimitExceeded)); } if txs.iter().any(|tx| tx.tx.is_close()) { return Err(SubmitError::AccountCloseDisabled); } // Checking fees data let mut provided_total_usd_fee = BigDecimal::from(0); let mut transaction_types = vec![]; let eth_token = TokenLike::Id(TokenId(0)); let mut token_fees = HashMap::<Address, BigUint>::new(); for tx in &txs { let tx_fee_info = tx.tx.get_fee_info(); if let Some((tx_type, token, address, provided_fee)) = tx_fee_info { // Save the transaction type before moving on to the next one, otherwise // the total fee won't get affected by it. transaction_types.push((tx_type, address)); if provided_fee == BigUint::zero() { continue; } let fee_allowed = Self::token_allowed_for_fees(self.ticker_requests.clone(), token.clone()) .await?; // In batches, transactions with non-popular token are allowed to be included, but should not // used to pay fees. Fees must be covered by some more common token. if !fee_allowed && provided_fee != 0u64.into() { return Err(SubmitError::InappropriateFeeToken); } let check_token = if fee_allowed { // For allowed tokens, we perform check in the transaction token (as expected). token.clone() } else { // For non-popular tokens we've already checked that the provided fee is 0, // and the USD price will be checked in ETH. eth_token.clone() }; let token_price_in_usd = Self::ticker_price_request( self.ticker_requests.clone(), check_token.clone(), TokenPriceRequestType::USDForOneWei, ) .await?; let token_data = self.token_info_from_id(token).await?; let mut token_fee = token_fees.remove(&token_data.address).unwrap_or_default(); token_fee += &provided_fee; token_fees.insert(token_data.address, token_fee); provided_total_usd_fee += BigDecimal::from(provided_fee.clone().to_bigint().unwrap()) * &token_price_in_usd; } } // Only one token in batch if token_fees.len() == 1 { let (batch_token, fee_paid) = token_fees.into_iter().next().unwrap(); let batch_token_fee = Self::ticker_batch_fee_request( self.ticker_requests.clone(), transaction_types.clone(), batch_token.into(), ) .await?; let user_provided_fee = scale_user_fee_up(BigDecimal::from(fee_paid.to_bigint().unwrap())); let required_normal_fee = BigDecimal::from(batch_token_fee.normal_fee.total_fee.to_bigint().unwrap()); // Not enough fee if required_normal_fee > user_provided_fee { vlog::error!( "User provided batch fee in token is too low, required: {}, provided (scaled): {}", required_normal_fee.to_string(), user_provided_fee.to_string(), ); return Err(SubmitError::TxAdd(TxAddError::TxBatchFeeTooLow)); } } else { // Calculate required fee for ethereum token let required_eth_fee = Self::ticker_batch_fee_request( self.ticker_requests.clone(), transaction_types, eth_token.clone(), ) .await? .normal_fee; let eth_price_in_usd = Self::ticker_price_request( self.ticker_requests.clone(), eth_token, TokenPriceRequestType::USDForOneWei, ) .await?; let required_total_usd_fee = BigDecimal::from(required_eth_fee.total_fee.to_bigint().unwrap()) * &eth_price_in_usd; // Scaling the fee required since the price may change between signing the transaction and sending it to the server. let scaled_provided_fee_in_usd = scale_user_fee_up(provided_total_usd_fee.clone()); if required_total_usd_fee > scaled_provided_fee_in_usd { vlog::error!( "User provided batch fee is too low, required: {}, provided: {} (scaled: {}); difference {}", &required_total_usd_fee, provided_total_usd_fee.to_string(), scaled_provided_fee_in_usd.to_string(), (&required_total_usd_fee - &scaled_provided_fee_in_usd).to_string(), ); return Err(SubmitError::TxAdd(TxAddError::TxBatchFeeTooLow)); } } for tx in txs.iter() { if let ZkSyncTx::Swap(swap) = &tx.tx { if tx.signature.is_single() { return Err(SubmitError::TxAdd(TxAddError::MissingEthSignature)); } let signatures = tx.signature.orders_signatures(); self.verify_order_eth_signature(&swap.orders.0, signatures.0.clone()) .await?; self.verify_order_eth_signature(&swap.orders.1, signatures.1.clone()) .await?; } } let mut verified_txs = Vec::with_capacity(txs.len()); let mut verified_signatures = Vec::new(); let mut messages_to_sign = Vec::with_capacity(txs.len()); let mut tx_senders = Vec::with_capacity(txs.len()); let mut tx_sender_types = Vec::with_capacity(txs.len()); let mut tokens = Vec::with_capacity(txs.len()); for tx in txs.iter().map(|tx| &tx.tx) { // Resolve the token and save it for constructing the batch message. let token = self.token_info_from_id(tx.token_id()).await?; tokens.push(token.clone()); messages_to_sign.push(tx.get_ethereum_sign_message(token).map(String::into_bytes)); tx_senders.push( self.get_tx_sender(tx) .await .or(Err(SubmitError::TxAdd(TxAddError::DbError)))?, ); tx_sender_types.push(self.get_tx_sender_type(&tx).await?); } let batch_sign_data = if !eth_signatures.is_empty() { // User provided at least one signature for the whole batch. // In this case each sender cannot be CREATE2. if tx_sender_types .iter() .any(|_type| matches!(_type, EthAccountType::CREATE2)) { return Err(SubmitError::IncorrectTx( "Eth signature from CREATE2 account not expected".to_string(), )); } let _txs = txs .iter() .zip(tokens.iter().cloned()) .zip(tx_senders.iter().cloned()) .map(|((tx, token), sender)| (tx.tx.clone(), token, sender)) .collect::<Vec<_>>(); // Create batch signature data. Some(EthBatchSignData::new(_txs, eth_signatures).map_err(SubmitError::other)?) } else { None }; let (verified_batch, sign_data) = verify_txs_batch_signature( txs, tx_senders, tokens, tx_sender_types, batch_sign_data, messages_to_sign, self.sign_verify_requests.clone(), ) .await? .unwrap_batch(); if let Some(sign_data) = sign_data { verified_signatures.extend(sign_data.signatures.into_iter()); } verified_txs.extend(verified_batch.into_iter()); let tx_hashes: Vec<TxHash> = verified_txs.iter().map(|tx| tx.tx.hash()).collect(); // Send verified transactions to the mempool. self.core_api_client .send_txs_batch(verified_txs, verified_signatures) .await .map_err(SubmitError::communication_core_server)? .map_err(SubmitError::TxAdd)?; let batch_hash = TxHash::batch_hash(&tx_hashes); Ok(SubmitBatchResponse { transaction_hashes: tx_hashes.into_iter().map(TxHashSerializeWrapper).collect(), batch_hash, }) } pub async fn get_txs_fee_in_wei( &self, tx_type: TxFeeTypes, address: Address, token: TokenLike, ) -> Result<Fee, SubmitError> { let resp_fee = Self::ticker_request( self.ticker_requests.clone(), tx_type, address, token.clone(), ) .await?; Ok(resp_fee.normal_fee) } pub async fn get_txs_batch_fee_in_wei( &self, transactions: Vec<(TxFeeTypes, Address)>, token: TokenLike, ) -> Result<BatchFee, SubmitError> { let resp_fee = Self::ticker_batch_fee_request( self.ticker_requests.clone(), transactions, token.clone(), ) .await?; Ok(resp_fee.normal_fee) } /// For forced exits, we must check that target account exists for more /// than 24 hours in order to give new account owners give an opportunity /// to set the signing key. While `ForcedExit` operation doesn't do anything /// bad to the account, it's more user-friendly to only allow this operation /// after we're somewhat sure that zkSync account is not owned by anybody. async fn check_forced_exit( &self, forced_exit: &zksync_types::ForcedExit, ) -> Result<(), SubmitError> { let mut storage = self .pool .access_storage() .await .map_err(SubmitError::internal)?; self.forced_exit_checker .validate_forced_exit(&mut storage, forced_exit.target) .await } /// Returns a message that user has to sign to send the transaction. /// If the transaction doesn't need a message signature, returns `None`. /// If any error is encountered during the message generation, returns `jsonrpc_core::Error`. #[allow(dead_code)] async fn tx_message_to_sign(&self, tx: &ZkSyncTx) -> Result<Option<Vec<u8>>, SubmitError> { Ok(match tx { ZkSyncTx::Transfer(tx) => { let token = self.token_info_from_id(tx.token).await?; let msg = tx .get_ethereum_sign_message(&token.symbol, token.decimals) .into_bytes(); Some(msg) } ZkSyncTx::Withdraw(tx) => { let token = self.token_info_from_id(tx.token).await?; let msg = tx .get_ethereum_sign_message(&token.symbol, token.decimals) .into_bytes(); Some(msg) } ZkSyncTx::MintNFT(tx) => { let token = self.token_info_from_id(tx.fee_token).await?; let msg = tx .get_ethereum_sign_message(&token.symbol, token.decimals) .into_bytes(); Some(msg) } _ => None, }) } /// Resolves the token from the database. pub(crate) async fn token_info_from_id( &self, token_id: impl Into<TokenLike>, ) -> Result<Token, SubmitError> { let mut storage = self .pool .access_storage() .await .map_err(SubmitError::internal)?; self.tokens .get_token(&mut storage, token_id) .await .map_err(SubmitError::internal)? // TODO Make error more clean .ok_or_else(|| SubmitError::other("Token not found in the DB")) } async fn ticker_batch_fee_request( mut ticker_request_sender: mpsc::Sender<TickerRequest>, transactions: Vec<(TxFeeTypes, Address)>, token: TokenLike, ) -> Result<ResponseBatchFee, SubmitError> { let req = oneshot::channel(); ticker_request_sender .send(TickerRequest::GetBatchTxFee { transactions, token: token.clone(), response: req.0, }) .await .map_err(SubmitError::internal)?; let resp = req.1.await.map_err(SubmitError::internal)?; resp.map_err(|err| internal_error!(err)) } async fn ticker_request( mut ticker_request_sender: mpsc::Sender<TickerRequest>, tx_type: TxFeeTypes, address: Address, token: TokenLike, ) -> Result<ResponseFee, SubmitError> { let req = oneshot::channel(); ticker_request_sender .send(TickerRequest::GetTxFee { tx_type, address, token: token.clone(), response: req.0, }) .await .map_err(SubmitError::internal)?; let resp = req.1.await.map_err(SubmitError::internal)?; resp.map_err(|err| internal_error!(err)) } pub async fn token_allowed_for_fees( mut ticker_request_sender: mpsc::Sender<TickerRequest>, token: TokenLike, ) -> Result<bool, SubmitError> { let (sender, receiver) = oneshot::channel(); ticker_request_sender .send(TickerRequest::IsTokenAllowed { token: token.clone(), response: sender, }) .await .expect("ticker receiver dropped"); receiver .await .expect("ticker answer sender dropped") .map_err(SubmitError::internal) } pub async fn ticker_price_request( mut ticker_request_sender: mpsc::Sender<TickerRequest>, token: TokenLike, req_type: TokenPriceRequestType, ) -> Result<BigDecimal, SubmitError> { let req = oneshot::channel(); ticker_request_sender .send(TickerRequest::GetTokenPrice { token: token.clone(), response: req.0, req_type, }) .await .map_err(SubmitError::internal)?; let resp = req.1.await.map_err(SubmitError::internal)?; resp.map_err(|err| internal_error!(err)) } } async fn send_verify_request_and_recv( request: VerifySignatureRequest, mut req_channel: mpsc::Sender<VerifySignatureRequest>, receiver: oneshot::Receiver<Result<VerifiedTx, TxAddError>>, ) -> Result<VerifiedTx, SubmitError> { // Send the check request. req_channel .send(request) .await .map_err(SubmitError::internal)?; // Wait for the check result. receiver .await .map_err(|err| internal_error!(err))? .map_err(SubmitError::TxAdd) } /// Send a request for Ethereum signature verification and wait for the response. /// If `msg_to_sign` is not `None`, then the signature must be present. async fn verify_tx_info_message_signature( tx: &ZkSyncTx, tx_sender: Address, token: Token, account_type: EthAccountType, signature: Option<TxEthSignature>, msg_to_sign: Option<Vec<u8>>, req_channel: mpsc::Sender<VerifySignatureRequest>, ) -> Result<VerifiedTx, SubmitError> { if matches!( (account_type, signature.clone(), msg_to_sign.clone()), (EthAccountType::CREATE2, Some(_), Some(_)) ) { return Err(SubmitError::IncorrectTx( "Eth signature from CREATE2 account not expected".to_string(), )); } let should_check_eth_signature = match (account_type, tx) { (EthAccountType::CREATE2, _) => false, (EthAccountType::No2FA(_), ZkSyncTx::ChangePubKey(_)) => true, (EthAccountType::No2FA(hash), _) => { if let Some(not_checked_hash) = hash { let tx_pub_key_hash = PubKeyHash::from_pubkey(&tx.signature().pub_key.0); tx_pub_key_hash != not_checked_hash } else { false } } _ => true, }; let eth_sign_data = match (msg_to_sign, should_check_eth_signature) { (Some(message), true) => { let signature = signature.ok_or(SubmitError::TxAdd(TxAddError::MissingEthSignature))?; Some(EthSignData { signature, message }) } _ => None, }; let (sender, receiever) = oneshot::channel(); let request = VerifySignatureRequest { data: RequestData::Tx(TxRequest { tx: SignedZkSyncTx { tx: tx.clone(), eth_sign_data, }, sender: tx_sender, token, }), response: sender, }; send_verify_request_and_recv(request, req_channel, receiever).await } /// Send a request for Ethereum signature verification and wait for the response. /// Unlike in case of `verify_tx_info_message_signature`, we do not require /// every transaction from the batch to be signed. The signature must be obtained /// through signing a human-readable message with accordance to zkSync protocol. async fn verify_txs_batch_signature( batch: Vec<TxWithSignature>, senders: Vec<Address>, tokens: Vec<Token>, sender_types: Vec<EthAccountType>, batch_sign_data: Option<EthBatchSignData>, msgs_to_sign: Vec<Option<Vec<u8>>>, req_channel: mpsc::Sender<VerifySignatureRequest>, ) -> Result<VerifiedTx, SubmitError> { // This hashset holds addresses that have performed a CREATE2 ChangePubKey // within this batch, so that we don't check ETH signatures on their transactions // from this batch. We save the account type to the db later. let mut create2_senders = HashSet::<H160>::new(); let mut txs = Vec::with_capacity(batch.len()); for (tx, message, sender, mut sender_type) in izip!(batch, msgs_to_sign, senders.iter(), sender_types) { if create2_senders.contains(sender) { sender_type = EthAccountType::CREATE2; } if let ZkSyncTx::ChangePubKey(tx) = &tx.tx { if let Some(auth_data) = &tx.eth_auth_data { if auth_data.is_create2() { create2_senders.insert(*sender); } } } // If we have more signatures provided than required, // we will verify those too. let eth_sign_data = if let Some(message) = message { match sender_type { EthAccountType::CREATE2 => { if tx.signature.exists() { return Err(SubmitError::IncorrectTx( "Eth signature from CREATE2 account not expected".to_string(), )); } None } EthAccountType::Owned => { if batch_sign_data.is_none() && !tx.signature.exists() { return Err(SubmitError::TxAdd(TxAddError::MissingEthSignature)); } tx.signature .tx_signature() .clone() .map(|signature| EthSignData { signature, message }) } EthAccountType::No2FA(Some(unchecked_hash)) => { let tx_pub_key_hash = PubKeyHash::from_pubkey(&tx.tx.signature().pub_key.0); if tx_pub_key_hash != unchecked_hash { if batch_sign_data.is_none() && !tx.signature.exists() { return Err(SubmitError::TxAdd(TxAddError::MissingEthSignature)); } tx.signature .tx_signature() .clone() .map(|signature| EthSignData { signature, message }) } else { None } } EthAccountType::No2FA(None) => None, } } else { None }; txs.push(SignedZkSyncTx { tx: tx.tx, eth_sign_data, }); } let (sender, receiver) = oneshot::channel(); let request = VerifySignatureRequest { data: RequestData::Batch(BatchRequest { txs, batch_sign_data, senders, tokens, }), response: sender, }; send_verify_request_and_recv(request, req_channel, receiver).await } /// Scales the fee provided by user up to check whether the provided fee is enough to cover our expenses for /// maintaining the protocol. /// /// We calculate both `provided_fee * 1.05` and `provided_fee + 1 cent` and choose the maximum. /// This is required since the price may change between signing the transaction and sending it to the server. fn scale_user_fee_up(provided_total_usd_fee: BigDecimal) -> BigDecimal { let one_cent = BigDecimal::from_str("0.01").unwrap(); // This formula is needed when the fee is really small. // // We don't compare it with any of the following scaled numbers, because // a) Scaling by two (100%) is always greater than scaling by 5%. // b) It is intended as a smaller substitute for 1 cent scaling when // scaling by 1 cent means scaling more than 2x. if provided_total_usd_fee < one_cent { let scaled_by_two_provided_fee_in_usd = provided_total_usd_fee * BigDecimal::from(2u32); return scaled_by_two_provided_fee_in_usd; } // Scale by 5%. let scaled_percent_provided_fee_in_usd = provided_total_usd_fee.clone() * BigDecimal::from(105u32) / BigDecimal::from(100u32); // Scale by 1 cent. let scaled_one_cent_provided_fee_in_usd = provided_total_usd_fee + one_cent; // Choose the maximum of these two values. std::cmp::max( scaled_percent_provided_fee_in_usd, scaled_one_cent_provided_fee_in_usd, ) } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; #[test] fn test_scaling_user_fee_by_two() { let provided_fee = BigDecimal::from_str("0.005").unwrap(); let provided_fee_scaled_by_two = BigDecimal::from_str("0.01").unwrap(); let scaled_fee = scale_user_fee_up(provided_fee); assert_eq!(provided_fee_scaled_by_two, scaled_fee); } #[test] fn test_scaling_user_fee_by_one_cent() { let provided_fee = BigDecimal::from_str("0.015").unwrap(); let provided_fee_scaled_by_cent = BigDecimal::from_str("0.025").unwrap(); let scaled_fee = scale_user_fee_up(provided_fee); assert_eq!(provided_fee_scaled_by_cent, scaled_fee); } #[test] fn test_scaling_user_fee_by_5_percent() { let provided_fee = BigDecimal::from_str("0.30").unwrap(); let provided_fee_scaled_by_five_percent = BigDecimal::from_str("0.315").unwrap(); let scaled_fee = scale_user_fee_up(provided_fee); assert_eq!(provided_fee_scaled_by_five_percent, scaled_fee); } }
extern crate env_logger; extern crate gfx_corell; #[cfg(feature = "dx12")] extern crate gfx_device_dx12ll as back; #[cfg(feature = "vulkan")] extern crate gfx_device_vulkanll as back; #[cfg(feature = "metal")] extern crate gfx_device_metalll as back; extern crate winit; extern crate image; use gfx_corell::{buffer, command, format, pass, pso, shade, state, target, Device, CommandPool, GraphicsCommandPool, IndexType, GraphicsCommandBuffer, ProcessingCommandBuffer, TransferCommandBuffer, PrimaryCommandBuffer, Primitive, Instance, Adapter, Surface, Swapchain, QueueFamily, QueueSubmit, Factory, SubPass, FrameSync}; use gfx_corell::format::Formatted; use gfx_corell::memory::{self, ImageBarrier, ImageStateSrc, ImageStateDst, ImageLayout, ImageAccess}; use gfx_corell::factory::{DescriptorHeapType, DescriptorPoolDesc, DescriptorType, DescriptorSetLayoutBinding, DescriptorSetWrite, DescriptorWrite, ResourceHeapType, WaitFor}; use std::io::Cursor; use gfx_corell::image as i; const USE_INDEX_BUFFER: bool = false; type ColorFormat = gfx_corell::format::Srgba8; const VS: &str = "vs_main"; const PS: &str = "ps_main"; #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)] #[allow(non_snake_case)] struct Vertex { a_Pos: [f32; 2], a_Uv: [f32; 2], } const TRIANGLE: [Vertex; 6] = [ Vertex { a_Pos: [ -0.5, 0.33 ], a_Uv: [0.0, 1.0] }, Vertex { a_Pos: [ 0.5, 0.33 ], a_Uv: [1.0, 1.0] }, Vertex { a_Pos: [ 0.5,-0.33 ], a_Uv: [1.0, 0.0] }, Vertex { a_Pos: [ -0.5, 0.33 ], a_Uv: [0.0, 1.0] }, Vertex { a_Pos: [ 0.5,-0.33 ], a_Uv: [1.0, 0.0] }, Vertex { a_Pos: [ -0.5,-0.33 ], a_Uv: [0.0, 0.0] }, ]; #[cfg(any(feature = "vulkan", feature = "dx12", feature = "metal"))] fn main() { env_logger::init().unwrap(); let mut events_loop = winit::EventsLoop::new(); let window = winit::WindowBuilder::new() .with_dimensions(1024, 768) .with_title("triangle (Low Level)".to_string()) .build(&events_loop) .unwrap(); let (pixel_width, pixel_height) = window.get_inner_size_pixels().unwrap(); let pixel_width = pixel_width as u16; let pixel_height = pixel_height as u16; // instantiate backend let instance = back::Instance::create(); let adapters = instance.enumerate_adapters(); for adapter in &adapters { println!("{:?}", adapter.get_info()); } let adapter = &adapters[0]; let surface = instance.create_surface(&window); let queue_descs = adapter.get_queue_families().map(|family| (family, family.num_queues()) ); // Build a new device and associated command queues let Device { mut factory, mut general_queues, heap_types, caps, .. } = adapter.open(queue_descs); let mut swap_chain = surface.build_swapchain::<ColorFormat>(&general_queues[0]); // Setup renderpass and pipeline // dx12 runtime shader compilation #[cfg(feature = "dx12")] let shader_lib = factory.create_shader_library_from_source(&[ (VS, shade::Stage::Vertex, include_bytes!("shader/triangle.hlsl")), (PS, shade::Stage::Pixel, include_bytes!("shader/triangle.hlsl")), ]).expect("Error on creating shader lib"); #[cfg(feature = "vulkan")] let shader_lib = factory.create_shader_library(&[ (VS, include_bytes!("data/vs_main.spv")), (PS, include_bytes!("data/ps_main.spv")), ]).expect("Error on creating shader lib"); #[cfg(all(feature = "metal", feature = "metal_argument_buffer"))] let shader_lib = factory.create_shader_library_from_source( include_str!("shader/triangle_indirect.metal"), back::LanguageVersion::new(2, 0), ).expect("Error on creating shader lib"); #[cfg(all(feature = "metal", not(feature = "metal_argument_buffer")))] let shader_lib = factory.create_shader_library_from_source( include_str!("shader/triangle.metal"), back::LanguageVersion::new(1, 1), ).expect("Error on creating shader lib"); let shader_entries = pso::GraphicsShaderSet { vertex_shader: VS, hull_shader: None, domain_shader: None, geometry_shader: None, pixel_shader: Some(PS), }; let set0_layout = factory.create_descriptor_set_layout(&[ DescriptorSetLayoutBinding { binding: 0, ty: DescriptorType::SampledImage, count: 1, stage_flags: shade::STAGE_PIXEL, } ], ); let set1_layout = factory.create_descriptor_set_layout(&[ DescriptorSetLayoutBinding { binding: 0, ty: DescriptorType::Sampler, count: 1, stage_flags: shade::STAGE_PIXEL, } ], ); let pipeline_layout = factory.create_pipeline_layout(&[&set0_layout, &set1_layout]); let render_pass = { let attachment = pass::Attachment { format: ColorFormat::get_format(), load_op: pass::AttachmentLoadOp::Clear, store_op: pass::AttachmentStoreOp::Store, stencil_load_op: pass::AttachmentLoadOp::DontCare, stencil_store_op: pass::AttachmentStoreOp::DontCare, src_layout: memory::ImageLayout::Undefined, // TODO: maybe Option<_> here? dst_layout: memory::ImageLayout::Present, }; let subpass = pass::SubpassDesc { color_attachments: &[(0, memory::ImageLayout::ColorAttachmentOptimal)], }; let dependency = pass::SubpassDependency { src_pass: pass::SubpassRef::External, dst_pass: pass::SubpassRef::Pass(0), src_stage: pso::COLOR_ATTACHMENT_OUTPUT, dst_stage: pso::COLOR_ATTACHMENT_OUTPUT, src_access: memory::ImageAccess::empty(), dst_access: memory::COLOR_ATTACHMENT_READ | memory::COLOR_ATTACHMENT_WRITE, }; factory.create_renderpass(&[attachment], &[subpass], &[dependency]) }; // let mut pipeline_desc = pso::GraphicsPipelineDesc::new( if USE_INDEX_BUFFER { Primitive::TriangleStrip } else { Primitive::TriangleList }, state::Rasterizer::new_fill(), shader_entries); pipeline_desc.color_targets[0] = Some(( ColorFormat::get_format(), state::Blend { color: state::BlendChannel { equation: state::Equation::Add, source: state::Factor::ZeroPlus(state::BlendValue::SourceAlpha), destination: state::Factor::OneMinus(state::BlendValue::SourceAlpha), }, alpha: state::BlendChannel { equation: state::Equation::Add, source: state::Factor::One, destination: state::Factor::One, }, }.into() )); pipeline_desc.vertex_buffers.push(pso::VertexBufferDesc { stride: std::mem::size_of::<Vertex>() as u8, rate: 0, }); pipeline_desc.attributes.push((0, pso::Element { format: <format::Vec2<f32> as format::Formatted>::get_format(), offset: 0 })); pipeline_desc.attributes.push((0, pso::Element { format: <format::Vec2<f32> as format::Formatted>::get_format(), offset: 8 })); // let pipelines = factory.create_graphics_pipelines(&[ (&shader_lib, &pipeline_layout, SubPass { index: 0, main_pass: &render_pass }, &pipeline_desc) ]); println!("pipelines: {:?}", pipelines); // Descriptors let heap_srv = factory.create_descriptor_heap(DescriptorHeapType::SrvCbvUav, 16); let mut srv_pool = factory.create_descriptor_set_pool( &heap_srv, 1, // sets 0, // offset &[DescriptorPoolDesc { ty: DescriptorType::SampledImage, count: 1 }], ); let set0 = factory.create_descriptor_sets(&mut srv_pool, &[&set0_layout]); let heap_sampler = factory.create_descriptor_heap(DescriptorHeapType::Sampler, 16); let mut sampler_pool = factory.create_descriptor_set_pool( &heap_sampler, 1, // sets 0, // offset &[DescriptorPoolDesc { ty: DescriptorType::Sampler, count: 1 }], ); let set1 = factory.create_descriptor_sets(&mut sampler_pool, &[&set1_layout]); // Framebuffer and render target creation let frame_rtvs = swap_chain.get_images().iter().map(|image| { factory.view_image_as_render_target(&image, ColorFormat::get_format()).unwrap() }).collect::<Vec<_>>(); let framebuffers = frame_rtvs.iter().map(|frame_rtv| { factory.create_framebuffer(&render_pass, &[&frame_rtv], &[], pixel_width as u32, pixel_height as u32, 1) }).collect::<Vec<_>>(); let upload_heap = heap_types.iter().find(|&&heap_type| { heap_type.properties.contains(memory::CPU_VISIBLE | memory::COHERENT) }) .unwrap(); // Buffer allocations println!("Memory heaps: {:?}", heap_types); let heap = factory.create_heap(upload_heap, ResourceHeapType::Buffers, 0x20000).unwrap(); let buffer_stride = std::mem::size_of::<Vertex>() as u64; let buffer_len = TRIANGLE.len() as u64 * buffer_stride; let vertex_buffer = { let buffer = factory.create_buffer(buffer_len, buffer_stride, buffer::VERTEX).unwrap(); println!("{:?}", buffer); factory.bind_buffer_memory(&heap, 0, buffer).unwrap() }; type Index = u16; let index_stride = std::mem::size_of::<Index>() as u64; let indices = [0 as Index, 1, 2, !0, 3, 4, 5]; let index_buffer = if USE_INDEX_BUFFER { let index_len = index_stride * indices.len() as u64; let unbound_buffer = factory.create_buffer(index_len, index_stride, buffer::INDEX).unwrap(); println!("{:?}", unbound_buffer); let offset = (buffer_len | 0xFFFF) + 1; //TODO: respect D3D12 alignment let buffer = factory.bind_buffer_memory(&heap, offset, unbound_buffer).unwrap(); factory.write_mapping::<Index>(&buffer, 0, index_len) .unwrap() .copy_from_slice(&indices); Some(buffer) } else { None }; // TODO: check transitions: read/write mapping and vertex buffer read factory.write_mapping::<Vertex>(&vertex_buffer, 0, buffer_len) .unwrap() .copy_from_slice(&TRIANGLE); // Image let img_data = include_bytes!("data/logo.png"); let img = image::load(Cursor::new(&img_data[..]), image::PNG).unwrap().to_rgba(); let (width, height) = img.dimensions(); let kind = i::Kind::D2(width as i::Size, height as i::Size, i::AaMode::Single); let row_alignment_mask = caps.buffer_copy_row_pitch_alignment as u32 - 1; let image_stride = 4usize; let row_pitch = (width * image_stride as u32 + row_alignment_mask) & !row_alignment_mask; let upload_size = (height * row_pitch) as u64; println!("upload row pitch {}, total size {}", row_pitch, upload_size); let image_upload_heap = factory.create_heap(upload_heap, ResourceHeapType::Buffers, upload_size).unwrap(); let image_upload_buffer = { let buffer = factory.create_buffer(upload_size, image_stride as u64, buffer::TRANSFER_SRC).unwrap(); factory.bind_buffer_memory(&image_upload_heap, 0, buffer).unwrap() }; // copy image data into staging buffer { let mut mapping = factory.write_mapping::<u8>(&image_upload_buffer, 0, upload_size).unwrap(); for y in 0 .. height as usize { let row = &(*img)[y*(width as usize)*image_stride .. (y+1)*(width as usize)*image_stride]; let dest_base = y * row_pitch as usize; mapping[dest_base .. dest_base + row.len()].copy_from_slice(row); } } let image = factory.create_image(kind, 1, gfx_corell::format::Srgba8::get_format(), i::TRANSFER_DST | i::SAMPLED).unwrap(); // TODO: usage println!("{:?}", image); let image_req = factory.get_image_requirements(&image); let device_heap = heap_types.iter().find(|&&heap_type| heap_type.properties.contains(memory::DEVICE_LOCAL)).unwrap(); let image_heap = factory.create_heap(device_heap, ResourceHeapType::Images, image_req.size).unwrap(); let image_logo = factory.bind_image_memory(&image_heap, 0, image).unwrap(); let image_srv = factory.view_image_as_shader_resource(&image_logo, gfx_corell::format::Srgba8::get_format()).unwrap(); let sampler = factory.create_sampler(i::SamplerInfo::new( i::FilterMethod::Bilinear, i::WrapMode::Clamp, )); factory.update_descriptor_sets(&[ DescriptorSetWrite { set: &set0[0], binding: 0, array_offset: 0, write: DescriptorWrite::SampledImage(vec![(&image_srv, memory::ImageLayout::Undefined)]), }, DescriptorSetWrite { set: &set1[0], binding: 0, array_offset: 0, write: DescriptorWrite::Sampler(vec![&sampler]), }, ]); // Rendering setup let viewport = target::Rect { x: 0, y: 0, w: pixel_width, h: pixel_height, }; let scissor = target::Rect { x: 0, y: 0, w: pixel_width, h: pixel_height, }; let mut frame_semaphore = factory.create_semaphore(); let mut frame_fence = factory.create_fence(false); // TODO: remove let mut graphics_pool = back::GraphicsCommandPool::from_queue(&mut general_queues[0], 16); // copy buffer to texture { let submit = { let mut cmd_buffer = graphics_pool.acquire_command_buffer(); let image_barrier = ImageBarrier { state_src: ImageStateSrc::State(ImageAccess::empty(), ImageLayout::Undefined), state_dst: ImageStateDst::State(memory::TRANSFER_WRITE, ImageLayout::TransferDstOptimal), image: &image_logo, }; cmd_buffer.pipeline_barrier(&[], &[], &[image_barrier]); cmd_buffer.copy_buffer_to_image( &image_upload_buffer, &image_logo, memory::ImageLayout::TransferDstOptimal, &[command::BufferImageCopy { buffer_offset: 0, buffer_row_pitch: row_pitch, buffer_slice_pitch: row_pitch * (height as u32), image_mip_level: 0, image_base_layer: 0, image_layers: 1, image_offset: command::Offset { x: 0, y: 0, z: 0 }, }]); let image_barrier = ImageBarrier { state_src: ImageStateSrc::State(memory::TRANSFER_WRITE, ImageLayout::TransferDstOptimal), state_dst: ImageStateDst::State(memory::SHADER_READ, ImageLayout::ShaderReadOnlyOptimal), image: &image_logo, }; cmd_buffer.pipeline_barrier(&[], &[], &[image_barrier]); cmd_buffer.finish() }; general_queues[0].submit_graphics( &[ QueueSubmit { cmd_buffers: &[submit], wait_semaphores: &[], signal_semaphores: &[], } ], Some(&mut frame_fence), ); factory.wait_for_fences(&[&frame_fence], WaitFor::All, !0); } // let mut running = true; while running { events_loop.poll_events(|event| { if let winit::Event::WindowEvent { event, .. } = event { match event { winit::WindowEvent::KeyboardInput { input: winit::KeyboardInput { virtual_keycode: Some(winit::VirtualKeyCode::Escape), .. }, .. } | winit::WindowEvent::Closed => running = false, _ => (), } } }); factory.reset_fences(&[&frame_fence]); graphics_pool.reset(); let frame = swap_chain.acquire_frame(FrameSync::Semaphore(&mut frame_semaphore)); // Rendering let submit = { let mut cmd_buffer = graphics_pool.acquire_command_buffer(); let rtv = &swap_chain.get_images()[frame.id()]; let rtv_target_barrier = ImageBarrier { state_src: ImageStateSrc::State(ImageAccess::empty(), ImageLayout::Undefined), state_dst: ImageStateDst::State(memory::COLOR_ATTACHMENT_WRITE, ImageLayout::ColorAttachmentOptimal), image: rtv, }; cmd_buffer.pipeline_barrier(&[], &[], &[rtv_target_barrier]); cmd_buffer.set_viewports(&[viewport]); cmd_buffer.set_scissors(&[scissor]); cmd_buffer.bind_graphics_pipeline(&pipelines[0].as_ref().unwrap()); if let Some(ref ibuf) = index_buffer { cmd_buffer.bind_index_buffer(buffer::IndexBufferView { buffer: ibuf, offset: 0, index_type: match index_stride { 2 => IndexType::U16, 4 => IndexType::U32, _ => unreachable!() }, }); }; cmd_buffer.bind_vertex_buffers(pso::VertexBufferSet(vec![(&vertex_buffer, 0)])); cmd_buffer.bind_descriptor_heaps(Some(&heap_srv), Some(&heap_sampler)); cmd_buffer.bind_graphics_descriptor_sets(&pipeline_layout, 0, &[&set0[0], &set1[0]]); { let mut encoder = cmd_buffer.begin_render_pass_inline( &render_pass, &framebuffers[frame.id()], target::Rect { x: 0, y: 0, w: pixel_width, h: pixel_height }, &[command::ClearValue::Color(command::ClearColor::Float([0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 1.0]))]); if USE_INDEX_BUFFER { encoder.draw_indexed(0, indices.len() as _, 0, None); } else { encoder.draw(0, 6, None); } } let rtv_present_barrier = ImageBarrier { state_src: ImageStateSrc::State(memory::COLOR_ATTACHMENT_WRITE, ImageLayout::ColorAttachmentOptimal), state_dst: ImageStateDst::Present, image: rtv, }; cmd_buffer.pipeline_barrier(&[], &[], &[rtv_present_barrier]); cmd_buffer.finish() }; general_queues[0].submit_graphics( &[ QueueSubmit { cmd_buffers: &[submit], wait_semaphores: &[(&mut frame_semaphore, pso::BOTTOM_OF_PIPE)], signal_semaphores: &[], } ], Some(&mut frame_fence), ); // TODO: replace with semaphore factory.wait_for_fences(&[&frame_fence], WaitFor::All, !0); // present frame swap_chain.present(); } // cleanup! factory.destroy_descriptor_heap(heap_srv); factory.destroy_descriptor_heap(heap_sampler); factory.destroy_descriptor_set_pool(srv_pool); factory.destroy_descriptor_set_pool(sampler_pool); factory.destroy_descriptor_set_layout(set0_layout); factory.destroy_descriptor_set_layout(set1_layout); factory.destroy_shader_lib(shader_lib); factory.destroy_pipeline_layout(pipeline_layout); factory.destroy_renderpass(render_pass); factory.destroy_heap(heap); factory.destroy_heap(image_heap); factory.destroy_heap(image_upload_heap); factory.destroy_buffer(vertex_buffer); factory.destroy_buffer(image_upload_buffer); factory.destroy_image(image_logo); factory.destroy_shader_resource_view(image_srv); factory.destroy_sampler(sampler); factory.destroy_fence(frame_fence); factory.destroy_semaphore(frame_semaphore); for pipeline in pipelines { if let Ok(pipeline) = pipeline { factory.destroy_graphics_pipeline(pipeline); } } for framebuffer in framebuffers { factory.destroy_framebuffer(framebuffer); } for rtv in frame_rtvs { factory.destroy_render_target_view(rtv); } } #[cfg(not(any(feature = "vulkan", feature = "dx12", feature = "metal")))] fn main() { println!("You need to enable the native API feature (vulkan/metal) in order to test the LL"); }
use proc_macro2::{Span, TokenStream}; use quote::ToTokens; use std::collections::HashSet; use std::iter; use syn::{Data, DeriveInput, Field, Fields, Ident}; use utils::{ add_where_clauses_for_new_ident, field_idents, get_field_types_iter, named_to_vec, number_idents, unnamed_to_vec, }; pub fn expand(input: &DeriveInput, trait_name: &str) -> TokenStream { let trait_ident = Ident::new(trait_name, Span::call_site()); let trait_path = &quote!(::std::ops::#trait_ident); let method_name = trait_name.to_lowercase(); let method_ident = &Ident::new(&method_name, Span::call_site()); let input_type = &input.ident; let (block, fields) = match input.data { Data::Struct(ref data_struct) => match data_struct.fields { Fields::Unnamed(ref fields) => { let field_vec = unnamed_to_vec(fields); ( tuple_content(input_type, &field_vec, method_ident), field_vec, ) } Fields::Named(ref fields) => { let field_vec = named_to_vec(fields); ( struct_content(input_type, &field_vec, method_ident), field_vec, ) } _ => panic!(format!("Unit structs cannot use derive({})", trait_name)), }, _ => panic!(format!("Only structs can use derive({})", trait_name)), }; let scalar_ident = &Ident::new("__RhsT", Span::call_site()); let tys: &HashSet<_> = &get_field_types_iter(&fields).collect(); let tys2 = tys; let scalar_iter = iter::repeat(scalar_ident); let trait_path_iter = iter::repeat(trait_path); let type_where_clauses = quote!{ where #(#tys: #trait_path_iter<#scalar_iter, Output=#tys2>),* }; let new_generics = add_where_clauses_for_new_ident(&input.generics, &fields, scalar_ident, type_where_clauses); let (impl_generics, _, where_clause) = new_generics.split_for_impl(); let (_, ty_generics, _) = input.generics.split_for_impl(); quote!( impl#impl_generics #trait_path<#scalar_ident> for #input_type#ty_generics #where_clause { type Output = #input_type#ty_generics; #[inline] fn #method_ident(self, rhs: #scalar_ident) -> #input_type#ty_generics { #block } } ) } fn tuple_content<'a, T: ToTokens>( input_type: &T, fields: &[&'a Field], method_ident: &Ident, ) -> TokenStream { let exprs = tuple_exprs(fields, method_ident); quote!(#input_type(#(#exprs),*)) } pub fn tuple_exprs(fields: &[&Field], method_ident: &Ident) -> Vec<TokenStream> { number_idents(fields.len()) .iter() .map(|i| quote!(self.#i.#method_ident(rhs))) .collect() } fn struct_content<'a, T: ToTokens>( input_type: &T, fields: &[&'a Field], method_ident: &Ident, ) -> TokenStream { let exprs = struct_exprs(fields, method_ident); let field_names = field_idents(fields); quote!(#input_type{#(#field_names: #exprs),*}) } pub fn struct_exprs(fields: &[&Field], method_ident: &Ident) -> Vec<TokenStream> { field_idents(fields) .iter() .map(|f| quote!(self.#f.#method_ident(rhs))) .collect() }
use anyhow::Result; use aoc_2015_day_08::*; #[test] fn part_one_answer() -> Result<()> { let input = include_str!("../input/input.txt"); assert_eq!(part_one(input)?, 1342); Ok(()) } #[test] fn part_two_answer() -> Result<()> { let input = include_str!("../input/input.txt"); assert_eq!(part_two(input)?, 2074); Ok(()) }
use std::{error, fmt, fs::{self, File}, io, io::{prelude::*, BufWriter, Write}}; use robin::prelude::*; use robin::redis_queue::*; pub fn setup() { fs::create_dir("tests/tmp").ok(); } pub fn teardown() {} pub fn test_config() -> Config { Config::default() } pub fn test_redis_init() -> RedisConfig { let mut config = RedisConfig::default(); config.namespace = uuid(); config.timeout = 1; config } pub fn uuid() -> String { use uuid::Uuid; Uuid::new_v4().hyphenated().to_string() } #[derive(Debug)] pub struct TestError(pub &'static str); impl TestError { pub fn into_job_result(self) -> JobResult { Err(Box::new(TestError(self.0))) } } impl fmt::Display for TestError { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { write!(f, "{:?}", self) } } impl error::Error for TestError { fn description(&self) -> &str { self.0 } } pub fn write_tmp_test_file<S: ToString>(file: S, data: S) { let file = file.to_string(); let file = format!("tests/tmp/{}", file); let data = data.to_string(); let f = File::create(&file).expect(format!("Couldn't create file {}", &file).as_ref()); let mut f = BufWriter::new(f); f.write_all(data.as_bytes()) .expect(format!("Couldn't write to {}", &file,).as_ref()); } pub fn read_tmp_test_file<S: ToString>(file: S) -> Result<String, io::Error> { let file = file.to_string(); let file = format!("tests/tmp/{}", file); let mut f = File::open(&file)?; let mut contents = String::new(); f.read_to_string(&mut contents)?; Ok(contents) } #[allow(dead_code)] pub fn delete_tmp_test_file<S: ToString>(file: S) { let file = file.to_string(); let file = format!("tests/tmp/{}", file); fs::remove_file(&file).ok(); }
//! This crate provides ways of identifying an actor within the git repository both in shared/mutable and mutable variants. //! //! ## Feature Flags #![cfg_attr( feature = "document-features", cfg_attr(doc, doc = ::document_features::document_features!()) )] #![forbid(unsafe_code)] #![deny(rust_2018_idioms, missing_docs)] use bstr::{BStr, BString}; /// pub mod signature; mod time; const SPACE: &[u8; 1] = b" "; /// A mutable signature is created by an actor at a certain time. /// /// Note that this is not a cryptographical signature. #[derive(Default, PartialEq, Eq, Debug, Hash, Ord, PartialOrd, Clone)] #[cfg_attr(feature = "serde1", derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize))] pub struct Signature { /// The actors name. pub name: BString, /// The actor's email. pub email: BString, /// The time stamp at which the signature is performed. pub time: Time, } /// A immutable signature is created by an actor at a certain time. /// /// Note that this is not a cryptographical signature. #[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Debug, Hash, Ord, PartialOrd, Clone, Copy, Default)] #[cfg_attr(feature = "serde1", derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize))] pub struct SignatureRef<'a> { /// The actor's name. #[cfg_attr(feature = "serde1", serde(borrow))] pub name: &'a BStr, /// The actor's email. pub email: &'a BStr, /// The time stamp at which the signature was performed. pub time: Time, } /// Indicates if a number is positive or negative for use in [`Time`]. #[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Debug, Hash, Ord, PartialOrd, Clone, Copy)] #[cfg_attr(feature = "serde1", derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize))] #[allow(missing_docs)] pub enum Sign { Plus, Minus, } /// A timestamp with timezone. #[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Debug, Hash, Ord, PartialOrd, Clone, Copy)] #[cfg_attr(feature = "serde1", derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize))] pub struct Time { /// time in seconds since epoch. pub seconds_since_unix_epoch: u32, /// time offset in seconds, may be negative to match the `sign` field. pub offset_in_seconds: i32, /// the sign of `offset`, used to encode `-0000` which would otherwise loose sign information. pub sign: Sign, }
use super::obj::*; use super::sprite::{gui__col_tex_ps, gui__pos_col_tex_vs, sampler}; use crate::uses::{math::*, *}; use GL::{atlas::VTex2d, shader::*, tex::*, VaoBinding}; pub struct Sprite9<'r, S> { pub pos: Vec2, pub size: Vec2, pub corner: f32, pub color: Color, pub tex: &'r VTex2d<S, u8>, } impl<S: TexSize> Sprite9<'_, S> { #[inline(always)] pub fn compare(&self, crop: &Crop, r: &Sprite9Impl<S>) -> State { let &Self { pos, size, corner, color, tex } = self; let xyzw = (State::XYZW | State::UV).or_def(geom_cmp(pos, size, crop, &r.base) || corner != r.corner); let rgba = State::RGBA.or_def(color != r.base.color); let _tex = State::UV.or_def(!ptr::eq(tex, r.tex)); let ord = State::MISMATCH.or_def((!_tex.is_empty() && atlas_cmp(tex, r.tex)) || (!rgba.is_empty() && ordering_cmp::<S, _>(color, r))); ord | xyzw | rgba | _tex } pub fn obj(self, crop: Crop) -> Sprite9Impl<S> { let Self { pos, size, corner, color, tex } = self; Sprite9Impl { base: Base { pos, size, crop, color }, corner, tex, } } } pub struct Sprite9Impl<S> { base: Base, corner: f32, tex: *const VTex2d<S, u8>, } impl<S: TexSize> Sprite9Impl<S> { pub fn batchable(&self, r: &Self) -> bool { self.ordered() == r.ordered() && atlas_cmp(self.tex, r.tex) } } impl<S: TexSize> Object for Sprite9Impl<S> { fn base(&self) -> &Base { &self.base } fn write_mesh(&self, aspect: Vec2, range: BatchRange) { let (crop, &Base { pos, size, color, .. }, (u1, v1, u2, v2)) = (self.base.bound_box(), self.base(), unsafe { &*self.tex }.region); let c = size.x().min(size.y()) * self.corner.min(0.5).max(0.); write_sprite9((aspect, pos, size, (c, c), crop, (u1, v2, u2, v1), color), range); } fn batch_draw(&self, b: &VaoBinding<u16>, (offset, num): (u16, u16)) { let s = UnsafeOnce!(Shader, { Shader::pure((gui__pos_col_tex_vs, gui__col_tex_ps)) }); let t = unsafe { &*self.tex }.tex.Bind(sampler()); let _ = Uniforms!(s, ("src", &t)); b.Draw((num, offset, gl::TRIANGLES)); } fn vert_count(&self) -> u32 { 16 } fn ordered(&self) -> bool { S::TYPE == gl::RGBA || Object::ordered(self) } fn gen_idxs(&self, (start, size): (u16, u16)) -> Vec<u16> { sprite9_idxs((start, size)) } } type Sprite9Desc = (Vec2, Vec2, Vec2, Vec2, Crop, TexCoord, Color); pub fn write_sprite9((aspect, pos, size, corner, (crop1, crop2), (u1, v1, u2, v2), color): Sprite9Desc, (z, state, xyzw, rgba, uv): BatchRange) { if state.contains(State::XYZW) { let (((x1, y1), (x2, y2), (m1x, m1y), (m2x, m2y)), (u1, v1, u2, v2), (m1u, m1v, m2u, m2v)) = <_>::to({ let (xy1, xy2) = (pos, pos.sum(size)); let (m1, m2, ms) = (xy1.sum(corner), xy2.sub(corner), corner); let (uv, muv) = { let wh = (u2 - u1, v2 - v1).div(ms); let (u1m, v1m) = (u1, v1).sum(wh.mul(m1.sub(crop2)).mul(crop2.ls(m1))); let (u2m, v2m) = (u1, v1).sum(wh.mul(crop1.sub(m2)).mul(crop1.gt(m2))); let (u1, v1) = (u2, v2).sub(wh.mul(crop1.sub(xy1))); let (u2, v2) = (u2, v2).sub(wh.mul(xy2.sub(crop2))); ((u1, v2, u2, v1), (u1m, v2m, u2m, v1m)) }; ( (crop1.mul(aspect), crop2.mul(aspect), m1.clmp(crop1, crop2).mul(aspect), m2.clmp(crop1, crop2).mul(aspect)), uv, muv, ) }); const O: f16 = f16::ZERO; if state.contains(State::XYZW) { #[rustfmt::skip] xyzw[..64].copy_from_slice(&[x1, y1, z, O, m1x, y1, z, O, m2x, y1, z, O, x2, y1, z, O, x1, m1y, z, O, m1x, m1y, z, O, m2x, m1y, z, O, x2, m1y, z, O, x1, m2y, z, O, m1x, m2y, z, O, m2x, m2y, z, O, x2, m2y, z, O, x1, y2, z, O, m1x, y2, z, O, m2x, y2, z, O, x2, y2, z, O]); } if state.contains(State::UV) { #[rustfmt::skip] uv[..32].copy_from_slice(&[u1, v2, m1u, v2, m2u, v2, u2, v2, u1, m2v, m1u, m2v, m2u, m2v, u2, m2v, u1, m1v, m1u, m1v, m2u, m1v, u2, m1v, u1, v1, m1u, v1, m2u, v1, u2, v1]); } } if state.contains(State::RGBA) { let (r, g, b, a) = vec4::to(color.mul(255).clmp(0, 255).round()); #[rustfmt::skip] rgba[..64].copy_from_slice(&[r, g, b, a, r, g, b, a, r, g, b, a, r, g, b, a, r, g, b, a, r, g, b, a, r, g, b, a, r, g, b, a, r, g, b, a, r, g, b, a, r, g, b, a, r, g, b, a, r, g, b, a, r, g, b, a, r, g, b, a, r, g, b, a]); } } pub fn sprite9_idxs((start, size): (u16, u16)) -> Vec<u16> { (start..(start + size)) .step_by(16) .flat_map(|i| { let s = |j| i + j; #[rustfmt::skip] let s = [s(0), s(1), s(4), s(4), s(1), s(5), s(5), s(1), s(2), s(2), s(5), s(6), s(6), s(2), s(3), s(3), s(6), s(7), s(7), s(6), s(11), s(11), s(6), s(10), s(10), s(6), s(5), s(5), s(10), s(9), s(9), s(5), s(4), s(4), s(9), s(8), s(8), s(9), s(12), s(12), s(9), s(13), s(13), s(9), s(10), s(10), s(13), s(14), s(14), s(10), s(11), s(11), s(14), s(15)]; s }) .collect() }
use rand::XorShiftRng; use vec::{random_in_unit_disc, Ray, Vec3}; use std::f32::consts::PI; #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)] pub struct Camera { origin: Vec3, u: Vec3, // unit vector in direction of x coordinates v: Vec3, // unit vector in dirction of y coordinates w: Vec3, // unit vector from the target toward the camera lower_left_corner: Vec3, horizontal: Vec3, vertical: Vec3, lens_radius: f32, } impl Camera { pub fn new( lookfrom: Vec3, lookat: Vec3, vup: Vec3, vfov_degrees: f32, aspect: f32, aperture: f32, focus_distance: f32, ) -> Camera { let theta = vfov_degrees * PI / 180.0; let half_height = (theta / 2.0).tan(); let half_width = aspect * half_height; let w = (lookfrom - lookat).to_unit_vector(); let u = vup.cross(w).to_unit_vector(); let v = w.cross(u); Camera { origin: lookfrom, u: u, v: v, w: w, lower_left_corner: lookfrom - focus_distance * (half_width * u + half_height * v + w), horizontal: focus_distance * 2.0 * half_width * u, vertical: focus_distance * 2.0 * half_height * v, lens_radius: aperture / 2.0, } } pub fn get_ray(&self, u: f32, v: f32, rng: &mut XorShiftRng) -> Ray { let Vec3(du, dv, _) = self.lens_radius * random_in_unit_disc(rng); let origin = self.origin + du * self.u + dv * self.v; Ray::new( origin, self.lower_left_corner + u * self.horizontal + v * self.vertical - origin, ) } }
/* Copyright 2020 Adobe All Rights Reserved. NOTICE: Adobe permits you to use, modify, and distribute this file in accordance with the terms of the Adobe license agreement accompanying it. */ use super::{ctrl_c_handler, serve_req}; use crate::cache::Cache; use crate::settings::Settings; use async_stream::stream; use core::task::{Context, Poll}; use eyre::{Report, Result, WrapErr}; use futures_util::stream::{Stream, StreamExt}; use hyper::server::Server; use hyper::service::{make_service_fn, service_fn}; use log::{error, info}; use std::fs::File; use std::io::Read; use std::pin::Pin; use std::sync::Arc; use tokio::io; use tokio::net::{TcpListener, TcpStream}; use tokio_native_tls::{native_tls, TlsAcceptor, TlsStream}; pub async fn run_server(conf: &Settings, cache: Arc<Cache>) -> Result<()> { let acceptor = { let path = &conf.ssl.cert_path; let password = &conf.ssl.cert_password; let mut file = File::open(path).wrap_err(format!("Can't open SSL certificate file: {}", path))?; let mut identity = vec![]; file.read_to_end(&mut identity) .wrap_err(format!("Can't read SSL cert data from file: {}", path))?; let identity = native_tls::Identity::from_pkcs12(&identity, password) .wrap_err("Can't decrypt SSL cert data - incorrect password?")?; let sync_acceptor = native_tls::TlsAcceptor::new(identity) .wrap_err("Can't create TLS socket listener - is the port free?")?; let async_acceptor: TlsAcceptor = sync_acceptor.into(); async_acceptor }; let full_host = format!("{}:{}", conf.proxy.host, conf.proxy.ssl_port); let tcp = TcpListener::bind(&full_host).await?; let incoming_tls_stream = incoming(tcp, acceptor).boxed(); let hyper_acceptor = HyperAcceptor { acceptor: incoming_tls_stream, }; let service = make_service_fn(move |_| { let conf = conf.clone(); let cache = Arc::clone(&cache); async move { Ok::<_, Report>(service_fn(move |_req| { let conf = conf.clone(); let cache = Arc::clone(&cache); async move { serve_req(_req, conf, cache).await } })) } }); let server = Server::builder(hyper_acceptor).serve(service); let (tx, rx) = tokio::sync::oneshot::channel::<()>(); ctrl_c_handler(move || tx.send(()).unwrap_or(())); let graceful = server.with_graceful_shutdown(async { rx.await.ok(); }); // Run the server, keep going until an error occurs. info!("Starting to serve on https://{}", full_host); graceful.await.wrap_err("Unexpected server shutdown")?; Ok(()) } fn incoming( listener: TcpListener, acceptor: TlsAcceptor, ) -> impl Stream<Item = TlsStream<TcpStream>> { stream! { loop { // just swallow errors and wait again if necessary match listener.accept().await { Ok((stream, _)) => { match acceptor.accept(stream).await { Ok(x) => { yield x; } Err(e) => { error!("SSL Failure with client: {}", e); } } } Err(e) => { error!("Connection failure with client: {}", e); } } }; } } struct HyperAcceptor<'a> { acceptor: Pin<Box<dyn Stream<Item = TlsStream<TcpStream>> + 'a>>, } impl hyper::server::accept::Accept for HyperAcceptor<'_> { type Conn = TlsStream<TcpStream>; type Error = io::Error; fn poll_accept( mut self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context, ) -> Poll<Option<Result<Self::Conn, Self::Error>>> { let result = Pin::new(&mut self.acceptor).poll_next(cx); match result { Poll::Ready(Some(stream)) => Poll::Ready(Some(Ok(stream))), Poll::Ready(None) => Poll::Ready(None), Poll::Pending => Poll::Pending, } } }
//! Group membership API. use std::ffi::CStr; use std::fmt; use std::slice; use rdkafka_sys as rdsys; use rdkafka_sys::types::*; use crate::util::{KafkaDrop, NativePtr}; /// Group member information container. pub struct GroupMemberInfo(RDKafkaGroupMemberInfo); impl GroupMemberInfo { /// Returns the ID of the member. pub fn id(&self) -> &str { unsafe { CStr::from_ptr(self.0.member_id) .to_str() .expect("Member id is not a valid UTF-8 string") } } /// Returns the client ID of the member. pub fn client_id(&self) -> &str { unsafe { CStr::from_ptr(self.0.client_id) .to_str() .expect("Client id is not a valid UTF-8 string") } } /// Return the client host of the member. pub fn client_host(&self) -> &str { unsafe { CStr::from_ptr(self.0.client_host) .to_str() .expect("Member host is not a valid UTF-8 string") } } /// Return the metadata of the member. pub fn metadata(&self) -> Option<&[u8]> { unsafe { if self.0.member_metadata.is_null() { None } else { Some(slice::from_raw_parts::<u8>( self.0.member_metadata as *const u8, self.0.member_metadata_size as usize, )) } } } /// Return the partition assignment of the member. pub fn assignment(&self) -> Option<&[u8]> { unsafe { if self.0.member_assignment.is_null() { None } else { Some(slice::from_raw_parts::<u8>( self.0.member_assignment as *const u8, self.0.member_assignment_size as usize, )) } } } } /// Group information container. pub struct GroupInfo(RDKafkaGroupInfo); impl GroupInfo { /// Returns the name of the group. pub fn name(&self) -> &str { unsafe { CStr::from_ptr(self.0.group) .to_str() .expect("Group name is not a valid UTF-8 string") } } /// Returns the members of the group. pub fn members(&self) -> &[GroupMemberInfo] { unsafe { slice::from_raw_parts( self.0.members as *const GroupMemberInfo, self.0.member_cnt as usize, ) } } /// Returns the state of the group. pub fn state(&self) -> &str { unsafe { CStr::from_ptr(self.0.state) .to_str() .expect("State is not a valid UTF-8 string") } } /// Returns the protocol of the group. pub fn protocol(&self) -> &str { unsafe { CStr::from_ptr(self.0.protocol) .to_str() .expect("Protocol name is not a valid UTF-8 string") } } /// Returns the protocol type of the group. pub fn protocol_type(&self) -> &str { unsafe { CStr::from_ptr(self.0.protocol_type) .to_str() .expect("Protocol type is not a valid UTF-8 string") } } } impl fmt::Debug for GroupInfo { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { write!(f, "{}", self.name()) } } /// List of groups. /// /// This structure wraps the pointer returned by rdkafka-sys, and deallocates /// all the native resources when dropped. pub struct GroupList(NativePtr<RDKafkaGroupList>); unsafe impl KafkaDrop for RDKafkaGroupList { const TYPE: &'static str = "group"; const DROP: unsafe extern "C" fn(*mut Self) = drop_group_list; } unsafe extern "C" fn drop_group_list(ptr: *mut RDKafkaGroupList) { rdsys::rd_kafka_group_list_destroy(ptr as *const _) } impl GroupList { /// Creates a new group list given a pointer to the native rdkafka-sys group list structure. pub(crate) unsafe fn from_ptr(ptr: *const RDKafkaGroupList) -> GroupList { GroupList(NativePtr::from_ptr(ptr as *mut _).unwrap()) } /// Returns all the groups in the list. pub fn groups(&self) -> &[GroupInfo] { unsafe { slice::from_raw_parts(self.0.groups as *const GroupInfo, self.0.group_cnt as usize) } } }
mod models; pub mod persistence; use std::collections::hash_map::Entry; use chrono::{Duration, Utc}; use itertools::Itertools; use redis::AsyncCommands; use tokio::time::interval; use tracing::{info, instrument}; use crate::aggregator::models::{Analytics, BattleCount, DurationWrapper}; use crate::aggregator::persistence::{store_analytics, UPDATED_AT_KEY}; use crate::battle_stream::entry::DenormalizedStreamEntry; use crate::battle_stream::stream::Stream; use crate::math::statistics::{ConfidenceInterval, Z}; use crate::opts::AggregateOpts; use crate::AHashMap; #[tracing::instrument(skip_all)] pub async fn run(opts: AggregateOpts) -> crate::Result { sentry::configure_scope(|scope| scope.set_tag("app", "aggregator")); let mut redis = ::redis::Client::open(opts.redis_uri.as_str())? .get_multiplexed_async_connection() .await?; let mut stream = Stream::read(redis.clone(), *opts.time_spans.iter().max().unwrap()).await?; let mut interval = interval(opts.interval); info!("running…"); loop { interval.tick().await; stream.refresh().await?; let analytics = calculate_analytics(&stream.entries, &opts.time_spans); store_analytics(&mut redis, &analytics).await?; redis.set(UPDATED_AT_KEY, Utc::now().timestamp()).await?; } } #[instrument(level = "info", skip_all)] fn calculate_analytics(sample: &[DenormalizedStreamEntry], time_spans: &[Duration]) -> Analytics { let now = Utc::now(); let deadlines = time_spans .iter() .map(|time_span| (now - *time_span).timestamp()) .collect_vec(); let mut statistics = AHashMap::default(); for sample_entry in sample { match statistics.entry(sample_entry.tank.tank_id) { Entry::Vacant(entry) => { let value = deadlines .iter() .map(|deadline| { if sample_entry.tank.timestamp >= *deadline { BattleCount { n_battles: sample_entry.tank.n_battles, n_wins: sample_entry.tank.n_wins, } } else { BattleCount::default() } }) .collect_vec(); entry.insert(value); } Entry::Occupied(mut entry) => { for (value, deadline) in entry.get_mut().iter_mut().zip(&deadlines) { if sample_entry.tank.timestamp >= *deadline { value.n_battles += sample_entry.tank.n_battles; value.n_wins += sample_entry.tank.n_wins; } } } } } Analytics { time_spans: time_spans .iter() .map(|time_span| DurationWrapper { duration: *time_span, }) .collect(), win_rates: statistics .into_iter() .map(|(tank_id, counts)| { ( tank_id, counts .into_iter() .map(|count| { if count.n_battles != 0 { Some(ConfidenceInterval::wilson_score_interval( count.n_battles, count.n_wins, Z::default(), )) } else { None } }) .collect(), ) }) .collect(), } }
use core::fmt::{Arguments, Debug}; use crate::{IntoWriteFn, NeverError, WriteBytes, WriteStr}; /// A writer that calls `write_str` once with a combined string. /// /// Write function can return either `()` or `for<T, E> `[`Result`]`<T, E>`. /// /// # Panics /// /// Writer panics if the write function returns `Result::Err`. /// /// [`Result`]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/result/enum.Result.html #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)] pub struct ConcatWriter<F1>(F1); /// A helper trait used by [`ConcatWriter`] /// to convert wrapped function result to [`Result`]`<T, NeverError>` with error unwrapping. /// /// [`Result`]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/result/enum.Result.html pub trait ExpectConcatWriteResult { /// The resulting type after convertion. type Output; /// Performs the conversion with error unwrapping. fn expect_concat_write_result(self) -> Self::Output; } impl<F1> ConcatWriter<F1> where F1: WriteStr, { /// Creates a new `ConcatWriter` from an object that implements [`WriteStr`]. pub fn new(write: F1) -> Self { Self(write) } /// Creates a new `ConcatWriter` with a [`WriteStr`] wrapper /// deduced with [`IntoWriteFn`] by the closure signature and constructed from it. pub fn from_closure<F, Ts>(closure: F) -> Self where F: IntoWriteFn<Ts, WriteFn = F1>, { Self(closure.into_write_fn()) } } impl<F1> ConcatWriter<F1> where Self: WriteStr, { /// Writes a formatted string into this writer. /// /// This method is primarily used to interface with the [`format_args!`] macro, /// but it is rare that this should explicitly be called. /// The [`write!`] macro should be favored to invoke this method instead. /// /// [`write!`]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/macro.write.html /// [`format_args!`]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/macro.format_args.html pub fn write_fmt(&mut self, args: Arguments<'_>) -> <Self as WriteStr>::Output { if let Some(buf) = args.as_str() { self.write_str(buf) } else { let buf = alloc::fmt::format(args); self.write_str(&buf) } } } impl<F1, Output> WriteStr for ConcatWriter<F1> where F1: WriteStr, F1::Output: ExpectConcatWriteResult<Output = Output>, { type Output = Output; fn write_str(&mut self, buf: &str) -> Output { self.0.write_str(buf).expect_concat_write_result() } } impl<F1, Output> WriteBytes for ConcatWriter<F1> where F1: WriteBytes, F1::Output: ExpectConcatWriteResult<Output = Output>, { type Output = Output; fn write_bytes(&mut self, buf: &[u8]) -> Output { self.0.write_bytes(buf).expect_concat_write_result() } } impl ExpectConcatWriteResult for () { type Output = Result<(), NeverError>; fn expect_concat_write_result(self) -> Self::Output { Ok(()) } } impl<T, E: Debug> ExpectConcatWriteResult for Result<T, E> { type Output = Result<T, NeverError>; fn expect_concat_write_result(self) -> Self::Output { Ok(self.expect("failed writing")) } }
pub mod on_unimplemented; pub mod suggestions; use super::{ ConstEvalFailure, EvaluationResult, FulfillmentError, FulfillmentErrorCode, MismatchedProjectionTypes, Obligation, ObligationCause, ObligationCauseCode, OnUnimplementedDirective, OnUnimplementedNote, OutputTypeParameterMismatch, Overflow, PredicateObligation, SelectionContext, SelectionError, TraitNotObjectSafe, }; use crate::infer::error_reporting::{TyCategory, TypeAnnotationNeeded as ErrorCode}; use crate::infer::type_variable::{TypeVariableOrigin, TypeVariableOriginKind}; use crate::infer::{self, InferCtxt, TyCtxtInferExt}; use rustc_data_structures::fx::FxHashMap; use rustc_errors::{pluralize, struct_span_err, Applicability, DiagnosticBuilder, ErrorReported}; use rustc_hir as hir; use rustc_hir::def_id::{DefId, LOCAL_CRATE}; use rustc_hir::intravisit::Visitor; use rustc_hir::Node; use rustc_middle::mir::interpret::ErrorHandled; use rustc_middle::ty::error::ExpectedFound; use rustc_middle::ty::fold::TypeFolder; use rustc_middle::ty::subst::GenericArgKind; use rustc_middle::ty::{ self, fast_reject, AdtKind, SubtypePredicate, ToPolyTraitRef, ToPredicate, Ty, TyCtxt, TypeFoldable, WithConstness, }; use rustc_session::DiagnosticMessageId; use rustc_span::symbol::{kw, sym}; use rustc_span::{ExpnKind, MultiSpan, Span, DUMMY_SP}; use std::fmt; use crate::traits::query::evaluate_obligation::InferCtxtExt as _; use crate::traits::query::normalize::AtExt as _; use on_unimplemented::InferCtxtExt as _; use suggestions::InferCtxtExt as _; pub use rustc_infer::traits::error_reporting::*; pub trait InferCtxtExt<'tcx> { fn report_fulfillment_errors( &self, errors: &[FulfillmentError<'tcx>], body_id: Option<hir::BodyId>, fallback_has_occurred: bool, ); fn report_overflow_error<T>( &self, obligation: &Obligation<'tcx, T>, suggest_increasing_limit: bool, ) -> ! where T: fmt::Display + TypeFoldable<'tcx>; fn report_overflow_error_cycle(&self, cycle: &[PredicateObligation<'tcx>]) -> !; fn report_selection_error( &self, obligation: &PredicateObligation<'tcx>, error: &SelectionError<'tcx>, fallback_has_occurred: bool, points_at_arg: bool, ); /// Given some node representing a fn-like thing in the HIR map, /// returns a span and `ArgKind` information that describes the /// arguments it expects. This can be supplied to /// `report_arg_count_mismatch`. fn get_fn_like_arguments(&self, node: Node<'_>) -> Option<(Span, Vec<ArgKind>)>; /// Reports an error when the number of arguments needed by a /// trait match doesn't match the number that the expression /// provides. fn report_arg_count_mismatch( &self, span: Span, found_span: Option<Span>, expected_args: Vec<ArgKind>, found_args: Vec<ArgKind>, is_closure: bool, ) -> DiagnosticBuilder<'tcx>; } impl<'a, 'tcx> InferCtxtExt<'tcx> for InferCtxt<'a, 'tcx> { fn report_fulfillment_errors( &self, errors: &[FulfillmentError<'tcx>], body_id: Option<hir::BodyId>, fallback_has_occurred: bool, ) { #[derive(Debug)] struct ErrorDescriptor<'tcx> { predicate: ty::Predicate<'tcx>, index: Option<usize>, // None if this is an old error } let mut error_map: FxHashMap<_, Vec<_>> = self .reported_trait_errors .borrow() .iter() .map(|(&span, predicates)| { ( span, predicates .iter() .map(|&predicate| ErrorDescriptor { predicate, index: None }) .collect(), ) }) .collect(); for (index, error) in errors.iter().enumerate() { // We want to ignore desugarings here: spans are equivalent even // if one is the result of a desugaring and the other is not. let mut span = error.obligation.cause.span; let expn_data = span.ctxt().outer_expn_data(); if let ExpnKind::Desugaring(_) = expn_data.kind { span = expn_data.call_site; } error_map.entry(span).or_default().push(ErrorDescriptor { predicate: error.obligation.predicate, index: Some(index), }); self.reported_trait_errors .borrow_mut() .entry(span) .or_default() .push(error.obligation.predicate); } // We do this in 2 passes because we want to display errors in order, though // maybe it *is* better to sort errors by span or something. let mut is_suppressed = vec![false; errors.len()]; for (_, error_set) in error_map.iter() { // We want to suppress "duplicate" errors with the same span. for error in error_set { if let Some(index) = error.index { // Suppress errors that are either: // 1) strictly implied by another error. // 2) implied by an error with a smaller index. for error2 in error_set { if error2.index.map_or(false, |index2| is_suppressed[index2]) { // Avoid errors being suppressed by already-suppressed // errors, to prevent all errors from being suppressed // at once. continue; } if self.error_implies(error2.predicate, error.predicate) && !(error2.index >= error.index && self.error_implies(error.predicate, error2.predicate)) { info!("skipping {:?} (implied by {:?})", error, error2); is_suppressed[index] = true; break; } } } } } for (error, suppressed) in errors.iter().zip(is_suppressed) { if !suppressed { self.report_fulfillment_error(error, body_id, fallback_has_occurred); } } } /// Reports that an overflow has occurred and halts compilation. We /// halt compilation unconditionally because it is important that /// overflows never be masked -- they basically represent computations /// whose result could not be truly determined and thus we can't say /// if the program type checks or not -- and they are unusual /// occurrences in any case. fn report_overflow_error<T>( &self, obligation: &Obligation<'tcx, T>, suggest_increasing_limit: bool, ) -> ! where T: fmt::Display + TypeFoldable<'tcx>, { let predicate = self.resolve_vars_if_possible(&obligation.predicate); let mut err = struct_span_err!( self.tcx.sess, obligation.cause.span, E0275, "overflow evaluating the requirement `{}`", predicate ); if suggest_increasing_limit { self.suggest_new_overflow_limit(&mut err); } self.note_obligation_cause_code( &mut err, &obligation.predicate, &obligation.cause.code, &mut vec![], ); err.emit(); self.tcx.sess.abort_if_errors(); bug!(); } /// Reports that a cycle was detected which led to overflow and halts /// compilation. This is equivalent to `report_overflow_error` except /// that we can give a more helpful error message (and, in particular, /// we do not suggest increasing the overflow limit, which is not /// going to help). fn report_overflow_error_cycle(&self, cycle: &[PredicateObligation<'tcx>]) -> ! { let cycle = self.resolve_vars_if_possible(&cycle.to_owned()); assert!(!cycle.is_empty()); debug!("report_overflow_error_cycle: cycle={:?}", cycle); self.report_overflow_error(&cycle[0], false); } fn report_selection_error( &self, obligation: &PredicateObligation<'tcx>, error: &SelectionError<'tcx>, fallback_has_occurred: bool, points_at_arg: bool, ) { let tcx = self.tcx; let span = obligation.cause.span; let mut err = match *error { SelectionError::Unimplemented => { if let ObligationCauseCode::CompareImplMethodObligation { item_name, impl_item_def_id, trait_item_def_id, } | ObligationCauseCode::CompareImplTypeObligation { item_name, impl_item_def_id, trait_item_def_id, } = obligation.cause.code { self.report_extra_impl_obligation( span, item_name, impl_item_def_id, trait_item_def_id, &format!("`{}`", obligation.predicate), ) .emit(); return; } match obligation.predicate.kind() { ty::PredicateKind::Trait(ref trait_predicate, _) => { let trait_predicate = self.resolve_vars_if_possible(trait_predicate); if self.tcx.sess.has_errors() && trait_predicate.references_error() { return; } let trait_ref = trait_predicate.to_poly_trait_ref(); let (post_message, pre_message, type_def) = self .get_parent_trait_ref(&obligation.cause.code) .map(|(t, s)| { ( format!(" in `{}`", t), format!("within `{}`, ", t), s.map(|s| (format!("within this `{}`", t), s)), ) }) .unwrap_or_default(); let OnUnimplementedNote { message, label, note, enclosing_scope } = self.on_unimplemented_note(trait_ref, obligation); let have_alt_message = message.is_some() || label.is_some(); let is_try = self .tcx .sess .source_map() .span_to_snippet(span) .map(|s| &s == "?") .unwrap_or(false); let is_from = self.tcx.get_diagnostic_item(sym::from_trait) == Some(trait_ref.def_id()); let is_unsize = { Some(trait_ref.def_id()) == self.tcx.lang_items().unsize_trait() }; let (message, note) = if is_try && is_from { ( Some(format!( "`?` couldn't convert the error to `{}`", trait_ref.skip_binder().self_ty(), )), Some( "the question mark operation (`?`) implicitly performs a \ conversion on the error value using the `From` trait" .to_owned(), ), ) } else { (message, note) }; let mut err = struct_span_err!( self.tcx.sess, span, E0277, "{}", message.unwrap_or_else(|| format!( "the trait bound `{}` is not satisfied{}", trait_ref.without_const().to_predicate(tcx), post_message, )) ); if is_try && is_from { let none_error = self .tcx .get_diagnostic_item(sym::none_error) .map(|def_id| tcx.type_of(def_id)); let should_convert_option_to_result = Some(trait_ref.skip_binder().substs.type_at(1)) == none_error; let should_convert_result_to_option = Some(trait_ref.self_ty().skip_binder()) == none_error; if should_convert_option_to_result { err.span_suggestion_verbose( span.shrink_to_lo(), "consider converting the `Option<T>` into a `Result<T, _>` \ using `Option::ok_or` or `Option::ok_or_else`", ".ok_or_else(|| /* error value */)".to_string(), Applicability::HasPlaceholders, ); } else if should_convert_result_to_option { err.span_suggestion_verbose( span.shrink_to_lo(), "consider converting the `Result<T, _>` into an `Option<T>` \ using `Result::ok`", ".ok()".to_string(), Applicability::MachineApplicable, ); } if let Some(ret_span) = self.return_type_span(obligation) { err.span_label( ret_span, &format!( "expected `{}` because of this", trait_ref.skip_binder().self_ty() ), ); } } let explanation = if obligation.cause.code == ObligationCauseCode::MainFunctionType { "consider using `()`, or a `Result`".to_owned() } else { format!( "{}the trait `{}` is not implemented for `{}`", pre_message, trait_ref.print_only_trait_path(), trait_ref.skip_binder().self_ty(), ) }; if self.suggest_add_reference_to_arg( &obligation, &mut err, &trait_ref, points_at_arg, have_alt_message, ) { self.note_obligation_cause(&mut err, obligation); err.emit(); return; } if let Some(ref s) = label { // If it has a custom `#[rustc_on_unimplemented]` // error message, let's display it as the label! err.span_label(span, s.as_str()); if !matches!(trait_ref.skip_binder().self_ty().kind, ty::Param(_)) { // When the self type is a type param We don't need to "the trait // `std::marker::Sized` is not implemented for `T`" as we will point // at the type param with a label to suggest constraining it. err.help(&explanation); } } else { err.span_label(span, explanation); } if let Some((msg, span)) = type_def { err.span_label(span, &msg); } if let Some(ref s) = note { // If it has a custom `#[rustc_on_unimplemented]` note, let's display it err.note(s.as_str()); } if let Some(ref s) = enclosing_scope { let enclosing_scope_span = tcx.def_span( tcx.hir() .opt_local_def_id(obligation.cause.body_id) .unwrap_or_else(|| { tcx.hir().body_owner_def_id(hir::BodyId { hir_id: obligation.cause.body_id, }) }) .to_def_id(), ); err.span_label(enclosing_scope_span, s.as_str()); } self.suggest_dereferences(&obligation, &mut err, &trait_ref, points_at_arg); self.suggest_fn_call(&obligation, &mut err, &trait_ref, points_at_arg); self.suggest_remove_reference(&obligation, &mut err, &trait_ref); self.suggest_semicolon_removal(&obligation, &mut err, span, &trait_ref); self.note_version_mismatch(&mut err, &trait_ref); if Some(trait_ref.def_id()) == tcx.lang_items().try_trait() { self.suggest_await_before_try(&mut err, &obligation, &trait_ref, span); } if self.suggest_impl_trait(&mut err, span, &obligation, &trait_ref) { err.emit(); return; } if is_unsize { // If the obligation failed due to a missing implementation of the // `Unsize` trait, give a pointer to why that might be the case err.note( "all implementations of `Unsize` are provided \ automatically by the compiler, see \ <https://doc.rust-lang.org/stable/std/marker/trait.Unsize.html> \ for more information", ); } let is_fn_trait = [ self.tcx.lang_items().fn_trait(), self.tcx.lang_items().fn_mut_trait(), self.tcx.lang_items().fn_once_trait(), ] .contains(&Some(trait_ref.def_id())); let is_target_feature_fn = if let ty::FnDef(def_id, _) = trait_ref.skip_binder().self_ty().kind { !self.tcx.codegen_fn_attrs(def_id).target_features.is_empty() } else { false }; if is_fn_trait && is_target_feature_fn { err.note( "`#[target_feature]` functions do not implement the `Fn` traits", ); } // Try to report a help message if !trait_ref.has_infer_types_or_consts() && self.predicate_can_apply(obligation.param_env, trait_ref) { // If a where-clause may be useful, remind the // user that they can add it. // // don't display an on-unimplemented note, as // these notes will often be of the form // "the type `T` can't be frobnicated" // which is somewhat confusing. self.suggest_restricting_param_bound( &mut err, trait_ref, obligation.cause.body_id, ); } else { if !have_alt_message { // Can't show anything else useful, try to find similar impls. let impl_candidates = self.find_similar_impl_candidates(trait_ref); self.report_similar_impl_candidates(impl_candidates, &mut err); } // Changing mutability doesn't make a difference to whether we have // an `Unsize` impl (Fixes ICE in #71036) if !is_unsize { self.suggest_change_mut( &obligation, &mut err, &trait_ref, points_at_arg, ); } } // If this error is due to `!: Trait` not implemented but `(): Trait` is // implemented, and fallback has occurred, then it could be due to a // variable that used to fallback to `()` now falling back to `!`. Issue a // note informing about the change in behaviour. if trait_predicate.skip_binder().self_ty().is_never() && fallback_has_occurred { let predicate = trait_predicate.map_bound(|mut trait_pred| { trait_pred.trait_ref.substs = self.tcx.mk_substs_trait( self.tcx.mk_unit(), &trait_pred.trait_ref.substs[1..], ); trait_pred }); let unit_obligation = Obligation { predicate: ty::PredicateKind::Trait( predicate, hir::Constness::NotConst, ) .to_predicate(self.tcx), ..obligation.clone() }; if self.predicate_may_hold(&unit_obligation) { err.note( "the trait is implemented for `()`. \ Possibly this error has been caused by changes to \ Rust's type-inference algorithm (see issue #48950 \ <https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/48950> \ for more information). Consider whether you meant to use \ the type `()` here instead.", ); } } err } ty::PredicateKind::Subtype(ref predicate) => { // Errors for Subtype predicates show up as // `FulfillmentErrorCode::CodeSubtypeError`, // not selection error. span_bug!(span, "subtype requirement gave wrong error: `{:?}`", predicate) } ty::PredicateKind::RegionOutlives(ref predicate) => { let predicate = self.resolve_vars_if_possible(predicate); let err = self .region_outlives_predicate(&obligation.cause, predicate) .err() .unwrap(); struct_span_err!( self.tcx.sess, span, E0279, "the requirement `{}` is not satisfied (`{}`)", predicate, err, ) } ty::PredicateKind::Projection(..) | ty::PredicateKind::TypeOutlives(..) => { let predicate = self.resolve_vars_if_possible(&obligation.predicate); struct_span_err!( self.tcx.sess, span, E0280, "the requirement `{}` is not satisfied", predicate ) } &ty::PredicateKind::ObjectSafe(trait_def_id) => { let violations = self.tcx.object_safety_violations(trait_def_id); report_object_safety_error(self.tcx, span, trait_def_id, violations) } &ty::PredicateKind::ClosureKind(closure_def_id, closure_substs, kind) => { let found_kind = self.closure_kind(closure_substs).unwrap(); let closure_span = self.tcx.sess.source_map().guess_head_span( self.tcx.hir().span_if_local(closure_def_id).unwrap(), ); let hir_id = self.tcx.hir().as_local_hir_id(closure_def_id.expect_local()); let mut err = struct_span_err!( self.tcx.sess, closure_span, E0525, "expected a closure that implements the `{}` trait, \ but this closure only implements `{}`", kind, found_kind ); err.span_label( closure_span, format!("this closure implements `{}`, not `{}`", found_kind, kind), ); err.span_label( obligation.cause.span, format!("the requirement to implement `{}` derives from here", kind), ); // Additional context information explaining why the closure only implements // a particular trait. if let Some(typeck_results) = self.in_progress_typeck_results { let typeck_results = typeck_results.borrow(); match (found_kind, typeck_results.closure_kind_origins().get(hir_id)) { (ty::ClosureKind::FnOnce, Some((span, name))) => { err.span_label( *span, format!( "closure is `FnOnce` because it moves the \ variable `{}` out of its environment", name ), ); } (ty::ClosureKind::FnMut, Some((span, name))) => { err.span_label( *span, format!( "closure is `FnMut` because it mutates the \ variable `{}` here", name ), ); } _ => {} } } err.emit(); return; } ty::PredicateKind::WellFormed(ty) => { if !self.tcx.sess.opts.debugging_opts.chalk { // WF predicates cannot themselves make // errors. They can only block due to // ambiguity; otherwise, they always // degenerate into other obligations // (which may fail). span_bug!(span, "WF predicate not satisfied for {:?}", ty); } else { // FIXME: we'll need a better message which takes into account // which bounds actually failed to hold. self.tcx.sess.struct_span_err( span, &format!("the type `{}` is not well-formed (chalk)", ty), ) } } ty::PredicateKind::ConstEvaluatable(..) => { // Errors for `ConstEvaluatable` predicates show up as // `SelectionError::ConstEvalFailure`, // not `Unimplemented`. span_bug!( span, "const-evaluatable requirement gave wrong error: `{:?}`", obligation ) } ty::PredicateKind::ConstEquate(..) => { // Errors for `ConstEquate` predicates show up as // `SelectionError::ConstEvalFailure`, // not `Unimplemented`. span_bug!( span, "const-equate requirement gave wrong error: `{:?}`", obligation ) } } } OutputTypeParameterMismatch(ref found_trait_ref, ref expected_trait_ref, _) => { let found_trait_ref = self.resolve_vars_if_possible(&*found_trait_ref); let expected_trait_ref = self.resolve_vars_if_possible(&*expected_trait_ref); if expected_trait_ref.self_ty().references_error() { return; } let found_trait_ty = match found_trait_ref.self_ty().no_bound_vars() { Some(ty) => ty, None => return, }; let found_did = match found_trait_ty.kind { ty::Closure(did, _) | ty::Foreign(did) | ty::FnDef(did, _) => Some(did), ty::Adt(def, _) => Some(def.did), _ => None, }; let found_span = found_did .and_then(|did| self.tcx.hir().span_if_local(did)) .map(|sp| self.tcx.sess.source_map().guess_head_span(sp)); // the sp could be an fn def if self.reported_closure_mismatch.borrow().contains(&(span, found_span)) { // We check closures twice, with obligations flowing in different directions, // but we want to complain about them only once. return; } self.reported_closure_mismatch.borrow_mut().insert((span, found_span)); let found = match found_trait_ref.skip_binder().substs.type_at(1).kind { ty::Tuple(ref tys) => vec![ArgKind::empty(); tys.len()], _ => vec![ArgKind::empty()], }; let expected_ty = expected_trait_ref.skip_binder().substs.type_at(1); let expected = match expected_ty.kind { ty::Tuple(ref tys) => tys .iter() .map(|t| ArgKind::from_expected_ty(t.expect_ty(), Some(span))) .collect(), _ => vec![ArgKind::Arg("_".to_owned(), expected_ty.to_string())], }; if found.len() == expected.len() { self.report_closure_arg_mismatch( span, found_span, found_trait_ref, expected_trait_ref, ) } else { let (closure_span, found) = found_did .and_then(|did| { let node = self.tcx.hir().get_if_local(did)?; let (found_span, found) = self.get_fn_like_arguments(node)?; Some((Some(found_span), found)) }) .unwrap_or((found_span, found)); self.report_arg_count_mismatch( span, closure_span, expected, found, found_trait_ty.is_closure(), ) } } TraitNotObjectSafe(did) => { let violations = self.tcx.object_safety_violations(did); report_object_safety_error(self.tcx, span, did, violations) } ConstEvalFailure(ErrorHandled::TooGeneric) => { // In this instance, we have a const expression containing an unevaluated // generic parameter. We have no idea whether this expression is valid or // not (e.g. it might result in an error), but we don't want to just assume // that it's okay, because that might result in post-monomorphisation time // errors. The onus is really on the caller to provide values that it can // prove are well-formed. let mut err = self .tcx .sess .struct_span_err(span, "constant expression depends on a generic parameter"); // FIXME(const_generics): we should suggest to the user how they can resolve this // issue. However, this is currently not actually possible // (see https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/66962#issuecomment-575907083). err.note("this may fail depending on what value the parameter takes"); err } // Already reported in the query. ConstEvalFailure(ErrorHandled::Reported(ErrorReported)) => { // FIXME(eddyb) remove this once `ErrorReported` becomes a proof token. self.tcx.sess.delay_span_bug(span, "`ErrorReported` without an error"); return; } // Already reported in the query, but only as a lint. // This shouldn't actually happen for constants used in types, modulo // bugs. The `delay_span_bug` here ensures it won't be ignored. ConstEvalFailure(ErrorHandled::Linted) => { self.tcx.sess.delay_span_bug(span, "constant in type had error reported as lint"); return; } Overflow => { bug!("overflow should be handled before the `report_selection_error` path"); } }; self.note_obligation_cause(&mut err, obligation); self.point_at_returns_when_relevant(&mut err, &obligation); err.emit(); } /// Given some node representing a fn-like thing in the HIR map, /// returns a span and `ArgKind` information that describes the /// arguments it expects. This can be supplied to /// `report_arg_count_mismatch`. fn get_fn_like_arguments(&self, node: Node<'_>) -> Option<(Span, Vec<ArgKind>)> { let sm = self.tcx.sess.source_map(); let hir = self.tcx.hir(); Some(match node { Node::Expr(&hir::Expr { kind: hir::ExprKind::Closure(_, ref _decl, id, span, _), .. }) => ( sm.guess_head_span(span), hir.body(id) .params .iter() .map(|arg| { if let hir::Pat { kind: hir::PatKind::Tuple(ref args, _), span, .. } = *arg.pat { Some(ArgKind::Tuple( Some(span), args.iter() .map(|pat| { sm.span_to_snippet(pat.span) .ok() .map(|snippet| (snippet, "_".to_owned())) }) .collect::<Option<Vec<_>>>()?, )) } else { let name = sm.span_to_snippet(arg.pat.span).ok()?; Some(ArgKind::Arg(name, "_".to_owned())) } }) .collect::<Option<Vec<ArgKind>>>()?, ), Node::Item(&hir::Item { span, kind: hir::ItemKind::Fn(ref sig, ..), .. }) | Node::ImplItem(&hir::ImplItem { span, kind: hir::ImplItemKind::Fn(ref sig, _), .. }) | Node::TraitItem(&hir::TraitItem { span, kind: hir::TraitItemKind::Fn(ref sig, _), .. }) => ( sm.guess_head_span(span), sig.decl .inputs .iter() .map(|arg| match arg.clone().kind { hir::TyKind::Tup(ref tys) => ArgKind::Tuple( Some(arg.span), vec![("_".to_owned(), "_".to_owned()); tys.len()], ), _ => ArgKind::empty(), }) .collect::<Vec<ArgKind>>(), ), Node::Ctor(ref variant_data) => { let span = variant_data.ctor_hir_id().map(|id| hir.span(id)).unwrap_or(DUMMY_SP); let span = sm.guess_head_span(span); (span, vec![ArgKind::empty(); variant_data.fields().len()]) } _ => panic!("non-FnLike node found: {:?}", node), }) } /// Reports an error when the number of arguments needed by a /// trait match doesn't match the number that the expression /// provides. fn report_arg_count_mismatch( &self, span: Span, found_span: Option<Span>, expected_args: Vec<ArgKind>, found_args: Vec<ArgKind>, is_closure: bool, ) -> DiagnosticBuilder<'tcx> { let kind = if is_closure { "closure" } else { "function" }; let args_str = |arguments: &[ArgKind], other: &[ArgKind]| { let arg_length = arguments.len(); let distinct = match &other[..] { &[ArgKind::Tuple(..)] => true, _ => false, }; match (arg_length, arguments.get(0)) { (1, Some(&ArgKind::Tuple(_, ref fields))) => { format!("a single {}-tuple as argument", fields.len()) } _ => format!( "{} {}argument{}", arg_length, if distinct && arg_length > 1 { "distinct " } else { "" }, pluralize!(arg_length) ), } }; let expected_str = args_str(&expected_args, &found_args); let found_str = args_str(&found_args, &expected_args); let mut err = struct_span_err!( self.tcx.sess, span, E0593, "{} is expected to take {}, but it takes {}", kind, expected_str, found_str, ); err.span_label(span, format!("expected {} that takes {}", kind, expected_str)); if let Some(found_span) = found_span { err.span_label(found_span, format!("takes {}", found_str)); // move |_| { ... } // ^^^^^^^^-- def_span // // move |_| { ... } // ^^^^^-- prefix let prefix_span = self.tcx.sess.source_map().span_until_non_whitespace(found_span); // move |_| { ... } // ^^^-- pipe_span let pipe_span = if let Some(span) = found_span.trim_start(prefix_span) { span } else { found_span }; // Suggest to take and ignore the arguments with expected_args_length `_`s if // found arguments is empty (assume the user just wants to ignore args in this case). // For example, if `expected_args_length` is 2, suggest `|_, _|`. if found_args.is_empty() && is_closure { let underscores = vec!["_"; expected_args.len()].join(", "); err.span_suggestion_verbose( pipe_span, &format!( "consider changing the closure to take and ignore the expected argument{}", pluralize!(expected_args.len()) ), format!("|{}|", underscores), Applicability::MachineApplicable, ); } if let &[ArgKind::Tuple(_, ref fields)] = &found_args[..] { if fields.len() == expected_args.len() { let sugg = fields .iter() .map(|(name, _)| name.to_owned()) .collect::<Vec<String>>() .join(", "); err.span_suggestion_verbose( found_span, "change the closure to take multiple arguments instead of a single tuple", format!("|{}|", sugg), Applicability::MachineApplicable, ); } } if let &[ArgKind::Tuple(_, ref fields)] = &expected_args[..] { if fields.len() == found_args.len() && is_closure { let sugg = format!( "|({}){}|", found_args .iter() .map(|arg| match arg { ArgKind::Arg(name, _) => name.to_owned(), _ => "_".to_owned(), }) .collect::<Vec<String>>() .join(", "), // add type annotations if available if found_args.iter().any(|arg| match arg { ArgKind::Arg(_, ty) => ty != "_", _ => false, }) { format!( ": ({})", fields .iter() .map(|(_, ty)| ty.to_owned()) .collect::<Vec<String>>() .join(", ") ) } else { String::new() }, ); err.span_suggestion_verbose( found_span, "change the closure to accept a tuple instead of individual arguments", sugg, Applicability::MachineApplicable, ); } } } err } } trait InferCtxtPrivExt<'tcx> { // returns if `cond` not occurring implies that `error` does not occur - i.e., that // `error` occurring implies that `cond` occurs. fn error_implies(&self, cond: ty::Predicate<'tcx>, error: ty::Predicate<'tcx>) -> bool; fn report_fulfillment_error( &self, error: &FulfillmentError<'tcx>, body_id: Option<hir::BodyId>, fallback_has_occurred: bool, ); fn report_projection_error( &self, obligation: &PredicateObligation<'tcx>, error: &MismatchedProjectionTypes<'tcx>, ); fn fuzzy_match_tys(&self, a: Ty<'tcx>, b: Ty<'tcx>) -> bool; fn describe_generator(&self, body_id: hir::BodyId) -> Option<&'static str>; fn find_similar_impl_candidates( &self, trait_ref: ty::PolyTraitRef<'tcx>, ) -> Vec<ty::TraitRef<'tcx>>; fn report_similar_impl_candidates( &self, impl_candidates: Vec<ty::TraitRef<'tcx>>, err: &mut DiagnosticBuilder<'_>, ); /// Gets the parent trait chain start fn get_parent_trait_ref( &self, code: &ObligationCauseCode<'tcx>, ) -> Option<(String, Option<Span>)>; /// If the `Self` type of the unsatisfied trait `trait_ref` implements a trait /// with the same path as `trait_ref`, a help message about /// a probable version mismatch is added to `err` fn note_version_mismatch( &self, err: &mut DiagnosticBuilder<'_>, trait_ref: &ty::PolyTraitRef<'tcx>, ); /// Creates a `PredicateObligation` with `new_self_ty` replacing the existing type in the /// `trait_ref`. /// /// For this to work, `new_self_ty` must have no escaping bound variables. fn mk_trait_obligation_with_new_self_ty( &self, param_env: ty::ParamEnv<'tcx>, trait_ref: &ty::PolyTraitRef<'tcx>, new_self_ty: Ty<'tcx>, ) -> PredicateObligation<'tcx>; fn maybe_report_ambiguity( &self, obligation: &PredicateObligation<'tcx>, body_id: Option<hir::BodyId>, ); fn predicate_can_apply( &self, param_env: ty::ParamEnv<'tcx>, pred: ty::PolyTraitRef<'tcx>, ) -> bool; fn note_obligation_cause( &self, err: &mut DiagnosticBuilder<'tcx>, obligation: &PredicateObligation<'tcx>, ); fn suggest_unsized_bound_if_applicable( &self, err: &mut DiagnosticBuilder<'tcx>, obligation: &PredicateObligation<'tcx>, ); fn is_recursive_obligation( &self, obligated_types: &mut Vec<&ty::TyS<'tcx>>, cause_code: &ObligationCauseCode<'tcx>, ) -> bool; } impl<'a, 'tcx> InferCtxtPrivExt<'tcx> for InferCtxt<'a, 'tcx> { // returns if `cond` not occurring implies that `error` does not occur - i.e., that // `error` occurring implies that `cond` occurs. fn error_implies(&self, cond: ty::Predicate<'tcx>, error: ty::Predicate<'tcx>) -> bool { if cond == error { return true; } let (cond, error) = match (cond.kind(), error.kind()) { (ty::PredicateKind::Trait(..), ty::PredicateKind::Trait(error, _)) => (cond, error), _ => { // FIXME: make this work in other cases too. return false; } }; for obligation in super::elaborate_predicates(self.tcx, std::iter::once(cond)) { if let ty::PredicateKind::Trait(implication, _) = obligation.predicate.kind() { let error = error.to_poly_trait_ref(); let implication = implication.to_poly_trait_ref(); // FIXME: I'm just not taking associated types at all here. // Eventually I'll need to implement param-env-aware // `Γ₁ ⊦ φ₁ => Γ₂ ⊦ φ₂` logic. let param_env = ty::ParamEnv::empty(); if self.can_sub(param_env, error, implication).is_ok() { debug!("error_implies: {:?} -> {:?} -> {:?}", cond, error, implication); return true; } } } false } fn report_fulfillment_error( &self, error: &FulfillmentError<'tcx>, body_id: Option<hir::BodyId>, fallback_has_occurred: bool, ) { debug!("report_fulfillment_error({:?})", error); match error.code { FulfillmentErrorCode::CodeSelectionError(ref selection_error) => { self.report_selection_error( &error.obligation, selection_error, fallback_has_occurred, error.points_at_arg_span, ); } FulfillmentErrorCode::CodeProjectionError(ref e) => { self.report_projection_error(&error.obligation, e); } FulfillmentErrorCode::CodeAmbiguity => { self.maybe_report_ambiguity(&error.obligation, body_id); } FulfillmentErrorCode::CodeSubtypeError(ref expected_found, ref err) => { self.report_mismatched_types( &error.obligation.cause, expected_found.expected, expected_found.found, err.clone(), ) .emit(); } FulfillmentErrorCode::CodeConstEquateError(ref expected_found, ref err) => { self.report_mismatched_consts( &error.obligation.cause, expected_found.expected, expected_found.found, err.clone(), ) .emit(); } } } fn report_projection_error( &self, obligation: &PredicateObligation<'tcx>, error: &MismatchedProjectionTypes<'tcx>, ) { let predicate = self.resolve_vars_if_possible(&obligation.predicate); if predicate.references_error() { return; } self.probe(|_| { let err_buf; let mut err = &error.err; let mut values = None; // try to find the mismatched types to report the error with. // // this can fail if the problem was higher-ranked, in which // cause I have no idea for a good error message. if let ty::PredicateKind::Projection(ref data) = predicate.kind() { let mut selcx = SelectionContext::new(self); let (data, _) = self.replace_bound_vars_with_fresh_vars( obligation.cause.span, infer::LateBoundRegionConversionTime::HigherRankedType, data, ); let mut obligations = vec![]; let normalized_ty = super::normalize_projection_type( &mut selcx, obligation.param_env, data.projection_ty, obligation.cause.clone(), 0, &mut obligations, ); debug!( "report_projection_error obligation.cause={:?} obligation.param_env={:?}", obligation.cause, obligation.param_env ); debug!( "report_projection_error normalized_ty={:?} data.ty={:?}", normalized_ty, data.ty ); let is_normalized_ty_expected = match &obligation.cause.code { ObligationCauseCode::ItemObligation(_) | ObligationCauseCode::BindingObligation(_, _) | ObligationCauseCode::ObjectCastObligation(_) => false, _ => true, }; if let Err(error) = self.at(&obligation.cause, obligation.param_env).eq_exp( is_normalized_ty_expected, normalized_ty, data.ty, ) { values = Some(infer::ValuePairs::Types(ExpectedFound::new( is_normalized_ty_expected, normalized_ty, data.ty, ))); err_buf = error; err = &err_buf; } } let msg = format!("type mismatch resolving `{}`", predicate); let error_id = (DiagnosticMessageId::ErrorId(271), Some(obligation.cause.span), msg); let fresh = self.tcx.sess.one_time_diagnostics.borrow_mut().insert(error_id); if fresh { let mut diag = struct_span_err!( self.tcx.sess, obligation.cause.span, E0271, "type mismatch resolving `{}`", predicate ); self.note_type_err(&mut diag, &obligation.cause, None, values, err); self.note_obligation_cause(&mut diag, obligation); diag.emit(); } }); } fn fuzzy_match_tys(&self, a: Ty<'tcx>, b: Ty<'tcx>) -> bool { /// returns the fuzzy category of a given type, or None /// if the type can be equated to any type. fn type_category(t: Ty<'_>) -> Option<u32> { match t.kind { ty::Bool => Some(0), ty::Char => Some(1), ty::Str => Some(2), ty::Int(..) | ty::Uint(..) | ty::Infer(ty::IntVar(..)) => Some(3), ty::Float(..) | ty::Infer(ty::FloatVar(..)) => Some(4), ty::Ref(..) | ty::RawPtr(..) => Some(5), ty::Array(..) | ty::Slice(..) => Some(6), ty::FnDef(..) | ty::FnPtr(..) => Some(7), ty::Dynamic(..) => Some(8), ty::Closure(..) => Some(9), ty::Tuple(..) => Some(10), ty::Projection(..) => Some(11), ty::Param(..) => Some(12), ty::Opaque(..) => Some(13), ty::Never => Some(14), ty::Adt(adt, ..) => match adt.adt_kind() { AdtKind::Struct => Some(15), AdtKind::Union => Some(16), AdtKind::Enum => Some(17), }, ty::Generator(..) => Some(18), ty::Foreign(..) => Some(19), ty::GeneratorWitness(..) => Some(20), ty::Placeholder(..) | ty::Bound(..) | ty::Infer(..) | ty::Error(_) => None, } } match (type_category(a), type_category(b)) { (Some(cat_a), Some(cat_b)) => match (&a.kind, &b.kind) { (&ty::Adt(def_a, _), &ty::Adt(def_b, _)) => def_a == def_b, _ => cat_a == cat_b, }, // infer and error can be equated to all types _ => true, } } fn describe_generator(&self, body_id: hir::BodyId) -> Option<&'static str> { self.tcx.hir().body(body_id).generator_kind.map(|gen_kind| match gen_kind { hir::GeneratorKind::Gen => "a generator", hir::GeneratorKind::Async(hir::AsyncGeneratorKind::Block) => "an async block", hir::GeneratorKind::Async(hir::AsyncGeneratorKind::Fn) => "an async function", hir::GeneratorKind::Async(hir::AsyncGeneratorKind::Closure) => "an async closure", }) } fn find_similar_impl_candidates( &self, trait_ref: ty::PolyTraitRef<'tcx>, ) -> Vec<ty::TraitRef<'tcx>> { let simp = fast_reject::simplify_type(self.tcx, trait_ref.skip_binder().self_ty(), true); let all_impls = self.tcx.all_impls(trait_ref.def_id()); match simp { Some(simp) => all_impls .filter_map(|def_id| { let imp = self.tcx.impl_trait_ref(def_id).unwrap(); let imp_simp = fast_reject::simplify_type(self.tcx, imp.self_ty(), true); if let Some(imp_simp) = imp_simp { if simp != imp_simp { return None; } } Some(imp) }) .collect(), None => all_impls.map(|def_id| self.tcx.impl_trait_ref(def_id).unwrap()).collect(), } } fn report_similar_impl_candidates( &self, impl_candidates: Vec<ty::TraitRef<'tcx>>, err: &mut DiagnosticBuilder<'_>, ) { if impl_candidates.is_empty() { return; } let len = impl_candidates.len(); let end = if impl_candidates.len() <= 5 { impl_candidates.len() } else { 4 }; let normalize = |candidate| { self.tcx.infer_ctxt().enter(|ref infcx| { let normalized = infcx .at(&ObligationCause::dummy(), ty::ParamEnv::empty()) .normalize(candidate) .ok(); match normalized { Some(normalized) => format!("\n {:?}", normalized.value), None => format!("\n {:?}", candidate), } }) }; // Sort impl candidates so that ordering is consistent for UI tests. let mut normalized_impl_candidates = impl_candidates.iter().map(normalize).collect::<Vec<String>>(); // Sort before taking the `..end` range, // because the ordering of `impl_candidates` may not be deterministic: // https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/pull/57475#issuecomment-455519507 normalized_impl_candidates.sort(); err.help(&format!( "the following implementations were found:{}{}", normalized_impl_candidates[..end].join(""), if len > 5 { format!("\nand {} others", len - 4) } else { String::new() } )); } /// Gets the parent trait chain start fn get_parent_trait_ref( &self, code: &ObligationCauseCode<'tcx>, ) -> Option<(String, Option<Span>)> { match code { &ObligationCauseCode::BuiltinDerivedObligation(ref data) => { let parent_trait_ref = self.resolve_vars_if_possible(&data.parent_trait_ref); match self.get_parent_trait_ref(&data.parent_code) { Some(t) => Some(t), None => { let ty = parent_trait_ref.skip_binder().self_ty(); let span = TyCategory::from_ty(ty).map(|(_, def_id)| self.tcx.def_span(def_id)); Some((ty.to_string(), span)) } } } _ => None, } } /// If the `Self` type of the unsatisfied trait `trait_ref` implements a trait /// with the same path as `trait_ref`, a help message about /// a probable version mismatch is added to `err` fn note_version_mismatch( &self, err: &mut DiagnosticBuilder<'_>, trait_ref: &ty::PolyTraitRef<'tcx>, ) { let get_trait_impl = |trait_def_id| { let mut trait_impl = None; self.tcx.for_each_relevant_impl( trait_def_id, trait_ref.skip_binder().self_ty(), |impl_def_id| { if trait_impl.is_none() { trait_impl = Some(impl_def_id); } }, ); trait_impl }; let required_trait_path = self.tcx.def_path_str(trait_ref.def_id()); let all_traits = self.tcx.all_traits(LOCAL_CRATE); let traits_with_same_path: std::collections::BTreeSet<_> = all_traits .iter() .filter(|trait_def_id| **trait_def_id != trait_ref.def_id()) .filter(|trait_def_id| self.tcx.def_path_str(**trait_def_id) == required_trait_path) .collect(); for trait_with_same_path in traits_with_same_path { if let Some(impl_def_id) = get_trait_impl(*trait_with_same_path) { let impl_span = self.tcx.def_span(impl_def_id); err.span_help(impl_span, "trait impl with same name found"); let trait_crate = self.tcx.crate_name(trait_with_same_path.krate); let crate_msg = format!( "perhaps two different versions of crate `{}` are being used?", trait_crate ); err.note(&crate_msg); } } } fn mk_trait_obligation_with_new_self_ty( &self, param_env: ty::ParamEnv<'tcx>, trait_ref: &ty::PolyTraitRef<'tcx>, new_self_ty: Ty<'tcx>, ) -> PredicateObligation<'tcx> { assert!(!new_self_ty.has_escaping_bound_vars()); let trait_ref = trait_ref.map_bound_ref(|tr| ty::TraitRef { substs: self.tcx.mk_substs_trait(new_self_ty, &tr.substs[1..]), ..*tr }); Obligation::new( ObligationCause::dummy(), param_env, trait_ref.without_const().to_predicate(self.tcx), ) } fn maybe_report_ambiguity( &self, obligation: &PredicateObligation<'tcx>, body_id: Option<hir::BodyId>, ) { // Unable to successfully determine, probably means // insufficient type information, but could mean // ambiguous impls. The latter *ought* to be a // coherence violation, so we don't report it here. let predicate = self.resolve_vars_if_possible(&obligation.predicate); let span = obligation.cause.span; debug!( "maybe_report_ambiguity(predicate={:?}, obligation={:?} body_id={:?}, code={:?})", predicate, obligation, body_id, obligation.cause.code, ); // Ambiguity errors are often caused as fallout from earlier // errors. So just ignore them if this infcx is tainted. if self.is_tainted_by_errors() { return; } let mut err = match predicate.kind() { ty::PredicateKind::Trait(ref data, _) => { let trait_ref = data.to_poly_trait_ref(); let self_ty = trait_ref.skip_binder().self_ty(); debug!("self_ty {:?} {:?} trait_ref {:?}", self_ty, self_ty.kind, trait_ref); if predicate.references_error() { return; } // Typically, this ambiguity should only happen if // there are unresolved type inference variables // (otherwise it would suggest a coherence // failure). But given #21974 that is not necessarily // the case -- we can have multiple where clauses that // are only distinguished by a region, which results // in an ambiguity even when all types are fully // known, since we don't dispatch based on region // relationships. // This is kind of a hack: it frequently happens that some earlier // error prevents types from being fully inferred, and then we get // a bunch of uninteresting errors saying something like "<generic // #0> doesn't implement Sized". It may even be true that we // could just skip over all checks where the self-ty is an // inference variable, but I was afraid that there might be an // inference variable created, registered as an obligation, and // then never forced by writeback, and hence by skipping here we'd // be ignoring the fact that we don't KNOW the type works // out. Though even that would probably be harmless, given that // we're only talking about builtin traits, which are known to be // inhabited. We used to check for `self.tcx.sess.has_errors()` to // avoid inundating the user with unnecessary errors, but we now // check upstream for type errors and don't add the obligations to // begin with in those cases. if self .tcx .lang_items() .sized_trait() .map_or(false, |sized_id| sized_id == trait_ref.def_id()) { self.need_type_info_err(body_id, span, self_ty, ErrorCode::E0282).emit(); return; } let mut err = self.need_type_info_err(body_id, span, self_ty, ErrorCode::E0283); err.note(&format!("cannot satisfy `{}`", predicate)); if let ObligationCauseCode::ItemObligation(def_id) = obligation.cause.code { self.suggest_fully_qualified_path(&mut err, def_id, span, trait_ref.def_id()); } else if let ( Ok(ref snippet), ObligationCauseCode::BindingObligation(ref def_id, _), ) = (self.tcx.sess.source_map().span_to_snippet(span), &obligation.cause.code) { let generics = self.tcx.generics_of(*def_id); if generics.params.iter().any(|p| p.name != kw::SelfUpper) && !snippet.ends_with('>') { // FIXME: To avoid spurious suggestions in functions where type arguments // where already supplied, we check the snippet to make sure it doesn't // end with a turbofish. Ideally we would have access to a `PathSegment` // instead. Otherwise we would produce the following output: // // error[E0283]: type annotations needed // --> $DIR/issue-54954.rs:3:24 // | // LL | const ARR_LEN: usize = Tt::const_val::<[i8; 123]>(); // | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ // | | // | cannot infer type // | help: consider specifying the type argument // | in the function call: // | `Tt::const_val::<[i8; 123]>::<T>` // ... // LL | const fn const_val<T: Sized>() -> usize { // | - required by this bound in `Tt::const_val` // | // = note: cannot satisfy `_: Tt` err.span_suggestion_verbose( span.shrink_to_hi(), &format!( "consider specifying the type argument{} in the function call", pluralize!(generics.params.len()), ), format!( "::<{}>", generics .params .iter() .map(|p| p.name.to_string()) .collect::<Vec<String>>() .join(", ") ), Applicability::HasPlaceholders, ); } } err } ty::PredicateKind::WellFormed(arg) => { // Same hacky approach as above to avoid deluging user // with error messages. if arg.references_error() || self.tcx.sess.has_errors() { return; } match arg.unpack() { GenericArgKind::Lifetime(lt) => { span_bug!(span, "unexpected well formed predicate: {:?}", lt) } GenericArgKind::Type(ty) => { self.need_type_info_err(body_id, span, ty, ErrorCode::E0282) } GenericArgKind::Const(ct) => { self.need_type_info_err_const(body_id, span, ct, ErrorCode::E0282) } } } ty::PredicateKind::Subtype(ref data) => { if data.references_error() || self.tcx.sess.has_errors() { // no need to overload user in such cases return; } let SubtypePredicate { a_is_expected: _, a, b } = data.skip_binder(); // both must be type variables, or the other would've been instantiated assert!(a.is_ty_var() && b.is_ty_var()); self.need_type_info_err(body_id, span, a, ErrorCode::E0282) } ty::PredicateKind::Projection(ref data) => { let trait_ref = data.to_poly_trait_ref(self.tcx); let self_ty = trait_ref.skip_binder().self_ty(); let ty = data.skip_binder().ty; if predicate.references_error() { return; } if self_ty.needs_infer() && ty.needs_infer() { // We do this for the `foo.collect()?` case to produce a suggestion. let mut err = self.need_type_info_err(body_id, span, self_ty, ErrorCode::E0284); err.note(&format!("cannot satisfy `{}`", predicate)); err } else { let mut err = struct_span_err!( self.tcx.sess, span, E0284, "type annotations needed: cannot satisfy `{}`", predicate, ); err.span_label(span, &format!("cannot satisfy `{}`", predicate)); err } } _ => { if self.tcx.sess.has_errors() { return; } let mut err = struct_span_err!( self.tcx.sess, span, E0284, "type annotations needed: cannot satisfy `{}`", predicate, ); err.span_label(span, &format!("cannot satisfy `{}`", predicate)); err } }; self.note_obligation_cause(&mut err, obligation); err.emit(); } /// Returns `true` if the trait predicate may apply for *some* assignment /// to the type parameters. fn predicate_can_apply( &self, param_env: ty::ParamEnv<'tcx>, pred: ty::PolyTraitRef<'tcx>, ) -> bool { struct ParamToVarFolder<'a, 'tcx> { infcx: &'a InferCtxt<'a, 'tcx>, var_map: FxHashMap<Ty<'tcx>, Ty<'tcx>>, } impl<'a, 'tcx> TypeFolder<'tcx> for ParamToVarFolder<'a, 'tcx> { fn tcx<'b>(&'b self) -> TyCtxt<'tcx> { self.infcx.tcx } fn fold_ty(&mut self, ty: Ty<'tcx>) -> Ty<'tcx> { if let ty::Param(ty::ParamTy { name, .. }) = ty.kind { let infcx = self.infcx; self.var_map.entry(ty).or_insert_with(|| { infcx.next_ty_var(TypeVariableOrigin { kind: TypeVariableOriginKind::TypeParameterDefinition(name, None), span: DUMMY_SP, }) }) } else { ty.super_fold_with(self) } } } self.probe(|_| { let mut selcx = SelectionContext::new(self); let cleaned_pred = pred.fold_with(&mut ParamToVarFolder { infcx: self, var_map: Default::default() }); let cleaned_pred = super::project::normalize( &mut selcx, param_env, ObligationCause::dummy(), &cleaned_pred, ) .value; let obligation = Obligation::new( ObligationCause::dummy(), param_env, cleaned_pred.without_const().to_predicate(selcx.tcx()), ); self.predicate_may_hold(&obligation) }) } fn note_obligation_cause( &self, err: &mut DiagnosticBuilder<'tcx>, obligation: &PredicateObligation<'tcx>, ) { // First, attempt to add note to this error with an async-await-specific // message, and fall back to regular note otherwise. if !self.maybe_note_obligation_cause_for_async_await(err, obligation) { self.note_obligation_cause_code( err, &obligation.predicate, &obligation.cause.code, &mut vec![], ); self.suggest_unsized_bound_if_applicable(err, obligation); } } fn suggest_unsized_bound_if_applicable( &self, err: &mut DiagnosticBuilder<'tcx>, obligation: &PredicateObligation<'tcx>, ) { let (pred, item_def_id, span) = match (obligation.predicate.kind(), &obligation.cause.code.peel_derives()) { ( ty::PredicateKind::Trait(pred, _), ObligationCauseCode::BindingObligation(item_def_id, span), ) => (pred, item_def_id, span), _ => return, }; let node = match ( self.tcx.hir().get_if_local(*item_def_id), Some(pred.def_id()) == self.tcx.lang_items().sized_trait(), ) { (Some(node), true) => node, _ => return, }; let generics = match node.generics() { Some(generics) => generics, None => return, }; for param in generics.params { if param.span != *span || param.bounds.iter().any(|bound| { bound.trait_ref().and_then(|trait_ref| trait_ref.trait_def_id()) == self.tcx.lang_items().sized_trait() }) { continue; } match node { hir::Node::Item( item @ hir::Item { kind: hir::ItemKind::Enum(..) | hir::ItemKind::Struct(..) | hir::ItemKind::Union(..), .. }, ) => { // Suggesting `T: ?Sized` is only valid in an ADT if `T` is only used in a // borrow. `struct S<'a, T: ?Sized>(&'a T);` is valid, `struct S<T: ?Sized>(T);` // is not. let mut visitor = FindTypeParam { param: param.name.ident().name, invalid_spans: vec![], nested: false, }; visitor.visit_item(item); if !visitor.invalid_spans.is_empty() { let mut multispan: MultiSpan = param.span.into(); multispan.push_span_label( param.span, format!("this could be changed to `{}: ?Sized`...", param.name.ident()), ); for sp in visitor.invalid_spans { multispan.push_span_label( sp, format!( "...if indirection was used here: `Box<{}>`", param.name.ident(), ), ); } err.span_help( multispan, &format!( "you could relax the implicit `Sized` bound on `{T}` if it were \ used through indirection like `&{T}` or `Box<{T}>`", T = param.name.ident(), ), ); return; } } _ => {} } let (span, separator) = match param.bounds { [] => (span.shrink_to_hi(), ":"), [.., bound] => (bound.span().shrink_to_hi(), " +"), }; err.span_suggestion_verbose( span, "consider relaxing the implicit `Sized` restriction", format!("{} ?Sized", separator), Applicability::MachineApplicable, ); return; } } fn is_recursive_obligation( &self, obligated_types: &mut Vec<&ty::TyS<'tcx>>, cause_code: &ObligationCauseCode<'tcx>, ) -> bool { if let ObligationCauseCode::BuiltinDerivedObligation(ref data) = cause_code { let parent_trait_ref = self.resolve_vars_if_possible(&data.parent_trait_ref); if obligated_types.iter().any(|ot| ot == &parent_trait_ref.skip_binder().self_ty()) { return true; } } false } } /// Look for type `param` in an ADT being used only through a reference to confirm that suggesting /// `param: ?Sized` would be a valid constraint. struct FindTypeParam { param: rustc_span::Symbol, invalid_spans: Vec<Span>, nested: bool, } impl<'v> Visitor<'v> for FindTypeParam { type Map = rustc_hir::intravisit::ErasedMap<'v>; fn nested_visit_map(&mut self) -> hir::intravisit::NestedVisitorMap<Self::Map> { hir::intravisit::NestedVisitorMap::None } fn visit_ty(&mut self, ty: &hir::Ty<'_>) { // We collect the spans of all uses of the "bare" type param, like in `field: T` or // `field: (T, T)` where we could make `T: ?Sized` while skipping cases that are known to be // valid like `field: &'a T` or `field: *mut T` and cases that *might* have further `Sized` // obligations like `Box<T>` and `Vec<T>`, but we perform no extra analysis for those cases // and suggest `T: ?Sized` regardless of their obligations. This is fine because the errors // in that case should make what happened clear enough. match ty.kind { hir::TyKind::Ptr(_) | hir::TyKind::Rptr(..) | hir::TyKind::TraitObject(..) => {} hir::TyKind::Path(hir::QPath::Resolved(None, path)) if path.segments.len() == 1 && path.segments[0].ident.name == self.param => { if !self.nested { self.invalid_spans.push(ty.span); } } hir::TyKind::Path(_) => { let prev = self.nested; self.nested = true; hir::intravisit::walk_ty(self, ty); self.nested = prev; } _ => { hir::intravisit::walk_ty(self, ty); } } } } pub fn recursive_type_with_infinite_size_error( tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>, type_def_id: DefId, spans: Vec<Span>, ) { assert!(type_def_id.is_local()); let span = tcx.hir().span_if_local(type_def_id).unwrap(); let span = tcx.sess.source_map().guess_head_span(span); let path = tcx.def_path_str(type_def_id); let mut err = struct_span_err!(tcx.sess, span, E0072, "recursive type `{}` has infinite size", path); err.span_label(span, "recursive type has infinite size"); for &span in &spans { err.span_label(span, "recursive without indirection"); } let msg = format!( "insert some indirection (e.g., a `Box`, `Rc`, or `&`) to make `{}` representable", path, ); if spans.len() <= 4 { err.multipart_suggestion( &msg, spans .iter() .flat_map(|&span| { vec![ (span.shrink_to_lo(), "Box<".to_string()), (span.shrink_to_hi(), ">".to_string()), ] .into_iter() }) .collect(), Applicability::HasPlaceholders, ); } else { err.help(&msg); } err.emit(); } /// Summarizes information #[derive(Clone)] pub enum ArgKind { /// An argument of non-tuple type. Parameters are (name, ty) Arg(String, String), /// An argument of tuple type. For a "found" argument, the span is /// the locationo in the source of the pattern. For a "expected" /// argument, it will be None. The vector is a list of (name, ty) /// strings for the components of the tuple. Tuple(Option<Span>, Vec<(String, String)>), } impl ArgKind { fn empty() -> ArgKind { ArgKind::Arg("_".to_owned(), "_".to_owned()) } /// Creates an `ArgKind` from the expected type of an /// argument. It has no name (`_`) and an optional source span. pub fn from_expected_ty(t: Ty<'_>, span: Option<Span>) -> ArgKind { match t.kind { ty::Tuple(ref tys) => ArgKind::Tuple( span, tys.iter().map(|ty| ("_".to_owned(), ty.to_string())).collect::<Vec<_>>(), ), _ => ArgKind::Arg("_".to_owned(), t.to_string()), } } }
#[cfg(not(feature = "library"))] use cosmwasm_std::entry_point; use cosmwasm_std::{to_binary, Binary, Deps, DepsMut, Env, MessageInfo, Response, StdResult}; use cw2::set_contract_version; use crate::error::ContractError; use crate::msg::{CountResponse, ExecuteMsg, InstantiateMsg, QueryMsg}; use crate::state::{State, STATE}; // version info for migration info const CONTRACT_NAME: &str = "crates.io:simple-option"; const CONTRACT_VERSION: &str = env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION"); #[cfg_attr(not(feature = "library"), entry_point)] pub fn instantiate( deps: DepsMut, _env: Env, info: MessageInfo, msg: InstantiateMsg, ) -> Result<Response, ContractError> { let state = State { count: msg.count, owner: info.sender.clone(), }; set_contract_version(deps.storage, CONTRACT_NAME, CONTRACT_VERSION)?; STATE.save(deps.storage, &state)?; Ok(Response::new() .add_attribute("method", "instantiate") .add_attribute("owner", info.sender) .add_attribute("count", msg.count.to_string())) } #[cfg_attr(not(feature = "library"), entry_point)] pub fn execute( deps: DepsMut, _env: Env, info: MessageInfo, msg: ExecuteMsg, ) -> Result<Response, ContractError> { match msg { ExecuteMsg::Increment {} => try_increment(deps), ExecuteMsg::Reset { count } => try_reset(deps, info, count), } } pub fn try_increment(deps: DepsMut) -> Result<Response, ContractError> { STATE.update(deps.storage, |mut state| -> Result<_, ContractError> { state.count += 1; Ok(state) })?; Ok(Response::new().add_attribute("method", "try_increment")) } pub fn try_reset(deps: DepsMut, info: MessageInfo, count: i32) -> Result<Response, ContractError> { STATE.update(deps.storage, |mut state| -> Result<_, ContractError> { if info.sender != state.owner { return Err(ContractError::Unauthorized {}); } state.count = count; Ok(state) })?; Ok(Response::new().add_attribute("method", "reset")) } #[cfg_attr(not(feature = "library"), entry_point)] pub fn query(deps: Deps, _env: Env, msg: QueryMsg) -> StdResult<Binary> { match msg { QueryMsg::GetCount {} => to_binary(&query_count(deps)?), } } fn query_count(deps: Deps) -> StdResult<CountResponse> { let state = STATE.load(deps.storage)?; Ok(CountResponse { count: state.count }) } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; use cosmwasm_std::testing::{mock_dependencies, mock_env, mock_info}; use cosmwasm_std::{coins, from_binary}; #[test] fn proper_initialization() { let mut deps = mock_dependencies(&[]); let msg = InstantiateMsg { count: 17 }; let info = mock_info("creator", &coins(1000, "earth")); // we can just call .unwrap() to assert this was a success let res = instantiate(deps.as_mut(), mock_env(), info, msg).unwrap(); assert_eq!(0, res.messages.len()); // it worked, let's query the state let res = query(deps.as_ref(), mock_env(), QueryMsg::GetCount {}).unwrap(); let value: CountResponse = from_binary(&res).unwrap(); assert_eq!(17, value.count); } #[test] fn increment() { let mut deps = mock_dependencies(&coins(2, "token")); let msg = InstantiateMsg { count: 17 }; let info = mock_info("creator", &coins(2, "token")); let _res = instantiate(deps.as_mut(), mock_env(), info, msg).unwrap(); // beneficiary can release it let info = mock_info("anyone", &coins(2, "token")); let msg = ExecuteMsg::Increment {}; let _res = execute(deps.as_mut(), mock_env(), info, msg).unwrap(); // should increase counter by 1 let res = query(deps.as_ref(), mock_env(), QueryMsg::GetCount {}).unwrap(); let value: CountResponse = from_binary(&res).unwrap(); assert_eq!(18, value.count); } #[test] fn reset() { let mut deps = mock_dependencies(&coins(2, "token")); let msg = InstantiateMsg { count: 17 }; let info = mock_info("creator", &coins(2, "token")); let _res = instantiate(deps.as_mut(), mock_env(), info, msg).unwrap(); // beneficiary can release it let unauth_info = mock_info("anyone", &coins(2, "token")); let msg = ExecuteMsg::Reset { count: 5 }; let res = execute(deps.as_mut(), mock_env(), unauth_info, msg); match res { Err(ContractError::Unauthorized {}) => {} _ => panic!("Must return unauthorized error"), } // only the original creator can reset the counter let auth_info = mock_info("creator", &coins(2, "token")); let msg = ExecuteMsg::Reset { count: 5 }; let _res = execute(deps.as_mut(), mock_env(), auth_info, msg).unwrap(); // should now be 5 let res = query(deps.as_ref(), mock_env(), QueryMsg::GetCount {}).unwrap(); let value: CountResponse = from_binary(&res).unwrap(); assert_eq!(5, value.count); } }
// primitive_types3.rs // Create an array with at least 100 elements in it where the ??? is. // Execute `rustlings hint primitive_types3` for hints! // I AM NO DONE fn main() { let a = [0;100]; if a.len() >= 100 { println!("Wow, that's a big array!"); } else { println!("Meh, I eat arrays like that for breakfast."); } }
use crate::text::parsers::numeric_support::{ digits_before_dot, exponent_digits, floating_point_number, }; use crate::text::parsers::stop_character; use crate::text::text_value::TextValue; use nom::branch::alt; use nom::bytes::streaming::tag; use nom::character::streaming::one_of; use nom::combinator::{map, map_res, opt, recognize}; use nom::sequence::{preceded, terminated, tuple}; use nom::{IResult, Parser}; use std::num::ParseFloatError; use std::str::FromStr; /// Matches the text representation of a float value and returns the resulting [f64] /// as a [TextValue::Float]. pub(crate) fn parse_float(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, TextValue> { terminated( alt((float_special_value, float_numeric_value)), stop_character, )(input) } /// Matches special IEEE-754 floating point values, including +/- infinity and NaN. fn float_special_value(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, TextValue> { map(tag("nan"), |_| TextValue::Float(f64::NAN)) .or(map(tag("+inf"), |_| TextValue::Float(f64::INFINITY))) .or(map(tag("-inf"), |_| TextValue::Float(f64::NEG_INFINITY))) .parse(input) } /// Matches numeric floating point values. (e.g. `7e0`, `7.1e0` or `71e-1`) fn float_numeric_value(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, TextValue> { map_res::<_, _, _, _, ParseFloatError, _, _>( recognize(tuple(( opt(tag("-")), alt((floating_point_number, digits_before_dot)), recognize(float_exponent_marker_followed_by_digits), ))), |text| { // TODO: Reusable buffer for sanitization let mut sanitized = text.replace("_", ""); if sanitized.ends_with('e') || sanitized.ends_with('E') { sanitized.push('0'); } Ok(TextValue::Float(f64::from_str(&sanitized)?)) }, )(input) } fn float_exponent_marker_followed_by_digits(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, &str> { preceded(one_of("eE"), exponent_digits)(input) } #[cfg(test)] mod float_parsing_tests { use crate::text::parsers::float::parse_float; use crate::text::parsers::unit_test_support::{parse_test_err, parse_test_ok, parse_unwrap}; use crate::text::text_value::TextValue; use std::str::FromStr; fn parse_equals(text: &str, expected: f64) { parse_test_ok(parse_float, text, TextValue::Float(expected)) } fn parse_fails(text: &str) { parse_test_err(parse_float, text) } #[test] fn test_parse_float_special_values() { parse_equals("+inf ", f64::INFINITY); parse_equals("-inf ", f64::NEG_INFINITY); // Can't test two NaNs for equality with assert_eq let value = parse_unwrap(parse_float, "nan "); if let TextValue::Float(f) = value { assert!(f.is_nan()); } else { panic!("Expected NaN, but got: {:?}", value); } } #[test] fn test_parse_float_numeric_values() { parse_equals("0.0e0 ", 0.0); parse_equals("0E0 ", 0.0); parse_equals("0e0 ", 0e0); parse_equals("305e1 ", 3050.0); parse_equals("305.0e1 ", 3050.0); parse_equals("-0.279e3 ", -279.0); parse_equals("-279e0 ", -279.0); parse_equals("-279.5e0 ", -279.5); // Missing exponent (would be parsed as an integer) parse_fails("305 "); // Has exponent delimiter but missing exponent parse_fails("305e "); // No digits before the decimal point parse_fails(".305e "); // Fractional exponent parse_fails("305e0.5"); // Negative fractional exponent parse_fails("305e-0.5"); // Doesn't consume leading whitespace parse_fails(" 305e1 "); // Doesn't accept leading zeros parse_fails("0305e1 "); // Doesn't accept leading plus sign parse_fails("+305e1 "); // Doesn't accept multiple negative signs parse_fails("--305e1 "); // Doesn't accept a number if it's the last thing in the input (might be incomplete stream) parse_fails("305e1"); } #[test] fn test_parse_float_numeric_values_with_underscores() { parse_equals("111_111e222 ", 111111.0 * 10f64.powf(222f64)); parse_equals("111_111.667e222 ", 111111.667 * 10f64.powf(222f64)); parse_equals("111_111e222_222 ", 111111.0 * 10f64.powf(222222f64)); parse_equals("-999_9e9_9 ", f64::from_str("-9999e99").unwrap()); // Doesn't accept leading underscores parse_fails("_305e1 "); // Doesn't accept trailing underscores parse_fails("305e1_ "); // Doesn't accept multiple consecutive underscores parse_fails("30__5e1 "); } }
//! A C representation of Rust's `std::option::Option` used across the FFI //! boundary for Solana program interfaces //! //! This implementation mostly matches `std::option` except iterators since the iteration //! trait requires returning `std::option::Option` use std::{ convert, mem, ops::{Deref, DerefMut}, }; /// A C representation of Rust's `std::option::Option` #[repr(C)] #[derive(Copy, PartialEq, PartialOrd, Eq, Ord, Debug, Hash)] pub enum COption<T> { /// No value None, /// Some value `T` Some(T), } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Type implementation ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// impl<T> COption<T> { ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Querying the contained values ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Returns `true` if the option is a [`COption::Some`] value. /// /// # Examples /// /// ```ignore /// let x: COption<u32> = COption::Some(2); /// assert_eq!(x.is_some(), true); /// /// let x: COption<u32> = COption::None; /// assert_eq!(x.is_some(), false); /// ``` /// /// [`COption::Some`]: #variant.COption::Some #[must_use = "if you intended to assert that this has a value, consider `.unwrap()` instead"] #[inline] pub fn is_some(&self) -> bool { match *self { COption::Some(_) => true, COption::None => false, } } /// Returns `true` if the option is a [`COption::None`] value. /// /// # Examples /// /// ```ignore /// let x: COption<u32> = COption::Some(2); /// assert_eq!(x.is_none(), false); /// /// let x: COption<u32> = COption::None; /// assert_eq!(x.is_none(), true); /// ``` /// /// [`COption::None`]: #variant.COption::None #[must_use = "if you intended to assert that this doesn't have a value, consider \ `.and_then(|| panic!(\"`COption` had a value when expected `COption::None`\"))` instead"] #[inline] pub fn is_none(&self) -> bool { !self.is_some() } /// Returns `true` if the option is a [`COption::Some`] value containing the given value. /// /// # Examples /// /// ```ignore /// #![feature(option_result_contains)] /// /// let x: COption<u32> = COption::Some(2); /// assert_eq!(x.contains(&2), true); /// /// let x: COption<u32> = COption::Some(3); /// assert_eq!(x.contains(&2), false); /// /// let x: COption<u32> = COption::None; /// assert_eq!(x.contains(&2), false); /// ``` #[must_use] #[inline] pub fn contains<U>(&self, x: &U) -> bool where U: PartialEq<T>, { match self { COption::Some(y) => x == y, COption::None => false, } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Adapter for working with references ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Converts from `&COption<T>` to `COption<&T>`. /// /// # Examples /// /// Converts an `COption<`[`String`]`>` into an `COption<`[`usize`]`>`, preserving the original. /// The [`map`] method takes the `self` argument by value, consuming the original, /// so this technique uses `as_ref` to first take an `COption` to a reference /// to the value inside the original. /// /// [`map`]: enum.COption.html#method.map /// [`String`]: ../../std/string/struct.String.html /// [`usize`]: ../../std/primitive.usize.html /// /// ```ignore /// let text: COption<String> = COption::Some("Hello, world!".to_string()); /// // First, cast `COption<String>` to `COption<&String>` with `as_ref`, /// // then consume *that* with `map`, leaving `text` on the stack. /// let text_length: COption<usize> = text.as_ref().map(|s| s.len()); /// println!("still can print text: {:?}", text); /// ``` #[inline] pub fn as_ref(&self) -> COption<&T> { match *self { COption::Some(ref x) => COption::Some(x), COption::None => COption::None, } } /// Converts from `&mut COption<T>` to `COption<&mut T>`. /// /// # Examples /// /// ```ignore /// let mut x = COption::Some(2); /// match x.as_mut() { /// COption::Some(v) => *v = 42, /// COption::None => {}, /// } /// assert_eq!(x, COption::Some(42)); /// ``` #[inline] pub fn as_mut(&mut self) -> COption<&mut T> { match *self { COption::Some(ref mut x) => COption::Some(x), COption::None => COption::None, } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Getting to contained values ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Unwraps an option, yielding the content of a [`COption::Some`]. /// /// # Panics /// /// Panics if the value is a [`COption::None`] with a custom panic message provided by /// `msg`. /// /// [`COption::Some`]: #variant.COption::Some /// [`COption::None`]: #variant.COption::None /// /// # Examples /// /// ```ignore /// let x = COption::Some("value"); /// assert_eq!(x.expect("the world is ending"), "value"); /// ``` /// /// ```ignore{.should_panic} /// let x: COption<&str> = COption::None; /// x.expect("the world is ending"); // panics with `the world is ending` /// ``` #[inline] pub fn expect(self, msg: &str) -> T { match self { COption::Some(val) => val, COption::None => expect_failed(msg), } } /// Moves the value `v` out of the `COption<T>` if it is [`COption::Some(v)`]. /// /// In general, because this function may panic, its use is discouraged. /// Instead, prefer to use pattern matching and handle the [`COption::None`] /// case explicitly. /// /// # Panics /// /// Panics if the self value equals [`COption::None`]. /// /// [`COption::Some(v)`]: #variant.COption::Some /// [`COption::None`]: #variant.COption::None /// /// # Examples /// /// ```ignore /// let x = COption::Some("air"); /// assert_eq!(x.unwrap(), "air"); /// ``` /// /// ```ignore{.should_panic} /// let x: COption<&str> = COption::None; /// assert_eq!(x.unwrap(), "air"); // fails /// ``` #[inline] pub fn unwrap(self) -> T { match self { COption::Some(val) => val, COption::None => panic!("called `COption::unwrap()` on a `COption::None` value"), } } /// Returns the contained value or a default. /// /// Arguments passed to `unwrap_or` are eagerly evaluated; if you are passing /// the result of a function call, it is recommended to use [`unwrap_or_else`], /// which is lazily evaluated. /// /// [`unwrap_or_else`]: #method.unwrap_or_else /// /// # Examples /// /// ```ignore /// assert_eq!(COption::Some("car").unwrap_or("bike"), "car"); /// assert_eq!(COption::None.unwrap_or("bike"), "bike"); /// ``` #[inline] pub fn unwrap_or(self, def: T) -> T { match self { COption::Some(x) => x, COption::None => def, } } /// Returns the contained value or computes it from a closure. /// /// # Examples /// /// ```ignore /// let k = 10; /// assert_eq!(COption::Some(4).unwrap_or_else(|| 2 * k), 4); /// assert_eq!(COption::None.unwrap_or_else(|| 2 * k), 20); /// ``` #[inline] pub fn unwrap_or_else<F: FnOnce() -> T>(self, f: F) -> T { match self { COption::Some(x) => x, COption::None => f(), } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Transforming contained values ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Maps an `COption<T>` to `COption<U>` by applying a function to a contained value. /// /// # Examples /// /// Converts an `COption<`[`String`]`>` into an `COption<`[`usize`]`>`, consuming the original: /// /// [`String`]: ../../std/string/struct.String.html /// [`usize`]: ../../std/primitive.usize.html /// /// ```ignore /// let maybe_some_string = COption::Some(String::from("Hello, World!")); /// // `COption::map` takes self *by value*, consuming `maybe_some_string` /// let maybe_some_len = maybe_some_string.map(|s| s.len()); /// /// assert_eq!(maybe_some_len, COption::Some(13)); /// ``` #[inline] pub fn map<U, F: FnOnce(T) -> U>(self, f: F) -> COption<U> { match self { COption::Some(x) => COption::Some(f(x)), COption::None => COption::None, } } /// Applies a function to the contained value (if any), /// or returns the provided default (if not). /// /// # Examples /// /// ```ignore /// let x = COption::Some("foo"); /// assert_eq!(x.map_or(42, |v| v.len()), 3); /// /// let x: COption<&str> = COption::None; /// assert_eq!(x.map_or(42, |v| v.len()), 42); /// ``` #[inline] pub fn map_or<U, F: FnOnce(T) -> U>(self, default: U, f: F) -> U { match self { COption::Some(t) => f(t), COption::None => default, } } /// Applies a function to the contained value (if any), /// or computes a default (if not). /// /// # Examples /// /// ```ignore /// let k = 21; /// /// let x = COption::Some("foo"); /// assert_eq!(x.map_or_else(|| 2 * k, |v| v.len()), 3); /// /// let x: COption<&str> = COption::None; /// assert_eq!(x.map_or_else(|| 2 * k, |v| v.len()), 42); /// ``` #[inline] pub fn map_or_else<U, D: FnOnce() -> U, F: FnOnce(T) -> U>(self, default: D, f: F) -> U { match self { COption::Some(t) => f(t), COption::None => default(), } } /// Transforms the `COption<T>` into a [`Result<T, E>`], mapping [`COption::Some(v)`] to /// [`Ok(v)`] and [`COption::None`] to [`Err(err)`]. /// /// Arguments passed to `ok_or` are eagerly evaluated; if you are passing the /// result of a function call, it is recommended to use [`ok_or_else`], which is /// lazily evaluated. /// /// [`Result<T, E>`]: ../../std/result/enum.Result.html /// [`Ok(v)`]: ../../std/result/enum.Result.html#variant.Ok /// [`Err(err)`]: ../../std/result/enum.Result.html#variant.Err /// [`COption::None`]: #variant.COption::None /// [`COption::Some(v)`]: #variant.COption::Some /// [`ok_or_else`]: #method.ok_or_else /// /// # Examples /// /// ```ignore /// let x = COption::Some("foo"); /// assert_eq!(x.ok_or(0), Ok("foo")); /// /// let x: COption<&str> = COption::None; /// assert_eq!(x.ok_or(0), Err(0)); /// ``` #[inline] pub fn ok_or<E>(self, err: E) -> Result<T, E> { match self { COption::Some(v) => Ok(v), COption::None => Err(err), } } /// Transforms the `COption<T>` into a [`Result<T, E>`], mapping [`COption::Some(v)`] to /// [`Ok(v)`] and [`COption::None`] to [`Err(err())`]. /// /// [`Result<T, E>`]: ../../std/result/enum.Result.html /// [`Ok(v)`]: ../../std/result/enum.Result.html#variant.Ok /// [`Err(err())`]: ../../std/result/enum.Result.html#variant.Err /// [`COption::None`]: #variant.COption::None /// [`COption::Some(v)`]: #variant.COption::Some /// /// # Examples /// /// ```ignore /// let x = COption::Some("foo"); /// assert_eq!(x.ok_or_else(|| 0), Ok("foo")); /// /// let x: COption<&str> = COption::None; /// assert_eq!(x.ok_or_else(|| 0), Err(0)); /// ``` #[inline] pub fn ok_or_else<E, F: FnOnce() -> E>(self, err: F) -> Result<T, E> { match self { COption::Some(v) => Ok(v), COption::None => Err(err()), } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Boolean operations on the values, eager and lazy ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Returns [`COption::None`] if the option is [`COption::None`], otherwise returns `optb`. /// /// [`COption::None`]: #variant.COption::None /// /// # Examples /// /// ```ignore /// let x = COption::Some(2); /// let y: COption<&str> = COption::None; /// assert_eq!(x.and(y), COption::None); /// /// let x: COption<u32> = COption::None; /// let y = COption::Some("foo"); /// assert_eq!(x.and(y), COption::None); /// /// let x = COption::Some(2); /// let y = COption::Some("foo"); /// assert_eq!(x.and(y), COption::Some("foo")); /// /// let x: COption<u32> = COption::None; /// let y: COption<&str> = COption::None; /// assert_eq!(x.and(y), COption::None); /// ``` #[inline] pub fn and<U>(self, optb: COption<U>) -> COption<U> { match self { COption::Some(_) => optb, COption::None => COption::None, } } /// Returns [`COption::None`] if the option is [`COption::None`], otherwise calls `f` with the /// wrapped value and returns the result. /// /// COption::Some languages call this operation flatmap. /// /// [`COption::None`]: #variant.COption::None /// /// # Examples /// /// ```ignore /// fn sq(x: u32) -> COption<u32> { COption::Some(x * x) } /// fn nope(_: u32) -> COption<u32> { COption::None } /// /// assert_eq!(COption::Some(2).and_then(sq).and_then(sq), COption::Some(16)); /// assert_eq!(COption::Some(2).and_then(sq).and_then(nope), COption::None); /// assert_eq!(COption::Some(2).and_then(nope).and_then(sq), COption::None); /// assert_eq!(COption::None.and_then(sq).and_then(sq), COption::None); /// ``` #[inline] pub fn and_then<U, F: FnOnce(T) -> COption<U>>(self, f: F) -> COption<U> { match self { COption::Some(x) => f(x), COption::None => COption::None, } } /// Returns [`COption::None`] if the option is [`COption::None`], otherwise calls `predicate` /// with the wrapped value and returns: /// /// - [`COption::Some(t)`] if `predicate` returns `true` (where `t` is the wrapped /// value), and /// - [`COption::None`] if `predicate` returns `false`. /// /// This function works similar to [`Iterator::filter()`]. You can imagine /// the `COption<T>` being an iterator over one or zero elements. `filter()` /// lets you decide which elements to keep. /// /// # Examples /// /// ```ignore /// fn is_even(n: &i32) -> bool { /// n % 2 == 0 /// } /// /// assert_eq!(COption::None.filter(is_even), COption::None); /// assert_eq!(COption::Some(3).filter(is_even), COption::None); /// assert_eq!(COption::Some(4).filter(is_even), COption::Some(4)); /// ``` /// /// [`COption::None`]: #variant.COption::None /// [`COption::Some(t)`]: #variant.COption::Some /// [`Iterator::filter()`]: ../../std/iter/trait.Iterator.html#method.filter #[inline] pub fn filter<P: FnOnce(&T) -> bool>(self, predicate: P) -> Self { if let COption::Some(x) = self { if predicate(&x) { return COption::Some(x); } } COption::None } /// Returns the option if it contains a value, otherwise returns `optb`. /// /// Arguments passed to `or` are eagerly evaluated; if you are passing the /// result of a function call, it is recommended to use [`or_else`], which is /// lazily evaluated. /// /// [`or_else`]: #method.or_else /// /// # Examples /// /// ```ignore /// let x = COption::Some(2); /// let y = COption::None; /// assert_eq!(x.or(y), COption::Some(2)); /// /// let x = COption::None; /// let y = COption::Some(100); /// assert_eq!(x.or(y), COption::Some(100)); /// /// let x = COption::Some(2); /// let y = COption::Some(100); /// assert_eq!(x.or(y), COption::Some(2)); /// /// let x: COption<u32> = COption::None; /// let y = COption::None; /// assert_eq!(x.or(y), COption::None); /// ``` #[inline] pub fn or(self, optb: COption<T>) -> COption<T> { match self { COption::Some(_) => self, COption::None => optb, } } /// Returns the option if it contains a value, otherwise calls `f` and /// returns the result. /// /// # Examples /// /// ```ignore /// fn nobody() -> COption<&'static str> { COption::None } /// fn vikings() -> COption<&'static str> { COption::Some("vikings") } /// /// assert_eq!(COption::Some("barbarians").or_else(vikings), COption::Some("barbarians")); /// assert_eq!(COption::None.or_else(vikings), COption::Some("vikings")); /// assert_eq!(COption::None.or_else(nobody), COption::None); /// ``` #[inline] pub fn or_else<F: FnOnce() -> COption<T>>(self, f: F) -> COption<T> { match self { COption::Some(_) => self, COption::None => f(), } } /// Returns [`COption::Some`] if exactly one of `self`, `optb` is [`COption::Some`], otherwise returns [`COption::None`]. /// /// [`COption::Some`]: #variant.COption::Some /// [`COption::None`]: #variant.COption::None /// /// # Examples /// /// ```ignore /// let x = COption::Some(2); /// let y: COption<u32> = COption::None; /// assert_eq!(x.xor(y), COption::Some(2)); /// /// let x: COption<u32> = COption::None; /// let y = COption::Some(2); /// assert_eq!(x.xor(y), COption::Some(2)); /// /// let x = COption::Some(2); /// let y = COption::Some(2); /// assert_eq!(x.xor(y), COption::None); /// /// let x: COption<u32> = COption::None; /// let y: COption<u32> = COption::None; /// assert_eq!(x.xor(y), COption::None); /// ``` #[inline] pub fn xor(self, optb: COption<T>) -> COption<T> { match (self, optb) { (COption::Some(a), COption::None) => COption::Some(a), (COption::None, COption::Some(b)) => COption::Some(b), _ => COption::None, } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Entry-like operations to insert if COption::None and return a reference ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Inserts `v` into the option if it is [`COption::None`], then /// returns a mutable reference to the contained value. /// /// [`COption::None`]: #variant.COption::None /// /// # Examples /// /// ```ignore /// let mut x = COption::None; /// /// { /// let y: &mut u32 = x.get_or_insert(5); /// assert_eq!(y, &5); /// /// *y = 7; /// } /// /// assert_eq!(x, COption::Some(7)); /// ``` #[inline] pub fn get_or_insert(&mut self, v: T) -> &mut T { self.get_or_insert_with(|| v) } /// Inserts a value computed from `f` into the option if it is [`COption::None`], then /// returns a mutable reference to the contained value. /// /// [`COption::None`]: #variant.COption::None /// /// # Examples /// /// ```ignore /// let mut x = COption::None; /// /// { /// let y: &mut u32 = x.get_or_insert_with(|| 5); /// assert_eq!(y, &5); /// /// *y = 7; /// } /// /// assert_eq!(x, COption::Some(7)); /// ``` #[inline] pub fn get_or_insert_with<F: FnOnce() -> T>(&mut self, f: F) -> &mut T { if let COption::None = *self { *self = COption::Some(f()) } match *self { COption::Some(ref mut v) => v, COption::None => unreachable!(), } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Misc ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Replaces the actual value in the option by the value given in parameter, /// returning the old value if present, /// leaving a [`COption::Some`] in its place without deinitializing either one. /// /// [`COption::Some`]: #variant.COption::Some /// /// # Examples /// /// ```ignore /// let mut x = COption::Some(2); /// let old = x.replace(5); /// assert_eq!(x, COption::Some(5)); /// assert_eq!(old, COption::Some(2)); /// /// let mut x = COption::None; /// let old = x.replace(3); /// assert_eq!(x, COption::Some(3)); /// assert_eq!(old, COption::None); /// ``` #[inline] pub fn replace(&mut self, value: T) -> COption<T> { mem::replace(self, COption::Some(value)) } } impl<T: Copy> COption<&T> { /// Maps an `COption<&T>` to an `COption<T>` by copying the contents of the /// option. /// /// # Examples /// /// ```ignore /// let x = 12; /// let opt_x = COption::Some(&x); /// assert_eq!(opt_x, COption::Some(&12)); /// let copied = opt_x.copied(); /// assert_eq!(copied, COption::Some(12)); /// ``` pub fn copied(self) -> COption<T> { self.map(|&t| t) } } impl<T: Copy> COption<&mut T> { /// Maps an `COption<&mut T>` to an `COption<T>` by copying the contents of the /// option. /// /// # Examples /// /// ```ignore /// let mut x = 12; /// let opt_x = COption::Some(&mut x); /// assert_eq!(opt_x, COption::Some(&mut 12)); /// let copied = opt_x.copied(); /// assert_eq!(copied, COption::Some(12)); /// ``` pub fn copied(self) -> COption<T> { self.map(|&mut t| t) } } impl<T: Clone> COption<&T> { /// Maps an `COption<&T>` to an `COption<T>` by cloning the contents of the /// option. /// /// # Examples /// /// ```ignore /// let x = 12; /// let opt_x = COption::Some(&x); /// assert_eq!(opt_x, COption::Some(&12)); /// let cloned = opt_x.cloned(); /// assert_eq!(cloned, COption::Some(12)); /// ``` pub fn cloned(self) -> COption<T> { self.map(|t| t.clone()) } } impl<T: Clone> COption<&mut T> { /// Maps an `COption<&mut T>` to an `COption<T>` by cloning the contents of the /// option. /// /// # Examples /// /// ```ignore /// let mut x = 12; /// let opt_x = COption::Some(&mut x); /// assert_eq!(opt_x, COption::Some(&mut 12)); /// let cloned = opt_x.cloned(); /// assert_eq!(cloned, COption::Some(12)); /// ``` pub fn cloned(self) -> COption<T> { self.map(|t| t.clone()) } } impl<T: Default> COption<T> { /// Returns the contained value or a default /// /// Consumes the `self` argument then, if [`COption::Some`], returns the contained /// value, otherwise if [`COption::None`], returns the [default value] for that /// type. /// /// # Examples /// /// Converts a string to an integer, turning poorly-formed strings /// into 0 (the default value for integers). [`parse`] converts /// a string to any other type that implements [`FromStr`], returning /// [`COption::None`] on error. /// /// ```ignore /// let good_year_from_input = "1909"; /// let bad_year_from_input = "190blarg"; /// let good_year = good_year_from_input.parse().ok().unwrap_or_default(); /// let bad_year = bad_year_from_input.parse().ok().unwrap_or_default(); /// /// assert_eq!(1909, good_year); /// assert_eq!(0, bad_year); /// ``` /// /// [`COption::Some`]: #variant.COption::Some /// [`COption::None`]: #variant.COption::None /// [default value]: ../default/trait.Default.html#tymethod.default /// [`parse`]: ../../std/primitive.str.html#method.parse /// [`FromStr`]: ../../std/str/trait.FromStr.html #[inline] pub fn unwrap_or_default(self) -> T { match self { COption::Some(x) => x, COption::None => T::default(), } } } impl<T: Deref> COption<T> { /// Converts from `COption<T>` (or `&COption<T>`) to `COption<&T::Target>`. /// /// Leaves the original COption in-place, creating a new one with a reference /// to the original one, additionally coercing the contents via [`Deref`]. /// /// [`Deref`]: ../../std/ops/trait.Deref.html /// /// # Examples /// /// ```ignore /// #![feature(inner_deref)] /// /// let x: COption<String> = COption::Some("hey".to_owned()); /// assert_eq!(x.as_deref(), COption::Some("hey")); /// /// let x: COption<String> = COption::None; /// assert_eq!(x.as_deref(), COption::None); /// ``` pub fn as_deref(&self) -> COption<&T::Target> { self.as_ref().map(|t| t.deref()) } } impl<T: DerefMut> COption<T> { /// Converts from `COption<T>` (or `&mut COption<T>`) to `COption<&mut T::Target>`. /// /// Leaves the original `COption` in-place, creating a new one containing a mutable reference to /// the inner type's `Deref::Target` type. /// /// # Examples /// /// ```ignore /// #![feature(inner_deref)] /// /// let mut x: COption<String> = COption::Some("hey".to_owned()); /// assert_eq!(x.as_deref_mut().map(|x| { /// x.make_ascii_uppercase(); /// x /// }), COption::Some("HEY".to_owned().as_mut_str())); /// ``` pub fn as_deref_mut(&mut self) -> COption<&mut T::Target> { self.as_mut().map(|t| t.deref_mut()) } } impl<T, E> COption<Result<T, E>> { /// Transposes an `COption` of a [`Result`] into a [`Result`] of an `COption`. /// /// [`COption::None`] will be mapped to [`Ok`]`(`[`COption::None`]`)`. /// [`COption::Some`]`(`[`Ok`]`(_))` and [`COption::Some`]`(`[`Err`]`(_))` will be mapped to /// [`Ok`]`(`[`COption::Some`]`(_))` and [`Err`]`(_)`. /// /// [`COption::None`]: #variant.COption::None /// [`Ok`]: ../../std/result/enum.Result.html#variant.Ok /// [`COption::Some`]: #variant.COption::Some /// [`Err`]: ../../std/result/enum.Result.html#variant.Err /// /// # Examples /// /// ```ignore /// #[derive(Debug, Eq, PartialEq)] /// struct COption::SomeErr; /// /// let x: Result<COption<i32>, COption::SomeErr> = Ok(COption::Some(5)); /// let y: COption<Result<i32, COption::SomeErr>> = COption::Some(Ok(5)); /// assert_eq!(x, y.transpose()); /// ``` #[inline] pub fn transpose(self) -> Result<COption<T>, E> { match self { COption::Some(Ok(x)) => Ok(COption::Some(x)), COption::Some(Err(e)) => Err(e), COption::None => Ok(COption::None), } } } // This is a separate function to reduce the code size of .expect() itself. #[inline(never)] #[cold] fn expect_failed(msg: &str) -> ! { panic!("{}", msg) } // // This is a separate function to reduce the code size of .expect_none() itself. // #[inline(never)] // #[cold] // fn expect_none_failed(msg: &str, value: &dyn fmt::Debug) -> ! { // panic!("{}: {:?}", msg, value) // } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Trait implementations ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// impl<T: Clone> Clone for COption<T> { #[inline] fn clone(&self) -> Self { match self { COption::Some(x) => COption::Some(x.clone()), COption::None => COption::None, } } #[inline] fn clone_from(&mut self, source: &Self) { match (self, source) { (COption::Some(to), COption::Some(from)) => to.clone_from(from), (to, from) => *to = from.clone(), } } } impl<T> Default for COption<T> { /// Returns [`COption::None`][COption::None]. /// /// # Examples /// /// ```ignore /// let opt: COption<u32> = COption::default(); /// assert!(opt.is_none()); /// ``` #[inline] fn default() -> COption<T> { COption::None } } impl<T> From<T> for COption<T> { fn from(val: T) -> COption<T> { COption::Some(val) } } impl<'a, T> From<&'a COption<T>> for COption<&'a T> { fn from(o: &'a COption<T>) -> COption<&'a T> { o.as_ref() } } impl<'a, T> From<&'a mut COption<T>> for COption<&'a mut T> { fn from(o: &'a mut COption<T>) -> COption<&'a mut T> { o.as_mut() } } impl<T> COption<COption<T>> { /// Converts from `COption<COption<T>>` to `COption<T>` /// /// # Examples /// Basic usage: /// ```ignore /// #![feature(option_flattening)] /// let x: COption<COption<u32>> = COption::Some(COption::Some(6)); /// assert_eq!(COption::Some(6), x.flatten()); /// /// let x: COption<COption<u32>> = COption::Some(COption::None); /// assert_eq!(COption::None, x.flatten()); /// /// let x: COption<COption<u32>> = COption::None; /// assert_eq!(COption::None, x.flatten()); /// ``` /// Flattening once only removes one level of nesting: /// ```ignore /// #![feature(option_flattening)] /// let x: COption<COption<COption<u32>>> = COption::Some(COption::Some(COption::Some(6))); /// assert_eq!(COption::Some(COption::Some(6)), x.flatten()); /// assert_eq!(COption::Some(6), x.flatten().flatten()); /// ``` #[inline] pub fn flatten(self) -> COption<T> { self.and_then(convert::identity) } } impl<T> From<Option<T>> for COption<T> { fn from(option: Option<T>) -> Self { match option { Some(value) => COption::Some(value), None => COption::None, } } } #[rustversion::since(1.49.0)] impl<T> From<COption<T>> for Option<T> { fn from(coption: COption<T>) -> Self { match coption { COption::Some(value) => Some(value), COption::None => None, } } } #[rustversion::before(1.49.0)] // Remove `Into` once the BPF toolchain upgrades to 1.49.0 or newer impl<T> Into<Option<T>> for COption<T> { fn into(self) -> Option<T> { match self { COption::Some(value) => Some(value), COption::None => None, } } } #[cfg(test)] mod test { use super::*; #[test] fn test_from_rust_option() { let option = Some(99u64); let c_option: COption<u64> = option.into(); assert_eq!(c_option, COption::Some(99u64)); let expected = c_option.into(); assert_eq!(option, expected); let option = None; let c_option: COption<u64> = option.into(); assert_eq!(c_option, COption::None); let expected = c_option.into(); assert_eq!(option, expected); } }
use failure::{Error, ResultExt}; use flate2::read::GzDecoder; use git2::{BranchType, Repository, Sort}; use package::Checksum; use reqwest::Client; use serde::{de, Deserialize, Deserializer, Serialize, Serializer}; use sha2::{Digest, Sha256}; use std::{fmt, fs, io::BufReader, path::PathBuf, str::FromStr}; use tar::Archive; use url::Url; use util::{ clear_dir, errors::{ErrorKind, Res}, git::{clone, fetch, reset, update_submodules}, hexify_hash, lock::DirLock, }; /// The possible places from which a package can be resolved. /// /// There are two main sources from which a package can originate: a Direct source (a path or a /// tarball online or a git repo) and an Index (an indirect source which accrues metadata about /// Direct sources #[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)] pub enum Resolution { Direct(DirectRes), Index(IndexRes), } impl From<DirectRes> for Resolution { fn from(i: DirectRes) -> Self { Resolution::Direct(i) } } impl From<IndexRes> for Resolution { fn from(i: IndexRes) -> Self { Resolution::Index(i) } } impl FromStr for Resolution { type Err = Error; fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result<Self, Self::Err> { let direct = DirectRes::from_str(s); if direct.is_ok() { direct.map(Resolution::Direct) } else { IndexRes::from_str(s).map(Resolution::Index) } } } impl fmt::Display for Resolution { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { match self { Resolution::Direct(d) => write!(f, "{}", d), Resolution::Index(i) => write!(f, "{}", i), } } } impl Serialize for Resolution { fn serialize<S>(&self, serializer: S) -> Result<S::Ok, S::Error> where S: Serializer, { serializer.serialize_str(&self.to_string()) } } impl<'de> Deserialize<'de> for Resolution { fn deserialize<D: Deserializer<'de>>(deserializer: D) -> Result<Self, D::Error> { let s = String::deserialize(deserializer)?; FromStr::from_str(&s).map_err(de::Error::custom) } } impl Resolution { pub fn direct(&self) -> Option<&DirectRes> { if let Resolution::Direct(d) = &self { Some(&d) } else { None } } pub fn is_tar(&self) -> bool { if let Resolution::Direct(d) = &self { d.is_tar() } else { false } } pub fn is_git(&self) -> bool { if let Resolution::Direct(d) = &self { d.is_git() } else { false } } pub fn is_dir(&self) -> bool { if let Resolution::Direct(d) = &self { d.is_dir() } else { false } } pub fn lowkey_eq(&self, other: &Resolution) -> bool { match (self, other) { (Resolution::Direct(d), Resolution::Direct(d2)) => d.lowkey_eq(d2), (Resolution::Index(i), Resolution::Index(i2)) => i == i2, (_, _) => false, } } } #[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)] pub enum DirectRes { /// Git: the package originated from a git repository. Git { repo: Url, tag: String }, /// Dir: the package is on disk in a folder directory. Dir { path: PathBuf }, /// Tar: the package is an archive stored somewhere. /// /// Tarballs are the only direct resolution which is allowed to have a checksum; this doesn't /// really make sense for DirectRes::Local, and we leave validation of repositories to Git /// itself. Checksums are stored in the fragment of the resolution url, with they key being the /// checksum format. Tar { url: Url, cksum: Option<Checksum> }, } impl DirectRes { pub fn lowkey_eq(&self, other: &DirectRes) -> bool { match (self, other) { (DirectRes::Git { repo: r1, .. }, DirectRes::Git { repo: r2, .. }) => r1 == r2, (DirectRes::Dir { path: p1 }, DirectRes::Dir { path: p2 }) => p1 == p2, (DirectRes::Tar { url: u1, cksum: c1 }, DirectRes::Tar { url: u2, cksum: c2 }) => { u1 == u2 && c1 == c2 } _ => false, } } } impl DirectRes { pub fn retrieve( &self, client: &Client, target: &DirLock, eager: bool, dl_f: impl Fn(bool) -> Res<()>, ) -> Result<Option<DirectRes>, Error> { match self { DirectRes::Tar { url, cksum } => match url.scheme() { "http" | "https" => { dl_f(true)?; client .get(url.clone()) .send() .map_err(|_| Error::from(ErrorKind::CannotDownload)) .and_then(|mut r| { let mut buf: Vec<u8> = vec![]; r.copy_to(&mut buf).context(ErrorKind::CannotDownload)?; let hash = hexify_hash(Sha256::digest(&buf[..]).as_slice()); if let Some(cksum) = cksum { if cksum.hash != hash { return Err(format_err!( "tarball checksum doesn't match real checksum" ))?; } } let archive = BufReader::new(&buf[..]); let archive = GzDecoder::new(archive); let mut archive = Archive::new(archive); clear_dir(target.path())?; archive .unpack(target.path()) .context(ErrorKind::CannotDownload)?; Ok(None) }) } "file" => { dl_f(false)?; let mut archive = fs::File::open(target.path()).context(ErrorKind::CannotDownload)?; let hash = hexify_hash( Sha256::digest_reader(&mut archive) .context(ErrorKind::CannotDownload)? .as_slice(), ); if let Some(cksum) = cksum { if cksum.hash != hash { return Err(format_err!( "tarball checksum doesn't match real checksum" ))?; } } let archive = BufReader::new(archive); let archive = GzDecoder::new(archive); let mut archive = Archive::new(archive); clear_dir(target.path())?; archive .unpack(target.path()) .context(ErrorKind::CannotDownload)?; Ok(None) } _ => unreachable!(), }, DirectRes::Git { repo: url, tag } => { // If we find a directory which already has a repo, we just check out the correct // version of it. Whether or not a new dir is created isn't our job, that's for the // Cache. If the Cache points to a directory that already exists, it means that the // branch data or w/e is irrelevant. let repo = Repository::open(target.path()); let repo = match repo { Ok(r) => { let mut repo = r; // This logic is for in case we are pointed to an existing git repository. // We only want to NOT update an existing git repository if eager is false. // We assume that the HEAD of the repo is at the current "locked" state. // // If the tag is a branch: if !eager { if let Ok(b) = repo.find_branch(&tag, BranchType::Local) { let head = b.into_reference().resolve()?.peel_to_commit()?; let cur = repo.head()?.resolve()?.peel_to_commit()?; let mut revwalk = repo.revwalk()?; revwalk.push(head.id())?; revwalk.set_sorting(Sort::TOPOLOGICAL); if revwalk.any(|x| x == Ok(cur.id())) { if &cur.id().to_string() == tag { return Ok(None); } else { return Ok(Some(DirectRes::Git { repo: url.clone(), tag: cur.id().to_string(), })); } } } // Otherwise, if the tag is an exact pointer to a commit, we try to check out to // it locally without fetching anything let target = repo.revparse_single(&tag).and_then(|x| x.peel_to_commit()); let cur = repo .head() .and_then(|x| x.resolve()) .and_then(|x| x.peel_to_commit()); if let Ok(t) = target { if let Ok(c) = cur { if t.id() == c.id() { if tag == &c.id().to_string() { return Ok(None); } else { return Ok(Some(DirectRes::Git { repo: url.clone(), tag: c.id().to_string(), })); } } else { // Because we know the other tag exists in our local copy of the // repo, we can just check out into that and return let obj = t.into_object().clone(); reset(&repo, &obj).with_context(|e| { format_err!( "couldn't checkout commit {}: {}", obj.id(), e ) })?; if tag == &obj.id().to_string() { return Ok(None); } else { return Ok(Some(DirectRes::Git { repo: url.clone(), tag: obj.id().to_string(), })); } } } } } // Get everything!! dl_f(true)?; let refspec = "refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*"; fetch(&mut repo, &url, refspec).with_context(|e| { format_err!("couldn't fetch git repo {}: {}", url, e) })?; repo } Err(_) => { clear_dir(target.path())?; dl_f(true)?; clone(url, target.path()).with_context(|e| { format_err!("couldn't fetch git repo {}:\n{}", url, e) })? } }; let obj = repo .revparse_single(&tag) .context(ErrorKind::CannotDownload)?; reset(&repo, &obj) .with_context(|e| format_err!("couldn't fetch git repo {}:\n{}", url, e))?; update_submodules(&repo).with_context(|e| { format_err!("couldn't update submodules for git repo {}:\n{}", url, e) })?; let id = obj.peel_to_commit()?.id().to_string(); Ok(Some(DirectRes::Git { repo: url.clone(), tag: id, })) } DirectRes::Dir { path } => { // If this package is located on disk, we don't have to do anything... dl_f(false)?; if path.exists() { Ok(None) } else { Err(format_err!("can't find directory {}", path.display()))? } } } } pub fn is_tar(&self) -> bool { if let DirectRes::Tar { .. } = &self { true } else { false } } pub fn is_git(&self) -> bool { if let DirectRes::Git { .. } = &self { true } else { false } } pub fn is_dir(&self) -> bool { if let DirectRes::Dir { .. } = &self { true } else { false } } } impl FromStr for DirectRes { type Err = Error; fn from_str(url: &str) -> Result<Self, Self::Err> { let mut parts = url.splitn(2, '+'); let utype = parts.next().unwrap(); let rest = parts.next().ok_or_else(|| ErrorKind::InvalidSourceUrl)?; match utype { "git" => { let mut url = Url::parse(rest).context(ErrorKind::InvalidSourceUrl)?; let tag = url.fragment().unwrap_or_else(|| "master").to_owned(); url.set_fragment(None); Ok(DirectRes::Git { repo: url, tag }) } "dir" => { let path = PathBuf::from(rest); Ok(DirectRes::Dir { path }) } "tar" => { let mut url = Url::parse(rest).context(ErrorKind::InvalidSourceUrl)?; if url.scheme() != "http" && url.scheme() != "https" && url.scheme() != "file" { return Err(ErrorKind::InvalidSourceUrl)?; } let cksum = url.fragment().and_then(|x| Checksum::from_str(x).ok()); url.set_fragment(None); Ok(DirectRes::Tar { url, cksum }) } _ => Err(ErrorKind::InvalidSourceUrl)?, } } } impl fmt::Display for DirectRes { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { match self { DirectRes::Git { repo, tag } => write!(f, "git+{}#{}", repo, tag), DirectRes::Dir { path } => write!(f, "dir+{}", path.display()), DirectRes::Tar { url, cksum } => { let url = url.as_str(); write!( f, "tar+{}{}", url, if let Some(cksum) = cksum { "#".to_string() + &cksum.to_string() } else { "".to_string() }, ) } } } } #[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)] pub struct IndexRes { pub res: DirectRes, } impl From<DirectRes> for IndexRes { fn from(d: DirectRes) -> Self { IndexRes { res: d } } } impl From<IndexRes> for DirectRes { fn from(i: IndexRes) -> Self { i.res } } impl FromStr for IndexRes { type Err = Error; fn from_str(url: &str) -> Result<Self, Self::Err> { let mut parts = url.splitn(2, '+'); let utype = parts.next().unwrap(); let url = parts.next().ok_or_else(|| ErrorKind::InvalidSourceUrl)?; match utype { "index" => { let res = DirectRes::from_str(url).context(ErrorKind::InvalidSourceUrl)?; Ok(IndexRes { res }) } _ => Err(ErrorKind::InvalidSourceUrl)?, } } } impl fmt::Display for IndexRes { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { let url = self.res.to_string(); let mut s = String::with_capacity(url.len() + 10); s.push_str("index+"); s.push_str(&url); write!(f, "{}", s) } } impl Serialize for DirectRes { fn serialize<S>(&self, serializer: S) -> Result<S::Ok, S::Error> where S: Serializer, { serializer.serialize_str(&self.to_string()) } } impl<'de> Deserialize<'de> for DirectRes { fn deserialize<D: Deserializer<'de>>(deserializer: D) -> Result<Self, D::Error> { let s = String::deserialize(deserializer)?; FromStr::from_str(&s).map_err(de::Error::custom) } } impl Serialize for IndexRes { fn serialize<S>(&self, serializer: S) -> Result<S::Ok, S::Error> where S: Serializer, { serializer.serialize_str(&self.to_string()) } } impl<'de> Deserialize<'de> for IndexRes { fn deserialize<D: Deserializer<'de>>(deserializer: D) -> Result<Self, D::Error> { let s = String::deserialize(deserializer)?; FromStr::from_str(&s).map_err(de::Error::custom) } }
use quicksilver::prelude::*; use quicksilver::lifecycle::Asset; use specs::prelude::*; use crate::color::{Palette}; use crate::game::level::{Level}; use crate::game::level_gen; use crate::game::fov::Fov; use crate::game::system::{GameActor, GameActionQueue, GameAction, GameActionType, GameEventQueue, GameEvent}; use crate::game::events::{Time}; use crate::game::ecs::{Position, Rect}; use crate::game::factions::Factions; pub enum InputMode { Edit, Play, Look, } pub struct GameText { pub font: Font, pub title: String, pub mononoki_info: String, pub square_info: Image, pub inventory: Image, } impl GameText { pub fn load() -> Asset<GameText> { // The Mononoki font: https://madmalik.github.io/mononoki/ // License: SIL Open Font License 1.1 let font_mononoki = "mononoki-Regular.ttf"; let font_mononoki = Font::load(font_mononoki); Asset::new(font_mononoki.and_then(|font| { let title = "Quicksilver Roguelike".to_string(); let mononoki_info = "Mononoki font by Matthias Tellen, terms: SIL Open Font License 1.1".to_string(); let square_info = font.render( "Square font by Wouter Van Oortmerssen, terms: CC BY 3.0", &FontStyle::new(20.0, Color::BLACK), )?; let inventory = font.render( "Inventory:\n[A] Sword\n[B] Shield\n[C] Darts", &FontStyle::new(20.0, Color::BLACK), )?; Ok(GameText { font, title, mononoki_info, square_info, inventory, }) })) } } pub struct Data { pub level: Level, pub fov: Fov, pub player: Entity, pub turn: Option<GameActor>, pub player_turns: u32, pub time: Time, pub event_queue: GameEventQueue, pub action_queue: GameActionQueue, pub stop: bool, pub cursor: Option<Position>, pub input_mode: InputMode, pub palette: Palette, pub factions: Factions, } impl Data { pub fn new(world: &mut World) -> Self { let mut level = Level::empty(Rect::new_sized(40, 30)); let palette = Palette::new(); let entities = level_gen::make_map(&palette, &mut level, world); let mut fov = Fov::new(&level); let player = level_gen::create_player(&palette, &mut level, &mut fov, world); let mut data = Data { level, fov, player, turn: None, player_turns: 0, time: Time::default(), event_queue: GameEventQueue::default(), action_queue: GameActionQueue::default(), stop: false, cursor: None, input_mode: InputMode::Play, palette: palette, factions: Factions::new(), }; data.new_turn(GameActor::Player(player)); for entity in entities { data.schedule_turn(Time::new(1, 0), GameActor::NonPlayer(entity)); } data } pub fn end_turn(&mut self, actor: GameActor) { self.turn = None; self.action_queue.clear(); debug!( "[{:?}] end turn: {} for {:?}", self.time, self.player_turns, actor ); } pub fn actor_turn(&self) -> Option<GameActor> { self.turn.clone() } pub fn turns(&self) -> u32 { self.player_turns } pub fn new_turn(&mut self, actor: GameActor) { match actor { GameActor::Player(_) => { self.player_turns += 1; } _ => {} } self.turn = Some(actor); debug!( "[{:?}] new turn: {} for: {:?}", self.time, self.player_turns, actor ); } pub fn schedule_turn(&mut self, delay: Time, actor: GameActor) { debug!( "[{:?}] schedule actor turn in: {} for: {:?}", self.time, delay, actor ); self.event_after(delay, GameEvent::Turn(actor)); } pub fn finish(&mut self) { debug!("[{:?}] stop", self.time); self.stop = true; } pub fn is_finished(&self) -> bool { self.stop } pub fn action(&mut self, actor: GameActor, action_type: GameActionType) { self.action_queue.push(GameAction { actor: actor, turn: self.turns(), action: action_type, }); } pub fn next_action(&mut self) -> Option<GameAction> { if self.action_queue.is_empty() { None } else { Some(self.action_queue.remove(0)) } } pub fn event(&mut self, event: GameEvent) { self.event_after(Time::default(), event); } pub fn event_after(&mut self, delay: Time, event: GameEvent) { self.event_at(self.time + delay, event); } pub fn event_at(&mut self, at: Time, event: GameEvent) { debug!( "[{:?}] schedule at {}: {:?}", self.time, at, event ); self.event_queue.add(at, event); } pub fn next_event(&mut self) -> Option<(Time, GameEvent)> { if let Some((time, event)) = self.event_queue.next() { self.time = time; Some((time, event)) } else { None } } pub fn look_mode(&mut self, cursor: Position, _path: Option<Vec<Position>>) { debug!("[{:?}] look at: {:?}", self.time, cursor); self.input_mode = InputMode::Look; self.cursor = Some(cursor.clone()); } pub fn play_mode(&mut self) { self.input_mode = InputMode::Play; self.cursor = None; } }
/* * Copyright 2017 Sreejith Krishnan R * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ use std::ops::{Add, Sub}; #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Clone)] pub struct Point { x: f32, y: f32 } impl Point { pub fn new(x: f32, y: f32) -> Point { Point { x, y } } pub fn x(&self) -> f32 { self.x } pub fn y(&self) -> f32 { self.y } } impl<'a, 'b> Add<&'b Point> for &'a Point { type Output = Point; fn add(self, rhs: &'b Point) -> Self::Output { Point { x: self.x + rhs.x, y: self.y+rhs.y } } } impl<'a, 'b> Sub<&'b Point> for &'a Point { type Output = Point; fn sub(self, rhs: &'b Point) -> Self::Output { Point { x: self.x-rhs.x, y: self.y-rhs.y } } }
use std::fmt; struct ANSIString { color_code: Option<&'static str>, s: String, } impl ANSIString { pub fn new<S: Into<String>>(color_code: &'static str, s: S) -> Self { Self { color_code: Some(color_code), s: s.into(), } } // don't set any colors pub fn from<S: Into<String>>(s: S) -> Self { Self { color_code: None, s: s.into(), } } } impl fmt::Display for ANSIString { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { if let Some(color_code) = self.color_code { write!( f, "{}{}{}", color_code, &self.s, classicube_helpers::color::WHITE ) } else { write!(f, "{}", &self.s,) } } } enum Color { Green, RedBold, Yellow, } impl Color { pub fn paint(&self, s: &str) -> ANSIString { let color_code = match self { Color::Green => classicube_helpers::color::LIME, Color::RedBold => classicube_helpers::color::RED, Color::Yellow => classicube_helpers::color::YELLOW, }; ANSIString::new(color_code, s) } } #[doc(hidden)] #[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq)] pub enum ColorWhen { Auto, Always, Never, } #[doc(hidden)] pub struct ColorizerOption { pub use_stderr: bool, pub when: ColorWhen, } #[doc(hidden)] pub struct Colorizer { when: ColorWhen, } macro_rules! color { ($_self:ident, $c:ident, $m:expr) => { match $_self.when { ColorWhen::Auto => Format::$c($m), ColorWhen::Always => Format::$c($m), ColorWhen::Never => Format::None($m), } }; } impl Colorizer { pub fn new(option: ColorizerOption) -> Colorizer { Colorizer { when: option.when } } pub fn good<T>(&self, msg: T) -> Format<T> where T: fmt::Display + AsRef<str>, { debugln!("Colorizer::good;"); color!(self, Good, msg) } pub fn warning<T>(&self, msg: T) -> Format<T> where T: fmt::Display + AsRef<str>, { debugln!("Colorizer::warning;"); color!(self, Warning, msg) } pub fn error<T>(&self, msg: T) -> Format<T> where T: fmt::Display + AsRef<str>, { debugln!("Colorizer::error;"); color!(self, Error, msg) } pub fn none<T>(&self, msg: T) -> Format<T> where T: fmt::Display + AsRef<str>, { debugln!("Colorizer::none;"); Format::None(msg) } } impl Default for Colorizer { fn default() -> Self { Colorizer::new(ColorizerOption { use_stderr: true, when: ColorWhen::Auto, }) } } /// Defines styles for different types of error messages. Defaults to Error=Red, Warning=Yellow, /// and Good=Green #[derive(Debug)] #[doc(hidden)] pub enum Format<T> { /// Defines the style used for errors, defaults to Red Error(T), /// Defines the style used for warnings, defaults to Yellow Warning(T), /// Defines the style used for good values, defaults to Green Good(T), /// Defines no formatting style None(T), } impl<T: AsRef<str>> Format<T> { fn format(&self) -> ANSIString { match *self { Format::Error(ref e) => Color::RedBold.paint(e.as_ref()), Format::Warning(ref e) => Color::Yellow.paint(e.as_ref()), Format::Good(ref e) => Color::Green.paint(e.as_ref()), Format::None(ref e) => ANSIString::from(e.as_ref()), } } } impl<T: AsRef<str>> fmt::Display for Format<T> { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { write!(f, "{}", &self.format()) } } #[cfg(all(test, feature = "color"))] mod test { use super::*; #[test] fn colored_output() { let err = Format::Error("error"); assert_eq!( &*format!("{}", err), &*format!("{}", Color::RedBold.paint("error")) ); let good = Format::Good("good"); assert_eq!( &*format!("{}", good), &*format!("{}", Color::Green.paint("good")) ); let warn = Format::Warning("warn"); assert_eq!( &*format!("{}", warn), &*format!("{}", Color::Yellow.paint("warn")) ); let none = Format::None("none"); assert_eq!( &*format!("{}", none), &*format!("{}", ANSIString::from("none")) ); } }
use serde_with::SerializeDisplay; use strum_macros::{Display, EnumString}; #[derive(Debug, Display, EnumString, SerializeDisplay)] #[strum(serialize_all = "snake_case")] pub enum OrderStatus { Unfilled, PartiallyFilled, FullyFilled, CanceledUnfilled, CanceledPartiallyFilled, } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use crate::OrderStatus; use std::str::FromStr; #[test] fn string_to_enum() { matches!( OrderStatus::from_str("fully_filled").unwrap(), OrderStatus::FullyFilled, ); } #[test] fn enum_to_string() { assert_eq!( OrderStatus::FullyFilled.to_string(), String::from("fully_filled") ); } #[test] fn display_enum() { assert_eq!( format!("{}", OrderStatus::FullyFilled), String::from("fully_filled") ); } }
fn main() { let mut v: Vec<String> = Vec::new(); v.push(String::from("Cofi")); v.push(String::from("Draga")); v.push(String::from("Johnny")); let v1 = vec![1,2,3,4,5]; let third = &v1[2]; let second = v1.get(1); let mut no_element = v1.get(20); println!("{}", no_element.get_or_insert(&0)); let mut v2 = vec![1,2,3,4,5]; // doesnt work, cant have v2.push() as mutable borrow // after immutable ref because of println after // let first = &v2[0]; v2.push(6); // does work let first = &v2[0]; print!("The first element is: {}", first); println!(); for i in &v2 { print!("{} ", i); } println!(); for i in &mut v2 { *i += 50; } println!(); for i in &v2 { print!("{} ", i); } println!(); enum SpreadshetCell { Int(i32), Float(f64), Text(String) } let enum_vector = vec! [ SpreadshetCell::Int(3), SpreadshetCell::Float(10.33), SpreadshetCell::Text(String::from("Woah !")) ]; for i in enum_vector { match i { SpreadshetCell::Int(i) => println!("Just an int"), SpreadshetCell::Float(i) => println!("Just a float"), SpreadshetCell::Text(i) => println!("Just a text") } } }