@Override public InputStream readFrom(String spec, String requestMethod, String body, Map<String, String> headers) throws IOException { return getInputStream(spec, requestMethod, headers, body == null ? null : body.getBytes()); }
@Override public InputStream readAs(String spec, String requestMethod, String body, Map<String, String> headers, String userName) throws IOException { return readFrom(addDoAs(spec, userName), requestMethod, body, headers); }
@Override public InputStream readAsCurrent(String spec, String requestMethod, String body, Map<String, String> headers) throws IOException { return readAs(spec, requestMethod, body, headers, viewContext.getUsername()); }
@Override public HttpURLConnection getConnection(String spec, String requestMethod, String body, Map<String, String> headers) throws IOException { return getHttpURLConnection(spec, requestMethod, headers, body == null ? null : body.getBytes()); }
@Override public HttpURLConnection getConnectionAs(String spec, String requestMethod, String body, Map<String, String> headers, String userName) throws IOException { return getConnection(addDoAs(spec, userName), requestMethod, body, headers); }
@Override public HttpURLConnection getConnectionAsCurrent(String spec, String requestMethod, String body, Map<String, String> headers) throws IOException { return getConnectionAs(spec, requestMethod, body, headers, viewContext.getUsername()); }
public Set<SubResourceDefinition> getSubResourceDefinitions( String viewName, String version) { viewName = ViewEntity.getViewName(viewName, version); return subResourceDefinitionsMap.get(viewName); }
public void addInstanceDefinition(ViewEntity definition, ViewInstanceEntity instanceDefinition) { Map<String, ViewInstanceEntity> instanceDefinitions = viewInstanceDefinitions.get(definition); if (instanceDefinitions == null) { instanceDefinitions = new HashMap<>(); viewInstanceDefinitions.put(definition, instanceDefinitions); } View view = definition.getView(); if (view != null) { view.onCreate(instanceDefinition); } instanceDefinitions.put(instanceDefinition.getName(), instanceDefinition); }
public void installViewInstance(ViewInstanceEntity instanceEntity) throws ValidationException, IllegalArgumentException, SystemException { ViewEntity viewEntity = getDefinition(instanceEntity.getViewName()); if (viewEntity != null) { String instanceName = instanceEntity.getName(); String viewName = viewEntity.getCommonName(); String version = viewEntity.getVersion(); if (getInstanceDefinition(viewName, version, instanceName) == null) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Creating view instance {}/{}/{}", viewName, version, instanceName); } instanceEntity.validate(viewEntity, Validator.ValidationContext.PRE_CREATE); setPersistenceEntities(instanceEntity); ViewInstanceEntity persistedInstance = mergeViewInstance(instanceEntity, viewEntity.getResourceType()); instanceEntity.setViewInstanceId(persistedInstance.getViewInstanceId()); syncViewInstance(instanceEntity, persistedInstance); try { // bind the view instance to a view bindViewInstance(viewEntity, instanceEntity); } catch (Exception e) { String message = "Caught exception installing view instance."; LOG.error(message, e); throw new IllegalStateException(message, e); } // update the registry addInstanceDefinition(viewEntity, instanceEntity); // add the web app context handlerList.addViewInstance(instanceEntity); } } else { String message = "Attempt to install an instance for an unknown view " + instanceEntity.getViewName() + "."; LOG.error(message); throw new IllegalArgumentException(message); } }
public void setViewInstanceProperties(ViewInstanceEntity instanceEntity, Map<String, String> properties, ViewConfig viewConfig, ClassLoader classLoader) throws SystemException { try { Masker masker = getMasker(viewConfig.getMaskerClass(classLoader)); Map<String, ParameterConfig> parameterConfigMap = new HashMap<>(); for (ParameterConfig paramConfig : viewConfig.getParameters()) { parameterConfigMap.put(paramConfig.getName(), paramConfig); } for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : properties.entrySet()) { String name = entry.getKey(); String value = entry.getValue(); ParameterConfig parameterConfig = parameterConfigMap.get(name); if (parameterConfig != null && parameterConfig.isMasked()) { value = masker.mask(value); } instanceEntity.putProperty(name, value); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new SystemException("Caught exception while setting instance property.", e); } }
@Transactional public void uninstallViewInstance(ViewInstanceEntity instanceEntity) throws IllegalStateException { try { viewInstanceOperationHandler.uninstallViewInstance(instanceEntity); updateCaches(instanceEntity); } catch (IllegalStateException illegalStateExcpetion) { LOG.error("Exception occurred while uninstalling view : {}", instanceEntity, illegalStateExcpetion); throw illegalStateExcpetion; } }
protected static boolean extractViewArchive(String archivePath, ViewModule viewModule, boolean systemOnly) throws Exception { Injector injector = Guice.createInjector(viewModule); ViewExtractor extractor = injector.getInstance(ViewExtractor.class); ViewArchiveUtility archiveUtility = injector.getInstance(ViewArchiveUtility.class); Configuration configuration = injector.getInstance(Configuration.class); File viewDir = configuration.getViewsDir(); String extractedArchivesPath = viewDir.getAbsolutePath() + File.separator + EXTRACTED_ARCHIVES_DIR; if (extractor.ensureExtractedArchiveDirectory(extractedArchivesPath)) { File archiveFile = archiveUtility.getFile(archivePath); ViewConfig viewConfig = archiveUtility.getViewConfigFromArchive(archiveFile); String commonName = viewConfig.getName(); String version = viewConfig.getVersion(); String viewName = ViewEntity.getViewName(commonName, version); String extractedArchiveDirPath = extractedArchivesPath + File.separator + viewName; File extractedArchiveDirFile = archiveUtility.getFile(extractedArchiveDirPath); if (!extractedArchiveDirFile.exists()) { ViewEntity viewDefinition = new ViewEntity(viewConfig, configuration, extractedArchiveDirPath); if (!systemOnly || viewDefinition.isSystem()) { ClassLoader classLoader = null; try { List<File> additionalPaths = getViewsAdditionalClasspath(configuration); classLoader = extractor.extractViewArchive(viewDefinition, archiveFile, extractedArchiveDirFile, additionalPaths); return true; } finally { if (classLoader instanceof Closeable) { Closeables.closeSilently((Closeable) classLoader); } } } } } return false; }
public ClassLoader extractViewArchive(ViewEntity view, File viewArchive, File archiveDir, List<File> viewsAdditionalClasspath) throws ExtractionException { String archivePath = archiveDir.getAbsolutePath(); try { // Remove directory if jar was updated since last extracting if (archiveDir.exists() && viewArchive != null && viewArchive.lastModified() > archiveDir.lastModified()) { FileUtils.deleteDirectory(archiveDir); } // Skip if the archive has already been extracted if (!archiveDir.exists()) { String msg = "Creating archive folder " + archivePath + "."; view.setStatusDetail(msg);; if (archiveDir.mkdir()) { JarInputStream jarInputStream = archiveUtility.getJarFileStream(viewArchive); try { msg = "Extracting files from " + viewArchive.getName() + "."; view.setStatusDetail(msg);; // create the META-INF directory File metaInfDir = archiveUtility.getFile(archivePath + File.separator + "META-INF"); if (!metaInfDir.mkdir()) { msg = "Could not create archive META-INF directory."; view.setStatusDetail(msg); LOG.error(msg); throw new ExtractionException(msg); } JarEntry jarEntry; while ((jarEntry = jarInputStream.getNextJarEntry())!= null){ try { String entryPath = archivePath + File.separator + jarEntry.getName(); LOG.debug("Extracting {}", entryPath); File entryFile = archiveUtility.getFile(entryPath); if (jarEntry.isDirectory()) { LOG.debug("Making directory {}", entryPath); if (!entryFile.mkdir()) { msg = "Could not create archive entry directory " + entryPath + "."; view.setStatusDetail(msg); LOG.error(msg); throw new ExtractionException(msg); } } else { FileOutputStream fos = archiveUtility.getFileOutputStream(entryFile); try { LOG.debug("Begin copying from {} to {}", jarEntry.getName(), entryPath); byte[] buffer = new byte[BUFFER_SIZE]; int n; while((n = > -1) { fos.write(buffer, 0, n); } LOG.debug("Finish copying from {} to {}", jarEntry.getName(), entryPath); } finally { fos.flush(); fos.close(); } } } finally { jarInputStream.closeEntry(); } } } finally { jarInputStream.close(); } } else { msg = "Could not create archive directory " + archivePath + "."; view.setStatusDetail(msg); LOG.error(msg); throw new ExtractionException(msg); } } ViewConfig viewConfig = archiveUtility.getViewConfigFromExtractedArchive(archivePath, false); return getArchiveClassLoader(viewConfig, archiveDir, viewsAdditionalClasspath); } catch (Exception e) { String msg = "Caught exception trying to extract the view archive " + archivePath + "."; view.setStatusDetail(msg); LOG.error(msg, e); throw new ExtractionException(msg, e); } }
public boolean ensureExtractedArchiveDirectory(String extractedArchivesPath) { File extractedArchiveDir = archiveUtility.getFile(extractedArchivesPath); return extractedArchiveDir.exists() || extractedArchiveDir.mkdir(); }
public static Result mkdir(String directoryPath, boolean sudo) throws IOException, InterruptedException { // If this directory already exists, do not try to create it if (pathExists(directoryPath, sudo).isSuccessful()) { return new Result(0, "The directory already exists, skipping.", ""); // Success! } else { ArrayList<String> command = new ArrayList<>(); command.add("/bin/mkdir"); if (!WINDOWS) { command.add("-p"); // create parent directories } command.add(directoryPath); return runCommand(command, null, null, sudo); } }
public static Result copyFile(String srcFile, String destFile, boolean force, boolean sudo) throws IOException, InterruptedException { ArrayList<String> command = new ArrayList<>(); if (WINDOWS) { command.add("copy"); if (force) { command.add("/Y"); // force overwrite } } else { command.add("cp"); command.add("-p"); // preserve mode, ownership, timestamps if (force) { command.add("-f"); // force overwrite } } command.add(srcFile); command.add(destFile); return runCommand(command, null, null, sudo); }
public boolean isRunning() { return !isStopped; }
public void start() { pauseLock.lock(); try { isStopped = false; unpaused.signalAll(); } finally { pauseLock.unlock(); } }
public static <T> List<Set<T>> split(Set<T> original, int subsetSize) { if(subsetSize <= 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Incorrect max size"); } if(original == null || original.isEmpty()) { return Collections.emptyList(); } int subsetCount = (int) (Math.ceil((double)original.size() / subsetSize)); ArrayList<Set<T>> subsets = new ArrayList<>(subsetCount); Iterator<T> iterator = original.iterator(); for(int i = 0; i < subsetCount; i++) { Set<T> subset = new LinkedHashSet<>(subsetSize); for(int j = 0; j < subsetSize && iterator.hasNext(); j++) { subset.add(; } subsets.add(subset); } return subsets; }
public String readPassword(String passwordProperty, String defaultPassword) { if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(passwordProperty)) { if (CredentialProvider.isAliasString(passwordProperty)) { return readPasswordFromStore(passwordProperty); } else { final String pw = readPasswordFromFile(passwordProperty, defaultPassword); return CredentialProvider.isAliasString(pw) ? readPasswordFromStore(pw) : pw; } } return defaultPassword; }
public String readPassword(String passwordProperty, String defaultPassword) { if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(passwordProperty)) { if (CredentialProvider.isAliasString(passwordProperty)) { return readPasswordFromStore(passwordProperty); } else { final String pw = readPasswordFromFile(passwordProperty, defaultPassword); return CredentialProvider.isAliasString(pw) ? readPasswordFromStore(pw) : pw; } } return defaultPassword; }
public String readPassword(String passwordProperty, String defaultPassword) { if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(passwordProperty)) { if (CredentialProvider.isAliasString(passwordProperty)) { return readPasswordFromStore(passwordProperty); } else { final String pw = readPasswordFromFile(passwordProperty, defaultPassword); return CredentialProvider.isAliasString(pw) ? readPasswordFromStore(pw) : pw; } } return defaultPassword; }
public String readPassword(String passwordProperty, String defaultPassword) { if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(passwordProperty)) { if (CredentialProvider.isAliasString(passwordProperty)) { return readPasswordFromStore(passwordProperty); } else { final String pw = readPasswordFromFile(passwordProperty, defaultPassword); return CredentialProvider.isAliasString(pw) ? readPasswordFromStore(pw) : pw; } } return defaultPassword; }
public String readPassword(String passwordProperty, String defaultPassword) { if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(passwordProperty)) { if (CredentialProvider.isAliasString(passwordProperty)) { return readPasswordFromStore(passwordProperty); } else { final String pw = readPasswordFromFile(passwordProperty, defaultPassword); return CredentialProvider.isAliasString(pw) ? readPasswordFromStore(pw) : pw; } } return defaultPassword; }
public static String getRemoteAddress(HttpServletRequest request) { String ip = null; for (String header : headersToCheck) { ip = request.getHeader(header); if (!isRemoteAddressUnknown(ip)) { break; } } if (isRemoteAddressUnknown(ip)) { ip = request.getRemoteAddr(); } if (containsMultipleRemoteAddresses(ip)) { ip = ip.substring(0, ip.indexOf(",")); } return ip; }
public static String getRemoteAddress(HttpServletRequest request) { String ip = null; for (String header : headersToCheck) { ip = request.getHeader(header); if (!isRemoteAddressUnknown(ip)) { break; } } if (isRemoteAddressUnknown(ip)) { ip = request.getRemoteAddr(); } if (containsMultipleRemoteAddresses(ip)) { ip = ip.substring(0, ip.indexOf(",")); } return ip; }
public static String getRemoteAddress(HttpServletRequest request) { String ip = null; for (String header : headersToCheck) { ip = request.getHeader(header); if (!isRemoteAddressUnknown(ip)) { break; } } if (isRemoteAddressUnknown(ip)) { ip = request.getRemoteAddr(); } if (containsMultipleRemoteAddresses(ip)) { ip = ip.substring(0, ip.indexOf(",")); } return ip; }
public static String getRemoteAddress(HttpServletRequest request) { String ip = null; for (String header : headersToCheck) { ip = request.getHeader(header); if (!isRemoteAddressUnknown(ip)) { break; } } if (isRemoteAddressUnknown(ip)) { ip = request.getRemoteAddr(); } if (containsMultipleRemoteAddresses(ip)) { ip = ip.substring(0, ip.indexOf(",")); } return ip; }
public static MultiValueMap<String, String> getQueryStringParameters(HttpServletRequest request) { // Manually parse the query string rather than use HttpServletRequest#getParameter so that // the message body remains intact and available. Calling HttpServletRequest#getParameter // could interfere with processing the body of this request later since the body needs to be // parsed to find any form parameters. String queryString = request.getQueryString(); return (StringUtils.isEmpty(queryString)) ? null : UriComponentsBuilder.newInstance().query(queryString).build().getQueryParams(); }
public static List<String> getQueryStringParameterValues(HttpServletRequest request, String parameterName) { MultiValueMap<String, String> valueMap = getQueryStringParameters(request); return ((valueMap == null) || !valueMap.containsKey(parameterName)) ? null : valueMap.get(parameterName); }
public static String getQueryStringParameterValue(HttpServletRequest request, String parameterName) { MultiValueMap<String, String> valueMap = getQueryStringParameters(request); return ((valueMap == null) || !valueMap.containsKey(parameterName)) ? null : valueMap.getFirst(parameterName); }
public static String jaxbToString(Object jaxbObj) throws JAXBException, JsonGenerationException, JsonMappingException, IOException { return getGson().toJson(jaxbObj); }
public static Map<String, Set<String>> getClusterHostInfo(Cluster cluster) throws AmbariException { //Fill hosts and ports lists Set<String> hostsSet = new LinkedHashSet<>(); List<Integer> portsList = new ArrayList<>(); List<String> rackList = new ArrayList<>(); List<String> ipV4List = new ArrayList<>(); Collection<Host> allHosts = cluster.getHosts(); for (Host host : allHosts) { hostsSet.add(host.getHostName()); Integer currentPingPort = host.getCurrentPingPort(); portsList.add(currentPingPort == null ? DEFAULT_PING_PORT : currentPingPort); String rackInfo = host.getRackInfo(); rackList.add(StringUtils.isEmpty(rackInfo) ? DEFAULT_RACK : rackInfo ); String iPv4 = host.getIPv4(); ipV4List.add(StringUtils.isEmpty(iPv4) ? DEFAULT_IPV4_ADDRESS : iPv4 ); } // add hosts from topology manager Map<String, Collection<String>> pendingHostComponents = topologyManager.getPendingHostComponents(); for (String hostname : pendingHostComponents.keySet()) { if (!hostsSet.contains(hostname)) { hostsSet.add(hostname); portsList.add(DEFAULT_PING_PORT); rackList.add(DEFAULT_RACK); ipV4List.add(DEFAULT_IPV4_ADDRESS); } } List<String> hostsList = new ArrayList<>(hostsSet); Map<String, String> additionalComponentToClusterInfoKeyMap = new HashMap<>(); // Fill hosts for services Map<String, SortedSet<Integer>> hostRolesInfo = new HashMap<>(); for (Map.Entry<String, Service> serviceEntry : cluster.getServices().entrySet()) { Service service = serviceEntry.getValue(); for (Map.Entry<String, ServiceComponent> serviceComponentEntry : service.getServiceComponents().entrySet()) { ServiceComponent serviceComponent = serviceComponentEntry.getValue(); String componentName = serviceComponent.getName(); String roleName = componentToClusterInfoKeyMap.get(componentName); if(null == roleName) { roleName = additionalComponentToClusterInfoKeyMap.get(componentName); } if (null == roleName && !serviceComponent.isClientComponent()) { roleName = componentName.toLowerCase() + "_hosts"; additionalComponentToClusterInfoKeyMap.put(componentName, roleName); } if (roleName == null) { continue; } for (String hostName : serviceComponent.getServiceComponentHosts().keySet()) { if (roleName != null) { SortedSet<Integer> hostsForComponentsHost = hostRolesInfo.get(roleName); if (hostsForComponentsHost == null) { hostsForComponentsHost = new TreeSet<>(); hostRolesInfo.put(roleName, hostsForComponentsHost); } int hostIndex = hostsList.indexOf(hostName); //Add index of host to current host role hostsForComponentsHost.add(hostIndex); } } } } // add components from topology manager for (Map.Entry<String, Collection<String>> entry : pendingHostComponents.entrySet()) { String hostname = entry.getKey(); Collection<String> hostComponents = entry.getValue(); for (String hostComponent : hostComponents) { String roleName = getClusterHostInfoKey(hostComponent); if (null == roleName) { roleName = additionalComponentToClusterInfoKeyMap.get(hostComponent); } if (null == roleName) { // even though all mappings are being added, componentToClusterInfoKeyMap is // a higher priority lookup for (Service service : cluster.getServices().values()) { for (ServiceComponent sc : service.getServiceComponents().values()) { if (sc.getName().equals(hostComponent)) { roleName = hostComponent.toLowerCase() + "_hosts"; additionalComponentToClusterInfoKeyMap.put(hostComponent, roleName); } } } } if (roleName != null) { SortedSet<Integer> hostsForComponentsHost = hostRolesInfo.get(roleName); if (hostsForComponentsHost == null) { hostsForComponentsHost = new TreeSet<>(); hostRolesInfo.put(roleName, hostsForComponentsHost); } int hostIndex = hostsList.indexOf(hostname); if (hostIndex != -1) { if (!hostsForComponentsHost.contains(hostIndex)) { hostsForComponentsHost.add(hostIndex); } } else { //todo: I don't think that this can happen //todo: determine if it can and if so, handle properly //todo: if it 'cant' should probably enforce invariant throw new RuntimeException("Unable to get host index for host: " + hostname); } } } } Map<String, Set<String>> clusterHostInfo = new HashMap<>(); for (Map.Entry<String, SortedSet<Integer>> entry : hostRolesInfo.entrySet()) { TreeSet<Integer> sortedSet = new TreeSet<>(entry.getValue()); Set<String> replacedRangesSet = replaceRanges(sortedSet); clusterHostInfo.put(entry.getKey(), replacedRangesSet); } clusterHostInfo.put(HOSTS_LIST, hostsSet); clusterHostInfo.put(PORTS, replaceMappedRanges(portsList)); clusterHostInfo.put(IPV4_ADDRESSES, replaceMappedRanges(ipV4List)); clusterHostInfo.put(RACKS, replaceMappedRanges(rackList)); // Fill server host /* * Note: We don't replace server host name, port, ssl usage by an index (like we do * with component hostnames), because if ambari-agent is not installed * at ambari-server host, then allHosts map will not contain * ambari-server hostname. */ clusterHostInfo.put(AMBARI_SERVER_HOST, Sets.newHashSet(getHostName())); boolean serverUseSsl = configuration.getApiSSLAuthentication(); int port = serverUseSsl ? configuration.getClientSSLApiPort() : configuration.getClientApiPort(); clusterHostInfo.put(AMBARI_SERVER_PORT, Sets.newHashSet(Integer.toString(port))); clusterHostInfo.put(AMBARI_SERVER_USE_SSL, Sets.newHashSet(Boolean.toString(serverUseSsl))); return clusterHostInfo; }
public static void useAmbariJdkInCommandParams(Map<String, String> commandParams, Configuration configuration) { if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(configuration.getJavaHome()) && !configuration.getJavaHome().equals(configuration.getStackJavaHome())) { commandParams.put(AMBARI_JAVA_HOME, configuration.getJavaHome()); commandParams.put(AMBARI_JAVA_VERSION, String.valueOf(configuration.getJavaVersion())); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(configuration.getJDKName())) { // if not custom jdk commandParams.put(AMBARI_JDK_NAME, configuration.getJDKName()); } if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(configuration.getJCEName())) { // if not custom jdk commandParams.put(AMBARI_JCE_NAME, configuration.getJCEName()); } } }
public static void useAmbariJdkInCommandParams(Map<String, String> commandParams, Configuration configuration) { if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(configuration.getJavaHome()) && !configuration.getJavaHome().equals(configuration.getStackJavaHome())) { commandParams.put(AMBARI_JAVA_HOME, configuration.getJavaHome()); commandParams.put(AMBARI_JAVA_VERSION, String.valueOf(configuration.getJavaVersion())); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(configuration.getJDKName())) { // if not custom jdk commandParams.put(AMBARI_JDK_NAME, configuration.getJDKName()); } if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(configuration.getJCEName())) { // if not custom jdk commandParams.put(AMBARI_JCE_NAME, configuration.getJCEName()); } } }
public static void useAmbariJdkInCommandParams(Map<String, String> commandParams, Configuration configuration) { if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(configuration.getJavaHome()) && !configuration.getJavaHome().equals(configuration.getStackJavaHome())) { commandParams.put(AMBARI_JAVA_HOME, configuration.getJavaHome()); commandParams.put(AMBARI_JAVA_VERSION, String.valueOf(configuration.getJavaVersion())); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(configuration.getJDKName())) { // if not custom jdk commandParams.put(AMBARI_JDK_NAME, configuration.getJDKName()); } if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(configuration.getJCEName())) { // if not custom jdk commandParams.put(AMBARI_JCE_NAME, configuration.getJCEName()); } } }
public static void useStackJdkIfExists(Map<String, String> hostLevelParams, Configuration configuration) { // set defaults first hostLevelParams.put(JAVA_HOME, configuration.getJavaHome()); hostLevelParams.put(JDK_NAME, configuration.getJDKName()); hostLevelParams.put(JCE_NAME, configuration.getJCEName()); hostLevelParams.put(JAVA_VERSION, String.valueOf(configuration.getJavaVersion())); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(configuration.getStackJavaHome()) && !configuration.getStackJavaHome().equals(configuration.getJavaHome())) { hostLevelParams.put(JAVA_HOME, configuration.getStackJavaHome()); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(configuration.getStackJavaVersion())) { hostLevelParams.put(JAVA_VERSION, configuration.getStackJavaVersion()); } if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(configuration.getStackJDKName())) { hostLevelParams.put(JDK_NAME, configuration.getStackJDKName()); } else { hostLevelParams.put(JDK_NAME, null); // custom jdk for stack } if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(configuration.getStackJCEName())) { hostLevelParams.put(JCE_NAME, configuration.getStackJCEName()); } else { hostLevelParams.put(JCE_NAME, null); // custom jdk for stack } } }
public static void useStackJdkIfExists(Map<String, String> hostLevelParams, Configuration configuration) { // set defaults first hostLevelParams.put(JAVA_HOME, configuration.getJavaHome()); hostLevelParams.put(JDK_NAME, configuration.getJDKName()); hostLevelParams.put(JCE_NAME, configuration.getJCEName()); hostLevelParams.put(JAVA_VERSION, String.valueOf(configuration.getJavaVersion())); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(configuration.getStackJavaHome()) && !configuration.getStackJavaHome().equals(configuration.getJavaHome())) { hostLevelParams.put(JAVA_HOME, configuration.getStackJavaHome()); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(configuration.getStackJavaVersion())) { hostLevelParams.put(JAVA_VERSION, configuration.getStackJavaVersion()); } if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(configuration.getStackJDKName())) { hostLevelParams.put(JDK_NAME, configuration.getStackJDKName()); } else { hostLevelParams.put(JDK_NAME, null); // custom jdk for stack } if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(configuration.getStackJCEName())) { hostLevelParams.put(JCE_NAME, configuration.getStackJCEName()); } else { hostLevelParams.put(JCE_NAME, null); // custom jdk for stack } } }
public static void useStackJdkIfExists(Map<String, String> hostLevelParams, Configuration configuration) { // set defaults first hostLevelParams.put(JAVA_HOME, configuration.getJavaHome()); hostLevelParams.put(JDK_NAME, configuration.getJDKName()); hostLevelParams.put(JCE_NAME, configuration.getJCEName()); hostLevelParams.put(JAVA_VERSION, String.valueOf(configuration.getJavaVersion())); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(configuration.getStackJavaHome()) && !configuration.getStackJavaHome().equals(configuration.getJavaHome())) { hostLevelParams.put(JAVA_HOME, configuration.getStackJavaHome()); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(configuration.getStackJavaVersion())) { hostLevelParams.put(JAVA_VERSION, configuration.getStackJavaVersion()); } if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(configuration.getStackJDKName())) { hostLevelParams.put(JDK_NAME, configuration.getStackJDKName()); } else { hostLevelParams.put(JDK_NAME, null); // custom jdk for stack } if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(configuration.getStackJCEName())) { hostLevelParams.put(JCE_NAME, configuration.getStackJCEName()); } else { hostLevelParams.put(JCE_NAME, null); // custom jdk for stack } } }
@Subscribe @Transactional public void onServiceEvent(ServiceInstalledEvent event) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug(event.toString()); } try { Cluster cluster = clusters.get().getClusterById(event.getClusterId()); Map<String, ServiceComponent> serviceComponents = cluster.getService(event.getServiceName()).getServiceComponents(); // Determine hosts that become OUT_OF_SYNC when adding components for new service Map<String, List<ServiceComponent>> affectedHosts = new HashMap<>(); for (ServiceComponent component : serviceComponents.values()) { for (String hostname : component.getServiceComponentHosts().keySet()) { if (! affectedHosts.containsKey(hostname)) { affectedHosts.put(hostname, new ArrayList<>()); } affectedHosts.get(hostname).add(component); } } for (String hostName : affectedHosts.keySet()) { List<HostVersionEntity> hostVersionEntities = hostVersionDAO.get().findByClusterAndHost(cluster.getClusterName(), hostName); for (HostVersionEntity hostVersionEntity : hostVersionEntities) { RepositoryVersionEntity repositoryVersion = hostVersionEntity.getRepositoryVersion(); // If added components do not advertise version, it makes no sense to mark version OUT_OF_SYNC // We perform check per-stack version, because component may be not versionAdvertised in current // stack, but become versionAdvertised in some future (installed, but not yet upgraded to) stack boolean hasChangedComponentsWithVersions = false; String serviceName = event.getServiceName(); for (ServiceComponent comp : affectedHosts.get(hostName)) { String componentName = comp.getName(); // Skip lookup if stack does not contain the component if (!ami.get().isValidServiceComponent(repositoryVersion.getStackName(), repositoryVersion.getStackVersion(), serviceName, componentName)) { LOG.debug("Component not found is host stack, stack={}, version={}, service={}, component={}", repositoryVersion.getStackName(), repositoryVersion.getStackVersion(), serviceName, componentName); continue; } ComponentInfo component = ami.get().getComponent(repositoryVersion.getStackName(), repositoryVersion.getStackVersion(), serviceName, componentName); if (component.isVersionAdvertised()) { hasChangedComponentsWithVersions = true; } } if (! hasChangedComponentsWithVersions) { continue; } if (hostVersionEntity.getState().equals(RepositoryVersionState.INSTALLED)) { hostVersionEntity.setState(RepositoryVersionState.OUT_OF_SYNC); hostVersionDAO.get().merge(hostVersionEntity); } } } } catch (AmbariException e) { LOG.error("Can not update hosts about out of sync", e); } }
@Subscribe @Transactional public void onServiceComponentEvent(ServiceComponentInstalledEvent event) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug(event.toString()); } m_lock.lock(); try { Cluster cluster = clusters.get().getClusterById(event.getClusterId()); List<HostVersionEntity> hostVersionEntities = hostVersionDAO.get().findByClusterAndHost(cluster.getClusterName(), event.getHostName()); Service service = cluster.getService(event.getServiceName()); ServiceComponent serviceComponent = service.getServiceComponent(event.getComponentName()); RepositoryVersionEntity componentRepo = serviceComponent.getDesiredRepositoryVersion(); for (HostVersionEntity hostVersionEntity : hostVersionEntities) { StackEntity hostStackEntity = hostVersionEntity.getRepositoryVersion().getStack(); StackId hostStackId = new StackId(hostStackEntity); // If added components do not advertise version, it makes no sense to mark version OUT_OF_SYNC // We perform check per-stack version, because component may be not versionAdvertised in current // stack, but become versionAdvertised in some future (installed, but not yet upgraded to) stack String serviceName = event.getServiceName(); String componentName = event.getComponentName(); // Skip lookup if stack does not contain the component if (!ami.get().isValidServiceComponent(hostStackId.getStackName(), hostStackId.getStackVersion(), serviceName, componentName)) { LOG.debug("Component not found is host stack, stack={}, version={}, service={}, component={}", hostStackId.getStackName(), hostStackId.getStackVersion(), serviceName, componentName); continue; } ComponentInfo component = ami.get().getComponent(hostStackId.getStackName(), hostStackId.getStackVersion(), serviceName, componentName); if (!component.isVersionAdvertised()) { RepositoryVersionState state = checkAllHostComponents(hostStackId, hostVersionEntity.getHostEntity()); if (null != state) { hostVersionEntity.setState(state); hostVersionDAO.get().merge(hostVersionEntity); } continue; } // !!! we shouldn't be changing other versions to OUT_OF_SYNC if the event // component repository doesn't match if (!hostVersionEntity.getRepositoryVersion().equals(componentRepo)) { continue; } switch (hostVersionEntity.getState()) { case INSTALLED: case NOT_REQUIRED: hostVersionEntity.setState(RepositoryVersionState.OUT_OF_SYNC); hostVersionDAO.get().merge(hostVersionEntity); break; default: break; } } } catch (AmbariException e) { LOG.error("Can not update hosts about out of sync", e); } finally { m_lock.unlock(); } }
@Subscribe @Transactional public void onHostEvent(HostsAddedEvent event) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug(event.toString()); } // create host version entries for every repository @Experimental(feature=ExperimentalFeature.PATCH_UPGRADES, comment="Eventually take into account deleted repositories") List<RepositoryVersionEntity> repos = repositoryVersionDAO.get().findAll(); for (String hostName : event.getHostNames()) { HostEntity hostEntity = hostDAO.get().findByName(hostName); for (RepositoryVersionEntity repositoryVersion : repos) { // we don't have the knowledge yet to know if we need the record HostVersionEntity missingHostVersion = new HostVersionEntity(hostEntity, repositoryVersion, RepositoryVersionState.NOT_REQUIRED);"Creating host version for {}, state={}, repo={} (repo_id={})", missingHostVersion.getHostName(), missingHostVersion.getState(), missingHostVersion.getRepositoryVersion().getVersion(), missingHostVersion.getRepositoryVersion().getId()); hostVersionDAO.get().create(missingHostVersion); hostDAO.get().merge(hostEntity); hostEntity.getHostVersionEntities().add(missingHostVersion); hostEntity = hostDAO.get().merge(hostEntity); } } }
@Subscribe public void onAmbariEvent(HostComponentVersionAdvertisedEvent event) throws AmbariException { LOG.debug("Received event {}", event); Cluster cluster = event.getCluster(); ServiceComponentHost sch = event.getServiceComponentHost(); String newVersion = event.getVersion(); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(newVersion)) { return; } // if the cluster is upgrading, there's no need to update the repo version - // it better be right if (null != event.getRepositoryVersionId() && null == cluster.getUpgradeInProgress()) { // !!! make sure the repo_version record actually has the same version. // This is NOT true when installing a cluster using a public repo where the // exact version is not known in advance. RepositoryVersionEntity rve = repositoryVersionDAO.findByPK(event.getRepositoryVersionId()); if (null != rve) { boolean updated = false; String currentRepoVersion = rve.getVersion(); if (!StringUtils.equals(currentRepoVersion, newVersion)) { rve.setVersion(newVersion); rve.setResolved(true); repositoryVersionDAO.merge(rve); updated = true; } else { // the reported versions are the same - we should ensure that the repo // is resolved if (!rve.isResolved()) { rve.setResolved(true); repositoryVersionDAO.merge(rve); updated = true; } } if (updated) { m_hostLevelParamsHolder.get().updateData(m_hostLevelParamsHolder.get().getCurrentData(sch.getHost().getHostId())); } } } // Update host component version value if needed try { // get the component information for the desired stack; if a component // moves from UNKNOWN to providing a version, we must do the version // advertised check against the target stack StackId desiredStackId = sch.getDesiredStackId(); AmbariMetaInfo ambariMetaInfo = ambariMetaInfoProvider.get(); ComponentInfo componentInfo = ambariMetaInfo.getComponent(desiredStackId.getStackName(), desiredStackId.getStackVersion(), sch.getServiceName(), sch.getServiceComponentName()); // not advertising a version, do nothing if (!componentInfo.isVersionAdvertised()) { // that's odd; a version came back - log it and still do nothing if (!StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(UNKNOWN_VERSION, newVersion)) { LOG.warn( "ServiceComponent {} doesn't advertise version, however ServiceHostComponent {} on host {} advertised version as {}. Skipping version update", sch.getServiceComponentName(), sch.getServiceComponentName(), sch.getHostName(), newVersion); } return; } ServiceComponent sc = cluster.getService(sch.getServiceName()).getServiceComponent( sch.getServiceComponentName()); // proces the UNKNOWN version if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(UNKNOWN_VERSION, newVersion)) { processUnknownDesiredVersion(cluster, sc, sch, newVersion); return; } processComponentAdvertisedVersion(cluster, sc, sch, newVersion); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error( "Unable to propagate version for ServiceHostComponent on component: {}, host: {}. Error: {}", sch.getServiceComponentName(), sch.getHostName(), e.getMessage()); } }
@Subscribe public void onAmbariEvent(HostComponentVersionAdvertisedEvent event) throws AmbariException { LOG.debug("Received event {}", event); Cluster cluster = event.getCluster(); ServiceComponentHost sch = event.getServiceComponentHost(); String newVersion = event.getVersion(); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(newVersion)) { return; } // if the cluster is upgrading, there's no need to update the repo version - // it better be right if (null != event.getRepositoryVersionId() && null == cluster.getUpgradeInProgress()) { // !!! make sure the repo_version record actually has the same version. // This is NOT true when installing a cluster using a public repo where the // exact version is not known in advance. RepositoryVersionEntity rve = repositoryVersionDAO.findByPK(event.getRepositoryVersionId()); if (null != rve) { boolean updated = false; String currentRepoVersion = rve.getVersion(); if (!StringUtils.equals(currentRepoVersion, newVersion)) { rve.setVersion(newVersion); rve.setResolved(true); repositoryVersionDAO.merge(rve); updated = true; } else { // the reported versions are the same - we should ensure that the repo // is resolved if (!rve.isResolved()) { rve.setResolved(true); repositoryVersionDAO.merge(rve); updated = true; } } if (updated) { m_hostLevelParamsHolder.get().updateData(m_hostLevelParamsHolder.get().getCurrentData(sch.getHost().getHostId())); } } } // Update host component version value if needed try { // get the component information for the desired stack; if a component // moves from UNKNOWN to providing a version, we must do the version // advertised check against the target stack StackId desiredStackId = sch.getDesiredStackId(); AmbariMetaInfo ambariMetaInfo = ambariMetaInfoProvider.get(); ComponentInfo componentInfo = ambariMetaInfo.getComponent(desiredStackId.getStackName(), desiredStackId.getStackVersion(), sch.getServiceName(), sch.getServiceComponentName()); // not advertising a version, do nothing if (!componentInfo.isVersionAdvertised()) { // that's odd; a version came back - log it and still do nothing if (!StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(UNKNOWN_VERSION, newVersion)) { LOG.warn( "ServiceComponent {} doesn't advertise version, however ServiceHostComponent {} on host {} advertised version as {}. Skipping version update", sch.getServiceComponentName(), sch.getServiceComponentName(), sch.getHostName(), newVersion); } return; } ServiceComponent sc = cluster.getService(sch.getServiceName()).getServiceComponent( sch.getServiceComponentName()); // proces the UNKNOWN version if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(UNKNOWN_VERSION, newVersion)) { processUnknownDesiredVersion(cluster, sc, sch, newVersion); return; } processComponentAdvertisedVersion(cluster, sc, sch, newVersion); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error( "Unable to propagate version for ServiceHostComponent on component: {}, host: {}. Error: {}", sch.getServiceComponentName(), sch.getHostName(), e.getMessage()); } }
@Subscribe public void onAmbariEvent(HostComponentVersionAdvertisedEvent event) throws AmbariException { LOG.debug("Received event {}", event); Cluster cluster = event.getCluster(); ServiceComponentHost sch = event.getServiceComponentHost(); String newVersion = event.getVersion(); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(newVersion)) { return; } // if the cluster is upgrading, there's no need to update the repo version - // it better be right if (null != event.getRepositoryVersionId() && null == cluster.getUpgradeInProgress()) { // !!! make sure the repo_version record actually has the same version. // This is NOT true when installing a cluster using a public repo where the // exact version is not known in advance. RepositoryVersionEntity rve = repositoryVersionDAO.findByPK(event.getRepositoryVersionId()); if (null != rve) { boolean updated = false; String currentRepoVersion = rve.getVersion(); if (!StringUtils.equals(currentRepoVersion, newVersion)) { rve.setVersion(newVersion); rve.setResolved(true); repositoryVersionDAO.merge(rve); updated = true; } else { // the reported versions are the same - we should ensure that the repo // is resolved if (!rve.isResolved()) { rve.setResolved(true); repositoryVersionDAO.merge(rve); updated = true; } } if (updated) { m_hostLevelParamsHolder.get().updateData(m_hostLevelParamsHolder.get().getCurrentData(sch.getHost().getHostId())); } } } // Update host component version value if needed try { // get the component information for the desired stack; if a component // moves from UNKNOWN to providing a version, we must do the version // advertised check against the target stack StackId desiredStackId = sch.getDesiredStackId(); AmbariMetaInfo ambariMetaInfo = ambariMetaInfoProvider.get(); ComponentInfo componentInfo = ambariMetaInfo.getComponent(desiredStackId.getStackName(), desiredStackId.getStackVersion(), sch.getServiceName(), sch.getServiceComponentName()); // not advertising a version, do nothing if (!componentInfo.isVersionAdvertised()) { // that's odd; a version came back - log it and still do nothing if (!StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(UNKNOWN_VERSION, newVersion)) { LOG.warn( "ServiceComponent {} doesn't advertise version, however ServiceHostComponent {} on host {} advertised version as {}. Skipping version update", sch.getServiceComponentName(), sch.getServiceComponentName(), sch.getHostName(), newVersion); } return; } ServiceComponent sc = cluster.getService(sch.getServiceName()).getServiceComponent( sch.getServiceComponentName()); // proces the UNKNOWN version if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(UNKNOWN_VERSION, newVersion)) { processUnknownDesiredVersion(cluster, sc, sch, newVersion); return; } processComponentAdvertisedVersion(cluster, sc, sch, newVersion); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error( "Unable to propagate version for ServiceHostComponent on component: {}, host: {}. Error: {}", sch.getServiceComponentName(), sch.getHostName(), e.getMessage()); } }
@Subscribe public void onTaskUpdateEvent(TaskUpdateEvent event) { LOG.debug("Received task update event {}", event); List<HostRoleCommand> hostRoleCommandListAll = event.getHostRoleCommands(); List<HostRoleCommand> hostRoleCommandWithReceivedStatus = new ArrayList<>(); Set<StageEntityPK> stagesWithReceivedTaskStatus = new HashSet<>(); Set<Long> requestIdsWithReceivedTaskStatus = new HashSet<>(); Set<RequestUpdateEvent> requestsToPublish = new HashSet<>(); for (HostRoleCommand hostRoleCommand : hostRoleCommandListAll) { Long reportedTaskId = hostRoleCommand.getTaskId(); HostRoleCommand activeTask = activeTasksMap.get(reportedTaskId); if (activeTask == null) { LOG.error(String.format("Received update for a task %d which is not being tracked as running task", reportedTaskId)); } else { hostRoleCommandWithReceivedStatus.add(hostRoleCommand); StageEntityPK stageEntityPK = new StageEntityPK(); stageEntityPK.setRequestId(hostRoleCommand.getRequestId()); stageEntityPK.setStageId(hostRoleCommand.getStageId()); stagesWithReceivedTaskStatus.add(stageEntityPK); requestIdsWithReceivedTaskStatus.add(hostRoleCommand.getRequestId()); if (!activeTasksMap.get(reportedTaskId).getStatus().equals(hostRoleCommand.getStatus())) { // Ignore requests not related to any cluster. "requests" topic is used for cluster requests only. Long clusterId = activeRequestMap.get(hostRoleCommand.getRequestId()).getClusterId(); if (clusterId != null && clusterId != -1) { Set<RequestUpdateEvent.HostRoleCommand> hostRoleCommands = new HashSet<>(); hostRoleCommands.add(new RequestUpdateEvent.HostRoleCommand(hostRoleCommand.getTaskId(), hostRoleCommand.getRequestId(), hostRoleCommand.getStatus(), hostRoleCommand.getHostName())); requestsToPublish.add(new RequestUpdateEvent(hostRoleCommand.getRequestId(), activeRequestMap.get(hostRoleCommand.getRequestId()).getStatus(), hostRoleCommands)); } else { LOG.debug("No STOMP request update event was fired for host component status change due no cluster related, " + "request id: {}, role: {}, role command: {}, host: {}, task id: {}, old state: {}, new state: {}", hostRoleCommand.getRequestId(), hostRoleCommand.getRole(), hostRoleCommand.getRoleCommand(), hostRoleCommand.getHostName(), hostRoleCommand.getTaskId(), activeTasksMap.get(reportedTaskId).getStatus(), hostRoleCommand.getStatus()); } } } } updateActiveTasksMap(hostRoleCommandWithReceivedStatus); Boolean didAnyStageStatusUpdated = updateActiveStagesStatus(stagesWithReceivedTaskStatus, hostRoleCommandListAll); // Presumption: If there is no update in any of the running stage's status // then none of the running request status needs to be updated if (didAnyStageStatusUpdated) { updateActiveRequestsStatus(requestIdsWithReceivedTaskStatus, stagesWithReceivedTaskStatus); } for (RequestUpdateEvent requestToPublish : requestsToPublish) { STOMPUpdatePublisher.publish(requestToPublish); } }
public void scheduleBatch(RequestExecution requestExecution) throws AmbariException { if (!isSchedulerAvailable()) { throw new AmbariException("Scheduler unavailable."); } // Check if scheduler is running, if not start immediately before scheduling jobs try { if (!executionScheduler.isSchedulerStarted()) { executionScheduler.startScheduler(null); } } catch (SchedulerException e) { LOG.error("Unable to determine scheduler state.", e); throw new AmbariException("Scheduler unavailable."); } // Create and persist jobs based on batches JobDetail firstJobDetail = persistBatch(requestExecution); if (firstJobDetail == null) { throw new AmbariException("Unable to schedule jobs. firstJobDetail = " + firstJobDetail); } // Create a cron trigger for the first batch job // If no schedule is specified create simple trigger to fire right away Schedule schedule = requestExecution.getSchedule(); if (schedule != null) { String triggerExpression = schedule.getScheduleExpression(); Date startDate = null; Date endDate = null; try { String startTime = schedule.getStartTime(); String endTime = schedule.getEndTime(); startDate = startTime != null && !startTime.isEmpty() ? DateUtils.convertToDate(startTime) : new Date(); endDate = endTime != null && !endTime.isEmpty() ? DateUtils.convertToDate(endTime) : null; } catch (ParseException e) { LOG.error("Unable to parse startTime / endTime.", e); } Trigger trigger = newTrigger() .withIdentity(REQUEST_EXECUTION_TRIGGER_PREFIX + "-" + requestExecution.getId(), ExecutionJob.LINEAR_EXECUTION_TRIGGER_GROUP) .withSchedule(cronSchedule(triggerExpression) .withMisfireHandlingInstructionFireAndProceed()) .forJob(firstJobDetail) .startAt(startDate) .endAt(endDate) .build(); try { executionScheduler.scheduleJob(trigger); LOG.debug("Scheduled trigger next fire time: {}", trigger.getNextFireTime()); } catch (SchedulerException e) { LOG.error("Unable to schedule request execution.", e); throw new AmbariException(e.getMessage()); } } else { // Create trigger for immediate job execution Trigger trigger = newTrigger() .forJob(firstJobDetail) .withIdentity(REQUEST_EXECUTION_TRIGGER_PREFIX + "-" + requestExecution.getId(), ExecutionJob.LINEAR_EXECUTION_TRIGGER_GROUP) .withSchedule(simpleSchedule().withMisfireHandlingInstructionFireNow()) .startNow() .build(); try { executionScheduler.scheduleJob(trigger); LOG.debug("Scheduled trigger next fire time: {}", trigger.getNextFireTime()); } catch (SchedulerException e) { LOG.error("Unable to schedule request execution.", e); throw new AmbariException(e.getMessage()); } } }
public void deleteAllJobs(RequestExecution requestExecution) throws AmbariException { if (!isSchedulerAvailable()) { throw new AmbariException("Scheduler unavailable."); } // Delete all jobs for this request execution Batch batch = requestExecution.getBatch(); if (batch != null) { List<BatchRequest> batchRequests = batch.getBatchRequests(); if (batchRequests != null) { for (BatchRequest batchRequest : batchRequests) { String jobName = getJobName(requestExecution.getId(), batchRequest.getOrderId()); LOG.debug("Deleting Job, jobName = {}", jobName); try { executionScheduler.deleteJob(JobKey.jobKey(jobName, ExecutionJob.LINEAR_EXECUTION_JOB_GROUP)); } catch (SchedulerException e) { LOG.warn("Unable to delete job, " + jobName, e); throw new AmbariException(e.getMessage()); } } } } }
public Long executeBatchRequest(long executionId, long batchId, String clusterName) throws AmbariException { String type = null; String uri = null; String body = null; try { RequestExecution requestExecution = clusters.getCluster(clusterName).getAllRequestExecutions().get(executionId); BatchRequest batchRequest = requestExecution.getBatchRequest(batchId); type = batchRequest.getType(); uri = batchRequest.getUri(); body = requestExecution.getRequestBody(batchId); BatchRequestResponse batchRequestResponse = performApiRequest(uri, body, type, requestExecution.getAuthenticatedUserId()); updateBatchRequest(executionId, batchId, clusterName, batchRequestResponse, false); if (batchRequestResponse.getRequestId() != null) { actionDBAccessor.setSourceScheduleForRequest(batchRequestResponse.getRequestId(), executionId); } return batchRequestResponse.getRequestId(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new AmbariException("Exception occurred while performing request", e); } }
public void updateBatchRequest(long executionId, long batchId, String clusterName, BatchRequestResponse batchRequestResponse, boolean statusOnly) throws AmbariException { Cluster cluster = clusters.getCluster(clusterName); RequestExecution requestExecution = cluster.getAllRequestExecutions().get(executionId); if (requestExecution == null) { throw new AmbariException("Unable to find request schedule with id = " + executionId); } requestExecution.updateBatchRequest(batchId, batchRequestResponse, statusOnly); }
public boolean hasToleranceThresholdExceeded(Long executionId, String clusterName, Map<String, Integer> taskCounts) throws AmbariException { Cluster cluster = clusters.getCluster(clusterName); RequestExecution requestExecution = cluster.getAllRequestExecutions().get(executionId); if (requestExecution == null) { throw new AmbariException("Unable to find request schedule with id = " + executionId); } BatchSettings batchSettings = requestExecution.getBatch().getBatchSettings(); if (batchSettings != null && batchSettings.getTaskFailureToleranceLimit() != null) { return taskCounts.get(BatchRequestJob.BATCH_REQUEST_FAILED_TASKS_KEY) > batchSettings.getTaskFailureToleranceLimit(); } return false; }
public void finalizeBatch(long executionId, String clusterName) throws AmbariException { Cluster cluster = clusters.getCluster(clusterName); RequestExecution requestExecution = cluster.getAllRequestExecutions().get(executionId); if (requestExecution == null) { throw new AmbariException("Unable to find request schedule with id = " + executionId); } Batch batch = requestExecution.getBatch(); BatchRequest firstBatchRequest = null; if (batch != null) { List<BatchRequest> batchRequests = batch.getBatchRequests(); if (batchRequests != null && batchRequests.size() > 0) { Collections.sort(batchRequests); firstBatchRequest = batchRequests.get(0); } } boolean markCompleted = false; if (firstBatchRequest != null) { String jobName = getJobName(executionId, firstBatchRequest.getOrderId()); JobKey jobKey = JobKey.jobKey(jobName, ExecutionJob.LINEAR_EXECUTION_JOB_GROUP); JobDetail jobDetail; try { jobDetail = executionScheduler.getJobDetail(jobKey); } catch (SchedulerException e) { LOG.warn("Unable to retrieve job details from scheduler. job: " + jobKey); e.printStackTrace(); return; } if (jobDetail != null) { try { List<? extends Trigger> triggers = executionScheduler.getTriggersForJob(jobKey); if (triggers != null && triggers.size() > 0) { if (triggers.size() > 1) { throw new AmbariException("Too many triggers defined for job. " + "job: " + jobKey); } Trigger trigger = triggers.get(0); // Note: If next fire time is in the past, it could be a misfire // If final fire time is null, means it is a forever running job if (!trigger.mayFireAgain() || (trigger.getFinalFireTime() != null && !DateUtils.isFutureTime(trigger.getFinalFireTime()))) { markCompleted = true; } } else { // No triggers for job markCompleted = true; } } catch (SchedulerException e) { LOG.warn("Unable to retrieve triggers for job: " + jobKey); e.printStackTrace(); return; } } } if (markCompleted) { requestExecution.updateStatus(RequestExecution.Status.COMPLETED); } }
public boolean continueOnMisfire(JobExecutionContext jobExecutionContext) { if (jobExecutionContext != null) { Date scheduledTime = jobExecutionContext.getScheduledFireTime(); Long diff = DateUtils.getDateDifferenceInMinutes(scheduledTime); return (diff < configuration.getExecutionSchedulerMisfireToleration()); } return true; }
protected WebResource extendApiResource(WebResource webResource, String relativeUri) { WebResource result = webResource; if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(relativeUri) && !CONTAINS_API_VERSION_PATTERN.matcher(relativeUri).matches()) { result = webResource.path(DEFAULT_API_PATH); } return result.path(relativeUri); }
public String getName() { return name; }
public synchronized String getCommonName() { if (commonName == null) { // Strip version from the internal name commonName = name.replaceAll("\\{(.+)\\}", ""); } return commonName; }
@Override public String getLabel() { return label; }
@Override public String getVersion() { return version; }
@Override public String getBuild() { return build; }
public String getIcon() { return icon; }
public String getIcon64() { return icon64; }
public boolean isClusterConfigurable() { return clusterConfigurable; }
public String getAmbariProperty(String key) { return ambariConfiguration.getProperty(key); }
public ClassLoader getClassLoader() { return classLoader; }
public String getArchive() { return archive; }
public Configuration getAmbariConfiguration() { return ambariConfiguration; }
public boolean isDeployed() { return status.equals(ViewStatus.DEPLOYED); }
public void removePrivilege(PrivilegeEntity privilege) { privileges.remove(privilege); }
public void setCustomCommandName(String customCommandName) { this.customCommandName = customCommandName; }
public void setCommandDetail(String commandDetail) { String truncatedCommandDetail = commandDetail; if (commandDetail != null) { if (commandDetail.length() > MAX_COMMAND_DETAIL_LENGTH) { truncatedCommandDetail = commandDetail.substring(0, MAX_COMMAND_DETAIL_LENGTH) + "..."; } } this.commandDetail = truncatedCommandDetail; }
public void setOpsDisplayName(String opsDisplayName) { this.opsDisplayName = opsDisplayName; }
public PrincipalType getPrincipalType() { return principalType; }
public SyncType getSyncType() { return syncType; }
public List<String> getPrincipalNames() { return principalNames; }
public ViewEntity getViewEntity() { return view; }
public InstanceConfig getConfiguration() { return instanceConfig; }
public String getName() { return name; }
@Override public String getLabel() { return label; }
@Override public String getDescription() { return description; }
@Override public boolean isVisible() { return visible == 'y' || visible == 'Y'; }
public String getIcon() { return icon; }
public boolean alterNames() { return alterNames == 1; }
public String getIcon64() { return icon64; }
public String getContextPath() { return getContextPath(view.getCommonName(), view.getVersion(), getName()); }
public void validate(ViewEntity viewEntity, Validator.ValidationContext context) throws ValidationException { InstanceValidationResultImpl result = getValidationResult(viewEntity, context); if (!result.isValid()) { throw new ValidationException(result.toJson()); } }
public InstanceValidationResultImpl getValidationResult(ViewEntity viewEntity, Validator.ValidationContext context) throws IllegalStateException { Map<String, ValidationResult> propertyResults = new HashMap<>(); if (context.equals(Validator.ValidationContext.PRE_CREATE) || context.equals(Validator.ValidationContext.PRE_UPDATE)) { // make sure that there is an instance property value defined // for each required view parameter Set<String> requiredParameterNames = new HashSet<>(); for (ViewParameterEntity parameter : viewEntity.getParameters()) { if (parameter.isRequired()) { // Don't enforce 'required' validation for cluster config parameters since // the value will be obtained through cluster association, not user input if (parameter.getClusterConfig()== null) { requiredParameterNames.add(parameter.getName()); } } } Map<String, String> propertyMap = getPropertyMap(); for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : propertyMap.entrySet()) { if (entry.getValue() != null) { requiredParameterNames.remove(entry.getKey()); } } // required but missing instance properties... for (String requiredParameterName : requiredParameterNames) { propertyResults.put(requiredParameterName, new ValidationResultImpl(false, "No property values exist for the required parameter " + requiredParameterName + ".")); } } ValidationResult instanceResult = null; Validator validator = viewEntity.getValidator(); // if the view provides its own validator, run it if (validator != null) { instanceResult = validator.validateInstance(this, context); for ( String property : getPropertyMap().keySet()) { if (!propertyResults.containsKey(property)) { propertyResults.put(property, ValidationResultImpl.create(validator.validateProperty(property, this, context))); } } } return new InstanceValidationResultImpl(ValidationResultImpl.create(instanceResult), propertyResults); }
public Collection<HostComponentDesiredStateEntity> getHostComponentDesiredStateEntities() { return Collections.unmodifiableCollection(hostComponentDesiredStateEntities); }
public void addHostComponentDesiredStateEntity(HostComponentDesiredStateEntity stateEntity) { hostComponentDesiredStateEntities.add(stateEntity); }
public void removeHostComponentDesiredStateEntity(HostComponentDesiredStateEntity stateEntity) { hostComponentDesiredStateEntities.remove(stateEntity); }
public Collection<HostComponentStateEntity> getHostComponentStateEntities() { return Collections.unmodifiableCollection(hostComponentStateEntities); }
public void addHostComponentStateEntity(HostComponentStateEntity stateEntity) { hostComponentStateEntities.add(stateEntity); }
public void removeHostComponentStateEntity(HostComponentStateEntity stateEntity) { hostComponentStateEntities.remove(stateEntity); }
@Override @Transactional public void create(RepositoryVersionEntity entity){ super.create(entity); }
@RequiresSession public RepositoryVersionEntity findByDisplayName(String displayName) { // TODO, this assumes that the display name is unique, but neither the code nor the DB schema enforces this. final TypedQuery<RepositoryVersionEntity> query = entityManagerProvider.get().createNamedQuery("repositoryVersionByDisplayName", RepositoryVersionEntity.class); query.setParameter("displayname", displayName); return daoUtils.selectSingle(query); }
@RequiresSession public RepositoryVersionEntity findByStackAndVersion(StackId stackId, String version) { return findByStackNameAndVersion(stackId.getStackName(), version); }
@RequiresSession public List<RepositoryVersionEntity> findByStack(StackId stackId) { final TypedQuery<RepositoryVersionEntity> query = entityManagerProvider.get().createNamedQuery("repositoryVersionByStack", RepositoryVersionEntity.class); query.setParameter("stackName", stackId.getStackName()); query.setParameter("stackVersion", stackId.getStackVersion()); return daoUtils.selectList(query); }
@RequiresSession public RepositoryVersionEntity findByStackAndVersion(StackId stackId, String version) { return findByStackNameAndVersion(stackId.getStackName(), version); }
@RequiresSession public List<RepositoryVersionEntity> findByStackAndType(StackId stackId, RepositoryType type) { final TypedQuery<RepositoryVersionEntity> query = entityManagerProvider.get().createNamedQuery( "repositoryVersionByStackAndType", RepositoryVersionEntity.class); query.setParameter("stackName", stackId.getStackName()); query.setParameter("stackVersion", stackId.getStackVersion()); query.setParameter("type", type); return daoUtils.selectList(query); }
@Transactional public void create(HostConfigMapping hostConfigMapping) { populateCache(); //create in db entityManagerProvider.get().persist(buildHostConfigMappingEntity(hostConfigMapping)); //create in cache Long hostId = hostConfigMapping.getHostId(); if (hostId != null) { Set<HostConfigMapping> set; if (hostConfigMappingByHost.containsKey(hostId)) { set = hostConfigMappingByHost.get(hostId); } else { set = new HashSet<>(); hostConfigMappingByHost.put(hostId, set); } set.add(hostConfigMapping); } }
@RequiresSession public Set<HostConfigMapping> findByType(final long clusterId, Long hostId, final String type) { populateCache(); if (!hostConfigMappingByHost.containsKey(hostId)) return Collections.emptySet(); Set<HostConfigMapping> set = new HashSet<>(hostConfigMappingByHost.get(hostId)); CollectionUtils.filter(set, new Predicate() { @Override public boolean evaluate(Object arg0) { return ((HostConfigMapping) arg0).getClusterId().equals(clusterId) && ((HostConfigMapping) arg0).getType().equals(type); } }); return set; }