stringclasses 1
value | input
stringlengths 49
| output
stringlengths 51
As a helpful and smart assistant, your task is to parse a given text in any language to Universal Dependency (UD) format including POS tags and dependency relations (HEAD and DEPREL).
Key Components of UD Annotation:
1. Tokens: The fundamental units within UD are tokens. These can be individual words, punctuation marks, or even parts of multi-word expressions. Each token has several associated attributes.
2. UPOS Tags: The UPOS field in the CoNLL-U format represents the universal part-of-speech tag assigned to each word. This tag is part of a universal POS tag set designed to be applicable across different languages. The UPOS tags include categories such as NOUN, VERB, ADJ (adjective), ADV (adverb), PRON (pronoun), DET (determiner), and more.
3. Dependency Relations: Dependency relations are the core of the syntactic representation. They form a tree structure over the tokens in a sentence. Here's how they work:
- HEAD: This field indicates the head of the current word. The head is the word that the current word is connected to in the dependency parse tree. The value is an integer that corresponds to the ID of the head word within the same sentence. A value of zero (0) indicates that the word is the root of the sentence.
- DEPREL: The DEPREL field specifies the type of dependency relation between the current word and its head (as specified in the HEAD field). The value is a universal dependency relation or a language-specific subtype of such a relation.
Note: Blank lines are used to mark the boundaries between sentences.
Let's analyze this sentence with its UD annotation:
"The big dog chased the cat."
1. Tokenization:
- The
- big
- dog
- chased
- the
- cat
- .
2. UPOS Tags:
- The: DET
- big: ADJ
- dog: NOUN
- chased: VERB
- the: DET
- cat: NOUN
- .: PUNCT
3. Head node (parent):
- The: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3
- big: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3
- dog: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
- chased: this is the root node, therefore its head is 0
- the: the parent of this word is "cat" at position 6
- cat: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
- .: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
3. Dependency Relations:
- root(ROOT, chased)
- det(dog, The)
- amod(dog, big)
- nsubj(chased, dog)
- det(cat, the)
- obj(chased, cat)
Combining the above annotations, the final output in UD format is:
Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel
1 The DET 3 det
2 big ADJ 3 amod
3 dog NOUN 4 nsubj
4 chased VERB 0 ROOT
5 the DET 6 det
6 cat NOUN 4 obj
7 . PUNCT 4 punct | Generate UD annotations for the following text: Цмок пранёсься над імі, нібы хуткасны цягнік, кульнуўся над ракой, ды з аглушальным грукатам выбухнуў над Прырэччам. | Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel
1 Цмок NOUN 2 nsubj
2 пранёсься VERB 0 root
3 над ADP 4 case
4 імі PRON 2 obl
5 , PUNCT 8 punct
6 нібы CCONJ 8 case
7 хуткасны ADJ 8 amod
8 цягнік NOUN 2 obl
9 , PUNCT 10 punct
10 кульнуўся VERB 2 conj
11 над ADP 12 case
12 ракой NOUN 10 obl
13 , PUNCT 18 punct
14 ды CCONJ 18 cc
15 з ADP 17 case
16 аглушальным ADJ 17 amod
17 грукатам NOUN 18 obl
18 выбухнуў VERB 2 conj
19 над ADP 20 case
20 Прырэччам PROPN 18 obl
21 . PUNCT 2 punct |
As a helpful and smart assistant, your task is to parse a given text in any language to Universal Dependency (UD) format including POS tags and dependency relations (HEAD and DEPREL).
Key Components of UD Annotation:
1. Tokens: The fundamental units within UD are tokens. These can be individual words, punctuation marks, or even parts of multi-word expressions. Each token has several associated attributes.
2. UPOS Tags: The UPOS field in the CoNLL-U format represents the universal part-of-speech tag assigned to each word. This tag is part of a universal POS tag set designed to be applicable across different languages. The UPOS tags include categories such as NOUN, VERB, ADJ (adjective), ADV (adverb), PRON (pronoun), DET (determiner), and more.
3. Dependency Relations: Dependency relations are the core of the syntactic representation. They form a tree structure over the tokens in a sentence. Here's how they work:
- HEAD: This field indicates the head of the current word. The head is the word that the current word is connected to in the dependency parse tree. The value is an integer that corresponds to the ID of the head word within the same sentence. A value of zero (0) indicates that the word is the root of the sentence.
- DEPREL: The DEPREL field specifies the type of dependency relation between the current word and its head (as specified in the HEAD field). The value is a universal dependency relation or a language-specific subtype of such a relation.
Note: Blank lines are used to mark the boundaries between sentences.
Let's analyze this sentence with its UD annotation:
"The big dog chased the cat."
1. Tokenization:
- The
- big
- dog
- chased
- the
- cat
- .
2. UPOS Tags:
- The: DET
- big: ADJ
- dog: NOUN
- chased: VERB
- the: DET
- cat: NOUN
- .: PUNCT
3. Head node (parent):
- The: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3
- big: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3
- dog: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
- chased: this is the root node, therefore its head is 0
- the: the parent of this word is "cat" at position 6
- cat: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
- .: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
3. Dependency Relations:
- root(ROOT, chased)
- det(dog, The)
- amod(dog, big)
- nsubj(chased, dog)
- det(cat, the)
- obj(chased, cat)
Combining the above annotations, the final output in UD format is:
Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel
1 The DET 3 det
2 big ADJ 3 amod
3 dog NOUN 4 nsubj
4 chased VERB 0 ROOT
5 the DET 6 det
6 cat NOUN 4 obj
7 . PUNCT 4 punct | Generate UD annotations for the following text: Ён плыў па Мускуснай затоцы, якая вяла яго да галоўнага возера і галоўнай з яго хацін і была адным з асноўных участкаў яго палявання. | Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel
1 Ён PRON 2 nsubj
2 плыў VERB 0 root
3 па ADP 5 case
4 Мускуснай PROPN 5 amod
5 затоцы NOUN 2 obl
6 , PUNCT 8 punct
7 якая PRON 8 nsubj
8 вяла VERB 5 acl:relcl
9 яго PRON 8 obj
10 да ADP 12 case
11 галоўнага ADJ 12 amod
12 возера NOUN 8 obl
13 і CCONJ 14 cc
14 галоўнай ADJ 12 conj
15 з ADP 17 case
16 яго DET 17 det
17 хацін NOUN 14 nmod
18 і CCONJ 20 cc
19 была AUX 20 cop
20 адным NUM 8 conj
21 з ADP 23 case
22 асноўных ADJ 23 amod
23 участкаў NOUN 20 nmod
24 яго DET 25 det
25 палявання NOUN 23 nmod
26 . PUNCT 2 punct |
As a helpful and smart assistant, your task is to parse a given text in any language to Universal Dependency (UD) format including POS tags and dependency relations (HEAD and DEPREL).
Key Components of UD Annotation:
1. Tokens: The fundamental units within UD are tokens. These can be individual words, punctuation marks, or even parts of multi-word expressions. Each token has several associated attributes.
2. UPOS Tags: The UPOS field in the CoNLL-U format represents the universal part-of-speech tag assigned to each word. This tag is part of a universal POS tag set designed to be applicable across different languages. The UPOS tags include categories such as NOUN, VERB, ADJ (adjective), ADV (adverb), PRON (pronoun), DET (determiner), and more.
3. Dependency Relations: Dependency relations are the core of the syntactic representation. They form a tree structure over the tokens in a sentence. Here's how they work:
- HEAD: This field indicates the head of the current word. The head is the word that the current word is connected to in the dependency parse tree. The value is an integer that corresponds to the ID of the head word within the same sentence. A value of zero (0) indicates that the word is the root of the sentence.
- DEPREL: The DEPREL field specifies the type of dependency relation between the current word and its head (as specified in the HEAD field). The value is a universal dependency relation or a language-specific subtype of such a relation.
Note: Blank lines are used to mark the boundaries between sentences.
Let's analyze this sentence with its UD annotation:
"The big dog chased the cat."
1. Tokenization:
- The
- big
- dog
- chased
- the
- cat
- .
2. UPOS Tags:
- The: DET
- big: ADJ
- dog: NOUN
- chased: VERB
- the: DET
- cat: NOUN
- .: PUNCT
3. Head node (parent):
- The: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3
- big: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3
- dog: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
- chased: this is the root node, therefore its head is 0
- the: the parent of this word is "cat" at position 6
- cat: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
- .: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
3. Dependency Relations:
- root(ROOT, chased)
- det(dog, The)
- amod(dog, big)
- nsubj(chased, dog)
- det(cat, the)
- obj(chased, cat)
Combining the above annotations, the final output in UD format is:
Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel
1 The DET 3 det
2 big ADJ 3 amod
3 dog NOUN 4 nsubj
4 chased VERB 0 ROOT
5 the DET 6 det
6 cat NOUN 4 obj
7 . PUNCT 4 punct | Generate UD annotations for the following text: Гэта быў штучны вадаём, пакручасты і зарослы, утвораны старой бабровай запрудай, якая так надзейна перагарадзіла ручай, што атрымалася азярцо з крутымі, густа зарослымі лесам берагамі. | Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel
1 Гэта PRON 4 nsubj
2 быў AUX 4 cop
3 штучны ADJ 4 amod
4 вадаём NOUN 0 root
5 , PUNCT 6 punct
6 пакручасты ADJ 4 amod
7 і CCONJ 8 cc
8 зарослы VERB 6 conj
9 , PUNCT 10 punct
10 утвораны VERB 4 acl
11 старой ADJ 13 amod
12 бабровай ADJ 13 amod
13 запрудай NOUN 10 obl:agent
14 , PUNCT 18 punct
15 якая PRON 18 nsubj
16 так PART 17 advmod
17 надзейна ADV 18 advmod
18 перагарадзіла VERB 13 acl:relcl
19 ручай NOUN 18 obj
20 , PUNCT 22 punct
21 што SCONJ 22 mark
22 атрымалася VERB 18 advcl
23 азярцо NOUN 22 nsubj
24 з ADP 30 case
25 крутымі ADJ 30 amod
26 , PUNCT 28 punct
27 густа ADV 28 advmod
28 зарослымі VERB 30 amod
29 лесам NOUN 28 iobj
30 берагамі NOUN 23 nmod
31 . PUNCT 4 punct |
As a helpful and smart assistant, your task is to parse a given text in any language to Universal Dependency (UD) format including POS tags and dependency relations (HEAD and DEPREL).
Key Components of UD Annotation:
1. Tokens: The fundamental units within UD are tokens. These can be individual words, punctuation marks, or even parts of multi-word expressions. Each token has several associated attributes.
2. UPOS Tags: The UPOS field in the CoNLL-U format represents the universal part-of-speech tag assigned to each word. This tag is part of a universal POS tag set designed to be applicable across different languages. The UPOS tags include categories such as NOUN, VERB, ADJ (adjective), ADV (adverb), PRON (pronoun), DET (determiner), and more.
3. Dependency Relations: Dependency relations are the core of the syntactic representation. They form a tree structure over the tokens in a sentence. Here's how they work:
- HEAD: This field indicates the head of the current word. The head is the word that the current word is connected to in the dependency parse tree. The value is an integer that corresponds to the ID of the head word within the same sentence. A value of zero (0) indicates that the word is the root of the sentence.
- DEPREL: The DEPREL field specifies the type of dependency relation between the current word and its head (as specified in the HEAD field). The value is a universal dependency relation or a language-specific subtype of such a relation.
Note: Blank lines are used to mark the boundaries between sentences.
Let's analyze this sentence with its UD annotation:
"The big dog chased the cat."
1. Tokenization:
- The
- big
- dog
- chased
- the
- cat
- .
2. UPOS Tags:
- The: DET
- big: ADJ
- dog: NOUN
- chased: VERB
- the: DET
- cat: NOUN
- .: PUNCT
3. Head node (parent):
- The: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3
- big: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3
- dog: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
- chased: this is the root node, therefore its head is 0
- the: the parent of this word is "cat" at position 6
- cat: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
- .: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
3. Dependency Relations:
- root(ROOT, chased)
- det(dog, The)
- amod(dog, big)
- nsubj(chased, dog)
- det(cat, the)
- obj(chased, cat)
Combining the above annotations, the final output in UD format is:
Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel
1 The DET 3 det
2 big ADJ 3 amod
3 dog NOUN 4 nsubj
4 chased VERB 0 ROOT
5 the DET 6 det
6 cat NOUN 4 obj
7 . PUNCT 4 punct | Generate UD annotations for the following text: Ідэальнае месца для мускуснага пацука — андатры. | Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel
1 Ідэальнае ADJ 2 amod
2 месца NOUN 0 root
3 для ADP 5 case
4 мускуснага ADJ 5 amod
5 пацука NOUN 2 nmod
6 — PUNCT 7 punct
7 андатры NOUN 5 appos
8 . PUNCT 2 punct |
As a helpful and smart assistant, your task is to parse a given text in any language to Universal Dependency (UD) format including POS tags and dependency relations (HEAD and DEPREL).
Key Components of UD Annotation:
1. Tokens: The fundamental units within UD are tokens. These can be individual words, punctuation marks, or even parts of multi-word expressions. Each token has several associated attributes.
2. UPOS Tags: The UPOS field in the CoNLL-U format represents the universal part-of-speech tag assigned to each word. This tag is part of a universal POS tag set designed to be applicable across different languages. The UPOS tags include categories such as NOUN, VERB, ADJ (adjective), ADV (adverb), PRON (pronoun), DET (determiner), and more.
3. Dependency Relations: Dependency relations are the core of the syntactic representation. They form a tree structure over the tokens in a sentence. Here's how they work:
- HEAD: This field indicates the head of the current word. The head is the word that the current word is connected to in the dependency parse tree. The value is an integer that corresponds to the ID of the head word within the same sentence. A value of zero (0) indicates that the word is the root of the sentence.
- DEPREL: The DEPREL field specifies the type of dependency relation between the current word and its head (as specified in the HEAD field). The value is a universal dependency relation or a language-specific subtype of such a relation.
Note: Blank lines are used to mark the boundaries between sentences.
Let's analyze this sentence with its UD annotation:
"The big dog chased the cat."
1. Tokenization:
- The
- big
- dog
- chased
- the
- cat
- .
2. UPOS Tags:
- The: DET
- big: ADJ
- dog: NOUN
- chased: VERB
- the: DET
- cat: NOUN
- .: PUNCT
3. Head node (parent):
- The: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3
- big: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3
- dog: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
- chased: this is the root node, therefore its head is 0
- the: the parent of this word is "cat" at position 6
- cat: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
- .: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
3. Dependency Relations:
- root(ROOT, chased)
- det(dog, The)
- amod(dog, big)
- nsubj(chased, dog)
- det(cat, the)
- obj(chased, cat)
Combining the above annotations, the final output in UD format is:
Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel
1 The DET 3 det
2 big ADJ 3 amod
3 dog NOUN 4 nsubj
4 chased VERB 0 ROOT
5 the DET 6 det
6 cat NOUN 4 obj
7 . PUNCT 4 punct | Generate UD annotations for the following text: Не надта глыбока, дно і берагі густа ўкрытыя асакой, рагозам, стрэлкалістам і чаротам і дуплістымі карчамі — важная ўмова для андатры. | Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel
1 Не PART 2 advmod
2 надта ADV 3 advmod
3 глыбока ADV 0 root
4 , PUNCT 9 punct
5 дно NOUN 9 nsubj
6 і CCONJ 7 cc
7 берагі NOUN 5 conj
8 густа ADV 9 advmod
9 ўкрытыя ADJ 3 parataxis
10 асакой NOUN 9 iobj
11 , PUNCT 12 punct
12 рагозам NOUN 10 conj
13 , PUNCT 14 punct
14 стрэлкалістам NOUN 10 conj
15 і CCONJ 16 cc
16 чаротам NOUN 10 conj
17 і CCONJ 19 cc
18 дуплістымі ADJ 19 amod
19 карчамі NOUN 10 conj
20 — PUNCT 22 punct
21 важная ADJ 22 amod
22 ўмова NOUN 9 parataxis
23 для ADP 24 case
24 андатры NOUN 22 nmod
25 . PUNCT 3 punct |
As a helpful and smart assistant, your task is to parse a given text in any language to Universal Dependency (UD) format including POS tags and dependency relations (HEAD and DEPREL).
Key Components of UD Annotation:
1. Tokens: The fundamental units within UD are tokens. These can be individual words, punctuation marks, or even parts of multi-word expressions. Each token has several associated attributes.
2. UPOS Tags: The UPOS field in the CoNLL-U format represents the universal part-of-speech tag assigned to each word. This tag is part of a universal POS tag set designed to be applicable across different languages. The UPOS tags include categories such as NOUN, VERB, ADJ (adjective), ADV (adverb), PRON (pronoun), DET (determiner), and more.
3. Dependency Relations: Dependency relations are the core of the syntactic representation. They form a tree structure over the tokens in a sentence. Here's how they work:
- HEAD: This field indicates the head of the current word. The head is the word that the current word is connected to in the dependency parse tree. The value is an integer that corresponds to the ID of the head word within the same sentence. A value of zero (0) indicates that the word is the root of the sentence.
- DEPREL: The DEPREL field specifies the type of dependency relation between the current word and its head (as specified in the HEAD field). The value is a universal dependency relation or a language-specific subtype of such a relation.
Note: Blank lines are used to mark the boundaries between sentences.
Let's analyze this sentence with its UD annotation:
"The big dog chased the cat."
1. Tokenization:
- The
- big
- dog
- chased
- the
- cat
- .
2. UPOS Tags:
- The: DET
- big: ADJ
- dog: NOUN
- chased: VERB
- the: DET
- cat: NOUN
- .: PUNCT
3. Head node (parent):
- The: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3
- big: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3
- dog: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
- chased: this is the root node, therefore its head is 0
- the: the parent of this word is "cat" at position 6
- cat: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
- .: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
3. Dependency Relations:
- root(ROOT, chased)
- det(dog, The)
- amod(dog, big)
- nsubj(chased, dog)
- det(cat, the)
- obj(chased, cat)
Combining the above annotations, the final output in UD format is:
Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel
1 The DET 3 det
2 big ADJ 3 amod
3 dog NOUN 4 nsubj
4 chased VERB 0 ROOT
5 the DET 6 det
6 cat NOUN 4 obj
7 . PUNCT 4 punct | Generate UD annotations for the following text: На шэра-карычневай паверхні вады скрозь вытыркаліся травяністыя, злепленыя з гразі і галінак астраўкі. | Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel
1 На ADP 3 case
2 шэра-карычневай ADJ 3 amod
3 паверхні NOUN 6 obl
4 вады NOUN 3 nmod
5 скрозь ADV 6 advmod
6 вытыркаліся VERB 0 root
7 травяністыя ADJ 14 amod
8 , PUNCT 9 punct
9 злепленыя VERB 14 amod
10 з ADP 11 case
11 гразі NOUN 9 nmod
12 і CCONJ 13 cc
13 галінак NOUN 11 conj
14 астраўкі NOUN 6 nsubj
15 . PUNCT 6 punct |
As a helpful and smart assistant, your task is to parse a given text in any language to Universal Dependency (UD) format including POS tags and dependency relations (HEAD and DEPREL).
Key Components of UD Annotation:
1. Tokens: The fundamental units within UD are tokens. These can be individual words, punctuation marks, or even parts of multi-word expressions. Each token has several associated attributes.
2. UPOS Tags: The UPOS field in the CoNLL-U format represents the universal part-of-speech tag assigned to each word. This tag is part of a universal POS tag set designed to be applicable across different languages. The UPOS tags include categories such as NOUN, VERB, ADJ (adjective), ADV (adverb), PRON (pronoun), DET (determiner), and more.
3. Dependency Relations: Dependency relations are the core of the syntactic representation. They form a tree structure over the tokens in a sentence. Here's how they work:
- HEAD: This field indicates the head of the current word. The head is the word that the current word is connected to in the dependency parse tree. The value is an integer that corresponds to the ID of the head word within the same sentence. A value of zero (0) indicates that the word is the root of the sentence.
- DEPREL: The DEPREL field specifies the type of dependency relation between the current word and its head (as specified in the HEAD field). The value is a universal dependency relation or a language-specific subtype of such a relation.
Note: Blank lines are used to mark the boundaries between sentences.
Let's analyze this sentence with its UD annotation:
"The big dog chased the cat."
1. Tokenization:
- The
- big
- dog
- chased
- the
- cat
- .
2. UPOS Tags:
- The: DET
- big: ADJ
- dog: NOUN
- chased: VERB
- the: DET
- cat: NOUN
- .: PUNCT
3. Head node (parent):
- The: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3
- big: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3
- dog: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
- chased: this is the root node, therefore its head is 0
- the: the parent of this word is "cat" at position 6
- cat: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
- .: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
3. Dependency Relations:
- root(ROOT, chased)
- det(dog, The)
- amod(dog, big)
- nsubj(chased, dog)
- det(cat, the)
- obj(chased, cat)
Combining the above annotations, the final output in UD format is:
Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel
1 The DET 3 det
2 big ADJ 3 amod
3 dog NOUN 4 nsubj
4 chased VERB 0 ROOT
5 the DET 6 det
6 cat NOUN 4 obj
7 . PUNCT 4 punct | Generate UD annotations for the following text: На большых былі норы андатры, на меншых яны спакойна харчаваліся, будучы ў бяспецы ад сваіх ворагаў. | Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel
1 На ADP 2 case
2 большых ADJ 3 obl
3 былі VERB 0 root
4 норы NOUN 2 nsubj
5 андатры NOUN 4 nmod
6 , PUNCT 11 punct
7 на ADP 8 case
8 меншых ADJ 11 obl
9 яны PRON 11 nsubj
10 спакойна ADV 11 advmod
11 харчаваліся VERB 2 conj
12 , PUNCT 15 punct
13 будучы AUX 15 cop
14 ў ADP 15 case
15 бяспецы NOUN 11 advcl
16 ад ADP 18 case
17 сваіх DET 18 det
18 ворагаў NOUN 15 nmod
19 . PUNCT 3 punct |
As a helpful and smart assistant, your task is to parse a given text in any language to Universal Dependency (UD) format including POS tags and dependency relations (HEAD and DEPREL).
Key Components of UD Annotation:
1. Tokens: The fundamental units within UD are tokens. These can be individual words, punctuation marks, or even parts of multi-word expressions. Each token has several associated attributes.
2. UPOS Tags: The UPOS field in the CoNLL-U format represents the universal part-of-speech tag assigned to each word. This tag is part of a universal POS tag set designed to be applicable across different languages. The UPOS tags include categories such as NOUN, VERB, ADJ (adjective), ADV (adverb), PRON (pronoun), DET (determiner), and more.
3. Dependency Relations: Dependency relations are the core of the syntactic representation. They form a tree structure over the tokens in a sentence. Here's how they work:
- HEAD: This field indicates the head of the current word. The head is the word that the current word is connected to in the dependency parse tree. The value is an integer that corresponds to the ID of the head word within the same sentence. A value of zero (0) indicates that the word is the root of the sentence.
- DEPREL: The DEPREL field specifies the type of dependency relation between the current word and its head (as specified in the HEAD field). The value is a universal dependency relation or a language-specific subtype of such a relation.
Note: Blank lines are used to mark the boundaries between sentences.
Let's analyze this sentence with its UD annotation:
"The big dog chased the cat."
1. Tokenization:
- The
- big
- dog
- chased
- the
- cat
- .
2. UPOS Tags:
- The: DET
- big: ADJ
- dog: NOUN
- chased: VERB
- the: DET
- cat: NOUN
- .: PUNCT
3. Head node (parent):
- The: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3
- big: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3
- dog: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
- chased: this is the root node, therefore its head is 0
- the: the parent of this word is "cat" at position 6
- cat: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
- .: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
3. Dependency Relations:
- root(ROOT, chased)
- det(dog, The)
- amod(dog, big)
- nsubj(chased, dog)
- det(cat, the)
- obj(chased, cat)
Combining the above annotations, the final output in UD format is:
Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel
1 The DET 3 det
2 big ADJ 3 amod
3 dog NOUN 4 nsubj
4 chased VERB 0 ROOT
5 the DET 6 det
6 cat NOUN 4 obj
7 . PUNCT 4 punct | Generate UD annotations for the following text: Рой скіраваў човен да аднаго з такіх астраўкоў. | Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel
1 Рой PROPN 2 nsubj
2 скіраваў VERB 0 root
3 човен NOUN 2 obj
4 да ADP 5 case
5 аднаго NUM 2 obl
6 з ADP 8 case
7 такіх DET 8 det
8 астраўкоў NOUN 5 nmod
9 . PUNCT 2 punct |
As a helpful and smart assistant, your task is to parse a given text in any language to Universal Dependency (UD) format including POS tags and dependency relations (HEAD and DEPREL).
Key Components of UD Annotation:
1. Tokens: The fundamental units within UD are tokens. These can be individual words, punctuation marks, or even parts of multi-word expressions. Each token has several associated attributes.
2. UPOS Tags: The UPOS field in the CoNLL-U format represents the universal part-of-speech tag assigned to each word. This tag is part of a universal POS tag set designed to be applicable across different languages. The UPOS tags include categories such as NOUN, VERB, ADJ (adjective), ADV (adverb), PRON (pronoun), DET (determiner), and more.
3. Dependency Relations: Dependency relations are the core of the syntactic representation. They form a tree structure over the tokens in a sentence. Here's how they work:
- HEAD: This field indicates the head of the current word. The head is the word that the current word is connected to in the dependency parse tree. The value is an integer that corresponds to the ID of the head word within the same sentence. A value of zero (0) indicates that the word is the root of the sentence.
- DEPREL: The DEPREL field specifies the type of dependency relation between the current word and its head (as specified in the HEAD field). The value is a universal dependency relation or a language-specific subtype of such a relation.
Note: Blank lines are used to mark the boundaries between sentences.
Let's analyze this sentence with its UD annotation:
"The big dog chased the cat."
1. Tokenization:
- The
- big
- dog
- chased
- the
- cat
- .
2. UPOS Tags:
- The: DET
- big: ADJ
- dog: NOUN
- chased: VERB
- the: DET
- cat: NOUN
- .: PUNCT
3. Head node (parent):
- The: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3
- big: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3
- dog: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
- chased: this is the root node, therefore its head is 0
- the: the parent of this word is "cat" at position 6
- cat: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
- .: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
3. Dependency Relations:
- root(ROOT, chased)
- det(dog, The)
- amod(dog, big)
- nsubj(chased, dog)
- det(cat, the)
- obj(chased, cat)
Combining the above annotations, the final output in UD format is:
Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel
1 The DET 3 det
2 big ADJ 3 amod
3 dog NOUN 4 nsubj
4 chased VERB 0 ROOT
5 the DET 6 det
6 cat NOUN 4 obj
7 . PUNCT 4 punct | Generate UD annotations for the following text: Некаторымі з іх ён карыстаўся як прыкрыццём, прынаджваючы качак, і зараз, калі човен выйшаў на адкрытую ваду, з іх узнялася хмара чыркоў, крохаляў, чырвонагаловых і чарнакрылых дзікіх качак і свістух. | Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel
1 Некаторымі DET 5 obj
2 з ADP 3 case
3 іх PRON 1 nmod
4 ён PRON 5 nsubj
5 карыстаўся VERB 0 root
6 як SCONJ 7 case
7 прыкрыццём NOUN 5 obl
8 , PUNCT 9 punct
9 прынаджваючы VERB 5 advcl
10 качак NOUN 9 obj
11 , PUNCT 24 punct
12 і CCONJ 24 cc
13 зараз ADV 24 advmod
14 , PUNCT 17 punct
15 калі SCONJ 17 mark
16 човен NOUN 17 nsubj
17 выйшаў VERB 24 advcl
18 на ADP 20 case
19 адкрытую ADJ 20 amod
20 ваду NOUN 17 obl
21 , PUNCT 17 punct
22 з ADP 23 case
23 іх PRON 24 obl
24 узнялася VERB 5 conj
25 хмара NOUN 24 nsubj
26 чыркоў NOUN 25 nmod
27 , PUNCT 28 punct
28 крохаляў NOUN 26 conj
29 , PUNCT 30 punct
30 чырвонагаловых ADJ 34 amod
31 і CCONJ 32 cc
32 чарнакрылых ADJ 30 conj
33 дзікіх ADJ 34 amod
34 качак NOUN 26 conj
35 і CCONJ 36 cc
36 свістух NOUN 26 conj
37 . PUNCT 5 punct |
As a helpful and smart assistant, your task is to parse a given text in any language to Universal Dependency (UD) format including POS tags and dependency relations (HEAD and DEPREL).
Key Components of UD Annotation:
1. Tokens: The fundamental units within UD are tokens. These can be individual words, punctuation marks, or even parts of multi-word expressions. Each token has several associated attributes.
2. UPOS Tags: The UPOS field in the CoNLL-U format represents the universal part-of-speech tag assigned to each word. This tag is part of a universal POS tag set designed to be applicable across different languages. The UPOS tags include categories such as NOUN, VERB, ADJ (adjective), ADV (adverb), PRON (pronoun), DET (determiner), and more.
3. Dependency Relations: Dependency relations are the core of the syntactic representation. They form a tree structure over the tokens in a sentence. Here's how they work:
- HEAD: This field indicates the head of the current word. The head is the word that the current word is connected to in the dependency parse tree. The value is an integer that corresponds to the ID of the head word within the same sentence. A value of zero (0) indicates that the word is the root of the sentence.
- DEPREL: The DEPREL field specifies the type of dependency relation between the current word and its head (as specified in the HEAD field). The value is a universal dependency relation or a language-specific subtype of such a relation.
Note: Blank lines are used to mark the boundaries between sentences.
Let's analyze this sentence with its UD annotation:
"The big dog chased the cat."
1. Tokenization:
- The
- big
- dog
- chased
- the
- cat
- .
2. UPOS Tags:
- The: DET
- big: ADJ
- dog: NOUN
- chased: VERB
- the: DET
- cat: NOUN
- .: PUNCT
3. Head node (parent):
- The: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3
- big: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3
- dog: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
- chased: this is the root node, therefore its head is 0
- the: the parent of this word is "cat" at position 6
- cat: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
- .: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
3. Dependency Relations:
- root(ROOT, chased)
- det(dog, The)
- amod(dog, big)
- nsubj(chased, dog)
- det(cat, the)
- obj(chased, cat)
Combining the above annotations, the final output in UD format is:
Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel
1 The DET 3 det
2 big ADJ 3 amod
3 dog NOUN 4 nsubj
4 chased VERB 0 ROOT
5 the DET 6 det
6 cat NOUN 4 obj
7 . PUNCT 4 punct | Generate UD annotations for the following text: Яны ўзняліся невялікімі шумнымі купкамі і зніклі. | Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel
1 Яны PRON 2 nsubj
2 ўзняліся VERB 0 root
3 невялікімі ADJ 5 amod
4 шумнымі ADJ 5 amod
5 купкамі NOUN 2 obl
6 і CCONJ 7 cc
7 зніклі VERB 2 conj
8 . PUNCT 2 punct |
As a helpful and smart assistant, your task is to parse a given text in any language to Universal Dependency (UD) format including POS tags and dependency relations (HEAD and DEPREL).
Key Components of UD Annotation:
1. Tokens: The fundamental units within UD are tokens. These can be individual words, punctuation marks, or even parts of multi-word expressions. Each token has several associated attributes.
2. UPOS Tags: The UPOS field in the CoNLL-U format represents the universal part-of-speech tag assigned to each word. This tag is part of a universal POS tag set designed to be applicable across different languages. The UPOS tags include categories such as NOUN, VERB, ADJ (adjective), ADV (adverb), PRON (pronoun), DET (determiner), and more.
3. Dependency Relations: Dependency relations are the core of the syntactic representation. They form a tree structure over the tokens in a sentence. Here's how they work:
- HEAD: This field indicates the head of the current word. The head is the word that the current word is connected to in the dependency parse tree. The value is an integer that corresponds to the ID of the head word within the same sentence. A value of zero (0) indicates that the word is the root of the sentence.
- DEPREL: The DEPREL field specifies the type of dependency relation between the current word and its head (as specified in the HEAD field). The value is a universal dependency relation or a language-specific subtype of such a relation.
Note: Blank lines are used to mark the boundaries between sentences.
Let's analyze this sentence with its UD annotation:
"The big dog chased the cat."
1. Tokenization:
- The
- big
- dog
- chased
- the
- cat
- .
2. UPOS Tags:
- The: DET
- big: ADJ
- dog: NOUN
- chased: VERB
- the: DET
- cat: NOUN
- .: PUNCT
3. Head node (parent):
- The: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3
- big: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3
- dog: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
- chased: this is the root node, therefore its head is 0
- the: the parent of this word is "cat" at position 6
- cat: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
- .: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
3. Dependency Relations:
- root(ROOT, chased)
- det(dog, The)
- amod(dog, big)
- nsubj(chased, dog)
- det(cat, the)
- obj(chased, cat)
Combining the above annotations, the final output in UD format is:
Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel
1 The DET 3 det
2 big ADJ 3 amod
3 dog NOUN 4 nsubj
4 chased VERB 0 ROOT
5 the DET 6 det
6 cat NOUN 4 obj
7 . PUNCT 4 punct | Generate UD annotations for the following text: Гэта толькі цяпер, мілы мой хлопчык, у Слана ёсць хобат. | Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel
1 Гэта PART 3 expl
2 толькі PART 3 advmod
3 цяпер ADV 11 advmod
4 , PUNCT 7 punct
5 мілы ADJ 7 amod
6 мой DET 7 det
7 хлопчык NOUN 3 vocative
8 , PUNCT 7 punct
9 у ADP 10 case
10 Слана NOUN 11 obl
11 ёсць VERB 0 root
12 хобат NOUN 11 nsubj
13 . PUNCT 11 punct |
As a helpful and smart assistant, your task is to parse a given text in any language to Universal Dependency (UD) format including POS tags and dependency relations (HEAD and DEPREL).
Key Components of UD Annotation:
1. Tokens: The fundamental units within UD are tokens. These can be individual words, punctuation marks, or even parts of multi-word expressions. Each token has several associated attributes.
2. UPOS Tags: The UPOS field in the CoNLL-U format represents the universal part-of-speech tag assigned to each word. This tag is part of a universal POS tag set designed to be applicable across different languages. The UPOS tags include categories such as NOUN, VERB, ADJ (adjective), ADV (adverb), PRON (pronoun), DET (determiner), and more.
3. Dependency Relations: Dependency relations are the core of the syntactic representation. They form a tree structure over the tokens in a sentence. Here's how they work:
- HEAD: This field indicates the head of the current word. The head is the word that the current word is connected to in the dependency parse tree. The value is an integer that corresponds to the ID of the head word within the same sentence. A value of zero (0) indicates that the word is the root of the sentence.
- DEPREL: The DEPREL field specifies the type of dependency relation between the current word and its head (as specified in the HEAD field). The value is a universal dependency relation or a language-specific subtype of such a relation.
Note: Blank lines are used to mark the boundaries between sentences.
Let's analyze this sentence with its UD annotation:
"The big dog chased the cat."
1. Tokenization:
- The
- big
- dog
- chased
- the
- cat
- .
2. UPOS Tags:
- The: DET
- big: ADJ
- dog: NOUN
- chased: VERB
- the: DET
- cat: NOUN
- .: PUNCT
3. Head node (parent):
- The: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3
- big: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3
- dog: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
- chased: this is the root node, therefore its head is 0
- the: the parent of this word is "cat" at position 6
- cat: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
- .: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
3. Dependency Relations:
- root(ROOT, chased)
- det(dog, The)
- amod(dog, big)
- nsubj(chased, dog)
- det(cat, the)
- obj(chased, cat)
Combining the above annotations, the final output in UD format is:
Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel
1 The DET 3 det
2 big ADJ 3 amod
3 dog NOUN 4 nsubj
4 chased VERB 0 ROOT
5 the DET 6 det
6 cat NOUN 4 obj
7 . PUNCT 4 punct | Generate UD annotations for the following text: А раней, даўным-даўно, ніякага хобата не было ў Слана. | Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel
1 А CCONJ 9 cc
2 раней ADV 9 advmod
3 , PUNCT 4 punct
4 даўным-даўно ADV 9 advmod
5 , PUNCT 4 punct
6 ніякага DET 7 det
7 хобата NOUN 9 nsubj
8 не PART 9 advmod
9 было VERB 0 root
10 ў ADP 11 case
11 Слана NOUN 9 obl
12 . PUNCT 9 punct |
As a helpful and smart assistant, your task is to parse a given text in any language to Universal Dependency (UD) format including POS tags and dependency relations (HEAD and DEPREL).
Key Components of UD Annotation:
1. Tokens: The fundamental units within UD are tokens. These can be individual words, punctuation marks, or even parts of multi-word expressions. Each token has several associated attributes.
2. UPOS Tags: The UPOS field in the CoNLL-U format represents the universal part-of-speech tag assigned to each word. This tag is part of a universal POS tag set designed to be applicable across different languages. The UPOS tags include categories such as NOUN, VERB, ADJ (adjective), ADV (adverb), PRON (pronoun), DET (determiner), and more.
3. Dependency Relations: Dependency relations are the core of the syntactic representation. They form a tree structure over the tokens in a sentence. Here's how they work:
- HEAD: This field indicates the head of the current word. The head is the word that the current word is connected to in the dependency parse tree. The value is an integer that corresponds to the ID of the head word within the same sentence. A value of zero (0) indicates that the word is the root of the sentence.
- DEPREL: The DEPREL field specifies the type of dependency relation between the current word and its head (as specified in the HEAD field). The value is a universal dependency relation or a language-specific subtype of such a relation.
Note: Blank lines are used to mark the boundaries between sentences.
Let's analyze this sentence with its UD annotation:
"The big dog chased the cat."
1. Tokenization:
- The
- big
- dog
- chased
- the
- cat
- .
2. UPOS Tags:
- The: DET
- big: ADJ
- dog: NOUN
- chased: VERB
- the: DET
- cat: NOUN
- .: PUNCT
3. Head node (parent):
- The: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3
- big: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3
- dog: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
- chased: this is the root node, therefore its head is 0
- the: the parent of this word is "cat" at position 6
- cat: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
- .: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
3. Dependency Relations:
- root(ROOT, chased)
- det(dog, The)
- amod(dog, big)
- nsubj(chased, dog)
- det(cat, the)
- obj(chased, cat)
Combining the above annotations, the final output in UD format is:
Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel
1 The DET 3 det
2 big ADJ 3 amod
3 dog NOUN 4 nsubj
4 chased VERB 0 ROOT
5 the DET 6 det
6 cat NOUN 4 obj
7 . PUNCT 4 punct | Generate UD annotations for the following text: Быў толькі нос, падобны на аладку, чорненькі, велічынёю з чаравік. | Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel
1 Быў VERB 0 root
2 толькі PART 3 advmod
3 нос NOUN 1 nsubj
4 , PUNCT 5 punct
5 падобны ADJ 3 acl
6 на ADP 7 case
7 аладку NOUN 5 obl
8 , PUNCT 9 punct
9 чорненькі ADJ 3 amod
10 , PUNCT 11 punct
11 велічынёю NOUN 3 nmod
12 з ADP 13 case
13 чаравік NOUN 11 nmod
14 . PUNCT 1 punct |
As a helpful and smart assistant, your task is to parse a given text in any language to Universal Dependency (UD) format including POS tags and dependency relations (HEAD and DEPREL).
Key Components of UD Annotation:
1. Tokens: The fundamental units within UD are tokens. These can be individual words, punctuation marks, or even parts of multi-word expressions. Each token has several associated attributes.
2. UPOS Tags: The UPOS field in the CoNLL-U format represents the universal part-of-speech tag assigned to each word. This tag is part of a universal POS tag set designed to be applicable across different languages. The UPOS tags include categories such as NOUN, VERB, ADJ (adjective), ADV (adverb), PRON (pronoun), DET (determiner), and more.
3. Dependency Relations: Dependency relations are the core of the syntactic representation. They form a tree structure over the tokens in a sentence. Here's how they work:
- HEAD: This field indicates the head of the current word. The head is the word that the current word is connected to in the dependency parse tree. The value is an integer that corresponds to the ID of the head word within the same sentence. A value of zero (0) indicates that the word is the root of the sentence.
- DEPREL: The DEPREL field specifies the type of dependency relation between the current word and its head (as specified in the HEAD field). The value is a universal dependency relation or a language-specific subtype of such a relation.
Note: Blank lines are used to mark the boundaries between sentences.
Let's analyze this sentence with its UD annotation:
"The big dog chased the cat."
1. Tokenization:
- The
- big
- dog
- chased
- the
- cat
- .
2. UPOS Tags:
- The: DET
- big: ADJ
- dog: NOUN
- chased: VERB
- the: DET
- cat: NOUN
- .: PUNCT
3. Head node (parent):
- The: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3
- big: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3
- dog: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
- chased: this is the root node, therefore its head is 0
- the: the parent of this word is "cat" at position 6
- cat: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
- .: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
3. Dependency Relations:
- root(ROOT, chased)
- det(dog, The)
- amod(dog, big)
- nsubj(chased, dog)
- det(cat, the)
- obj(chased, cat)
Combining the above annotations, the final output in UD format is:
Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel
1 The DET 3 det
2 big ADJ 3 amod
3 dog NOUN 4 nsubj
4 chased VERB 0 ROOT
5 the DET 6 det
6 cat NOUN 4 obj
7 . PUNCT 4 punct | Generate UD annotations for the following text: Гэты нос матляўся ва ўсе бакі, але ўсё ж быў нікуды не варты: хіба можна такім носам падняць што-небудзь з зямлі? | Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel
1 Гэты DET 2 det
2 нос NOUN 3 nsubj
3 матляўся VERB 0 root
4 ва ADP 6 case
5 ўсе DET 6 det
6 бакі NOUN 3 obl
7 , PUNCT 14 punct
8 але CCONJ 14 mark
9 ўсё ADV 14 advmod
10 ж PART 9 fixed
11 быў AUX 14 cop
12 нікуды ADV 13 advmod
13 не PART 14 advmod
14 варты ADJ 3 conj
15 : PUNCT 17 punct
16 хіба PART 17 advmod
17 можна VERB 14 parataxis
18 такім DET 19 det
19 носам NOUN 20 iobj
20 падняць VERB 17 xcomp
21 што-небудзь PRON 20 obj
22 з ADP 23 case
23 зямлі NOUN 20 obl
24 ? PUNCT 3 punct |
As a helpful and smart assistant, your task is to parse a given text in any language to Universal Dependency (UD) format including POS tags and dependency relations (HEAD and DEPREL).
Key Components of UD Annotation:
1. Tokens: The fundamental units within UD are tokens. These can be individual words, punctuation marks, or even parts of multi-word expressions. Each token has several associated attributes.
2. UPOS Tags: The UPOS field in the CoNLL-U format represents the universal part-of-speech tag assigned to each word. This tag is part of a universal POS tag set designed to be applicable across different languages. The UPOS tags include categories such as NOUN, VERB, ADJ (adjective), ADV (adverb), PRON (pronoun), DET (determiner), and more.
3. Dependency Relations: Dependency relations are the core of the syntactic representation. They form a tree structure over the tokens in a sentence. Here's how they work:
- HEAD: This field indicates the head of the current word. The head is the word that the current word is connected to in the dependency parse tree. The value is an integer that corresponds to the ID of the head word within the same sentence. A value of zero (0) indicates that the word is the root of the sentence.
- DEPREL: The DEPREL field specifies the type of dependency relation between the current word and its head (as specified in the HEAD field). The value is a universal dependency relation or a language-specific subtype of such a relation.
Note: Blank lines are used to mark the boundaries between sentences.
Let's analyze this sentence with its UD annotation:
"The big dog chased the cat."
1. Tokenization:
- The
- big
- dog
- chased
- the
- cat
- .
2. UPOS Tags:
- The: DET
- big: ADJ
- dog: NOUN
- chased: VERB
- the: DET
- cat: NOUN
- .: PUNCT
3. Head node (parent):
- The: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3
- big: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3
- dog: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
- chased: this is the root node, therefore its head is 0
- the: the parent of this word is "cat" at position 6
- cat: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
- .: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
3. Dependency Relations:
- root(ROOT, chased)
- det(dog, The)
- amod(dog, big)
- nsubj(chased, dog)
- det(cat, the)
- obj(chased, cat)
Combining the above annotations, the final output in UD format is:
Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel
1 The DET 3 det
2 big ADJ 3 amod
3 dog NOUN 4 nsubj
4 chased VERB 0 ROOT
5 the DET 6 det
6 cat NOUN 4 obj
7 . PUNCT 4 punct | Generate UD annotations for the following text: Але вось у той самы час, даўным-даўно, жыў адзін такі Слон, або, лепш сказаць, Слонік, які быў страшэнна дапытлівы, і каго, бывала, ні ўбачыць, да ўсіх прыстае з роспытамі. | Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel
1 Але CCONJ 10 cc
2 вось PART 6 advmod
3 у ADP 6 case
4 той DET 6 det
5 самы ADJ 6 amod
6 час NOUN 10 obl
7 , PUNCT 8 punct
8 даўным-даўно ADV 10 advmod
9 , PUNCT 8 punct
10 жыў VERB 0 root
11 адзін DET 12 det
12 такі DET 13 det
13 Слон NOUN 10 nsubj
14 , PUNCT 20 punct
15 або CCONJ 20 cc
16 , PUNCT 17 punct
17 лепш ADV 20 parataxis
18 сказаць VERB 17 csubj
19 , PUNCT 17 punct
20 Слонік NOUN 13 conj
21 , PUNCT 25 punct
22 які PRON 25 nsubj
23 быў AUX 25 cop
24 страшэнна ADV 25 advmod
25 дапытлівы ADJ 20 acl:relcl
26 , PUNCT 37 punct
27 і CCONJ 37 cc
28 каго PRON 33 obj
29 , PUNCT 30 punct
30 бывала VERB 33 discourse
31 , PUNCT 30 punct
32 ні PART 33 amod
33 ўбачыць VERB 36 acl
34 , PUNCT 33 punct
35 да ADP 36 case
36 ўсіх PRON 37 obl
37 прыстае VERB 25 conj
38 з ADP 39 case
39 роспытамі NOUN 37 obl
40 . PUNCT 10 punct |
As a helpful and smart assistant, your task is to parse a given text in any language to Universal Dependency (UD) format including POS tags and dependency relations (HEAD and DEPREL).
Key Components of UD Annotation:
1. Tokens: The fundamental units within UD are tokens. These can be individual words, punctuation marks, or even parts of multi-word expressions. Each token has several associated attributes.
2. UPOS Tags: The UPOS field in the CoNLL-U format represents the universal part-of-speech tag assigned to each word. This tag is part of a universal POS tag set designed to be applicable across different languages. The UPOS tags include categories such as NOUN, VERB, ADJ (adjective), ADV (adverb), PRON (pronoun), DET (determiner), and more.
3. Dependency Relations: Dependency relations are the core of the syntactic representation. They form a tree structure over the tokens in a sentence. Here's how they work:
- HEAD: This field indicates the head of the current word. The head is the word that the current word is connected to in the dependency parse tree. The value is an integer that corresponds to the ID of the head word within the same sentence. A value of zero (0) indicates that the word is the root of the sentence.
- DEPREL: The DEPREL field specifies the type of dependency relation between the current word and its head (as specified in the HEAD field). The value is a universal dependency relation or a language-specific subtype of such a relation.
Note: Blank lines are used to mark the boundaries between sentences.
Let's analyze this sentence with its UD annotation:
"The big dog chased the cat."
1. Tokenization:
- The
- big
- dog
- chased
- the
- cat
- .
2. UPOS Tags:
- The: DET
- big: ADJ
- dog: NOUN
- chased: VERB
- the: DET
- cat: NOUN
- .: PUNCT
3. Head node (parent):
- The: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3
- big: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3
- dog: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
- chased: this is the root node, therefore its head is 0
- the: the parent of this word is "cat" at position 6
- cat: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
- .: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
3. Dependency Relations:
- root(ROOT, chased)
- det(dog, The)
- amod(dog, big)
- nsubj(chased, dog)
- det(cat, the)
- obj(chased, cat)
Combining the above annotations, the final output in UD format is:
Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel
1 The DET 3 det
2 big ADJ 3 amod
3 dog NOUN 4 nsubj
4 chased VERB 0 ROOT
5 the DET 6 det
6 cat NOUN 4 obj
7 . PUNCT 4 punct | Generate UD annotations for the following text: Жыў ён у Афрыцы, і да ўсёй Афрыкі прыставаў ён з роспытамі. | Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel
1 Жыў VERB 0 root
2 ён PRON 1 nsubj
3 у ADP 4 case
4 Афрыцы PROPN 1 obl
5 , PUNCT 10 punct
6 і CCONJ 10 cc
7 да ADP 9 case
8 ўсёй DET 9 det
9 Афрыкі PROPN 10 obl
10 прыставаў VERB 1 conj
11 ён PRON 10 nsubj
12 з ADP 13 case
13 роспытамі NOUN 10 obl
14 . PUNCT 1 punct |
As a helpful and smart assistant, your task is to parse a given text in any language to Universal Dependency (UD) format including POS tags and dependency relations (HEAD and DEPREL).
Key Components of UD Annotation:
1. Tokens: The fundamental units within UD are tokens. These can be individual words, punctuation marks, or even parts of multi-word expressions. Each token has several associated attributes.
2. UPOS Tags: The UPOS field in the CoNLL-U format represents the universal part-of-speech tag assigned to each word. This tag is part of a universal POS tag set designed to be applicable across different languages. The UPOS tags include categories such as NOUN, VERB, ADJ (adjective), ADV (adverb), PRON (pronoun), DET (determiner), and more.
3. Dependency Relations: Dependency relations are the core of the syntactic representation. They form a tree structure over the tokens in a sentence. Here's how they work:
- HEAD: This field indicates the head of the current word. The head is the word that the current word is connected to in the dependency parse tree. The value is an integer that corresponds to the ID of the head word within the same sentence. A value of zero (0) indicates that the word is the root of the sentence.
- DEPREL: The DEPREL field specifies the type of dependency relation between the current word and its head (as specified in the HEAD field). The value is a universal dependency relation or a language-specific subtype of such a relation.
Note: Blank lines are used to mark the boundaries between sentences.
Let's analyze this sentence with its UD annotation:
"The big dog chased the cat."
1. Tokenization:
- The
- big
- dog
- chased
- the
- cat
- .
2. UPOS Tags:
- The: DET
- big: ADJ
- dog: NOUN
- chased: VERB
- the: DET
- cat: NOUN
- .: PUNCT
3. Head node (parent):
- The: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3
- big: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3
- dog: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
- chased: this is the root node, therefore its head is 0
- the: the parent of this word is "cat" at position 6
- cat: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
- .: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
3. Dependency Relations:
- root(ROOT, chased)
- det(dog, The)
- amod(dog, big)
- nsubj(chased, dog)
- det(cat, the)
- obj(chased, cat)
Combining the above annotations, the final output in UD format is:
Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel
1 The DET 3 det
2 big ADJ 3 amod
3 dog NOUN 4 nsubj
4 chased VERB 0 ROOT
5 the DET 6 det
6 cat NOUN 4 obj
7 . PUNCT 4 punct | Generate UD annotations for the following text: Ён прыставаў да Страўсіхі, сваёй даўгавязай цёткі, і пытаўся, чаму ў яе на хвасце пёры растуць так, а не гэтак, і даўгавязая цётка Страўсіха давала яму за гэта грымака сваёй цвёрдай, як камень, нагой. | Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel
1 Ён PRON 2 nsubj
2 прыставаў VERB 0 root
3 да ADP 4 case
4 Страўсіхі NOUN 2 obl
5 , PUNCT 8 punct
6 сваёй DET 8 det
7 даўгавязай ADJ 8 amod
8 цёткі NOUN 4 appos
9 , PUNCT 8 punct
10 і CCONJ 11 cc
11 пытаўся VERB 2 conj
12 , PUNCT 19 punct
13 чаму ADV 19 advmod
14 ў ADP 15 case
15 яе PRON 19 obl
16 на ADP 17 case
17 хвасце NOUN 19 obl
18 пёры NOUN 19 nsubj
19 растуць VERB 11 ccomp
20 так ADV 19 advmod
21 , PUNCT 24 punct
22 а CCONJ 24 cc
23 не PART 24 advmod
24 гэтак ADV 20 conj
25 , PUNCT 30 punct
26 і CCONJ 30 cc
27 даўгавязая ADJ 28 amod
28 цётка NOUN 30 nsubj
29 Страўсіха NOUN 28 appos
30 давала VERB 2 conj
31 яму PRON 30 iobj
32 за ADP 33 case
33 гэта PART 30 expl
34 грымака NOUN 30 obj
35 сваёй DET 41 det
36 цвёрдай ADJ 41 amod
37 , PUNCT 39 punct
38 як SCONJ 39 case
39 камень NOUN 36 obl
40 , PUNCT 39 punct
41 нагой NOUN 30 iobj
42 . PUNCT 2 punct |
As a helpful and smart assistant, your task is to parse a given text in any language to Universal Dependency (UD) format including POS tags and dependency relations (HEAD and DEPREL).
Key Components of UD Annotation:
1. Tokens: The fundamental units within UD are tokens. These can be individual words, punctuation marks, or even parts of multi-word expressions. Each token has several associated attributes.
2. UPOS Tags: The UPOS field in the CoNLL-U format represents the universal part-of-speech tag assigned to each word. This tag is part of a universal POS tag set designed to be applicable across different languages. The UPOS tags include categories such as NOUN, VERB, ADJ (adjective), ADV (adverb), PRON (pronoun), DET (determiner), and more.
3. Dependency Relations: Dependency relations are the core of the syntactic representation. They form a tree structure over the tokens in a sentence. Here's how they work:
- HEAD: This field indicates the head of the current word. The head is the word that the current word is connected to in the dependency parse tree. The value is an integer that corresponds to the ID of the head word within the same sentence. A value of zero (0) indicates that the word is the root of the sentence.
- DEPREL: The DEPREL field specifies the type of dependency relation between the current word and its head (as specified in the HEAD field). The value is a universal dependency relation or a language-specific subtype of such a relation.
Note: Blank lines are used to mark the boundaries between sentences.
Let's analyze this sentence with its UD annotation:
"The big dog chased the cat."
1. Tokenization:
- The
- big
- dog
- chased
- the
- cat
- .
2. UPOS Tags:
- The: DET
- big: ADJ
- dog: NOUN
- chased: VERB
- the: DET
- cat: NOUN
- .: PUNCT
3. Head node (parent):
- The: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3
- big: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3
- dog: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
- chased: this is the root node, therefore its head is 0
- the: the parent of this word is "cat" at position 6
- cat: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
- .: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
3. Dependency Relations:
- root(ROOT, chased)
- det(dog, The)
- amod(dog, big)
- nsubj(chased, dog)
- det(cat, the)
- obj(chased, cat)
Combining the above annotations, the final output in UD format is:
Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel
1 The DET 3 det
2 big ADJ 3 amod
3 dog NOUN 4 nsubj
4 chased VERB 0 ROOT
5 the DET 6 det
6 cat NOUN 4 obj
7 . PUNCT 4 punct | Generate UD annotations for the following text: Ён прыставаў да свайго даўганогага дзядзькі Жырафа і пытаўся, чаму ў яго на скуры плямы, і высачэзны дзядзька Жыраф даваў яму за гэта грымака сваім цвёрдым, як камень, капытом. | Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel
1 Ён PRON 2 nsubj
2 прыставаў VERB 0 root
3 да ADP 6 case
4 свайго DET 6 det
5 даўганогага ADJ 6 amod
6 дзядзькі NOUN 2 obl
7 Жырафа NOUN 6 appos
8 і CCONJ 9 cc
9 пытаўся VERB 2 conj
10 , PUNCT 15 punct
11 чаму ADV 15 advcl
12 ў ADP 13 case
13 яго PRON 15 obl
14 на ADP 15 case
15 скуры NOUN 9 ccomp
16 плямы NOUN 15 nsubj
17 , PUNCT 22 punct
18 і CCONJ 22 cc
19 высачэзны ADJ 20 amod
20 дзядзька NOUN 22 nsubj
21 Жыраф NOUN 20 appos
22 даваў VERB 2 conj
23 яму PRON 22 iobj
24 за ADP 25 case
25 гэта PRON 22 obl
26 грымака NOUN 22 obj
27 сваім DET 33 det
28 цвёрдым ADJ 33 amod
29 , PUNCT 31 punct
30 як SCONJ 31 case
31 камень NOUN 28 conj
32 , PUNCT 31 punct
33 капытом NOUN 22 iobj
34 . PUNCT 2 punct |
As a helpful and smart assistant, your task is to parse a given text in any language to Universal Dependency (UD) format including POS tags and dependency relations (HEAD and DEPREL).
Key Components of UD Annotation:
1. Tokens: The fundamental units within UD are tokens. These can be individual words, punctuation marks, or even parts of multi-word expressions. Each token has several associated attributes.
2. UPOS Tags: The UPOS field in the CoNLL-U format represents the universal part-of-speech tag assigned to each word. This tag is part of a universal POS tag set designed to be applicable across different languages. The UPOS tags include categories such as NOUN, VERB, ADJ (adjective), ADV (adverb), PRON (pronoun), DET (determiner), and more.
3. Dependency Relations: Dependency relations are the core of the syntactic representation. They form a tree structure over the tokens in a sentence. Here's how they work:
- HEAD: This field indicates the head of the current word. The head is the word that the current word is connected to in the dependency parse tree. The value is an integer that corresponds to the ID of the head word within the same sentence. A value of zero (0) indicates that the word is the root of the sentence.
- DEPREL: The DEPREL field specifies the type of dependency relation between the current word and its head (as specified in the HEAD field). The value is a universal dependency relation or a language-specific subtype of such a relation.
Note: Blank lines are used to mark the boundaries between sentences.
Let's analyze this sentence with its UD annotation:
"The big dog chased the cat."
1. Tokenization:
- The
- big
- dog
- chased
- the
- cat
- .
2. UPOS Tags:
- The: DET
- big: ADJ
- dog: NOUN
- chased: VERB
- the: DET
- cat: NOUN
- .: PUNCT
3. Head node (parent):
- The: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3
- big: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3
- dog: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
- chased: this is the root node, therefore its head is 0
- the: the parent of this word is "cat" at position 6
- cat: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
- .: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
3. Dependency Relations:
- root(ROOT, chased)
- det(dog, The)
- amod(dog, big)
- nsubj(chased, dog)
- det(cat, the)
- obj(chased, cat)
Combining the above annotations, the final output in UD format is:
Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel
1 The DET 3 det
2 big ADJ 3 amod
3 dog NOUN 4 nsubj
4 chased VERB 0 ROOT
5 the DET 6 det
6 cat NOUN 4 obj
7 . PUNCT 4 punct | Generate UD annotations for the following text: Але і гэта не стрымлівала яго дапытлівасці. | Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel
1 Але CCONJ 5 cc
2 і PART 5 cc
3 гэта PART 5 expl
4 не PART 5 advmod
5 стрымлівала VERB 0 root
6 яго DET 7 det
7 дапытлівасці NOUN 5 obj
8 . PUNCT 5 punct |
As a helpful and smart assistant, your task is to parse a given text in any language to Universal Dependency (UD) format including POS tags and dependency relations (HEAD and DEPREL).
Key Components of UD Annotation:
1. Tokens: The fundamental units within UD are tokens. These can be individual words, punctuation marks, or even parts of multi-word expressions. Each token has several associated attributes.
2. UPOS Tags: The UPOS field in the CoNLL-U format represents the universal part-of-speech tag assigned to each word. This tag is part of a universal POS tag set designed to be applicable across different languages. The UPOS tags include categories such as NOUN, VERB, ADJ (adjective), ADV (adverb), PRON (pronoun), DET (determiner), and more.
3. Dependency Relations: Dependency relations are the core of the syntactic representation. They form a tree structure over the tokens in a sentence. Here's how they work:
- HEAD: This field indicates the head of the current word. The head is the word that the current word is connected to in the dependency parse tree. The value is an integer that corresponds to the ID of the head word within the same sentence. A value of zero (0) indicates that the word is the root of the sentence.
- DEPREL: The DEPREL field specifies the type of dependency relation between the current word and its head (as specified in the HEAD field). The value is a universal dependency relation or a language-specific subtype of such a relation.
Note: Blank lines are used to mark the boundaries between sentences.
Let's analyze this sentence with its UD annotation:
"The big dog chased the cat."
1. Tokenization:
- The
- big
- dog
- chased
- the
- cat
- .
2. UPOS Tags:
- The: DET
- big: ADJ
- dog: NOUN
- chased: VERB
- the: DET
- cat: NOUN
- .: PUNCT
3. Head node (parent):
- The: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3
- big: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3
- dog: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
- chased: this is the root node, therefore its head is 0
- the: the parent of this word is "cat" at position 6
- cat: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
- .: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
3. Dependency Relations:
- root(ROOT, chased)
- det(dog, The)
- amod(dog, big)
- nsubj(chased, dog)
- det(cat, the)
- obj(chased, cat)
Combining the above annotations, the final output in UD format is:
Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel
1 The DET 3 det
2 big ADJ 3 amod
3 dog NOUN 4 nsubj
4 chased VERB 0 ROOT
5 the DET 6 det
6 cat NOUN 4 obj
7 . PUNCT 4 punct | Generate UD annotations for the following text: А праўду сказаў Бурачок у сваёй «Дудцы», што ўсе мы завём нашу мову «мужыцкай», і так — нічагусенька, як бы так і трэба! | Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel
1 А CCONJ 3 cc
2 праўду NOUN 3 obj
3 сказаў VERB 0 root
4 Бурачок PROPN 3 nsubj
5 у ADP 8 case
6 сваёй DET 8 det
7 « PUNCT 8 punct
8 Дудцы NOUN 3 obl
9 » PUNCT 8 punct
10 , PUNCT 14 punct
11 што SCONJ 14 mark
12 ўсе DET 13 det
13 мы PRON 14 nsubj
14 завём VERB 3 advcl
15 нашу DET 16 det
16 мову NOUN 14 obj
17 « PUNCT 18 punct
18 мужыцкай ADJ 14 xcomp
19 » PUNCT 18 punct
20 , PUNCT 24 punct
21 і CCONJ 24 cc
22 так ADV 24 advmod
23 — PUNCT 22 punct
24 нічагусенька NOUN 14 conj
25 , PUNCT 30 punct
26 як SCONJ 30 advmod
27 бы PART 26 fixed
28 так ADV 30 advmod
29 і PART 30 advmod
30 трэба VERB 24 conj
31 ! PUNCT 3 punct |
As a helpful and smart assistant, your task is to parse a given text in any language to Universal Dependency (UD) format including POS tags and dependency relations (HEAD and DEPREL).
Key Components of UD Annotation:
1. Tokens: The fundamental units within UD are tokens. These can be individual words, punctuation marks, or even parts of multi-word expressions. Each token has several associated attributes.
2. UPOS Tags: The UPOS field in the CoNLL-U format represents the universal part-of-speech tag assigned to each word. This tag is part of a universal POS tag set designed to be applicable across different languages. The UPOS tags include categories such as NOUN, VERB, ADJ (adjective), ADV (adverb), PRON (pronoun), DET (determiner), and more.
3. Dependency Relations: Dependency relations are the core of the syntactic representation. They form a tree structure over the tokens in a sentence. Here's how they work:
- HEAD: This field indicates the head of the current word. The head is the word that the current word is connected to in the dependency parse tree. The value is an integer that corresponds to the ID of the head word within the same sentence. A value of zero (0) indicates that the word is the root of the sentence.
- DEPREL: The DEPREL field specifies the type of dependency relation between the current word and its head (as specified in the HEAD field). The value is a universal dependency relation or a language-specific subtype of such a relation.
Note: Blank lines are used to mark the boundaries between sentences.
Let's analyze this sentence with its UD annotation:
"The big dog chased the cat."
1. Tokenization:
- The
- big
- dog
- chased
- the
- cat
- .
2. UPOS Tags:
- The: DET
- big: ADJ
- dog: NOUN
- chased: VERB
- the: DET
- cat: NOUN
- .: PUNCT
3. Head node (parent):
- The: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3
- big: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3
- dog: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
- chased: this is the root node, therefore its head is 0
- the: the parent of this word is "cat" at position 6
- cat: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
- .: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
3. Dependency Relations:
- root(ROOT, chased)
- det(dog, The)
- amod(dog, big)
- nsubj(chased, dog)
- det(cat, the)
- obj(chased, cat)
Combining the above annotations, the final output in UD format is:
Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel
1 The DET 3 det
2 big ADJ 3 amod
3 dog NOUN 4 nsubj
4 chased VERB 0 ROOT
5 the DET 6 det
6 cat NOUN 4 obj
7 . PUNCT 4 punct | Generate UD annotations for the following text: Здарывалася і мне чытаць і ксёнжачкі, хоць не надта старыя, друкаваныя навет, якогась пана Марцінкевіча, але ўсе як бы смеючыся з нашага брата пісаны; чытаў я і так перапісаныя вершыкі якогасьці Юркі «Панскае ігрышча», гдзе Юрка надта дзівуецца і як бы завідуе панам тым, каторыя, можа, і больш ад Юркі таго працуюць, толькі, ведама, вучоныя, дык лягчэй і спарней. | Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel
1 Здарывалася VERB 0 root
2 і PART 3 advmod
3 мне PRON 1 iobj
4 чытаць VERB 1 csubj
5 і PART 6 advmod
6 ксёнжачкі NOUN 4 obj
7 , PUNCT 11 punct
8 хоць SCONJ 11 mark
9 не PART 10 advmod
10 надта ADV 11 advmod
11 старыя ADJ 6 amod
12 , PUNCT 13 punct
13 друкаваныя VERB 11 conj
14 навет PART 13 advmod
15 , PUNCT 13 punct
16 якогась DET 17 det
17 пана NOUN 6 nmod
18 Марцінкевіча PROPN 17 appos
19 , PUNCT 28 punct
20 але CCONJ 28 cc
21 ўсе DET 28 nsubj:pass
22 як SCONJ 24 mark
23 бы PART 22 fixed
24 смеючыся VERB 28 advcl
25 з ADP 27 case
26 нашага DET 27 det
27 брата NOUN 28 obl
28 пісаны VERB 1 conj
29 ; PUNCT 30 punct
30 чытаў VERB 1 conj
31 я PRON 30 nsubj
32 і PART 34 advmod
33 так ADV 34 advmod
34 перапісаныя VERB 35 amod
35 вершыкі NOUN 30 obj
36 якогасьці DET 37 det
37 Юркі PROPN 35 nmod
38 « PUNCT 40 punct
39 Панскае ADJ 40 amod
40 ігрышча NOUN 35 appos
41 » PUNCT 40 punct
42 , PUNCT 46 punct
43 гдзе ADV 46 advmod
44 Юрка NOUN 46 nsubj
45 надта ADV 46 advmod
46 дзівуецца VERB 35 acl:relcl
47 і CCONJ 50 cc
48 як SCONJ 50 advmod
49 бы PART 48 fixed
50 завідуе VERB 46 conj
51 панам NOUN 50 iobj
52 тым DET 51 det
53 , PUNCT 63 punct
54 каторыя PRON 63 nsubj
55 , PUNCT 56 punct
56 можа VERB 63 parataxis
57 , PUNCT 56 punct
58 і PART 59 advmod
59 больш ADV 63 advmod
60 ад ADP 61 case
61 Юркі PROPN 59 obl
62 таго DET 61 det
63 працуюць VERB 51 acl:relcl
64 , PUNCT 69 punct
65 толькі SCONJ 69 mark
66 , PUNCT 67 punct
67 ведама ADJ 69 parataxis
68 , PUNCT 67 punct
69 вучоныя NOUN 63 conj
70 , PUNCT 72 punct
71 дык PART 72 advmod
72 лягчэй ADJ 69 conj
73 і CCONJ 74 cc
74 спарней ADV 72 conj
75 . PUNCT 1 punct |
As a helpful and smart assistant, your task is to parse a given text in any language to Universal Dependency (UD) format including POS tags and dependency relations (HEAD and DEPREL).
Key Components of UD Annotation:
1. Tokens: The fundamental units within UD are tokens. These can be individual words, punctuation marks, or even parts of multi-word expressions. Each token has several associated attributes.
2. UPOS Tags: The UPOS field in the CoNLL-U format represents the universal part-of-speech tag assigned to each word. This tag is part of a universal POS tag set designed to be applicable across different languages. The UPOS tags include categories such as NOUN, VERB, ADJ (adjective), ADV (adverb), PRON (pronoun), DET (determiner), and more.
3. Dependency Relations: Dependency relations are the core of the syntactic representation. They form a tree structure over the tokens in a sentence. Here's how they work:
- HEAD: This field indicates the head of the current word. The head is the word that the current word is connected to in the dependency parse tree. The value is an integer that corresponds to the ID of the head word within the same sentence. A value of zero (0) indicates that the word is the root of the sentence.
- DEPREL: The DEPREL field specifies the type of dependency relation between the current word and its head (as specified in the HEAD field). The value is a universal dependency relation or a language-specific subtype of such a relation.
Note: Blank lines are used to mark the boundaries between sentences.
Let's analyze this sentence with its UD annotation:
"The big dog chased the cat."
1. Tokenization:
- The
- big
- dog
- chased
- the
- cat
- .
2. UPOS Tags:
- The: DET
- big: ADJ
- dog: NOUN
- chased: VERB
- the: DET
- cat: NOUN
- .: PUNCT
3. Head node (parent):
- The: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3
- big: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3
- dog: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
- chased: this is the root node, therefore its head is 0
- the: the parent of this word is "cat" at position 6
- cat: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
- .: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
3. Dependency Relations:
- root(ROOT, chased)
- det(dog, The)
- amod(dog, big)
- nsubj(chased, dog)
- det(cat, the)
- obj(chased, cat)
Combining the above annotations, the final output in UD format is:
Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel
1 The DET 3 det
2 big ADJ 3 amod
3 dog NOUN 4 nsubj
4 chased VERB 0 ROOT
5 the DET 6 det
6 cat NOUN 4 obj
7 . PUNCT 4 punct | Generate UD annotations for the following text: Я перапісаў і сюды тое «Ігрышча», няхай выбачае пан Юрка, але, дальбог, аж злосць узяла, што Юрка спадабаў тое, што толькі блазну можа спадабацца. | Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel
1 Я PRON 2 nsubj
2 перапісаў VERB 0 root
3 і PART 4 advmod
4 сюды ADV 2 advmod
5 тое DET 7 det
6 « PUNCT 7 punct
7 Ігрышча PROPN 2 obj
8 » PUNCT 7 punct
9 , PUNCT 11 punct
10 няхай PART 11 advmod
11 выбачае VERB 2 conj
12 пан NOUN 11 nsubj
13 Юрка PROPN 12 appos
14 , PUNCT 21 punct
15 але CCONJ 21 cc
16 , PUNCT 17 punct
17 дальбог NOUN 21 parataxis
18 , PUNCT 17 punct
19 аж PART 20 advmod
20 злосць NOUN 21 nsubj
21 узяла VERB 2 conj
22 , PUNCT 25 punct
23 што SCONJ 25 mark
24 Юрка PROPN 25 nsubj
25 спадабаў VERB 21 advcl
26 тое PRON 25 obj
27 , PUNCT 31 punct
28 што SCONJ 31 mark
29 толькі PART 30 advmod
30 блазну NOUN 32 iobj
31 можа VERB 26 acl
32 спадабацца VERB 31 xcomp
33 . PUNCT 2 punct |
As a helpful and smart assistant, your task is to parse a given text in any language to Universal Dependency (UD) format including POS tags and dependency relations (HEAD and DEPREL).
Key Components of UD Annotation:
1. Tokens: The fundamental units within UD are tokens. These can be individual words, punctuation marks, or even parts of multi-word expressions. Each token has several associated attributes.
2. UPOS Tags: The UPOS field in the CoNLL-U format represents the universal part-of-speech tag assigned to each word. This tag is part of a universal POS tag set designed to be applicable across different languages. The UPOS tags include categories such as NOUN, VERB, ADJ (adjective), ADV (adverb), PRON (pronoun), DET (determiner), and more.
3. Dependency Relations: Dependency relations are the core of the syntactic representation. They form a tree structure over the tokens in a sentence. Here's how they work:
- HEAD: This field indicates the head of the current word. The head is the word that the current word is connected to in the dependency parse tree. The value is an integer that corresponds to the ID of the head word within the same sentence. A value of zero (0) indicates that the word is the root of the sentence.
- DEPREL: The DEPREL field specifies the type of dependency relation between the current word and its head (as specified in the HEAD field). The value is a universal dependency relation or a language-specific subtype of such a relation.
Note: Blank lines are used to mark the boundaries between sentences.
Let's analyze this sentence with its UD annotation:
"The big dog chased the cat."
1. Tokenization:
- The
- big
- dog
- chased
- the
- cat
- .
2. UPOS Tags:
- The: DET
- big: ADJ
- dog: NOUN
- chased: VERB
- the: DET
- cat: NOUN
- .: PUNCT
3. Head node (parent):
- The: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3
- big: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3
- dog: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
- chased: this is the root node, therefore its head is 0
- the: the parent of this word is "cat" at position 6
- cat: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
- .: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
3. Dependency Relations:
- root(ROOT, chased)
- det(dog, The)
- amod(dog, big)
- nsubj(chased, dog)
- det(cat, the)
- obj(chased, cat)
Combining the above annotations, the final output in UD format is:
Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel
1 The DET 3 det
2 big ADJ 3 amod
3 dog NOUN 4 nsubj
4 chased VERB 0 ROOT
5 the DET 6 det
6 cat NOUN 4 obj
7 . PUNCT 4 punct | Generate UD annotations for the following text: Я тыкі і чыркнуў яму «Адказ», але так думаю, што гэта ён, смеючыся з нашага цёмнага брата, напісаў; гэтак думаў, што дурны мужык, дык ужо нічога і не відзе, і не знае! | Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel
1 Я PRON 4 nsubj
2 тыкі PART 1 advmod
3 і PART 4 advmod
4 чыркнуў VERB 0 root
5 яму PRON 4 iobj
6 « PUNCT 7 punct
7 Адказ NOUN 4 obj
8 » PUNCT 7 punct
9 , PUNCT 12 punct
10 але CCONJ 12 cc
11 так ADV 12 advmod
12 думаю VERB 4 conj
13 , PUNCT 24 punct
14 што SCONJ 24 mark
15 гэта PART 24 advmod
16 ён PRON 24 nsubj
17 , PUNCT 18 punct
18 смеючыся VERB 24 advcl
19 з ADP 22 case
20 нашага DET 22 det
21 цёмнага ADJ 22 amod
22 брата NOUN 18 obl
23 , PUNCT 18 punct
24 напісаў VERB 12 ccomp
25 ; PUNCT 27 punct
26 гэтак ADV 27 advmod
27 думаў VERB 24 conj
28 , PUNCT 31 punct
29 што SCONJ 31 mark
30 дурны ADJ 31 amod
31 мужык NOUN 27 ccomp
32 , PUNCT 38 punct
33 дык PART 38 advmod
34 ужо ADV 38 advmod
35 нічога PRON 38 obj
36 і CCONJ 38 cc
37 не PART 38 advmod
38 відзе VERB 31 conj
39 , PUNCT 42 punct
40 і CCONJ 42 cc
41 не PART 42 advmod
42 знае VERB 38 conj
43 ! PUNCT 4 punct |
As a helpful and smart assistant, your task is to parse a given text in any language to Universal Dependency (UD) format including POS tags and dependency relations (HEAD and DEPREL).
Key Components of UD Annotation:
1. Tokens: The fundamental units within UD are tokens. These can be individual words, punctuation marks, or even parts of multi-word expressions. Each token has several associated attributes.
2. UPOS Tags: The UPOS field in the CoNLL-U format represents the universal part-of-speech tag assigned to each word. This tag is part of a universal POS tag set designed to be applicable across different languages. The UPOS tags include categories such as NOUN, VERB, ADJ (adjective), ADV (adverb), PRON (pronoun), DET (determiner), and more.
3. Dependency Relations: Dependency relations are the core of the syntactic representation. They form a tree structure over the tokens in a sentence. Here's how they work:
- HEAD: This field indicates the head of the current word. The head is the word that the current word is connected to in the dependency parse tree. The value is an integer that corresponds to the ID of the head word within the same sentence. A value of zero (0) indicates that the word is the root of the sentence.
- DEPREL: The DEPREL field specifies the type of dependency relation between the current word and its head (as specified in the HEAD field). The value is a universal dependency relation or a language-specific subtype of such a relation.
Note: Blank lines are used to mark the boundaries between sentences.
Let's analyze this sentence with its UD annotation:
"The big dog chased the cat."
1. Tokenization:
- The
- big
- dog
- chased
- the
- cat
- .
2. UPOS Tags:
- The: DET
- big: ADJ
- dog: NOUN
- chased: VERB
- the: DET
- cat: NOUN
- .: PUNCT
3. Head node (parent):
- The: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3
- big: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3
- dog: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
- chased: this is the root node, therefore its head is 0
- the: the parent of this word is "cat" at position 6
- cat: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
- .: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
3. Dependency Relations:
- root(ROOT, chased)
- det(dog, The)
- amod(dog, big)
- nsubj(chased, dog)
- det(cat, the)
- obj(chased, cat)
Combining the above annotations, the final output in UD format is:
Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel
1 The DET 3 det
2 big ADJ 3 amod
3 dog NOUN 4 nsubj
4 chased VERB 0 ROOT
5 the DET 6 det
6 cat NOUN 4 obj
7 . PUNCT 4 punct | Generate UD annotations for the following text: Ой, памыліўся! | Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel
1 Ой INTJ 3 discourse
2 , PUNCT 1 punct
3 памыліўся VERB 0 root
4 ! PUNCT 3 punct |
As a helpful and smart assistant, your task is to parse a given text in any language to Universal Dependency (UD) format including POS tags and dependency relations (HEAD and DEPREL).
Key Components of UD Annotation:
1. Tokens: The fundamental units within UD are tokens. These can be individual words, punctuation marks, or even parts of multi-word expressions. Each token has several associated attributes.
2. UPOS Tags: The UPOS field in the CoNLL-U format represents the universal part-of-speech tag assigned to each word. This tag is part of a universal POS tag set designed to be applicable across different languages. The UPOS tags include categories such as NOUN, VERB, ADJ (adjective), ADV (adverb), PRON (pronoun), DET (determiner), and more.
3. Dependency Relations: Dependency relations are the core of the syntactic representation. They form a tree structure over the tokens in a sentence. Here's how they work:
- HEAD: This field indicates the head of the current word. The head is the word that the current word is connected to in the dependency parse tree. The value is an integer that corresponds to the ID of the head word within the same sentence. A value of zero (0) indicates that the word is the root of the sentence.
- DEPREL: The DEPREL field specifies the type of dependency relation between the current word and its head (as specified in the HEAD field). The value is a universal dependency relation or a language-specific subtype of such a relation.
Note: Blank lines are used to mark the boundaries between sentences.
Let's analyze this sentence with its UD annotation:
"The big dog chased the cat."
1. Tokenization:
- The
- big
- dog
- chased
- the
- cat
- .
2. UPOS Tags:
- The: DET
- big: ADJ
- dog: NOUN
- chased: VERB
- the: DET
- cat: NOUN
- .: PUNCT
3. Head node (parent):
- The: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3
- big: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3
- dog: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
- chased: this is the root node, therefore its head is 0
- the: the parent of this word is "cat" at position 6
- cat: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
- .: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
3. Dependency Relations:
- root(ROOT, chased)
- det(dog, The)
- amod(dog, big)
- nsubj(chased, dog)
- det(cat, the)
- obj(chased, cat)
Combining the above annotations, the final output in UD format is:
Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel
1 The DET 3 det
2 big ADJ 3 amod
3 dog NOUN 4 nsubj
4 chased VERB 0 ROOT
5 the DET 6 det
6 cat NOUN 4 obj
7 . PUNCT 4 punct | Generate UD annotations for the following text: Не раўня я Бурачку, — ён лепей, можа, знае жыццё мужыцкае, больш, можа, відзеў і чуў; але так мне спадабаліся, яго тыя вершы, што і я здумаў папрабаваць штокольвек напісаць. | Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel
1 Не PART 2 advmod
2 раўня NOUN 0 root
3 я PRON 2 nsubj
4 Бурачку PROPN 2 iobj
5 , PUNCT 12 punct
6 — PUNCT 12 punct
7 ён PRON 12 nsubj
8 лепей ADV 12 advmod
9 , PUNCT 10 punct
10 можа VERB 12 parataxis
11 , PUNCT 10 punct
12 знае VERB 2 conj
13 жыццё NOUN 12 obj
14 мужыцкае ADJ 13 amod
15 , PUNCT 20 punct
16 больш ADV 20 advmod
17 , PUNCT 18 punct
18 можа VERB 20 parataxis
19 , PUNCT 18 punct
20 відзеў VERB 12 conj
21 і CCONJ 22 cc
22 чуў VERB 20 conj
23 ; PUNCT 27 punct
24 але CCONJ 27 cc
25 так ADV 27 advmod
26 мне PRON 27 iobj
27 спадабаліся VERB 2 conj
28 , PUNCT 31 punct
29 яго DET 31 det
30 тыя DET 31 det
31 вершы NOUN 27 nsubj
32 , PUNCT 36 punct
33 што SCONJ 36 mark
34 і PART 35 advmod
35 я PRON 36 nsubj
36 здумаў VERB 27 conj
37 папрабаваць VERB 36 xcomp
38 штокольвек NOUN 39 obj
39 напісаць VERB 37 xcomp
40 . PUNCT 2 punct |
As a helpful and smart assistant, your task is to parse a given text in any language to Universal Dependency (UD) format including POS tags and dependency relations (HEAD and DEPREL).
Key Components of UD Annotation:
1. Tokens: The fundamental units within UD are tokens. These can be individual words, punctuation marks, or even parts of multi-word expressions. Each token has several associated attributes.
2. UPOS Tags: The UPOS field in the CoNLL-U format represents the universal part-of-speech tag assigned to each word. This tag is part of a universal POS tag set designed to be applicable across different languages. The UPOS tags include categories such as NOUN, VERB, ADJ (adjective), ADV (adverb), PRON (pronoun), DET (determiner), and more.
3. Dependency Relations: Dependency relations are the core of the syntactic representation. They form a tree structure over the tokens in a sentence. Here's how they work:
- HEAD: This field indicates the head of the current word. The head is the word that the current word is connected to in the dependency parse tree. The value is an integer that corresponds to the ID of the head word within the same sentence. A value of zero (0) indicates that the word is the root of the sentence.
- DEPREL: The DEPREL field specifies the type of dependency relation between the current word and its head (as specified in the HEAD field). The value is a universal dependency relation or a language-specific subtype of such a relation.
Note: Blank lines are used to mark the boundaries between sentences.
Let's analyze this sentence with its UD annotation:
"The big dog chased the cat."
1. Tokenization:
- The
- big
- dog
- chased
- the
- cat
- .
2. UPOS Tags:
- The: DET
- big: ADJ
- dog: NOUN
- chased: VERB
- the: DET
- cat: NOUN
- .: PUNCT
3. Head node (parent):
- The: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3
- big: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3
- dog: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
- chased: this is the root node, therefore its head is 0
- the: the parent of this word is "cat" at position 6
- cat: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
- .: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
3. Dependency Relations:
- root(ROOT, chased)
- det(dog, The)
- amod(dog, big)
- nsubj(chased, dog)
- det(cat, the)
- obj(chased, cat)
Combining the above annotations, the final output in UD format is:
Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel
1 The DET 3 det
2 big ADJ 3 amod
3 dog NOUN 4 nsubj
4 chased VERB 0 ROOT
5 the DET 6 det
6 cat NOUN 4 obj
7 . PUNCT 4 punct | Generate UD annotations for the following text: Ёсць шмат друкованых песняў нашага народа; пісаў Пачабут, Я. Тышкевіч, апісуючы наш Барысаўскі павет, і шмат хто спісываў іх, а шмат ёсць і не спісаных, але песні ўсе тыя не надта, каб сказаць праўду, харошыя, і нота наша плакучая, аднастайная, і песняў васолых не шмат, да і тых ужо рэдка пачуць. | Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel
1 Ёсць VERB 0 root
2 шмат ADV 4 advmod
3 друкованых VERB 4 amod
4 песняў NOUN 1 nsubj
5 нашага DET 6 det
6 народа NOUN 4 nmod
7 ; PUNCT 8 punct
8 пісаў VERB 1 conj
9 Пачабут PROPN 8 nsubj
10 , PUNCT 11 punct
11 Я. PROPN 9 conj
12 Тышкевіч PROPN 11 flat:name
13 , PUNCT 14 punct
14 апісуючы VERB 8 advcl
15 наш DET 17 det
16 Барысаўскі ADJ 17 amod
17 павет NOUN 14 obj
18 , PUNCT 22 punct
19 і CCONJ 22 cc
20 шмат ADV 21 advmod
21 хто PRON 22 nsubj
22 спісываў VERB 8 conj
23 іх PRON 22 obj
24 , PUNCT 27 punct
25 а CCONJ 27 cc
26 шмат ADV 30 advmod
27 ёсць VERB 22 conj
28 і PART 30 advmod
29 не PART 30 advmod
30 спісаных VERB 27 nsubj
31 , PUNCT 43 punct
32 але CCONJ 43 cc
33 песні NOUN 43 nsubj
34 ўсе DET 33 det
35 тыя DET 33 det
36 не PART 43 advmod
37 надта ADV 43 advmod
38 , PUNCT 40 punct
39 каб SCONJ 40 mark
40 сказаць VERB 43 advcl
41 праўду NOUN 40 obj
42 , PUNCT 40 punct
43 харошыя ADJ 27 conj
44 , PUNCT 48 punct
45 і CCONJ 48 cc
46 нота NOUN 48 nsubj
47 наша DET 46 det
48 плакучая NOUN 43 conj
49 , PUNCT 50 punct
50 аднастайная ADJ 48 conj
51 , PUNCT 56 punct
52 і CCONJ 56 cc
53 песняў NOUN 56 nsubj
54 васолых ADJ 53 amod
55 не PART 56 advmod
56 шмат ADV 43 conj
57 , PUNCT 63 punct
58 да CCONJ 63 cc
59 і CCONJ 63 cc
60 тых DET 63 obj
61 ужо ADV 63 advmod
62 рэдка ADV 63 advmod
63 пачуць VERB 56 conj
64 . PUNCT 27 punct |
As a helpful and smart assistant, your task is to parse a given text in any language to Universal Dependency (UD) format including POS tags and dependency relations (HEAD and DEPREL).
Key Components of UD Annotation:
1. Tokens: The fundamental units within UD are tokens. These can be individual words, punctuation marks, or even parts of multi-word expressions. Each token has several associated attributes.
2. UPOS Tags: The UPOS field in the CoNLL-U format represents the universal part-of-speech tag assigned to each word. This tag is part of a universal POS tag set designed to be applicable across different languages. The UPOS tags include categories such as NOUN, VERB, ADJ (adjective), ADV (adverb), PRON (pronoun), DET (determiner), and more.
3. Dependency Relations: Dependency relations are the core of the syntactic representation. They form a tree structure over the tokens in a sentence. Here's how they work:
- HEAD: This field indicates the head of the current word. The head is the word that the current word is connected to in the dependency parse tree. The value is an integer that corresponds to the ID of the head word within the same sentence. A value of zero (0) indicates that the word is the root of the sentence.
- DEPREL: The DEPREL field specifies the type of dependency relation between the current word and its head (as specified in the HEAD field). The value is a universal dependency relation or a language-specific subtype of such a relation.
Note: Blank lines are used to mark the boundaries between sentences.
Let's analyze this sentence with its UD annotation:
"The big dog chased the cat."
1. Tokenization:
- The
- big
- dog
- chased
- the
- cat
- .
2. UPOS Tags:
- The: DET
- big: ADJ
- dog: NOUN
- chased: VERB
- the: DET
- cat: NOUN
- .: PUNCT
3. Head node (parent):
- The: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3
- big: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3
- dog: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
- chased: this is the root node, therefore its head is 0
- the: the parent of this word is "cat" at position 6
- cat: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
- .: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
3. Dependency Relations:
- root(ROOT, chased)
- det(dog, The)
- amod(dog, big)
- nsubj(chased, dog)
- det(cat, the)
- obj(chased, cat)
Combining the above annotations, the final output in UD format is:
Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel
1 The DET 3 det
2 big ADJ 3 amod
3 dog NOUN 4 nsubj
4 chased VERB 0 ROOT
5 the DET 6 det
6 cat NOUN 4 obj
7 . PUNCT 4 punct | Generate UD annotations for the following text: Надта за хлебам народ гоніцца, а хлеба дастане, дык і за крамнай вопраткай, і за ляксаванымі ботамі гоніцца, і ўсё маркоціцца. | Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel
1 Надта PART 5 advmod
2 за ADP 3 case
3 хлебам NOUN 5 obl
4 народ NOUN 5 nsubj
5 гоніцца VERB 0 root
6 , PUNCT 21 punct
7 а CCONJ 9 cc
8 хлеба NOUN 9 nsubj
9 дастане VERB 21 advcl
10 , PUNCT 9 punct
11 дык PART 21 advmod
12 і CCONJ 15 cc
13 за ADP 15 case
14 крамнай ADJ 15 amod
15 вопраткай NOUN 21 obl
16 , PUNCT 20 punct
17 і CCONJ 20 cc
18 за ADP 20 case
19 ляксаванымі ADJ 20 amod
20 ботамі NOUN 15 conj
21 гоніцца VERB 5 conj
22 , PUNCT 25 punct
23 і CCONJ 25 cc
24 ўсё ADV 25 advmod
25 маркоціцца VERB 21 conj
26 . PUNCT 5 punct |
As a helpful and smart assistant, your task is to parse a given text in any language to Universal Dependency (UD) format including POS tags and dependency relations (HEAD and DEPREL).
Key Components of UD Annotation:
1. Tokens: The fundamental units within UD are tokens. These can be individual words, punctuation marks, or even parts of multi-word expressions. Each token has several associated attributes.
2. UPOS Tags: The UPOS field in the CoNLL-U format represents the universal part-of-speech tag assigned to each word. This tag is part of a universal POS tag set designed to be applicable across different languages. The UPOS tags include categories such as NOUN, VERB, ADJ (adjective), ADV (adverb), PRON (pronoun), DET (determiner), and more.
3. Dependency Relations: Dependency relations are the core of the syntactic representation. They form a tree structure over the tokens in a sentence. Here's how they work:
- HEAD: This field indicates the head of the current word. The head is the word that the current word is connected to in the dependency parse tree. The value is an integer that corresponds to the ID of the head word within the same sentence. A value of zero (0) indicates that the word is the root of the sentence.
- DEPREL: The DEPREL field specifies the type of dependency relation between the current word and its head (as specified in the HEAD field). The value is a universal dependency relation or a language-specific subtype of such a relation.
Note: Blank lines are used to mark the boundaries between sentences.
Let's analyze this sentence with its UD annotation:
"The big dog chased the cat."
1. Tokenization:
- The
- big
- dog
- chased
- the
- cat
- .
2. UPOS Tags:
- The: DET
- big: ADJ
- dog: NOUN
- chased: VERB
- the: DET
- cat: NOUN
- .: PUNCT
3. Head node (parent):
- The: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3
- big: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3
- dog: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
- chased: this is the root node, therefore its head is 0
- the: the parent of this word is "cat" at position 6
- cat: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
- .: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
3. Dependency Relations:
- root(ROOT, chased)
- det(dog, The)
- amod(dog, big)
- nsubj(chased, dog)
- det(cat, the)
- obj(chased, cat)
Combining the above annotations, the final output in UD format is:
Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel
1 The DET 3 det
2 big ADJ 3 amod
3 dog NOUN 4 nsubj
4 chased VERB 0 ROOT
5 the DET 6 det
6 cat NOUN 4 obj
7 . PUNCT 4 punct | Generate UD annotations for the following text: Даўней, кажуць, людзі, як меншым абходзіліся, то больш мелі і васалейшыя былі. | Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel
1 Даўней ADV 13 advmod
2 , PUNCT 3 punct
3 кажуць VERB 13 parataxis
4 , PUNCT 3 punct
5 людзі NOUN 13 nsubj
6 , PUNCT 9 punct
7 як SCONJ 9 mark
8 меншым NOUN 9 iobj
9 абходзіліся VERB 13 advcl
10 , PUNCT 9 punct
11 то SCONJ 13 mark
12 больш ADV 13 advmod
13 мелі VERB 0 root
14 і CCONJ 15 cc
15 васалейшыя ADJ 13 conj
16 былі AUX 15 cop
17 . PUNCT 13 punct |
As a helpful and smart assistant, your task is to parse a given text in any language to Universal Dependency (UD) format including POS tags and dependency relations (HEAD and DEPREL).
Key Components of UD Annotation:
1. Tokens: The fundamental units within UD are tokens. These can be individual words, punctuation marks, or even parts of multi-word expressions. Each token has several associated attributes.
2. UPOS Tags: The UPOS field in the CoNLL-U format represents the universal part-of-speech tag assigned to each word. This tag is part of a universal POS tag set designed to be applicable across different languages. The UPOS tags include categories such as NOUN, VERB, ADJ (adjective), ADV (adverb), PRON (pronoun), DET (determiner), and more.
3. Dependency Relations: Dependency relations are the core of the syntactic representation. They form a tree structure over the tokens in a sentence. Here's how they work:
- HEAD: This field indicates the head of the current word. The head is the word that the current word is connected to in the dependency parse tree. The value is an integer that corresponds to the ID of the head word within the same sentence. A value of zero (0) indicates that the word is the root of the sentence.
- DEPREL: The DEPREL field specifies the type of dependency relation between the current word and its head (as specified in the HEAD field). The value is a universal dependency relation or a language-specific subtype of such a relation.
Note: Blank lines are used to mark the boundaries between sentences.
Let's analyze this sentence with its UD annotation:
"The big dog chased the cat."
1. Tokenization:
- The
- big
- dog
- chased
- the
- cat
- .
2. UPOS Tags:
- The: DET
- big: ADJ
- dog: NOUN
- chased: VERB
- the: DET
- cat: NOUN
- .: PUNCT
3. Head node (parent):
- The: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3
- big: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3
- dog: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
- chased: this is the root node, therefore its head is 0
- the: the parent of this word is "cat" at position 6
- cat: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
- .: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
3. Dependency Relations:
- root(ROOT, chased)
- det(dog, The)
- amod(dog, big)
- nsubj(chased, dog)
- det(cat, the)
- obj(chased, cat)
Combining the above annotations, the final output in UD format is:
Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel
1 The DET 3 det
2 big ADJ 3 amod
3 dog NOUN 4 nsubj
4 chased VERB 0 ROOT
5 the DET 6 det
6 cat NOUN 4 obj
7 . PUNCT 4 punct | Generate UD annotations for the following text: Вот я і напісаў з дзесятак песняў «сякіх-такіх». | Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel
1 Вот PART 4 advmod
2 я PRON 4 nsubj
3 і PART 4 advmod
4 напісаў VERB 0 root
5 з ADP 6 case
6 дзесятак NOUN 4 obj
7 песняў NOUN 6 nmod
8 « PUNCT 9 punct
9 сякіх DET 7 det
10 - PUNCT 11 punct
11 такіх DET 9 appos
12 » PUNCT 9 punct
13 . PUNCT 4 punct |
As a helpful and smart assistant, your task is to parse a given text in any language to Universal Dependency (UD) format including POS tags and dependency relations (HEAD and DEPREL).
Key Components of UD Annotation:
1. Tokens: The fundamental units within UD are tokens. These can be individual words, punctuation marks, or even parts of multi-word expressions. Each token has several associated attributes.
2. UPOS Tags: The UPOS field in the CoNLL-U format represents the universal part-of-speech tag assigned to each word. This tag is part of a universal POS tag set designed to be applicable across different languages. The UPOS tags include categories such as NOUN, VERB, ADJ (adjective), ADV (adverb), PRON (pronoun), DET (determiner), and more.
3. Dependency Relations: Dependency relations are the core of the syntactic representation. They form a tree structure over the tokens in a sentence. Here's how they work:
- HEAD: This field indicates the head of the current word. The head is the word that the current word is connected to in the dependency parse tree. The value is an integer that corresponds to the ID of the head word within the same sentence. A value of zero (0) indicates that the word is the root of the sentence.
- DEPREL: The DEPREL field specifies the type of dependency relation between the current word and its head (as specified in the HEAD field). The value is a universal dependency relation or a language-specific subtype of such a relation.
Note: Blank lines are used to mark the boundaries between sentences.
Let's analyze this sentence with its UD annotation:
"The big dog chased the cat."
1. Tokenization:
- The
- big
- dog
- chased
- the
- cat
- .
2. UPOS Tags:
- The: DET
- big: ADJ
- dog: NOUN
- chased: VERB
- the: DET
- cat: NOUN
- .: PUNCT
3. Head node (parent):
- The: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3
- big: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3
- dog: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
- chased: this is the root node, therefore its head is 0
- the: the parent of this word is "cat" at position 6
- cat: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
- .: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
3. Dependency Relations:
- root(ROOT, chased)
- det(dog, The)
- amod(dog, big)
- nsubj(chased, dog)
- det(cat, the)
- obj(chased, cat)
Combining the above annotations, the final output in UD format is:
Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel
1 The DET 3 det
2 big ADJ 3 amod
3 dog NOUN 4 nsubj
4 chased VERB 0 ROOT
5 the DET 6 det
6 cat NOUN 4 obj
7 . PUNCT 4 punct | Generate UD annotations for the following text: Граю трошкі на скрыпачцы, ну дык няхай і мая ксёнжачка завецца струмантам якім; вот я і назваў яе «Смык». | Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel
1 Граю VERB 0 root
2 трошкі ADV 1 advmod
3 на ADP 4 case
4 скрыпачцы NOUN 1 obl
5 , PUNCT 12 punct
6 ну PART 12 parataxis
7 дык PART 12 advmod
8 няхай PART 12 advmod
9 і PART 10 advmod
10 мая DET 11 det
11 ксёнжачка NOUN 12 nsubj
12 завецца VERB 1 conj
13 струмантам NOUN 12 xcomp
14 якім DET 13 det
15 ; PUNCT 19 punct
16 вот PART 19 advmod
17 я PRON 19 nsubj
18 і PART 19 advmod
19 назваў VERB 12 conj
20 яе PRON 19 obj
21 « PUNCT 22 punct
22 Смык PROPN 19 xcomp
23 » PUNCT 22 punct
24 . PUNCT 1 punct |
As a helpful and smart assistant, your task is to parse a given text in any language to Universal Dependency (UD) format including POS tags and dependency relations (HEAD and DEPREL).
Key Components of UD Annotation:
1. Tokens: The fundamental units within UD are tokens. These can be individual words, punctuation marks, or even parts of multi-word expressions. Each token has several associated attributes.
2. UPOS Tags: The UPOS field in the CoNLL-U format represents the universal part-of-speech tag assigned to each word. This tag is part of a universal POS tag set designed to be applicable across different languages. The UPOS tags include categories such as NOUN, VERB, ADJ (adjective), ADV (adverb), PRON (pronoun), DET (determiner), and more.
3. Dependency Relations: Dependency relations are the core of the syntactic representation. They form a tree structure over the tokens in a sentence. Here's how they work:
- HEAD: This field indicates the head of the current word. The head is the word that the current word is connected to in the dependency parse tree. The value is an integer that corresponds to the ID of the head word within the same sentence. A value of zero (0) indicates that the word is the root of the sentence.
- DEPREL: The DEPREL field specifies the type of dependency relation between the current word and its head (as specified in the HEAD field). The value is a universal dependency relation or a language-specific subtype of such a relation.
Note: Blank lines are used to mark the boundaries between sentences.
Let's analyze this sentence with its UD annotation:
"The big dog chased the cat."
1. Tokenization:
- The
- big
- dog
- chased
- the
- cat
- .
2. UPOS Tags:
- The: DET
- big: ADJ
- dog: NOUN
- chased: VERB
- the: DET
- cat: NOUN
- .: PUNCT
3. Head node (parent):
- The: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3
- big: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3
- dog: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
- chased: this is the root node, therefore its head is 0
- the: the parent of this word is "cat" at position 6
- cat: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
- .: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
3. Dependency Relations:
- root(ROOT, chased)
- det(dog, The)
- amod(dog, big)
- nsubj(chased, dog)
- det(cat, the)
- obj(chased, cat)
Combining the above annotations, the final output in UD format is:
Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel
1 The DET 3 det
2 big ADJ 3 amod
3 dog NOUN 4 nsubj
4 chased VERB 0 ROOT
5 the DET 6 det
6 cat NOUN 4 obj
7 . PUNCT 4 punct | Generate UD annotations for the following text: Смык ёсць, а хтось скрыпку, можа, даробе, а там была «Дудка» — вот і мы зробім музыку, як тыя жыдкі, што на цымбалах іграюць. | Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel
1 Смык NOUN 2 nsubj
2 ёсць AUX 0 root
3 , PUNCT 10 punct
4 а CCONJ 10 cc
5 хтось PRON 10 nsubj
6 скрыпку NOUN 10 obj
7 , PUNCT 8 punct
8 можа VERB 10 parataxis
9 , PUNCT 8 punct
10 даробе VERB 2 conj
11 , PUNCT 14 punct
12 а CCONJ 14 cc
13 там ADV 14 advmod
14 была VERB 2 conj
15 « PUNCT 16 punct
16 Дудка PROPN 14 nsubj
17 » PUNCT 16 punct
18 — PUNCT 22 punct
19 вот PART 22 advmod
20 і PART 21 advmod
21 мы PRON 22 nsubj
22 зробім VERB 2 parataxis
23 музыку NOUN 22 obj
24 , PUNCT 27 punct
25 як SCONJ 27 case
26 тыя DET 27 det
27 жыдкі NOUN 22 obl
28 , PUNCT 32 punct
29 што PRON 32 nsubj
30 на ADP 31 case
31 цымбалах NOUN 32 obl
32 іграюць VERB 27 acl:relcl
33 . PUNCT 2 punct |
As a helpful and smart assistant, your task is to parse a given text in any language to Universal Dependency (UD) format including POS tags and dependency relations (HEAD and DEPREL).
Key Components of UD Annotation:
1. Tokens: The fundamental units within UD are tokens. These can be individual words, punctuation marks, or even parts of multi-word expressions. Each token has several associated attributes.
2. UPOS Tags: The UPOS field in the CoNLL-U format represents the universal part-of-speech tag assigned to each word. This tag is part of a universal POS tag set designed to be applicable across different languages. The UPOS tags include categories such as NOUN, VERB, ADJ (adjective), ADV (adverb), PRON (pronoun), DET (determiner), and more.
3. Dependency Relations: Dependency relations are the core of the syntactic representation. They form a tree structure over the tokens in a sentence. Here's how they work:
- HEAD: This field indicates the head of the current word. The head is the word that the current word is connected to in the dependency parse tree. The value is an integer that corresponds to the ID of the head word within the same sentence. A value of zero (0) indicates that the word is the root of the sentence.
- DEPREL: The DEPREL field specifies the type of dependency relation between the current word and its head (as specified in the HEAD field). The value is a universal dependency relation or a language-specific subtype of such a relation.
Note: Blank lines are used to mark the boundaries between sentences.
Let's analyze this sentence with its UD annotation:
"The big dog chased the cat."
1. Tokenization:
- The
- big
- dog
- chased
- the
- cat
- .
2. UPOS Tags:
- The: DET
- big: ADJ
- dog: NOUN
- chased: VERB
- the: DET
- cat: NOUN
- .: PUNCT
3. Head node (parent):
- The: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3
- big: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3
- dog: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
- chased: this is the root node, therefore its head is 0
- the: the parent of this word is "cat" at position 6
- cat: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
- .: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
3. Dependency Relations:
- root(ROOT, chased)
- det(dog, The)
- amod(dog, big)
- nsubj(chased, dog)
- det(cat, the)
- obj(chased, cat)
Combining the above annotations, the final output in UD format is:
Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel
1 The DET 3 det
2 big ADJ 3 amod
3 dog NOUN 4 nsubj
4 chased VERB 0 ROOT
5 the DET 6 det
6 cat NOUN 4 obj
7 . PUNCT 4 punct | Generate UD annotations for the following text: Сымон Рэўка з-пад Барысава | Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel
1 Сымон PROPN 0 root
2 Рэўка PROPN 1 flat:name
3 з-пад ADP 4 case
4 Барысава PROPN 1 nmod |
As a helpful and smart assistant, your task is to parse a given text in any language to Universal Dependency (UD) format including POS tags and dependency relations (HEAD and DEPREL).
Key Components of UD Annotation:
1. Tokens: The fundamental units within UD are tokens. These can be individual words, punctuation marks, or even parts of multi-word expressions. Each token has several associated attributes.
2. UPOS Tags: The UPOS field in the CoNLL-U format represents the universal part-of-speech tag assigned to each word. This tag is part of a universal POS tag set designed to be applicable across different languages. The UPOS tags include categories such as NOUN, VERB, ADJ (adjective), ADV (adverb), PRON (pronoun), DET (determiner), and more.
3. Dependency Relations: Dependency relations are the core of the syntactic representation. They form a tree structure over the tokens in a sentence. Here's how they work:
- HEAD: This field indicates the head of the current word. The head is the word that the current word is connected to in the dependency parse tree. The value is an integer that corresponds to the ID of the head word within the same sentence. A value of zero (0) indicates that the word is the root of the sentence.
- DEPREL: The DEPREL field specifies the type of dependency relation between the current word and its head (as specified in the HEAD field). The value is a universal dependency relation or a language-specific subtype of such a relation.
Note: Blank lines are used to mark the boundaries between sentences.
Let's analyze this sentence with its UD annotation:
"The big dog chased the cat."
1. Tokenization:
- The
- big
- dog
- chased
- the
- cat
- .
2. UPOS Tags:
- The: DET
- big: ADJ
- dog: NOUN
- chased: VERB
- the: DET
- cat: NOUN
- .: PUNCT
3. Head node (parent):
- The: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3
- big: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3
- dog: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
- chased: this is the root node, therefore its head is 0
- the: the parent of this word is "cat" at position 6
- cat: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
- .: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
3. Dependency Relations:
- root(ROOT, chased)
- det(dog, The)
- amod(dog, big)
- nsubj(chased, dog)
- det(cat, the)
- obj(chased, cat)
Combining the above annotations, the final output in UD format is:
Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel
1 The DET 3 det
2 big ADJ 3 amod
3 dog NOUN 4 nsubj
4 chased VERB 0 ROOT
5 the DET 6 det
6 cat NOUN 4 obj
7 . PUNCT 4 punct | Generate UD annotations for the following text: Над схаванымі ў цемры прасторамі ціха ляжала летняя ноч. | Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel
1 Над ADV 2 advmod
2 схаванымі VERB 5 amod
3 ў ADP 4 case
4 цемры NOUN 2 obl
5 прасторамі NOUN 7 obl
6 ціха ADV 7 advmod
7 ляжала VERB 0 root
8 летняя ADJ 9 amod
9 ноч NOUN 7 nsubj
10 . PUNCT 7 punct |
As a helpful and smart assistant, your task is to parse a given text in any language to Universal Dependency (UD) format including POS tags and dependency relations (HEAD and DEPREL).
Key Components of UD Annotation:
1. Tokens: The fundamental units within UD are tokens. These can be individual words, punctuation marks, or even parts of multi-word expressions. Each token has several associated attributes.
2. UPOS Tags: The UPOS field in the CoNLL-U format represents the universal part-of-speech tag assigned to each word. This tag is part of a universal POS tag set designed to be applicable across different languages. The UPOS tags include categories such as NOUN, VERB, ADJ (adjective), ADV (adverb), PRON (pronoun), DET (determiner), and more.
3. Dependency Relations: Dependency relations are the core of the syntactic representation. They form a tree structure over the tokens in a sentence. Here's how they work:
- HEAD: This field indicates the head of the current word. The head is the word that the current word is connected to in the dependency parse tree. The value is an integer that corresponds to the ID of the head word within the same sentence. A value of zero (0) indicates that the word is the root of the sentence.
- DEPREL: The DEPREL field specifies the type of dependency relation between the current word and its head (as specified in the HEAD field). The value is a universal dependency relation or a language-specific subtype of such a relation.
Note: Blank lines are used to mark the boundaries between sentences.
Let's analyze this sentence with its UD annotation:
"The big dog chased the cat."
1. Tokenization:
- The
- big
- dog
- chased
- the
- cat
- .
2. UPOS Tags:
- The: DET
- big: ADJ
- dog: NOUN
- chased: VERB
- the: DET
- cat: NOUN
- .: PUNCT
3. Head node (parent):
- The: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3
- big: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3
- dog: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
- chased: this is the root node, therefore its head is 0
- the: the parent of this word is "cat" at position 6
- cat: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
- .: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
3. Dependency Relations:
- root(ROOT, chased)
- det(dog, The)
- amod(dog, big)
- nsubj(chased, dog)
- det(cat, the)
- obj(chased, cat)
Combining the above annotations, the final output in UD format is:
Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel
1 The DET 3 det
2 big ADJ 3 amod
3 dog NOUN 4 nsubj
4 chased VERB 0 ROOT
5 the DET 6 det
6 cat NOUN 4 obj
7 . PUNCT 4 punct | Generate UD annotations for the following text: Слабыя подыхі цёплага ветрыку асцярожна неслі з сабой кволыя шолахі ніў і густыя духмяныя пахі выспелых мурожных сенажацяў. | Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel
1 Слабыя ADJ 2 amod
2 подыхі NOUN 6 nsubj
3 цёплага ADJ 4 amod
4 ветрыку NOUN 2 nmod
5 асцярожна ADV 6 advmod
6 неслі VERB 0 root
7 з ADP 8 case
8 сабой PRON 6 obl
9 кволыя ADJ 10 amod
10 шолахі NOUN 6 obj
11 ніў NOUN 10 nmod
12 і CCONJ 15 cc
13 густыя ADJ 15 amod
14 духмяныя ADJ 15 amod
15 пахі NOUN 10 conj
16 выспелых ADJ 18 amod
17 мурожных ADJ 18 amod
18 сенажацяў NOUN 15 nmod
19 . PUNCT 6 punct |
As a helpful and smart assistant, your task is to parse a given text in any language to Universal Dependency (UD) format including POS tags and dependency relations (HEAD and DEPREL).
Key Components of UD Annotation:
1. Tokens: The fundamental units within UD are tokens. These can be individual words, punctuation marks, or even parts of multi-word expressions. Each token has several associated attributes.
2. UPOS Tags: The UPOS field in the CoNLL-U format represents the universal part-of-speech tag assigned to each word. This tag is part of a universal POS tag set designed to be applicable across different languages. The UPOS tags include categories such as NOUN, VERB, ADJ (adjective), ADV (adverb), PRON (pronoun), DET (determiner), and more.
3. Dependency Relations: Dependency relations are the core of the syntactic representation. They form a tree structure over the tokens in a sentence. Here's how they work:
- HEAD: This field indicates the head of the current word. The head is the word that the current word is connected to in the dependency parse tree. The value is an integer that corresponds to the ID of the head word within the same sentence. A value of zero (0) indicates that the word is the root of the sentence.
- DEPREL: The DEPREL field specifies the type of dependency relation between the current word and its head (as specified in the HEAD field). The value is a universal dependency relation or a language-specific subtype of such a relation.
Note: Blank lines are used to mark the boundaries between sentences.
Let's analyze this sentence with its UD annotation:
"The big dog chased the cat."
1. Tokenization:
- The
- big
- dog
- chased
- the
- cat
- .
2. UPOS Tags:
- The: DET
- big: ADJ
- dog: NOUN
- chased: VERB
- the: DET
- cat: NOUN
- .: PUNCT
3. Head node (parent):
- The: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3
- big: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3
- dog: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
- chased: this is the root node, therefore its head is 0
- the: the parent of this word is "cat" at position 6
- cat: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
- .: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
3. Dependency Relations:
- root(ROOT, chased)
- det(dog, The)
- amod(dog, big)
- nsubj(chased, dog)
- det(cat, the)
- obj(chased, cat)
Combining the above annotations, the final output in UD format is:
Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel
1 The DET 3 det
2 big ADJ 3 amod
3 dog NOUN 4 nsubj
4 chased VERB 0 ROOT
5 the DET 6 det
6 cat NOUN 4 obj
7 . PUNCT 4 punct | Generate UD annotations for the following text: У нябачным травяністым наваколлі старанным хорам верашчалі конікі, недзе ўдалечыні глухімі ўздыхамі аддавалася гарматная страляніна, угары, прыкрыты цемрай, праракатаў і сціх «кукурузнік». | Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel
1 У ADP 4 case
2 нябачным ADJ 4 amod
3 травяністым ADJ 4 amod
4 наваколлі NOUN 7 obl
5 старанным ADJ 6 amod
6 хорам NOUN 7 obl
7 верашчалі VERB 0 root
8 конікі NOUN 7 nsubj
9 , PUNCT 14 punct
10 недзе ADV 11 advmod
11 ўдалечыні ADV 14 advmod
12 глухімі ADJ 13 amod
13 ўздыхамі NOUN 14 obl
14 аддавалася VERB 7 conj
15 гарматная ADJ 16 amod
16 страляніна NOUN 14 nsubj
17 , PUNCT 23 punct
18 угары ADV 23 advmod
19 , PUNCT 20 punct
20 прыкрыты VERB 27 acl
21 цемрай NOUN 20 obl:agent
22 , PUNCT 20 punct
23 праракатаў VERB 7 conj
24 і CCONJ 25 cc
25 сціх VERB 23 conj
26 « PUNCT 27 punct
27 кукурузнік NOUN 23 nsubj
28 » PUNCT 27 punct
29 . PUNCT 7 punct |
As a helpful and smart assistant, your task is to parse a given text in any language to Universal Dependency (UD) format including POS tags and dependency relations (HEAD and DEPREL).
Key Components of UD Annotation:
1. Tokens: The fundamental units within UD are tokens. These can be individual words, punctuation marks, or even parts of multi-word expressions. Each token has several associated attributes.
2. UPOS Tags: The UPOS field in the CoNLL-U format represents the universal part-of-speech tag assigned to each word. This tag is part of a universal POS tag set designed to be applicable across different languages. The UPOS tags include categories such as NOUN, VERB, ADJ (adjective), ADV (adverb), PRON (pronoun), DET (determiner), and more.
3. Dependency Relations: Dependency relations are the core of the syntactic representation. They form a tree structure over the tokens in a sentence. Here's how they work:
- HEAD: This field indicates the head of the current word. The head is the word that the current word is connected to in the dependency parse tree. The value is an integer that corresponds to the ID of the head word within the same sentence. A value of zero (0) indicates that the word is the root of the sentence.
- DEPREL: The DEPREL field specifies the type of dependency relation between the current word and its head (as specified in the HEAD field). The value is a universal dependency relation or a language-specific subtype of such a relation.
Note: Blank lines are used to mark the boundaries between sentences.
Let's analyze this sentence with its UD annotation:
"The big dog chased the cat."
1. Tokenization:
- The
- big
- dog
- chased
- the
- cat
- .
2. UPOS Tags:
- The: DET
- big: ADJ
- dog: NOUN
- chased: VERB
- the: DET
- cat: NOUN
- .: PUNCT
3. Head node (parent):
- The: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3
- big: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3
- dog: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
- chased: this is the root node, therefore its head is 0
- the: the parent of this word is "cat" at position 6
- cat: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
- .: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
3. Dependency Relations:
- root(ROOT, chased)
- det(dog, The)
- amod(dog, big)
- nsubj(chased, dog)
- det(cat, the)
- obj(chased, cat)
Combining the above annotations, the final output in UD format is:
Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel
1 The DET 3 det
2 big ADJ 3 amod
3 dog NOUN 4 nsubj
4 chased VERB 0 ROOT
5 the DET 6 det
6 cat NOUN 4 obj
7 . PUNCT 4 punct | Generate UD annotations for the following text: Павевы ветру даносілі і іншыя гукі, невыразныя і падазроныя, але тых, што намагаўся ўчуць Максім, не было ў начной цішыні. | Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel
1 Павевы NOUN 3 nsubj
2 ветру NOUN 1 nmod
3 даносілі VERB 0 root
4 і PART 5 advmod
5 іншыя ADJ 6 amod
6 гукі NOUN 3 obj
7 , PUNCT 8 punct
8 невыразныя ADJ 6 amod
9 і CCONJ 10 cc
10 падазроныя ADJ 8 conj
11 , PUNCT 21 punct
12 але CCONJ 21 cc
13 тых DET 21 nsubj
14 , PUNCT 16 punct
15 што PRON 17 obj
16 намагаўся VERB 13 acl:relcl
17 ўчуць VERB 16 xcomp
18 Максім PROPN 16 nsubj
19 , PUNCT 16 punct
20 не PART 21 advmod
21 было VERB 3 conj
22 ў ADP 24 case
23 начной ADJ 24 amod
24 цішыні NOUN 21 obl
25 . PUNCT 3 punct |
As a helpful and smart assistant, your task is to parse a given text in any language to Universal Dependency (UD) format including POS tags and dependency relations (HEAD and DEPREL).
Key Components of UD Annotation:
1. Tokens: The fundamental units within UD are tokens. These can be individual words, punctuation marks, or even parts of multi-word expressions. Each token has several associated attributes.
2. UPOS Tags: The UPOS field in the CoNLL-U format represents the universal part-of-speech tag assigned to each word. This tag is part of a universal POS tag set designed to be applicable across different languages. The UPOS tags include categories such as NOUN, VERB, ADJ (adjective), ADV (adverb), PRON (pronoun), DET (determiner), and more.
3. Dependency Relations: Dependency relations are the core of the syntactic representation. They form a tree structure over the tokens in a sentence. Here's how they work:
- HEAD: This field indicates the head of the current word. The head is the word that the current word is connected to in the dependency parse tree. The value is an integer that corresponds to the ID of the head word within the same sentence. A value of zero (0) indicates that the word is the root of the sentence.
- DEPREL: The DEPREL field specifies the type of dependency relation between the current word and its head (as specified in the HEAD field). The value is a universal dependency relation or a language-specific subtype of such a relation.
Note: Blank lines are used to mark the boundaries between sentences.
Let's analyze this sentence with its UD annotation:
"The big dog chased the cat."
1. Tokenization:
- The
- big
- dog
- chased
- the
- cat
- .
2. UPOS Tags:
- The: DET
- big: ADJ
- dog: NOUN
- chased: VERB
- the: DET
- cat: NOUN
- .: PUNCT
3. Head node (parent):
- The: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3
- big: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3
- dog: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
- chased: this is the root node, therefore its head is 0
- the: the parent of this word is "cat" at position 6
- cat: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
- .: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
3. Dependency Relations:
- root(ROOT, chased)
- det(dog, The)
- amod(dog, big)
- nsubj(chased, dog)
- det(cat, the)
- obj(chased, cat)
Combining the above annotations, the final output in UD format is:
Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel
1 The DET 3 det
2 big ADJ 3 amod
3 dog NOUN 4 nsubj
4 chased VERB 0 ROOT
5 the DET 6 det
6 cat NOUN 4 obj
7 . PUNCT 4 punct | Generate UD annotations for the following text: Тады закралася сумненне, якое парушыла разважлівы спакой чалавека. | Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel
1 Тады ADV 2 advmod
2 закралася VERB 0 root
3 сумненне NOUN 2 nsubj
4 , PUNCT 6 punct
5 якое PRON 6 nsubj
6 парушыла VERB 3 acl:relcl
7 разважлівы ADJ 8 amod
8 спакой NOUN 6 obj
9 чалавека NOUN 8 nmod
10 . PUNCT 2 punct |
As a helpful and smart assistant, your task is to parse a given text in any language to Universal Dependency (UD) format including POS tags and dependency relations (HEAD and DEPREL).
Key Components of UD Annotation:
1. Tokens: The fundamental units within UD are tokens. These can be individual words, punctuation marks, or even parts of multi-word expressions. Each token has several associated attributes.
2. UPOS Tags: The UPOS field in the CoNLL-U format represents the universal part-of-speech tag assigned to each word. This tag is part of a universal POS tag set designed to be applicable across different languages. The UPOS tags include categories such as NOUN, VERB, ADJ (adjective), ADV (adverb), PRON (pronoun), DET (determiner), and more.
3. Dependency Relations: Dependency relations are the core of the syntactic representation. They form a tree structure over the tokens in a sentence. Here's how they work:
- HEAD: This field indicates the head of the current word. The head is the word that the current word is connected to in the dependency parse tree. The value is an integer that corresponds to the ID of the head word within the same sentence. A value of zero (0) indicates that the word is the root of the sentence.
- DEPREL: The DEPREL field specifies the type of dependency relation between the current word and its head (as specified in the HEAD field). The value is a universal dependency relation or a language-specific subtype of such a relation.
Note: Blank lines are used to mark the boundaries between sentences.
Let's analyze this sentence with its UD annotation:
"The big dog chased the cat."
1. Tokenization:
- The
- big
- dog
- chased
- the
- cat
- .
2. UPOS Tags:
- The: DET
- big: ADJ
- dog: NOUN
- chased: VERB
- the: DET
- cat: NOUN
- .: PUNCT
3. Head node (parent):
- The: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3
- big: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3
- dog: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
- chased: this is the root node, therefore its head is 0
- the: the parent of this word is "cat" at position 6
- cat: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
- .: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
3. Dependency Relations:
- root(ROOT, chased)
- det(dog, The)
- amod(dog, big)
- nsubj(chased, dog)
- det(cat, the)
- obj(chased, cat)
Combining the above annotations, the final output in UD format is:
Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel
1 The DET 3 det
2 big ADJ 3 amod
3 dog NOUN 4 nsubj
4 chased VERB 0 ROOT
5 the DET 6 det
6 cat NOUN 4 obj
7 . PUNCT 4 punct | Generate UD annotations for the following text: Апаслівыя думкі заснавалі ў яго галаве, але трэба было або ехаць наперад, або вяртацца назад. | Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel
1 Апаслівыя ADJ 2 amod
2 думкі NOUN 3 nsubj
3 заснавалі VERB 0 root
4 ў ADP 6 case
5 яго DET 6 det
6 галаве NOUN 3 obl
7 , PUNCT 9 punct
8 але CCONJ 9 cc
9 трэба VERB 3 conj
10 было AUX 9 aux
11 або CCONJ 12 cc
12 ехаць VERB 9 csubj
13 наперад ADV 12 advmod
14 , PUNCT 16 punct
15 або CCONJ 16 cc
16 вяртацца VERB 12 conj
17 назад ADV 16 advmod
18 . PUNCT 3 punct |
As a helpful and smart assistant, your task is to parse a given text in any language to Universal Dependency (UD) format including POS tags and dependency relations (HEAD and DEPREL).
Key Components of UD Annotation:
1. Tokens: The fundamental units within UD are tokens. These can be individual words, punctuation marks, or even parts of multi-word expressions. Each token has several associated attributes.
2. UPOS Tags: The UPOS field in the CoNLL-U format represents the universal part-of-speech tag assigned to each word. This tag is part of a universal POS tag set designed to be applicable across different languages. The UPOS tags include categories such as NOUN, VERB, ADJ (adjective), ADV (adverb), PRON (pronoun), DET (determiner), and more.
3. Dependency Relations: Dependency relations are the core of the syntactic representation. They form a tree structure over the tokens in a sentence. Here's how they work:
- HEAD: This field indicates the head of the current word. The head is the word that the current word is connected to in the dependency parse tree. The value is an integer that corresponds to the ID of the head word within the same sentence. A value of zero (0) indicates that the word is the root of the sentence.
- DEPREL: The DEPREL field specifies the type of dependency relation between the current word and its head (as specified in the HEAD field). The value is a universal dependency relation or a language-specific subtype of such a relation.
Note: Blank lines are used to mark the boundaries between sentences.
Let's analyze this sentence with its UD annotation:
"The big dog chased the cat."
1. Tokenization:
- The
- big
- dog
- chased
- the
- cat
- .
2. UPOS Tags:
- The: DET
- big: ADJ
- dog: NOUN
- chased: VERB
- the: DET
- cat: NOUN
- .: PUNCT
3. Head node (parent):
- The: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3
- big: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3
- dog: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
- chased: this is the root node, therefore its head is 0
- the: the parent of this word is "cat" at position 6
- cat: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
- .: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
3. Dependency Relations:
- root(ROOT, chased)
- det(dog, The)
- amod(dog, big)
- nsubj(chased, dog)
- det(cat, the)
- obj(chased, cat)
Combining the above annotations, the final output in UD format is:
Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel
1 The DET 3 det
2 big ADJ 3 amod
3 dog NOUN 4 nsubj
4 chased VERB 0 ROOT
5 the DET 6 det
6 cat NOUN 4 obj
7 . PUNCT 4 punct | Generate UD annotations for the following text: Намаганнем волі Максім усё ж адагнаў благія прадчуванні і, разважыўшы, рашыў, што батальён павінен быць далей, наперадзе. | Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel
1 Намаганнем NOUN 6 iobj
2 волі NOUN 1 nmod
3 Максім PROPN 6 nsubj
4 усё ADV 6 advmod
5 ж PART 4 advmod
6 адагнаў VERB 0 root
7 благія ADJ 8 amod
8 прадчуванні NOUN 6 obj
9 і CCONJ 13 cc
10 , PUNCT 11 punct
11 разважыўшы VERB 13 advcl
12 , PUNCT 11 punct
13 рашыў VERB 6 conj
14 , PUNCT 17 punct
15 што SCONJ 17 mark
16 батальён NOUN 17 nsubj
17 павінен ADJ 13 ccomp
18 быць AUX 19 cop
19 далей ADV 17 xcomp
20 , PUNCT 21 punct
21 наперадзе ADV 19 conj
22 . PUNCT 6 punct |
As a helpful and smart assistant, your task is to parse a given text in any language to Universal Dependency (UD) format including POS tags and dependency relations (HEAD and DEPREL).
Key Components of UD Annotation:
1. Tokens: The fundamental units within UD are tokens. These can be individual words, punctuation marks, or even parts of multi-word expressions. Each token has several associated attributes.
2. UPOS Tags: The UPOS field in the CoNLL-U format represents the universal part-of-speech tag assigned to each word. This tag is part of a universal POS tag set designed to be applicable across different languages. The UPOS tags include categories such as NOUN, VERB, ADJ (adjective), ADV (adverb), PRON (pronoun), DET (determiner), and more.
3. Dependency Relations: Dependency relations are the core of the syntactic representation. They form a tree structure over the tokens in a sentence. Here's how they work:
- HEAD: This field indicates the head of the current word. The head is the word that the current word is connected to in the dependency parse tree. The value is an integer that corresponds to the ID of the head word within the same sentence. A value of zero (0) indicates that the word is the root of the sentence.
- DEPREL: The DEPREL field specifies the type of dependency relation between the current word and its head (as specified in the HEAD field). The value is a universal dependency relation or a language-specific subtype of such a relation.
Note: Blank lines are used to mark the boundaries between sentences.
Let's analyze this sentence with its UD annotation:
"The big dog chased the cat."
1. Tokenization:
- The
- big
- dog
- chased
- the
- cat
- .
2. UPOS Tags:
- The: DET
- big: ADJ
- dog: NOUN
- chased: VERB
- the: DET
- cat: NOUN
- .: PUNCT
3. Head node (parent):
- The: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3
- big: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3
- dog: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
- chased: this is the root node, therefore its head is 0
- the: the parent of this word is "cat" at position 6
- cat: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
- .: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
3. Dependency Relations:
- root(ROOT, chased)
- det(dog, The)
- amod(dog, big)
- nsubj(chased, dog)
- det(cat, the)
- obj(chased, cat)
Combining the above annotations, the final output in UD format is:
Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel
1 The DET 3 det
2 big ADJ 3 amod
3 dog NOUN 4 nsubj
4 chased VERB 0 ROOT
5 the DET 6 det
6 cat NOUN 4 obj
7 . PUNCT 4 punct | Generate UD annotations for the following text: Гэтае меркаванне хоць і не суняло ўзнікшай трывогі, але крыху супакоіла чалавека. | Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel
1 Гэтае DET 2 det
2 меркаванне NOUN 6 nsubj
3 хоць PART 6 advmod
4 і PART 6 advmod
5 не PART 6 advmod
6 суняло NOUN 0 root
7 ўзнікшай ADJ 8 amod
8 трывогі NOUN 6 obj
9 , PUNCT 12 punct
10 але CCONJ 12 cc
11 крыху NOUN 12 obl
12 супакоіла VERB 6 conj
13 чалавека NOUN 12 obj
14 . PUNCT 6 punct |
As a helpful and smart assistant, your task is to parse a given text in any language to Universal Dependency (UD) format including POS tags and dependency relations (HEAD and DEPREL).
Key Components of UD Annotation:
1. Tokens: The fundamental units within UD are tokens. These can be individual words, punctuation marks, or even parts of multi-word expressions. Each token has several associated attributes.
2. UPOS Tags: The UPOS field in the CoNLL-U format represents the universal part-of-speech tag assigned to each word. This tag is part of a universal POS tag set designed to be applicable across different languages. The UPOS tags include categories such as NOUN, VERB, ADJ (adjective), ADV (adverb), PRON (pronoun), DET (determiner), and more.
3. Dependency Relations: Dependency relations are the core of the syntactic representation. They form a tree structure over the tokens in a sentence. Here's how they work:
- HEAD: This field indicates the head of the current word. The head is the word that the current word is connected to in the dependency parse tree. The value is an integer that corresponds to the ID of the head word within the same sentence. A value of zero (0) indicates that the word is the root of the sentence.
- DEPREL: The DEPREL field specifies the type of dependency relation between the current word and its head (as specified in the HEAD field). The value is a universal dependency relation or a language-specific subtype of such a relation.
Note: Blank lines are used to mark the boundaries between sentences.
Let's analyze this sentence with its UD annotation:
"The big dog chased the cat."
1. Tokenization:
- The
- big
- dog
- chased
- the
- cat
- .
2. UPOS Tags:
- The: DET
- big: ADJ
- dog: NOUN
- chased: VERB
- the: DET
- cat: NOUN
- .: PUNCT
3. Head node (parent):
- The: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3
- big: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3
- dog: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
- chased: this is the root node, therefore its head is 0
- the: the parent of this word is "cat" at position 6
- cat: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
- .: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
3. Dependency Relations:
- root(ROOT, chased)
- det(dog, The)
- amod(dog, big)
- nsubj(chased, dog)
- det(cat, the)
- obj(chased, cat)
Combining the above annotations, the final output in UD format is:
Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel
1 The DET 3 det
2 big ADJ 3 amod
3 dog NOUN 4 nsubj
4 chased VERB 0 ROOT
5 the DET 6 det
6 cat NOUN 4 obj
7 . PUNCT 4 punct | Generate UD annotations for the following text: Коні, нібы зразумеўшы намер гаспадара, ахвотна падаліся па мяккай палявой дарозе. | Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel
1 Коні NOUN 9 nsubj
2 , PUNCT 4 punct
3 нібы PART 4 advmod
4 зразумеўшы VERB 9 advcl
5 намер NOUN 4 obj
6 гаспадара NOUN 5 nmod
7 , PUNCT 4 punct
8 ахвотна ADV 9 advmod
9 падаліся VERB 0 root
10 па ADP 13 case
11 мяккай ADJ 13 amod
12 палявой ADJ 13 amod
13 дарозе NOUN 9 obl
14 . PUNCT 9 punct |
As a helpful and smart assistant, your task is to parse a given text in any language to Universal Dependency (UD) format including POS tags and dependency relations (HEAD and DEPREL).
Key Components of UD Annotation:
1. Tokens: The fundamental units within UD are tokens. These can be individual words, punctuation marks, or even parts of multi-word expressions. Each token has several associated attributes.
2. UPOS Tags: The UPOS field in the CoNLL-U format represents the universal part-of-speech tag assigned to each word. This tag is part of a universal POS tag set designed to be applicable across different languages. The UPOS tags include categories such as NOUN, VERB, ADJ (adjective), ADV (adverb), PRON (pronoun), DET (determiner), and more.
3. Dependency Relations: Dependency relations are the core of the syntactic representation. They form a tree structure over the tokens in a sentence. Here's how they work:
- HEAD: This field indicates the head of the current word. The head is the word that the current word is connected to in the dependency parse tree. The value is an integer that corresponds to the ID of the head word within the same sentence. A value of zero (0) indicates that the word is the root of the sentence.
- DEPREL: The DEPREL field specifies the type of dependency relation between the current word and its head (as specified in the HEAD field). The value is a universal dependency relation or a language-specific subtype of such a relation.
Note: Blank lines are used to mark the boundaries between sentences.
Let's analyze this sentence with its UD annotation:
"The big dog chased the cat."
1. Tokenization:
- The
- big
- dog
- chased
- the
- cat
- .
2. UPOS Tags:
- The: DET
- big: ADJ
- dog: NOUN
- chased: VERB
- the: DET
- cat: NOUN
- .: PUNCT
3. Head node (parent):
- The: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3
- big: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3
- dog: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
- chased: this is the root node, therefore its head is 0
- the: the parent of this word is "cat" at position 6
- cat: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
- .: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
3. Dependency Relations:
- root(ROOT, chased)
- det(dog, The)
- amod(dog, big)
- nsubj(chased, dog)
- det(cat, the)
- obj(chased, cat)
Combining the above annotations, the final output in UD format is:
Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel
1 The DET 3 det
2 big ADJ 3 amod
3 dog NOUN 4 nsubj
4 chased VERB 0 ROOT
5 the DET 6 det
6 cat NOUN 4 obj
7 . PUNCT 4 punct | Generate UD annotations for the following text: Максім Корань — ездавы сёмай роты. | Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel
1 Максім PROPN 4 nsubj
2 Корань PROPN 1 flat:name
3 — PUNCT 4 punct
4 ездавы NOUN 0 root
5 сёмай ADJ 6 amod
6 роты NOUN 4 nmod
7 . PUNCT 4 punct |
As a helpful and smart assistant, your task is to parse a given text in any language to Universal Dependency (UD) format including POS tags and dependency relations (HEAD and DEPREL).
Key Components of UD Annotation:
1. Tokens: The fundamental units within UD are tokens. These can be individual words, punctuation marks, or even parts of multi-word expressions. Each token has several associated attributes.
2. UPOS Tags: The UPOS field in the CoNLL-U format represents the universal part-of-speech tag assigned to each word. This tag is part of a universal POS tag set designed to be applicable across different languages. The UPOS tags include categories such as NOUN, VERB, ADJ (adjective), ADV (adverb), PRON (pronoun), DET (determiner), and more.
3. Dependency Relations: Dependency relations are the core of the syntactic representation. They form a tree structure over the tokens in a sentence. Here's how they work:
- HEAD: This field indicates the head of the current word. The head is the word that the current word is connected to in the dependency parse tree. The value is an integer that corresponds to the ID of the head word within the same sentence. A value of zero (0) indicates that the word is the root of the sentence.
- DEPREL: The DEPREL field specifies the type of dependency relation between the current word and its head (as specified in the HEAD field). The value is a universal dependency relation or a language-specific subtype of such a relation.
Note: Blank lines are used to mark the boundaries between sentences.
Let's analyze this sentence with its UD annotation:
"The big dog chased the cat."
1. Tokenization:
- The
- big
- dog
- chased
- the
- cat
- .
2. UPOS Tags:
- The: DET
- big: ADJ
- dog: NOUN
- chased: VERB
- the: DET
- cat: NOUN
- .: PUNCT
3. Head node (parent):
- The: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3
- big: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3
- dog: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
- chased: this is the root node, therefore its head is 0
- the: the parent of this word is "cat" at position 6
- cat: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
- .: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
3. Dependency Relations:
- root(ROOT, chased)
- det(dog, The)
- amod(dog, big)
- nsubj(chased, dog)
- det(cat, the)
- obj(chased, cat)
Combining the above annotations, the final output in UD format is:
Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel
1 The DET 3 det
2 big ADJ 3 amod
3 dog NOUN 4 nsubj
4 chased VERB 0 ROOT
5 the DET 6 det
6 cat NOUN 4 obj
7 . PUNCT 4 punct | Generate UD annotations for the following text: Гэтую вайсковую пасаду заняў ён нядаўна, і прычынай таму быў яго ўзрост — Корань лічыўся самым старым салдатам у роце. | Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel
1 Гэтую DET 3 det
2 вайсковую ADJ 3 amod
3 пасаду NOUN 4 obj
4 заняў VERB 0 root
5 ён PRON 4 nsubj
6 нядаўна ADV 4 advmod
7 , PUNCT 9 punct
8 і CCONJ 9 cc
9 прычынай NOUN 4 conj
10 таму PRON 9 nmod
11 быў AUX 9 cop
12 яго DET 13 det
13 ўзрост NOUN 9 nsubj
14 — PUNCT 16 punct
15 Корань PROPN 16 nsubj
16 лічыўся VERB 9 parataxis
17 самым ADJ 18 amod
18 старым ADJ 19 amod
19 салдатам NOUN 16 xcomp
20 у ADP 21 case
21 роце NOUN 18 obl
22 . PUNCT 4 punct |
As a helpful and smart assistant, your task is to parse a given text in any language to Universal Dependency (UD) format including POS tags and dependency relations (HEAD and DEPREL).
Key Components of UD Annotation:
1. Tokens: The fundamental units within UD are tokens. These can be individual words, punctuation marks, or even parts of multi-word expressions. Each token has several associated attributes.
2. UPOS Tags: The UPOS field in the CoNLL-U format represents the universal part-of-speech tag assigned to each word. This tag is part of a universal POS tag set designed to be applicable across different languages. The UPOS tags include categories such as NOUN, VERB, ADJ (adjective), ADV (adverb), PRON (pronoun), DET (determiner), and more.
3. Dependency Relations: Dependency relations are the core of the syntactic representation. They form a tree structure over the tokens in a sentence. Here's how they work:
- HEAD: This field indicates the head of the current word. The head is the word that the current word is connected to in the dependency parse tree. The value is an integer that corresponds to the ID of the head word within the same sentence. A value of zero (0) indicates that the word is the root of the sentence.
- DEPREL: The DEPREL field specifies the type of dependency relation between the current word and its head (as specified in the HEAD field). The value is a universal dependency relation or a language-specific subtype of such a relation.
Note: Blank lines are used to mark the boundaries between sentences.
Let's analyze this sentence with its UD annotation:
"The big dog chased the cat."
1. Tokenization:
- The
- big
- dog
- chased
- the
- cat
- .
2. UPOS Tags:
- The: DET
- big: ADJ
- dog: NOUN
- chased: VERB
- the: DET
- cat: NOUN
- .: PUNCT
3. Head node (parent):
- The: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3
- big: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3
- dog: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
- chased: this is the root node, therefore its head is 0
- the: the parent of this word is "cat" at position 6
- cat: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
- .: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
3. Dependency Relations:
- root(ROOT, chased)
- det(dog, The)
- amod(dog, big)
- nsubj(chased, dog)
- det(cat, the)
- obj(chased, cat)
Combining the above annotations, the final output in UD format is:
Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel
1 The DET 3 det
2 big ADJ 3 amod
3 dog NOUN 4 nsubj
4 chased VERB 0 ROOT
5 the DET 6 det
6 cat NOUN 4 obj
7 . PUNCT 4 punct | Generate UD annotations for the following text: Максім цяпер разумеў, што з такімі гадамі хоць і давялося трапіць на фронт, але ваяваць ужо наўрад ці прыйдзецца. | Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel
1 Максім PROPN 3 nsubj
2 цяпер ADV 3 advmod
3 разумеў VERB 0 root
4 , PUNCT 11 punct
5 што SCONJ 11 mark
6 з ADP 8 case
7 такімі DET 8 det
8 гадамі NOUN 12 obl
9 хоць PART 11 advmod
10 і PART 11 advmod
11 давялося VERB 3 ccomp
12 трапіць VERB 11 xcomp
13 на ADP 14 case
14 фронт NOUN 12 obl
15 , PUNCT 21 punct
16 але CCONJ 21 cc
17 ваяваць VERB 21 xcomp
18 ужо ADV 19 advmod
19 наўрад ADV 21 advmod
20 ці PART 19 fixed
21 прыйдзецца VERB 11 conj
22 . PUNCT 3 punct |
As a helpful and smart assistant, your task is to parse a given text in any language to Universal Dependency (UD) format including POS tags and dependency relations (HEAD and DEPREL).
Key Components of UD Annotation:
1. Tokens: The fundamental units within UD are tokens. These can be individual words, punctuation marks, or even parts of multi-word expressions. Each token has several associated attributes.
2. UPOS Tags: The UPOS field in the CoNLL-U format represents the universal part-of-speech tag assigned to each word. This tag is part of a universal POS tag set designed to be applicable across different languages. The UPOS tags include categories such as NOUN, VERB, ADJ (adjective), ADV (adverb), PRON (pronoun), DET (determiner), and more.
3. Dependency Relations: Dependency relations are the core of the syntactic representation. They form a tree structure over the tokens in a sentence. Here's how they work:
- HEAD: This field indicates the head of the current word. The head is the word that the current word is connected to in the dependency parse tree. The value is an integer that corresponds to the ID of the head word within the same sentence. A value of zero (0) indicates that the word is the root of the sentence.
- DEPREL: The DEPREL field specifies the type of dependency relation between the current word and its head (as specified in the HEAD field). The value is a universal dependency relation or a language-specific subtype of such a relation.
Note: Blank lines are used to mark the boundaries between sentences.
Let's analyze this sentence with its UD annotation:
"The big dog chased the cat."
1. Tokenization:
- The
- big
- dog
- chased
- the
- cat
- .
2. UPOS Tags:
- The: DET
- big: ADJ
- dog: NOUN
- chased: VERB
- the: DET
- cat: NOUN
- .: PUNCT
3. Head node (parent):
- The: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3
- big: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3
- dog: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
- chased: this is the root node, therefore its head is 0
- the: the parent of this word is "cat" at position 6
- cat: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
- .: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
3. Dependency Relations:
- root(ROOT, chased)
- det(dog, The)
- amod(dog, big)
- nsubj(chased, dog)
- det(cat, the)
- obj(chased, cat)
Combining the above annotations, the final output in UD format is:
Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel
1 The DET 3 det
2 big ADJ 3 amod
3 dog NOUN 4 nsubj
4 chased VERB 0 ROOT
5 the DET 6 det
6 cat NOUN 4 obj
7 . PUNCT 4 punct | Generate UD annotations for the following text: Есць у войску старшыны, якія заўсёды цікуюць старога, каб са строю забраць яго да коней або да кухні ці яшчэ куды, дзе патрэбны дбайны, надзейны гаспадар. | Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel
1 Есць VERB 0 root
2 у ADP 3 case
3 войску NOUN 1 obl
4 старшыны NOUN 1 nsubj
5 , PUNCT 8 punct
6 якія PRON 8 nsubj
7 заўсёды ADV 8 advmod
8 цікуюць VERB 4 acl:relcl
9 старога ADJ 8 obj
10 , PUNCT 14 punct
11 каб SCONJ 14 mark
12 са ADP 13 case
13 строю NOUN 14 obl
14 забраць VERB 8 advcl
15 яго PRON 14 obj
16 да ADP 17 case
17 коней NOUN 14 obl
18 або CCONJ 20 cc
19 да ADP 20 case
20 кухні NOUN 17 conj
21 ці CCONJ 23 cc
22 яшчэ ADV 23 advmod
23 куды ADV 17 conj
24 , PUNCT 26 punct
25 дзе ADV 26 advmod
26 патрэбны ADJ 23 advcl
27 дбайны ADJ 30 amod
28 , PUNCT 29 punct
29 надзейны ADJ 27 conj
30 гаспадар NOUN 26 nsubj
31 . PUNCT 1 punct |
As a helpful and smart assistant, your task is to parse a given text in any language to Universal Dependency (UD) format including POS tags and dependency relations (HEAD and DEPREL).
Key Components of UD Annotation:
1. Tokens: The fundamental units within UD are tokens. These can be individual words, punctuation marks, or even parts of multi-word expressions. Each token has several associated attributes.
2. UPOS Tags: The UPOS field in the CoNLL-U format represents the universal part-of-speech tag assigned to each word. This tag is part of a universal POS tag set designed to be applicable across different languages. The UPOS tags include categories such as NOUN, VERB, ADJ (adjective), ADV (adverb), PRON (pronoun), DET (determiner), and more.
3. Dependency Relations: Dependency relations are the core of the syntactic representation. They form a tree structure over the tokens in a sentence. Here's how they work:
- HEAD: This field indicates the head of the current word. The head is the word that the current word is connected to in the dependency parse tree. The value is an integer that corresponds to the ID of the head word within the same sentence. A value of zero (0) indicates that the word is the root of the sentence.
- DEPREL: The DEPREL field specifies the type of dependency relation between the current word and its head (as specified in the HEAD field). The value is a universal dependency relation or a language-specific subtype of such a relation.
Note: Blank lines are used to mark the boundaries between sentences.
Let's analyze this sentence with its UD annotation:
"The big dog chased the cat."
1. Tokenization:
- The
- big
- dog
- chased
- the
- cat
- .
2. UPOS Tags:
- The: DET
- big: ADJ
- dog: NOUN
- chased: VERB
- the: DET
- cat: NOUN
- .: PUNCT
3. Head node (parent):
- The: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3
- big: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3
- dog: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
- chased: this is the root node, therefore its head is 0
- the: the parent of this word is "cat" at position 6
- cat: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
- .: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
3. Dependency Relations:
- root(ROOT, chased)
- det(dog, The)
- amod(dog, big)
- nsubj(chased, dog)
- det(cat, the)
- obj(chased, cat)
Combining the above annotations, the final output in UD format is:
Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel
1 The DET 3 det
2 big ADJ 3 amod
3 dog NOUN 4 nsubj
4 chased VERB 0 ROOT
5 the DET 6 det
6 cat NOUN 4 obj
7 . PUNCT 4 punct | Generate UD annotations for the following text: Праўда, Максім не вельмі і нудзіўся па тым стралковым узводзе, у якім ён нядоўга служыў дагэтуль. | Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel
1 Праўда NOUN 7 parataxis
2 , PUNCT 1 punct
3 Максім PROPN 7 nsubj
4 не PART 5 advmod
5 вельмі ADV 7 advmod
6 і PART 7 advmod
7 нудзіўся VERB 0 root
8 па ADP 11 case
9 тым DET 11 det
10 стралковым ADJ 11 amod
11 узводзе NOUN 7 obl
12 , PUNCT 17 punct
13 у ADP 14 case
14 якім PRON 17 obl
15 ён PRON 17 nsubj
16 нядоўга ADV 17 advmod
17 служыў VERB 11 acl:relcl
18 дагэтуль ADV 17 advmod
19 . PUNCT 7 punct |
As a helpful and smart assistant, your task is to parse a given text in any language to Universal Dependency (UD) format including POS tags and dependency relations (HEAD and DEPREL).
Key Components of UD Annotation:
1. Tokens: The fundamental units within UD are tokens. These can be individual words, punctuation marks, or even parts of multi-word expressions. Each token has several associated attributes.
2. UPOS Tags: The UPOS field in the CoNLL-U format represents the universal part-of-speech tag assigned to each word. This tag is part of a universal POS tag set designed to be applicable across different languages. The UPOS tags include categories such as NOUN, VERB, ADJ (adjective), ADV (adverb), PRON (pronoun), DET (determiner), and more.
3. Dependency Relations: Dependency relations are the core of the syntactic representation. They form a tree structure over the tokens in a sentence. Here's how they work:
- HEAD: This field indicates the head of the current word. The head is the word that the current word is connected to in the dependency parse tree. The value is an integer that corresponds to the ID of the head word within the same sentence. A value of zero (0) indicates that the word is the root of the sentence.
- DEPREL: The DEPREL field specifies the type of dependency relation between the current word and its head (as specified in the HEAD field). The value is a universal dependency relation or a language-specific subtype of such a relation.
Note: Blank lines are used to mark the boundaries between sentences.
Let's analyze this sentence with its UD annotation:
"The big dog chased the cat."
1. Tokenization:
- The
- big
- dog
- chased
- the
- cat
- .
2. UPOS Tags:
- The: DET
- big: ADJ
- dog: NOUN
- chased: VERB
- the: DET
- cat: NOUN
- .: PUNCT
3. Head node (parent):
- The: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3
- big: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3
- dog: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
- chased: this is the root node, therefore its head is 0
- the: the parent of this word is "cat" at position 6
- cat: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
- .: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
3. Dependency Relations:
- root(ROOT, chased)
- det(dog, The)
- amod(dog, big)
- nsubj(chased, dog)
- det(cat, the)
- obj(chased, cat)
Combining the above annotations, the final output in UD format is:
Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel
1 The DET 3 det
2 big ADJ 3 amod
3 dog NOUN 4 nsubj
4 chased VERB 0 ROOT
5 the DET 6 det
6 cat NOUN 4 obj
7 . PUNCT 4 punct | Generate UD annotations for the following text: «Эт,— разважаў ён,— калі нягож у страі, дык і няма чаго лезці туды. | Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel
1 « PUNCT 2 punct
2 Эт PART 16 discourse
3 , PUNCT 5 punct
4 — PUNCT 5 punct
5 разважаў VERB 0 root
6 ён PRON 5 nsubj
7 , PUNCT 5 punct
8 — PUNCT 16 punct
9 калі SCONJ 10 mark
10 нягож PART 16 advcl
11 у ADP 12 case
12 страі NOUN 10 obl
13 , PUNCT 10 punct
14 дык PART 16 advmod
15 і PART 16 advmod
16 няма VERB 5 parataxis
17 чаго PRON 16 fixed
18 лезці VERB 16 csubj
19 туды ADV 18 advmod
20 . PUNCT 5 punct |
As a helpful and smart assistant, your task is to parse a given text in any language to Universal Dependency (UD) format including POS tags and dependency relations (HEAD and DEPREL).
Key Components of UD Annotation:
1. Tokens: The fundamental units within UD are tokens. These can be individual words, punctuation marks, or even parts of multi-word expressions. Each token has several associated attributes.
2. UPOS Tags: The UPOS field in the CoNLL-U format represents the universal part-of-speech tag assigned to each word. This tag is part of a universal POS tag set designed to be applicable across different languages. The UPOS tags include categories such as NOUN, VERB, ADJ (adjective), ADV (adverb), PRON (pronoun), DET (determiner), and more.
3. Dependency Relations: Dependency relations are the core of the syntactic representation. They form a tree structure over the tokens in a sentence. Here's how they work:
- HEAD: This field indicates the head of the current word. The head is the word that the current word is connected to in the dependency parse tree. The value is an integer that corresponds to the ID of the head word within the same sentence. A value of zero (0) indicates that the word is the root of the sentence.
- DEPREL: The DEPREL field specifies the type of dependency relation between the current word and its head (as specified in the HEAD field). The value is a universal dependency relation or a language-specific subtype of such a relation.
Note: Blank lines are used to mark the boundaries between sentences.
Let's analyze this sentence with its UD annotation:
"The big dog chased the cat."
1. Tokenization:
- The
- big
- dog
- chased
- the
- cat
- .
2. UPOS Tags:
- The: DET
- big: ADJ
- dog: NOUN
- chased: VERB
- the: DET
- cat: NOUN
- .: PUNCT
3. Head node (parent):
- The: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3
- big: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3
- dog: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
- chased: this is the root node, therefore its head is 0
- the: the parent of this word is "cat" at position 6
- cat: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
- .: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
3. Dependency Relations:
- root(ROOT, chased)
- det(dog, The)
- amod(dog, big)
- nsubj(chased, dog)
- det(cat, the)
- obj(chased, cat)
Combining the above annotations, the final output in UD format is:
Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel
1 The DET 3 det
2 big ADJ 3 amod
3 dog NOUN 4 nsubj
4 chased VERB 0 ROOT
5 the DET 6 det
6 cat NOUN 4 obj
7 . PUNCT 4 punct | Generate UD annotations for the following text: Начальству лепш відаць, дзе тваё месца». | Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel
1 Начальству NOUN 3 iobj
2 лепш ADV 3 advmod
3 відаць VERB 0 root
4 , PUNCT 5 punct
5 дзе ADV 3 ccomp
6 тваё DET 7 det
7 месца NOUN 5 nsubj
8 » PUNCT 3 punct
9 . PUNCT 3 punct |
As a helpful and smart assistant, your task is to parse a given text in any language to Universal Dependency (UD) format including POS tags and dependency relations (HEAD and DEPREL).
Key Components of UD Annotation:
1. Tokens: The fundamental units within UD are tokens. These can be individual words, punctuation marks, or even parts of multi-word expressions. Each token has several associated attributes.
2. UPOS Tags: The UPOS field in the CoNLL-U format represents the universal part-of-speech tag assigned to each word. This tag is part of a universal POS tag set designed to be applicable across different languages. The UPOS tags include categories such as NOUN, VERB, ADJ (adjective), ADV (adverb), PRON (pronoun), DET (determiner), and more.
3. Dependency Relations: Dependency relations are the core of the syntactic representation. They form a tree structure over the tokens in a sentence. Here's how they work:
- HEAD: This field indicates the head of the current word. The head is the word that the current word is connected to in the dependency parse tree. The value is an integer that corresponds to the ID of the head word within the same sentence. A value of zero (0) indicates that the word is the root of the sentence.
- DEPREL: The DEPREL field specifies the type of dependency relation between the current word and its head (as specified in the HEAD field). The value is a universal dependency relation or a language-specific subtype of such a relation.
Note: Blank lines are used to mark the boundaries between sentences.
Let's analyze this sentence with its UD annotation:
"The big dog chased the cat."
1. Tokenization:
- The
- big
- dog
- chased
- the
- cat
- .
2. UPOS Tags:
- The: DET
- big: ADJ
- dog: NOUN
- chased: VERB
- the: DET
- cat: NOUN
- .: PUNCT
3. Head node (parent):
- The: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3
- big: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3
- dog: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
- chased: this is the root node, therefore its head is 0
- the: the parent of this word is "cat" at position 6
- cat: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
- .: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
3. Dependency Relations:
- root(ROOT, chased)
- det(dog, The)
- amod(dog, big)
- nsubj(chased, dog)
- det(cat, the)
- obj(chased, cat)
Combining the above annotations, the final output in UD format is:
Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel
1 The DET 3 det
2 big ADJ 3 amod
3 dog NOUN 4 nsubj
4 chased VERB 0 ROOT
5 the DET 6 det
6 cat NOUN 4 obj
7 . PUNCT 4 punct | Generate UD annotations for the following text: Нядаўна па загадзе старшыны прыняў ён пару спраўных трафейных коней і цяжкую, акутую жалезам вайсковую каламажку. | Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel
1 Нядаўна ADV 5 advmod
2 па ADP 3 case
3 загадзе NOUN 5 obl
4 старшыны NOUN 3 nmod
5 прыняў VERB 0 root
6 ён PRON 7 nsubj
7 пару NOUN 5 obj
8 спраўных ADJ 10 amod
9 трафейных ADJ 10 amod
10 коней NOUN 7 nmod
11 і CCONJ 17 cc
12 цяжкую ADJ 17 amod
13 , PUNCT 14 punct
14 акутую VERB 12 conj
15 жалезам NOUN 14 iobj
16 вайсковую ADJ 17 amod
17 каламажку NOUN 7 conj
18 . PUNCT 5 punct |
As a helpful and smart assistant, your task is to parse a given text in any language to Universal Dependency (UD) format including POS tags and dependency relations (HEAD and DEPREL).
Key Components of UD Annotation:
1. Tokens: The fundamental units within UD are tokens. These can be individual words, punctuation marks, or even parts of multi-word expressions. Each token has several associated attributes.
2. UPOS Tags: The UPOS field in the CoNLL-U format represents the universal part-of-speech tag assigned to each word. This tag is part of a universal POS tag set designed to be applicable across different languages. The UPOS tags include categories such as NOUN, VERB, ADJ (adjective), ADV (adverb), PRON (pronoun), DET (determiner), and more.
3. Dependency Relations: Dependency relations are the core of the syntactic representation. They form a tree structure over the tokens in a sentence. Here's how they work:
- HEAD: This field indicates the head of the current word. The head is the word that the current word is connected to in the dependency parse tree. The value is an integer that corresponds to the ID of the head word within the same sentence. A value of zero (0) indicates that the word is the root of the sentence.
- DEPREL: The DEPREL field specifies the type of dependency relation between the current word and its head (as specified in the HEAD field). The value is a universal dependency relation or a language-specific subtype of such a relation.
Note: Blank lines are used to mark the boundaries between sentences.
Let's analyze this sentence with its UD annotation:
"The big dog chased the cat."
1. Tokenization:
- The
- big
- dog
- chased
- the
- cat
- .
2. UPOS Tags:
- The: DET
- big: ADJ
- dog: NOUN
- chased: VERB
- the: DET
- cat: NOUN
- .: PUNCT
3. Head node (parent):
- The: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3
- big: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3
- dog: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
- chased: this is the root node, therefore its head is 0
- the: the parent of this word is "cat" at position 6
- cat: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
- .: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
3. Dependency Relations:
- root(ROOT, chased)
- det(dog, The)
- amod(dog, big)
- nsubj(chased, dog)
- det(cat, the)
- obj(chased, cat)
Combining the above annotations, the final output in UD format is:
Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel
1 The DET 3 det
2 big ADJ 3 amod
3 dog NOUN 4 nsubj
4 chased VERB 0 ROOT
5 the DET 6 det
6 cat NOUN 4 obj
7 . PUNCT 4 punct | Generate UD annotations for the following text: Так пачалася яго служба на новай пасадзе, служба спакойная і аднастайная, мала чым падобная да вайсковай. | Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel
1 Так ADV 2 advmod
2 пачалася VERB 0 root
3 яго DET 4 det
4 служба NOUN 2 nsubj
5 на ADP 7 case
6 новай ADJ 7 amod
7 пасадзе NOUN 2 obl
8 , PUNCT 9 punct
9 служба NOUN 4 conj
10 спакойная ADJ 9 amod
11 і CCONJ 12 cc
12 аднастайная ADJ 10 conj
13 , PUNCT 16 punct
14 мала ADV 15 advmod
15 чым PRON 16 obl
16 падобная ADJ 10 conj
17 да ADP 18 case
18 вайсковай ADJ 16 obl
19 . PUNCT 2 punct |
As a helpful and smart assistant, your task is to parse a given text in any language to Universal Dependency (UD) format including POS tags and dependency relations (HEAD and DEPREL).
Key Components of UD Annotation:
1. Tokens: The fundamental units within UD are tokens. These can be individual words, punctuation marks, or even parts of multi-word expressions. Each token has several associated attributes.
2. UPOS Tags: The UPOS field in the CoNLL-U format represents the universal part-of-speech tag assigned to each word. This tag is part of a universal POS tag set designed to be applicable across different languages. The UPOS tags include categories such as NOUN, VERB, ADJ (adjective), ADV (adverb), PRON (pronoun), DET (determiner), and more.
3. Dependency Relations: Dependency relations are the core of the syntactic representation. They form a tree structure over the tokens in a sentence. Here's how they work:
- HEAD: This field indicates the head of the current word. The head is the word that the current word is connected to in the dependency parse tree. The value is an integer that corresponds to the ID of the head word within the same sentence. A value of zero (0) indicates that the word is the root of the sentence.
- DEPREL: The DEPREL field specifies the type of dependency relation between the current word and its head (as specified in the HEAD field). The value is a universal dependency relation or a language-specific subtype of such a relation.
Note: Blank lines are used to mark the boundaries between sentences.
Let's analyze this sentence with its UD annotation:
"The big dog chased the cat."
1. Tokenization:
- The
- big
- dog
- chased
- the
- cat
- .
2. UPOS Tags:
- The: DET
- big: ADJ
- dog: NOUN
- chased: VERB
- the: DET
- cat: NOUN
- .: PUNCT
3. Head node (parent):
- The: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3
- big: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3
- dog: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
- chased: this is the root node, therefore its head is 0
- the: the parent of this word is "cat" at position 6
- cat: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
- .: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
3. Dependency Relations:
- root(ROOT, chased)
- det(dog, The)
- amod(dog, big)
- nsubj(chased, dog)
- det(cat, the)
- obj(chased, cat)
Combining the above annotations, the final output in UD format is:
Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel
1 The DET 3 det
2 big ADJ 3 amod
3 dog NOUN 4 nsubj
4 chased VERB 0 ROOT
5 the DET 6 det
6 cat NOUN 4 obj
7 . PUNCT 4 punct | Generate UD annotations for the following text: Максім ведаў толькі клопаты пра коней ды паклажу, выконваў старшыновы загады, асцерагаўся бамбёжкі ды баяўся часам задрамаць на возе, каб не адстаць ад абозу. | Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel
1 Максім PROPN 2 nsubj
2 ведаў VERB 0 root
3 толькі PART 4 advmod
4 клопаты NOUN 2 obj
5 пра ADP 6 case
6 коней NOUN 4 nmod
7 ды CCONJ 8 cc
8 паклажу NOUN 6 conj
9 , PUNCT 10 punct
10 выконваў VERB 2 conj
11 старшыновы ADJ 12 amod
12 загады NOUN 10 obj
13 , PUNCT 14 punct
14 асцерагаўся VERB 2 conj
15 бамбёжкі NOUN 14 obj
16 ды CCONJ 17 cc
17 баяўся VERB 2 conj
18 часам NOUN 19 obl
19 задрамаць VERB 17 xcomp
20 на ADP 21 case
21 возе NOUN 19 obl
22 , PUNCT 25 punct
23 каб SCONJ 25 mark
24 не PART 25 advmod
25 адстаць VERB 17 advcl
26 ад ADP 27 case
27 абозу NOUN 25 obl
28 . PUNCT 2 punct |
As a helpful and smart assistant, your task is to parse a given text in any language to Universal Dependency (UD) format including POS tags and dependency relations (HEAD and DEPREL).
Key Components of UD Annotation:
1. Tokens: The fundamental units within UD are tokens. These can be individual words, punctuation marks, or even parts of multi-word expressions. Each token has several associated attributes.
2. UPOS Tags: The UPOS field in the CoNLL-U format represents the universal part-of-speech tag assigned to each word. This tag is part of a universal POS tag set designed to be applicable across different languages. The UPOS tags include categories such as NOUN, VERB, ADJ (adjective), ADV (adverb), PRON (pronoun), DET (determiner), and more.
3. Dependency Relations: Dependency relations are the core of the syntactic representation. They form a tree structure over the tokens in a sentence. Here's how they work:
- HEAD: This field indicates the head of the current word. The head is the word that the current word is connected to in the dependency parse tree. The value is an integer that corresponds to the ID of the head word within the same sentence. A value of zero (0) indicates that the word is the root of the sentence.
- DEPREL: The DEPREL field specifies the type of dependency relation between the current word and its head (as specified in the HEAD field). The value is a universal dependency relation or a language-specific subtype of such a relation.
Note: Blank lines are used to mark the boundaries between sentences.
Let's analyze this sentence with its UD annotation:
"The big dog chased the cat."
1. Tokenization:
- The
- big
- dog
- chased
- the
- cat
- .
2. UPOS Tags:
- The: DET
- big: ADJ
- dog: NOUN
- chased: VERB
- the: DET
- cat: NOUN
- .: PUNCT
3. Head node (parent):
- The: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3
- big: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3
- dog: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
- chased: this is the root node, therefore its head is 0
- the: the parent of this word is "cat" at position 6
- cat: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
- .: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
3. Dependency Relations:
- root(ROOT, chased)
- det(dog, The)
- amod(dog, big)
- nsubj(chased, dog)
- det(cat, the)
- obj(chased, cat)
Combining the above annotations, the final output in UD format is:
Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel
1 The DET 3 det
2 big ADJ 3 amod
3 dog NOUN 4 nsubj
4 chased VERB 0 ROOT
5 the DET 6 det
6 cat NOUN 4 obj
7 . PUNCT 4 punct | Generate UD annotations for the following text: Пад бамбёжку, праўда, трапіць не давялося, а адстаць вось здарыўся выпадак. | Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel
1 Пад ADP 2 case
2 бамбёжку NOUN 6 obl
3 , PUNCT 4 punct
4 праўда NOUN 8 parataxis
5 , PUNCT 4 punct
6 трапіць VERB 8 xcomp
7 не PART 8 advmod
8 давялося VERB 0 root
9 , PUNCT 13 punct
10 а CCONJ 13 cc
11 адстаць VERB 13 xcomp
12 вось PART 13 advmod
13 здарыўся VERB 8 conj
14 выпадак NOUN 13 nsubj
15 . PUNCT 8 punct |
As a helpful and smart assistant, your task is to parse a given text in any language to Universal Dependency (UD) format including POS tags and dependency relations (HEAD and DEPREL).
Key Components of UD Annotation:
1. Tokens: The fundamental units within UD are tokens. These can be individual words, punctuation marks, or even parts of multi-word expressions. Each token has several associated attributes.
2. UPOS Tags: The UPOS field in the CoNLL-U format represents the universal part-of-speech tag assigned to each word. This tag is part of a universal POS tag set designed to be applicable across different languages. The UPOS tags include categories such as NOUN, VERB, ADJ (adjective), ADV (adverb), PRON (pronoun), DET (determiner), and more.
3. Dependency Relations: Dependency relations are the core of the syntactic representation. They form a tree structure over the tokens in a sentence. Here's how they work:
- HEAD: This field indicates the head of the current word. The head is the word that the current word is connected to in the dependency parse tree. The value is an integer that corresponds to the ID of the head word within the same sentence. A value of zero (0) indicates that the word is the root of the sentence.
- DEPREL: The DEPREL field specifies the type of dependency relation between the current word and its head (as specified in the HEAD field). The value is a universal dependency relation or a language-specific subtype of such a relation.
Note: Blank lines are used to mark the boundaries between sentences.
Let's analyze this sentence with its UD annotation:
"The big dog chased the cat."
1. Tokenization:
- The
- big
- dog
- chased
- the
- cat
- .
2. UPOS Tags:
- The: DET
- big: ADJ
- dog: NOUN
- chased: VERB
- the: DET
- cat: NOUN
- .: PUNCT
3. Head node (parent):
- The: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3
- big: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3
- dog: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
- chased: this is the root node, therefore its head is 0
- the: the parent of this word is "cat" at position 6
- cat: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
- .: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
3. Dependency Relations:
- root(ROOT, chased)
- det(dog, The)
- amod(dog, big)
- nsubj(chased, dog)
- det(cat, the)
- obj(chased, cat)
Combining the above annotations, the final output in UD format is:
Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel
1 The DET 3 det
2 big ADJ 3 amod
3 dog NOUN 4 nsubj
4 chased VERB 0 ROOT
5 the DET 6 det
6 cat NOUN 4 obj
7 . PUNCT 4 punct | Generate UD annotations for the following text: «і як недарэчна выйшла, — думаў Максім. | Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel
1 « PUNCT 5 punct
2 і CCONJ 5 cc
3 як ADV 4 advmod
4 недарэчна ADV 5 advmod
5 выйшла VERB 0 root
6 , PUNCT 8 punct
7 — PUNCT 8 punct
8 думаў VERB 5 parataxis
9 Максім PROPN 8 nsubj
10 . PUNCT 5 punct |
As a helpful and smart assistant, your task is to parse a given text in any language to Universal Dependency (UD) format including POS tags and dependency relations (HEAD and DEPREL).
Key Components of UD Annotation:
1. Tokens: The fundamental units within UD are tokens. These can be individual words, punctuation marks, or even parts of multi-word expressions. Each token has several associated attributes.
2. UPOS Tags: The UPOS field in the CoNLL-U format represents the universal part-of-speech tag assigned to each word. This tag is part of a universal POS tag set designed to be applicable across different languages. The UPOS tags include categories such as NOUN, VERB, ADJ (adjective), ADV (adverb), PRON (pronoun), DET (determiner), and more.
3. Dependency Relations: Dependency relations are the core of the syntactic representation. They form a tree structure over the tokens in a sentence. Here's how they work:
- HEAD: This field indicates the head of the current word. The head is the word that the current word is connected to in the dependency parse tree. The value is an integer that corresponds to the ID of the head word within the same sentence. A value of zero (0) indicates that the word is the root of the sentence.
- DEPREL: The DEPREL field specifies the type of dependency relation between the current word and its head (as specified in the HEAD field). The value is a universal dependency relation or a language-specific subtype of such a relation.
Note: Blank lines are used to mark the boundaries between sentences.
Let's analyze this sentence with its UD annotation:
"The big dog chased the cat."
1. Tokenization:
- The
- big
- dog
- chased
- the
- cat
- .
2. UPOS Tags:
- The: DET
- big: ADJ
- dog: NOUN
- chased: VERB
- the: DET
- cat: NOUN
- .: PUNCT
3. Head node (parent):
- The: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3
- big: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3
- dog: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
- chased: this is the root node, therefore its head is 0
- the: the parent of this word is "cat" at position 6
- cat: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
- .: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
3. Dependency Relations:
- root(ROOT, chased)
- det(dog, The)
- amod(dog, big)
- nsubj(chased, dog)
- det(cat, the)
- obj(chased, cat)
Combining the above annotations, the final output in UD format is:
Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel
1 The DET 3 det
2 big ADJ 3 amod
3 dog NOUN 4 nsubj
4 chased VERB 0 ROOT
5 the DET 6 det
6 cat NOUN 4 obj
7 . PUNCT 4 punct | Generate UD annotations for the following text: — Каб ён згарэў, той вобад. | Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel
1 — PUNCT 4 punct
2 Каб SCONJ 4 mark
3 ён PRON 4 nsubj
4 згарэў VERB 0 root
5 , PUNCT 7 punct
6 той DET 7 det
7 вобад NOUN 3 appos
8 . PUNCT 4 punct |
As a helpful and smart assistant, your task is to parse a given text in any language to Universal Dependency (UD) format including POS tags and dependency relations (HEAD and DEPREL).
Key Components of UD Annotation:
1. Tokens: The fundamental units within UD are tokens. These can be individual words, punctuation marks, or even parts of multi-word expressions. Each token has several associated attributes.
2. UPOS Tags: The UPOS field in the CoNLL-U format represents the universal part-of-speech tag assigned to each word. This tag is part of a universal POS tag set designed to be applicable across different languages. The UPOS tags include categories such as NOUN, VERB, ADJ (adjective), ADV (adverb), PRON (pronoun), DET (determiner), and more.
3. Dependency Relations: Dependency relations are the core of the syntactic representation. They form a tree structure over the tokens in a sentence. Here's how they work:
- HEAD: This field indicates the head of the current word. The head is the word that the current word is connected to in the dependency parse tree. The value is an integer that corresponds to the ID of the head word within the same sentence. A value of zero (0) indicates that the word is the root of the sentence.
- DEPREL: The DEPREL field specifies the type of dependency relation between the current word and its head (as specified in the HEAD field). The value is a universal dependency relation or a language-specific subtype of such a relation.
Note: Blank lines are used to mark the boundaries between sentences.
Let's analyze this sentence with its UD annotation:
"The big dog chased the cat."
1. Tokenization:
- The
- big
- dog
- chased
- the
- cat
- .
2. UPOS Tags:
- The: DET
- big: ADJ
- dog: NOUN
- chased: VERB
- the: DET
- cat: NOUN
- .: PUNCT
3. Head node (parent):
- The: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3
- big: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3
- dog: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
- chased: this is the root node, therefore its head is 0
- the: the parent of this word is "cat" at position 6
- cat: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
- .: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
3. Dependency Relations:
- root(ROOT, chased)
- det(dog, The)
- amod(dog, big)
- nsubj(chased, dog)
- det(cat, the)
- obj(chased, cat)
Combining the above annotations, the final output in UD format is:
Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel
1 The DET 3 det
2 big ADJ 3 amod
3 dog NOUN 4 nsubj
4 chased VERB 0 ROOT
5 the DET 6 det
6 cat NOUN 4 obj
7 . PUNCT 4 punct | Generate UD annotations for the following text: Трэба ж было яму збракаваць у цемры. | Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel
1 Трэба VERB 0 root
2 ж PART 1 advmod
3 было AUX 1 aux
4 яму PRON 1 iobj
5 збракаваць VERB 1 csubj
6 у ADP 7 case
7 цемры NOUN 5 obl
8 . PUNCT 1 punct |
As a helpful and smart assistant, your task is to parse a given text in any language to Universal Dependency (UD) format including POS tags and dependency relations (HEAD and DEPREL).
Key Components of UD Annotation:
1. Tokens: The fundamental units within UD are tokens. These can be individual words, punctuation marks, or even parts of multi-word expressions. Each token has several associated attributes.
2. UPOS Tags: The UPOS field in the CoNLL-U format represents the universal part-of-speech tag assigned to each word. This tag is part of a universal POS tag set designed to be applicable across different languages. The UPOS tags include categories such as NOUN, VERB, ADJ (adjective), ADV (adverb), PRON (pronoun), DET (determiner), and more.
3. Dependency Relations: Dependency relations are the core of the syntactic representation. They form a tree structure over the tokens in a sentence. Here's how they work:
- HEAD: This field indicates the head of the current word. The head is the word that the current word is connected to in the dependency parse tree. The value is an integer that corresponds to the ID of the head word within the same sentence. A value of zero (0) indicates that the word is the root of the sentence.
- DEPREL: The DEPREL field specifies the type of dependency relation between the current word and its head (as specified in the HEAD field). The value is a universal dependency relation or a language-specific subtype of such a relation.
Note: Blank lines are used to mark the boundaries between sentences.
Let's analyze this sentence with its UD annotation:
"The big dog chased the cat."
1. Tokenization:
- The
- big
- dog
- chased
- the
- cat
- .
2. UPOS Tags:
- The: DET
- big: ADJ
- dog: NOUN
- chased: VERB
- the: DET
- cat: NOUN
- .: PUNCT
3. Head node (parent):
- The: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3
- big: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3
- dog: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
- chased: this is the root node, therefore its head is 0
- the: the parent of this word is "cat" at position 6
- cat: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
- .: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
3. Dependency Relations:
- root(ROOT, chased)
- det(dog, The)
- amod(dog, big)
- nsubj(chased, dog)
- det(cat, the)
- obj(chased, cat)
Combining the above annotations, the final output in UD format is:
Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel
1 The DET 3 det
2 big ADJ 3 amod
3 dog NOUN 4 nsubj
4 chased VERB 0 ROOT
5 the DET 6 det
6 cat NOUN 4 obj
7 . PUNCT 4 punct | Generate UD annotations for the following text: Даганяй цяпер батальён, шукай сярод ночы». | Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel
1 Даганяй VERB 0 root
2 цяпер ADV 1 advmod
3 батальён NOUN 1 obj
4 , PUNCT 5 punct
5 шукай VERB 1 conj
6 сярод ADP 7 case
7 ночы NOUN 5 obl
8 » PUNCT 1 punct
9 . PUNCT 1 punct |
As a helpful and smart assistant, your task is to parse a given text in any language to Universal Dependency (UD) format including POS tags and dependency relations (HEAD and DEPREL).
Key Components of UD Annotation:
1. Tokens: The fundamental units within UD are tokens. These can be individual words, punctuation marks, or even parts of multi-word expressions. Each token has several associated attributes.
2. UPOS Tags: The UPOS field in the CoNLL-U format represents the universal part-of-speech tag assigned to each word. This tag is part of a universal POS tag set designed to be applicable across different languages. The UPOS tags include categories such as NOUN, VERB, ADJ (adjective), ADV (adverb), PRON (pronoun), DET (determiner), and more.
3. Dependency Relations: Dependency relations are the core of the syntactic representation. They form a tree structure over the tokens in a sentence. Here's how they work:
- HEAD: This field indicates the head of the current word. The head is the word that the current word is connected to in the dependency parse tree. The value is an integer that corresponds to the ID of the head word within the same sentence. A value of zero (0) indicates that the word is the root of the sentence.
- DEPREL: The DEPREL field specifies the type of dependency relation between the current word and its head (as specified in the HEAD field). The value is a universal dependency relation or a language-specific subtype of such a relation.
Note: Blank lines are used to mark the boundaries between sentences.
Let's analyze this sentence with its UD annotation:
"The big dog chased the cat."
1. Tokenization:
- The
- big
- dog
- chased
- the
- cat
- .
2. UPOS Tags:
- The: DET
- big: ADJ
- dog: NOUN
- chased: VERB
- the: DET
- cat: NOUN
- .: PUNCT
3. Head node (parent):
- The: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3
- big: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3
- dog: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
- chased: this is the root node, therefore its head is 0
- the: the parent of this word is "cat" at position 6
- cat: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
- .: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
3. Dependency Relations:
- root(ROOT, chased)
- det(dog, The)
- amod(dog, big)
- nsubj(chased, dog)
- det(cat, the)
- obj(chased, cat)
Combining the above annotations, the final output in UD format is:
Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel
1 The DET 3 det
2 big ADJ 3 amod
3 dog NOUN 4 nsubj
4 chased VERB 0 ROOT
5 the DET 6 det
6 cat NOUN 4 obj
7 . PUNCT 4 punct | Generate UD annotations for the following text: — Нэ-нэ, любыя, варушыся, — упаўголаса, лагодна падганяе Максім коней, седзячы на перадку, і немаладымі вачыма імкнецца разгледзець што-небудзь наперадзе. | Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel
1 — PUNCT 6 punct
2 Нэ-нэ INTJ 6 discourse
3 , PUNCT 4 punct
4 любыя ADJ 6 vocative
5 , PUNCT 4 punct
6 варушыся VERB 0 root
7 , PUNCT 12 punct
8 — PUNCT 12 punct
9 упаўголаса ADV 12 advmod
10 , PUNCT 11 punct
11 лагодна ADV 9 conj
12 падганяе VERB 6 parataxis
13 Максім PROPN 12 nsubj
14 коней NOUN 12 obj
15 , PUNCT 16 punct
16 седзячы VERB 12 advcl
17 на ADP 18 case
18 перадку NOUN 16 obl
19 , PUNCT 23 punct
20 і CCONJ 23 cc
21 немаладымі ADJ 22 amod
22 вачыма NOUN 24 iobj
23 імкнецца VERB 12 conj
24 разгледзець VERB 23 xcomp
25 што-небудзь PRON 24 obj
26 наперадзе ADV 24 advmod
27 . PUNCT 6 punct |
As a helpful and smart assistant, your task is to parse a given text in any language to Universal Dependency (UD) format including POS tags and dependency relations (HEAD and DEPREL).
Key Components of UD Annotation:
1. Tokens: The fundamental units within UD are tokens. These can be individual words, punctuation marks, or even parts of multi-word expressions. Each token has several associated attributes.
2. UPOS Tags: The UPOS field in the CoNLL-U format represents the universal part-of-speech tag assigned to each word. This tag is part of a universal POS tag set designed to be applicable across different languages. The UPOS tags include categories such as NOUN, VERB, ADJ (adjective), ADV (adverb), PRON (pronoun), DET (determiner), and more.
3. Dependency Relations: Dependency relations are the core of the syntactic representation. They form a tree structure over the tokens in a sentence. Here's how they work:
- HEAD: This field indicates the head of the current word. The head is the word that the current word is connected to in the dependency parse tree. The value is an integer that corresponds to the ID of the head word within the same sentence. A value of zero (0) indicates that the word is the root of the sentence.
- DEPREL: The DEPREL field specifies the type of dependency relation between the current word and its head (as specified in the HEAD field). The value is a universal dependency relation or a language-specific subtype of such a relation.
Note: Blank lines are used to mark the boundaries between sentences.
Let's analyze this sentence with its UD annotation:
"The big dog chased the cat."
1. Tokenization:
- The
- big
- dog
- chased
- the
- cat
- .
2. UPOS Tags:
- The: DET
- big: ADJ
- dog: NOUN
- chased: VERB
- the: DET
- cat: NOUN
- .: PUNCT
3. Head node (parent):
- The: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3
- big: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3
- dog: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
- chased: this is the root node, therefore its head is 0
- the: the parent of this word is "cat" at position 6
- cat: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
- .: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
3. Dependency Relations:
- root(ROOT, chased)
- det(dog, The)
- amod(dog, big)
- nsubj(chased, dog)
- det(cat, the)
- obj(chased, cat)
Combining the above annotations, the final output in UD format is:
Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel
1 The DET 3 det
2 big ADJ 3 amod
3 dog NOUN 4 nsubj
4 chased VERB 0 ROOT
5 the DET 6 det
6 cat NOUN 4 obj
7 . PUNCT 4 punct | Generate UD annotations for the following text: Але ноч выдалася не палетняму цёмная, у ёй і з добрым зрокам нічога нельга было ўбачыць. | Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel
1 Але CCONJ 3 cc
2 ноч NOUN 3 nsubj
3 выдалася VERB 0 root
4 не PART 5 advmod
5 палетняму ADV 6 advmod
6 цёмная ADJ 3 acl
7 , PUNCT 15 punct
8 у ADP 9 case
9 ёй PRON 17 obl
10 і PART 13 advmod
11 з ADP 13 case
12 добрым ADJ 13 amod
13 зрокам NOUN 17 obl
14 нічога PRON 17 obj
15 нельга VERB 3 conj
16 было AUX 15 aux
17 ўбачыць VERB 15 xcomp
18 . PUNCT 3 punct |
As a helpful and smart assistant, your task is to parse a given text in any language to Universal Dependency (UD) format including POS tags and dependency relations (HEAD and DEPREL).
Key Components of UD Annotation:
1. Tokens: The fundamental units within UD are tokens. These can be individual words, punctuation marks, or even parts of multi-word expressions. Each token has several associated attributes.
2. UPOS Tags: The UPOS field in the CoNLL-U format represents the universal part-of-speech tag assigned to each word. This tag is part of a universal POS tag set designed to be applicable across different languages. The UPOS tags include categories such as NOUN, VERB, ADJ (adjective), ADV (adverb), PRON (pronoun), DET (determiner), and more.
3. Dependency Relations: Dependency relations are the core of the syntactic representation. They form a tree structure over the tokens in a sentence. Here's how they work:
- HEAD: This field indicates the head of the current word. The head is the word that the current word is connected to in the dependency parse tree. The value is an integer that corresponds to the ID of the head word within the same sentence. A value of zero (0) indicates that the word is the root of the sentence.
- DEPREL: The DEPREL field specifies the type of dependency relation between the current word and its head (as specified in the HEAD field). The value is a universal dependency relation or a language-specific subtype of such a relation.
Note: Blank lines are used to mark the boundaries between sentences.
Let's analyze this sentence with its UD annotation:
"The big dog chased the cat."
1. Tokenization:
- The
- big
- dog
- chased
- the
- cat
- .
2. UPOS Tags:
- The: DET
- big: ADJ
- dog: NOUN
- chased: VERB
- the: DET
- cat: NOUN
- .: PUNCT
3. Head node (parent):
- The: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3
- big: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3
- dog: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
- chased: this is the root node, therefore its head is 0
- the: the parent of this word is "cat" at position 6
- cat: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
- .: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
3. Dependency Relations:
- root(ROOT, chased)
- det(dog, The)
- amod(dog, big)
- nsubj(chased, dog)
- det(cat, the)
- obj(chased, cat)
Combining the above annotations, the final output in UD format is:
Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel
1 The DET 3 det
2 big ADJ 3 amod
3 dog NOUN 4 nsubj
4 chased VERB 0 ROOT
5 the DET 6 det
6 cat NOUN 4 obj
7 . PUNCT 4 punct | Generate UD annotations for the following text: Зямля да раніцы старанна схавала сваё аблічча, каб заўтра сустрэць сонца новым, пасвяжэлым хараством. | Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel
1 Зямля NOUN 5 nsubj
2 да ADP 3 case
3 раніцы NOUN 5 obl
4 старанна ADV 5 advmod
5 схавала VERB 0 root
6 сваё DET 7 det
7 аблічча NOUN 5 obj
8 , PUNCT 11 punct
9 каб SCONJ 11 mark
10 заўтра ADV 11 advmod
11 сустрэць VERB 5 advcl
12 сонца NOUN 11 obj
13 новым ADJ 16 amod
14 , PUNCT 15 punct
15 пасвяжэлым ADJ 16 amod
16 хараством NOUN 11 obl
17 . PUNCT 5 punct |
As a helpful and smart assistant, your task is to parse a given text in any language to Universal Dependency (UD) format including POS tags and dependency relations (HEAD and DEPREL).
Key Components of UD Annotation:
1. Tokens: The fundamental units within UD are tokens. These can be individual words, punctuation marks, or even parts of multi-word expressions. Each token has several associated attributes.
2. UPOS Tags: The UPOS field in the CoNLL-U format represents the universal part-of-speech tag assigned to each word. This tag is part of a universal POS tag set designed to be applicable across different languages. The UPOS tags include categories such as NOUN, VERB, ADJ (adjective), ADV (adverb), PRON (pronoun), DET (determiner), and more.
3. Dependency Relations: Dependency relations are the core of the syntactic representation. They form a tree structure over the tokens in a sentence. Here's how they work:
- HEAD: This field indicates the head of the current word. The head is the word that the current word is connected to in the dependency parse tree. The value is an integer that corresponds to the ID of the head word within the same sentence. A value of zero (0) indicates that the word is the root of the sentence.
- DEPREL: The DEPREL field specifies the type of dependency relation between the current word and its head (as specified in the HEAD field). The value is a universal dependency relation or a language-specific subtype of such a relation.
Note: Blank lines are used to mark the boundaries between sentences.
Let's analyze this sentence with its UD annotation:
"The big dog chased the cat."
1. Tokenization:
- The
- big
- dog
- chased
- the
- cat
- .
2. UPOS Tags:
- The: DET
- big: ADJ
- dog: NOUN
- chased: VERB
- the: DET
- cat: NOUN
- .: PUNCT
3. Head node (parent):
- The: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3
- big: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3
- dog: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
- chased: this is the root node, therefore its head is 0
- the: the parent of this word is "cat" at position 6
- cat: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
- .: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
3. Dependency Relations:
- root(ROOT, chased)
- det(dog, The)
- amod(dog, big)
- nsubj(chased, dog)
- det(cat, the)
- obj(chased, cat)
Combining the above annotations, the final output in UD format is:
Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel
1 The DET 3 det
2 big ADJ 3 amod
3 dog NOUN 4 nsubj
4 chased VERB 0 ROOT
5 the DET 6 det
6 cat NOUN 4 obj
7 . PUNCT 4 punct | Generate UD annotations for the following text: Толькі высокае зорнае неба, уладарна ўзнёсшыся над ёю, поўнілася бляскам і няспыннай мітуснёю зор. | Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel
1 Толькі PART 4 advmod
2 высокае ADJ 4 amod
3 зорнае ADJ 4 amod
4 неба NOUN 11 nsubj
5 , PUNCT 7 punct
6 уладарна ADV 7 advmod
7 ўзнёсшыся VERB 11 advcl
8 над ADP 9 case
9 ёю PRON 7 obl
10 , PUNCT 7 punct
11 поўнілася VERB 0 root
12 бляскам NOUN 11 iobj
13 і CCONJ 15 cc
14 няспыннай ADJ 15 amod
15 мітуснёю NOUN 12 conj
16 зор NOUN 15 nmod
17 . PUNCT 11 punct |
As a helpful and smart assistant, your task is to parse a given text in any language to Universal Dependency (UD) format including POS tags and dependency relations (HEAD and DEPREL).
Key Components of UD Annotation:
1. Tokens: The fundamental units within UD are tokens. These can be individual words, punctuation marks, or even parts of multi-word expressions. Each token has several associated attributes.
2. UPOS Tags: The UPOS field in the CoNLL-U format represents the universal part-of-speech tag assigned to each word. This tag is part of a universal POS tag set designed to be applicable across different languages. The UPOS tags include categories such as NOUN, VERB, ADJ (adjective), ADV (adverb), PRON (pronoun), DET (determiner), and more.
3. Dependency Relations: Dependency relations are the core of the syntactic representation. They form a tree structure over the tokens in a sentence. Here's how they work:
- HEAD: This field indicates the head of the current word. The head is the word that the current word is connected to in the dependency parse tree. The value is an integer that corresponds to the ID of the head word within the same sentence. A value of zero (0) indicates that the word is the root of the sentence.
- DEPREL: The DEPREL field specifies the type of dependency relation between the current word and its head (as specified in the HEAD field). The value is a universal dependency relation or a language-specific subtype of such a relation.
Note: Blank lines are used to mark the boundaries between sentences.
Let's analyze this sentence with its UD annotation:
"The big dog chased the cat."
1. Tokenization:
- The
- big
- dog
- chased
- the
- cat
- .
2. UPOS Tags:
- The: DET
- big: ADJ
- dog: NOUN
- chased: VERB
- the: DET
- cat: NOUN
- .: PUNCT
3. Head node (parent):
- The: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3
- big: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3
- dog: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
- chased: this is the root node, therefore its head is 0
- the: the parent of this word is "cat" at position 6
- cat: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
- .: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
3. Dependency Relations:
- root(ROOT, chased)
- det(dog, The)
- amod(dog, big)
- nsubj(chased, dog)
- det(cat, the)
- obj(chased, cat)
Combining the above annotations, the final output in UD format is:
Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel
1 The DET 3 det
2 big ADJ 3 amod
3 dog NOUN 4 nsubj
4 chased VERB 0 ROOT
5 the DET 6 det
6 cat NOUN 4 obj
7 . PUNCT 4 punct | Generate UD annotations for the following text: Злёгку варушачы лейцамі, Максім з непрыемнасцю думаў, што цяпер, пэўна, пападзе ад старшыны. | Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel
1 Злёгку ADV 2 advmod
2 варушачы VERB 8 advcl
3 лейцамі NOUN 2 obj
4 , PUNCT 2 punct
5 Максім PROPN 8 nsubj
6 з ADP 7 case
7 непрыемнасцю NOUN 8 obl
8 думаў VERB 0 root
9 , PUNCT 15 punct
10 што SCONJ 15 mark
11 цяпер ADV 15 advmod
12 , PUNCT 13 punct
13 пэўна ADV 15 advmod
14 , PUNCT 13 punct
15 пападзе VERB 8 ccomp
16 ад ADP 17 case
17 старшыны NOUN 15 obl
18 . PUNCT 8 punct |
As a helpful and smart assistant, your task is to parse a given text in any language to Universal Dependency (UD) format including POS tags and dependency relations (HEAD and DEPREL).
Key Components of UD Annotation:
1. Tokens: The fundamental units within UD are tokens. These can be individual words, punctuation marks, or even parts of multi-word expressions. Each token has several associated attributes.
2. UPOS Tags: The UPOS field in the CoNLL-U format represents the universal part-of-speech tag assigned to each word. This tag is part of a universal POS tag set designed to be applicable across different languages. The UPOS tags include categories such as NOUN, VERB, ADJ (adjective), ADV (adverb), PRON (pronoun), DET (determiner), and more.
3. Dependency Relations: Dependency relations are the core of the syntactic representation. They form a tree structure over the tokens in a sentence. Here's how they work:
- HEAD: This field indicates the head of the current word. The head is the word that the current word is connected to in the dependency parse tree. The value is an integer that corresponds to the ID of the head word within the same sentence. A value of zero (0) indicates that the word is the root of the sentence.
- DEPREL: The DEPREL field specifies the type of dependency relation between the current word and its head (as specified in the HEAD field). The value is a universal dependency relation or a language-specific subtype of such a relation.
Note: Blank lines are used to mark the boundaries between sentences.
Let's analyze this sentence with its UD annotation:
"The big dog chased the cat."
1. Tokenization:
- The
- big
- dog
- chased
- the
- cat
- .
2. UPOS Tags:
- The: DET
- big: ADJ
- dog: NOUN
- chased: VERB
- the: DET
- cat: NOUN
- .: PUNCT
3. Head node (parent):
- The: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3
- big: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3
- dog: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
- chased: this is the root node, therefore its head is 0
- the: the parent of this word is "cat" at position 6
- cat: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
- .: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
3. Dependency Relations:
- root(ROOT, chased)
- det(dog, The)
- amod(dog, big)
- nsubj(chased, dog)
- det(cat, the)
- obj(chased, cat)
Combining the above annotations, the final output in UD format is:
Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel
1 The DET 3 det
2 big ADJ 3 amod
3 dog NOUN 4 nsubj
4 chased VERB 0 ROOT
5 the DET 6 det
6 cat NOUN 4 obj
7 . PUNCT 4 punct | Generate UD annotations for the following text: Аднойчы між імі ўжо была сутычка: старшына задаў перцу ездавому, не абышлося, вядома, і без моцнага слова. | Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel
1 Аднойчы ADV 5 advmod
2 між ADP 3 case
3 імі PRON 5 obl
4 ўжо ADV 5 advmod
5 была VERB 0 root
6 сутычка NOUN 5 nsubj
7 : PUNCT 9 punct
8 старшына NOUN 9 nsubj
9 задаў VERB 5 parataxis
10 перцу NOUN 9 obj
11 ездавому NOUN 9 iobj
12 , PUNCT 14 punct
13 не PART 14 advmod
14 абышлося VERB 9 conj
15 , PUNCT 16 punct
16 вядома ADJ 14 parataxis
17 , PUNCT 16 punct
18 і PART 21 advmod
19 без ADP 21 case
20 моцнага ADJ 21 amod
21 слова NOUN 14 obl
22 . PUNCT 5 punct |
As a helpful and smart assistant, your task is to parse a given text in any language to Universal Dependency (UD) format including POS tags and dependency relations (HEAD and DEPREL).
Key Components of UD Annotation:
1. Tokens: The fundamental units within UD are tokens. These can be individual words, punctuation marks, or even parts of multi-word expressions. Each token has several associated attributes.
2. UPOS Tags: The UPOS field in the CoNLL-U format represents the universal part-of-speech tag assigned to each word. This tag is part of a universal POS tag set designed to be applicable across different languages. The UPOS tags include categories such as NOUN, VERB, ADJ (adjective), ADV (adverb), PRON (pronoun), DET (determiner), and more.
3. Dependency Relations: Dependency relations are the core of the syntactic representation. They form a tree structure over the tokens in a sentence. Here's how they work:
- HEAD: This field indicates the head of the current word. The head is the word that the current word is connected to in the dependency parse tree. The value is an integer that corresponds to the ID of the head word within the same sentence. A value of zero (0) indicates that the word is the root of the sentence.
- DEPREL: The DEPREL field specifies the type of dependency relation between the current word and its head (as specified in the HEAD field). The value is a universal dependency relation or a language-specific subtype of such a relation.
Note: Blank lines are used to mark the boundaries between sentences.
Let's analyze this sentence with its UD annotation:
"The big dog chased the cat."
1. Tokenization:
- The
- big
- dog
- chased
- the
- cat
- .
2. UPOS Tags:
- The: DET
- big: ADJ
- dog: NOUN
- chased: VERB
- the: DET
- cat: NOUN
- .: PUNCT
3. Head node (parent):
- The: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3
- big: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3
- dog: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
- chased: this is the root node, therefore its head is 0
- the: the parent of this word is "cat" at position 6
- cat: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
- .: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
3. Dependency Relations:
- root(ROOT, chased)
- det(dog, The)
- amod(dog, big)
- nsubj(chased, dog)
- det(cat, the)
- obj(chased, cat)
Combining the above annotations, the final output in UD format is:
Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel
1 The DET 3 det
2 big ADJ 3 amod
3 dog NOUN 4 nsubj
4 chased VERB 0 ROOT
5 the DET 6 det
6 cat NOUN 4 obj
7 . PUNCT 4 punct | Generate UD annotations for the following text: Яно крыўдна, праўда, але, бадай, справядліва. | Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel
1 Яно PRON 2 nsubj
2 крыўдна ADJ 0 root
3 , PUNCT 4 punct
4 праўда NOUN 2 parataxis
5 , PUNCT 10 punct
6 але CCONJ 10 cc
7 , PUNCT 8 punct
8 бадай PART 10 parataxis
9 , PUNCT 8 punct
10 справядліва ADJ 2 conj
11 . PUNCT 2 punct |
As a helpful and smart assistant, your task is to parse a given text in any language to Universal Dependency (UD) format including POS tags and dependency relations (HEAD and DEPREL).
Key Components of UD Annotation:
1. Tokens: The fundamental units within UD are tokens. These can be individual words, punctuation marks, or even parts of multi-word expressions. Each token has several associated attributes.
2. UPOS Tags: The UPOS field in the CoNLL-U format represents the universal part-of-speech tag assigned to each word. This tag is part of a universal POS tag set designed to be applicable across different languages. The UPOS tags include categories such as NOUN, VERB, ADJ (adjective), ADV (adverb), PRON (pronoun), DET (determiner), and more.
3. Dependency Relations: Dependency relations are the core of the syntactic representation. They form a tree structure over the tokens in a sentence. Here's how they work:
- HEAD: This field indicates the head of the current word. The head is the word that the current word is connected to in the dependency parse tree. The value is an integer that corresponds to the ID of the head word within the same sentence. A value of zero (0) indicates that the word is the root of the sentence.
- DEPREL: The DEPREL field specifies the type of dependency relation between the current word and its head (as specified in the HEAD field). The value is a universal dependency relation or a language-specific subtype of such a relation.
Note: Blank lines are used to mark the boundaries between sentences.
Let's analyze this sentence with its UD annotation:
"The big dog chased the cat."
1. Tokenization:
- The
- big
- dog
- chased
- the
- cat
- .
2. UPOS Tags:
- The: DET
- big: ADJ
- dog: NOUN
- chased: VERB
- the: DET
- cat: NOUN
- .: PUNCT
3. Head node (parent):
- The: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3
- big: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3
- dog: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
- chased: this is the root node, therefore its head is 0
- the: the parent of this word is "cat" at position 6
- cat: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
- .: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
3. Dependency Relations:
- root(ROOT, chased)
- det(dog, The)
- amod(dog, big)
- nsubj(chased, dog)
- det(cat, the)
- obj(chased, cat)
Combining the above annotations, the final output in UD format is:
Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel
1 The DET 3 det
2 big ADJ 3 amod
3 dog NOUN 4 nsubj
4 chased VERB 0 ROOT
5 the DET 6 det
6 cat NOUN 4 obj
7 . PUNCT 4 punct | Generate UD annotations for the following text: Максім і сам невялікай думкі аб уласных якасцях. | Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel
1 Максім PROPN 5 nsubj
2 і PART 3 advmod
3 сам ADJ 5 acl
4 невялікай ADJ 5 amod
5 думкі NOUN 0 root
6 аб ADP 8 case
7 уласных ADJ 8 amod
8 якасцях NOUN 5 obl
9 . PUNCT 5 punct |
As a helpful and smart assistant, your task is to parse a given text in any language to Universal Dependency (UD) format including POS tags and dependency relations (HEAD and DEPREL).
Key Components of UD Annotation:
1. Tokens: The fundamental units within UD are tokens. These can be individual words, punctuation marks, or even parts of multi-word expressions. Each token has several associated attributes.
2. UPOS Tags: The UPOS field in the CoNLL-U format represents the universal part-of-speech tag assigned to each word. This tag is part of a universal POS tag set designed to be applicable across different languages. The UPOS tags include categories such as NOUN, VERB, ADJ (adjective), ADV (adverb), PRON (pronoun), DET (determiner), and more.
3. Dependency Relations: Dependency relations are the core of the syntactic representation. They form a tree structure over the tokens in a sentence. Here's how they work:
- HEAD: This field indicates the head of the current word. The head is the word that the current word is connected to in the dependency parse tree. The value is an integer that corresponds to the ID of the head word within the same sentence. A value of zero (0) indicates that the word is the root of the sentence.
- DEPREL: The DEPREL field specifies the type of dependency relation between the current word and its head (as specified in the HEAD field). The value is a universal dependency relation or a language-specific subtype of such a relation.
Note: Blank lines are used to mark the boundaries between sentences.
Let's analyze this sentence with its UD annotation:
"The big dog chased the cat."
1. Tokenization:
- The
- big
- dog
- chased
- the
- cat
- .
2. UPOS Tags:
- The: DET
- big: ADJ
- dog: NOUN
- chased: VERB
- the: DET
- cat: NOUN
- .: PUNCT
3. Head node (parent):
- The: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3
- big: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3
- dog: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
- chased: this is the root node, therefore its head is 0
- the: the parent of this word is "cat" at position 6
- cat: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
- .: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
3. Dependency Relations:
- root(ROOT, chased)
- det(dog, The)
- amod(dog, big)
- nsubj(chased, dog)
- det(cat, the)
- obj(chased, cat)
Combining the above annotations, the final output in UD format is:
Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel
1 The DET 3 det
2 big ADJ 3 amod
3 dog NOUN 4 nsubj
4 chased VERB 0 ROOT
5 the DET 6 det
6 cat NOUN 4 obj
7 . PUNCT 4 punct | Generate UD annotations for the following text: Дый якія там якасці, калі чалавеку з паўсотні год, маладосць пражыў цёмным мужыком, без пісьменнасці, у працы ды нястачы. | Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel
1 Дый CCONJ 2 cc
2 якія DET 0 root
3 там ADV 2 advmod
4 якасці NOUN 2 nsubj
5 , PUNCT 9 punct
6 калі SCONJ 9 mark
7 чалавеку NOUN 9 iobj
8 з ADP 9 case
9 паўсотні NOUN 2 advcl
10 год NOUN 9 nmod
11 , PUNCT 13 punct
12 маладосць NOUN 13 obj
13 пражыў VERB 9 conj
14 цёмным ADJ 15 amod
15 мужыком NOUN 13 obl
16 , PUNCT 18 punct
17 без ADP 18 case
18 пісьменнасці NOUN 15 conj
19 , PUNCT 21 punct
20 у ADP 21 case
21 працы NOUN 15 conj
22 ды CCONJ 23 cc
23 нястачы NOUN 21 conj
24 . PUNCT 2 punct |
As a helpful and smart assistant, your task is to parse a given text in any language to Universal Dependency (UD) format including POS tags and dependency relations (HEAD and DEPREL).
Key Components of UD Annotation:
1. Tokens: The fundamental units within UD are tokens. These can be individual words, punctuation marks, or even parts of multi-word expressions. Each token has several associated attributes.
2. UPOS Tags: The UPOS field in the CoNLL-U format represents the universal part-of-speech tag assigned to each word. This tag is part of a universal POS tag set designed to be applicable across different languages. The UPOS tags include categories such as NOUN, VERB, ADJ (adjective), ADV (adverb), PRON (pronoun), DET (determiner), and more.
3. Dependency Relations: Dependency relations are the core of the syntactic representation. They form a tree structure over the tokens in a sentence. Here's how they work:
- HEAD: This field indicates the head of the current word. The head is the word that the current word is connected to in the dependency parse tree. The value is an integer that corresponds to the ID of the head word within the same sentence. A value of zero (0) indicates that the word is the root of the sentence.
- DEPREL: The DEPREL field specifies the type of dependency relation between the current word and its head (as specified in the HEAD field). The value is a universal dependency relation or a language-specific subtype of such a relation.
Note: Blank lines are used to mark the boundaries between sentences.
Let's analyze this sentence with its UD annotation:
"The big dog chased the cat."
1. Tokenization:
- The
- big
- dog
- chased
- the
- cat
- .
2. UPOS Tags:
- The: DET
- big: ADJ
- dog: NOUN
- chased: VERB
- the: DET
- cat: NOUN
- .: PUNCT
3. Head node (parent):
- The: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3
- big: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3
- dog: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
- chased: this is the root node, therefore its head is 0
- the: the parent of this word is "cat" at position 6
- cat: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
- .: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
3. Dependency Relations:
- root(ROOT, chased)
- det(dog, The)
- amod(dog, big)
- nsubj(chased, dog)
- det(cat, the)
- obj(chased, cat)
Combining the above annotations, the final output in UD format is:
Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel
1 The DET 3 det
2 big ADJ 3 amod
3 dog NOUN 4 nsubj
4 chased VERB 0 ROOT
5 the DET 6 det
6 cat NOUN 4 obj
7 . PUNCT 4 punct | Generate UD annotations for the following text: Нават і чыгункі не бачыў ніколі, і дзе яе ўбачыш, калі да найбліжэйшай станцыі было дзевяноста вёрст. | Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel
1 Нават ADV 5 advmod
2 і PART 3 advmod
3 чыгункі NOUN 5 nsubj
4 не PART 5 advmod
5 бачыў VERB 0 root
6 ніколі ADV 5 advmod
7 , PUNCT 11 punct
8 і CCONJ 11 cc
9 дзе ADV 11 advmod
10 яе PRON 11 obj
11 ўбачыш VERB 5 conj
12 , PUNCT 16 punct
13 калі SCONJ 16 mark
14 да ADP 16 case
15 найбліжэйшай ADJ 16 amod
16 станцыі NOUN 11 advcl
17 было AUX 16 cop
18 дзевяноста NUM 19 nummod:gov
19 вёрст NOUN 16 nsubj
20 . PUNCT 5 punct |
As a helpful and smart assistant, your task is to parse a given text in any language to Universal Dependency (UD) format including POS tags and dependency relations (HEAD and DEPREL).
Key Components of UD Annotation:
1. Tokens: The fundamental units within UD are tokens. These can be individual words, punctuation marks, or even parts of multi-word expressions. Each token has several associated attributes.
2. UPOS Tags: The UPOS field in the CoNLL-U format represents the universal part-of-speech tag assigned to each word. This tag is part of a universal POS tag set designed to be applicable across different languages. The UPOS tags include categories such as NOUN, VERB, ADJ (adjective), ADV (adverb), PRON (pronoun), DET (determiner), and more.
3. Dependency Relations: Dependency relations are the core of the syntactic representation. They form a tree structure over the tokens in a sentence. Here's how they work:
- HEAD: This field indicates the head of the current word. The head is the word that the current word is connected to in the dependency parse tree. The value is an integer that corresponds to the ID of the head word within the same sentence. A value of zero (0) indicates that the word is the root of the sentence.
- DEPREL: The DEPREL field specifies the type of dependency relation between the current word and its head (as specified in the HEAD field). The value is a universal dependency relation or a language-specific subtype of such a relation.
Note: Blank lines are used to mark the boundaries between sentences.
Let's analyze this sentence with its UD annotation:
"The big dog chased the cat."
1. Tokenization:
- The
- big
- dog
- chased
- the
- cat
- .
2. UPOS Tags:
- The: DET
- big: ADJ
- dog: NOUN
- chased: VERB
- the: DET
- cat: NOUN
- .: PUNCT
3. Head node (parent):
- The: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3
- big: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3
- dog: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
- chased: this is the root node, therefore its head is 0
- the: the parent of this word is "cat" at position 6
- cat: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
- .: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
3. Dependency Relations:
- root(ROOT, chased)
- det(dog, The)
- amod(dog, big)
- nsubj(chased, dog)
- det(cat, the)
- obj(chased, cat)
Combining the above annotations, the final output in UD format is:
Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel
1 The DET 3 det
2 big ADJ 3 amod
3 dog NOUN 4 nsubj
4 chased VERB 0 ROOT
5 the DET 6 det
6 cat NOUN 4 obj
7 . PUNCT 4 punct | Generate UD annotations for the following text: Так, у лясной глушы, пад панскай уладай і ішло жыццё. | Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel
1 Так ADV 11 parataxis
2 , PUNCT 1 punct
3 у ADP 5 case
4 лясной ADJ 5 amod
5 глушы NOUN 11 obl
6 , PUNCT 9 punct
7 пад ADP 9 case
8 панскай ADJ 9 amod
9 уладай NOUN 5 conj
10 і PART 11 advmod
11 ішло VERB 0 root
12 жыццё NOUN 11 nsubj
13 . PUNCT 11 punct |
As a helpful and smart assistant, your task is to parse a given text in any language to Universal Dependency (UD) format including POS tags and dependency relations (HEAD and DEPREL).
Key Components of UD Annotation:
1. Tokens: The fundamental units within UD are tokens. These can be individual words, punctuation marks, or even parts of multi-word expressions. Each token has several associated attributes.
2. UPOS Tags: The UPOS field in the CoNLL-U format represents the universal part-of-speech tag assigned to each word. This tag is part of a universal POS tag set designed to be applicable across different languages. The UPOS tags include categories such as NOUN, VERB, ADJ (adjective), ADV (adverb), PRON (pronoun), DET (determiner), and more.
3. Dependency Relations: Dependency relations are the core of the syntactic representation. They form a tree structure over the tokens in a sentence. Here's how they work:
- HEAD: This field indicates the head of the current word. The head is the word that the current word is connected to in the dependency parse tree. The value is an integer that corresponds to the ID of the head word within the same sentence. A value of zero (0) indicates that the word is the root of the sentence.
- DEPREL: The DEPREL field specifies the type of dependency relation between the current word and its head (as specified in the HEAD field). The value is a universal dependency relation or a language-specific subtype of such a relation.
Note: Blank lines are used to mark the boundaries between sentences.
Let's analyze this sentence with its UD annotation:
"The big dog chased the cat."
1. Tokenization:
- The
- big
- dog
- chased
- the
- cat
- .
2. UPOS Tags:
- The: DET
- big: ADJ
- dog: NOUN
- chased: VERB
- the: DET
- cat: NOUN
- .: PUNCT
3. Head node (parent):
- The: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3
- big: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3
- dog: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
- chased: this is the root node, therefore its head is 0
- the: the parent of this word is "cat" at position 6
- cat: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
- .: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
3. Dependency Relations:
- root(ROOT, chased)
- det(dog, The)
- amod(dog, big)
- nsubj(chased, dog)
- det(cat, the)
- obj(chased, cat)
Combining the above annotations, the final output in UD format is:
Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel
1 The DET 3 det
2 big ADJ 3 amod
3 dog NOUN 4 nsubj
4 chased VERB 0 ROOT
5 the DET 6 det
6 cat NOUN 4 obj
7 . PUNCT 4 punct | Generate UD annotations for the following text: Толькі ў 39-м з’явілася надзея, акрыяў духам, ды ненадоўга. | Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel
1 Толькі PART 3 advmod
2 ў ADP 3 case
3 39-м ADJ 4 obl
4 з’явілася VERB 0 root
5 надзея NOUN 4 nsubj
6 , PUNCT 7 punct
7 акрыяў VERB 4 conj
8 духам NOUN 7 obl
9 , PUNCT 11 punct
10 ды CCONJ 11 cc
11 ненадоўга ADV 7 advmod
12 . PUNCT 4 punct |
As a helpful and smart assistant, your task is to parse a given text in any language to Universal Dependency (UD) format including POS tags and dependency relations (HEAD and DEPREL).
Key Components of UD Annotation:
1. Tokens: The fundamental units within UD are tokens. These can be individual words, punctuation marks, or even parts of multi-word expressions. Each token has several associated attributes.
2. UPOS Tags: The UPOS field in the CoNLL-U format represents the universal part-of-speech tag assigned to each word. This tag is part of a universal POS tag set designed to be applicable across different languages. The UPOS tags include categories such as NOUN, VERB, ADJ (adjective), ADV (adverb), PRON (pronoun), DET (determiner), and more.
3. Dependency Relations: Dependency relations are the core of the syntactic representation. They form a tree structure over the tokens in a sentence. Here's how they work:
- HEAD: This field indicates the head of the current word. The head is the word that the current word is connected to in the dependency parse tree. The value is an integer that corresponds to the ID of the head word within the same sentence. A value of zero (0) indicates that the word is the root of the sentence.
- DEPREL: The DEPREL field specifies the type of dependency relation between the current word and its head (as specified in the HEAD field). The value is a universal dependency relation or a language-specific subtype of such a relation.
Note: Blank lines are used to mark the boundaries between sentences.
Let's analyze this sentence with its UD annotation:
"The big dog chased the cat."
1. Tokenization:
- The
- big
- dog
- chased
- the
- cat
- .
2. UPOS Tags:
- The: DET
- big: ADJ
- dog: NOUN
- chased: VERB
- the: DET
- cat: NOUN
- .: PUNCT
3. Head node (parent):
- The: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3
- big: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3
- dog: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
- chased: this is the root node, therefore its head is 0
- the: the parent of this word is "cat" at position 6
- cat: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
- .: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
3. Dependency Relations:
- root(ROOT, chased)
- det(dog, The)
- amod(dog, big)
- nsubj(chased, dog)
- det(cat, the)
- obj(chased, cat)
Combining the above annotations, the final output in UD format is:
Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel
1 The DET 3 det
2 big ADJ 3 amod
3 dog NOUN 4 nsubj
4 chased VERB 0 ROOT
5 the DET 6 det
6 cat NOUN 4 obj
7 . PUNCT 4 punct | Generate UD annotations for the following text: Зноў жыццё пайшло вірам, у вайну загінуў старэйшы сын, памерла старая... | Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel
1 Зноў ADV 3 advmod
2 жыццё NOUN 3 nsubj
3 пайшло VERB 0 root
4 вірам NOUN 8 obl
5 , PUNCT 8 punct
6 у ADP 7 case
7 вайну NOUN 8 obl
8 загінуў VERB 3 conj
9 старэйшы ADJ 10 amod
10 сын NOUN 8 nsubj
11 , PUNCT 12 punct
12 памерла VERB 8 conj
13 старая ADJ 12 nsubj
14 ... PUNCT 3 punct |
As a helpful and smart assistant, your task is to parse a given text in any language to Universal Dependency (UD) format including POS tags and dependency relations (HEAD and DEPREL).
Key Components of UD Annotation:
1. Tokens: The fundamental units within UD are tokens. These can be individual words, punctuation marks, or even parts of multi-word expressions. Each token has several associated attributes.
2. UPOS Tags: The UPOS field in the CoNLL-U format represents the universal part-of-speech tag assigned to each word. This tag is part of a universal POS tag set designed to be applicable across different languages. The UPOS tags include categories such as NOUN, VERB, ADJ (adjective), ADV (adverb), PRON (pronoun), DET (determiner), and more.
3. Dependency Relations: Dependency relations are the core of the syntactic representation. They form a tree structure over the tokens in a sentence. Here's how they work:
- HEAD: This field indicates the head of the current word. The head is the word that the current word is connected to in the dependency parse tree. The value is an integer that corresponds to the ID of the head word within the same sentence. A value of zero (0) indicates that the word is the root of the sentence.
- DEPREL: The DEPREL field specifies the type of dependency relation between the current word and its head (as specified in the HEAD field). The value is a universal dependency relation or a language-specific subtype of such a relation.
Note: Blank lines are used to mark the boundaries between sentences.
Let's analyze this sentence with its UD annotation:
"The big dog chased the cat."
1. Tokenization:
- The
- big
- dog
- chased
- the
- cat
- .
2. UPOS Tags:
- The: DET
- big: ADJ
- dog: NOUN
- chased: VERB
- the: DET
- cat: NOUN
- .: PUNCT
3. Head node (parent):
- The: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3
- big: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3
- dog: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
- chased: this is the root node, therefore its head is 0
- the: the parent of this word is "cat" at position 6
- cat: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
- .: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
3. Dependency Relations:
- root(ROOT, chased)
- det(dog, The)
- amod(dog, big)
- nsubj(chased, dog)
- det(cat, the)
- obj(chased, cat)
Combining the above annotations, the final output in UD format is:
Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel
1 The DET 3 det
2 big ADJ 3 amod
3 dog NOUN 4 nsubj
4 chased VERB 0 ROOT
5 the DET 6 det
6 cat NOUN 4 obj
7 . PUNCT 4 punct | Generate UD annotations for the following text: Дый сам пастарэў да часу, знік былы спрыт у працы, надламаўся характар. | Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel
1 Дый CCONJ 3 cc
2 сам ADJ 3 acl
3 пастарэў VERB 0 root
4 да ADP 5 case
5 часу NOUN 3 obl
6 , PUNCT 7 punct
7 знік VERB 3 conj
8 былы ADJ 9 amod
9 спрыт NOUN 7 nsubj
10 у ADP 11 case
11 працы NOUN 9 nmod
12 , PUNCT 13 punct
13 надламаўся VERB 3 conj
14 характар NOUN 13 nsubj
15 . PUNCT 3 punct |
As a helpful and smart assistant, your task is to parse a given text in any language to Universal Dependency (UD) format including POS tags and dependency relations (HEAD and DEPREL).
Key Components of UD Annotation:
1. Tokens: The fundamental units within UD are tokens. These can be individual words, punctuation marks, or even parts of multi-word expressions. Each token has several associated attributes.
2. UPOS Tags: The UPOS field in the CoNLL-U format represents the universal part-of-speech tag assigned to each word. This tag is part of a universal POS tag set designed to be applicable across different languages. The UPOS tags include categories such as NOUN, VERB, ADJ (adjective), ADV (adverb), PRON (pronoun), DET (determiner), and more.
3. Dependency Relations: Dependency relations are the core of the syntactic representation. They form a tree structure over the tokens in a sentence. Here's how they work:
- HEAD: This field indicates the head of the current word. The head is the word that the current word is connected to in the dependency parse tree. The value is an integer that corresponds to the ID of the head word within the same sentence. A value of zero (0) indicates that the word is the root of the sentence.
- DEPREL: The DEPREL field specifies the type of dependency relation between the current word and its head (as specified in the HEAD field). The value is a universal dependency relation or a language-specific subtype of such a relation.
Note: Blank lines are used to mark the boundaries between sentences.
Let's analyze this sentence with its UD annotation:
"The big dog chased the cat."
1. Tokenization:
- The
- big
- dog
- chased
- the
- cat
- .
2. UPOS Tags:
- The: DET
- big: ADJ
- dog: NOUN
- chased: VERB
- the: DET
- cat: NOUN
- .: PUNCT
3. Head node (parent):
- The: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3
- big: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3
- dog: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
- chased: this is the root node, therefore its head is 0
- the: the parent of this word is "cat" at position 6
- cat: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
- .: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
3. Dependency Relations:
- root(ROOT, chased)
- det(dog, The)
- amod(dog, big)
- nsubj(chased, dog)
- det(cat, the)
- obj(chased, cat)
Combining the above annotations, the final output in UD format is:
Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel
1 The DET 3 det
2 big ADJ 3 amod
3 dog NOUN 4 nsubj
4 chased VERB 0 ROOT
5 the DET 6 det
6 cat NOUN 4 obj
7 . PUNCT 4 punct | Generate UD annotations for the following text: Дзе яму цяпер раўняцца з маладымі ды разумнымі. | Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel
1 Дзе ADV 4 advmod
2 яму PRON 4 iobj
3 цяпер ADV 4 advmod
4 раўняцца VERB 0 root
5 з ADP 6 case
6 маладымі ADJ 4 obl
7 ды CCONJ 8 cc
8 разумнымі ADJ 6 conj
9 . PUNCT 4 punct |
As a helpful and smart assistant, your task is to parse a given text in any language to Universal Dependency (UD) format including POS tags and dependency relations (HEAD and DEPREL).
Key Components of UD Annotation:
1. Tokens: The fundamental units within UD are tokens. These can be individual words, punctuation marks, or even parts of multi-word expressions. Each token has several associated attributes.
2. UPOS Tags: The UPOS field in the CoNLL-U format represents the universal part-of-speech tag assigned to each word. This tag is part of a universal POS tag set designed to be applicable across different languages. The UPOS tags include categories such as NOUN, VERB, ADJ (adjective), ADV (adverb), PRON (pronoun), DET (determiner), and more.
3. Dependency Relations: Dependency relations are the core of the syntactic representation. They form a tree structure over the tokens in a sentence. Here's how they work:
- HEAD: This field indicates the head of the current word. The head is the word that the current word is connected to in the dependency parse tree. The value is an integer that corresponds to the ID of the head word within the same sentence. A value of zero (0) indicates that the word is the root of the sentence.
- DEPREL: The DEPREL field specifies the type of dependency relation between the current word and its head (as specified in the HEAD field). The value is a universal dependency relation or a language-specific subtype of such a relation.
Note: Blank lines are used to mark the boundaries between sentences.
Let's analyze this sentence with its UD annotation:
"The big dog chased the cat."
1. Tokenization:
- The
- big
- dog
- chased
- the
- cat
- .
2. UPOS Tags:
- The: DET
- big: ADJ
- dog: NOUN
- chased: VERB
- the: DET
- cat: NOUN
- .: PUNCT
3. Head node (parent):
- The: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3
- big: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3
- dog: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
- chased: this is the root node, therefore its head is 0
- the: the parent of this word is "cat" at position 6
- cat: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
- .: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
3. Dependency Relations:
- root(ROOT, chased)
- det(dog, The)
- amod(dog, big)
- nsubj(chased, dog)
- det(cat, the)
- obj(chased, cat)
Combining the above annotations, the final output in UD format is:
Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel
1 The DET 3 det
2 big ADJ 3 amod
3 dog NOUN 4 nsubj
4 chased VERB 0 ROOT
5 the DET 6 det
6 cat NOUN 4 obj
7 . PUNCT 4 punct | Generate UD annotations for the following text: «Ну і хай, — суцяшае сябе Максім, — хоць бы і абознік. | Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel
1 « PUNCT 2 punct
2 Ну PART 4 advmod
3 і CCONJ 2 fixed
4 хай PART 15 parataxis
5 , PUNCT 7 punct
6 — PUNCT 7 punct
7 суцяшае VERB 0 root
8 сябе PRON 7 obj
9 Максім PROPN 7 nsubj
10 , PUNCT 15 punct
11 — PUNCT 15 punct
12 хоць SCONJ 15 mark
13 бы PART 12 fixed
14 і PART 15 advmod
15 абознік NOUN 7 parataxis
16 . PUNCT 7 punct |
As a helpful and smart assistant, your task is to parse a given text in any language to Universal Dependency (UD) format including POS tags and dependency relations (HEAD and DEPREL).
Key Components of UD Annotation:
1. Tokens: The fundamental units within UD are tokens. These can be individual words, punctuation marks, or even parts of multi-word expressions. Each token has several associated attributes.
2. UPOS Tags: The UPOS field in the CoNLL-U format represents the universal part-of-speech tag assigned to each word. This tag is part of a universal POS tag set designed to be applicable across different languages. The UPOS tags include categories such as NOUN, VERB, ADJ (adjective), ADV (adverb), PRON (pronoun), DET (determiner), and more.
3. Dependency Relations: Dependency relations are the core of the syntactic representation. They form a tree structure over the tokens in a sentence. Here's how they work:
- HEAD: This field indicates the head of the current word. The head is the word that the current word is connected to in the dependency parse tree. The value is an integer that corresponds to the ID of the head word within the same sentence. A value of zero (0) indicates that the word is the root of the sentence.
- DEPREL: The DEPREL field specifies the type of dependency relation between the current word and its head (as specified in the HEAD field). The value is a universal dependency relation or a language-specific subtype of such a relation.
Note: Blank lines are used to mark the boundaries between sentences.
Let's analyze this sentence with its UD annotation:
"The big dog chased the cat."
1. Tokenization:
- The
- big
- dog
- chased
- the
- cat
- .
2. UPOS Tags:
- The: DET
- big: ADJ
- dog: NOUN
- chased: VERB
- the: DET
- cat: NOUN
- .: PUNCT
3. Head node (parent):
- The: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3
- big: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3
- dog: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
- chased: this is the root node, therefore its head is 0
- the: the parent of this word is "cat" at position 6
- cat: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
- .: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
3. Dependency Relations:
- root(ROOT, chased)
- det(dog, The)
- amod(dog, big)
- nsubj(chased, dog)
- det(cat, the)
- obj(chased, cat)
Combining the above annotations, the final output in UD format is:
Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel
1 The DET 3 det
2 big ADJ 3 amod
3 dog NOUN 4 nsubj
4 chased VERB 0 ROOT
5 the DET 6 det
6 cat NOUN 4 obj
7 . PUNCT 4 punct | Generate UD annotations for the following text: Усё ж трэба камусьці быць і пры возе...» | Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel
1 Усё ADV 3 advmod
2 ж PART 1 advmod
3 трэба VERB 0 root
4 камусьці PRON 3 iobj
5 быць AUX 8 cop
6 і PART 8 advmod
7 пры ADP 8 case
8 возе NOUN 3 csubj
9 ... PUNCT 3 punct
10 » PUNCT 3 punct |
As a helpful and smart assistant, your task is to parse a given text in any language to Universal Dependency (UD) format including POS tags and dependency relations (HEAD and DEPREL).
Key Components of UD Annotation:
1. Tokens: The fundamental units within UD are tokens. These can be individual words, punctuation marks, or even parts of multi-word expressions. Each token has several associated attributes.
2. UPOS Tags: The UPOS field in the CoNLL-U format represents the universal part-of-speech tag assigned to each word. This tag is part of a universal POS tag set designed to be applicable across different languages. The UPOS tags include categories such as NOUN, VERB, ADJ (adjective), ADV (adverb), PRON (pronoun), DET (determiner), and more.
3. Dependency Relations: Dependency relations are the core of the syntactic representation. They form a tree structure over the tokens in a sentence. Here's how they work:
- HEAD: This field indicates the head of the current word. The head is the word that the current word is connected to in the dependency parse tree. The value is an integer that corresponds to the ID of the head word within the same sentence. A value of zero (0) indicates that the word is the root of the sentence.
- DEPREL: The DEPREL field specifies the type of dependency relation between the current word and its head (as specified in the HEAD field). The value is a universal dependency relation or a language-specific subtype of such a relation.
Note: Blank lines are used to mark the boundaries between sentences.
Let's analyze this sentence with its UD annotation:
"The big dog chased the cat."
1. Tokenization:
- The
- big
- dog
- chased
- the
- cat
- .
2. UPOS Tags:
- The: DET
- big: ADJ
- dog: NOUN
- chased: VERB
- the: DET
- cat: NOUN
- .: PUNCT
3. Head node (parent):
- The: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3
- big: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3
- dog: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
- chased: this is the root node, therefore its head is 0
- the: the parent of this word is "cat" at position 6
- cat: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
- .: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
3. Dependency Relations:
- root(ROOT, chased)
- det(dog, The)
- amod(dog, big)
- nsubj(chased, dog)
- det(cat, the)
- obj(chased, cat)
Combining the above annotations, the final output in UD format is:
Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel
1 The DET 3 det
2 big ADJ 3 amod
3 dog NOUN 4 nsubj
4 chased VERB 0 ROOT
5 the DET 6 det
6 cat NOUN 4 obj
7 . PUNCT 4 punct | Generate UD annotations for the following text: А коні Максіму спадабаліся. | Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel
1 А CCONJ 4 cc
2 коні NOUN 4 nsubj
3 Максіму PROPN 4 iobj
4 спадабаліся VERB 0 root
5 . PUNCT 4 punct |
As a helpful and smart assistant, your task is to parse a given text in any language to Universal Dependency (UD) format including POS tags and dependency relations (HEAD and DEPREL).
Key Components of UD Annotation:
1. Tokens: The fundamental units within UD are tokens. These can be individual words, punctuation marks, or even parts of multi-word expressions. Each token has several associated attributes.
2. UPOS Tags: The UPOS field in the CoNLL-U format represents the universal part-of-speech tag assigned to each word. This tag is part of a universal POS tag set designed to be applicable across different languages. The UPOS tags include categories such as NOUN, VERB, ADJ (adjective), ADV (adverb), PRON (pronoun), DET (determiner), and more.
3. Dependency Relations: Dependency relations are the core of the syntactic representation. They form a tree structure over the tokens in a sentence. Here's how they work:
- HEAD: This field indicates the head of the current word. The head is the word that the current word is connected to in the dependency parse tree. The value is an integer that corresponds to the ID of the head word within the same sentence. A value of zero (0) indicates that the word is the root of the sentence.
- DEPREL: The DEPREL field specifies the type of dependency relation between the current word and its head (as specified in the HEAD field). The value is a universal dependency relation or a language-specific subtype of such a relation.
Note: Blank lines are used to mark the boundaries between sentences.
Let's analyze this sentence with its UD annotation:
"The big dog chased the cat."
1. Tokenization:
- The
- big
- dog
- chased
- the
- cat
- .
2. UPOS Tags:
- The: DET
- big: ADJ
- dog: NOUN
- chased: VERB
- the: DET
- cat: NOUN
- .: PUNCT
3. Head node (parent):
- The: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3
- big: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3
- dog: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
- chased: this is the root node, therefore its head is 0
- the: the parent of this word is "cat" at position 6
- cat: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
- .: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
3. Dependency Relations:
- root(ROOT, chased)
- det(dog, The)
- amod(dog, big)
- nsubj(chased, dog)
- det(cat, the)
- obj(chased, cat)
Combining the above annotations, the final output in UD format is:
Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel
1 The DET 3 det
2 big ADJ 3 amod
3 dog NOUN 4 nsubj
4 chased VERB 0 ROOT
5 the DET 6 det
6 cat NOUN 4 obj
7 . PUNCT 4 punct | Generate UD annotations for the following text: У сваім жыцці не давялося мець добрых, дык цяпер вайсковыя не на жарт захапілі сялянскую душу байца. | Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel
1 У ADP 3 case
2 сваім DET 3 det
3 жыцці NOUN 6 obl
4 не PART 5 advmod
5 давялося VERB 0 root
6 мець VERB 5 xcomp
7 добрых ADJ 6 obj
8 , PUNCT 15 punct
9 дык PART 15 advmod
10 цяпер ADV 15 advmod
11 вайсковыя ADJ 15 nsubj
12 не PART 14 advmod
13 на ADP 14 case
14 жарт NOUN 15 obl
15 захапілі VERB 5 conj
16 сялянскую ADJ 17 amod
17 душу NOUN 15 obj
18 байца NOUN 17 nmod
19 . PUNCT 5 punct |
As a helpful and smart assistant, your task is to parse a given text in any language to Universal Dependency (UD) format including POS tags and dependency relations (HEAD and DEPREL).
Key Components of UD Annotation:
1. Tokens: The fundamental units within UD are tokens. These can be individual words, punctuation marks, or even parts of multi-word expressions. Each token has several associated attributes.
2. UPOS Tags: The UPOS field in the CoNLL-U format represents the universal part-of-speech tag assigned to each word. This tag is part of a universal POS tag set designed to be applicable across different languages. The UPOS tags include categories such as NOUN, VERB, ADJ (adjective), ADV (adverb), PRON (pronoun), DET (determiner), and more.
3. Dependency Relations: Dependency relations are the core of the syntactic representation. They form a tree structure over the tokens in a sentence. Here's how they work:
- HEAD: This field indicates the head of the current word. The head is the word that the current word is connected to in the dependency parse tree. The value is an integer that corresponds to the ID of the head word within the same sentence. A value of zero (0) indicates that the word is the root of the sentence.
- DEPREL: The DEPREL field specifies the type of dependency relation between the current word and its head (as specified in the HEAD field). The value is a universal dependency relation or a language-specific subtype of such a relation.
Note: Blank lines are used to mark the boundaries between sentences.
Let's analyze this sentence with its UD annotation:
"The big dog chased the cat."
1. Tokenization:
- The
- big
- dog
- chased
- the
- cat
- .
2. UPOS Tags:
- The: DET
- big: ADJ
- dog: NOUN
- chased: VERB
- the: DET
- cat: NOUN
- .: PUNCT
3. Head node (parent):
- The: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3
- big: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3
- dog: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
- chased: this is the root node, therefore its head is 0
- the: the parent of this word is "cat" at position 6
- cat: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
- .: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
3. Dependency Relations:
- root(ROOT, chased)
- det(dog, The)
- amod(dog, big)
- nsubj(chased, dog)
- det(cat, the)
- obj(chased, cat)
Combining the above annotations, the final output in UD format is:
Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel
1 The DET 3 det
2 big ADJ 3 amod
3 dog NOUN 4 nsubj
4 chased VERB 0 ROOT
5 the DET 6 det
6 cat NOUN 4 obj
7 . PUNCT 4 punct | Generate UD annotations for the following text: Што і казаць: добрыя былі коні, у гаспадарку б такіх, у плуг з накаваным новым лемехам, на ўрадлівую зямлю... | Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel
1 Што PRON 3 obj
2 і PART 3 advmod
3 казаць VERB 0 root
4 : PUNCT 5 punct
5 добрыя ADJ 3 parataxis
6 былі AUX 5 cop
7 коні NOUN 5 nsubj
8 , PUNCT 12 punct
9 у ADP 10 case
10 гаспадарку NOUN 12 orphan
11 б AUX 12 orphan
12 такіх DET 5 conj
13 , PUNCT 15 punct
14 у ADP 15 case
15 плуг NOUN 10 conj
16 з ADP 19 case
17 накаваным ADJ 19 amod
18 новым ADJ 19 amod
19 лемехам NOUN 15 nmod
20 , PUNCT 23 punct
21 на ADP 23 case
22 ўрадлівую ADJ 23 amod
23 зямлю NOUN 10 conj
24 ... PUNCT 3 punct |
As a helpful and smart assistant, your task is to parse a given text in any language to Universal Dependency (UD) format including POS tags and dependency relations (HEAD and DEPREL).
Key Components of UD Annotation:
1. Tokens: The fundamental units within UD are tokens. These can be individual words, punctuation marks, or even parts of multi-word expressions. Each token has several associated attributes.
2. UPOS Tags: The UPOS field in the CoNLL-U format represents the universal part-of-speech tag assigned to each word. This tag is part of a universal POS tag set designed to be applicable across different languages. The UPOS tags include categories such as NOUN, VERB, ADJ (adjective), ADV (adverb), PRON (pronoun), DET (determiner), and more.
3. Dependency Relations: Dependency relations are the core of the syntactic representation. They form a tree structure over the tokens in a sentence. Here's how they work:
- HEAD: This field indicates the head of the current word. The head is the word that the current word is connected to in the dependency parse tree. The value is an integer that corresponds to the ID of the head word within the same sentence. A value of zero (0) indicates that the word is the root of the sentence.
- DEPREL: The DEPREL field specifies the type of dependency relation between the current word and its head (as specified in the HEAD field). The value is a universal dependency relation or a language-specific subtype of such a relation.
Note: Blank lines are used to mark the boundaries between sentences.
Let's analyze this sentence with its UD annotation:
"The big dog chased the cat."
1. Tokenization:
- The
- big
- dog
- chased
- the
- cat
- .
2. UPOS Tags:
- The: DET
- big: ADJ
- dog: NOUN
- chased: VERB
- the: DET
- cat: NOUN
- .: PUNCT
3. Head node (parent):
- The: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3
- big: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3
- dog: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
- chased: this is the root node, therefore its head is 0
- the: the parent of this word is "cat" at position 6
- cat: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
- .: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
3. Dependency Relations:
- root(ROOT, chased)
- det(dog, The)
- amod(dog, big)
- nsubj(chased, dog)
- det(cat, the)
- obj(chased, cat)
Combining the above annotations, the final output in UD format is:
Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel
1 The DET 3 det
2 big ADJ 3 amod
3 dog NOUN 4 nsubj
4 chased VERB 0 ROOT
5 the DET 6 det
6 cat NOUN 4 obj
7 . PUNCT 4 punct | Generate UD annotations for the following text: Так, крыху паспакайнеўшы, думаў ездавы, а коні ішлі як самі хацелі — дзе трушком, а дзе і крокам. | Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel
1 Так ADV 6 advmod
2 , PUNCT 4 punct
3 крыху NOUN 4 obj
4 паспакайнеўшы VERB 6 advcl
5 , PUNCT 4 punct
6 думаў VERB 0 root
7 ездавы NOUN 6 nsubj
8 , PUNCT 11 punct
9 а CCONJ 11 cc
10 коні NOUN 11 nsubj
11 ішлі VERB 6 conj
12 як SCONJ 14 mark
13 самі ADJ 14 acl
14 хацелі VERB 11 advcl
15 — PUNCT 17 punct
16 дзе ADV 17 advmod
17 трушком NOUN 14 conj
18 , PUNCT 22 punct
19 а CCONJ 22 cc
20 дзе ADV 22 advmod
21 і PART 22 advmod
22 крокам NOUN 17 conj
23 . PUNCT 6 punct |
As a helpful and smart assistant, your task is to parse a given text in any language to Universal Dependency (UD) format including POS tags and dependency relations (HEAD and DEPREL).
Key Components of UD Annotation:
1. Tokens: The fundamental units within UD are tokens. These can be individual words, punctuation marks, or even parts of multi-word expressions. Each token has several associated attributes.
2. UPOS Tags: The UPOS field in the CoNLL-U format represents the universal part-of-speech tag assigned to each word. This tag is part of a universal POS tag set designed to be applicable across different languages. The UPOS tags include categories such as NOUN, VERB, ADJ (adjective), ADV (adverb), PRON (pronoun), DET (determiner), and more.
3. Dependency Relations: Dependency relations are the core of the syntactic representation. They form a tree structure over the tokens in a sentence. Here's how they work:
- HEAD: This field indicates the head of the current word. The head is the word that the current word is connected to in the dependency parse tree. The value is an integer that corresponds to the ID of the head word within the same sentence. A value of zero (0) indicates that the word is the root of the sentence.
- DEPREL: The DEPREL field specifies the type of dependency relation between the current word and its head (as specified in the HEAD field). The value is a universal dependency relation or a language-specific subtype of such a relation.
Note: Blank lines are used to mark the boundaries between sentences.
Let's analyze this sentence with its UD annotation:
"The big dog chased the cat."
1. Tokenization:
- The
- big
- dog
- chased
- the
- cat
- .
2. UPOS Tags:
- The: DET
- big: ADJ
- dog: NOUN
- chased: VERB
- the: DET
- cat: NOUN
- .: PUNCT
3. Head node (parent):
- The: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3
- big: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3
- dog: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
- chased: this is the root node, therefore its head is 0
- the: the parent of this word is "cat" at position 6
- cat: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
- .: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
3. Dependency Relations:
- root(ROOT, chased)
- det(dog, The)
- amod(dog, big)
- nsubj(chased, dog)
- det(cat, the)
- obj(chased, cat)
Combining the above annotations, the final output in UD format is:
Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel
1 The DET 3 det
2 big ADJ 3 amod
3 dog NOUN 4 nsubj
4 chased VERB 0 ROOT
5 the DET 6 det
6 cat NOUN 4 obj
7 . PUNCT 4 punct | Generate UD annotations for the following text: Яны ўжо мінулі поле і дасягнулі хваёвага ўзлеску, які змрочнай сцяной паўстаў на Максімавым шляху. | Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel
1 Яны PRON 3 nsubj
2 ўжо ADV 3 advmod
3 мінулі VERB 0 root
4 поле NOUN 3 obj
5 і CCONJ 6 cc
6 дасягнулі VERB 3 conj
7 хваёвага ADJ 8 amod
8 ўзлеску NOUN 6 obj
9 , PUNCT 13 punct
10 які PRON 13 nsubj
11 змрочнай ADJ 12 amod
12 сцяной NOUN 13 obl
13 паўстаў VERB 8 acl:relcl
14 на ADP 16 case
15 Максімавым ADJ 16 amod
16 шляху NOUN 13 obl
17 . PUNCT 3 punct |
As a helpful and smart assistant, your task is to parse a given text in any language to Universal Dependency (UD) format including POS tags and dependency relations (HEAD and DEPREL).
Key Components of UD Annotation:
1. Tokens: The fundamental units within UD are tokens. These can be individual words, punctuation marks, or even parts of multi-word expressions. Each token has several associated attributes.
2. UPOS Tags: The UPOS field in the CoNLL-U format represents the universal part-of-speech tag assigned to each word. This tag is part of a universal POS tag set designed to be applicable across different languages. The UPOS tags include categories such as NOUN, VERB, ADJ (adjective), ADV (adverb), PRON (pronoun), DET (determiner), and more.
3. Dependency Relations: Dependency relations are the core of the syntactic representation. They form a tree structure over the tokens in a sentence. Here's how they work:
- HEAD: This field indicates the head of the current word. The head is the word that the current word is connected to in the dependency parse tree. The value is an integer that corresponds to the ID of the head word within the same sentence. A value of zero (0) indicates that the word is the root of the sentence.
- DEPREL: The DEPREL field specifies the type of dependency relation between the current word and its head (as specified in the HEAD field). The value is a universal dependency relation or a language-specific subtype of such a relation.
Note: Blank lines are used to mark the boundaries between sentences.
Let's analyze this sentence with its UD annotation:
"The big dog chased the cat."
1. Tokenization:
- The
- big
- dog
- chased
- the
- cat
- .
2. UPOS Tags:
- The: DET
- big: ADJ
- dog: NOUN
- chased: VERB
- the: DET
- cat: NOUN
- .: PUNCT
3. Head node (parent):
- The: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3
- big: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3
- dog: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
- chased: this is the root node, therefore its head is 0
- the: the parent of this word is "cat" at position 6
- cat: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
- .: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
3. Dependency Relations:
- root(ROOT, chased)
- det(dog, The)
- amod(dog, big)
- nsubj(chased, dog)
- det(cat, the)
- obj(chased, cat)
Combining the above annotations, the final output in UD format is:
Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel
1 The DET 3 det
2 big ADJ 3 amod
3 dog NOUN 4 nsubj
4 chased VERB 0 ROOT
5 the DET 6 det
6 cat NOUN 4 obj
7 . PUNCT 4 punct | Generate UD annotations for the following text: Дарога стала пясчанай, і фурманка амаль не скрыпела і не стукала. | Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel
1 Дарога NOUN 2 nsubj
2 стала VERB 0 root
3 пясчанай ADJ 2 xcomp
4 , PUNCT 9 punct
5 і CCONJ 9 cc
6 фурманка NOUN 9 nsubj
7 амаль ADV 9 advmod
8 не PART 9 advmod
9 скрыпела VERB 2 conj
10 і CCONJ 12 cc
11 не PART 12 advmod
12 стукала VERB 9 conj
13 . PUNCT 2 punct |
As a helpful and smart assistant, your task is to parse a given text in any language to Universal Dependency (UD) format including POS tags and dependency relations (HEAD and DEPREL).
Key Components of UD Annotation:
1. Tokens: The fundamental units within UD are tokens. These can be individual words, punctuation marks, or even parts of multi-word expressions. Each token has several associated attributes.
2. UPOS Tags: The UPOS field in the CoNLL-U format represents the universal part-of-speech tag assigned to each word. This tag is part of a universal POS tag set designed to be applicable across different languages. The UPOS tags include categories such as NOUN, VERB, ADJ (adjective), ADV (adverb), PRON (pronoun), DET (determiner), and more.
3. Dependency Relations: Dependency relations are the core of the syntactic representation. They form a tree structure over the tokens in a sentence. Here's how they work:
- HEAD: This field indicates the head of the current word. The head is the word that the current word is connected to in the dependency parse tree. The value is an integer that corresponds to the ID of the head word within the same sentence. A value of zero (0) indicates that the word is the root of the sentence.
- DEPREL: The DEPREL field specifies the type of dependency relation between the current word and its head (as specified in the HEAD field). The value is a universal dependency relation or a language-specific subtype of such a relation.
Note: Blank lines are used to mark the boundaries between sentences.
Let's analyze this sentence with its UD annotation:
"The big dog chased the cat."
1. Tokenization:
- The
- big
- dog
- chased
- the
- cat
- .
2. UPOS Tags:
- The: DET
- big: ADJ
- dog: NOUN
- chased: VERB
- the: DET
- cat: NOUN
- .: PUNCT
3. Head node (parent):
- The: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3
- big: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3
- dog: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
- chased: this is the root node, therefore its head is 0
- the: the parent of this word is "cat" at position 6
- cat: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
- .: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
3. Dependency Relations:
- root(ROOT, chased)
- det(dog, The)
- amod(dog, big)
- nsubj(chased, dog)
- det(cat, the)
- obj(chased, cat)
Combining the above annotations, the final output in UD format is:
Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel
1 The DET 3 det
2 big ADJ 3 amod
3 dog NOUN 4 nsubj
4 chased VERB 0 ROOT
5 the DET 6 det
6 cat NOUN 4 obj
7 . PUNCT 4 punct | Generate UD annotations for the following text: Толькі зрэдку, трапіўшы на карнявішча, яна аднабока перавальвалася пярэднімі і заднімі коламі. | Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel
1 Толькі PART 10 advmod
2 зрэдку ADV 10 advmod
3 , PUNCT 4 punct
4 трапіўшы VERB 10 advcl
5 на ADP 6 case
6 карнявішча NOUN 4 obl
7 , PUNCT 4 punct
8 яна PRON 10 nsubj
9 аднабока ADV 10 advmod
10 перавальвалася VERB 0 root
11 пярэднімі ADJ 14 amod
12 і CCONJ 13 cc
13 заднімі ADJ 11 conj
14 коламі NOUN 10 obl
15 . PUNCT 10 punct |
As a helpful and smart assistant, your task is to parse a given text in any language to Universal Dependency (UD) format including POS tags and dependency relations (HEAD and DEPREL).
Key Components of UD Annotation:
1. Tokens: The fundamental units within UD are tokens. These can be individual words, punctuation marks, or even parts of multi-word expressions. Each token has several associated attributes.
2. UPOS Tags: The UPOS field in the CoNLL-U format represents the universal part-of-speech tag assigned to each word. This tag is part of a universal POS tag set designed to be applicable across different languages. The UPOS tags include categories such as NOUN, VERB, ADJ (adjective), ADV (adverb), PRON (pronoun), DET (determiner), and more.
3. Dependency Relations: Dependency relations are the core of the syntactic representation. They form a tree structure over the tokens in a sentence. Here's how they work:
- HEAD: This field indicates the head of the current word. The head is the word that the current word is connected to in the dependency parse tree. The value is an integer that corresponds to the ID of the head word within the same sentence. A value of zero (0) indicates that the word is the root of the sentence.
- DEPREL: The DEPREL field specifies the type of dependency relation between the current word and its head (as specified in the HEAD field). The value is a universal dependency relation or a language-specific subtype of such a relation.
Note: Blank lines are used to mark the boundaries between sentences.
Let's analyze this sentence with its UD annotation:
"The big dog chased the cat."
1. Tokenization:
- The
- big
- dog
- chased
- the
- cat
- .
2. UPOS Tags:
- The: DET
- big: ADJ
- dog: NOUN
- chased: VERB
- the: DET
- cat: NOUN
- .: PUNCT
3. Head node (parent):
- The: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3
- big: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3
- dog: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
- chased: this is the root node, therefore its head is 0
- the: the parent of this word is "cat" at position 6
- cat: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
- .: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
3. Dependency Relations:
- root(ROOT, chased)
- det(dog, The)
- amod(dog, big)
- nsubj(chased, dog)
- det(cat, the)
- obj(chased, cat)
Combining the above annotations, the final output in UD format is:
Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel
1 The DET 3 det
2 big ADJ 3 amod
3 dog NOUN 4 nsubj
4 chased VERB 0 ROOT
5 the DET 6 det
6 cat NOUN 4 obj
7 . PUNCT 4 punct | Generate UD annotations for the following text: У гэтай таемнай лясной прыцішанасці Максіму зноў зрабілася ніякавата, і ён, сілячыся не бразнуць чым, каб не парушыць цішыні, узяў з воза вінтоўку. | Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel
1 У ADP 5 case
2 гэтай DET 5 det
3 таемнай ADJ 5 amod
4 лясной ADJ 5 amod
5 прыцішанасці NOUN 8 obl
6 Максіму PROPN 8 iobj
7 зноў ADV 8 advmod
8 зрабілася VERB 0 root
9 ніякавата ADJ 8 xcomp
10 , PUNCT 24 punct
11 і CCONJ 24 cc
12 ён PRON 24 nsubj
13 , PUNCT 14 punct
14 сілячыся VERB 24 advcl
15 не PART 16 advmod
16 бразнуць VERB 14 xcomp
17 чым PRON 16 obj
18 , PUNCT 21 punct
19 каб SCONJ 21 mark
20 не PART 21 advmod
21 парушыць VERB 16 advcl
22 цішыні NOUN 21 obj
23 , PUNCT 21 punct
24 узяў VERB 8 conj
25 з ADP 26 case
26 воза NOUN 24 obl
27 вінтоўку NOUN 24 obj
28 . PUNCT 8 punct |
As a helpful and smart assistant, your task is to parse a given text in any language to Universal Dependency (UD) format including POS tags and dependency relations (HEAD and DEPREL).
Key Components of UD Annotation:
1. Tokens: The fundamental units within UD are tokens. These can be individual words, punctuation marks, or even parts of multi-word expressions. Each token has several associated attributes.
2. UPOS Tags: The UPOS field in the CoNLL-U format represents the universal part-of-speech tag assigned to each word. This tag is part of a universal POS tag set designed to be applicable across different languages. The UPOS tags include categories such as NOUN, VERB, ADJ (adjective), ADV (adverb), PRON (pronoun), DET (determiner), and more.
3. Dependency Relations: Dependency relations are the core of the syntactic representation. They form a tree structure over the tokens in a sentence. Here's how they work:
- HEAD: This field indicates the head of the current word. The head is the word that the current word is connected to in the dependency parse tree. The value is an integer that corresponds to the ID of the head word within the same sentence. A value of zero (0) indicates that the word is the root of the sentence.
- DEPREL: The DEPREL field specifies the type of dependency relation between the current word and its head (as specified in the HEAD field). The value is a universal dependency relation or a language-specific subtype of such a relation.
Note: Blank lines are used to mark the boundaries between sentences.
Let's analyze this sentence with its UD annotation:
"The big dog chased the cat."
1. Tokenization:
- The
- big
- dog
- chased
- the
- cat
- .
2. UPOS Tags:
- The: DET
- big: ADJ
- dog: NOUN
- chased: VERB
- the: DET
- cat: NOUN
- .: PUNCT
3. Head node (parent):
- The: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3
- big: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3
- dog: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
- chased: this is the root node, therefore its head is 0
- the: the parent of this word is "cat" at position 6
- cat: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
- .: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
3. Dependency Relations:
- root(ROOT, chased)
- det(dog, The)
- amod(dog, big)
- nsubj(chased, dog)
- det(cat, the)
- obj(chased, cat)
Combining the above annotations, the final output in UD format is:
Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel
1 The DET 3 det
2 big ADJ 3 amod
3 dog NOUN 4 nsubj
4 chased VERB 0 ROOT
5 the DET 6 det
6 cat NOUN 4 obj
7 . PUNCT 4 punct | Generate UD annotations for the following text: Пэўна ад надакучлівай адзіноты Максім прыпомніў былы свой трэці ўзвод, камандзіра аддзялення татарына Сагітава, які вучыў яго страляць і акопвацца. | Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel
1 Пэўна ADV 6 advmod
2 ад ADP 4 case
3 надакучлівай ADJ 4 amod
4 адзіноты NOUN 6 obl
5 Максім PROPN 6 nsubj
6 прыпомніў VERB 0 root
7 былы ADJ 10 amod
8 свой DET 10 det
9 трэці ADJ 10 amod
10 ўзвод NOUN 6 obj
11 , PUNCT 12 punct
12 камандзіра NOUN 10 conj
13 аддзялення NOUN 12 nmod
14 татарына PROPN 12 appos
15 Сагітава PROPN 14 appos
16 , PUNCT 18 punct
17 які PRON 18 nsubj
18 вучыў VERB 12 acl:relcl
19 яго PRON 18 obj
20 страляць VERB 18 xcomp
21 і CCONJ 22 cc
22 акопвацца VERB 20 conj
23 . PUNCT 6 punct |
As a helpful and smart assistant, your task is to parse a given text in any language to Universal Dependency (UD) format including POS tags and dependency relations (HEAD and DEPREL).
Key Components of UD Annotation:
1. Tokens: The fundamental units within UD are tokens. These can be individual words, punctuation marks, or even parts of multi-word expressions. Each token has several associated attributes.
2. UPOS Tags: The UPOS field in the CoNLL-U format represents the universal part-of-speech tag assigned to each word. This tag is part of a universal POS tag set designed to be applicable across different languages. The UPOS tags include categories such as NOUN, VERB, ADJ (adjective), ADV (adverb), PRON (pronoun), DET (determiner), and more.
3. Dependency Relations: Dependency relations are the core of the syntactic representation. They form a tree structure over the tokens in a sentence. Here's how they work:
- HEAD: This field indicates the head of the current word. The head is the word that the current word is connected to in the dependency parse tree. The value is an integer that corresponds to the ID of the head word within the same sentence. A value of zero (0) indicates that the word is the root of the sentence.
- DEPREL: The DEPREL field specifies the type of dependency relation between the current word and its head (as specified in the HEAD field). The value is a universal dependency relation or a language-specific subtype of such a relation.
Note: Blank lines are used to mark the boundaries between sentences.
Let's analyze this sentence with its UD annotation:
"The big dog chased the cat."
1. Tokenization:
- The
- big
- dog
- chased
- the
- cat
- .
2. UPOS Tags:
- The: DET
- big: ADJ
- dog: NOUN
- chased: VERB
- the: DET
- cat: NOUN
- .: PUNCT
3. Head node (parent):
- The: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3
- big: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3
- dog: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
- chased: this is the root node, therefore its head is 0
- the: the parent of this word is "cat" at position 6
- cat: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
- .: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
3. Dependency Relations:
- root(ROOT, chased)
- det(dog, The)
- amod(dog, big)
- nsubj(chased, dog)
- det(cat, the)
- obj(chased, cat)
Combining the above annotations, the final output in UD format is:
Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel
1 The DET 3 det
2 big ADJ 3 amod
3 dog NOUN 4 nsubj
4 chased VERB 0 ROOT
5 the DET 6 det
6 cat NOUN 4 obj
7 . PUNCT 4 punct | Generate UD annotations for the following text: З акопваннем, праўда, справа ішла паспяхова, а вось у стральбе не шанцавала Максіму. | Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel
1 З ADP 2 case
2 акопваннем NOUN 7 obl
3 , PUNCT 4 punct
4 праўда NOUN 2 parataxis
5 , PUNCT 4 punct
6 справа NOUN 7 nsubj
7 ішла VERB 0 root
8 паспяхова ADV 7 advmod
9 , PUNCT 15 punct
10 а CCONJ 15 cc
11 вось PART 13 advmod
12 у ADP 13 case
13 стральбе NOUN 15 obl
14 не PART 15 advmod
15 шанцавала VERB 7 conj
16 Максіму PROPN 15 iobj
17 . PUNCT 7 punct |
As a helpful and smart assistant, your task is to parse a given text in any language to Universal Dependency (UD) format including POS tags and dependency relations (HEAD and DEPREL).
Key Components of UD Annotation:
1. Tokens: The fundamental units within UD are tokens. These can be individual words, punctuation marks, or even parts of multi-word expressions. Each token has several associated attributes.
2. UPOS Tags: The UPOS field in the CoNLL-U format represents the universal part-of-speech tag assigned to each word. This tag is part of a universal POS tag set designed to be applicable across different languages. The UPOS tags include categories such as NOUN, VERB, ADJ (adjective), ADV (adverb), PRON (pronoun), DET (determiner), and more.
3. Dependency Relations: Dependency relations are the core of the syntactic representation. They form a tree structure over the tokens in a sentence. Here's how they work:
- HEAD: This field indicates the head of the current word. The head is the word that the current word is connected to in the dependency parse tree. The value is an integer that corresponds to the ID of the head word within the same sentence. A value of zero (0) indicates that the word is the root of the sentence.
- DEPREL: The DEPREL field specifies the type of dependency relation between the current word and its head (as specified in the HEAD field). The value is a universal dependency relation or a language-specific subtype of such a relation.
Note: Blank lines are used to mark the boundaries between sentences.
Let's analyze this sentence with its UD annotation:
"The big dog chased the cat."
1. Tokenization:
- The
- big
- dog
- chased
- the
- cat
- .
2. UPOS Tags:
- The: DET
- big: ADJ
- dog: NOUN
- chased: VERB
- the: DET
- cat: NOUN
- .: PUNCT
3. Head node (parent):
- The: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3
- big: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3
- dog: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
- chased: this is the root node, therefore its head is 0
- the: the parent of this word is "cat" at position 6
- cat: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
- .: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
3. Dependency Relations:
- root(ROOT, chased)
- det(dog, The)
- amod(dog, big)
- nsubj(chased, dog)
- det(cat, the)
- obj(chased, cat)
Combining the above annotations, the final output in UD format is:
Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel
1 The DET 3 det
2 big ADJ 3 amod
3 dog NOUN 4 nsubj
4 chased VERB 0 ROOT
5 the DET 6 det
6 cat NOUN 4 obj
7 . PUNCT 4 punct | Generate UD annotations for the following text: «Які ўжо там з мяне стралец, — ухмыляецца ездавы, — у жыцці ружжа не трымаў, не то што вайсковай стрэльбы». | Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel
1 « PUNCT 2 punct
2 Які DET 0 root
3 ўжо ADV 2 advmod
4 там ADV 2 advmod
5 з ADP 6 case
6 мяне PRON 2 obl
7 стралец NOUN 2 nsubj
8 , PUNCT 10 punct
9 — PUNCT 10 punct
10 ухмыляецца VERB 7 parataxis
11 ездавы NOUN 10 nsubj
12 , PUNCT 18 punct
13 — PUNCT 18 punct
14 у ADP 15 case
15 жыцці NOUN 18 obl
16 ружжа NOUN 18 obj
17 не PART 18 advmod
18 трымаў VERB 10 parataxis
19 , PUNCT 24 punct
20 не PART 24 advmod
21 то SCONJ 20 fixed
22 што SCONJ 20 fixed
23 вайсковай ADJ 24 amod
24 стрэльбы NOUN 16 conj
25 » PUNCT 2 punct
26 . PUNCT 2 punct |
As a helpful and smart assistant, your task is to parse a given text in any language to Universal Dependency (UD) format including POS tags and dependency relations (HEAD and DEPREL).
Key Components of UD Annotation:
1. Tokens: The fundamental units within UD are tokens. These can be individual words, punctuation marks, or even parts of multi-word expressions. Each token has several associated attributes.
2. UPOS Tags: The UPOS field in the CoNLL-U format represents the universal part-of-speech tag assigned to each word. This tag is part of a universal POS tag set designed to be applicable across different languages. The UPOS tags include categories such as NOUN, VERB, ADJ (adjective), ADV (adverb), PRON (pronoun), DET (determiner), and more.
3. Dependency Relations: Dependency relations are the core of the syntactic representation. They form a tree structure over the tokens in a sentence. Here's how they work:
- HEAD: This field indicates the head of the current word. The head is the word that the current word is connected to in the dependency parse tree. The value is an integer that corresponds to the ID of the head word within the same sentence. A value of zero (0) indicates that the word is the root of the sentence.
- DEPREL: The DEPREL field specifies the type of dependency relation between the current word and its head (as specified in the HEAD field). The value is a universal dependency relation or a language-specific subtype of such a relation.
Note: Blank lines are used to mark the boundaries between sentences.
Let's analyze this sentence with its UD annotation:
"The big dog chased the cat."
1. Tokenization:
- The
- big
- dog
- chased
- the
- cat
- .
2. UPOS Tags:
- The: DET
- big: ADJ
- dog: NOUN
- chased: VERB
- the: DET
- cat: NOUN
- .: PUNCT
3. Head node (parent):
- The: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3
- big: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3
- dog: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
- chased: this is the root node, therefore its head is 0
- the: the parent of this word is "cat" at position 6
- cat: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
- .: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
3. Dependency Relations:
- root(ROOT, chased)
- det(dog, The)
- amod(dog, big)
- nsubj(chased, dog)
- det(cat, the)
- obj(chased, cat)
Combining the above annotations, the final output in UD format is:
Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel
1 The DET 3 det
2 big ADJ 3 amod
3 dog NOUN 4 nsubj
4 chased VERB 0 ROOT
5 the DET 6 det
6 cat NOUN 4 obj
7 . PUNCT 4 punct | Generate UD annotations for the following text: Аднак, трапіўшы надоечы да коней, ён выпрасіў у старшыны вінтоўку, а трафейны карабін аддаў назад. | Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel
1 Аднак CCONJ 9 cc
2 , PUNCT 3 punct
3 трапіўшы VERB 9 advcl
4 надоечы ADV 3 advmod
5 да ADP 6 case
6 коней NOUN 3 obl
7 , PUNCT 3 punct
8 ён PRON 9 nsubj
9 выпрасіў VERB 0 root
10 у ADP 11 case
11 старшыны NOUN 9 obl
12 вінтоўку NOUN 9 obj
13 , PUNCT 17 punct
14 а CCONJ 17 cc
15 трафейны ADJ 16 amod
16 карабін NOUN 17 obj
17 аддаў VERB 9 conj
18 назад ADV 17 advmod
19 . PUNCT 9 punct |
As a helpful and smart assistant, your task is to parse a given text in any language to Universal Dependency (UD) format including POS tags and dependency relations (HEAD and DEPREL).
Key Components of UD Annotation:
1. Tokens: The fundamental units within UD are tokens. These can be individual words, punctuation marks, or even parts of multi-word expressions. Each token has several associated attributes.
2. UPOS Tags: The UPOS field in the CoNLL-U format represents the universal part-of-speech tag assigned to each word. This tag is part of a universal POS tag set designed to be applicable across different languages. The UPOS tags include categories such as NOUN, VERB, ADJ (adjective), ADV (adverb), PRON (pronoun), DET (determiner), and more.
3. Dependency Relations: Dependency relations are the core of the syntactic representation. They form a tree structure over the tokens in a sentence. Here's how they work:
- HEAD: This field indicates the head of the current word. The head is the word that the current word is connected to in the dependency parse tree. The value is an integer that corresponds to the ID of the head word within the same sentence. A value of zero (0) indicates that the word is the root of the sentence.
- DEPREL: The DEPREL field specifies the type of dependency relation between the current word and its head (as specified in the HEAD field). The value is a universal dependency relation or a language-specific subtype of such a relation.
Note: Blank lines are used to mark the boundaries between sentences.
Let's analyze this sentence with its UD annotation:
"The big dog chased the cat."
1. Tokenization:
- The
- big
- dog
- chased
- the
- cat
- .
2. UPOS Tags:
- The: DET
- big: ADJ
- dog: NOUN
- chased: VERB
- the: DET
- cat: NOUN
- .: PUNCT
3. Head node (parent):
- The: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3
- big: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3
- dog: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
- chased: this is the root node, therefore its head is 0
- the: the parent of this word is "cat" at position 6
- cat: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
- .: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
3. Dependency Relations:
- root(ROOT, chased)
- det(dog, The)
- amod(dog, big)
- nsubj(chased, dog)
- det(cat, the)
- obj(chased, cat)
Combining the above annotations, the final output in UD format is:
Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel
1 The DET 3 det
2 big ADJ 3 amod
3 dog NOUN 4 nsubj
4 chased VERB 0 ROOT
5 the DET 6 det
6 cat NOUN 4 obj
7 . PUNCT 4 punct | Generate UD annotations for the following text: — Бо ямчэй мне з ёю: усё ж руская. | Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel
1 — PUNCT 3 punct
2 Бо SCONJ 3 mark
3 ямчэй ADJ 0 root
4 мне PRON 3 iobj
5 з ADP 6 case
6 ёю PRON 3 obl
7 : PUNCT 10 punct
8 усё ADV 10 advmod
9 ж PART 8 advmod
10 руская ADJ 3 parataxis
11 . PUNCT 3 punct |
As a helpful and smart assistant, your task is to parse a given text in any language to Universal Dependency (UD) format including POS tags and dependency relations (HEAD and DEPREL).
Key Components of UD Annotation:
1. Tokens: The fundamental units within UD are tokens. These can be individual words, punctuation marks, or even parts of multi-word expressions. Each token has several associated attributes.
2. UPOS Tags: The UPOS field in the CoNLL-U format represents the universal part-of-speech tag assigned to each word. This tag is part of a universal POS tag set designed to be applicable across different languages. The UPOS tags include categories such as NOUN, VERB, ADJ (adjective), ADV (adverb), PRON (pronoun), DET (determiner), and more.
3. Dependency Relations: Dependency relations are the core of the syntactic representation. They form a tree structure over the tokens in a sentence. Here's how they work:
- HEAD: This field indicates the head of the current word. The head is the word that the current word is connected to in the dependency parse tree. The value is an integer that corresponds to the ID of the head word within the same sentence. A value of zero (0) indicates that the word is the root of the sentence.
- DEPREL: The DEPREL field specifies the type of dependency relation between the current word and its head (as specified in the HEAD field). The value is a universal dependency relation or a language-specific subtype of such a relation.
Note: Blank lines are used to mark the boundaries between sentences.
Let's analyze this sentence with its UD annotation:
"The big dog chased the cat."
1. Tokenization:
- The
- big
- dog
- chased
- the
- cat
- .
2. UPOS Tags:
- The: DET
- big: ADJ
- dog: NOUN
- chased: VERB
- the: DET
- cat: NOUN
- .: PUNCT
3. Head node (parent):
- The: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3
- big: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3
- dog: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
- chased: this is the root node, therefore its head is 0
- the: the parent of this word is "cat" at position 6
- cat: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
- .: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
3. Dependency Relations:
- root(ROOT, chased)
- det(dog, The)
- amod(dog, big)
- nsubj(chased, dog)
- det(cat, the)
- obj(chased, cat)
Combining the above annotations, the final output in UD format is:
Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel
1 The DET 3 det
2 big ADJ 3 amod
3 dog NOUN 4 nsubj
4 chased VERB 0 ROOT
5 the DET 6 det
6 cat NOUN 4 obj
7 . PUNCT 4 punct | Generate UD annotations for the following text: Ды і даўжэйшая, далей возьме, — вытлумачыў Корань. | Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel
1 Ды CCONJ 3 cc
2 і CCONJ 3 cc
3 даўжэйшая ADJ 0 root
4 , PUNCT 6 punct
5 далей ADV 6 advmod
6 возьме VERB 3 conj
7 , PUNCT 9 punct
8 — PUNCT 9 punct
9 вытлумачыў VERB 3 parataxis
10 Корань PROPN 9 nsubj
11 . PUNCT 9 punct |
As a helpful and smart assistant, your task is to parse a given text in any language to Universal Dependency (UD) format including POS tags and dependency relations (HEAD and DEPREL).
Key Components of UD Annotation:
1. Tokens: The fundamental units within UD are tokens. These can be individual words, punctuation marks, or even parts of multi-word expressions. Each token has several associated attributes.
2. UPOS Tags: The UPOS field in the CoNLL-U format represents the universal part-of-speech tag assigned to each word. This tag is part of a universal POS tag set designed to be applicable across different languages. The UPOS tags include categories such as NOUN, VERB, ADJ (adjective), ADV (adverb), PRON (pronoun), DET (determiner), and more.
3. Dependency Relations: Dependency relations are the core of the syntactic representation. They form a tree structure over the tokens in a sentence. Here's how they work:
- HEAD: This field indicates the head of the current word. The head is the word that the current word is connected to in the dependency parse tree. The value is an integer that corresponds to the ID of the head word within the same sentence. A value of zero (0) indicates that the word is the root of the sentence.
- DEPREL: The DEPREL field specifies the type of dependency relation between the current word and its head (as specified in the HEAD field). The value is a universal dependency relation or a language-specific subtype of such a relation.
Note: Blank lines are used to mark the boundaries between sentences.
Let's analyze this sentence with its UD annotation:
"The big dog chased the cat."
1. Tokenization:
- The
- big
- dog
- chased
- the
- cat
- .
2. UPOS Tags:
- The: DET
- big: ADJ
- dog: NOUN
- chased: VERB
- the: DET
- cat: NOUN
- .: PUNCT
3. Head node (parent):
- The: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3
- big: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3
- dog: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
- chased: this is the root node, therefore its head is 0
- the: the parent of this word is "cat" at position 6
- cat: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
- .: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
3. Dependency Relations:
- root(ROOT, chased)
- det(dog, The)
- amod(dog, big)
- nsubj(chased, dog)
- det(cat, the)
- obj(chased, cat)
Combining the above annotations, the final output in UD format is:
Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel
1 The DET 3 det
2 big ADJ 3 amod
3 dog NOUN 4 nsubj
4 chased VERB 0 ROOT
5 the DET 6 det
6 cat NOUN 4 obj
7 . PUNCT 4 punct | Generate UD annotations for the following text: Цяпер гэтую вінтоўку прымасціў ён на каленях, але ў такім стане яна перашкаджала кіраваць коньмі, і Максім узяў яе на рэмень. | Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel
1 Цяпер ADV 4 advmod
2 гэтую DET 3 det
3 вінтоўку NOUN 4 obj
4 прымасціў VERB 0 root
5 ён PRON 7 nsubj
6 на ADP 7 case
7 каленях NOUN 4 obl
8 , PUNCT 14 punct
9 але CCONJ 14 cc
10 ў ADP 12 case
11 такім DET 12 det
12 стане NOUN 14 obl
13 яна PRON 14 nsubj
14 перашкаджала VERB 4 conj
15 кіраваць VERB 14 xcomp
16 коньмі NOUN 15 obj
17 , PUNCT 20 punct
18 і CCONJ 20 cc
19 Максім PROPN 20 nsubj
20 узяў VERB 14 conj
21 яе PRON 20 obj
22 на ADP 23 case
23 рэмень NOUN 20 obl
24 . PUNCT 4 punct |
As a helpful and smart assistant, your task is to parse a given text in any language to Universal Dependency (UD) format including POS tags and dependency relations (HEAD and DEPREL).
Key Components of UD Annotation:
1. Tokens: The fundamental units within UD are tokens. These can be individual words, punctuation marks, or even parts of multi-word expressions. Each token has several associated attributes.
2. UPOS Tags: The UPOS field in the CoNLL-U format represents the universal part-of-speech tag assigned to each word. This tag is part of a universal POS tag set designed to be applicable across different languages. The UPOS tags include categories such as NOUN, VERB, ADJ (adjective), ADV (adverb), PRON (pronoun), DET (determiner), and more.
3. Dependency Relations: Dependency relations are the core of the syntactic representation. They form a tree structure over the tokens in a sentence. Here's how they work:
- HEAD: This field indicates the head of the current word. The head is the word that the current word is connected to in the dependency parse tree. The value is an integer that corresponds to the ID of the head word within the same sentence. A value of zero (0) indicates that the word is the root of the sentence.
- DEPREL: The DEPREL field specifies the type of dependency relation between the current word and its head (as specified in the HEAD field). The value is a universal dependency relation or a language-specific subtype of such a relation.
Note: Blank lines are used to mark the boundaries between sentences.
Let's analyze this sentence with its UD annotation:
"The big dog chased the cat."
1. Tokenization:
- The
- big
- dog
- chased
- the
- cat
- .
2. UPOS Tags:
- The: DET
- big: ADJ
- dog: NOUN
- chased: VERB
- the: DET
- cat: NOUN
- .: PUNCT
3. Head node (parent):
- The: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3
- big: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3
- dog: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
- chased: this is the root node, therefore its head is 0
- the: the parent of this word is "cat" at position 6
- cat: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
- .: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
3. Dependency Relations:
- root(ROOT, chased)
- det(dog, The)
- amod(dog, big)
- nsubj(chased, dog)
- det(cat, the)
- obj(chased, cat)
Combining the above annotations, the final output in UD format is:
Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel
1 The DET 3 det
2 big ADJ 3 amod
3 dog NOUN 4 nsubj
4 chased VERB 0 ROOT
5 the DET 6 det
6 cat NOUN 4 obj
7 . PUNCT 4 punct | Generate UD annotations for the following text: Потым, прызвычаіўшыся да лясной дарогі і крыху супакоіўшыся, баец уздзеў яе за спіну, як і належала ездавому. | Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel
1 Потым ADV 12 advmod
2 , PUNCT 3 punct
3 прызвычаіўшыся VERB 12 advcl
4 да ADP 6 case
5 лясной ADJ 6 amod
6 дарогі NOUN 3 obl
7 і CCONJ 9 cc
8 крыху NOUN 9 obl
9 супакоіўшыся VERB 3 conj
10 , PUNCT 3 punct
11 баец NOUN 12 nsubj
12 уздзеў VERB 0 root
13 яе PRON 12 obj
14 за ADP 15 case
15 спіну NOUN 12 obl
16 , PUNCT 19 punct
17 як SCONJ 19 mark
18 і PART 19 advmod
19 належала VERB 12 advcl
20 ездавому NOUN 19 iobj
21 . PUNCT 12 punct |
As a helpful and smart assistant, your task is to parse a given text in any language to Universal Dependency (UD) format including POS tags and dependency relations (HEAD and DEPREL).
Key Components of UD Annotation:
1. Tokens: The fundamental units within UD are tokens. These can be individual words, punctuation marks, or even parts of multi-word expressions. Each token has several associated attributes.
2. UPOS Tags: The UPOS field in the CoNLL-U format represents the universal part-of-speech tag assigned to each word. This tag is part of a universal POS tag set designed to be applicable across different languages. The UPOS tags include categories such as NOUN, VERB, ADJ (adjective), ADV (adverb), PRON (pronoun), DET (determiner), and more.
3. Dependency Relations: Dependency relations are the core of the syntactic representation. They form a tree structure over the tokens in a sentence. Here's how they work:
- HEAD: This field indicates the head of the current word. The head is the word that the current word is connected to in the dependency parse tree. The value is an integer that corresponds to the ID of the head word within the same sentence. A value of zero (0) indicates that the word is the root of the sentence.
- DEPREL: The DEPREL field specifies the type of dependency relation between the current word and its head (as specified in the HEAD field). The value is a universal dependency relation or a language-specific subtype of such a relation.
Note: Blank lines are used to mark the boundaries between sentences.
Let's analyze this sentence with its UD annotation:
"The big dog chased the cat."
1. Tokenization:
- The
- big
- dog
- chased
- the
- cat
- .
2. UPOS Tags:
- The: DET
- big: ADJ
- dog: NOUN
- chased: VERB
- the: DET
- cat: NOUN
- .: PUNCT
3. Head node (parent):
- The: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3
- big: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3
- dog: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
- chased: this is the root node, therefore its head is 0
- the: the parent of this word is "cat" at position 6
- cat: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
- .: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
3. Dependency Relations:
- root(ROOT, chased)
- det(dog, The)
- amod(dog, big)
- nsubj(chased, dog)
- det(cat, the)
- obj(chased, cat)
Combining the above annotations, the final output in UD format is:
Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel
1 The DET 3 det
2 big ADJ 3 amod
3 dog NOUN 4 nsubj
4 chased VERB 0 ROOT
5 the DET 6 det
6 cat NOUN 4 obj
7 . PUNCT 4 punct | Generate UD annotations for the following text: Неўзабаве лес скончыўся і зноў пачалося поле. | Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel
1 Неўзабаве ADV 3 advmod
2 лес NOUN 3 nsubj
3 скончыўся VERB 0 root
4 і CCONJ 6 cc
5 зноў ADV 6 advmod
6 пачалося VERB 3 conj
7 поле NOUN 6 nsubj
8 . PUNCT 3 punct |
As a helpful and smart assistant, your task is to parse a given text in any language to Universal Dependency (UD) format including POS tags and dependency relations (HEAD and DEPREL).
Key Components of UD Annotation:
1. Tokens: The fundamental units within UD are tokens. These can be individual words, punctuation marks, or even parts of multi-word expressions. Each token has several associated attributes.
2. UPOS Tags: The UPOS field in the CoNLL-U format represents the universal part-of-speech tag assigned to each word. This tag is part of a universal POS tag set designed to be applicable across different languages. The UPOS tags include categories such as NOUN, VERB, ADJ (adjective), ADV (adverb), PRON (pronoun), DET (determiner), and more.
3. Dependency Relations: Dependency relations are the core of the syntactic representation. They form a tree structure over the tokens in a sentence. Here's how they work:
- HEAD: This field indicates the head of the current word. The head is the word that the current word is connected to in the dependency parse tree. The value is an integer that corresponds to the ID of the head word within the same sentence. A value of zero (0) indicates that the word is the root of the sentence.
- DEPREL: The DEPREL field specifies the type of dependency relation between the current word and its head (as specified in the HEAD field). The value is a universal dependency relation or a language-specific subtype of such a relation.
Note: Blank lines are used to mark the boundaries between sentences.
Let's analyze this sentence with its UD annotation:
"The big dog chased the cat."
1. Tokenization:
- The
- big
- dog
- chased
- the
- cat
- .
2. UPOS Tags:
- The: DET
- big: ADJ
- dog: NOUN
- chased: VERB
- the: DET
- cat: NOUN
- .: PUNCT
3. Head node (parent):
- The: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3
- big: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3
- dog: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
- chased: this is the root node, therefore its head is 0
- the: the parent of this word is "cat" at position 6
- cat: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
- .: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
3. Dependency Relations:
- root(ROOT, chased)
- det(dog, The)
- amod(dog, big)
- nsubj(chased, dog)
- det(cat, the)
- obj(chased, cat)
Combining the above annotations, the final output in UD format is:
Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel
1 The DET 3 det
2 big ADJ 3 amod
3 dog NOUN 4 nsubj
4 chased VERB 0 ROOT
5 the DET 6 det
6 cat NOUN 4 obj
7 . PUNCT 4 punct | Generate UD annotations for the following text: Цемра нібы парадзела, расступілася, але паранейшаму воддаль ад дарогі нічога нельга было ўбачыць. | Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel
1 Цемра NOUN 3 nsubj
2 нібы PART 3 advmod
3 парадзела VERB 0 root
4 , PUNCT 5 punct
5 расступілася VERB 3 conj
6 , PUNCT 13 punct
7 але CCONJ 13 cc
8 паранейшаму ADV 13 advmod
9 воддаль ADV 13 advmod
10 ад ADP 11 case
11 дарогі NOUN 15 obl
12 нічога PRON 15 obj
13 нельга VERB 3 conj
14 было AUX 13 aux
15 ўбачыць VERB 13 csubj
16 . PUNCT 3 punct |
As a helpful and smart assistant, your task is to parse a given text in any language to Universal Dependency (UD) format including POS tags and dependency relations (HEAD and DEPREL).
Key Components of UD Annotation:
1. Tokens: The fundamental units within UD are tokens. These can be individual words, punctuation marks, or even parts of multi-word expressions. Each token has several associated attributes.
2. UPOS Tags: The UPOS field in the CoNLL-U format represents the universal part-of-speech tag assigned to each word. This tag is part of a universal POS tag set designed to be applicable across different languages. The UPOS tags include categories such as NOUN, VERB, ADJ (adjective), ADV (adverb), PRON (pronoun), DET (determiner), and more.
3. Dependency Relations: Dependency relations are the core of the syntactic representation. They form a tree structure over the tokens in a sentence. Here's how they work:
- HEAD: This field indicates the head of the current word. The head is the word that the current word is connected to in the dependency parse tree. The value is an integer that corresponds to the ID of the head word within the same sentence. A value of zero (0) indicates that the word is the root of the sentence.
- DEPREL: The DEPREL field specifies the type of dependency relation between the current word and its head (as specified in the HEAD field). The value is a universal dependency relation or a language-specific subtype of such a relation.
Note: Blank lines are used to mark the boundaries between sentences.
Let's analyze this sentence with its UD annotation:
"The big dog chased the cat."
1. Tokenization:
- The
- big
- dog
- chased
- the
- cat
- .
2. UPOS Tags:
- The: DET
- big: ADJ
- dog: NOUN
- chased: VERB
- the: DET
- cat: NOUN
- .: PUNCT
3. Head node (parent):
- The: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3
- big: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3
- dog: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
- chased: this is the root node, therefore its head is 0
- the: the parent of this word is "cat" at position 6
- cat: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
- .: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
3. Dependency Relations:
- root(ROOT, chased)
- det(dog, The)
- amod(dog, big)
- nsubj(chased, dog)
- det(cat, the)
- obj(chased, cat)
Combining the above annotations, the final output in UD format is:
Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel
1 The DET 3 det
2 big ADJ 3 amod
3 dog NOUN 4 nsubj
4 chased VERB 0 ROOT
5 the DET 6 det
6 cat NOUN 4 obj
7 . PUNCT 4 punct | Generate UD annotations for the following text: Коні ступалі жвава, ім таксама надакучыла падарожжа, і яны прыкметна імкнуліся наперад. | Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel
1 Коні NOUN 2 nsubj
2 ступалі VERB 0 root
3 жвава ADV 2 advmod
4 , PUNCT 7 punct
5 ім PRON 7 iobj
6 таксама ADV 7 advmod
7 надакучыла VERB 2 conj
8 падарожжа NOUN 7 nsubj
9 , PUNCT 13 punct
10 і CCONJ 13 cc
11 яны PRON 13 nsubj
12 прыкметна ADV 13 advmod
13 імкнуліся VERB 2 conj
14 наперад ADV 13 advmod
15 . PUNCT 2 punct |
As a helpful and smart assistant, your task is to parse a given text in any language to Universal Dependency (UD) format including POS tags and dependency relations (HEAD and DEPREL).
Key Components of UD Annotation:
1. Tokens: The fundamental units within UD are tokens. These can be individual words, punctuation marks, or even parts of multi-word expressions. Each token has several associated attributes.
2. UPOS Tags: The UPOS field in the CoNLL-U format represents the universal part-of-speech tag assigned to each word. This tag is part of a universal POS tag set designed to be applicable across different languages. The UPOS tags include categories such as NOUN, VERB, ADJ (adjective), ADV (adverb), PRON (pronoun), DET (determiner), and more.
3. Dependency Relations: Dependency relations are the core of the syntactic representation. They form a tree structure over the tokens in a sentence. Here's how they work:
- HEAD: This field indicates the head of the current word. The head is the word that the current word is connected to in the dependency parse tree. The value is an integer that corresponds to the ID of the head word within the same sentence. A value of zero (0) indicates that the word is the root of the sentence.
- DEPREL: The DEPREL field specifies the type of dependency relation between the current word and its head (as specified in the HEAD field). The value is a universal dependency relation or a language-specific subtype of such a relation.
Note: Blank lines are used to mark the boundaries between sentences.
Let's analyze this sentence with its UD annotation:
"The big dog chased the cat."
1. Tokenization:
- The
- big
- dog
- chased
- the
- cat
- .
2. UPOS Tags:
- The: DET
- big: ADJ
- dog: NOUN
- chased: VERB
- the: DET
- cat: NOUN
- .: PUNCT
3. Head node (parent):
- The: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3
- big: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3
- dog: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
- chased: this is the root node, therefore its head is 0
- the: the parent of this word is "cat" at position 6
- cat: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
- .: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
3. Dependency Relations:
- root(ROOT, chased)
- det(dog, The)
- amod(dog, big)
- nsubj(chased, dog)
- det(cat, the)
- obj(chased, cat)
Combining the above annotations, the final output in UD format is:
Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel
1 The DET 3 det
2 big ADJ 3 amod
3 dog NOUN 4 nsubj
4 chased VERB 0 ROOT
5 the DET 6 det
6 cat NOUN 4 obj
7 . PUNCT 4 punct | Generate UD annotations for the following text: А ноч зачароўвала хараством. | Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel
1 А CCONJ 3 cc
2 ноч NOUN 3 nsubj
3 зачароўвала VERB 0 root
4 хараством NOUN 3 iobj
5 . PUNCT 3 punct |
As a helpful and smart assistant, your task is to parse a given text in any language to Universal Dependency (UD) format including POS tags and dependency relations (HEAD and DEPREL).
Key Components of UD Annotation:
1. Tokens: The fundamental units within UD are tokens. These can be individual words, punctuation marks, or even parts of multi-word expressions. Each token has several associated attributes.
2. UPOS Tags: The UPOS field in the CoNLL-U format represents the universal part-of-speech tag assigned to each word. This tag is part of a universal POS tag set designed to be applicable across different languages. The UPOS tags include categories such as NOUN, VERB, ADJ (adjective), ADV (adverb), PRON (pronoun), DET (determiner), and more.
3. Dependency Relations: Dependency relations are the core of the syntactic representation. They form a tree structure over the tokens in a sentence. Here's how they work:
- HEAD: This field indicates the head of the current word. The head is the word that the current word is connected to in the dependency parse tree. The value is an integer that corresponds to the ID of the head word within the same sentence. A value of zero (0) indicates that the word is the root of the sentence.
- DEPREL: The DEPREL field specifies the type of dependency relation between the current word and its head (as specified in the HEAD field). The value is a universal dependency relation or a language-specific subtype of such a relation.
Note: Blank lines are used to mark the boundaries between sentences.
Let's analyze this sentence with its UD annotation:
"The big dog chased the cat."
1. Tokenization:
- The
- big
- dog
- chased
- the
- cat
- .
2. UPOS Tags:
- The: DET
- big: ADJ
- dog: NOUN
- chased: VERB
- the: DET
- cat: NOUN
- .: PUNCT
3. Head node (parent):
- The: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3
- big: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3
- dog: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
- chased: this is the root node, therefore its head is 0
- the: the parent of this word is "cat" at position 6
- cat: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
- .: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
3. Dependency Relations:
- root(ROOT, chased)
- det(dog, The)
- amod(dog, big)
- nsubj(chased, dog)
- det(cat, the)
- obj(chased, cat)
Combining the above annotations, the final output in UD format is:
Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel
1 The DET 3 det
2 big ADJ 3 amod
3 dog NOUN 4 nsubj
4 chased VERB 0 ROOT
5 the DET 6 det
6 cat NOUN 4 obj
7 . PUNCT 4 punct | Generate UD annotations for the following text: Струменілі раслінныя пахі, цёплай дрымотаю павяваў ласкавы ветрык, і ў недасяглай вышыні незразумелай мігатлівай музыкай трапяталіся зоркі. | Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel
1 Струменілі VERB 0 root
2 раслінныя ADJ 3 amod
3 пахі NOUN 1 nsubj
4 , PUNCT 7 punct
5 цёплай ADJ 6 amod
6 дрымотаю NOUN 7 iobj
7 павяваў VERB 1 conj
8 ласкавы ADJ 9 amod
9 ветрык NOUN 7 nsubj
10 , PUNCT 18 punct
11 і CCONJ 18 cc
12 ў ADP 14 case
13 недасяглай ADJ 14 amod
14 вышыні NOUN 18 obl
15 незразумелай ADJ 17 amod
16 мігатлівай ADJ 17 amod
17 музыкай NOUN 18 obl
18 трапяталіся VERB 1 conj
19 зоркі NOUN 18 nsubj
20 . PUNCT 1 punct |
As a helpful and smart assistant, your task is to parse a given text in any language to Universal Dependency (UD) format including POS tags and dependency relations (HEAD and DEPREL).
Key Components of UD Annotation:
1. Tokens: The fundamental units within UD are tokens. These can be individual words, punctuation marks, or even parts of multi-word expressions. Each token has several associated attributes.
2. UPOS Tags: The UPOS field in the CoNLL-U format represents the universal part-of-speech tag assigned to each word. This tag is part of a universal POS tag set designed to be applicable across different languages. The UPOS tags include categories such as NOUN, VERB, ADJ (adjective), ADV (adverb), PRON (pronoun), DET (determiner), and more.
3. Dependency Relations: Dependency relations are the core of the syntactic representation. They form a tree structure over the tokens in a sentence. Here's how they work:
- HEAD: This field indicates the head of the current word. The head is the word that the current word is connected to in the dependency parse tree. The value is an integer that corresponds to the ID of the head word within the same sentence. A value of zero (0) indicates that the word is the root of the sentence.
- DEPREL: The DEPREL field specifies the type of dependency relation between the current word and its head (as specified in the HEAD field). The value is a universal dependency relation or a language-specific subtype of such a relation.
Note: Blank lines are used to mark the boundaries between sentences.
Let's analyze this sentence with its UD annotation:
"The big dog chased the cat."
1. Tokenization:
- The
- big
- dog
- chased
- the
- cat
- .
2. UPOS Tags:
- The: DET
- big: ADJ
- dog: NOUN
- chased: VERB
- the: DET
- cat: NOUN
- .: PUNCT
3. Head node (parent):
- The: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3
- big: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3
- dog: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
- chased: this is the root node, therefore its head is 0
- the: the parent of this word is "cat" at position 6
- cat: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
- .: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
3. Dependency Relations:
- root(ROOT, chased)
- det(dog, The)
- amod(dog, big)
- nsubj(chased, dog)
- det(cat, the)
- obj(chased, cat)
Combining the above annotations, the final output in UD format is:
Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel
1 The DET 3 det
2 big ADJ 3 amod
3 dog NOUN 4 nsubj
4 chased VERB 0 ROOT
5 the DET 6 det
6 cat NOUN 4 obj
7 . PUNCT 4 punct | Generate UD annotations for the following text: Дні стаялі спякотныя, з рэдкімі пераходнымі навальніцамі, ад нагрэтай зямлі за поўнач зыходзіла цеплыня. | Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel
1 Дні NOUN 2 nsubj
2 стаялі VERB 0 root
3 спякотныя ADJ 2 acl
4 , PUNCT 8 punct
5 з ADP 8 case
6 рэдкімі ADJ 8 amod
7 пераходнымі ADJ 8 amod
8 навальніцамі NOUN 3 conj
9 , PUNCT 15 punct
10 ад ADP 12 case
11 нагрэтай VERB 12 amod
12 зямлі NOUN 15 obl
13 за ADP 14 case
14 поўнач NOUN 15 obl
15 зыходзіла VERB 2 conj
16 цеплыня NOUN 15 nsubj
17 . PUNCT 2 punct |
As a helpful and smart assistant, your task is to parse a given text in any language to Universal Dependency (UD) format including POS tags and dependency relations (HEAD and DEPREL).
Key Components of UD Annotation:
1. Tokens: The fundamental units within UD are tokens. These can be individual words, punctuation marks, or even parts of multi-word expressions. Each token has several associated attributes.
2. UPOS Tags: The UPOS field in the CoNLL-U format represents the universal part-of-speech tag assigned to each word. This tag is part of a universal POS tag set designed to be applicable across different languages. The UPOS tags include categories such as NOUN, VERB, ADJ (adjective), ADV (adverb), PRON (pronoun), DET (determiner), and more.
3. Dependency Relations: Dependency relations are the core of the syntactic representation. They form a tree structure over the tokens in a sentence. Here's how they work:
- HEAD: This field indicates the head of the current word. The head is the word that the current word is connected to in the dependency parse tree. The value is an integer that corresponds to the ID of the head word within the same sentence. A value of zero (0) indicates that the word is the root of the sentence.
- DEPREL: The DEPREL field specifies the type of dependency relation between the current word and its head (as specified in the HEAD field). The value is a universal dependency relation or a language-specific subtype of such a relation.
Note: Blank lines are used to mark the boundaries between sentences.
Let's analyze this sentence with its UD annotation:
"The big dog chased the cat."
1. Tokenization:
- The
- big
- dog
- chased
- the
- cat
- .
2. UPOS Tags:
- The: DET
- big: ADJ
- dog: NOUN
- chased: VERB
- the: DET
- cat: NOUN
- .: PUNCT
3. Head node (parent):
- The: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3
- big: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3
- dog: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
- chased: this is the root node, therefore its head is 0
- the: the parent of this word is "cat" at position 6
- cat: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
- .: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
3. Dependency Relations:
- root(ROOT, chased)
- det(dog, The)
- amod(dog, big)
- nsubj(chased, dog)
- det(cat, the)
- obj(chased, cat)
Combining the above annotations, the final output in UD format is:
Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel
1 The DET 3 det
2 big ADJ 3 amod
3 dog NOUN 4 nsubj
4 chased VERB 0 ROOT
5 the DET 6 det
6 cat NOUN 4 obj
7 . PUNCT 4 punct | Generate UD annotations for the following text: А раніцай збажына і даспелыя травы зіхацелі срэбнымі росамі, і ззялі ў доле іскрыстыя зоркі, нібы апаўшы з неба ўначы. | Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel
1 А CCONJ 7 cc
2 раніцай NOUN 7 obl
3 збажына NOUN 7 nsubj
4 і CCONJ 6 cc
5 даспелыя ADJ 6 amod
6 травы NOUN 3 conj
7 зіхацелі VERB 0 root
8 срэбнымі ADJ 9 amod
9 росамі NOUN 7 obl
10 , PUNCT 12 punct
11 і CCONJ 12 cc
12 ззялі VERB 7 conj
13 ў ADP 14 case
14 доле NOUN 12 obl
15 іскрыстыя ADJ 16 amod
16 зоркі NOUN 12 nsubj
17 , PUNCT 19 punct
18 нібы PART 19 advmod
19 апаўшы VERB 12 advcl
20 з ADP 21 case
21 неба NOUN 19 obl
22 ўначы ADV 19 advmod
23 . PUNCT 7 punct |
As a helpful and smart assistant, your task is to parse a given text in any language to Universal Dependency (UD) format including POS tags and dependency relations (HEAD and DEPREL).
Key Components of UD Annotation:
1. Tokens: The fundamental units within UD are tokens. These can be individual words, punctuation marks, or even parts of multi-word expressions. Each token has several associated attributes.
2. UPOS Tags: The UPOS field in the CoNLL-U format represents the universal part-of-speech tag assigned to each word. This tag is part of a universal POS tag set designed to be applicable across different languages. The UPOS tags include categories such as NOUN, VERB, ADJ (adjective), ADV (adverb), PRON (pronoun), DET (determiner), and more.
3. Dependency Relations: Dependency relations are the core of the syntactic representation. They form a tree structure over the tokens in a sentence. Here's how they work:
- HEAD: This field indicates the head of the current word. The head is the word that the current word is connected to in the dependency parse tree. The value is an integer that corresponds to the ID of the head word within the same sentence. A value of zero (0) indicates that the word is the root of the sentence.
- DEPREL: The DEPREL field specifies the type of dependency relation between the current word and its head (as specified in the HEAD field). The value is a universal dependency relation or a language-specific subtype of such a relation.
Note: Blank lines are used to mark the boundaries between sentences.
Let's analyze this sentence with its UD annotation:
"The big dog chased the cat."
1. Tokenization:
- The
- big
- dog
- chased
- the
- cat
- .
2. UPOS Tags:
- The: DET
- big: ADJ
- dog: NOUN
- chased: VERB
- the: DET
- cat: NOUN
- .: PUNCT
3. Head node (parent):
- The: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3
- big: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3
- dog: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
- chased: this is the root node, therefore its head is 0
- the: the parent of this word is "cat" at position 6
- cat: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
- .: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
3. Dependency Relations:
- root(ROOT, chased)
- det(dog, The)
- amod(dog, big)
- nsubj(chased, dog)
- det(cat, the)
- obj(chased, cat)
Combining the above annotations, the final output in UD format is:
Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel
1 The DET 3 det
2 big ADJ 3 amod
3 dog NOUN 4 nsubj
4 chased VERB 0 ROOT
5 the DET 6 det
6 cat NOUN 4 obj
7 . PUNCT 4 punct | Generate UD annotations for the following text: Захоплены думкамі, Максім не адразу заўважыў, што коні чамусьці прыцішылі хаду і нарэшце нерашуча спыніліся. | Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel
1 Захоплены VERB 7 acl
2 думкамі NOUN 1 obl:agent
3 , PUNCT 1 punct
4 Максім PROPN 7 nsubj
5 не PART 6 advmod
6 адразу ADV 7 advmod
7 заўважыў VERB 0 root
8 , PUNCT 12 punct
9 што SCONJ 12 mark
10 коні NOUN 12 nsubj
11 чамусьці ADV 12 advmod
12 прыцішылі VERB 7 ccomp
13 хаду NOUN 12 obj
14 і CCONJ 17 cc
15 нарэшце ADV 17 advmod
16 нерашуча ADV 17 advmod
17 спыніліся VERB 12 conj
18 . PUNCT 7 punct |
As a helpful and smart assistant, your task is to parse a given text in any language to Universal Dependency (UD) format including POS tags and dependency relations (HEAD and DEPREL).
Key Components of UD Annotation:
1. Tokens: The fundamental units within UD are tokens. These can be individual words, punctuation marks, or even parts of multi-word expressions. Each token has several associated attributes.
2. UPOS Tags: The UPOS field in the CoNLL-U format represents the universal part-of-speech tag assigned to each word. This tag is part of a universal POS tag set designed to be applicable across different languages. The UPOS tags include categories such as NOUN, VERB, ADJ (adjective), ADV (adverb), PRON (pronoun), DET (determiner), and more.
3. Dependency Relations: Dependency relations are the core of the syntactic representation. They form a tree structure over the tokens in a sentence. Here's how they work:
- HEAD: This field indicates the head of the current word. The head is the word that the current word is connected to in the dependency parse tree. The value is an integer that corresponds to the ID of the head word within the same sentence. A value of zero (0) indicates that the word is the root of the sentence.
- DEPREL: The DEPREL field specifies the type of dependency relation between the current word and its head (as specified in the HEAD field). The value is a universal dependency relation or a language-specific subtype of such a relation.
Note: Blank lines are used to mark the boundaries between sentences.
Let's analyze this sentence with its UD annotation:
"The big dog chased the cat."
1. Tokenization:
- The
- big
- dog
- chased
- the
- cat
- .
2. UPOS Tags:
- The: DET
- big: ADJ
- dog: NOUN
- chased: VERB
- the: DET
- cat: NOUN
- .: PUNCT
3. Head node (parent):
- The: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3
- big: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3
- dog: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
- chased: this is the root node, therefore its head is 0
- the: the parent of this word is "cat" at position 6
- cat: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
- .: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
3. Dependency Relations:
- root(ROOT, chased)
- det(dog, The)
- amod(dog, big)
- nsubj(chased, dog)
- det(cat, the)
- obj(chased, cat)
Combining the above annotations, the final output in UD format is:
Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel
1 The DET 3 det
2 big ADJ 3 amod
3 dog NOUN 4 nsubj
4 chased VERB 0 ROOT
5 the DET 6 det
6 cat NOUN 4 obj
7 . PUNCT 4 punct | Generate UD annotations for the following text: Ездавы спрабаваў быў тузануць лейцамі, але гэта не падзейнічала, тады ён не замарудзіў злезці. | Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel
1 Ездавы NOUN 2 nsubj
2 спрабаваў VERB 0 root
3 быў AUX 2 aux
4 тузануць VERB 2 xcomp
5 лейцамі NOUN 4 iobj
6 , PUNCT 10 punct
7 але CCONJ 10 cc
8 гэта PRON 10 nsubj
9 не PART 10 advmod
10 падзейнічала VERB 2 conj
11 , PUNCT 15 punct
12 тады ADV 15 advmod
13 ён PRON 15 nsubj
14 не PART 15 advmod
15 замарудзіў VERB 10 conj
16 злезці VERB 15 xcomp
17 . PUNCT 2 punct |
As a helpful and smart assistant, your task is to parse a given text in any language to Universal Dependency (UD) format including POS tags and dependency relations (HEAD and DEPREL).
Key Components of UD Annotation:
1. Tokens: The fundamental units within UD are tokens. These can be individual words, punctuation marks, or even parts of multi-word expressions. Each token has several associated attributes.
2. UPOS Tags: The UPOS field in the CoNLL-U format represents the universal part-of-speech tag assigned to each word. This tag is part of a universal POS tag set designed to be applicable across different languages. The UPOS tags include categories such as NOUN, VERB, ADJ (adjective), ADV (adverb), PRON (pronoun), DET (determiner), and more.
3. Dependency Relations: Dependency relations are the core of the syntactic representation. They form a tree structure over the tokens in a sentence. Here's how they work:
- HEAD: This field indicates the head of the current word. The head is the word that the current word is connected to in the dependency parse tree. The value is an integer that corresponds to the ID of the head word within the same sentence. A value of zero (0) indicates that the word is the root of the sentence.
- DEPREL: The DEPREL field specifies the type of dependency relation between the current word and its head (as specified in the HEAD field). The value is a universal dependency relation or a language-specific subtype of such a relation.
Note: Blank lines are used to mark the boundaries between sentences.
Let's analyze this sentence with its UD annotation:
"The big dog chased the cat."
1. Tokenization:
- The
- big
- dog
- chased
- the
- cat
- .
2. UPOS Tags:
- The: DET
- big: ADJ
- dog: NOUN
- chased: VERB
- the: DET
- cat: NOUN
- .: PUNCT
3. Head node (parent):
- The: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3
- big: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3
- dog: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
- chased: this is the root node, therefore its head is 0
- the: the parent of this word is "cat" at position 6
- cat: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
- .: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
3. Dependency Relations:
- root(ROOT, chased)
- det(dog, The)
- amod(dog, big)
- nsubj(chased, dog)
- det(cat, the)
- obj(chased, cat)
Combining the above annotations, the final output in UD format is:
Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel
1 The DET 3 det
2 big ADJ 3 amod
3 dog NOUN 4 nsubj
4 chased VERB 0 ROOT
5 the DET 6 det
6 cat NOUN 4 obj
7 . PUNCT 4 punct | Generate UD annotations for the following text: Праз колькі крокаў перад ім у цёмным небе высіўся адзінокі крыж раздарожжа. | Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel
1 Праз ADP 3 case
2 колькі NUM 3 nummod:gov
3 крокаў NOUN 9 obl
4 перад ADP 5 case
5 ім PRON 3 nmod
6 у ADP 8 case
7 цёмным ADJ 8 amod
8 небе NOUN 9 obl
9 высіўся VERB 0 root
10 адзінокі ADJ 11 amod
11 крыж NOUN 9 nsubj
12 раздарожжа NOUN 11 nmod
13 . PUNCT 9 punct |
As a helpful and smart assistant, your task is to parse a given text in any language to Universal Dependency (UD) format including POS tags and dependency relations (HEAD and DEPREL).
Key Components of UD Annotation:
1. Tokens: The fundamental units within UD are tokens. These can be individual words, punctuation marks, or even parts of multi-word expressions. Each token has several associated attributes.
2. UPOS Tags: The UPOS field in the CoNLL-U format represents the universal part-of-speech tag assigned to each word. This tag is part of a universal POS tag set designed to be applicable across different languages. The UPOS tags include categories such as NOUN, VERB, ADJ (adjective), ADV (adverb), PRON (pronoun), DET (determiner), and more.
3. Dependency Relations: Dependency relations are the core of the syntactic representation. They form a tree structure over the tokens in a sentence. Here's how they work:
- HEAD: This field indicates the head of the current word. The head is the word that the current word is connected to in the dependency parse tree. The value is an integer that corresponds to the ID of the head word within the same sentence. A value of zero (0) indicates that the word is the root of the sentence.
- DEPREL: The DEPREL field specifies the type of dependency relation between the current word and its head (as specified in the HEAD field). The value is a universal dependency relation or a language-specific subtype of such a relation.
Note: Blank lines are used to mark the boundaries between sentences.
Let's analyze this sentence with its UD annotation:
"The big dog chased the cat."
1. Tokenization:
- The
- big
- dog
- chased
- the
- cat
- .
2. UPOS Tags:
- The: DET
- big: ADJ
- dog: NOUN
- chased: VERB
- the: DET
- cat: NOUN
- .: PUNCT
3. Head node (parent):
- The: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3
- big: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3
- dog: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
- chased: this is the root node, therefore its head is 0
- the: the parent of this word is "cat" at position 6
- cat: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
- .: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4
3. Dependency Relations:
- root(ROOT, chased)
- det(dog, The)
- amod(dog, big)
- nsubj(chased, dog)
- det(cat, the)
- obj(chased, cat)
Combining the above annotations, the final output in UD format is:
Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel
1 The DET 3 det
2 big ADJ 3 amod
3 dog NOUN 4 nsubj
4 chased VERB 0 ROOT
5 the DET 6 det
6 cat NOUN 4 obj
7 . PUNCT 4 punct | Generate UD annotations for the following text: Вузенькая дарожка дзялілася на дзве, і тыя, абышоўшы змрочнага «Ісуса», разыходзіліся ў розных напрамках. | Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel
1 Вузенькая ADJ 2 amod
2 дарожка NOUN 3 nsubj
3 дзялілася VERB 0 root
4 на ADP 5 case
5 дзве NUM 3 obl
6 , PUNCT 16 punct
7 і CCONJ 16 cc
8 тыя DET 16 nsubj
9 , PUNCT 10 punct
10 абышоўшы VERB 16 advcl
11 змрочнага ADJ 13 amod
12 « PUNCT 13 punct
13 Ісуса PROPN 10 obj
14 » PUNCT 13 punct
15 , PUNCT 10 punct
16 разыходзіліся VERB 3 conj
17 ў ADP 19 case
18 розных ADJ 19 amod
19 напрамках NOUN 16 obl
20 . PUNCT 3 punct |
Subsets and Splits