1 value
TDAT: protected void addVersionPropertyDescriptor(Object object) { itemPropertyDescriptors.add (createItemPropertyDescriptor (((ComposeableAdapterFactory)adapterFactory).getRootAdapterFactory(), getResourceLocator(), getString("_UI_SimulationModel_version_feature"), getString("_UI_PropertyDescriptor_description", "_UI_SimulationModel_version_feature", "_UI_SimulationModel_type"), CescsmodelPackage.Literals.SIMULATION_MODEL__VERSION, true, false, false, ItemPropertyDescriptor.GENERIC_VALUE_IMAGE, null, null)); } COM: <s> this adds a property descriptor for the version feature </s>
TDAT: public interface DBConnector { /** * The a connection to the database. * * @return * JDBC connection to the database object. * * @throws SQLException * Any SQL errors that may have occured during the connection attempt. */ public Connection getConnection() throws SQLException; /** * Returns the DatabaseType this database object is representing. This DatabaseType * will be Vendor specific as defined in the DatabaseType enum structure. * * @return * The type of database this is. */ public DatabaseType getDbType(); } COM: <s> interface which allows retrieval of connection and database type information after </s>
TDAT: protected int next(int bits) { long oldseed, nextseed; long seed = this.seed; boolean seedEqualOldseed = false; do { oldseed = seed; nextseed = (oldseed * multiplier + addend) & mask; seedEqualOldseed = false; if(seed == oldseed) { seed = nextseed; seedEqualOldseed = true; } } while (!seedEqualOldseed); return (int)(nextseed >>> (48 - bits)); } COM: <s> generates the next pseudorandom number </s>
TDAT: public String getString(String name, String encoding) throws UnsupportedEncodingException { final Part part = this.partMap.get(name); if (part == null) return null; final String theEncoding = encoding == null ? defaultEncoding : encoding; return new String(part.data, theEncoding); } COM: <s> get the data of a part as a string </s>
TDAT: static public XADataCache getInstance() { if (bdCache == null) { try { bdCache = new BizDocumentDataCache(); if (bdCache.isCacheCreated() == false) { bdCache = null; } } catch (final Throwable e) { lf.printStackTrace(e); return null; } } return bdCache; } COM: <s> get instance of biz document data cache </s>
TDAT: public void testQuery1() throws Exception { String queryString = "select $s $p $o from <rmi://" + hostName + "/server1#> where $s $p $o ;"; String directAnswer = bean.executeQueryToString(queryString); String soapAnswer = this.executeSoapCall(queryString); assertEquals( "A basic SELECT SOAP iTQL result is not the same as a direct call", soapAnswer, directAnswer); } COM: <s> test the interpreter via a direct call and a soap call </s>
TDAT: public Command getItemCommand() { if (itemCommand == null) {//GEN-END:|29-getter|0|29-preInit // write pre-init user code here itemCommand = new Command("Item 1", Command.ITEM, 0);//GEN-LINE:|29-getter|1|29-postInit // write post-init user code here }//GEN-BEGIN:|29-getter|2| return itemCommand; } COM: <s> returns an initiliazed instance of item command component </s>
TDAT: private void replaceOriginalModuleInputsWithSpecialized() { for (Node original : specializedInputRootsByOriginal.keySet()) { Node specialized = specializedInputRootsByOriginal.get(original); original.removeChildren(); List<Node> specializedChildren = Lists.newLinkedList(); while (specialized.getFirstChild() != null) { original.addChildToBack(specialized.removeFirstChild()); } } } COM: <s> replaces the original input roots of the initial module with </s>
TDAT: public QueryParameter getQueryParamByName (String name) { java.util.Iterator it = queryParams.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { QueryParameter qp = (QueryParameter) it.next(); if (name.equals(qp.getName())) return qp; } return null; } COM: <s> get a query parameter based on its name </s>
TDAT: public void closeWindowForComponent(JComponent c) { WorkSpaceInternalFrame frame = getFrame(c); try { frame.setClosed(true); // then is called in automatic way onEditorRemove } catch(PropertyVetoException ex) { DB.getLogger().addMessage("I can't close a frame: " + ex.getMessage()); } } COM: <s> p remove the window that contains the given panel </s>
TDAT: private JButton getJButtonLoad() { if (jButtonLoad == null) { jButtonLoad = new JButton(); jButtonLoad.setText("Load"); jButtonLoad.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent e) { if( isConnected) { try { udp.LoadIndex(); } catch (IOException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } } } }); } return jButtonLoad; } COM: <s> this method initializes j button load </s>
TDAT: public void testGetIdMesa() { System.out.println("getIdMesa"); Mesa prueba = new Mesa(); Orden instance = new Orden(); instance.setIdMesa(prueba); Mesa expResult = prueba; Mesa result = instance.getIdMesa(); assertEquals(expResult, result); } COM: <s> test of get id mesa method of class data </s>
TDAT: public boolean equals(Object oth) { if (this == oth) { return true; } if (oth instanceof PolygonSymbolizerImpl) { PolygonSymbolizerImpl other = (PolygonSymbolizerImpl) oth; return Utilities.equals(this.geometryPropertyName, other.geometryPropertyName) && Utilities.equals(fill, other.fill) && Utilities.equals(stroke, other.stroke); } return false; } COM: <s> compares this polygon symbolizer impl with another </s>
TDAT: protected void addReferencePropertyDescriptor(Object object) { itemPropertyDescriptors.add (createItemPropertyDescriptor (((ComposeableAdapterFactory)adapterFactory).getRootAdapterFactory(), getResourceLocator(), getString("_UI_DiagramElement_reference_feature"), getString("_UI_PropertyDescriptor_description", "_UI_DiagramElement_reference_feature", "_UI_DiagramElement_type"), Di2Package.Literals.DIAGRAM_ELEMENT__REFERENCE, true, false, true, null, null, null)); } COM: <s> this adds a property descriptor for the reference feature </s>
TDAT: protected void updated(Dictionary<String, ?> config) { m_lang = (String) config.get("lang"); m_words.clear(); String[] words = (String[]) config.get(WORDS); for (String word : words) { m_words.add(word); } } COM: <s> our service will be initialized from config admin </s>
TDAT: private void build(){ setTitle(";Blink"); setSize(640,320); setLocationRelativeTo(null); setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); setJMenuBar(new IBlinkMenuBar()); setContentPane(buildContentPane()); } COM: <s> builds the frame </s>
TDAT: public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e) { int code = e.getKeyCode(); if (code == KeyEvent.VK_DOWN || code == KeyEvent.VK_UP || code == KeyEvent.VK_RIGHT || code == KeyEvent.VK_LEFT) { handleCursorKey(code); } else { tool().keyDown(this, e, code); } //checkdamage not necessary? //(is already done in cmd&handleCursorKey&some tools?but not all?) checkDamage(); } COM: <s> handles key down events </s>
TDAT: public void incrStats(Collection<GraphNode> nodes) { totalCount += nodes.size(); for (GraphNode node : nodes) { ElementKindDescriptor descr = findDescriptor(node); if (null == descr) { otherCount++; } else { int count = kindCounts.get(descr); kindCounts.put(descr, count + 1); } } } COM: <s> update the current statistics for the new set of analysis nodes </s>
TDAT: public boolean checkRootIsHardDeleted(Integer rootID) throws ApplicationException { boolean isDeleted = false; //DmsDocumentDAObject dmsDocumentDAO = new DmsDocumentDAObject(sessionContainer, conn); DmsRootDAObject dmsRootDAO = new DmsRootDAObject(sessionContainer, conn); //if the document not exist, then mean is deleted. isDeleted = !dmsRootDAO.checkDocExist(rootID); return isDeleted; } COM: <s> checks the root is hard deleted or not </s>
TDAT: public void setChargeItemId(Long chargeItemId) { if (!(this.chargeItemId.longValue() == chargeItemId.longValue())) { Long oldchargeItemId= 0L; oldchargeItemId = this.chargeItemId.longValue(); this.chargeItemId = chargeItemId.longValue(); setModified("chargeItemId"); firePropertyChange(String.valueOf(INVOICECHARGES_CHARGEITEMID), oldchargeItemId, chargeItemId); } } COM: <s> item being charged </s>
TDAT: private int append(ByteBuffer buffer, int count) throws IOException { ByteBuffer segment = input.slice(); if(closed) { throw new TransportException("Transport is closed"); } int mark = input.position(); int size = mark + count; if(count > 0) { input.position(size); segment.limit(count); buffer.put(segment); } return count; } COM: <s> this will append bytes within the transport to the given buffer </s>
TDAT: public void removeColorModeHighlighting(){ int numComponents = colorModeLegend.getComponentCount(); for(int j=0; j<numComponents; j++){ JPanel panel = (JPanel) colorModeLegend.getComponent(j); panel.setBorder(new LineBorder(Color.WHITE)); // is white really default ? } } COM: <s> removes highlighting from the color mode legend </s>
TDAT: protected void validateVerblijfsObject(nl.vrom.www.bag.stuf._0120.VerblijfsObject_type1[] param){ if ((param != null) && (param.length > 4)){ throw new java.lang.RuntimeException(); } if ((param != null) && (param.length < 1)){ throw new java.lang.RuntimeException(); } } COM: <s> validate the array for verblijfs object </s>
TDAT: public void initialize(VAIBuilderModel model) { this.model = model; String rootDirectory = (String)model.getPropertyList().get("vainstall.projectroot"); if (rootDirectory == null) { rootDirectory = System.getProperty("user.dir"); } directoryField.setText(rootDirectory); } COM: <s> since we need a reference to the root project directory </s>
TDAT: private void initialize(Properties props) { // handle the properties I care about // load the addresses and associated terminals boolean dynamic = this.getRawCapabilities().dynamicAddresses; DomainMgr dm = this.setDomainMgr(new DomainMgr(this, dynamic)); if (!dynamic) { dm.loadAddresses(); dm.loadTerminals(); } // see if dynamic call querying is required this.setCallMgr(new CallMgr(this, this.getRawCapabilities().throttle)); // turn me on state = Provider.IN_SERVICE; } COM: <s> initialize the provider </s>
TDAT: public TrialPoint getBestTrialPoint() { int n = proxyV.size(); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { ParameterProxy proxy = (ParameterProxy) proxyV.get(i); Variable var = (Variable) proxyToVarMap.get(proxy); variables.put(var, new Double(proxy.getValue())); } TrialPoint newTrialPoint = new TrialPoint(variables); return newTrialPoint; } COM: <s> returns the best solution as the trial point class instance </s>
TDAT: public Instant plus(long amount, TimeUnit unit) { if (unit == TimeUnit.SECONDS) { return plusSeconds(amount); } else if (unit == TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS) { return plusMillis(amount); } else if (unit == TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS) { return plusNanos(amount); } return plus(Duration.of(amount, unit)); } COM: <s> returns a copy of this duration with the specified duration added </s>
TDAT: private JEditorPane getJEditorPane() { if (jEditorPane == null) { jEditorPane = new JEditorPane(); jEditorPane.setBounds(new Rectangle(122, 9, 361, 22)); jEditorPane.setText("= "); jEditorPane.addKeyListener(new java.awt.event.KeyAdapter() { public void keyTyped(java.awt.event.KeyEvent e) { jButton1.setEnabled(true); } }); } return jEditorPane; } COM: <s> this method initializes j editor pane </s>
TDAT: protected void addCreatorPropertyDescriptor(Object object) { itemPropertyDescriptors.add (createItemPropertyDescriptor (((ComposeableAdapterFactory)adapterFactory).getRootAdapterFactory(), getResourceLocator(), getString("_UI_IElement_creator_feature"), getString("_UI_PropertyDescriptor_description", "_UI_IElement_creator_feature", "_UI_IElement_type"), DigitalHPSPackage.Literals.IELEMENT__CREATOR, true, false, true, null, null, null)); } COM: <s> this adds a property descriptor for the creator feature </s>
TDAT: protected boolean validate() { // Check that at least one type of data has been selected if (!taskListCheckBox.getSelection() && !taskActivationHistoryCheckBox.getSelection() && !taskContextsCheckBox.getSelection()) { return false; } // Check that a destination dir has been specified if (destDirText.getText().equals("")) { return false; } return true; } COM: <s> returns true if the information entered by the user is valid </s>
TDAT: public BeamExcursion getBeamExcursion( final Orbit orbit ) { if ( _sequence != null ) { if ( _needsUpdate ) { generateMap(); } final MutableBeamExcursion beamExcursion = new MutableBeamExcursion( _sequence ); final List<CoordinateTransfer> coordinateTransfers = _coordinateTransfers; for ( final CoordinateTransfer transfer : coordinateTransfers ) { final BeamMarkerRecord record = transfer.getBeamMarkerRecord( orbit ); if ( record != null ) { beamExcursion.addRecord( record ); } } return new BeamExcursion( beamExcursion ); } else { return null; } } COM: <s> get a beam excursion from an orbit </s>
TDAT: public void testApplyMap() { Map map1 = new TreeMap(); Map map2 = new TreeMap(); String str1 = "red"; String str2 = "green"; String str3 = "blue"; String str4 = "yellow"; String str5 = "purple"; map2.put(str1, str1); map2.put(str2, str2); map2.put(str3, str3); GraphConstants.setRemoveAll(map1, true); Map map3 = GraphConstants.applyMap(map1, map2); assertTrue(map3.size() == 3); } COM: <s> this function tests the apply map function of the graph constants class </s>
TDAT: public void focusGained(FocusEvent e) { if (getText().length() == 0) return; this.oldValue = value; numberFormat.setGroupingUsed(false); setText( numberFormat.format(value)); numberFormat.setGroupingUsed(this.isGrouping()); selectAll(); } COM: <s> invoked when a component gains the keyboard focus </s>
TDAT: public void setDelegate (IEnumSvc[] delegateArray) { delegates.clear(); for (int i=0; delegateArray != null && i < delegateArray.length; i++) { if (delegateArray[i] instanceof IComposed) { delegates.add(delegateArray[i]); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException ("Delegate does not implement IComposed: " + delegateArray[i]); } } } COM: <s> set the array of delegate enumsvc services to use </s>
TDAT: public ToStringBuilder append(String field, Object[] arr) { appendField(field); builder.append('{'); boolean oldfirst = first; first = true; if (arr != null) { for (Object item : arr) { append(null, item); } } first = oldfirst; builder.append('}'); return this; } COM: <s> append array field </s>
TDAT: public void receiveFile(Socket s, OutputStream out, Representation representation) throws IOException { InputStream in = representation.getInputStream(s); byte buf[] = new byte[BUFSIZ]; int nread; while (((nread = in.read(buf, 0, BUFSIZ)) > 0))// && keepGoing) { out.write(buf, 0, nread); } in.close(); } COM: <s> reads data from the given socket and converts it from the </s>
TDAT: public void addParameter(final String name, final String value) { if (value == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } List<String> list = params.get(name); if (list == null) { list = new ArrayList<String>(); params.put(name, list); } list.add(value); } COM: <s> adds a new value to a given parameter name </s>
TDAT: private WCMDrawGeometricBean getSPoint() { if (sPoint == null) { sPoint = new WCMDrawGeometricBean(); sPoint.setFillColor(Color.magenta); sPoint.setShape(WCMDrawGeometricBean.CROSS); sPoint.setV(7); sPoint.setColor(Color.magenta); sPoint.setY1(getSOfT()); sPoint.setX1(getTInput()); sPoint.setH(7); if (presentation) { sPoint.setLineWidth(3); sPoint.setV(9); sPoint.setH(9); } } return sPoint; } COM: <s> this method initializes s point </s>
TDAT: private void _send(byte[] data, int offset, int length, boolean acquire_lock) throws Exception { if(acquire_lock) send_lock.lock(); try { doSend(data, offset, length); updateLastAccessed(); } catch(InterruptedException iex) { Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); // set interrupt flag again } finally { if(acquire_lock) send_lock.unlock(); } } COM: <s> sends data using the out output stream of the socket </s>
TDAT: protected Organism getRandomFitOrganism() { int count = 0; double fitness = 0; double rand = 1; Organism organism = null; while (fitness < rand) { organism = getRandomOrganism(); /* if looped over 1/10 of the pop - select a random organism */ if (count++ > (getMaxPopulationSize() / 10)) { return organism; } fitness = organism.getFitness(); rand = RandomHelper.nextDouble(); } return organism; } COM: <s> selects a random organism based on fitness high fitness increases </s>
TDAT: public List getStartOnLaunchBundles() { ArrayList res = new ArrayList(); for (Iterator i = archives.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { BundleArchive ba = (BundleArchive)i.next(); if (ba.getStartOnLaunchFlag()) { res.add(ba.getBundleLocation()); } } return res; } COM: <s> get all bundles tagged to start at next launch of framework </s>
TDAT: protected void fireColumnAdded(TableColumnModelEvent e) { EventListener[] listeners = listenerList.getListeners(TableColumnModelListener.class); for (int index = 0; index < listeners.length; ++index) { ((TableColumnModelListener) listeners[index]).columnAdded(e); } } COM: <s> notifies listeners that a column was added </s>
TDAT: public void setStackTrace(Exception e) { StringBuffer stringBuffer = new StringBuffer(); stringBuffer.append(e.getMessage()); for (StackTraceElement s: e.getStackTrace()) { stringBuffer.append("\n\tat "+ s.getClassName()+"."+s.getMethodName()+"("+s.getFileName()+":"+s.getLineNumber()+")"); } this.stackTrace = stringBuffer.toString(); } COM: <s> assign the stack trace to the stack trace attribute </s>
TDAT: public void notifyPreAction(ProviderEvent event) { ProviderListener listeners[] = this.listeners; for (int i = 0; i < listeners.length; i++) { ProviderListener listener = listeners[i]; if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Notify preAction to " + listener + " event = " + event); } listener.preAction(event); } } COM: <s> send the given event as a pre event to all registered provider listeners </s>
TDAT: protected void processWindowEvent(WindowEvent e) { if (e.getID() == WindowEvent.WINDOW_CLOSING) { int result = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(this, "Do you want to close?.", "Close", JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION, JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE); if (result == 0) { dispose(); super.processWindowEvent(e); } } } COM: <s> processing closing event </s>
TDAT: protected void onTermination(Throwable exception) { try { terminate = true; cancelTasks(); pool.deregisterWorker(this, exception); } catch (Throwable ex) { // Shouldn't ever happen if (exception == null) // but if so, at least rethrown exception = ex; } finally { if (exception != null) UNSAFE.throwException(exception); } } COM: <s> performs cleanup associated with termination of this worker </s>
TDAT: public void open() { super.open(); setTitle(dataSource.getName()); File file = null; if(dataSource instanceof FileDataSource) { FileDataSource fileDataSource = (FileDataSource)dataSource; file = new File(fileDataSource.getFile().getPath()); } else { file = new File(dataSource.getName()); } serTree.setFile(file); } COM: <s> opens class file in internal window </s>
TDAT: public void addedFile(String path, org.opheliadev.ophelia.repository.File file) { if (parent.verifyCriteria(path)) { AbstractEvent ae = new AbstractEvent(); ae.type = stdEventType._et_added; ae.obj = org.opheliadev.ophelia.ObjectHelper.narrow(file); parent.eventQueue.add(ae); } } COM: <s> operation added file </s>
TDAT: private void menuSetup(JMenuBar mb) { //first menu menu = new JMenu("Start"); menu.setMnemonic(KeyEvent.VK_S); //menu items createMenuItem(menu, "New Client...", KeyEvent.VK_N, "NewClient"); createMenuItem(menu, "Exit...", KeyEvent.VK_E, "Exit"); mb.add(menu); } COM: <s> creates a menu and adds items in a list </s>
TDAT: public Set getConnectionNames() { logger.info("METHOD_ENTRY getConnectionNames"); // TODO: Add JNDI-bound names Set names = null; if (connConfigs == null) { names = new HashSet(); } else { names = connConfigs.keySet(); } logger.info("METHOD_EXIT getConnectionNames, returning =" + names); return names; } COM: <s> returns the names of configured database connections </s>
TDAT: public void symbolToIdStringBuffer(StringBuffer sb) { sb.setLength(0); sb.append(mIdToSymbol.size() + "\r\n"); Set<String> symbolSet = mSymbolToId.keySet(); Iterator<String> iter = symbolSet.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { String symbol = iter.next(); sb.append(symbol + " <--> " + symbolToID(symbol) + "\r\n"); } } COM: <s> formatted the string based representation of this symbol talb object </s>
TDAT: private void setMultipleImplements() { _implementsComboBox.removeAllItems(); ArrayList aList = _currentTable.getImplements(); for (int i = 0; i < aList.size(); i++) { _implementsComboBox.addItem(aList.get(i)); } } COM: <s> sets the multiple interface attributes of the jhibernate table settings panel gui object </s>
TDAT: public String getFkColumnDeclaration(MapNestedField nestedField) { String colName = translateFieldToColumn(nestedField, false); String dbType = getTypeMap().map(nestedField.getType()); String create = Strings.concat(colName, " ", dbType); return create; } COM: <s> creates the declaration of a foreign key db column </s>
TDAT: protected void notifyFailed(MessageClient client) { MessageQueue failedMessages = client.getFailedMessageQueue(); while (!failedMessages.isEmpty()) { Message message = failedMessages.poll(); synchronized (client.getMessageListeners()) { for (MessageListener listener : client.getMessageListeners()) { sendToListener(message, listener, MessageListener.MESSAGE_EVENT.FAILED); } } synchronized (messageListeners) { for (MessageListener listener : messageListeners) { sendToListener(message, listener, MessageListener.MESSAGE_EVENT.FAILED); } } } } COM: <s> process the list of certified messages that have failed </s>
TDAT: private void loadProcesseds(){ String pathHeader = appProps.getProperty("dirProcessados") + appProps.getProperty("controleProcessados"); DefaultTableModel model = new DefaultTableModel(); model.setDataVector(new FileUtils().getHeaderProcessed(pathHeader),headerTableProcessed); tableProcessed.setModel(model); } COM: <s> this method load the processeds files in the processados folder </s>
TDAT: public int execute(String command) { String message = "Execute command during ognl expression evaluation: " + command; getAntProject().log(message); Commandline cmdLine = Luntbuild.parseCmdLine(command); MyExecTask exec = new MyExecTask("execute", getAntProject(), null, cmdLine, null, null, org.apache.tools.ant.Project.MSG_VERBOSE); return exec.executeAndGetResult(); } COM: <s> execute the specified command </s>
TDAT: public void setCloseIcon(String file) { Icon newIcon = null; if (file != null) newIcon = Factory.getIcon(file, "Close"); if (newIcon == null) // use default newIcon = Factory.DEFAULT_CLOSE_ICON; // the dockable's actions are created with types // equaled to the string representation of the resulting states. Action action = getActionForType(STATE_CLOSE); if (action != null) { action.putValue(Action.SMALL_ICON, newIcon); } } COM: <s> sets the close icon for this dockable </s>
TDAT: private void setFocusOwner(Component c){ /* * The focus owner has to be a child of the "tv screen". */ boolean ok = Util.isChildOf(ScreenContainer.getInstance(), c); if(ok){ log.debug("new focus owner: " + c.toString()); focusOwner = c; } } COM: <s> sets the current focus owner in the screen </s>
TDAT: public void testRestoreProp() throws RepositoryException { Node propParent = p.getParent(); propParent.checkout(); Version v = propParent.checkin(); propParent.checkout(); p.setValue(newPropValue); p.save(); propParent.restore(v, false); assertEquals("On restore of a OnParentVersion-COMPUTE property P, the current P in the workspace will be left unchanged.", p.getString(), newPropValue); } COM: <s> test the restore of a on parent version compute property </s>
TDAT: public void setFocusColumn(GridColumn column) { checkWidget(); //TODO: check and make sure this item is valid for focus if (column == null || column.isDisposed() || column.getParent() != this || !column.isVisible()) { SWT.error(SWT.ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT); } focusColumn = column; intendedFocusColumn = column; } COM: <s> sets the focused item to the given column </s>
TDAT: public void printStackMapTable(MethodData method) { StackMapTableData[] stack_map_tb = method.getStackMapTable(); int number_of_entries = stack_map_tb.length; if (number_of_entries > 0) { out.println(" StackMapTable: number_of_entries = " + number_of_entries); for (StackMapTableData frame : stack_map_tb) { frame.print(this); } } out.println(); } COM: <s> print stack map table attribute information </s>
TDAT: public int processChain() { reset(); int count = 0; for (; count < this.maxRunCount; ++count) { //System.out.println("Chain execution step " + count + ", chain size = " + this.chain.size()); if (! processNextGoal()) { break; } } return count; } COM: <s> execute the entire chain until its empty </s>
TDAT: protected String getValidation(String objRef) { String val = "(" + objRef + ".value.length >= " + min + " && "; val += objRef + ".value.length <= " + max + ")"; if (required) { val += " && " + super.getValidation(objRef); } return val; } COM: <s> returns the scriptcode to check the length of the validated string </s>
TDAT: public boolean equals(Object o) { // check argument if(!((o != null) && (o instanceof ClockSyncTimestamp))) return false; // cast ClockSyncTimestamp oCompareTS = (ClockSyncTimestamp) o; // compare using the set time and originator return ((oCompareTS.getTime() == this.getTime()) && (oCompareTS.getOriginatingSite().equals(this.getOriginatingSite()))); } COM: <s> compares this timestamp with another timestamp </s>
TDAT: public String getAttribute(String inXPath, String inAttribute) throws XPatherException { if (docNode == null) return null; Object[] lResult = docNode.evaluateXPath(inXPath); return (lResult.length == 0) ? null : ((TagNode)lResult[0]).getAttributeByName(inAttribute); } COM: <s> returns the specified attributes value from the specified xpath element </s>
TDAT: public Image getIcon(final String name, final ClassLoader classLoader) { if (resourcePool.containsKey(name)) { return resourcePool.get(name); } final Image i = new Image(display, classLoader .getResourceAsStream(name)); resourcePool.put(name, i); return i; } COM: <s> gets icon with plugins classloader </s>
TDAT: public void testFieldValidationN4() { try { User user = (User) jenineHawthorn.clone(); user.setAffiliation(""); curationService.addUser(admin, user); fail(); } catch(MacawException exception) { int totalNumberOfErrors = exception.getNumberOfErrors(); assertEquals(1, totalNumberOfErrors); int numberOfErrors = exception.getNumberOfErrors(MacawErrorType.INVALID_USER); assertEquals(1, numberOfErrors); } } COM: <s> ensure that the affliation has a value </s>
TDAT: public ListTerm getSemanticallyNaiveAnnotations() throws JASDLException { ListTerm annotsClone = (ListTerm) literal.getAnnots().clone(); // clone so as not to affect original literal annotsClone.remove(getOntologyAnnotation()); return annotsClone; //TODO: drop anon and named? uneccessary I think since they are isolated to architecture level. } COM: <s> returns all non jasdl annotations to this literal </s>
TDAT: public GoBoardComponent (GoModel model) { // Call constructor in AbstractBoardComponent super (model.getNumOfCells(), model.getNumOfCells(), CELL_SIZE, CELL_SPACING, BORDER_WIDTH, DEFAULT_MOUSE_BORDER_WIDTH, false, false, true); this.model = model; // link to model // set colours Color bgColor = new Color (100, 70, 34); setColours (bgColor, bgColor, bgColor, Color.white); } COM: <s> constructor which creates the board </s>
TDAT: public void sendMessage(MessageNode messageNode) { trackButtonClick("sendMessage"); if(messageNode instanceof OutgoingMessageNode) { OutgoingMessageNode outgoingMessage = (OutgoingMessageNode)messageNode; if(outgoingMessage.isSendAttempted() && !outgoingMessage.isSending()) { if(validateMessageSender(outgoingMessage)) { outgoingMessage.sendMessage(); } } } } COM: <s> send an outgoing message </s>
TDAT: public void setXAxisUpperMargin(double margin) { XYPlot plot = (XYPlot) this.chart.getPlot(); if (plot != null) { ValueAxis axis = plot.getDomainAxis(); double old = axis.getUpperMargin(); axis.setUpperMargin(margin); firePropertyChange("xAxisUpperMargin", old, margin); } } COM: <s> sets the upper margin for the x axis and fires a </s>
TDAT: public void testAngle() { for (int i = 0; i < receivers.length; i++) { approximatelyEquals( "Angle not right for " + receivers[i], StrictMath.atan2( receivers[i].imaginaryPart(), receivers[i].realPart() ), receivers[i].angle()); } } COM: <s> test the method angle </s>
TDAT: public void fireJHDLWidgetEvent(Object obj, int id, ArrayList lst){ JHDLWidgetEvent event = new JHDLWidgetEvent(obj, id, lst); for(int i = 0; i < JHDLWidgetEventListeners.size(); i++) ((JHDLWidgetEventListener)JHDLWidgetEventListeners.get(i)) .JHDLWidgetEventPerformed(event); } COM: <s> dispatches the given action to all of the listeners </s>
TDAT: protected PackageDoc getPackageDoc(final PackageDoc originalDoc) { if (originalDoc == null) { return null; } Object found = get(originalDoc); if (found == null) { found = this.factory.createPackageDoc(originalDoc); put(originalDoc, found); } return (PackageDoc) found; } COM: <s> returns a wrapped instance of the supplied package doc object </s>
TDAT: public void addProfile(Profile profile) throws Exception { synchronized (profiles) { String name = profile.getName(); if (profiles.containsKey(name)) { throw new Exception("Profile already exists!"); } profileNames.add(name); profiles.put(name, profile); persistProfileList(); } synchronized (getChangeListeners()) { Iterator<IProfileListViewer> iterator = getChangeListeners().iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { iterator.next().addProfile(profile); } } } COM: <s> add a profile to the profile list </s>
TDAT: public Properties getPlaceholders () { Properties p = new Properties () ; p.putAll ( _placeholders ) ; /* Iterator it = _placeholders.keySet().iterator() ; while ( it.hasNext() ) { String name = (String) it.next() ; p.setProperty( name, _placeholders.getProperty( name ) ) ; } */ return p ; } COM: <s> return a list of placeholders </s>
TDAT: public void linkTo(Node node, int weight) { Link link = new Link(this, node, weight); outputLinks.add(link); node.inputLinks.add(link); // If this was the first input link on the node, set the index to it. if (node.inputLinks.size() == 1) { node.inputIndex = 0; } } COM: <s> links this node with the given node with the given weight </s>
TDAT: public void resetSync() { if (DebugFlags.WEB_SYNC_MANAGER) { Log.v(LOGTAG, "*** WebSyncManager resetSync ***"); } if (mHandler == null) { return; } mHandler.removeMessages(SYNC_MESSAGE); Message msg = mHandler.obtainMessage(SYNC_MESSAGE); mHandler.sendMessageDelayed(msg, SYNC_LATER_INTERVAL); } COM: <s> reset sync resets sync managers timer </s>
TDAT: public void setRemotePropertiesSeparator(String remotePropertiesSeparator) { CommanderTask.validateAttribute(remotePropertiesSeparator, "remotePropertiesSeparator"); //Verifies that the property is a single char. if (targetsSeparator.length() > 1) { throw new BuildException("invalid remotePropertiesSeparator '" + remotePropertiesSeparator + "' : must be a single char."); } this.remotePropertiesSeparator = remotePropertiesSeparator; } COM: <s> sets the separator for the remote properties list </s>
TDAT: private String getNodeValue(String[] nodeNames, String defaultValue) { SimpleXML node = rootNode; int nodeIndex = 0; while ((node != null) && (nodeIndex < nodeNames.length)) { node = node.getNode(nodeNames[nodeIndex++]); } if (node == null) { return defaultValue; } return node.getValue(); } COM: <s> returns the value of a node </s>
TDAT: protected Object convertToDate(Class type, Object value) { if ( value instanceof Date ) { return value; } if ( value instanceof String ) { try { if ( StringUtils.isEmpty(value.toString()) ) { return null; } return formatter.parse((String) value); } catch ( Exception pe ) { throw new ConversionException("Error converting String to Date"); } } throw new ConversionException("Could not convert " + value.getClass().getName() + " to " + type.getName()); } COM: <s> converts specified object to code date code </s>
TDAT: private void initSplashScreen() { // create splash screen image for fast drawing width = getWidth(); height = getHeight(); splashScreenImage = createImage(width, height); splashScreenImageGraphics = splashScreenImage.getGraphics(); // load splash image and animated progress image splashImage = getImage(GeoGebraApplet.class.getResource("splash.gif")); progressImage = getImage(GeoGebraApplet.class .getResource("progress.gif")); // update splash screen image and paint it updateSplashScreenImage(); } COM: <s> initializes a loading screen to show progress of downloading jar files </s>
TDAT: public void test_flags() { FileETag etag; int flags = FileETag.FLAG_CONTENT | FileETag.FLAG_MTIME | FileETag.FLAG_SIZE; etag = new FileETag(); assertEquals("Unexpected value", FileETag.DEFAULT_FLAGS, etag .getFlags()); etag.setFlags(flags); assertEquals("Unexpected value", flags, etag.getFlags()); } COM: <s> test flags property access methods </s>
TDAT: private void detectPaths() throws ProgramNotFoundException { setLaTeXPath(Program.findProgramPath("latex")); setPDFLaTeXPath(Program.findProgramPath("pdflatex")); setEpstopdfPath(Program.findProgramPath("epstopdf")); setDvipngPath(Program.findProgramPath("dvipng")); setMetaPostPath(Program.findProgramPath("mpost")); setPDFViewerPath(Program.findPDFViewer()); setPSViewerPath(Program.findPSViewer()); } COM: <s> sets the paths to the different programs needed by detecting them in the </s>
TDAT: public boolean isDescendent(int id1, int id2) { if (root.Id == id1) for (int i = 0 ; i < children.size() ; i++) { PriorityTree st = children.elementAt(i); if (st.isInTree(id2)) return true; } else for (int i = 0 ; i < children.size() ; i++) { PriorityTree st = children.elementAt(i); if (st.isDescendent(id1, id2)) return true; } return false; } COM: <s> another consistency check method is id1 a descendent of id2 </s>
TDAT: public void write(String filename) { FileWriter writer = null; try { writer = new FileWriter(filename); write(writer); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { if (writer != null) { try { writer.close(); } catch (Exception e) { } } } } COM: <s> writes this xml document to the specified file </s>
TDAT: public String getText() { //String txt = file.getName(); //int n = txt.lastIndexOf('.'); //if ((n > 0) && (n < (txt.length() - 1))) // txt = txt.substring(0, n); return file.getName(); } COM: <s> returns the string to be used to display the tree node </s>
TDAT: public Questionnaire getSelectedQuestionnaire() { if (this.questionnaireSelectedIndex==-1) log.error("getSelectedQuestionnaire(): there's no index pre selected for questionnaire (-1)"); if (getQuestionnaire(this.questionnaireSelectedIndex)==null) log.error("getSelectedQuestionnaire(): there's no questionnaire for index ("+this.questionnaireSelectedIndex+")"); return getQuestionnaire(this.questionnaireSelectedIndex); } COM: <s> returns the currently selected questionnaire set by the selectionindex </s>
TDAT: public void check(Declaration decl, AnnotationProcessorEnvironment env) { _locale = Locale.getDefault(); if (decl instanceof TypeDeclaration) { // // Check method annotations // Collection<? extends MethodDeclaration> methods = ((TypeDeclaration) decl).getMethods(); for (MethodDeclaration method : methods) { checkSQL(method, env); } } else if (decl instanceof FieldDeclaration) { // // NOOP // } else { // // NOOP // } } COM: <s> invoked by the control build time infrastructure to process a declaration of </s>
TDAT: public String registerLearningObject(LearningObjectDTO newLO) { try { String uri = toolService.createLearningObject(newLO); LearningObjectDTO dto = getLearningObject(uri); loCache.put(uri, dto); } catch (ArchiveException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (RemoteException e) { System.out.println("registerLO(): " + e); } return null; } COM: <s> registers a learning object in the toolservice </s>
TDAT: public boolean existsDirectedPath(T node1, T node2){ if(!this.nodes.contains(node1) || !this.nodes.contains(node2)) throw new IllegalArgumentException("The nodes are not in this graph."); if(node1 == node2) return true; // we perform a DFS. Stack<T> stack = new Stack<T>(); stack.addAll(this.getChildren(node1)); while(!stack.isEmpty()){ T node = stack.pop(); if(node == node2) return true; stack.addAll(this.getChildren(node)); } return false; } COM: <s> checks whether there is a directed path from node1 to node2 </s>
TDAT: public void removeBill(long billID) throws Exception{ CSVControllerIn csvControllerIn = new CSVControllerIn(); Iterator it = csvControllerIn.getBills().iterator(); if ( csvControllerIn.getBills().contains(getBill(billID)) ){ csvControllerIn.getBills().remove(getBill(billID)); } else{ throw new ValueException("bill does not exist: " + billID); } } COM: <s> removes a bill from the list of bills </s>
TDAT: public UserInfo addUser(String aUserId) { UserInfo theUserInfo = null; if(aUserId != null) { UserInfo theNewUserInfo = new UserInfo(aUserId); theUserInfo = myUserMap.putIfAbsent(aUserId, theNewUserInfo); if(theUserInfo == null) { theUserInfo = theNewUserInfo; } } return theUserInfo; } COM: <s> creates and adds the </s>
TDAT: protected void addBooleanLiteralPropertyDescriptor(Object object) { itemPropertyDescriptors.add(createItemPropertyDescriptor( ((ComposeableAdapterFactory) adapterFactory) .getRootAdapterFactory(), getResourceLocator(), getString("_UI_BooleanLiteralExpCS_booleanLiteral_feature"), getString("_UI_PropertyDescriptor_description", "_UI_BooleanLiteralExpCS_booleanLiteral_feature", "_UI_BooleanLiteralExpCS_type"), OclPackage.Literals.BOOLEAN_LITERAL_EXP_CS__BOOLEAN_LITERAL, true, false, false, ItemPropertyDescriptor.BOOLEAN_VALUE_IMAGE, null, null)); } COM: <s> this adds a property descriptor for the boolean literal feature </s>
TDAT: protected void addTagsPropertyDescriptor(Object object) { itemPropertyDescriptors.add(createItemPropertyDescriptor( ((ComposeableAdapterFactory) adapterFactory) .getRootAdapterFactory(), getResourceLocator(), getString("_UI_Operation_tags_feature"), getString( "_UI_PropertyDescriptor_description", "_UI_Operation_tags_feature", "_UI_Operation_type"), BankabeulePackage.Literals.OPERATION__TAGS, true, false, true, null, null, null)); } COM: <s> this adds a property descriptor for the tags feature </s>
TDAT: public boolean accept (File dir, String name) { final Iterator exts = this.extensionsSet.iterator(); while (exts.hasNext()) { String file = exts.next().toString(); log.Applidebug("name: "+file); if (name.toLowerCase().startsWith(file+".")) { return true; } } return false; } COM: <s> retrieved if a file accepted by the filter </s>
TDAT: public String getExtraInfoEpisodeField(int index, String name) { String data = getString("SELECT Extra_Info_Episodes." +quote+ name +quote+" "+ "FROM Extra_Info_Episodes "+ "WHERE Extra_Info_Episodes.ID="+index+";", name); /* Returns the data... */ return data; } COM: <s> returns the extra info field with index index named name </s>
TDAT: public String getMethodRef_ClassName(int Index) { if ((Index < 1) || (Index >= ItemType.length) || (ItemType[Index] != CONSTANT_METHOD_REF)) throw new ClassFormatError("Constant pool item does not exist"); return getClass(((Integer)ItemValue1[Index]).intValue()); } COM: <s> get the class name from a method ref constant </s>
TDAT: public void render() { /* * Each model will have its own texture. There is no way around this bind() method at the moment. * * The texture will be wrapped around the model based on the texture coordinates of the model. */ texture.bind(); GL11.glRotatef(ANGLE_OFFSET, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f); /* * Draw the model which was saved as an OpenGL list of vertices and faces. */ GL11.glCallList(listID); } COM: <s> renders the model which is a display list </s>
TDAT: public Polygon2D getViewPort() { Polygon2D viewPort = new Polygon2D(); double coorX = -translateX; double coorY = -translateY; double coorX1 = coorX + plotterWidth / scale; double coorY1 = coorY + plotterHeight / scale; viewPort.addPoint(coorX, coorY); viewPort.addPoint(coorX1, coorY); viewPort.addPoint(coorX1, coorY1); viewPort.addPoint(coorX, coorY1); return viewPort; } COM: <s> returns corner coordinates of the view port </s>