1 value
TDAT: private void writeHistory(List history, IDialogSettings settings, String sectionName) { int itemCount= history.size(); Set distinctItems= new HashSet(itemCount); for (int i= 0; i < itemCount; i++) { String item= (String)history.get(i); if (distinctItems.contains(item)) { history.remove(i--); itemCount--; } else { distinctItems.add(item); } } while (history.size() > 8) history.remove(8); String[] names= new String[history.size()]; history.toArray(names); settings.put(sectionName, names); } COM: <s> writes the given history into the given dialog store </s>
TDAT: public void setDefaultPerspective(String id) { IPerspectiveDescriptor desc = findPerspectiveWithId(id); if (desc != null) { defPerspID = id; IDialogSettings dialogSettings = WorkbenchPlugin.getDefault().getDialogSettings(); dialogSettings.put(ID_DEF_PERSP, id); } } COM: <s> sets the default perspective for the workbench to the given perspective id </s>
TDAT: protected void fireTCAbortV1(Dialog tcapDialog) throws MAPException { TCUserAbortRequest tcUserAbort = this.getTCAPProvider().getDialogPrimitiveFactory().createUAbort(tcapDialog); try { tcapDialog.send(tcUserAbort); } catch (TCAPSendException e) { throw new MAPException(e.getMessage(), e); } } COM: <s> issue tc u abort without any apdu for map v1 </s>
TDAT: public double getCameraPitch() { Vector3f dir = cam.getDirection(); // Project direction onto the x-z plane tmpVec.x = dir.x; tmpVec.y = 0; tmpVec.z = dir.z; tmpVec.normalizeLocal(); int d = dir.y > 0 ? 1 : -1; // return the angle between dir and v1 return Math.toDegrees(dir.angleBetween(tmpVec)) * d; } COM: <s> get the pitch up and down angle of the camera in degrees </s>
TDAT: public Object sdaiGetAttrBN(Pointer instance, String attributeName, SdaiTypes valueType) { PointerByReference ptrRef = new PointerByReference(); engine.sdaiGetAttrBN(instance, attributeName, valueType.ordinal(), ptrRef); switch (valueType) { case STRING: return ptrRef.getValue().getString(0); default: return ptrRef.getValue(); } } COM: <s> returns the data value of the specified attribute in the actual instance </s>
TDAT: public void testGetChromosomeDAO() throws Exception { DBDAOSingleSpeciesCoreFactory instance = new DBDAOSingleSpeciesCoreFactory(); DBSpecies sp = new DBSpecies(); instance.setSpecies(sp); DBChromosomeDAO result = instance.getChromosomeDAO(); assertNotNull(result); assertTrue(result.getFactory()==instance); assertTrue(result.getSpecies()==sp); } COM: <s> test of get chromosome dao method of class dbdaosingle species core factory </s>
TDAT: public Point getLowerRight() { Point p = new Point(this.getLocation()); //note that a rectangle with location (1,1) and dimensions (1,1) will only //contain the point (1,1); which illustrates that it is correct to compute //the lower right point in this manner. (1,1) would be the top left and the //lower right point of the rectangle at the same time. p.translate(this.width-1, this.height-1); return p; } COM: <s> get the lower right point of the rectangle </s>
TDAT: protected void createFrame() { internalFrame = new JInternalFrame("Add3D", true, true, true); internalFrame.setSize(300, 80); internalFrame.setJMenuBar(getMenubar()); System.out.println("=== Add3D OPENED ==="); } COM: <s> creates the internal frame </s>
TDAT: private int getVariantInteger(StandardToken search) throws ParseException { try { TokenGroup levelGroup = getVariantOption(search); return (Integer) levelGroup.next().getData(); } catch (ClassCastException e) { return -1; } catch (NullPointerException e) { return -1; } catch (NoSuchElementException e) { throw new ParseException("There was no integer token for the specified parameter and one was expected"); // TODO could have an option to simply ignore a time limit command // if there is no level specified. } } COM: <s> gets the integer associated with the specified variant option </s>
TDAT: private boolean ensureImplementationLoaded() { if (_expressionImplementation != null) { return true; } String expressionName = _expressionDefinition.getAction(); _expressionImplementation = ExpressionFactory.createFromAction(expressionName); if (_expressionImplementation == null) { return false; } _expressionImplementation.init(_ctx); return true; } COM: <s> makes sure that the implementation class is loaded and initialized </s>
TDAT: protected void addTemplateTypesPropertyDescriptor(Object object) { itemPropertyDescriptors.add (createItemPropertyDescriptor (((ComposeableAdapterFactory)adapterFactory).getRootAdapterFactory(), getResourceLocator(), getString("_UI_TemplatedType_TemplateTypes_feature"), getString("_UI_PropertyDescriptor_description", "_UI_TemplatedType_TemplateTypes_feature", "_UI_TemplatedType_type"), CSMPackage.Literals.TEMPLATED_TYPE__TEMPLATE_TYPES, true, false, true, null, null, null)); } COM: <s> this adds a property descriptor for the template types feature </s>
TDAT: public Object load(InputPort in) { while(!exit) { try { Object x = in.read(); if (x == InputPort.EOF) return U.TRUE; else evalToplevel(x, interactionEnvironment); } catch(Exception e) { E.warn("Error during load (lineno "+in.getLineNumber()+"): ", e); e.printStackTrace(error); } } return U.FALSE; // (exit) } COM: <s> eval all the expressions coming from an input port putting them </s>
TDAT: public BitSet InitPerm(BitSet P) { P = Util.copyBitSet(P, 64); BitSet P_perm = new BitSet(64); for (int i = 0; i < 64; i++) { P_perm.set(i, P.get(IP[i] - 1)); } return P_perm; } COM: <s> compute initial permutation ip </s>
TDAT: public void startKMLServer(KMLServerProfile profile) { logger.info("startKMLServer(profile) - Entry"); if (this.kmlServer == null) { try { this.kmlServer = new KMLServer(profile); new Thread(kmlServer).start(); this.kmlServerActive = true; this.updateCoreProfile(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } else { this.stopKMLServer(); this.startKMLServer(profile); } logger.info("startKMLServer(profile) - Exit"); } COM: <s> this method start the kmlserver which provides kml data for google earth </s>
TDAT: public void append(CPhrase cphrase2){ //go through the phrases in the new part // and add then one by one double et = this.getEndTime(); Enumeration enum = cphrase2.getPhraseList().elements(); while(enum.hasMoreElements()){ Phrase tempPhrase = (Phrase) enum.nextElement(); tempPhrase.setStartTime(et + tempPhrase.getStartTime()); this.addPhrase(tempPhrase); } } COM: <s> adds a second cphrase to the end of this one </s>
TDAT: public void lostFocus() { int clmId = this.jTable.getSelectedColumn(); int rowId = this.jTable.getSelectedRow(); if ((rowId != -1) && (clmId != -1)) { this.jTable.getCellEditor(rowId, clmId).stopCellEditing(); } } COM: <s> when focus is lost all editor must stop editing </s>
TDAT: private boolean writeData(IStorageAdapter tsi, String fileName, byte[] data) throws IOException { OutputStream os = null; boolean isSuccessful = false; try { os =tsi.getOutputStream(fileName, false); os.write(data); os.flush(); isSuccessful = true; } catch (Exception e) { throw new IOException("Unable to save the metadata file."); } finally { os.close(); } return isSuccessful; } COM: <s> utility method to write the data using storage adapter to file system </s>
TDAT: public void write(OutputStream out) throws IOException { int size = this.getSize(); WMFConstants.writeLittleEndian(out, size); WMFConstants.writeLittleEndian(out, WMFConstants.WMF_RECORD_SETLAYOUT); WMFConstants.writeLittleEndian(out, layout); WMFConstants.writeLittleEndian(out, (short)0); } COM: <s> writes the setlayout record to a stream </s>
TDAT: public void editingStopped(ChangeEvent e) { // Take in the new value TableCellEditor editor = getCellEditor(); if (editor != null) { Object value = editor.getCellEditorValue(); setValueAt(value, editingRow, editingColumn); removeEditor(); } } COM: <s> invoked when editing is finished </s>
TDAT: public PropertyDO loadPropertyById(final Long propertyId) throws StorageException { final Session session = getSession(); PropertyDO propertyDO = null; try { propertyDO = (PropertyDO) session.get(PropertyDO.class, propertyId); } catch (final HibernateException e) { throw new StorageException(e, MapErrorCodes.STORAGE_ERROR); } return propertyDO; } COM: <s> loads the property based on a object id </s>
TDAT: public void randomize(int o, int oo, int ooo, int oooo) { outStream.createFrame(53); outStream.writeWord(o); outStream.writeWord(oo); outStream.writeByte(ooo); outStream.writeWordBigEndianA(oooo); flushOutStream(); } COM: <s> i wish people would be more specific with their method names </s>
TDAT: public void testBadResourceList() { try { AuthorizationContext ctx = getManagerContext(); PurchaseOrder po = new PurchaseOrder(); List<Object> list = new ArrayList<Object>(); list.add(po); PermissionsFactory.getPermissions(list, ctx); } catch (Exception e) { fail(e.getMessage()); } } COM: <s> tests that a list containing one protected resource can be passed </s>
TDAT: public boolean equals(Object object) { if (!(object instanceof ColumnSet)) return false; ColumnSet other = (ColumnSet) object; if (this.columnNames.size() != other.columnNames.size()) return false; for (int i = 0; i < this.columnNames.size(); i++) { String thisColumnName = this.columnNames.get(i); String otherColumnName = other.columnNames.get(i); if (!thisColumnName.equals(otherColumnName)) return false; } return true; } COM: <s> determine whether this instance is equal to another object </s>
TDAT: public conversionTypeBO create() throws Exception{ String id = GUID.generate(); conversionTypeBO conversionType = new conversionTypeBO(id); //put RS into Cache Cache c = Cache.getInstance(); c.put(conversionType.getId(),conversionType); return conversionType; } COM: <s> create new conversion order </s>
TDAT: public void deletePrivacyLists(String username) { assert(username.indexOf('@')>0); for (String listName : provider.getPrivacyLists(username).keySet()) { // Remove the list from the cache listsCache.remove(getCacheKey(username, listName)); } // Delete user privacy lists from the DB provider.deletePrivacyLists(username); } COM: <s> deletes all privacy lists of a user </s>
TDAT: public String getTerms(int count, String text, String language) throws Exception { StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer(); Analyzer analyzer = AnalyzerFactory.getAnalyzer(language); analyzer.analyze(text); Collection terms = analyzer.getTopWords(count); Iterator iter = terms.iterator(); int temp = 0; while (iter.hasNext() && (temp < count)) { Entry entry = (Entry) iter.next(); if (temp > 0) { result.append(", "); } result.append(entry.getOriginWord()); temp++; } return result.toString(); } COM: <s> this method extracts a specified number of keywords and appends them to a </s>
TDAT: public String getViewRecommendationXsl() { if (rtProps.getProperty("view.recommendation.xsl.file") == null) { rtProps.setProperty("view.recommendation.xsl.file", getXslDir() + File.separator + "viewRecommendation.xsl"); } return getInstallDir() + File.separator + rtProps.getProperty("view.recommendation.xsl.file"); } COM: <s> return the view recommendation xsl </s>
TDAT: public VolantisProtocol build(String protocolName, InternalDevice device) { ProtocolFactory protocolFactory = (ProtocolFactory) nameFactoryMap.get(protocolName); if (protocolFactory == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("No protocol factory registered " + "for protocol name: " + protocolName); } return protocolBuilder.build(protocolFactory, device); } COM: <s> build a configured ready to use protocol using the protocol name </s>
TDAT: public long approximateDataSize() { long result = 0; for (Map.Entry<String, DataNode> entry : nodes.entrySet()) { DataNode value = entry.getValue(); synchronized (value) { result += entry.getKey().length(); result += value.getApproximateDataSize(); } } return result; } COM: <s> get the size of the nodes based on path and data length </s>
TDAT: public void bind(final BusMember member, final String busname){ BusDispatcher dispatcher; /** * Create a dispatcher if it does not exist */ if (busDispatchers.get(busname) == null){ dispatcher = new BusDispatcher(); busDispatchers.put(busname, dispatcher); } else { dispatcher = (BusDispatcher) busDispatchers.get(busname); } /** * Add the member */ dispatcher.bind(member); } COM: <s> binds a bus member to a logical bus name </s>
TDAT: public void setTabPlacement(int p) { if (p != SwingConstants.TOP && p != SwingConstants.BOTTOM && p != SwingConstants.LEFT && p != SwingConstants.RIGHT) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid tab placement."); } this.tabPlacement = p; show(this.percentVisible); } COM: <s> sets the tab component placement </s>
TDAT: private void generateArchive(boolean buildAll) throws IOException, InterruptedException { commands.createAllDirectory(); if(buildAll) { System.out.println("Compile source of " + Parameters.NAME ); executor.exec(commands.javacCommand()); System.out.println("Create jar file"); executor.exec(commands.jarCommand()); System.out.println("Create zip file"); executor.exec(commands.zipCommand()); } } COM: <s> generate all archive </s>
TDAT: private void setAppearance(boolean showGrid2, HealSphere shape) { sphereApp = new Appearance(); // sphereApp.setCapability(Appearance.ALLOW_POLYGON_ATTRIBUTES_WRITE); TransparencyAttributes sphereTrans = new TransparencyAttributes(); PolygonAttributes spherePa = new PolygonAttributes(); spherePa.setCullFace(showGrid2 ? PolygonAttributes.CULL_BACK : PolygonAttributes.CULL_NONE); sphereApp.setPolygonAttributes(spherePa); sphereTrans.setTransparency(transparencyValue); sphereTrans.setTransparencyMode(TransparencyAttributes.NICEST); sphereApp.setTransparencyAttributes(sphereTrans); shape.setAppearance(sphereApp); } COM: <s> apply the transparency appearance properties to a shape </s>
TDAT: public String getValue(String nodePath) throws Exception { try { XPath xPath = new DOMXPath(nodePath); if (this.namespaceContext != null) { xPath.setNamespaceContext(this.namespaceContext); } return (xPath.stringValueOf(this.document)); } catch (XPathSyntaxException e) { throw new Exception(e.getMultilineMessage()); } } COM: <s> gets the value of a node given by the node path </s>
TDAT: public boolean isMinDoseLevelOk(double strength, long strengthUnitRefId) throws StrengthMissingUnitsException { if (getMinStrength() == 0) { return true; } else { if (strengthUnitRefId == 0 || getMinStrengthUnitRef().isNew()) { throw new StrengthMissingUnitsException(); } else { return strength >= StandardUnits.convertValue(getMinStrength(), getMinStrengthUnitRef().getId(), strengthUnitRefId); } } } COM: <s> checks the minimum dose </s>
TDAT: protected void init() { // 1 - any data ? if(worldMaps==null) { Debug.signal(Debug.WARNING, this, "Universe inits failed: No WorldMaps."); return; } // 2 - we transmit the init() call for( int i=0; i<worldMaps.length; i++ ) if( worldMaps[i]!=null ) worldMaps[i].init(); } COM: <s> to initialize this whole universe it rebuilds shortcuts </s>
TDAT: public String read(int count) throws MalformedJsonSourceException { int start = pointer; int end = pointer + count; if (end > json.length()) { throw error("Too many characters: tried to read " + count + " characters when only " + (json.length() - pointer) + " were available"); } pointer += count; return json.substring(start, end); } COM: <s> retrieves an arbitrary number of characters from the parsers json </s>
TDAT: private void setupAddThis() { footer.removeAllComponents(); addThis = new AddThis(); addThis.addButton("twitter"); addThis.addButton("facebook"); addThis.addButton("dzone"); addThis.addButton("digg"); addThis.addButton("slashdot"); addThis.addSeparator("|"); addThis.addButton("expanded", userState.translateFromEnglish("More share link options!")); //addThis.setWidth(100, Component.UNITS_PERCENTAGE); footer.addComponent(addThis); addThis.setSizeFull(); //footer.setComponentAlignment(addThis, Alignment.MIDDLE_CENTER); } COM: <s> setup add this </s>
TDAT: private ReposRights getRolePriviledge(String projectIdentifier, int roleId) { // Check read roles for (Integer role : readRoles) { if (role.intValue() == roleId) { return ReposRights.READ; } } // Check read/write roles for (Integer role : readWriteRoles) { if (role.intValue() == roleId) { return ReposRights.READ_WRITE; } } // Default: NO rights return ReposRights.NONE; } COM: <s> returns a permission determined by a projects role policy </s>
TDAT: public void show() { for(int c = 0; c < size; c++){ if(s[c] < 0) { JDDConsole.out.print(" ("); for(int i = 0; i < size; i++) { if(find(i) == c) { Node n = (Node) graph.getNodes().elementAt(i); JDDConsole.out.print( n.label + " "); } } JDDConsole.out.print(") "); } } JDDConsole.out.println(); } COM: <s> very inefficient for debugging small partitions only </s>
TDAT: protected Button createButton(final Composite group, final SelectionListener listener, final int index) { final Button button= new Button(group, fButtonStyle | SWT.LEFT); button.setFont(group.getFont()); button.setText(fButtonNames[index]); button.setEnabled(isEnabled() && fButtonsEnabled[index]); button.setSelection(fButtonsSelected[index]); button.addSelectionListener(listener); button.setLayoutData(new GridData()); return button; } COM: <s> creates a selection button for the control </s>
TDAT: private JCheckBox getLayoutCheckBox() { if (layoutCheckBox == null) { layoutCheckBox = new JCheckBox(); layoutCheckBox.setText("dynamic layout"); layoutCheckBox.setBackground(Color.gray); layoutCheckBox.setForeground(Color.orange); layoutCheckBox.addActionListener(new ActionListener(){ public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { setLayout(layoutCheckBox.isSelected()); } }); } return layoutCheckBox; } COM: <s> this method initializes layout check box </s>
TDAT: public void register() { actions.put("clear_action", new ClearAction()); actions.put("create_dot_action", new CreateDotAction()); actions.put("create_rectangle_action", new CreateRectangleAction()); actions.put("create_straight_line_action", new CreateStraightLineAction()); actions.put("create_oval_action", new CreateOvalAction()); actions.put("import_shapes_action", new ImportShapesAction()); } COM: <s> registers all actions </s>
TDAT: public boolean readConfigurations() { // loading file to hashtable Properties pfile = loadPropertiesFile(); if (pfile == null) { return false; } //read all properties from file and distribute them to the appropriate objects //anomaly detector properties Configurations.state = State.valueOf(pfile.getProperty("state")); //alerts manager properties Configurations.allowedDeviationLimit = Double.valueOf(pfile.getProperty("allowed_deviation_limit")); //agent properties Configurations.agentLoopTime = Long.valueOf(pfile.getProperty("agent_loop_time_in_ms")); return true; } COM: <s> read all values from properties file into static variables in matching classes </s>
TDAT: public Domain getDomain(int code){ Domain domain = null; if (domains != null && !domains.isEmpty()) { Iterator<Domain> it = domains.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Domain d = it.next(); if (d.getCode() == code){ domain = d; break; } } } return domain; } COM: <s> search for a single domain by a identifier code </s>
TDAT: public void testSetBNCity() { System.out.println("setBNCity"); String bNCity = ""; EmergencyContactDG5Object instance = new EmergencyContactDG5Object(); instance.setBNCity(bNCity); // TODO review the generated test code and remove the default call to fail. fail("The test case is a prototype."); } COM: <s> test of set bncity method of class org </s>
TDAT: private String getNextExecDate(String cronString) { String val = null; try { CronExpression c = new CronExpression(cronString); val = c.getNextValidTimeAfter(new Date()).toString(); } catch (Exception e) { val = "unknown"; } return "Next Execution: " + val; } COM: <s> calculate the next time the given cron string would be executed </s>
TDAT: public void sendInput(String input)throws IOException,ExecutionException{ while(true){ try{ TSI tsi=config.getTargetSystemInterface(client); if(!tsi.isLocal())input="\""+input+"\""; ctx.setDaemon(true); tsi.execAndWait(empty+" -s -o "+ctx.getWorkingDirectory()+"/"+uuid+".in.fifo "+input,ctx); return; }catch(TSIBusyException tbe){ try{ Thread.sleep(1000); }catch(InterruptedException ie){} } } } COM: <s> send the given input to the process </s>
TDAT: public void insert(MenuSet menuSet, int position) { if (menuSet == null) return; JMenu[] menus = menuSet.getMenuSet(); // add set for later use if (!menuSets.contains(menuSet)) menuSets.add(menuSet); for (int i = 0; i < menus.length; i++) { this.insert(menus[i], position++); } } COM: <s> inserts the given menus into this menu bar starting at the passed </s>
TDAT: protected String convertEntities(String input) { String result = ltPattern.matcher(input).replaceAll("<"); result = gtPattern.matcher(result).replaceAll(">"); result = aposPattern.matcher(result).replaceAll("'"); result = quotPattern.matcher(result).replaceAll("\""); result = ampPattern.matcher(result).replaceAll("&"); return (result); } COM: <s> convert character entities in a string to the corresponding character </s>
TDAT: public CDATASection createCDATASection(String data) { try { return (CDATASection) NodeImpl.build(XMLParserImpl.createCDATASection( this.getJsObject(), data)); } catch (JavaScriptException e) { throw new DOMNodeException(DOMException.INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR, e, this); } } COM: <s> this function delegates to the native method </s>
TDAT: public void testLoadByDefaultClassLoader() throws Exception { String beanName = "org.apache.harmony.beans.tests.support.SampleBean"; Object bean = Beans.instantiate(null, beanName); SampleBean sampleBean; assertNotNull(bean); assertEquals(bean.getClass(), SampleBean.class); sampleBean = (SampleBean) bean; assertNull(sampleBean.getText()); } COM: <s> the test checks the method instantiate using default classloader for </s>
TDAT: public void testBug908625() throws Exception { testTypes("/** @constructor */function A(){}" + "/** @constructor\n * @extends A */function B(){}" + "/** @param {B} b" + "\n @return {(A,undefined)} */function foo(b){return b}"); } COM: <s> tests that named types play nicely with subtyping </s>
TDAT: static private int _getSizeOfNamespace(int namespace, int[] nodes) { return EXISchemaLayout.SZ_NAMESPACE + _getElemCountOfNamespace(namespace, nodes) + _getAttrCountOfNamespace(namespace, nodes) + _getTypeCountOfNamespace(namespace, nodes); } COM: <s> returns the size of a namespace </s>
TDAT: protected void addKindPropertyDescriptor(Object object) { itemPropertyDescriptors.add (createItemPropertyDescriptor (((ComposeableAdapterFactory)adapterFactory).getRootAdapterFactory(), getResourceLocator(), getString("_UI_PicDioConfig_kind_feature"), getString("_UI_PropertyDescriptor_description", "_UI_PicDioConfig_kind_feature", "_UI_PicDioConfig_type"), dioPackage.Literals.PIC_DIO_CONFIG__KIND, true, false, false, ItemPropertyDescriptor.GENERIC_VALUE_IMAGE, null, null)); } COM: <s> this adds a property descriptor for the kind feature </s>
TDAT: public void initializeList(List list) { for (Object elem : list) { if (elem instanceof Any) { Any any = (Any) elem; this.initObject(any, new HashSet()); } else if (elem instanceof Object[]) { Object objarray[] = (Object[]) elem; Any any = (Any) objarray[0]; this.initObject(any, new HashSet()); } } } COM: <s> initializes a list of arbitrary persistent objects </s>
TDAT: private String getChangeTypeString(final int changeType) { String changeTypeString; switch (changeType) { case LDAPPersistSearchControl.ADD: changeTypeString = "ADD"; break; case LDAPPersistSearchControl.MODIFY: changeTypeString = "MODIFY"; break; case LDAPPersistSearchControl.MODDN: changeTypeString = "MODDN"; break; case LDAPPersistSearchControl.DELETE: changeTypeString = "DELETE"; break; default: changeTypeString = "No change type: " + String.valueOf(changeType); break; } return changeTypeString; } COM: <s> return a string indicating the type of change represented by the </s>
TDAT: public void setCeilingShininess(float ceilingShininess) { if (ceilingShininess != this.ceilingShininess) { float oldCeilingShininess = this.ceilingShininess; this.ceilingShininess = ceilingShininess; this.propertyChangeSupport.firePropertyChange(Property.CEILING_SHININESS.name(), oldCeilingShininess, ceilingShininess); } } COM: <s> sets the ceiling shininess of this room </s>
TDAT: private String getPropertyElementValue(AbstractPropertyDef def) { // Check edit cache first String value = (String)_editCache.get(def); // Get original value if(value == null) { AbstractPropertyElement entry = _propsHandler.getPropertyElement(def); if(entry != null) { value = entry.getValue(); } } return value; } COM: <s> get a property element value given its property def key </s>
TDAT: private GECoverPanel newProvidedPanel( String ident ) { if ( ident.equals( PANEL_EMPTY ) ) { return new GEEmptyPanel(); } if ( ident.equals( PANEL_PICTURE ) ) { return new GEPicturePanel(); } if ( ident.equals( PANEL_LOGIN ) ) { return new GEUserPass(); } if ( ident.equals( PANEL_DICTS ) ) { return new GEDictPanel(); } // default return null; } COM: <s> this is also the assignment between panel identifiers and panels </s>
TDAT: public void addRoundRect(RectF rect, float rx, float ry, Direction dir) { if (rect == null) { throw new NullPointerException("need rect parameter"); } native_addRoundRect(mNativePath, rect, rx, ry, dir.nativeInt); } COM: <s> add a closed round rectangle contour to the path </s>
TDAT: public double squaredDistance(Entity other) { if ((!has("width") || getInt("width") == 1) && (!has("height") ||getInt("height") == 1)) { // This doesn't work properly if the other entity is larger // than 1x1, but it is faster. return squaredDistance(other.x, other.y); } return squaredDistanceBetween(getArea(), other.getArea()); } COM: <s> this returns square of the distance between this entity and the </s>
TDAT: private ISaveParticipant getSaveParticipant() { if (saveParticipant == null) { saveParticipant = new ISaveParticipant() { public void doneSaving(ISaveContext context) { } public void prepareToSave(ISaveContext context) throws CoreException { } public void rollback(ISaveContext context) { } public void saving(ISaveContext context) throws CoreException { context.needDelta(); } }; } return saveParticipant; } COM: <s> we are only interested in the resource delta while the plugin was </s>
TDAT: public boolean isBranchSourceInstruction() { if (getMnemonic().startsWith("GOTO") || getMnemonic().startsWith("IF") || getMnemonic().startsWith("JSR") || getMnemonic().startsWith("LOOKUPSWITCH") || getMnemonic().startsWith("TABLESWITCH")) { return true; } return false; } COM: <s> it return ture or false based on the mnmenonic of the instruction </s>
TDAT: public void run() { try { while (!_shouldFinish) { if (_sleepMS > 0) { try { Thread.sleep(_sleepMS); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } } else { Thread.yield(); } _ri.flushBuffer(); } } catch (Exception e) { _error = e; } } COM: <s> flush the buffer until the finish signal arrives from another </s>
TDAT: private void updateText(){ //if(widget != null && txtText.getText().trim().length() > 0) //No setting of empty strings as text. if(widget != null /*&& txtText.getText().length() > 0*/) //We now allow setting of empty strings as text. widget.setText(txtText.getText()); } COM: <s> updates the selected widget with the new text as typed by the user </s>
TDAT: private void createNewRule(Symbol symbol, Digram digram) { Rule newRule = new Rule(String.valueOf(ruleIndex), digram); ruleIndex++; // removes digram located at symbol, and references rule NonTerminalSymbol s1 = new NonTerminalSymbol(newRule); replaceDigram(symbol, s1); // append reference to rule NonTerminalSymbol s2 = new NonTerminalSymbol(newRule); replaceDigram(digram.getS1(), s2); } COM: <s> creates a new rule to represent the given digram </s>
TDAT: static private File getFile() throws IOException { StringBuffer filename = new StringBuffer(System.getProperty("user.home")); filename.append(System.getProperty("file.separator")); filename.append(".jhess"); File propsFile = new File(filename.toString()); propsFile.createNewFile(); return propsFile; } COM: <s> gets a file object referencing the </s>
TDAT: public void adjustHydrogenCountsToValency(HydrogenControl control) { if (molecule.isMoleculeContainer()) { CMLElements<CMLMolecule> molecules = molecule.getMoleculeElements(); for (CMLMolecule mol : molecules) { MoleculeTool.getOrCreateTool(mol).adjustHydrogenCountsToValency(control); } } else { List<CMLAtom> atoms = molecule.getAtoms(); for (CMLAtom atom : atoms) { AtomTool atomTool = AtomTool.getOrCreateTool(atom); atomTool.adjustHydrogenCountsToValency(control); } } } COM: <s> add or delete hydrogen atoms to satisy valence </s>
TDAT: public void add(Production production) { String lhs = production.getLHS(), rhs = production.getRHS(); // Does the RHS already have a unique mapping? if (rhsToLhs.containsKey(rhs)) throw new IllegalArgumentException(rhs + " already represented by " + rhsToLhs.get(rhs)); // Add the production. Set rhses = (Set) lhsToRhs.get(lhs); if (rhses == null) { rhses = new HashSet(); lhsToRhs.put(lhs, rhses); } rhses.add(rhs); rhsToLhs.put(rhs, lhs); } COM: <s> after the first initialization this can be used to add productions </s>
TDAT: public void resetBounds() { if(calendarModel.getCalendarViewMode() != model.CalendarViewMode.month) { setBounds(0, getHeight(), getWidth() - calendarModel.getScrollbar().getWidth(), calendarModel.getScrollbar().getHeight()); } else { setBounds(0, 25, getWidth(), getHeight() - 25); } } COM: <s> this method resets all components to its default values and position </s>
TDAT: public void setData(String name, Object value) { requireNotNull(name, "@require(name != null)"); if ((_data == null) && (value != null)) { _data = new HashMap<String, Object>(); } if (_data != null) { if (value != null) { _data.put(name, value); } else { _data.remove(name); if (_data.isEmpty()) { _data = null; } } } } COM: <s> sets a data object at this composite </s>
TDAT: public String stopRecord(){ stream.stop(); //.stopRecording();//停止记录 stream.close(); //关闭stream //System.out.println("byte Recieved: "+stream.getBytesReceived()); System.out.println("Recording Stopped!"); return "Server stop recording!"; } COM: <s> stop the recording </s>
TDAT: public void preConfigure() { RULES.clear(); RULES.add( new Rule( "*.jar", "Application", "java -DuseDefaultAccelerator=true -jar %f" ) ); RULES.add( new Rule( "*.rb", "JRuby", "jruby %f" ) ); RULES.add( new Rule( "*.py", "Jython", "jython %f" ) ); FILE_WATCHER.preConfigure(); LAUNCHER.preConfigure(); refreshApplications(); } COM: <s> preconfigure the model when initializing without a document file </s>
TDAT: private void save(){ if (!getFilename().equals("untitled.exb")){ try{ getModel().getTranscription().writeXMLToFile(getFilename(),"none"); } catch (Throwable t){ saveTranscription(); } } else { saveTranscription(); } } COM: <s> saves the current transcription under its current name </s>
TDAT: private JPanel getJPanel12() { if (jPanel1 == null) { jPanel1 = new JPanel(); jPanel1.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); jPanel1.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(0, 50)); jPanel1.add(getJPanel(), BorderLayout.SOUTH); jPanel1.add(getJPanel4(), BorderLayout.NORTH); jPanel1.add(getJScrollPane(), BorderLayout.CENTER); } return jPanel1; } COM: <s> this method initializes j panel1 </s>
TDAT: public void setMarginInside(boolean val) { if (!isOpen()) marginInside = val; else { l = JWintab.WTGet(HCTX); if (val) l[0] |= (OPT_MARGIN_INSIDE | OPT_MARGIN); else l[0] &= ~OPT_MARGIN_INSIDE; if (JWintab.WTSet(HCTX, getContextName(), l)) marginInside = val; } if (marginInside) marginEnabled = true; } COM: <s> specifies whether the margin must be inside the context </s>
TDAT: public double cumulativeProbability(int x0, int x1) throws MathException { if (x0 > x1) { throw MathRuntimeException.createIllegalArgumentException( "lower endpoint ({0}) must be less than or equal to upper endpoint ({1})", x0, x1); } return cumulativeProbability(x1) - cumulativeProbability(x0 - 1); } COM: <s> for a random variable x whose values are distributed according </s>
TDAT: private boolean fillStream(Player p, int forceRead) throws Exception { if (p == null) { return false; } if (forceRead >= 500) { return false; } if (p.socket.avail() < forceRead) { return false; } p.stream.inOffset = 0; p.socket.read(forceRead); return true; } COM: <s> check and read any incoming bytes </s>
TDAT: public boolean getGenerate() { try { JSONObject request = createRequest("getgenerate"); JSONObject response = session.sendAndReceive(request); return response.getBoolean("result"); } catch (JSONException e) { throw new BitcoinClientException("Exception when getting whether the server is generating coins or not", e); } } COM: <s> returns boolean true if server is trying to generate bitcoins false otherwise </s>
TDAT: public void moveDown(DUID child) { int pos = children.indexOf(child); // child not found or already on the bottom of the list if (pos == -1 || pos == children.size() - 1) return; children.setElementAt(children.elementAt(pos + 1), pos); children.setElementAt(child, pos + 1); } COM: <s> moves the ddso child one position down in the tree hierarchy </s>
TDAT: public String getMenuElementID(int index) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException { if ((index < 0) || (index >= menuElements.size())) throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("Wrong index for menu element: "+index); return ((MenuElement)menuElements.elementAt(index)).focusableElement.getId(); } COM: <s> gets menu element id for given index </s>
TDAT: public void componentResized(ComponentEvent arg0) { // change the position in a way, that the new content is at the // same place where the old was. Point p = gui.getGraphViewPosition(); if(p==null) return; int x = p.x - scrollPane.getViewport().getWidth() / 2; int y = p.y - scrollPane.getViewport().getHeight() / 2; scrollPane.getViewport().setViewPosition(new Point(x,y)); } COM: <s> scroll area has been resized </s>
TDAT: public Vector getChildViews (PCSession session, String viewID) throws SQLException { // // DBConnection dbcon = getDatabaseManager().requestConnection(session.getModelName()) ; // Vector nodes = new Vector(); // nodes = DBNode.getChildViews(dbcon, viewID, session.getUserID(), nodes); // // getDatabaseManager().releaseConnection(session.getModelName(),dbcon); return null; } COM: <s> returns an vector of all nodes for the given view id </s>
TDAT: public void setTimeGeometricPrimitive(AbstractTimeGeometricPrimitiveType value) { if (value instanceof TimePeriodType) { this.timePeriod = (TimePeriodType) value; } else if (value instanceof TimeInstantType) { this.timeInstant = (TimeInstantType) value; } else { this.timeGeometricPrimitive = value; } } COM: <s> sets the value of the time geometric primitive property </s>
TDAT: public boolean isTopRightPointAt(float x, float y, float margin) { float [][] points = getPoints(); return Math.abs(x - points[1][0]) <= margin && Math.abs(y - points[1][1]) <= margin; } COM: <s> returns code true code if the top right point of this piece is </s>
TDAT: protected void joinGroups() { Collections.sort(overlapGroups, Range.byFrom); OverlapGroup next = overlapGroups.get(0); for (int i = 1; i < overlapGroups.size(); i++) { OverlapGroup current = next; next = overlapGroups.get(i); if (Range.Tools.overlapping(current, next)) { // move ranges to first group for (Range r : next) { rangeMapping.get(r).group = current; } next.join(current); next = current; // remove second group overlapGroups.remove(i--); } } } COM: <s> call this when a new range has joined a group </s>
TDAT: public void testConnectorNotFound() throws Exception { String connectorName = "UnknownConnector"; String expectedResult = "<CmResponse>\n" + " <StatusId>5303</StatusId>\n" + " <CMParams Order=\"0\" CMParam=\""+ connectorName + "\"/>\n" + "</CmResponse>\n"; doTest(connectorName, expectedResult); } COM: <s> test connector not found returns status code </s>
TDAT: public Point2D getPoint2D (Point2D srcPt, Point2D destPt){ // This operation does not affect pixel location if(destPt==null) destPt = new Point2D.Double(); destPt.setLocation(srcPt.getX(), srcPt.getY()); return destPt; } COM: <s> returns the location of the destination point given a </s>
TDAT: public void stop(int wait) { long current = new Date().getTime(); long end = current + (wait*1000); while (!stopped && current < end && wait != 0) { try { Thread.sleep(1000); }catch(Exception e) { } current = new Date().getTime(); } } COM: <s> checks to see if a pool rat has stopped </s>
TDAT: public long getNumberOfStatements(URI modelURI) throws QueryException { boolean exceptionOccurred = true; beginTransaction(false); try { // Create Filtered Statement Store. FilteredStatementStore fss = new FilteredStatementStore( getStore(), getMetaNodes(modelURI)); return fss.getNrTriples(); } finally { if (exceptionOccurred) { needsRollback = true; } // Always end the transaction endTransaction(); } } COM: <s> return the number of statements in a particular graph </s>
TDAT: public int compareTo(TextChunk rhs) { if (this == rhs) return 0; // not really needed, but just in case int rslt; rslt = compareInts(orientationMagnitude, rhs.orientationMagnitude); if (rslt != 0) return rslt; rslt = compareInts(distPerpendicular, rhs.distPerpendicular); if (rslt != 0) return rslt; return Float.compare(distParallelStart, rhs.distParallelStart); } COM: <s> compares based on orientation perpendicular distance then parallel distance </s>
TDAT: protected void close() { if (frame != null) { frame.setVisible(false); frame.dispose(); frame = null; } if (player != null) { player.close(); player = null; } // close the RTP session. if (mgr != null) { mgr.removeTargets( "Closing session from AVReceive3"); mgr.dispose(); mgr = null; } } COM: <s> close the players and the session managers </s>
TDAT: public void draw(java.awt.Graphics2D g2) { java.awt.Color c = new java.awt.Color(250, 250, 210, (int)(intensity * 2)); java.awt.Color oldColor = g2.getColor(); g2.setColor(c); g2.fill(myShape); g2.setColor(oldColor); } COM: <s> draws this light in the supplied context </s>
TDAT: private void applyModelInputToRFGaps( final RfCavity cavity, final String property, final double value ) { if ( property.equals( RfCavityPropertyAccessor.PROPERTY_PHASE ) ) { applyCavityPhaseToRFGaps( cavity, value ); } else if ( property.equals( RfCavityPropertyAccessor.PROPERTY_AMPLITUDE ) ) { applyCavityAmplitudeToRFGaps( cavity, value ); } } COM: <s> workaround to address a bug in the way that cavities are handled </s>
TDAT: public void setValue(String value) { StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer( value, ",", false ); while (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) { String token = tokenizer.nextToken(); for (int i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { if (list[i].equals( token )) { checkBoxes[i].setSelected( true ); break; } } } } COM: <s> sets the value attribute of the property language field object </s>
TDAT: private JPanel getJContentPane() { if (jContentPane == null) { jContentPane = new JPanel(); jContentPane.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); jContentPane.add(getSeasonPanel(), BorderLayout.WEST); jContentPane.add(getButtonPanel(), BorderLayout.CENTER); jContentPane.add(getFrequencyPanel(), BorderLayout.EAST); } return jContentPane; } COM: <s> this method initializes j content pane </s>
TDAT: public void setEntityRef(DisplayModel entityRef) { if (Converter.isDifferent(this.entityRef, entityRef)) { DisplayModel oldentityRef= new DisplayModel(this); oldentityRef.copyAllFrom(this.entityRef); this.entityRef.copyAllFrom(entityRef); setModified("entityRef"); firePropertyChange(String.valueOf(MEDINTERACTIONS_ENTITYREFID), oldentityRef, entityRef); } } COM: <s> entity interacting foreign key to refs on groups such as medication </s>
TDAT: public boolean addModifier(Modifier modifier) { if (modifier == null) { return false; } Set<Modifier> modifierSet = modifiers.get(modifier.getId()); if (modifierSet == null) { modifierSet = new HashSet<Modifier>(); modifiers.put(modifier.getId(), modifierSet); } return modifierSet.add(modifier); } COM: <s> add the given modifier to the set of modifiers present </s>
TDAT: public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (obj instanceof RemoteObject) { if (ref == null) { return obj == this; } else { return ref.remoteEquals(((RemoteObject)obj).ref); } } else if (obj != null) { /* * Fix for 4099660: if object is not an instance of RemoteObject, * use the result of its equals method, to support symmetry is a * remote object implementation class that does not extend * RemoteObject wishes to support equality with its stub objects. */ return obj.equals(this); } else { return false; } } COM: <s> compares two remote objects for equality </s>