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⌀ |
It seems like they're trying to ignite some kind of viral movement around rejecting alternative news media sources entirely.
It appears to be backfiring spectacularly, but time will tell. | r/propornot | comment | r/PropOrNot | 2016-11-26 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HWHNLOWJ0UV9CVWx3cWRrWEhYaXpCS1Fla3BZekY1NkRicnNOcWVjMFg2RFBiTVlVZS04RnlkSGtQXzdLUFFPVVVsVUdtTU9CeUFlZEF6X2Q2NGxGSUgySEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HWHVLUWhaVnk2d1hzdHBuZDBhNURESE1mTXhveWV0bmQzOGV1TG5uTktLaTB0Y1FqMU9PS2M3aEIwSE1keXlZdTY3amd6ZUpMd1JnSjNETmQzMzZzajVWSEgxZFFVOE1VNnNZWWpxcGZRN1VwOEpKRFpxQjdXNDJGN1VDVnR3b0lIdXBrbVNMY1dzLUJuVEREYzdKVFpqTGxHbU1zdzJFQzZJdXk5aHlNOERpZWNudmRld2RZNEw0YW5QX1lxZndJYTZNZjRUcHgyekVzc0dvcENGc242VXVSUT09 | 222 |
>I would simply read the flagged articles with a more skeptical eye
This is just one of my criticisms of the project. You should have an equally skeptical eye whether you're reading the Washington Post, or Breitbart. | r/propornot | comment | r/PropOrNot | 2016-11-26 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HWHNLMXRKcUFoLWxnRUJ1aU0ybDlEWWZxMmd6VFFYVEtCV3RBcUtLbjFFN0s3YmNCOFJEUWt2eXpNVV9fai1BVGxoWHVydUFWTm9vbjU5WElfaEJKVVN5Z2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HWHVLVmt3NFZaVUlkUGd3clZvNmVldnhUa2kyLXRhaURNckNmWmMwU01WVU5jLVNJUVNHUGJJVFZ2X0Y3bWc5Y29ZZ19pTFQ1TUhRMUcySE1mV2RIci1MSzVTN05DMV9QOVJaakhHbzlSbl9NMTRCQlctV04ya0RmMldrdWd0Zk5LNS11Sk0xd0ZsNVV6V19VWjlkUGczdEJkSTdMS2E5a182akEwVDVMdkZCbk1DUW81dnhTdktwaWJrMkZlamJfa2NX | 223 |
Fuck you. You'll get your one-way helicopter ride soon enough. | r/propornot | comment | r/PropOrNot | 2016-11-26 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HWHNLSnJLYXY4SGtNRjJWa0pWVkpUVHNnaDNucUdBd3k3ZjZLel8wdWRNNXllazFiWjdLMXBoc0p5Q2RZejNOc2haS2l2SDVUblptV3gxMnE0QTFPYTE4bHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HWHVLSGZfQzZCZ0VSVzZaeS1FRC15elRKWGdzU2tsdkl2ZTZFRjFEbkJsYWRLVjZ4dFhwQ1F3NExFZk1YajdXaXoybnhEQkFzY2RIZXJIcGE3ek1jLWdpU2VqWTB1cEJ1d2RMRmVGd0pNb2ZBRVA2VE5aaWtyWFU5b1dLczNGMTdxYW9FbVVhS096cU1Ud2s5SjkxblR4RlBrSUlFOGZERzFHWlRmSk1EWDBKdlVJYWkzWnRNU0lTZUQzRUdtVF9JYmYw | 224 |
I want to have a dialogue about the likelihood that PropOrNot.com is a US counter-intelligence operation. | r/propornot | comment | r/PropOrNot | 2016-11-26 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HWHNLQWNZeXM3SlFtOXlKX0o5MGRzTDA2SXNRa21xY0Y0WTljOEZ1U1lNblR4ejNyR0hfREJycDJ6ZGE5LWFvQWgzRldxejlZZW1YejYzNmg5R3dUcWc3SEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HWHVLem5KTkNjdmswN08xcExOOXlLenE2YndyYmxTd3lpVU01QmhhTUhTZ3RZODRjclVYc1ozMk5Ib3pXLWJWQ1dqNERrNkxCLTZ6T3EwbHBDQVhkOWVxMzUzQ3gyWUxaMDUzNmx2aUphOGcyN2VQZ3RHaWFWVXc5dXhPeXdoWWlabGx4cjBoUVhIdENzNkJGRHRUX09MTjVvVlNKbVh2ZTljOEZDb05mWkhmUXgtMkhWS1lNNXJtdFFiSGVpTHU2Nzl3 | 225 |
I think I have to respectfully disagree with you on everything except that "Fact is there are different perspectives to world and current affairs"
The fact remains that the Russian government directly hands false information to its media outlets for dissemination. They do it routinely, and not even in much secrecy. It is far different from simply "a different perspective." It is dangerous, and the media outlets peddling this false information should not be trusted. | r/propornot | comment | r/PropOrNot | 2016-11-26 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HWHNLcEQweHd5dTk0ZkxGN2FNUC1BRXowVGljV2tKLWNsM00tbWdUVlk3ZEZqaGJSNWFzazJDTVBRVkEwVzBzYW1fVnhrSnlxT19nOUl3QjgzcEZSYUNWVGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HWHVLc184OTMzWVpKcTRTTVdVclRfampmODl6c25vVURLQkQwZ3Vob3V3UmxoVFVXMWJhakZxc0ZXb3JTOVdUcExnZUZnd29nUHR5ZDVFN3RPNGtJNjB3a19hWmZCUVh0cmJQSU01LXJmRzhCZlRIZFc4RW1GTzRxUkVPcDF6MWhsV0pxNVg1RkgtY0pGeHBHSFMzZmQwODNMcTJ6VG56bE9feTRSaTlpdEhFRGlYVjhiLXoxN3l5Q3ZUSjFhT05qN0Zh | 226 |
I like the direction you're taking this sub. I'll add to the pot:
[How Covert Agents Infiltrate the Internet to Manipulate, Deceive, and Destroy Reputations](https://theintercept.com/2014/02/24/jtrig-manipulation/)
| r/propornot | comment | r/PropOrNot | 2016-11-26 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HWHNLeDMzelo1VHUySTYydUMyNUhrb0MzeUIwTi1ja1dQbWQxZjFSUmtFZnJ1bnR0QzBwcmJtWW01bWRseE03amQtRHBfeGZvcjZhQWJsbzZLUUxJQU5fVFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HWHVLU2ZLWTZqemFZYlh4NjhEY0lmcnVTQ1NfWk5CcnBOWV84RWM1eTBnQ0hwTFRHUHcwbEZZTEZpcDBLM0RMTi1WclFfcUFreTlHWEdFLUlFRFJVTjZUZm5Rc0RPbWFuN0NoTEFva0M2Q3cxTm1Cd3Nxc2VBVkMxZ182UEN1ak9rMHRzYV9BazRaWklJN0kyRjRQdkdsM3hzdlB5M05XT2c3c0prZFl3anBUT3NJMlFMZ1RTelI5WWdublQzME1FT0t4WS1NZDZQdy13U2R1aUdlclFfWHdSQT09 | 227 |
> We are not funded by anyone, are non-partisan, and are completely independent.
"Take our word for it - our website sucks!" | r/propornot | comment | r/PropOrNot | 2016-11-26 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HWHNLeDItRzRyV2ZPMUx6bVpzeG04enpOeFRvRjBSNGFYVHY2b2YwaXF0bGw2TGVQVjlhTm81RVZxTTl4M1pFckU0S3dKLXBxWk81QjFlckR2ZEcweUZkN3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HWHVLdjdpb0xfaE14M1c1NjBZNHVwUXhOMXh6dU5nWmRPY2ppNmlhNVlONUFteS1PdU5KeWl1YU9JVEpJUEttVGhUbFd3LTNfXzlnUXJTeG1tUzlyV2k1bzlkSXpfOWZQZmFmcGg5WUVETXNPOWRYcFJ5dWRQWnFfYThGY3hyTW1MRGd6VkFFVlpSZUlRXzZlTnhKYWZlNkVCR3NPb3I0R1pJUnhMWmdsbldvR04tNUVDeWdmSUxDXzEydG8wMHdYd25a | 228 |
Could prop0nut have been intended as an aid to a Clinton on-deck period? In terms of status quo foreign policy support, and in namecalling sites that have published anti-status quo news and opinion, it would make sense if she had won. Clearly, with consortiumnews, opednews, and others listed -- it's not anti left or anti right -- it's simply for an Obama-Clinton status quo. | r/propornot | comment | r/PropOrNot | 2016-11-26 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HWHNLZDJQcjJiYlUtVVpNT090aDRIdmNVWGpFeW1KZmdncEdiQ3BodUR0R0Z1M1pVVVVmSzNGQnRvTmQ4Yk5fa0ViUWxpTjBqcm9nV1dVUVNfb3FzckZVTmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HWHVLXzJNVUtyQ1dyZmJodGE1Y0JLWFRxb2NSZmZLTzBHUk9WdVN5M0tvd0hiLXZoV09rcXdCa0p5azFXZ1ZnNDhRWnhkVFpwUUlNZUhEX0hQTWxTOXFEb2xyVkFYbDFrcWxIQzZVekRrRXQ2eGFYVUc2MlV3ekhsTnpCZnJkZjZuenE3WWZ2Q09xVlFfUXdNczRkRFJzZVZ4OTdMMGhpR1BRUGVkOEJvb0dXN2ZlZmRkRWRoMTNuaV9zWGFFQ1NiSEJa | 229 |
Why, when I go to Zero Hedge with your browser plugin, are only some articles highlighted and others aren't? For example the one linked was but not many of the others. | r/propornot | comment | r/PropOrNot | 2016-11-26 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HWHNLdlRpYUpFNmlYWlZ0RTlld0Fqbnp3VWljak15Mml2eWwtZld2Ql9VQ0R3b0xZUTRpa00xeW5vUHZ1a216OVJvX284bDNhcHNsQXlRYkx0dlRtUmVIcWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HWHVLWkRRdmRzN1BHYXo5RHRiZ24tam4wY0QtQVFqMC1POWxkSUpvbnRJZmwySzhTUkk5MU84RzRnYVZDV2lPZ3JYT0NaOUtBaDlOOU1neXZGdmhQZjRmV0tmQkFMZHhwZTh0YTh0bGdib20xSk0yZEdIcmVJeHh5aXBza1VjcnpUWU1QYTVSc0VaZWJUZkJLQWsxWk83b1RYak9JNTNxMFd3aEQ2S2ZFU0locThvR1R5ekJDUmplODhBalh6X0FjWF84OGtKRklRU0JUNlZVV254OXlkT3k2dz09 | 230 |
"The first two are literally state-sponsored news"
And that's why it doesn't need to be pointed out. The authorship is out there in public. The problem here is the Russians are trying to slip propaganda in with the background noise of everyday life. And humans are not computers. People will research things and just believe what they want, thinking it's harmless. As a result, people may unintentionally believe and spread false rumors undermining our country. Yes, we have problems. Is it as bad as Russia? Fuck no. | r/propornot | comment | r/PropOrNot | 2016-11-26 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HWHNLdGpqb1lwZ0VsV1BQTmV5Skk0dWN3SEJ4MWhDMWgybGV0dlFCUDJvSEpwdmV2NkpsZThDa3c5akRvSEFhcWJYUlRFUkNfQ2ZoV0F2Y3J0bmtNei1wTHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HWHVLRlJHU2VBNTNua2lNam5BX0UybWZlc3NGbzg3QlRGbXlmbnZxRVBESG96VEw5eVFNeUt6OTYtU1YyQlNCQzhFNFctdnFfUmR2bmZRVkZiMnhfWGxIelhOdnhUNWh0QnBoNllLVHRXVFNtN1RCaU5FQmtqSHNvNzg5cWZmVlZqY05MSmFReXlQcFJwUWxpajg1N1lYSXdNSElGRUFCVFpFaTAxQkxXRW1GUFNsRmhVZFM2TGZaUl9YSGJGbTF3VzFiUEE3ZlV0a09kdWFMTUFMMjlvQjExdz09 | 231 |
Is this a group of rich Silicon Valley nerds? | r/propornot | comment | r/PropOrNot | 2016-11-26 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HWHNLOXJGYWRzTS1hdzB2X2VaUkRCUUt6d2c3YmM3Rm9RRjZIcmcxV0dMMHR1bHB3VUN5NFlDNkJYOWRWbTh5VGk0S0NYbzFlMFVPRlRKM3NvWEFUZXU5Z0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HWHVLQjVFQTc1UENycXJBV2Z1Vk0yRVlEeFNiaEptTVl6YTJ6SndqQWlNWnlXZWtmaF9UUG5OVjFRY081aXA2V3hSQTNDV2hybXFLeUEtUk0tclhVbWwxaTU0R0k4eHg0REc0a2w1blRqdWp5cktudmY1aEVVbDA1R1NnWl9peGpVUWpjb3NKQ0ZkYW91YklzOXQ3SlR5bTNBZWxpWDVxMEZMeE9lRUxIek1oQlBqb1NBWEtrd29Qdm8tRFdzMURyaE9jWUs0QkdjMEFyRk54MWdHeVVvSHVtUT09 | 232 |
I represent a party very interested in the identities of the "experts" behind propornot. If you have information send me a PM, we're willing to provide compensation. | r/propornot | comment | r/PropOrNot | 2016-11-26 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HWHNLUTlVdVVSdC1hUmZsdm5SelhFNkZ1RTdsUXBrc3d1cGpNWEx0V3NVeHR0SE4wTHZxVThCVkg2TUItOC1Jdng4d24tdGY0NFJqUm5XZlJNNDE4VUtSYlE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HWHVLdUZyZS1xeVdKdlkxQjRscllwZWxuM2NrTTcwVXdGQV96Z0ZPSHVRM3otNXpfQmhydjVacU5jaUQ2RU9lb2hBQTZlYkVYWGYwczlrOTJFQXZacW9lMlVhLXdWaWtJZ0xiUDM3enNWYVdUeGFxbnhwTUJ1bC0yVEJSN3lVVm9GN0hzR0lmbGNkUE1uUGVxVXdQUjNobldGT0ZBc1N2UklnNFVhMzNDNnhKNGdJRlhXS1FUT3BEclNPa1dXVmViWEVf | 233 |
>The problem here is the Russians are trying to slip propaganda in
As are the Chinese, the British, the Saudis, the US, Israel and many others. Like I've said in other threads, this might be a neat project if it targeted all government propaganda - as it stands PropOrNot.com looks well characterized by Glenn Greenwald's article.
It only serves to further muddy the waters of international political journalism by using unpublished criteria and throwing unfounded accusations of "Russian Propaganda". It is absolutely McCarthyism. | r/propornot | comment | r/PropOrNot | 2016-11-27 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HWHNLWENLLWRqY0kxdEVJSVFfTjZLNmVGS0cwTm9tQUtVQTIyZ1RxNWU0bURLaHEta3lJQmM4WXBNQkhJcndLb19Wb1dDNXdaTDNpM2h3TVdnM01rMmdFN3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HWHVLelo2enRkb0xlSWFmVmpiVlZzY0pXY2ZjY3ZKeWtFQ2NyLXM3bl9YY1NYWm1sQnlGSG1FMUYycWxjWUkzX2R1UHRlaHEtdGo2eTdXWHhpczRqb3FkN2dja0JMamRWZW1yVUlYcEhZbEhSdVBZWFdwdXhrVHZYNE1YaWh4a1lnUk1QeG1ncmxmOFhYVWZUWUR0bFFJRUtBcXRIWk1uY1VoY1E4ZEpJVlcwWkktZkxOdFBmWHlwNS1Eb1kzb0FfQ25XdXllMk96LTJSY0pVTERheDVwOFRmQT09 | 234 |
This is where i would absolutely disagree. You should have more skepticism towards writers with less journalistic integrity. | r/propornot | comment | r/PropOrNot | 2016-11-27 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HWHNLcldGZnNxUmp3Wk04ZFVacWxYRm5iRlRfNC0weFlETHgzVWRCNlFoRmhXWUJjWkxqN3ppMjc3eGt6VHpyUHhiLU4zWnNZNzdram84dm9sNHhMWV9hT3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HWHVLZXVaM0ZodGxxb2ZqY0JJS2lsaDZGdTdqaGhaY2JZRUtLVUxiVEVPbVplMVdvNkJ3b3JNU2ZDWUNDNjBKSmdOcE50VUswVmJheVRhaU9JZy0wQzRxcmp1RjItY1NfaDRWNU9PejFFbjVMQ2NhY0hTeEVlQW1yVXhfY09zMFdQUk5FSGthcmhoUjhXbThuSVplYTlrWkg2NzM5UDlvTHJOZUVCYlNWdHZ5cjRNaURhOXZEYUZ3MUxFTzVKWlNFaFJx | 235 |
buzzfeed does some investigative reporting. (led by a pulitizer prize winner, since we're making judgments based on reputations here):
i don't think one good journalist ruins the bunch though. | r/propornot | comment | r/PropOrNot | 2016-11-27 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HWHNLdjdRbzNia1pvMWVGOWRxNFgwNmV0SHVMREd2VEtfNGVuUzJSYWp5YjRYRngzQUlNTExNUWdBcTMzaEllRzhOMFNBck5yM1p3MmVsM0lvUFYxY1QwVFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HWHVLLXByNEg0Ynd1VUMtMy1ySDNBNEpkZ3M2RnF3TTc1VlJmUmt0dGRBanNGNjZGVFhBMzFHYjhTRWNOVVEzU2xIazYtTVhNVWFNdTAxRzNaNldJVnRmMjhNaW95S0E0ME9GVXY1cjN5TDdOVE45YlhRMzAzVlpaU2tIUDMteFVGdGxxYmh6MzRvTnRDRG5zVGwzQ1I2b2xYVG1RRnk0ZTl2VEhDNjNoZnk2NE1FRGxpa1BjUGFodWlvdEFaNFBpU2Zr | 236 |
I find it fucking hilarious how a group of amateur Redditors like you guys managed to pull one over on the Washington Post, who was clearly desperate to attack anyone not toeing the establishment line on foreign policy. Truly the fake news is coming from inside the MSM, and hypocrisy of that staggering scale is always amusing. But fuck you for smearing Naked Capitalism, Truthdig, Black Agenda Report, etc. Bruce Dixon has been critical of Democrats since the 70s as a Black Panther and you call him a Russian shill? | r/propornot | comment | r/PropOrNot | 2016-11-27 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HWHNLVkZKSC1GLVYwYkJKVkd0V0xrdkpmUzk4OHlTT0pLVkNkMEttYjJvY3FaTEZmVGVIR19zYUxuclduNFNrX1N6eFFING1PLWh4RXpUQkVkTEpZUVpRcVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HWHVLM2hjLWxrX2VRQU9uWmRMcHdLTV9EMl80OUlydzVUU0JxVHpGZjJpOVg0eWZ2VFRQUUg3VkJKSk5xVDdiU1poajA2aFNreG52MEM5VjVkczJubVJKNXVuLURrQ1F1RUVXRS1kQ2FmRlUxOFZIMkxrb2JiTkxWaVdIdmlDQUs2MTVwaHhJa21yZExDZk1xMnNhaVRnQmIyX1JXWFhhcmoyOWN5V1UtOHRaTW9tOWh0WU1IcmQ2SUtzdDE0V2VCdktQ | 237 |
If we were we'd probably have a better-looking website ;-) | r/propornot | comment | r/PropOrNot | 2016-11-27 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HWHNLcktWOEI0T3UzN003MEtidk9RYWhpSG1md3ZyeXZ0aWJNOHhzYjJyZVNUdzJUOWhDemVRMl9ubFp2RDJTeGZ5eWFaYTIzZDFyU3k1QjhxTFlDU3RyOVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HWHVLU1dXaDFfNmtmS2dBOUROZFpwS3JYSDhSYkZKU0pVT3prakJROTE0VkNWQkhlZm4xVF9xMXY0VzI2TEJIeE1kMzR5QWFKS2ExdW9zMDczVDZmY2wzTUtoUVpiNnctOXdTWnFZN1JCOTVyUTBFVkdwS0VMMkpFeWdGc3ptM051TkhZTVNCR28tblhnTnpqNGd4cHBMeGxXSHQyeUNsWkJ0N093UXg3OS0xT2M1SkhuSzhyR2hQOF9nS3lraG5uUG5t | 238 |
Two things of importance for anyone doubting the seriousness and value of ProporNot. This http://warontherocks.com/2016/11/trolling-for-trump-how-russia-is-trying-to-destroy-our-democracy/
and this guy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SZnkULuWFDg | r/propornot | comment | r/PropOrNot | 2016-11-27 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HWHNLamR3NmRVanZEYV91MFc4SkxVV012bUwtenh5Y0MzdGxMUS16N21VLS1wVk9YcjlidHpaYW1nYmNPaGZNUk1NZkhLSnE0VFZ5WERkVDREWmNyb2JCeWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HWHVLelpyeF8zU2djeVVIWFlqMGM3VDFkdkplV0xISHY1ZHJTaWljOVctclBtazIxcU1kakhGTDNvYnZ6X2hTbTF1M3hBNXlYS2xkWGthTVRNMy1faDhNSkVJa1hNODM0WWtPYjNxMUlVZWpDam1oS25EVmpfZjR4cDk4LWVBeExiLVIxZDllY2w0NWRUbjZNSXhSMmxPenBMT0cwMncxbVBLOFlGVjZoR0paN3dfT1ZBVGw4U1VCSTBqejFDbWltaE8x | 239 |
If the websites in question post verifiable truth, then the question must be asked.
Is the truth propaganda?
Or is it propaganda just because some unidentified group says it is?
I believe the truth is the truth and should be posted.
Propaganda is a tool of governments ALL of them. Sometimes their propaganda even contains a grain of truth.
Its sites like this that make the truth harder to find.
Isn't trying to tell people what is and isn't propsganda in itself also propaganda? | r/propornot | comment | r/PropOrNot | 2016-11-27 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HWHNLVVZHOV9NRG5zU1Ytb0h0aHdCdlBhZ3FnQlBzVGhKM2MzTkExVlpQZUV0WFlfQkVWTGl6dVJ3ekNXclV6Qlh6blRVaEdjNldOUVRPVkFNVUFKRkxnNGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HWHVLNS1tTzlmZHBlUjFYNDA5UFZSY19iV19EX2FkX0xkRGVLVzlCclBaM1k1aHdhcVB1Mk9ic0I5WmVQeElSSGZEYjdXQjc1VkZtamNFWHE2YUJjZHowTGN5UDhRYmN5VXB2dEc3OWpCYWRzWE50amJQMnBCRER6VDJzYTNGUUZZeHVid010aGltNnhNX1NQV1ZDZWhtV0FYM2Y0eUdtenZLbm8tRThmVTVLTHVHT01sTVFEcEdNaTctd1BLQ1NfZ1V2 | 240 |
You've said this enough times to be suspicious as well. This is a diversion, you're not answering my question. | r/propornot | comment | r/PropOrNot | 2016-11-27 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HWHNLWmVvOS1oeTJiY25WQm9kZG9menF2cG1iSHoySldoRGU0cm53UmNSV2k2Q3V5UWVBSVFaVXZjTTF5Uzc0LXVEcEtnazduZElidDVNMjZKMFlNUnM5Ymc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HWHVLemZVLWsyb0g3clllNnJFUFJzMTR3VlR4cGJJSUxkSjJ0dkJNOU9ScTdQVW1KY3lQclNIUm8zRFU1YUxhSW5LT3FRSlBVRklpY0hCM3A0dThXRjhJN3FWbmV4d2lFOTNNRnNYRkloS21CVTMwaFo0X1dsdEdMa3hFSW82ZEZEbTNXTTZsSFd5MEtOOUNPSTV1TmRjLUltNTlDdkJob3g5WWoxQmdRdVJKbDRZU3BMYUprVUV4dWRkampmMUFZTEtl | 241 |
The question of journalistic integrity is exactly what we're trying to figure out here.
It's not a given that NYT or WaPo are trustworthy - especially after this election. | r/propornot | comment | r/PropOrNot | 2016-11-27 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HWHNLSXI2M25XV3BoM3BJNnVVZHRIUGRLanpJRThMTEJUSS1kSmQta19NUjR3VjRTd01ONHVlWWwzQ01aalZUbFF1UUllaHJEbVpmLUV4NTJYMDhVNVVhZmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HWHVLcl9sX1BWNjRZenlOY0lkZDloMTFmblJRbE1DcXJjTkQwT0EyR0RqYVhXdm40bTBRZEN6ZzRab29pRVhMX0lMOFRzMlNQYWpIUE1QbUpKMjJTLVNzNkhxUHBhNTdFdm1RcC1ZX2gzZlpQN0ZUZDJzUVI4Z2dERWhPbmRpYTIzMUttSThuY193VHJONlJlTmplMFc2cW10YmdsRGctQm5FVzVNamlYUFVUMlBkdkhJMnY0WEdLdXYzRm5IeUd3Mllv | 242 |
Excellent article illustrating the hypocrisy and doublespeak that mainstream news sources have come to embody. | r/propornot | comment | r/PropOrNot | 2016-11-27 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HWHNLWGI4WW4ta0Y4STFKVU9neF9jVTNIaDJpUWRsandNYldHeG9qV085X0lvNm5mbTJEQTFZZldsRkhFVjc2OG1zXzJCb2hRcW5aRE5vc2MzT3RvbUxSZWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HWHVLVmRPeDFBUFpWUzFnVHFPWFVfTTNaT2szajJrY1A3STJsaTV4UFZaOWVfRmdld2NMRndHbEFIV3M5RkwyeVVsTlgtcWFfZDExTXZJaERVTUJERnVzeVlPd2tIcXJZWUUzamFaR0dVY2h0cGZ5TE9BbHMxVFJMN2phWGFPZllaeXEyTjVZOGtNS2tpa3FRN3VDbUpUcmxDcTJpRXNJdWxuUUJRWUJjTDM3LWFRTTM5VF9GaGcxQ3ZRTTF0cnc2NmxrN0tDTUpSaVgzcHEtUk54WDFMQkIyZz09 | 243 |
I think something bigger is going on here - why *did* WaPo eat this up? | r/propornot | comment | r/PropOrNot | 2016-11-27 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HWHNLdFNVVEFsT0lCVjJ5T3cwSXMwTGZVQTluelk2UlV0RVZ3b0tJTEd0UnNtUmREa0w4X1FxWVNjY0ZBWExaWFpFbW4tcmFqNm5WNVloallDS3FDY2h3SFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HWHVLWHNFcVdreWpFUFhWQU1wZkU2Rm9YTWxJaVpZWU91TDBObjhJbnVmZ3pWWmJNODcxZW1OWFRHSExtcWxxZUVZamEyRUxydjR5N1NTZ2p3bGtvNGhGVHBJTjZrcGdMSXZUcHZrcEpWdXBkMF9ieTBDS2ZISnZMc0RPaS1DNUk4X25ESzAtQnlIbU1fb3hKd0dMSERjbFlnRko2TS15d0NsZkNVUGhOdlE4bEc3R3NqSzJEbll6MDZyV3ZTQjNpUnRh | 244 |
They have been here for at least the last 8 years. | r/propornot | comment | r/PropOrNot | 2016-11-27 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HWHNLUmpWQ0VOM3Q4bHdEN2VicVN1M1dsWDB4UjJZVVFwZ3lFbUxQcVFtbXpTS0NxX2JKT1g3dm1MYmdHQXVxR3BUZkNoMWwxNDJ5TjFDUE5tQm9OdjZwZFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HWHVLa2twMlFlN1dtbTNMYjBfSl9YXzhodU5UMmM3ZGFqUHliVnBIdTNKaGU4YUEwckFXQm5fcHc5cnNMOXQ1SlQ2MkNnbW4wWEdzSFFDOE11VTRQd2FqUGxuTmV1Z3RMYUVwWW1taGNXSG5WM09IVHVkRllKNWYxYlB0dmprVDRhYlAydVhTa2J2d1dtWHptOGFiTWgyU0dEV0JjN1VZVllFa1ZaV3p2SnZXeFkxN0hpdlNXaWw5NC1OWHM1YzRtUkVhb3Z4ZHBSazVKN1RkS0JUWmdQSTF2Zz09 | 245 |
Google's Eric Schmidt was working on the Hillary campaign. You might not be far off. | r/propornot | comment | r/PropOrNot | 2016-11-27 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HWHNLYl9sRDZpSjAzUnRfNTJldEQ0UDg5ODlEVUxaT18yZ2pRVGVuaWlNakdDU1V4bWxlRTJVVTZwdHVhLXluUW9Yd29CTFRVMldQdmVUVEZ6djZTeTNuR0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HWHVLRlVRZWl3emZ0emhTTENCZ0wyU3Qyak1nVHlzV2dkanJEbHMta2dsX3Z6SEgxUnZyYkhFMEJrUEk4LXdidHJFUEZEc2JXcUJmZ1BCLWlkUHduQjNmbjAwaXhjWjFRNDI0alpvWDRpN1VtTk5HOVJ5dmpRYXU2cE5SMDlGLU10bW5vMDlBSzBPeXZIajY5ZktvZ2RkZ2dLUEhrYi04Z1FsWUxmOWg1ZUJPaF84YUZBLURjbllpNWVSWnNpeVNsaWdtcTdxczBtb3dFLTVIQlFaM0kxOExBUT09 | 246 |
Greenwald explains this pretty well.
> The group eschews alternative media outlets like these and instead recommends that readers rely solely on establishment-friendly publications like NPR, the BBC, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, Buzzfeed and VICE. That is because a big part of the group’s definition for “Russian propaganda outlet” is criticizing U.S. foreign policy....
> EVEN MORE DISTURBING than the Post’s shoddy journalism in this instance is the broader trend in which any wild conspiracy theory or McCarthyite attack is now permitted in U.S. discourse as long as it involves Russia and Putin – just as was true in the 1950s when stories of how the Russians were poisoning the U.S. water supply or infiltrating American institutions were commonplace. Any anti-Russia story was – and is – instantly vested with credibility, while anyone questioning its veracity or evidentiary basis is subject to attacks on their loyalties or, at best, vilified as “useful idiots.”...
> Indeed, what happened here is the essence of fake news. The Post story served the agendas of many factions: those who want to believe Putin stole the election from Hillary Clinton; those who want to believe that the internet and social media are a grave menace that needs to be controlled, in contrast to the objective truth which reliable old media outlets once issued; those who want a resurrection of the Cold War. So those who saw tweets and Facebook posts promoting this Post story instantly clicked and shared and promoted the story without an iota of critical thought or examination of whether the claims were true, because they wanted the claims to be true. That behavior included countless journalists.
It's a combination of factors, but clearly 1) the MSM feels pressure from alternative news sources and wants to push back, even if that means engaging in bullshit conspiracy theory, 2) the MSM has never liked those who those who go against official US policy (see Chomsky's https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Propaganda_model for more on that), and 3) we have a shitload of lazy, click-chasing journalists who spread this stuff. | r/propornot | comment | r/PropOrNot | 2016-11-27 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HWHNLWnZFMU9XQ2ZiYWdJTk04UXNGci1NVjFfMHRneHY5bDBUMHlKaEJLMVZGcFVjZzZjc2htdmVncDN1LVdvWDhEaVJMZFl1UFhhZFEwM25aZ1dIM0tGS1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HWHVLb1d3eHJUcXhXYmh5VElOUzBuZGtMbmtVUVRueWd2ZXhoZVgxVXJ3bHUxQXVFWWtINWNNc1dBUzVwS2xTMzlEYy1ZY0NCTllZLXI2Vm45RFh4a3Bka09qVUx6WHlfaFhpQTZtZ0ZtaUV6bEJzNGxiUWxncFFkZEhqVWtkNGFlc0lUNVJPbzNCQVNWYjVJQVprd3kyOFRoaGpxRExXSW1XMXdsS0dnWDc3M3RWSm5oNlRkTGlURGo1QUhUcVRxWGJp | 247 |
> WaPo
> owned by a multi-billionaire
> "left-wing"
Yes I'm sure bezos is a huge fan of socialism, that would really make sense. | r/propornot | comment | r/PropOrNot | 2016-11-27 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HWHNLUmRmRjBPZ0ctY09sUE90OUhqWlB0T1FjUXhKelFLX3ZnZGY0b2p3VXc0MUR1ZmpxQklib2pxbXY5dVlCSHRqc1hyMi1nemVHUTljWVpIYUtmalptQ2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HWHVLVF9sUEtYYmxxZUtqdmlfS2FtT3Z3T0VHVjQ5emloeDZvY3RBcVY0aG8yZG94QUhUVWhVNTR3ZU1PbUowdEJKTHpwVFV0SlIzVUFyV2JBOWtUVGpzVHA3TEJGT0tVUV9WZkxMWjdSNkVHOHNKQ2VPSjdpYkpVYm91dFoycDBPUE4zRHFxRXhOZjhXZ1FXQXN1Ql9HaldQaDlwNkQ4VC1tMVBxNTFzWXpMUEhhUGtTbmNYUC1IbmpxQWJmZ1ZiYjg4 | 248 |
Rather, the US news media parroted White House press releases without any journalistic analysis. | r/propornot | comment | r/PropOrNot | 2016-11-27 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HWHNLTjRTdEVLRzFCOHBDaDdpMFZKZ3MzNkFRSXVlVXRXaXNnbno4N2QwYWdRSVFTS1lmc1AxTlk1aVlZSHJjM0k0T21scEVMbHFhUmtlTDFDeldNQkxuX2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HWHVLNzdkVXBOWE8zRHB2aHR2SGptQzFDOWV1YXpyQ1l4VE4zTTVGMGlPcFNTUmhnMFNYbU9UX05JTGRDR29nX2JUZ3c3Q2pTaTRxTkgzZk41SnhGYUFNdWRTQy1GZ1lFVUJ2OHIxTnB1VDRFS0l2elBtRnFrSE5nY09uVFo1RnA0UjdLVElkZlJoT1MwSFRES3p6N2hlVGtrTndMTzBya09BTmFOaEJNMmJFR3pPWTdiT2IxdU4wOEdoUUxWemlEV09o | 249 |
Nothing Wikileaks released was false, and I think all those leaked emails had a much larger net effect on voters than any "Fake News Russian Propaganda™" could.
Donald Trump is a chauvinist and a terrible presidential candidate, but Hillary's collusion with the DNC and mainstream media is the reason he won. | r/propornot | comment | r/PropOrNot | 2016-11-27 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HWHNLV1VFbV9qTTlqX1hfSW5PdVFYUzZVNXh4X2xRTnpUbW45VVl0QU5vWnBwTVVZN1VZWmdSdnRXcUkyZDZua2tWZjJTVXh3eVJTSV9tWWN2VEV4bDYwcGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HWHVLMFFhdV9qME5tUDVXV29fM2JycWxnZWFOdHRfMDNucm11OWFfZXRWbWZraHh5cW1zUVdCY3N5blFmVlVWZDA2QS1jZnBYVFJ6akQ1ZVhERnVGUDhjRjRNbWpmbTAzT0RpNFlSM1p2V3pIOG9mdWZ5YmFvTnNEbWd6Z1drSUZrWXhOYUhvY3o1dkh0Um9qZUstSVdXU3ZvRkYyNmJQN1NlQ3o5LS03RlFvSlZYVU1GQUc0cmdZV2dVQTEwSVhPQllY | 250 |
I think you are correct. My suspicion is that this is the work of Randroids. | r/propornot | comment | r/PropOrNot | 2016-11-27 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HWHNLUkIxYkdrZEhNejNpRklaZFRZcC02WmpGVlg2VXIzV3NhZE1LME9YYXAyeFhCUWtsczFXYzRJTnNGSjAzQmU2M3FUR2M1UFFTXzNoS3FKdlFwLWVtMlE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HWHVLd0VrNHc3UUMzRTFIV2thXzdoMXBiZnc2MUNycXd2UGt4NUliTmUtQWZFeUhJd3NNSml2UTJJQzJPRS15LUNCbkxwRzF1QUM4S2hmdlVaendiSUhqTlVsYXBxM3NGR0dzWlhSTHFXM1MtNlc4NTFza2pLSXcwTlNaOWlRdlYySEJSUGVZUVlDOVI4SXZyVjJReEpnUHNiYVJGUi14d3VUUlByRUtiQWZZTllvWnExRmMtWHEtTTdPUFd6czZEemtwMzVkZzAzYmRXcU1pdkNtTFdkelRJQT09 | 251 |
Russian propaganda totally exists and is definitely a problem, but here's the issue: propornot is shady as fuck in and of itself and seems like just a tool to slander news sites msm outlets disagree with. Here's a great article about this shadiness: https://theintercept.com/2016/11/26/washington-post-disgracefully-promotes-a-mccarthyite-blacklist-from-a-new-hidden-and-very-shady-group/
The tl;dr version of the article is as follows: basically nobody knows who the fuck runs this site and why washington post suddenly namedropped it in their initial article that brought it popularity.
Until we can figure basic stuff like this out, how do we know that propornot isn't just propaganda itself against conservative leaning alternative news outlets that WaPo is using/maybe even created since we don't know who's behind it to discredit other news sources? | r/propornot | comment | r/PropOrNot | 2016-11-27 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HWHNLNE92bUYxMWNSX2pjZ09ONDFONWR1MTZvazRpaUNUQi13UHAtbVNQSVJia2ViWVM5SFVTMHl5Q3ViOEhoVzV5cGZpQS1CeFVJcGhDbmlFNjVtMElZeUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HWHVLNWNJOE1nTW5jOElPdUpSMDY5Q3NEX09xcHh6ZXplZmJTcHBva0NrdUZsUy1HaEpXT2xtMmFFdmFQRDgySGlIRVZSTEtSbFJBV3RaaC1RcXZVMllvX1ZzVm5Zc1BSZ2d4VDY5aDZsczRrTlBjRGlFRTFoWWhEeTBBXzAyOUlQVWJ2Wm41OXJrTGpUT1VLWGR2T2sxajlELW5FZUl0Y3h2Q0ZpSmVDdlZadVlrcWE2MzM1MmN4RnZDQzJIU2lRajF0 | 252 |
You make some very good points.
Releasing information that certain people want hidden can be a form of propaganda. Remember that propaganda is most effective when it has a grain of truth to it.
Governments, corporations, and yes even individuals engage in propaganda all of the time. But then that depends on what your definition of is is.
The best defense against propaganda is verifiable facts!
Telling people that some source of information is or isn't propaganda without that verifiable truth in and of itself is propaganda at its most subversive level. | r/propornot | comment | r/PropOrNot | 2016-11-27 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HWHNLdWp0a2p6ZUtuV1hxWHBCcFpzOVYwc3FrOEtKTkcta0tFVEZGTHljdGU2VE1IVnJNV3NKVVh1WGljdGg0dU1fMkJFelFrMFdCUFV3a3htZkczWnVaSVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HWHVLNHBRbm1jTWNIWUZBWlFBcVBibFVYaVk1VUNmZmV3QlJUbkl2QjB1aFUyZVZXV1JmTTRKdmNIOU94dnNHclJhQ29YR2NjM0wwYTZPdGlNdVB6ZTNjYThkRENGa0VqZGpwTWc2OEo2dWlFekNWcGtjajVWWHJUQnBLNjFRbFFlQVluLUV5WHRrZ20tZXBYVF9rTjB0OEM1VkJDdzg0VlFhbHdkLTlFWTU3WGEwYTZ5d0U5Q0h6RUdpdHI0cUREMGtS | 253 |
This is totally propaganda, and totally "witchhunting". However, reddit is in bed with the elites, so they won't shutdown this subreddit, because it's a witchhunt they want. | r/propornot | comment | r/PropOrNot | 2016-11-27 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HWHNLTWJGeTJTRTNVQ214bFVrNTNFNnBrcERnbGxBR0pRcjZUTk5EdHAtbV9HSmJNeFVOYWwtQ2J2MTdaRG8xTlp2OEs3bE1fWE54MjNBSUJjTE1lN2VUUFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HWHVLYkplN1lFVnBMRUs0aVVvRUJKRlhpUEY3d2ZIeVpmd3I0aWpwYnMyeFZhX2NNSEs0Vk1xRTV1QjFVX2pvMVpqNkwtRkFZXzNFdl9pWHM3Rkttd0NWbEM1Z0N3UkwxbFlCMHQzcHBuRUxzXy1zQTdZRzB5ZEh4T2YxNjZFS040Mi0tZjVQSVpQMTNDbjZfODZNM0gwQUgyS3ZHMmlWOTVHeTFWalVLTTYyWks3dXFxRmJLV0phdUtJQkY4SEdfSU9V | 254 |
Pretty questionable how you deleted every post asking any questions or criticizing your methodology. Not really in the spirit of transparency to do things like that on your sub. | r/propornot | comment | r/PropOrNot | 2016-11-27 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HWHNLMzZKLXU2LUZkci1IOHp6STU0aUkySnpCMngzNENnRHVHYW55bmZuNGdvYVkzTE9leEs3TEt3Y3JqSGpvS2pmYmd1aXI4eTdEbzNrUURVZk04UXhEQmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HWHVLaTljSFUyeFdENEVIcy1hdEQ1cDB2UnNubk5ZaC14NWtMYXR1SDM4YmVJcDVHcFVkUVJHSEhTMEJyaXh4SUFCRjF6ZzJYWWZuWW5WMTg2WlRHdWNuSHhpU0xXS3pWNjRHWk9SQ2pZYzRZSjN2Z0E5WXR3clFGMXBIa0FuYjZHV3BOS2kyRzljeGp5cHppaFlTSEFCaV92Y3RWSnRnOHZYYXhxNjlBTDVMbFBiY25nbTFDN1JXaVlJajVqQTZaS1E2 | 260 |
You got props on corbett report. Keep up the good work. | r/propornot | comment | r/PropOrNot | 2016-11-27 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HWHNLU2d6QXJXaXlXd3pkNGtxemRJbGtNckl1NEdiZ0Y1V09WV1JOMHVycGRiZkpJOFZ5eEh3OTFkWi03QmJyQjlfVzltMnJaRmZ0aWpvTjBpQ2tfNS13WFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HWHVLYnFNVE1FMFVMMG5nU0kxQkJmbHJaZzdKTDkzYU4tN2l4aE1QUTNzVW9xcU5xS0dnb0U3dXR0UzJveTVnTFhnZURiNGRucVlLTWdHV20xVk1GRk01NFVrdEI2a21CcFE5amNjVW9GVHp3UFZPVGlYckdINUFFc3FTQTFWc3FyeV94ZlNfSURWQnB6YlNBU0t1TjYzQnNCM3VLZzl3RnAxUXhHVjExR19EeUVnalZIYXVmWG9rRS1RQ2c2V2pQd1Jt | 261 |
There is absolutely no chance that this subreddit will not be downvote flooded by the Russian, alt-right, and other trolls. | r/propornot | comment | r/PropOrNot | 2016-11-27 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HWHNLVFg3ZFAtaXctc2N3TzhOdmRsancxZC1Td2V4Y2sydWhIaWdUUUVjcWZkVTFqOVMxdV9iQkhSWndReFpXSHRfR2pwcU9BYnF0dUhja2FsQ3hMeG5OWFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HWHVLLUIxYS1RaGw3T3AtYnNpYlRLdjlCNldfeDctRkloLW95Q19SUWwzTkpKV3hvYUl3alM0cWN5RnVmWVd0LXVITnBKSTJVNVY4Z0RNVXUtZDRsSWs2ZTBWa0RHRHF2TjVuOXl6MUtERFdOOFMydzNFSTFvNzhuUWZTd3c0NkRkY2hBeWhOdzN3N2lLdVZ4MHplU2diOGhmQ0Fjb1huTjBQUG9KalAtckVhQzZjOGxpbU1MdFhZM0xuc0JTeFZYZXA0V3E3OFF3ZVN2VjFKWjN3ZzJ6bHVPUT09 | 262 |
The below is a synopsis of a paper I have written which was accepted for publication in an information warfare related journal. I thought some of you may find it interesting, or might discover connections which I myself have not. For fear of overburdening this post with links, I have not included them, but I have a bibliography of 50+ sources I would be happy to share.
1.) Nostradamus was the #1 gaining search term the week of September 11, 2001.
2.) The evidence is that the interest was created by chain mails and text messages which were sent during and after the attacks. Many of the messages were "fake" Nostradamus prophecies.
3.) You can examine Google Trends data since 2004 in order to see where similar spikes in Nostradamus interest have occurred, and when. You can see what events and searches were correlated with these spikes.
4.) In World War 2, both the Allies and the Axis powers used Nostradamus as a psychological warfare tool. The allies dropped pamphlets about Nostradamus on the Nazis, and the Nazis also wrote books that said they would win which they distributed in places like Belgium for example.
5.) Nostradamus was not well known in the United States before a British translator named Erika Cheetham began to interpret the prophecies of Nostradamus and sell them as books. When they were first released in 1965, one of the most notable of these prophecies was that the death of JFK was foretold by Nostradamus.
6.) Cheetham's books were later revised to say that Nostradamus prophecies explained the death of RFK too -- or the rise of the AIDS virus. She also used the prophecies to predict nuclear war between the superpower countries.
7.) Two of the most well-studied (and proven) Soviet Disinformation efforts were that the CIA caused the death of JFK, or that the US Government / CIA is to blame for the AIDS virus.
8.) Erika Cheetham was connected in college to several figures who went on to be public "Marxists" and advocates for Communist causes. One of her college acquaintances was the nephew of British author Graham Greene.
9.) Orson Welles was a famous blacklisted American actor and director. He was named to the "Red Channels" list. The FBI suspected that his movie "Citizen Kane" was pro-Communist and intended to influence public opinion. They could not prove it but they listed him as a communist and threat to national security. This caused Orson Welles to leave the US in 1948.
10.) In 1949, Orson Welles starred in the movie "The Third Man". The movie was written by Graham Greene. One of the uncredited script contributors of the film was Hans Peter Smolka. Smolka was determined posthumously (late 1980s/early 90s) to have been an associate of Kim Philby, and is sometimes called the "6th Member" of the Cambridge 5. Evidence has emerged that the movie is actually about the exploits of Smolka and Philby.
11.) Graham Greene was known himself to have communist or Marxist sympathies.
12.) In 1981, Erika Cheetham's book "The Man Who Saw Tomorrow" was made into a "docudrama" style film starring Orson Welles. In this movie, Welles claimed that an "Islamic Antichrist" would attack New York City with Russian nuclear weapons.
13.) The emails which were sent on 9/11 and seemed to make people interested in Nostradamus followed the pattern of several contemporary cyber threats. There were viruses like SirCam that had stolen documents from the government of Ukraine and the FBI cyber protection unit. Other viruses like Nimda and ILOVEYOU had mass mailing features, and in the case of ILOVEYOU cycled several different messages. There was a surge in noted Nostradamus texts in the Philippines on 9/11 where at least 2 of the prior cyber attacks had originated from. The main worms which preceded and followed 9/11 (CodeRed (July 2001)) and Nimda (September 2001)) had code in them which implicated the Chinese as being guilty. Some researchers noted "virus mating behavior" with some of the viruses, and some of the earlier viruses created backdoors which were exploited by the Nimda worm. Nimda was highly sophisticated and hit one week after 9/11. It was suspected to be an act of cyber terrorism.
14.) Experts had advised the US Congress in June 2001 that only Russia and China had advanced cyber attack capability and Al Qaeda did not, though they were technically proficient and used modern technology. The same experts advised that Russia viewed viruses as "combat multipliers".
15.) At the time 9/11 occurred, massive Russian aerial exercises were ongoing. NORAD had responded to these with "Operation Northern Vigilance". When the attacks occurred, Russia stopped the operation in what was interpreted as a sign of solidarity with the US.
16.) Putin was the first world leader to contact Bush on 9/11. He made analogies between the Moscow apartment bombings of 1999 and the September 11 events. He provided intelligence about Al Qaeda to the Bush administration.
17.) Putin had apparently warned the Bush administration in June 2001 about Bin Laden and Pakistan/Afghanistan border situation. Putin's FSB director claimed to know location of Bin Laden up to the day of the attacks.
18.) Murdered FSB defector Alexander Litvinenko alleged Putin had blown up the apartment buildings and not Chechen militants as claimed by the Putin government. Later research has confirmed this hypothesis in the scholarly community.
19.) Litvinenko alleged that Al Qaeda operational leader Ayman Al-Zawahiri was trained by the FSB in 1997. Zawahiri has admitted being held by the Russians and the Russians have admitted holding Zawahiri. Both sides made "miraculous" claims to justify why his identity was not discovered at the time of his supposed incarceration.
20.) Al Qaeda only started attacking US-aligned targets in 1998 with the Nairobi embassy bombings.
21.) Google Trends data analysis shows that a similar spike in Nostradamus interest occurred in April 2010 in Poland, corresponding with the deaths of the Polish executive government in Smolensk, Russia. Many Polish people believe there is evidence that Russia engineered this event.
22.) The Google Trends data shows that a spike occurred in March 2014 in Ukraine at the height of the Russian-backed annexation of Crimea.
23.) The Google Trends data shows that a spike occurred in August 2015 in Hungary at the height of the Syrian migrant crisis, an event which NATO says Russia has "weaponized migrants". Hungary's leader is also very pro-Russian and makes political "points" off of xenophobic propaganda.
24.) Today, if you Google for ' Russia AND 9/11 ' , you get a lot of sites which seem to advance a "false flag" narrative. They talk about Putin preparing to release "satellite evidence" of a false flag attack or "inside job". These sites like globalresearch.ca and veteranstoday.com are patently clear Russian disinformation sites. Other sites like ZeroHedge advance similar anti-US conspiracies. RT.com's own show "Truth Seeker" aired a show just before September 11, 2013 which claimed 9/11 was an inside job by the US government. RT is well regarded as a state-owned tool of Russian disinformation / propaganda.
25.) It seems to be clear that based on the historical evidence and the forensic data that Russia has some clear "informational" involvement with the events of 9/11, and that in all likelihood, Nostradamus prophecy is a manifestation of Russian disinformation based on how it has been prominently used to parallel the death of JFK/RFK, rise of the AIDS virus, and collapse of the twin towers/inside job conspiracy theories. | r/propornot | post | r/PropOrNot | 2016-11-28 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HWHNLZFE2VzNqUFZDSEZfek9FVEpERUwxclBWQjRjMGtiOUhpdmtTcWhwRWU5N2szZHEteFBGdFlnWklxTlo2dEZNYVRhT0cteDRPWkRsU2RmTHE1NzJ0dUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HWHVLUzd0eTB2eU1VcnNMRE1FS1AtT2JWbTNUelQ1TWdvdEJXMjZtbTgxbjFTX3R1R3NtamxoVmtSd2Q5Qmo5VUN6cWplc2wwVlhud1lwYkxKb0MxRk1aVE9JRm1ZWkp5VGpiQWJHTnFxWFFQN2x0SzllMFRXSXVqd1lXYTN6UWlFeXNDWGpoMGV0bFlrNTVyUFI3MTVXYnJoQ0NaSWlkZUtZd3lfME9jRi1CYTZmUGxCSk9vNE10V1c5TVhtZnFCaVB0 | 263 |
I'd like to point out that sites you've identified like HenryMakow and GlobalResearch.ca claim "War of the Worlds" was a CIA-predecessor mind control plot. This paper considers that Russia will often blame the US for Russian intelligence activities as "false flag" operations. However, if you look at the history of Welles and consider his contemporary Communist party connections (Otto Katz, etc) in 1938, it seems unlikely that Welles was doing anything other than testing US defenses or playing a dirty trick on America. At least that's what Welles' history and modern day disinformation might suggest. | r/propornot | comment | r/PropOrNot | 2016-11-28 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HWHNLek5xVzJNSUlvdjdwZ29sM2QtZ1Y2N0NKWHQyamtWbTY5eDcyQ2lqYWxNdmllck93Q3dQZTNQNjVkVmpVZldXY0xUWTZUMDA3eGFBTGpXMzVJcncweWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HWHVLeHpzNEtWQnRzX1hNc25nVVJyc3drZkZkSWR1YjNfTDdNYnNKaDBHWGgtZXlhejlWaHZQdTgtXzU2Uk5GOFpFZGl5dWt4UF9TVmhHdHQwQ0h3Z0NLdG93U2FrOVFJMVdYSTF5RWt4WjQ2ZGlQSUpjVFQyTG92aGxkLWpnMmVELUZQdGNhUUJadGMzY0g0TlpkZFZUbnVDTG9NMWpxOFFFZFZWdllPeG1PS0ZBQ25NV1lxZGhJSGIzZ2FkY0pGQTNnR3ZrN3M4b2c4ZVFHZUNrejNGTHBJUT09 | 264 |
It's a very simplistic view.
Take into account that this propaganda is not your usual information. It's designed to both silence out some news and exaggerate other ones. It's not about the type of entity that funds particular media. It doesn't equate to inaccuracies, incompetence, wishful thinking, confirmation and other bias, mistakes made by journalists, media policies and such. It's not even conspiracy theories per se, although they might come useful. It's not by any means "propaganda" by media who break the silence instead (the Soviets learned local news, silenced out by officials, from VoA and RFE/RL, disclaimer: I was born there). I wouldn't even use the word "propaganda" for what RT and the others are doing, it should be called "brainwash".
Unlike regular news, the approach is from the other end - the user. And it's not fake stories here and there, it's a system. It's not all lies, a quality brainwash is 90% true (although, big lies sell well too). The idea is probably very similar to shady marketing, a sophisticated scam, as it's about selling "impressions", not products. The old Soviet Union was peddling the world communist revolution idea. The Putin's Russia cannot sell utopias anymore, but peddles cynicism (and hatred to some) so you destroy your own system yourself. It's the same shit all around the world, corruption everywhere, everybody lies, everybody uses propaganda (watch for trolls in comments), anti-propaganda sites are propaganda, anti-fake sites are fakes. War is peace, freedom is slavery, ignorance is strength.
(Reading some of the comments, wow. There is an entire squad of "bots" sent here against this PropOrNot). | r/propornot | comment | r/PropOrNot | 2016-11-29 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HWHNLMVhTczVNMzJwLVk5dkdmQ0E0WEhxTGhIMW1KbDdHTXNqQ1Y2MEd5NnpETGRzRWQ5TlJzS3AwRVNBTFJld0hYdGxjcm1jUXF0VURsUUhDcUE4MkxsSVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HWHVLYUFqWTVWa1l0OTlKUlpqb0piV2NDdm40QnpWUkp3TTB6d1Y5QW5uRGZ6TmpOOG9MOTRaX3d2dXd1TXZBYUJuUEpYRW9MT25nSkIyR0x1X01ETHFyMlNlNDVJUVhuQVdFUUxRSmVwS21TaGRfWHp3SFpudXpiUlJ5cnY3cV9DZlk0SUJDbkd4VkkxZUJRSE9NODJsdXBJbWx2RVNobnlwZHluLVgwcDNWVlVRYmZmREVsLXo0Mmk3cmxueXF5QnlJ | 265 |
Some ideas for you guys to help allay some of the criticism:
* Site specific reports, downloadable as PDFs or viewable as individual pages on the PropOrNot site.
* Use a variety of tests.
* Show which tests each site has failed and which tests it has not failed.
* Ask whether the site parallels proven Russian disinformation like Operation Dragon (eg CIA Killed Kennedy) or Operation Infektion (eg CIA made AIDS).
* Does the site present NWO, Jewish Banking, Illuminati conspiracy theories as news or editorial content?
* Does this site present stories about Nostradamus or Baba Vanga as news or editorial content?
* Ask whether the site claims 9/11 was a false flag operation?
* Use key time events to analyze stories from a key time period tied to Russian activity. Eg. the 2013 - 2015 period when they first denied invading Ukraine, then admitted to it. How might these sites have changed their propaganda as the official Kremlin line has changed?
* Discuss the methodology for some tests.
eg: Google ... site:sitename.dom ((Trump AND Putin AND Obama) OR (Ukraine AND Syria) OR (ISIS AND Syria) OR (Russia AND Ukraine) OR (Ukraine AND Maidan) OR (Obama AND Muslim)) and see what the headlines for the site read like. These are just examples, and I would reccommend your refine further. Take the first 31 headlines down (eg n>30 rule of large numbers) and qualitatively analyze them as Colin Lokey suggested for ZeroHedge (well before this "unmasking" I found it a very effective Google filter methodology:
"By his own account, Lokey was writing as many as fifteen posts a day, among them most of the political pieces. The gig had a certain formula, he told Bloomberg: “Russia=good. Obama=idiot. Bashar al-Assad=benevolent leader. John Kerry= dunce. Vladimir Putin=greatest leader in the history of statecraft.” For Zero Hedge, Syria was a special obsession, a sign of the essential strength of authoritarian regimes and the weakness of democracies. (“Putin Is Winning the Final Chess Match with Obama,” one Zero Hedge article claimed last fall.)" (source http://www.newyorker.com/news/benjamin-wallace-wells/is-the-alt-right-for-real)
* Use techniques like "web site x rays" to tear sites apart and analyze their content. http://www.jibberjobber.com/blog/2014/01/09/do-deeper-and-x-ray-searches-on-google-to-find-unadvertised-jobs/
* Have some proprietary tests which are hard to game with general methods or tools discussed but still kept somewhat confidential.
* What percentage of the stories on this site are related to any of the above ideas? How does that compare to similar "Main Stream" news sources like CNN, BBC, etc. from a percentage or proportional standpoint?
* Show whether a site has an editor that promotes these ideas.
* Show whether a site has specific authors that promote these ideas.
* Show whether a site is simply dominated by users who talk about these ideas.
* Show where the website gets its money, if possible.
* Show what other sites carry the same stories / backlinks to the site.
* Update these results periodically.
* Only make probability based judgments based on your stated methodology and be sure to put the sites in terms of gradient
* Allow sites an opportunity for redress and be willing to post their official statements.
* Meticulously store the data in ways which makes it easy to feed into statistical analysis tools. It is a pain in the short run but a time saver in the long run.
* Be willing to work with the internet community to modify and change your rating methodology for these sites to continually refine accuracy of the analysis.
* Develop crowdsourcing techniques other users can follow which you can quantify. This will involve them in the site and also show them with their own eyes. The proof is in the pudding. | r/propornot | comment | r/PropOrNot | 2016-11-29 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HWHNLMEp3bmR5c2xIX1dFS0lNOE1VcThXdmlkNHl2ZDZuMERUQnN0dnMzTzEyN2N0YWRSM2hWdENUSm54NVlEWXc1WHZiQ2NJMDcya2ZpdW9qT0xpNmJTN2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HWHVLcjZTa2lfc3B1QlNUN3lXZUUwMlRZSXZGVFNNLUM2LS1FVzVRNEIyb1RiTGFtc2xHZzhKbURHNDRlcXhiblQxNU9zNXVuMy1Kcl9VZXBpRUZBUkhfOU80UGxSamVaSS1rQ1oxTUNyUmVXVUVuNUhsZ1h4UEM4NFBvNGs3aVBvcndPa2w0VndIY2J4YUNiVjlud2QtaElxYzg5cDJ6Q1Y0U19jS2hhSTFWSFQtY3FheVhnNEVMSDBUMXhyUUV6bV9hQXR5Zmh0TzNNYVh2cGFINVhnZV95Zz09 | 266 |
Your list is making waves and coming under a lot of scrutiny. Is there a way for could make available sort of a "trigger article" list for each entry?
Something like your table on the home page but for the rest of the sites. For example, I see someone like truthdig.com claiming this is a new red scare, but I would like to be able to easily see which of their articles flagged them for your list and make a judgement call on my own. | r/propornot | post | r/PropOrNot | 2016-11-29 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HWHNLaS03S2dNTFNubk1sWTBmbHpuUktWSl81VlktV0diTzJ5M1M4LTlUdUYzSlJIaDJRenBSZHFqYWpQd3JCRTdCT3VkVHhRbEFlLXhMSXRzekhtcXk3YXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HWHVLdGJUbmhveEFPTmZKR3BtRV84UVdXX2tQVm1MMzFCLUxKN1lJVFYzSmlldVhEMFdlSUtnWFRWOTlYcjdKVUhIUlI5OVJqNVRNVmVPdjIxXzZjZmxUZTBfTEFfSS1GQXdoOWZJZHNWT0N1Njl0YnVpV0FpU0haVEJoVERPamIyNG03QUlNTkg5MjFPbWJOX0prNXl5SURvNFgxYVVhYnV4YnB5UWdYYmRxbUxRPQ== | 267 |
Anything regarding Jill Stein has a good chance of being Russian propaganda...
Look at it this way, she was sitting at the same table as Michael Flynn at the RT.com gala. This puts her in direct proximity to official Russian propaganda.
Stein is ultimately calling attention to the "corrupt" system.
By fostering a recount situation, she is increasing the animosity between Trump supporters and Clinton supporters which is preventing post-election healing.
I see the ZeroHedge piece to be capitalizing on this animosity -- which could be intentionally generated in order to sow discord in American politics.
(full disclaimer - voted for Hillary - but that is my gut analysis seeing both Jill Stein and Zero Hedge as intermittent tools of Russian propaganda.)
| r/propornot | comment | r/PropOrNot | 2016-11-29 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HWHNLWFhUaUdpX1IzUTJWUUZvWnlVcE9sOWR2Ny1sMldzYWtoZnFUU055ZVBRWDE3QWtfbDJraXBtOXphaXQtZDZvZS1pd2I3aHhPSGExYkZvOW13RXNyUlE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HWHVLM3ZIbG1UOVQ2ekQ3bDhTZDRCam1icUF6NEdtUXY0NDNGZTBZRjItcm82dkpTX25nR1hRZS1wS3BSTGN1dzU2Z194bTZ2d2ljc0VZNDVwYk8xNmN5Z0daaXBPcHpmenlZNktlaXltUjVFQWgtdDhhbE1KYjNVVVc1SFZyN0dDUkUzTjdNT2pKUm1rSXpEYWpRc2FfUnlpS0c4akMxbk8tb0Jhd0NTMVRKeWxIM3dTNTBEWFBWZEZXVmN0bVE4RDVCRTVNTk80MkFqMnYzMlBpU1dnME0xdz09 | 268 |
Totally neat idea! It could create a very elegant information graphic. The graphics in PropOrNot's first public document were not as attractive or easy to interpret as they could have been. When describing and mapping a network, a few of the right pictures can be worth a great many words. | r/propornot | comment | r/PropOrNot | 2016-11-29 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HWHNLaXNYRFZiaV8yMGJXV2NyaXhmVWlFR3lhV2Zhc0R4c0xNdVJrWU5xRk9WMGJwdHZObFFWVmdRWldieFhCZlBpbzd5YnVjMHVRakQtend6ek11VS1hZVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HWHVLdFMzODJIb3l3TTVwbUllYXRqbWhKU1BKdFpycnE0cUdrTTNyQ2U1am8wbU1zajFGNWFsaEJLN2FKYnBmdEppYU11NHBEUWd2Tmw3V2o0cFNScHVaRzlUUl81TEU3WDZrZ1d5RktGRWt5VE05aEIzZU1iUjk1N21oWjNYX1VLaE5uNTFxcWZnZkZ6R2hRYkczNEtleEhSZDYzRmpQUjJ1ZWZNTG9CRnN4Tk1yVzZJZktEbjlYUkVpb041OFFFWjFWeVNqV0NBUlBaWk5PRnpNRzRwZHV3QT09 | 269 |
I haven't seen any attention being paid to YouTube channels, but when I looked at the example of 'manual propaganda analysis,' HangTheBankers.com, I found that one of the main articles on an economic subject included an embedded video. The video was an interview with Jim Rickards by Lelde Smits of 'The Capital Network,' which has a lively YouTube presence. And which even cursory analysis—Googling for other videos with Lelde Smits—quickly shows to be very much a part of the Russian disinformation ecosystem. Google's 'Related Channels' feature shows as one of the 'Capital Network's' top associated sites … RT! Then it turns out that Rickards has been interviewed on RT. And that 'The Capital Network' also has another show, or identity, as 'Modern Wall Street,' on which the same woman, Lelde Smits, interviews the same man, James Rickards.
This is all totally changing the way I look at a lot of the unexplainably weird crap on the Internet—seeing how many 'prepping,' conspiracy, and something-catastrophic-is-coming websites are in fact part of a mappable network, all of whose member sites convey, as chaotically, repetitively, cynically, and confusingly as possible, the straightforward message to residents of the U.S. and the West in general: 'You Are So F—d!'
Maybe YouTube should be its own project? | r/propornot | post | r/PropOrNot | 2016-11-29 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HWHNLckthemY3WWV3VEpNNnlRNGtabFhPbzJjdFBiUDZscUtOTWkxaTNicDF2TGFiTTJDOUpiOWRXRkhvaUp1LS0tRU1EX3M4NlFvT1M2MmZwMl93TFJHaFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HWHVLRVdsbjRmUm50X2RwWGZzTmhCcEhWdnotenlpWEVvT3o4Z045aHRCWVU3c0Rwd2owdlV5cWVMbGRYV1JYa1RfU2xsYnc0WlMxSXdPTW04M0c0X0VsaHFwQUIyRUpLYXl6c0k1b29uenc4M0xucTJDQmJFdzlZUUdYUnJ4VFZEcFhiQkZiMnZGZGNnZzM0Mm94UFpWZ1pLMTBZOEZXY2RBMG0zOHFmZ0Vic3I0PQ== | 270 |
Good observation. You also pointed out something important, which I am not sure if you intended to do. Google in and of itself provides all the tools you need to check the quality of information. I have noted that by doing site xray searches of specific sites and keywords via Google and by considering Google Trends data, that I can reliably pinpoint disinfo with almost no effort. The important thing is that PropOrNot is creating a real standard archive of this information.
Perhaps you could be so kind as to document your procedure for finding links to RT content in video as a 1,2,3... step process and post it here? | r/propornot | comment | r/PropOrNot | 2016-11-30 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HWHNLTktRMWlMcXA1Sk5VdVYzZ1VJUFROWXpGc0Y4TVVlRFVlYzgxVk43Z1RsbURFTjN3VDAyT3hicS12TWNKQXU5WXZvVkloRDR1WXJEX3VxRWZPVThjYXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HWHVLOF9UaFQ3M3NaVFVxNTlQOHlRMm5sQVpvS0lfWG9JSjRVTmtldC0wSlFRN3k4bG05cENXX3QwemtpYlZ6S0NCLVY5alRlaVRrdHNrc3JVSWZOc3Z2VU9tR0ItZ28yVGJLc1VMTHlzWVU2UnJKek1Sc1k4WlEtdFVFOHpsX2VENklHanB3ZEdaX2xqMFJGRF8xZDhBOFpPQ0hoMTlVQmNCMkJibDY2VlJpSVF3PQ== | 271 |
That's a fair question. We have always intended to incorporate something like that into our site, and plan to do so in the future.
With respect to truthdig.com:
If truthdig.com were to reach out to us, though, we would probably have a constructive conversation with them that would result in their removal! | r/propornot | comment | r/PropOrNot | 2016-11-30 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HWHNLdFRBRVA3Unp4c3RLcDA3SGZJNmtURjN6MFROenM4QlhXN2tLN1lqZGp1WjhTbFRTX2IzLXVyUWdaRmdheHZsRUNlWXJkMjVIOHN3aHpKbnBndFJxSmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HWHVLU1NxcG9LQ09lYlJiU1FOa2tRY29kWEpUOHA4VDljWGtfYUI4UXl1dXE4em52dHhJR1pVbzVxZndGZ0F2bC01cjhoLTE5VjdsTm9ZOFZ1NTlhYWpEM0dPTjNldDFGcTE2RG96UjhJZHhxVTFKOEV2Q01qV2d5LWw4RHNxT0h4M0tBUDAxVTNBS2lsVzNXUjRFWEJPRWRuODhVR0NIby14WTQ1MkFIcGU1cVc2d2JfQUNsS19uYTNJVmMwLUhVOWNH | 272 |
I can see how [the NATO one](http://www.truthdig.com/report/item/nato_preps_biggest_military_build-up_on_russias_borders_20161026) would flag them, although it's actually reproduced from [commondreams.org](http://www.commondreams.org/news/2016/10/26/nato-preps-biggest-military-build-russias-borders-cold-war) which isn't on your list. I don't really understand the methodology around the others though, aside from the observation that their whole site reads like a weird opinion blog. I only singled them out because they seem to be heavily quoted in the [Rolling Stone](http://www.rollingstone.com/politics/features/washington-post-blacklist-story-is-shameful-disgusting-w452543) article and I was curious, and couldn't find obvious references back to Russian news sources.
Anyway, I like the idea of what you're trying to do, if it's authentic, and appreciate the effort you've put into it. You should definitely try to clarify some of your methodology, if possible, since it looks like you're experiencing some national attention. | r/propornot | comment | r/PropOrNot | 2016-11-30 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HWHNLZGVSYjdfcHZNNUtNWVJlNUd2VjNJdUVrQlM3MVdMVkJST192WmF3SVhISzNiSGNWcW1aVTVsQTVfUEVEbTcyVnZBVjBoajA5Qm9JM2NiRVFiQUVnOWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HWHVLUC1iT2NSZFpKUGhkQ3owblFxdEdERHcyZXk5SHlGY0VFaXE4bWxucVlmb1VnUGc2Y1hkUGFqRkc1am04Q2NrX1RPN0RIWDdsYUxncEpmbjJRN3o4RGNSdTBTMXk1bkZhX01uQUF4QXNUdEhjMFdtWjhfLUdJdlY2WkpMQjRmRVZJQ3dsOHR0cF9IUjYzZlR2dmJvSmhqaTNWSlNvR2paLUEyWVUxX19iQWItU0ZqVTg1N3RUa2tzaTJMMFAtdTRu | 274 |
I also wrote this at the beginning of the year, which is flawed (eg Tsar Moundas cannot be "Tsar on Hills" as interpreted); however it does have some good insights, and also did flow from an insight into the "Google data anomaly" from 9/11/2001. (Eg Russian revanchist strategy could have been reflected in the use of Nostradamus as disinformation or propaganda.)
Updates to this theory would reference that the September 1999 apartment bombings in Russia could be evidence of the Russian secret services "believing" in this make believe prophecy. September was the 7th month of the Roman calendar, and Nostradamus claimed the "Third Antichrist" would come in 1999 and seven months. Contemporary 16th century Russian philosophers to Nostradamus (eg Filofey) saw Moscow as "Third Rome"; so a belief in Roman calendar wouldn't be far off the mark.
To be clear, I don't believe this, but see it potentially as an attempt to "make prophecy happen" OR to create a condition where the Russians COULD CLAIM they believed in Nostradamus to create a "Crazy Ivan" kind of strategic scenario. If you think about it, the best way to beat a "Mutually Assured Destruction" strategy is to convince your adversary you really want to destroy the world. Anyway, that's how I'd probably do it if I was Putin.
You will note that since the war on Chechnya was a core component of Putin's rise - as well as his claims to Bush on 9/11 - that these events may be linked.
My real stretch hypothesis would be that Nostradamus disinformation is like propaganda from Kirill who used to be KGB; like it is competition by Russian Orthodox secret services with Vatican secret services. I know that is awfully "Dan Brown" but the history of spies in Nostradamus' time was heavily concentrated on Italy/Venice and Nostradamus traveled significantly in Greece and Turkey which during the time of Nostradamus, the Tsar of Russia had been declared the protector of the Orthodox Church (again see "Third Rome" concept). At the time, Constantinople ("second Rome") was under the Sultan's control, but apparently due to some forgeries, etc. Russia was able to maneuver to be declared protector of the Orthodox Church and it comports with efforts to craft Moscow into the new seat of world Christianity (Third Rome).
So again in my mind, the "religious flavor" of Nostradamus is interesting in that it may have emerged originally from Orthodox church-connected secret services, that the Russian Orthodox Church is under Russian state control, and that the leader of it is a former KGB operative. | r/propornot | comment | r/PropOrNot | 2016-12-01 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HWHNLVWdvQllxNV96NzlIbE1pNDlNN2FRTEhVZmRoS0NpOXhsVDZWNlVIV0hjS3lMXzFkU1UtaHpLTnlhZXZ4T1FpUEhvSXhlNWhDckZiTmthOHFrOVZUQ0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HWHVLb0FGWE9sdzJSM09uazRSSF9kdW1kMEgyd08tWU5UWEtieEdwZl9LLW5PcTBnSjVPaE03dzhpd25wd1BrWGstdl85dWhmdXlwZ1ZEc3BEZ1VWRmUyc284TjdPT2xYM2NuV29XWFYwREdBcEFvLW9zZV94MFhiR015TXR6WS1qbWJJQ3FraHo3aDdpNGRxNDZsZC1jVHJvVnFiVXBoSG1MMVFlMWVHa2NfYV9IOURjOExQd3ZhUHNvVnVrYWlUajBuNlVTOUJfdVpKZGtoVDd6ZlJKNEgxUT09 | 275 |
**What is "fake news"?**
"Fake news" is not a new concept but the digital age has given it a new powerful platform to spread material to millions of users. Fake news is a cousin of "bad news", which ranges from subtle mainstream media bias to lazy writing and poor fact checking. Fake news is a more blatant iteration of this and is often spread for political purposes. Fake news appears as blogs or "news" sites that seem comparable to mainstream news sites. For the sake of discussion and broadening the purposes of this subreddit, we are also including memes, fake quotes, and other bad information that is spread online.
**Who is involved with fake news?**
Bad information is spread via a direct process along these lines:
Originators ---> High Level Spreaders ---> Low Level Spreaders
*Originators* are the individuals who actually create the fake content to spread. Often they are post-truth trolls or political propagandists. There is a gradient from isolated trolls who do it for its own sake to those who actually make a living off of it, as shown when the Washington Post [interviewed an originator](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-intersect/wp/2016/11/17/facebook-fake-news-writer-i-think-donald-trump-is-in-the-white-house-because-of-me/?utm_term=.ab9d09799055):
>Paul Horner, the 38-year-old impresario of a Facebook fake-news empire, has made his living off viral news hoaxes for several years. He has twice convinced the Internet that he’s British graffiti artist Banksy; he also published the very viral, very fake news of a Yelp vs. “South Park” lawsuit last year.
A High Level Spreader is a larger operation (blog, popular facebook group, fake news website) that spreads the material to a large audience with very little effort. Generally an originator will also run a high level spreading operation at the same time, making it easier for them.
Finally, a Low Level Spreader is the consumer. These are the users who "consume" the fake material and then also spread it via "likes" and "shares".
**Is fake news a partisan issue?**
No! We'd all like to think that our "side" is consuming real information while fake news is a problem of the other side. But in reality this is a bipartisan issue that will require people to introspect a little and be more vigilant in how they consume media.
Hyperpartisan Facebook groups have been spreading misleading information at an alarming rate. While it seems to be a bigger issue on the right, it's a [problem for everyone](https://www.buzzfeed.com/craigsilverman/partisan-fb-pages-analysis?utm_term=.tlZxP6zld#.baawQlAEe):
>Hyperpartisan political Facebook pages and websites are consistently feeding their millions of followers false or misleading information, according to an analysis by BuzzFeed News. The review of more than 1,000 posts from six large hyperpartisan Facebook pages selected from the right and from the left also found that the least accurate pages generated some of the highest numbers of shares, reactions, and comments on Facebook — far more than the three large mainstream political news pages analyzed for comparison.
>Our analysis of three hyperpartisan right-wing Facebook pages found that 38% of all posts were either a mixture of true and false or mostly false, compared to 19% of posts from three hyperpartisan left-wing pages that were either a mixture of true and false or mostly false. The right-wing pages are among the forces — perhaps as potent as the cable news shows that have gotten far more attention — that helped fuel the rise of Donald Trump.
As noted this isn't simply a right wing problem. To provide one example on the other side: A quote spread around online about Trump calling Republican voters "stupid" was used to hurt him among voters both in the primaries and the general elections. The issue? [It's totally fake](http://www.cnn.com/2016/11/10/politics/trump-quote-facebook-trnd/).
>That viral meme your friends keep sharing of Donald Trump calling Republicans "the dumbest group of voters in the country" is not true. It's not a thing. Stop sharing it.
>While Donald Trump has said some questionable things, he never said anything even resembling this quote:
>"If I were to run, I'd run as a Republican. They're the dumbest group of voters in the country. They believe anything on Fox News. I could lie and they'd still eat it up. I bet my numbers would be terrific."
>The post says The Donald made the statement in a People Magazine interview in 1998. Except he didn't.
**Can you provide a real world example of the fake news process?**
On October 7th, 2016, Wikileaks began to publish the contents of the Podesta e-mails they were holding. Around this time there was a story spreading online that Hillary called Bernie supporters a "bucket of losers". This quote was found in a transcript of a Goldman Sachs speech and was supposedly referenced in one of the e-mails.
Infowars, via The American Mirror, [published this material](http://archive.is/ivBam) to their web site under the title "HILLARY CALLS HER OWN SUPPORTERS A BUCKET OF LOSERS".
Gateway Pundit also reproduced the story: [Wikileaks: Hillary Clinton Calls Bernie Fans and Millennials “Bucket of Losers” in Goldman Sachs Speech](http://archive.is/Kdyvo)
The story was also spread via the popular /r/the_donald subreddit getting multiple posts with hundreds and thousands of net upvotes. [This example here](https://unreddit.com/r/The_Donald/comments/56f857/hillary_clinton_called_bernie_supporters_a_bucket/?) shows it being posted and the mods deleted all the comments trying to notify people the story is fake (deleted comments are in red). The truth of the story was irrelevant.
The Originator of this story was a fake news outfit called "Real. True. News." posing as a legitimate source of information. [Their story can be seen here](http://archive.is/ssqTd). If you pay any attention to details you will notice immediately that the story is dated October 3, 2016, before the Podesta e-mails began to leak.
One could also go directly to the source (Wikileaks) to see. A search for "bucket of losers" in the Podesta e-mail database [returns no results](https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/?q=%22bucket+of+losers%22&mfrom=&mto=&title=¬itle=&date_from=&date_to=&nofrom=¬o=&count=50&sort=0#searchresult). If people are unwilling to do ten seconds of research then what else can be spread? If you're a fake news troll, the world is your oyster.
**Can you provide an example of a spreader manipulating readers?**
While some fake news stories are totally false, a lot of them start with a grain of truth. This example is also from the Podesta e-mails. Specifically this one written by Podesta himself:
>I know she has begun to hate everyday Americans, but I think we should use it once the first time she says I'm running for president because you and everyday Americans need a champion. I think if she doesn't say it once, people will notice and say we false started in Iowa.
If you actually read the e-mail and understand its context you will know that they are referring to the term "everyday Americans" and not the people who make up the group designated as "everyday Americans".
Do you think that's what the politically motivated fake news spreaders want you to think? The usual suspects went to work:
Gatewaypundit: [WIKILEAKS BOMBSHELL: Hillary Advisors Admit She “HATES EVERYDAY AMERICANS”](http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2016/10/wikileaks-bombshell-hillary-advisors-admit-hates-everyday-americans/)
Infowars: [WIKILEAKS BOMBSHELL: HILLARY CLINTON ‘HATES EVERYDAY AMERICANS’](http://archive.is/H33fL), written by Paul Joseph Watson, who had to later take down the article in shame. But he already got his message out, right?
WND: [Hillary campaign manager: 'I know she has begun to hate everyday Americans'](http://www.wnd.com/2016/10/new-email-leak-hillary-hates-everyday-americans/)
Drudge: [Season of the Witch: Hates Everyday Americans](https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-qST-fXJfYxAoRMaaReaE9IYy7XdlhW-DvdbqP7-6eqgQQxmCgoTetzfnp57MVARk_fvdU-LK5uR53x-QsJPtPAUffojjIDovwDC6PqdqrnDLgLbTqQevA6qH7IWjHLM0v58npzs)
I will focus in on the Infowars article to show further how readers are manipulated. Most readers have short attention spans so they do not read entire articles. That's why it's so important for writers to know that they need to either 1) make an impression early to keep the reader interested or 2) emphasis what you want at the top.
The (now removed) Infowars story bolds their summary at the very top and doesn't quote the statement in its proper context:
>New Wikileaks emails released just moments ago include a shocking admission by Clinton campaign manager John Podesta that Hillary Clinton “has begun to hate everyday Americans”.
Another warning sign to readers: be skeptical of sites that highlight certain sentences or words in bold lettering or caps. It's a form of editorializing without explicitly editorializing. By bolding words the author is telling the reader what is important. But that's not their job, they should be presenting the information and the reader will decide what is important. Paul Joseph Watson uses bold two more times in the article and this shows how shady and manipulative their operation is:
>“**I know she has begun to hate everyday Americans**, but I think we should use it once the first time she says I’m running for president because you and everyday Americans need a champion,” writes Podesta.
^ Bolding only one part of the statement and not providing a proper explanation of what the statement actually meant. And further down:
>This is **huge**.
So if you just skimmed the page you would come away with two concepts: 1) Hillary hates everyday Americans and 2) this story is huge. This is subtle manipulation - you may not have consciously noticed it the first time, but your brain did.
**Can you provide a good reading list to learn more?**
[How Fake News Goes Viral: A Case Study](http://www.nytimes.com/2016/11/20/business/media/how-fake-news-spreads.html?_r=0)
[This Analysis Shows How Fake Election News Stories Outperformed Real News On Facebook](https://www.buzzfeed.com/craigsilverman/viral-fake-election-news-outperformed-real-news-on-facebook?utm_term=.bn1ZRJGY9#.ldqxEzryg)
[Facebook fake-news writer: ‘I think Donald Trump is in the White House because of me’](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-intersect/wp/2016/11/17/facebook-fake-news-writer-i-think-donald-trump-is-in-the-white-house-because-of-me/?utm_term=.60265265ca86)
[How Teens In The Balkans Are Duping Trump Supporters With Fake News](https://www.buzzfeed.com/craigsilverman/how-macedonia-became-a-global-hub-for-pro-trump-misinfo?utm_term=.elq3e8xbW#.fkRE2LxQ6)
[We Tracked Down A Fake-News Creator In The Suburbs. Here's What We Learned](http://www.npr.org/sections/alltechconsidered/2016/11/23/503146770/npr-finds-the-head-of-a-covert-fake-news-operation-in-the-suburbs)
[The plague of fake news is getting worse -- here's how to protect yourself](http://money.cnn.com/2016/10/30/media/facebook-fake-news-plague/)
[Solving the Problem of Fake News](http://www.newyorker.com/news/news-desk/solving-the-problem-of-fake-news)
[Google, Facebook move to restrict ads on fake news sites](http://www.reuters.com/article/us-alphabet-advertising-idUSKBN1392MM)
[Fake news: an insidious trend that's fast becoming a global problem](https://www.theguardian.com/media/2016/dec/02/fake-news-facebook-us-election-around-the-world)
[Hyperpartisan Facebook Pages Are Publishing False And Misleading Information At An Alarming Rate](https://www.buzzfeed.com/craigsilverman/partisan-fb-pages-analysis?utm_term=.axdXWb35A#.qdxRd9JzM)
[Site: Fake News Watch](http://www.fakenewswatch.com/)
| r/fakenews | post | r/fakenews | 2016-12-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HWHNLUXZfYzUwdkl1SjBmcFEyLVEwcWdNd2JQTU1HdmhpaHFGNWsxV1pQTlhqcFQ5MERwUUxCcGdBdnQzMEdvRGM1dGF6ekN6TUpoT2YzaURIcVVreWxaOGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HWHVLNkQ1Y1VmNmE5UHV3YUVWM05xNGJzdG5INnR1RnhIWHBUT00yWmNkbFl1SWNhaHR5c0pJdml3bldMU01ub1Ryc190bGRzTXFNSXlrYl96QTBTVm5tNlc4TWlJMG9RaWUtdTZyTzk1VDB0TFJISFpJeVo0ajQyU1BMcFVoOC1Za0RvNWVxRDhFc0ZSNDc1VzE5YkRKMXNRcG1yTGdCaXRTUXQ3ZnJRMlA1enRvPQ== | 277 |
Automated bots are sharing it and "falling for it" and sharing it again.. Much of the fake news would otherwise get nowhere without these automated bots... We need a blacklist of the automated bots, fake accounts, and trolls. How do you guys identify them? Can you build a plug-in for that? | r/propornot | post | r/PropOrNot | 2016-12-10 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HWHNLZzBzbDlhalJ6a2h3WVNJaVZXX3lCYkVwLUdKM3RNejdza3N1UVlwaDVpV2kwT0ZneU9qZklGdXdMUmNXVEd0YmVtSmc4VTN6MEhnSjJUa3dZZmdqMkE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HWHVLR1FST2lWTkIzbjlHOExUYURDNmtNYW1aOUxUZlRLdC03WlEyaGtYVm5kUWZxellNZ0l2b090Y2xkUi1yM1ZvaFczQ3BEZWN0XzR2RlpUMnlIMmh2UHgwengyT2JrNDZsSVk5cFk4ZkVKb2o3T2lIeUVrSWhtWUFubmpDV3JlU1FFS1dxYW9SNFVTS05fa0hXZU5FU2NHeWliUnJZbWFLYUVHR1FKZXZ1aUh3Tl9razlnYzVVWjZ6VzNEeEM3RkFfUlRuc0hBUGxZY3BNQ3FrZ0JjTVZLZz09 | 278 |
I remember watching some rather good American documentaries on various conflicts when I was a child, especially on world war two. But I am having some serious difficulties finding any documentaries made in the US in the last fifteen years that hasn't made me feel like drilling holes in my skull. Measurements in football fields, empire state buildings and statues of liberty. Repeating the same thing fifteen times. Showing the same section of interview multiple times. Ignoring the fact that there were in fact other countries involved other than America and bad guys.
WW2 in HD, surviving D Day, wings of the third Reich, all the rest that I gave up on within fifteen minutes of pressing play that I haven't even bothered remembering the names of. It's not just world war two doccos either. Great planes is awful, anything that has the word "secret" in the title, ANYTHING with R. Lee Ermy, ancient black ops, anything on ancient history is badly written, badly narrated and badly researched, or just seems that they're catering for total morons.
Can anyone point me in the direction of a modern US documentary that doesn't just suck? Everything I find is trash, I'm running out of YouTube links that don't have a red bar going partway across the thumbnail, and I've stopped buying them in case they are, well, American. | r/wardocumentaries | post | r/WarDocumentaries | 2017-01-11 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HWHNLc3JfalNhYUsxdXpLdGR2cjI2dGJnT3MzdWIyYllSLUxDWnQ0bnBCRXFzU01YOWV4NFdxaklKNEdXQThqei1ESDJOVU5oTmtCRm96ODhQZjd4N05YZXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HWHVLRFVtUWR6b2pTVXJVM2FIS0NGNHdSZGtMSFptaW54eDZJQXBxY0dpdlFXTFlnTUtMRXk2VTNoM3ZvazgyMHpranFGdGxDbG9Xc2tiSUVyTW1keWRkSDJTZF9JRjk5ZzhJVXEzY2RWNExEc0t0djBCdjZyTXYxTU03dl9RQW9kQ0Jpd0c4QXp4b1cwdE9FeFZraGlMcnlnVG15bkZ4Z1I0ODNIRU5BeDJQb01VPQ== | 279 |
It only gets closer to our unfortunately accurate world view from here. To those who believed us, thank you for your support. To those that chastised us, we apologize for our failures at PR, but the data is coming clearer every day. We have a problem here, and it is foreign and insidious. | r/propornot | post | r/PropOrNot | 2017-03-22 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HWHNLVnVkNEhPWGdBdGtuMGNrd2NVVFgwbkVGN0pXR1U0R2RPRW1HcFIzalZGcjhJMU9MQTVSNHo3ZUlfQzNWS2dVSkV6STh6TVR4TGt6b0JudkYtQ0g2YVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HWHVLU09BUXlqQTljcWhVVzBqMk9tTXNYZjlpSGRfSWRicnR1TGozdm5JdzhlSkhpMEhwTk9WM0hQbFZBRnlobEttWlBpM19uNmw1MlpicFMybGdNa2xYUUJrd2w4QnZsQmlQSy1sc29hckhvLTRqSHd3c2NvcXNXeHVjSGhSX1lsM3JQRGNjRDFKUG1HeUlrSnhhN2dEdi13S1BKWlBBYVhzeDd4V1ZBUkViYWpmY1ZkNEZabGtMNTRiZFhJR1RxOXZJbUZMZ2IwY1RWc0YzVE5WU0tmS21Idz09 | 286 |
Gentlemen & Goldilocks,
Some may remember me from the days of old in other Syria related subreddits and online forums. Well, I am back and with a new goal: Turn this sub into an "experts-corner" of sorts.
With other places slowly but consistently declining in quality and circlejerk-ness, I think what a small group of hardcore users want is a corner with fewer, but more high quality posts where discussion is free, diverse and without the threat of perma-bans and where harsh measures are taken *only* against bots, spammers, worldnews-overflow and the like.
Nevertheless, I strongly believe in giving interested novice users an opportunity to learn and educate themselves too. Questions can and should be answered by more knowledgeable people.
**As such, there will be two experimental changes to this sub:**
1. Moderation will be biased toward long-term and high-quality users.
2. Moderation will be biased toward the side that is underrepresented or otherwise marginalized, to prevent circlejerkization.
3. The goal is still that no real/serious user will ever be perma-banned, instead we will be working with warning and frequent-but-short bans to cool down people.
The current amount of banned users is: 0.
I want to mention three more things:
**Twitter spam**
Measures will be taken to combat excessive twitter spam, however nothing is outright banned or excluded. Posting interesting twitter threads is in fact encouraged.
**Banned sites**
There are none. Obvious spam and conspiracy sites will be removed as decided by moderators.
**Emotional things**
This sub should focus on analysis and background. I personally would discourage posting things that do not contribute, such as pictures of dead children. However, again, nothing is outright banned at this point.
A flair system might be introduced at some point in the future, however there will not be a "pro-x" or "anti-y" or "confirmed" kind of system. Users are expected to judge bias and credibility of news sites and tweeps themselves. Of course asking is fine too. | r/levantinewar | post | r/LevantineWar | 2017-04-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HWHNLVWwxMDVfRmh3cVN4cEJ0VW1LMkE1RzB0LUkzQVZ2UGU2LXJOaGdhdHNhNHRLRTM1RHlEVDdKU2k5cjFZM1pZY3FkUjNocGJiSnJ6NDh0Y3hYRVhhdEJMYWZVSjEzOXNCR3A3NXhmek5Ub1k9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HWHVLeG5lVWRHWjdDQWFXUnNUZk1RZ0JJOGFaUEp0MmxQSnVHOWNVZF9wYVlqb19DQ2VrTUxBNWpZVVJIbUl5WFFudXNjY3hmTkJPei1SUHZIWTRXdGI0YWF0Z1BFYlp2eEFTOHN4a1MwY1pRZlh5U0Z3ZG9TODFIYXdvTk1XZzZUbld6Qmo0c3FjZ2x6eUl6Y0xJdkF6bHZpUHlNejE2MDFLd2ZiZ3RNVS1GTjVqUHNfT1JiSGhVYXZjVHU3NnNLSlFi | 291 |
This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original](http://www.reuters.com/article/turkey-security-arrests-idUSKBN17S0J1) reduced by 77%. (I'm a bot)
> ANKARA Turkish authorities arrested more than 1,000 people on Wednesday they said had secretly infiltrated police forces across the country on behalf of a U.S.-based cleric blamed by the government for a failed coup attempt last July.
> The nationwide sweep was one of the largest operations in months against suspected supporters of the cleric, Fethullah Gulen, a former ally of President Tayyip Erdogan who is now accused by the government of trying to topple him by force.
> Many relatives of those detained or sacked since July say they have nothing to do with the armed attempt to overthrow the government, and are victims of a purge designed to solidify Erdogan's control.
[**Extended Summary**](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/67q41v/turkey_says_detains_1000_secret_imams_in_police/) | [FAQ](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/31b9fm/faq_autotldr_bot/ "Version 1.65, ~110518 tl;drs so far.") | [Theory](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/31bfht/theory_autotldr_concept/) | [Feedback](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%23autotldr "PM's and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.") | *Top* *keywords*: **government**^#1 **Erdogan**^#2 **Gulen**^#3 **Turkey**^#4 **attempt**^#5 | r/globalaffairs | comment | r/Globalaffairs | 2017-04-26 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HWHNLRXRBaWZVZHpSWUtpZ2hfRWVjZWFEUTBRRU9nenpPcGZuUTQ5ZWdQZUFOdS1pSnhNeEdqaGtnalcweTIta2FCbWlNS0hWQ2hXR3dISW51WWw0VTN4N2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HWHVLanlFY09wSEsxdkpRbGhlb3N0MnB1alpRR1E2REVjYkdZRHlJeE9oOTBpZmlDSjVTM1RWRG01YkJCM01fNE9QTzNwV09ocFpvTHd4bThPMFlheHlJSVlqNGMwQnZ6NjVKd0dJSkl5UkM0SkJPWThfZ2oxeGNENnQ2eHFDbDJ0cXROUjdUc2JLNzA4QWFOQ3VKOXJQOEVIYlYxRmlIQzJrcWdsbzNtLUg3NGtwSWQ2bnRHRmNrQXdTYUp3MlIxYjJOVVlGQVkyMlNUU1lXV1d5TEM5T1FFZz09 | 297 |
*Update:* [Death toll from Somalia bombings rises to 358](https://www.reuters.com/article/us-somalia-attacks-casualties/death-toll-from-somalia-bombings-rises-to-358-idUSKBN1CP2O1) *Reuters* | r/somaliconflict | comment | r/SomaliConflict | 2017-10-20 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HWHNLSnlxbGowZi1XVjVJSHZ0LVVRVDB3SFZ6SDhRbzVxZF9LY3JhamtMZ3pnRWV3R2s2amdLRGxFeVZvdWFwcHhfZXdBZHlWWFYtS2V3NWp1Vlo0eXNhOXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HWHVLYk1TLUNIOEtValZCSUJBM1JqMUludzRtbDctWEJSc09qeWs4SzZ2ZE1Ha3pWSzY1SnlhaUJNNGEyeG0tQlpXVmt1SmxjOXlqTllfWVpCbXM4bEpVMU9JNmZfMU94SEJaSTRCWmZXa2ZWRzUzdzl1MmNnQTBWbHdZVllHMWNWNXk4RHhkcndjVnQzYmt1YlRhTEN0dmpJbHNjMDlaMGFzWXBrbkROVG55MXN3RVBYekppY1Zhb3lBMzVzY1diblVQbXNTLUtuNHRaMjY4anVlV2lqMUhTZz09 | 332 |
This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original](https://www.reuters.com/article/us-somalia-violence-blast/huge-blast-in-somalias-capital-mogadishu-reuters-witness-idUSKBN1CX0GQ) reduced by 82%. (I'm a bot)
> MOGADISHU - Two car bombs killed at least 17 people in Somalia's capital Mogadishu on Saturday, police said, two weeks after a huge truck bomb killed hundreds of civilians in the city.
> Abdikadir Abdirahman, director of Amin ambulances, told Reuters the emergency service had carried 17 people injured from the hotel bombing.
> Bombs in Mogadishu two weeks ago killed at least 358 people, the worst such attacks in the country's history, igniting nationwide outrage.
[**Extended Summary**](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/79cgg3/huge_blast_in_somalias_capital_mogadishu_near_the/) | [FAQ](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/31b9fm/faq_autotldr_bot/ "Version 1.65, ~236865 tl;drs so far.") | [Feedback](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%23autotldr "PM's and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.") | *Top* *keywords*: **bomb**^#1 **hotel**^#2 **people**^#3 **police**^#4 **attacks**^#5 | r/somaliconflict | comment | r/SomaliConflict | 2017-10-28 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HWHNLX1IxRmpGOHVkTnNGMkdfckdKWlB5WmhuNlBqTHpUVjVTRlNfQzdnVXo3dFpVa1JMbVd6TkdlcG1ia19SZUpWcU9UNVVmOVlIdVZHUkk1bHZ6M1NkZkE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HWHVLNFhXaTlCVFUySTVCUHpJQ2tFV1RwY1pxMEFQdk9YMVdzY2VEcTVGWXRpbDlQVFVrVWlSdFNkTHpCSmJQOUZTUV8zeE9kbUxTSm1FdHpfbGZHSW5LUHFxZjZUbEpmeVlNaUNyeWo5OGdTV2NMcV96V1Y5YW9RTExHMjJmdjByZlZUUjFxV0Qwbm1PZVA2aWJuaXJDUUZMTmJmLV84QWdlNUl1Ynd4YjhTajlhNEtCTzVtME5FcUJZOHRsclc1cFQ4R2poU3JSZU52TlpTSU10MUdOTHk0QT09 | 334 |
Here is a list of threads in other subreddits about the same content:
* [Warlord City: The Business of Fear in Boomtown Mogadishu](https://www.reddit.com/r/qualitynews/comments/79lh92/warlord_city_the_business_of_fear_in_boomtown/) on /r/qualitynews with 5 karma (created at 2017-10-30 12:18:11 by /u/SaulKD)
^^I ^^am ^^a ^^bot ^^[FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/DuplicatesBot/wiki/index)-[Code](https://github.com/PokestarFan/DuplicateBot)-[Bugs](https://www.reddit.com/r/DuplicatesBot/comments/6ypgmx/bugs_and_problems/)-[Suggestions](https://www.reddit.com/r/DuplicatesBot/comments/6ypg85/suggestion_for_duplicatesbot/)-[Block](https://www.reddit.com/r/DuplicatesBot/wiki/index#wiki_block_bot_from_tagging_on_your_posts)
^^Now ^^you ^^can ^^remove ^^the ^^comment ^^by ^^replying ^^delete! | r/somaliconflict | comment | r/SomaliConflict | 2017-10-31 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HWHNLTDV2RkVFaFV0MnNtM1lhek5ONzZuaVBtTUFlZWZYWHFveEpFYkJZbHVKWUlLeWt1TzRKUG9XM2FDeXZvMUFzQVRhT2VfX0VKLVhHUkR0OGoxU19KUmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HWHVLc3ZYSFdiM3VSZEZlVjRDWWZ6YXZxZU1IZUp0VlFwN2RKOXpldHpta3NnVmxKaklEMGVBMWhCcjhSbXh4dFBtRDlXNklSTlJYSmpYNmg4UE4yOHNQYUxSU19DN0I3anNFOTNoV2VBQ2FZNmNmUzdHQWZoQURpTk5MTGw0WjVTMlNmYWxuOUpPT2tZVENWd0FYQVExZ3dncXFTWXhISG5LbzJwYU5tWG9XdnZ0em80ZmtyX01pVUprWW1sUTRUNVFmelJGc2hxSC1wTTRYOUpOUE16Vy1JQT09 | 336 |
Uff disgusting | r/somaliconflict | comment | r/SomaliConflict | 2017-11-05 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HWHNLOTZtTmVfOUJUc1ZBaWgyMHQtOTgzMlhEYzl1a2JzWmt0VWlfUkpZS3duZFYzN3hlTkFXOXZ3dkp2Qlp1bVBRVTVwTkp2TVRFdlU1N3NDQk1vaUQ0Tnc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HWHVLcXVkcWlMTlJueUEwOGgwU1RBVFZRdnd4ZHlGU1N0Q1FTSmhPaVlwT2JCd0ZzSk9sbWNjRVBMMWZ2RWxKZ1F3ZmdrVDR2SUFvd1BuYTVrMUhjcjhiU3NhTFVpdzdGeExKS21ETGdnZ3JsYXQ3a0c3YkpLalNiZTVtazBMYmdFRi1US2dHQmU1eXk0N3pPenRYdEtLZmQ2dVlUTm1jSGhXWGI2LVdMUjl5VVdIMGhOYS1lWXFPVExSYkc3Z0NKMDNrLTFkU0N1LVNKSVVlRlpEa3FaYk5OZz09 | 340 |
This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original](https://www.reuters.com/article/us-us-somalia-security/u-s-warns-of-threat-to-diplomatic-staff-in-somali-capital-idUSKBN1D40RS) reduced by 55%. (I'm a bot)
> NAIROBI - The United States' diplomatic mission in Somalia has directed all non-essential staff to leave the capital Mogadishu, saying it had received a "Specific threat" against its employees.
> "Due to specific threat information against U.S. personnel on the Mogadishu International Airport, the U.S. Mission to Somalia has directed its non-essential U.S. citizen employees to depart Mogadishu until further notice," said a statement.
> Last month, a group loyal to Islamic State seized a small port town in Somalia's semi-autonomous Puntland region.
[**Extended Summary**](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/7b3gcj/the_united_states_diplomatic_mission_in_somalia/) | [FAQ](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/31b9fm/faq_autotldr_bot/ "Version 1.65, ~241073 tl;drs so far.") | [Feedback](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%23autotldr "PM's and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.") | *Top* *keywords*: **State**^#1 **Somalia**^#2 **Mogadishu**^#3 **Islamic**^#4 **against**^#5 | r/somaliconflict | comment | r/SomaliConflict | 2017-11-06 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HWHNLUDlDMk9HRDNSVFlvSHJYZmhJWkJCNGxLU0Z6Z2VOaVhLSExNd1hwSjVlTFZNVEdqWHFOS3liVHNZN3lwcmRQQUFsMDZuaEdGU3dTdzM1eklNRWcwcUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HWHVLdE9EZ2tNcV95RmxmcHIyMmtMMC1sUkdqNWtORkJBS3JaTVRETUVlVTJLT2xHbXJqZEtpcUZEeVRCNjFZOHNXUGx3b2dqZnltcGRFN0tCa05jdVNtWkhBbHY5VnpJQk1fRW5yY2NrUTgtTHhxdWdCX2F0Z3ZPNEJIRWVlb2Y4c0pVQ1lsSDh6REVYTmJCN0M0bVRUZjdWc3JmY05NS09rY0VhZ2ZISXZWMnE0MXBnZU9sVGNvZmxmZWR1cFpFRHdScnpwOUw3WFBvMWZLOFltMWtYNGoxcXFIQ0ZVUEQ5VjdHR3Z5UUdzM2R4Yz0= | 341 |
*Related article:* [Islamic State thriving in Somalia: UN report](https://www.yahoo.com/news/islamic-state-thriving-somalia-un-report-224949360.html) *AFP* | r/somaliconflict | comment | r/SomaliConflict | 2017-11-11 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HWHNLODlRcTJCc1V2MExrdzVWUjdmVUJqS1lCdHpUMGpwREp3Z2xfbXFSbXU4cHRWdTk5eG5OTDFoZUpudmNKVldHV2pHNk8wSXo1WVNIcW1YaldVc2ozVVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HWHVLOFBSZW1BN2lKTWlxYU9mcXd2MTRxSThQZlVkek12Zjg0WXRYX0wtN1lyamhWWFNhM0Etd1Q4NHlKbFJaNmotdEYzQjJPUUNZZkNpNUlDVjBTbGo3V1JSc1dVN29JSmR6T3FrNkwzYUNBVzlTY3U4RS1BYzdoYnY4TDJMODZLa2xSbEdSbE1reUdfMmFrR28xRmp0UGppQm9VQ0JoSVF5bmRhell6OWlaM1h2ZlRTb3loVko2VGhzajZHQkxSaWJYN0RNZ2E0bmhTdnMtVXR5UDBGcVFodz09 | 344 |
I'm a bot, *bleep*, *bloop*. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit:
- [/r/terrorism] [US drone strike in Somalia kills 'several' with al-Shabab • r\/SomaliConflict](https://www.reddit.com/r/terrorism/comments/7dg8xr/us_drone_strike_in_somalia_kills_several_with/)
*^(If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads.) ^\([Info](/r/TotesMessenger) ^/ ^[Contact](/message/compose?to=/r/TotesMessenger))* | r/somaliconflict | comment | r/SomaliConflict | 2017-11-16 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HWHNLeXFpSU04aGxEMVFubkFUV3ZwYlFnWVpCV3FxNU8za3JoSld4M3FuMi1OT0dQdVJpcjJ1NEt5WHExRHdaUnlMSlJlMmxjTkt0RnNsZGw5dWNyNmZ6Z0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HWHVLTzk1S3cxWkcyMG43YVc2VlNJVlhpQTBqRW11YlpsZl85MkVWTzRuMXlzZHFjMERWck05Z3hocmR4TVZDUGU1TDR6ZThKYndIMFNHU3hzUFFTSTRkem53NFcta2QwUHprRWdmZmtmZG91d2o0VlAzSmtwTm96RUFxb212U0dzUUF3SUxxdVVEa0tiUUUtSERfdWphaFZCY0xRT2RPajBhQTZ6T3ZjWE9EbFo0Q3ZMbzdQektFMHlya3ZIM3Vhd0V2QU1IaG4zNkJNd0pNN0pLd3dfYy1CZz09 | 347 |
Should have been done years ago. Only reason it's still on is because of Ethiopia. | r/somaliconflict | comment | r/SomaliConflict | 2017-11-17 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HWHNLWXBPWVFjYkZlSGl5Ym1FMWJtNU1pZEVfeU9udHBwcHVhWW5uQXFJa0tBbXNqUjNrdS1OT08tX3laNE11cXU3V3VKZEw1bVlVTExIRDRYYnlTMUJlMmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HWHVLZ1hndG9ld0JqR3lLQzFQTzJ0bmVIaTJyRE8xc3A5VHEtWGV5OElmWlJHUWNWSXkxQ0dMWjFnMEI1MEdUbVBCZUF3LXF3Q1lmUWpENm51ZFhfNDZUeVhpMHNNbC0wcW1WV0s2ZHBPbjhUX0pmOElVc2pFcDhMbjdfZkl4VVdtX1YxanpSVVlvc2JkbHJKc1pGRERLT2xqa2RiZXNqbkQ5eG82YTZ3aFJmeHBpR00yTnBaa2Q1X3diOWFzcnMwdGZnZERFNlV3dmpPcnRFbmZrVnp1MU1XUT09 | 348 |
This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original](https://www.reuters.com/article/us-canada-hostage-trial/somali-man-found-guilty-in-kidnapping-of-canadian-journalist-idUSKBN1E108C) reduced by 65%. (I'm a bot)
> A Somali national has been convicted in an Ontario court for his role in the 2008 kidnapping of Canadian Amanda Lindhout, who was held captive in Somalia for 460 days and released only after her family paid a ransom, Canadian media reported on Wednesday.
> Ali Omar Ader, 40, was found guilty of one charge of hostage-taking for his role as negotiator for the kidnappers, in a decision handed down on Wednesday in Ontario Superior Court in Ottawa.
> Ader was lured to Canada from Somalia in 2015 and arrested in Ottawa as part of a sting operation by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police in which an officer posed as a publisher interested in a book Ader was writing on Somalia, according to court documents.
[**Extended Summary**](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/7i3qus/somali_man_found_guilty_in_kidnapping_of_canadian/) | [FAQ](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/31b9fm/faq_autotldr_bot/ "Version 1.65, ~260866 tl;drs so far.") | [Feedback](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%23autotldr "PM's and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.") | *Top* *keywords*: **Lindhout**^#1 **Ader**^#2 **court**^#3 **Somalia**^#4 **Canadian**^#5 | r/somaliconflict | comment | r/SomaliConflict | 2017-12-07 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HWHNLMUwzVUE0UUxPdU1RbWlZeFp4OTZ3dk1GZnFUQWpmZjZLdmNCYkFjc0ljNzhmU3BDTkJkTGtqRnlUZmhxRTRjLXNCZVA4NndJeGRPMzJIeWRRV2g0QWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HWHVLM0ZCSS1MVmVUU2FpQ3pFdXJTZldlNFI1UmgyTmtJcXppekFIakQ0aUxJOU9QZjc5TTk4YURtWXhOMnNGTDNCeXdQOWZmeHVRUG94Zi1aY1ZxTDdQUGtFQklHSnFsOFE2VE5UWl9pU1l0WktaWmZlUHp4c3lJT1ZvWjBCTGpqeHJSSk9RMnUwYWllUHdMRjBpMC1vUk1Na2lmNmVDWFBQSUkxYnVRWU5Mc0dFR0ZaT2d2VTNZUXYzNzRfQ1dhaEdXX2FKbkI1YmtzUU1OMUxHOWhKdUJ4YXVMS0RMYWE1cGYwT01nMEZpWjROMD0= | 359 |
*Related article:* [AFRICOM strike halts Shabaab car bomb attack](https://www.longwarjournal.org/archives/2017/12/africom-strike-halts-shabaab-car-bomb-attack.php) *Long War Journal* | r/somaliconflict | comment | r/SomaliConflict | 2017-12-14 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HWHNLS19RR1JWdk5PNjJQbmRNeVppVEVHaC1FbG1JOU9HWjhSb25aZjBQZGh5SFBZR0JhMkh4YW1vZEljbTZHcXBOTDVSMWVSNkgtdzkzNkZhX2lXTk1Kb0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HWHVLWGVsaUxFY1JWc09faS1hQU1UeVd6akZrOWt5NFZJaGZiakdCVS1zTnFWY0pYMEZGeVVrellLZHViWXQzOFBaenR0R2tGM2FWdHVFYUZCNFQwWFpwOWNqcEwxY3ZFeDRaYjdzeHN0Y1NKa2VNLVVGQVM0aEdzcTdBNmpOY08tVnZpaTlNcXBSYkdhYUhJWDBQWkRJMkNyOVlkTTIxV090Vm04VDhPWWFlR1ZVYmxqMjlBZ0trRFNJYTltQW5oZkhJbWVqeUMzRVZyR256a1ItYVlDelduSncwbTRQMXhVNFJCRWg3ckpjWk9NMD0= | 361 |
This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original](https://www.voanews.com/a/un-4500-civilians-killed-wounded-since-2016/4157579.html) reduced by 81%. (I'm a bot)
> The United Nations says more than 4,500 civilians have been killed or wounded in the conflict in Somalia since the start of 2016.
> The U.N. Human Rights Office and the U.N. Assistance Mission in Somalia have issued a new report that implicates parties to the conflict in the death and injuries sustained by the civilians.
> "Too often the extent and the magnitude of the toll on civilian from the ongoing conflict in Somalia has been been undermined in many ways because of the lack of data, so this report which seeks to offer a baseline to quantify casualties is a very important insight into just how many civilians have been lost," she said.
[**Extended Summary**](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/7jwbqq/un_4500_civilians_killed_wounded_in_somalia_since/) | [FAQ](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/31b9fm/faq_autotldr_bot/ "Version 1.65, ~265968 tl;drs so far.") | [Feedback](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%23autotldr "PM's and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.") | *Top* *keywords*: **report**^#1 **civilian**^#2 **Somalia**^#3 **percent**^#4 **conflict**^#5 | r/somaliconflict | comment | r/SomaliConflict | 2017-12-15 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HWHNLQmhKdEJpMGx0RklGdWdPejgxMTJTbXh6LUhEYzRieU5OdllCQ0dIZlNEZWZfNWdNZmphNlZVX3FHWVQtazB4VFVTR0MwLUZwSjE2ZzllZ21XbTBCaXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HWHVLSGJKdWZGd2VkMUNqbmdDSUN5MEJyYUF2SjFqcGVLbDVHTVdVT0VheWQ3M1F2a2lVQUNqWVhPSE82UTltM2tSdVRwQW5zRDdIanZfUUc0UTNkajNUbEI1ZWpnYnNBUWYwTTFWYkFzNi1fZ0g3VG5WWXhNWmcyR1MyZzlueldyM2llcFlwSDhyWE1LSUZRWlRHcTB4S3VJcjN3QWJ6MHlVeHJHMHVla0lMcGVEUU9DdS1KdUxscXIzdGxhN21hN2VCamR1NDhVWm4tUDFYMFN6VjJlZFlGSUk1aTV4anp6VFlOWndrNm5ocGVDWT0= | 363 |
Lately I've been documenting on this event and I wanted to share and receive some thoughts on the impact of it at different levels and how it affects the idea of humanity.
World as we know it, from my point of view, is a long way from being civilized, we are overwhelmed by nationalism, the desire of power, the lack of trust among the states and insecurity. All of this elements go hand in hand and I thought of no better events to analyse other than these civil wars as they contain all the necessary elements for a full scale investigation on how the threats inside a state has an impact on our whole concept of security at every level, individual, regional and global.
If we analyse the events at a small scale, inside the state of Sudan we'll observe that some powerful factors reside at the base of this conflict. Religion, education and economics. Religion is a topic I could never cover as it has implications that have to do with a psychological factor. But I'm simple adding this question here : Eliminating religion from a society or forcing someone to believe into something is impossible, but if that is so, wouldn't the rational solution mean the liberty of someone to believe in any sort of god they desire ? If a society has all of these three elements planned out that would lead us to the next level.
In a regional perspective of security, we should witness a unity of the central African states but what we see here is a totally opposing landscape, a polarization based on economic interests. The cooperation of Sudan and South Sudan would be almost impossible just by solving the internal issues, the external support and the influence is a major factor that pushes this war forward. From this statement we can underline the importance of the unity of the Sudanese people, maybe such unity would be an example to follow for neighbouring states.
This conflict and the number of victims that follows makes it hard to believe that it takes place in our time with all of the international norms for preventing genocide and violence against non-combatants. The ignorance of the powerful states regarding the death of fellow humans it is indeed outstanding to witness, maybe we are not that civilized after all and Hobbes was right.
This would be a summarized version of all the many things I can say about this massacre of humanity. | r/southsudancivilwar | post | r/SouthSudanCivilWar | 2017-12-17 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HWHNLU3JnVk9OUkZ6SjQ2THJFdEEyTjF1TDJUWmNhT2dEM2p2Vjdid3FOQ2Q4T0doYXZKY0l3TXh5Qk1QOVctX0xwa3N6WUloREFmRGc0elowYXd1OEpVT0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HWHVLZWtyWWNGWmF4WnplNVd6ZlJuMWNDaHpjLVNqUG5FNEwxQ1NpcWpvb0JIdzNDXzB5VndVd3l5ZnpDdGxrSll2X1FKRWprSE1nQ3JXWnh6aHpuZlVXT1NaS2FmUnNDNFZ3b2hkMTBPMDdhRlhsNzZUWXUwbTVDc3d6dEk2dV9kQXRXX1JmT1pqblhxWjREbWZhakRzRHN5aXVpVjY2Y3k3MjR0TDlhYWZCeEVqRW5NSnM4ekl5MUpGT29xVkRZMzNaaVNJVWV5cmVpTjRtYkY5MDFOQmdZZz09 | 364 |
>UAE officials agreed to transfer the prisoner to the US to undergo a federal prosecution. Law officials in the US believe that there is strong evidence to suggest that Abu Khaybar was part of the Al-Shabaab armed group in Somalia, an affiliate of Al-Qaeda. | r/somaliconflict | comment | r/SomaliConflict | 2018-01-19 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HWHNLYjR2WFZSaG5zUURJcWtyU1A0ZzB6NmpvZTVSSnN4dmtLV092U2s2Qk1la1EycXFWRmJmVFVjdnB4UlNCU3czcElnMFBhY0pab1E1NlBleTVsTkdZdFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HWHVLSVdhMmEzM0pBMXNpR3ZoWkxMcGZ2ZzRfN1JUN0N4UWFfQVExSFRJaUczdlJEN1ZXZHNQOEJMTU5jWHl4UWdMNVFFRGcwRnJjNnZfRWZFLUF4SjU5YTE1Q3BaNmZLbTFscVhsdGtKWml4TjI1dk9OSzVuSm44dEVLaHBqQk9IWWt6UEhvTF91dFJ2MDVoWmZTRXo0aHdJenVLQ01Fd2d3WDBPZDMwUzhMZkxsYy1jZlRpOXJDU1BCVFNBRWFhWkg4Q2lMSjhVYjE0QUxsMzJwVDdDRmNkQT09 | 368 |
Let's use this thread to share our favorite books and to look for book recommendations. Books on foreign policy, diplomacy, memoirs, and biographies can be shared here. Any fiction books which you believe can help understand a country's foreign policy are also acceptable.
What books have helped you understand a country's foreign policy the best?
Which books have fascinated you the most?
Are you looking to learn more about a specific policy matter or country?
| r/foreignpolicy | post | r/foreignpolicy | 2018-02-05 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HWHNLaVFrQ2NtY2x6alRXbnlWYWhRLXVBV1RCN0Z5TmNxRE9jblFCaVhJM2h3NGdvR3RNREp2dFRZZ1l2cmFrdlA2dTR4Q09LUVNaSk9VdmVhc1BfblRHd1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HWHVLakdfdGlMa0FSR0hSNjJVZEJGel9rb2JjRDRpa1hzZUNRVHBEZ0JKY0VUV1ZROGlCYW1NNTgyeHVPNldiaDM5WmsyNjBsZXZHZUFlNmtpU3RXNVIzdzd3VE1JYVZrWDZVR0tUaTRfRENDSlhQVjdScHBlcDV4cndMS0ZXX1hfN3NGOVBTZF8zRXk5ekNsb2Rjb2ZwdEhVTUIwQ1R3TEk5WS1hX04tS3NQa1N3cllNMnR2SWJDYmFCal81RjlvUGUw | 371 |
Is there an annotated list of URLs with reasoning behind each URLs inclusion on the list? I am working on an analytics project where I am using The List as a verified list of propaganda, but I am getting some push back with some of the URL. I am hoping to have some reasoning to present to the advisor on this project. | r/propornot | post | r/PropOrNot | 2018-04-05 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HWHNLNjE4V2ZOTzhJUFZYYmt4MDd4aHcxRXdfSlA0Q3FZVzluWGdzTVdCc05MSzB4aF9MNXFHS1BoLXdfSWo3dF9XMmpER20xWjdONG5LdGFqbXlUVFlNYUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HWHVLSGdUeDQ0VW5LUENnemJCRGpvZVBsM3BGazREWGlZUUVsdXZiQUVyRlRzSEJ2U19Pcm12d3gyNllUZTZFOVZUNDFORHhvV0dfS3c2dk9KNkdDcVJiWHNoV1lfSS1jd2RwUGVwMzFDSHNKUFZFdU5NVzRtc0pidU9lMzF6VFRzbUVWTDVHWWMtUXJIM3VuQTlPdGlRWW41Sy1aTUxJcmtaOUs2c0tsTHhfZ0RZPQ== | 372 |
*Update:* [UAE ends programme to train Somalia's military](https://www.reuters.com/article/us-emirates-somalia-military/uae-ends-programme-to-train-somalias-military-idUSKBN1HM0Y5?il=0) *Reuters* | r/somaliconflict | comment | r/SomaliConflict | 2018-04-15 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HWHNLWW15NldyU3FEUldTbGhNRVpxTXRhN196VDFRVGYxN3NoSkV0UnMwRkFkOGQ3N0t5MExhQ0lpX2ViQWdDdmpWT1RhM1B3Q2pQc1VLdEt3eU9kSFk1NlE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HWHVLQm1MVFhFR21HTkVFbF9wUC1abW1VTDg3WVlKTnlMNnE5b1d5M3RjWGRUcVBoajhMUG50S1NLVlVtQzVpeE11SWtNVTNBRXk3am1EYmdNSDdSelpqTXNONVlycFJhU1hzTVRoYXU2V0x5d0dyc2xVUmFrWF9PVmZ1b2xtLTRaUGx4aTZLcS04Y0Z3NjVKY0k1V190Y3RMX05vQVVzbXBJZE9vTVMtc0VNNzE1QkY2THFWV0tlTUN2SU5LS3FGb05hVWtRek80bHhGN0lyeVc0M0k4MWM4QT09 | 374 |
Puntland sounds like it's going soft too: [Somalia’s Puntland president defends UAE relations](https://mareeg.com/somalias-puntland-president-defends-uae-relations/) | r/somaliconflict | comment | r/SomaliConflict | 2018-04-16 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HWHNLY3ZLUzVkY3JGR1lwY1hyYU5RZ1ZCSE9lTFdqRjktd3FrTjM4WUltZjU5TGx1S1FLVDJENVdPNnlWTE03eWVBRVFra2VrRm5JZ05adjFVRWVoWFk3TEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HWHVLNU5sY25icFBSNFJqck1WMnY0b0FGWWRNTXdPdE9QNnFlWUlWNVNNVU1OWXFkS1duS0FhekxlTGlrVUowZFRzTWoyOUxiQ1lHZnpkWm5IaERKbC1qMlNnQ1NlSlZUMVVWU29xRDBFNDQ2aVd2YVVjVzNpU3ZUTmxTMTNVWkF3SW5OZEpkMTNONGpCYy01ZDVQMm8tbXZETFhTUk1FVnd4OGNxdVlRczhWcmNsNF9acVNUc1dHNUxTX1k2dXhkUnU0Nmxobm9qMUMxSHNNNE42S1JKSExQUT09 | 375 |
[Somalia Starts Talks to Ease Tensions With UAE - VOA News](https://www.voanews.com/a/uae-disbands-somalia-training-program/4350205.html) | r/somaliconflict | comment | r/SomaliConflict | 2018-04-17 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HWHNLdlFCS3lTNmNTdGlTZTROTml2dmthaEhyTkRjREUzUVBVUktPTXRYQzllNlc3OW9qX3Z6ckVLZWI0cUZMNFk5LTh2d09GZFJCWU1IRUJsMjA2cTZPN3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HWHVLR2tyNVd0N0VGWGs1WmVVNm1vWl9DUzQ4QTVMUjVSdWpmNWhqNGhRWEo5Znd0bENFLWJROFhELWRLbENYSFhQbUhobkR3SnRwMGFYRlNIM0Z1a0o4NkdXTUlnQXhoa3JYTDJCVnVPRmVMR1gzZmZ0RV9SbWpSMEJTMWo1TThoejlfSkozUC1RLUtsNHBPenJNTUVRRE1JS1BQRVhUR1ZULVd3NkFWMTNQazdNLXRyMHZpMVA4Q0F3VUlLQzQ4N0J5bGEyYmRESkZSVFBzcDRlTDlpeFF2UT09 | 376 |
r/WorkersVanguard | r/globalaffairs | comment | r/Globalaffairs | 2018-04-23 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HWHNLRHVBUXVxZHVtSVJuZmhQVkVtdDU2RjVTcEJwMWs4d2J2YmxtYmZZTjZ6eW1nVHBxNTJsM2xXWnI1cVowd0pHQU5tWDlCMGljSVhZNVJ4U0N6THpjSnc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HWHVLbTFHNHQ1Mng2ckxXUFFobVlNMFpxangzU3RfMDd2X20zVEU2QklsX3lBa3hmQzlJUTBweEFJMS0yQVFfM2pKd085UXFJd0gzSzh0eUR1elpieWlrRUVfN29qa2VLRVNEdlA1MnBydUkzZm9RYWFIcFJVUU8wRndDNnlXSUk1aUloTE5sSTVFbmtBM193cTNtdTlyWFZvTm5la1NhZjREemtVS1FuUnNmTUlvTEVNRWYtQXJLTDBBNnpiUk5oZGFxeXRkUWYycjZMaUJxWWVsd1JPUVBLWFFQdXpYMm5EQ0dSaUlUejBLVVBjWT0= | 378 |
My Limericks with Seamus Heaney by xenagoguevicene
I went for the coffee and donuts, and traded some rhymes with the man signing books of poetry. I didn’t know who he was. He was Irish, I knew he had some poems about the problems Ireland has had over the years. I had some free time and heard about the literary reception; I’m literate, so I went.
I had a plate with an onion bagel as I walked up to the poet and said, “There once was a boy from Dundalk, who didn’t know quite how to walk….”
“It’s the Brits fault, think about it,” he replied with a finger in the air for emphasis as he looked at me directly. He was smiling. I like to play with words, and so did he.
I thought he enjoyed a little unvarnished wordplay among all the fawning fans asking for his scribble in the front of a book. I started again, “There once was a boy from Peru, who didn’t know quite what to do, he went to his mama, who showed him a Llama….and the rest of the rhyme’s up to you.”
He laughed. I can’t remember his reply to that. It was a sunny April day as we chatted in the school’s library with a couple of dozen other people around we were against a low book case. Coffee makes my brain race. Words spill out.
We talked about Lord Montbatten being killed by an IRA commando team in a targeted assassination in 1979. He talked about Mountbatten being a colonial master in India enforcing English rule, that he was not just a random fisherman with a title. Heaney spoke about Montbatten being the last British Viceroy of India, an unelected dictator from a foreign country I mentioned that Lord Montbatten had been the British official in charge of the allied occupation of Vietnam at the end of WW2, and Montbatten re-armed Japanese Imperial Army troops to put down a Vietnamese Trotskyist working class uprising in 1945 in Saigon.
“I didn’t know that,” he said to me as if a little piece of an important puzzle had been added
He told me that he ran a writing school for poetry during the summer in the West of Ireland, and that I might enjoy coming to the gathering. I was hoping in my head that I had enough money for gas to travel home in my car that night, not how to pay for a writers retreat across the ocean.
A faculty member joked with me a few days later, “you spoke more than he did.” I still didn’t know who the man was. I knew he was Irish, I knew he had written poems about the unhappy history of Ireland. I had his translation of Beowulf on my shelf at home. What a story.
Later I found out that this witty man had a Nobel Prize in Literature. Honestly, I am not impressed by that. President Obama has a Nobel Peace Prize. The people who vote on the winners are Norwegian elite and politicians from the government; they pick whatever is trendy with that clique. Still, good people do win for worthwhile efforts. Henry Kissinger got a Nobel Peace Prize. Imagine that.
The very next day I got an official notice from my department head that I was not being offered a job the next year and they had to warn me by that date. My wild days at free literary discussions would have to move on. I always knew I would end up passing poetry along as a teacher for a ‘hedge school.’
But over the years I really have thought about his answer to my words: “There once was a man from Dundalk who didn’t know quite how to walk….” Heaney’s answer: “It’s the Brits fault, think about it,” really has made me think about that answer. Did he mean the man couldn’t walk because he was hurt by the British soldiers? Did he mean that the long term British exploitation of Ireland lead to the Irelands population to be largely poor and unable to afford adequate health care?
Did he mean that Irish people blame everything on the British rather than taking responsibility for themselves? I have thought about that off and on over the dozen years since Heaney said them.
I still don’t have an answer to Seamus Heaney. But he’s on my shelf, in the library, and alive in my memory.
| r/globalaffairs | comment | r/Globalaffairs | 2018-04-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HWHNLMzQ2RXJtUndYdWFNZFFuRlJOMkZNVEpMNUl0Tlo2UGJpd0VHTllXTUxickxZbW5KTmlITXlZODVQRjFLbG9WUlUyT3dsdFI3TFljbDZnOGs2VUxxSkE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HWHVLNk8xRnVYdFp5VDM5SGJWX21LQzlsVmNNUF9aT1lXU2NoWXhzZGllTm9MZ0lrZTFEcUVRUzdzWGR5Wkk0YXZwLXFvbFhUaFdIdVdsbllTTWxfNzFyQzhBMGU3Q3Y4ckJOQU5CNmRUOTRmT1FIQ01Fa3RJTXFPcElUOVV5U0dBRnB0NGZKblJzU3N1SGR2bFByeXl0Y3BYRXJzV0d5S05FcDFNT1VQeW51alE3ZUhldmxlM2lJWmd0dFBiVDA1YndPZEp5cGJnbHh3Y0ZLSE4wMXJ2UGtCQT09 | 380 |
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[^(Ignore Sub)](https://np.reddit.com/r/ClickableLinkBot/comments/853qg2/ignore_list/) | r/somaliconflict | comment | r/SomaliConflict | 2018-07-31 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HWHNLQjJIekpfdkhGb0tiMEEwNmNmUUducFZkQnZpUm1mZ2J2UkEzdDl0UHdNX0h0bWVIX09EMC1GeWJaZncwZFlSMXVPTG1XR2xHUkR6cUxXb1BfMmZDd0phOTNlTXNaR1dpclc1NEJSUXByTTQ9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HWHVLUFhta3B1XzFtcmdGenhtMnRwYzV2N2hSVjUtcG1Rd0xlc3J0S0xnbXdseXlQTUtxdzNTbU9fR2tYM2JHekw1ZndCQU0xeXVYT0dOVTZFazNjVU1tTFlSUmJVQ0FkZFI5YnNOUHJVZXQ0UUtJd2FiN0Z2SjFYRzdxLXdidHBKWHp2Vm1LMkFNYm1aTFRsa1lmdDlsV3l0dFc4bVRwRHNzbU01TzRZV1VzTS1jamhKQklNcVdVN3ZsY2ZGeFJoSHU2QUY1MDhnU0hQdWdLckJJZTdPdl9Hdz09 | 387 |
When I first saw this article from longwarjournal.org, its title was:
> AFRICOM kills 60 Shabaab fighters in largest strike in Somalia since 2017 | FDD's Long War Journal
Here are some other articles about this story:
* horseedmedia.net: [US military airstrike in Somalia kills 4 al-Shabab fighters](https://horseedmedia.net/2018/10/16/us-military-airstrike-in-somalia-kills-4-al-shabab-fighters/)
* nytimes.com: [U.S. Military Airstrike Kills 60 Shabab Fighters in Somalia](https://www.nytimes.com/2018/10/16/world/africa/somalia-strike-military-shabab.html)
* yahoo.com: [U.S. military says 60 al Shabaab militants killed in Somalia air strike](https://www.yahoo.com/news/u-military-says-60-al-shabaab-militants-killed-152233465.html)
* washingtonpost.com: [US airstrike in Somalia kills about 60 al-Shabab fighters](https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/africa/us-airstrike-in-somalia-kills-about-60-al-shabab-fighters/2018/10/16/9b0766b4-d154-11e8-a4db-184311d27129_story.html)
* foxnews.com: [US airstrike kills about 60 al-Shabab extremist fighters in Somalia](https://www.foxnews.com/world/us-airstrike-kills-about-60-al-shabab-extremist-fighters-in-somalia)
* cnn.com: [US says airstrike in Somalia killed 60 al-Shabaab fighters](https://www.cnn.com/2018/10/16/politics/us-somalia-airstrike-al-qaeda/index.html)
* voanews.com: [US Says 60 Militants Killed in Somalia Airstrike](https://www.voanews.com/a/us-says-airstrike-kills-about-60-al-shabab-fighters-in-somalia-/4615871.html)
* abcnews.go.com: [US military says 60 militants killed in Somalia airstrike](https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/us-military-60-militants-killed-somalia-airstrike/story?id=58533911)
* latimes.com: [U.S. says airstrike against Shabab extremists in Somalia kills about 60 fighters - Los Angeles Times](http://www.latimes.com/world/la-fg-somalia-shabab-airstrike-20181016-story.html)
* thehill.com: [US airstrike kills 60 al-Shabaab militants](https://thehill.com/policy/defense/411621-us-airstrike-kills-60-al-shabaab-militants)
* cbsnews.com: [U.S. says airstrike targeting al-Shabaab killed about 60 fighters in Somalia](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/u-s-military-says-airstrike-targeting-al-shabaab-killed-about-60-fighters-in-somalia/)
* businessinsider.com: [The US military says it killed roughly 60 'terrorists' in Somalia airstrike, the deadliest strike in roughly a year](https://www.businessinsider.com/us-military-says-it-killed-roughly-60-militants-in-somalia-airstrike-2018-10)
I am a bot trying to encourage a balanced news diet.
These are all of the articles I think are about this story. I do not select or
sort articles based on any opinions or perceived biases, and neither I nor my
creator advocate for or against any of these sources or articles. It is your
responsibility to determine what is factually correct.
| r/somaliconflict | comment | r/SomaliConflict | 2018-10-18 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HWHNLd2VMZVRHdHBtbW1hd1ZSZEJ2VjFvWG9rSFBaQ1ZtLXZfYVMxaTZiSmRUUy05ZUdwNjQwa084SlM3SFFHT1pWRHdvanR6VkFFZ1BHcUVrUHIyb3BBSEgzcWxmenJnclpieGU2aFAyQVo5VU09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HWHVLZ2pRUy13UER4ZXhvekFmamNDSEJWX1pwMDl1MTlPNU9JS2RVRWZhSDRnNDc2RUNFcG92eEJmYmVQMm8xY0N5eS1ITGc3WC14clF5ZUhiamtzMG8tcFgtU0o4SlhmQ1RhdDdmVE5vazVnbHl3NzlGdGtkVE5EYndLU2Ftai0wSEMwUURFanYzRDl3UER5SkpxdWNaTG1aVFN0MFFPZjhnV1BaQVNSdmF0YXIwM3pVQzBpWVhOX2txNmJhN1l0elNfb0xMWjB4QWczT0RDeEs3NU1DMUlvZz09 | 390 |
Dude .... that thing in the sky that sounds like a flying lawn mower? It's not a lawn mower...... | r/somaliconflict | comment | r/SomaliConflict | 2018-11-01 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HWHNLUzFybDZJR1ZiLUN0WjZ4bWRZdDd4QTFELUtYUWl2X2czVUZqdzVJZEYxOW9UVmJlbDJQNHhmOENXZnZrcnpreVV5TVppV3NPSFJtQ0VDRHJhZ1FxeFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HWHVLRHhub3FwWXY2VklYTE9MSy14cVFabEx2UGc0SzIzd1ZrdndqT09YNDU1X2RLa3ZyUm9VYVM3MDg2RFUxVldQaHU0cXQtOWNKZGVzejZiR0pERFN0OG9leGxWRzlGSmJ1aUJWUGRsN2l5TUNlMV83UENtZmRidUJ4aEJqUDhVeFpoVkY5VVFPUmFGSUNMVGNncjdZTjVZWjZZWkFKdE9xYTN6OGlBWEZDeW5LbzdSRHU4RnBrZDJFd1B0TmtUY3l3NE9obEVLYWY0MUM2ejRsdXdEM0tIMVk3RjZoTFRJUHZSdUpJb2ZhcTJFND0= | 391 |
I have been trying to develop my leadership abilities for a while, and have determined what I think is my main weakness -- not making fast enough decisions when needed. This doesn't apply just to military strategy, but many other aspects. I am able to make quick decisions when it comes to topics where I am an expert in and have experience with, but that is a very small area.
Recently I have been trying to improve this by picking up hobbies involving military-esque strategy and decisions where timing is everything. Unfortunately I don't feel like I've made any progress in respect to this instead I often end up just "panacking" and doing nothing
(For context this is instances like ArmA, or airsoft where I'm trying to make decisions in simulated combat).
Where should I start with this? | r/militarystrategy | post | r/MilitaryStrategy | 2018-11-12 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HWHNLWFZoZHlLYjhfOUVmUXhqdkNYdGwtNFU0SElKWXJud1V6cEdnUTZ0endLMjdpdmNxdVVwYkszLUJVaW02N2hscnNJZmpLWnV0U0Y4WmszZEZQbEltR0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HWHVLamxlMmlaSHI1OHdiclg5WnAyN2hDS3dzNVRfQ0hTWlhQTjE5aUVJTG9NTzItTUtsb0MxS0xXMWYtN0h4WWlBbUNsOXpmMlh5dFgtOXp4cjkwNHZVWHF0dDV0NVMwc3p5OWltMHVhTEI3NUF1MGNQc2xNbV96TlM5YkNyVFJtZm1zakppUFV0azQ1bHdDOVEtY3JUODhhOG9ZbndqWTRDYnNGUVhLdzllTWF4Y203MVg2Ml9QQ0Y2czNMcm1uWGFGeDhDVDlMTGphWG91Q1VHdGZvUGR5QT09 | 392 |
I was listening to Jocko Podcast a while ago. If you're not familiar, on Jocko Podcast the host frequently reads and analyzes historical war memoirs.
In one of the memoirs he read, the man detailed an encounter in WWII. I can't remember all of the details, but the encounter went something like this:
A German unit marched, in the dead of night, between two American lines. By the time the American's (who were exhausted from a steady stream of battle) realized the Germans were there, they couldn't fire because they might have struck the Americans on the other side of the German lines.
I don't know much about military history, but this struck me as odd. One of the few strategic maneuvers I know about is the Pincer movement, which I thought was the best situation you could find yourself in on the battlefield. With Americans on both sides of the Germans, in my mind I pictured a double envelopment. Is it common for people to be so close together they can't exploit the double envelopment? Does terrain play a role? Am I misunderstanding what a double envelopment is?
​ | r/militarystrategy | post | r/MilitaryStrategy | 2018-11-16 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HWHNLcUlVazR5ZGVCYXF2R2ZzU1lxMGJyLW9SX0QtUUdWQWV5TWludG9nQzJKbFg0MTBHT2gwNmhnS3M1MUkybjRVQzVUd2lVMXh0b3duVV9nTXZ5bHFlS2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HWHVLSmh6LUh0R2VYYm8yZEJ6ZnMteVBieEVYa3FFakRycVZWdl93aE55SHdadzh0LTJqWW80U0RmMkhuaEY1Ti1EckJiQmZoTGNNRXFWQmF6VlZpZU5OY3JTWlA3MzE4ODBBWkNxVE5tVzYzSUtrWDhFb1VqRXlubndCQzdnb0Zib0pFUXhjUVhqdlRLWEZsRWVxclNEY3NlbUFQVFptdXZWaENBam1KY1RURmlYM0VJTFJKczkyQWs4S2pGMEFfRW1GcGlIR1VyMk5MeENBQkNFWkhTdFhSdz09 | 393 |
Let me say if you haven't read Black Hawk Down or seen the movie, *do so ASAP.* They are some of the best military literature and military cinema of all time respectively.
We all know that the Battle of Mogadishu was mired in multiple military and tactical SNAFUs. From the bungling of the timeline for extraction of Aidid cabinet HVTs, poor navigation and communication of directions for the Ranger convoy, improper preparation on the part of the task force, underestimation of Somali militia organization and troop strength, and the downing of Super 61 and 64. The "Day of the Rangers" is simultaneously one of the U.S. military's greatest failures and most inspiring events.
Things that contributed to the quagmire of the engagement were the dwindling equipment of U.S. personnel during the protracted battle, the scattering of the main fighting force across the city, the necessity of carrying out CSAR operations that further fractionalized manpower, the verticality of the positions occupied by hostiles, and the overwhelming force of Aidid militia and ensuing rioters. Furthermore, QRF strategies and MOUT tactics were nearly as well established in 1994.
With all this said, why weren't there door gunners in the Black Hawks? It would seem that with the sustained air traffic over the entire city for the duration of the fighting that machine guns could have been used to great effect. Thing like the securing of Super 64 and 61's crash sites could have been made far more viable had there been even one door gunner keeping the massive crowds at bay. So too could helicopter gun support been used during the maneuvering of the Rnager convoy through the city streets. And most of all, during the "Mogadishu Mile" when a mostly unarmed motor convoy and strangling foot mobiles were RTB under heavy fire.
**TL;DR: Helicopter door gunners could have made the Battle of Mogadishu less disastrous.** | r/militarystrategy | post | r/MilitaryStrategy | 2018-11-17 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HWHNLam9wYmpwTzdmcEZVMlVXYzRkYUtqeEZvUEQyVkJCZUtHVHVWUmJJV3BGMXowYTlmUU1VWDE1TWtEY29hQUFlRzFlR0dGSVMzcG5PTGFOQmNySmlYVFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HWHVLVXFQeUJkc1NUZWVhMGt3STEycnlMZHdvOS02U3d1WmdtclhRUm1sejdFQUl3U3hHVzRVTG1teGJBU0pnTlY1R21yVnkzTUc0b0Y1bXpLdHFaR1VCQVVKR3V2cTRSaHNOMFNEaDhxb0cxMmNyeDVKQ2NRYzdQb3R4T3JOS1lmVm9MN01MaTBxZEJkajVRN2dNN0k4UjV1emFTUHVocE9ONmp2dlh5cWhvX3ZXQ1ZGRDBqaGlRNDVTSjVtSmJVX3lGRUltRlRpbDZBZFJoSlJZUHczT19nQT09 | 394 |
A place to hold up, a place to drop, drawing the path of the move, anything.
General principles / rules for picking the right location?
The best I can think of off the top of my head is synergy with the environment | r/militarystrategy | post | r/MilitaryStrategy | 2018-11-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HWHNLakVwNzc2QkI1dUM5eGxOVzA4NV9GZGk0ZjM0RUJpR1ZWWkl2TzZjeGRqc2dkVng5MTNPVkZsUk84aV9FZXU1a0JKTEhSbUl0c1JRSXBkTmdkTHBFV0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HWHVLSGtzVGE5emRzcXdyV0ZLcV92RFBDdjRCTHE3b1F6Q0pWMTZMNk16NHg1aGhEcFg3T2c2UnVLcVltU1NRMU15YmdDaERKVE9MSGstR0Q3eGxxTDhHa2VUMG5vY2xGeUVDVGxlN2JaZEtINlE1ekNsbkw1TFBaUWctelpkTkRBXzFzeVl1eGMzTmlhSWZycFhmN0R1T09NZTRoNlZVQkljaG16SV85OHZ6a3VzPQ== | 395 |
Assuming nukes aren't used (as that enters into scientifically complex radiation spread science and weather stuff), what would a World War 3 Total War the most powerful countries trying to directly attack each other's home countries with everything they have look like?
I know little about military strategy or any countries' capability, so inform me. On who it would be vs. who, uhh...for the sake of simplicity and, I imagine, realism, let's say USA vs Russia with whoever you'd expect to ally with each other. I don't know where China plays into this, you tell me. | r/militarystrategy | post | r/MilitaryStrategy | 2018-11-28 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HWHNLVWVNbEc3c1JOdGJSZU0yVUNrNXBXUmFCUF8zUGpMLU5aUjBFVDdlY1BUOXhEMnFCaW1lV2lVTW5ycXEzeUNnX3FaM0FCNXJ2aVhnUzRLOXp2YWRfUnc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HWHVLZ01jWUU3bFhoMlBrTnl2UjFwOEJMcmwyeURwR0xaXzlWSldHc0RfcWNpWWZsLVFZR3RuWEhUMDJUeTRyWWNHenJiMXJfNHBaNmlPMEhkc2ZOWnBHbDFxREdJZmdfcXZDV0xiMmFZbHZjaXBMSGFidF9XRFZCUHZxdWU1NXYySUlJYXY1bGFSX2txX2d2NzZrMk5rcDhaVzRrZE9PVEI5Q25oNlNleFZjVWRQb2FDNzdyOVZTREhTdm5ZTTBTeVVuRkVWbWN3dnh6N0hlZHF1YXdWYmFMQT09 | 396 |
Before I begin - everything about this should be totally and completely ethical at it's core. I'm not saying this as any sort of legal coverage, or to not get somehow sued if any of you screw up, this is genuinely how it should be. The idea here is **information security.** I'll say it again. **information security.** The whole point is to make the world a better place. **This isn't for your reckless amusement and shot at recognition with your friends.** **This is for the betterment of human civilisation. Use your knowledge to solve real-world issues.**
There's no singular all-determining path to 'hacking', as it comes from knowledge from all areas that eventually coalesce into a general intuition. Although this is true, there are still two common rapid learning paths to 'hacking'. I'll try not to use too many technical terms.
The first is the simple, effortless and result-instant path. This involves watching youtube videos with green and black thumbnails with an occasional anonymous mask on top teaching you how to download well-known tools used by thousands daily - or in other words the 'Kali Linux Copy Pasterino Skidder'. You might do something slightly amusing and gain bit of recognition and self-esteem from your friends. Your hacks will be 'real', but anybody that knows anything would dislike you as they all know all you ever did was use a few premade tools. The communities for this sort of shallow result-oriented field include [r/HowToHack](https://www.reddit.com/r/HowToHack) ~~and probably r/hacking as of now~~.
The second option, however, is much more intensive, rewarding, and mentally demanding. It is also much more fun, if you find the right people to do it with. It involves learning everything from memory interaction with machine code to high level networking - all while you're trying to break into something. This is where Capture the Flag, or 'CTF' hacking comes into play, where you compete with other individuals/teams with the goal of exploiting a service for a string of text (the flag), which is then submitted for a set amount of points. It is essentially competitive hacking. Through CTF you learn literally everything there is about the digital world, in a rather intense but exciting way. Almost all the creators/finders of major exploits have dabbled in CTF in some way/form, and almost all of them have helped solve real-world issues. However, it does take a lot of work though, as CTF becomes much more difficult as you progress through harder challenges. Some require mathematics to break encryption, and others require you to think like no one has before. If you are able to do well in a CTF competition, there is no doubt that you should be able to find exploits and create tools for yourself with relative ease. The CTF community is filled with smart people who can't give two shits about elitist mask wearing twitter hackers, instead they are genuine nerds that love screwing with machines. There's too much to explain, so I will post a few links below where you can begin your journey.
Remember - this stuff is not easy if you don't know much, so google everything, question everything, and sooner or later you'll be down the rabbit hole far enough to be enjoying yourself. CTF is real life and online, you will meet people, make new friends, and potentially find your future.
What is CTF? (this channel is gold, use it) - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ev9ZX9J45A](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ev9ZX9J45A)
More on /u/liveoverflow, [http://www.liveoverflow.com](http://www.liveoverflow.com) is hands down one of the best places to learn, along with r/liveoverflow
CTF compact guide - [https://ctf101.org/](https://ctf101.org/)
Upcoming CTF events online/irl, live team scores - [https://ctftime.org/](https://ctftime.org/)
What is CTF? - [https://ctftime.org/ctf-wtf/](https://ctftime.org/ctf-wtf/)
Full list of all CTF challenge websites - [http://captf.com/practice-ctf/](http://captf.com/practice-ctf/)
\> be careful of the tool oriented offensivesec oscp ctf's, they teach you hardly anything compared to these ones and almost always require the use of metasploit or some other program which does all the work for you.
* [**http://pwnable.tw/**](http://pwnable.tw/) (a newer set of high quality pwnable challenges)
* [**http://pwnable.kr/**](http://pwnable.kr/) (one of the more popular recent wargamming sets of challenges)
* [**https://picoctf.com/**](https://picoctf.com/) (Designed for high school students while the event is usually new every year, it's left online and has a great difficulty progression)
* [**https://microcorruption.com/login**](https://microcorruption.com/login) (one of the best interfaces, a good difficulty curve and introduction to low-level reverse engineering, specifically on an MSP430)
* [**http://ctflearn.com/**](http://ctflearn.com/) (a new CTF based learning platform with user-contributed challenges)
* [**http://reversing.kr/**](http://reversing.kr/)
* [**http://hax.tor.hu/**](http://hax.tor.hu/)
* [**https://w3challs.com/**](https://w3challs.com/)
* [**https://pwn0.com/**](https://pwn0.com/)
* [**https://io.netgarage.org/**](https://io.netgarage.org/)
* [**http://ringzer0team.com/**](http://ringzer0team.com/)
* [**http://www.hellboundhackers.org/**](http://www.hellboundhackers.org/)
* [**http://www.overthewire.org/wargames/**](http://www.overthewire.org/wargames/)
* [**http://counterhack.net/Counter\_Hack/Challenges.html**](http://counterhack.net/Counter_Hack/Challenges.html)
* [**http://www.hackthissite.org/**](http://www.hackthissite.org/)
* [**http://vulnhub.com/**](http://vulnhub.com/)
* [**http://ctf.komodosec.com**](http://ctf.komodosec.com)
* [**https://maxkersten.nl/binary-analysis-course/**](https://maxkersten.nl/binary-analysis-course/) (suggested by /u/ThisIsLibra, a practical binary analysis course)
* [**https://pwnadventure.com**](https://pwnadventure.com/) (suggested by /u/startnowstop)
[http://picoctf.com](http://picoctf.com/) is very good if you are just touching the water.
and finally,
[r/netsec](https://www.reddit.com/r/netsec) \- where real world vulnerabilities are shared. | r/hacking | post | r/hacking | 2018-12-06 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HWHNLYkJPbzU0Z3lDMkYzdnlrZHBPU2x5Mm9DMGtzUmhBQWE4YVhUSWNPT0s3WFAzTFNFT0xDajF2Nmk1bWx1Z2pYcm5PRzRjVHhkc2sxVFV5NW5WU0hjZ3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HWHVLbTIyc1FpeFE5eWhocFkwTkpsYUozQVJPTnd6dTcwR19wTUNpVFBqQmxGMG5GZGtFSkZTUUhwUDdCMXVHWGVjQUlQYjU5TUJpZVVrbHNZSkZDOEMwZFYybXdDeGxCbk12TW80bjUzanNBQjI4LUJDQ283SzE4ZzdBN0lRcmg0X0xXSU56azFaYUFGckJ1NHV3YmpfVkJDcE0yMjdGTFFLMDU2SzVXV1BIVUVPZ0FaSXMtanFYakVkdVppQ2pJNUFUd1hrU1BOOGJhak1rYk4tMzdXRVpkZz09 | 397 |
Caathi Iska dig saaxib, said bare baa kuwase | r/somaliconflict | comment | r/SomaliConflict | 2018-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HWHNLb0FTS1c0Qk9Rd0Rjdzlqb3E3Z2FHSFBCSDYzbXExenhRVXpyYndRSGRhMzdYVGhQYjdOV3V3OWY1SVZZVm9GYi1FUGtWN2pzWXRobFZSZVZ1anUxZFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HWHVLcU5MQ1BtQXlVNkxvOHRhdGs4TlBRWHdWWGNKN3gyYkNXRUE0bXRzVk1TQ3liZVRfa0VHRjNHVXh4aVI5ZFpvUzBCTzJpWEpkSzNXd0Y3eDU3Z2JfSGJNUmthaFV4QVd1cWJUTnNOY3RnM0RCZlVhOWtjVTVocUktV2ZBQ1F1VGNGajRENTVLbDZOcVhkNUFTQ3M0YmJNMVcyUEd2bm1aVE1seWNtdG1ucDJHcFVVNV9hQjBkeGRfaE5GZnBVT0p0 | 398 |
I would like to ask for all of your opinions on what was the impact of the Philippines' Base Closure on the US military's maritime strategy in the Asia-Pacific/South China Sea?
The reasons I am asking is because I am currently reading 2 different Tom Clancy novels: The Bear and The Dragon as well as Threat Vector. I am reading both books and I may have gotten both details wrong but in both books, the US airforce was able to carry out a limited conventional war against China's Coastal defences using current military bases in Guan, some Pacific Islands, South Korea and Japan, as well as from aircraft carriers.
This was a bit jarring for me. I understand that it is purely fiction and all, but a quick look at a map shows the continental Asia is hemmed in from the Pacific, going from North to South, by: Japan, Korean Peninsula, Taiwan, Philippines, and Indonesian Archipelago.
The reason I am bringing this up is partly because I was taught quite a bit of the Pacific War in secondary school and the island-hopping strategy came up a lot. Vice Versa, my thinking (at that time) was that the Island-hopping strategy could be reversed to extend outwards towards to Pacific.
So I did a bit more research and came across this article: [https://breakingdefense.com/2016/04/chinese-scarborough-shoal-base-would-threaten-manila/](https://breakingdefense.com/2016/04/chinese-scarborough-shoal-base-would-threaten-manila/)
Let's take up example, China does build up air-projection facilities, based on the infographic in the article, on Woody island in the Paracel Islands, on Spratly Islands, and Scarborough Shoal, with fighter jets and bombers. This allows them to have overlapping control of much of the airspace over the South China Sea, in a form of a "strategic triangle".
Then I saw this article: [https://nationalinterest.org/blog/the-buzz/why-the-us-military-should-worry-if-the-philippines-dumps-18189](https://nationalinterest.org/blog/the-buzz/why-the-us-military-should-worry-if-the-philippines-dumps-18189) and it got me thinking. Let's say, in any conflict in the South China Sea, the Philippines declare that its bases are off-limits to US military forces, how would the US Navy operate in the South China Sea? I am saying this based on the fact that there is some evidence that China has positioned offensive weaponry in at least 2 points of the strategic triange: Nuclear-capable bombers at the Paracel islands (source:[https://qz.com/1282707/chinas-military-ambitions-now-include-nuclear-ready-bombers-in-the-south-china-sea/](https://qz.com/1282707/chinas-military-ambitions-now-include-nuclear-ready-bombers-in-the-south-china-sea/)) and Anti-ship cruise missiles at Spratly islands (source:[https://qz.com/1269030/south-china-sea-china-has-cruise-missiles-on-what-started-as-a-fishermens-shelter/](https://qz.com/1269030/south-china-sea-china-has-cruise-missiles-on-what-started-as-a-fishermens-shelter/) ).
​ | r/militarystrategy | post | r/MilitaryStrategy | 2018-12-17 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HWHNLTFVPZkJ6YnlZZEdDRTcyV1pOMWNLaUcwaW84N2tSdHJMa2ItNVJBalZoVTRWMURlZjJLN3RjV3RHSE9GaG1HV1loY1pEejNWejgxVkRMcDAzck9fTjE1UkZRbmRzQ0Fxc2dHQkF0NXJhaGc9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HWHVLZ2kwNV9YVVNzZnI1eXhUWkdJSWJVNWNJSTAyWFRPN1VwQ2xlbXpHNWNUQlFEYnhTM0hXaVl6TjZqejVwSlJLaUM1bjVyaGwwSG5rZG9lOEZJckVrVWJ0cUgzeUNzZGJFcUtQeTBuWUtJTzdfZEtfZGNTdFhvalkyWEVnMUlBbUt1cTJ4Q3hqWGNUdEwzTmJFdHRpM0tMM1FLakp0Y3RGZm1xLXlKdFR3V3BIRk9FMEMxcGtuNmVKeWl5NzVrM01LbEtETnVIMlJPN21YMXU1TGp5LUt1UT09 | 400 |
The article says only militants were killed and there were no civilian casualties. I wonder how true that is. | r/somaliconflict | comment | r/SomaliConflict | 2018-12-17 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HWHNLZnM0MGlOMmdFZmxmczAtWWltZHZWdmRGbEtWQzA2azNDam1jcFFBc1RJa05SWWRqRXZXWWFuTndzdzNBN28yTl9kdFBoY011dXgtRHlWZGNrazZkVzRhUzhGbEVxRTItX1ZvYWxvZ2lxZ2s9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HWHVLSXZITmprdXd2UFBSZi1MekdVMzZKTlA5bXNORmd5S1dRcVpSTDFLdDk1UzJWbDVoVkNVQVp1emFvOEEtWVowSEM4cmFYS1hRRmU5cWxNYkhaUEpYX0Z3WHhyVm5HZ3M5cnZLTUNHTTZuMmpXWUN1Q3dtdzF1Qm5zN3g0Nl9qTVhkZUtoS0w2UVFya2JSVmxaWnZJOFFJemJBXy11MTBfS25ORjE3dUpLMzRUaWNaTUV5c3IyWGNrS0NEbFNrbnJVQlpQV1ktbHZzWGhlZGR5Tk9Zc0dtQT09 | 403 |
It's possible as the target was an al-Shabaab base where new recruits were being trained, rather than a town or city center.
>“The repeated strikes ... targeted the al-Shabab base on a mountain area near Gendershe, where al-Shabab militants have been training new recruits and used to launch attacks against government soldiers and the African Union peacekeepers,” said Abdifitah Haji Abdulle, deputy governor of the Lower Shabelle region. | r/somaliconflict | comment | r/SomaliConflict | 2018-12-17 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HWHNLbktBa2tQTHB5NW1FZ2FTbURjUnd1Q2s0a3dOYkhKVTN4MnBULTZUNkRjcVZORE5DSVFrNHVuMXdZVnEwSUFLa09jbXZBYW01ZV9fcGNwcUJOcWpseHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HWHVLUmxHbURIdGo4MnZWeGdqU1FUYjd5b2pjaE9IMm5sWGtBUDVmTFBTbmd4UUhnNHhHal9qVUFmVWduR0h1bEZLOXhqS0VOZE9LcjM4djFWU0FUUGl1d0VjbGFMVEQ2dGZ6WExLZXhpU01RNHR1YWthVEJqUHFBYWRVc05rSTctRXQ4VWNydklYS3lVeURYVDZhY0YtdllzQ3gwcFQ4bm9SU1RFWXhaV2w0Qjg5VHhhbWl1a2hOZWlxMUFNRjF4T0hhd2lRSXJCenVDUF9ycXJXRGlweElSdz09 | 404 |
I agree, this does seem possible. | r/somaliconflict | comment | r/SomaliConflict | 2018-12-17 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HWHNLV29kME15c19vTTVOMGMycmFEZE9idFUyRndvQng4LWZvVmVWYWd0VTRqNnR5a2hVZlpqV0lqNExQdG5XOTloelE1ay1WRXNsQW5IcjU3T0V1UkpzUkE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HWHVLcnFDQ2JUQVhWWlNneFNIb1N1OFJ5WEJabU1tUUg1ckUwNXRiUnhDV0VXaWFrZWdYdFhTX0VSSW9DaHdGQ1dfdnl3bDhGWFRpbTYwekRELUs2QnpRcEhDYm50cXgzOGdtdC1iazVDMzltcGZxZFBSaFluOEhDaXJ0Y01McGlyZGV6OGZVU1FiN1N5a0JhSlJaODRLcmxFNmZueXVJU2hJa0ZEUk1ENGZRbmNLY0dGNTNQczJoTWxlOEFPR19vWVY5Q1ZfTE5JQXdQNm12SXMyX0RzYlQzdz09 | 405 |
It's possible that you are a bot. | r/somaliconflict | comment | r/SomaliConflict | 2018-12-17 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HWHNLVWYzVzRUUEQ4TkVObVVSYnlmMG1UMUFpRmN6YXRYY3BBZ3RRZXIxTE5rN2pxZjRkMzVmX3puUjdnUER4NlN5SHlRWkw4TW1ZbFJhZmRFT0ttcjJWMVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HWHVLZHRXOUdYbFpTd1dYZ08xUEw5UVBRUWQxM0RZRHhLdlNSWVRqNnU2MlpacWV3YXRnaENIZXdlWEd6ajRDbHQyRmc5Zk5Ja1RycEliWVVmZ0UtbHlYR0NBSjJmN2JISWJKQkcwa1Z0ZWtJNm1lUUdiaXlsV0lqa09TTEZBM2E4eDdidVo1SHdKdDZaR3Exb1BFQUxpLXNzMzdlZ3ptTHBMckd3aE9ESkt1dzBPUjBsTzZ4RmVsRmFub0JSMGx1a0xBSlE4eFNZQ2V1V3NXOE9iSzNMVGt3Zz09 | 406 |
I am planning on taking over r/raimimemes for personal reasons and i decided a sleeper cell would be the best strategy. if you would like to help you could come on over to my subreddit r/RaimiMemesMustGoDown.
I just need to be educated on how to conduct one and how to effectively use it. Thanks. | r/militarystrategy | post | r/MilitaryStrategy | 2018-12-20 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HWHNLMG9ZVVpHOHhFU25UWEJVVHl4dE1rS0h3cGFBZjdPVTMxdVpscFU3M1dPbUZ1bHE0cU1kUzhyaWtlNllwRllENy1kczBoUi15Z3QxM24xdFQxYzdPTFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HWHVLLUdNNHBZM0dqVXlycGsxNjBLdGh4WTlULUFreTFnTU5zZUVBcmJNclRNSU56WkFFMF9OUEpUa2ZENWI3R3hRalpLQlhWcEQ2RWEtV1pUcFFqaHZGNlktNG5DN0g1WjE4eTRIRFFFUFlHRk5BZVk0Wl8tMHV6OEFfckJLeUZGQ2o0d1UyczJLOEdNa2ZJdTBsVUlxM294c0JZRUhhcXFjVEYxdUVlMlVJcVhiQUlkMnRic0o3LWhIUTlyQklyeVZPOUxWZ1d6OVF1cDEtV21pUDQtYmdzdz09 | 408 |
How would you fight? Me? And the madness I forsee in biblial, and anti-bliblical reality?
How owuld you figh t40k? | r/militarystrategy | post | r/MilitaryStrategy | 2018-12-23 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HWHNLLTQ2MW16c3J2NmtwbXdHV3Z1WHotb0t4RDgzOF9SR1ZwN2p5d0diS19jbDRQcFlwWmQwR3ZEcmt2UkRVNUVCRFJiSU5lRHFkR3Rwb1NqY2RnejYwQzRTb3BXeU9GbkI4TFhrNVBkOGxIcFk9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HWHVLRlc3VGQ1clViYUZvYjdRakhlS3dwVzhBWnp1T3VmWThSOTJzZy01WVNxaC1EOFBmSElXVW56VTJkOGNBWE8zc0pHeF9WLVRSeFJZTVlPclZKNUswRWlRYWoxSUw2TXZMVXJXWUhJb3dvLUd3TlZlZ0M3eXJTQThmQ2drd25hN25KbG5PV1VSeTlDNC1QbVRmTkpUOXlxem9qN1ZCNW90OFZmTVlSaTY4dk94blBFcGRoNGFBTGsxSW5rSjNEZ3hFYW9EamZMR0d1cV9memhvLXJ4WGlKZz09 | 409 |
Out of curiosity, I wonder what both the historic, and modern day tactical, and strategic doctrine is on the more quiet WMD's. Seems that in our time of constant guerilla war, these cheap and destructive weapons could make a come back. | r/militarystrategy | post | r/MilitaryStrategy | 2018-12-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HWHNLUEp3Q19VVTNpaE9WOUhUYVpRUldvV0VIVC1UQS1EUGltNU1Gc2xUVzE5SnlvREJzd20zcGxJTGNnRVdnX2c0QjA2OXRESVdXR1ZqTVl3dllXU3BSTUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HWHVLRHJvS3RTcXNaX3NhMnY1VHpuUTZ1RjZhVGd1dGpDUnY5bEV0Q0pUX1E3U2xxcG9QVVBMNy1XVE1fT1ZrY0N3a3VkeDl1Wnpqa1pWT2ZMdGQwdWQycGgzZDNRMFh2Y2xGOEM0LVEyVUdDT1pkSFpUdHRSdEpYdV9VUEVyaVJ5aWlTcFdkbVc2ek9kb0k4XzRVSDRkZF9fSDF5NTFUcHJCOEdOdk9iam14NlM0YTRrZGZzNDdTU1FnN1hOaFBFY1lG | 411 |
If so where would NATO stop Russia? | r/militarystrategy | post | r/MilitaryStrategy | 2018-12-29 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HWHNLQW1IbENYN2VrQmRIVE4wWTcyMlJsMHZaS2s0MUhFR1I0cG5pYlNDMF9CbEN5YkVXQVlsOUdOa2hfSG1OUVdkTVhNaFVaYlFpT1RDM2UxVFd4UnZ2a1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HWHVLQnVlNTZMTUlhcVNXVGpKcE01TnF6STJlXzJYSzJHUUI2bGROeks1SWZ0MWloRUFaTlM4RGwyel9USWxVU2xIcThzUGYxekdyQ1dCTnBuMFRVN204bU5MdkpTOUNMbE1yc2szNWhXcmduaGRFeUQxT3l2RVpXV3hRZENMbEZ1cllLd1NxMk9xbnR2SUZxODJnN05IWDh2em11UG16M0FEUzE4WjNtQnJqWS1MVDRtd2dJU2NHMW14M1ktcmtLZXo0bFl0dUd5QU12UklwRDFSbk02c2xtQT09 | 412 |
Is there any textual evidence to support the switching out of the front ranks, in the lead centuries, as portrayed in the HBO series Rome? I have looked this up on other forums online and most seem to have confused this maneuver with the triplex acies.
For those who haven't seen the clip: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J7MYlRzLqD0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J7MYlRzLqD0) | r/militarystrategy | post | r/MilitaryStrategy | 2019-01-11 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HWHNLakNTQWprcEczYmFwTkhoTWtYVURnQ19qNWR3ZFAwR19SNkZieWd4TTFOSlcyMTJPZlRzMG83Y2ZobHE2UmhTTlB6N0pQUENncEozR2xSN0gyVXJvckE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HWHVLVmc4NTNjQS1IT1gwdWtYak1UR0tZRGF1Z2dNYkF0UUtBRGFCT1VhdGh6Q1ViMnpHQk1PX25ZZ2F5TjB0Z3JMYkZlNXVRZDFoS2NWM1Z4M1k1TXZYT1FRQmdBa01yc2ZKVUR4aXd5V3hPWEpGY01WSWkwZEdMRU8tRHdEUVdUcXczMHVJYmJibnUtVmNsOEtCLWdELXJ0Z19HTkEtTTVvM3ZwT2tOdm9jcldoMTUwRC16X2sxdUxYc2dad01oeC1JcE90dlByb0pTbmg0MDVVV3RCT2pHUT09 | 414 |
I can't blame them, media organizations should show respect for the deceased and their families. I can't help but wonder if the New York Times would have published these images if it was an executive's relative. | r/somaliconflict | comment | r/SomaliConflict | 2019-01-18 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HWHNLR1VqMFBodmx6WFdHNGdxVmNhU3MydjlxdjZ0aUUwRjQ2TFI5MXRzczNyLWtEaVI3cXNYbllIcGo2X2JneG1KYlhIdzc0TUxjeXRKN0JWR011bW5wT1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HWHVLRGQza1p2MlIwSDdYV1ZXSnQzbVNjTmpmWjhqN25Fd2FRSlp6b3pnY2x0WlhXem1yWVpWQjJvZmtkOUJRbktLS0ZTRFp6ZW12LXlwU3JsaUJ0RWJYNjdGQmV4blBwcFJ2cGtLdnhROFRQd3JzOGEtVXFJUWtzVUQzZW5zTll3UUJCUl9mNHhrcjFqWlQtNVdzUkRzdC1DcEk1dTY1NnhsOVhubmFNUUQyMV90eUVoZlNLNU1BTmxvcWdCQUJrNXdySENQRWFMTEN3WGY1QXBBYmYxRGdNVkY5R2NmOE9BTkJvWjB5cUcyTWZ5VT0= | 416 |
Who knows?
Maybe the almost 28 year long conflict will finally come to an end.
Let’s keep our hopes up! | r/somaliconflict | comment | r/SomaliConflict | 2019-01-20 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HWHNLclRsS1NsUEl6U19sRXFmY0xSaDNqbGRDcEJWUi1SUWZsUWlnOXg4b3Jva2hjY0pKV3JqR0I4T0otM21sVS02NXlQSEpNeWoxUG9oNXE2U3NidzhKbVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HWHVLMlR6SjJMaUpmdVdSMFdJbzNSSERMcGJyRjM1WkJtLUJJMXNpcGFrNTVQWXNFbzhlVklxZE03U0t4Mzdac2VIMzhSQ1N6LWx1dUNOeUE3aVVEb0FLN0hsck9PbEdfT1F0aGZpQXdPVWhvcHBBblJCbFYtSERxRl95US0yMGhUYUhWdWpiYVgwTnJJZzVyUWQ5R0J2dExOMlh2SXRSRmpWSkdOTXBBOE5rVUhiNldrYW9UYUR1aHdqLXotZkhWclljMHB1czl6SWVWMVRpcHU5OE11RWhYNnRJV1Rra2tlVDF4azE1ZGMxU2JVTT0= | 420 |
I've been reading a lot since I was a kid. Mostly History, but also a lot of Fantasy and Sci-fi. It seems to me like the stories tend to lose their pull when there's a military theme, but they all just behave strategically like a fantasy army clashing on the battlefield, with the technological era being just set dressing.
But the fact is, strategy changes when technology does. With the advent of powerful gunpowder canons, fortified structures like walls and castles had do change, or were deemed obsolete, and in the late 19th and early 20th century, several battles were determined by how well the commanders understood the logistical value of a train schedule.
So, to break it down as best I can with my limited military-strategic vocabulary:
**At what point does Army Field Combat become obsolete?** And since my interpretation is that with better technology comes more effective precision strikes, at what point is there value in reconstructing "The Army" per se, into more of a combined secret police and assasination administration? | r/militarystrategy | post | r/MilitaryStrategy | 2019-02-10 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HWHNLZmUyb2M2UUhQaDN0T1VkeHJPNXVGRnBScUM3bUE1N00tSG5hSFJBUzBBd1dHOW5pRVliaktHUkNacG9pcThTbThCRlMxamJaZDdlRnJLcmExOFZVaDZSVHQxVFlEdmMyVzlCZ3hyeW1Lckk9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HWHVLN2xjNm83V01OMi03VGYzRzAycU9pZ0tua2NGcUotY0xiRmFNOTM3T2dzTkVQb0JtTnk4UUJ4eEFkVzR2dFdiYUI5TWhBY1B4WFpMZ3NtRVEwSkFiQmJKNUFfcmlQUTcteDlrMFRfbWJ3aHgyNElkSlJlZ3BZQVFRYV9OS2NveUhqU0YtSUh6MTNRTWJWd2gycm5pdzlVR3UwbW5RZjVGQ19PLVVTZkl5YTlvQlhPSDBGNzVmTV91U3pUdjVQYzRxUTNsNXVWd3gtOVBUb2pnczJxY3RVZz09 | 423 |
Let's say that Russia nukes a medium-sized American city - say, Toledo, Ohio, or Spokane, Washington, which is not particularly important but would still be equivalent to a hundred 9/11s and also result in catastrophic damage to the U.S. economy and public morale - but then said, "We will not tolerate ANY form of American retaliation - any retaliation by the United States, no matter how slight, will result in a far greater nuclear attack; thousands of warheads, which would obliterate America. Your only choice is to accept your limited losses and carry on as if nothing had happened."
Would this form of nuclear gamesmanship work? It would get Russia something while suffering nothing in return. | r/militarystrategy | post | r/MilitaryStrategy | 2019-02-11 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HWHNLQmJJT19CSlRYaXk0Ti1vZFVCUVdvYndvcWtBaGRtWWs4QVN6OFpzNHVQWERXNFJHeTREbVphTU1PaE9TQTd1cnhqVHZtbGluaTVpaWc0NjcxMDBJSGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HWHVLMHpobHVMeGF2YXFoVzlfR0ZwSm83ZzNvanNGb2FLTndlMlg3MXJuN0NIRjBfV1h2bmdsdjlQZWdfY1l6ekY3cGlFeU5VRlIwVHp1WkMwQ2UzZ2l6X3RSbHctTkVuNGIwQU9GLUVVUjJZUG9iVnFhdkVKaUNjdnlMaDVMaEdpUjFwOU1RNHZTVDNHWWc2WUo5Z0VRdzkxc1ltWkdDVVM1bGF2Uk9lVGNUVVh4bWFSWUNPXzJwRERqeDhIX2tUZXgyaURIcDdPX2gteHViWW8zeWx0UUtYUT09 | 424 |
A very unscrupulous politician in Australia has created an add, in which he is claiming a rival of his is compromising the security of Australia.
It's completely financially motivated.
But I thought I would ask the professionals what problems the Chinese military would have if they just dumped 100,000 troops at Cape Preston port and expected anything good to come of it.
Even if they succeeded in seizing all that mineral wealth, and the Americans declared neutrality, wouldn't Australian submarines prevent any ships leaving with all that ore?
I'm not familiar with the capabilities of the Chinese navy, so maybe they could break any blockade. | r/militarystrategy | post | r/MilitaryStrategy | 2019-02-15 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HWHNLeGdIb3lQel9kRlE0blFyLVU1TzJTYXA3QXVtZU9EVGQtRlJyTHkwckNUeDRmYTVHdGhid1VERTlPWktWb1lrTTlwRGh0eHl2cDBnbktyV2FaS1RyZFRlSjlyNFltN2ctbDYtYVVvb0tZTTA9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HWHVLczUxd0xGZVloZVRGUVRrSFJwOWNKY1hYRVNwYVN0UlY4Mk84TmJjeUtKU3B3dlBUTHVkTHp6dXF6QUFUVTJEUEhRS3hpanc3VXpzZXlSeTVHS1RhSFltejFIZXU3LTMzMndwRjB0QkNBZ3FadEhvX0xxZHN5OERmRjdiMS04UlMzRENoNHh1R2V5MjJsV1pfcmZRYU04TlRIcnRTbWFzcFVEaGZqTlpockpiRVAyNEZmcG1Yd3JCRW9CVGFPV2px | 425 |
Do they send nukes back? Are there defensive moves? Do we get the fuck out? | r/militarystrategy | post | r/MilitaryStrategy | 2019-02-20 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HWHNLUFMtNjRRWUpIN3Jpdnhib2dOLU9WMW5QOVREbHVoV0tPWDJHLTlJcGFqNzRkcGI2dmI4SFFYVllTMlBlNTNNdVZDcDMxd0NIRDFyN2UwQU9EZlduY0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HWHVLSmJ4bFZuNlhlVEV1OVVWcmFGNEhoMUlvamFzNm1ocXlxQmVNQUFlZGtLUFJ3ODVLbjZNU0RYNGRnR3d4STZBOXgxQ3l4eUlzUVcyQVA1amJFWExDZHlZM25QTFFaS1YyLVR3bEh4YjFTbC1mc0RVcWpoMVF0aERKdFIzZ0FfeGVnQWtSMW1Ea3h5SmNjVnctRVR5a1loMzZ1OVozLVpUdEZiaVEzZEV5TUtZd0RzbFc3RVNmbXk4X3V0NE1iTWRzME4tMS1XaE5WWHBJQzBiVGFmbFZZdz09 | 427 |