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I think people seek easy answers sometimes when they are in pain. | r/isfj | comment | r/isfj | 2024-06-01 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HazE5aVdXUnpscEkzdkg4dWVfZ1dWMjVhZWJlZ19oRWpySk9sWVluVWwyTC1ySjQ1eGVzbGh1cmNqeFIwcHBjNlJZZENsT2cyRnVsbHc2V0dOa2tSZ2xQREE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HazEtMUliaC1qZmQ0UDJsOGJqQ1JHS0ZCckF3N1ZOalJJTEZ2NHlrQTNZMjg5UlV0Ym02OC01c080TEc5aU0wb3AyUjZVUk5vMlFlTnpTXzRyNE93X2xjcm5Td1NsQU5VQ1I0ZzlyODRLY3d5YlNzdTNOZ3RmQndoRVJIYVVsenQ0NF9lTkJwUzlRY2FnTjAtc3FaVk02RTZDVWpkSmVLdnlXbkR4TGMybTBVS2FkQ2p1UHBNQ2lfRUdSMlBKaEQ1ZVZBOVk4SWxUSkRfeDRUUWQxU0h6WWhCQT09 |
That’s the curse the comes with the blessing of awareness. No good deed goes unpunished as they say. | r/mentalillness | comment | r/mentalillness | 2024-06-01 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HazE5U1c2X0Y0bUxUYXhuUjBFYktNczIxSVBzVWJadEtKYm9GNDNfajh1RWlzLWlPc0RLODc2RkllSFRfczdrYnFFSDJuTURNQlJpZl9USG9mTFRmamppaUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HazEtM3ZqUTY0b3BDeUVQMExOU0t0d1BLaVpGT25JSTVGV2ZyTzhId0J2SUI1T2tUNEFqTURWSzRpaEVZQ2RnWGNaSHN1UEhUQzF3UXhWR1pJYnE3YjE4ZjRqbVVQTjAtV0JBNklSSGZvMUZldFA5RWdGaEZBeF8zZ3VjR2x4dDJ0UlB5WTk1b1R0dGN4LUlSUHZCQXVkN25fUW9oY1hSelhoeU9Yb0duQUtEbGlxVUowRjdKWkZ4cnoxWUVTMDNRU2xzbi1KYkRLT2RFdmQtdGpXNFVOM0FtUT09 |
One of my all time favourite guilty pleasures. | r/moviecritic | comment | r/moviecritic | 2024-06-01 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HazE5MmVuN3RnbG9zWnZ6elJGU25ULVU2NkhJMUd1bHJCV2NDUTc3VVJTdTRDUlIwREhzbnhQbUdmYWpJekxIVjEzMW80X0ZCMFBiWV9xOHhibk1zSHh2eGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HazEtd2Z1aWdlWEppUk5WdDVDWWJVRG5xQi1fMWhCVUJBSnR2QkVlQUhHcXp0TlpJblRtTk9TX3NkQ081VFVWZXJMeHJKTVV4emRNMFBsVkZfMDNYTXNXaUpuc1Q2T01RbTlDWDVVSl8zZ0xMVmhXdEZSYmZWVTExeXlNY1FGWnpzRmoxd0lheVZTeW1zaWFfSjhRRzVvTl8xN0xYOExaeWFkUkd0aHdDZ2hTSEJrRFl6dm1RWTU4czBKVl9VUng2M1dIMklUcXBlbDUyN3llQ3JZb0JjSThEQT09 |
HYSA will at least maintain value against inflation, probably. But if you want to actually see gains, you'd have to invest in some ETFs. | r/personalfinance | comment | r/personalfinance | 2024-06-01 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HazE5VS1sdVVLcDNvUl9lTUdQbEI5QWtHdE9kNGYwSnRHa2xMOGtwLTVWUFdoYjdEU09PYmdGZDBuRDZobHM2andreUd3ZjkzaXFuejRLX25SSG1kT0ZjYkE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HazEtMGdHMzRIWW1NSDcwRW1TZ19xYS1xa0E3U0p0OVpSdzc5YnpnM1ZDODhsNGdvXzlKWnFCMC1xeTVxQlBIcFZ5elRfSF83bWtXd3V4Wi1IdjV1d3gxaHRPLUNGWFlVanVvbEhQSTFTbXQ5NmJvUl80bExjOGpVcjFWWW5SRlkxZ3d0dE1KQ1VnaXJ2ZzdXVW1qSmRLdmFrdGdvNEpOVS1DSEUwSFJIN1k4Mi1ldnZvOWZHdmN5TjZ4ang3REZUcElKQ1QzV0M1cVFGb1JodHNwMzUweW1aUUp1YVBreURjdkc1bzF0ZHNGZmQ0RT0= |
Really smooth pussy amazing how she has zero stubble there | r/pussytofuck | comment | r/pussytofuck | 2024-06-01 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HazE5UHAwQ2J0RlM0eGNsN0Y2dE5WVjFQb293dUdoTmtjUlNtZXZDLUpneUkteWh3TmowcGctbjZJYTZ0VU56V2M5aUo0UURROWhxLS00UTQtYXRYTTM1Q3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HazEtUTlTeTF4ZHZYYWRWVWgwZ0NiWEtZMk9VcVFtNzhlMFpscTNOSnBEb0ZGZzgwQTRqTkRpTDNvdFYwV2pSeTVKSjhZUks2NW5fWHVjQV91dkt0bzZfNVRIekF3TDJBYzNaYnRhTmZEcUMwMlNuVVQyU3RSRmZSTER5cFRFc25jT1ViakwwYy05MlhGam1GU1EwREkyZEFvMWtsdXlBNzRVRGdqZV81Y28zUzlzPQ== |
Hmm. Cum on it while she rims me, then use it to clean her face off after she's kissed you, then make you lick it would be my immediate thought. I'll think a little more, see if anything better comes to mind though. | r/raceplay | comment | r/raceplay | 2024-06-01 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HazE5NVRUZm9qdFFkZlZBUS1VX2tUTEJHM3Vua012dWtzamdtYlF0MUI4X3pFWWU0QlRtMUxtakpJMEtvUXlSejlVWXY2WjgzV1p4V1FYM1huR0Y1R25fS1Y5VU4xQmowV3BDeVJCOEo0N0dYNmM9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HazEtbHhqbEVTWmhxOXVZaVBBaG9nWnp3cDBTUHhTQ25VT2w1aDZWTnVLV3BGdDUzYWIzS2hfM1cxSU9mM29tMk9ncVlUSDh6ZWhvNERsUE5xMWIyZ0tKdWZyZktJNVZSZ1ZneXFtdTVYeVJoanVoOHJkel9vNUNNODllTGgyUXRSeVpiQ2p5OVJkaFRLYVBMNHFnSFhzSkFWdFpMcHNmdUhIQURiZ0hsdTJ2eFoxbmQ1dVotYU5GN1kwcDhHMGJSNnhHR1hwWDNqOFg4QmxacGdrd2tfODhDdz09 |
Now that Niila is home and got shaved down there. Definitely can see some testicles 😂 will make sure to check my cats thoroughly in the future | r/ragdolls | comment | r/ragdolls | 2024-06-01 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HazE5bWJidkFzY2V0Ri11N1FQR1lveGMtOVhvRjA0aFNwb0VsMEZESkYzRmNWOHdZOGZ2LWpZWXpreHFlOWk0djdaVDg5U2JWRDlMMTR5WDdPeFp6TG9qc2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HazEta1lSTjcwbnd2ZE95MUNEMnp3SmVmZlZaV1RIOUJuU2s1eE8zbVJFaE5fTEwtbzBFcmxTblA5WXVGREdwbmpFTkJ3dllUNWZpb245SkZvdlZHd0pOcTQ2THZ1bWZlZjJldE1nTURYdlNKNHE2c1lFaks3YzZSdFVyZHNseEI3cmthcjMwQWRWNTFtZlpwcUxtUkQ4T1lmbzVwSDZ0NEEtSTh6ZE9XUXV2eXFBZWRkalE3NHVFbm1UbXhNbWoyQXNsWDFzRUNLZjlaUmlKek52RWdydnB0UT09 |
in Minecraft | r/sillygirlclub | comment | r/sillygirlclub | 2024-06-01 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HazE5ZVd3X2l3d1VEczJQUlNwUVBVWURFcFhDelNzTzVtNTllcmdzQ2xpVUZxYTFlQlczUlRFVHFnTlRubFNocU9YbHNZaGJFaXpHNUtQYjJxaWFfdTZaRmxXZFFXUi1vcDB2NEtvNi0xSjI2TVE9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HazEtOE81TDBVVTRSVHgzZzItR0V6cXhMb2k3ekNKUXhOeUVpQWpKbmhBN2g3dzE5UWhDcFhuaWw1V1lCanFQZXE3bUZWM3QyQ0FjcndTRll1VWozQm5iZUNsamg0RFpXNjJzaUpXdUZJcXdHSi1Od09Wa0docFpaMW1yMjBZZ3B0Y1JJN2RrRHNVaU90M19WMGswZF9FeHZhaVM2NWlxbFhsQmlqWjZJSFJ5dElfcG1MU0U4Vno4b05fQmN3bU94Yy16 |
Stoppp u look so cool | r/styrofashion | comment | r/styrofashion | 2024-06-01 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HazE5MV94c1d5MnN5RkdOazM1OTlQcnlPM1ZYRHpYclBQalNLU01XRWVzbW5pQm03M3BGNmlTLTdOMzNQYjVMdGtsUGxLUndXb3IxZHVEWW9qNGNWX2NVU1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HazEteEhJd2ViOTdJNWJsWFB0UUI2WlJOcjZsWVNHQm4ySmJ2UEZNRDRHUWx2YVVNNTNVMDFxMzJZRUdhRDByc1dhb05EdFpLVmF5ZVF1N2pMUUpMbWhnMTRDelU2SGsxelpQZ2dFOElMZ2ktT0ZhX3RCdUhISGRpOXZmQnYxM3EzR1F6NTRDSEwyOGk3ZTFTTmV5Tm1mNEhGZldkZEZESFZIbk9jMlV4ejVBa1l0UjBKSjhlMGhFUlVKSm1SUG1BcTlTMFVuWE9SOGpoUDN1bUNUdzFvYVh6UT09 |
You fucking think? | r/trump | comment | r/trump | 2024-06-01 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HazE5Qmp6RTVSX1dsak53YW0yYmdwVTJzYkRqUGJ0bEtWS3hyQVZaeTRvY1MtdWhOZm94U2E3VHE2cEI0cl9yakdXclhfZDgtUHlheWNqSThDNlQ3dTJRLXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HazEtNkVrZ3h6MjMyM2cyS2VmRHdLZjhvVWZINXdMdUhwVXJLNzlvZTVMWUlGak1nUGZINmZsQzFwVDhwcmtDVE9uSGdRRWhteWUtSGlqeVQ3T3hrUXA2WFR2MWxFNVJEc2NNQmZOdE8xVnF1dFNPUFA0aDFCTFdXakZoMF85NGQ0WWxQem1WWl92Q29GaVVwMjdxaExoM1J2VHl2Y1luT1NTQVB6aUpYcW5RSFd4ZEtBYUFIOWVJcDZ5SW5uRHl0cUtWbWFMdlhaVl9BT1MxZVFycWEtMlJCUT09 |
That is terrible advice. Lack of communication is why I'm suicidal | r/unpopularopinion | comment | r/unpopularopinion | 2024-06-01 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HazE5ZTVSMG9HVzc1VHN5UkZ6Z3FMajUxemVLMnZ0LWZ2VjMtcmtwSDNlOV9xb1ZxbmdNdC1IR3ZUU1JNMzZENFJlc3RtdkVWVTlhemhWTXZWbkVHaTQwcFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HazEtSnp4VjFrVkZUMFV2ZHY5czZUS01MN3hNR0d5Z2RKd1EtdnJtNWp0bWVJeUF5OTA3ZEhOSjY1X2pEOEJSWGpsUHdfQk14dG9rMWsxeVhhSlRMUXg0ZW9KSFFGaGQ3Mm4xcE9vVFdYYUFGdkxLWDI2U0xFWnBudnRmcjdPN1BZN0hCbEh2LXpHc0k1TE1pTXF3OEZ6cU1NY1htSDRraV9YT3I0UEd2bG1RUUdVV0ZQT29kRTkycWZ6a2pyUVpJelZ2NEtRMm55UlhLc3c3eHJnVnRPZ2tBUT09 |
Would you suggest making a virtual meeting appointment, I see that’s an option they give on the website but I’m not sure how reliable that is compared to simply calling directly | r/utarlington | comment | r/utarlington | 2024-06-01 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HazE5UVhwcS1QU0drb1BfOTNtSHFmc2ZtZjZUbXpnZERiek9La0FjMmJ6MU1OR0syMlpHTDJ2ZFFsZXFBckhmd2VaS2Mxai1kSEdvMXJuamItU3VrQWtaTnc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HazEtaTROZlpKMHdXdUVzbS1zY09GRmh1WXVWN3R4azltOXJFN2ZiVF82bmpOXzBEQUF0UHRXOUVOc0oxdHVReDNIZ0dQc0E2ZDZBaVZOLTJ1TU1IbzI1ZEpmU1dycmdQcmF0QnVYR2RELTkxZjVDU3ByQ1VOSXRYTnRla05Yclo0OW83QmE2Q0gxLWtPSzBvQnZiLWtfamRKcVZsbHFmNlNCMW5CR1czMUljbUpvPQ== |
UGHH EXACTLY!! Why can’t I ever see a story where in the end she gets to be happy with a guy who will treat her right!! And HAS treated her right! Like a genuine best friend! | r/webtoons | comment | r/webtoons | 2024-06-01 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HazE5ZTBuU1VyRDlVdV9KTEtGcjAtZy1xajlmUTlOY1h5ZDUwM3hDWHhWTDVUMEQwMnNVakN4b1lneDFYSFBlQ1J1S3VndnM4UTB3X1h4REU3ekdLcXpNNFl2bXpCcHRiOWo2YXBZSV9sZlhCTXc9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HazEtQ0xZQy1oTzczdWVBd1J3OGwtc2tqeU9zSWNKNTZDa1A1NGRnMGpTTlZpQ2FwTmxnWGJmWGdhbFBXSkdCUzFoRDdTLUR6NkJSbThDN0NIUFJ2cUl1SGdwbGNwOEU3OWRQSUVHTDViNFlBcUdiX0h1Mndna2FHVFJvTlFYdWxhLVkyb3h4TVZ5Sm5sVlJOUUc3Y2lwQ3d4cG84Tk1QRHV2enRQelZxUGlvN1hseDJZMTFhOG5uQlpmWW9yeUlHdjdCajFpMXl2OGhEY1Q0b2NRYWhYLTFZQT09 |
Have 2 tickets for Baltimore tomorrow, anyone interested? | r/battlebeastband | post | r/BattleBeastband | 2024-06-01 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HazE5RVhyVWZjZEJoWUxIcDFDZXdhN1dKX2FXTWI1R0dyQy1IM09Vd1hRV2NwS0puX0JTVU1VVEl2eWJnTzJuaWw1Z0RpUVpsdUcxQVdiWDFQM0lTeDlXamc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HazEtdzMxN1NhdUJ6RHVCTm8yMC1rWTEydFA1NHNrZTNOY0JWUVdtZ1FpUWxJM28yX3cxRDhVMUwwRzZvbDY3amRsMlY2ZndIazdPREotSFpySG83a2tpczJBUVVWSHRubHNFX0RlMlQ1d3MySGNQVkxlOWVYay03bjBITkwzWXA3dmEyci1CZ0hBT19VbTJaOE51YW5pNUVfRF9PQlkxTV9VOW82amN5cFlRRGdFPQ== |
Heard a lot about them but have never listened to them anyone here wanna help get me into them?
| r/qotsa | post | r/qotsa | 2024-06-01 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HazE5UVRIcnJQZzdwTUlTSElpWnZTT2tSQnFzLS1jdF9oWTh3ZEtpU3ZmWkdFM3puaHRZaWxtMlNVN3hwZE9RVkxNMTg4VE9CYzVlWEp0SzhoRk1TWFhOTFVWempKQWNjXzhqYTgwRGdMVFg5UUk9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HazEtZEhRM3BSMDZVajdWUF9OMzJjLWR6b2NfSG5fSEE0ZkROVThLOFJrNm81ZDNjaThLRktnWGRkNTZsdXBqd3JyWEdUWHdyclowcm9PVHp5bjNOd3Z4US1XangtNmQ1RFlGQkxPczItQ1BuUV9tenVxLVk4TUUtZzMwclVWNENlMFNFSDVkaUluRjMyT0g4eU56T0lWNWJRPT0= |
I’ve just read about these things. They are to help quit vaping. You vape flavoured air instead. There’s no battery in them.
I’m trying to figure out what’s in them. Does anyone know?
One site seemed to say essential oils. But can you really inhale essential oils?
I guess you can inhale smells through your nose, so is it the same thing to like inhale it through your mouth??
Anyone know the ingredients in these things?
Thank you!
I’m having trouble explaining what they are so in case you don’t know what I’m talking about here’s links to a couple I’ve seen that help explain.
| r/quitvaping | post | r/QuitVaping | 2024-06-01 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HazE5N3BxXzVOcmxHY3FfV0hDRHNGMkJCREFfLTZQQkFnR3NDOUpVd281LVAzNXVTdUN5M0xQdlBEM0E5ODhhRFFEbTRsNkdkVk96VnpVb3NOM1BRUl9iYlE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HazEtb0paRXI3UnNTU293d0NTRzhzV2dZYm9aSUcxOWRzdk5SOHVjY25ZYTU2aGt2azlJOUdNLWRMdGYxRWVwV1dkcnpaWVhvZUtHTGswMWJNVE1zbU93M3k0ZENYeVdfRFNPWDRVZ2l2eUpJR0wxaDdTbGY4Y2tEalhNTDBkMF81S3dlZTdCdGhqWWxqWTRJY2tPdHYwcVZab18zamY2eUVGUDNpeEk4dGxXRVlSV1F5R29tOUJlUW5yMnRpdVRfUS14QVRlOUhhOFFZdUxlSlFpUjVBQVFIdz09 |
So i was wondering like how big of houses are u guys grew up in different countries and how big of a place are u living in now n whats the cost of rent of ur place or if you own it.? | r/ask | post | r/ask | 2024-06-01 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HazE5T0c3VXVUc25keVU1c0Y1Z1FSQ2xoRHBkYTlXcTJOcGxjMHhwVmFHVTlNV0d3aTY3RlB0bFNvN2MwRjNzaDZydlpSckNfa2RFa0k4UDRkNS1QbWlDallkMm5zbENSZUZQNUpFYzl0TFBtUUE9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HazEtc2RpTGNuUHd4Z3ZWMFBrWGFHV1A4SXVqajRjUzU3c182ZXU0ZUkxeTZFa2ZjYS12a1ZfX05EbzF2SGxLTUliWno2RzhJMHNqTk5DMVRndGFsbENESUItVVJUTDBod3haNVd4aXBLSEdaSWtEYTliM2dnWVYtbWpuYzhNbHkwaEMwM1JIYno3eGhJV0c4RVRkQTd0TUc2Ukd6TXpxbEJZbjh1bUZWRXE5MjdDak01cVJhR3dJcUZkeUI5aHE2Vk1i |
Our cat (almost 3 years old, sterilized female) has peed 3 times on our bed. She does also pee in her litter box, but she has now peed 3 times in a few months time in our bed.
When she jumps on bed we always try to get her off bed but sometimes she can be very sneaky. But when she does go on bed she always sniffs on my girlfriends side a lot. My girlfriend sometimes sweats a lot in her sleep. Can it be that that is why our cat pees on our bed? Because she always pees on my girlfriends side. Or is it a medical thing? | r/cats | post | r/cats | 2024-06-01 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HazE5SlB1NXJLUktWa2QzMDd3M3FadmRLLVFKRVkyenpfTGRlRXRYWkRUSF8wdTZzYlA1UE93eUpScW4teENITDJDcnZNYWM1ZnBOZEFVS1A0VkVvQzlIdEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HazEtYlFpMkNjSU02Z0U1UGd0NWVUVXE0NFpMYTlqck8zSkRndTNSbEdxY2ItYTJYWEhyY3VONkEtczlRRk5IczQwaDdERU9pMDlFLUJ5aVRiTGxiQ3hiSEZXQ2lMQmlPeFB1WmQ0UThxanV6dllza2JnMml1ejktd0dkZk5pRG5acVljWlladTBiNU5iTGxjMnFMcVRQV21nS3lWckV1blFxR0d1d2dpWnpuUU1vPQ== |
First, apologies for any misnaming of parts, etc. I know very little about the fine points of HVAC systems.
This grate (and another on the other side of the wall) covers a large open area that I’m sure hot air came out of when this house was built (1940s California). Now there doesn’t appear to be any airflow that goes through here when the heat is on, instead it goes through typical rectangular HVAC grates in multiple rooms. I imagine that this was the result of an update at some point.
I am not sure where to start around two questions:
1. How do I replace these grates? I’m sure it would be a custom job but I don’t even know where to start. Is this a niche industry of some kind?
2. How do I baby proof these? Short of slapping plywood over part of them I’m not full of ideas. | r/hvacadvice | post | r/hvacadvice | 2024-06-01 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HazE5SkJhVlZ4azhzdEt5OUljbU5FRTU1Y25vakVMeVFycnc2eFJ1ZHhCVVRVcEJ0WXltei00eGxleTBROS14U3NHTlpnckFsQXFGbFJhSVZzOWRVbTB1VHczZXhwS0hncmVjYXVoT0M5T1N1R1U9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HazEtYU1oenY4VkkzUlJJRTY4WHd4WHIySHhZb0JCTzRoNWZxWTExX3RCTjJLelJuek9obzVZZ09sMjZsM0xoN0VWY2s2RUpWeFN3cDJJdURlbXQ4Y3I1ZUFlQmhYdEwyOVVJMUxFa2RWei1yc2pzVzhTODVrUDV6bDhhbWluaFNZN2U4b01YOUExVndueGtoZ0dzVk9KRDRKWFR5ejRGLW5IUzB6djJNSmsybzgtQ3RWUEVfX3JZMXdhY0dBNmM2cDl0SXdCMW1PNWs4bVE1NUhHdjBnNTZfdz09 |
I'm looking to meet new people that I can have a long term friendship with. Reddit has been a mixed bag so far. I enjoy a lot of nerdie hobbies and also have discord. I work in IT. I enjoy anime, manga, video games (PC), cooking, movies,music and hopefully will be getting a motorcycle this year. Favorite movie is Lord of the rings and favorite anime is Tokyo ghoul. Let me know if your interested DM me. Hope to hear from some of you also convos are strictly (SFW) | r/meetpeople | post | r/MeetPeople | 2024-06-01 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HazE5UnFDOUNHUFp0NnlnR2hmeEV6b2M1TnVYaU9BcndQU1RBOG1RYlhQUGotcW42NHl1N3JCczZpQjAtMFplSHlaTWNXTnFQU0J2VEJsNzNFYV8xRDdUSWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HazEtbjdHb0l4UWpHWVNJMU1sbWIwRFctd2kxVm1CWDluYzhzcXVuellwczJxcnduaDFKM2laU1gyem5LQ1dVdUdfTXRtUkJkcGVkS2s3LTBSS0s1UEg1ZnppOE1OQTlnX2RERFJ6dDJBZUJld3B2V1hxTUp4OGd3U3BwcFVlQWNxalA0R3RzTGNPVTJjYkxMQ3FRT3lkcEs4elRyUVdqT2VvTElMYmN3UDE2ZXhBV0o3eEVQbWJPZy1jSUR2VE5paVlzZlM4VU5tX2U0QkU0UlJ0dXpsRDU1dz09 |
I just downloaded the new Adrift expo on my Series X last night which was 14GB. I played for a bit and I went back to play again and there’s another 14GB update??? Just for bug patches or what?! If it is that’s insane.. it says I’m running version 4.71 so that should be the new Adrift update right? Someone please let me know. Thanks! | r/nomansskythegame | post | r/NoMansSkyTheGame | 2024-06-01 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HazE5OFcxTUhZUlg4aTVLcHpYQVg2RWU0TFgyMHVEMDZlR2E2V0NhM3JXNkQ0ZzRubDRxd3Q0WTVZWjBxd2dFVVZTcUlITnFURnFyQWw0RXRRTDFZRVFlaVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HazEtd1B4VnJJOGlUUDFEYmYwVVppWHA0bEpiT1gzRkVjbWc4WE1aZHFfUGZDUlgwNFFLSnM1clBZTlNCSGtkZmRMRG1iUnk3VkQyQ3BZX1F5VGx3NU9yUGFLa1EySmQxeUl0R19WRmY1VEE2bzFUYWdLMFRoVjQzcjFqYk8zOHFQMXd1OWJwMWNMRjhZMzBrTjJZZloxSVozZXQtcldIaDFmTXJ1bnlOU056dkdXcElOV1Y2YkxvSmxmYmY1eDVKR0VGcWRnSGpwQXYxWmtYV0dqSkxrOGJmQT09 |
Is that the actually name of the store or is it just the number? I wanna go | r/real_ballarat | post | r/Real_Ballarat | 2024-06-01 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HazE5VUdFVElFNUwxcEh1cUpGcy1abExVUTBvYVlqZ2ZTWEQ4U2pwQTU0SjBwOHBUeGxiaTdZSUlROGV4QkhHTjZMd3FsS0dBMDk5dTNSQVM5ZUFyWnVJMlE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HazEtRFNiUkNQUnFHNUxGMGpGYjdsdk9xckg5V0NvVWpPTXRKT29RckoxRW15TVA3X0w4NHZRR25rdU9vV2NDLWVHQk1yVmtsa2NzWl8xYWNhbXJGczhSRXN0YzlMUHBCWjBvaEZra005THFrSV8wOE8waE5hVEFMbG9Za3BmbVY0YjZPX1pLU2ZPNTJ2MU9ORDVOMlNqMlE4RU02WGxqbVMwZlRXTTdyRDZhMFdBPQ== |
Confirmada la 15ta? | r/fulbo | post | r/fulbo | 2024-06-01 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HazE5cmoyeHpQeURxQXdDbTA0YVRiNGJCN3E5Ri1IVi1QSnFUWE41YWJ1YkdWdDdZSzBTaDVXODN5OU5qT2x1YzdndTZ4azJkREdpSTAzTHVyRVJnM184RFROdENpWFI2Q1hJd3U3STl1OGpGMkU9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HazEtVjAzRXJCYlVSQVBCUW1VcHB1N25qaUtjNzNOdW85R3hTU1Z1SGktdE5aX3p6RkpqY1JkY1I4YWVXWTVOeDl4aXE3VUxnQ2pZME14ZUo3MXFlQWtkNFlmRlJyanAzV2ZyMy1qbHg5RkVuNEhickZ3bWJFd2tfT1d2QWljb0pHQWhtVlJCVGZlV3FCbnlpRWxlOWM3S1lnPT0= |
Hello nba fams....for the first time in 100 years US of A will open the World Cup against Canada on USA's soil this June...God bless team US of A! God bless America!!! | r/nba | post | r/nba | 2024-06-01 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HazE5LTlJdXIxdTk2ay1pV0czUFVXUU1yVzNhRUF3M21GOWJoZzdmUGNzc2l4cTRVQUZPVnp1UTZpX0FkYmctVjAtak03eTFkeVA4d2R5Q1hCYkQ0WUlfX0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HazEtU3RXQ2tRVzJYUnVlT0RlRzFQekg3Tk96c0lHRFpjRE4wZUVUTzg4VTd5X1lhZUNyM1FFT0RyTDhjTHdERFJoMjdCLTdjbXFUVkZHZWhOMGpOMGxvYTg2NDZVZG5KTi1obUY4WG9BcTNncVJXa3h0WG8taFh4OUZrak1kNmJGQ3plamhPRm9mV2RmYXRVNjItSFVEc19uMXhVeVdMckozSFZYOU1rY24xWEJXaVJaeU9pREVRdGJxLUtZSWd3WTF5 |
Pass is 12 | r/beyondthefog | post | r/BeyondTheFog | 2024-06-01 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HazE5aEhnbDFvdUF4TW1Ja0FKZlVScjQ3SlBST2xpaEFHYUgyMDJHSG13V0MyNU0tSUNNcjFVUjFsVnhMYUtTY3lXTW9wYkZVbDBYTmhnbU5EaWUwblZTMXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HazEtY28xX2dUMzdjQ0dNSWMtX0F4eEVsbzdYOHlpd3M2OWpNX2sxeWVBNWNWUG1qYkhud3MySDlrd29mOV9lazNRQ1FPa2pKTEpZSldmbE9iSk45YjkyTGhqSU5QSXJ1T1V6RHBDb3I0SzFDVHQ5M3hxcG1uNVc5cTNGMjBBS0ljQktPNm02T0FVOGNmSWk4WER2SVRoc0JnZFo4azRYTlVJeGFWNDM0WkhwZFR3PQ== |
Just kind of in the mood: Krishnacore | r/hardcore | post | r/Hardcore | 2024-06-01 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HazE5ampDLWFpd1R1NXZQNHphVGx3OUxKbVkwaFRtb1V6ZVBHRURUZ1QyZTRVdE5teVN0aWlZbE5RVlhJWGxFaUE2SnRueTFYTnBuWTNuNmpBUmREYnh6d1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HazEtYmpIRjBKT3ZkQUZ0ZWN4N0FGa3dUYnlkNGlwTTNzWjdmbDZPdHBsYzZ6dzFXdk1ncUFKQmstQnRxeDRsM2JlZUFNT0FUa0ZYMmZ4NTNsY0hzRWxvZHJWYklNSUhaXzJyOWxYamFOWWVGR0U4NzlmZUNSRUY1NWF1cmFCNm5OY3VKZTNUbkF5X3JoaFNHMTdEcVhCQ2hycS1xNFVrSzFPNUlIS0dRNHBNV24ySTlZLTYzejA0Q29QbWZmTktKMnFj |
De hele week loop ik al achter de feiten aan. Ik ben te moe, maar ik ga niet op tijd naar bed. Ook wil ik te veel doen. Ik heb mij letterlijk vanmorgen verslapen en werd uit bed gebeld door mijn werk. Gelukkig vonden ze het prima en mag ik de tijd inhalen. Toch zou ik nu op tijd mijn bed in moeten gaan, maar dat lukt niet (voor mijn eigen ritme) en ik blijf op mijn telefoon bezig. Ik krijg mijzelf er gewoon niet toe om op tijd naar bed te gaan. | r/adhdnederland | post | r/adhdnederland | 2024-06-01 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HazE5SWZ3Um1NSElmSDlBeWFhb3BaRV9ZR1JyaG1BQjh2OTk3QzBsZzJpV083U0I2VTlvaDE4c0ZNVFd1M0Eyb0EtTVd1VUx5R09ncndQY2xYVFBoVzJEQWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HazEtd1BQNW1Ic3F1RE5ldDNvUjBzbWlDNnpXa3V1U04taEo5Z1hIeE1Qa2JaNlNzQ1VMUGtVc21DS3FQZFJoQzIxM3R0bjZOdWRZbEluNkN4dlc3d3FrclZGNi1oY3FNMFF1VkFJTkU2V3lYUXhqTTVESUZPVDN3d3o3TmRwb0R1NGU0Q3ZJOVB4b1JnZVBydmtoZndQY3V1cnM3Q1VaN1Jib1RLRjhUa2RPcFM4aFZNR3Y0UHJqSUhzdHhJUlNkNUp3 |
first person to reply here wins a prize (im lying) | r/danatwo | post | r/danatwo | 2024-06-01 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HazE5dkFjSDFsRFZRZURjWUhWY2hPYkRrX3p3NDYtYVl3b3gycFhhdDlrY1A5T2xnUk10WXZ1dG96WXVvQVA5YVgxMDd6UklvVW84bW1SWVFzZ0ZMcnB3b1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HazEtaDlQN3VzZldEdTdxN2IzdFZFRGJvWHI0YTVBTjBfWUxySFZTNGNDam11eGNjS1R0VEIzdzV2clNwZDNNelBsVmM2bUtHcGlYYzR3RGF4MkZsSHNKeVd2cXNLczE2S1JPbjJJQTZWZ0NVR0p4clRkekNRajh3N2R6UVNwVXZvNWEtWkYxc2x1ODN3ZVg2ejhsWG9pMlh3PT0= |
fbsx-7jw4 | r/downloadcodes | post | r/downloadcodes | 2024-06-01 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HazE5aUY0OFhxMWgtVlVsaFBOWG84RFZrRExRd1lBa0w4NllsaUNVbFhpclJEQkZkUUh0LUxkUG9kV1JrX1pveDE2VEtlUl9Rek1CcFZtQ1hoS2cxaWJUVlE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HazEtbkR6NVRPMGp2T0Z0ZTI2VmFCYllVYUtRdzY3QTRkSXFfcWRReTNubkJqaHBLNmlFYVRFZjlfVkhvSDFCdjFDWGZKdHFDX2oyUUY0OHY2MzhCczlCNVlfN3pYSmtxZUJsODFoNGUtRWRicTItR2NldXg5cC1FaGRaVW9yRFRtRlV5bVhpUDRHeGNReFEtVWdLLVk2anhNR3BEdExJVWJ6d2ZjX0NMdHBIdGlSdE5aNjdkX0ZKM3k2QThiMDBIajdu |
All of the main streets in old Montreal are blocked of by cops. What's going on? | r/montreal | post | r/montreal | 2024-06-01 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HazE5TnNwM1JYOFZPc1BWSF9NNFRpSnNJMUdFcnhQbTFNLWRpazBEUHBqVDV3YXBqOGlBVGE0WnNUOUVYYXpuWWJFNkRSOGlpQWxLUGd4SG4za0plVWRIeUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HazEtZk55WkRxYng3QnF1SG5jSVhNLW5YN2h6Ujl0bWRIek1mUWh6N3cydmtoSmJWQ0lsNHJxWGpaRUdmUlQ1SkJLbGJXZDZMWEhlY3JFeF9MUFJ0bndQRHZuc044YnNBcjZhNjNtajJKU0lVblFWTjV0ZFFmQW43dTdEWVh4Z0swTWt5Y3pVQktZTXpWY0VuV1NJblhvYVF0T0RSSHJieVlCWkIwMWZycTdIMkd4c3BMWVBjREJkLWc3WngtUzIxZ1Z0 |
So im going to take a prolonged break from microdosing, for the first time in like 2 and a half years. I had taken about 1.5 month break after 9 months, and then a week break here and there but nothing really too prolonged. Idk how long this break will be but probably a few months.
I'm taking a break bc I was md .1g about 4 times a week, (not keeping track or weighing out so not very accurate tbh, ik its bad but i was in my early 20s and was feeling invincible) and then recently did a 1g (also just eyed it) trip on a hike. Everything was great, felt super grateful that day, felt like life was super simple bc my body worked just as its supposed to and i could just get up and walk, etc. The next day I kinda noticed some brightness/fuzziness in one of my eyes, its not been about 2 weeks and the slight brightness/fuzziness is still there. I already had an ophthalmologist visit scheduled for a check up this week so I went and got all the scans, dilated, tests etc. I disclosed my use to the doctor and everything. I still see 20/20 out of that eye, and my retina, nerves, scans everything looks fine, the only thing that showed a difference in that eye was on the Frequency Doubling Technology (FDT) test. The next day I got a visual field test and didn't hear anything back so i guess thats good? My doctor said its most likely not fatigue bc its just the one eye and im still seeing 20/20 etc, she did say it could be related to the mushroom use in the notes.
Anyways, bc of this I am taking a break. I kinda feel this is my body's way of telling me it needs a break, bc tbh I dont think I would have stopped unless something like this happened. It was scary enough to make me stop but not bad enough to affect my life really otherwise. I can still drive, work etc, and it happened a week before an already scheduled ophthalmology visit. I think life wanted me to know I'm okay and not worry too much, but did want to show me that I really do need a break. I appreciate it for doing that.
I am nervous though. I realized I'm kind of scared to be sober and face life as it is, I think I was using the microdosing as sort of a crutch, and Im scared I cant handle life sober. I started microdosing bc I was going through a really hard time, and life itself has gotten a lot better, but Im still sort of worried I might not be able to handle it on my own. At the same time I do miss myself I guess, and wonder how she's doing ahah. I haven't really been 'just myself' in years I guess. but im worried i might not be as loving, fun, or kind without the microdosing. I dont know I just feel like i've lost this sense of comfort I had and see the shrooms as a sort of safety net to life thats not there anymore.
People who have taken a prolonged break after micordosing for a bit, how was it been/how did you change ?
| r/microdosing | post | r/microdosing | 2024-06-01 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HazE5ZHpuRERhX3ZtdHNGNXM4RjJILWtONUZyNTVtSDI5S2FRYWNmSkRqaTBmTGR4dVprTTFCVFNZSTM2SkFVdE1WUV9CVjRPUFZ1WFA2M25hZXZIemwzM0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HazEtNlBZcDJOQmdpVHNReG5fdVJUOGJIYVNfdVBUQVQ4ckRWQ1ZTM3dDb0FtZkN3SVNkR0JsanNhX25Ka08xdHI3XzBQMG10b3FjZzJLX2ZHRVpHLTdCUl84TEhJSTJDRVFhUzQ0aVhEOUFOSWZ6M05LblY4Y19pbnNKWHJmdGRUaWN4RkZmWG5vbXVkOC1UQ1dzR3lra3hMaUtuNlJObGxvNFR3Q3VVQ2ZzNFdWdG4wcFdwYnZxN1UweWVvX2o0a0Nab0gzZkFodjgxUkdzd09yQVJJeW1jdz09 |
I work at five below and something told me to snatch up on of the calico blind bags. So yesterday I finally grabbed one and oh my gosh I am obsessed. It’s so freaking cute!
This is my first one and I’m so excited. The thing is I don’t know what to name her. I was thinking about Mortitia (since she’s a witch I want a witchy vibe) but I’m not sure!
Any suggestions would be great!!! | r/calicocrittersminis | post | r/CalicoCrittersMinis | 2024-06-01 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HazE5bjBxcFJleWgyNTE2Ui13Y1JCczdqZzRtWmhNNWJROTduTjltc3lfelRVZTdrTmRGQS1MZHdRMUhZV0dVMDR6c2VRUmVwUXlBNnYxbWVwQVNaWDgxQ3pXalJnZlpURFBmcGpUSFZXZllHa289 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HazEteG9VZUdJRW9Kc0pNbnJPMGhtTm1iVTl3UW11N1NwTS04VVd2ay02eDh6YktMcHV5UFJrbnVua2M2c2dmSzB5SThvZWlNVG5QN29OdXcyRVl3NjdqSUtEbE1MVW9YU1VoNF9hNy1FRF9IMjdfZnFBMnl0SVBGY3g4WUhzUzlLX0RnejFQaTd0enF3bUh6VFpxX0NaSGlhYWdWaTNuU2ZGcVhDak1Lb3JGWmdGVVFVSThNblFBdXFPbmdka0VUQ0FJOWlQeWp2LWNLZXBmUEdXanV3NDVfQT09 |
https://pikky.fun/minilego?p=66510d99048db4001557f782 | r/minilego | post | r/Minilego | 2024-06-01 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HazE5ekVodnBtQVhnMFFlNThIeWd5dlZMZVBzWmJVTllKVXZWbi1Ubk9Ed2d6SlNRMTQ0RTZEdnRyWGVnbGZ6aU1mLUplcmVZNU5sWlJTa3ZqRlJOOTlNUUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HazEtRktldmtZV2ZMdnZFemppQmNXUlhKRzFyVzNMTklPTy03dmktOHZOVmJNMGYwUm9tbGlCd1hIZmgyS1FyNjFncDhGM2U3WUVCcHVXRWRfTDhmRHBHVlBMOUdvbjZoUTVfcktxWHVIRFo5S2FOYzdjX3g3N18yUFZ1UUU4MlB4VXpIOVlNVHdjRHlzcGExQ2lZZUFjTl9sNy01di1LcWhYRWZKcE0tMFJfcXFFMzdqajlrYVQ5Ny11NU14NGF0NG1CaFpzMzNfcnVmMjlYTjFJQjZMdDdJUT09 |
So sensitive controls works by giving u a red action but what happens if u picked a red maneuver before u did the red action? How would that work? Would u fail your maneuver? | r/xwingtmg | post | r/XWingTMG | 2024-06-01 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HazE5SFgtcXF6dHpxLW5xei1vTGxVcnpSY3JOaDMzZGh0ZEJNakR2TFpOSkhzNlJpSzNGdGE2OVptMENyUkE1dFlhd0F0aDFsclhZNWszTnotUXR0d3dxdUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HazEtcWxOTVNjR1luazVuOU9GSVprN2I0T0EwZlJXa2tzSUVtYVd0cVpCQVJ3X2txem5KclVxUFZTOXV4RkZYc3pZdFRJZXl0TDAwVnRWc3RqZ2xyVDZTZTM2SDV5X1FKRkEyTnNHQjN1UVRFb2ZTaGdCZlRhT2g0TXg4WlZpaWgwUTNiMkFpY0hMTEx6aTRlWWxUbVJfVFVnPT0= |
My bee balm started looking like this. I thought she was dead but the stems are still bendy and not woody. And seem to have life to them? I recently had to move them because the part of the yard they were in kept flooding with all the rain. Please help! Or if she’s dead and done and not surviving please tell me!
As for watering I hardly water unless it’s absolutely needed (not necessary because of ridiculous amount of rain.)
Light; full sun | r/plantclinic | post | r/plantclinic | 2024-06-01 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HazE5VjJ0SWNSUlZHaHhWcE9yZFdNNjZuVGVJSm5pLS0zeThEQ3N2azhVSXFhcEI0NTZacFdFczg1TThBZzZuaFY3elFNUnpDU2k2UXlWWnhnQjQ2T1JqZnM2ZjkxRnZpSy04TkVWM3ZYNjNiSFE9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HazEtY0s0cUh4eUQycUczTk9ETzJWN1NrcXB0c001QU1EcHVLTTNxd2hhSEx5TTdYcnJVRXhhcU1JY1ZWcUpCOWlvV19jR1MxUmItNUZ2bHRZQXZWOXRkMG9VUTQtRVh3a3BfLWg0LWJpMTUwYUplSlU3S00yNldXTV84cDNMVUZydlVsQ2xNcFlwdWEzdXVQckY5Rk1qdmdxYnA3dTRCM2s0clZqSS0xYkpPZllkWE9ESEVrMFR4UHhaTmNpdzRTazhf |
pc port sucks. | r/thelastofus | post | r/thelastofus | 2024-06-01 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HazE5QmtLdHRZeWQzTHpVdWVUWEs0V0NodmVfb2drSURnQ3habjFMamp4bjZIdnhaTTRlazJVLTE2czdfWFlKMmZsUlRvNDJucmtoX0tyTjlVMnpoQWJoV2U5WGN6aEJrb2NZbkJoakhnQk1xWk09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HazEtNnA5VUNKUzdoZThMMEoycndJMWY5SGhhdmxMQmZGV3lEOU9iX0kyRWV5ZzB5TWNpbkp4dU90cWItQlo1MnN6LXBNRFF3Ym9WNmVuUG9qYUpqSUhkTllnaWg3TlZlU2xhbERWZnBsd09zWFd5V2sxRy1qWnRJTnNHNnRrTHQ4RS1HcWMxUVVfdDJQbkE4X0NnSDFoalI3dVBPMmd3cHNNWDNySHdRblVMMWpfazhOZ2xxUkZmQktSSzFmRTUxVExz |
It seems like Cape Cod bay or the many inlets around Cape Cod would be great for fish-farming. Atlantic Cod or Salmon or maaaaybe Tuna (lots of space permitting) seem like they could be lucrative. There's not much Cape Cod aqua-culture that I know of other than shell-fish farming and maybe lobster/crabbing if you count those. | r/capecod | post | r/CapeCod | 2024-06-01 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HazE5NWZkbGJvSFpYZmpWb3IySjlxSkNtMHlnLWFkWTRMXzc0SGt2SlQ0aF9pUTZwRkRfWEx4US0xc3UxamdYQXJMSEgtWjM3Z2dNeTZBc1k4aWhEUFVZekE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HazEtdzU5UXdhVE9Lb3h2ZWxlTGM0dXJST0VXQjNZeTNCY1haaFpQbGpJYnUzaGNsTnAybnc1VFVqMzRBSU9sVFRRVWlLb1g0MGlaM2M5VTlwRDhneUs1MmZkX2M2LXc3MDlJVVZubTRaM2VZdmhzZ3BsVnVPc3YwOVVoSzAzdjlLbk5DR0otSFlrdVBicHpTcTVjc3pab3JaSFlwWjNsLUpNZW5acXF0eVphN1Y3aFQyVzJ4TnZOV05JTl9Pcy1XMzJFSjlmZEc5aUQ2YmpfRXhrWGhFNWFVdz09 |
i need motivation to do better things
Thank you if you visit my collection and buy animations from the collection
Please buy one of my works and introduce it to your friends
https://opensea.io/assets/matic/0x6c1b65d901324a35d4be3fa418b371090e747f6c/3/ | r/nftsmarketplace | post | r/NFTsMarketplace | 2024-06-01 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HazE5WlliM1hiRG1UdFhvN3J1Q194UjFCS0d6WG8xZVlKSGN5M1hqMEFXRDBJS09hOUtJMVN1SXhsaEhtNDl2c1J3ZUR3QzBMUDF6cVY0UGs5d1JtTGJnbUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HazEtY0ZyYzJVUVdlaGttLXFEWFRxdXdpYy1GUmRGRWJ4SnUtVm9DbW9CYy1Id3kxMGlpa2E3emVVSGVGTElkNHZUeUxaSGdfN1NaWXBFRTJpWVRGT0xhcVBFeVoyOUU3dmY5WU1aZFBESllUc0UtdjVLOWl2S0tGSmZFYnhocGZpOUZvM1BraEUtd3IxakhidDNVRWJ6WU1WeWk0TkxGdU9mMmlrenFsYjNDdUtnPQ== |
Has anyone been able to find Ozempic in the following cities: Rome, Amsterdam, Milan, Vienna or Athens? If so, what were the requirements for getting the medication? What was the cost?
I am going to Europe this summer and hoping to find more affordable Ozempic. | r/ozempic | post | r/Ozempic | 2024-06-01 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HazE5ZDRzUGhSNExnZkVIajc4N25nV0I4cTVRTDZxdDdEeTNFd2dNWTdHR2VrM21tVXFuYjBuUkVBWXZjMU5renpCX2ctSkFSSDJrNTFFZ01pWlRGWF9zS1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HazEtbXd3R3BEaFFfeE1qbENhOHlsSUkwNEREaVhJUm92ekJmcS1raVU2UkRhd3JHaDBGZWt6UV8xaWg2T29GbXd0RmRERWZiakpnVHA0SldLUTVubTEzN2xFNnVvdUk0bVRHamxMaHlMWGloLWljWTBOMHd4LVQ5YVFVTHc2R3Z3Y0U2MjZuWHJteTA2TTlzOU1jZ2dVMDBPZDJIeHM3Qmh4SGJTbmMxdlZaWmxrPQ== |
Eng Econ (IE 2021) is only offered in the fall and requires Math 1372 as a prerequisite. I’m taking Math 1372 in the fall. Do they ever give exemptions for required prerequisites? I don’t want to wait a year to take Engineering Econ - that will put me back a year for sure. | r/uofmn | post | r/uofmn | 2024-06-01 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HazE5Qk1wb2lsdjZpbVNPbnU4eGhKRDF5bUhmRXBXbjVWeVNGU0tlY1BmdlQzNV9GWUhZMml0UHprOXFDNFhYd2tVNmw4bkZwa0VhNGctek1jbU5YMmtvaEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HazEtanpOWTUxZ0RLXzBWMWpPd2RuWmpraVBPWkVZdTFXRHQ4NnhGRC1ZTmU4dUlIRUxVQk9ET1hVT19fTS00eFRhbE5rZF9UX09yVGp5eTl0d2xIaFgwVzZaaEJyMzRfOVVJYXZSMXU5UDNwMTJXUW4xdWNuZmYwcWN2SmMzYkVZUnZ0M0J4aURKRXhmWVZodmdIYkhsWnl6bFJqamxQc1dMZkp5ZEhlY1U1NEZ5TGdBWGFCVTdFeFpVcDcxanQyUXpx |
Looking for a good daily diver, one that will be a GADA and for me that includes being a beater as I am around a lot of harsh conditions being a fisheries biologist. Really like the Seiko 62mas style but they are expensive and hard to find in the U.S so it seems. Any other suggestions on a good black diver or input on the San Martin version. Thanks! I also considered the San Martin Pelagos homage as well
| r/watches | post | r/Watches | 2024-06-01 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HazE5UGVEclVzVHdKck5QZWdiZ3NQSjRQUXRVTFpjNTdkZkx3NU9QQmN0WlpxaDBOb0pXZXZUTW5ZTy1kZjY5VnVoUE9zSUd0aHk3cVQyZnNVM3p4bjFOcnc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HazEtX1czc290MDRzSWMtZEQwOTZZNGg1ZFJ6Z1BuMGI2MVd4dFFGZ2U2cjlROWQ0dVVDTmxVQ2JUNGNnVnRxdmZXYnlsYzFVY2FzXzlidkExdmhwaWtycXpiUVJRdnNiRXJsVGVscjJtMFhwNk1wQTh4WmhNU25OdDVLdHN0NFlDWVJtOEp2WmpVYU0xZ1g1N1NUdmV3aVV1VkdtSHJ3NTRyT1Y5d05IZUVybnhjPQ== |
| r/deepwoken | post | r/deepwoken | 2024-06-01 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HazE5bWZnZ3ZtOUI2V1YzMGpvM0RJYjNZZnRuMEptNEhBZFozY1hiV09xNlhkdV84dXZIaG9MS2NGaC1jWUMwc3ltLWFmbVpMMHc1WTlNSXZOdzlRT1Z3S3dwOVcwSkdkMk5pRDlrZWNHN1dxSWc9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HazEtaU4ydHZPaElGMkVRNk00ay1JTjRfRTJXOEFYWDRxSE5ZM25yekFVcV9WVE5NMV9MT3VPdDRhbkF0WlBCbFFzUlVaZ0pDeGlFMzU1ZTVoOGVKSTdlS0lQYVBJNFZlZ2FscmhGaDg0Nm5UTTNzNjJ6d0NJd2FITmpGM3UtNk5FVGVJNUJDallxQ3YxbXY4OUFaampSWFhIcnY1Z0EwZDZHYko1VUhUdUZfUEhnQmNObFR0eGx6em9YalVzODFLLTBhZEoyb1BPY01PLUY5WEFDR0pod3pJZz09 |
Just waiting on the form 1 to get approved to make her proper. Anxious to see how she sounds tomorrow.
| r/kac | post | r/kac | 2024-06-01 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HazE5d2RTQ0pQM2dEZkZ1TFBtaERMLVFIT1dhTHZqdGtFbmp1ay12d012YVN3UmMwLVJNXzlzZDBpNHlETjlEVDl2cUpaYnhSQnVId012c0F2bVotQ0tkamc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HazEtb0F1MDI2MHkyWDNLSWhRa1c1YlR3SG1GWmVwTjJqRU1aaFN4dXJnYUJ5MTRYSVg3T2N0VlVYSS0xNmxqY1BuLUtwQnhiN0Q3cElYSmx0U3BGV1VqVTdYQUE4RlM1VUd4VHlxZ1dRQ0lZTEhPLVNaVFJpQzdicWRzNkFTOFh2eGVUcENIWEJuMnBhZzB0cHAzeXp0UlJ4Ujk0TXV2OU1wUXRkSEJMSEJSblgtXzR3TU5odE5Gd2xjVXV3cVF1X3JN |
For those who don’t know these discord people are just pressing scam links, so I edited the scam links to come here so you fools who thought that this was gonna give you $50, It was a scam. thank you. Something called hyperlink. How does a hyperlink work? Where off you use these columns to get this new “Hyperlink” so welcome to TADC guys. | r/theamazingdigitalciru | post | r/theamazingdigitalciru | 2024-06-01 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HazE5UGtoYTNCclItNUpoSTN0c3g3eGZKbzlHMmotZXFMUVlCZ3c5QmRMNW5uSFY4OWlXNmtONUs5bWR5aWR4a25hVDIxa1FkRDJxR1JTVVlfVG9MQUJaRXhTQlVVZ3VqYzVWcDQxV1VjNUJJd3c9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HazEtQTd0YzBCZGp2TkpLNDZIemFGa2JqVm1ic05xUjNSaDRGaUVKeUZwVE5kSmlua3U0VWFLS09ON0JMU0hVUGFfU3JmTW03WFY2X3Z6b19jRWVYcnBacXh1YjVDZXVxdWkxZ2lUU3hoRFhpWXdCWHBzT19xQU84NE5OS0N0c05oc0pwcXdIbHJ2cnNMNG5IaXVtVUxjNHJkT0E0azg2aTVXS1N3MC1YY2paa196NVdEYWhwSUo0c0RfZjlpZ2tRQUl6ZGNMN0VObGVwSlIxc0tyT2pwbE93Zz09 |
Cross culturally, the main factor tied to birthrates is economic opportunity. There's no finalized explanation for this. One explanation might be that women can't trade career and motherhood off that easily, so the monetary incentive prevents motherhood. Another might be evolutionary psychological, which is that women never really liked men that much, sexually, and once freed from economy dependence on men, women simply don't want to be married that badly to the available men. Another might be practical: women never really wanted to be mothers that bad, it's risky and a lot of work, they never had a choice and given the choice they just don't choose it.
The first two explanations can be addressed by changing the economic incentives to make marriage more attractive than having an independent career.
The third explanation can be addressed by looking at one final cross-cultural statistic.
It seems that women who never go to college, but enter adult life and socialize into adult life as mother - that is their first pregnancy is at 18 - end up having many babies. Women who go to college socialize into adult life as childfree, so while many of them have a baby or two ultimately, they are never comfortable with motherhood which is seen as an alternative adult lifestyle (which it is). Nevertheless, it seems like if you have women be mothers first, then culturally expect women to go to college after their children are fully school-aged, that you'd overcome this factor.
Here's a policy platform that solves all this (either state run, or as a non-profit coop arrangement):
1. Take the median annual income of working women (maybe adjust for age demographics), add 10%, and then pay women to be mothers.
2. This program will make them state employees, so to keep getting the money, certain kinds of training or co-parenting would be required, which will help make life easier for young mothers. For instance, mandatory babysitting coops so "me" time is programmed into a young mother's life as policy (think like 5 mothers, two get the day off, three watch all 5 kids).
3. The program only pays what is necessary for replacement. So a mother can draw this salary for up to three kids if that's the targeted replacement figure. She might then go on to have more, but that's up to her. Rules can govern things like how much time is allowed between babies until the mother loses qualification for the program, things like that.
4. At some point, maybe when the youngest child turns 8 and is in school, the program ends. There should probably be something like a GI Bill for schooling attached to this, and public universities and colleges should adapt programs so that they make sense for people who have older children at home.
5. The program requires marriage, so the economic necessity of marriage will be restored, and women will have to prioritize marriage through this economic incentive.
6. Men in this program will also get a small stipend. This is not a replacement income. They will be required to attend a few of the parenting classes to receive the stipend. The purpose of this stipend is to keep the man invested in the marriage. If we acknowledge the premise that most women have been marrying for economic reasons, it means that by making pure economy incentives the reason for marriage, we might be creating a lot of cynical marriages.
7. With fault divorce, the male being the party at fault, mothers should not be cut off from the program intended to support children for a period of years. This reasonable policy creates a problem. Women have sometimes created emotional conditions in marriage such that the man is pressured to sabotage the marriage, but this is done in a way where the apparent fault lies with the man. Most simply and often this is through withholding particularly sexual affection but also tying that to emotional affection and being emotionally abusive toward the man. With cynical marriages, women might try and sabotage them but in a way where the man is legally at fault. To avoid this, the stipend for the male is a small incentive for him to not commit fault, basically, to put up with some amount of marital friction.
8. No-fault divorce is still allowed, and while it might be good to change this family law policy, let's say we don't. Men will still owe child support and alimony. However, outside of a fault-based divorce, women would lose the "mothering income" and disqualify for the program. This too would disincentivize divorce, while maintain family law protections that women seem to find essential.
That's it. As far as I can see, this would be the only effective policy that could sustain birthrates in an urbanized, industrial society.
The only other alternative are very very tight-knit, exclusive patriarchal traditional communities. These also usually have a separate language spoken in the community versus the outside, reinforcing the moat against modernism with a socio-linguistic layer. | r/natalism | post | r/Natalism | 2024-06-01 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HazE5M2RGWnBCbnpnZzFKTmE3OUU3a09SVk1fRXEyTnk3cThKYl9ZMjRmQkQzTTVfTGVDYko4VVNhZUFTR0VMcEJBMjlhQzRiRzVPUFliYzNESm9pYjl5bXdJbWZXWGY5Y1BYQTZwRk44aWREVkU9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HazEtN1VKQkFhTUNQeDBxR1dxWmlvN0ZKUjlqaVd0ZERWTnVBZHpTU21zTmZWYkJnRnI1bmFUdEdCUlNvUTlnWmdnWjFQN21MY05mMmFvSnQzWEd2OTQta1BlcThFZEsyQjRXUFJnYmYyWm1XbXZveGhkNm5EZWNuc19uRlJqcFV0MEJGSDZNYW4xV1JlWGc2MHZnc2IwaF9TcWs2cHlyMGhvdU1oeXh6LVlmOTR1Qk1STUMyTnpoaWN6MkNYOGZrWDVF |
I like Firefly as a character more but I like Jade's kit more | r/starrailstation | post | r/StarRailStation | 2024-06-01 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HazE5Smp3MUI2SWNmVEpPVmJpdjRCVUtaT0pmTmtLWWpUZDJKRzN4YS1uY1VlRlZYN2RYcDNEbzhyNUYtV1JGSnJWcjE1SzVwZXhyZnIxRDNVNmJpb2NlNGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HazEtRFJUaHZGZkxxbnhhM1NycUhsNHdwWWl1V2R1eGoyMDVvcnE5bzFoR1k1UnYxTjl1SGtWUEViZnUzbUpNMkxGbnJGejRJdEoyMUZRLUdWWlJjbW1lVGtMSld1Ny1NV2ZQVVhDamRfdExZQTNqZVQ1TWJEb3ZRY1RSd0N5dnM5a004WE9PRXJ0MXNYbmdQYTFzWmlEREhfZk5tTEE0STZvemptZ3d1ZmxaOFJzPQ== |
I was feeling pretty happy with what I was getting, but I actually gasped when I saw the Espeon. Definitely my favorite pull from SWSH so far | r/pokemoncards | post | r/pokemoncards | 2024-06-01 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HazE5M19LbndiQ0lyUEgwMnF4UnFDWTJoRk1YOGhGelFiS09ERmctelRObWZRMVZFYWVocUIwdlY5a2FPTEFQMlZEbXFTbDQxRlRsS25YSWlhLWtDQ1BVakE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HazEtckFMS1JKVHhobFJ3VG5IMVlQTTJBLXNOdW5VTW9uQ0NuMU93MXVPV3pfWHN3TGROaVhmeDRUMy1VWFh2NVR0UlRYVldYbW9pb0xhV1g3bXFUQkJ2NmVPZEZpa1l1d3ZvaUNFSDR3ajBzZkdVMmZYN1hkZm5MWXM1bXRhQ3JSVjdnaWg3TENnSjdsU2tNTGFJVElpbDJlQUhWaUprQmkzR2FtdjJnYzJQdjZ6d2ZSU3lTNGM4VHFCVDVPamhiVnVBdlYzNVBSTEtsaGY5dUQ0QjMxSXlEQT09 |
Somewhat of a long post but I just need to get my thoughts out somewhere. I'm going to college next year and I've been really dead-set on pursuing art and animation as a career. Yet lately, and especially with the whole Meta thing happening, I've been freaking out over the possibility of an art career not working because of the growth of AI. I'm afraid I won't be able to do what I love as a career- considering how rapidly AI seems to be taking the jobs of artists in the industry. I guess I'm just a little discouraged. I have a year before I go to college, but I really don't want to change my career path. I'm curious if anyone might have anything to say that might be reassuring? Not asking for anything overall, though. Just getting my thoughts out. | r/applyingtocollege | post | r/ApplyingToCollege | 2024-06-01 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HazE5UC1ZS3lPX3BDZjY3Rl9MTWZvaG5XZkYteHY1NG5qSzI0SWdTYllTbGpBX1I5T1E2cUpaclZtOWhDYWV5U1VwY01tT19HdFdCdkZPVzdGT1lzZm5YSFNycE56Tl8tWmdMOTJSUEVRZ3lON0U9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HazEtV29tVWlrZ0N6VEpQdGdyalRxUl9sYkdUeHR4blBjLVpjS1g2MmJ3SWl3SlJ6Ny0tQ3BRMjdXbU5jY3hBbXBLUUFGVnZkZ2lrZlgzVnZPSHR3N2MyVjVNQXdUSXMzUm9NY3FrNWRTUTlBQWZtSnhrcG5WWXhZTlo3cVNNR2dLVklwazYzY3RYZVNBMkNFYkt6eFd2UzRyUHVfUE1rWDNoNjFkclRSUDJNUTVfVzZFZ2VCZVFLZ2hPTnNOVTBqcGtWU3l6cjJHdHdGQWNMYjFtX3RGX3dydz09 |
Hi! Trying this again in the hope of finding some new people to talk to 🙂 I’m a 26M from Scotland, UK, pretty chilled out and happy to talk about/listen to just about everything.
As for my hobbies - I am a MASSIVE horror fan and I love everything creepy/scary,
I watch/play football to keep fit and I like gaming(PS5) whenever I have the spare time, always looking for game recommendations and people to play with.
I love being outside, finding places to explore and most importantly spending time with my dog (feel free to send me pet photos too!) 🐶
I also have a lot of tattoos and love to see other people’s work, I’m always looking for new ideas and I love seeing what other people have so feel free to show me yours!
I don’t mind moving to a different platform too if it’s easier, Reddits chat system is terrible. Send me a message if you like 🙂 | r/letschat | post | r/LetsChat | 2024-06-01 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HazE5b0t3cldRQzdBRlpWeTJfOVIwWDN1cFNlVTdBNjMzeTdYWlNoSE4yamdNSHNrLWxQUmVkUHdtQVI5bDFUVW5OQkJHSlhUQXZ5NDA1ZWtibzQtbUN2Zmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HazEtalR0WExCdUFIR2N0UnJtX0V0UDhVMVREdXlWWEFPM1hhVWhxUzRkZjRUNWp2QkFDMllRYzVnTHZJVEYtQzcxU3JJa19ROUFZR0lybHc0bmpUeC1rbXRNRTJud2pXZTFaV2R6dkVUUDBhMUdRRkVpdzNqc050Z2JONXotR21Zd1d4M0FEblJReDQtWDhBRVlvN2J6VWk0bXNENVl4cmdtTVlnMnVFUlFtNzJLMDJYTlZfbnpOWVJSSm9LUENwYmZo |
source: [https://benevolentbowd.ca/games/esotu/eso-golden-vendor-2024-05-31/](https://benevolentbowd.ca/games/esotu/eso-golden-vendor-2024-05-31/)
# What does the Golden Vendor offer this week?
The Adhazabi Aba-daro is a special ESO vendor that only appears on the weekend to offer a random selection of gold jewelry (2 from dungeons and two from zone items sets), two monster set helms or shoulders (pledge dungeons).
Their location will depend on your faction: Aldmeri Dominion (Western Elsweyr Gate), Daggerfall Covenant (Northern High Rock Gate), Ebonheart Pact (Southern Morrowind Gate). [View Maps](https://benevolentbowd.ca/games/esotu/esotu-chronicle-of-alliance-point-vendor-items/#locations)
* [Dro’zakar’s Necklace](https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Online:Dro%27zakar%27s_Claws) – Robust 200,000g / 375,000AP
* [Defiled Dragon Necklace](https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Online:Dragon%27s_Defilement) – Healthy 200,000g / 375,000AP
* [**Necklace of the Dragon**](https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Online:Akaviri_Dragonguard) **– Healthy \* 125,000g / 225,000AP**
* [**Dragonguard Elite’s Amulet**](https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Online:Dragonguard_Elite) **– Robust**\* **125,000g / 225,000AP**
* [Thurvokun Head](https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Online:Thurvokun_(set)) – Infused / Impenetrable (Light, Medium, Heavy) 100,000g / 200,000AP
* [Maarselok Head](https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Online:Maarselok_(set)) – Infused / Impenetrable (Light, Medium, Heavy) 100,000g / 200,000AP
Non-Jewelry Items purchased with Alliance points are impenetrable.
**About The Vendor**
Full history of golden vendor items: [https://benevolentbowd.ca/esotu/esotu-chronicle-of-alliance-point-vendor-items/](https://benevolentbowd.ca/esotu/esotu-chronicle-of-alliance-point-vendor-items/)
source: [https://benevolentbowd.ca/games/esotu/eso-luxury-furniture-items-2024-05-31/](https://benevolentbowd.ca/games/esotu/eso-luxury-furniture-items-2024-05-31/)
# What does the Luxury Furnisher offer this week?
The Luxury Furnisher Vendor (Zanil Theran) is located north of the bank in the Hollow City, Coldharbour and the Belkarth Festival Grounds in Craglorn.
* Riekling Grinding Stone 450g
* Riekling Tanning Rack, Stretched 450g
* **Falmer Gate, Stick 3,000g**
* Riekling Rack, Giant Bone 3,000g
* Riekr Tent, Snowy 3,500g
* Falmer Tent, Conical 4,000g
* Riekling Brazier, Ceremonial 4,000g
* Riekling Bonfire, Cermonial 4,000g
* Riekling Banner, Boar Pelt 4,000g
All 56 weeks of luxury items are on my ESO Calendar: [https://benevolentbowd.ca/calendar/ ](https://benevolentbowd.ca/calendar/)
Full history of luxury furnisher items: [https://benevolentbowd.ca/games/esotu/esotu-chronicle-of-luxury-furnisher-vendor-items/](https://benevolentbowd.ca/games/esotu/esotu-chronicle-of-luxury-furnisher-vendor-items/)
Mobile-Friendly Luxury Furniture Pocket Guide: [https://benevolentbowd.ca/games/esotu/eso-luxury-furniture/](https://benevolentbowd.ca/games/esotu/eso-luxury-furniture/)
# About the Vendor
source: [https://benevolentbowd.ca/games/esotu/chronicle-of-the-endless-archive-vendor/](https://benevolentbowd.ca/games/esotu/chronicle-of-the-endless-archive-vendor/)
# May 28, 2024
1. A Feast Among the Dead, Chapter III (Furnishing – Library / Literature // Must be in Lore Library) 1,000AF
2. Working in the Infinite Panopticon (Furnishing – Library / Literature // Must have in Lore Library) 1,000AF
3. Archival Essay: [Blackwood Treasure Map](https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Online:Treasure_Maps)\* (Container) 2,000AF
4. [Companion Equipment: Medium Armor](https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Online:Companions#Equipment_and_Sourcing)\* (Container – Random) 5,000AF
5. [Lead: Beetleback Pigment](https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Online:Spore_Savant_Body_Marks) (Antiquity Lead) 5,000AF
6. [Lead: Stone Shank Frame](https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Online:Oakensoul_Ring) (Antiquity Lead) 5,000AF
7. [Erroneous Archive Map](https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Online:Fragments)\* (Collectible Fragment – 20 – Shattered Mirror Maze Body Marks and Walk Through the Mirror Maze achievement) 7,000 AF
8. [Hero’s Ansei Deck Fragmen](https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Online:Tomes_of_Tributes)[t](https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Online:Ansei_Frandar_Hunding)\* (Treasure Map) 7000AF
9. [Psijic Glowglobe’s Updated Instructionals](https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Online:Fragments) (Collectible Fragment – Psijic Glowglobe) 7,000 AF
10. [Bound Style Page: Troll King Shoulder](https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Online:Troll_King_Style) (Style Page) 15,000AF | r/elderscrollsonline | post | r/elderscrollsonline | 2024-06-01 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HazE5ZGdhT0hHNjZuSGxFT1E2Zk9XU3p6WlZuYW5uemJULXBYc29iZkNSeG9kUWJ0T3RHU2JzQkd6ZjNaaDBKTHBXU0ZydDkxRGh5dXJYaEI0UTFlaWY2U1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HazEtZElLNVZacmZVdWc0MzhvWjVnSHU0V3l6RXl0eTIzVjVLVEhlN2QzcGZxR1pjRmJxYi1XaTFIVVNGVURQajhhSnp6Y2locHkyS1EzR1EzQUdSOE9IbXRZRGF2TG9ZcW5HcEJHR2xwNFZzeHc2WFZnNnR5dlAxTE12VWtSR0RydVhZMm5UR0RzeWxfNWVodlZTdTZvMGJJb0ZLcEp5UHF1c210UDlSa1B1a3dPNVdxTGI1SE51NHRtWVhfVEtwMHFjb1Q1NW9weHBfZUdhU3FVSjFHOFZJdz09 |
So last turny was my very first tournament and I'm wondering if people are already finding/using exploits or if it's regularly seen? I mean I'm still getting use to the game, been playing Tower Defense for awhile now so kinda have a feel for things, but I joined the last tournament within about 20 minutes of them starting and within about 10 minutes there was already someone at level 18,000+ and that just seemed a bit crazy. Does level progression scale like this later in the game or was something up? I haven't checked if there's a discord server for this gem of a game yet but guessing that's where I'd want to head to report something? | r/idlebrickbreaker | post | r/IdleBrickBreaker | 2024-06-01 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HazE5ZXh3ZG1fbEluZmk0VHhoY3JUQmVXelFQY1NNZnVSMlNiY2RReDhnWVNiRnZFa05SMzB3MFo4ZzZfWEhWZHZYYkdJVHVNQjdxX2pxZEZqNUlSUGxrdkE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HazEtblJUdWtKclRpMHBVUGVVdVlPdFNnS2Y3MnJOYXA0czJhNVFIcDMzRjdIbGZVMElYN0F3WTFuLVB0WENsc29ISl85cW9TTG8zaElxNWpoa2dnT2E1SC1JNjVXVExKMUxxSm83UWJ4YnN2dEcwNFRfVjA1VldYVnVKZ0IxVS01QWFKVXJjc09iSjZQWEx4dmZ3TzViNEVFemVsQXVjeXcycVJ3MTFLWmhwNVVIVlh1RndMUDlLTms0aHBzWGd1UVlf |
I love her but I’m a little disappointed with the strap. Packaging is super fun! 😎 | r/louisvuitton | post | r/Louisvuitton | 2024-06-01 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HazE5Q1F5dGlPUHp2ejl1RmVRdWtqNThnc24tQzIxQnY3eHhpeEFKLXhibEM1eDdGQXgyd3JLVnpIOUQ0TFlyVVNQcE5DcXc2THFYNXdmNjZvcGt5elZ3dVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HazEtdFFqV2ZyeV9YYWlDWUplZjJCdzZIWE1RTHU2bmhYMzA5T2czQUp0c0YzSDRWbjNKWU56NjFTemZKOHV0a1JHbkRETWNaOVlUNlc2WG9tNUR6WDB4WkptMlRfV3kyOVkzb0xkODN3VUdBSjlERy14Nl9RTVA3MldSZ2xkUlF0cGZ0X0RHWkdjUUNLcTNJa05TN0dDeTBMUS1iVGgwX2w0NEd0aXRVR1RDdGw0PQ== |
If anyone has them or sees them, please tell me!!! I am desperately in search of both or one of them. Thank you so much!! | r/makeship | post | r/Makeship | 2024-06-01 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HazE5V09fVThNQUhuQnNYNEJnRnctWHE2b0RnV1gyMm9rRGppWm1BVzJ3M3VzWjFPakk2SW5LdFpNME1EX2U5Ynd1SjE5cUdYTWlVVWkxelVmOUJUd0FqMkhVVkNlRHRJbmZQNG5HZDc4OFhFQmM9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HazEtdXNpWjlBQ2tmY1lBcjZaRThtUjhvb3VLYUdxU1pjanJHSDhhS25sV3NMMkM2dmFfamduX2NJakVFdnREclpRcmFoU3pvdGVuU0pTUGoxa2RuX2JucEpCOHdyY1JRU3lqYUlYa0d4eEw4a0ZQd050YVQ4Y3dCeG96OWJ6Z0U0NnVJcGN6S3RqUlh4eHRuc19ER0Nicno0QWpqWXJBcmNsVTZPemd0b0JTYlhxS2dBaTI4ZkdfSEhOdzREUWhTVGZMZnlQckFGNWtZQzZiZTM4RmVFVEJFdz09 |
Title | r/nsut_delhi | post | r/NSUT_Delhi | 2024-06-01 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HazE5d2N5R1JiX2I0YTYtaHluQTAyaVEtRDV4MHo0dlNqbGhuV3ZRdlF2Smt1UUZrUDdocmNucEE4bDZtT3VTalZibjluR2dlWE55WUlvN09LeEpKZGw3ZlRSRFRPcE5RNVJENkhKRmFJREdOeEE9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HazEtcTlQTFJqVFRiVk9PUHc4YTZRSDhlWGNFU1o0RGN5ZG1wS0JrLS14bHl1eTQxckJJQllGMWZPaThMSFRJOGM3cnhPcy1tVmFNZ0ZkZmFzaW9UWWNjTjdQa1QtQkE4cFNqZ0dFaDYwNWV6aXVHNkVSQ1JHbFBPcjg3SGUzZXJzbUh0MVBPSThIcjA1eDF1YmlCR2JteGJLcEFZRzliWXI1cmh4aDdqTG5sUDdqendkSmhWMzdoOFY3UlI0MzlYWFdicUpYVExQV29ST1hsS3RYbm9WVndqdz09 |
This sunroom was added onto our century home in like 1980 and hasn’t been touched since.
I’d like to update this room to give it more personality, make it cozier, maybe like a yoga and reading room.
Some images of the current stage, and some inspirations of things I favor (question my taste, I’m basic and want to live in a Nancy Myers house).
Things I’m thinking about:
• ways to replace the cellar access so I can reclaim the floor space
• a window seat where the door is
• make French doors on the window side
• could you expose ceiling beams, and replace the skylight? (How do you insulate?)
Open to ideas! | r/renovations | post | r/Renovations | 2024-06-01 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HazE5TjFacXlYTFdBSVVMZlRjYzVuUVBleVNMOW9wRGR1enJMM2NtbXEwQkdHSEYwTUotWjRwYVJvdWRsNnB5VzRNQ0lsN3FTTmVSM0FPSVJmNUlLQ0ozR05XM2JabjNuWS1kUC0wYmY3a3lYS0k9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HazEtUGktVG5CcVdzOGJMdzBVTGk2YTRkV2FYMVVxX1pZSnZLQ1h5cUVHV1c0ZkJ2bVRWcDJaVldOS0NOa1NPZzl6X1E4TDlseks0Um1aUVpmS0Z0M0dON05vN3RDUUpaTVdhUkFHWDAwM2NuNjEyWjQ4ZXh6bTJ3em8tQ0psRFJqMEVoWnlzcE96a2VvU2lyRGNiUmxkSFVPcVJEMHVRcWNuSnJ4MWtMTUQzempvaThJRklHaTlBVlRoVnFOV2tnZkcx |
Where can I find exact wording in contract ? | r/usps | post | r/USPS | 2024-06-01 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HazE5bzRjSHVtMm1teHRoMjZ3elhua0dEa2hHMnUxOWFubGxJQVljTHJvdG1VOFBLM2dDVURVdmpFdjc2eElyeUtxRmNncHlfVjRGX3BYUHBnUnF4WVl1Unl3VGphSm14MTVUeVNPMUNsVU5STXc9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HazEtaWNObjMxcUpPTU00RTlyUU94VVVNdTVJZDFoXzhIVlNsb0ljUmM5a0Y0T3gyQWFFYUxtWjkxTW12a1dhcFdCZlYxb0VfVXE1Z0ZtcnQxTnUwR05NWlJMR3NCS0p4ZkRqRVhnSWRua0kycUI1WHBtMkgtSU5nSDNqQm5BV2hyUXVDa3Qta2plMTh3VmR6UDlCUDJ1M1lMNE52QXN2MmNQWGdkd1VNaE8xRHdBdVN0RnIwYzBsVmRrTTFtV3FHNGNQ |
I'm on windows and using artist 10 (2nd gen). | r/xppen | post | r/XPpen | 2024-06-01 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HazE5bzYxbS1Kb2JmM25hYmNySXhHUjBEZlNZUmtrWUY1dzlpam1HUFRSTkVWSkZ4UEZQRnpCaDZnMGlla1haVGpsOVdyUU00S0Uxb0dvRkZTd0Y4T0VDS1EwVVRRa2pEN0NvV1JPUjMxcE4wT0E9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HazEtWGFVT2tnTi1iNnA0T3pNV2hhWWU4V1ZoRGlzUjZIR1Y3N1d0Wm1MM3diVURrRUpGWGJ0amdSUHVFdUpKRS1HT0xCSGZ0VHVDZXRxcEp4UGVKRVZfVnRYd1JUTXhMbGxJVUdLeEpjSHBVaTFYWTBLWDFaekcxdm5rZEJFNGVROE5pMnY3V2tqT1E4WHNva0NkeXNSVWNDc1RTYVdWaGFEM1ZLcU9UU1h6aTRTTERHbkNXWjYzZDI2RHVjSjg5Tnpu |
I have a Trane XR95 unit with a Utilitech Pro UL-AC-PUMP condensate pump. The hose connecting the drain pipe and pump split, it had been here since I moved in, in 2016. What I purchased to replace it was the only 1" hose I could find at my hardware store, the EZ-Flo Clear Vinyl with a working pressure of 35 PSI, ID of 3/4" and OD 1".
Once the a/c was running again, I went into the basement to find water on the floor. The coils are not freezing. I opened the lid on the T pipe and water started pouring out of the opening. I used my shop-vac to clear out the water, pulled out some dirt with it, poured in vinegar and used a pipe cleaner. Hooked it back up, let it run, water is still sitting in the T pipe when drainage starts. If I pull the hose off the T, water will come pouring out of that end of the T, indicating the pipe is not clogged. So the water won't move beyond the PVC when the hose is attached. Since the hose is clear, I can easily see there are no obstructions there.
The PVC is marked for 40 PSI. I thought if the lower working pressure of the hose became an issue, it would be in way of another hose splitting. Is the 35 psi working pressure of the hose likely creating this issue or is there something else I should be looking for? | r/hvacadvice | post | r/hvacadvice | 2024-06-01 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HazE5Vl9CZjdIaGxpbkVGalgyUlFhVk9YWkg0a0ozcE9lV09ZSFJsV2pyOFRGWHdEV0h0OUVDVTlpSmNjZ2ZXUkJldlBTaU5MeUw0end6cTgwZzhsYWF1RVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HazEtSGNxQkU5Q2hPcmJWMmZzX18zTWtBNDFlLU1BSktGcFlxbVFWVkxBakZCLXF1dTFwejNWd2JtaDRjbmdsM0JZUFJGNkZoM0FtLUtZSTRQQ0Fib2c5dXA1X3RDc08tTGotQWJ4N0xjMktXNmk4WjlndUJEZjE2NTh3NWhJbXJNRWMzSWRZZTNRemp5MzVrT3psOEZ5b0VYQVYxcFV0QXBYdWhicmtsUnpKdV9ZYlF5U1V0QnBZTFZvVHVYWlhyZ085aEtNSWloeHJQM2tSMEFWYTVFSTdLdz09 |
So I study Economics at Warwick and am unfortunately going to narrowly miss out on a 2:1. I have a job lined up after uni so not too worried about immediate prospects but how badly will this harm my long-term prospects? | r/uniuk | post | r/UniUK | 2024-06-01 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HazE5WndnY0NzQmVEem1kcHo3bzVzYTRPWkZLdWZKNjNhTXpOVzlFYjhUNFdWT215MUl6N1poRWhHZVRPY0Y5M2hYbnRQQ0xWYWFDdmhqVXZwLUxBaGkwdWhqZW16dG10VngwSjhZNmd2QnBORzA9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HazEtZ05hdEVlMWhQLWp3OExVcHZHSWtFTEZVbXZRanp2LXh0aWY3YlRNcmQwNUNEZUgzNDVRMldXWVBhMHoxY2JSbnNIRWFsSzlITHprdENlVXo1NjMxSXBFeThpMGVPMTJxTnc5TzdlNTFCNTFvU0hmeWJkTHRrYWxCZ0RqU0RZVlI5dXdIa0tITUo5Z3BxXzhMWXZVbUljQVhGWmlKOENXemdFYkFETmRMTDRHU1JWUm5YTTBER3BvcXFPanQ3dkRk |
In episode 45 of season two, when Glen and Terry Jr. are fighting in hell because Terry took Nick's arm, the teens and Ron try to resolve the situation, and Terry Jr. bursts into tears as he opens up to everyone about his guilt and how he feels like he deserves punishment, and he calls himself a bad person, but Ron jumps in immediately to hug Him and comfort him, and Terry sobs into his chest, and calls him daddy. When I first heard this part, I had to rewind a few times because it made me feel so happy to witness what a good relationship Ron and Terry developed and what a good father Ron ended up being, despite everything Willy put him through. I really wish we got to see more Ron in the second season. He's truly the father that stepped up. I hope this doesn't count as a low quality post. I just really wanted to share my opinion about this wholesome moment. | r/dungeonsanddaddies | post | r/DungeonsAndDaddies | 2024-06-01 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HazE5cTdMMnhSb0tNUmV0Q1J5dG5RMWJqSnJBZ1J5RGFWdmQ4Y3BNRk5fMEROa25RVU1OVmswV1hvZDk1eXlndUtSMzJvRkVQNFBpbjdRMGtDYlhGMDZsUUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HazEtT3Q1TjNTZ2JMaG5VbEFPcFhMejJOMkExQjlYUnRySjFsZTZVOEdsaWJTQ2syc1lPM1lGMnU1cG01c0xYTU1JcUptRTQ0UHpQajhvQS10bXdKLXN1SHdyWTkzYVpYTW5GQXc3QmFCWUl1cUV6dHJHMnpTOXZFeVhjb2lOS0E4OFpXWDlCNVRhQ1NYRWo1S0FnalJvbW9EMnhTSkZDUWZKelZscGk0MDk4WTNJamtjU1pEZk5TU3otWk9yX05XNUlPaFFTcGtvWlRWbngtT1M1MmFjajgtQT09 |
I am opting for elective surgery for my knee, I have never need to navigate insurance. Any chance Kaiser may deny it since surgeon isn’t too positive of successful outcome. Also it’s been 7 months since my initial injury. The pain is mostly gone and I can move but the surgery if it works can delay need for knee replacement. Also I may be switching to Medicaid since I have been off of work for months now.
| r/kaiserpermanente | post | r/KaiserPermanente | 2024-06-01 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HazE5UDk1cG9Pa2l4VkNaSjdVWTBFTXJBbTMyM2x4OF9nNFYxUzFwUkNNTi00UG5hSmhYMXN5MlE3LXd5ZXZkdk5pZmlMSGhlOXdfcFdBdzlGQ1JCS09OdlE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HazEtWEtfcEVPU29tTDkyTXRUTHJJTDNWNzYxUnp4NXJhdE9hVHJhclhhRGhZLWpOMTJPYklma0k1ZU5qdjA5aDU2MU95NGxKb201cDZNRERDb2lCVC1nb0ZEaGdsVldPb0FLckU5TFpaY3VnbzZyZVVSOHhHYnJ1MVd0ZHV1RlhnaUdQWlpia1hrMUppWllPbXVXdXNnaWJxVWJ5bTZGbks1dVZoZ2NtbzVtczVPUmZHam03alh3M3pNM0FhOHZ1ekhCcjV1Y0FsQmFHdmxsWWY0eWZwWlA3QT09 |
I (21F) got the paragaurd IUD in March 2023. I bled and spotted like hell up until November of last year.
I am unfortunately a pretty paranoid person. Ive had two ultrasounds, the last one being in January of this year to confirm it was still in place. I can even still feel the strings so I shouldnt worry so much.
But I cant help but worry every month I have weird cramps or spotting. This entire week Ive had back cramps but no discharge. Suddenly today I had a big red gush of blood and some side cramps, only once and nothing else. I did have a cut down there and am wondering if it was that or just spotting because yesterday I started bioidentical progesterone, but yknow? That *worry* man. Im on cycle day 20, and had intercourse on day 13 and 16, but then again Ive had intercourse numerous times and havent gotten pregnant on this.
I can still feel the strings today, Ive had no more bleeding. My partner and my doctor both want me to get my copper iud out because I was just diagnosed with Von willebrands, but my partner and I are very active. I am so worried that that gush of blood was implantation, but Im trying to comfort myself going I can still feel the strings and Ive been through this before.
I know if I get this removed for the sake of my health, my paranoia would get even worse but I cant keep bleeding out every month. My partner is so supportive of either decision but I just. I am so scared maybe Im pregnant eventhough I can feel my strings and the bleeding stopped granted Im on only day 20 out of nornally 28, and I want this out but at the same time I dont because its the only thing keeping my mind together.
Sometimes, just sometimes, being a woman *sucks*.
**and I cant take hormones due to aura migraines | r/birthcontrol | post | r/birthcontrol | 2024-06-01 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HazE5YW9FNVVvSkU5VWxOWWFsaE1CY0JYZTRqVWc4M0lubnVnSnNUa2FhRjUzNy1La3BuSTRTT3F3YjlpbW40WTF1Skd3M3VXMGgwU0hYajFDR2d1WjRwMlE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HazEtWDlUWmdOSVFNU1JwUzVJdDBwNUY1VWJ3V05BY3dDbm9GRlMtbTRxb0k4WEExdzl1QUVtZTBrMWhlTEVvV2ZoeWlJczlaS2dZUmNQeTNfXzc4MkhPUTZ3akM4TGJtNEtWbGFKRm9uQW5hMzRCNTRLTmFnOXZxREpEeUt1ZEZGMzkwaVoyVllpQXlaN29xZFlLWHo5dVpoX05hdnkyMkdhYjFHY0xSQ0RSOUNvPQ== |
Purchased a kogalla light with the largest battery pack and am having the problem that on certain levels of brightness it cuts off after 30 seconds. Then I can't get the light back on without pulling the pack out and hitting the button on the battery which isn't easy since it is stored in the back pocket of my running vest. Any one know what is going on? | r/trailrunning | post | r/trailrunning | 2024-06-01 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HazE5X2hpNzdsa2ZSU0RyTVljT0xFaHRPWVNCWlgxRVhFRW12MzJvM0l3UDEwbFd4TUpxczdudHk4YlRyM2h4Tnh6ZlB4cTlmS2NPaW9tdTFJQ3VDejVyeFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HazEtYm1wSk8tSm1GQTBNN1lacnZ1Mm5SbGZWT19XWG9sZDZONjBRYkhZU0RpUEFxMzZWMGs1VzlOaWMxNWtWYUhBcEhFdW5tUmtVckdtNExlTnI4WkYta1FlY3FKUUxKUnFkbWQyU3I2eEp4aGsydHZiZFJhUTJZLXczZmRQV3B3S3FITjYyLWJKT05hNGhnSElIaFYzS252dmt2ZjRBckJtRjdxNkl2S0ltOW1vPQ== |
Hello - I will soon be moving from an apartment with a german cockroach infestation and I want to ensure I don’t bring any with me to the next one. I’ve read the sticky and many other threads in this subreddit covering the same topic and developed a plan for moving out. I wanted to post it here to get feedback or confirmation that my plan is sound.
* Moved in July of last year. The peak of our infestation was November-February, where we would see 4-8 roaches daily of various ages. We got fumigated a total of 3 times - once in November, December, and February. Since our 3rd fumigation in February, where our apartment complex treated multiple units at once, we saw a decline in frequency - maybe 1 every few weeks or so. Still not certain they are gone considering we see one from time to time, and knowing that our building is dealing with an infestation as a whole.
* In terms of infestation areas, we saw the most roaches in our kitchen near the usual appliances. The second most common areas were the bathrooms. Occasionally we would see one on the floor/wall of our living room or bedrooms, but they typically didn’t congregate in those locations.
For simple items that are made of solid materials without holes or crevices, I plan to just inspect them, clean them off, and put them in an airtight plastic moving container.
These are my plans for riskier household items:
**Fabric based objects like sheets, towels, and clothes**
* Inspect and wash/dry. Place in airtight plastic container.
* For objects that are unable to be washed, just inspect.
* For objects that are unable to be washed but seem suspicious, place in vacuum sealed bag for ideally 30 days.
**Wooden objects**
* Inspect, dismantle if possible or if suspicious, and wipe down. Place in air tight plastic container.
* For objects that seem suspicious, place in vacuum sealed bag for ideally 30 days.
**Kitchen appliances**
* Throw away: toaster oven, Keurig, air fryer
* Vacuum seal gaming consoles for at least 30 days - maybe 2 months to be safe.
* Inspect for signs of bugs. If clear, place mattress in mattress cover. After moving to new apartment, replace old cover with new cover. Keep cover on indefinitely, or remove after a few months if roaches do not seem present.
* Taking these precautions so that roaches do not enter or exit, if they are somehow in my mattress.
**Treatment for new apartment before bringing any boxes in:**
* Caulk holes/cracks in floor edges with caulking tape
* Spray Alpine WSG
**Moving In:**
* Carefully inspect exterior of sealed moving containers to ensure there are no hitchhikers
* Inspect each object as I take it out to ensure there are no hitchhikers
* Keep vacuum sealed items mentioned above quarantined until safe
* For my kitchen appliances, I can part with the toaster oven, but I want to try vacuum sealing my Keurig and air fryer. Not sure if it is worth the risk though.
* I have a PC setup from my work company so that I can work from home half the week. The PC and monitors are a bit larger, so I am not sure if I can vacuum seal them (also I need them to work). I can’t toss them either because they are my company’s property - what is the best approach?
* Similar to the PC, we have a TV in our living room that is too big to vacuum seal. Should I just toss it?
* For smaller electronic appliances that omit heat when they are in use (lamps, blow driers, hair curlers) - are those safe? Or should I vacuum seal them as well?
Please let me know if you have feedback! Thank you! | r/germanroaches | post | r/GermanRoaches | 2024-06-01 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HazE5NWtQc3Z1S2MyZEZPRG8yd2tEQTllX3VqeWdvNWZwcVZqYlBCaVA5VVZiUnJMNldsVWZUalRBMm9zR3h2T19xM1NhVHVRRW1rZ2JkNjJfdERyYTNsNUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HazEtTDBMak5PUmVSYlpLbkI0RG9JMUVfSEREeEJqRkw3R2pQdnpBd29OcndNdkp1dGJmbi1zYU5XOWg1Y18tMjBpLVVlX3JwYk5yQ1RBNU1aTnpRc2xQY2RlUXBmS1BBRGpIS2xxVnRBVkpYQkpETXF2c20xS1JhZUo1Tnh2VWRkWlVFdXZveXFLSkg2aFlfWHVrRnpiN2tjeEhtNk12LXNMQjFJTE1zdEhhVy1rcGlUTFhDdGFDODZQRDB1VmdjR0o3aHhtVk9Fblo0YnRwNXZUdVJ3QlF4QT09 |
Starting grad school soon and I was wondering how you guys take notes. I was thinking it would be a good idea to do notes in class on my computer and then copy them down onto paper later. TIA! | r/gradschool | post | r/GradSchool | 2024-06-01 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HazE5elExb21JZ09MWG9vZnloZzN6TW9SOG9vdHhNeW40TmpIVUZtRUdUbUp4cmJTVER0ZjJubDRKOVlneldFUUZNZ0NsdG5hM0xFMWRnSXVyWGpDRWRlZnc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HazEtQVFreE1IeGs4SFgtT2Y4bHhsY2x4aTNhTHBtTmVSbkMwRnlNM2txSnJ3N25ZYnY3SmJPbmRGUWdhM2JPM1J2dEFsY3c0aXQzLUdUbXExLXBhMzl3QXMzWnlmUVljUk1KLTZDalM2Yk5jc0I4eVBTb205ejBqYnNBanh1UDlQRkZXRmZsTlg4dUFUdUd5dlVsd1lsX2RxRTQwZ0d6WHBBRGFtTVM5bDJScmljPQ== |
Got it on the last relic and also a shiny gray matter which is pretty meh. No skill marie lezzz goooooo | r/skullgirlsmobile | post | r/SkullGirlsMobile | 2024-06-01 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HazE5NjlfX0hSSkhacWw3b0c1MmFLOWN1WnZSb09pS2ZJME01cVd0cS1OVnFBYkhHMVFYMTFzbl9VdjBZZWxFNEdQVS1haFpyR3BraTZaLWEwejBoZFRSc3IyOEZnOUdsZlZVU0FibkZNbHd4RGM9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HazEtMjNCcWZvdTN6cHN4VkVScDcwT1ZwdVB0RFpMQmpGekVvT1lkUEpEOUdTZGNGbWx1LTJoaFpRcTAyUUxJdlVHeUtxaG5mVnlNdVVUdVJwTDV3VzhKUHlSUU5lNzNRWVdUam1XTmRDVWRPSEFfSXpOWTBIZDZwSExyTERMQUVEVmRfdlRsdm1qWmdzNDQ5OGYzS25oRkNqVkM2bTh2X05SRnRoUmM3TVRxaU1NPQ== |
Let's say you have a towel that is 100 feet on each side, and square. You are at its southwest corner and walking to its northeast corner.
You can walk 100 feet north and then 100 feet east. Your total distance moved is 200 feet.
You can zigzag across diagonally, going 50 feet north, 50 feet east, 50 feet north, and 50 feet east again. That's still 200 feet of walking.
You can zigzag more tightly, going in alternating increments of 25 feet north and east, four times each. Still 200 feet.
No matter how many times you tighten the zigzag, or how small the increments you go north and east in, getting your path closer and closer to a perfect diagonal line northeast, your total distance will be 200 feet.
But if you **actually** go northeast, your distance is about 141 feet (the side length of the towel, times √2).
As soon as the increments go from finite to infinite, your path length suddenly loses 59 feet, and I don't understand how that happens. This is probably some odd variant of Zeno's paradoxes | r/explainlikeimfive | post | r/explainlikeimfive | 2024-06-01 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HazE5MnRoSzh4Ty1HU3hQUVV4d3RzN3pTUlFnUGRxbDhwMzhGZFFaNkYtcE9XVVVzLWxrQy0wcGMybkZCdGlpaF9jVFNFZUJYelA4bGJmNW80Z3FnMWpjQWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HazEta0V3dkRuTmtTak1OMzc3cDByMWgtMWlOTlFFMkh4Qng0RS0tWVBrakFFX3EwYi1YUWlqN3lITWl6UkItZFpxZDZfdlA2Ulk1dDVvWXkwb2FIN194aDJzaC1yWGRfcXp0ajBSTW16dzQ1NmVZc19INVg5eWlqb2ZpTVlkdHBHTWxSMTdqelB1TlBFU09tZmhtYWxPNS1aZkNjSzFMRXZrdnFnWEJZRE9KblJhcXg3RDllbDlwS0t3NDZ2N3JoWTNkS0FSSGZHVWMzTUVvVHdQUnN3Wm5jQT09 |
Bought the car in Cali and I found out they drilled into the body to install the front liscence plate holder. It hurt to see so for now I've just gotten hole covers. Definitely prefer no front plate.
For those wondering it's got V-land sequential tail lights and the Invidia N1 dual exhaust system so she sounds nice and bassy. Aside from that, not any crazy mods and is sitting on stock suspension and brakes. I don't know a whole lot about cars but I'm using this car to learn. Next "big" thing I'm saving up for is a custom wrap since it gets really dusty out here. | r/ft86 | post | r/ft86 | 2024-06-01 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HazE5aDZSUUtkYnM0QWswWGd1bUZOc3FZMG8xa2VYdVBPOU56WVZfWkMwZ1R0cG55SUgzekpsVFVmRW85aWxuR0xCMHIwaV9LMlJ5RlZDRmgxWEFOeWF6Nmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HazEtR29sU05ZWXFPTTdhdHVMWThQOXpDSkk3ZURNY19zVmktbWlzMUI4UXBNYWNtSjRDc0NsaGhkZkFaT0JqYTRBdnpjQ2FtOXpoNXY1RXRJRGlVdW1UTFFGbkxXb3VOYjdDaXFROU53UjY4M3o2YmJtWFE3YzBGTFNSdi1LdV9XVlcxYVlGdzFncWNISS14bUVHbmRJQzhxSmtmNmJLVXRsbDhIdHNsblVtZFZBNkI0cm1IOXFBU19BTndYUGhQV0tQ |
Hey guys, I came across one of the small Apple airport expresses, only has one wan port and one lan port, but I’m having trouble connecting the DLive app through it? Or any desk for that matter.
Any tips on the correct settings for the iPad router desk combo? | r/livesound | post | r/livesound | 2024-06-01 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HazE5aUNsSWl1VmxEaXZEUHZ4U0I4eGYyQ1ltTU5jQnNiaU9PbHV0bUh2alE1RFg5T3BIUUVEakVVWWdPUFRtbjhrZHYtdWQtNGo1MTJqNW8yNktKZFdVTU81U2xNRjFucWlaSWRyTUVDSjdDeGs9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HazEteEh0X1d3MVdYQWFLaS1qcDJsU28wTXJucTFMbXg5VzRRVGtKcklIYkdUZ195SGRHVGI5NU40UlNId3NsTURMS3hXV3lQSFA4UkNQS0pPT3MwUEgyQkxGWmo3M2U3UkY2TlhGN1BIeC1HVzdqcHBYS0tnTVRRVExMa2NuTkotZHFaVHIxcF9reGFxZlFDbEQtMUtMUklDUzhhWWRTVGdzZHpaWHdRUlRmYkNFNTNZYUZmRGM5NXpnTDB5czBxWndp |
Job Title | Company | Salary | Full Remote in... |
:- | :- | :- | :- |
[IT Architect](https://remotive.com/remote-jobs/software-dev/it-architect-1915950) | Dehner Holding GmbH & Co. KG | - | Germany |
[Software Developer (m/w/d) BI System](https://remotive.com/remote-jobs/software-dev/software-developer-m-w-d-bi-system-1915946) | Dehner Holding GmbH & Co. KG | - | Germany |
[Staff Software Engineer - Polyglot](https://remotive.com/remote-jobs/software-dev/staff-software-engineer-polyglot-1914826) | DBA | - | USA |
[Senior Software Engineer II (Mobile + Web)](https://remotive.com/remote-jobs/software-dev/senior-software-engineer-ii-mobile-web-1914825) | Springhealth | - | USA |
[Senior UX/UI Designer](https://remotive.com/remote-jobs/design/senior-ux-ui-designer-1915311) | Exsquared Outcoding | - | Worldwide |
[Social Media Manager](https://remotive.com/remote-jobs/marketing/social-media-manager-1915087) | Cognigy | - | Germany |
[Account Executive UK & Ireland - VIE](https://remotive.com/remote-jobs/sales-business/account-executive-uk-ireland-vie-1914744) | Javelot | - | UK, Ireland |
[Sales Operations Data Analyst](https://remotive.com/remote-jobs/data/sales-operations-data-analyst-1914774) | Vendavo | - | USA |
[Web Systems Manager](https://remotive.com/remote-jobs/devops/web-systems-manager-1914785) | Software International | - | USA, Canada, South America |
[Operations Coordinator](https://remotive.com/remote-jobs/all-others/operations-coordinator-1914757) | Decoded Limited | - | Asia |
[Senior Manager, Engineering](https://remotive.com/remote-jobs/software-dev/senior-manager-engineering-1914824) | Tenable | - | India |
[Customer Success Manager APAC](https://remotive.com/remote-jobs/customer-support/customer-success-manager-apac-1915637) | Grafana Labs | - | Singapore |
[Product Owner - Artificial Intelligence](https://remotive.com/remote-jobs/product/product-owner-artificial-intelligence-1914764) | Alten | - | Morocco |
[Lead Project Manager](https://remotive.com/remote-jobs/project-management/lead-project-manager-1915544) | Brightspeed | - | USA |
[Resource Delivery Manager](https://remotive.com/remote-jobs/project-management/resource-delivery-manager-1915543) | Snowflake Computing | - | USA |
[Principal IT Security Architect](https://remotive.com/remote-jobs/devops/principal-it-security-architect-1914784) | Mattel | - | USA |
[Site Reliability Engineer](https://remotive.com/remote-jobs/devops/site-reliability-engineer-1914783) | Token | - | Germany |
[Contract and Financial Operations Specialist](https://remotive.com/remote-jobs/finance-legal/contract-and-financial-operations-specialist-1915570) | Aux | - | Philippines | | r/remotivejobs | post | r/remotivejobs | 2024-06-01 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HazE5V0ZvdmFRc2k4UDdYQlNkS29YbHc0dTFXR2twdnpTMklNYjM0RVNPX2xIOTJ4SXZ1WmVpaFM4UGJPVmU2UFBGN2lwWlltbFBpYlQwTjFmUnl6TXRqUlE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HazEtLU92aThORTZHT1hJUDV4enBnR2MwRUEzWTZ0SFh2OEUxRFUzUG5ra0ZMcW9YdEVQS0psZlFTSU9sMWdZU3FWdkU5Y1FQTkdSN2dXVFk3SmJpc1VHay1RWDdMM0xIMFZ1NGxWaDluMDRUbXRNd2NFNldpaklEU2lVNzkzbDY0cnFfQm85VjdIZnp5TFN0Q3JRbVdVaEtac0kzcE1tUGx5OE5LMHBLbkNseFk2S0N4cHlHMmIxQVo5WVNnU0EtdG40d0dxR0hEUW9uNkNHTmFKSG1RNEp0QT09 |
Anyone else deal with Braxton Hicks several times an hour all day? The sensation isn’t painful and the cramping isn’t regular or rhythmic. I’m only 34+4 and need to have a scheduled c-section for medical reasons. So I’m a little paranoid about going into early labor! So all these cramping sensations plus some pain from the baby’s movement is kind of freaking me out. | r/babybumps | post | r/BabyBumps | 2024-06-01 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HazE5cUFlZHVQQllvRnBrak82NmR4YWZOQ2NHN3JpMmZXUXh4di1lMkNVVnlMdTR1SVQzc2htZE96ZC1VRFV5R0thRE8wUkUyUkhLaVZpVU9xa3VKNlV5R3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HazEtQkxVUmFESG9oS3Q3c3JITFBiQXpGcTc3SGRhU2VPX1dFVWR6UVo3cER4cW5sVWxDdUdvUTF0ai1lc3VLeHNOWUFIdURXRWgtU0tFbFNtM2tZUk52VjFvb0g3WFI4TmdHclA1SVBLaUwzcHRaSVRZZ3RYVEloZVB2ZDA4bzYtVW9DblBmXzViTTVoeFJkMnFlcmlmNkh3bXJNbURIaEpsdU5ZTFdKYjdJd1ZVPQ== |
Anyone know what the hell this is? I looked up the number and it links back to a hospital in New York. Couldnt find anything about the voice message, or what it means
[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-QKUGTQ9aEc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-QKUGTQ9aEc) | r/rbi | post | r/RBI | 2024-06-01 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HazE5UWsxSlpfWlAyR0ZVaHUtMFRSdjRwRDdKOWY0VVRnRG1vNHpvUVJtZTJuOXJUSVZ2TG1ER01RNUxXcXJnT1dwMEM5R0R0Z3kxZ3c4NERONHlSQ3dJbGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HazEtN2xVNjM3OWR5TVZWRDVCZkppSmJjbXI4MEtLaERIamlxWHhqbGx5VW5PNnVUYkhMbnQwUGZnOFliSExJbTF4T3I2bjVzVTdQeWtIQ1dFZlYxaFpyY0trREU3VjRuaHJrcmlibm9PelhVNFBRenlMb3hfa0JWMGNlZW1oS3g0Um5Ub0phY21QOTBXS2I2djF4QzZFOEhaeGdjVmtFTDJtXzNRM0ZEc1N1cTB5dURONjBTQ1NEZkxKNVVCQmV3blpr |
Only 20 short questions!
https://forms.gle/e8CetAeAapiB7VGP8 | r/radiation | post | r/Radiation | 2024-06-01 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HazE5WDgyMm1FbFcwZVZVbk9yb1NTbFFMNHdBTEQ5RDZZSTlHRlVLek5vMnJ4SU5TTmxmaW9yZEl2d2pjTk15dVBEMGVzbGNJc2lpSzVfNGQxWHZ5REdBX0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HazEtTGhra1JncUlQQms5RmthSkJxNElBbnhsdXZhOEpBbG9TT1FyNm5MLVVPeVRlanoyNXRIcDVNQzBaU0dWVWhGQkVCVjZEU1hrQ2c0VlZLMzhNUzA4dGFobDBwX24zMjFITF9fc3BGRWJIdVA0QkNIV0p6LTVzVXpYQUlJaFdYODlObXM5aUVJeTJleXMyeFZTekN2djZEUUFEcGVRMXd1WUdKVm1UaGNGU2VJSTZWMlBWdDdYZXROa1NZcUlfMVZ3eUNzRkYyUlpwVWdKdXRoYkJkWnRVUT09 |
Ugh it’s been a really exhausting week. I think it’s better me to take a break and talk to someone new.
Lemme tell you a bit about myself… I am a 25 years old newly graduated lawyer. I like to watch sports a lot, especially soccer/football and basketball. I try to play football with friends at least once a week. I also like to play video games, watch series and movies even though I don’t much time. I like comedy and action but I am open for your recommendations. I mainly listen to rock. My favorite bands are: Avenged Sevenfold, Three Days Grace, Shinedown, Metallica, Halestorm…
Well I don’t know what else to tell you. Feel free to ask if you wanna know more about me.
I hope we can be friends 🤗
| r/chat | post | r/chat | 2024-06-01 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HazE5dHNIVXNGVzFlWmhmb01WdC1aTDM1SFpMeElPZDVtZnRmU2YxWlQ4dVpsUTgzOHZZc2NBVjlRZnVMcWxNVEF0Z2R4S1dGd29LZU93WDZuVV8zaGd0N2hFR0gyZHQ0c3VfWHNJOVE1aC1yck09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HazEtbkQ3M0ZRbDRxZjI3MEhNUDVWZ3Bobk5ycnR0dWVDWVF3N3VsX0Z1LVAwV3Uxc0FyM1ZQeFFsc1hVdVFZcTJ6R0Jlb3NaSXhKMmtPUnJadDVkeEZFekpvYXFtNDBkOWZxS2RnRWFwNllNUlMzNVVpVjVBdGlWYV9MSVd0UE5jVlFlMTVMUUotT2F2RkxSaTFGbV9zV3VVZ0VDVVdKb1ZHSUh1d3doQ2M0RjRGUWlmeFk2U0NldUJpbG5UQUlYLXh2 |
Title. If one doesn't exist, I'm going to start a discord - hmu if you to be added. Focus will be on the application process, but everyone's welcome 💖 | r/premedcanada | post | r/premedcanada | 2024-06-01 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HazE5aFdRYVplS3czaTFLTkdYRUVKLUJ5dW5sLWpDdW1vajZhZlRaWDJwNWVYdlh6QkxIVVVQV0Z3T0Y2M1N6dDBiMHhmalJweFF2TWNYZC1VTjN6QmhEUXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HazEtNkczeFVzOTVZekJZOXJfb1NKQ1pCbFpodU1sR09EVFhZR0VhOWU1VVIwTWRzX2lnWGRHTWtxdVZPOXlWSFo5SWh2SVpldTR1VEdTTlhuSUpZMzZuYkxaM3pyOURfdGk5WkRwN09UTXYtclFGeVR4UnR5ekl1SG5qZUhYMkwtN2dlU0taOVRDMFRNOFNudnlwRGJVR29WTXJjcFp5djNRV1JSWUt5MUdlZDVsaGdpQkpsQkNEM2FfRW1VTU1HYmZm |
Just curious what other CRC/CCRCs make on average. If you’re comfortable with sharing, I’d greatly appreciate it! I love the position I’m in, and I am extremely lucky where I landed, as I didn’t know a single thing about research prior, but would love to see what other mutuals make at the same position on the national level. I’m freshly 24 years old, have been in clinical research for a little over a year, got my coordinator certification just about a month ago as soon as I hit my requirements, if you’re willing, please share 😊 | r/clinicalresearch | post | r/clinicalresearch | 2024-06-01 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HazE5cjZHMWpST1dCRmstUU9WbkYtanFYemxzVGNLUWJnZ2pYQkVZeV8zWlA3bkJaYzloX2dZT2puU1NqOUNEVWt1c2lkbmg3ZXdHbEtqcmlfQlBpbEdvLVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HazEtYWYyMWpaNGk5VElrOG1iSm1TUTJCMzE4bzlQb1ZJYUlDLUV4NWVHX0dMWm0tWkNYSEZpeTJBbmFHbkx6R011TXFSa3BFdzNpQ3B0Q1FCamNKalB1S1h4Y09aQlhPRi04YmUwclIwbUc3ejVoajQ5MWhTX2NobGQxS2xYbUd3TFpQekRYM1JyRkJrVWJVQW91STFDRGkzdDZDa0EwUy0zSC04d080RXNuNW00PQ== |
1a: >!TIRED!<
6a: >!INANE!<
7a: >!ANNUM!<
8a: >!RETRO!<
9a: >!ASSES!<
1d: >!TIARA!<
2d: >!INNES!<
3d: >!RANTS!<
4d: >!ENURE!<
5d: >!DEMOS!<
PW: >!ABOUT!< | r/plusword | post | r/plusword | 2024-06-01 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HazE5dE1ETktnSl9YSHMyM0ZwOWdLNlptLVRyRVBqUmNFYUxXN19kZDhSMG9uckNZelg4U3ZUc1VRZHYwdXVJaHU2X3dtVExLQmpjOXlLcUl3Mmt1alZEaDdudF9uVHBQYlBRbWpzZ1VKamdJZHc9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HazEtOU5WUWdoNzRkSlI5OFFBeENVTzR2RnV0M19VREp1UF9zSko3b0J2eUZBSnhQZVlaamsya2FDdU9hY1prNTUzZkZWVUV6ZnZoTjFpdFlBbmVRS3R6amdBdzlWa3JKZFhieFQ3ZThZb0dneHVSeGtHdjU2X2lPNUNac1djMHQ2eFhiV1BrOUFOMXV0M1lmWDZrbU5JZlR4ek5yWnRwUHd5c2N0cXFTeVc1S0xvPQ== |
6/16 in LA | r/kendricklamar | post | r/KendrickLamar | 2024-06-01 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HazE5R3pTVmpZQjVMZUNocVpiLXN6SlMtenBnSXZ1OVdzRXAwMGdvX2lJT3BLYVlEZmZvVUlSMm8xMU8tTjA5LVd4UWwxYkIzcWR1bmRpcUFWRUNrRkdGNGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HazEtay1idnRyTFctY0NvSDYwb21GZzJnR3Nla0xmVkxoS0V2Z1NKWklneHlRUmh2SkhIa2tCUWJ0Y2ljdDdyRkdwcjNwRlJETm15S2dxaDJJWHN2dS05Yk00T083bm93LVYyN1VUc0Q4TWhlSzZEZi1MVGpnbWFOWnB6WG1uVVN0RjV0dFRDazV6Wm4waS1rbmVJeDcyakh4UVBheGVhMTR0QjFMYnRyRG9Ibl9tMDBHaFlRZnZGUFdTY2dyR3J4UG5LTjQ1dFdETElYX0RXZ1kyelhPZnhzZz09 |
images of skulls, wearing them, having them in your house etc. is it haram to have one around? | r/islam | post | r/islam | 2024-06-01 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HazE5WXFpZXk1SDV4bndzelJueE1QdVZvTHhEMzU5bmI4ekhvdkRvWGpnRWtWR0wwdU9zcVQwV1hDRHVPZE5ySHVEcmJSZTg0Vkl1clkySzNTRW9ucGdpN1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HazEtQXJrNXRnRWxvQkdJWHRTVWFVVGVmME9OYnpFLWhSVGpPM09Cb0N1ZUw5ZWZLS2ZTeS1faE9BUldnRC1mdlJFZTN2NDJ4WERJX3ltSEdUaVg4TkV4bXQ2WHV4bEo1TjZSV3BLMnhtOHlsQ09wRzVGWFY1U1pndW02Mm9yOWVvYmRtREloanN5TDBQd1N4ck5SakhZMWZYRnVscXhtTEZYNGU0Qi03M1hvN3VJPQ== |
Ask me anything. | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-06-03 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HazE5TFZBbkluY3Z4TWk1NkIwbmJBeGpVVmF5ZkdjNHRSM0dTaVc2enB1LXVITlJWdGtjRGtoOHBDSnRGUmdxSkd3UjZQTldfZWpKS21DRTcxT1kyMGZDUmgzbHg4THVPNGhsVWNLUnVNVU1rNTQ9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HazEtZmstNW9Sb1daaElCdzFsVDRmZm1temZDeUlyWkU4MDVTdmJDZlE4Y3hCRVI2TGNTaXFnSUxxbjZjcU84VEZUYUhwXy1rU0c5MHpRQzN1SDZ5NWEzdVd0WGxrelNjX1FzdnExblczOUJ0bmJMdlBWNGNZQUtEXzBlaWdUYzZLbEEtQmhTRUlEQjlTMDNzYjEwZ3BGVWluQ2xCUC10b1BZT2JTU2lRVkRZWWwwNEotMlQ5elVUN05oLUtqLWpwbm1ndG80QXpTUmhEUUlqdnVKeTNneWhOdz09 |
Had some difficulties while buying ETH with PayPal, found this article and it really helped me to simply understand what to do. So decided to share with you all who are having any issues. The article: [https://www.bitdegree.org/crypto/tutorials/buy-ethereum-with-paypal?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=social&utm\_campaign=r-crypto-tutorials](https://www.bitdegree.org/crypto/tutorials/buy-ethereum-with-paypal?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=r-crypto-tutorials) | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-06-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HazE5TE9OeC0xakdla05TQkVrNElseDlMUTIzVERrMTdXdm9KYVFFM3FkTTdsWFFwMS0tdEdLY0RFcWxqaUtESndvUzFMMXcwOHk4UnRCOG1WRVNVNkJfSlE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HazEtTk54NWRVbVF5eF9pSk85UVhoa015Y24yYjNQN01xaFdnbElJVjNqUFZrdEV2NWJrMkJEMmVKM1lvU25xTVpBRk0taEJYVjRXWUVMWjlFVW4xQzR0aWx3QmJjenQwUFRjeFItZmNmU05BYkt4bTUyYTZvclRVNXpRbi05VEljWlFScGRpd29UYTR1NUFyTkJ6RllCWFBwaThLY1FJb1ViVkwyOE41TTQ3dG83T08xZS1TX2hxU2Q1ZmdBak5tal9B |
The crypto exchange Coinbase has two articles about ETC. We will review both articles, suggest revised phrases, add additional content, and explain the reasoning behind our proposed changes and additions. [https://ethereumclassic.org/blog/2024-06-04-correcting-the-coinbase-article-about-ethereum-classic](https://ethereumclassic.org/blog/2024-06-04-correcting-the-coinbase-article-about-ethereum-classic) | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-06-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HazE5cnd6VGhqU3QtUy1xVUpETjN4NEdONjdfNUFGNDdBa1ZlYjl6R1V4SHRkWkVaQkdhdWRqRnh4VGQtUDM3dDVaeHJ4STBnZ3c5R1hwel8tYXdNSnBXRGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HazEtQzlEbkVQcDlUSWZDcnQyZmlveFN1bnVFM2h5T1dKN1BNN0xhSVc2VDJaZzFHU3VjZ2tjTFNPelMyeHk1cjBEQ2pDamsybVo5Yi1GX2hCUUZreVNuYV9NOWU5SkczOTlhMDQwVUZPVjVKS00wVWNRUjRMVXlpRU5QMG90QVZybUNpY1hXOE1TbFRWYUJsX1huMFU5bS1oN3UzUU1NNmFUUEJyVmFrU0R1bVRrVktaYVJVcjBPSkltWmFuSEFRZXIyTnFIT3dVRG5GTkpaazRmTDZLNmU0UT09 |
Hey all,
In an effort to secure my assets by moving them off dishonest exchanges, I moved them all to my Ledger Cold Storage Wallet. I am unable view the wallet anywhere. Using filefox explorer I can verify the transaction but no portfolio managers (outside of Ledger Live) can see my holdings.
I ran into the same issue with Cardano and BitcoinCash - transactions are verified on the blockchain and show in Ledger Live but the addresses when searched in their respective blockchain explorers appear invalid.
I use [coinstats.app](http://coinstats.app) as a portfolio manager to aggregate assets from multiple wallets but since I transferred them from their exchanges - they don't even populate in the portfolio manager. I first thought this was a problem with [coinstats.app](http://coinstats.app) - but when I tried searching for them without the transaction id - I get nothing.
Anyone know what the heck is going on here or how to resolve this?
I'm hopeful, this is just ignorance on my part and someone is going to go "Hey stupid - you gotta do this \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_" but thus far, I'm not getting anywhere fast and am hopeful I don't lose these assets as a result of x-fering to Ledger...
(this is not to discuss pros/cons of ledger in general - unless specific to this issue). | r/filecoin | post | r/filecoin | 2024-06-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HazE5WlVfYWtHWmRnTHM2cmRWR3RIQmdldGp0X29CbGtmSUN2aTZ6dzlBV3JKYTZKVXpFZXZrbWNEcWV6ckFPeTNEdzJYRkxUOVE5eU9OaWVmUnFOY3paUnc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HazEtbWNReWQyQXRtZndFZjVQRHdhdzRCNDJTWENmdUdsanlSWGR3clhXSGJUY2VoQ2kzTERRS2dWM1VJR3ZRSUZfdTNYOUZpalJFcGN3SThyRldhVTAtWU9xX1lPTV94cTlxRno0NTZjblY0aVdTcG1EYldvY2RjZVpkV2hORkJDeng0NFd1NUd1cnhIS1d6aC1ubVR1UGtfNVplWG9yby01ejVBTlQ3aWhnanlBdXh1QUM5RzIzbG5NUzFhZlBWV1pXZEtsclJXQ0VOc2NGWFdrQllERV92Zz09 |
Hey guys, Filliquid is just updated a new feature "governance", seems DAO system
I just participated a testnet through meta mask for free. We can claim FIG if we join testnet.
[filliquid.io](http://filliquid.io) | r/filecoin | post | r/filecoin | 2024-06-05 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HazE5TFQyLUJHSDFzR3VqUFhiakc5Q2tlMTJfQVFteFA0SEw3UGV6cUdhNjJyalp5QmhtUVlObnJlMjUtdkplUjVNQUx3cUdGa0JETlpSMVQ1Z1JuVy1YTWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HazEtVDBwWkowSjVLaGUzSjN0dlIxNEtQY18zREM2Y3RGQXFabUVTdnhpazB2cmx5N2UzQ0Q3Z25xTXNxV0dmT0EzWi1Ud2VCNnluSzV1MTdDZWNDbU5YXzRRZElnTXJsb05mdExqQ0ZYa0w5NmcwX1lzOUFGd2JpZlI1X2o5OFVtWGUzUi0tcndST1VuRXB2ZXVoaExYbklvUW14Y1Y1REJXNnNxbGp5RFN2dmRWaXlZZUJVV04wQ2ZYSjhFZmUwaFlWd2VnVE9jQTY3SkJ6N1FDdGh1aV8xdz09 |
🍀 Bybit is a centralized cryptocurrency exchange. In today's article, we'll explore how to open an account and trade $ETC on Bybit. [https://ethereumclassic.org/blog/2024-06-05-buying-and-trading-ethereum-classic-through-bybit](https://ethereumclassic.org/blog/2024-06-05-buying-and-trading-ethereum-classic-through-bybit) | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-06-05 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HazE5SDNXMXVEN0RBRHBza2pQQ1lkWWlobXhWN0ZOUWJmU0NobUVXZTFHbDRnM2ZwRGhwQW5tbG1ueGRiUkItbzlXVFNvcUNLSXlRVG1SMFNoRWN2aFlDeXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HazEtMEFtQUVCRnB2dDZ4czBIR3VodU5PLVU5SnlpZEJ6YjdrMkpKNklFSm5mRFRJS3VqVlI4T0sybkdMZnJvbWN4R3MyM2tmVTFxMW9yOTRKYWNKaDZ6M2k1TmNWUHcxSUV2UERSbFYzX19vZ2dUMVZuOTJOVEc5MkZDMmMzZVc1ejg3MXZvSFFKdXo1bVNrOUhrZWZuTDVaR0JwZnZoUmhHenRkTVB6bGVtSDJrNlMxSmp6M3hncnpTckYxUWxXSUFfeGNhYkpDeWtYaV9xWkViR3VvNVBNdz09 |
Right! I’m completely dumbfounded. Apparently asking any questions or trying to solicit information is beyond the scope of the job of parenting for OP… SMH | r/aitah | comment | r/AITAH | 2024-06-05 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HazE5Y1hleUtnbFY3SGtNWUtJX0N3NGFCa09tNHdNdzZUT3lOWllEaHVhcFJKalUzYlFOZ28yZTNCaGlGdW9NWEpFMjN4VGdpVU9BODJJZElxUU8tczNwUmtOaHM5MUowam5qTVk5N01OeTJEdEE9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HazEtRE82cVY0RU5mYXVBbExLWXdyQlgzZVZldTJEOElqMWdqd2tSUnNkX1dITEVxOHQtUFRreS0ybUs0RGNlTEYzN3BQeG5Tb0ZXMEJ0WTlKd1BaYWJTX3dUVl8yVEdwRW9wX3N6azRZa2Vid2hyMlNkSUZpMUFDU3BPeGRzUHlfaXFWd1gwQ1FaY2tVd1ZJSTY0MjhGMG56V21GM1p0TjljNURTMzBHTnAydHFrZnhCM1pCRjVBRW1OLTdoMVUyZ1c0aVNGbWloaFFZdFZGczk0a3JGdzZ6QT09 |
Hello, thank you very much for your quick response, after carrying out the tests I have been able to verify that I can obtain the resource ID of the network link and import it without problem
However, for the record resource "A" I had to open the portal window where you edit the record, copy the URL and modify it by deleting all the "%2F" with a "/" to get a standard Azure resource URL and be able to download it.
I have 2 questions with the new tests:
1 - Is it possible to obtain the resource ID of record A in a simpler way?
2 - Is it possible to concatenate with " | " so that a single [main.tf](http://main.tf) file is generated with the configuration of all the resources dependent on the private DNS resource?
Greetings | r/azure | comment | r/AZURE | 2024-06-05 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HazE5ek9SNFFXQnVrXzNvQXFOd25OcVRUa1dBeU1Jcm9EdGl5dG44eHBDXzFOaTNSOWNFZC11RWQ3ejN6T29walVVaXBGRVNVWGpkUU9nS0dxZFdpd1JoT1g4c1I4eC1Ea1VvbnpnZjVPODF4dnM9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HazEtQ1dweEpPWE9SWFBIQXl3V1dlOC1GWldfYXhaVDNacVBjOEJ0TFRkdHdWcVdRUVBIemM3ekxNd0x3TDlSOXV4SGVYZHVFWnExQ1JVZzNJNHhtR2hGTFkybnB0SWY5dnh0aGV0NWxwb1ZmTkdib0pPb1JURXNxQk42Qkx4RHJjWV9CdUNBSHU2dFpFTnJSUkpna3lKNHlub1Uxb3JRSG92UzJ2dFEtdFphbVdjZGpQRzVnYXJaT2NHUk9PQ2ZRbXNI |
Thank yall so much! | r/artistlounge | comment | r/ArtistLounge | 2024-06-05 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HazE5ZVZPWHgzTjZ6dklfbjgtWDR3TjhKV3BLTWU1eWN4dGxkQnlFX0FqWWtwMk85ekRQaE1PQUNkZmQwNm9ZZE1rQ0ZwM0xTQlM3dzJmVHU5YzE5SVRSN2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HazEtWVFzdkVwUlRDUkYzcF9OTGZJMHRRZ1VQM2lFSU5pVkJtelRPX1ZWcnNhZG9ocFhNWnI2bnV1WGpmTV9xWW9MVjJtRkVDb1dpeWx4N0o2Z0dlZWJHaXJhSFhuQzZDZS1iM0M4REdTX0pCNlA0TmRsNXBCZldSUkRqRzhUaVBkWlN0X19WSkZjeWFhVjNaTmNjeVl6S3BOcjdLNmYtU3FzVldCUGpRbW9GTlE1NXdEeWdaUlVDcU80SlM0SlJyaElfQnA4TVRqbnVzVWZuX0tRUlRiLV8zUT09 |
Do you have a union? This sounds like a teachers union or public employee's union issue. In NC, the State Employees Union successfully sued the state over their retirement benefits. I don't recall the details, but it had to do with the insurance (not payments). | r/askalawyer | comment | r/AskALawyer | 2024-06-05 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HazE5dmMyYkJUUVY4ejBvSmZyR2VUT1VjTWstUEtOY3cxZHhkLXYtamtrLXgwY0dLZFc0MzlkU2xneGlsajVWQkpZZTA1NFEyaWtmeVVmREJmcVEyY1ZscnRGVkh0V3RxQXBZdTgwdVBQdW9vZnc9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HazEtUndjU1QwRl9GZXBMV3JadDYteEdfUVA1R05tZzctMTJCd0lMMExscHo1bjJaU250YUI3Uk5Nbkowdm5lR01MOENabHFYQUlHa21NdXB6Y1VCN1JNcWFJUm16QWlsa2VxVmM1T0Jpd3VvUWNDdFdTQzB3WnRZQTNJQzZuRU5QcU9QejhOTjQ2MWVOWTJJUVpkYnd6SVpjZ2MwaDFBWGt4d0NHWnZjMG85NmF1aHFtbVVnc2tHcS1EWUUzSVlUNVQ3 |
Please respect our [top-level comment rule](https://i.imgur.com/ovn3hBV.png), which requires that all direct replies to posts must both come from feminists and reflect a feminist perspective. Non-feminists may participate in nested comments (i.e., replies to other comments) only. Comment removed; a second violation of this rule will result in a temporary or permanent ban. | r/askfeminists | comment | r/AskFeminists | 2024-06-05 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HazE5NndJZnpIZHl1aW9fdGxwQ19zTF9GdUlGb1hhdU5jRkRNalVTQ1ZpWG5sNnV3MUdtQXpoU1ZkYThzNTg1SnItc2FURTQ3N0F5YzlhWXRYNk1LR0dYWmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HazEtc0ZSUGliV1piMDQ1cVg5UEREWDA1bFV5d1VYV0t2TDU4Ymg3b0lVU2pHeTBOOUtjRUhNcGJqUlkwWHpqdEotNnBsUTBESHBDY1kwdkdGdzlvdlQwQmJkNzZOWERhczBxcWxfS1hUZkgwdnRNRlNscnBQQkFCSEl0NEVvUmpVMjltc05VYXMzOW9BVTNrOGdYc0NMSW1WeklnTHN3M0t4NmxKb3RpTk9tZThzbDVOcFVaSWFibkdtX0UwWEtaSTFnaFB2V0NkenVROG53VUYwdWdtZk93Zz09 |
Yup. Anything beyond mid thirties is fairly likely to have a hormonal component (not in every case but in many) | r/askwomenover30 | comment | r/AskWomenOver30 | 2024-06-05 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HazE5d0xNYWdNakk2S0VMV0VCRDFnU3FVd2JmTXU5LTVfWXBrQ0x5MUVEbERvMU9QOG1RbXExLUZER2JubkcwcXppbFZxN29DTTBJdldRY0dqWkpUUVJXSHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HazEtQndYTkEzVEFqMUFJNFpyMXRFdEltYlpnRUxsMzlfTVNGZjMzYTZoLXJ3aS1zRDJVZ19QbDhpVzVJVkZZZ3FWaHFyNHJ6N1RIeHBxT2pVSEl5SjhIekFpRUVRcTBKdWpsV0dFMEM2czN4YjNFckhLc0ZtNk9rb0xFZ0E1cmw1eF9rWmFEeVM5Wk5ZeWN3N1U4QmlySFJOb1ZzUmxSRnEyVUtJeUtfc1E4QU5sSlpJSmR5a2VvQVhyR21WQjdMMTZGWjdudlZVQ3E2S2pwdDYxWWpxQnljd1poaTJ4eDdmWlZyck5EOGhHRmRxYz0= |
Mico gets invincibility during his attacks, running away is also easy for him. Mico for sure | r/brawlstars | comment | r/Brawlstars | 2024-06-05 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HazE5QjVQQnBUbzRqNG5FRWJsU0lETS1fQkYwbUJ2ZDJfYmZWQTRBaHpRRE44ZTFTUk80ZDMwajl1QXBTa1NiTFlBTDNsQ1ltQXgyQ1Z5SVdBcWtDclR2SVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HazEtU0ZHdWFqSlp4cE9CbU1vcTFhaUJtRnBoenhSN25tZ3ZzcDdhNFlicUJuakhxVmxyVEU4UEhaTmVvZGVRcUpCWksxNWJrem9kT2ZkdElmOEVBTTlZY3Y3cHNiMXV3TDQxdFdBQlU5bk9WTEZCd2VsNWk5TzVPYXd5S19ETnBzZHBvdi1KTWN3TDRqWDRWNlk4MHh1QnBLRW1TdUFIYVE2Vy1HUEJ3TldQd2pRMUxkV1Y1aGc3cDBuc2ptRHMwUVZSQVNpTDFrOUFQZXVGXzlYMHhZWS1lUT09 |
It's the free rider problem. When you know everyone you can suss out free riders and drop them when resources get short. You can also keep track of how people use things and if they're wasteful with communal resources. Reputation is the incentive structure that keeps the whole thing going.
As soon as you remove the incentive structure, the (genetically) optimal thing to do is to give as little as possible, take as much as possible, and have a bunch of kids that are disproportionately likely to act like you. | r/capitalismvsocialism | comment | r/CapitalismVSocialism | 2024-06-05 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HazE5Zjl2Y3VlNmVGdDNUbS1YSEJqZXJRZ3FDYWpIUk1nVGIzUjVld0JQNU5xSENXcHVyNzVQaU91eHcxRkdJck5GS2trU0hQX3Q1OTZYYmFac29zeC1xM0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HazEtcXBzNkhFUmIweks0TnZmbEtVN2dScmlYUjI2alVsNE04SUNXcTdsSWV1cXRuTUYzQXZLXzZWeGdHTS0wWFAxZlpXRl9kRjI5a1hOQzhIS1NuTjcxVGlxMTJ0VkthbVQyQUxBQkdvSUcxYW5DSXNXeWw4dWRqbHd0VlVMN24xU0lQNVlrb2F2V1ZJX3lwazg5dGgxUjNxakRWVlZXUHFnYV85ejJCTUw1aGZ5SlZkVkxxWnlZYU5qWTVpRGN4TjFrcXZHRERReUVnb0hOTHFLYWRLSm9HZEJuOXNkTmNzVGRFb0dsQmNqaWpKaz0= |
What is that even supposed to mean, is he saying your name lmao | r/characterai | comment | r/CharacterAI | 2024-06-05 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HazE5aDVqeGZXZXNQcFVERkVsWUkxYURRYTdmUFRNMDlwLUlMRy03WE1zdUx1VDJjLVpnSk5iOXE2QkJma0JvUUsyUW9nNlpfazhOT3VoQ1F5RHZVUmo5NHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HazEtbzF0SlVWd2dRbWFvRXNDdmdrR043RDJxdlB5ZG9VQWhVUVd4a1dSUi1Vek1xVE4wbzlzLW5icU5hLU5oRVlOcHJYTWlDSDNEMkxITG9WTklSRW0wS2w1MWVCc0hFNzBpYlpuVHV2UUlwSGdLU3hTWW44WXY0ZnRQdnNuS2JheTVHX3lDNzhCLVVnLWxyUS1PY0JLenp6M0l2dkk4elhZdU4tWHlnY1NiS2k3bFktXzdzUkhlbTFiN2VzMXlweGs2bDFURTlZQXhHTF9xcm5uY0JNQk5qdz09 |
Ok | r/clashofclans | comment | r/ClashOfClans | 2024-06-05 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HazE5b085Z3BMQ250d1AxeElMRVR3MDVhVGpfdVA0ZW1kU0NWWEpKWGNDa3pxckNhamFZaFVhT1c4bUNIV2dzTnlqOVFYcGlSSnhoTHB5RHktd3JjT2l4OUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HazEtLXVlbi11S2xqeEpQVE0yUWZFcGZ0TzFINUdLdUdubkJoNUs4OEhDLU5qa243ZVpfaTd2eG5PZms2VElvSFNQOElpbG4yRkRCMjdxbHVkUmY2UUV3WEJTUUhqUTZ2dV9PU0dycExQVDVzV2w3UGd3ckpPdk5CTFp2dTdVQ2xZcUI4OUtjOE9mblRsUTZReEdkTUFieWpZMnEzdHpMWEhlNTZ5MXY5UW0xUHloYXRqRUtHNDFOb0VTYWpDX3FYNWJs |
I don't see a reason to cancel the card. It's perfectly fine to use the card only for Marriott stays. | r/creditcards | comment | r/CreditCards | 2024-06-05 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HazE5eGI4ZmVUQUVBMGlmNEk2ak80RFdkNU1ZQXFyTXVnMWdfT2hjS3I0Zk9POXIxS1pfMU9fSDFpR254cnRVQ1NtclhBNWt0b1NqdUhaT1c3RFZkOUV1b0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HazEtcXBMN045cFM5M2RxNy01Sy1KS1ZPOUY3VnpFUGpCT05xWnFORXZnZWVQZGxMekxFUGNwV1JOZldsWWt2RUY3SlRkZVZhWUljY25fUlMxc2ZCYmQ0cFNwRTU3SUtOM2EtR1pVVUZzZ3puRExuVThPOEk4bzdRcjRCSXpxRjhTV3FFVWJHNWNGby1pYlUxd1J1NElXQ0FXOE8xZU1kN2ZrdFNBRGIzOXFwU0hCaW9GcGhFUHhpRkJaeXJFdy10dHJRZS02eGFzRXBDcS1GX0tjM2l4SkdUbVNiOFZFcC1sY3ozTnlKZ2xyVjJibz0= |
It's more because Hollywood has released so many Mary Sue female protagonists I don't feel the need to see her do everything and not need anyone and be the best at everything. You will notice even in a movie like James Bond he isn't designing his own gadgets despite being the best spy in the entire world. He still requires help and is vulnerable. Then you get into one of these new female protagonist movies and they are doing literally everything. Strongest? Check. Smartest? Check. Doesn't seem to take damage? Double check. Most of the great action movies have the main character getting their ass whooped for 90 minutes to just barely win because that builds anticipation. | r/criticaldrinker | comment | r/CriticalDrinker | 2024-06-05 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HazE5RGdrTDJxRHJVWmVEVkZ6cUQ4OVNjblEtSk9VMXVzQUdRS3FOMnpsTGpHaGJ2ZThKYXRqbUVxXzJJN09mdG1Ud3pQek8zMkRXWlZLOVJBcThxaHhFRnc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HazEtNENJejVPVVoxa0xabUpZQVh5UEdFNEpyYjFVRHZkU29UQ3AwUGxHUFhjZW5oZno5NWJUbnhQU2pwYUlQaHZaTzhxMU1uU3FFU29zS2ZvNVk4bzBmWHBzdHR2UkwtU0ppNmVfWW12YUhNOXRudmpTZkVlSE5VZjVpeHRQTFhDY2xYMzRaLVByMGo4UkQ4NkZOaUNITDM3Q29YMVBuUmRjR0xYYTJMWXFmUDlxVHJBQnd0dU9tZ0VPclZ3ZG9nbDYz |
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