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Hey folks, it's one in the flesh! "They deserve it" is one of the many excuses Europeans use when confronted with their bigotry.
America has over a million Roma and they integrate just as well as any other ethnic minority. It's wild what happens when you stop doing the nazi salute and people feel safe and secure enough to be a member of their community. | r/worldnews | comment | r/worldnews | 2024-18-06 |
In my city, we spent some 10000€ to build some bathroom/showers for a Roma/Sinti camp. We also regularly pay their water and electricity bills.
It's doable because we are 120000 and they are about 200 so no big deal.
The bathrooms were built in particular because the nomads kept crapping in the bushes on the other side of the road. Even the kids. They crossed the road at night with the risk of gettin run over by cars.
The left wing mayor at the time, after a couple of years, pretty much ordered to raze that area to the ground (not the camp, he had all the trees and bushes cut down). Eventually, they finally started using the toilets as intended because they didn't want to crap in the open.
I'm just gonna say that in the american society, their very same lifestyle would probably get them starved to death or gunned down in a matter of years.
Long story short, it's not like in Europe we are all secret admirers of Hitler, it's just that we actually have tried to improve their moral and material condition through social and welfare programs, but they all have been a failure and trust me when I say that at this point even moderate people have given up on them. Nowadays, people view nomads as unenjoyable protected animals. They can be tolerated as long as they don't cross some boundaries and cause problems (which too many of them do anyway on a regular basis). | r/worldnews | comment | r/worldnews | 2024-18-06 |
Would Indians like to take them back ? We didn't sign up for this. They act and look just like y'all anyway. | r/worldnews | comment | r/worldnews | 2024-18-06 |
r/worldnews | post | r/worldnews | 2024-17-06 |
Are there consequences for blatantly being misleading and dishonest when posting a title? | r/worldnews | comment | r/worldnews | 2024-18-06 |
r/worldnews | post | r/worldnews | 2024-17-06 |
r/worldnews | post | r/worldnews | 2024-17-06 |
r/worldnews | post | r/worldnews | 2024-17-06 |
It’s weird learning about the arms race and currently living through one.
I think the whole planet is going through menopause and I mean that as a compliment for Mother Nature.
Everyone put down your weapons and sit down and listen! | r/worldnews | comment | r/worldnews | 2024-17-06 |
Anybody wanna point out how desperately stupid it is to spend billions of dollars on weapons we're never gonna use? Nobody? Really? Bueller?
Military-Industrial complex really got ya'll by the thought-testicles if this is the shit you applauding.
These weapons are, in fact, useless.
If you're going to insist on spending billions on arms, build artillery shells and APV's and small arms ammunition.
Or, IDK, we could feed and clothe and house everyone. Crazy thought, I know...
God damnit I hate this timeline so much. | r/worldnews | comment | r/worldnews | 2024-18-06 |
r/worldnews | post | r/worldnews | 2024-17-06 |
r/worldnews | post | r/worldnews | 2024-17-06 |
I’m all for it!
I just want everyone to chill the F*** out. | r/worldnews | comment | r/worldnews | 2024-17-06 |
r/worldnews | post | r/worldnews | 2024-17-06 |
r/worldnews | post | r/worldnews | 2024-17-06 |
r/worldnews | post | r/worldnews | 2024-17-06 |
r/worldnews | post | r/worldnews | 2024-17-06 |
Who is insisting Israel should not respond to attacks and the displacement of their citizens? Because that wasn't in the article in the slightest.
And right below the headline is the statement that the envoy is flying to Lebanon next. | r/worldnews | comment | r/worldnews | 2024-17-06 |
I can always tell it's you on the bad hot takes and looking for reasons to be outraged. But then I tagged you on my reddit browser a long time ago as a whiner. That helps too.
Flying to Lebanon is not necessarily negotiating directly with Hezbollah and almost certainly more about talking to a captured government that cannot even control it's own borders and whose only response to Iranian/Palestinian aggression is to make their terrorist occupiers part of the government.
Get back to me when you admit Lebanon has one third of its territory controlled by an Iranian proxy. | r/worldnews | comment | r/worldnews | 2024-17-06 |
r/worldnews | post | r/worldnews | 2024-17-06 |
Beautiful castle. Visited there years ago before the huge tourist wave, so it was a quiet experience.
Recommend anyone to visit it, it’s one of the rare castles in Japan that isn’t a reconstruction from a burnt down. Totally worth $24. | r/worldnews | comment | r/worldnews | 2024-17-06 |
Seems reasonable. I bet taxes from the national government to toward paying the upkeep, so might as well have those who don't pay taxes pay their share of the upkeep. | r/worldnews | comment | r/worldnews | 2024-17-06 |
I visited Himeji like... 5 days ago. Would not have blinked an eye at that pricing. | r/worldnews | comment | r/worldnews | 2024-17-06 |
I guess we’ll just skirt around the xenophobia | r/worldnews | comment | r/worldnews | 2024-17-06 |
I’m about to build it in Lego, so I’ll be okay. | r/worldnews | comment | r/worldnews | 2024-17-06 |
Do you pay taxes for the upkeep of the castle? I get a resident discount at the local pool while non-residents pay 2.5 times what I do for that very reason. Charging locals less also keeps it affordable for those who live nearby and want to visit it frequently. | r/worldnews | comment | r/worldnews | 2024-17-06 |
Are you Japanese?
No? Then it’s not yours. It’s that simple.
Everyone loves to talk about ‘anti-colonialism’ but when another country wants to limit use and damage to their own historical site without detriment to their own citizens, it’s “no, no, not like that! That’s everybody’s!” | r/worldnews | comment | r/worldnews | 2024-17-06 |
Osakabehime needs more monies to fuel her habits. | r/worldnews | comment | r/worldnews | 2024-17-06 |
I know two people at work who've gone in the last year. | r/worldnews | comment | r/worldnews | 2024-17-06 |
>people currently living in Japan build it?
Yes... | r/worldnews | comment | r/worldnews | 2024-17-06 |
This should be a global standard.
Locals of any zone/country should have cheaper (ideally, free) access to their own historical places. | r/worldnews | comment | r/worldnews | 2024-17-06 |
yeah I mean I live in England and my local area has a burrows where you have to pay to enter with a vehicle but locals can get a free pass from the council. | r/worldnews | comment | r/worldnews | 2024-17-06 |
You can get a beer at Tokyo DisneySea for $5.07 right now | r/worldnews | comment | r/worldnews | 2024-17-06 |
But what about Japanese who aren't local residents? Sounds like a false grouping. If "foreigners" include non-local Japanese, perfectly reasonable. | r/worldnews | comment | r/worldnews | 2024-17-06 |
Pretty understandable | r/worldnews | comment | r/worldnews | 2024-17-06 |
We just came back from there and you’re right - it’s very cheap. It’s not just the exchange rate either, this article is a good example. Everything is reasonably priced, whereas western countries have been raising the prices of everything every chance they get. | r/worldnews | comment | r/worldnews | 2024-17-06 |
...as long as other countries can do the same to Japanese tourists.
If they want to increase the prices for everyone, it is fair. And it might be OK to make foreigners pay s bit more for audio guides or special services. But if they are quadrupling the entry fees based on the country of origin, that is discrimination and should be legally prosecuted. | r/worldnews | comment | r/worldnews | 2024-17-06 |
And? Maintaining a historic sight isn't cheap and tourism is at an all time high... | r/worldnews | comment | r/worldnews | 2024-17-06 |
I liked himeji castle, seemed more authentic than other castles i went to. Osaka castle was upgraded and modernized. Osaka castle was nice but i dont think samuri castles had fire alarms and elevators for wheel chair accessibility . Himeji had none of the modern stuff, seemed more original. | r/worldnews | comment | r/worldnews | 2024-17-06 |
I would. Not because of the price itself, but because of the xenophobic discrimination. | r/worldnews | comment | r/worldnews | 2024-17-06 |
So the phrasing is wrong then. They should say— “We need to increase the price to be more in line with other similar entrance fees.” And then after that, “It’s important that we keep our most important cultural institutions accessible to all of our residents, so we are offering a discount to citizens”. Get away from otherizing people. | r/worldnews | comment | r/worldnews | 2024-17-06 |
Make tourist pay 4 times over everything: food, accommodation, transportation. You get less tourists but more money. | r/worldnews | comment | r/worldnews | 2024-18-06 |
As a Tokyo resident who spends time in both Japan and the US, that's not true at all. Weak yen != Inflation. Japan has had the least inflation of any G7 country, by far. Japan's inflation has been around 2-3%. US' inflation was around 9% at one point, and has consistently been much higher than 3% for the entirety of the last 3 years.
The lack of inflation in Japan is the REASON that the Yen is weakening. Japan has inflation under control, whereas every other developed country has high inflation. This causes the other countries to raise interest rates, whereas Japan doesn't need to (and doing so could cause them to dip back into deflation). Higher interest rates in other countries means capital flows into other currencies and away from the Yen.
Of course, this does cause a price increase on imported goods. But about 85% of Japan's economy is entirely domestically produced, so these price increases are not nearly as widespread as the inflation you see in the rest of the world. The big one for us obviously is energy prices, which are almost entirely imported. But trust me, Japan is doing far better than the US, Europe, Canada, and just about anywhere else in the world when it comes to inflation since COVID. | r/worldnews | comment | r/worldnews | 2024-18-06 |
I highly recommend going to see this castle. What is left is admittedly not the most ornate piece of history, but the structure and surrounding landscape is an amazing place to stand in. | r/worldnews | comment | r/worldnews | 2024-18-06 |
$24 USD? I say they should go for it, still sounds fair. | r/worldnews | comment | r/worldnews | 2024-18-06 |
There are hordes of tourists, while Scrooge McDuck hoards his gold. (I corrected my wife on this and she flat out didn’t believe me. So funny.) | r/worldnews | comment | r/worldnews | 2024-18-06 |
Absolutely bullshit. I've been 3 times and as soon as they hear my Aussie accent they want to stop and chat, I was there recently and went for an early morning walk around Takayama. An old lady saw me photographing street bonsai and offered to accompany me around the town to show off the best gardens. We had a lovely chat about her ikebana and I showed her my orchid collection.
What they don't like is loud wankers dropping litter everywhere and pushing into queues. | r/worldnews | comment | r/worldnews | 2024-18-06 |
It's not expensive... if you're earning in dollars. Things in Tokyo can totally stack up if you're on a low salary and earning in yen. | r/worldnews | comment | r/worldnews | 2024-18-06 |
Great. | r/worldnews | comment | r/worldnews | 2024-18-06 |
> Some things, perhaps, but I’d argue that percentage wise, it’s not far off. I also can’t get a reasonable meal for 700¥. I can think of some bentos that cost that much, but I can get a five dollar sandwich to go from the deli counter in the US as well.
You definitely can get a reasonable meal for 700 depending on what you define as "reasonable", but certainly what you'd get for 700 yen is generally more and better than what you'd get for $7.
Things have gone up, but overall I still spend less, and generally have had more usable income here than in the US even when the overall number is lower. I can't speak to jobs like ALT-ing though. | r/worldnews | comment | r/worldnews | 2024-18-06 |
The entire Fund's budget is less than 6million usd for the entire world and most of that its own operations. A $24 increase on 450,000+ foreign tourists (attendance last year) nets an additional 10mil usd for the castle. Its a good approach. | r/worldnews | comment | r/worldnews | 2024-18-06 |
It's not much but Japan just has soooo much stuff to see so close together. If they raise their prices to be like western prices I expect that people would visit far fewer places.
I'd walk around an area and just pay the few yen and walk through everything I cake across. If I'm having to shell out $25 or so I would probably skip a lot of things. | r/worldnews | comment | r/worldnews | 2024-18-06 |
did you check between the couch cushions? | r/worldnews | comment | r/worldnews | 2024-18-06 |
Like I said, I used what I remember from a superhotel, which was the cheapest option I can recall in Sendai. I also remember the cost for a private room in a shared dorm kinda thing, which was also about 9000¥ for a room in Osaka. A set meal at a modest curry place in Shibuya is 1100¥, and most are a little more than that.
For flights, I could go NYC -> LAX for maybe 350, which is higher than the Shinkansen from Tokyo -> Osaka, which I think was 1man ish each way for non reserved seat (again, not sure). So that’s at least comparable in some degree, but not across distances.
The kicker is that I work full time, in a position with the same responsibilities as previously, and I work far more hours here. Salaries are too low every way you slice it, and the only way life here makes sense is without comparing salaries abroad, and by ignoring and avoiding any kind of inflation. Even just in the last year I’ve noticed vending machines going up and up and up 10¥ at a time. It’s nuts. | r/worldnews | comment | r/worldnews | 2024-18-06 |
I feel it was worth the few hundred yen, but I would not pay 20000 yen for it...or I might have and then regretted it.
Honestly the outside is more interesting than the castle itself. | r/worldnews | comment | r/worldnews | 2024-18-06 |
Yeah, doing it in a Japanese salary would not be easy. I hope the influx of foreign visitors makes up a bit for the high inflation so locals can at least profit off of it. But salaries definitely need an adjustment here (and everywhere for that matter) | r/worldnews | comment | r/worldnews | 2024-18-06 |
That’s still too low! It should be $50, with a limited number sold every morning like the Statue of Liberty, no advance booking allowed. But you can spend $100 on a tour with local expert, with prior booking allowed. Most tourists would end up booking the tour, helping local employment, while a free motivated ones will line up early for the cheaper tickets. Locals can enter for free with ID, no ticket needed. | r/worldnews | comment | r/worldnews | 2024-18-06 |
r/worldnews | post | r/worldnews | 2024-17-06 |
>huge protests against the state of Israel over their war and policies
protests had nothing to do with any war related issues. it was about the proposed reforms to the judicial branch
>government to be even more repressive towards their own
what are you on about?if you're israeli, please clarify your claims
if you're not, you're a bit misinformed and need to read up on the state of the internal politics before Oct 7th. | r/worldnews | comment | r/worldnews | 2024-17-06 |
because surprisingly, after the attack it allowed the Israeli government to stop the protests in their country and even more boost their nationalist feeling? We are not talking about a small demonstration, it was one of the biggest in the entire history of the country of Israel, and you cannot say otherwise. | r/worldnews | comment | r/worldnews | 2024-17-06 |
precisely. | r/worldnews | comment | r/worldnews | 2024-17-06 |
They always have indicators and "less guarded" is vague. You can articulate it anyway you want. The only people truly responsible are the attackers on Oct 7th. | r/worldnews | comment | r/worldnews | 2024-17-06 |
The protests stopped for a time because most protestors decided crushing Hamas was more important than toppling Bibi, no other reason really. | r/worldnews | comment | r/worldnews | 2024-17-06 |
Aren't there protests in Israel all the time right now? Doesn't seem like the government was able to stop them if that was their goal. Not to mention that the people have lost even more faith in the government as a consequence of Oct 7th. It doesn't make a lot of sense that Israel would allow this war to happen for the reasons you mentioned.
[AP video on a protest yesterday. ](https://youtu.be/CUu7q7cwWAI?si=5FpKiLkG_kwhuujq) | r/worldnews | comment | r/worldnews | 2024-17-06 |
>Moral of the story? World don't care what will happen, and cry about it when it does.
World will blame the Jews when it does. No matter what happened or who does it... the world will blame the Jews. Oh sorry, they will say Israel, cause that sounds less antisemetic. | r/worldnews | comment | r/worldnews | 2024-18-06 |
1. Al Jazeera is the qatari government, who is definitely not a reputable source for anything Israel-palestine
2. sheikh jarah is not Israel coming to kick out palestinians of their rightful home to make room for jews, its a legal matter, where jews owned the land then jordan conquered the land and moved palestinians to live there, then Israel conquered the land and the previous jewish owners had a legal battle with the palestinians that moved in during jordan control and won. | r/worldnews | comment | r/worldnews | 2024-18-06 |
r/worldnews | post | r/worldnews | 2024-17-06 |
Thank you, I must remember to send an email to my English teacher from high school *where* that she was right to markup my homework forty-five years ago. I guess I'm *where* I still am simply untrainable. Because *where* else am I now. Best wishes to *where* you are now. :) | r/worldnews | comment | r/worldnews | 2024-17-06 |
Makes sense if their goal is to eradicate Hamas. Have to find and clear everything. That takes a long time, especially when tunnels are involved. | r/worldnews | comment | r/worldnews | 2024-17-06 |
I understand what you're trying to say but let me ask you:
If you live in a country controlled by a dictator where you can get put in jail for years or worse, killed. Would you bother even trying to protest?
With that being said, what Israel is currently doing is the only way to free the people. | r/worldnews | comment | r/worldnews | 2024-17-06 |
It’s not this black and white. Nothing is. But I don’t think you’re interested in grey, just spouting propaganda. But for anyone else: it isn’t as black and white as this guy says it is. Common sense will tell you that. | r/worldnews | comment | r/worldnews | 2024-17-06 |
It took me a few time to make sense of your sentence. You do realize I was agreeing with you right? | r/worldnews | comment | r/worldnews | 2024-17-06 |
> I do think the vast majority of Gazans are just folks wanting to live their life the best they can before they die
This might be the case but most likely isn't, where according to a 2013 survey (and likely even more extreme after years under Hamas rule), 84% believe that stoning is the appropriate punishment for adultery, among many other beliefs that would likely differ vastly from yours.
There are many interesting facts hidden here:
https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/2013/04/30/the-worlds-muslims-religion-politics-society-beliefs-about-sharia/ | r/worldnews | comment | r/worldnews | 2024-17-06 |
And the three heads of Hamas who are typically in Qatar (may be in Turkey at the moment) are together worth something in the ballpark of $11 billion. | r/worldnews | comment | r/worldnews | 2024-17-06 |
Yes, i do. Perhaps worse.
Give them power and you'll see.
Already seeing in Texas and some other regions btw. Or in the SC.
If you think this is mental gymnastics and can't see they're the same, then i'm done here. | r/worldnews | comment | r/worldnews | 2024-17-06 |
Wait, there was a joke? | r/worldnews | comment | r/worldnews | 2024-17-06 |
That's the problem, so many westerners can't seem to wrap their heads around the thought of a population being radicalised into preferring endless war if it means they get a chance to kill Jews. | r/worldnews | comment | r/worldnews | 2024-17-06 |
We’ve been half way there for 40 years. | r/worldnews | comment | r/worldnews | 2024-17-06 |
Well I thought so, being corrected on poor grammar is basically a reddit joke and I thought it was funny. This is twice today I've found myself on the wrong end of violent agreement and me trying to be good humored about it.
But I get it now. You were being pedantically agreeable and would prefer to violently agree rather than be good natured about it.
Carry on. | r/worldnews | comment | r/worldnews | 2024-17-06 |
Yeah, only 70% of Gazans support Hamas, the rest support PIJ! | r/worldnews | comment | r/worldnews | 2024-17-06 |
Insane take. | r/worldnews | comment | r/worldnews | 2024-17-06 |
Personally, I would love to see some evidence to the contrary. But as of now it’s pretty clear what unrwa teaches children in Palestinian schools. The polls show wide spread support for Oct 7th and hamas. The pa won’t have elections in the West Bank for fear of losing to Hamas. | r/worldnews | comment | r/worldnews | 2024-17-06 |
I’ll believe it in two weeks | r/worldnews | comment | r/worldnews | 2024-17-06 |
> This might be the case but most likely isn't, where according to a 2013 survey
>> **Polls taken under a murderous terrorist dictatorship are not something to rely on and the sooner the UNRWA stops lying to kids in "schools" the better.**
I'm happy to requote myself a third time if that helps you better understand my intent. | r/worldnews | comment | r/worldnews | 2024-17-06 |
That would make sense, but in this case there is another part of the polls who back it up as "legit", and that is the fact that the poll was also done in the WB, in places controlled by the PA, and the numbers are pretty much the same, actually, the WB has even more support for Hamas, while the Gazan support went down but just by like 4-5 % (still a majority).
If the polls were totally incorrect then there would be more disparity between the 2 sides of Palestinians, but it is pretty much the same. | r/worldnews | comment | r/worldnews | 2024-17-06 |
You are making two contradictory arguments. At first you speak about support for Hamas, basically implying there are no innocents in Gaza. And then you imply the deaths of innocent civilians are an unfortunate reality of war. | r/worldnews | comment | r/worldnews | 2024-18-06 |
I've seen so many commenters angry that the casualty numbers were revised to clarify that fewer women and children had been killed. Fucking insane. Shouldn't everyone be happy about that? Like??? | r/worldnews | comment | r/worldnews | 2024-18-06 |
I hope he’s taken out by Private Virtuepeace | r/worldnews | comment | r/worldnews | 2024-18-06 |
I hate Hamas, hopefully Gaza gets better leadership once they're gone. | r/worldnews | comment | r/worldnews | 2024-18-06 |
Sinwar must be found. | r/worldnews | comment | r/worldnews | 2024-18-06 |
Lol, are you serious? | r/worldnews | comment | r/worldnews | 2024-18-06 |
Bring back settlements in Gaza. People need to learn to live together in peace. | r/worldnews | comment | r/worldnews | 2024-18-06 |
Sinwar is celebrating every death because it captures support from people like you. That is why he will not end this. | r/worldnews | comment | r/worldnews | 2024-18-06 |
No policy change on Palestinian statehood will move the needle because the sticking point is the eradication of Israel. | r/worldnews | comment | r/worldnews | 2024-18-06 |
No, lol. You misconstrued my allegory. I'm supporting Israel actions for defending themselves.
I'm implying they have a heavy populace support with Hamas's actions. A large majority are from extremely conservative Muslim sect funded by the Iranians who want to further their goals of destabilizing the west. We see that with the Houthis indiscriminately attacking shipping in the red sea.
No gay rights. No women rights. No relgion rights. They want to create a muslim theocracy, something anyone who's against those things should oppose. Therefore, Israel has a right to defend itself from terrorists. | r/worldnews | comment | r/worldnews | 2024-18-06 |
And IDF is helping him. | r/worldnews | comment | r/worldnews | 2024-18-06 |
> How many Palestinians will be left alive at that point?
The vast majority? There are millions of people in Gaza and only like 30-40 thousand deaths, most of which are Hamas. The number of Hamas left is dwindling, so the available pool of future deaths is pretty low at this point. That's why the rate of increase in the death toll has slowed drastically over the past few months. | r/worldnews | comment | r/worldnews | 2024-18-06 |
They let Sinwar go in a trade for other stolen humans. How did that end? | r/worldnews | comment | r/worldnews | 2024-18-06 |
Good thing there aren't indiscriminate attacks happening in Gaza by Israel. They're killing fewer than one person per bomb in a dense urban area, even if you use Hamas' questionable death tolls. | r/worldnews | comment | r/worldnews | 2024-18-06 |
Neat. | r/worldnews | comment | r/worldnews | 2024-18-06 |
Subsets and Splits