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Just tried to access my Firefly wallet after 3 years of inactivity. PIN number not recognised. Created new profile using seed phrase, all seemed to go OK but no IOTA assets to be seen. Any suggestions as to my next move? | r/iota | post | r/Iota | 2024-11-18 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UbGg5b20tbW9pV2VTVTVuR25iaVJBNmN5RElIOTlCbVYyMGs4VU84cXR2ZkU0OVU4NHVkTkJaWDhsd2ZZWTVNT1g2Q1M1dHZkYUNMZTFaLVRiV0dnbWwzcUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5UbGgtUUJIRFliVXBfMTFxcXpOdms4UXVCYVlRREZOVGpDTjk5UmhlUUQtYnNvcHNESkwzSXNiLU1acXJZVFhsOU52U1R5TUhUa1lleWxJNHhTRWhnTm1CSldPbl9FQTNkMWo0ak9lY2RQd0JEWDhJUlBGZ1dvcUZqY2JhNEh4SEM3YW5SOERqdzlZakVRZjRCSElaMGxNVmNYdW1iYjhwU0lEaXBTYTczS1I4QXNkdFdVZWN4ZnRZdzdNN2VEXzZVRWNX |
I swear every meme coin on Solana is a rug pull. I've gotta burned every single time. I've given up. | r/solana | post | r/solana | 2024-11-18 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UbGg5MnhpY0RpdjFXNzRXYy14dVhPbmVwZFJrbTU0bXRJVVIwX1RTaU1zc08xLXRQR2hRSUtBU3RsZjNmakRjS2pvemNCenhlSTRXVnJfVTc4R3JDWWpGX3dpdy15bE83UmllQjZ3TEI5V2dEYnM9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UbGgtSGNJUHN4SzZHZGJkYnlfMW9vaFRONFdEN0Q3M3BPWW5LUE5lTTZIY1gwYWFFd0ZlQXBGMEFKQUV4Smt4VndJLTdQZWJTanF6a1VmWmM4SFVBMmYzMEw4Q0tGQnlRaDdZXzFfUVZqWFRrYUVuWTN2OENja2lUUVo1bVo1Zndaei1DbHRjbHN6WlNTcXpJZkpZUE43dEtoNXdjSV9PVmlVLUd4VkpvaE5nUDJzPQ== |
I’ve been in and out of crypto for years. But cardano has always interested me. So im curious why you guys like it or even dislike it. I want to hear everything. Have a good week | r/cardano | post | r/cardano | 2024-11-18 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UbGg5c3hURFdSVTB2SW1sM2NOR0JUQ1hMUklOaVJWYmxIU0Fvd1c5SjNxVW1nZ3F3ZHN3d2ZLVFpxMXFqd09hX3lZVk1ydjdHZWt5VUl4Rm5oZDFaZkk3Y0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5UbGgtUzJxV09qaU55eFRKQXhFYmpEdHR5N01qNUdfblVZSndaN240aDh2V2gyRVphWVZGOTJFTU1mRHJpN0YtOE02cGM5SVJ5RkhWcVJrMUpVeUdvc2hia3lTZlQ1RFJYU0NzU0FWLWtVM212TGRXcEpZQXhfdGltS1Fxd182dkZtTi05RnBONGMyR0J0b1Z3eFU5RjZuRjJOWlYzV3k3UGhMY3JhRFktUzJQdnljSTVId1FIbWtLa1BzSUZYamVwSjhV |
If you’ve been in this sub for years, you may remember a series of posts here dubbed “ethereum value proposition” back in 2021 by yours truly during an epic eth fud campaign before ETH went on its face ripping rally.
Check the receipts, I did a multi week series in mid march 2021 and days later eth made the face melting gains 3x and up.
Why am I telling you this? To toot my own horn? No.
It’s because the reason I made those posts years ago was because the market was being HIGHLY irrational toward ETH and I believe it is doing it again, and where irrationality exists, opportunity for gains exists as well.
If you’ve had a pulse in crypto the last 3-6 months you’ll know everyone and their mom has turned bearish on ETH. In 2021 the criticism was “EtH cAnT ScALe”, now it’s “EtH is DeD”
Nonsense. And here’s why:
Tradfi has quickly realized that the megalithic opportunity in crypto is stablecoins (see https://x.com/nic__carter/status/1857408855719674075).
As you can see stablecoin volume has skyrocketed in the last 4 years eclipsing PayPal, bitcoin, remittances, and ALMOST approaching the levels of VISA, the largest payment processor in the world.
Guess where the VAST majority of stablecoin volume happens? Yep Ethereum and it’s L2s. Over 70%.
“Oh but ETH L1 has no usage no one uses it or oh it’s L2s are dead bla bla bla.”
No, ETH has significantly scaled by introducing “blobs” a few months back. check L2beat, Ethereum and its L2s users and transactions are near all time highs for an aggregate of ~370 TPS currently. Source: https://l2beat.com/scaling/activity
“Oh ok so some people use ETH big deal, but it’s still not a good investment”
If that were true,why then while everyone and their mom has been fudding ETH, Blackrock, (the largest hedge fund in the world)in the last 2 months has increased it’s holdings of ETH in its ETFs by a whopping 65%? Source: https://x.com/EthereanVibin/status/1858254969389863290
Why is over 95% of Blackrocks “BUIDL” fund of over 500 million dollars built on Ethereum?
Why are states like Florida and Michigan starting to acquire ETH? Florida now holds over 800 million in crypto related investments and Michigan 11 million: https://www.ccn.com/news/crypto/michigan-largest-ethereum-etf-holders-us/
“Oh but Bitcoin is the only scarce asset with real value for holders, everything else is just a scam or gambling”
Since proof of stake and the burn was implemented about 3 years ago ETH has had HALF the inflation rate of bitcoin: https://ultrasound.money/
In laymen’s terms, bitcoin is being printed at twice the rate of ETH. People literally do not realize this.
This is beyond significant.
Michael Saylor himself, the bitcoin messiah has said that bitcoin HAS to figure out a way to generate yield, because just holding it long term is not economically feasible, direct quote:
“The point is If the capital doesnt generate a return its a non performing asset, you need to address the issue. If I put $100B into $BTC and the yield is 0%, thats just as bad as having $100B bonds that pay 0% yield. In both cases theyre non performing"
Source: https://x.com/etheraider/status/1836493170772971646
What this means is that Saylor fully recognizes that yield is KING.
Everyone knows that stocks that provide quality yield command a premium, you don’t think crypto assets will command the same premium anon?
But don’t confuse yield with inflation, yield comes from “activity/MEV/fees”, because if you have high yield due to inflation and not from actual usage of the chain, then your yield will be high but so will the inflation of your coin so you never come out ahead.
And what chain has the purest native premium on yield? The one with the most activity/mev/fees RELATIVE to its inflation, in other words Ethereum.
Saylor for a long time discredited eth because he said it was a security. Now it officially is not.
He now says he wants a “form of bitcoin” aka a scarce asset that gives him yield…..
You do the math.
Saylor may never capitulate and buy ETH due to pride or maybe because he’s built a religious cult following and attack the fragility of bitcoin maximalism by holding another asset but that doesn’t mean you have to repeat his mistake.
Is ETH the BEST asset in crypto? No, there’s no way I can make that claim about any asset without being biased or disingenuous.
Is it ONE of the best risk adjusted reward plays right now given history, tech, present social bias, and network effect?
I could go on and on about how ETH has always outperformed BTC in bull cycles, how the weekly RSI is at all time historic lows and therefore represents a legendary buying opp, etc etc
But I’ll end with this:
3 years ago the level of FUD surrounding ETH is what prompted me to post this series because it was so over the top irrational.
The same pattern is repeating now.
If you listened then and did the counter trade congrats. If you didn’t, here’s your second chance
Don’t fall for the CT FUD doomloop.
ETH is the dark horse this cycle.
Load up, you won’t regret it. | r/cryptocurrency | post | r/CryptoCurrency | 2024-11-18 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UbGg5YjZLYzRWLU5OcVBKT1k2ZlVLWkJGWnVDUVJ6MW5tNkpwd0J6SFhSbHRoR1VKdExwbklVNGxwNXZJSmE4dU50cEhWcVotZEMzZXdlN25lWVprZDRfWEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5UbGgtMEM3ZHZCdnJCa0VYNDZuSXBmblVWQndLQWdaWXVEV0JaeXNoa1V4OFV6RUZKem9LNkMxOHRmdW50dkVnei1iajhWNk1JSHJGcDVGRnMtZlRvN1VyYzFoYWswdUFiSkROUERLX09Mc1ZfcXdFazZyVXpMVjYycFl5MVFwaGd3RDJOcGdTeHRxMWVyWEh3QVh5RjFDd2VMLS1Fam8wZUZEcnI1RVNvZm5jcGhTbm41SUtzTlkxNGhGeE1FYkV4VG5GeTJVa1RFM2k5dmQ3WDNFRW1QSEFVdz09 |
Happy to hype up the LRC any bisibility is good visibility.. LFG!!!! | r/loopringorg | post | r/loopringorg | 2024-11-18 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UbGg5cUIteEFjMHhLbktJN1JwTnFnckRqX2ptcW5HN0c2anJBRHdicHV4RXZ1SzFNWDBVdno2Q2J2R0lQaXJ2ZG1PbWt6aUYwclhYSFdpN2d5OFNHbGpUMVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5UbGgtYl9Za0lzM1Z1SXJ4aE9sZ2U3c3NMNGhOMHk5QjBwMURVWHRqeTNpNTZuZzVQU0FjbzhzY2VWdTl6cGY2aFFIekR6WC1SbmxweUtDOHlBZ1J5MTFpTzZLdlUzM3h5ek9fb3dxZFR4MWtDQzByNkY4a2VKWGtGczJFQkdUZTVDRE9xSHU5dkc0dGxNS0Jub2hIRnd0VXJQc2IzNHhmb256ME1mX0J4N3BXUkZJak9feDFlazEzVWJpeWdDdl9WTW1W |
We all know [Rugcheck.xyz](http://Rugcheck.xyz) is hit and miss.
I made a new platform today, not live yet.
This is real time check on Raydium new LP creations.
1. PumpFun Creation: Bundled with Bots - "Says for the token is minted and swapped at the same blocks"
2. Botted/Insiders - We can see on 2nd image, two suspicious amount with trailing zeroes even thought with low % holdings.
But can I say these two wallets are insiders? We can click on "View" for Botted/Insiders
Wallet 1: AM2hCxK36KqAb4ZzQ5DGHPkYXyHK6ogpJ3xx7fFFsJf2
Wallet 2: 5jDKhRxjJi6Zad5oQpkuTsW5BHtbmVycjbHSEpsJFteH
Let's filter on photon - [https://photon-sol.tinyastro.io/en/lp/Bn1aCEfZcLYwXW7nKcD3EFZySD9PG9uGd4dGMFPokdDg?handle=7959050209ad701837698](https://photon-sol.tinyastro.io/en/lp/Bn1aCEfZcLYwXW7nKcD3EFZySD9PG9uGd4dGMFPokdDg?handle=7959050209ad701837698)
Both wallets dumped and botted the buy/sell. It could be more than that untracked. But with the comprehensive checking, the ui will help us acknowledge there's two suspicious amount.
Nonetheless, here's another example of linked data of suspicious amount for another token
We can see the smart play of the developer adjusting the value (almost identical amount) as well as value that has all the trailing zeroes for a fixed amount that we normal human don't usually calculate for exact amount out.
Thanks for reading!
What's more than that?
The UI could trace fake [pump.fun](http://pump.fun) token
What does it mean "Fake [pump.fun](http://pump.fun) token"
Dev created a token ends with "...pump" whilst not being created on the platform itself.
This will usually appear on as "Graduated" on [ape.pro](http://ape.pro) which you'll not find on [pump.fun](http://pump.fun) itself or even metaplex token info would simply recognize this as [pump.fun](http://pump.fun) token which fools us all. | r/solana | post | r/solana | 2024-11-18 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UbGg5MEwtNWdNV2llc3NqOXlxN1NhWi1CMV9DM1VFVk9DcDNxSkJOUkxJc1FyNjRUbGczQWxIU0lRV2VEQVBmeXAwYm80ekhqRjFWYnFhVWZlY0stS3Fxc3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5UbGgta09kTTA3dmE1anZ5Qzl4akoydGFWQ2EweUZtak85amdXSV93WE9lLS1YUjFERm1Uamk1M0VWOEU0WGFiWFp0TG53ZTBqY3pLd3V0NzV4X0hzTTFYUXkybUM1c1l6ZHlFS3ROc0p2aHdEYnVXZ21TR2Rma1hkbU9FbGY4NzJoZWZBeWR6NWFpQlhDclFzUmZEWXFtcVZzTUt4N1MzT3lQOGhZRkN3dFFBZm45OGFaRzBzT2hHNTgxLTVISml3dmlIcjRLM0lONDZ1eHhzUmN5QUZzNjVEQT09 |
I got out before Celsius crashed. I also lost almost my entire life savings to Luna. I am still here. I bought Bitcoin at $15k five years ago and held.
I am finally in the green and up thousands. It makes me feel nothing.
I’m pretty sure at this point, a lot of alts are just gonna go into nothing this cycle.
All I’ve learned from crypto is Bitcoin is King and every other crypto are basically scams or a joke that don't have capped supplies.
Bitcoin is limited. All these other crypto’s are minted constantly equivalent to the US dollar at this point. Why do we as a community stand for that and allow it? Basically from what I'm understanding we as a community are okay with being scammed because of "freedom" in crypto, the whole industry is strange to me.
I’m all for AVAX and other crypto that have limited supplies, but I’m done with unlimited minting cryptocurrencies. I get that I have more understanding now of Crypto through the projects that I got screwed by, researched the project I am backing and pulled out of the ones which have minting rates of the millions each year.
Please explain to me how something like DOGE is being considered for the new peoples currency when it is the exact same thing as the US dollar, printed whenever wanted- just on the blockchain. it’s minted whenever they want constantly. just because it has Blockchain technology, that is a buzzword, and it has ELons backing, that's why takes off. It’s more secure to our community but store of value has nothing or no difference to the dollar.
I think you are a cryptocurreny OG if you start seeing this entire industry as 90% rug pulls, scams, ways to lose your money entirely and then rest is waiting a decade to even get a slight return because of how bad it is. | r/cryptocurrency | post | r/CryptoCurrency | 2024-11-18 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UbGg5SlZQUjd4Q1IzTE1JMnozdUZXcEt5MUVlZ3BmM1JtaFNmMkZWZ3RLLXJJUHJxLThIcXZGOUk1WGpCN09SN0lMcEE1RC1kbzMtYUh1V0lFWHJ5bjkyR2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5UbGgtYURFOVFXZ3VOV1NjRkw3RV9wQVpyZUVoN3FZbWdVamtJQWs0VEl0N3dSVW1JVll4Um1WeHc0WkctUDlvX3hfZVQ2dUFkZGJYSDhEeU1XREZnSlBEQUk5bUlQWUVDV2w3QUZ4a1VCODA5N0YwOU5vd3JORHRMSTdDdGYtRTZVVUxWUlNmQURmTTY4NndsakNZa01qRi1RT1kweUpRVGoyNFFaZHR5M21oRzZIMEljZkdRdmhEZU5wNHFxUWhrMUF4TFd5TVZVbE9SeGVPNUp5dGRnSF9PZz09 |
🚨 It's MONDAY! You know what that means! 🚨
It's time for our weekly news recap...
🟡 Anzens and BitGo Anticipate USDA Stablecoin Imminent Launch on Cardano
🟡 World Mobile Announces Blockchain Testnet
🟡 Nucast Subscriptions: A New Era of Cardano Payments
🟡 Robinhood Relists Cardano’s $ADA
🟡 Cardano Foundation Releases MiCA Whitepaper Template to Support EU Compliance
🟡 Weekly Development Report
🟡 & More!
In other news...
✔️ Charles Hoskinson reveals he has signed an NDA with SpaceX
✔️ Cardano Foundation releases Financial Insights Report 2023
✔️ Wanchain introduces XPORT, a Cross-Chain Data Transfer Protocol
✔️ zenGate Global will be coming to Argentina to debut an addition to the Palmyra ecosystem
✔️ Coinbase launches Coinbase 50 Index, a new way to track the crypto economy.
🔻 For all of the details, read the entire newsletter, now up on our website 🔻
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[https://www.cardanonewsletter.com/](https://www.cardanonewsletter.com/) | r/cardano | post | r/cardano | 2024-11-18 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UbGg5dkNYXzk3Q0Z0QV96WC14c3JaQXVsMGRQN0tBc25lTzZ4YTdsYUVNWHNJTVp2U2FLcFlXd1ZRQzZqN0pwMDRXVVY0WENReWxVbXNxLWl0Y1JFSUhhU2l2T1NEbW9lYnR5ZHpDYkZaZ3ZWNkE9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UbGgtbXJsWnNVTXAtakMxN3I5OS1xYnlOUDdIc2RIaUtGT0VsS1hIVld5cG5PQ2xfS21pLVpXcUxWNFRpVlpCb3NLMjZLVTBJdVZrQUNiMEZKQXBSTHExYVVFZmF4RUFSNUl2RHZMc3B5ME9ZWEtNVjVmZkIzaE55dlJHVDdMOUNXQng4aDNtR1JHclFyZ0syOFNSeFBCMDh0N0hSbWRfb1lDQ29LbFpOODNWZ0Y1NVFBWGcydFdZY3pNeWx0UVlvM0IwUUhKRl9IRUNpMDRINjhVU2lXV1Fodz09 |
View in your timezone:
[Nov 21st, 1:08 PM UTC][0]
[0]: https://timee.io/20241121T1308?tl=Voting%20is%20LIVE!%20Decide%20the%20future%20of%20web3%20by%20voting%20for%20Numa%20Network%20Mainnet%20launch%20on%20UniLend%20DAO!%20Hurry!%20Voting%20ends%20Nov%2021st%2C%201%3A08%20PM%20UTC..%20Join%20the%20movement! | r/nftmarketplace | comment | r/NFTMarketplace | 2024-11-18 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UbGg5YlNzenBIMndmenROOE5uTWpUTFZ2YXZSVmh0a1dYR0RhcFFNVVZPbXVtNERuQVNnaVJLWWZKbHRjMTVzUTcyaEYwOERpM1U0WUc2eEppX1VsbllMcnc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5UbGgtWEg0c2IydUJraHR3TDh4a2JaVVp6bW1PdTNPaU5BdEl5LWlOZUpFOXktMFJ6XzhxSmlmS0FQbzQ0YUdyeDhBbUxvbWpQYTd6UHVNelBPZG1fU3hOazFuNDFGVzdFbEluWmlKY1BNb3EwanJaMDRxYXlOc21YV2tWZEptYkdCWGUtVzZvSnRZZTNyVkd3TDZ3MmV0MUlLaS0yLVd5djNUN25OLVdKSVBaZlcyQmJYZzBURzl1UWNnMUNrckI0SG9xckFrTU5BVFFBUGdUYVF6NzZlX0M4QT09 |
Confidence takes a lot of time to build. Strong communities take a lot of time to build.
I’m amazed at how fast some people are willing to jump into a new project they know nothing about, just because some random kol talked about it. This is pure gamble that can work some times, that will fail most of the time. I’m very sure you know what I’m talking about.
I need to know what I’m investing in. I need to know whom I’m investing with.
In this world, it is difficult to put your confidence into something. Because of all the ignorance, all those lies, and scams, and bad people, you have to be very careful. You can’t just trust anybody. But at some point you have to put your confidence into something. And when you decide to put your confidence into it, put it all.
To trust something, you have to be familiar with it. You have to take time with it. And there is nothing more determinant than time and difficulties to test the the value of the communities.
I’ve decided to put my trust into memecoin this cycle. Because I strongly believe that this narrative will outperform every other narrative this cycle, like it did until now. In those memecoins, I’ve decided to put my confidence in the communities that have passed the test of red days.
Look at Saitama on ETH. It is here since several months now. The first ATH was at 4M. Then it went down under 200k. In a bearish market. And each day I saw all the key members of the community showing, to raid and post on all the socials. That’s what I’m looking for. Look out the numerous articles I wrote about it when it was under 200k.
What happened ? It then did go to a new ATH of 13M mc. A lot of people joined. A lot of people sold since then. What about the community ? Always showing, didn’t sold any token. Didn’t care of the chart. Just worked. Because the things have not even yet begun. Because the goal is not millions but billions.
To keep going with Saitama on ETH, there are some OG crypto experts inside. One of them told me about a very interesting fact.
When these kind of communities are forming, through time, struggles, hard work, a diamond hands fondation is made. When it is there, with a strong narrative, the token that the community represent become a derivative of the chain it works on, Ethereum in our case.
What does it means ? It means the token will reflect the chart of Ethereum. But the reflection will operate on a much shorter timeframe and with a much bigger amplitude ! It means like when Ethereum will 2x, the community token will 200x !
Please take a look at what I’m saying. Take a look at the chart of the tokens I will share, and compare the weekly or monthly chart of ethereum with the 4h chart or daily chart of the diamond hands community.
At this point, Bitcoin is pumping. A lot of green candles are shwoing everywhere. People are jumping from one token to an other one to chase the next green candle. The memecoin saeson has not started yet. It will be massive. 100x are going to be made. Some of them on random tokens. Most of them on diamond hands communities that are grinding since months.
So here are the communities I have the most conviction on, with a narrative that resonates with me.
These are not only 100x tokens, these are 100x communities with strong values I’m proud to contribute for :
Saitama is a legendary memecoin that went to $7B mc last cycle and was the third biggest memecoin after Shiba and Doge. To be clear, this is not the same as the old Saitama with scammy devs that rug pulled everyone. This is a new project that is running on a new contract. This time it’s purely community driven, with key members of the OG Saitama. The goal is clear, restore the glory of the narrative and get this back to billions. Saitama is a monster. It looks totaly ordinary until it is not anymore. It only takes one punch, and we never know when it’s coming.
[SAITAMA $3.10M - Saitama Inu / WETH on Ethereum / Uniswap - DEX Screener](https://dexscreener.com/ethereum/0xf3f4dfd1b442c2baa4ef9d4d4cd4a4494ecfd845)
This is much more than a memecoin. This is the manifestation of a revolution. This is tokenized ideas, tokenized philosophy of enough of all your bullshit, let’s get our power and sovereignty back. Let’s give a chance to anybody. Let’s get out of this broken and corrupted system to play an other game. This is real decentralization, a self entity anomaly that will scare the whole financial ecosystem.
[SPX $0.5674 - SPX6900 / WETH on Ethereum / Uniswap - DEX Screener](https://dexscreener.com/ethereum/0x52c77b0cb827afbad022e6d6caf2c44452edbc39)
If you missed bitcoin, get $Satoshi. This is a demonstration of a community that is showing whatever is happening. A one year token fully active with such narrative below $2M mc ? The chart looks ready to breakout anytime. You will never see those prices anymore. Satoshi Nakamoto represent all the crypto space. Everyone knows about him. Everyone will know about his token too.
[SATOSHI $1.57M - Satoshi Nakamoto / WETH on Ethereum / Uniswap - DEX Screener](https://dexscreener.com/ethereum/0xf0d86adea54ee8c498f6d3e803a5d927d68831fa)
Another community that is still working even in a dip retracement. Key member still there, not selling, not watching the chart. Just to let you know the power of this community, take a look at the number of views on this Elon Musk tweet reply :
[(20) Oscar on X: "@elonmusk https://t.co/zqQ2X0sbZt" / X](https://x.com/oscar_shibainu/status/1856526117584208317?t=buAH9S_c-RNCEk7yYYdZxw&s=19)
Lot of eyes are on this one. This meme is too cult to be faded.
[OSCAR $0.006214 - Oscar / WETH on Ethereum / Uniswap - DEX Screener](https://dexscreener.com/ethereum/0x9b9d97a9215882f4a68b0d0d591d5aaeb29e5e47)
| r/cryptomoon | post | r/CryptoMoon | 2024-11-18 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UbGg5azQ2YWVvNmhrbkpwbEpWN2E3a1lEREpLWENBLXJkbkdtOVd4ckZKTllwY0RGR2FDT0VtaUpxQVRYSmlhdE1RUWhTcGYtcDNqZmRKdHcxd0E1WVR0M2F0c3FUX2hqT2tYSXp0UV8tc1cweXM9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UbGgtUm16cm92ZmdNemJxNkxSSzJIaksxX2QwenlUNGc4ME40OVFkNTVrTUhWU2xpNUI1bFRveEpXOVRLcW9OUUlMNVJONDB0Nms1SFFrYzhtUUdTMC1OMFo4R1hBY1JITlhWbTVoQWNOQnRzSDdKb3JVS1Fna2V3bGxtYTBseFZoUmxRYkxsOGtOTFpzX2o4d2l4T1lUZWhXTUYwWGJUbnNnWTQ5bVJ5QTk3VzROcWVTV3JIendzTnFZZUFhT0Y3RWJnOVhHaDJLMDhubkNFTkhlVHNuSEpxdz09 |
Hey Monero fam! 👋
Time for another exciting update on [Bitrica.com](https://bitrica.com?utm_source=reddit) \- you asked, we delivered!
**Tor Support is Here!** 🧅 Access the entire platform via [.onion address](http://vhwxmcyrthndouv3o2n3dsfjgvmyh3xs74zbhcrpwuwfnhqqiad4oayd.onion/) for that extra layer of privacy you deserve.
**Power to the Traders: New Safety Features** ⚡ Ever wanted more control over who can trade with you? Now you've got it! Set your own trader requirements:
* Minimum rating threshold (0-5 stars)
* Minimum completed trades requirement
For example: Want to trade only with experienced users? Set your requirements to "20 trades + 5-star rating" and boom - only traders meeting those criteria can start deals with you. (Shoutout to u/CBDwire for this awesome suggestion!)
**Smarter Search = Less Hassle** 🔍
* New filter: Show only available trades
* No more clicking through inactive listings
* Find exactly what you're looking for, faster than ever
**Calling All Sellers!** 💪 The demand is real - we've got buyers waiting and ready to trade! Now's the perfect time to jump in and start building your reputation. Early traders always get the best opportunities to establish themselves. Plus, with our new trader requirements feature, you're in full control of who you trade with. Come join us and turn your XMR knowledge into profit!
Still keeping all those payment methods and currencies you love, just making everything smoother and safer.
What's your take on these new features? We're already cooking up more improvements - what would you like to see next? 🤔 | r/monero | post | r/Monero | 2024-11-18 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UbGg5XzAzWFNxdGRLNkIyWW5kNlBWWmlKMEh6dmdKYklFLWFFRzg0Q3JGeUZxUm5mTTZSVVJWOWZXbWpBcUc3T0tON1FjazI2RmhaSW1KQkVCSEJyZGlMNFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5UbGgtVXJTRmltbVQyeHc4eGl6MFp5eDFJNG1Xb3V0bmFyQ0RLTFRVZW9iMWpTRXBiM1JRclpPdUFUVHFUWE5tdGhuZGc3SVZCdGswSDFPZC1GM0ZhTXVyS2dvb1lXM0EzQmlaSVFYQk5QV2JJakFUbFRHWlRNLW84Vi1HRjJfdE1hT3NTNktYV3AxUXVIdlpXTG15TDdaSVhVcUJCVS1iXzRZZUlNM1BSVmlfbXc5N0wwS3hmWXdPUDI3Q3piQjVEcE5J |
They spend 1 year doing stealth development on this and now present it to the community as "vote".
If the community votes to keep the old iota, then iota is dead as they lost already 1 year of development.
that means the community has to vote for the new one.
Why do a vote at all? | r/iota | post | r/Iota | 2024-11-18 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UbGg5ZzE5SVZqVmNnbnhyQ21UcU5qOUFJbEFpdXhJbnc4SGl2em5LNGRGVVktVEFfUmJxNzVKalVuYXQxRHpUcDlKbVdDVVp2SkNfd2c1TUxjM0Q1V1Y4dXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5UbGgtazFoUVNaRTZFcWhOc3I3MWNtTllWMnREaXhaN3NOUzRvUDhhRkVqRUFuVW9HZVRqYzdEQ1dIamFuWTd0UGozUk9nbEQyZEtwSWYxY1lRSFQyNzhiWXE0ZVFwS2hSYzN5MzVkd2s1V05QWi1pTkRLMXdBQUtkcTZlTFNfcTRzYkdxcmpvcnJnY3ZNOWFNUURUWjY0YVkxSFBicGdIVExiWERfam94S21aaEowPQ== |
So I purchased domain. Monero transaction passed successfully which you can see on screenshot I will send. But status of domain was on PENDING whatever that means. I opened ticket 3hrs after that since status was same. 24hrs since I opened ticket has passed but no response. After 24hrs I sent 2nd message in same opened ticket to ask them how we can sort this up, and instead SCUMS LITERALLY BANNED ME. They are bragging as onion supported website and accept Monero. Doesn't matter.
https://preview.redd.it/r6imkknihp1e1.png?width=1919&format=png&auto=webp&s=6a25e53088abeaf18f6ff7c165801493d1354cf7 | r/monero | post | r/Monero | 2024-11-18 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UbGg5dWxBNUJrMURFTGk2SExqSmhndENvR214NWV4ZE9QemVYY0g1b1BDekNLb1F6dXhwZ3FxamxNeGx1SWpEc3pHSG54MTF2Rk0wYlZfUjkzUUxPXzlhakE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5UbGgtcVl1ZG1TZU5pckZ4X1h1UXVxVVlZekozX1Y1NHJfRFdSUURZWnluSWIxYllHZHctODNFZHhjWExQTjFhdTZWbW91V3ZZSVVHODVuYTQzQXJwUG5jY3dWcDI0TjcxWEFFd2RyYk16UlhZbmlVRVN6WjNOcm9KaXRSdk82SGNHY0xrN0lzMWVWZDRZWmZ6TzdsX2thOXV2M1dPRE95NzlOaUU2alhCSWVIS2JXd09iaE5sWFMwNFJ0by0zR0RSVmxr |
r/cardano | post | r/cardano | 2024-11-18 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UbGg5eXA0QVd4UFNncFF3Y29kSW9sRlJQUERPeWZHQTlQbEhhYzU1Q0VRMEM3QndId2Y2LXFlbzhvOVZ1Yy00TkpWdjJnSVhPVU1QU2pqYVYwdExBSHc3NVoxX0drSlVTenV1T0J3VmZULUU3bGs9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UbGgtaGxaMGhtZWVneU9uX21MdzNzVEl6aWYxeUFpbUhicEd5SEw2NnpvWm53V2FTRTMyYnZrakJNUkUzY0pscDBtOU96TkJIMERpT2Mwb3M2c1ZpeHBJYnV5ZE9OOUpLMUJ2bjMzTUNSMUFXdEtHNENRLXVLaWVqTlR3ZU9WUm5pWmdWVy1PbURjd1E4Vnk3d0FVWkhUVTBUVVRxM3ZLWHlhUzdZeHlvRVRtOHh5UDNZU2VqclNrOFBJWFhMYUo3LUMyX2pRN3F3R1JFdmNmVEtNM1ZXcU4xZz09 |
If u miss this opportunity again, u only have yourself to blame | r/nftmarketplace | comment | r/NFTMarketplace | 2024-11-18 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UbGg5Qmc1cE9KZU90NnRVZTg2UXJ1ZVJYd2lxYXd3OU5MMlBSOVd2Q21YMnNyblRKNzBHY0licHBvMWdrMDJVM0hUYXBQX1U1eHBHMk5hSDNZdHBBRW1Zc0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5UbGgtTGxJQmxsRHRMQ3p4VV9aVnQ4bmxfa211NEdCZG11T0MxMng0T3dqQzdoaklQdk9XYWdNSExRQWdSQ2hLWHBPaHljVWRpLXFobm96MlRicExyLTQ1M1Y0eXl4QW9LZlEwMzc0WHVPMnpLaFVPLTJxUXNzUTI0VlgtM2hoV0J5cFlFcl9qRldkZFd5eU5sdTZXanlSeEZURm44TkxmWUd2dkY1by11NGMwVDVwY0xnd1FDWFR2cFNzeFBwZEVDcE13 |
Loopring has all the fundamentals in place as a top tier Layer 2 solution. While it didn't really take off until the end of the last bull run, that's when it gained significant popularity. This time around, it's a well known brand with substantial hype, as this space alone has over 100,000 followers. It ticks all the boxes for a potential mega run this cycle.
Time to sit back and enjoy the ride, folks.
P.S. Anyone reading this is still super early. | r/loopringorg | post | r/loopringorg | 2024-11-18 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UbGg5YTlKcU4yaXo3d2pXZ1hReUM1Qk8wMUxHMDVIQ0NjV2JWZ1E5NWR6UWVYbV92Zm1mX043SHdFNG1BYzFocmRKQm1GNW9aVHNORWdhX2JnZS1zQ0F2NXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5UbGgtalZnTFczOE16aWg0Z1phTWctTTVpVWx6V2xlbGQ5Nnp5bHczeWpoang2NTduc2pWMERocGFTd3VBTVNJc2FJb1hTSjJOQzRuejVhbjRWdkxSTkNQQklwY0tqblVfd2wyU0k0dGNyb1Z6OUNUbUNHWmw4d2lWTWp6ZmNqTmtJcFVZVWQ2YjhvT3IzN3p4cGJCRzMyRnF1ZkNTc3NpbHZiMkNKWnAtaFBGRE5UVmRCb3RQSGoxNkJXd3RFN0tVMWQzQkVMbUc1LUJmMVZteUE0UW1PcVktUT09 |
I had 66 SOL in my Phantom wallet.
I received some airdrop or free NFT, and I connected, and the next moment I had 0 SOL in my wallet. How is this possible?
Was I scammed, or is there a way to get it back?
I clicked approve too quickly... only then did I look at what it was -.- | r/solana | post | r/solana | 2024-11-18 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UbGg5dVRDRVE4bVYwd2FXRHdQSG9LWXlKVDdDdlFmOTBpYzA5LTVTTFZWNWE3MkRpVUhhdWhzRW1PbWtVVzhCOUowVGxzVGt4VmRGMFExWlZmM0N6R0d6Y2p5blIwcTlmOENvRmt2SndJTHBpbVk9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UbGgtR0kwcGNEd1FqaHEyMVFfNWpTamJ5MWNSbmZSOXVmUGxLTTFvT2xhTG1HWFIxcVIyUnZDZGxvQlJ1ZjVDR09GR2tDdEd0T053Y18xbVk1TlpXUVAwVkdfeVVxbHNFcTVRbkVOWURETW16TzlsTDFpMk1ScVRwM3dFckhabTRBLUVJclZYeTFYZmk4eWN0RS16MzFRNEhmZFA1czdFUlBpZ3N4UDBFekh3dzlzdmw0QlFNQ1FtRjJ3WWV5X1R6eWRi |
What options are available to convert ETH over to ADA without going to a CEX? Is there any options available, Bridges and etc on Cardano or elsewhere? | r/cardano | post | r/cardano | 2024-11-18 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UbGg5b1N3R2lIb1FxbzM1bVNBSXRHR1ZBbXk0S1JLM1ItRUlhYnJCVHZpT1hXSHZnZEVZaXE5VWFqUXI4R3ExNUZCT0htSXR6aklRN2I1WHIwaFZDcUdnU1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5UbGgtMTRRSzF5cG1FODUwZU1QRWtIb1JnbGRFVXFVUmlNQW00RkVhYTBpdDlqajVHNFlUSEFqMUNXZEp0R2pNeUtLbHJBMVowYmROS1QzaWdiRzR0N05rcGkycjE0Qm9JWC1DRGFVWDBoTFkxLWVrOXRxcG1Yc2ZGS1FpdEVtOE5McGh4NUt3VkhOV1BzcFlwMUp5bE1RVEMyYnFGT0xPZ05ZNUdNV0JuT0QxUGtTb081OFZ1ckZ0Q1ZxUDNzRTZMOXdu |
I've been away for a bit. He was so helpful. It looks like he hasn't posted here for 4 months. Anyone know? | r/monero | post | r/Monero | 2024-11-18 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UbGg5bUxnYmVxUlZONWEyNjNIN2MxeGJBNk5HclpwMmdGcE1iMi1ISFp5Qjd6WXN0YjhBaUYzQUU0YXlKTkd3WGRjdWJTWll6MXNmdi1jcFJZQUJta3QyY3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5UbGgtZUFIaDFlN3ltTmhkRVNzQjZ5SjNaMUVjTVFkYUJTZlJEUWhxSGh3cV9Ua1c0Z0dSRmE0NHBLdE9JMW1xQndUeU1ENlpwUWdGU0dnOHdmeXpkajhlUTJ3S3dUb0lYTnRQakdBWjFZZjBxQURKaXM4ZkJxT2U1VzFlUVRUdVZ4UUxsbGxVLU1QaG9Td3VmLXhSMkJ6RWdONV85TFloYjItblEtNFNTNFVNQVhzPQ== |
Seriously. If you’ve been watching this coin for years now you know that it’s got support at .44-.62.
This is an easy buy guys. We may not see a dollar in the short term - but I have little doubt we will pump back up to pre-Hack levels.
25-27 cents in the next few days. | r/loopringorg | post | r/loopringorg | 2024-11-19 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UbGg5OVhCWHdsamdMMXA0MzR5cmoyX0dJeDY4QXFhQ29rNmhaaHlUNnBybzRSZWtaUXdSVHJyQTlOc0lqQjRvUTE2NUhTclhWZVVtUHIzd2hiUll3eGJGUVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5UbGgtZ2dfRnN0cWJidlJWVS1KUkdMX0xqcy1SellVbnNYUXVuekFkV1FuVV9JYXJVWWlsajJLMVVtZzh5aG4zc0VGdm5XQkpXeG5kanVpbkxwTi1rbTl1TEZvVmltczlsbkNlTFZyNFpGMFFveGtzbFhpdkVONGJOdUJ4XzR3U2VMd0E2RW5kTGx2eEFGM3Jna0U2Nk8wRmNOaHFOdFFpN1VWWm9MdnlxbGhuTzBEZTFuRUJ4OXAxdVJDUEFUa0FuQ2M1 |
After extensive development, **Oceans Market** is ready to redefine the online shopping experience, launching in **early 2025**! Built with privacy and security at its core, Oceans Market offers a seamless and anonymous platform for buying and selling goods and services.
Here’s why Oceans Market is the ultimate marketplace:
🔒 **Unmatched Privacy and Anonymity**
Your privacy is our top priority. Oceans Market exclusively uses **Monero (XMR)**, the leading cryptocurrency for secure, private transactions. Your personal and financial information remains completely confidential.
⚖️ **Automatic Escrow System with Unique Subaddresses**
Our advanced **automatic escrow system** ensures every transaction is secure. Each user is assigned a **unique Monero subaddress**, providing a personalized and private way to manage funds.
Here’s how it works:
1. **Deposits Update Your In-Site Balance**: When you deposit Monero into your unique subaddress, your **in-site balance** is automatically updated.
2. **Use Your Balance to Shop**: This balance can be used to purchase items across the marketplace, ensuring a fast and smooth checkout process.
3. **Secure Escrow Transactions**: When you make a purchase, funds are held in escrow until both buyer and seller confirm the transaction. Once everything is complete, the escrow system releases the payment.
💸 **Withdraw Anytim**e
Your funds remain under your control. If you decide not to spend your entire balance, you can **withdraw your Monero at any time** directly from your in-site wallet, giving you flexibility and peace of mind.
📦 **Feature-Rich Ecosyste**m
Oceans Market is designed to provide a comprehensive and user-friendly experience:
* **Real-Time Messaging**: Communicate securely with buyers and sellers.
* **Order Tracking**: Keep an eye on your purchases every step of the way.
* **Saved Listings**: Bookmark items for easy access later.
* **Favorite Sellers**: Build a list of trusted vendors.
* **User Notifications**: Get instant alerts for messages, orders, and escrow updates.
🚀 **Secure Cold Storage Payment**s
All payments are handled manually through **cold storage wallets**, ensuring your funds are safe from online hacking. Even in the unlikely event of a database breach, no sensitive payment details or private keys will ever be exposed.
🌐 **A Trusted Communit**y
Oceans Market isn’t just a marketplace—it’s a community. Whether you’re buying unique items or selling your own products, our platform offers a secure, private, and seamless experience for all users.
🛡️ **Strict Complianc**e
We strictly prohibit illegal items, ensuring a safe and trustworthy marketplace for everyone.
📅 **Launching Early 2025**
Mark your calendars! Oceans Market is coming soon, bringing you a platform where **privacy, security, and convenience** meet.
**Your privacy. Your security. Your marketplace.** 🌊 | r/monero | post | r/Monero | 2024-11-19 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UbGg5UGVmeHZ2YUxXZDZGZWlXNlhudDVpeHNScDJ3d2l6c2VPek1EQ1R6TENQdW1KbVkzclFvZjFNdkJ2cVdMV2JvTjJDcUtWZjFnUWFoWC12NlBXb3NINHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5UbGgtVjk1ZGZFckFMekpEdFdqUTFTbjlpOEdpZEFVSm5zRVdibGxsOUNTRW81U09pQlVIckszOGY0LThtSzh4Q3p4bkJhcTBBMTl3dFpkXzZMX2JndXVHUE1fVDUwb0pVRWVyV3VYTFE5amhnU1A3NDJocFpCcEtLbDRTQ19BTVRxTE0wdlpoN0NJUldPV0cxUkY3aGRyTFNUVTJHVzFiNU14Sy15QlFIZFA3VnJLdmEzazFvSU0wNXJWMkZvUlVyQXhrUEdEU2RMcC1PaVhXeVQ3TnB1RHRaQT09 |
A preemptive apology if this is simply nothing. My Etherscan abilities could use some work, and I'm sure someone more well-versed can shed light for me. I am not shooting for weird, bunny tinfoil (for the record).
I was browsing the NFT Marketplace because I saw Buck the Bunny, the GameStop mascot, has the Mt. Rushmore NFT as their background page. You can find the NFT here:
After browsing around the contract address, it seems to me like there is new minting going on:
Am I misreading this? Thank you for the education, Wise Ones. | r/loopringorg | post | r/loopringorg | 2024-11-19 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UbGg5UmxZSThQWHdIZFY1elRsaEk2RUhEN2FFTjhkS0locjlhV3JORjBmTGtMQUswaGp3OVpSanVwdnlkZmZJczJwbS16MUFWSHdrbW94djVKc3hvd0hhMFpKVWMwYXR1a1cxYW84alZHZnprZjQ9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UbGgtVjBwelM4QUdreWl0R0R5N1NUQUNaN3h5OVhRa0xGOWNodGRKVms2RGIzR0w5dWo1RjV3SmtCQnE2dzNfdXVyLTd6OGNIVG5qX3ZlMndiRkQwbUFJeFhUZ1oyVjYzR084WUU5Smdjd1Bla0NFMHZmdlU3amgyYWFRMTlNSnh6YXZQSkE0MUE4WFRab05pV2FxV1pIZHRTWTIyZ0dWYmtubUZQU0cxcUNOYTVFPQ== |
If you’re eyeing a low cap gem with a strong community and huge potential, introducing $PEIRO! Now’s a great time to consider adding it to your portfolio. Currently sitting at a market cap of around $225K, $PEIRO is down from its all-time high of $940K.
What’s impressive is that it reached this without any of the Alpha being Dropped, just a strong, loyal community behind it. Join the PEIRO Telegram, and you’ll see the difference right away. No bots, just passionate supporters and normal humans having a good time and good convos.
**Here’s why you should keep your eye on $PEIRO:**
1. **Alpha Drop - The Upcoming App:** The PEIRO team is preparing to launch *Alpha Drop*, a revolutionary app that will change the way memecoins and crypto get promoted. This platform will require users to verify their holdings, ensuring they can only promote coins they actually own. Expect big names and KOLs to jump on board. It’s a game-changer.
2. **Strategic Partnerships in the Works:** PEIRO has already secured major partnerships, including with K1D and Walt—well-known figures in the memecoin world. This is just the beginning, and we expect even more big partnerships to be announced soon, which will drive further exposure and momentum.
3. **Charitable Giving – $20K Already Donated:** $PEIRO is making an impact beyond crypto. The project has already donated $20K to charity, including a $10K donation to legendary skateboarder Bob Burnquist. Stay tuned for an upcoming spaces event with him! With the market starting to heat up again, expect even more charitable initiatives to be announced.
4. **Massive Future Projects – Big Names Involved:** Rumors are circulating that PEIRO is working on a massive upcoming project that could turn heads in the crypto space. They’ve already collaborated with the NEIRO CTO (on Binance), Baby NEIRO, Kendu, and other big players in the industry. These partnerships lay the foundation for future growth, and we’re expecting even more notable names to be involved.
**Why Buy Now?**
With a solid community, exciting partnerships, charitable initiatives, and big projects on the horizon, $PEIRO is a token worth keeping on your radar. The price is still low, and the potential upside is huge.
For more info, visit [peirocoin.com](https://peirocoin.com/), and here's the contract address:
Let’s go, PEIRO fam! | r/cryptomoon | post | r/CryptoMoon | 2024-11-19 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UbGg5dTZ4dGN4dHZxM1pDUEpMa2d6V3FmZkJET1dlY2ZVb2hPR1pDVFFzR1RxTnhJOWkxVDRoTW5hWERYaW8xTXpEZHZvNm5FNFlBZlJHTUNhRVhjQWFCSGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5UbGgtQmY3Q0ljbjg3VnlSb3FEUWRKaUV2VFFBa3JJeUhkMUNKWTB3Tk5MV1dOOWpBWXFUU243c0tKUGtpdnNWTTNscENXR3kwaWZYTVQwWDFJVkg0UmdEcC1SblBHUWZnYjZaRWF4TGc2R0UzWVhUMkF0dlkyRHg3WDJaN2I4Um92Z181N0xQWG1XNlJYTUdWckJoS3F2cE11U254VDh4emYwUW5XOGNiTjRxb2Q4anZXeGluMTZkMkRHYlUtdjd1WThOdHhQZjluN0M2a2ZiUkFUajE0OFBaZz09 |
This is the logarythmic 1week/candle chart for Loopring/USD on coinbase.
I believe we are forming a very similar pattern to 2020.
The blue path is simply copied.
If this plays out as before we might find another low of around 0.11$ followed by a long ralley to a possible peak of 10$ in summer of 2026.
RSI is also forming something similar.
This is just some stupid lines and doesnt claim to be correct. Im only suggesting this could be something maybe?
What do you think? | r/loopringorg | post | r/loopringorg | 2024-11-19 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UbGg5OU4xSXpLUVdfTE1IdW84Y3dCdmJfY3ZLUEsxYTJKMnZqOThYTjJXN1ZQLTZwd2ZJZGFLVVJmTl82aENtQkVtTlV1NnUzQmhOZGFpMDh2LVJfYkp5SlE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5UbGgtY2RvUEM0VGZuWWxvZGFlM0pYRTktTkdDc1FlSTQydUFoQzV4X1BmZVJkVGhjLU01MHZLM0dCcjZaMDRiems0V2pJQW4yRU1ESUZFX2xoa0RNSlZ5Y0JZNUdMMnR5TDBPazlXLTZXQlotSERJTkpTWGhvWFgtaENiSTN4WkhuQ3dsMFBTUE9ZcFZtWE1aaFZpRXFTTDk4SzUySVRqQy1vMEkwSHZKMXliMHFzPQ== |
Hey fellow Degens
Today marks a monumental day for me - it's my official last day at my 9-5 job. Can you believe it? After years of the daily commute, the endless meetings, and the coffee machine gossip, I'm finally taking the leap into something that truly excites me.
I'm going full-time with $PEIRO!
For those out of the loop, $PEIRO isn't just another crypto project. It's a vision, a community, and an opportunity to be part of something that genuinely aims to change how we think about decentralized finance. Here's why I'm all in:
* Transparency: No rug pulls, no scams. $PEIRO's team has been transparent from day one. Their roadmap, their team, their vision - it's all out in the open.
* Community: This isn't just about the coin; it's about the people. The community around $PEIRO is like nothing I've experienced. We're not just investors; we're builders, marketers, and believers in this project.
* Potential: With every whitepaper update, AMA, and community event, it's clear where this project is headed. Upwards.
So, if you're like me, tired of the corporate life and eager for something more dynamic, exhilarating, and potentially lucrative, join me. Let's make $PEIRO the example of what crypto should be:
* Authentic
* Community-driven
* With real utility
Why should you consider $PEIRO?
* Security: Smart contract audits? Check. Locked liquidity? Check.
* Growth: The project has been steadily growing, and with the right community push, who knows where we can take it?
* Innovation: $PEIRO isn't just another token; it's integrating with real-world applications, making crypto accessible and practical.
Whether you're here to learn, to invest, or to be part of something bigger, $PEIRO welcomes you. Let's show the crypto world how it's really done - with integrity, passion, and community.
Feel free to ask any questions or share your experiences. Let’s dive into this adventure together!
To the moon with $PEIRO!
Disclaimer: Always do your own research. Cryptocurrency investments carry a high degree of risk and should not be considered as financial advice. | r/cryptomoon | post | r/CryptoMoon | 2024-11-19 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UbGg5NnBJMkxtS2ZUdkVxdW1PeER2aG5fZkJiNEtTS2ZSTDh4VHJHRXU1RmFLMzREblBiZlNSZnJBQ3NNd3RwQ1JZUkxFTE1mbFVlbEVXaWdmTmo2X01CbmExc3FTMTJEOFIyc1pqa0RUYjRzaDA9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UbGgtSVRTU2hPeVd1QVd4Q185WmpWTHRwTzktaVRjN2doeE5RcGlubk14dEVRNlZmYUxrdHUzaHR1eTlTMHNyaGpMZXFpZkNzbW1VU1ROcTNhcGxpOTY5VGJhYTVGSWlDTUFCRjhWN0hkNmRCamp2dktmSlZsS2ljTlc5ZXhwNDBidUZKeVpYYjRMWkhFNmNMVlFhY2hzWWRYSl9ucGl4aXVPcC12S3RRSW8wMG1salg3QVItbEJZOGxQSDRvYTVoOVdZ |
Is there any advantage to using IOTA after Rebase? I got into IOTA becuase of the potential for a feeless protocol but now there will be fees. There seem to be some partnerships and plans in place (something something Kenya) so this seems like an effort to keep them in play but for new projects, why would they choose IOTA? | r/iota | post | r/Iota | 2024-11-19 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UbGg5ZE43ZDJ2QlllMERoVXlpOVZKSGE4UWJRZ3U2NzVLQ0ZyZ3BzbTBWd0UwOTZINklHdHFCbTVTNVN2WGJzUjRSRUluYXk0dmVCNll4SWtKZ3pwOThJZkE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5UbGgtZkdkVGloazVUVmtNWFZUb2k2b3NISm5HLWNocjliaEw5Q2JhZkNFa25xNngxSy1ZVFdvclVwbEk0QWNqcm9kbUJJSFB3eEdnT1ZLMVkzX29RbXpGWEhqT19CTkRxZ3ZFNHBxX1RhejJRdS16X2JPNzFmR3FEcjhYUEl4T2NDTENxWEdnQVZnZUpvZmIxZmY3b1pmeVduUFRCdzhRbzA5QkczQTJYZl9vaWhzPQ== |
r/solana | post | r/solana | 2024-11-19 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UbGg5LWJhVlBUYmdvMDhTa2I3Vy1FcmxhMHNaVlYyQkdncmZQYS1qeTNlVUF5ZDVROUFzdzRrYjA1T1RON0ZBUGpuY2Flb01FNFhsUkNfQ3cySTZEbnVlRlE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5UbGgtXzBsRkVwdlJNRW9iUEZ6QmJzMm9FS1hLU1R2NzFJeDFOc2VmYXZ4QlNjc3pJZ3d5TnZMWGNxa2dqaThGVkpmMzFUc0FlTW9HWU84MVRZbVk1RHFFbG1SY3lrVVdvNFpDeTZPSGxQWnFERmR0QUdXa1lpbFJzQ3paQUNWSHYwdWhjdGhfODVqelBmekJSYkF5ZVVzRm9WUTV3TWZ4OXl0V3FQc0J5azlfMVhTbGFKWjd6Wm5IeEZRTlFsX1gzRHY2 |
I did something stupid today... I have sent looprings to my ETH L1 which is inactive.
When clicking activate I get "Unable to deploy wallet" since version is outdated.
I can see them there but cannot send as ETH L1 acc is not activated.
Is there something I can do with it now? | r/loopringorg | post | r/loopringorg | 2024-11-19 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UbGg5S1JpVXZIa2hKZUIxdlZ3Sk9zV0hqLWxCeUVTNHFJaGNub1IyeGVZb3FPeHNDdmh3aVFRT2xSaGE0RWdBRmV5STVwWlFJTUF3YzRjLW8yR0NmZnpYRlE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5UbGgtZU8zYk9taXRzTG9tS1IzX0RzVW8yVXo1T2d6bG1vakhEaTdvZ0RaNkM3SENhdXo4N2I4aktLUVdNNHNSOFA5ZDRxT3RvNTU0aTllNVpmSFFDOVZnYTk0NFR0aFdKZUxDdENoV0FqUU1NSlcyUjFNaEZmZ1lZVW1kU2ZGWU9uRTI5Q3hFOXk1TjM4VHB3U2E5enpaOEhCN0lTbFVIQ216ZEZaaXJtOURCcHJYQnB2QlpBYzlsX1gwajQ2X3l0ODl0 |
Feels like spam if you post the same text every few days in all NFT subreddits | r/nftmarketplace | comment | r/NFTMarketplace | 2024-11-19 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UbGg5UmdpVWdGRVJjU0YtNlo4RG9kWUFBVlY0T05zZlV4c1dtVUd2QzlhT21ZRVRmZms4RFpGZWZvaENYOUtEQVUwOFJzMG1IQkNWaFozX0JvNmtsZjU0RWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5UbGgtX2tPcUFtbHJPcTR3OXNDR1F6TEQ0dnpjczY0YXNmSGt0Yks5TlZac09tOWY0UW02T3lrUThIYm9LV3lrVnpyTjJPQnJVMmYzZkZRXzJueHhlVVhoUU1LUm5mUkpIcEVLMjVyXzVHOE5YUXM2QkdWWk9YbFJZa1MtS3FqT2xIWl9BYVFMWkJUWVNGZmhKZzl3eTk3SER1cHVORGdnNGJWLWdhS1pRVzlHRDlNU3ItcW5ab1JUVVJueHpESkx3ZEhDY0VKbkd1cGxBTndzVDNRVExzV2lnUT09 |
If we don't spend on our own ecosystem then who will. Let's get the best vendors, best developers, best everything. Just because this is first time after the on chain governance we are going to deside on a budget process, we don't have to be conservative. Next year could be a pivotal movement for this ecosystem so let's not be shy. | r/cardano | post | r/cardano | 2024-11-19 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UbGg5Qy1HTTBLM1NxOUtfWmptaTdFb2NYMHBYY2t0aW0wejNFN2NfbWo3MUd5MXFRWmZzR0t0UWk0OHRRTE1DcFZYcVNhWll1RmR4TmRIQXJyNFdBQ09nSkE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5UbGgtTlg2SGs1TG5WdzlZSDVZN0tVNW9WYVBYNHFkNDZmd0RiVUVwMzZxeFBVYVRPYm8zQ29sSGtmUm0tcHAtbEN5WVlxUHZIS0hpQkd4UkkyM3ZuM2NtVDJwNmhzZ0prWnZJSXVjUmRzQWxKcnk1QlVCZHVhRUkyTVpmOHY5T2hidHpLNUVfOWdlWUpsMHFaWXN2andtMnlKRzFZZHh0WFhFQVJSYzNFNkRwbldvblBsZ3FEczI5S2xWRWpJa0ViMlJT |
r/cardano | post | r/cardano | 2024-11-19 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UbGg5WndrcW9adDBWckNjVVNkMW44TTUwazR4V3hiaFhFNER4SFkzUnJyZ2ZsdEc2T0s3T2JQY3Y3T2VBTHVDaS1nb203bm1zRWZtQVIwTW9oTVlnNkQxamc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5UbGgtUU5vUEx4UUs5RmJwT1pJdnA4b0YwYmtVeElSbWFHWmR3cXZUc3JEVzMxSnVrWEYyNUxNTHJsWHlFZkxPSU0xeklaN1JDaGdYb0dYckFnbFpkSDFwX2J6TWpoRTZEQ0NDVGI3WERfckN5dm11d3Q5NVVnRVZYOWpEdEthVHJtdjJuUHlxa0VwZE9Eb1dkRHIwODFQUk9LQkZVMC16X3c5VWM0bnZ2dWNPeEU1a2w2Vm1Ob0I5R3dGUWU4b2lNZ3Z4 |
Friends, the world of cryptocurrency is buzzing with the rise of **Snoofi**. With a modest market cap of just **$10 million**, this Solana-based meme token, inspired by Reddit’s famous dog character, is gearing up to soar.
This is no ordinary token—it represents a growing movement with over **5,000 Reddit members** and **6,000+ Twitter (X) followers** rallying behind it.
# Snoofi - 100x SOL Gem
# Why Snoofi Deserves Attention
* **Small Start, Big Potential**: At a $10M market cap, a leap to $1 billion—a **100x growth**—is well within reach in today’s bullish market.
* **Community Power**: In this era of meme coins, tokens with strong cultural roots like **GIGACHAD** and **MOG** are thriving. Snoofi stands tall as a symbol of community and creativity.
* **Viral Energy**: With its Reddit origins and access to **1 billion users**, Snoofi is poised to capture global attention in a flash.
Friends, Snoofi is more than a meme; it’s a movement of innovation, community, and potential. Keep an eye on this rising star—it could transform from underdog to unstoppable force!
**Contract Address:** 7M9KJcPNC65ShLDmJmTNhVFcuY95Y1VMeYngKgt67D1t
**Website:** [https://www.redditdog.com/](https://www.redditdog.com/)
**Community**: [https://www.reddit.com/r/snoofi/](https://www.reddit.com/r/snoofi/)
**Media Mention-** [https://cryptoofficiel.com/is-r-snoofi-the-next-100x-solana-meme-coin/](https://cryptoofficiel.com/is-r-snoofi-the-next-100x-solana-meme-coin/) | r/cryptomoon | post | r/CryptoMoon | 2024-11-19 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UbGg5bHJyY19wdUZZTmNOaFpUdWhVSUhIS1ZZTl8xMTNFVXJ5TGhDRFlLRHM4VEJDcmdSVkJ0UzZhRlhoY1BJQVJUVy1sZFVYcTVIVjY5c1k1cGZvNEpnMWhRcXUzaDlvY1NkdUEwamcybHBEek09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UbGgtSV9ULTcyOTd4OXFTUWRHQnRNNkJkY2QzWDA3djh5R3JRREhHMXAxXzZnSGFJWHFkTExaYi05cW56bHBHdUlCOXBUMUZmbVgydDVTUUxSMWROODJYRUZ0RUZ1WndTNE9xa21yel95ekhWWDNwTGxYRzZVTk8xcEZ4azNBTVNtX19DWTYwb1kway1FMl9qcnAxUkFuZ2JfTUJ3cjExaTNra0hjc2V5UGlHTU00ejlVVzd4cGxHc2N1WmtwZmZqN1BSamhlcVdUMUt6S2NsZUtZRVI1QUJZZz09 |
Quality projects are a dime a dozen in the memecoin world, especially on Solana where new coin launches run rampant on [pump.fun](http://pump.fun), but creativity and innovation is severely lacking.
Let’s break down why HegeCoin ($HEGE) stands out as the most complete memecoin project in the crypto space, period. From its strong branding, prolific content and Hegends NFT collection, to its mainstream appeal and professional team, $HEGE has all the ingredients for lasting success.
# Community
Every successful crypto project begins and ends with its community, and $HEGE is no exception. But this isn’t your average group of holders—members of the $HEGE family don’t just hold the coin; they live and breathe it.
From daily memes, real life content to viral marketing efforts, the Hege community is the lifeblood of the project. It’s a place where new members are welcomed with open arms and where every contributor feels valued. $HEGE recently launched “Wingman of the Week” as a way of recognizing those who have gone above and beyond.
# Quality Content (with no AI shortcuts)
$HEGE doesn’t rest on its laurels when it comes to content creation, it's a content machine. Whether it’s hilarious memes, seasonal content (Olympics, Halloween) , beautifully crafted animations, or interactive competitions (like the recent scavenger hunt), there’s always something fresh for the community to share. This ensures that $HEGE consistently dominates social timelines.
Not only this, every piece of official $HEGE artwork is commissioned to real artists who are paid fairly for their work. No AI generated artwork to be found here! $HEGE currently works with about 10 professional artists (after trying many more that didn't make the cut).
The content is so good that it's caught the eye of [https://drip.haus](https://drip.haus), who will be featuring $HEGE artwork collections for fans to collect as NFTs.
# Branding and Website
The most successful memecoin projects all have one thing in common: mainstream appeal. The cornerstones of this being the branding, website, character design and narrative.
From the design of the characters to the intuitive and professional website, everything about $HEGE screams mainstream appeal. It’s clear that the team understands the importance of first impressions. The website offers clean navigation, clear information, and an engaging story to remind you that this is, at its core, a memecoin project.
The website ([hegecoin.com](https://www.hegecoin.com)) is so well designed that multiple other projects have been spotted using it as a template, directly copying its page layouts, navigation, fonts and even the $HEGE story (replacing the character names with their own). As the saying goes; 'Imitation is the Sincerest Form of Flattery'.
# Social Following
With thousands of followers across multiple platforms, $HEGE is a consistent presence on the timelines of crypto users. Beyond the follower count, it’s the engagement that matters. Whether it’s X spaces, Reddit AMA’s, Binance livestreams on Instagram banter, $HEGE is always in the mix.
Memecoins live or die by their ability to grab attention, and $HEGE has mastered this art. In fact it often wins the top spot on social tracking platforms such as Coinmun:
# NFT Collection: Hegends
Every complete memecoin project should have an NFT collection to further strengthen its brand, as its users proudly display their NFT’s as profile pictures across socials.
The $HEGE NFT collection is a meticulously crafted collection of 2,222 Hegends, and is the perfect embodiment of $HEGE’s philosophy: fun, engaging, and community-focused.
Special NFTs were created to recognize the communities biggest contributors, featuring 1 of 1 traits. Addtionally, each month a snapshot is taken of wallets holding $HEGE NFTs, with a dividend is paid out to those holders. The dividend distribution depends on the rarity of NFTs held.
The full collection can be found at [https://www.tensor.trade/trade/hegends](https://www.tensor.trade/trade/hegends)
# Longevity and Resilience
In the world of memecoins, longevity is rare. Many projects fade away after a few weeks, but $HEGE is still standing strong over 7 months since its launch. This resilience is no accident—it’s the result of thoughtful planning, robust liquidity, and a community that refuses to let it fail. Market ups and downs come and go, but $HEGE has weathered them all, proving it has what it takes to be a long-term player in the memecoin space.
Not only that, but the holder count continues to increase. We are starting to see the kind of spike that has preceded our historic breakouts.
# CEX Listings and Partnerships
Getting listed on centralized exchanges is a milestone many projects only dream of, and $HEGE has already been listed on five different exchanges. These listings significantly boost visibility and accessibility, making it easier for new users and retail investors to buy into the project. The team recently teased a new CEX listing which is being revealed this week. Watch this space!
# A Memecoin Run Like a Business
While many memecoins are happy to fly by the seat of their pants, $HEGE operates with the discipline and vision of a full-fledged business.
The team behind $HEGE is transparent about their identities and expertise, showcasing a diverse skill set that includes marketing, development, and community management. This professionalism is reflected in every aspect of the project, from its detailed roadmap to its execution. Team bios are published on the [Hege Documentation](https://docs.hegecoin.com/article/team) site.
$HEGE isn’t just a memecoin—it’s a movement, a business, and a community all rolled into one. With a solid foundation, a devoted following, and a clear roadmap for the future, it’s no wonder $HEGE is seen as the most complete memecoin project in the space.
Website: [www.hegecoin.com](http://www.hegecoin.com)
Linktree: [https://linktr.ee/hegefund](https://linktr.ee/hegefund)
CA: ULwSJmmpxmnRfpu6BjnK6rprKXqD5jXUmPpS1FxHXFy
(Moonshot verification pending. Paste in the CA to the search bar to find it) | r/cryptomoon | post | r/CryptoMoon | 2024-11-19 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UbGg5dk9fX3RjZDJONXBET1pSZlYwbm0tT01ackg2M3FNbW1XQkpIQ3B1VFc1WEVVT3M1S0FmTlVDR1hyT1g0XzNyV2ZsSnlxR25rekpMUG5LQlZOY3l1UUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5UbGgta1VyOHpxZmgzY0NQNW9xRlFXN1pod3l6cEYxN3N3N1pzZDhnUVQ2dHhaRlVBUjFXaDNLRVN2emdFS184LUlRbVZ5ak9NcjNyaUJUYjE5SFZFLV9NWm92RHJkU2VHcnJEQXNhSHA0QnhaR01zWHF6UGd4bHBSTU10b1JVMktWb3BuM0VWbkRnWDFiQ040MURVWmpUMl9INnBsMTdKTEh6bU9TMGV0VDBwTS1PUWJaOXdqX3FjZGswYm5IYlpNcVREYzRXX3l1SWRfaTJqTXlET2ZsNGVNdz09 |
# Is it just the beginning or going to peak by 2025 and end at 2026? What are your thoughts on this? | r/solana | post | r/solana | 2024-11-19 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UbGg5d3ltUE9XUjFDTmswODRRNzdTSGtHcWhDQjhlbFZfdzdLTHN4SG9LSzFwV1JjTjFWNF9GMDVZckw2ZVAxcWRBcllta082ajJ6cE1EdzdLWTluZzJaTnc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5UbGgtVjQ2bm5iYmVyYWtRWlFFVVdsRS0waDBMVnJzdmZFbC1VV2FBN195ekZhX0p4TTVNV3BlRmYxRGc0UGRnVTlGY0VtZlN3RVlJQVozaWNsVk1ENHpPN1EwNWV5NWxEMlhFZDRMdG11NzFpZEZCSWV1MUpselBtUE5maVNURC1zUUxFcVROel9odUZLLTg3Yk9ROXFOaHRTcUFDN0MtemVlYlZEYmhHY1NHVUpjTEwyWmZ2Tld0RjNvUkxsbVhHMHpXZkpIVnF3a0hJbDJRTGN6enRkcE9FUT09 |
Wow, did anyone else catch $ELIZA going 60,000% in just ONE day with over $335M in volume? Solana is absolutely popping off right now.
With all the hype around Solana and its insane ecosystem growth, I’ve got my eye on $INTERN as the next one to take off. It’s an **AI Agent token** from Fomodotfund, and honestly, it feels like it’s just a matter of time before it starts printing those crazy Xs too.
This AI + Solana combo seems like a winning narrative. Don’t sleep on this one—Solana Season is officially here! Let’s talk—what’s everyone else stacking in this crazy run? | r/cryptomoon | post | r/CryptoMoon | 2024-11-19 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UbGg5V0Utd3JpN1JfU3F1Z01KZEF4RnBZcGllMXNXSmVxTzBIU0JjLVBqQUktS2p1RnFWSl9OazlEbUhKdi04b1VWdWRDMUp4MVQ3N0k3RUg0d0pSSXlWaHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5UbGgtZV9Nb25HZDdTOWd4NFhBRnhqSGNwaE00VDNxSk5XUElVMmxsS2NlanAzT2lYa1loaW53Z1ZQS2M4ZjByNHIzLWE5Y00wY2dRMDBoTUtsSnNhZ010UktIZ2RqTlc4VWE3WVYyRzFIcWQ3N2JjNnBrWWhuWVV2YV94cV82enpGWGZqTHp0Q2xBZ2JmMjc2NU5zb0VVcU80UDFXU0FFb2Y2aXBEWVgtRXd5YUVIOTNxSXVqZlpuSnAyR1FpN2dvMC1r |
What happens when two of the most advanced blockchain ecosystems meet? Opportunities ignite!
Join the in-depth discussion on governance & interoperability live on 𝕏 Wednesday, November 20th @ 4:00 PM UTC
Polkadot: A Network of Networks
Polkadot is redefining the blockchain landscape, bringing together over 600 innovative projects under one unified ecosystem. Polkadot’s powerful technology and dedicated community encourage groundbreaking development. As a DOT token holder, you are part of a community making decisions that shape the future of blockchain.
Cardano: Blockchain for Global Impact
Cardano isn’t just a blockchain, it’s a vision for a better tomorrow. As a decentralized proof-of-stake platform, it empowers changemakers and innovators with tools to drive meaningful progress. Cardano is a powerhouse for sustainable, inclusive innovation.
Cross Chain opportunities you say?
Wanchain, a leader in cross-chain technology, made history by launching the first-ever bridge connecting Cardano and Polkadot on July 27th. This isn’t just a bridge, it’s a pathway for collaboration and scalability.
With over 35 connected networks and six years of proven uptime, Wanchain is at the forefront of blockchain interoperability. By integrating EVM and non-EVM chains, Wanchain is turning the dream of a unified blockchain ecosystem into reality. | r/cardano | post | r/cardano | 2024-11-19 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UbGg5bUxBc0U3c0tDYThGeFNER0dXbld1Q0JMTWRadEFNOGxYeFkyYUlWcnhiMjFhbU5PNGV2emMxMnpzX0xVLWM2WW5oMmNXcHVJRlFXUEVicXpGWURQNkE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5UbGgtTXBuR1JucUpkQ1RrM04xc244SHVHVjkzRUtmM0NURnZSQWJoQ2dfSVZxTVU1T3QxZTI1TVI1TTZ1NlRBN3Y1MUl4S0Q2UTFmcG1xQ0lKZ0g4SjhILUZqZmVfZDFRMXhvcW1JbFFUYXdCbW9WYVY5T3IzYTYyY2xyMFdPSWpFdDJPWWJuaEpkd0pkeTNXT09Ick9pNFdEZ3NWMFBEc0x0YW91SU9FX09GZ2M2dGd3cGh1U0EyUll5ZUQ2MmxiYWI5UzlnVVZMNXRsNHplYXBia1pkeC1wUT09 |
On Nov 16th I successfully transferred ADA to my Yoroi account twice. Since then I have tried to transfer my remaining amount 3 times. First 2 were rejected by Robinhood. The third, most recent, is still pending. Everyone beware if you’re buying on Robinhood! Giving me PTSD from Robinhoods darker days. | r/cardano | post | r/cardano | 2024-11-19 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UbGg5R0tTYi00TU1sUTdvT1Q3MUlranFYMWRPSUlWQi1ScTlDQmkwMzBtbXRKLUVRQ05sZlJJcC1PX2F6aXM4U0EtN212YlBUM3hiQW5KRW1LVDZDRjBpcS1LRmZZblV4QzJQX0liVXBnUTJCNVU9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UbGgtdkljZHBfUUtqa2l5TGo5eGlhTGpNdkR5THFlaTY4NXpsTllKNWRTSDc3elM3WVdVTnpSeENjU3dpVk85VVhEQ0RGUVg4RlBQd0NwRUl3cEstbmJnR05lNEk5aDN0X0VCVHE4YUV1bHVSZ1B3d2g3NmpzXzJkUEJqS3FfS21BU2FjMGpiTU5yY3liUzdLcVZ1NDd5bnFmX1NtUUVUWlg4WG9JVnJLR1ZsZkFBNVZaZkxzWDh0cGZJUzhhZ2JGSGcx |
What is this ? Im new to solfare wallet | r/solana | post | r/solana | 2024-11-19 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UbGg5ZjF6NnZHZDlQLWF2ZFdtakdnVktoWmpYeGpUY0JkZ3c2SFNCanJ6QUNTbmtZeUNZdnN5dkpwUXNKN2VDdU00LVJBc1ZvMHZGWHYyMGt1YktqcE9TMVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5UbGgtLWQ1OGFrNnFjSFV0TTRJYll0WGU5N0tXM01aeHRTZkNudVZIRE1rcVNqeXFKdTB0RHhlUDdRZGh4aVE0N0k2UDI2TVRad3RCZzFmbEtwZ1BhS05WMnh4NjZVdkpMMi05bkM1dmpXMGNQT2ZudVMtYi1nVmU2aE0yQUhGb2ppd1lYNHRMRUthYnd5WGdrYWs4eDFMTFNDMmM0bWlhQnBBeUdoYURlX0xUVURrPQ== |
Q3 2024 marks Loopring's transformation from an L2-focused protocol to a multi-network DeFi platform. With the launch of Loopring DeFi, enhanced security features, and successful Taiko deployment, the protocol is positioning itself for significant ecosystem expansion while maintaining its core value proposition of secure, self-custodial trading.
Strategic Evolution to Multi-Network Architecture
- Loopring has made a pivotal shift from being solely an L2 solution to expanding into Layer 3
- First deployment on Taiko mainnet signals the beginning of cross-network expansion
- This significantly expands Loopring's potential market reach beyond its current L2 ecosystem
New DeFi Product Suite Launch
- Introduction of Loopring DeFi: A comprehensive multi-network DApp
- **Unique Value Proposition**: Bridges CEX liquidity with DeFi functionality
- Maintains self-custodial nature while accessing centralized exchange benefits
- Launch on Taiko mainnet with more networks planned
Infrastructure & Security Improvements
- Enhanced wallet security features:
- Invisible cloud backup implementation
- Trustless guardian interaction system
- Self-help transaction mode for backend redundancy
- Improved user protection through health factor alerts and leverage optimizations
Growth Indicators:
- Successful deployment on Taiko mainnet
- Integration with multiple bridging solutions (LayerSwap)
- Platform evolution from earn.loopring.io to defi.loopring.io
- Enhanced Portal functionality with up to 10x leverage capability
Forward-Looking Analysis:
Positive Developments:
1. **Ecosystem Expansion**: Multi-network strategy significantly increases TAM
2. **Product Maturation**: Evolution from simple L2 to full DeFi suite shows product development capability
3. **Security Focus**: Post-incident improvements demonstrate commitment to user protection
4. **CEX/DeFi Hybrid Approach**: Unique positioning in bridging centralized and decentralized finance
Strategic Implications:
- Multi-network approach could position Loopring as a cross-chain DeFi powerhouse
- Focus on CEX liquidity integration provides competitive advantage in DeFi space
- Enhanced security measures could attract institutional interest
- Infrastructure improvements suggest preparation for larger scale operations | r/loopringorg | post | r/loopringorg | 2024-11-19 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UbGg5YzZ6T051RURMY3Rabm5uX2psa05CcXVfWFg4Z1JIb21FTlpfMGlnWXFnV1dGM202SVJBUVFjNmNtQ0dwY210OFNSSllSUzNYaV9IMEFFQjdGS2F0VUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5UbGgtYUZGUTZzaVRhWVBkNVMydUk3cGJZOEE5OTFnZXFLQkRaTzJIdHowa0FUeDNodjF0YVNNUXlJbWNKUjItcXBRUmVRNUlYOE1POXIxdHV6d3pJRGpOU2lkeGo3cTBVdEhDcGZfQVJqcHlOeGpQOEhMOV9meDA4UFpCVHJrZ2F6QWJFaXZFeHp3SG54U1J6U1o3R1RuNnM5Tm95N1NGazJvMTdDX09aX2xOZkk0PQ== |
Hey Degens,
Let's dive into the $PEIRO chart for a sec. Yesterday's single jeet show was legendary, and it's clear many of you caught the vibe – we're now at nearly 500 holders. Not too shabby, right?
Looking at the chart, we are sitting 300k. For anyone still on the fence thinking about hopping on board, now might just be your moment. The token's trajectory suggests we're on our way to that 1m$ mark, and who knows where we'll go from there? Once we hit that million, expect listings on CoinGecko and CMC – that's when things could really start to get wild.
And speaking of community vibes, today was a treat. We had a fantastic space session with the folks from Snake wif Hat. They're on the rise, and if you haven't checked them out yet, you definitely should. They're doing some cool stuff over there, and it's always exciting to see how these collaborations can pump up the energy in both communities.
For those considering $PEIRO, here's my take: if you're looking for a project with real community support and some serious growth potential, this could be it. Keep an eye on those charts, but more importantly, keep an eye on the community. It's where the real magic happens.
Stay tuned, and let's see where this rocket takes us next!
CA: 0x878aee00f14323250eB3a1289A58012951E89428
| r/cryptomoon | post | r/CryptoMoon | 2024-11-19 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UbGg5NXFWN3JEelVJQmptQ284TlZWTTBQTkRxazdEVHlJT1J3QW9nUjlPQTczWndBak1pRHJ3Wkw4VWlDRWp5UEIwd3NFUDRtUHRNOUtjQWVEVjBVMXFUM2xCd1ZHdFdab1NFSWYyWVhXNUFEREE9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UbGgtTWdSS0lXRlJUbVBzZ1FBZHU1dDRwaEs2Ykw0d213NXJBcjZPMVpkdUJJZ1VieU5yVWIzTW53T1J2T3RiMi1Cc2tKc083eHFMVVdPcHNDc2Q2RUQxLTk2ZV95d3FjanlDLUtwd2NTcWpTdFdjY3VwcFRsUjUzV1hta2tHMUxXX25CeDVIenE3Ml95YjEwU2R2bXpaYnY1SWstMmdYZlctOTQxT1dVREY1dVFMdEJkRGM1U2hnazh4TVhmZHpuWU10UG1UVV9WRWE3M18wLVN4NEc2T3AzUT09 |
Utility is coming, community is strong, doxxed dev, pyrate will shine in this bull run 🏃♂️ | r/nftmarketplace | comment | r/NFTMarketplace | 2024-11-19 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UbGg5ODlRNnV6OXdkZXJvT3hDaEhTY0czOGJ6RThJaUFBSGNJbGxkSURqUDVtV08yYTdoaTE4WXhJQlJSTldrUnV3TlY4NmJ2bGZhbl90SXhVdWt3dGVGSWVTTk1Kc0FGWnhnYWtlTVJ2ejA3dmc9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UbGgtM3JHVGRqZDFCcktYTzhJRXh1YXh3NU5rUUVlWW5XU3BoUWNPbi1rR0JxTnlDN0hYRS0xZlExbU45U0x6TGVoakVQdFFPQ0RHd2NjcDRvRFJuVEtaN2NBVXgwQmdpbWlNUDBJdzJqZUlEdE9PRVlQQkUtOGxzRHlBVXBGaVRSeVFzbEFId2VaR0pqbWU4MW9GaXZTcXVWT21xMEg5eE5HbkxNOS1WUERJU2RETGVMT0loWmJrejhma3VaR0tMZkRQWFlIN3Q3R2Q0LUZPM1dCZmpFdXBoUT09 |
Really love the project. This is just the start! 69 million is in reach! 😎 | r/nftmarketplace | comment | r/NFTMarketplace | 2024-11-19 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UbGg5ZGgyanVFZkFrVjlfbmt5eXJMVEt0bWZOV2pqOUZDU1U5LXZCbHF3TERtNDJsaGZDcUdDbjRhQjVaRFFoTXJkcV85LXJpVjlITHp4VWI1dGZlV1RheVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5UbGgtWjR6Y1FwVGxDMjlXbkprWHZmckhqd3lQS1FiQlpiSlpncng4WGdpN2s1alZ0UGt3RTZZWGR1cTlvemY1ZjBRcDdNS0xZVTkzWjVySTVBUk1RakxXRHJFVUxYQ2FpUlpGb0VpT25JRVNDLTltOEk2V1g0N2d1cGNYX2V6RXZSRFBUa2tOT3dLcDd0M1VBYnJOZHdJclQxWFRQQzFOU1VtT1g0LVBaSkdySHBjTWNoLUtfTzQ3NzBkMHpIaXBoYjBkM3UwT1d1eDYxVWxEbk9lOENyUkNqdz09 |
So, I have Cupcake installed on an old phone on airplane mode. I tried a test transaction about 15 minutes ago and my balance on Cupcake hasn't changed despite it saying that it went through on Cake. Here's what I did, if anyone can point out what I might have done wrong:
1. Opened the Cupcake app, clicked "recieve."
2. Opened the cake app, clicked "send," set it to $1 worth as a test amount, scanned the qr code generated by Cupcake.
3. Clicked "send," got the notification from Cake saying it was successful, and waited for it to get confirmed.
4. Waited 15 minutes after it was fully confirmed to see if it would just take a little bit more time.
5. Opened reddit to see what I did wrong lol. | r/monero | post | r/Monero | 2024-11-20 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UbGg5c3l6YVJtZTU4WnlpdEhDV0Y5U1dtOHRuMzRZamk4emRpMkRCMzNIM0ktdGlMSTdhNmVTX2c4dngza2E2Z3JTU29wanpQRTA4bEtPbWs5R1lwV1I0YlE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5UbGgtRHdOdnhUdWw1enJQMndfZlhCeTEzQlYyenRkNmstbXF0YmFLSlIwaUtlTDZlbWh6TTNFdFFtNUpRMTZDcXk2dEl5bUxIODdsNTd1QWQ2X21jREJEYXZqd2RFU09MU25SQ0wwYld1eDJGbWRUR2dGMm9FYXZ6MTZjREk4SFdBTURuY2stRTRoM0luRi05ZjJEN193TzVrTjRzeUFwMmc2MTg3MEZyQ1pRTnh4RF9CaHpUcUVRVGd5U0NJUnRBQUR0dEozZnJtdjFaTVRMN1psb3VaVUFCUT09 |
noticed a big wallet constantly selling tokens about to graduate then dumping for 2-3x the next minute. what’s this called and how does it work | r/solana | post | r/solana | 2024-11-20 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UbGg5clhXNmNXRXRkUEhPZzlRMlZIbEdKcU12UzM5dnlsakdqYXJ2a0RHc2ZBb3JoSjNudHRaSFQ2NFZlUlNsYWRxdWIybjllRmJiMkNWaVJmTGo1NFE3cUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5UbGgtdlhFZUZHYmlqZEp6bVJ0ek9kQ2FqeXZfQWtEaW0yT0lRbW9SMW05Z1VZZ1l1Yll5dHJJZjNWbDJsaUVMdWNNMi1DcVZCZkhmdzdHWjBidTFmVmdDdkQzcVZuOEFKU2lMdTh1YXlZV3FGcnA4aV9qZlFha3dQeUd0S1A5MkVaNm9VaGJIRFRIY3BkRVJQUFB4a1Nlc294Q01Ba0l3ci1UVml6cC1JYy1DUXVGRHpGbDZwMmh3SVJmb0RWOUxNaGlX |
When ready to liquidate shares in a meme on Phantom, what is the best or easiest way cash out? (With a good deal on fees/exchange rates)
Sending SOL to CB wallet doesn’t allow me to sell as the option to “Cash Out” is grey and unavailable (I don’t understand that).
In other words, how can I turn meme profits into USD? | r/solana | post | r/solana | 2024-11-20 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UbGg5emJJV0JRdU11NUVEaVpNVTJYekg1ckg2ZFVlZnRtSWRpTXJqMHlXNmxWWDNDRGVfUS1xTXdrQ0laTFkwM0NxdkRqMG5HTDJMWVpGX2xaME9wWmlVdXBzWjRvVW9adFdyUjJYeHROOXhqLXc9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UbGgtOXVvZFl0dFBoblpyNTJIaWh6OHFYT2hNaFZGQmpKekYxRzJGYmlyYktraWdPT3A1SjF5alZMN0hGdEt6YjhaaWUyMkQwdjI2cVJNM3pZWWwxLXBSamIxVFZrTUpSbm1pZXVoOFZaaDAybjNldk5nMTBrbDd2X3BLWHlubElwVTdoNDNTSUxzdG5iNlFDSWI0T1ZaekI2c3pkUVUwRW5aTV9rUHZtM1htY0I3MFpXQXUzbkF0aXJycVN3bGxNUTd1 |
No clue | r/solana | post | r/solana | 2024-11-20 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UbGg5a18wU1E1QjVfWWdSR2FvV0xHMnZvNmRXLV9sdVhNcEhTbnZUTl9RQ1FEUjNKakFNemh3TkJHQ3c3UGpQd251MERxWmJocHBvMUJoQVE1QmliQzdEV2Z6MzI4VmgxaHMzcEQ4Mk0wcl9pRlk9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UbGgtS0RfaHdWU080SFRyNHRBRXhicEdtQUREejJBQ3k3dnNtQTVXRnQxdUs1ajNyOEZYbUdVdXMweW9yZmlpcWVzc2dzZEhrc2hfSFppVEZqdkYyQWt5ZEJaTlRZSF9fV0hNRW56cWtYNE1FZVhQQmRISWZtSUJDc25hOUYzQ1g0ZUFIUV93OXdXUUZSRjl0aGlWWU9qTEJUR1Mxc2NRVUpmRExKZjZ0QzVZMW9MbzgyZ0xXUU9pbkVyc2hfTTRZRzI5 |
So my current opsec went from BTC on a coin me account to cake wallet on my phone, Swapped to XMR and then from cake wallet to my monero wallet on tails. It seems too simple but I’ve done some researching and once the money is turned into monero there’s no way to track it anyway, so the only thing you would see is the buying of monero and cake wallet doesn’t have a KYC other than I’m using it on my phone. Sorry for the long paragraph I just wanna make sure I’m not under thinking things. Thanks so much for any help. | r/monero | post | r/Monero | 2024-11-20 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UbGg5M2dYekdzMjhaZWZVc1luQkNwYkpmc1UzSUVXSEE5OTVWNWE5cEcwRm53V3JWUE9VU1Iwcm9ZV1NPZFgtc3k5Y2pKbzAwc1pNS041LUFxVDRPcndVdjZpTUVFTVBTRjNYZFRGbDFoYkFTWm89 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UbGgtbFhVTEd6bFpYY3ZvaFdmTUVjN2lNdVlqRk5sSkp5YUtVaWVoYlVTQng3SFFPWjFWWGR1a0xMbFBZdmpzeGUzdl9nZjJJTXZzT19uX0poeUxFSXd6TFVTM19QYnNPXzNjYlFhU081TU56aUhZSExJYk5WREowb1AxZFYwX2RlWXk5bG5vcDFoR0pQeTVqb05Say1jbzR1ZC1tbHRsMUJJa1BST3MtdjFybjRRPQ== |
Last bull run I had half a bitcoin, watching doge and shib blow up, the FUD got to me, and I decided half way thru the bull run to cash out my bitcoin and buy into doge and shib, which promptly took a nose dive a month or two later. That was the worst feeling. Letting the FUD get to me and clouding my decision to trade my bitcoin.
For years I regretted and was haunted by that decision. This bull run. I had renewed hope and a promise I would not let the FUD get to me this bull cycle. I started out the year with a big bag of ETH, hoping I would redeem myself this cycle. Now with ETH lagging behind bitcoin, the FUD has set in again. I read posts and follow news articles, and as ETH drags behind this run, the FUD is getting intense again in my mind. I promised myself I would not make the same mistake this bull run. I will hodl my ETH bag this run. I should trusted my instincts, instead of doubting it like before. If I lose out this run like I did last run, at least this time It won't be the FUD that got to me.
I have faith confidence that ETH will make its bull run this alt season. Here's hope to a good ETH bull run this cycle. If you are in the same shoes as me, wondering if ETH going to make a bull run this cycle, have faith, don't let the FUD cloud your decision. Don't make the same mistakes like I did last run. Good luck everyone. | r/cryptocurrency | post | r/CryptoCurrency | 2024-11-20 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UbGg5ZDc2TnlLZGFtU2NPd0VFd2xCd1BiRk5tdTRXbzZQR2NVc1FNdXg0UmtQMDVPOXdlV29oRmJaT21jWk1QamdISUd5Q0U4TjVEcVIwUF9WMUxmWmVpUmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5UbGgtMThzU3lJRU92TlFyU2lfTHVVX0Q5VzI0X1VuRW5TUXJpdzFoZFpsY3UyWjNRLVFJcWVJYklzOEoxYy1DQVFyNmthRlB5Ty1iQUlUR3YtdXFKTE1aYVJoSVRnYzVqZDBsdzI0UmJjdWtTQlRCYkZlZEZValZPUWQ2eGFmWWtwZFhibjlWSHR0VHJ0MkE2WVJRWUI3QTUyOEtuLWhYbWM2enZsXzhHUERXVlFvaGNUTWpFZXAxV2ZDNUZHSHBKSS1H |
PYRATE is a decentralized utility ecosystem, created to help traders and developers in different areas of web3. It was launched 3.5 weeks ago on moonshot and has already managed to reach an ATH of $2million and is ready for another break out to the upside. The project and community is growing, which is extremely important for a memecoin.
The project revolves around a story-driven memecoin featuring three main characters: Captain Roger, his mechanic Elric, and musician Kenzo. They've launched a profile picture (PFP) generator that captures these characters, presenting them in various creative settings. The PFP designs are really cool and they plans to release NFTs based on these designs in the near future.
Recently, the project was listed on Coingecko, which is quite an achievement for such a young project. In addition, they have applied to CMC listing and will apply to Jupiter strict listing when they meet the requirements.
The team has launched a Free-to-use referral bot for crypto projects, which is currently used by more than 15.000 users and the user count is steadily growing. **The team is going to launch ads on this referral bot, to attract new investors to the project.** In addition, the team is working on a volume bot that will be launched in the following month and revenue from this, will be used to fund project related expenses, like marketing, buybacks, listings.
This is just the start, and the team is working on many more features, related to the project. The bullrun is currently heating up and if you are looking for a gem to invest in, this is your chance. Have a look at the project, join the telegram and decide for yourself.
CA: 5odbSFH3kKHFNcy6Kai7ykm7Da9B55Kk9wgy4Fh8GSfh
[https://linktr.ee/pyratefun](https://linktr.ee/pyratefun) | r/cryptomoon | post | r/CryptoMoon | 2024-11-20 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UbGg5c3FtcFhteUUxMVVaaTlCWi1EcUlHS0FVTUlSeC1zc3Fwa21FRm5wSmZHZnVqcm9DZGRSd3ZTUlI1ZXM5RlhBdmY5RmhOZ3VVVVVLcEMxNDR5OVI5WWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5UbGgtWjRxRXNzMjJXRXlMZU9PS0NfX3RSemh2ZnlCejExM0ExYlh2bHhVOUZSM2ZoRW9vVWx6OWFGS0Naa3RLbnRrZGdOR0VyWDlqUURuRURYd1R6MUhZUnk5NnFOSjdVVEF6WFo0Rm91a1VXNzVkSVhZbWl5alZvNFNhSFJBa0tyWnJ0cEJ5dURUekM4Ulo1Xy1XbDZUZDFlRWVReV9POUsyV2Vwd3JEMVVOb2xkQ2hVMU9LQk50MkRKTG1vQ3FXTWpvRWRQRmhvMVVPQ2RPRVQyUjQyOXZqZz09 |
He lost out massively.. | r/solana | post | r/solana | 2024-11-20 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UbGg5V2FCc0NMVW0td3ZOSlRVbUZGQ091TUczQ0swTWh6WmQyMzUwOXQwTDQtNVN4U1BTT1NsTUJpQ0ZwQVRFV0RuZEpjZ0QzY2lBSUZEMHhya2NTTGwwNHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5UbGgtdHc2M2lCU0Z0Y1pvb0pnbzVaQjU5aTI1S09STmVkQVhQZmJQcFhpRzZfQkUtVXlheFZSOUlUUElicEZJZm1UcTZtVHNLcmFhbmdIT2dyRVlTTzI0ZnZUQXE0SGRFZld2UEZOM3FfRTdCX2ZsdGJEUUVnMzh2MEJqX20tV19CUmJIU3ZZRFlxQjdrbDAwSHpqN1ZHMUZjNmQzWi1KQlVucUxtaG80TDhUZDdfNEJWRFhLZjA1XzFhQXRDbEJwemNCb29UNTVUYXpqT2JrdjZ1eTVSQjduZz09 |
I accidentally sent LRC from my L2 GameStop wallet to the exact same wallet. I meant to transfer it into ETH, so I copied the ETH address and pasted it as the receiver. Turns out it’s the same address.
However, when I check on etherscan, it shows the sending wallet as empty, but the receiving wallet with the LRC that I sent. They’re the same exact address. How is this possible? | r/loopringorg | post | r/loopringorg | 2024-11-20 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UbGg5dGtNVEt1eUdiXzd6dzB2SmctdS1mUTRzMjJFdFJKTzBXa0gzbUpDX0hKal9ya1J5dEprUVlYLU1qZVRlZm51cndpQm5zNTdpU3ozeFJHaDdMYXNFQnc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5UbGgtdW9nSnV4Y3NQTk1aS1NmMHRNX3Q1S3pRVVA5bVA1TzNpZnlaMEpuZE45bHBYaTZoZFZISzNIMlRQUFNwdVF1dUVTV2ZvUnhPVnFsTGtfdVZKYzdrQWQ5Uk4zeGVVZWVSelRGRW1KZFBrR0ZUUkNZaXZvZmkxMVUtbTNTUVJrRk5kbXppT3ctV0MxbmptQ050WG8zT3VTelZUZEhuNVB3aHFSZjN5QmY2RUxBPQ== |
* Take hash = seed\_hash
* blake2b(hash) mod last\_block\_height = block height X
* Put the block hash, tx hashes (and possibly the PoW hash as well) into the dataset cache
* set hash = block hash of X
* repeat until the cache is filled
Miners will have to have access to a local node or have a separate file that contains all the data. For example, block hashes + tx hashes + PoW hashes = 6+ GB of data.
Impacts of this suggestion:
* Curb hash rate dominance of botnets.
* They will still exist but the low-tier bots will practically vanish. Only the high-end bots will be able to mine efficiently.
* Almost no impact on pool mining.
* Pools will still send the block template as usual. Miners will have to procure the blockchain data themselves.
* Miners with local node will be the biggest beneficiary.
* Miners will have to download minimum 6GB of data to start mining.
* The size of block hashes and PoW hashes each is 400MB.
* **Edit**: Total number of tx is 40+ million = 5+ GB.
* Zero impact on the verification time as we're only generating the cache, not the entire dataset.
* Miners with limited internet data will likely suffer the most.
* Could Monero have 2 different PoW? The current system + this new suggestion, each chain targeting 4m block time = 2m block time.
* Memory requirement for running a node will increase to 512MB minimum.
* Botnets will presumably stay on the traditional system whereas honest miners will switch to the new chain.
* We could also allow various ASIC algos to lure ASIC miners in direct Monero mining, increasing exposure.
u/sech1, your opinion is most appreciated. | r/monero | post | r/Monero | 2024-11-20 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UbGg5UU9ybVc1QkNEcU5pcGVzaFN1M0FMakJMUVd2bV85b2NDY1RjZnlxQU1RQ3hYM3FfQlk4S1YyZTlIb1JkZldLelEyUnJWWFhJUzNkNE5EWW5KQWVMS3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5UbGgtc2VVZVRpRHlkVzV1YVEyOGQ5R0FSdGpuMHF3NURJNTdpeXVFUngya1d6QUl5TnVfQVJGdzU2em1COF9WRWMzRXNqdWQtRldoT01ZaGhwRjJHYjk0aW00b0FvOGJZSDNaWU5qb01WbUxxYXBCdjRzN2FObEFDNDRGTHl2a0EzXzR5LThfb0NiZk53ZFVDUS1pMU5IcVJRPT0= |
You just have to join us in telegram and you will understand that this coin is something else.
Fantastic community , super dope art alongside with insanely cool profile pic generator where everyone gets a unique pfp.
This feels like an absolute gem of a community and coin.
Come and have a look for urself.
Part of the crew ,part of the ship. | r/nftmarketplace | comment | r/NFTMarketplace | 2024-11-20 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UbGg5NFJQU2F4RjVnRU93cFNQNFhpbHpSNHlreTBiVWY0cjhCaUduLU9hYkRnWUdIQ0cxNUNmeXRIcUlyNGdhNTM0QnRkeEVzbFJ2cmlpd0hvdmJ0TmpvM3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5UbGgtQzZWRWRlZ0NXZVFxd3RWZjZXSEEwMFdhWDBwTG5SSUhkQ3dfbTR4b1U4Mzk5QlFrU1otNnpKRy1zY2pIeVVlT0kzX2R5RElQMlZWSV9kclVXZ0JYR0ROanZjTHRCSXJydTM1dXl4ZDAxeVIxUWNaWldZaHpVNXd4UDQzUFZ6QXY5X3VFZlBzSDAyRDhDaUk3aTQ1V2VDNl9TRmFpVk9rQ2hBQ3lFaUFGQlhOWGl0M3NkdmsybmJDT1ZpVlhsODJQSVZWNGRLREdqRlFBUFBqYTJxWFJRdz09 |
I believe in this project, which is why I aped in at 600K and bought the most recent dip. This is just temporary and we will go much, much higher then this MC. The dev is great, community is growing and more on the roadmap is being released. I completely get why this autistic guy is focused on this project! | r/nftmarketplace | comment | r/NFTMarketplace | 2024-11-20 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UbGg5aDBnSVp1T1E1UmdoUTY1eDk2MU15RWhVaG5lcjF0OHM2TUxhdWVYbHd2WFhUVjltYnpTZ1hVZ0ZZVjRib1RlSzZzSG8xX3I3eXhHZ0tzblA4MWtOMWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5UbGgtbUxHN2xzbWhSNGFLMG1HNV80WGV5Z2NSUUtEMU9vdVJrVGNjNzR0dHI1MURDbHFMcE1nSkZPSk9nck1VdVl0MHJUbi0yZjZfcTBhd0lhVG1heGk4akNBUTcyOW1lUzB2NmpKMlp5b1ZRLVVJalFrVk8tcWVxYXZGUnpkVV90RFhlb1V4RW5MTnBBRGVRNC1FMUtreU02YVZtWjBfRFpyenRRaVl6cE5KYTJ3Q0xDQWlzM2lzYU85VjVPVEVZaVZPNG9XS3lEa3R3RnRjR1ZSNHJSSXJhZz09 |
I've been holding my large pile of ADA since 2022. I initially did a comparison of the two when I bought. I projected that there will be a point where ADA would pull ahead of Ethereum as far as the "future of blockchain".
With all the interest in ADA lately and the rather lethargic development on Ethereum I'm now wondering if we have entered that crossing point with ADA's network activity Rising and Ethereum's traffic is starting to drop.
Is this an objective opinion? I know i am bias because i bought ADA and just forgot I had it (its a long-long) but I wonder if this is a turning point. | r/cardano | post | r/cardano | 2024-11-20 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UbGg5Z3RzWXlsb3p0YVhYSFpDQWdSakVSSnBQeXI1YUJsSWNfaUxjQmVSQnVKd0dudkFxN2hTSGZ3SzJGNkJoZ3VWbXRQVE9mckRpTjJYN2hpQnVrN2dsdWhJM2lEUHlfTzhKUEdVSTQ1RVdySlk9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UbGgtMjJsNklkajBPMWxjZzJfaDItamF4ODFfbkZWSjN6bTRDeGhycUIyRmwtV3k1dU5PZFI0cHFiZzlralBXaVZkdEJlYVdxRFl2UHVBSFRyTFBMZUVSN3dMSzR6NHFkQ2JHbVp3WTFjMmRsS1U2WG1aWEtWYmZCckxaaXBpdHJqQkRCckFNV3JqMmZJcDhxQjNvSWZIVndaemNHcVlFLUVVdTJXSjZiNWpycTExdXVWeTBHSl96N0M4TURQYjZrZldN |
It's not a '$5 Waiting Room' of the glory days, but it's a start.
After analyzing the Q3 Report, Loopring has a solid path ahead of them, providing it can be implemented in a timely fashion. What hangs over all of us the most is the word "marketing". Fingers crossed.
In other news, the upcoming administration has been eyeing a crypto lawyer, a previous SEC attorney, named Teresa Goody Guillén for SEC Chair. If it happens, this could make the end to the immediate regulatory risk surrounding NFTs.
~~Speaking of NFTs, it looks like Gamestop minted a Cape Canaveral NFT just two days ago. Not holding my breath, but I'll take it as a good sign that the Loopring-powered marketplace is not completely written off yet.~~
https://etherscan.io/token/0x0c589fcd20f99a4a1fe031f50079cfc630015184 | r/loopringorg | post | r/loopringorg | 2024-11-20 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UbGg5OGN5aFNMYWk4cUd2U1NlaXM4U3Jic1BDYkEzdHI5TWRMdkpJVmNIZktycmZIU3o3TTFDaF9DYVc1My1vT0lZZU43VlZPc1ZoZDYycTFrcFNtcko2S1dBY1NwOXJHbjJOMWY5LWR0aXptTlE9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UbGgtcHJDYmFJWXJ3akRzYS1KQk4wQ2R0YnJxSHpNRXl2dXE1Qy1EQVpMRFljbjNLem5FU1drOGtzOFZsb2x3Z2ZBUEdxNGxpWlJlaUdPVEZLTmhJejQ4VVJqX3ctSktxSVhRQUxuc1A1cnBFSnUyaHRGZ1ZqR0pudWE4S3RzNTNvUEt0NVpXM0VjWmJtY3NneERTbkpUQURMVGpMZC1tN1dpTnFYZHc4T1JIWVJVPQ== |
Four years ago, on November 20, 2020, BTC was pumping hard, having just matched its prior cycle ATH at 17K.
But BAT hadn't budged at all. It was close to bear market lows at $0.20 with a market cap of $300 million, EXACTLY the same price and cap as today.
The BAT pump did not start until the new year, and would go on to almost 10X.
And with all coins in circulation, a $1 BAT this cycle is the same as $1 BAT last cycle.
Asymmetric risk/reward here, IMO.
I've been BTC heavy but am slowly converting BTC to BAT as we crest $100K. Not all at once because who knows the exact timing. | r/batproject | post | r/BATProject | 2024-11-20 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UbGg5UVN5dWE4Q3NyYzNSb2g4RktHNVhmUmhYT2dYc3ZYR1JpOE5HR2VEdVlTQlNmdlFubldmV3NrUjJKQXhHNWdFRUtrdENHV0s4MkZIVlJMSWY5dTJNb05pX0owclU2X3Q1N3VpQ19CdFJyMVE9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UbGgtOTUyeWV6S2NjS1pIMkJJUl9ac1AwbFdNYjFRQzlWcnNjQUtjWFZsMWdDLUFvbVU3cGRlTU5kUm1WQlg2Sk9YSm4xNkp0RXdDMkZ0RWZGT2p2SS0wX1ViVXhWZDZ0aXcwN0dyMGw1bUh0d2p1Skl2WUJSOFVUUGlaUWcyR21DSFg2MU9YdFdUUWIzaks1RFYxNGNJckVOYnhvTUsxakVUYWhQVTBfTDhJcUtDaE5IV3lhTElCR1dFVy1icnRZby1RVTZuaW5ndHVHWWg4LXVPeW1IbW9ndz09 |
Seeking to verify current Filecoin network parameters for comparative analysis:
1. Storage Cost: Currently listed as \~$18/GB/year - is this accurate?
2. Network Response Speed: Looking for average speed in milliseconds
3. Security Implementation Details: Current security measures and protocols
4. Decentralization Metrics: Node distribution and participation metrics
5. Data Retrieval: Average retrieval time (currently listed as \~150ms)
6. Data Integrity: Verification methods and success rates
7. Network Availability: Verification of 99.5% uptime claim
Anything else I should know about. If I get enough data I'll create some visualizations and share the here.
Thanks | r/filecoin | post | r/filecoin | 2024-11-20 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UbGg5Wkc4NEkySGFjemNCRWdtcUNZZnJIR040VTlSdzhEVnhWOHJvZmV6QU5Cei1BSWVzN0Q4X01OYVlEVWtwYmZLeDRUbUlVbUNCQmRQb0h2eHhUekhSenc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5UbGgtbjdNM0RfMkdwTGlqOHMwLUpBMkRTMFNhdzVhb3RUcVpPRWdkQUIweUp6V09QSGtGdzJ4eXhkV18ya21CTGxuZ1dmenNwaVdSVUJBMVNqdnFKU3d0dWpXUkhoUHRkUFRWTmc4MVpmOTcyakl6bThqOGNITmc5dzJpUW1vTE1XUmN5NUxFX1I4M0ltSVNKWEdyb0dzWjRJUDVIYmt6ZFd3cmpPVlBPcWdXdno0PQ== |
The guy sitting next to Elon, Trump, and Dana is a $RENDER board member.
His name is Ari Emanuel.
He is the man behind ufc and WWE. | r/solana | post | r/solana | 2024-11-20 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UbGg5OWJaa2V5eEExXzh0OUNyOUVPU0ZENVF5ejRkVDVHYjljOVdMQ3dGbF9GWnVKR1NnX1NQaV9HQ1Q3WW1WcnhYLUZNME5GTk1qRjZzSVlwSzdhUkEyRWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5UbGgtNDctQi15YjJ2NENxMWczaU8xQWJ1M0lfVDJpRjM5ZWxIUHVoMU90aUZSb3JoTjJlaTUxQ05tZ0NPWDd4WGQ1d191NS1va3FKcFVKbXMtSW5qRFZkcDAtbWtILUw0bHVzT21sUzZDN25lY3NBVmVfRU1RNjNXS0stc3B3SzVialJKc3B4U3BfNThGZS1nZHpRWDhBeUdrNXQ1WE1zV1BDMGZ3M2U0M1E1Slc2TGFLWHJBSFZxYnhrZThWYUR0RVZzekZzUWZ1TjdtU2otQ0dMUkZyUnZIZz09 |
Moongate is reshaping the attention economy by connecting brands and users in a way that challenges the traditional reliance on centralized platforms. It operates on two key layers: the Utility Layer, which allows brands to issue smart tokens for real-world applications like event tickets, memberships, and rewards, and the Data Layer, where users control their engagement data through self-custodied wallets, enabling them to own, monetize, and benefit from their interactions while maintaining privacy.
Moongate’s "engage-to-earn" model encourages user participation in campaigns and provides brands with valuable insights in a seamless ecosystem. This shift is set to redefine brand-consumer engagement in the digital economy.
The Moongate claim is now open, and users can claim MGT tokens on Bitget, with deposits available with zero gas fees. This opens up new possibilities for users to interact with the platform and engage more deeply in Moongate’s evolving ecosystem.
How do you think Moongate will continue to influence the attention economy moving forward? | r/cryptomoon | post | r/CryptoMoon | 2024-11-20 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UbGg5OGloRU9hd0x2RUhmSDN0ZHNGYkFDOGsxUXhPODFTTER4OGZNbVE0RWMxaS1aRldSRUI2b1VJaXcyLUhTLWJYT3ktdWpnaWpTNXBZTGZIV0RmSi11RFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5UbGgtNXR2TDZsQTROQzFZUVB5c0F1T1V2VHRwV2FTZ09fOGNFWXNfNXh5YzdPUlpNN0NlOHgzb0h4RDRwdnV6eTVzU3dSOTFqTGJ1RTR1YXZ5c1ozRWNQbEdoNUEzd0ZkSERsYXk1czk0TXdBVXhleHplMFNGZUxFV0c4a0duTUQwTFY2SXZUS3doalFaNFhLTVVHbVJ5eEh1Wkw1Q2NQcFZDYU85S3ZLZFAzS1VpMzg0TllQSy1oakNrVUdDdzQwel82UVBBdVNEcHhHbWZUTDFSOGp6eFVKdz09 |
I’m interested, how do I contact you? | r/nftmarketplace | comment | r/NFTMarketplace | 2024-11-20 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UbGg5UVBEOEsxcUFtdF94dngwdWR4UXAzdGM4d0R2R3FvdjIxMm5fbXRCcnVpdjlldzNsOHQ5QmdkaWttNzVLT1V5YURpa1VnRE1sT2M2Q0NPNXdSVDA0enc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5UbGgtSmZzNzRlVkZleDR4LWdaeHZCTDRQVUdRaEY3X3Nxdk1pX09zbW5QWUNTQkpjeHF1TGZmQV8tN0dWQ3hnNnRsTERLdWxjX1NoOVVVQTVCb3pjcENlX0RuTmh3V3JUd0FtVlNUa0pPZzdOUnpTaEp6c0Y5SEtTOTd0UlBYdERtSWh1Q1RlYmdRVnJFRDFuTVdPMjVPdy1HaUhoZWhwUWNiSm85WUpDdjBSV3Vid2Z5dDJPS25UNExVT1V1Wlk1REhvcmZJbWJSM1ZmSUdWX1haTUp0NDdXQT09 |
So Firstly I am 18 years old and am still in school don't have a job or anything so this money was basically all I’ve got just so you know how much this means to me, I went into crypto when I was 15 years old by talking to my mom and convincing her to make an account so I can buy some crypto I ended up investing all my pocket money and bought BTC and ETH in total worth of €400 I sold some of it recently, and I wanted to start day-trading with the learn process being so complicated and taking a while to learn how to read the market I saw a lot of TikToks about meme coins and how everyone was making a lot of money, so I made a phantom wallet and started trading the first day I lost €100 I didn’t really care that much because I learned something from it, but today I deposited 90% of my bank account into Solana and started trading and somehow ended up flipping around €300 to €880 all in around 6 hours with patience and lost all of it in 30 minutes because I was letting my emotions control me I want to commit rn (not actually) but It just makes me sad and angry knowing that I could’ve just kept the €800 and started again tomorrow now I can’t trade anymore during the bull run, and I'm fucking depressed cause that was the most money I have ever seen. | r/solana | post | r/solana | 2024-11-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UbGg5UDRaaVk0ak5QVy1wb0FvVlFtZmRKQ1F3WFRSOVV4RGRqeWZSdk9keTkxcHlhRDJ1OHBCRjJIZGRHeGlKM0ZiT3AweVpoU3pFZlJvbkhOWFA5amRLNlBKc3J2b2xWcm9hanZHUEpzcWdFcVk9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UbGgtdUFXaW96eXM3RkdMTlBUMVo5aTM1NGZUeTRrQklESk1IVW10bUNZaDRwRUZ5cWJOU0taUGM1NlE5OEE3SlNEdE9nWGJmNHVxT3d6Q3JhQlRySGlLSFV3Y3ZzTmtHaHJNZDh0NUJaczdnTVRmbmxrSzJrMXBpVmZkVTRGY0RZczNWQlFIdmJ1dUpCeXhqMGtpcGdXSGEwcTVQa3BsLVlEVGd2RllqcHJ2NVBrbGFsdzRsc0ptM1FoYWUyM2J4OGRY |
If Cardano’s blockchain is adopted for voting whether at the state level or at the national level; would voters be required to hold Cardano to place their vote?
This might be a really dumb question, sorry in advance. | r/cardano | post | r/cardano | 2024-11-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UbGg5TzJlZmZTWGw5TkFnbkpBcHdEaWRYUUJGbnlGeXFQYmJFaGgyaUFuejRZU0FWOE1ON2E5WkYyZnNvSEVqT0o3VkRkTmtGMU45S1lIRTBTc3IzQXVqYmMxQW5oMHdqTlc5UF9VdW9MNXVqVVE9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UbGgtMjN6RXlQZWZGTGI0S0h2UmVXX1ZUUTB1ZWlWcG9UeEx1SHFtRF9uQWdUOEQxOEdmUF83UVdpT2cwYWVoMTJLYkFuNThMVWtqV1JQOHNhaXF5NHRhdEptT3RHMDA1NXc5NGV0T1VmRHlKUkFzYU1VVlZCNjAxc0ZqVlZwSmlaZlE3NXo1b0szZGxuTmpVTUx3OVdQdUc3VG9POFdmeXJVZ2FramxDdlZld01Ma2I1em1OV2NDWlhPNmtWOTA2X21H |
I made a post yesterday asking for advice on how to use Cupcake properly, and since then I’ve been looking around the apps trying to figure things out, and here’s what I’ve found so far.
From my experience, if you send xmr from Cake Wallet to Cupcake, it’ll go through perfectly fine, but it won’t actually show up on the balance on Cupcake (this is probably just be a bug, I’m guessing the balance amount isn’t just their for decoration). The only way to see it is to restore a read-only wallet on Cake for the Cupcake wallet. Here’s how you do that:
1. Go on the Cake app, click on “wallets,” “Restore Wallet,” and then “Scan QR Code.”
2. Then, go to the cupcake app, click on “Security and Backup,” and then “Restore view-only wallet.” It’ll bring up a QR code that you need to scan using Cake.
As for the view-only wallet itself:
You have more options than the name suggests. You can receive xmr in the Cake app without using Cupcake, but you can’t send anything. If you try by making a transaction clicking “send,” it just closes the app before the transaction can start.
One issue I’ve ran into is that there’s no way to send xmr from your Cupcake wallet that I’ve been able to find. For example, if you create a QR code through the “receive” button on Cake, and scan it with the Cupcake app, the only thing that happens is an error message pops up saying “Error handling URQR scan.”
Also for some reason the cupcake app makes you create a new wallet or restore your wallet every time you close the app. Its not that it deletes your wallet, the app handles it like you’re creating a new wallet, and it keeps every instance of your copied wallet separate, so you end up getting a clogged list of several copies of the same wallet, adding a new one every time you close the app.
I’m not sure how restoring a view-only wallet to your online app or using it for receiving would affect security, that’s a question for someone a lot more technically savvy than me.
I’m gonna keep messing around with the app to see these problems will just resolve themselves, but if anyone else can point out something I’m missing I’d be grateful (especially when it comes to the forced restoring issue, I have 12 total copies of the same wallet on the app lmao). | r/monero | post | r/Monero | 2024-11-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UbGg5Zlh0aUNfTzV6N0Ixa3hVTHRXMHZUcEpqWTNKWFQyR3gtcGRQdmtXejYzeGhIT0JWSm16RTd5OE50MTBSVmdJSThtNmVzazNnQUJ3dkNZdGVrUDlaOXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5UbGgtWkdpNk5pLWgySzBOQ3E5NXhtSW1XQ2RCRXIxR2l5QmNraExzVWd3WmxhTlljYjkwRWFUWlZHcnh0MW9fN1pqVWc2LTU1enAyRXJRSFp6MmxzbVZQVmFFNGtOc0NMMGRDNFdUemxLZ3RZQWhrSFR3WmdXNUIxV0QyaVpKT0dRY1dkOXlpQXJCVlpQNXVaQl9mREJGSy1zZ1hzSFlxaVRlYmlQRG1TYlVSd2ZnN2hfSFJtR0hOaEVCWnp5UndxUFo3 |
Since day one, Bitcoin's biggest mantra has been its immutability and unhackability. But guess what? Cardano has just "hacked" Bitcoin—not in a malicious way, but by integrating with it and upgrading its capabilities.
Now, Bitcoin has been enhanced through this integration. Next up are Cardano ETFs, and ETF holders will be conducting background trades. Good job, humanity, for handing it over to traditional finance (TradFi) so early. | r/cardano | post | r/cardano | 2024-11-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UbGg5SV8xWDR6REJTem9fc3plNHZ4SHYzdXlhQzMtZW1wOE90bWVDczFYNkJxWUpCbEhpOFNCVnJUOWYxTkJJRmtjWWQzM05za1hqTkh3cEU5ZWNPS290dWhyU2RxVGpuUV91c2RsUHkxQ1VZemM9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UbGgtNW5xblFGRHA3VmtBVk0xd1MyblMwekp2ZHRlY3I1ZWN2UUp1eDJiMVlGUTVHM05PTFo3YzJGNHRybTdfTjdONkl4NEN0LTg2YkVNVHlkUTR1ZzhONWQwaTVCZUg3amhRQVNlV20yZVczOEhtd2JqMm1vYm51VXo2TVVhRlFTNkU3N1BFaDJna2JzWjQwQkRWNFZnbDBDaGoxZFFaMnhCOXZCRjIwSUZwS18zU3hQMmdXamtzbTVyaExNU29zV2dZdTlNSzcyd04wZFJGbUloWGVfWE5qQT09 |
Hello! I'm selling services online, and I'd like to accept XMR. I'm looking for an onramp that:
1. has no account for me. just a dumb widget or link will do, and the vendor can take their fees independently
2. (possibly) can prefill things like the amount & output address
Does something like this exist? TIA! | r/monero | post | r/Monero | 2024-11-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UbGg5LW1EQnhhdVZlU0Yyd3dmSWhrU1VaZTZRNGtUbXRvVE1WWkNmZ3p6Q2ZHTGtYZ1NHbEwwMGZYbmdMZnJGT18yRnBKRVJNa2hfM2UwVFlJTUVvWnp2QXVoWTZmVS03cld6OEdTanNhSXVLalU9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UbGgtNkthLVpiZHhRZzFFWml5TTcyWU5yQXJ5bDc3enJJU2hsNEZYbkY4REc4LUZhSGJUNFFxWFY5VG9vaE5fREYyblRpZUcxa3ZTcUNwdFRhTGZ6SF9YWmJGajlqU1BLQUF1cEd4c2xaSWJma2VUTVFGUWJ1MTc2dDBkNkFBTjc1T2NFZGVqemlTM2ljR2tRbXBSZkVyWXRtYUhIa1hHVFFlZHoxXy0ySVp6alVVPQ== |
What do yall think?
We got 100 days?
Or is this cycle different? | r/solana | post | r/solana | 2024-11-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UbGg5T3FHTFExZzJzem95bndyRFBRVmREcUhuT3ZrOTc1cnpvR2ZTTlowMHJhNVE2ZENndVd1RTBlaVdQV0lXbEpXcWFHdUFEeUFNQU9Cd1JJcXFJc1hJUEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5UbGgtWE1MS29jcWJ6NUFsUHJrNXNUWDV6Yi1sR3lJQThzZmhiRE9NYzdEWnBoeDdsSGM1OTBzaGxpNDVhODlQVW5mTTkzY09OTDBfVTZwbWpWM09pUG9URVRrQWFDbVNDUFVPTmZfR3RZT3NPZGN5Z0xZVXhfazJEMThRSkk5Q3RoMm5aV2JSSGEyakYxRFFSc1VMZko2TUxtVHdnYUt5S2RWQjctUEZIaWd0S1FVNXJFUmNaR0xzd1A5SFMtanNBUm1kY3pHMlljRTFPcTR0ZHE3T29JRGExQT09 |
Cardano can empower a new generation of skillful contributors.
Cardano can empower a new generation of organizations with an extraordinary acceleration in innovation and time-to-market, based on a new generation of skillful contributors.
Cardano can help businesses to create sustainability of their products, empower them with extraordinary acceleration in innovation and time-to-market, based on a new generation of skillful contributors.
Cardano can train people to fail small, learn, and try again.
Cardano can establish digital identity credentials as a trustless, permissionless, and autonomous way to build reputation as a Learner and Contributor.
Cardano can restore faith in entrepreneurship, labor, and education.
Cardano can ... with Andamio.
Andamio: the Cardano Learn to Work platform. [https://www.andamio.io/](https://www.andamio.io/)
(and FC Barcelona official Catalyst F13 partner: [https://cardano.ideascale.com/c/cardano/idea/134562](https://cardano.ideascale.com/c/cardano/idea/134562))
When I buy any coin, the price instantly drops. Does anyone know who can fix this issue? | r/solana | post | r/solana | 2024-11-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UbGg5V1NqR2xyOXdKR1dUNHdyc293OTd2OWQ2YnBQSUczN3BqT1hmamY0aTVudWs1b3A0QWkyZ0RPbmhiTGhmLTg0ZFJXSWRBYWw5SmJxRW50NmRKbGFBcFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5UbGgtUWNRemtTaEE0c1hPU3pyeVVpeWJ2bjJ4SEduQnJWVmoyTl9NYWlqRzJIcFVONEprdTExNU9RS3l5ZUN1RFA5WWM2V1dLWGpwNUZXZGRxcFpvLWVYNTJQQ2E5blQtckU1dnp3NUZJRzNfTVhoV1phandCWngtM0UyUjR5QzRhWXd2WHNWTlhLd0FnWUJ4aVlBSUNQemJwV0xFakI0QUFtV3l5N3d2V3N2bTVQWkdXWDVOWTh0YTRIZFdtRFRjc2N2 |
Filecoin is looking bullish and according to our analysis, FIL token is expected to cross $10 before the end of 2024.
**Filecoin Price Analysis-** [https://cryptoofficiel.com/filecoin-price-prediction/](https://cryptoofficiel.com/filecoin-price-prediction/)
# Can FIL Token Hit $100?
In 2025, if BTC stays above the $100k price range, then a huge rally is expected from the decentralized storage crypto sector which can even even take Filecoin's price closer to the $100.
**Here are our price predictions for FIL token:**
* Conservative Price Targets: $25 to $50
* Bull Price Target: $50 to $100
* Moon Price Target: $100 to $250
What do you think, how high Filecoin token can rise? | r/filecoin | post | r/filecoin | 2024-11-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UbGg5bXFkVFlJQTdaSHNGTDFYTVZvLUtIY20xSmZyREhBSjJTdENPck90X2hFaTZ6ekRPb1o3SnY4bTF0Skd0dkZvZWYtQnJ3YW9qYkl4NWRUS2RYUVJUelBrMDdUc21VRVFfUUlPMG1BdVlyYzA9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UbGgtYTh6Rk1JelFKdTU5RXMzdkZOZGxVRWEzNFJCVDR0NWJJTFdrOGtCRnlOWXhXWmVTYWNCT3pMek4xLXdlODNGT0JXMmNqTDE0WXNWQ01WMjY4Z1RRRDVpLU5aN1VHNVg2VTZnenUzS1F1a2p3dUZVZmN6MHBZWjdYY0gzaDY1MFlUbUo4am1RakZhQl9DUFBEdVViMUpycG01U21VOGtTU3VheE56MzBTWlVaU21HcWxvdkFyeERyU2dmemZkWWpjc25ocXVfR3I5MmdnWTgxazJyQkU1QT09 |
In regards to meme coins Why not shoot for a 2x?, put $5 in and if you can 2x your money 20 times you'd have over 5 million dollars. Seems like it would be a lot easier to make a bunch of money just trying to double your trade, then take half of your money and try to double it again , etc etc doing quick trades on newer coins, no? Or is there something I'm missing. It seems like most new coins have an initial pump so wouldn't it be safer to go this route and make a bunch of money | r/solana | post | r/solana | 2024-11-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UbGg5UzY3ZGN0dThsMi1iT2t4YVFiblFOb2NxM1g1cjA3WGNVem5vMVcxVm9BaGo1SGF1dklJekRFckRRNjlqSXFQWGhobUJ6aFFsMEZGYjA3bDlmYUNMQ21OZ1A0dl9zb05lT3BEaVBNeVJwdWc9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UbGgta1NFZklIT05UZkUyYkJoa0ZseTktbk94eU5fYS04bEFoblFWdEtZVnczemZ4QzJNd1c3U0tfVWJlMHI0Y1dTU0QxRDlaNkZ0b0dfME1mT29fMzc5YUV4OGdKUjVhS1lHSHZvc0VWam0wNV95V0k1QVhqRS1PNXI0Nk1hRllhSDhKUTd5ZzMwMHZvcE1GQWlWQ0xibWVmQmlwdmJFOWt3TFZ2ZVk3SWVLT1M0PQ== |
Before you can understand why Bitcoin is essential to our future, pseudo-Bitcoiners keep telling you that you must first understand how money works, and then understand why bankers, whether private or central, and politicians represent evil.
You've understood this, and you've begun to enter the Bitcoin revolution.
And suddenly you're told that governments are coming in to buy Bitcoin en masse by printing fiat currency out of thin air. And that is great news...
Pseudo-Bitcoiners tell you that the gradual takeover of Bitcoin by BlackRock and other financial giants is a Bullish thing.
You're also told that there's nothing wrong with bankers becoming intermediaries between the people and Bitcoin, even though Bitcoin was invented to free us from the yoke of the banksters.
Aren't you lost when faced with all these contradictions from pseudo-Bitcoiners who are only looking for one thing, namely profit in weak money without even understanding where the liberating power of the Bitcoin revolution lies?
This is probably where Monero will sooner or later appear to the greatest number of people as the solution to the problems Bitcoin sought to solve in its early days. What do you think? | r/monero | post | r/Monero | 2024-11-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UbGg5ZnVsZkJwWWFIQ04wWHFjN1U0UEVpMmEyaVIwVlgtSXp5eWNWQ21SYnJFV21iZEFWSWFuNXBDNkk4S0NueE9ob0hHRUkzc0dBcWc5V0xxeFJURTRaVWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5UbGgtdE1FbGRSVkNaOHNGZmZNY01PNkYtVXhKOEtrNzNXV3ZSeWxmSkJpVGNSMFBILTE1NjFISkpvdjdPRHVncVNFWG1weVBHR1B4OXMwaTFBeTJwQVY4dktCUUp1M3NwWC1aTnFjUDRNYVBhWkFJVktWLTlKbUxtdUtKOEFQTkVDUDdodjlubHEtMTN5WEZOQ2diZ3ZTaFVrZkZXc0NGM3liTUdlRGZKcUwzaGh0RWVPUi03dHdaUjBQaTdmOGNSRVpOejcxWFdjYkQyS1BkRlBTU2tMbm5UQT09 |
Hello anyone can tell me where can i have information (easy tonunderstand) about how does monero works?
A full versión.
Thanksss. I learned a Lot about btc, i'm triying to do the same wirh monero, but i can't find a good information.
Sorry about My English, i'm form argentina :o | r/monero | post | r/Monero | 2024-11-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UbGg5ZXczV01fT2NZSjVhc3pmRmRpUV9EREZnTzcyV19weFlJcXVsTzBnRWs2VmJtZE9RTjFmdFNvbnhOdjRiZnNzWlI2ZWo2SEtjT1pSbmVXVGs1ZFB3WVRHR2MzSVNVa1FNSGVOVDU1UTNBUFk9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UbGgtSVNkWElHekZrdXdJZ003TGFyVEYwOG50Z0FkRUJIWUhOMHdkcmVBSHBFNXJpT29GdTl2VTJsVjRIbWhiMU5IUUhqUlNYZ2VqUVNCemQ0WnNRWGxMRVNhbmdpbkkyUF9oZXh5QVphY2VzNUt6WjE2Rzh2RXlYWlZHREtMaDJvUGRXVi04SjVkYTdXci14bVRacEZ2cXZYNkE2THlUd181d08xMGFJdENLOHlFPQ== |
A note for those who are against memecoins - Solana is the memecoin blockchain. All the volume and fees here are generated by memecoins. If you want Solana to go up, don't shit where you eat. If it wasn't for memecoins, Solana would make Eth look like a good investment.
This is my story - I bought Bitcoin in 2013 as a broke college student that I held until 2022. I irresponsibly used prescription drugs and made a series of bad decisions which caused me to go broke (Luna crash > FTX crash > then I got hacked for the rest). During 2023 I had nothing. I thought I would never financially recover. Then in January, I received an airdrop of 20k JUP. I decided I would be responsible and keep most of it as BTC and play with a small amount on Solana.
I was able to get some lucky wins during the March pump with $wif and $popcat but ended giving it all back in the following months. I had no idea what I was doing. I realized I just needed to catch the next big coin, but not go broke doing so. I tried different strategies - copytrading, alpha callers, paid groups, but none of them worked.
I developed my own strategy, doing my own research, and since October, I started consistently winning, and in November I reached $100k.
This is my advice -
The most important first: everywhere you look, it's all scams and rugs. Shillers on social media want to make you exit liquidity. There is only one place to look: [https://app.meteora.ag/](https://app.meteora.ag/) \- Only buy coins from this list.
This is a list of LP pools. Scan it religiously. Every runner like $moodeng, $goat, $chillguy is on here sub 100m mcap. Most importantly, the most -ev thing that can happen to you is getting rugged. You won't get rugged on any coin here with more than 100k TVL.
Never bet more than 10% of your port on any one coin. This shit is volatile. Every coin that has gone to 100m has had at least a 50% dip before that. You need to be able to hold if you don't want to fade generational wealth. Many tokens that looked good also never recover. Not going broke is priority #1.
Look for high-velocity coins. That means in the first few days - 20m+ mcap, 20m+ volume, 100k+ Meteora liquidity. These have the potential to go to 100m. This is not value investing. Being early is all that matters. I bought the top of $moodeng, $goat, $chillguy, and 10x on all of them.
Good luck and have fun.
[My journey from $0 to $100k: October 1 - November 21](https://preview.redd.it/l9zxp2rsp82e1.png?width=933&format=png&auto=webp&s=3da822171f4c48b74da4fb3e5499a51e61386a2e)
| r/solana | post | r/solana | 2024-11-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UbGg5Q1dqb0ZnSF9oOFJEc0k0bEhiTUFoRTV2OHRxbTJJQXZHWEk2M3F2b2dGMUVKRXNaYjB3UnIzNXAwazA4XzRWMllUTHZOa3JzVWhDVkVDNWkzaWFLYWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5UbGgtbkZrTU1RVHNFbk5tSzV6WS1oRXhvZkhOVko2aHJReFVpR1dZU0VTeFBhZm1fbkJjT2dEX3lJMVhYZmVJcm13M2l1bmpzS3d3ZEphdk5GUFRqREtXUDJMcTEydE9ydWR3anhpSWdXYWdhQ2JULXZZX09faUJUU1hiODZUeVRZVTA4cUJVTExJT082bWxYUi1QNERKMHZuLUNTdUI0bVRTelo1SHA1OGphTVc2dlNmNDgzcE5OOENqaXBKZTNIN0hf |
Hey fellow Redditors!
I've got some exciting news about $PEIRO, a token that's not just about the gains, but also about giving back. Here's why you should keep an eye on this gem:
Technical Analysis (TA) Insight:
* If you look at the chart, $PEIRO/WETH on Uniswap has shown some promising movements. We've seen a dip recently, but the pattern suggests we're gearing up for a significant rebound. The market cap is currently at around $287K, but with the community's backing, we're targeting a cool $100M by end of 2025.
Charity Goal:
* Here's where it gets even better. $PEIRO isn't just another crypto project; it's a movement. We aim to donate $1M to charity once we hit our market cap goal. Imagine the impact we could have on the world with that kind of contribution. Education, health, environment – you name it, we want to help.
Community Involvement:
* We're not doing this alone. We're partnering with Alpha Drop, a new crypto social app that's set to revolutionize how we interact with crypto communities. With their platform, we're going to amplify our reach, engage more people, and make sure that after this bull run, the crypto space will never be the same.
Why Join Us?
* Impact: Be part of a project that aims to make a real-world difference.
* Potential: With our TA suggesting an upward trend, now's the time to get in early.
* Community: Join a community that's not just about profit but about making a change.
How to Get Involved:
* Invest: Buy $PEIRO on Uniswap, Metamask wallet, phantom wallet, Binance web3 wallet.
* Spread the Word: Share the news, engage on social platforms, tell your friends.
* Stay Updated: Join our community channels for the latest updates and strategies.
Remember, this isn't just about the numbers; it's about what we can achieve together. The crypto world is ripe for a project like $PEIRO, where gains meet generosity. Let's make history, not just money.
Join us now, and let's change the world for the better!
Note: Always do your own research before investing. This isn't financial advice, but rather an invitation to explore a project with potential and heart.
CA: 0x878aee00f14323250eB3a1289A58012951E89428
| r/cryptomoon | post | r/CryptoMoon | 2024-11-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UbGg5R1ZCczRnODlMbkU2ZGZfWmFFdk85aGctMC1Hcl9GWU00UWNlaENpOFpkcHkyUWhwaGRmekFyalZZMGV6bk44VXdGNURoMWg1QnczRllBbGlDRDVCellEeXp0ejlUeUVtdHotRzZoVFl0Z1k9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UbGgtMFhnZ3BKSFFmdWRqQXJYX3YyQ3E5WkR5MkZOZjg4bVZnaWpOZTdkQ3Fib2stdG1sTnNCcFJaSHAzTUVkOVNJRXhLS1pBSXY2Z0h3TTJkR3RoYWJpZUdkSGpiTjlXWVltM1FCZXl5eTJKQkdHXzNhVGVKaVg3REdyWmhDVmhlakxfckdOY0NYZE80VjJwQ01Yd0JvR3FoSFVXVnRnQTNFNy05Q0Rkd1BDd1Z1T3dvd1lGOXdLZEZPYmdLcnJfTEkzcWVqZ3M2Szl6endfUE4wbzFQTW5GUT09 |
ETH is currently not friendly to such small transactions. Stay on CB or use another chain like SOL, ADA, Poly… for shit meme coins SOL would be my choice | r/cryptocurrencytrading | comment | r/CryptoCurrencyTrading | 2024-11-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UbGg5MEc2S2EwLWRJQkdRb0R5cVF5SXZQQzljQ243TXFWSHRKb0lqWTdGZEt1cXp2dzktZGNERy1nUjVTZTdsakU3a19XWTZVaUFMdG53RzFwWnhmY3NCZ0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5UbGgtcnFyS05LTlhuOS1iTVJrZ2hKZGVoRFlQREJZVlBSQ21qcEJmNWJWUGE0ZHlSdjN6NGhSYk14X0dxc2E5MWpBZkRGZ1lWMXNIQ2Y2Z0FYMjFjbzhCbFBBNEphTmlKcVJlbGxDUEc0NTNhRXlxWFN5Qk56VWY0eTVWR05OTTJBdFRmTDFhNmJMQ1NpQmZldzNxdWFqVkNUVjBSbUVLWEI2WktkS3p1bEFPLVVFNk43SzZ3eXZaMXNkdlRYSUp4ekZXOUcxWElad2RINWljQlFBYUk3aGhJdz09 |
How would I swap my eth shitcoin to SOL? | r/cryptocurrencytrading | comment | r/CryptoCurrencyTrading | 2024-11-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UbGg5NEk3dFo0UllULXltd2tFMXJiMHRQeVBYQU1EWFNqSG04TnhvSzhjWWZrR2RidXNoMVlRdm9MTGphRUMwUlZEOFZ5bkwxY29RZ01MY1BpYkNHYU9mQXpBeUQ3M0JrTFlyRWs0aFBLYTNBVUU9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UbGgtcXNldmFTZTEyZFNyd2JXUXE5eE91d3J3OGJpWkNQZEkwblhzcHBsN09QeW1kMmktRU01bkcteHp1STFoRmFrZGluOWZvOWxROWo4dHNlM2FjMFV1LUc0ODlaN1NOQk5nSk83aGItLWU2TldXMTJxY0FtalFkQkpzN043SlVSenYzLWM0QUlCVkRKUzk3dFBOamF2d0NsdGJWN2JZVUE1VW12LUNwWmowWmNRTWJKMFBSWHdXdjBJWUhCcEtJbkh6TlRTTWZyakxzVWFSMUdtNEtkUGJyZz09 |
Sadly, it would require even more ETH. I love ETH. I have a bag, but it is just not designed to do many < $100 transactions. If I were you I would sell everything back to ETH. Keep it in that for later. Then make a new chain wallet and start again. Depending on what shitcoins you want to trade. You can do [research here](https://www.dextools.io/app/en/hot-pairs) and pick what chain to use (ALL Chains top left) | r/cryptocurrencytrading | comment | r/CryptoCurrencyTrading | 2024-11-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UbGg5dkJ1bkFVUTAwcV9NYTNzMDRiMmZReHZabjB2WDVVanoyXzBObVpiTG9iazNsWDJlY1NuTUVIU2ZWUUdWaHE2d3V6WmRRdU1BaVB2WUVxRTZXUVAwVUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5UbGgtOWtJN3VnNzlKTWJGRTJEdlJYU0xqX0tJb210ZXVtaEVLbC0tY0c2X1NKY21JbTJJVFZiV255a0VENEFaQVBNdk05cDh4M2l5MkIyY2p0M1dtNnItQ3FORGotZ2hSajdNU3FLUkZIQnNobExtOFpmSWhjemdYci1KNmRQdE1VZkxKbzNkeW5fY3BGYkZ4Ui14bnFlTkJSN0Q5N2pnUlZXMVcwZDVrRHAwTXVTWVN4OFhHYjRRejhYd0dXZHlibGFON0FJMnNlVm5XUm91NzJpTi1xelJRdz09 |
With the potential of a blooming Cardano Defi, I want to discuss the robustness of the (as far as I know) only algorithmic stablecoin in the Cardano ecosystem: DJED
The current reserve ratio of DJED is 828 %, which is above 800%. That means minting of SHEN is currently disabled. In theory, the reserve ratio should now move back to the desired area around 400-800 % by people minting DJED and/or burning SHEN.
[DJED Stability mechanism. source: https:\/\/djed.xyz\/faq](https://preview.redd.it/9n7wf9s1b92e1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=953243b3447ec1c246aab7512b75961061947480)
However, this does not seem to happen. Unfortunately, I cannot provide historic data from the DJED and SHEN supply, but I am watching the numbers regularly. Currently, there is a circulation supply of DJED of around \~3 Mio and a circulating supply of SHEN or around \~25 Mio and these number seem to hardly change over time, even on a time period of multiple months.
Coti themselves have published a review of DJED one year after launch, which was published early 2024: [https://medium.com/cotinetwork/djeds-first-anniversary-a-walk-through-djed-s-journey-so-far-a56d00d8bef1](https://medium.com/cotinetwork/djeds-first-anniversary-a-walk-through-djed-s-journey-so-far-a56d00d8bef1)
They also include a timeline of the reserve ratio:
[Timeline of DJED reserve ratio from Jan 2023 to Jan 2024. source: https:\/\/medium.com\/cotinetwork\/djeds-first-anniversary-a-walk-through-djed-s-journey-so-far-a56d00d8bef1](https://preview.redd.it/8vylx6bkf92e1.png?width=998&format=png&auto=webp&s=b7dc8f187e524083fa8862813dda9419cfdee600)
As can be seen, the reserve ratio has been below 400% from May until November in 2023, which is seven months. During that phase minting of new DJED was disabled, but still the reserve ratio did not recover. In my opinion, this is mainly based on the fact, that the benefits of holding SHEN are too low. I held SHEN myself for some time and the delegation rewards have been only fractionally better than simply staking my ADA. So once the reserve ratio passed above 400% I burned my SHED and converted it into ADA again.
With the lack of activity around minting and burning of DJED and SHEN, I think the reserve ratio is mainly based on ADA price. I have underlied the reserve ratio with a price chart of ADA:
[Reserve ratio of DJED and price chart of ADA. source: https:\/\/medium.com\/cotinetwork\/djeds-first-anniversary-a-walk-through-djed-s-journey-so-far-a56d00d8bef1 and https:\/\/www.binance.com\/en\/trade\/ADA\_USDT](https://preview.redd.it/b5e2kxwcg92e1.png?width=720&format=png&auto=webp&s=062637be79237142b79eb6680b3433899c925c74)
After a short period of excitement, the reserve ratio and the price of ADA seem to align quite well. For me, that is a sign of no big fishes using DJED and SHEN.
The price ratio during the bear market was at montly average low of 286 % in September. At some points in time it was down to below 250%. It only recovered once the price of ADA started to recover.
I am wondering: What would have happened with the reserve ratio if the price of ADA would have dropped to a range of 0.05 to 0.10 USD. To me it seems quite likely that the reserve ratio would have dropped below 100%.
With the reserve ratio recovery process (aiming to keep it between 400 and 800%) not really working, I do think that it was (at some point) basically down to pure luck, that DJED has not failed yet. The common understanding is that DJED is **robust against aprupt price drops** and is **safe against continous price decreases** as the reserve ratio has then time to recover. However, I think time is not a factor here.
I think for DJED to become more robust, there has to be a (quite sifnificant) increase in worthiness of holding SHEN. If we don't get people to hold SHEN, we will never have a reserve that is robust enough to cope with mass adoption.
However, I am concerned that we will never see this happening. COTI has moved to other projects and it does not feel like DJED is their primarily focus anymore. | r/cardano | post | r/cardano | 2024-11-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UbGg5WnhmbVJGalRadXNaSTVtajFzbGNUSGEzS1o0RG9LdnN6a3pRQzB2M0NUN3A3YWdZclJ0QmphUXFmZE1sOFJVbnk2NVhxZ2tfOFJGaVVDeGhTYUxIRGRZZk1iTElMQlF3V0RNTWNEOWNhcVk9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UbGgtOUE0Q0Z0M2N3Y2p6QzlJajdvci02enVkLTdoWVpwdjhXdXk4NWp0TzhpRDlOM3FBVE1QQmlHcDl1SE15aHNXZVBUOW01SXdUVXRVcU5wYWV3NDVQMW9ZdVNsMlBiVFYycFVHMWRxRkVkRmNjVnczekY4ZDlxbjZwNE11d3ltOTVfT2JTM1hyejRXY3ZLQW44eG9XczdXVDlVbUhrUC1yc1lvcXRVWEQwSEJtcXpuRlItNlNzT3ZWREl2OTZCNGY2ZHV1M2VRSGlvTEhwanU5Vm9VaE9LQT09 |
so should I create a new wallet for sol trading? | r/cryptocurrencytrading | comment | r/CryptoCurrencyTrading | 2024-11-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UbGg5b0h3UUNYSHNFZ0VwYjZFNTdUOV80YUh6cDhaeTk2dzJkX3Vla3dCS3NkUk1pQ2YxdGUzYWFRRFBrMjA2NGZzYThjanAxNGRsTThzc29ZemFLVTc2cmFHQUJWRWw0dGxzdHpSam1jX2p6LWc9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UbGgtNThyeXJGZ0swNjRSNktEcDlsdUZsdDRMSUp2VHFPdW1Zd0k3ZXpFMWFVd2p3N2FLNzJRdFg2OGlEc3JzcHBrbjZXLVZDd2FFcnBJa1F4Tmx2WnlPQ3RrajhsWVdoMmI2WU1vcFZMRGJBMUZVWUo0ZWpLRjFWMEZHQkhOV25zbF9iMUQydXd6XzNiRWdSUU5zWWM2cnMxN1pWelNzaHBEaFhLLXZNMUNrOW9uY29lRG5VWXNzNmNYei1LNzBabmpNOXhUQnc0TG5MWUR5NzhPNl9PWFRUUT09 |
the CB wallet supports SOL right? I mean IDK But yea buy some SOL and have fun | r/cryptocurrencytrading | comment | r/CryptoCurrencyTrading | 2024-11-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UbGg5dlk3LUJ2Nlo1TFpkUWVIRWVrTllFakp0NWNPTUpsTVhDY0h6NnBpRTVubzJsSzN5Q1o0aGp4WDExMHQ0TDlZeWdhb2hwcVhfSWpmN2xZd0VqVlBvQkE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5UbGgtZXltTElPdzdMUkxHeUk2dmZ6M2RITEVUMXFSaHFQcDU5dTNNdEo0ZFItMDVzTzBwNWp2eS1Rc2JaTXJpWVV1RWNKaXFKREF1YnA3ZEotaDVGQVIzaVNZUFp1dG9LUkN2YzBUc2VXME1HV0U0WGxJNlQ4eXc5b3J2WC1DeHZ3ZndxWXVsQU9GOEszcWJOcWY4aFVzVEJIbDJCYzBrbUtIZThOVXE3WkVGUHp0eTNzNTZzalF2RUFaRW1HSU9GRVdjZ0RjbnEzWWhIMUNWNFNybTh5VXctZz09 |
oh you're right cb supports sol, but are the crazy fees on cb because of eth or because of cb itself | r/cryptocurrencytrading | comment | r/CryptoCurrencyTrading | 2024-11-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UbGg5R2RpYmhWZTlzeHltLU1CR1NjMEtVSWZzMFFIaE5UYVlGSG00YXZJMk1mSUxwV19yVjFmMFhjdzFmcW5PMm5PbThITjktd3R5X0ZxVmo4b3ZzWEoweDhPbWs2a3RQTWxUM1YyRG5hcllOdG89 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UbGgtb0NuaElJZFlmSnNCMUVkQXA5TUpPY2toZV9yZGNwWHVYRlNxVU9Od01ILVdaa1JhUFVEMzBZWTQ3aWR4Y1RaUm1LUW8tLXlubnJ4bEdENW8yN1FNcWVZUlJ1NWx4VDVnYTVGUXJ4UXlwQzZVc2cwVHlpV1FtcEhvLV9tSjZOUlh1b003QTJoVmQ5dmR1UDZHRDFBV2lKWFFoT2I5ckN2YldGMGY5bm9ieWM5OUwtTXJ0YmFuZGt2UWlteEkyQnFPejNZckZwZkRVVk5BT1RvM25HZTF4QT09 |
ETH is expensive in comparison and if you use the Base chain the fees are zero from the CB wallet to CB and back. I know because I sent $50 of USDC to my friend, to her CB wallet from CB, and she got the whole $50. ETH fees can be seen here [https://etherscan.io/gastracker](https://etherscan.io/gastracker) | r/cryptocurrencytrading | comment | r/CryptoCurrencyTrading | 2024-11-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UbGg5NXBnWm9IYXRabVBDQmZKcklaZFNhQTZQWVozQWRURUZqelJ2QjZINThrbXo2UU1uWHpLWjhJelJVNVpjOE1ZTW8wMVhrTlVmeFdNMTN2S2RZeG1xS3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5UbGgtUVFyMjdhNW10WlpSWHVmRWlVQmxCQWJkMjNaNDVjYThPVnliZzZNX3d2WGJPZmptQzFmMjlwZ3pYRGlPMW9tQkpRUmotRG5kaFY3Qksxc2VhenpRdjBDME16ZmhkcmdLR0J0ZTQ5c285S0EyS3Nyb2gtWnRKcEMyeXQ5WVVBTWhFV25QeUVVOC11a3BoNTZTVHEycHlFLXlCazl3MGFidkU1UGdDdUhDNXlqa21xaFVoMlZYcGg2V3d3Nkg1em4xYTVlNS1GWklnTFpGLTE5eWl2eERfUT09 |
I'm a 16 year old and trying to buy some solana whats the best way to go about doing so. | r/solana | post | r/solana | 2024-11-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UbGg5RTBTNUhFSU04Z3FJbWJ4cG8tZTZJeFprSVVqVkNFVTVTaEE4dk5oTGEycDNsRkF2WHlZU1JRa2ZUUHlyWmRVT2cxZl9Pekhldmd5UDRodUFaNV9ILWY1NnRJdUhZUVh3Um9VdTAwMW1RRDQ9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UbGgtaTFUSjY1RjNma19CdlFQRU1hQTFaMl9TOWRtbDlKTnlLMi1IczN0NzlRbnNETEgzYmsxN0ljdzFza2ludWVBMmRaR2ZjbDNxZV9qX29nMjhraFI5cVFyUnNCSWhxYnNmWUtSaEhhTGdRdTlKVVFUU21QNTBJM0YwdmVQS193SE1mUS1hVUlpRGdJMllYRFY0bk9rYjFxQ0huOTFtbk1BMm9RNVlpOGw1UWdnPQ== |
Since I joined the community I'm addicted, I've printed my own merch, you easily forget the chart, plus you just know price will go higher and higher | r/nftmarketplace | comment | r/NFTMarketplace | 2024-11-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UbGg5dTRBRnlUVXRSY3QxSE9FVFFIMDY1bE5hOEE5dWVQb0hnRkN3bUZsUi1OcE9iWkhIeFhNbmt0ekNJUjdpUk1HLWotU3llNlBfSmdUQXBETGdrSjR0c1FJUVA0NHViOU9VOGdJbG4yY3FUajQ9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UbGgtc25CQ2JMNlhyYW9kZ2lDSl9OVFNmcm1ucmQzQTBBTkxoRjZRQ3VfMHBxVXVXby05cHcxR1lLajJBVzVqZmNNcDk0OHZodFlZeWFpeDE5NDc5azVPSFdTeEhKMGZzdzNUTDJleFVienhpd2VXU3F5MXp6Zl9XeV94UGV2WDBvS2FkeGJFc2FtUFRqTmp6OXpDWjdLeVFUZ1UwOGh1U1dSaHhud0lraHdzYTlwLTJtbzZrT3VPWkV0QUZpNGhYVFpYODM0YWZQdEF5SkdDVUMzSTI4Q1lLUFdyNjhldG04NXJNMzJ6R1EwWTEwRT0= |
Hello Cardano community,
I’ve decided on ADA as a long term investment and want to stake it. I have the Daedalus software and am currently syncing with the blockchain. Can you give me any advice on how best to start staking and with which pool or pools to stake with? What makes a great pool? I have read a little about small fees, and pool over saturation. Are pools for the most part much the same or very different? Can you just stake and forget about ‘it’, or I should be checking and regularly moving my stake from pools to pools etc? Tips, advice, and best practices much appreciated. Many thanks! | r/cardano | post | r/cardano | 2024-11-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UbGg5RmZtN0N3Ul9hMHBjaHRNV0JSSllBQjltNmdOZy1hT0UyOVJ6ZDNVcnFDNS0zdGhveTczeExib29meWw1LW5lNk5TcjN4eTJFQ3BwdGtNaUpHa2hMckE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5UbGgta0VzbGhxYlpZeF82MkxDUnBId29BUXZ2UmpGeTJMQTQ1TVJXa2NTSW9iOXZqNUFta2hGY3hmQ282MGFrSkxUOTlPMHZldWJyY0hwaHM5cHRFM3RZR295bjN6eDFfSXBrYXFWMVpRbm1vWVh5cVZYUVh4X2lXWENwc2pQVkxaTXBJZ2tvbHloQ1dTTVVGU1hGOGdFT1B1OGgwN3VEVUFVZlRvTndoYXNNd204PQ== |
1% of People? Insiders?
99.9% Loose , right ? | r/solana | post | r/solana | 2024-11-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UbGg5WGVIOXZ6akFuNVpnR2k4S3QwUTNHTmVuX3hsQU13QW5lOVdLU3FFR1hOcXA0WWxST0dySWRISnhic2g2S3c2VjAtWlJJVFFMandFRDJUeVVaU1pLLXRwVDA0aTZJRDIzdnh3S1JNam5rT2c9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UbGgtcDVwYXUyOWE0Z3JaQ1RQUUxPVGtpYUZyeWVMZHVIZkxGWnhYT3V5REVUUHlRc19zcGprNkZFenhhVTg0X1JSQTJmc01qeTFjYmNZalJnOHpIUzVNN1lKZm8wc0RUSFpzMjRDeEZRMDlpM0VFMWNHQ05lRHhyRVk4aHdpd3VXRm05YkVJNVFCbVJtQXhiMjB2RHQ5VTdLSEc0MlJ2YXlKMC14S1BvSUNsZ2JUYVhRbjltcU01b2prUy1vbTNoQ1Nu |
$pyrate is going to be one of the runner to 1billion market cap!!!! Organic growth with a strong community!!!
A true cult!!! | r/nftmarketplace | comment | r/NFTMarketplace | 2024-11-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UbGg5ZzNKOUpCaTVZSlRxQm5yU2VkenFJUlNweUVORGZtOGFyUDVuOGx1XzNITlpkV3c3ejFIczhUcnFobWRVSWVGN2gyQzNTT1RRTDNmbTlqVEVlY0hyeWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5UbGgtdndEUnY0WVZBT00yZWhiaEVBNTIwdHRVNVIxTER6ZTBTeWRwLTI5S2Z2bXByQ0ttTUxIVUROMHR3SlZyc3FSTVBQSlRPMmI4X3RlSUlkZmV6aEhZY052c3FiMlB5WVVjYVV0d1BZN25wMV9TTTh2Y054NnU2UFA0aGR4LVNPNThGWWZKclhkVk55aktjcDhUMlJzM1NlMUM1OXBwbzByOENYU0w3U19KZzUzNW1zZERhNkplTlVpMXRBMkJwemU4U19xcmI3TzRKbHdiekdSY3RNVlQzUmZkckJYbXNkTHpsYkY3T3ZOVnBpND0= |
$pyrate is going to be one of the runner to 1billion market cap!!!! Organic growth with a strong community!!!
A true cult!!! | r/nftmarketplace | comment | r/NFTMarketplace | 2024-11-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UbGg5eFJYTVk0YW5jRFZLS1h6bmtwUmRWWVI1a2I5Q3l3WmpKNGQwNHgtTXFLMVZZV2J0NTk2QmNDeEY4YzF4dEY3TWhkUm93dXFwcGRsNTEzQkpqNTNYdXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5UbGgtaGh6MGR6V2lYQ29rQnBWT3MzMFFGbDVpRER3S0xUUFBKd0htRjU2VURQMzR5MWlLeDBUWHpyNWstMlg1eHhaa0FZSDA2VVMtSldDd1hCOUVHeHdyc19IYV9sRmkzVExCck45TXVqWFEtaFVwWE9oVTVTb1JPMkV3cVpVYU9xbW1NSjUyaVZYUWxSemdIZXZzNGFFSi1jUURoMURmX1FfdGZudGZMYV9IaXMzejA4VXhSTF9sVVItSVpsMlg1YTMyLUFiSVhrM0xyLUQ5eFVkbmpLbTJZZm1idUtYT09tTXZLTGwwTDZqbEtpRT0= |
What needs to be built?
What needs to be improved upon?
What messages need to be spread?
| r/monero | post | r/Monero | 2024-11-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UbGg5VkpZTUFfWHRNRnU2ZUVDTi1UdTJmMnFWZzRuT2J4TTJZcUo4QmhxV2pjUzJVZHphWFRuQWlteEJrbEp5eFowbDhCRl94eWJLWGxqUnN4bEV1ZkpSYWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5UbGgtbW1DanVkM1pibTRfTDlzanBFY3Z3aTlQNWJIV0J4S0tZNDBWZHQzTzR0MnZDZ0lhUDBBTU91LXM5NTdhbk1jdFRteUV1TjlqVWdjUHkzd3ZyMnJ0SVBlTmFmRjN0TFhfbE5GSUdlZ0g1TFF4ODZXM3VtR2tuZ1JCWFB4Q3RCR1o5R01scVpVZ195RkxWclJnMDRnemVyZmhwcUN6X0VOYTI3N1d4QnRIWF9jRmotRm5TTnV2cnJxOWtfUzFJR011T0Z2NHZlSzdrUDZLem9IRy12aWhmdz09 |
Yeah I aped into $pyrate as it has so much potential utility with the refbot more on the way! Free advertising, I have faith that this coin is going to fly, it’s dirt cheap right now!
Ape in mate! | r/nftmarketplace | comment | r/NFTMarketplace | 2024-11-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UbGg5QjItWnVjNjZ0eHd2WXQtaDZyUDhxTmppYkdES1QxOEVJTzB0NWZjYVVLUXExN3pYUzVDNVFaLXdTbkltVndRMVc2ZFVmZUwwYWR4UGRVTUd1NU1DU3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5UbGgtb2hYb0pzWDFsR2tvaTNpRE5PeE1zOXE0V1ZqN3VPLWV3dHpNU2xIaXc4M185ZjNNQ2ExR2Y3QzB2cjZNSGgyeUtIRkdqd2VCOFVjemwtYjZKbkRRZUdBOGk4eE9sM24zUWJrWVNBOUxncUhMSEhwTGVUbTBPcWNDbHQxQWF4alJIUTJ6ZmZuQnNVWjUwVzdqYngwaWJFMW5UdEMyRWtIb0pHNUdWR01EeEVobm1INXNfTGhYTFZMaHFJSXJLa2VpV3laaUlPV3VNTzgzOV9FNU8wVFFaSWhicTd6MWRkaEtzUXZvUlZBeTVnRT0= |
Chairperson of the SEC, Gary Gensler, is set to resign January 20,2025. Known for his feuds against crypto and NFTs, perhaps in his absence, without the regulatory risk, we'll see a reignited Loopring-powered GameStop NFT Marketplace once more. Wishful thinking and time will tell. Personally, I'd love nothing more in the short-term for Loopring.
*The agency’s approach is likely to change under Trump, who became an ardent advocate for the crypto industry during his 2024 campaign. While Trump hasn’t yet named his nominee for SEC chair, rumored candidates include Robinhood chief legal officer Dan Gallager and former SEC commissioner Paul Atkins. At an event on Tuesday, current SEC commissioner and Republican Mark Uyeda waved off speculation that he would be tapped.* | r/loopringorg | post | r/loopringorg | 2024-11-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UbGg5dk5oRWRyVUJlUVhIS25wZDFibUlrZFp0M0lwVWxYaU9Fb1pnaVg3Z0VkQWUtdWt4bkNOTVRCMmFaMmZxQmRvMk5faVVaUlpnQWY0TGZNTUZWN01qSmd3WVNETjVPRHRRY3djQ0V5NnR6OE09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UbGgtLS05cll2aHRMT3BTTzY0ZF9VWkJhUnl4WXhfTXFQSnV0SmFLME5ldGF4ZmljWS1lWWVLX2FQd3diWXNVN0M1STkwUTNqZ0JhOTdwVmJQOTk0ZW5KVHlrbjQ3cFZoYnZxcmJHN3lLeWhQd2Jtak92YjhjRlZzdkFjcjZ6Z295MkRSUExfRVl0UlVlTS1yUFVDNlBVdGplckZKUzkxNTFuYk1Oa2hfcFlYX21qU3NWeHlyYVB0Tm5WeHRzUkJfVHJz |
My friends have just recently started talking about trading memecoins and some of them have made some serious money from it. They have all group chats and stuff but I just want to know where I can get started is there any good telegrams or gcs you guys can recommend that usually do good? | r/solana | post | r/solana | 2024-11-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UbGg5MThVaGluR0NRemVuemVpRV9Oa3ZrdHNKNVR0X3hfRENCS3BmZkhxT2V3TzRXUkZ0Q1VJcnVhX184QUhKNkEtVm95X3ViakhvRFVLbE1yS3RJZVl1dHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5UbGgtek1EQk5lTGZqeTl2VVNKdWg0RjBCUklSOEMyTzhJa0ZfSnlGMnRnc0JmTzZVWjBwb0J0a0ZtMUF4VFNkYmFoLTNxTnFueGI4ZV9hbEwyRnJPbGhMbl9hbC15OTBWWUtWVThiclhtdWd1dXlULVMxNkkzanNlUHFEbVBUeGpJUXpHLTRIZGhVOFVkZFE5eV9aTUpxbl9pSjQ1cFhGRVJTNVdKOXRCeDc2bWllMHZrNHFHNi1BMmZQMjJhb3dDeWtH |
r/cardano | post | r/cardano | 2024-11-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UbGg5dzJLdy03UGtKLU9fU0VtZVVDU09lcmFWTm5oNVliQnVXc190QTdjMjh0M001WnhpLUNidVVtUC0wbjJoaDYyVzFCaUloVHEwakw0dEVzTmpxUlRoajd0M2didHQwTXp1QmQ3ZTFOTEc5NjQ9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UbGgtdEs5LVJwMVlFS1ZYTm9rS1QtQXZRME5jUE1FWjJ0YWlMNTk0UzdSMnFtYXRmRXUxaHRLdEhxTDVNZ1BGeF85LWcxSU11TE82Z2o5Vk94TWluTkYxS2lTNXNIa3FMVzhBdTJBWFR2NXBFYS01LWNIeFozNUxGc3owLWRGbU5wS0Ytd3BJcGY0N3hTUF9HT3A0ZjRwZUdKLUJFNVBLX1FTWXVtNWhmN01icWRaSzFoMEFlY1oyTEduZGF0c29JZkE4VjQ2WHlySi1fcXlfU3VyTE12Nkd2QT09 |
I don’t know, I just wanted to post here because ever since reading articles about how the government is going to try and suppress monero or yunno, make people not wanna use it, ect, ect, or whatever the articles were actually on… (I couldn’t be asked to be 1000% accurate at this point but you get the jist)
…I’ve been seeing a lot more users commenting on monero posts here with shitty ass backwards mindsets, where they are essentially saying things like “No, this post sucks and is obsolete because you don’t know how to be 100% safe, so you shouldn’t take this measure” or whatever…
Or like “Um actually there’s no point because there is still the intel management engine (IME) that you haven’t disabled, so the government can still back door you, making this completely pointless and you should stop your efforts”
I don’t know, like cool. I get your concern, but you’re going about it wrong, state your concern and recommend a solution for people to implement…
Telling people to stop trying just because they don’t know something you know;
And even gatekeeping information because you think people don’t deserve to learn or further their knowledge is sooo ass backwards..
It just SCREAMS “Hey, 🤗 I’m a federal agent, and I’m doing my part to draw people away from monero.”
Anybody think this too? Or is it just me?
If it’s just me let me know, 🤷♂️ curious. | r/monero | post | r/Monero | 2024-11-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UbGg5VVZzXzU5dm91Zmticmw1SFM3QjVXNzBwbnZZVlJMbXAwN0Y2ekMwcENXd1YyekJ3djZsYnFFVDNyZ2lMb25DRi1IOVRUVjN5LXgyV1NwZlRRUVNsZTdjdU1oUmtXdm9ReWJaaTRxWU0wSmc9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UbGgtWXZJT2paeW9ZSW5MZ2xUcDBNNnVMdnMtYVZWeHByam8zSmx0czZaYTdqS0tkOWM4bGJVZjNzNFRqcXFmMDZsdTJKVm41elpMeVlpb3k5VUN2UU80Z2NESUZKMmRyWUFGdlktNldaa29JTVZSc3lTbUtOSWtqY2I5Q0c1SXV6VmNTUkRUdlBVbE1iNDRvUDZmMU1LRDNhR3NSX0xFY21kdzBjaXk4R3JrbnlyTjhEZlJuZ0QyRFR2VmJNcWtSUXRE |
Does anyone feel like the current team hides behind moody brain pics? The last video call I saw was all cartoon images. Not super professional
Feel like it would be huge step forward if they came up with in person interviews with a current member of the team. Preferably CEO. Even just a personality hire. Easy tutorial videos or interviews with....anyone.
Project could definitely benefit from this. Someone putting their face behind the brand. Build trust and accountability again. | r/loopringorg | post | r/loopringorg | 2024-11-22 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UbGg5S2d0QUE4YkxOVDl5Vk5mSkxYdFlzdVc1anF4dmNaMDl5ZzRyWTZFMzhGMGQza1cyQWxCcHBKUHlWbnBoUzJGMVNYUXFBaFJJU19ZbTlmVUZ6MWd6eVlkSDNRcnJjN0pmeUd4bzhrR1p0VFk9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UbGgtbTJLMXc0dENNMWtWYVJiSDk0cW1Ka0hOMzZ2QWdXRXBlNmJISVo0WjczQk1YcUh3aXdNT0RiaDB6OFJId2RYamdTWkZVanhqaDV5ZkRfNmlvcDRSUUlIU09BbzlYdEdMZlB3VDZoT2pjVUVSTDJyZG9VSWg3R1BXVnlaQWV6YTNxWGJzZml5UFY5SldvRzhOZDhuUHBmSGhGU2w0VHYyRk8zOTlVOUU4RUw1dWhYQ2xwWXB1LUtxN2E5T0pwdVhj |
Meet Walter, the little microphone with a big personality! Walter would like to let everyone know that his go-to karaoke songs are “My Heart Will Go On” and “All By Myself” by [u/celinedion](https://www.instagram.com/celinedion/)! He’s currently on vocal rest and may audition for [@nbcthevoice](https://www.instagram.com/nbcthevoice/) later this year.
[https://opensea.io/assets/ethereum/0x495f947276749ce646f68ac8c248420045cb7b5e/44354245940576945474375552443396844257077059924709476472834765789247150489601](https://opensea.io/assets/ethereum/0x495f947276749ce646f68ac8c248420045cb7b5e/44354245940576945474375552443396844257077059924709476472834765789247150489601) | r/nftsmarketplace | post | r/NFTsMarketplace | 2024-11-22 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UbGg5NjYzeDdidmRiRmlFak1qVWsxUERIOUJNd0diaFVEWEhLbmdpMHNWb3pWMTUtU05JYkVkbVlEaGtUajBYTThxMlE3YVd0V1p5b0ZsX0FZc09aUVI4OEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5UbGgtU2ZtUVdpV0hWNEVXZU5JeXpFanNDM1psbTBzTi1pYjVNMzNpY01vaUFZNGQ2VjUyR3RFal9MWURwaE9XeWZSYUdqZW5wQ1FVTFZFa0ZJT0VzRkUteUFHbE51T090aWVxTnRoR01Fdkd3SUhSWmRyRm9hcll0QktTUGhRSHdpLUJrak5lY1RtaHBTWURiRlV1TmVYTWRrWHI2UTJCQ21CSmZCdTdCS2ozYVd1RWNOZm05b0Q4MlVXZXJkeEE1Snp6 |
Hello r/CryptoCurrency
I want toget into the crypto space (yes, partly because of all the hype) mostly because I've been thinking about it for a long time. I'm not trying to time the market clearly as BTC is reaching an ATH.
I understand that the crypto space is very different from the traditional stock market, so I look at this as a risk-seeking investment.
I'm not trying to get rich quick, but I do want to experiencing buying some crypto.
So my question to you is that if you had 5k USD to buy a few different coins, what would you buy?
Edit: Wow! This is my first time interacting with this community and I must say thank you to everyone! I did not expect this sort of response. Looks like I have a lot to learn, so the 5k stays put and I learn all about how to acquire and setup a hardware wallet, along with DCA (had to google that!). This community is pretty cool :) | r/cryptocurrency | post | r/CryptoCurrency | 2024-11-22 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UbGg5QmF6WDJ6U3RqZ0VTaHJ3cDZ3MWdMUklqbU5YYU9RNVpEWXBkLTEwNEtpVTRBWHkwUmctYUJic1RqWXpYcnMwZjJha05tckFkMjBoRUluWnMxenRaWEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5UbGgtdjI0anM3R1NKQzY4cHM5YWY5UjZjbFNKczVvTDFWMVVpcGNfQW9IcVZBVlhsMnRQcVF5c0FvYS1HdUZyakpUby1jU04xdk1mU09Jd3RWNGJMSzFUbERwTkdlYkstSHgxVTJ0dFF3ZGNtVTNGY0l3dVdxOWxBazZCTmRkOGhENEdnUmZIS2RKZ29lU0tEV1RtSHhqRHc1dHdONm40cnl2RC1sano2eFlnZkQxVHRuVjhvX3Y3SElRT25wQXc3bmlsVzY2cm5DMF9Wa1dsM2VvWkdOWGVWdz09 |
I realise I fucked up by not transferring my Monero off Binance earlier in the year but just wondering if anyone knows what would have happened to it on Binance..? There's nothing in my wallet and it wasn't automatically converted to USDT or anything else... did it just get removed? Should I just move on with my life? | r/monero | post | r/Monero | 2024-11-22 | Z0FBQUFBQm5UbGg5WUZVRlkzZF9LSjFjb3NMaDBSeHN2TWg1dkpOMWZfWnZOdmpDallwT2QtcGY1elNIZTJzN1RxSk9RV0FPNDIxOVNEZ2pfZ0YwdkFXMGdhS1B6Q0k0Z2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5UbGgtQUk0NFlkbmFLa3I1MTN6SXZvalNXNVRMa2FxUl8wZExfVjh1Y01CdnFqWEhZN3hUTUJ0ZlBMNUdSRnFVOGMwNmNBSnZUZWJ2YmdOVFJiWFR5QUQ0WlBkYXdBMEc4NG9RWDlZd2ZyUWR5VzlXdnU2VjBwWVFuN3pXbURfMWtGaUtoRXY5dWxQNFVrRzVlRkxtbzFucGVwendOUzRiLU5qbXhHMjRUcFdHMHc0PQ== |
Subsets and Splits