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Rectal mucosa Rectum
Rectal circular muscle Terminal branches
(superior rectal veins)
Longitudinal muscle
Submucosal venous plexus
Levator ani
Ischio-anal fat
Anal column
External anal sphincter
Anal valve
Conjoint longitudinal coat
Dentate line
Inferior rectal vein
Anal gland
Internal anal sphincter Perineal skin
Fibromuscular septum
Anal verge Intersphincteric groove
Lower anal mucosa
B Tip of coccyx
Terminal branches
(superior rectal veins)
Anococcygeal raphe
Anorectal junction Attachment to anococcygeal
Longitudinal muscle
Inferior rectal vein
Attachment to transverse
perineal muscles Posterior external anal sphincter
Decussating fibres of upper
external anal sphincter
External anal sphincter
Fig. 66.44 A, A coronal section through the anal canal; glandular and vascular structures are shown unilaterally for clarity. B, A sagittal section through
the anal canal; the anal canal is angled posteriorly and so anterior sphincteric structures appear to be lower than posterior structures. The glandular,
vascular and fibromuscular structures have been omitted for clarity.
is lined by hairbearing keratinizing, stratified squamous epithelium, The welldefined muscularis mucosae of the rectum continues into
which is continuous with the perianal skin. Dilated veins in the sub the upper canal. Some fibres from the conjoint longitudinal muscle of
epithelial tissue below the dentate line contribute to an external haem the anal canal traverse the internal anal sphincter and turn cranially to
orrhoidal venous plexus (see Fig. 66.44); this can be seen on clinical merge with the muscularis mucosae, forming the submucosal muscle
examination as a circumferential ring at the anal margin if the subject of the anal canal (also called the musculus submucosae ani, or muscu
is asked to bear down. lus canalis ani, or Treitz’s muscle). Attachments of the longitudinal
The junction between the columnar epithelium above and the squa fibres to the submucosal muscle of the anal canal are particularly dense
mous epithelium below is referred to as the anal transition zone (ATZ). at the dentate line (the mucosal suspensory ligament (of Parks)),
It is variable in length and position but often extends about 1 cm causing the mucosa to be tethered more firmly at this level and approxi
proximal to the dentate line (Fenger 1987). Nerve endings, including mately marking the watershed between the portal and systemic venous
thermoreceptors, exist in the submucosa around the upper anal transi drainage of the haemorrhoidal plexuses. The attachments of fibres from
tion zone; they probably play a role in continence by providing a the longitudinal muscle layer, the muscularis mucosae of the anal canal,
highly specialized ‘sampling’ mechanism to identify the contents of the also create ‘spaces’ within the submucosa: a proximal submucous space,
lower rectum when the upper anal canal relaxes (Duthie and Gairns a marginal space extending from the dentate line to the intersphincteric
1960). groove, and a perianal space distally. | 1,596 | Gray's Anatomy | temp.pdf | https://archive.org/download/GraysAnatomy41E2015PDF/Grays%20Anatomy-41%20E%20%282015%29%20%5BPDF%5D.pdf | PDFPlumberTextLoader |
Anal canal
Fig. 66.45 A, A mid-coronal MRI endocoil image of
the anal canal. B, An anterior coronal MRI endocoil
section in a woman showing the transverse perineii
(TP) joining the external anal sphincter anteriorly
(between arrows). Other abbreviations: EAS,
external anal sphincter; IAS, internal anal sphincter;
PR, puborectalis.
Internal anal sphincter
The internal anal sphincter is the specialized, white, thickened terminal
part of the inner circular muscle of the large intestine. It is thicker in
males and in patients with chronic constipation. The muscle fibre
arrangement is not truly circular, but rather a tight spiral that shortens
COIL and widens with relaxation. It commences at the anorectal junction and
ends above the anal verge; its lower border is palpable at the inter
PR sphincteric groove, which corresponds to the proximal limit of the
subcutaneous part of the external anal sphincter. It is traversed by
fibres passing medially from the conjoint longitudinal muscle into the
Ias submucosa.
At rest, it is tonically contracted but it relaxes as a consequence of
Tp reflex activity, predominantly during defecation. Transient relaxation of
the upper internal anal sphincter occurs in response to rectal distension
Cs Eas (the rectoanal inhibitory reflex) and postprandial rectal contractions
(the sampling reflex). Relaxation allows the passage of distal rectal
5 cm Bs contents into the upper anal canal, enabling a conscious or subcon
scious perception of their physical nature; this is accompanied by sus
tained contraction of the distal internal anal sphincter and contraction
of the external anal sphincter to maintain continence. The rectoanal
inhibitory reflex is primarily mediated by the enteric nervous system,
although spinal pathways may have a modulatory role. It is absent in
Fig. 66.46 An MRI endocoil mid-sagittal view of the anal canal in a man. patients with Hirschsprung’s disease.
Abbreviations: Bs, bulbospongiosus; Cs, corpus spongiosum; Eas,
external anal sphincter; Ias, internal anal sphincter; Lm, longitudinal Vascular supply and innervation
muscle; PR, puborectalis; Tp, transverse perineii. The internal anal sphincter is supplied by terminal branches of the
superior and inferior rectal vessels, and innervated extrinsically by auto
nomic nerves. Sympathetic fibres originate in the upper two lumbar
spinal segments, and parasympathetic fibres originate in the second to
fourth sacral spinal segments, both being distributed via the inferior
hypogastric plexus. Stimulation of cholinergic muscarinic receptors
(parasympathetic) causes internal anal sphincter relaxation and
longitudinal anal muscle contraction, while αadrenergic receptor stim
ulation (sympathetic) causes contraction of both the internal anal
sphincter and longitudinal muscle. Activation of nitrergic nerves also
mediates internal anal sphincter relaxation and is the rationale for using
topical nitroglycerine and other drugs that promote nitric oxide release
in the treatment of pathological conditions associated with increased
resting anal tone.
Conjoint longitudinal muscle
The conjoint longitudinal muscle of the anal canal is a direct continu
ation of the outer longitudinal smooth muscle of the rectum, descend
Fig. 66.47 The endoscopic appearance of the anorectal junction viewed ing between internal and external anal sphincters, and augmented in
internally from above. The endoscope is visible in the upper left corner of its upper part by striated muscle fibres from the medial aspect of levator
the image. ani (Lunniss and Phillips 1992). The muscle is particularly prominent
in the fetus, where it is actually thicker than the internal anal sphincter.
With advancing age, there is gradual replacement of muscle by connec
MUSCLES OF THE ANAL CANAL tive tissue, such that the layer becomes thin in the elderly and few
muscle fibres are seen in its distal part. As it passes down the anal canal,
The anal canal is surrounded by internal and external anal sphincters, muscle fibres peel off in three directions: internally, through the internal
separated by the conjoint longitudinal muscle layer, the whole arrange anal sphincter to reach the anal submucosa; inferiorly, through the
ment being referred to as the anal sphincter complex (Figs 66.48– striated muscle of the lower subcutaneous part of the external anal
66.49) (AlAli et al 2009). The anatomy of this region has been clarified sphincter to insert into the perianal skin (some of these fibres encircling
in recent years using endoanal sonography and MRI. the anal orifice); and outwards, through the upper part of the external | 1,597 | Gray's Anatomy | temp.pdf | https://archive.org/download/GraysAnatomy41E2015PDF/Grays%20Anatomy-41%20E%20%282015%29%20%5BPDF%5D.pdf | PDFPlumberTextLoader |
PPPRRR llaass
Fig. 66.48 A–C, Axial views of the anal canal at three levels on endoanal ultrasound in a woman. The endoanal ultrasound probe is the central black
structure. A, The upper anal canal. The ‘U’ shape of puborectalis is visible. B, The middle anal canal. The external anal sphincter is now a complete
ring anteriorly (arrowhead). C, The lower anal canal. Below the termination of the internal anal sphincter, the longitudinal layer extends through the
subcutaneous external anal sphincter (between arrowheads). D–F, An MRI of the anal canal. D, At upper anal canal level, the sling of puborectalis
extends anteriorly to the pubic bones. E, At mid anal canal level, the transverse perineii fuse into the external anal sphincter anteriorly. The superficial
(middle) external anal sphincter is attached either side of the anococcygeal ligament. F, The low anal canal level, below the internal anal sphincter. G, A
key for levels of the anal canal. Abbreviations: Acl, anococcygeal ligament; Eas, external anal sphincter; Ias, internal anal sphincter; Lm, longitudinal
muscle; PR, puborectalis; S, subepithelial tissues; ScEas, subcutaneous (lower) part of the external anal sphincter; SpEas, superficial (middle) external
anal sphincter; Tp, transverse perineii; Ur, urethra; Vag, vagina.
anal sphincter (see Fig. 66.44). The lowermost fibres create a honey 1984) and is central to the development of haemorrhoids. Its exten
comb arrangement in the subcutaneous fat and separate a superficial sions provide pathways for the spread and containment of infection.
perianal space from the deeper ischioanal fossa. Additional ramifica
External anal sphincter
tions of this muscle beyond the external anal sphincter have been
described, emphasizing its central role in anorectal stability (Courtney The external anal sphincter forms the bulk of the anal sphincter
1950). complex. It is an oval tube of striated muscle composed mostly of
The conjoint longitudinal muscle is innervated by autonomic nerves type I slow twitch muscle fibres adapted for prolonged contraction. The
that share their origin with those supplying the internal anal sphincter length and thickness of the external anal sphincter is less in females
(see above). Its contraction during defecation shortens and widens the (Rociu et al 2000). The historical concept of the muscle having three
anal canal, and everts the anal orifice. Degeneration of the muscle and parts (deep, superficial and subcutaneous) is no longer valid, but upper
its gradual replacement by connective tissue occurs with age (Haas et al (deep) and lower (superficial or subcutaneous) parts are described by | 1,598 | Gray's Anatomy | temp.pdf | https://archive.org/download/GraysAnatomy41E2015PDF/Grays%20Anatomy-41%20E%20%282015%29%20%5BPDF%5D.pdf | PDFPlumberTextLoader |
Anal canal
Levator ani
Superficial transverse
longitudinal perineal muscle
External anal sphincter
(lower part)
External anal
(upper part)
Internal anal
longitudinal Anal orifice
External anal
* (lower part)
Fig. 66.50 A dissection of the male external anal sphincter in a fresh
cadaver, viewed from below. (Courtesy of Dr Robert P Myers.)
Fig. 66.49 A transilluminated 2.5 mm thick coronal section of a male
pelvis processed for epoxy resin E12 sheet plastination, showing the
entire length of the anal canal and its muscular layers: namely, the
external anal sphincter, conjoint longitudinal muscle and internal anal entered surgically to provide access in a variety of operations (e.g. inter
sphincter. Note the continuity of the external anal sphincter with levator sphincteric excision of the rectum and intersphincteric approaches to
ani superiorly, consisting of two parts: the upper part and the lower part. fistulae). Within the space lie the intersphincteric anal glands, the
The upper part of the conjoint longitudinal muscle is continuous with the source of most anal fistulae (Parks 1961). There is an average of twelve
longitudinal muscular layer of the rectum and, inferiorly, its fibres traverse intersphincteric anal glands within the adult anal canal, evenly distrib
the lower part of the external anal sphincter to blend with or form uted around the circumference. Their function is unknown, but they
fibro-fatty, honeycomb-like compartments around the perianal region secrete mucin (different in composition from that secreted by rectal
(asterisks). The internal anal sphincter ends above the lower part of the mucosa) and they communicate with the anal lumen via ducts (lined
external anal sphincter. (Courtesy of Dr Saad Al-Ali, with permission from by epithelium similar to that of the anal transition zone), which cross
Al-Ali S, Blyth P, Beatty S, Duang A, Parry B, Bissett IP. (2009)
the internal anal sphincter to open at the level of the anal valves imme
Correlation between gross anatomical topography, sectional sheet
diately above the dentate line (SeowChoen and Ho 1994). Retrograde
plastination, microscopic anatomy and endoanal sonography of the anal
passage of bacteria from the anal canal to the gland is understood
sphincter complex in human males. J. Anat. 215; 212–220.)
to cause infection; inflammatory occlusion of the duct prevents spon
taneous drainage back into the lumen of the anal canal. Sepsis may
then spread along a variety of routes to cause abscesses and fistulae
some authors. The upper part surrounds the internal anal sphincter
within various spaces (Parks et al 1976).
while the lowermost part encircles the anal canal inferior to the internal
anal sphincter (Fritsch et al 2002, AlAli et al 2009).
The upper part of the external anal sphincter is attached to the ano
coccygeal ligament posteriorly and to the perineal body anteriorly;
some muscle fibres on each side of the sphincter decussate to form a
commissure in the anterior and posterior midline. The uppermost fibres
blend with the lower medial fibres of puborectalis and attach to the
anococcygeal raphe posteriorly and the transverse perineal muscles The anal canal is supplied by terminal branches of the superior rectal
anteriorly. The lower part of the external anal sphincter extends below artery and the inferior rectal branch of the internal pudendal artery,
the internal anal sphincter and is traversed by the terminal fibres of the together with a small contribution from the median sacral artery. The
conjoint longitudinal muscle (see above). Anteriorly, it is attached to arterial supply to the epithelium of the lower anal canal in the
bulbospongiosus and bulbocavernosus (Fig. 66.50) (Shafik et al 2007). midline, particularly posteriorly, is relatively deficient (Klosterhalfen
Like the levator ani and internal anal sphincter, the external anal et al 1989); this is further diminished if the internal anal sphincter is
sphincter is tonically contracted at rest (the postural reflex). hypertonic (Schouten et al 1996). The epithelium is more firmly teth
ered to underlying structures in the midline, which may also be a
Vascular supply and innervation focal point of pressure in the anal canal. Collectively, these factors are
The external anal sphincter is supplied by the inferior rectal vessels, with thought to predispose to the occurrence of acute and chronic anal fis
a small contribution from the median sacral artery. It is innervated sures, which are most commonly found in the midline, especially
bilaterally by the inferior rectal branch of the pudendal nerve (contain posteriorly.
ing contributions from the second, third and fourth sacral spinal
nerves). The pudendal nerve also carries afferent fibres from the lining
of the anal canal and perianal skin. The upper external anal sphincter The venous drainage of the anal canal parallels the arterial supply. The
may also receive motor fibres from the nerve to levator ani (ventral rami upper canal is drained predominantly by the superior rectal veins, tribu
of predominantly the third and fourth sacral spinal nerves). taries of the inferior mesenteric vein and the portomesenteric venous
system; some blood returns to the internal iliac veins via the middle
Intersphincteric space and anal glands rectal veins. The lower part of the anal canal, including the external
The intersphincteric ‘space’ is a potential space between the conjoint haemorrhoidal venous plexus, drains via the inferior rectal branches of
longitudinal muscle layer and the external anal sphincter. It can be the internal pudendal vein into the internal iliac vein. | 1,599 | Gray's Anatomy | temp.pdf | https://archive.org/download/GraysAnatomy41E2015PDF/Grays%20Anatomy-41%20E%20%282015%29%20%5BPDF%5D.pdf | PDFPlumberTextLoader |
Haemorrhoids and the external anal sphincter, which are tonically contracted at rest,
Haemorrhoids develop when the supporting connective tissues of the can be further contracted voluntarily to move stool back up from the
anal cushions degenerate, causing downward displacement of the cush distal rectum. If the defecatory urge is associated with a conscious
ions and abnormal venous dilation (Lohsiriwat 2012). They are associ decision to evacuate, distal progression of colonic highamplitude
ated with laxity of the anal canal submucosa and enlargement of the propagating complexes, rectal contractions, raised intraabdominal
terminal branches of the superior rectal artery supplying the anal pressure from voluntary straining (the efficiency of which is influ
cushions. enced by posture), relaxation of pubor ectalis (which straightens the
anorectal angle) and the anal sphincters all combine to enable defeca
Lymphatic drainage tion. Relaxation of the internal anal sphincter is a reflex response to
Lymph from the upper anal canal drains cranially into the submucosal rectal distension, whereas relaxation of the external anal sphincter is
and intramural lymphatics of the rectum. Lymphatics around puborec voluntary. During defecation, contraction of the conjoint longitudinal
talis drain to internal iliac lymph nodes. Lymph from the lower anal muscle shortens and opens the anal canal and flattens the anal cush
canal and external sphincter drains to inguinal lymph nodes. This ions. Both rectal and a variable quantity of colonic contents are evacu
pattern of drainage is particularly important when considering lym ated. After defecation, the external anal sphincter contracts (the
phatic spread of malignant tumours from the lower rectum and anal closing reflex), the internal anal sphincter gradually recovers its resting
canal. Blockage of lymph drainage along normal routes can lead to tone, and the postural reflex is reactivated. The conjoint longitudinal
unusual patterns of dissemination. muscle relaxes, permitting the anal canal to elongate and the anal
cushions to reexpand.
Problems with defecation may result from impaired colonic transit
DEFECATION or from a variety of functional or mechanical rectal disorders (Lunniss
et al 2009). Functional causes include inadequate or ineffective expul
Defecation is the act of voiding stool from the anus and involves the sive effort, paradoxical contraction of the pelvic floor and external anal
coordinated function of the colon and rectum, pelvic floor and anal sphincter (dyssynergia), and lack of normal sensation (rectal hyposen
sphincter. It is influenced by multiple factors, including colonic transit, sitivity). Mechanical causes include impedance to evacuation when
stool volume and consistency, posture, age, gender, psychology and straining (rectal intussusception, obstructing masses or anal stenosis),
behaviour, culture and lifestyle (Palit et al 2012). Social behaviour misdirection of force vectors during straining (rectocele), or dissipation
entrains defecation to occur at a time of convenience rather than of evacuatory forces (ballooning perineum).
simply in response to a defecatory urge. The urge to defecate is pre
ceded by highamplitude propagated contractions in the colon, which Anal continence and incontinence
result in the antegrade propulsion of intraluminal contents to the As long as anal pressure exceeds rectal pressure, faecal continence will
rectum; these contractions increase in frequency and intensity just be maintained. Anal resting tone is derived mainly from sympatheti
before expulsion. The response to rectal filling involves intact rectal cally mediated tonic contraction of the internal anal sphincter, aug
afferent nerves, reflex rectal contractions and normal rectal wall bio mented by contraction of the external anal sphincter. The anal cushions
mechanics. The rectum acts as a reservoir and is able to relax to contribute by providing an effective seal. Anal continence involves
accommodate faecal material and gas (adaptive relaxation). Periodic central, spinal and peripheral pathways, somatic, autonomic and enteric
sampling within the upper anal canal helps to determine the nature of nerves, intact sacral sensorimotor reflexes, and structurally and func
the rectal content. If the defecatory urge is inconvenient, puborectalis tionally intact smooth and striated musculature.
Intestinal glands
Columnar absorptive cell (crypts) Mucosa
Neuroendocrine cell
and adjacent capillary
Part of
Lymphoid follicle
Goblet cell
Fig. 66.51 The microstructure of the colonic wall and its epithelial cells. Note the aggregations of lymphocytes (blue) and undifferentiated epithelial cells
(white). | 1,600 | Gray's Anatomy | temp.pdf | https://archive.org/download/GraysAnatomy41E2015PDF/Grays%20Anatomy-41%20E%20%282015%29%20%5BPDF%5D.pdf | PDFPlumberTextLoader |
Key references
Sphincteric causes of faecal incontinence may be structural (disrup
tion or atrophy of part of the sphincter musculature) or neuropathic
(damage to the nerve supply to the sphincters), or a combination of
both. The most common causes of sphincter disruption are obstetric
injury, anal surgery (for haemorrhoids, fistula or fissure) and trauma. Available with the Gray’s Anatomy e-book
Pudendal neuropathy is most commonly associated with childbirth
(prolonged second stage) and chronic straining. The layers of tissue in the large intestinal wall (Fig. 66.51) resemble
Although the anus constitutes the final barrier to faecal inconti those in the small intestine (Ch. 65), except that villi and circular folds
nence, suprasphincteric factors are also essential in maintaining faecal are absent and the glands (crypts) are longer.
continence, particularly the rate at which the stool is delivered to the
rectum, rectal sensation and compliance, and adaptive relaxation. Thus,
even in the presence of structurally and functionally intact sphincter
mechanisms, faecal incontinence may occur: for instance, in diarrhoeal
states or conditions where there is loss of rectal reservoir function (Scott
Bonus e-book image
and Lunniss 2007). Conversely, chronic rectal distension with retained
faeces may result in passive (overflow) leakage, possibly as a result of a
chronically relaxed internal anal sphincter consequent on a persistently
activated rectoanal inhibitory reflex, together with blunted rectal sensa Fig. 66.29 A CT scan (coronal reformat) showing both right colonic
tion causing diminished conscious contraction of the external anal and sigmoid diverticulosis.
Brookes SJ, Dinning PG, Gladman MA 2009 Neuroanatomy and physiology Lunniss PJ, Gladman MA, Benninga MA et al 2009 Pathophysiology of
of colorectal function and defaecation: from basic science to human evacuation disorders. Neurogastroenterol Motil 21:31–40.
clinical studies. Neurogastroenterol Motil 21: 9–19. A review of the spectrum and classification of rectal evacuatory disorders.
A contemporary review of the neuroanatomy and physiology of colorectal
Palit S, Lunniss PJ, Scott SM 2012 The physiology of human defecation. Dig
motor function.
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Fenlon HM 2002 Virtual colonoscopy. Br J Surg 89:1–3. A detailed review of contemporary understanding of the normal physiology
A description and review of the use of multislice CT to image the colon. of defecation.
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processes. glands and cryptoglandular sepsis.
Heald RJ, Husband EM, Ryall RDH 1982 The mesorectum in rectal cancer Scott SM, Lunniss PJ 2007 Risk factors in faecal incontinence In: Ratto C,
surgery: the clue to pelvic recurrence? Br J Surg 69:613–16. Doglietto GB (eds) Fecal Incontinence. Diagnosis and Treatment.
The original description of the mesorectal plane and its relevance to the London: Springer, pp. 43–66.
surgical excision of rectal tumours. A review of both congenital and acquired risk factors in faecal incontinence
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Large intestine
Mucosa Lamina propria
The lamina propria is composed of connective tissue that supports the
The mucosa is pale, smooth and, in the colon, raised into numerous epithelium, forming a specialized pericryptal myofibroblast sheath
crescentshaped folds between the sacculi. It is thicker, darker, more around each intestinal gland. Solitary lymphoid follicles within the
vascular, and more loosely attached to the submucosa in the rectum. lamina propria, similar to those of the small intestine, are most abun
dant in the caecum, appendix and rectum, but are also present scattered
along the rest of the large intestine; efferent lymphatic vessels originate
The luminal surface of all but the anorectal junction is lined by colum within them. Lymphatic vessels are absent from the intercryptal lamina
nar cells, mucous (goblet) cells and occasional microfold (M) cells that propria.
are restricted to the epithelium overlying lymphoid follicles.
Muscularis mucosae
Columnar (absorptive) cells Columnar (absorptive) cells are the The muscularis mucosae of the large intestine is essentially similar to
most numerous of the epithelial cell types. Although there is some that of the small intestine.
variation in their structure, they all bear apical microvilli which are
shorter and less regular than those on enterocytes in the small intestine. Submucosa
Typical junctional complexes around their apices limit extracellular
diffusion from the lumen across the intestine wall. The submucosa of the large intestine is similar to that of the small
Mucous (goblet) cells Mucous cells have a similar structure to
those of the small intestine but they are more numerous. They are Muscularis externa
outnumbered by absorptive cells for most of the length of the colon
but they are equally frequent towards the rectum, where their numbers
The muscularis externa has outer longitudinal and inner circular layers
of smooth muscle. The longitudinal fibres form a continuous layer that
is aggregated into macroscopically visible longitudinal bands or taeniae
Microfold (M) cells Microfold cells are similar to those of the small
coli (see Figs 66.3 and 66.13). Between the taeniae coli, the longitudinal
layer is much thinner, less than half the thickness of the circular layer.
intestinal glands (crypts) The circular fibres constitute a thin layer over the caecum and colon,
and a thicker layer in the walls of the rectum; they form the internal
Intestinal crypts are narrow, perpendicular tubular glands that are
anal sphincter in the anal canal. Interchange of fascicles between circu
longer, more numerous and closer together than those of the small
lar and longitudinal layers occurs, especially near the taeniae coli.
intestine. Their orifices lend a cribriform appearance to the mucosa in
Deviation of longitudinal fibres from the taeniae coli to the circular
surface view. The glands are lined by low columnar epithelial cells,
layer may, in some instances, explain the haustrations of the colon.
mainly goblet cells, augmented by columnar absorptive cells and
neuroendocrine cells. The latter are situated mainly at the bases of
the glands, and secrete basally into the lamina propria. In general, the
glands lack Paneth cells but some may be present in the caecum. Stem
cells located at or near the bases of the intestinal glands (crypts) are the The serosa or visceral peritoneum is variable in extent. Small, fatfilled
source of the other epithelial cell types in the large intestine. They appendices epiploicae are most numerous on the sigmoid and trans
provide cells that migrate towards the luminal surface of the intestine; verse colon but generally absent from the rectum.
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Int Urogynecol J Pelvic Floor Dysfunct 18:851–6. 1564–71. | 1,604 | Gray's Anatomy | temp.pdf | https://archive.org/download/GraysAnatomy41E2015PDF/Grays%20Anatomy-41%20E%20%282015%29%20%5BPDF%5D.pdf | PDFPlumberTextLoader |
SUBSECTION: Abdominal viscera
The liver is the largest of the abdominal viscera, occupying a substantial of proteins and clotting factors; the metabolism of amino acids; and
portion of the upper abdominal cavity. It occupies most of the right bile production. It is involved in a plethora of other biochemical reac-
hypochondrium and epigastrium, and frequently extends into the left tions. Since the majority of these processes are exothermic, a substantial
hypochondrium as far as the left anterior axillary line (Fig. 67.1). As part of the thermal energy production of the body, especially at rest, is
the body grows from infancy to adulthood, the liver rapidly increases provided by the liver. The liver is populated by phagocytic macrophages,
in size. This period of growth reaches a plateau around 18 years and is components of the mononuclear phagocyte system capable of remov-
followed by a gradual decrease in liver weight from middle age. The ing particulates from the blood stream. It is an important site of hae-
ratio of liver to body weight decreases with growth from infancy to mopoiesis in the fetus.
adulthood. The liver weight is 4–5% of body weight in infancy and An account of the more common eponyms relating to the anatomy
decreases to approximately 2% in adulthood. The size of the liver also and surgery of the liver is provided in Stringer (2009).
varies according to sex, being smaller in females, and body size, enlarg-
ing with fat deposition. It has an overall wedge shape, which is, in part,
determined by the form of the upper abdominal cavity into which it SURFACES OF THE LIVER
grows. The narrow end of the wedge lies towards the left hypochon-
drium, and the anterior edge points anteriorly and inferiorly. The supe- The liver is usually described as having superior, anterior, right, poste-
rior and right lateral aspects are shaped by the anterolateral abdominal rior and inferior surfaces, and has a distinct inferior border (Figs 67.2–
and chest wall, as well as the diaphragm. The inferior aspect is shaped 67.3). However, the superior, anterior and right surfaces are continuous
by the adjacent viscera. The capsule is no longer thought to play an and no definable borders separate them. It is more appropriate to group
important part in maintaining the shape of the liver; it is notable that them as the diaphragmatic surface, which is mostly separated from the
it allows expansion when the liver hypertrophies in response to disease, inferior, or visceral, surface by a narrow inferior border. At the infraster-
surgical resection or contra lateral embolization of the portal vein or nal angle, the inferior border is adjacent to the anterior abdominal wall
hepatic artery. and accessible to examination by percussion, but not usually palpable,
Throughout life, the liver is reddish brown in colour, although this except on deep inspiration. In the midline, the inferior border of the
can vary, depending on the fat content. Obesity is the most common liver is near the transpyloric plane. In women and children, the border
cause of excess fat in the liver (steatosis); the liver assumes a more yel- often projects a little below the right costal margin.
lowish tinge as its fat content increases and gains a bluish tinge with
venous obstruction. The texture of the organ is usually soft to firm, Superior surface The superior surface is the largest and lies imme-
although it depends partly on the volume of blood it contains and on diately below the diaphragm, separated from it by peritoneum, except
its fat and fibrous tissue content. for a small triangular area where the two layers of the falciform ligament
The liver performs a wide range of metabolic activities required for diverge. The majority of the superior surface lies beneath the right
homeostasis, nutrition and immune defence. For example, it is impor- dome, but there is a shallow cardiac impression centrally that corre-
tant in the removal and breakdown of toxic, or potentially toxic, materi- sponds to the position of the heart above the central tendon of the
als from the blood; the regulation of blood glucose and lipids; the diaphragm. The left side of the superior surface lies beneath part of the
storage of certain vitamins, iron and other micronutrients; the synthesis left dome of the diaphragm.
Stomach (fundus)
Inferior vena cava
Right cupola of diaphragm
Right crus of
Right suprarenal gland
Right kidney
Hepatic flexure
1160 Fig. 67.1 The ‘bed’ of the liver. The outline of the liver is shaded green. The central bare area is unshaded. | 1,605 | Gray's Anatomy | temp.pdf | https://archive.org/download/GraysAnatomy41E2015PDF/Grays%20Anatomy-41%20E%20%282015%29%20%5BPDF%5D.pdf | PDFPlumberTextLoader |
Inferior vena cava
Bare area
Superior layer of
Posterior and coronary ligament
anterior layers Posterior
of left triangular
Superior ligament Porta hepatis
Inferior layer of coronary
Right triangular ligament
Right lobe Left lobe Left lobe Right lobe
Fissure for ligamentum
Inferior border
Falciform Attachment of lesser
Right Anterior ligament omentum
Gallbladder Ligamentum Gallbladder
Fissure for ligamentum
Inferior border
Fig. 67.2 The surfaces and external features of the liver. A, Superior view. B, Posterior view. C, Anterior view. D, Inferior view.
Spinal area
Oesophageal area
Gastric area
Left dome Suprarenal area
of diaphragm
Cardiac area
Left dome D
Right dome
of diaphragm Spinal area Renal area
Oesophageal area
Area related to Suprarenal area
right lower
lobe of lung
Gastric area
Area related to Colic area
recess Duodenal area
Fig. 67.3 Relations of the liver. A, Superior view. B, Posterior view. C, Anterior view. D, Inferior view.
Anterior surface The anterior surface is approximately triangular the diaphragm and the seventh and eighth ribs. The diaphragm, the
and convex, and is covered by peritoneum, except at the attachment of costodiaphragmatic recess lined by pleura, and the ninth and tenth ribs
the falciform ligament. Much of it is in contact with the anterior attach- lie lateral to the middle and lower thirds of the right surface. Lateral to
ment of the diaphragm. On the right, the diaphragm separates it from the lower third, the diaphragm and thoracic wall are in direct contact.
the pleura and sixth to tenth ribs and cartilages, and on the left, from Rarely, the hepatic flexure and proximal transverse colon lie on a long
the seventh and eighth costal cartilages. mesentery over the right, anterior and superior surfaces of the liver; this
may lead to misdiagnosis of pneumoperitoneum on a radiograph or
Right surface The right surface is covered by peritoneum and lies very rarely cause symptoms (Chilaiditi’s syndrome) (see p. 1144).
adjacent to the right dome of the diaphragm, which separates it from
the right lung and pleura and the seventh to eleventh ribs. The right Posterior surface The posterior surface is convex, wide on the right
lung and basal pleura lie above and lateral to its upper third, between but narrow on the left. A median concavity corresponds to the forward | 1,606 | Gray's Anatomy | temp.pdf | https://archive.org/download/GraysAnatomy41E2015PDF/Grays%20Anatomy-41%20E%20%282015%29%20%5BPDF%5D.pdf | PDFPlumberTextLoader |
convexity of the vertebral column close to the attachment of the liga- of the falciform ligament with no subdivisions. It is substantially
mentum venosum. Much of the posterior surface is attached to the thinner than the right lobe, having a thin apex that points into the left
diaphragm by loose connective tissue, forming the triangular ‘bare area’. upper quadrant.
The inferior vena cava lies in a groove or tunnel in the medial end
of the ‘bare area’. To the left of the caval groove, the posterior surface of Quadrate lobe The quadrate lobe is visible as a prominence on the
the liver is formed by the caudate lobe, and covered by a layer of peri- inferior surface of the liver, to the right of the groove formed by the
toneum continuous with that of the inferior layer of the coronary liga- ligamentum teres (and thus is incorrectly said to arise from the right
ment and the layers of the lesser omentum. The caudate lobe is related lobe, although it is functionally related to the left hemi-liver). It lies
to the diaphragmatic crura and the right inferior phrenic artery above anterior to the porta hepatis and is bounded by the gallbladder fossa
the aortic hiatus, and separated by these structures from the descending to the right, a short portion of the inferior border anteriorly, the fissure
thoracic aorta. for the ligamentum teres to the left, and the porta hepatis posteriorly.
The fissure for the ligamentum venosum separates the caudate lobe Like the caudate lobe, its morphology varies between individuals (Joshi
from the left lobe. The fissure cuts deeply in front of the caudate lobe et al 2009).
and contains the two layers of the lesser omentum. The posterior surface
of the left lobe bears a shallow impression near the upper end of the Caudate lobe The caudate lobe is visible as a prominence on the
fissure for the ligamentum venosum that is caused by the abdominal inferior and posterior surfaces to the right of the groove formed by the
oesophagus. The posterior surface of the left lobe to the left of this ligamentum venosum; it lies posterior to the porta hepatis. To its right
impression is related to the fundus of the stomach. Together, these is the groove for the inferior vena cava. Above, it continues into the
posterior relations make up what is sometimes referred to as the ‘bed’ superior surface on the right of the upper end of the fissure for the liga-
of the liver (see Fig. 67.1). mentum venosum. In gross anatomical descriptions, this lobe is said to
arise from the right lobe but it is functionally separate.
Inferior surface The inferior surface is bounded by the inferior edge
of the liver. It blends with the posterior surface in the region of the
origin of the lesser omentum, the porta hepatis and the inferior layer FUNCTIONAL ANATOMICAL DIVISIONS
of the coronary ligament, and is marked near the midline by a sharp
fissure that contains the ligamentum teres (the obliterated fetal left Current understanding of the functional anatomy of the liver is based
umbilical vein). The gallbladder usually lies in a shallow fossa but this on Couinaud’s division of the liver into eight (subsequently nine, then
is variable; it may have a short mesentery or be completely intrahepatic later revised back to eight) functional segments, based on the distribu-
and lie within a cleft in the liver parenchyma. The quadrate lobe lies tion of portal venous branches in the parenchyma (Couinaud 1957).
between the fissure for the ligamentum teres and the gallbladder. Further understanding of the intrahepatic biliary anatomy, especially of
The inferior surface of the left lobe is related inferiorly to the fundus the right ductal system, was enhanced by contributions from Hjortsjö
of the stomach and the upper lesser omentum. The quadrate lobe lies (1951) and Healey and Schroy (1953), who used the biliary system as
adjacent to the pylorus, the first part of the duodenum and the lower the main guide for division of the liver (Fig. 67.4).
part of the lesser omentum. Occasionally, the transverse colon lies The liver is divided into four portal sectors by the four main branches
between the duodenum and the quadrate lobe. To the right of the of the portal vein. These are right lateral, right medial, left medial and
gallbladder, the inferior surface is related to the hepatic flexure of the left lateral (sometimes, the term posterior is used in place of lateral,
colon, the right suprarenal gland and right kidney, and the first part of and anterior in place of medial). The three main hepatic veins lie
the duodenum (see Fig. 67.1). between these sectors as intersectoral veins. These intersectoral planes
are also called portal fissures (or scissures). Each sector is subdivided
into segments (usually two), based on their supply by tertiary divisions
of the vascular biliary (Glissonian) sheaths.
The liver is stabilized and maintained in its position in the right upper
Fissures of the liver
quadrant of the abdomen by both static and dynamic factors. A three-
tier classification of supporting structures has been proposed: the sus-
pensory attachments at the posterior abdominal wall to the inferior Knowledge of the fissures of the liver is essential for understanding liver
vena cava, hepatic veins, coronary and triangular ligaments (primary surgery. Three major fissures (main, left and right portal fissures), not
factors); the support provided by the right kidney, right colic flexure visible on the surface, run through the liver parenchyma and contain
and duodenopancreatic complex (secondary factors); and the attach- the three main hepatic veins. Three minor fissures (umbilical, venous
ment to the anterior abdominal wall and diaphragm by the falciform and fissure of Gans) are visible as physical clefts of the liver surface. The
ligament (tertiary factors) (Flament et al 1982). fissure of Gans is also known as Rouvière’s sulcus or the incisura hepatis
The surgical implications of these different factors are important for dextra. Accessory fissures are rare.
understanding the pathophysiology of blunt liver trauma and when
considering the stability of transplanted liver grafts. The inferior vena Main portal fissure The main fissure, sometimes called Cantlie’s
cava and the hepatic veins, especially the right hepatic vein, appear to line, extends from the midpoint of the gallbladder fossa at the inferior
be the most important anatomical structures that support the bulk of margin of the liver back to the midpoint of the inferior vena cava, and
the liver. Other factors that influence the position of the liver within contains the middle hepatic vein. It separates the liver into right
the abdominal cavity include positive intra-abdominal pressure and the and left hemi-livers. Segments V and VIII lie immediately to the right,
movement of the diaphragm during respiration. and segment IV immediately to the left, of the fissure.
Left portal fissure The left portal fissure divides the left hemi-liver
into medial (anterior) and lateral (posterior) sectors. It extends from
the midpoint of the inferior edge of the liver between the falciform
Historically, the liver has been divided on the basis of its external
ligament and the left triangular ligament to the point that marks the
appearance into right, left, caudate and quadrate lobes, which are, in
confluence of the left and middle hepatic veins. It contains the left
part, defined by peritoneal ligamentous attachments. Additional liver
hepatic vein and separates the left medial (anterior) and left lateral
lobes have been reported but are rare.
(posterior) sectors; segment III lies immediately anteriorly and segment
Right lobe The right lobe is the largest in volume and contributes to II posteriorly.
all surfaces of the liver. It is divided from the left lobe by the falciform
ligament anteriorly and superiorly and the ligamentum venosum and Right portal fissure The right portal fissure divides the right hemi-
fissure for the ligamentum teres inferiorly. On the inferior surface, to liver into lateral (posterior) and medial (anterior) sectors. The plane of
the right of the grooves formed by the ligamentum teres and ligamen- the right fissure is the most variable of the portal fissures and runs
tum venosum, there are two prominences separated by the porta approximately diagonally through the anatomical right lobe from the
hepatis; the caudate lobe lies posterior, and the quadrate lobe lies lateral end of the inferior border to the termination of the right hepatic
anterior. The gallbladder lies in a shallow fossa to the right of the quad- vein. The fissure divides the right anterior sector to its left (segments V
rate lobe. and VIII) from the right posterior sector to its right (segments VI and
VII), and contains the right hepatic vein. The right fissure traverses the
Left lobe The left lobe is the smaller of the two main lobes, although thickest portion of liver parenchyma that is commonly transected
it is nearly as large as the right lobe in young children. It lies to the left during liver resection. | 1,607 | Gray's Anatomy | temp.pdf | https://archive.org/download/GraysAnatomy41E2015PDF/Grays%20Anatomy-41%20E%20%282015%29%20%5BPDF%5D.pdf | PDFPlumberTextLoader |
Fig. 67.4 The fissures and sectors of
the liver. (Right lateral = right
posterior; right medial = right
Umbilical fissure
Left lateral sector
Left portal fissure
Main portal fissure Left medial sector
Right lateral sector
Right portal fissure Right medial sector
A B Fig. 67.5 Segments of the liver (after
Couinaud). A, Superior view. B, Posterior
view. C, Anterior view. D, Inferior view.
The segments are usually referred to by
II II I number (name): I (caudate); II (left lateral
VII superior); III (left medial inferior);
IV (left medial superior) (sometimes
VIII III subdivided into superior and inferior
IV IV parts); V (right medial inferior); VI (right
lateral inferior); VII (right lateral superior);
V VI VIII (right medial superior).
Umbilical fissure The umbilical fissure (or fissure for the ligamen- Venous fissure The venous fissure (or fissure for the ligamentum
tum teres) separates segment III from segment IV within the left medial venosum) is in direct continuity with the umbilical fissure on the
sector and contains a major branch of the left hepatic vein (the umbili- undersurface of the liver and contains the ligamentum venosum (the
cal fissure vein). It is marked anteriorly by the attachment of the falci- obliterated ductus venosus). It lies between the caudate lobe and
form ligament and inferiorly by the ligamentum teres, where it may be segment II.
covered by a bridge of liver tissue extending between segments III and
Fissure of Gans The fissure of Gans (or Rouvière’s sulcus) lies on
IV. This liver bridge is usually avascular and can be divided safely with
the undersurface of the right lobe of the liver behind the gallbladder
diathermy during surgery. The umbilical fissure also contains the umbil-
fossa. It often marks the variable site of division of the portal pedicle
ical portion of the left portal vein, segmental bile ducts converging to
to the right posterior sector.
form the left hepatic duct, and the terminal branches of the left branch
of the hepatic artery. The umbilical portion of the left portal vein offers
Sectors and segments of the liver
direct surgical access to the left portal vein; this is important for mobi-
lization of the left portal vein in surgery for hilar cholangiocarcinoma
and in operations to restore intrahepatic portal blood flow after portal Sectors
vein occlusion. A knowledge of the arrangement of the vascular and The sectors of the liver are made up of between one and three segments:
biliary structures within the umbilical fissure is also essential when right lateral sector = segments VI and VII; right medial sector = segments
splitting the liver for an adult and paediatric recipient and for live donor V and VIII; left medial sector = segments III and IV (and part of I);
liver transplantation for a child recipient. left lateral sector = segment II (Fig. 67.5). Segments are numbered | 1,608 | Gray's Anatomy | temp.pdf | https://archive.org/download/GraysAnatomy41E2015PDF/Grays%20Anatomy-41%20E%20%282015%29%20%5BPDF%5D.pdf | PDFPlumberTextLoader |
portion), while in the Far East, right and left subdivisions are recog-
nized. The Glissonian sheaths to segment I arise from both right and
left main sheaths; the segment therefore receives vessels from both the
II left and right branches of the portal vein and hepatic arteries. The
IV venous drainage of the caudate lobe is directly into the inferior vena
cava by multiple small tributaries that nearly always arise from the
lower, and occasionally from the middle, third of the segment, but
rarely from the upper third. The bile ducts draining the segment are
VIII M closely related to the confluence of the right and left hepatic ducts (see
Chapter 68), such that excision of bile duct tumours affecting the hilum
of the liver usually requires removal of segment I.
Segment II Segment II lies posterolateral to the left portal fissure and
is the only segment in the left lateral sector of the liver. It often has only
one Glissonian sheath and drains into the left hepatic vein. Rarely, a
separate vein drains directly into the inferior vena cava.
Segment III Segment III lies between the umbilical fissure and the
A left portal fissure, and is supplied by one to three Glissonian sheaths;
it drains into the left hepatic vein. The vein of the falciform ligament
can provide an alternative drainage route for segment III. Very rarely,
the venous drainage is to the middle hepatic vein and reconstruction is
required following a right hepatectomy involving resection of the
IV middle hepatic vein and in split liver transplantation (Dar et al 2008).
Segment IV Segment IV lies between the umbilical fissure and the
main portal fissure, immediately anterior to segment I. Segment IV is
PV supplied by three to five Glissonian sheaths, most of which arise in the
umbilical fissure; their origins are often close to those that supply seg-
ments II and III. Occasionally, segment IV is supplied by branches from
VIII I the main left pedicle. The main venous drainage of segment IV is into
the middle hepatic vein but the segment can also drain into the left
hepatic vein through the vein of the falciform ligament. Segment IV has
been divided into IVa superiorly and IVb inferiorly; this is relevant to
transverse hepatectomy, in which segments IVb, V and VI are removed
along a transverse portal plane (Sugarbaker 1990).
Segment V Segment V is the inferior segment of the right medial
sector and lies between the middle and the right hepatic veins. Its size
B is variable, as are the number of Glissonian sheaths that supply it from
the right anterior sheath. Venous drainage is usually into the right and
middle hepatic veins, but may be direct into the inferior vena cava via
an inferior right hepatic vein.
Segment VI Segment VI forms the inferior part of the right lateral
sector posterior to the right portal fissure. It is often supplied by two to
three branches from the right posterior Glissonian sheath, and occa-
sionally the Glissonian sheath to segment VI can arise directly from the
right pedicle. Venous drainage is normally into the right hepatic vein
but, like in segment V, may be via an inferior right hepatic vein directly
V I into the inferior vena cava.
Segment VII Segment VII forms the superior part of the right lateral
sector and lies behind the right hepatic vein. The sheath to segment VII
is often single. The venous drainage is into the right hepatic vein; occa-
sionally, the segment can drain directly into the inferior vena cava.
Segment VIII Segment VIII is the superior part of the right medial
sector. The right medial (anterior) sectoral sheath ends in segment VIII
C and supplies it, after giving off branches to segment V. Venous drainage
is to the right and middle hepatic veins.
Fig. 67.6 Segments of the liver seen on axial computed tomography (CT)
scan. A, A contrast enhanced CT shows the left (L), middle (M) and right Peritoneal attachments and ligaments
(R) hepatic veins at the superior aspect of the liver, marking the left, main
of the liver
and right portal fissures. B, Inferior to this, the caudate lobe (segment I)
lies between the inferior vena cava (IVC) and the portal vein (PV). The left
portal vein (LPV) separates segment II superiorly from segment III The liver is attached to the anterior abdominal wall, diaphragm and
inferiorly. C, The right portal vein (RPV) divides segments V and VI other viscera by several peritoneal ligaments.
inferiorly (C) from segments VII and VIII superiorly (B).
Falciform ligament and ligamentum teres
The liver is attached to the anterior abdominal wall by the falciform
clockwise from below, starting with segment I and ending with segment ligament, derived from the ventral mesogastrium in the embryo. The
VIII (see Figs 67.4–67.5; Fig. 67.6). two layers of this ligament pass posteriorly and slightly to the right from
the posterior surface of the anterior abdominal wall and the undersur-
Segment I Segment I corresponds to the anatomical caudate lobe and face of the diaphragm in the midline, and attach to the anterior and
lies posterior to segment IV, with its left half directly adjacent to segment superior surfaces of the liver. On the dome of the superior surface, the
II and its medial half wrapped around the retrohepatic segment of the right leaf runs laterally and is continuous with the upper layer of the
inferior vena cava to a variable extent. In European literature, it is sub- coronary ligament. The left layer of the falciform ligament turns medi-
divided into three parts (caudate process, Spiegel lobe and paracaval ally and is continuous with the anterior layer of the left triangular | 1,609 | Gray's Anatomy | temp.pdf | https://archive.org/download/GraysAnatomy41E2015PDF/Grays%20Anatomy-41%20E%20%282015%29%20%5BPDF%5D.pdf | PDFPlumberTextLoader |
ligament. The ligamentum teres is the obliterated remnant of the left dividing the lesser omentum because an aberrant or accessory left
umbilical vein of the fetus; it runs in the lower free border of the falci- hepatic artery may run within it; when present, it invariably extends to
form ligament and continues into a fissure on the inferior surface of the liver at the base of the umbilical fissure, and may be identified by
the liver. In fetal life, the left umbilical vein opens into the left portal a pulsation in the lesser omentum close to the umbilical fissure.
vein. It is supposed to be obliterated in adult life but frequently remains
partially patent; in reality, its lumen is usually closed rather than obliter- Ligamentum venosum
ated and it can be dissected at the umbilicus, dilated and used to access The ligamentum venosum represents the obliterated venous connection
the left portal vein in more than half of individuals. The ligamentum that existed in the fetus between the left branch of the portal vein and
teres may reopen in conditions such as portal hypertension, when it the termination of the left hepatic vein (the ductus venosus). It is used
forms a sizeable collateral channel. as a guide to gain control of the left hepatic vein outside the liver during
The ligamentum teres is important in abdominal surgery for several surgery. By dividing the ligament close to its insertion into the left
reasons. It is often divided in upper abdominal surgery to optimize hepatic vein and retracting it laterally, the angle between the left and
access to the upper abdominal viscera or as the first step in mobilization the middle hepatic veins may be accessed.
of the liver. It is vascularized by numerous small arterial branches This can be helpful in left liver resection with preservation of the
(mainly from the artery to segment IV) and para-umbilical veins, and caudate lobe, but if the caudate lobe is to be removed, the left hepatic
these anastomose with branches of the superior epigastric artery; it is vein (or, more usually, the confluence of the left and middle hepatic
therefore important to ligate or coagulate the ligament during its divi- veins with the inferior vena cava) can be approached more posteriorly
sion. The ligamentum teres is a guide to the segment III hepatic duct without division of the ligamentum venosum.
in hepaticojejunostomy formation, and to the left portal vein lying in
the umbilical fissure during mesenterico-portal bypass (Vellar et al Porta hepatis, hepatoduodenal ligament
1998, di Francesco et al 2014). and hilar plate
Coronary ligament
The porta hepatis is a deep transverse fissure on the inferior surface of
The coronary ligament is formed by the reflection of the peritoneum
the liver. It is situated between the quadrate lobe anteriorly and the
from the diaphragm on to the superior and posterior surfaces of the
caudate process posteriorly, and contains the portal vein, hepatic artery
right lobe of the liver. A large triangular area of liver devoid of peritoneal
and hepatic nervous plexuses as they ascend into the parenchyma of
covering, the so-called ‘bare area’ of the liver, lies between the two layers
the liver, and the right and left hepatic ducts and some lymph vessels
of the coronary ligament. Here, the liver is attached to the diaphragm
that emerge from the liver. The hepatic ducts usually lie anterior to the
by areolar tissue, which is in continuity inferiorly with the anterior
portal vein and its branches, and the hepatic artery with its branches
pararenal space. On the right, the two layers of the coronary ligament
lies between the two (Figs 67.7–67.8). However, the right hepatic artery
converge laterally to form the right triangular ligament. On the left, the
sometimes lies anterior to the common hepatic duct; this variation is
two layers become closely applied, and form the left triangular liga-
important during bile duct reconstruction by hepaticojejunostomy
ment. The upper layer of the coronary ligament is reflected superiorly
on to the inferior surface of the diaphragm and inferiorly on to the right
and superior surfaces of the liver. The lower layer of the coronary liga-
ment is reflected inferiorly over the right suprarenal gland and right
kidney, and superiorly on to the inferior surface of the liver. Surgical
Right lobar nerves
division of the right triangular and coronary ligaments allows the right Left hepatic duct
lobe of the liver to be brought forwards, and exposes the lateral aspect Right hepatic duct
Left hepatic artery
of the inferior vena cava behind the liver.
Right hepatic artery
Left lobar lymphatics
Triangular ligaments
The left triangular ligament is a double layer of peritoneum that extends Left portal vein Right portal vein
for a variable length over the superior border of the left lobe of the liver.
Medially, the anterior leaf is continuous with the left layer of the falci- Peritoneal envelope
form ligament, and the posterior layer is continuous with the left layer
of the lesser omentum. The left triangular ligament lies in front of the Posterior
abdominal part of the oesophagus and part of the fundus of the Fig. 67.7 A cross-section of the structures at the porta hepatis viewed
stomach. Division of the left triangular ligament allows the left lobe of from above.
the liver to be mobilized for exposure of the abdominal oesophagus
and crura of the diaphragm. The left triangular ligament is an important
stabilizing factor for the left lobe after excision of the right lobe of the Common hepatic duct
liver. Its division will result in the left lobe being unstable, to the extent
that it can rotate and displace into the space created under the right
hemidiaphragm, which, in turn, can compromise the venous outflow
of the left lobe with consequent liver dysfunction. If it is divided, the
left lobe should be stabilized by reattaching the falciform ligament to
the anterior abdominal wall.
The right triangular ligament is a short structure that lies at the right
lateral limit of the ‘bare area’ of the liver and represents the convergence
laterally of the two layers of the coronary ligament.
Lesser omentum
The lesser omentum is a double layer of peritoneum that extends from
the lesser curvature of the stomach and proximal duodenum to the
inferior surface of the liver. Its free margin contains the portal triad (Ch.
63). Its attachment to the inferior surface of the liver is L-shaped. The
vertical component follows the line of the fissure for the ligamentum
venosum, the fibrous remnant of the ductus venosus. More inferiorly,
the attachment runs horizontally to complete the L in the porta hepatis.
At its upper end, the left layer of the lesser omentum is continuous with
the posterior layer of the left triangular ligament, and the right layer is
continuous with the coronary ligament as it encloses the inferior vena
cava. At its lower end, the two layers of the lesser omentum diverge to
surround the structures of the porta hepatis. A thin, fibrous condensa-
tion of fascia usually runs from the medial end of the porta hepatis into
the fissure for the ligamentum teres. This fascia is continuous with the Portal vein Inferior vena cava Hepatic artery
lower border of the falciform ligament where the ligamentum teres Fig. 67.8 An axial CT of the porta hepatis. The hepatic ducts lie
re-emerges at the inferior border of the liver. Care should be taken when anteriorly, the portal vein posteriorly, and hepatic artery between the two. | 1,610 | Gray's Anatomy | temp.pdf | https://archive.org/download/GraysAnatomy41E2015PDF/Grays%20Anatomy-41%20E%20%282015%29%20%5BPDF%5D.pdf | PDFPlumberTextLoader |
(Michels 1966). All these structures are enveloped within a perivascular A Medial (anterior) division
sheath of loose connective tissue that surrounds the vessels and bile
ducts as they course through the liver parenchyma, and is continuous III
with the fibrous hepatic capsule (of Glisson). The dense aggregation of VII I
vessels, supporting connective tissue, and liver parenchyma just above IV Left hepatic artery
the porta hepatis is often referred to as the ‘hilar plate’ of the liver.
Understanding the concept of the hilar plate is important in surgical
approaches to the hilar structures; division or lowering of the hilar plate
is essential for optimum surgical access to the left hepatic duct.
The hepatic artery, bile duct and portal vein extend between the VI V Left gastric
porta hepatis and the upper border of the duodenum in the free edge
of the hepatoduodenal ligament, which forms the anterior boundary Lateral (posterior) division
Splenic artery
of the epiploic foramen. Rapid control of the vessels entering the porta
Right hepatic artery
hepatis (the hepatic pedicle) can be obtained by compressing them in
the free edge of the lesser omentum (a ‘Pringle’ manœuvre); this is Cystic artery
conveniently done by dividing the lesser omentum immediately to the Common hepatic artery
Hepatic artery ‘proper’
left of these structures and passing a tape around them through the
epiploic foramen. Gastroduodenal artery Right gastric artery
The left hepatic duct is extrahepatic as it descends obliquely along
the undersurface of segment IV (the quadrate lobe) to the confluence
B Cystic duct Caudate lobe,
of the hepatic ducts. Access to this extrahepatic segment of the left
Cystic artery Portal vein anterior surface
hepatic duct is particularly useful when performing a biliary-enteric
bypass procedure to treat a stricture of the hepatic duct confluence. The Liver, right lobe
right hepatic duct is more intrahepatic and extension of a hepatico- Diaphragm,
right crus
jejunal anastomosis on to the right hepatic duct necessitates incision of
the liver parenchyma in the gallbladder fossa.
Glissonian sheaths
Left gastric
Glisson’s capsule of the liver becomes condensed as Glissonian sheaths artery
around the branches of the portal triad structures as they enter the liver
Inferior vena
parenchyma and subdivide into segmental branches. Thus, each bile cava
duct, hepatic artery and portal vein is surrounded by a single fibrous Common
sheath, which Couinaud called the ‘Valoean sheath’ (after Valoeus, an hepatic artery
anatomist from the Middle Ages who first described the liver capsule). Right gastric
Within each sheath, the portal vein is surrounded by loose areolar con- artery
nective tissue, making dissection of the portal vein relatively easy. The Gastro-
fibrous tissue around the bile ducts and hepatic artery is tougher, and duodenal
dissection of these structures is more difficult. This sheath arrangement
facilitates surgical control of the right and left vasculobiliary pedicles
of the liver, as well as sectoral and segmental divisions in complex liver
resections (Yamamoto et al 2012).
Gallbladder, Bile Superior Right gastro-
VASCULAR SUPPLY AND LYMPHATIC DRAINAGE fundus duct pancreatico- epiploic artery
The blood vessels connected with the liver are the portal vein, hepatic
Fig. 67.9 The hepatic artery. A, Branches. B, Usual relations of the
artery and hepatic veins. The portal vein and hepatic artery ascend in
hepatic artery, bile duct and portal vein to each other in the lesser
the lesser omentum to the porta hepatis, where each usually bifurcates.
omentum: anterior aspect, portion of the liver removed.
The common hepatic duct and lymphatic vessels descend from the
porta hepatis alongside the portal vein and hepatic artery (see Fig.
67.8). The hepatic veins leave the liver via its posterior surface and run
directly into the inferior vena cava. well to the left of the porta hepatis. The main significance of an early
division is that the right branch may pass behind the portal vein
Hepatic artery
(Lanouis and Jamieson 1993). The segmental arteries of the liver are
macroscopically end arteries, although some collateral circulation
In adults, the common hepatic artery is intermediate in size between occurs between segments via fine terminal branches.
the left gastric and splenic arteries. In fetal and early postnatal life, it is Anatomical variants of the normal arrangement of the hepatic artery
the largest branch of the coeliac trunk. The hepatic artery gives off the are found in about one-third of individuals and are important to
right gastric and gastroduodenal arteries, as well as branches to the bile re cognize because they are relevant to surgical and interventional radio-
duct and gallbladder from its right hepatic branch (Fig. 67.9A). After logical procedures (Covey et al 2002, Michels 1966, López-Andújar
originating from the coeliac trunk, the hepatic artery passes anteriorly et al 2007, Saba and Mallarini 2011). An artery that supplies part of the
and laterally above the upper border of the pancreas to the upper aspect liver in addition to its normal artery is defined as an accessory artery. A
of the first part of the duodenum. It is subdivided into the common replaced hepatic artery is an artery that does not originate from an
hepatic artery, from the coeliac trunk to the origin of the gastroduode- orthodox position and provides the sole supply to that part of the liver.
nal artery, and the ‘hepatic artery proper’, from that point to its bifurca- The most common anatomical variants are a replaced or accessory
tion. It ascends anterior to the portal vein and medial to the bile duct left hepatic artery that arises from the left gastric artery, or a replaced
within the free margin of the lesser omentum in the anterior wall of or accessory right hepatic artery that arises from the superior mesenteric
the epiploic foramen. It divides into right and left branches at a variable artery, both occurring in 10–20% of individuals.
level below the porta hepatis. The right branch of the hepatic artery Variations in the intrahepatic arteries are common and may be surgi-
usually crosses posterior (occasionally anterior) to the common hepatic cally important. For example, the segment IV artery most commonly
duct (Fig. 67.9B). This close proximity often means that the right arises from the left hepatic artery, but in up to 30% of cases, it arises
hepatic artery is involved in bile duct cancer earlier than the left hepatic from the right hepatic artery or the hepatic artery proper (Onishi et al
artery. Occasionally, the right hepatic artery crosses anterior to the 2000). The segment IV artery never arises to the right of the common
common hepatic duct and is more vulnerable to injury in biliary hepatic duct; thus, if the right hepatic artery is divided to the right of
surgery. It almost always divides into an anterior branch supplying seg- the common hepatic duct, this arterial supply to segment IV is not
ments V and VIII, and a posterior branch supplying segments VI and endangered. Failure to recognize this variation may compromise the
VII. The anterior division also often supplies a branch to segment I and blood supply to segment IV following right hepatectomy, and is espe-
the gallbladder. The hepatic artery proper sometimes divides at a low cially important during right lobe donation for live donor liver
level close to its origin and, occasionally, it divides at a higher level, transplantation. | 1,611 | Gray's Anatomy | temp.pdf | https://archive.org/download/GraysAnatomy41E2015PDF/Grays%20Anatomy-41%20E%20%282015%29%20%5BPDF%5D.pdf | PDFPlumberTextLoader |
A replaced hepatic artery proper may arise from the superior artery arises from the left gastric artery, entering the liver through the
mesenteric artery (Fig. 67.10) and can be suspected at surgery by a rela- umbilical fissure; this artery provides a source of collateral supply in
tively superficial portal vein (reflecting the absence of a hepatic artery cases where the arteries at the porta hepatis are occluded, but it may
that would normally ascend in front of the vein). More commonly, a also be injured during mobilization of the stomach, as it lies in the
replaced or accessory right hepatic artery arises from the superior upper portion of the lesser omentum. Rarely, an accessory left or right
mesenteric artery (see Fig. 67.10; Fig. 67.11). In such cases, the variant hepatic artery may arise from the gastroduodenal artery or directly from
artery runs in the lesser omentum behind the portal vein and bile duct, the aorta. The presence of replaced arteries can be life-saving in patients
and can usually be identified at surgery by palpable pulsation behind with bile duct cancer; because they are further away from the bile duct
the portal vein. An accessory right hepatic artery may be injured during they tend to be spared from infiltration by the cancer, making excision
resection of the pancreatic head because the artery lies in close proxim- of the tumour feasible. Knowledge of these variations is also essential
ity to the portal vein. Occasionally, a replaced or accessory left hepatic when performing whole and split liver transplantation.
Replaced left hepatic artery: 10–20% Replaced hepatic artery proper: 4% Fig. 67.10 Common hepatic artery
Replaced right
hepatic artery: 10–15% Left gastric artery
Superior mesenteric artery Superior mesenteric artery or aorta
Left hepatic artery Fig. 67.11 Hepatic
arteriograms. A, A
selective hepatic
arteriogram shows
normal left hepatic
artery branches and
small right hepatic
artery branches. B, The
right hepatic artery is
arising from the origin
of the superior
mesenteric artery.
Gastroduodenal artery
Right hepatic artery
B | 1,612 | Gray's Anatomy | temp.pdf | https://archive.org/download/GraysAnatomy41E2015PDF/Grays%20Anatomy-41%20E%20%282015%29%20%5BPDF%5D.pdf | PDFPlumberTextLoader |
Veins The main extrahepatic tributaries of the portal vein are the left gastric
(coronary) vein, which ends in the left margin of the portal vein, and
the posterior superior pancreaticoduodenal vein near the head of the
The liver has two venous systems. The portal system conveys venous
pancreas. The portal vein divides into right and left branches at the
blood from the majority of the gastrointestinal tract and its associated
hilum of the liver (Fig. 67.13). The left portal vein has a longer extra-
organs to the liver (p. 1039). The hepatic venous system drains blood
hepatic course (4–5 cm) than the right portal vein, tends to lie more
from the liver parenchyma into the inferior vena cava.
horizontal, and is often smaller in calibre. It has a horizontal portion
Portal vein that runs along the inferior surface of segment IV and invariably gives
The portal vein is formed behind the neck of the pancreas, usually from branches to segment I and sometimes to segment IV. The left branch of
the convergence of the superior mesenteric and splenic veins (Fig. the portal vein continues within the liver, giving off a segment II branch
67.12; see also Figs 70.8b, 59.8). Its origin lies in the transpyloric plane laterally before taking a more anterior and vertical course in the umbili-
between the lower border of the body of the first lumbar vertebra and cal fissure. Here, it gives off branches to segments III and IV, and receives
the upper border of the body of the second lumbar vertebra (Mirjalili the obliterated left umbilical vein (ligamentum teres). The majority of
et al 2012). The portal vein is approximately 8 cm long and ascends the portal venous supply to segment IV comes from the left portal vein,
obliquely to the right behind the first part of the duodenum, the and only occasionally from the right branch of the portal vein or its
common bile duct and gastroduodenal artery, and anterior to the infe- branches to segment V or VIII. The right branch of the portal vein is
rior vena cava. It enters the right border of the lesser omentum and only 2–3 cm in length and usually divides into a right medial (anterior)
ascends anterior to the epiploic foramen to reach the right end of the sectoral division supplying segments V and VIII, and a right lateral
porta hepatis, where it divides into right and left main branches, which (posterior) sectoral division supplying segments VI and VII. The medial
enter the liver. In the lesser omentum, the portal vein lies posterior to division may give a branch to segment I.
both the bile duct and the hepatic artery. It is surrounded by the hepatic Portal vein variations usually involve the right branch (Covey et al
nerve plexus and accompanied by numerous lymphatics and some 2004). If the latter is absent, which occurs in about 10–15% of livers,
lymph nodes. The portal vein contains smooth muscle in its wall and, the portal vein usually trifurcates into left portal, right medial and right
in experimental animals at least, has well-developed spontaneous con- lateral sectoral veins. This has implications for split liver and live donor
tractions with frequencies between 0.01 and 1 Hz (Burt 2003). It is liver transplantation, where its presence might be considered as a rela-
typically valveless. tive contraindication. The right lateral sectoral portal vein may arise
from the portal vein, or the right medial sectoral portal vein may origi-
nate from the left portal vein, a variant that it is important to remember
during left-sided liver resection. Rarely, the portal bifurcation is absent,
Portal vein in which case the portal vein enters the liver, giving off the right sectoral
branches, and then turns left to supply the left lobe, which presents an
added complexity in major liver surgery (Chaib 2009).
Porto-systemic shunts
Increased pressure within the portal venous system may result in dila-
tion of portal venous tributaries and reversed flow at sites of porto-
systemic anastomoses. Common sites of porto-systemic shunts are
listed in Table 67.1.
Hepatic veins
The liver drains by three major hepatic veins into the suprahepatic part
of the inferior vena cava and via numerous minor hepatic veins that
drain into the retrohepatic inferior vena cava. The adult retrohepatic
inferior vena cava is 6–7 cm long and surrounded, to a variable extent,
by segment I (Camargo et al 1996). The three major veins are located
between the four sectors of the liver (see Fig. 67.6A; Figs 67.14–67.15).
Thus, the right hepatic vein lies between the right medial and lateral
sectors, the middle hepatic vein lies between the right and left hemi-
livers, and the left hepatic vein lies between the left medial and lateral
sectors. During hepatic resection, the surgeon should transect the liver
Superior mesenteric vein parenchyma slightly to the left or right of the particular fissure that is
Fig. 67.12 A coronal CT of the portal vein and superior mesenteric vein. being opened to avoid the main trunk of a hepatic vein.
Fig. 67.13 The main portal vein and its intrahepatic
branches. (Right lateral = right posterior; right medial =
II right anterior.)
Right lateral sectoral vein Left portal vein
Right medial sectoral vein Right portal vein | 1,613 | Gray's Anatomy | temp.pdf | https://archive.org/download/GraysAnatomy41E2015PDF/Grays%20Anatomy-41%20E%20%282015%29%20%5BPDF%5D.pdf | PDFPlumberTextLoader |
Middle hepatic vein Inferior vena cava
Fig. 67.14 A sagittal ultrasound of the middle hepatic vein. The middle inf.HV2 MHV5 MHV5 MHV4 MHV4 MHV4
hepatic vein is seen draining into the inferior vena cava. Fig. 67.15 Modern CT analysis techniques are helpful in demonstrating
variations in hepatic venous anatomy and this is very useful for planning
live donor surgery for liver transplantation. Abbreviations: inf. HV1, inf.
HV2, right inferior hepatic veins; LHV, left hepatic vein; LHV4, left hepatic
Table 67.1 Common sites of porto-systemic anastomoses in portal hypertension and
associated clinical implications vein branch to segment 4; MHV4, middle hepatic vein branches to
segment 4; MHV5, middle hepatic vein branches to segment 5; MHV8,
Portal vein tributaries Systemic veins Clinical middle hepatic vein branches to segment 8; RHV, right hepatic vein.
presentations (Courtesy of MeVis Medical Solutions AG, Bremen, Germany.)
Left gastric vein Distal oesophageal veins Oesophageal and
draining into azygos and gastric varices
hemiazygos veins
Superior rectal veins Middle and inferior rectal Rectal varices the right side of the middle hepatic vein and is sometimes large enough
veins draining into internal
to be mistaken for the middle hepatic vein. Anteriorly, the middle
iliac and pudendal veins
hepatic vein drains some of segment V; the sizes of the tributaries drain-
Persistent tributaries of left Periumbilical branches of ‘Caput medusae’
ing segments V and VIII are variable. Intrahepatic venous anastomoses
branch of portal vein in epigastric and intercostal
ligamentum teres veins between the middle and right hepatic veins, particularly in segment
Tributaries of right branch of Retroperitoneal veins Dilated retroperitoneal VIII, have been reported in up to one third of adult livers (Hribernik
portal vein overlying ‘bare draining into azygos, veins at risk during and Trotovšek 2014).
area’ of liver hemiazygos, lumbar, surgery or interventional
intercostal and phrenic veins procedures Left hepatic vein
Omental and colonic veins near Retroperitoneal veins near May be problematic The left hepatic vein lies between the left medial and left lateral sectors
hepatic and splenic flexures hepatic and splenic flexures during surgery
of the liver and drains segments II, III and, occasionally, IV. Small veins
draining segment II and, occasionally, the superior part of segment IV
may drain directly into the inferior vena cava. Usually, a major tributary
of the left hepatic vein, the umbilical fissure vein, runs between
Right hepatic vein
segments III and IV and contributes to their drainage. Occasionally,
This is the longest and largest hepatic vein. It is usually single, but
the vein draining segment III ends separately in the confluence of
occasionally remains as two trunks until it terminates by draining into
the left and middle hepatic veins. These variations in venous drainage
the inferior vena cava. The right hepatic vein runs in the right portal
are of significance in split liver transplantation and live donor liver
fissure between the right medial and lateral sectors. It drains the whole
of segments VI and VII, and variable proportions of segments V and
VIII, depending on the extent to which these segments drain into the Minor hepatic veins
middle hepatic vein. The right hepatic vein is formed anteriorly near
Segment I veins drain directly into the inferior vena cava and vary in
the inferior border of the liver and lies in a coronal plane through most
number from one to five. Since this segment has an independent venous
of its course. It drains into the inferior vena cava near the upper border drainage from the rest of the liver, in patients with Budd–Chiari syn-
of the caudate lobe. Of the three major hepatic veins, the right hepatic
drome, in which the major hepatic veins are blocked, segment I often
vein is most variable in its size, not only due to the variable contribu-
continues to drain effectively and undergoes compensatory hypertro-
tion of the middle hepatic vein to the drainage of segments V and VIII
phy. There may be an accessory inferior or middle right hepatic vein, as
but also due to the existence of an accessory right inferior (30%) and/
well as several smaller ‘retrohepatic’ veins that drain the right lobe
or middle hepatic vein (10%) (Fang et al 2012). The hepatic venous
directly into the inferior vena cava. When present, they are of surgical
anatomy is particularly important in right lobe living donation and can
importance, especially if greater than 5 mm in diameter; they drain
be assessed preoperatively by computed tomography (CT) or magnetic
segments V and VI independently of the three major hepatic veins and,
resonance imaging (MRI) and/or by intraoperative ultrasound.
therefore, a tumour involving the latter can be resected safely as long
as venous drainage from the accessory veins is preserved. In live donor
Middle hepatic vein
and split liver transplantation, larger accessory veins must be individu-
The middle hepatic vein lies in the main portal fissure between the right
ally anastomosed to the recipient inferior vena cava to ensure adequate
and left hemi-livers. It usually joins the left hepatic vein and terminates
venous drainage.
in the inferior vena cava as a short common trunk (about 5 mm long);
it ends as a single trunk in the inferior vena cava in fewer than 10% of Transjugular intrahepatic porto-systemic shunt
individuals. The middle hepatic vein drains the central part of the liver
(TiPS) procedure for portal hypertension
and receives constant tributaries from segments IV, V and VIII. The vein
from segment IV lies in a sagittal plane and enters the middle hepatic
Available with the Gray’s Anatomy e-book vein on its left side. The vein from segment VIII runs transversely into | 1,614 | Gray's Anatomy | temp.pdf | https://archive.org/download/GraysAnatomy41E2015PDF/Grays%20Anatomy-41%20E%20%282015%29%20%5BPDF%5D.pdf | PDFPlumberTextLoader |
In extreme cases of chronic portal hypertension, a large-calibre anasto-
mosis between the portal and systemic circulations may be created
within the liver parenchyma by inserting a stent between a large portal
and hepatic vein within the liver. The stent is introduced through a
catheter inserted into the internal jugular vein and guided into the liver
under radiological control. This large shunt relieves the severe portal
hypertension but tends to worsen incipient hepatic encephalopathy. | 1,615 | Gray's Anatomy | temp.pdf | https://archive.org/download/GraysAnatomy41E2015PDF/Grays%20Anatomy-41%20E%20%282015%29%20%5BPDF%5D.pdf | PDFPlumberTextLoader |
Segmental anatomy of the liver in relation area’ and superior surface; distension or disruption of the liver capsule
to hepatic resection causes quite well-localized, sharp pain.
Hepatic plexus
The hepatic plexus receives preganglionic parasympathetic fibres from
Available with the Gray’s Anatomy e-book
the anterior and, to a lesser extent, the posterior vagus, and postgangli-
onic sympathetic fibres via the coeliac and superior mesenteric plexuses.
Lymphatic drainage Nerve fibres accompany the branches of the portal triad into the liver,
penetrating as far as the hepatocytes. Aminergic, cholinergic, peptider-
gic and nitrergic nerve fibres have been identified and appear to be
Lymph from the liver is rich in protein and is mostly a product of the
involved in hepatic metabolism and the control of sinusoidal blood
hepatic sinusoids (Ohtani and Ohtani 2008). It passes, via deep and
flow (McCuskey 2004); however, the transplanted, denervated liver
superficial pathways, to nodes above and below the diaphragm (Trut-
indicates that this role is not essential. Multiple fine branches from the
mann and Sasse 1994). Obstruction of hepatic venous drainage
plexus supply the extrahepatic bile ducts and gallbladder; the vagal
increases the flow of lymph in the thoracic duct.
fibres are motor to the muscle of the bile ducts and gallbladder, and
Superficial hepatic lymphatics inhibitory to the sphincter of the bile duct. Branches from the plexus
Superficial lymphatics run in subserosal areolar tissue over the surface also run inferiorly with the right gastric artery to contribute to the
of the liver and drain in four directions. Lymphatics from most of the supply of the pylorus; with the gastroduodenal artery and its branches
posterior surface, including the caudate lobe, drain into nodes along- to reach the pylorus, proximal duodenum and pancreas; and with the
side the inferior vena cava; a few lymphatics from the posterior surface right gastroepiploic artery to provide a small contribution to the nerve
of the left lobe pass towards the oesophageal hiatus and nodes around supply of the stomach.
the cardia. Lymphatics in the coronary and right triangular ligaments
Referred pain
may pass directly to the thoracic duct. Lymphatics from most of the
inferior, anterior and superior surfaces drain into hepatic nodes at the Pain arising from the parenchyma of the liver is poorly localized. In
porta hepatis. A few lymphatics from the right superior surface accom- common with other structures of foregut origin, pain is referred to the
pany the inferior phrenic artery across the right diaphragmatic crus to epigastrium. Stretch or irritation of the liver capsule by inflammation
drain into coeliac nodes. or neoplasia produces well-localized ‘somatic’ pain. Pathology involv-
ing the diaphragmatic surface of the liver may be referred via the phrenic
Deep hepatic lymphatics
nerve to the right shoulder region (C3,4,5 dermatomes).
Fine lymphatics within the portal triads and around interlobular veins
merge to form larger vessels. Some ascend through the parenchyma to
pass through the vena caval opening in the diaphragm and drain into MICROSTRUCTURE
inferior mediastinal nodes, but most drain to lymph nodes at the porta
hepatis. The liver is essentially an epithelial-mesenchymal outgrowth of the
caudal part of the foregut, with which it remains connected via the
biliary tree (see Ch. 60). Most of the surface of the liver is covered by
INNERVATION a typical serosa, the visceral peritoneum. Beneath this, and enclosing
the whole organ, is a thin (50–100 µm) capsule of connective tissue,
The liver has a dual innervation. The parenchyma is supplied by nerves from which extensions pass into the liver as septa and trabeculae.
arising from the hepatic plexus, which contains sympathetic and para- Branches of the hepatic artery and hepatic portal vein, together with
sympathetic (vagal) fibres; they all enter the liver at the porta hepatis. bile ductules and ducts, run within these connective tissue trabeculae,
The capsule is supplied by fine branches of the lower intercostal nerves, which are termed portal tracts. The combination of the two types
which also supply the parietal peritoneum, particularly around the ‘bare of vessel and a bile duct is termed a portal triad (Fig. 67.19); these
A B Fig. 67.19 The structural organization of human
liver tissue. A, Lobules bordered by delicate
connective tissue septa (arrows), in which run
branches of the hepatic portal vein, hepatic artery
and bile duct, grouped as portal triads. A central
vein drains each lobule. B, A portal triad
containing branches of the hepatic portal vein (PV;
generally the largest profile), the hepatic artery (A)
PV and a bile duct (B), with typical round epithelial
nuclei. Other small bile ductule and arteriolar
branches are also visible. C, A functional view, in
which the territories of the hepatic lobules are
A shown as regular hexagons (unlike their real
B appearance, which is highly variable). Functionally,
the liver microarchitecture is better considered in
terms of acini extending between adjacent central
venules and divided into three zones as shown.
(A, With permission from Dr JB Kerr, Monash
C Central vein Portal triad: branches of Terminal branches of hepatic University, from Kerr JB 1999 Atlas of Functional
(tributary of hepatic vein) hepatic artery, bile duct arteriole and portal vein
and hepatic portal vein Histology. London: Mosby. B, Courtesy of Mr
Peter Helliwell and the late Dr Joseph Mathew,
Department of Histopathology, Royal Cornwall
Hospitals Trust, UK.)
Classic hepatic lobule Portal lobule Liver acinus Metabolic zonation
within liver acinus | 1,616 | Gray's Anatomy | temp.pdf | https://archive.org/download/GraysAnatomy41E2015PDF/Grays%20Anatomy-41%20E%20%282015%29%20%5BPDF%5D.pdf | PDFPlumberTextLoader |
In 1888, Rex described the midline division of the liver, and in the A
1950s Claude Couinaud’s detailed description of the segmental
anatomy of the liver formed the basis for subsequent advances in liver
Left hepatic vein
imaging and surgery. Goldsmith and Woodburne also published a
detailed description of liver anatomy in 1957 but used a different ter-
Left posterior sector
minology; confusion in hepatic nomenclature has persisted for several
Couinaud divided the right and left hemi-livers into two sectors each,
according to the secondary divisions of the portal vein. In the right
hemi-liver, the anteromedial and posterolateral sectors were each sub-
Left portal fissure
divided into a superior and an inferior segment, producing a total of
four segments. In the left hemi-liver, the medial sector was divided into
two segments separated by the falciform ligament and ligamentum Umbilical
teres, while the lateral sector consisted of a single segment (II). The fissure
smallest segment, which Couinaud designated segment I, was located
in the central and posterior part of the liver between the bifurcation of
the portal vein and the inferior vena cava, and had independent hepatic Left anterior sector
vein and portal vein tributaries. Couinaud, therefore, described eight B
liver segments, numbered I to VIII: segments II, III and IV made up
the left hemi-liver and segments V, VI, VII and VIII made up the right
hemi-liver. In 1994, he added segment IX to describe the small region
of the right hemi-liver lying adjacent to the right side of the inferior
vena cava, but later recognized that this was better considered as part
of segment I.
In 1982, Henri Bismuth used Couinaud’s anatomical descriptions
with some modifications as the basis for developing anatomical liver
resections (Bismuth 2013). Couinaud’s studies had been based on cor-
rosion casts of injected cadaveric livers that had undergone slight post-
mortem flattening from resting on a firm surface. Bismuth renamed
Couinaud’s anteromedial and posterolateral sectors in the right hemi-
liver as anterior and posterior, and also challenged Couinaud’s subdivi- Fig. 67.16 A, The umbilical fissure that divides the anterior sector of the
sion of the left liver. Couinaud had described two sectors: a lateral sector left lobe into two segments is, in fact, an artificial scissure. B, When it is
consisting of a single segment, and a medial sector consisting of two suppressed, the anterior sector appears as a single segment. (Redrawn
segments separated by a branch of the left portal vein lying in continuity with permission from Bismuth H. Surgical anatomy and anatomical
with the round ligament. Bismuth considered that this went against surgery of the liver. World J Surg 1982;6:3–9, Springer.)
Couinaud’s own description of individual segments containing a major
branch of the portal vein, and suggested that the left medial sector also
Middle segment Left segment
consisted of a single segment, i.e. segments III and IV were, in fact,
‘half-segments’ (Fig. 67.16). This scheme created a single sector con-
taining two segments within the left hemi-liver. To avoid confusion,
Bismuth chose to retain the segment numbers III and IV, albeit recog-
nizing them as half-segments. The Bismuth classification recognized
two hemi-livers, three sectors (right posterior, right anterior and left)
and seven segments: segments 6 and 7 in the right posterior sector,
segments 5 and 8 in the right anterior sector, half-segments 3 and 4 and
segment 2 in the left sector, and segment 1 (numbering was changed
from Roman to Arabic).
In 1986, Ken Takasaki described a different basis for subdividing the
gross architecture of the liver, in which the portal vein had three
branches (right, middle and left) and there were just two hepatic veins
(right and middle, the left hepatic vein being a tributary of the middle
hepatic vein; Fig. 67.17). Takasaki had divided the liver into three parts
of almost equal volume, based on the three branches of the portal vein
and the two hepatic veins. Apart from the terms used, Takasaki’s descrip-
tion is similar to Bismuth’s modification of Couinaud’s anatomy in that
the liver is considered to consist of three, and not four, territories. It
fails to take into account the division of the left side of the liver by the
falciform and round ligaments. The major advantage of Takasaki’s
description is the individualization of the middle part, facilitating the
concept of central hepatectomy.
Three secondary branches of the
Right segment Glissonian pedicle
Fig. 67.17 The liver is divided into three segments and a caudate area,
according to the ramification of the Glissonian pedicles. (Redrawn based
on Takasaki K, Koabayashi S, Tanaka S, et al 1986 Highly selected
hepatic resection by Glissonian sheath-binding method. Dig Surg 3: 121.) | 1,617 | Gray's Anatomy | temp.pdf | https://archive.org/download/GraysAnatomy41E2015PDF/Grays%20Anatomy-41%20E%20%282015%29%20%5BPDF%5D.pdf | PDFPlumberTextLoader |
In 1998, the International Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Association 1957), bisegmentectomy (Couinaud 1957), resection of half a segment
(IHPBA) developed an international committee on nomenclature of (Takasaki et al 1986), and left lateral sectionectomy (Terminology
hepatic anatomy and resections, and this reported to the IHPBA General Committee of the IHPBA 2000). To avoid confusion, the term lobec-
Assembly in Brisbane in 2000 (Terminology Committee of the IHPBA tomy is no longer used but Bismuth has argued for a return to classical
2000). The chairman of the committee, Steven M. Strasberg, highlighted anatomy and the use of the term left lobectomy. He has also argued
the confusion that arose from applying multiple terms to the same that all hepatectomies should be defined by the specific segments that
anatomical structure or operative procedure, and from using the same are resected. Thus, removal of a single segment should be described as
term to describe more than one structure or operation. For example, in ‘segmentectomy n’ where n is the specific number of the segment
1997, there were 13 terms in use for the plane that defined the water- removed. Resection of two segments is a ‘bisegmentectomy n + n1’, and
shed between the right and left hemi-livers (called the midplane of the that of three segments a trisegmentectomy n + n1 + n2 (Bismuth 2013).
liver by the committee), and the terms ‘lobe’, ‘lobectomy’, ‘segment’ Masatoshi Makuuchi, a member of the IHPBA Brisbane 2000 com-
and ‘segmentectomy’ were being used to describe different parts of the mittee on nomenclature, has recently questioned the current status,
liver and associated procedures, depending on whether the surgeon was pointing out that the differences in portal vein branching patterns in
European or North American. The anatomical basis for the Brisbane the left and right hemi-livers have been the major obstacle in consist-
2000 nomenclature was the usual branching pattern of the hepatic ently classifying liver territories to satisfy what is known about hepatic
arteries and bile ducts within the liver. The ramification of the portal embryology, as well as descriptive and surgical anatomy. Makuuchi
vein was said to follow an identical pattern in the right hemi-liver but (2013) has commented that, in the embryo, the right and left hemi-
to be different in the left hemi-liver. Three orders of branching resulted livers develop synchronously and that the right and left umbilical veins
in successive division of the liver into two hemi-livers, four sections and initially join the right and left branches of the portal vein, respectively.
eight segments. Watershed areas between territories subserved by At 4–5 weeks’ gestation, the right umbilical vein is resorbed so that the
branches of the hepatic artery and bile duct were demarcated by the volume of the left side of the liver increases compared to the right, but
midplane of the liver, a right and left intersectional plane, and several after occlusion of the left umbilical vein after birth, the left hemi-liver
intersegmental planes. The terminology of liver resections was based gradually shrinks and the right side enlarges. Makuuchi argues that
directly on the anatomical terminology, and individual resections were the left lateral sector (segment II) and right lateral sector (segments
termed hemihepatectomy (or hepatectomy), sectionectomy and seg- VI and VII) were so named by Couinaud because the portal vein
mentectomy; an extended resection of three sections was called a trisec- branches to both sectors are the first large branches arising from the
tionectomy (Fig. 67.18). There has been a clear trend towards adoption left and right divisions of the portal vein. These two sectors also share
of this terminology since 2000 but it has not been universal, not least the characteristic of having a major hepatic vein running on their
because the classification has some anatomical deficiencies. In particu- medial border. This is contrary to the views of both Bismuth and Taka-
lar, Couinaud’s segments II and III became the left lateral section saki, who maintain that segment II should be amalgamated with seg-
(which meant that removal became a left lateral sectionectomy) but this ments III and IV into a single sector, and of the IHPBA Brisbane 2000
does not accurately represent the anatomical division. The introduction nomenclature committee, who considered segment IV to be a full
of the term ‘section’, as opposed to ‘sector’, was intended to introduce sector. Makuuchi postulates that the left lateral sector shrinks after birth
simpler terms for segments II and III (left lateral section) and segment and, if segment IV is determined to be a sector, then the right medial
IV (left medial section) that would mirror the arrangement in the right sector of the liver should be demarcated by a plane that corresponds to
hemi-liver (right anterior and posterior sections). the embryonic right umbilical vein. As the main portal pedicle should
Bismuth argued that classification of the lateral part of the left hemi- be located at the centre of the sector and not at its border, if the left
liver was particularly problematic. According to Couinaud, individual and right hemi-livers are each divided into two sectors, it is more logical
liver territories contain portal vein branches but are separated by the to regard segment II as a sector, as suggested by Couinaud, rather than
major hepatic veins. However, the lateral part of the left hemi-liver is segment IV.
demarcated by the falciform and round ligaments. Resection of this part Makuuchi also discussed the use of the term ‘extended’, as proposed
of the liver remains one of the most commonly performed hepatecto- by Bismuth and the IHPBA Brisbane 2000 nomenclature committee.
mies. In classical anatomy, the term lobe relates to part of an organ He suggested that ambiguity could be eliminated by adopting the
defined by an external fissure; removal of the part of the liver to the wording ‘extended into segment X’, where X is the specific segment
left of the falciform and round ligaments was originally called a left number identified by Couinaud. Further revision of the nomenclature
lobectomy. According to subsequent classifications, this resection has is likely in the future (Strasberg and Phillips 2013).
been termed a left lateral segmentectomy (Goldsmith and Woodburne | 1,618 | Gray's Anatomy | temp.pdf | https://archive.org/download/GraysAnatomy41E2015PDF/Grays%20Anatomy-41%20E%20%282015%29%20%5BPDF%5D.pdf | PDFPlumberTextLoader |
Fig. 67.18 Resectional terminology. (Redrawn with
Anatomical term Couinaud segments Term for surgical resection Diagram permission from Terminology Committee of the
(pertinent area is shaded) International Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Association.
The Brisbane 2000 terminology of liver anatomy
and resections. HPB 2000;2:333–9.)
Right liver Sg 5-8 Right hepatectomy 7 4 3
or or
Hemi-liver Right hemihepatectomy 6 5
Left liver Sg 2-4 Left hepatectomy 7 4 3
or or
Hemi-liver Left hemihepatectomy 6 5
Right anterior Sg 5,8 Right anterior sectionectomy 7 4 3
Right posterior Sg 6,7 Right posterior sectionectomy 7 4 3
7 4 3
Left medial Sg 4 Left medial sectionectomy
section 5
Left lateral Sg 2,3 Left lateral sectionectomy 7 4 3
Segments 1-8 Any one of Sg 1-8 Segmentectomy 7 4 3
(e.g. segmentectomy 6)
Two contiguous Any two of Sg 1-8 Bisegmentectomy 7 4 3
segments in continuity (e.g. bisegmentectomy 5,6)
Extended resections (Trisectionectomy)
Right trisectionectomy (preferred term) 8
or 7 4 3
Sg 4-8
Extended right hepatectomy
or 6
Extended right hemihepatectomy
Left trisectionectomy (preferred term) 2
or 7 4 3
Extended left hepatectomy
Sg 2,3,4,5,8 or 5
Extended left hemihepatectomy | 1,619 | Gray's Anatomy | temp.pdf | https://archive.org/download/GraysAnatomy41E2015PDF/Grays%20Anatomy-41%20E%20%282015%29%20%5BPDF%5D.pdf | PDFPlumberTextLoader |
structures are usually accompanied by one or more lymphatic vessels can be divided into three zones: zone 1 (periportal) is nearest to the
and nerves. terminal branches of afferent vessels; zone 2 is the intermediate zone;
The liver parenchyma consists of a complex network of epithelial and zone 3 is the area closest to the central vein.
cells, supported by connective tissue, and perfused by a rich blood
supply from the portal vein and hepatic artery. The epithelial cells, Blood supply
hepatocytes, carry out the major metabolic activities, but additional cell
types possess storage, phagocytic and mechanically supportive func-
Preterminal hepatic arterioles within the acini convey arterial blood to
tions. In the mature liver, hepatocytes are arranged mainly in plates (or
the sinusoids, mostly via a fine capillary plexus that drains to branches
cords when seen in two-dimensional sections) that are usually only one
of the portal veins; a small proportion of arterial blood passes directly
cell thick and are separated by venous sinusoids, which anastomose
to the hepatic sinusoids, bypassing these capillary plexuses. Sinusoids
with each other via gaps in the plates (Fig. 67.20; see Fig. 67.22). Until
thus contain mixed venous and arterial blood. Central veins from adja-
about 7 years of age, plates are normally two cells thick. This pattern
cent lobules form interlobular veins that unite as hepatic veins and
recurs in liver regeneration, when a mixture of hyperplasia and hyper-
drain to the inferior vena cava.
trophy results in cell plates that are several cells thick and composed of
larger multinucleated hepatocytes, reverting over the course of about a
Hepatic plates (cords)
year to single cell thickness.
Bile is secreted by hepatocytes and collected in a network of minute
tubes (canaliculi). The hepatocytes can therefore be regarded as exo- The endothelium of the sinusoids is fenestrated and lacks a basal
crine cells, secreting bile into the alimentary tract via the extrahepatic lamina, which enables it to act as a dynamic blood filter (Fraser et al
bile ducts. Their other metabolic functions involve complex biochemi- 1995). The sinusoids are separated from the plates of hepatocytes by a
cal exchanges with the blood. narrow gap, the perisinusoidal space of Disse, which is normally
The fetal liver is a major haemopoietic organ; erythrocytes, leuko- 0.2–0.5 µm wide but which distends in hypoxic states. The space con-
cytes and platelets develop from mesenchyme covering the sinusoidal tains interstitial fluid, the microvilli of adjacent hepatocytes, hepatic
endothelium. stellate cells, fine collagen fibres (mostly type III, with some types I and
IV), and occasional non-myelinated nerve terminals.
Lobulation of the liver A network of minute, interconnecting biliary canaliculi (approxi-
mately 1 µm in diameter) runs between the hepatic plates. The canal-
iculi are formed by the apposed plasma membranes of adjacent
The structural unit of the liver is the lobule: a roughly hexagonal
hepatocytes sealed by tight junctions. They conduct bile to the canals
arrangement of plates of hepatocytes, separated by intervening sinu-
of Hering, trough-like structures lined by cholangiocytes and hepato-
soids that radiate outwards from a central vein, with portal triads at the
cytes within the liver lobules. Each canal collects bile from multiple
vertices of each hexagon (Fig. 67.21; see Fig. 67.19). The central veins
canaliculi and empties into a bile ductule (lined by cholangiocytes),
drain into the hepatic veins. In some species, the classic lobular units
which in turn drains into an interlobular bile duct within the portal
are delimited microscopically by distinct connective tissue septa.
tracts (Roskams et al 2004). The flow of bile is thus towards the periph-
However, the lobular organization of the human liver is not immedi-
ery of the lobule, in the opposite direction to the blood flow, which is
ately evident in histological sections; the lobules do not have distinct
boundaries, and connective tissue is sparse. The plates do not pass
straight to the periphery of a lobule like the spokes of a wheel but run
Cells of the liver
irregularly as they anastomose and branch.
Detailed studies of human liver, using three-dimensional reconstruc-
tion and morphometric analysis combined with histopathological Resident cells of the liver include hepatocytes, hepatic stellate cells (also
observations, have revealed a highly ordered arrangement of functional known as fat-storing Ito cells), sinusoidal endothelial cells, macro-
units: the hepatic (portal) acini. Each acinus is an approximately ovoid phages (Kupffer cells), the epithelial cells of the biliary tree (cholangio-
mass of tissue, orientated around a terminal branch of a hepatic arteri- cytes), hepatic stem cells, natural killer lymphocytes (pit cells), and
ole and portal venule, and with its long axis defined by two adjacent connective tissue cells of the capsule and portal tracts (see Fig. 67.19B).
central veins (see Fig. 67.19). It includes the hepatic tissue served by
these afferent vessels and is bounded by adjacent acini. Hepatocytes About 80% of the liver volume and 60% of its cellular
The acinar definition of hepatic microarchitecture has clarified the population is made up of hepatocytes (parenchymal cells) (see Fig.
interpretation of liver histopathology, particularly in relation to zones 67.21; Fig. 67.22). They are polyhedral, with 5–12 sides, and measure
of hypoxic damage, glycogen deposition and removal, and toxic injury, 20–30 µm across. Their nuclei are round, euchromatic and often tetra-
all of which are related to the direction of blood flow. There are also ploid, polyploid or multiple, with two or more in each cell. Their
real metabolic differences between hepatocytes within the acini, which cytoplasm typically contains a considerable amount of rough and
Central vein Interlobular septum
Central vein
Kupffer cells
Bile canaliculi
Hepatic artery
Bile duct
portal vein
Bile duct Hepatic artery Hepatic portal vein Portal triad Bile ductules
Fig. 67.21 The hepatic microstructure. Sinusoidal endothelial cells are not shown. | 1,620 | Gray's Anatomy | temp.pdf | https://archive.org/download/GraysAnatomy41E2015PDF/Grays%20Anatomy-41%20E%20%282015%29%20%5BPDF%5D.pdf | PDFPlumberTextLoader |
Fig. 67.20 Scanning electron micrographs of a
CV resin corrosion cast of the human liver
demonstrating the three-dimensional arrangement
of the hepatic sinusoids. A, A portal vein (PV)
branch within a portal triad × 33 100 µm.
B, Sinusoids and central veins (CV) × 37 100 µm.
C, A sinusoidal network ×330 10 µm. D, Sinusoidal
CV endothelial cells × 7000 1 µm. (Courtesy of
Professor Greg Jones, University of Otago, New
C D | 1,621 | Gray's Anatomy | temp.pdf | https://archive.org/download/GraysAnatomy41E2015PDF/Grays%20Anatomy-41%20E%20%282015%29%20%5BPDF%5D.pdf | PDFPlumberTextLoader |
Fig. 67.22 A schematic illustration of a
hepatocyte and adjacent sinusoids.
(Redrawn from O’Grady J, Lake JR,
Howdle PD. Comprehensive Clinical
Fenestrae Hepatology, Mosby 2000.)
Kupffer cell
Endothelial cells
Space of Disse Stellate cell
Smooth endoplasmic
Tight junction
Golgi apparatus
Biliary canaliculus
Nucleus (chromatin)
Peroxisome Rough endoplasmic
Gap junction
Desmosome Lysosome
Collagen fibres
smooth endoplasmic reticulum, many mitochondria, lysosomes and homeostasis and regeneration. Hepatic stellate cells also play a major
well-developed Golgi apparatus, all features that indicate a high meta- role in pathological processes (Yin et al 2013). In response to liver
bolic activity. Glycogen granules and lipid vacuoles are usually promi- damage, they become activated and predominantly myofibroblast-like.
nent. Numerous large peroxisomes and vacuoles containing enzymes, They are responsible for the replacement of damaged hepatocytes with
e.g. urease in distinctive crystalline forms, indicate the complex metab- collagenous scar tissue, a process called hepatic fibrosis, that is seen
olism of these cells. Their role in iron metabolism is reflected by initially in zone 3, around central veins. Fibrosis can progress to cir-
the presence of storage vacuoles containing crystals of ferritin and rhosis, where the parenchymal architecture and pattern of blood flow
haemosiderin. within the liver are destroyed, with major systemic consequences.
The surfaces of hepatocytes facing the sinusoids exhibit numerous
microvilli, approximately 0.5 µm long, creating a large surface area Sinusoidal endothelial cells Hepatic venous sinusoids are gener-
(approximately 70% of the hepatocyte surface) exposed to blood ally wider than blood capillaries and are lined by a thin but highly
plasma. Elsewhere, hepatocytes are linked by numerous gap junctions fenestrated endothelium that lacks a basal lamina. The endothelial cells
and desmosomes. Lateral plasma membranes of adjacent hepatocytes are typically flattened, each with a central nucleus, and are joined to
form microscopic channels, the bile canaliculi, which are specialized each other by junctional complexes. The fenestrae are grouped in clus-
regions of intercellular space formed by apposing grooves in hepatocyte ters with a mean diameter of 100 nm, allowing plasma direct access to
plasma membranes, sealed from extraneous interstitial space by the basal plasma membranes of hepatocytes. Their cytoplasm contains
tight junctions. Four types of transmembrane molecules (occludins, numerous transcytotic vesicles.
claudins, junctional adhesion molecules and coxsackie virus and aden-
ovirus receptors) constitute the core units of the functional protein Kupffer cells Kupffer cells are hepatic macrophages derived from
complexes of the tight junctions (Lee 2012) (see Fig. 1.19). Individual circulating blood monocytes and originate in the bone marrow. They
tight junction complexes, either alone or in combination, are involved are long-term hepatic residents and lie within the sinusoidal lumen
in signalling pathways in health and disease. Numerous membrane- attached to the endothelial surface. Kupffer cells are irregular in shape
bound exocytotic vesicles cluster near the lumen of the canaliculi and have long processes that extend into the sinusoidal lumen. They
because the secretion of bile is targeted at the canalicular plasma mem- form a major part of the mononuclear phagocyte system, which is
brane. The tight junctions surrounding the biliary canaliculi prevent responsible for removing cellular and microbial debris from the circula-
bile from entering the interstitial fluid or blood plasma, thereby creat- tion, and for secreting cytokines involved in defence. They remove
ing a blood–bile barrier. aged and damaged red cells from the hepatic circulation, a function
normally shared with the spleen but fulfilled entirely by the liver after
Hepatic stellate cells Hepatic stellate cells are much less numerous splenectomy.
than hepatocytes. They are irregular in outline and lie within the per-
isinusoidal space of Disse between the sinusoids and the hepatocyte Hepatic stem cells Hepatic stem cells are undifferentiated, pluripo-
plates. They are thought to be mesenchymal in origin and are character- tential cells and are understood to reside around the canals of Hering;
ized by numerous cytoplasmic lipid droplets. These cells secrete most they are derived from the ductal plate in fetal livers. Their progeny are
of the intralobular matrix components, including collagen type III small epithelial cells (8–18 µm) with a large oval nucleus and scanty
(reticular) fibres. They store the fat-soluble vitamin A in their lipid cytoplasm, expressing both biliary epithelial and hepatocyte markers
droplets and are a significant source of growth factors involved in liver (Roskams et al 2010). | 1,622 | Gray's Anatomy | temp.pdf | https://archive.org/download/GraysAnatomy41E2015PDF/Grays%20Anatomy-41%20E%20%282015%29%20%5BPDF%5D.pdf | PDFPlumberTextLoader |
Bonus e-book images
Fig. 67.10 Common hepatic artery variants. scissure. B, When it is suppressed, the Fig. 67.18 Resectional terminology.
anterior sector appears as a single segment.
Fig. 67.11 Hepatic arteriograms. Fig. 67.20 Scanning electron micrographs of
Fig. 67.17 The liver is divided into three a resin corrosion cast of the human liver
Fig. 67.16 A, The umbilical fissure that segments and a caudate area, according to demonstrating the three-dimensional
divides the anterior sector of the left lobe the ramification of the Glissonian pedicles. arrangement of the hepatic sinusoids.
into two segments is, in fact, an artificial
Bismuth H 1982 Surgical anatomy and anatomical surgery of the liver. Lanouis B, Jamieson GG 1993 Modern operative techniques in liver surgery.
World J Surg 6:5–9. Clinical Surgery International 18. Edinburgh: Elsevier, Churchill
Bismuth H 2013 Revisiting liver anatomy and terminology of hepatec- Livingstone.
tomies. Ann Surg 257:383–6. Makuuchi M 2013 Could we or should we replace the conventional nomen-
Couinaud C 1957 Le Foie: études anatomiques et chirurgicales. Paris: clature of liver resections? Ann Surg 237:387–9.
Masson. Takasaki K, Koabayashi S, Tanaka S et al 1986 Highly selected hepatic resec-
Couinaud’s original descriptive studies of liver segmentation, later updated tion by Glissonian sheath-binding method. Dig Surg 3:121 (abstract).
and translated into English in 1989 as Surgical Anatomy of the Liver Terminology Committee of the International Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary
Revisited. Association 2000 The Brisbane 2000 terminology of liver anatomy and
Goldsmith NA, Woodburne RT 1957 Surgical anatomy pertaining to liver resections. HPB 2:333–9.
resection. Surg Gynecol Obstet 195:310–18. Stringer MD 2009 Eponyms in Surgery and Anatomy of the Liver, Bile Ducts
Healey JE, Schroy PC 1953 Anatomy of the biliary ducts within the human and Pancreas. London: Royal Society of Medicine.
liver: analysis of the prevailing pattern of branchings and the major A concise illustrated account of the derivation and individuals behind the
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Gallbladder and biliary tree
The biliary tree consists of the system of ducts that collect and The gallbladder is described as having a fundus, body and neck.
deliver bile from the liver to the second part of the duodenum. It is The neck lies at the medial end, close to the porta hepatis, and almost
conventionally divided into intrahepatic and extrahepatic biliary trees. always has a short peritoneal attachment (mesentery) to the liver,
The intrahepatic ducts are formed from bile ductules that join to form which usually contains the cystic artery. The mucosa at the medial
segmental ducts. These merge to form right and left hepatic ducts close end of the neck is obliquely ridged, forming a crescentic fold that is
to the porta hepatis. The extrahepatic biliary tree consists of the extra- continuous with the spirally arranged mucosal folds in the cystic duct
hepatic segments of the right and left hepatic ducts, the common (Dasgupta and Stringer 2005). At its lateral end, the neck widens out
hepatic duct, the cystic duct and gallbladder, and the common bile duct to form the body of the gallbladder; when this widening is clearly
(Fig. 68.1). demarcated as a result of gallstone disease, it is referred to as ‘Hart-
mann’s pouch’. The neck usually lies anterior to the second part of the
duodenum. The body of the gallbladder normally lies in contact with
the visceral surface of the liver. When the neck possesses a mesentery,
this rapidly shortens along the length of the body as it lies in the gall-
The gallbladder is a flask-shaped, blind-ending diverticulum attached bladder fossa. The body lies anterior to the second part of the duode-
to the bile duct by the cystic duct (Fig. 68.2). It stores and concentrates num and the right end of the transverse colon. The bulbous fundus lies
bile. In life, it is grey–blue in colour and is usually firmly attached at the lateral end of the body and usually projects past the inferior
by connective tissue to the inferior surface of the right lobe of the border of the liver to a variable extent. Here, it frequently lies in contact
liver, between segments IV and V at the lower limit of the principal with the anterior abdominal wall behind the ninth costal cartilage,
plane. In the adult, the gallbladder is between 7 and 10 cm long, where the lateral edge of the right rectus abdominis crosses the costal
with a resting volume of about 25 ml and a capacity of up to 50 ml margin. This is where enlargement of the gallbladder is best sought on
(Di Ciaula et al 2012). It usually lies in a shallow fossa (the gallbladder clinical examination. The fundus commonly lies adjacent to the trans-
bed) on the visceral surface of the right lobe of the liver, covered verse colon.
by peritoneum continued from the liver surface. This attachment can The gallbladder varies in size and shape. The fundus may be elon-
vary widely. Rarely, the gallbladder is almost completely buried within gated and highly mobile. Rarely, the fundus is folded back on the body
the liver (intrahepatic gallbladder; Guiteau et al 2009), or suspended of the gallbladder, the so-called Phrygian cap; on ultrasound, this may
from the liver by a peritoneal mesentery (when it is at risk of torsion; be wrongly interpreted as an apparent septum within an otherwise
Gupta et al 2009), or connected to the duodenum by an extension of normal gallbladder. Other anatomical variants of the gallbladder
the free edge of the lesser omentum (cystoduodenal ligament; Ashaolu include duplication, with or without a double cystic duct; agenesis;
et al 2011). internal septation; and an ectopic location (most commonly left-sided)
(Gross 1936, Faure et al 2008); although rare, these congenital anoma-
lies are particularly important if the patient requires surgery for gall-
bladder or gallstone disease (Lamah et al 2001, Singh et al 2006,
Right anterior (medial)
Castorina et al 2014, Chowbey et al 2004).
sectoral duct
Right posterior (lateral)
The segmental ducts of the left hemi-liver have a relatively constant
pattern, although more than one segmental duct may drain each
particular segment. The left hepatic duct is formed by the union of
segment II and III ducts, most often behind or to the left of the umbili-
IV Left hepatic duct
cal portion of the left portal vein (see Fig. 68.1). The biliary drainage
of segment IV is more variable but is usually by a single duct into the
Common hepatic duct
left hepatic duct. The right hepatic duct is formed by the union of
Cystic duct the right anterior (medial) and posterior (lateral) sectoral ducts. The
right anterior (medial) sectoral bile duct drains segments V and VIII,
Supraduodenal and the right posterior (lateral) sectoral duct drains segments VI and
common bile duct
VII. The right posterior sectoral duct usually curves around the posterior
aspect of the right anterior duct before fusing with its medial aspect;
bile duct this is known as Hjortsjö’s crook and is an important technical consid-
eration when performing liver resection (Fig. 68.3). The bile ducts
Retropancreatic draining the caudate lobe (segment I) usually join the origin of the
bile duct left hepatic duct or may drain into both hepatic ducts near the hilar
The right hepatic duct and its branches are more often subject to
variation than the left ductal system (Cucchetti et al 2011, Chaib et al
Fig. 68.1 The overall arrangement of the intrahepatic and extrahepatic 2014). These variations have been classified into six main types (Table
biliary tree. The segmental ducts often branch just before they enter the 68.1, Fig. 68.4). Left intrahepatic ductal variations mostly relate to the
main ducts, or are multiple as they enter the main ducts, but for clarity drainage pattern of segment IV; this segmental bile duct usually drains
are shown here as single ducts. Note that segment I often drains via both into the left hepatic duct but it may open into a segment II or III bile
right and left hepatic ducts. The level of the liver parenchyma at the porta duct, the right anterior sectoral duct, or even the common hepatic duct
hepatis is shown by the dashed line. (Chaib et al 2014). 1173 | 1,625 | Gray's Anatomy | temp.pdf | https://archive.org/download/GraysAnatomy41E2015PDF/Grays%20Anatomy-41%20E%20%282015%29%20%5BPDF%5D.pdf | PDFPlumberTextLoader |
Gallbladder and biliary tree
An oblique groove on the inferior surface of the liver posterior to
the gallbladder bed is present in 70–80% of livers. It is variably known
as the fissure of Gans, Rouviere’s sulcus or the incisura hepatis dextra
(Ch. 67). It overlies the division of the right posterior (lateral) portal
pedicle, where it gives off the inferior segment VI branch. It has been
increasingly recognized as a useful anatomical landmark during hepatic
resection and in laparoscopic cholecystectomy (since the cystic duct and
artery lie anterosuperior to the sulcus while the common bile duct lies
posteroinferior) (Dahmane et al 2013). | 1,626 | Gray's Anatomy | temp.pdf | https://archive.org/download/GraysAnatomy41E2015PDF/Grays%20Anatomy-41%20E%20%282015%29%20%5BPDF%5D.pdf | PDFPlumberTextLoader |
Gallbladder and biliary tree
Neck Cystic duct variants
Cystic duct
Right and left
hepatic ducts
Common A1 Low entry A2 Medial side entry A3 Common drainage A4 Accessory bile
hepatic duct with right anterior duct (segment V)
sectoral duct draining directly
to gallbladder or
Intrahepatic bile duct variants cystic duct
Spiral II II
bile duct
Fig. 68.2 The interior of the gallbladder and bile ducts.
Type 1 Normal Type 4 Low drainage of the right posterior
Table 68.1 Major variations of the intrahepatic duct drainage patterns sectoral duct into the common hepatic duct
Type Approximate % Description VIII II VIII II
of population
1 60* Normal anatomy V III V III
2 15 No right hepatic duct. The common hepatic duct is formed by the VII IV VII IV
union of right anterior sectoral, right posterior sectoral and left
hepatic ducts (trifurcation pattern)
3 15 One of the right sectoral ducts (more often the posterior) joins VI VI
the left hepatic duct
4 10 Low drainage of one of the right sectoral ducts (more often the Type 2 Absence of right hepatic duct Rare type. Right posterior sectoral duct
posterior) into the common hepatic duct draining into the cystic duct
Rare <5 The segment V duct or the right posterior sectoral duct drains VIII II
into the cystic duct or gallbladder
(Data from Cucchetti et al 2011 and Chaib et al 2014.)
*This figure is higher in men and lower in women, i.e. women are more likely to have variant intrahepatic VII IV
bile duct anatomy. N.B. The percentage of different types varies between populations.
Type 3 Right posterior sectoral duct
draining into the left hepatic duct
CYSTIC DUCT Fig. 68.4 Variations in the anatomy of the cystic and intrahepatic bile
ducts. The cystic duct variations are labelled A1–A4 and the intrahepatic
bile duct variations as types 1–4 (see Table 68.1).
The cystic duct drains the gallbladder into the common bile duct. In
adults, it is usually between 2 and 4 cm long and has a luminal diameter
of 2–3 mm (Dasgupta and Stringer 2005). It passes posteriorly and
medially from the neck of the gallbladder, often in a tortuous fashion, rather than regulate the flow of bile, as is commonly stated (Dasgupta
to unite with the common hepatic duct and form the common bile and Stringer 2005).
duct. The anatomy of the junction between the cystic duct and common
hepatic duct is variable (see Fig. 68.4). In most individuals, the cystic
duct joins the middle third of the combined lengths of the common HEPATIC DUCTS
hepatic and common bile ducts (Shaw et al 1993), but it may drain
into the distal common bile duct or into a more proximal duct such as The right and left hepatic ducts emerge from the liver and unite near
the proximal common hepatic duct or right hepatic duct; it usually joins the right end of the porta hepatis to form the common hepatic duct.
the right lateral aspect of the common hepatic duct but may merge The extrahepatic right duct is short (0.5–2.0 cm in adults) and nearly
medially, anteriorly or posteriorly; and it usually forms an oblique vertical, while the left is longer (1.5–3.5 cm) and more horizontal, and
angle with the common hepatic duct but can spiral around it or run lies along the inferior border of segment IV. The accessibility of the
parallel to it in the free edge of the lesser omentum for a variable dis- extrahepatic segment of the left hepatic duct is exploited when perform-
tance before merging (Lamah et al 2001). Irrespective of the site or type ing a surgical biliary bypass in patients with benign hilar bile duct
of union, the terminal part of the cystic duct is frequently adherent to strictures (Myburgh 1993).
the common hepatic duct for a variable distance. In adults, the common hepatic duct descends approximately 3 cm
Rarely, the cystic duct is double or absent (when the gallbladder before being joined obliquely on its right by the cystic duct to form
drains directly into the bile duct), or receives an anomalous hepatic the common bile duct. The common hepatic duct lies to the right of
duct from segment V of the liver. These variations in cystic duct anatomy the hepatic artery and anterior to the portal vein in the free edge of the
are of considerable importance during surgical excision of the gallblad- lesser omentum. In adults, the luminal diameter of the normal common
der (cholecystectomy). The cystic duct must be identified passing to the hepatic duct, as measured by ultrasound, is less than 5 mm.
neck of the gallbladder and must be occluded some distance away from
the bile duct to prevent injury to the latter. A preliminary operative
cholangiogram is essential if the anatomy is unclear or anomalous. COMMON BILE DUCT
The mucosa of the cystic duct has 2–10 crescentic folds that project
into the lumen and form a spiral; these are continuous with those in The common bile duct is formed near the porta hepatis, by the junction
the neck of the gallbladder. The function of these spiral folds is unknown of the cystic and common hepatic ducts (Figs 68.5–68.6). In adults, it
but they may help to preserve the patency of this narrow, tortuous duct is usually between 6 and 8 cm long and its luminal diameter, as | 1,627 | Gray's Anatomy | temp.pdf | https://archive.org/download/GraysAnatomy41E2015PDF/Grays%20Anatomy-41%20E%20%282015%29%20%5BPDF%5D.pdf | PDFPlumberTextLoader |
Gallbladder and biliary tree
A small bile duct from segment V of the liver may traverse the gall- Right anterior (medial)
bladder fossa and join the right hepatic duct or its anterior sectoral sectoral duct Hjortsjö’s crook
branch or the common hepatic duct. This is often known as Luschka’s
duct and its importance lies in the fact that it may be injured during Right posterior (lateral)
cholecystectomy, causing a postoperative bile leak (Spanos and Syrakos sectoral duct
2006). Postmortem studies have identified such a duct in up to one-
third of individuals but many of these are small and relatively insignifi-
cant; if larger ducts (1–2 mm) are considered, the prevalence is nearer
5% (Ko et al 2006). These ducts are more likely to be injured if the
gallbladder is not dissected close to its wall. Luschka did not describe
Left hepatic duct
a duct draining directly into the gallbladder; this is referred to as a
cystohepatic or cholecystohepatic duct and should not be confused
with a hepatocystic duct (which is present when the common bile duct Portal vein
is absent and both hepatic ducts drain directly into the gallbladder Hepatic artery
which drains in turn via the cystic duct into the duodenum) (Losanoff Common hepatic duct
et al 2002).
Fig. 68.3 Hjortsö’s crook. The right posterior (lateral) sectoral bile duct
usually hooks around the right anterior (medial) sectoral pedicle, rendering
it vulnerable to injury when performing an extended left hepatectomy that
includes segments V and VIII of the liver (left trisectionectomy). | 1,628 | Gray's Anatomy | temp.pdf | https://archive.org/download/GraysAnatomy41E2015PDF/Grays%20Anatomy-41%20E%20%282015%29%20%5BPDF%5D.pdf | PDFPlumberTextLoader |
extrahepatic biliary tree
Gallbladder Cystic duct wall of the second part of the duodenum and anterior to the right renal
vein. The posterior superior pancreaticoduodenal branch of the gas-
troduodenal artery descends anterior to the retroduodenal portion of
the common bile duct (at the superior border of the pancreas) before
spiralling around the right side of the bile duct to reach the posterior
surface of the head of the pancreas (Bertelli et al 1996).
Hepatopancreatic ampulla
As it descends behind the head of the pancreas medial to the second
part of the duodenum, the common bile duct approaches the right end
of the pancreatic duct. The two ducts usually enter the duodenal wall
together in a Y configuration to form a short common channel measur-
ing between 2 and 10 mm in length (Flati et al 1994). This common
channel often contains a dilation known as the hepatopancreatic
ampulla (of Vater) and it opens via a single orifice on to the medial
wall of the second part of the duodenum at the major duodenal papilla
(Fig. 68.5B). In clinical practice, the whole region is often termed the
pancreaticobiliary junction. Occasionally, the common bile duct and
pancreatic duct unite outside the duodenal wall to form an abnormally
long common channel or the two ducts are separated by a septum or
drain into the duodenum separately (Kamisawa and Okamoto 2008).
The mucosa of the terminal 5–10 mm of the common bile and pan-
creatic ducts has a complex arrangement of circumferentially arranged
folds (Purvis et al 2013) (Fig. 68.7). Their distribution and orientation
impede reflux of duodenal contents into the bile and pancreatic ducts,
A and they may sometimes cause difficulty cannulating the major duode-
nal papilla during endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography
Common bile Endoscope Pancreatic
A complex arrangement of smooth muscle with prominent circular
duct duct
fibres surrounds the distal common bile duct (bile duct sphincter) and
Fig. 68.5 A, An endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatogram.
hepatopancreatic ampulla (sphincter of Oddi); to a lesser extent, it also
(B, continued online)
surrounds the terminal part of the main pancreatic duct (pancreatic
duct sphincter) (Boyden 1957, Didio and Anderson 1968). The whole
sphincter muscle complex lies mostly within the wall of the duodenum
Gallbladder Right hepatic duct Left hepatic duct Common hepatic duct
and, in adults, measures approximately 15–20 mm in length; it con-
tains a high pressure zone that can be detected by manometry (Teilum
1991, Habib et al 1988). The smooth muscle of the ampullary sphincter
is developmentally and anatomically distinct from the adjacent duo-
denal muscle. The sphincter regulates the flow of bile and pancreatic
secretions into the duodenum and impedes reflux of duodenal contents
into the ductal system (Guelrud et al 1990); it is inhibited by chole-
cystokinin (CCK), which not only relaxes the sphincter but also causes
gallbladder contraction (Woods et al 2005). Division of the upper part
of the ampullary sphincter (sphincterotomy) may be required to allow
access to the common bile duct during ERCP.
The pancreaticobiliary junction is clinically important because it
may be affected by various congenital and acquired disorders. An anom-
alous union between the bile and pancreatic ducts, particularly one
resulting in an abnormally long common channel, may be associated
with congenital bile duct dilation, recurrent pancreatitis, and/or gall-
bladder cancer (Kimura et al 1985, Misra and Dwivedi 1990, Stringer
et al 1995). Acquired pathology in this region also includes gallstone
obstruction and peri-ampullary tumours.
Hepatobiliary triangle
The triangular region formed between the cystic duct, the common
hepatic duct and the inferior surface of the liver is the hepatobiliary
triangle (Fig. 68.8). It is often mistakenly referred to as Calot’s triangle,
which is an isosceles triangle based on the common hepatic duct, with
Duodenum Cystic duct Common bile duct Pancreatic duct the cystic artery and cystic duct forming its sides (Stringer 2009). The
hepatobiliary triangle is bridged by the double layer of peritoneum that
Fig. 68.6 A magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatogram.
forms the short and variable mesentery of the cystic duct. Between these
two layers there is a variable amount of fatty connective tissue, lymphat-
ics, the cystic lymph node, autonomic nerves, and usually the cystic
measured by ultrasound, is no more than 7 mm (Perret et al 2000); the
artery as it runs from the right hepatic artery to the gallbladder; occa-
diameter increases slightly with advancing age from a mean of 3.6 mm
sionally, there may also be an accessory bile duct (see above). Under-
below 60 years to a mean of 4 mm after 80 years. The common bile duct
standing the variations in biliary and arterial anatomy as they relate to
can be divided into supraduodenal, retroduodenal and pancreatic seg-
the triangle is of considerable importance during excision of the gall-
ments. The supraduodenal segment descends posteriorly and slightly
bladder in order to avoid injury to the common hepatic or common
to the left, anterior to the epiploic foramen and inferior vena cava, in
bile duct or right hepatic artery (Suzuki et al 2000, Talpur et al 2010).
the free right border of the lesser omentum, where it lies anterior and
to the right of the portal vein and to the right of the hepatic artery. This
part of the common bile duct is the most accessible at surgery. The
retroduodenal segment lies behind the first part of the duodenum with GALLSTONES
the gastroduodenal artery on its left. The pancreatic segment runs in a
groove on the posterior surface of the head of the pancreas, embedded Gallstones are relatively common and usually form in the gallbladder.
in the gland to a variable degree; it lies up to 2 cm away from the medial Gallbladder contraction may move a gallstone towards the narrow cystic | 1,629 | Gray's Anatomy | temp.pdf | https://archive.org/download/GraysAnatomy41E2015PDF/Grays%20Anatomy-41%20E%20%282015%29%20%5BPDF%5D.pdf | PDFPlumberTextLoader |
Gallbladder and biliary tree
Undersurface of right Cystic artery Line of common hepatic duct
lobe of the liver
B Endoscopic grasper on Metallic clip across Cystic duct
neck of gallbladder cystic duct
Fig. 68.5 B, Endoscopic image of the major duodenal papilla (arrow) on Fig. 68.8 A view of the hepatobiliary triangle (dashed line) at laparoscopic
the medial wall of the descending duodenum. cholecystectomy. In this patient, the cystic artery can be seen crossing
the triangle superficially en route to the gallbladder. (Courtesy of Richard
Flint, Christchurch Hospital.)
Fig. 68.7 A scanning electron micrograph showing mucosal folds (arrows)
lining the wall the hepatopancreatic ampulla. Abbreviations: I, inferior; L,
lateral; M, medial; S, superior. | 1,630 | Gray's Anatomy | temp.pdf | https://archive.org/download/GraysAnatomy41E2015PDF/Grays%20Anatomy-41%20E%20%282015%29%20%5BPDF%5D.pdf | PDFPlumberTextLoader |
Gallbladder and biliary tree
duct, where it can cause obstruction and pain (biliary colic). If the stone the common hepatic duct within the hepatobiliary triangle, where it
continues to occlude the cystic duct, it will lead to inflammation of the lies superior to the cystic duct. On reaching the superior aspect of the
gallbladder (acute cholecystitis) or a sterile distension of the gallbladder neck of the gallbladder, it divides into a superficial branch that runs
(mucocele); providing the gallbladder has not been inflamed previ- along the peritoneal (inferior) surface of the gallbladder, and a deep
ously, it will be non-fibrotic and distensible, and the fundus often branch that runs between the gallbladder and its fossa; the branches
becomes palpable below the costal margin. A gallstone lodged in the anastomose over the surface of the body and fundus. The cystic artery
cystic duct or neck of the gallbladder may also produce an inflammatory is usually less than 3 mm in diameter, and a larger artery in the
swelling that compresses the common hepatic duct, resulting in partial hepatobiliary triangle is more likely to be the right branch of the
obstruction to the flow of bile and the development of jaundice (the hepatic artery.
so-called ‘Mirizzi syndrome’; Stringer 2009). If the gallstone passes The origin of the cystic artery is variable (Fig. 68.10). The most
through the cystic duct, it may become impacted in the distal common common variant is an origin from the hepatic artery proper, when it
bile duct or at the pancreaticobiliary junction, causing obstructive jaun- often crosses anterior to the common bile duct or common hepatic duct
dice, cholangitis and/or acute pancreatitis. to reach the gallbladder. Rarely, it may arise from the left hepatic, gas-
troduodenal, superior pancreaticoduodenal, coeliac, right gastric or
superior mesenteric arteries; in these cases, the cystic artery may not
ENDOSCOPIC CHOLANGIOPANCREATOGRAPHY traverse the hepatobiliary triangle. The cystic artery frequently bifurcates
close to its origin, giving rise to two vessels. Alternatively, an accessory
The common bile duct and/or pancreatic duct may be accessed endo- cystic artery may arise from the hepatic artery or one of its branches.
scopically from the duodenum for diagnostic cholangiography and/or There appear to be racial differences in the frequency of these variants
pancreatography, and for therapeutic interventions such as the relief of (Saidi et al 2007). Small arterial branches from the parenchyma of
biliary obstruction by insertion of an internal stent. The acute angle segment IV or V of the liver may contribute to the supply of the body
between the distal common bile duct and pancreatic duct may make of the gallbladder, particularly when it is substantially intrahepatic;
direct cannulation of the bile duct difficult. In such cases, the upper these help to protect the gallbladder from ischaemic necrosis if inflam-
part of the major duodenal papilla may be incised (pre-cut sphincter- mation results in thrombosis of the cystic artery.
otomy) to facilitate cannulation of the common bile duct. This incision, The cystic artery also gives rise to multiple fine branches that con-
and the more extensive sphincterotomy that may be performed to tribute to the blood supply of the extrahepatic bile ducts.
release an impacted gallstone (Sakai et al 2012), are occasionally com-
plicated by arterial bleeding. The risk may be reduced by making the ductal arteries
incision in the 10–11 o’clock region of the sphincter (Mirjalili and The common bile duct and hepatic ducts are supplied by a fine network
Stringer 2011). Endoscopic sphincterotomy can result in uncontrolled of arteries arising from several sources. The common bile duct is fre-
reflux of duodenal contents into the distal common bile duct and quently supplied by 2–4 small-calibre arteries that form a long, tortu-
ascending biliary infection. ous, anastomotic network along its length; these narrow vessels tend to
be concentrated at the 3 and 9 o’clock positions around the circumfer-
ence of the duct (Northover and Terblanche 1979). The network is fed
BILIARY DRAINAGE by arteries from the right branch of the hepatic artery above, reinforced
by fine branches from the cystic artery. Branches from three main arte-
The proximity of the fundus of the gallbladder to the anterior abdomi- rial sources often supply the duct from below: the posterior superior
nal wall facilitates ultrasound-guided percutaneous drainage of a dis- pancreaticoduodenal artery, the retroduodenal artery (both of which
tended, obstructed gallbladder. Because of the small calibre of the cystic originate from the gastroduodenal artery and cross anterior to the
duct and its spiral folds, drainage of the gallbladder is rarely sufficient
to decompress the biliary tree when the common bile duct is obstructed.
In such cases, temporary or permanent biliary drainage may be achieved
by the endoscopic insertion of a biliary stent through the obstruction
via the major duodenal papilla, surgical bile diversion, or percutaneous
transhepatic drainage. The latter involves image-guided puncture of a
dilated intrahepatic bile duct and the insertion of an external drain or
an internal stent through the biliary obstruction.
Cystic artery
The cystic artery usually arises from the right branch of the hepatic A Hepatic artery proper B Low origin from hepatic artery
artery (Fig. 68.9, but see Fig. 68.10) and most often passes posterior to
Right hepatic artery
Left hepatic artery
Cystic artery
C Gastroduodenal artery D Superior pancreaticoduodenal,
Deep superior branch coeliac or right gastric arteries
Superficial inferior
Hepatic artery ‘proper’
E Left hepatic artery F Multiple cystic arteries
Fig. 68.9 Normal anatomy of the cystic artery. Fig. 68.10 Variant anatomy of the cystic artery. | 1,631 | Gray's Anatomy | temp.pdf | https://archive.org/download/GraysAnatomy41E2015PDF/Grays%20Anatomy-41%20E%20%282015%29%20%5BPDF%5D.pdf | PDFPlumberTextLoader |
retroduodenal segment of the bile duct), and a retroportal artery arising resembles that of the small intestine. The mucosa is yellowish brown
from the superior mesenteric artery or coeliac trunk and passing to the and elevated into minute rugae with a honeycomb appearance (see Fig.
right on the posterior surface of the portal vein (Chen et al 1999). The 68.2). In section, projections of the mucosa into the gallbladder lumen
supraduodenal segment of the bile duct is relatively less well vascular- resemble intestinal villi, but they are not fixed structures and the surface
ized than the retroduodenal and pancreatic segments, and excessive flattens as the gallbladder fills with bile. The epithelium is a single layer
dissection of this segment may result in an ischaemic bile duct of columnar cells with apical microvilli; basally, the spaces between
stricture. epithelial cells are dilated (Fig. 68.11). Many capillaries lie beneath the
The hilar ducts are supplied by a fine network of periductal arteries basement membrane. The epithelial cells actively absorb water and
that arise from the right and left branches of the hepatic artery and form solutes from the bile and concentrate it up to ten-fold. There are no
an anastomotic plexus within the connective tissue of the hilar plate. goblet cells in the epithelium. The thin fibromuscular layer is composed
The intrahepatic ducts are supplied by segmental branches of the of fibrous tissue mixed with smooth muscle cells arranged loosely in
hepatic artery arising within the Glissonian sheaths (Stapleton et al longitudinal, circular and oblique bundles.
1998, Vellar 1999). The dependence of the intrahepatic bile ducts on
their hepatic arterial blood supply is well recognized in liver transplan-
tation since hepatic artery thrombosis may lead to diffuse intrahepatic BILE DUCTS
biliary strictures despite preservation of portal venous blood flow.
The walls of the large biliary ducts consist of external fibrous and inter-
Cystic veins nal mucosal layers (Fig. 68.12). The outer layer is fibrous connective
The venous drainage of the gallbladder is rarely by a single cystic vein. tissue containing a variable amount of longitudinal, oblique and circu-
There are usually multiple small veins. Those arising from the superior lar smooth muscle cells. The mucosa is continuous with that in the
surface of the body and neck lie in areolar tissue between the gallblad-
der and liver, and drain into segmental portal veins within the liver. The
remainder of the organ drains by one or two small cystic veins into
either portal vein branches within the liver or portal venous tributaries
draining the hepatic ducts and upper bile duct (Sugita et al 2000). Only
rarely does a single or double cystic vein drain directly into the right
branch of the portal vein.
lymphatic drainage
Lymph from the gallbladder and cystic duct drains via several pathways:
to the cystic node, which usually lies above the cystic duct in the hepa-
tobiliary triangle, and from here via nodes in the free edge of the lesser
omentum and along the common hepatic artery to coeliac lymph
nodes; via lymphatics that descend along the common bile duct to the
superior retropancreaticoduodenal node (which communicates with
para-aortic nodes); and directly to superior mesenteric nodes (Sato et al
2013). Lymphatics on the hepatic aspect of the gallbladder connect
directly with intrahepatic lymph vessels.
Lymphatic vessels accompanying the hepatic ducts and upper bile
duct drain to hepatic nodes at the porta hepatis and then via lymph
nodes in the free edge of the lesser omentum to coeliac nodes. Lymphat-
ics from the lower common bile duct also drain to the latter but some
pass directly to retropancreatic and superior mesenteric nodes.
The gallbladder and the extrahepatic biliary tree are innervated by
branches from the hepatic plexus. Gallbladder contraction occurs in
response to cholecystokinin (CCK) and parasympathetic (vagal) stimu- Fig. 68.11 A low-power micrograph showing the gallbladder wall, with a
mucosal projection that flattens in the full gallbladder, and the thin
lation. Postganglionic sympathetic nerve fibres from the coeliac and
muscular layer.
superior mesenteric ganglia are inhibitory to gallbladder smooth
muscle. Sympathetic afferents from the gallbladder convey pain sensa-
tion; they travel with the greater and lesser splanchnic nerves and have
their cell bodies in the T7–9 spinal cord segments. Visceral pain from
the gallbladder is referred to the right hypochondrium and epigastrium
and may radiate around the back below the right scapula. Inflammation
of the parietal peritoneum overlying the gallbladder produces localized
right upper quadrant pain. A diverse range of neurotransmitters have CC
been identified within intrinsic neurones of the gallbladder (Balemba
et al 2004).
The common bile duct and smooth muscle of the hepatopancreatic
ampulla are also innervated by the vagi, either directly or via the hepatic
plexus, and by sympathetic nerves.
The fundus of the gallbladder is completely covered by a serosa, and LL
the inferior surfaces and sides of the body and neck of the gallbladder
are usually covered by a serosa. If the gallbladder possesses a mesentery, Fig. 68.12 A low-power micrograph showing the structure of a human
the serosa extends around the sides of the body and neck on to the common bile duct. Shown are the lumen (L), mucosal lining (M), smooth
superior surface and continues into the serosa of the mesentery, whereas muscle coat (SM) and outer connective tissue (C), with numerous nerve
the serosa is limited to the inferior surfaces only if the gallbladder is fibre bundles (N). (Courtesy of Mr Peter Helliwell and the late Dr Joseph
intrahepatic. Beneath the serosa is subserous loose connective and Mathew, Department of Histopathology, Royal Cornwall Hospitals
adipose peritoneal tissue. The gallbladder wall microstructure generally Trust, UK.) | 1,632 | Gray's Anatomy | temp.pdf | https://archive.org/download/GraysAnatomy41E2015PDF/Grays%20Anatomy-41%20E%20%282015%29%20%5BPDF%5D.pdf | PDFPlumberTextLoader |
Gallbladder and biliary tree
hepatic ducts, gallbladder and duodenum. The epithelium is columnar
Bonus e-book images
and there are numerous tubulo-alveolar (or tubulo-acinar) mucous
glands in the duct walls.
Expulsion of gallbladder contents is under neuroendocrine control.
Fat in the duodenum causes the release of CCK by intestinal neuro- Fig. 68.3 Hjortsö’s crook.
endocrine cells, which stimulates the gallbladder to contract because
muscle cells in its walls bear surface receptors for CCK. When the pres- Fig. 68.5 B, Endoscopic image of the major duodenal papilla
sure exceeds 100 mmHO of bile, the sphincter of Oddi relaxes and bile (arrow) on the medial wall of the descending duodenum.
enters the duodenum. The termination of the united bile and pancreatic
Fig. 68.7 A scanning electron micrograph showing mucosal folds
ducts is packed with villous, valvular folds of mucosa that contain
lining the wall the hepatopancreatic ampulla.
muscle cells in their connective tissue cores. Contraction is thought to
result in retraction and clumping of these folds, so preventing reflux of
Fig. 68.8 A view of the hepatobiliary triangle at laparoscopic
duodenal contents and controlling the exit of bile.
Cucchetti A, Peri E, Cescon M et al 2011 Anatomic variations of intrahepatic Stringer MD 2009 Eponyms in Surgery and Anatomy of the Liver, Bile Ducts
bile ducts in a European series and meta-analysis of the literature. and Pancreas. London: Royal Society of Medicine Press.
J Gastrointest Surg 15:623–30. A short reference book that contains illustrated accounts of the original
An analysis of 200 cholangiograms from liver donors, coupled with a descriptions of eponyms cited in this chapter, along with a brief biography of
detailed literature review exploring intrahepatic bile duct anatomy in the person after whom the structure is named.
different racial groups.
Suzuki M, Akaishi S, Rikiyama T et al 2000 Laparoscopic cholecystectomy,
Dasgupta D, Stringer MD 2005 Cystic duct and Heister’s ‘valves’. Clin Anat Calot’s triangle, and variations in cystic arterial supply. Surg Endosc
18:81–7. 14:141–4.
A review of cystic duct anatomy and the significance of its spiral mucosal An article that documents a consecutive series of 244 laparoscopic
folds. cholecystectomies, in which the cystic artery was not present in the
hepatobiliary triangle in 11%, and a further 7% of patients had an
Gross R 1936 Congenital anomalies of gallbladder. A review of one hundred
accessory cystic artery or other arterial variants.
and forty eight cases with a report of double gall-bladder. Arch Surg
32:131–62. Talpur KA, Laghari AA, Yousfani SA et al 2010 Anatomical variations and
A seminal paper on congenital anomalies of the gallbladder. congenital anomalies of extrahepatic biliary system encountered during
laparoscopic cholecystectomy. J Pak Med Assoc 60:89–93.
Lamah M, Karanjia ND, Dickson GH 2001 Anatomical variations of the
An analysis of anatomical variants encountered in 300 adults undergoing
extrahepatic biliary tree: review of the world literature. Clin Anat
cholecystectomy for gallstone disease. Variants were recorded in 20% of
patients and predominantly involved the cystic artery (11%), cystic duct
A literature review of anatomical variations affecting the extrahepatic bile
(4%), right hepatic artery (3%) and gallbladder (2%).
ducts. | 1,633 | Gray's Anatomy | temp.pdf | https://archive.org/download/GraysAnatomy41E2015PDF/Grays%20Anatomy-41%20E%20%282015%29%20%5BPDF%5D.pdf | PDFPlumberTextLoader |
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J Gastrointest Surg 15:623–30. Sato T, Ito M, Sakamoto H 2013 Pictorial dissection review of the lymphatic
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different ethnic groups. Anat 35:615–21.
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Didio JA, Anderson MC 1968 Biliary and Pancreatic Ducts: The ‘Sphincters’ A short reference book that contains illustrated accounts of the original
of the Digestive System. Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins, pp. 129–51. descriptions of eponyms cited in this chapter, along with a brief biography of
Faure JP, Doucet C, Scepi M et al 2008 Abnormalities of the gallbladder, the person after whom the structure is named.
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17:31–40. | 1,634 | Gray's Anatomy | temp.pdf | https://archive.org/download/GraysAnatomy41E2015PDF/Grays%20Anatomy-41%20E%20%282015%29%20%5BPDF%5D.pdf | PDFPlumberTextLoader |
The pancreas is one of the largest digestive glands. The major part of duodenum and is continuous with the uncinate process. The anterior
the gland is exocrine, secreting enzymes involved in the digestion of surface of the head is covered by peritoneum and related to the origin
lipids, carbohydrates and proteins. It has an additional endocrine func- of the transverse mesocolon (Fig. 69.3B). Posteriorly, the common bile
tion derived from clusters of cells scattered throughout the substance duct is partially embedded within the head of the gland just proximal
of the gland, which take part in glucose homeostasis and the control to where it joins the pancreatic duct near the major duodenal papilla
of upper gastrointestinal motility and function. (Burgard et al 1991, Nagai 2003). The posterior surface of the pancreatic
The healthy pancreas is creamy pink in colour, with a soft to head is also related to the inferior vena cava, the right crus of the dia-
firm consistency and lobulated surface. It is divided into a head, neck, phragm and the termination of the right gonadal vein (Ch. 76; see Fig.
body, tail and uncinate process on the basis of its anatomical relations 76.5). Near the midline, the head of the pancreas becomes continuous
(Figs 69.1–69.3A). In adults, the gland measures 12–15 cm in length with the neck.
and is shaped as a flattened ‘tongue’ of tissue lying in the retroperito-
neum, thicker at its medial end (head) and thinner towards the lateral
end (tail). The head lies within the ‘C’ loop of the duodenum and the NECK
remainder of the gland extends transversely and slightly cranially across
the retroperitoneum and posterior to the stomach to the hilum of the The neck of the pancreas is approximately 2 cm wide and links the head
spleen. It is ‘draped’ over the vertebral column and other retroperitoneal and body. It is often the most anterior part of the gland and may be
structures, forming a distinct shallow curve, with the neck and medial defined as that part of the pancreas lying anterior to the formation of
body lying most anteriorly. In adults, it has an average volume of the portal vein (usually the union of the superior mesenteric and
70–80 cm3, although this varies considerably between individuals (with splenic veins) in the transpyloric plane (Fig. 69.4D,E). This is a crucial
a range of 40–170 cm3) and tends to be greater in males (Djuric- relationship when evaluating pancreatic cancer because malignant
Stefanovic et al 2012). Pancreatic volume increases with age, to reach a involvement of these vessels may make resection impossible. The supe-
peak in the fourth decade. From about 60 years of age, the gland atro- rior mesenteric vein and portal vein groove the posterior aspect of the
phies and fatty connective tissue replaces exocrine tissue (Caglar et al neck. The inferior mesenteric vein joins the confluence of the superior
2012, Saisho et al 2007). mesenteric vein and splenic vein in one-third of individuals (Kimura
The ventral surface of the pancreas is covered by parietal peritoneum 2000; see Fig. 69.7). The anterior surface of the pancreatic neck is
and is crossed by the root of the transverse mesocolon. A loose connec- covered by peritoneum and lies adjacent to the pylorus. The anterior
tive tissue layer immediately posterior to the pancreas, sometimes superior pancreaticoduodenal branch of the gastroduodenal artery
known the fusion fascia of Treitz in the region of the pancreatic head descends in front of the gland at the junction of the head and neck.
and the fusion fascia of Toldt in the region of the body and tail, contains
vessels that supply the pancreas (Kimura 2000).
HEAD The body of the pancreas is the longest part of the gland and runs from
the neck to the tail, becoming progressively thinner. It is slightly trian-
The head of the pancreas lies to the right of the midline, anterior gular in cross-section, and has anterior and posterior surfaces and supe-
and to the right of the vertebral column, within the curve of the duo- rior and inferior borders.
denum. It is the thickest and broadest part of the pancreas but is still
flattened in the anteroposterior plane. Superiorly, it lies adjacent to the Anterior surface The anterior surface is covered by peritoneum,
first part of the duodenum; close to the pylorus, however, where the which is reflected anteroinferiorly from the surface of the gland to
duodenum is on a short mesentery, it overlaps the upper part of be continuous with the posterior layer of the greater omentum and
the head anteriorly. The duodenal border of the head is flattened, the transverse mesocolon (see Fig. 63.4). The two layers of the trans-
slightly concave and adherent to the second part of the duodenum, verse mesocolon diverge along this surface (see Fig. 69.3B). Above the
particularly around the duodenal papillae. The superior and inferior attachment of the transverse mesocolon, the anterior surface of the
pancreaticoduodenal arteries lie adjacent to this region. The inferior pancreas is separated from the stomach by the lesser sac. Inferiorly, it
border of the pancreatic head lies superior to the third part of the lies within the infracolic compartment, and its anterior relations include
Inferior vena cava
Bile duct
Left kidney
Duodenum Neck
Main pancreatic duct
Accessory pancreatic duct Head
Superior mesenteric artery
Superior mesenteric vein
Uncinate process
Hepatopancreatic ampulla
Fig. 69.1 Relations of the pancreas. 1179 | 1,635 | Gray's Anatomy | temp.pdf | https://archive.org/download/GraysAnatomy41E2015PDF/Grays%20Anatomy-41%20E%20%282015%29%20%5BPDF%5D.pdf | PDFPlumberTextLoader |
the fourth part of the duodenum, the duodenojejunal flexure and coils
of jejunum. Tail
Posterior surface The posterior surface of the pancreas is devoid of
peritoneum. It lies on fascia (the fusion fascia of Toldt) anterior
to the aorta and the origin of the superior mesenteric artery, the left
crus of the diaphragm, left suprarenal gland, the upper pole of the left
kidney surrounded by perirenal fascia, and left renal vein (Kimura
2000; see Figs 69.1, 69.4A–G). The splenic vein runs from left to right Neck
directly on this surface of the gland and indents the parenchyma to a
variable extent, ranging from a shallow groove to almost a tunnel.
Superior border To the right, the superior border of the body of the
pancreas is blunt but it becomes narrower and sharper to the left. An
(anterior border)
Body of pancreas Tail of pancreas
Liver Portal vein Pancreatic duct Stomach Spleen
D1 Antrum
Jejunal loops
Attachment of the leaves
of the transverse mesocolon
Attachment of the leaves
Proximal transverse
of the greater omentum
Ileal loops
Fig. 69.3 A, Regions and anterior surfaces and borders of the pancreas.
Head of pancreas Jejunum B, Anterior relations of the pancreas. Areas covered in peritoneum are
shown in blue and structures overlying these areas are separated from
Second part of duodenum Neck of pancreas Left kidney
the pancreas by peritoneal ‘spaces’. The spleen lies anterior to the
Fig. 69.2 A coronal reformat computed tomogram (CT) of the pancreas anterior leaf of the splenorenal ligament and not in direct contact
showing its relations in the upper abdomen. (Courtesy of the Department with pancreatic tissue. Abbreviations: D1, first part of the duodenum;
of Radiology, Global Hospital, Chennai, India.) SMA, superior mesenteric artery; SMV, superior mesenteric vein.
Neck of pancreas Duodenum (fourth part)
Inferior vena cava Head of pancreas Superior mesenteric vein
mesenteric vein Superior
mesenteric artery
Duodenum Uncinate process
(second part)
Inferior vena cava (fourth part)
Aorta Gonadal arteries
Inferior pole of
left kidney C
Duodenum (second part) Aorta
Uncinate process Superior mesenteric artery
Fig. 69.4 A, Posterior relations of the pancreas, with planes of section labelled as shown in B, D and F. B, Diagrammatic cross-section taken at the mid
level of the uncinate process, and equivalent CT axial slice (C).
Continued | 1,636 | Gray's Anatomy | temp.pdf | https://archive.org/download/GraysAnatomy41E2015PDF/Grays%20Anatomy-41%20E%20%282015%29%20%5BPDF%5D.pdf | PDFPlumberTextLoader |
Superior mesenteric vein Body of pancreas
Duodenum (second part) Neck of pancreas Splenic vein
Neck and body
of pancreas Portal vein
Duodenum Superior
(second part) mesenteric artery
Splenic vein
Inferior vena cava Left renal vein
Aorta Left crus
Left kidney
Inferior vena cava Left renal vein Superior mesenteric artery
Coeliac trunk Body of pancreas Stomach Tail of pancreas
Origin of
coeliac trunk Tail of pancreas
Inferior vena cava
Aorta vein
Inferior vena cava Aorta Splenic vein
Upper pole of left kidney Spleen
Fig. 69.4, cont’d Diagrammatic cross-sections and equivalent CT axial slices taken at the head and neck (D–E), and tail (F–G) of the pancreas.
omental tuberosity usually projects from the right end of the superior ligament. It may terminate at the base of the splenorenal ligament or
border above the level of the lesser curvature of the stomach. The supe- extend up to the splenic hilum, when it is at risk of injury at splenec-
rior border is related to the coeliac artery and its branches; the common tomy during ligation or stapling of the splenic vessels. The splenic artery
hepatic artery runs to the right just above the gland, and the splenic and its branches, and the splenic vein and its tributaries, lie posterior
artery passes to the left in a tortuous manner, projecting above the to the tail (see Fig. 69.4F,G).
superior border at several points.
Inferior border At the medial end of the inferior border, adjacent to
the neck of the pancreas, the superior mesenteric vessels emerge from UNCINATE PROCESS
behind the gland. Laterally, the inferior mesenteric vein runs behind
the inferior border to join the splenic vein or the confluence of the The uncinate process is a hook-shaped continuation of the inferomedial
splenic and superior mesenteric veins. This is a useful site for identifica- part of the head of the gland. Embryologically, it is separate from the
tion of the inferior mesenteric vein on computed tomographic (CT) rest of the gland (p. 1051). The superior mesenteric vein and, occasion-
imaging and during left-sided colonic resections. ally, the superior mesenteric artery descend on its anterior surface before
running forwards into the root of the mesentery of the small intestine.
The uncinate process extends medially anterior to the abdominal aorta
TAIL above the third part of the duodenum, which may be compressed by a
pancreatic tumour at this site. On sagittal cross-sectional imaging, the
The tail of the pancreas is the narrowest, most lateral portion of the left renal vein, uncinate process, and third part of duodenum can be
gland and is continuous medially with the body. It is between 1.5 and seen lying between the superior mesenteric artery anteriorly and the
3.5 cm long in adults and lies between the layers of the splenorenal abdominal aorta posteriorly. | 1,637 | Gray's Anatomy | temp.pdf | https://archive.org/download/GraysAnatomy41E2015PDF/Grays%20Anatomy-41%20E%20%282015%29%20%5BPDF%5D.pdf | PDFPlumberTextLoader |
A in calibre within the body of the gland as it receives further lobular
ducts that join it almost at right angles to its axis, forming a ‘herring-
bone pattern’. In adults, the duct can often be demonstrated on ultra-
Accessory duct sound, measuring approximately 3 mm in diameter in the head, 2 mm
in the body and 1 mm in the tail; the calibre of the duct increases from
Main duct about the fifth decade onwards (Glaser et al 1987). As it reaches the
neck of the gland, it turns inferiorly and posteriorly towards the
bile duct, which lies on its right side. The two ducts unite to form a
short common channel, which enters the wall of the descending part
of the duodenum obliquely; it may contain a dilation known as the
hepatopancreatic ampulla (of Vater) (p. 1175). The terminal part of the
main pancreatic duct contains a few mucosal folds that impede reflux
of pancreatic juice (Purvis et al 2013). The length of the common pan-
B creaticobiliary channel is variable and measures up to 5–7 mm in
normal individuals (Horaguchi et al 2014).
The accessory (dorsal) pancreatic duct (of Santorini) drains the
upper part of the anterior portion of the pancreatic head. Much smaller
Accessory duct
in calibre than the main duct, it is formed within the substance of the
Main duct head from several lobular ducts and usually communicates with the
main pancreatic duct near the neck of the gland or near its first inferior
branch (Kamisawa and Okamoto 2008, Kamisawa 2004). The accessory
duct usually opens on to a small, rounded minor duodenal papilla,
which lies about 2 cm proximal to the major papilla (see Fig. 69.5A).
If the duodenal end of the accessory duct fails to develop, the lobular
ducts drain via small channel(s) into the main duct (Hernandez-Jover
et al 2011). The anatomy of the main and accessory pancreatic ducts
may vary, reflecting anomalies in the development and fusion of the
dorsal and ventral pancreatic ducts.
Main duct
The pancreas has a rich arterial supply via branches from the coeliac
trunk and superior mesenteric artery (Figs 69.6A–C; see also Fig. 65.4).
The head and adjoining duodenum are supplied mainly by four arter-
ies: two from the coeliac trunk via the gastroduodenal artery (anterior
and posterior superior pancreaticoduodenal arteries), and two from the
superior mesenteric artery via the inferior pancreaticoduodenal artery
(anterior and posterior inferior pancreaticoduodenal arteries). The two
D anterior arteries supply the ventral aspects of the duodenum, pancreatic
head and uncinate process, and join to form the anterior pancreati-
coduodenal arcade. The two posterior arteries supply the dorsal aspect
of the pancreatic head, adjacent duodenum and distal bile duct, and
may join to form a posterior pancreaticoduodenal arcade.
Main duct The body and tail of the pancreas are supplied by multiple branches
from the splenic artery, including the dorsal pancreatic artery. Small
arteries characteristically run along the superior and inferior borders of
the gland, lying in a deep groove or within the parenchyma. They are
fed along their length by the pancreaticoduodenal and splenic arteries.
Bleeding from these vessels is avoided by ligating the upper and lower
borders of the pancreas prior to transection.
Posterior superior pancreaticoduodenal artery
Fig. 69.5 Variations in the ductal anatomy of the pancreas. A, Normal. The posterior superior pancreaticoduodenal artery usually arises as the
The main pancreatic duct is formed by fusion of the dorsal and ventral first branch of the gastroduodenal artery at the superior edge of the first
bud ducts, and communicates with the accessory pancreatic duct. part of the duodenum. It runs to the right, anterior to the supraduode-
B, Normal. There is no communication between the main duct and nal portion of the bile duct, before spiralling posteriorly around the
a normally sited accessory duct. C, Pancreas divisum. The majority common bile duct and descending on the posterior surface of the pan-
of the pancreas drains via a dominant dorsal duct that enters the creatic head. It gives branches to the duodenum, head of the pancreas,
duodenum at the minor papilla. A short ventral duct is seen draining, and bile duct before anastomosing with the posterior inferior pancrea-
along with the bile duct, into the major duodenal papilla. D, Absence of
ticoduodenal artery to form the posterior pancreaticoduodenal arcade.
accessory duct. (E–G, continued online)
The posterior superior pancreaticoduodenal artery may also give origin
to the retroduodenal and supraduodenal arteries, which supply the
duodenum (Bertelli et al 1996a). The spiral course of the posterior
superior pancreaticoduodenal artery reflects its embryonic develop-
ment: it is the artery to the anterior aspect of the ventral pancreatic bud
PANCREATIC DUCTS and the bile duct, which subsequently rotate clockwise behind the
duodenum and dorsal pancreatic bud (Bertelli et al 1997).
The exocrine pancreatic tissue drains into multiple small lobular ducts.
The arrangement of the main ducts draining the pancreas is subject to anterior superior pancreaticoduodenal artery
variation but the most common arrangement is a single main and a The anterior superior pancreaticoduodenal artery usually arises as the
single accessory duct (Fig. 69.5). This arrangement reflects the embryo- smaller terminal branch of the gastroduodenal artery, together with the
logical development of the dorsal and ventral pancreatic ducts (p. 1051; right gastroepiploic artery. It originates behind the first part of the duo-
see Figs 60.3–60.4). The main pancreatic duct (of Wirsung) usually runs denum and runs inferiorly on the anterior aspect of the pancreatic head
within the substance of the gland from left to right. It lies midway at a variable distance medial to the groove between the descending
between the superior and inferior borders of the pancreas, usually duodenum and pancreatic head. It passes inferiorly around the right or
slightly more towards the posterior surface of the gland. It is formed by inferior border of the pancreatic head, often piercing the gland to reach
the junction of several lobular (secondary) ducts in the tail and increases the posterior surface of the uncinate process, where it joins the anterior | 1,638 | Gray's Anatomy | temp.pdf | https://archive.org/download/GraysAnatomy41E2015PDF/Grays%20Anatomy-41%20E%20%282015%29%20%5BPDF%5D.pdf | PDFPlumberTextLoader |
An abnormally long common channel may occur in isolation or
with congenital choledochal dilation, and is associated with pancreatico-
biliary reflux and an increased risk of gallbladder cancer (Kamisawa
et al 2010a).
Patients who develop acute pancreatitis are more likely to have a
poorly developed minor papilla; if this were not so, the patent accessory
duct system might act as a secondary drainage mechanism for the main
ductal system and so prevent elevation of intraductal pressures likely to
cause acute pancreatitis (Kamisawa et al 2010b). One clinically impor-
tant variation is ‘pancreas divisum’, seen in 5–10% of individuals (Rana
et al 2012; see Fig. 69.5C, G). In this condition, there is a failure of
normal duct fusion and the accessory pancreatic duct drains the entire
pancreas via the minor papilla, except that part of the head and unci-
nate process that develop from the ventral bud. The relatively small size
of the minor papilla might impair pancreatic drainage, leading to recur-
rent pancreatitis.
Catheter in Bile duct Pancreatic duct
cystic duct (dorsal duct origin) Pancreatic duct (dorsal duct origin)
E Common bile duct Major duodenal Pancreatic duct Area of fusion of embryonic
papilla (ventral duct origin) dorsal and ventral ducts
Accessory pancreatic duct Pancreatic duct
(dorsal duct origin) (ventral duct portion)
Minor duodenal papilla Gallbladder Dorsal pancreatic duct Interconnecting channel
Duodenum Biliopancreatic channel
Common bile duct Major duodenal papilla
Ventral pancreatic duct
Fig. 69.5, cont’d Variations in the ductal anatomy of the pancreas. E, Intraoperative cholangiogram visualizing the main pancreatic duct opening into the
duodenum through the major duodenal papilla, the accessory duct opening through the minor duodenal papilla and its communicating branch. F, Normal
magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatogram (MRCP). The dorsal duct joins with the distal ventral duct in the head of the pancreas. G, Pancreas
divisum. MRCP reconstruction shows that the dorsal duct is dominant and enters the duodenum at the minor duodenal papilla. A short ventral
pancreatic duct is seen draining with the bile duct into the major papilla.(Figs 69.5E–G, courtesy of Mohamed Rela, Global Hospitals, Chennai, India.) | 1,639 | Gray's Anatomy | temp.pdf | https://archive.org/download/GraysAnatomy41E2015PDF/Grays%20Anatomy-41%20E%20%282015%29%20%5BPDF%5D.pdf | PDFPlumberTextLoader |
Right gastroepiploic artery Splenic artery
Gastroduodenal artery
Arteria caudae pancreatis
(Artery to the tail of the pancreas)
Posterior superior
pancreaticoduodenal artery Arteria pancreatica magna
(Greater pancreatic artery)
Left branch, dorsal pancreatic artery
Anterior superior
pancreaticoduodenal artery Right branch, dorsal pancreatic artery
Jejunal branches
Anterior inferior
pancreaticoduodenal artery
Posterior inferior
pancreaticoduodenal artery
Superior mesenteric artery
LHA CHA SA Gastroduodenal artery Bile duct
Communicating artery
Pancreatic duct
Inferior pancreaticoduodenal
PSPD RGE PIPD First jejunal TPA
ASPD AIPD IPD artery DPA Anterior superior artery
Superior mesenteric artery
artery Posterior pancreaticoduodenal arcade
Anterior pancreaticoduodenal arcade
Fig. 69.6 A, The arterial supply of the pancreas. B, A CT angiographic reconstruction. The black arrow shows the coeliac trunk, and the white arrow
shows the superior mesenteric artery. Anastomotic arcades, both ventral and dorsal, can be seen coursing around the head of the pancreas. The body
and tail of the pancreas are supplied by multiple pancreatic branches (PB) from the splenic artery and the dorsal pancreatic artery (DPA), which, in this
example, arises from the superior mesenteric artery, and gives origin to the transverse pancreatic artery (TPA). Other abbreviations: AIPD, anterior inferior
pancreaticoduodenal artery; ASPD, anterior superior pancreaticoduodenal artery; CHA, common hepatic artery; GDA, gastroduodenal artery; IPD, inferior
pancreaticoduodenal artery; LGA, left gastric artery; LHA, left hepatic artery; PIPD, posterior inferior pancreaticoduodenal artery; PSPD, posterior
superior pancreaticoduodenal artery; RGE, right gastroepiploic artery; RHA, right hepatic artery; SA, splenic artery. C, The anterior and posterior
pancreaticoduodenal arterial arcades and a typical communicating artery. (Adapted with permission from Mirjalili SA, Stringer MD. The arterial supply of
the major duodenal papilla and its relevance to endoscopic sphincterotomy. Endoscopy 2011; 43(4): 307–11.)
inferior pancreaticoduodenal artery to form the anterior pancreaticoduo- artery gives off a jejunal branch and then runs posterior to both the
denal arcade (Bertelli et al 1995). superior mesenteric artery and vein before dividing into its terminal
branches. Occasionally, the inferior pancreaticoduodenal artery is
Inferior pancreaticoduodenal artery absent and the anterior and posterior inferior pancreaticoduodenal
An inferior pancreaticoduodenal artery is present in most individuals. arteries arise separately from the superior mesenteric artery.
It usually arises either directly from the superior mesenteric artery at The smaller anterior inferior pancreaticoduodenal artery runs to the
the inferior border of the pancreas or as a common vessel with the first right on the posterior surface of the uncinate process to join the anterior
jejunal artery (a pancreaticoduodenojejunal trunk) from the posterior superior pancreaticoduodenal artery and form the anterior pancreati-
or left aspect of the superior mesenteric artery (Horiguchi et al 2008, coduodenal arcade. The larger posterior inferior pancreaticoduodenal
Bertelli et al 1996b). It runs to the right, posterior to the superior artery runs on the posterior surface of the head of the pancreas, parallel
mesenteric vein, to reach the posterior surface of the uncinate process, and superior to the anterior inferior pancreaticoduodenal artery. It joins
where it divides into anterior and posterior inferior pancreaticoduode- the posterior superior pancreaticoduodenal artery to form the posterior
nal arteries. When arising as a pancreaticoduodenojejunal trunk, the pancreaticoduodenal arcade (Bertelli et al 1997). | 1,640 | Gray's Anatomy | temp.pdf | https://archive.org/download/GraysAnatomy41E2015PDF/Grays%20Anatomy-41%20E%20%282015%29%20%5BPDF%5D.pdf | PDFPlumberTextLoader |
communicating arteries
Multiple small arteries run between the anterior and posterior pancrea-
ticoduodenal arcades, either via the pancreaticoduodenal groove or Portal vein Veins directly draining body and tail
through the substance of the gland. The largest and most consistent of
these is the communicating artery (sometimes known as the middle
pancreaticoduodenal arcade), which passes between the main and
accessory pancreatic ducts and connects the anterior pancreaticoduode- Veins directly
nal arterial arcade and the posterior superior pancreaticoduodenal draining head
artery (Yamaguchi et al 2001; Fig. 69.6C; see also Fig. 65.4). This artery and neck
gives rise to the majority of small arteries that supply the major duo-
denal papilla (Mirjalili and Stringer 2011).
Splenic vein
Other arterial arcades in the head of the pancreas
Kirk’s arcade is formed by a right branch of the dorsal pancreatic
artery that emerges on to the anterior surface of the head of the Inferior
gland and anastomoses with a branch of either the gastroduodenal mesenteric
or the anterior pancreaticoduodenal arcade (Woodburne and Olsen vein
1951). It supplies blood to the ventral surface of the head and neck of
the gland.
Gastrocolic venous trunk
splenic artery
The splenic artery arises from the coeliac trunk and runs behind the Superior mesenteric vein
superior border of the pancreas to the splenic hilum (see Fig. 69.6A).
It gives multiple small branches along its course that penetrate and Inferior pancreaticoduodenal
supply the pancreatic parenchyma. Prominent among these are the vein
dorsal pancreatic artery (see below); great pancreatic artery (arteria
Superior pancreaticoduodenal veins
pancreatica magna), arising approximately two-thirds of the way along
(anterior and posterior)
the gland; and the artery to the tail of the pancreas (arteria caudae
pancreatis), arising near the tail. These branches lie on or within the Fig. 69.7 Venous drainage of the pancreas. (Adapted from Drake RL,
posterior aspect of the gland and often anastomose with the transverse Vogl AW, Mitchell A (eds), Gray’s Anatomy for Students, 2nd ed, Elsevier,
pancreatic artery. Anatomical variations are not unusual; the dorsal, Churchill Livingstone. Copyright 2010.)
great or transverse pancreatic arteries may be dominant in any one
individual (Wu et al 2011).
veins (the gastrocolic trunk of Henle) or the right gastroepiploic vein
Dorsal pancreatic artery alone, to drain into the superior mesenteric vein at the inferior border
The dorsal pancreatic artery commonly arises from the initial 2 cm of of the neck of the pancreas (Mourad et al 1994, Lange et al 2000). The
the splenic artery, although it may take origin from the common hepatic posterior superior pancreaticoduodenal vein drains cranially into the
or superior mesenteric artery or the coeliac trunk (Horiguchi et al portal vein. Both anterior and posterior inferior pancreaticoduodenal
2008). The artery is short and gives off numerous branches, including veins usually drain directly into the superior mesenteric vein. Veins
a terminal left branch near the inferior border of the gland. Several from the body and tail of the gland drain directly into the splenic vein.
right-sided branches run to the head of the pancreas, passing either A transverse (or inferior) pancreatic vein may be present, running along
behind or in front of the superior mesenteric vein to supply the poste- the inferior border of the pancreas to join the inferior mesenteric vein.
rior or anterior surface of the pancreatic head, respectively; they anas- A few pancreatic veins communicate with systemic veins in the retro-
tomose with arteries of the pancreaticoduodenal arcade (Tsutsumi et al peritoneum (veins of Retzius); these may form retroperitoneal varices
2014). The terminal left branch anastomoses with the transverse pan- in portal hypertension.
creatic artery.
Lymphatic drainage
The length and course of the dorsal pancreatic artery depend prima-
rily on its site of origin. When it arises from the splenic artery, common The lymphatic drainage of the pancreas is extensive (see Fig. 64.14B),
hepatic artery or coeliac trunk, the artery runs inferiorly on the dorsal which, in part, explains the poor prognosis of pancreatic cancer. Lym-
surface of the pancreas, whereas if it arises from the superior mesenteric phatic vessels commence within the connective tissue septa within the
artery, it runs superiorly. The artery uniformly terminates near the infe- gland and join to form larger lymphatics that follow local arteries (Deki
rior border of the pancreas close to the confluence of the splenic and and Sato 1988, O’Morchoe 1997). Lymphatics from the tail and body
superior mesenteric veins (Bertelli et al 1998). drain mostly into nodes along the splenic artery and inferior border of
the gland, and from there to pre-aortic nodes between the coeliac trunk
Transverse pancreatic artery and superior mesenteric artery. Lymphatics from the neck and head
The transverse pancreatic artery, also called the inferior pancreatic drain more widely into nodes along the pancreaticoduodenal, superior
artery, commonly originates from the left terminal branch of the dorsal mesenteric and hepatic arteries, and, ultimately, into pre-aortic nodes
pancreatic artery. It runs to the left on the posterior surface of the (Donatini and Hidden 1992). There is no evidence of lymphatic chan-
gland close to its inferior border, gives multiple branches to the body nels within the pancreatic islets.
and tail, and anastomoses with other pancreatic branches of the
splenic artery.
The transverse pancreatic artery may occasionally originate from the
gastroduodenal artery or the anterior superior pancreaticoduodenal
artery, crossing the anterior surface of the pancreatic head to reach the The pancreas has a rich autonomic nerve supply (Love et al 2007).
inferior border of the neck of the gland and then the tail. In such cases, Parasympathetic afferents convey sensory information from pancreatic
it may be the dominant artery to the pancreatic body, and its injury or ducts, acini and islets via the vagus nerve. Preganglionic vagal efferents
deliberate ligation during pancreaticoduodenectomy may cause ischae- have their cell bodies in the dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus and
mia of the remnant pancreas. reach the pancreas via hepatic, gastric and coeliac branches of the
nerve. They synapse with postganglionic parasympathetic pancreatic
arterial segmentation of the pancreas neurones, which are distributed singly or clustered in ganglia in the
interlobular connective tissue, lobules and islets. Pancreatic ganglia
Available with the Gray’s Anatomy e-book are most abundant in the head and neck of the gland. The ganglia
contain neurones that are dominantly cholinergic but nitrergic, pepti-
dergic and dopaminergic neurones are also present. These pancreatic
Venous drainage of the pancreas
neurones receive input not only from vagal efferents but also from
Multiple veins drain the pancreas into the portal, superior mesenteric enteric neurones from the stomach and duodenum, sympathetic
and splenic veins (Mourad et al 1994; Fig. 69.7). Although variations efferents and other pancreatic neurones. Their nerve fibres ramify in
are common, the anterior superior pancreaticoduodenal vein typically the interacinar spaces and supply acinar cells and islets, modulating
joins either the confluence of the right gastroepiploic and right colic both exocrine and endocrine secretion (see Fig. 69.10). A network of | 1,641 | Gray's Anatomy | temp.pdf | https://archive.org/download/GraysAnatomy41E2015PDF/Grays%20Anatomy-41%20E%20%282015%29%20%5BPDF%5D.pdf | PDFPlumberTextLoader |
The pancreas may be divided into two arterial ‘segments’ that are sepa-
rated by a relatively avascular plane; there is disagreement on the defini-
tion of these segments. One view is that the two segments are separated
by a plane passing to the left of the superior mesenteric artery, such that
the head and neck are supplied by branches of the gastroduodenal and
superior mesenteric arteries, and the body and tail are supplied by
branches of the splenic artery (Busnardo et al 1988). An alternative
view holds that the anterior segment consists of the superior part of the
pancreatic head, neck, body and tail of the gland (derived from the
dorsal pancreatic bud), and the posterior segment consists of the infe-
rior part of the head and the uncinate process (derived from the ventral
pancreatic bud) (Sakamoto et al 2000). In both schemes, the main
pancreatic duct crosses between the segments. Currently, segmental
anatomy is of limited practical surgical significance. | 1,642 | Gray's Anatomy | temp.pdf | https://archive.org/download/GraysAnatomy41E2015PDF/Grays%20Anatomy-41%20E%20%282015%29%20%5BPDF%5D.pdf | PDFPlumberTextLoader |
interstitial cells (of Cajal) provides an additional link between auto- pancreatic islets, forming the endocrine component, are embedded
nomic nerves and pancreatic acini. (Figs 69.8–69.10).
Visceral afferents transmit pain and other sensory information to cell
bodies in the sixth to twelfth thoracic dorsal root ganglia via the coeliac
Exocrine pancreas
plexus and thoracic splanchnic nerves. The cell bodies of preganglionic
sympathetic nerves are located in the intermediolateral columns of the
spinal cord (T6–12); their axons travel in the thoracic splanchnic nerves The exocrine pancreas is a branched acinar gland (see Fig. 2.6), sur-
and synapse in the coeliac and superior mesenteric ganglia. Postgangli- rounded and incompletely lobulated by delicate loose connective
onic sympathetic nerves innervate the blood vessels, ganglia and ducts tissue. Individual acini are composed of roughly spherical clusters of
within the pancreas, causing vasoconstriction and inhibiting exocrine pyramidal cells that secrete digestive enzymes, water and bicarbonate.
secretion. A narrow intralobular duct lined by flattened or cuboidal centro-acinar
Perineural invasion is relatively common in pancreatic cancer and cells originates from within each secretory acinus. Intralobular ducts
not only adversely affects prognosis but may also be a factor in the pain unite to form larger interlobular ducts lined by taller cuboidal and,
associated with this disease (Bapat et al 2011). eventually, columnar epithelium. The latter are surrounded by connec-
tive tissue septa, containing smooth muscle, autonomic nerves and fat.
Referred pain Neuroendocrine cells are present among the columnar ductal cells, and
Pain arising in the pancreas is poorly localized. In common with other mast cells are numerous in the surrounding connective tissue. A network
foregut structures, the majority of pain arising from the pancreas is of intralobular arteries, arterioles and capillaries form capillary net-
referred to the epigastrium. Inflammatory or infiltrative processes works around the terminal ducts, acini and the richly vascularized
arising from the gland rapidly involve the tissues of the retroperito- endocrine islets (Love et al 2007).
neum that are innervated by somatic nerves; pain is then localized to
the lower thoracic spine. Intractable pain from chronic pancreatitis or Acinar cells Acinar cells have a basal nucleus surrounded by abun-
inoperable pancreatic tumours can be temporarily controlled by dant basophilic rough endoplasmic reticulum and an apical region
thermal or chemical ablation of the coeliac plexus. containing dense eosinophilic secretory zymogen granules. A promi-
nent supranuclear Golgi complex is associated with large, membrane-
bound granules containing the protein constituents of pancreatic
MICROSTRUCTURE secretion, including enzymes that are only active after release. Gangli-
onic neurones and cords of undifferentiated epithelial cells are also
The pancreas is composed of exocrine and endocrine tissues. The main found within the acini. The structure of the exocrine pancreas and its
tissue mass is exocrine, forming 98% of the pancreas, in which functional regulation are summarized in Figure 69.8.
Neural control Parasympathetic fibres Neural control Mainly vagal cholinergic fibres
Sympathetic fibres Hormonal control Mainly secretin (duodenum and jejunum)
Pancreatic islet
Islet hormones modulate
acinar secretion via local
portal system
Acinar secretion is
controlled by duodenal
cell secretion
Acinar cell vasoconstrictor
Centro-acinar cell
Secretion of granule contents
(including proteases, esterase, Intercalated
amylase and lipase) duct cell
Zymogen granule
(enzyme storage)
cholinergic fibres
nerve terminal
Neural control Mainly vagal cholinergic fibres
Hormonal control Mainly duodenal cholecystokinin (CCK)
Fig. 69.8 The microstructure of the exocrine pancreas and the mechanisms by which its secretion is controlled. Pancreatic stellate cells (see text) are
not shown. | 1,643 | Gray's Anatomy | temp.pdf | https://archive.org/download/GraysAnatomy41E2015PDF/Grays%20Anatomy-41%20E%20%282015%29%20%5BPDF%5D.pdf | PDFPlumberTextLoader |
Cell types Secretion
A (Alpha cells) Glucagon
B (Beta cells) Insulin
D (Delta cells) Somatostatin, gastrin
F cells Pancreatic polypeptide
Pancreatic acinus Pancreatic duct
Neuroendocrine cells (white) are incorporated
into exocrine pancreatic tissue
Fig. 69.10 The microstructure and control of function of the endocrine pancreas.
Acinus Islet Fig. 69.9 Microstructure of the pancreas. The exocrine tissue consists of
acini with pyramid-shaped columnar cells arranged in spherical clusters.
Acinar secretions drain into intralobular ducts, which, in turn, join larger
interlobular ducts, present in connective tissue septa containing blood
vessels. Interspersed between the acini are islets of Langerhans, which
appear as clusters of pale-staining cells surrounded by a network of
capillaries, seen as narrow clear spaces. Adipocytes may also be present.
Haematoxylin and eosin. (Courtesy of Dr Mukul Vij, Global Hospital, Chennai,
Small duct Large duct
Stimulation of
insulin synthesis
and secretion
Ganglion cell Preganglionic
vagal fibre
tight junctions
Secretomotor terminals
Sympathetic Parasympathetic
Fenestrated Neuroinsular Gap junction
capillaries complex
Direct receptor Indirect stimulation via
stimulation vagus and gastrointestinal
by glucose hormones after ingestion
Gap junction
Somatostatin released
by D cell inhibits glucagon
(and B cell insulin) release
...and also passes
into vessels to exert
distant effects
Neural modulation of
endocrine cell activity | 1,644 | Gray's Anatomy | temp.pdf | https://archive.org/download/GraysAnatomy41E2015PDF/Grays%20Anatomy-41%20E%20%282015%29%20%5BPDF%5D.pdf | PDFPlumberTextLoader |
Key references
Stellate cells Pancreatic stellate cells are myofibroblast-like cells dis- ACUTE PANCREATITIS
tributed in the exocrine part of the pancreas, mainly in the peri-acinar
space, where their long cytoplasmic processes encircle the base of the
acinus, and in perivascular and periductal regions of the pancreas. They Available with the Gray’s Anatomy e-book
are usually in a quiescent state but, when activated, they have been
implicated in the pathogenesis of chronic pancreatitis and pancreatic
cancer (Omary et al 2007, Masamune and Shimosegawa 2013). CHRONIC PANCREATITIS
Endocrine pancreas
Available with the Gray’s Anatomy e-book
Pancreatic islets (of Langerhans) constitute the endocrine component
of the pancreas. The human pancreas may contain more than a million PANCREATIC TUMOURS
islets distributed throughout the gland but most numerous in the tail.
Each islet consists of a highly vascularized cluster of polyhedral cells
arranged in a trabecular pattern, closely approximated to a dense Available with the Gray’s Anatomy e-book
network of fenestrated capillaries, which enables bidirectional transport
of substrates between the islet cells and the circulation (In’t Veld and
Marichal 2010). Islets are also supplied by autonomic nerve fibres, PANCREATIC TRANSPLANTATION
which travel with the blood vessels and end blindly in the pericapillary
space. True synaptic contact between these nerve fibres and islet cells
has not been demonstrated, though their role in islet function has been Available with the Gray’s Anatomy e-book
suggested (Rodriguez-Diaz et al 2012). Specialized staining techniques
are necessary to distinguish various islet cells, designated alpha, beta,
delta, epsilon and pancreatic polypeptide (PP) or F cells. Beta cells
secrete insulin and are the most abundant (nearly 50% in human
islets), followed by glucagon-secreting alpha cells (30–40%). Delta cells Bonus e-book images
and PP cells are less common and secrete somatostatin and pancreatic
polypeptide, respectively. Epsilon cells secrete ghrelin. Unlike mouse
islets, where beta cells form the core of the islet and are surrounded by Fig. 69.5 E–G Variations in the ductal anatomy of the pancreas.
alpha cells, human islets do not show cell-type specific localization. The
various cell types are uniformly distributed along the microvasculature Fig. 69.11 An intraoperative photograph taken during
and have extensive interlinkages with other islet cells. Their general pancreaticoduodenectomy.
organization is shown in Figure 69.10.
Busnardo AC, DiDio LJ, Thomford NR 1988 Anatomicrosurgical segments Nagai H 2003 Configurational anatomy of the pancreas: its surgical rele-
of the human pancreas. Surg Radiol Anat 10:77–82. vance from ontogenetic and comparative-anatomical viewpoints.
A description explaining the segmental vascularity of the pancreas and the J Hepatobil Pancreat Surg 10:48–56.
watershed area near the neck of pancreas. A well-illustrated description of the arrangement of vascular and other
structures around the duodenum and head of pancreas, with explanations
In’t Veld P, Marichal M 2010 Microscopic anatomy of the human islet of
based on the embryological development of the pancreas, foregut and midgut.
Langerhans. Adv Exp Med Biol 654:1–19.
A detailed description of the human islet of Langerhans. Omary MB, Lugea A, Lowe AW et al 2007 The pancreatic stellate cell: a star
on the rise in pancreatic diseases. J Clin Invest 117:50–9.
Kamisawa T, Okamoto A 2008 Pancreatographic investigation of pancreatic A detailed review of the pancreatic acinar cell, which is the focus of research
duct system and pancreaticobiliary malformation. J Anat 212:125–34. into its possible role in a multitude of pancreatic disorders.
A review of the pancreatic ductal system.
Saisho Y, Butler AE, Meier JJ et al 2007 Pancreas volumes in humans from
Kimura W 2000 Surgical anatomy of the pancreas for limited resection. birth to age one hundred taking into account sex, obesity, and presence
J Hepatobil Pancreat Surg 7:473–9. of type-2 diabetes. Clin Anat 20:933–42.
A beautifully illustrated description of the surgical anatomy of the pancreas. A description of pancreatic volumes and the ratio of parenchymal and fat
components in humans, with an account of how it changes with age and
Kimura W, Nagai H 1995 Study of surgical anatomy for duodenum-
preserving resection of the head of the pancreas. Ann Surg
221:359–63. Woodburne RT, Olsen LL 1951 The arteries of the pancreas. Anat Rec
A detailed description of the vascular anatomy of the head of the pancreas 111:255–70.
and duodenum. One of the earliest comprehensive reviews of pancreatic arterial anatomy. | 1,645 | Gray's Anatomy | temp.pdf | https://archive.org/download/GraysAnatomy41E2015PDF/Grays%20Anatomy-41%20E%20%282015%29%20%5BPDF%5D.pdf | PDFPlumberTextLoader |
Acute inflammation of the pancreas occurs in response to a variety of
pancreatic insults, including gallstone obstruction of the hepatopancre-
atic ampulla, which causes reflux of bile and pancreatic juice into the
pancreatic duct. This precipitates intraparenchymal activation of inac-
tive digestive enzymes, leading to cell injury, an inflammatory cascade
and destruction of pancreatic tissue.
The regional anatomy of the pancreas explains most of the clinical D
complications of acute pancreatitis. Irritation of the stomach contrib-
utes to gastric stasis and vomiting; inflammation of the superior
mesenteric plexus may contribute to paralytic ileus; and vascular inflam-
mation may cause superior mesenteric or portal vein thrombosis, arte-
rial bleeding or pseudoaneurysms, and ischaemia of the transverse
colon. Haemorrhagic fluid may accumulate in the loose retroperitoneal E
tissues around the pancreas and track laterally to the flanks (Grey
Turner’s sign), down to the inguinal ligaments (Fox’s sign), or via the
lesser omentum and ‘bare area’ of the liver to the falciform ligament CC
and the skin around the umbilicus (Cullen’s sign), manifesting as
diffuse bruising.
Peripancreatic acute fluid collections frequently resolve spontane-
ously as the inflammation in the pancreas subsides. Accumulation of
fluid anterior to the pancreas, just beneath the posterior wall of the
lesser sac, can result in a ‘pseudocyst’ containing amylase-rich fluid and
debris but lacking a true epithelial lining (Banks et al 2013). A large Fig. 69.11 An intraoperative photograph taken during
pseudocyst bulges forwards into the lesser sac in contact with the pos- pancreaticoduodenectomy. This patient had coeliac artery stenosis and
terior wall of the stomach, lesser omentum and gastrosplenic ligament. consequently hypertrophied pancreaticoduodenal arcade arteries
(A) provided the arterial supply to the liver. The pancreatic head and
If it does not resolve spontaneously, the pseudocyst can be drained
duodenum were resected, preserving the arcade. Note the cut stump at
internally through the posterior wall of the stomach by endoscopic or
the proximal body of the pancreas (B) and the exposed portal/superior
open surgery, or externally by means of a percutaneous drain inserted
mesenteric vein (C). The arcade communicates with the hepatic artery (E)
under radiological guidance.
to supply the liver (D). (Courtesy of Mohamed Rela, Global Hospitals,
Sustained injury to the pancreas can cause permanent damage,
Chennai, India.)
leading to parenchymal fibrosis and calcification within the paren-
chyma and the pancreatic ducts. This often causes chronic pain, diabe- and Nagai 1995). Stenosis of the coeliac artery is common in elderly
tes mellitus and pancreatic exocrine insufficiency with steatorrhoea and individuals with atherosclerosis. Here, the arterial blood supply to the
malnutrition. Fibrosis can involve the bile duct in the head of the pan- liver is provided by the superior mesenteric artery through hypertro-
creas, leading to obstructive jaundice, and/or the splenic vein, causing phied arteries of the anterior and posterior pancreaticoduodenal
splenic vein thrombosis and ‘left-sided’ portal hypertension. arcades. Care should be taken to avoid ligation of these branches during
The vast majority of pancreatic tumours are ductal adenocarcinomas pancreatic surgery since this could cause hepatic ischemia (Fig. 69.11).
derived from exocrine ductal epithelium. Up to two-thirds of such The pancreas is usually transplanted along with the kidney (this is
tumours are located in the head of the pancreas. Tumours in the head termed a simultaneous pancreas–kidney transplant) in patients with
of the pancreas often obstruct the pancreatic segment of the bile duct end-stage renal disease caused by diabetes mellitus. In selected patients,
early in the course of disease, leading to obstructive jaundice. The the pancreas alone can be transplanted to treat poor glycaemic control
appearance of a dilated common bile duct and main pancreatic duct and hypoglycaemia unawareness (White et al 2009).
on cross-sectional imaging (the ‘double duct’ sign) is a characteristic Donor pancreas is recovered from deceased donors, usually as part
sign in tumours of the pancreatic head. Advanced tumours may invade of a multi-organ recovery procedure. The entire pancreas, along with
the adjacent duodenum, causing gastric outlet obstruction and/or the the duodenal C loop (attached to the head of pancreas) and spleen
portal or superior mesenteric veins posterior to the neck of the pancreas. (closely related to the tail of the pancreas), is recovered to prevent
A tumour in the body or tail of the gland often grows to a large size damage to the vascular arcades in the pancreaticoduodenal groove and
before presenting as an abdominal mass or with back pain and weight minimize handling of the pancreas during organ recovery (Abu-Elmagd
loss (Yeo et al 2002). Tumours of the uncinate process can cause et al 2000). The arterial supply for the pancreas graft is based on the
early involvement of the superior mesenteric vessels and duodenum splenic artery and the superior mesenteric artery, both of which should
(O’Sullivan et al 2009). Peripancreatic and pre-aortic lymph nodes may be carefully preserved during the donor operation. Both arteries are
be involved, together with hepatic nodes, in pancreatic head tumours, reconstructed to a Y-shaped deceased donor iliac artery graft to enable
and splenic hilar nodes may be involved in pancreatic tail tumours. a single arterial anastomosis in the recipient. The venous drainage is
Surgery for pancreatic head tumours usually involves combined through the portal vein. The pancreas graft is implanted heterotopically
resection of the pancreatic head and duodenum (pancreaticoduodenec- in the pelvis (not in its normal anatomical position, i.e. the upper
tomy) because of their shared blood supply. The resectability of the retroperitoneum). The reconstructed artery is anastomosed to the exter-
tumour depends on the presence and extent of major vascular involve- nal iliac artery. The portal vein of the graft can be anastomosed to either
ment, particularly the portal vein and superior mesenteric vessels. An the iliac vein or the superior mesenteric vein of the recipient. Though
accessory or replaced right hepatic artery (p. 1166) running cranially on portal and systemic venous drainage each has its own supporters, there
the posterior surface of the pancreatic head and behind the supraduo- is no evidence regarding the superiority of one technique versus the
denal segment of the bile duct is at risk of injury during such procedures other (Bazerbachi et al 2012). Drainage of the pancreas exocrine secre-
(Turrini et al 2010). Recognition of this variation and preservation of tions is into the ileum through a duodeno-ileal anastomosis or into the
the artery are essential to maintain the arterial supply to the right lobe recipient urinary bladder through a duodeno-cystic anastomosis. Com-
of the liver. In distal or total pancreatectomy, spleen-preserving resec- plications of the procedure are primarily a result of the damage the
tions are generally undertaken if the underlying pathology does not delicate pancreas sustains during the organ recovery, storage and trans-
involve the splenic vein lying in the groove on the posterior surface of plantation process. Complications include graft pancreatitis, graft
the gland, taking care to control the multiple small pancreatic venous necrosis leading to bleeding, thrombosis of vascular anastomoses and
tributaries. In duodenum-preserving resection of the pancreatic head, sepsis (Delis et al 2004, Troppmann 2010). However, in the majority of
which is sometimes undertaken for chronic pancreatitis and benign patients, pancreas transplantation provides the potential for an insulin-
pancreatic tumours, it is important to preserve an adequate duodenal free life and retards the development of diabetes-related complications
blood supply from the pancreaticoduodenal arterial arcades (Kimura (Gruessner et al 2012). | 1,646 | Gray's Anatomy | temp.pdf | https://archive.org/download/GraysAnatomy41E2015PDF/Grays%20Anatomy-41%20E%20%282015%29%20%5BPDF%5D.pdf | PDFPlumberTextLoader |
Abu-Elmagd K, Fung J, Bueno J et al 2000 Logistics and technique for pro- Kamisawa T, Okamoto A 2008 Pancreatographic investigation of pancreatic
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accessory pancreatic duct. J Gastroenterol 39:605–15. Surg 14:1813–19. | 1,647 | Gray's Anatomy | temp.pdf | https://archive.org/download/GraysAnatomy41E2015PDF/Grays%20Anatomy-41%20E%20%282015%29%20%5BPDF%5D.pdf | PDFPlumberTextLoader |
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The spleen is a large, encapsulated, complex mass of vascular and lym- 1993, Üngör et al 2007). The average adult weight is dependent on the
phoid tissue situated in the upper left quadrant of the abdominal cavity volume of contained blood; emptied of blood, it weighs between 70
between the fundus of the stomach and the diaphragm. It is mainly and 120 g, whereas in vivo its weight ranges from 150 to 350 g (Naka-
concerned with phagocytosis and immune responses. Although docu- mura et al 1989, Petroianu 2011, Skandalakis et al 1993).
mented for more than 3,000 years, there are many aspects of the spleen The shape of the spleen is also variable and mostly determined by
that remain poorly understood. It plays important roles in immuno- its relations to neighbouring structures during development; it often
logical defence, metabolism and maintenance of circulating blood ele- appears as a slightly curved wedge. The superolateral aspect is shaped
ments (Petroianu 2011, Tarantino et al 2013; Table 70.1). In the fetus, by the left dome of the diaphragm, and the inferomedial aspect mostly
it is also a major site of haemopoiesis and can resume this role post- by the neighbouring stomach, left kidney and splenic flexure of the
natally in certain pathological conditions (Üngör et al 2007). However, colon. In the fetus, the spleen is lobulated (Ch. 60; Coetzee 1982, Faller
it is not essential for life; if the spleen is removed, many of its functions 1985, Gupta et al 1976, Petroianu 2011, Scothorne 1985, Skandalakis
can be assumed by the liver and other tissues of the mononuclear et al 1993, Üngör et al 2007); the adult spleen usually only retains a
phagocytic system. notch on its anterior border, although additional surface notches may
The most common clinical manifestations of splenic disorders are persist (Mikhail et al 1979).
splenomegaly and a decrease in the number of cellular elements in the A splenic lobule that fails to coalesce with the developing spleen can
blood (cytopenias). Other clinical manifestations include infections, persist as a supernumerary or accessory spleen (also known as a sple-
lassitude and abdominal discomfort (Coetzee 1982, Oguro et al 1993, nunculus; Gupta et al 1976). This fully functional island of splenic
Petroianu 2011, Tarantino et al 2013). Chronic splenomegaly in chil- tissue is found in approximately 10% of individuals and may be located
dren may be associated with growth retardation (Petroianu 2003, in any part of the abdomen, or even outside it, but is most commonly
Petroianu 1996). The most serious long-term consequence of removal present near the splenic hilum within the gastrosplenic ligament or
of the spleen is severe sepsis, which carries a 2% mortality in otherwise greater omentum (Faller 1985, Petroianu 2011; Fig. 70.1).
healthy adults and an even greater risk of death in children, the elderly, A normal adult spleen is not palpable on abdominal examination.
and patients with chronic diseases. In living supine healthy adults, it is most frequently located between
the tenth and twelfth ribs, with its long axis along the eleventh rib
(Gupta et al 1976, Mirjalili et al 2012). Its posterior border is approxi-
GROSS ANATOMY mately 4 cm from the midline at the level of the tenth thoracic vertebral
spine and it extends about 3 cm anterior to the mid-axillary line. In the
The size and weight of the spleen vary with age and sex, and can also absence of long peritoneal ligaments, it has to triple in size before it
vary slightly in the same individual under different conditions. The becomes palpable below the left costal margin (Mikhail et al 1979,
adult spleen is usually 9–14 cm long, 6–8 cm wide and 3–5 cm thick, Üngör et al 2007).
and fits comfortably in the individual’s cupped hand. It reaches its
largest dimension in puberty and diminishes thereafter (DeLand 1970,
Jakobsen and Jakobsen 1997). Although its weight increases during RELATIONS
puberty, it is comparatively largest in the young child and tends to
diminish in size and weight in old age (Coquet et al 2010, DeLand The spleen has superolateral diaphragmatic and inferomedial visceral
1970, Jakobsen and Jakobsen 1997, Scothorne 1985, Skandalakis et al surfaces (Fig. 70.2), anterosuperior and posteroinferior borders, and
Table 70.1 Summary of splenic functions
Superior pole Gastric impression Segmental branches
General functions Specific functions (posterior extremity) of splenic artery
Haematological and immunological Haemopoiesis
Maturation of blood elements Anterosuperior
Immunoglobulin activation border (notched)
Recirculation of T and B lymphocytes
Production Leukocytes
Immunoglobulins (mainly IgM)
Complement factors
Stem cells
Storage Leukocytes
All metals
Clearance Microorganisms Vein leaving hilum
Circulating antigens Renal impression
Altered circulating cells
Circulating foreign bodies Posteroinferior border
Synthesis Precursor of hepatic functions
Inferior pole
Metabolism Lipids
Amino acids
Control Bone marrow Colic impression impression
Mononuclear phagocytic function
Somatic growth
1188 Fig. 70.2 The visceral surface of the spleen. | 1,649 | Gray's Anatomy | temp.pdf | https://archive.org/download/GraysAnatomy41E2015PDF/Grays%20Anatomy-41%20E%20%282015%29%20%5BPDF%5D.pdf | PDFPlumberTextLoader |
Spleens in men are proportionally heavier than those in women. In
pathological conditions, the spleen may expand and retain blood;
weights rarely exceed 700 g but gigantic spleens exceeding 10 kg have
been reported (Coquet et al 2010, DeLand 1970, Jakobsen and Jakobsen
1997, Skandalakis et al 1993). Splenomegaly compresses and displaces
adjacent organs, causing abdominal discomfort, dyspepsia, respiratory
restriction and difficulty walking (Coetzee 1982, Petroianu 2011).
Fig. 70.1 A supernumerary spleen located in the greater omentum
(arrow). Supernumerary spleens are usually isolated and may be
connected to the spleen or splenic pedicle by thin vessels. | 1,650 | Gray's Anatomy | temp.pdf | https://archive.org/download/GraysAnatomy41E2015PDF/Grays%20Anatomy-41%20E%20%282015%29%20%5BPDF%5D.pdf | PDFPlumberTextLoader |
of the spleen is a long fissure pierced by the splenic vessels, nerves and
Central tendon lymphatics, and lies on the visceral surface closer to the posteroinferior
border (Petroianu 2011).
The anterosuperior border separates the diaphragmatic surface
from the gastric impression and is usually convex. Inferiorly, it may
bear one or two notches that have persisted from the lobulated form
of the spleen in early fetal life (p. 1064). However, the notch may be
Left cupola of diaphragm absent and is not a completely reliable guide to identification of the
spleen during clinical examination. The posteroinferior border sepa-
rates the renal impression from the diaphragmatic surface and is more
Tail of pancreas
rounded and blunt than the anterosuperior border. The superior pole
corresponds to the posterior extremity and usually faces the vertebral
column. The inferior pole is longer and less angulated than the superior
pole and connects the anterosuperior and posteroinferior borders
Phrenicocolic ligament anteriorly; it is related to the colic impression and often lies adjacent
Splenic flexure to the splenic flexure and phrenicocolic ligament (Petroianu 2011).
The inferior pole of the spleen is particularly at risk of injury from
blunt abdominal trauma or during surgical procedures on the stomach,
pancreatic tail, left kidney, left suprarenal gland and left colon. Excessive
traction of the stomach, transverse colon or greater omentum may tear
the splenic capsule and superficial parenchyma by way of their perito-
neal attachments, causing bleeding that may be difficult to control
(Merchea et al 2012).
Fig. 70.3 The posterior relations (‘bed’) of the spleen. (Adapted from
The spleen develops between the two leaves of the dorsal mesogastrium
Drake, RL, Vogl, AW, Mitchell, A (eds), Gray’s Anatomy for Students, 2nd
(see Figs 60.6–60.7) and so is almost entirely invested in visceral peri-
ed, Elsevier, Churchill Livingstone. Copyright 2010.)
toneum that is firmly adherent to its capsule (Üngör et al 2007). The
dorsal mesogastric attachments persist as peritoneal ligaments. Thus,
the superior pole of the spleen is connected to the stomach via the
1 2 gastrosplenic ligament, and to the posterior abdominal wall by a vari-
ably developed phrenicosplenic ligament. The inferior pole of the
spleen is connected to the posterior abdominal wall by the splenorenal
ligament and to the splenic flexure of the colon. The phrenicocolic liga-
ment lies just inferior to the lower pole (Fig. 70.5). Each of these liga-
ments is made up of two layers of peritoneum containing fat, blood
and lymphatic vessels and nerves (Petroianu 2011, Skandalakis et al
1993). The phrenicosplenic ligament runs between the spleen and the
peritoneum of the undersurface of the diaphragm. The anterior layer of
the splenorenal ligament is continuous with the peritoneum of the
posterior wall of the lesser sac over the left kidney, and with the poste-
rior layer of the gastrosplenic ligament at the splenic hilum. The poste-
rior layer of the splenorenal ligament is continuous with the peritoneum
over the inferior surface of the diaphragm and anterior surface of the
left kidney. The terminal portions of the splenic artery and vein, and,
more inferiorly, the tail of the pancreas, lie between the two peritoneal
layers of the splenorenal ligament. The tail of the pancreas may be
injured during dissection when ligating and dividing the splenic vessels,
3 4 5 6 resulting in bleeding, local pancreatitis and pancreatic fistula formation
(Petroianu 2011, Skandalakis et al 1993).
Fig. 70.4 The gross appearance of the spleen in situ. An intra-abdominal
image of the spleen (1) and its relation with the stomach (4), liver (3), The gastrosplenic ligament is continuous with the phrenicosplenic
colon (6), diaphragm (2) and greater omentum (5). ligament, the splenic capsule, the gastric serosa and the greater
omentum. It contains the short gastric and superior polar arteries, and
the left gastroepiploic artery, all of which arise from the splenic artery,
and their corresponding veins. During splenectomy or mobilization of
superior and inferior poles. The convex, smooth diaphragmatic surface the fundus of the stomach, the short gastric vessels must not be ligated
faces mostly superiorly and laterally, although the posterior part may too close to the stomach in order to avoid the risk of local gastric
face posteriorly (Mirjalili et al 2012). The diaphragmatic surface is sepa- necrosis, perforation and their consequences.
rated from the left pleural costodiaphragmatic recess, lower lobe of the The phrenicocolic ligament connects the splenic flexure of the colon
left lung and the tenth to twelfth left ribs by the underside of the left to the diaphragm and runs inferior and lateral to the lower pole of the
dome of the diaphragm (Figs 70.3–70.4); splenic inflammation or spleen. It is continuous with the peritoneum of the lateral end of the
surgery may lead to a left-sided basal pleural effusion and left lower transverse mesocolon at the end of the pancreatic tail, and the spleno-
lobe atelectasis (Petroianu 2011). renal ligament at the hilum of the spleen (Merchea et al 2012,
The visceral surface is irregular, faces inferomedially towards the Skandalakis et al 1993). When the phrenicocolic ligament is being
abdominal cavity and is marked by gastric, renal and colic impressions. divided, particularly when electrocautery is used, the colon is at risk
The gastric impression faces anteromedially and is broad and concave of injury.
where the spleen lies adjacent to the posterior aspect of the fundus,
upper body and upper greater curvature of the stomach. It is separated Mobile spleen The length of the peritoneal ligaments associated
from the stomach by a peritoneal recess, limited by the gastrosplenic with the spleen vary; longer ligaments afford the spleen greater mobil-
ligament. The renal impression is slightly concave and lies on the pos- ity, which can stretch its vascular pedicle. This facilitates surgical mobi-
teroinferior part of the visceral surface, separated from the gastric lization but may render the spleen more susceptible to injury from
impression above by a ridge of splenic tissue and the splenic hilum. It shear forces during trauma.
faces inferomedially and slightly backwards, and is related to the upper A floating or wandering spleen is characterized by excessive mobility
lateral area of the anterior surface of the left kidney and sometimes to and migration of the organ outside the left hypochondrium. In such
the superior pole of the left suprarenal gland. The colic impression is cases, the spleen may undergo torsion or cause bladder or rectal symp-
usually flat; it lies at the inferior pole of the spleen and is related to the toms from local pressure; imaging usually confirms the diagnosis (Fig.
splenic flexure of the colon and the phrenicocolic ligament. The hilum 70.6). If surgical treatment is necessary, the spleen is freed from local | 1,651 | Gray's Anatomy | temp.pdf | https://archive.org/download/GraysAnatomy41E2015PDF/Grays%20Anatomy-41%20E%20%282015%29%20%5BPDF%5D.pdf | PDFPlumberTextLoader |
Operating on a normal-sized spleen is a relatively straightforward
procedure for most surgeons. Mobilization of the spleen requires divi-
sion of the phrenicocolic, gastrosplenic and phrenicosplenic ligaments.
Undue traction on the phrenicocolic ligament during mobilization of
the splenic flexure may tear the splenic capsule, causing bleeding
(Merchea et al 2012). This is less likely if the phrenicocolic ligament is
retracted laterally rather than inferiorly and medially (Merchea et al
2012). The anterosuperior border and anterior diaphragmatic surface
of the spleen are often adherent to the greater omentum and care must
be taken when retracting the latter. The diaphragmatic surface of
the spleen is occasionally adherent to the peritoneum on the undersur-
face of the diaphragm; these adhesions may follow inflammation of
the spleen or be congenital in origin (Petroianu 2011, Skandalakis
et al 1993). | 1,652 | Gray's Anatomy | temp.pdf | https://archive.org/download/GraysAnatomy41E2015PDF/Grays%20Anatomy-41%20E%20%282015%29%20%5BPDF%5D.pdf | PDFPlumberTextLoader |
A Phrenicosplenic ligament 1988, Liu et al 1996, Pandey et al 2004, Sylvester et al 1995). Almost
always, the splenic artery arises from the coeliac trunk, in common with
Outline of spleen the left gastric and common hepatic arteries. However, it may originate
from the common hepatic artery or the left gastric artery, or rarely
directly from the aorta either in isolation or as a splenomesenteric trunk
(Cortés and Pellico 1988, García-Porrero and Lemes 1988, Liu et al
1996, Pandey et al 2004, Torres 1998, Trubel 1985).
From its origin, the artery runs a little way inferiorly before turning
Inferior diaphragmatic
peritoneum to the left behind the stomach to run horizontally posterior to the upper
border of the body and tail of the pancreas. Multiple loops or even coils
Origin of splenorenal
ligament of the artery appear above the superior border of the pancreas (McFee
et al 1995, Pandey et al 2004). The splenic artery courses anterior to
Posterior peritoneal layer
of lesser sac the left kidney and left suprarenal gland, and runs in the splenorenal
ligament behind or above the tail of the pancreas. In its course, it gives
off numerous branches to the pancreas (dorsal pancreatic, greater pan-
Splenocolic ligament
creatic artery, and arteries to the tail) and, near its termination, it gives
Phrenicocolic ligament
off the short gastric arteries and the left gastroepiploic artery (Gürleyik
et al 2000, Liu et al 1996, Mikhail et al 1979, Pandey et al 2004, Skan-
Pancreaticocolic ligament
dalakis et al 1993, Trubel et al 1985, Trubel et al 1988). Additional
branches include a posterior gastric artery in 40% of individuals and
small retroperitoneal branches.
Lateral colonic The splenic artery varies between 8 and 32 cm in length and its
peritoneal fold calibre usually exceeds that of the common hepatic and left gastric
arteries, ranging from 3 to 12 mm. Splenic artery blood flow is approxi-
mately 3 ml/sec/100 g, corresponding to approximately 7% of cardiac
output (Cortés and Pellico 1988, García-Porrero and Lemes 1988,
Nakamura et al 1989, Pandey et al 2004, Petroianu 2011, Skandalakis
et al 1993, Torres 1998, Trubel et al 1985).
B The splenic artery usually divides into two, or occasionally three,
branches before entering the hilum of the spleen. The superior and
inferior branches are sometimes known as superior and inferior polar
arteries; as they enter the hilum they divide into four or five segmental
arteries that each supply a segment of splenic tissue. There is relatively
Anterior border of spleen little arterial collateral circulation between segments, which means that
occlusion of a segmental vessel often leads to infarction of part of the
spleen (Cortés and Pellico 1988, García-Porrero and Lemes 1988,
Gupta et al 1976, Liu et al 1996, Mikhail et al 1979, Pandey et al 2004,
Torres 1998, Trubel al 1985, Trubel et al 1988). Segmental arteries
Gastrosplenic ligament
divide within the splenic trabeculae and give rise to follicular arterioles,
which are surrounded by a thick lymphoid sheath of white pulp. These
Peritoneal reflection
at splenic hilum feed the sinusoids of the red pulp. There is considerable communica-
tion between arterioles (García-Porrero and Lemes 1988, Liu et al 1996,
Mikhail et al 1979, Skandalakis et al 1993, Sow et al 1991, Trubel
et al 1988).
The superior pole of the spleen gains an additional arterial supply,
distinct from the splenic hilar vessels, from the short gastric arteries
in the gastrosplenic ligament. These vessels connect the superior pole
of the spleen to the gastric fundus and preserve viability of this region
of the spleen after ligation of the splenic pedicle (García-Porrero
and Lemes 1988, Gürleyik et al 2000, Liu et al 1996, Petroianu 2011,
Petroianu and Petroianu 1994, Petroianu et al 1989, Skandalakis et al
1993, Torres 1998, Trubel et al 1988).
Fig. 70.5 The peritoneal connections of the spleen. A, The posterior
Blood from the parenchyma of the spleen is collected by trabecular
peritoneal connections, seen as if the spleen has been removed, with the
veins. They join to form segmental veins that drain individual splenic
folds fixed in their ‘normal’ positions. B, The anterior peritoneal connections,
segments. In general, there are no anastomoses between intrasegmental
seen with the spleen in place, as if the stomach and greater omentum have
venous tributaries. Segmental veins join to form two (superior and
been removed, with the folds fixed in their ‘normal’ positions. (Adapted from
inferior) or three (superior, middle and inferior) ‘lobar’ veins that Drake, RL, Vogl, AW, Mitchell, A (eds), Gray’s Anatomy for Students, 2nd
ed, Elsevier, Churchill Livingstone. Copyright 2010.) emerge from the length of the splenic hilum and unite to form the
splenic vein within the splenorenal ligament (see Fig. 70.2; Fig. 70.8).
Communicating veins may interconnect lobar veins (DeLand 1970,
Gupta et al 1980, Liu et al 1996, Par et al 1965, Sow et al 1991).
adhesions and returned to the left hypochondrium, the surgeon short- The splenic vein runs medially below the splenic artery and posterior
ening and suturing its ligaments to the diaphragm (McFee et al 1995, to the tail and body of the pancreas (see Fig. 69.4 D–G) (Gürleyik et al
Petroianu 2011, Üngör et al 2007). 2000, Par et al 1965). It crosses the posterior abdominal wall anterior
to the left kidney, renal hilum and abdominal aorta, separated from the
left sympathetic trunk and left crus of the diaphragm by the left renal
vessels, and from the abdominal aorta by the superior mesenteric artery
and left renal vein (Gupta et al 1976, Gupta et al 1980, Liu et al 1996,
Par et al 1965). It ends posterior to the neck of the pancreas, where it
joins the superior mesenteric vein to form the portal vein. Along its
The spleen is supplied by the splenic artery, one of the most tortuous course it receives the short gastric veins, left gastroepiploic veins, retro-
arteries in the body (Fig. 70.7). The pathophysiology of the tortuosity peritoneal veins (Retzius’s retroperitoneal venous plexus), pancreatic
of this vessel, which may become more pronounced with advancing veins, posterior gastric vein, left gastric vein (occasionally) and the
age, is not understood, although several theories have been proposed inferior mesenteric vein. Approximately 60% of portal vein blood flow
(Borley et al 1995, Cortés and Pellico 1988, García-Porrero and Lemes is derived from the gut and the remainder from the spleen and pancreas | 1,653 | Gray's Anatomy | temp.pdf | https://archive.org/download/GraysAnatomy41E2015PDF/Grays%20Anatomy-41%20E%20%282015%29%20%5BPDF%5D.pdf | PDFPlumberTextLoader |
7 1
6 4
33 33
Fig. 70.6 A mobile enlarged spleen located in the left side of the pelvis.
A, A computed tomography (CT) scan showing the abnormal location of
an enlarged spleen (S). B, A surgical view of the same spleen, which
appears congested due to partial obstruction of its venous drainage at
the splenic hilum (arrow). Note the lack of restraining peritoneal ligaments.
Fig. 70.7 A, A three-dimensional reconstructed contrast-enhanced CT
scan. Key: 1, spleen; 2, liver; 3, kidneys; 4, splenic vein; 5, superior polar
vein; 6, portal vein; 7, aorta. B, A splenic digital subtraction arteriogram
showing the splenic artery (1) and its branches. Note the primary division
of the splenic artery (2) into superior (3) and inferior branches (4). C, An
excised spleen demonstrating the hilar vessels. | 1,654 | Gray's Anatomy | temp.pdf | https://archive.org/download/GraysAnatomy41E2015PDF/Grays%20Anatomy-41%20E%20%282015%29%20%5BPDF%5D.pdf | PDFPlumberTextLoader |
Portal vein Splenic vein Spleen
Superior mesenteric vein
Portal vein Splenic vein
Fig. 70.8 A, A splenoportogram. B, An axial oblique CT slice showing the
portal and splenic veins. | 1,655 | Gray's Anatomy | temp.pdf | https://archive.org/download/GraysAnatomy41E2015PDF/Grays%20Anatomy-41%20E%20%282015%29%20%5BPDF%5D.pdf | PDFPlumberTextLoader |
(Dawson et al 1986, Gupta et al 1980, Gürleyik et al 2000, Liu et al Fibrous framework
1996, Oguro et al 1993, Par et al 1965).
Obstruction to portal or splenic venous drainage leads to reversed
The serosa of the peritoneum covers the entire spleen, except at its
venous flow through the splenic vein and its tributaries, resulting in
hilum and where the peritoneal ligaments are attached. The connective
splenomegaly and widespread varices (Petroianu 1988, Petroianu 1992,
tissue capsule, deep to the serosa, is approximately 1.5 mm thick and
Petroianu 2011, Petroianu et al 1989, Re et al 1985, Skandalakis et al
contains abundant type I collagen fibres and some elastin fibres. It is
composed of an outer and inner lamina in which the directions of the
collagen fibres differ, so increasing its strength. Numerous trabeculae
Lymphatic drainage
extend from the capsule into the substance of the spleen, where they
branch to form a connective tissue scaffold (Faller 1985, Scothorne
Lymphatic drainage begins in the white pulp. Lymphatics travel with 1985). The largest trabeculae enter at the hilum and divide into branches
the blood vessels towards a lymphatic subcapsular plexus, which drains in the splenic pulp, providing conduits for the splenic vessels and nerves
via larger lymphatic channels to lymph nodes at the splenic hilum and (see Fig. 70.10; Figs 70.11–70.12). Within the spleen, these branches
around the tail of the pancreas (Fig. 70.9). From here, lymph drains to become continuous with a delicate network of type III (reticular) col-
suprapancreatic, infrapancreatic and omental lymph nodes, and from lagen fibres that pervades both red and white pulps and is maintained
there to coeliac nodes and the cisterna chyli. by fibroblasts within its interstices (Gupta et al 1976, Krieken and Velde
1988, Scothorne 1985).
The spleen is innervated by both components of the autonomic nervous
In an adult, white pulp accounts for between 5% and 20% of the splenic
system; the sympathetic supply is dominant. Postganglionic sympa-
tissue. Branches of the splenic artery radiate out into the parenchyma
thetic nerves from the coeliac plexus and parasympathetic nerves from
of the spleen from the hilum, ramifying within trabeculae. In their
the vagal trunks travel with the splenic vessels (see Fig. 70.9). Sympa-
terminal few millimetres, their connective tissue adventitia is replaced
thetic fibres innervate arteries at least to the trabecular level and have
by a sheath of T lymphocytes, the peri-arteriolar lymphatic sheath
the potential to influence blood flow within the human spleen (Kudoh
(PALS). This is expanded in places by aggregations of B lymphocytes,
et al 1979). Unlike in some animals, the motor innervation of the
lymphoid follicles measuring 0.25–1 mm in diameter and visible to the
human splenic capsule is largely vestigial; it contains minimal quanti-
naked eye on the freshly cut surface of the spleen as white semi-opaque
ties of smooth muscle and therefore does not contract. In contrast, the
dots, in contrast to the surrounding deep reddish purple of the red pulp.
capsule and parenchyma are innervated by sensory fibres that convey
Follicles are usually situated near the terminal branches of arterioles
pain. Mild to moderate splenomegaly is often painless but splenic
and typically protrude to one side of a vessel, which consequently
inflammation from infection, infarction (e.g. sickle cell disease, emboli-
appears eccentrically placed within the follicle. Arterioles branch later-
zation) or abrupt distension of the capsule (e.g. haematoma) may cause
ally within follicles to form a series of parallel terminal arterioles, peni-
severe pain, intensified by inflammation of the overlying parietal peri-
cillar arterioles (Krieken and Velde 1988, Scothorne 1985; see Figs
toneum. Referred pain from the splenic pulp is poorly localized to the
epigastrium (Petroianu 2011).
Like peri-arteriolar sheaths, follicles are centres of lymphocyte aggre-
gation and proliferation. After antigenic stimulation, they become sites
MICROSTRUCTURE of intensive B-cell proliferation, developing germinal centres similar to
those found in lymph nodes; antigen presentation by follicular den-
dritic cells is involved in this process. Germinal centres regress when
The spleen contains the largest single mass of lymphoid tissue in the
the stimulus abates. Follicles tend to atrophy with advancing age and
body in direct continuity with the circulation. Splenic parenchyma
may be absent in the very elderly (Krieken and Velde 1988, Petroianu
is divided into two principal regions – white pulp and red pulp –
2011, Scothorne 1985; see Figs 70.10–70.12).
named according to the appearance of the cut surface of a fresh spleen
(Fig. 70.10).
Red pulp
The red pulp constitutes up to 90% of the total splenic volume and is
a unique filtration device that enables the spleen to clear particulate
material from the blood as it perfuses the organ (Krieken and Velde
T 1988, Petroianu 2011, Scothorne 1985; see Fig. 70.11). It contains large
numbers of venous sinusoids that ultimately drain into tributaries of
the splenic vein. The sinusoids are separated from each other by a
C fibrocellular network of small bundles of collagen fibres, the reticulum,
numerous reticular fibroblasts and splenic macrophages. Seen in two
dimensions, these intersinusoidal regions appear as strips of tissue, the
W splenic cords (see Figs 70.11–70.12), whereas in reality they form a
three-dimensional continuum around the venous spaces (Chen 1978,
Krieken and Velde 1988, Scothorne 1985, Weiss 1983).
Venous sinusoids are elongated ovoid vessels, approximately 50 µm
in diameter, supported externally by circumferential and longitudinal
reticular fibres (Krieken and Velde 1988, Scothorne 1985, Weiss 1983),
and lined by a characteristic, discontinuous endothelium that is unique
to the spleen. The long, narrow endothelial cells are aligned with the
long axis of the sinusoid; they are also called stave cells because they
W resemble the planks in a barrel (see Fig. 70.12). Stave cells are attached
to their neighbours at intervals along their length by short stretches of
intercellular junctions that alternate with intercellular slits that allow
blood cells to squeeze into the lumen of the sinusoid from the sur-
rounding splenic cords. A discontinuous basal lamina is present on the
abluminal aspect of the sinus.
Large, stellate fibroblasts – reticular cells – lie around the sinusoids.
They synthesize the matrix components of the reticulum, including
Fig. 70.10 A section through the spleen. White pulp (W) is present as
ovoid areas of basophilic tissue. Red pulp (R) lies between white pulp collagen and proteoglycans, and their cytoplasmic processes help to
tissue and consists of splenic sinusoids and intervening cellular cords. compartmentalize the reticular space. Blood from the open ends of the
Part of the capsule (C) is seen top right, from which trabeculae (T) capillaries that originate from penicillar arterioles percolates through
extend into the splenic tissue. (Courtesy of Mr Peter Helliwell and the reticular spaces within the splenic cords. Macrophages in the spaces
the late Dr Joseph Mathew, Department of Histopathology, Royal remove blood-borne particulate material, including ageing and damaged
Cornwall Hospitals Trust, UK.) erythrocytes. If the number of damaged erythrocytes increases, the | 1,656 | Gray's Anatomy | temp.pdf | https://archive.org/download/GraysAnatomy41E2015PDF/Grays%20Anatomy-41%20E%20%282015%29%20%5BPDF%5D.pdf | PDFPlumberTextLoader |
Gastrosplenic ligament
Short gastric vessels
Superior polar vessel
Phrenicosplenic ligament
Left gastric artery Lymph nodes of the
splenic hilum
Posterior vagal trunk Segmental artery
Sympathetic nerves
Segmental vein
Division of the
hepatic artery
splenic artery
Portal vein Inferior polar vessels
Splenic artery
Splenic vein
Inferior mesenteric vein Phrenicocolic ligament
Superior mesenteric vein
Fig. 70.9 The lymph nodes related to the spleen. The pancreas has been rendered partially transparent to visualize the major blood vessels lying
posteriorly. The greater curvature of the stomach has been reflected superiorly to expose its posterior surface and the peritoneal lining of the posterior
wall of the lesser sac removed. (Courtesy of Dr Andy Petroianu and Dr Iriam Starling.)
In malignant neoplasms of the greater curvature of the stomach,
distal pancreas or distal transverse colon, it may be necessary to remove
the spleen and tail of the pancreas to achieve a radical resection. In
leukaemias and lymphomas, lymphadenopathy of splenic hilar nodes
may be found along with splenomegaly during staging investigations
(Petroianu 2011). | 1,657 | Gray's Anatomy | temp.pdf | https://archive.org/download/GraysAnatomy41E2015PDF/Grays%20Anatomy-41%20E%20%282015%29%20%5BPDF%5D.pdf | PDFPlumberTextLoader |
Fig. 70.11 The microstructure of the spleen (haematoxylin and eosin staining). A, Red pulp covered by the splenic capsule (arrow). B, Trabeculae
(arrows) inside the red pulp. Trabecular arterioles (1) and venules (2), containing erythrocytes, are also shown. C, Red pulp (1), marginal or perifollicular
zone (2), and white pulp (3) containing a follicular arteriole surrounded by a peri-arteriolar lymphatic sheath (arrow). D, Red pulp containing several
sinusoid capillaries (*) with discontinuous endothelial cells and surrounded by macrophages containing phagocytosed particles within their cytoplasm
Venous drainage
Sinusoids in red pulp
Closed circulation
Open circulation
Stave cell
Reticular fibres
White pulp
Fig. 70.12 The main features of splenic structure, not to scale. The capsule, trabeculae, reticular fibres and cells, the perivascular lymphoid sheaths and
follicles (white pulp), and the cellular cords and venous sinusoids of the red pulp are shown. The ‘open’ and ‘closed’ theories of splenic circulation are
illustrated; it is likely that most of the circulation is of the open form. The venous sinusoids are lined by specialized endothelial ‘stave’ cells; the
intercellular gaps of these have been over-emphasized for clarity. | 1,658 | Gray's Anatomy | temp.pdf | https://archive.org/download/GraysAnatomy41E2015PDF/Grays%20Anatomy-41%20E%20%282015%29%20%5BPDF%5D.pdf | PDFPlumberTextLoader |
Key references
reticular cells proliferate and the red pulp expands, causing the spleen removing abnormal and effete cells, blood cell particles, bacteria, para-
to enlarge (Kudoh et al 1979, Scothorne 1985). sites and foreign antigens.
Perifollicular zone
The perifollicular (marginal) zone lies at the interface between the
white and red pulp; it is the site where blood is delivered into the red Available with the Gray’s Anatomy e-book
pulp and where many lymphocytes leave the circulation to migrate to
their respective T- and B-lymphocyte aggregations in the white pulp.
These lymphocytes are more loosely arranged than they are in the white
pulp, and are held in a dense network of reticular fibres and cells. The
arterioles leaving the white pulp are also surrounded by a small aggrega-
tion of macrophages: the peri-arteriolar macrophage sheath (Krieken Available with the Gray’s Anatomy e-book
and Velde 1988, Petroianu 2011, Scothorne 1985; see Fig. 70.11C).
Splenic microcirculation SPLENIC TRAUMA
Segmental splenic arteries ramify in the trabeculae (trabecular arteries) The spleen is one of the most frequently damaged organs in blunt
before tapering to become arterioles that pass through the white pulp abdominal trauma (Table 70.2, Fig. 70.15). It is particularly prone to
and give off penicillar arterioles (García-Porrero and Lemes 1988, injury during rapid deceleration or compression, and its peritoneal liga-
Gupta et al 1976, Scothorne 1985). These exit the white pulp and ments render it vulnerable to shearing injuries of the parenchyma and
traverse the perifollicular marginal zone before entering the red pulp. splenic vessels. Fractures of the lower left ribs may be associated with
Evidence supports a dominantly ‘open’ circulation in humans, in which blunt injuries (Buntain et al 1988). Traction on peritoneal ligaments or
blood empties into and percolates slowly through the reticular tissue adhesions may lead to inadvertent capsular tears during surgical proce-
of the splenic cords before re-entering the vascular lumen through slits dures such as splenic flexure mobilization. There is insufficient evidence
in the walls of the venous sinusoids (Cavalli et al 1982, Chen 1978; see to know whether enlarged spleens are at a significantly greater risk of
Fig. 70.12). From the venous sinusoids, blood collects in venules that trauma (Skandalakis et al 1993), but this is frequently postulated.
unite to form small veins that run within the trabeculae and drain into
segmental splenic veins (Cavalli et al 1982, Chen 1978, Petroianu 2011,
Scothorne 1985). Some blood probably takes an alternative, ‘closed’ SPLENECTOMY
route and enters the venous sinusoids directly from arterioles and capil-
laries in the marginal zone. Either way, the blood is exposed to macro-
Available with the Gray’s Anatomy e-book
phages and the filtering mechanism of the spleen responsible for
Bonus e-book images
Fig. 70.1 A supernumerary spleen located in Fig. 70.8 A, A splenoportogram. B, An axial Fig. 70.15 Splenic trauma. A, A CT scan
the greater omentum. oblique CT slice showing the portal and showing multiple splenic tears. B, Suture
splenic veins. repair of a ruptured spleen. C, Complete
Fig. 70.6 A mobile enlarged spleen located splenic rupture. D, Subtotal splenectomy
in the left side of the pelvis. A, A computed Fig. 70.9 The lymph nodes related to the after treatment of the patient illustrated
tomography (CT) scan showing the spleen. in C.
abnormal location of an enlarged spleen.
B, A surgical view of the same spleen, Fig. 70.13 Splenic imaging. A, An ultrasound Fig. 70.16 Partial splenectomy and
which appears congested due to partial scan with colour Doppler. B, A magnetic autotransplantation. A, Partial splenectomy
obstruction of its venous drainage at the resonance scan. C, A radioisotope scan preserving the superior pole supplied by the
splenic hilum. (99mTc sulphur colloid). short gastric vessels. B, Partial splenectomy
preserving the inferior pole supplied by the
Fig. 70.7 A, A three-dimensional Fig. 70.14 Examples of different pathologies left gastroepiploic vessels. C, A splenic
reconstructed contrast-enhanced CT scan. causing splenomegaly. A, Portal segment removed after total splenectomy
B, A splenic digital subtraction arteriogram hypertension. B, Gaucher’s disease. and sliced into 1–2 cm cubes. D, The
showing the splenic artery and its branches. C, Myelofibrosis. D, Thalassaemia. same slices in C sutured on to the greater
C, An excised spleen demonstrating the E, Sarcoma. F, Lymphoma. omentum.
hilar vessels.
Coetzee T 1982 Clinical anatomy and physiology of the spleen. South Afr Skandalakis PN, Colborn GL, Skandalakis LJ et al 1993 The surgical anatomy
Med J 61:737–46. of the spleen. Surg Clin North Am 73:747–68.
A classic reference paper on splenic anatomy and physiology. One of the most complete descriptions of splenic anatomy.
García-Porrero JA, Lemes A 1988 Arterial segmentation and subsegmenta- Sylvester PA, Stewart R, Ellis H 1995 Tortuosity of the human splenic artery.
tion in the human spleen. Acta Anat 131:276–83. Clin Anat 8:214–18.
A detailed description of the relation between the arterial distribution and A description of the tortuosity of the splenic artery, demonstrating its
spleen segmentation. importance in anatomical and surgical approaches.
Liu DL, Xia S, Xu W et al 1996 Anatomy of vasculature of 850 spleen speci-
mens and its application in partial splenectomy. Surgery 119:27–33.
A detailed description of the vascular anatomy of the spleen and its role in
surgical procedures on the spleen. | 1,659 | Gray's Anatomy | temp.pdf | https://archive.org/download/GraysAnatomy41E2015PDF/Grays%20Anatomy-41%20E%20%282015%29%20%5BPDF%5D.pdf | PDFPlumberTextLoader |
Imaging demonstrates the gross morphology and vascular supply of the
spleen, and can also be used to assess splenic function. Imaging modali-
ties include ultrasound (US), computed tomography (CT), magnetic
resonance imaging (MRI), arteriography, splenoportography and scin-
tigraphy (Buntain et al 1988, Merran et al 2007, Nakamura et al 1989,
Xu et al 2009; see Figs 70.7–70.8; Fig. 70.13). Cross-sectional imaging
is particularly useful for assessing tumours and infiltrations of the
spleen. Percutaneous drainage of splenic and perisplenic fluid collec-
tions is routinely performed under image guidance, and percutaneous
splenic biopsy is being increasingly utilized in diagnosis. Arteriography
is essential for selective embolization and the insertion of an arterial
stent to treat splenic artery aneurysm. Scintigraphy can be used to
investigate splenic phagocytic function by quantifying the uptake of
radioactive labelled agents (e.g. 99mtechnetium sulphur colloid or heat-
damaged erythrocytes) (Hermann and Winkel 1977, Merran et al 2007,
Petroianu 2011, Xu et al 2009). vein
The numerous causes of splenomegaly may broadly be classified into
haematological (e.g. lymphoproliferative, myeloproliferative, erythro- A
cyte disorders); vascular (e.g. portal hypertension); infectious (e.g. viral,
bacterial, other); autoimmune; and infiltrative (e.g. storage disorders
and tumours) (Cavalli et al 1982, Petroianu 1988, Petroianu 2011, Re
et al 1985; Fig. 70.14).
Contrast-enhanced CT imaging is particularly useful in the assess- Thoracic
ment of splenic trauma. The majority of splenic injuries from blunt
abdominal trauma are successfully treated by conservative manage-
ment. Extensive burst injuries with persistent bleeding or major injuries
to the hilar vessels may require splenectomy but various repair tech-
niques are available. With hilar injuries, a subtotal splenectomy, pre- Spleen
serving the short gastric vessels and superior pole only, is one option.
Minor intraoperative capsular tears may be controlled by the topical
application of haemostatic agents and sutures, although direct suture
repair is challenging because the splenic pulp is fragile. Arteriography
and embolization are additional techniques that can be used to control
bleeding or treat vascular lesions (Petroianu 2011).
Most surgical procedures performed on the spleen should start with
ligation of the splenic artery at the superior border of the pancreatic B
tail. This can be difficult in patients with portal hypertension, splenic
artery aneurysm, retroperitoneal fibrosis, regional lymphadenopathy or
inflammatory conditions. After splenic artery ligation, the spleen
becomes softer because most of its contained blood returns to the cir-
culation. Despite the interruption of splenic artery inflow, the superior
pole of the spleen continues to be perfused by the short gastric arteries,
and the inferior pole may be supplied retrogradely via the left gastroepi-
ploic artery. Ligation and division of the splenic vein should be the last
step before removal of the spleen to maximize autotransfusion of blood
from the spleen (Liu et al 1996, Petroianu 2011, Petroianu and Petroi-
anu 1994, Petroianu et al 1989, Skandalakis et al 1993, Sow et al 1991).
In partial or subtotal splenectomy, the vessels that supply the part
of the spleen to be removed are ligated and divided close to the organ.
The devascularized region turns dark blue, demarcating it from the
residual viable splenic tissue; the organ is then divided in this plane
(Christo and DiDio 1997, Gürleyik et al 2000, Liu et al 1996, Petroianu
and Petroianu 1994, Sow et al 1991). Wedge excision leaves two flaps
of splenic capsule that can be sutured or stapled to cover the remaining
raw parenchyma, after suture of any visible bleeding vessels (Petroianu
2011, Petroianu 1993, Petroianu et al 1989, Petroianu 1988; Fig. 70.16).
If total splenectomy is required to treat splenic trauma, autotrans-
plantation of splenic tissue into the greater omentum or mesentery of
the bowel can preserve useful splenic function (see Fig. 70.16). Approxi- C
mately 20% of the original splenic mass needs to be transplanted and
venous drainage of this tissue must be to the portal venous system to Fig. 70.13 Splenic imaging. A, An ultrasound scan with colour Doppler.
maintain the metabolic and immunological functions of the splenic B, A magnetic resonance scan. C, A radioisotope scan (99mTc sulphur
tissue (Oguro et al 1993, Petroianu 2011). colloid). Contrast-enhanced CT imaging, digital subtraction angiography
Total splenectomy has numerous potential consequences. Intraop- and a splenoportogram are shown in Figures 70.7–70.8.
eratively, bleeding or damage to the pancreas, stomach or colon may
occur. Early postoperative complications include left-sided basal pul-
monary atelectasis and pleural effusion, subphrenic abscess, transient
leukocytosis and thrombocytosis with the risk of thrombotic complica-
Table 70.2 Buntain’s classification of splenic injury
tions. In the longer term, there is an increased risk of infection (espe-
cially from encapsulated bacteria), which may be fatal (Petroianu 2011). Grade Description of injury
Conservative management of splenic trauma and partial splenec-
Grade I Subcapsular haematoma or localized capsular disruption without significant
tomy now enable splenic function to be preserved in situations where injury to the parenchyma
splenectomy would once have been routinely performed. Furthermore, Grade II Single or multiple capsular and parenchymal disruptions that do not involve
most surgical procedures on the spleen can now be performed laparo- the hilar vessels
scopically, which readily affords inspection of the spleen from all per- Grade III Deep fractures in the hilum involving the vessels
spectives (Poulin and Thibaut 1993, Sow et al 1991). Grade IV Shattered or fragmented spleen or hilar avulsion
(Reproduced from Buntain WL, Gould HR, Maull KI. Predictability of splenic salvage by computed
tomography. J Trauma. 1988; 28:24–34.) | 1,660 | Gray's Anatomy | temp.pdf | https://archive.org/download/GraysAnatomy41E2015PDF/Grays%20Anatomy-41%20E%20%282015%29%20%5BPDF%5D.pdf | PDFPlumberTextLoader |
Fig. 70.14 Examples of different pathologies causing splenomegaly. A, Portal hypertension. B, Gaucher’s disease. C, Myelofibrosis. D, Thalassaemia.
E, Sarcoma. F, Lymphoma. | 1,661 | Gray's Anatomy | temp.pdf | https://archive.org/download/GraysAnatomy41E2015PDF/Grays%20Anatomy-41%20E%20%282015%29%20%5BPDF%5D.pdf | PDFPlumberTextLoader |
Fig. 70.15 Splenic trauma. A, A CT scan showing multiple splenic tears. B, Suture repair of a ruptured spleen. C, Complete splenic rupture. The splenic
hilum has been clamped to control bleeding. D, Subtotal splenectomy after treatment of the patient illustrated in C.
Fig. 70.16 Partial splenectomy and autotransplantation. A, Partial splenectomy preserving the superior pole supplied by the short gastric (‘splenogastric’)
vessels (arrow). B, Partial splenectomy preserving the inferior pole supplied by the left gastroepiploic vessels (arrow). C, A splenic segment removed
after total splenectomy and sliced into 1–2 cm cubes. D, The same slices in C sutured on to the greater omentum. | 1,662 | Gray's Anatomy | temp.pdf | https://archive.org/download/GraysAnatomy41E2015PDF/Grays%20Anatomy-41%20E%20%282015%29%20%5BPDF%5D.pdf | PDFPlumberTextLoader |
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Suprarenal (adrenal) gland
The suprarenal (adrenal) glands lie immediately superior and slightly shape, flattened in the anteroposterior plane and marginally larger than
anterior to the upper pole of each kidney (see Figs 74.5, 62.8). Golden the right. The bulk of the right suprarenal sits on the apex of the right
yellow in colour, each gland possesses two functionally and structurally kidney and usually lies slightly higher than the left gland, which lies
distinct areas: an outer cortex and an inner medulla. The glands are on the anteromedial aspect of the upper pole of the left kidney.
surrounded by perinephric fat enclosed within the renal fascia, and At birth, the glands are proportionately larger and are approximately
separated from the kidneys by a small amount of fibrous tissue. one-third the size of the ipsilateral kidney. The cortex of each gland is
The dimensions of the suprarenal glands in adults in vivo have been expanded by a well-developed ‘fetal zone’, responsible for producing
measured from axial computed tomography (CT) scans (Vincent et al dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), the substrate for placental oestrogen,
1994). The mean maximum width of the body of the suprarenal gland in the fetus. The suprarenal cortex (specifically the fetal zone) reduces
is 61 mm (right) and 79 mm (left), and the mean width of each limb in size immediately after birth and the medulla grows comparatively
of the gland (medial and lateral) is approximately 30 mm. No indi- little. By the end of the second postnatal month, the weight of the
vidual suprarenal limb should measure more than 5 mm in transverse suprarenal has reduced by more than 50%. The glands begin to grow
section. In adults, each suprarenal gland weighs approximately 5 g (the again by the end of the second year and regain their weight at birth by
medulla contributes about one-tenth of the total weight) and has a puberty. There is little further weight increase in adult life.
volume of approximately 3–6 cm3 (Wang et al 2013). Small accessory suprarenal nodules, composed mainly of cortical
The glands are macroscopically slightly different in external appear- tissue (also known as ‘adrenal rests’), may occur in the areolar tissue
ance (Fig. 71.1). The right is pyramidal in shape and has two well- near the suprarenal glands. They are also occasionally found in the
developed lower projections (limbs), giving a cross-sectional appearance spermatic cord, epididymis or testis in boys (Altin et al 1992), and
similar to a three-pointed star. The left gland is more semilunar in ovary or broad ligament of the uterus in girls. Ectopic suprarenal tissue
may cause diagnostic confusion and is rarely the site of neoplastic
Area related to stomach RIGHT SUPRARENAL GLAND
The right suprarenal gland lies posterior to the inferior vena cava, sepa-
rated from it by only a thin layer of fascia and connective tissue. It also
Suprarenal vein lies posterior to the right lobe of the liver and anterior to the right crus
Hepatic area
of the diaphragm and superior pole of the right kidney (Fig. 71.2). Its
inferior surface or base overlaps the anterosuperior aspect of the upper
pole of the right kidney, with the two lower projections (limbs) of the
gland straddling the renal tissue. The anterior surface has two distinct
facets: a narrow medial facet that lies posterior to the inferior vena cava,
and a triangular lateral facet that lies in contact with the bare area of
the liver. The lowest part of the anterior surface may be covered by the
to pancreas peritoneal reflection of the inferior layer of the coronary ligament,
Area related to which also represents the upper recess of the hepatorenal pouch (see
inferior vena cava Fig. 63.2). Here, the gland lies posterior to the lateral border of the
Suprarenal vein second part of the duodenum. Below the apex, near the anterior border
of the gland, the right suprarenal vein emerges from the hilum to join
the inferior vena cava. This vein is short, which makes surgical resection
Right Left
of the gland or mobilization of the inferior vena cava potentially haz-
ardous. It may be inadvertently avulsed from the inferior vena cava
B during surgery or, occasionally, by high-energy deceleration injuries.
The posterior surface of the gland is divided into upper and lower areas
by a curved transverse ridge. The large upper area is slightly convex and
abuts the diaphragm, whereas the small lower area is concave and lies
in contact with the superior aspect of the upper pole of the right kidney.
Area The medial border of the gland is thin and lies lateral to the right coeliac
related to ganglion and the right inferior phrenic artery where the artery runs over
diaphragm the right crus of the diaphragm.
The left suprarenal gland is closely applied to the left crus of the dia-
phragm, separated from it by a thin layer of fascia (see Fig. 71.2). The
medial aspect is convex longitudinally, whereas the lateral aspect is
concave because it is moulded by the medial surface of the upper pole
Area related to Area related Suprarenal vein of the left kidney. The superior border is sharply defined while the
right kidney to left kidney
inferior surface is more rounded. The upper part of the anterior surface
is covered by the peritoneum of the posterior wall of the lesser sac,
Right Left which separates it from the stomach and sometimes from the postero-
1194 Fig. 71.1 The suprarenal glands. A, Anterior aspect. B, Posterior aspect. inferior border of the spleen. A small lower part of the anterior surface | 1,664 | Gray's Anatomy | temp.pdf | https://archive.org/download/GraysAnatomy41E2015PDF/Grays%20Anatomy-41%20E%20%282015%29%20%5BPDF%5D.pdf | PDFPlumberTextLoader |
Suprarenal (adrenal) gland
Right lobe of liver Inferior vena Left crus of Pancreas Inferior phrenic arteries
cava diaphragm
Superior suprarenal arteries
Right suprarenal gland
Left suprarenal gland
Left kidney
Right suprarenal Right crus of Left suprarenal Left kidney
gland diaphragm gland Inferior vena cava Inferior suprarenal artery
Right kidney
Middle suprarenal artery
Abdominal aorta
Liver Right kidney Right suprarenal Left suprarenal Left kidney
gland gland Fig. 71.3 The arterial supply and venous drainage of the suprarenal
glands. (With permission from Drake RL, Vogl AW, Mitchell A (eds), Gray’s
Anatomy for Students, 2nd ed, Elsevier, Churchill Livingstone. Copyright
the capsule before penetrating the gland to form a subcapsular arterial
plexus, from which fenestrated sinusoids pass around clustered glomer-
ulosa cells and between the columns in the zona fasciculata to a deep
plexus in the zona reticularis. Venules from this plexus pass between
medullary chromaffin cells to medullary veins, which they enter
between prominent bundles of smooth muscle fibres. Some relatively
large arteries bypass this indirect route and pass directly to the medulla
(Fig. 71.4). The arterial supply of the suprarenal gland is prone to
considerable variation (Manso and DiDio 2000, Dutta 2010); only the
main variants will be described here.
Superior suprarenal arteries
The superior suprarenal artery usually arises from the ipsilateral inferior
phrenic artery and passes to the gland as four or five small branches; it
may occasionally arise from the abdominal aorta.
Middle suprarenal arteries
The middle suprarenal artery is usually single, but may be multiple or
absent. It often arises from the lateral aspect of the abdominal aorta at
around the level of the superior mesenteric artery and ascends slightly
over the crura of the diaphragm to anastomose with the other suprar-
enal arteries on the surface of the gland. The right middle suprarenal
artery passes behind the inferior vena cava close to the right coeliac
ganglion, whereas the left middle suprarenal artery passes close to the
Fig. 71.2 Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the suprarenal glands. A,
left coeliac ganglion, splenic artery and the superior border of the pan-
Axial T1 weighted MRI. B, Coronal T2 weighted MRI. (Courtesy of Dr
creas. The middle suprarenal artery may originate from either the ipsi-
Louise Moore, Chelsea & Westminster Hospital.)
lateral inferior phrenic or renal artery.
Inferior suprarenal arteries
is not covered by peritoneum and lies adjacent to the pancreas and The inferior suprarenal arteries often contribute most of the arterial
splenic artery. The hilum faces inferiorly from the lower part of the supply to the gland. One or two arteries usually arise from the ipsilateral
medial aspect. The left suprarenal vein emerges from the hilum and renal artery, but the inferior suprarenal arteries may originate from
runs inferomedially to join the left renal vein. The posterior surface of either the abdominal aorta or the ipsilateral gonadal artery.
the gland is divided by a ridge into a lateral area adjoining the kidney
and a smaller medial area that lies in contact with the left crus of the Veins
diaphragm. The medial border lies lateral to the left coeliac ganglion Medullary veins emerge from the hilum to form a suprarenal vein,
and the left inferior phrenic and left gastric arteries, which ascend on which is usually single. The right vein is very short, and passes directly
the left crus of the diaphragm. and horizontally into the posterior aspect of the inferior vena cava. An
accessory right suprarenal vein is occasionally present and runs from
the hilum superomedially to join the inferior vena cava above the right
suprarenal vein. The short course renders the right suprarenal vein(s)
vulnerable to injury or even avulsion from the inferior vena cava during
surgery if undue traction is applied. The left suprarenal vein is longer
The suprarenal glands have one of the highest arterial flow rates per and descends medially, anterolateral to the left coeliac ganglion, then
gram of tissue (up to 5 ml/g/min) (Williams and Leggett 1989). Each passes posterior to the pancreatic body and usually drains into the left
gland is supplied by superior, middle and inferior suprarenal arteries, renal vein; it may receive the left inferior phrenic vein (Loukas et al
whose main branches may be multiple (Fig. 71.3). They ramify over 2005). Since the venous drainage from each gland is usually via a single | 1,665 | Gray's Anatomy | temp.pdf | https://archive.org/download/GraysAnatomy41E2015PDF/Grays%20Anatomy-41%20E%20%282015%29%20%5BPDF%5D.pdf | PDFPlumberTextLoader |
SuPRAREnAl (AdREnAl) glAnd
Secretes: fasciculata
Secrete: Zona
(including cortisone)
Sex hormones
(including dehydroepi-
androsterone) Cortical
Preganglionic sympathetic terminal
Zona Medullary
reticularis arteriole
Medulla Medullary
Preganglionic sympathetic terminal vein
Fig. 71.4 The gross sectional appearance, microstructure, vasculature and ultrastructure of the suprarenal gland. Brief functional summaries are
included. | 1,666 | Gray's Anatomy | temp.pdf | https://archive.org/download/GraysAnatomy41E2015PDF/Grays%20Anatomy-41%20E%20%282015%29%20%5BPDF%5D.pdf | PDFPlumberTextLoader |
Suprarenal (adrenal) gland
Fig. 71.5 A cross-section through an adult suprarenal gland showing the cortex (Cx) and highly vascular medulla (M). The cortex is shown at higher
magnification to demonstrate the outer capsule (C), the zona glomerulosa (ZG), zona fasciculata (ZF) and zona reticularis (ZR). The boundaries between
zones are indistinct and variable. (Courtesy of Mr Peter Helliwell and the late Dr Joseph Mathew, Department of Histopathology, Royal Cornwall
Hospitals Trust, UK.)
vein, infarction of the gland is more likely to be caused by damage to sympathetic neurones). A smaller proportion of postganglionic sympa-
a suprarenal vein than to one of the suprarenal arteries. thetic nerve fibres innervate cortical blood vessels. Other nerve fibres
Understanding variant suprarenal venous anatomy is important to containing a variety of neurotransmitters have been identified within
avoid bleeding during minimally invasive adrenalectomy, particularly the suprarenal cortex and may be involved in modulating steroid
in patients with large tumours and phaeochromocytomas. Cadaver hormone secretion. The cell bodies of afferent nerve fibres arising in
studies have shown little variation in suprarenal venous anatomy but the suprarenal medulla are almost all located in dorsal root ganglia,
suggest that variants are more commonly found on the right (Cesme- although some lie in vagal ganglia; their precise function is unknown
basi et al 2014). However, a small clinical series showed that there may (Mravec 2005).
be a higher rate of suprarenal vein variants in patients with phaeochro-
mocytoma (Parnaby et al 2008).
Anticipating variant suprarenal venous anatomy is key to minimiz- MICROSTRUCTURE
ing bleeding during laparoscopic adrenalectomy, particularly in patients
with large tumours or phaeochromocytomas. Sholten et al (2013) In section, the suprarenal gland has an outer cortex, which is yellowish
reported variant suprarenal veins in 13% of individuals undergoing in colour and forms the main mass, and a thin medulla, forming about
laparoscopic adrenalectomy, more often on the right (17%) than the one-tenth of the gland, which is dark red or greyish, depending on its
left (9%). Common variants included an absent main suprarenal vein; content of blood (see Fig. 71.4; Fig. 71.5). The medulla is completely
two or more suprarenal veins draining one side; and veins draining to enclosed by cortex, except at the hilum. The gland has a thick collagen-
the inferior phrenic vein or, on the left, to the inferior vena cava. ous capsule from which trabeculae extend deep into the cortex. The
capsule contains a rich arterial plexus (see above) that supplies branches
Lymphatic drainage
to the gland.
Lymphatic channels within the capsule of the suprarenal gland com-
municate with subserous lymphatics that drain medially to para-aortic
Suprarenal cortex
and paracaval nodes (Merklin 1966). A few capsular lymphatics com-
municate with lymph vessels that pass through the diaphragm.
The suprarenal cortex is composed of a zona glomerulosa, a zona fasci-
culata and a zona reticularis (see Fig. 71.5). The outer, subcapsular, zona
INNERVATION glomerulosa consists of a narrow region of small polyhedral cells
arranged in rounded clusters. The cells have deeply staining nuclei and
The suprarenal gland, relative to its size, has a greater autonomic supply a basophilic cytoplasm containing a few lipid droplets. Ultrastructur-
than any other organ. The nerves are distributed throughout the gland: ally, their cytoplasm displays an abundant smooth endoplasmic reticu-
around blood vessels (regulating blood flow), in the medulla (stimulat- lum that is typical of steroid-synthesizing cells. The broader, intermediate,
ing the release of catecholamines from chromaffin cells), and in the zona fasciculata consists of large polyhedral basophilic cells arranged
cortex (where they may influence steroid hormone production; Tóth in straight columns, two cells wide, separated by parallel fenestrated
et al (1997)). A suprarenal plexus lies between the medial aspect of venous sinusoids. The cells contain many lipid droplets and large
each gland and the coeliac and aorticorenal ganglia. It contains pre- amounts of smooth endoplasmic reticulum. The innermost part of the
dominantly preganglionic sympathetic fibres that originate in the lower cortex, the zona reticularis, consists of branching interconnected
thoracic spinal segments, reach the plexus via branches of the greater columns of rounded cells with cytoplasm containing smooth endoplas-
splanchnic nerves, and synapse on clusters of large medullary chromaf- mic reticulum, numerous lysosomes and aggregates of brown lipofuscin
fin cells (which can be regarded as homologous with postganglionic pigment that accumulate with age. | 1,667 | Gray's Anatomy | temp.pdf | https://archive.org/download/GraysAnatomy41E2015PDF/Grays%20Anatomy-41%20E%20%282015%29%20%5BPDF%5D.pdf | PDFPlumberTextLoader |
SuPRAREnAl (AdREnAl) glAnd
Cortical cells produce several hormones, and the cells of the zonae tumour. For other tumours and disorders of the suprarenal gland
fasciculata and reticularis are also rich in ascorbic acid. Cells in the zona requiring surgery, minimally invasive techniques are now generally pre-
glomerulosa produce mineralocorticoids, e.g. aldosterone, which regu- ferred. The original laparoscopic approaches were described in 1992
lates electrolyte and water balance; cells in the zona fasciculata produce (transabdominal; Gagner et al 1992) and 1995 (posterior retroperito-
hormones maintaining carbohydrate balance (glucocorticoids), e.g. cor- neal; Mercan et al 1995). The posterior approach is considered superior
tisol (hydrocortisone); and cells in the zona reticularis produce sex on account of its safety, rapidity, avoidance of the peritoneal cavity, and
hormones (progesterone, oestrogens and androgens). The suprarenal the ability to operate on both sides without repositioning the patient
cortex is essential to life and its complete removal is lethal without (Morris and Perrier 2012). This has been confirmed in several large
replacement therapy. It exerts considerable control over lymphocytes cohort studies (Walz et al 2006, Dickson et al 2011).
and lymphoid tissue; an increased secretion of corticosteroids can result Nevertheless, conventional laparoscopy has certain disadvantages,
in a marked reduction in lymphocyte numbers. such as a two-dimensional view, unstable camera platform, and rigid
The deeper part of the zona fasciculata widens in pregnancy. Cortical instrumentation. Robotic surgery is a new and emerging technique now
atrophy in elderly males is greatest in the same region. performed in many centres and offers the advantages of a three-
dimensional stable platform, seven degrees of freedom, and enhanced
Suprarenal medulla vision (Taskin and Berber 2013). During the last decade, experience
with robotic adrenalectomy has highlighted several facets, including a
steep learning curve, no significant reduction in the need to convert to
The suprarenal medulla is composed of groups and columns of chro-
an open procedure, operative complications or blood loss compared to
maffin cells (phaeochromocytes), separated by wide venous sinusoids
conventional laparoscopy, and longer operative times (although this
and supported by a network of reticular fibres. Chromaffin cells, so
decreases with experience). Robotic surgery is also more expensive.
called from their colour reaction to dichromate fixatives, form part of
However, with appropriate patient selection, robotic adrenalectomy can
the neuroendocrine system and are functionally equivalent to postgan-
be advantageous. For example, patients with familial suprarenal disor-
glionic sympathetic neurones. They synthesize, store (as granules) and
ders, who are more likely to have bilateral pathology, require cortical
release the catecholamines noradrenaline (norepinephrine) and adren-
sparing, or have glands that may be difficult to access posteriorly, are
aline (epinephrine) into the venous sinusoids. Release is under pregan-
particularly good candidates for robotic surgery.
glionic sympathetic control, mediated by the sympathetic neurones that
In the posterior retroperitoneal approach, the patient is placed in
occur either singly or in small groups in the medulla.
the prone jack-knife position to open up the interval between the costal
The majority of chromaffin cells synthesize adrenaline and store it
margin and iliac crest posteriorly. A small incision is made 2 cm inferior
in small granules with a dense core. Less numerous noradrenaline-
and parallel to the twelfth rib, and the perinephric fascia is entered
secreting cells have larger granules with a dense eccentric core. Some
using blunt dissection or with the aid of laparoscopic visualization. A
cells synthesize both hormones. Chromogranin proteins package cate-
dissecting balloon is then inserted and inflated under laparoscopic
cholamines within the granules, which also contain enkephalins,
control, after which a 12 mm trocar is inserted into the cavity and CO
opiate-like proteins that may have endogenous analgesic effects in some 2
is insufflated up to a pressure of 20–25 mmHg. The 0° laparoscope is
circumstances. All of the cells are large, with large nuclei and basophilic,
replaced by a 45° telescope, and two additional 5- or 10 mm ports are
faintly granular cytoplasm. They form single rows along the venous
inserted medial and lateral to the initial port. Dissection is initiated at
sinusoids. Sympathetic axon terminals synapse with the chromaffin
the superior aspect of the suprarenal gland and proceeds laterally and
cells on the surfaces that face away from the sinusoids.
then inferiorly. The medial surface of the gland is dissected last and the
The sinusoids are lined by fenestrated endothelium and drain to the
adrenal vessels isolated and divided either with clips or a harmonic
central medullary vein and hilar suprarenal vein. Under normal circum-
scalpel (Lal and Clark 2010).
stances, little adrenaline or noradrenaline is released; secretion is
Similar steps are taken in the robotic approach. The robot is docked
increased in response to fear, anger or stress. Unlike the cortex, the
after insertion of the 5- and 10 mm secondary ports; the robotic grasper
suprarenal medulla is not essential to life.
is placed in the lateral port and the harmonic scalpel in the medial
before proceeding with the dissection.
In obese (or Cushingoid) patients, identification of a relatively
SUPRARENAL GLAND EXCISION normal-sized suprarenal gland can be extremely difficult and time-
consuming. The suprarenal vein emerges from the lower medial border
Removal of one or both of the suprarenal glands may be performed of the gland and is often a very substantial structure. In contrast, the
using ‘open surgery’, which remains the standard of care for patients supplying arteries tend to be small and named arteries are often difficult
with adrenocortical carcinoma who require en bloc resection of the to identify during surgery.
Cesmebasi A, Du Plessis M, Iannatuono M et al 2014 A review of the Manso JC, DiDio LJ 2000 Anatomical variations of the human suprarenal
anatomy and clinical significance of adrenal veins. Clin Anat 27: arteries. Ann Anat 182:483–8.
1253–63. A study of vascular corrosion casts, demonstrating anatomical variations of
Reviews the surgical anatomy of the suprarenal veins, including their the arterial supply to the suprarenal gland.
development. | 1,668 | Gray's Anatomy | temp.pdf | https://archive.org/download/GraysAnatomy41E2015PDF/Grays%20Anatomy-41%20E%20%282015%29%20%5BPDF%5D.pdf | PDFPlumberTextLoader |
Suprarenal (adrenal) gland
Altin MA, Gündo H, Aksoy F 1992 Adrenal rests in the inguinal region in Merklin RJ 1966 Suprarenal gland lymphatic drainage. Am J Anat 119:
children. Pediatr Surg Int 7:446–8. 359–74.
Cesmebasi A, Du Plessis M, Iannatuono M et al 2014 A review of the Morris L, Perrier N 2012 Advances in robotic adrenalectomy. Curr Opin in
anatomy and clinical significance of adrenal veins. Clin Anat 27: Onc 24:1–6.
1253–63. Mravec B 2005 A new focus on interoceptive properties of adrenal medulla.
Reviews the surgical anatomy of the suprarenal veins, including their Auton Neurosci 120:10–7.
Parnaby CN, Galbraith N, O’Dwyer PJ 2008 Experience in identifying the
Dickson PV, Jimenez C, Chisholm GB et al 2011 Posterior retroperitoneo- venous drainage of the adrenal gland during laparoscopic adrenalec-
scopic adrenalectomy: a contemporary American experience. J Am Coll tomy. Clin Anat 21:660–5.
Surg 212:659–65. Sholten A, Cisco R, Vriens M et al 2013 Variant adrenal venous anatomy in
Dutta S 2010 Suprarenal gland – arterial supply: an embryological basis and 546 laparoscopic adrenalectomies. JAMA Surg 148:378–83.
applied importance. Rom J Morphol Embryol 51:137–40. Taskin HE, Berber E 2013 Robotic adrenalectomy. Cancer J 19:162–6.
Gagner M, Lacroix A, Bolte E 1992 Laparascopic adrenalectomy in Cushing’s Tóth IE, Vizi ES, Hinson JP et al 1997 Innervation of the adrenal cortex, its
syndrome and pheochromocytomas. New Engl J Med 327:1033. physiological relevance, with primary focus on the noradrenergic trans-
Lal G, Clark OH 2010 Thyroid, parathyroid, and adrenal. In: Brunicardi FC, mission. Microsc Res Tech 36:534–45.
Andersen DK, Billiar TR et al (eds) Schwartz’s Principles of Surgery, 9th Vincent JM, Morrison ID, Armstrong P et al 1994 The size of normal adrenal
ed. New York: McGraw-Hill; Ch. 38. glands on computed tomography. Clin Radiol 49:453–5.
Loukas M, Louis RG Jr, Hullett J et al 2005 An anatomical classification Walz M, Alesina P, Wegner F et al 2006 Posterior retroperitoneoscopic
of the variations of the inferior phrenic vein. Surg Radiol Anat 27: adrenalectomy – results of 560 procedures in 520 patients. Surgery
566–74. 140:843–8.
Manso JC, DiDio LJ 2000 Anatomical variations of the human suprarenal Wang X, Jin ZY, Xue HD et al 2013 Evaluation of normal adrenal gland
arteries. Ann Anat 182:483–8. volume by 64-slice CT. Chin Med Sci J 27:220–4.
A study of vascular corrosion casts, demonstrating anatomical variations of
Williams LR, Leggett RW 1989 Reference values for resting blood flow to
the arterial supply to the suprarenal gland.
organs of man. Clin Phys Physiol Meas 10:187–217.
Mercan S, Seven R, Ozarmagan S et al 1995 Endoscopic retroperitoneal
adrenalectomy. Surgery 118:1071–5. | 1,669 | Gray's Anatomy | temp.pdf | https://archive.org/download/GraysAnatomy41E2015PDF/Grays%20Anatomy-41%20E%20%282015%29%20%5BPDF%5D.pdf | PDFPlumberTextLoader |
SUBSECTION: Urogenital system
Development of the urogenital system
A pronephros is present in human embryos only as clusters of cells in
the most cranial portions of the nephrogenic cord (see Figs 72.1–72.2).
More caudally, similar groups of cells appear and become vesicular. The
The urinary and reproductive systems develop from intermediate mes dorsal ends of the most caudal of the vesicles join the primary excretory
enchyme and are intimately associated with one another, especially in duct. Their central ends are connected with the coelomic epithelium by
the earlier stages of their development. The urinary system develops cellular strands, which probably represent rudimentary peritoneal
ahead of the reproductive or genital systems. funnels. Glomeruli do not develop in association with these cranially
Intermediate mesenchyme is disposed longitudinally in the trunk, situated nephric tubules, which ultimately disappear. It is doubtful
subjacent to the somites (in the folded embryo), at the junction between whether external glomeruli develop in human embryos.
the splanchnopleuric mesenchyme (adjacent to the gut medially) and
the somatopleuric mesenchyme (subjacent to the ectoderm laterally) Primary excretory duct
(Fig. 72.1). In lower vertebrates, intermediate mesenchyme typically In stage 11 embryos of approximately 14 somites, the primary excretory
develops serial, segmental, epithelial diverticula termed nephrotomes. duct can be seen as a solid rod of cells in the dorsal part of the neph
Each nephrotome encloses a cavity, the nephrocele, which communi rogenic cord. Its cranial end is about the level of the ninth somite and
cates with the coelom through a peritoneal funnel, the nephrostome its caudal tip merges with the undifferentiated mesenchyme of the cord.
(Fig. 72.2). The dorsal wall of a nephrotome evaginates as a nephric It differentiates before any nephric tubules and, when the latter appear,
tubule. The dorsal tips of the cranial nephric tubules bend caudally and it is at first unconnected with them. In older embryos, the duct has
fuse to form a longitudinal primary excretory duct, which grows cau lengthened and its caudal end becomes detached from the nephrogenic
dally and curves ventrally to open into the cloaca. The more caudally cord to lie immediately beneath the ectoderm. From this level, it grows
placed, and therefore chronologically later, tubules open secondarily caudally, independent of the nephrogenic mesenchyme, and then
into this duct or into tubular outgrowths from it. Glomeruli, specific curves ventrally to reach the wall of the cloaca. It becomes canalized
arrangements of capillaries and overlying coelomic epithelium, arise progressively from its caudal end to form a true duct, which opens into
from the ventral wall of the nephrocele (internal glomeruli) or the roof the cloaca in embryos at stage 12. Clearly, up to this stage, the name
of the coelom adjacent to the peritoneal funnels (coelomic or external ‘duct’ is scarcely appropriate.
glomeruli), or in both situations (see Fig. 72.2).
It has been customary to regard the renal excretory system as three
organs – the pronephros, mesonephros and metanephros – succeeding From stage 12, mesonephric tubules, which develop from the interme
each other in time and space, such that the last to develop is retained diate mesenchyme between somite levels 8–20, begin to connect to the
as the permanent kidney (see Figs 72.1–72.2). However, it is difficult primary excretory duct, which is now renamed the mesonephric duct.
to provide reliable criteria by which to distinguish these stages or to More caudally, a continuous ridge of nephrogenic mesenchyme extends
define their precise limits in embryos. to the level of somite 24. The mesonephric tubules (nephrons) are not
metameric; there may be two or more mesonephric tubules opposite
each somite.
The intermediate mesenchyme becomes visible in stage 10 embryos and Within the mesonephros, each tubule first appears as a condensation
can be distinguished as a nephrogenic cord when 10 somites are present. of mesenchyme cells, which epithelialize and form a vesicle. One end
A B C Fig. 72.1 A, The major epithelial
populations within a stage 11
Neural tube embryo, viewed from a
ventrolateral position. B, The
position of pronephros and
mesonephros on the posterior
Foregut thoracic and abdominal walls.
C, The position of mesonephros
Pericardial and metanephros.
Mesonephros Mesonephros
Mesonephric Metanephros
Allantois Cloaca Ureteric bud
Mesenchyme around Mesenchyme around
connecting stalk connecting stalk
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DeveloPment of the urogenital system
Neural tube Fusion forms primary Primary excretory
Somite cavity Nephric tubules excretory duct duct grows caudally
Ectoderm evaginate and to reach cloaca
turn caudally
Lateral splanchnic arteries
Endoderm Single fused aorta
Notochord Nephrostome
Internal and
Right aorta Nephrocele external glomeruli
Nephrogenic cord of
intermediate mesoderm
Aorta Postcardinal vein
Rudimentary in mammals Primary excretory
duct now termed
(Wolffian) duct
Genital ridge
Mesonephric tubule
Metanephros Metanephric cap
Collecting ducts
fetal kidney
Renal corpuscle
Medullary loop
Allantois Ureteric bud
Early bladder
Urogenital sinus
Vas deferens
Genital Seminal vesicle
Trigone of bladder
Fig. 72.2 Principal features of the primitive vertebrate nephric system for comparison with the development of the human nephric system. A
considerable period of embryonic and fetal life has necessarily been compressed into a single diagram. (Modified with permission from Williams PL,
Wendell-Smith CP, Treadgold S 1969 Basic Human Embryology, 2nd edn. London, Pitman Medical & Scientific.) | 1,671 | Gray's Anatomy | temp.pdf | https://archive.org/download/GraysAnatomy41E2015PDF/Grays%20Anatomy-41%20E%20%282015%29%20%5BPDF%5D.pdf | PDFPlumberTextLoader |
urinary system
of the nephric ridge, and, at the caudal end of the ridge, it projects into
the cavity of the coelom in the substance of a mesonephric fold (see
Fig. 72.3). As the mesonephric ducts from each side approach the uro
genital sinus, the two mesonephric folds fuse, between the bladder
ventrally and the rectum dorsally, forming a transverse partition across
the cavity of the pelvis, which is somewhat inappropriately called the
genital cord (see Fig. 72.3). In the male, the peritoneal fossa between
Tubal fold the bladder and the genital cord becomes obliterated, but it persists in
(mesonephric fold) the female as the uterovesical pouch. In the male, the mesonephric duct
itself becomes the canal of the epididymis, vas deferens and ejaculatory
urogenital sinus
Arterial supply The primitive hindgut ends in a cloacal region. This is connected ven
Gonad to glomerulus trally with a blindending diverticulum, the allantois, which is inti
mately related to the development of the caudal portion of the urinary
system. The enteric and allantoic portions of the hindgut are separated
by the proliferation of the urorectal septum, a partition of mesenchyme
and endoderm in the angle of the junction of hindgut and allantois
Mesonephric duct
(Fig. 72.4; see Fig. 72.7). Molecular markers of the urorectal septum
Hindgut Paramesonephric mesenchyme, also termed the intercloacal mesenchyme, include Six1
(Müllerian) duct and Six2 (Wang et al 2011, Wang et al 2013). The endodermal epithe
lium beneath the mesenchyme of the urorectal septum approaches but
Genital cord does not fuse with the cloacal membrane; it effectively divides the
membrane into anal (dorsal) and urogenital (ventral) membranes, and
the cloacal region into dorsal and ventral portions. The dorsal portion
Urogenital sinus of the cloacal region is the putative rectum. The ventral portion can be
further divided into: a cranial vesicourethral canal, continuous above
with the allantoic duct; a middle, narrow channel, the pelvic portion;
and a caudal, deep, phallic section, which is closed externally by the
urogenital membrane. The second and third parts together constitute
the urogenital sinus. The ventral pericloacal mesenchyme contributes
to the genital tubercle (Wang et al 2013) (see Fig. 72.20).
Fig. 72.3 The relative positions of the mesonephros and early gonad in
the abdomen in the ambisexual stage of development. The mesonephric
and paramesonephric ducts run within the tubal fold to the urogenital The pronephros and mesonephros are linear structures. They both
sinus. contain stacks of tubules distributed along the craniocaudal axis of the
embryo, an arrangement that results in the production of hypotonic
urine. In marked contrast, the tubules in the metanephric kidney are
arranged concentrically, and the loops of Henle are directed towards
of the vesicle grows towards and opens into the mesonephric duct, the renal pelvis. This arrangement allows different concentration gradi
while the other dilates and invaginates. The outer stratum forms the ents to develop within the kidney and results in the production of
glomerular capsule, while the inner cells differentiate into mesonephric hypertonic urine. Metanephric nephrons do not join with the existing
podocytes, which clothe the invaginating capillaries to form a glomer mesonephric duct but with an evagination of that duct, which branches
ulus. The capillaries are supplied with blood through lateral branches dichotomously to produce a characteristic pattern of collecting ducts.
of the aorta. It has been estimated that 70–80 mesonephric tubules and The metanephric kidney develops from three sources. An evagina
a corresponding number of glomeruli develop. However, these tubules tion of the mesonephric duct, the ureteric bud, and a local condensa
are not all present at the same time; it is rare to find more than 30–40 tion of mesenchyme, the metanephric blastema, form the nephric
in an individual embryo because the cranial tubules and glomeruli structure (Fig. 72.5). Angiogenic mesenchyme migrates into the
develop and atrophy before the development of those situated more metanephric blastema slightly later to produce the glomeruli and vasa
caudally. recta. It is possible that an intact nerve supply is also required for
By the end of the sixth week, each mesonephros is an elongated, metanephric kidney induction. The actions of a range of intra and
spindleshaped organ that projects into the coelomic cavity, one on each extracellular factors involved in metanephric development have been
side of the dorsal mesentery, from the level of the septum transversum presented (Kanwar et al 2004).
to the third lumbar segment. This whole projection is called the mesone An epithelial–mesenchymal interaction between the duct system and
phric ridge, mesonephros or Wolffian body (see Fig. 72.1B–C; Fig. 72.3). the surrounding mesenchyme occurs in both mesonephric and meta
It develops subregions, and a gonad develops on its medial surface. nephric systems. In the mesonephric kidney, development proceeds in
There are striking similarities in structure between the mesonephros a craniocaudal progression, and cranial nephrons degenerate before
and the permanent kidney or metanephros, but the mesonephric neph caudal ones are produced. In the metanephric kidney, a proportion of
rons lack a segment that corresponds to the descending limb of the the mesenchyme remains as stem cells that continue to divide and
loop of Henle. The mesonephros is believed to produce urine by which enter the nephrogenic pathway later, when the individual col
stage 17. A detailed comparison of the development and function of lecting ducts lengthen. The temporal development of the metanephric
the mesonephros and metanephros in staged human embryos is not kidney is patterned radially, such that the outer cortex is the last part
available. to be formed. The following interactions occur in the development of
In stage 18 embryos (13–17 mm), the mesonephric ridge extends the metanephric kidney (see Fig. 72.5). The ureteric bud undergoes a
cranially to about the level of rib 9. In both sexes, the cranial end of series of bifurcations within the surrounding metanephric mesenchyme,
the mesonephros atrophies; in embryos 20–mm in length (stage 19), a and forms smaller ureteric ducts. At the same time, the metanephric
mesonephros is found only in the first three lumbar segments, although mesenchyme condenses around the dividing ducts to form Sshaped
it may still possess as many as 26 tubules. The most cranial one or clusters, which transform into epithelia and fuse with the ureteric ducts
two tubules persist as rostral aberrant ductules (see Fig. 72.13); the at their distal ends. Blood vessels invade the proximal ends of the
succeeding five or six tubules develop into either the efferent ductules Sshaped clusters to form vascularized glomeruli.
of the testis and lobules of the head of the epididymis (male), or the The ureteric bud bifurcates when it comes into contact with the
tubules of the epoophoron (female); the caudal tubules form the caudal metanephric blastema in response to extracellular matrix molecules
aberrant ductules and the paradidymis (male), or the paroophoron synthesized by the mesenchyme. Both chondroitin sulphate proteogly
(female). can synthesis and chondroitin sulphate glycosaminoglycan processing
are necessary for the dichotomous branching of the ureteric bud. In
mesonephric duct metanephric culture, incubation of fetal kidneys in βDxyloside, an
Once mesonephric nephrons connect to the primary excretory duct, it inhibitor of chondroitin sulphate synthesis, dramatically inhibits uret
is renamed the mesonephric duct. This runs caudally in the lateral part eric bud branching. | 1,672 | Gray's Anatomy | temp.pdf | https://archive.org/download/GraysAnatomy41E2015PDF/Grays%20Anatomy-41%20E%20%282015%29%20%5BPDF%5D.pdf | PDFPlumberTextLoader |
DeveloPment of the urogenital system
cavity Peritoneal cavity
Mesonephric ducts
entering back of
urogenital sinus
Mesenchymal proliferation
of urorectal septum grows
towards and fuses with
cloacal membrane
Cloacal membrane forming:
U r ogenital membrane
Cloaca Anal membrane
Connecting stalk
Anal membrane
Urogenital membrane
Urinary bladder
Peritoneal cavity cavity
Urinary bladder
Amnion Pubic
Fig. 72.4 The division of the hindgut into urinary and enteric
Perineal body
parts: left ventrolateral view of the intraembryonic coelom and
Anal membrane corresponding midsagittal sections. A, The early cloaca.
Urachus B, Proliferation of the urorectal septum. C, Complete separation of
Rectum the urethra and anal canal, and position of the perineal body.
Subsequent divisions of the ureteric bud and associated mesen the angiogenic mesenchyme produce fibronectin and other components
chyme define the gross structure of the kidney and the major and minor of the glomerular basement membrane. The isoforms of typeIV colla
calyces, the distal branches of the ureteric ducts that will form the col gen within this layer follow a specific programme of maturation as the
lecting ducts of the kidney. The proximal position of the ureteric bud filtration of macromolecules from the plasma becomes restricted.
elongates to form the developing ureter (see Fig. 72.6). As the collecting Although the timing of human development is not the same as other
ducts elongate, the metanephric mesenchyme condenses around them. mammalian species, similar growth and transcription factors are
An adhesion molecule, syndecan, can be detected between the mesen thought to underpin kidney development (Chai et al 2013, Batchelder
chymal cells in the condensate. The cells switch off expression of neural et al 2010, Davidson 2009, Faa et al 2012). A number of genes involved
cell adhesion molecule (NCAM), fibronectin and collagen I, and start in the development of the renal medulla and vasa recta in the mouse
to synthesize liver cell adhesion molecule (LCAM; also called E cad have been identified (Song and Yosypiv 2012). The genetic, epigenetic
herin) and the basal lamina constituents, laminin and collagen IV. The and in utero environmental factors in the pathogenesis of nonsyndromic
mesenchymal clusters are thus converted to small groups of epithelial forms of human congenital anomalies of the kidney and urinary tract
cells, which undergo complex morphogenetic changes. Each epithelial (CAKUT) have been considered (Yosypiv 2012).
group elongates, and forms first a commashaped, then an Sshaped, Plateletderived growth factor (PDGF) βchain and the PDGF recep
body, which continues to elongate and subsequently fuses with a branch tor βsubunit (PDGFR β) have been detected in developing human
of the ureteric duct at its distal end, while expanding as a dilated sac at glomeruli between 54 and 109 days’ gestation. PDGF βchain is local
its proximal end (see Fig. 72.5). The latter involutes, and cells differenti ized in the differentiating epithelium of the glomerular vesicle during
ate locally such that the outer cells become the parietal glomerular cells, its comma and Sshaped stages, while PDGFR β is expressed in the
while the inner ones become visceral epithelial podocytes. The podo undifferentiated metanephric blastema, vascular structures and intersti
cytes develop in close proximity to invading capillaries derived from tial cells. Both PDGF βchain and PDGFR β are expressed by mesangial
angiogenic mesenchyme outside the nephrogenic mesenchyme. This cells, which may promote further mesangial cell proliferation.
third source of mesenchyme produces the endothelial and mesangial Metanephric mesenchyme will develop successfully in vitro, which
cells within the glomerulus. The (metanephricderived) podocytes and makes experimental perturbation of kidney development comparatively | 1,673 | Gray's Anatomy | temp.pdf | https://archive.org/download/GraysAnatomy41E2015PDF/Grays%20Anatomy-41%20E%20%282015%29%20%5BPDF%5D.pdf | PDFPlumberTextLoader |
urinary system
Expansion of the
first six divisions
produces the
Ureteric bud branches renal pelvis,
Ureteric bud dichotomously into the major and
metanephric mesenchyme minor calyces
Metanephric mesenchyme Branching collecting
proliferates and separates ducts and proliferating
with the branching of the duct metanephric mesenchyme
locally converts
to epithelia
at the sides Collecting duct
of the duct from ureteric bud
Comma- and S-shaped
metanephric vesicles
Metanephric epithelium
forms comma-shaped
Branches from
the collecting
duct elongate Fully formed
nephrons joined
to collecting ducts
Fully formed
nephrons join to
Metanephric vesicles the collecting duct
become S-shaped
and elongate
Elongated loop
of Henle
Fig. 72.5 An overview of metanephric kidney development. A, The ureteric bud arises from the mesonephric duct. The metanephric mesenchyme
proliferates and separates with each subdivision of the ureteric bud. B, The metanephric mesenchyme converts to epithelia, forming comma- and
S-shaped vesicles, which become metanephric nephrons. C, All stages of metanephric development are present concurrently. The most recently formed
nephrons are on the outer aspect of the kidney.
easy to evaluate. Early experimental studies demonstrated that other greater values for renal volume than female fetuses from the third tri
mesenchymal populations, and spinal cord, were able to induce ureteric mester onwards. Kidney weight is lower in infants with a birth weight
bud division and metanephric development. Nerves enter the develop less than −2 SDs for gestational age, reflecting a decreased number of
ing kidney very early, travelling along the developing ureter. If develop nephrons. This relative smaller kidney size continues into early child
ing kidney rudiments are incubated with antisense oligonucleotides, hood and may be a factor in adult kidney pathology (Geelhoed et al
which neutralize nerve growth factor receptor (NGFR) mRNA, neph 2009).
rogenesis is completely blocked, suggesting that metanephric mesen
chyme induction is a response to innervation. The powerful inductive endocrine development of the kidney
effect of the spinal cord on metanephric mesenchyme may be a further The kidney functions not only as an excretory organ, but also as an
expression of this phenomenon. All stages of nephron differentiation endocrine organ, secreting hormones that are concerned with renal
are present concurrently in the developing metanephric kidney (see Fig. haemodynamics. Before birth, homeostasis is controlled by the pla
72.5). Antigens for the brush border of the renal tubule appear when centa. The fetal kidney produces amniotic fluid. The kidneys of pre
the Sshaped body has formed. They appear first in the inner cortical mature babies of less than 36 weeks are immature. They contain
area. The metanephric kidney is lobulated throughout fetal life, but incompletely differentiated cortical nephrons, which compromise their
this condition usually disappears during the first year after birth (see ability to maintain homeostasis. Problems of immaturity are further
Fig. 72.8). Varying degrees of lobulation occasionally persist through compounded by the effects of hypoxia and asphyxia, which modify
out life. renal hormones.
The growth of left and right kidneys is well matched during develop Renal hormones include the renin–angiotensin system, renal pros
ment. Fetal kidney volume increases most during the second trimester taglandins, the kallikrein–kinin system and renal dopamine. Renin is
in both sexes. For reasons that are not understood, male fetuses show found in the smooth muscle cells of arterioles, interlobular arteries and | 1,674 | Gray's Anatomy | temp.pdf | https://archive.org/download/GraysAnatomy41E2015PDF/Grays%20Anatomy-41%20E%20%282015%29%20%5BPDF%5D.pdf | PDFPlumberTextLoader |
DeveloPment of the urogenital system
Mesonephric duct
Urogenital sinus Ureteric bud
Early ureter
The mesonephric ducts and ureters The ureters open directly and separately into the urogenital
enlarge as they enter the urogenital sinus above the mesonephric ducts. The openings of the
sinus. They become absorbed into mesonephric ducts descend; their walls are incorporated
the posterior wall of the sinus into the urogenital sinus, forming the trigone of the bladder
Urinary bladder
Ureteric opening
Region of trigone
Region of trigone
Uterovaginal duct
from fused Mesonephric duct
In the female the fused paramesonephric In the male the mesonephric ducts
ducts form the uterovaginal duct. form the vasa deferentia and ejaculatory ducts,
The mesonephric ducts degenerate which enter the urethra through the prostate gland
Fig. 72.6 The development of the urinary part of the urogenital sinus and formation of the trigone of the bladder. A–C, E, Posterior views. D, Male and
female, median sagittal sections. (Based on Tuchmann-Duplessis H, Haegel P 1972 Illustrated Human Embryology, Vol 2 Organogenesis. London:
Chapman and Hall. With kind permission of Springer Science+Business Media.)
branches of the renal artery, and has also been described in the distal ureter
convoluted tubule cells. Kallikrein has been demonstrated in rat fetal The wall of the early ureter is initially highly permeable. Its lumen later
kidney, and prostaglandins have been demonstrated in the renal becomes obliterated and is subsequently recanalized. Both of these
medulla and renal tubule. Renal dopamine is produced (mainly) by the processes begin in intermediate portions of the ureter and proceed
enzymatic conversion of Ldopa to dopamine in the early segments of cranially and caudally. Recanalization is not associated with metane
the proximal convoluted tubule, and is also sourced locally from phric function, but perhaps reflects the rapid elongation of the ureter
dopaminergic nerves. Other renal hormones include an antihyperten as the embryo grows. Two fusiform enlargements appear at the lumbar
sive lipid, which is produced in the interstitial cells of the renal medulla, and pelvic levels of the ureter at 5 and 9 months, respectively (the pelvic
and, possibly, histamine and serotonin. Growth factors produced by enlargement is inconstant). As a result, the ureter shows a constriction
human embryonic kidney cells include erythropoietin and interleukin at its proximal end (pelviureteric region) and another as it crosses the
β (which stimulate megakaryocyte maturation) and transforming pelvic brim. A third narrowing is always present at its distal end and is
growth factorβ. related to the growth of the bladder wall.
At first, the distal end of the ureter is connected to the dorsomedial
ascent of the kidney aspect of the mesonephric duct but, as a result of differential growth,
The metanephric kidney is initially sacral. As the ureteric outgrowth this connection comes to lie lateral to the duct.
lengthens, it becomes positioned more and more cranially. The
metanephric pelvis lies on a level with the second lumbar vertebra urinary bladder
when the embryo reaches a length of about 13 mm. During this period The urinary bladder develops from the cranial vesicourethral canal,
the ascending kidney receives its blood supply sequentially from arter which is continuous above with the allantoic duct (see Fig. 72.4; Figs
ies in its immediate neighbourhood, i.e. the middle sacral and 72.6, 72.7). The mesonephric ducts open into the urogenital sinus early
common iliac arteries. The definitive renal artery is not recognizable in development. The ureters develop as branches of the mesonephric
until the beginning of the third month. It arises from the most caudal ducts, which attain their own access to the developing bladder, and their
of the three suprarenal arteries, all of which represent persistent meso orifices open separately into the bladder on the lateral side of the
nephric or lateral splanchnic arteries. Additional renal arteries are opening of the mesonephric ducts. Later, the two orifices become sepa
relatively common, and may enter at the hilum or at the upper or rated still further and, although the ureter retains its point of entry into
lower pole of the gland – they also represent persistent mesonephric the bladder, the mesonephric duct opens into that part of the urogenital
arteries. sinus that subsequently becomes the prostatic urethra (see Fig. 72.6E). | 1,675 | Gray's Anatomy | temp.pdf | https://archive.org/download/GraysAnatomy41E2015PDF/Grays%20Anatomy-41%20E%20%282015%29%20%5BPDF%5D.pdf | PDFPlumberTextLoader |
urinary system
A Urorectal septum B Allantoic duct
Umbilical artery
Allantoic duct (ureteric)
Bladder diverticulum
Enteric hindgut
Spinal cord
Cloaca, showing
Cloacal membrane ridge produced by
urorectal septum
Endodermal cloaca
Postanal gut
Postanal gut
C Allantoic duct Mesonephric ducts D
Metanephric diverticulum (ureteric bud)
Umbilical vessels
Enteric hindgut Mesonephric duct
Urorectal septum
Peritoneum Pelvis of ureter
Allantoic duct
Genital tubercle
Endodermal cloaca
Cloacal membrane
Postanal gut Notochord Tail Future rectum Notochord
Endodermal cloaca Spinal cord Spinal cord
E Fused paramesonephric ducts Colon F
Mesonephric duct Ureter
Centrum of vertebra
Allantoic duct
Pubic symphysis
Urinary bladder Bladder Mesonephric
Lower limb Ureter
Glans clitoridis
Phallic portion of
urogenital sinus
Spinal cord
Pelvic portion of Notochord
urogenital sinus Sinus tubercle
Fig. 72.7 A, The caudal end of a human embryo, 4 weeks, showing the left lateral aspects of the spinal cord, notochord and endodermal cloaca. B, The
endodermal cloaca of a human embryo, near the end of the fifth week. Part of the left wall of the cloaca, including the left mesonephric duct, has been
removed, together with the adjoining portions of the walls of the developing bladder and rectum. A piece of the ectoderm around the cloacal membrane
has been left in situ. A wire is shown passing along the right mesonephric duct into the cloaca. C, The caudal end of a human embryo, 5 weeks, showing
the endodermal cloaca. D, The caudal end of a human embryo, 6 weeks. The cloaca is becoming divided by the urorectal septum. E, The caudal end of
a female human fetus, 81–9 weeks, from the left-hand side, showing structures in and near the median plane. The cloaca is now completely divided into
urogenital and intestinal segments. F, Part of the vesico-urethral portion of the endodermal cloaca of a female human fetus, 81–9 weeks. The sinus
tubercle is the elevation on the posterior wall of the urogenital sinus, caused by the fusion with the paramesonephric ducts. | 1,676 | Gray's Anatomy | temp.pdf | https://archive.org/download/GraysAnatomy41E2015PDF/Grays%20Anatomy-41%20E%20%282015%29%20%5BPDF%5D.pdf | PDFPlumberTextLoader |
DeveloPment of the urogenital system
The remainder of the vesicourethral canal forms the body of the
Right inferior phrenic Inferior vena cava
bladder and urethra, and its apex is prolonged to the umbilicus as a vein and artery
narrow canal, the urachus.
For many years, it was believed that the absorption of the mesone
phric ducts into the urogenital sinus contributed a mesodermal epithe Left suprarenal
lium into the endodermal bladder, limited to the trigone and the dorsal Right suprarenal gland
wall of the proximal half of the prostatic urethra to the opening of the
Coeliac trunk
prostatic utricle and ejaculatory ducts, or its female homologue, the
Superior mesenteric
whole female urethral dorsal wall. Antibody labelling and studies on Right kidney artery
transgenic mice have now demonstrated that the region of the com
bined ducts close to the urogenital sinus, referred to as the common Right renal vein Left renal vein
and artery
nephric duct, undergoes local apoptosis as a part of the normal develop Left kidney
ment of the trigone region of the bladder and the establishment of
Inferior mesenteric
separate entry points for the ureters and mesonephric ducts (Mendel artery
Right ureter
sohn 2009). Retinoic acid is required for ureter insertion into the uro
Abdominal aorta
genital sinus (Batourina et al 2005). There is no mesodermal epithelial
Left ureter
contribution to the bladder at the trigone. This is further supported by
Right gonadal artery
the observations that tissue combination of fetal urogenital sinus mes
and vein
enchyme with epithelial mesoderm or endoderm produces different
outcomes. Tissue recombinant with endoderm gives rise to prostatic
epithelium, whereas the same mesenchyme combined with epithelial Rectum
mesoderm forms seminal vesicle epithelium. Trigone epithelium dif
ferentiates into prostatic epithelium, confirming an endoderm lineage Bladder deflected
Right umbilical artery downwards
(Tanaka et al 2010).
The previous mechanism for trigone development also suggested
Fig. 72.8 The posterior abdominal wall of a full-term neonate. Note the
that the muscle in that region derived from the ureter and contributed
lobulated kidneys and relatively wide calibre of the ureters.
to the valvelike entry point that prevents urinary reflux. Studies have
now shown that the ureter passes through a tunnel in the bladder wall
in parallel with blood vessels. Such a tunnel forms even in the absence
of ureters (Viana et al 2007). Study of smooth muscle progenitors present at birth (Fig. 72.8; see Fig. 14.6C). Addition of new cortical
shows that the bulk of the trigone derives from bladder muscle (detru nephrons continues in the first few months of postnatal life, after which
sor), with a limited contribution from ureteral longitudinal smooth general growth of the glomeruli and tubules results in the disappear
muscle fibres at the lateral edges. Eponymous muscle such as Mercier’s ance of lobulation. The renal blood flow is lower in the neonate; adult
bar and Bell’s muscle, which were thought to arise from the ureter, are values are attained by the end of the first year. The glomerular filtration
derived from bladder muscle (Viana et al 2007). rate at birth is approximately 30% of the adult value, which is attained
Bladder filling and emptying cycles are required for normal bladder by 3–5 months of age.
remodelling during fetal development; in this process, detrusor smooth The neonatal urinary bladder is eggshaped and the larger end is
muscle cells undergo cyclical apoptosis and proliferation. Mechanical directed downwards and backwards (Figs 72.9–72.10; see Figs 14.6B–
stretching promotes proliferation. Bladders in which the fluid is 14.7). Although described as an abdominal organ, nearly onehalf of
diverted do not show this cycle, and do not enlarge or undergo normal the neonatal bladder lies below a line drawn from the promontory of
remodelling; the detrusor stops growing, producing a lowvolume, low the sacrum to the upper edge of the pubic symphysis, i.e. within the
compliance bladder, although the serosal connective tissues continue cavity of the true pelvis. From the bladder neck, the bladder extends
to expand (Wei et al 2012). As yet, there is little information on the anteriorly and slightly upwards in close contact with the pubis, until it
development of bladder interstitial cells of Cajal, which are present reaches the anterior abdominal wall. The apex of the contracted bladder
within detrusor, bladder microvessels and the mucosal lamina propria lies at a point midway between the pubis and the umbilicus. When the
(Johnston et al 2010). bladder is filled with urine, the apex may extend up to the level of the
umbilicus. It is therefore possible to obtain urine by inserting a needle,
Ultrasound antenatal imaging of the
connected to a syringe, into the bladder through the abdominal wall
urinary system about 2 cm above the pubic symphysis, and then aspirating the con
The fetal bladder may be identified by ultrasound examination at 9–11 tents into the sterile syringe. The success rate of the procedure is variable
weeks’ gestation in transverse and sagittal section. Filling and emptying and depends on the bladder being full; a much higher success rate has
over a 30–45 minute cycle can be demonstrated. The absence of a been reported by using an ultrasound scanner to locate the bladder and
bladder image at 13 weeks or later is considered abnormal. At 20 weeks, confirm that it contains urine prior to insertion of the needle.
the kidneys are best visualized in a section of the abdomen caudal to There is no true fundus in the fetal bladder as there is in the adult.
that used for abdominal circumference estimation. The diameter of the Although the anterior surface is not covered with peritoneum, perito
renal pelvis is reported in the anterior posterior view; 7 mm or less is neum extends posteriorly as low as the level of the urethral orifice.
considered normal at midgestation (To and Periera 2015). Because the apex of the bladder is relatively high, pressure on the lower
The routine use of ultrasound as an aid to in utero diagnosis of abdominal wall will express urine from an infant bladder. Moreover,
abnormalities has revealed a prevalence of 1–2 abnormal fetuses per because the bladder remains connected to the umbilicus by the obliter
1000 ultrasound procedures, of which 20–30% are anomalies of the ated remains of the urachus (see Fig. 14.7), stimulation of the umbilicus
genitourinary tract, detectable as early as 12–15 weeks’ gestation. The can initiate micturition in babies. The elongated shape of the bladder
decision to be made after such a finding is by no means clear. Urinary in neonates means that the ureters are correspondingly reduced in
obstruction is considered an abnormality, yet transient modest obstruc length and they lack a pelvic portion. The bladder does not gain its
tion is considered normal during canalization of the urinary tract, and adult, pelvic, position until about the sixth year. A distinct interureteric
has been reported in 10–20% of fetuses in the third trimester. A delay fold is present in the contracted neonatal bladder.
in canalization, or in the rupture of the cloacal membrane, can produce
Anomalies of the urinary system
a dilation. Similarly, the closure of the urachus at 32 weeks may be
associated with highresistance outflow for the system, which again Congenital anomalies of the kidney and urinary tract are relatively
produces transient obstruction. Distension of the fetal bladder, which common (3–6% of live births) (Yosypiv 2012). Renal agenesis is the
may indicate lower urinary tract obstruction, affects 2.2/10,000 births, absence of one or both kidneys. In unilateral renal agenesis, the remain
more commonly in males (Hodges et al 2009, Dias et al 2014). Over ing kidney exhibits compensatory hypertrophy and produces a nearly
half of such cases are caused by the development of posterior urethral normal functional mass of renal tissue. Atresia of the ureter during
valves (a congenitally obstructing posterior urethral membrane); there development causes a nonfunctional multicystic dysplastic kidney,
may also be a dilated posterior urethra and thickened bladder wall. thought to be secondary to urinary obstruction being present while the
tubules are still forming. Problems with kidney ascent can result in a
Neonatal urinary system
pelvic kidney. Alternatively, the kidneys may fuse together at their
At fullterm parturition, the two kidneys weigh approximately 23 g. caudal poles, producing a horseshoe kidney, which cannot ascend out
They function early in development and produce the amniotic fluid that of the pelvic cavity because the inferior mesenteric artery prevents
surrounds the fetus. The lobulated appearance of fetal kidneys is still further migration. A duplex kidney arises when two ureteric buds meet | 1,677 | Gray's Anatomy | temp.pdf | https://archive.org/download/GraysAnatomy41E2015PDF/Grays%20Anatomy-41%20E%20%282015%29%20%5BPDF%5D.pdf | PDFPlumberTextLoader |
urinary system
Fimbriated end of uterine tube Suspensory ligament of ovary
Inferior epigastric artery
and vein
Mass of meconium Median umbilical ligament
Round ligament of uterus
Urinary bladder
Fundus of uterus
Left ovary
Vesico-uterine pouch
Body of uterus
Vaginal fornices
Pubic symphysis
Suspensory ligament of clitoris
Recto-uterine pouch
Body and glans of clitoris
Sphincter urethrae
Levator ani Urethra
External anal sphincter Longitudinal vaginal
Deep transverse
perineal muscle
Anus Anal columns External anal
of anal canal sphincter
Fig. 72.9 A midsagittal section through the pelvis of a full-term female neonate. Note the abdominal position of the urinary bladder and uterus. (After
Crelin ES 1969 Anatomy of the Newborn. Philadelphia: Lea and Febiger.)
Ossification centre of
Superior rectal artery Left hypogastric nerve
first vertebral segment
of sacrum Left ureter Rectovesical pouch
Sacral canal Median umbilical ligament
Dorsal sacral
Apex of urinary bladder
Body of bladder
Fundus of bladder
Pelvic sacral
foramina Ampulla of vas deferens
Ejaculatory duct
Retropubic space
Prostate gland
Prostatic part of urethra
Suspensory ligament of penis
Rectovesical septum
Corpus cavernosum
Levator ani
External anal sphincter
Internal anal sphincter
Corpus spongiosum and
spongiose part of urethra
Anal column of anal canal
External spermatic fascia
Anal valve enclosing left testis
Dartos tunic of scrotum
Membranous part Bulb
Remains of gubernaculum testis and tail
of urethra
of epididymis within external spermatic fascia
Fig. 72.10 A midsagittal section through the pelvis of a full-term male neonate. Note the abdominal position of the urinary bladder. (After Crelin ES 1969
Anatomy of the Newborn. Philadelphia: Lea and Febiger.) | 1,678 | Gray's Anatomy | temp.pdf | https://archive.org/download/GraysAnatomy41E2015PDF/Grays%20Anatomy-41%20E%20%282015%29%20%5BPDF%5D.pdf | PDFPlumberTextLoader |
DeveloPment of the urogenital system
Umbilical cord
Anal membrane
Anal membrane
Normal Exstrophy of the bladder and epispadias
Fig. 72.11 Bladder exstrophy. Misalignment of the genital tubercle and urogenital swellings with the urogenital membrane during early development
results in subsequent malposition of the bladder, urethra and associated sphincters. The disappearance of the urogenital membrane exposes the
posterior wall of the bladder, and the urethral opening is on the superior side of the penis or clitoris. (Redrawn from Tuchmann-Duplessis H, Haegel P
1972 Illustrated Human Embryology, Vol 2 Organogenesis. London: Chapman and Hall. With kind permission of Springer Science+Business Media.)
the metanephros; it is characterized by two pelvicalyceal systems and is germ cells are delineated very early in development, they are seques
associated with ureterocele, ectopic insertion of the ureter, and vesico tered in the extraembryonic tissues until the gonadal ridge is ready to
ureteric reflux. receive them. It was thought that development to one or other sexual
It was thought that renal cysts arose from clumps of vesicular cells, phenotype occurred after migration of the primordial germ cells to the
which persisted when the tips of branches from the ureteric diverticu indifferent gonads. However, it is now recognized that the development
lum failed to fuse with metanephrogenic cap tissue. It is now believed of male or female gonads, genital ducts and external genitalia is far
that they are wide dilations of a part of otherwise continuous nephrons. more complicated, and is the result of a complex interplay between
In most cases, autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease results genetic expression, timing of development and the influence of sex
from mutations of PKD1 or PKD2 genes, which are expressed in human hormones. As development proceeds, a significant proportion of early
embryos from 5–6 weeks of development within the mesonephros embryonic urinary tissue is incorporated into the reproductive tracts,
and later the metanephros (Chauvet et al 2002). In this condition, especially in the male. The earliest stage of reproductive development,
the cystic dilation may affect any part of the nephron, from Bowman’s prior to the arrival of the primordial germ cells into the gonad, is termed
capsule to collecting tubules. Less common is infantile cystic renal the indifferent or ambisexual stage.
disease, inherited as a recessive trait, in which the proximal and distal
Early gonadal development (ambisexual or
tubules are dilated to some degree but the collecting ducts are grossly
affected. indifferent stage)
There is evidence that infants born small for gestational date retain Essentially, four different cell lineages contribute to the gonads. Cells
smaller kidneys throughout childhood. A causal relationship between are derived from: proliferating coelomic epithelium on the medial side
low birth weight and later chronic kidney disease is speculated, as well of the mesonephros; underlying mesonephric mesenchyme; invading
as susceptibility to hypertension in adult life (White et al 2009). angiogenic mesenchyme already present in the mesonephros; and
Anomalies of the ventral body wall caudal to the umbilicus, espe primordial germ cells that arise from the epiblast very early in develop
cially with inappropriate siting of the genital tubercle, can result in ment and later migrate from the allantoic wall.
exstrophy of the bladder (Fig. 72.11) (Suzuki et al 2009, Williams The formation of the gonads is first indicated by the appearance of
2013). In this condition, the urorectal septum (internal) is associated an area of thickened coelomic epithelium on the medial side of the
with the genital tubercle (external), which means that the urogenital mesonephric ridge in the fifth week, stage 16 (Figs 72.12–72.13; see
and anal membranes are widely separated. When the urogenital mem Fig. 72.16). Elsewhere on the surface of the ridge, the coelomic epithe
brane involutes, the posterior surface of the bladder is exposed to the lium is one or two cells thick, but over this gonadal area it becomes
anterior abdominal wall. The lower part of the abdominal wall is, multilayered. Thickening rapidly extends in a longitudinal direction
therefore, occupied by an irregularly oval area, covered with mucous until it covers nearly the whole of the medial surface of the ridge. The
membrane, on which the two ureters open. The periphery of this extro thickened epithelium continues to proliferate, displacing the renal cor
verted area, which is covered by urothelium, becomes continuous with puscles of the mesonephros in a dorsolateral direction, and forms a
the skin. projection into the coelomic cavity: the gonadal ridge. Surface depres
The volume of amniotic fluid is used as an indicator of renal func sions form along the limits of the ridge, which is, thus, connected to
tion but, because other sources produce amniotic fluid in early gesta the mesonephros by a broad mesentery, the mesogenitale. In this way,
tion, amniotic volume does not reflect fetal urinary output until the the mesonephric ridge becomes subdivided into a lateral part – the
second trimester (see p. 179). Too little amniotic fluid is termed oligo tubal fold, containing the mesonephric and paramesonephric ducts,
hydramnios; too much, polyhydramnios. Although variation in the and a medial part – the gonadal fold. The tubal fold also contains the
amount of amniotic fluid may suggest anomalies of either the gut or nephric tubules and glomeruli at its base (see Fig. 72.3).
the kidneys, it is not always possible to correlate even severe oligohy Up to the seventh week, the ambisexual gonad possesses no sexually
dramnios with renal dysfunction. There is an important relationship differentiating feature. From stage 16, the proliferating coelomic epithe
between the volume of amniotic fluid, lung development and maturity, lium forms a number of cellular epithelial cords (sometimes called
and oligohydramnios has been shown to be associated with pulmonary primary sex cords), separated by mesenchyme. The cords remain at
hypoplasia (Ch. 52). the periphery of the primordium and form a cortex. Proliferation and
labyrinthine cellular condensation of the mesonephric mesenchyme,
including angiogenic mesenchyme, produce a central medulla.
Reproductive ducts
Development of the reproductive organs from the intermediate mesen The paramesonephric, Müllerian, ducts develop in embryos of both
chyme starts from stage 14, about 10 days later than the urinary system. sexes, but become dominant in the development of the female repro
Bilateral paramesonephric (Müllerian) ducts develop alongside the ductive system. They are not detectable until the embryo reaches a
mesonephric ducts, and the midportion of each mesonephros under length of 10–12 mm (early sixth week). Each begins as a linear invagi
goes thickening to form the gonadal ridge. Although the primordial nation of the coelomic epithelium, the paramesonephric groove, on the | 1,679 | Gray's Anatomy | temp.pdf | https://archive.org/download/GraysAnatomy41E2015PDF/Grays%20Anatomy-41%20E%20%282015%29%20%5BPDF%5D.pdf | PDFPlumberTextLoader |
reproductive system
Amniotic cavity
Neural tube Somite
Mesonephric duct
Gonad Paramesonephric
(Müllerian) duct
Mesonephric duct Intraembryonic
Metanephros coelom
Allantois Yolk sac
Fig. 72.12 A, The position of the gonads on the posterior abdominal wall, anteromedial to the mesonephros. B, A transverse section of figure A, through
the line X–Y.
Mesonephric nephrons Proliferating coelom epithelium
Paramesonephric (Müllerian) duct
Mesonephric duct
B Appendix epididymis C
Tunica albuginea
Appendix testis
ductules Testis Urogenital sinus Ovary
Uterine tube
Vas deferens
Gubernaculum ovarii Uterus
Seminal vesicle
Gartner’s duct
testis Utricle of prostate
Fig. 72.13 A, The indifferent or ambisexual stage of development. B, Male. The mesonephric ducts are retained (left) and the paramesonephric ducts
involute (right). C, Female. The paramesonephric (Müllerian) ducts are retained (right) and the mesonephric ducts involute (left).
lateral aspect of the mesonephric ridge near its cranial end. The blind caudal end of the mesonephros in the eighth week. It turns medially
caudal end continues to grow caudally into the substance of the ridge and crosses ventral to the mesonephric duct to enter the genital cord,
as a solid rod of cells, which becomes canalized as it lengthens. Through where it bends caudally in close apposition with its fellow from the
out the extent of the mesonephros, it is lateral to the mesonephric duct, opposite side (see Fig. 72.13). The two ducts reach the dorsal wall of
which acts as a guide for it. The paramesonephric duct reaches the the urogenital sinus during the third month, and their blind ends | 1,680 | Gray's Anatomy | temp.pdf | https://archive.org/download/GraysAnatomy41E2015PDF/Grays%20Anatomy-41%20E%20%282015%29%20%5BPDF%5D.pdf | PDFPlumberTextLoader |
DeveloPment of the urogenital system
produce an elevation called the Müllerian or sinus tubercle (see Figs defined as the cranial end of the mesonephros degenerates. The caudal
72.7F, 72.19). vertical parts of the two ducts fuse with each other to form the utero
At the end of the indifferent stage, each paramesonephric duct con vaginal primordium (Fig. 72.14). This gives rise to the lower part of the
sists of vertical cranial and caudal parts and an intermediate horizontal uterus, and, as it enlarges, it takes in the horizontal parts to form the
region. The mesonephric ducts course caudally, medial to the parameso fundus and most of the body of the adult uterus. A constriction between
nephric ducts, and both duct systems open into the urogenital sinus. the body of the uterus and the cervix can be found at 9 weeks. The
The genital ducts possess an external serosa on some surfaces, derived stroma of the endometrium and the uterine musculature develop from
from coelomic epithelium; a smooth muscle muscularis, derived from the surrounding mesenchyme of the genital cord.
underlying mesenchyme; and an internal mucosa, derived either from Failure of fusion of the two paramesonephric ducts can lead to a
the mesonephric duct or from the invaginated tube of coelomic epithe range of anomalies summarized in Figure 72.15. These fusions can also
lium that forms the paramesonephic duct. The layers are invaded by contribute to anomalies of vaginal development.
angiogenic mesenchyme and by nerves. At birth, the uterus is 2.5–5 cm long (average 3.5 cm), 2 cm wide
between the uterine tubes, and a little over 1 cm thick (see Figs 72.9,
uterus and uterine tubes 14.6C–14.7). The body of the uterus is smaller than the uterine cervix,
In the female, the mesonephric duct is vestigial. Cranially, it becomes which forms twothirds or more of the length. The isthmus between the
the longitudinal duct of the epoophoron, while, caudally, it is referred body and the cervix is absent. The fetal female reproductive tract is
to as Gartner’s duct (Table 72.1). The cranial part of the paramesone affected by maternal hormones and undergoes some enlargement in
phric ducts forms the uterine tubes, and the original coelomic invagina the fetus. The endocervical glands are active before birth and the cervical
tion remains as the pelvic opening of the tube. The fimbriae become canal is usually filled with mucus. The uterus is relatively large at birth
and, subsequently, involutes to about onethird of its length and more
than half of its weight; it does not regain its neonatal size and weight
Table 72.1 Homologies of the parts of the urogenital system in male and female until puberty. The uterine tubes are relatively short and wide.
The position of the uterus in the pelvic cavity depends, to a great
Gonad Testis Ovary
extent, on the state of the bladder anteriorly and the rectum posteriorly.
Gubernacular cord Gubernaculum testis Ovarian and round ligaments If the bladder contains only a small amount of urine, the uterus may
Mesonephros Appendix epididymis (?) Appendices vesiculosae (?) be anteverted but it is often in a direct line with the vagina (see Figs
(Wolffian body) Efferent ductules Epoophoron 72.9, 72.19).
Lobules of epididymis
Paradidymis Paroophoron vagina
Aberrant ductules
At approximately 60 mm crown–rump (CR) length, an epithelial pro
Mesonephric duct Duct of epididymis Duct of epoophoron (Gartner’s duct)
(Wolffian duct) Vas deferens liferation, the sinuvaginal bulb, arises from the dorsal wall of the uro
Ejaculatory duct genital sinus in the region of the sinus tubercle (see Figs 72.7F, 72.14B).
Part of bladder and prostatic Part of bladder and urethra Its origin marks the site of the future hymen. The proliferation gradually
extends cranially as a solid, anteroposteriorly flattened plate inside the
Paramesonephric Appendix testis Uterine tube tubular condensation of the uterovaginal primordium, which will,
(Müllerian) duct Uterus
eventually, become the fibromuscular vaginal wall. The caudal tip of
Prostatic utricle Vagina (?)
the paramesonephric duct epithelium recedes until, at about 140 mm
Allantoic duct Urachus Urachus
(CR), its junction with the epithelial proliferation lies in the cervical
Dorsal part Rectum and upper part of anal Rectum and upper part of anal
canal canal Starting from its caudal end and gradually extending cranially
Ventral part Most of bladder Most of bladder and urethra through its whole extent, the solid plate formed by the sinus prolifera
Part of prostatic urethra tion enlarges into a cylindrical structure. After this, the central cells
Urogenital sinus Prostatic urethra distal to desquamate to establish the vaginal lumen. As the upper end of the
utricle vaginal plate enlarges, it grows up to embrace the cervix, and then is
Bulbourethral glands Greater vestibular glands
excavated to produce the vaginal fornices. The boundary of origin of
Rest of urethra to glans Vestibule
the vaginal mucosa, between the epithelial contribution of the para
Genital folds Ventral penis Labia minora
mesonephric ducts and the sinuvaginal bulb, has been defined in the
Genital tubercle Penis Clitoris
mouse (Kurita 2010, Kurita 2011). Anomalies of paramesonephric duct
Urethra in glans
fusion can produce related vaginal anomalies (see Fig. 72.15). The
Urachus Uterine tube
Broad ligament
Mesonephric kidney Uterovaginal canal
and gonad descend
Sinuvaginal tubercle
Metanephric pouch (of Douglas) Rectum
Urogenital sinus kidney ascends
Fig. 72.14 Relative movements of the gonads and associated tubes. A, Gonads and mesonephros move caudally, and the metanephros ascends. B, A
posterior view of the mesonephric ducts (ureters) and the fused paramesonephric ducts (uterovaginal canal) in the female. For earlier development, see
Figure 72.3. (Based on Tuchmann-Duplessis H, Haegel P 1972 Illustrated Human Embryology, Vol 2 Organogenesis. London: Chapman and Hall. With
kind permission of Springer Science+Business Media.) | 1,681 | Gray's Anatomy | temp.pdf | https://archive.org/download/GraysAnatomy41E2015PDF/Grays%20Anatomy-41%20E%20%282015%29%20%5BPDF%5D.pdf | PDFPlumberTextLoader |
reproductive system
Partial or total failure of fusion of the terminal portion of the paramesonephric (Müllerian) ducts and also that, once the epithelial cells no longer secrete a basal lamina,
the remaining ductal epithelial cells transform into mesenchyme that
remains in the vicinity of the involuting duct (Allard et al 2000). Ves
tigial remnants of the paramesonephric ducts are most likely to persist
cranially and/or caudally, at the limits of the local exocrine effects of
AMH. A vestige of the cranial end of the duct persists as the appendix
testis (see Figs 72.13, 72.19; see Table 72.1). The fused caudal ends of
the two ducts are connected to the wall of the urogenital sinus by a
solid utricular cord of cells, which soon merges with a proliferation of
sinus epithelium, the sinuutricular cord. The latter is similar to, but
less extensive than, the sinus proliferation in the female. The proliferat
ing epithelium is claimed to be an intermingling of the endoderm of
Uterus didelphyd Bicervical uterus Unicervical uterus
with double vagina bicornis bicornis the urogenital sinus with the lining epithelia of the mesonephric and
paramesonephric ducts, which have extended on to the surface of the
Failure of resorption of the uterovaginal septum after fusion of the paramesonephric (Müllerian) ducts sinus tubercle. As the sinuutricular cord grows, so the utricular cord
recedes from the tubercle. In the second half of fetal life, the composite
cord acquires a lumen and becomes dilated to form the prostatic utricle,
the lining of which consists of hyperplastic stratified squamous epithe
lium. The sinus tubercle becomes the colliculus seminalis.
The main reproductive ducts in the male are derived from the meso
nephric ducts; the latter persist under the action of androgens that are
probably secreted down the ducts themselves, and are subsumed into
the male reproductive system as the metanephric kidney develops. The
mesonephric duct gives rise to the canal of the epididymis, vas deferens
and ejaculatory duct. The seminal vesicle and the ampulla of the vas
deferens appear as a common swelling at the end of the mesonephric
Completely Bilocular Bilocular
duct during the end of the third and into the fourth months. Their
bilocular uterus unicervical uterus bicervical uterus
appearance coincides with degeneration of the paramesonephric ducts,
although no causal relation between the two events has been estab
Partial or total atresia of the terminal portion of one or both paramesonephric (Müllerian) ducts
lished. Separation into two rudiments occurs at about 125 mm crown–
heel length. The seminal vesicle elongates, its duct is delineated and
hollow diverticula bud from its wall. Around the sixth month (300 mm
crown–heel length), the growth rate of both vesicle and ampulla is
greatly increased. Figure 72.10 shows the position of the ampulla of the
vas deferens in the neonate, possibly in response to increased secretion
of prolactin by the fetal or maternal hypophysis, or to the effects of
placental hormones. The tubules of the prostate show a similar increase
in growth rate at this time.
Primordial germ cells
Unilateral atresia Partial bilateral atresia: Partial bilateral atresia:
The primordial germ cells are formed very early from the epiblast (see
uterus bicornis unicollis atresia of cervix atresia of vagina
Fig. 10.3). They are larger (12–20 µm in diameter) than most somatic
Fig. 72.15 Uterovaginal anomalies. (Based on Tuchmann-Duplessis H, cells, and are characterized by vesicular nuclei with welldefined nuclear
Haegel P 1972 Illustrated Human Embryology, Vol 2 Organogenesis. membranes, and by a tendency to retain yolk inclusions long after these
London: Chapman and Hall. With kind permission of Springer
have disappeared from somatic cells. It is not yet clear whether the
Science+Business Media.)
primordial germ cells are derived from particular blastomeres during
cleavage, if they constitute a clonal line from a single blastomere, or if
they are the product of a progressive concentration of the nucleus of
the fertilized ovum by unequal partition at successive mitoses. Primor
urogenital sinus undergoes relative shortening craniocaudally to form dial germ cells spend the early stages of development within the extra
the vestibule, which opens on the surface through the cleft between the embryonic tissues near the end of the primitive streak and in the
genital folds. The lower end of the vaginal plate grows caudally so that, connecting stalk (see Fig. 10.4). In this situation, they are away from
in 109 mm embryos, the vaginal rudiment approaches the vestibule. In the inductive influences to which the majority of the somatic cells are
fetuses of 162 mm, the vaginal lumen is complete, except at the cephalic subjected during early development.
end, where the fornices are still solid; they are hollow by 170 mm. At Primordial germ cells can be identified in human embryos in stage
approximately halfway through gestation (180 mm), the genital canal 11, when the number of cells is probably not more than 20–30. When
is continuous with the exterior. During the later months of fetal life, the tail fold has formed, they appear within the endoderm and the
the vaginal epithelium is greatly hypertrophied, apparently under the splanchnopleuric mesenchyme and epithelium of the hindgut, as well
influence of maternal hormones, but, after birth, it assumes the inactive as in the adjoining region of the wall of the yolk sac. They migrate
form of childhood. dorsocranially in the mesentery, by amoeboid movements and by
In the neonate, the vagina is 2.5–3.5 cm long and 1.5 cm wide at growth displacement, and pass around the dorsal angles of the coelom
the fornices, and the uterine cervix extends into the vagina for about (medial coelomic bays) to reach the genital ridges from stage 15 (see
1 cm. The posterior vaginal wall is longer than the anterior wall, giving Fig. 72.16). It is believed that the genital ridges exert longrange effects
the vagina a distinct curve (see Figs 72.9, 72.19, 14.7). The cavity is on the migrating primordial germ cells, in terms of controlling their
filled with longitudinal columns covered with a thick layer of cornified, direction of migration and supporting the primordial germcell popula
stratified, squamous epithelium. These cells slough off after birth, when tion. Primordial germ cells contact each other via long processes and
the effect exerted by maternal hormones is removed. retain cytoplasmic bridges when they divide. They are usually in close
The orifice of the vagina is surrounded by a thick, elliptical ring of proximity to somatic cells, which may modify the local environment,
connective tissue: the hymen. During childhood, the hymen becomes forming junctional complexes with them. The surface of primordial
a membranous fold along the posterior margin of the vaginal lumen. germ cells displays binding sites for extracellular matrix macromole
Should the fold form a complete diaphragm across the vaginal lumen, cules. A range of molecular markers associated with the migration and
it is termed an imperforate hymenal membrane. proliferation of primordial germ cells has been described (SotoSuazo
and Zorn 2005, Runyan et al 2006, De Felici 2013).
reproductive ducts in the male Primordial germ cells proliferate both during and after migration to
In the male, most of the paramesonephric ducts atrophy (see Fig. 72.13) the mesonephric ridges. Cells that do not complete this migration
under the influence of antiMüllerian hormone (AMH; also called mainly degenerate, but if they survive, they can give rise to germ cell
Müllerian inhibiting substance, or MIS), which is released into the tumours, usually in the midline (Runyan et al 2006). After segregation,
mesonephric duct by the Sertoli cells of the testis. It is thought that the when they are often termed primary gonocytes, they divide to form
epithelial cells of the paramesonephric duct initially undergo apoptosis secondary gonocytes. | 1,682 | Gray's Anatomy | temp.pdf | https://archive.org/download/GraysAnatomy41E2015PDF/Grays%20Anatomy-41%20E%20%282015%29%20%5BPDF%5D.pdf | PDFPlumberTextLoader |
DeveloPment of the urogenital system
Indifferent stage
Primordial germ cells
Lateral coelomic bay
Medial coelomic bay
Mesonephric (Wolffian) duct
Invaginating paramesonephric
Median dorsal mesentery
(Müllerian) duct
Mesonephric tubule
Gut tube
Genital ridge
Paramesonephric (Müllerian) duct
Primordial germ cells associate with sex cords
Mesonephric glomerulus
Sex cord
Female Male
Mesonephric duct
and tubules begin
to degenerate Some mesonephric
Primordial germ cells tubules fuse with
enclosed with cord cells medullary ends
Rete ovarii
of sex cords
Uterine tube
Vestigial duct
and tubule of epoophoron Seminiferous tubules
Rete ovarii Efferent ductules
Tunica albuginea
Broad ligament Ductus deferens
Interstitial cells
Uterine tube Rete testis
Degenerating Interlobular septum
Stromal cells paramesonephric
Primordial ovarian follicles
Fig. 72.16 The development of the gonads and associated ducts, as seen in transverse section, to show the fate of the primordial germ cells,
mesonephric duct and tubules, and paramesonephric duct in males and females. (Modified with permission from Williams PL, Wendell-Smith CP,
Treadgold S 1969 Basic Human Embryology, 2nd edn, London, Pitman Medical & Scientific.) | 1,683 | Gray's Anatomy | temp.pdf | https://archive.org/download/GraysAnatomy41E2015PDF/Grays%20Anatomy-41%20E%20%282015%29%20%5BPDF%5D.pdf | PDFPlumberTextLoader |
reproductive system
Development of the gonads medulla. The majority remain in the cortex, where they may be joined
by a second proliferation from the coelomic epithelium overlying the
The factors that lead to formation of either testis or ovary are described
gonad. In histological sections of ovaries from the third and subsequent
below and in Figure 72.16. The morphological events that occur in each
months, the epithelial cords appear as clusters of cells, which may
type of gonadal development are presented first.
contain primitive germ cells, separated by fine septa of undifferentiated
mesenchyme. An ovarian rete condenses in the medullary mesenchyme
and some of its cords may join mesonephric glomeruli. The medulla
Most studies support the hypothesis that the seminiferous tubules are
subsequently regresses, and connective tissue and blood vessels from
formed from cords of epithelial cells derived from the proliferating
this region invade the cortex to form the ovarian stroma. During this
coelomic epithelium (see Figs 72.13, 72.16). The cords lengthen, partly
invasion, the clusters of epithelial cortical cells break into individual
by addition from the coelomic epithelium, and encroach on the
groups of supporting cells (now identified as granulosa cells), which
medulla, where they unite with a network of cells derived from the
surround the primordial germ cells (now identified as primary oocytes)
mesonephric mesenchyme destined to become the rete testis. Primor
that have entered the prophase of the first meiotic division. Primary
dial germ cells are incorporated into the cords, which later become
oocytes are derived from a mitotic division of the primordial germ cells
enlarged and canalized to form the seminiferous tubules. The cells
(naked oogonia). Their epithelial capsules consist of flattened pregranu
derived from the surface of the early gonad form the supporting Sertoli
losa cells derived from proliferations of coelomic epithelium. The ovary
cells. The latter proliferate throughout fetal and early postnatal life (less
now has its full complement of primary oocytes. The majority undergo
than 6 months) and perhaps again at puberty initiation (Sharpe et al
atresia, a hormonally controlled apoptotic process, but the remainder
2003); when they stop dividing, they mature and cannot be reactivated.
resume development after puberty, when they complete the first meiotic
Each Sertoli cell can only support a fixed number of germ cells during
division shortly before ovulation. The granulosa cells at this time
their development into spermatozoa, i.e. the number of Sertoli cells
enlarge and multiply to form the stratum granulosum; as they do so,
produced at this time determines the maximal limit of sperm output
they become surrounded by thecal cells, which differentiate from the
(Sharpe et al 2003). Because the germ cells make up the bulk of the
adult testis, the number of Sertoli cells is a major determinant of the
There are temporospatial changes within the developing ovary. Neu
size to which the testes will grow (factors that impair the process of
rotropins and their receptors have been shown to be expressed within
spermatogenesis, resulting in the loss of germ cells, will also affect
the fetal ovary between 13 and 21 weeks. NT4 is localized initially in
testicular size). Variation in Sertoli cell number is probably the most
epithelioid cells mingled with oogonia, then within oogonial mRNA,
important factor in accounting for the enormous variation in sperm
and finally in granulosa cells of the primordial follicles, with lesser
counts between individual men, whether fertile or infertile. Indeed, the
expression in the enclosed oocytes (Anderson et al 2002).
available data for adult men indicate that Sertoli cell numbers vary
Expression of p450c17, a steroidogenic enzyme involved in the pro
across a fiftyfold range (Sharpe et al 2003). Although some of this
duction of androgens, has been shown in the human fetal ovary during
variation may result from attrition of Sertoli cell numbers because of
the second and third trimesters (Cole et al 2006). Its temporospatial
ageing, the major differences in Sertoli cell numbers will have been
expression showed a movement from the cortex to the medulla, with
determined by events in fetal and/or childhood life.
its presence in primary interstitial cells in the cortex from 14 weeks to
The interstitial cells of the testis are derived from mesenchyme and,
23 weeks, but not in hilus interstitial cells; between 27 and 33 weeks,
possibly, also from coelomic epithelial cells that do not become incor
few cells stained for p450c17, but there was an increase after 33 weeks
porated into the tubules. Among other cell lines, they form the embry
in theca interstitial cells associated with preantral follicles. Positive
onic and fetal cells of Leydig, which secrete testosterone and insulinlike
staining hilus interstitial cells were rarely seen before 33 weeks. The
factor 3 (Insl3). A later migration of mesenchyme beneath the coelomic
temporospatial expression was similar in anencephalic fetuses of the
epithelium forms the tunica albuginea of the testis.
same age, indicating that anterior pituitary function is not regulating
The cords of the rete testis become connected to the glomerular
this maturation. The authors suggest a possible role for insulin in regu
capsules in the persisting part of the mesonephros. Ultimately, they
lating fetal ovary androgen production. It is noted that overexpression
become connected to the mesonephric duct by the 5–12 most cranial
of interstitial androgen production is a component in the pathophysiol
persisting mesonephric tubules. These become exceedingly convoluted
ogy of polycystic ovary syndrome (Cole et al 2006).
and form the lobules of the head of the epididymis. The mesonephric
duct, which was the primitive ‘ureter’ of the mesonephros, becomes the sex determination in the embryo
canal of the epididymis and the vas deferens of the testis. The seminifer
It was believed that the gonads were indifferent or ambisexual until the
ous tubules do not acquire lumina until the seventh month; the tubules
arrival of the primordial germ cells in the gonadal ridge, at which point
of the testicular rete become canalized somewhat earlier.
the sex of the embryo was ‘turned on’ by the presence of the male or
Disorders of development of the testis and reproductive tract in the
female germ cells. It is now clear that the germ cells may be essentially
male fetus seem to be increasing in incidence. Testicular maldescent
irrelevant to testis determination; embryos in which the genital ridges
(cryptorchidism) and hypospadias appear to have doubled or trebled
are devoid of germ cells may still undergo otherwise normal testis
in incidence in the last 30–50 years, while testicular cancer has increased
development. It is not clear if the germ cells are necessary for ovarian
by an even greater margin and is now the most common cancer of
determination. They are required for the proper organization and dif
young men. Although testicular cancer is primarily a disease of young
ferentiation of the ovary, and their absence results in the development
men (95% of cases affect 15 to 45yearold males), it is now established
of ‘streak gonads’, where only lines of follicular cells can be seen, as in
that this age incidence reflects activation of premalignant carcinoma-in-
Turner’s syndrome.
situ (CIS) cells, which are present at birth and which almost certainly
The processes of sex determination and differentiation involve inter
arise during fetal life. It is now accepted that CIS cells are primordial
acting pathways of gene activity, which lead to the total patterning of
germ cells/gonocytes that have failed to complete differentiation into
the embryo as either male or female.
spermatogenic germ cells (RajpertDe Meyts 2006). Anomalies of devel
In the current, generally accepted, model of sex determination in
opment of the testis and reproductive tract (e.g. gonadal dysgenesis,
humans, the female pathway is considered to be the ‘setup’ programme;
cryptorchidism, small testes) are important risk factors for the develop
in other words, this is the course of events that will occur, unless there
ment of testicular germ cell cancer. However, the most dramatic change
is modification via differentiation of Sertoli cells, which leads to testis
that appears to have occurred in the relatively recent past is a fall in
formation. The trigger for the latter is the presence of a Y chromosome,
sperm counts of around 40–50% (1% per year over the last 50 years).
which diverts development into the testicular pathway. The resulting
Although this dramatic decrease is obviously manifest only in adult
cellular changes convert the indifferent gonad into a testis, which then
hood, as is the case with testicular cancer there is growing evidence that
produces three key hormones (AMH, Insl3 and testosterone), which
it may reflect impaired testicular development during fetal or childhood
collectively induce masculinization of the fetus and, thus, acquisition
life (Dean and Sharpe 2013).
of male secondary sexual characteristics.
The possession of a Y chromosome is usually associated with a male
ovary developmental pathway. Deletion mapping of the Y chromosome in a
The ovary develops from the middle part of the gonadal ridge only. The class of XX males arising from abnormal X : Y interchange at meiosis
cranial part of the gonadal ridge becomes the suspensory ligament of showed that the maledetermining region of the chromosome was a
the ovary (infundibulopelvic fold of peritoneum), and its caudal region conserved sequence located near its tip, termed the testisdetermining
is incorporated into the ovarian ligament. factor (TDF). This sequence contains a gene that is established to be the
The ovary closely resembles the testis early in development, except ‘master switch’ that programmes the direction of sexual development,
that its characteristically female features are slower to differentiate (see the socalled SRY gene (sexdetermining region on the Y chromosome).
Figs 72.13, 72.16). Few, if any, of the epithelial cords invade the It is believed to be genetically and functionally equivalent to the TDF. | 1,684 | Gray's Anatomy | temp.pdf | https://archive.org/download/GraysAnatomy41E2015PDF/Grays%20Anatomy-41%20E%20%282015%29%20%5BPDF%5D.pdf | PDFPlumberTextLoader |
DeveloPment of the urogenital system
The SRY gene acts initially within the epithelial cords of cells derived involves two phases – transabdominal and inguinoscrotal – which are
from the coelomic epithelium of the ambisexual gonad. These cells can regulated by distinct morphological and endocrine factors (Barteczko
potentially differentiate into either Sertoli or granulosa cells (the sup and Jacob 2000).
porting cells for the germ cells in the testis and ovary, respectively).
Studies indicate that SRY initiates testis formation from the indifferent Transabdominal phase
gonad by directing the development of supportingcell precursors as Each testis initially lies on the dorsal abdominal wall. As it enlarges, its
Sertoli rather than granulosa cells (Albrecht and Eicher 2001). Gene cranial end degenerates and the remaining organ therefore occupies a
expression is seen first in cells designated as preSertoli, located cen more caudal position. It is attached to the mesonephric fold by the
trally in the developing gonad, and then later in the cranial and caudal mesorchium (the mesogenitale of the undifferentiated gonad), a peri
poles. Once the developmental pathway of Sertoli cells is directed, this toneal fold that contains the testicular vessels and nerves, and a quantity
influences the differentiation of the other cell types in the testicular of undifferentiated mesenchyme. It also acquires a secondary attach
pathway, so that Leydig cells appear later, and the connective tissue ment to the ventral abdominal wall, which has a considerable influence
becomes organized into a male pattern. The germ cells are also affected on its subsequent movements. At the point where the mesonephric fold
by this environment. When they arrive, they become enclosed within bends medially to form the genital cord (see Fig. 72.3), it becomes
the Sertoli cells and do not enter meiosis; they continue to proliferate connected to the lower part of the ventral abdominal wall by an inguinal
(which is characteristic of spermatogenesis), instead of ceasing prolif fold of peritoneum covering a mesenchymal cord, termed the guber
eration and entering meiosis and meiotic arrest, as occurs in the ovary. naculum or genitoinguinal ligament (see Figs 72.3, 72.13; Fig. 72.17).
Thus, the development of male characteristics follows the expression of The distal end of this cord seems to align to the inguinal part of the
SRY, and female characteristics develop in its absence. milk line which extends from the axilla to the femoral region (see Fig.
Studies of XY individuals with sex reversal (i.e. XY females) and cor 53.28). It has been suggested that this line corresponds to the original
responding gene knockout studies in mice have established that SRY lateral edge of the embryo, which expresses the apical ectodermal ridges
initiates testis development by inducing the expression of another gene, and mesenchymal progress zones of the upper and lower limbs (Hutson
SOX9 (SRYlike HMGbox protein 9), and expression of the latter in the 2013, Hutson et al 2014).
absence of SRY is sufficient for male determination. It is now known Up to about 10 weeks, the gubernaculum in male and female
that there is a multistep cascade of gene expression changes that essen embryos is the same, but then production of Insl3 from the Leydig cells
tially works to reinforce SOX9 expression and, thus, to consolidate stimulates enlargement (known as the ‘swelling reaction’) of the guber
development down the male pathway; these genes include WT1 naculum in males. This serves to anchor the fetal testis near the future
(Wilm’s tumour gene), GATA4 (GATAbinding protein 4), FGF9 (fibrob inguinal canal as the abdominal cavity enlarges between 10 and
last growth factor 9) and DAX-1 (orphan nuclear receptor DAX1) 15 weeks. By comparison, the gubernaculum in females remains thin
(BiasonLauber 2010, Munger et al 2013). This cascade also actively and subsequently develops into the round ligament (see below). The
represses expression of genes that promote development along the cranial attachment of the urogenital ridge, known as the cranial suspen
female pathway; these include RSPO1 (Rspondin 1), WNT4 (Wingless sory ligament, regresses in males under the action of androgens.
type MMTV integration site family member 4) and FOXL2 (Forkhead After the midgut loop returns to the abdomen, the anterior abdomi
box L2). In turn, activation of the female cascade of gene expression nal wall inferior to the umbilical cord lengthens. As each umbilical
actively suppresses expression of SOX9 and/or other genes in the ‘male artery runs ventrally from the dorsal to the ventral wall, it pulls up a
cascade’. Therefore, development of either a testis or an ovary results falciform peritoneal fold, which forms the medial boundary of a peri
from a reinforcing programme of gene expression changes, and inacti toneal fossa, the saccus vaginalis of lateral inguinal fossa, into which
vating mutations in any one of these genes, or their aberrant expression each testis projects.
in the wrong sex fetus, has the potential to interfere, partially or com
pletely, with normal gonad formation and, thus, with downstream Inguinoscrotal phase
sexual development (BiasonLauber 2010, Munger et al 2013). However, The caudal end of the gubernaculum is initially associated with a spe
fewer than 50% of disorders of sex development (DSD) in humans can cific portion of the milk line of the abdominal wall around which the
be explained by alterations in the expression of known genes, such as future inguinal canal is formed by differentiating abdominal wall
those listed; this means that more genes and new pathways remain to muscles. An interaction with the mammary line ectoderm and underly
be discovered, and these may involve completely new mechanisms. ing mesenchyme may trigger gubenacular meristematic growth similar
Very recently, the first example of sex reversal (in mice) due to an epi to that seen in the progress zone of the limb bud. Between 25 and 35
genetic change was reported, which resulted from the inactivating weeks, the male gubernaculum begins to bulge out from the abdominal
mutation of a gene (JMJD1A) involved in histone demethylation of muscles and elongate across the pubis and into the scrotum (see Fig.
genes, thus allowing their expression (Kuroki et al 2013). Absence of 72.17). An outpocketing of peritoneum, the processus vaginalis, extends
this demethylase prevented normal demethylation of the Sry gene and, into the gubernaculum, hollowing it out so that the proximal part is
thus, failure of its expression in an otherwise normal XY mouse with a divided into a crescentic parietal layer within which the cremaster
normal Sry gene. muscle develops, and a central column attached to the epididymis.
Subsequent development of the male phenotype requires fetal secre Elongation of the soft, gelatinous end of the gubernaculum, which, in
tion of testosterone, AMH and Insl3. Of these, testosterone is the most the early stage, is formed mainly of hyaluronic acid, is controlled by
important, as it has bodywide effects, both on the developing repro androgens. The exact mechanism mediating elongation in humans is
ductive system/genitalia and on numerous other organs/tissues, includ uncertain. In rodent models, there is good evidence that androgens
ing the brain. Also important is the development of the appropriate cause sexual dimorphism of the sensory branches of the genitofemoral
cytoplasmic testosteronebinding receptor protein (the androgen recep nerve, which supplies the gubernaculum, the developing cremaster
tor). Sertoli cells synthesize AMH, which causes the regression of the muscle within it, and part of the scrotum. The genital branch of the
Müllerian ducts, and Leydig cells produce testosterone, which promotes nerve releases calcitonin generelated peptide (CGRP), which stimulates
the development of the mesonephric ducts, sets into process the devel growth of the gubernacular tip along a chemotactic gradient to the
opment of male external genitalia, and sensitizes other tissues to testos scrotum.
terone. Absence of a functional androgen receptor, as occurs in the The testis remains in apposition with the deep inguinal ring, held
complete androgen insensitivity syndrome (CAIS), results in XY indi by the gubernaculum during the fourth to sixth months (Barteczko and
viduals who have testes and degenerated Müllerian ducts, but cannot Jacob 2000). From 35 weeks the extracellular matrix of the gubernacu
respond to the circulating testosterone produced by their testes; they lum is resorbed and it forms a fibrous attachment to the inside of the
therefore develop female secondary sexual characteristics. scrotum. Testis descent during the inguinoscrotal phase occurs relatively
rapidly about the seventh month, the left testis usually descending
Descent of the gonads ahead of the right. It is thought that intraabdominal pressure acting
The gonads develop on the posterior abdominal wall bilaterally along through the patent processus vaginalis contributes to this migration
the central portion of the mesonephros. This region receives a rich (Hutson 2012). In fullterm male neonates, over 95% have descended
blood supply, which is directed to the gonads as the mesonephros testes, although, in premature babies, descent may not be complete.
involutes. Both gonads descend, the testis to lie outside the abdominal After descent, the distal processus vaginalis persists as a ‘tiny satellite
cavity, and the ovary to the pelvis; however, they both retain their early peritoneal cavity’ around the testis as the tunica vaginalis, which
blood supply from the dorsal aorta. becomes firmly attached to the surrounding scrotum within a few
weeks. The proximal part of the processus vaginalis then obliterates,
Descent of the testis and there is evidence that this also is controlled by androgens indirectly
The mechanism of testicular descent is not completely understood and, via CGRP released from the genitofemoral nerve. Both exogenous CGRP
to some extent, remains controversial. Recent evidence suggests that it and hepatocyte growth factor can cause obliteration in vitro of the | 1,685 | Gray's Anatomy | temp.pdf | https://archive.org/download/GraysAnatomy41E2015PDF/Grays%20Anatomy-41%20E%20%282015%29%20%5BPDF%5D.pdf | PDFPlumberTextLoader |
reproductive system
Testis External
oblique muscle
Epididymis Testis fascia
Abdominal gubernaculum Internal
Vas deferens oblique muscle
External oblique aponeurosis
Abdominal Interstitial gubernaculum
Subcutaneous gubernaculum
inguinal ring
Subcutaneous C Deep
inguinal ring Epididymis
Gubernaculum Transversalis fascia =
internal spermatic fascia Vas deferens
vaginalis Internal oblique muscle = Seminiferous
Transversalis cremaster muscle tubules
External oblique muscle = Tunica
Internal external spermatic fascia albuginea
oblique muscle
Fig. 72.17 The descent of the testis. The testis is retroperitoneal throughout development. It becomes obliquely orientated during abdominal descent.
A, The gubernaculum attached to the lower part of the testis has an abdominal part covered with developing peritoneum, an interstitial part and a distal
end embedded in the anterior abdominal wall at the site of the future inguinal canal. B, The gubernaculum swells, becoming similar in width to the testis.
The distal-most portion of the gubernaculum bulges into abdominal wall muscles and grows 3–5 cm over the superior pubic ramus and into the scrotum.
A crescentic column of peritoneum, the processus vaginalis, develops in the expanding gubernaculum. C, The testis gains a crescentic covering of
visceral and parietal peritoneum (which forms the tunica vaginalis) and muscle and connective tissue layers as it passes through the deep and superficial
inguinal rings. The coverings remain around the ductus deferens, whereas the proximal processus vaginalis normally becomes obliterated by 3 weeks
after birth. (Based on Tuchmann-Duplessis H, Haegel P 1972 Illustrated Human Embryology, Vol 2 Organogenesis. London: Chapman and Hall. With
kind permission of Springer Science+Business Media.)
pro cessus vaginalis in hernial sacs excised from babies with indirect (15% affected). It is also seen in myelomeningocoele affecting the
inguinal hernia. upper lumbar spinal cord (>30% affected), although in these latter cases
At birth, the processus vaginalis is narrowed and collapsed, but not it is not clear whether low abdominal pressure or genitofemoral nucleus
necessarily completely obliterated. It remains patent for 2 weeks in dysplasia is the cause (Hutson 2012). Cryptorchidism used to be con
nearly 70% of male infants but, by 3 weeks after birth, it is at least sidered a relatively minor birth defect that was corrected surgically
partially obliterated in 80% of male infants, the left side before the sometime during childhood. It is now considered to be a symptom of
right. testicular dysgenesis syndrome, a spectrum that includes hypospadias,
Persistent patency of the processus vaginalis leads to indirect inguinal impaired semen quality and testicular germ cell cancer (Toppari et al
hernia (widely patent and allowing prolapse of bowel), or hydrocele 2014). Since germ cell numbers decrease rapidly in undescended testes,
(narrow patency permitting only intraperitoneal fluid to trickle down orchipexy is now undertaken between 6–9 months of postnatal life.
into the tunica vaginalis). During obliteration, fluid may trickle only Further delay results in impaired testicular catchup growth in boys:
part of the way down the processus vaginalis to produce an encysted even with early orchipexy, men with bilateral undescended testes are
hydrocele of the cord. This is a relatively common but transient state six times more likely to be infertile (Lee and Shortliffe 2014).
and usually resolves completely within a few weeks by further oblitera
tion. Because of perinatal androgen exposure, the spermatic cord and Descent of the ovary
scrotum are relatively large in the neonate, as are the seminal vesicles The relative movements of the ovary are less extensive than those of the
and adjacent ampullae of the vas deferens. testis and are not hormonally regulated. Like the testis, the ovary ulti
In aberrant testicular descent, the testis may remain in the abdomen, mately reaches a lower level than it occupies in the early months of fetal
although this is thought to be uncommon because the hormonal and life, but it does not leave the pelvis to enter the inguinal canal, except
morphological features of the transabdominal phase are relatively in certain anomalies. The ovary is connected to the medial aspect of the
simple. By contrast, the indirect endocrine regulation and complex mesonephric fold by the mesovarium (homologous with the mesor
migratory process of the gubernaculum during the inguinoscrotal phase chium), and to the ventral abdominal wall by the inguinal fold (see
is frequently abnormal, leading to the testis lying in the inguinal or Fig. 72.13; Fig. 72.18). A mesenchymatous gubernaculum develops in
pubic region in 2–5% of neonates. Rarely, the testis may lie in the this fold but, as it traverses the mesonephric fold, it acquires an addi
perineum, in the upper part of the thigh or at the root of the penis. The tional attachment to the lateral margin of the uterus near the entrance
cause for these aberrant locations is unknown but is most likely to be of the uterine tube. Its lower part, caudal to this uterine attachment,
secondary to aberrant migration of the gubernaculum, perhaps caused becomes the round ligament of the uterus, and the part cranial to this
by a mislocated genitofemoral nerve. becomes the ovarian ligament. Collectively, these structures are homo
Testes that have descended may not remain within the scrotum if logous with the gubernaculum testis in the male (Fig. 72.19). This new
the spermatic cord does not double its length between birth and puberty uterine attachment may be correlated with the restricted ovarian
(Hutson 2013). It is thought that the aetiology of such acquired unde descent. At first, the ovary is attached to the medial side of the mesone
scended testes is also linked to that of hydrocele and hernia. Causes phric fold but, in accordance with the manner in which the two mes
may be deficient prenatal and postnatal androgens and inadequate onephric folds form the genital cord, it is finally connected to the
CGRP from the genitofemoral nerve. posterior layer of the broad ligament of the uterus. The gubernacula
Cryptorchidism is common in infants with abdominal wall defects thus develop in the female, unlike the male, as bilateral fibrous bands
such as bladder exstrophy, exomphalos (30% affected) and gastroschisis or ligaments in the absence of Insl3. They do not extend into the labia | 1,686 | Gray's Anatomy | temp.pdf | https://archive.org/download/GraysAnatomy41E2015PDF/Grays%20Anatomy-41%20E%20%282015%29%20%5BPDF%5D.pdf | PDFPlumberTextLoader |
DeveloPment of the urogenital system
mesonephros Ovarian ligament Mesovarium
Uterine tube
Uterine tube
Broad ligament
of uterus
Uterine tube
Ovarian ligament Mesovarium
Mesovarium Broad ligament
Mesosalpinx Round ligament
Broad ligament
Round ligament
Fig. 72.18 The descent of the ovary. A, An early developing left ovary and uterine tube. B, The start of posterior movement of the ovary. C, The left
ovary in its definitive posterior position. D, A sagittal section of the ligaments associated with the ovary, viewed from a left lateral position. (Based on
Tuchmann-Duplessis H, Haegel P 1972 Illustrated Human Embryology, Vol 2 Organogenesis. London: Chapman and Hall. With kind permission of
Springer Science+Business Media.)
majora, but end in the connective tissue just external to the external the enteric hindgut, and ventrocaudally is in contact with overlying
ring of the inguinal canal because, in the absence of androgens, there ectoderm at the cloacal membrane. Proliferation of mesenchyme at the
is no migratory phase analogous to inguinoscrotal migration in the angle of the junction of the hindgut and allantois produces a urorectal
male. The saccus vaginalis is present in the female. Its prolongation into septum (intercloacal mesenchyme), which grows caudally, promoting
the inguinal canal (sometimes termed the canal of Nuck) is normally the movement, but not the fusion, of the endodermal epithelium
completely obliterated, but may remain patent and form the sac of a towards the cloacal membrane (Fig. 72.20). The cloaca becomes sepa
potential indirect inguinal hernia. rated into a presumptive rectum and anal canal dorsally, and a pre
In the neonate, the ovaries lie in the lower part of the iliac fossae. sumptive urinary bladder and urogenital sinus ventrally; the cloacal
The long axis of the ovary is almost vertical. It becomes temporarily membrane is divided into anal and urogenital parts, respectively.
horizontal during descent, but regains the vertical when it reaches The nodal centre of division is the site of the future perineal body.
the ovarian fossa. The ovaries complete their descent into the ovarian The urogenital sinus receives the mesonephric and paramesonephric
fossae in early childhood. Thus, at birth, the ovary and the lateral ducts.
end of the corresponding uterine tube lie above the pelvic brim. They Anomalies of cloacal development may result in a range of defects.
do not sink into the lesser pelvis until the latter enlarges sufficiently In extroversion of the cloaca (ectopia cloacae), the urorectal septum
to contain both of them and the other pelvic viscera, including the does not develop and there is failure of mesenchymal migration around
bladder. Neonatal ovaries are 1–3.6 mm long (Stranzinger and Strouse the ventral body wall to support the umbilical cord; this results in a
2008) and their combined weight at birth is 0.3 g, which is relatively large abdominal defect with a central colonic portion and bilateral
large, and much larger than the combined weight of the testes (see bladder components. With only partial development of the urorectal
Figs 72.9, 14.6C). The ovaries double in weight during the first 6 septum, the urogenital sinus may remain with a high confluence of
postnatal weeks. They bear surface furrows, which disappear during bladder, vagina and rectum. The cloacal membrane may be abnormally
the second and third postnatal months. All of the primary oocytes for elongated and prematurely ruptured throughout its whole extent, prior
the reproductive life of a female are present in her ovaries by the end to the formation of the urorectal septum, or, in some cases, there may
of the first trimester of pregnancy. Of the 7 million primary oocytes be only a small sinus opening externally at the skin. The anal muscu
estimated to be present at the fifth month of gestation, 1 million lature is often present but not associated with the anal canal.
remain at birth and 40,000 by puberty; only 400 are ovulated during
reproductive life. Pelvic floor
The pelvic floor consists of the ligamentous supports of the cervix, and
Cloaca and external genitalia
the pelvic and urogenital diaphragms, and constitutes another partition
The cloaca is that region at the end of the primitive hindgut that is that traverses the body cavity. Little is known about pelvic floor devel
continuous with the allantois (see Figs 72.4, 72.7). The allantois, a opment in the human. The striated muscle is derived from the dermo
ventral diverticulum, passes into the connecting stalk of the early myotomes in a similar manner to the muscles of the ventrolateral body
embryo prior to tailfolding and is then drawn into the body cavity after wall. Puborectalis appears in 20–30 mm embryos, following opening
stage 10. It retains an extension into the connecting stalk, and later into of the anal membrane, and striated muscle fibres can be seen at
the umbilicus, throughout embryonic life. The cloaca is a slightly 15 weeks. The smooth muscle of the urethral sphincter is also present
dilated cavity lined with endoderm. It is initially connected cranially to at this time. | 1,687 | Gray's Anatomy | temp.pdf | https://archive.org/download/GraysAnatomy41E2015PDF/Grays%20Anatomy-41%20E%20%282015%29%20%5BPDF%5D.pdf | PDFPlumberTextLoader |
reproductive system
Indifferent stage
Mesonephric (Wolffian) duct
Mesonephric tubules
Paramesonephric (Müllerian) duct
Urachus Gubernaculum
Primitive bladder
Sinus (Müllerian) tubercle
Anal canal
Female Male
Urachus Paroophoron Vas deferens Seminal vesicle
Trigone Ovary Ureter
Ligament of ovary
Uterine tube
Round ligament of uterus
Prostatic utricle
Bulbourethral gland
Superior aberrant ductules
Appendix epididymis
Appendix testis
Efferent ductules
Line of degenerate Müllerian duct
Line of Gartner’s duct
Testis Inferior aberrant ductule
Vagina Fossa terminalis Gubernaculum
Fig. 72.19 The development of the urogenital system from the indifferent stage to the definitive male and female states. (Modified with permission from
Williams PL, Wendell-Smith CP, Treadgold S 1969 Basic Human Embryology, 2nd edn. London, Pitman Medical & Scientific.)
urethra believed that these regions are invaded by ectoderm because they are
The urethra is derived from endoderm, as are the prostate gland and innervated by somatic nerves.
vagina (both outgrowths of the lower urogenital sinus), and the other Urethral defects caused by anomalous development are not uncom
small glandular structures that develop around the caudal body mon in the male. In epispadias, the urethra opens on the dorsal aspect
orifices. of the penis at its junction with the anterior abdominal wall. This
In the male, the prostatic urethra proximal to the orifice of the pro anomaly is considered to be a less severe form of exstrophy of the
static utricle is derived from the vesicourethral part of the cloaca and bladder. In the simplest form of hypospadias, related to incomplete
the incorporated caudal ends of the mesonephric ducts. The remainder canalization of the urethral plate, the urethra may open on the ventral
of the prostatic part, the membranous part, and probably the part (perineal) aspect of the penis at the base of the glans, and the part of
within the bulb, are all derived from the urogenital sinus. The anterior the urethra that is normally within the glans is absent. In more severe
urethra, as far as the glans, is formed by canalization of the urethral cases, the genital folds fail to fuse, and the urethra opens on the ventral
plate (see below). Secondary ingrowth of mesenchyme fuses the genital aspect of a malformed penis just in front of the scrotum. A still greater
folds over the urethra (see Fig. 72.20). The short section within the glans degree of this anomaly is accompanied by failure of the genital swell
may be formed from ectoderm, which invaginates into the glans. ings to unite with each other. In these cases, the scrotum is divided and,
In the female, the urethra is derived entirely from the vesicourethral since the testes are also frequently undescended, the resemblance to the
region of the cloaca, including the dorsal region derived from the meso labia majora is very striking, leading to genital ambiguity. In such cases,
nephric ducts. It is homologous with the part of the prostatic urethra it is important to determine at the earliest time not only the chromo
proximal to the orifices of the prostatic utricle and the ejaculatory ducts. somal status of the infant but also the internal anatomy and state of
The region of the early urethra remains open to form the vestibule, into development of the internal genital tract. Sex assignment and rearing
which the definitive urethra and vagina open (see Fig. 72.20). It is will depend on these factors. | 1,688 | Gray's Anatomy | temp.pdf | https://archive.org/download/GraysAnatomy41E2015PDF/Grays%20Anatomy-41%20E%20%282015%29%20%5BPDF%5D.pdf | PDFPlumberTextLoader |
DeveloPment of the urogenital system
The urethral sphincter first forms as a mesenchymal condensation
Umbilical cord around the urethra in 12–15 mm (stage 18) embryos, after division of
Early bladder
Allantoic duct the cloaca. The mesenchyme proliferates and becomes defined at the
bladder neck in 31 mm embryos, and along the anterior part of the
urethra by 69 mm. The muscle fibres differentiate after 15 weeks’ devel
opment, at which time both smooth and striated fibres are present. In
females, there is continuity between the smooth muscle of the urethral
Genital tubercle
Endodermal cloaca wall and of the bladder. In males, the muscle fibres are less abundant
Cloacal because of the local development of the prostate. Striated muscle fibres
membrane form around the smooth muscle, initially in the anterior wall of the
urethra, and later encircle the smooth muscle layer. The origin of the
striated muscle is not known; it could be derived from the myogenic
cells that give rise to puborectalis. The smooth and striated components
of the urethral sphincter are closely related, but there is no mixing of
fibres as occurs in the anorectal sphincter.
Prostate gland
The prostate gland arises during the third month from interactions
Urogenital sinus Hindgut between the urogenital sinus mesenchyme – mesenchyme that was
associated with the mesonephric and paramesonephric ducts and the
endoderm of the proximal part of the urethra. This region has been
Genital tubercle
termed the Müllerian duct–urogenital sinus junction (Cai 2008). Early
Genital fold
outgrowths, some 14–20 in number, arise from the endoderm around
Urogenital orifice the whole circumference of the tube, but mainly on its lateral aspects
and excluding the dorsal wall above the utricular plate. They give rise
Anal orifice
to the outer glandular zone of the prostate. Later outgrowths from
and tubercles
the dorsal wall above the mesonephric ducts arise from the epithelium
of mixed urogenital, mesonephric and, possibly, paramesonephric
origin that covers the cranial end of the sinus tubercle. They produce
the internal zone of glandular tissue that appears to be patterned by
the mesenchyme that surrounded the lower end of the mesonephric
Labioscrotal and paramesonephric ducts. The developing gland is affected by the
local hormonal environment, as, in response to increased androgens,
recombination of female vaginal mesenchyme can direct endodermal
epithelium to form prostate gland (Cai 2008). The outgrowths, which
are at first solid, branch, become tubular and invade the surrounding
Male Female
mesenchyme. The latter differentiates into smooth muscle, associated
blood and lymphatic vessels and connective tissue, and is invaded
by autonomic nerves. An early surge in androgens at 8–10 weeks is
associated with endodermal growth, with mesenchymal proliferation
occurring later at 12 weeks, when maternal oestrogen levels increase
Glans penis Glans clitoridis
(Cai 2008).
Urethral groove Similar outgrowths occur in the female but remain rudimentary in
the absence of androgenic stimulation. The urethral glands correspond
Urethral orifice
to the mucosal glands around the upper part of the prostatic urethra,
and the paraurethral glands correspond to the true prostatic glands of
Genital fold the external zone.
Vagina The bulbourethral glands in the male, and the greater vestibular
glands in the female, arise as diverticula from the epithelial lining of
the urogenital sinus.
Scrotal Labial
swelling swelling
external genitalia
Patterning of the external genitalia may be achieved by mechanisms
Anus similar to those that pattern the face and limb. In the cranial region,
neural crest mesenchyme makes an important contribution to the
organization of the pharyngeal arches and the regions around the upper
sphincters. Neural crest also arises from the tailbud region, specifically
from a population of cells termed the caudoneural hinge, which share
the same molecular markers as the primitive node. The neural tube at
Glans penis this level is derived from a mesenchymal–epithelial transformation of
Glans clitoridis caudoneural hinge cells, which form a cylinder. Neural crest cells de
laminate from the dorsal surface of the cylinder in a rostrocaudal direc
Urethral orifice tion. It is not known whether neuronal neural crest arising from
Fused genital folds secondary neurulation processes contributes to the caudal interface
between endoderm and ectoderm. Many of the genes controlling exter
nal genital development have been identified (Kojima et al 2010, Blas
chko et al 2012).
Labium majus The external genitalia, like the gonads, pass through an indifferent
Labium minus state before distinguishing sexual characters appear (see Fig. 72.20).
Scrotum From stage 13, primordia of the external genitalia, composed of under
lying proliferating mesenchyme covered with ectoderm, arise around
Median raphe the cloacal membrane, between the primitive umbilical cord and the
caudal limit of the embryo. During stage 15, the cloacal membrane is
Anus divided by the urorectal septum into a cranial urogenital membrane
and a caudal anal membrane (see Fig. 72.4). Local ectodermal–
Fig. 72.20 The development of the external genitalia from the indifferent mesenchymal interactions give rise to the anal sphincter, which will
stage to the definitive male and female states. develop even without the presence of the anal canal. A surface elevation,
produced by underlying pericloacal mesenchyme, the genital tubercle,
appears at the cranial end of the urogenital membrane and two lateral | 1,689 | Gray's Anatomy | temp.pdf | https://archive.org/download/GraysAnatomy41E2015PDF/Grays%20Anatomy-41%20E%20%282015%29%20%5BPDF%5D.pdf | PDFPlumberTextLoader |
reproductive system
Fig. 72.21 Scanning electron micrographs of early human external genitalia. A, The indifferent stage in a human embryo, estimated as 42 postovulatory
days. B, A human female embryo at 12 weeks’ development. The genital folds are not fused. C, A human male embryo at 12 weeks. Fusion of the genital
folds has occurred. (Photographs by P Collins.)
ridges, the genital or urethral folds, form each side of the membrane wards to become continuous with the genital folds at the margins of
(see Fig. 72.20). The genital tubercle forms a distinct primordium, the urethral orifice. As the urethral folds meet to form the terminal part
which will become the glans of either the penis or the clitoris. Elonga of the urethra, the ventral horns of the ridge fuse to form the frenulum.
tion of the genital folds and urogenital membrane produces a primitive The epithelial lamella breaks down over the dorsum and sides of the
phallus. As this structure grows, it is described as having a cranial surface glans to form the preputial sac, and thus free the prepuce from the
analogous to the dorsum of the penis, and a caudal surface analogous surface of the glans. Thereafter, the prepuce grows as a free fold of skin,
to the perineal surface of both sexes. The urogenital sinus, contiguous which covers the terminal part of the glans. Although the prepuce and
with the internal aspect of the urogenital membrane, becomes attenu glans begin to separate from the fifth month in utero, they may still be
ated within the elongating phallus, forming the primitive urethra. The joined at birth. The preputial sac may not be complete until 6–12 months
urogenital membrane breaks down at about stage 19, allowing com or more after birth and, even then, the presence of some connecting
munication of ectoderm and endoderm at the edges of the disrupted strands may still interfere with the retractability of the prepuce.
membrane and continuity of the urogenital sinus with the amniotic The mesenchymal core of the phallus is comparatively undifferenti
cavity. Urine can escape from the urinary tract from this time. The ated in the first 2 months, but the blastemata of the corpora cavernosa
endodermal layer of the attenuated distal portion of the urogenital become defined during the third month. Nerves are present in the dif
sinus, which is now displayed on the caudal aspect of the phallus, is ferentiating mesenchyme from the seventh week. Despite containing
termed the urethral plate. As mesenchyme proliferates within the genital less smooth muscle and elastic tissue than the adult, the neonatal penis
folds, the urethral plate sinks into the body of the phallus, forming a is capable of erection.
primary urethral groove. The genital folds meet proximally in a trans The scrotum is formed by proliferation of the genital swellings. The
verse ridge immediately ventral to the anal membrane. genital swellings fuse across the midline covering the base of the penis.
While these changes are in progress, two labioscrotal (genital) swell The testes descend into the scrotum prior to birth. The gelatinous matrix
ings appear, one on each side of the base of the phallus, and extend of the gubernaculum is then resorbed and the tunica vaginalis becomes
caudally, separated from the genital folds by distinct grooves (see Fig. adherent to the connective tissue of the scrotum. In the neonate, the
72.20; Fig. 72.21). penis and scrotum are relatively large. The scrotum has a broad base
As a general rule, epithelium, which can be touched easily and has that does not narrow until after the first year. Both the septum (i.e. the
a somatic innervation, is derived from ectoderm. In the buccal cavity mesenchyme remaining between the tunica vaginalis on each side) and
and pharynx, the ectoderm/endoderm zone is towards the posterior the walls of the scrotum are relatively thicker than in adults.
third of the tongue; touch here usually elicits the gag reflex. In the anal
canal, the outer portion, distal to the anal valves, is derived from ecto Female genitalia
derm and has a somatic innervation, whereas the epithelium proximal The female phallus, which exceeds the male in length in the early stages,
to the valves is derived from endoderm and has an autonomic becomes the clitoris. The genital swellings remain separate as the labia
innervation. majora and the genital folds also remain separate, forming the labia
Homologies of the parts of the urogenital system are shown in minora (see Fig. 72.20). The perineal orifice of the urogenital sinus is
Table 72.1. retained as the cleft between the labia minora, above which the urethra
and vagina open. The prepuce of the clitoris develops in the same way
Male genitalia as its male homologue. By the fourth month, the female external geni
The growth of male external characteristics is stimulated by androgens talia can no longer be masculinized by androgens.
regardless of the genetic sex. The male phallus enlarges to form the At birth, neonatal females have relatively enlarged labia minora,
penis. The genital swellings meet each other ventral to the anus and clitoris and labia majora. The labia majora are united by a posterior
unite to form the scrotum (see Fig. 72.20). The genital folds fuse with labial commissure. The distal end of the round ligament of the
each other from behind forwards, enclosing the phallic part of the uterus, the gubernaculum ovarii, ends just outside the external inguinal
urogenital sinus behind to form the bulb of the urethra, and closing ring.
the definitive urethral groove in front to form the greater part of the There is evidence that in certain tissues, e.g. urogenital sinus and
spongiose urethra. Fusion of the folds results in the formation of a genital swellings, testosterone is converted into 5αdihydrotestosterone.
median raphe and occurs in such a way that the lining of the postglan In XY individuals with a genetic deficiency of the enzyme responsible
dular urethra is mainly, perhaps wholly, endodermal in origin, formed for this conversion, not only functioning testes but also female external
by canalization of the urethral plate. Thus, as the phallus lengthens, the genitalia, with an enlarged clitoris and a small vaginal pouch, are
urogenital orifice is carried onwards until it reaches the base of the glans present, suggesting that external genital development is under the
at the apex of the penis. From the tip of the phallus, an ingrowth of control of 5αdihydrotestosterone (Kang et al 2014). Such individuals
surface ectoderm occurs within the glans to meet and fuse with the are often raised as girls; however, at puberty the external genitalia
penile urethra. Subsequent canalization of the ectoderm permits a con become responsive to testosterone, which causes masculinization at this
tinuation of the urethra within the glans. time.
The glans and shaft of the penis are recognizable by the third month.
Disorders of sex development
The prepuce also begins to develop in the third month, when the
primary external orifice of the urethra is still at the base of the glans. A The acquisition of appropriate gonads, reproductive ducts, external
ridge consisting of a mesenchymal core covered by epithelium appears genital structures and matching gender identity occurs through a myriad
proximal to the neck of the penis and extends forwards over the glans. of complex processes, both local and systemic. Anomalous develop
A solid lamella of epithelium deep to this ridge extends backwards to mental processes, leading to differences in sex chromosomes, gonadal
the base of the glans. The ventral extremities of the ridge curve back structure and position, retention of ductal homologues, androgen | 1,690 | Gray's Anatomy | temp.pdf | https://archive.org/download/GraysAnatomy41E2015PDF/Grays%20Anatomy-41%20E%20%282015%29%20%5BPDF%5D.pdf | PDFPlumberTextLoader |
DeveloPment of the urogenital system
insensitivity, androgen excess, and ambivalent external genitalia requir
ing gender assignment, were previously described as intersexual condi Average girl
tions or hermaphrodism. Such terminology is nonspecific, confusing
and perceived as potentially pejorative by affected individuals. Advances
in the identification of molecular genetic causes of such conditions have
Height spurt
led to proposed changes to describe them as ‘disorders of sex develop 9½–14½
ment’ (DSD): congenital conditions in which development of chromo
somal, gonadal or anatomical sex is atypical (Lee et al 2006). The range Menarche
of anomalous development and its management by multidisciplinary Bud 10–16½
teams, as well as by the affected family, are comprehensively covered Breast 2 3 4 5
by Arboleda and Vilain (2014). 8–13
Pubic hair 2 3 4 5
Maturation of the reproductive organs 8–14
at puberty
Until the adolescent growth spurt, the reproductive organs grow very
8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
slowly. Generally, the changes occur over a time period termed puberty.
The sequence of these events is much less variable than the age at which Average boy Apex strength spurt
they take place. The sequence of puberty in girls and boys is shown in
Figure 72.22.
In girls, the appearance of the breast bud is usually the first sign of
Height spurt
puberty. The uterus and vagina develop simultaneously with the breast.
10½–16 13–17½
Menarche occurs after the peak of the height spurt; onset is more closely
related to radiological than to chronological age. It has been suggested Penis
that the menarche occurs as a critical weight of 50 kg is attained, and 11–14½ 13½–17
certainly sports and excessive restriction of diet, which may reduce Testis
weight below this level, can cause amenorrhoea in women who were 10–13½ 14½–18
previously menstruating normally. Tall girls reach sexual maturity
Pubic hair 2 3 4 5
earlier than short ones, but girls with a late adolescent growth spurt and
10–15 14–18
later puberty are ultimately taller on the average than those who pass
through the menarche early, for they have longer to grow. A girl who
has begun to menstruate can be predicted to grow a further 7.5 cm at
8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
most. Menarche marks a definitive stage of uterine development but
Age (years)
does not mean attainment of full reproductive function. Many of the
Fig. 72.22 The average ages at which maturation events occur in
early menstrual cycles may not involve ovulation.
adolescent girls and boys. The figures beneath the bars indicate the
The earliest sign of puberty in boys is the growth of the testes and
range of ages within which each event may begin and end. Figures within
scrotum. The volume of the testes may be estimated: the average adult
the bars indicate the developmental stage. The velocity of the strength
volume is 20 ml, and a volume of 6 ml indicates that puberty has
spurt peaks later than the height spurt in boys, associated with
started. Later, the penis, prostate and seminal vesicles begin to enlarge.
testosterone and growth hormone levels. It is appreciated that the
Increased testosterone levels produced by the Leydig cells of the testes assessment and interpretation of the strength spurt during puberty is
promote changes in the larynx, skin and distribution of bodily hair. complex (De Ste Croix 2007). (Adapted with permission from Tanner JM
1962 Growth at Adolescence, 2nd edn. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing.)
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Development of the urogenital system
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True pelvis, pelvic floor and perineum
ischiococcygeus form the pelvic diaphragm and delineate the lower
limit of the true pelvis (Fig. 73.2). The fasciae investing the muscles are
continuous with visceral pelvic fascia above, perineal fascia below, and
The true pelvis is a bowl-shaped structure formed from the sacrum, obturator fascia laterally.
pubis, ilium, ischium, the ligaments that interconnect these bones, and
the muscles that line their inner surfaces. The true pelvis is considered Piriformis
to start at the level of the plane passing through the promontory of the Piriformis forms part of the posterolateral wall of the true pelvis and is
sacrum, the arcuate line on the ilium, the iliopectineal line and the attached to the anterior surface of the sacrum, the gluteal surface of the
posterior surface of the pubic crest. This plane, or ‘inlet’, lies at an angle ilium near the posterior inferior iliac spine, the capsule of the adjacent
of between 35° and 50° up from the horizontal; above this plane, the sacroiliac joint and, sometimes, to the upper part of the pelvic surface
bony structures are sometimes referred to as the false pelvis. They form of the sacrotuberous ligament. It passes out of the pelvis through the
part of the walls of the lower abdomen. In children, the width of the greater sciatic foramen above the sacrospinous ligament. Within the
pelvic inlet is an age-independent predictor of chest width and thoracic pelvis, the posterior surface of the muscle lies against the sacrum, and
dimensions (Emans et al 2005). The ‘outlet’ of the true pelvis is formed the anterior surface is related to the rectum (especially on the left), the
by the ischiopubic rami, ischial tuberosities, sacrotuberous ligaments sacral plexus of nerves and branches of the internal iliac vessels. Piri-
and distal sacrum. The bones surround a central pelvic canal that forms formis is described in more detail in Chapter 80.
a ventrally concave curve (the curve of Carus); in the female, it consti-
tutes the birth canal. The details of the topography of the bony and Obturator internus
ligamentous pelvis are considered fully in Chapter 80. Obturator internus and the fascia over its upper, inner (pelvic), surface
form part of the anterolateral wall of the true pelvis. It is attached to
the structures surrounding the obturator foramen, ischio-pubic ramus,
the pelvic surface of the hip bone below and behind the pelvic brim,
and the upper part of the greater sciatic foramen. It is also attached to
Pelvic muscles
the medial part of the pelvic surface of the obturator membrane. The
muscle is covered by a fascial layer, and the muscle fibres can be seen
The muscles arising within the pelvis form two groups. Piriformis and through this semi-transparent membrane from within the pelvis. Spe-
obturator internus form part of the walls of the pelvis, and are consid- cialized portions of the fascia give attachment to some of the fibres of
ered primarily as muscles of the lower limb (Fig. 73.1). Levator ani and levator ani (tendinous arch of levator ani), so that only the upper
Greater sciatic foramen
Sacral promontory
Ischial spine
Obturator Obturator fascia
Tendinous arch
Superior of levator ani
pubic ramus Sacrospinous Anococcygeal
Lesser sciatic
foramen Iliococcygeus
Inferior pubic
(ischiopubic) ramus Sacrotuberous
Obturator internus Ischial tuberosity Pubococcygeus Pubovaginalis
Fig. 73.1 Piriformis, obturator internus and the ligaments of the pelvis. Fig. 73.2 Muscles of the female pelvis. The superior gluteal and obturator
Those muscles relating only to the pelvis or perineum have been omitted vessels and nerves, as well as the pelvic viscera, have been omitted for
for clarity. (Adapted with permission from Drake RL, Vogl AW, Mitchell A clarity. (Adapted with permission from Drake RL, Vogl AW, Mitchell A
(eds), Gray’s Anatomy for Students, 2nd ed, Elsevier, Churchill (eds), Gray’s Anatomy for Students, 2nd ed, Elsevier, Churchill
Livingstone. Copyright 2010.) Livingstone. Copyright 2010.) 1221 | 1,694 | Gray's Anatomy | temp.pdf | https://archive.org/download/GraysAnatomy41E2015PDF/Grays%20Anatomy-41%20E%20%282015%29%20%5BPDF%5D.pdf | PDFPlumberTextLoader |
True pelvis, pelvic floor and perineum
Pubic symphysis Fig. 73.3 Muscles of the female pelvis viewed
from above. The sacral nerve roots have been
Endopelvic fascia lining superior
Pubis divided close to the sacral foramina. The anorectal
aspect of deep perineal
junction, vagina and urethra have been divided at
the level of the pelvic floor.
Tendinous arch of
levator ani
Fascia over
obturator internus
Third and fourth
sacral foramina
Anococcygeal ligament
Iliac wing
portion of obturator internus can be seen from above. The lower portion Iliococcygeus Iliococcygeus is attached to the inner surface of the
forms part of the boundaries of the ischio-anal fossa. In the male, the ischial spine below and anterior to the attachment of ischiococcygeus,
upper portion lies lateral to the bladder, the obturator and vesical and also to the tendinous arch as far forwards as the obturator canal
vessels, and the obturator nerve. In the female, the attachments of the (see Fig. 73.2). The most posterior fibres are attached to the tip of the
broad ligament of the uterus, the ovarian end of the uterine tubes and sacrum and coccyx, but the majority join fibres from the contralateral
the uterine vessels also lie medial to obturator internus and its fascia. side to form a raphe that is effectively continuous with the fibroelastic
anococcygeal ligament, which is closely applied to its inferior surface;
Levator ani (pubococcygeus, iliococcygeus
some muscle fibres may attach into the ligament. The raphe provides a
and puborectalis) strong attachment for the pelvic floor posteriorly and must be divided
Levator ani is a broad muscular sheet of variable thickness attached to to allow wide excisions of the anorectal canal during abdominoperineal
the internal surface of the pelvis. It forms a large portion of the pelvic excisions for malignancy. An accessory slip may arise from the most
floor (Fig. 73.3) (Lawson 1974a, Roberts et al 1988, Wendell-Smith posterior part and is sometimes referred to as iliosacralis.
and Wilson 1991). The muscle is subdivided into named portions
according to their attachments and the pelvic viscera to which they are Puborectalis Puborectalis lies lateral to pubococcygeus and cannot
related (pubococcygeus, iliococcygeus and puborectalis). These parts been seen from inside the pelvis. It originates from the inner surface of
are often referred to as separate muscles but the boundaries between the ischiopubic rami immediately adjacent to, and sometimes arising
each part cannot be easily distinguished and, moreover, they perform in part from, the perineal membrane. Its fibres pass lateral to those of
many similar physiological functions. Ischiococcygeus (coccygeus) lies iliococcygeus and pubococcygeus to decussate posterior to the rectum
immediately cranial to levator ani and is contiguous with it. Pubococcy- at the anorectal junction. The border between puborectalis and some
geus is often subdivided into separate parts according to the pelvic fibres of the external anal sphincter is indistinct.
viscera to which each part relates (puboperinealis, puboprostaticus or
pubovaginalis, puboanalis, puborectalis). Levator ani arises from each Ischiococcygeus Ischiococcygeus may be referred to as a separate
side of the walls of the pelvis along the condensation of the obturator muscle, sometimes named coccygeus. It lies as the most posterosuperior
fascia (the tendinous arch of levator ani). Fibres from ischiococcygeus portion of levator ani, and arises as a triangular musculotendinous
attach to the sacrum and coccyx but the remaining parts of the muscle sheet with its apex attached to the pelvic surface and tip of the ischial
converge in the midline. Fibres from iliococcygeus join by a partly spine, and base attached to the lateral margins of the coccyx and the
fibrous intersection and form the iliococcygeal raphe posterior to the fifth sacral segment. Ischiococcygeus is rarely absent, but may be almost
anorectal junction. Closer to the anorectal junction, and elsewhere completely tendinous rather than muscular. It lies on the pelvic aspect
in the pelvic floor, the fibres are more nearly continuous with those of of the sacrospinous ligament and may be fused with it, particularly if
the opposite side, such that the muscle forms a sling (iliococcygeus, it is mostly tendinous. The sacrospinous ligament may represent either
puborectalis). a degenerate part or an aponeurosis of the muscle, since muscle and
ligament are coextensive.
Attachments The attachments for pubococcygeus, iliococcygeus and
puborectalis are as follows. Relations The superior, pelvic, surface of levator ani is separated only
by fascia (superior pelvic diaphragmatic, visceral and extraperitoneal)
Pubococcygeus Pubococcygeus originates from the posterior aspect from the urinary bladder, prostate or uterus and vagina, rectum and
of the body of the pubis and passes back almost horizontally. The most peritoneum. Its inferior, perineal, surface forms the medial wall of the
medial fibres run directly lateral to the urethra and its sphincter as it ischio-anal fossa and the superior wall of the anterior recess of the fossa,
passes through the pelvic floor; here, the muscle is correctly called both being covered by inferior pelvic diaphragmatic fascia. The poste-
puboperinealis, although, because of its close relationship to the upper rior border is separated from the coccyx by areolar tissue. The medial
half of the urethra in both sexes, it is often referred to as pubourethralis; borders of the two levator muscles and the inferior ischiopubic rami
despite this, no direct connection with the urethra is present. In males, border the levator hiatus, through which pass the urethra, vagina (in
some of these fibres lie lateral and inferior to the prostate and are the female) and anus. In the female, that portion of the hiatus that lies
referred to as puboprostaticus (levator prostatae). In females, fibres run anterior to the perineal body is referred to as the urogenital hiatus.
further back and attach to the lateral walls of the vagina, where they are
referred to as pubovaginalis. In both sexes, fibres from this part of Vascular supply Levator ani is supplied by branches of the inferior
pubococcygeus attach to the perineal body; a few elements also attach gluteal, inferior vesical and pudendal arteries.
to the anorectal junction. Some fibres, sometimes called puboanalis,
decussate and blend with the longitudinal rectal muscle and fascial Innervation The nerves to levator ani originate mainly from the third
elements to contribute to the conjoint longitudinal coat of the anal and fourth sacral spinal segments, with lesser contributions from the
canal. Behind the rectum, other fibres of pubococcygeus form a tendi- second segment. These nerves enter the pelvis just above, and some-
nous intersection as part of the levator raphe. Elements of pubococcy- times pierce, ischiococcygeus to pass along the ventral surface of ischio-
geus (puboperineus, pubovaginalis/puboprostaticus and puboanalis) coccygeus and pubococcygeus, supplying these muscles and sending
may collectively be referred to as ‘pubovisceralis’. fibres to puborectalis (Sato 1980, Roberts and Krishingner 1967). The | 1,695 | Gray's Anatomy | temp.pdf | https://archive.org/download/GraysAnatomy41E2015PDF/Grays%20Anatomy-41%20E%20%282015%29%20%5BPDF%5D.pdf | PDFPlumberTextLoader |