class label
2 classes
What is the normal body temperature for a male?
What range of body temperature would be considered as a fever?
0no label
[ 0, 3, 9, 785, 72, 3, 6, 5, 3, 27, 4, 4575, 3, 21, 3, 6, 5, 3, 27, 4 ]
I have chronic hep C. A Dr I don't usually see prescribed metronidazole 500 mg for a bacteria infection. Should I be taking this with the liver issues?
Is it safe to take Metronidazole 500 mg when one has liver disease such as Chronic Hep C?
[ 0, 3, 6, 4341, 1588, 4293, 35, 3, 78, 4, 46, 3, 35, 8, 3, 9, 3, 18, 27, 3 ]
Why do my ears "pop" when I am weight lifting?
Can ear popping be due to an infection?
0no label
[ 0, 3, 6, 5, 3, 7072, 10853, 222, 3, 21, 17, 28, 1937, 13136, 3, 4, 18, 3, 21, 17 ]
How long does it take for herpes to break out?
Can using condoms prevent transmission of herpes? I have a bump on the corner of my lip and I am a little worried. A little help please?
0no label
[ 0, 3, 8046, 4231, 14812, 3, 6, 22, 6754, 4, 367, 1996, 3405, 3, 22, 11, 3, 6729, 2796, 72 ]
I am almost a month pregnant and I started spitting. It started out pink now it's like a reddish color is that normal?
I am 4 weeks pregnant and started spotting pink which turned into red. Is that a bad sign?
[ 0, 3, 6, 22, 5452, 4, 18, 2796, 13369, 7007, 3, 6, 22, 28, 19, 5789, 3, 9, 2277, 18 ]
My blood report from Sunday Evening i.e. 14th june (23rd day) of 34 days cycle shows I ovulated and its 35 unit. So when did I ovulated?
I got my hormones levels checked on 21st day of my 28 day cycle as suggested by my doctor and it showed good levels. Does that confirm ovulation has occured on that day?
[ 0, 3, 6, 3, 11, 61, 50, 2378, 18, 72, 3, 4, 3, 6, 5, 282, 7463, 11, 18, 4016 ]
My period is a week early and heavier then usual what could that mean?
What can cause an early period with heavy bleeding?
[ 0, 3, 6, 22, 28, 19, 3, 9, 3, 5, 11, 22, 268, 3, 10014, 19, 3, 22, 11, 3 ]
My vitamin d level is 20...and taking vitamin d supplement gives me horrible muscle cramps even small dose 400..should I stop taking vitamin d ?
I usually have strong muscle cramps after taking vitamin d, even a dose of 400 give me cramps but my vitamin D level is 20. Should I stop the supplement?
[ 0, 3, 6, 3, 9, 40, 3, 9, 3, 5, 11, 22, 268, 3, 9, 23, 3, 9, 18, 50 ]
What are the reasons some people use digital pregnancy tests, and some use non digital? Besides the obvious, what's different about them
I think I am pregnant? May I ask when is the right time to take a pregnancy test?
0no label
[ 0, 3, 3682, 98, 3, 111, 3, 6, 4455, 332, 9204, 35, 98, 828, 19, 72, 3, 4, 125, 3 ]
Occasionally a blood vessel in my lower leg ruptures & it stings, a lump forms that is very painful to the touch & appearance of a bruise.?
What is the management of rupture of blood vessel in the lower leg that presents as a bruise and a painful lump?
0no label
[ 0, 3, 6, 3, 9, 40, 3, 9, 3, 5, 11317, 6849, 19, 4, 5, 8, 3, 6, 3, 9 ]
When do i ovulate if my last period was last month on the 28th and i have a 31 day cycle ?
I had unprotected intercourse during on my ovulation day according to my period tracker. My last period date was 28th of last month and my cycles are of 31 days. What are my chances of pregnancy?
0no label
[ 0, 3, 6, 5, 3, 19011, 3, 9, 5, 148, 16, 3, 6, 5, 3, 46, 40, 9, 3, 4 ]
I have had paragard 14 months, 12 days late should I wait to see if I mss my next cycle?
Can IUD's like Pargard delay your periods?
0no label
[ 0, 3, 6, 4341, 3, 9, 1119, 1554, 18, 3, 24, 54, 3698, 78, 19, 7, 3, 24, 29, 4888 ]
If someone was treated in the past for chlamydia, is there a way for doctor's to find out with out having to retrieve medical history?
Can a doctor find out if you have been treated for Chlamydia in the past without knowing your medical history?
[ 0, 3, 6, 80, 7239, 11, 23, 4, 1948, 187, 9, 22, 4, 18, 367, 1588, 5, 9, 3297, 18 ]
Can i get high liver enzymes due to prostatitis or scar tissue in the urinary tract due to past STD trauma?
I have a history of STDs. Can it give me elevated live enzymes from possible prostatitis or scarring of the urinary tract?
[ 0, 3, 18, 11, 3, 6, 3, 18, 11, 3, 9, 3, 5, 11, 22, 268, 3, 4, 23, 5627 ]
I've noticed that after a few weeks of working out when i eat something it messes with my stomach and i end up with diarrhea before bed. Why?
I am having diarrhea, constipation, fever, nausea and bloating. I eat healthy, do not smoke and exercise reggularly. I have no stress. Do I have IBS?
0no label
[ 0, 3, 3682, 98, 72, 3, 6, 5, 3, 18, 27, 8, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 19, 3, 5 ]
Painful scar tissue left under atypical mole removal spot on calf. Sharp, deep pain. Dermatologist recommended plastic surgeon. What will happen?
I recently got an atypical mole removed from my calf, now there is a scar which hurts real bad and I've been advised to see a plastic surgeon. What should I expect at the appointment?
[ 0, 3, 9, 3, 15494, 3, 6, 19, 3, 9, 3, 15494, 8, 3, 6, 5, 3, 18, 27, 8 ]
What supplement or vitamin can I take that would increase blood curculation to knee?
My mom was advised vitamin and supplements to incraese blood circulation to the knee, it's been 4 months. What can we do more?
0no label
[ 0, 3, 6, 80, 1139, 3, 18, 11, 2952, 3, 18, 11, 3, 6, 22, 72, 3, 6, 5, 3 ]
Foods to treat low alkaline phosphatase?
What foods help to manage alkaline phosphatase?
[ 0, 3, 8046, 3, 22, 11, 3, 5, 4, 9, 27, 23, 5287, 3, 9, 5, 106, 9, 793, 3 ]
The 2nd person closest to me had a cold sore and passed it to the person next to me who hit it and passed it to me (glass pipe) am i at risk?
I have a cold sore and wanted to know if having oral sex with my partner or kissing my partner would spread it?
0no label
[ 0, 3, 6, 5, 3, 57, 46, 9, 5, 11, 57, 3, 21, 3, 6, 5, 178, 3, 57, 46 ]
Aspirin allergy - is it worth getting a bracelet?
My friend told me about this bracelet for Aspirin allergy. Does it work the way they say it does?
[ 0, 3, 6, 5, 10226, 4, 5, 4, 22, 10, 3, 9, 2530, 6, 23, 8, 3, 6, 5, 3 ]
Why am i so forgetful all the time i forget we're i'm going what i'm doing an saying?
I have been forgetting where I am, what I'm doing or saying. What could be causing the forgetfulness?
[ 0, 3, 6, 5, 3, 57, 19, 9, 98, 222, 57, 10, 3, 4, 5, 6, 11, 131, 816, 2152 ]
Does chiropractic medicine help people with back problems?
Can you suggest some exercises that I can try for back pain?
0no label
[ 0, 3, 6, 5, 3, 57, 35, 11, 18, 6, 57, 8, 3, 57, 5, 9, 3, 57, 12739, 4 ]
Ive noticed that after eating my resting heart rate goes from the 60s close to the 80s. Is this normal after eating?
My resting heart rate seems to go from 60s to 80s after eating. Is that expected after eating?
[ 0, 3, 6, 19, 1799, 1622, 5, 9579, 3, 4, 9, 1850, 72, 3, 6, 5, 282, 587, 3, 63 ]
What is a good substitute for peanut butter?
I love peanut butter but I am allergic to peanuts. Can you give me a good substiture for peanut butter?
[ 0, 3, 6, 19, 3, 9, 4792, 1892, 251, 22, 50, 22, 4, 367, 674, 9, 23, 50, 22, 3482 ]
I was told i have serve hypothyroidism now my handskeep feeling like they are asleep my feet hurt really bad and have dry skin on feet is it thyroid?
My sister was diagnosed with severe hypothyroidism and is on medication. For the past one week, she has had weakness in arms, dry skin on the feet and pain in the feet. Is this something to be worried about?
[ 0, 3, 6, 5, 3, 22, 21, 16, 3, 6, 5, 2220, 3, 21, 3, 6, 5, 3, 22, 21 ]
Can contact dermatitis cause cutting of the vagina?
My sister has contact dermatitis with cuts in her vagina. She says it is very uncomfortable and hurts to walk. What can she do for relief?
0no label
[ 0, 3, 6, 5, 3, 46, 9, 46, 828, 3, 21, 94, 3, 11206, 14, 3, 6, 5, 3, 46 ]
I'm bleeding from penis for no reason. What could this be?
What are some causes of bleeding from the penis?
[ 0, 3, 6, 5, 3, 57, 46, 9, 18, 27, 4, 10, 3, 19, 9, 6271, 57, 3, 21, 17 ]
What should I consider before getting an intrauterine device?
Is heavy vaginal bleeding a side-effect of getting an intrauterine device?
0no label
[ 0, 3, 6, 5, 3, 19011, 3, 4, 3, 6, 5, 113, 3, 19011, 8, 3, 6, 5, 3, 19011 ]
Sharp, localised pain on top of head, about 10 degrees from the centre, in a slight indentation of my parietal bone. Recurrent for a few days. Cause?
I have sharp pain on the top of head over the region of indentation on my parietal bone. Can you tell me what could be the cause?
[ 0, 3, 6, 5, 3, 57, 40, 9, 5, 10, 817, 57, 3, 21, 3, 6, 5, 3, 10930, 10 ]
My period was black and sticky but is not smelling although have been having irregular menses for two years now?
I have irreglar periods. Can I still get pregnant?
0no label
[ 0, 3, 6, 3, 9, 40, 3, 9, 3, 15494, 8, 3, 6, 5, 3, 18, 27, 8, 3, 4 ]
I have had a couple of pregnancy symptoms, but the home tests i've taken are all negative and I started what I think is my period today.....I need some help figuring out what could be wrong. Any thoughts?
I have beeen experiencing some pregnancy symptoms lately and got negative pregnancy tests. Today I started bleeding. Is it my period?
[ 0, 3, 6, 4341, 3, 9, 3, 5, 11, 22, 268, 3, 18, 27, 4, 9, 40, 19, 8, 3 ]
I have three positive first response pregnancy tests with morning sickness two weeks ago but not since then, are the positive tests true positives?
I had morning sickness 2 weeks back which subsided and got three positive first response pregnancy tests. Can I tust these test results?
[ 0, 3, 6, 4341, 16048, 6495, 332, 9204, 35, 98, 828, 19, 3, 2947, 4, 6495, 19, 72, 3, 6 ]
If i suffer the side effects of the morning after pill should I assume they worked ?
I used the morning after pill and had some bad side effects such as nausea, bloating. Does that mean that the pill has been effective?
[ 0, 3, 6, 80, 3, 6, 55, 4062, 155, 3, 3956, 13978, 19, 268, 155, 1419, 2624, 9579, 3379, 5 ]
Would there be symptoms if vertebrae in neck collapsed?
What is the management protocol for a collapse of neck vertebrea
0no label
[ 0, 3, 6, 5, 3, 57, 19, 6, 12135, 40, 4, 10, 3, 2381, 4, 1943, 4, 13, 3, 23 ]
Had unpro sex the last day iovulated 30th he cummed 2x in me , my per was due 13 but igot it on the 14 howcome ididnt get pregnant ?:/iwant a baby
I have been trying to conceive with my partner and he had ejaculated inside me twice. Last day of ovulation was 30th and period was due on 13th but came the next day. Why didn't I get pregnant in spite of having unprotected sex during ovulation?
[ 0, 3, 6, 5, 3, 57, 46, 9, 46, 196, 57, 10, 3, 4, 5, 19, 9, 1419, 435, 8 ]
Pushups - should hr or BP drop first? for me the hr drops quick but neck still pulsating very hard so is that dangerous to have low hr and high bp?
What is causing me to feel pulsations in my neck while working out? I have also noticed that my HR drops during this time but the BP is still high. Can you explain how this works?
[ 0, 3, 18, 27, 11, 46, 19, 3, 11, 27, 3, 73, 46, 72, 3, 6, 5, 3, 18, 27 ]
Planning a healthful pregnancy with diabetes! What do I need to do and when?
What is the treatment of diabetes when one is pregnant?
0no label
[ 0, 3, 18, 11, 3, 6, 9264, 3, 22, 11, 3, 18, 11, 248, 10834, 72, 3, 6, 5, 3 ]
This is my second month on mononessa, however this my second day taking my inactive pill, still haven't gotten my period is this normal?
I took secod inactive pill of my second pack of mononessa pills. My period has still not come.
[ 0, 3, 6, 5, 3, 57, 18, 6, 4, 22, 9, 57, 10, 3, 9, 5, 4, 106, 19, 1300 ]
Can you jump/dive into a pool when you're 9weeks pregnant?
Can I go swimming/diving in a pool at 9 weeks pregnant?
[ 0, 3, 6, 5, 3, 27, 4, 34, 3, 57, 18, 6, 61, 9, 13, 17, 10922, 57, 8, 3 ]
Had protected sex nov 21 and got period on dec 13 could I be pregnant?
My last period was December 13th while I had protected sex on November 21st. Does that rule out a pregnancy?
[ 0, 3, 6, 5, 3, 46, 18, 5, 41, 3, 6, 5, 3, 46, 18, 5, 3, 9, 5, 470 ]
How to cure urine infection?
Hello doctor, I am sure I have UTI? May I ask what are the remedies and treatments to help?
[ 0, 3, 8046, 3, 22, 11, 3695, 16170, 13, 80, 4, 3181, 72, 3, 8046, 3, 22, 11, 3695, 16170 ]
Can you tell me if i could get the stomach flu twice?
I got stomach flu twice, what can I do to prevent it from happening again?
0no label
[ 0, 3, 6, 5, 3, 22, 4, 9, 1168, 10, 3, 57, 19, 11, 40, 9, 230, 7586, 7725, 6 ]
Had liver failure, drs cannot pinpoint source; developed ascites. How can I improve my liver and kidney function naturally? No meds.
Can surgery help cure liver failure and its complications?
0no label
[ 0, 3, 8046, 846, 3, 6, 1392, 3716, 4, 2262, 1818, 27, 248, 2160, 18, 5308, 4188, 3181, 601, 2697 ]
I wear a nightly mouthguard currently, but i was wondering if any damage from bruxism is reversible over time (does enamel heal)?
What does Bruxism do to the teeth in the long run?
0no label
[ 0, 3, 6, 80, 3, 6, 22, 3, 6, 19, 3, 27, 4, 1572, 9339, 3564, 3076, 72, 3, 6 ]
Can I have a glass of wine while taking methylprednisolone for poison ivy?
I am taking methylprednisone for poison ivy, do you think it is safe to have a glass of wine?
[ 0, 3, 6, 5, 3, 57, 46, 9, 5, 11, 57, 10, 3, 9, 5, 4, 35, 3, 9, 5 ]
I'm 19, doctor checked cervix, developed abnormal cells, maybe HPV warts, getting more tests, been with boyfriend 2 years can I still have unprotected sex?
What are the complications of having abnormal cells? Does one get them by engaging in unprotected sexual intercourse?
0no label
[ 0, 3, 6, 5, 3, 18, 23, 9, 10, 3, 9, 5, 6, 6514, 9, 3, 21, 94, 3, 19 ]
Past couple days my eyelids are twitching. What may be the cause? Just slight spasm.
Is twitching of eyelid and mild spasm concerning? Can excessive use of the laptop cause this?
[ 0, 3, 6, 3, 80, 4, 4, 5, 3, 6, 19, 3, 9, 6963, 268, 3, 9, 3, 5, 11 ]
My 2-year-old was given Cefdinir for very red throat but negative strep test, 2 siblings had strep. 3 days later has a fever. Back to dr?
Should I see the doctor again? My 2 year old who was prescribed cefdinir for red throat and negative strep has develeoped fever 3 days later, his two sibling were diagnosed with strep.
[ 0, 3, 18, 27, 72, 3, 18, 27, 72, 3, 18, 27, 72, 3, 18, 27, 72, 3, 18, 27 ]
I have pain in lower right jawline, and also feel swelling under it. I must also tell you m on provisional diagnosis of Bechet disease?
What is the prognosis for Bechet's disease? Does it worsen with age?
0no label
[ 0, 3, 6, 4341, 7264, 23, 13, 5287, 3, 6150, 1997, 174, 793, 72, 3, 6, 4341, 7264, 23, 13 ]
My moms uncle and his daughter both had leukemia at 65 and 54 years old. He had aml and she had apl. What would cause this? Genetic?
What is the treatment of AML and APL?
0no label
[ 0, 3, 9324, 72, 3, 9324, 72, 3, 9324, 72, 3, 9324, 72, 3, 9324, 72, 3, 9324, 72, 3 ]
What is the difference between Refractory Chronic Migraines and Transformed Migraines? With CM do I need a headache specialist for general nuero?
My friend was diagnosed with transformed migraine recently by her headache specialist. She believes she has refractory chronic migraine, can you tell me what are the chances for refractory chronic migraine to become transformed migraine, if any?
0no label
[ 0, 3, 18, 11, 3, 6, 9264, 3, 9, 3, 6670, 9, 139, 1405, 19, 22, 367, 3404, 5, 3 ]
My beard is growing back in, and it's itchy with red bumps. Besides conditioner, is there anything I can do for the itchiness and red bumps?
I think I have an ingrown hair problem with my beard area. What would you suggest I use for the itching and red bumps that happen due to that?
[ 0, 3, 6, 22, 230, 98, 979, 2277, 3, 73, 11317, 19, 72, 3, 6, 22, 230, 98, 979, 2277 ]
From what i know about gen. Anesthesia, you get a shot, they put a mask over you and you wake up. But is there any weird activity when you wake up like laughing gas?
I had a surgery 3 days back under general anesthesia and now have a headache. Is this common or should I call my doctor?
0no label
[ 0, 3, 6, 19, 6167, 6479, 1262, 6, 27, 18, 3, 11184, 2982, 10834, 1139, 2558, 106, 4, 3, 50 ]
Does drooping of the mouth come on quickly or slowly?
I notice drooping of my mouth on one side. I didn't get injured over head in any accident or majorly otherwise but I am a boxer with blows on head sometimes. Do I have concussion?
0no label
[ 0, 3, 6, 5, 3, 18, 27, 11, 11, 3571, 25, 12417, 22, 78, 51, 3, 11, 23, 208, 615 ]
What are the negative effects of binge-drinking a couple times a month?
How can I stop binge drinking?
0no label
[ 0, 3, 73, 222, 4, 38, 18, 27, 6, 23, 4112, 3, 9, 3, 9977, 5, 4, 8853, 3, 9 ]
Why am I having collapsed lung after heart surgery?
Can a collapsed lung be a complication of heart surgery?
[ 0, 3, 6, 3, 9, 40, 3, 6, 41, 61, 222, 4373, 46, 19, 4, 18, 3, 5, 1834, 9579 ]
What is best position of a fetus at seventh month?
Which is the best position the fetus should be in at the time of delivery?
0no label
[ 0, 3, 6, 5, 7935, 50, 19, 3, 9, 5, 59, 2451, 78, 3698, 78, 72, 3, 6, 5, 7935 ]
If I had hepatitis a, does that mean I can't drink alcohol for a certain number of weeks afterwards?
Can Hep A spread via sharing cigarettes or alcohol bottoes of an infected person?
0no label
[ 0, 3, 6, 80, 3, 6, 4341, 3, 78, 4, 2396, 22, 6, 19, 3, 9, 7, 14812, 3, 6 ]
Why is it every time I eat my upper stomach above my belly button is always bloated and full?? Then eventually I will release gas and it stinks mostly
Do you think eating spicy food can give bloating and fullness in upper abdomen along with stinking gas?
0no label
[ 0, 3, 6, 22, 3, 251, 23, 106, 19, 3, 9, 19, 3, 9, 3, 5, 11, 22, 268, 3 ]
How to treat razor scar from shaving?
Got a razor scar from shaving. Any helpful remedies?
[ 0, 3, 8046, 3, 22, 11, 187, 9, 22, 3, 27, 9, 12679, 2850, 2354, 3552, 61, 222, 72, 3 ]
How should I increase my weight? I am 20 years old having 62 kg weight and my height is 5"6'
What causes the weight to increase in a 20 year old weighing 62 Kgs and height being 5'6''?
0no label
[ 0, 3, 8046, 846, 3, 6, 13, 2369, 9, 19, 4, 2262, 3, 17435, 72, 3, 6, 5, 3, 18 ]
Could brushing your teeth too hard cause fatal oral diseases?
Can you get oral diseases because of brushing too hard?
[ 0, 3, 6, 5, 3, 18, 27, 8, 3, 18, 27, 8, 3, 18, 27, 8, 3, 18, 27, 8 ]
I am experiencing headache (better by: rest, nsaids (ibuprofen, naproxen, etc.)) (time frame: gradual onset) (side: left, right) (occurred: < 1 hr...
I have headache on left side with pain behind my left eye and nausea for last 3 weeks. It usually gets better on taking rest and with pain killer medications but gets worse on working over my computer. I am wondering if my eye power changed. Should I get an eye checkup done?
0no label
[ 0, 3, 6, 3, 9, 40, 654, 227, 6, 1277, 3, 6670, 9, 139, 3, 39, 3643, 437, 1207, 36 ]
I am struggling to gain one pound, do I have some kind of genetic disorder?
I have been trying to put on weight for the past 6 months. I have always remained somewhere between 150-155 lbs. I eat well too. But my weight has not budged even a little. My mom has always been thin, could that be the reason why I am not putting on weight?
[ 0, 3, 6, 5, 3, 18, 27, 8, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 19, 3, 9, 5, 6, 9, 19 ]
I am convinced that at this moment Maxalt (rizatriptan) not working. My head feel so much worse. It hurts to move it, just to walk. Does Maxalt (rizatriptan) not work when PMS?
My headache is getting worse, now it has gotten to the point where it is painful to move. Can having PMS prevent Maxalt (Rizatriptan) from working properly?
[ 0, 3, 6, 3, 9, 40, 8069, 18, 2569, 3175, 9, 5, 22, 3, 39, 27, 6, 108, 4797, 46 ]
How to cure Hernia Discale? What kind of exercises shall I do?
Can you share some measures, like exercises that can help with a herniated disc?
[ 0, 3, 8046, 3, 22, 11, 3695, 3, 78, 7920, 10, 804, 5, 4, 72, 3, 8046, 3, 22, 11 ]
Does eradication of h. Pylori cause weight gain?
Can I get rid of H.Pylori without antibiotics?
0no label
[ 0, 3, 6, 5, 3, 22, 21, 912, 3, 9, 5, 5255, 16, 3, 6, 5, 3, 22, 21, 912 ]
My husband and I had unprotected sex and he comes. Inside me, he told me to jump to avoid the sperm penetrates the egg cell, is this true?
I wanted to know, if me and my husband jumps daily, can it increase the fertrlity of his sperms and my eggs?
0no label
[ 0, 3, 6, 19, 1799, 3, 2947, 4, 72, 3, 6, 5, 3, 18, 27, 8, 3, 4, 5, 6 ]
1 day missed period and vaginal area is dry, why?
What are the causes of vaginal dryness?
0no label
[ 0, 3, 6, 5, 3, 57, 19, 4, 23, 11, 57, 3, 21, 3, 6, 5, 3, 57, 19, 4 ]
I have an iron deficiency and I'm not diagnosed but I pretty sure I'm anemic. I just want to know if spots of broken blood vessels could be a symptom?
I think I have anemia from my iron deficiency. Can this cause red spots anywhere on the body?
[ 0, 3, 6, 80, 3, 9, 23, 4, 6160, 3, 19, 98, 40, 46, 5375, 19, 3, 111, 3, 9 ]
Should I see a doctor about possibly anxiety/depression issues? I haven't been feeling like myself lately. I've taken several online depression/anxiety inventories and they've all come back that I have moderate/severe qualities of depression, however I do
I do not feel myself lately and have researched a lot online and all of them come back saying I have moderate/ severe qualities of depression. Would a doctor's visit be helpful to confirm anxiety/ depression?
[ 0, 3, 6, 4341, 3, 9, 23, 146, 6, 4, 805, 81, 18, 4, 3484, 3319, 3, 6, 19, 677 ]
Does drooping of the mouth come on quickly or slowly?
I sustained a head injury last month in an accident. The test reports came back normal but I noticed mild drooping of angle of my mouth on one side last week, that seem to have got worsened a little. It could just be my anxiety but I am worried. Does the drooping of mouth occur quickly or progressively and slowly?
[ 0, 3, 6, 5, 3, 18, 27, 11, 11, 3571, 25, 12417, 22, 78, 51, 3, 11, 23, 208, 615 ]
I have being getting headaches for about 2 weeks, feeling really tired and fainted once which never happened before and loss of appetite. what's wrong?
I am pregnant and have had headaches constantly. I went to the doctor and she said my BP is high. Today, I experienced a lot of tiredness and fainted as well. Is this something very concerning?
0no label
[ 0, 3, 6, 22, 28, 19, 8590, 2299, 72, 3, 6, 5, 3, 57, 19, 4, 1280, 22, 11, 57 ]
I eat vegetable curry daily (different types) every meal. Does this count towards my 5 a day and is this a healthy way of eating veggies?
I have recently turned vegetarian. What sort of vegetable curries do you recommend and how many times in a day to stay healthy?
0no label
[ 0, 3, 61, 4, 1593, 4, 19, 3, 11, 23, 155, 3, 27, 197, 72, 3, 4, 3, 6, 5 ]
What can you get over-the-counter for nerves?
What does over the counter mean?
0no label
[ 0, 3, 6, 5, 3, 27, 4, 43, 3, 1037, 61, 4, 19, 8, 3, 6, 5, 3, 27, 4 ]
Can AST and ALT levvels rise due to a root canal prroceddure?
What causes the levels of AST and ALT to rise up?
0no label
[ 0, 3, 6, 5, 3, 46, 18, 5, 3, 9, 5, 305, 25, 3, 46, 18, 5, 8, 3, 6 ]
Had sex using condom and withdrawal 1 week after start of last period. Not on bc. Now having lower stomach pressure period due in one week. Pregnant?
Hello doctor, may I ask when can pregnancy symptoms be seen after one is pregnant?
0no label
[ 0, 3, 6, 5, 178, 3, 4, 3, 6, 5, 178, 3, 4, 38, 3497, 10, 3, 4, 5, 19 ]
Can you jump/dive into a pool when you're 9weeks pregnant?
Is diving/swimming in a pool allowed while dealing with an ear infection?
0no label
[ 0, 3, 6, 5, 3, 27, 4, 34, 3, 57, 18, 6, 61, 9, 13, 17, 10922, 57, 8, 3 ]
Is it normal to have bleeding after a colonoscopy that's not related to a bowel movement?
I got a colonoscopy done a couple of days ago and I noticed bleeding from my anal region today when I was not passing stools. Is this considered normal and expected after a colonoscopy procedure?
[ 0, 3, 6, 19, 3, 6, 22, 1622, 5, 3, 22, 11, 4341, 3, 73, 5, 4, 4, 4302, 9579 ]
What is the difference between a gastric sleeve and the Roux-en-Y surgery?
My friend has a BMI of about 45. Would the gastric sleeve surgery work better for him or the Roux-en-Y surgery?
[ 0, 3, 8046, 13132, 3, 6, 19, 3, 9, 1229, 1165, 35, 3, 19, 5, 4, 4, 61, 4, 72 ]
My Patella is tender to touch, and hurts and pops when the knee is bent. There isn't any noticeable swelling. But there is pressure around patella.
I think I have chondromalacia patella because my patella has been tender for last few months. I drive my car for very long in a day and it hurts when I reach home in the evening. I can also hear a pop when I bend my knee and it hurts but there is no swelling of knee. Do you think I need a surgery or will it get worse? Is it reversible?
0no label
[ 0, 3, 6, 5, 3, 22, 4, 9, 27, 11782, 3, 21, 3, 6, 5, 3, 22, 4, 9, 27 ]
Unusual sore breasts each month after ovulation for 2 weeks after abortion of twins 9 months ago? ttc is everything ok? also get palpatations dizzines
How long it takes for ovulation to get back on track after an abortion?
0no label
[ 0, 3, 22, 22, 35, 3, 6, 19, 4211, 72, 3, 22, 22, 35, 3, 6, 19, 4211, 72, 3 ]
Severe migraine for a week and pain deep in ears too. What causes the deep ear pain within migraines?
What causes ear pains along with migraine headaches?
[ 0, 3, 9, 3, 15494, 3, 6, 19, 3, 9, 3, 15494, 8, 3, 6, 5, 3, 18, 27, 8 ]
Had liver failure, drs cannot pinpoint source; developed ascites. How can I improve my liver and kidney function naturally? No meds.
Do you have any ideas as to how I can improve my liver and kidney function if I have a failed liver?
[ 0, 3, 8046, 846, 3, 6, 1392, 3716, 4, 2262, 1818, 27, 248, 2160, 18, 5308, 4188, 3181, 601, 2697 ]
I m taking Clomid (clomiphene) since 3/4 month and my cycle 29 days, I m testing my ovulation every time and getting positive on 14/15 days and for 4 days is it ok?
I had unprotected intercourse on all the days of ovulation and what are my chances of getting pregnant?
0no label
[ 0, 3, 6, 5, 3, 35, 5, 11, 40, 6, 18, 3, 21, 3, 6, 5, 3432, 14, 3, 22 ]
Hysterosalpingography, can you tell me about this?
I have a procedure scheduled to check my tubes. HSG something.. Hysterosalpingography maybe. Can you tell me more about the procedure?
[ 0, 32003, 3, 24, 20, 411, 30, 758, 8, 3, 57, 57, 3, 57, 3, 57, 3, 57, 3, 57 ]
Would I be liable to get my medical card if I have ADHD , neurofibromatosis, asthma and anexity?
Can you help me get medical card?
0no label
[ 0, 3, 6, 80, 3, 6, 4341, 3, 9, 18, 78, 18, 3, 7, 3415, 80, 6, 73, 3774, 7249 ]
I have a lump on the back of my head. Its above the hairline in the middle. Its hard and unmovable. It does not pain. Should I be cocerned?
What would a hard, fixed, midline bump in the head that's been there for a few weeks mean?
[ 0, 3, 6, 4341, 3, 9, 3, 5, 11317, 3, 11, 23, 2262, 6654, 72, 3, 6, 5, 3, 5 ]
I was at an ENT for another issue and he said my adenoids are pretty swollen. I'm 20 years old. Is this normal? I never went back to follow up.
I am a 20 year old male and I went to ENT for recurrent episodes of cold and he mentioned that my adenoids are swollen. Will the regess on their own and is it normal to have enlarhged adenoids?
[ 0, 3, 6, 28, 40, 3, 29, 20, 8749, 19, 3, 11, 5, 18, 8, 3, 6, 5, 3, 18 ]
Can Adderall (dextroamphetamine and racemic amphetamine) cause ear pressure and slight headaches at the end of the day?
What is the maximum dose of Adderall that anybody can take?
0no label
[ 0, 3, 6, 5, 3432, 14, 3, 22, 6, 112, 1608, 290, 3, 9, 5, 3570, 8, 3, 6, 5 ]
Can I take Cymbalta (duloxetine) with gabapentin?
May I know, for which conditions Cymbalta (Duloxetine) and Gabapentin is prescribed?
0no label
[ 0, 3, 6, 6754, 4, 3, 35, 98, 40, 73, 2495, 979, 5822, 9, 46, 600, 23, 72, 3, 6 ]
What treatment do you suggest me to treat endometrium and ovarian cyst?
Just came back from our family doctor's office and he mentioned that my daughter might have endometriosis or ovarian cysts which are giving her heavy and irregular periods. We are still waiting for results of scan and blood work, but I wanted to know what treatment is usually suggetsted if she is diagnosed with these conditions?
[ 0, 3, 6, 19, 3, 6, 22, 17584, 3, 22, 11, 187, 9, 22, 3, 863, 2547, 8681, 248, 3 ]
I took 4mg of Suboxone on tuesday cause I ran out of my methadone and was in complete withdrawl... I have a urine test on Monday 5 days later?
I have been abusing opioids in the past and my doctor prescribed 4 mg Suboxone to treat addiction. But I ran out of it and had to take methadone as I could not deal with withdrawal symptoms but I have a urine drug test on Monday, that is in 5 days, do you think it will show up in the drug test?
[ 0, 3, 6, 4341, 3, 9, 16170, 828, 3, 11, 23, 1758, 3592, 72, 3, 6, 4341, 3, 9, 16170 ]
I had intercourse today and I've been bleeding kind of heavily since then and I'm not on my period. But my period isn't regular either. It didn't pain?
What is the cause of heavy bleeding after intercourse with no pain and with an history of having irregular periods?
[ 0, 3, 6, 22, 10, 18, 23, 28, 22, 7264, 23, 72, 3, 6, 22, 10, 18, 23, 28, 22 ]
What long term health problems can you have if you take pain medicine on a regular basis?
I am suffering from chronic pain and am taking pain medications, may I ask what are the long term side effects?
[ 0, 3, 6, 5, 3, 18, 27, 8, 3, 18, 27, 8, 3, 18, 27, 4, 6103, 41, 371, 14 ]
I m using dr dnp what are the side effects it?
What is the use of dr dnp?
0no label
[ 0, 3, 6, 5, 3, 18, 23, 9, 3, 21, 17, 3, 13914, 14, 3, 7617, 87, 220, 9190, 8 ]
What can cause random blackouts / seizures?
Hello doctor, can I know the random causes of balck outs and seizures?
[ 0, 3, 6, 5, 3, 57, 19, 6, 23, 35, 1026, 57, 10, 3, 27, 346, 40, 2846, 1529, 19 ]
Am taking Duphaston day 11 to day 25 when do expect my period?
When shall I expect my period if I am taking Duphaston from Day 11th to Day 25th?
[ 0, 3, 6, 3, 18, 11, 2952, 3, 18, 11, 3, 6, 22, 3, 22, 11, 3, 18, 50, 46 ]
Stroke at 90 . At this stage, would a speech therapy help her?
What are some common symptoms of stroke?
0no label
[ 0, 3, 57, 1291, 3, 2598, 106, 4, 3, 22, 11, 3, 56, 20, 57, 3, 6, 19, 3, 9 ]
How often should I get my custom orthotics evaluated and replaced & have Flat feet/ 1fallen arch. Advice for 5K run/walker to avoid injury?
How frequent should I get my orthotics for flat feet checked and replaced? What is the advice you can give me to avoid injury during a 5k run?
[ 0, 3, 47, 106, 3, 27, 197, 81, 174, 9, 5, 2760, 3, 22, 11, 3, 9, 61, 11, 6 ]