class label
4 classes
Sloppy win suits Badgers TUCSON -- Booker Stanley ran for a career-high 135 yards on 30 carries, including a 7-yard run for Wisconsin's only touchdown, and the 20th-ranked Badgers rallied for a stormy 9-7 victory over Arizona yesterday.
[ -1.4873046875, 5.8984375, -1.982421875, -2.177734375 ]
Video game leaked on Internet Halo 2, one of the most anticipated video games of the year, got an early release date, but not the way fans or its publisher, Microsoft, had hoped.
[ -1.328125, -2.740234375, -0.0799560546875, 4.39453125 ]
They #39;re not on same side Unable to reach an agreement on a one-year deal that pleases both sides, Al Leiter and the Mets finally were able to come to terms on something: It #39;s time both sides stop talking to each other and start looking elsewhere.
[ -1.9638671875, 5.37890625, -1.1767578125, -1.9599609375 ]
Maid sues Sony Pictures exec p2pnet.net News- James Jackson, vp of legal affairs for Sony Pictures Entertainment, filed for bankruptcy protection just days before a lawsuit accusing him and his wife of involuntary servitude, false imprisonment, invasion of privacy, negligence and
[ -1.6123046875, -3.720703125, 0.41259765625, 4.63671875 ]
Cubs plate three runs in ninth inning, fall a run short The Chicago Cubs need more than rally caps, good-luck charms or curse-busters now. Mike Hampton and Dewayne Wise each hit two-run homers to lead the Atlanta Braves to
[ -1.001953125, 5.203125, -1.6240234375, -2.4453125 ]
Thaksin in the Firing Line After Massacre BANGKOK/JEDDAH, 29 October 2004 - A bomb ripped through two bars in southern Thailand yesterday, killing two people and wounding about 20, in what could be the first reaction to the deaths of 78 Muslims in police custody this week.
[ 5.65625, -0.9375, -2.3828125, -2.640625 ]
Lebanon and Syria have not complied with UN resolution: Annan UNITED NATIONS - Secretary-General Kofi Annan reported that Syria has not pulled its forces out of Lebanon as called for by the UN Security Council, and said he had requested a timetable from Damascus for its full implementation.
[ 5.546875, -2.212890625, -1.2646484375, -2.443359375 ]
Lackluster Jobs Report Pushes Stocks Down NEW YORK - Investors pushed stocks lower Friday as a surprisingly lackluster job creation report deepened Wall Street's pessimism over the health of the economy. A solid earnings report from General Electric Co...
[ 4.9765625, -1.6435546875, -1.2568359375, -2.18359375 ]
Hosted E-Mail Service Leaves Windows for Linux Company outsources e-mail for small to medium businesses.
[ -0.96337890625, -3.037109375, -0.2279052734375, 4.48828125 ]
Saudi Trial Could Alter Pace of Reform In a hearing room on the 11th floor of the High Court of Riyadh, two professors and a poet have been standing trial, sometimes drawing overflow crowds of people eager to monitor a case that could alter the pace of political reform in the kingdom.
[ 5.2578125, -2.6640625, -1.5517578125, -1.263671875 ]
AMD Readies Powerful Desktop Chips New Athlon 64 processors will compete with Intel's Pentium 4 Extreme Edition.
[ -1.4267578125, -3.53125, 0.299560546875, 4.64453125 ]
10 features for a perfect browser There are some great browsers out there. But they all seem to have some slight niggles, different for each, that make it hard for me to kick back and enjoy them. While there are some projects out there to make browsers more useful for some specialised purposes or by bolting on handy extensions, wouldn't it be great if these people could come up with a standardised set of nice features like these? A lot of browsers may support one or two, but I'll bet none have them all.
[ -2.505859375, -2.890625, 0.75537109375, 4.5234375 ]
Microsoft signs two Indian deals Microsoft is to form multi-million pound partnerships with two Indian software firms, and is expected to double the 1,500 people it already employs in India.
[ -1.1884765625, -4.34375, 3.021484375, 2.0078125 ]
Microsoft Makes Another Antitrust Deal Software giant settles with Novell and the CCIA, ending years of legal wrangling.
[ -2.080078125, -4.05078125, 3.173828125, 2.474609375 ]
Indonesian militant sentenced to 12 years in Marriott hotel <b>...</b> : An Indonesian court sentenced a Muslim militant to 12 years in jail on Thursday after finding him guilty of involvement in last year #39;s JW Marriott hotel bombing in Jakarta.
[ 5.37109375, -1.689453125, -1.4580078125, -2.59765625 ]
Redskins Trail, 14-10 The Ravens have pulled in front of the Redskins, 14-10, when B.J. Sams returns a punt 78 yards for a touchdown.
[ -0.87841796875, 5.828125, -1.9951171875, -2.638671875 ]
Pakistan collapses at the WACA Opener Justin Langer was last out after a glorious innings of 191 as Australia totaled 381 on the second morning of the first test against Pakistan in Perth on Friday.
[ -0.60595703125, 5.5234375, -1.8935546875, -2.658203125 ]
Delay in Shuttle Flights The battering that the hurricanes of the last month has inflicted on NASA centers could strain an already tight schedule for resuming shuttle flights, but it is too early to tell how badly, experts said Thursday.
[ -1.3095703125, -3.029296875, -0.62353515625, 4.95703125 ]
American Champion Tim Mack Wins Pole Vault Gold American champion Tim Mack won the Olympic pole vault title on Friday with a Games record 5.95 meters after an engrossing duel with teammate Toby Stevenson.
[ -0.69384765625, 5.21484375, -1.7607421875, -2.4375 ]
Deficits soil safe-haven image of US Treasury debt Once a seemingly indestructible hiding hole for the frightened investor, some on Wall Street are beginning to question the super-safe status of US Treasury debt.
[ -0.314697265625, -3.400390625, 4.71875, -1.1328125 ]
Trump defends Martha Stewart New York real estate mogul Donald Trump defended his friend Martha Stewart as the woman who turned home economics into a media empire began her prison term.
[ 0.56982421875, -3.1328125, 4.1484375, -1.5224609375 ]
EPA May Conduct Human Tests for Chemicals (AP) AP - In setting limits on chemicals in food and water, the Environmental Protection Agency may rely on industry tests that expose people to poisons and raise ethical questions.
[ 0.8642578125, -2.6484375, -2.33984375, 3.966796875 ]
Mood Mixed Among Darfur Rebels Ahead of Talks CORCHA CAMP, Sudan (Reuters) - A Sudanese rebel commander in a camp in Darfur tells his troops he is hoping for peace. But just a few hours march away, young men say they are convinced Sudan wants to drive them off the land.
[ 5.79296875, -1.724609375, -2.146484375, -2.25390625 ]
Pfizer to Sponsor Large New Celebrex Trial NEW YORK (Reuters) - Pfizer Inc. said on Monday it plans to sponsor a major clinical study to further assess the cardiovascular safety of its arthritis drug Celebrex following the withdrawal of Merck Co.'s Vioxx, a drug in the same class.
[ -1.1845703125, -1.9775390625, 4.86328125, -1.8447265625 ]
Companies Moving Cautiously on Microsoft #39;s SP2 Update quot;Whether companies roll out Windows XP immediately or replace their older operating systems with Windows XP when purchasing new PCs, companies now have to ensure XP SP2 compliancy by determining
[ -2.76171875, -3.548828125, 1.666015625, 4.48828125 ]
Chinese Mobile Phone Giant to Open Up to 3000 Internet Cafes China #39;s second-largest mobile phone company says it plans to open up to 3,000 Internet cafes by the end of this year. State-controlled China Unicom, which already operates 400 Internet cafes across the country
[ -0.60009765625, -3.669921875, 1.21484375, 2.76953125 ]
Dollar Mired Near Lows Before Jobs Data LONDON (Reuters) - The dollar teetered just above nine-year lows on a trade-weighted basis on Friday as investors waited for key U.S. jobs data before deciding whether to extend the greenback's recent decline.
[ -1.2880859375, -2.64453125, 5.47265625, -1.572265625 ]
Rehhagel runs into adoring Greeks in Germany Otto Rehhagel, the German who led Greece to an upset win at Euro 2004, is amazed how many adoring Greeks there are in every corner of the world and how hard it is to pay for anything when he meets the grateful fans.
[ -0.25390625, 4.76171875, -1.919921875, -2.103515625 ]
Firefox Turns Up The Browser War Heat Firefox, the Mozilla-based open-source browser has grown by more than a third over the past month, according to WebSideStory, an independent Web metrics firm.
[ -1.6767578125, -3.4140625, 0.40625, 4.7421875 ]
Eagles Lose OL Andrews PHILADELPHIA (Sports Network) - Offensive lineman Shawn Andrews, Philadelphia #39;s No. 1 draft pick this year, suffered a fractured right leg in Sunday #39;s game against the New York Giants.
[ -1.751953125, 5.9921875, -1.78515625, -2.236328125 ]
News: FBI seizes computers in first-ever criminal action against P2P network The Associated Press By Curt Anderson
[ -1.0068359375, -3.5703125, -0.29638671875, 4.62109375 ]
Refugees #39; hopes for return will outlive Arafat BEIRUT, Lebanon - Yasser Arafat promised Palestinians he would return them to the homes they lost when Israel was founded in 1948.
[ 5.828125, -2.16015625, -1.81640625, -2.21875 ]
Islamic Scholar, Visa Withheld, Gives Up U.S. Post GENEVA (Reuters) - A prominent Swiss-based Islamic scholar on Tuesday gave up plans to teach at a leading U.S. university after waiting in vain for a visa and accused the Bush administration of trying to silence him.
[ 4.88671875, -2.322265625, -1.4306640625, -1.2119140625 ]
AA takes soft option on cost cuts PENNY-PINCHING American Airlines is to remove the pillows from half its planes to save \$300,000 (163,000) a year. While the cost savings are small beer compared with the \$4bn a year American has slashed
[ -0.921875, -2.55859375, 4.90234375, -1.2861328125 ]
King Singh ... at last! The No. 1 golfer in the world is on his way to Glen Abbey for this week #39;s Canadian Open. No, Tiger Woods hasn #39;t changed his plans.
[ -1.5576171875, 5.5, -1.427734375, -2.447265625 ]
Schooling 'mix up' hits Portugal Schools across Portugal turn away pupils because of a teachers' assignment mix up on the first day of classes.
[ 3.6875, -3.267578125, -0.37158203125, -0.0648193359375 ]
Google Results Revive 'Dot-Com' Fervor NEW YORK/SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Shares of Google Inc. rose as much as 20 percent on Friday, to trade at more than twice the level of its cut-price IPO, after the Web search leader posted strong quarterly results in its first reported quarter as a public company.
[ -3.171875, -3.240234375, 4.2890625, 1.5244140625 ]
Supreme Court to Review Inmate Freedom Law (AP) AP - The Supreme Court agreed Tuesday to consider the constitutionality of a federal law that requires state prisons to accommodate inmate religions, from Christianity to Satanism.
[ 3.962890625, -0.86865234375, -3.466796875, -0.30859375 ]
IBM Releasing New Power5-Based Servers RESEARCH TRIANGLE PARK - IBM is rolling out a new line of Power5-processor based servers that it says outperform rivals from Sun and HP.
[ -2.05859375, -3.580078125, 0.60400390625, 4.88671875 ]
China at G-7 Meeting for First Time China made its debut last night in the club of the world's leading economic powers, asinternational pressure mounts to change a decade-old currency peg that critics accuse of giving Chinese products an unfair competitive edge.
[ 1.8701171875, -1.8564453125, 2.396484375, -2.361328125 ]
American Crocker Sets Short Course World Record INDIANAPOLIS (Reuters) - Ian Crocker of the United States set a short course world record of 22.71 seconds in the 50 meters butterfly at the world championships on Sunday.
[ -0.59765625, 5.0390625, -1.853515625, -2.35546875 ]
Fable; Nascar 2005: Chase For The Cup Fable comes with a big reputation behind it -- it was developed by Peter Molyneux, creator of such involved, engrossing games as Populous and Black and White.
[ -2.8671875, 1.1748046875, -0.0188751220703125, 2.123046875 ]
Intel silent on Jayhawk replacement SAN FRANCISCO -- Intel Corp. on Tuesday provided a few more details about future plans for its enterprise server processors, but the company maintained its silence on its plans for an upcoming dual-core Xeon processor, which it has promised as the next major follow-up to the Nocona chip it launched in August.
[ -2.74609375, -3.470703125, 1.4638671875, 4.62109375 ]
Gujarat riot murder retrial opens The retrial of 16 Hindus charged with the murder of 12 Muslims in the Gujarat riots of 2002 opens in Mumbai.
[ 5.1953125, -1.7734375, -1.43359375, -2.2421875 ]
Report: Consumers tuning in to plasma TVs First-quarter shipments of plasma televisions in the United States more than doubled from the previous year, according to research firm iSuppli. Prices fell by nearly \$1,000 over the same period.
[ -2.126953125, -3.955078125, 1.78125, 4.125 ]
Observers insist: no proof of fraud in Venezuelan referendum. Independent observers confirmed that the random auditing of results from the recall referendum (Sunday August 15) against Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez show there are no indications of fraud as claimed by the opposition.
[ 1.529296875, -3.384765625, 3.26171875, -1.7236328125 ]
#39;Noles Rebound Leon Washington ran for 104 yards and a touchdown and Florida State sacked Alabama-Birmingham #39;s Darrell Hackney eight times Saturday night to rebound from a disappointing loss to Miami with a 34-7 victory.
[ -1.6640625, 6.0859375, -1.8701171875, -2.275390625 ]
Oracle in Merger Talks with Other Firms SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Oracle Corp. <A HREF="http://www.investor.reuters.com/FullQuote.aspx?ticker=ORCL.O target=/stocks/quickinfo/fullquote">ORCL.O</A> is in merger talks with other technology companies as it awaits the outcome of its \$9.2 billion hostile takeover bid for rival software maker PeopleSoft Inc. <A HREF="http://www.investor.reuters.com/FullQuote.aspx?ticker=PSFT.O target=/stocks/quickinfo/fullquote">PSFT.O</A>.
[ -2.8671875, -2.255859375, 5.13671875, -0.418701171875 ]
Static over RFID A key patent holder wants royalties. If that starts a trend, adoption of radio frequency identification technology could suffer.
[ -1.2099609375, -3.765625, 0.7880859375, 4.09765625 ]
Republican Convention Light on Stars (AP) AP - The Republicans will have one sure Hollywood star for their convention #151; California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger #151; along with performers to keep the country music fans happy. But they'll be hard-pressed to match the Democratic convention's appeal to young voters led by Ben Affleck.
[ 4.78515625, -1.4873046875, -2.734375, -1.376953125 ]
CRM Best Practices: TCO and ROI (NewsFactor) NewsFactor - With CRM projects costing millions, even in some mid-size companies, it is no surprise CFOs are leading the charge to be sure the most important projects are first, that they are justified, and that they actually deliver on their forecast benefits.
[ -1.4677734375, -3.55859375, 0.102783203125, 4.7578125 ]
FOOTBALL: RAE KNEE SCAN HAS MCLEISH IN A SWEAT ALEX RAE was in hospital yesterday for a scan on his injured knee after playing through the pain barrier in Sunday #39;s Old Firm clash.
[ -1.1337890625, 5.66015625, -1.57421875, -2.671875 ]
Putin the power broker Last Wednesday, at the stroke of noon, one of the most lucrative prizes in Russia #39;s oil industry went under the hammer. Russia #39;s Federal Property Fund, which controls sales of state assets, auctioned a 7.6
[ 1.0126953125, -3.32421875, 3.740234375, -2.109375 ]
Lions are suddenly road warriors One road victory was nice, but the Lions #39; true road test came Sunday against the previously unbeaten Atlanta Falcons at the Georgia Dome.
[ -1.6396484375, 5.80078125, -1.826171875, -2.01953125 ]
Flower power turns up the volume A Japanese company has come up with a way of turning flowers into loudspeakers.
[ 0.02252197265625, -4.63671875, 1.83984375, 2.59765625 ]
Security firm eyes Sasser teen Berlin - A German teenager accused of creating the Sasser worm that infected millions of computers around the world is being taught to become a security software programmer, the company that hired him said on Friday.
[ -0.300537109375, -3.2890625, -0.82470703125, 4.4296875 ]
Polish PM Tries to Head Off Dispute Over WW2 Claims KRYNICA, Poland (Reuters) - Polish leader Marek Belka tried to head off a controversy with Berlin over World War II reparations after Poland's parliament caused anger in Germany by declaring Poles were still owed for wartime losses.
[ 4.4609375, -0.68408203125, -1.68359375, -2.181640625 ]
Court considers textbook stickers downplaying evolution A Georgia school board is in court this week over quot;disclaimer quot; stickers it placed on biology textbooks stating that the theory of evolution has not been proven as fact.
[ -0.7216796875, -2.556640625, -1.16796875, 4.5390625 ]
Judge Indicts 2 Former Parmalat Auditors MILAN, Italy Oct. 5, 2004 - Two former auditors at Parmalat were ordered to stand trial for market rigging under a fast-track procedure, the first indictments since the massive fraud scandal at the Italian-based dairy giant.
[ 0.177978515625, -3.13671875, 4.62890625, -2.029296875 ]
Report: EADS Could Link With Thales The French government is considering a linkup of European Aeronautic Defence amp; Space Co. with Thales SA to create an aerospace giant, the financial daily Les Echos reported Friday.
[ -0.361572265625, -4.0390625, 4.04296875, 0.048736572265625 ]
Report: Lehman to get Ryder Cup job Tom Lehman will get the chance to succeed where Hal Sutton failed when he is introduced as the 2006 United States Ryder Cup captain, according to golfdigest.
[ -0.75, 4.76171875, -1.43359375, -2.474609375 ]
Quickies put Pakistan on top in Perth Pakistan pacemen Shoaib Akhtar and Mohammad Sami tore through Australia #39;s top order as the home side struggled to 72 for four at lunch on the opening day of the first test in Perth on Thursday.
[ -1.111328125, 5.8203125, -2.021484375, -2.537109375 ]
Old Labor Tactics Resurface in New Union Labor experts say Unite Here, the newly merged union that is representing the DC hotel workers in their current contract dispute, is one of the most outspoken and toughest unions under the AFL-CIO umbrella.
[ -0.76611328125, -3, 4.77734375, -0.640625 ]
Aussie ruling party leads in election polls, but gap narrows The government of Prime Minister John Howard had a narrow lead in opinion polls heading into the final week of campaigning ahead of the Australian federal election, but the opposition Labor party was narrowing the gap, according
[ 4.7265625, -2.921875, -0.72998046875, -1.515625 ]
Dunn Sets Major League Strikeouts Record (AP) AP - Cincinnati Reds slugger Adam Dunn set the major league record for strikeouts in one season with 190, when he fanned in his first two at-bats Thursday against the Chicago Cubs.
[ -0.79638671875, 5.6953125, -2.478515625, -2.13671875 ]
Google partners with libraries Google #39;s plan to digitally scan books so that users can access them from its Internet search engine is being greeted with delight at the tiny library in my hometown of Half Moon Bay, Calif.
[ -2.814453125, -3.5390625, 2.248046875, 3.732421875 ]
SEC Charges Hollinger's Black with Fraud (Reuters) Reuters - U.S. regulators filed fraud charges\on Monday against former Hollinger International Inc. \Chairman Conrad Black and his deputy, David Radler, moving to\bar the two from serving as officers of a public company.
[ -0.822265625, -3.5546875, 5.2265625, -1.244140625 ]
Security Beyond Antivirus Programs Comprehensive security programs that include firewall software, spyware defenses and diagnostic and repair tools are necessay to keep a PC in good health these days. <FONT face="verdana,MS Sans Serif,arial,helvetica" size="-2" color="#666666"><B>-The Washington Post</B></FONT>
[ -2.12109375, -3.06640625, -0.119384765625, 5.1484375 ]
Oil rallies to new record high Crude oil futures rallied late Friday to a new record high of \$54.90, a day after a decline in the US inventory of heating oil roiled a market already on edge over tight supplies, high demand and unrest among key producers.
[ -1.2236328125, -1.8740234375, 5.21875, -2.05859375 ]
SA 'mercenaries' plead not guilty Sixty-six men accused of plotting a coup in Equatorial Guinea deny breaching Zimbabwe's security laws.
[ 5.6640625, -2.685546875, -1.541015625, -1.7939453125 ]
Sharon Survives 3 Parliament No-Confidence Votes JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Prime Minister Ariel Sharon on Monday narrowly survived three parliamentary no-confidence votes sponsored by opposition parties over deepening poverty in Israel.
[ 5.6875, -2.05078125, -1.34765625, -2.72265625 ]
Russia Seeks UN Terrorist Asylum Abuse Crackdown UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - Russia on Thursday proposed a U.N. crackdown on the abuse of political asylum for terrorist purposes, raising pressure on Western states to hand over wanted Chechen activists.
[ 5.5078125, -2.208984375, -1.9306640625, -1.71875 ]
Skipper gives support while league sends warning Moises Alou has a right to his opinion, Chicago Cubs manager Dusty Baker said Monday. Alou said everything he needed to say Sunday.
[ -0.52783203125, 5.20703125, -1.8154296875, -2.564453125 ]
Georgia Rides Its Defense to Victory Over Marshall ATHENS, Ga. (Sports Network) - Michael Cooper ran for the only touchdown of the game, as third-ranked Georgia rode its defense to a 13-3 victory over Marshall at Sanford Stadium.
[ -1.759765625, 5.84765625, -1.8701171875, -1.97265625 ]
Pfizer Sends Out Update On Drug Bextra Pfizer Inc. said Friday that it will provide health-care professionals with additional information about its Bextra arthritis drug and that it will conduct further studies to confirm the drug #39;s long-term cardiovascular safety record.
[ -1.0791015625, -2.041015625, 4.56640625, -1.52734375 ]
The king who courted the Khmer Rouge (and survived) The career of King Norodom Sihanouk of Cambodia has been a bewildering trail of political twists and expedient turns. Now the man they call the #39;mercurial monarch #39; has announced his abdication.
[ 5.41015625, -2.25390625, -2.236328125, -1.63671875 ]
Group Seeks Ways to Prosecute Cybercrime (AP) AP - Governments and private sector officials from around the world sought ways Thursday to jointly combat cybercrime, whose growth mirrors the phenomenal rise of the Internet's popularity.
[ 1.02734375, -2.9765625, -2.33203125, 3.880859375 ]
McNealy: Microsoft needs Sun to beat IBM and Red Hat Whatever pleasantries once existed between Sun Microsystems and Red Hat have vanished. This won #39;t come as a shock to many of you.
[ -3.150390625, -2.525390625, 1.2490234375, 4.40234375 ]
Backe in no position to complain Brandon Backe wasn #39;t pleased when the Devil Rays, for the 2001 season, switched the minor-leaguer from outfield to pitcher. Considering how it worked out, Backe should give Tampa Bay a big thumbs up.
[ -1.9111328125, 5.390625, -1.298828125, -1.9296875 ]
Peruvian Maoist trial thrown into chaos The first hearing in the re-trial of former leaders of Peru #39;s Shining Path guerrilla group has ended in chaos. The judge suspended the hearing after the group #39;s founder, Abimael Guzman, and his 15 co-defendants
[ 5.23046875, -2.255859375, -1.53515625, -1.8564453125 ]
Unprecedented Peril Forces Tough Calls Like the "war on terrorism," which it often intersected, President Bush's efforts against nuclear proliferation has followed many paths.
[ 4.1328125, -3.2734375, -1.80078125, 0.408935546875 ]
Itanium is Intels future Intel racked up some serious karmic debt when it schemed to run AMD out of the PC processor business. Xeon now languishes in Opterons shadow, which strikes me as just desserts for some nasty business.
[ -3.037109375, -3.259765625, 2.294921875, 3.82421875 ]
Bush Signs Into Law Debt Ceiling Increase <p></p><p> WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Bush on Friday signed intolaw a measure authorizing an \$800 billion increase in thecredit limit of the United States, the White House said.</p>
[ 2.71875, -3.7265625, 1.732421875, -1.435546875 ]
Working Long Hours? Take a Massage Break, Courtesy of Your Boss Companies across the country are offering yoga and meditation classes to help employees relax, reduce stress and recharge.
[ -0.318603515625, -3.78125, 3.033203125, 1.271484375 ]
After Steep Drop, Price of Oil Rises The freefall in oil prices ended Monday on a spate of ominous developments, including a deadly attack on a US consulate in Saudi Arabia and reports that OPEC might cut production this week.
[ -0.074951171875, -2.810546875, 5.03515625, -2.287109375 ]
Alltel buys Cingular properties, expands network Little Rock-based Alltel will expand its wireless phone service in Connecticut, Kentucky, Mississippi, Oklahoma and Texas in a \$170 million deal with Cingular Wireless.
[ -3.197265625, -3, 4.01953125, 1.68359375 ]
Mosley Unable to Escape Winkys Jab Las Vegas, NV: You have to give credit to Sugar Shane Mosley. For the second time in his career, the former world champion valiantly tried to reverse a thorough beating by jumping headfirst into an immediate rematch.
[ -1.4638671875, 5.2890625, -1.6572265625, -2.076171875 ]
Pacific Oil Link Is Best for Russia, Ambassador Says (Update1) Russia, the world #39;s second-biggest oil exporter, will benefit most from a Siberian crude oil pipeline to the Pacific rather than to China as energy resources are needed to develop the
[ 1.1787109375, -3.625, 3.1328125, -1.2900390625 ]
He's His Own Adu Georgetown Prep defender Fro Adu is proud of brother Freddy, a forward for D.C. United, but wants to step out on his own.
[ -1.2138671875, 4.98828125, -1.080078125, -2.43359375 ]
Reds pick up Miley #39;s option for 2005 Reds general manager Dan O #39;Brien said Sunday what he has hinted at for the last month or so: Dave Miley and his staff will be back for 2005.
[ -1.9794921875, 5.28515625, -0.67431640625, -2.419921875 ]
Basayev Claims Responsibility for Beslan School Hostage Siege A Chechen rebel commander has claimed responsibility for the school hostage siege in southern Russia earlier this month, during which more than 320 hostages were killed, half of them children.
[ 5.14453125, -1.205078125, -2.115234375, -1.6943359375 ]
Red Sox Feeling Heat of 0-2 Start in ALCS (AP) AP - The infield at Fenway Park was covered with a dirty white tarp on a dreary day. Unless the Boston Red Sox start winning soon, the gloom will last all winter. The Red Sox returned home Thursday after losing the first two games of the AL championship series to the Yankees in New York. As its workout began, Boston announced ace Curt Schilling's ailing ankle will prevent him from pitching Game 5 and perhaps the rest of the postseason.
[ -1.0849609375, 5.80859375, -2.4375, -2.09375 ]
Update 1: United Airlines to Slash US Flights As part of its bid to emerge profitably from bankruptcy, United Airlines announced plans Wednesday to slash its domestic flight schedule, increase its more profitable international schedule and reduce the size of its fleet over the next six months.
[ -1.3681640625, -2.50390625, 5.234375, -1.4375 ]
US Bells Do Video on Path Blazed by Small Telcos The three largest US local telephone corporations made a splash this summer with plans to sell video services on their voice and data lines in a few years.
[ -2.74609375, -3.53125, 3.078125, 2.91796875 ]
Ohio State defense keeps Hart in check COLUMBUS - It had been awhile since anyone had slammed the door on Michigan phenom Mike Hart. The freshman running back established a school record by rushing for 150 or more yards in five straight games entering
[ -1.7353515625, 5.4921875, -1.6142578125, -1.97265625 ]
Coca-Cola will not sell low-carb C2 in UK Coca-Cola has decided not to sell its C2 brand in the UK, one of the company #39;s biggest markets, raising doubts about the future of the mid- calorie soft drink just six months after its launch in North America and Japan.
[ -0.468505859375, -3.62890625, 4.3984375, -0.092041015625 ]
Arctic team finds ship remains A team retracing the route of a group of Victorian Arctic explorers have found parts of their 172-year-old ship.
[ 1.39453125, -1.9296875, -2.38671875, 3.13671875 ]
Burning of fossil fuels threatens to overwhelm Arctic environment The burning of fossil fuels has contributed to warming in the Arctic that is much faster and more dramatic than scientists previously believed at nearly twice the rate of the rest of the world, a new international report concludes.
[ 0.6123046875, -2.4609375, -1.658203125, 3.828125 ]
Dell AC Adaptors Recalled October 8, 2004 - Dell Inc. is recalling about 2.9 million AC adapters nationwide_ 4.4 million worldwide_ used with notebook personal computers because they can overheat and cause a fire and electrical shock
[ -2.98046875, -3.494140625, 2.005859375, 4.17578125 ]
PeopleSoft sweetens employee compensation Business software maker PeopleSoft Friday said it was boosting compensation packages for all employees except its chief executive in a move that would raise the
[ -2.2109375, -4.07421875, 3.626953125, 2.3046875 ]