class label
6 classes
i feel useful and valued and that is fundamental for me
[ -0.86083984375, 4.80859375, -0.499755859375, -1.533203125, -1.720703125, -1.10546875 ]
i feel numb as i carry on and i wonder if i will get over it
[ 4.58203125, -0.9033203125, -1.4208984375, -1.2060546875, -0.52978515625, -1.6171875 ]
i look at this photo i feel gentle and calm my makeup is still soft but its warmer and i feel it harmonizes better with the warm colours of these flowers
[ -0.95556640625, 1.2705078125, 3.49609375, -1.578125, -1.7275390625, -1.5166015625 ]
i did enjoy the book however and i especially liked the characters of the brothers one fired up with the detectin spirit and the other feeling skeptical but willing to back his brother in a fight
[ -1.748046875, -1.419921875, -1.494140625, -0.71533203125, 3.521484375, 0.89599609375 ]
i had a fab christmas and an amazing new year with my family and friends and against all odds i feel very optimistic about
[ -0.7431640625, 4.68359375, -0.82177734375, -1.4765625, -1.3408203125, -1.025390625 ]
i feel alarmed
[ -1.7099609375, -1.373046875, -1.431640625, -0.333740234375, 3.658203125, 0.417724609375 ]
i was struck by the masculine feel of the strong graphics and deep colors in this months painting nighthawks by edward hopper
[ -1.2080078125, 3.802734375, 1.228515625, -1.7685546875, -1.8466796875, -1.0419921875 ]
i am feeling rather heartless because i recently heard the words unconditional love and could not find it in myself
[ -0.8896484375, -0.6083984375, 0.65283203125, 3.177734375, -1.294921875, -1.384765625 ]
ive learned that there are angels on earth who feel me as i feel them who stand by with a loving thought a healing heart or a steady hand just as i would also offer without a moments hesitation in return always
[ -0.9365234375, 0.328857421875, 3.8046875, -1.44140625, -1.5126953125, -1.2451171875 ]
i feel kind of unwelcome in many catholic communities but i hope that isnt the case here
[ 4.64453125, -1.2841796875, -1.3447265625, -0.724609375, -0.5537109375, -1.9892578125 ]
i stay the more distanced from others i feel it is strange because i sometimes feel like a new friendship is growing or forming
[ -1.6181640625, -1.462890625, -1.115234375, -1.39453125, 2.443359375, 2.283203125 ]
i feel so lousy but i shouldnt be focusing on me now
[ 4.6328125, -0.8115234375, -1.4453125, -1.03125, -0.8564453125, -1.8017578125 ]
i always end up feeling unwelcome and sad
[ 4.63671875, -1.263671875, -1.2646484375, -0.80126953125, -0.5947265625, -1.9833984375 ]
i feel gorgeous yes
[ -1.2177734375, 4.08984375, 0.1983642578125, -1.85546875, -1.80078125, -0.366943359375 ]
i never feel shy to call or send a billion text messages to and i wont be bugging her
[ -0.72802734375, -1.83203125, -1.2236328125, -0.904296875, 3.806640625, 0.10626220703125 ]
i mentioned in my last blog that i have started to get the feeling that i have been pressured into studying things i do not like which has also made me into a person i might not fully be
[ -0.419921875, -1.6728515625, -1.6875, 0.0479736328125, 3.8359375, -0.95556640625 ]
is hand started fondling his aching cock through the fabric of his boxers and he instinctively arched his back to feel more of the delicious sensation
[ -1.369140625, 3.76171875, 1.2646484375, -1.8564453125, -1.8662109375, -0.880859375 ]
i haven t been able to do a lot of stuff most people managed to do in various points of their lives i feel that i have missed out a lot in life and i know that my current path is my only ticket to live a live that i want to
[ 4.64453125, -0.91064453125, -1.171875, -0.8896484375, -1.013671875, -1.8642578125 ]
i think were on a level of understanding though i still feel hes hesitant
[ -1.3388671875, -1.529296875, -1.3388671875, -0.5537109375, 3.984375, 0.0283203125 ]
i am feeling very insecure and sensitive
[ -0.85986328125, -1.51953125, -1.447265625, -0.4951171875, 4.0546875, -0.51904296875 ]
i feel like ive gotten to know many of you through comments and emails and for that im appreciative and glad you are a part of this little space
[ -1.0048828125, 4.83984375, -0.0171661376953125, -1.8974609375, -1.888671875, -0.802734375 ]
im looking at the stress levels im feeling and not loving how concentrated they are because of my mindset of planning a wedding in four months
[ -0.94873046875, -0.00505828857421875, 3.853515625, -1.341796875, -1.40625, -1.12109375 ]
i tasted some hari raya cookies and feeling greedy i would go and prebook their kueh makmur and tart because i know their hygiene standard and ingredients
[ -0.6201171875, -0.92626953125, -1.0693359375, 4.22265625, -0.83935546875, -1.5048828125 ]
i feel can you stop being so obnoxious and think for me at the very least
[ -0.86572265625, -0.9345703125, -1.064453125, 4.23828125, -0.86279296875, -1.1875 ]
i was stressed about my job search and apartment hunting and i was just feeling overwhelmed with everything that was going on
[ -1.6767578125, -0.98486328125, -1.333984375, -1.3515625, 1.8896484375, 2.6953125 ]
i highly recommend visiting on a wednesday if youre able because its less crowded so you get to ask the farmers more questions without feeling rude for holding up a line
[ -0.4560546875, -1.103515625, -1.1943359375, 4.3203125, -0.7421875, -1.3984375 ]
i felt anger when at the end of a telephone call
[ -0.51513671875, -1, -1.2099609375, 4.30078125, -0.5380859375, -1.517578125 ]
i am just feeling as indecisive as ever i suppose
[ -1.380859375, -1.568359375, -1.505859375, -1.046875, 3.62109375, 1.025390625 ]
i just feel its one of those things you dont talk about too much because then too many people come to know and then the plan doesnt taste as sweet nor does it feel like a plan
[ -1.080078125, 1.9345703125, 3.025390625, -1.7490234375, -1.85546875, -1.408203125 ]
i feel groggy and out of sorts from my episode not counting the fact that i got scared last night
[ 4.58203125, -1.0546875, -1.259765625, -1.30078125, -0.44970703125, -1.7685546875 ]
i feel so exhausted by a
[ 4.6484375, -0.8154296875, -1.4853515625, -0.9658203125, -0.60888671875, -1.8828125 ]
i feel uncomfortable here
[ -0.9130859375, -1.7998046875, -1.591796875, -0.6357421875, 4, 0.195068359375 ]
i feel makes the perfect duo
[ -0.7529296875, 4.75390625, -0.343017578125, -1.6689453125, -1.802734375, -1.15625 ]
im happy to report im still not feeling terribly stressed
[ 3.6015625, -1.1103515625, -2.083984375, 1.0205078125, -0.2003173828125, -2.439453125 ]
i think it s to do with the fact that i know i don t have a lot of time to play catch up and also because my free time for the first time in what feels like forever is really my free time
[ -0.486083984375, 4.515625, -0.300537109375, -1.4873046875, -1.8095703125, -1.375 ]
i dont know it if is the freshness of both but i feel more energetic during these seasons
[ -0.94189453125, 4.77734375, -0.77099609375, -1.3369140625, -1.4482421875, -0.9189453125 ]
i do that made me feel excited about life
[ -1.0634765625, 4.58984375, -0.9580078125, -1.3671875, -1.3486328125, -0.52978515625 ]
i feel like it might just be ok
[ -0.66650390625, 4.6484375, -0.7587890625, -1.3779296875, -1.4873046875, -1.1298828125 ]
i received a slightly belated message back from daniel and feel a lot more reassured that im not the only one who thinks l is emotionally insensitive
[ -0.80419921875, 4.421875, -0.90576171875, -1.44921875, -0.9599609375, -0.98876953125 ]
im feeling rotten and pretending it just aint so
[ 4.67578125, -0.95751953125, -1.302734375, -0.75341796875, -1.08984375, -1.86328125 ]
i can never tell him how i feel and it really sucks because i think he gets really bothered by that
[ 0.166748046875, -1.208984375, -1.3154296875, 4.109375, -0.90576171875, -1.6748046875 ]
i feel somewhat fake in the group
[ 4.61328125, -0.82763671875, -1.6142578125, -0.939453125, -0.640625, -1.72265625 ]
i ate something wrong so i feel terrible all day
[ 4.60546875, -0.7822265625, -1.2080078125, -1.060546875, -1.015625, -1.853515625 ]
i feel like resolutions are boring and cliche
[ 4.359375, -0.66162109375, -1.01953125, 0.0018243789672851562, -1.705078125, -2.150390625 ]
i would feel productive
[ -0.67919921875, 4.5625, -0.65771484375, -1.240234375, -1.55078125, -1.1767578125 ]
i feel rather privileged to have witnessed the great man in action it really was impossible for a novice like me to work out just which one of the four identical looking riders was he
[ -1.126953125, 4.69921875, -0.379638671875, -1.6845703125, -1.7353515625, -0.68798828125 ]
i feel useless a href http juliemadblogger
[ 4.5859375, -0.62744140625, -1.505859375, -0.638671875, -1.0546875, -2.02734375 ]
i feel kinda weird when andrea tries to talk to me about chris
[ -1.3740234375, -1.4462890625, -1.103515625, -1.48046875, 2.103515625, 2.458984375 ]
i was feeling defeated i usually pick things up easily this way but i just wasn t getting it
[ 4.53125, -0.396240234375, -1.359375, -0.8359375, -1.1357421875, -2.0390625 ]
i feel amused looking at the little turtle who sneaked in with them
[ -1.5703125, 4.26171875, -0.328369140625, -1.2998046875, -1.7255859375, 0.0311279296875 ]
ive missed that feeling and ive missed being there and ive missed having something to work towards that keeps my focus on me and keeps it off of my phone and the potential trouble it can get me in
[ 4.64453125, -0.91162109375, -1.1376953125, -0.97412109375, -0.923828125, -1.8974609375 ]
i had a feeling that he would be the one eliminated but wasn t completely convinced his cooking skillz were da bomb yes i m whipping out the early s lingo
[ -0.95556640625, 3.775390625, -1.2431640625, -1.12109375, -0.484375, -0.6142578125 ]
i feel an unpleasant drop in my stomach as the elevator doors open at my floor
[ 4.56640625, -1.140625, -1.376953125, -0.52587890625, -0.81298828125, -1.8564453125 ]
i hope i get the job cause im in desperate need of money and i feel greedy
[ -0.56298828125, -1.00390625, -1.205078125, 4.1171875, -0.5517578125, -1.5302734375 ]
i left the theater feeling sad and alone the sudden realization of my own fleeting mortality weighing down each and every step
[ 4.59765625, -0.89599609375, -0.93896484375, -1.0654296875, -1.0703125, -1.7626953125 ]
i firmly believe that the only way to go about this craft is to write the book that you feel passionate about and not to worry about finding the book that the mass audience desires
[ -1.57421875, 2.16796875, 2.78515625, -1.5478515625, -1.8134765625, -1.2080078125 ]
i remember being appalled feeling personally insulted that they could have thought that i would listen to something as vulgar as the bee gees
[ -0.716796875, -0.96435546875, -0.86083984375, 4.25, -1.0419921875, -1.1318359375 ]
i explain why i clung to a relationship with a boy who was in many ways immature and uncommitted despite the excitement i should have been feeling for getting accepted into the masters program at the university of virginia
[ 1.7177734375, 2.5234375, -0.36279296875, -1.6767578125, -1.744140625, -1.7109375 ]
i feel like the leadership training was a perfect vision of what god wants missionary work to be now
[ -0.8125, 4.7578125, -0.467041015625, -1.5185546875, -1.6669921875, -1.177734375 ]
i feel if i completely hated things i d exercise my democratic right speak my mind in what ever ways possible and try to enact a change
[ 2.193359375, -1.0517578125, -0.451416015625, 2.58203125, -1.923828125, -2.271484375 ]
im feel a little bit shy to talked to her for a second but manage myself because i saw from her eyes that theres something with this girl
[ -1.0693359375, -1.779296875, -0.9111328125, -1.048828125, 3.51171875, 0.4638671875 ]
i went around for the rest of the day feeling distressed that i changed my appearance based on someones comments how i made myself even by coincidence more appealing to him and that just felt wrong wrong wrong
[ -0.461181640625, -1.6162109375, -1.5224609375, -0.7802734375, 3.966796875, -0.1583251953125 ]
i can feel some kind of acceptance in the song which is why i gave the photo a kind of ecstatic ascension to a higher level of conscience aesthetic like a rapture of sort
[ -1.0390625, 4.72265625, -0.34765625, -1.6865234375, -1.7060546875, -0.62548828125 ]
i think or feel but like this person i am still amazed by them
[ -1.6435546875, -0.7197265625, -0.849609375, -1.0634765625, 0.3603515625, 3.130859375 ]
i am feeling ok lots of bruising to my arms where they decided to remove blood from me
[ -0.67333984375, 4.72265625, -0.7685546875, -1.505859375, -1.5390625, -1.083984375 ]
i feel intimidated by the tasks you feel overwhelmed by huge and complicated tasks
[ -1.5693359375, -1.587890625, -1.5927734375, -0.56982421875, 3.822265625, 0.71044921875 ]
i can send my children to a private school and i don t have to apologize explain or feel embarrassed about this choice
[ 4.58203125, -1.0556640625, -1.1376953125, -1.1943359375, -0.6640625, -1.4853515625 ]
i am feeling content and happy with myself
[ -0.66015625, 4.76953125, -0.289794921875, -1.6806640625, -1.7958984375, -1.259765625 ]
im feeling fab thank you so very much for asking
[ -0.98974609375, 3.24609375, 1.5771484375, -1.3935546875, -2.009765625, -1.345703125 ]
i am or who i m with i always feel alone
[ 4.62109375, -0.8193359375, -1.5244140625, -0.63720703125, -0.8134765625, -2.1484375 ]
i do take on a half marathon challenge then i will wait and see how the body feels as to whether there will be a pb attempt or a casual kilometre shuffle
[ -0.9462890625, 4.57421875, -0.305419921875, -1.8388671875, -1.509765625, -0.7861328125 ]
i litsen to his music i feel so much pride to think i gave birth to this amazingly talented child who one day when he was in his early teens picked up a guitar and just played it like it was second nature
[ -1.044921875, 4.78125, -0.41455078125, -1.6083984375, -1.7119140625, -0.76123046875 ]
i am feeling irritated anxious which is often then i dont even like my kids touching me
[ -0.8740234375, -1.0087890625, -1.130859375, 4.34765625, -0.7021484375, -1.279296875 ]
i am feeling contented and pissed at the same time
[ -0.703125, 4.77734375, -0.07843017578125, -1.783203125, -1.8564453125, -1.2353515625 ]
i feel so unloved without you next to me but when im with you
[ 4.35546875, -1.4970703125, -1.4345703125, -1.06640625, 0.08935546875, -1.77734375 ]
i love a hearty chat where i mean everything that i say and laugh from the heart gut w e not because i wanna let the person feel im entertained
[ -1.265625, 4.78515625, -0.107666015625, -1.6875, -1.77734375, -0.6767578125 ]
i feel a little glamorous i wet the brush
[ -0.78955078125, 4.82421875, -0.62744140625, -1.5029296875, -1.5966796875, -1.0927734375 ]
i dont want to always be judgmental of particular men or scenarios that i often see in this area but with so much trafficking forced sex work and what basically amounts to slavery its hard not to feel slightly embittered and disillusioned
[ 3.3046875, -1.8232421875, -1.52734375, 0.26318359375, 0.260009765625, -1.3916015625 ]
i feel agitated a lot im straddling articulacy and incoherence
[ -1.54296875, -1.513671875, -1.6455078125, 3.041015625, 1.890625, -0.873046875 ]
i just need to accept to be treated like a princess everyday without feeling dumb about the situation
[ 4.59375, -0.8046875, -1.552734375, -1.0458984375, -0.73681640625, -1.58984375 ]
i feel rotten but no amount of suggesting that losing a sense of smell is a terribly disorientating experience for a wine person seems to convince people that i might not actually live to feel good again
[ 4.49609375, -0.364013671875, -1.0859375, -1.0751953125, -1.3525390625, -1.87890625 ]
i is desperate for kareena akshay kumar will play a double role in flash forward minissha says i still feel today amisha patel in a glamorous avtaar
[ -0.9228515625, 4.69140625, -0.290771484375, -1.73046875, -1.4326171875, -1.0244140625 ]
i have that feeling that spark and i am not sure where it is going or if it will ever turn into that flame
[ -1.0341796875, 3.8515625, -1.146484375, -1.330078125, -0.64111328125, -0.5068359375 ]
i feel like i am just starting to understand the blessings that come from being submissive to the will of the father
[ 4.39453125, -1.2607421875, -1.1083984375, -0.61083984375, -0.65185546875, -2.2109375 ]
i feel like most teams would have appeased jackson at this point but the eagles are terribly stubborn
[ 1.443359375, -0.53759765625, -1.060546875, 2.529296875, -0.77685546875, -2.43359375 ]
i feel so helpless right now
[ 2.21875, -1.63671875, -1.7529296875, -1.201171875, 2.55078125, -1.0224609375 ]
i feel proud to know several people that have deserved to be advanced for a while now and finally picked it up this time around or last time in a few peoples cases
[ -0.98974609375, 4.7578125, -0.41357421875, -1.5439453125, -1.806640625, -0.783203125 ]
i feel scared anxious
[ -1.146484375, -1.47265625, -1.5029296875, -0.28125, 4.0703125, -0.338134765625 ]
i didnt make it to my weight watchers meeting feeling guilty i made sure i had a healthy breakfast consisting of museli yoghurt and fruit
[ 4.66015625, -0.8310546875, -1.4736328125, -0.83740234375, -0.83056640625, -1.814453125 ]
i feel confident to be me again in personal life and right when my work life was going well with my boss slowly understanding why i continually ask for and demand we address the tough issues that cause problems with our various departments
[ -0.85400390625, 4.46484375, -1.0205078125, -1.2119140625, -1.12890625, -0.861328125 ]
i feel a kind of dull grief over it
[ 4.484375, -0.480224609375, -1.0654296875, -0.8447265625, -1.3837890625, -1.859375 ]
im not feeling the jolly this year though
[ -0.84619140625, 4.8046875, -0.51806640625, -1.5, -1.595703125, -1.0810546875 ]
i feel impatient i just post a blog entry and i feel ive gotten some words written and out into the world
[ -0.8837890625, -1.2373046875, -1.376953125, 4.23046875, -0.057586669921875, -1.412109375 ]
i feel so discontent so guilty so pathetic so lonley and i hate myself for it
[ 4.63671875, -0.70703125, -1.193359375, -0.343017578125, -1.4794921875, -2.12890625 ]
i was asked to toast with champagne at the death bed and i remember feeling disgusted
[ -0.8310546875, -1.0341796875, -0.99267578125, 4.359375, -0.908203125, -1.2001953125 ]
i am definitely feeling the effects of the progesterone in two ways my breasts are tender and i m tired
[ -0.60302734375, -0.56298828125, 3.828125, -1.2431640625, -1.1865234375, -1.12109375 ]
i feel embarrassed that it got so bad
[ 4.48828125, -1.1376953125, -1.244140625, -1.1552734375, -0.498046875, -1.38671875 ]
i am pleased to report that i in many ways i am feeling well
[ -0.7841796875, 4.8671875, -0.487548828125, -1.640625, -1.7109375, -1.115234375 ]
i feel a gentle tap and find flower child watching me her expression grave
[ -0.72998046875, -0.07452392578125, 3.81640625, -1.1513671875, -1.3828125, -1.326171875 ]
i never make her separate from me because i don t ever want her to feel like i m ashamed with her
[ 4.609375, -0.99755859375, -1.1123046875, -1.02734375, -0.8505859375, -1.74609375 ]