audioduration (s)
Make sure you go follow me there so we can hang out.
mˌeɪk ʃˈʊɹ juː ɡˌoʊ fˈɑːloʊ mˌiː ðɛɹ sˌoʊ wiː kæn hˈæŋ ˈaʊt.
But now, as an adult, I am so grateful that my mom cared that much about, like, my appearance.
bˌʌt nˈaʊ, æz ɐn ɐdˈʌlt, aɪɐm sˌoʊ ɡɹˈeɪtfəl ðæt maɪ mˈɑːm kˈɛɹd ðæt mˈʌtʃ ɐbˈaʊt, lˈaɪk, maɪ ɐpˈɪɹəns.
All right, guys, I'll see you in my next video.
ˈɔːl ɹˈaɪt, ɡˈaɪz, aɪl sˈiː juː ɪn maɪ nˈɛkst vˈɪdɪoʊ.
Dodge that spirit.
dˈɑːdʒ ðæt spˈɪɹɪt.
Today's video is going to focus on, um, five major areas that I want to cover when it comes to your personal hygiene as a woman.
tədˈeɪz vˈɪdɪoʊ ɪz ɡˌoʊɪŋ tə fˈoʊkəs ˈɑːn, ˈʌm, fˈaɪv mˈeɪdʒɚɹ ˈɛɹiəz ðæt aɪ wˈɑːnt tə kˈʌvɚ wɛn ɪt kˈʌmz tə jʊɹ pˈɜːsənəl hˈaɪdʒiːn æz ɐ wˈʊmən.
These are must haves, These are basics.
ðiːz ɑːɹ mˈʌst hˈævz, ðiːz ɑːɹ bˈeɪsɪks.
These are, ah, non negotiable.
ðˈiːz ɑːɹ, ˈɑː, nˈɑːn nɪɡˈoʊʃɪəbəl.
The first thing I'm going to mention in this category is how to brush your mouth and clean your tongue.
ðə fˈɜːst θˈɪŋ aɪm ɡˌoʊɪŋ tə mˈɛnʃən ɪn ðɪs kˈæɾɪɡɚɹi ɪz hˌaʊ tə bɹˈʌʃ jʊɹ mˈaʊθ ænd klˈiːn jʊɹ tˈʌŋ.
What smells in your mouth is not your teeth.
wˌʌt smˈɛlz ɪn jʊɹ mˈaʊθ ɪz nˌɑːt jʊɹ tˈiːθ.
It's actually your tongue.
ɪts ˈæktʃuːəli jʊɹ tˈʌŋ.
And so when you're brushing, you have to make sure that you're not just brushing your teeth.
ænd sˌoʊ wɛn jʊɹ bɹˈʌʃɪŋ, juː hæv tə mˌeɪk ʃˈʊɹ ðæt jʊɹ nˌɑːt dʒˈʌst bɹˈʌʃɪŋ jʊɹ tˈiːθ.
I mean, I see it even in, you know, movies.
aɪ mˈiːn, aɪ sˈiː ɪɾ ˈiːvən ˈɪn, juː nˈoʊ, mˈuːvɪz.
People just brush their, like, teeth and they just, like, spit out and then they start moving.
pˈiːpəl dʒˈʌst bɹˈʌʃ ðɛɹ, lˈaɪk, tˈiːθ ænd ðeɪ dʒˈʌst, lˈaɪk, spˈɪt ˈaʊt ænd ðˈɛn ðeɪ stˈɑːɹt mˈuːvɪŋ.
That is so wrong.
ðæt ɪz sˌoʊ ɹˈɔŋ.
Hi, guys.
hˈaɪ, ɡˈaɪz.
Like, every time I see it, I'm just like, oh, my goodness.
lˈaɪk, ˈɛvɹi tˈaɪm aɪ sˈiː ɪt, aɪm dʒˈʌst lˈaɪk, ˈoʊ, maɪ ɡˈʊdnəs.
You have to brush your teeth up and down to the corners, to the sides.
juː hæv tə bɹˈʌʃ jʊɹ tˈiːθ ˌʌp ænd dˌaʊn tə ðə kˈɔːɹnɚz, tə ðə sˈaɪdz.
Make sure you have a good toothbrush, by the way, not too hard, not too soft, medium bristle brush.
mˌeɪk ʃˈʊɹ juː hæv ɐ ɡˈʊd tˈuːθbɹʌʃ, baɪ ðə wˈeɪ, nˌɑːt tˈuː hˈɑːɹd, nˌɑːt tˈuː sˈɔft, mˈiːdiəm bɹˈɪsəl bɹˈʌʃ.
I used to use my toothbrush as well to clean my tongue.
aɪ jˈuːzd tə jˈuːz maɪ tˈuːθbɹʌʃ æz wˈɛl tə klˈiːn maɪ tˈʌŋ.
So when I'm done brushing my teeth with the toothpaste, I reapply toothpaste, my toothbrush, and then I brush my tongue, and I make sure I go back into my tongue and clean out everything like you're supposed to Clean out all the film on your tongue so that your tongue is pink.
sˌoʊ wɛn aɪm dˈʌn bɹˈʌʃɪŋ maɪ tˈiːθ wɪððə tˈuːθpeɪst, aɪ ɹˌiːɐplˈaɪ tˈuːθpeɪst, maɪ tˈuːθbɹʌʃ, ænd ðˈɛn aɪ bɹˈʌʃ maɪ tˈʌŋ, ænd aɪ mˌeɪk ʃˈʊɹ aɪ ɡˌoʊ bˈæk ˌɪntʊ maɪ tˈʌŋ ænd klˈiːn ˈaʊt ˈɛvɹɪθˌɪŋ lˈaɪk jʊɹ sʌpˈoʊzd tə klˈiːn ˈaʊt ˈɔːl ðə fˈɪlm ˌɑːn jʊɹ tˈʌŋ sˌoʊ ðæt jʊɹ tˈʌŋ ɪz pˈɪŋk.
If your tongue is still white, your mouth is going to smell.
ɪf jʊɹ tˈʌŋ ɪz stˈɪl wˈaɪt, jʊɹ mˈaʊθ ɪz ɡˌoʊɪŋ tə smˈɛl.
Do you know, I forgot that I'm supposed to be doing my skincare routine.
dˈuː juː nˈoʊ, aɪ fɚɡˈɑːt ðæt aɪm sʌpˈoʊzd təbi dˌuːɪŋ maɪ skˈɪnkɛɹ ɹuːtˈiːn.
Let me be doing that.
lˈɛt mˌiː biː dˌuːɪŋ ðˈæt.
I'm so passionate about this.
aɪm sˌoʊ pˈæʃənət ɐbˌaʊt ðˈɪs.
I was literally just like, oh, my goodness.
aɪ wʌz lˈɪɾɚɹəli dʒˈʌst lˈaɪk, ˈoʊ, maɪ ɡˈʊdnəs.
Welcome back to my channel.
wˈɛlkʌm bˈæk tə maɪ tʃˈænəl.
There are some foods you eat that make your mouth smell that I have observed at least.
ðɛɹˌɑːɹ sˌʌm fˈuːdz juː ˈiːt ðæt mˌeɪk jʊɹ mˈaʊθ smˈɛl ðæt aɪ hæv əbzˈɜːvd æt lˈiːst.
Sweets tend to give you bad mouth odor.
swˈiːts tˈɛnd tə ɡˈɪv juː bˈæd mˈaʊθ ˈoʊdɚ.
Uh, bread, pastries, those types of things, you know, they tend to leave an aftertaste in your mouth, you know, sometimes.
ˈʌ, bɹˈɛd, pˈeɪstɹiz, ðoʊz tˈaɪps ʌv θˈɪŋz, juː nˈoʊ, ðeɪ tˈɛnd tə lˈiːv ɐn ˈæftɚtˌeɪst ɪn jʊɹ mˈaʊθ, juː nˈoʊ, sˈʌmtaɪmz.
So if you're at home after having one of those, you can, you know, either use a mouthwash or you can brush your teeth and clean your tongue as well.
sˌoʊ ɪf jʊɹ æt hˈoʊm ˈæftɚ hˌævɪŋ wˈʌn ʌv ðˈoʊz, juː kˈæn, juː nˈoʊ, ˈiːðɚ jˈuːs ɐ mˈaʊθwɑːʃ ɔːɹ juː kæn bɹˈʌʃ jʊɹ tˈiːθ ænd klˈiːn jʊɹ tˈʌŋ æz wˈɛl.
Uh, initially I used to use my toothbrush to clean my tongue.
ˈʌ, ɪnˈɪʃəli aɪ jˈuːzd tə jˈuːz maɪ tˈuːθbɹʌʃ tə klˈiːn maɪ tˈʌŋ.
But then as I grew up as an adult, I learned about something called a tongue scraper from watching other YouTubers.
bˌʌt ðˈɛn æz aɪ ɡɹˈuː ˌʌp æz ɐn ɐdˈʌlt, aɪ lˈɜːnd ɐbˌaʊt sˈʌmθɪŋ kˈɔːld ɐ tˈʌŋ skɹˈeɪpɚ fɹʌm wˈɑːtʃɪŋ ˈʌðɚ juː tˈuːbɚz.
And, um, let me tell you, that has been a life changer.
ænd, ˈʌm, lˈɛt mˌiː tˈɛl juː, ðɐthɐzbˌɪn ɐ lˈaɪf tʃˈeɪndʒɚ.
So I buy a toothbrush and I buy a tongue scraper and then when I'm done brushing my teeth, I apply the toothpaste placed on my tongue scraper and then I clean my tongue as neatly as I can.
sˌoʊ aɪ bˈaɪ ɐ tˈuːθbɹʌʃ ænd aɪ bˈaɪ ɐ tˈʌŋ skɹˈeɪpɚ ænd ðˈɛn wɛn aɪm dˈʌn bɹˈʌʃɪŋ maɪ tˈiːθ, aɪ ɐplˈaɪ ðə tˈuːθpeɪst plˈeɪst ˌɑːn maɪ tˈʌŋ skɹˈeɪpɚ ænd ðˈɛn aɪ klˈiːn maɪ tˈʌŋ æz nˈiːtli æz aɪ kˈæn.
Um, the second tip is to make sure you're using a toothpaste that has fluoride in it, a toothpaste that can clean your mouth properly.
ˈʌm, ðə sˈɛkənd tˈɪp ɪz tə mˌeɪk ʃˈʊɹ jʊɹ jˈuːzɪŋ ɐ tˈuːθpeɪst ðæt hɐz flˈʊɹɹaɪd ɪn ɪt, ɐ tˈuːθpeɪst ðæt kæn klˈiːn jʊɹ mˈaʊθ pɹˈɑːpɚli.
My name is Ezny Zara.
maɪ nˈeɪm ɪz ˈɛzni zˈɑːɹɹə.
Some people are using low grade toothpaste that, ah, eventually, you know, wear out after like two hours, three hours, I don't know how long, and then the mouth starts smelling.
sˌʌm pˈiːpəl ɑːɹ jˈuːzɪŋ lˈoʊ ɡɹˈeɪd tˈuːθpeɪst ðˈæt, ˈɑː, ɪvˈɛntʃuːəli, juː nˈoʊ, wˈɛɹ ˈaʊt ˈæftɚ lˈaɪk tˈuː ˈaɪʊɹz, θɹˈiː ˈaɪʊɹz, aɪ dˈoʊnt nˈoʊ hˌaʊ lˈɑːŋ, ænd ðˈɛn ðə mˈaʊθ stˈɑːɹts smˈɛlɪŋ.
But normally your toothpaste should be able to carry for at least six to eight hours, if my memory serves me right, like keeping your mouth fresh.
bˌʌt nˈoːɹməli jʊɹ tˈuːθpeɪst ʃˌʊd biː ˈeɪbəl tə kˈæɹi fɔːɹ æt lˈiːst sˈɪks tʊ ˈeɪt ˈaɪʊɹz, ɪf maɪ mˈɛmɚɹi sˈɜːvz mˌiː ɹˈaɪt, lˈaɪk kˈiːpɪŋ jʊɹ mˈaʊθ fɹˈɛʃ.
The third tip that I'm going to mention is changing your toothbrush frequently.
ðə θˈɜːd tˈɪp ðæt aɪm ɡˌoʊɪŋ tə mˈɛnʃən ɪz tʃˈeɪndʒɪŋ jʊɹ tˈuːθbɹʌʃ fɹˈiːkwəntli.
I cannot emphasize that enough.
aɪ kænˈɑːt ˈɛmfɐsˌaɪz ðæt ɪnˈʌf.
Change your toothbrush at least once every six months.
tʃˈeɪndʒ jʊɹ tˈuːθbɹʌʃ æt lˈiːst wˈʌns ˈɛvɹi sˈɪks mˈʌnθs.
At least.
æt lˈiːst.
That is the minimum, um, duration of time you should spend using a toothbrush.
ðæt ɪz ðə mˈɪnɪməm, ˈʌm, dʊɹɹˈeɪʃən ʌv tˈaɪm juː ʃˌʊd spˈɛnd jˈuːzɪŋ ɐ tˈuːθbɹʌʃ.
The fourth tip that I have for you is to focus on your underarms.
ðə fˈoːɹθ tˈɪp ðæt aɪ hæv fɔːɹ juː ɪz tə fˈoʊkəs ˌɑːn jʊɹ ˌʌndɚɹˈɑːɹmz.
When you're in the shower, focus on the back of your neck, behind your ears, and then later to use water to clean your ears.
wˌɛn jʊɹ ɪnðə ʃˈaʊɚ, fˈoʊkəs ɑːnðə bˈæk ʌv jʊɹ nˈɛk, bɪhˌaɪnd jʊɹ ˈɪɹz, ænd ðˈɛn lˈeɪɾɚ tə jˈuːz wˈɔːɾɚ tə klˈiːn jʊɹ ˈɪɹz.
Uh, and I am so excited about today's video.
ˈʌ, ænd aɪɐm sˌoʊ ɛksˈaɪɾᵻd ɐbˌaʊt tədˈeɪz vˈɪdɪoʊ.
How will I say it?
hˌaʊ wɪl aɪ sˈeɪ ɪt?
Is it called the perineal?
ɪz ɪt kˈɔːld ðə pˈɛɹɪnˌiəl?
I don't know what it's called.
aɪ dˈoʊnt nˈoʊ wʌt ɪts kˈɔːld.
I'll find the name and put it.
aɪl fˈaɪnd ðə nˈeɪm ænd pˈʊt ɪt.
But just the outside part of your ears.
bˌʌt dʒˈʌst ðɪ aʊtsˈaɪd pˈɑːɹt ʌv jʊɹ ˈɪɹz.
Clean your belly button as well.
klˈiːn jʊɹ bˈɛli bˈʌʔn̩ æz wˈɛl.
The areas that are not extended the inside of your elbows.
ðɪ ˈɛɹiəz ðæt ɑːɹ nˌɑːt ɛkstˈɛndᵻd ðɪ ɪnsˈaɪd ʌv jʊɹ ˈɛlboʊz.
I don't even know if I'm supposed to be saying this, but please clean your down there.
aɪ dˈoʊnt ˈiːvən nˈoʊ ɪf aɪm sʌpˈoʊzd təbi sˈeɪɪŋ ðˈɪs, bˌʌt plˈiːz klˈiːn jʊɹ dˌaʊn ðˈɛɹ.
Of course you're not supposed to use soap inside of it, but you can use a wash around it just to make sure that everything is looking good.
ʌv kˈoːɹs jʊɹ nˌɑːt sʌpˈoʊzd tə jˈuːz sˈoʊp ɪnsˈaɪd ʌv ɪt, bˌʌt juː kæn jˈuːz ɐ wˈɑːʃ ɚɹˈaʊnd ɪt dʒˈʌst tə mˌeɪk ʃˈʊɹ ðæt ˈɛvɹɪθˌɪŋ ɪz lˈʊkɪŋ ɡˈʊd.
My fifth tip will have to be shower twice a day, especially when you're on your period.
maɪ fˈɪfθ tˈɪp wɪl hæv təbi ʃˈaʊɚ twˈaɪs ɐ dˈeɪ, ɪspˈɛʃəli wɛn jʊɹ ˌɑːn jʊɹ pˈiəɹɪəd.
I'm going to be doing my skincare routine as well.
aɪm ɡˌoʊɪŋ təbi dˌuːɪŋ maɪ skˈɪnkɛɹ ɹuːtˈiːn æz wˈɛl.
That is a non negotiable to clean out like all the sweat, all of the things that have come on your body as a result of doing life.
ðæt ɪz ɐ nˈɑːn nɪɡˈoʊʃɪəbəl tə klˈiːn ˈaʊt lˈaɪk ˈɔːl ðə swˈɛt, ˈɔːl ʌvðə θˈɪŋz ðæt hæv kˈʌm ˌɑːn jʊɹ bˈɑːdi æz ɐ ɹɪzˈʌlt ʌv dˌuːɪŋ lˈaɪf.
You have to take care of that in the morning and in the evening.
juː hæv tə tˈeɪk kˈɛɹ ʌv ðæt ɪnðə mˈɔːɹnɪŋ ænd ɪnðɪ ˈiːvnɪŋ.
Number six.
nˈʌmbɚ sˈɪks.
Yes, number six.
jˈɛs, nˈʌmbɚ sˈɪks.
Do not dry shave.
duːnˌɑːt dɹˈaɪ ʃˈeɪv.
As in do not ever take a shaving stick and go to your body and just begin to scrape your body.
æz ɪn duːnˌɑːt ˈɛvɚ tˈeɪk ɐ ʃˈeɪvɪŋ stˈɪk ænd ɡˌoʊ tə jʊɹ bˈɑːdi ænd dʒˈʌst bɪɡˈɪn tə skɹˈeɪp jʊɹ bˈɑːdi.
I beg you in the name of all that is holy, don't ever do that.
aɪ bˈɛɡ juː ɪnðə nˈeɪm ʌv ˈɔːl ðæt ɪz hˈoʊli, dˈoʊnt ˈɛvɚ dˈuː ðˈæt.
Always shave with some sort of like shaving assistance.
ˈɔːlweɪz ʃˈeɪv wɪð sˌʌm sˈɔːɹt ʌv lˈaɪk ʃˈeɪvɪŋ ɐsˈɪstəns.
Let me call it that.
lˈɛt mˌiː kˈɔːl ɪt ðˈæt.
Some people use shaving creams on their underarms.
sˌʌm pˈiːpəl jˈuːs ʃˈeɪvɪŋ kɹˈiːmz ˌɑːn ðɛɹ ˌʌndɚɹˈɑːɹmz.
This particular video is sponsored by VT Cosmetics.
ðɪs pɚtˈɪkjʊlɚ vˈɪdɪoʊ ɪz spˈɑːnsɚd baɪ vˌiːtˈiː kɑːzmˈɛɾɪks.
Some people use like liquid, um, soap or just take your soap bar and just use it before you start, like scraping away the hairs that are there.
sˌʌm pˈiːpəl jˈuːs lˈaɪk lˈɪkwɪd, ˈʌm, sˈoʊp ɔːɹ dʒˈʌst tˈeɪk jʊɹ sˈoʊp bˈɑːɹ ænd dʒˈʌst jˈuːz ɪt bɪfˌoːɹ juː stˈɑːɹt, lˈaɪk skɹˈeɪpɪŋ ɐwˈeɪ ðə hˈɛɹz ðæt ɑːɹ ðˈɛɹ.
And then you have to shave in one direction, not the band, so that you don't have like ingrown hairs or hair bumps or all of those things.
ænd ðˈɛn juː hæv tə ʃˈeɪv ɪn wˈʌn dɚɹˈɛkʃən, nˌɑːt ðə bˈænd, sˌoʊ ðæt juː dˈoʊnt hæv lˈaɪk ˈɪŋɡɹoʊn hˈɛɹz ɔːɹ hˈɛɹ bˈʌmps ɔːɹ ˈɔːl ʌv ðoʊz θˈɪŋz.
My seventh tip will be please use a deodorant.
maɪ sˈɛvənθ tˈɪp wɪl biː plˈiːz jˈuːs ɐ diːˈoʊdɚɹənt.
It doesn't matter what, like perfume you use or what spray you have gotten.
ɪt dˈʌzənt mˈæɾɚ wˈʌt, lˈaɪk pˈɜːfjuːm juː jˈuːz ɔːɹ wʌt spɹˈeɪ juː hæv ɡˈɑːʔn̩.
Even if you choose to ignore every other thing that I've said, this one you cannot.
ˈiːvən ɪf juː tʃˈuːz tʊ ɪɡnˈoːɹ ˈɛvɹi ˈʌðɚ θˈɪŋ ðæt aɪv sˈɛd, ðˈɪswˌʌn juː kænˈɑːt.
This one is not up for debate.
ðˈɪswˌʌn ɪz nˌɑːt ˌʌp fɔːɹ dɪbˈeɪt.
One of the things that deodorant does is that it helps you not sweat profusely.
wˈʌn ʌvðə θˈɪŋz ðæt diːˈoʊdɚɹənt dˈʌz ɪz ðˌɐɾɪt hˈɛlps juː nˌɑːt swˈɛt pɹəfjˈuːzli.
So if you notice that your underarms, um, you're always having patches of sweat, you might need to get a better deodorant.
sˌoʊ ɪf juː nˈoʊɾɪs ðæt jʊɹ ˌʌndɚɹˈɑːɹmz, ˈʌm, jʊɹ ˈɔːlweɪz hˌævɪŋ pˈætʃɪz ʌv swˈɛt, juː mˌaɪt nˈiːd tə ɡɛt ɐ bˈɛɾɚ diːˈoʊdɚɹənt.
So it helps you not sweat as much and kind of neutralize the, like, maybe cells that um, produce odor in your underarms.
sˌoʊ ɪt hˈɛlps juː nˌɑːt swˈɛt æz mˈʌtʃ ænd kˈaɪnd ʌv nˈuːtɹəlˌaɪz ðə, lˈaɪk, mˈeɪbiː sˈɛlz ðæt ˈʌm, pɹədˈuːs ˈoʊdɚɹ ɪn jʊɹ ˌʌndɚɹˈɑːɹmz.
Um, I don't know whether this is something that is an evil word or whether it's just in my family, but when somebody is smelling, we say the person is smelling Dinkba, dinkba.
ˈʌm, aɪ dˈoʊnt nˈoʊ wˈɛðɚ ðɪs ɪz sˈʌmθɪŋ ðæt ɪz ɐn ˈiːvəl wˈɜːd ɔːɹ wˈɛðɚɹ ɪts dʒˈʌst ɪn maɪ fˈæmɪli, bˌʌt wɛn sˈʌmbɑːdi ɪz smˈɛlɪŋ, wiː sˈeɪ ðə pˈɜːsən ɪz smˈɛlɪŋ dˈɪŋkbə, dˈɪŋkbə.
And this video has been a long time coming.
ænd ðɪs vˈɪdɪoʊ hɐzbɪn ɐ lˈɑːŋ tˈaɪm kˈʌmɪŋ.
A deodorant is a non negotiable.
ɐ diːˈoʊdɚɹənt ɪz ɐ nˈɑːn nɪɡˈoʊʃɪəbəl.
Please buy one.
plˈiːz bˈaɪ wˌʌn.
There are lots of different, um, options depending on how much you have.
ðɛɹˌɑːɹ lˈɑːts ʌv dˈɪfɹənt, ˈʌm, ˈɑːpʃənz dɪpˈɛndɪŋ ˌɑːn hˌaʊ mˈʌtʃ juː hˈæv.
There are different price points for, um, you know, deodorants and you can just get the one that you've observed works for you.
ðɛɹˌɑːɹ dˈɪfɹənt pɹˈaɪs pˈɔɪnts fɔːɹ, ˈʌm, juː nˈoʊ, diːˈoʊdɚɹənts ænd juː kæn dʒˈʌst ɡɛt ðə wˈʌn ðæt juːv əbzˈɜːvd wˈɜːks fɔːɹ juː.
So keep trying different ones until you find the one that just fits right and works for you.
sˌoʊ kˈiːp tɹˈaɪɪŋ dˈɪfɹənt wˈʌnz ʌntˈɪl juː fˈaɪnd ðə wˈʌn ðæt dʒˈʌst fˈɪts ɹˈaɪt ænd wˈɜːks fɔːɹ juː.
The eighth tip that I have is for you to lotion your body as soon as you come out of the shower, like whilst you're still damp.
ðɪ ˈeɪtθ tˈɪp ðæt aɪ hæv ɪz fɔːɹ juː tə lˈoʊʃən jʊɹ bˈɑːdi æz sˈuːn æz juː kˈʌm ˌaʊɾəv ðə ʃˈaʊɚ, lˈaɪk wˌaɪlst jʊɹ stˈɪl dˈæmp.
Like, don't use your towel to like make your Body completely dry.
lˈaɪk, dˈoʊnt jˈuːz jʊɹ tˈaʊəl tə lˈaɪk mˌeɪk jʊɹ bˈɑːdi kəmplˈiːtli dɹˈaɪ.
Um, let your towel just dab so that you're not dripping wet.
ˈʌm, lˈɛt jʊɹ tˈaʊəl dʒˈʌst dˈæb sˌoʊ ðæt jʊɹ nˌɑːt dɹˈɪpɪŋ wˈɛt.
But whilst you're still damp, you need to apply lotion on your body so that way you know you're trapping in the moisture in your skin and, uh, you're still glowing and you're just looking beautiful.
bˌʌt wˌaɪlst jʊɹ stˈɪl dˈæmp, juː nˈiːd tʊ ɐplˈaɪ lˈoʊʃən ˌɑːn jʊɹ bˈɑːdi sˌoʊ ðæt wˈeɪ juː nˈoʊ jʊɹ tɹˈæpɪŋ ɪnðə mˈɔɪstʃɚɹ ɪn jʊɹ skˈɪn ænd, ˈʌ, jʊɹ stˈɪl ɡlˈoʊɪŋ ænd jʊɹ dʒˈʌst lˈʊkɪŋ bjˈuːɾɪfəl.
The ninth tip that I'm going to share is that you have to wash your underwear whilst you're in the shower.
ðə nˈaɪnθ tˈɪp ðæt aɪm ɡˌoʊɪŋ tə ʃˈɛɹ ɪz ðæt juː hæv tə wˈɑːʃ jʊɹ ˌʌndɚwˈɛɹ wˌaɪlst jʊɹ ɪnðə ʃˈaʊɚ.
So to tell this story, I have to go back to the beginning.
sˌoʊ tə tˈɛl ðɪs stˈoːɹi, aɪ hæv tə ɡˌoʊ bˈæk tə ðə bɪɡˈɪnɪŋ.
I have to go back to when I was 16 years old when I made a decision that I will never get married.
aɪ hæv tə ɡˌoʊ bˈæk tə wɛn aɪ wʌz sˈɪkstiːn jˈɪɹz ˈoʊld wɛn aɪ mˌeɪd ɐ dᵻsˈɪʒən ðæt aɪ wɪl nˈɛvɚ ɡɛt mˈæɹid.
I was on a call with a girl who had prayed for me.
aɪ wʌz ˌɑːn ɐ kˈɔːl wɪð ɐ ɡˈɜːl hˌuː hæd pɹˈeɪd fɔːɹ mˌiː.
Fast forward to a few months after that.
fˈæst fˈoːɹwɚd tʊ ɐ fjˈuː mˈʌnθs ˈæftɚ ðˈæt.
I took a retreat.
aɪ tˈʊk ɐ ɹɪtɹˈiːt.
I switched off my phone.
aɪ swˈɪtʃt ˈɔf maɪ fˈoʊn.
It was just me and God.
ɪt wʌz dʒˈʌst mˌiː ænd ɡˈɑːd.
I was praying at that time.
aɪ wʌz pɹˈeɪɪŋ æt ðæt tˈaɪm.