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Jim was at home. He was watching YouTube but then the video stopped. He checked his internet connection. The internet was not working. He called the internet company. |
Cuy was doing very poorly in Spanish class. Then his classmate Eva offered to tutor him for extra credit. Eva and Cuy practiced their Spanish every day at lunch. Soon Cuy was fluent in the language. And then, best of all, Eva asked him out on a date! |
Jill and Mark moved into a new apartment. They met several of their new neighbors. One of their new neighbors was named Ann. Jill thought that Ann flirted with Mark when they first met. Jill pledged to keep her eye on Ann. |
Tay was visiting Mexico. He knew not to drink the water. But at one restaurant, he ordered a soda with ice. The ice had been made with regular tap water! Tay got terribly sick. |
Jody left her iron on, unknowingly sealing her fate. While she slept, the iron burnt through the ironing board. The fire smoldered at first, causing lots of smoke. Jody never woke up and died of smoke inhalation. Jody was yet another victim of house fires. |
I submit five sentence stories for research. Sometimes my stories are funny sometimes not. I wondered how to get a copy of my stories? I contacted the head research person of the study. I now know how to access the stories I've submitted. |
His lawyer always said tell the police nothing. The cops stared at him in silence. The silence was unbearable. He confessed to the crime just to break the silence. His lawyer would have been very upset. |
Gloria really wanted a camera as her high school graduation present. Her parents thought it was too expensive, but they bought her one. Gloria loved the camera and quickly learned how to use it. She soon entered a photography contest and won first place. Gloria is now a professional photographer. |
Ed sat in the restaurant for 20 minutes waiting for his mom. Just as he was about to give up his cell phone rang. His mother asked him where he was. She was at the Applebee's on Third Street. He was at the Applebee's on Thirty-Third Street! |
Liz needed to get into her freezer to get out the chicken for dinner. She pulled hard on the freezer door, but it was frozen shut. Suddenly it opened with a loud BANG and she fell to the floor in pain. The chicken had fallen out and broken her foot! Liz had ice cream for dinner at the hospital instead. |
My wife and I had coffee in our building's lounge. Another person was working in the room. She left to go up to her apartment. We noticed she left her laptop bag unattended. We told the concierge to watch her things as we left. |
Sue ran for president of her class. She ran against Frank. Sue worked hard because Frank wins everything. On election day the votes weren't even close. Sue lost the election. |
Mark was a bad cook. He had to go to a potluck and didn't know what to take. He found a soup recipe that looked easy. He burned the broth and the vegetables. The soup was awful! |
The bedroom had been painted the same shade for a long time. Jenna went to the paint store to get a new color. She pored over the paint samples for a while. Finally picking a color, she had it mixed, and brought it home. Somehow, she had managed to pick the exact color it was before! |
Gary was incredibly tired. He'd been running on full throttle for days. Gary finally sat down and almost instantly began to doze off. The phone rang with an important call just as he fell into sleep. Someone also knocked on his door at the same time. |
Lucy had stolen 2 slices of cake. There were still 3 hours to dinner, but she wanted more cake. She decided one more slice couldn't hurt. She ate the cake quickly to avoid getting caught. 30 minutes later her stomach was in knots. |
I began my exam. After finishing the multiple choice questions, I turned the page. After reading the free response question, I was confused. My head started to hurt since I couldn't answer the question. I left the page blank and turned in my work. |
The lawn needed mowed. Candy asked her son to mow the lawn. He whined that he was too busy. Candy grounded her son for one week. Her son learned to obey his mom when she asks him to do chores. |
I was giving a friend English lessons everyday for about three weeks. As time went on, I began to develop attraction towards him. I thought he might like me too so I didn't hide my attraction. Then I found out he had feelings for someone else. We stopped the lessons and didn't talk much after that. |
It was Molly's turn to be it. She walked around the circle tapping the other children on the head. She said duct each time. She could not remember what she was supposed to say to pick someone! Finally her friend Liz whispered the word goose as she walked by. |
Sam was playing basketball outside. All of a sudden, he heard a meowing sound coming from the trash. Sam found a tiny kitten in the trash. Sam took the kitten home. The next day he took it to a vet to get the kitten examined. |
Jake was running late for work. He tried to shave in a hurry. Unfortunately he cut himself. Jake never really noticed. Someone pointed out the blood on his face. |
A man was watching a soccer match on television. He was focused intently on the game. He didn't see the door behind him open because of it. Another man came through the door. This man was the goalie of his favorite team and they had a drink. |
Dan and his father walked outside. He took the key and opened the lock. As soon as they opened the shack, a few bats flew out. Dan and his dad ducked as soon as possible. They got up and noticed that the shack was torn from the inside. |
Yelena loved to read books. She didn't care what genre, as long as it was interesting. One day, she picked up a fantasy book. She was so entangled in the story she thought she was living it. The day she finished the book, she was devastated. |
Ben and his friend, Lars, were playing hide and seek. Ben could always find Lars quick and easy. One time Lars decided to hide where he thought Ben would never look. Lars hid in a garbage dumpster. He jumped out because he couldn't stand the bad smells. |
Lonnie had the biggest crush on Lorrie. Lorrie didn't know at the time. One day Lonnie got the courage to ask her out. Lonnie asked and she said of course. The two became best friends and married each other. |
Jodi acted in a popular sitcom. Everyone loved the character Jodi played. The show was one of the longest running sitcoms. Eventually the show was cancelled. Jodi began auditioning for movie roles. |
We went into the woods to find our Christmas Tree. We found one and we cut it down with our ax. We put it on top of our car and drove it home. Mom made hot chocolate. We decorated our tree while listening to music. |
I had a knack for getting free things on the Internet. In one day, I got a free fish tank and a free bed. I returned home. I was happy with the free stuff I had gotten. My roommate was happy that I got free stuff, too. |
I like helping mom with the garden. The flowers are really pretty. They smell good too. I always want to pick the flowers. She let's me when they're ready. |
Conner is 30 years old and has suffered with anxiety all of his life. He used to be on anti-anxiety pills but stopped taking them. He was afraid of becoming addicted to them like his dad did. So he looked for other ways to deal with the anxiety. He started meditating and it really helped him with his anxiety. |
Sarah was making spaghetti sauce. As she was making her sauce, she reached for the garlic powder. However, the top fell off. Her entire sauce was full of garlic. Luckily, her family loved garlic. |
I always play my mom in Tennis at least once a month. I have been taking lessons and getting a lot better. My Mom use to play professionally and has been keeping up her skills. Last week it looked like I was going to beat her for the first time. She really played hard so I felt incredible when I won the final set. |
Frida never yelled at her kids. Her kids were nice but rowdy. One day she had enough. So she scolded the children heavily. Now the kids behave a bit better. |
Larry had always wanted to be a painter. He decided to take painting classes. At first he did not like the classes. However, over time he began to like them a lot. Larry was glad that he was becoming a painter. |
The other day, I had to print something. I didn't have any ink left in my printer. I moved my files to a drive. I went to the library. I printed my files off my drive at the library. |
Randy told his mom that he wanted to buy lunch at school. So she no longer made food for him to bring to school. But Randy found himself gaining weight. And he was sick more often. When Randy's mom found out what they served, she was shocked. |
Jane knew the weather looked bad but she decided to take a chance. She started off on her run and was getting further and further away. When was about three miles from her house, it started to pour. Jane tried to run back as fast as should could, but it was pointless. She decided she would pay more attention to the weather next time. |
We loved to tease Will. He was a hunter, so we would joke by saying fire at will. We also liked to say where there's a Will, there's a way. He didn't find the jokes very funny. We kept making them anyway. |
Yolanda was excited for the festival this weekend. She invited her friends to come along. She ate all sorts of food at the festival. Unfortunately, she sickened herself with so much food. Yolanda thinks she's had enough of festivals for a while. |
Lucy was a stray dog. One day, a human found her running in the middle of a highway. The human brought her home to be safe but couldn't keep her. The human brought her to a shelter where she lived for months. Eventually, a nice family adopted her. |
I was once playing out in the street. A car came out of nowhere and speeding down the street. I had to move out of the way quickly. I ran then slipped on the road which cause me to break my leg. I had to go to the hospital that day. |
All of a sudden the sky grew dark and dreary. Then the rainy started to pour down. It didn't take long at all before we had puddles everywhere. I put on my rainy boots and started splashing in all of them. Before I knew it, I was wet head to toe. |
Ike took a turn on the mechanical bull. He grasped its saddle firmly. It began to buck wildly. Ike tried to hold on, but he was thrown. He landed on the floor, laughing! |
I got to work early to bake the scones and prepare the tea sandwiches. I helped my staff set the tables with our finest china tea cups. Guests arrived adorned in fancy dresses, gloves and fascinators. Stella was overwhelmed to be treated like royalty for her birthday. Work doesn't feel like work when you are doing it for someone special. |
My female cat is very friendly to male cats. One day, I realized she wasn't inside the house. I went searching outside, and found her with a male cat. She was kissing him in the lips! I scooped her up and rushed her inside. |
Colin broke up with his girlfriend when he moved to Minnesota. He didn't want to have a long-distance relationship. He also felt that it was time for them to date other people. However, Colin soon realized that he missed Barb terribly. He regrets his decision and plans to move back home. |
Frank just bought a new car. He spent a lot of money on it when he probably shouldn't have. A few months later he had trouble paying his rent. He had to make a decisions between the car or a place to live. He was forced to sell the car and continue paying his rent. |
Everyone was coughing on campus. In addition, they never bothered to cover their mouth while sneezing. Since I didn't want to get sick, I tried to avoid contact. I wore a face mask to school and carried hand sanitizer. At the end of the day, I wasn't sick. |
Eric hated his job. He was very unhappy there. He started looking for a new job. It took a long time. Finally he got a great new job! |
Ariana overheard a comment that she thought was rude. She posted it on the internet for all to shame. The virtual communities responded with rage. Ariana was happy to see the maker of the comment had lost his job. She was much less happy when she lost her own as well. |
A bus driver wanted to save gas so he didn't come to a full stop. He slowed down just enough for people to hop on the bus. A man jumped at the doorway but missed. The bus driver felt that if you fell you didn't deserve a ride. He didn't stop to help the man back on the bus. |
Jim set out searching a diamond mine for treasure. He searched all day and didn't find a single gem. As he was leaving, he saw a woman standing in the sunlight. They fell in love immediately; she was perfect for him. Until this day, he says that the best treasure is love. |
Tommy got a friend to film his wedding. His friend held the camera ready to film. Tommy's friend steadily held the camera for the ceremony. Right before the end, the battery died. Tommy and his wife were grateful for what was captured on film. |
I had just been accepted to a new job. The job required travel. But, I didn't want to use my own car. I told my boss that I would like a company car. She gave me a Jaguar! |
Hank was exhausted. His sisters had tried to teach him how to jump rope. He had fallen and tripped many times. He picked himself up each time and tried again. Hank was determined to learn how to jump rope. |
Candace wondered why everyone ignored her at work. She asked her one friend if she was doing something off putting. Her friend told her she came off as arrogant. Candace took the advice to heart and made changes to her personality. eventually people at work warmed up to Candace. |
The children played in the sand while the adults watched. The adults remembered how they used to play a long time ago. The children were having fun and the adults smiled. They wished they could have fun like that again. As they watched them, they were glad at least they were having fun. |
Peter played games all day at home and his parents were worried. He didn't seem to be working on anything real. But he was playing on twitch, making money. His parents banned him from games, but he argued with them. His ban still lasted a week, but he went back to gaming soon after. |
It was time for the Cook's to go own their annual summer vacation. All of the hotel reservations had been made. They rented a van to drive to Florida. On the drive there they learned a hurricane was eminent. They decided to tour Nashville. |
Larry wanted to be First Chair in Band Class. He went to tryouts and failed at getting First Chair. The teacher told him to practice more. He went home and practiced continuously. The next time he had tryouts he got First Chair by a landslide. |
Brown had always wanted to go to college. No one in his family has ever gone to college. This led to Brown studying very hard. Brown was also able to participate in many sports. Finally, Brown was able to get a scholarship to college. |
Judy always parked her car in the spot out front of her work. The spot was never taken so she was confident it would be available. Judy was aggravated to see her parking spot was taken! She had to drive around the parking lot for a new place to park. Judy was late to work because she couldn't find a place to park. |
Charles got a parking ticket back in May. Now it's time to renew his auto registration. But he lost his job and doesn't have any money. He gave his car to his friend who is a mechanic. His friend sold it to a junkyard for two hundred dollars. |
Marcus wanted to join his high school football team. He had spent the past 3 months practicing. When the tryouts came he was very nervous. He went out there and gave it his all and impressed the coach. At the end of tryouts he made the team and was very proud. |
Nathaniel wanted to get extra exercise. He didn't have enough time in his day though. He decided to use his push mower instead of his riding lawnmower. He got a lot of exercise from the push mower. He is getting extra exercise. |
When I had found out I was pregnant, I was so thrilled. Every doctor appointment and heartbeat was cherished. When it came time to have my child I was so excited. After hours of labor I got to hold my child in my arms. That was the day I became a mother. |
Tom was driving his car and had a flat tire. He pulled his car over to the side of the road. He got the spare tire out and started to change the tire. A stranger stopped to help him. Together they put the spare tire on the car. |
Tom had an itchy scalp. He had white flakes every now and then. A friend recommended a special shampoo. Tom gave it a try. It worked wonders for his scalp. |
Joe and dan wanted to get away. They decided to go fishing. They picked a quiet spot off the coast. They fished all day long and stayed the night. It was a trip to remember for both guys. |
Una wanted to get started as a writer. She felt completely lost in all of the info about publishing. She went to her local library and asked for guidance. An employee there told her there was a list of writer's resources. The library's list set her off on a path toward success. |
Sarah wanted a new piercing on her belly button. So she found a store she liked. She went to the store and bought to get her belly button pierced. She got her belly button pierced and it hurt. She was glad to have her piercing. |
Freddy was going through sleep paralysis. He heard its possible to have a wake induced lucid dreaming. He tried to do it while under sleep paralysis. It did not work. His body started moving again. |
Jerry wanted to break up with his girlfriend but was afraid. He tried to tell her but every time he got scared and never told her. One day in the park, Jerry's girlfriend broke up with him. He was surprised and even felt hurt and vulnerable. Jerry never got over his girlfriend breaking up with him. |
Aura applied to the state college. She really wanted to get in! When the reply letter came, she was all nerves. But then she opened it and shrieked with joy. They had accepted her! |
Matt excitedly took his new RC car out on the road. He had a great time driving it up and down the block. A real car turned the corner, headed straight for Matt's RC car. The driver couldn't see Matt's car and ran it over. Matt's new toy became a messy pile of plastic and metal. |
Lauren was trying to pick up a prescription. The pharmacist told her that she didn't have any order. Lauren knew that was wrong and asked him to call the doctor. She had to wait while they talked. Finally, she was able to work it out and get her medicine. |
Candy did her best to ignore the bully. But the bully kept following her around. She got so frustrated that she stopped walking away. The bully got way too close to her face. Candy hauled off and punched the bully, knocking her out cold. |
Tom hadn't seen his family in a while. He decided to surprise them for the holidays. He bought a plane ticket and dropped in. His family was excited to see him. Tom had a great time with them. |
Bill and Lynn are my neighbors to the west. In the winter they burn a wood stove for heat. Ever since I had to cut down my trees my house fills with smoke. I think it must be that the wind often blows from the west. Sometimes it is so bad that I want to sell my house! |
One summer, I taught English classes in Hong Kong. On the first day everyone told me their English name. One girl named herself Peonia but her friend told her it wasn't good. She agreed and changed her name. She decided that her new name would be Paris instead. |
Tom and Jack were best friends on the hockey team. They were very competitive and gambled on their next scrimmage. Tom was poor and Jack came from a rich family. Tom had low quality skates. Tom's skates broke during the scrimmage and Tom lost money. |
Ali knew she should eat more yogurt for its healthy probiotics. But she hated the taste of it - especially thick Greek yogurt. Then her mom suggested a great solution: add toppings. Ali began to add honey and fruit to her yogurt cartons. Soon she was eating yogurt every day - and loving it! |
Before the teacher started class, he took out two papers. He called Jim and Ben to the front of the class. When he asked them if they copied their answers, they said yes. Therefore, he crushed their papers and threw it away. In addition, both of them received an F. |
Sam walked through the hallway to his office while reading a paper. A drop of water splashed on the paper as he read. Sam stopped and looked to see where it came from. Another drop of water landed on his head. Sam looked up and saw a leak in the ceiling. |
Jimmy lived in a crowded city. Jimmy dreamed of going white water rafting in the mountains. Jimmy located a company in Colorado that offered white water rafting. Jimmy drove out to Colorado and met with the rafting company. Jimmy was able to fulfill his dream of going white water rafting. |
Jenny's parents were building a house. Jenny was at the site with them one day. She was walking when she felt a sharp pain. She realized that she had stepped on a nail. She had to go to the hospital and get stitches. |
Cindy was a science teacher. She was also a track coach. She led the girls to a state championship. She got a pay raise at another school. Eventually, she came back to her old school. |
The last thing Jen remembered was picking up the hitchhiker. Now she was strapped to a hard steel gurney. Jen realized she could feel her face. Her kidnapper held up her skin he'd cut off it. Jen began to scream, and didn't stop. |
My girlfriend wanted me to buy her nail polish. She wanted the color pink. I went to the store and saw 15 different kinds of pink. I was sweating because I didn't know what to get. I quickly grabbed all of them so that I wouldn't be wrong. |
I built a brand new computer last month. The case I built it in was a budget case. The case had big mesh holes over the motherboard. I was afraid that the motherboard would accumulate dust. So I jury-rigged a dust filter out of some of my pantyhose. |
It was allie's first day of school. So she decided to burn her books. Allie felt so relieved. She thought she would never have to use them. But to her dismay she realized she needed them for next year. |
Paul couldn't wait to pick up his new car. He went to the dealership and signed all the final papers. Driving home, he realized he was going too fast. He slowed down just as a cop drove by. He told himself to be careful until he got used to his new car. |
Wendy was going out with her friends. They went to a dance club downtown. They loved music and meeting new people. They partied long into the night. They stumbled home as the sun came up. |
Lauren thought she was a great basketball player. She challenged her coach to a game of HORSE. Lauren sank basket after basket. Her coach made shot after shot. Lauren ended up losing to her coach. |
Two old men played chess on Fridays. The chess was good but the talks were better, such is friendship. One showed up to the park and sat down waiting for his friend. He waited for the sun to go down before finally going home. Two old men used to play chess on Fridays. |
Angel wanted to go to church. She had no transportation. She knew it would take an hour to walk to the church if she walked. She put on her walking shoes and started walking. She arrived five minutes before the service began. |
Stanley finds it difficult to stay awake at work. When he is working on his reports, he sometimes falls asleep. Today, Stanley starts dozing off as his boss walks by. His boss tells him that he must never fall asleep at work again. Stanley starts bringing coffee to work to stay awake. |
Although Jimmy didn't know how to play, Scott handed him the ball. Scott told him to throw the ball to a teammate that's open. When the game started, the opponents ran towards him. Jimmy freaked out and ran on the opposite side of the field. He ended up running towards the streets. |
Subsets and Splits