Unnamed: 0
int64 0
| situation
stringlengths 1
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stringlengths 3
200 | I am ready to go to a amusement park with my son. | excited |
201 | Went to the beach the other day and remember how much my friend liked going together. | sentimental |
202 | I ordered $20 in Krystals the other day. It was terrible. | furious |
203 | I am disgusted that the criminal got away. | disgusted |
204 | I am embarrassed when I forgot my lines in the play. | embarrassed |
205 | I got stock from family a long time ago. I just let it sit there. It's risen 10 times since. | grateful |
206 | I lost my keys at work and looked stupid searching for them. | embarrassed |
207 | I just applied for a promotion, and I should earn at least 10k more. | hopeful |
208 | I was going through old photos of my family and when I was younger. | nostalgic |
209 | My cousin just got out of a 7 year relationship. Turns out she was cheating for the last 3 years. | caring |
210 | I'm sad that game of thrones is ending. Great shows should last forever like the simpsons. | disappointed |
211 | The summer is almost over. I couldn't be any happier! | joyful |
212 | I was content getting a B on my exam. | content |
213 | We have a work presentation coming up soon. I think we've got everything to present. | prepared |
214 | My wife and I are going on vacation next week. We're satying in a cabin in West Virginia. | excited |
215 | One time I met a girl from Tinder and I really thought we were hitting it off. We met up and had a great time, but then she ghosted me right afterward. | disappointed |
216 | seeing photos of my hometown | nostalgic |
217 | I'm doing a drink a paint session this weekend. I can't wait. It's goin to be fun! | anxious |
218 | I am jealous of The Rock. | jealous |
219 | I was afraud ny son wasn't going to be able to talk because he didn't for so long. Now he won't shut up and I am so happy! | proud |
220 | I was surprised when Trump won the election. | surprised |
221 | When I lost my job. | afraid |
222 | Lies | angry |
223 | I had a girl that I was seeing one time and she asked if I wanted to come with her to meet one of her friends. I went along and the way she talked to her was so much more passionate and energetic than with me and it made me wonder what he has that I don't. | jealous |
224 | I was prepared for the History test. | prepared |
225 | I texted one of my old buddies from years and years ago and he not only responded, but we met up for lunch yesterday and had a great time! Now we're gonna hang out again on Sunday and I'm so pumped! | excited |
226 | I was devastated when the Falcons blew the Super Bowl. | devastated |
227 | I am excited for football season. | excited |
228 | I was apprehensive to get married. | apprehensive |
229 | I let my cat out for the evening , the first time I left her outside at night and she didn't come back. | devastated |
230 | I've been in my crappy apartment so long. I think just used to it now. | content |
231 | I went on my first date ever only about a month ago. Even though I knew this girl really well beforehand, I was still really worried that it would be awkward and that I might mess it up. | anxious |
232 | I am scared of how I will die. | afraid |
233 | I am ready for hockey season. | excited |
234 | My kids are the best. They get excited about everything. I think I had some good ones. | grateful |
235 | My transmission went out in my car. My dad loaned me $500 to get it fixed. | grateful |
236 | Had HELLP syndrom with first child. Spent all 9 months being pregnant with 2nd child worrying about the same thing happening. | apprehensive |
237 | I hate seeing new cars on the road. My car won't even move. | jealous |
238 | I am always alone in the summer. | lonely |
239 | I was driving past the elementary school that I went to years ago and I decided to go through the parking lot for a few minutes. I saw all the old buildings and even the old playground and it really surprised me as to how little it has changed. | nostalgic |
240 | My sister in law basically lives off of my mother in law and her kids get everything. My mother in law rarely gives our kids anything because we have the money to do it ourselves - and I get a bit miffed at times. | jealous |
241 | I really like our new football coach. | impressed |
242 | I am happy to be an American. | proud |
243 | We tried for a baby for a long time, almost 4 years. Waiting those 9 months to meet her were so hard! | anticipating |
244 | I feel bad I stole the cookie. | guilty |
245 | I passed all of my classes last semester. I had been struggling in college for a while. | joyful |
246 | I have a job interview coming up next week. I'm a little nervous about it. | anxious |
247 | MY ex didn't show up to court again. He is always wasting my time. | angry |
248 | I am ok with being fat. | content |
249 | I am excited for the baseball playoffs. | excited |
250 | I was on jury duty for three months recently and it was very interesting and kind of fun. I was surprised. | impressed |
251 | I am shocked it hasn't rained today. | surprised |
252 | We've had some big rain storms where I live this spring and summer. The creek behind my house got almost in the yard twice already. Very scary. | terrified |
253 | I was very furious the other day when someone scratched the backend of my car. | furious |
254 | I really got close with a girl that I met from Tinder, to the point where we were "dating". Then randomly, after like 4 days, she says that she doesn't want to date anymore and then just stops talking to me. | sad |
255 | We recently went on vacation with some friends to Disney world. They had never been before and we are annual passholders so we have been several times over the last year. | confident |
256 | I recall this time when I was making a pizza and I got an important call from my boss. I had to talk with him for about 15 minutes and when I came back, I realized the pizza had been burnt in the oven. I was very annoyed because I worked hard to make it! | annoyed |
257 | I was very afraid in airplane because of turbulence. | terrified |
258 | I recall a time when I had to go to my cousin's birthday part, and I overslept! I felt really guilty about that. | guilty |
259 | When I was driving home from my first job it was snowing. I accidentally hit a curb and spun into the other lane and almost into a ditch, I was very scared | afraid |
260 | My Aunt had an emergency and dropped her son with me, I took care of him. | caring |
261 | My brother recently applied to an Ivy League school. We just found out he was accepted. | impressed |
262 | I am trying to sell my house for 89k dollars, I have been in a bad financial situation, my nephew knows it, and now he is trying to buy my house just for 75k, trying to take advance of my situation | sad |
263 | When my brother graduated high school, I was very proud of him, it was a big accomplishment | proud |
264 | When I got the results back to all my finals for last semester of college. I thought I might fail but I passed all my classes. | joyful |
265 | It's been so dry in my area lately , I'm afraid there might be some forest fires. I live near a mountain. | afraid |
266 | My friend is such a narcissist sometimes. He seems to think that he is the best looking, strongest guy ever and he constantly tries to brag about it to me and compare himself to me. | annoyed |
267 | I have always been faithful to my girlfriend of almost 3 years, which I am proud of | faithful |
268 | i know i can lose weight | confident |
269 | When I was a child I was chased by a pitbull and I was very afraid. Dogs had always scared me at that age | afraid |
270 | I remember waiting for the Nintendo Switch to come out, I was so excited, I still love using it every day! | anticipating |
271 | i was devastated when my favorite world cup team was knocked out of the tournament. | devastated |
272 | I slipped while carrying a tray of coffee. I got it all over myself. | embarrassed |
273 | I was surprised when my parents picked me up from work in a new car for me. I did not expect that at all! | surprised |
274 | I situation in which I felt alone was when my partner left me. | lonely |
275 | When I was in preschool, my pants fell down in class. I was laughed at a lot | embarrassed |
276 | When I was younger my dad scared me and my brothers when we were trying to sleep, I almost wet the bed. I was very terrified | terrified |
277 | When my grandmother passed away I was so sad. I was only 13 years old | devastated |
278 | There's been a big white wolf or coyote coming in my yard lately. I am afraid it will kill the neighbors cats. | disgusted |
279 | A friend of mine recently got married. I hadn't even know he was engaged! | surprised |
280 | My dad had a problem with drinking and it created problems. When he finally quit I was very proud. | proud |
281 | My friend's parents are missionaries and therefore go to Africa all the time, so it was no big deal when I heard he was going to Samoa for a while. What I didn't know is that he was actually moving there for a few years, which I really didn't expect. | surprised |
282 | I broke a vase at my mom's house and hid it. I still haven't told her about it. | guilty |
283 | My dad accidentally got into rat poison and died. | devastated |
284 | My friend got a huge scholarship when he barely passed the PSAT. I was quite jealous that I was unable to do the same thing. | jealous |
285 | Once I realized that I needed at least a 31 on my ACT in order to get a nice little scholarship for college. I studied my heart out to improve my 29 and I felt super confident that I'd get the 31. Instead I actually got a 33! | prepared |
286 | My friend took some of my money without asking. When they confessed I wasnt mad, just disappointed. | disappointed |
287 | Today going to the dentist I was going to have my first root canal done ever along with three other teeth worked on. I knew I would be numbed but that came with the price of a needle being used. I was very nervous and worried. | terrified |
288 | As a child i was sitting in my parents car and a storm started. I was just playing my gameboy and the car started to shake. A log went right through the car window after a couple of minutes of the storm starting. | terrified |
289 | Back in freshman year of college, I really wanted to room with my brother even though he was not a freshman but a sophomore. I was really rooting for that to happen but instead I got roomed with some random guy. | hopeful |
290 | We moved to a new house last year and love it - and have spend much less working on projects and more time with the kids. | joyful |
291 | When i was young i was pretty hyper. But when we had a connect four tournament at my school i back seated someones match. I didn't point anything out really but they gave them a lose and it got me really mad i threw a chair in class. | angry |
292 | Back in October of last year I had my first drink. At that time I had never drank or tried any drugs or anything, so I was very nervous about trying anything mind altering like that. | apprehensive |
293 | My friend just came over yesterday and talked about how he met a super great girl and is going on a date with her sometime soon. Although I'm super happy for him, I can't help but wish I could be in a relationship myself. | jealous |
294 | I felt confident when I won the honor society election in high school. I beat someone way more popular | confident |
295 | My kids were being bad and I yelled at them. | guilty |
296 | I was surprised when my parents bought me a car. I did not expect it at all | surprised |
297 | I was shocked when I got a new car. My parents surprised me so well! | surprised |
298 | I had one time where I was at a party and a girl started to act really flirty with me and we were both kinda drunk. I had a girlfriend at the time so I made sure to let her know so that she didn't get the wrong idea. | faithful |
299 | I asked my 7 year old what 12x12 was the other day, and he gave me the correct answer. | impressed |
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