Say , Jim , how about going for a few beers after dinner ?
You know that is tempting but is really not good for our fitness .
You know that is tempting but is really not good for our fitness .
What do you mean ? It will help us to relax .
What do you mean ? It will help us to relax .
Do you really think so ? I don't . It will just make us fat and act silly . Remember last time ?
Do you really think so ? I don't . It will just make us fat and act silly . Remember last time ?
I guess you are right.But what shall we do ? I don't feel like sitting at home .
I guess you are right.But what shall we do ? I don't feel like sitting at home .
I suggest a walk over to the gym where we can play singsong and meet some of our friends .
I suggest a walk over to the gym where we can play singsong and meet some of our friends .
That's a good idea . I hear Mary and Sally often go there to play pingpong.Perhaps we can make a foursome with them .
That's a good idea . I hear Mary and Sally often go there to play pingpong.Perhaps we can make a foursome with them .
Sounds great to me ! If they are willing , we could ask them to go dancing with us.That is excellent exercise and fun , too .
Sounds great to me ! If they are willing , we could ask them to go dancing with us.That is excellent exercise and fun , too .
Good.Let ' s go now .
Good.Let ' s go now .
All right .
Can you do push-ups ?
Of course I can . It's a piece of cake ! Believe it or not , I can do 30 push-ups a minute .
Of course I can . It's a piece of cake ! Believe it or not , I can do 30 push-ups a minute .
Really ? I think that's impossible !
Really ? I think that's impossible !
You mean 30 push-ups ?
You mean 30 push-ups ?
Yeah !
Yeah !
It's easy . If you do exercise everyday , you can make it , too .
Can you study with the radio on ?
No , I listen to background music .
No , I listen to background music .
What is the difference ?
What is the difference ?
The radio has too many comerials .
The radio has too many comerials .
That's true , but then you have to buy a record player .
Are you all right ?
I will be all right soon . I was terrified when I watched them fall from the wire .
I will be all right soon . I was terrified when I watched them fall from the wire .
Don't worry.He is an acrobat 。
Don't worry.He is an acrobat 。
I see .
Hey John , nice skates . Are they new ?
Yeah , I just got them . I started playing ice hockey in a community league . So , I finally got myself new skates .
Yeah , I just got them . I started playing ice hockey in a community league . So , I finally got myself new skates .
What position do you play ?
What position do you play ?
I ’ m a defender . It ’ s a lot of fun . You don ’ t have to be able to skate as fast on defense .
I ’ m a defender . It ’ s a lot of fun . You don ’ t have to be able to skate as fast on defense .
Yeah , you ’ re a pretty big guy . I play goalie , myself .
Yeah , you ’ re a pretty big guy . I play goalie , myself .
Oh , yeah ? Which team ?
Oh , yeah ? Which team ?
The Rockets .
The Rockets .
Really ? I think we play you guys next week . Well , I have to go to practice . See you later .
Really ? I think we play you guys next week . Well , I have to go to practice . See you later .
All right , see you later .
Hey Lydia , what are you reading ?
I ’ m looking at my horoscope for this month ! My outlook is very positive . It says that I should take a vacation to someplace exotic , and that I will have a passionate summer fling !
I ’ m looking at my horoscope for this month ! My outlook is very positive . It says that I should take a vacation to someplace exotic , and that I will have a passionate summer fling !
What are you talking about ? Let me see that ... What are horoscopes ?
What are you talking about ? Let me see that ... What are horoscopes ?
It ’ s a prediction of your month , based on your zodiac sign . You have a different sign for the month and date you were born in . I was born on April 15th , so I ’ m an Aries . When were you born ?
It ’ s a prediction of your month , based on your zodiac sign . You have a different sign for the month and date you were born in . I was born on April 15th , so I ’ m an Aries . When were you born ?
January 5th .
January 5th .
Let ’ s see . . . you ’ re a Capricorn . It says that you will be feeling stress at work , but you could see new , exciting developments in your love life . Looks like we ’ ll both have interesting summers !
Let ’ s see . . . you ’ re a Capricorn . It says that you will be feeling stress at work , but you could see new , exciting developments in your love life . Looks like we ’ ll both have interesting summers !
That ’ s bogus . I don't feel any stress at work , and my love life is practically nonexistent . This zodiac stuff is all a bunch of nonsense .
That ’ s bogus . I don't feel any stress at work , and my love life is practically nonexistent . This zodiac stuff is all a bunch of nonsense .
No , it ’ s not , your astrology sign can tell you a lot about your personality . See ? It says that an Aries is energetic and loves to socialize .
No , it ’ s not , your astrology sign can tell you a lot about your personality . See ? It says that an Aries is energetic and loves to socialize .
Well , you certainly match those criteria , but they ’ re so broad they could apply to anyone . What does it say about me ?
Well , you certainly match those criteria , but they ’ re so broad they could apply to anyone . What does it say about me ?
A Capricorn is serious-minded and practical . She likes to do things in conventional ways . That sounds just like you !
Frank ’ s getting married , do you believe this ?
Is he really ?
Is he really ?
Yes , he is . He loves the girl very much .
Yes , he is . He loves the girl very much .
Who is he marring ?
Who is he marring ?
A girl he met on holiday in Spain , I think .
A girl he met on holiday in Spain , I think .
Have they set a date for the wedding ?
Have they set a date for the wedding ?
Not yet .
I hear you bought a new house in the northern suburbs .
That ’ s right , we bought it the same day we came on the market .
That ’ s right , we bought it the same day we came on the market .
What kind of house is it ?
What kind of house is it ?
It ’ s a wonderful Spanish style .
It ’ s a wonderful Spanish style .
Oh , I love the roof tiles on Spanish style houses .
Oh , I love the roof tiles on Spanish style houses .
And it ’ s a bargaining . A house like this in river side costs double the price .
And it ’ s a bargaining . A house like this in river side costs double the price .
Great , is it a two bedroom house ?
Great , is it a two bedroom house ?
No , it has three bedrooms and three beds , and has a living room with a twelve-foot ceiling . There ’ s a two-car garage .
No , it has three bedrooms and three beds , and has a living room with a twelve-foot ceiling . There ’ s a two-car garage .
That ’ s a nice area too . It ’ ll be a good investment for you .
That ’ s a nice area too . It ’ ll be a good investment for you .
Yeas , when will you buy a house ?
Yeas , when will you buy a house ?
Not untill the end of this year , you know , just before my wedding .
Not untill the end of this year , you know , just before my wedding .
Right , congratulations .
Right , congratulations .
Thank you .
Hi , Becky , what's up ?
Not much , except that my mother-in-law is driving me up the wall .
Not much , except that my mother-in-law is driving me up the wall .
What's the problem ?
What's the problem ?
She loves to nit-pick and criticizes everything that I do . I can never do anything right when she's around .
She loves to nit-pick and criticizes everything that I do . I can never do anything right when she's around .
For example ?
For example ?
Well , last week I invited her over to dinner . My husband and I had no problem with the food , but if you listened to her , then it would seem like I fed her old meat and rotten vegetables . There's just nothing can please her .
Well , last week I invited her over to dinner . My husband and I had no problem with the food , but if you listened to her , then it would seem like I fed her old meat and rotten vegetables . There's just nothing can please her .
No , I can't see that happening . I know you're a good cook and nothing like that would ever happen .
No , I can't see that happening . I know you're a good cook and nothing like that would ever happen .
It's not just that . She also criticizes how we raise the kids .
It's not just that . She also criticizes how we raise the kids .
My mother-in-law used to do the same thing to us . If it wasn't disciplining them enough , then we were disciplining them too much . She also complained about the food we fed them , the schools we sent them too , and everything else under the sun .
My mother-in-law used to do the same thing to us . If it wasn't disciplining them enough , then we were disciplining them too much . She also complained about the food we fed them , the schools we sent them too , and everything else under the sun .
You said she used to ? How did you stop her ?
You said she used to ? How did you stop her ?
We basically sat her down and told her how we felt about her constant criticizing , and how we welcomed her advice but hoped she'd let us do our things . She understood , and now everything is a lot more peaceful .
We basically sat her down and told her how we felt about her constant criticizing , and how we welcomed her advice but hoped she'd let us do our things . She understood , and now everything is a lot more peaceful .
That sounds like a good idea . I'll have to try that .
How are Zina's new programmers working out ?
I hate to admit it , but they're good . And fast . The Filipino kid is a genius .
I hate to admit it , but they're good . And fast . The Filipino kid is a genius .
So you'll make the deadline , and have us up and running next week ?
So you'll make the deadline , and have us up and running next week ?
It'll be close , but we'll make it .
It'll be close , but we'll make it .
Good . After starts paying us , we won't need Vikam's cash anymore .
Good . After starts paying us , we won't need Vikam's cash anymore .
And if we don't need them , we won't need Zina , either .
Do you like cooking ?
Yes . I like cooking very much . I got this hobby when I was 12 years sold .
Yes . I like cooking very much . I got this hobby when I was 12 years sold .
Why do you like it ?
Why do you like it ?
I have no idea . I like cooking by myself . I like to taste delicious food .
I have no idea . I like cooking by myself . I like to taste delicious food .
That's wonderful !
That's wonderful !
And I love trying new recipes , which I usually test with my friends . You can come , too .
And I love trying new recipes , which I usually test with my friends . You can come , too .
Really ? I hope I can have a chance to taste it . Don't forget to tell me .
Really ? I hope I can have a chance to taste it . Don't forget to tell me .
Certainly .
Anyone home ? Jen !
I'm in the kitchen ... let yourself in !
I'm in the kitchen ... let yourself in !
Wow ! You're really working up a storm !
Wow ! You're really working up a storm !
I know . I've even worked up a sweat .
I know . I've even worked up a sweat .
You look like a cooking show host--only messier .
You look so tan and healthy !
Thanks . I just got back from summer camp .
Thanks . I just got back from summer camp .
How was it ?
How was it ?
Great . I got to try so many things for the first time .
Great . I got to try so many things for the first time .
Like what ?
Like what ?
I went sailing , fishing , and horseback riding .
I went sailing , fishing , and horseback riding .
I ’ m so jealous .
I ’ m so jealous .
The counselors were so nice too . It was the best summer ever . Except for all those mosquitoes !
Diana , do you like the perfume I gave you ?
It ’ s good . But to tell you the truth , I don ’ t wear perfume .
It ’ s good . But to tell you the truth , I don ’ t wear perfume .
I ’ m sorry . I didn ’ t know that .
I ’ m sorry . I didn ’ t know that .
That ’ s all right . Thank you all the same .
Ah , ah , ah ...
All right , Bill.Here ' s your daily exercise schedule . You are to jog before breakfast .
All right , Bill.Here ' s your daily exercise schedule . You are to jog before breakfast .
Jog ?
Jog ?
Then , you are to walk to work .
Then , you are to walk to work .
Walk ?
Walk ?
Thirty minutes in gym at lunch time .
Thirty minutes in gym at lunch time .
Oh no .
Oh no .
Use the stairs , never the elevator .

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