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狄培理(William Theodore de Bary) | 2012 | 社会科学文献出版社 | 亚洲价值与人权: 儒家社群主义的视角 | 9787509731765 | Chinese | 亚洲价值与人权:儒家社群主义的视角.pdf | 196 | null | 政治文化研究译丛 | |
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Helmut Morsbach, Kazue Kurebayashi | 1990 | Penguin Books | Essential Japanese : a guidebook to language and culture | English | essential.pdf | null | ||||
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Pradip Debnath, Delfim F. M. Torres, Yeol Je Cho | 2023 | CRC Press | Advanced Mathematical Analysis and its Applications | 9781032481517,9781032483696,9781003388678 | English | Advanced Mathematical Analysis and its Applications.pdf | 493 | Mathematics\\Analysis | ||
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David L. Irwin, Norman J. Lass, Mary Pannbacker, Mary Ellen Tekieli Koay, Jennifer S. Whited | 2020 | Plural Publishing | Clinical Research Methods in Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology | 9781635501018,1635501016 | English | Clinical Research Methods in Sp - David L. Irwin, Norman J. Lass,.pdf | 338 | null | 3 |
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Vernon G. Zunker | 2015 | Cengage Learning | Career Counseling: A Holistic Approach | 9781305087286,1305087283 | English | Career Counseling A Holistic Approach, 9th Edition_ Vernon G. Zunker .pdf | 512 | null | 9 |
James Robert Bitter | 2020 | Amer Counseling Assn | Theory and Practice of Couples and Family Counseling | 1556203837,9781556203831 | English | Theory and Practice of Couples and Family Counseling 3rd edition.pdf | 568 | null | 3 |
Subsets and Splits