BMG’s latest poll for the Independent reveals strong public opposition to the current tuition fee upper limit of over £9,000 per year. The poll finds that the current fees regime, which has stirred controversy since its inception under the Coalition government in 2012, is supported by just 18% of the British public. Conducted between the 8 and 11 August, the survey of a representative sample of 1463 adults shows that almost two-third of people want tuition fees either reduced or removed altogether. 34% would support the introduction of a cap of £3,000 – close to the previous limit that was in place prior to the introduction of reforms in 2012 – and 31% stated that the Government should scrap fees entirely. 17% answered don’t know. Interestingly, levels of educational attainment do not appear to have an impact on support, with the current fees regime unpopular in all educational groups. Just 18% with degree qualifications, 21% with non-degree qualifications and 9% with no qualifications (relatively high levels of don’t knows) said the Government should leave the current fees system in place. Whilst older people are more supportive of the current system than those than those in younger age groups, close to three in five over 55s still stated that annual tuition fees to be cut or scrapped. Unsurprisingly, given the party’s pledge to scrap fees at the 2017 election, those intending to vote Labour were the most likely to support making university tuition free, with close to half (48%) backing their abolition. However, whilst just 11% of Conservative supporters backed free tuition, a plurality (39%) did state that fees should be reduced to £3,000. The poll also found that over two in three voters (68%) would also scrap the interest on money borrowed to pay for fees, which is set to the Retail Price Index (RPI) level of inflation plus 3 per cent, which implies 6.1% from this autumn. Just 17% wanted to leave current interest rates in place, with 15% unsure. Robert Struthers, Research Executive at BMG research said: “Our polling for the Independent shows that, at their current rate at least, tuition fees are almost universally unpopular, even among Conservative voters and those who have not gone to University, who you might expect to be more supportive of the current system. “That being said, many appear to support imposing fees in principle but appear to view the current cap as excessive. It is also important to stress that it is unclear the extent to which the issue is salient in the minds of the public. For example, it is not obvious at which level people would prioritise reducing or scrapping tuition fees, when set against other spending priorities, or indeed whether they would be willing to pay more in tax to fund the reductions.” Readers can interrogate the data themselves by toggling with the menu below. An article based on these polling results, released by the Independent, can be found here. Methodology, fieldwork dates, and a full breakdown of these results can be found here. For a more detailed breakdown of results from this poll, or any other results from our polling series, please get in touch by email or phone. polling@bmgresearch.co.uk @BMGResearch 0121 333 6006 Ciaran McGlone – Graduate Research Executive
Q: Elastic Beanstalk Deployment Errno 2 No Such File / Directory It's my first time deploying something to AWS using Elastic Beanstalk and so far I've gotten to the point where I can run eb create and get started. The first time I did this I got Errno 13. Specifically, I got to the point where it tried to create the application and then: Creating application version archive "app-150423_212419". ERROR: IOError :: [Errno 13] Permission denied: './.viminfo' I learned that this is a root access issue and so I followed a step found here that stated I should try the bash command: sudo chown -R test /home/test Here test = my user name and home = Users. This got me to the error ERROR: OSError :: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: './.collab/ext' I'm really not sure what that directory is supposed to be or why it's trying to access it. How can I choose a proper directory so that I can get things up and running? A: eb create will attempt to zip up your entire directory and deploy it to an elastic beanstalk environment. I am not sure why certain files seem to not exist(maybe you have some symlinks?). It also looks as if you might be trying to run eb create in your home directory. Dont do that. In fact remove the .elasticbeanstalk folder from your home directory right now. All you need to do is go into your project directory, run eb init, then eb create.
The latest numbers in housing aren't pretty at all. Sales of both existing and newly built homes fell in June, the latter to the lowest level since last year. Prices continue to rise, but the gains are slowing. Mortgage applications to purchase both new and existing homes have been falling steadily, and mortgage rates are rising again. Single-family home construction also fell and was lower than June 2017. In one of the nation's hottest metropolitan markets, Denver, Colorado, home sales fell 5.5 percent annually in June, even as prices hit an all-time high, according to a report by RE/MAX. Realtors there blame it squarely on a lack of homes for sale. "Year-over-year prices have been climbing for more than two years now, which is great news for homeowners and sellers," said RE/MAX CEO Adam Contos. "The slower sales figures we're seeing are tied to inventory more than anything else." But the slowdown is also tied to overheated prices. Even in the hottest markets, there is a limit to affordability, and that limit is clearly now being hit. In pricey Southern California, sales of both new and existing homes fell sharply in June compared with a year ago, according to CoreLogic. Demand is still quite strong, and while prices continue to gain, more listings are showing price reductions. "The market is strong, but I'm seeing a noticeable difference in the number of buyers that are looking at my listings each week," said David Fogg, a real estate agent based in Burbank, California. "We're still selling most every home, but now it is usually with just one or two offers over the 10 to 15 offers we were seeing earlier in the year." 'Anything-goes list-price strategy' Fogg said he is also working very closely with his sellers now to make better and more realistic decisions about pricing. "The anything-goes list-price strategy is no longer working. Buyers want to buy, but we're seeing fewer of them, and they are much more careful. Many properties are now not selling and/or coming down in price." In a twist, a sales slowdown and more seller sanity could now actually boost the very slow recovery in homeownership. It ticked slightly higher again in the second quarter of this year, according to the U.S. Census. "The rise in homeownership in the spring was consistent with the last few quarters, so while there appears to be a slowdown in the growth rate of home sales and prices, it has not slowed rising homeownership," said Sam Khater, chief economist at Freddie Mac. Homeownership is still well below the peak of the housing boom in 2005 and a full percentage point below the 50-year average. This is because the largest generation, millennials, was delayed financially. "This lag reflects the long-lasting scars from the Great Recession and the lopsided nature of this recovery. Despite years of continuous job growth and a slowly improving economy, it was only last year where we started to see an uptick in homeownership," added Khater. Millennials finally began entering the housing market in huge numbers last year, only to find a critical shortage of homes for sale and fast-rising home prices. Bidding wars became the norm, and young potential buyers from coast to coast were often priced out. "I thought I was at a higher price point where it would be a little bit easier for me to get a place without a lot of competition, but I've put down two offers so far and both times been beaten out by cash offers," said Brittany Storoz, a millennial who was house hunting in Denver, in an interview last winter. One of the homes she toured saw more than 100 people walk through it in just three days. Millennials still buying Homeownership is, however, gaining for younger households, especially those under 35. In the second quarter of this year, their homeownership rate hit the highest level in five years, according to the U.S. Census. This as homeownership fell for households aged 55 and older. "This suggests that younger buyers are finding success despite the fact that they are more likely to have to adjust their home search in response to rising prices and mortgage rates," said Danielle Hale, chief economist for Realtor.com. A recent survey by Realtor.com found 69 percent of recent closers ages 35-54 reported adjusting their home search in response to rising costs, while 77 percent of recent closers ages 18 to 34 reported the same. There is, however, a price limit, and that is part of why existing home sales have been falling for three straight months. The other part is a lack of affordable homes for sale. Sales of homes priced below $250,000 were sharply lower in June compared with a year ago, while those priced from $250,000-$750,000 were essentially flat, according to the National Association of Realtors. The inventory shortage is most critical at the lower end of the housing market for two reasons. First, homebuilders say they cannot afford to build lower-priced homes because of rising costs for labor and materials. Second, investors purchased millions of lower-end homes that went into foreclosure during the housing crisis and turned them into lucrative, single-family rentals. They continue to hold those homes or sell them to other investors. WATCH: How to use your home as a source of cash
Take to the titan sky In a surprise announcement at Paris Games Week, Oure was revealed and given an immediate release for PlayStation 4. Not much is known about it other than what we can see from the brief trailer but from what we've been told you are a child that lives in a world of Titans. These titans for some reason or other have been knocked off of their routine. It is your duty to get these Titans back on track! You do it by flying around on a dragon and solving puzzles pertaining to each Titan. I got a lot of Journey vibes from it and anything that reminds me of that peaceful game is a good thing. It will be available as the hosts said "later today" so keep an eye on the PlayStation Store. Click to open photo gallery:
Fox News is opening its 5 p.m. debate to all the announced Republican candidates who fail to make the cut for the Aug. 6 prime-time event, removing a requirement that participants reach at least 1 percent in polling. The change amounts to an insurance policy for candidates who were in danger of being disqualified from the vital first debate based on low polls – Carly Fiorina, former New York Gov. George Pataki and Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.). Story Continued Below The announcement by Michael Clemente, Fox News Executive Vice President, News, means that all 16 announced candidates will qualify for Cleveland — either the 5 p.m. undercard, or the 9 p.m. main event. The 9 p.m. debate will include the 10 candidates with the highest average in national polls, as determined by Fox News. The 5 p.m. forum will now include all the rest. The next three, who would currently be relegated to 5 p.m., are Ohio Gov. John Kasich, Rick Santorum and Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal. They are followed by Fiorina, Pataki and Graham. All of the candidates have been getting extensive Fox airtime. Here’s a tally of the total combined Fox News Channel and Fox Business Network appearances — several for an hour — by each of the hopefuls since their official campaign launches: “Due to the overwhelming interest in the FOX News Facebook Debate Event Night on August 6th and in a concerted effort to include and accommodate the now 16 Republican candidate field — the largest in modern political history — FOX News is expanding participation in the 5 PM/ET debate to all declared candidates whose names are consistently being offered to respondents in major national polls, as recognized by Fox News,” said Clemente in a statement. “Although we are relaxing one component of our entry criteria – the requirement that candidates must score 1% or higher in an average of five most recent national polls – all other components of the criteria remain in effect for the 5 PM/ET debate. Participants must meet all U.S. Constitutional requirements; must announce and register a formal campaign for president; and must file all necessary paperwork with the Federal Election Commission (FEC), including financial disclosure. “As for the 9 PM/ET debate, all components of the original criteria remain unchanged – including the requirement that participants must place in the top 10 of an average of the five most recent national polls, as recognized by FOX News, leading up to August 4th at 5PM/ET. Such polling must be conducted by major, nationally recognized organizations that use standard methodological techniques. “Everyone included in these debates has a chance to be President of the United States and we look forward to showcasing all of the candidates in the first primary event of the 2016 election season.” The 5 p.m. debate, which will last an hour, will be moderated by Bill Hemmer and Martha MacCallum. The 9 p.m. debate will run about 90 minutes (two hours with commercial breaks and introductions), and be moderated by Bret Baier, Megyn Kelly and Chris Wallace.
This work entails scaling a biophysical model of the neocortex using parallel NEURON \[[@B1]\] while running on a Blue Gene / P in virtual node mode. Previous scaling experiments have been done with the SPLIT simulator on the Blue Gene / L with a similar neocortical model \[[@B2]\]. We chose a biophysical model of medium complexity based on the Hodgkin-Huxley formalism because this provides the capability of exploring the effects of psychotropic drugs as well as the oscillatory effects of cortical microcircuits and globally correlated network activity. Neocortical simulations were performed to determine both strong (fixed network size, increasing cores) and weak (increasing network size, fixed load per core) scaling with two variations of a square necortical patch of hypercolumns and internal minicolumns. The first variation consists of minicolumns with 20 layer 2/3 pyramidal cells, 2 basket cells and 5 layer 4 pyramidal cells and has orthogonally stored memory patterns, encoded with long-range excitatory connections between individual minicolumns across hypercolumns. The second variation has an additional 2 regular spiking non-pyramidal interneurons per minicolumn and instead uses sparse, randomly overlapping memory patterns encoded with both excitatory and inhibitory long-range connections between hypercolumns. Simulations were performed with both single patches of increasing area and cascades of multiple patches with feed-forward and feed-backward projections. Individual simulations consisted of stimulation and completion of a single memory pattern within 1 second of cortical activity. Preliminary results show near linear speedups of the computational part of the simulation, but degradation of file I/O performance as the number of cores increase. Since each core writes out spiking activity after the simulation, the performance decline may be due to the ratio of core to I/O nodes and the large number of output files. With this performance analysis, further work will include measuring and scaling memory storage capacity with the described second variation of the biophysical neocortical model. ![Strong and weak scaling results from simulations of the first variation of the neocortical model. The blue lines represent combined initialization and simulation time and the black lines also include writing spiking output. **A.** Strong scaling of a 16x16 hypercolumn neocortical patch with 128 minicolumns. **B.** Weak scaling of 4x4, 8x8, 4x8 and 16x16 hypercolumn patches all with 128 minicolumns. Each core computed 2 minicolumns.](1471-2202-12-S1-P191-1){#F1}
Leukocyte margination during hemorrhagic shock correlates to preshock margination and is reduced by fucoidin. Systemic and pulmonary circulation kinetics for 51Cr-erythrocytes and 111In-leukocytes were measured in rats during experimental hemorrhagic shock and normotension with or without pretreatment with the antirolling agent fucoidin. Leukocyte margination was expressed as transit factors (white blood cell transit time/red blood cell transit time) for polymorphonuclear and mononuclear cells. There was an increased pooling of leukocytes in the pulmonary and systemic vascular beds during shock with a maximum after 60 min when the transit factors had increased 2.90-3.72 times in the pulmonary vascular bed and 2.00-3.52 times in the systemic vascular bed for mononuclear and polymorphonuclear cells, respectively. High preshock pooling levels lead to a more pronounced increase in pooling during shock. Pretreatment with fucoidin significantly reduced the pooling increase in the systemic vascular bed. Granulocyte oxidative activity (nitro blue tetrazolium test) invariably increased during shock and was not affected by fucoidin.
Cloning and functional characterization of a complex endo-beta-1,3-glucanase from Paenibacillus sp. A beta-1,3-glucanase gene, encoding a protein of 1,793 amino acids, was cloned from a strain of Paenibacillus sp. in this study. This large protein, designated as LamA, consists of many putative functional units, which include, from N to C terminus, a leader peptide, three repeats of the S-layer homologous module, a catalytic module of glycoside hydrolase family 16, four repeats of the carbohydrate-binding module of family CBM_4_9, and an analogue of coagulation factor Fa5/8C. Several truncated proteins, composed of the catalytic module with various organizations of the appended modules, were successfully expressed and characterized in this study. Data indicated that the catalytic module specifically hydrolyze beta-1,3- and beta-1,3-1,4-glucans. Also, laminaritriose was the major product upon endolytic hydrolysis of laminarin. The CBM repeats and Fa5/8C analogue substantially enhanced the hydrolyzing activity of the catalytic module, particularly toward insoluble complex substrates, suggesting their modulating functions in the enzymatic activity of LamA. Carbohydrate-binding assay confirmed the binding capabilities of the CBM repeats and Fa5/8C analogue to beta-1,3-, beta-1,3-1,4-, and even beta-1,4-glucans. These appended modules also enhanced the inhibition effect of the catalytic module on the growth of Candida albicans and Rhizoctonia solani.
Implantation of transvenous nonthoracotomy cardioverter-defibrillator systems in patients with permanent endocardial pacemakers. Among 177 patients in whom a nonthoracotomy approach was initially used to implant a cardioverter-defibrillator system, 11 (6%) patients also received a separately implanted permanent pacemaker. The main problem encountered in these patients were previously implanted unipolar pacemakers (n = 3) and ventricular pacing leads positioned at the right ventricular apex, the latter interfering with optimal placement of the tripolar implantable cardioverter-defibrillator (ICD) lead (n = 9). The approaches used to solve these problems were individualized and included placement of the ICD sensing lead at the right ventricular outflow tract (n = 3), initial placement (n = 1) or subsequent repositioning (n = 2) of the right ventricular pacing lead at the outflow tract, upgrade from unipolar to bipolar systems (n = 2), reprogramming from the DDD to AAI mode (n = 2), inactivation of the pacemaker (n = 1), and simultaneous placement of a single-chamber atrial pacemaker with the ICD lead (n = 2). These revisions fulfilled the pacing needs in each patient and prevented unfavorable sensing interaction between the two systems.
Influence of carrier surface fines on dry powder inhalation formulations. The performance of carrier-based dry powder inhalation formulations strongly depends on particle interactions between the drug and the carrier. Among other factors like particle size and shape, surface properties of the interacting partners play a decisive role. This study aims at investigating the effect of carrier surface characteristics on the in vitro deposition of ordered mixtures containing salbutamol sulfate as a drug and lactose and mannitol as model carrier compounds. The wet decantation method was used to remove the carrier fines adhered to the carrier surface and to obtain smoother carrier surfaces. In vitro deposition was investigated using the Next Generation Impactor. In comparison to the formulations containing untreated carriers, the removal of carrier fines by wet decantation leads to a reduced in vitro deposition. This is possibly caused by an increase in the surface smoothness and an increase in the number of high energetic spots.
Starkville, MS (39762) Today Sunshine and clouds mixed. High 87F. Winds N at 10 to 15 mph.. Tonight Partly cloudy early followed by cloudy skies overnight. Low 61F. Winds NNW at 5 to 10 mph.
Sojourners and Stairs Part 2 We were wowed by the view. But our amazement was premature. Little did we know if we kept walking, we would see one of THE best views. The steeple turned into a church. The Matthias Church to be exact. What we didn’t know at the time was what the Matthias Church was. We found out later that this church, along with the Fisherman’s Bastion, are #7 and #2 on TripAdvisor’s Top 10 in Budapest list. The Matthias Church (in Hungarian: Mátyás-templom) is a Gothic style Roman Catholic church that was built in the 1015, rebuilt in the 14th century, and later restored in the 19th century. This church is located in front of the Fisherman’s Bastion: This Bastion (Halászbástya) has 7 towers, 4 of which are pictured, that represent the 7 Magyar tribes that settled in the late eight hundreds. It is located on Castle Hill on the Buda side and overlooks the Danube. And what a view it was. We were just out for a stroll and had NO IDEA all those steps would lead to this breathtaking view. It was cloudy so our view was hindered, but I can only imagine how far you could see on a clear day! The Bastion and and the church weren’t the only things to explore on Castle Hill.. with a name like that there must be a castle here somewhere. So we set out exploring to find the castle. This slideshow requires JavaScript. We soon grew hungray (pun intended) and changed our course: food first, castle later. We came across one of my new favorite places in all of Budapest – Tárnok Cafe & Bier. The food was delicious, the service was marvelous, and the prices were exceptional. But more on the at later. Keep your eyes peeled for a Hungry in Hungary post.
Q: undefined reference to 'abc::abc()' with Dwarf Error: Offset appearing I declare an obj : #include "abc.h" class xxx { public: xxx(); ~xxx(); abc* q; ... }; in the .cpp file i do the following this->q=new abc(); <-error on this line with undefined reference to abc::abc() In the console it also appears this error: Dwarf Error: Offset (76195) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (1472). anyone knows what could be wrong? i'm using eclipse, fedora 14 A: undefined reference to abc::abc() It is an Linking error which tells you that the linker could not find the definition for abc::abc(). Most likely, You only declared but did not define the no argument constructor for class abc. In your cpp file you should have: abc::abc() { } If you already have it in place then, You should ensure that the source cpp file which has this definition is being properly linked to your project.
Q: powerCLI restart VM guest from script i'm trying to run batch script which will call ps1 in order to restart VM guest. it's working when i ran it seperate but the problem is that powerCLI on CMD load without the arguments. i have tried run it by steps : echo on C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe -noe -c ". \"C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\Infrastructure\PowerCLI\Scripts\Initialize-PowerCLIEnvironment.ps1\" $true" then on cmd : connect -viserver -server "serverName" -Protocol https -User "user"-Password "pass" then : Restart-VM "VMserverName" -RunAsync -Confirm:$false it is all works fine separately but when try to combine it all - it is not working. seems like powerCLI load faster then the console write. i have trying Start-Sleep -s 10 command but with no success. how can i combine all 3 commands above in one file? A: To execute PowerShell commands from a cmd, you will have to pass them along using the Command-Switch of from PowerShell. You could achieve what you want by executing the following command: powershell -Command "Import-Module VMware.VimAutomation.Core; Connect-VIServer -Server <server> -User <user> -Password <password>; Restart-VM <vm_name> -RunAsync -Confirm:$false" This is a very cumbersome way of doing this. I would suggest directly using PowerShell and have at least the ability to properly format the script: Import-Module VMware.VimAutomation.Core Connect-VIServer -Server <server> -User <user> -Password <password> Restart-VM <vm_name> -RunAsync -Confirm:$false You would still be able to call this PowerShell script from a cmd, by using the File-Parameter: powershell -File <script>
Progressive Increase in Disinfection Byproducts and Mutagenicity from Source to Tap to Swimming Pool and Spa Water: Impact of Human Inputs. Pools and spas are enjoyed throughout the world for exercise and relaxation. However, there are no previous studies on mutagenicity of disinfected spa (hot tub) waters or comprehensive identification of disinfection byproducts (DBPs) formed in spas. Using 28 water samples from seven sites, we report the first integrated mutagenicity and comprehensive analytical chemistry of spas treated with chlorine, bromine, or ozone, along with pools treated with these same disinfectants. Gas chromatography (GC) with high-resolution mass spectrometry, membrane-introduction mass spectrometry, and GC-electron capture detection were used to comprehensively identify and quantify DBPs and other contaminants. Mutagenicity was assessed by the Salmonella mutagenicity assay. More than 100 DBPs were identified, including a new class of DBPs, bromoimidazoles. Organic extracts of brominated pool/spa waters were 1.8× more mutagenic than chlorinated ones; spa waters were 1.7× more mutagenic than pools. Pool and spa samples were 2.4 and 4.1× more mutagenic, respectively, than corresponding tap waters. The concentration of the sum of 21 DBPs measured quantitatively increased from finished to tap to pool to spa; and mutagenic potency increased from finished/tap to pools to spas. Mutagenic potencies of samples from a chlorinated site correlated best with brominated haloacetic acid concentrations (Br-HAAs) (r = 0.98) and nitrogen-containing DBPs (N-DBPs) (r = 0.97) and the least with Br-trihalomethanes (r = 0.29) and Br-N-DBPs (r = 0.04). The mutagenic potencies of samples from a brominated site correlated best (r = 0.82) with the concentrations of the nine HAAs, Br-HAAs, and Br-DBPs. Human use increased significantly the DBP concentrations and mutagenic potencies for most pools and spas. These data provide evidence that human precursors can increase mutagenic potencies of pools and spas and that this increase is associated with increased DBP concentrations.
How the Sand Ranch Became Profitable (And How You Can Do It Too!) This is the first in a series that ran through May of 2016. It takes us through the changes that Cody and Deanna Sand made to their operation that mad their ranch profitable and their lives more fun. Cody and Deanna shared their story at NatGLC’s 2015 grazing conference. Enjoy! The year that they sold their calves and still couldn’t pay all their bills, Cody and Deanna Sand asked their banker what they should do for the coming year. His suggestion, to borrow more money, just wasn’t going work. Between Deanna’s off-farm job and Cody making and repairing saddles and working on the farm, they were already working harder and harder, having less and less fun and going further into debt. Something had to change, and fast! What they did is a testament to what happens when you look at your problems in a new way and then dig in and do something about them. Holistic Management Course Paves the Way The Sand Ranch is near Forbes, North Dakota. It was started by Deanna’s grandparents and Cody and Deanna took it over from her parents in 1999 and then purchased it in 2001 They continued to run the cow calf operation as it had always been run. They calved their cows in March and their heifers in April, running them in 2 to 3 minimally rotated groups through the summer. They grew and put up 3,000 bales of hay a summer, and fed through the winter. Calves were weaned, backgrounded and sold. Through it all, Deanna drove 60 miles one way to work every day and Cody built saddles at home. The harder they worked, the less fun it was for everyone, and when, in 2010 they still had $20,000 in carry over bills after all the calves were sold, the look on her husband’s face told Deanna something had to change. Shortly after, they learned about a Holistic Management course being presented by Josh Dukart, and they signed up for it immediately. For 3 days in February of 2011, with temperatures dropping to -42 F they drove back and forth to Bismarck for the course, feeding cattle at home, and feeding their brains in Bismarck. The reward was a new way to look at their ranch and how they could run it. Deanna shares their “Ah Ha!” moments in this slide from their presentation at the 2015 North Dakota Grazing Lands Coalition winter meeting. From timing of calving to reducing haying and better managing their grazing, Deanna and Cody went home with ideas they could start implementing almost immediately. But most importantly, they saw how doing these things could improve their quality of life so that ranching could be fun again. First Things First Three and a half tons of wire – the last load as the Sands trimmed their equipment and paid off debt. What they really wanted to do was change their calving season from March and April to May and June. But since the cows were already bred, they were stuck for one more calving season. Instead, they stopped spending money and began paying off debt by selling off equipment. The calf shelters, tire tanks and windbreaks went, as did some haying equipment and anything else they weren’t going to need under new management. Next, they changed their summer grazing routine. Instead of 3 to 4 groups, they put all the cattle into one herd. This decreased the time spent checking the fence and moving the cows. In class, they’d learned that they had been under-stocking and over-grazing. Now they graze more animals in a smaller area for less time, which has improved soil health and forage. The Kentucky blue grass invasion is slowing and diversity is exploding. The litter mat they leave behind reduces rain run off, and decreases soil temperatures and evaporation. In fact, the grazed pastures are in better shape than ungrazed acres as their daughter Dessa discovered with her Science Fair Project. Top bars show never grazed and season long grazed CRP. Bottom 2 bars show managed grazing on CRP and then on native rangeland. Click to see a larger view. As other large scale graziers have noted, one of the biggest benefits of their new grazing management style is rest and recovery. Now, Sand Ranch cattle are only in some pasture for a few days a year. Even when Cody worries that they’ve made a mistake and grazed one spot too long, he’s learned that it actually comes back better than before after a good rest. Who Knew Cows Could Calve Their Own?! Changing to May June calving means the Sands don’t have “Gopher” cows anymore. This 7 year old cow is one of their best, but she was born in the old days when freezing temps could ruin a cows ears and good looks. The next change was moving calving season from March and April to May and June. Though it was hard that first year to hold off putting the bulls in with the cows at the same time that everyone else was doing it, the rewards made up for it. First, the cows nutritional requirements are reduced during they winter months. So the Sands save money because they don’t have to supplement the cows with hay before and after calving. In the old days, feeding in March and April was a big expense. Now, the cows meet their nutritional requirements by grazing on the lush spring grass. They also save time on checking the herd during calving. Cody says that the first year they went and checked the herd 2 to 3 times a day out of habit. But now, they know that the cows are going to calve without help, so this year they only checked on them when they were moving them to a new pasture. They rarely have to pull calves now, and they’re even reducing this problem. They get rid of problem cows every year so that their herd becomes stronger and stronger. The calves are healthier thanks to a later calving season. There are no more scours or pneumonia to deal with. The family is healthier too because they don’t have to leave the house in a blizzard. His one worry, predators, have turned out not to be a problem at all. Predators have not been a problem calving on green grass. The 3 to 4 coyotes on his place have plenty of other, easier food options in May and June. Cody says that if he had to go back to calving in the cold and snow of “spring” he would probably give up cattle. In addition to how much easier their lives have become, they’ also reduced input costs. Here are all the things they got rid of by changing to May/June calving: So far so good, right? But what about fencing all those new pastures for their new management? And what do they do in winter? What about hay? And what are the changes in heifer management and marketing that come with a later calving season? We’ll share the Sands’ answers to those questions in the next articles. Click here to read Part 2. About the author Kathy worked with the Bureau of Land Management for 12 years before founding Livestock for Landscapes in 2004. Her twelve years at the agency allowed her to pursue her goal of helping communities find ways to live profitably AND sustainably in their environment. She has been researching and working with livestock as a land management tool for over a decade. When she's not helping farmers, ranchers and land managers on-site, she writes articles, and books, and edits videos to help others turn their livestock into landscape managers.
Polyacrylic acid-coated cerium oxide nanoparticles: An oxidase mimic applied for colorimetric assay to organophosphorus pesticides. It is important and urgent to develop reliable and highly sensitive methods that can provide on-site and rapid detection of extensively used organophosphorus pesticides (OPs) for their neurotoxicity. In this study, we developed a novel colorimetric assay for the detection of OPs based on polyacrylic acid-coated cerium oxide nanoparticles (PAA-CeO2) as an oxidase mimic and OPs as inhibitors to suppress the activity of acetylcholinesterase (AChE). Firstly, highly dispersed PAA-CeO2 was prepared in aqueous solution, which could catalyze the oxidation of TMB to produce a color reaction from colorless to blue. And the enzyme of AChE was used to catalyze the substrate of acetylthiocholine (ATCh) to produce thiocholine (TCh). As a thiol-containing compound with reducibility, TCh can decrease the oxidation of TMB catalyzed by PAA-CeO2. Upon incubated with OPs, the enzymatic activity of AChE was inhibited to produce less TCh, resulting in more TMB catalytically oxidized by PAA-CeO2 to show an increasing blue color. The two representative OPs, dichlorvos and methyl-paraoxon, were tested using our proposed assay. The novel assay showed notable color change in a concentration-dependent manner, and as low as 8.62 ppb dichlorvos and 26.73 ppb methyl-paraoxon can be readily detected. Therefore, taking advantage of such oxidase-like activity of PAA-CeO2, our proposed colorimetric assay can potentially be a screening tool for the precise and rapid evaluation of the neurotoxicity of a wealth of OPs.
Image copyright Seminole County Sheriff's Office Image caption John Robert Neumann had a history of misdemeanour criminal offences A disgruntled US employee walked back into the factory that fired him and fatally shot five ex-colleagues, before killing himself, police say. John Robert Neumann, 45, was armed with a semi-automatic handgun and hunting knife when he entered the business near Orlando, Florida, on Monday morning. The US army veteran was sacked in April, police say. There is no suggestion he was a member of a subversive or terrorist organisation, they add. Media playback is unsupported on your device Media caption Orange County Sheriff Jerry Demings says seven survivors are being interviewed Orange County Sheriff Jerry Demings said the shooting had unfolded at the premises of Fiamma, which makes awnings for motor homes and camper vans. Most of the victims were shot in the head, some multiple times, he added. "He was certainly singling out the individuals that he shot," said Sheriff Demings. The victims included Robert Snyder, 69, Brenda Montanez-Crespo, 44, Kevin Clark, 53, Jeffrey Roberts, 57, and another unidentified man. Image copyright AFP Image caption Police moved into the scene of the crime within minutes Neumann reloaded his handgun at least once during the rampage, the sheriff said. The gunman had told an employee whom he did not know to leave the premises, and left about seven other staff members uninjured. Neumann - who lived alone in the area - killed himself as deputies were about to enter the warehouse, the sheriff said. Authorities say he did not have a permit for the weapon. He was honourably discharged from the army in 1999. Image copyright Reuters He had a history of misdemeanour criminal offences, such as possession of marijuana and driving under the influence. Neumann attacked a member of staff in 2014, though no charges were filed, police said. In a statement, Florida Governor Rick Scott condemned a "senseless act of violence". "Over the past year, the Orlando community has been challenged like never before," he said. The shooting came a week before the first anniversary of the Pulse nightclub shooting that left 49 people dead in Orlando. In last June's attack, the deadliest mass shooting in modern US history, gunman Omar Mateen killed 49 people and injured dozens more at a gay nightclub before being shot dead by police.
Search form You are here A bitter pill? German bishops take a bold step in allowing emergency contraception As the Catholic bishops in the United States continue to fight for their religious liberty by arguing that opposition to all artificial contraception is a deeply held belief of the Catholic faith, the German Catholic bishops have gone in the opposite direction, announcing they will now allow Catholic hospitals to give the "morning after" pill to rape victims. Archbishop Robert Zollitsch said a four-day meeting of German bishops in the western town of Trier had "confirmed that women who have been victims of rape will get the proper human, medical, psychological and pastoral care". "That can include medication with a 'morning-after pill' as long as this has a prophylactic and not an abortive effect," he said in a statement. "Medical and pharmaceutical methods that induce the death of an embryo may still not be used." This means the German bishops are drawing a distinction between contraceptives that prevent pregnancy and those that might halt the development of an already fertilized egg. That distinction maintains the church's teaching that human life begins at the moment of conception, but is a departure from the church's belief that any artificial means of preventing pregnancy is immoral. The German bishops' decision stems from a case in which a woman was denied treatment at a German Catholic hospital after being drugged at a party and raped. The bishops had to wade through some complex questions here, such as whether taking artificial steps to prevent pregnancy--which some see as God's will, even in rape cases--is ever morally justified. Their conclusion that it is an acknowledgement of the fact that contraception may not be as much of a black and white issue as some Catholics would believe. I don't expect the German bishops' decision to be the tidal wave that changes the church's stance on contraception. But it certainly is a ripple in the ocean that will get people talking. I'm sure that many Catholics would like to see the issue brought up for a serious debate in the global church, even if that discussion doesn't seem to fit the agenda of the U.S. bishops.
// Copyright (c) 2014 AlphaSierraPapa for the SharpDevelop Team // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this // software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software // without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, // publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons // to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or // substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, // INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR // PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE // FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR // OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER // DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using ICSharpCode.Reporting.Interfaces; using ICSharpCode.Reporting.Interfaces.Export; using ICSharpCode.Reporting.PageBuilder.ExportColumns; namespace ICSharpCode.Reporting.Items { /// <summary> /// Description of ReportContainer. /// </summary> public class ReportContainer:PrintableItem,IReportContainer { public ReportContainer() { items = new List<IPrintableObject>(); } private List<IPrintableObject> items; public List<IPrintableObject> Items { get { return items; } } public override IExportColumn CreateExportColumn() { var export = new ExportContainer(); export.ToExportItem(this); return export; // return new ExportContainer(){ // Name = this.Name, // Size = this.Size, // Location = this.Location, // CanGrow = this.CanGrow, // BackColor = this.BackColor, // DesiredSize = this.Size // }; } } }
Q: Google Maps InfoBox or Info Window click eventlistener? Is there a way of adding a click eventlistener for an info window or an InfoBox (I'm using that plugin)? Really the problem I'm having is that the window/box is sometimes getting in the way of a click eventlistener that should be triggered when the user clicks anywhere on the map. A: from the documentation: http://google-maps-utility-library-v3.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/infobox/docs/examples.html Using InfoBox to Create a Map Label This example shows how to use an InfoBox as a map label. One important step is to set the pane property to "mapPane" so that the InfoBox appears below everything else on the map. It's also necessary to set closeBoxURL to "" so that the label will not have a close box, to set disableAutoPane to true so that the map does not pan when the label is added, and to set enableEventPropagation to true so that events will be passed on to the map for handling. from the example referenced above: var myOptions = { content: boxText ,disableAutoPan: false ,maxWidth: 0 ,pixelOffset: new google.maps.Size(-140, 0) ,zIndex: null ,boxStyle: { background: "url('tipbox.gif') no-repeat" ,opacity: 0.75 ,width: "280px" } ,closeBoxMargin: "10px 2px 2px 2px" ,closeBoxURL: "http://www.google.com/intl/en_us/mapfiles/close.gif" ,infoBoxClearance: new google.maps.Size(1, 1) ,isHidden: false ,pane: "floatPane" ,enableEventPropagation: false }; var ib = new InfoBox(myOptions); ib.open(theMap, marker);
package cabf_br /* * ZLint Copyright 2020 Regents of the University of Michigan * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy * of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or * implied. See the License for the specific language governing * permissions and limitations under the License. */ /*If the Certificate asserts the policy identifier of, then it MUST also include (i) either organizationName or givenName and surname, (ii) localityName (to the extent such field is required under Section, (iii) stateOrProvinceName (to the extent required under Section, and (iv) countryName in the Subject field.*/ import ( "github.com/zmap/zcrypto/x509" "github.com/zmap/zlint/v2/lint" "github.com/zmap/zlint/v2/util" ) type CertPolicyRequiresPersonalName struct{} func (l *CertPolicyRequiresPersonalName) Initialize() error { return nil } func (l *CertPolicyRequiresPersonalName) CheckApplies(cert *x509.Certificate) bool { return util.SliceContainsOID(cert.PolicyIdentifiers, util.BRIndividualValidatedOID) && !util.IsCACert(cert) } func (l *CertPolicyRequiresPersonalName) Execute(cert *x509.Certificate) *lint.LintResult { var out lint.LintResult if util.TypeInName(&cert.Subject, util.OrganizationNameOID) || (util.TypeInName(&cert.Subject, util.GivenNameOID) && util.TypeInName(&cert.Subject, util.SurnameOID)) { out.Status = lint.Pass } else { out.Status = lint.Error } return &out } func init() { lint.RegisterLint(&lint.Lint{ Name: "e_cab_iv_requires_personal_name", Description: "If certificate policy is included, either organizationName or givenName and surname MUST be included in subject", Citation: "BRs:", Source: lint.CABFBaselineRequirements, EffectiveDate: util.CABV131Date, Lint: &CertPolicyRequiresPersonalName{}, }) }
Natural Gas Drilling Technique Gets Congressional Attention Wyoming – Wyoming officials are fighting to keep Washington from regulating natural gas drilling. They say the state is perfectly capable of taking care of its own natural resources. Critics say drilling companies are polluting water supplies. Eric Niiler has more.
DETROIT (Reuters) - General Motors Co on Wednesday warned leaders of Canada’s Unifor labor union that it will start to wind down production of its popular Chevrolet Equinox sport utility vehicle at an Ontario factory unless workers there call off a month-long strike. The General Motors CAMI car assembly plant, where the GMC Terrain and Chevrolet Equinox are built, is seen in Ingersoll, Ontario, Canada, January 27, 2017. REUTERS/Geoff Robins The strike has been fueled by union opposition to the North American Free Trade Agreement. Unifor leader Jerry Dias told Reuters on Wednesday that GM officials said they would ramp up production of the vehicle at two plants in Mexico that build the Equinox and a similar model, the GMC Terrain if the walkout is not called off. “GM just told us today that they are going to ramp up production in Mexico,” Unifor President Jerry Dias said by phone from Washington. “They have declared war on Canada.” GM has plants in the United States that are under-utilized, but retooling them to build the Equinox would be expensive. GM plans to study how quickly key suppliers to the Ontario Equinox plant could move their operations to accommodate a shift in the vehicle’s production, a person familiar with the discussions said on Wednesday. GM’s decision to build the Equinox and Terrain in Mexico is a major issue in the contract dispute between the automaker and the Canadian union. Dias said he would not call off the strike. “This is the big issue,” Dias said of the strike. “Once we solve this, everything else will fall into place.” About 2,500 workers at a factory in Ingersoll, Ontario, walked off the job on Sept. 18 after GM rejected Unifor’s call for the automaker to designate the factory, known as CAMI, as the lead production site for the Equinox in North America. The automaker invested $800 million to retool the plant for the new model. The union also objected to GM’s decision to lay off 600 CAMI workers as it phased out production of the last-generation GMC Terrain SUV, and launched production of new generation Terrain models along with the Equinox in Mexico. The CAMI plant was projected to build about 210,000 vehicles in 2018, while two plants in Mexico together were projected to build about 150,000 vehicles next year, according to AutoForecast Solutions, a forecasting firm. Unifor’s Dias has blamed NAFTA for the job losses, complicating Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s effort to promote the benefits of open trade in response to U.S. President Donald Trump’s criticism of the deal. U.S., Canadian and Mexican negotiators began another round of talks this week to modernize the agreement. The Equinox was the second best-selling model in the United States Chevrolet lineup in September, and GM had just 41 days worth of the vehicle in stock at the end of last month, according to Automotive News. id by phone from Washington. “They have declared war on Canada.”
Q: Ideas to replace Stored Procedure in Cash Flow report We have a Cash flow report which is basically in this structure: Date |Credit|Debit|balance| 09/29| 20 | 10 | 10 | 09/30| 0 | 10 | 0 | The main problem is the balance, and as we are using a DataSet for the Data, it's kinda hard to calculate the balance on the DataSet, because we always need the balance from the previous day. Also this data comes from several tables and it's been hard to maintain this procedure, because the database metadata is changing frequently. Anyone could give me some possible different solutions? for the problem? This report is being displayed on a DataGrid. A: This may be too big a change or off the mark for you, but a cash flow report indicates to me that you are probably maintaining, either formally or informally, a general ledger arrangement of some sort. If you are, then maybe I am naive about this but I think you should maintain your general ledger detail as a single table that has a bare minimum number of columns like ID, date, account, source and amount. All of the data that comes from different tables suggests that there several different kinds of events that are affecting your cash. To me, representing these different kinds of events in their own tables (like accounts receivable or accounts payable or inventory or whatever) makes sense, but the trick is to not have any monetary columns in those other tables. Instead, have them refer to the row in the general ledger detail where that data is recorded. If you enforce this, then the cash flow would always work the same regardless of changes to the other tables. The balance forward issue still has to be addressed and you have to take into account the number of transactions involved and the responsiveness required of the system but at least you could make a decision about how to handle it one time and not have to make changes as the other parts of your system evolve.
Q: Installing Windows shell extension DLL with Inno Setup installer I'm developing a shell extension DLL. I want to install it using Inno Setup installer. I seen installers that ask, if I wanted to install shell extension with the program, I would like something similar using Inno Setup installer. How do I go about doing this? If not, would you be able to direct me to the right path. I been searching for days about any info about this. A: The shell extension is just a DLL with a COM class. So just deploy it and register it using the regserver flag: [Files] Source: "myext.dll"; DestDir: "{app}"; Flags: regserver See also Register Explorer COM extension only if specific task was selected.
Mario & Luigi Bowser’s Inside Story A single player action RPG (Role-playing Game), Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story takes players on the DS literally into the belly of the beast - that beast being Bowser. Set within an off-the-wall storyline that turns the world of Nintendo on its ear and featuring the ability to toggle between playing as the team of Mario and Luigi, and playing as Bowser himself, this third installment of the Mario & Luigi franchise is n (more...)
Q: How are dates typically handled with testing? I am writing an app at the moment that has some pretty extensive business logic based around dates. I have several hundred thousand records to test and testers who want to see how those records are handled, which has worked well so far, however, some edge cases are difficult to replicate. The reason is that most of the logic is related to today's date, in one way or another. What is the best way to handle this with both unit testing and for traditional testing? The only way I can really think of is allowing for today's date to be faked and fixed. A: Faking and fixing the date are the right way to do it. It can actually morph into a useful feature -- how many times have you wanted to be able to run a piece of logic using past data? A: You can use mocks (dependency injection) to return "today" date to be whatever you want it to be. This will allow you to test problem dates and make sure that new additions will not break the old code. There are plenty of mocking framework around and I am sure $language that you are using has at least a couple of good ones.
DNA sequence analysis of the Olir2-76 and Ossr1-92 alleles of the Oli-2 region of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Analysis of related amino-acid substitutions and protein-antibiotic interaction. Petite deletion mapping helped to generate a fine-structure genetic map of the Oli-2 region of the mitochondrial genome of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Here we report the DNA sequence analysis of the Oli-2 region from two drug-resistant alleles (Olir2-76 and Ossr1-92) which are located in the gene for subunit-6 of mitochondrial ATPase, in agreement with their genetic locations on the mitochondrial genome. An analysis of the corresponding amino-acid substitutions is also presented in the context of protein-antibiotic interactions.
--bail --reporter spec --timeout 20s
Fat extravasation due to unreamed and experimentally reamed intramedullary nailing of the sheep femur. To compare systemic fat extravasation in unreamed and experimentally reamed nailing. An osteotomy was created in the proximal third of the femoral shaft in 16 sheep, and intramedullary pressure increase and fat extravasation were monitored for the two nailing techniques. The highest intramedullary pressures, median 2700 mm Hg, and highest percentages of fat extravasation, peaking at almost 90% of fat, were found for the unreamed nailing technique. The values for the reamed group were significantly lower. The extravasation of intramedullary fat can be attributed to the great increase in intramedullary pressure that occurs during unreamed nailing. Correctly performed intramedullary reaming with the new reaming system produces lower pressures and much less systemic fat extravasation, reducing the risk for fat embolism.
Arachidonic acid distribution in lipids of mammary glands and DMBA-induced tumors of rats. In the phospholipid fractions, arachidonic acid represented a several fold higher percentage of fatty acids from DMBA-induced tumors and in mammary glands from midpregnant rats when compared to mammary glands from virgin rats. Arachidonic acid was not present in measurable quantities in the neutral lipid fractions of mammary glands from virgin rats. The arachidonic acid in the neutral lipid fraction of mammary glands from midpregnant rats was only detectable in the triglyceride-sterol ester fraction, but in that fraction less than 1% of the fatty acids were arachidonic acid. In the neutral lipids of the DMBA-induced tumors, it was of particular interest that a high proportion (19%) of the fatty acids in the diglyceride fraction consisted of arachidonic acid; no arachidonic acid was detected in the diglycerides of the normal tissues.
// Copyright 2019 yuzu emulator team // Licensed under GPLv2 or any later version // Refer to the license.txt file included. #pragma once #include "core/loader/loader.h" namespace Core { class System; } namespace FileSys { class KIP; } namespace Loader { class AppLoader_KIP final : public AppLoader { public: explicit AppLoader_KIP(FileSys::VirtualFile file); ~AppLoader_KIP() override; /** * Returns the type of the file * @param file std::shared_ptr<VfsFile> open file * @return FileType found, or FileType::Error if this loader doesn't know it */ static FileType IdentifyType(const FileSys::VirtualFile& file); FileType GetFileType() const override; LoadResult Load(Kernel::Process& process, Core::System& system) override; private: std::unique_ptr<FileSys::KIP> kip; }; } // namespace Loader
Bank of America worker hit in crosswalk by Peter Pan bus. PROVIDENCE, R.I. — A 30-year-old Cumberland woman on her way to work Wednesday morning was killed when a Peter Pan bus struck her in a crosswalk in Kennedy Plaza and dragged her 50 to 60 feet. Providence police identified the victim as Michelle Cagnon. Cagnon was a Bank of America employee for nine years, according to company spokesman Trevor Koenig. According to Cagnon's Facebook page and LinkedIn profile, she was a 2004 graduate of Burrillville High School and studied at the New England College of Business and Finance. “We are deeply saddened to hear about Michelle’s passing," Koenig said Wednesday. "Our thoughts and prayers are with her family and friends at this difficult time.” Cagnon was walking east on Washington Street, in front of the Alex and Ani City Center ice skating rink, when she stepped into the crosswalk to cross East Approach a little after 8 a.m., according to Public Safety Commissioner Steven M. Paré. "Lady was in the crosswalk," said witness Charles Parker, "looked up, screamed as she got run over." "The minute she got into the middle of the crosswalk, Peter Pan came around and just hit her," said another witness, Michael "Casey" Lee, of Dartmouth, Mass. "All you heard was the smack, and that was it." Paré said that a Peter Pan bus turning left from Washington Street to East Approach struck Cagnon. "It appears that this person was in the crosswalk," he said. Paré said that the accident was caught on several cameras in Kennedy Plaza. "We're looking at all the cameras to reconstruct what happened." "Chaosness" is how Brandon Hong, of Pawtucket, who arrived on a bus moments after the accident, described the scene in the immediate aftermath. Several witnesses, including Parker and Jason Gomes, of Providence, said that passersby had to flag down the bus driver to tell him that he had hit someone. A Providence park ranger working in the area witnessed the accident and alerted emergency personnel. Police Maj. Thomas A. Verdi said that no one chased the bus. Providence police identified the bus driver as Matthew J. Reidy of Taunton, Mass. Christopher Crean, vice president for safety and security for Peter Pan Bus Lines, said Reidy was en route from Hyannis, Mass., to Providence. Five passengers were on the bus. Crean said Reidy "would have stopped at Kennedy Plaza, which is a pick-up/drop off area for us, and then proceeded to the Providence terminal," off Route 95 at the Pawtucket line. "He would have had a layover at the Providence terminal, and then driven the 9:45 a.m. route back to Hyannis," Crean said. No charges have been brought against Reidy at this time, Crean said. Reidy underwent a legally required drug and alcohol test after the accident, "which so far was negative." Reidy has been put on temporary leave, "for his sake, and for the sake of the investigation," Crean said. He added that Peter Pan Bus Lines is "working very closely with state and local police" in the investigation. "This driver is a stellar driver. He has a really good record with the company, and has been here a little over a year," Crean said. "Before you go on board with Peter Pan, we do vet our drivers, and they have to do a six-to eight-week training program." Crean said, "This is a very tragic accident. Today was a tragic day for the family of victim and for the driver as well. We're just going to try and deal with it in the most professional and sympathetic way. Our sympathy goes to the family, as well as our driver." Reidy was not physically injured, "but he was very distraught, very upset about the whole incident," Crean said. "He had some professional counseling through the police department, and in-house here as well, and we do have follow-up." Crean said state police inspected the bus, and found "no problems with it." It was released. Crean said Peter Pan Bus Lines scored a 'satisfactory' — the highest possible score — in a federal inspection "three or four months ago." Providence Bus Accidents 2016 Aug. 24: Cumberland woman is killed when she is hit by a Peter Pan bus at Kennedy Plaza. Aug. 13: A man was injured after he slipped while chasing a Rhode Island Public Transit Authority bus that had just departed from the Manton Avenue Stop & Shop. Police said his leg was run over by a rear tire. May 9: Driver and eight passengers taken to hospital after RIPTA bus struck bus shelter near the East Side bus tunnel. Driver cited for road lane violation. March 2: RIPTA driver and four passengers taken to Rhode Island Hospital after bus ran onto Francis Street sidewalk and hit a light post near junction of Francis and Gaspee streets. Driver cited for roadway violation. 2015 March 26: Ani Emdjian, 9, killed when struck by RIPTA bus on Smith Hill. Driver cleared after investigation. Sept. 16: Pedestrian struck by RIPTA bus in Kennedy Plaza suffers non-life-threatening injuries. 2014 May 28: Court security guard Frank McKnight, 69, of North Kingstown was struck by a RIPTA bus in Washington Street crosswalk near Kennedy Plaza, and died the next day. Nov. 10: RIPTA bus struck a 56-year-old woman as she attempted to cross Angell Street at Wayland Avenue. —pparker@providencejournal.com (401) 277-7360 On Twitter: @projopaul —kziner@providencejournal.com (401) 277-7375 On Twitter: @karenleez
Prékopa–Leindler inequality In mathematics, the Prékopa–Leindler inequality is an integral inequality closely related to the reverse Young's inequality, the Brunn–Minkowski inequality and a number of other important and classical inequalities in analysis. The result is named after the Hungarian mathematicians András Prékopa and László Leindler. Statement of the inequality Let 0 < λ < 1 and let f, g, h : Rn → [0, +∞) be non-negative real-valued measurable functions defined on n-dimensional Euclidean space Rn. Suppose that these functions satisfy for all x and y in Rn. Then Essential form of the inequality Recall that the essential supremum of a measurable function f : Rn → R is defined by This notation allows the following essential form of the Prékopa–Leindler inequality: let 0 < λ < 1 and let f, g ∈ L1(Rn; [0, +∞)) be non-negative absolutely integrable functions. Let Then s is measurable and The essential supremum form was given in. Its use can change the left side of the inequality. For example, a function g that takes the value 1 at exactly one point will not usually yield a zero left side in the "non-essential sup" form but it will always yield a zero left side in the "essential sup" form. Relationship to the Brunn–Minkowski inequality It can be shown that the usual Prékopa–Leindler inequality implies the Brunn–Minkowski inequality in the following form: if 0 < λ < 1 and A and B are bounded, measurable subsets of Rn such that the Minkowski sum (1 − λ)A + λB is also measurable, then where μ denotes n-dimensional Lebesgue measure. Hence, the Prékopa–Leindler inequality can also be used to prove the Brunn–Minkowski inequality in its more familiar form: if 0 < λ < 1 and A and B are non-empty, bounded, measurable subsets of Rn such that (1 − λ)A + λB is also measurable, then Applications in probability and statistics The Prékopa–Leindler inequality is useful in the theory of log-concave distributions, as it can be used to show that log-concavity is preserved by marginalization and independent summation of log-concave distributed random variables. Suppose that H(x,y) is a log-concave distribution for (x,y) ∈ Rm × Rn, so that by definition we have and let M(y) denote the marginal distribution obtained by integrating over x: Let y1, y2 ∈ Rn and 0 < λ < 1 be given. Then equation () satisfies condition () with h(x) = H(x,(1 − λ)y1 + λy2), f(x) = H(x,y1) and g(x) = H(x,y2), so the Prékopa–Leindler inequality applies. It can be written in terms of M as which is the definition of log-concavity for M. To see how this implies the preservation of log-convexity by independent sums, suppose that X and Y are independent random variables with log-concave distribution. Since the product of two log-concave functions is log-concave, the joint distribution of (X,Y) is also log-concave. Log-concavity is preserved by affine changes of coordinates, so the distribution of (X + Y, X − Y) is log-concave as well. Since the distribution of X+Y is a marginal over the joint distribution of (X + Y, X − Y), we conclude that X + Y has a log-concave distribution. Notes References Category:Geometric inequalities Category:Integral geometry Category:Real analysis Category:Theorems in analysis
ras-independent induction of rat brain type II sodium channel expression in nerve growth factor-treated PC12 cells. Nerve growth factor (NGF) plays an important role in the development of the nervous system, and there is considerable interest in understanding the molecular mechanisms underlying its effects on neuronal differentiation. To determine if the activity of proteins of the ras gene family is necessary for the NGF-mediated induction of sodium channel expression in pheochromocytoma (PC12) cells, sodium channel expression was analyzed in PC12 sublines stably overexpressing the dominant inhibitory mutant c-Ha-ras(Asn-17). Northern blot analysis, RNase protection assays, and whole-cell patch clamp recordings indicate that the NGF-mediated increase in type II sodium channel mRNA and sodium current density can occur independent of ras activity and by doing so provide strong evidence for the importance of ras-independent mechanisms in NGF-mediated neuronal differentiation.
Service discovery and load balancing with DCOS and marathon-lb - manojbadam https://mesosphere.com/blog/2015/12/13/service-discovery-and-load-balancing-with-dcos-and-marathon-lb-part-2/ ====== manojbadam Is this compatible with mesos 0.25 (not DCOS) and marathon 0.14. I'm trying to run in my environment, but it is failing. ~~~ SEJeff If setup properly, marathon-lb works great with Marathon 0.14. I use it with Mesos 0.26 and it works fine, but I'm testing the blue green deployment feature of it
OC Measurements Table Center is a position that I haven’t been able to show any consistent trends with RAS and success in the NFL. Travis Frederick and Rodney Hudson for instance measured below 2.00 out of 10.00, while Jason Kelce and Alex Mack measured well above average. Still, depending on the type of offense you run it can be more important to view specific measurables and know what your thresholds are.
Nutritional status of home hemodialysis patients. We studied the nutritional status of 32 patients (23 men), aged 50 (SD14) yr, on home hemodialysis (HHD) for one-138 months. No formal dietary restrictions were imposed. Anthropometric measurements were made using standard techniques, diet assessed by three-day dietetic diary and interview and plasma concentrations of nutrients were measured. Mean caloric intake was 29.4 (SD 10.7) kcal/kg; 24 (75%) patients had lower energy intakes than recommended for normals. Protein, vitamin C and folate intakes were above recommended minimum safe intakes. Intakes were less than recommended for calcium in four (13%) patients, iron in one (3%) and vitamin B12 in two (6%). One-third of both sexes had body mass indices (kg/m2) less than 25th percentile for normals, but none was less than 80% of ideal bodyweight. Arm muscle circumference was less than 10th percentile for normals in six men and three women. Triceps skin fold thickness was less than 10th percentile in four men (17%) and five women (55%). No anthropometric measurements were correlated with energy, protein or fat intake. Biochemical measurements were not useful in predicting protein intake. Neither nutritional intake nor anthropometric measurements were correlated with the duration of HHD. There was little evidence of malnutrition and wasting in this group of well rehabilitated HHD patients.
May 11, 2007 Mark Leat, the Longton North BNP councillor on Stoke Council has decided he's had enough of the fascist BNP and stumbled across the council chamber to become a non-aligned Independent, thus wiping out in a single embarrassing go the staggering single extra seat that the BNP made at last week's local government elections. So, after putting up the record number of 750 candidates and ploughing a phenomenal amount of money into the campaign - delivering up to six campaign leaflets in some areas, we're told - the party has ended up precisely where it started. Leat's only claim to fame is a bit of BNP self-promotion when a pre-election Voice of Freedom article claimed the party was achieving credibility following his award of chairman of the Health Commission. Following this, the party claimed it was 'working towards the day when the BNP hold the majority on Stoke Council'. That's put an end to that plan.
Q: Why isn't the action for my newly created UISwitch being called (Objective-c, Xcode 7.0.1)? So I have a UIswitch (firstSwitch) which when it is ON calls an action where it creates another UISwitch (secondSwitch). Then I want to repeat this step where the newly created UISwitch (secondSwitch) calls an action where it creates a new UISwitch (thirdSwitch) when it is switched ON. But the problem is, the first newly created switch (secondSwitch) does not detect the ON state so it cannot create the new UISwitch (thirdSwitch). Any advice or guidance on this would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance. Below are snippets of code to get a better idea (please disregard the positioning of x, y, width, height): - (void)viewDidLoad { [super viewDidLoad]; [self loadFirstSwitch]; [firstSwitch addTarget:self action:@selector(switchIsChanged:) forControlEvents:UIControlEventValueChanged]; //This secondSwitch does not detect the change in state to ON [secondSwitch addTarget:self action:@selector(switchIsChanged:) forControlEvents:UIControlEventValueChanged]; } - (void)loadFirstSwitch { firstSwitch = [[UISwitch alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(screenWidth - 50 - buttonPadding, 527.5 + buttonWidth, 50, 27)]; [scrollView addSubview:firstSwitch]; } - (void)loadSecondSwitch{ secondSwitch = [[UISwitch alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(screenWidth - 50 - buttonPadding, 527.5 + buttonWidth, 50, 27)]; [scrollView addSubview:secondSwitch]; } - (void)loadThirdSwitch{ thirdSwitch = [[UISwitch alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(screenWidth - 50 - buttonPadding, 527.5 + buttonWidth, 50, 27)]; [scrollView addSubview:thirdSwitch]; } - (void) switchIsChanged:(UISwitch *)paramSender{ if(paramSender == firstSwitch){ if([paramSender isOn]){ [self loadSecondSwitch]; }else{ NSLog(@"Switch is off"); } } if(paramSender == secondSwitch){ if([paramSender isOn]){ [self loadThirdSwitch]; }else{ NSLog(@"Switch is off"); } } } A: You are adding target to secondSwitch before it is created, it should be done after it is created, better to put in the function loadSecondSwitch, so you code looks like - (void)loadSecondSwitch{ secondSwitch = [[UISwitch alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(screenWidth - 50 - buttonPadding, 527.5 + buttonWidth, 50, 27)]; [scrollView addSubview:secondSwitch]; [secondSwitch addTarget:self action:@selector(switchIsChanged:) forControlEvents:UIControlEventValueChanged]; } Remove [secondSwitch addTarget:self action:@selector(switchIsChanged:) forControlEvents:UIControlEventValueChanged]; from viewDidLoad. I hope it works for you. Cheers.
A.1. Releases Meat Scented Candles Just in Time for Father’s Day File this under weird things you buy just to see what they are like. A.1. is introducing the world to meat-scented candles. According to the A.1. website the candles smell like coming home to a nice, juicy, hearty dinner with the sweet and tangy taste of A.1. sauce. Who doesn't want their home and all their belongings to smell like beef? The meat candles are only $14.99 and would make a unique Father's Day gift if your dad is a grillmaster, or just really likes red meat. There are three different "flavors" to choose from on the website: Original Meat Candle, Backyard BBQ Candle, and the Burger Candle. I love to put A.1. on everything, but to be honest I can't say that I love the smell of it. It does make broccoli way better, and it is even delicious with Salmon so maybe in the future we will be able to submit for new A.1. scents? I might have to order myself a meat candle and just burn it in my office at work to see how many co-workers get very hungry all of the sudden. If you want to order yourself or your Dad a meat candle you can do so on the A.1. website, here.
Knicks star Carmelo Anthony said Saturday that he didn't think he deserved to be thrown out of Friday's game against the Celtics and hinted that a previous history with the referee who ejected him may have played a role in his dismissal. "I always feel it's something. Every time we ... I don't want to say it's personal, but I always feel like it's something," Anthony said of referee Tony Brothers, who ejected him on Friday. Carmelo Anthony leaves the court after being ejected by referee Tony Brothers in Friday's game against the Celtics. Bob DeChiara/USA TODAY Sports Anthony, speaking to reporters in Toronto before Knicks' 118-107 loss, added: "I didn't think [Friday] night it called for a tech or an ejection at that point of time. I really don't know what to say about the situation." Anthony's wife, La La Anthony, tweeted on Friday night that Brothers "hates" Anthony and has a "personal" issue with the Knicks star. He hates Mel. It's personal. Always has. https://t.co/oHGrrOe30Q — LA LA (@lala) November 12, 2016 Brothers told a pool reporter in Boston that he had no history with Anthony, a 13-year veteran. La La Anthony, however, reiterated on Twitter that Brothers has a personal issue with Anthony after Brothers' denial. Carmelo Anthony was tossed with 4 minutes, 44 seconds left in the second quarter after consecutive technical fouls issued by Brothers. Anthony received the first technical when he said something to Brothers after a loose ball foul call. Brothers walked away, but Anthony trailed behind and kept talking. He was then hit with the second technical. Brothers later told a pool reporter that he whistled Anthony for the technical due to "bad language." "One, I don't feel I said anything on getting a tech -- and two -- getting ejected,'' Anthony said. He added: "There's nothing for me to say to him. It ain't personal with me from my end. I don't have anything to say to him. He's a ref. I play. I'll keep my mouth shut next time.'' Anthony reportedly argued with Brothers during the Knicks' road loss to Detroit earlier this season. Brothers was also officiating the Knicks-Celtics game in 2013 in which Anthony and Kevin Garnett had a run-in on the court that escalated into a confrontation after the game in the bowels of Madison Square Garden. ESPN's Ian Begley contributed to this report.
Q: Reverse a string and get an error The error is The best overloaded method match for 'string.String(char[])' has some invalid arguments My code: string reverseValue = new string( value.Select((c, index) => new { c, index }) .OrderByDescending(x => x.index).ToArray()); A: char[] chars = value.ToCharArray(); Array.Reverse(chars); new String(chars); Or (somewhat slower) new String(value.Reverse().ToArray()); Note that this won't handle UTF32 surrogate pairs, nor combining characters.
Tissue pharmacokinetics of fleroxacin in humans as determined by positron emission tomography. The delivery of fleroxacin, a new broad-spectrum fluoroquinolone, to the major organs of the body was studied in 12 normal human volunteers (nine men and three women), utilizing positron emission tomography (PET). Following the infusion of 20 mCi of [(18)F]fleroxacin in conjuction with a standard therapeutic dose of 400 mg, images were acquired over 8 h. Beginning the next day, the subjects received unlabeled drug at a dose of 400 mg/day for 3 days, with a repeat PET study on the fifth day. Fleroxacin is distributed widely throughout the body, with the notable exception of the central nervous system, with stable levels achieved within 1 h after completion of the infusion. Especially high peak concentrations (18 mug/g) were achieved in the kidney, liver, lung myocardium, and spleen. The mean plateau concentrations (2-8 h post-infusion, mug/g) were: brain 0.83; myocardium, 4.53; lung, 5.80, liver, 7.31; spleen, 6.00; bowel, 3.53; kidney, 8.85; bone, 2.87; muscle, 4.60; prostate, 4.65; uterus, 3.87; breast, 2.68; and blood, 2.35. Repetitive dosing had no significant effect on the pharmacokinetics of the drug. Since the MIC(90)'s of the family Enterobacterioaceae and Neisseria gonorrhoeae are <2 mug/ml, with the great majority of the individual species 1 mug/ml, these results suggest that a single daily dose of 400 mg of fleroxacin should be effective in the treatment of infections such as urinary tract infection and gonorrhea.
Checklist for the evaluation of low vision in uncooperative patients. To present a checklist for the evaluation of low vision in uncooperative patients; in this specific case, children with neurological deficits. The checklist includes several behavioral indicators obtainable with a standard clinical examination. Each test is assigned a score (0=failure, 1=success). The final visual quotient score is obtained by dividing the partial score by the total number of tests performed. Eleven children with cerebral visual impairment were studied using behavioral and preferential looking techniques. Visual quotient was >0 in all patients, indicating that residual visual function was always detectable. Average visual quotient was 0.74. Visual quotient can be useful both for follow-up examinations and comparison and integration with other evaluation methods (behavioral and instrumental) of residual visual capacity. In particular, if combined with preferential looking techniques, visual quotient testing permits characterization of the entire spectrum of low vision.
JACKSONVILLE, Fla. -- Jacksonville Jaguars fans might be divided on whether management made a mistake by re-signing quarterback Blake Bortles or failing to draft an offensive lineman with the team's first-round draft pick, but they all agree on this: Myles Jack wasn't down. It has been nearly five months since officials made a huge mistake in the AFC Championship Game at Gillette Stadium, when they blew the whistle to stop Jack from returning a fumble for a touchdown, but Jaguars fans still (understandably) won't let it go. That's why "Myles Jack wasn't down" has become a thing around the city. A really, really big thing. Two local breweries have named a pair of microbrews with the phrase. High schoolers have decorated their mortarboards with it at graduation. T-shirts have been printed. Signs have cropped up on television at other sporting events, such as "WWE Monday Night Raw" in Albany, New York. "Myles Jack wasn't down" even made its way into Rohan Bansal's valedictorian speech at Jacksonville's Atlantic Coast High School. "I love it," Jack told ESPN. "I'm a B-list celebrity on this team. We got Blake, Leonard [Fournette], Jalen [Ramsey]. Anywhere I can get my name in there, I'm cool with it." Jack, a linebacker, admits that the fun people are having certainly eases some of the pain of what happened on the sixth play of the fourth quarter, with the Jaguars leading the New England Patriots 20-10. The Patriots used a trick play -- receiver Danny Amendola threw a pass to running back Dion Lewis -- but Jack ran Lewis down after a 22-yard gain and ripped the ball out of Lewis' grasp as they went to the ground. Jack ended up with the ball, got up and headed for the end zone, but officials blew the play dead and stopped what would have been a touchdown. After reviewing the play, the officials ruled that Jack was down by contact, and the Jaguars took over on their 33. "At that moment, at that time, when I picked the ball up and ran and why I slammed the ball down, like, I knew I wasn't down," Jack said. "So I was screaming at the ref, like, 'Why the eff are you blowing the play down when I know it's not down?' Enough people at home know I wasn't down. People at the stadium know I wasn't down. "It [people having fun with the phrase] is comforting, I guess. Therapeutic." The Jaguars went three-and-out after the turnover, and the Patriots responded with the first of their two fourth-quarter touchdowns. Had officials not prematurely blown Jack's return dead, the Jaguars would have been ahead 27-10, and the entire complexion of the game would have changed. That is why Jaguars fans won't -- and can't -- let it go. That includes guys such as Intuition Ale Works founder Ben Davis, who decided to brew a small batch of a Belgian Tripel and call it "Myles Jack Wasn't Down." Davis said he got the idea from seeing social media posts with the phrase. He started selling the beer June 7 at his brewery and tap room two blocks from TIAA Bank Field. "We want to promote the Jaguars," Davis said. "A lot of our biggest drinkers and supporters are Jags fans and are the demographic that kind of gets behind them. And I truly hate the Patriots. "... The older you get as a brewery and the more beers you brew, it definitely gets harder and harder to come up with names. It's something that we thought was fun." So did Eric Luman, who owns Green Room Brewing in Jacksonville Beach. During the NFL playoffs, his company brewed two beers named Sacksonville in honor of the Jaguars' defensive nickname, and it went over so well that he wanted to try another brew. It was barroom manager Brendan Davis who came up with the idea to name the IPA they brewed two months ago Straight Facts -- Myles Jack Wasn't Down. Luman said it was a small batch, and there isn't any left. "It went over really well," Luman said. "Those two Sacksonville beers we did and Myles Jack just flew off our shelves." Makes sense. There's no better way for Jaguars fans to drown their sorrows than with a beer named after the play that might have robbed the franchise of its first Super Bowl appearance. Or maybe play a joke on the president of the United States by asking his Twitter account to DM you because you have information that proves the Russia investigation is a witch hunt -- and answer the message with: Myles Jack wasn't down in the AFC Championship Game against the Patriots. That, by the way, is Jack's favorite. This is the funniest thing I've seen all year 😂😂😂 https://t.co/sDCZIYR22V — Myles Jack (@MylesJack) April 29, 2018 "I got on Twitter and [saw] that, and I really laughed out loud," he said. The players can do that now, but that doesn't mean they no longer believe they were robbed by the officials. "We saw it live, and I thought it then, and I still think it now," Bortles said. "I think it's tough to argue with, but there's definitely things we could have done in that game outside of that play, offensively, that could have won us the game, so it's tough to point out that or use that [as an excuse], but he definitely wasn't down."
Data circuit-terminating equipment A data circuit-terminating equipment (DCE) is a device that sits between the data terminal equipment (DTE) and a data transmission circuit. It is also called data communication(s) equipment and data carrier equipment. Usually, the DTE device is the terminal (or computer), and the DCE is a modem. In a data station, the DCE performs functions such as signal conversion, coding, and line clocking and may be a part of the DTE or intermediate equipment. Interfacing equipment may be required to couple the data terminal equipment (DTE) into a transmission circuit or channel and from a transmission circuit or channel into the DTE. Usage Although the terms are most commonly used with RS-232, several data communication standards define different types of interfaces between a DCE and a DTE. The DCE is a device that communicates with a DTE device in these standards. Standards that use this nomenclature include: Federal Standard 1037C, MIL-STD-188 RS-232 Certain ITU-T standards in the V series (notably V.24 and V.35) Certain ITU-T standards in the X series (notably X.21 and X.25) A general rule is that DCE devices provide the clock signal (internal clocking) and the DTE device synchronizes on the provided clock (external clocking). D-sub connectors follow another rule for pin assignment. DTE devices usually transmit on pin connector number 2 and receive on pin connector number 3. DCE devices are just the opposite: pin connector number 2 receives and pin connector number 3 transmits the signals. When two devices, that are both DTE or both DCE, must be connected together without a modem or a similar media translator between them, a crossover cable must be used, e.g. a null modem for RS-232 or an Ethernet crossover cable. See also Networking hardware References External links Data Terminating Equipment or Data Circuit-Terminating Equipment speeds, IBM Category:Data transmission Category:Telecommunications equipment
Open-end spinning devices with such rotor bearing arrangements are known in various different embodiments, and have been extensively described, for example in German Patent Publications DE 195 43 745 A1, DE 196 01 034 A1, DE 197 05 607 A1 or DE 41 17 175 A1. For example, German Patent Publication DE 195 43 745 A1 describes an embodiment in which the spinning rotor is supported both radially and axially by means of a magnetic bearing arrangement. The magnetic bearing at the end of the rotor shaft described in German Patent Publication DE 195 43 745 A1 has a magnetic rotor ring as well as a magnetic stator ring. Here, the two magnetic rings are aligned magnetically in such a way that a bearing gap is created between them. To suppress the radial oscillations of the magnetically seated spinning rotor, which occur in particular during a starting phase, the stator magnet is furthermore seated with its movements limited in the radial direction. Here, the radial deflections of the magnetic stator ring are damped by a mechanical friction device. However, it is disadvantageous with this known installation that the static charge, which in particular occurs during the spinning of synthetic materials in the area of the spinning rotor, cannot be dissipated in a defined manner, since the spinning rotor is electrically insulated from the grounded components of the open-end spinning device. This electric charge has an interfering effect on the spinning process. In the open-end spinning device in accordance with German Patent Publication DE 197 05 607 A1, the spinning rotor is supported with its rotor shaft in the wedge gaps of a support ring bearing, and rests axially against an aerostatic bearing. The rotor shaft is made of carbide, at least in the area of the bearing surface which cooperates with the axial bearing. Because of the electrically insulated bearing of the spinning rotor, it is also possible with this known bearing arrangement for a static charge of the spinning rotor to appear during spinning of synthetic material in particular, leading to disadvantageous effects on the spinning process. Even temporary unintentional contact between the rotor shaft bearing surface and the bearing plate of the axial bearing, made of a carbon material, cannot produce a sufficient removal of the charge. An open end spinning device is furthermore known from German Patent Publication DE 196 01 034 A1, in which the spinning rotor is aerostatically seated both radially and axially. As with the above described bearing arrangements, the bearing arrangement in accordance with German Patent Publication DE 196 01 034 A1 also has the problem that a permanent electric insulation of the spinning rotor during the spinning operation is produced because of the air gap of the aerostatic bearing, and therefore no sufficient removal of the electrostatic charge created during spinning takes place. The problem of insufficient grounding of the spinning rotor, in particular in the course of processing synthetic feed materials, is also present in bearing arrangements of open-end spinning devices, such as those known from German Patent Publication DE 41 17 175 A1. With these bearing arrangements, which per se have proven themselves in actual use, the radial seating of the rotor shaft is customarily provided by plastic-coated support rings. Since the rotor shaft has a non-conducting, for example oxide-ceramic, insert in the area of its axial support, this also leads to an electric insulation and therefore to a static charge buildup of the spinning rotor.
Juvenile court a place of hope, despair, second chances Judge John Williams presides over cases in Hamilton County Juvenile Court on Wednesday.(Photo: The Enquirer/Amanda Rossmann) Story Highlights According to the 2013 annual report, last year Hamilton County Juvenile Court handled 720 complaints for assault, 216 for menacing, 75 for sexual offenses, 309 for robbery, 434 for burglary, 975 for theft, 363 for vandalism and damage and 3 for homicide, among other charges. At 800 Broadway, chief magistrate Carla Guenthner steps into an elevator and pushes the button marked 1. “Everything quiet on the first floor?” she asks the security guard beside her. The woman looks at her with a knowing smile. “We’ll see. It’s subject to change minute to minute.” Probably nothing truer has ever been said of 800 Broadway, which is shorthand for the Hamilton County Juvenile Court. About 30,000 new cases are heard here each year, all of them involving that segment of the population whose brains are still under development, along with their driving ability, decision-making skills and manners. It’s why, brought into court in handcuffs and shackles, a female teenage defendant has been known to pass by a young court worker and whisper brightly, “I really like your skirt!” They may be facing charges for menacing, theft, marijuana, chronic truancy or assault – and they may have a rap sheet longer than the “Loyalty” tattoo running down their forearm – but they’re still kids. Which is what makes juvenile court a setting of both endless hope and latent despair. Wednesday morning, Judge John Williams’ docket started with a 16-year-old and 17-year-old charged in a Madisonville killing, and a 13-year-old charged with reckless homicide in the shooting death of his 13-year-old friend. His parents and grandfather watching red-eyed from chairs along the wall, the boy – hardly 5 feet tall – was led into court by a sheriff’s deputy. He curled forward in his chair, made eye contact with no one, and hung his head. In his chambers later, Williams says, “What I’m always struck by – even in some of the really violent cases – is that they’re so small.” A law student interning at the court says the first thing she notices is this: “They’re not scary – they may be intimidated, confused sometimes, but not scary.” Which cannot always be said of their parents. Court officials say parents’ support is crucial for helping a wayward kid. But some moms and dads don’t agree with that, or seemingly anything else a judge or magistrate tells them. Thursday, as she was supposed to be answering visiting Judge Sylvia Hendon’s questions about why her 16-year-old son was living unsupervised and apart from his family, a mother rolled out her own list of complaints and rebuttals instead. Asked to release the boy on probation to his mother, Hendon said he should have been there for the last two years. “Excuse me? There’s no point in coming in here. We’ll be fighting this,” his mother said, and left the courtroom. Moments later, glancing back to see his mother, the 16-year-old saw only her empty chair. Wednesday, when Williams gave her 14-year-old son additional days in juvenile detention and probation instead of sending him to the state’s youth prison, Regina Owens sat nodding her head and wiping tears from her eyes. When Williams asked her to let the court know if there were infractions, she said, “I’ll tell on him in a heartbeat.” Afterward, in the hallway outside, Owens’ older son, Demetrius Harris, remembered being in the same courtroom five years ago, when he was a 14-year-old who had accidentally shot and wounded a friend. He could have been sentenced to 17 years in prison but served a short term in detention instead. He still remembers then-Judge Thomas Lipps’ admonitions. They stuck. “I got my GED, I got a job and I’m going to the Marines next year – and I never came back here,” he says. It’s the best outcome the juvenile court judges and magistrates could hope for and the reason that, faced with packed dockets, they still take time to advise, warn, encourage, scold and sometimes cajole the young people before them. “If you loved your mom, would you walk around with a 45 (caliber handgun)?” Williams asks one young defendant facing weapon charges. “I’m not going to put up with this, with guns. Do you understand if you don’t listen, what I’m going to do? I’m going to send you to DYS (the Department of Youth Services). I’m not going to let you fail.” Later, Williams says that if only two out of 100 youth heed his warnings, “I’m still always going to say it.” From his corner of the courtroom, Williams’ bailiff, John Englert, says the power of juvenile court is that the youths who come before it still have time to change. “Sometimes the judge only has a few minutes to talk to them, but sometimes that’s the minute that works.” ■
<?php namespace Kanboard\Subscriber; use Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventSubscriberInterface; use Kanboard\Core\Security\AuthenticationManager; use Kanboard\Core\Session\SessionManager; use Kanboard\Event\AuthSuccessEvent; use Kanboard\Event\AuthFailureEvent; /** * Authentication Subscriber * * @package subscriber * @author Frederic Guillot */ class AuthSubscriber extends BaseSubscriber implements EventSubscriberInterface { /** * Get event listeners * * @static * @access public * @return array */ public static function getSubscribedEvents() { return array( AuthenticationManager::EVENT_SUCCESS => 'afterLogin', AuthenticationManager::EVENT_FAILURE => 'onLoginFailure', SessionManager::EVENT_DESTROY => 'afterLogout', ); } /** * After Login callback * * @access public * @param AuthSuccessEvent $event */ public function afterLogin(AuthSuccessEvent $event) { $this->logger->debug('Subscriber executed: '.__METHOD__); $userAgent = $this->request->getUserAgent(); $ipAddress = $this->request->getIpAddress(); $this->userLockingModel->resetFailedLogin($this->userSession->getUsername()); $this->lastLoginModel->create( $event->getAuthType(), $this->userSession->getId(), $ipAddress, $userAgent ); if ($event->getAuthType() === 'RememberMe') { $this->userSession->validatePostAuthentication(); } if (session_is_true('hasRememberMe')) { $session = $this->rememberMeSessionModel->create($this->userSession->getId(), $ipAddress, $userAgent); $this->rememberMeCookie->write($session['token'], $session['sequence'], $session['expiration']); } } /** * Destroy RememberMe session on logout * * @access public */ public function afterLogout() { $this->logger->debug('Subscriber executed: '.__METHOD__); $credentials = $this->rememberMeCookie->read(); if ($credentials !== false) { $session = $this->rememberMeSessionModel->find($credentials['token'], $credentials['sequence']); if (! empty($session)) { $this->rememberMeSessionModel->remove($session['id']); } $this->rememberMeCookie->remove(); } } /** * Increment failed login counter * * @access public * @param AuthFailureEvent $event */ public function onLoginFailure(AuthFailureEvent $event) { $this->logger->debug('Subscriber executed: '.__METHOD__); $username = $event->getUsername(); if (! empty($username)) { // log login failure in web server log to allow fail2ban usage error_log('Kanboard: user '.$username.' authentication failure'); $this->userLockingModel->incrementFailedLogin($username); if ($this->userLockingModel->getFailedLogin($username) > BRUTEFORCE_LOCKDOWN) { $this->userLockingModel->lock($username, BRUTEFORCE_LOCKDOWN_DURATION); } } else { // log login failure in web server log to allow fail2ban usage error_log('Kanboard: user Unknown authentication failure'); } } }
The Size Dependence of Phytoplankton Growth Rates: A Trade-Off between Nutrient Uptake and Metabolism. Rates of metabolism and population growth are often assumed to decrease universally with increasing organism size. Recent observations have shown, however, that maximum population growth rates among phytoplankton smaller than ∼6 μm in diameter tend to increase with organism size. Here we bring together observations and theory to demonstrate that the observed change in slope is attributable to a trade-off between nutrient uptake and the potential rate of internal metabolism. Specifically, we apply an established model of phytoplankton growth to explore a trade-off between the ability of cells to replenish their internal quota (which increases with size) and their ability to synthesize new biomass (which decreases with size). Contrary to the metabolic theory of ecology, these results demonstrate that rates of resource acquisition (rather than metabolism) provide the primary physiological constraint on the growth rates of some of the smallest and most numerically abundant photosynthetic organisms on Earth.
What's next for dysfunctional Titans family? I think it's safe to say the Adams family's Thanksgiving dinner doesn't exactly resemble a Norman Rockwell painting. The events of the past week have given us insight into the level of dysfunction surrounding the extended family of late Titans founder Bud Adams. We knew it was a mess. But we had no idea how big a mess. There's less backstabbing in a Shakespeare tragedy. A couple of weeks ago, Tommy Smith seemed comfortable in his role as president/CEO of the Titans. He even made the Nashville sports radio rounds and talked about how things were going to improve with both the Titans' on-field and off-field operations. A few days later, he was the target of a palace coup that effectively ended his involvement with the organization beyond the one-third stake his wife, Susie Adams Smith, has in the team. He went from being the leader of the franchise to persona non grata. Those with working knowledge of the situation are not all that surprised. They say it was only a matter of time before the family turned on itself. Apparently, matriarch Nancy Adams was able to maintain some degree of order within the family until her death in February 2009. After that, things fell apart. For one thing, it's no secret that Smith and his father-in-law were not close during Bud's later years. There are stories out there that the two would not dine within eyeshot of each other. Look, family squabbles are nothing new. All of us, regardless of our tax brackets, have issues. Normally, though, our dirty laundry is not aired so publicly. Then again, most of our families are not in possession of an NFL franchise. Smith's hasty "retirement" with the Titans was the result of a family feud, one that very well could lead to the sale of the team in the not-too-distant future. As long as Bud Adams was alive, the franchise was off-limits to potential buyers. It would have to be pried from his cold, dead hands. Seventeen months after his death, it's just another corporate entity that is jointly held by three heirs and might be available if the price is right. And that price could be in the neighborhood of $2 billion. It's interesting that the family members apparently could agree on one thing: Bringing back Steve Underwood to oversee day-to-day operations. Underwood long was a trusted lieutenant to Bud Adams. He was his chief legal counsel and one of his confidantes. Beyond that, Underwood is a smart man with great people skills and remarkable common sense — characteristics this organization desperately lacks. I suspect Underwood was brought out of retirement with two objectives: Stabilize things in the short term and get the franchise positioned for sale in the longer term. For his part, Underwood told Tennessean beat writer Jim Wyatt the team is not for sale. Fine. But with so much instability, I contend that everything is subject to change. And that includes ownership of the team. Besides, if you're trying to get top dollar for something, what do you do? Say it's not for sale, of course. As far as potential buyers are concerned, can we please dismiss this idea that Jimmy Haslam somehow might wind up owning the Titans? This just in: Haslam owns the Cleveland Browns and is running them from his base of operations at Pilot/Flying J headquarters in Knoxville. Even so, some people simply can't let go of the idea that the owner of one NFL franchise could swap it for another. This isn't like trading football cards. It's not quite as simple as giving up a couple of draft picks and a player to be named later in order to exchange one team for another. Ownership by Haslam would only take this franchise from bad to worse. On Haslam's watch, the Browns have been a dumpster fire. It's one of the very few NFL organizations that is more poorly run than the Titans. Besides, Haslam is worried about two other things right now: What is he going to do about Johnny Manziel? Is he going to escape the federal investigation of Pilot/Flying J relatively unscathed? Not necessarily in that order. David Climer's columns appear on Wednesday, Friday, Sunday and Monday. Reach him at 615-259-8020 and on Twitter @DavidClimer.
Acute adaptation in adrenergic control of lipolysis during physical exercise in humans. During prolonged exercise, the free fatty acids derived from adipocyte lipolysis are the principal fuel utilized by muscles. In humans, the lipid mobilization from adipose tissue is mainly regulated by insulin and catecholamines: the latter hormones have both beta-adrenergic stimulatory and alpha 2-adrenergic inhibitory effects on lipolysis. The aim of this study was to determine whether rapid alterations in the peripheral action of the regulatory hormones occur during physical work and whether they are of importance for the enhanced lipid mobilization. The acute effects of exercise on the regulation of lipolysis were investigated in isolated adipocytes removed from the gluteal region of 14 healthy volunteers before and immediately after the exercise period. Exercise induced a 20-35% significant increase in the lipolytic response to noradrenaline alone and in combination with the selective alpha 2-antagonist yohimbine and to the pure beta-agonist isoproterenol in isolated adipocytes. The antilipolytic effects of both the alpha 2-agonist clonidine and insulin were unaffected by exercise. Exercise did not influence the specific adipocyte receptor binding of 125I-cyanopindolol (beta-adrenergic receptor), [3H]yohimbine (alpha-adrenergic receptor), and mono-125I-[Tyr A14]insulin (insulin receptor). In conclusion, a single period of submaximal exercise increases adipocyte lipolytic responsiveness to catecholamines through an increased beta-adrenoceptor-mediated effect at steps distal to the receptor binding. Thus the increased peripheral action of catecholamines may be of importance for the observed enhanced lipid mobilization during physical work.
Kinetic hindrance of Fe(II) oxidation at alkaline pH and in the presence of nitrate and oxygen in a facultative wastewater stabilization pond. To better understand the dynamics of Fe2 + oxidation in facultative wastewater stabilization ponds, water samples from a three-pond system were taken throughout the period of transition from anoxic conditions with high aqueous Fe2 + levels in the early spring to fully aerobic conditions in late spring. Fe2 + levels showed a highly significant correlation with pH but were not correlated with dissolved oxygen (DO). Water column Fe2 + levels were modeled using the kinetic rate law for Fe2 + oxidation of Sung and Morgan.[5] The fitted kinetic coefficients were 5 +/- 3 x 10(6) M(- 2) atm(-1) min(-1); more than six orders of magnitude lower than typically reported. Comparison of four potential Fe redox couples demonstrated that the rhoepsilon was at least 3-4 orders of magnitude higher than would be expected based on internal equilibrium. Surprisingly, measured nitrate and DO (when present) were typically consistent with both nitrate (from denitrification) and DO levels (from aerobic respiration) predicted from equilibrium. Although the hydrous Fe oxide/FeCO3 couple was closest to equilibrium and most consistent with the observed pH dependence (in contrast to predicted lepidocrocite), Fe2 + oxidation is kinetically hindered, resulting in up to 10(7)-fold higher levels than expected based on both kinetic and equilibrium analyses.
By Share Blog Roll Happy Hour with a Big Mama Jun 07th 2012 Delray has always been my “downtown,” but the beach up here in Ocean Ridge is what tends to ground me. Especially now, in the summer, when it’s perfect for swimming, the days are long, and turtles are nesting. We’ve always had a high number of turtle nests, and I always go on turtle walks this month—usually after 10 p.m. and always when it’s a little murky out there, salt smelling, turtle-y, as I like to call it. This summer I’ve been lazy and I haven’t been once. Each morning I see all the new nests and I swear I’m going to go that night but it just has not happened. I am too deep into a book, or I’ve found one lone “Criminal Minds” rerun I have never seen before, or I’m scoring a pair of Jumbu adventure shoes on Zappo’s. Until last weekend when the phone rang at about 6:30 p.m., right before Brian Williams and right before I was about to make a ceremonial Tito’s martini (shaken, not stirred, of course.) “There’s a turtle on the beach,” my neighbor Lynn said. “Now??” I said, having almost never seen a turtle laying her eggs in daylight. So I dropped everything and walked to the end of my street, and there were all my neighbors, a couple of Ocean Ridge police keeping everyone at bay and a very handsome leatherback turtle deeply immersed in laying her eggs. Watching this for the umpteenth time is sort of like watching paint dry; it takes for-e-ver for her to dig the nest, drop the eggs, bury the eggs, cover the nest and then manage to actually turn that gi-normous body around with those awkward flippers kind of uselessly sweeping out plumes of sand. By the time she was ready to try to drag herself off the nest, I’d missed Brian Williams, and my martini was talking to me from my kitchen counter up the street. I was ready for this to be over. And then she began that that lurching slow move toward the ocean. A giant heave, then a heavy pause, then another lurch toward the shoreline. That’s when I couldn’t take my eyes off her, the way she was pulled to the water, and how she labored over every foot of sand. And then she was in, the massive shell washed by the tide, then slipping deeper. The last we saw of her was her head rising out of the water as she swam away, the late sun glancing off the top of her shell. So. There it was. Just another Friday night in a South Florida summer. The kind of happy hour you almost never get to have.
Abstract A method for investigating the nature of thermally activated relaxations in terms of their cooperative character is tested in both polymer and low molecular weight crystal systems. This approach is based on analysis of the activation entropy in order to describe thermally activated relaxations. The betaine arsenate/phosphate mixed system of low molecular weight crystals was selected for investigation because pure compounds of this system show ferro-/antiferroelectric phase transitions and the mixed crystals undergo different kinds of relaxation processes involving both dipole–dipole and dipole–lattice interactions. The polymer chosen was a side chain liquid-crystalline polysiloxane, which shows the β-relaxation characteristic of disordered systems and amorphous materials. The cooperative versus local character of the relaxations is described in terms of “complex” and “simple” relaxations based on calculations of the activation entropies. The initial assumptions of the theory, as well as the resulting equations, were found to be applicable to the systems studied.
Hey everyone! Before you continue, no, this isn't a post about getting MonoGame to work with C++! Now that everyone didn't run away, I have a question that i've been debating for a few days now. I've been programming for 4-5 years now, and the entire time I have had game programming in my sights. Only recently I have been able to start development on a full game, not a sample game you make from a book where the game runs through and ends. I mean a full game, like one you would buy. I've been working on it for a couple weeks using XNA 4.0, even though I have been aware that XNA is basically dead in Microsofts eyes. I was using this as a learning experience, and I did learn a lot. Now here comes the question. I have two options here to continue, because I feel like as though I know i'm learning, continuing with XNA is counter productive if I were to want to deploy and sell my games (key word, IF. I know not everyone is going to be able to, or want to deploy their games to sell). I could port my game over to MonoGame, which I looked through and scoured the internet for info on. The problem here, is that since it's still in development, there is no content pipeline that you get with XNA, which was a huge part of it. I know MonoGame is basically the go-to thing for XNA devs as well. My other option is to switch to C++. I did what every hobby dev does, and started my tenure of programming trying to learn C++, so I do have SOME experience. (Some = getting a sprite to move with DirectX after I learned the language itself of course). Another thing to keep in mind is that I do all of this by myself, and do not work in a team. More thinking about the future, would it be worth it to port my game to MonoGame, continue developing it, and deal with all the tricky workarounds that MonoGame has as of now, (Version 3.0 or 3.1, can't remember which), or would it be better to just start learning C++ again, and get back into that for game development? Before everyone comes out with the, "no language is right for every situation, choose what works for you, etc", i'm not looking for advice on a personal level. I'm looking for advice at an industry level. Basically what i'm asking is, would it be worth it for a one man programming team to deal with the MonoGame stuff, or would it be worth it to make the switch back to C++? Taking the time to learn the language isn't a problem (I'm a third year student at college, I have some time before the real world!) What would be more advantageous in the long term is what I want to know. I'm only looking for opinions here, as I am aware of how many factors can affect a decision like this. I'm not looking for anyone to tell me how hard one is, or how easy another is, as i've had at least some experience in both. Not saying i'm a pro, far from it actually. Just stuck in this tough decision that I can't figure out which side to go with! If it helps, I only work in 2D. Not really working on any 3D games, at least in the foreseeable future. Thanks everyone! I'm in a similar situation to you in that I'm considering switching to MonoGame. However, C++ is out of the question for me because I've been working on my game for about a year in C#. Fortunately for you, your game is in the very early stages of development so switching to either shouldn't be much trouble. If MonoGame doesn't have a content pipeline, does it have something similar? How will you import your assets with it? Furthermore, if you switch to C++, which engine will you use? MonoGame strives to be an open source XNA 4.0, so if you're more familiar with game development in XNA then chances are you're more familiar with C#, so I'd stick with that language. I have also heard that porting to MonoGame from XNA is pretty easy, but I don't have first-hand experience doing it so don't take my word for it. Overall, I think you should look at the big picture. Which platforms would you want to sell your game on? Is it a PC game or a mobile game? Regarding languages: C++ is a powerful language, but it takes a while to get used to. Since it's your very first original game, I'd stick with C# since Visual Studio is a great developer tool and you'll have more problems with C++'s intricacies. Basically what i'm asking is, would it be worth it for a one man programming team to deal with the MonoGame stuff, or would it be worth it to make the switch back to C++? Yes and yes. I know you said you didn't want that advice, but unfortunately it's the correct answer. Either of those are viable options with advantages and disadvantages, and at the end of the day the biggest factor is going to be your own personal preference. Small teams and individual developers have been successful with both C# and C++, and both languages are more than sufficient for what you're trying to do. Personally, given you're significantly more familiar with and also making progress with C# and XNA I would tend towards sticking with C# and learning to use MonoGame when or if it becomes necessary. I would suggest you simply stick with XNA for now, as for the time being it is still perfectly usable and the functionality and usability of MonoGame is being improved all the time to ensure switching is as painless as possible. You can then make the change only once you actually need to do so. For reference, it's my understanding that most people currently just use the XNA content pipeline along with MonoGame but that the MonoGame replacement is coming along nicely and should be able to take over that role sometime in the near future. You can still continue to use XNA if you like it - It won't stop working or refuse to install on people's computers, it's just not going to be developed any further. If you want to get it onto Windows 8 or any other unsupported platform, you could use MonoGame to port it over when you need to. For MonoGame, you just need to use XNA's content pipeline to compile your assets before adding them to your project. There's also a Content Compiler project on CodePlex that might simplify things, but I haven't tried it yet. If you're comfortable using those frameworks, and enjoy it, there's no harm in continuing to do so. Any concepts you learn in one language usually transfer to a new one, so you're not going to "waste" any time now even if you change later: When you're certain you'd rather be working with C++, and feel you're ready, you can do so whenever you want. I hate to 'leave it up to you' since you specifically asked to avoid that, but I don't know that anyone's opinions would be relevant to your decision, the big picture is the one you're painting yourself. I could advise you to go with C++, just because that's what Epic used for the Unreal engine, but that's irrelevant if you have no interest in working there. (As well as a poor basis for advice in the first place!) Basically, you got caught up in having to make an unexpected decision, while feeling like you don't have enough knowledge to do so. It's not as dire as it seems, and truthfully in the longterm, you'll be fine no matter which way you go. It's really only a matter of which feels more comfortable for you.
After having typically appeared in the very hallowed pages of Baseball Think Factory, Dan Szymborski’s ZiPS projections have been released at FanGraphs the past couple years. The exercise continues this offseason. Below are the projections for the Seattle Mariners. Szymborski can be found at ESPN and on Twitter at @DSzymborski. Other Projections: Atlanta / Baltimore / Cincinnati / Kansas City / New York AL / Philadelphia / Pittsburgh / Texas / Toronto. Batters The arrival of Jerry Dipoto in Seattle has been accompanied by considerable turnover within the club’s roster — some of which is represented in the major-league depth chart. Nori Aoki, Chris Iannetta, and Adam Lind all receive projections in the one-win range. Not unexpected, that, but also not a source of great inspiration to the people of Seattle. Then there’s the case of Leonys Martin. Rendered more or less redundant in Texas, the center fielder is projected to produce 2.5 wins in roughly two-thirds playing time, one of the best marks among the club’s position players. Elsewhere, the strengths of the club remain the same. Robinson Cano, Nelson Cruz, and Kyle Seager are all forecast to record three or more wins. This is particularly encouraging for Cano. After posting a 2.1 WAR in nearly 700 plate appearances this past season, Cano is expected to approach the four-win threshold in 2016. Pitchers If one is inclined to put stock in ZiPS, one is inclined also to believe that the version of reality in which Hisashi Iwakuma signs officially with the Dodgers is an unfortunate reality for the Mariners. After Felix Hernandez, the recipient (predictably) of a strong projection, the next best non-Iwakuma mark belongs to left-hander Wade Miley, who barely passes the one-win threshold. The numbers after that aren’t particularly encouraging, either. With regard to the bullpen, one finds that it features almost an entirely different cast than that which ended the 2015 season. No coincidence, that, in light of how the club’s relief corps finished 26th in the majors by WAR. The prognosis for the 2016 version of the bullpen isn’t wildly encouraging, but suggests an improvement over its predecessor. Bench/Prospects While Dan Szymborski’s computer algorithms might seem pessimistic with regard to some of the Mariners’ newest acquisitions, one player for whom that’s not the case is outfielder Boog Powell. The author of precisely zero major-league plate appearances, Powell is forecast by ZiPS to produce 1.5 wins in roughly 500 plate appearances on the strength of reasonable plate-discipline numbers and slightly above-average center-field defense. Among pitchers, the returns aren’t quite so promising. New acquisition Tony Zych is projected for roughly half a win. Depth Chart Below is a rough depth chart for the present incarnation of the Mariners, with rounded projected WAR totals for each player. For caveats regarding WAR values see disclaimer at bottom of post. Click to embiggen image. Ballpark graphic courtesy Eephus League. Depth charts constructed by way of those listed here at site and author’s own haphazard reasoning. *** *** *** *** *** *** Disclaimer: ZiPS projections are computer-based projections of performance. Performances have not been allocated to predicted playing time in the majors — many of the players listed above are unlikely to play in the majors at all in 2016. ZiPS is projecting equivalent production — a .240 ZiPS projection may end up being .280 in AAA or .300 in AA, for example. Whether or not a player will play is one of many non-statistical factors one has to take into account when predicting the future. Players are listed with their most recent teams unless Dan has made a mistake. This is very possible as a lot of minor-league signings are generally unreported in the offseason. ZiPS is projecting based on the AL having a 3.93 ERA and the NL having a 3.75 ERA. Players that are expected to be out due to injury are still projected. More information is always better than less information and a computer isn’t what should be projecting the injury status of, for example, a pitcher with Tommy John surgery. Regarding ERA+ vs. ERA- (and FIP+ vs. FIP-) and the differences therein: as Patriot notes here, they are not simply mirror images of each other. Writes Patriot: “ERA+ does not tell you that a pitcher’s ERA was X% less or more than the league’s ERA. It tells you that the league’s ERA was X% less or more than the pitcher’s ERA.” Both hitters and pitchers are ranked by projected zWAR — which is to say, WAR values as calculated by Dan Szymborski, whose surname is spelled with a z. WAR values might differ slightly from those which appear in full release of ZiPS. Finally, Szymborski will advise anyone against — and might karate chop anyone guilty of — merely adding up WAR totals on depth chart to produce projected team WAR.
The end goal of the proposed program is to provide training through a truly multidisciplinary design course where engineering students and physical therapist students at the University of North Florida work together to design, fabricate, and test adaptive technology targeting postural control, mobility, social participation, and quality of lifefor children with developmental disabilities. As part of this program students will gain an increased appreciation of the diverse roles and contributions from different disciplines in the context of advanced rehabilitation technology development for pediatric applications. This program will enhance students training through a hands-on, interprofessional, and translational design experience focused on complete working prototypes that meet clinical and community needs. The specific program aims are: (1) To identify and describe various assistive technology solutions for functional limitations for a variety of developmental disabilities. (2) To develop sklls to function as a member of a multidisciplinary team including effective communication across disciplines and people first language, behavior and sensitivity during clinical observations with clients. (3) To identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems utilizing a family-centered functional approach to the assessment of assistive technology needs including cultural uniqueness as applied to ethnic and cultural minorities. (4) To understand the professional, legal, and ethical responsibility of interacting with a client in a professional capacity related t providing assistive technology devices and services. (5) To describe the process utilized to develop product concepts, specifications, prototyping, testing, and fabrication of an assistive technology finished product. (6) To compare and contrast the gaps between engineering and rehabilitation theory and reality.
{ "match": false, "comment": "Paths do not match", "expected" : { "method": "POST", "path": "/path/to/something", "query": "", "headers": {} }, "actual": { "method": "POST", "path": "/path/to/something/else", "query": "", "headers": {} } }
Q: Line segment / circle intersection - X value seems wrong? Major Edit I'm making a Breakout clone, and having difficulty with collision detection between a circle and line segment. Apologies, my earlier question was a result of frustration and no sleep :) Having read this post on collision detection I've re-written my collision code to the following: // Takes 2 points on a line, a circle centre, and a circle radius // Returns true is collision, false otherwise public Boolean DoesCollide(Vector2 a, Vector2 b, Vector2 c, float rad) { // First up, let's normalise our vectors so the circle is on the origin Vector2 normA = a - c; Vector2 normB = b - c; Vector2 d = normB - normA; // Want to solve as a quadratic equation, need 'a','b','c' components float aa = Vector2.Dot(d, d); float bb = 2 * (Vector2.Dot(normA, d)); float cc = Vector2.Dot(normA,normA)-(rad*rad); // Get determinant to see if LINE intersects double deter = Math.Pow(bb, 2.0) - 4 * aa * cc; if (deter > 0) { // Get t values (solve equation) to see if LINE SEGMENT intersects double t = (-bb - Math.Sqrt(deter)) / (2 * aa); double t2 = (-bb + Math.Sqrt(deter)) / (2 * aa); Boolean match = false; if (0.0 <= t && t <= 1.0) { // Interpolate to get collision point Vector2 collisionPoint = c + Vector2.Lerp(normA, normB, (float)t); match = true; } if (0.0 <= t2 && t2 <= 1.0) { Vector2 collisionPoint2 = c + Vector2.Lerp(normA, normB, (float)t2); match = true; } return match; } else return false; } However, I'm getting strange results for the X components of the collision points found 'on hit' - see the following debug output: Coll at {X:1033.931 Y:620}, t1 = 0.203759334390812, Normalised = {X:0.8576241 Y:0.5142772} Coll2 at {X:1052.069 Y:620}, t2 = 0.409877029245551, Normalised = {X:0.8615275 Y:0.5077109} Circ cent = {X:1043 Y:610}, rad = 13.5 As you can see, the X components are 10px either side of the circle centre, but the Y component (620) is the very topmost pixel of the top of the Breakout paddle. Surely here the X points can't be 20 pixels apart, given the location of the Y point? A: You are missing a stage before calculating t0 and t1. It should look more like this: float q; // Holds the solution to the quadratic equation if (bb >= 0) { q = (-bb - Math.Sqrt(deter)) / 2; } else { q = (-bb + Math.Sqrt(deter)) / 2; } float t0 = q / aa; float t1 = cc / q; After that, make sure t0 and t1 are sorted. [Edit] I made a small error with the determinant signs, note they are now reversed.
Top 15 Hottest Actresses of Hollywood 2017 Hollywood has been the epitome of beauty and glamour all over the world. It is the ultimate dream of every aspiring actors and actresses to set foot on this magical place. It is no surprise then, that it is also where you can find the hottest beauty on earth. And by hot we don’t just mean beauty and appeal. It’s a culmination of both which results to gorgeousness and attractiveness to the next level. Now, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, they say. But this list we got here is simply hard to dispute. Here is our own list of top 15 hottest Hollywood actresses for 2017. 15. Gal Gadot Not only can she capture hearts, she can also kick butts. This beauty served in the Israel Defense Force as a soldier for two years. She will be the first one to portray the role of Wonder Woman in a live action film. 14. Dakota Johnson Daughter of Hollywood royalty, she is making a name of her own after landing her lead role as Anastasia Steele in the steamy film trilogy Fifty Shades. She also took part in Black Mass and A Bigger Slash. She is one hot star to watch out for. 13. Jennifer Lawrence Her charming smile, bubbly personality and sexy body have captivated the whole world. She landed high-profile roles in movies such as Hunger Games series and Xmen, making her one of the highest paid actresses in Hollywood. 12. Marion Cotillard Her beauty is really fit for the silver screen. This French actress, singer-songwriter, musician and environmentalist were named the most Bankable French actress in 2015. From France to Hollywood big screen, she shows no slowing down. 11. Kiera Knightley This gorgeous English actress had an early start in show business acting as a child in her debut in 1995. She rose to international fame after playing Elizabeth Swann in the blockbuster series Pirates of the Caribbean. 10. Charlize Theron Aside from her excellent acting skills, her beautiful eyes have captivated Hollywood and the whole world. This beauty hailed from South Africa and the first one from her country to win an Oscar award. 9. Olivia Wilde It’s not hard to see why this actress and fashion model made it to our top list. She chose her screen name from the famous author, Oscar Wilde and was hailed as PETA sexiest celebrity in 2010. 8. Jessica Alba At a young age of 13, she began her TV and movie appearances. Now, she is one of the hottest Hollywood actresses and a businesswoman who founded her company back in 2012. Her first starring role in a major studio film was Honey in 2003. She became unstoppable ever since. 7. Emma Stone She recently starred alongside Ryan Gosling in the highly acclaimed La La Land, which billed her as one of the highest paid actresses in the world. She began acting as a child and grew up to be a gorgeous Hollywood actress. 6. Scarlett Johansson This very gorgeous actress has a huge male fan base and it is easy to see why. A four-time Golden Globe nominee, her most notable roles include The Avengers and just recently, Ghost in the Shell. 5. Megan Fox Revered as having a perfect face, she rose to fame after starring in The Transformers and Transformer 2. She also gave life to April O’Neill on the remake of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles in 2014 and 2016. Men can’t help drool over this sexy siren. 4. Mila Kunis This Ukranian beauty is always considered when coming up a list of the most gorgeous Hollywood celebrities. Who could forget her roles in Forgetting Sarah Marshall, Black Swan, and Friends with Benefits? This Hollywood hottie shows no sign of slowing down as her projects are lined up this year. 3. Beyonce Aside from being a record-breaking singer, this hot siren also starred in some Hollywood hit movies including Austin Powers in Goldmember, The Pink Panther, Dreamgirls and Obsessed. Having a body to die for and being multi-talented, we can’t just let have the list without her. 2. Angelina Jolie Everything about her face is incredibly sexy. This Oscar-winning actress and mom of six is a constant choice on every ‘hot’ list. Jolie has also been known to be involved in international charity projects and a full-fledged UN diplomat. 1. Natalie Portman Aside from her gorgeous looks and screaming attractiveness, this star is actually a smart cookie! She completed her degree in Psychology from Harvard, and is fluent in five languages. If that didn’t turn you on, perhaps these pictures of hers will.
Q: Why is "Nous sommes" used for days of the week? I've just been curious about this. Why is it that saying a day of the week, something like "It's monday" uses 'nous'? as in: Nous sommes lundi. Am I able to say it another way? is using: Aujourd'hui c'est lundi. / C'est lundi. an acceptable format for a day of the week? Furthermore, if that's the case, can I use On est lundi. in less formal contexts? I just want to know which of these is correct to use, and why it is that 'nous' is used pour les jours de la semaine. Merci! A: Nous sommes lundi is a slightly formal/written way to tell which day of the week it is. One can also say Nous sommes [le] lundi premier septembre. This French idiom can only be used in the first person plural. You can't say Je suis lundi or ils sont lundi because the current weekday is expected to be the same for everyone. The same idiom exists in Spanish: Estamos a lunes and Italian: Siamo [a] lunedì. In English, while "We are Monday" will sound very foreign, one can say "We are late", "We are on time" or "We are in September" which are close. Aujourd'hui, c'est lundi or simply c'est lundi are fully acceptable equivalents. On est lundi is a less formal and more common way to say nous sommes lundi.
--TEST-- testing anonymous inheritance --FILE-- <?php class Outer { protected $data; public function __construct($data) { $this->data = $data; } public function getArrayAccess() { /* create a proxy object implementing array access */ return new class($this->data) extends Outer implements ArrayAccess { public function offsetGet($offset) { return $this->data[$offset]; } public function offsetSet($offset, $data) { return ($this->data[$offset] = $data); } public function offsetUnset($offset) { unset($this->data[$offset]); } public function offsetExists($offset) { return isset($this->data[$offset]); } }; } } $outer = new Outer(array( rand(1, 100) )); /* not null because inheritance */ var_dump($outer->getArrayAccess()[0]); ?> --EXPECTF-- int(%d)
Fluticasone propionate hydrofluoroalkane inhalation aerosol in patients receiving inhaled corticosteroids. Inhaled corticosteroids (ICSs) delivered by metered-dose inhalers that contain chlorofluorocarbon propellants are being discontinued because of the harmful effects of chlorofluorocarbon on the ozone layer. Therefore, some metered-dose inhaler products are being reformulated with "ozone-friendly" hydrofluoroalkane propellants. To evaluate treatment with fluticasone propionate hydrofluoroalkane inhalation aerosol, 88, 220, and 440 microg twice daily, vs placebo in patients with asthma receiving an ICS. Randomized, double-blind, parallel-group, 12-week study. Mean morning predose percent predicted forced expiratory volume in 1 second increased by 2.2%, 3.2%, and 4.6% in the fluticasone propionate, 88-, 220-, and 440-microg twice-daily, groups, respectively, compared with an 8.3% decrease for placebo (P < .001 vs placebo for all groups). Secondary pulmonary function end points and asthma symptoms showed similar improvements compared with placebo. Discontinuation from the study due to lack of efficacy was 50% in the placebo group and 11%, 10%, and 6% in the fluticasone propionate, 88-, 220-, and 440-microg twice-daily, groups, respectively. At week 12, the probability of remaining in the study was 0.89, 0.90, and 0.94 for the fluticasone propionate, 88-, 220-, and 440-microg twice-daily, groups, respectively, vs 0.45 for the placebo group (P < .001 for all). Changes in 24-hour urinary cortisol excretion rates were similar among treatment groups. Fluticasone propionate hydrofluoroalkane, previously shown to be a clinically suitable alternative to fluticasone propionate chlorofluorocarbon, was effective and well tolerated. The ability to switch from fluticasone propionate chlorofluorocarbon and other chlorofluorocarbon-containing ICSs to fluticasone propionate hydrofluoroalkane without sacrificing asthma control or tolerability will facilitate a smooth transition to this nonchlorofluorocarbon-containing medicinal.
International position paper on the appropriate use of uricosurics with the introduction of lesinurad. Over the last 70 years, pharmacotherapy in gout with urate-lowering drugs has consisted of four drugs only: In 1952, a mild uricosuric probenecid became available, the xanthine oxidase inhibitor Allopurinol in 1964, and the latter became the most frequently used urate-lowering drug worldwide; in the Eurozone, the uricosuric benzbromarone was welcomed in 1977. Only in 2002, the potent non-purine xanthine oxidase inhibitor febuxostat was introduced. In many countries, uricosurics such as probenecid and benzbromarone have not been available up to now, and these days, the new uricosuric lesinurad is the first uricosuric that may be introduced in these countries, which is the reason for describing the position this novel uricosuric deserves in treating gout. Recent literature will be shortly reviewed, and the current proposed position for lesinurad will be given as an aid for clinicians.
New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio declared Tuesday as "Morning Joe Day" in New York City to commemorate the 10-year anniversary of the MSNBC show. De Blasio, a Democrat, praised the show's hosts repeatedly during his time on the show before he gave Joe Scarborough, Mika Brzezinski and Willie Geist the proclamation and read what it said. De Blasio also said that the first time he witnessed a gripping, intelligent conversation on television was when he first watched Morning Joe in January 2008. "I turn on the TV early in the morning and I saw something I never saw before, which was an intelligent conversation that really gripped me," de Blasio said. Afterward, Geist joked that Donny Deutsch wanted a wallet-sized copy of the proclamation for the next time he was arrested to show to the police. Deutsch, who has routinely blasted President Donald Trump and even challenged him to a fight, then preceded to make a joke about what sounded like prostitution. "By the way, she told me a different story when I met her," Deutsch said.
The invention concerns a variable speed gear transmission comprising at least one gearwheel mounted through a rolling bearing on a transmission shaft, in which the gearwheel can be coupled to the transmission shaft through a coupling element, first cylindrical rolling elements being arranged in a cage in radial direction between an inner raceway formed on the transmission shaft and an outer raceway formed on a hub of the gearwheel, said cage comprising in pockets at least at three circumferential points, second cylindrical rolling elements having a slightly larger diameter than the first rolling elements. Gearwheels of the pre-cited type for variable speed gear transmissions, also called idler gears, are frequently arranged on the transmission shaft in split rolling bearing cages that expand under the effect of their inherent elasticity and come into play-free contact with the rolling elements. A cage of this type is known from DE 41 24 838 A1. In a no-load, unengaged condition, the bearing may not run kinematically under certain circumstances i.e., it may be subject to slippage. In the extreme case, the transmission shaft can come to a standstill and the idler gear may reach a speed of several hundred or several thousand rotations per minute. When the cage starts to rotate, the rolling elements are pressed against the outer raceway due to the centrifugal force so that the cage can reach approximately the same speed of rotation as the idler gear while, due to the operational clearance, the rolling elements can lose contact with the raceway of the transmission shaft. This results in a sliding movement of the rolling elements on the raceway of the transmission shaft that leads to increased wear and/or smearing in case of a sudden loading of the rolling elements. Efforts have been made to solve this problem by modifying the kinematics of the bearing during idling operation. One possibility of achieving this is to reduce the number of load-bearing rolling elements involved in idling operation. This results in a distribution of the weight of the idler gear among only a small number of rolling elements. Thus, for example, it is known from DE-OS 29 18 601 to mount shafts in a variable speed gear transmission through a bearing cage in which three circumferentially equally spaced pockets contain rolling elements having a larger diameter than the rest of the rolling elements. FIGS. 3 and 4 of this prior art document show a cage in which these larger diameter rolling elements are made in the form of hollow coiled wire cylinders. In DE 44 01 531 A1 an attempt is made to solve this problem, well known in the field of rolling bearings, by configuring needle rollers with an arcuate shape so that a radially elastically yielding arch is formed at their centers. It is also known from DE-OS 27 41 057 to configure a bearing so that it comprises a plurality of circumferentially spaced rolling elements whose enveloping circle diameter is smaller than the diameter of the shaft and that are deformable in radial direction. These rolling elements made of a plastic or of thin hollow steel bodies are arranged between the normal rolling elements and have a slightly larger diameter than these so that, in the installed state, they effect a pre-stressing of the bearing. A drawback of all the above solutions is that the rolling elements of larger diameter are of a different type from the remaining rolling elements and are very expensive to manufacture so that the total costs of the idler gear bearing are increased. It is an object of the invention to provide an idler gear bearing which possesses the property of elastic deformation of some of its rolling elements and still can be manufactured without extra fabrication costs. This and other objects and advantages of the invention will become obvious from the following detailed description. The invention achieves the above objects by the fact that the first and second rolling elements are of a same type, size ratios between the first and second rolling elements are defined so that, in an unloaded state, the larger diameter of the second rolling elements is such as to become equal to a diameter of the first rolling elements in an engaged state under radial loading, whereby a limit of elasticity of the second rolling elements having the larger diameter in the unloaded state is not exceeded. The provisions of the invention for the configuration of the idler gear bearing enable a simple but effective use of the law of elasticity for modifying the kinematics of the bearing. The invention utilizes the ability of the larger cylindrical rolling elements to reverse shape and volume variations brought about by outer forces or torques, in the present case by gear shifting, so that, in the engaged state under load, all the rolling elements have the same diameter while, in idling operation, the bearing comprises rolling elements of different diameters. It is quite obvious that the idler gear bearing of the invention having rolling elements of one and the same type is much simpler to manufacture than prior art bearings with different types of rolling elements. Moreover, the filling of rolling elements of the same type but with different diameters into the same bearing cage poses no problem from the fabrication point of view. According to further advantageous propositions of the invention, the diameter of the larger rolling elements is 2 to 5 xcexcm larger than the diameter of the rest of the rolling elements. The larger rolling elements and the rest of the rolling elements are arranged in alternating sequence with one another but it is also possible to arrange them in any other order. The invention will now be described with reference to one example of embodiment illustrated in the appended drawings.
This invention relates to an open wall storage assembly for use with unfinished walls and, in particular, a wall storage assembly for use in a wall region containing a plurality of vertical wall supports. In present day home construction, large areas of interior walls are left unfinished, typically in the basement and garage areas, although work rooms and laundry areas may be similarly unfinished. The homeowner desirous of utilizing this wall area typically provides shelving affixed to the exposed or internal surface of the vertical supports, thus providing storage which protrudes into the room area. A similar result obtains when closed wall storage assemblies such as cabinetry, are also affixed. Since these areas are frequently located in regions where space is at a premium, for example, the area adjacent customary automobile parking in garage facilities and areas adjacent the location of laundry equipment, the inability of the homeowner to effectively utilize the regions between vertical wall supports results in already crowded areas becoming further confined. While a variety of different shelving schemes and outwardly expandable cabinetry is available to promote storage in these areas, the homeowner is faced with a loss of room space especially where the cabinetry contains doors. Furthermore, the mounting of these storage assemblies on the relatively narrow face of the vertical support members utilized in house construction frequently requires the use of additional supporting structure underlying the assembly. This type of storage is characterized by the lack of utility of the region located within the wall between the vertical wall supports. In the construction of the typical house, it is common to find horizontal structural supports placed for fire break purposes and occasionally for structural rigidity between adjacent wall supports. If these members are present, the homeowner is reluctant to disturb them from both a structural and a fire retardant point of view. If these horizontal members are not present, the region between vertical supports and behind any such storage apparatus mounted on the narrow surfaces of the wall supports can act as a flue in the eventuality of fire along the base of the wall. Accordingly, it is a primary object of the present invention to provide an open wall storage assembly for use with unfinished walls which is readily installable by the homeowner and effectively utilizes the region between adjacent vertical wall supports heretofore ignored in the construction of storage means. Furthermore, the invention is characterized by a large area integral member which is utilized in surrounding engagement with adjacent vertical members and has flange members on the opposing vertical ends for affixation to the vertical wall supports. In the present invention, the individual installer can place the transverse shelving members at locations to fit his particular needs. Thus, the invention is located in heretofore unused areas in the support wall so as not to reduce the usable regions within the building.
import itertools from ..lang import sig from ..lang import H from ..lang import t from ..lang import L from ..lang import build_instance from ..lang import is_builtin from ..lang import List from ..lang import instance from ..Data.Functor import fmap from Applicative import Applicative class Monad(Applicative): """ The Monad class defines the basic operations over a monad, a concept from a branch of mathematics known as category theory. From the perspective of a Haskell programmer, however, it is best to think of a monad as an abstract datatype of actions. Dependencies: Functor, Applicative Attributes: bind, __rshift__ Minimal complete definition: bind """ @classmethod def make_instance(typeclass, cls, bind): bind = bind ** (H[(Monad, "m")]/ t("m", "a") >> (H/ "a" >> t("m", "b")) >> t("m", "b")) if not is_builtin(cls): def bind_wrap(s, o): return Monad[s].bind(s, o) cls.__rshift__ = bind_wrap build_instance(Monad, cls, {"bind":bind}) return @sig(H[(Monad, "m")]/ t("m", "a") >> (H/ "a" >> t("m", "b")) >> t("m", "b")) def bind(m, fn): """ bind :: Monad m => m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b Monadic bind. """ return Monad[m].bind(m, fn) @sig(H[(Monad, "m")]/ t("m", t("m", "a")) >> t("m", "a")) def join(m): """ join :: Monad m => m (m a) -> m a The join function is the conventional monad join operator. It is used to remove one level of monadic structure, projecting its bound argument into the outer level. """ __id = (lambda x: x) ** (H/ "a" >> "a") return bind(m, __id) @sig(H[(Monad, "m")]/ (H/ "a" >> "r") >> t("m", "a") >> t("m", "r")) def liftM(fn, m): """ liftM :: Monad m => (a1 -> r) -> m a1 -> m r Promote a function to a monad. """ return fmap(fn, m) instance(Monad, List).where( bind = lambda x, fn: L[itertools.chain.from_iterable(fmap(fn, x))] )
Kinetoplast DNA minicircles are inherited from both parents in genetic hybrids of Trypanosoma brucei. We have examined the inheritance of kinetoplast DNA (kDNA) in gentic crosses of trypanosomes. In 2 independent crosses of Trypanosoma brucei spp. trypanosomes, the kDNA maxicircles which carry the genes for mitochondrial biogenesis, were inherited from one parent only, as already found by other workers. However, the other component of kDNA, the minicircles, were inherited from both parents. This was demonstrated by Southern analysis using cloned minicircle probes. The inheritance of kDNA is therefore not uniparental. Our data point to fusion of the parental kinetoplast DNA networks during genetic exchange, with gradual loss of one or other parental maxicircle type due to random segregation of maxicircles at subsequent mitotic divisions. We infer that the first event of genetic exchange is fusion of parental trypanosomes (either haploid or diploid), followed at some point by fusion of the parental mitochondria.
High-definition remasters of Shenmue and Shenmue II will launch in 2017, according to “a trusted source close to Atlus USA” of blog and online retailer Rice Digital. The website reports that both games may be released together rather than separately, and are likely being geared up to launch before Shenmue III. While it doesn’t have any further information, the website said it was told it is “safe to assume a PC / Steam release,” and that there has not been any indication that the remasters will appear on any other platform. The author of the article previously leaked information that Atlus would publish The King of Fighters XIV a few days before its official announcement. Back in January, Sega registered a pair of Shenmue remaster-related domains in ShenmueHD.com and ShenmueRemastered.com. Prior to that, in May 2017, Sega said it was “investigating” working on remasters of Shenmue and Shenmue II. The long-anticipated sequel, Shenmue III, is in development at Ys Net and currently slated for release for PlayStation 4 and PC in December.
Corian, once considered the top-of-the kitchen counter upgrade, is being replaced in upscale homes by other solid-surface finishes. One of the hottest is granite, which adds rich luster to new kitchens in a range of dark colors, from gray to chocolate. Granite countertops are somewhat more expensive to install than Corian. Cost is why the least expensive choice, laminate, is still the most popular. Today, solid colors are out and patterns are in. People who can't have the real thing can choose a granite look-alike in any of a variety of colors. Also popular is a stipple finish, which may also be called a quarry or sparkle finish by different manufacturers. It may sparkle or shine and have a raised, bumpy feel. Despite competition, solid surface countertops such as Corian, Gibraltar and Fountainhead remain popular in some regions, in part because they are easy to clean. Fusing the sink and countertop eliminates raised lips and the need for caulking, so there's never dirt caught in the crevices. Another type of countertop that's prevalent in 49127, Michigan, is tile. While it has a sharp, clean look, it wears easily and can be difficult to keep clean because the grout lines deteriorate. The surface is also very hard, and if you drop a dish or a glass even from an inch or two, it will almost certainly break.
20 days of military operations in Aleppo and Idlib: 1,133 persons killed, nearly 400,000 civilians displaced, and 93 areas fall to regime forces 20 days of military operations in Aleppo and Idlib: 1,133 persons killed, nearly 400,000 civilians displaced, and 93 areas fall to regime forces The recent escalation of regime and Russian operations in both Idlib and Aleppo within the so-called “de-escalation” zone has accomplished its 20th consecutive day. Over the recent 20 days, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights monitored the significant developments seen in the area of killing, displacement, destruction and shifts on the map of powers and influence. During the period between the 15th of January 2020 and the 4th of February 2020, SOHR activists documented the displacement of nearly 400,000 Syrian civilians from tens of cities, towns and villages within the southern and western countryside of Aleppo and the southern, eastern and south-eastern countryside of Idlib. This mass displacement comes as Syrian regime and Russia follow systematic policy to force civilians to flee their areas by stepping up aerial and ground bombardment, so that they can capture more areas. The problem now is that these people have no place to be sheltered in, if the regime forces advanced further into Idlib city which is the biggest residential community ever within a single area with 700,000 to 1,000,000 persons in. Most of the displaced people headed to the north-western countryside of Idlib near the Syrian border with Iskenderun, while some others headed to areas under control of the Turkish forces and their proxies in rural Aleppo. Some others try to infiltrate to the Turkish territory after paying large amounts of money to smugglers. Humanitarian catastrophe is continuing to deteriorate amid International Community’s inaction towards crimes by the Syrian regime and Russians against civilians in camps and those who are searching for a new safe haven. Turkey, the “de-escalation” guarantor, has had enough with mere publicity that polishes it as being an actor sympathetic towards the humanitarian catastrophe. Meanwhile, the Turkish border guard forces “Jandarma” continue to target and kill the Syrians who try to infiltrate into the Turkish territory. During the past 20 days, Observatory activists documented gross human losses reached 1,133 fatalities among civilians, soldiers, rebels and jihadis as a result of the intense aerial and ground bombardment, attacks, detonations and fierce battles in both Aleppo and Idlib. 47 children and 29 females among 135 civilians were killed in airstrikes by regime and Russian aircraft and ground fire on Idlib and Aleppo countryside, they were distributed as follows: By Russian jets: 94 civilians, including 37 children and 19 females By regime helicopters: three civilians, including one female By regime jets: 17 civilians, including eight children and four females By regime ground shelling: four civilians By factions ground shelling on regime-held areas in Aleppo city: 17 civilians, including two children and five females. 395 jihadis among 522 opposition fighters were also killed during the same period due to regime and Russian aerial and ground strikes and clashes, in addition to the killing of 476 regime soldiers and loyalists, including ten members of non-Syrian nationalities, as a result of attacks, detonations and clashes against opposition factions and jihadi groups. Backed and supervised by the Russians, regime forces launched a wide-scale military operation in both Idlib and Aleppo on January 24. This operation came under a cover of intense aerial and ground firepower represented by thousands of airstrikes, barrel bombs, rockets and artillery shells, which enabled the regime to capture 93 areas. In Idlib, regime forces captured 84 villages and towns: Telmans, Ma’ar Shmasha, Deir Sharqi, Deir Al-Gharbi, Ma’ar Shmarin, Ma’rata, Al-Ghadfa, Ma’ar Shourin Al-Za’alana, Al-Dana, Tal Sheikh, Sawami’e, Khirbet Mezyan, Masaran, Bsida, Taqana, Babolin, Kafr Bassin, Marhatat, Hamidia, Dar Al-Salaam, Salhia, Kafruma, Maarrat Al-Nu’man city, Wadi Al-Daif, Hantutin, Al-Jarrada, Al-Ruwayha and Al-Qahiryah, Khan al-Sobol town, Mardebseh, Al-Hartamiyah, Qamhana, Abu Juraif, Tal Khatrah, Tal Musaytif, Al-Kana’es, Karsyan, Hish, Kafr Mazdah, Jabbalah, Muqah, Al-Amudiyah, Armanya, Kafr Batikh, Dadikh, Luf, Anqarati, Jubas, Sannan, Zakkar, Tarnabeh and Al-Nayrab, Mardikh, Tal Mardikh, Kaddur, Al-Ruwayha, the Abandoned Battalion, Al-Balisah, Al-Wasitah, Kuwayris, Tal Al-Agher, Al-Mushayrafah, Tawil Al-Halib, Al-Raqim, Jadidat Al-Khatrah, Sheikh Idrees, Baj’as, Al-Rayyan, Tal Al-Rumman, Parisa, al-Hammamat, Tal al-Sultan, Om Sharshuh, al-Khashakhish, Tal Ibrahim, Jabal al-Taweel, Mas’adah, Ras Al-Ain, Shuha, Kafr Amim and Tal Rihan). Meanwhile, regime forces managed to take control of more nine areas in Aleppo: Khan Tuman, warehouses of Khan Tuman, Al-Khalidyah, Rajam, Hazmer Hills, Kherbet Kharas, Tal Al-Zaytun, Maarata, Al-Rashideen fifth sector and other positions and hills in both southern and western countryside of Aleppo. The regime forces advanced into all of these areas despite the recent Turkey’s movements and Turkish forces deployment in new areas.
Controlling the position of functional groups at the liquid/solid interface: impact of molecular symmetry and chirality. With the aim of controlling the position of functional groups in a substrate-supported monolayer, a new family of functionalized linear alkyl chains was designed and synthesized, aided by molecular mechanics and dynamics simulations of its two-dimensional self-assembly on graphite. The self-assembly of these amino functionalized diamides at the liquid/solid interface was investigated with scanning tunneling microscopy. Intermolecular hydrogen-bonding interactions involving amides, combined with the effect of molecular symmetry and chirality, were found to guide the self-assembly. Control of the relative position and orientation of the amine groups was achieved, in the case of enantiopure compounds. Interestingly, racemates led to both racemic conglomerate and solid solution formation, with a concomitant loss of positional and orientational control of the amino groups as a result.
Also: How Powerful Will the Tea Party be in 2012? On balance, do you think that divided government is good or bad? “In theory, it should be good and foster compromise, but House Republicans have shown they are incapable of flexibility and reason.” “If Republicans controlled everything it would be a total disaster.” ADVERTISEMENT “Can you imagine how bad things could be if the tea party controlled everything? Pre-WWII Italy comes to mind!” Bad “Divided government is proving to be a bad deal for the American people right now. But it doesn’t have to be this way.” “Democrats got the job done.” “You gotta be kidding! What about the 112th Congress is not clear?” “Track dollars donated to campaigns, however, and you’ll find there is truly little division in government. Wall Street sees no division here in Washington, as both parties are steadfastly in their pockets. Campaign finance reform anyone?” “Too much male chicken game going on here: The old-timers used to work it out. Now, the show horses are in charge.” Don't Miss Today's Top Stories Sign up form for the newsletter “No one is then accountable to the country.” “Bad when partisanship is so extreme.” “Bad this term.” Depends; neither “It’s certainly better than when Republicans run everything. Divided government can produce results, but it requires both sides to be willing to compromise—something we don’t see now in the Republican Party.” “Divided government is good if the alternative is full Republican control and bad if the alternative is full Democratic control.” “I’ve seen divided government when it’s been good, and I’ve seen it when it’s been bad. If the two sides in a divided government are committed to working to build consensus and find the middle on difficult issues, that divided government has the potential to be very good. That dynamic is not the one we’re witnessing today.” “Divided, OK. Dysfunction, no-no.” “There are times when divided government has moderated excesses and produced a positive policy blend. At present, however, with deep polarization and the Republicans beholden to their most extreme elements, it is dysfunctional and dangerous.” “Divided government can work if both sides are willing to compromise. Unfortunately, the House Republicans will not.” On balance, do you think that divided government is good or bad? Republicans (30 votes) Good: 77% Bad: 17% Depends; neither (volunteered): 7% Good “Parties get too arrogant when they control all branches.” “But it requires politicians to compromise. That is hazardous to one’s political survival these days. The politicians aren’t the problem with respect to compromise—the voters are.” “There’s a difference between a divided government and a divisive one. Most independents and rational people are OK with a somewhat-divided government so that real leaders can seek out balance and compromise. We saw what the Democrats did with full control of all three levers of government: an extreme agenda on spending and programs that caused serious backlash and brought in the GOP House.” “Good in theory, not always good in practice.” “The current so-called gridlock is simply the Republicans providing a firewall to keep [the Democrats from] digging us into fiscal oblivion. Just look back at the past totally controlled by a Dem Congress for proof.” “But history has proven that both options have had good and bad moments.” “We have a divided government by design. Our two-party system coupled with a bicameral legislature creates a bottleneck for a lot of bad legislation and gives us the opportunity to undo harmful laws.”
Q: Hive on Spark: Missing I'm running Hive 2.1.1, Spark 2.1.0 and Hadoop 2.7.3. I tried to build Spark following the Hive on Spark: Getting Started: ./dev/make-distribution.sh --name "hadoop2-without-hive" --tgz "-Pyarn,hadoop-provided,hadoop-2.7,parquet-provided" However, I couldn't find any spark-assembly jar files under the spark directory (find . -name "spark-assembly*.jar" returns nothing back). Instead of linking the spark-assembly jar to HIVE_HOME/lib, I tried export SPARK_HOME=/home/user/spark. I get the following Hive error in beeline: 0: jdbc:hive2://localhost:10000> set hive.execution.engine=spark; 0: jdbc:hive2://localhost:10000> insert into test (id, name) values (1, 'test1'); Error: Error running query: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: scala/collection/Iterable (state=,code=0) I think the error is caused by missing spark-assembly jars. How could I build / Where could I find those spark-assembly jar files? How could I fix the above error? Thank you! A: First of all, Spark will not build spark-assembly.jar from 2.0.0, but build all dependency jars to directory $SPARK_HOME/jars Besides, Hive does not support every version of Spark, actually it has a strong version compatibility restrictions to run Hive on Spark. Depends on which version of Hive you're using, you can always find out the corresponding Spark version in pom.xml file of Hive. For Hive 2.1.1, the spark version specified in pom.xml is: <spark.version>1.6.0</spark.version> As you already know that you need to build spark without hive support. I don't know why but the command in Hive on Spark - Getting Started does not work for me, finally I succeeded with following command: mvn -Pyarn -Phadoop-2.6 -Dscala-2.11 -DskipTests clean package And few other troubleshooting tips which I met before(Hope you're not going to meet): Starting Spark Master failed due to failed to find slf4f or hadoop related classes, run export SPARK_DIST_CLASSPATH=$(hadoop classpath) and try again Failed to load snappy native libs, which is caused by that there's no snappy dependency in classpath, or the snappy lib under hadoop classpath is not the correct version for Spark. You can download a correct version of snappy lib and put it under $SPARK_HOME/lib/, and run export SPARK_DIST_CLASSPATH=$SPARK_HOME/lib/*:$(hadoop classpath) and try again. Hope this could be helpful and everything goes well to you.
Q: C++ Virtual Destructor with Unresolved externals I have two classes.. template <class T> class Node { protected: Node() = default; virtual ~Node() = 0; Node(const T& data) noexcept; Node(const Node<T> & copy) noexcept; Node(Node<T> && copy) noexcept; Node<T> & operator=(const Node<T> & rhs) noexcept; Node<T> & operator=(Node<T> && rhs) noexcept; public: T & GetData() noexcept; T GetData() const noexcept; void SetData(const T & data) noexcept; private: T data_; }; template<class T> class ListNode : public Node<T> { public: ListNode() = default; ListNode(const T& data, ListNode<T> * next = nullptr, ListNode<T> * previous = nullptr) noexcept; ListNode(const ListNode<T> & copy) noexcept; ListNode(ListNode<T> && copy) noexcept; ~ListNode() override = default; ListNode<T> & operator=(const ListNode<T> & rhs) noexcept; ListNode<T> & operator=(ListNode<T> && rhs) noexcept; ListNode<T> * GetNext() noexcept; ListNode<T> * GetPrevious() noexcept; void SetNext(ListNode<T> * const next) noexcept; void SetPrevious(ListNode<T> * const previous) noexcept; private: ListNode<T> * next_; ListNode<T> * previous_; }; I get an "1 unresolved externals" error. In my previous experience this would usually mean something is wrong with virtual, override, or something like that. I've messed around with this code but can't make the error go away. Any advice? A: Derived destructors always implicitly invoke the base destructor at the end of their execution. You have code that is trying to invoke an abstract function. You need to give ~Node() a definition with an empty function body: virtual ~Node() {};
{ "name": "thread-list", "version": "0.1.0", "main": "./lib/main", "description": "View threads using React", "license": "GPL-3.0", "private": true, "engines": { "nylas": "*" } }
Q: play framework 2 promise status In play 2.1 I can execute a block of code asynchronously with Akka like this: Promise<Integer> promiseOfInt = Akka.future( new Callable<Integer>() { public Integer call() { return intensiveComputation(); } } ); How I can get status of this operation? For example: started, performed, completed, etc? A: There are three callbacks you could use onSuccess, onFailure and onComplete. See the "Callbacks" section here: http://doc.akka.io/docs/akka/2.1.0/scala/futures.html
Almost everything she owned was in the van parked on Northwest 23rd PORTLAND, Ore. (KOIN) — A woman getting ready to start a new chapter of her life in Eugene has been hit with a huge setback. Madeline McKee has experienced a lot of heartache in the past 3 years. “It’s a lot of memories and a lot of stuff to sort through and so I was going to my hometown to breathe,” McKee said. She borrowed a van from a friend, packed it up and was ready to drive south in the morning. But someone stole the van carrying almost all of McKee’s belongings from Northwest 23rd Avenue and Northwest Savier Street overnight Monday. Among the things stolen were McKee’s antique bed and matress, her dresser with all her clothes and shoes, a nightstand with her daughter’s passport inside, her computer and paintings her artist sister made. At the last minute, she also decided to pack photos of loved ones she has recently lost — her mother and son, Henry. An undated photo of Madeline McKee and her son. (Courtesy of McKee) “Today is 5 months since he died and next week is his birthday — he would have been 15,” McKee said. “I thought, you know, what else can I lose?” The one thing she thankfully decided to leave in storage was her son’s ashes. She said the van was locked and she didn’t see broken glass around where it was. “My guess is that [the thief] will feel bad but they probably felt pretty desperate,” McKee said. The van is a white, 4-door 1995 Ford E-250 with windows in the back but no side windows and no rear-view mirror. There is also a sticker on the back that says “Girl Power.” “It’s just stuff but, you know, it was really important to me,” McKee said.
A Mississippi man has been sentenced to 30 years in prison for shooting and killing his wife after an argument over heating a pizza. Rankin County District Attorney John Bramlett Jr. tells media outlets that 54-year-old John Preston Finch was sentenced Thursday on second-degree murder charges. Finch was convicted of shooting Amy Renee Stewart on Dec. 31, 2016. Authorities say sheriff's deputies arrived at a house near Pelahatchie to find the door open and a blood-covered Finch standing over Stewart's body. Finch showed officers a single-barrel shotgun, initially saying the gun fired by accident. He later told deputies he and Stewart argued over the pizza, and Finch shot her.
Q: how can I minimize the distance from a given input distribution? I have a list of customers and each of them can be "activated" in four different ways: n= 1000 df = pd.DataFrame(list(range(0,n)), columns = ['Customer_ID']) df['A'] = np.random.randint(2, size=n) df['B'] = np.random.randint(2, size=n) df['C'] = np.random.randint(2, size=n) each customer can be activated either on "A" or on "B" or on "C" and only if the Boolean related to the type of activation is equal to 1. In input i have the count of the final activations. es: Target_A = 500 Target_B = 250 Target_C = 250 The random values in code are an input for the optimizer and represent the possibility or not to activate the client in that way. How can I associate the client with only one of those in order to respect the final targets? How can I minimize the distance between the count of real activation and the input data? A: Do you have any tested examples? I think this might work but not sure: import pandas as pd import numpy as np from pulp import LpProblem, LpVariable, LpMinimize, LpInteger, lpSum, value prob = LpProblem("problem", LpMinimize) n= 1000 df = pd.DataFrame(list(range(0,n)), columns = ['Customer_ID']) df['A'] = np.random.randint(2, size=n) df['B'] = np.random.randint(2, size=n) df['C'] = np.random.randint(2, size=n) Target_A = 500 Target_B = 250 Target_C = 250 A = LpVariable.dicts("A", range(0, n), lowBound=0, upBound=1, cat='Boolean') B = LpVariable.dicts("B", range(0, n), lowBound=0, upBound=1, cat='Boolean') C = LpVariable.dicts("C", range(0, n), lowBound=0, upBound=1, cat='Boolean') O1 = LpVariable("O1", cat='Integer') O2 = LpVariable("O2", cat='Integer') O3 = LpVariable("O3", cat='Integer') #objective prob += O1 + O2 + O3 #constraints prob += O1 >= Target_A - lpSum(A) prob += O1 >= lpSum(A) - Target_A prob += O2 >= Target_B - lpSum(B) prob += O2 >= lpSum(B) - Target_B prob += O3 >= Target_C - lpSum(C) prob += O3 >= lpSum(C) - Target_C for idx in range(0, n): prob += A[idx] + B[idx] + C[idx] <= 1 #cant activate more than 1 prob += A[idx] <= df['A'][idx] #cant activate if 0 prob += B[idx] <= df['B'][idx] prob += C[idx] <= df['C'][idx] prob.solve() print("difference:", prob.objective.value())
Howard reveals black and white love In a revealing interview, far removed from plastic Geordies like Carrick, Charlton, Bruce and Robson (see the common Manchester United denominator...) Steve Howard has talked ahead of his visit to SJP on Monday with Leicester about his love for Newcastle. Howard follows Brian Laws and Lee Clark in recent games as boyhood fans returning to Gallowgate and said: 'I played there (at SJP) when I was with Derby when we were in the Premier League and it was an amazing experience. My whole family was there and it was a very special day for all of us. I had two main ambitions and I fulfilled them both, to play at Wembley, which I did with Derby in the play-off final, and to play at St James' Park. All my family are born and bred in Newcastle in the Byker area and they are all mad keen Newcastle fans. I had a season ticket for a couple of years but I eventually had to give it up when I started playing on Saturdays. My dad took me to my first game when I was probably about eight years-old. I don't remember much about it except I was stood in the Gallowgate End of the ground and the atmosphere was amazing. My hero in those days was Peter Beardsley and then later on it was Alan Shearer. They are legends. Beardsley had amazing skills. He could produce something out of nothing. He had this little shimmy and you knew what was coming but the defenders still couldn't stop him. I was lucky enough to play with him at Hartlepool and he was an amazing professional. I grew up hearing all the stories about the Newcastle number nines and of Super Mac who was my dad's favourite player. My dad used to say he was a proper centre forward who could score from anywhere and could beat defenders up. The supporters are the most passionate I have ever experienced. They turn up week in, week out and they live and die for their football. That is all they talk about in Newcastle. Everywhere you go the talk is of football and Newcastle. They really love the game that much. I should go back more often than I do because I always enjoy going back up there. I was devastated when they went down last season. For a club like Newcastle to go down just proved you can't take anything for granted in football. Just because you are a big club like Newcastle doesn't mean you can drop your standards. I really felt for the fans who buy their tickets every week. The one hope I have is that they will sort out their problems and bounce back stronger than ever. The potential is massive at the club and I believe one day they will fulfil that potential. I think they should appoint Shearer as manager. He is the man to take the club forward and get them back into the Premier League. He will sort it all out.'
Social Media Governing bodies of the International Hydrological Programme IHP Intergovernmental Council The planning, definition of priorities, and supervision of the execution of International Hydrology Programme (IHP) are ensured by the Intergovernmental Council. The Council is composed of 36 UNESCO Member States elected by the General Conference of UNESCO at its ordinary sessions held every two years. Equitable geographical distribution and appropriate rotation of the representatives of the Member States are ensured in the composition of the Council. Each of UNESCO’s six electoral regions elects Member States for membership in the Council. The term of office of members of the Council is four years, and members are immediately eligible for re-election. To retain continuity, only half of the Council members are elected each second year for the four-year period, so that in each biennium half are newcomers and the other half have already acquired experience. The Council normally meets in plenary session once every two years. Extraordinary sessions may be convened under the conditions specified in the Rules of Procedure. IHP Bureau At the beginning of its first session following a session of the General Conference at which elections to the IHP Council have been held, the Council elects a chairperson and four vice-chairpersons. These, with the chairperson of the previous Bureau as ex-officio member, constitute the Council’s Bureau. The composition of the Bureau so formed reflects an equitable geographical distribution, each representing UNESCO’s six electoral regions. The members of the Bureau remain in office until a new Bureau has been elected. The IHP Bureau discharges, inter alia, the following duties: fix, in consultation with the Secretariat, the dates of the sessions of the Council and of its committees and working groups, in accordance with the general guidelines of the Council; prepare the sessions of the Council, in consultation with the Secretariat; supervise the implementation of the resolutions of the Council, and report at each session of the Council, on the status of implementation of the prescribed phases of project execution and, in particular, follow the activities of the Council’s committees and working groups; prepare for the Council all reports requested by the General Conference of UNESCO;
Catawba College signs 5 year deal with Adidas 2015-01-19T22:25:10Z2015-01-19T22:25:11Z SALISBURY, NC (WBTV) - From Catawba College: Catawba College and adidas® announced a five-year partnership in which the Portland, Oregon, based company will be the official athletic footwear, apparel and accessory brand of the Indians through the 2019-20 season, according to a press release provided to WBTV. The partnership will be implemented in concert with BrandRPM, a top team athletic dealer in the Carolinas. "Catawba's rich athletic tradition and consistent success make them a perfect fit for the adidas family," said Rohn Mulkey, adidas Team Sales Executive. "Our long-term partnership with the Indians highlights our commitment to U.S. college athletics. Catawba joins an impressive list of adidas schools includingKansas, Texas A&M, UCLA, Louisville, and most recently signed Arizona State and the University of Miami. "adidas has shown a sincere commitment to Catawba Athletics that is commensurate with the hard work displayed by our student-athletes, coaches, and sports programs.," saidLarry Leckonby, Catawba Athletic Director. “We are also excited to work with BrandRPM to execute the partnership -- they are a definite leader in the team dealer space with a huge emphasis on quality, service, and turn times.” “This is a significant addition for BrandRPM," stated BrandRPM President David Anderson. "Catawba College has one of the strongest traditions of athletic and academic excellence in the state as well as the region. We look forward to being the go-to organization for Catawba College's 18 varsity sports, student athletes, coaches, and staff.” It’s almost impossible to write stories about Santa without fears of ‘ruining the magic’ for any child that may be watching. But we found a way with this one. A Gaston County USPS carrier has opened mailboxes on his routes and found dozens of letters to Santa in the past month.
GameStop – Preorder Twilight Princess HD For Free CD Nintendo has just announced that GameStop will be carrying an exclusive Twilight Princess music sampler CD that customers will get for free when they preorder the game. Online customers will receive the CD when the game ships and customers who reserve in the store will receive the CD at the time they pick up the game. No word yet on how many tracks the CD will have, or what the arrangements will be. As a reminder, The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD will launch exclusively on the Wii U on March 4, 2016. If you’d like to take advantage of this offer, click here to go to GameStop’s page. Craig has been covering the video game industry since 1995. His work has been published across a wide spectrum of media sites. He’s currently the Editor-In-Chief of Nintendo Times and contributes to Gaming Age. Like this: Related Craig Majaski Craig has been covering the video game industry since 1995. His work has been published across a wide spectrum of media sites. He's currently the Editor-In-Chief of Nintendo Times and contributes to Gaming Age.
Staff Training Days at the University of Lausanne : University and Society, 18-21 June 2019 The International Relations office of the University of Lausanne is glad to announce the UNIL Staff training Days 2019, from 18 to 21 June 2019 around the theme: University and Society Programme The UNIL Staff Training Days are intended for administrative staff of international relations offices (on central or departmental level) working in connection with others locally and internationally. The programme aims to provide the participants with the following: Discuss and reflect on the role of University in Society and cities Develop soft and communication skills through workshops Exchange good practices to facilitate mobility Discuss collaboration in or out of the present and future Erasmus Explore the state of Europe through a discussion and visit to the Foundation Jean Monnet for Europe Have an insight on Lausanne as the Olympic Capital Discover the University of Lausanne's campus and infrastructures The intended programme is below. Modalities The number of participants is limited to 20 with a maximum of 2 people per institution. The selection will be made according to two criteria:
GLENDALE, Ariz. -- The night Arizona Cardinals right tackle Bobby Massie was arrested on two charges of DUI and DUI BAC over .08, he drove to the team's practice facility in the early hours of Jan. 31, the day before Super Bowl XLIX, in search of his tickets for the game. Massie has been suspended three games for violating the league's substance abuse policy, but he is appealing the suspension. According to a report released by the Tempe Police Department, Massie's blood alcohol concentration that night was .136 after a night of drinking at Sandbar, a restaurant and bar with a location in Chandler, Arizona, about 1.7 miles from the Cardinals' facility. When officers arrived, the report stated Massie had watery and bloodshot eyes, and his speech was slurred. He was also "unsteady" during field sobriety tests, which he ultimately failed, according to the report. Cardinals right tackle Bobby Massie had a blood alcohol content level of .136, according to the Tempe Police Department. Ross D. Franklin/AP He told officers he was at the facility to pick up his Super Bowl tickets. The Cardinals did not have a comment about Massie's arrest. Throughout the night, Massie was confused about where he was, making comments and asking questions about being in Virginia, his home state, according to the report. An officer said he repeatedly reminded Massie he was in Arizona. According to the report, a team security officer called police at 2:58 a.m. about a suspicious vehicle after Massie drove his 2015 white BMW into the team's secure parking lot and did not get out of the car. The security guard did not recognize Massie's car, which at the time had temporary plates, and "was unsure who" Massie was, according to statements in the report from officers on the scene. When officer Michael McCormick arrived on the scene, he noticed what looked like tears on Massie's face, according to the report. Massie said they were "because his college roommate was going to play in the Super Bowl." Massie admitted to McCormick that "I mean, I am a little f----d up." Over the course of the arrest, Massie told officers "I know I f----d up," the report said. At 3:43 a.m., Massie was arrested for DUI and transported to Tempe City Jail. According to the report, Massie told officers that he had been "f----d up" every day for the past 10 years. The report said that comment referred to alcohol but Massie told officers he does not have a drinking problem. He told officers he smoked marijuana but couldn't recall the last time he did. According to the report, Massie grew increasingly angered during processing, at one point yelling at an officer about "playing football" and asking that officer if he wanted to "play football." Massie was released around 5:40 a.m. in front of the Tempe City Jail to wait for a cab, the report said.
Philosophy CarboneJS is a powerfull templating engine which works in all XML-based document. It can also convert your report to reliable PDFs and any other document formats. It uses a simple declarative programming language, which is not intrusive. You don't need to insert control flow code in your document such as if or for-loop markers. In computer science, declarative programming is a programming paradigm, a style of building the structure and elements of computer programs, that expresses the logic of a computation without describing its control flow.[1] Many languages applying this style attempt to minimize or eliminate side effects by describing what the program should accomplish in terms of the problem domain, rather than describing how to go about accomplishing it as a sequence of the programming language primitives[2] (the how being left up to the language's implementation). This is in contrast with imperative programming, in which algorithms are implemented in terms of explicit steps. source This way of programming provides more flexibility for travelling data. You can transform your orginal JSON array directly in the template. See examples: Moreover, the system is XML-agnostic. It means the template engine works on any valid XML-based documents, not only XML-documents created by Microsoft Office™, LibreOffice™ or OpenOffice™. CarboneJS finds automatically repetition patterns in your template. How it works? CarboneJS finds all markers {} in your document (xls, odt, docx, ...) and replaces these markers by datas. According to the syntax of your markers, you can make a lot of operations including Replacing a field Formatting data Repeating a document portion (a table row or anything else) Looping on unlimited nested arrays Conditionally displaying a data based on a test expression The syntax is easy to learn. It is like using a JSON Array or Object in Javascript. Combined with features of LibreOffice™ or MS Office™, you can easily create documents with: Graphics Headers, footers Automatically repeated table header across pages Insert computed field Page count ... How to read this documentation? This documentation is made for report designers. There are five parts sorted by level of complexity. Substitutions Each part of this documentation shows exactly what happens if you send Data (JSON Object) and a Template (handmade docx, odt, ...) to CarboneJS. Basic This is the most basic example. Do I need to explain it? Data { "firstname" : "John", "lastname" : "Doe" } Template Hello {d.firstname} {d.lastname} ! Result Hello John Doe ! Accessing sub-objects Of course, if your data contains sub-objects, you can access them using the Dot Notation to go deeper in the object tree. Data { "firstname" : "John", "type" : { "id" : 1, "name" : "human" } } Template {d.firstname} is a {d.type.name} Result John is a human Accessing arrays When data is an array of objects, you can access directly each object using the reserved word i, which represents the ith item of the array. CarboneJS uses zero-based arrays. The first item of an array is i=0. Data Template The movie of 1999 was {d[year=1999, meta.type="SF"].name} Result The movie of 1999 was Matrix Alias Aliases can be used to simplify the maintenance of your report avoiding code repetition or to insert markers somewhere in the document where special characters like square brackets are not allowed (worksheet names for exemple). Write {#... = ...} to define an alias Write {$...} to use this alias Aliases can be defined anywhere in the document, at the end, or at the beginning. They are parsed and removed by CarboneJS before rendering. Data { "name" : "Cars", "wheels" : 4 } Template {#myAlias = d.wheels} {d.name} need {$myAlias} wheels! Result Cars need 4 wheels! Parametrized Alias Aliases accept unlimited number of parameters between parentheses, like a function in many languages. Each parameter must start by $. Data Template {#mealOf($weekday) = d[weekday = $weekday].name} Tuesday, we eat {$mealOf(2)}. Result Tuesday, we eat fish. Repetitions CarboneJS can repeat a section (rows, title, pages...) of the document. We don't need to describe where the repetition starts and ends, we just need to design a "repetition example" in the template using the reserved key word i and i+1. CarboneJS will find automatically the pattern to repeat using the first row (i) as an example. The second row (i+1) is removed before rendering the result. Data Template {d[i].brand} Models {d[i].models[i].size} {d[i].models[i+1].size } {d[i+1].brand} Result Toyota Models Prius 2 Prius 3 Tesla Models S X As you may notice, it is useless to repeat completely the first paragraph twice in the template, only the title of the second paragraph is necessary to help CarboneJS detect where the repetition pattern of the main array ends {d.cars[i+1].brand}. Data Template Vehicles {d[type].brand} {d[type+1].brand} Result Vehicles car plane Iterate on multiple items In the previous example, only distinct rows were kept. If we want to keep all rows, and sort them by type in ascendant order, we can add the reserved iterator i. CarboneJS accepts multiple iterators separated by a comma. Conditioned output By default, condition formatters have a special behavior, the formatter's result is not propagated to the next formatter if the result of the condition is true. This enables test chaining You can change this behavior by setting the optional parameter continueOnSuccess. If continueOnSuccess=true, the result of the formatter will be passed to the next formatter like in the last line of the example below.
<div id="aboutme"> {% if AVATAR %} <p> <img width="100%" class="img-thumbnail" src="{{ SITEURL }}/{{ AVATAR }}"/> </p> {% endif %} {% if ABOUT_ME %} <p> <strong>{{ _('About') }} {{ AUTHOR }}</strong><br/> {{ ABOUT_ME }} </p> {% endif %} </div>
Tag: Nuns The Sisters of the Valley are “self-ordained” nuns that grow marijuana/hemp in California and sell cannabis based products. Last year, Christine Meeusen and 6 other members of the order claimed $750,000 in sales last year. Their best year since they started in 2015. The Sister’s mission is to empower women and provide what they call medical and healing products. What I think is perhaps more interesting than the fact that these nuns grow marijuana/hemp and sell cannabis based products, is that they are anti-religion. “We’re against religion, so we’re not a religion. We consider ourselves Beguine revivalists, and we reach back to pre-Christian practices.” Meeusen’s sister Kate told NBC. These nuns make it clear, despite their monikers, that they are not an order of the Catholic church. I’ve always held the position, as an agnostic, that I respect people’s belief in a higher power. In fact, I think people are better off believing in a higher power. My objection to religion has never been based merely on someone’s spiritual beliefs, but rather the oppressiveness of the religion that is attached to those beliefs. So these nuns are both confusing and intriguing to me. I’m not sure how you can be a nun and profess that you not only do not belong to a religion but also are anti-religion. It’s quite fascinating and it makes you think. (Well, it makes me think.) I think if more people renounced their religions and concentrated more on their relationship with whatever they perceive God to be, then the grip of religious-based oppression would weaken across the world. According to Lifeteen.org, a christian blog that aims to perpetuate the anti-progressive teachings of an ancient religion to children, claims that Marijuana is evil and you shouldn’t do it. Big surprise there. I never understood why the church was so against marijuana. Anti-marijuana rhetoric propagated by the church helped in creating a voodoo pharmacology based propaganda effort to subdue society into thinking it was evil. This fortifies a moral foundation that ultimately leads to the suppression of individual liberty. Did anyone in the church stop and think that maybe God wanted you to use this plant? The Sisters of the Valley did, and these nuns are pretty cool in my book.
Fullerton junior high teacher charged with molesting students Melissa Lindgren, 28, who taught at Nicholas Junior High School in Fullerton, faces multiple felony counts for allegedly assaulting three boys she met at the school. Melissa Lindgren, 28, who taught at Nicholas Junior High School in Fullerton, faces multiple felony counts for allegedly assaulting three boys she met at the school. (Orange County district attorney's office) Adolfo Flores A Fullerton junior high school math teacher was charged Tuesday with sexually assaulting and sending sexual text messages to three students. Melissa Lindgren, 28, who taught at Nicholas Junior High School, faces multiple felony counts on charges of assaulting three boys between the ages of 13 and 15 she met at the school, the Orange County district attorney's office said in a statement. The La Mirada resident is accused of sexually touching and kissing one boy while in a classroom, a second boy on the school campus and a third student in her car. Prosecutors said the crimes occured over a two-year period, ending this year. Prosecutors said Lindren also send sexual text messages to all three boys. Lindgren was arrested Feb. 21 after one of the victims came forward and the Fullerton Police Department launched an investigation. Lindgren is charged with five felony counts of lewd acts on a child, two felony counts of lewd acts on a child under 14 and three felony counts of distributing pornography to a minor. She faces a sentencing enhancement allegation for lewd acts on multiple children. If convicted she faces a maximum sentence of 16 years and four months in state prison, prosecutors said. Lindgren is free on $100,000 bail and is scheduled to be arraigned Wednesday morning.
Q: AutoHotkey - Zip called as a part of a path 1. I am in a certain folder called "2" where are different kind of files and the path looks like this: "C:\Users\Me\Desktop\Named_Folder\1\2" I want to put all those files in there in a Zip and how should the script look like so at the end the Zip would be called "Named_Folder", the same as the folder in the path ? Need to mention that the "Named_Folder" will have different name each time. So how to name the zip as two directories above. 2. Till now I have just found the script to put all those files in a zip: #IfWinActive ahk_class CabinetWClass Send ^a ; Select All Send, {AppsKey} ; Press the "context menu" key Sleep 100 Send n ; Select "Send to" with the "n" key Sleep 100 Send {Right} ; Open "Sent to" with the "right arrow" key Sleep 100 Send {Down} ; Select "Compressed (zipped) folder" with the "arrow down" key Sleep 100 Send {Enter} ; Execute "Compressed (zipped) folder" with the "Enter" key return And how the script should look like to combine the 1. and the 2. step ? With one letter shortcut. So at the end the result should look like this: Example 3. And then I would like to combine below two scripts (F2 F3 or even F1 if it changes anything) with one letter shortcut (4 first lines are from default AHK file): #NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases. ; #Warn ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors. SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability. SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ; Ensures a consistent starting directory. #If WinActive("ahk_class CabinetWClass") ; explorer F1:: for window in ComObjCreate("Shell.Application").Windows try Fullpath := % window.Document.Folder.Self.Path ; IfExist, %Fullpath%\1\ Run, %Fullpath%\2 return F2:: for window in ComObjCreate("Shell.Application").Windows try Fullpath := % window.Document.Folder.Self.Path ; IfExist, %Fullpath%\1\2\ Run, %Fullpath%\1\2 return #If #IfWinActive ahk_class CabinetWClass F3:: for window in ComObjCreate("Shell.Application").Windows try Fullpath := % window.Document.Folder.Self.Path if (SubStr(Fullpath, -3) = "\1\2") { StringReplace, Fullpath, Fullpath, :, StringTrimRight, Fullpath, Fullpath, 4 StringSplit, folder_array, Fullpath, \, MsgBox, % folder_array%folder_array0% Send ^a ; Select All Send, {AppsKey} ; Press the "context menu" key Sleep 100 Send n ; Select "Send to" with the "n" key Sleep 100 Send {Right} ; Open "Sent to" with the "right arrow" key Sleep 100 Send {Down} ; Select "Compressed (zipped) folder" with the "arrow down" key Sleep 100 Send {Enter} ; Execute "Compressed (zipped) folder" with the "Enter" key Sleep 2000 ; wait 2 seconds SendInput, % folder_array%folder_array0% } return #IfWinActive 4. And then extract the zip (right click-->context menu-->Extract to "folder with the same name as zip" Context menu entry example So it creates a folder named "NAMED_FOLDER" with all the extracted content. I know that when I select the zip and press mouse right-button (to open context menu) and press letter "e" it works. 5. Then move this Zip and This new Extracted Folder to Desktop in a Folder "FINAL" And at the end to do all those 5 steps with one letter shortcut. That would do some voodoo magic for me which I really need for the workflow. A: #IfWinActive ahk_class CabinetWClass F4:: for window in ComObjCreate("Shell.Application").Windows try Fullpath := window.Document.Folder.Self.Path IfNotExist, %Fullpath%\1\2 { MsgBox, The folder "%Fullpath%\1\2" doesn't exist return } Run, %Fullpath%\1\2 WinWait, %Fullpath%\1\2 WinActivate, %Fullpath%\1\2 WinWaitActive,%Fullpath%\1\2 StringReplace, Fullpath2, Fullpath, :, StringSplit, folder_array, Fullpath2, \, FolderName = % folder_array%folder_array0% ; MsgBox, % folder_array%folder_array0% FileCopyDir %Fullpath%\1\2, %A_Desktop%\FINAL\%FolderName% ; Sleep 2000 ; wait 2 seconds Send ^a ; Select All Send, {AppsKey} ; Press the "context menu" key Sleep 100 Send n ; Select "Send to" with the "n" key Sleep 100 Send {Right} ; Open "Sent to" with the "right arrow" key Sleep 100 Send {Down} ; Select "Compressed (zipped) folder" with the "arrow down" key Sleep 100 Send {Enter} ; Execute "Compressed (zipped) folder" with the "Enter" key Sleep 2000 ; wait 2 seconds SendInput, % folder_array%folder_array0% Send {Enter} SetTimer, Move_ZIP, 500 return #IfWinActive Move_ZIP: IfExist, %Fullpath%\1\2\%FolderName%.zip { SetTimer, Move_ZIP, off FileMove, %Fullpath%\1\2\%FolderName%.zip, %A_Desktop%\FINAL } return or this: #IfWinActive ahk_class CabinetWClass F4:: for window in ComObjCreate("Shell.Application").Windows try Fullpath := window.Document.Folder.Self.Path IfNotExist, %Fullpath%\1\2 { MsgBox, The folder "%Fullpath%\1\2" doesn't exist return } Run, %Fullpath%\1\2 WinWait, %Fullpath%\1\2 WinActivate, %Fullpath%\1\2 WinWaitActive,%Fullpath%\1\2 StringReplace, Fullpath2, Fullpath, :, StringSplit, folder_array, Fullpath2, \, FolderName = % folder_array%folder_array0% ; MsgBox, % folder_array%folder_array0% ; Sleep 2000 ; wait 2 seconds Send ^a ; Select All Send, {AppsKey} ; Press the "context menu" key Sleep 100 Send n ; Select "Send to" with the "n" key Sleep 100 Send {Right} ; Open "Sent to" with the "right arrow" key Sleep 100 Send {Down} ; Select "Compressed (zipped) folder" with the "arrow down" key Sleep 100 Send {Enter} ; Execute "Compressed (zipped) folder" with the "Enter" key Sleep 2000 ; wait 2 seconds SendInput, % folder_array%folder_array0% Send {Enter} SetTimer, Move_ZIP, 500 return #IfWinActive Move_ZIP: FileCreateDir %A_Desktop%\FINAL IfExist, %Fullpath%\1\2\%FolderName%.zip { SetTimer, Move_ZIP, off FileMove, %Fullpath%\1\2\%FolderName%.zip, %A_Desktop%\FINAL Sleep 2000 ; wait 2 seconds SetTimer, CopyDir, 500 } return CopyDir: IfExist, %Fullpath%\1\2\%FolderName%.zip return SetTimer, CopyDir, off FileCopyDir %Fullpath%\1\2, %A_Desktop%\FINAL\%FolderName% return
Sewage sludge deriving from biofiltrationof municipal waste abound in soil processed organic substances and mineral fertilization components which may be used for fertil-ization of energy willow plantations. In the article the potential of natural utilization of sewage sludge and the patented device for injection dosage of sludge has been pre-sented. The device enables putting into soil mineral and organic fertilizers with loose consistency and their immediate covering by soil in order to reduce unpleasant smell and limit loss of volatile components of fertilizer.
Q: is there anything like _get_hovered in jsTree? using jsTreev pre 1 stable and hotkeys plugin. I have a function that is fired when 'return' is pressed. I want get text of the node that was hovered before pressing enter. This code $.jstree._focused().get_selected().text() works ONLY if I click the node with my mouse and then press enter. How can I get the text without using mouse? I was thinking that _get_hovered would be nice to have. when I use only keyboard the class for the node I am going to press enter changes and gets new class jstree-hovered. I thought I can use it somehow but I don't know how. A: You actually almost provided your own solution within your question: as jsTree (ever so nicely) adds the jstree-hovered class to the node that is currently being hovered over, all you need to do is find which node has this class from withing your "return" key event handling code. jQuery("#tree").jstree({ plugins: [ "themes","html_data","ui","crrm", "hotkeys" ], hotkeys: { "return" : function () { $hovered = $('#tree .jstree-hovered'); if ($hovered.length) { alert('Hovered node text: ' + $hovered.text()); } else { alert('No element was hovered over when return was pressed'); } } } }); Working example at http://jsfiddle.net/y7XVp/16/
Liu Xiao (fencer) Liu Xiao (born 8 November 1987, Anshan) is a Chinese fencer. At the 2012 Summer Olympics, he competed in the Men's sabre, but was defeated in the second round. References Category:Chinese male fencers Category:Living people Category:Olympic fencers of China Category:Fencers at the 2012 Summer Olympics Category:Asian Games medalists in fencing Category:Fencers at the 2010 Asian Games Category:1987 births Category:Asian Games gold medalists for China Category:Medalists at the 2010 Asian Games Category:Sportspeople from Anshan Category:Universiade medalists in fencing Category:Fencers from Liaoning Category:Universiade gold medalists for China
Improved method for the determination of anatoxin-a and two of its metabolites in blue-green algae using liquid chromatography with fluorescence detection. Anatoxin-a, a neurotoxin produced by blue-green algae (BGA) species, can cause death to exposed organisms. In North America, BGA are harvested and sold as food supplements, some of which contain elevated levels of other algal toxins, such as microcystins. Concern that elevated levels of anatoxin-a also may be present in BGA food supplements has led to the development of a simple method to determine the presence of anatoxin-a in BGA. Some researchers have successfully analyzed this compound using liquid chromatography with fluorescence detection by forming a fluorescent derivative with 4-fluoro-7-nitrobenzofurazan (NBD-F) in water and phytoplankton extracts. With this method, the background noise is high in BGA extracts due to the presence of co-extractives. Addition of o-phthaldialdehyde (OPA) and mercaptoethanol to the extract before addition of the NBD-F resulted in the successful removal of primary amines from the background noise when the NBD-F derivatives were detected with fluorescence. Improved chromatograms were obtained when extracts were cleaned up in this manner, leading to a lower detection limit (approximately 50 microg/kg) for anatoxin-a. The detection limits obtained for the 2 degradation products dihydroanatoxin-a and epoxyanatoxin-a in BGA extracts were similarly low (55 and 65 microg/kg, respectively).
Ketamine/xylazine/butorphanol: a new anesthetic combination for rabbits. Ketamine is often used in combination with tranquilizers to produce surgical anesthesia in rabbits. While generally effective, there is considerable variation in the depth and duration of anesthesia achieved with ketamine combinations. Butorphanol is a mixed agonist-antagonist opioid that is widely used in a variety of other species. In this study, the commonly used ketamine (35 mg/kg)/xylazine (5 mg/kg) combination is compared with ketamine (35 mg/kg)/xylazine (5 mg/kg)/butorphanol (0.1 mg/kg). Rabbits were anesthetized on consecutive weeks with one of the two regimens. Physiologic parameters including heart rate, respiratory rate, blood pressure and arterial blood gases (pH, PO2, PCO2) were measured throughout anesthesia. Loss of palpebral, pedal and righting reflexes were recorded and reflexes were subsequently evaluated. The addition of butorphanol prolonged reflex loss to 140% (X = 68 min +/- 20 SEM) of control for palpebral reflex; 506% (X = 52 min +/- 18 SEM) of control for pedal reflex; and 159% (X = 128 min +/- 21 SEM) of control for righting reflex. Addition of butorphanol to ketamine/xylazine resulted in mild alterations in the physiologic changes traditionally associated with this combination. Butorphanol can be safely added to the ketamine/xylazine combination in rabbits and results in moderate increases in the duration of reflex loss.