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| description
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10,400 | Chronic snoring in children | 36 |
7,754 | Patient had movor vehicle accirdent and may have had a brief loss of consciousness. Shortly thereafter she had some blurred vision, Since that time she has had right low neck discomfort and left low back pain. | 30 |
4,912 | The case returns for followup evaluation 21 months after undergoing prostate fossa irradiation for recurrent Gleason 8 adenocarcinoma. Concerning slow ongoing rise in PSA. | 39 |
1,011 | Psychosocial Evaluation of patient before kidney transplant. | 21 |
1,199 | Chiropractic IME with old files review. Detailed Thoracic Spine Examination. | 18 |
3,814 | Cystopyelogram and laser vaporization of the prostate. | 38 |
11,739 | Autopsy of a white female who died of acute combined drug intoxication. | 1 |
6,738 | A 6-year-old was laying down on one side, and he was crying and moaning, sent from the Emergency Room with the determination of intracranial bleeding. | 12 |
4,230 | Sample progress note - Gen Med. | 15 |
1,993 | Endoscopic proximal and distal shunt revision with removal of old valve and insertion of new. | 38 |
3,315 | Colonoscopy with terminal ileum examination. Iron deficiency anemia. Following titrated intravenous sedation the flexible video endoscope was introduced into the rectum and advanced to the cecum without difficulty. | 14 |
686 | Exam under anesthesia. Removal of intrauterine clots. Postpartum hemorrhage | 24 |
6,241 | Chronic eustachian tube dysfunction, chronic otitis media with effusion, recurrent acute otitis media, adenoid hypertrophy. | 11 |
5,883 | Hispanic male client was admitted because of enlarged prostate and symptoms of bladder neck obstruction. | 10 |
8,020 | Excisional biopsy of skin nevus and two-layer plastic closure. Trichloroacetic acid therapy to left lateral nasal skin 2.5 cm to treat actinic keratosis. | 8 |
844 | Left canal wall down tympanomastoidectomy with ossicular chain reconstruction, microdissection, NIM facial nerve monitoring for three hours. | 11 |
12,436 | A female for a complete physical and follow up on asthma with allergic rhinitis. | 0 |
10,932 | Hospice care for a 55-year-old woman with carcinoma of the cervix metastatic to retroperitoneum and lungs. | 17 |
4,168 | Excision of left upper cheek skin neoplasm and left lower cheek skin neoplasm with two-layer closure. Shave excision of the right nasal ala skin neoplasm. | 8 |
4,577 | Viral upper respiratory infection (URI) with sinus and eustachian congestion. Patient is a 14-year-old white female who presents with her mother complaining of a four-day history of cold symptoms consisting of nasal congestion and left ear pain. | 29 |
12,438 | Autopsy - Homicide - Blunt force cranial trauma | 1 |
2,595 | A 50-year-old white male with dog bite to his right leg with a history of pulmonary fibrosis, status post bilateral lung transplant several years ago. | 15 |
440 | Right carotid stenosis and prior cerebrovascular accident. Right carotid endarterectomy with patch angioplasty. | 3 |
2,777 | Degenerative disk disease at L4-L5 and L5-S1. Anterior exposure diskectomy and fusion at L4-L5 and L5-S1. | 27 |
2,453 | A repeat low transverse cervical cesarean section, Lysis of adhesions, Dissection of the bladder of the anterior abdominal wall and away from the fascia, and the patient also underwent a bilateral tubal occlusion via Hulka clips. | 38 |
214 | Anterior spine fusion from T11-L3. Posterior spine fusion from T3-L5. Posterior spine segmental instrumentation from T3-L5, placement of morcellized autograft and allograft. | 38 |
5,842 | Chronic venous hypertension with painful varicosities, lower extremities, bilaterally. Greater saphenous vein stripping and stab phlebectomies requiring 10 to 20 incisions, bilaterally. | 23 |
8,666 | Liposuction of the supraumbilical abdomen, revision of right breast reconstruction, excision of soft tissue fullness of the lateral abdomen and flank. | 6 |
12,157 | Global aphasia. The client is referred to Medical Center's Outpatient Rehabilitation Department for skilled speech therapy, status post stroke. | 37 |
4,432 | Newly diagnosed head and neck cancer. The client was recently diagnosed with squamous cell carcinoma of the base of the tongue bilaterally and down extension into the right tonsillar fossa. | 16 |
4,242 | The case has a manic disorder, is presently psychotic with flight of ideas, tangential speech, rapid pressured speech and behavior, impulsive behavior. Bipolar affective disorder, manic state. Rule out depression. | 32 |
3,997 | Repair of bilateral cleft of the palate with vomer flaps. | 11 |
7,230 | Autopsy - Homicide - evidence of exsanguination - multiple stab wounds. | 1 |
11,540 | Followup dietary consultation for hyperlipidemia, hypertension, and possible metabolic syndrome | 9 |
285 | Cerebral palsy, worsening seizures. A pleasant 43-year-old female with past medical history of CP since birth, seizure disorder, complex partial seizure with secondary generalization and on top of generalized epilepsy, hypertension, dyslipidemia, and obesity. | 22 |
10,444 | A lady with symptoms consistent with possible oligoarticular arthritis of her knees. | 34 |
8,071 | Specimen labeled "right ovarian cyst" is received fresh for frozen section. | 19 |
4,188 | Patient with intermittent episodes of severe nausea and abdominal pain. | 15 |
9,136 | Autopsy of a white female who died of acute combined drug intoxication. | 1 |
11,771 | Followup of left hand discomfort and systemic lupus erythematosus. Carpal tunnel involving the left wrist with sensory change, but no evidence of motor change. | 34 |
3,891 | Left facial cellulitis and possible odontogenic abscess. Attempted incision and drainage (I&D) of odontogenic abscess. | 38 |
3,481 | The patient is an 84-year-old female presented to emergency room with shortness of breath, fatigue, and tiredness. Low-grade fever was noted last few weeks. The patient also has chest pain described as dull aching type in precordial region. No relation to exertion or activity. No aggravating or relieving factors. | 5 |
1,083 | General Medicine SOAP note. | 35 |
6,375 | Phacoemulsification with posterior chamber intraocular lens implant in the right eye. | 26 |
1,951 | Total abdominal hysterectomy (TAH), left salpingo-oophorectomy, lysis of interloop bowel adhesions. Chronic pelvic pain, endometriosis, prior right salpingo-oophorectomy, history of intrauterine device perforation and exploratory surgery. | 38 |
1,964 | Neurologic examination sample. | 35 |
7,848 | Work restrictions and disability evaluation | 18 |
5,550 | Resection of infected bone, left hallux, proximal phalanx, and distal phalanx. Osteomyelitis, left hallux. | 31 |
1,444 | Cataract to right eye. Cataract extraction with intraocular lens implant of the right eye, anterior vitrectomy of the right eye. | 38 |
7,225 | Is it BNP or BMP? | 19 |
11,813 | A lady with symptoms consistent with possible oligoarticular arthritis of her knees. | 34 |
2,601 | Open reduction and internal fixation, high grade Frykman VIII distal radius fracture. | 27 |
7,221 | A 23-year-old white female presents with complaint of allergies. | 0 |
784 | Implantation of a single-chamber pacemaker. Fluoroscopic guidance for implantation of single-chamber pacemaker. | 3 |
5,496 | Lung, wedge biopsy right lower lobe and resection right upper lobe. Lymph node, biopsy level 2 and 4 and biopsy level 7 subcarinal. PET scan demonstrated a mass in the right upper lobe and also a mass in the right lower lobe, which were also identified by CT scan. | 19 |
3,723 | Postoperative wound infection, complicated. Irrigation and debridement of postoperative wound infection. Removal of foreign body. Placement of vacuum-assisted closure.device. | 27 |
687 | She is a 28-year-old G1 at approximately 8 plus weeks presented after intractable nausea and vomiting with blood-tinged vomit starting approximately worse over the past couple of days. This is patient's fourth trip to the emergency room and second trip for admission. | 15 |
1,289 | Woman with adult hydrocephalus, routine evaluation. | 22 |
11,662 | Lung, wedge biopsy right lower lobe and resection right upper lobe. Lymph node, biopsy level 2 and 4 and biopsy level 7 subcarinal. PET scan demonstrated a mass in the right upper lobe and also a mass in the right lower lobe, which were also identified by CT scan. | 19 |
4,070 | Normal Circumcision | 39 |
3,119 | Anterior cervical discectomy and osteophytectomy. Application of prosthetic interbody fusion device. Anterior cervical interbody arthrodesis. Anterior cervical instrumentation | 23 |
293 | Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL), autoimmune hemolytic anemia, and oral ulcer. The patient was diagnosed with chronic lymphocytic leukemia and was noted to have autoimmune hemolytic anemia at the time of his CLL diagnosis. | 35 |
5,597 | Lumbar puncture. A 20-gauge spinal needle was then inserted into the L3-L4 space. Attempt was successful on the first try and several mLs of clear, colorless CSF were obtained. | 23 |
2,741 | Followup visit status post removal of external fixator and status post open reduction internal fixation of right tibial plateau fracture. | 35 |
3,064 | Lexiscan myoview stress study. Chest discomfort. Normal stress/rest cardiac perfusion with no indication of ischemia. Normal LV function and low likelihood of significant epicardial coronary narrowing. | 3 |
2,625 | Patient with one-week history of increased progressive shortness of breath, orthopnea for the past few nights, mild increase in peripheral edema, and active wheezing with dyspnea. Medifast does fatigue | 5 |
3,360 | The patient is a 35-year-old lady who was admitted with chief complaints of chest pain, left-sided with severe chest tightness after having an emotional argument with her boyfriend. The patient has a long history of psychological disorders. | 5 |
9,419 | Probable right upper lobe lung adenocarcinoma. Specimen is received fresh for frozen section, labeled with the patient's identification and "Right upper lobe lung". | 19 |
6,183 | Patient presented to the bariatric surgery service for consideration of laparoscopic roux en Y gastric bypass surgery. | 2 |
11,233 | A ight-handed inpatient with longstanding history of cervical spinal stenosis status post decompression, opioid dependence, who has had longstanding low back discomfort radiating into the right leg. | 30 |
10,216 | Entrapment of the Superior Gluteal Nerve in the aponeurosis of the Gluteus Medius-Left. | 4 |
1,000 | Total laparoscopic hysterectomy with laparoscopic staging, including paraaortic lymphadenectomy, bilateral pelvic and obturator lymphadenectomy, and washings. | 24 |
6,495 | CT-guided needle placement, CT-guided biopsy of right renal mass, and embolization of biopsy tract with gelfoam. | 21 |
9,078 | Speech therapy discharge summary. The client was admitted for skilled speech therapy secondary to cognitive-linguistic deficits. | 37 |
12,080 | Dietary consultation for hyperlipidemia, hypertension, gastroesophageal reflux disease and weight reduction. | 9 |
4,972 | Epicondylitis. history of lupus. Injected with 40-mg of Kenalog mixed with 1 cc of lidocaine. | 35 |
10,248 | Significant ache in left lower jaw. | 7 |
191 | Left arm fistulogram. Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty of the proximal and distal cephalic vein. Ultrasound-guided access of left upper arm brachiocephalic fistula. | 3 |
11,418 | Autopsy of a white female who died of acute combined drug intoxication. | 1 |
2,565 | Tonsillectomy & adenoidectomy. Chronic tonsillitis with symptomatic tonsil and adenoid hypertrophy. | 11 |
1,816 | Pain and swelling in the right foot. | 31 |
7,491 | Chronic glossitis, xerostomia, probable environmental inhalant allergies, probable food allergies, and history of asthma. | 0 |
7,672 | Incision and drainage and removal of foreign body, right foot. The case has had previous I&D but continues to have to purulent drainage. The patient's parents agreed to performing a surgical procedure to further clean the wound. | 31 |
8,555 | Patient has had multiple problems with his teeth due to extensive dental disease and has had many of his teeth pulled, now complains of new tooth discomfort to both upper and lower teeth on the left side for approximately three days.. | 7 |
4,417 | A 2-month-old female with 1-week history of congestion and fever x2 days. | 29 |
8,884 | Ankle sprain, left ankle. The client tripped over her dog toy and fell with her left foot inverted. The client states that she received a series of x-rays and MRIs that were unremarkable. After approximately 1 month, the client continued to have significant debilitating ache in her left ankle. She then received a walking boot and has been in the boot for the past month. | 30 |
4,780 | The case was admitted approximately 3 days ago with increasing shortness of breath secondary to pneumonia. Pulmonary Medicine Associates have been contacted to consult in light of the ICU admission. | 35 |
9,412 | Probable right upper lobe lung adenocarcinoma. Specimen is received fresh for frozen section, labeled with the patient's identification and "Right upper lobe lung". | 19 |
12,228 | Specimen labeled "sesamoid bone left foot". | 19 |
9,738 | Followup of left hand discomfort and systemic lupus erythematosus. Carpal tunnel involving the left wrist with sensory change, but no evidence of motor change. | 34 |
5,140 | Laparoscopic right inguinal herniorrhaphy with mesh, as well as a circumcision. Recurrent right inguinal hernia, as well as phimosis. | 39 |
11,006 | A 23-year-old white female presents with complaint of allergies. | 0 |
5,082 | Right radical nephrectomy and assisted laparoscopic approach. | 21 |
2,822 | A middle-aged female with memory loss. | 33 |
4,264 | A 65-year-old man with chronic prostatitis returns for recheck. | 35 |
7,389 | Evaluation for elective surgical weight loss via the gastric bypass as opposed to Lap-Band. | 2 |
5,868 | Template for History and Physical for a newborn. | 25 |
5,691 | Aplastic anemia. After several bone marrow biopsies, she was diagnosed with aplastic anemia. She started cyclosporine and prednisone. | 16 |
2,707 | Cystourethroscopy and tTransurethral resection of prostate (TURP). Urinary retention and benign prostate hypertrophy. This is a 62-year-old male with a history of urinary retention and progressive obstructive voiding symptoms and enlarged prostate 60 g on ultrasound, office cystoscopy confirmed this. | 39 |
1,737 | Headache and diplopia. | 22 |
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