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<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a resourceful medical assistant. Please ensure your answers are unbiased. Make sure the answers are from the text provided.<</SYS>>Patient Note: Mrs. Moore is a 45 year old female presenting with "nervousness". She reports the nervousness started a few weeks ago and has become constant. She's stressed at work as a English Professor and endorses the nervousness had happened while she is lecturing. She denies a history of panic attacks, anxiety or any alleviating factors. She also reports having trouble going to sleep but getting enough sleep. She complaints of a headache that resolves with tylenol use. She denies any depression, palpitations, sweatness, panic attacks, weight loss or tremors.
PMH: none
PSH: none
Meds: tylenol for headache
SH: english professor, 1-2 wine or beer per month, denies smoking or IVDU, monogamous with husband who had vasectomy
FM: father died of MI
Extract phrases from this text which may help understand the patient's medical condition.[/INST]denies palpitations, denies tremors, denies sweatness, nervousness, nervousness, nervousness, denies any depression, denies weight loss, trouble going to sleep, female, 45 year old</s> |
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a resourceful medical assistant. Please ensure your answers are unbiased. Make sure the answers are from the text provided.<</SYS>>Patient Note: Karin Moore is a 45 year old F who presents with nervousness. It has occured every day over the last few weeks. It is constant, but is worst on Sundays and Mondays before lecturing on Mondays. She also reports decreased appetite and difficulty falling asleep. She reports no early morning awakenings and sleep is restful. She identifies many triggers in her life. She recently resumed lecturing (she is an English Professor), and is currently taking care of her elderly mother and in-laws. She denies palpitations, diaphoresis, weight loss, weight gain, heat and cold intolerance, palpitations, chest pain, shortness of breath, and diarrhea/constipation.
ROS: Per HPI, otherwise negative.
PMHx: None
PSHx: None
Meds: tylenol
FHx: Father died from MI, mother elderly but healthy. 1 child, healthy.
Allergies: NKDA
Social: english professor. Occasionally drinks alcohol at social occasions, denies tobacco, MJ, illicit drug use..
Extract phrases from this text which may help understand the patient's medical condition.[/INST]denies palpitations, denies diaphoresis, denies heat and cold intolerance, denies palpitations, denies diarrhea/constipation, nervousness, taking care of her elderly mother and in-laws, denies weight loss, denies weight gain, difficulty falling asleep, F, decreased appetite, 45 year</s> |
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a resourceful medical assistant. Please ensure your answers are unbiased. Make sure the answers are from the text provided.<</SYS>>Patient Note: Karin Moore, a 45-year-old female, has come to the outpatient clinic with episodes of nervousness.
Extract phrases from this text which may help understand the patient's medical condition.[/INST]NO PALPITATION, NO CHANGES IN HAIR OR SKIN, nervousness, ANXIOUS, TAKES CARE OF SICK MOTHER, NO LOSS OF INTEREST, NO CHANGES IN CONCENTRATION, DIFFICULTY TO SLEEP, female, NO APPETITE, 45-year</s> |
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a resourceful medical assistant. Please ensure your answers are unbiased. Make sure the answers are from the text provided.<</SYS>>Patient Note: CC/HPI: 45yo F c/o nervousness starting few weeks back. she recently had change in work nature from researcher to lecturer. anxiety is most pronounced sunday nights/ monday mornings, when she has to give the lectures. she also reports difficulty falling asleep, esp sunday night. no difficulty staying asleep. she has decreased appetite but hasn't lost any weight recently. ROS normal otherwise.
PMH and PSH: none; allergies NKDA; meds: tylenol for occasional headaches from reading
FHx: father died from heart attack. mother alive and well
OBGYN: LMP 1wk ago, regular, no menorrhagia.
Sexual Hx: monogomous with husband who got vasectomy; pt concerened about decreased sexual activity w/ husband since onset of nervousness.
Social: lives at home with mom, husband; drinks alcohol on social occasions only, nonsmoker, exercises 3x/ week, eats balanced diet..
Extract phrases from this text which may help understand the patient's medical condition.[/INST]nervousness, anxiety, nervousness, "hasnt lost any weight", difficulty falling asleep, F, decreased appetite, 45yo</s> |
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a resourceful medical assistant. Please ensure your answers are unbiased. Make sure the answers are from the text provided.<</SYS>>Patient Note: 45 yo f pt come to the outpatient clinic due to nervousness since few weeks ago. Two weeks ago patient switched role in her work as a teacher and has multiple tasks at home that includes nursing. She states that for the past two Sundays and Mondays she has been feeling like these, and reports lose of her appetite. Patient reports this nervousness as been constant and denies previous episodes. Patietn has been having trouble sleeping since she got to bed at 9:30 and does not get sleep after hours. Denies changes in weight, bowel movements, hot intolerance, diaphoresis, palpitations, dyspnea and urinary changes.
ROS: neg except as above
Meds: Tylenol
PMH: healthy
PShx: none Trauma: none
Hospitalization: when her children born
Social history: Balanced diet and exercise. Denies toxic habits, except for caffeine use 5-6 times a day. Sexually active with husband. No STD..
Extract phrases from this text which may help understand the patient's medical condition.[/INST]Denies bowel movements, Denies hot intolerance, Denies diaphoresis, Denies palpitations, nervousness, nervousness, caffeine use 5-6 times a day, Denies changes in weight, trouble sleeping, f, lose of her appetite, 45 yo</s> |
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a resourceful medical assistant. Please ensure your answers are unbiased. Make sure the answers are from the text provided.<</SYS>>Patient Note: 45 yr old f came to clinic with c/o nervousenss for few weeks. She is nervous all the time, getting worse, nothing helps with the nervousness. The pt is in teaching profession and just switched jobs few weeks ago in her teaching profession. On sunday evening and on monday she is more worried. She had decreased sleep from before. On sundays she had decreased appetite. Pt drinks 5-6 cups of caffeine every day. No h/o sadness, loss of interest, memory changes, or loss of concentration, heart racing. ROS as above; ALLERGIES NKA NKDA; MEDS none; PMH none; PSH none; FH father died of stroke, Mother is doing well; SH monogamous with husband, 2 kids, drinks wine ocassionally on the weekend..
Extract phrases from this text which may help understand the patient's medical condition.[/INST]No heart racing, nervousenss, nervous, nervousness, 5-6 cups of caffeine, No h/o sadness, No loss of interest, No loss of concentration, decreased sleep, f, decreased appetite, 45 yr</s> |
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a resourceful medical assistant. Please ensure your answers are unbiased. Make sure the answers are from the text provided.<</SYS>>Patient Note: Karin Moor is a 45 yo F with no significant PMH now presenting with 2-3 weeks of constantly feeling anxious, associated with decreased appetite, and difficulty falling asleep. During the last three weeks she has been switched from research to the lecture circut for her work as a professor. Other life stressors include taking care of her elderly mother and in-laws, having a 17 yo son at home, and having a busy self-employed husband. She denies palpitations, SOB, nighttime awakenings, chest pain, weakness, abd pain
PMH: none
FH: denies family history of thyroid disease, denies family hx of heart disease, HTN, DM
Medications: occasional Ibuprophen
Allergies: NKA
Social: as stated above
Surgical: none.
Extract phrases from this text which may help understand the patient's medical condition.[/INST]denies palpitations, anxious, stressors include taking care of her elderly mother and in-laws, difficulty falling asleep, F, decreased appetite, 45 yo</s> |
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a resourceful medical assistant. Please ensure your answers are unbiased. Make sure the answers are from the text provided.<</SYS>>Patient Note: Ms. Moore is a 45yoF with 2-3 week history of "nervousness". She works as a college professor and has recently begun giving lectures; preparing for these lectures increases her anxiety. She also cares for her elderly mother and teenage son who live at home, as well as her elderly in-laws who live nearby. She says she does not get much help from her husband taking care of her mother.
CC: "unbearable, constant nervousness all of the time"
ROS: Some trouble falling asleep, gets around 7 hours of sleep per night. Occasional loss of appetite while nervous. Rarely has headaches which improve with tylenol use. Denies fever, weight loss, palpitations, pain.
Medications: Tylenol as needed for headache.
SocHx: lives with husband, mother, and teenage son.
Smoking history: None
Alcohol: rarely/socially
Drugs: none
FamHx: father died of MI at age 65.
Extract phrases from this text which may help understand the patient's medical condition.[/INST]Denies palpitations, nervousness, nervousness, nervous, cares for her elderly mother, cares for her elderly in-laws, Denies weight loss, trouble falling asleep, F, loss of appetite, 45yo</s> |
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a resourceful medical assistant. Please ensure your answers are unbiased. Make sure the answers are from the text provided.<</SYS>>Patient Note: mrs Moore 45 yo f present c\o nervousness and anxiety started couple weeks after she started a new job, that where sudden , constant, same severity since started, no allev, aggrev sunday evning and monday morning, no previous episodes. she also reported diffuclty falling asleep, go to bed at 10pm , sleeps 11pm , and decrease appetite. she exersize regularly 3 times \wk , during the day
she denies depression, suicidal ideation, wt changes, loss of interest, palpitation, heat intolerance, headache, SOB, fever, dizziness, weakness
ROS neg excpet as above
PMH\meds none. NKDA
PSH\hosp\trauma\travel none
SH english professor, live with family, sexually active w husband, dont smoke or take illicit drugs, drink ETOH occ.
Extract phrases from this text which may help understand the patient's medical condition.[/INST]denies palpitation, denies heat intolerance, nervousness, anxiety, denies depression, denies suicidal ideation, denies loss of interest, denies wt changes, diffuclty falling asleep, f, decrease appetite, 45 yo</s> |
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a resourceful medical assistant. Please ensure your answers are unbiased. Make sure the answers are from the text provided.<</SYS>>Patient Note: HPI: 45 yo anxious f comes in clinic with c/o nervousness x few weeks (3) that is constant, progressive and aggravates before delievering a lecture and has no alleviating factor.
Pt states that she feels nervous especially a night before she has to give a lecture and have problems sociallizing.
PT is also stressed out because she has to take care of her children and ill in laws and has been having difficulty sleeping because of it.
Pt also changed her role in her job from researcher to lecturer recently.
Pt denies any SOB, chest pain, numbness, inc fear of having these attacks in future, hand tremors, sweating, change in bowel/urinary habits, travel/trauma recently.
ROS: neg except above
PM/MED HX: neg ALL: nka FHX: father died of IHD OB?GYNAE: no active compalints.
SHX: no
Extract phrases from this text which may help understand the patient's medical condition.[/INST]denies hand tremors, denies sweating, denies change in bowel habits, anxious, nervousness, nervous, stressed has to take care ill in laws, has been having difficulty sleeping, f, 45 yo</s> |
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a resourceful medical assistant. Please ensure your answers are unbiased. Make sure the answers are from the text provided.<</SYS>>Patient Note: 45 yo F. CC: nervousness x 3 weeks. Increased stress at work. Change in role from researcher to lecturer. Also many responsibilities at home, caring for elderly mother and in-laws, and 17 and 19 yo sons. Noticed decreased appetite, but forces herself to eat 3 meals a day. Associated with difficulty falling asleep (duration 30 to 60 min), but attaining full 7 hours with no interruptions, no early morning awakenings. Also decreased libido for 2 weeks. Nervousness worsened on Sunday and Monday when preparing for lectures for the week.
ROS: no recent illness, no headache, dizziness, palpitations, tremors, chest pain, SOB, n/v/d/c, pain
PMH: none, no pasMeds: none, Past hosp/surgeries: 2 vaginal births no complications, FHx: no pysch hx, father passed from acute MI at age 65 yo, no thyroid disease
LMP: 1 week ago
SHx: English literature professor, no smoking, occasional EtOH, no ilicit drug use, sexually active..
Extract phrases from this text which may help understand the patient's medical condition.[/INST]no palpitations, no tremors, no d, no c, nervousness, Nervousness, responsibilities at home, caring for elderly mother, responsibilities at home, caring for in-laws, difficulty falling asleep, F, decreased appetite, 45 yo</s> |
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a resourceful medical assistant. Please ensure your answers are unbiased. Make sure the answers are from the text provided.<</SYS>>Patient Note: 45 yo female presents with complaints of anxiousness for 2-3 weeks. Reports that she is overwhelmed and "has a lot on her plate" with work, taking care of mother, and other responsibilities. Reports decrease in appeitite and difficulty falling asleep. Denies anhedonia, fatigue, decrease in concentration, psychomotor retardation or suicidal ideation. No past suicide attempts. Denies weight gain, cold intolerance, constipation, brittle nails, or hair loss.
OB/GYN: G2P2, no miscarriages. LMP 1 week ago. regular every 4 weeks. No dysmenorrhea. Sexually active with husband only, husband had vasectomy 18 years ago.
ROS: negative except for above
PMH: none
PSH: none
Meds: tylenol
allergiesL none
FH: dad passed at 65 yo due to MI
SH: lives with husband, mother, and youngest son. Works as english professor. Occasional EtOH, never smoker or drug use..
Extract phrases from this text which may help understand the patient's medical condition.[/INST]Denies cold intolerance, Denies constipation, Denies hair loss, Denies brittle nails, anxiousness, overwhelmed taking care of mother, Denies anhedonia, Denies decrease in concentration, Denies suicidal ideation, Denies weight gain, ifficulty falling asleep, female, decrease in appeitite, 45 yo</s> |
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a resourceful medical assistant. Please ensure your answers are unbiased. Make sure the answers are from the text provided.<</SYS>>Patient Note: HPI: 45 yo F presents with a few weeks of increased nervousness. She has a constant feeling of nervousness in the setting of a new job change and home stresses. She recently swited from a research focused to teaching focused job at the university. She has decreased appetite on Sun evening and Mon morning. She also has had difficultly falling asleep. She feel "overwhelmed". Denies SI or HI. Still enjoys reading at home. Denies SOB, CP, palpitations, diaphoresis, lightheadedness, numbness, tingling, fever, chills, or abdominal comlaints. No change in attention or energy.
PMH: none. Takes occaisional tylenol
FMH: Father had an MI
SH: works as an English teacher. She recently started teaching more instead of research which is stressfull. She aslo takes care of numerous people at home including cousins which is added stress in her life. She feels safe at home and with her husband. Infrequent EtOH use. No tabacco or drugs.
ROS: as per HPI.
Extract phrases from this text which may help understand the patient's medical condition.[/INST]Denies palpitations, nervousness, nervousness, people at home added stress takes care of, Denies SI, No change in attention, No change in energy, difficultly falling asleep, F, decreased appetite, 45 yo</s> |
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a resourceful medical assistant. Please ensure your answers are unbiased. Make sure the answers are from the text provided.<</SYS>>Patient Note: 45 y/o F with complaints of nervousness since the last few weeks. She has been feeling this way since she changed jobs from a researcher to a professor in school. She says she feels overwhelmed, especially on sundays and mondays. She also has a lot of work load at home as a caregiver to her in-laws, mother, and youngest child. The nervousness is constant but there are no palpitations or feeling of chest tightness. She has not increased her caffeine intake and says she has lost her apetite but still manages to eat healthy. She exercises 3 times a week and has not had any weight loss. Her husband is supportive and helps with taking care of his parents. She has been having difficulty falling asleep. Her work environment is friendly.
ROS: Negative except as above
Allergies: none
Medications: Tylenol occasionally
PSH and PMH: Nothing
SH: Teacher, non smoker, occasional alcohol use
FH: Father died of heart attach, mother alive healthy.
Extract phrases from this text which may help understand the patient's medical condition.[/INST]no palpitations, no feeling of chest tightness, nervousness, nervousness, a lot of work load caregiver to her in-laws, mother, difficulty falling asleep, F, lost her apetite, 45 y/o</s> |
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a resourceful medical assistant. Please ensure your answers are unbiased. Make sure the answers are from the text provided.<</SYS>>Patient Note: Karin Moore, a 45-year-old female, has come to the outpatient clinic with episodes of nervousness.
- the symptoms started 2 months ago, suddenlly, it is getting worse, constant no alleviated or aggavated factors.
- she also c/o increase of symptoms in the Sunday evening when she has a apresentation in he school, she has loss of energy, difficulty to started sleep, occasional headache.
- she denies, SOB, diarrhea, cold intolencace, constipation, tremors, chest pain, no suicidal toughts.
ROS: none except as above
PNH: none
All: none, Meds: OTC tylenol
Fhx: fther died at age 65 of MI.
Obgyn: LMP 1 week ago, regular periods.
Social: no tobacco use, occasional alcohol use, no illicit drugs. she works a Englisgh Profession, with stressful at job.
Extract phrases from this text which may help understand the patient's medical condition.[/INST]denies diarrhea, denies cold intolencace, denies constipation, denies tremors, nervousness, no suicidal toughts, difficulty to started sleep, female, 45-year-old</s> |
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a resourceful medical assistant. Please ensure your answers are unbiased. Make sure the answers are from the text provided.<</SYS>>Patient Note: Karin Moore, a 45-year-old female, is here becuasue of nervousnous for a few weeks. She feels nervous and "overwehlmed" by her life, especially when thinking about her english lectures. Nothing seems to make it better She does not report any hisrtory of anxiety. Denies feeling of being on edge, muscle tension, anhedonia, suicidal thougths. Does endorse loss of apetite, but no weight lost. denies fevers and night sweats, athritis. Does report trouble sleeping (takes 30 to 1 hr to fall asleep). Does not report illicit drug use or smoking. No significant PMH or PSH or SH..
Extract phrases from this text which may help understand the patient's medical condition.[/INST]nervousnous, feels nervous, Denies suicidal thougths, Denies anhedonia, no weight lost, trouble sleeping, female, loss of apetite, 45-year-old</s> |
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a resourceful medical assistant. Please ensure your answers are unbiased. Make sure the answers are from the text provided.<</SYS>>Patient Note: Patient is a 45 year old female presenting with few weeks of neurvousness at all times especially on sunday nights and monday mornings. SHe describes unbearable anxiety that started when she was transitioned at work to more of a lecturing role after 15 years doing research, She has never had this before and nothing makes it better. She has has decreased appetite, but no weight changes, no fatigue, no headaces, no issues with her mood, concentration or energy level. She has severeal stressors including moter living with her, inlaws with health issues and her son living at home. She denies changes in skin or hair, cold/heat intolerance.
ROS: negative except as above
PMH, surgeries, meds: none
Social: no smoking, social drinker, caffiene 5-6 cups/days, no illicit drug use, sexually active with husband, healthy diet, walks 3x/week for exercise
Fam Hx: MI.
Extract phrases from this text which may help understand the patient's medical condition.[/INST]no fatigue, denies changes in skin or hair, denies cold/heat intolerance, neurvousness, anxiety, stressors moter living with her, stressors inlaws with health issues, caffiene 5-6 cups/days, no issues with mood, no issues with concentration, no issues with energy level, no weight changes, female, decreased appetite, 45 year</s> |
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a resourceful medical assistant. Please ensure your answers are unbiased. Make sure the answers are from the text provided.<</SYS>>Patient Note: 45 yo f c/o nervousness for 1 month. c/o difficulty fallling asleep. takes 1hours to fall asleep. no trouble maintaining sleep or early awakenings. stressors at home and at work. taking care of sick mom and children. works as a english liturature professor. just started to give lectures. drinks 5-6 coffee during the day. no SOB, chest pain, recent headache, fever, chills, changes of hair and skin, hand shaking, heat intolerance, changes to bowel movements. loss of interests, suicidal thoughts. do not feel sad. feel safe at home.
PMH: none. nkda, no rx drug. used tylenol for occational headache. 2 vaginal deliveries.
SH: lmp last week. no smoking. drinks occasionally. no rec drugs. walks 3 times a day..
Extract phrases from this text which may help understand the patient's medical condition.[/INST]no changes of hair, no changes skin, no hand shaking, no heat intolerance, no changes to bowel movements, nervousness, stressors at home taking care of sick mom, drinks 5-6 coffee, no loss of interests, no suicidal thoughts, do not feel sad, difficulty fallling asleep, f, 45 yo</s> |
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a resourceful medical assistant. Please ensure your answers are unbiased. Make sure the answers are from the text provided.<</SYS>>Patient Note: 45 y/o F who presents with a several week hx of episodes of nervousness
other symptoms include headaches
occur predictably with regard to work, family, and daily tasks
has affected every aspect of her life
Describes life as very stressful working, taking care of 2 kids, mother and in-laws
Describes husband as supportive, but very busy
Worse Sunday nights and Monday mornings preparing for class
Not alleviated by anything
Mdx: Tylenol
PMH: headaches
FHx: Heart attack at 65 (paternal)
Extract phrases from this text which may help understand the patient's medical condition.[/INST]nervousness, stressful taking care of mother and in-laws, F, 45 y/o</s> |
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a resourceful medical assistant. Please ensure your answers are unbiased. Make sure the answers are from the text provided.<</SYS>>Patient Note: 45 yo F presents c/o nervousness
- few weeks duration, constantly "feeling nervous", progressively worsening over time
- significant social stressors of being carer for elderly mother who lives with her; also has recently started new job as lecturer
- nervous feeling is worst on Sunday nights / Monday morning prior to work
- no panic attacks, no mood changes, just "feels overwhelmed"
- los of appetite, nausea with no loss of weight
- loss of libido related to nervousness
- no palpitations, no hair / skin changes, no neck lumps, no heat / cold intolerance
ROS: unremarkable
PMH / PSH: nil
DH: tylenol occasionally for headache, nil allergies
FH: father had heart attack, elderly mother is well
SH: non smoker, drinks alcohol occasionally, nil illicit drug use, excessive caffine intake 5 - 6 cups per day, works as lecturer, lives with elderly mother, husband, and teenage son, good social supports, sexually active with husband only.
Extract phrases from this text which may help understand the patient's medical condition.[/INST]no palpitations, no hair / skin changes, no heat / cold intolerance, feeling nervous, nervous, nervousness, nervousness, stressors carer for elderly mother, lives with elderly mother, excessive caffine intake 5 - 6 cups, no mood changes, no loss of weight, F, los of appetite, 45 yo</s> |
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a resourceful medical assistant. Please ensure your answers are unbiased. Make sure the answers are from the text provided.<</SYS>>Patient Note: a 45-year-old female, has come to the outpatient clinic with episodes of nervousness. these episodes started a few weeks ago and they are getting worse. they are more on sunday and monday. she also has decreased appetite. she also has difficulty with starting sleep. she do not has diarrhea, no skin changes or hair changes, no chest pain or shortness of breath, no change in her menstrual periods and they are regular. she is just worried because she is taking care of 2 children and everyone at home, she also has some new stress in her job
ROS: nothing except the above
PMH: none. PSH : none.
Meds: tylenol .
FH: father died of hear attack at age of 65
SH: nonsmoker, no illicit drug use, socoial drinker . works a ss english professor.
Extract phrases from this text which may help understand the patient's medical condition.[/INST]do not has diarrhea, no skin changes, no hair changes, nervousness, worried she is taking care everyone at home, difficulty with starting sleep, female, decreased appetite, 45-year-old</s> |
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a resourceful medical assistant. Please ensure your answers are unbiased. Make sure the answers are from the text provided.<</SYS>>Patient Note: 45 y/o female evaluated at clinec found hemodinamically stable and in NAD, a couple of weeks ago pte starte d with nervousness tht is contant got worst when job required public speaking, no alliviating factor, no associated symtoms, denies, fever, chil, sob, changes in GI. pte refer less apetite but force herself to eat regularly denies wight changes, diet. walks 3 times a week and have trouble getting to sleep but sleeps 7 hours. no headaches, numbness, weakness, fatigue or diziness.
OBGYN;vaginal delivery, regular period started at age 12, mamograhy and pap done in the last year, 5 days period 5 pads first day then 2-3. no std. denies smoking or drugs, etoh socialy
Extract phrases from this text which may help understand the patient's medical condition.[/INST]denies changes in GI, nervousness, denies wight changes, trouble getting to sleep, female, less apetite, 45 y/o</s> |
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a resourceful medical assistant. Please ensure your answers are unbiased. Make sure the answers are from the text provided.<</SYS>>Patient Note: 45 yo female complaining of nervousness for the past few weeks. Attributes this to having so much on her plate because of changes at work and household changes. Its worse on Sunday nights and Monday mornings. Patient has also been having problems falling asleep. Patients mood is good, with no loss of interest. Patient has never used drugs before. No cold or heat intolerance.Patient has less of an appetite but no changes in weight.
ROS: None
Obys/Gyne: LMP was a week ago, Menarche at the age of 13, regular every 30 days for 4 days. Last pap smear was 9 months ago and was normal.
PMH: None
Allergies: None
Medication: Tylenol
FH: Father died of a heart attack 10 years back
Social: Nonsmoker, social EtOH, sexually active with husband, English proffesor.
Extract phrases from this text which may help understand the patient's medical condition.[/INST]No cold or heat intolerance, nervousness, mood is good, no loss of interest, no changes in weight, problems falling asleep, female, less of an appetite, 45 yo</s> |
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a resourceful medical assistant. Please ensure your answers are unbiased. Make sure the answers are from the text provided.<</SYS>>Patient Note: Ms Moore is a 45 year old female with no PMH who presents for feelings of nervousness for the past few weeks. She says it's all the time but is worse on Sundays thinking about work for the week. Nothing makes it better. She says it takes her longer to fall asleep, is less interested in sex, and she doesn't have an appetite. She also reports stress at home as she is caretaker to her mother who lives with her. She denies headaches, fevers, night sweats, weight loss, SOB, palpitations, racing heart, nausea, diarrhea, constipation, rashes, feeling dizzy or faint. She denies depressed mood or suicidal/homicidal ideations. FMH for father dying of MI at 65 years old..
Extract phrases from this text which may help understand the patient's medical condition.[/INST]denies night sweats, denies palpitations, denies racing heart, denies diarrhea, denies constipation, nervousness, stress at home caretaker to her mother, denies depressed mood, denies suicidal ideations, denies weight loss, takes longer to fall asleep, female, "doesnt have an appetite", 45 year old</s> |
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a resourceful medical assistant. Please ensure your answers are unbiased. Make sure the answers are from the text provided.<</SYS>>Patient Note: 45 yo F presents with persistent nervousness which began a few weeks ago and is getting worse. She feels nervous about everything in every situation. Especially exacerbated when preparing for lectures. No alleviating factors. Reports drinking 5-6 drinks of coffee/day. Reports difficulty falling asleep; it takes 30-60 min to fall asleep but no awakenings. 7 hrs of sound sleep per night. Denies depressed mood, loss of interest, inability to concentrate. Denies increase in self-confidence and flight of ideas. Denies chest pain, palpitation, headache, change in weight, SOB. Occasional loss of appetite. Rarely has headache, relieved by Tylenol.
PMHx: none. NKA. PSHx: none. Meds: Tylenol, rarely for headache. OBGYN: G2P2. LMP 1 wk ago, regular periods, normal flow, no pain during periods. SHx: no smoking, EtOH occasionally, 1-2/mo. no illicit drug use. sexually active with husband but decreased sexual desire due to anxiety. Professor..
Extract phrases from this text which may help understand the patient's medical condition.[/INST]Denies palpitation, nervousness, nervous, 5-6 drinks of coffee/day, Denies depressed mood, Denies loss of interest, Denies inability to concentrate, Denies change in weight, difficulty falling asleep, takes 30-60 min to fall asleep, F, loss of appetite, 45 yo</s> |
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a resourceful medical assistant. Please ensure your answers are unbiased. Make sure the answers are from the text provided.<</SYS>>Patient Note: CC: nervousness
HPI: Ms. Moore is a 45 yo woman previously healthy who presents with a 2 week history of increased nervousness. Symptoms began a few weeks ago when she began giving lectures at work to large groups of students. The anxiety is constant, but worsens in the days leading up to lectures. Appetite is decreased, but improves following the end of the week of lectures. Patient also endorses difficulty falling asleep, denies nighttime awakenings. Endorses decreased sex drive during this time. Denies anhedonia, guilt, energy decrease, concentration change, psychomotor slowing, and suicidal ideation.
ROS: No headaches, no weight changes, no panic attacks, no heat intolerance, no heart palpitations, no chest pain, no diarrhea/constipation.
PMH/PSH: none
MED: tylenol prn for headache
ALL: none
FH: dad died at 65 from heart attack, mom healthy.
SH: English professor. Never smoked or used drugs. Alcohol 1-2x per month socially..
Extract phrases from this text which may help understand the patient's medical condition.[/INST]no heat intolerance, no heart palpitations, no diarrhea, no constipation, nervousness, anxiety, nervousness, Denies anhedonia, Denies concentration change, Denies suicidal ideation, no weight changes, difficulty falling asleep, woman, Appetite is decreased, 45 yo</s> |
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a resourceful medical assistant. Please ensure your answers are unbiased. Make sure the answers are from the text provided.<</SYS>>Patient Note: HPI: 45 yo F c/o nervousness lately
- she is under stress especially for increased workload in the last few weeks
- decreased appetite and difficullty falling asleep: however, she sleeps at least 7 hours per night and has no nighttime awakenings
- denies chest pain, palpitations, SOB, skin changes, bowel changes
- no weight changes, fevers or night sweats. No fatigue
ROS: neagtivee xcept as above
PMH: none. PSH: none. allergy: NKDA. Meds: tylenol. FH: father died of AMI at age 65, mother is healthy. SH: no smoke or illicit drugs, occasional alcohol. She is a teacher, lives with her husband, mom and youngest son. Sexually active with husband only. Regularly exercise and follows a healthy diet.
Extract phrases from this text which may help understand the patient's medical condition.[/INST]denies palpitations, denies skin changes, denies bowel changes, nervousness, no weight changes, difficullty falling asleep, F, decreased appetite, 45 yo</s> |
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a resourceful medical assistant. Please ensure your answers are unbiased. Make sure the answers are from the text provided.<</SYS>>Patient Note: Mrs. moore is a 45yo female who is here due to nervousness.
-endorses anxiety all the time for the last few weeks
-right before this, she switched to teaching students from a research job
-anxiety worst on sunday/monday
-associated with loss of appetite and insomnia
-no panic attacks, chest pain, shortness of breath or palpitations
ROS: -weight loss, fatigue, headache, skin/hair changes, chills, fever, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, change in urinary/bowel habits, abdominal pain
PMH and PSH: none. Meds: tylenol. Allergies: none. FH: father MI at 65, mother is healthy. Social: english professor, 2 kiids, married, sexually active with no condom use with husband, no std history. no smoking or illicit drugs. socially drinks about 1-2 glass of wine a month.
Extract phrases from this text which may help understand the patient's medical condition.[/INST]- skin changes, - hair changes, - diarrhea, - constipation, - bowel habits, no palpitations, nervousness, anxiety, anxiety, -weight loss, insomnia, female, loss of appetite, 45yo</s> |
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a resourceful medical assistant. Please ensure your answers are unbiased. Make sure the answers are from the text provided.<</SYS>>Patient Note: 45yo F presents to clinic with a few weeks of nervousness and anxiety. She recently began lecturing more for her job, which is a change from her previous position as a researcher. In addition, she helps to take care of her two sons and aging mother and in-laws at home. Along with her nervousness and anxiety, she occasionally has a loss of appetite. In addition, she has difficulty falling asleep, stating she will lay awake for an hour before being able to sleep. Her bedtime routine involves getting things ready for the boys for the next day and reading on the couch. She denies diaphoresis, palpitations, chest pain or tightness. No headaches, vision changes. No abdominal pain or bowel or bladder changes. No skin rashes or hair loss.
PMH: none
Meds: Tylenol for occasional headaches
Allergies: none
SHx: none
Family Hx: father - MI age 65
Social Hx: EtOH - 1 beer socially, tobacco - none, illicit drugs - none, sexual - w/ husband.
Extract phrases from this text which may help understand the patient's medical condition.[/INST]denies diaphoresis, denies palpitations, No bowel changes, nervousness, anxiety, nervousness, anxiety, elps to take care of aging mother and in-laws, difficulty falling asleep, F, loss of appetite, 45yo</s> |
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a resourceful medical assistant. Please ensure your answers are unbiased. Make sure the answers are from the text provided.<</SYS>>Patient Note: Mrs. Moore is a 45 yo woman who presents with 3-4 weeks of nervousness "alltheh time'. Nothing makes it better. She has trouble getting to sleep, but sleeps well once she falls asleep. She has taken no medications to treat it. The nervousness is worse when she gives lectures to her students, a practice which just started a couple weeks ago and which she only recently found out she would have to do.
She has no other medical problems and has had no surgeries. She takes acetominophen only for occasscional headaches. Otherwise, she takes not meds. She has no allergies. Her family history is signficant for MI in her father at 65. She consumes 1-2 alcoholic beverages per week. She does not use tobacco or other drugs. She works as an English professor. She is married (20years) and is monogamous..
Extract phrases from this text which may help understand the patient's medical condition.[/INST]nervousness, nervousness, trouble getting to sleep, 45 yo</s> |
Extract phrases from this text which may help understand the patient's medical condition.[/INST]NERVOUSNESS, DRINKING ALOT OF COFFIE, COFFIE 5-6 CUPS A DAY, DONT FEEL SAD, NO LOSS OF CONCENTRATION, NO LOSS OF INTEREST, NO SUICIDAL THOUGHTS, DIFFICULTY SLEEPING, F, 45 YO</s> |
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a resourceful medical assistant. Please ensure your answers are unbiased. Make sure the answers are from the text provided.<</SYS>>Patient Note: Patient is a 45 year old female presenting for "nervous episodes" for the past few weeks. She denies any associated trigger. She reports it to be constant and worse in the evenings the night before her lectures. She works as a teacher and has recently been assigned to lecturing 2 weeks ago, her normal assignments are related to research. She notes for the past 2 weeks she has not been as hungry and has had insomnia. She consumes 5-6 cups of coffee for a "long time". Her periods have been regular.
PMH: Denies
PSH: Denies
Allergies: NKDA
Meds: Tylenol PRN
FH: Father passed away 65 yo from MI; Mother is healthy
SH: Alcohol 1-2 drinks on special occasions; Denies smoking, drugs; Sexually active with her husband but not as much since the episodes of nervousness; English professor
ROS: Negative headache, chest pain, palpitations, SOB, Abdominal pain, changes in urination, constipation, diarrhea, weight change, social anxiety, mood chan.
Extract phrases from this text which may help understand the patient's medical condition.[/INST]Negative palpitations, Negative constipation, Negative diarrhea, nervous, nervousness, 5-6 cups of coffee, Negative mood chan, Negative weight change, insomnia, female, has not been as hungry, 45 year old</s> |
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a resourceful medical assistant. Please ensure your answers are unbiased. Make sure the answers are from the text provided.<</SYS>>Patient Note: 45 yo, F, c/o of feeling nervousness it started few weeks ago, no preceding events noted, gradually deveopled, always feels nervousness all the time, she has a lot of stress due to work changes, son in last yr of college, and mother need care for her health, also some family in law issues, it gets worse on sunday nights and monday morning, no relieving factors noted, she has no fever, fatigue, she feels her appetite is sometimes decreased although no changes seen in her weight, no changes in bowel and urinary habits, no cold intolerance or hot flashes, no hairloss or headcahes, no palpitaions or tremor
PMH: @ NVD, PSH;none, FH: father died og MI at 64yrs, mother healthy, MED tylenol for occasionla headaches, all;NKDA
SH: english professor, sexually active with husband only, husband has vasectomy after 2nd son, no STD, occasional use of ETOH on weekends, CAGE0/4, no smoking ot other illicit drug use, 1 miles walking 3 times a week,
Extract phrases from this text which may help understand the patient's medical condition.[/INST]no changes in bowel habits, no cold intolerance, no hairloss, no palpitaions, no tremor, nervousness, nervousness, stress due to mother need care for her health, stress due to in law issues, no changes seen in her weight, F, appetite is sometimes decreased, 45 yo</s> |
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a resourceful medical assistant. Please ensure your answers are unbiased. Make sure the answers are from the text provided.<</SYS>>Patient Note: HPI: Mrs. Moore is a 45yo F who complains of nervousness that started a few weeks ago and has been getting worse. It is constant to where she has decreased appetite and difficulty falling asleep. Nothing has made it better or worse. She denies hx of cardiac or thyroid issues. She does have many changes in home life ie. changing jobs, taking care of in laws with health problems next door with little support. She also has decreased appetite.
ROS: Negative except stated in HPI
Meds: Tylenol
FH: Father died of MI
SH: No tobacco or drug use. Ocasional EOTH use, walks a mild 3x/week. Sexually active with husband. Feels safe at home. Works as English Lit teacher..
Extract phrases from this text which may help understand the patient's medical condition.[/INST]denies thyroid issues, nervousness, taking care of in laws, difficulty falling asleep, F, decreased appetite, decreased appetite, 45yo</s> |
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a resourceful medical assistant. Please ensure your answers are unbiased. Make sure the answers are from the text provided.<</SYS>>Patient Note: Ms. Moore, is a 45 yo female who presents with nervousness.
-Started 3-4 weeks ago. Is constant and has not progressed.
-Related to the stress in her life, ie caring for mother children job
-aggravated by public speaking
-associated decreased sleep
ROS: no skin changes, no palpitations, no diaphoresis
PMH: none
Allergies: nka
Medications: PRN tylenol (rare)
FH: father passed at 65 MI, mother healthy
Social: english professor, EtOH 2-3 per month, no tobacco, no recreational drugs, walks 3x/wk
Extract phrases from this text which may help understand the patient's medical condition.[/INST]no skin changes, no palpitations, no diaphoresis, nervousness, stress in her life, ie caring for mother, decreased sleep, female, 45 yo</s> |
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a resourceful medical assistant. Please ensure your answers are unbiased. Make sure the answers are from the text provided.<</SYS>>Patient Note: Ms. Moore is a 45yo Female with a 2-3wk history of progressively increasing nervousness
- Increased stressors over few weeks: taking care of her inlaws, taking care of her children (age 17 and 19) and working as a full time english literature professor
- Feels nervous 24/7, has difficulty falling asleep, sleeps 7hrs/night
- Decreased appetite, but forces herself to eat so has not lost weight
- Worse on Sunday night/Mon morning when she has upcoming lessons for her job
- Support from husband but he is busy with work
- Denies palpitations, chest heaviness, dyspnea; denies changes in hair or skin, joint pain
- Has not tried anything to cope with stress (yoga, meditation
PMH: none ; meds: occasional tylenol for headaches (very rare)
Fhx: no relevant fhx; father died of MI
Social hx: working as english lit professor; 2 kids age 17 & 19; Lives w/ husband and 17yo; denies tobacco, drug use; ETOH 1x/month; walks 2-3x/week.
Extract phrases from this text which may help understand the patient's medical condition.[/INST]Denies palpitations, denies changes in hair or skin, nervousness, nervous, stressors taking care of her inlaws, not lost weight, difficulty falling asleep, Female, Decreased appetite, 45yo</s> |
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a resourceful medical assistant. Please ensure your answers are unbiased. Make sure the answers are from the text provided.<</SYS>>Patient Note: cc: 45 year old female c/o nervousness for the past 3-4 weeks.
hpi: 45 year old female c/o nervousness for the past 3-4 weeks. There is no perticular precipitating factor. It is consant, nothing makes it better, stress and giving lectures makes it worse. She has palpitation, poor sleep, but denies any sweating, visual problem, depressed mood, skin change, heat intolerance, weight or appetite change. She reports she is experiencing stress at work lately. SHe is taking are of her mom for the past 2 years and feeling stressed out with it.
ros; negative
pmh: none
med: tylenol
allergy: none
sh: no smoking , occasional alcohol use, no illicit drug
fh: father died of heart attack at age 65 . mother is healthy.
Extract phrases from this text which may help understand the patient's medical condition.[/INST]denies any sweating, denies skin change, denies heat intolerance, nervousness, nervousness, taking are of her mom for the past 2 years and feeling stressed, denies depressed mood, denies weight change, poor sleep, female, female, 45 year, 45 year</s> |
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a resourceful medical assistant. Please ensure your answers are unbiased. Make sure the answers are from the text provided.<</SYS>>Patient Note: 45 yo F comes to the clinic complaining of nervousness. started few weeks back, feels nervous and overwhelmed all the time, recent job change few weeks back; had more research initially now more teaching. nervousness is more esp on sunday evenings and monday morning as she is worried about her lectures on monday. has stress regarding her mom and her sons and in laws. no alleviating factors or diurnal variation, constant. a/w difficulty falling asleep. drinks 5-6 cups of coffee throughout the day, decreased appetite
denies any night time awakenings, nightmares, depressed mood, loss of interest, guilt, suicidality, menopausal symptoms, heat intolerance, changes in bowel bladder habits, fever, chest pain, n/v, palpitations, weight changes
ROS neg except as above
PMH none, no meds, NKDA
PsH none, no travel/ trauma
FH father died of MI 10 yrs ago
SH teacher, lives with husband, sons and mom, occassional EtOH, no smoking/ drugs,.
Extract phrases from this text which may help understand the patient's medical condition.[/INST]denies heat intolerance, denies changes in bowel habits, denies palpitations, nervousness, nervous, nervousness, stress regarding her mom, stress regarding in laws, 5-6 cups of coffee throughout the day, denies depressed mood, denies loss of interest, denies guilt, denies suicidality, denies weight changes, difficulty falling asleep, F, decreased appetite, 45 yo</s> |
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a resourceful medical assistant. Please ensure your answers are unbiased. Make sure the answers are from the text provided.<</SYS>>Patient Note: Patient is a 46 yo F with no PMH who comes in today with nervousness.
- Lot on her plate - taking care of elderly mom, two teenagers, her work
- Feels nervous about everything in the past few weeks; in business and personal life
- Difficulty sleeping and decreased appetite, still pushing herself to eat
- nothing seems to improve her situation. can't place her finger on what may have caused increased nervousness as of lately
- never had this in the past
- No heart palpitations, sweating, shortness of breath, nausea.
Meds: Tylenol - occasional Headache
ROS: pertinent listed above.
Obstetrical: 2 children, 17, 19. LMP was last week. Regular periods with moderate flow.
Social: English lit. professor. Lives with mother, husband, younger son. Sexually active with husband. Husband had a vasectomy. Walks 3x a week, eats a balanced diet.
No smoking, drug use. Couple drinks a month.
Extract phrases from this text which may help understand the patient's medical condition.[/INST]No heart palpitations, No sweating, No nausea, nervousness, nervous, nervousness, taking care of elderly mom, Difficulty sleeping, F, decreased appetite, 46 yo</s> |
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a resourceful medical assistant. Please ensure your answers are unbiased. Make sure the answers are from the text provided.<</SYS>>Patient Note: CC: nervousness
HPI: Ms. Moore is a 45 year old woman who presents to clinic today with nervousness for the last couple of weeks. She notices that her symptoms are worse Sunday evening, before her Monday lecture. She recently changed her job from research work to more lecture based. She also states some life stressors at home which include taking care of her mother and two kids. She states that her sleep is affected, taking over an hour to fall asleep. She denies changes in interest, energy levels, and concentration. She has had a decrease in appetite for the last two weeks, but has not had any weight loss.
ROS: negative for palpitations, heat intolerance, sweating, changes in urinary habits, changes in eating habits
PMH: hostpitaliztions following the births of her two children, tylenol PRN for occasional headaches
Social: denies tobacco or recreational drug use; states she drinks socially occasionally
family: father MI age 65
Extract phrases from this text which may help understand the patient's medical condition.[/INST]negative for palpitations, negative for heat intolerance, negative for sweating, nervousness, nervousness, stressors taking care of her mother, denies changes in interest, denies energy levels, denies concentration, has not had any weight loss, sleep is affected, taking over an hour to fall asleep, woman, decrease in appetite, 45 year</s> |
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a resourceful medical assistant. Please ensure your answers are unbiased. Make sure the answers are from the text provided.<</SYS>>Patient Note: Pt is a 45 yo F with a CC of two weeks of "nervousness"
-pt reports that symptoms began after recent change in job description. used to do research now giving lectures every monday. considers this stressor. also reports that pt's mother is living with her and that this is very stressful for her.
-one week history of decreased appetite.
-pt reports that she has had difficulty falling asleep at night
-pt 3/8 SIGECAPS difficults sleeping decreased appetite and psychomotor agitation- denies others
ROS no jiterness, palpatations, LOC, light headedness, dyspnea, SOB, weight loss or gain,, sweating, heat or cold intolerance, changes in hair skin or nails, rashes or recent cough rhiorhea fever.
Med tylenol for occasional HA
allergies denies
PMH/SH denies
FH drinks ETOH only socially 1-2 drinks
denies cigarettes and drugs use
english professor doing research recently lectures, grandma living with her is stressful..
Extract phrases from this text which may help understand the patient's medical condition.[/INST]denies palpatations, denies sweating, denies cold intolerance, denies heat intolerance, denies changes in hair, denies changes in skin, denies changes in nails, nervousness, mother is living with her very stressful, grandma living with her is stressful, denies weight loss, denies weight gain, difficulty falling asleep, difficults sleeping, F, decreased appetite, decreased appetite, 45 yo</s> |
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a resourceful medical assistant. Please ensure your answers are unbiased. Make sure the answers are from the text provided.<</SYS>>Patient Note: Mrs Moore is a 45 year old female presenting with feelings of nervousness.
-started a few weeks ago
-feels nervous all the time, nothing improves this feeling but it is noticably worse on sunday evenings and monday mornings.
-changed job responsibilites about 1 month ago to include more lecturing and less research.
-additional symptoms include decreased appetite and difficulty falling asleep at night. Denies lying in bed worrying about things.
-denies chest pain, palipations, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, tremors, unintentional weight loss.
PMHs: insignificant
Meds: occasioanl tylenol
Past surgical history: none
FHx: father died of MI
SHx: non-smoker, occasional EtOH, no drugs. drinks 5-6 cups of coffee per day as late as 5pm. lives at home with husband, 2 children, and her mother who is h. works as a professor, recently changed jobs from research to more lecturing. sexually active with husband only.
Extract phrases from this text which may help understand the patient's medical condition.[/INST]denies palipations, denies tremors, denies nausea, vomiting, denies diarrhea, nervousness, nervous, 5-6 cups of coffee per day, denies weight loss, difficulty falling asleep, female, decreased appetite, 45 year old</s> |
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a resourceful medical assistant. Please ensure your answers are unbiased. Make sure the answers are from the text provided.<</SYS>>Patient Note: Patient is a 45 yo female who presents with episodes or nerviousness. Onset has been few weeks ago and she feels as though she is "losing her mind". She says that it was worse on Sunday night and monday morning. However, she states that the nervousness is constant. There is no particular onset to when she feels nervous. She used to be a researcher but recently has been teachiing in a classroom. She states that she has had difficulty falling asleep. She lives with husband, sons and mom and says that she feels safe and has a good relationship with the,. She denies loss of interest, decreased energy, suididial ideation, or harming of others. Additionally, she denies headache, tremor, palpitations and GI symptoms
PMH: none
FH: father had HA
SH: no smoking , drugs or alcohol. sexually active with husband.
Meds: none
Allergies: one.
Extract phrases from this text which may help understand the patient's medical condition.[/INST]denies tremor, denies palpitations, denies GI symptoms, nerviousness, losing her mind, nervousness, nervous, denies loss of interest, denies decreased energy, denies suididial ideation, difficulty falling asleep, female, 45 yo</s> |
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a resourceful medical assistant. Please ensure your answers are unbiased. Make sure the answers are from the text provided.<</SYS>>Patient Note: This patient is a 45 yo female who presents to the clinic due to a new onset of nervousness. She says that it started a few weeks ago and has been constant ever since it started. She states that nothing really helps her symptoms during this time. She has recently changed her position at her job from being a researcher to be a lecturer and feels as though it may be related to her change in jobs. Sunday and Monday appear to be the worse days for her as she tends to spend the days thinking about teaching. She also has had a decrease in appetite and difficulty sleeping during this time. She denies excessive sweating or tremors.
ROS: Negative except as mentioned above
Allergies: NKDA
Medication: None
PMH: None
PSH: None
Family history: Father died of heart attack
Social: Denies tobacco use, social drinker. No illicit drug usage. Only sexually active with husband..
Extract phrases from this text which may help understand the patient's medical condition.[/INST]denies excessive sweating, denies tremors, nervousness, difficulty sleeping, female, decrease in appetite, 45 yo</s> |
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a resourceful medical assistant. Please ensure your answers are unbiased. Make sure the answers are from the text provided.<</SYS>>Patient Note: HPI: 45 y/o f c/o worsening nervousness for 3-4 wks. The symptom is intermittent.
A/w giving lectures, decrease appetite for 1 wks, increasing work load and caffeine intake ( coffee 4-5 cups/d * 12 y).
No hot intolerance, palpitations, diarrhea, hot flashes or wt loss.
She sleeps 7 h/d, no daytime sleepiness.
ROS: As per HPI
PMH/PSH/All: None
Med: OCC Tylenol
FH: Father c heart attack
SH: English professor, no smoking/drugs, OCC alc 1-2 wine, SI c husband
Extract phrases from this text which may help understand the patient's medical condition.[/INST]No hot intolerance, No palpitations, No diarrhea, No hot flashes, nervousness, increasing caffeine intake, coffee 4-5 cups/d, No wt loss, f, decrease appetite, 45 y/o</s> |
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a resourceful medical assistant. Please ensure your answers are unbiased. Make sure the answers are from the text provided.<</SYS>>Patient Note: HPI; 45 yo F with nervousness for a couple of weeks
-It is constant, worsens with thinking about her work.
-Stressful for her job, an English professor
-Difficulyt Sleeping; difficulty of satying asleep
-Appetite loss and coffeine taking
-Denies fever, weight loss, any chagnes in urinary or bowel habits
OB/GYN; G2P2, LMP 1 week ago, q28-30 days, lasting 5 days. Menarche at age 12. Last pap smear was 10 months ago, normal.
ROS; Negative except as above.
PMH/PSH; None. Alleregies; NKDA. Medications; Tylenol, FH; Fahter died of MI.
SH; No smoking, 1-2 beers a week, Sexually active with husband only no illicit drug.
Extract phrases from this text which may help understand the patient's medical condition.[/INST]Denies chagnes in bowel habits, nervousness, coffeine taking, Denies weight loss, Difficulyt Sleeping, F, Appetite loss, 45 yo</s> |
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a resourceful medical assistant. Please ensure your answers are unbiased. Make sure the answers are from the text provided.<</SYS>>Patient Note: 45 year old female with persistent feeling of "nervousness" for past 3-4 weeks. Cannot identify any certain event associated with onset. Anxiety is constant but worsens in association with new lecture duties for work. No prior history of anxiety. No major life changes aside from new lecture duties. Describes feeling overwhelmed due to caring for aging mother and work responsibilities. Also endorses difficulty falling asleep. Endorses decreased appetite over the past 2 weeks. No weight changes, skin or hair changes, GI changes, palpitations,, neck masses, or excessive sweating. No mental health history. Denies any other mood changes. No medicaiton or supplement use. No family history of thyroid disease..
Extract phrases from this text which may help understand the patient's medical condition.[/INST]No hair changes, No skin hanges, No GI changes, No palpitations, No excessive sweating, nervousness, Anxiety, overwhelmed due to caring for aging mother, Denies mood changes, No weight changes, difficulty falling asleep, female, decreased appetite, 45 year old</s> |
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a resourceful medical assistant. Please ensure your answers are unbiased. Make sure the answers are from the text provided.<</SYS>>Patient Note: HPI: 45 y/o f c/o nervousness for 2 weeks. she notes that it's present all the time and is worse during Sundays and Mondays (when she usually prepares lectures). nothing relieves the nervousness. she also noticed difficulty sleeping and decreased appetite. denies any tremors, hair loss, heat intolerance, palpitations, shortness of breat, tingling sensations, wt loss and changes in bowel habits. of note, she drinks 5-6 cups of coffee a day. she also denies any stresses in her life, but is worried that the nervousness is somehow affecting her dynamics with her husband.
ROS: negative except above
PMH: none
PSH: none
medications: tylenol occasionally for headaches
FH: noncontributory, no hx of anxiety disorders
SH: LMP 1 wk ago, regular periods; monogamous with husband, works as a professor, nonsmoker, no ETOH use, drinks 5-6 cups of coffee per day.
Extract phrases from this text which may help understand the patient's medical condition.[/INST]denies any tremors, denies hair loss, denies heat intolerance, denies palpitations, denies changes in bowel habits, nervousness, nervousness, nervousness, 5-6 cups of coffee, 5-6 cups of coffee, denies wt loss, difficulty sleeping, f, decreased appetite, 45 y/o</s> |
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a resourceful medical assistant. Please ensure your answers are unbiased. Make sure the answers are from the text provided.<</SYS>>Patient Note: Ms. Moore is a 45 y.o female with no significant past medical history who presents with a 3-4 week history of increased anxiety and feeling nervous all the time. She reports feeling anxious and overwhelmed throughout the day regardless of what is going on during her day. She denies feeling down or depressed but this anxiety is "overwhelming." In addition, she has had difficulty falling asleep and has noticed decreased appetite for the past 1-2 weeks. She denies palpitations, change in bowel habits, skin rashes, fevers or chills, or dyspnea. She recently had to start giving lectures at work. She also experiences stress from caring for her mother at home but has no other identifiable changes in her stress levels.
PMH: None
PSH: None
Fam Hx: Father died of MI at 65 yo
Social: Social alcohol use 1-2/month, never smoker, no drugs. Lives with husband, son away at college.
Extract phrases from this text which may help understand the patient's medical condition.[/INST]denies palpitations, denies change in bowel habits, anxiety, nervous, anxious, anxiety, stress from caring for her mother, denies feeling down, denies feeling depressed, difficulty falling asleep, female, decreased appetite, 45 y.o</s> |
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a resourceful medical assistant. Please ensure your answers are unbiased. Make sure the answers are from the text provided.<</SYS>>Patient Note: Karin Moore is a 45 year olf F presenting with episodes of nervousness for about 2-3 weeks. Not present immediately prior and she has never had this problem before. This started when she began giving lectures not research. No headache, palpitations, N/V, jitteryness, or sweatiness. She has felt like not eating, although forces herself to have adequate nutrition. She has a normal energy level, and gets 7 hours of sleep per night, although has difficulty falling asleep. Nothing makes her anxiety better, and it is worse on Sunday evenings and Monday mornings before lectures. She is also anxious about things in her daily life (shopping, transportation) unrelated to work duties. She has no significant PMH and no past SHx. She occasionally takes Tylenol for headaches but can't recall her last dose. She drinks 2 times per month, does not used tobacco or illicit drugs. She is sexually active with husband, although less often due to anxiety..
Extract phrases from this text which may help understand the patient's medical condition.[/INST]No palpitations, No jitteryness, No sweatiness, nervousness, normal energy level, difficulty falling asleep, F, felt like not eating, 45 year</s> |
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a resourceful medical assistant. Please ensure your answers are unbiased. Make sure the answers are from the text provided.<</SYS>>Patient Note: Karin is a 45 yo woman with no PMH who presents with 2-3 weeks of feeling "nervous all the time" at work, at home, and other situations. She states this all happened around the time she began a new job task of giving lectures at work. She works full time as well as providing support for her aging mother and in-laws. She does find some relief when going for walks 3 times per week. She states that she gets so nervous the night before giving her lectures that she loses her appetite. This has had negative impacts on her libido and intimate relationships with her husband, who remains supportive. She denies any sweating, SOB, chest pain, syncope, or NV associated with these episodes..
Extract phrases from this text which may help understand the patient's medical condition.[/INST]denies any sweating, denies NV, nervous, nervous, providing support for her aging mother and in-laws, woman, loses her appetite, 45 yo</s> |
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a resourceful medical assistant. Please ensure your answers are unbiased. Make sure the answers are from the text provided.<</SYS>>Patient Note: Mrs. Moore is a 45 y/o female presnting with anxiety. Pt states that over the last 3 weeks she has been having contant feelings of anxiety through out the day. She does not have particular triggers. Pt also c/o decreased appetite and insomnia for 3 weeks. Having difficulty falling asleep, lays in bed for 30 minutes. No fever, chills, N/V, palpitations, changes in weight, changes in bowel or bladder function. Pt notes that she has stressors in her life that include taking care of her elderly mother, her 2 kids aged 17 and 19, and she works full time as an English professor. 2 weeks ago she started giving lectures at her job but states she has done this in the past with no anxiety.
PMH: None. PSurgical hx: None. Meds: OTC tylenol. Family Hx: Dad dies of MI at 65.
OB/GYN history: G2P2. LMP: 1 week ago.
Risk: Denies tabcoo and drug use. 1-2 drinks a month.
Drinks 5-6 coffee cups
Is sexually active with husband who had vasectomy..
Extract phrases from this text which may help understand the patient's medical condition.[/INST]No palpitations, No changes in bowel function, anxiety, anxiety, stressors taking care of her elderly mother, Drinks 5-6 coffee cups, No changes in weight, insomnia, difficulty falling asleep, female, decreased appetite, 45 y/o</s> |
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a resourceful medical assistant. Please ensure your answers are unbiased. Make sure the answers are from the text provided.<</SYS>>Patient Note: Karin Moore is a 45yo female who present with feelings of nervousness. The patient reports feeling nervous over the past few weeks. It is a constant nervousness that gets worse before she gives a lecture and gets somewhat better after but never remits. She has noted a decrease in appetite and trouble falling asleep during this period. She also reports decreased sex drive but no problems engaging in sex. She has been under increased stress at work as she started lecturing at the time this nervousness began and her elderly mother has also been requiring more help. Denies fever, chills, nasuea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, feelings of depression and anhedonia.
ROS: Negative except above
PMH: Denies
PSH: Denies
SH: Never smoker, social drinker. English professor and likes her job.
FH: Denies history of thyroid or adrenal gland disorders. Deneis history of depression and bipolar.
Medications: None
Allergies: None.
Extract phrases from this text which may help understand the patient's medical condition.[/INST]Denies diarrhea, Denies constipation, nervousness, nervous, nervousness, nervousness, elderly mother has also been requiring more help, Denies feelings of depression, Denies anhedonia, Deneis history of depression, trouble falling asleep, female, decrease in appetite, 45yo</s> |
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a resourceful medical assistant. Please ensure your answers are unbiased. Make sure the answers are from the text provided.<</SYS>>Patient Note: CC: nervousness
HPI: Pt is a 45 y/o WF who presents with nervousness. Pt reports that she has been feeling nervous for a few weeks. States she has decreased appetite and difficulty sleeping. Pt reports she has had increased stressors in her life involving taking care of her mom and children at home as well as her inlaws with their health issues. Pt has also switched job roles from research to teaching recently and been feeling overwhelmed since. Pt denies any thoughts of wanting to harm herself or others. Denies CP, palpitations, SOB, n/v, constipation and dizziness.
ROS: negative except as above
PMH: none
Meds: none
Allergies: NKA
FH: father deceased from MI
SH: denies smoking, occasional alcohol use, denies drug use, currently working as an English professor.
Extract phrases from this text which may help understand the patient's medical condition.[/INST]Denies palpitations, Denies constipation, nervousness, nervous, feeling overwhelmed, stressors taking care of her mom, denies wanting to harm herself, difficulty sleeping, F, decreased appetite, 45 y/o</s> |
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a resourceful medical assistant. Please ensure your answers are unbiased. Make sure the answers are from the text provided.<</SYS>>Patient Note: CC: Nervousness
HPI: Ms. Moore is a 45 yo f who who is nervous for the past few wks. A few wks ago, she started giving lectures instead of doing research at her work as a literature professor which brought on anxiety. She thinks about her lectures and then worries about other parts of her life outside of work. Denies any alleviating factors. Aggravating factors include thinking about lectures on Sunday and Monday. Associated symptoms are decreased appetite and difficulty falling asleep. She feels overwhelmed. Denies SI, HI, AVH.
PMH: Denies
PSH: Denies
Allergies: NKDA
Meds: Tylenol for migraines
ROS: decreased appetite, insomnia
FH: father - MI at 65
SH: Literature professor. Occasional EtOH use. Denies drug, tobacco use. Drinks caffeine 5-6 times/day. Exercises 3 times/wk. Healthy diet. No recent travel or pets. Married 25 yrs. Sexually active with husband but reports decreased activity recently. No hx of STDs. Has two sons..
Extract phrases from this text which may help understand the patient's medical condition.[/INST]Nervousness, nervous, anxiety, feels overwhelmed, Drinks caffeine 5-6 times/day, Denies SI, difficulty falling asleep, insomnia, f, decreased appetite, decreased appetite, 45 yo</s> |
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a resourceful medical assistant. Please ensure your answers are unbiased. Make sure the answers are from the text provided.<</SYS>>Patient Note: CC: Nervousness
HPI: 45/F complains of nervousness which started 2 weeks ago. Patient has more added workload which started two weeks ago. Her nervousness starts Sunday night during preparation of lectures and happens throughout the week. Nothing makes it better. It affects her business and personal life, she had difficulty falling asleep, she also lost appetite. Enjoys work. No weight loss, no suicidal ideation. Consumes 5-6 cups of coffee per day. No cold sweats, palpitations, no chest pain and no light headedness. No abdominal pain, no changes in bowel, no urinary changes.
ROS: none
Allergies: None
Medications: Tylenol
PMH: None
PSH: None
SH: Professor, non smoker, consumes 1-2 glasses of wine per week, no illicit drug use, sexually active with husband but sexual desire decreased due to nervousness
Extract phrases from this text which may help understand the patient's medical condition.[/INST]No cold sweats, No palpitations, no changes in bowel changes, Nervousness, nervousness, nervousness, nervousness, 5-6 cups of coffee per day, no suicidal ideation, No weight loss, difficulty falling asleep, F, lost appetite, 45</s> |
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a resourceful medical assistant. Please ensure your answers are unbiased. Make sure the answers are from the text provided.<</SYS>>Patient Note: 45 y/o F visits clinic due to constant nervousness that started a few weeks ago. Patient states these episodes have gotten worse since her job changed from research to give lectures in English literature and has increased responsibilities, as well as has to take care of her mom and her husband's parents. Patient refers anxious, stressed, overwhelmed due to these changes, sleep changes such as taking more time to fall asleep & decreased appetite. Denies fever, chills, nausea, vomiting, skin changes, hair changes, cold/heat sensitivity, numbness, night sweats, tingling, dizziness, changes in bowel or urinary habits, SOB, cough, weight changes, chest pain, abdominal pain or joint pain.
ROS: Negative except as above
PMH/PSH: None ALL: NKDA Med: Tylenol
FH: Father had a hear attack
SH: Patient is an English professor. Denies tobacco, alcohol or recreational drug use. Sexually active with husband, who had a vasectomy. G2P2 SVD no compli.
Extract phrases from this text which may help understand the patient's medical condition.[/INST]Denies skin changes, Denies hair changes, Denies cold/heat sensitivity, Denies changes in bowel habits, nervousness, anxious, has to take care of her mom, Denies weight changes, taking more time to fall asleep, F, decreased appetite, 45 y/o</s> |
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a resourceful medical assistant. Please ensure your answers are unbiased. Make sure the answers are from the text provided.<</SYS>>Patient Note: 45 year old female presents for nervousness over "a few weeks." Symptoms impact "everything" in patient's life. Anxiety is constant, no alleviating factors, no exacerbating factors. Patient had change of responsibilities at work, but no particularly stressful in nature; no other major life events preceding onset. Patient has associated decreased appetite, difficulty with sleep onset.
ROS: Occasional headaches, but not since onset of symptoms.
Allergies: NKDA
Meds: Tylenol for headaches
Medical History: Occasional headaches associated with reading. No surgeries. Hospitalizations x 2 for child birth. otherwise, unremarkable. Last pap smear and Mammogram were 10 months ago, normal results.
Family: Father died of MI at age 66, mother is living and well.
Social: Lives with husband, mother, and two children (no recent move-ins or move-outs). Social alcohol, no tobacco or drug use. Patient drinks 5-6 cups of coffee daily..
Extract phrases from this text which may help understand the patient's medical condition.[/INST]nervousness, Anxiety, 5-6 cups of coffee, difficulty with sleep, female, decreased appetite, 45 year</s> |
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a resourceful medical assistant. Please ensure your answers are unbiased. Make sure the answers are from the text provided.<</SYS>>Patient Note: Mrs Moore, 45 yo f, no significant PMH, presents with nervousness, lack of appetite, difficulyt falling asleep. "I feel nervous all the time" She is the caretaker of her older mother and has in home nursing for her in-laws. Works has been more stressful since she is now lecturing (she is a professor) no psychiatric hx, Family hx is signficant for father who died of heart attack at 65.
She denies depression, difficulty concentrating, wt loss, changes in her BM,no chest pain, no SOB, no edema,
Anxiety - denies recurring thoughts, no nighmares
Exercises regularly.
Takes Tylenol,
healthy relationship with husband
dneis arthrl.
Extract phrases from this text which may help understand the patient's medical condition.[/INST]denies changes in her BM, nervousness, nervous, Anxiety, caretaker of her older mother, caretaker of her in-laws, denies depression, denies difficulty concentrating, denies wt loss, difficulyt falling asleep, f, lack of appetite, 45 yo</s> |
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a resourceful medical assistant. Please ensure your answers are unbiased. Make sure the answers are from the text provided.<</SYS>>Patient Note: CC: 45 yo F with nervousness
HPI: Patient comes in for 2-3 weeks of nervousness. Symptoms have been constant and associated with diminished appetite and difficulty falling asleep. They intensify on Sunday nights and Monday before she gives lectures. Patient is a college English literature professor. Of note, patient mentions many stressors and responsiblities and feels as if she is "overwhelmed" and "losing her mind" at times.
ROS: - weight loss, palpitations, diaphoresis, headache, heat intolerance, suicidal ideation
PMH: none, only hospitalized twice for the birth of her two kids
meds: tylenol as needed for headaches
FH: father had MI at 65
SH: drinks socially, no smoking or drug use, college English literature teacher, 2 kids
Extract phrases from this text which may help understand the patient's medical condition.[/INST]- palpitations, - diaphoresis, - heat intolerance, nervousness, nervousness, feels as if she is "overwhelmed", feels as if "losing her mind", - suicidal ideation, - weight loss, difficulty falling asleep, F, diminished appetite, 45 yo</s> |
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a resourceful medical assistant. Please ensure your answers are unbiased. Make sure the answers are from the text provided.<</SYS>>Patient Note: A 45 y/o F came to the clinic c/o nervousness. Started gradually for the first time 3-4 weeks ago and since it started it is getting progressively worse. Describes it as anxiety over work achievements, constant throughout the day, relate to change in her work from research to lectures, worsen before the lectures and no improvements factors. Associated w/ decreased apetite, headache and difficulty falling asleep. Denies fever, chills, nausea, vomit, changes in weight, weakness, numbness, dizziness, palpitations, sweating or tremors.
ROS: negative, except as above; PmHx: none; PSH: none; ALL: NKDA; MEDS: tylenol for headaches; FH: non relevant; SH: Married. Sexually active w/ husband. Works as a english professor. No h/o smoking or illicit drug use. EtOH: occ.; Caffeine: 5-6 cupps/day..
Extract phrases from this text which may help understand the patient's medical condition.[/INST]Denies palpitations, Denies sweating, Denies tremors, nervousness, Caffeine: 5-6 cupps/day, Denies changes in weight, difficulty falling asleep, F, decreased apetite, 45 y/o</s> |
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a resourceful medical assistant. Please ensure your answers are unbiased. Make sure the answers are from the text provided.<</SYS>>Patient Note: 45 y/o f with a h/o nervousness since few weeks. Patient has recently changed her job from research to lecturing her audience. The nervousness starts suddenly and is more on mondays and sundays. She thinks frequently about her work and performance on mondays. It is however also present throughout the week. It has never happened before. She has no h/o tremors, palpitations, SOB, headaches, sensation of doom, heat intolerance or weight loss. Patient has been eating less due to anxiety. She consumes 5-6 cups of caffeine everyday. She takes tylenol and was hospitalized for delivery. NKDA, she has reached menopause. Patient has no h/o smoking, alcohol consumption 1 drink socially. Husband has had a vasectomy. She is sexually active.
ROS- occasional headaches+, No h/o Abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, bowel or bladder changes, facial pain, sleep changes.
Extract phrases from this text which may help understand the patient's medical condition.[/INST]no h/o tremors, no palpitations, no heat intolerance, bowel changes No, nervousness, nervousness, anxiety, 5-6 cups of caffeine, no sensation of doom, no weight loss, f, eating less, 45 y/o</s> |
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a resourceful medical assistant. Please ensure your answers are unbiased. Make sure the answers are from the text provided.<</SYS>>Patient Note: 45 yo F p/w 6-wk hx of "nervousness". She reports feeling a lot anxiety, moreso than usual, with her responsibilities in taking care of her mother and other family. She also has had to give presentations at work which exacerbate her nervousness leading up to it. She denies any palpitations, tremors, CP, or SOB when she is nervous. Her nervousness is constantly high and she has not been able to talk to anyone about it or tried ways to relieve it. She also reports a lack of appetite but is making herself eat so she has not been losing weight. Also has been having trouble falling asleep. Drinks 5-6 cups of coffee a day. Denies depressive thoughts or sadness.
ROS: negative except for above
Meds: none
Allergies: none
PMH: none
PSH: none
FH: non-contributory
SH: English professor. Lives at home with mother, husband and two daughters. Feels safe at home. Occasional ETOH use, denies tobacco, illicit drugs..
Extract phrases from this text which may help understand the patient's medical condition.[/INST]denies palpitations, denies tremors, nervousness, anxiety, nervousness, nervous, nervousness, responsibilities taking care of her mother, 5-6 cups of coffee a day, Denies depressive thoughts, Denies sadness, has not been losing weight, trouble falling asleep, F, lack of appetite, 45 yo</s> |
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a resourceful medical assistant. Please ensure your answers are unbiased. Make sure the answers are from the text provided.<</SYS>>Patient Note: Karen Moore is a 45 yo G2P2 f presents with feelings of nervousness/ feeling overwhelmed for the last few weeks. Reports a constant feeling, associated with increased stressors at work. Reports that her work requirements to present new lectures have made her feel increasingly overwhelmed.
ROS: Significant for Decreased appetite, difficulty falling asleep. No vision changes, numbness, tingling, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, headaches.
M: Tylenol PRN for headaches
FMH: MI (dad)
OB/S/Sx: 2 vaginal deliveries, 17 and 19 year old sons. LMP 1 week ago, reports normal periods .Sexually active with husband, safe at home. Decreased frequency of intercourse associated with nervousness in last 2 weeks. Denies smoking, illicit drug use. 1-2 drinks socially on rare occassions. Works as English professor x15 years.
Extract phrases from this text which may help understand the patient's medical condition.[/INST]No diarrhea, No constipation, nervousness, nervousness, difficulty falling asleep, f, Decreased appetite, 45 yo</s> |
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a resourceful medical assistant. Please ensure your answers are unbiased. Make sure the answers are from the text provided.<</SYS>>Patient Note: 45 YO F -CC - Nervousness x few wks. All started after she changed her roles at work from Research to teaching as an english professor. Since then every Sun/Mon she's been having episodes of feeling overwhelmed especially since she has presentations to give on Mondays. She is also feeling stressed due to taking care of kids, her mother and husbands parents who live next door. She has some difficulty falling asleep but no change in mood or loss of intrest or concentration. No hx of Palpitations, sweating, numbess, tingling or color changes in fingers
ROS - No Headache, dizziness, Chest pain, SOB, N/V, Hair changes, or skin changes
PMH - No hx of hypothyroid or psychiatric disorders
Meds - Tyelenol coz of headaches when she reads. PSH - None
FH - No hx of hypothyoid or psychiatric disorders.
Ob/Gyn - LMP 2 weeks back, Periods regular
SG - Married x 25 ys, 2 kids youngest 18. Nonsmoker, drinker or drug user. No travel or trauma.
Extract phrases from this text which may help understand the patient's medical condition.[/INST]No hx of Palpitations, No sweating, No Hair changes, No skin changes, Nervousness, feeling overwhelmed, stressed due to taking care of her mother, tressed due to taking care of husbands parents, no change in mood, no loss of intrest, no change in concentration, difficulty falling asleep, F, 45 YO</s> |
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a resourceful medical assistant. Please ensure your answers are unbiased. Make sure the answers are from the text provided.<</SYS>>Patient Note: Patient is a 45 year old female with no significant PMH presenting with constant nervousness for 3 weeks associated with a decrease in appetite and a decrease in her sex drive. She endorses that she has been much more stressed over the past three weeks between her job as a professor, her role in taking care of her mother, her role in being the wife of her husband, and her role as being the parent of her children. She has had difficulty falling asleep due to the nervousness, but has no problems staying asleep and averages 7 hours of sleep per night. She has never felt that she didn't need to sleep at any point in her life. Her only loss of interest in normal activities has been her desire for sex. No history of physical or sexual trauma/abuse. She has normal energy levels. Denies homicidal and suicidal ideations. Feels safe at home living with husband, mother, and children. Denies audio/visual hallucinations..
Extract phrases from this text which may help understand the patient's medical condition.[/INST]nervousness, nervousness, stressed taking care of her mother, Denies suicidal ideations, difficulty falling asleep, female, decrease in appetite, 45 year</s> |
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a resourceful medical assistant. Please ensure your answers are unbiased. Make sure the answers are from the text provided.<</SYS>>Patient Note: Patient is a 45 year old female with complaint of nervousness. It is persistent with little relief. She has been experiencing symptoms for a few weeks. She is having difficulty falling alseep, but sleeps through the night when she does fall asleep. She doens't feel tired throughout the day. She endorses loss of appetite. She has had increased stress after starting teaching and she is the primary care taker of her sick mother, her in-laws, and her son. She does feel supported and helped by her husband. Denies racing heart, changes in bowel movements, shortness of breath, feelings of being hot or cold, or changes in weight.
medical history- none
hospitalizations- twice afet giving birth to two children
family- father had a heart attack
menstration- regular, husband only sexual partner, visectomy as birth control
No tobacco or drug use, drinks wine if out to dinner a few times a month.
Extract phrases from this text which may help understand the patient's medical condition.[/INST]Denies racing heart, Denies changes in bowel movements, Denies feelings of being hot or cold, nervousness, primary care taker of her sick mother, primary care taker of her in-laws, Denies changes in weight, difficulty falling alseep, female, loss of appetite, 45 year</s> |
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a resourceful medical assistant. Please ensure your answers are unbiased. Make sure the answers are from the text provided.<</SYS>>Patient Note: Pt is a 45 yo female experiencing episodes of nervousness and anxiety for the past 3 weeks. She has had changes in her job in which she now has to give lectures, the anxiety is worse on Sunday and monday prior to the work week. Feels very overhwlemed by her duties at home as well, she takes care of her mother with mobility issues. Drinks 5 cups of coffee per day.She has had a decrease in appetite and some trouble falling asleep.
ROS: denies depressed/sad feeling, denies suicidality, homicidality, decreased energy, guilt, denies palpitations, edema, diarrhea constipation, changes in hair
PMH: none, Medications: Tylenol PRN, Family Hx: father died of MI at age 64
Social: her mother lives at home, she is a care giver for her mother, Denies drug use, denies tobacco use, social alcohol use, has one son, English Professor.
Extract phrases from this text which may help understand the patient's medical condition.[/INST]denies palpitations, denies diarrhea, denies constipation, denies changes in hair, nervousness, anxiety, anxiety, Feels very overhwlemed takes care of her mother, care giver for her mother, Drinks 5 cups of coffee, denies depressed/sad feeling, denies decreased energy, denies suicidality, denies guilt, trouble falling asleep, female, decrease in appetite, 45 yo</s> |
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a resourceful medical assistant. Please ensure your answers are unbiased. Make sure the answers are from the text provided.<</SYS>>Patient Note: Karin Moore is a 45 year old woman, previously healthy, who presents with several weeks of "internal nervousness" since her job as an English professor required her to start giving lectures in front of students. Nervousness is present constantly for past few weeks. Nothing makes better, nothing makes worse. Never experienced before. Has not increased alcohol intake in this time. She also notices decreased hunger and difficulty sleeping. Other life pressures include living with elderly mother who is slowing down, checking on in-laws, caring for 2 teenage sons.
ROS: Denies fever, racing heart, dyspnea, high energy, weight change, low mood, panic attacks.
PMH: neg; PSH: neg; Meds: occasional tylenol for headache, not recently; no med allx.
Fam Hx: no anxiety/depression
Soc Hx: lives with husband, elderly mother. 1-2 drinks social occasions, no tobacco, no illicit drugs, sexually active, balanced diet, walks 3x/wk for exercise.
Extract phrases from this text which may help understand the patient's medical condition.[/INST]Denies racing heart, Denies high energy, nervousness, Nervousness, life pressures include elderly mother, life pressures include checking on in-laws, Denies low mood, Denies weight change, difficulty sleeping, woman, decreased hunger, 45 year</s> |
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a resourceful medical assistant. Please ensure your answers are unbiased. Make sure the answers are from the text provided.<</SYS>>Patient Note: hpi : 45 yo f c/o nervousness , few weeks ago , getting worse , constant , throuh the day , reports sleeping difficulty , denies any , hot flashes , weight changes , no tremor , no hot intolerence, drink 6 cup of coffee daily ,
ros : nl except above
pmh : none
allergy : nkda
meds : tylenol
psh : none
obs / gyn : lmp 1 w ago , no irregularities , pregnancy twice , 2 children
sh : sexually active w/ husband , vasectomy , no smoking , drink alchol socially , no recreational drug use.
Extract phrases from this text which may help understand the patient's medical condition.[/INST]no tremor, nervousness, drink 6 cup of coffee daily, denies weight changes, sleeping difficulty, f, 45 yo</s> |
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a resourceful medical assistant. Please ensure your answers are unbiased. Make sure the answers are from the text provided.<</SYS>>Patient Note: Patient is a 45 year old female with no relevant PMHx who presents with nervousness and anxiety. She states her anxiety started 3-4 weeks ago, and began after she changed positions from a english literature researcher to a professor. She has anxiety about taking care of her kids, her career, and taking care of her mother. Her anxiety is worst on weekends when she knows she has to give lecture. Nothing seems to exacerbate her anxiety. She feels as if she is "losing her mind". She also reports eating less and having difficulty falling asleep. She denies any heat/cold intolerance, chest pain, palpitations, SOB, abdominal pain, diarrhea, or constipation.
PMHx- none
Psurghx- none
PFMHx - father died of HA
medications - tylenol for occasional HA
Social hx: lives at home with kids and husband. no tobacco or illicit drug use. socially drinks alcohol.
Extract phrases from this text which may help understand the patient's medical condition.[/INST]denies cold intolerance, denies heat intolerance, denies palpitations, denies diarrhea, denies constipation, nervousness, anxiety, anxiety, anxiety, anxiety, anxiety about taking care of of her mother, difficulty falling asleep, female, eating less, 45 year old</s> |
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a resourceful medical assistant. Please ensure your answers are unbiased. Make sure the answers are from the text provided.<</SYS>>Patient Note: 45 YOF who presents with nervousness. Started a few weeks ago, along with a decrease in appetite and difficulty falling asleep, denies racing thoughts. Once she falls asleep is able to stay asleep, sleeps 7 hours on a bad night and 8 hours on a good night. States that feels overwhelmed, has had to take care of her parents, her in-laws, and her children. She is an english literature professor and has been lecturing more, she denies this has caused much stress. Denies any changes in energy, weight, hair, or changes in skin. Denies any episodes of SOB or chest pain. Denies a change in energy. Her LMP was 1 week ago. She has a menstrual period every 28 days, they last 4 days, denies any recent changes in menstural periods.
ROS: denies changes in bowel movements, fevers, vomiting, or abdominal pain. PMH: none. Medications: rare Tylenol use. Allergies: none. PSHx: none. FH: father with MI. SH: social drinker, no EtOH or drug use.
Extract phrases from this text which may help understand the patient's medical condition.[/INST]changes in skin Denies, denies changes in bowel movements, Denies any changes in hair, nervousness, had to take care of her parents, had to take care of her parents in-laws, Denies changes in energy, Denies a change in energy, Denies changes weight, difficulty falling asleep, F, decrease in appetite, 45 YO</s> |
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a resourceful medical assistant. Please ensure your answers are unbiased. Make sure the answers are from the text provided.<</SYS>>Patient Note: 45yo complains of increased nervousness during the past few weeks, mostly on Sundays related to Monday teaching activities (she is a professor), she is also concerned about her in-laws since she must now take care of them at home during her free time. She has decreased appetite. She denies any N/V, increased bowel movement, weight loss, eye problems, increased sweating, abdominal pain, headaches, or increased temperature.
PMH:She has no history of prior illness, surgery, trauma and was only hospitalized when her two kids were born.
She does not take any drugs or have any allergies.
FH: Her father dies of MI aged 65, she is an only child.
Sx: Sexually active with husband, only sexual partner. No STD history.
SH: Professor, drinks socially does not smoke or do drugs. Two kids, aged 21 and 18, dont present a worry to her..
Extract phrases from this text which may help understand the patient's medical condition.[/INST]denies increased bowel movement, denies increased sweating, nervousness, concerned about her in-laws since she must now take care of them, denies weight loss, decreased appetite, 45yo</s> |
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a resourceful medical assistant. Please ensure your answers are unbiased. Make sure the answers are from the text provided.<</SYS>>Patient Note: 45YO female c/o nervousness for the past few weeks....feels as if she is "loosing my mind". Seems to notice these feelings mostly on Sunday evenings as she prepares for work on Monday morning. Has had difficulty falling asleep and a decreased appetite as well. Has never had similar symptoms. Denies feeling as if she is an anxious person at baseline. No previous psych hx or care. Has been under a lot of stress lately since changing positions in her job and with demands at home. Denies recent illness, fevers, chills, CP, palpitations, SOB, Abd pain, N/V/D/C, bowel or bladder changes, rashes, or swelling.
ROS: Neg except as mentioned above.
PMH: neg
PSH: neg
Meds: Tylenol
Allergies: NKDA
Social: Denies tobacco or illicit drug use; Occasional/social alcohol use; Drinks 5-6cups of coffee per day, no recent increase in amount. Is married. English professor. Cares for mother and child at home. Assist w/ care of inlaws.
Fly hx: neg.
Extract phrases from this text which may help understand the patient's medical condition.[/INST]Denies palpitations, Denies bowel changes, nervousness, Cares for mother Assist w/ care of inlaws, 5-6cups of coffee, difficulty falling asleep, female, decreased appetite, 45YO</s> |
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a resourceful medical assistant. Please ensure your answers are unbiased. Make sure the answers are from the text provided.<</SYS>>Patient Note: Ms. Moore is a 45 year old female who presents to clinic complaining of increased nervousness. She states that she has been more nervous at her baseline for the past two weeks, but is then even more nervous Sunday night and Monday morning as the work week approaches. She reports that the things she feels nervous about include her care of her children, care of her inlaws, and care of her elderly mother, along with lectures she has to prepare for her job as a literature professor. She denies any change in support in the past two weeks, denies loss of interest in activities, denies loss of energy, denies feelings of hopelessness or slowed movement. She admits to trouble falling asleep- it now takes her 30 minutes when previously it took her just a few. She denies change in cafffiene intake. PMH: non contributory. Denies surg. No allergies. Social: 2-3 glasses of wine/month, no tobacco use, or ilicit drugs. Family hx: dad died of MI at 65..
Extract phrases from this text which may help understand the patient's medical condition.[/INST]nervousness, nervous, nervous, nervous, care of her inlaws, care of her elderly mother, denies loss of interest, denies loss of energy, denies feelings of hopelessness, trouble falling asleep, female, 45 year old</s> |
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a resourceful medical assistant. Please ensure your answers are unbiased. Make sure the answers are from the text provided.<</SYS>>Patient Note: HPI: 45 yo F comes to office due to episodes of nervousness. Patient relates constant state of nervousness, high level of stress due to work, family, children. Indicates the episodes are getting worse. Indicates a loss of appetite, but forces herself to eat. Indicates severe insomnia, as she has a hard time falling asleep. Denies trauma, violence, panic attacks, and SOB. Indicates decreased sexual activity since the nervousness started. Indicates nervousness increase before going to present lectures at school. Nothing decrease level of nervousness.
OB/GYN: G2T2 vaginal deliveryx2, uncomplicated; LMP 1 wk ago, menache at 13 yo, periods usually last 5 days, regular, moderate flow. Pap smear was 10 months ago, no abonormalites.
ROS: negative except for above
Allergies: none
PMH: none
PSH: none
SH: English proffesor; occasional drink alcohol in social events
FH: Father died MI at 65.
Extract phrases from this text which may help understand the patient's medical condition.[/INST]nervousness, nervousness, nervousness, nervousness, nervousness, stress family, insomnia, hard time falling asleep, F, loss of appetite, 45 yo</s> |
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a resourceful medical assistant. Please ensure your answers are unbiased. Make sure the answers are from the text provided.<</SYS>>Patient Note: Ms. Karin Moore is a 45F who presents to the clinic for episodes of nervouseness. It started few weeks ago. She takes care of her mom who lives with her, works as an english professor with new added responsibilities, takes care of kids and inlaws. She has decreased appetite and insomnia. Trouble falling asleep.
Denies palpitations, weight changes, dysphagia, pain, headache, depressive mood, decreased interest, agitation, suicidal or homicidal ideation, visual or audio hallucinations.
PMH and PSH: none
FH: dad passed at age 65 of sudden MI
Meds: tylenol for occasional headaches
Denies drug use and smoking. drinks 1-2 drinks socially. Has a support system of her husband. Lives with husband, son, and mother. Works as an english professor..
Extract phrases from this text which may help understand the patient's medical condition.[/INST]Denies palpitations, nervouseness, takes care of her mom, takes care of inlaws, Denies depressive mood, Denies decreased interest, Denies suicidal ideation, Denies weight changes, decreased insomnia, Trouble falling asleep, F, decreased appetite, 45</s> |
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a resourceful medical assistant. Please ensure your answers are unbiased. Make sure the answers are from the text provided.<</SYS>>Patient Note: 45 yo F c/o nervousness for a few weeks
-feels nervous on sundays and mondays thinking about oncoming week,no exacerbating or relieving factors,constantly present,progressively wrosening,associated feeling of losing her mind and worrying about all her responsibilities at home and work
-assocaited decrease in apetite and inability to fall asleep for a few weeks
-increased intake of caffeine throughout the day
-feels overwhelmed by responsibilities,headache sometimes with reading
-no palpitations,weight changes,urine problems,mood changes
ROS:as above
PMH:Admitted for 2 normal deliveries Takes tylenol for headache
FH:Father died of MI.
SSH:Teacher,recently changed job decscription,no etoh,smoking,drugs..
Extract phrases from this text which may help understand the patient's medical condition.[/INST]no palpitations, nervousness, nervous, feeling of losing her mind, feels overwhelmed, worrying about all her responsibilities at home, increased intake of caffeine, no mood changes, no weight changes, inability to fall asleep, F, decrease in apetite, 45 yo</s> |
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a resourceful medical assistant. Please ensure your answers are unbiased. Make sure the answers are from the text provided.<</SYS>>Patient Note: Ms Moore is a 45 year old woman who has been experiencing feelings of nervousness the past two weeks. She describes it as constant and unbearable. She feels overwhelmed taking care of her son, her mother who lives at home with her, and her two in-law parents. She drives and does activities of daily for all three of her elderly parents in addition to teaching english literature. She recently began having to perform lectures and teach students in the last two weeks, whereas she was primarily doing independent research beforehand. HAs had decreased appetite. Denies weight loss, shortness of breath, diarrhea, chest pain, or palpitations.
No past medical history
Taking tylenol for occasional headache
No surgeries
FH - father died of MI at 65
No smoking, drugs. 2 ETOH/month.
Recent decrease in libido (2 weeks). Husband has vasectomy. LMP 1 week ago.
G2P2, both uncomplicated vaginal deliveries..
Extract phrases from this text which may help understand the patient's medical condition.[/INST]Denies palpitations, Denies diarrhea, nervousness, overwhelmed, overwhelmed taking care mother who lives at home with her, and her two in-law parents, does activities of daily for all three of her elderly parents, feels overwhelmed taking care of her mother two in-law parents, Denies weight loss, woman, had decreased appetite, decreased appetite, 45 year, 45 year old</s> |
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a resourceful medical assistant. Please ensure your answers are unbiased. Make sure the answers are from the text provided.<</SYS>>Patient Note: Karin Moore is a 45yoF with no PMHx presenting with c/o nervousness. The patients states that for the last couple of weeks she has felt a sense of nervousness that has been constant. She recalls no inciting factor. She states that she has to cope with the stresses of working as an English professor and taking care of her mother at home. She states that she is able to get by each day, but the feeling of nervousness is bothersome. Endorses decreased appetite, but denies any loss of interest, endorses good energy, and good sleep w/o nightmares. Denies tremors, headaches, weight gain/loss, dry skin/hair, diarrhea, constipation, sweatin. Endorses feeling supportive.
PMHx: none. Tylenol for occasional headaches, no allergies, NSVD x 2 in hospital, no surgeries, immunizations UTD.
Family hx: Dad had MI at 65
Social: negative for tobacco or drugs. 1-2 drinks on occasion. Works as english professor. Lives with husband, two kids, and mother..
Extract phrases from this text which may help understand the patient's medical condition.[/INST]Denies tremors, Denies dry skin, Denies dry hair, Denies diarrhea, Denies constipation, Denies sweatin, nervousness, nervousness, nervousness, stresses of taking care of her mother, denies any loss of interest, Denies weight gain, Denies weight loss, F, decreased appetite, 45yo</s> |
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a resourceful medical assistant. Please ensure your answers are unbiased. Make sure the answers are from the text provided.<</SYS>>Patient Note: 45 yo otherwise healthy female w/ several weeks of "nervousness" that she feels "all the time". She feels "overwhelmed" by her responsibilities which include taking care of her mother who lives w/ her family, keeping up with the responsibilities of her family, checking in on her in-laws who live nearby, and working full time as an english professor. She has recently been given increased responsibilities at work and is lecturing in front of a class. Although she finds this stressful, her anxiousness is not limited to public speaking. She has a visiting RN 2x/wk to help w/ her mom. She walks 3x/wk for her health. She has regular menstral cycles and has no concerns or changes in her periods. She has also noticed difficulty falling asleep and decreased appetite. She denies chest pain, dyspnea, dizziness, feelings of sadness, ETOH/drug use, weight loss.
PMH: none
Rx: none
Allergies: none
SH: Never smoker, rare ETOH, no drugs
Extract phrases from this text which may help understand the patient's medical condition.[/INST]nervousness, feels "overwhelmed", anxiousness, overwhelmed taking care of her mother, overwhelmed checking in on her in-laws, denies feelings of sadness, denies weight loss, difficulty falling asleep, decreased appetite, 45 yo</s> |
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a resourceful medical assistant. Please ensure your answers are unbiased. Make sure the answers are from the text provided.<</SYS>>Patient Note: CC: nervousness
HPI: ms moore is a 45 yo f who complains of 3 weeks of anxiety. She has had constant anxiety that is worsened sunday and mondays prior to her classes teaching. She recenltly changed roles at her job which now requires public speaking. She has had difficulty sleeping during this same time as well as loss of appetite. She has never had any episodes like this prior to 3 weeks ago. she has not taken any medication for any of her current problems. No factors relieve the anxiety.
ROS: negative, denies palpitations or chest pain
PMH: none
PSH: none
MEDS: occasional tylenol
Allergies: none
FH: Father died of MI at 65
SH: English professor recently switched from research to teaching. Denies tobacco and drugs. Social drinker. Sexually active with husband. Has 2 children..
Extract phrases from this text which may help understand the patient's medical condition.[/INST]denies palpitations, anxiety, anxiety, anxiety, nervousness, difficulty sleeping, f, loss of appetite, 45 yo</s> |
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a resourceful medical assistant. Please ensure your answers are unbiased. Make sure the answers are from the text provided.<</SYS>>Patient Note: 45 yo F w/ anxiety for the past 2 weeks. Pt describes nervousness as constant but especially increased on weekends just prior to giving college lectures as an English Lit professor that she has not had to do for a while now. Nothing helps the anxiety. Pt also has many responsibilities at home. Pt also endorses decreased appetite especially on weekends but pt makes sure she eats and has not had weight change. Pt denies heat intolerance, palpitations. Has difficulty falling asleep. Pt denies recent fevers, chills, vision changes, headaches, chest pain, SOB, abdominal pain.
ROS: negative except as above Allergy: none Meds: rarely tylenol PMH: none PH: hospialized for birth of 2 children FamHx: father died of MI (10 yrs ago) Menstrual: last menstrual period last week, regular, no changes. SH: no EtOH, smoking, decreased sexual activity with husband d/t to decreased desire.
Extract phrases from this text which may help understand the patient's medical condition.[/INST]denies heat intolerance, denies palpitations, anxiety, nervousness, has not had weight change, difficulty falling asleep, F, decreased appetite, 45 yo</s> |
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a resourceful medical assistant. Please ensure your answers are unbiased. Make sure the answers are from the text provided.<</SYS>>Patient Note: Mrs. Moore 45 y/o F c/o nervousness. This symptoms started cople weeks ago. This symptos are constanst and are affecting her daily activities. Nothing makes this symptoms better or worst. Patient refers truble falling asleep also cince couple weeks ago.
ROS: patient denies palpitation, SOB, fever, Abdominal pai, changes in bowel movements. Recently change to another job, under a lot of stress.
llergies: NKDA
Medictaion: Tylenol occasionally for headaches.
FH: father had a heart attack.
Social H: EtOC occasionally. Patient is a english profesor . Exercises 3 times per week. Caffeine ingestion throughout the day..
Extract phrases from this text which may help understand the patient's medical condition.[/INST]denies palpitation, denies changes in bowel movements, nervousness, Caffeine ingestion throughout the day, truble falling asleep, F, 45 y/o</s> |
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a resourceful medical assistant. Please ensure your answers are unbiased. Make sure the answers are from the text provided.<</SYS>>Patient Note: 45 yo F presents with nervousness for the past few weeks. Constantly feels this way. SHe is an english professor and it started after changing positions in work from doing resarch to teaching in a classroom. She feels it the most on Sunday nights and monday mornings when preparingfor work. It is affecting her personal and her work life. Feels overwhelmed with the change and has a decreased appetite. Difficulty falling asleep, it takes her an hour to fall asleep when it used to be 10 minutes. Denies sweating, palpitations, or chest pain
PMH: none Meds: tylenol Allergies: NKDA
FH: father died of heart attack at 65
SH: Denies smoking, drinking, alcohol; walks 1 mile 3x per week. Healthy and balanced diet.
Sexual: active with husband
OBGYN: LMP 1 wk ago, regular, lasting 4 days. PAP smear every year, no abnormal; G2P2.
Extract phrases from this text which may help understand the patient's medical condition.[/INST]Denies sweating, Denies palpitations, nervousness, Feels overwhelmed, Difficulty falling asleep, takes her an hour to fall asleep, F, decreased appetite, 45 yo</s> |
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a resourceful medical assistant. Please ensure your answers are unbiased. Make sure the answers are from the text provided.<</SYS>>Patient Note: 45 f c/o nervous from 4 months ago started gradually she swithced her job on that time and problem w/ falling asleep, noo fever nausea heaart racing, has lot s problem in home has to manage, drink 6 cup of caffe each day, enjoy from life, has hobby for her slef, decrease appetitte, no hot falshes, or vaginal dry ness
FH: father died MI,
SH: proffesor , no cig/ etoh occasional? no rec drug, lives w/ family
OB&GY: LMP 1 WK AGO the same as past no spotting, pap smear normal,.
Extract phrases from this text which may help understand the patient's medical condition.[/INST]no heaart racing, no hot falshes, nervous, drink 6 cup of caffe, problem w/ falling asleep, f, decrease appetitte, 45</s> |
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a resourceful medical assistant. Please ensure your answers are unbiased. Make sure the answers are from the text provided.<</SYS>>Patient Note: Ms. Moore is a 45 y/o WF who presents w/ nervousness. This started out of the blue 2 weeks ago with no inciting event. She just noticed a general sense of constant nervousness that is showing no signs of abatement. This has never happened to her in the past. Stated that "I feel like I'm losing my mind a bit." Endorses no recent traumatic events of any regard.
ROS: endorses occasional HAs, denies dizziness, denies anxiety, denies depression, denies chest pain, denies SOB
PMH: none
PSH: none
Social Hx: never used tobacco, has 1-2 drinks once a month, no illicit drug usage, good diet, exercises regularly; is an english professor and endorses being quite overwhelmed
PSexualHx: monogomous w/ husband, but this current constant nervousness is negatively affecting their sex life - husband is understanding
Meds: Tylenol on occasion
Allergies: none.
Extract phrases from this text which may help understand the patient's medical condition.[/INST]nervousness, nervousness, "I feel like Im losing my mind a bit", nervousness, denies depression, F, 45 y/o</s> |
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a resourceful medical assistant. Please ensure your answers are unbiased. Make sure the answers are from the text provided.<</SYS>>Patient Note: CC: Nervous all the time
HPI: Mrs. Moore is a 45 year old WF that comes to clinic with constant nervousness about her personal and work life. She has recently sqwitched jobs and is lecturing infront of students on Mondays. She gets most nervous on sunday evenings and monday mornings but the nervousnes continues throughout the week. She also gets headaches when she gets stressed and takes a tylenol which resolves the issues. She also has a decrease in appetite during Sunday/Monday. c/o insomnia. She denies racing thoughs, CP, palpitations, nail changes, hair changes, abdominal pain, and quivering voice during presentations.
PMHx: Hospitalized for the birth of her 2 kids. Takes tylenol. Denies surgeries, allergies,traveling, and sick contacts. Up to date on vaccinations
FHx: Father heart attack at 65
Shx: Denies tobacco, drug use. Drinks socially 1-2 wine glasses. Monogamous with husband, no condoms. English professor.
Extract phrases from this text which may help understand the patient's medical condition.[/INST]denies palpitations, denies nail changes, denies hair changes, Nervous, nervousness, nervous, nervousnes, insomnia, F, decrease in appetite, 45 year</s> |
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a resourceful medical assistant. Please ensure your answers are unbiased. Make sure the answers are from the text provided.<</SYS>>Patient Note: Ms. Moore si a 45 yo woman with chief complaint of nervousness over the las 3-4 weeks. States that she is less hungry, but denies CP,SOB,palpitations,nausea,vomiting,diarrhea,abdominal pain/sweating/hot or cold intolerance/HA/hair loss. States that she has had difficulty falling asleep but that once she gets to sleep she has no issue with staying asleep. She has no daytime naps and works as an English professor with new lectures that began 2 weeks ago. She states that the nervousness is about anything and everything, and that she thinks about her kids, and her work and taking care of her mother. she states that it starts in the morning and is constant. She has no past medical/sugical history. 2 hospitalizations for the birth of her two children. Father had sudden MI at 65 and she takes tylenol occasionally for headaches. NKDA. drinks socially 1-2 drinks, no tobacco or drug use. Denies psychiatric history, depression or anxiety..
Extract phrases from this text which may help understand the patient's medical condition.[/INST]denies hair loss, denies hot or cold intolerance, denies sweating, denies palpitations, denies diarrhea, denies nausea,vomiting, nervousness, nervousness, thinks about taking care of her mother, Denies depression, Denies psychiatric history, difficulty falling asleep, woman, she is less hungry, 45 yo</s> |
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a resourceful medical assistant. Please ensure your answers are unbiased. Make sure the answers are from the text provided.<</SYS>>Patient Note: 45 yo female presents with several week history of increased anxiety about multiple issues including family and work. it has effected her work as an english professor. She notes an associated difficulty with falling asleep at night and denies any associated decreased mood, anahdonia, Suicidal ideation, homicidal ideation, Audiohallucinations, visial hallucinations or delusions. She notes increased life stressors with caring for her family and in laws. She denies any alleviating factors for her anxiety and any assocaited sweating or plapations.
PMH: none, Surgires: none, Allergies: NKA, Meds: occasional tylenol for frontal headache, last headach a while ago. ROS - for skin changes, sweating , wieght changes. fx: father MI, sexually active 1 partner i past year. no condums no STI hx. Social: occasional etoh use (a few time/ month) no tabacco or ilecit drug use feels safe at home.
Obstertic: G2P2002, last menses last week, last pap Nl..
Extract phrases from this text which may help understand the patient's medical condition.[/INST]denies sweating, denies plapations, - for skin changes, - sweating, increased anxiety, increased life stressors with caring for her in laws, denies any associated decreased mood, denies anahdonia, denies Suicidal ideation, - wieght changes, difficulty with falling asleep, female, 45 yo</s> |
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a resourceful medical assistant. Please ensure your answers are unbiased. Make sure the answers are from the text provided.<</SYS>>Patient Note: Ms. Moore is a 45 year old female who presents complaining of nervousness that has been occurring for a few weeks since her job changed from primarily research to now lecturing at univerisy. She finds that her nervousness is worst on Sunday and Monday leading up to her Monday lecture. However, the nervousness is constant. She also has had reduced appetite and trouble falling asleep. This has never happened before. She notes other stressors including her elderly mother lives with her and the majority of the burden of care falls to the patient. She feels that she is becoming overwhelmed with responsibility. ROS negative except as noted above.
PMH: None, no surgeries FH: Father had MI, Mom healthy SH: No tobacco, occasional alcohol use, no drug use, is a professor, current stressors include job change and being a caretaker. MEDications: Tylenol for headaches. Allergies: NKDA, NKA.
Extract phrases from this text which may help understand the patient's medical condition.[/INST]nervousness, nervousness, nervousness, stressors including her elderly mother lives with her, trouble falling asleep, female, reduced appetite, 45 year old</s> |
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a resourceful medical assistant. Please ensure your answers are unbiased. Make sure the answers are from the text provided.<</SYS>>Patient Note: Karin Moore is a 45 year old female with an episode of nervousness. It has been for hte past few weeks. Nothing has made it better, and it is worse on sunday mornings and mondays before lectures. The lecturres have made her nervous and stressful, she changed her job about a month and a half ago. She also states a loss of appietite,difficulty falling asleep. She says that she is happy and enjoys her hobbies and has no thoughts of harming herself.
ROS: Denies sweating, consptiation, diarrhea, N/V, no weight changes, no axiety, no thoughts of harming herself.
PMH: None
PSH: None
Meds: Tylenol occasionally
Allergies: NKDA
SH: No smoking, occasional social alcohol, no illecit drugs
Occupation: English Professor
Travel: No Receny
Exercises: Walks
Sexual: Sex with husband.
Extract phrases from this text which may help understand the patient's medical condition.[/INST]Denies sweating, Denies consptiation, diarrhea, Denies N/V, Denies diarrhea, no weight changes, Denies consptiation, nervousness, nervous, no thoughts of harming herself, she is happy and enjoys her hobbies, she is happy, enjoys hobbies, no thoughts of harming herself, no weight changes, difficulty falling asleep, female, loss of appietite, 45 year, 45 year old</s> |
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a resourceful medical assistant. Please ensure your answers are unbiased. Make sure the answers are from the text provided.<</SYS>>Patient Note: 45 y/o female who reports to the office experiencing a few week of increased nervousness. The patient reports that she experiences consistent nervousness but it increases on Sunday evening and monday morning. The patient reports experiencing increased nervousness but with no identifying relieving factors. She has not tried any treatments for the symptoms. She has never experienced these symptoms before. The patient has recently switched jobs from being a researcher to an English professor a few weeks ago.
Endorses: trouble falling asleep, and decreased appetitie, drinking coffee
Denies: Blurry vision, dizziness, Dry mouth, SOB, Cough, fever, chills, palpitations, chest pain, abdominal pain, change in urinary or bowel habits, swelling of the legs and the inability to concentrate.
PMH: none
Medications: Tyenolol PRN
PSH: none
Family history: father passed from heart attack at 65
Alcohol denies, tabacco denies, illicit denies.
Extract phrases from this text which may help understand the patient's medical condition.[/INST]Denies palpitations, Denies change in bowel habits, nervousness, nervousness, nervousness, drinking coffee, Denies inability to concentrate, trouble falling asleep, female, decreased appetitie, 45 y/o</s> |
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a resourceful medical assistant. Please ensure your answers are unbiased. Make sure the answers are from the text provided.<</SYS>>Patient Note: 45 yo f g2p2 c/o nervousness since a few weeks ago. It is present constantly every day but worsens every sundays and mondays. she worked at reasearch and recently started teaching class on mondays, she feels very anxious at the moment, and nothing makes it better. she denied any recent stressor other than her new job and taking care of many sick family members. she expresses having difficulty falling asleep but once she falls asleep she feels refreshed next morning and wakes up with alarmshe also experiences headache while reading which is relieved by tylenol. she denied any recent trauma, fever, chills or nightsweats. no recent change in weight or appetite, urinary or bowel habits.
ros: -
all: nka
meds: tylenol prn headache
pmh/pshx: none
fh: father died at 65 of mi
sh: english profesor, drinks 5-6 cups of caffeine daily, no illicit drugs, drinks socially, no smoking, exercises 3miles per week, monogamous with husband.
Extract phrases from this text which may help understand the patient's medical condition.[/INST]no recent change in bowel habits, nervousness, anxious, stressor aking care of many sick family members, drinks 5-6 cups of caffeine daily, no recent change in weight, difficulty falling asleep, f, 45 yo</s> |
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a resourceful medical assistant. Please ensure your answers are unbiased. Make sure the answers are from the text provided.<</SYS>>Patient Note: Ms. Moore is a 45 yo female with 1 month history of nervousness. Patient reports that one month ago, she changed from doing research to giving lectures in front of many people. Patient reports that her nervousness is worst on Sunday nights and Monday mornings, when thinking about these lectures. Patient reports that this nervousness is non-stop. She reports that this nervousness has caused difficulty with sleeping and affects every aspect of her life. She says that nothing helps relieve the nervousness. No similar previous episodes.
ROS: Slight decrease in appetite, but no weight loss. No hot/cold intolerance, N/V, headaches, palpitations
VS: HR 96, BP 130/85; otherwise WNL
PMHx: none
SH: lives with supportive husband and youngest son; social alcohol, no tobacco, no illicit drugs
Meds: None - at times tylenol for infrequent headaches
FH: Father passed from heart attack at 65, mom healthy.
Extract phrases from this text which may help understand the patient's medical condition.[/INST]No hot/cold intolerance, No palpitations, nervousness, nervousness, nervousness, nervousness, nervousness, no weight loss, difficulty with sleeping, female, decrease in appetite, 45 yo</s> |
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a resourceful medical assistant. Please ensure your answers are unbiased. Make sure the answers are from the text provided.<</SYS>>Patient Note: Karin Moore, 45 yo f comes in complaining of nervousness throughout the day but especially on sundays and mondays when she has to give a presentation for her english lit classes. She has difficulty falling asleep and stressed from her responsibilities of work and taking care of her family. She consumes caffeinge throughout the day but denies mood changes, depression, tremors, palpitations or sweating.
PMH: none
Allergies: NKDA
Medications: none
FH: father died of heart attack
SH: decreased sexual activity, no cigarettes or alcohol, good relationships at home.
Extract phrases from this text which may help understand the patient's medical condition.[/INST]denies tremors, denies palpitations, denies sweating, nervousness, stressed from taking care of her family, caffeinge throughout the day, denies mood changes, denies depression, difficulty falling asleep, f, 45 yo</s> |
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a resourceful medical assistant. Please ensure your answers are unbiased. Make sure the answers are from the text provided.<</SYS>>Patient Note: Ms. Moore is a 45 year old, previously healthy woman, who presents with 2-3 weeks of worsing nervousness. During this time, she reports constant, increasing nervousness, restless sleep, loss of appetite and feeling overwhelmed. She denies any episodes of panic attacks. She is a professor and has been conducting research for the last few years; she returned to lecturing students 3 weeks ago. This has reportedly been the only recent change in her life. She denies any history of anxiety. She denies headaches, changes in gastrointestinal patterns, weight loss, palpitations, or recent illnesses. She reports that her anxiety has significantly impacted her personal and professional life.
Denies any significant past medical history.
Denies any allergies.
Denies prior surgeries.
Family history: Father died of heart attack, mother alive and healthy
Denies any smoking or drug use.
Endorses occasional alcohol use..
Extract phrases from this text which may help understand the patient's medical condition.[/INST]denies palpitations, denies changes in gastrointestinal patterns, nervousness, her anxiety, nervousness, feeling overwhelmed, anxiety, denies weight loss, restless sleep, woman, loss of appetite, 45 year, 45 year old</s> |