stringlengths 35
| sha1
stringlengths 40
| id
int64 0
import sys
import subprocess
def _input_password() -> str:
Get password input by masking characters.
Similar to getpass() but works with cygwin.
sys.stdout.write("Password :\n")
subprocess.check_call(["stty", "-echo"])
password = input()
subprocess.check_call(["stty", "echo"])
return password | 8d3dbc3f6221f3a2558dab5617227b2f6e4940ca | 1,626 |
def solution2(arr):
"""improved solution1 #TLE """
if len(arr) == 1:
return arr[0]
max_sum = float('-inf')
l = len(arr)
for i in range(l):
local_sum = arr[i]
local_min = arr[i]
max_sum = max(max_sum, local_sum)
for j in range(i + 1, l):
local_sum += arr[j]
local_min = min(local_min, arr[j])
max_sum = max([max_sum, local_sum, local_sum - local_min])
return max_sum | 835240bb4f70e5b6425a6ac0d2a4210e2c8a0ad0 | 1,628 |
import os
def df_to_hdf5(df, key, dir_path):
Save the DataFrame object as an HDF5 file. The file is stored
in the directory specified and uses the key for the filename
and 'h5' as the extension.
:param df: DataFrame to save as a file
:param key: ID for storage and retrieval
:param dir_path: Directory to store the HDF5 data file
file_path = os.path.join(dir_path, key + '.h5')
df.to_hdf(file_path, key, complevel=9, complib='zlib')
return file_path | aaf7e2d9f64da6f53b2fc908cc59d9331172c614 | 1,629 |
def _get_connection_params(resource):
"""Extract connection and params from `resource`."""
args = resource.split(";")
if len(args) > 1:
return args[0], args[1:]
return args[0], [] | 87cdb607027774d58d1c3bf97ac164c48c32395c | 1,630 |
import subprocess
def download_archive(url, out_path):
"""Downloads a file from the specified URL to the specified path on disk."""
return['curl', url, '-o', out_path]) | e3c59f542a8fa662169d74428ed98dbf79d3d705 | 1,631 |
def import_class(class_object):
Import a class given a string with its name in the format module.module.classname
d = class_object.rfind(".")
class_name = class_object[d + 1:len(class_object)]
m = __import__(class_object[0:d], globals(), locals(), [class_name])
return getattr(m, class_name) | 82df3ed7d646bd423ccefacc00493e917f13c430 | 1,633 |
def get_examples(mode='train'):
dataset[0][0] examples
examples = {
({'id': '0a25cb4bc1ab6f474c699884e04601e4', 'title': '', 'context': '第35集雪见缓缓张开眼睛,景天又惊又喜之际,长卿和紫萱的仙船驶至,见众人无恙,'
'抬头发现魔界守卫。景天和众魔套交情,自称和魔尊重楼相熟,众魔不理,打了起来。', 'question': '仙剑奇侠传3第几集上天界', 'answers': ['第35集'], 'answer_starts': [0]}),
return examples[mode] | 0b5fb45bcac847cd3f7e7b3e5b264e350c891211 | 1,634 |
def prepare_default_result_dict(key, done, nodes):
"""Prepares the default result `dict` using common values returned by any
operation on the DHT.
dict: with keys `(k, d, n)` for the key, done and nodes; `n` is a list
of `dict` with keys `(i, a, x)` for id, address, and expiration.
d = {
"k": key,
"d": done,
nb = []
for n in nodes:
_node = n.getNode()
"i": n.getId().toString(),
"a": _node.getAddr(),
"x": _node.isExpired()
d["n"] = nb
return d | 420beb66352fee7b4d38f6b4cf628cbaa86a03df | 1,635 |
def MatchScorer(match, mismatch):
"""Factory function that returns a score function set to match and mismatch.
match and mismatch should both be numbers. Typically, match should be
positive and mismatch should be negative.
Resulting function has signature f(x,y) -> number.
def scorer(x, y):
if x == y:
return match
return mismatch
return scorer | fe3829efc64cb4d9785e52b8af6949c147481902 | 1,636 |
def _compute_paddings(height_pad_amt, width_pad_amt, patch_axes):
"""Convert the total pad amounts to the format needed by tf.pad()."""
top_pad = height_pad_amt // 2
bottom_pad = height_pad_amt - top_pad
left_pad = width_pad_amt // 2
right_pad = width_pad_amt - left_pad
paddings = [[0, 0] for _ in range(4)]
paddings[patch_axes[0]] = [top_pad, bottom_pad]
paddings[patch_axes[1]] = [left_pad, right_pad]
return paddings | 3a5154ba0fa6808bc6dc8e20fcb4203324762ba9 | 1,637 |
def get_first(somelist, function):
""" Returns the first item of somelist for which function(item) is True """
for item in somelist:
if function(item):
return item
return None | 81976910c46102d3b15803d215f3bf5a554f9beb | 1,638 |
import sys
import locale
def get_process_output(process, encoding=None):
"""Get the output from the process."""
output = process.communicate()
returncode = process.returncode
if not encoding:
encoding = sys.stdout.encoding
except Exception:
encoding = locale.getpreferredencoding()
if returncode != 0:
raise RuntimeError("Runtime Error: %s" % (output[0].rstrip().decode(encoding, errors='replace')))
return output[0].decode(encoding, errors='replace') | 84622c05e84627d0651d21194391c672fb111b6f | 1,639 |
import itertools
def remove_duplicates(llist):
Removes any and all duplicate entries in the specified list.
This function is intended to be used during dataset merging and
therefore must be able to handle list-of-lists.
:param llist: The list to prune.
:return: A list of unique elements only.
if not llist:
return []
return [x for x, _ in itertools.groupby(llist)] | cbdf1a4db99a7a5fac37f25776cc1387ed8c54e0 | 1,640 |
def nonseq():
""" Return non sequence """
return 1 | 7c8f4a616a6761153226d961be02f6cf5b0cc54a | 1,642 |
def kubernetes_node_label_to_dict(node_label):
"""Load Kubernetes node label to Python dict."""
if node_label:
label_name, value = node_label.split("=")
return {label_name: value}
return {} | c856d4e6d1f2169f7028ce842edc881cbca4e783 | 1,643 |
import os
def get_datafiles(datadir, prefix = ""):
Scan directory for all csv files
prefix: used in recursive call
datafiles = []
for fname in os.listdir(datadir):
fpath = os.path.join(datadir, fname)
datafile = os.path.join(prefix, fname)
if os.path.isdir(fpath):
datafiles += get_datafiles(fpath, datafile)
elif fname.endswith(".csv"):
return datafiles | 9d975985a7b16af75436f8941881982f8a39d5d7 | 1,645 |
import os
def load_fonts(folder="fonts/latin"):
"""Load all fonts in the fonts directories
fonts = []
if folder is not None:
if os.path.isdir(folder):
# the folder exists whether it is relative or absolute path
for font in os.listdir(folder):
if font.split(".")[-1].lower() in ["ttf", "otf"]:
fonts.append(os.path.join(folder, font))
return fonts
elif os.path.isdir(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), folder)):
# we are working with base folder of this library
for font in os.listdir(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), folder)):
if font.split(".")[-1].lower() in ["ttf", "otf"]:
fonts.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), folder, font))
return fonts
raise Exception("No font folder specified/found!") | 87e15b826e99b3d350fcb4ad8e58ac968644a4d0 | 1,647 |
def smallest_subarray_with_given_sum(arr, s):
"""Find the length of the smallest subarray whose sum is >= s.
Time: O(n)
Space: O(1)
>>> smallest_subarray_with_given_sum([2, 1, 5, 2, 3, 2], 7)
>>> smallest_subarray_with_given_sum([2, 1, 5, 2, 8], 7)
>>> smallest_subarray_with_given_sum([3, 4, 1, 1, 6], 8)
win_sum = 0
win_start = 0
min_len = 0
for win_end in range(len(arr)):
win_sum += arr[win_end]
while win_sum >= s:
cur_len = win_end - win_start + 1
if min_len == 0 or cur_len < min_len:
min_len = cur_len
win_sum -= arr[win_start]
win_start += 1
return min_len | 4a1d63619fc200c32ffae80dc7d404f486efcdd1 | 1,648 |
def teraflops_for_accelerator(accel):
Stores the number of TFLOPs available to a few accelerators, including driver handicaps.
accel (str): A string descriptor of which accelerator to use. Must be either "3090" or "V100".
accel_flops (int): an integer of how many TFLOPs are in the accelerator.
accel_flops = {"3090": 71, "V100": 125}
return accel_flops[accel] | a491beb06baf73325e2e7b5f0876e98ea312e2aa | 1,650 |
import numpy as np
import copy
def copy_ffn(model):
"""Copy feed forward network model.
model: A previously created ffn model
A copy of the model
#init model as list holding data for each layer start with input layer
newmodel = []
"n": copy.copy(model[0]['n']),
"activation": copy.copy(model[0]["activation"]),
"lreg": copy.copy(model[0]["lreg"]),
"regval": copy.copy(model[0]["regval"]),
"desc": copy.copy(model[0]["desc"])
# init weights and biases for hidden layers and declare activation function
for layer in range(1, len(model)):
"n": copy.copy(model[layer]['n']),
"activation": copy.copy(model[layer]["activation"]),
"lreg": copy.copy(model[layer]["lreg"]),
"regval": copy.copy(model[layer]["regval"]),
"desc": copy.copy(model[layer]["desc"]),
"weight": np.copy(model[layer]["weight"]),
"bias": np.copy(model[layer]["bias"]),
"weightdot": np.copy(model[layer]["weightdot"]),
"biasdot": np.copy(model[layer]["biasdot"])
return newmodel | 5bde1163d5d53a75839b15aaa38a28ecc54b195c | 1,651 |
def is_big(label: str) -> bool:
"""Returns whether or not a cave is large based on its label"""
return label.isupper() | 7abdb0c5687e7870c96b767dc498e1f3c4ed21fe | 1,652 |
def _name_cleaner(agent_name):
"""Renames agent_name to prettier string for plots."""
rename_dict = {'correct_ts': 'Correct TS',
'kl_ucb': 'KL UCB',
'misspecified_ts': 'Misspecified TS',
'ucb1': 'UCB1',
'ucb-best': 'UCB-best',
'nonstationary_ts': 'Nonstationary TS',
'stationary_ts': 'Stationary TS',
'greedy': 'greedy',
'ts': 'TS',
'action_0': 'Action 0',
'action_1': 'Action 1',
'action_2': 'Action 2',
'bootstrap': 'bootstrap TS',
'laplace': 'Laplace TS',
'thoughtful': 'Thoughtful TS',
'gibbs': 'Gibbs TS'}
if agent_name in rename_dict:
return rename_dict[agent_name]
return agent_name | e874745e804e07e385b377ec0ecd4247640ef6ce | 1,653 |
def add_training_args(parser):
"""Training arguments."""
group = parser.add_argument_group('train', 'training configurations')
group.add_argument('--experiment-name', type=str, default="gpt-345M",
help="The experiment name for summary and checkpoint")
group.add_argument('--batch-size', type=int, default=4,
help='Data Loader batch size')
group.add_argument('--gradient-accumulation-steps', type=int, default=1,
help='Data Loader batch size')
group.add_argument('--weight-decay', type=float, default=0.01,
help='weight decay coefficient for L2 regularization')
group.add_argument('--checkpoint-activations', action='store_true',
help='checkpoint activation to allow for training '
'with larger models and sequences')
group.add_argument('--checkpoint-num-layers', type=int, default=1,
help='chunk size (number of layers) for checkpointing')
group.add_argument('--deepspeed-activation-checkpointing', action='store_true',
help='uses activation checkpointing from deepspeed')
group.add_argument('--epochs', type=int, default=None,
help='Number of finetunning epochs. Zero results in evaluation only.')
group.add_argument('--clip-grad', type=float, default=1.0,
help='gradient clipping')
group.add_argument('--train-iters', type=int, default=0,
help='total number of iterations to train over all training runs')
group.add_argument('--label-smoothing', type=float, default=0.0)
group.add_argument('--log-interval', type=int, default=100,
help='report interval')
group.add_argument('--summary-dir', type=str, default="", help="The directory to store the summary")
group.add_argument('--seed', type=int, default=1234, help='random seed')
# Batch producer arguments
group.add_argument('--reset-position-ids', action='store_true',
help='Reset posistion ids after end-of-document token.')
group.add_argument('--reset-attention-mask', action='store_true',
help='Reset self attention maske after '
'end-of-document token.')
# Learning rate.
group.add_argument('--lr-decay-iters', type=int, default=None,
help='number of iterations to decay LR over,'
' If None defaults to `--train-iters`*`--epochs`')
group.add_argument('--lr-decay-style', type=str, default='linear',
choices=['constant', 'linear', 'cosine', 'exponential'],
help='learning rate decay function')
group.add_argument('--lr-decay-ratio', type=float, default=0.1)
group.add_argument('--lr', type=float, default=1.0e-4,
help='initial learning rate')
group.add_argument('--warmup', type=float, default=0.01,
help='percentage of data to warmup on (.01 = 1% of all '
'training iters). Default 0.01')
group.add_argument('--switch-linear', action='store_true', help="Switch to linear decay for cosine decay")
# model checkpointing
group.add_argument('--save', type=str, default=None,
help='Output directory to save checkpoints to.')
group.add_argument('--new-save-directory', action='store_true')
group.add_argument('--save-epoch', type=int, default=1,
help='number of epochs between saves')
group.add_argument('--save-interval', type=int, default=5000,
help='number of iterations between saves')
group.add_argument('--no-save-optim', action='store_true',
help='Do not save current optimizer.')
group.add_argument('--no-save-rng', action='store_true',
help='Do not save current rng state.')
group.add_argument('--load', type=str, default=None,
help='Path to a directory containing a model checkpoint.')
group.add_argument('--no-load-optim', action='store_true',
help='Do not load optimizer when loading checkpoint.')
group.add_argument('--no-load-rng', action='store_true',
help='Do not load rng state when loading checkpoint.')
group.add_argument('--no-load-lr-scheduler', action='store_true',
help='Do not load lr scheduler when loading checkpoint.')
group.add_argument('--no-deepspeed-load', action='store_true', help='Not use deepspeed when loading checkpoint')
group.add_argument('--finetune', action='store_true',
help='Load model for finetuning. Do not load optimizer '
'or rng state from checkpoint and set iteration to 0. '
'Assumed when loading a release checkpoint.')
group.add_argument('--resume-dataloader', action='store_true',
help='Resume the dataloader when resuming training. '
'Does not apply to tfrecords dataloader, try resuming'
'with a different seed in this case.')
# distributed training args
group.add_argument('--distributed-backend', default='nccl',
help='which backend to use for distributed training. One of [gloo, nccl]',
choices=['nccl', 'gloo'])
group.add_argument('--DDP-impl', default='torch', choices=['local', 'torch', 'none'],
help='which DistributedDataParallel implementation to use.')
group.add_argument('--local_rank', type=int, default=None,
help='local rank passed from distributed launcher')
# BlockLM training args
group.add_argument('--block-lm', action='store_true', help="whether use the BlockLM pre-training")
group.add_argument('--masked-lm', action='store_true', help='whether to use the mlm objective')
group.add_argument('--bert-prob', type=float, default=0.5)
group.add_argument('--gpt-infill-prob', type=float, default=0.5)
group.add_argument('--gpt-min-ratio', type=float, default=0.5)
group.add_argument('--gap-sentence-prob', type=float, default=0.0)
group.add_argument('--gap-sentence-ratio', type=float, default=0.15)
group.add_argument('--avg-block-length', type=int, default=3)
group.add_argument('--short-seq-prob', type=float, default=0.0)
group.add_argument('--single-span-prob', type=float, default=0.0)
group.add_argument('--task-mask', action='store_true', help="Use different mask for generation and blank filling")
group.add_argument('--no-shuffle-block', action='store_true', help="not shuffle the blocks when filling the blank")
group.add_argument('--no-block-position', action='store_true',
help='Use (rough) absolute positions instead of block positions')
group.add_argument('--sentinel-token', action='store_true',
help="Use sentinel (mask) tokens to replace 2d position encoding")
group.add_argument('--block-mask-prob', type=float, default=0.0)
group.add_argument('--context-mask-ratio', type=float, default=0.0)
group.add_argument('--random-position', action='store_true',
help="Use random start position to cover all the position embeddings")
return parser | 05c71d77320644fdaf00ef1638e76dbbce60ffb5 | 1,654 |
def _uniqueElements(an_iterable):
:param iterable an_iterable:
:param int idx:
:return list: has only one occurrence of each element
used = []
unique = [x for x in an_iterable if x not in used and (used.append(x) or True)]
return unique | 8290d30e48c3ade4a547d7c3a8cf0c57b8d45b19 | 1,655 |
def _bias_scale(x, b, data_format):
"""The multiplication counter part of tf.nn.bias_add."""
if data_format == 'NHWC':
return x * b
elif data_format == 'NCHW':
return x * b
raise ValueError('invalid data_format: %s' % data_format) | 19e5bb9419827f6e6976b1c5ed3cd40cdd676ad0 | 1,656 |
import re
def checkTableName(tables):
""" Check if table name has an underscore or not."""
bad = set()
output = []
for i in tables:
if'.*_.*', i):
if bad:
output.append("These tables have underscores in the name")
for i in bad:
output.append("No malformed table names")
return (output, bad) | 2847c20712e6ce92367772678d058a05b5d10dc3 | 1,657 |
def get_wrf_config(wrf_config, start_date=None, **kwargs):
precedence = kwargs > wrf_config.json > constants
if start_date is not None:
wrf_config['start_date'] = start_date
for key in kwargs:
wrf_config[key] = kwargs[key]
return wrf_config | c9e070b91ab93a7cb81a576aa799537361b7a26f | 1,658 |
def hamming(s1, s2):
"""Return the hamming distance between 2 DNA sequences"""
return sum(ch1 != ch2 for ch1, ch2 in zip(s1, s2)) + abs(len(s1) - len(s2)) | e3e1f3e9cc883f27d26f00c1b3c9495d29c1a139 | 1,659 |
def nasnet_dual_path_scheme_ordinal(module,
NASNet specific scheme of dual path response for an ordinal module with dual inputs/outputs in a DualPathSequential
module : nn.Module
A module.
x : Tensor
Current processed tensor.
x_next : Tensor
Next processed tensor.
x : Tensor
Current processed tensor.
return module(x), x | aef487a25bc3349f14a112826ee4f8e8912dd324 | 1,660 |
import sqlite3
def get_exp_date_stats(db_file_name, Table):
"""Caculate exp date stats of collection"""
conn = sqlite3.connect(db_file_name)
c = conn.cursor()
c.execute('''SELECT exp, count(exp) FROM {} GROUP BY exp'''.format(Table))
exp_dict = {}
results = c.fetchall()
for result in results:
exp_dict[str(result[0])] = result[1]
return exp_dict | 7641d6309939359c1d790b66a1310b5b78be99a4 | 1,661 |
def print_scientific_16(value: float) -> str:
Prints a value in 16-character scientific notation.
This is a sub-method and shouldnt typically be called
.. seealso:: print_float_16 for a better method
if value == 0.0:
return '%16s' % '0.'
python_value = '%16.14e' % value # -1.e-2
svalue, sexponent = python_value.strip().split('e')
exponent = int(sexponent) # removes 0s
if abs(value) < 1.:
sign = '-'
sign = '+'
# the exponent will be added later...
sexp2 = str(exponent).strip('-+')
value2 = float(svalue)
# the plus 1 is for the sign
len_sexp = len(sexp2) + 1
leftover = 16 - len_sexp
if value < 0:
fmt = "%%1.%sf" % (leftover - 3)
fmt = "%%1.%sf" % (leftover - 2)
svalue3 = fmt % value2
svalue4 = svalue3.strip('0')
field = "%16s" % (svalue4 + sign + sexp2)
return field | 18072bfb5cc51e83f1c26086558abc4019e4737e | 1,663 |
def _interpolate_target(bin_edges, y_vals, idx, target):
"""Helper to identify when a function y that has been discretized hits value target.
idx is the first index where y is greater than the target
if idx == 0:
y_1 = 0.
y_1 = y_vals[idx - 1]
y_2 = y_vals[idx]
edge_1 = bin_edges[idx]
edge_2 = bin_edges[idx + 1]
frac = (target - y_1) / (y_2 - y_1)
x = edge_1 + frac * (edge_2 - edge_1)
return x | 7a84bc846c8446aa7449732fdb60171d6f144863 | 1,664 |
def count_path_recursive(m, n):
"""Count number of paths with the recursive method."""
def traverse(m, n, location=[1, 1]):
# return 0 if past edge
if location[0] > m or location[1] > n:
return 0
# return 1 if at end position
if location == [m, n]:
return 1
return traverse(m, n, [location[0] + 1, location[1]]) + traverse(m, n, [location[0], location[1] + 1])
return traverse(m, n) | ad31718d179bf46966117ecfa414807e6d356634 | 1,665 |
def likelihood(sent, ai, domain, temperature):
"""Computes likelihood of a given sentence according the giving model."""
enc = ai._encode(sent, ai.model.word_dict)
score, _, _= ai.model.score_sent(enc, ai.lang_h, ai.ctx_h, temperature)
return score | 8332dfc8c2dba18a117768043dff67e632cc22ff | 1,667 |
def _build_xyz_pow(name, pref, l, m, n, shift=2):
Builds an individual row contraction line.
name = pref * xc_pow[n] yc_pow[m] * zc_pow[n]
l = l - shift
m = m - shift
n = n - shift
if (pref <= 0) or (l < 0) or (n < 0) or (m < 0):
return None
mul = " "
if pref == 1:
ret = name + " ="
# Basically always an int
ret = name + " = %2.1f" % float(pref)
mul = " * "
if l > 0:
ret += mul + "xc_pow[%d]" % (l - 1)
mul = " * "
if m > 0:
ret += mul + "yc_pow[%d]" % (m - 1)
mul = " * "
if n > 0:
ret += mul + "zc_pow[%d]" % (n - 1)
mul = " * "
if mul == " ":
ret += " 1"
return ret | 0dbae02252b27845e795a586e2e28b58c948fa1d | 1,668 |
def sort_drugs(processed_data, alpha_sort, **kwargs):
Sorts all drug names, as primary keys of processed data dictionary. Sorting
is governed by primary criteria of decreasing cost, then secondary criteria
of alphabetical order. Secondary criteria ignores unsafe characters if
"alpha_sort" is True; and does not ignore unsafe characters if False.
Requires sort_criteria() inner function.
processed_data (dictionary): contains all analyzed data. Primary key
is drug name (string), and primary value is tuple containing
number of prescribers (integer, index 0) and total cost (float,
index 1).
alpha_sort (boolean): if True, special characters are not considered
during sorting. If False, special characters are considered during
safe_char (list of strings): contains all characters considered safe.
all_drugs_sorted (list of strings): contains all drug names in
sequential list sorted by drug cost and alphanumeric name.
def sort_criteria(drug):
Determines mapped sorting value of cost and alphanumeric name for
all drugs, as keys of processed data dictionary. Required by
sort_drugs() outer function.
drug (string): drug name.
(tuple): ordered and mapped sorting criteria of cost and name.
# Sets first criteria of decreasing drug cost
cost_criteria = - processed_data[drug][1]
# Sets second criteria of alphanumeric drug name
name_criteria = drug.upper()
# If True, does not consider special characters in alphanumeric order
if alpha_sort:
# Iterates over all characters in drug name
for char in drug:
# If character is not in safe list, remove from name criteria
if char not in safe_char:
# Removes special characters
name_criteria = name_criteria.replace(char,"")
# Returns primary and secondary sorting criteria
return (cost_criteria, name_criteria)
# Sets safe characters for evaluation of name criteria
safe_char = kwargs['ch']
# Sorts drug names by decreasing cost then alphanumeric order
all_drugs_sorted = sorted(processed_data, key=sort_criteria)
# Returns list of sorted drug names
return all_drugs_sorted | aa3727dc52f0204c7c39807982a998cc03fabd2d | 1,669 |
import math
def make_axis_angle_matrix(axis, angle):
"""construct a matrix that rotates around axis by angle (in radians)"""
#[RMS] ported from WildMagic4
fCos = math.cos(angle)
fSin = math.sin(angle)
fX2 = axis[0]*axis[0]
fY2 = axis[1]*axis[1]
fZ2 = axis[2]*axis[2]
fXYM = axis[0]*axis[1]*(1-fCos)
fXZM = axis[0]*axis[2]*(1-fCos)
fYZM = axis[1]*axis[2]*(1-fCos)
fXSin = axis[0]*fSin
fYSin = axis[1]*fSin
fZSin = axis[2]*fSin
return ( fX2*(1-fCos)+fCos, fXYM-fZSin, fXZM+fYSin, fXYM+fZSin, fY2*(1-fCos)+fCos, fYZM-fXSin, fXZM-fYSin, fYZM+fXSin, fZ2*(1-fCos)+fCos ) | 1bef075e63b26559184025a69f47d8c1b6dccf1d | 1,670 |
from pathlib import Path
import os
import json
def find_latest(message_ts: str, post_dir: Path) -> str:
"""Retrieves the latest POST request timestamp for a given message."""
latest_ts = message_ts
for postfile in os.listdir(os.fsencode(post_dir)):
if (filename := os.fsdecode(postfile)).endswith('.json'):
request_ts = filename.strip('.json')
if request_ts < latest_ts:
with open(os.path.join(post_dir, filename), 'r') as file:
request = json.load(file)
if request['container']['message_ts'] == message_ts:
if request_ts > latest_ts : latest_ts = request_ts
return latest_ts | 5c5203cf1adc572cf7e9908dcd3c856de7c0f0da | 1,671 |
def get_bio(x, lang='en'):
"""Get the one-sentence introduction"""
bio = x.loc[16][lang]
return bio | 8c9ddabd2e6ada790af2b85a3fb656291f3ee5bd | 1,673 |
def query_all():
"""Queries all matches in Elasticsearch, to be used further for suggesting
product names when a user is not aware of them.
query_all = {
"query": {"match_all": {}},
return query_all | 9d15297cf82d813ff0a0688f5c25e2ca6fa145d3 | 1,674 |
def greet(lang):
"""This function is for printing a greeting in some
selected languages: Spanish, Swedish, and German"""
if lang == 'es':
return 'Hola'
elif lang == 'ge':
return 'Hallo'
elif lang == 'sv':
return 'Halla'
return 'Hello' | dcbe0fb39e735666b36780ee8d06b457e0a9541e | 1,676 |
import torch
def hamming_dist(y_true, y_pred):
Calculate the Hamming distance between a given predicted label and the
true label. Assumes inputs are torch Variables!
y_true (autograd.Variable): The true label
y_pred (autograd.Variable): The predicted label
(float): The Hamming distance between the two vectors
# Make sure y_pred is rounded to 0/1
y_pred = torch.round(y_pred)
result = torch.mean(torch.abs(y_true - y_pred), dim=1)
result = torch.mean(result, dim=0)
return float( | 0edda102820626b824861ac0f05d4d77f5def432 | 1,677 |
import re
def rmchars(value):
"""Remove special characters from alphanumeric values except for period (.)
and negative (-) characters.
:param value: Alphanumeric value
:type value: string
:returns: Alphanumeric value stripped of any special characters
:rtype: string
>>> import utils
>>> utils.rmchars(value = "*6.5_")
>>> utils.rmchars(value = "ICE")
>>> utils.rmchars(value = "-4.2")
>>> utils.rmchars(value = "%&!@#8.32&#*;")
value = re.sub("[^A-Za-z0-9.-]+", "", value)
return value | 63428103f7da4184c6d9f33a9d05b02ce17f2448 | 1,679 |
def _filename_pattern(ext):
"""Returns an re matching native or tfrecord files of format `ext`."""
return r".*\.{}(\.tfrecord)?(\.gz)?".format(ext) | 6ec5a86dbba2432293451ca7dff0a0d1d5091bf0 | 1,681 |
def _extract_protocol_layers(deserialized_data):
Removes unnecessary values from packets dictionaries.
:param deserialized_data: Deserialized data from tshark.
:return: List of filtered packets in dictionary format.
packets_filtered = []
for packet in deserialized_data:
return packets_filtered | 3c3a899909c5278b29ffb402ccb4d8dde24fce3a | 1,682 |
def has_xml_header(filepath):
Return True if the first line of the file is <?xml
:param filepath:
return True | 21fdbdf36cf08ca18d8a0f0d7f7d2201b243c558 | 1,684 |
def Get_Histogram_key(qubitOperator):
Function to obtain histogram key string for Cirq Simulator.
PauliWord = QubitOperator('X0 Z2 Y3', 0.5j)
returning: histogram_string = '0,2,3'
qubitOperator (openfermion.ops._qubit_operator.QubitOperator): QubitOperator
histogram_string (str): Returns string corresponding to histogram key (required for Cirq simulator)
qubit_No, PauliStr = zip(*list(*qubitOperator.terms.keys()))
histogram_string = ','.join([str(i) for i in qubit_No])
return histogram_string | f574f7b3f6c43de7b3121d4e49240a84a4bcfdfc | 1,686 |
def get_column_labels():
This function generates a list of column names for the extracted features
that are returned by the get_features function.
# list the names of the extracted features
feature_labels = ["amplitude_envelope",
# list the names of the used descriptive statistics
measure_suffixes = ["_mean", "_min", "_max", "_std"]
# create a list to append the generated column names to
columns = ["row_index"]
# generate some labels and append them to the list
columns.extend([l+s for l in feature_labels for s in measure_suffixes])
# append labels for the distributed AE
# append labels for the distributed RMS
# append labels for the distributed ZCR
return columns | c140ced9c4344bd7a4029d331d50ebe0750fac0a | 1,687 |
def corr_finder(X, threshold):
""" For each variable, find the independent variables that are equal to
or more highly correlated than the threshold with the curraent variable
X : pandas Dataframe
Contains only independent variables and desired index
threshold: float < 1
Minimum level of correlation to search for
Dictionary with the key's as independent variavble indices and values as a
list of variables with a correlation greater to or equal than the threshold.
Correlation Matrix
corr_matrix = X.corr(method='kendall') #create the correlation matrix
corr_dic = {}
for row_name, ser in corr_matrix.iterrows(): #search through each row
corr_list = [] #list of variables past/at the threshold
for idx, val in ser.iteritems(): #search through the materials of each row
if (abs(val) > threshold) and (abs(val) != 1): #if the variable correlates past/at the threshold
if len(corr_list) > 0:
corr_dic[row_name] = corr_list
return corr_dic, corr_matrix | 3b32a3eacb721ff09f6b5614c0ada82df814d5fa | 1,688 |
def base_conv(num, base):
"""Write a Python program to converting
an Integer to a string in any base"""
_list = []
if num//base == 0:
return str(num%base)
return (base_conv(num//base, base) + str(num%base)) | 9fcc28ccfe8ba80d974cc4012aad456bfb8c9544 | 1,690 |
def origin_trial_function_call(feature_name, execution_context=None):
"""Returns a function call to determine if an origin trial is enabled."""
return 'RuntimeEnabledFeatures::{feature_name}Enabled({context})'.format(
if execution_context else "execution_context") | 201dbe8449373dbad0144633350d3e6adbb58b80 | 1,691 |
def get_bit(byteval, index) -> bool:
"""retrieve bit value from byte at provided index"""
return (byteval & (1 << index)) != 0 | 1fe020449ae2ae2513073835db6f75b24e558fdb | 1,692 |
import ast
import sys
def ast_parse_node(node):
:param ast.Node node: an ast node representing an expression of variable
:return ast.Node: an ast node for:
_watchpoints_obj = var
if <var is a local variable>:
# watch(a)
_watchpoints_localvar = "a"
elif <var is a subscript>:
# watch(a[3])
_watchpoints_parent = a
_watchpoints_subscr = 3
elif <var is an attribute>:
# watch(a.b)
_watchpoints_parent = a
_watchpoints_attr = "b"
root = ast.Module(
ast.Name(id="_watchpoints_obj", ctx=ast.Store())
if type(node) is ast.Name:
ast.Name(id="_watchpoints_localvar", ctx=ast.Store())
elif type(node) is ast.Subscript:
ast.Name(id="_watchpoints_parent", ctx=ast.Store())
if sys.version_info.minor <= 8 and type(node.slice) is ast.Index:
value_node = node.slice.value
elif sys.version_info.minor >= 9 and type(node.slice) is not ast.Slice:
value_node = node.slice
raise ValueError("Slice is not supported!")
ast.Name(id="_watchpoints_subscr", ctx=ast.Store())
elif type(node) is ast.Attribute:
ast.Name(id="_watchpoints_parent", ctx=ast.Store())
ast.Name(id="_watchpoints_attr", ctx=ast.Store())
return root | 22b3b6fed61e18ed6dc742040a365ebca8847fd5 | 1,693 |
def toint16(i):
""" Convert a number to a hexadecimal string of length 2 """
return f'{i:02x}' | 3effd2b3f011a962beac19682ad29e930eb0f057 | 1,695 |
def get_cpu_cores():
第二个元素是列表长度, 也就是计算机中cpu核心的总个数
若统计出来为空, 则返回None
cpu_cores = []
with open('/proc/cpuinfo') as f:
for line in f:
info = line.strip()
if info.startswith('model name'):
model_name = info.split(':')[1].strip()
if cpu_cores:
return cpu_cores, len(cpu_cores)
return None | ad66faac3a956b1922173263415890bc543e0bba | 1,696 |
def heuristical_lengths(items):
heuristical_lengths tries to deriver the lengths of the content of items.
It always returns a list.
a) If typeof(items) is a string, it'll return [len(items)]
b) If typeof(items) is a dict, it'll return [len(items)]
c) If typeof(items) is either list or tuple, it'll best case try to iterate
over each element and record those lengths and return them all flattened.
If it can't retrieve the lengths yet len(items) > 0, then it will return [len(items)]
d) If items has the '__len__' attribute, it'll return [len(items)]
e) Otherwise if it can't derive the type, it'll return []
if items is None:
return []
elif isinstance(items, str):
return [len(items)]
elif isinstance(items, dict):
return [len(items)]
elif isinstance(items, tuple) or isinstance(items, list):
lengths = []
for item in items:
i_lengths = heuristical_lengths(item)
# In the best case, if len(lengths) == 0
# yet len(items) > 0, just use len(items)
if len(lengths) == 0 and len(items) > 0:
lengths = [len(items)]
return lengths
elif hasattr(items, '__len__'):
return [len(items)]
elif hasattr(items, '__iter__'):
lengths = []
itr = iter(items)
for it in itr:
it_lengths = heuristical_lengths(it)
return lengths
return [] | 94a0759bcdc2e57431e8524f164a51f2091b6e61 | 1,701 |
def next(space, w_arr):
""" Advance the internal array pointer of an array """
length = w_arr.arraylen()
current_idx = w_arr.current_idx + 1
if current_idx >= length:
w_arr.current_idx = length
return space.w_False
w_arr.current_idx = current_idx
return w_arr._current(space) | 668fec305ed6bbe05895f317e284c7d2e4f83189 | 1,702 |
def clean_record(raw_string: str) -> str:
Removes all unnecessary signs from a raw_string and returns it
:param raw_string: folder or file name to manage
:return: clean value
for sign in ("'", '(', ')', '"'):
raw_string = raw_string.replace(sign, '')
return raw_string.replace(' ', '-').replace('--', '-') | ea484934dc10da879ede883287fc1d650cda74b8 | 1,704 |
import csv
def read_manifest_from_csv(filename):
Read the ballot manifest into a list in the format ['batch id : number of ballots']
from CSV file named filename
manifest = []
with open(filename, newline='') as csvfile:
reader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter = ",")
for row in reader:
# row.remove(row[1])
batch = " , ".join(row)
return manifest[1:] | b04b6a1b20512c27bb83a7631346bc6553fdc251 | 1,705 |
def _find_data_between_ranges(data, ranges, top_k):
"""Finds the rows of the data that fall between each range.
data (pd.Series): The predicted probability values for the postive class.
ranges (list): The threshold ranges defining the bins. Should include 0 and 1 as the first and last value.
top_k (int): The number of row indices per bin to include as samples.
list(list): Each list corresponds to the row indices that fall in the range provided.
results = []
for i in range(1, len(ranges)):
mask = data[(data >= ranges[i - 1]) & (data < ranges[i])]
if top_k != -1:
results.append(mask.index.tolist()[: min(len(mask), top_k)])
return results | 323986cba953a724f9cb3bad8b2522fc711529e5 | 1,706 |
def path_inclusion_filter_fn(path, param, layer):
"""Returns whether or not layer name is contained in path."""
return layer in path | c93aa83e67c600cd83d053d50fbeaee4f7eebf94 | 1,709 |
import socket
import time
def is_tcp_port_open(host: str, tcp_port: int) -> bool:
"""Checks if the TCP host port is open."""
sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
sock.settimeout(2) # 2 Second Timeout
sock.connect((host, tcp_port))
except ConnectionRefusedError:
return False
except socket.timeout:
return False
# Other errors are propagated as odd exceptions.
# We shutdown and closed the connection, but the server may need a second
# to start listening again. If the following error is seen, this timeout
# should be increased. 300ms seems to be the minimum.
# Connecting to J-Link via IP...FAILED: Can not connect to J-Link via \
# TCP/IP (, port 19020)
return True | cbe4d0ae58610b863c30b4e1867b47cb1dbdfc3d | 1,711 |
def load_replica_camera_traj(traj_file_path):
the format:
camera_traj = []
traj_file_handle = open(traj_file_path, 'r')
for line in traj_file_handle:
split = line.split()
#if blank line, skip
if not len(split):
return camera_traj | 1879c97ed5ce24834689b156ffdc971b023e67f2 | 1,713 |
def punctuation(chars=r',.\"!@#\$%\^&*(){}\[\]?/;\'`~:<>+=-'):
"""Finds characters in text. Useful to preprocess text. Do not forget
to escape special characters.
return rf'[{chars}]' | b2fd23d8485c3b6d429723a02a95c981982559b5 | 1,714 |
def shift_time(x, dt):
"""Shift time axis to the left by dt. Used to account for pump & lamp delay"""
x -= dt
return x | c93fdddea8e41221583139dcc7a2d81177ba7c17 | 1,715 |
def log2_fold_change(df, samp_grps):
calculate fold change - fixed as samp_grps.mean_names[0] over samp_grps.mean_names[1],
where the mean names are sorted alphabetically. The log has already been taken,
so the L2FC is calculated as mean0 - mean1
:param df: expanded and/or filtered dataframe
:param samp_grps: SampleGroups() object
:return: dataframe with fold change column appended, with name as in samp_grps.fc_name
mean1 = samp_grps.mean_names[0]
mean2 = samp_grps.mean_names[1]
df[samp_grps.fc_name] = df[mean1] - df[mean2]
return df | 07fcef6f5143095f4f8f77d0251bbd7ecd486fd9 | 1,716 |
def configure_smoothing(new_d,smoothing_scans):
# <batchstep method="net.sf.mzmine.modules.peaklistmethods.peakpicking.smoothing.SmoothingModule">
# <parameter name="Peak lists" type="BATCH_LAST_PEAKLISTS"/>
# <parameter name="Filename suffix">smoothed</parameter>
# <parameter name="Filter width">9</parameter>
# <parameter name="Remove original peak list">false</parameter>
# </batchstep>
idx = [i for i,d in enumerate(new_d['batch']['batchstep']) if 'SmoothingModule' in d['@method']][0]
idx2 = [i for i,d in enumerate(new_d['batch']['batchstep'][idx]['parameter']) if 'Filter width' in d['@name']][0]
new_d['batch']['batchstep'][idx]['parameter'][idx2]['#text'] = '%.3f'%(smoothing_scans)
return new_d | 031586cf5dbb9fdf1fb6762a89a988367d172942 | 1,717 |
def clean_key(func):
"""Provides a clean, readable key from the funct name and module path.
module = func.__module__.replace("formfactoryapp.", "")
return "%s.%s" % (module, func.__name__) | 946288cd231148eb39af5d1e7e0b957d9f2131e8 | 1,719 |
def multiply(a,b):
multiply values
a ([float/int]): any value
b ([float/int]): any value
return a*b | 67a85b1675da48684e9de7e9834d3daa4357699b | 1,720 |
def check_method(adata):
"""Check that method output fits expected API."""
assert "labels_pred" in adata.obs
return True | 78c1a5181395f1675854333c30bf617c578cc1d4 | 1,722 |
def extract_traceback(notebook):
""" Extracts information about an error from the notebook.
notebook: :class:`nbformat.notebooknode.NotebookNode`
Executed notebook to find an error traceback.
Whether the executed notebook has an error traceback.
int or None
Number of a cell with a traceback.
If None, then the notebook doesn't contain an error traceback.
Error traceback if exists.
for cell in notebook['cells']:
# Find a cell output with a traceback and extract the traceback
outputs = cell.get('outputs', [])
for output in outputs:
traceback = output.get('traceback', [])
if traceback:
traceback = '\n'.join(traceback)
return True, cell['execution_count'], traceback
return False, None, "" | 9af26f973e6810936eaa68058efcdb7bc145803b | 1,723 |
import time
def cachedmethod(timeout):
Function decorator to enable caching for instance methods.
def _cached(func):
if not(hasattr(func, 'expires')):
func.expires = {}
func.cache = {}
def __cached(self, *args, **kwargs):
if(timeout and func.expires.get(repr(self), 0) < time.time()):
if(repr(self) in func.cache):
del func.cache[repr(self)]
if(repr(self) in func.cache):
return func.cache[repr(self)]
result = func(self, *args, **kwargs)
func.cache[repr(self)] = result
func.expires[repr(self)] = time.time() + timeout
return result
return __cached
# see if it's an int
except TypeError:
func = timeout
timeout = 0
return _cached(func)
return _cached | dd8999a60aa6d92e6b442c7c0661d88cd0e8590e | 1,725 |
import argparse
def parse_options(args):
Parse commandline arguments into options for Monitor
:param args:
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
help="TCP/IP address to monitor, e.g. For best results"
" use multiple addresses."
parser.add_argument("--logfile", default="connection.log",
help="Where to store the connection quality data")
parser.add_argument("--interval", default=30.0, type=float,
help="How many seconds between checks")
parser.add_argument("--timeout", default=3.0, type=float,
help="How many seconds to wait for connection")
parser.add_argument("--quiet", default=False, action="store_true",
help="Do not output log data to screen")
return parser.parse_args(args) | adda9497c230b885887b8c21f8e1adfd8bdd2376 | 1,726 |
def prod_cart(in_list_1: list, in_list_2: list) -> list:
Compute the cartesian product of two list
:param in_list_1: the first list to be evaluated
:param in_list_2: the second list to be evaluated
:return: the prodotto cartesiano result as [[x,y],..]
_list = []
for element_1 in in_list_1:
for element_2 in in_list_2:
return _list | 9fdbfc558f5ec3b11c78535b9125e0a1c293035e | 1,727 |
from typing import Dict
def _extract_assembly_information(job_context: Dict) -> Dict:
"""Determine the Ensembl assembly version and name used for this index.
Ensembl will periodically release updated versions of the
assemblies which are where the input files for this processor
comes from. All divisions other than the main one have identical
release versions, but we don't know which division these files
came from so we can't just hit thier API again. Therefore, look at
the URL we used to get the files because it contains the assembly
version and name.
I'll admit this isn't the most elegant solution, but since the
transcriptome index's only database model is the OriginalFiles
until processing is complete, there's no other way to pass this
information through to this processor without modifying the
OriginalFile model.
The URL path we're attempting follows this pattern (defined in the surveyor)
and we are attempting to extract {assembly_version} and {assembly_name}.
original_files = job_context["original_files"]
for og_file in original_files:
if ".gtf.gz" in og_file.source_filename:
extensionless_url = og_file.source_url[:-7]
version_start_index = extensionless_url.rfind(".") + 1
job_context["assembly_version"] = extensionless_url[version_start_index:]
# Decrement the index to skip the period.
versionless_url = extensionless_url[:version_start_index-1]
assembly_name_start_index = versionless_url.rfind(".") + 1
job_context["assembly_name"] = versionless_url[assembly_name_start_index:]
return job_context | b78513b826c0a12bf87563095e33320aee328b76 | 1,729 |
async def cors_handler(request, handler):
"""Middleware to add CORS response headers
response = await handler(request)
response.headers['Access-Control-Allow-Origin'] = '*'
return response | c9f33261b1fb2e6dc3ab3139e657106a94c5bfd1 | 1,730 |
import hmac
import hashlib
def get_proxy_signature(query_dict, secret):
Calculate the signature of the given query dict as per Shopify's documentation for proxy requests.
# Sort and combine query parameters into a single string.
sorted_params = ''
for key in sorted(query_dict.keys()):
sorted_params += "{0}={1}".format(key, ",".join(query_dict.getlist(key)))
signature ='utf-8'), sorted_params.encode('utf-8'), hashlib.sha256)
return signature.hexdigest() | c234f18c1d44a936c4844ae2fe1b912a624eef61 | 1,732 |
import copy
def __yaml_tag_test(*args, **kwargs):
"""YAML tag constructor for testing only"""
return copy.deepcopy(args), copy.deepcopy(kwargs) | 0abeb68caf32912c7b5a78dacbc89e537061a144 | 1,735 |
import hashlib
def cal_md5(content):
:param content:
# 使用encode
result = hashlib.md5(content.encode())
# 打印hash
md5 = result.hexdigest()
return md5 | 0cd26654c364e34ecc27b0a0b4d410a539e286c3 | 1,736 |
def _inv_Jacobian_2D(J, detJ):
""" manually invert 2x2 jacobians J in place """
tmp = J[:, 1, 1, :] / detJ
J[:, 0, 1, :] = -J[:, 0, 1, :] / detJ
J[:, 1, 0, :] = -J[:, 1, 0, :] / detJ
J[:, 1, 1, :] = J[:, 0, 0, :] / detJ
J[:, 0, 0, :] = tmp
return J | 23b1ff231e32f09f09dbae781f7e97354f3ca811 | 1,737 |
def to_square_feet(square_metres):
"""Convert metres^2 to ft^2"""
return square_metres * 10.7639 | 50510aad230efcb47662936237a232662fef5596 | 1,738 |
import json
def load_id_json_file(json_path):
load the JSON file and get the data inside
all this function does is to call json.load(f)
inside a with statement
json_path (str): where the target JSON file is
ID list (list): all the data found in the file
with open(json_path, 'r') as f:
return json.load(f) | fd0f7fb73636cdf407b4de3e1aa3ae66dcc8f964 | 1,739 |
import os
def get_py_path(pem_path):
"""Returns the .py filepath used to generate the given .pem path, which may
or may not exist.
Some test files (notably those in verify_certificate_chain_unittest/ have a
"" script that builds the "XXX.pem" file. Build the path to
the corresponding "" (which may or may not exist)."""
file_name = os.path.basename(pem_path)
file_name_no_extension = os.path.splitext(file_name)[0]
py_file_name = 'generate-' + file_name_no_extension + '.py'
return os.path.join(os.path.dirname(pem_path), py_file_name) | 0bc97d23138c44e051282fdfa22517f1289ab65a | 1,745 |
import re
def parse_path_length(path):
parse path length
matched_tmp = re.findall(r"(S\d+)", path)
return len(matched_tmp) | 762e2b86fe59689800ed33aba0419f83b261305b | 1,747 |
def check_permisions(request, allowed_groups):
""" Return permissions."""
profile =
print('User', profile, allowed_groups)
is_allowed = True
except Exception:
return False
return is_allowed | 4bdb54bd1edafd7a0cf6f50196d470e0d3425c66 | 1,748 |
def ask_name(question: str = "What is your name?") -> str:
"""Ask for the users name."""
return input(question) | 1cc9ec4d3bc48d7ae4be1b2cf8eb64a0b4f94b23 | 1,750 |
def last(*args):
"""Return last value from any object type - list,tuple,int,string"""
if len(args) == 1:
return int(''.join(map(str,args))) if isinstance(args[0],int) else args[0][-1]
return args[-1] | ad8d836597dd6a5dfe059756b7d8d728f6ea35fc | 1,751 |
def is_float(s):
Detertmine if a string can be converted to a floating point number.
return False
return True | 2df52b4f8e0835d9f169404a6cb4f003ca661fff | 1,752 |
def process_mean_results(data, capacity, constellation, scenario, parameters):
Process results.
output = []
adoption_rate = scenario[1]
overbooking_factor = parameters[constellation.lower()]['overbooking_factor']
constellation_capacity = capacity[constellation]
max_capacity = constellation_capacity['capacity_kmsq']
number_of_satellites = constellation_capacity['number_of_satellites']
satellite_coverage_area = constellation_capacity['satellite_coverage_area']
for idx, item in data.iterrows():
users_per_km2 = item['pop_density_km2'] * (adoption_rate / 100)
active_users_km2 = users_per_km2 / overbooking_factor
if active_users_km2 > 0:
per_user_capacity = max_capacity / active_users_km2
per_user_capacity = 0
'scenario': scenario[0],
'constellation': constellation,
'number_of_satellites': number_of_satellites,
'satellite_coverage_area': satellite_coverage_area,
'iso3': item['iso3'],
'GID_id': item['regions'],
'population': item['population'],
'area_m': item['area_m'],
'pop_density_km2': item['pop_density_km2'],
'adoption_rate': adoption_rate,
'users_per_km2': users_per_km2,
'active_users_km2': active_users_km2,
'per_user_capacity': per_user_capacity,
return output | 0619c397a21d27440988c4b23284e44700ba69eb | 1,754 |
def identify_ossim_kwl(ossim_kwl_file):
parse geom file to identify if it is an ossim model
:param ossim_kwl_file : ossim keyword list file
:type ossim_kwl_file : str
:return ossim kwl info : ossimmodel or None if not an ossim kwl file
:rtype str
with open(ossim_kwl_file, encoding="utf-8") as ossim_file:
content = ossim_file.readlines()
geom_dict = {}
for line in content:
(key, val) = line.split(": ")
geom_dict[key] = val.rstrip()
if "type" in geom_dict:
if geom_dict["type"].strip().startswith("ossim"):
return geom_dict["type"].strip()
return None
except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except
return None | 9a63a8b5e7ece79b11336e71a8afa5a703e3acbc | 1,755 |
def convert_cbaois_to_kpsois(cbaois):
"""Convert coordinate-based augmentables to KeypointsOnImage instances.
cbaois : list of imgaug.augmentables.bbs.BoundingBoxesOnImage or list of imgaug.augmentables.bbs.PolygonsOnImage or list of imgaug.augmentables.bbs.LineStringsOnImage or imgaug.augmentables.bbs.BoundingBoxesOnImage or imgaug.augmentables.bbs.PolygonsOnImage or imgaug.augmentables.bbs.LineStringsOnImage
Coordinate-based augmentables to convert, e.g. bounding boxes.
list of imgaug.augmentables.kps.KeypointsOnImage or imgaug.augmentables.kps.KeypointsOnImage
``KeypointsOnImage`` instances containing the coordinates of input
if not isinstance(cbaois, list):
return cbaois.to_keypoints_on_image()
kpsois = []
for cbaoi in cbaois:
return kpsois | 6eee2715de3bfc76fac9bd3c246b0d2352101be1 | 1,756 |
def get_zcl_attribute_size(code):
Determine the number of bytes a given ZCL attribute takes up.
code (int): The attribute size code included in the packet.
int: size of the attribute data in bytes, or -1 for error/no size.
opts = (0x00, 0,
0x08, 1,
0x09, 2,
0x0a, 3,
0x0b, 4,
0x0c, 5,
0x0d, 6,
0x0e, 7,
0x0f, 8,
0x10, 1,
0x18, 1,
0x19, 2,
0x1a, 3,
0x1b, 4,
0x1c, 5,
0x1d, 6,
0x1e, 7,
0x1f, 8,
0x20, 1,
0x21, 2,
0x22, 3,
0x23, 4,
0x24, 5,
0x25, 6,
0x26, 7,
0x27, 8,
0x28, 1,
0x29, 3,
0x2a, 3,
0x2b, 4,
0x2c, 5,
0x2d, 6,
0x2e, 7,
0x2f, 8,
0x30, 1,
0x31, 2,
0x38, 2,
0x38, 4,
0x39, 8,
0x41, -1,
0x42, -1,
0x43, -1,
0x44, -1,
0x48, -1,
0x4c, -1,
0x50, -1,
0x51, -1,
0xe0, 4,
0xe1, 4,
0xe2, 4,
0xe8, 2,
0xe9, 2,
0xea, 4,
0xf0, 8,
0xf1, 16,
0xff, 0)
for i in range(0, len(opts), 2):
if code == opts[i]: return opts[i + 1]
return -1 | 99782c86be2413410c6819a59eadf0daba326af2 | 1,758 |
def _get_function_name_and_args(str_to_split):
Split a string of into a meta-function name and list of arguments.
@param IN str_to_split String to split
@return Function name and list of arguments, as a pair
parts = [s.strip() for s in str_to_split.split(" | ")]
if len(parts) < 2:
raise Exception("Invalid meta function string: %s" % str_to_split)
func_name = parts[0]
func_args = parts[1:]
return func_name, func_args | 1dae51c87e727d7fa6a3a8012f9768b9ca3364e7 | 1,759 |
def list_of_paths():
It lists all the folders which not contain PET images
return ['.DS_Store', 'localizer', 'Space_3D_T2_FLAIR_sag_p2', 'AXIAL_FLAIR', 'MPRAGE_ADNI_confirmed_REPEATX2', 'Axial_PD-T2_TSE',
'Axial_PD-T2_TSE_repeat', 'MPRAGE_SAG_ISO_p2_ND', 'Axial_PD-T2_TSE_confirmed', 'MPRAGESAGISOp2ND', 'MPRAGE_ADNI_confirmed',
'MPRAGE_ADNI_confirmed_repeat', 'MPRAGE_SAG_ISO_p2', 'MPRAGE', 'MPRAGE_ADNI_confirmed_REPEAT', 'Axial_PD-T2_TSE_confirmed_repeat',
'MPRAGE_ADNI_conf_REPEAT', 'Space_3D_T2_FLAIR_sag_p2_REPEAT', 'MPRAGE_ADNI_confirmed_RPT', 'Brain_256_1.6_zoom_4_x_4_iter',
'Space_3D_T2_FLAIR_sag_REPEAT', 'Axial_PD-T2_TSE_RPTconfirmed', 'Axial_PD-T2_TSE_RPT_confirmed', 'Axial_PD-T2_TSE_confirmed_REPEAT',
'flair_t2_spc_irprep_ns_sag_p2_1mm_iso', 'localiser'] | bc74024d49396f80947b3cb0a45066381b7d3af4 | 1,761 |
import torch
def index_initial(n_batch, n_ch, tensor=True):
"""Tensor batch and channel index initialization.
n_batch (Int): Number of batch.
n_ch (Int): Number of channel.
tensor (bool): Return tensor or numpy array
Tensor: Batch index
Tensor: Channel index
batch_index = []
for i in range(n_batch):
batch_index.append([[i]] * n_ch)
ch_index = []
for i in range(n_ch):
ch_index += [[i]]
ch_index = [ch_index] * n_batch
if tensor:
batch_index = torch.tensor(batch_index)
ch_index = torch.tensor(ch_index)
if torch.cuda.is_available():
batch_index = batch_index.cuda()
ch_index = ch_index.cuda()
return batch_index, ch_index | 52a16ad4afcf931ba4cda9c014d47050970995c5 | 1,763 |
def calc_floodzone(row):
"""Extracts the FEMAZONE of an SFHA based on each row's attributes.
This function acts on individual rows of a pandas DataFrame using
the apply built-in.
row : Pandas Series
A row of a pandas DataFrame
The flood zone designation for an SFHA
if row["FLD_ZONE"] == 'AO':
zone = 'AO' + str(round(row['DEPTH']))
elif row["FLD_ZONE"] == 'AH':
zone = 'AH' + str(round(row["STATIC_BFE"]))
zone = row["FLD_ZONE"]
return zone | 5bb6f3f7cfc1b6bce41ad7a752845287759c16ad | 1,766 |
import re
def remove_space(text):
Funcion que elimina espacios
:param str text: texto a procesar
return re.sub(r"\s+", " ", text).strip() | 729d26bb6acbaa8da4c945d2ea6646ebb90f3122 | 1,767 |
import base64
def getFilePathBase():
:return: php->base64 code
code = """
$res = array();$res["path"] = dirname(__FILE__);
echo ("<ek>");
echo json_encode($res);
echo ("</ek>");
return base64.b64encode(code.encode("UTF-8")).decode("UTF-8") | afcb1a5bf2972a2b13a32edcd8a9b968742bf7f3 | 1,768 |
import logging
def say_hello(name):
Log client's name which entered our application and send message to it
"""'User %s entered', name)
return 'Hello {}'.format(name) | b79865cca34d1430bf47afabf7c96741d59ac560 | 1,770 |
def merge_dicts(dictionaries):
"""Merges multiple separate dictionaries into a single dictionary.
dictionaries : An iterable container of Python dictionaries.
merged : A single dictionary that represents the result of merging the all the
dicts in ``dictionaries``.
The primary purpose of this function is to create a single dictionary
by combining multiple singleton dictionaries, as shown in the following example:
>>> dicts = [{'a': 1}, {'b': 2}, {'c': 3}]
>>> eb.merge_dicts(dicts)
{'a': 1, 'c': 3, 'b': 2}
merged = dictionaries[0].copy()
for i in range(1, len(dictionaries)):
return merged | 1a2b5f3c539937e2e27a55ce3914f7368f0a7296 | 1,771 |