def gen_filelist(infiles, tmpd) : """Write all audio files to a temporary text document for ffmpeg Returns the path of that text document.""" filename = tmpd/"files.txt" with open(filename, "w") as f: for file in infiles: # This part ensures that any apostrophes are escaped file = str(file).split("'") if len(file) > 1: file = "'\\''".join(file) else: file = file[0] # Write the file line f.write("file '"+file+"'\n") return filename
import os def check_envs(): """Checks environment variables. The MONGODB_PWD is a needed variable to enable mongodb connection. Returns: bool: If all needed environment variables are set. """ if not os.environ.get('MONGODB_PWD', False): return False return True
def getLines(filename): """Return list of lines from file""" with open(filename, 'r', errors='ignore') as ff: return ff.readlines()
import requests def dog(argv, params): """Returns a slack attachment with a picture of a dog from thedogapi""" # Print prints logs to cloudwatch # Send response to response url dogurl = ',png' dogr = requests.get(dogurl) url = dogr.json()[0].get('url') payload = { 'statusCode': '200', "attachments": [ { "author_name": '@{} /catops dog'.format( params.get('user_name', ['CatOps'])[0]), "fallback": "Woof woof.", "title": "Woof!", "text": "Evil doggo.", "image_url": url, "color": "#764FA5" } ], 'response_type': 'in_channel', 'headers': {'Content-Type': 'application/json'} } return payload
import torch def convert_to_torch_tensors(X_train, y_train, X_test, y_test): """ Function to quickly convert datasets to pytorch tensors """ # convert training data _X_train = torch.LongTensor(X_train) _y_train = torch.FloatTensor(y_train) # convert test data _X_test = torch.LongTensor(X_test) _y_test = torch.FloatTensor(y_test) # return the tensors return _X_train, _y_train, _X_test, _y_test
def get_pybricks_reset_vector(): """Gets the boot vector of the pybricks firmware.""" # Extract reset vector from dual boot firmware. with open("_pybricks/firmware-dual-boot-base.bin", "rb") as pybricks_bin_file: return
def parse_img_name(path): """parse image by frame name :param name [str] :output img_lists """ code = path.split('\\')[-1].split('.')[0] vid_id = path.split('\\')[-2] rcp_id = path.split('\\')[-3] seg_id = int(code[:4]) frm_id = int(code[4:]) return rcp_id, vid_id, seg_id, frm_id
import time def tokenize_protein(text): """ Tokenizes from a proteins string into a list of strings """ aa = ['A','C','D','E','F','G','H','I','K','L', 'M','N','P','Q','R','S','T','V','W','Y'] N = len(text) n = len(aa) i=0 seq = list() timeout = time.time()+5 for i in range(N): symbol = text[i] if (symbol in aa): seq.append(symbol) else: seq.append('X') if time.time() > timeout: break return seq
from typing import Callable def read_xml_string() -> Callable[[int, int, str], str]: """Read an XML file to a string. Subsection string needs to include a prepending '-'.""" def _read_xml_string(number: int, year: int, subsection: str) -> str: xmlfile = f"tests/data/xmls/session-{number:03}-{year}{subsection}.xml" with open(xmlfile, "r", encoding="utf-8") as infile: lines = infile.readlines() return " ".join([line.strip() for line in lines]) return _read_xml_string
def all_ndcubes(request): """ All the above ndcube fixtures in order. """ return request.getfixturevalue(request.param)
def filter_order_by_oid(order, oid): """ :param order: :type order: :class:`` :param oid: Order ID :type oid: int """ return order.tid == oid
def has_poor_grammar(token_strings): """ Returns whether the output has an odd number of double quotes or if it does not have balanced parentheses. """ has_open_left_parens = False quote_count = 0 for token in token_strings: if token == '(': if has_open_left_parens: return True else: has_open_left_parens = True elif token == ')': if has_open_left_parens: has_open_left_parens = False else: return True elif token == '"': quote_count += 1 return quote_count % 2 == 1 or has_open_left_parens
import subprocess def countbam(sortedbam, outdir): """calculates the raw counts from a BAM index parameters ---------- sortedbam string, the name of the sorted bam file outdir string, the path of the output directory returns ---------- counts_file = file containing the counts """ counts_file = f"{sortedbam[:-3]}count" try: cmd_count = f"samtools idxstats {sortedbam} > {counts_file}" res_count = subprocess.check_output(cmd_count, shell=True) except(subprocess.CalledProcessError): print('Unable to calculate raw counts from BAM') return (counts_file)
def tick2dayfrac(tick, nbTicks): """Conversion tick -> day fraction.""" return tick / nbTicks
def matrixMultVec(matrix, vector): """ Multiplies a matrix with a vector and returns the result as a new vector. :param matrix: Matrix :param vector: vector :return: vector """ new_vector = [] x = 0 for row in matrix: for index, number in enumerate(row): x += number * vector[index] new_vector.append(x) x = 0 return new_vector
def url_to_filename(base, url): """Return the filename to which the page is frozen. base -- path to the file url -- web app endpoint of the page """ if url.endswith('/'): url = url + 'index.html' return base / url.lstrip('/')
def _msd_anom_3d(time, D_alpha, alpha): """3d anomalous diffusion function.""" return 6.0*D_alpha*time**alpha
import os def tmp_envfile(tmp_path, monkeypatch): """Create a temporary environment file.""" tmp_file_path = tmp_path / "setenv.txt" monkeypatch.setenv("GITHUB_ENV", os.fspath(tmp_file_path)) return tmp_file_path
def url_root(): """根路径""" return """ <p>Hello ! Welcome to Rabbit's WebServer Platform !</p> <a href="" target="_blank" style="">京ICP备 18018365 号</a>&#8195;@2018Rabbit """
def map_keys(func, d): """ Returns a new dict with func applied to keys from d, while values remain unchanged. >>> D = {'a': 1, 'b': 2} >>> map_keys(lambda k: k.upper(), D) {'A': 1, 'B': 2} >>> assert map_keys(identity, D) == D >>> map_keys(identity, {}) {} """ return dict((func(k), v) for k, v in d.iteritems())
def defaults(dictionary, overwriteNone=False, **kwargs): """ Set default values of a given dictionary, option to overwrite None values. Returns given dictionary with values updated by kwargs unless they already existed. :param dict dictionary: :param overwriteNone: Whether to overwrite None values. :param kwargs: """ for key, value in dictionary.items(): dictValueIsNone = value is None kwargsHasValue = key in kwargs if overwriteNone and dictValueIsNone and kwargsHasValue: continue # Overwrite kwargs with dictionary kwargs[key] = value return kwargs
import json def dump_into_json(filename, metrics): """Dump the metrics dictionary into a JSON file It will automatically dump the dictionary: metrics = {'duration': duration, 'voltage_extremes': voltage_extremes, 'num_beats': num_beats, 'mean_hr_bpm': mean_hr_bpm, 'beats': beats}. in to a JSON file with the file name as the data file name. :param filename: name of the file being read :param metrics: a dictionary containing duration, voltage extremes, number of beats, beats per minute, and the time where beats occur :returns: - successful_JSON - test if it has successfully create JSON """ successful_JSON = False try: output_file = open(filename + '.json', 'w') json.dump(metrics, output_file) output_file.close() successful_JSON = True except TypeError: print("Unsuccessfully output JSON file") return successful_JSON
def object_comparator_lookup(src_obj, dst_obj): """ Compare an object with another entry by entry """ dont_match = [] no_upstream = [] for i in dst_obj: count_name = 0 count_value = 0 for j in src_obj: if list(j.keys())[0] == list(i.keys())[0]: count_name = 1 if j[list(j.keys())[0]] == i[list(i.keys())[0]]: count_value = 1 if count_name == 0: if list(i.keys())[0] != "last-modified": print(i.keys(), list(i.keys())[0]) no_upstream.append(i) else: if count_value == 0: dont_match.append(i) if no_upstream or dont_match: return 1 else: return 0
def is_primitive(v): """ Checks if v is of primitive type. """ return isinstance(v, (int, float, bool, str))
def linkify_only_full_urls(attrs, new=False): """Linkify only full links, containing the scheme.""" if not new: # This is an existing <a> tag, leave it be. return attrs # If the original text doesn't contain the scheme, don't linkify. if not attrs['_text'].startswith(('http:', 'https:')): return None return attrs
def set_vars(api, file:str, tess_profile:dict): """ Reads the user-specific variables from the tess_profile :param api: :param file: :param tess_profile: :return: """ # Set necessary information api.SetImageFile(file) # Set Variable api.SetVariable("save_blob_choices", "T") if 'variables' in tess_profile: for var in tess_profile['variables']: api.SetVariable(var, str(tess_profile['variables'][var]['value'])) api.Recognize() return 0
def serialize_to_jsonable(obj): """ Serialize any object to a JSONable form """ return repr(obj)
import torch def fps_and_pred(model, batch, **kwargs): """ Get fingeprints and predictions from the model. Args: model (nff.nn.models): original NFF model loaded batch (dict): batch of data Returns: results (dict): model predictions and its predicted fingerprints, conformer weights, etc. """ model.eval() # make the fingerprints outputs, xyz = model.make_embeddings(batch, xyz=None, **kwargs) # pool to get the learned weights and pooled fingerprints pooled_fp, learned_weights = model.pool(outputs) # get the final results results = model.readout(pooled_fp) # add sigmoid if it's a classifier and not in training mode if model.classifier: keys = list(model.readout.readout.keys()) for key in keys: results[key] = torch.sigmoid(results[key]) # add any required gradients results = model.add_grad(batch=batch, results=results, xyz=xyz) # put into a dictionary conf_fps = [i.cpu().detach() for i in outputs["conf_fps_by_smiles"]] energy = batch.get("energy") boltz_weights = batch.get("weights") # with operations to de-batch n_confs = [(n // m).item() for n, m in zip(batch['num_atoms'], batch['mol_size'])] for key, val in results.items(): results[key] = [i for i in val] results.update({"fp": [i for i in pooled_fp], "conf_fps": conf_fps, "learned_weights": learned_weights, "boltz_weights": (list(torch.split (boltz_weights, n_confs)))}) if energy is not None: results.update({"energy": list(torch.split(energy, n_confs))}) return results
import re def replace_subject_with_object(sent, sub, obj): """Replace the subject with object and remove the original subject""" sent = re.sub(r'{}'.format(obj), r'', sent, re.IGNORECASE) sent = re.sub(r'{}'.format(sub), r'{} '.format(obj), sent, re.IGNORECASE) return re.sub(r'{\s{2,}', r' ', sent, re.IGNORECASE)
import sys def get_title_count(titles, is_folder): """ Gets the final title count """ final_title_count = 0 if len(titles.all) == 0: if is_folder == False: sys.exit() else: return 0 else: for group, disc_titles in titles.all.items(): for title in disc_titles: final_title_count += 1 return final_title_count
def judgement(seed_a, seed_b): """Return amount of times last 16 binary digits of generators match.""" sample = 0 count = 0 while sample <= 40000000: new_a = seed_a * 16807 % 2147483647 new_b = seed_b * 48271 % 2147483647 bin_a = bin(new_a) bin_b = bin(new_b) last16_a = bin_a[-16:] last16_b = bin_b[-16:] if last16_a == last16_b: count += 1 seed_a = new_a seed_b = new_b sample += 1 return count
def accession(data): """ Get the accession for the given data. """ return data["mgi_marker_accession_id"]
def atomic_number(request): """ An atomic number. """ return request.param
import re def load_mac_vendors() : """ parses wireshark mac address db and returns dict of mac : vendor """ entries = {} f = open('mac_vendors.db', 'r') for lines in f.readlines() : entry = lines.split() # match on first column being first six bytes r = re.compile(r'^([0-9A-F]{2}:[0-9A-F]{2}:[0-9A-F]{2})$') if len(entry) > 0 and r.match(entry[0]) : # lowercase as convention entries[entry[0].lower()] = entry[1] return entries
def reorganize_data(texts): """ Reorganize data to contain tuples of a all signs combined and all trans combined :param texts: sentences in format of tuples of (sign, tran) :return: data reorganized """ data = [] for sentence in texts: signs = [] trans = [] for sign, tran in sentence: signs.append(sign) trans.append(tran) data.append((signs, trans)) return data
def query_schema_existence(conn, schema_name): """Function to verify whether the current database schema ownership is correct.""" with conn.cursor() as cur: cur.execute('SELECT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM information_schema.schemata WHERE SCHEMA_NAME = %s)', [schema_name]) return cur.fetchone().exists
import mimetypes def img_mime_type(img): """Returns image MIME type or ``None``. Parameters ---------- img: `PIL.Image` PIL Image object. Returns ------- mime_type : `str` MIME string like "image/jpg" or ``None``. """ if img.format: ext = "." + img.format return mimetypes.types_map.get(ext.lower()) return None
def get_yourContactINFO(rows2): """ Function that returns your personal contact info details """ yourcontactINFO = rows2[0] return yourcontactINFO
def filter_out_nones(data): """ Filter out any falsey values from data. """ return (l for l in data if l)
import itertools def testBinaryFile(filePath): """ Test if a file is in binary format :param fileWithPath(str): File Path :return: """ file = open(filePath, "rb") #Read only a couple of lines in the file binaryText = None for line in itertools.islice(file, 20): if b"\x00" in line: #Return to the beginning of the binary file #Read the file in one step binaryText = break file.close() #Return the result return binaryText
def factor_size(value, factor): """ Factors the given thumbnail size. Understands both absolute dimensions and percentages. """ if type(value) is int: size = value * factor return str(size) if size else '' if value[-1] == '%': value = int(value[:-1]) return '{0}%'.format(value * factor) size = int(value) * factor return str(size) if size else ''
def temp_database(tmpdir_factory): """ Initalize the Database """ tmpdb = str(tmpdir_factory.mktemp('temp'))+"/testdb.sqlite" return tmpdb
import ast def get_classes(pyfile_path): """ Obtiene las clases que están dentro de un fichero python :param str pyfile_path: nombre del fichero a inspeccionar :return: devuelve una lista con todas las clases dentro de un fichero python :rtype: list .. code-block:: python >> get_classes('./') ['Module', 'PythonFile'] """ with open(pyfile_path, 'r') as f: inspection = ast.parse( return [ for class_ in inspection.body if isinstance(class_, ast.ClassDef)]
import array def ordinate(values,maxrange,levels): """Ordinate values given a maximum data range and number of levels Parameters: 1. values: an array of continuous values to ordinate 2. maxrange: the maximum data range. Values larger than this will be saturated. 3. levels: the number of levels at which values are ordinated """ quantizer=lambda dist,maxrange,levels: int(1.0*max(1,dist-1)*levels/maxrange)+1 if type(values)==list or type(values)==tuple or type(values)==array: ordinated=[] for v in values: if v==0: ordinated.append(v) else: ordinated.append(quantizer(v,maxrange,levels)) return ordinated else: if values==0: return values else: return quantizer(values,maxrange,levels)
def get_book_info(book_id, books): """Obtain meta data of certain books. :param book_id: Books to look up :type: int or list of ints :param books: Dataframe containing the meta data :type: pandas dataframe :return: Meta data for the book ids :rtype: List[str], List[str], List[str] """ if not isinstance(book_id, list): book_id = [book_id] book_authors, book_titles, book_img_urls = [], [], [] for i in book_id: book_info = books.loc[books["book_id"]==i].squeeze() if book_info.shape[0]==0: raise ValueError("Could not find book_id {} in the dataset.".format(book_id)) book_authors.append(book_info.authors) book_titles.append(book_info.title) book_img_urls.append(book_info.image_url) return book_authors, book_titles, book_img_urls
import functools import six def save_error_message(func): """ This function will work only if transition_entity is defined in kwargs and transition_entity is instance of ErrorMessageMixin """ @functools.wraps(func) def wrapped(*args, **kwargs): try: return func(*args, **kwargs) except Exception as exception: message = six.text_type(exception) transition_entity = kwargs['transition_entity'] if message: transition_entity.error_message = message['error_message']) raise exception return wrapped
import requests import json def GetTSAWaitTimes(airportCode): """ Returns data from the TSA Wait Times API for a particular airport shortcode. :param airportCode: 3-letter shortcode of airport :return: Returns the full parsed json data from TSA Wait Times API """ base_url = "" params_tsa_d = {} params_tsa_d['ap'] = airportCode params_tsa_d['output'] = 'json' try: ## Uncomment this line if you want to get with caching for testing purposes #tsa_result_diction = json.loads(get_with_caching(base_url, params_tsa_d, saved_cache, cache_fname)) ## Comment out these two lines if you want to enable caching results_tsa = requests.get(base_url, params=params_tsa_d) tsa_result_diction = json.loads(results_tsa.text) return tsa_result_diction except Exception: print("Error: Unable to load TSA wait times. Please try again.") print("Exception: ") # sys.exit(1) quit()
def namedtuple_to_dict(model_params): """Transfers model specification from a named tuple class object to dictionary.""" init_dict = {} init_dict["GENERAL"] = {} init_dict["GENERAL"]["num_periods"] = model_params.num_periods init_dict["GENERAL"]["num_choices"] = model_params.num_choices init_dict["CONSTANTS"] = {} init_dict["CONSTANTS"]["delta"] = init_dict["CONSTANTS"]["mu"] = init_dict["CONSTANTS"]["benefits"] = model_params.benefits init_dict["INITIAL_CONDITIONS"] = {} init_dict["INITIAL_CONDITIONS"]["educ_max"] = model_params.educ_max init_dict["INITIAL_CONDITIONS"]["educ_min"] = model_params.educ_min init_dict["SIMULATION"] = {} init_dict["SIMULATION"]["seed_sim"] = model_params.seed_sim init_dict["SIMULATION"]["num_agents_sim"] = model_params.num_agents_sim init_dict["SOLUTION"] = {} init_dict["SOLUTION"]["seed_emax"] = model_params.seed_emax init_dict["SOLUTION"]["num_draws_emax"] = model_params.num_draws_emax init_dict["PARAMETERS"] = {} init_dict["PARAMETERS"]["optim_paras"] = model_params.optim_paras init_dict["DERIVED_ATTR"] = {} init_dict["DERIVED_ATTR"]["educ_range"] = model_params.educ_range init_dict["DERIVED_ATTR"]["shocks_cov"] = model_params.shocks_cov return init_dict
from typing import Mapping from pathlib import Path import os def _strip_paths(notebook_json: Mapping, project_root: Path): """Strip user paths from given notebook.""" project_root_string = str(project_root) + os.sep mutated = False for cell in notebook_json["cells"]: if cell["cell_type"] == "code": for output in cell["outputs"]: for line_number, line in enumerate(output.get("text", [])): if project_root_string in line: output["text"][line_number] = line.replace( project_root_string, "" ) mutated = True return notebook_json, mutated
import time def time_as_int() -> int: """ Syntactic sugar for >>> from time import time >>> int(time()) """ return int(time.time())
def should_retry_http_code(status_code): """ :param status_code: (int) http status code to check for retry eligibility :return: (bool) whether or not responses with the status_code should be retried """ return status_code not in range(200, 500)
def extract_values(inst): """ :param inst: the instance :return: python values extracted from the instance """ # inst should already be python return inst
import re def eq_portions(actual: str, expected: str): """ Compare whether actual matches portions of expected. The portions to ignore are of two types: - ***: ignore anything in between the left and right portions, including empty - +++: ignore anything in between left and right, but non-empty :param actual: string to test :param expected: expected string, containing at least one of the two patterns :return: a list of the portions ignored; if empty, it means there is no match. >>> eq_portions('', '+++aaaaaa***ccccc+++eeeeeee+++') () >>> eq_portions('_1__aaaaaa__2__ccccc_3__eeeeeee_4_', '+++aaaaaa***ccccc+++eeeeeee+++') ('_1__', '__2__', '_3__', '_4_') >>> eq_portions('_1__aaaaaaccccc_3__eeeeeee_4_', '+++aaaaaa***ccccc+++eeeeeee+++') ('_1__', '', '_3__', '_4_') >>> eq_portions('_1__aaaaaaccccc_3__eeeeeee', '+++aaaaaa***ccccc+++eeeeeee+++') () >>> eq_portions('aaaaaaccccc_3__eeeeeee', '+++aaaaaa***ccccc+++eeeeeee') () >>> eq_portions('aaaaaa_1__ccccc__2_eeeeeee', '***aaaaaa***ccccc+++eeeeeee***') ('', '_1__', '__2_', '') >>> eq_portions('aaaaaa___ccccc___eeeeeee', '***aaaaaa') () >>> eq_portions('aaaaaa___ccccc___eeeeeee', 'aaaaaa') Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: The 'expected' argument must contain at least one *** OR +++ """ re_expect = re.escape(expected) ANYTHING = re.escape('\\*' * 3) SOMETHING = re.escape('\\+' * 3) if not, re_expect) and not, re_expect): raise ValueError("The 'expected' argument must contain at least one *** OR +++") re_expect = re.sub(SOMETHING, '(.+)', re_expect) re_expect = re.sub(ANYTHING, '(.*)', re_expect) matches = re.fullmatch(re_expect, actual) if not matches: return () return matches.groups()
import numpy as np def _organize_arch(fils, pth): """Allocate data from each specific type of file (keys from the input dict) to a new dict Arguments: fils {dict} -- Dictionary containing type of files and list of files Returns: [dict] -- [description] """ imgdata = dict() for i in fils.keys(): images = dict() for ii in np.arange(len(fils[i])): images[str('img_' + str(ii+1))] = {'path': pth + str('\\') + str(fils[i][ii]), 'coords': np.loadtxt(pth + str('\\') + str(fils[i][ii]), skiprows=1, usecols=(-2, -1))} imgdata[i] = images return imgdata
def sort(request): """Boolean sort keyword for concat and DataFrame.append.""" return request.param
def is_comprehension(leaf): """ Return true if the leaf is the beginning of a list/set/dict comprehension. Returns true for generators as well """ if leaf.type != 'operator' or leaf.value not in {'[', '(', '{'}: return False sibling = leaf.get_next_sibling() return (sibling.type in {'testlist_comp', 'dictorsetmaker'} and sibling.children[-1].type == 'sync_comp_for')
def get_awb_shutter( f ): """ Get AWB and shutter speed from file object This routine extracts the R and B white balance gains and the shutter speed from a jpeg file made using the Raspberry Pi camera. These are stored as text in a custom Makernote. The autoexposure and AWB white balance values are not available directly until a picture is taken and are saved in a Jpeg. Returns 0 for the values if they're not found """ s = # Only part of the header needed r_pos = s.find('gain_r=') b_pos = s.find('gain_b=') s_pos = s.find(' exp=') gain_r = eval(s[r_pos+7:r_pos+12].split()[0]) if r_pos > -1 else 0 gain_b = eval(s[b_pos+7:b_pos+12].split()[0]) if b_pos > -1 else 0 shutter = eval(s[s_pos+5:s_pos+12].split()[0]) if s_pos > -1 else 0 return (gain_r,gain_b,shutter)
def format_rfidcard(rfidcard): """ :type rfidcard: apps.billing.models.RfidCard """ return { 'atqa': rfidcard.atqa if len(rfidcard.atqa) > 0 else None, 'sak': rfidcard.sak if len(rfidcard.sak) > 0 else None, 'uid': rfidcard.uid, 'registered_at': rfidcard.registered_at.isoformat(), 'user': rfidcard.user.username, }
def make_exposure_shares(exposure_levels, geography="geo_nm", variable="rank"): """Aggregate shares of activity at different levels of exposure Args: exposure_levels (df): employment by lad and sector and exposure ranking geography (str): geography to aggregate over variable (str): variable we want to calculate shares over """ exp_distr = ( exposure_levels.groupby(["month_year", variable, geography])["value"] .sum() .reset_index(drop=False) .groupby([geography, "month_year"]) .apply(lambda x: x.assign(share=lambda df: df["value"] / df["value"].sum())) ).reset_index(drop=True) return exp_distr
from typing import OrderedDict def load_jed(fn): """ JEDEC file generated by 1410/84 from PALCE20V8H-15 06/28/20 22:42:11* DM AMD* DD PALCE20V8H-15* QF2706* G0* F0* L00000 0000000000000000000000000100000000000000* """ ret = {} d = OrderedDict() with open(fn) as f: li = 0 for l in f: li += 1 # remove *, newline l = l.strip()[0:-1] if not l: continue if li == 2: ret["description"] = l continue parts = l.split(" ") main_line = " ".join(parts[1:]) if parts[0] == "DM": ret["vendor"] = main_line elif parts[0] == "DD": ret["part"] = main_line elif l[0:2] == "QF": ret["len"] = int(l[2:]) elif l[0] == "L": # L00000 0000000000000000000000000100000000000000* addr, bits = l.split(" ") addr = int(addr[1:], 10) d[addr] = bits else: continue ret["data"] = d return ret
def load_decoder(autoencoder): """ Gets the decoders associated with the inputted model """ dim = len(autoencoder.get_config()['input_layers']) mag_phase_flag = False decoders = [] if dim == 2: mag_phase_flag = True decoders.append(autoencoder.get_layer('mag_decoder')) decoders.append(autoencoder.get_layer('phase_decoder')) else: decoders.append(autoencoder.get_layer('decoder')) return decoders,mag_phase_flag
def detect_side(start: dict, point: dict, degrees): """detect to which side robot should rotate""" if start['lat'] < point['lat'] and start['lng'] < point['lng']: return f'{degrees} degrees right' elif start['lat'] < point['lat'] and start['lng'] > point['lng']: return f'{degrees} degrees left' elif start['lat'] > point['lat'] and start['lng'] < point['lng']: return f'{degrees + 90} degrees right' elif start['lat'] > point['lat'] and start['lng'] > point['lng']: return f'{degrees + 90} degrees left' elif degrees == 0: return f'{0} degress' elif degrees == 180: return f'{180} degrees right' elif start['lat'] == point['lat'] and start['lng'] < point['lng']: return f'{degrees} degress right' elif start['lat'] == point['lat'] and start['lng'] > point['lng']: return f'{degrees} degress left'
import torch def moving_sum(x, start_idx: int, end_idx: int): """ From MONOTONIC CHUNKWISE ATTENTION Equation (18) x = [x_1, x_2, ..., x_N] MovingSum(x, start_idx, end_idx)_n = Sigma_{m=n−(start_idx−1)}^{n+end_idx-1} x_m for n in {1, 2, 3, ..., N} x : src_len, batch_size start_idx : start idx end_idx : end idx Example src_len = 5 batch_size = 3 x = [[ 0, 5, 10], [ 1, 6, 11], [ 2, 7, 12], [ 3, 8, 13], [ 4, 9, 14]] MovingSum(x, 3, 1) = [[ 0, 5, 10], [ 1, 11, 21], [ 3, 18, 33], [ 6, 21, 36], [ 9, 24, 39]] MovingSum(x, 1, 3) = [[ 3, 18, 33], [ 6, 21, 36], [ 9, 24, 39], [ 7, 17, 27], [ 4, 9, 14]] """ assert start_idx > 0 and end_idx > 0 assert len(x.size()) == 2 src_len, batch_size = x.size() # batch_size, 1, src_len x = x.t().unsqueeze(1) # batch_size, 1, src_len moving_sum_weight = x.new_ones([1, 1, end_idx + start_idx - 1]) moving_sum = ( torch.nn.functional.conv1d( x, moving_sum_weight, padding=start_idx + end_idx - 1 ) .squeeze(1) .t() ) moving_sum = moving_sum[end_idx:-start_idx] assert src_len == moving_sum.size(0) assert batch_size == moving_sum.size(1) return moving_sum
def make_sequence_output(detections, classes): """ Create the output object for an entire sequence :param detections: A list of lists of detections. Must contain an entry for each image in the sequence :param classes: The list of classes in the order they appear in the label probabilities :return: """ return { 'detections': detections, 'classes': classes }
def fix(text): """Repairs encoding problems.""" # NOTE(Jonas): This seems to be fixed on the PHP side for now. # import ftfy # return ftfy.fix_text(text) return text
def from_url_representation(url_rep: str) -> str: """Reconvert url representation of path to actual path""" return url_rep.replace("__", "/").replace("-_-", "_")
def encode(value): """ Encode strings in UTF-8. :param value: value to be encoded in UTF-8 :return: encoded value """ return str(u''.join(value).encode('utf-8'))
def get_season(months, str_='{}'): """ Creates a season string. Parameters: - months (list of int) - str_ (str, optional): Formatter string, should contain exactly one {} at the position where the season substring is included. Returns: str """ if months is None: return '' elif len(set(months).difference([1, 2, 12])) == 0: return str_.format('DJF') elif len(set(months).difference([3, 4, 5])) == 0: return str_.format('MAM') elif len(set(months).difference([6, 7, 8])) == 0: return str_.format('JJA') elif len(set(months).difference([9, 10, 11])) == 0: return str_.format('SON') elif len(set(months).difference([11, 12, 1, 2, 3])) == 0: return str_.format('NDJFM') elif len(set(months).difference([5, 6, 7, 8, 9])) == 0: return str_.format('MJJAS') else: return str_.format('-'.join(map(str, months)))
def data_availability(tags): """ get availability based on the validation tags Args: tags (pandas.DataFrame): errors tagged as true (see function data_validation) Returns: pandas.Series: availability """ return ~tags.any(axis=1)
def is_empty_config(host): """ Check if any services should to be configured to run on the given host. """ return host.AS is None
def total_value(metric): """Given a time series of values, sum the values""" total = 0 for i in metric: total += i return total
def se_beta_formatter(value: str) -> str: """ SE Beta formatter. This formats SE beta values. A valid SE beta values is a positive float. @param value: @return: """ try: se_beta = float(value) if se_beta >= 0: result = str(se_beta) else: raise ValueError(f'position expected positive float "{value}"') except ValueError as value_error: raise ValueError( f'position could not be parsed as integer "{value}" details : {value_error}', ) from value_error return result
def extract_urlparam(name, urlparam): """ Attempts to extract a url parameter embedded in another URL parameter. """ if urlparam is None: return None query = name+'=' if query in urlparam: split_args = urlparam[urlparam.index(query):].replace(query, '').split('&') return split_args[0] if split_args else None else: return None
def parse_gt_from_anno(img_anno, classes): """parse_gt_from_anno""" print('parse ground truth files...') ground_truth = {} for img_name, annos in img_anno.items(): objs = [] for anno in annos: if anno[1] == 0. and anno[2] == 0. and anno[3] == 0. and anno[4] == 0.: continue if int(anno[0]) == -1: continue xmin = anno[1] ymin = anno[2] xmax = xmin + anno[3] - 1 ymax = ymin + anno[4] - 1 xmin = int(xmin) ymin = int(ymin) xmax = int(xmax) ymax = int(ymax) cls = classes[int(anno[0])] gt_box = {'class': cls, 'box': [xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax]} objs.append(gt_box) ground_truth[img_name] = objs return ground_truth
def pt_to_tup(pt): """ Convenience method to generate a pair of two ints from a tuple or list. Parameters ---------- pt : list OR tuple Can be a list or a tuple of >=2 elements as floats or ints. Returns ------- pt : tuple of int A pair of two ints. """ return (int(pt[0]),int(pt[1]));
import argparse def parsing(lst=None): """ Function for parsing command line >>> parsing(["2020", "80", "90", "dataset"]) (2020, 80.0, 90.0, 'dataset') """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="""Module, which reads data from a file\ with a films list, determines films, \ made in the given year, and geolocation of their production places. Then finds 10 or fewer such nearest to the given point places, makes markers \ for them, and creates a map with a layer of that markers. Also, there is another layer, which contains markers\ of film shooting places in Ukraine. You should enter the year of the films' production, the coordinates of the needed point,\ in comparison to which\ nearest films will be displayed (lat, lon), and the path to the dataset with your films.""") parser.add_argument("year", metavar="Year", type=int, help="Year of films, which\ will be displayed.") parser.add_argument("latitude", metavar="Latitude", type=float, \ help="Latitude of your point.") parser.add_argument("longitude", metavar="Longitude", type=float,\ help="Longitude of your point.") parser.add_argument("path", metavar="Path", help="Path to your dataset.") if lst: results = parser.parse_args(lst) else: results = parser.parse_args() universal_message = ", please check your coordinates" if not -90 <= results.latitude <= 90: message = "%r not in range [-90, 90]" % (results.latitude,) raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError(message + universal_message) if not -90 <= results.longitude <= 90: message = "%r not in range [-90, 90]" % (results.longitude,) raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError(message + universal_message) return results.year, results.latitude, results.longitude, results.path
def flatten(lst): """Shallow flatten *lst*""" return [a for b in lst for a in b]
def sep_num(number, space=True): """ Creates a string representation of a number with separators each thousand. If space is True, then it uses spaces for the separator otherwise it will use commas Note ---- Source: :param number: A number :type number: int | float :param space: Separates numbers with spaces if True, else with commas :type space: bool :return: string representation with space separation :rtype: str """ if space: return '{:,}'.format(number).replace(',', ' ') else: return '{:,}'.format(number)
def all_results_failed(subsystems): """Check if all results have failed status""" for subsystem in subsystems.values(): if subsystem['subsystemStatus'] == 'OK': # Found non-failed subsystem return False # All results failed return True
def LowercaseMutator(current, value): """Lower the value.""" return current.lower()
from typing import Dict from typing import Any from typing import MutableMapping import logging def merge_optional(default_dict: Dict[str, Any], update_dict: Dict[str, Any], tpe: str): """ Function to merge dictionaries to add set parameters from update dictionary into default dictionary. @param default_dict: Default configuraiton dictionary. @type default_dict: dict @param update_dict: Update configuration to be merged into default configurations. @type update_dict: dict @param tpe: String representation of type of learner. @type tpe: str @return: Result of merged dictionaries. @rtype: dict """ default_copy = default_dict.copy() for k, v in default_copy.items(): # pylint: disable=invalid-name if k in update_dict: if all(isinstance(e, MutableMapping) for e in (v, update_dict[k])): update_dict[k] = merge_optional(v, update_dict[k], tpe) else: logging.warning(f"Gotten unknown alternative mapping {k}:{v} for {tpe}") # Base case update = list(filter(lambda item: item[1] is not None, update_dict.items())) for k, v in update: # pylint: disable=invalid-name if not isinstance(v, dict):'Updating {k} from {default_copy[k]} to {v} for {tpe}') default_copy[k] = v return default_copy
import pathlib def testdata(request): """ If expected data is required for a test this fixture returns the path to a folder with name '.testdata' located in the same director as the calling test module """ testdata_dir = '.testdata' module_dir = pathlib.Path(request.fspath).parent return module_dir / testdata_dir
import math def inverse_document_frequency(word_occurrence, num_texts): """Takes in a word (string) and texts (list of lists and calculates the number of texts over number of texts where the word occurs""" try: IDF = float(num_texts) / float(word_occurrence) return math.log(IDF) except ZeroDivisionError: return 0
import argparse def parse_command_arguments(): """Returns parsed command arguments""" parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="svg-to-swift converter") parser.add_argument("--input_file", required=True, help="SVG file to convert.") parser.add_argument("--output_file", default="svg.swift", help="File to save in swift code.") return parser.parse_args()
def drop_useless_columns(data): """Drop the columns containing duplicate or useless columns.""" data = data.drop( labels=[ # we stay in a given city "agency_id", "agency_name", "agency_short_name", # we stay on a given transportation network "transportation_type", "transportation_subtype", # we already have stop id "stop_name_unofficial", # we already have line name "line_id", # we don't need this "circuit_transfer", ], axis=1, ) return data
import math def expfloats (floats): """Manipulates floats so that their tiles are logarithmic sizes large to small""" return [math.exp(i) for i in floats]
import re def normalize(string: str) -> str: """ Normalize a text string. :param string: input string :return: normalized string """ string = string.replace("\xef\xbb\xbf", "") # remove UTF-8 BOM string = string.replace("\ufeff", "") # remove UTF-16 BOM # string = unicodedata.normalize("NFKD", string) # convert to NFKD normal form string = re.compile(r"[0-9]").sub("0", string) # map all numbers to "0" string = re.compile(r"(?:''|``|[\"„“”‘’«»])").sub("'", string) # normalize quotes string = re.compile(r"(?:[‒–—―]+|-{2,})").sub("--", string) # normalize dashes string = re.compile(r"\s+").sub(" ", string) # collapse whitespace characters return string.strip()
def extract_data(mask, dra, ddc, dra_err, ddc_err, ra_rad, dc_rad, ra_dc_cor=None): """Get a clean sample based on mask Parameters ---------- mask : array of boolean mask for extract data dra/ddc : array of float R.A.(*cos(Dec.))/Dec. differences dra_err/ddc_err : array of float formal uncertainty of dra(*cos(dc_rad))/ddc ra_rad/dc_rad : array of float Right ascension/Declination in radian Returns ---------- dra_new/ddc_new: array of float R.A.(*cos(Dec.))/Dec for the clean sample. differences dra_err_new/ddc_err_new: array of float formal uncertainty of dra(*cos(dc_rad))/ddc for the clean sample ra_rad_new/dc_rad_new: array of float Right ascension/Declination in radian for the clean sample ra_dc_cor_new: array of float covariance/correlation coefficient between dra and ddc for the clean sample """ # Extract the clean sample dra_new, ddc_new = dra[mask], ddc[mask] dra_err_new, ddc_err_new = dra_err[mask], ddc_err[mask] ra_rad_new, dc_rad_new = ra_rad[mask], dc_rad[mask] if ra_dc_cor is None: ra_dc_cor_new = ra_dc_cor else: ra_dc_cor_new = ra_dc_cor[mask] return dra_new, ddc_new, dra_err_new, ddc_err_new, ra_rad_new, dc_rad_new, ra_dc_cor_new
from typing import Iterable def token_converter(tokens: Iterable[str]) -> Iterable[str]: """Convert tokens.""" def convert(token: str) -> str: return token.lower().replace("-", "_") return map(convert, tokens)
def update_instance(instance, validated_data): """Update all the instance's fields specified in the validated_data""" for key, value in validated_data.items(): setattr(instance, key, value) return
import pipes def _ShellQuote(command_part): """Escape a part of a command to enable copy/pasting it into a shell. """ return pipes.quote(command_part)
import math def circlePoints(x, r, cx, cy): """Ther dunction returns the y coordinate of a circonference's point :x: x's coordinate value. :r: length of the radius. :cx: x coordinate of the center. :cy: y coordinate of the center.""" return math.sqrt(math.pow(r,2) - math.pow(x-cx, 2)) + cy
import torch def get_gram_matrix(tensor): """ Returns a Gram matrix of dimension (distinct_filer_count, distinct_filter_count) where G[i,j] is the inner product between the vectorised feature map i and j in layer l """ G =, tensor.t()) return G
def deduplicate(s, ch): """ From s = 'this is an irritating string with random spacing .' deduplicate(s) 'this is an irritating string with random spacing .' """ return ch.join([substring for substring in s.strip().split(ch) if substring])
def sum_series(n): """Calculate sum of n+(n-2)+(n-4)...""" return n if n < 2 else n + sum_series(n - 2)
def get_all_contained_items(item, stoptest=None): """ Recursively retrieve all items contained in another item :param text_game_maker.game_objects.items.Item item: item to retrieve items\ from :param stoptest: callback to call on each sub-item to test whether\ recursion should continue. If stoptest() == True, recursion will\ continue :return: list of retrieved items :rtype: [text_game_maker.game_objects.items.Item] """ ret = [] if not item.is_container: return ret stack = [item] while stack: subitem = stack.pop(0) for i in subitem.items: ret.append(i) if i.is_container: if stoptest and stoptest(i): continue stack.append(i) return ret
def conv_seq_to_sent_symbols(seq, excl_symbols=None, end_symbol='.', remove_end_symbol=True): """ Converts sequences of tokens/ids into a list of sentences (tokens/ids). :param seq: list of tokens/ids. :param excl_symbols: tokens/ids which should be excluded from the final result. :param end_symbol: self-explanatory. :param remove_end_symbol: whether to remove from each sentence the end symbol. :return: list of lists, where each sub-list contains tokens/ids. """ excl_symbols = excl_symbols if excl_symbols else {} assert end_symbol not in excl_symbols coll = [] curr_sent = [] for symbol in seq: if symbol in excl_symbols: continue if symbol == end_symbol: if not remove_end_symbol: curr_sent.append(symbol) coll.append(curr_sent) curr_sent = [] else: curr_sent.append(symbol) if curr_sent: coll.append(curr_sent) return coll
def param_value(memory, position, mode): """Get the value of a param according to its mode""" if mode == 0: # position mode return memory[memory[position]] elif mode == 1: # immediate mode return memory[position] else: raise ValueError("Unknown mode : ", mode)
def prob17(limit=1000): """ If the numbers 1 to 5 are written out in words: one, two, three, four, five, then there are 3 + 3 + 5 + 4 + 4 = 19 letters used in total. If all the numbers from 1 to 1000 (one thousand) inclusive were written out in words, how many letters would be used? NOTE: Do not count spaces or hyphens. For example, 342 (three hundred and forty-two) contains 23 letters and 115 (one hundred and fifteen) contains 20 letters. The use of "and" when writing out numbers is in compliance with British usage. """ digits = {1: 'one', 2: 'two', 3: 'three', 4: 'four', 5: 'five', 6: 'six', 7: 'seven', 8: 'eight', 9: 'nine'} exceptions = {10: 'ten', 11: 'eleven', 12: 'twelve', 14: 'fourteen'} bases = {2: 'twen', 3: 'thir', 4: 'for', 5: 'fif', 6: 'six', 7: 'seven', 8: 'eigh', 9: 'nine'} powers = {1: 'teen', 10: 'ty', 100: 'hundred', 1000: 'thousand'} count = 0 for num in range(1, limit + 1): right = str(num)[-2:] #print right if int(right) == 0: pass elif int(right) in exceptions: count += len(exceptions[int(right)]) elif 10 < int(right) < 20: count += len(bases[int(right[1])]) + len(powers[1]) else: if right[-1] != '0': count += len(digits[int(right[-1])]) if len(right) == 2 and right[0] != '0': count += len(bases[int(right[0])]) + len(powers[10]) if len(str(num)) > 2: left = str(num)[:-2] #print left if right != '00': count += 3 if left[-1] != '0': count += len(digits[int(left[-1])]) + len(powers[100]) if len(left) == 2 and left[0] != '0': count += len(digits[int(left[0])]) + len(powers[1000]) return count
import re def get_replaceid(fragment): """get replace id for shared content""" replaceid=re.findall(r":[A-z]+:\s(.+)", fragment)[0] return replaceid