stringlengths 35
| sha1
stringlengths 40
| id
int64 0
import math
def H(r2, H_s, H_d, a_s, a_d, gamma_s, gamma_d, G, v):
pi = math.pi
sqrt = math.sqrt
r = sqrt(r2)
H2_s = H_s**2
H2_d = H_d**2
R2_s = r2 + H2_s
R2_d = r2 + H2_d
alpha_s = 1.0 if gamma_s == 1.0 else 4 * H2_s / (pi*R2_s)
alpha_d = 1.0 if gamma_d == 1.0 else 4 * H2_d / (pi*R2_d)
f_s = a_s**3 * alpha_s * (1-v) / (G * (H2_s+r2)**1.5)
f_d = a_d**3 * alpha_d * (1-v) / (G * (H2_d+r2)**1.5)
H = [
[ r*f_s, r*f_d ], # the radial H
[ H_s*f_s, H_d*f_d ] # the vertical H
return H | 0fa1606212278def22075692a56468d41a8c7a3c | 1,098 |
def addBenchmark(df):
"""Add benchmark to df."""
# Compute the inverse of the distance
distance_inv = (1. / df.filter(regex='^distance*', axis=1)).values
# Extract the value at the nearest station
values = df.filter(regex='value_*', axis=1)
# Compute the benchmark
numer = (distance_inv * values).sum(axis=1)
denom = (distance_inv * (values != 0)).sum(axis=1)
# Compute the benchmark
benchmark = numer / denom
df["Benchmark"] = benchmark
return df | 62c63215d622c46bed8200f97ad55b985e2beb20 | 1,100 |
def is_file_like(f):
"""Check to see if ```f``` has a ```read()``` method."""
return hasattr(f, 'read') and callable( | 9eee8c8f4a6966d1db67fb4aa9149e2fbd390fb9 | 1,101 |
def check_protocol(protocol):
Check if a given protocol works by computing the qubit excitation probabilities
qubit_weight = {}
qubit_weight[protocol[0][0][0]] = 1.0
for pair_set in protocol:
for i, j, p in pair_set:
qubit_weight[j] = qubit_weight[i] * (1.0 - p)
qubit_weight[i] *= p
return qubit_weight | 8b9d0a8e329a340718d37bc79066be4a05cf2d20 | 1,102 |
def choose_first_not_none(*args):
""" Choose first non None alternative in args.
:param args: alternative list
:return: the first non None alternative.
for a in args:
if a is not None:
return a
return None | fe3efba85251161cd0a6ecb50583cc443cd04dc0 | 1,103 |
def matrix(mat,nrow=1,ncol=1,byrow=False):
"""Given a two dimensional array, write the array in a matrix form"""
for m in mat:
rscript+=str(m)[1:-1]+ ', '
rscript=rscript[:-2]+'), nrow=%d, ncol=%d, byrow=TRUE,' %(nr,nc)
except TypeError:
rscript=rscript[:-1]+'), nrow=%d, ncol=%d,' %(nrow,ncol)
if byrow: rscript+='byrow=TRUE,'
return rscript | a28d91d797238857dd2ff58f24655504a936d4a7 | 1,104 |
def add_dict(dct1, dct2):
"""Returns a new dictionaries where the content of the dictionaries `dct1`
and `dct2` are merged together."""
result = dct1.copy()
return result | eba785e4d00534e94c1bdde413603d64e18aac05 | 1,105 |
def template14():
"""Simple ML workflow"""
script = """
## (Enter,datasets)
<< host = chemml
<< function = load_cep_homo
>> smiles 0
>> homo 4
## (Store,file)
<< host = chemml
<< function = SaveFile
<< format = smi
<< header = False
<< filename = smiles
>> 0 df
>> filepath 1
## (Represent,molecular descriptors)
<< host = chemml
<< function = RDKitFingerprint
>> 1 molfile
>> df 2
>> df 3
## (Store,file)
<< host = chemml
<< function = SaveFile
<< filename = fps_rdkfp
>> 2 df
## (Prepare,split)
<< host = sklearn
<< function = train_test_split
>> 3 dfx
>> 4 dfy
>> dfx_train 5
>> dfy_train 6
>> dfx_test 8
>> dfy_test 11
## (Model,regression)
<< host = sklearn
<< function = MLPRegressor
<< func_method = fit
>> 5 dfx
>> 6 dfy
>> api 7
## (Model,regression)
<< host = sklearn
<< function = MLPRegressor
<< func_method = predict
>> 7 api
>> 8 dfx
>> dfy_predict 9
>> dfy_predict 10
## (Store,file)
<< host = chemml
<< function = SaveFile
<< filename = dfy_predict
>> 9 df
## (Visualize,plot)
<< host = chemml
<< function = scatter2D
<< x = 0
<< y = 0
>> 10 dfx
>> 11 dfy
>> fig 12
## (Store,figure)
<< host = chemml
<< function = SavePlot
<< filename = dfy_actual_vs_dfy_predict
<< output_directory = .
>> 13 fig
## (Visualize,artist)
<< host = chemml
<< function = decorator
<< title = true vs. predicted HOMO energy
<< xlabel = predicted HOMO energy (eV)
<< ylabel = true HOMO energy (eV)
<< grid = True
<< grid_color = g
<< size = 18
>> 12 fig
>> fig 13
return script.strip().split('\n') | d321d2016f0894d0a0538a09f6bc17f3f690317b | 1,108 |
def mapdict(itemfunc, dictionary):
Much like the builtin function 'map', but works on dictionaries.
*itemfunc* should be a function which takes one parameter, a (key,
value) pair, and returns a new (or same) (key, value) pair to go in
the dictionary.
return dict(map(itemfunc, dictionary.items())) | 1f0573410f82acb1f3c06029cf4bfaccd295e1ac | 1,110 |
def _map_tensor_names(original_tensor_name):
Tensor name mapping
global_tensor_map = {
"model/wte": "word_embedder/w",
"model/wpe": "position_embedder/w",
"model/ln_f/b": "transformer_decoder/beta",
"model/ln_f/g": "transformer_decoder/gamma",
if original_tensor_name in global_tensor_map:
return global_tensor_map[original_tensor_name]
original_tensor_name_split = original_tensor_name.split('/')
layer_tensor_map = {
"ln_1/b": "beta",
"ln_1/g": "gamma",
"ln_2/b": "past_poswise_ln/beta",
"ln_2/g": "past_poswise_ln/gamma",
"mlp/c_fc/b": "ffn/conv1/bias",
"mlp/c_fc/w": "ffn/conv1/kernel",
"mlp/c_proj/b": "ffn/conv2/bias",
"mlp/c_proj/w": "ffn/conv2/kernel",
"attn/c_proj/b": "self_attention/multihead_attention/output/bias",
"attn/c_proj/w": "self_attention/multihead_attention/output/kernel",
layer_num = int(original_tensor_name_split[1][1:])
layer_feature = '/'.join(original_tensor_name.split('/')[2:])
if layer_feature in layer_tensor_map:
layer_feature_ = layer_tensor_map[layer_feature]
tensor_name_ = '/'.join(
return tensor_name_
return original_tensor_name | 3331d13e667ee3ef363cdeca5122e8a256202c39 | 1,111 |
def get_classpath(obj):
Return the full module and class path of the obj. For instance,
Return a string.
return obj.__class__.__module__ + "." + obj.__class__.__name__ | bf986e2b27dd8a216a2cc2cdb2fb2b8a83b361cc | 1,112 |
import numpy as np
def label_generator(df_well, df_tops, column_depth, label_name):
Generate Formation (or other) Labels to Well Dataframe
(useful for machine learning and EDA purpose)
df_well is your well dataframe (that originally doesn't have the intended label)
df_tops is your label dataframe (this dataframe should ONLY have 2 columns)
1st column is the label name (e.g. formation top names)
2nd column is the depth of each label name
column_depth is the name of depth column on your df_well dataframe
label_name is the name of label that you want to produce (e.g. FM. LABEL)
df_well is your dataframe that now has the labels (e.g. FM. LABEL)
# generate list of formation depths and top names
fm_tops = df_tops.iloc[:,0]
fm_depths = df_tops.iloc[:,1]
# create FM. LABEL column to well dataframe
# initiate with NaNs
df_well[label_name] = np.full(len(df_well), np.nan)
indexes = []
topnames = []
for j in range(len(fm_depths)):
# search index at which the DEPTH in the well df equals to OR
# larger than the DEPTH of each pick in the pick df
if (df_well[column_depth].iloc[-1] > fm_depths[j]):
index = df_well.index[(df_well[column_depth] >= fm_depths[j])][0]
top = fm_tops[j]
# replace the NaN in the LABEL column of well df
# at the assigned TOP NAME indexes
df_well[label_name].loc[indexes] = topnames
# Finally, using pandas "ffill" to fill all the rows
# with the TOP NAMES
df_well = df_well.fillna(method='ffill')
return df_well | 16336d8faf675940f3eafa4e7ec853751fd0f5d0 | 1,115 |
import os
def cleanFiles(direct, CWD=os.getcwd()):
removes the year and trailing white space, if there is a year
direct holds the file name for the file of the contents of the directory
@return list of the cleaned data
SUBDIR = CWD + "output/" # change directory to ouput folder
contents = os.listdir(SUBDIR)
LOGDIR = CWD + "log/" # change directory for logging
log = open(f"{LOGDIR}log.txt", "w") # opens log file
for i in range(0, len(contents)):
contents[i] = contents[i].strip("\n") # remove trailing \n
if (
"(" in contents[i] or ")" in contents[i]
): # if '(' or ')'exists in the file name to signify if there is a year
old = contents[i] # holds the name of the movie for logging purposes
contents[i] = contents[i][
] # truncates the string to remove year and trailing whitespace
f"Removing date from {old} -> {contents[i]})\n"
) # writes to the log file
return contents | 2a16037ef15d547af8c1b947d96747b2b2d62fd1 | 1,116 |
def wrap_compute_softmax(topi_compute):
"""Wrap softmax topi compute"""
def _compute_softmax(attrs, inputs, out_type):
axis = attrs.get_int("axis")
return [topi_compute(inputs[0], axis)]
return _compute_softmax | 3a5e3843f77d8bdfefc0f77b878f135aac4896f6 | 1,117 |
def Align4(i):
"""Round up to the nearest multiple of 4. See unit tests."""
return ((i-1) | 3) + 1 | 16ff27823c30fcc7d03fb50fe0d7dbfab9557194 | 1,118 |
import torch
def initialize(X, num_clusters):
initialize cluster centers
:param X: (torch.tensor) matrix
:param num_clusters: (int) number of clusters
:return: (np.array) initial state
num_samples = X.shape[1]
bs = X.shape[0]
indices = torch.empty(X.shape[:-1], device=X.device, dtype=torch.long)
for i in range(bs):
indices[i] = torch.randperm(num_samples, device=X.device)
initial_state = torch.gather(X, 1, indices.unsqueeze(-1).repeat(1, 1, X.shape[-1])).reshape(bs, num_clusters, -1, X.shape[-1]).mean(dim=-2)
return initial_state | a704daf3997202f4358bb9f3fbd51524fee4afe5 | 1,119 |
def parse_structure(node):
"""Turn a collapsed node in an OverlayGraph into a heirchaical grpah structure."""
if node is None:
return None
structure = node.sub_structure
if structure is None:
elif structure.structure_type == "Sequence":
return {"Sequence" : [parse_structure(n) for n in structure.structure["sequence"]]}
elif structure.structure_type == "HeadBranch":
return {"Sequence" : [
{"Branch" : [parse_structure(n) for n in structure.structure["branches"]] },
elif structure.structure_type == "TailBranch":
return {"Sequence" : [
{"Branch" : [parse_structure(n) for n in structure.structure["branches"]] },
data = {}
for k in structure.structure:
if isinstance(structure.structure[k], list):
data[k] = [parse_structure(n) for n in structure.structure[k]]
data[k] = parse_structure(structure.structure[k])
return {structure.structure_type : data} | f9374ff9548789d5bf9b49db11083ed7a15debab | 1,121 |
def column_ids_to_names(convert_table, sharepoint_row):
""" Replace the column ID used by SharePoint by their column names for use in DSS"""
return {convert_table[key]: value for key, value in sharepoint_row.items() if key in convert_table} | 6ae1474823b0459f4cf3b10917286f709ddea520 | 1,122 |
import uuid
def make_unique_id():
"""Make a new UniqueId."""
return uuid.uuid4()
# return UniqueId(uuid.uuid4()) | c7ab0e5242a954db75638b3193609d49f0097287 | 1,123 |
import math
def calculatePredictions(ReviewsD, userIDTest, scoreTest, simmilarities):
Function finds userIDTest in all simmilar items and uses all the
scores for prediction calculation
Returns actualScore and predictedScore for further calculations
of finding rmse and mse values
score = 0
sim = 0
sumB = 0
sumN = 0
# go over entire dictionary without testing(removed) item
for itemID, userScoreOther in ReviewsD.items():
# if same users were found
if (userIDTest in userScoreOther):
# find simmilarity and score
if (itemID in simmilarities):
sim = simmilarities[itemID]
if (sim == -1):
score = userScoreOther[userIDTest]
# calculations for prediction
sumB += (score*sim)
sumN += math.fabs(sim)
if (sumB != 0 and sumN != 0):
print("User: ", userIDTest)
print("Actual score: ", scoreTest)
print("Predicted score: ", math.fabs(sumB/sumN))
actualScore = scoreTest
predictedScore = math.fabs(sumB/sumN)
print(" ")
# if predictions are found
return (actualScore, predictedScore)
# no predictions found
return None | 6b74b9d6ed4855030f2f7405190788db7e0dad52 | 1,124 |
def func_2(x: float, c: float, d: float) -> float:
""" Test function 2. """
return x + c + d | b95400c6779c0e64e7bb6cda493c0ee5e6f05f7c | 1,125 |
import math
def isInner(x1, y1, x2, y2, scale):
Currently, it's a rectangular kernal
Other options:
f(x) = 1 if a <= scale <= b else 0
I don't get the rest of them
distance = math.sqrt( ((x1-x2)**2) + ((y1-y2)**2) )
return distance <= scale | b2c715b33ae8b38fdfd19c71b54ee3980b336eeb | 1,126 |
def wklobjective_converged(qsum, f0, plansum, epsilon, gamma):
"""Compute finale wkl value after convergence."""
obj = gamma * (plansum + qsum)
obj += epsilon * f0
obj += - (epsilon + 2 * gamma) * plansum
return obj | 079841a8ee6d845cdac25a48306c023a1f38b5f7 | 1,127 |
def _get_should_cache_fn(conf, group):
"""Build a function that returns a config group's caching status.
For any given object that has caching capabilities, a boolean config option
for that object's group should exist and default to ``True``. This
function will use that value to tell the caching decorator if caching for
that object is enabled. To properly use this with the decorator, pass this
function the configuration group and assign the result to a variable.
Pass the new variable to the caching decorator as the named argument
:param conf: config object, must have had :func:`configure` called on it.
:type conf: oslo_config.cfg.ConfigOpts
:param group: name of the configuration group to examine
:type group: string
:returns: function reference
def should_cache(value):
if not conf.cache.enabled:
return False
conf_group = getattr(conf, group)
return getattr(conf_group, 'caching', True)
return should_cache | 7a11124c640bfb3ced28e2d9395593b70dc85a0a | 1,128 |
import json
def obter_novo_username() -> str:
-> Pede um novo nome de usuário.
:return: Retorna o novo nome de usuário.
username = input('Qual é o seu nome? ')
arquivo = 'arquivos_json/nome_de_usuario.json'
with open(arquivo, 'w') as obj_arq:
json.dump(username, obj_arq)
return username | b4d4922d68b1fb80e5a9270638d134b5806969fd | 1,131 |
import logging
def _parse_block_postheader(line):
parts = line[1:].split(')', 1)
qlen = int(parts[0])
if not len(parts[1]) == qlen:
logging.warn("postheader expected %d-long query, found %d",
qlen, len(parts[1]))
return qlen, parts[1] | 5eee6c11160c0f91cb37c025d6d265188488cad9 | 1,132 |
import os
def _is_toplevel_repository_dir(directory):
"""Returns if a directory is a git or mercurial directory.
This works by searching for a file or directory named `.git` or `.hg` in
the directory. This works for both submodules and normal repositories.
return (os.path.exists(os.path.join(directory, ".git")) or
os.path.exists(os.path.join(directory, ".hg"))) | 25db538b6ef4f7febbdb282561885ff807f03bbe | 1,133 |
def horizontal_move(t, h_speed=-2/320):
"""Probe moves horizontally at h_speed [cm/s]"""
return 0.*t, h_speed*t, 2/16 + 0*t | d9cf0e5b968e7d8319b7f63f7d1d7a4666484ad3 | 1,134 |
def categories_report(x):
"""Returns value counts report.
x: pd.Series
The series with the values
The value counts report.
str1 = False 22 | True 20 | nan 34
str2 = False (22) | True (20) | nan (34)
# Do counting and sorting
counts = x.value_counts(dropna=False)
counts.index =
counts = counts.sort_index()
# Create different strings
str1 = ' | '.join(str(counts).split("\n")[:-1])
str2 = ' | '.join("%s (%s)" % (i, counts[i]) for i in counts.index)
# Return
return str2 | 695ccd73ee73a13e92edbdf0eb242121d136ddbb | 1,135 |
def detect_ol(table):
"""Detect ordered list"""
if not len(table):
return False
for tr in table:
if len(tr)!=2:
return False
td1 = tr[0]
# Only keep plausible ordered lists
if td1.text is None:
return False
text = td1.text.strip()
if not text or len(text)>3:
return False
if text[-1] not in ('.', ')'):
return False
if not text[:-1].isalpha() and not text[:-1].isdigit():
return False
if len(td1):
return False
return True | b7082932fba6ba7f9634e70ea424561c084a2dc1 | 1,136 |
import six
import base64
def _decode(value):
Base64 解码,补齐"="
:param value:
length = len(value) % 4
if length in (2, 3,):
value += (4 - length) * "="
elif length != 0:
raise ValueError("Invalid base64 string")
if not isinstance(value, six.binary_type):
value = value.encode()
return base64.urlsafe_b64decode(value) | c4a28605fb7f8a0d5110fb06738c31b030cae170 | 1,137 |
def line2dict(st):
"""Convert a line of key=value pairs to a
:param st:
:returns: a dictionary
elems = st.split(',')
dd = {}
for elem in elems:
elem = elem.split('=')
key, val = elem
int_val = int(val)
dd[key] = int_val
except ValueError:
dd[key] = val
return dd | 86bb6c2e72c8a6b2a027d797de88089067ff7475 | 1,138 |
def check_structure(struct):
Return True if the monophyly structure represented by struct is
considered "meaningful", i.e. encodes something other than an
unstructured polytomy.
# First, transform e.g. [['foo'], [['bar']], [[[['baz']]]]], into simply
# ['foo','bar','baz'].
def denester(l):
if type(l) != list:
return l
if len(l) == 1:
return denester(l[0])
return [denester(x) for x in l]
struct = denester(struct)
# Now check for internal structure
if not any([type(x) == list for x in struct]):
# Struct is just a list of language names, with no internal structure
return False
return True | e07a2f39c7d3b8f2454b5171119b8698f4f58a99 | 1,139 |
import subprocess
def generate_keypair(passphrase):
""" Create a pair of keys with the passphrase as part of the key names """
keypath = '/tmp/test_{}_key'.format(passphrase)
command = 'ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C "{p}" -P "{p}" -f {k} -q'
command = command.format(p=passphrase,
subprocess.check_call(command, shell=True)
return keypath, keypath + '.pub' | d4c8155173273feda778f5f54a4b0513353a293b | 1,140 |
def euler(step, y0):
Implements Euler's method for the differential equation dy/dx = 1/(2(y-1)) on the interval [0,4]
x = [0]
index_x = 0
while x[index_x] < 4:
x.append(x[index_x] + step)
index_x += 1
index_y = 0
y = [y0]
def yprime(y):
yprime = 1 / (2 * (y - 1))
return yprime
while index_y < index_x:
y.append(y[index_y] + step * yprime(y[index_y]))
index_y += 1
return x, y | 89c6e6409a1c43ce4766507fba2f401bb01cfbb8 | 1,142 |
import logging
def update_softwaretitle_packages(api, jssid, pkgs):
Update packages of software title
:param jssid: Patch Software Title ID
:param pkgs: dict of {version: package, ...}
:returns: None
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
data = api.get(f"patchsoftwaretitles/id/{jssid}")
title = data['patch_software_title']
title_name = title['name']"updating patch software title: {title_name} ({jssid})")
# single version (dict), multiple versions (list)
version = title['versions']['version']
_modified = False
# access key of single version and count on TypeError being raised
v = version['software_version']
if v in pkgs.keys():
version['package'] = {'name': pkgs[v]}
_modified = True
except TypeError:
# looks like it was actually a list
for _version in version:
v = _version['software_version']
if v in pkgs.keys():
_version['package'] = {'name': pkgs[v]}
_modified = True
if _modified:
result = api.put(f"patchsoftwaretitles/id/{jssid}", data)"succesfully updated: {title_name}")
return result
else:"software title was not modified") | 0acb3dfbff0e85a2e8a876d5e5d484c4d1e52068 | 1,143 |
def progress(self):
"""Check if foo can send to corge"""
return True | 89a0c9671645f9fa855db35bf5e383145d6b7616 | 1,144 |
def write_sample_sdf(input_file_name, valid_list):
Function for writing a temporary file with a subset of pre-selected
:param input_file_name: name of input file
:param valid_list: list of indexes of pre-selected structures
:return: name of subsampled file
sample_file_name = '{}_sample.sdf'.format(input_file_name.split('.')[0])
sample_file = open(sample_file_name, 'w')
mol = []
i = 0
for line in open(input_file_name):
if line[:4] == '$$$$':
i += 1
if i in valid_list:
for mol_line in mol:
mol = []
mol = []
return sample_file_name | 0b22c14452f6de978e7ea811d761195d92bfe6c4 | 1,145 |
from typing import Sequence
def _table(*rows: Sequence) -> str:
>>> _table(['a', 1, 'c', 1.23])
>>> _table(['foo', 0, None])
>>> print(_table(['multiple', 'rows', 0], ['each', 'a', 'list']))
return '\n'.join([
'|'.join(['', *[str(cell or '') for cell in row], '']) for row in rows
]) | d566da2ad9240e73b60af00d3e4b4e25607234b4 | 1,146 |
def make_range(value):
Given an integer 'value',
return the value converted into a range.
return range(value) | 385d23eaebd04249f9384e0d592b7fb3a9bbb457 | 1,148 |
def _get_security_group_id(connection, security_group_name):
Takes a security group name and
returns the ID. If the name cannot be
found, the name will be attempted
as an ID. The first group found by
this name or ID will be used.)
:param connection:
:param security_group_name:
if not security_group_name:
print('The bees need a security group to run under. Need to open a port from where you are to the target '
# Try by name
security_groups = connection.describe_security_groups(
Filters=[{'Name': 'group-name', 'Values': [security_group_name, ]}, ]
security_groups = security_groups['SecurityGroups']
if not security_groups:
# Try by id
security_groups = connection.describe_security_groups(
Filters=[{'Name': 'group-id', 'Values': [security_group_name, ]}, ]
security_groups = security_groups['SecurityGroups']
if not security_groups:
print('The bees need a security group to run under. The one specified was not found. '
'Create a sg that has access to port 22 ie. from')
return security_groups[0]['GroupId'] if security_groups else None | 70c9b8357a9634043f07ad0019ff3cc621ba859c | 1,149 |
import difflib
def lines_diff(lines1, lines2):
"""Show difference between lines."""
is_diff = False
diffs = list()
for line in difflib.ndiff(lines1, lines2):
if not is_diff and line[0] in ('+', '-'):
is_diff = True
return is_diff, diffs | 50916d46871980fadfd854dc698481a4b0f35834 | 1,150 |
import re
def parse_ipmi_hpm(output):
"""Parse the output of the hpm info retrieved with ipmitool"""
hrdw = []
line_pattern = re.compile(r'^\|[^0-9]*([0-9]+)\|[^a-zA-Z ]* ?([^\|]*)\|([^\|]*)\|([^\|]*)\|([^\|]*)\|')
for line in output:
match = line_pattern.match(line)
if match:
name =
version =" ")[0]
hrdw.append(('firmware', name, 'version', version))
return hrdw | 001731ce46fa6bbdb5103727265a0bdd353773be | 1,151 |
def get_genes_and_pathways(reactions, r_numbers, species):
"""Returns a CSV-formatted string with the list of genes and pathways where
the reaction(s) of 'species' appear.
:param reactions: list of reactions for species
:param r_numbers: RNumbers object
:param species: KEGG organism code
:return: CSV-formatted string with genes and pathways where reactions of
species are present
gene_set = set()
pathway_set = set()
for reaction in reactions:
organism = r_numbers.find(reaction).find(species)
assert organism is not None
for gene in organism.genes:
gene_set.add(gene.replace(species + ':', ''))
for pathway in organism.pathways:
gene_col = ' '.join(sorted(gene_set))
pathway_col = ' '.join(sorted(pathway_set))
return gene_col.rstrip() + ';' + pathway_col.rstrip() + ';' | 0ecddcaf50650b04125be73bcf6b304a77df011d | 1,152 |
import os
def datasetFiles(request):
Return a list all dataset files in the datasets directory, by looking for files ending
with .h5 suffix. eg. ['/Users/jarnyc/BioPyramid/data/datasets/lanner.1.0.h5']
# This is the dataset directory, set by the config file
datadir = request.registry.settings['biopyramid.model.datadir']
# Go through each file in the directory and fetch files with .h5 suffix
filepaths = []
for filename in os.listdir(datadir):
if filename.endswith(".h5"):
filepaths.append(os.path.join(datadir, filename))
return filepaths | 0c4e2ffff720ec24b6f673f059baa023458f72e9 | 1,153 |
def convertHunit(conc, from_unit='H/10^6 Si', to_unit='ppm H2O', phase='Fo90',
Convert hydrogen concentrations to/from H/10^6 Si and ppm H2O.
Based on Table 3 of Denis et al. 2013
if phase == 'Fo90':
H_to_1_ppm = 16.35
elif phase == 'opx':
H_to_1_ppm = 11.49
elif phase == 'cpx':
H_to_1_ppm = 11.61
print('Valid options for phase are Fo90, opx, and cpx')
if from_unit == 'H/10^6 Si':
if to_unit == 'ppm H2O':
new_conc = conc / H_to_1_ppm
elif to_unit == 'per m3':
new_conc = conc * (1.0/308.67) * (1e30)
print('only going to units "ppm H2O" and "per m3"')
elif from_unit == 'ppm H2O':
if to_unit == 'H/10^6 Si':
new_conc = conc * H_to_1_ppm
elif to_unit == 'per m3':
new_conc = (conc * H_to_1_ppm) * (1.0/308.67) * (1e30)
print('only going to "H/10^6 Si" or "per m3"')
elif from_unit == 'per m3':
if to_unit == 'H/10^6 Si':
new_conc = conc / ((1.0/308.67) * (1e30))
elif to_unit == 'ppm H2O':
new_conc = (conc / ((1.0/308.67) * (1e30))) / H_to_1_ppm
print('only going to "H/10^6 Si" or "ppm H2O"')
print('Only going from H/10^6 Si, ppm H2O, and per m3 for now')
if printout is True:
output = ' '.join(('{:.2f}'.format(conc), from_unit, '=',
'{:.2f}'.format(new_conc), to_unit, 'for', phase))
return new_conc | fdd0646a09f3a2c3a8cbbc02410103caa9e023dd | 1,155 |
import re
def countBasesInFasta(fastaFile):
Given a fasta file, return a dict where the number of records and
the total number of bases are given by 'records' and 'bases' respectively.
recordRE = re.compile(r'^>')
whiteSpaceRE = re.compile(r'\s+')
total_bases = 0
total_seqs = 0
with open(fastaFile) as f:
for line in f:
if recordRE.match(line):
total_seqs += 1
total_bases += len(whiteSpaceRE.sub('', line))
return {'records': total_seqs, 'bases': total_bases} | 45eaa5b8d36b4bae6b97bb29fdead1efc0aed8c2 | 1,156 |
def test_train_val_split(patient_id,
""" if cv_fold_number == 1:
if patient_id in sub_dataset_ids[-5:]: return 'test'
elif patient_id in sub_dataset_ids[-7:-5]: return 'validation'
else: return 'train'
elif cv_fold_number == 2:
if patient_id in sub_dataset_ids[-10:-5]: return 'test'
elif patient_id in sub_dataset_ids[-12:-10]: return 'validation'
else: return 'train'
# used for accumulating results of tests on cv1 and cv2
if cv_fold_number == 3:
if patient_id in sub_dataset_ids[-10:]: return 'test'
elif patient_id in sub_dataset_ids[-12:-11]: return 'validation'
else: return 'train' """
if patient_id in [1, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35]:
return 'test'
elif patient_id == 36:
return 'validation'
return 'train' | 129f3856875033505555241408577f8885c9c393 | 1,157 |
def linear_search(iterable, item):
"""Returns the index of the item in the unsorted iterable.
Iterates through a collection, comparing each item to the target item, and
returns the index of the first item that is equal to the target item.
* O(n) time complexity
* O(1) space complexity
iterable: A collection that is iterable.
item: An object to search for.
The index of the item in the sorted iterable, or -1 if not found.
TypeError: If iterable is not iterable.
_ = iter(iterable)
except TypeError:
raise TypeError('\'{}\' object is not iterable'.format(
for index, _item in enumerate(iterable):
if _item == item:
return index
return -1 | bdbd7e70cea79deef1375648bde61067df1d2221 | 1,158 |
def create_MD_tag(reference_seq, query_seq):
"""Create MD tag
reference_seq (str) : reference sequence of alignment
query_seq (str) : query bases of alignment
md_tag(str) : md description of the alignment
no_change = 0
md = []
for ref_base, query_base in zip(reference_seq, query_seq):
if ref_base.upper() == query_base:
no_change += 1
if no_change > 0:
no_change = 0
if no_change > 0:
return ''.join(md) | 4b711521d00af132e8e29fe4fc44785b985c2607 | 1,159 |
import re
def calc_word_frequency(my_string, my_word):
"""Calculate the number of occurrences of a given word in a given string.
my_string (str): String to search
my_word (str): The word to search for
int: The number of occurrences of the given word in the given string.
# Remove all non alphanumeric characters from the string
filtered_string = re.sub(r'[^A-Za-z0-9 ]+', '', my_string)
# Return the number of occurrences of my_word in the filtered string
return filtered_string.split().count(my_word) | 15ff723dd2ff089fb12cccb38283f1f75e37079d | 1,160 |
import hashlib
def intmd5(source: str, nbytes=4) -> int:
Generate a predictive random integer of nbytes*8 bits based on a source string.
:param source:
seed string to generate random integer.
:param nbytes:
size of the integer.
hashobj = hashlib.md5(source.encode())
return int.from_bytes(hashobj.digest()[:nbytes], byteorder="big", signed=False) | c03eb99a67af00a4a081423ecca3a724111514e1 | 1,161 |
async def async_setup(hass, config_entry):
""" Disallow configuration via YAML """
return True | 759cc705a82a0f9ff9d4d43cb14d641d7e552aaa | 1,163 |
import socket
def _is_rpc_timeout(e):
""" check whether an exception individual rpc timeout. """
# connection caused socket timeout is being re-raised as
# ThriftConnectionTimeoutError now
return isinstance(e, socket.timeout) | ec832bec086b59698eed12b18b7a37e5eb541329 | 1,164 |
def html_anchor_navigation(base_dir, experiment_dir, modules):
"""Build header of an experiment with links to all modules used for rendering.
:param base_dir: parent folder in which to look for an experiment folders
:param experiment_dir: experiment folder
:param modules: list of all loaded modules
:return: str
return "\n".join((
"""<header class="w3-container w3-dark-grey">
<h5><a href='#'>{folder}</a></h5>
<div style='white-space: nowrap;'>
<div class=\"show toggle-cookie padding-right\" data-toggle='toggle-{id}-all' data-class-off='no-show'> </div>
<a class='' href='#{module_title}'>{module_title}</a>
for module in modules),
"<hr />"
)) | 1fea16c0aae2f73be713271de5f003e608cee7e9 | 1,165 |
def genBoard():
Generates an empty board.
>>> genBoard()
["A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I"]
# Empty board
empty = ["A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I"]
# Return it
return empty | c47e766a0c897d3a1c589a560288fb52969c04a3 | 1,166 |
def _partition_at_level(dendrogram, level) :
"""Return the partition of the nodes at the given level
A dendrogram is a tree and each level is a partition of the graph nodes.
Level 0 is the first partition, which contains the smallest snapshot_affiliations, and the best is len(dendrogram) - 1.
The higher the level is, the bigger are the snapshot_affiliations
partition = dendrogram[0].copy()
for index in range(1, level + 1) :
for node, community in partition.items() :
partition[node] = dendrogram[index][community]
return partition | b179127076c386480c31a18a0956eb30d5f4ef2a | 1,167 |
import time
def make_filename():
""""This functions creates a unique filename."""
unique_filename = time.strftime("%Y%m%d-%H%M%S")
#unique_filename = str(uuid.uuid1())
#unique_filename = str(uuid.uuid1().hex[0:7])
save_name = 'capture_ferhat_{}.png'.format(unique_filename)
return(save_name) | bf16b642884381d795148e045de2387d0acaf23d | 1,168 |
import re
def is_live_site(url):
"""Ensure that the tool is not used on the production Isaac website.
Use of this tool or any part of it on Isaac Physics and related websites
is a violation of our terms of use:
if"http(s)?://isaac(physics|chemistry|maths|biology|science)\.org", url):
return True
return False | 407624a049e92740eb82753d941780a446b1facf | 1,169 |
def score_false(e, sel):
"""Return scores for internal-terminal nodes"""
return e*(~sel).sum() | 077cd38c6d1186e2d70fd8a93f44249b0cef2885 | 1,170 |
import logging
import numpy
def retrieveXS(filePath, evMin=None, evMax=None):
"""Open an ENDF file and return the scattering XS"""'Retrieving scattering cross sections from file {}'
energies = []
crossSections = []
with open(filePath) as fp:
line = fp.readline()
while line[0] == '#':
line = fp.readline()
while line != '' and '#END' not in line:
ev, xs = [float(xx) for xx in line.split()[:2]]
line = fp.readline()'Done')
energies = numpy.array(energies)
crossSections = numpy.array(crossSections)
bounds = energies.min(), energies.max()
if evMin is None:
evMin = bounds[0]
if bounds[0] > evMin:
logging.warning('Could not find requested minimum energy '
'{:.4E} eV in cross section file {}. '
'Using minimum found: {:.4E} eV'
.format(evMin, filePath, bounds[0]))
evMin = bounds[0]
indices = numpy.where(energies >= evMin)
energies = energies[indices]
crossSections = crossSections[indices]
if evMax is None:
evMax = bounds[1]
if bounds[1] < evMax:
logging.warning('Could not find requested maximum energy '
'{:.4E} eV in cross section file {}. '
'Using maximum found: {:.4E} eV'
.format(evMax, filePath, bounds[1]))
evMax = bounds[1]
indices = numpy.where(energies <= evMax)
energies = energies[indices]
crossSections = crossSections[indices]
return energies, crossSections | 388986facd75540983870f1f7e0a6f51b6034271 | 1,171 |
import string
def _parse_java_simple_date_format(fmt):
Split a SimpleDateFormat into literal strings and format codes with counts.
>>> _parse_java_simple_date_format("'Date:' EEEEE, MMM dd, ''yy")
['Date: ', ('E', 5), ', ', ('M', 3), ' ', ('d', 2), ", '", ('y', 2)]
out = []
quoted = False
prev_c = None
prev_count = 0
literal_text = ''
k = 0
while k < len(fmt):
c = fmt[k]
k += 1
if not quoted and c == "'" and k < len(fmt) and fmt[k] == "'":
# Repeated single quote.
if prev_c is not None:
out.append((prev_c, prev_count))
prev_c = None
prev_count = 0
literal_text += c
k += 1
if c == "'":
if not quoted:
if prev_c is not None:
out.append((prev_c, prev_count))
prev_c = None
prev_count = 0
if literal_text:
literal_text = ''
quoted = not quoted
if quoted:
literal_text += c
if c not in string.ascii_letters:
if prev_c is not None:
out.append((prev_c, prev_count))
prev_c = None
prev_count = 0
literal_text += c
if c not in 'GyMdhHmsSEDFwWakKzZ':
raise ValueError(f"unknown format character {c}")
if literal_text != '':
literal_text = ''
if prev_c is not None and c != prev_c:
out.append((prev_c, prev_count))
prev_count = 0
prev_c = c
prev_count += 1
if quoted:
raise ValueError("missing closing quote; input ends "
f"with '{literal_text}")
if literal_text != '':
elif prev_c is not None:
out.append((prev_c, prev_count))
return out | 3fe42e4fc96ee96c665c3c240cb00756c8534c84 | 1,172 |
import logging
def rekey_by_sample(ht):
"""Re-key table by sample id to make subsequent ht.filter(ht.S == sample_id) steps 100x faster"""
ht = ht.key_by(
ht = ht.transmute(
ht = ht.key_by(ht.S)
ht = ht.transmute("chr", ""),
)"Schema after re-key by sample:")
return ht | 3e879e6268017de31d432706dab9e672e85673aa | 1,173 |
def _format_stages_summary(stage_results):
stage_results (list of (tuples of
(success:boolean, stage_name:string, status_msg:string)))
returns a string of a report, one line per stage.
Something like:
Stage: <stage x> :: SUCCESS
Stage: <stage y> :: FAILED
Stage: <stage z> :: SUCCESS
#find the longest stage name to pad report lines
max_name_len = 0
for entry in stage_results:
x, stage_name, y = entry
name_len = len(stage_name)
if name_len > max_name_len:
max_name_len = name_len
summary = ""
for entry in stage_results:
x, stage_name, status_msg = entry
summary += 'Stage: ' + stage_name.ljust(max_name_len) + ":: "
summary += status_msg + '\n'
return summary | 2f5c757342e98ab258bdeaf7ffdc0c5d6d4668ca | 1,174 |
def read_hdr(name, order='C'):
"""Read hdr file."""
# get dims from .hdr
h = open(name + ".hdr", "r")
h.readline() # skip line
l = h.readline()
dims = [int(i) for i in l.split()]
if order == 'C':
return dims | 57daadfdf2342e1e7ef221cc94f2e8f70c504944 | 1,176 |
import socket
def canonical_ipv4_address(ip_addr):
"""Return the IPv4 address in a canonical format"""
return socket.inet_ntoa(socket.inet_aton(ip_addr)) | edacc70ccc3eef12030c4c597c257775d3ed5fa4 | 1,177 |
def make_chained_transformation(tran_fns, *args, **kwargs):
"""Returns a dataset transformation function that applies a list of
transformations sequentially.
tran_fns (list): A list of dataset transformation.
*args: Extra arguments for each of the transformation function.
**kwargs: Extra keyword arguments for each of the transformation
A transformation function to be used in
:tf_main:` <data/Dataset#map>`.
def _chained_fn(data):
for tran_fns_i in tran_fns:
data = tran_fns_i(data, *args, **kwargs)
return data
return _chained_fn | 5f24e030df74a0617e633ca8f8d4a3954674b001 | 1,179 |
def increment(i,k):
""" this is a helper function for a summation of the type :math:`\sum_{0 \leq k \leq i}`,
where i and k are multi-indices.
i: numpy.ndarray
integer array, i.size = N
k: numpy.ndarray
integer array, k.size = N
changes k on return
k = [1,0,1]
i = [2,0,2]
increment(i, k) # changes k to [1,0,2]
increment(i, k) # changes k to [2,0,0]
increment(i, k) # changes k to [2,0,1]
carryover = 1
if len(k) != len(i):
raise ValueError('size of i and k do not match up')
for n in range(len(k))[::-1]:
if i[n] == 0:
tmp = k[n] + carryover
# print 'tmp=',tmp
carryover = tmp // (i[n]+1)
# print 'carryover=',carryover
k[n] = tmp % (i[n]+1)
if carryover == 0:
return k | 1ac8ef592376fbfa0d04cdd4b1c6b29ad3ed9fbd | 1,180 |
def generate_outlier_bounds_iqr(df, column, multiplier=1.5):
Takes in a dataframe, the column name, and can specify a multiplier (default=1.5). Returns the upper and lower bounds for the
values in that column that signify outliers.
q1 = df[column].quantile(.25)
q3 = df[column].quantile(.75)
iqr = q3 - q1
upper = q3 + (multiplier * iqr)
lower = q1 - (multiplier * iqr)
return upper, lower | 7f096d5f5cf2417cbc161713715a39560efd140a | 1,182 |
import random
def generate_data(Type):
:param Type: 需要生成数据的类型
:return: 生成的随机数据序列,长度为8,如['88', '77', '55', '44', '22', '11', '33'', '44']
data = []
if Type == 1:
# 生成反馈帧单体电池Cell1-24电压信息
standard_vol = 35
offset = random.randint(0, 15)
max_vol = standard_vol + offset
min_vol = standard_vol - offset // 2
offset = random.randint(0, 15)
max_vol = standard_vol + offset
min_vol = standard_vol - offset // 2
elif Type == 2:
# 生成反馈帧单体电池Cell1-8温度信息
stanard_temp = 45
offest = random.randint(0, 20)
max_temp = stanard_temp + offest
min_temp = stanard_temp - offest - 5
offest = random.randint(0, 20)
max_temp = stanard_temp + offest
min_temp = stanard_temp - offest - 5
elif Type == 3:
# 生成反馈帧单体电池最高最低电压温度信息
standard_vol = 35
standard_temp = 45
vol_offset = random.randint(0, 15)
temp_offset = random.randint(0, 20)
max_temp = standard_temp + temp_offset
min_temp = standard_temp - temp_offset - 5
max_vol = standard_vol + vol_offset
min_vol = standard_vol - vol_offset // 2
elif Type == 4:
# 生成常发帧系统电压信息
standard_vol = 55
offset = random.randint(0, 10)
max_vol = standard_vol * offset * 10
min_vol = standard_vol - offset - 5
for i in range(3):
data.append(str(standard_vol + 5 * i))
elif Type == 5:
return data | 3a920be4b7ef5c5c3e258b3e3c79bc028004179a | 1,183 |
def counting_sort(array):
## counter lists has elements for every
maximum = max(array)
counter = [0]*(maximum+1)
for i in range(len(array)):
counter[array[i]] += 1
for i in range(1, maximum + 1):
counter[i] = counter[i] + counter[i-1]
result = [0]*len(array)
for i in range(len(array)):
result[counter[array[i]] -1] = array[i]
counter[array[i]] -= 1
return result | 986e2f9277fa71dcd9897ac409653009c651c49f | 1,184 |
import math
from PIL import ImageColor
def indexedcolor(i, num, npersat=15, lightness=60):
"""Returns an rgb color triplet for a given index, with a finite max 'num'.
Thus if you need 10 colors and want to get color #5, you would call this with (5, 10).
The colors are "repeatable".
nsats = int(math.ceil(num/float(npersat)))
sat = 100 - int((i//npersat)*(100/nsats))
l = lightness
nhues = int(math.ceil(num/float(nsats)))
hue = (i % nhues) * (360//nhues)
#print >>sys.stderr, 'For i %d, num %d, got %d sats, %d hues -> %d, %d, %d' % (i, num, nsats, nhues, hue, sat, l)
return ImageColor.getrgb('hsl(%d,%d%%,%d%%)' % (hue, sat, l)) | 418a875bc8ae50ce21f9667f46718863ba0f55e3 | 1,185 |
def dot_to_dict(values):
"""Convert dot notation to a dict. For example: ["token.pos", ""]
become {"token": {"pos": True, "_": {"xyz": True }}}.
values (iterable): The values to convert.
RETURNS (dict): The converted values.
result = {}
for value in values:
path = result
parts = value.lower().split(".")
for i, item in enumerate(parts):
is_last = i == len(parts) - 1
path = path.setdefault(item, True if is_last else {})
return result | a2c56a01b179d27eabc728d6ff2ec979885d5feb | 1,186 |
def hexagonal_numbers(length: int) -> list[int]:
:param len: max number of elements
:type len: int
:return: Hexagonal numbers as a list
>>> hexagonal_numbers(10)
[0, 1, 6, 15, 28, 45, 66, 91, 120, 153]
>>> hexagonal_numbers(5)
[0, 1, 6, 15, 28]
>>> hexagonal_numbers(0)
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: Length must be a positive integer.
if length <= 0 or not isinstance(length, int):
raise ValueError("Length must be a positive integer.")
return [n * (2 * n - 1) for n in range(length)] | 632e60505cb17536a17b20305a51656261e469f5 | 1,187 |
def check_add_role(store, id, name):
""" Checks if role exist and then adds record if it doesn't """
role = store.find_role(name)
if role == None:
return store.create_role(id=id, name=name)
return role | c8680158cc005bf7a278951774b9fe0a733fc8c6 | 1,188 |
from pathlib import Path
def delta_path(base_path: Path, item_path: Path, new_base_path: Path) -> Path:
Removes a base path from an item, and appends result to a new path
:param base_path: The :py:class:`pathlib.Path` to be removed from `item_path`
:param item_path: The :py:class:`pathlib.Path` to be delta-ed
:param new_base_path: The new base :py:class:`pathlib.Path` for `item_path`.
:raises ValueError: If base_path is not a sub-path of item_path.
:return: The new combined path.
path_stub = item_path.relative_to(base_path)
new_item_path = new_base_path / path_stub
return new_item_path | ec531a011e36f053a8092525faae2047f5f66ccc | 1,189 |
def sum_to_scalar(*args):
"""Adding losses/nmsks together that were evaluated in parallel"""
new_args = list()
for arg in args:
new_args.append({k: v.sum() for (k, v) in arg.items()})
return new_args | a4264911962c7bf3432735f8872522e193ceec8f | 1,191 |
def plural_suffix(count: int) -> str:
""""s" when count is not one"""
suffix = ''
if count != 1:
suffix = 's'
return suffix | 950002d57560d06e93e08647ff17d885688bca87 | 1,193 |
import argparse
import sys
def parse_args() -> argparse.Namespace:
Parse program arguments
:return: Parser values
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="")
parser.add_argument("-a", action="store_true")
parser.add_argument("-c", action="store_true")
parser.add_argument("-x", action="store_true")
parser.add_argument("-z", action="store_true")
parser.add_argument("-s", metavar="SET", nargs="*", type=str)
parser.add_argument("--skip-keys", action="store_true")
parser.add_argument("--skip-sets", metavar="SET", nargs="*", type=str)
parser.add_argument("--skip-cache", action="store_true")
# Ensure there are args
if len(sys.argv) < 2:
return parser.parse_args() | 9d86d37d94af5c8ff128c4da8226f15728b0da70 | 1,194 |
import networkx
def compute_participants(matches, challonge_data):
"""Compute series participants.
Iterate all matches and players to create a graph.
Apply connected components algorithm to resolve distinct
participant groups over all matches.
Sort participant groups by number of wins to correlate
with Challonge participant data (which also includes number
of wins).
Note that edge cases exist that are not covered. For example,
teams sometimes field a 1v1 player for a single match. If neither
player in the 1v1 match takes part in any other matches,
the players can't be placed in a participant group and their win
is not counted. There are two consequences:
1. Not counting a win may make the number of wins between
participants even, in which case we don't know which
participant group won the series.
2. Not grouping a player means the participant player list
will be incomplete.
graph = networkx.DiGraph()
win_id = 0
platform_ids = []
name_to_user = {}
for match in matches:
# Record a win
win_id += 1
graph.add_node(win_id, type='win')
# Record platform ID
# Add node for each player
for player in match['players']:
name_to_user[player['name']] = player['user_id']
graph.add_node(player['name'], type='player')
# Can happen for incomplete matches
if match['winning_team'] is None:
# Connect winning players to recorded win
for player in match['winning_team']['players']:
graph.add_edge(player['name'], win_id)
# Connect all players on the same team
for team in match['teams']:
for i in team['players']:
for j in team['players']:
graph.add_edge(i['name'], j['name'])
mgz_data = [{
'wins': len([node for node in g if graph.nodes[node]['type'] == 'win']),
'players': [node for node in g if graph.nodes[node]['type'] == 'player']
} for g in networkx.weakly_connected_components(graph)]
return [{
'user_ids': [name_to_user[n] for n in mgz['players']],
'winner': challonge['winner'],
'name': challonge['name'],
'score': challonge['score'],
'platform_id': platform_ids[0]
} for mgz, challonge in zip(
sorted(mgz_data, key=lambda k: -1 * k['wins']),
sorted(challonge_data, key=lambda k: -1 * k['score'] if k['score'] else 0)
)] | a715773d5edd3b4d6852096c665070e64bef1165 | 1,195 |
import random
def describe_current_subtask(subtask, prefix=True):
Make a 'natural' language description of subtask name
to_verb = {"AnswerQuestion": "answering a question",
"ArmGoal": "moving my arm",
"DemoPresentation": "giving a demo",
"Find": "finding",
"Follow": "following",
"Guide": "guiding",
"GripperGoal": "moving my gripper",
"HandOver": "handing something over",
"Inspect": "inspecting",
"LookAt": "looking",
"NavigateTo": "navigating",
"PickUp": "picking up",
"Place": "placing",
"ResetWM": "resetting my world model",
"Say": "speaking",
"SendPicture": "sending a picture",
"TurnTowardSound": "turning towards a sound"}
description = to_verb.get(subtask, subtask + "ing")
if prefix:
description = random.choice(["I'm busy", "I'm"]) + " " + description
return description | 628c699201c26242bd72c6066cba07cce54b14ca | 1,197 |
def addprint(x: int, y: int):
"""Print and "added" representation of `x` and `y`."""
expr = x + y
return "base addprint(x=%r, y=%r): %r" % (x, y, expr) | e3f735afc1d4826a1af7210c3cec88c8b8c87dfe | 1,198 |
import re
def parse_date(deadline_date):
Given a date in the form MM/DD/YY or MM/DD/YYYY, returns
the integers MM, DD, and YYYY (or YY) in this order.
deadline_split = re.split('\\/|\\-', deadline_date)
return int(deadline_split[0]), int(deadline_split[1]), int(deadline_split[2]) | 0ded6bccce8437aad61cfa5ff121c5ed0595849b | 1,199 |
import re
def get_file_name(part):
"""get file name using regex from fragment ID"""
return re.findall(r"='(.*\-[a-z]+).*", part)[0] | 30c8867d8e14b04c593359f1c16d9bf324711ba0 | 1,201 |
import math
def generate_sphere_points(n):
Returns list of 3d coordinates of points on a sphere using the
Golden Section Spiral algorithm.
points = []
inc = math.pi * (3 - math.sqrt(5))
offset = 2 / float(n)
for k in range(int(n)):
y = k * offset - 1 + (offset / 2)
r = math.sqrt(1 - y*y)
phi = k * inc
points.append([math.cos(phi)*r, y, math.sin(phi)*r])
return points | bd6c7624220f7928a44f6dcb24b7112e8d803eb4 | 1,202 |
def expand_locations(ctx, input, targets = []):
"""Expand location templates.
Expands all `$(execpath ...)`, `$(rootpath ...)` and deprecated `$(location ...)` templates in the
given string by replacing with the expanded path. Expansion only works for labels that point to direct dependencies
of this rule or that are explicitly listed in the optional argument targets.
Use `$(rootpath)` and `$(rootpaths)` to expand labels to the runfiles path that a built binary can use
to find its dependencies. This path is of the format:
- `./file`
- `path/to/file`
- `../external_repo/path/to/file`
Use `$(execpath)` and `$(execpaths)` to expand labels to the execroot (where Bazel runs build actions).
This is of the format:
- `./file`
- `path/to/file`
- `external/external_repo/path/to/file`
- `<bin_dir>/path/to/file`
- `<bin_dir>/external/external_repo/path/to/file`
The deprecated `$(location)` and `$(locations)` expansions returns either the execpath or rootpath depending on the context.
ctx: context
input: String to be expanded
targets: List of targets for additional lookup information.
The expanded path or the original path
return ctx.expand_location(input, targets = targets) | efa482d928484b7d6f9c8acbf81e0a3d5b4cd50f | 1,203 |
def black_color_func(word, font_size, position, orientation,
random_state=None, **kwargs):
"""Make word cloud black and white."""
return("hsl(0,100%, 1%)") | d5e874a4f62d30abcba29476d0ba7fc3a31b0ca6 | 1,210 |
def detect_label_column(column_names):
""" Detect the label column - which we display as the label for a joined column.
If a table has two columns, one of which is ID, then label_column is the other one.
if (column_names and len(column_names) == 2 and "id" in column_names):
return [c for c in column_names if c != "id"][0]
return None | 40524e7ed0878316564ad8fd66a2c09fc892e979 | 1,211 |
def table(custom_headings, col_headings_formatted, rows, spec):
Create a LaTeX table
custom_headings : None, dict
optional dictionary of custom table headings
col_headings_formatted : list
formatted column headings
rows : list of lists of cell-strings
Data in the table, pre-formatted
spec : dict
options for the formatter
dict : contains key 'latex', which corresponds to a latex string representing the table
longtables = spec['longtables']
table = "longtable" if longtables else "tabular"
if custom_headings is not None \
and "latex" in custom_headings:
latex = custom_headings['latex']
latex = "\\begin{%s}[l]{%s}\n\hline\n" % \
(table, "|c" * len(col_headings_formatted) + "|")
latex += ("%s \\\\ \hline\n"
% (" & ".join(col_headings_formatted)))
for formatted_rowData in rows:
if len(formatted_rowData) > 0:
formatted_rowData_latex = [
(formatted_cell['latex'] if isinstance(formatted_cell, dict)
else formatted_cell) for formatted_cell in formatted_rowData]
latex += " & ".join(formatted_rowData_latex)
#MULTI-ROW support for *data* (non-col-header) rows of table. Currently
# unused (unneeded) - see multirow formatter that is commented out in
#multirows = [ ("multirow" in el) for el in formatted_rowData_latex ]
#if any(multirows):
# latex += " \\\\ "
# last = True; lineStart = None; col = 1
# for multi,data in zip(multirows,formatted_rowData_latex):
# if last == True and multi == False:
# lineStart = col #line start
# elif last == False and multi == True:
# latex += "\cline{%d-%d} " % (lineStart,col) #line end
# last=multi
# res ="multicolumn{([0-9])}",data)
# if res: col += int(
# else: col += 1
# if last == False: #need to end last line
# latex += "\cline{%d-%d} "%(lineStart,col-1)
# latex += "\n"
latex += " \\\\ \hline\n"
latex += "\end{%s}\n" % table
return {'latex': latex} | 0ca28fce26fc7476aa5b88a621c5476ae8d381ce | 1,213 |
def conflict(next_x: int, s: tuple) -> bool:
"""Return a boolean that defines the conflict condition of the next queen's position"""
next_i = len(s)
for i in range(next_i):
if abs(s[i] - next_x) in (0, next_i - i):
return True
return False | cc29b142e1cc799c0a305523b713c5085af25fd0 | 1,214 |
from typing import List
def split_to_sublists(initial_list:list, n:int, strict:bool=True) -> List[list]:
"""Takes a list and splits it into sublists of size n
initial_list : list
The initial list to split into sublists
n : int
The size of each sublist
strict: bool
Whether to force an error if the length of the initial list is not divisible by n (split into even groups), default True
A list of lists of size n (unless strict is False, then the last list may be > n)
### Split gallery images into sublists of 3
{% if gallery|length % 3 == 0 %}
{% for sublist in gallery|split_to_sublists(3) %}
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-4">
<img src="{{ sublist.0[0]['file_path'] }}" alt="{{ sublist.0[0]['file_path'].split()[-1] }}">
<div class="col-md-4">
<img src="{{ sublist.1[0]['file_path'] }}" alt="{{ sublist.1[0]['file_path'].split()[-1]}}">
<div class="col-md-4">
<img src="{{ sublist.2[0]['file_path'] }}" alt="{{ sublist.2[0]['file_path'].split()[-1] }}">
{% endfor %}
{% endif }
The above jinja is roughly equivalent to something like this in pure python:
gallery = ["image 1" , "image 2", "image 3", "image 4" , "image 5", "image 6"]
if len(images) % 3 == 0:
for sublist in split_to_sublists(gallery, 3): # Returns [["image 1" , "image 2", "image 3"], ["image 4" , "image 5", "image 6"]]
... # Do stuff with each sublist
if strict:
if not len(initial_list) % n == 0:
raise ValueError(f"Provided list was not of correct size: \n\tList: {initial_list}\n\tSegment size {n}")
result = []
for i in range(0, len(initial_list), n): # Create sublists up to size n
result.append( initial_list[i:i + n])
return result | fcca74f9814020c99aaf8b31f092ca3ca9533216 | 1,215 |
import os
import re
def get_matched_files(dirPath=".", regex=None):
"""Get the abspath of the files whose name matches a regex
Only files will be returned, and directories are excluded.
dirPath (str): the directory to search
regex (regex): the regular expression to match the filename
tuple of strings
# check the exisitence of path
fns = []
_absDir = os.path.abspath(dirPath)
if os.path.isdir(_absDir):
for i in os.listdir(_absDir):
if regex != None:
if not re.match(regex, i):
_fpath = os.path.join(_absDir, i)
if os.path.isfile(_fpath):
return tuple(fns) | 118cf628b54f50b2c41c1885bcf000a741966086 | 1,216 |
def sectionize(parts, first_is_heading=False):
"""Join parts of the text after splitting into sections with headings.
This function assumes that a text was splitted at section headings,
so every two list elements after the first one is a heading-section pair.
This assumption is used to join sections with their corresponding headings.
parts : list of str
List of text parts.
first_is_heading : bool
Should first element be treated as heading in lists of length greater than 1.
parts = parts.copy()
if len(parts) <= 1:
return parts
first = []
if not first_is_heading:
del parts[0]
sections = first + [ "\n".join(parts[i:i+2]) for i in range(0, len(parts), 2) ]
return sections | 402832d55268dc808888f94b95e3a1c991394041 | 1,217 |
def byte_compare(stream_a, stream_b):
"""Byte compare two files (early out on first difference).
(bool, int): offset of first mismatch or 0 if equal
bufsize = 16 * 1024
equal = True
ofs = 0
while True:
b1 =
b2 =
if b1 != b2:
equal = False
if b1 and b2:
# we have two different buffers: find first mismatch
for a, b in zip(b1, b2):
if a != b:
ofs += 1
ofs += len(b1)
if not b1: # both buffers empty
return (equal, ofs) | 59adfe50fefdb79edd082a35437018d4b954ec75 | 1,218 |
import re
def is_regex(param):
:param param: {String} 参数
:return: {Boolean} 是否是合法正则表达式
return True
except re.error:
return False | 6a3ee33e68e33d3557db546beadc005235360080 | 1,219 |
def min_count1(lst):
Get minimal value of list, version 1
:param lst: Numbers list
:return: Minimal value and its count on the list
if len(lst) == 0:
return []
count = 0
min_value = lst[0]
for num in lst:
if num == min_value:
count += 1
elif num < min_value:
count = 1
min_value = num
return [min_value, count] | b441d0a37534909e9a990b91a953d4022698c04b | 1,220 |
def exactly_one_topping(ketchup, mustard, onion):
"""Return whether the customer wants exactly one of the three available toppings
on their hot dog.
return True if int(ketchup) + int(mustard) + int(onion) == 1 else False | 214c95d35c116993dc78740d5d16b874122960ed | 1,221 |
def strip_line_endings(data: list) -> list:
"""Removes line endings(\n). Removes item if only contains \n."""
return [i.rstrip("\n") for i in data if i != "\n"] | 5383b1bc3884395459ca63b6f15c0a1091eaaaf0 | 1,222 |
def weighting_system_z():
"""Z-weighting filter represented as polynomial transfer function.
:returns: Tuple of `num` and `den`.
Z-weighting is 0.0 dB for all frequencies and therefore corresponds to a
multiplication of 1.
numerator = [1]
denomenator = [1]
return numerator, denomenator | 8d84c572631c23f50f8a57e388e21fa62e316930 | 1,223 |
def denormalize(series, last_value):
"""Denormalize the values for a given series.
This uses the last value available (i.e. the last
closing price of the week before our prediction)
as a reference for scaling the predicted results.
result = last_value * (series + 1)
return result | f4c32aa4248378482f1294c54e706e6ee8d5332d | 1,224 |