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pst_fenske_ver02_data_sn84026497_00280776129_1880042101_0834_002_6_96.jpg | 0text-only
| 1880-04-21T00:00:00 | 834 | 1 | pst_fenske_ver02 | sn84026497 | [
] | 0.960935 | H. II. IIASLKT & SOXN, Dealers in General Merchandise In New Store Room nt HASLET'S COS ITERS, 'JTionoMtii, ln. .Tau'y 1st, 1?0. | Tionesta, Pa. | ['Pennsylvania--Forest--Tionesta'] | The Forest Republican. [volume] | Ed. W. Smiley | |
scu_carlacox_ver01_data_sn84026965_00294551268_1870041401_0279_007_6_93.jpg | 0text-only
| 1870-04-14T00:00:00 | 279 | 1 | scu_carlacox_ver01 | sn84026965 | [
] | 0.931126 | NICKERSON ROUSE, Columbia, S. C. THE undersigned having renewed his lease up? on the above popular House,-will endeavor to it one of the most agreeable Hotels in the A call from the miblio is respectfully so? licited. _' " ?3- Free Omnibus to and from the Hotel. WM. A. WRIGHT, Proprietor. im I | Anderson Court House, S.C. | ['South Carolina--Anderson--Anderson'] | The Anderson intelligencer. [volume] | J.C.C. Featherston and James A. Hoyt | |
in_england_ver02_data_sn82015464_00202191435_1865121301_0145_004_6_97.jpg | 0text-only
| 1865-12-13T00:00:00 | 145 | 1 | in_england_ver02 | sn82015464 | [
] | 0.97522 | TEA STORE. FVeli Arrival OHOICETEAS. i;Hta!lilicl in 1852. the CHINA TEA STORE, o. tiO Ikitew Iloue. II ATT5G JC8T RKTTRXFD FROM THE EAST with au anu.ually choice lot of Tea, eonHitmg or IMPERIALS, GUNPOWDER YOXJISTG- HYSON, Oolong" and Japan ? are enabled to offer greater Inducement, tbaa ever, both io price aod quality. We hive, alio. 300 CaldMa, running 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 1) and SV pound, each of Tea, juat tbo thing foe family u.a. A d.fcooti of 10 per enU will be mite tn the boxtt. THE CHINA TEA STORE, ."o. 20 Rate IIou-. ii. ii. i i i:. PURE SPICES. We have Jut received from Jvew York, a lat of pare Ground M pices, conaiatisg of Genuine English Mustard, Iure Ground Cinnamon, Clovea, Black Pepper, Red Peyper, Alaptce, Hat meja, African Gloger, Jamaica Ginger, etc. warrant the a bore Ground Spiee itrictJy pure, and at tb lowest prce. "Lee'i Baking PwdeT li thoeikt by tnary th Ut in the Biarket. lt ia frea froai any drteteriovs effeet, and la perfectly pre truly ln "booaewila'a friend." Try il, We keep Steveoa' beat Java and aUo Groaad Coffee Lovertng Sogara, old Government Java and KJo Coffee at the "CIIIXA TEA STORE," .o. 90 IKate Iloone. A davHdSoi H. II. E.rE | Indianapolis, Ind. | ['Indiana--Marion--Indianapolis'] | The Indianapolis daily herald. [volume] | Hall & Hutchinson | |
wvu_isner_ver01_data_sn86092518_0041418683A_1895092601_0550_003_6_94.jpg | 0text-only
| 1895-09-26T00:00:00 | 550 | 1 | wvu_isner_ver01 | sn86092518 | [
] | 0.946481 | Ir ENN ED Y F. FREW, V (Graduate of U. S. College of Embalming.) Funeral Director and Embalmer, ALEXANDER FREW, 11X7 Mam street. Telephone 229. Residence Telephone, Alex, Frew, 217. iuy2oeh | Wheeling, W. Va. | ['West Virginia--Ohio--Wheeling'] | Wheeling register. [volume] | Lewis Baker & Co. | |
scu_drinksmall_ver01_data_sn93067705_00237288439_1880031301_0900_000_6_96.jpg | 0text-only
| 1880-03-13T00:00:00 | 900 | 1 | scu_drinksmall_ver01 | sn93067705 | [
] | 0.968249 | TH3 WOUL: SEW workmanshili is equal to a Chrov as a first-class Piano It recoivc Centennial E'xpositiors. IT ' E machines. Its capacity is un) sold in the United Sta The WILSON MENDINO repairing WITHOUT PATCHID AT r1SON SE CII[CAGO, ] D UNNOWNED 11IG MACPN ometor Watc1,.and as ogantly finish.. d the hi-hest awards at the Vienna % " ONE-FOU.rTH FASTER than inited. There are more Los than the combined sales of all the ATTACHMENT, for doing all kinds 0, given FREE with each nachina. YING MACHINE Cos [L U.,IU. 8. A, | Winnsboro, S.C. | ['South Carolina--Fairfield--Winnsboro'] | The news and herald. | Jno. S. Reynolds | |
nbu_julius_ver01_data_sn99021999_00237284963_1900051401_0134_005_6_98.jpg | 1illustrations
| 1900-05-14T00:00:00 | 134 | 1 | nbu_julius_ver01 | sn99021999 | [
] | 0.981636 | HAYDEN S BIG SHOE SALE MONDAY SELLING FINE SHOES AT LESS THAN THE COST OF MAK ING SELLING MORE SHOES THAN ANY OTHER STORE IN OMAHA. Two big Shoe departments tilled with bargain tables,. stacked high with tine shoes at Jess than the manufac turers' cost, 1,000 pairs of ladies' fino 2 50 and 83.00 shoes in blacks and tan, single, llexiblo and turn soles, on salo Monday at Vici Kid lace ..$1.38 1,200 pairs of ladies' finest Vici Kid 83.00 and $3.50 lace shoes, in tan and black, with hand-turned ana Ull Si(l wolt soles, :all sizes and widths, Monday AflltO 3 At $1.29 800 pairs 'of misses' fino $1.75 and ?2.00 Vici Kid and lace shoes, with single and doublo soles, ULI OQ on salo Monday at ipitf At $$.13 600 pairs of boys' fino $1.50 and $1.75 Satin Calf C1 1 1 lace shoes, with full doublo soles, Monday at. At 49c 400 pairs of childs' fine $1.00 and $1.25 Vici Kid lace shoes, with turn solos, sizes 5 to 8, Monday HAYDEN R0S. | Omaha [Neb.] | ['Nebraska--Douglas--Omaha'] | Omaha daily bee. | Edward Rosewater | |
wa_entiat_ver01_data_sn83045604_00202199045_1890090801_0817_001_6_96.jpg | 0text-only
| 1890-09-08T00:00:00 | 817 | 1 | wa_entiat_ver01 | sn83045604 | [
] | 0.96887 | Bfirl U p WANTED 32? I I ISSUED SY CITIES, Sp |l| || g f, 3 COUNTIES. SCHOOL W I 1 W DISTRICTS. WATER Cr..-• espondenccsolicited. gxc. H=W, HSSPIS S UfWP&ttY, Bankers, 163-IC 1 ? Dcaraorn Street. CHICACO. nn«TON. | Seattle, Wash. Terr. [Wash.] | ['Washington--King--Seattle'] | The Seattle post-intelligencer. [volume] | Post-Intelligencer Pub. Co. | |
in_julian_ver02_data_sn82014296_00296022172_1870020901_0292_001_6_93.jpg | 0text-only
| 1870-02-09T00:00:00 | 292 | 1 | in_julian_ver02 | sn82014296 | [
] | 0.938842 | Osborne, 27 Ironist Street. Osbome, SIGN PAINTEH. Show Cards. Jni)12 dtf C5 o cz | Evansville, Ind. | ['Indiana--Vanderburgh--Evansville'] | The Evansville journal. [volume] | Evansville Journal Co. | |
txdn_argentina_ver01_data_sn84022109_00211101891_1885042601_0400_003_6_98.jpg | 1illustrations
| 1885-04-26T00:00:00 | 400 | 1 | txdn_argentina_ver01 | sn84022109 | [
] | 0.98217 | m? TEXAS a ST. LOUIS RY. YfM Tin: 0' LiNE NEW THE 8Y VAY Or CAIRO TO ST. LOUIS . w. ..v. .w Crinnrdlnir In I'nlnn Iicpots wltli TlirotiKh .mint ntr uu jKiitti. in ILLINOIS, IOWA, WISCONSIN, MICHI GAN, INDIANA, OHIO, PENNSYLVANIA, NEW YORK AND ALL POINTS NORTH AND I'lillm in I'alaoii Pie li.r lur and Kit ihrouirh toSt, Iul id in 'UlJt ( nr" I'Mtlmnn I'ar iiy CouiUlm Without Chance, Only orm cluuiiio to fhic ,:. lon't Imy t( k't U llliv p'rltrt Notth t h-t until hme Juun-J out uiiHt yju run irot vuo vln th. nr lint-. hrn-olHltv (food Berounno datiou-i for nil li-i.- of truvtt. For time t aldea, ru-, etc, iipidy tu any u-ul the Ttk A f)T. I)LH 11 1 TuMfAvv, or to W.H.W00DWD, A. C. SHELDOM, IikItu i 3:1 Vi:i;ir. ir-1 riu:;tr | Waco, Tex. | ['Texas--McLennan--Waco'] | The Waco daily examiner. [volume] | J.W. Downs | |
ndhi_bisbee_ver01_data_sn85042588_00212478301_1895080901_0692_002_6_95.jpg | 0text-only
| 1895-08-09T00:00:00 | 692 | 1 | ndhi_bisbee_ver01 | sn85042588 | [
] | 0.950466 | Law Books Below Cost, Session Laws of North Dakota. Debates of Constitutional Convention. Journals of the Legislature, Hand Books, Etc. NOW IS THK TIME TO COMPLETE YOUR LIBRARY | Bismarck, Dakota [N.D.] | ['North Dakota--Burleigh--Bismarck'] | Bismarck weekly tribune. [volume] | M.H. Jewell | |
ohi_himilco_ver01_data_sn85025759_00296027091_1875072401_0733_000_6_96.jpg | 0text-only
| 1875-07-24T00:00:00 | 733 | 1 | ohi_himilco_ver01 | sn85025759 | [
] | 0.962652 | TO ORDER, FROM MEDIUM TO FINEST FULL LINES IN STOCK, Of our own Manufacture. wiLsoN BRoS, 19 Fourth Strict, CIROINSATI, (PIKE'S OPERA ROUSE). And No& 01 and 09 Washington st., ite90-1y,S,MAWI - | [Cincinnati, Ohio] | ['Ohio--Hamilton--Cincinnati'] | The Cincinnati daily star. [volume] | [Star Pub. Co.] | |
iune_broadsheet_ver01_data_sn84038628_00295879968_1870061401_0561_002_6_93.jpg | 0text-only
| 1870-06-14T00:00:00 | 561 | 1 | iune_broadsheet_ver01 | sn84038628 | [
] | 0.936287 | MEDICAL. NOW IS THE ACCEPTED TIME. READ AND 'REFLECT. o 2 THE CELEBRATED PHYSICIAN FOR THE TREATMENT OP CATARRH, THROAT, AND ALL CHRONIC DISEASES, Having permanently looateJ in Davenport, cordially invites all who may be suffering with Diseases, to call at bit Rooms ia Fattoa'i Block, S3 Perry Street, Balf Block Korth of Post P:i. SPINTXET is well known as the founder of the Montreal (O. E.) Medical Institute, and pneior ot me tiectro Medical institute, Milwausee, mseonsin. BOmOIl XZOUB.S 9 to 1 ; a to 6 ; and 7 to 8. CONSULTATION FREE. yi. SPINWEV HAS GIVES ni3 ENTIRE ATTENTION' FOR THE -J fifteen yean, to the treatment of CHKOXIC DISEASES, incident to both sexes, and hi cess hi proilused astonishing results. Many are they who hare implanted in their systems, by improper use of Calomel, seed, which have proJueod an annual erop ol disease, lo such, he tiy, COME AND HE HEALED .' It matters not what your ironhles may be, come and let D.otor examine your ease. If it is curable, he will tell you so ; if not, he will tell yo that; lor will not undortake a oase unless he is cvnfident of effecting a oure. It will cost you nothing consultation, 8 please oall and satisfy yourselves whether the Doctor understands your case. S. treats XXU&IOK.B AlfO DISEASES OF SBS BLOOD. YOUG 3iE! Wh i tny Vie suiTt-'rina: from the effects of youthful follies or indiscretion, will do well to avail selves of this, the greatest boon ever laid at the altar of sufT- rinsr humanity. 1.-. H'lNSEV gitrantee to forfeit ONE HUN DUEL) DOLLARS for every oaso of unal Weakness or Unease of any oharictor whioh he undertakes and fails to eare. He would therefore say to any fortunate sufferer who may read this notice, that you are treading npon dangerous ground when longer delay in seeking the proper remedy fr your complaint ; and may be in the first stage, member you ar approaching the last ! If you are bordering npon the last and are suffering or all of its ill efforts, remember that if you obstinately persist in procrastination, THE UUSTCttVE WHEN THE MOST SKILLFUL PHYSICIAN CAS RENDER YOU SO SISTANCE; when the door of hope will he closed forever against you ; when no angel of can bring you relief ! In no oase has the Dootor failed of success. Then let not despair work upon your imagination, but avail yourself of the beneficial results of his treatment before your is beyond the reach of medical skill, or before grim Death hurries you to a premature grave. 3IIDDLE AGED 3IEN. There are many of the afte of thirty to fifty who are troubled with too frequent Evacuations the Bladder, often accompanied by a smarting or burning sensation, and weakening the system manner the patient cannot account for. On examination of the I'rinary Deposits, a ropy will often be found, and sometimes small particles of albumen will appear, or the color will be a milk ish hue, again changing to a dark and torpid appearance. Tbore are m.nv men who die this difficulty, ignorant of the cause, which is the SECOND STAGE OF SEMINAL Dr. S. will guarantee a 1'EKFEVT CURE in all such oases, and a healthy restoration of the ary organs. All communications striotly confidential, a ithout delav. All letters containing stamps for reply, Post Office address, Lock Box 2fi0, Davenport, Iowa. feb!4-dwly | Rock Island, Ill. | ['Illinois--Rock Island County--Rock Island'] | The evening Argus. [volume] | Danforth & Jones | |
vtu_killington_ver02_data_sn84023296_00200296114_1875012701_0371_000_6_96.jpg | 0text-only
| 1875-01-27T00:00:00 | 371 | 1 | vtu_killington_ver02 | sn84023296 | [
] | 0.966635 | Woitn Of Music T?or oO Cents. 4 PETERS' H0U8EH0LD MEL0DIE8. Ptiblishcd Monthly. Prlcc, 1 pcr iinnum, Single copics 50 cents. Contains in cach mimbcr from Scvcn to Kiplit of thc lntcst Songs by Ili.jrj, Dnnks, Stownrt, Pcioy, und otlicr Ponular Wntrrs. PETERS' PARL0R MUSIC l'ublishcd Montlily. Price, S' ptr Siiiglo conics 50 cetitfl. Kach Xr annum. number contains from Six to Scveu Easy and Modcratol Dilhcult 1'ianD pieces by Kinkcl, Nnrvcl, Allard, Pichcr, Wibot, Hccht, Vilbre, ctc., ctc. LA CREME DE LA 0REME. Piiblislied Monthly. Pricc, $lpcr annum. Sfnglo copics 60 cents. Euchnumbcr c'ont.iius about $3 worlh ol Difli cult 1'iano Music by such nuthors iis Hcllcr, Wasncr, Thalherg, Mendelsohn, J.isgt,ctc.,utc. It is cxtravagai.l to buy Shect Music when you can get six times as much Music foryour money by stibscribing for ono ol Petcr' Musical Magnzincs. Samples mailed, post-paid, on rcceipt of 50 C'eins. jjj ADDKESS J. L. 1'IiTERS, 590 Bi'oiuhvay, SrAV VOItK. | Woodstock, Vt. | ['Vermont--Windsor--Woodstock'] | Spirit of the age. [volume] | E.A. Kimball | |
tu_grady_ver01_data_sn83025718_00200293800_1865121601_0617_001_6_96.jpg | 0text-only
| 1865-12-16T00:00:00 | 617 | 1 | tu_grady_ver01 | sn83025718 | [
] | 0.961159 | NEW SHAVING SALOON Bath Rooms. H. V. BASSET il AS Nl.W IS PSftKKll' OH itt. K A Fl lluil ituf J;o.aiai( turn Hcstaurant, o. -i Odar Mrcfl, fth''l ruubi TtN BATH ROOMS SLEEPING ROOMS, I J ilUitn St: n, taJ faraxti ia Um btsA uf ls fnea ao. ot.rniis to ss.., as a bim.i, mm! ab, W u.i ot utbe. lo as. I sneir HOT. COLD AID SHOWEK BATIIH, al ail boura. Tbe taartaara ar ai ,-k.t aa, aaJ Ui ijaw-ti Utai wu.ti U prucur4 ia Wra mmi l ., etaoafi. i ouo.d wnh tsue wtil-kan Ujsae FURNISHING STORE, B4re (uaM. en a. airar-b.4 aitfe aa aruelsv tsw-wrs i&r B rvtr. . 1., a v. a a t !. ttoea of aa rwirf'wss rs.-Auiii. asrevi rroa Tsaw, baa awat ia fcow f ova. av,.' | Nashville, Tenn. | ['Tennessee--Davidson--Nashville'] | The Nashville daily union. [volume] | Published by an Association of Printers | |
pst_franco_ver01_data_sn84024546_00237280143_1890072601_0270_006_6_96.jpg | 0text-only
| 1890-07-26T00:00:00 | 270 | 1 | pst_franco_ver01 | sn84024546 | [
] | 0.961396 | THIS IS THE DAY To buy a MERCHANT TAILOR-MADE SUIT that was originally made up for S30 FOR 15 AT THE MISFIT CLOTHING PARLORS, ZLSTOW ZS THE To invest your money in a good, reliable and strictly Merchant Tailor-Made Suit that was made up for $2$ iron $12 AT THE MISFIT CLOTHING PARLORS, 516 SMITHFIELD ST. IDOXT'T LOSIEv AJSry TIME But come directly to our Parlors and leave three big, elegant dollars for a Pair of Pants made up fox $6, ONLY 3. ' ONLY GENUINE AND ORIGINAL MISFIT CLOTHING PABLGRS. 516 Smithfield SI, Opp, City Hall, -N I. i "' j r26-H-J28.an23,8e20.nc2S, no23.de20 516 SMITHFIELD ST. TinyniE Next to Hotel Pnqueana | Pittsburg [Pa.] | ['Pennsylvania--Allegheny--Pittsburgh'] | Pittsburg dispatch. [volume] | Rook, O'Neil & Co. | |
idhi_hurston_ver02_data_sn82007023_00295867851_1900062101_0835_004_6_90.jpg | 0text-only
| 1900-06-21T00:00:00 | 835 | 1 | idhi_hurston_ver02 | sn82007023 | [
] | 0.901454 | The Boss Meat Market. 8. J. Fisher, Prop'r (Successors to Dowd, 8haw & Uo.) Fresli Meats. Sausage. Fish. Cured Meats. Lard. Oysters. Poultry. Game. Etc. Etc.. Nothing but the Very Best Kept on Hand, ndama Building, Main Street. | Lewiston, North Idaho | ['Idaho--Nez Perce--Lewiston'] | Lewiston teller. [volume] | A. Leland & Son | |
sdhi_corsair_ver06_data_sn96090256_00415623136_1890082201_0803_002_6_90.jpg | 0text-only
| 1890-08-22T00:00:00 | 803 | 1 | sdhi_corsair_ver06 | sn96090256 | [
] | 0.9079 | HotSpi'in^s, DEALER IX DRUGS MED1G9HES & CHEMICALS Perfumery. Soaps. Combs & Drastic?. Trusses. Supporters, &• Moulder braces Fancy & Toilet Article--. Books A Stationery. Gross A- Gmlen Sceils. Class. Putty, Paints. Oils. YurnUbcs i: Dye-Stuffs. Pure •••.. V.'ines and Liquors for nuvlii.iiial purposes. Patent Medicines it Family Medicines. Physician's Prescriptions Accurately Com pounded at all hours, Goods selected with care, and «u. ,1- represented YOUR PATRONAGE SOLICITED u. | Hot Spings [Hot Springs], Dakota [Dakota Territory, i.e. S.D.] | ['South Dakota--Fall River--Hot Springs'] | The Hot Springs star. | LaFleiche & Stewart | |
mohi_ansel_ver01_data_sn85034039_00294559929_1875060401_0097_002_6_96.jpg | 0text-only
| 1875-06-04T00:00:00 | 97 | 1 | mohi_ansel_ver01 | sn85034039 | [
] | 0.962841 | KINGSFOBD'S OSWEGO Pure AXI Silver Gloss Starch JPov tlie JL.uumlr-. JIANUFAUTUltKD 1IY T. KtNGSFOltD & SON. The Host Starch in the World HIVES A IlEADTIFCL FINISH tO TIIK f.lnen. anil theilifference in cost between it and common ktarcti Is scarcely huKacent for an or dinary waahiuj. ask jour grocer " " . KINGSPOBD'S OSWEGO CORN STARCH, FOR PDlIlISGS.BUtfC BASSE, ICE CEEAM, &C in tr nrlslnal Established In ISf 3. And nrc- wrves lu reputation ai rurer Stronger anil mnrefli-lirjite than unv other article of the kind offered, either of the tame name or with other bTEVEXSOX MACADAM, I'h. I)., Ac, the hl?het chemical ituthoritv cfKuroue. curelully auuhzed thin corn sUirch, and mys itUn mot excellent article of diet and In chemical and feeding properties Is fully equal toUie bestar- wiitf rrMit- DIrectloiiB for m&Ung puddings, cn&Uirda, Slc accompany cacn one ounii pacnage. ror Snlo by nil Flrst-clnss tiroccr. 45 | Oregon, Missouri. | ['Missouri--Holt--Oregon'] | The Holt County sentinel. [volume] | null | |
nvln_ely_ver01_data_sn84022040_00415668314_1870012701_0704_001_6_96.jpg | 0text-only
| 1870-01-27T00:00:00 | 704 | 1 | nvln_ely_ver01 | sn84022040 | [
] | 0.965574 | V. & T. It. It. FURTHER NOTICE IMSSEMTiER TR1XXS WILL LEAVE CARSOIV GIT'S" VIRGINIA AND IKTE2HE. DIAT.3 POINTS, AT 3 ja.- ia:. AND WILL LEtVB IIILL FOR CARSON, AT Oil AUoUr -3 X3 II. 91. E!5IXETO, Super liitcnilcnt. January 5, 1ST9. | Carson City, Nev. | ['Nevada--Carson City--Carson City', 'Nevada--Ormsby--Carson City'] | The Carson daily appeal. [volume] | Robinson, Barrett & Co. | |
lu_lenin_ver01_data_sn83026389_00212474903_1875121801_0208_007_6_91.jpg | 0text-only
| 1875-12-18T00:00:00 | 208 | 1 | lu_lenin_ver01 | sn83026389 | [
] | 0.912492 | FOR THE HOLIDAYS. NO GIFTS BETTER APPREOIATED! Jtst Oat-New, Fresb and Handmeme. GES O1 ENGIISi SONGI A perfect collection of songs with piano accom ppaianiment, camip isindiar over 75 of the choicest aSongs, lialiardis. Dusts andQatets known ; selected with great care, and with especial regard to quality and popularity 232 pages, full music size. The N. Y. Eaersisg Matl says: "A most extraor dinary coliection of really finn sng. "s* 4 ne could hardly imagine so many verdsb e g, could be contained in a single volnme. rice, $2.50 plain )SLI0 tn muslin; $4.00 full gilt. Of the same form and price, fnll music size, are "Gems of Strauss." A new edition, comprising over 100 best Strauss Waltzes, etc., etc. "Organ at Home." "Musical Treasure." "Gems of German Song." "Pianoforte Gems." "Gems of Scottish Song." "Moore's Irish Melodies." * Any of the above books sent, post-paid. for retail price. OliverfBitson & Co., Chas. H. Ditson & Co., Rostim. 751 B'dway, New York. SMITH ORGAN CO., BOSTON MASS. THESE STANDARD INSTRUMENTS Sold by Dealers Everywhere. Agnts 'Waitel in Every Ton. SOLD THROUGHOrT THE UNITED STATES ON THE INSTALSKENT PLAN. That is, on a System of Monthly Payments. Purchasers should ask for the SMITH AwanuiAN ORGAN. Catalogues and full particulars on appli atiou. | Opelousas, La. | ['Louisiana--Saint Landry--Opelousas'] | The Opelousas courier. [volume] | Joel H. Sandoz & Andrew Meynier | |
wvu_antares_ver02_data_sn84026824_0027176781A_1880060501_0301_001_6_96.jpg | 0text-only
| 1880-06-05T00:00:00 | 301 | 1 | wvu_antares_ver02 | sn84026824 | [
] | 0.963178 | COWS FOR SALE. PIGHT or tc ti No. 1 Alderney Milch \i Cows, with calves by their sides, for sale l?y the undersigned, agent for Mr. Henry Shepherd, at the Home fariu of M r. shepherd. GEO. W. BROWN. Mav 1880. 3w | Shepherdstown, Va. [W. Va.] | ['West Virginia--Jefferson--Shepherdstown'] | Shepherdstown register. [volume] | Hardy & Henry W. McAnly | |
vi_ellis_ver01_data_sn85025007_00415663651_1870041501_0343_000_6_94.jpg | 0text-only
| 1870-04-15T00:00:00 | 343 | 1 | vi_ellis_ver01 | sn85025007 | [
] | 0.946989 | ALEXANDRIA GAZETTE AND VIRGINIA PUBLISHKD DAILY BY i; 1> <? A It S N (> W WEN, OFTICE?GAZETTE WILDING, TO PRINCE ST. TKRMS OP SUBSCRIPTION?IN ADVANCE. ? >no $3 Six months 4 00 Throe months *2 00 Ono month 0 76 ALEXANDRIA GAZETTE AND VIRGINIA ADVERTISER, (Fop the Country,) Is published regularly on TUESDAYS, THURSDAYS and SATURDAYS, at $0 pnr annum?payable in advance. Transient advertisements jnsortod at formor rates, viz: Si for the first insertion ol one square, of eight linos or less, and cents for each subsequent insertion. 7f3S* Marriage and Death Notices ?0c. will be charred at advertisement rates, for notices ovor four lines. J&t* Special Notices or City Itoms 15c. per lino for the first insertion, and eight cents per line lor each insertion | Alexandria, D.C. | ['District of Columbia--Alexandria', 'Virginia--Alexandria', 'Virginia--Alexandria--Alexandria'] | Alexandria gazette. [volume] | Edgar Snowden | |
khi_dole_ver01_data_sn83040340_00237283223_1890120501_0242_001_6_95.jpg | 0text-only
| 1890-12-05T00:00:00 | 242 | 1 | khi_dole_ver01 | sn83040340 | [
] | 0.95642 | GEO. A. BOWLUS. President. MRS. YT. 21. HARTMAX, Vice-Prcs. ink of Allen County, Zola., Kansas. Transacts' a General Banking Business. on Kansas City, - Chicago New York Makes Collections in all parts of the United States. NEGOTIATES FIRST MORTGAGE LOANS ON WELL IMPROVED FARMS. Gorrssp a rubrics SoIfcitst&I H. ST. ITJLLKIl, Cashier. C. E. BENTON, Attorney. | Iola, Kan. | ['Kansas--Allen--Iola'] | The Iola register. [volume] | Allison & Perkins | |
curiv_knotgrass_ver01_data_sn82015099_00279556689_1870121001_0615_004_6_92.jpg | 0text-only
| 1870-12-10T00:00:00 | 615 | 1 | curiv_knotgrass_ver01 | sn82015099 | [
] | 0.92317 | Shasta, Calif. | ['California--Shasta--Shasta'] | The Shasta courier. [volume] | Skillman & Co. | |
mdu_galena_ver02_data_sn88065721_00279521572_1885042001_0200_000_6_98.jpg | 0text-only
| 1885-04-20T00:00:00 | 200 | 1 | mdu_galena_ver02 | sn88065721 | [
] | 0.984374 | McJSTA.SBY’S Installment House, No. U Main St. cor. Green. No blowing of horns at McNasby's Car pet and Furniture House. He has the largest and cheapest Stock in the city to select from. On Easy Weekly and Monily Payment*, WM. McNASBY, slOtf No. ll Main St., Annapolis, Md. | Annapolis, Md. | ['Maryland--Anne Arundel--Annapolis'] | Evening capital. | W.M. Abbott | |
ohi_ichabod_ver01_data_sn86063815_0027955534A_1900122001_1077_000_6_97.jpg | 0text-only
| 1900-12-20T00:00:00 | 1,077 | 1 | ohi_ichabod_ver01 | sn86063815 | [
] | 0.977341 | Ct in so Rar und Alt I. L. Einstein, Agent. -«Unit»., «-W .. ~. .. ti tf 116 Ost-Hochjiraßc, New Philadelphia, Ohio. ni A Alf ftiT lifUICIfIf A A u A I W w i w I Mim nn, Ginstein & Co., 154,156 & 158 Sheriff Straße, gegenüber dem neuen Markthaus, Cleveland, ©. Wollt Ihr gute Sclinhe und zu billigem Preise so fornmt zu uns und Ihr findet, was )hr sucht. Ihr findet bei uns eine grö ßere und bessere Auswahl als sonstwo im County. Flickarbeit aller Art prompt und bil lig besorgt. Kommt und überzeugt (Euch Meuer» 6 U9 Gsthochstraße. New Philadelphia, G. John Nägely, Sr. ChaS.Nägeltz. Ctrampion Hovelmühle und Holzhof, Bauholz aller Art, SchiebfenMr, Fensterrahmen, Thüren, Sftfitri .Holzformen, Jalousien»Holzträger, Schindeln ic. stets t* großer Auswahl an Hand. Contralte werden prompt aus ., geführt. Wer einen Bauplatz hat bekommt günstig» Zahlungs-Bedingungen. Schrewerarbeit jeder Art prompt & feilig Besorgt 3* der Stadt werden Mt gBsete* kterilhi» frei Geliefert, «»«cht let ttnl tat. Tele»h»» R«. «. BT $le C|H« in I»ch «leeM 6 Hl 9 tt|« igte. i W S o S S e A 9 o i n I K K i lÈt^ i /. 4 5 k -L -'k V f. K 't- iâvj. | New Philadelphia, Ohio | ['Ohio--Tuscarawas--New Philadelphia'] | Der Deutsche beobachter. [volume] | Andreas Nägeli | |
idhi_cather_ver01_data_sn86091172_00295868053_1890122901_1234_008_6_90.jpg | 0text-only
| 1890-12-29T00:00:00 | 1,234 | 1 | idhi_cather_ver01 | sn86091172 | [
] | 0.900983 | CUT MEAT MARKET, In New Brick Building, (Opposite First National Bank,) Hailey, - Idaho CHARLES BlitKIN, PROPRIETOR, Wholesale and Retail* CHARLES BIRKIN. The Stages of this Company Mete Tw EcttS Trips Daily -H l .'X'W EICN Bellevue and Hailey, Carryihg Passengers, Baggage and Light Freight. THEY ALSO CONNECT KITH ALL TRAINS AT BAILEY DEPOT. Telephoac Me. is. WYATT BROS., Porprietorfi. | Hailey, Idaho | ['Idaho--Alturas--Hailey', 'Idaho--Blaine--Hailey'] | Wood River times. [volume] | T.E. Picotte | |
iahi_electabuzz_ver01_data_sn87058318_0027952892A_1860051701_0192_001_6_96.jpg | 0text-only
| 1860-05-17T00:00:00 | 192 | 1 | iahi_electabuzz_ver01 | sn87058318 | [
] | 0.964599 | i iii iiniiLL ef Iowa City. All kinds of TtTRXTCG done Old Furniture repaired and varnished to order. Promptly made when called upon. Give us call before purchasing elsewhere. north side Public Square. Special attention given to Diseases of Fe males and Children. Chronic diseases will veceive special tion. Also, all cases that other physicians cure, more especially the various Fevers dent to the West. & liiELin Have the only establishment in town whore A I S E W A E can be obtained. They keep constantly on band or will make to order SOFAS. CHAIRS, STANDS, LOUNGES, CRADLES, BEDSTEADS, BUREAUS, TABLES, CRIBS, d-C. All as CHEAP for CASH as can be purchas ed west Those whose fears have been excited the excessive use of Calomel, or Mercury, any torm—J/ay rest, assured thoy will no injury—during treatment. Toledo, Tama County, Iowa. Dr. BALDY. November lsth 1858. vln4 CHURCHILL & BIELBY, Toledo. Aug. 11th, 18.v.). M-n-12-ly_ Dr. BALD Y, Again offers his services, (to the of Toledo, and vicinity,) as a Practicing Phy sician and Obstetrician, | Toledo, Tama County, Iowa | ['Iowa--Tama--Toledo'] | The Iowa transcript. | R.F. Staley, N.C. Wieting | |
me_aroostook_ver01_data_sn84022374_00332895035_1860091401_0159_000_6_94.jpg | 1illustrations
| 1860-09-14T00:00:00 | 159 | 1 | me_aroostook_ver01 | sn84022374 | [
] | 0.949527 | stoves’. V JOHN W. HILL, \r' »n,n r--«’•«'«■{ fmly Int rrr |»o> <•:•***• » of E:i«w.»rtfc v f '• .tj hr may -till l>* f .t th* I■ ' H.!! a \ < ui ahwre keuj l c fc-ui.U J.* larfc-«i COOKING STOVES 1 v r :■ ! f .r *nV in it—' f w* trfi may t-« " •’ t* * >'• .liny . I .m.* r. ami A«~» |. 1 • T - ' » <• ! i»- ?. t ,» t!i < iu i.'.u mar ker f-T'-c : » .hint 1 •/. * i V . \\ r»l. If . _ »i t. IV - \ » t,.r »r.<t •itir*: :*t •» ». ... . * . *.i;i • • • m-. Sill P’S CABOOSES, \ » « of all !>«»■«>. Uv-'h.-r with sui i • . • r, >' krir.'n,. «i \<r. l'-.\ ,» »J r, j ; ’ £ . .. f n ! - • - If r • v*l» ■ n ■ .r • i r < ' * 1 r * r”’ ' ' f» • nil' . Ilrtl*«»!. . I• i ! i '' *^ , ( . ' • ' * • ‘ •’ t . I. t *' »t*w. “>‘1 . . k . I tt.: .i stove ttlah JOHN \V. HILL. Kil-w> rth, July 4th. 1 • i». 24 ^ ~q~~ ~ (j *r IJirOItTWT TO fi IL.VN'VLVAMA Balt Manufacturing Company’s s a p o M r 11; it. Thrrer.'y /•V-o.’f Si A/iker, awl f iiit*.! ' Will r- hard w it *»•!». ! in Paint r i . - \. Ink f; • »*:i 1 v j**-. Grease frutu kitchen l t umI.s .Ac. line l»".i r >*t# - • - 2 * cf« It ij !!.- ri.iu.-i- gretw.*, usually given away, ut ihuut j cent per 1! ., say, • • 20 4 a cts. F.rtij-Cr .».f* thercfiTO is the Ca.«t of a barre •f first r It, Si.FT SoAI*. Ur ilor making dillerent .kind* of ^oap. Min ’nr by addressing DEPOT OF COMPANY. LEW !-. J \ ill> A ( O. Putt. u-ru-itiA. 17/* T: > \ xirtn ran la- bid f any r *;» etu - BLACKSMjTH’S NOTICE. The r- havir g Inker, the shop i n It .1 • T I* > 7 a/■ FT. l- rn: rlv . ceispicd by J. il. AELEN A CO., intend to carry on the lli;irk>:uitliiiig ItiisinrsH in all it.« branches. Wo c. ufiih i.tlv hope, by •’i. t art : ’ ! • i I tu tueiit I Too. i\e a liberal share of | Ellsworth, Me. | ['Maine--Hancock--Ellsworth'] | Ellsworth American. [volume] | Wm. H. Chaney | |
ohi_lysander_ver01_data_sn84028645_00280774716_1865061301_0381_003_6_93.jpg | 1illustrations
| 1865-06-13T00:00:00 | 381 | 1 | ohi_lysander_ver01 | sn84028645 | [
] | 0.934824 | SHU ,'T Will fiirp Catarrh. 1VIII cure cold In the head. ! WHI pure aqLflensilve hreoh. j , j . . Will sjnre pain In the head.' . ' Will cure ulceration Jn the none. . 1 Will restore' the n'cnse if henrlng:. (.WU restore the sense Cornell. IT 111 ITMUrc IUC wnm: vi .. ... ..' '-..: mm . Will restore the i - ' . , . ,i '' WHEN ' CAUSED BY Catarrh Snuff an Injury, As is now admitted by all informed, causing irrita tion ana intinmmauon oi tne mucous mem' brane. while the uiipnh: Ucntly and eradually removes all unnatural incrus tations anu aeposns, resionng ino uracusmr " membrane to Its normal conuitton. .t ;. . z "- rr: r,' ft;-," r t "i A single Rottle will Inst m rnonth to he used three times a day. CURE " . IF DIRECTIONS ARE FOLLOWED.' tW CALLF0B A CIRCULAR all symptoms. &h . - -. -snu-1 V !KVIJI-J.V. H ' " ' ' . .I '. IR. 1.'.II. SEKI.YE A CO Solr Propriktom, Chicago, Illinois. : JW lauoratery at Freopoft.'Illinoii. : At Wholesale by .; , - t . JOIIX I. PARK, Cincinnati, V ( vWholoeale Agent forOhio. . ' '.. . . . I.i ' i , ' ' i ; '.' At Retail in Colutnbui by ' i - t JiR. eOOR.R. JONES A HON, H. E, U. KUBKKTS, THK AM. A BENllAM. a, uu.i ana tot sals oy j i)ruK-g:Int lilvory-vrlioro.1 ''feb4-dAtweow1y " . ' .- e.I .(.. .-.i ... 0! | Columbus, Ohio | ['Ohio--Franklin--Columbus'] | Daily Ohio statesman. [volume] | S. Medary | |
in_ittenbach_ver01_data_sn82015679_00202191915_1900092901_0275_002_6_99.jpg | 0text-only
| 1900-09-29T00:00:00 | 275 | 1 | in_ittenbach_ver01 | sn82015679 | [
] | 0.990975 | Jewel Satisfaction There is this particular advantage in pur chasing Jewels here, that deserves the con sideration of prospective purchasers; the customer may select his favorite gem from original papers of loose stones, and have the mountings made especially to order, to please the taste, without extra cost. Are You Interested? JuIiusCWaHcsgoa Indiana's Leading; Jewelers. No. 12 Cast Wnahtutftou Street. | Indianapolis [Ind.] | ['Indiana--Marion--Indianapolis'] | The Indianapolis journal. [volume] | Douglass & Conner | |
hihouml_ariel_ver01_data_sn82015418_00212474253_1865012801_0017_000_6_95.jpg | 0text-only
| 1865-01-28T00:00:00 | 17 | 1 | hihouml_ariel_ver01 | sn82015418 | [
] | 0.958429 | INSURANCE AGENCY! c astij: cV COOKE, 4 I I'l'OIXTKO BY BH.EI.OYV BKOTIIEK. r of Stn Kii:ic:s-o. AceMi fr the well kno:i MAK1 INSCKACE CoMl'AMKS The N. Y. lheiiix. .-f SI.OOO.OOO. And ihf N. Y. SrcuriiT, n -!. i.(H)H.OOO. Are f rt-j.iire.l t.-. u.f rik. u;n CA Ii(iO. TREASURE aaJ FREK.IITS. to ui fmra ail oirta vt the world against partial or l-:s fr jiu War or Marit.e haz.irvl, uiKin the most fivumble terms ALS ) AGENTS FOR THE NeT IiiIaixl Lite I ii.ii rn no- Coaipauy, A '( 2,JO.()UU. Life rikj taken uon the ru'is: favorable tortus. 450 6m | Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands | ['Hawaii--Honolulu--Honolulu'] | The Pacific commercial advertiser. [volume] | H.M. Whitney | |
mnhi_golf_ver01_data_sn85025620_00212479305_1875060401_0152_000_6_90.jpg | 0text-only
| 1875-06-04T00:00:00 | 152 | 1 | mnhi_golf_ver01 | sn85025620 | [
] | 0.904721 | Steam Flouring Worthington, Minn. Sutton & Proprietors. Wholesale A S I N -of Flour, Grain,E and Groun~ Fee Kinds. WHEAT, CORN AND OATS, Ground for Feed .|p_ suit Customers. FANCY PATENT AND FAMILY FLOURS Constantly on Hand. Pay the Highest Price in Cash FOll Wheat, Corn & Oats. 3m25. St. Paul & Sioux City AND Sioux City & Saint Paul R. TIME CARD. Going West. Leave St. Paul at Worthington, at Arrive at Sioux City, at Going East. Leave Sioux City at Worthington,a| Arrive at St. Paul, at These Companies now offer In Iowa and Southwestern Minnesota 900,000 of the finest Land in the Slate. At low On long Credit, With easy payments, At rates of Interest. These lands are very productive, Easy of tlvation, Convenient to markets, and to Churches and Schools. Alternate st ctious mostly occupied by residents: climate pleasant :tnd healthy. For circular giving full information, or prices of particular lands, apply by letter or 3.00 p. 12.18 a. 4.20 a. 9.30 p. 1.50 a. 11.35 a. | Worthington, Minn. | ['Minnesota--Nobles--Worthington'] | The Worthington advance. [volume] | [publisher not identified] | |
nmu_graywolf_ver02_data_sn87090373_00296025550_1895120601_0674_003_6_95.jpg | 0text-only
| 1895-12-06T00:00:00 | 674 | 1 | nmu_graywolf_ver02 | sn87090373 | [
] | 0.959672 | COPYRIGHTS. TAX J OBTAI5 A PATENT? For a prtmi answer ard an 'HHWt op'n;.n. write to WINS A CO.. who hk.-e bad nearljf Bftj Tears' erperwice h the patent btmneu. Commonica. tlons etrutir cnntf-JenUaL A ilandhook of In formation ronopmoiK Patents and bow to ob tain tDein sent free. Aim a cataJogoe of mechan ical and scisnUSc bck ent five. Patents taken tbroafh Mann ft Co. reeerre speciaJ notlwintbe Scientific Amerirna. ai.(i teas are bronrbt w-iW,r oetnretbe pohlic with out cost to the iPTentor. This splendid paper, issued weekly, elccsotir Ulcsirated. ban br far the iareeet fircnlauou of erT;tic work in tbo Bond. S3 I tov. tan:; ctirj sent iree. Balidms E-iitian. mw:liU, F-'jUsrear. S:rrl3 coptea, 2 j cents. Ererr nniier contains beau tital pijttcs, in eolors, and Dbovvraphs of m-w boja. with piana, enab ixt Vut'4i-rs to show u,e iaie-ct drelcc and secure ontrcts. A 'tor p. muxs a co, xfw rout, am buoauvai. | Robinson, Socorro County, N.M. | ['New Mexico--Sierra--Chloride'] | The Black range. | Black Range Print. Co. | |
khi_higuchi_ver01_data_sn82016014_00295871180_1900111401_0358_006_6_93.jpg | 1illustrations
| 1900-11-14T00:00:00 | 358 | 1 | khi_higuchi_ver01 | sn82016014 | [
] | 0.936156 | For ths t GtCZTlZcIlh is J), FredMested t (. Jt ' J J .i 1 l jfrw f 8AMETABEE$2 1 1 H These foods are Subject to a dailv test at the wotij f.imd UATTLE CRLEK SANI TARIUM where iivcs'a'pultl '"V the forfeit were ordinary f'te parej foods used. TlioroTifL!y Cooked, They bave teen fro Bounced by t.heSanitirlum phygidani as indispen sable in the luccc.-slul treatment ot common gestric drincnitia. M f' TTtpf mt rentn htn t mnr' antl D rv-s arii! enrich tt I i j of .) r-HJtJlPkfr t Umn Btiyn hrr c i L.lrf f'Mi) known. Ak for IatLM it-k mp Fanftnrium Kh.h1s do it in tn wd tip'tn toy the ir,itsT 1i nu our r-n- tttlion. MjhIb hy (lait it rcr-n frm.ttliM.r- ium. Food isU-t i&Ltie C r)k, JM u h. & l,,,niri-'rmir-rf r I : I | Topeka, Kan. | ['Kansas--Shawnee--Topeka'] | The Topeka state journal. [volume] | F.P. MacLennan | |
deu_arden_ver01_data_sn85042354_00383343367_1895051801_0948_006_6_92.jpg | 0text-only
| 1895-05-18T00:00:00 | 948 | 1 | deu_arden_ver01 | sn85042354 | [
] | 0.928805 | EYE PROOF E will give Eye Proof that we can give you the best Blue and Black Serge Suits on earlh for $1000 and $12.00. We have others for $15.00, $1800 and $20.00, but our $10.00 and $12 00 are Bread Win ners. Woikmanship, fit and color guaranteed. Full line of Pin Striped and Pin Check Suits from $10 00 to $20.00, all reward the same merit. Our Little Boys' Department is equally as well fixed to Suit the most fastidious. Bow and Arrow given free with every child's Suit. w Boston One-Price Clothing House, 213 Market St., Wilmington, Del. KerclaDt Tailoiing a Specialty. | Wilmington, Del. | ['Delaware--New Castle--Wilmington'] | Evening journal. [volume] | J. Milton Davidson | |
vi_ozzyosbourne_ver01_data_sn85026941_0017503237A_1885030601_0239_001_6_98.jpg | 0text-only
| 1885-03-06T00:00:00 | 239 | 1 | vi_ozzyosbourne_ver01 | sn85026941 | [
] | 0.981937 | tnnil a, | snd u,run,,mere tsflsvat ?I I ? prlfc?, i f'.r ?.Billing- sit VestUM? nil l,ower ar.KII?,, ?< ? I | Woodstock, Va. | ['Virginia--Shenandoah--Woodstock'] | Shenandoah herald. [volume] | Gatewood & Trout | |
in_england_ver02_data_sn82015683_00202191435_1865070101_0219_006_6_97.jpg | 1illustrations
| 1865-07-01T00:00:00 | 219 | 1 | in_england_ver02 | sn82015683 | [
] | 0.974501 | TaiEDICAL. Cfalon's HeadJDispensary l i44lilUli4tl In I M ami Miltner Ity Ute l.rrfialitliirv nr KriilurHy, lor Oiw Irritlini'iil I m' araaaaaiaMaB lllMewMai. s ii.Ti f vr ttt u i turns. And all A IT, l Um of th Uiluaiy and lJ uf l.nlll Naa Jir?4T l UHLI.aim, a cm i wir. itii:iii()Ai. ON tRNRItVAI. IIMICAKK, Inclu.tliie tl.norhua, (llaal. TU I! A 'I I In Myphllla, HUI iure, tl ravel. niia, Itupluma, I'll' a, Flatula, Ihluary Itppo.lta, and all liia.A.ri of Ilia UI4i.eya,HUI.Ur,rriatiatafltAiid, and humlnai Vi.lla, and Irralnirnt, liu ludln a thapler on fkM Al.K DLIKAHp-H, with b ervatluiii on iiiarrlaico and tha rveiit!vii of encptlon, Cmi alHlng TraallMi ou Mvlf Aunaa, Ipertualorihea, Sexual and Ner vouilieblllty, r.arrenne an4 lui I i'd i- ;4 V 0 ft I iO. ... t , potanra In both .ie; tha ITWta of th dla.ei a tha body and mind, and tha Author' New Treatment of all Hie CA.ea In full, tha only acma.ful luatkod f cur, with An eipoaitlou of (JjmÄery. TbiRWütk la not a auatk a 1 voril.einrnt, tut a waruli I and a eulda for tuarrlad and IukI. It la tha only book that Klvaa th treatment of all th above dlaeaiaa I lCMliah, with full directloua for aalr-iraatnient, and coq. talus imirb valualla li.furiuatloo pot proper to tnentlou In a pablle notica. Tha work roctalnaJtW) pag-.a, And 100 plate and no;rAv1nA'a of tha abov dlaeaaea. Sent to any addrva tn a aratmi wrapper, on receipt of one dsllai Tloaa Aßlicti'd with Any of Iba bov dlAa, be fur e placing- theniaelre. ander lh treatment of auy one, .hould flrt read thla work. Ü1HCK Sil,bttwea Vrkt and Jar. Min, M aide. T lrnre afety to aM Irtteri, dlr.ct to QALKN'B UKAti DIBPtMSART Drawer 347, LaUvtli, Ky. xt4 A4-dAl SODA WATER. SODA WATER AM J | Indianapolis, Ind. | ['Indiana--Marion--Indianapolis'] | Daily State sentinel. [volume] | Bingham & Doughty | |
dlc_eagle_ver01_data_sn83030214_00175038425_1890090801_0106_007_6_95.jpg | 0text-only
| 1890-09-08T00:00:00 | 106 | 1 | dlc_eagle_ver01 | sn83030214 | [
] | 0.958462 | Precious Stones. , ,.,,.,..,1 - r*iamen-l /'? *''<? ralu* .a ai-'n'ir t'lun-t. Theodore B. Starr, 206 FIFTH AVENUE, Bi-.-i-fa fmnlin-i Uailiao* >'/., -"''/' "?'/ '-',w/' 11_!0 BROADWAY. ) Strettu. | New York [N.Y.] | ['New York--New York--New York'] | New-York tribune. [volume] | New York Tribune | |
pst_atherton_ver01_data_sn84026355_00237281950_1900091101_0516_002_6_97.jpg | 1illustrations
| 1900-09-11T00:00:00 | 516 | 1 | pst_atherton_ver01 | sn84026355 | [
] | 0.974889 | ami jVc& 0 Dr. Peal"s Pennyroyal PESils NvTbeyaro prompt, safe and certain in result. w Tbo rcni'.mo (Dr. Feal'ij never disappoint. Bold for S1.C0 per box. For Salo by JOHN Spruce street. H, PHELPS, EVERY WOMAN geantiidi a reliable, tnoithtr'auittiif medicine. Only haroal tha purest tit up ikould be at1. If yeu vast Ike bast, ret Pharmacist, ccr. Wycmintravcnu and | Scranton, Pa. | ['Pennsylvania--Lackawanna--Scranton'] | The Scranton tribune. [volume] | Tribune Pub. Co. | |
mimtptc_flint_ver01_data_sn97063063_00296024314_1865030801_0276_003_6_94.jpg | 0text-only
| 1865-03-08T00:00:00 | 276 | 1 | mimtptc_flint_ver01 | sn97063063 | [
] | 0.945908 | THE DESIRE OF Saginaw Valley. CHOICE FAMILY Green and Black Teas CONSTANTLY ON HAND, And for Sale by Greene & Brother, CrEOOERB, Zd DOOR EAST 01 CITY STEAlt AfLL5,(0enese Street, East Saginaw. :ivr:Eita:Ei.:isrxs' Insurance Company! OF HARTFORD, CONN. CASH CAPITAL, - . $200,000. E. THOMAS LOBDELL. Sec'y MARK HOWARD, Pree't. NOTICE is hereby ri ven that the agency ef the Merchant's Insurance Company of Hartford, for Saginaw County, haa this day bee transferred to the undersigned, who will hereaf ter promptly attend to and conduct the business of that company. This company stands A No. 1, as will be seen by referring to the statements at the Troy fire, which occurred a few weeks sineej 30,000 was paid promptly by this company al that time. Those desiring risks taken ean de better than to insure In this company. ' II. O. BUR-", AgoeA East Saginaw, June 34, 1863. | East Saginaw, Mich. | ['Michigan--Saginaw--East Saginaw', 'Michigan--Saginaw--Saginaw'] | East Saginaw courier. | Geo. F. Lewis | |
curiv_jojoba_ver01_data_sn84038814_00279557190_1860042001_1012_002_6_95.jpg | 0text-only
| 1860-04-20T00:00:00 | 1,012 | 1 | curiv_jojoba_ver01 | sn84038814 | [
] | 0.958172 | Marysville, Calif. | ['California--Yuba--Marysville'] | Daily national Democrat. [volume] | A.S. Randall & Co. | |
nbu_lee_ver01_data_sn84020109_00212470685_1865100501_0432_002_6_91.jpg | 0text-only
| 1865-10-05T00:00:00 | 432 | 1 | nbu_lee_ver01 | sn84020109 | [
] | 0.912002 | DEVLIN & CO., BROADWAY, KBIT TO It It. AT Wholesale and Retail. WE OPEN TFTE SEASON WITH A LARGE STOCK OF ELEGANT CLOTHING A3D FURNISHING GOODS in onr Ready-Made Department, We bare also secured the servi. cf f r-t ;i!;.-3 tjs'a in onr CUSTOM DEPARTMENT, Which is likewL-e supplied with the finest and best Fabrics of the Oome and Foreign 3Jarkrf s. To thnfi ah wwli to order hv mil. will ba nt (on application) R M RI.KS OK fiOOTm, With Ilirpetion-" fr Measnrin, whi'h,if correctly .-..) followed, will secure a ot to all eases. DEVLIN & CO., Broadway. cor. Gi tnd St . M"!1. Vlf Ef-oadwny cor. Warren St I uiift iU-3 6w | Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.] | ['Nebraska--Nemaha--Auburn', 'Nebraska--Nemaha--Brownville', 'Nebraska--Nemaha--Calvert'] | Nebraska advertiser. [volume] | R.W. Furnas | |
ohi_arnarson_ver01_data_sn83035173_00296027297_1860121201_0412_000_6_94.jpg | 0text-only
| 1860-12-12T00:00:00 | 412 | 1 | ohi_arnarson_ver01 | sn83035173 | [
] | 0.946558 | JVC nil whrm if mjiv V.cwxoptw ! m JL V UJ1 f UVU1 W 111UT Vlll . T I fl I J T l J HI ' T T.' -KTW T will CAntinnea Ihn hnainASR in 11 its branclies at tlaa - A h&d jut kli satire Steck. I will always keep en band a full, fresh sad well selected suck f ; JRUGS, JCEDICINSS. 'rj PAINT.,; ' OILS, ' V ; DTE STUFFS, -:. ' PATENT MEDiCINEB, io., &a. waiea X win sell attkeZerf efl 55" prices; also . a full assortment or TTINE8 & MQU01t Urge quantities which I will sell to country deal rs as Jew as they can buy them at any tewa or Oty in the State. In connection with " ' the abovs; I intend also tokep an assortment of SCHOOL BOOKS, STATIONERY, AND NOTIONS; and thankful t bit friends for pastfavors, I respectfully invite then. a-a .t mv new location, where I will be hap py to supply them with any goods in my line, cheap for CASH. T - Kwnx will continue to wait upon customers' at the same establishment. Ilis long ex- iri.n.. ;n ti,. Kninss is a euarantee of safety in ii preparation of prescriptions and filling all eri BE wra and bar vour Baots an .Shoes of J. WASSON. ef Ashland t the old stand of Viiirn Sl Stobbs mt frat reduced priest fr- Omsk, (er short, Orodit rOKCNTKATED LYE The best article ia . warla fr BkkiM Soap, for sale by Aif S. B. P. KNOX-t "XUST EECE1VJSD A lot of Hughe's oelebratel I Champaign nd Stock Ale, for aal by the fch | Ashland, Ashland County, Ohio | ['Ohio--Ashland--Ashland'] | The Ashland union. [volume] | Jno. Sheridan | |
msar_kingsombra_ver01_data_sn83045232_00415661964_1875020201_0204_001_6_95.jpg | 0text-only
| 1875-02-02T00:00:00 | 204 | 1 | msar_kingsombra_ver01 | sn83045232 | [
] | 0.953685 | TO HAVE GOOD HEALTH The Liver must be kept in order. : SANFORD'S LIVER IN VIGOR ATOR has become a staple family medicine. Purely vegetable Cathartic and Tonic for all de rangements of Liver, Stomach and Bowels. Will clear the complexion, cure sick-headache. &c. Shun Imitations. . ....... I.ircr Imisorator | Jackson, Miss. | ['Mississippi--Hinds--Jackson'] | The Daily clarion. [volume] | Hamilton, Power & Co. | |
wa_dungeness_ver03_data_sn83045611_00202198922_1885052901_0511_001_6_94.jpg | 0text-only
| 1885-05-29T00:00:00 | 511 | 1 | wa_dungeness_ver03 | sn83045611 | [
] | 0.945058 | O. SCHILLESTAD. UNDERTAKER, DSAXJOK IN Metalic and Wood CASEW AND CASK _TS. Alio UNDERTAKERS' COOOS IN ITOT BTTLS At the Meet RssseasbH PHeea. «. Order* by telegraph promptly attended to. m. near treat. lienla | Seattle, W.T. [Wash.] | ['Washington--King--Seattle'] | Seattle daily post-intelligencer. [volume] | [Post-Intelligencer Pub. Co.] | |
iune_broadsheet_ver01_data_sn92053942_00295879877_1875060901_0194_004_6_94.jpg | 0text-only
| 1875-06-09T00:00:00 | 194 | 1 | iune_broadsheet_ver01 | sn92053942 | [
] | 0.946106 | XT 3 3?i?of: Mohr' GERMAN FlyPapei ? It is sure to kill all FLIES, ROACHES, BUGS, MOSQUITOES, and nil Living Iu-ecls. is the best in use. Try it! Try it! Try it! Wm. A. Peas'J, Proprietor, New Bedford, For sale by John Bengston. | Rock Island, Ill. | ['Illinois--Rock Island County--Rock Island'] | The daily Argus. | [publisher not identified] | |
ohi_guildenstern_ver01_data_sn84028745_00280775332_1860091801_0065_001_6_93.jpg | 0text-only
| 1860-09-18T00:00:00 | 65 | 1 | ohi_guildenstern_ver01 | sn84028745 | [
] | 0.936494 | NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Fall Exhibition -OF CHEAP DRY GOODS! -AT- DELANMGOSSAGE'S sSl tj WEST FOURTH-ST. LADIES' CLOAKS AMD SHAWLS. Large aniortmpnt of new Bfylet. Cloth and Velvet Cloaks! Zebra and Plain Dusters ! NOVELTIES IN Zounve .Tnolfots! SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF TJN ESS SI tIS At 50,M,T9and7o.; 81. SI Hand fl 50 and B nor. Linens. Linens. 8cc. Irish Iinenn, At no, HTM, 40 and SO cents. 10-4 Linen Sbeetinsn, At J ft cents, worth $1. Tnblintc IlaniBslis, At SO, O-i, 75, 87 X cents and 91. Damask Cloth, Atff 39, Ut SO and 9 i. Brown Damask Cloths, At ti-iX, 73, HI cents and St Colored Tabling, for Tea Cloths. DAMASK KAPK1NR, HULK TOWELS AND TOWELING, RUSSIA CRASH. SCO ''OH DIAPER. Linen and Cotton Sheeting's, Pillow Case Iiaena. FLANNELS AND BMNKETS! White, Red and Colored Pressed Flannels. HHAKER FLAN ICI-, In White, K'i and Drnb. 2'i yards wide, Sklitiugs and Sheetings. Silk Flannel, for Infants. BLEACHED AND UNBLEACHED FLANNElS. COLORED CANTON FLANNELS. Traveling Dress Goods I A IMcta and Varied Assortment. HOOP SKiriTS. Ladies' and Children's DEL AND & CJ OSS AGE, sets 74 and 79 Wont "onrth -street. Half-fare Trains I Oliio Klfito TO BE HELD AT DATTON, Commencing Tuesday, September and Closing Friday, 28th. Cincinnati. Hamilton and IN ADDITION TO THE B ROUT. All Trains, leaving t'incinnatl at 6 M.,Ti30A. M., -2,30 P. M.. and 0-ii V. M., two Soeclal Trnins will be run,r leaving Cincinnati at Si;0 A. M. aud 8 A. M., stopping at all way statioi s. Tim Ti O A. M Train, from Cincinnati, will at Hamilton, Middletown and Dayton, onlt. | Cincinnati [Ohio] | ['Ohio--Hamilton--Cincinnati'] | Cincinnati daily press. [volume] | Henry Reed & Co. | |
mthi_antelope_ver02_data_sn86075021_00294550422_1885110101_1061_000_6_96.jpg | 1illustrations
| 1885-11-01T00:00:00 | 1,061 | 1 | mthi_antelope_ver02 | sn86075021 | [
] | 0.967343 | IRA a m vous R.r1t* hptI ET mon b, i31WMCia Inlrueý' enrýa a 3OS C . I b .at or £ 0 &Mim trlse ni IIR rhltilTa Tlt T 70''Y" CIJ. M F0I11>etilt ,.Ob.d .0r C.0Atf~tiTU FWG Ot'J ~-I"L REL. THE SWZCIALIST, No.11 uan7 IL, Su ruiclsco, Cal Tzns W, Ciim wýt 8rrF.ut, LNIv nvru Dmraai THE GREAT ENOLISH REMEDY 'Is hen gIft% M Mar wa atl d this der hospew ) WillfO a y aTUO. Dl ap Al. 1. CL u, will be ant t Yra nrr~ta by left. a1 , aaý( wnl t swy to egar | Miles City, Mont. | ['Montana--Custer--Miles City'] | Daily Yellowstone journal. [volume] | W.D. Knight | |
gu_ace_ver02_data_sn82015137_00414181910_1885092401_0197_006_6_93.jpg | 0text-only
| 1885-09-24T00:00:00 | 197 | 1 | gu_ace_ver02 | sn82015137 | [
] | 0.931225 | iUUUttrrq ntO yartrttt 9*tom. YOUR LAST CHANCE] P 1, ATS ! I E K ’ S, 138 BROUGHTON HTIIEET. We shall close out lhin week what is left of our Summer stock. Price* have now become mere flgnres to uh, an value shull aland no remumlug. The balance of our Summer Goods must go at such terrific low prices as we quote: LOOK! LOOK! LOOK! 150 dozen Children’s colored border Handker chieiH nic.; reduce* from floe. I*s dozen Children’s colored border Handker chiefs (hemmed) i%c. each; reduced from sc. lOOdozcn T.ndies’ fast color, broad hem Hand kerchiefs 10c.; reduced from 18c, 75 dozen Ludies tael color, broad hem Linen Handkerchiefs 15c.; reduced from 25c. 1,000 assorted other styles, finer grade Hand kerchiefs, proportionately as cheap. 60 dozen l.adina’ fine colored lloae at 15c,; reduced from 25c. 40 dozen Ladies’ regular mode Fancy Ilose 2<lc.; reduced from 50c. 35 dozen very tine Genuine Halbriggau Hose 25c.; reduced from 47c. 2.-i dozen Ladles’ regular made Solid Color Hose 25c. per pair: reduced from 40c. One lot fl-length Ladies’ Black aud Colored Taffeta Silk Gloros 42c.; reduced from 75c, One lot 8-length Ladies’ Black and Colored Taffeta Silk Gloves 50c.; reduced from 57c. NEW FAEL GOODS BY EVERY STEAMER [ Oue lot 10-longUi La<lies’ Black and Colored. Tiifl'cta Silk Gloves 75c.; reduced from U 27. 200 ysnls hronil Oriental Laces at lie. a yard; roiluceil from 20c. 100 yards extra wide Oriental Laces 25c. it yarn; redaceu from 40c. 400 yards elegant patterns Fancy I owes at 10c. a yard; reduced from 25c. and 33c. One lot Ladies’ all wool Black and Colored .lun evs at $1; reduced trom ,1 54. One lot Ladies' Blkck Worsted Jerseys only II 60: reduced iro u 22. One lot Ladies' Black Worsted Jerseys (bow and plait back) 22; reduced from $3. Ladies’ and (ihildren's Straw Hats, formerly 25c.; reduced now to 10c. and 15c. Ladies’ and Children's Mtraw Have, formerly 60c. an t 75c.; reduced now to !5. Ladies' and Children’s Straw Hats, formerly tl and $1 50; reduced now to 50c comp; early ahd get’ the choice. | Savannah | ['Georgia--Chatham--Savannah'] | Savannah morning news. [volume] | null | |
oru_ireland_ver01_data_sn84022644_00295867541_1870092301_0114_000_6_97.jpg | 0text-only
| 1870-09-23T00:00:00 | 114 | 1 | oru_ireland_ver01 | sn84022644 | [
] | 0.973774 | P 0e tCMPIK & GO -DKALE11S IN , G E XERAI J ME It C HAND I S E ! ' STORE IN FOSTER'S BRICK. FORMERLY OCCUPIED BY D. MANSFIELD & CO.. KEEP CONSTANTLY OX HAND i - DRY GOODS. LADIES' DRESS GOODS. QUEENSWARE, IX FACT KVERYTHIXd CSUALLtPKEPT IX .- ' Oflbr Very Low, Either vn40yl t.t) A FINE ASSORTMENT OF i ...... CLOTHING, HATS, BOOTS & SHOES, GLASSWARE, . A RETAIL ESTAKI,LSyMENT, VfUICH TUEY i UitiX t. -ii i $ L . for Cash or ProcttMje.- , P. C. HAItPKR etc CO. | Albany, Linn County, Oregon | ['Oregon--Linn--Albany'] | The state rights democrat. [volume] | null | |
mimtptc_alpena_ver01_data_sn85026455_00202198028_1875101601_0064_002_6_96.jpg | 0text-only
| 1875-10-16T00:00:00 | 64 | 1 | mimtptc_alpena_ver01 | sn85026455 | [
] | 0.96316 | Cheboygan Foundry, THE CHEBOYGAN FOUNDRY & MACHtHE SHOP, II. A. BLAKE, PROPRIETOR. Is now better prepared than ever before to do all work in his line promptly and in a manner that cannot oe surpassed. in addition to manufacturing everything that is usually made in first class lounaries, . especial attention is paid to The'- Jobbing . Business, Such as repairing engines, and all kinds of ma cmnery, luguuier wiui Steamboat "Work, In all its branches. He also manufactures PROPELLER WHEELS, ' For Tugs. Brass and Iran Castings; of all kinds made to order. Shop on thcriver on Main street. Satisfaction guaranteed ... | Cheboygan, Mich. | ['Michigan--Cheboygan--Cheboygan'] | Northern tribune. [volume] | W. Chandler | |
txdn_chevy_ver01_data_sn83025733_00200294774_1885011701_0632_003_6_97.jpg | 1illustrations
| 1885-01-17T00:00:00 | 632 | 1 | txdn_chevy_ver01 | sn83025733 | [
] | 0.978419 | Houston, Texas. manufacturer's agents for GLIDDEN'S Galvanized or Painted. TENSIL 8THENOTH, 1,500 FOUNDS. Is made fiom NO. 12 BTEEL WIRES, EVENLY TWIHTKD and Is warran ted to be uniformly stronger and to present more barbs per rod, being at the same time llithter, with the same sice el niatu wires, than any ther style. In coase quunre of these combined adVfittaKea, we have (tixxl reawin to la-lleve that It sales are K1VK TIM KM KK.TTKIl lluill the united i miimui no uii.t'rn. niier iei- wo.i icesisiTe 1 statements and facts, the nuesilun arbes: ( an pnndiasera afford lo make a series oi experiments with other cheaper end less win ly Known styles and (jniHi-s or wire, wlilrli In nianufHcliired wlihnut a license, and by thlscourse suliiectlsi theinsHlvns to assessment- for damsgixliy the United Hiates Cmir'sT It Is uossthle thai the manufactur ers of unlicensed liarh wre may nfler to pro- icn uieir airous; nut wnen nils pnsMenon Isnffe ed we respectfully slimiest that yon liivesdgi fe the ri'K)ii.ll,lllt of the irnarao teeors. Whl'e we else nl in any intention et iiioiiiiMill7,lii ihe bHib wire business, oar renders will plesse remember Ihst there are lew, If any, articles inumihv'tured which leave so small a mil ml ll la'lweeu actual lint cost and Ihe prlre alshlch Lesilimatu Brli ffire CaDbuParctai rsT-THErtE AHK HEVKOAL RTYLER of barb wire duly licensed by the own ers nfall piitentspiveriiiiis the manufacture of hiiru wire and bearing their 1 1 tv use stamp, and we would recommend lli.'lr use, if after a thorouirh Investlica Ion ol Uie true ruurlu of our wire and Its present low prices, you fluil that you can afford to purchase any other si vie or Inf.-rlor irndenf wire. Inquire for the icemilue Oi.ippkn. Hold only by us or our appointed as-enrlesthrous'ioulthe statf. n If. 1,1 Willi. II n QHIUtl, W IUIII.WNI w . w. wesion, MUldleton, Hiewsrt 4 Co., Henry A Peak. Dallas. Korl Worth Ahlleee. tiraham. tiatnuavllle. Hhernan. MeKlnney. I'lai o. lreavllle. (Ileburus Wsxahscble. Cameron A Phillips, J. II. Norrts. C'l.uvo. Kle'rher, noia rts, Harawlcke A TayK r, Kyers HriM., 8. 8. 1). Heard. W. H. Chandler A Co.. J a in s AriieHtead, I Mrk son A Co.. T.A. rerrls, w. J Johnson A Co , i orslcaua. C. II. A J. J. Carter Lumber Co., Terrell. Sanborn Sc Warner, TinruTflV. TKX . THE rOl'l I.VR AlTOI!, J. U. mm ( | Dallas, Tex. | ['Texas--Dallas--Dallas'] | The Dallas daily herald. [volume] | Jno. W. Swindells & Co. | |
khi_allen_ver02_data_sn82015484_00294555675_1880120201_0168_003_6_95.jpg | 1illustrations
| 1880-12-02T00:00:00 | 168 | 1 | khi_allen_ver02 | sn82015484 | [
] | 0.952162 | J. B B YERS, fJrren Front, Main, Street, &ttk nf IulHe Square, "raor. t s : i x EfA.nSAM. COOiC STOVES TETWAHE 3IAEDWAEE, Anil a General Aiwirtment of SM asil Bnilflers' Harflware. ILL EEfiJS OF G3TTEEEG iSH EEPiffilNS E3NL At, alwaja arta on hawl rompMe pUwk of Jt?J U -LJSTZ.1?TyJELtt- Jaly ?. inn. D. 0. SINCLAIR, West of Poilic Square, : : KANSAS- TROY, UEALEK IS B2U0S, SEDICDTES,. Chemicals, Patent Medicines, Perfiunery, Toilet Goods, FVZtE 1VI.-VI A.tO IQLOUS, Faints, Oils, yarnisl, Brnslies, IMoi Glass, "Wall Paper, School Booki, SUtiocery, &c. rreerrintlea. Csrrfally CWpotiaded st All Hoora. Jaly la, rti. USE r0E Xlh DIXt,, OF TIIE TDE01T IXtt GREBX MOUXTAIX ii .C'. PfSrtle. aliKe 13S. Pat U-tm, tbepab- KIT5- . LMI li I H II 5EVEK FAILS ES'S'W LSI oo. AUdraBirt.kerpitfaraaUj. T J T y Kad ear nsraatee anon -t- Jl. Xi D CENTS. Kasraatee aim; U il Ji O il .IL . O. C. Haw & Bntefcett. rptt-'m. tSHJI itryt - Kjjua.Clty.Xe. CITY MEAT MARKET, West title Tubtie Square, CHARLES iURKHALTER KETPS reartaatlyoaliaiida pJ aortrot cf ftr.1. uat -t taesta. Jmiyiex B-et X"-g "d Veil, ata. BaaM. SbeaMrrj Brraktart Beees, llrklrd. Peckaad CuraM Bert wklrb ae win eril ss lew sa to. tinnalalL Sfcep frm at an aeaaoasble bears. Win bay bnb Berfaad Stark Cattle Abe pay eaah tar HbleasadTanew. ttarpm. DR. F. C. HOFFMEIER. HOMEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN. . (Gmdntnfti4VltmUitfl3r)UA,CimfUCtJ O'E Z? SS rf F' nM. -nb. can le J seal aijlit, tmleaa prafiaeiMuUly tatpged, aAASTfe".?,n,,n, BOstattv. sr- a.UlLrbk. Seadrr.ltyoawutabaabieaaatwUck aDOO ESZZSXJSS&e&isff wttOB tar nartsilarB. ti Tt HIM aj-p m. I'n , a-rifi.,.. &tmss. iHflEpjraBSfiwSZ SSiSLlMfAeaV,.- ttfrXfiSC | Troy, Kan. | ['Kansas--Doniphan--Troy'] | The Weekly Kansas chief. [volume] | Sol Miller | |
whi_inez_ver01_data_sn86086769_00271769775_1860020701_0376_000_6_98.jpg | 0text-only
| 1860-02-07T00:00:00 | 376 | 1 | whi_inez_ver01 | sn86086769 | [
] | 0.980581 | NEW ADVERTISEMENTS* IN' ZE3 "W GROCER V STOKE. P. ALLEN & CO. UAVF opened at the Store recently occupied bv A. C. ANSLEY, opposite the Court House, au rxctllect stock of . Choice Family Groceries, Embracing atcioat *v<?rj article iu their li; j. Tht/ Lave a *;. j assortment of SUGARS, CofT es, Teas. err I T I HU! MOLASSES, RAISINS, CURRANTS, DRIED FRUIT, CANDIES, TOBACCO, CIGARS, &o. ■*!* they base select**'! with care, for F.tmily use, art ! | Mineral Point, Wis. | ['Wisconsin--Iowa--Mineral Point'] | Mineral Point weekly tribune. | Geo. W. Bliss & Ed. U. Bliss | |
nvln_tonopah_ver01_data_sn84022053_00279554462_1880080401_0250_002_6_97.jpg | 0text-only
| 1880-08-04T00:00:00 | 250 | 1 | nvln_tonopah_ver01 | sn84022053 | [
] | 0.971658 | fHE AMERICAN INSTITUTE - or— PHRENOLOGY INCORPORATED DY THE LEGISLATURE of the State of New York iu lMUi, will open its Annual Session for 1879 on the first day of October, to continue six weeks. More than a hundred lessons or lectures will l-e given,| The study of Human Nature, as taught by Phrenology, Physiognomy, and Physi ology, constituting a complete Anthro pology, is of tt e first importance to Clergy moil, whose vocation it into in struct mankind in the formation of character aud the attainment of spiritual growth; to ToHCber**, who need to learn the nature of the human faculties, aud how best to guide and instruct them to act in accordance with clear judgment and sound morality; to PliyMioimiN. that they may understand the mental traits and dbpositions of patients and patrons, and how to acquire their confi dence and co-operation; to l.nwyers, that they may know is in human nature, and how to read at once the character ot cJLnts, witnesses, and jury, and comprehend the springs ot action and mo tive in those who are charged with crime; to Mu!4‘*»m«-u. who are called to enact laws for the proper government and improve rnent of mankind; to .Mereliaiibi ami RualneNN JI«Y»,wLo deal with everybody, and ought fo know char acter and faculty, aud how to handle it easily, pleasantly, and successfully; to I'nrontV who have a vital interest in the proper training, instruction, government, and happiness of children, and therefore need to lUiocratand their special traits, aud what treatment is best suited to etch; to Yniini; Hon and Monini, win have to make their way in the world, In self-cul ture, choice of pursuits, and selection of life companions or business partners, this com prehensive SCIKKCK or FIRST F&IBCU’LES has a profitable word to say. All who desire to become men tiers of a clast', this year <>r text, and all who would like to know is to he taught ir> the course of instruction, tern s. «*t( . may ad dress, asking tor ‘•Institute Circular,” S. R. Wells & Co . Publishers, 737 Broadway, New York. OASIS SALOON, .tinIii Street. Clans Becker, Frop'r, ” DEALER INV; Liquors, Cigars, Wines, ALE AND PORTER. Fine Liquors In Itoltles & Flasks. ~C7 H. •BELKNAP, A TT ORNEI Counsellor-at-Law, I!i sms a nntl fi Mnrye’n Riiildiiiir, VIRGINIA, NKVAPA. C N. HARRIS' ATTORNEYATIAW | Silver City, Nev. | ['Nevada--Lyon--Dayton', 'Nevada--Lyon--Silver City', 'Nevada--Lyon--Yerington'] | Lyon County times. [volume] | Frank Kenyon | |
iahi_ivysaur_ver01_data_sn83025182_00279528347_1865122701_0505_002_6_94.jpg | 0text-only
| 1865-12-27T00:00:00 | 505 | 1 | iahi_ivysaur_ver01 | sn83025182 | [
] | 0.945826 | Saint Louis. w a. utiia. Jno. KXIDALL WTCOFF, )*a(.i.iactu e. t' Crackers, Bread and Cake* Alto, Gingtr „Vu», M'itcar-mi fbtapi. t'. le. 47 Berth Itrnll RU, M. flic til ST. IOV1S, 110. AllonUr*promptly attended to at lowaatpricea ahorteat notice. JjrSl-dBn PRATT A FOX, bapert«iT. ^oth«in A NMaratlutn' HARDWARE and Nos. 139 A 141 Main St, ST. LOUIS. «»-aole Agent* for B. A T. FAIRBANKS •CALKS, aad HARRISO CO.'8 8AFKS. })-,i decs F. BARRY.late Oaah'r Merch'UB'k St. Loui». JAS. A. CASSIDY, ofSt .Charlaa, R.F- BARR7& CO., rxri r^ivpLT COMMISSION »Vfl. 19 Walnut St., ^pyo*its Barcmo'i U. tal, SAINT LOUIS, PERSONAL 'Filling of Orders for Merchandise, And all klad* of I'""ARMING rrampt Betaraa SaaraaUtd. v,..r, r. 'TOT("!V k fV Kr- krit. ard attention ziren to the tale all kind*of Produce and AND THE | Keokuk, Iowa | ['Iowa--Lee--Keokuk'] | The daily Gate City. [volume] | J.B. Howell | |
tu_ernie_ver01_data_sn86090474_00296020503_1885080801_1294_000_6_98.jpg | 1illustrations
| 1885-08-08T00:00:00 | 1,294 | 1 | tu_ernie_ver01 | sn86090474 | [
] | 0.986607 | THE LATEST AND BEST mm rnmim. It is universally conceded to be the finest-finished and best-made on tne market. It vrood-work f 9 elejrant ly decorated in JUUuuy and V1U. AGENTS Y ANTED. FOB FABTICULARS ADDRESS LeaderSewing Machine Co. CLETVELAHD, OHIO. | McMinnville, Tenn. | ['Tennessee--Warren--McMinnville'] | Southern standard. | Standard Pub. Co. | |
in_england_ver02_data_sn82015683_00202191435_1865101701_0579_013_6_96.jpg | 0text-only
| 1865-10-17T00:00:00 | 579 | 1 | in_england_ver02 | sn82015683 | [
] | 0.964605 | REAL EGTATE, &C. FOR SAIE. 15 Very Desirable Lots, ON BRADSHAW bT.f Within 200 Feet of the Yirginia Aienne Line of Cars. riABEJE LVTS WILL BE SOLD AT A TEST LOW X prka leag credit, tka parckaeer required ta lall en ata aot wrtaua a rT, uteo. For partlcTiUra apply al the olce f tie Citi.ea' treet Railway Company a. H.CATHEEwrn. IaaUaapc.Ua, April 14. i9fifi-4xt | Indianapolis, Ind. | ['Indiana--Marion--Indianapolis'] | Daily State sentinel. [volume] | Bingham & Doughty | |
tu_arthur_ver01_data_sn95068565_00212470478_1860020901_0841_000_6_98.jpg | 1illustrations
| 1860-02-09T00:00:00 | 841 | 1 | tu_arthur_ver01 | sn95068565 | [
] | 0.980572 | AURORA i. m.-- m .Ai u J.m SHOOK n in receipt of a most extor.sivo stock 0 VHfc-(-v.i i1-f,.,n,. (,, 'Mrjf 9 ML! 1 sit 11 a Si aa jj , uu e U l z And u sii)ei'ior .Stock of READY-MAB3 CLOTHING, HATS A1YD a i..u:cii':i; stock than kvi:i;. I.ADIKS' )!-:i':.';S(iMi!w. i:ulii:. and i)ii'i'i:i:::M stvi.i:s ok CI'KIMoi: ;' 1 1 K ,l'l!K Mi. i ::m:av. :.s r-c.i:i, c. ( '. A complete m 1 1 j , ! v of ihe HOOKS usu l in il.u ilii!'ercnt'SC!IOOL-l-. I'aiieis, Fmis-,. Pencils-, Ink, lope,', an I cvrrv varielv of S'latioiierv. All el which win be sobi r.ow Fcii cash, or lo or nt time dealers. S' I't' I a. C. A. SI To the Kcrcliaiita mvwiMiii.,) '.lH J,-Sl s..u.J.- w ,,tl DRY | Winchester, Tenn. | ['Tennessee--Franklin--Winchester'] | The home journal. | W.J. Slatter | |
iahi_gastly_ver01_data_sn82015737_00279529091_1860041601_0567_000_6_98.jpg | 1illustrations
| 1860-04-16T00:00:00 | 567 | 1 | iahi_gastly_ver01 | sn82015737 | [
] | 0.981107 | N E W Y O K l'liOM EE. GK BIjY d) GO'S GENERAL ADVEKUSING AGENCY", 335 Broadway, New York. I A N O -F O E S A- II. GALE A CO., f|!AKE great pleasure in inviting the attention of I Artists, Amateurs and the public generally, to their New Stale Orerttrvng, Irou-Framr Piano-Furtet, just introduced. The glowing de mand for I'iano-Furtes, of more than ordinary power and brilliancy of tone, directed our ener gies to the production of such an instrument,and we submit the result without fear of competition. Our Pianos are all manufactured of the best well-seasoned materials, under our immediate su pervision, and are guaranteed to give entire satis faction, whether ordered from us direct, or sold by any of our Agents throughout the country. We solicit a continuance of that patronage which we have enjoyed for the last 25 vears. A. U. GALE A CO apr9-d3m1 107 East 12th street, New York. GOFFS PATENT | Davenport, Iowa | ['Iowa--Scott--Davenport'] | Daily Democrat and news. [volume] | Maguire, Richardson & Co. | |
cohi_elkton_ver01_data_sn90051267_00383340913_1900021001_1175_002_6_98.jpg | 1illustrations
| 1900-02-10T00:00:00 | 1,175 | 1 | cohi_elkton_ver01 | sn90051267 | [
] | 0.98855 | La Junta, Bent County, Colo. | ['Colorado--Bent--La Junta', 'Colorado--Otero--La Junta'] | La Junta tribune. | N.H. Bowman | |
in_indianapolisolympians_ver02_data_sn86058250_00271744808_1870122401_0688_001_6_95.jpg | 0text-only
| 1870-12-24T00:00:00 | 688 | 1 | in_indianapolisolympians_ver02 | sn86058250 | [
] | 0.959489 | WAUTBD! $3 fTkrh4 FOU Fno.n two M WWV t Five Years, at 10 per cent. Interest paid semi annually, and secu- red by first mortgrge on real estate. Inquire of J C WH1TRIDGE, Attornev. NoTember 5, 1870. :il 57 | Richmond, Ind. | ['Indiana--Wayne--Richmond'] | The Richmond palladium. [volume] | D.P. Holloway & Co. | |
okhi_icecream_ver01_data_sn83025010_00295864746_1890022001_0037_007_6_91.jpg | 0text-only
| 1890-02-20T00:00:00 | 37 | 1 | okhi_icecream_ver01 | sn83025010 | [
] | 0.912781 | -TAICB CHICAGO, KEW YORK, Kiiiimih City, Moiidt'iil, SU I'uiil, uml nil poiuta Kust untl North. Pullman without ehatiffo or trannfer to CHICAGO, KANSAS CITY AND LOUIS, ItrrtlkfiiHt helntf survcil ti itociipuntk (if Chicago HlccpInK CutH in The M., K. & T. Ky. is u1m the to poinU In thu Btntt) of Texas and CEO. A. EDDY. H. C. CROSS, Receivers. J, J. Fret, J., (Jon't Truflle M (Iaht'in Mcn.nii, Ci'iicrul rHMttiiKtr mid Tii-kct Agont, MO. | Vinita, Indian Territory [Okla.] | ['Oklahoma--Craig--Vinita'] | Indian chieftain. [volume] | Indian Chieftain Pub. Co. | |
uuml_griffith_ver01_data_sn85058130_0020653591A_1880061001_0562_005_6_93.jpg | 0text-only
| 1880-06-10T00:00:00 | 562 | 1 | uuml_griffith_ver01 | sn85058130 | [
] | 0.936012 | SILK DEPARTMENTS We have jiut = received large lines of SUMMER SILKS BLACK SILKS COLORED SILKS TRIMMING SILKS BROCADED SILKS h POLKA DOTS rle P I ttfIN f C SATINS SATIN DE LYONS Which we aro oDering at the MOST ATTRACTIVE PRICES 0 JUNE 18819 0 Dress Goods Dept We invite special attention our immr so liuca of PLAIN DRESS GOODS FANCY DRESS GOODS In Shades to match LINEN LAWNS FANCY LAWNS PIQUES PERCALES PRINTS 0 WALKER BROTHERSE REflOVAL SALE REMOVAL SALE EOYAL SALE | Salt Lake City [Utah] | ['Utah--Salt Lake--Salt Lake City'] | The Salt Lake herald. [volume] | [W.C. Dunbar & E.L. Sloan] | |
wvu_austria_ver01_data_sn84026845_00202190650_1860051201_0449_000_6_95.jpg | 0text-only
| 1860-05-12T00:00:00 | 449 | 1 | wvu_austria_ver01 | sn84026845 | [
] | 0.959413 | B. A. Fahnestock & Co's. PURE WHITE LEAD Has been analyzed by competent Chemists, at the request of disinterested parties, with the following results: Analysis of Messrs. POWERS & weightkan, sample furnished by Messrs. WM. M CULLY & CO. of Pittsburgh. Philadelphia, Oct. 27, 1859. We have examined the keg of White Lead, ground in oil, branded "Pure White Lesd," and lir.d i: to be as represented 100 parts of the mixture furnished Oil 9 parts, Whit; Lead 91 " I oo powers S: Weichtmam. Analysis of A. A. HATES. Esq.. State Assayor of Massachnssets, of MB pie furnished by Messrs. i.YON, SHOBB & CO. of Pittsburgh. 16 Boylston St., Boston, Oct. 6, 1859. Sample of Lead in Oil was analyzed for any impurity, but found to consist of Oil and White Lead only. A. A. Hayes. We claim for our White Leah not only strict purity, but a degree of fineness an,i whiteness not equaled by any other bran J. b. A. Fahnestock Sc Co, for fth22 3mdiw ? ? 1 ; ? j , : | | | ' : i | Wheeling, Va. [W. Va.] | ['West Virginia--Ohio--Wheeling'] | Daily intelligencer. [volume] | Campbell & M'Dermot | |
vtu_foxville_ver01_data_sn84022473_00280777559_1875052001_0439_003_6_96.jpg | 0text-only
| 1875-05-20T00:00:00 | 439 | 1 | vtu_foxville_ver01 | sn84022473 | [
] | 0.961524 | a7 cTbates &7son DEALEUS IN SADDLERV IIARDWM, OAK AXD IIF.JILOCK 1.EATREU LEAT1IER AND RUIJBEII RELTING, TIS1INKS AIVI) ItACJS, ISTAILS, IUIIMIERS' IIAIIDWARK, WAGON WOOUS, l'ATENT, WI1EELH, . i . AXLES & HI'IUNGS, IiOLTS, . MALLEAIILK IRON, &c, kc, ktc, AT f.nWIiST HMIKICT I'lUUKS. tubHdiwtf rpiIE ROSTON ONE PRICE HOUSE. SPRING GOODS. | Rutland, Vt. | ['Vermont--Rutland--Rutland'] | The Rutland daily globe. [volume] | Globe Paper Co. | |
iune_deckle_ver01_data_sn92053945_00212471677_1890102801_0028_012_6_91.jpg | 1illustrations
| 1890-10-28T00:00:00 | 28 | 1 | iune_deckle_ver01 | sn92053945 | [
] | 0.919147 | PURE TRIPLE TRAGT PREPARED FP0M SELECT FRUITS BV 0 FranicNadler CHEMIST ROCK ISLAND, ASK YOUR GROCER TOR II V ill 91 i r ' | Rock Island, Ill. | ['Illinois--Rock Island County--Rock Island'] | Rock Island daily Argus. | John W. Potter | |
uuml_griffith_ver01_data_sn85058130_0020653591A_1880060201_0533_003_6_97.jpg | 0text-only
| 1880-06-02T00:00:00 | 533 | 1 | uuml_griffith_ver01 | sn85058130 | [
] | 0.972319 | I I I THE TWO Cs CREAM AND CANDY GEO ARBOGAST or TEE OYSTER CROTTO Makes the Finest Ice Cream in the country in the largest quantities and at the Cheapee Price All orders promptly filled The Cara mels bare become famous for their excellence while other Candies are on a par Try me myI2 CcO ARSOCAST | Salt Lake City [Utah] | ['Utah--Salt Lake--Salt Lake City'] | The Salt Lake herald. [volume] | [W.C. Dunbar & E.L. Sloan] | |
wvu_belgium_ver01_data_sn84026844_00202190856_1870081201_0770_002_6_94.jpg | 0text-only
| 1870-08-12T00:00:00 | 770 | 1 | wvu_belgium_ver01 | sn84026844 | [
] | 0.946843 | PRINTINC. steam BOOK AND JOB IS Qulncy Street. THIS ESTABLISHMENT ?UX? fCttT tTOCUD *ITI ?U & Most Improved Presses, CELEBRATED ? o? ? K. H* * Co., 1. B. TifUr, Dtftatr k WetUr, Ac., And wtife til Style* of BOMBS. OUilUTS, CUTS, nc PlOB tlttiraU-kaova roudn?of TORK. PHILADELPHIA. ANDBOOTOS We &Tr I*rvp*rrd t? *Xtc*tte*rrj dr*tipCd?a( AND JOB PRIMING m A in ths oitt oar stock u pordMMd u U? K**t, a t*** cub price*, aod oar fcdhuw wi u^t n njr office in tbe dty tor ityl* ud FraapotN wa u 'i heads, bills lading, cards, circulars. checks, < dray took receipts, letter heads, leaflets. SHIPPING BOOKS, STATEMENT* ENVELOPS INSURANCE POLICIES, SHOW CARDS, WEDDING CARDS, POSTERS, HAND BILLS, programme DODGE? TiOi I ?A*|>Every Variety of Blanks. be done in the best ?yJ?. *t vi iU ntriui' to A VRI\P XTA f IN A SUPEKlOK snLii BOOKS, I BRIEFS, CASH BOOKS. DAY BOOKS, LEDGE1U, JOCRNAW A ?ti? dlijxldl. tod lo " ? ?< ,jn ip>n"*? oiAcocr H Ill uederiitf oar icknowlcdfisriiK we hav? enjoyed ia the l??i. tolkll > eaatiguim or ih' !?> *' J prtaM Air tiny artWc " I-' "J * n*? uor be*t ?nd?Ton to in" mii"1' I >11 who nay ?mor ? with thnr onlm Atl ordm l?n at u,r (voatlnf to" by Mall, will tx prun^tly ?tlruJ?l u H FBEW, H.iOANH k U1IX, IB Qulnoy Street, ' | Wheeling, W. Va. | ['West Virginia--Ohio--Wheeling'] | The Wheeling daily intelligencer. [volume] | Campbell & M'Dermot | |
vtu_graniteville_ver01_data_sn84023200_0028077764A_1865051901_0956_000_6_95.jpg | 1illustrations
| 1865-05-19T00:00:00 | 956 | 1 | vtu_graniteville_ver01 | sn84023200 | [
] | 0.956764 | OR iEJUVENffOR. 3TRKNGTH TO THE WHAKI YOUTH TO THK AOED I ! Thla preparatlon launequalledaa a lleluvenator acd Iteitorer of waatid or Inen funetiuna The aged hoi,ll be ceruln to make ihe Blokrene a houaehold god Inaaraueh aa lt wlll render them youth fullufeelirig andln atrength, and enahle them to Ura over again the daya of their prinluejoy. It not only hllrrateabutatiengthena. and la really an Invaluabie blraalng. eapetiidly to thoie who are reduced to a con dition of leruility, aelf abuie, mlifoitune, or ordlnary iiekneaa. o matler what tbe cauae of the Impotency ofany human organ, thia auperh preparatlon wlll re move the ellecl al onco and forever. . H I ( ) K K K N E .u.Vw ' "nni-iiAl, UKHli.ll v- ?,?,1iV0.LS -NAI'ACITY. t)Y8Ffcl'IA, DEI'KES ?,l.OI?l..LOSS uK APPETITE, LOW HFIKII8, )l.l;,AJKJ'.'iSS 0K T "K OHO ANS OF OENEHATION l.H!,li(;ILITY MI!NrAL INDULOKMCB, EMAOl, AUON, ENNU1. IT HAS A MOST DKI.IOHTFUL Hi;?1.I,'A,U'K ANI) NOVEL EFFECT Ul'ON TllB NKKVOUS SYHlKMi and all who aro in any way proitrated by nerroua diaabllitlea are earneatly adrlaed to arrk a cure iu thla moat eacetlcnt andunequalled pre paratlon. Feranna wbo, by Imprudincc, have loat tbelr NATU IIAL VIOOU, wlll Hi,d a apeedy and perinaaent cute In the niOKRENE, The FBEBLE. the LANOUII), the DISPAIKINO, tbe OLD ahoutl give hia valuabie duoovery a trlal i lt will be fijund toially dilfeieut from all other artlclea for tbe aame ptlrpoara. 10 PliUALES.'toU preparalion la Invaluabie ln nervoumree of all kindi, aa lt will reatore tie waated atiengtb wiih wonderful permanence lt la alio a grand tonlo, and wlll give rellef ln Dyapep alawitbthe hrat doie. A brlef ptrilatrn.e In ita uaa wlll renotate tbe atomach lo a degree of peifict health, aud baniah Dyape'ala forever. One D -,lar per Bottla, or ali Boitlea for 84. Sold bv Drugglila gei.erally. ' Sent by eipreaa nyheie, by addreailng IIUTOHINS Ai HILLYER, rropHetor,, . al Cedar blreet. New York John F. Ilenry t Co., Waleibury, Vt.. Wholeiala t.f '?"-'SM la MontpelUb. N.K. Urown, and Wood, UUbl Co ta.9idaw:eon llTMlBfT.I ' IIVBBPOOLI roucning at uuKKnBiuwn voui iuuooa.) iha well known 8taameraof the Llverpool, New York and blearaahip uompaiiy (Inroau JJna) car- rvmg the U. 8. Maila, are Intended to aall aa followa Haturday ilay cirv of nosros. .Mruraoy " il HaturJav June ' 3 jiuanuuHtit, aad every auocradlng 8aturdav, ai floqp,, from i lei H M-ivt. Rl... ' batii or raaiAaai Payable In gold, orlti equlvalentin currency. flRSr OABIN, - tffJOO 8TKEHAOK, - - 830.00 do, toLondon, OOXK) du to Londoa, 34.00 do. to Peru, 110 00 du. to l'arla, 40.00 do. tollamburg, f4M 'do. lo Uamburt, 37.00 Faaaangera alao forwarded to llavre, Uramen, ttatter- lam, Antwerp, c, at equally low ratea. Farcafiom Urerpoolor Queenaiowu, lalUaoln, 7o fo, v BTEAM W F,"k K L Y | Montpelier, Vt. | ['Vermont--Washington--Montpelier'] | Vermont watchman and State journal. [volume] | E.P. Walton & Son | |
iune_ephemera_ver01_data_sn92053934_00212471793_1895040401_0499_001_6_99.jpg | 0text-only
| 1895-04-04T00:00:00 | 499 | 1 | iune_ephemera_ver01 | sn92053934 | [
] | 0.993648 | Boys' Clothing In great variety of styles and prices. All that have seen our line of Confirmation Clothing pronounce them the best and neatest for the price of any to be had in Rock Island. 3 Communion 3 Confirmation CHILDREN'S KNEE PANTS Ages 4 to 14 made with double knees and dou ble seat made so strong that they can't be ripped at 40c. 1 Sommers 1804 Second Avenue. r and Suits. & LaVelle 3lle t One Price, f | Rock Island, Ill. | ['Illinois--Rock Island County--Rock Island'] | Rock Island Argus. | J.W. Potter | |
okhi_ellis_ver01_data_sn86063952_00237281196_1900110501_0342_002_6_99.jpg | 0text-only
| 1900-11-05T00:00:00 | 342 | 1 | okhi_ellis_ver01 | sn86063952 | [
] | 0.994242 | : J. B. FAIRFIELD J i i n i 1 1 hj T- 090'0 TBuOTSFBB., GOAL AND STORAGE - PImm 21. flrtrct ii. Yifis 604 W. Ranlsti | Guthrie, Okla. | ['Oklahoma--Logan--Guthrie'] | The Guthrie daily leader. [volume] | Roy Hoffman | |
tu_bonnielou_ver01_data_sn83045160_00200293010_1870051401_0483_002_6_96.jpg | 0text-only
| 1870-05-14T00:00:00 | 483 | 1 | tu_bonnielou_ver01 | sn83045160 | [
] | 0.969905 | myi:l chairman of ' ommlttee. 13 Beale DRY GOODS. Visitors and READ THIS ! B. Would respectfully call the Of Visitors to the General To their new arrival of Staple and Fancy Dry Which they will offer THIS WEEK Greatly Reduced Wishing to offer some Extra ments to Strangers, we will sell Union Linen Lawn at 20 worth 25 cents. All Linen Lawn at 25 cents, 35 cents. All Linen Lawn, finer, at 35 worth 45 cent. Fine Jaconet Lawn at 20 worth 30$pnts. Fine Grenadine at 40 cents, 60 nts. Fine Gingham Lawn at 25 'worth 40 cents, And many other articles in portion. Mr All those wishing to nice Oooda at LOW PRICES not tail to give us a call. 242 At 44 MAIN ST. Oorior 3" tfm r m | Memphis, Tenn. | ['Alabama--Dallas--Selma', 'Alabama--Montgomery--Montgomery', 'Georgia--Bibb--Macon', 'Georgia--Fulton--Atlanta', 'Georgia--Spalding--Griffin', 'Mississippi--De Soto--Hernando', 'Mississippi--Grenada--Grenada', 'Mississippi--Hinds--Jackson', 'Mississippi--Warren--Vicksburg', 'Tennessee--Shelby--Memphis'] | Memphis daily appeal. [volume] | S.T. Seawell & W.N. Stanton | |
ct_elm_ver01_data_sn82015483_00271764248_1885081901_0176_007_6_93.jpg | 1illustrations
| 1885-08-19T00:00:00 | 176 | 1 | ct_elm_ver01 | sn82015483 | [
] | 0.93437 | A. C. CHAMBERLIN 8c SONS, COR. ORAE AXD CROWN STREETS. A. C'Chamberlin &. Sons have every facility for re pairing and reiipholter ingr furniture. A. C Chamberlin &, Sons are doing: work thorough ly and very cheaply during the dull Summer months. | New Haven [Conn.] | ['Connecticut--New Haven--New Haven'] | Morning journal and courier. [volume] | J.B. Hotchkiss & Co. | |
iahi_gastly_ver01_data_sn82015737_00279529091_1860042301_0591_007_6_93.jpg | 0text-only
| 1860-04-23T00:00:00 | 591 | 1 | iahi_gastly_ver01 | sn82015737 | [
] | 0.935326 | THE BOOTS AND O O NOW OFFERS HIS LARGE AND didiStock of Boob cjod Shoes At Eastern Cnlt The Stock comprises BOOTS AND SHOES OF ALL KINDS For Ladies, ttents, Boys, Youth and Children. All hare been got up for the retail trade are First Class Goods. No. 64 Brady St„ bet'a 34 4k mar27-U J. C. TODD. RBKSX J.MOSOAM. Vans DSSK1CK, IMORGAN CO., Wholesale and Retail Dealers -LN- BOOTS Sc SHOES, «C Brady Street. FIRST DOOR ABOVE POST OFFICE, feb 14-dtf I860. NEW, A A N E E N -AT— No. 25, Brady Street. Cheaper than Evelf -AND-' Satisfaction aalrersally UNDERSIGNED HAS the extensive Boot and Shoe of J. M. LLDKIDOE, NO. 26, feb 25-dAwtf. Brady street, where will continue to keep on hand a large and plete stock of BOOTS, SHOES, BUBBEBS, And other articles in that lino. Mr. J. P. BEAN will, as heretofore, have charge of the store. Call and satisfy yourself that what we promise will be faitl-fully fulfilled. •. F. MITCHELL. A. McKANE, INPCSN 41 Brady Street, Davenport, Iowa. WOULD RESPECTFULLY ANNOUNCB TO tho citizens of Davenport and the sur rounding country, and all bis old customers, that he is now prepared to manufacture, to order, all kinds of his line of business—such as pat Unt-leather boots, French calf boots (sewei' or pegged French kip boon (i»ewed or pegged j.— Also ladies' gaiters of any style or quality, made order, on short notice. He has on hand a good supply of good Eastern work, which ho will sell low for cash. J-»f All work warranted. Please give him a call before purchasing else hero. declOdtf | Davenport, Iowa | ['Iowa--Scott--Davenport'] | Daily Democrat and news. [volume] | Maguire, Richardson & Co. | |
in_indianapolisolympians_ver02_data_sn86058250_0027174478A_1865101901_0604_000_6_96.jpg | 1illustrations
| 1865-10-19T00:00:00 | 604 | 1 | in_indianapolisolympians_ver02 | sn86058250 | [
] | 0.966731 | the minimi. I PnbHshfd in JhM'arae r Ttuiiding, m Thursday Mornings, By HOLLO WAY & DAVIS, At 5i pcr Voliiiiic, PAYABLE IV ATVACK. Job Printing. We have a new " DAY JOBbEK,' and new f-.nU of Tipeofthe Uu-st styles, til ,. . , " both plain aod fancy, and ara prepared to do work neat and expeditiously. Pamphlet", Catalosrnc, Constitution, Show Bill, llandbtlN, UiankK, Ioter, Hill of Lading, Bill IIead, Card, "ote, Envelope, Circular, Check, Lable, &r PRICES FOR WORK REASONABLE. PROFESSIONAL CARDS: | Richmond, Ind. | ['Indiana--Wayne--Richmond'] | The Richmond palladium. [volume] | D.P. Holloway & Co. | |
iahi_ivysaur_ver01_data_sn83025182_00279528670_1860051401_0681_002_6_90.jpg | 1illustrations
| 1860-05-14T00:00:00 | 681 | 1 | iahi_ivysaur_ver01 | sn83025182 | [
] | 0.907711 | w Rr'ISPECTFlher 14 li A O I K 611 OTR*. vj. TALLON LLY alicits the attention of the Ladies to NTW ,-T'*'K of BONNETS, RIBBONS. FRENCH AMERICAN FLOWFRS, Cloaks, Shawls and fflnntlllas, Prussia and French Lace Shawio aod YaiJj, i EIUIIHOIUKHIKN, :^)|OCAVIKO AND COLLARS AND SNIO^ Jaconcta and Dlmliy, *un Imbrcllaa and ParanoU, lloop Nairn and Corssis, Qaontleu and Giavcd of sail FANCY HAIR FINS ANU NEI^j, JUT liBu il,ri«, and General Assortment of FaNCY ARTICLES. | Keokuk, Iowa | ['Iowa--Lee--Keokuk'] | The daily Gate City. [volume] | J.B. Howell | |
tu_furry_ver01_data_sn83045628_00200293587_1860042101_0069_000_6_94.jpg | 0text-only
| 1860-04-21T00:00:00 | 69 | 1 | tu_furry_ver01 | sn83045628 | [
] | 0.943606 | IL'J'S ami ( 'ATS, BONNETS till OOODS, CLOT II I Hi. i r A JX I) av a h i G R 0 C I R I E C, 4 Mi fc" i V I iTI ! fc'f? 4 1'1'h'l t V'tTlA. It I f . - 1 A A ff. Aft U i T . Il k A A. - . ARf TO A CiniPIXTI. TiUllH XTflfK. Will. MI TIIF.Y OFKK TO MKKCniaVNTS Xj O mVU" Til K sami: r.oons I'AJ" HI rriu:AfKn FROM EArtHM KsoiVlLLIt, ilil. til, lr5td. | Knoxville, Tenn. | ['Tennessee--Knox--Knoxville'] | Brownlow's Knoxville Whig. [volume] | E.B.P. Kinsloe | |
in_england_ver02_data_sn82015683_00202191435_1865090801_0451_022_6_91.jpg | 0text-only
| 1865-09-08T00:00:00 | 451 | 1 | in_england_ver02 | sn82015683 | [
] | 0.915128 | COLLARS. THE LARGEST COLLAR MANUFACTORY i Tin: .oHTii-ur.T. BIGELOU 'S S ATI N-EN 31 ELED B"3TRON COLLARO, ANEW artic! of fr.ver.tioa. Tb!i CtVar excels all ether Paper Collars fer comfort, eeatneae and eeooemy. Also a large aortn:ect cf tATIS-ENAMILKD OAEROTTK. LrNPN PAPER RT. RONS, AND L1XIX PAPCR GAREOTIS. . Ladlee Safin In aire led Coar and CuS; a new and Ceavexueat arucl. Tbe trad eopplled at the leweat market price. f IijELOW A CO., Af aeufaciaeere, ' - myS-d3m U La Sali Sirort. Cbe.e. . GROCERIES. t. r. rurrriiB. o. a. Avra. . FLirii IICU Ä DAV1DGC . | Indianapolis, Ind. | ['Indiana--Marion--Indianapolis'] | Daily State sentinel. [volume] | Bingham & Doughty | |
nvln_tonopah_ver01_data_sn84022053_00279554516_1895061501_0099_004_6_93.jpg | 0text-only
| 1895-06-15T00:00:00 | 99 | 1 | nvln_tonopah_ver01 | sn84022053 | [
] | 0.930398 | CARSON RIVER PLACER MINING — AMD— DREDGING COMPANY, w— — OFFICE-r / ' - , No. 18P Broadway, N. Y. City. • *■ * *»_} if* jij ,,. , PBTBB FOBBKBTKR. 6. O. | Silver City, Nev. | ['Nevada--Lyon--Dayton', 'Nevada--Lyon--Silver City', 'Nevada--Lyon--Yerington'] | Lyon County times. [volume] | Frank Kenyon | |
txdn_chevy_ver01_data_sn83025733_00200294701_1880111701_0325_002_6_98.jpg | 1illustrations
| 1880-11-17T00:00:00 | 325 | 1 | txdn_chevy_ver01 | sn83025733 | [
] | 0.981075 | iri: Hin THAOC MAHK . MANUFACTURED ONLY BY W.T.I Ia&ckyv'ell s Co. DflKHIM.lV.C. A. W. Hll.ltltl'.ai, IJeiierui A. ,voll.. Ai ul. to sea cm poR pleasure:, witirvKi.ritntin- SMOKE THE OLD. TIATIT1 BEARS THE J MflRtC THE" cJ'lV PDPUUR BECAUSE REUABLEj La y irs stwtxmwr | Dallas, Tex. | ['Texas--Dallas--Dallas'] | The Dallas daily herald. [volume] | Jno. W. Swindells & Co. | |
khi_brockovich_ver02_data_sn83045789_00237281937_1885091901_0222_002_6_95.jpg | 0text-only
| 1885-09-19T00:00:00 | 222 | 1 | khi_brockovich_ver02 | sn83045789 | [
] | 0.952263 | Don't be BUY NEW DRESS GOODS Mon day, We shall have an Opening of the Highest Novelties in the Market. Our Buyer is Now East. MUNSON'S. in a Hurry TO Sept 21st | Wichita, Kan. | ['Kansas--Sedgwick--Wichita'] | Wichita daily eagle. [volume] | M.M. Murdock & R.P. Murdcock | |
whi_inez_ver01_data_sn86086769_00271769775_1860071701_0471_000_6_98.jpg | 0text-only
| 1860-07-17T00:00:00 | 471 | 1 | whi_inez_ver01 | sn86086769 | [
] | 0.984918 | FARMIiNG IMPLEMENTS, AND (AX ]>E O IT c II 11 A F E il AT N. M. WHEELERS, THAN ANY PLAGE IN THE CITY, AND IF y) X* A 'O T - * X Xa 17 X Xa Xi | Mineral Point, Wis. | ['Wisconsin--Iowa--Mineral Point'] | Mineral Point weekly tribune. | Geo. W. Bliss & Ed. U. Bliss | |
oru_iraryan_ver01_data_sn96061150_00200298263_1890120801_0573_027_6_91.jpg | 0text-only
| 1890-12-08T00:00:00 | 573 | 1 | oru_iraryan_ver01 | sn96061150 | [
] | 0.913479 | loir loners ffoffl IS WHAT YOU GET AT Foard & Stokes IN- and Groceries Provisions Everything In a First-class Store and at Extremely Low Figures. Goods Delivered all over Town. Tbe Highest Price Paid for Junk. - FOARD & STOKES | Astoria, Oregon | ['Oregon--Clatsop--Astoria'] | The daily morning Astorian. [volume] | null | |
mimtptc_alpena_ver01_data_sn85033611_00202198004_1860082301_0495_001_6_97.jpg | 1illustrations
| 1860-08-23T00:00:00 | 495 | 1 | mimtptc_alpena_ver01 | sn85033611 | [
] | 0.970764 | E3yObtain Security against Fire, by re liable insurance with the mm, Cash Capital, 0400,000. II. KELLOGG, Sec. S. L. LOOMIS, Tref. R. H. & ILmTmAGILL, General Agents, , The Pnccrix Ixsfraxck Company bein a national 7 IE organization, witn a complete system of aircncie established throughout the country ; and de--voting its entire time and attention to th -business of. Fire Insurance, (being fre from the disasters attendant upon the Marine business,) aud possessing o-' ! Cash Capital of $400,000, with large Cash burplus, pledged for the . payment of losses; with com petent adjusters, to aid and- - -assist claimants in mating' BP proofs, offers tvptrior adcaiUages to thote ' desiring Reliable Indemnity against Loss by Fire. :o: Applications Solicited, noliciea i newed and . . | Dowagiac, Mich. | ['Michigan--Cass--Dowagiac'] | The Cass County Republican. [volume] | Jones & Campbell | |
gu_ace_ver02_data_sn82015137_00414181909_1885070101_0734_004_6_97.jpg | 1illustrations
| 1885-07-01T00:00:00 | 734 | 1 | gu_ace_ver02 | sn82015137 | [
] | 0.971487 | ! j I 1 | j - ; Urrr. “America’s Best Beer.” uMTurd wherever exhibit**!!. OEC> M K V Kli. .Sole A Kent. lej>ot ami Offline, foot of Abe r corn etreet; | Savannah | ['Georgia--Chatham--Savannah'] | Savannah morning news. [volume] | null | |
ohi_guildenstern_ver01_data_sn84028745_00280775332_1860123101_0409_000_6_97.jpg | 0text-only
| 1860-12-31T00:00:00 | 409 | 1 | ohi_guildenstern_ver01 | sn84028745 | [
] | 0.97992 | CLOSING OUT SALE , -FOB- NEW YEAR! DEUiND & GOSSAGE ! TVcfst Ionrtli-et , An ofTerlng the largest Inducements, and are selling their Goods at LOWER PRICES than ever before. We are selling our best Qualities yard-wide Eleached Cottons 'At 13X cents a yard being a reduction f I cents a yard from former yrioas. AT GREATLY BUDIICBD PRICES, EXTRA QUALITY FRENCH MERINOKS, At 6iit cents per yard worth SI. BICH PAJtIS FIGURED MERIROES, Bednced to 00, 65, 73 cents and $1. ATTRACTIVE FANCY GO0I3, At reduced priees. Gold and Bullion Belts, Kid Gloves and Gauntlets, new styles. Zephyr Wool 81eeve. A full and olegant assortmsnt of RICH LACES AXDtMOIDERIES! Also, a very large assortment of loX-priced . EMBROIDERIES AND LACES! Polnt'a-L'Aiguille, Point Gaze, Point Vonlce and Point Applique ; Collars and Cuffs, Sets and Col. lars, Black Thread Vails, Coiffures, Barbes, etc. ; Paris Kmbrolderles in new akapoa ; Black Craps and other Mourning Goods; Infants' Robes, DroaBcs, eto. , BLACK AND FANCY SILKS, l'OPLINS, OTTOMANS AND PARIS DRESS GOODS. O L O Jk. I S -AND- fa a w 1 s I FASHIONABLE CLOAKS.AND SHAWLS. Cloth Cloaks, 1 Velvet Cloaks, Silk Cloaks, . Misses' Cloaks, Children's Cloaks. A large assortment of RICH PARIS DRESS SILKS I BLANKETS, COUNTERPANES, LINENS AND HOUSE-FUBNTSHINQ GOODS In gTeat variety, much below the usual prices, MEN'S SCARFS, LADIES' HOODS AND SONTAGS. - ' Ladies' and Gents' WABM IIOSIERY, GLOVES, ' UNDEBVESTS AND DBAWEBS " Ladies', Misses' and Children's HOOP-SKIRTS! 'rV Latest styles, Jd great variety. An extensive variety of the very beet Goods will be found at Deland & Gossage's, 74 ana 76 West Fourtli-ht. do.11-a1 ECONOMIZE! EC0N03IIZEJ economize i Your Dry-goods Bill ! Your Dry-goods Hill ! | Cincinnati [Ohio] | ['Ohio--Hamilton--Cincinnati'] | Cincinnati daily press. [volume] | Henry Reed & Co. | |
mthi_antelope_ver02_data_sn86075021_00294550422_1885081101_0773_003_6_90.jpg | 0text-only
| 1885-08-11T00:00:00 | 773 | 1 | mthi_antelope_ver02 | sn86075021 | [
] | 0.903136 | V A VRWIRfl 1f Wi wr3ln3 Wt v E. A. KRXIDLER, I FREII. M. KRKIDLER, l-te Ktlgistr U.S. Land I Notary Public. (Mest. Land Lawyer, I L~ocate and Deals In| Government and Hall Road Leads. I KREMDER & CO., Sm ITM I m ns [Am i1miuee iM Coiveyuacing. | Miles City, Mont. | ['Montana--Custer--Miles City'] | Daily Yellowstone journal. [volume] | W.D. Knight | |
wa_dungeness_ver03_data_sn83045611_00202198922_1885081501_0780_001_6_93.jpg | 1illustrations
| 1885-08-15T00:00:00 | 780 | 1 | wa_dungeness_ver03 | sn83045611 | [
] | 0.933072 | lOßcmjLACTora WANTED At Once, Men at 92 and S3 25 per Day. To Furnish Chinese Hop Pickers. The Waahiagtoa Territory BMPLOVMBM BIREID in Coiisrcial iieisj, WISHIRETON STREET, NEXT 000R TO JUOGE LYON S COURT. Tax ONLY (IRKIMVT I\D RE* IABLS PL tc« ru UKUKR riKST-CLABk HKLT rues OP ALL CHSttCK. HAVE rOK tAU HOTKU la loons. Clfar StarM, RmUuuu, 040..0 M. Your Housi or K*om rested for $1 Ships' Crews ruralsbed. Collections Made. S tfee sold en Ike Issttllisiwt plan. Agtnt for Aniient hfurxnet Company of StrlK America. Stum Md BsUwrt Thtott f aa4 from aU parts of the world. Bon-ee And rooms >e let. City and County Serlp boufbt and •eld. Mm to lean ea abort time aad approved security. BatabUahed two year*. If you want tbe beat Lnvsetments or Ms later set for your money—in tact, for aay aad all waata, oall aa CEO. W. CRANE, F. O. Box aSS. del dw | Seattle, W.T. [Wash.] | ['Washington--King--Seattle'] | Seattle daily post-intelligencer. [volume] | [Post-Intelligencer Pub. Co.] | |
iune_columnist_ver01_data_sn92053943_00295873553_1880052501_0085_005_6_98.jpg | 1illustrations
| 1880-05-25T00:00:00 | 85 | 1 | iune_columnist_ver01 | sn92053943 | [
] | 0.982446 | TV TAMER. fi-? At$7A Zoeb Hospital, r jfife 204Washtngton SU h . j xSt-iiK Cor. Fnuitiia, CHICAGO. V '. r , (u.trrrf br lis Bulo a-Jg- ei?M!jS;--. i Zzi, i niiBiarth!r -Bin" ff9 1Si(iitf'lx9m of siiinc imamluM nriicrln ! ft? -.:-$ntA. aJl-'i'ri-ch-ed 5 J X v,i i'r- oriu,,rT -- 10 H their "T .i'S4ai3v'iiJ'')iilicil form. IttoweU J. ?3S Inoin lr. Ja. t -toodat 13lz S-&S"Si' tfcc fewd or tile iiwftwuua tor tb IK" thtrtr star. Aft ur-1 .... n .yffn ; !rB ya. niclittouc oj arpann. .in--tea tne fn . Iom mnn'riooil. Mil rm,iti 1 cursd. IjkIiwi auii the nuut ddlii-tue 'kii.H D, col! or w Ti-c Pl!nt i,.r ;t:eutm. A t-T ti- railli Srrla- t. h'.U Tm al, aNitt fhidiM1-. wfto houii utmrrr, 10 x:i': to pit i p.,t;t.". fr. fcait fifty nw nd . V.,!iK-i)oc-K?tutttiIkortor. OITirf bmr. . ia. to T f.tu.; Suua. IGui IS. Dr. Jantes 1 ft) yarj f ago. | Rock Island, Ill. | ['Illinois--Rock Island County--Rock Island'] | The Rock Island Argus. | [publisher not identified] | |
ncu_frankenver01_data_sn92073232_00295879713_1890103001_0395_005_6_91.jpg | 0text-only
| 1890-10-30T00:00:00 | 395 | 1 | ncu_frankenver01 | sn92073232 | [
] | 0.917607 | SiI have seen in Winston many things that sur prised me, but the greatest surprise of all is your Store. I thought Winston did not have any busi ness but tobacco. " The above reniarks wore recently made by one of the most prominent business .moii of the Rfrtic, ntti'i- he h id examines! our i:iimenso stock of goods. "A Pkufkct Xiiah's A UK ! - was the -..v..natin:i of una of the best and mnt siuvosftil bu-im'-vi tot-n of Vi;giniu, aftfr lw had oone through our ' ' NINE LARGE STORE ROOMS. Th OUR MOTTO HAS ALWAYS BERN Highest Quality of C FOB THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. We have never sold "at cost," or run on the "Cheap John" plan, but have been able at all times and. under all eircmnstauces to compete suc cessfully with all legitimate competition. We have been in business longer than any house in Winston, and carry the largest stocE, the great est variety and the best class of Good. Having added largely to our LADIES' DRESS GOODS & SHOE DEPARTMENTS, we are cramped for room, and have decided to close out and discontinue the following lines: Hardware, Hollow Ware, Wooden Ware, iStoves and Tinware. We liave quite a stock on hand in these lines and are ottering bargains. Come and examine before you make any purchases. We are addino- to our RETAIL DRY GOODS, Ml, HAT AID GROCERY DEPARTMENTS, and invite all to examine our goods and prices. We have always been in the front and mean to stay there, and have kept our stock in advance the growth of our towns and country, but we have never chano-ed our motto ot "Uest (Quality lioods tor Jjeast Money." It pays everybody to buy good Shoes, Boots, Hats, Cloths, Cassimeres, Jeans, Dross Goods, Trim ming.s, etc. The best Farm Supplies are cheapest. We h:vethem. The highest jrrade FERTILIZERS MiD PUREST GRASS SEEDS are the cheapest. We have them. Star Brand Guano for Wheat beat all others last year, and stands higher than ever before. Our Wholesale is separate from the Retail and our stock is not surpassed in quantity, variety, quality and prices by any house in the State. When you any produce to sell come and see us. When you want provisions of kind we are headquarters. The larger the quantity of goods we can han dle the cheaper we can buy them, the lass the average expense in them and the lower we can afford to sell them. We ask everybody come and see us and examine our goods and prices. Yours Very Trulv, " HINSHAW & Fourth Street, WINSTON, N. G- | Winston-Salem, N.C. | ['North Carolina--Forsyth--Winston-Salem'] | The western sentinel. [volume] | Vernon W. Long | |
ohi_atticus_ver01_data_sn83045582_0027955632A_1880121901_0768_004_6_93.jpg | 0text-only
| 1880-12-19T00:00:00 | 768 | 1 | ohi_atticus_ver01 | sn83045582 | [
] | 0.930544 | 100,000 (Shiduift WEIHISTAGHTS Der wunderbare CENTS STORE 50,000 Artikel zu 5r per Eliick, mcrtl) uns Topprlte. Artikel zu 10e per Stuck, werth das Toppelte. ^eder (Gegenstand, Iveleher von ^ansfrntten benöthigt wird. derartige erzielt, wenn man bei uns einkauft. OÜB5"M'ZjJO-S 121 Lvest fünfte Straße, s,nct„nati, Ohio, und 17,« Yhnrch Straße, Nashville, Tenn. ans der Welt. Mne Ersparnis» von 1M | Cincinnati [Ohio] | ['Ohio--Hamilton--Cincinnati'] | Westliche blätter. [volume] | G. Hof & F. Hassaurek | |
msar_junebug_ver01_data_sn83016943_00415662269_1875102301_0354_002_6_95.jpg | 0text-only
| 1875-10-23T00:00:00 | 354 | 1 | msar_junebug_ver01 | sn83016943 | [
] | 0.95643 | A. FERGUSON, just returned from New York with a large stock of BOOtS, Shoes, Hats, Caps, LADIES HATS, Dry woods, Notions, Mens and Roys Clothing, a specialty. G ROCKERY, Hard, ware, Staple and FANCY GROCERIES, CIGARS, TOBACCO, Mens Furnishing Goods, and the celebrated STB StllUT, and other articles too tedious to mention, than ne ever had, and will sell them at greatly reduced prices. Give him a call and satisfy your selves, corner ol Pulaski and Jef. ferson streets. Oct. 2 3m Bologna, and other. Saussage, ex tra fine cheese for lunebes. Yes all who gets their from Marz with Lager beer thank their stars. ' Silver Gloss Starch, King totd'5 Corn Starch, American Blue, all standard articles at STORE. Trv them. | Macon, Miss. | ['Mississippi--Noxubee--Macon'] | Macon beacon. [volume] | Henry C. Ferris | |
curiv_jojoba_ver01_data_sn84038814_00279557207_1860072601_0087_001_6_95.jpg | 1illustrations
| 1860-07-26T00:00:00 | 87 | 1 | curiv_jojoba_ver01 | sn84038814 | [
] | 0.959135 | Marysville, Calif. | ['California--Yuba--Marysville'] | Daily national Democrat. [volume] | A.S. Randall & Co. | |
pst_atherton_ver01_data_sn84026355_00237281950_1900081401_0311_005_6_98.jpg | 0text-only
| 1900-08-14T00:00:00 | 311 | 1 | pst_atherton_ver01 | sn84026355 | [
] | 0.988175 | Ice Cream. BEST IN TOWN. Per c Quart LACKAWANNA DAIRY CO lelephoneOrderi Promptly Delivered 23g3i7 Adams Avenue. | Scranton, Pa. | ['Pennsylvania--Lackawanna--Scranton'] | The Scranton tribune. [volume] | Tribune Pub. Co. | |
mimtptc_gaylord_ver02_data_sn85033781_00296023747_1875051401_0885_007_6_91.jpg | 0text-only
| 1875-05-14T00:00:00 | 885 | 1 | mimtptc_gaylord_ver02 | sn85033781 | [
] | 0.918793 | A. ROBINSON T. TT TT T IT" MMOT ok W i The preservation of Natural Teeth a specialty. Artificial Teeth inserted in tha est manoor, Refer by permission to the following Dentin! of JaobaOB, Michigan: J. H. Rohlnsaa, D.D.0. o-n n. lUsbsr, D.b.8. Dr. 1). w u.lth. ir. W. H. Domsacs, Dr. L D. Drtxi;-. 086M IO tbt rooms lately occupied by Hi A. O. Hooker. Paw Pan. Mieh. 11)45. | Paw Paw, Mich. | ['Michigan--Van Buren--Paw Paw'] | The true northerner. [volume] | John B. Butler | |
wvu_odona_ver04_data_sn86092518_00383341723_1885011001_0248_004_6_95.jpg | 0text-only
| 1885-01-10T00:00:00 | 248 | 1 | wvu_odona_ver04 | sn86092518 | [
] | 0.956108 | OROOIftlMJ 0, REILLY Largest Stock ®f Central h the State. \ 80LB AOUTS » THJ» OTTi*Of Vf T^S?" 1 Lottior'a «im KÄWStfÄ"' m-FLOCB—Taylor'* Boat BeUar Fumy Hoar ta baiTota aad M*. | Wheeling, W. Va. | ['West Virginia--Ohio--Wheeling'] | Wheeling register. [volume] | Lewis Baker & Co. | |
in_england_ver02_data_sn82015683_00202191423_1865061001_0555_000_6_98.jpg | 0text-only
| 1865-06-10T00:00:00 | 555 | 1 | in_england_ver02 | sn82015683 | [
] | 0.983933 | SATURDAY MOÄNINQ. JUNE 10. Books, Pamphlets. Cards, Checks, Circulars. Blanks, Bill Heads, Bills Lading, Ace., Sc., A:c , Don promptly ml tUkm Office, in the Cjti style, on flrtt quality l'apers, and at i.w rrict v tire as Call. JOBPRIiN i : t Ui j , f. | Indianapolis, Ind. | ['Indiana--Marion--Indianapolis'] | Daily State sentinel. [volume] | Bingham & Doughty | |
dlc_chester_ver02_data_sn83027091_00211103528_1900110301_0742_001_6_95.jpg | 0text-only
| 1900-11-03T00:00:00 | 742 | 1 | dlc_chester_ver02 | sn83027091 | [
] | 0.950335 | FINE WORK AT LOW PRICES to UeM IMurayr -Company frNM Stab Buiium VswmTON D C | Washington, D.C. | ['District of Columbia--Washington'] | The colored American. [volume] | Colored American Pub. Co. | |
The Dataset contains images derived from the Newspaper Navigator, a dataset of images drawn from the Library of Congress Chronicling America collection (
The Newspaper Navigator dataset consists of extracted visual content for 16,358,041 historic newspaper pages in Chronicling America. The visual content was identified using an object detection model trained on annotations of World War 1-era Chronicling America pages, including annotations made by volunteers as part of the Beyond Words crowdsourcing project. source:
One of these categories is 'advertisements'. This dataset contains a sample of these images with additional labels indicating if the advert is 'illustrated' or 'not illustrated'.
This dataset was created for use in a Programming Historian tutorial. The primary aim of the data was to provide a realistic example dataset for teaching computer vision for working with digitised heritage material.
Dataset Card for 19th Century United States Newspaper Advert images with 'illustrated' or 'non illustrated' labels
Dataset Summary
The Dataset contains images derived from the Newspaper Navigator, a dataset of images drawn from the Library of Congress Chronicling America collection (
The Newspaper Navigator dataset consists of extracted visual content for 16,358,041 historic newspaper pages in Chronicling America. The visual content was identified using an object detection model trained on annotations of World War 1-era Chronicling America pages, including annotations made by volunteers as part of the Beyond Words crowdsourcing project. source:
One of these categories is 'advertisements. This dataset contains a sample of these images with additional labels indicating if the advert is 'illustrated' or 'not illustrated'.
This dataset was created for use in a Programming Historian tutorial. The primary aim of the data was to provide a realistic example dataset for teaching computer vision for working with digitised heritage material.
Supported Tasks and Leaderboards
: the primary purpose of this dataset is for classifying historic newspaper images identified as being 'advertisements' into 'illustrated' and 'not-illustrated' categories.
[More Information Needed]
Dataset Structure
Data Instances
An example instance from this dataset
{'file': 'pst_fenske_ver02_data_sn84026497_00280776129_1880042101_0834_002_6_96.jpg',
'image': <PIL.JpegImagePlugin.JpegImageFile image mode=L size=388x395 at 0x7F9A72038950>,
'label': 0,
'pub_date': Timestamp('1880-04-21 00:00:00'),
'page_seq_num': 834,
'edition_seq_num': 1,
'batch': 'pst_fenske_ver02',
'lccn': 'sn84026497',
'box': [0.649412214756012,
'score': 0.9609346985816956,
'ocr': "H. II. IIASLKT & SOXN, Dealers in General Merchandise In New Store Room nt HASLET'S COS ITERS, 'JTionoMtii, ln. .Tau'y 1st, 1?0.",
'place_of_publication': 'Tionesta, Pa.',
'geographic_coverage': "['Pennsylvania--Forest--Tionesta']",
'name': 'The Forest Republican. [volume]',
'publisher': 'Ed. W. Smiley',
'url': '',
'page_url': ''}
Data Fields
[More Information Needed]
Data Splits
The dataset contains a single split.
Dataset Creation
Curation Rationale
[More Information Needed]
Source Data
Initial Data Collection and Normalization
[More Information Needed]
Who are the source language producers?
[More Information Needed]
Annotation process
A description of the annotation process is outlined in this GitHub repository [More Information Needed]
Who are the annotators?
[More Information Needed]
Personal and Sensitive Information
[More Information Needed]
Considerations for Using the Data
Social Impact of Dataset
[More Information Needed]
Discussion of Biases
[More Information Needed]
Other Known Limitations
[More Information Needed]
Additional Information
Dataset Curators
[More Information Needed]
Licensing Information
[More Information Needed]
Citation Information
author = {van Strien, Daniel},
title = {{19th Century United States Newspaper Advert images
with 'illustrated' or 'non illustrated' labels}},
month = oct,
year = 2021,
publisher = {Zenodo},
version = {0.0.1},
doi = {10.5281/zenodo.5838410},
url = {}}
[More Information Needed]
Thanks to @davanstrien for adding this dataset.
- Downloads last month
- 191
Data Sourcing report
No elements in this dataset have been identified as either opted-out, or opted-in, by their creator.