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[ "Renseignements fournis conformément à la Convention sur l’immatriculation des objets lancés dans l’espace extra‑atmosphérique", "Note verbale datée du 23 mars 2022, adressée au Secrétaire général par la Mission permanente des États-Unis d’Amérique auprès de l’Organisation des Nations Unies à Vienne", "La Mission permanente des États-Unis d’Amérique auprès de l’Organisation des Nations Unies à Vienne a l’honneur de transmettre, conformément à l’article IV de la Convention sur l’immatriculation des objets lancés dans l’espace extra-atmosphérique (résolution 3235 (XXIX) de l’Assemblée générale, annexe), des données sur des objets spatiaux lancés dans l’espace extra-atmosphérique par les États-Unis en janvier 2022 (voir annexe)[1].", "Les États-Unis demandent que les objets spatiaux figurant à l’annexe du présent document soient inscrits au Registre des objets lancés dans l’espace extra‑atmosphérique tenu par l’Organisation des Nations Unies. Par la même occasion, ils tiennent à indiquer que, conformément à leur pratique établie de longue date en matière d’immatriculation, les États-Unis ne sont pas nécessairement l’État de lancement de chaque objet qu’ils font inscrire. À travers cette demande, ils entendent contribuer à l’efficacité pratique des traités en fournissant le plus d’informations possible.", "Annexe", "Données sur les objets spatiaux lancés par les États-Unis d’Amérique en janvier 2022[2]", "Le rapport ci-après complète, au 31 janvier 2022, les données déjà fournies.", "[TABLE]", "[1] Les données sur les objets spatiaux référencés dans l’annexe ont été inscrites au Registre des objets lancés dans l’espace extra-atmosphérique le 11 avril 2022.", "[2] * Les données d’immatriculation sont reproduites telles qu’elles ont été reçues." ]
[ "Information furnished in conformity with the Convention on Registration of Objects Launched into Outer Space", "Note verbale dated 23 March 2022 from the Permanent Mission of the United States of America to the United Nations (Vienna) addressed to the Secretary-General", "The Permanent Mission of the United States of America to the United Nations (Vienna), in accordance with article IV of the Convention on Registration of Objects Launched into Outer Space (General Assembly resolution 3235 (XXIX), annex), has the honour to transmit registration data on objects launched into outer space by the United States for January 2022 (see annex).[1]", "The United States requests that the space objects contained in the annex to the present document be placed on the Register of Objects Launched into Outer Space maintained by the United Nations. In submitting this request, the United States notes that, consistent with its long-standing registration practice, the United States is not necessarily a launching State for each of the space objects it registers. The United States makes this request in the spirit of contributing to the practical effectiveness of the treaties and is providing information to the greatest extent practicable.", "Annex", "Registration data on space launches by the United States of America for January 2022[2]", "The following report supplements the registration data on United States space launches as at 31 January 2022.", "[TABLE]", "[1] ¹ The data on space objects referenced in the annex were entered into the Register of Objects Launched into Outer Space on 11 April 2022.", "[2] ^(*) The registration data are reproduced in the form in which they were received." ]
[ "Information provided in accordance with the Convention on Registration of Objects Launched into Outer Space", "Note verbale dated 23 March 2022 from the Permanent Mission of the United States of America to the United Nations in Vienna addressed to the Secretary-General", "The Permanent Mission of the United States of America to the United Nations in Vienna has the honour to transmit, in accordance with article IV of the Convention on Registration of Objects Launched into Outer Space (General Assembly resolution 3235 (XXIX), annex), data on space objects launched in outer space by the United States in January 2022 (see annex)[1].", "The United States calls for the inclusion of space objects in the annex to this document in the United Nations Register of Objects Launched into Outer Space. On the same occasion, they wish to indicate that, in accordance with their established long-standing registration practice, the United States is not necessarily the launching State of each object that they register. Through this request, they intend to contribute to the practical effectiveness of treaties by providing as much information as possible.", "Annex", "Data on space objects launched by the United States of America in January 2022[2]", "The following report completes the data already provided as at 31 January 2022.", "[TABLE]", "[1] The data on space objects listed in the annex were included in the Register of Objects Launched into Outer Space on 11 April 2022.", "[2] * Registration data are reproduced as received." ]
[ "Renseignements fournis conformément à la Convention sur l’immatriculation des objets lancés dans l’espace extra‑atmosphérique", "Note verbale datée du 18 mai 2022, adressée au Secrétaire général par la Mission permanente du Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d’Irlande du Nord auprès de l’Organisation des Nations Unies à Vienne", "La Mission permanente du Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d’Irlande du Nord auprès de l’Organisation des Nations Unies à Vienne a l’honneur de communiquer, conformément à l’article IV de la Convention sur l’immatriculation des objets lancés dans l’espace extra-atmosphérique (résolution 3235 (XXIX) de l’Assemblée générale, annexe), des renseignements supplémentaires concernant la fin de vie des objets spatiaux Satellite for Orbital Aerodynamics Research (SOAR) et OWLID000235 (2021-060S) (voir annexe)[1].", "Annexe", "Renseignements supplémentaires concernant des objets spatiaux déjà immatriculés par le Royaume-Uni de Grande‑Bretagne et d’Irlande du Nord[2]", "Satellite for Orbital Aerodynamics Research (SOAR)", "Renseignements fournis conformément à la Convention sur l’immatriculation des objets lancés dans l’espace extra-atmosphérique", "Indicatif international du 1998-067SM Comité de la recherche spatiale\n Nom de l’objet spatial Satellite for Orbital Aerodynamics Research (SOAR)", "État d’immatriculation Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d’Irlande du Nord", "Document relatif à ST/SG/SER.E/1002 l’immatriculation", "Date et territoire ou lieu 14 juin 2021 à 9 h 5 UTC ; déploiement de lancement depuis la Station spatiale internationale (ISS)", "Principaux paramètres de l’orbite", "Période nodale 92,7 minutes", "Inclinaison 51,62 degrés", "Apogée 422 kilomètres", "Périgée 418 kilomètres", "Fonction générale de l’objet SOAR a pour objet de tester des spatial matériaux aérodynamiques (plus précisément, des matériaux qui reflètent de manière spéculaire l’oxygène atomique dans le contexte d’un écoulement moléculaire libre), ainsi que le contrôle aérodynamique de l’attitude et de l’orbite. Les charges utiles comprennent un spectromètre de masse ionique et neutre pour caractériser l’écoulement/le contexte atmosphérique, et des ailettes orientables déployées dotées de différents revêtements de surface pour être utilisées comme surfaces aérodynamiques.", "Date de 14 mars 2022 UTC désintégration/rentrée dans l’atmosphère/désorbitation", "Renseignements supplémentaires communiqués volontairement en vue de leur inscription au registre des objets lancés dans l’espace extra-atmosphérique", "Modification dans l’exploitation\n Date à laquelle l’objet spatial 14 mars 2022 UTC a cessé d’être fonctionnel", "OWLID000235", "Renseignements fournis conformément à la Convention sur l’immatriculation des objets lancés dans l’espace extra-atmosphérique", "Indicatif international du 2021-060S Comité de la recherche spatiale\n Nom de l’objet spatial OWLID000235", "État d’immatriculation Royaume-Uni", "Document relatif à ST/SG/SER.E/1008 l’immatriculation", "Indicatif national/numéro 48983 d’immatriculation", "Date et territoire ou lieu 1^(er) juillet 2021, à 12 h 48 mn 33 s de lancement UTC ; Vostochny (Fédération de Russie)", "Principaux paramètres de l’orbite", "Période nodale 109,4 minutes", "Inclinaison 87,9 degrés", "Apogée 1 197 kilomètres", "Périgée 1 193 kilomètres", "Fonction générale de l’objet Satellite de télécommunication spatial", "Date de 29 mars 2002 à 21 h 45 UTC désintégration/rentrée dans l’atmosphère/désorbitation", "Renseignements supplémentaires communiqués volontairement en vue de leur inscription au registre des objets lancés dans l’espace extra-atmosphérique", "Modification dans l’exploitation\n Date à laquelle l’objet spatial 29 mars 2002 à 21 h 45 UTC a cessé d’être fonctionnel", "Date de déplacement de l’objet 29 mars 2002 à 21 h 45 UTC spatial vers une orbite de rebut", "Conditions physiques au moment Le satellite n’avait plus que quelques du déplacement de l’objet orbites à parcourir avant de rentrer spatial vers une orbite de rebut dans l’atmosphère.", "Propriétaire ou exploitant de Network Access Associates Limited l’objet spatial", "Site Web", "Lanceur Soyouz", "Autres renseignements Également connu sous le nom de SL0265", "[1] ¹ Les données sur les objets spatiaux référencés dans l’annexe ont été inscrites au Registre des objets lancés dans l’espace extra-atmosphérique le 13 juin 2022.", "[2] * Ces renseignements ont été communiqués au moyen du formulaire établi conformément à la résolution 62/101 de l’Assemblée générale ; leur présentation a été modifiée par le Secrétariat." ]
[ "Information furnished in conformity with the Convention on Registration of Objects Launched into Outer Space", "Note verbale dated 18 May 2022 from the Permanent Mission of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to the United Nations (Vienna) addressed to the Secretary-General", "The Permanent Mission of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to the United Nations (Vienna), in accordance with article IV of the Convention on Registration of Objects Launched into Outer Space (General Assembly resolution 3235 (XXIX), annex), has the honour to transmit additional information concerning the end of life of the space objects Satellite for Orbital Aerodynamics Research (SOAR) and OWLID000235 (2021-060S) (see annex).[1]", "Annex", "Additional information on space objects previously registered by the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland[2]", "Satellite for Orbital Aerodynamics Research (SOAR)", "Information provided in conformity with the Convention on Registration of Objects Launched into Outer Space", "Committee on Space Research 1998-067SM international designator\n Name of the space object Satellite for Orbital Aerodynamics Research (SOAR)", "State of registry United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland", "Registration document ST/SG/SER.E/1002", "Date and territory or location 14 June 2021 at 0905 hours UTC; of launch deployment from the International Space Station (ISS)", "Basic orbital parameters", "Nodal period 92.7 minutes", "Inclination 51.62 degrees", "Apogee 422 kilometres", "Perigee 418 kilometres", "General function of the space SOAR is to demonstrate aerodynamic object materials (specifically, materials which specularly reflect atomic oxygen in the free molecular flow environment), and aerodynamic attitude and orbit control. The payloads include an ion and neutral mass spectrometer to characterize the flow/atmospheric environment, and deployed steerable fins with different surface coatings to be used as aerodynamic surfaces", "Date of decay/re-entry/deorbit 14 March 2022 UTC", "Additional voluntary information for use in the Register of Objects Launched into Outer Space", "Change of status in operations\n Date when the space object 14 March 2022 UTC was no longer functional", "OWLID000235", "Information provided in conformity with the Convention on Registration of Objects Launched into Outer Space", "Committee on Space Research 2021-060S international designator\n Name of the space object OWLID000235", "State of registry United Kingdom", "Registration document ST/SG/SER.E/1008", "National designator/registration 48983 number", "Date and territory or location 1 July 2021 at 1248 hours, 33 seconds of launch UTC; Vostochny, Russian Federation", "Basic orbital parameters", "Nodal period 109.4 minutes", "Inclination 87.9 degrees", "Apogee 1,197 kilometres", "Perigee 1,193 kilometres", "General function of the space Communications satellite object", "Date of decay/re-entry/deorbit 29 March 2022 at 2145 hours UTC", "Additional voluntary information for use in the Register of Objects Launched into Outer Space", "Change of status in operations\n Date when the space object 29 March 2022 at 2145 hours UTC was no longer functional", "Date when the space object 29 March 2022 at 2145 hours UTC was moved to a disposal orbit", "Physical conditions when the The satellite was a few orbits from space object was moved to a re-entering the atmosphere disposal orbit", "Space object owner or operator Network Access Associates Limited", "Website", "Launch vehicle Soyuz", "Other information Also known as SL0265", "[1] ¹ The data on the space objects referenced in the annex were entered into the Register of Objects Launched into Outer Space on 13 June 2022.", "[2] ^(*) The information was submitted using the form prepared pursuant to General Assembly resolution 62/101 and has been reformatted by the Secretariat." ]
[ "Information provided in accordance with the Convention on Registration of Objects Launched into Outer Space", "Note verbale dated 18 May 2022 from the Permanent Mission of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to the United Nations in Vienna addressed to the Secretary-General", "The Permanent Mission of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to the United Nations in Vienna has the honour to provide, in accordance with article IV of the Convention on Registration of Objects Launched into Outer Space (General Assembly resolution 3235 (XXIX), annex), additional information regarding the end of life of space objects Satellite for Orbital Aerodynamics Research (SO-062) and OWID1", "Annex", "Additional information on space objects already registered by the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland [2]", "Satellite for Orbital Aerodynamics Research (SOAR)", "Information provided in accordance with the Convention on Registration of Objects Launched into Outer Space", "International designation of 1998-067SM Committee on Space Research\nName of space object Satellite for Orbital Aerodynamics Research (SOAR)", "United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland", "Document relating to ST/SG/SER.E/1002 registration", "Date and territory or place 14 June 2021 at 0905 UTC; launch deployment from the International Space Station (ISS)", "Main orbit parameters", "Nodal period 92.7 minutes", "Inclination 51.62 degrees", "422 kilometres", "Perigee 418 kilometres", "General function of the SOAR object is to test aerodynamic space materials (more precisely, materials that speculatively reflect atomic oxygen in the context of free molecular flow), as well as aerodynamic control of attitude and orbit. Useful loads include an ionic and neutral mass spectrometer to characterize the airflow/ambience, and orientable fins deployed with different surface coatings to be used as aerodynamic surfaces.", "Date of 14 March 2022 UTC disintegration/return into atmosphere/desorbitation", "Additional information voluntarily communicated with a view to registering objects launched in outer space", "Change in operation\nDate on which the space object 14 March 2022 UTC ceased to be functional", "OWLID000235", "Information provided in accordance with the Convention on Registration of Objects Launched into Outer Space", "International designation of 2021-060S Committee on Space Research\nName of space object OWLID000235", "Registration State United Kingdom", "Document on ST/SG/SER.E/1008 Registration", "National/Registration Number 48983", "Date and territory or place 1^(er) July 2021, at 1248 minutes 33 seconds UTC launch; Vostochny (Russian Federation)", "Main orbit parameters", "Nodal period 109.4 minutes", "Inclination 87,9 degrees", "Apogee 1 197 kilometers", "Perigee 1 193 kilometres", "General function of space telecommunications satellite object", "Date of March 29, 2002 at 9:45 p.m. UTC disintegration/return into atmosphere/desorbitation", "Additional information voluntarily communicated with a view to registering objects launched in outer space", "Change in operation\nDate on which the space object 29 March 2002 at 2145 UTC ceased to be functional", "Displacement date 29 March 2002 at 9:45 p.m. Space UTC to a debut orbit", "Physical conditions at the moment The satellite had only a few of the movement of the orbital object to be explored before returning to a space orbit in the atmosphere.", "Owner or operator of Network Access Associates Limited", "Website", "Soyouz launcher", "Other information Also known as SL0265", "[1] 1 The data on space objects listed in the annex were included in the Register of Objects Launched into Outer Space on June 13, 2022.", "[2] * This information was provided through the form prepared in accordance with General Assembly resolution 62/101; their presentation was amended by the Secretariat." ]
[ "Renseignements fournis conformément à la Convention sur l’immatriculation des objets lancés dans l’espace extra‑atmosphérique", "Note verbale datée du 30 mai 2022, adressée au Secrétaire général par la Mission permanente du Canada auprès de l’Organisation des Nations Unies à Vienne", "La Mission permanente du Canada auprès de l’Organisation des Nations Unies à Vienne a l’honneur de communiquer des renseignements concernant les objets spatiaux canadiens (satellites Kepler), notamment les renseignements techniques à fournir en vertu de la Convention sur l’immatriculation des objets lancés dans l’espace extra-atmosphérique (résolution 3235 (XXIX) de l’Assemblée générale, annexe), à laquelle le Canada est partie. En outre, la liste comprend des renseignements supplémentaires sur un objet déjà inscrit au Registre des objets lancés dans l’espace extra-atmosphérique (LEO 1) (voir annexe)[1].", "Annexe", "Données relatives à l’immatriculation d’objets spatiaux lancés par le Canada[2]", "Indicatif Nom État Autres États Document Date de Site de lancement Principaux Fonction international d’immatriculation de lancement d’immatriculation lancement (UTC) paramètres générale de concernant un objet de l’orbite l’objet spatial déjà spatial immatriculé\n Période Inclinaison Apogée Périgée nodale (degrés) (km) (km) (minutes)", "2018-008C KEPLER-0 Canada Chine – 19 janvier 2018 Centre de lancement 95,2 97,4 544,4 522,0 Transfert de (KIPP) à 4 h 12 mn 0 s de satellites de données et Jiuquan (Chine) technologie", "2018-096L KEPLER-1 Canada Inde – 29 novembre SHAR, Sriharikota 93,8 97,4 479,1 457,6 Transfert de (CASE) 2018 à (Inde) données et 4 h 27 mn 30 s technologie", "2020-061AZ KEPLER-2 Canada France – 3 septembre Centre spatial 95,2 97,5 538,2 532,7 Transfert de (TARS) 2020 à guyanais données et 1 h 51 mn 10 s (Guyane française) technologie", "2020-068P KEPLER-4 Canada Fédération – 28 septembre Cosmodrome de 95,7 97,7 569,9 554,0 Transfert de (ANTILLES) de Russie 2020 à Plesetsk (Fédération données et 11 h 20 mn 0 s de Russie) technologie", "2020-068N KEPLER-5 Canada Fédération – 28 septembre Cosmodrome de 95,7 97,7 569,6 554,1 Transfert de (AMIDALA) de Russie 2020 à Plesetsk (Fédération données et 11 h 20 mn 0 s de Russie) technologie", "2021-022Z KEPLER-6 Canada Fédération – 22 mars 2021 à Cosmodrome de 95,5 97,5 567,7 536,6 Transfert de (ROCINANTE) de Russie, 6 h 7 mn 12 s Baïkonour données et Kazakhstan (Kazakhstan) technologie", "2021-022T KEPLER-7 Canada Fédération – 22 mars 2021 à Cosmodrome de 95,6 97,5 567,6 537,1 Transfert de (C3PO) de Russie, 6 h 7 mn 12 s Baïkonour données et Kazakhstan (Kazakhstan) technologie", "2021-006BR KEPLER-8 Canada États-Unis – 24 janvier 2021 Cap Canaveral 95,1 97,5 537,1 527,2 Transfert de (AMAROK) d’Amérique à 15 h 0 mn 0 s (États-Unis) données et technologie", "2021-006DX KEPLER-9 Canada États-Unis – 24 janvier 2021 Cap Canaveral 95,1 97,5 537,8 527,9 Transfert de (ARTEMIS) à 15 h 0 mn 0 s (États-Unis) données et technologie", "2021-006CS KEPLER-10 Canada États-Unis – 24 janvier 2021 Cap Canaveral 95,1 97,5 535,7 523,0 Transfert de (BABY YODA) à 15 h 0 mn 0 s (États-Unis) données et technologie", "2021-006CU KEPLER-11 Canada États-Unis – 24 janvier 2021 Cap Canaveral 95,1 97,5 538,2 527,4 Transfert de (DANEEL) à 15 h 0 mn 0 s (États-Unis) données et technologie", "2021-006AK KEPLER-12 Canada États-Unis – 24 janvier 2021 Cap Canaveral 95,1 97,5 536,6 522,5 Transfert de (BOBA) à 15 h 0 mn 0 s (États-Unis) données et technologie", "2021-006AT KEPLER-13 Canada États-Unis – 24 janvier 2021 Cap Canaveral 95,1 97,5 536,5 523,4 Transfert de (LUCKY) à 15 h 0 mn 0 s (États-Unis) données et technologie", "2021-006DS KEPLER-14 Canada États-Unis – 24 janvier 2021 Cap Canaveral 95,2 97,4 538,5 528,8 Transfert de (STELLA) à 15 h 0 mn 0 s (États-Unis) données et technologie", "2021-006BA KEPLER-15 Canada États-Unis – 24 janvier 2021 Cap Canaveral 95,1 97,5 537,0 528,4 Transfert de (SUDORMRF) à 15 h 0 mn 0 s (États-Unis) données et technologie", "2022-002CB KEPLER-16 Canada États-Unis – 13 janvier 2022 Cap Canaveral 95,2 97,5 542,2 529,1 Transfert de (ASTRAEUS) à 15 h 25 mn 39 (États-Unis) données et s technologie", "2022-002CD KEPLER-17 Canada États-Unis – 13 janvier 2022 Cap Canaveral 95,2 97,5 542,9 529,2 Transfert de (KARINA) à 15 h 25 mn 39 (États-Unis) données et s technologie", "2022-002U KEPLER-18 Canada États-Unis – 13 janvier 2022 Cap Canaveral 95,2 97,5 542,4 524,9 Transfert de (BLIP-A) à 15 h 25 mn 39 (États-Unis) données et s technologie", "2022-002BV KEPLER-19 Canada États-Unis – 13 janvier 2022 Cap Canaveral 95,2 97,5 543,0 529,0 Transfert de (TBD) à 15 h 25 mn 39 (États-Unis) données et s technologie", "2018-004C LEO 1 Canada ST/SG/SER.E/996 12 janvier 2018 – 99,08 99,2 1 001 428 –", "[1] * Nouveau tirage pour raisons techniques (16 août 2022).", "Les données sur les objets spatiaux référencés dans l’annexe ont été inscrites au Registre des objets lancés dans l’espace extra-atmosphérique le 13 juin 2022.", "[2] * Ces renseignements ont été communiqués au moyen du formulaire établi conformément à la résolution 62/101 de l’Assemblée générale ; leur présentation a été modifiée par le Secrétariat." ]
[ "[1]", "Information furnished in conformity with the Convention on Registration of Objects Launched into Outer Space", "Note verbale dated 30 May 2022 from the Permanent Mission of Canada to the United Nations (Vienna) addressed to the Secretary-General", "The Permanent Mission of Canada to the United Nations (Vienna) has the honour to submit information concerning Canadian space objects (Kepler space objects), indicating the technical information required under the Convention on Registration of Objects Launched into Outer Space (General Assembly resolution 3235 (XXIX), annex), to which Canada is a State party. Furthermore, the list includes additional information on an object already entered in the Register of Objects Launched into Outer Space (LEO 1) (see annex).[2]", "Annex", "Registration information on space objects launched by Canada[3]", "[TABLE]", "[1] ^(*) Reissued for technical reasons on 16 August 2022.", "[2] ¹ The data on the space objects referenced in the annex were entered into the Register of Objects Launched into Outer Space on 13 June 2022.", "[3] ^(*) The information was submitted using the form prepared pursuant to General Assembly resolution 62/101 and has been reformatted by the Secretariat." ]
[ "Information provided in accordance with the Convention on Registration of Objects Launched into Outer Space", "Note verbale dated 30 May 2022 from the Permanent Mission of Canada to the United Nations in Vienna addressed to the Secretary-General", "The Permanent Mission of Canada to the United Nations in Vienna has the honour to provide information on Canadian space objects (Kepler satellite), including the technical information to be provided under the Convention on Registration of Objects Launched into Outer Space (General Assembly resolution 3235 (XXIX), annex), to which Canada is a party. In addition, the list includes additional information on an object already listed in the Register of Objects Launched into Outer Space (LEO 1) (see annex)[1].", "Annex", "Registration data for space objects launched by Canada[2]", "Name State Other States Document Date of Launch Site Main International Registration Registration Function Launch (UTC) General parameters for an object of orbit the space object already registered\nPeriod Inclination Nodal Perigee (degrees) (km) (minutes)", "2018-008C KEPLER-0 Canada China – January 19, 2018 Launch Centre 95.2 97.4 544.4 522.0 Transfer from (KIPP) to 412 minutes 0 seconds of data satellites and Jiuquan (China) technology", "2018-096L KEPLER-1 Canada India – November 29 SHAR, Sriharikota 93,8 97,4 479,1 457,6 Transfer from (CASE) 2018 to (India) data and 4 h 27 mn 30 s technology", "2020-061AZ KEPLER-2 Canada France – September 3 Space Centre 95.2 97.5 538.2 532.7 Transfer from (TARS) 2020 to Guyanese data and 1 h 51 mn 10 s (French Guiana) technology", "2020-068P KEPLER-4 Canada Federation – September 28 Cosmodrome of 95.7 97.7 569.9 554.0 Transfer of (ANTILLES) from Russia 2020 to Plesetsk (Data Federation and 11.20mn 0 s from Russia) technology", "2020-068N KEPLER-5 Canada Federation – September 28 Cosmodrome of 95.7 97.7 569.6 554,1 Transfer from (AMIDALA) from Russia 2020 to Plesetsk (Data Federation and 11.20 min 0 s from Russia) technology", "2021-022Z KEPLER-6 Canada Federation – March 22, 2021 at Cosmodrome of 95,5 97.5 567.7 536.6 Transfer of (ROCINANTE) from Russia, 6 h 7 mn 12 s Baïkonour data and Kazakhstan (Kazakhstan) technology", "2021-022T KEPLER-7 Canada Federation – March 22, 2021 at Cosmodrome of 95,6 97.5 567.6 537.1 Transfer of (C3PO) from Russia, 6 h 7 mn 12 s Baïkonour data and Kazakhstan (Kazakhstan) technology", "2021-006BR KEPLER-8 Canada United States – January 24, 2021 Cap Canaveral 95.1 97.5 537.1 527.2 Transfer of (AMAROK) from America to 15 0 min 0 s (United States) data and technology", "2021-006DX KEPLER-9 Canada United States – January 24, 2021 Cap Canaveral 95.1 97.5 537,8 527,9 Transfer from (ARTEMIS) to 15 0 min 0 s (United States) data and technology", "2021-006CS KEPLER-10 Canada United States – January 24, 2021 Cap Canaveral 95.1 97.5 535.7 523.0 Transfer from (BABY YODA) to 15 0 min 0 s (United States) data and technology", "2021-006CU KEPLER-11 Canada United States – January 24, 2021 Cap Canaveral 95.1 97.5 538.2 527.4 Transfer from (DANEEL) to 15 0 min 0 s (United States) data and technology", "2021-006AK KEPLER-12 Canada United States – January 24, 2021 Cap Canaveral 95.1 97.5 536.6 522.5 Transfer from (BOBA) to 15 0 min 0 s (United States) data and technology", "2021-006AT KEPLER-13 Canada United States – January 24, 2021 Cap Canaveral 95.1 97.5 536.5 523,4 Transfer from (LUCKY) to 15 0 min 0 s (United States) data and technology", "2021-006DS KEPLER-14 Canada United States – January 24, 2021 Cap Canaveral 95.2 97.4 538,5 528,8 Transfer from (STELLA) to 15 0 min 0 s (United States) data and technology", "2021-006BA KEPLER-15 Canada United States – January 24, 2021 Cap Canaveral 95.1 97.5 537.4 528.4 Transfer from (SUDORMRF) to 15 0 min 0 s (United States) data and technology", "2022-002CB KEPLER-16 Canada United States – January 13, 2022 Cape Canaveral 95.2 97.5 542.2 529.1 Transfer from (ASTRAEUS) to 1525 minutes 39 (United States) data and technology", "2022-002CD KEPLER-17 Canada United States – January 13, 2022 Cap Canaveral 95.2 97.5 542,9 529.2 Transfer from (KARINA) to 1525 minutes 39 (United States) data and technology", "2022-002U KEPLER-18 Canada United States – January 13, 2022 Cap Canaveral 95.2 97.5 542,4 524,9 Transfer from (BLIP-A) to 1525 minutes 39 (United States) data and technology", "2022-002BV KEPLER-19 Canada United States – January 13, 2022 Cap Canaveral 95.2 97.5 543.0 529.0 Transfer from (TBD) to 1525 minutes 39 (United States) data and technology", "2018-004C LEO 1 Canada ST/SG/SER.E/996 January 12, 2018 – 99.08 99.2 1 001 428 –", "[1] * Reissued for technical reasons (16 August 2022).", "The data on space objects listed in the annex were included in the Register of Objects Launched into Outer Space on June 13, 2022.", "[2] * This information was provided through the form prepared in accordance with General Assembly resolution 62/101; their presentation was amended by the Secretariat." ]
[ "Renseignements fournis conformément à la Convention sur l’immatriculation des objets lancés dans l’espace extra‑atmosphérique", "Note verbale datée du 15 juin 2022, adressée au Secrétaire général par la Mission permanente de l’Allemagne auprès de l’Organisation des Nations Unies à Vienne", "La Mission permanente de l’Allemagne auprès de l’Organisation des Nations Unies à Vienne a l’honneur de communiquer, conformément à l’article IV de la Convention sur l’immatriculation des objets lancés dans l’espace extra-atmosphérique (résolution 3235 (XXIX) de l’Assemblée générale, annexe), des renseignements concernant un objet spatial lancé par l’Allemagne (voir annexe)[1].", "Annexe", "Données relatives à l’immatriculation d’un objet spatial lancé par l’Allemagne[2]", "GMS-T", "Renseignements fournis conformément à la Convention sur l’immatriculation des objets lancés dans l’espace extra-atmosphérique", "Indicatif international du 2021-004A Comité de la recherche spatiale\n Nom de l’objet spatial GMS-T", "Indicatif national/numéro D-R092 d’immatriculation", "État d’immatriculation Allemagne", "Autres États de lancement Nouvelle-Zélande et États-Unis d’Amérique", "Date et territoire ou lieu de 20 janvier 2021 à 7 h 26 mn 0 s UTC ; lancement Rocket Lab Launch Complex 1, Mahia (Nouvelle-Zélande)", "Principaux paramètres de l’orbite", "Période nodale 109,4 minutes", "Inclinaison 90,0 degrés", "Apogée 1 229 kilomètres", "Périgée 1 198 kilomètres", "Fonction générale de l’objet La fonction générale du satellite GMS-T spatial est de mettre en service les fréquences en bandes Ka et Ku.", "Renseignements supplémentaires communiqués volontairement en vue de leur inscription au Registre des objets lancés dans l’espace extra-atmosphérique", "Propriétaire ou exploitantde l’objet spatial\tOHB Cosmos International LaunchServices GmbH, Brême (Allemagne)\n Site Web \n Lanceur Electron Autres renseignements\tServices de lancement fournis parRocket Lab USA ; fabrication dessatellites et essais effectués par OHBSweden ; opérations réalisées par OHBCosmos et OHB Sweden \n\tL’année au cours de laquelle l’objetspatial devrait ne plus êtrefonctionnel est 2023.", "[1] Les données sur l’objet spatial référencé dans l’annexe ont été inscrites au Registre des objets lancés dans l’espace extra-atmosphérique le 17 juin 2022.", "[2] * Ces renseignements ont été communiqués au moyen du formulaire établi conformément à la résolution 62/101 de l’Assemblée générale ; leur présentation a été modifiée par le Secrétariat." ]
[ "Information furnished in conformity with the Convention on Registration of Objects Launched into Outer Space", "Note verbale dated 15 June 2022 from the Permanent Mission of Germany to the United Nations (Vienna) addressed to the Secretary-General", "The Permanent Mission of Germany to the United Nations (Vienna), in accordance with article IV of the Convention on Registration of Objects Launched into Outer Space (General Assembly resolution 3235 (XXIX), annex), has the honour to transmit information concerning a space object launched by Germany (see annex).[1]", "Annex", "Registration data on a space object launched by Germany[2]", "GMS-T", "Information provided in conformity with the Convention on Registration of Objects Launched into Outer Space", "Committee on Space Research 2021-004A international designator\n Name of space object GMS-T", "National D-R092 designator/registration number", "State of registry Germany", "Other launching States New Zealand and United States of America", "Date and territory or location 20 January 2021 at 0726 hours 0 seconds of launch UTC; Rocket Lab Launch Complex 1, Mahia, New Zealand", "Basic orbital parameters", "Nodal period 109.4 minutes", "Inclination 90.0 degrees", "Apogee 1 229 kilometres", "Perigee 1 198 kilometres", "General function of space The general function of the GMS-T object satellite is to bring into use the Ka- and Ku-band frequencies", "Additional voluntary information for use in the Register of Objects Launched into Outer Space", "Space object owner oroperator\tOHB Cosmos International LaunchServices GmbH, Bremen, Germany\n Website \n Launch vehicle Electron Other information\tLaunch services provided by Rocket LabUSA; satellite manufacturing andtesting performed by OHB Sweden;operations performed by OHB Cosmos andOHB Sweden \n\tThe year in which the space object isexpected to no longer be functional is2023", "[1] ¹ The data on the space object referenced in the annex were entered into the Register of Objects Launched into Outer Space on 17 June 2022.", "[2] ^(*) The information was submitted using the form prepared pursuant to General Assembly resolution 62/101 and has been reformatted by the Secretariat." ]
[ "Information provided in accordance with the Convention on Registration of Objects Launched into Outer Space", "Note verbale dated 15 June 2022 from the Permanent Mission of Germany to the United Nations in Vienna addressed to the Secretary-General", "The Permanent Mission of Germany to the United Nations in Vienna has the honour to transmit, in accordance with article IV of the Convention on Registration of Objects Launched into Outer Space (General Assembly resolution 3235 (XXIX), annex), information concerning a space object launched by Germany (see annex)[1].", "Annex", "Registration data for a space object launched by Germany[2]", "GMS-T", "Information provided in accordance with the Convention on Registration of Objects Launched into Outer Space", "International designation of 2021-004A Committee on Space Research\nName of space object GMS-T", "National/Registration number D-R092", "State of registration Germany", "Other New Zealand and United States of America", "Date and territory or place of 20 January 2021 at 726 mn 0 s UTC; Rocket Lab Launch Complex 1, Mahia (New Zealand)", "Main orbit parameters", "Nodal period 109.4 minutes", "Inclination 90.0 degrees", "Apogee 1,229 kilometres", "Perigee 1 198 kilometres", "General function of the object The general function of the space GMS-T satellite is to operate Ka and Ku band frequencies.", "Additional information voluntarily communicated for inclusion in the Register of Objects Launched into Outer Space", "Owner or operator of the space object OHB Cosmos International LaunchServices GmbH, Bremen, Germany\nWebsite\nElectron launcher Other information Launch services provided byRocket Lab USA; OHBSweden manufactures and tests; OHBCosmos and OHB Sweden operations\nThe year in which the objectspace should no longer be functional is 2023.", "[1] The data on the space object referenced in the annex were included in the Register of Objects Launched into Outer Space on June 17, 2022.", "[2] * This information was provided through the form prepared in accordance with General Assembly resolution 62/101; their presentation was amended by the Secretariat." ]
[ "Renseignements fournis conformément à la Convention sur l’immatriculation des objets lancés dans l’espace extra‑atmosphérique", "Note verbale datée du 16 décembre 2021, adressée au Secrétaire général par la Mission permanente du Royaume-Uni de Grande‑Bretagne et d’Irlande du Nord auprès de l’Organisation des Nations Unies à Vienne", "La Mission permanente du Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d’Irlande du Nord auprès de l’Organisation des Nations Unies à Vienne a l’honneur de communiquer, conformément à l’article IV de la Convention sur l’immatriculation des objets lancés dans l’espace extra-atmosphérique (résolution 3235 (XXIX) de l’Assemblée générale, annexe), des renseignements supplémentaires concernant la modification de la position de l’objet spatial HYLAS-1 (voir annexe)[1].", "Annexe", "Renseignements supplémentaires concernant un objet spatial précédemment immatriculé par le Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d’Irlande du Nord[2]", "HYLAS-1", "Renseignements fournis conformément à la Convention sur l’immatriculation des objets lancés dans l’espace extra-atmosphérique", "Indicatif international duComité de la recherche spatiale\t2010-065A\n Nom de l’objet spatial HYLAS-1 \nÉtat d’immatriculation\tRoyaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne etd’Irlande du NordDocuments relatifs àl’immatriculation\tST/SG/SER.E/618ST/SG/SER.E/618/Add.1 ST/SG/SER.E/618/Add.2 ST/SG/SER.E/618/Add.3 ST/SG/SER.E/618/Add.4 ST/SG/SER.E/917 \n ST/SG/SER.E/984 \nDate et territoire ou lieu delancement\t26 novembre 2010 à 18 h 39 UTC ;Centre spatial guyanais, Kourou(Guyane française)\nPrincipaux paramètres del’orbite\t\n Période nodale 1 440 minutes \n Inclinaison 0,04 degré \n Apogée 35 794 kilomètres \n Périgée 35 779 kilomètres \nFonction générale de l’objetspatial\tSatellite de communication", "Renseignements supplémentaires communiqués volontairement en vue de leur inscription au Registre des objets lancés dans l’espace extra-atmosphérique", "Principaux paramètres del’orbite\t\n Position géostationnaire 81 degrés Ouest \nChangement de position del’objet spatial\t\n Position orbitale antérieure 117,5 degrés Est \n Nouvelle position orbitale 81 degrés Ouest \nPropriétaire ou exploitant del’objet spatial\tAvanti Communications Group PLC\n Lanceur Ariane 5", "[1] Les données sur l’objet spatial référencé dans l’annexe ont été inscrites au Registre des objets lancés dans l’espace extra-atmosphérique le 21 décembre 2021.", "[2] * Ces renseignements ont été communiqués au moyen du formulaire établi conformément à la résolution 62/101 de l’Assemblée générale ; leur présentation a été modifiée par le Secrétariat." ]
[ "Information furnished in conformity with the Convention on Registration of Objects Launched into Outer Space", "Note verbale dated 16 December 2021 from the Permanent Mission of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to the United Nations (Vienna) addressed to the Secretary-General", "The Permanent Mission of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to the United Nations (Vienna), in accordance with article IV of the Convention on Registration of Objects Launched into Outer Space (General Assembly resolution 3235 (XXIX), annex), has the honour to transmit additional information concerning the change of location of the space object HYLAS-1 (see annex).[1]", "Annex", "Additional information on a space object previously registered by the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland[2]", "HYLAS-1", "Information provided in conformity with the Convention on Registration of Objects Launched into Outer Space", "Committee on Space Researchinternational designator\t2010-065A\n Name of space object HYLAS-1 \nState of registry\tUnited Kingdom of Great Britainand Northern IrelandRegistration documents\tST/SG/SER.E/618ST/SG/SER.E/618/Add.1 ST/SG/SER.E/618/Add.2 ST/SG/SER.E/618/Add.3 ST/SG/SER.E/618/Add.4 ST/SG/SER.E/917 \n ST/SG/SER.E/984 \nDate and territory or locationof launch\t26 November 2010 at 1839 hoursUTC; Guiana Space Centre, Kourou,French Guiana\n Basic orbital parameters \n Nodal period 1,440 minutes \n Inclination 0.04 degrees \n Apogee 35,794 kilometres \n Perigee 35,779 kilometres \n General function of space object Communications satellite", "Additional voluntary information for use in the Register of Objects Launched into Outer Space", "Basic orbital parameters \n Geostationary position 81 degrees West \nChange of position of thespace object\t\n Previous orbital position 117.5 degrees East \n New orbital position 81 degrees West \n Space object owner or operator Avanti Communications Group PLC \n Launch vehicle Ariane 5", "[1] The data on the space object referenced in the annex were entered into the Register of Objects Launched into Outer Space on 21 December 2021.", "[2] ^(*) The information was submitted using the form prepared pursuant to General Assembly resolution 62/101 and has been reformatted by the Secretariat." ]
[ "Information provided in accordance with the Convention on Registration of Objects Launched into Outer Space", "Note verbale dated 16 December 2021 from the Permanent Mission of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to the United Nations in Vienna addressed to the Secretary-General", "The Permanent Mission of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to the United Nations in Vienna has the honour to transmit, in accordance with article IV of the Convention on Registration of Objects Launched into Outer Space (General Assembly resolution 3235 (XXIX), annex), additional information concerning the modification of the position of the HYLAS-1 space object (see annex)[1].", "Annex", "Additional information regarding a space object previously registered by the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland [2]", "HYLAS-1", "Information provided in accordance with the Convention on Registration of Objects Launched into Outer Space", "International Designation of the Space Research Committee 2010-065A\nName of space object HYLAS-1\nRegistration status United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern IrelandRegistration documents ST/SG/SER.E/618ST/SG/SER.E/618/Add.1 ST/SG/SER.E/618/Add.2 ST/SG/SER.E/618/Add.3 ST/SG/SER.E/618/Add.4 ST/SG/SER.E/917\nST/SG/SER.E/984\nDate and territory or place of initiation 26 November 2010 at 6:39 p.m. UTC; Guyaese Space Centre, Kourou, French Guiana\nMain orbital parameters\nNodal period 1,440 minutes\nInclination 0.04 degree\nApogee 35 794 kilometres\nPerigee 35 779 kilometres\nGeneral function of the communication satellite objectspace", "Additional information voluntarily communicated for inclusion in the Register of Objects Launched into Outer Space", "Main orbital parameters\nGeostationary position 81 degrees West\nChange of position of space object\nPrior orbital position 117,5 degrees East\nNew orbital position 81 degrees West\nOwner or operator of the space object Avanti Communications Group PLC\nAriane 5 launcher", "[1] The data on the space object referenced in the annex were included in the Register of Objects Launched into Outer Space on 21 December 2021.", "[2] * This information was provided through the form prepared in accordance with General Assembly resolution 62/101; their presentation was amended by the Secretariat." ]
[ "Renseignements fournis conformément à la Convention sur l’immatriculation des objets lancés dans l’espace extra‑atmosphérique", "Note verbale datée du 15 décembre 2021, adressée au Secrétaire général par la Mission permanente du Royaume‑Uni de Grande‑Bretagne et d’Irlande du Nord auprès de l’Organisation des Nations Unies à Vienne", "La Mission permanente du Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d’Irlande du Nord auprès de l’Organisation des Nations Unies à Vienne a l’honneur de communiquer, conformément à l’article IV de la Convention sur l’immatriculation des objets lancés dans l’espace extra-atmosphérique (résolution 3235 (XXIX) de l’Assemblée générale, annexe), des renseignements supplémentaires concernant l’objet spatial RemoveDebris (voir annexe)[1].", "Annexe", "Renseignements supplémentaires concernant un objet spatial précédemment immatriculé par le Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d’Irlande du Nord[2]", "RemoveDebris", "Renseignements fournis conformément à la Convention sur l’immatriculation des objets lancés dans l’espace extra-atmosphérique", "Indicatif international du Comité 1998-067NT de la recherche spatiale\n Nom de l’objet spatial RemoveDebris", "État d’immatriculation Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d’Irlande du Nord", "Document relatif à l’immatriculation ST/SG/SER.E/864", "Date et territoire ou lieu de 28 juin 2018 à 11 h 35 mn 0 s lancement (UTC) ; Station spatiale internationale (ISS)", "Principaux paramètres de l’orbite", "Période nodale 92,6 minutes", "Inclinaison 51,64 degrés", "Apogée 404 kilomètres", "Périgée 400 kilomètres", "Fonction générale de l’objet spatial Démonstration de technologies", "Date de désintégration/rentrée dans 4 décembre 2021 à 7 h 10 UTC l’atmosphère/désorbitation", "Renseignements supplémentaires communiqués volontairement en vue de leur inscription au Registre des objets lancés dans l’espace extra-atmosphérique", "Propriétaire ou exploitant de l’objet Centre spatial du Surrey spatial\n Lanceur Déploiement spatial depuis l’ISS", "[1] ¹ Les données sur les objets spatiaux référencés dans l’annexe ont été inscrites au Registre des objets lancés dans l’espace extra-atmosphérique le 21 décembre 2021.", "[2] * Ces renseignements ont été communiqués au moyen du formulaire établi conformément à la résolution 62/101 de l’Assemblée générale ; leur présentation a été modifiée par le Secrétariat." ]
[ "Information furnished in conformity with the Convention on Registration of Objects Launched into Outer Space", "Note verbale dated 15 December 2021 from the Permanent Mission of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to the United Nations (Vienna) addressed to the Secretary-General", "The Permanent Mission of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to the United Nations (Vienna), in accordance with article IV of the Convention on Registration of Objects Launched into Outer Space (General Assembly resolution 3235 (XXIX), annex), has the honour to transmit additional information on the space object RemoveDebris (see annex).[1]", "Annex", "Additional information on a space object previously registered by the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland[2]", "RemoveDebris", "Information provided in conformity with the Convention on Registration of Objects Launched into Outer Space", "Committee on Space Researchinternational designator\t1998-067NT\n Name of space object RemoveDebris \nState of registry\tUnited Kingdom of Great Britainand Northern Ireland\n Registration document ST/SG/SER.E/864 \nDate and territory or locationof launch\t20 June 2018 at 1135 hours 0seconds UTC; International SpaceStation (ISS)\n Basic orbital parameters \n Nodal period 92.6 minutes \n Inclination 51.64 degrees \n Apogee 404 kilometres \n Perigee 400 kilometres \n General function of space object Technology demonstration \n Date of decay/re-entry/deorbit 4 December 2021 at 0710 hours UTC", "Additional voluntary information for use in the Register of Objects Launched into Outer Space", "Space object owner or operator Surrey Space Centre\n Launch vehicle Space deployment from ISS", "[1] ¹ The data on the space objects referenced in the annex were entered into the Register of Objects Launched into Outer Space on 21 December 2021.", "[2] ^(*) The information was submitted using the form prepared pursuant to General Assembly resolution 62/101 and has been reformatted by the Secretariat." ]
[ "Information provided in accordance with the Convention on Registration of Objects Launched into Outer Space", "Note verbale dated 15 December 2021 from the Permanent Mission of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to the United Nations in Vienna addressed to the Secretary-General", "The Permanent Mission of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to the United Nations in Vienna has the honour to transmit, in accordance with article IV of the Convention on Registration of Objects Launched into Outer Space (General Assembly resolution 3235 (XXIX), annex), additional information relating to the space object of RemoveDebris (see annex)[1].", "Annex", "Additional information regarding a space object previously registered by the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland [2]", "Remove", "Information provided in accordance with the Convention on Registration of Objects Launched into Outer Space", "International Committee for Space Research 1998-067NT\nName of space object RemoveDebris", "United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland", "Registration document ST/SG/SER.E/864", "Date and territory or place of 28 June 2018 at 11.35 a.m. 0 s launch (UTC) ; International Space Station (ISS)", "Main orbit parameters", "Nodal period 92.6 minutes", "Inclination 51,64 degrees", "404 kilometres", "Perigee 400 kilometres", "General function of space object Demonstration of technologies", "Date of disintegration/return in 4 December 2021 at 7.10 a.m. UTC atmosphere/desorbitation", "Additional information voluntarily communicated for inclusion in the Register of Objects Launched into Outer Space", "Owner or operator of the Space Surrey Space Center object\nSpace Deployment Launcher from ISS", "[1] 1 The data on space objects listed in the annex were included in the Register of Objects Launched into Outer Space on 21 December 2021.", "[2] * This information was provided through the form prepared in accordance with General Assembly resolution 62/101; their presentation was amended by the Secretariat." ]
[ "Renseignements fournis conformément à la Convention sur l’immatriculation des objets lancés dans l’espace extra‑atmosphérique", "Note verbale datée du 1^(er) avril 2022, adressée au Secrétaire général par la Mission permanente du Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d’Irlande du Nord auprès de l’Organisation des Nations Unies à Vienne", "La Mission permanente du Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d’Irlande du Nord auprès de l’Organisation des Nations Unies à Vienne a l’honneur de confirmer que l’objet spatial AMC-18 devrait être inscrit au registre national des États-Unis d’Amérique et qu’il a donc été transféré dans le registre additionnel des objets spatiaux du Royaume-Uni (voir annexe)[1].", "Annexe", "Renseignements supplémentaires sur un objet spatial déjà immatriculé par le Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d’Irlande du Nord[2]", "AMC-18", "Renseignements fournis conformément à la Convention sur l’immatriculation des objets lancés dans l’espace extra-atmosphérique", "Indicatif international du Comité 2006-054B de la recherche spatiale\n Nom de l’objet spatial AMC-18", "État d’immatriculation Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d’Irlande du Nord", "Documents relatifs à ST/SG/SER.E/554 l’immatriculation", "Date et territoire ou lieu de 8 décembre 2006 à 5 h 00 UTC ; lancement Guyane française", "Principaux paramètres de l’orbite", "Période nodale 1 436 minutes", "Inclinaison 1,8 degré", "Apogée 35 796 kilomètres", "Périgée 35 774 kilomètres", "Fonction générale de l’objet Satellite de télécommunication spatial", "Renseignements supplémentaires communiqués volontairement en vue de leur inscription au Registre des objets lancés dans l’espace extra-atmosphérique", "Position géostationnaire 83 degrés Ouest \nAutres renseignements\tLe Royaume-Uni confirme quel’objet spatial SES AMC-18 a étéretiré du registre national dupays et inscrit à son registreadditionnel des objets spatiaux.", "[1] Les données sur l’objet spatial référencé dans l’annexe ont été inscrites au Registre des objets lancés dans l’espace extra-atmosphérique le 11 avril 2022.", "[2] * Ces renseignements ont été communiqués au moyen du formulaire établi conformément à la résolution 62/101 de l’Assemblée générale ; leur présentation a été modifiée par le Secrétariat." ]
[ "Information furnished in conformity with the Convention on Registration of Objects Launched into Outer Space", "Note verbale dated 1 April 2022 from the Permanent Mission of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to the United Nations (Vienna) addressed to the Secretary-General", "The Permanent Mission of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to the United Nations (Vienna) has the honour to confirm that the space object AMC-18 should be held on the national registry of the United States of America and therefore has been moved to the United Kingdom Supplementary Registry of Outer Space Objects (see annex).[1]", "Annex", "Additional information on a space object previously registered by the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland[2]", "AMC-18", "Information provided in conformity with the Convention on Registration of Objects Launched into Outer Space", "Committee on Space Research 2006-054B international designator\n Name of space object AMC-18", "State of registry United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland", "Registration documents ST/SG/SER.E/554", "Date and territory or location of 8 December 2006 at 0500 hours UTC; launch French Guiana", "Basic orbital parameters", "Nodal period 1,436 minutes", "Inclination 1.8 degrees", "Apogee 35,796 kilometres", "Perigee 35,774 kilometres", "General function of space object Communications satellite", "Additional voluntary information for use in the Register of Objects Launched into Outer Space", "Geostationary position 83 degrees West \nOther information\tThe United Kingdom confirms thatthe space object SES AMC-18 hasbeen moved from the UnitedKingdom’s national registry tothe United Kingdom SupplementaryRegistry of Outer Space Objects", "[1] The data on the space object referenced in the annex were entered into the Register of Objects Launched into Outer Space on 11 April 2022.", "[2] ^(*) The information was submitted using the form prepared pursuant to General Assembly resolution 62/101 and has been reformatted by the Secretariat." ]
[ "Information provided in accordance with the Convention on Registration of Objects Launched into Outer Space", "Note verbale dated 1^(er) April 2022 from the Permanent Mission of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to the United Nations in Vienna addressed to the Secretary-General", "The Permanent Mission of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to the United Nations in Vienna has the honour to confirm that the space object AMC-18 should be registered in the national registry of the United States of America and that it has therefore been transferred to the additional registry of United Kingdom space objects (see annex)[1].", "Annex", "Additional information on a space object already registered by the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland [2]", "AMC-18", "Information provided in accordance with the Convention on Registration of Objects Launched into Outer Space", "Committee 2006-054B Committee on Space Research\nName of space object AMC-18", "United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland", "Registration documents for ST/SG/SER.E/554", "Date and territory or place of 8 December 2006 at 5:00 a.m. UTC; launch French Guiane", "Main orbit parameters", "Nodal period 1,436 minutes", "Inclination 1.8 degree", "Apogee 35 796 kilometres", "Perigee 35 774 kilometres", "General function of space telecommunications satellite object", "Additional information voluntarily communicated for inclusion in the Register of Objects Launched into Outer Space", "Geostationary position 83 degrees West\nOther information The United Kingdom confirms which space object SES AMC-18 was removed from the country’s national registry and registered in its space object registry.", "[1] The data on the space object referenced in the annex were included in the Register of Objects Launched into Outer Space on 11 April 2022.", "[2] * This information was provided through the form prepared in accordance with General Assembly resolution 62/101; their presentation was amended by the Secretariat." ]
[ "Renseignements fournis conformément à la Convention sur l’immatriculation des objets lancés dans l’espace extra‑atmosphérique", "Note verbale datée du 11 avril 2022, adressée au Secrétaire général par la Mission permanente de la Nouvelle-Zélande auprès de l’Organisation des Nations Unies à Vienne", "La Mission permanente de la Nouvelle-Zélande auprès de l’Organisation des Nations Unies à Vienne a l’honneur de communiquer, conformément à l’article IV de la Convention sur l’immatriculation des objets lancés dans l’espace extra-atmosphérique (résolution 3235 (XXIX) de l’Assemblée générale, annexe), des renseignements concernant les objets spatiaux lancés par la Nouvelle-Zélande au cours de la période allant du 1^(er) juin 2021 au 31 mars 2022 (voir annexe)[1].", "Annexe", "Informations sur les objets spatiaux lancés par la Nouvelle-Zélande, y compris depuis le territoire néo-zélandais, ainsi que depuis l’extérieur du territoire néo-zélandais sur la base d’autorisations de charges utiles à l’étranger accordées par la Nouvelle-Zélande[2]^(,) [3]", "I. Objets immatriculés par la Nouvelle-Zélande", "A. Objets lancés par la Nouvelle-Zélande au cours de la période allant du 1^(er) juin 2021 au 31 mars 2022", "Indicatif Indicatif Nom Date et heure de Autres États Principaux Fonction Informations international national lancement (heure de de lancement paramètres générale supplémentaires Nouvelle-Zélande) de l’orbite de l’objet fournies à titre spatial volontaire\n Période Inclinaison Apogée Périgée (km) Propriétaire Lanceur Site Web nodale (degrés) (km) de la charge (minutes) utile ou exploitant", "2022-020B NZ-2022-02 Étage 1^(er) mars 2022, États-Unis 94,92 97,09 555 475 Corps de Rocket Lab USA Electron d’appoint 09 h 37 d’Amérique fusée et corps de fusée Electron", "2022-020C NZ-2022-03 Corps de 1^(er) mars 2022, États-Unis 87,78 97,70 192 137 Corps de Rocket Lab USA Electron fusée 09 h 37 fusée Electron", "B. Objets lancés en dehors du territoire de la Nouvelle-Zélande, sur la base d’autorisations de charges utiles à l’étranger accordées par la Nouvelle-Zélande, au cours de la période allant du 1^(er) juin 2021 au 31 mars 2022", "Indicatif Indicatif Nom Date de État Autres États Principaux Fonction Informations international national lancement d’immatriculation de lancement paramètres générale supplémentaires (UTC) de l’orbite de l’objet fournies spatial à titre volontaire\n Période Inclinaison Apogée Périgée (km) Propriétaire Lanceur Site nodale (degrés) (km) de la charge Web (minutes) utile ou exploitant", "2021-059L NZ-2022-04 SpaceBEENZ-7 30 juin Nouvelle-Zélande États-Unis 95,04 97,54 526 514 Communications Swarm Falcon 9 – 2021 et Internet des Technologies Inc. v.1.2 objets (Swarm NZ (Bloc 5) Limited)", "2021-059N NZ-2022-05 SpaceBEENZ-8 30 juin Nouvelle-Zélande États-Unis 95,04 97,54 526 514 Communications Swarm NZ Limited Falcon 9 – 2021 et Internet des v.1.2 objets (Bloc 5)", "2021-059J NZ-2022-06 SpaceBEENZ-9 30 juin Nouvelle-Zélande États-Unis 95,05 97,54 526 515 Communications Swarm NZ Limited Falcon 9 – 2021 et Internet des v.1.2 objets (Bloc 5)", "2021-059D NZ-2022-07 SpaceBEENZ-10 30 juin Nouvelle-Zélande États-Unis 95,05 97,54 526 515 Communications Swarm NZ Limited Falcon 9 – 2021 et Internet des v.1.2 objets (Bloc 5)", "2022-026M NZ-2022-08 SpaceBEENZ-11 15 mars Nouvelle-Zélande États-Unis 95,12 97,5 544 505 Communications Swarm NZ Limited Fusée – 2022 et Internet des Astra 3.3 objets", "Note : Les objets SpaceBEENZ-7 à 11 ont été lancés en dehors du territoire néo-zélandais sur la base d’autorisations de charges utiles à l’étranger accordées par la Nouvelle-Zélande. La Nouvelle-Zélande immatricule ces satellites car les détenteurs des autorisations de charges utiles sont des entités néo-zélandaises.", "C. Objets qui ne sont plus en orbite", "Indicatif Indicatif Nom Date et heure Fonction Date de international national de lancement (heure générale rentrée dans de Nouvelle-Zélande) de l’objet l’atmosphère spatial (UTC)\n 2021-106C NZ-2021-16 Débris 18 novembre 2021, Débris – 12 mars 2022 Electron 14 h 38 adaptateur – adaptateur de charge de charge utile utile", "2021-120C NZ-2021-25 Débris 9 décembre 2021, Débris – 21 mars 2022 Electron 13 h 02 adaptateur – adaptateur de charge de charge utile utile", "2022-020C NZ-2022-03 Corps de fusée 1^(er) mars 2022, Corps de 15 mars 2022 Electron 09 h 37 fusée", "D. Objets signalés dans un rapport précédent qui sont toujours en orbite mais qui ne sont plus opérationnels", "Indicatif Indicatif Nom Date de Fonction Date à laquelle international national lancement générale l’objet spatial a (UTC) de l’objet cessé d’être spatial fonctionnel (UTC)", "Néant", "E. Objets signalés dans un rapport précédent qui ont été déplacés vers une orbite de rebut", "Indicatif Indicatif Nom Date de Fonction Position Date de Conditions physiques du international national lancement générale géostationnaire déplacement déplacement de l’objet (UTC) de l’objet (degrés Est) de l’objet spatial vers une orbite spatial spatial vers de rebut (changement une orbite de d’orbite, passivation rebut et autres mesures recommandées dans les lignes directrices relatives à la réduction des débris spatiaux)", "Néant", "F. Objets dont l’immatriculation ou la propriété a été transférée par la Nouvelle-Zélande à un autre pays", "Indicatif Indicatif Nom Date de Identité du Identité du Position Nouvelle Changement international national transfert nouveau propriétaire orbitale position de fonction (UTC) propriétaire ou de antérieure orbitale de l’objet ou du nouvel l’exploitant spatial exploitant précédent", "Néant", "G. Objets dont l’immatriculation ou la propriété a été transférée à la Nouvelle-Zélande", "Indicatif Indicatif Nom Date de Identité du Identité du Position Nouvelle Changement international national transfert nouveau propriétaire orbitale position de fonction (UTC) propriétaire ou de antérieure orbitale de l’objet ou du nouvel l’exploitant spatial exploitant précédent", "Néant", "H. Objets dont l’immatriculation ou la propriété a été transférée d’un pays à un autre, à l’exclusion de la Nouvelle-Zélande", "Indicatif Indicatif Nom Date de Identité du Identité du Position Nouvelle Changement international national transfert nouveau propriétaire orbitale position de fonction (UTC) propriétaire ou de antérieure orbitale de l’objet ou du nouvel l’exploitant spatial exploitant précédent", "Néant", "II. Révision des informations précédemment communiquées", "Néant.", "III. Renseignements concernant les objets spatiaux lancés depuis la Nouvelle-Zélande en mars 2022", "Les objets spatiaux ci-après ne sont pas immatriculés par la Nouvelle-Zélande.", "Objets lancés par la Nouvelle-Zélande", "Indicatif Indicatif Nom Date et heure de Autres Principaux Fonction Informations international national lancement (heure de États de paramètres générale de supplémentaires Nouvelle-Zélande) lancement de l’orbite l’objet spatial fournies à titre volontaire\n Période Inclinaison Apogée Périgée (km) Propriétaire Lanceur Site Web nodale (degrés) (km) de la charge (minutes) utile ou exploitant", "2022-020A NZ-2022-01 StriX-Beta 1^(er) mars 2022, Japon 95,93 97,78 572 554 Télédétection Synspective Inc. Electron 09 h 37", "Note : Paramètres orbitaux relevés au 1^(er) avril 2022 (source :", "IV. Objets lancés par la Nouvelle-Zélande qui ne sont plus en orbite", "Les objets spatiaux ci-après ne sont pas immatriculés par la Nouvelle-Zélande.", "Indicatif Indicatif Nom Date et heure Autres États Fonction générale Date de international national de lancement de lancement de l’objet spatial rentrée dans l’atmosphère (UTC)", "2018-010A NZ-2018-006 Dove Pioneer 21 janvier 2018, États-Unis Télédétection 22 septembre 01 h 43 (UTC) 2019", "2019-037F NZ-2019-016 SpaceBEE-9 29 juin 2019, États-Unis Démonstrateur 16 décembre 16 h 30 (heure de technologique 2021 Nouvelle-Zélande) et communications", "Note : Paramètres orbitaux relevés au 1^(er) avril 2022 (source :", "[1] ¹ Les données sur les objets spatiaux référencés dans l’annexe ont été inscrites au Registre des objets lancés dans l’espace extra-atmosphérique le 4 mai 2022.", "[2] * Les données sont reproduites telles qu’elles ont été reçues.", "[3] ** Telles que recensées sur" ]
[ "Information furnished in conformity with the Convention on Registration of Objects Launched into Outer Space", "Note verbale dated 11 April 2022 from the Permanent Mission of New Zealand to the United Nations (Vienna) addressed to the Secretary-General", "The Permanent Mission of New Zealand to the United Nations (Vienna), in accordance with article IV of the Convention on Registration of Objects Launched into Outer Space (General Assembly resolution 3235 (XXIX), annex), has the honour to transmit herewith information concerning objects launched into outer space from New Zealand during the period from 1 June 2021 to 31 March 2022 (see annex).[1]", "Annex", "Information on space objects launched by New Zealand, including from New Zealand territory, as well as from outside New Zealand territory on the basis of overseas payload permits authorized by New Zealand[2]", "I. Objects registered by New Zealand", "A. Objects launched by New Zealand during the period from 1 June 2021 to 31 March 2022", "International National Name Date and Other Basic General Additional designator designator time launching orbital function voluntary of the States parameters of the information launch space (New object Zealand time)\n Nodal period Inclination Apogee Perigee Payload owner Launch Website (minutes) (degrees) (km) (km) or operator vehicle", "2022-020B NZ-2022-02 Electron 1 March United 94.92 97.09 555 475 Rocket Rocket Lab Electron Kick Stage 2022, States of body USA Rocket 0937 America Body hours", "2022-020C NZ-2022-03 Electron 1 March United 87.78 97.70 192 137 Rocket Rocket Lab Electron Rocket 2022, States body USA Body 0937 hours", "B. Objects launched outside New Zealand territory, on the basis of overseas payload permits authorized by New Zealand, during the period from 1 June 2021 to 31 March 2022", "International National Name Date of State of Other Basic General function Additional designator designator the registry launching orbital of the space voluntary launch States parameters object information (UTC)\n Nodal period Inclination Apogee Perigee (km) Payload owner Launch Website (minutes) (degrees) (km) or operator vehicle", "2021-059L NZ-2022-04 SpaceBEENZ-7 30 June New United 95.04 97.54 526 514 Communications Swarm Falcon 9 - 2021 Zealand States and Internet of Technologies v.1.2 Things (IoT) Inc. (Swarm NZ (Block 5) Limited)", "2021-059N NZ-2022-05 SpaceBEENZ-8 30 June New United 95.04 97.54 526 514 Communications Swarm NZ Falcon 9 - 2021 Zealand States and IoT Limited v.1.2 (Block 5)", "2021-059J NZ-2022-06 SpaceBEENZ-9 30 June New United 95.05 97.54 526 515 Communications Swarm NZ Falcon 9 - 2021 Zealand States and IoT Limited v.1.2 (Block 5)", "2021-059D NZ-2022-07 SpaceBEENZ-10 30 June New United 95.05 97.54 526 515 Communications Swarm NZ Falcon 9 - 2021 Zealand States and IoT Limited v.1.2 (Block 5)", "2022-026M NZ-2022-08 SpaceBEENZ-11 15 March New United 95.12 97.5 544 505 Communications Swarm NZ Astra - 2022 Zealand States and IoT Limited Rocket 3.3", "Note: SpaceBEENZ-7 to 11 were launched outside of New Zealand territory on the basis of overseas payload permits authorized by New Zealand. New Zealand is registering these satellites because the payload permit holders are New Zealand entities.", "C. Objects no longer in orbit", "International National Name Date and General Date of designator designator time function of re-entry of the the space (UTC) launch object (New Zealand time)\n 2021-106C NZ-2021-16 Electron 18 November Debris – 12 March debris – 2021, 1438 payload 2022 payload hours adapter adapter", "2021-120C NZ-2021-25 Electron 9 December Debris – 21 March debris – 2021, 1302 payload 2022 payload hours adapter adapter", "2022-020C NZ-2022-03 Electron 1 March Rocket body 15 March Rocket Body 2022, 0937 2022 hours", "D. Objects identified in a previous report that remain in orbit but are no longer operational", "International National Name Date of the General Date when space designator designator launch function object was no (UTC) of the longer functional space (UTC) object", "None", "E. Objects identified in a previous report that have been moved to a disposal orbit", "International National Name Date of General Geostationary Date when Physical conditions when designator designator the function position space space object was moved to launch of the (degrees East) object was a disposal orbit (change (UTC) space moved to a in orbit, passivation and object disposal other measures orbit recommended in space debris mitigation guidelines)", "None", "F. Objects the registration or ownership of which has been transferred from New Zealand to another country", "International National Name Date of Identity Identity Previous New Change of designator designator change in of the new of the orbital orbital function supervision owner or previous position position of (UTC) operator owner or the space operator object", "None", "G. Objects the registration or ownership of which has been transferred to New Zealand", "International National Name Date of Identity Identity Previous New Change of designator designator change in of the new of the orbital orbital function supervision owner or previous position position of (UTC) operator owner or the space operator object", "None", "H. Objects the registration or ownership of which has been transferred from one country to another, excluding New Zealand", "International National Name Date of Identity Identity Previous New Change of designator designator change in of the new of the orbital orbital function supervision owner or previous position position of (UTC) operator owner or the space operator object", "None", "II. Revisions to previously reported information", "No revisions.", "III. Notification of space objects launched from New Zealand in March 2022", "The following space objects are not registered by New Zealand.", "Objects launched by New Zealand", "International National Name Date and Other Basic General Additional designator designator time of launching orbital function voluntary the States parameters of the information launch space (New object Zealand time)\n Nodal period Inclination Apogee Perigee Payload owner Launch Website (minutes) (degrees) (km) (km) or operator vehicle", "2022-020A NZ-2022-01 StriX-Beta 1 March Japan 95.93 97.78 572 554 Remote Synspective Electron 2022, sensing Inc. 0937 hours", "Note: Orbital parameters identified as at 1 April 2022 (source:", "IV. Objects launched by New Zealand that are no longer in orbit", "The following space objects are not registered by New Zealand.", "International National Name Date and Other General function Date of designator designator time of launching of the space re-entry the States object (UTC) launch", "2018-010A NZ-2018-006 Dove Pioneer 21 United Remote sensing 22 January States September 2018, 2019 0143 hours (UTC)", "2019-037F NZ-2019-016 SpaceBEE-9 29 June United Technology 16 December 2019, States demonstration 2021 1630 and hours communications (New Zealand time)", "Note: Orbital parameters identified as at 1 April 2022 (source:", "[1] ¹ The data on space objects referenced in the annex were entered into the Register of Objects Launched into Outer Space on 4 May 2022.", "[2] ^(*) The data are reproduced in the form in which they were received.", "^(**) As identified on" ]
[ "Information provided in accordance with the Convention on Registration of Objects Launched into Outer Space", "Note verbale dated 11 April 2022 from the Permanent Mission of New Zealand to the United Nations in Vienna addressed to the Secretary-General", "The Permanent Mission of New Zealand to the United Nations in Vienna has the honour to transmit, in accordance with article IV of the Convention on Registration of Objects Launched into Outer Space (General Assembly resolution 3235 (XXIX), annex), information on space objects launched by New Zealand during the period from 1^(er) June 2021 to 31 March 2022 (see annex)[1]", "Annex", "Information on space objects launched by New Zealand, including from New Zealand’s territory, as well as from outside New Zealand’s territory on the basis of authorizations for foreign charges granted by New Zealand[2]^(,) [3]", "I. Objects registered by New Zealand", "A. Objects launched by New Zealand during the period from 1^(er) June 2021 to 31 March 2022", "Index Name Date and Time of Other Primary States Function International national launch time (opening time additional general parameters New Zealand) of the orbit of the object provided on a voluntary space basis\nPeriod Inclination Apogee Perigee (km) Owner Launcher Website nodal (degrees) (km) of the payload (minutes) useful or operator", "2022-020B NZ-2022-02 Floor 1^(er) March 2022, United States 94,92 97,09 555 475 Rocket Lab Corps USA Electron standby 09 h 37 of America rocket and rocket body Electron", "2022-020C NZ-2022-03 Body 1^(er) March 2022, United States 87,78 97,70 192 137 Rocket Lab Corps USA Electron rocket 09 h 37 Electron rocket", "B. Objects launched outside the territory of New Zealand, on the basis of authorizations for foreign charges granted by New Zealand, during the period from 1^(er) June 2021 to 31 March 2022", "Indicative Name Date of State Other Primary States Function International National Information Launch of Launch Registration Additional General Parameters (UTC) of the orbit of the space object provided on a voluntary basis\nPeriod Inclination Apogee Perigee (km) Owner Launcher Nodal Site (degrees) (km) of the useful web load (minutes) or operator", "2021-059L NZ-2022-04 SpaceBEENZ-7 30 June New Zealand United States 95,04 97,54 526 514 Communications Swarm Falcon 9 – 2021 and Internet of Technologies Inc. v.1.2 Objects (Swarm NZ (Bloc 5) Limited)", "2021-059N NZ-2022-05 SpaceBEENZ-8 30 June New Zealand United States 95,04 97,54 526 514 Communications Swarm NZ Limited Falcon 9 – 2021 and Internet of v.1.2 Objects (Bloc 5)", "2021-059J NZ-2022-06 SpaceBEENZ-9 30 June New Zealand United States 95.05 97.54 526 515 Communications Swarm NZ Limited Falcon 9 – 2021 and Internet of v.1.2 Objects (Bloc 5)", "2021-059D NZ-2022-07 SpaceBEENZ-10 30 June New Zealand United States 95.05 97.54 526 515 Communications Swarm NZ Limited Falcon 9 – 2021 and Internet of v.1.2 Objects (Bloc 5)", "2022-026M NZ-2022-08 SpaceBEENZ-11 15 March New Zealand United States 95.12 97,5 544 505 Communications Swarm NZ Limited Fusée – 2022 and Astra Internet 3.3 objects", "Note: SpaceBEENZ-7 to 11 objects were launched outside New Zealand on the basis of authorizations for foreign charges granted by New Zealand. New Zealand immatures these satellites because the holders of the relevant load authorizations are New Zealand entities.", "C. Objects not in orbit", "Name Date & Time Function Date of national launch international (general time in New Zealand) of the object the space atmosphere (UTC)\n2021-106C NZ-2021-16 Debris 18 November 2021, Debris – 12 March 2022 Electron 14 h 38 adapter – payload adapter useful", "2021-120C NZ-2021-25 Debris 9 December 2021, Debris – 21 March 2022 Electron 13 h 02 adapter – payload adapter useful", "2022-020C NZ-2022-03 1^(er) March 2022, Body 15 March 2022 Electron 09 h 37 rocket", "D. Objects reported in a previous report that are still in orbit but are no longer operational", "Index Name Date of Function Date to which international national general launch object a (UTC) of object ceased to be functional space (UTC)", "None", "E. Objects reported in a previous report that have been moved to a debut orbit", "Indicative Name Date of Function Position Date of Physical Conditions of the National General Launch Geostationary Displacement of Object (UTC) of the Object (Eastern Degrees) of the Space Object to a Space-to-Fire Space orbit (change of orbital orbit, disconnection and other measures recommended in the Space Debris Reduction Guidelines)", "None", "F. Objects whose registration or ownership has been transferred by New Zealand to another country", "Designative Name Date Identity Date of Position Identity New International Change National Transfer New Orbital Owner Position (UTC) Owner or Previous Orbital Position of Object or New Space Operator Previous", "None", "G. Objects whose registration or ownership has been transferred to New Zealand", "Designative Name Date Identity Date of Position Identity New International Change National Transfer New Orbital Owner Position (UTC) Owner or Previous Orbital Position of Object or New Space Operator Previous", "None", "H. Objects whose registration or ownership has been transferred from one country to another, excluding New Zealand", "Designative Name Date Identity Date of Position Identity New International Change National Transfer New Orbital Owner Position (UTC) Owner or Previous Orbital Position of Object or New Space Operator Previous", "None", "II. Revision of information previously provided", "None.", "III. Information on space objects launched from New Zealand in March 2022", "The following space objects are not registered by New Zealand.", "Objects launched by New Zealand", "Indicative Name Date and Time of Other Main Function National Information Launch (New Zealand General Parameter Time) Launch of orbit the space object provided on a voluntary basis\nPeriod Inclination Apogee Perigee (km) Owner Launcher Website nodal (degrees) (km) of the payload (minutes) useful or operator", "2022-020A NZ-2022-01 StriX-Beta 1^(er) March 2022, Japan 95.93 97.78 572 554 Remote sensing Synspective Inc. Electron 09 h 37", "Note: orbital parameters as of 1^(er) April 2022 (source:", "IV. Objects launched by New Zealand that are no longer in orbit", "The following space objects are not registered by New Zealand.", "Design Name Date & Time Other States General Function Date of the international national launch date of the launch of the space object returned to the atmosphere (UTC)", "2018-010A NZ-2018-006 Dove Pioneer January 21, 2018, United States Remote Sensing September 22, 01:43 (UTC) 2019", "2019-037F NZ-2019-016 SpaceBEE-9 29 June 2019, United States Demonstrator 16 December 16:30 (Technology time 2021 New Zealand) and communications", "Note: orbital parameters as of 1^(er) April 2022 (source:", "[1] 1 The data on space objects listed in the annex were included in the Register of Objects Launched into Outer Space on May 4, 2022.", "[2] * The data are reproduced as received.", "[3] ** As reported on" ]
[ "Conseil du développement industriel", "Cinquantième session", "Vienne, 21-23 novembre 2022", "Point 4 de l’ordre du jour", "Rapport du Comité des programmes et des budgets", "Rapport du Comité des programmes et des budgets sur les travaux de sa trente-huitième session (21 et 22 juin 2022)", "Table des matières", "Paragraphes\tPage\nIntroduction 1-8\t2I. Questions 9-10\t3 d’organisation et de \nprocédure II.Rapport 11-12\t3 annuel du Directeur général pour 2021 (point 3) et Gestion axée sur les résultats : point sur la mise en œuvre du cadre de programmation à moyen terme 2022-2025 [point 3 \n a)] III.Mesures 13-14\t3 prises par l’ONUDI face à la pandémie de COVID-19 \n(point12) IV. Situation 15-16\t3 financière de l’ONUDI et question du solde inutilisé des crédits ouverts \n(point 5) V.Rapport 17-18\t4 du groupe de travail informel sur les questions relevant du Comité des programmes et des budgets \n(point 6) VI.Mobilisation 19-20\t4 de ressources financières \n(point 7) VII.Rapport 21-22\t5 du Commissaire aux comptes pour 2021 \n(point 4) VIII.Gestion 23-24\t5 générale des risques \n(point 8) IX. Projet 25-26\t6 de plan d’investissement à moyen terme actualisé \n(point 9) X. Troisième 27-28\t6 Décennie du développement industriel de l’Afrique (DDIA III) \n(point10) XI.Réforme 29-30\t6 du système des Nations Unies pour le développement \n(point11) XII.Date 31-32\t6 de la trente-neuvième session \n(point13) XIII.Adoption 33-34 du rapport (point14) et clôture de la trente-huitième \nsession \nAnnexe Liste 7 desdocumentsprésentésàla trente-huitième \nsession", "Introduction", "1. Le Comité des programmes et des budgets a tenu sa trente-huitième session au Siège de l’ONUDI, au Centre international de Vienne, les 21 et 22 juin 2022. Cette session s’est déroulée selon des modalités hybrides associant participation en présentiel et en ligne. Les 26 membres[1] du Comité y ont participé : Algérie, Allemagne, Argentine, Autriche, Brésil, Burkina Faso, Chine, Égypte, Espagne, Fédération de Russie, Finlande, Ghana, Hongrie, Inde, Iran (République islamique d’), Italie, Japon, Malte, Maroc, Mexique, Pakistan, Philippines, Pologne, Tunisie, Türkiye et Uruguay.", "2. Ont également assisté à la session les 64 Membres de l’ONUDI dont les noms suivent : Afghanistan, Afrique du Sud, Albanie, Angola, Arménie, Azerbaïdjan, Bangladesh, Barbade, Bélarus, Bénin, Bosnie-Herzégovine, Bulgarie, Chili, Chypre, Colombie, Costa Rica, Côte d’Ivoire, El Salvador, Émirats arabes unis, Équateur, Honduras, Indonésie, Iraq, Israël, Jordanie, Kenya, Kirghizistan, Koweït, Lesotho, Liban, Libye, Luxembourg, Madagascar, Malaisie, Mongolie, Monténégro, Myanmar, Namibie, Népal, Nicaragua, Norvège, Oman, Panama, Pays-Bas, Pérou, Qatar, République arabe syrienne, République de Corée, République démocratique populaire lao, République dominicaine, République populaire démocratique de Corée, Roumanie, Sénégal, Seychelles, Slovénie, Soudan, Sri Lanka, Suède, Tchéquie, Thaïlande, Ukraine, Venezuela (République bolivarienne du), Viet Nam, Yémen et État de Palestine.", "3. Les organisations suivantes étaient représentées : Communauté internationale de la noix de coco, Conseil de coopération du Golfe (CCG), Ligue des États arabes (LEA), Organisation de coopération économique de la mer Noire (CEMN), Organisation de normalisation du Conseil de coopération du Golfe et Union européenne (UE).", "4. Conformément à l’article 17 de son règlement intérieur, le Comité a élu par acclamation S. E. M. Alessandro Cortese (Italie) à la présidence ; S. E. M. Aftab Ahmad Khokher (Pakistan), M. Hazem Zaki (Égypte) et M^(me) Andrea Nemes (Hongrie) à la vice-présidence ; et M^(me) Maria Elizabeth Bogosián Álvarez (Uruguay) Rapporteuse.", "5. L’ordre du jour de la trente-huitième session, tel qu’adopté par le Comité, a été publié sous la cote PBC.38/1/Rev.1. Après son adoption et l’approbation d’un programme de travail proposé par la présidence, le Directeur général a fait une déclaration liminaire dont le Comité a dûment tenu compte lors de l’examen des différents points de l’ordre du jour.", "6. Le rapport du Comité des programmes et des budgets est soumis au Conseil du développement industriel conformément à l’alinéa d) du paragraphe 4 de l’Article 10 de l’Acte constitutif.", "7. Le rapport contient les conclusions auxquelles est parvenu le Comité. La liste des documents dont le Comité a été saisi à sa session en cours figure en annexe au présent rapport.", "8. Les conclusions du Comité présentées ci-après contiennent des recommandations qui appellent une décision du Conseil à sa cinquantième session ou se rapportent aux travaux de cette session :", "Conclusion Objet Page", "2022/2 Situation financière de l’ONUDI 4", "2022/3 Mobilisation de ressources financières 4", "2022/4 Date de la trente-neuvième session 6", "I. Questions d’organisation et de procédure", "9. Le 21 juin, après avoir examiné une proposition de la présidence en faveur d’une utilisation optimisée des ressources affectées aux services de conférence, le Comité a adopté la conclusion suivante, écartant la condition selon laquelle toute suspension d’un article de son règlement intérieur devait être précédée d’un avis de 24 heures :", "Conclusion 2022/1 Utilisation des ressources affectées aux services de conférence", "Le Comité, soucieux d’utiliser au mieux les ressources affectées aux services de conférence, a décidé de suspendre, avec effet immédiat, l’application de l’article 24 de son règlement intérieur relatif au quorum, et ce, pour les séances de sa trente-huitième session seulement, à condition qu’aucune décision de fond ne soit prise à ces séances.", "10. Le Comité a décidé de tenir, au cours de la session, des consultations informelles afin de faciliter la rédaction des conclusions, et il a chargé M. Hazem Zaki (Égypte), Vice-Président, et M^(me) Andrea Nemes (Hongrie), Vice-Présidente, de les présider. Il a en outre fixé l’échéance de réception des projets de conclusions au 21 juin 2022 à 16 h 15, et décidé de clore la liste des intervenantes et intervenants le 22 juin 2022 à 10 heures.", "II. Rapport annuel du Directeur général pour 2021 (point 3) et Gestion axée sur les résultats : point sur la mise en œuvre du cadre de programmation à moyen terme 2022-2025 [point 3 a)]", "11. Le 21 juin, le Comité a examiné le Rapport annuel de l’ONUDI 2021 (PBC.38/2), un rapport du Directeur général sur la gestion axée sur les résultats faisant le point sur la mise en œuvre du cadre de programmation à moyen terme 2022-2025 et une mise à jour dudit rapport (PBC.38/5 et CRP.5).", "12. Le 22 juin, sur proposition de la présidence, le Comité a pris note des informations fournies par le Directeur général sur les points 3 et 3 a).", "III. Mesures prises par l’ONUDI face à la pandémie de COVID-19 (point 12)", "13. Le 21 juin, le Comité a examiné un rapport du Directeur général sur les mesures prises par l’ONUDI face à la pandémie de COVID-19 (PBC.38/12).", "14. Le 22 juin, sur proposition de la présidence, le Comité a pris note des informations fournies par le Directeur général sur le point 12.", "IV. Situation financière de l’ONUDI et question du solde inutilisé des crédits ouverts (point 5)", "15. Le 22 juin, le Comité a examiné un rapport du Directeur général sur la situation financière de l’ONUDI (PBC.38/4) et une note du Secrétariat sur l’état des contributions (PBC.38/CRP.4).", "16. Le 22 juin, après avoir examiné un projet de conclusion sur la situation financière de l’ONUDI, déposé par la présidence (PBC.38/L.2), le Comité a adopté la conclusion suivante :", "Conclusion 2022/2", "Le Comité des programmes et des budgets a recommandé au Conseil du développement industriel d’adopter le projet de décision suivant :", "« Le Conseil du développement industriel :", "a) Prend note des informations figurant dans le document IDB.50/4-PBC.38/4 ;", "b) Prie instamment les États Membres actuels et anciens qui n’ont pas encore réglé leurs contributions, y compris les avances au Fonds de roulement et les arriérés d’années antérieures, de le faire sans retard ;", "c) Prie le Directeur général de poursuivre ses efforts, ainsi que ses échanges avec les États Membres actuels et anciens, afin d’assurer le recouvrement des arriérés. »", "V. Rapport du groupe de travail informel sur les questions relevant du Comité des programmes et des budgets (point 6)", "17. Le 22 juin, le Comité a examiné le rapport établi par les Coprésidents du groupe de travail informel sur les questions relevant du Comité des programmes et des budgets et une mise à jour dudit rapport (PBC.38/6 et CRP.6).", "18. Le 22 juin, sur proposition de la présidence, le Comité a pris note des informations fournies sur le point 6 par les Coprésidents du groupe de travail informel.", "VI. Mobilisation de ressources financières (point 7)", "19. Le 22 juin, le Comité a examiné un rapport du Directeur général sur la mobilisation de ressources financières (PBC.38/7/Rev.1), le chapitre 8 du Rapport annuel de l’ONUDI 2021 sur les résultats obtenus en matière de financement (PBC.38/2) et une note du Secrétariat sur les projets approuvés en 2021 au titre du Fonds de développement industriel, des fonds d’affectation spéciale et d’autres contributions volontaires (PBC.38/CRP.7).", "20. Le 22 juin, après avoir examiné un projet de conclusion sur la mobilisation de ressources financières, déposé par la présidence (PBC.38/L.3), le Comité a adopté la conclusion suivante :", "Conclusion 2022/3", "Le Comité des programmes et des budgets a recommandé au Conseil du développement industriel d’adopter le projet de décision suivant :", "« Le Conseil du développement industriel :", "a) Prend note des informations figurant dans le document IDB.50/7/Rev.1-PBC.38/7/Rev.1 ;", "b) Décide de déléguer au Directeur général le pouvoir d’approuver de manière équitable et transparente les projets – auparavant élaborés et convenus par le Secrétariat de l’ONUDI et les parties et donateurs concernés – devant être financés par le Fonds de développement industriel en 2022 et 2023, conformément aux priorités définies dans le cadre de programmation à moyen terme 2022-2025 (IDB.49/8-PBC.37/8) ;", "c) Encourage les États Membres et les autres partenaires financiers à augmenter le montant des contributions volontaires qu’ils versent à l’ONUDI, notamment pour le Fonds d’affectation spéciale pour les partenariats ainsi que pour le Compte spécial des contributions volontaires pour les activités de base et pour le Fonds d’équipement ;", "d) Encourage également tous les partenaires financiers à envisager de verser des fonds non réservés à des fins spécifiques, en particulier pour permettre à l’ONUDI de répondre rapidement aux demandes d’assistance et de concevoir et mettre en œuvre ses activités de programme de manière rapide et coordonnée ;", "e) Prie les États Membres d’envisager de mettre à la disposition de l’ONUDI des ressources qui lui permettent de participer à des programmes requérant un cofinancement, en versant des contributions à des fonds d’affectation spéciale ou en octroyant des financements à des fins spéciales au niveau national ou international ;", "f) Encourage les gouvernements des pays bénéficiaires à collaborer activement avec l’ONUDI pour mobiliser des fonds afin de financer les activités prioritaires définies conjointement, et, en particulier, à prendre l’initiative de recenser les fonds disponibles au niveau national, y compris au titre d’accords de partage des coûts, et ceux qui proviennent de partenaires financiers bilatéraux, de fonds d’affectation spéciale multidonateurs, de la Banque mondiale et d’autres institutions de financement du développement, et d’y faciliter l’accès ;", "g) Recommande vivement aux États Membres de coopérer avec l’Organisation et de la soutenir dans les efforts qu’elle déploie pour créer et promouvoir ses programmes et initiatives dans le contexte du développement international, en particulier dans les conférences internationales et d’autres formes de dialogue, afin de faire en sorte que ces initiatives soient bien connues, que leur importance pour les objectifs du développement international soit reconnue et que des ressources soient mises à disposition. »", "VII. Rapport du Commissaire aux comptes pour 2021 (point 4)", "21. Le 22 juin, le Comité a examiné le rapport du Commissaire aux comptes sur les comptes de l’Organisation des Nations Unies pour le développement industriel pour l’année financière allant du 1^(er) janvier au 31 décembre 2021 (PBC.38/3), une note du Secrétariat contenant les annexes correspondantes (non vérifiées) (PBC.38/CRP.2) et une note du Comité consultatif indépendant de l’ONUDI pour les questions de contrôle présentant des observations sur ce rapport (PBC.38/CRP.3).", "22. Le 22 juin, sur proposition de la présidence, le Comité a pris note des informations fournies sur le point 4.", "VIII. Gestion générale des risques (point 8)", "23. Le 22 juin, le Comité a examiné un rapport du Directeur général sur la gestion générale des risques (PBC.38/8).", "24. Le 22 juin, sur proposition de la présidence, le Comité a pris note des informations fournies par le Directeur général sur le point 8.", "IX. Projet de plan d’investissement à moyen terme actualisé (point 9)", "25. Le 22 juin, le Comité a examiné un rapport du Directeur général sur le projet de plan d’investissement à moyen terme 2022-2025 (PBC.38/9).", "26. Le 22 juin, sur proposition de la présidence, le Comité a pris note des informations fournies par le Directeur général sur le point 9.", "X. Troisième Décennie du développement industriel de l’Afrique (DDIA III) (point 10)", "27. Le 22 juin, le Comité a examiné un rapport du Directeur général sur la troisième Décennie du développement industriel de l’Afrique (DDIA III) (PBC.38/10).", "28. Le 22 juin, sur proposition de la présidence, le Comité a pris note des informations fournies par le Directeur général sur le point 10.", "XI. Réforme du système des Nations Unies pour le développement (point 11)", "29. Le 22 juin, le Comité a examiné un rapport du Directeur général sur la réforme du système des Nations Unies pour le développement (PBC.38/11).", "30. Le 22 juin, sur proposition de la présidence, le Comité a pris note des informations fournies par le Directeur général sur le point 11.", "XII. Date de la trente-neuvième session (point 13)", "31. Le 22 juin, le Comité a pris note des informations fournies dans l’ordre du jour annoté (PBC.38/1/Add.1) sur les dates retenues pour les réunions des organes directeurs de l’ONUDI en 2022 et 2023.", "32. Le 22 juin, après avoir examiné un projet de conclusion sur la date de la trente-neuvième session, déposé par la présidence (PBC.38/L.4), le Comité a adopté la conclusion suivante :", "Conclusion 2022/4", "Le Comité des programmes et des budgets a décidé de tenir sa trente-neuvième session du 15 au 17 mai 2023.", "XIII. Adoption du rapport (point 14) et clôture de la trente-huitième session", "33. Le 22 juin, le Comité a adopté le rapport sur les travaux de sa trente-huitième session (PBC.38/L.1) dans sa version anglaise, étant entendu que la Rapporteuse serait chargée d’en établir les versions dans les autres langues officielles, en concertation avec les représentantes et représentants désigné(e)s.", "34. Le Comité a clos sa trente-huitième session le 22 juin 2022, dans l’après-midi.", "Annexe", "Liste des documents présentés à la trente-huitième session", "Point de l’ordre Cote Titre du jour\n 1 Élection du Bureau – –", "2 Adoption de PBC.38/1 Ordre du jour provisoire l’ordre du jour", "PBC.38/1/Add.1 Ordre du jour provisoire annoté", "PBC.38/CRP.1 List of documents", "3 Rapport annuel du PBC.38/2 Rapport annuel de l’ONUDI 2021 Directeur général IDB.50/2 pour 2021", "3. a) Gestion axée sur PBC.38/5 Gestion axée sur les résultats : les résultats : IDB.50/5 point sur la mise en œuvre du point sur la mise cadre de programmation à moyen en œuvre du cadre terme 2022-2025. Rapport du de programmation à Directeur général moyen terme 2022-2025", "PBC.38/CRP.5 UPDATE – Managing for Results: Update on the implementation of the medium-term programme framework, 2022-2025. Report by the Director General", "4 Rapport du PBC.38/3 Rapport du Commissaire aux Commissaire aux IDB.50/3 comptes sur les comptes de comptes pour 2021 l’Organisation des Nations Unies pour le développement industriel pour l’année financière allant du 1^(er) janvier au 31 décembre 2021", "PBC.38/CRP.2 Annexes to the report of the External Auditor on the accounts of UNIDO for the financial year 1 January to 31 December 2021 (unaudited)", "PBC.38/CRP.3 Comments on the Report of the External Auditor. Note by the UNIDO Independent Oversight Advisory Committee", "5 Situation PBC.38/4 Situation financière de l’ONUDI. financière de IDB.50/4 Rapport du Directeur général l’ONUDI et question du solde inutilisé des crédits ouverts", "PBC.38/CRP.4 Status of assessed contributions. Note by the Secretariat", "6 Rapport du groupe PBC.38/6 Rapport du groupe de travail de travail IDB.50/6 informel sur les questions informel sur les relevant du Comité des questions relevant programmes et des budgets. du Comité des Rapport des Coprésidents programmes et des budgets", "PBC.38/CRP.6 Update on the report by the informal working group on Programme and Budget Committee-related issues. Report by the Co-Chairs", "7 Mobilisation de PBC.38/7/Rev.1 Mobilisation de ressources ressources IDB.50/7/Rev.1 financières. Rapport du financières Directeur général", "PBC.38/2, Résultats obtenus en matière de chapitre 8 financement. Rapport annuel de IDB.50/2, l’ONUDI 2021 chapitre 8", "PBC.38/CRP.7 Projects approved under the Industrial Development Fund, thematic and individual trust funds, and other voluntary contributions in 2021", "8 Gestion générale PBC.38/8 Gestion générale des risques. des risques IDB.50/8 Rapport du Directeur général", "9 Projet de plan PBC.38/9 Projet de plan d’investissement d’investissement à IDB.50/9 à moyen terme 2022-2025. Rapport moyen terme du Directeur général actualisé", "10 Troisième Décennie PBC.38/10 Rapport sur la troisième du développement IDB.50/10 Décennie du développement industriel de industriel de l’Afrique l’Afrique (DDIA (DDIA III). Rapport du Directeur III) général", "11 Réforme du système PBC.38/11 Réforme du système des Nations des Nations Unies IDB.50/11 Unies pour le développement. pour le Rapport du Directeur général développement", "12 Mesures prises par PBC.38/12 Mesures prises par l’ONUDI face l’ONUDI face à la IDB.50/12 à la pandémie de COVID-19. pandémie de Rapport du Directeur général COVID-19", "13 Date de la PBC.38/1/Add.1 Ordre du jour provisoire annoté trente-neuvième session", "14 Adoption du IDB.50/13 Rapport du Comité des programmes rapport et des budgets sur les travaux de sa trente-huitième session (21 et 22 juin 2022)", "[1] Aux termes du paragraphe 1 de l’Article 10 de l’Acte constitutif de l’ONUDI, le Comité comprend 27 Membres de l’Organisation, élus par la Conférence. Toutefois, un siège, destiné à un État inscrit sur la liste B, restant vacant, le Comité comprend actuellement 26 membres." ]
[ "Industrial Development Board Fiftieth session Vienna, 21–23 November 2022 Agenda item 4 \nReport of the Programme andBudget Committee", "Report of the Programme and Budget Committee on the work of its thirty-eighth session (21–22 June 2022)", "Contents", "Paragraphs\tPage\t\nIntroduction 1–8 2I.Organizational 9–10 3 and procedural \nmatters II. Annual 11–12 3 Report of the Director General for 2021 (item 3) and Managing for results: Update on the implementation of the medium-term programme framework, 2022–2025 (item 3 \n (a)) III.UNIDO’s 13–14 3 response to the COVID-19 pandemic \n(item12) IV. Financial 15–16 3 situation of UNIDO, including unutilized balances of appropriations \n(item 5) V.Report 17–18 4 by the informal working group on Programme and Budget Committee-related issues \n(item 6) VI.Mobilization 19–20 4 of financial resources \n(item 7) VII. Report 21–22 5 of the External Auditor for 2021 \n(item 4) VIII.General 23–24 5 risk management \n(item 8) IX.Updated 25–26 5 medium-term investment proposals \n(item 9) X. Third 27–28 5 Industrial Development Decade for Africa (IDDAIII) \n(item10) XI. United 29–30 5 Nations development system reform \n(item11) XII.Date 31–32 6 of the thirty-ninth session \n(item13) XIII.Adoption 33–34 6 of the report (item14) and closure of the thirty-eighth \nsession \nAnnex Listofdocumentssubmittedto 7 thethirty-eighth \nsession", "Introduction", "1. The Programme and Budget Committee held its thirty-eighth session at UNIDO headquarters, Vienna International Centre, on 21 and 22 June 2022. The Committee was held in a hybrid format involving in-person and virtual participation. All 26 Members[1] of the Committee participated in the session: Algeria, Argentina, Austria, Brazil, Burkina Faso, China, Egypt, Finland, Germany, Ghana, Hungary, India, Iran (Islamic Republic of), Italy, Japan, Malta, Mexico, Morocco, Pakistan, Philippines, Poland, Russian Federation, Spain, Tunisia, Türkiye and Uruguay.", "2. The following 64 Members of UNIDO also attended the session: Afghanistan, Albania, Angola, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Barbados, Belarus, Benin, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Côte d’Ivoire, Cyprus, Czechia, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Honduras, Indonesia, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Kenya, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Lebanon, Lesotho, Libya, Luxembourg, Madagascar, Malaysia, Mongolia, Montenegro, Myanmar, Namibia, Nepal, Netherlands, Nicaragua, Norway, Oman, State of Palestine, Panama, Peru, Qatar, Republic of Korea, Romania, Senegal, Seychelles, Slovenia, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Sweden, Syrian Arab Republic, Thailand, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of), Viet Nam and Yemen.", "3. The following organizations were represented: Black Sea Economic Cooperation (BSEC), European Union (EU), GCC Standardization Organisation (GSO), Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), International Coconut Community (ICC) and the League of Arab States (LAS).", "4. In accordance with rule 17 of its rules of procedure, the Committee elected by acclamation H.E. Mr. Alessandro Cortese (Italy) as Chair; H.E. Mr. Aftab Ahmad Khokher (Pakistan), Mr. Hazem Zaki (Egypt), and Ms. Andrea Nemes (Hungary) as Vice-Chairs; and Ms. Maria Elizabeth Bogosián Álvarez (Uruguay) as Rapporteur.", "5. The agenda for the thirty-eighth session as adopted by the Committee is contained in document PBC.38/1/Rev.1. Following the adoption of the agenda and the approval of a schedule of work proposed by the Chair, the Director General made an introductory statement that was duly taken into account by the Committee in the consideration of the relevant agenda items.", "6. The report of the Programme and Budget Committee is submitted to the Industrial Development Board in accordance with Article 10.4 (d) of the Constitution.", "7. The report contains the conclusions reached by the Committee. The annex to the present report contains a list of documents submitted to the Committee at its current session.", "8. The following conclusions of the Committee contain recommendations that call for action by the Board at its fiftieth session or are of relevance to the work of that session:", "Conclusion Subject Page", "2022/2 Financial situation of UNIDO 4", "2022/3 Mobilization of financial resources 4", "2022/4 Date of the thirty-ninth session 6", "I. Organizational and procedural matters", "9. On 21 June, the Committee considered a proposal by the Chair to optimize the utilization of available conference-servicing resources and adopted the following conclusion, waiving its twenty-four hour notice period for the suspension of rules:", "Conclusion 2022/1 Utilization of available conference-servicing resources", "The Committee, with the aim of utilizing the available conference-servicing resources to the maximum extent possible, decided to suspend with immediate effect rule 24 of its rules of procedure relating to the quorum, for the meetings of its thirty-eighth session only, provided no substantive decisions were taken at those meetings.", "10. The Committee decided to set up informal, in-session consultations with the aim of facilitating the drafting of conclusions and entrusted the Vice-Chairs Mr. Hazem Zaki (Egypt) and Ms. Andrea Nemes (Hungary) to chair those consultations. The Committee furthermore set the deadline for the receipt of draft conclusions at 4.15 p.m. on 21 June 2022, and decided to close the list of speakers at 10 a.m. on 22 June 2022.", "II. Annual Report of the Director General for 2021 (item 3), and Managing for results: Update on the implementation of the medium-term programme framework, 2022–2025 (item 3 (a))", "11. On 21 June, the Committee considered the Annual Report of UNIDO 2021 (PBC.38/2), a report by the Director General on Managing for Results: Update on the implementation of the medium-term programme framework, 2022–2025, and an update thereto (PBC.38/5 and CRP.5).", "12. On 22 June, at the suggestion of the Chair, the Committee took note of the information provided by the Director General on item 3 and 3(a).", "III. UNIDO’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic (item 12)", "13. On 21 June, the Committee considered a report by the Director General on UNIDO’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic (PBC.38/12).", "14. On 22 June, at the suggestion of the Chair, the Committee took note of the information provided by the Director General on item 12.", "IV. Financial situation of UNIDO, including unutilized balances of appropriations (item 5)", "15. On 22 June, the Committee considered a report by the Director General on the financial situation of UNIDO (PBC.38/4) and a note by the Secretariat on the status of assessed contributions (PBC.36/CRP.4).", "16. On 22 June, after consideration of a draft conclusion on the financial situation of UNIDO, submitted by the Chair (PBC.38/L.2), the Committee adopted the following conclusion:", "Conclusion 2022/2", "The Programme and Budget Committee recommended to the Industrial Development Board the adoption of the following draft decision:", "“The Industrial Development Board:", "(a) Takes note of the information contained in document IDB.50/4-PBC.38/4;", "(b) Urges those Member States and former Member States that have not yet paid their assessed contributions, including advances to the Working Capital Fund and prior years’ arrears, to do so without delay;", "(c) Requests the Director General to pursue his efforts and contacts with Member States and former Member States to effect the collection of arrears.”", "V. Report by the informal working group on Programme and Budget Committee-related issues (item 6)", "17. On 22 June, the Committee considered the report by the Co-Chairs of the informal working group on Programme and Budget Committee-related issues and an update thereto (PBC.38/6 and CRP.6).", "18. On 22 June, at the suggestion of the Chair, the Committee took note of the information provided by the Co-Chairs on item 6.", "VI. Mobilization of financial resources (item 7)", "19. On 22 June, the Committee considered a report by the Director General on the mobilization of financial resources (PBC.38/7/Rev.1); chapter 8 of the Annual Report of UNIDO 2021 on funding performance (PBC.38/2); and a note by the Secretariat on projects approved under the Industrial Development Fund, thematic and individual trust funds, and other voluntary contributions in 2021 (PBC.38/CRP.7).", "20. On 22 June, after consideration of a draft conclusion on the mobilization of financial resources, submitted by the Chair (PBC.38/L.3), the Committee adopted the following conclusion:", "Conclusion 2022/3", "The Programme and Budget Committee recommended to the Industrial Development Board the adoption of the following draft decision:", "“The Industrial Development Board:", "(a) Takes note of the information contained in document IDB.50/7/Rev.1-PBC.38/7/Rev.1;", "(b) Decides to delegate to the Director General the authority to approve in an equitable and transparent manner projects for financing, previously prepared and agreed by the UNIDO Secretariat and the concerned parties and donors, under the Industrial Development Fund in 2022 and 2023 in accordance with the priorities defined in the medium-term programme framework 2022–2025 (IDB.49/8-PBC.37/8);", "(c) Encourages Member States and other funding partners to increase their voluntary contributions to UNIDO, including for the Partnership Trust Fund as well as the Special Account of Voluntary Contributions for Core Activities (SAVCCA) and the Major Capital Investment Fund (MCIF);", "(d) Also encourages all funding partners to consider contributing programmable funds, specifically to enable UNIDO to respond rapidly to requests for assistance and develop and implement its programmatic activities in a prompt and coordinated manner;", "(e) Requests Member States to consider contributing to UNIDO to enable the Organization to work with funding sources requiring co-funding, either through contributing to the dedicated trust funds or by special purpose funding at country or global level;", "(f) Encourages governments of recipient countries to play an active role in sharing with UNIDO the responsibility for mobilizing funds for jointly agreed priority activities, and specifically to take the lead in identifying and accessing funds available at the country level, including local cost-sharing opportunities, and funds from bilateral funding partners, multi-donor trust funds, the World Bank as well as other development finance institutions;", "(g) Strongly recommends that Member States cooperate with and support the Organization in its efforts to develop and promote its programmes and initiatives in the international development context, and especially through international conferences and other forms of dialogue, in order to ensure that these initiatives are well known, their relevance for international development targets are recognized, and resources are made available.”", "VII. Report of the External Auditor for 2021 (item 4)", "21. On 22 June, the Committee considered the report of the External Auditor on the accounts of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization for the financial year 1 January to 31 December 2021 (PBC.38/3); a note by the Secretariat containing the annexes to the report of the External Auditor on the accounts of UNIDO for the financial year 1 January to 31 December 2021 (unaudited) (PBC.38/CRP.2); and a note by the UNIDO Independent Oversight Advisory Committee, providing comments on the report of the External Auditor (PBC.38/CRP.3).", "22. On 22 June, at the suggestion of the Chair, the Committee took note of the information provided on item 4.", "VIII. General risk management (item 8)", "23. On 22 June, the Committee considered a report by the Director General on general risk management (PBC.38/8).", "24. On 22 June, at the suggestion of the Chair, the Committee took note of the information provided by the Director General on item 8.", "IX. Updated medium-term investment proposals (item 9)", "25. On 22 June, the Committee considered a report by the Director General on the medium-term investment proposals, 2022-2025 (PBC.38/9).", "26. On 22 June, at the suggestion of the Chair, the Committee took note of the information provided by the Director General on item 9.", "X. Third Industrial Development Decade for Africa (IDDA III) (item 10)", "27. On 22 June, the Committee considered a report by the Director General on the Third Industrial Development Decade for Africa (IDDA III) (PBC.38/10).", "28. On 22 June, at the suggestion of the Chair, the Committee took note of the information provided by the Director General on item 10.", "XI. United Nations development system reform (item 11)", "29. On 22 June, the Committee considered a report by the Director General on the United Nations development system reform (PBC.38/11).", "30. On 22 June, at the suggestion of the Chair, the Committee took note of the information provided by the Director General on item 11.", "XII. Date of the thirty-ninth session (item 13)", "31. On 22 June, the Committee took note of the entry contained in the annotated agenda (PBC.38/1/Add.1) on the dates reserved for the policymaking organs of UNIDO in 2022 and 2023.", "32. On 22 June, after consideration of a draft conclusion on the date of the thirty-ninth session, submitted by the Chair (PBC.38/L.4), the Committee adopted the following conclusion:", "Conclusion 2022/4", "The Programme and Budget Committee decided to hold its thirty-ninth session from 15 to 17 May 2023.", "XIII. Adoption of the report (item 14) and closure of the thirty-eighth session", "33. On 22 June, the Committee adopted the English language report on the work of its thirty-eighth session (PBC.38/L.1) on the understanding that the Rapporteur would be entrusted with the task of finalizing the language versions of the report in consultation with the designated representatives.", "34. The Committee closed its thirty-eighth session in the afternoon of 22 June 2022.", "Annex", "List of documents submitted to the thirty-eighth session", "Agenda item Symbol Title\n 1 Election of - - officers", "2 Adoption of the PBC.38/1 Provisional agenda agenda", "PBC.38/1/Add.1 Annotated provisional agenda", "PBC.38/CRP.1 List of documents", "3 Annual Report of PBC.38/2 Annual Report of UNIDO 2021 the Director IDB.50/2 General for 2021", "3 (a) Managing for PBC.38/5 Managing for Results: Update on results: Update on IDB.50/5 the implementation of the the implementation medium-term programme framework, of the medium-term 2022–2025. Report by the programme Director General framework, 2022–2025", "PBC.38/CRP.5 UPDATE – Managing for Results: Update on the implementation of the medium-term programme framework, 2022–2025. Report by the Director General", "4 Report of the PBC.38/3 Report of the External Auditor External Auditor IDB.50/3 on the accounts of UNIDO for the for 2021 financial year 1 January to 31 December 2021", "PBC.38/CRP.2 Annexes to the report of the External Auditor on the accounts of UNIDO for the financial year 1 January to 31 December 2021 (unaudited).", "PBC.38/CRP.3 Comments on the Report of the External Auditor. Note by the UNIDO Independent Oversight Advisory Committee", "5 Financial situation PBC.38/4 Financial situation of UNIDO. of UNIDO, including IDB.50/4 Report by the Director General unutilized balances of appropriations", "PBC.38/CRP.4 Status of assessed contributions. Note by the Secretariat", "6 Report by the PBC.38/6 Report by the informal working informal working IDB.50/6 group on Programme and Budget group on Programme Committee-related issues. Report and Budget by the Co-Chairs Committee-related issues", "PBC.38/CRP.6 Update on the report by the informal working group on Programme and Budget Committee-related issues. Report by the Co-Chairs", "7 Mobilization of PBC.38/7/Rev.1 Mobilization of financial financial resources IDB.50/7/Rev.1 resources. Report by the Director General", "PBC.38/2, Funding performance. Annual chapter 8 Report of UNIDO 2021 IDB.50/2, chapter 8", "PBC.38/CRP.7 Projects approved under the Industrial Development Fund, thematic and individual trust funds, and other voluntary contributions in 2021", "8 General risk PBC.38/8 General risk management. Report management IDB.50/8 by the Director General", "9 Updated medium-term PBC.38/9 Medium-term investment investment IDB.50/9 proposals, 2022–2025. Report by proposals the Director General", "10 Third Industrial PBC.38/10 Report on the Third Industrial Development Decade IDB.50/10 Development Decade for Africa for Africa (IDDA (IDDA III). Report by the III) Director General", "11 United Nations PBC.38/11 United Nations development development system IDB.50/11 system reform. Report by the reform Director General", "12 UNIDO’s response to PBC.38/12 UNIDO’s response to the COVID-19 the COVID-19 IDB.50/12 pandemic. Report by the Director pandemic General", "13 Date of the PBC.38/1/Add.1 Annotated provisional agenda thirty-ninth session", "14 Adoption of the IDB.50/13 Report of the Programme and report Budget Committee on the work of its thirty-eighth session (21–22 June 2022)", "[1] As per Article 10.1 of the UNIDO Constitution, the Committee shall consist of 27 Members of the Organization elected by the Conference. One seat from List B remains vacant. Currently the Committee consists of 26 members." ]
[ "Industrial Development Board", "Fiftieth session", "Vienna, 21-23 November 2022", "Agenda item 4", "Report of the Programme and Budget Committee", "Report of the Programme and Budget Committee on its thirty-eighth session (21 and 22 June 2022)", "Contents", "Paragraphs Page\nIntroduction 1-8 2I. Organizational and organizational matters 9-10 3\nProcedure II. Annual report 11-12 3 of the Director-General for 2021 (item 3) and Results-based management: implementation of the medium-term programme framework 2022-2025 [item 3\n(a) III. Measures 13-14 3 taken by UNIDO in the face of the VID pandemic-19\n(item 12) IV. Financial situation 15-16 3 of UNIDO and question of unutilized balance of appropriations\n(item 5) V. Report 17-18 4 of the informal working group on issues under the Programme and Budget Committee\n(agenda item 6)\nVII. Report 21-22 5 of the External Auditor for 2021\n(item 4) VIII. General risk management 23-24 5\n(item 8) IX. Updated medium-term investment plan project 25-26 6\n(item 9) X. Third 27-28 6 Industrial Development Decade for Africa (DDIA III)\n(item 10) XI. United Nations Development System reform 29-30 6\n(item 11) XII.Date 31-32 6 of the thirty-ninth session\n(item 13) XIII.Adoption 33-34 of the report (item 14) and closure of the thirty-eighth\nsession\nAnnex List 7 of documents represented to the thirty-eighth\nsession", "Introduction", "1. The Programme and Budget Committee held its thirty-eighth session at UNIDO Headquarters, Vienna International Centre, on 21 and 22 June 2022. This session was conducted in a hybrid manner involving both in-line and in-line participation. The 26 members[1] of the Committee participated: Algeria, Argentina, Austria, Brazil, Burkina Faso, China, Egypt, Finland, Ghana, Hungary, India, Iran (Islamic Republic of), Italy, Japan, Malta, Morocco, Mexico, Pakistan, Philippines, Poland, Tunisia, Türkiye and Uruguay.", "2. The following members of UNIDO, Afghanistan, South Africa, Albania, Angola, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Barbados, Belarus, Benin, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Côte d’Ivoire, El Salvador, the United Arab Emirates, Ecuador, Honduras, Indonesia, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Kenya, Kyrgyzstan, Kuwait, Lesotho, Lebanon, Libyan Arab Republic, Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, Libyan Arab Jamahiriya", "3. The following organizations were represented: International Coconut Community, Gulf Cooperation Council (CCG), League of Arab States (LEA), Black Sea Economic Cooperation Organization (CEMN), Organization for Standardization of the Gulf Cooperation Council and European Union (EU).", "4. In accordance with rule 17 of its rules of procedure, the Committee elected by acclamation H.E. Mr. Alessandro Cortese (Italy) as its Chairman; H.E. Mr. Aftab Ahmad Khokher (Pakistan), Mr. Hazem Zaki (Egypt) and Mr. Andrea Nemes (Hungary) to the Vice-Chair; and Mr. M^(me) Maria Elizabeth Bogosián Álvarez (Uruguay) Rapporteur.", "5. L’ordre du jour de la trente-huitième session, tel qu’adopté par le Comité, a été publié sous la cote PBC.38/1/Rev.1. Following its adoption and the approval of a programme of work proposed by the Chair, the Director-General made an introductory statement, which was duly taken into account in the consideration of the various agenda items.", "6. The report of the Programme and Budget Committee is submitted to the Industrial Development Board in accordance with Article 10, paragraph 4 (d), of the Constitution.", "7. The report contains the conclusions reached by the Committee. The list of documents before the Committee at its current session is contained in the annex to the present report.", "8. The conclusions of the Committee set out below contain recommendations that call for action by the Council at its fiftieth session or relate to the work of that session:", "Conclusion Page", "2022/2 Financial situation of UNIDO 4", "2022/3 Mobilization of financial resources 4", "2022/4 Date of the thirty-ninth session 6", "I. Organizational and procedural matters", "9. On 21 June, after considering a proposal by the Chair for an optimized use of conference-servicing resources, the Committee adopted the following conclusion, noting that any suspension of an rule of its rules of procedure should be preceded by a 24-hour notice:", "Conclusion 2022/1 Use of conference services resources", "The Committee, in an effort to make the best use of conference-servicing resources, decided to suspend, with immediate effect, the application of rule 24 of its rules of procedure relating to quorum, for the meetings of its thirty-eighth session only, provided that no substantive decisions were taken at those meetings.", "10. The Committee decided to hold informal consultations during the session in order to facilitate the drafting of the conclusions, and appointed Mr. Hazem Zaki (Egypt), Vice-Chair, and Mr. M^(me) Andrea Nemes (Hungary), Vice-Chair, to chair them. He also set the deadline for receiving draft conclusions as at 21 June 2022 at 4.15 p.m. and decided to close the list of stakeholders on 22 June 2022 at 10 a.m.", "II. Annual report of the Director-General for 2021 (item 3) and Results-based management: implementation of the medium-term programme framework 2022-2025 [item 3 (a)]", "11. On 21 June, the Committee considered the annual report of UNIDO 2021 (PBC.38/2), a report by the Director-General on results-based management that reviewed the implementation of the medium-term programme framework 2022-2025 and an update to that report (PBC.38/5 and CRP.5).", "12. On 22 June, at the proposal of the Chair, the Committee took note of the information provided by the Director-General on items 3 and 3 (a).", "III. Measures taken by UNIDO in the face of the VID-19 pandemic (item 12)", "13. On 21 June, the Committee considered a report by the Director-General on measures taken by UNIDO in response to the VID-19 pandemic (PBC.38/12).", "14. On 22 June, at the proposal of the Chair, the Committee took note of the information provided by the Director-General on item 12.", "IV. Financial situation of UNIDO and question of the unencumbered balance of appropriations (item 5)", "15. On 22 June, the Committee considered a report by the Director-General on the financial situation of UNIDO (PBC.38/4) and a note by the Secretariat on the status of contributions (PBC.38/CRP.4).", "16. On 22 June, after considering a draft conclusion on the financial situation of UNIDO, tabled by the Chair (PBC.38/L.2), the Committee adopted the following conclusion:", "Conclusion 2022/2", "The Programme and Budget Committee recommended that the Industrial Development Board adopt the following draft decision:", "“The Industrial Development Board:", "(a) Takes note of the information contained in document IDB.50/4-PBC.38/4;", "(b) Urges current and former Member States that have not yet paid their assessed contributions, including advances to the Working Capital Fund and arrears of previous years, to do so without delay;", "(c) Requests the Director-General to continue his efforts, as well as his interaction with current and former Member States, to ensure the recovery of arrears. »", "V. Report of the informal working group on issues under the Programme and Budget Committee (item 6)", "17. On 22 June, the Committee considered the report prepared by the Co-Chairs of the informal working group on issues under the Programme and Budget Committee and an update to the report (PBC.38/6 and CRP.6).", "18. On 22 June, at the proposal of the Chair, the Committee took note of the information provided on item 6 by the Co-Chairs of the informal working group.", "VI. Mobilization of financial resources (item 7)", "19. On 22 June, the Committee considered a report by the Director-General on the mobilization of financial resources (PBC.38/7/Rev.1), chapter 8 of the annual report of UNIDO 2021 on the results of funding (PBC.38/2) and a note by the Secretariat on projects approved in 2021 under the Industrial Development Fund, trust funds and other voluntary contributions (PBC.38/CRP.7).", "20. On 22 June, after considering a draft conclusion on the mobilization of financial resources, tabled by the Chair (PBC.38/L.3), the Committee adopted the following conclusion:", "Conclusion 2022/3", "The Programme and Budget Committee recommended that the Industrial Development Board adopt the following draft decision:", "“The Industrial Development Board:", "(a) Notes the information contained in document IDB.50/7/Rev.1-PBC.38/7/Rev.1;", "(b) Decides to delegate to the Director-General the authority to approve projects in a fair and transparent manner, previously developed and agreed upon by the UNIDO Secretariat and the relevant parties and donors, to be funded by the Industrial Development Fund in 2022 and 2023, in accordance with the priorities set out in the medium-term programme framework 2022-2025 (IDB.49/8-PBC.37/8);", "(c) Encourages Member States and other financial partners to increase their voluntary contributions to UNIDO, including the Trust Fund for Partnerships and the Special Account for Voluntary Contributions for Basic Activities and the Capital Fund;", "(d) Also encourages all financial partners to consider providing non-earmarked funds for specific purposes, in particular to enable UNIDO to respond promptly to requests for assistance and to design and implement its programme activities in a timely and coordinated manner;", "(e) Requests Member States to consider making available to UNIDO resources that enable it to participate in programmes that require co-financing, to contribute to trust funds or to allocate special funding at the national or international levels;", "(f) Encourages the Governments of recipient countries to work actively with UNIDO to mobilize funds to finance the priority activities identified jointly, and, in particular, to take the initiative to identify available funds at the national level, including cost-sharing arrangements, and those from bilateral financial partners, multi-donor trust funds, the World Bank and other development finance institutions, and to facilitate access to them;", "(g) Strongly recommends that Member States cooperate with and support the Organization in its efforts to create and promote its programmes and initiatives in the context of international development, in particular in international conferences and other forms of dialogue, to ensure that such initiatives are well known, that their importance for the objectives of international development be recognized and that resources be made available. »", "VII. Report of the External Auditor for 2021 (item 4)", "21. On 22 June, the Board considered the report of the External Auditor on the accounts of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization for the financial year from 1^(er) January to 31 December 2021 (PBC.38/3), a note by the Secretariat containing the related annexes (unaudited) (PBC.38/CRP.2) and a note by the UNIDO Independent Advisory Committee on Oversight Questions with comments on the report (PBC).38/CRP.3).", "22. On 22 June, at the proposal of the Chair, the Committee took note of the information provided on item 4.", "VIII. General risk management (item 8)", "23. On 22 June, the Board considered a report by the Director-General on general risk management (PBC.38/8).", "24. On 22 June, at the proposal of the Chair, the Committee took note of the information provided by the Director-General on item 8.", "IX. Draft updated medium-term investment plan (item 9)", "25. On 22 June, the Committee considered a report by the Director-General on the proposed medium-term investment plan 2022-2025 (PBC.38/9).", "26. On 22 June, at the proposal of the Chair, the Committee took note of the information provided by the Director-General on item 9.", "X. Third Industrial Development Decade for Africa (DDIA III) (item 10)", "27. On 22 June, the Committee considered a report by the Director-General on the Third Industrial Development Decade for Africa (DDIA III) (PBC.38/10).", "28. On 22 June, at the proposal of the Chair, the Committee took note of the information provided by the Director-General on item 10.", "XI. United Nations Development System reform (item 11)", "29. On 22 June, the Committee considered a report by the Director-General on the reform of the United Nations development system (PBC.38/11).", "30. On 22 June, at the proposal of the Chair, the Committee took note of the information provided by the Director-General on item 11.", "XII. Date of the thirty-ninth session (item 13)", "31. On 22 June, the Committee took note of the information provided in the annotated agenda (PBC.38/1/Add.1) on the dates of meetings of the governing bodies of UNIDO in 2022 and 2023.", "32. On 22 June, after considering a draft conclusion on the date of the thirty-ninth session, tabled by the Chair (PBC.38/L.4), the Committee adopted the following conclusion:", "Conclusion 2022/4", "The Programme and Budget Committee decided to hold its thirty-ninth session from 15 to 17 May 2023.", "XIII. Adoption of the report (item 14) and closure of the thirty-eighth session", "33. On 22 June, the Committee adopted the report on its thirty-eighth session (PBC.38/L.1) in its English version, on the understanding that the Rapporteur would be responsible for preparing its versions in other official languages, in consultation with designated representatives and representatives.", "34. The Committee closed its thirty-eighth session on 22 June 2022 in the afternoon.", "Annex", "List of documents submitted to the thirty-eighth session", "Agenda item Symbol Title of the day\n1 Election of officers - -", "2 Adoption de PBC.38/1 Provisional agenda", "PBC.38/1/Add.1 Annotated provisional agenda", "PBC.38/CRP.1 List of documents", "3 Annual report of PBC.38/2 Annual report of UNIDO 2021 Director General IDB.50/2 for 2021", "3. (a) BCP-based management.38/5 Results-based management: IDB.50/5 point on the implementation of the medium-term programme framework implementation item 2022-2025. Programming report to Medium-term Director General 2022-2025", "PBC.38/CRP.5 UPDATE – Managing for Results: Update on the implementation of the medium-term programme framework, 2022-2025. Report by the Director General", "4 Report of the CBP.38/3 Report of the Commissioner of IDB.50/3 accounts for 2021 the United Nations Industrial Development Organization for the financial year from 1^(er) January to 31 December 2021", "PBC.38/CRP.2 Annexes to the report of the External Auditor on the accounts of UNIDO for the financial year 1 January to 31 December 2021 (unaudited)", "PBC.38/CRP.3 Comments on the Report of the External Auditor. Note by the UNIDO Independent Oversight Advisory Committee", "5 PBC.38/4 Financial situation of UNIDO. IDB.50/4 Report of the Director-General of UNIDO and question of the unencumbered balance of appropriations", "PBC.38/CRP.4 Status of assessed contributions. Note by the Secretariat", "6 Report of the PBC.38/6 Report of the IDB.50/6 Working Group on Informal Issues under the Programme and Budget Committee. Report of the Programme Co-Chairs and Budgets Committee", "PBC.38/CRP.6 Update on the report by the informal working group on Programme and Budget Committee-related issues. Report by the Co-Chairs", "7 Mobilization of CBP.38/7/Rev.1 Resource mobilization IDB.50/7/Rev.1 financial. Financial report Director-General", "BCP.38/2, Results of Chapter 8 Funding. Annual report of IDB.50/2, UNIDO 2021 chapter 8", "PBC.38/CRP.7 Projects approved under the Industrial Development Fund, thematic and individual trust funds, and other voluntary contributions in 2021", "8 General Management PBC.38/8 General Risk Management. IDB.50/8 Report of the Director General", "9 Draft PBC.38/9 Proposed Investment Plan for IDB.50/9 Medium-term 2022-2025. Medium-term report of the updated Director-General", "10 Third PBC Decade.38/10 Report on the Third Development IDB.50/10 Industrial Development Decade for Africa’s Industrial Development (DDIA III). Report of Director III) General", "11 Reform of the PBC.38/11 United Nations system reform IDB.50/11 for development. Report of the Director-General", "12 Action taken by PBC.38/12 UNIDO’s response to IDB.50/12 to the VID pandemic-19. pandemic Report of Director General COVID-19", "13 Date of the CBP.38/1/Add.1 Annotated provisional agenda thirty-ninth session", "14 Adoption of IDB.50/13 Report of the Programme and Budget Committee on its thirty-eighth session (21 and 22 June 2022)", "[1] Under Article 10, paragraph 1, of the Constitution of UNIDO, the Committee shall comprise 27 Members of the Organization, elected by the Conference. However, a seat for a State on list B, which remains vacant, currently comprises 26 members." ]
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