3 values
By 2028 EU to Mandate "Right to Talk to a Human" Predicts Gartner (cxtoday.com)
By 2028 EU to Mandate "Right to Talk to a Human" Predicts Gartner (cxtoday.com)
something else
The Great Linux Opportunity (devpapa.bearblog.dev)
The Great Linux Opportunity (devpapa.bearblog.dev)
something else
Kabosu, the dog behind the 'doge' internet meme, has died (nbcnews.com)
Kabosu, the dog behind the 'doge' internet meme, has died (nbcnews.com)
something else
Unpacking Elixir – Embedded Linux with Nerves (underjord.io)
Unpacking Elixir – Embedded Linux with Nerves (underjord.io)
something else
FAA reveals flaw in Boeing 777 that could result in fuel tank exploding (nypost.com)
FAA reveals flaw in Boeing 777 that could result in fuel tank exploding (nypost.com)
something else
Test Functions for Global Optimization (sfu.ca)
Test Functions for Global Optimization (sfu.ca)
something else
Voxel Displacement Renderer – Modernizing the Retro 3D Aesthetic (danielschroeder.me)
Voxel Displacement Renderer – Modernizing the Retro 3D Aesthetic (danielschroeder.me)
something else
Top500 Supers: Nvidia Utterly Dominates Those Shiny New Machines (nextplatform.com)
Top500 Supers: Nvidia Utterly Dominates Those Shiny New Machines (nextplatform.com)
something else
The Workings of the Spirit (nybooks.com)
The Workings of the Spirit (nybooks.com)
something else
Common Lisp Is Not a Single Language, It Is Lots (aartaka.me)
Common Lisp Is Not a Single Language, It Is Lots (aartaka.me)
something else
Willow Sideloading Protocol (willowprotocol.org)
Willow Sideloading Protocol (willowprotocol.org)
something else
Show HN: BigHN, DarkHN, NoHN Userscripts (github.com/susam)
Show HN: BigHN, DarkHN, NoHN Userscripts (github.com/susam)
something else
Age of Digital Darwinism and SEO (itsbariscan.substack.com)
Age of Digital Darwinism and SEO (itsbariscan.substack.com)
something else
More Nuclear Energy Means Less Mining (thebreakthrough.org)
More Nuclear Energy Means Less Mining (thebreakthrough.org)
something else
Converting a Cisco 7609 into a beer tap (2021) (jonasbengtson.se)
Converting a Cisco 7609 into a beer tap (2021) (jonasbengtson.se)
something else
Kabosu, the Dog Behind the 'Doge' Meme, Has Died (ign.com)
Kabosu, the Dog Behind the 'Doge' Meme, Has Died (ign.com)
something else
Shiba Inu which inspired the 'doge' meme and became face of Dogecoin has died (sky.com)
Shiba Inu which inspired the 'doge' meme and became face of Dogecoin has died (sky.com)
something else
SolidStart 1.0: The Shape of Frameworks to Come (solidjs.com)
SolidStart 1.0: The Shape of Frameworks to Come (solidjs.com)
something else
European utilities cut renewable targets as high costs and low power prices bite (ft.com)
European utilities cut renewable targets as high costs and low power prices bite (ft.com)
something else
.NET for NES Game Console on 6502 Microprocessors (github.com/jonathanpeppers)
.NET for NES Game Console on 6502 Microprocessors (github.com/jonathanpeppers)
something else
DataFrames at Scale Comparison: TPC-H [Spark, Dask, DuckDB, Polars] (coiled.io)
DataFrames at Scale Comparison: TPC-H [Spark, Dask, DuckDB, Polars] (coiled.io)
something else
Avoid the Long Parameter List (googleblog.com)
Avoid the Long Parameter List (googleblog.com)
something else
Managing extreme AI risks amid rapid progress (science.org)
Managing extreme AI risks amid rapid progress (science.org)
something else
Angular 18 is now available (angular.dev)
Angular 18 is now available (angular.dev)
something else