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i feel so numb f | 0sadness
i am limiting myself to what i can reasonably do without causing greater injury but i have to do some sort of physical exercise or i start to feel horrible about myself | 0sadness
i started to feel discouraged at the thought of being there more than one day | 0sadness
im already feeling sentimental about his time as a newborn as he was so wee and has sadly outgrown some fave thrifted outfits | 0sadness
i feel if journalists then blamed me | 0sadness
i feel like im not pretty enough like my personality is too boring and obnoxious | 0sadness
i have switched songs as that one was beginning to make me feel a little melancholy and who the fuck needs that | 0sadness
i feel embarrassed to talk to him at times because i feel very small in those moments like he is doing me a favor and i do not deserve to be given attention | 0sadness
i sound so entitled but you cant help but to feel disappointed even though you already knew you were going to be | 0sadness
i was feeling remorseful about my breakfast and so i took a diet pill | 0sadness
i feel as though the concept of lifestyle change rather than weight loss has been beaten to death but it really is something that i believe in and am currently experiencing | 0sadness
i do not know what my next steps are but i no longer feel lost | 0sadness
i have been feeling awful | 0sadness
i was on my own tearful and feeling unloved even though i know that i am | 0sadness
i was starting to feel a little stressed | 0sadness
i feel ashamed to have not read it yet | 0sadness
i hear about a teenaged girl devastated by the pimple on her face the morning of prom i feel devastated for her | 0sadness
i feel unwelcome at work sometimes and think people might be talking about me rel bookmark i feel unwelcome at work sometimes and think people might be talking about me april a class url fn n href http www | 0sadness
i mostly take the stairs there are of them but occasionally when i am feeling particularly lethargic because of a number of consecutive late nights i bow down to ease and convenience | 0sadness
i feel sort of pathetic saying that my iphone internet and tv are my must haves but lets be honest they are | 0sadness
i guess while i can understand their concern i can t help but feel a little rejected | 0sadness
i feel my brain damaged are getting worst for dis moment | 0sadness
the funeral of a friend who was killed in a car accident she was of my own age | 0sadness
i out of all people really dont have many proplems talking about how i feel that being said i am in love so after all i have bitched about the last months was in vain | 0sadness
i cant imagine the agony those folks feel waiting for news about their own sentimental things | 0sadness
i feel all messy | 0sadness
i do this i feel lethargic uninspired and the next morning have a go at myself | 0sadness
i feel lethargic and lazy and completely uncomposed if i m not dressed in something like that | 0sadness
i feel that the director editor missed a teachable moment when tiphany makes her comments about it being nice to feel like everyone else | 0sadness
i have realized that by ignoring it i am no better and it is heartbreaking to feel so helpless against it | 0sadness
i feel so terribly that i have ignored her sweet email up until now | 0sadness
im feeling low and forgotten | 0sadness
i feel like i m that dirty trash bin on the streets that nobody really sought | 0sadness
i wake up and i feel absolutely worthless | 0sadness
i feel its gonna start aching again when the rainy season comes again next year | 0sadness
i read in one horrific sitting made me feel ashamed of the world we live in | 0sadness
i feel hated and not wanted but just be an ignored | 0sadness
i wonder are you jealous or feeling of discontent or covetousnes | 0sadness
i am feeling so low lately just feeling of hopelessness is very disturbing making me tired and sick entire of living this kind of life | 0sadness
im feeling a little stressed over it already | 0sadness
i a href http feeling groggy | 0sadness
i feel resigned to what i have brought myself to and docile | 0sadness
i still feel so alone i just cant give you anything for you to call your own and i can feel you breathing and its keeping me awake can you feel it beating | 0sadness
i read cases of sons ignoring their old and helpless parents i feel very unhappy and sad | 0sadness
i feel humiliated by what my body can t do but when my husband makes advances towards me it reminds me that despite all that ra tries to take from my life he still finds me not only sexually attractive but beautiful | 0sadness
i feel kind of alone and helpless in | 0sadness
i feel totally ignored and excluded | 0sadness
i wish i could say hey you know if i died tomorrow i wouldnt feel cheated on life or regretful that i didnt accomplish something | 0sadness
i go home i feel so empty | 0sadness
i feel defeated like a lion s prey | 0sadness
i feel a little less gloomy a little more optimistic or a little better prepared to face what life throws my way | 0sadness
i wont lie im a little worried and nervous and i feel inadequate for the job but ill just do my best thats all my heavenly father wants of me | 0sadness
i feel like not enough people my age actually think that most are pretty devastated that their s have come and gone | 0sadness
i am feeling pretty homesick this weekend | 0sadness
i need to do the best i possibly can do and even when i get out at i feel too listless to study like right now | 0sadness
i feel like even though i dont buy into societys ideas about what a woman should look like i am still constantly unhappy with myself | 0sadness
i feel the character im doing is a little more beaten down and the comedy is a little bit smaller | 0sadness
i anyone another lovely day today weather am running late with life generally and not done any art today yet feel deprived bit of | 0sadness
i blanked a little on a lesson and she seamlessly jumped in to support me without making me feel stupid or inferring it to the kids | 0sadness
i feel like im the one to be blamed for all things | 0sadness
i continued to feel very submissive and continued to be aroused as well | 0sadness
i feel constantly at battle like i need to continuously improve myself but then feel like nothing i do will ever be enough and that makes me feel chronically exhausted | 0sadness
i feel like as much as it was an unfortunate situation that i wasnt with my father i was in a great place | 0sadness
i feel like ive isolated myself from regular relationships | 0sadness
i posted on here and i m feeling very neglectful | 0sadness
i woke up monday feeling like crap and blamed it on the weather | 0sadness
i zoom into those difficulties into feeling like having to give up everything and feeling more then helpless alone in a desert cast out by the ways voices and actions of others that is another story when i zoom into it i also temporarily loose the view of the full picture | 0sadness
i didnt feel like anyone really hated me or noone new anyway and i managed to just not think about those who do | 0sadness
ive had to harden my heart to toughen my skin in order to truly protect myelf from feeling utterly devastated | 0sadness
i think we i can get caught up in the nature of being busy of feeling the need to fill each moment with industry of some sort of occupying blank spaces with effort and chores | 0sadness
i honestly feel kind of embarrassed and a bit guilty | 0sadness
i feel a bit rotten putting a post about teaching into the stones tag list for this blog its not really a grumble or groan subject for me to be honest | 0sadness
ive learned in this short journey thus far is i know when my body has had enough of sugar and fast food and junk even though those days are far and few between i start to feel lethargic | 0sadness
i felt better on thursday and today friday felt good enough to come into work though i still feel kind of shitty and foggy | 0sadness
i just feel disappointed for losing he said | 0sadness
i feel like a failure of a parent which add that to the emotional rollercoaster of having to have an unplanned c section and well some days i feel like i have just failed from the beginning | 0sadness
i feel like the people that disliked it the most | 0sadness
i can never seem to get on the good foot and i feel so crappy | 0sadness
i feel guilty for complaining about my life knowing that there are people out there who have it much worse than i do | 0sadness
id feel completely lost without him | 0sadness
im feeling discouraged i can look at that and remember i can achieve the goals i set for myself and i can always surprise myself with successes | 0sadness
i tried to explain what my lyme and coinfections feel like i guess i could say it is a horrible painful nightmare that just won t end | 0sadness
i feel incredibly idiotic but i was also embarrassed because it hadnt been their fault at all and i had yelled at one of the workers on the phone out of frustration about needing to call them a million times sending so many emails and still the problem was not solved | 0sadness
i feel ashamed that i so readily turn it aside | 0sadness
i guess they cant help but at least feel remorseful that she died so horribly and im pretty sure matt wasnt crying because he cared | 0sadness
i got separated from the man i loved | 0sadness
i feel todays schedule was an aching am to pm backed up by a mere hours of sleep one sandwich and tall espresso | 0sadness
i have one of the guest rooms in our current house that was supposed to be my craft office closet but i honestly never use it since it is up stairs in a cold or hot room that i feel i can t get messy | 0sadness
i feel numb the way a wound does before it really starts to hurt | 0sadness
i feel very very burdened by so many situations around me right now | 0sadness
im constantly feeling alone | 0sadness
i still feel ashamed that i live in a world of people who dont know how | 0sadness
i honestly believe those darker days are the reason i push so hard to be someone of worth in my future i feel it is my duty to make up for all the time i lost | 0sadness
i still want to be a lady who likes ladies who does not feel inhibited to kiss another woman in public but i guess i will just have to disregard societal views that pertain to my sexual preferences and how i portray them | 0sadness
i cant help but feel a little humiliated | 0sadness
i don t feel depressed for lack of a husband all the time | 0sadness
i hoped to get from her this weekend in an attempt to not feel so utterly isolated inside ambleside with the curtains firmly closed on what was the warmest sunniest day of the year so far | 0sadness
i feel so unimportant insignificant like im slipping through the gaps between his fingers and he doesnt care | 0sadness
i was eager to know why i was feeling unhappy and unsatisfied | 0sadness
i feel crappy actually | 0sadness
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