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i feel so amazed seeing chiangmai | 5surprise
i love a movie with a good feel to it that really keeps you enthralled and the road has just that | 5surprise
i use vegetable glycerin in my oil cleansing mixture each night and my skin always feels amazing when i use glycerin | 5surprise
i feeling strange energies | 5surprise
i feel gratitude for the opportunity to have met so many amazing people through the magic of the internet | 5surprise
i knows is the boy makes her feel weird and yuuki doesnt know what to tell her | 5surprise
i am feeling overwhelmed by daily responsibilities by expectations of my family and job by the demands on my time by my physical tiredness by the feeling that my burdens will overtake me by financial hardships by | 5surprise
i am feeling insatiably curious and i want to read and learn more about digital media and social marketing | 5surprise
im still feeling a bit stunned by an experience i had tonight while watching a movie | 5surprise
im happier when im feeling curious and genuinely looking forward to the next page alone in my reading chair next to the heater curled up in a blanket than when im muddling through guild wars or wot | 5surprise
i feel like i have weird sugar issues that my hunger is all over the place | 5surprise
i stood kind of dumbfounded looking around feeling culture shocked | 5surprise
i have been feeling overwhelmed and time poor | 5surprise
i started feeling a bit strange | 5surprise
i believe its possible to be joyful and full of thanks while feeling overwhelmed and exhausted by life | 5surprise
i sit down to author this letter i feel a little surprised that an entire year has already passed us by | 5surprise
i might go out of existance i smile pick up my pen and fill the page with the things that you say the thoughts you obtain the moments you refrain far away its cause youre going insane and suddenly im left afraid because im not feeling that way instead im amazed why you gotta be that way | 5surprise
i feel curious about all this things around | 5surprise
i hope you keep handing out books of mormon to those you feel impressed to give them to | 5surprise
i am so burdened to be a spiritual father to all generations and i really feel impressed that each and every believer should do so | 5surprise
i feel a bit surprised that motion capture films dont seem to me to have the visual richness and detail that full cgi films have | 5surprise
i will tell ya i have been following a very norma inspired diet for a week tomorrow and i feel amazing | 5surprise
i volunteered for everything and wound up feeling overwhelmed and people got mad at me for not being able to meet my obligations | 5surprise
i want to hold this feeling of shocked awe and wonder forever | 5surprise
i am feeling quite overwhelmed | 5surprise
i feel like if you can t admit that you ve always been a little bit weird or a little bit quirky it s just taking yourself too seriously | 5surprise
i just feel more dazed and alone in the end | 5surprise
i ini i feel strange | 5surprise
i don t have the longevity or experience in the field to get a feeling for that and i m curious as to what the speculation might be | 5surprise
i feel so weird about it | 5surprise
i also don t know why is the reason of this freaky feeling that disturb my funny mood it should be but it don t | 5surprise
i feel amazed because when he watch his victim intensely the lying blonde has a pretty face like a girl his skin so smooth his lips so soft and pink and | 5surprise
i often sat back and feel amazed when the episode was over | 5surprise
i visit this brand for the first time i feel surprised there are so many accessaries at our website | 5surprise
i closed my eye taking in the feeling wishing that i could go back in time and re live these amazing moments when i opened my eyes i was taken back by fahad s presence he was leaning against the skeleton of the swing set and smiling at me | 5surprise
im getting there but i really do feel dazed and confused at the moment | 5surprise
i feel that s the one thing i ve enjoyed about tv people have the time to be shocked over kenny powers and then you have time to let go of it and love him later on | 5surprise
im feeling more than a little dazed | 5surprise
i just remember feeling so amazed that this little person and i am only a child was my new brother | 5surprise
i was feeling overwhelmed | 5surprise
i sit here looking at the sentence i just typed i feel quite shocked | 5surprise
i feel so impressed with ia | 5surprise
i cant help feeling a strange variety of relief for that | 5surprise
i shook my head feeling dazed | 5surprise
i feel that chris is not too impressed with my stuff so naturally i hate myself and want on the next plane back to seattle as soon before the showcase as possible | 5surprise
i was feeling so overwhelmed that i asked my bqff to keep of them at her house until theyre ready to be loaded so i dont feel so behind | 5surprise
i bit my lip as he slightly whispered this will feel weird tell me if i hurt you | 5surprise
im feeling this little one move a lot now and im constantly surprised by his her little kicks | 5surprise
i will make you feel amazing tonight i need you no | 5surprise
i was feeling amazing so i was disappointed when my lab work in december came back the same way it did the previous year overall it was good but i did not have enough protein in my diet | 5surprise
i didnt feel as amazed as i expected their nail area is quite small and isnt very posh and cushy like i hoped | 5surprise
i try not to laugh because sometimes it hurts vellas feelings but some of the things he does are so funny | 5surprise
i can remember i feel especially impressed to start fresh new and remove clutter | 5surprise
i feel like i should say something but im shocked into silence | 5surprise
i feel like i ve impressed a lot of the scientists with my ability to quickly pick up all the skills expected of a tech | 5surprise
i feel curious excited and impatient | 5surprise
i like the padding because it makes the ride more comfortable but it feels funny to walk in when not riding let alone what it looks like lol | 5surprise
i feel weird tonight | 5surprise
i can look at a stack of twenty five term papers and not feel overwhelmed | 5surprise
i even feel weird living with lay people again | 5surprise
i started feeling dazed | 5surprise
i feel kind of strange | 5surprise
i remember feeling surprised and stunned that a writer of the stature and quality of lauren had read one of my books long ago | 5surprise
i get really sweaty during these episodes and my stomach will feel really funny like i m free falling | 5surprise
i can feel that the two girls are shocked with what i m saying | 5surprise
i thought about it a lot this weekend because i watched the fault in our stars which is about two kids who have cancer so that made me feel really weird and anxious | 5surprise
i think many may dislike it as i do and still feel they should be impressed by it the educated and privileged may now be more susceptible to the mass media than the larger public they re certainly easier to reach | 5surprise
i learned about taking a dip in the dating pool its that in relationships its always better to feel surprised than disappointed | 5surprise
i always tell people my brd armor sucks since i totally feel it does so i was amazed to see some of the crap some brds wear | 5surprise
i feel developers should hear that people are really impressed with their work if they are | 5surprise
i feel a remembrance of the strange by justin aryiku falls into the latter category | 5surprise
i am not desperate for a job and don t really feel impressed to go find a job because i have one img src http randythomas | 5surprise
i am feeling overwhelmed with the responsibilities of being a teacher that someone is trusting me with their most precious gift and it is an honor | 5surprise
i feel like im getting there i have to admit i was stunned when i realized my list my entire laundry list of here to for impossible pie in the sky dreams | 5surprise
i think and feel its funny its sad its weird but more than any of that its the truth | 5surprise
i personally feel amazed that i have managed to connect with such amazingly talented and creative people through this little world of dance | 5surprise
i did in fact feel very strange | 5surprise
i feel like every day i walk around with so much stress and sadness that im literally amazed im still here that i still function that im still basically a friendly stable person | 5surprise
i declined this invitation but secretly i could not help but feel curious | 5surprise
i wonder why people feel the need to make up stories to be amazed at the miracles around us every day | 5surprise
i found the art at the other side of all i feel very impressed with my work | 5surprise
i have also been feeling completely overwhelmed and so incredibly unappreciated | 5surprise
i should not have shared my feelings with him but i was shocked by them too | 5surprise
i feel impressed to talk to my older children about my vision for our family and enlist their aid in accomplishing it | 5surprise
i feel amazed to say that i am doing what i only dreamed of doing again | 5surprise
i was talking to my district leader elder hill last night and was explaining to him some of my concerns such as not seeing the fruits of our efforts not having baptized anyone yet and just plain feeling like i have so many problems and weaknesses that its not even funny | 5surprise
i also came away injury free and feeling amazing throughout the entire race | 5surprise
i gotta say im feeling pretty impressed with how everything ended up considering my total dollars dropped totaled and i have three small canvases to play with display with | 5surprise
i can recall feelings of the time we were in coolum whilst laying in my own bed the other day and it s funny how he s calling me and we are speaking everyday now | 5surprise
i think are close to me as online friends also feel they still very curious about me | 5surprise
i feel like in spite of having so many amazing things to be thankful for life is just one big demanding wave after wave and i m being tossed around like a rag doll | 5surprise
i started back at work i have to admit that ive been feeling a little overwhelmed | 5surprise
i fight for him when i feel it is just he said and alexander s gaze seemed to turn curious | 5surprise
im just nosy or i like to see the process or behind the scenes of a peice but i feel like i should at least provide a little treat to everyone who is curious like me | 5surprise
i began to feel curious and tried to percieve who i was beneath my pride and why i am who i am | 5surprise
i still feel a little dazed and have that sort of disbelieving feeling of oh my god | 5surprise
i feel only a little bit weird about making decisions without him | 5surprise
i spent a lot of time feeling a bit stunned that they thought i was that awesome | 5surprise
i missed about a month combined of classes and was pretty much bed ridden for months of the semester i feel really amazed that i was able to pass | 5surprise
i was feeling like a shocked rat in a skinner box experiment | 5surprise
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