58 values
Man använder den inte för att lösa andra typer av logiska problem.
And you don't use it for solving any other kinds of logical problems.
والآن هذا حلٌ إعلاني ساذج آخر من رجل الإعلانات
Now, here is another naive advertising man's question again.
95 метра ли трябва да пробягам или 96, 97? "" Важно е, нека да сме наясно.
Am I supposed to run for 95 meters, 96, 97...? "" It's important, let's be clear.
Nimeni nu se gândește că am ajuns într-o lume în care există Google și atâtea opțiuni tehnologice.
No one thinks that we've caught up yet to a world where there's Google and all these technological options.
Чи захищати слух? Безумовно.
Protect your ears? Yes, absolutely.
Lalu, kita berhasil menemukan beberapa hal baru. Kita berhasil menemukan jaring tempat tidur
So we've come up with a few new things. We've got bed nets.
Cred că TaskRabbit și alte exemple de consum în colaborare sunt prea bune. Sunt extraordinare.
I think TaskRabbit and other examples of collaborative consumption are like lemonade stands on steroids. They're just brilliant.
Když se vrátíme zpět k mozku, tenhle je z geneticky modifikované myši nazvané „Brainbow" "(mozková duha). Samozřejmě jen přeneseně, kvůli tomu, že všechny tyhle neurony září různými barvami.
And so coming back to the brain, this is from a genetically engineered mouse called "" Brainbow. "" And it's so called, of course, because all of these neurons are glowing different colors.
在接下來的五分鐘裡面 , 我將帶領大家一起看一個過程 , 從我們嘗試去創造一個以電腦制作的幾近相片般真實的面孔 , 通過我們和一些來自 Image Metrics 的伙伴開發的一系列電腦繪圖技術。
And what I'm going to do in the next five minutes is take you through a process where we tried to create a reasonably photo-realistic computer-generated face, using some computer graphics technology we've developed, and also some collaborators at a company called Image Metrics.
This has very important implications to understand the failure of quantitative easing as well as austerity measures as long as we don't attack the core, the structural cause of this perpetual money machine thinking.
On veut aussi utiliser des images. On est fait pour les images.
We also want to use imagery. We are built for images.
Ella estaba mascando nuez de betel, lo cual hizo que con los años sus dientes se tornaran muy rojos.
She was chewing betel nut, which caused her teeth over the years to turn very red.
برای پیدا کردن این پرسش ، و فهمیدن اینکه چگونه یک نفر به ملاقاتی برای دوستیابی می رود تا با آن فرد زندگی مشترک داشته باشند ، من و استیسی به سان سیتی سامرلین رفتیم ، که بزرگترین جامعه بازنشستگان هستند.
In order to work on this question and to figure out how someone goes from meeting on a date to having a life together, Stacey and I went to Sun City Summerlin, which is the largest retirement community in Las Vegas.
Но, најпрво би сакал да откријам неколку вообичаени митови во врска со долговечноста.
But first I'd like to debunk some common myths when it comes to longevity.
Dołącza do niego głęboki dźwięk skrzypiec.
This is then joined by the sound of sweeping violins.
On je moj otac.
This man is my father.
Nefungovalo to.
It didn't work.
Nhưng tôi không được dạy dỗ để nghĩ đến mình theo bất kỳ cách đáng được chú ý nào.
But I was not raised to think of myself as in any way remarkable.
Πριν πάμε μέσα στα σχολεία, πολλοί άνθρωποι μας έλεγαν ότι η ποιότητα της εκπαίδευσης είναι χαμηλή γιατί είτε οι δάσκαλοι είναι οκνηροί, δεν πηγαίνουν στα σχολεία, είτε γιατί είναι ανίκανοι, δεν ξέρουν πραγματικά πώς να διδάξουν.
Before we went into schools, a lot of people told us that education quality is poor because either the teachers are lazy, they don't come into schools, or they're incapable, they actually don't know how to teach.
ทําไมคุณต ้ องเอาตัวเอง ไปเจอกับข ่ าวร ้ ายล ่ ะ?
Why would you willingly expose yourself to bad news?
在老兵法庭 — — 这是美国的第一个这类的法庭 ,
In the Veterans' Court — this was the first of its kind in the United States.
(خنده حضار) س: اون يه کمدينه ، من فکر کنم تو خودتو مشهور می دونی ؟ تو مشهوری ؟
(Laughter) SW: She's a comedian. I suppose you think you're famous? Are you famous?
Lapset saivat valita minkä pinon anagrammit halusivat tehdä. Ja he saivat valita millä kynillä kirjoittaisivat vastauksensa.
The kids got to choose which pile of anagrams they would like to do, and they even got to choose which marker they would write their answers with.
نظام الدعم ، خصوصا مع دعم والدتي ، وعائلتي ، بحد ذاته كان قويًا جدًا.
The support system, with my mom especially, and my family, that in itself is just so powerful.
Bo tusz był nakładany żelazem.
Because the ink was written in iron.
Židovske Biblije.
I had Jewish bibles.
A ako pogledate izvan Afrike, zapravo ćete pronaći manje genetičkih varijacija.
And if you look outside Africa, you actually find less genetic variation.
Shikuam konfliktin në Kolombia dhe atë në Afganistan, dhe shikuam atë në Senegal.
We looked at Colombia, we looked at Afghanistan, and we looked at Senegal.
Предлажем да мање ствари и мање простора имају мањи утицај на околину.
So I'm going to suggest that less stuff and less space are going to equal a smaller footprint.
De facto, o que Skinner descobriu, foi que, se pusermos um pombo numa caixa como esta, e ele tenha de pressionar duas teclas, ele tenta destrinçar qual será o padrão e é-lhe dada uma pequena recompensa no comedouro disponível na caixa. Se as recompensas forem dadas aleatoriamente como se não existisse um padrão, eles imaginariam outros quaisquer padrões.
In fact, what Skinner discovered is that, if you put a pigeon in a box like this, and he has to press one of these two keys, and he tries to figure out what the pattern is, and you give him a little reward in the hopper box there — if you just randomly assign rewards such that there is no pattern, they will figure out any kind of pattern.
Centrul de Armament Aerian de la Baza Aeriană Eglin din statul Florida este responsabil cu desfăşurarea şi testarea tuturor armelor aeriene din SUA.
And the Air Armament Center at Eglin Air Force Base in Florida is responsible for the deployment and testing of all air-delivered weaponry coming from the United States.
É algo que podemos tratar?
Is it something that we can treat?
Podemos tirar elementos da cena, onde eles irão reanimar, voltar a vida, e arrastá-los para a mesa aqui embaixo.
We can grab elements off the front, where upon they reanimate, come to life, and drag them down onto the table here.
Eben Buchstaben in ganz zufälliger Reihenfolge.
But just imagine it's a really random jumble of letters.
Ecco alcuni dei miei montaggi preferiti che sono stati raccolti: "Sento mio padre così vivo dentro in me che non c'è più spazio per me."
So here are some of my favorite montages that have been collected: "I feel so much of my dad alive in me that there isn't even room for me."
Sistemele robuste pot executa sarcini multiple cu aceeaşi structură.
Robust systems can perform multiple tasks with the same structure.
W razie niepowodzenia, wizualizacje mogą wyglądać całkiem fajnie.
Failing that, visualized information can just look really cool.
E di conseguenza è nato il progetto chiamato Remark che è una collaborazione con Zachary Lieberman e l'Ars Electronica Futurelab.
And thus was born the project called Remark, which is a collaboration with Zachary Lieberman and the Ars Electronica Futurelab.
他們都值得贏 , 不過還是要靠點運氣
They all deserved to win, but there's the element of luck.
Kažkur kokioje nors planetoje, skriejančioje apie kokią nors tolimą žvaigždę, galbūt kitoje galaktikoje, galėtų būti sutvėrimai, kurie yra bent tokie pat protingi kaip ir mes ir kurie domisi mokslu. Tai nėra neįmanoma. Aš manau, kad tikriausiai tokių yra daug.
Somewhere in some other planet, orbiting some very distant star, maybe in a another galaxy, there could well be entities that are at least as intelligent as we are, and are interested in science. It's not impossible; I think there probably are lots.
Bulgular açıkça gösteriyor ki bitkiler sağlığı geliştiriyor.
The evidence is very clear that plants promote health.
Ama bu bir risk, çünkü aslında gerçek olan bunun tam tersi.
But we're at risk, because actually it's the opposite that's true.
Novi virus koji se pojavio 1918. godine ubio je oko pedeset do sto miliona ljudi.
In 1918, a new virus appeared that killed some 50 to 100 million people.
Anılarımız bize hikaye anlatır, Deneyimlerimizden bize arta kalan şey hikayelerdir.
Our memory tells us stories, that is, what we get to keep from our experiences is a story.
Eigenlijk classificeren we hen bij de dinosaurussen.
We actually classify them as dinosaurs.
A to nas vraća gljivama.
And this gets us back to the mushrooms.
Og som jeg beskyttede projektet imod det, indså jeg. Jeg beskyttede det. Jeg ville ikke have, at denne specielle, lille gruppe af fotografier skulle blive besudlet på nogen måde.
And I was protecting the project from it, I realized. I was protecting it — I didn't want this special, little group of photographs to get sullied in some way.
After all, our role as caregivers, as people who care, is to relieve suffering — not add to the pile.
Λοιπόν, πώς το έκανε αυτό;
So, how did it just do that?
Er sagte, dass es mich umbringen würde.
He said it would kill me.
E 'tutto molto deprimente, certo — la gente è preda dei conflitti di interesse, non li vediamo, e così via.
I mean, this is all very depressing, right — people have conflicts of interest, we don't see it, and so on.
Мы пришли в поисках любви.
We have come in the pursuit of love.
MG: Hoàn toàn sửng sốt. BG: Không hề trông đợi điều đó, và đấy là điều không thể tin được.
MG: Totally stunned. BG: We had never expected it, and it has been unbelievable.
A sci-fi rajongásom pedig összhangban volt a világgal, hiszen a hatvanas évek végén eljutottunk a Holdra, s feltártuk az óceánok mélyét.
And my love of science fiction actually seemed mirrored in the world around me, because what was happening, this was in the late '60s, we were going to the moon, we were exploring the deep oceans.
Îmi aduc aminte că am vorbit prima oară despre asta în Australia, acum un an si jumătate, când academia lor m-a onorat cu o bursă.
I remember talking about this for the first time in Australia, about one and a half years ago, when their academy honored me with a fellowship.
Aceste plase, a spus, le pui pe podea, gândacii îţi pleacă din casă.
These nets, she said, you put them on the floor, bugs leave your house.
Даниел Деннет поверил.
Daniel Dennett, he's come over.
Aber selbstverständlich sehe ich Ihren Punkt: Dass es noch einen anderen Nutzen geben kann, ein Los zu kaufen, als das Gewinnen.
But certainly I see your point: that there can be some utility to buying a lottery ticket other than winning.
그 날의 Barack의 연설이 오늘 떠오르는 이유는 이 학교에 다니고 있는 여러분 모두가 그 갭을 줄이는데 매우 중요한 역할을 할 것이라고 확신하기 때문입니다.
And I think about that today because I am reminded and convinced that all of you in this school are very important parts of closing that gap.
Ezután két fontos dolgot teszünk, hogy kitöltsük ezt a visszajelzési hurkot. Segítünk egy kicsit jobban megérteni az embereknek a részleteket, mik ezek az értékek és mit jeleznek.
And then we do two other very important things that kind of help fill in this feedback loop: we help people understand in a little more detail what these values are and what they might indicate.
Hạt Bertie là một ví dụ điển hình về việc phân bố đất đai ở những vùng héo lánh ở nước Mỹ.
Bertie County is kind of a prime example in the demise of rural America.
( 我們再來回顧一下去年的內容 ) 我母親出生於 ( 今天的 ) 埃及
I told you last year, I'll tell you again, my mother was born in Egypt, and I — who am I?
And the way I describe it is this.
A libertação, no entanto, custa algum dinheiro.
Liberation, however, costs some money.
هذه مقدمة لرواية جميلة كتبها خوزيه ساراماگو عنوانها "" الرؤية "". ولكنها في نظري تلتقط على نحو جيد للغاية جزء من المشكلة التى نواجهها مع الديمقراطية في أوروبا هذه الأيام.
This is the opening of a beautiful novel by Jose Saramago called "" Seeing. "" But in my view it very well captures part of the problem that we have with democracy in Europe these days.
Има и много други отличителни черти, които варират между различните континенти и които са свързани с това как работи метаболизма ни, или са свързани с начина, по който имунната ни система се справя с микробите, които нахълтват в телата ни.
There are also a number of features that vary between continents like that that have to do with how we metabolize food that we ingest, or that have to do with how our immune systems deal with microbes that try to invade our bodies.
تمامی این روایت ها در یک زمان واحد شنیده میشوند.
And all those stories are being heard at the same time.
Dnes mnoho lidí žijích v rozvíjejících se ekonomikách, kde žije 90 procent světové populace, je přesvědčeno, že Západní posedlost politickými právy je zcestná, a co je skutečně důležité je poskytnutí jídla, přístřeší, vzdělání a zdravotní péče.
Today, many people who live in the emerging markets, where 90 percent of the world's population lives, believe that the Western obsession with political rights is beside the point, and what is actually important is delivering on food, shelter, education and healthcare.
Kırmızı başlangıçta iyi ve bir yıl sonra — bu üyeleri tarafından gözden geçirilen Angiology adlı bir derginin yaptığı çalışma — bir yıl sonra benim tavsiye ettiğim diyette olanda daha fazla kırmızı, Atkins-tipi diyettekinde daha az kırmızı, daha az kan akımı var.
The red is good at the beginning, and a year later — this is from a study done in a peer-reviewed journal called Angiology — there ’ s more red after a year on a diet like I would recommend, there ’ s less red, less blood flow after a year on an Atkins-type diet.
В самом центре измены часто можно найти томление и жажду эмоциональной связи, новизны, свободы, независимости, сексуального накала, желание вновь обрести потерянные части себя или попытки вернуть жизненную силу перед лицом потери или трагедии.
At the heart of an affair, you will often find a longing and a yearning for an emotional connection, for novelty, for freedom, for autonomy, for sexual intensity, a wish to recapture lost parts of ourselves or an attempt to bring back vitality in the face of loss and tragedy.
你们创造了食物 , 是创造了庇护所 ( 避难所 ) , 你们是许许多多事物的创造者。而今天让我很感兴趣的是你创造了你自己的世界 , 特别是科技在你的生活中的角色。
You're makers of food; you're makers of shelter; you're makers of lots of different things, and partly what interests me today is you're makers of your own world, and particularly the role that technology has in your life.
Natuurlijk als je binnen wilt gaan, zijn de twee deuren afgesloten.
Of course if you want to go inside, the two doors are locked.
Kanzi and Panbanisha are stimulated by this fun-filled environment, which promotes the emergence of these cultural capabilities.
Şi pot să stau aici pentru următoarele 12 minute şi 53 de secunde care mi-au rămas ca să râd de diversele moduri în care ne gestionăm banii, şi la sfârşit veţi întreba, "" Cum putem ajuta oamenii? "" Şi asupra acestui lucru vreau să mă concentrez astăzi.
And I can keep standing here for the 12 minutes and 53 seconds that I have left and make fun of all sorts of ways we manage money, and at the end you're going to ask, "" How can we help people? "" And that's what I really want to focus on today.
Tako se včasih smejemo najstnikom.
So we sometimes laugh about teenagers.
Pentru că, haideți să recunoaștem, unele modele sunt reale.
Because, let's face it, some patterns are real.
تنها این کلمات هستند که اگه دقیق گفته بشن دیگ رو پر از طلا میکنن.
Only those words said exactly that way will make the pot fill up with gold.
Razmislite o tome: 2013. je, druga decenija milenijuma i ako vas brine dijagnoza raka odete kod svog doktora, uradite snimak kostiju, biopsije i testove krvne slike.
Think about it: In 2013, the second decade of the millennium, if you're concerned about a cancer diagnosis and you go to your doctor, you get bone scans, biopsies and blood tests.
Codzień sama wracałam do domu po szkole, odrabiałam lekcje i inne obowiązki domowe i czekałam na moja mamę aż wróci do domu.
I'd get myself home after school every day and do homework and chores, and wait for my mother to come home.
هر رشته در چوب دلیلی برای بودنش وعملکردش داره و فقط از طریق همکاری و هماهنگی میان اونهاست که یه کمان خوب بوجود میاد.
Each fiber in the wood has its own reason and function for being, and only through cooperation and harmony among them comes a great bow.
Albo gdy społeczeństwo egzystuje w ubogim lub zmiennym środowisku, jak Arktyka czy pustynie, z okresowymi brakami pożywienia. Czasem po prostu brakuje żywności dla wszystkich.
The other condition is in societies living in marginal or fluctuating environments, such as the Arctic or deserts, where there are periodic food shortages, and occasionally there just isn't enough food to keep everyone alive.
En ayant de très bonnes politiques durables, il y a des entreprises comme Nike, Patagonia, Timberland, Marks & Spencer.
On having really good sustainability strategies, there are companies like Nike, Patagonia, Timberland, Marks & Spencer.
И другото нещо за тези хора е, че те също знаят с какво си изкарват хляба.
And the other thing about these guys is, they also know what they do for a living.
التي التقيناها في عطلتنا العائلية الأولى
We met her on our first family vacation.
Bunu şimdi, geçtiğimiz yıl Afrika Boynuzu 'nda bazı bölgelerde gıda fiyatlarının yüzde 240' a kadar çıkmasında gördük.
We're seeing that now in the Horn of Africa where food prices are up 240 percent in some areas over last year.
A tohle jsou studie na zakázku od Sionistické organizace o náhradních oblastech pro židovské osídlení.
And these are studies commissioned by the Zionist organization for alternative areas for Jewish settlement.
És csináltunk is nekik egy nagy adagot — épp akkor költöztünk ide. Akkor költöztünk Kaliforniába.
So we made them a big batch, and it was in my — now, we'd just moved here. We'd just moved to California.
ज ् यादातर अहिंसक है, और वो भी दो तरह के हैं: गुटों और धार ् मिक विश ् वासों से सीधे दो-दो हाथ करना और नैतिक, पारदर ् शी आर ् थिक विकास और सेवाएँ मुहैया करवाना ।
Most are non-violent and they fall into two broad categories: active engagement with ethnic rivalries and religious beliefs and fair, transparent economic development and provisioning of services.
Men alla platser i nätverket är inte likadana.
But not all positions in the network are the same.
Hon skulle aldrig någonsin säga hur bra hon var, utan hon lät sina handlingar tala.
Because she never, ever would talk to you about how good she was, but let her character speak through action.
و شكراً جزيلا لكم
So thank you very much.
I varje sådan utvärdering som vi skriver, har vi alltid med en summering, och summeringen är skriven för en icke-vetenskaplig publik.
In each one of those assessments that we write, we always tag on a summary, and the summary is written for a non-scientific audience.
İşte bugünkü halim
And here's me today.
Dobro sam se upoznala s njegovim disfunkcionalnim ponašanjem.
I've become very familiar with its dysfunctional behavior.
Đạo đức yêu cầu sự suy nghĩ.
Ethics requires thinking.
And this is called the three-to-one positive emotion ratio.
OK, that's one case report.
و به همین دلیل من توانستم از بقایای (جسد) که به هم متصل شده بود عکس بگیرم. و به همین دلیل من توانستم از بقایای (جسد) که به هم متصل شده بود عکس بگیرم.
And I was therefore able to photograph the fully assembled remains.