stringlengths 2
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Sur le sujet de la supercherie, je voudrais citer l'un de mes auteurs préférés.
| So on the subject of deception, I wanted to quote one of my favorite authors.
| fr-en |
Ik TiVo voortdurend dingen op mijn ouwe Time Warner-dvd.
| I TiVo stuff on my piece-of-junk Time Warner DVR all the time.
| nl-en |
Pentru ce e asta?
| What is this for?
| ro-en |
| That's two days ago.
| zhcn-en |
Werknemers werken vrijwillig in de advieskraam.
| Employees volunteer time in the advice booth.
| nl-en |
Vi lever idag, och uppfostrar våra barn, i en sorts barn-fantasi-spektakulär-industri komplex.
| Now we live today, and are raising our children, in a kind of children's-fantasy-spectacular-industrial complex.
| sv-en |
| So we have these two extremes now.
| zhcn-en |
Ali sve do svoje 30-e, nisam doista shvatila što to znači.
| But it wasn't until I turned 30 that I really got what this meant.
| hr-en |
Ovaj broj ljudi zahjeva hranu.
| And so that number also demands food.
| hr-en |
Я был сантиметров на тридцать выше отца.
| I was almost a foot taller than my father.
| ru-en |
Și chiar vreau aici să folosesc un robot... un robot pe nume Chris - ridica-te. Da. Ok.
| And I want to actually use a robot here — a robot named Chris — stand up. Yeah. Okay.
| ro-en |
Cu alte cuvinte, petrolul devine necompetitiv chiar şi la preţuri mici înainte de a deveni indisponibil la preţuri mari.
| In other words, oil is getting uncompetitive even at low prices before it becomes unavailable even at high prices.
| ro-en |
Chỉ là lời buộc tội quá nặng nề.
| It's the accusations that are tough.
| vi-en |
Ma sapevo che lei - GG: Sì. Sì. Sì.
| But I knew she was — GG: Yes. Yes. Yes.
| it-en |
Và chúng tôi thấy nhiều lần thông qua buổi hội thảo này, không chỉ trong năm nay mà trong những năm vừa qua.
| And we've seen that repeatedly through this conference, not just this year, but in past years.
| vi-en |
وأعتقد أنه ليس من محض الصدفة بأنه اليوم أكبر اقتصاد في العالم هو بالولايات المتحدة والتي تعتمد على الديمقراطية ، الديمقراطية الليبرالية ، كأساس لموقفها السياسي كما تعتمد على الرأسمالية في الأسواق الحرة إلى حدّ ما هي حرة — رأسمالية للأسواق الحرة هي أساس الموقف الإقتصادي.
| And I think it's no accident that today the largest economy in the world, the United States, has democracy, liberal democracy, as it's core political stance and it has free market capitalism — to the extent that it is free — free market capitalism as its economic stance.
| ar-en |
(Applaus) Zuerst kommt siRNA zum Einsatz.
| (Applause) The siRNA is deployed first.
| de-en |
Czemu ci ludzie się odseparowali?
| Why are these people isolated?
| pl-en |
Ako pogledate kroz prozor, možete vidjeti Long 's Peak, vjerojatno vam je poznat.
| If you look out your window and you can see Long's Peak, you're probably familiar with it.
| hr-en |
Bir çocuk Xbox kumandası ve bir oyun kontrol aygıtı ile kullanabilir.
| A child can navigate with an Xbox controller or a game controller.
| tr-en |
Cette école, qui porte le nom de la première femme docteur du Royaume-Uni, et les bâtiments environnants, qui portent les noms de l'artiste mexicaine Frida Kahlo, de Mary Seacole, l'infirmière jamaïcaine surnommée la "" Florence Nightingale noire "", et de l'auteur anglais Emily Brontë, célèbre des femmes qui ont lutté contre le sexisme, le racisme et l'ignorance, pour poursuivre leur passion de nourrir leurs esprits.
| And this school, named after the U.K. 's first female doctor, and the surrounding buildings named for Mexican artist Frida Kahlo, Mary Seacole, the Jamaican nurse known as the "" black Florence Nightingale, "" and the English author, Emily Bronte, honor women who fought sexism, racism and ignorance, to pursue their passions to feed their own souls.
| fr-en |
И тогаш, како што видеата започнаа да пристигнуваат...
| And then as the videos started to come in...
| mk-en |
Elektrische Säge, Bohrmaschine — total eklig. Es sei denn, Sie sind David Bolinsky, dann ist alles eitler Sonnenschein.
| Electric saw, power drill, totally disgusting unless you're David Bolinsky, in which case it's all truth and beauty.
| de-en |
والآن ، سأعد إلى ثلاثة. أعني ، يبدو لي أنكم لا تزالون منظمين
| And now, I'll count to three. I mean, it still looks very orderly to me.
| ar-en |
Todo un logro.
| Quite extraordinary.
| es-en |
Je richtte er een of twee tijdens je leven.
| You've started one or two in your time.
| nl-en |
To akumulator z płynnych metali.
| It's called the liquid metal battery.
| pl-en |
| Well, you know, you move sheep from point A to point B with it, by hook or by crook.
| ja-en |
De røde Khmerer troede ikke på penge.
| The Khmer Rouge didn't believe in money.
| da-en |
Isso se torna uma estratégia muito útil se você quiser convencer alguém que um objeto ou um indivíduo ou um grupo social inteiro é nojento e deve ser evitado.
| This makes it very useful as a strategy if you want to convince somebody that an object or an individual or an entire social group is disgusting and should be avoided.
| ptbr-en |
Ma toon teile näite, mis demonstreerib, kui kiiresti see areneb.
| I want to give you one example that shows how fast this evolution is happening.
| et-en |
于是我找到所有涉及这些领养手续的官员的名字 , 韩国的和美国的 , 我给他们拍了照并告诉他们如果我这本书发表了他们会有多出名
| So I found out the name of every official on both the Korean and American side, and I photographed them, and told them how famous they were going to be when this book was done.
| zhcn-en |
Vi skulle faktisk kigge på nylige krokodiller for at forstå hvordan krokodiller
| We had to actually look at recent crocodiles to understand how crocodiles scale.
| da-en |
이 장치는 현재 FDA 승인 중이며 내년 쯤에는 시중에 나올 수 있기를 바랍니다.
| It's now been FDA approved, and it'll hopefully be on the market in the next year or so.
| ko-en |
ပြီး ဒါက ကျွန ် တော ့ အတွက ် ဉာဏ ် ကွန ့ ် မြူးမှု တစ ် ခုပါ ။
| And this was an inspiration to me.
| my-en |
Habrían visto a quien era el capitán del equipo de baloncesto, el estudiante de teatro del año, el estudiante de inglés del año, alguien que estaba permanentemente en la lista de honor, y permanentemente en cada fiesta.
| You'd see a kid who was the captain of his basketball team, the drama and theater student of the year, the English student of the year, someone who was consistently on the honor roll and consistently at every party.
| es-en |
( 中国の弦楽器古筝 ) ( ビートボックス ) ドイツ ( ビートボックス )
| (Guzheng) (Beatboxing) Germany. (Beatboxing)
| ja-en |
LG: Trong một thời gian dài, các nhà nghiên cứu các bệnh đang bùng phát đã phần nào phủ nhận hiểm họa của dịch cúm với lý do rằng năm 1918, người ta không có thuốc kháng sinh.
| LG: For a long time, researchers in emerging diseases were kind of dismissive of the pandemic flu threat on the grounds that back in 1918 they didn't have antibiotics.
| vi-en |
Hadd térjek vissza befejezésként az elejére.
| Let me come back to the beginning, to end this presentation.
| hu-en |
U ljudskom mozgu, iznimno velika količina integracije informacija, visoka razina phija, jako puno svijesti.
| So in a human brain, incredibly large amount of information integration, high degree of phi, a whole lot of consciousness.
| hr-en |
Toto je model lidského mozku a toto je prefrontální kůra, přímo vpředu.
| So this is a model of the human brain, and this is prefrontal cortex, right at the front.
| cs-en |
Lassen Sie mich näher ausführen. Politik und — konzentrieren wir uns auf das politische System dieser besondern Frage hier, welches das System der Demokratie ist.
| Here's what I mean. Politics and — let's focus on the political system in particular question here, which is the system of democracy.
| de-en |
"" Mas por quê? "" Eu perguntei a ele.
| "" But why? "" I asked him.
| ptbr-en |
| Those two streams — they look identical.
| ja-en |
И все типы других оксалатов - это так же выделенная из минералов двуокись углерода, которая формируется и выводится из горной породы.
| And all sorts of other oxalates are also sequestering carbon dioxide through the minerals that are being formed and taken out of the rock matrix.
| ru-en |
| And this is ongoing work, but dermatologists — I mean, I'm a dermatologist.
| ja-en |
Moc vám děkuji
| Thank you very much.
| cs-en |
Permiteţi-mi să vă prezint, din experienţă personală o perspectivă, pentru ca voi să faceţi un pas înapoi şi să înţelegeţi de ce e atât de dificil să faci faţă provocărilor actuale şi de ce politica se-ndreaptă către o situaţie fără ieşire.
| So let me, from my personal experiences, give you an insight, so that you can step back and maybe understand why it is so difficult to cope with the challenges of today and why politics is going down a blind alley.
| ro-en |
Každopádne, Johnny s ňou mal akurát sex.
| Anyway, Johnny had just gotten through having sex with her.
| sk-en |
სწორედ ამიტომ დავიჯერე ეს მიუხედავად იმისა რომ კარგად ვერ აღვიქვი ის.
| And so I believed it anyway, even though it didn't make much sense.
| ka-en |
| Now, they've tried this a couple years ago and it failed, because the checker gets tired of hearing the same message every 20 minutes, and reaches out, turns off the sound.
| ja-en |
Recientemente descubrimos esto. ¿Lo hacen por fricción?
| We've recently discovered this. Do they do it by friction?
| es-en |
Έπειτα ο πατέρας του γαμπρού, ο γαμπρός, και μετά η οικογένεια και οι φίλοι — μαζεύτηκαν γύρω από τη νύφη όπως οι πλανήτες γύρω από τον ήλιο.
| Then the groom's father, then the groom, then the family, then the friends — arrayed around the bride like planets around the Sun.
| el-en |
ليس من قبيل المصادفة أن رئيس أقوى أمة على الأرض هو من والد كيني الاصل ، تربى لفترةٍ في إندونيسيا ، وله نسيب كندي-صيني الاصل.
| No coincidence that the president of the strongest nation on Earth is half-Kenyan, partly raised in Indonesia, has a Chinese-Canadian brother-in-law.
| ar-en |
Би Хананд гарсан нүхний компьютерийг суурьлуулж, Интернэтээс ДНК хуулбарлах талаар олон зүйл татаж, ихэнхийг нь би өөрөө ч ойлгоогүй.
| I put in Hole in the Wall computers there, downloaded all kinds of stuff from the Internet about DNA replication, most of which I didn't understand.
| mn-en |
Θεώρησαν ότι θα ήταν περισσότερο καινοτόμοι χωρίς αυτήν.
| They thought it'd be more innovative without it.
| el-en |
Abbiamo molto da imparare perché i nostri sistemi scolastici fanno acqua da tutte le parti.
| Well, we can learn a lot because our education systems are failing desperately in many ways.
| it-en |
Y creo que la Naturaleza desea expresarse en el sentido de que somos Naturaleza. Los humanos somos del Universo.
| And I think nature wants to express itself in the sense that we are nature, humans are of the universe.
| es-en |
hogy ez egy fejlődő műalkotás, egy fejlődő szerkezet.
| It's an evolving artwork, evolving architecture.
| hu-en |
彼は言います “なぜなら彼らには理性に導かれた法と規範があるからだ ” と地理が要因ではないのです
| He said it was "" because they have laws and rules invented by reason. "" It's not geography.
| ja-en |
Sì, per le donne privilegiate come mia figlia e tutte noi qui, ma non per la maggior parte delle nostre sorelle nel resto del mondo che sono ancora costrette a matrimoni prematuri alla prostituzione, al lavoro forzato — che hanno figli che non vogliono o che non possono nutrire.
| Yes, for privileged women like my daughter and all of us here today, but not for most of our sisters in the rest of the world who are still forced into premature marriage, prostitution, forced labor — they have children that they don't want or they cannot feed.
| it-en |
Dukej sikur një njësi e tërë e kujdesit intenziv në ujë.
| It was like an ICU unit in the water.
| sq-en |
Außerdem begannen sie zu lernen, die Symbole mit den Sachen und den Tönen zu assoziieren.
| Beyond that, though, they started learning associations between the symbols, the sounds and the objects.
| de-en |
هنالك الكثير من الإلكترونيات والخلطة السرية وكل أنواع حقوق الملكية الفكرية التي تتبعها
| There's lots of electronics and secret sauce and all kinds of intellectual property that go into it.
| ar-en |
الاستعباد ، الغير قانوني في كل دول العالم تم دفعه إلى هامش مجتمعنا العالمي.
| Slavery, illegal in every country has been pushed to the edges of our global society.
| ar-en |
Друга причина ще цікавіша.
| The second reason is where it gets more interesting.
| uk-en |
Und eigentlich ist die Anzahl darüber hinaus, diese Anzahl ist sehr schwierig zu zählen, weil einfach keine Mücken übrig sind.
| And in fact, the numbers after that get, those get very difficult to count, because there just aren't any left.
| de-en |
Но във всички случаи, водата, която се изхвърля е абсолютно подходяща за отглеждането на микроводорасли.
| But in all cases, the water that's released is perfectly adequate for growing microalgae.
| bg-en |
(Risas) Tratamos de explicar por qué la mitad de América votó por el otro equipo.
| (Laughter) We try to explain why half of America voted for the other team.
| es-en |
Итак, звук можно разместить, но юридические вопросы очень трудные.
| So audio is possible to put up, but the rights issues are really pretty thorny.
| ru-en |
"" 왜 모두가 이렇게 살지 않을까요? "" 라고 말하는가 하면 이렇게 말하는 사람도 있어요. "" 그거 끔찍하네요.
| Either they say, "" Why doesn't everyone live like this? "" Or they say, "" That sounds totally horrifying.
| ko-en |
Yang kedua: tidak boleh ada pria yang memukul istrinya.
| The second: no man can beat his wife.
| id-en |
Pero existe este proyecto fenomenal.
| But this phenomenal project's been happening.
| es-en |
Sola dönmek için, sol gözünü kırp
| Now blink left to turn back left.
| tr-en |
그것이 경제일까요? 우리는 이제 구매적 평가로 볼때에, 세계에서 5번째로 큰 경제 규모를 갖고 있습니다.
| Is it the economy? Well, we have now the fifth-largest economy in the world in purchasing power parity terms.
| ko-en |
Yang di sebelah kanan itu mencoba berhari-hari untuk bergabung kembali.
| That one on the left tried for days to rejoin her family.
| id-en |
20% còn lại là khí Nito và Photpho.
| The 20 percent that's missing is nitrogen and phosphorous.
| vi-en |
Но читать и писать необходимо учиться всем.
| But it's useful for everybody to learn how to read and write.
| ru-en |
| In the schools and communities that Taio works in, the day always starts in a circle and always starts from a question.
| zhcn-en |
Je zoekt een respectabel iemand met veel geld.
| You know, you find somebody who is respectable and has a lot of money.
| nl-en |
Şef: Yok, zaten tek cesidi o.
| Chef: No, but that's all it is.
| tr-en |
Quel est le discours ?
| What's the pitch?
| fr-en |
Máy tính cho phép chúng ta làm việc đó. Và đây không phải là một vấn đề nhỏ nhặt theo bất kỳ nghĩa nào.
| Computers allow us to do that — and this is not a small problem by any means.
| vi-en |
Am avut patru doctori de la urgenţe şi douǎ asistente la bordul avionului
| We had four emergency room doctors and two nurses on board the airplane.
| ro-en |
| But it's interesting to me. I love to write historical verse.
| zhcn-en |
พวกเขารู ้ วิธีที ่ จะนํามันกลับมา
| They know how to bring it back.
| th-en |
Трябва да инвестираме повече средства в изследвания и лечение на умствените заболявания.
| We need to invest more resources into research and treatment of mental illness.
| bg-en |
图片上那个就是Danny Hillis , 它就在一片古刺果松林里在这块万年钟的土地上 , 我应该提起这一树种的树龄测算它是由一个理论推导出来的
| Here's Danny Hillis in the midst of a bristlecone pine forest on Long Now land. I should say that the age of bristlecones was discovered, led by a theory.
| zhcn-en |
E: [Lắc đầu] (Tiếng cười) Xuống vì mọi người đi nào. Đi nào.
| E: [Bobbing head] (Laughter) SW: Let's get down for everybody. Come on now.
| vi-en |
하지만 닭은 없어도 그들은 눈길을 끄는 모양의 이 제품을 아이들에게 팔 수 있으리라 생각했던 것입니다.
| And that they could figure it out, that we could sell this stuff to kids.
| ko-en |
Теперь следующий шаг — попробуйте вот это.
| Now the next step — try this.
| ru-en |
Faktisk, hvis du kigger på din tommelfingernejl - det er cirka en centimeter - kommer der i omegnen af 60 milliarder neutrinoer per sekund fra solen igennem hver kvadratcentimeter af din krop.
| Actually, if you just look at your thumbnail — about a square centimeter — there are something like 60 billion neutrinos per second from the sun, passing through every square centimeter of your body.
| da-en |
أكتشفت أؤلئك الناس ، في عالم V-Day ، نسميهم مقاتلي المهبل.
| I've discovered these people, who, in V-Day world, we call Vagina Warriors.
| ar-en |
ישבנו כאן ובחנו את שתי הבעיות האלה, ובסופו של דבר הבנו משהו. אלה לא בעיות.
| And we sat here and we looked at these two problems, and finally we came to a realization. These aren't problems.
| he-en |
حالا ما پارچه هاى شطرنجى اسكاتلندى توليد مى كرديم ، همانطورى كه شما در سمت چپ مى توانيد ببينيد ، برای فروش آنها به مردم آبا و اجداد اسکاتلندی.
| Now we're making Scottish tartans, as you can see on the left, to sell to all people of Scottish ancestors.
| fa-en |
Nous pouvons dire que les libéraux ont une sorte de morale à deux canaux ou deux bases.
| We can say that liberals have a kind of a two-channel, or two-foundation morality.
| fr-en |
Es financiable en el mercado de capital privado.
| It's financeable in the private capital market.
| es-en |
ثمّ فعلتها.
| And then I did it.
| ar-en |
Bet norėčiau palikti jus su tuo vienu klausimu: Jei pradėtumėt galvoti apie visą jūsų suvartojamą informaciją taip, kaip galvojate apie maistą, ką darytumėte kitaip?
| But I'd like to leave you with just that question: If you began to think of all the information that you consume the way you think of food, what would you do differently?
| lt-en |
הוא דיבר 6 שפות, הוא ניגן ב-15 כלי נגינה, הוא היה טייס מורשה, פעם הוא היה מפעיל קרונית כבל בסאן פרנסיסקו, הוא היה מומחה לתזונת חזירים, בקר לחלב, דיקסילנד ג 'אז, פילם נואר, ונסענו בכל הארץ והעולם, והיו לנו המון ילדים.
| He spoke six languages, he played 15 musical instruments, he was a licensed pilot, he had once been a San Francisco cable car operator, he was an expert in swine nutrition, dairy cattle, Dixieland jazz, film noir, and we did travel the country, and the world, and we did have a lot of kids.
| he-en |